searchable chronological listing - Hamilton County Genealogical


searchable chronological listing - Hamilton County Genealogical
Searchable listing of every name found in
Hamilton County, Ohio, Wills 1791-1850
Abstracted by JoAnn Riley McKey
Read the wills at–
Researchers should search for every conceivable variant of a name–those who wrote the wills were quite creative that way. For example,
one individual, whose name must have been Oliver, was listed as Allover in his benefactor’s will. Names also may have suffered in their
translation from German or because of marginally legible handwriting. W hen names appeared with multiple spellings, the different variants
were noted in this list. The names of court officials (judges, clerks, etc) are not included in these abstracts.
Vol pg
yr mo day
25 504
1791 12 10
Butler, Richard
wife & children
(testator was a Maj Gen who was
mortally wounded)
Dr Charles Brown
04 242
1791 12 12
Bradford, James (Capt)
wife Margaret; unborn child
(testator had been injured by Indians)
Robert Bunten
18 472
1792 01 10
Gibson, George (Lt Cl)
Cumberland Co PA
wife Anne; sons Francis W est
Gibson, George Patrick Henry
Gibson, W illiam Cherney Gibson,
Matthias John Bannister Gibson;
nephew Robert Colander
Thos Dunkin; Jasper Yates; Charles
Smith; Thomas Smith; Maxwell Bines;
Mahlon Ford; Thomas Doyle
25 503
1792 04 04
Gerard, Joseph
wife Elizabeth; sons Reece, W illiam;
daughters Rachel, Joanna
Jesse Gerard; W illiam Gerard; Elias
Gerard; Henry Debolt; George Shinn
04 249
1793 08 30
Blair, W illiam (Cpl)
Thomas Aikens
Sgt Richard Green
04 249
1794 02 11
Hughes, Hugh (Pvt)
Ft W ashington
Cpt Mahlon Ford
David Strong; John H Bennett
11 378
1794 03 05
Linthecome, Cobus
wife Lydia; children Polly & David
Jonathan Pitman; Henry W eaver; John
McCasken; James McCasken
11 372
1794 04 29
Smith, Ballard (Major)
mother Elizabeth Smith of Hanover
Co VA; brother W illiam Smith;
natural son Francis Smith (alias
Sprankle) born to Barbery Sprankle
Cpt John Preston; Anthony Smith;
George Gordon; Joseph Prince; Robt.
11 377
1794 10 09
Seward, Daniel
wife Mary; daughters Melley,
Mehitable, sons Malen, John, Samuel
Rev John Smith; Jacob W hite; Henry
Taylor; Thomas Gavin; Leblesius
11 374
1794 11 09
McDowell, George
Uncles John & David Tait; sister
Jane McDowel; W illm McElroys
W illm Cribb; George W allace; Robert
Elliott of Hagerstown MD; W m Elliott;
John McFarling; Elliott & W illiam Co;
John Johnston; W illiam Tait; Thos
Anderson; Mr Jones of Pittsburgh;
Patricdk Murphy; James Connor;
Patrick Dickey
Packhorse master
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
03 042
1794 11 24
Vorhies, Tunis (Sgt,)
Ft W ashington
Joseph Strong; W illiam Higgison
Capt Pratt’s Co; Robert Miss Campbell
(sic); r Allison; Noah P Hopkins; Thos
W oodley
04 250
1794 11 26
Devine, James (Cpl)
Sgt Samuel Perkins
Capt Eaton’s Co; W illiam Armstrong;
Joseph Strong; W m McConnell; David
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 379
1795 05 27
Terry, John
wife Ruth; children Enos, Reuben,
Robert, John, W illiam, Elizabeth,
Mary, Judeh, Sarah
Loomis Millar; W McMillon; James
Butler; Hannah Donals; Robert
06 498
1795 08 28
Flinn, W illiam
Columbia Twp
NewTown in
Anderson Twp
sons James, Daniel; g-ch Abraham,
Jacob, Elizabeth, Susana, Rachel,
Mary Barnet; daughter Elizabeth
wife of John Barnet of Anderson
Twp; son W illiam (decd) his
children: W illiam, Tho, Jacob,
Elizabeth, Samuel
Benjamin Stites; Capt Green; W illiam
Goferth; W illiam Giffen; Ann
01 516
1795 12 15
Hatfield, Adam
wife Margaret; son John; other sons
and daughters
Isaac Mason; Mary Gibson; John
Gibson, Timothy Lyones
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 375
1796 03 21
W ard, Ebenezer
wife Phebe; granddaughter Mary
Brundage; grandson Ebenezer W ard
Finney; gt-grandsons Stephen,
W illiam, Edward, Joseph Brundage
sons of Jemima Brundage (decd);
grt-grandson-in-law Jonathan Miller
Jr “son to the late Mary Fisher, now
Mary Miller, wife of Jonathan Miller
Sr;” grandson-in-law Benjamin
John Cleves Symmes; Benjamin Stites
Sr; John Smith (minister of Columbia,
NW Territory); Thos Boone; John
Fagin; Levi Buckingham
04 251
1796 04 04
Manning, Drake
W ash. Co PA
Brothers Enoch, Samuel, Daniel
friend Charles Mannon; Ross Crosley;
Gardner Sutton
01 517
1796 06 14
Mills, John (Major)
Father John; brothers W illiam,
Samuel, Zachariah, Charles,
Benjamin; sisters Sarah & Abigail
Henthorpe Sargent; H Vandeburgh;
Henry Landers; John George Lethradge
08 287
1796 08 11
Kirkwood, David
sisters Martha, Mary; wife, child, son
bros-in-law George Galaspy Jr &
Samuel Dick; Benjamin Griffith; James
Gillespie; Dr John Sellman; A Parks;
W illiam Ramsey; George Gordon;
W illiam Jones; John Fisher; Samson
08 286
1799 07 22
Elliott, James
wife Mary; children W illiam, James,
Marey, Margaret, Jenney, John
exrs: wife Marey & son James; Jas.
Dunn; John Scott
08 285
1799 10 29
Oliver, Allen
wife Mary; sons Ezekiel, Allen, five
Moses Miller; Thomas W ells; John
riddle, Isaac Bates; Jacob W illiams
02 487
1800 03 31
Moore, Thomas
Ephriam Johnston of Franklin Co
PA; brother John living in Co Bauer
James Findlay; W illiam McClemon; W
Dumner; Ezra F Freeman; Thomas
W elsh; Abner M Dunn
06 492
1800 06 20
Fee, Thomas
Franklin Twp,
W ashington Co PA
wife Sarah; son George; daughter
Mary Jackson; daughter Ruth Owens;
son John; son Thomas; daughter
Sarah Gaskins; daughter Rachel
Thrasher; son W illiam; sons James,
Samuel, Elias, Elijah, Elisha, Jesse
John Aldridge; Joseph Lakin; Samuel
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
03 040
1800 10 04
W ells, Rebecca
widow of W illiam W ells of Fyette
Co PA; son W illiam; g-children
Rebecca & W illiam Brown (father
Joseph Brown); son David &
children W illiam, Rebecca; gchildren W illiam & Rebecca David
(children of Daniel & Elizabeth
David); son Thomas W ells & son
W illiam; g-children W illiam &
Rebecca Palmer (children of Thomas
Palmer); son Jesse & children Mary
& Rebecca; daughter Abigail Brown;
granddaughter Sarah Brown;
daughter Frances
Moses Miller; Jacob Reeder; W m Espy
02 490
1800 10 15
McClellin, Thomas
Columbia Twp
wife Mary; sons James, Thomas,
John, Daniel; daughters Matty,
Molly, Amy Smith, Agnes Tounsly,
Polly Mason
Robert Townsley; Sycurgas Holmes;
Isaac Morris; John Morris
25 501
1800 10 21
Felty, Isaac
wife Mary; sons John, Joseph, Isaac,
Thomas; daughter Elizabeth
Thomas Gibson; Samuel Dick; Isaac
Anderson; James W hite; George
Howard; W illiam Ramsey
died bef 1799 01 26
02 488
1801 01 07
Mercer, Aaron
Columbia Twp
wife Elizabeth; son Edward; sons-inlaw Ichibod Benton Miller &
Thomas Brown; daughter Ann
Brown; grandson David Merser
Miller; granddaughter Hannah
Miller; son David; daughter Sarah
Miller; bound boy John Mix
Benjamin Stites; John W hetstone;
Ignatius Ross
09 492
1801 01 09
W estfall, James
wife Anne; children
Philip Petra; Jacob Shaver
03 038
1801 01 14
Lowry, David Sr
Mad River
John Lowry & his son David;
daughter Nancey & her son David
Titus; sons Archibald, David,
Thomas, Robert; daughter Letis
Gillson & her daughter Letis Gillson;
daughter Elinor Jacon; Thomas Scot
Lowry; Recter Gillson
W illiam Donnel; Hugh Cameron
03 039
1801 10 28
Lowr,y John
wife Elizabeth; sons John, Abraham,
Flemming; wife’s sister Mary
Fleming; 5 daughters; W illiam
Gouder (sic)
W illiam Gaudy; John Bigger Jr; John
Sterrett of KY; James Barret; Rob
W arwick; Henry Bowlen; Robert Kain;
John Bartle
25 497
1801 12 25
Crane, Isaac
wife Mary; children Jabez, Hezekiah,
Benjamin, Isaac; brother Joseph
W illiam McMillen; John Armstrong;
John W hitworth; Tabetha Armstrong
07 385
1802 04 23
Stoughton, John
Cincinnati Twp
wife Lydda; brothers Samuel,
W illiam, Joseph
John Ludlow; Abner Boston; Samuel
W ood, Kennedy Morton
06 492
1802 08 19
Chapman, John
Nephew John Chapman of New
Castle Co DE
Isaac Anderson; John Cranner Dexter;
John Miller
25 500
1802 11 04
Carson, Henry
wife Agnes; children David, Hugh,
son-in-law James Giffen; H Gowan;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary Raddocks,
Margaret Giffen, Jenny Andrews;
W illiam Davinport; Nephew Henry
Carson Andrews; John Carson
W illiam Cooper; Robert Thompson
02 486
1803 01 04
Preston, W illiam
Springfield Twp
children Abigail Long, Susan
McGiland, Joseph Preston, Abijah
Henry W eaver; James Steel; Amos
W hite
04 235
1803 07 22
Hill, John
son Benjamin; children of Joseph
Hill (decd); son Philip Hill; son
Samuel Hill; other daughters
exrs Philip & Samuel Hill; Benjamin
Moore; W illiam W asson; Theo
25 496
1803 08 10
W allace, James
daughters Margaret Hill, Alice
Shepherd, Sarah Gowdy;
granddaughters Martha Vance,
Henrietta Hill W allace, Harriet Scott
W allace; grandson James Pierson
W allace; son John W allace
John R Mills; Mary Mills; son-in-law
James Giffen; H Gowans; W illiam
Cooper; Robert Thompson
02 480
1804 02 06
Storms, Daniel
W hitewater Twp
sons Jacob, Daniel; daughters Eva,
Uliana, Elizabeth, Christina,
Peter Helmic?; Hartman Vantreese;
Emanuel Vantreese; Dennis Clark;
Andrew Shirk
03 077
1804 03 06
Jessup, John
Springfield Twp
wife Judith; son Stephen; daughter
Judith wife of Abiezer Miles
