What is a Supplemental Tax Bill?
What is a Supplemental Tax Bill?
Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector WHAT IS A SUPPLEMENTAL TAX BILL? (which is in addition to your Secured Property Tax Bill - BOTH TAX BILLS MUST BE PAID) You are receiving the enclosed Supplemental Property Tax Bill as a result of the County Assessor increasing the value of your property due to a recent purchase or completion of new construction. The increased supplemental valuation is the result of the difference between the previous assessed value of the property and the new purchase price (or new construction value) as determined by the Assessor. Any questions regarding the valuations should be directed to the Assessor’s Office at (714) 834-2727. Please note the following information about your bill: 1. If your annual Secured Property Taxes are impounded and paid by your mortgage lender, the Supplemental Property taxes are usually not paid through your mortgage lender. Please contact your mortgage lender immediately to determine whether they will be making the payment on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure payment is received by the required due dates to avoid being charged a delinquent penalty. 2. The Supplemental Property Tax Bill does not replace or cancel in any way the annual Secured Property Tax Bill, which you may or may not have received. Both the Supplemental Property Tax Bill and the Secured Property Tax Bill must be paid timely in order to avoid delinquent penalties. All tax bills can be viewed/printed online at ocgov.com/octaxbill. If you did not receive a Secured Property Tax Bill, please note that it may be in the previous homeowner’s name. A duplicate copy is available on our website at ocgov.com/octaxbill. 3. Payment of the Supplemental Property Tax Bill is due by the dates specified on the front of the bill to avoid delinquent penalties. Please refer to your Supplemental Property Tax Bill for the correct due dates as they may differ from the due dates provided on the annual Secured Property Tax Bill. PROPERTY TAX ASSISTANCE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, BLIND, OR DISABLE PERSONS: The CA state budget did not include funding for the Gonsalves-DeukmejianPetris Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Law, which provides direct cash assistance. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) will not issue Homeowner and Renter Assistance (HRA) Program instruction booklets and will not accept HRA claims. For the most current information on the HRA Program, go to ftb.ca.gov and search for hra. Convenient Online Property Tax Tools Available at ocgov.com/octaxbill: • Pay property taxes online by eCheck at no cost using your checking account information • Access 5 years of property tax bills online. • Pay online by Visa Personal debit card (flat fee of $3.95 applies). • Pay online by credit card with (2.3% service fee, minimum charge of $3.95 applies) • Print or email receipts available. Receive same day credit for payments. • View properties using our GIS map at ocgov.com/octaxmap • Email questions to [email protected] PAYMENT OPTIONS: ✓ Online at ocgov.com/octaxbill ✓ By telephone at (714) 834-3411 ✓ Home Banking ✓ Mail ✓ In Person Scan this QR code to view/pay your property tax bill online
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