GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V. Catalogue for XF Line
GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V. Catalogue for XF Line
GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V. Catalogue for XF Line The XF Line of GEA Polacel Cooling Towers consists of modular cross flow cooling towers, all equipped with GEA’s high efficiency cross corrugated 12 mm fill with directly driven induced draft axial fans and made of durable casing materials as GRP and stainless steel where in contact with the cooling medium and consists of the models named XT and XL The modular concept invented by Polacel and carried through in our product lines combines efficiency in manufacturing with a broad spectrum of models and solutions for almost any cooling demand. We pride ourselves in assisting our clients in the process of finding the best tower for the job. Part of this is presenting the right information on the right time combined with the expertise of our sales engineers. This catalogue is not intended to replace this procedure, but is composed as part of the independently CTI thermal rating certification program. This catalogue consist of Catalogue Polacel Cross Flow Cooling Towers Drawing for XL models Additional data XL models Drawings for XT models Additional data XT models Ratings tables for XF Line (for ratings that are not published in these tables, we can select with our software) Catalogue Polacel Cross Flow Cooling Towers GEA Cooling Towers Polacel Crossflow cooling towers XE – XT – XL - XM engineering for a better world GEA Heat Exchangers [Background] GEA Polacel GEA Polacel is a company of the GEA Group AG. The GEA Group, headquartered in Bochum, Germany, is a globally successful technology group with more than 250 companies in 50 countries. One contact person for all solutions The company now focuses on specialty mechanical engineering Globally active in more than 40 countries – especially process engineering and equipment. GEA Group tech- Individual solutions nologies are applied in the food, chemical and petrochemical in- Maximum availability, security of operation dustries, the energy sector, air treatment and shipbuilding as well and system efficiency as the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The GEA Group is one of the world`s market and technology leaders in 90 per cent of its businesses. GEA is a solid foundation for the GEA Polacel activities and it provides us with greater scope. Good contacts with affiliated organizations that are leaders in our field provide an ongoing stimulus to our own development. This is what makes GEA Polacel a leader in the introduction of technological improvements. [System‘s functions] The effect of crossflow Using the crossflow principle, warm water flowing down through a cooling unit is cooled by air drawn upwards by a fan. Evaporation and direct heat exchange cause the temperature to fall rapidly. Compared to counterflow cooling towers, induceddraught crossflow cooling towers are much quieter and smaller. The performance figures are next to perfect. [Know how] GEA Polacel crossflow cooling towers Polacel designs, manufactures and maintains cooling towers for process and climate cooling. Our energy-efficient and environmentally cooling water generators stand out because of the complete quality policy we employ. The Polacel crossflow cooling tower is quiet and economical, and has a high cooling capacity. The modular system can be easily adjusted to suit cooling requirements and the space available. The cooling towers have optimal performance and run problem-free. The considerable savings in water usage (95%+), and the exceptionally low noise level make the economical crossflow cooling towers the best choice for both man and the environment. 3 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers Cooling Tower type 3 XMS 2.720 Telephone-/Communication center in the Netherlands [Maximum efficiency] Measuring cooling performance: the wet bulb The wet bulb temperature is in fact the lowest temperature that can be achieved by air cooling in any given situation. This temperature is measured by wrapping a glass thermometer in a cotton cover that has been soaked in water, and placing it in a stream of air. The water will evaporate and extract heat (sweating during physical exercise performs the same function and makes a ‘cooling tower’ out of our skin). The wet bulb temperature is therefore lower than the ambient temperature. Cooling towers try to achieve this minimum temperature the most economic and efficient way possible. The GEA Polacel crossflow cooling tower range achieves this and successfully balances cooling performance with low power consumption (low cost) and low noise. [Modular system] Made-to-measure comes as standard When choosing a cooling tower, the four most important factors are: the cooling water temperatures (inlet and outlet), the wet bulb temperature, the noise emissions, and the water requirements. GEA Polacel assesses the specific requirements together with the client, and uses this assessment to develop a suitable design. The