Northumberland Co PA; son John;
sons Daniel & David; 3 youngest
W illiam Snodgrass; Barker; David
Grummond; Ephraim Brown; John W
Brown; John Cranmer
07 383
1804 05 08
McMillan, W illiam
wife Constance; W illiam Corry
(apprentice); George Husler (bound
boy); brothers and sisters
Arthur St Clair Jr; Jacob Burnet;
Herekiah Flint; Samuel Robb
03 037
1804 05 08
Lambert, Daniel
Columbia Twp
wife Mary; sons John, Benjamin;
daughter Charlotte
W illiam Brown; Dorothea Meeks;
Robert Morris; Abner Applegate
25 489
1804 09 15
Tetrick, George
recently of MD
wife Mary; six children Joseph,
Henry, John, Betsey, Mary,
Geo Carpenter; Thomas Elliss;
Catharine Elliss; brother Peter Tetrick
02 481
1804 10 --
Hanes, Robert
wife Elizabeth; sons Daniel & Isreal;
daughter Sarah
Stephen Reeder; Ogden Ross; John
Ray; James Charters; James Andrews
02 492
1804 10 11
Mason, Phillip
Columbia Twp
wife Mary; sons Samuel, John,
W illiam, Richard, James; daughters
Elizabeth Smith, Catharine Seward
John Cleves Symme; James Mathews;
Philip Highfull; Mary Davis
02 483
1804 10 11
Matson, John
Farm on Ohio River
wife Jane; daughters Anne Cox,
Elizabeth Matson; daughter Mary
Jane to be heir if divorced from
husband Joseph James, whose debts
were not to be paid by the legacy;
sons Enoch, James, John, Thomas,
Thomas Smith; George Anderson
07 374
1804 12 17
McCollough, John
wife Elizabeth; children Thomas,
John, Martha; John Thompson
David Zeigler; Mrs Stephen Reeder;
Alexander Meek; Levi McClain; Hugh
Vol pg
04 234
yr mo day
1805 01 18
Kitchel, Luther
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
(bound boy)
consort Mary Glover & her children
Margaret & Joseph (acknowledged
to be Luther’s son & daughter)
Rivesay Kitchell; Manasseh Brown;
James Connover; James Connor; Mary
Ann Connur; Elizabeth Purken;
Catherine Connor
25 495
1805 03 21
Bartlett, Roswell
Cincinnati Twp
wife Elizabeth Coonse Bartlett;
James McHenry; Enos Harin; Jacob
Steward; James Hill; Frederick Coons
05 296
1805 05 26
Campbell, Cornelius
Colerain Twp
Nephews Cornelius Campbell, John
Campbell; brother W illiam
Campbell; Rebeca Johnston
executor Edward Johnston; John R
Gaston; John Campbell
10 408
1805 08 07
Fields, Seth
wife Sidny; children David & Lydia
James Clark; Lydia Davis; Eliza
09 487
1805 12 05
Shaw, Sarah
deceased husband John Shaw;
daughters Sallie Shaw, Heildah
Rood; sons John, Knoles & Albin
Judah W illey; Elias Hedges; Israel
W illey
06 489
1806 08 25
McHenry, Joseph
Cincinnati Twp
wife Hannah; sons Enoch & Van;
daughter Euphan W illiams; daughter
Rebecca McHenry; granddaughter
Hannah Cox
John Ludlory; Andrew Myers; Robert
04 241
1806 09 20
Leibert, Joseph Bowman
wife Sidney; son John Staples
Leibert; fathr John Leibert of
Germantown PA
James W Sloan formerly of Baltimore,
now here; John Nunnio; Peter
McNicoll; Robert Merrie
04 239
1806 09 20
W heeler, Stephen
wife Rhoda; son Jacob; son Stephen;
daughters Rhoda, Abigail; grandchild
Phebe W heeler Reeder
Miss Yeatman; Miss Hunt; Abram
Tiens; Manassele? Brown; Thomas
25 490
1806 09 26
Buckston, Edmund
(also spelled Buxton)
wife Lydia; children Charles, David,
Mosses, Jane, John M, Aaron,
W illiam & McVay
James Baxter; James Leyon; W illiam
Jones; John Pryer
25 492
1806 12 02
Backus, Joshua
wife Hannah; daughter Mary G
Marsh; daughter Eunice; son Marvin
Jacob Comstock; James Heady; Ezra
Spencer; Charles Cone
05 296
1806 12 05
Gard, Gersham
children Seth, Job, Elizabeth, Ruth,
Betsey, Jemima, Eunice and Hanah
Peter Saboyteaux; Peter Saboyteaux Jr
25 453
25 482
1807 03 07
W right, Comfort
decd son Josiah Post’s daughter
Nancy Post; Nancy Henderson,
widow of Josiah Post
Jabez Percival of Lawrenceburg;
W illiam Cherry Sr; John Rerine; Isaac
09 490
1807 04 10
Cutter, Benjamin
housekeeper Sarah Shrives; children
Thomas Kain; Margret Kain
04 245
1807 08 10
Pierson, Lineus
sister Mary Doty; niece, daughter of
deceased sister Elizabeth the wife of
Solomon Boyles; brothers Ludlow &
Jonathan Pierson
Benjamin Ludton; Solomon Doty of
Morris Co NJ; Uncle W illiam Ludtow;
James Colwell; Anthony Highlands;
Ephram Scudder
06 486
1807 10 10
McCash, David
wife Martha; sons W illiam, James,
John; daughters Amy, Margaret,
Elizabeth, Mary
James Findlay; W m Ruffin; Zebulon
Brown; Samuel Seward
Vol pg
yr mo day
07 402
1807 12 15
Leonard, Jesse
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
sons David, Luther; daughters Lydia
Voorheese, Hulda Flack, Elizabeth
W illiam Go— ; Jonah Vandervort;
Thomas — ning; John Jones; James
Jones; Joseph Reeder; Felix Chrisman;
Joseph Ferris; John G Gano
10 405
1808 04 07
Fisher, Brownlow
wife Elizabeth; children Alvira,
Mirza, Brownlow, Sophia, Zelida,
Benjamin Mason; Robert Merrie; John
W Browne; Philip Price; Thos
W illiams;
06 488
1808 05 18
Roll, John
wife Lydia; sons John, Mathias,
Abraham, Edward; daughter Rachel
W illiam Ludlory; David Burnet; Enoch
McHenry; Phebey Burnet
06 484
1808 08 03
Merrit, Jesse
W hitewater Twp
wife Margaret; sons Calvin, Luther;
daughters Hannah, Charlotte; first
wife (decd)
John Allen; Joseph Kitchell; Henry
Christman; Vincent Jackson; Rachel
06 483
1808 08 05
Crane, Levi
wife Polly; daughter Sally; Uncle
John Miller; brother W illiam Crane;
son John
Ephram Crane; James W alker
09 486
1808 08 06
Cooley, Jabez
grandsons John, James, Thomas &
Samuel Brinton; son-in-law Samuel
Brinton; daughter Margaret Brinton;
granddaughter Martha Brinton; sons
W illiam, Thaddeus & Ebenezar
Ogden ross; Cornelius W Hall;
Matthew G W allace
04 243
1808 10 12
Smith, Abraham Sr
Columbia Twp
wife Elline[r]; son Abraham Smith;
daughter Barbary; daughter
Catherine; daughter Ruhany;
granddaughter Suffrance; daughter
Priscilla; sons Edward & Isaac
John Jones; Henry Roseboom; Edward
04 246
1808 12 07
Hole, John Sr
wife Catherine; daughter Uphania &
husband Abraham Pierson & their
son John; son W alter; son Barna &
wife Jane; son John & wife Isabella
W illiam Badgely; David W alker;
Abraham Pierson; Robert Hanes
(decd); Ogden Ross; Matthew G
W allace; W illiam Slaback; Robert
05 294
1809 04 09
Eads, James
wife Hanna; sons W m H, Elijah,
Covl Johnston; W illiam Mayer; Jonas
Crane; Jery Johnston
02 475
1809 04 12
McLauling, John
Sycamour Twp
wife Phebe; daughter Susannah
McLauling; son Price McLauling;
son David; other children
Price Thompson; Benajah Ayres;
Joseph Megie
06 482
1809 08 01
Cooley, Ebenezer
wife Julana; children John Thomas
Cooley, David Findley Cooley;
Reubin Cooley; Lally Cooley and
Eliza cooley
Jas Marshall; Stephen Moore, John
10 397
1809 09 13
Ayers, Elisha
wife Catharine; brother Samuel J
Ayres; father-in-law John
John Hill of NJ; John C Symes; John
Thomson; Samuel Johnson; Jonathan
Pitman; Henry Tucker; Jacob Skilman
25 493
1809 12 05
Boyer, John
wife Eve; son Adam; son George;
son John; daughter Barbary Harmon
wife of Adam Harmon; children
Armstrong; Frederick Redinbock; John
Ludlow; Henry bryan; Ambrose
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
George & Elizabeth
06 470
1810 03 20
Trump, John
children Sarah, Rachel, John, Ann
Roberts; Elizabeth W ells, Mary
Bittle; son-in-law Everhard Biddle
Thomas Cake; James Clark; James
10 457
1810 0410
Swan Caleb
W ashington City [DC]
[b ca1760, in MA; entered US Army
1777 01 01; enlisted 1792 05 08 to
fight Indians under Anthony W ayne;
served as paymaster till 1799 07 19;
recalled to Phila PA; in 1800 moved
to W ashington became paymaster of
the US; married Maria Henrietta
Abert d/o John Abert of
Shepherdstown, VA]; slaves Susan
with daughters Aisy & Caroline;
nephew Nathaniel Frye Jr
Philip Barton Key & his nephew
Francis S Key both of Georgetown
MD; John Mathews of Springfield OH;
Dr John W eams; Thomas Patterson;
Major Abimael Youngs Nicholl; Col
Henry Burbeck; Andrew McCleary;
John Davidson; Dr Thomas Paterson of
Martinsburg VA; John Baker (married
to Anna d/o John Mark & bro-in-law of
John Morrow); Robert Brent
02 469
1810 06 30
Mills, John Reading
wife Mary; son W illiam R Phillips
Mills; daughter Rebecca Ogden
Mills; daughter Mary Reading Mills;
daughter Phebe Halstead Mills
brother W illiam Mills of Cincinnati
Col John S W allace; Gen James
Findlay; Jacob Burnet; Jacob Bennet;
Christopher Hamel; John W Brown; Dr
Richard Allison & wife Rebecca
05 292
1810 08 18
Pierson, W yllys
wife Mary; children W yllis,
Abraham, Ruth, Hannah, Eunice,
Moses, Mary, Elizabeth
John Jones; Joseph Sutton; Archibald
McCabe; Moses Morrison
05 293
1810 08 18
Compton, Robert
Mill Creek Twp
son Robert; son John; grandson
Robert s/o John; Brother John
Compton; nephew Robert Compton
s/o John; niece Jane Rundels; niece
Mary Rundels; sons W illiam &
John Mahard; John Cranmer
07 376
1810 11 27
O’Ferrall, John
Merchant in
late of Martins
Burgh VA
wife Mary; Negro boy Robert with
time yet to serve; children Andrew,
Ignatius, John, Catherine; brother
Ignatius OFerrall
Ethan Allen Brown; Oliver M Spencer;
Daniel Symmes; John Cleves Symmes;
Erasmus K Thompson; Hugh S Moore;
Benjamin Mason; Mr Hancock & Mr
Nomi of Baltimore; Nicholas
Longworth; James Richey of
Philadelphia; Joseph Todhunter; Dr
Daniel Drake; W illiam P Farrand;
W illiam Lyttle; Mr & Mrs Hinde;
Richard Allison
(Owned book store, tan yard)
