v Visitor information
v Visitor information
LIGNA 2015 Visitor Guide 11 – 15 May 2015 Hannover ▪ Germany Making more out of wood ligna.de Welcome to LIGNA 2015! Contents An important marketplace for innovations, LIGNA is an outstanding showcase for high-tech solutions Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 4 and ideas for the wood and woodworking industries. The focus this year will be on how to increase efficiency across every area of manufacturing – and the key to this goal Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 14 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 26 Exhibition program 34 Site plan 35 is the networking of production processes. High-tech is as important to woodworking as it is to furniture production. Live demonstrations at LIGNA will provide exciting insights into the potential of software architecture and how it facilitates integrated data exchange within complex production lines. For the first time LIGNA will feature a display entitled “Amazing diversity”, which is dedicated to the processing of plastics, composites and other engineered materials. Small and medium-sized companies will be especially interested in the growing range of compact yet increasingly powerful CNC machining centres. The Wood Industry Summit, a new platform for all market players in the woodworking sector, will make its debut, providing further opportunities for presentations and discussions focussing on machinery, solutions and innovations from this sector. Accept my invitation to discover the incredible concentration of innovative technology at LIGNA and benefit from the excellent opportunities to make new contacts at the world’s most important trade fair for tools, machinery and plant for the wood and woodworking industries! At LIGNA 2015 you can use WLAN (Wi-Fi) free of charge. This service is supported by the VDMA, the Woodworking Machinery Association and Deutsche Messe AG. Yours sincerely Dr. Jochen Köckler Member of the Board at Deutsche Messe 2 3 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Integrated Manufacturing in the Furniture Industry Tour 1 – Stops Tues., 12.5, 10.00 a.m. (GERMAN) | Wed., 13.5, 10.00 a.m. (ENGLISH) Guided Tours (12 – 13.5.2015) F One-off to mass production D All manufacturing companies – regardless of size – face C essentially the same problem: How to consistently maximize B A E production efficiency and individualize production. This challenge is driving the demand for automated manufacturing. Companies showcasing their expertise in integrated manufacturing: Guided tours – What can you expect? A Lignum ■■ approx. 2-hour guided tour led by an expert B HOMAG Group (Hall 26/Stand B10) C LEUCO Ledermann GmbH (Hall 26/Stand B30) D Baumer Inspection GmbH (Hall 26/Stand D48) E SMC Pneumatik GmbH (Hall 16/Stand E11) ■■ Exclusively organized, customized tours F RFID-Factory (Hall 17/Stand D60) Tuesday, 12.5.2015, 10.00 a.m./2.00 p.m. Tour 2 – Stops from the sector ■■ 15-minute presentations at the stands of exhibitors Wednesday, 13.5.2015, 10.00 a.m./2.00 p.m. Consulting GmbH (Hall 26/Stand C29) Tues., 12.5, 2.00 p.m. (GERMAN) | Wed., 13.5, 2.00 p.m. (ENGLISH) Registration ■■ Online www.ligna.de/en/tours F ■■ Onsite in the Robotation Academy, P36 D (between H26 and H17) Partner E C A Supported by B Companies showcasing their expertise in integrated manufacturing: A Lignum B Leitz 4 Consulting GmbH (Hall 26/Stand C29) GmbH & Co. KG (Hall 26/Stand D30) C Hecht Electronic AG (Hall 26/Stand E38) D IMA Klessmann GmbH (Hall 26/Stand D65) E Biesse S. p. A. (Hall 25/Stand C47) F Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG (Hall 17/Stand B19) 5 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Integrated Manufacturing in the Furniture Industry Series of lectures (12.5.2015) Throughout the year the Robotation Academy offers highlights focussing on automation technology. In a series of Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Tuesday, 12.5.2015, 2.00 p.m. Your program 14:00 – 14:05 Welcoming speech Dr. Jochen Köckler, Member of the Board at Deutsche Messe 14:05 – 14:15 I ntroduction, “The 7 Building Blocks leading to a Connected Factory” Lignum Consulting GmbH, Dieter Rezbach, Managing Partner 14:15 – 14:45 “ Industrial Digitalization: IT solutions for integrated manufacturing” IBM Deutschland GmbH, Eckhard Malcherek, Manager Technical Sales Systems Middleware lectures experts will outline how Industry 4.0 impacts on the furniture industry and provide practical solutions and best practice examples. The talks will be augmented by the “it’s owl” presentation of innovative research and industrial projects geared to the Industry 4.0 initiative with particular reference to the furniture industry and furniture-making materials. Registration ■■ Online www.ligna.de/en/event ■■ Onsite in the Robotation Academy, P36 (between H26 and H17) Sponsored by 14:50 – 15:10 “Industry 4.0 in furniture production: from serial to individual production” 3Tec automation GmbH & Co. KG, Arno Sturm, Managing Partner 15:15 – 15:35 “On the way to the smart factory: continuous communication from sensor to the cloud” Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Stefan Sieber, Manager responsible for woodworking sector 15:40 – 16:00 “FAST technology modules for efficient and networked stacking robots” Lenze Automation GmbH, Dr. Armin Walter, Senior Management 16:05 – 16:30 “Industry 4.0: The interconnection of robotic and vision technology in a machine” Bernecker & Rainer Industrie Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. (Austria), Sebastian Sachse, Open Automation Technologies 6 7 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Processing of plastics and composite materials Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Special presentations in Hall 16, Stand F21 Presentations of end products provide a clear insight into the diverse applications of woodworking machinery. In a display entitled “Surprisingly versatile” the makers of Biesse, Cefla, HOMAG, MAKA, Reichenbacher Hamuel, machine tools use LIGNA as a platform to show how their Siempelkamp and Weinig are among the leading manufactur- technology can be used to machine not only the traditional ers of machine tools and plant taking part in the presentations. material wood, but also modern engineered materials. The manufacturers of machinery, plant and tools for the The Institute for Machine Tools (IfW) at the University of Stuttgart supports the presentations. processing of solid woods and wood-based materials provide a broad range of attractive manufacturing solutions for an Further insights into the processing of plastics and equally broad range of materials – either as specially designed, composites will be offered by: pre-configured machines or as individualized systems. The ■■ Demonstrations of machinery at the exhibitors’ stands demand for production technology geared to the processing ■■ Product displays at the exhibitors’ stands of plastic and composite materials is particularly keen. www.ligna.de/en/ppc Exhibitors at LIGNA offer solutions for: ■■ Caravan/Yacht construction ■■ Plastics processing/manufacture ■■ Outfitters of vehicles ■■ Ship/Aircraft interiors ■■ Composites industry ■■ Processing of insulating materials ■■ Building materials/Facades 8 9 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Wood Industry Summit Platform for dialogue and presentations Hall 13, Stands D02, E01, E02, E03 The Wood Industry Summit will make its debut at LIGNA 2015. Staged in partnership with the Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V. (KWF), this international event for information and networking comprises the following core elements: exhibition, technology park, matchmaking program and forum. Major companies, including John Deere, Ponsse and the German company HSM, companies with related technologies, institutions and organizations from numerous business regions will present their latest technology to key players in forestry and the timber trade, forest owners, timber suppliers, timber processing companies, as well as companies involved in the production of paper and cellulose-based products. The focus will be on efficient solutions and intelligent technology for the entire vertical supply chain. An event you shouldn’t miss: 1 2 3 10 Find out in detail about technology applications for the entire wood value chain. Make new international contacts from your business sector, extend your network and find new business opportunities. Benefit from exclusive and uncomplicated matchmaking with top companies and representatives within your sector. 11 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 Keynote themes at LIGNA 2015 What you can expect at the Wood Industry Summit The focus of this five-day event is on target markets in Russia, are reserved for company presentations of p roducts and tech- North and South America, China and Ukraine/Eastern Europe. nical solutions. Visitors can identify the technology best suit- Meet key players from industry, science and politics. The ed to their needs and exchange know-how and ideas with program boasts morning sessions during which high-calibre experts and other professional visitors. In other words, a great speakers will address market prospects and conditions, tech- opportunity to discover technical solutions and access excit- nical challenges and applications. The daily afternoon sessions ing new markets! Time slot Monday, 11 May 2015 Opening of Summit 10.00 – 10.40 10.40 – 11.20 11.20 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.30 Official opening at 11.00, then opportunity