expandable modular system is flexible enough to solve all kinds of capacity demands as ‘standard’. However, for the customer with special needs, the Polacel engineers will build a tailor-made solution. Placing Cooling Tower with crane on steel construction [Low Noise] Noise and other environmental considerations Cooling towers are usually mounted outdoors, often on a roof and in the middle of a residential area. That is why any noise caused by the fan, falling water, the electric motor and the gearing could pose a potential problem. In order to reduce noise levels, GEA Polacel has created a number of important features. Larger fans (lower speed, less noise, greater efficiency), pressure-less water distribution, cooling units that run down into the water tank, and other noise-reducing measures all combat the various problem areas. GEA Polacel makes detailed calculations to show exactly what, and how much, noise the cooling tower will make. GEA Polacel can also make advance calculations for all the requirements that are placed on cooling towers by noise regulations and environmental permits. GEA Polacel engineering Other prominent distinguishing features of the crossflow design are: The design of the fan section and the larger fan ensure lower energy consumption and result in an important reduction in noise. A crossflow cooling tower with a large axial fan uses around 70% less energy than a counterflow cooling tower with a centrifugal fan. Using a geared motor to drive the fan, the cooling capacity can easily be adjusted as required. The pressure-less water distribution system is energy- efficient, and the water pan is easy to clean. The cooling units are mounted in such a way as to make cooling per unit possible. The advantages of this technique are savings of energy, the ability to adjust the capacity, and the easy access for maintenance. Capacity can also be adjusted by regulating the water flow. (The water distribution system and the cooling units can be adjusted to suit the amount of water used.) Skeletal and fan of the Cooling Tower from the inside view The air inlet louvres create ideal air inflow and minimize water loss caused by splashing. The design takes into account the possible need for variation in capacity, operation during maintenance, and other features the client may require. Clients can choose from four standard models in the crossflow range, each model with different air speeds. 5 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers Structural qualities The advanced design engineering has also resulted in a number of special structural advantages: Only a minimum number of support points are Cooling Tower type 3 XM 2.2.720 Chemical plant in Germany necessary as a result of the self-supporting foundations and the high internal rigidity. Where possible, the cooling tower is fully portable and installed ready-to-go. The GEA Polacel frost-proof polyester water pan can withstand sub-zero temperatures. Essential for free-cooling applications. Due to their low profile, crossflow cooling towers present fewer aesthetic problems. The expandable modular system has virtually no limitations in terms of shape and size. All structural design principles are analysed and Cooling Tower type XT 2.720 Hospital in the Netherlands tested in advance using dynamic calculations and computer studies. [Maximum quality] Durable and reliable GEA Polacel designs and manufactures cooling towers that have a long life and require a minimum of maintenance. This performance is achieved by a careful choice of materials stainless steel combined with glass fibre reinforced polyester and plastics - the exceptionally sound design and the considerable experience of our engineers. ‘Cheap and cheerful’ solutions such as fans with a V-belt drive, or painted panels, are avoided. The result is a cooling tower that is low maintenance, economical and able to deliver a consistently high quality, problem-free performance. Cooling Tower type XL 2.320 Chemical Plant in the Netherlands [All around support service] Advice and service GEA Polacel builds cooling towers that meet exact specifications. Our sales engineers give advice, analyse your needs, and personally make sure, up to and including the installation, that your order is carried out completely according to your instructions. The GEA Polacel service department specializes in cooling tower maintenance. Irrespective of make or type, the maintenance specialists know the ins and outs of the whole technical area, and are up to date with all the latest developments. GEA Polacel has over thirty years of experience in cooling tower maintenance. We work in accordance with the requirements specified by ISO, VCA, Cooling Tower type XL 2.320 Chemical Plant in The Netherlands VDMA, CTI and Eurovent. The technicians can carry out the proper maintenance at any location and within practically any timeframe. 7 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers We live our values. Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity GEA Heat Exchangers GEA Ergé-Spirale & Soramat SAS GEA Polacel Cooling Towers FZCO Siège social, Bureaux et Usine, 2, rue de l’Electrolyse, BP 66, 62410 Wingles, France Phone: +33 032 169 890 0 , Fax: +33 032 140 912 5 [email protected], Freezone South 2 AA04, Jebel Ali 262513 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 488 600 20 , Fax: +971 508 799 131 [email protected], GEA Power Cooling Inc. GEA Energietechnik GmbH 300 Union Blvd., Suite 350, Lakewood, CO 80228, USA Phone: +1 303 987 012 3, Fax: +1 303 987 010 1 [email protected], Dorstener Str. 18-29, 44651 Herne, Germany Phone: +49 234 980 2711 , Fax: +49 234 980 34 2711 [email protected], GEA 2H Water Technologies GmbH GEA Polacel Cooling Towers B.V. Dieselweg 5, 48493 Wettringen, Germany Phone: +49 255 793 900 , Fax: +49 255 793 904 9 [email protected], Vlijtstraat 25, 7005 BN Doetinchem, The Netherlands Phone: +31 314 371 414 , Fax: +31 314 344 884 [email protected], © GEA Heat Exchangers. All rights reserved. GWC_PR-6/2012-0001-GB GEA Group is a global engineering company with multi-billion euro sales and operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX® Europe 600 Index. Drawings XL 3440 170 5040 3100 F1 F2 D O H S 170 9 ft - Waterinlet DN150 - Wateroutlet DN250 - Drain - Overflow - Heater - Suppletion Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) F1 F1 TP 200 Inspection Minimum clearance between airinlet sides tower to next tower or any other obstacle 3095 1995 2395 3000 3450 - Transport Partition 1010 F1 TP A 700 A 395 305 hatch C C 4880 O F2 CL 165 300 575 B 145 100 H 225 300 D 326 300 S 1150 2440 DETAIL C SCALE 1 : 25 FOR INFORMATION ONLY 120 Center of ordinate dimension B B A A TITLE: F1 3320 2 3 4 SECTION A-A F1 18 160 80 2295 1 1025 0 0 A 60 O HS 04-04-2008 XL 2.320-235 Standard BY: DATE: Type of projection DETAIL B SCALE 1 : 10 SCALE: Polacel b.v. 1:50 Vlijtstraat 25 Postbus 296 Copyright by Polacel Doetinchem The Netherlands Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Status: In Work Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) Polacel b.v. 7000 AG CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D004702 SIZE: A3 Additional data XL models Attached Data 1 Manufacturer Product Line Submission Revision Date GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Nominal Water Nominal Flow Rate Temperature Conditions C m3/h Number of Cells Total Nameplate No. of Fans per Fan Motors per Motor Power Total Rated Motor Name of ZIP data file attached to per Model 2) Power per Model Cell Cell this model Product Type (Cooling Tower) Draft Type (Induced, Forced) Flow Type (CF, XF, Combined, Other) Fan Type (Axial/Centrifugal) Model Number Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_60 63,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,65 2,2 2 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_60 63,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,65 2,2 3 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_60 63,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,65 2,2 4 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_60 82,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,41 4 4 5 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_60 82,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,41 6 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_60 82,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,74 4 7 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_60 100,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 5,83 7,5 8 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_60 100,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 6,38 7,5 9 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_60 100,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 6,93 7,5 10 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_60 119,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 9,57 11 11 11 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_60 119,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 10,23 12 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_60 119,2 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 10,23 11 13 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_90 78,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,98 2,2 3 14 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_90 78,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,31 15 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VVL‐235_90 78,8 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,31 3 16 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_90 103,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,73 5,5 5,5 17 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_90 103,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,73 18 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐VL‐235_90 103,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 5,17 5,5 19 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_90 127,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 8,14 9,2 9,2 20 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_90 127,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 8,69 21 