03 071
1810 12 04
Hilditch, Samuel
wife Hannah; wife’s sister Lydia
McCulloch of Columbia; James
Matthews; W illiam Jones; James
Findlay; Jacob W hiete; Olvier Spencer
07 370
1811 04 02
Vandolah, James Sr
farmer of
Mill Creek Twp
brothers Jesse, Henry, Joseph, John,
Ester [also called “brother”]
Thomas Calvin; John Calvin; Thomas
Neale, Andrew Gill; Thomas J W arman
10 456
1811 08 07
Eads, Henry Jr
wife Maria; sons W illiam, Clark;
daughters Sarah & Malinda
Peter Helmick; John Frost; Philip
Helmick; Jacob Storms; George Shuck;
Jonathan Eads; Emanuel Vantrees
Vol pg
yr mo day
02 475
1811 08 08
Muchmore, Samuel
wife Sarah; sons Benjamin, Steven,
Daniel, David, John; daughters
Esther, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah,
Andrew Hamilton; W illiam Goforth Sr;
Mathias Denman; Moses Kitchell;
W idow Flinn; John Janes; Benjamin
Muchmore; Phineas Bower; George
09 485
1811 08 13
Hunt, Edward
W hitewater Twp
wife Charlotte; son Thomas; 3 minor
children including Jacob
Thomas Barkers; John Allen of
Dearbourn Co Indiana Territory;
Othneel Looker; Isaac Mills
09 484
1811 10 10
W ebb, W illiam
wife: children Jacob, Anne, John
brother John W ebb; Josiah Crosley;
James Clark; Thodosia W ebb; John
Corble; David Kelley; Timothy Day
02 467
1811 12 09
Zeigler, David
wife Lucianna; sister Lady Susannah
Elizabeth Detroch; nephews Joseph
Pierce, Charles R Green, Daniel
Pierce, Joseph Dence; nieces Phebe
Peirce, Sophie Cooper, Mariah
Green, Susan Green; Jacob Burnett;
George W Burnett
Jesse Hunt; John Smith; James Findley;
Jacob Burnett; W m Lynes [or Synes];
Griffin Yeatman; Martin Baum;
W illiam Stonley
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
03 074
1812 05 18
Jacobs, John
Colerain Twp
wife Isabella; children Elizabeth wife
of W illiam W ilson; Polly wife of
Isaac Robinson; Sarra wife of Abijah
Hubble; John Jacobs; W illiam
Jacobs; Charles Jacobs
Stephen W ood; Arthur Orr; James
silver; Jacob s Miller; Sarah Pierson;
W illiam Fear; James Maatson; John
09 489
1812 08 03
Stead, Thomas
wife Margaret; niece Sarah Highfill
Thomas W illiams; Samuel Best of
Cincinnati; John Mahard; Andw
Brannon; John Lain
10 389
1812 12 --
Flint, Hezekiah Sr
wife Anna; seven eldest children
Hezekiah Flint, Fanny Flint, Rebecca
wife of Pearly P Pope, Tamer wife of
Josiah Blancham, Parmelia wife of
W illiam Eaton, Samuel Flint, Isaac
Osgood Flint. Daughter Esther s/o
George St Clair; 3 youngest children
Daniel, Lucy, W illiam; subsequent
birth of a daughter
Capt Joseph Prince of Cincinnati; John
W Browne; J H Looker; David Morris;
Hannah Furnace
06 472
1812 12 08
Tibbins, David
Colerain Twp
wife Elizabeth; children Eva Barbary
Feild, Catharine May, Mary Kanan,
Elizabeth Masser, Sarah Tibbins
W illiam Coolay; Ogden ross; James
Andrews, John Severn
18 470
1812 12 09
Marsh, Jacob
wife Jane Tichenor Marsh; eldest son
Ellacom Marsh; sons & daughters
Enos Hurin; Jonathan W illiams; John
weaver of
Columbia Twp
05 290
1812 12 16
Custer, John
Sycamore Twp
wife Elizabeth; daughters Mary
Kessler, Susanna Gerber, Elizabeth
Rachal freeberger & Sarah Kern;
sons Emanuel, Paul & Christian
John Kessler; Joseph Myer; John Fey
10 441
1813 04 06
Morris, Cavalier
Sycamore Twp
wife Affa; children Daniel, Betsey,
Polly, Solomon and John
Nathaniel Denman; Sampson
McCullough; James Snow
08 283
1813 04 09
Cummins, W illiam
wife Mary; daughter Margaret; sons
Rev Joshua L W ilson; Samuel
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
John, W illiam
W illiams; John Crone
04 211
1813 04 13
Yeokins, Christiana
----- Sowershafer; Jacob Yokins
lately of Newtown VA
Oliver Spencer; Benjamin Mason; E
Hull; M Lyon
06 471
1813 12 06
Tucker, Ephraim
Springfield Twp
wife Hannah; children Ephriam
Tucker, Hannah Miller, Sarah
Tucker, Mary Tucker
John McGilliard; Len Ayres; Benjamin
Tucker; Zebulon Foster; Luke Foster;
John McGilliard Jr
07 372
1813 12 07
Stall, John
once of Cincinnati,
Now of W illiamsburgh in
Clermont Co
wife Francis; [lots in Cincinnati &
Newport KY]; all my children;
nephew John L Lytle
Edward Stall; W illiam Lytle; Roger W
W arren (also W aring); Daniel Cain
09 482
1813 12 08
Vantresse, Conrad
wife Catharine (also Catharina); sons
Jonathan, Joseph, Isaac; daughters
Susanna wife of Michael Rudisill,
Catharina wife of George Rudisill;
Solomay wife of Christopher
Rudisill; Elizabeth wife of Henry
Stewart; daughters Magloneve,
Nancy, Dorothea, Mary & Rachel
Hartman Vantreese; W illiam Batchelor;
Michael W ile
06 481
1813 12 10
LaBoyteaux, Peter
wife Keziah; children Peter, Joseph,
John, Mary, Abiah, Phebe, Dorety,
Jemimah, Ketherine
Reuben Stout; Ephraim Brown;
Christoopher cary, Joseph Merrill
25 484
1813 12 15
Harper, Robert
Mill Creek Twp
wife Mary; eldest son Matthew;
youngest daughter Margaret; eldest
daughter Jane Davice
Jonathan W illiams; James Lyon; James
Maker; Solomon Guess
18 468
1813 12 17
Hedges, Elias
Colerain Twp
wife Elizabeth; sons John Gaston
Hedges, Anthony Ludlow Hedges &
Stephen Ogden Hedges; daughters
Sally, Mary, Henrietta & Elizabeth
07 367
1814 01 08
Brinton, Samuel
Colerain Twp
wife Margaret; children Martha and
unnamed others
Ross; Paul Huston; Andrew May
08 275
1814 03 12
Conkling, Joseph
wife Kitty; sons Person Conkling,
Joseph Cory Conkling, Daniel,
Elijah, Aaron, Filix, Benjamin, Isaac
& David Conkling; daughters
Heziah W ooley, Phebe Conkling,
Rebecca Conkling (who received
mother’s clothing, so present wife
was not their mother)
Joseph Crosley; David Frembly; James
Lyon; Nathaniel Briant; John Justice;
Friend Thrall(also Thrull)
18 467
1814 04 05
Hinton, W illiam
wife; sons Elijah, W illiam; other
John Smith; Joseph Kitchell; George
Martin; Elijah Hinton; Isaac Monday
25 483
1814 04 05
Preston, Abijah
Springfield Twp
children by 1 st wife John, Abijah;
wife Margaret; other children Robert,
John McGilliard Sr; Isaac Starrett;
Jesse Stockton; John McGilliard Jr;
Isaac Larowe
09 480
1814 04 05
Thomas, James
wife Peggy; James Ales and Sara
Ales of W ash. Co PA; Jacob Powers;
John Rees; sons of Amos Ales of
W ash. Co PA–Joseph, Stephan,
Samuel Rees; John Bonham, W illiam
Ailes, John L Bonham
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Aaron, James & Isaac; children of
Benj and Rachel Powell–Betsey
Moore, Sarah Boardman, Benjamin
Powell, Elihu Powell; Sarah Ales d/o
W illiam Ales; Isaac Powers
10 440
1814 04 05
Meek, Hugh
wife Polly; son John; daughter Sally;
wife Polly’s daughter Hanna; brother
John’s son Hugh; brother John;
John Clark; David Kennedy; Daniel
Hayden; Patrick Long
08 279
1814 04 11
Cummins, Mary
deceased husband W illiam; sons
John, W illiam; daughter Margaret
Rev Joshua L W ilson; Phebe Culley;
Mary Fleming
03 073
1814 04 12
Joice, Elizabeth
Colerain Twp
children Robert Joyce, James Joyce;
Polly Gilliland; Navieah Davis;
David Joyce; W illiam Joyce;
Absolam Joyce; Margaret Joyce
John Gilliland; Robert Gray; W
Burnett; Solomon Beach
10 442
1814 04 13
Maugens, Matthis
Sycamore Twp
wife Mary
Henry Bieler; John Kessler; Arthur
McNaile; Isaac Chord
08 277
1814 04 13
Campbell, Robert Sr
wife; sons Robert, Turner, John,
Richard, W illiam; three daughters
Isaac Sparks; W illiam Sparks;
Catharine Sparks
25 478
1814 04 15
W illiams, Jonathan
wife Mary; eldest daughter Betsey
W illiams; 2 nd daughter Joana
Kenedy; 3 rd daughter Ann W illiams;
eldest son Reazin; 4 th daughter Mary
Ann W illiams; 2 nd son Columbus
enos Hurin; Elnathan Kemper; James
Leyon; John W ard; W illiam Sharen
06 479
1814 06 09
Greer, James
Springfield Twp
wife Sarah; children James Patterson
Greer, single daughters
Abraham Heeron; Joseph Rogers;
Alexander Eson; John C W inans
08 280
1814 08 01
Case, Henry
Springfield Twp
wife Anne; children Anne W illet
(decd), David, Cornelius, Abraham,
Jacob, Henry, Catharine, Gersham &
Benjamin Purlee; John McGilliard;
Hatfield W illiams
25 487
1814 08 03
Stout, Aaron
died 1814 June 2
wife Katharina; children; brother Ira
Jacob W illiamson; Orimeuer Hatt
04 218
1814 08 05
Badgley, W illiam
Springfield Twp
wife Mary; mother Jane Badgeley;
children Abigail, James, Jane, John
and Upham
John McGillianu?; W illson Thompson;
Zebulon Brown; John Harper
04 228
1814 08 07
Briant, Cornelius
Springfield Twp
wife Sarah
W alter Hole; John McGilliard Sr; Mary
Badgley; Jane Badgley; Mary Moose
04 223
1814 08 12
Betts, W illiam
wife Phebe; two married daughters;
other unmarried daughters; at least
three sons including W illiam &
Joseph McMurray; Orthneil Looker;
Peter Lee
08 282
1814 12 06
Carpenter, John
Springfield Twp
wife Phebe; 1 st son Nathan, 2 nd son
John; daughters Peggy Boman; Polly
Sherman, Betsy W right
Stephen Hall; John Jessup
25 475
1814 12 06
Bruen, Jabez
sons Isaac, Luther Browen (sic);
daughters Mary, Phebe, Abby, Libie
— Seward; Mr Sprong; Mr Hall; Mr
W atkins; Mr Carpenter; John Dodson
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Lee, Sera Argo; Elizabeth van Barclo
07 366
1814 12 16
Bassett, Elisha
shoemaker of
Mill Creek Twp
wife Abigail; children Elisha, Henry,
Catharine W ; other daughter[s]
Jonathan Basset; Enos Hurin; Jna
Forman; Elijah Foard
14 501
1815 01 19
Bates, Daniel
of W oodbury NJ
wife Tamzon; W illiam M Cooper &