for participating companies to present themselves until about 1.30. Tuesday, 12 May 2015 Ukraine/Eastern Europe Wednesday, 13 May 2015 China Thursday, 14 May 2015 Russia Friday, 15 May 2015 Brazil The forestry & wood industries in Ukraine Modern timber logistics – moving large volumes over ever greater distances The forestry & wood industries in Russia (Mr Evgenii Vikulov, Mr Igor Ishkov) The forestry & wood industries in Brazil Ukraine’s market demands The forestry & wood industries in China Russia – Challenges of an unknown market (Bernd Hones) Brazil’s market demands KWF Presentation China’s market demands Certification in Forestry KWF Presentation Midday break, 1.5 hours 13.30 – 13.50 John Deere Company presentation John Deere Company presentation John Deere Company presentation John Deere Company presentation 13.50 – 14.10 Ponsse Company presentation Ponsse Company presentation Ponsse Company presentation Ponsse Company presentation 14.10 – 14.30 Optioned N.N. Company presentation Region Kirov Isogama Industria Quimica Company presentation 14.30 – 14.50 HSM Company presentation 14.50 – 15.10 Optioned N.N. Optioned N.N. Optioned N.N. Optioned N.N. NRW State Forest Administration presentation NRW State Forest Administration presentation NRW State Forest Administration presentation NRW State Forest Administration presentation 15.30 – 15.50 Brunson Messtechnik Company presentation Company presentation Option LLC Mehanika Trans presentation Company presentation 15.50 – 16.10 Romania (Mrs. Ovidia Caba, Mrs. Kadar Erzsebet ) Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation Company presentation 15.10 – 15.30 Ressource Hardwood Presentation of hardwood study, NRW State Forest Administration 16.10 – 16.30 16.30 – 16.50 16.50 – 17.10 Prize-giving ceremony: German Timber Construction Award HSM Company presentation HSM Company presentation HSM Company presentation 17.10 – 18.00 (last updated: 17 April 2015) 12 13 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 FURNITURE INDUSTRY “RFID-Factory” LIGNA.TV Automatic identification plays a pivotal role in industrial ligna.tv presents online all the latest news and images from automation – and the furniture industry is no exception. the industry’s leading trade fair. LIGNA is cooperating with the Löhne-based German company abaco Informationssysteme GmbH, together with other specialists, to stage a 500 m² display in Hall 17 at LIGNA 2015 on the use of radio frequency identification in the furniture industry. The “RFID-Factory” area will demonstrate state-ofthe-art technology across the entire furniture industry value Television for the Woodworking Industry During the entire trade fair a film crew will shoot reports on groundbreaking innovations and big stories. Experts in LIGNA Journal will talk about topics and issues of special relevance to the industry today. All films will appear on the home page in German and English on ligna.tv chain, depicting each individual stage – from the forest to the finished product. Participating exhibitors: www.ligna.de/en/exhibition/highlights/rfid-factory Venue: Hall 17, Stand D60 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizer:abaco Informationssysteme GmbH, Löhne, as well as co-exhibitors 14 15 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 MEETING-PLACE FOR CRAFTS RESEARCH AND EDUCATION TischlerSchreiner Deutschland The range of trades and professions involved along the full With exciting exhibits and live events at LIGNA the German length of the woodworking value chain is enormous. Association of Joinery puts the spotlight on its broad range of services, projects and expertise. Such diverse career opportunities make the special display “Research and Education” a key attraction for schools and training institutes of every kind. It is a hub of activity where Venue: Hall 11, Stand D77 universities, vocational and trade schools showcase their Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 training programs and opportunities for careers in the wood Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. and forestry industry. Organizer: TischlerSchreiner Deutschland The program includes brief profiles of every trade and profession available in the forestry and woodworking industries, and provides beginners and specialists alike with the information German joinery trade competition they require. Research institutes will present their latest projects and scientific portfolio to round off the special display. The German competition “Gute Form” (Form and Function) celebrates the outstanding design skills and craftsmanship of German journeymen. Venue: Hall 14/15 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 The best entries of this renowned competition will be exhibited Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. and