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐L‐235_90 127,5 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 9,35 11 22 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_90 150,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 12,32 15 23 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_90 150,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 13,64 15 24 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XL Series April 10 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 09‐06‐36N/B3TR XL 2.320‐M‐235_90 150,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 14,30 15 The table below contains the info for the required requested additional information (as per template is requested) 1) Drawing unit package Drawings per model no can be found in column BG of this sheet Individual drawings can be found in "" 2) Fan options Drawings per model can be found in "Fan" All requested technical data can be taken from the table on the sheet "CTI - Fan properties" in this workbook 3) Eliminator The information about the eliminator can be found in "Additional" in the file "GB_GEA-2H Product Profil_Inlet Louvres.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the LEP065 130 eliminator in PP material. 4) Air inlet louvres The information about the eliminator can be found in "Additional" in the file "GRP louvre PLC.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the Z louvre in GRP material. 5) Heat transfer media The information about the fill can be found in "Additional" in the file "GB_GEA-2H Product Profil_Fills for Cross Flow CT.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the FX12.12in PP material. 6) Nozzle The information about the nozzles can be found in "Additional" in the file "Nozzle PLC Crossflow.pdf" In this CT series the nozzles depends on the water flow 7) Accessory & 1) Birdscreen in stainless steel --> does not affect the listed rating 2) Galvanized foundation frame & GRP waterbasin(suffix /2 for no basin and frame; suffix /3 for GRP basin with foundation frame and suffix /4 for GRP cold water basin without a foundation frame) --> does not affect the listed rating 3) 4) Foot notes 1) The basic model numbers above are for 50 Hz fan motors and the suffix U is added for 60 Hz fan motor applications. F.e. XL 2.320-M-235_90 is for 50 Hz and XL 2.320-M-235_90U is for 60 Hz Due to available reduction ratios the actual rpm for 60Hz may vary (Max 5%), the listed thermal rating is not affected 2) Motor power in table above is the shaft power at the fan, Polacel adds 3% loss per stage in gear box of the geared motor, all CT in this range have 2 stage gearboxes, only exception is for all rain desities which has a 2 stage geared motor XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF XL2_320‐235_D004702.PDF Drawings XT F1 - Waterinlet Qw<120m3/h DN 150 Qw<144m3/h DN 200 - Wateroutlet - Drain 1.5" - Overflow DN80 - Heater F3 D O H Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) F1 TOPVIEW 3320 390 1870 ft 300 150 O 640 150 S 165 D 100 300 F2 750 A 785 H 1775 hatch 550 2570 Inspection F1 155 1820 F1 2960 F1 F2 A 300 B = 2520 = 2710 FRONTVIEW RIGHTVIEW DETAIL B SCALE 1 : 15 3290 2520 2440 120 60 FOR APPROVAL 160 80 2520 18 B B A A TITLE: O WS 24-09-2007 ST2007-XT 2.240-185 SECTION A-A 80 0 BY: Type of projection 3230 3290 2205 1085 0 60 Polacel b.v. DETAIL E SCALE 1 : 10 Polacel b.v. 7000 AG Vlijtstraat 25 Doetinchem Postbus 296 Copyright by Polacel The Netherlands Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Status: In Work SCALE: 1:30 Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) DATE: CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D003774 SIZE: A2 F1 F2 O H D S - Waterinlet DN - Wateroutlet DN - Overflow DN80 - Heater - Drain 2" - Suppletion 2" Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) TP-Transport Partition TOPVIEW 2520 3320 395 6 ft F1 2320 A A 750 2275 3070 160 3465 Transportheight 3454 F1 640 160 B 2710 FRONTVIEW RIGHTVIEW 2520 2440 O F2 150 80 0 150 D 155 100 300 550 H FOR APPROVAL B B A A TITLE: 2205 1085 0 60 3230 3290 SECTION A-A BY: Type of projection 300 DETAIL B SCALE 1 : 15 O AS 12-09-2008 XT 2.240 type 235 Standard Polacel b.v. Polacel b.v. 7000 AG Vlijtstraat 25 Doetinchem Postbus 296 Copyright by Polacel The Netherlands Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Status: In Work SCALE: 1:30 Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) DATE: CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D005391 SIZE: A2 5080 3320 2520 1260 1260 F1 - Waterinlet DN200 F2 - Wateroutlet DN250 S D O H 385 6ft - Suppletion 1.5" - Drain 1.5" - Overflow DN80 - Heater Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) 640 160 F1 2575 Inspection B 60 1025 A 1120 1025 60 F2 B 2440 80 2440 5040 750 F2 160 300 1775 hatch 2960 1825 F1 80 3290 3480 CL S 300 F2 2205 1085 18 155 100 B B A A O HS 15-01-2008 XT 2.480-185 Standard 2520 SECTION B-B SCALE 1 : 50 FOR INFORMATION ONLY TITLE: 2 1 300 4960 5040 60 0 0 80 A D 150 150 DETAIL A SCALE 1 : 20 B 785 C H 300 3290 3230 550 D O BY: DATE: Type of projection SCALE: Polacel b.v. 1:35 Vlijtstraat 