his daughter Elizabeth Cooper;
Methodist Episcopal Church;
brothers & sisters– Joseph Bates,
Joshua Bates, Aaron Bates, John
Bates, Elizabeth Garwood, Sarah
Sims, Charity Evans–and their
children; my former slave Lindey
Davis & her children to be free;
(house in Cincinnati); (will written
1814 Nov 14)
Christopher Smith of Cincinnati; Isaac
Ballenger; Benjamin Smallwood;
Apollo W oodward; Ezek Cooper
05 290
1815 02 05
Phillips, Mark
Mill Creek Twp
children Jordan, Thomas, Robert
Jacob Stewart; Jeremiah Ballard;
Joshua Riley
01 513
1815 04 05
Flin, David
unnamed wife; daughters Lucy &
Susana; son Stephen; daughter
Mizah; daughter Elizabeth; daughter
Martha; daughter Joshana; son
Benjamin; sons-in-law John Jones &
James Baxter (husbands of Lucy &
W illiam Baxter; Andrew? Baxter;
Samuel Gray; John Miller; Edward
09 478
1815 04 12
W hipple, John
eldest sister Rhoda Lovett; 2 nd sister
Olive Penniman; 3 rd sister Fanny
W ashburn; 4 th sister widow Sarah
Clift; youngest sister Sophia Horton;
eldest brother Charles; 2 nd brother
Samuel D; youngest brother Anson
Charles Marsh; Nathan Oliver; Thomas
136 46
1815 04 15
Symmes, John Cleves
of North Bend
(cancer under lip, chin & throat);
son-in-law W illiam Henry Harrison;
grandson John Cleves Short; children
& grandchildren
James Findlay; Joseph Perry; Thos
Sloo Jr; Geo P Torrence
01 510
1815 06 10
Dover, James
wife Ann; sons Thomas, Samuel
(Owned land in W illiamsburgh,
Clermont Co)
Ethan Stone; James Caroshers?; Jno H
Phillips; W m Green; Samuel Best
06 478
1815 08 06
Lanbourn, Samuel
Columbia Twp
wife Mary; small children Josiah,
Thomas, Sarah, Hannah; two other
John Ferris; Amos Henau (or Henan);
Caleb German, Abiel Lamb
10 437
1815 08 06
McCormick, John
Springfield Twp
wife Catherine; eldest son James; 2 nd
son George; daughter Catharine wife
of Robert W atson; grandsons John
s/o James and John s/o George;
granddaughter Catherine d/o James;
grandson John W atson s/o Catherine;
dau-in-law Sarah widow of son John
& their daughter Catherine born
some months after the death of John;
Michael Long; nephew Adam
McCormick; bro-in-law John
M’Cashen & his wife Susan; John
thomson; Benjamin Perlee (also
Perler); James Vance; Cornelius ----
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
grandson Elisha Ayers s/o daughter
Catharine by her first husband Elisha
04 208
1815 08 07
W hitehead, Frederick
Colerain Twp
wife Ann; children John, Micheal;
W illiam; Jesse, Maria, Esther &
Sarah; brother-in-law Michael
Thomkson (sic)
John W hithead; Abner K (or H) Starr;
John Brick
09 475
1815 08 10
Macracken, Mark
W ife Sara; stepson James Arre (or
Orre, also Urre, or Ury); sons
Robert, Mark; daughters Jane wife of
Robert Hunt, Sally Macracken, Mary
wife of Larrry (also Lawrence)
Lozier; grandson George Lozier;
Margaret McCracken, daughter of
Alexander Maccall; Morris Sharps;
Cornelius J Ryerson; Elizabeth
Ryerson; Henry A Hopper; Abraham
Jones (also Toens, Toons); Archibald
McCall; John M Ballard
formerly of Franklin Twp
Bryan Co NJ,
now Cincinnati
10 436
1815 08 14
Monday, Isaac
cousin W illiam Hinton; sister Delia’s
son Charles; sister Sally’s son Harry
Samuel Bond; Saml Rees; John Kerr;
Thomas Kerr
18 464
1815 09 11
Hilditch, Hannah
(deceased husband); sisters Mary
Hilditch; sisters Ann Chantry,
Rebeckah Osborn, Susannah & Lydia
Corn; brothers Edward, James &
Samuel Corn; sister-in-law Mary
Bickerton; Elizabeth Jones wife of
minister W illiam Jones; bros-in-law
Richard, John & George Hilditch;
Samuel Beekerton Jr; niece Hannah
Edgerly; apprentice boy David;
Richard Hilditch’s dau; Mary
Hannah Hilditch; sister Ann
Chantney’s 3 eldest children–Mary,
Edward & Hannah; sister Rebekah’s
sons Edward & Marmaduke Osborn;
friends in England; sister Mary’s son;
nephew Richard Hilditch; sisters in
England-- Mary, Ann, Susan and
Edward Meeks; Gen James Findly;
W illiam Jones (minister); Henry
Morten Jr; James C Morris; Timothy
Brown; willson Milspaugh
10 451
1815 09 11
Knox, James
Sarah Smith; grandson James Knox
Rhodes; son John Knox; daughters
Margaret Rhodes, Elizabeth
Montgomery; child Edgar W ebster
Samuel Stewart of Madison; David
Hobby; W m Henry French; W m
10 450
1815 10 14
Griswold, Stanley
but a judge of Illinois
wife Elizabeth; children
Capt James Ferguson; Nathaniel
Reeder; Abijah f Ferguson
25 479
1815 12 04
Scott, John
Springfield Twp
wife Margaret; son John; daughters
Polly & Margaret Scott (to be
“schooled so that my Daughters read
and write enteligibly”)
Richard Ayres Jr; Benajah Ayres;
James Rosebrough (also Rosebury);
Jonathan Eldredge
01 509
1815 12 04
Davis, Joseph
wife Polly; daughters Betsy, Polly,
Ebenezer Smith Sr; Philip Turpin;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Maria; sons Samuel, Nathaniel, Rolly
Saml Ramsey
04 209
1815 12 04
W olf, John
wife Mariah; children Elizabeth,
Mary, Catharine, Margaret, Sarah,
Susannah, John & Lida
Jacob Resor; Jacob Hoffman; Stephen
Jessup; Israel Brown
25 485
1815 12 05
Porter, Nathan
aged mother; children Elizabeth,
Nancy, W illiam, Provy, John,
Nathan, David
John Jarrard; John Cherry; David
Osborn; Isaac S Swearingen
25 472
1815 12 11
Anthony, Christopher
wife Mary; daughters Rachel,
Charlotte, Hannah, Sarah, Penelope;
sons who had been advanced in
John Davis; Lot Pugh; Ephraim
Morgan; Elias Fisher; R Allison; John
05 285
1816 02 05
Hunter, W illiam
Columbia Twp
wife Elenor; oldest son Nicholas C
Smith; 2nd son George Hunter; 3rd
son Robert Hunter; daughters Harriet
W ooly; Pheby Hunter & Jear (sic)
Hunter (possible legacies from
James Baxter; Thomas Ross; David
W alker; Ralph Aulen
18 458
1816 02 05
Smith, Constantine
deceased wife; eldest son Jeremiah;
daughter Rebecca Stites; son James;
son Constantine Smith Jr; son
Jonathan; grandson Constantine
Smith s/o Jonathan
W illiam Jones; Isaac Ferris Jr;
Abraham Clark; John Cleves Symmes;
son-in-law Thomas Stites; James lyon;
Jacob Smith; Atlantic Smith (female)
10 400
1816 04 02
Fleming, Robert Sr
grandson James Fleming, “whom I
have raised”; surviving children
Rev Joshua L W ilson; John W aggoner;
Lambart Bowman
25 473
1816 04 03
Porter, W illiam
Columbia Twp
wife Mary “she would not live with
me no longer but left me and went
away by an agreement made with her
and my oldest son Thomas Porter
who was to keep her in a decent
manner for me”; eldest daughter
Elizabeth Andrews; youngest
daughter Mary Porter who “left me
before she was 18 years old without
my consent”; youngest son W illiam
Anderson Porter
John Jones; James Baxter; James
Armstrong; Nathl Armstrong
10 404
1816 04 04
Fagaly, George
wife; all my children
Joel W right Jr; John Shane; Abraham
18 456
1816 07 22
Skinner, George
Collombe (sic) Twp
wife Betse; children of George &
Betse-- Archer, Jonathan, unborn
child; other three sons [of deceased
mother] Josiah F Skinner, Joseph M
Skinner, Azel Skinner; daughter
Rebecky Dicke
Joseph Boon; Peter Bell; Thomas
W iggons
04 216
1816 07 22
Burch, Charles
wife Margaret; son Christopher;
daughter Hannah; son W illiam;
nephew John Burch; son-in-law
Charles Unull?; son John G Burch
John E Burch; Robert Blackburn;
Richard C dills; Benjamin McLeuon?
10 402
1816 07 22
Barr, W illiam Sr
wife Mary; sons-in-law (sic) W illiam
John Cross; John McKinney of PA;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Barr, James Keys & John B Enness
of Cincinnati; son John M Barr &
wife Maria; (owned land in
Shippenburgh, PA)’ grandson
W illiam Barr Keys
Frederick Boas of PA; D W ade,
Francis Carr; David McKnight
04 236
1816 07 24
Bonnel, Samuel
wife Elizabeth; daughter Lydia
Maxwell; daughter Phebe Marsh;
daughter Abigail Bonnel; sons Lewis
& Benjamin
James Lyon; Charles Paddock; W illiam
04 217
1816 07 25
Barrett, Elizabeth
youngest son Thomas Barratt; father
Joseph Lowe of Great Britain (decd);
other children Alorza (also Alorra),
Merza, Brownlow, Sophea Fisher
Benjamin Mason; Robert Merry; James
gazlay; Joseph McLary
18 460
1816 10 07
Harpham, Jonathan
bricklayer of
wife Sarah; son John; Priscilla
C Smith; Benjamin Mason
18 462
1816 11 06
Heighway, Samuel
wife Helen; grandson John Thomas
Carrel (or Carvel); sons Samuel,
John; (owned lots in W ayneville)
David Pugh; John Hesenn?; Jacob
Knogle; W illiam McDaniel (decd) of
W arren Co; Aaron Hallant; Oliver M
Spencer; George C Miller; D K Este;
Joseph Hewit
05 284
1816 11 25
Greene, Charles
wife Eliza; children
J C Martin; Samuel Lowry; Henry P
04 230
1816 11 25
Allison, Richard
Surgeon general
of the US Army
wife Rebekah; (will made 1794 Jan
AW Dunn; Geo W ilson (resident of St
Louis, MO by 1816); John Pratt
(resident of CT by 1816); Judge John B
C Lucas of MO; Matthew J Russell
(also Rukell) of Middleton CT; Asher
Miller of CT; James Munroe Secretary
of State
01 512
1816 11 27
Debolt, Michael
Anderson Twp
wife Martha; son Henry; daughter
Elizabeth Morrison; daughter
Catherine Merritt; daughter Rachel;
sons Jacob, Irven F, Michael &
Ebenezer Newton; Samuel Hahn; Saml
Ransey; John Row; George D Black;
Jacob Frazer; Lemarx? Anthony
06 476
1816 12 21
Kitchell, Asa
wife Rhoda; sons Joseph, Benajah,
W eikliff; daughter Tripheni
— Malson; Othriel Looker; Tom
Smith; Grace H–d?
