Nu Flow Nashville Conference – Feb 23


Nu Flow Nashville Conference – Feb 23
Nu Flow Nashville Conference – Feb 23rd
Our Mission
We at Nu Flow are excited to bring you new and
innovative ways for rehabilitating pipe and conduit. Our
newsletter is designed to keep our Licensees and Clients at the forefront of the industry and what is happening at Nu
Flow: from industry and market news, to technology, and new techniques. The Nu Flow newsletter will be delivered
quarterly with a flash update every month.
Table of Contents:
1. Nashville – 2005 Pumper Cleaner Show
Agenda & Attendee List
2. Sarasota LCL Project Announcement and Details
3. Why Dig Web Launch
4. NSF 14 Approval for Nu Flow
5. Product Releases
Potable Water
6. Nu Flow Down Under Updates
7. Lincoln Sewer Featured Licensee
8. Feature Story
Nu Flow Job Success @ Mr. Rooter Rochester
9. Installation News
10. Interesting Articles
11. Nu Flow appearance in various publication
12. Welcome New Licensee
13. Referral Program
Share the Wealth Program
14. Nu Flow Calendar
The Expo is the world's largest annual exhibition of its kind,
serving onsite wastewater treatment and portable sanitation
Nashville 2005 Pumper & Cleaner Show & NLAC
professionals, industrial vacuum contractors, drain and sewer
cleaning and maintenance specialists, and industrial cleaning
service providers. Running February 23-26, it offers nearly 400
exhibits in 342,000 square feet of show space.
Nu Flow Licensee Associate
Conference (NLAC) Agenda
All customers are invited to the first bi-annual Nu Flow Licensee Associate Conference held during the 2005
Pumper & Cleaner Show to make it more convenient for attendees.
LOCATION: Nashville, TN
Time Slot
Presented by
Nu Flow – The future is now!
Allan Clark & Cameron Manners
New Product Release
Cameron Manners
Marketing For Profit
Allan Clark
Installers Workshop Training Program
Marketing Strategy
Allan Clark
Project of the Year
Rod Porter & Rob Richards
Cocktail Party
Nu Flow Suite
Sarasota LCL Project Announcement and Details
Based on the successfully completion of the Sarasota LCL project, Nu Flow is awarded 500 LCL’s in the Sarasota
county area by Insituform technologies and will be opening a field office there shortly.
Why Dig Web Launch
We are please to announce our web launch. This
website is dedicated to Trenchless Repair Marketing Program,
and is an excellent source to learn the latest Trenchless Repair
Technology. will take your company to a brand
new level. The website will be ready for both non-members and
members Feb 25, 2005. Anyone who is participating in our Marketing
Campaign will have the access to the member area.
The followings are the list of companies who are members of the Marketing Co-op:
• 1st Quality Plumbers
• Allen's Plumbing/1 Hour
• Joe & Lorraine Diaz Inc./DBA Mr.
• Performance Plumbing
• Performance Plus Plumbing
• Lead Services Corporation
• Rooter Man London
• Alliance Integration Inc.
• Lincoln Sewer & Drain
• Rooterman of Hudson
• APL Great Lakes
• Lowery Plumbing Heating & Air
• Rooterman of Leominster
• Archdekin Plumbing
• Master Tech Plumbing
• Service Now Plumbing
• BNR Plumbing DBA B&R
• Midway Plumbing
• Sewer Solutions
• City Wide Sewer & Drain Service
• Mr. Rooter of Rochester
• Sorensen Group
• Mr. Rooter of SE
• Tech 2 O
Emergency Rooter
• Cole Plumbing Inc.
• Cornell Video Inspection Services
• Dig Free Sewer Restortation
Minnesota/Fredrixon Bros
• North Georgia Enviromental
• Drain Man
• Nu Flow Australia
• Drain Savers
• O'Connell's Plumbing
• Tru Flow
• T.R.S. Inc.
