Research plan for field studies at the Hyrkkiil8 native
Research plan for field studies at the Hyrkkiil8 native
Working report 97-49e Research plan for field studies at the Hyrkkiil8 native copper mineralization, SW Finland Lasse _Ahonen Geological Survey of Finland Nuria Marcos Helsinki University of Technology Markku Paananen, Seppo Paulamaki Geological Survey of Finland October 1997 POSIVA OY · Mikonkatu 15 A, FIN-00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND Tel. +358-9-2280 30 Fax +358-9-2280 3 7 19 Working report 97-49e Research plan for field studies at the Hyrkk018 native copper mineralization, SW Finland Lasse Ahonen Geological Survey of Finland Nuria Marcos Helsinki University of Technology Markku Paananen, Seppo Paulamaki Geological Survey of Finland October 1997 TEKIJAORGANISAATIOT: Geologian tutkimuskeskus PL 96 (Betonimiehenkuja 4) 02151 ESPOO Teknillinen korkeakoulu Insin66rigeologian ja geofysiikan lab. PL 6200 (Vuorimiehentie 2 A) 02015 TKK TILAAJA: TILAAJAN YHDYSHENKILO: Posiva Oy Mikonkatu 15 A 00100 HELSINKI Uo..+~ TILAUSNUMEROT: Margit Snellman 9600/97/MVS 960 1197/MVS TEKIJAORGANISAATIOIDEN YHDYSHENKILOT: ~~ Lasse Ahonen Posiva Oy GTK ~v\ CL 'tl~i?. Nuria Marcos TKK TYORAPORTTI -97 -49e RESEARCH PLAN FOR FIELD STUDIES AT THE HYRKKOLA NATIVE COPPER MINERALIZATION, SW FINLAND TARKASTAJAT: 7~~Paavo Vuorela proj ektipaallikko GTK Heikki Niini professori TKK Working reports contain information on work in progress or pending completion. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of Posiva. ABSTRACT Lasse Ahonen*, Nuria Marcos** , Markku Paananen*, Seppo Paulamaki* *Geological Survey of Finland **Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Engineering Geology and Geophysics RESEARCH PLAN FOR FIELD STUDIES AT THE HYRKKOLA NATIVE COPPER MINERALIZATION, SW FINLAND The small uranium-mineralization of Hyrkkola in Nummi-Pusula was found in systematic ore exploration studies of the Geological Survey of Finland in the beginning of 1980's. A special feature of this mineralization is the occurrence of native copper together with uranium in narrow pegmatite veins. During the ore exploration phase, five cored boreholes were drilled to the area, so that there is preliminary information on the location and mode of occurrence of metallic copper in the bedrock of the site. However, groundwater chemistry and hydrogeological conditions are not yet known, because the old boreholes are blocked. According to the research plan presented in this report, one or more new boreholes would be drilled to the site for further mineralogical examinations and for groundwater research. The purpose of the proposed research is to study the behaviour of native copper in the bedrock as a natural analogue to the copper canisters placed into the bedrock. The study will comprice 1) comparison of the groundwater composition in Hyrkkola with the groundwaters of the candidate sites for nuclear waste disposal; 2) study of the possible secondary , low-temperature alteration of metallic copper, especially if in contact with groundwater; 3) isotopic studies aiming at estimation of the age and timescale of the possible alteration reactions. KEYWORDS: copper, natural analogue, groundwater, corrosion TIIVISTELMA Lasse Ahonen*, Nuria Marcos**, Markku Paananen*, Seppo Paulamaki* *Geologian tutkimuskeskus *Teknillinen korkeakoulu, lnsin66rigeologian ja geofysiikan laboratorio HYRKKOLAN METALLISEN KUPARIN ESIINTYMAN KENTTATUTKIMUSSUUNNITELMA Nummi-Pusulan Hyrkkolassa sijaitseva pieni uraanimineralisaatio loytyi Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen 1980 luvun alussa tekemissa systemaattisissa tutkimuksissa. Esiintyman erikoispiirre on kapeissa pegmatiittijuonissa yhdessa uraanin kanssa esiintyva puhdas metallinen kupari. Alueelle kairattiin malminetsintatutkimusten yhteydessa viisi kairareikaa, joten luonnonkuparin esiintymispaikoista ja esiintymistavasta on alustavaa tietoa naiden kairausnaytteiden perusteella. Alueen kalliopohjaveden ominaisuuksista ei kuitenkaan ole saatu tietoa, koska kairareiat ovat tukkeutuneet. Tassa raportissa esitetaan suunnitelma, jonka mukaan alueelle kairattaisiin yksi tai useampia uusia kairareikia mineralogisia jatkotutkimuksia ja kalliopohjavesitutkimuksia varten. Tyon tarkoituksena on tutkia metallisen luonnonkuparin kayttaytymista kalliossa luonnonanalogiana kuparikapselille, joka on sijoitettu syvalle peruskallioon. Tutkimuksessa selvitetaan 1) vastaako Hyrkkolan tutkimusalueen pohjavesi ydinjatteen loppusijoitusalueiden pohjavetta; 2) onko metallisessa kuparissa havaittavissa sekundaarista matalan lampotilan muuttumista (korroosiota), erityisesti sen ollessa kosketuksessa pohjaveteen; 3) isotooppimenetelmin mahdollisten muuttumisreaktioiden ikaa ja aikaskaalaa. AV AINSANAT: kupari, luonnonanalogia, pohjavesi, korroosio PREFACE This study has been performed at the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and at the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) on contracts for Posiva Oy. The contact persons were Margit Snellman and Juhani Vira at Posiva, Lasse Ahonen at GTK, and Nuria Marcos at TKK. CONTENTS ABSTRACT TIIVISTELMA PREFACE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Background data 2 2 TARGET AND STRATEGY OF THE HYRKKOLA STUDY 3 3 DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITION OF THE RESEARCH SITE 5 3.1 Regional geology 5 3.2 Geology of the Hyrkkola study site 5 4 3.2.1 Rock types 7 3.2.2 Tectonics 9 3.3 Drilling plan 10 3.4 Quaternary geology and retreat of last glaciation 19 3.5 Soil and groundwater studies of the site 21 RESEARCH PLAN 22 4.1 sampling and monitoring during drilling 22 4.2 core sample research 23 4.2.1 sample analyses 23 4.3 Groundwater sampling and analysis 25 4.3.1 sampling and field measurements 25 4.3.2 Chemical determinations 26 4.4 Other studies 28 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 29 6 REFERENCES 32 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ceneral Chemical stability of copper as a canister material for spent nuclear fuel has been shown by laboratory studies as well as by thermodynamic considerations (e.g., Engman and Hermansson 1994, Ahonen 1995, and