W hitewater
10 434
1817 01 13
Maphet, John
wife Patience; daughter Anna;
relative Henry Simmons the elder of
W aynesville OH; sons John, Charles
Andrew McMahan; John Harris; Adam
08 274
1817 03 10
Cox, John Sr
Colerain Twp
youngest son John; grandson
Benjamin B Cox; granddaughter
Rachel Kelley; granddaughter Betsy
Quick; daughter Hannah; son Joseph
Isaac Sparks; W illiam Sparks; John
18 461
1817 03 27
Sourafer, Jacob
wife Barbara; (land in W arren Co, ;
son John
Rees E Price; James H Price; Ethan
Stone; Amdrew Alexander;
04 212
1817 07 29
Vannice, John
wife Elizabeth; children Ame (or
Adam Neill; Adam Lee; Ezekiel
Vol pg
yr mo day
Springfield Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Anne), Cornielius, Hecter (or
Hester), Sarah, Pheby
McAuley; David Helm; Thomas
W ilmuth
10 449
1817 08 03
Scott, Margaret
Sycamore Twp
deceased husband John Scott; son
W illiam McKinley; daughters Polly
& Margaret Scott; son John Scott;
sister Sally McKinly; (will written
1817 Jul 17, updated Aug 3)
Richard Ayres Jr; Benajah Ryses;
Jonathan Eldredge; John Smith; John
Clark; dnl Schenck
06 469
1817 08 06
McAdams, John
wife Ann; sons Ephraim, John, James
Thomas, W illiam, Hamilton,
Armstrong, Sutor; daughter Cathrine
Samuel Hilditch; J B Miller; John
Armstrong; Henry Ulery; W m Nevill
04 238
1817 11 18
Bacon, Nathan
Sycamore Twp
wife Prudence; daughter Sarah Teal;
son Jacob; son James; ;son Nathan;
daughter Prudence Bacon;
James Snow; Joseph Denman; Richard
Ayres; Nathaniel Denman; Anne
Denman; Benajah Ayres
08 272
1817 12 03
Crosley, Ross
wife Sarah; daughters Mary Hurly,
Racheal Stiles (or Stites), Elizabeth
Gol; youngest daughter Sarah
Crosley; brother Henry Crosley; sons
W illiam, Joseph, Robert
James Lyon; Henry Morten Jr; Henry
Morten Sr; Catharine Morten
04 213
1818 01 16
Brannon, Andrew
daughter Elenor Brannon; (land in
Georgetown, Scott Co KY);
daughters Priscilla Stanford,
Margaret Baily; (land in
W illiamsburgh, Clermont Co OH)
Adam Hardus; Ebenezer Hulse; John
10 447
1818 01 16
Springer, Jacob
wife Barbara; five of my children
John, Jacob, Emmanuel, David and
Susanna; daughter Katharine
Jacob Capp; James Clark; Jacob
07 369
1818 01 24
W ilson, Andrew
wife Betsey
Andrew W alton; Barnabas Strong;
Sally Pierson
25 469
1818 02 20
W illiams, James
(About to sail across the Atlantic);
Mary, Harriot, David children of
brother David in Great Britain;
brought Robert W illiam; sister Mary
Sale wife of Cap W illiam Sale; sister
Rebecca W right Hurley wife of
Ambrose Clark Hurley; all of Bristol,
Benjamin A Porter; Nathaniel Reeder;
W illiam Ruffin, all of Cincinnati;
James B Ray; Elinor W illiams Jr; Danl
Gano; Jno A Gano; Geo W illiamson;
Samuel Borden
08 271
1818 04 --
Beeler, Henry
Sycamore Twp
wife Hannah; 1 st son Samuel; son
Gideon; other children; (will written
1817 Oct 24)
Israial Maynard; Jacob Myers; Benajah
06 468
1818 04 28
Little, David
wife Mary Ann; child
Hezekiah Price; Peter Price; W m R
25 477
1818 05 05
Hoult, John S
of Adams Co OH
wife Nancy; legacy to educate
orphans and poor children
John Marsh; Margaret marsh
1 508
1818 05 18
Conner, John
wife Mary; son W illiam; daughter
Catherine; son Jesse; son Thomas;
daughter Mary; daughter Rachel;
Uriah Butler; Abner Conklin
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
daughter Anna; son John; daughter
RebBecca; son Isaac; son Abraham
05 286
1818 07 09
Lee, Margaret
06 475
1818 09 15
Hart, Abraham
Butler Co
children of Sally Highfill–Mary,
Thomas & Joseph Highfill; children
of Robert & Frances Hunt of
Cincinnati–Mary Ann & Francis
Hunt; Elizabeth Downing (“my
bound girl”); attorneys–W illiam
Corry, Isaac Burnet & Benjamin M
Piatt; Mrs Gannon wife of W illiam
Gannon of Cincinnati; widow Jane
Buxton; Sarah Highfull
Ethan Stone; Jacob Fawble
wife Lydia; son John
(W ill signed 1805 Sep 8)
Thomas Alston; Thomas Baxter;
Anthony Burns
10 399
1818 09 15
Hayden, Christopher
wife Agnes; daughter Elizabeth; son
W illiam; daughters Agnes, Anna,
Polly; sons James, John, Daniel; wife
Agnes’ brother Cornelius Thomson;
Daniel Thomson
James Shipler; — Shields; — Branton;
— Kirkpatrick; W illiam Gaston;
Samuel Gaston
10 446
1818 09 15
Scoggin, Solomon
Crosby Twp
wife Jane; sons Joel, Reuben, Levi,
W illiam, Lewis; daughters Alae,
Ruth, Ann, Mary and Rachel
Michael Thompson; Henry Misner;
Charles Atherton; Stephen Hayden;
Hartman Vantress, John McMahan
05 288
1818 09 26
Stout, Jonathan
Colerain Twp
wife Hannah; son Benjamin R Stout,
Daniel Stout; daughter
W illiam W illiamson; Leonard Teeple
(also Teoples)
25 468
1818 10 03
W allace, James
South Bend Twp
wife; son David; daughters Agness,
James Armstrong; W illiam Kelley;
Catharine W allae
18 454
1818 12 22
McClean, W illiam
Green Twp
wife Isabella; children John,
Mathew, James, W illiam, Samuel,
Thomas, Polly, Nancy, Isabella,
John Lewis; Robert Orr
06 466
1818 12 25
Tibbins, Elizabeth
Colerain Twp
husband David Tibbins (decd) will
dated 1812 Sep 29; daughter Mary
Kanan; daughter Eva Barbary Field;
daughter Katharine May; daughter
Elizabeth Masse; Sarah Tibbens
W illiam Henry Harrison; John Cleves
Short;wl Goff; David Vangilder;
Ogden ross; James Andrews, John
18 453
1819 01 05
Marsh, Charles
children: Sarah Ann Marsh, Charles
Marsh, Nancy Lucy Marsh, Lydia
Embree, Richard Marsh
W illiam Burke; Daviz Embree;
Benjamin Mudge; Otheriel H W illerton
legacy to go to education of poor
children in Cincinnati; Mary Ann
Lyle d/o John & Phillis Lyle (Phillis
remarried to W illiams); Mary,
Thomas, W illiam & Robert Esdell
children of Robert Esdell (decd) &
widow Nancy recently of Butler Co;
daughters of brother Thomas Kidd-Polly wife of Thomas Varnon,
Elizabeth widow of Joseph Barnes,
John Smith; David Loring; Rev Joshua
L W ilson; Rev Oilver M Spencer; John
Mahard; Samuel Best; Peter A
Sprigman; Robert Best
03 033
1819 02 16
Kidd, John
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Catherine widow of Robert
W ilforton; Phillis wife of Lewis
W illiams and their children–John,
Lewis, Margaret, Sally
06 474
1819 04 06
Lyst, John
Springfield Twp
wife Rachel; eldest daughter
Catherine Stough; eldest son Jacob;
children Amelia, Margaret, John.
James Coddington; Benjamin Ensart
(or Eugart); Michael Field; W illiam
05 281
1819 05 04
Green, Solomon
Delhi Twp
wife Sarah; son Charles; daughter
Mercy (money due for Barnstable Co
Philip Conner; Peter W illiams; Thomas
18 452
1819 06 21
Murphy, Robert
Delhi Twp
wife Sarah: son W illiam;
Edward Babcock; John Hubbard
07 365
1819 06 22
Tilton, W illiam
wife Catharine
Benjamin Hopkins; Irse? Embree; S
Pugh; Samuel Peirce; Thos Sharpless
05 280
1819 09 06
Gorman, Daniel
Sycamore Twp
sons Thomas, Hugh, W illiam (decd);
daughters Mary W ooster, Margaret
Rusle, Elenor Hegeman;
grandchildren Daniel (s/o Hugh),
Dreuselar Gorman, James (s/o Hugh)
Hezekiah Socton; John Socton; Luke
04 205
1819 09 10
Alter, Frederick
Green Twp
wife Mary Ann; children Charlotte
wife of James Clark, Catharine wife
of Jacob Clark, W illiam, Charles,
John, Mary Ann, Susan & Harriet
Maxwell Parkeson; James Findlay;
Jacob Burnet; W illiam H Harrison;
Samuel R Allen; W illiam W oodnut
Adam Moore; John Hoffman;
Archibald McCall; John Seeker
09 470
1819 10 10
W hite, Amos
wife Mary; sons Levi, Ruben, John,
Edward, Amos, Joseph ; daughters
Ann, Mary, Jane
Jacob W hite; John Patton; Joshua
01 499
1820 04 25
Sharp, Morris
(Also Sharpenstein)
Anderson Twp
wife Elizabeth; youngest son
Thomas; oldest son Mathias; son
John; son Morris; son James;
daughters Hester, Elizabeth, Mary;
Aaron Hopper; Francis McCormick;
Johnston McCormick
01 493
1820 05 18
Archibald, Robert
wife; children
Robert Merry; Arthur Ferguson; David
Kelly; Stephen MacFarland; James
Smith; Ethan Stone
10 454
1820 05 20
Matile, David Francis
now of Cincinnati
once of LaJugne of
Newchatel & Valungin
brother Charles Daniel Matile of La
Jagne Switzerland
N L Lenaire of Cincinnati; Griffin
Yeatman; Abraham H Voucher; Henry
Faetes; John W aggoner; Bellamy
10 455
1820 08 28
Masters, W illiam Sr
Springfield Twp
deceased wife; son W illiam B
Masters; half brother Stephen
Masters; (land in VA near
W ashington); daughters Mary Bills,
Ana Crank, Margaret Suter, Hannah
Daviss; son John Masters; brother
David Masters’ children
Abraham Lindly; Jonathan Burdge;
Thomas Lindly
09 473
1820 09 05
Sears, Benjamin
wife Mary; son John; Elizabeth
W oodworth; Daniel W oodworth;
Cornelius Snider; Jacob Felton; John
Jones; Philip Vinans; Robert Sears
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Sarah Howe; son Benjamin; son
Gideon; daughters Mehitable,
Hannah; (owned land in CT);
W illiam Jr, Betholamew, Mathew &
Elizabeth who live in NY; daughters
Elizabeth & Sarah
25 466
1820 09 08
W illey, Noah
Crosby Twp,
Butler Co
wife Sarah; daughters Elizabeth
Huxford, Huldah Shaw, Ruby
Grifith; sons Noah Jr, Richard,
Stephen Jenks; Joseph Cilley;
Benjamin Cilley
10 453
1820 09 15
Mathers, John
Mill Creek Twp
Margaret, W illiam & Nancy
Mathers; George Mathers; Thos
Leach; John Mathers, James Mathers
Joseph McDowell; Christopher
Peelman; Daniel Pettigrew
03 035
1820 09 29