the winners announced at the stand of Bundesverband Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG TischlerSchreiner Deutschland. The patron is Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy. LIGNA CAMPUS The award presentation takes place on 15 May at 2.00 p.m. at Right at the heart of the stands is the campus, where lectures Stand D77 in Hall 11. and other events are designed to provide young visitors with the opportunity to learn about every aspect of woodworking, Venue: Hall 11, Stand D77 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. wood processing and the wood industry in general. The main aim is to encourage young people to study or train in these disciplines. Organizer: TischlerSchreiner Deutschland Venue: Hall 14/15, Stand C56. Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizer: Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe 16 17 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 GERMAN WOOD CONSTRUCTION AWARD WOODEN AND WOOD/ALUMINIUM FRAMED WINDOWS Award for architects, structural engineers, Germany is the world leader in the manufacture of wood and construction firms and property developers wood/aluminium window frames and is thus is always ahead The German Wood Construction Award celebrates buildings of the field. This advantage will be clearly evident at the joint and building sections or elements made mainly from timber display stand of the association German Proholzfenster: or wood-based materials, as well as other renewable raw ■■ from energy-saving windows to windows for passive houses materials. One of the objectives of the award is to promote ■■ modern window systems and windows for historic buildings the use and further development of resource-efficient, ■■ new manufacturing systems environment-friendly and sustainable building materials. ■■ new developments in modified woods for window The award provides prize money worth € 20,000. Christian Schmidt, German Minister for Food and Agriculture, is the patron of this award. construction ■■ new surface technologies ■■ new fastening systems and tools for assembly and installation The German Wood Construction Award is presented in three categories: ■■ Applications in existing buildings ■■ New buildings ■■ Components/Concepts Venue: Hall 15, Stand A14 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizer: Bundesverband Proholzfenster The award presentation takes place during LIGNA 2015 on Tuesday, 12 May. Visitors will be able to view the entries submitted in the LIGNA exhibition area in Hall 15. Venue:Hall 13 at the Forum of the Wood Industry Summit, Stand E02 Exhibition area Hall 15, Stand F28 Date:12.5.2015 Time: 4.10 p.m. Organizer: Holzbau Deutschland 18 19 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 MARKETPLACE FIBRES IN PROCESS@LIGNA These include: Interface between wood and pulp/paper ■■ Europe – a single market with a wide range on offer A shared platform for the wood and pulp segments facilitat- ■■ The public image of our industry ing technology transfer along the wood value chain. ■■ Investing in Forestry Technology – calculating curently The exhibition area is arranged into two sections. The first puts the focus on processes and technology from the pulp and paper industry which are relevant to the wood processing ■■ On-board computers: the brains of smart harvesters. makes sense ■■ Becoming a professional – stay a professional ■■ Using drones in forestry – a revolution in the forest industry. The second section profiles materials made from The special presentations will be rounded off by a diverse paper, wood and pulp fibres and their significance as an ele- forum program. ment in the wood value chain. Venue: Pavilion P33 + P33/1st Floor + Open-air site Venue: Hall 13, Stand D10 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizers:German Forestry Council (KWF); Organizers:Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH; Deutsche Messe AG and other partners Supported by Zellcheming e. V.; Deutsche Messe AG KWF-Business Pavilion With a series of interesting presentations the German Forestry Council (KWF) offers a bridge between theory and practice at LIGNA. For the seventh time the German Forestry Council (Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik e. V.) has been commissioned by Deutsche Messe to stage special demonstrations of forestry machines and equipment under the Expo canopy at LIGNA. In partnership with the Lower Saxony section of the German Association of Forestry Contractors (AfL Niedersachsen e. V.) and the Lower Saxony Forestry Service (represented by the Lower Saxony School of Forestry – NFBz) the KWF will address keynote themes of relevance to forestry enterprises with a commercially neutral display in Pavilion 33. 