• Walter Pickett Plumbing
• Wilson Plumbing
NSF/ANSI Standard 14 Plastic Piping System Components
and Related Materials is a consensus standard that enables comprehensive assessment of plumbing
system products, materials, and ingredients. The assessment is for health effects, quality control, quality
assurance, marking, material property requirements, long-term strength evaluation, and short-term product
performance evaluation to various standards such as ASME, ASTM, ASSE, etc. NSF/ANSI Standard 14 is
used to evaluate a product for the minimum performance requirements. If the product is to be used with
potable water, the product is also evaluated to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 to meet the NSF/ANSI Standard 14
potable water requirements. NSF conducts its own testing, review, and facility inspections when certifying
products. NSF/ANSI Standard 14 addresses health and performance, NSF/ANSI Standard 61 only
addresses health effect concerns.
NSF 14 Approval For Nu Flow
Nu Flow Receives the NSF Seal of Approval
Potable Water Introduction
Nu Flow is introducing the hot & cold pipe
restoration system that is capable of cleaning and
coating water lines with our patented epoxy lining
material. The system restores ½” – 10” diameter
pipes. After restoration, pipes will never pit, corrode
or scale
Nu Flow Down Under Updates
After successfully opened its door to public for 7 month, Nu
Flow Australia currently has seven licensees signed up
with a possible four signing within the next few weeks.
The manufacturing will be up and running in mid to late
March. Nu Flow Australia has sales including licensing
fees of approximately $ 250,000.00 from July last year until
We will be seeing them in the 2005 Annual Pumper &
Cleaner show in Nashville.
Current Signed Up Licensees:
Clearflow Specialised Services Pty Ltd
Pipehunter Pty. Ltd
Drains R Us
Jeremy MacPherson Plumbing
Under Control P/L T/A Dr Drains
Westwater p/l T/A Drainwise
Action Pipecam
Lincoln Sewer Featured Licensee
An overwhelming sewer odor was the main
the cleanout with a long
complaint in the front office of the Countryside Village
screwdriver to help the
Mobile Home Community in South Bend, Indiana. An
pulling end come up and
unseen crack had developed in the trap of the floor
around the bottom of the
drain causing the water in the trap to leak out over a 2
trap. The liner was
hour period, causing the bathroom to become filled
pulled until the felt
with an overwhelming sewer odor.
reached the “discharge”
After checking out the situation, we gave two
or drain level of the exit
estimates. The first estimate was for $650 to break
pipe. This left about ¼”
out and replace the floor drain in the conventional
of felt sticking up into the
way. The second estimate was to install a C.I.P.P.
bowl area. Next we gently inflated the bladder with 15 lbs.
liner in the p-trap for $850. The office manager chose
of air pressure and kept a close eye on the “ends”. The
to install the liner because they did not want to have
heavily taped pulling end did not break the tape so we
to replace the linoleum.
reached inside the cleanout and removed it with a
We began by thoroughly cleaning and
screwdriver and “claw” removal tool.
vacuuming the line and then took a rough
At this point, we took the leftover epoxy in the
measurement of approximately 14” of trap to be
mixing cup and poured the excess on the outside of the
lined. We installed our ends and fed a pulling cable
liner (in the bowl area). The excess epoxy continued to
through the trap (no swivel). We did a dry run to be
seep around the liner and eventually spread all the way
sure the end and liner would negotiate the trap and
around the liner and around to the cleanout where it flared
checked our felt length and trimmed off about 1”. We
did not use any retaining sleeves because we would
We played with the air pressure – going up to a
be watching both exposed ends very carefully to
maximum of 20 lbs. and watching the ends. After 3 ½
avoid over-expansion.
hours, we deflated the bladder, and with a screwdriver,
We mixed approximately one pound of fast
gently pushed it away from the felt liner in the bowl area
epoxy by “volume” which means using 3 small paper
and the cleanout. At that point it completely released
cups and filling two of them with part A and one cup
from the trap area, and was loose inside the trap. We
with part B and mixing them in a larger plastic cup
visually inspected it with a flashlight and it looked
with a drill and an Allen wrench for a mixer. We
perfect. Next, we lifted up the “pulling end” and cut
removed the felt to wet it out, and then pushed it back
through the bladder and then pulled the “air end” back
over the bladder. We taped the pull end very well so
with the “air hose”.