Clark, Jonathan Sr
wife Elizabeth; six sons including
Charles, W illiam, Maxwell,
Jonathan; in margin Moses Prier
Clark, Jeremiah M Clark, Charles
Daniel Hayden; John Swain; John
09 471
1820 10 13
Swing, Samuel
Campbell Co, KY
(owned lots in Cincinnati); wife
Mary; sons David, James, Jeremiah,
Samuel, W illiam, Abraham; daughter
Betsey Randell now married to 2 nd
husband; Betsey’s first son Marcus
Joseph Robinson; Mary Ann Swing
01 492
1820 11 03
Augustus, Abraham
Miami Twp
wife Mary; daughter Mary
John Hart; Arthur Orr; Samuel Corwin
01 491
1820 12 29
Atherton, Peter
wife Phebe; daughters Mary,
Elizabeth, Nancy wife of John Hawk
(if she survives husband she gets
legacy); sons David, Charles, Elijah,
Robert Simmons; John Cleaves Jr;
Richard Simmons
03 031
1821 01 01
Jones, George W
sisters Hannah wife of John Lincoln,
Margaret, Elizabeth; brother Caleb;
Thomas Palmer
Lewis Howell; John D Jones; Isaac G
Burnett; Jno W W ood; V C Marshall
03 031
1821 01 01
Jones, George W
sister Hannah wife of John Lincoln;
sisters Margaret & Elizabeth; brother
Caleb Jones; Thomas Palmer
Lewis Howell; John D Jones; Isaac G
Burnett; Jno W W ood; V C Marshall
25 456
1821 01 06
W ard, Jane
children Silvanus, Hannah,
Susannah, Phebe, Sarah B W ard
Hezekiah Price; Peter Price; W m R
Price; Katharine Price
of Indiana
06 449
1821 01 25
Bonham, John
wife Mary; daughter Sally wife of
James Smith; children of daughter
Elizabeth Powel (decd) –Elijah,
Harrison, Sally; children John L,
Aaron R, Rhoda Noble, Mary
Ezra Ferris of Lawrenceburgh; W illiam
Ailes of W hitewater Twp; Isaac
10 444
1821 01 27
Hutchinson, Jonathan
Sycamore Twp
w; children Jacob, Isaiah, Ezekiel,
Elizabeth wife of Francies Labaw,
Rachel wife of Ezekiel Hutinson (sic)
Asa Hinkel?; Jacob Hutchinson; Joseph
Mauerr; W illiam Rynes; John Millor;
Joseph Mouse (sic); James Parker;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
the son of W illiam Hutchinson; first
three children of son David
Hutchinson (decd) – David, Job,
Eliza; (land in Nottingham Twp
Bullington Co NJ)
Luke Foster; Davie Brecount; Daniel P
Hutchinson; Job Hutchinson
09 462
1821 02 17
Buell, Ephriam
Crosby Twp
wife Priscilla; children Salmon (also
called Sam & Solomon), Isral,
Priscilla wife of Luther Tilletson,
Ephraim (“an Idiot child”), Armitta
wife of Eli Drake, Betsy wife of Silas
Hutchison, Anna wife of Joseph W
Branch, Almira wife of Luther Gin,
Belinda wife of Elizir Carter
Samuel Pothengers; Joal Comstock;
Frances H Russell (a female witness to
the will, is now Frances H Comstock, a
resident of Butler Co OH. She swore
that Ephraim was not of sound mind &
that his wife arranged the will);
Nehemiah W ade
04 222
1821 03 06
Thompson, John
nephew John Silvers
Elmore W illiams; W illiam Preston; W
R Goodwin; Alexander Ross
07 362
1821 04 24
Powner, John Sr
Green Twp
wife Abigail; children John Jr,
Abigail, Mary, Hannah (land in
Cheviot & Cleves)
Curtis Edwards; Daniel Riley (also
Ryly); John Luptin; Jonathan
Markland; Ephriam Stathem
08 238
1821 05 03
Ferry, Robert Franklin
siblings Hugh Ferry, Daniel Ferry,
Harder C Ferry, Cynthiana wife of
Stephen Hall, Charles Ferry, Thomas
G Ferry, John M Ferry; mother
Cynthia Zebold wife of Samuel
Zebold; (owned real estate in W ood
Co VA that had belonged to his
father Charles Terry decd)(owned
property in Hardinsburg IN)
Samuel Zebold; David Finley; Bellamy
Storer; James McKenney; W illiam L
25 461
1821 05 23
Goff, W illiam
Colerain Twp
wife Prudence; children W illiam,
John, sons & daughters
(land in Indiana)(W ill written 1815
Aug 8)
Ogden Ross; W m Ruth; David
09 468
1821 06 26
Henlock, W illiam
grocer of
Rosamond Porter; Mary Henlock;
W illiam Henlock; Jane Henlock;
(“all of whom reside with me”)
Meiles Greenwood; Brazila C Smith
(now resident of New Orleans LA)
09 465
1821 06 28
Lape, Benjamin
Inn holder of
wife Mary; Morris Moses;
(purchased burial place for Jewish
residents of Cincinnati); son
Benjamin aged about 14 months
Joseph Jonas; Benjamin Little; George
Collins; James W Gazlay; T (or P)
18 451
1821 08 28
Snow, James
wife Lydia; children Milton, Josiah,
Orphe, Carson (or Parson), Militus,
Higley, James, Lydia, Sumner,
Daniel Hayden; Andrew Baxter
18 438
1821 08 28
Coffin, Sarah
husband (decd); children Cyrus
Coffin, Jared Coffin, Benjamin
Franklin Coffin, Moses Coffin,
Reuben Coffin, Eliza Coffin,
Christopher Folger Coffin
(had estate at Nantucket)
Benjamin Paddock; Richard L
Coleman; Hepzibah (also Hephizibett)
Vol pg
yr mo day
09 467
1821 08 30
Hagaman, Adrian
Sycamore Twp
wife Micah; children Simon,
Christian, Hannah wife of Rudolph
Schenck, Mary wife of John
Anderson, Charlotte, Lavina,
Lucinda Anna
John Cummins; Thomas W halon;
Samuel Ayres; Mary W Henderson;
Thomas Henderson
25 460
1821 09 11
W allace, Nathaniel
Miami Twp
wife Charity; daughter Sarah; the
poor of Miami Twp
Abner K Starr; David Carson;
McKinney Anthony; John Carson
09 457
1821 09 15
Baxter, James
wife Jane; children W illiam, James,
John, Andrew, Samuel C, Mary wife
of John Harper, Margaret (Peggy)
wife of Isaac Cummins, Jane Baxter
John Clark; John Jones (a witness to
the will died betw 1820 Jan 25 &1821
Sep 15; “last winter or spring” [of
1821] ); John T Jones; decd) Kennady
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
18 443
1821 09 26
Cullom, George Sr
Delhi Twp
children W illiam T, Allen, George,
Edward, Mary Arnold, Alleanor
Markland, Elizabeth Markland
Robert W helan; Jerem. Reeder; W esley
Coleman; Charles Nicholson
05 271
1821 11 02
Jacobs, Isabella
relict of John Jacobs
Colerain Twp
son Phillip Hooper Howard; Isaac
Mires; son Charles Jacobs
Arthur Orr; Henry S W ilmer; W illiam
M Orr
08 237
1821 12 24
Fernsler, Paul
wife Elizabeth; nephew Paul Knight
son of Jonathan Knight; nephew
Isaiah Corbly son of Elizabeth
Corbly; nephew Paul Frazer son of
James Frazer
Josiah Gwattney; James Clark
05 269
1821 12 27
Johnston, Nicholas
(Also Johnson)
Sycamore Twp
wife Mary; daughters Sarah &
Hannah, Phebe, Susannah, Catherine
Johnston; daughter Mary wife of
W illiam Irwin; daughter Elizabeth
wife of George W ilkie; sons
W illiam, John Ferris Johnston
Samuel Riker; Solomon Ferris;
Benajah Ayres
18 449
1821 12 26
Skillman, Jacob
wife Mercy; children Isaac,
Benjamin, Jacob, Thomas, Abraham,
Nancy Riddles
Henry Tucker; — McClung; — Harris;
Thos Higgins; Thomas Hanna; John V
(also P) Higgins
04 183
1822 01 31
Burdge, Jonathan
Springfield Twp
wife Rachel; sons Michael, Richard,
Robert; daughters Catharine Graham
& Polly Findly
Samuel W Rude; James Moore; John
01 488
1822 03 08
Elder, John
W hitewater Twp
(wrote will in Fannett Twp Franklin
Co PA 1820 Dec 11) wife Mary;
children James, John, Mary, David,
Margaret, Jane, Elizabeth
W illiam Gamble; Joseph Elder; Robert
(also Rubert) Lassen (or Larper)
25 462
1822 03 25
Gano, John Stiles
of Campbell Co KY
recently of Cincinnati
wife Mary; children Daniel, Aaron
G, John A, Sarah (“a very undutiful
child” who 1 st married Andrew Burt
by whom she had 3 children –she had
imprudent 2 nd marriage to John
Hughes), Mary; Dr Guy W W right
& wife Eliza; grandson John S Gano
Burt & his siblings Andrew &
Catharine; brother Rchd M Gano
Mr Carneal; Thomas Kennedy; Nancy
Kennedy; Benjamin W Leathers; John
Grant; Archibald W oodruff; Luther
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 266
1822 05 06
Butler, Fanny
single woman of
Springfield Twp
father Joseph Butler Sr; sisters
Nancy Hall, Elizabeth McKerney,
Milly Carrico, Kitty Carrico;
brothers Joseph Jr, W illiam; Nancy
Hall’s 3 youngest daughters Hellin,
Nancy & Caroline Hall; nephew John
Hugh H Hall; Vachel Kirk; Jos B Hall
11 368
1822 05 06
Smith, W illiam H
Japaner & gilder
mother Ann Smith of Lambotte near
London England; sister Martha
Anness of London or vicinity;
Society of the sons of St George in
Philadelphia; adopted child Mary
Cowley; John Cowley of Cincinnati
John Vaughan merchant of
Philadelphia; Robert E Griffith; J K
Kane; Harriet shade; Samuel H Thomas
merchant of Philadelphia; Robert H
Gilman; James C Morsell; W illiam K
Lambdin of Cincinnati; Clement C
Biddle; James S Farmer
08 270
1822 05 07
Roll, Edward
wife Phebe; children W ick (unable to
support himself), Isaac, Edward
John Miller; David Cummins; W illiam
D Dudlon; W illiam Hand; Jacob
Thomas; David Dunham
05 267
1822 05 10
Johns, Levi
wife Susannah; children
Reuben Stout; James Hardin; John
Colerain Twp
25 448
1822 05 17
Jacobs, W illiam
Colerain Twp
wife Electra
Henry L W ilmer; W illiam M Orr;
Henry Palmer; Arthur Orr; Joseph
Kilborn; James Scott
18 447
1822 05 27
Smith, Charles
of St Clair Twp,
Allegheny Co, PA
wife Agness
Thos Ramsey; John Cramer (also
Cranmer); Casper Hopple
25 444
1822 06 08
Johnson, David
Sycamore Twp
wife Polly; children Lewis, Charles,
Daniel, David, W illiam, James, John,
Joanna Graham, Susannah Gambril,
Phebe, Betsy, Mary Ann
Josiah Carter; John H Piatt (decd);
Benajah Ayres; Lodowick W eller;
Abraham Crist; John Taulman
03 555
58 479
1822 06 11
Hunt, Abijah
brother Jeremiah Hunt; W illiam
Gordon Forman; David Hunt;
brothers & sister
W m P Meisler; Elijah Smith; Ly.
