2015 General Development Plan Submitted by: Daishowa Marubeni
2015 General Development Plan Submitted by: Daishowa Marubeni
! " # $ % & ' ( $ " # & ) " # & * + ! -. " " " #, ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" # $ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""% & """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""% $! $ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' ( )* #"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' + $ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", -! #$ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". / """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". * """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". + 0 ! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". * 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""" * 2 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" & 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" + """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" , % * """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" , ' 3 (! 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DECIDUOUS PRODUCTION TO DATE FMA0900045 (Westside) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Company Operations TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Primary PAC (core) Primary PAC (contingency) Secondary PAC (core) Secondary PAC (contingency) TOTAL FMA CHARGEABLE FMA0900044 (Eastside) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Primary PAC (Company Operations) TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Primary PAC (core) Primary PAC (contingency) Secondary PAC (core) Secondary PAC (contingency) TOTAL FMA CHARGEABLE DTAP530001 (White Zone) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Primary PAC (Company Operations) Secondary PAC (Incidental from CTL's) SALVAGED FIBRE Crossings DTA P530001 CHARGEABLE DTAP160001 (P20) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Company Operations Incidental from FMA TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Crossings DTA P160001 CHARGEABLE DTAP200001 (Jul 1, 2012 - Apr 30, 2032) Primary PAC (Company Operations) TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Crossings Total Primary PAC Secondary PAC (Incidental from CTL's) DTA P200001 CHARGEABLE DTAF260006 (TOLKO HL) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Company Operations Incidental from CTLs & CTPs TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Crossings DTA F260006 CHARGEABLE Other Mill Wood Sources (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Private Purchase - Local Private Purchase - Non Local Other Crow n Wood Sources (Incl Woodlots) Outside Purchase (Dec chips) White Zone Permits and Salvage First Nation/Métis NON-FMA CHARGEABLE Q1: Jul 1 - Apr 30, 2014 Cut % Cut 1,156,306 22,230 42,625 328 2,388,030 51% 1,221,489 PAC 938,000 213,757 23% 3,326,030 1,435,246 43% Q1: Jul 1 - Apr 30, 2014 Cut % Cut 1,194,374 152,515 47,642 241 4,182,973 1,394,772 33% PAC 740,289 236,245 32% 4,923,262 1,631,017 33% Q1: May 1, 2014- Apr 30, 2019 Production by Year (m3) PAC Cut % Cut 2014 2015 197,339 197,339 1,418 1,418 0 4 4 198,761 198,761 2,074,130 10% 0 383,370 75,556 808,915 75,556 9% 129,085 0 3,395,500 274,317 8% 274,317 0 Q2: May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 Production by Year (m3) PAC Cut % Cut 2014 2015 158,036 158,036 7,608 7,608 0 19 19 6% 165,663 2,608,050 165,663 0 1,654,950 83,174 24% 83,174 343,775 0 414,725 5,021,500 165,663 3.30% 165,663 0 Q1: May 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 PAC Cut % Cut 386,343 36,931 0 26 625,000 423,300 67.73% Q2: May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 Production by Year (m3) PAC Cut % Cut 2014 2015 53,222 53,222 20,178 20,178 0 26 26 625,000 73,426 11.75% 73,426 Q2: May 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2012 PAC Cut % Cut 261,339 339,249 6,802 229 758,751 607,619 80.08% 2009 153,031 83,382 1,808 199 238,420 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2010 2011 65,839 42,469 122,604 133,263 1,381 3,613 26 4 189,850 179,349 Q2: May 1, 2012 - Apr 30, 2017 PAC Cut % Cut 2012 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2013 2014 2015 929,230 968,691 1,897,921 276,897 5,531 34 282,462 324,475 606,937 30% 33% 31.98% Q3: May 1, 2011 - Apr 30, 2016 PAC Cut % Cut 719,348 0 0 0 899,185 719,348 80.00% Q1: July 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 PAC Cut % Cut 981,297 0 268,281 0 81,775 0 1,331,353 11,338 4,072 0 15,410 149,183 164,593 2011 179,837 179,837 120,930 1,459 23 122,412 143,676 266,088 11 144,640 31,616 176,256 0 0 0 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2012 2013 2014 179,837 179,837 179,837 179,837 2016 144,629 2015 179,837 179,837 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2010 2011 2012 211,060 252,914 263,984 2013 179,987 2014 73,352 60,211 94,466 55,906 15,853 41,845 28,444 22,488 20,382 295,410 291,255 326,211 NOTE, VOLUMES UP TO APRIL 30, 2013 HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY THE FOREST MANAGEMENT BRANCH OF ASRD THE 2013 TIMBER AUDIT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED **DTA530001 is in the process of being renewed. 