25 Postbus 296 Copyright by Polacel Doetinchem The Netherlands Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Status: In Work Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) 3 Polacel b.v. 7000 AG CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D004264 SIZE: A3 2100 F1 - Waterinlet DN 200 F3 - Wateroutlet DN 300 O - Overflow DN 80 D - Drain 1.5" Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) 3320 5080 2520 1280 6ft max. 1200 1280 640 Inspection Inspection Panel Panel 750 2275 A F1 3700 160 B 2950 Transprt height3690 F1 A D F3 500 VIEW B 3290 C L 3290 3230 2205 O 550 FOR APPROVAL 100 150 300 1085 18 D 60 0 F1 DETAIL D SCALE 1 : 15 B A A TITLE: O AS 12-09-2008 XT 2.480 type 235 Standard BY: Type of projection 150 Polacel b.v. 300 4960 5040 2520 0 80 SECTION A-A 150 B Weight: kg Polacel b.v. 7000 AG Vlijtstraat 25 Doetinchem Postbus 296 Copyright by Polacel The Netherlands Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Status: In Work SCALE: 1:40 Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) DATE: CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D005388 SIZE: A2 IW ,QVSHFWLRQSDQHO ) ,QVSHFWLRQ ) ,QVSHFWLRQ SDQHO $ $ ) ) 3DQHO ; 6 2 ) + ' ):DWHULQOHW'1 ):DWHURXWOHW'1 22YHUIORZ'1 ++HDWHURSWLRQDO ''UDLQ 66XSSOHWLRQRSWLQDO )ODQJHVDFFRUGLQJWR',131 )25,1)250$7,2121/< % '(7$,/; 6&$/( % $ $ 7,7/( 2 +6 [WVWDQGDUG %< 7\SHRISURMHFWLRQ 6(&7,21$$ 3RODFHOEY 3RODFHOEY $* 9OLMWVWUDDW 'RHWLQFKHP 3RVWEXV &RS\ULJKWE\3RODFHO 7KH1HWKHUODQGV 7HO )D[ 6WDWXV ,Q:RUN 6&$/( 7ROHUDQFHV ',1P 793 '$7( 'RVVLHUQU 6DOHVQU &+. 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' 'UDZLQJQU ' 6,=( $ F1 F2 O H D S 7565 2520 2520 3320 - Waterinlet DN250/DN300 - Wateroutlet DN350/DN400 - Overflow DN80 - Heater 1.5" - Drain 1.5" - Suppletion 1.5" Flanges according to DIN 2501 (PN10) 6 ft 395 TP-Transport Partition F1 2275 F2 A 0 X F2 CL S F2 7560 O 2440 155 160 150 150 300 60 18 550 H 300 120 2520 18 1025 450 785 7750 D 100 7560 2440 3065 Panel 400 750 160 A Inspection DETAIL X SCALE 1 : 20 1120 160 FOR INFORMATION ONLY B B A A TITLE: O WS 25-11-2009 XT 2.720 Type 235 Standard 1025 3290 3460 F1 640 160 BY: DATE: Type of projection Polacel b.v. SECTION A-A Polacel b.v. 7000 AG Postbus 296 Doetinchem Tel.: (0314) - 37 14 14 Fax.: (0314) - 34 48 84 Copyright by Polacel Status: In Work SCALE: 1:50 Tolerances DIN 7168-m (TVP 010) CHK'D: Dossier nr.: Sales nr.: Drawing nr.: D007320 SIZE: A3 Additional data XT models GEA data to connect with existing data Total Nameplate No. of Fans per Fan Motors per Motor Power Total Rated Motor Cell Cell per Model 2) Power per Model Manufacturer Product Line Submission Revision Date 1 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐135 37,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,32 2,2 R=10 2 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐135 37,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,54 2,2 R=20 Product Type (Cooling Tower) Draft Type (Induced, Forced) Flow Type (CF, XF, Combined, Other) Fan Type (Axial/Centrifugal) Model Number Nominal Water Nominal Flow Rate Temperature m3/h Conditions C Number of Cells Max permissible waterload for model m3/m2.h 3 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐135 37,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 1,54 2,2 R=50 4 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐135 45,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,64 3 R=10 5 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐135 45,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,86 3 R=20 6 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐135 45,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,86 3 R=50 7 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐135 54,0 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,18 5,5 R=10 8 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐135 54,0 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,18 5,5 R=20 9 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐135 54,0 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,51 5,5 R=50 10 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐185 49,6 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,20 3 R=10 11 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐185 49,6 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,20 3 R=20 12 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐185 49,6 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 2,53 3 R=50 13 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐185 61,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,96 5,5 R=10 14 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐185 61,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,29 5,5 R=20 15 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐185 61,3 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 4,51 5,5 R=50 16 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐185 72,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 6,71 7,5 R=10 17 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐185 72,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 7,04 