references therein). These studies describe well the behaviour of simplified systems, while natural analogues are most suitable in demonstrating the long-term behaviour of complex natural systems. The durability of copper has been studied by means of its archeological analogs, mainly bronzes, which have been preserved hundreds or thousands of years in the near-surface environments (e.g., Hallberg et al. 1988, Miller et al. 1994). Among the possible corrosion-resistant canister materials, metallic copper is the only one for which lifetimes up to billions of years can also be demonstrated by means of natural analogues. The well-known basalt-conglomerate-hosted native copper deposits of Keweenaw Peninsula in Michican were formed about 1.1 Ga ago, and metallic copper was the stable phase of copper during the hydrothermal alteration of the deposit at T ~ 100° - 200° C. According to Schwartz (1996), "There is general agreement that the bulk of native copper has remained texturally stable since the Precambrian metamorphic-hydrothermal event that produced the mineralization. Neither sulfidization nor oxidation of native copper is of any importance". Many of the known occurrences of native copper are associated with basalts originally extruded onto land, being subjected to mildly oxygenated conditions and escape of sulfur. Other typical occurrences are related to mildly oxidized zones of copper sulfide deposits. The physicochemical conditions and mineral parageneses of those occurrences differ from the conditions prevailing within the planned deep nuclear waste repository in Finland. Detailed studies on the behaviour of pure metallic copper in the crystalline bedrock environment in contact with groundwater are still lacking. In this report, we are considering the possibilities to study the native copper occurrence of HyrkkoHi, SW Finland, as a natural analogue to the long-term behaviour of copper canister placed in the bedrock. The HyrkkoHi U-Cu occurrence is hosted by the Svecofennian schist belt (crystalline bedrock), thus having mineralogical and hydrogeological characteristics similar to those of the sites considered for the actual disposal of nuclear waste in Finland. 2 1.2 Background data Systematic mapping of the bedrock of the Somero map sheet (map sheet 2024, scale 1:100 000) was initiated in late 1930's, and the explanation to the map of rocks was published by Simonen (1956). A map of the Quaternary deposits of the same area was published in 1970's (Haavisto et al. 1980). A more detailed mapping of the Quaternary deposits around HyrkkoHi (map sheet 2024 10, scale 1:20 000) has been carried out during the last years. Studies at the HyrkkoHi site were initiated in the beginning of 1980's when the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) carried out car-borne radiometric surveys in the small uranium-bearing province of Nummi-Pusula, being first discovered by airborne measurements. During the spring 1982, anomalous high uranium and thorium concentrations were detected from a drilled well in the village of HyrkkoHi (Hyyppa and Juntunen 1983). During the autumn 1982, detailed study of the quaternary formations were carried out at a restricted area defined by the radiometric anomalies. Surface of the crystalline bedrock was exposed by 16 research pits and trenches (length up to 15 meters) excavated to the till cover (Nenonen and Hakala 1983). Metallic copper and cupric salts associated with uranium minerals were found in one of the trenches, boulders containing metallic copper were also found from the till and from the surface. Copper content of till samples was also analyzed. Airborne low-altitude geophysical measurements (radiometric, electromagnetic, and magnetic) were carried out during 1978 - 1985, and the results are available as maps in the scale 1:100000 (map sheet 2024). Detailed-scale geophysical ground measurements (radiometric, electromagnetic, and magnetic) were carried out during 1983 around the village of Hyrkkola. Distance between measurement lines were 50 meters. During 1984 geological mapping was done in the area southeast of Hyrkkola site (Yrjola 1984). A geological map showing the uranium discoveries of Nummi-Pusula area was published in 1986 (Raisanen 1989). During years 1983 and 1984, five cored boreholes (diameter 46 mm) were also drilled in the Hyrkkola study area. Because the drilling sites were on cultivated land, casings were removed soon after the work was finished. The drillcores were studied by the geologists, reports are available at GTK, and the drillcores and thin sections are stored at GTK. The rock surface in the field area was also sampled by percussion drilling through the soil. Later, Marcos (1996) made a detailed mineralogical study on the occurrence of metallic copper in the drillcores. A particular feature observed was the existence of native copper together with a low-temperature copper sulfide associated with fracturing. 3 2 TARCET AND STRATECY OF THE HYRKKOLA STUDY So far, it is known from the mineralogical studies that native copper occurs in the bedrock of the study site. The mineral paragenesis and mode of occurrence of metallic copper in pegmatite veins suggest that it has been crystallized during the late stage of Svecokarelidic orogeny about 1.8 billion years ago (Marcos 1996). During the geological history, hydrogeological and physicochemical conditions have varied in the bedrock of the site. It is not possible to unravel the complete and detailed history of the physicochemical conditions, which the geological site has undergone since its formation. However, the present hydrogeological conditions can be studied. Moreover, the evolution of the conditions can then be extrapolated backwards to the end of last glaciation and, with increasing uncertainty, even further. Isotopic studies of the groundwater and minerals may give indications of the past conditions and phenomena, for instance the effects of the last glaciation. Certain radioisotopes may give information about processes, which have been active during the last 500 000 years. The aim of the proposed study is 1) to determine the present hydro geological conditions of the site, 2) to observe and