10,461 240,198 178,279 3(: > 5 $0 +>*$C *$ C CTQP190001(CTLP130001) (Canfor) (May 1, 2010 - Apr 30, 2014) Company Operations Volume Drian Crossings) Retention Roundw ood to DMI DMI chipped conifer TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Primary Core Operations Primary Contingency Operations Secondary Core (Incidental fromFMA ) Secondary Contingency (Incidental from FMA) Quota Chargeable CTQP520003(CTLP520008) (Canfor) (May1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014) Company Operations Incidental from CTLs Incidental from CTPs TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Quota Chargeable CTQP190002(CTLP130004) (Zavisha) (May1, 2010 - Apr 30, 2014) Primary Core Operations Primary Contingency Operations Secondary Core (Incidental from FMA ) CTQP520005(CTLP520007) (Zavisha) (May1, 2012 - Apr 30, 2017) Company Operations TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Quota Chargeable Other Mill Wood Sources (Zavisha) (Jul 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2029) Private Purchase - Local Other Crow n Wood Sources (Incl Woodlots) White Zone Permits and Salvage NON-FMA CHARGEABLE 3 > Q1 May 1, 2010 - Apr 30, 2014 Q2 May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 PAC Cut % Cut PAC Cut % Cut 804,696 294,737 943 216 5,065 29 6,665 0 53,160 0 8,776 4,107 181,532 1,264,715 299,089 24% 428,420 0 0% 0 408,105 69,435 17% 0 1,996,185 975,259 51,030 0 48.86% 2,152,270 368,524 0% 17.12% Q1 May1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 PAC Cut % Cut 2,800 0 0 0 0 0 15,975 2,800 17.53% Q2 May1, 2014- Apr 30, 2019 PAC Cut % Cut 15,453 0 0 0 0 0 15,975 15,453 96.73% Q1 May 1, 2010 - Apr 30, 2014 PAC* Cut % Cut 181,532 Q2 May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 PAC* Cut % Cut 214,280 38,537 18% 72,590 0 0% 69,165 0 0% 0 Secondary Contingency (Incidental from FMA) TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Quota Chargeable * this is primary PAC $0 $ 244,000 0 0 0 0 181,532 8,655 74.40% 364,690 Q1(May1, 2012- April 30, 2017) PAC 69,537 Cut 31,414 0 31,414 Cut 8,961 2,451 39,968 51,380 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2015 2016 2017 69,435 299,089 2014 15,453 0 0 0 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2015 2016 2017 2018 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2015 2016 2017 2018 15,453 2014 38,537 0% 10.57% 38,537 0 % Cut 2012 16,784 2013 14,630 2014 0 2015 2016 45.18% 16,784 14,630 0 0 0 2009 445 1,106 4,326 5,877 2010 6,087 1,345 33,292 40,724 % Cut 2018 4,107 299,089 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) Q1: July 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 PAC 0 0 0 0 38,537 2014 294,737 216 29 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2011 2,093 0 2,350 4,443 2012 336 2013 2014 4,564 336 0 4,564 0 0 5 ! FMA0900045(CTLP130005) (DMI WESTSIDE VSA 2) (May1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014) Primary Core Operations Primary Contingency Operations Incidental from CTL/CTPs Secondary Core Incidental from CTL/CTPs Secondary Contingency TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Quota Chargeable FMA0900044 (DMI EASTSIDE) (May1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014) Secondary Core TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Quota Chargeable CTQP100001 (Tolko) (May1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014) Company Operations TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Primary Core Operations Primary Contingency Operations Secondary Core (Incidental fromFMA ) Secondary Contingency (Incidental from FMA) Quota Chargeable CTQP210005 (Tolko) (May1, 2012 - Apr 30, 2017) Primary Core TDA (Salvage) & Destroyed Retention Crossings Quota Chargeable Q1: July 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 Q2: May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 PAC Cut % Cut PAC Cut % Cut 188,960 364,555 12,969 4% 123,495 0 0% 139,385 17,387 12% 17,430 0 0% 20,571 1,568 0 0 0 0 357,830 209,531 58.56% 644,865 31,924 4.95% Q1: July 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2014 Q2: May 1, 2014 - Apr 30, 2019 PAC Cut % Cut PAC Cut % Cut 206,195 264,200 38,904 83,124 0 0 0 0 0 935,228 289,319 30.94% 935,228 38,904 4.16% Q1: May 1, 2012- Apr 30, 2014 PAC % Cut 275,960 93,485 133,535 Cut 45,000 0 0 0 181,532 0 0 16,695 519,675 0 45,000 0% 9% 2014 12,969 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2015 2016 2017 17,387 1,568 31,924 2014 38,904 0 38,904 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2012 0 2013 45,000 2014 0 2015 2016 0 45,000 0 0 0 2012 0 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2013 2014 2015 180,000 0 180,000 0 NOTE: VOLUMES UP TO APRIL 30, 2013 HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY THE FOREST MANAGEMENT BRANCH OF AESRD THE 2013 TIMBER AUDIT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED. 0 0 Production by Operating Year (m3) 2015 2016 2017 66% 0% 0% Q1: May 1, 2012- Apr 30, 2017 PAC Cut % Cut 180,000 0 0 0 548,316 180,000 32.83% 2018 2016 0 2018 3(: > 5 $C Canfor Disposition 30 0 $ >*3 $0 Block Conifer Volume Deciduous Volume Hog Volume (GMT) Zavisha Disposition Block Conifer Volume Deciduous Volume Hog Volume (GMT) CTLP130005 CTLP130004 60 61 DMI Dispositions BLOCK 51 141 142 51 264 271 274 278 296 1 2 5 6 11 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3422 150 151 163 176 177 178 39 40 41 42 44 140 Comments ! 