7,5 R=20 18 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐185 72,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 7,04 7,5 R=50 19 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐235 61,9 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,85 5,5 R=10 20 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐235 61,9 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,85 5,5 R=20 21 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐VL‐235 61,9 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 3,96 5,5 R=50 22 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐235 75,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 7,59 9,2 R=10 23 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐235 75,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 7,48 9,2 R=20 24 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐L‐235 75,4 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 7,48 9,2 R=50 25 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐235 90,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 0,00 0 R=10 26 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐235 90,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 13,53 15 R=20 27 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.240‐M‐235 90,1 35‐25‐21 1 1 1 13,53 15 R=50 28 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐135 74,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 2,80 4,4 R=10 29 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐135 74,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 2,80 4,4 R=20 30 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐135 74,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 2,80 4,4 R=50 31 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐135 90,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,60 8 R=10 32 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐135 90,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,60 8 R=20 33 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐135 90,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,60 8 R=50 34 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐135 107,9 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,40 8 R=10 35 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐135 107,9 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,40 8 R=20 36 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐135 107,9 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,40 8 R=50 37 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐185 99,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,20 6 R=10 38 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐185 99,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,20 6 R=20 39 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐185 99,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 4,20 6 R=50 40 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐185 122,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,00 8 R=10 41 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐185 122,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,00 8 R=20 42 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐185 122,5 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 7,00 8 R=50 43 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐185 144,3 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,00 15 R=10 44 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐185 144,3 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,00 15 R=20 45 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐185 144,3 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,00 15 R=50 46 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐235 123,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 6,80 8 R=10 47 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐235 123,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 6,80 8 R=20 48 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐VL‐235 123,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 6,80 8 R=50 49 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐235 150,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,20 15 R=10 50 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐235 150,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,20 15 R=20 51 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐L‐235 150,8 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 12,20 15 R=50 GEA data to connect with existing data Total Nameplate No. of Fans per Fan Motors per Motor Power Total Rated Motor Cell Cell per Model 2) Power per Model Manufacturer Product Line Submission Revision Date 52 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐235 180,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 18,40 18,4 R=10 53 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐235 180,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 18,40 18,4 R=20 Product Type (Cooling Tower) Draft Type (Induced, Forced) Flow Type (CF, XF, Combined, Other) Fan Type (Axial/Centrifugal) Model Number Nominal Water Nominal Flow Rate Temperature m3/h Conditions C Number