investigate the reactions of metallic copper with the groundwater using fresh core samples, and 3) to interpret the results by means of the present knowledge of the possible reactions of copper. The final target is to shed light on the long-term behaviour of metallic copper in the bedrock during a time span of the latest ten to hundred thousands of years. For this target, one or more new cored research boreholes have to be drilled to the site. The main functions of the holes are: 1) to measure and analyze the composition and physicochemical conditions of the groundwater that may recently be in contact with metallic copper; 2) to get new, fresh drill-core samples containing metallic copper, preferentially in contact with different types of groundwaters; 3) to characterize the groundwater flow conditions in the copper-bearing fractures. In the following, the proposed research activities are listed: 4 DRILL-CORE STUDY -general mineralogy and composition -paragenes1s -accessones -amounts (minerals/elements) =>general budget of elemets, e.g., availability of sulfur -alteration/reactions of Cu (in contact with water) -microscale (microscopy) -nanoscale (surface studies) =>identification/observation of the processes -fracture mineral study -co-existing fracture minerals -mineral generations -isotope composition/ratios =>history of the physico-chemical conditions in fracture GROUNDWATER STUDY -chemical composition of water -main elements=> evolution/residence time -minor/trace elements (e.g., Cu) -redox elements Fe, S, (Cu) etc. => redox conditions -gases (e.g., 0 2 ,H2) -Eh, pH =>redox conditions -isotopes =>G.W. evolution -microbes (?) OTHER STUDIES -hydraulic conductivity of the fractures -fracture apertures 5 3 DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITION OF THE RESEARCH SITE 3.1 Regional geology HyrkkoHi study site is situated in the Somero map sheet area. The bedrock is composed of Svecofennian metasediments and metavolcanics, which are penetrated by infracrustal rocks, mainly quartz diorites, granodiorites and granites (Simonen 1956). The supracrustal rocks are mainly mafic-intermediate volcanics (amphibolites and hornblende gneisses ), which are mainly pyroclastics in origin. The metasediments include mica schists and mica gneisses with cordierite and garnet porphyroblasts, and quartz-feldspar gneisses. Most of the quartz-feldspar gneisses have been interpreted as arkose sandstones (Simonen 1956). They are often closely associated with micaceous sediments and gradually pass into mica schists and mica gneisses. In the stratigraphy the metasediments are overlain by the metavolcanics. Regional metamorphism in Somero area took place under the conditions of a low-pressure amphibolite facies (3 - 5 kbar, 550 - 650 OC; Latvalahti 1979, Schreurs & Westra 1986). The foliation is predominantly vertical or steep in the main part of the map sheet. In the near vicinity of the HyrkkoHi area it strikes roughly east-west with subvertical dip (YrjoHi 1984). Folding is isoclinal with fold axes gently plunging to the east. The structure of the Somero area is characterised by several post-folding fault and shear zones (MakeHi 1989). The most prominent of them is the Hirsjarvi or Painio shear zone (Makela 1989, Ploegsma 1989), which lies about 2 km north of Hyrkkola. It displays a left-handed movement with both horizontal and vertical components (Makela op.cit.). The bedrock of the near vicinity of Hyrkkola is shown in Figure 1. 3.2 ceology of the Hyrkkola study site The rocks of the Hyrkkola site are deformed metasediments and metavolcanics, mainly quartz-feldspar gneisses and amphibolites with uranium-bearing granite pegmatite veins parallel to the foliation. The lithology of the Hyrkkola site is shown in Figure 2. ~ ..... HYRKKOLA ~ REGIONAL GEOLOGY ~ LEGEND: Id (I) (1q (5' :::::s ' ,,, p:> ....... (1q (I) 0 ....... 0 (1q '-< 0 H-) g. (I) ~X ,, -\ - -'>.... - - --- - ·- \ " '--"' . - - ' - - """"'- --~-- , _---- - - ;Q PZ / / / \ tit------_ . / -----"" 7~ ~----\ ~- / - ~ '-< ~ o: / -.; ; -~ --C::5" \ c:::::- c?- ~- ,.-- ~ ::_,~ .................... ~ -/ 10 " -:- " - ---- ----.=; ... ". -===~ -~=-="=o 80 " QUARTZ-FELDSPAR GNEISS D MICA GNEISS - GRANODIORITE AMPHIBOLITE - PEGMATITE == p:>: ........... - _._ FOLIATION , STRIKE AND DIP -+- VERTICAL FOLIATION / / FAULT OR FRACTURE ZONE ~ " INTERCALATIONS .::::><::7 VEINS AND INCLUSIONS PZ ....... ~p ~:.~:::;.::iGi: :--'~)(-,..---+-- '-, - D D '\ OUTCROP X -v- '' D ' SCALE : '\ PAINIO SHEAR ZONE HYRKKOLA STUDY SITE 1000 M 0 -+- X GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND 1997 +6713 ,96 MODIFIED AFTER YRJOLA (1984) 0'\ 7 3.2.1 Rock types Amphibolites Amphibolites are homogeneous or banded, fine to medium-grained rocks. The banded amphibolites occur in the northern part of the study site (Fig. 2), and they have been interpreted as pyroclastic sediments in origin. In places they contain calc-silicate (skarn) layers, which have been boudinaged. The main minerals of the amphibolites are hornblende, plagioclase (An32 _ 43 ) and minor diopside (Marcos 1996). Accessory and secondary minerals are quartz, opaques (magnetite, hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, graphite), epidote, clorite and clay minerals. Hematite, epidote and carbonates are typical fracture-filling minerals. Quartz-feldspar gneisses Quartz-feldspar gneisses are light to dark gray, fine to medium-grained, homogeneous or weakly banded. Medium-grained gneisses often show primary volcanic structures and notable porosity (Marcos 1996). The main minerals are quartz, plagioclase (An20 _ 30). Hornblende is the major accessory mineral, where gneisses are in contact with amphibolites. Other accessory minerals are titanite, green apatite, zirkon and opaques (magnetite, graphite, pyrite). Secondary minerals include epidote, chlorite and hematite. Epidote and hematite occur in fracture fillings. Mica gneiss Medium-grained mica gneisses occur in the beginning of the borehole R303. The main minerals are quartz, strongly seritized plagioclase and biotite. Garnet occur as porphyroblasts. Other accessory minerals are opaques, chlorite and amphibole. Granite pegmatites The granite pegmatites occur as veins (0.05 - 5 m) parallel to the foliation in amphibolites and quartz-feldspar gneisses. They are heterogeneous, medium to coarsegrained and light to red in color. The main minerals are quartz, feldspar (mostly microcline) and black tourmaline (Marcos 1996). In the light granites tourmaline occur as an accessory mineral. Other accessory minerals are green apatite, titanite, zirkon, graphite, uraninite and native copper. Secondary minerals are epidote, hematite, cuprite, chalcocite, calcite, uranophane and gummite. 