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"# $%& EP-Cache Creek EP-Keppler Creek EP-Whiskey Jack SU-Notikewin River DTLP160001 DH-P2100 ST-Whitemud River KR-Twin Lakes 2,000 4,000 Conife r Volume 1,200 Deciduous Volume 5,000 4,000 1,200 18,000 5,000 200 500 1,350 1,395 1,489 1,200 2,000 250 275 250 4,875 2,770 7,194 Comments Deciduous to be hauled Deciduous to be hauled Hog Volume (GMT) Comments wood left in block Parital Reclaimation completed wood left in block wood left in block Parital Reclaimation completed reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation reclaimation wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block reclaimation DMI Dispositions FMA0200041 CTLP150004 CTLP030024 BLOCK Conifer Volume Deciduous Volume 2218 0 152 2219 0 610 2220 0 1219 2221 0 457 2222 0 610 2223 0 427 2225 0 244 2400 0 30 2406 0 91 2407 0 518 2408 0 914 2409 0 823 2410 0 183 2411 0 670 2412 0 488 2414 0 30 2416 0 30 2417 0 335 2418 0 3383 2419 0 152 2310 0 30 2311 0 91 2316 0 30 2317 0 30 2420 2421 0 0 122 61 2422 0 152 2423 0 61 2433 0 61 2439 0 91 2441 0 30 2442 0 1036 2443 0 1036 2444 0 427 2446 0 427 2447 0 427 2448 0 914 2449 0 85 2456 0 3596 2506 0 61 2519 0 1036 2522 0 427 2523 0 396 2524 0 0 2525 0 792 2526 0 1189 2531 0 1219 2532 0 30 2533 0 427 2534 0 274 2536 0 701 2537 0 168 2538 0 61 2539 0 61 2541 0 122 2542 0 91 2543 0 579 9011-0542 0 775 9011-1456 0 274 2968 0 427 2999 0 152 2887 0 2560 Hog Volume (GMT) Comments wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block wood left in block 5 1 (:$ 3(: > '( )* . $%& . $%& 2 . ! . & . /0 3 C + . $&& % Q " , $ 1 " *> $* + " '( " , - & ! +, & ! % '( )* + . $%& 3& 0 " 3& " 3& 4 (( " " + " '( " , - & ! +, & ! ' '( )* 3& / 0 !" 5 6 4 $1 $/ 0 7 8 7 & + " % " ! , " 1 2 " + '( " " , - & +, ! & ! CTLP150004 QUOTA_HC ST02 RL02 RL02 RL02 RL02 RL02 RL02 RL02 RL02 ST02 ST02 ST02 ST02 ST02 ST02 ST01 ST01 RL01 CH01 Average Block Size (ha): 62.8 Total Merch Area (ha): 1,945.7 Total # of Blocks: 31 CTLP150004 CTLP150004 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP150004 CTLP150004 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP150004 CTLP150004 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP150004 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC ST02 ST02 8804-0908 9012-1191 9012-0218 9011-1456 9011-1364 9011-0835 9011-0576 9011-0542 9010-2840 8805-3566 8805-2373 8805-2308 8805-2245 8805-1572 8804-3107 8805-3308 8805-2143 8806-1896 8807-1321 8805-1388 8804-3120 8804-1861 8804-1837 6030881914 22.7 76.5 14.0 69.9 84.8 69.2 68.0 57.3 51.2 8.2 72.7 40.0 11.7 20.9 4.4 12.5 23.2 6120901191 9120900218 29.3 3.2 6110901456 177.1 6110901364 6110900835 6110900576 6110900542 267.8 6100902840 6050883566 226.3 6050882373 6050882308 6050882245 6050881572 111.1 6040883107 110.0 6050883308 6050882143 6060881896 6070881321 6050881388 6040883120 6040881861 152.9 6040881837 6040880908 6030882063 74.1 24.9 HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR 09/15/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/03/2014 12/08/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 12/08/2014 08/08/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 12/08/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 09/15/2014 08/08/2014 08/08/2014 08/08/2014 09/15/2014 11/24/2014 12/15/2014 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/15/2014 02/28/2015 12/01/2014 02/01/2015 11/17/2014 12/15/2014 01/01/2015 01/20/2015 01/01/2015 01/30/2015 11/15/2014 12/15/2014 12/01/2014 02/01/2015 01/01/2015 03/01/2015 11/15/2014 12/15/2014 11/15/2014 02/01/2015 11/15/2014 02/01/2015 11/01/2014 12/15/2014 12/01/2014 02/01/2015 10/06/2014 12/15/2014 11/01/2014 12/15/2014 10/01/2014 12/15/2014 09/16/2014 10/15/2014 08/21/2014 10/15/2014 09/01/2014 10/15/2014 08/21/2014 10/15/2014 11/15/2014 12/15/2014 11/15/2014 12/15/2014 11/03/2014 12/15/2014 02/16/2015 02/02/2015 02/02/2015 02/15/2015 01/15/2015 02/02/2015 02/02/2015 02/02/2015 02/02/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 02/02/2015 01/15/2015 02/16/2015 03/01/2015 02/01/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 10/20/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 12/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2016 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 08/11/2014 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 05/15/2017 09/15/2017 