20 21 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 KWF – New Trends Pavilion Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 In this pavilion visitors can learn about current issues and new North Rhine-Westphalia NRW – Making more out of wood trends, innovative forestry projects and forestry management The forestry and wood industry cluster in North Rhine-West- techniques illustrated by presentations of flexible forestry phalia (NRW) is a glowing example of sustainable management, technology, biomass storage, debarking harvesting equip- resource efficiency and climate protection. With a display en- ment and efficient and environmentally friendly ressource titled “NRW – Making more out of wood” the partners in the utilization. forestry and wood industry cluster under the EXPO canopy in Pavilion P35 are showcasing sawmill products, as well as prod- Venue: Pavilion P34 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizers:German Forestry Council (KWF); Deutsche Messe AG PAVILION LOWER SAXONY Pavilion 32 is a platform for the latest on the German forest stocktaking initiative, as well as ongoing research and devel- ucts and services for innovative building based on the use of wood. Top-quality, innovative wood products typify the region’s forestry and timber industries, which are dominated by smaller companies, however the presentation also features some big-name manufacturers of wood processing machines. Venue: Pavilion P35 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizers:Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW; Deutsche Messe AG opment projects in the German state of Lower Saxony. Visitors here can also gain information about the profession of forester with presentations about forestry-related studies (at a bachelor and master level), including internships and training. 11th Lower Saxony Crane Championships and inaugural Women’s Forwarder Cup On 14 May 2015 the top forwarder and harvester drivers are Venue: Pavilion P32 Date: 11.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. once again meeting at LIGNA to compete in the traditional Lower Saxony Championships. This year will also see a women’s forwarder championship for the first time. Organizers:Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection; Deutsche Messe AG 22 Venue: Open-air site, Stand J11 Date:14.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizers:German Association of Forestry Contractors (AfL Niedersachsen e. V.); Deutsche Messe AG 23 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 Highlights/Special presentations at LIGNA 2015 5th LIGNACup in the STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® SERIES Venue:Open-air site, Stand L05/9 – Competition featuring axe and saw wielding skills Date: At the start of this year’s STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® SERIES visi- Time:9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Meeting point wood fuel production chain 11.5 – 15.5.2015 tors at LIGNA 2015 will be thrilled by athletes wielding saws Daily tours at 2.00 p.m. and axes. The best German tree fellers are competing for the Additional tours on Wednesday, prestigious 5 LIGNACup, which is a major qualifying contest Thursday and Friday at 11.00 a.m. th in the run-up to the German championships. Organizers:Lower Saxony Agricultural Association (LWK Niedersachsen); Deutsche Messe AG Venue: Open-air site, south of Pavilion 32 Date:14.5.2015 Time:1.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. Daily shows: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizers:STIHL Vertriebszentrale AG & Co. KG; Deutsche Messe AG NEW: Hosted event “postmortale” at LIGNA 2015 postmortale – the German trade fair for the funeral business – is a threeday event that takes place from 13 – 15 May alongside LIGNA. This FROM TREE TO FUEL – CHIPWOOD PRODUCTION LINE event also targets joiners and cabinet-makers involved with the funeral business as well as undertakers and funeral directors. An interesting range of exhibits embracing products and ser- From production to the use of wood fuel – technical processes vices for undertakers is augmented by a supporting program Under the timber EXPO canopy the Lower Saxony Agricultural with a series of talks. Association (LWK Niedersachsen) will showcase an entire production line depicting each stage from fuel preparation and production through to the supply to private consumers and wood fuel traders, as well as energy and biomass centres. LIGNA admission tickets will, of course, also provide trade visitors access to this trade fair, thus offering your customers from the joinery and cabinet-making trades important added value. The diverse array of equipment for private and commercial users, plus information on product standards and general aspects of the firewood trade, will round off the