8 49 5.700 ~ ~ 85 ' i x -~---~ ~ ~ )(~----- _ 6715.000 --- -----~---~ x- - s5 - _ l'!... __ ---- ~ -x- . --------- --------- )( X 6 714. 90 0 ---8 -------- ----=-=~~~ _;:.;:-;;:- / ""' ___ ... M16 A304 8 M15 6714. 80 0 _... 0 / / HYRKKOLA Lithology Legend: D Quartz-feldspar gneiss 00 Garnet c::::J Mica gneiss ....-<o Foliation. strike and dip Amphibolite/amphibole gneiss / Vertical foliation - SCALE: Pegmatite (B Borehole G- Research pit or trench X Outcrop compiled by: Seppo Paulam!lki Geological Survey of Finland 1997 Fig. 2. Bedrock of the HyrkkoHi study site. 9 3.2.2 Tectonics The oldest structural feature that has been recognized is a penetrative metamorphic foliation defined by parallel alignment of biotite or amphibole and a week quartzofeldspathic segregation banding. The strike of the foliation is roughly east-west and the dip about 80° towards south (Fig. 3). The quartz and granite veins are often deformed into boudins parallel to the foliation. The folition is in places deformed into isoclinal folds plunging gently to the east. These are occasionaly deformed by folds plunging steeply to the northwest. The fracture zones, based on the interpretation of topographic maps and low altitude aeromagnetic map, are presented in Figure 1. Accordingly, the HyrkkoHi study site is situated between east-west and northwestsoutheast trending fracture zones. One of the interpreted fracture zones cuts the area covered by the boreholes (Fig. 1). It may be represented in the boreholes either by a fracture zone occuring between 39 - 63 m in the borehole 305 or by a fracture zone between 94 - 109 m also in the borehole R305. However, it hasn't been possible to connect them to any other borehole. In the boreholes the open fractures are mostly coated by hematite, epidote, clay minerals, calcite, and Fe-hydroxide (Marcos 1996). Epidote and calcite are the typical fracture filling minerals. The drill cores are not oriented, so the real dips and dip directions of the fractures are not known. However, concerning the dips of the boreholes and the dip of the foliation in the outcrops, some of the hematite coated fractures seem to be dipping gently to the north. N U9' 7.79' 11.5% 14.4% 18.2% 23.1% 2U% P.!r4M Fig. 3. Distribution of foliation in outcrops in the HyrkkoUi study site, N = 26. 10 3.3 Drilling plan New holes possibly drilled for the study of native copper should fulfill the following requirements: 1) new samples of metallic copper should be obtained, 2) drillholes should be available afterwards for groundwater sampling and other possible measurements. In order to facilitate the planning of new drillings, a three-dimensional model of the central study site has been compiled. Within this model, every single lithological unit can be examined separately with respect to an arbitrary drillhole. The model covers the area between drillholes R304 and R305, where X= 6714.830- 6714.930. The modelling has been done utilizing programs PC-XPLOR, GEOMODEL (GemCom Services Inc., 1991, 1992) and Design Cad (America! Small Business Computers Inc., 1992). In Fig. 4, a threedimensional view of the target and the old drillholes is presented as an example. Fig. 4. A three-dimensional view of the lithology of the central study site and the old drillholes. Green= arnhibolite/amphibole gneiss, red= pegmatite, yellow= quartz-feldspar gneiss. Main rock type (empty areas) is quartz-feldspar gneiss. 11 The starting point in drilling simulation was the location of the drillhole on the ground surface at the southern side of the road near the eastern gable of the barn (X= 6714.874, Y = 495.720, Fig. 5). This location was noticed optimal for practical reasons, and it is suitable also from the geological point of view (Fig. 6). The primary aim of the drilling is to intersect copper-bearing pegmatite veins, from which the most interesting are related to a nearly E - W -trending formation of amphibolite/amphibole gneiss. The best intersections nearby have been encountered from the old drillhole R303 at the hole lengths of c. 110- 135 m. TheN- S -trending profile of this old hole is located only 20 m to the W from the beginning of the new hole. Therefore the azimuth of the new hole to the NW towards these intersections would maximize the probability of pegmatite intersections. The simulation of the forthcoming drilling was done by varying the azimuth of the hole between 310° and 360° using the dip values of 45°, 60° and 75°. The results revealed, that the hole should be steeply dipping in order to intersect the pegmatite veins at sensible depths. This will also minimize the risk of collaption of the hole. On the basis of the simulation, the following drilling directions are proposed: 1) azimuth 310°, dip 75°, drilling length c. 100 m. 2) azimuth 340°, dip 75°, drilling length c. 90 m. Three-dimensional views of these proposals are presented in Figs. 7- 10. The diameters of the holes have been exaggerated because of clarity. The predictions of intersections of different geological units are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Possible deviation of the hole(s) has not been taken into account. 12 ' \ ' z" , • \ \ z \ \ • \ ----·-- f- ' z\ \ \ \ \ z\ \ \ \ \z \ \ ., \ PIS \ \ \ ~ \ \ scale 1:625 '\ \ z\ (") 0 \ (") I 0 \ \ so m P5 ' \ Fig. 5. The drilling place, starting point and horizontal projections of the new holes. Locations of the nearest reseach pits and trenches (P5, P6, P7, P15, P16) and the horizontal projection of the old drill hole 303 are marked. The interpreted structural lineament is indicated by Z' s. 13 t/J Q) 0 .c ::se0 :Q.c 2~ O:c:: >-+ ----------~-3~ 1)~ ' ~~ JC ~ C) -.c00 ...:.J Fig. 6. Planview of the lithologies and horizontal projections of the proposed drillholes. 