12/12/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 04/15/2015 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 04/01/2015 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 04/01/2015 02/15/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 08/11/2014 03/01/2015 02/01/2015 11/15/2015 05/15/2016 09/15/2016 10/20/2014 IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IF IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ 3,516.00 288.00 41,618.50 880.00 1,625.00 3,944.00 64,272.00 5,225.00 63,364.00 9,600.00 2,808.00 31,108.00 28,050.00 16,536.00 15,916.00 15,980.00 14,325.00 11,776.00 1,804.00 26,145.90 14,554.13 2,427.60 13,281.00 4,880.50 5,104.50 14,079.00 2,496.00 3,105.00 7,228.00 2,474.50 Fund. Estimate Code Conifer Vol 146.50 32.00 885.50 312.50 464.00 2,678.00 2,263.00 1,600.00 468.00 5,555.00 2,200.00 4,240.00 3,460.00 680.00 2,560.00 10,703.00 1,530.00 428.40 3,495.00 227.00 622.50 3,705.00 416.00 675.00 278.00 101.00 Estimate DecidousVol 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prod. Conifer Volume 04/15/2015 - 4:17 pm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prod. Decid Volume *> QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC ST02 ST02 8803-1914 8803-2063 6030881706 6030881794 13.5 10.4 08/08/2014 08/08/2014 Piles Final Final Trapper Postharv Scanned Clearance Notification Historical Assessment 3 C QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC ST02 ST02 8803-1706 8803-1794 6050881680 6050882058 HAR HAR Inv. Reclam. Top Piled Piles Burnt Q QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC ST02 ST02 8805-1680 8805-2058 10.1 27.8 Harvesting Skid Haul Started Clearance Clearance (:$ QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC ST01 ST01 6100881788 6100882116 AOP Approval 30+$* QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC QUOTA_HC 8810-2116 Block Type 5 CH01 CH01 8810-1788 CTLP130001 CTLP130001 QUOTA_HC Opening Merch Number Area (ha) Harvesting Started between 05/01/2014 and 04/30/2015 3(: > QUOTA_HC Block ID Ownership Operational Compartment Sub Unit or OA Harvest and Volume Summary Report Canadian Forest Products Ltd. - Grande Prairie , $* . 3(: > ) 3(: > %5 $:Q$ (:$ Q 8 . '5 A3/ % $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 * * * * * * * * # # # # # # # # $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& B3 + (:$ " * + + * -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 * * * * * * # # # # # # $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 * * * * * * # # # # # # -9 * -9 * # # $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& $%& -9 * -9 * # # * 3 C *> $* " Q 3 C + '( 8 ' 8 . 6 8 6 6 6 6 ' ' 8 ' ' . . . . ' 8 ' 8 . " ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' ' ' 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 . 6 6 . 8 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' 8 2 6 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 ' ' ' 8 2 ' ' 8 2 . . *> $* " ' 8 2 8 2 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 2 ' . 9 ' 8 2 . . . . . 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FOREST MANAGEMENT AREA FMA0900044 Operating Areas 2015 2016 2017 CL-Harmon Valley 2018 2019 170,000 180,000 CL-Caddotte T 60,000 180,000 CL-Heart River 130,000 EP- Whiskey Jack 200,000 150,000 EP-Keppler C 110,000 140,000 120,000 EP-Carmon C 30,000 EP-Cache C TOTAL Alternative Operating Areas 20,000 70,000 240,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CT-Bison Lake CT-Haig Lake 75,000 80,000 CT-Loon Prairie 130,000 CT-Martin River 70,000 CT-Russell Lake 75,000 CT-Sawn Lake 50,000 CT-South TOTAL 10,000 280,000 10,000 200,000 - - 2. FOREST MANAGEMENT AREA FMA0900045 Operating Areas KR-Twin Lakes 2015 120,000 KR-Smeaton Creek 100,000 Total (VSA1) 2017 2018 110,000 110,000 220,000 110,000 110,000 220,000 30,000 KR-Vesta Creek KE-Hawkhills Tower 2016 50,000 25,000 275,000 2019 110,000 BO-Sweeny Creek 160,000 40,000 DH-Whitemud Tower 140,000 50,000 SU- P2200 SU- Notikewin R 260,000 150,000 ST-Whitemud R 130,000 168,000 110,000 67,000 45,000 Total (VSA2) 390,000 318,000 177,000 185,000 90,000 Total (FMA0900045) 665,000 428,000 287,000 405,000 250,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - - Alternative Operating Areas KR-Twin Lakes KR-Vesta Creek KR-Smeaton Creek KE-Hawkhills Tower Total (VSA1) - - - BO-Sweeny Creek DH-P2100 7,000 DH-Whitemud Tower 50,000 SU- P2200 22,000 SU- Notikewin R ST-Whitemud R Total (VSA2) 79,000 - - - - Total (FMA0900045) 79,000 - - - - 3. DECIDUOUS TIMBER ALLOCATION P530001 (DTAP530001) LICENSE 2015 2016 2017 DTLP510001 DTLP530001 TOTAL 2019 40,000 50,000 DTLP530010 DTLP530011 2018 25,000 80,000 120,000 170,000 80,000 50,000 95,000 100,000 180,000 145,000 165,000 180,000 DECIDUOUS TIMBER ALLOCATION P520004 (DTAP520001) LICENSE DTLP520004 TOTAL 2015 2016 50,000 65,000 50,000 65,000 2017 2018 - - 2019 - 4. DECIDUOUS TIMBER ALLOCATION P200001 (DTAP200001) Working Area 2015 2016 2017 2018 110,000 130,000 2019 WC01 WC02 120,000 100,000 50,000 WC03 110,000 120,000 WC04 WC05 