program. Venue: Hall 18 Date: 13.5 – 15.5.2015 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Organizer:DiB Deutsches Institut für Bestattungskultur 24 25 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Furniture Industry – more innovative than ever In 2015 market leaders supplying the furniture industry will showcase innovative technology and the most recent trends in machinery, plant and tools used in industrial furniture production. Visitors can see all the latest developments ranging from plant and equipment to innovations in automation technology. Trend-led topics Display categories Automation has made considerable progress in the furniture ■■ Board processing industry, improving efficiency and allowing for more individu- ■■ Veneer processing alised production. Consequently, in 2015 the focus will be on ■■ Surface treatment integrated manufacturing in the furniture industry and Indus- ■■ Automation in the furniture industry try 4.0, as well as the latest developments in surface treat- ■■ Assembly and packaging ment technology. The RFID-Factory in Hall 17 will highlight the ■■ Handling, storage, order picking identification and tracking of products and objects, which is playing a greater role in supply chain management. LIGNA 2015 serves as a platform for the most innovative, useroriented solutions. It meets the demands of the world market and also addresses your individual requirements. You can see everything from automation and robot technology, logistics and packaging technology to edge profiling, laser edging and veneering techniques. In fact, LIGNA 2015 has it all. 26 27 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Skills are important – new horizons in the woodworking trades Breakthroughs in efficiency – innovative Solid Wood Working Machinery, equipment and accessories are of special impor- Wood deserves its reputation as one of the best building tance for the woodworking trades. This is one of the reasons materials. Despite its strength, durability and load capacity, why LIGNA is extremely attractive for joiners, carpenters, it is easy to work with. At LIGNA 2015 the market leaders will cabinet-makers, assembly and prefabrication companies, demonstrate their innovations in Halls 12 and 13. architects, planners and property developers. The display embraces machines for sawing, milling, planing, In this sector as well, innovative software solutions are at the sanding and chipping, tools for pallet production, soldering forefront of the drive towards automation and new machin- and welding equipment, as well as moisture meters. In fact, ery. Visitors to LIGNA will gain important insights into the lat- there is everything you might want to know about the full est technological innovations. range of innovative plant and machinery required to effectively exploit the full potential of solid wood. Display categories Machinery and plant for solid wood processing ■■ Sawing machines ■■ Milling machines and planers ■■ Drying kilns for sawn timber ■■ Finger-jointing systems ■■ Pallet production ■■ Moisture meters Machinery and plant for the production and maintenance of machine tools ■■ Grinding machines ■■ Soldering and welding equipment ■■ Tool manufacturers Display categories Machinery for ■■ Joiners and cabinet-makers ■■ Carpentry as well as ■■ Materials, accessories, services 28 29 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Cut for cut – efficient Sawmill Technology Engineers world-wide are engaged in perfecting new methods of processing timber and developing ways to achieve the overarching goal of resource-efficiency in the production of sawn wood and by-products. In Hall 27 exhibitors from across the globe will showcase their latest technical innovations and new concepts. New sorting systems, measuring and grading techniques and resource-efficient sawmill technology are priorities in the production of roundwood and sawn wood. The big challenge to this sector is the conservation of resources at every level of the forestry and wood industry. At LIGNA 2015 the market leaders will demonstrate the role modern machinery and plant can play in meeting this challenge. Display categories at LIGNA 2015 A cut above the rest – production of wood based panels and veneers There is a huge variety of wood panel products and veneers. LIGNA 2015 offers a platform for innovative production technology. Groundbreaking processes, resource-saving methods and ways to increase production efficiency will be presented by exhibitors from across the globe. How can good quality panels be manufactured whilst minimizing the consumption of wood, energy and adhesives? What are the options for resource-efficient production of wood panels and veneers? You’ll gain insights into industry trends and find all the answers you need in Hall 27 at