14 F ILES DISPLAY EDIT PARAMETER LII'IES POII'ITS ARC/CIRC SOLIDS BLOCKS SHADE I'I OTES SURFACES II'IFO COLORS CURSOR UIEW H Po Fig. 7. New drillhole with azimuth of310° and dip of75° (blue) and the pegmatite veins to be intersected (red/brown). The old drillholes are printed with grey colour and the violet rings around them mark the copper-bearing intersections. View from the E. 15 F ILES DISPLAY EDIT PARAMETER LINES POINTS ARC/CIRC SOLIDS BLOCKS SHADE NOTES SURFACES lNFO COLORS CURSOR VIEW H pI Fig. 8. New drillhole with azimuth of310° and dip of75° (blue) and the pegmatite veins to be intersected (red/brown). The old drillholes are printed with grey colour and the violet rings around them mark the copper-bearing intersections. View from the N. 16 F ILES DISPLAV PIOTES SURFACES IPIFO COLORS CURSOR UIEW Fig. 9. New drillhole with azimuth of340° and dip of75° (blue) and the pegmatite veins to be intersected (red/brown). The old drillholes are printed with grey colour and the violet rings around them mark the copper-bearing intersections. View from the ESE. 17 BLOCKS SHADE PIOTES SURFACES UtFO COLORS CURSOR UIEW f1 Po Fig.lO. New drillhole with azimuth of340° and dip of75° (blue) and the pegmatite veins to be intersected (red/brown). The old drillholes are printed with grey colour and the violet rings around them mark the copper-bearing intersections. View from the NNE. - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- - - 18 Table 1. Prediction of lithology for proposal1 (310° I 75°). Hole length (m) Rock type 0-41 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 41-43 Pegmatite 43-60 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 60-63 Pegmatite 63 -73 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 73-82 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 82-92 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 92-94 Pegmatite 94- 110 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 110- Quartz-feldspar gneiss Table 2. Prediction of lithology for proposal2 (340° I 75°, R324). Hole length (m) Rock type 0-35 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 35-37 Pegmatite 37-52 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 52-55 Pegmatite 55-60 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 60-66 Quartz-feldspar gneiss 66-80 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 80-82 Pegmatite 82-96 Amphibolitelamphibole gneiss 96- Quartz-feldspar gneiss - 19 3.4 Quaternary geology and retreat of the last glaciation Figure 11 shows a generalized map of the Quaternary deposits around Hyrkkola. The study site is located between Salpausselka II and Salpausselka Ill, two major marginal formations of the last glaciation. These glaciofluvial accumulations consist of eskers and deltas, the material of which is predominantly sand, seconded by gravel. The coarse material is situated in the proximal part of the deltas. The most important esker sequence of the area is situated in the prominent NW-SE trending Painio fracture valley and crush zone, terminating into a large delta formation towards west to southwest of Hyrkkola. Regional crush zones limit the triangular, strongly tectonized block around Hyrkkola. These zones also seem to have controlled the flow of glacial meltwater, which was partly directed to the northern crush zone passing the study site in a distance of about 1 to 2 kilometers. The area inside the triangular Hyrkkola block is mainly covered by a thin (1 to 3 meters) layer of basal till. The area to the north of the Hyrkkola block is covered by four to five meters thick layer of till, forming moraine ridges and hummocks. Topographically, Hyrkkola block is on average 10 to 30 meters lower than the bedrock block to the north of it. To the south of the Hyrkkola block, topographic level is about 30- 60 m lower than in Hyrkkola, and clay deposits become abundant. The striae observations indicate that the last advance of the continental ice-sheet in the area was from WNW (310°). The deglaciation of the area took place about ten thousand years ago. For about 10200 years B.P., withdrawal of the ice margin had temporarily stopped at about five kilometers southeast of the present Hyrkkola study site. The eskers and deltas formed during that time are a part of the discontinuous chain of Salpausselka II ice-margin formations, the ice margin being bordered by the Baltic Ice Lake. In the year 8213 B.C., the Billingen channel in Central Sweden was opened, and the waters of the Baltic Ice Lake discharged into the ocean, leading to a 25 meters lowering of the water level in front of the glacier. Consequently, during the earliest phase of the Yoldia See, the fractures in the bedrock of the present Hyrkkola site were subjected to considerable hydraulic gradient, and intrusion of glacial meltwater into the fracture zones may have taken place. One hundred year later the ice margin had withdrawn to a new position, to the northwest of the present Hyrkkola site, and wide deltas of Salpausselka Ill marginal formation were formed. 20 Cl) Q.) c 0 N .c Cl) = .... u Cl Cl Cl Q Q ,... ·=·=):1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1::.;:l:1:1:1:j:H:I ,... Fig. 11. Quaternary deposits around HyrkkoHi study site I . 