Harding; Joseph Forman; Jonathan
Thompson; Louretta B Gibson
18 445
1822 07 27
Stephens, Henry
New Albany, IN
lawful daughter Rebecca; John
Stephens (natural son by Jane
Monyham); daughter Harriet
Stephens (by Jane Moneyham);
daughter Maria Stephens (by Jane);
America Monyham (daughter by
Jane); (land in IN & PA)
W illiam Green; James Kelley; Duncan
McCullum; Geo Turner; John Lewis;
James Thilly (which may be a
corruption of Kelley)
25 470
1822 07 27
Greener, John
George Jaspersen; A H Ernst; C W
06 451
1822 08 28
Hilditch, Samuel
of Columbia Twp
but now residing in
W arwick Co, England
brother Richard; widowed mother
Hannah Hilditch of Shewsbury
(decd); wife Hannah
John Ladbury; Thos Starkey; Thos
Eyre Lee; Thos Lee
Adams Co
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
02 478
1822 09 23
Snider, Cornelius
[Sycamore Twp]
wife Mary; son W illiam; son John;
daughter Catharine wife of John
Micken (also McKeon & McKown);
daughter Sally wife of Nicholas
Schonmaker (also Schoonmaker);
son David; daughter Margaret wife
of Abraham Crist; 3 of my g-children
Henry s/o John Terwelliger (decd),
and John & Sallie Fish children of
Nimrod Fish
John Stewart surveyor; John
Sterwilligen (decd); David Robison;
Daniel Newport
10 382
1822 09 23
Frost, Thomas
Crosby Twp
wife Elizabeth; children John, Isaac,
W illiam, Hannah, Sarah, Martha,
Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, Penthesilia
Othniel Looker; Catharine Barnes;
Jacob Storms; John Black
08 268
1822 09 24
Schofield, James
wife Elizabeth
Robert Rands; Thomas Henderson,
Samuel Stephenson; W m Crossman;
Albert Hopper; Thomas Henderson
25 446
1822 09 24
Drake, W illiam
wife Anna; children Oliver, Athelia,
Tryphena, Mary, Sarah, W illiam S,
Lewis, Jonathan, Thomas
James Armstrong; L A Hendrick;
Daniel Hayden; Elisha Norris; David
25 449
1822 09 24
Moore, Bustard
Mill Creek Twp
brother W illiam Moore; brother
Samuel (decd) & children Samuel,
Peggy, Betsey, John, Polly; brother
John (decd) & children; brother
Robert & children; brother Charles &
children W illiam, Charles, Robert;
nephew W illiam’s sons John R
Moore & Charles Moore
— Carter; W illm J Carson of Green
Twp; James Orr of Mill Creek Twp;
W illiam Patton; Edward Owen
Haymond; George Martin
04 195
1822 09 26
Townsend, John
daughter Catharine Hutton (or
Fulton?); sons W illiam, Abraham
John Pierson; C Park; John W aggoner;
Elenor Hagerman
04 193
1822 11 05
Barnard, Ruth
grandchildren Eliza Vansant,
Margaret Folger, Elizabeth Macy,
Zacheus Barnard; children Elizabeth
Macy, Benjamin Barnard, Zacheus
Richd L Coleman; Isaac Stevens;
Richard Folger; James russell
10 396
1822 11 14
Folger, Sylvanus
wife Margaret; children Avis
Pinkham, Phebe W eatherhold, Eliza
brother Richard Folger; Rchd L
Coleman; James russell; Zachary
10 384
1823 01 28
Finney, Ebenezer W
Springfield Twp
children John, 3 others; children of
Abby Preston– Loas Sprong; John
Fenny; Elizabeth Hall; (owned land
in IN)
w Snodgrass; Samuel Remond (also
Raymon); James McCraft (also
McCash); W m Cumming; John
Preaston (also Preston); E W m Finney
Jr; W m McCash; Jacob Hoffner; Israel
Brown; David Sprong; Stephan Jessup
01 490
1823 01 28
Bramble, Elon
wife Margaret; children Laban,
Major, Ayres, Lavinia Day, Fanny
Fleck, Polly W ard; son-in-law
Morris W ard
W H Moon; James Coney;
18 435
1823 01 29
McMurray, Joseph
wife Elizabeth; children Ann Miller,
Rev Joshua L W ilson; Robert Morry
Vol pg
yr mo day
Anderson Twp
07 352
1823 02 01
Kuhn, Lewis
25 434
1823 02 03
Depriest, Mary
04 225
1823 02 05
Riske, Charlotte
Signed will as:
Charlotte Chambers
will written in Franklin
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Thomas McMurray, Catherine
Stockton, Mary Cooper, James
Sr; Ichabod B Miller; John L
Richmond; David M Miller
wife Mary; children John, Elizabeth
Lucas, George, Joseph, Lewis, Polly
James Clark; Peter Monjar; Asbury
former husband Felty: son John
Felty; daughter Ann Eddy Francis;
son Langsdon Martin Depriest; son
Charles Avery depriest; niece Nancy
McKinnon Reynolds, daughter of
Elizabeth Reynolds
Hugh McDougal; Isaac W illiams (also
written Joel W illiams); Don (or Dan)
sisters Sarah Bella Dunlop,
Rhuannah Scott of Franklin MO,
Sally Chambers; friend Catherine
McFarland; (owned land at Ludlow
Station OH, and in Franklin, Howard
Co MO); John Redhead; Catherine
Robely; adopted daughter Mary
Miller; son James C Ludlow; son
Israel; daughters Ruhannah Ann and
Charlotte Ludlow; nephew W illiam S
Scott; Thos Chambers; United
Foreign Missionary Society of NY;
(left farm in 1819); children Sarah
Bella & Israel C Ludlow; brother
Benjamin Chambers
Francis W est; Rev Root of Cincinnati;
Col John I W allace of Cincinnati;
George C Miller of Cincinnati; Elisha
Stanley; W m Jewell
07 353
1823 04 08
Ludlow, John
Mill Creek Twp
wife Sussan T; children John,
Charlotte C, Ruth Catharine,
Elizabeth Patton, Susan Cummins,
W m D, Mary wife of Alexander
Pendry; grandson James Finley
James Steward; E Hutchinson; James
Sisson Jr; Erzkl (sic) Hutchinson
18 433
1823 04 21
Crane, Samuel
Springfield Twp
wife Sarah; only daughter Mary wife
of John Haris
Rev John Thompson; James
Thompson; John Thompson Jr;
W illiam M Thompson; Adrian Aten Jr;
01 494
1823 06 16
Harper, Mary
deceased husband Robert Harper; six
grandchildren Polly, Robert, Sarah,
Rebecca, John and Martha Harper;
dau-in-law Netty W ait; Reuben W ait
Andrew Baxter; James Lyons; Ann
01 497
1823 06 16
Stout, Benajah
Colerain Twp
wife Elizabeth; daughters Elizabeth
Merrit, Polly Hate, Catherine Davis,
Massey Jessup, Nancy Randolph;
sons Reuben, Charles and Ira
John Vanzandt; Stewart McGill
18 442
1823 06 16
Sedam, Cornelius
Delhi Twp
wife Nancy; children Cornelius,
Henry, David, Matthias, Eliza,
Nancy, Jane, Maria
Ethan Stone; Samuel Baker; Ira Condit
VanLieu; T Burnet
10 395
1823 06 18
Foote, Dan
(land in IN); Rev David Root of
Cincinnati; Maria Tindal of
Cincinnati; sister Lucy Foot; father
Mary Tindall; Lydia Tindall; Nathaniel
W right; John T Jones
(also Daniel)
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Aaron Foote of Colchester CT
18 441
1823 07 12
Crossen, James
wife Maria; children W illiam, Sarah,
Margaret, Ann
Thos Henderson; Robert Stewart;
Archibald Knox
25 452
1823 08 18
Bridges, John
wife Hannah; children Hannah,
John, Ann, Elisha, Benjamin
(will made 1811 Dec 16)
Orgia Clark; Orson Clark; James Clark
25 459
1823 08 18
Gwaltney, Josiah
Colerain Twp
children Samuel, Bennett, Simmons,
Elizabeth, Polly, Rebecca
Samuel Gwaltney; Thomas W healtey;
James Clark; Geo H Stockton
07 355
1823 08 19
Harper, Samuel
sister Nancy wife of Joseph Ross;
(land in Madison OH); youngest
brothers David & Nathan Harper;
mother now dwells in Franklin Co
IN; brother James Harper “with
whome I now dwell”; brother
W illiam Harper
Alexander Esau; Andrew Stewart;
Amos Bovam (also Boram)
01 487
1823 08 20
Crane, Elihu
Sycamore Twp
wife Phebe; son W illiam Crane;
eldest sons Cyrus, Elihu, David and
James; eldest daughter Abigail
Megil; daughters Nancy Jones, Polly
Mitchel; youngest daughter Susannah
Crain; youngest son Oliver
Benajah Ayres; Burgher Miller;
Richard Ayres; John Mathews
07 359
1823 09 03
O’Callagahn, Daniel
brother Patrick Callagahn of Ireland
Gurdon R Gilmore of Cincinnati;
Adam Hill; Thomas Henderson; Dennis
O’Callaghan (also Hallaghan)
18 439
1823 09 11
Decker, Josiah
wife Susan
Richard L Coleman; Reuben Swift;
James Russell Jr; Margaret Horton
07 363
1823 10 17
Pendrey, Ralph
children Elizabeth W earuff (living
east side of Mill Creek), Elizabeth,
Margrat Lyon, Ann Higgins, Isaballa
Voorhees, Ruth Voorhees, Mary
W ilmuth (decd), Alexander Penderey
Alexander Benderey; Jacob Voorhees;
Thos Higgins; James Patterson;
Alexander Patterson
25 451
1823 10 17
Debolt , Jacob
wife; brother Henry; (oral
will–testator gave will on 1823 Oct 3
& died Oct 5 in Newtown
Adam Miller in IN; Arther S Miller;
John Smith; John Richmond; Jonathan
25 457
1823 10 18
W hite, Jacob Jr
Springfield Twp
wife Elizabeth; children Catharine,
Elizabeth Ann
Thomas Sorton; John W ilmuth; W m
Boswell; Thomas Smith
07 361
1823 10 28
Sisson, James Jr
Mill Creek Twp
wife Hannah
Martha (also Maretha) Crary;
Tryphenia Gray; Rebeca Miller;
W illiam Ludlow; John Ludlow
02 465
1823 12 01
Norton, Tristam
Delhi Twp
wife Mary B Norton; eldest daughter
Lydia Butler Norton; 2 nd daughter
Catharine Shiff Norton; son Grafton
Norton; 3 rd daughter Asenith
Mayhew Norton
Joseph Mayhew; W illiam Cuttle (or
Cattle); Benj A Bassett
18 436
1823 12 01
Cross, W illiam
wife Sarah; children Mary Ann
Cross, Ester Cross, Lydia Cross;
— Ashton; — W olf; Thomas Ellis;
Yadok Davis; Sanford Sanders
Delhi Twp
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Charles Green
04 229
1823 12 02
Redinbaugh, Samuel
Jefferson Co IN
wife Maria; wife’s children Samuel
Hewlick, Polly Kinderson; Catherin
Mills, Iaac (sic) Hewlick; brothers
John, Frederick, Andrew, Philip,
Henry, Adam; Samuel, Peter & Anna
Benjn. Bassett; P I Holcomb; E
Molhkess (or Dolhkess)
07 357
1823 12 06
Hearne, James
wife; children Joshua, Moses, Jesse,
Beverly A (son), James, Stephen,
Isaac, Elizabeth Stouton, Saurina
Scuddle, Namy (or Nanny) Miller,
Meneter Stouton
Arthur Orr; Stephen Prybott; Archibald
farmer of
Green Twp
07 351
1823 12 17
Ewing, Thomas
children John Thomas Ewing, Jain
Seeper, Rebecca Vanhorn, Mary
Hughes; (land in Lecoming? Co PA)
John Bucknell; Charley Satur; Allep
Seeper; Peter Young; Erekiel Hughes;
John Fletcher; John Gross; Noah
Vanwinkle; Stephen W ood
01 485
1824 03 29
James, David
wife Sarah; children
H McDougal; John Shaw; Stephen
wife Rachal; W m Vandike; children
Sarah, W illiam, Elizabeth, Jane,
Isaac Sparks; Ephn Brown; John
wife Jane; sons John, Abraham; (land
in Knox Co OH); daughters Mary,
Nancy Patterson; son-in-law
W illiam Crowder
Thomas Kincaid Sr; James Kincaid;
Thomas Kincaid Jr
(director of the US Mint); past 81 st