TOTAL Alternative Working Area WC01 30,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 150,000 270,000 230,000 250,000 230,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - - 10,000 WC02 WC03 50,000 WC04 WC05 TOTAL 60,000 - - 5. DECIDUOUS TIMBER ALLOCATION F260006 LICENSE FMAF260006 TOTAL 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - - - - - - - - - - 5 3(: > >EC>0 0 $+ 30+$* $ >*3 $0 1. Coniferous Timber Allocation CTQP190001 (CTLP130001, CTLP150004) LICENSE 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 85,000 60,000 70,000 64,000 10,000 14,000 DH-Hines C ST-Whitemud R 66,000 ST-Eureka River 10,000 RL-Whitemud River 51,000 25,000 CL-Worsley 19,000 45,000 NO-Notikewin River 17,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 RL-Doig River 227,000 239,000 334,000 324,000 330,000 RL-Doig Tower Secondary TOTAL 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 128,000 532,000 532,000 532,000 532,000 532,000 2. Coniferous Timber Allocation CTQP520003 (CTLP520008) LICENSE 2015 13,175 15,975 TOTAL 13,175 15,975 P52 : 2016 2017 2018 2018 0 0 0 $ 3(: > 5 >EC>0 0 $+ $: Q$ $ >*3 $0 1. Coniferous Timber Allocation P190003 (CTLP100010) LICENSE 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 KR-Botha River 120,000 60,000 KR-Twin Lakes 80,000 60,000 20,000 60,000 220,000 180,000 0 0 2017 2018 2019 0 0 0 KR-Vesta Creek 99,495 KR-Smeaton Creek 4,825 KE-Hawkhills Tower 91,297 KR-Keg River 25,114 TOTAL 220,731 2. Coniferous Timber Allocation P210005(CTLF010004) LICENSE 2015 2016 EP-Buffalo River LaCrete-Muddy River LaCrete-Buffalo Hills LaCrete-Buffalo Tower 195,181 2,000 TOTAL 258,809 115,000 : $ 4,591 18,000 56,427 95,000 2,610 3(: > 5 >EC>0 0 $+A3/ B3 $ >*3 $0 1. Coniferous Timber Allocation P190002 (CTLP130004) Operating Area RL-Whitemud River ST-Eureka River License 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CTLP130004 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 FMA0900045 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CTLP130004 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 FMA0900045 CTLP130004 ST-Rambling Creek FMA0900045 TOTAL 2. Coniferous Timber Allocation P520005(CTLP520007) LICENSE 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CTLP520007 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 TOTAL 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 : $ 3(: > 5 0 >0 3: $0 +>* *$ C $0 Forest Management Areas 0900044 Compartment or License 3& 0 " 3& 4 (( 3& / 0 !" 5 6 " 3& " Destination Estimated m3*** $ " < ,! !% = 0 - ! & , !% = / ! - ! 9 !% = )0 & + , 0 + 0 !%, % = $ " < ,! !% = 0 - ! & , !% = / ! - ! 9 !% = )0 & + , 0 + 0 !%, % = + , 0 + 0 !%, % = / ! - ! 9 !% = )0 & + , 0 + 0 !%, % = / ! - ! 9 !% = )0 & , $ Forest Management Areas 0900045 Compartment or Licence ST-Whitemud River SU-Notikewin KR-Vesta Creek KR-Twin Lakes KE-Hawkhills Tower KR-Smeaton Creek Sub-Total DTAP530001 Compartment or Licence DTLP520004 DTLP530001 DTLP530011 Sub-Total DTAP200001 Compartment or Licence DTLP160001 WC02 DTLP200001 WC05 Sub-Total Destination Canfor Grande Prairie Zavisha Canfor Grande Prairie Zavisha Tolko Forest Products Tolko Forest Products Tolko Forest Products Estimated m3*** 20,000 7,000 50,920 16,080 11,000 10,000 13,000 Tolko Forest Products 17,000 145,000 Destination Canfor Grande Prairie Zavisha Boucher Brothers Lumber Ltd. Boucher Brothers Lumber Ltd. Estimated m3 1,200 4,800 7,000 10,000 23,000 Destination Manning Diversified Forest Products Manning Diversified Forest Products Estimated m3 18,000 1,833 19,833 TOTAL ALL SOURCES *** The volumes in this table may differ from the associated Annual Operating Plans. This variance is due to the Annual Operating Plans containing contingency blocks. Volumes shown are from blocks that are scheduled to be harvested this year. 187,833 ; * % 3(: > 5 0 >0 3: > Disposition Holder Manning Diversified Canadian Forest Products Boucher Brothers Lumber West Fraser CBVAC Zavisha Sawmills Ltd. Tolko Industies Ltd Total C$C *$ C $0 Compartment or License FMAP0200041 (WC02) CTLP130001 CTLP530001 CTLP140001 CTQP210001 CTLS10 CTLP3-L25 CTLP4 DTLP140001 CTLP520007 CTLP130004/CTLP130005 CTQP 190003 CTQP210005 3 Estimated m 85,000 58,170 27,000 30,000 52,000 5,000 20,000 35,000 50,000 0 25,000 138,000 82,000 607,170 ' ACTIVITY EZE 2825 3(: > 5 *$3 : 300 0 0 > $030 $0 *$: DISP. HOLDER 7 13 0 >030 > 30 $03 / > O&>> LOCATION MU Last Activity Year Completed 2015 Proposed Activity 100 Road; km 4.5 to 5.3; 84-04-W6M N/A Spot spray 2014 Monitor Road Name Canfor $0 *C EZE 2826 Canfor 100 Road; Km 3.75 to 4.5; 84-04-W6M N/A Spot spray 2014 Monitor EZE 810059 Canfor 100 Road; km 5.3 to km 9.1; 85-04-W6M N/A Spot spray 2014 Monitor LOC 3464 Canfor Canfor 400 Road; Tw p 86 Rge 2-3 W6M P19 Monitor 2014 Monitor LOC 3803 Canfor P19 Monitor 2014 Monitor LOC 930654 Canfor P19 Monitor 2014 Monitor LOC 930654 Canfor Canfor 200 Road; Tw p 86-87 Rge 4-10 W6M Tw ps84, 85, 86-Rg4- W6M Tw ps86, 87, 88, 89 - Rg3-W6M Canfor 100 Road; NW4-87-03-W6M, NW21-87-03-W6M; SE2889-03-W6M