of Cells Max permissible waterload for model m3/m2.h 54 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.480‐M‐235 180,2 35‐25‐21 2 1 1 18,40 18,4 R=50 55 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐135 111,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 4,20 6,6 R=10 56 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐135 111,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 4,20 6,6 R=20 57 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐135 111,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 4,20 6,6 R=50 58 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐135 135,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,90 12 R=10 59 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐135 135,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,90 12 R=20 60 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐135 135,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,90 12 R=50 61 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐135 161,9 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 11,10 12 R=10 62 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐135 161,9 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 11,10 12 R=20 63 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐135 161,9 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 11,10 12 R=50 64 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐185 148,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,30 9 R=10 65 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐185 148,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,30 9 R=20 66 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐185 148,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 6,30 9 R=50 67 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐185 183,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,50 12 R=10 68 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐185 183,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,50 12 R=20 69 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐185 183,8 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,50 12 R=50 70 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐185 216,4 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,00 22,5 R=10 71 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐185 216,4 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,00 22,5 R=20 72 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐185 216,4 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,00 22,5 R=50 73 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐235 185,6 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,20 12 R=10 74 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐235 185,6 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,20 12 R=20 75 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐VL‐235 185,6 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 10,20 12 R=50 76 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐235 226,2 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,30 22,5 R=10 77 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐235 226,2 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,30 22,5 R=20 78 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐L‐235 226,2 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 18,30 22,5 R=50 79 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐235 270,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 27,60 27,6 R=10 80 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐235 270,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 27,60 27,6 R=20 81 GEA Polacel Cooling Towers XT Series April 9 2013 Cooling Tower Induced draft XF 06‐06‐24L/B3TR XT 2.720‐M‐235 270,3 35‐25‐21 3 1 1 27,60 27,6 R=50 The table below contains the info for the required requested additional information (as per template is requested) 1) Drawing unit package Drawings per model no can be found in column BG of this sheet Individual drawings can be found in "" 2) Fan options Drawings per model can be found in "Fan" All requested technical data can be taken from the table on the sheet "CTI - Fan properties" in this workbook 3) Eliminator The information about the eliminator can be found in "Additional" in the file "GB_GEA-2H Product Profil_Inlet Louvres.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the LEP065 130 eliminator in PP material. 4) Air inlet louvres The information about the eliminator can be found in "Additional" in the file "GRP louvre PLC.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the Z louvre in GRP material. 5) Heat transfer media The information about the fill can be found in "Additional" in the file "GB_GEA-2H Product Profil_Fills for Cross Flow CT.pdf" In this CT series the product used is the FX12.12in PP material. 