LIGNA. Display categories ■■ Production of chipboard, fibreboard and OSB (production and processing of chips and fibres from waste wood, press equipment, measuring and control technology) ■■ Production of veneers, veneered plywood and laminated veneer board ■■ Other engineered wood products (EWP) ■■ Production of paper-based coating materials Display categories ■■ Roundwood yards, transport of sawn timber, sorting and stacking equipment ■■ Sawn timber production ■■ Sawmill technology ■■ Measuring systems 30 31 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 Display categories at LIGNA 2015 It starts in the forest – new developments in Forestry Technology Wood is one of the most important raw materials of the future. In Germany, as in most other countries, the aim of forestry is sustainable forest management and harvesting. For this reason, apart from economic reasons, LIGNA 2015 will focus on efficient technological solutions. On the open-air site and in pavilions 32, 33, 34 and 35 trade visitors will be able to find innovative plant and machinery Using the right material – Energy from Wood for forestry management and technology. There is general agreement that renewable sources are the future of energy generation. Wood is an important element in this energy mix. LIGNA 2015 offers numerous presentations on sustainable energy generation from wood industry experts, power station operators, energy utilities, industry associations, fuel producers and policy-makers in Hall 13, on the open-air site and in the pavilions 32, 33, 34 and 35. Visitors can expect a broad range of relevant technical solutions – from the cultivation and harvesting of wood as an energy crop in short rotation forestry through to wood preparation and drying. They can look forward to many innovations, demonstrations and informative talks on these topics. Display categories ■■ Forestry and forestry technology ■■ Machinery, equipment, tools and other forestry resources ■■ New technology and processes for the harvesting, recovery and transportation of timber Display categories ■■ Machinery and equipment for large-scale waste wood processing and energy generation ■■ Wood cultivation, timber recovery, recycling and the conversion of wood into an efficient fuel ■■ Technical solutions for the utilization of wood as a fuel, for wood cultivation, forest management, harvesting, ■■ Mobile sawmills processing, storage and logistics, quality control and air ■■ Logistical and storage systems pollution control ■■ Information systems and communication ■■ Training and career programs 32 ■■ Conferences and guided tours focusing on the observance of new German legislation on air pollution control 33 Exhibition program Forestry (Open-air site / FG, Pavilions 32, 33, 34, 35) Machinery, equipment, tools and accessories ▪ Transport, storage systems and logistics Information systems ▪ Special presentations Eingang Entrance Haus der Nationen House of Nations Informations-Centrum Information Center Presse-Centrum Press Center Convention Center Freigelände Open-air site Sawmill technology (Hall 27) Machinery and plants for the production of sawn timber ▪ Measuring and optimization systems for log yards and sawmills Wood based panel and veneer production (Hall 27) Machinery, plants and accessories for the production of wood based panels and veneers Solid wood working (Halls 12, 13) Machinery for solid wood working ▪ Drying equipment for sawn timber and wood residues ▪ Machinery for the production and maintenance of tools Furniture industry (Halls 16, 17, 25, 26) Machinery, plants and facilities for industrial furniture production ▪ Automation systems Industrial surface treatment technology (Halls 16, 17) Woodcraft solutions – Joinery trades ▪ Carpentry trades ▪ Engineered wood, accessories, services (Halls 11, 12, 14, 15) Machinery, equipment and accessories for joiners and cabinet makers ▪ Machinery, equipment and accessories for timber construction and carpentry ▪ Timber construction ▪ Wood materials ▪ Wood Trading ▪ Interior finishing / remodelling ▪ Furniture production ▪ Technical applications for wood ▪ Special presentations Energy from wood (Hall 13, Open-air site / FG, Pavilions 32, 33, 34, 35) Waste wood utilization and energy generation ▪ Special presentations 34 4/2015 ▪ Änderungen vorbehalten / Modifications reserved ▪ 150422 35 LIGNA 2017 22 – 26 May 2017 Hannover ▪ Germany ligna.de u See yo again Deutsche Messe Messegelände 30521 Hannover Germany Tel. +49 511 89-0 Fax +49 511 89-32626 [email protected] www.messe.de Fachverband Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen Lyoner Straße 18 60528 Frankfurt/Main Germany Tel. +49 69 6603-1340 Fax +49 69 6603-1621 [email protected] holz.vdma.org 7 GB Printed in Germany 4/2015 Guide to manufacturers: www.machines-for-wood.com