Canfor Hines Creek Mill Site/Logyard / Trailer loader - N1/2 15 & Part SW 15-85-4-W6M - no disposition number. P19 Spot spray 2014 Monitor N/A Spot spray 2014 Monitor Private Land Private Land Canfor Canfor Canfor Reload Yard - in Hines Creek - no disposition number N/A Spot spray 2014 Monitor Clear Hills Connector Road 30-87-07-W6M to 11-90-08-W6M; formerly RDS 040010 P19 Monitor 2014 Monitor Non FMA: TWP85-21-W5M; NW 12 PO3 Monitor 2014 Monitor Non FMA: TWP85-21-W5M; NW 12 PO3 Monitor 2014 Monitor PO3 Spot Spray @ 15km 2014 Monitor LOC 082590 Clear Hills Joint Venture Ltd. EZE 880289 DMI EZE 880580 DMI EZE 880765 DMI EZE 900103 DMI EZE 900113 DMI LOC 100846 DMI LOC 951150 DMI LOC 990751 DMI LOC 991039 DMI LOC 992633 DMI LOC 001150 DMI Millsite: w ater intake Millsite: w ater intake P2-100 Long Lake Road Millsite Landfill Road North Star Road Millsite Landfill Road TWP 85-24-W5M; NW 25 Non FMA TWP 85-21-W5M; SE 11 PO3 Monitor 2014 Monitor Non FMA: TWP 90-24-W5M; SW & NE 24 PO3 Monitor 2014 Monitor Non FMA: 85-21-W5M; SW 11 PO3 Monitor 2014 Monitor Whiskey Jack Road TWP 90-20-W5M; TWP 90-21-W5M TWP94-24-W5; NW&S1/2 24, NW 13 North Star Road South Notikew an Road P5-100 East Haul Road P4 Monitor 2014 Spot Spray P20 Monitor 2014 Spot Spray 2014 Spot Spray TWP94-24-W5: NE23, NW 24 P20 Monitor TWP90-24-W5; E23, E11, 2, SW1 PO3 Monitor TWP90-3-W6M; // TWP91-3-W6M; // TWP91-2-W6M; P19 Monitor 2014 Monitor Spot Spray 2014 Spot Spray TWP98-16-W5 / TWP99-16-W5 / TWP100-16-W5 / TWP101-16F1 W5 / TWP101-17-W5 LOC 012169 DMI LOC 012383 DMI TWP85-18-W5; SW10, W3, SE3, S2, NE2 P3 Monitor 2014 Monitor LOC 021534 DMI TWP82-15-W5; SE32, NE32 / TWP83-15-W5; SE4 P3 Monitor 2014 Monitor LOC 021541 DMI TWP 93-20-W5M; NE27, SE27, SW23, NE22, SE22, NW14 P5 Monitor Spot Spray & Mow 2014 Monitor 2014 Spot Spray P5-100 East Haul TWP 96-17-W5M; E24 Road TWP88-19-W5; NW34, N35 / TWP89-19-W5;S2, S1 / TWP8918-W5; S6, S5, S4, E9, S16, E21, NW22, S27, NE27, NW26, 35, NW36 / TWP90-18-W5; S1, NE1, NW6 P5-100 East Haul TWP97-16-W5 // TWP96-17W5 // TWP97-17-W5 // TWP 98-16Road W5 TWP89-19-W5; N29, SW33, N33, N34, N35, N36 / TWP89-18W5; N31, N32, SE32 LOC 031572 DMI LOC 031929 DMI LOC 032031 DMI LOC 032247 DMI LOC 062816 DMI MLL 060141 DMI LOC 5929 DMI LOC 760816 DMI Lonepine Bat Lake Road LOC 811274 DMI LOC 871344 DMI LOC 890076 DMI LOC 890482 DMI EMEND Camp Road TWP89-3-W6; SW 25 EMEND Camp TWP89-3-W6; SW25 TWP100-24-W5M; SE25, SW25, NE25, SE26, SW26, SE27, SW27, SE36, NE36 P5 P4 Monitor 2014 Spot Spray F1 Spot Spray 2014 Spot Spray P4 Monitor 2014 Spot Spray P19 2014 Monitor P19 2010 Monitor P19 2014 Monitor New New Monitor Monitor 2006 TWP 93-15-W5//TWP 97-15 NON FMA // TWP 84-9-W5M; SW 33 TWP 94-7-W5M; NW2, NE3, SW11, NW11, SW13, NW13, SE14, SE35 TWP 96-9-W5M // TWP 96-10-W5M TWP 85-24-W5M; NW26, NE26, NE27, NW30, SE31, SW31, P2-100 Long Lake SE32, SW32, SE33, SW33, NW33, NE33, SE34, SW34 // TWP Road 85-25-W5M; SW14, NW14, SE14, SE15, SE23, NE23, NW24, SE25, NW25, NE25 S10 S15 2004 S15 2004 P19 Spot Spray & Mow 2014 Comments Spot Spray Mow or Travis to confirm re Mulch Mulch or Mow , LOC 890557 DMI Carcajou Winter Road LOC 890707 DMI P2-205 LOC 890780 DMI LOC 890938 DMI LOC 900038 DMI LOC 900131 DMI LOC 900396 DMI LOC 900397 DMI P2-200 Sulphur Lake Road TWP 98-22-W5M; NE34, NW35, NE35, NW36, NE36 // TWP 99- P19 & 22-W5M; NE11, NW12, NE12 PO3 P19 & TWP 88-01-W6M; SE24, NW24, NE24 P14 TWP 94-7-W5M // TWP 94-8-W5M // TWP 94-9-W5M // TWP 94S15 10-W5M // TWP 95-10-W5M // TWP 96-10-W5M TWP 98-13-W5M; NW13, NE13, NW14, NE14, SW24 F1 TWP 92-7-W5M; NE16, SE21, NE21, NW22, NE22, NW26, SE27, NE27, SW35, NE35, NW36, NE36 // TWP 93-7-W5M; S15 NW1, NE1, SW12, NW12 TWP 88-1-W6M // TWP 89-2-W6M // TWP 89-3-W6M // TWP 90- P19 & 3-W6M P14 P2-107 Spur Road TWP 85-24-W5M; SE19, NE 19, NW 20, SW 29, NW 29, SW 32 P19 P2-105 Spur Road TWP 85-24-W5M; NW 21, SW 28, NW 28, NE 28, SE 33 P10-100 Keg River NON FMA // TWP 101-25-W5M; SW14, NW14, NE14, SE15, Road SE23, SE24, SW24 // TWP101-01-W6M; NW12, NE12, SE13 Millsite: Water NON FMA // TWP 85-21-W5M; SW13 return 900652 DMI LOC 920145 DMI LOC 920510 DMI LOC 920770 DMI LOC 940800 DMI TWP 85-1-W6M; NE24, S 1/2 & NW 25, NE 26, E 33, S 34, S 35 P19 LOC 941524 DMI LOC 941641 DMI LOC 942517 DMI LOC 942757 DMI TWP 99-22-W5M; NW28, NE28, SW33, NW33 P19 TWP 94-8-W5M // TWP 94-9-W5M // TWP 94-10-W5M // TWP 93-11-W5M // TWP 94-11-W5M // TWP 93-12-W5M // TWP 93- S15 & P5 13-W5M // TWP 93-14-W5M // TWP 93-15-W5M // TWP 93-16W5M // TWP 93-17-W5M // TWP 93-18-W5M TWP 92-20-W5M; SE4, NE4, NW8, NE8, SE9, NW9, NE9, SE17, P5 SW17, SE18 TWP 99-24-W5M; SW17, NW17, SE18, SW18, SW20, NW20, P19 SW29, NW29 LOC 950037 DMI LOC 950065 DMI LOC 951438 DMI LOC 951672 DMI LOC 970058 LOC LOC Sheeta Winter Road Harmon Valley Road TWP 8215-W5M // TWP 82-16-W5M // TWP 82-17-W5M 2004 PO3 Monitor Monitor Monitor Spot Spray 2014 Spot Spray Spot Spray 2014 Monitor Monitor Pick & Spot Spray 2013 Monitor Spot Spray & Mow 2014 Spot Spray & Mow PO3 PO3 P4 Monitor Possible monitor