21 3.5 soil and groundwater studies of the site The sixteen research pits and trenches around the present study site were excavated to places, where radiometric anomalies and/or copper-bearing surficial boulders had been detected. Except for two pits, the surface of the crystalline bedrock was reached within 0.5 to 3 meters depth (Nenonen and Hakala 1983). The bedrock of the site is mainly covered by a thin (about 1 to 2 meters) layer of boulder-rich basal till. The exceptionally high amount of boulders in till is due to the broken and weathered bedrock surface, the till material being of local origin. Predominant direction of the till material is 305°- 315°, indicating the course of the last glacial movement. In one of the research pits (P16, Fig. 5) an elder till bed was encountered at a depth of about 2.5 meters. Direction of this till bed was 360°. The material was very compact, and boulders were smaller than in the layer above. The southern part of the study site is bordered by cultivated land, in which the uppermost minerogenic layer is silt (thickness about 0.2 to 1 meter). According to the drilling results, total thickness of the quaternary sediments in the field area is about 3 to 5 meters, probably increasing southwards. Copper-bearing bedrock surface was encountered in one of the research trenches (P5). Small amounts of metallic copper was observed as films in feldspar and as oxidized "copper mold". Yellow spots of oxidized uranium salts and molybdenite was also observed (Nenonen and Hakala 1983). The host rock of native copper, the reddish uranium-, tourmaline- and apatite-bearing pegmatite was found in five of the pits or trenches (e.g., P6). Groundwater composition in wells around the village of HyrkkoHi have been analyzed (Hyyppa and Juntunen 1983). One of the reasons initially activating the studies of the site was an anomalously high concentration of uranium (2300 ppb) analyzed from a drilled well in the village. In general, analyzed copper concentrations in the wells were about 1 to 5 ppb, corresponding to average groundwater values in Finland. Copper concentration in the well nearest to the known copper occurrence was 11 ppb, while the highest concentration (29 ppb Cu) reported in the study was analyzed from a well located about 5 kilometers from the village. 22 4 RESEARCH PLAN 4.1 sampling and monitoring during drilling Drilling will be carried out using equipment for drill-hole diameter 76 mm for the following reasons: 1) large amount (diameter 62 mm) of drill core facilitates the fracture mineral studies; 2) the diameter better allows the use of all kinds of bore-hole devices, and later monitoring of packed-off sections. The primary sample obtained is the drill core. In addition to the lithology, information on the distribution of the water-conducting fractures will be obtained. During drilling these fractures are often observed by the driller, because they affect the penetration rate, the water-injection pressure, and the amount and quality of the flushing water recovered. These parameters are recorded by the geologist in communication with the driller. Amount (flow rate) and chemical composition of flushing water (in and out) are going to be monitored. During the retrieval of the drill core, the geologist is supervising the work of drillers assistant. Many of the cuts in the drill core are due to the removal of the drillcore from the tubing and by the fitting of the core to the sample box. Because the cuts often propagate along originally sealed fractures, first examination of the core should be done during its removal from the drilling tube. A more thorough examination of the core, as well as an initial sampling of the fracture surfaces will take place when the sample is properly assembled into the sample box. However, if the solid material is sampled for microbial studies, the samples should be taken aseptically (sterile gloves, breathe mask) immediately after the removal of the core from the drilling tube. During drilling flushing water is injected via the drilling rods and the water is recovered outside the rods. Difference in the composition of water injected and water recovered gives some preliminary information on composition of formation water (e.g., salinity may be seen by measuring the electrical conductivity of flushing water). 23 4.2 core sample research Analyzing major elements, and determining mineral composition, especially fracture mineral and mineral surface composition provides data to be used in: modelling of the water-rock interaction; an explanation to the groundwater composition (e.g., aqueous speciation) getting an approach to the mechanisms of mineral-surface reactions (basis to the stability of copper or copper sulfide in the groundwater environment) determining the elements/minerals controlling the Eh- and pH-conditions and buffering capacities. 4.2.1 sample analyses The determination of major and minor elements involved in water-rock interaction processes is assessed by whole-rock chemical analyses. A minimun of 5 to 10 samples is necessary in order to get representative results. The analytical methods considered are XRF (X-ray fluorescence) for major elements analyses and ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry) for trace-elements analyses. Definition of the native copper stability and dissolution requires studies of composition, structure, and surface (especially in fracture surface minerals) alteration of copper minerals. The relatively easiest available techniques to get adequate information on mineralogy, composition, and structure are listed below. * Thin-polished sections * Polarizing microscopy * EPMA Electronprobe Microanalyser * XRD X-ray diffraction * AFM Atomic Force Microscopy Thin-polished sections are used in polarizing microscopy to define the petrology of the rocks (main minerals, accessories, secondary minerals, mineral paragenesis) at a microscale. 24 EPMA is used to analyze quantitatively and semiquantitatively composition of minerals also at a microscale. The detection limit of quantitative analyses may reach the order of 10 ppm. The characteristics and properties of the EPMA CAMECA SX 50 at de GTK (Geological Survey of Finland) have been described by Johanson and Kojonen (1995). XRD method is the only one which allows the characterization of clays and other powdered mineral phases usually present within fracture surfaces. This method may be also used to characterize well crystallized phases which are difficult to distinguish by chemical analyses (because of similar composition) and/or by polarizing microscopy (because of similar optical properties). It is known that the surface of minerals (sulfides, oxides) may adsorb and/or reduce metals in solution (e.g., Jean and Bancroft 1986, Hochella 1990, White and Peterson 1996, and references therein). At this respect the microtopography of mineral surfaces may control certain mineral-water interface reactions (e.g., Dibble and Tiller 1981). AFM is applied to determine mineral surface microtopography and atomic structure. It can be used to imagine