6) Nozzle The information about the nozzles can be found in "Additional" in the file "Nozzle PLC Crossflow.pdf" In this CT series the nozzles depends on the water flow 7) Accessory & 1) Birdscreen in stainless steel --> does not affect the listed rating 2) 3) 4) Foot notes 1) The basic model numbers above are for 50 Hz fan motors and the suffix U is added for 60 Hz fan motor applications. F.e. XL 2.320-M-235_90 is for 50 Hz and XL 2.320-M-235_90U is for 60 Hz Due to available reduction ratios the actual rpm for 60Hz may vary (Max 5%), the listed thermal rating is not affected 2) Motor power in table above is the shaft power at the fan, Polacel adds 3% loss per stage in gear box of the geared motor, all CT in this range have single stage gearboxes, only exceptions are XT 2.240-VL-235 for all rain desnities and XT 2.240-M-235 for R=10 All ratings XF line CTI XF Capa 2013 STD 201 wet bulb cooling range approach inlet temperature outlet temperature 1 12,78 5,56 3,89 22,22 16,67 Design cases per CTI Std 210 in deg C 2 3 4 12,78 12,78 12,78 5,56 5,56 8,33 5,56 6,67 3,89 23,89 25,00 25,00 18,33 19,44 16,67 5 12,78 8,33 6,67 27,78 19,44 6 15,56 5,56 3,89 25,00 19,44 7 15,56 5,56 5,56 26,67 21,11 8 15,56 5,56 6,67 27,78 22,22 9 15,56 8,33 3,89 27,78 19,44 10 15,56 8,33 6,67 30,56 22,22 11 18,33 5,56 3,89 27,78 22,22 12 18,33 5,56 5,56 29,44 23,89 13 18,33 5,56 6,67 30,56 25,00 14 18,33 8,33 3,89 30,56 22,22 15 18,33 8,33 6,67 33,33 25,00 16 21,00 5,00 6,00 32,00 27,00 17 21,11 5,56 3,89 30,56 25,00 18 21,11 5,56 5,56 32,22 26,67 19 21,11 5,56 6,67 33,33 27,78 20 21,11 8,33 3,89 33,33 25,00 21 21,11 8,33 6,67 36,11 27,78 22 23,89 5,56 3,89 33,33 27,78 23 23,89 5,56 5,56 35,00 29,44 Pagina 1 van 3 24 23,89 5,56 6,67 36,11 30,56 25 23,89 8,33 3,89 36,11 27,78 26 23,89 8,33 6,67 38,89 30,56 27 25,56 5,56 3,89 35,00 29,44 28 26,67 5,56 3,89 36,11 30,56 29 26,67 5,56 5,56 37,78 32,22 30 26,67 5,56 6,67 38,89 33,33 31 26,67 8,33 3,89 38,89 30,56 32 26,67 8,33 6,67 41,67 33,33 33 28,00 5,00 4,00 37,00 32,00 34 29,44 5,56 3,89 38,89 33,33 35 29,44 5,56 5,56 40,56 35,00 36 29,44 5,56 6,67 41,67 36,11 37 29,44 8,33 3,89 41,67 33,33 38 29,44 8,33 6,67 44,44 36,11 39 32,22 5,56 3,89 41,67 36,11 40 32,22 5,56 5,56 43,33 37,78 41 32,22 5,56 6,67 44,44 38,89 42 32,22 8,33 3,89 44,44 36,11 43 32,22 8,33 6,67 47,22 38,89 CTI XF Capa 2013 STD 201 Model Number XT 2.240-VL-135 XT 2.240-L-135 XT 2.240-M-135 XT 2.240-VL-185 XT 2.240-L-185 XT 2.240-M-185 XT 2.240-VL-235 XT 2.240-L-235 XT 2.240-M-235 XT 2.480-VL-135 XT 2.480-L-135 XT 2.480-M-135 XT 2.480-VL-185 XT 2.480-L-185 XT 2.480-M-185 XT 2.480-VL-235 XT 2.480-L-235 XT 2.480-M-235 XT 2.720-VL-135 XT 2.720-L-135 XT 2.720-M-135 XT 2.720-VL-185 XT 2.720-L-185 XT 2.720-M-185 XT 2.720-VL-235 XT 2.720-L-235 XT 2.720-M-235 1 10,88 13,38 15,86 14,60 17,98 21,31 18,13 22,37 26,49 21,76 26,76 31,71 29,20 35,96 42,61 36,25 44,74 52,98 32,64 40,14 47,57 43,80 53,94 63,92 54,38 67,11 79,48 Rated waterflow [ l/s ] 2 3 4 14,47 16,98 8,53 17,83 20,93 10,51 21,14 24,81 12,41 19,46 22,83 11,43 23,97 28,17 14,06 28,42 33,38 16,65 24,15 28,36 14,19 29,79 34,97 17,45 35,34 40,00 20,70 28,94 33,95 17,06 35,66 41,85 21,01 42,28 49,63 24,83 38,91 45,66 22,86 47,95 56,35 28,12 56,83 66,77 33,30 48,30 56,72 28,38 59,59 69,93 34,91 70,68 80,00 41,40 43,40 50,93 25,60 53,49 62,78 31,52 63,42 74,44 37,24 58,37 68,48 34,29 71,92 84,52 42,19 85,25 100,15 49,94 72,44 85,08 42,57 89,38 104,90 52,36 106,01 120,00 62,10 5 12,82 15,79 18,68 17,22 21,20 25,15 21,39 26,36 31,22 25,65 31,59 37,37 34,44 42,40 50,29 42,77 52,72 62,45 38,47 47,38 56,05 51,66 63,60 75,44 64,16 79,08 93,67 6 11,88 14,60 17,29 15,93 19,61 23,28 19,78 24,40 28,89 23,75 29,19 34,58 31,86 39,23 46,57 39,57 48,80 57,78 35,63 43,79 51,87 47,80 58,84 69,85 59,35 73,20 86,67 7 15,81 19,48 23,09 21,27 26,20 31,08 26,40 32,55 38,60 31,63 38,96 46,18 42,54 52,39 62,16 52,80 65,10 77,19 47,44 58,45 69,27 63,80 78,59 93,24 79,20 97,65 115,79 8 18,57 22,89 27,13 24,98 30,81 36,52 31,03 38,24 40,00 37,15 45,77 54,26 49,96 61,61 73,04 62,06 76,49 80,00 55,72 68,66 81,38 74,94 92,42 109,56 93,09 114,73 120,00 9 9,31 11,43 13,53 12,47 15,34 18,15 15,48 19,04 22,57 18,62 22,87 27,07 24,94 30,67 36,31 30,96 38,08 45,14 27,93 34,30 40,60 37,41 46,01 54,46 46,45 57,12 67,71 10 14,03 17,24 20,42 18,84 23,21 27,49 23,43 28,83 34,17 28,05 34,49 40,85 37,67 46,43 54,98 46,85 57,65 68,35 42,08 51,73 61,27 56,51 69,64 82,47 70,28 86,48 102,52 11 13,01 15,97 18,92 17,44 21,47 25,47 21,67 26,70 31,68 26,01 31,95 37,84 34,89 42,94 50,94 43,33 53,41 63,36 39,02 47,92 56,76 52,33 64,41 76,41 65,00 80,11 95,04 12 17,34 21,35 25,30 23,32 28,71 34,04 29,00 35,71 40,00 34,68 42,71 50,59 46,64 57,43 68,09 58,00 71,43 80,00 52,01 64,06 75,89 69,97 86,14 102,13 86,99 107,14 120,00 13 20,38 25,10 29,78 27,42 33,79 40,00 34,10 40,00 40,00 40,76 50,21 59,57 54,83 67,57 80,00 68,19 80,00 80,00 61,15 75,31 89,35 82,25 101,36 120,00 102,29 120,00 120,00 14 10,19 12,51 14,80 13,65 16,78 19,86 16,95 20,87 24,69 20,39 25,02 29,61 27,30 33,56 39,72 33,90 41,75 49,38 30,58 37,53 44,41 40,95 50,35 59,58 50,84 62,62 74,07 15 15,39 18,91 22,39 20,67 25,46 30,14 25,70 31,62 37,49 30,78 37,82 44,78 41,33 50,92 60,28 51,41 63,24 74,99 46,16 56,72 67,17 62,00 76,37 90,42 77,11 94,86 112,48 16 21,94 27,02 32,04 29,55 36,38 40,00 36,73 40,00 40,00 43,88 54,03 64,07 59,10 72,77 80,00 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