by air P3 Monitor 2014 Monitor P20 Monitor 2014 Monitor NON FMA // TWP 94-3-W6M; SW 30 TWP 95-17-W5M // TWP 93-18-W5M // TWP 94-18-W5M // TWP 95-18-W5M P20 Monitor 2014 Monitor P5 Monitor 2005 Monitor DMI TWP 92-20-W5; ALL 16, S1/2 21 P5 971107 DMI TWP 86-24-W5M; NE8 // TWP 86-25-W5M; NE11, NW12, NE12 PO3 971922 DMI NON FMA // TWP 94-3-W6M; NE 11 P20 LOC 971966 DMI Haw k Hills Road NON FMA // TWP 97-20-W5M; SW 2 PO3 LOC 973110 DMI TWP 85-25-W5M; NW28, SW29, NW29, NE29, SW30, NW30, Whitemud Tow er NE30, SW33, NE33 // TWP 86-25-W5M; NE3, NE3, SE4, NE4, Road SE10, SW11, NW11, NE11 / TWP 85-26-W5M; NE25, NE26, NE26, SE35, SE36, SW36 // TWP 85-1-W6M; NE25 LOC 980355 DMI NON FMA // TWP 93-5-W5M; SE 30 S14 LOC 980652 DMI Botha River Road TWP 98-24-W5M; SW6 // TWP 98-25-W5M; SE2, SW2 P20 LOC 981731 DMI LOC 982540 DMI DML 140038 DMI DML 130209 DMI Tw in Lakes Road NON FMA // TWP 96-22-W5M; NW 31 P5-100 East Haul Road P5-100 East Haul Road 2005 Spot Spray 2013 Monitor Pick & Spot Spray 2013 Monitor Spot Spray & Mow (Mulch) P19 TWP 93-18-W5M, TWP 94-18-W5M, TWP 92-19-W5M, TWP-19P5 W5M, TWP 92-20-W5M TWP 96-16-W5M, TWP 95-17-W5M, TWP 96-17-W5M, TWP 94P5 18-W5M Notikew an Camp TWP 91-20-14-NW1/4 W5 Whiskey Jack TWP 91=2-8-NW1/4 W6 Camp Used by Bouchier 2014/15 w inter Monitor P19 LOC North Star Road NON FMA // TWP 90-24-W5M; S 1/2 14, SW 24, NE 24 P5-100 East Haul TWP 89-19-W5M // TWP 90-19-W5M // TWP 90-20-W5M // Road TWP 91-20-W5M // TWP 92-20-W5M Monitor Monitor Spot Spray & Mow Spot Spray & Mow 2013 Spot Spray & Mow 2013 Spot Spray & Mow P4 New New Monitor P14 New New Monitor LOC 431 Zavisha NW30 85 3 W6 Monitored 2013 Monitor LOC LOC 1076 760739 Zavisha Zavisha 9-22-88-6 W6M SE22 85 4 W6 Monitored 2013 Monitor Monitored 2013 Monitor LOC 891096 Zavisha TWP 85-4-W6M; NW13, SE23, SW23, SW24 P2 Monitored 2013 Monitor LOC 930987 Zavisha TWP 85-4-W6M; SE22 P2 Monitored 2013 Monitor LOC 061619 Zavisha NW14 90 8 W6 Monitored 2013 Monitor Monitored by air as too w et for ground monitoring . & 9; !D 899 &;& 9 9;* "&; CANFOR’s WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN Introduction: This Weed Management Plan was originally submitted to SRD in Fairview/Peace River with the 2003 Canfor / DMI General Development Plan and amendments were made August 19, 2003 at the request of the Forest Health Officer. The plan was subsequently approved September 26, 2003. The plan has been modified slightly to be relevant to the Canfor Grande Prairie operations. Background: The development of the Weed Management Plan is in response to the Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) Forest Management Directive 2001-06 (Weed Management in Forestry Operations) requiring implementation of an effective weed management program. Development of the Weed Management Plan was achieved through consultation with woodlands supervisors and an external consultant, AMEC Earth & Environmental. Objectives of the Weed Management Plan: 1. Inventory, prevention and control of noxious and restricted weeds classified by the Alberta Weed Control Act and Weed Regulation. 2. Education of staff to increase awareness of weed concerns within and bordering the FMA, DTA and co-management area. 3. Cooperative efforts with stakeholders / quota holders within the companies sphere of interest to manage weed concerns. Methods for Addressing Weed Management: 1. Education, Training and Communication: Train full-time and seasonal staff on weed awareness. Items to be covered may include the following: • Weed identification • Weed biology • Timing of inventories / monitoring by understanding growth cycle of weeds • Weed management (prevention, control, disposal). • Alberta Weed Control Act and Weed Regulation Training components will be included in contract start-up meetings and orientation sessions for summer students. Weed concerns will be included in the AOP / General Development Plan (GDP) public meetings to heighten weed awareness within the companies’ sphere of interest. Obtain current information on weed control options and weed concerns specific to the area through communications with Forest Health Officers, and County or Municipal Weed Inspectors within the company’s sphere of interest. 2. Prevention: Through preventative methods, efforts will be made to limit the introduction and spread of weeds within the FMA, DTAs and co-management units. • Limit soil disturbances o Weeds are the first colonizers of disturbed land, and therefore the goal will be to limit the amount of land that is available for colonization by weeds. During road construction and site development, the amount of land that is disturbed will be minimized to the degree that is practical for the specific operation. • Clean Equipment o Weed propagules can be picked up by equipment and carried to other locations within the FMA, DTA and co-management area. To prevent this pathway for spreading weeds, equipment and vehicles will be cleaned before arriving on a jobsite. Field equipment will be cleaned on a regular basis, and