particles that are attached firmly to a surface (Binnig et al. 1986) and it has been recently used in a study of the adsorption of mineral colloids (Johnson and Lenhoff 1996). Although the main aim of this investigation is to explain the long-term behaviour of metallic copper in a bedrock similar to that of the final repository sites, the presence of uranium (see above) allows the application of phase selective extraction techniques (SET). These may give information about the mode of uranium fixation in copper sulfide. Measurements of the activity ratios (AR) from the U-238 decay series provides information of the geochemical behaviour of uranium with respect to copper sulfide within the last 500 000. This may indirectly give a minimum age estimation of the existence of copper sulfide and, thus a minimum age of the end of the sulfidization process (it is not known whether the sulfidization process is or is not actual). Native copper, copper sulfide, smectites and calcite occurred within fracture surfaces (Marcos 1996). Getting similar samples would allow the study of interactions among these minerals and -especially- mineral-water interactions in an uranium-rich environment. A study of sorption processes onto fracture surface minerals (calcite, smectite, copper sulfide) would be of the upmost interest in modelling the interactions and behaviour of the near-field materials in a repository environment. The application of stable sulfur isotopes may provide information on the source of sulfur in minerals and water. Isotope analyses for 13 C may indicate the origin (inorganic/organic) of carbon also in minerals and groundwater. 25 4.3 croundwater sampling and analysis 4.3.1 sampling and field measurements The possible water-sampling equipments considered are: 1) mobile laboratories (Posiva Oy or SKB); 2) construction or modification of a new 'light' packer sampling system. In the decision of the drilling place, accessibility by laboratory wagons was taken into consideration, thus the option 1 is recommended, if available. An important point is that the SKB mobile laboratory will be used at Palmottu during summer 1997. If not urgently needed elsewhere, use of the same equipment at HyrkkoHi would be effective in terms of transport and time requirements. A third option is only recommended, if other equipments are not available. The 'lightweight' packer samplers available at GTK are especially designed to fit slim boreholes. If they are used, packers in these equipments should be replaced by larger ones, and construction would also otherwise require to be modified (e.g., valve system, pumping principle etc.). Parameters measured or analyzed during sampling in the field include Eh, pH, 0 2, temperature, sulfide, iron (Fe2+/FetoJ, acidity, alkalinity, uranine. Depending on the sampling equipment and personnel available, other analyses may also be included according to the specifications given (e.g., Ruotsalainen et al. 1994). If possible, 'in situ' redox and pH measurements should be made in addition to the on-line measurements on the ground surface. Main campaign of groundwater sampling will be carried out during autumn 1997, about 2 to 5 months after drilling. After groundwater sampling, a couple of the most important fracture zones will be isolated by packers in such a way that later groundwater sampling from isolated sections can be carried out. Total amount of groundwater samples to be analyzed is uncertain: We estimate that in a borehole (/ boreholes), with a total length of about 200 meters, there are four or less good, water conductive fractures (/fracture zones) to be sampled. Pumping time from one fracture would be about 2-3 weeks, pumping rates about 50 - 200 ml /min and, consequently, total water volume extracted from one sampling section is about 1000 6000 1. 26 4.3.2 Chemical determinations The groundwater samples are going to be analyzed for major components, trace elements and relevant isotopes. An example of analytical packages (ICP-MS) for groundwater cations is given in Table 2. Anions (Cl,Br,F,P04,S04 ,N03) are going to be analyzed by ion chromatography, and alkalinity by titration. Major dissolved components will be used as input data for water-rock interaction- and groundwater evolution modelling. Total dissolved copper in groundwaters is normally within the detection limits given in Table 3. For the geochemical behaviour of copper, the most important dissolved components are the redox elements sulfur and iron. The stable isotope ratio of water (80-18, 8D) provides information on the temperature of precipitation, being thus the most important tool to identify possible glacial components in groundwaters, while high tritium content of groundwater indicates present groundwater recharge. The stable isotope (8S-34, 80-18) content of aqueous sulphur compounds (chiefly SO/-, H 2S and HS-) may provide information on the origin of the sulphur, and the kind of redox processes involving sulphur. Furthermore, the 80-18 content of aqueous sulphate possibly indicates residence time indirectly, when correlated to its residence time within the groundwater system (Pontes 1994). The naturally occurring radioisotope of carbon, C-14, may provide information about flow rates and residence times of groundwater in systems with straightforward patterns of flow and geochemical evolution (Pearson et al. 1991 ). The determination of C-14 contents in groundwater is a common tool for the determination of age-relations and less often absolute ages within the aquifer. Ratios of stable carbon C-13 and oxygen 018 isotopes relflect the origin of minerals and of dissolved carbonate species and may also provide insight into the sources of groundwater itself (Pearson et al. 1991). The chlorine isotope, Cl-37, can also be used in estimating the residence time of groundwater. 