February 2016 - District of Summerland
February 2016 - District of Summerland
Mayor: Peter F. Waterman Councillors: Richard Barkwill, Toni Boot, Erin Carlson, Doug Holmes, Janet Peake and Erin Trainer Box 159, 13211 Henry Ave. Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0 Phone: 250-494-6451 Fax: 250-494-1415 Website: summerland.ca Email: [email protected] facebook.com/SummerlandBC A Newsletter from the District of Summerland February 2016 PLEASE DO NOT PUT PLASTIC BAGS OR GLASS IN YOUR RECYLING BLUE BAGS Just a friendly reminder that the following items are NOT permitted in your blue bag curbside recycling: Plastic bags of any type - when blue bag recycling is emptied onto the conveyor at the sorting facility, the bags get caught in the conveyor belt! Glass of any type - when blue bag recycling is tossed into the collection truck the glass can break which can potentially injure workers. CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP A SUCCESS The Summerland Fire Department and the Summerland Dry Grad 2016 class would like to thank everyone who participated in the Christmas Tree Pickup this year. Your generosity helped the grads raise $1579.50. Each year the Summerland Fire Department along with graduating students collect Christmas Trees from residents’ homes for a donation. Trees are then chipped and used for compost. CELEBRATE CANADA’S HERITAGE WEEK FEBRUARY 15TH –21ST Summerland’s Heritage Advisory Commission invites you to enjoy a one hour presentation by well-known Kettle Valley Railway historian and author Joe Smuin on Saturday, February 20th at 2pm. This event is free and will be held in the basement of the old library on Wharton St. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. Doors open at 1:30pm and with this popular speaker it is recommended that you arrive early to avoid disappointment. Plastic bags, films, and overwrap and clear or coloured non-deposit bottles and jars may be recycled at the Landfill Recycling Depot only. Please visit our website at www.summerland.ca for further details. BUS SERVICE Summerland has a scheduled fixed route service available for everyone to get around Summerland, Trout Creek and to Penticton and back. Bus stops are marked with a sign and a red curb. Schedules are available at Municipal Hall and on our website. The bus operates Monday - Friday excluding holidays. A one-way fare to Penticton is $4.00 and within Summerland is $2.00. Children under ten are free. Ten ticket passes are sold and for those who ride often there is a monthly pass available. Tickets can be purchased at Municipal Hall, the Aquatic Centre or directly from the driver (if you have exact change). handyDART SERVICE The handyDART is a door-to-door transit service for people unable to take fixed route bus service (unable to get to the bus stops). Customers will be picked up and taken to their destination. This can be used for appointments or social visits. Service within Summerland or to Penticton must be prebooked by calling 250-492-5814. One-way fares are $2.00 in Summerland and $4.00 to Penticton. If you have an attendant, they travel for free. Be sure to book early as space and time is limited. The Summerland transit system is cost shared with BC Transit and available Monday - Friday excluding holidays. TAXI SAVER PROGRAM FAMILY DAY—District of Summerland offices and the Landfill will be closed for Family Day on Monday, February 8th. The Regular Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 9th at 7pm. Taxi Saver Coupons are available to people over the age of 65 or for those with physical or mental disabilities. Eligible individuals can purchase an $80 sheet of Taxi Saver Coupons to be used with Summerland Taxi at a cost of $40 (a 50% subsidy). One sheet is permitted per month. Coupons are not transferable. Application forms are available at Municipal Hall. For inquiries, please call Municipal Hall at 250-494-6451. A Few Council Highlights... Check our website for full Council Minutes, Agendas and Broadcasts of meetings. Municipal Hall also has paper copies available. Shaw TV broadcasts on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:00am. Approval was given to Skaha Kennel Club’s application to host a dog show at Summerland’s Living Memorial Park (Snow Ave.). The event will take place September 9th, 10th and 11th and will include overnight camping. Summerland Council wishes to provide a leadership role to assist in the Syrian refugee crisis and to welcome refugees to our community. Members of the community have formed a group to identify resources and offer support to refugee families. Councillor Holmes has been appointed as Council Liaison to the Summerland Refugee Sponsorship Group. The District will provide administrative and technical support. Inquiries can be made to [email protected]. Due to many municipalities in the Province facing school closures, Council has put forward a resolution to SILGA (Southern Interior Local Government Assoc.) urging SILGA to investigate the adequacy of funding for education and to actively engage in the public consultation process before schools close. Council considered the street names for the new Lighthouse Landing subdivision in Trout Creek. Both Johnson Street and Dale Avenue will be extended into the subdivision until they intersect and the remainder of the road that goes into the culde-sac will be named Lighthouse Landing. PROVINCIAL SALES TAX (PST) - SUBMIT YOUR FORM SO WE GET IT RIGHT The purpose of the letter received by all utility customers is to obtain clarification regarding electrical usage at their property. Customers who use electricity for residential or farm purposes only are exempt from paying PST. It is Provincial legislation that customers who use electricity for business, commercial, non-profit activities, or short term vacation rental purposes pay PST on the utility bill. The District requires this information from customers to comply with PST legislation. It is important that we receive your response to ensure that our records are accurate. If we don’t receive a response, the District will not be responsible for future discrepancies should your account be subject to a PST audit by the Province. If you have any questions regarding the letter, please contact District staff at 250-494-6451 or email [email protected]. IS YOUR DOG A FUGITIVE? LAST CALL FOR SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES The District of Summerland’s Meter Base Surge Arrester Program will end in the spring of 2016. All orders must be in by March 31, 2016. Installations will be completed by the end of April. Please be aware that residential meter base surge arresters will not protect your electrical system against a surge of the magnitude of the event that occurred in November of 2014 but can provide protection against lower over voltage surges. DOG LICENCES FOR 2016 ARE DUE Dogs over 6 months old are required to be licenced in Summerland. The District will order and install meter base surge arresters for those customers interested in the program. The cost of a surge arrester is $185.00 including GST and must be paid by the homeowner prior to the District ordering. The installation will be completed free of charge by the District. For more information please see the District of Summerland website at www.summerland.ca. FortisBC Rebates To learn about energy-efficient rebates when upgrading appliances, building new or renovating, please visit the FortisBC website www.fortisbc.com. FortisBC also has an Energy Conservation Assistance Program and Free Energy Saving Kits available for income qualified electrically heated homes. Contact FortisBC directly for information. THANK YOUR SNOW ANGEL Has someone helped you out this winter by shovelling your walkway? The Mayor would like to thank them for making our community a better place. The deadline to submit their name to receive a certificate and have their name entered into a draw for a prize is February 22, 2016. Nomination forms are available on the website or at Municipal Hall. BUSINESS LICENCES FOR 2016 ARE NOW DUE. TO AVOID A PENALTY, PLEASE PAY BY FEBRUARY 15TH.