agricultural implements will be washed prior to entering and leaving forested areas. o Cleaning of field equipment is already included as a condition within contracts and it is expected that contractors will continue to maintain this standard of practice. o Cleaning of equipment is also included in road use agreements for non-forest activities within the FMA, and is therefore expected that all road use agreement holders comply. • Certified Seed o Only certified seed (weed free seed) will be used for the purpose of re-vegetation of disturbed sites within the companies’ sphere of interest. A certificate of analysis of the certified seed will be obtained to determine the weed seed content for that particular seed lot. Selection of certified seed will be based on the certificate of analysis to prevent the introduction of noxious weeds or weeds that are not common to the area. 3. Inventory: In general, inventory of targeted areas is useful for determining the current weed populations. Knowledge of the weeds present allows selection and implementation of cost effective, environmentally friendly control methods, prevention of future spread of weeds, and prioritization of areas for control. As Canfor’s operating area of interest consists of a large land base, inventory efforts will be concentrated on access routes including those held under DLO. Noxious weed presence at any location relating to Canfor’s current operations can be made using the Noxious Weed Reporting Form. The location will be added to the weed database and treated as required. Inventory stages: • Preharvest: Field staff inspect designated sites prior to harvest, and therefore will include comments on weed species encountered. • Preliminary work: Future sites are inspected during planning and layout stages. During this preliminary work, field staff will take note of weed species within harvest blocks or along proposed access routes. These comments will be forwarded to the company Silviculture Forester and Forest Protection Forester. • Re-vegetation: Areas that have been currently re-vegetated due to disturbances are monitored to assess re-vegetation success. Areas that were identified with weed species during the preliminary development will be monitored. 4. Control Control measures are not included in this weed management plan. Cost-effective and environmentally responsible control measures will be tailored for specific weed problems. Areas targeted for control will be prioritized based on the following criteria: 1. Classification in the Weed Regulation • Restricted and Noxious weeds will be given priority. • Nuisance weeds will be reported and assessed based on the remaining criteria listed below. 2. Location of Infestation • Infestations in highly traveled or impacted areas will be given priority and targeted for control in order to limit the spread of weeds. • Infestations in isolated areas will be reported to increase awareness of potential for spread, and scheduled for control. However, if they are classified as restricted weeds action will be taken to remove them. If they are classified as noxious weeds action will be taken to prevent further spread. 3. Size of Infestation • Smaller infestations will be given priority, as success of control is more likely. Controlling smaller infestations first will reduce the potential for weeds to spread into larger more costly areas to manage. • Larger infestations will be managed following the control of smaller infestations, and as resources are available. The perimeter of larger infestations and / or islands from the larger infestation will be targeted first in order to make an impact on the weed population. 4. Cooperative Control Opportunities • Weed infestations that span multiple dispositions or border of responsibility will be targeted for control. Effective control of weed populations in these areas can be achieved once cooperative efforts have been agreed upon. • Weed infestations that span multiple dispositions or border of responsibility will be contained if co-operative efforts cannot be implemented. Control of only part of a larger infestation is often a futile approach and therefore a containment strategy to prevent further spread is more practical in this situation. • Following training of full-time and seasonal staff, weeds that are controlled and need to be removed from a site will be properly disposed of to prevent further spread. • Infestation size and priority for treatment will be determined in discussion with the Forest Health Officer, and/or the County and M.D. Weed Inspector or as designated by the Weed Control Guidelines when developed by the Province. 5. SRD Weed Working Groups A Canfor representative will participate in the ‘Smoky Area Co-operative Weed Management Working Group’ or similar committees as meetings are scheduled. 6. Activities and Inspections Detailed reports and maps are available upon request which outline the control and management activities.
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