the felt would not get snagged while going around the
We re-inspected our work with a flashlight and
trap. We taped the liner tightly every 3” with 1 ½
were amazed at how good it looked. It was a perfect 180º
wraps of green tape.
bend and best of all; it was “watertight” – no more sewer
While installing the liner we pulled gently on the
gas! The next time we line a trap, we will use “hot water”
pulling cable while shaking down on the liner to help it
and cure it out in one hour as we feel that lining traps is
negotiate the bend in the trap. We reached down into
very easy using the Nu Flow Technique.
Feature Story
Nu Flow Job Success @ Mr. Rooter Rochester
Glenn Rice
Installation News
Nu Flow Australia won this contract due to no other systems in
Australia being able to carry out the lining on a project this size
and type of installation. The company that contracted us
confirmed this, as they had approached other companies and
were told it was not an installation they could do with their
technology. All lines had to be high pressure jet cleaned and
CCTV inspected from the 26th floor to the basement.
The liners were installed from the 26th floor down to the 13th
floor where an access panel was cut in to the pipe for the
remaining liners to be installed from there to the basement. The
access panels were then lined over after all other liners were
installed. The reason we had to cut in the access panels was
because of the amount of 45 degree and 90 degree changes
of direction in the down pipes (rain leaders). There were up to
14 changes of direction in each line and each pipe was
constructed of 6" screwed galvanized pipe which have very
tight bends which in some cases were very close together
which made it very difficult for us to pull through our liners. All
works were carried out after hours and we had to deal with a
large amount of down time due to bad weather, lack of coordination between who we were contracted to and the
building company on site and the asset managers of the
building and the building company.
We have learned a lot throughout this project as this was the largest project of this kind of installation to
our knowledge any where in the world. The cost to replace this pipe work during renovation would to our
knowledge have been around $400,000.00. Our price on this project was around $110,000.00 of which we
made a good profit. This also taught us that there was a lot more money to be made in this type of project
that will not be forgotten.
The owners of the building AMP which is a very large insurance company, the builders who carry out a
lot of re-furbishing of high rise buildings and the engineers are extremely happy with our product and
installation. This project revealed to us that you have to plan these installations very carefully. When we
went down to investigate the site we could not get access to the areas to be lined, due to the grates in the
roof sumps being welded in, and tenants moving in on most floors which provided a security problem. We
were informed by the plumbers on site who contracted our company, that there were only changes of
direction on level 26 & 5. We believed them at the time because they had been on site for two years
refurbishing the building [big mistake].
Interesting Articles
HR Magazine Article
Nu Flow Appearance in Various Publications
Cleaner Magazine
Job Site Magazine
Trenchless Technology Magazine
PM Magazine
Welcome New Licensee
We welcome these new licensees that have recently joined Nu Flow Licensee Network
Tru Flow
Wilson plumbing
Performance Plumbing
3 B's Sewer & Drain Service
Expert Drain
Buget Drain
American Pipe Lining Great Lakes
Performance Plumbing
Tri State
Video Pipe
Referral Program
Share the Wealth Program
This is a referral program for licensee of Nu
Flow. We will be giving $500 cash reward for
any referral that’s given to Nu Flow. There will
be a form under Nu Flow member web page
for any company that’s interested in this
program to fill out the information.
For more detail, email [email protected]
Nu Flow Calendar
Feb 23, 05
Nu Flow National Conference (part of Pumper Cleaner Show)
Nashville, TN
Feb 23-26, 05
2005 Pumper Cleaner Show
Nashville, TN
Feb 26, 05
GLAA PHCC Trade Show
Pomona, CA
Mar 17-18, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Apr 21- 22, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Apr 23-28, 05
Gaylord Palms No Dig Show
Orlando, FL
May 19-20, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
June 16-17, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
July 21-22, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Aug 18-19, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Sept 15-16, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
For electronic version of newsletter,
please visit