27 Table 3. The ICP-MS package (140MP) of GSF. For the given determination limits, amount of total dissolved solids are assumed to be less than 0.2%. - 137M p.g/1 Ag AI As B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe K Li Mg Mn Mo Na Ni Pb Rb Sb Se Si Sr Th 1 100 0.04 30 10 100 0.02 400 0.06 0.03 138M 139M 140M p.gll p.g/1 p.gll 0.01 1 0.05 0.5 0.04 0.01 1 0.05 0.5 0.04 0.1 0.03 100 0.02 0.02 0.2 0.04 30 10 0.3 100 0.02 0.03 400 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.5 600 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.05 0.5 0.04 0.1 0.03 10 0.02 0.02 0.2 0.04 5 10 0.3 0.4 0.02 0.03 15 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.5 10 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.1 100 0.02 0.2 0.04 30 10 100 0.02 0.03 400 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.5 600 n u V Zn 0.1 0.1 28 4.4 Other studies In a single hole, hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic head distribution could be measured using the 'TVO flow-meter'. If two or more boreholes are available, crosshole tests between boreholes would give additional information on the hydraulic connections and their continuity. After the groundwater sampling and other measurements, some most interesting sections are going be sealed off by packers for long-term head measurements, and later groundwater sampling. For that reason, packers fitting the drill-hole diameter are required. If very accurate packer locations are not needed, packers may be lowered by wire, which will reduce costs. 29 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The general progress of the proposed project was outlined in the foregoing description. The whole succession of sampling and analyses are based on techniques frequently used before in many different projects. Consequently, in a technical sense, the project can be carried out within the given time table given in Table 4. However, the most important question is if the project is able to provide information/data on the study site as a relevant natural analogue to the behaviour of copper canister in similar repository conditions. It is not possible to forecast the amount and quality of samples that will be obtained. With this respect, the scientific feasibility of the project is defined here as a succession of two levels of achievements depending upon the quality of the samples: 1. Samples where metallic copper is not in contact with groundwater The yield of water in the new boreholes may allow groundwater sampling from depths corresponding to the known occurrences of metallic copper and from even deeper levels. This would make possible to compare 1) groundwater conditions in Hyrkkola to those studied in the Posiva's site characterization program and 2) -through an extrapolation- the geochemical data obtained to the thermodynamic data used in modelling corrosion of copper canisters. 2. Samples where metallic copper is in contact with groundwater Even if the first level of information defined above is considered as a notable result with respect to the needs of performance assessment of the nuclear waste disposal, the research project is strongly focused on obtaining direct observations of the metallic copper surfaces exposed to the groundwater. So far, this type of information has not been available, not in microscopic scale, but even less on atomic level studied by AFM. The results may be thus of great scientific importance, supporting the status of nuclear waste disposal programs within hydrogeochemical research in deep bedrock. Getting insight of the time scale of the processes (e.g., sulfidization) and evolution of groundwater is the most challenging part of the work planned. The use of isotopic tools similar to those described in section 4.3.2 are currently planned within the frames of many paleohydrogeological research programs. Obtaining information on the time scale of the processes would be of the upmost profit of the study. ~ ~ t'D ~ ~ -98 -97 §' (!) May I Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb I Mar Apr May .-+ ~ 1--' (!) Project preparation 0 H) g. Planning and preparation of drilling (!) "'d 1-1 t.2. (!) Drilling and sampling Drill core studies Groundwater sampling Groundwater analyses Isotope studies (Rock & Groundwater) Analyses of results and final report (") .-+ .................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................................................. w 0 31 There are only a few countries in the world, which use the corrosion-resistant copper canister in their spent-fuel disposal concept. Consequently, there is very little experimental data and observations on the behaviour of metallic copper in the reducing conditions of the deep bedrock. As with the other components of the multibarrier system, we have to be able to show that the theoretical calculations on the stability of copper are in accordance with direct observations. The appropriate time scale and relevant physicochemical conditions for such observations are most easily met by studying natural analogs. A straightforward benefit of the project is the ability to demonstrate the long-term stability of metallic copper within geological time scales and hydrogeochemical conditions of deep bedrock. This approach is most useful in public acceptance, that is, the demonstration of the stability of copper to non-specialists. Detailed studies of the surfaces of native copper are also expected to bring more information on the actual corrosion processes of metallic copper. For the performance assessment of the copper canister, the primary distinction is between the corrosion concept: anoxic-sulfidic corrosion producing cuprous sulfide or mildly oxic corrosion producing cuprous oxide. The present Finnish concept (e.g., Vieno et al. 1992, Ahonen 1995) considers the sulfidic corrosion as the main process in considering the long-term behaviour of copper in the deep bedrock. However, after the closure of the repository, a short period of partly oxygenated conditions may prevail. Deglaciation of continental ice sheet may also cause transient intrusion of oxygen-rich water into fracture zones of the bedrock. Results from HyrkkoHi study may give us information on the relative importance of these different modes of corrosion. Due to the thinner canister wall of copper canister together with the assumed lack of sulfide in the disposal environment, oxic forms of reaction products are considered as prevalent in the Canadian concept (e.g., King et al. 1992). 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