year; wife; daughter Susan Verquean
Bradford; Catharine Harris widow of
Samuel Stockton “my brother-inlaw” and her daughter Julia Susan
Stockton; daughter of bro-in-law Rev
Philip Stockton; Rebekah Howel
daughter of Lucius Stockton (decd);
Maria Pearson (called Hanna Maria)
daughter of Joseph Pierson of
Rosehill; sister-in-law Rachel
Boudinot widow of brother Dr John
Boudinot; nieces Julia Stockton &
her sister Esther C Long, their
brother Dr Stockton (decd) & brother
Francis; Miss Esther Reed; faithful
steward Joseph Pierson & his son
Elias of Rosehill; Dr Charles H
W harton; cousin Jane wife of
W illiam Dayton of Elizabethtown;
niece Mrs Abbey Field of Princeton;
Nephew Elias E Boudinot son of
brother Elisha (decd); nephew Dr
Richard Stockton of Princeton;
brother Cap Louis Boudinot (decd);
Richard S Cope; Harm J Kindehoper;
Joshua W allace; John Moland; W illiam
Bingham (decd); Joseph Pierson;
Nathan Beach; Robert Kemble; Edward
Burd; Matthew Pearce; Thomas
Biddle; Robert Martin; Thomas Grant;
James Strawbridge; Mr Clarkson; W m
W W oolsey; San– Boyd; John Pintard;
Samuel Coates; Cadwalader Evans; Mr
Sterling; W m S Coxe; Ann Morrington;
John Coburn; George Taylor
07 347
1824 03 29
Hankins, Richard
01 505
1824 04 16
Patterson, Hamlet
a farmer
10 414
1824 06 04
Boudinot, Elias Dr
formerly from
Philadelphia PA and
Elizabeth town NJ
Burlington NJ
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
owned “my small original profile of
his late Excellency Lt Genl
W ashington, formerly President of
the United States, being one of the
last for which he sat at my particular
request, and in my opinion the best
profile likeness ever taken of him.”;
father John Stockton; nephews
W illiam Griffith, Samuel Bayard,
Louis Atterbury, John Colt; relative
Rev Lewis Bayard now of New
Rochell; Mary Eager (maiden name
Tyson); Elizabeth W eeks; Hannah
Oliver (maiden name Rockle); NJ
Bible Society for spectacles for poor
old people; nephews Dr Richard
Stockton of Princeton, Lucius H
Stockton of Trenton, Elias E
Boudinot (son of brother Elisha
Boudinot decd), Elias Boudinot Jr &
John (sons of brother John Boudinot
decd) & their sister Jane Van Dyne;
niece Susan Cuthbert; for the
transport of 15 or more families of
European Jews to safety in W arren
Co PA, where they would settle,
improve land and receive a deed
after 7 years; Miss Fanny Martel;
Moravians at Bethlehem PA for work
with the Indian Nations; niece Mrs
Julia Rush; 3 children of niece Mrs
Mary Bend; Magdalen Societies of
Philadelphia & New York; for
educating heathen in Cornwall CT;
Susan Bradford W allace & Mary
W allace daughters of friend John B
W allace & wife Susan; Presbyterian
Church; College of NJ at Princeton;
American Bible society; Public
Hospital in Philadelphia; poor in
Philadelphia; Foreign Missions;
sister Annis Stockton’s children
Richard, Mary Hunter, Lucius H &
Abby Field; Martha Bayard wife of
Samuel Bayard; children of brother
John Bodinot (decd) Elias Jr, John,
Tobias, Jane Van Dyne; Mrs Tace
W allace & four daughters; Rev
Hezekiah May; John Pintard; nieces
Catharine Atterbury, Eliza Colt,
Busan Boudinot
10 410
1824 08 17
Helmick, Peter
Crosby Twp
wife Betty; children Jacob, Daniel,
Molly, Philip; Mary, Mararet, Nancy,
Cathrine, Peter and Susannah. ;
Molly’s oldest child Elizabeth; David
Isaac Nelson; Zadock Truet
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Garrard; Richard Garrard
10 411
1824 08 17
Hammel, John
(Also spelled
Columbia Twp
died 1824 June 22 in his own house;
wife Mary; oldest son Alexander;
other children
James Jones; Robert Harper (decd);
Frederick Dew (also called W illiam
Dew); Thomas Cosbey; Gerard
01 486
1824 08 23
Irwin, W illiam
wife Polly; grandson W illiam Irwin
Slos (son of deceased daughter
Harriet); son Archibald Irwin; other
James Findley; Nicholas Longworth;
Eb H Peirson; Saml Ransay; Chas S
Adiram; Sam Findlay
04 186
1824 09 21
Hunt, George N
Jesse Hunt; bro-in-law Nathaniel G
Pendleton of Cincinnati; sister Jane
Frances Pendleton; brother R E A
Hunt; Abjah & Jeremiah Hunt (decd)
Oliver W Spencer; Charles Hammond;
Samuel F Hunt of Springfield Twp; Dr
Joseph W Hageman
01 507
1824 09 21
Price, Sarah
mother Sarah Price; brothers Rees E
Price, James a Price
John Dickman; Mary Embree; Ethan
Delhi Twp
07 349
1824 11 24
McKee, Samuel
Columbia Twp
wife; children Jeremiah D, Elizabeth,
Rachel, Polly, Cynthia, Eli, Lewis,
Samuel C, Alexander, David Connor
Oliver Jones; John Jones
08 255
1824 11 29
W ood, James
Columain Twp
wife Charity; children James C
W ood, Polly C St John, Charity
W ood, Betsy W ood, Isaac M W ood,
John C W ood, Lewis M W ood,
W illiam W W ood; sisters Deborah
Kelly, Betsy Burnet
James Baxter; Calvin Kitchel; Jacob
Cox; Jane Baxter; — Bunton (decd);
Francis Kennedy; Timothy Rowley;
John Alwood; W illiam Baxter; Daniel
Lehench (or Schurch); John
Shanchland; Andrew Baster
04 196
1824 11 29
Terry, John
friend Andrew Poe
David Cormick?; John Baughman,
Harlman Vantrees; Jacob Seller (also
Sellar); James Snodgrass
Crosby Twp
06 415
1824 11 29
Morten, Henry
Columbia Twp
(past 55 yrs 1808 Aug 27, when will
was made); wife Mary; eldest son
Thomas in Amexsham? Bucks Co
England; next sons Henry, John,
Joseph; son Richard
James Findley; John Brace; Geo P
25 455
1824 12 04
W illiams, Joel
children John, Benjamin, Carlisle,
Joel, Thomas & Elenor S W illiams
Thomas Henderson; Nathaniel W right;
Hugh McDougal; John B Benns (or
Bemis); W alter Rogers; James Carter;
Marget Rogers
01 482
1824 12 12
Howe, John
wife Sarah M Howe
Coddington Cheesebrough; W B
Phillips; Samuel M Hunt
10 412
1824 12 28
Hughes, Thomas
brother Samuel Hughes; Alexander
McNutt; (owned land in Mill Creek
Twp); John Melendy; James
Melendy; school for destitute
children in Cincinnati
Arthur Harries; James Keys; W illiam
W oodwards; James Findlay; Jacob
W illiams; Nathaniel Guildord; W illiam
Greene; Elisha Hotchkiss; Josiah
Moorhead; Daniel H Leavitt
25 471
1825 01 07
McIntire, W illiam T
Green Twp
good friend Mr Richardson; friend
Samuel T Smith
Silvester Smith; Reuben Reynolds
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
06 461
1825 04 05
Sayre, Levi
Springfield Twp
wife Jane; children Anne Sayer,
Lewis Gibson Sayre, John Sayre,
Sarah Sayre, Phebe wife of James
Coddington, Elias Sayre, Rachel wife
of W illiam Bell, Pierson Sayre
Abraham Van Vleet formerly of
Lebanon; W S Schooley; James Vance;
Elizabeth Ellis; James Covenhoven
18 446
1825 04 19
Sedam, Isaac
wife Elsy; children Elizabeth
(probably from a previous wife),
Jane, Mary Ann, Margaret, Sarah,
John Alexander
John Livingston; Jasper Johnson; Alex
Stevenson; Sarah Haylman; Saml H
wife Elenor
Richd L Coleman; V C Marshall; W m
06 464
1825 04 28
Swift, Calvin
05 278
1825 07 26
W olfington, Catharine
widow of
Robert W olfington
Uncle John Kidd of Cincinnati
(decd); children Robert, Thomas,
John, Richard, Margaret
Edward R Gillies of Philadelphia;
James Cunningham; James Martin;
John Kramer
25 438
1825 07 27
Comstock, Joab
wife Eunice; children James,
daughter Thankful Green, Samuel C,
Joab, daughter Eunice; (land in
Franklin Co IN)
Abner K Starr; W illiam Sater (ill in
July 1825), Jane Lemmon
11 273
1825 08 09
Fisk, Amos
mother in MA; cousin Mary
W arrington (the will was made 1825
Aug 8 on the morning of the day he
Stephen W ilder; Josiah W hitman; John
Jaquess Jr; W illiam Morse (also
Moos); Sumner W hipple; Benjn
Bassett; Samuel Patterson; James W ard
06 465
1825 08 18
Stewart, John
wife Nancy M; children Mary, Sarah,
Priscilla W , Elijah, Samuel M, John
E, James, Lucinda
brothers in law John Eliott Sr & John
Clark; John Todd, John Todd Jones,
Thos Agnew
04 184
1825 08 22
Markland, Thomas
Green Twp
wife Anna Maria; son John;
daughters Leah, Martha Ann; 3
youngest sons W ashington, James R,
Charles H; children Elizabeth
Rogers, Jonathan, Benjamin, John,
W illiam
Daniel Richardson; Peter Gardner;
Michael Shols; W illiam Benson;
Charles H Gardner; Noah S Markland
04 191
1825 08 26
Dodson, John
Springfield Twp
wife Eleanor; children John,
Margaret wife of Ira Smith; W m B,
Edward, Samuel, Nance wife of W m
McCash, Thomas; grandson W illiam
Dodson McCash; granddaughter
Eleanor Dodson McCash
W illiam Snodgrass; Isaac Dayton;
James McCash; Dunham Davis
25 436
1825 11 28
Lea, James
wife Elizabeth; children Margaret
McClean, John, Thomas G, Isaac S,
Henry, James, Hannah, Elizabeth,
Joshua Gibson (decd between 1822
Aug 22 & 1825 Nov 28); John Gibson
11 333
1825 12 28
W illiams, Samuel
wife Charity; son-in-law Michael
Isaac G Burnet; James McIntire; John
Mahard, John Shaw, W illiam Boyd
06 458
1826 02 26
Porvost, W illiam
formerly of London Eng
wife Margaret; mother Jane Provost
(decd); father W m Provost (still
Thomas James; Swift Connor; George
E Smith; Chas Fox
07 311
1826 02 27
Sisson, Isaac
daughter Mary wife of Lewis Hunt;
Moses Coffin; Solomon Yorke Atlee;
Vol pg
yr mo day
06 460
1826 02 28
Hafner, John L
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
daughter Nancy widow of Trustam C
Folger; daughter Eunice widow of
Josiah Riddle; g-children Eunice,
Eliza C & Richard Folger; (left
possessions in the eastern states)
Israil (also Israel) S Ludlow; Lewis F
brother Johannes Hafner of
Eberspock W uertenburg, his wife
Eliza and children Eliza, John
Mathias, Jacob, Leonard & one
whose name is not remembered
Bettamy Stover (or Storer); Geo
Juffenlatz (also Jufpenlatz); David
25 425
1826 03 10
Haines, Israel R
Colerain Twp
(died 1826 Feb 20, the day after
making the oral will); Daniel
Camron’s two children; uncle
W illiam R Patton & family including
son Iraell; mother
Thomas Lacy; James Charters; Mary
Charters; Isabella Parsel
10 387
1826 03 23
Ferguson, Hutson
wife Rachel; children James Brown
Ferguson, W illiam, Anthony,
Thos Bond; Joel Rogers; Ethan Stone
04 215
1826 03 25
Daulton, John
wife Naomi
Samuel Lewis; Matthew Benson
25 426
1826 05 23
Cummins, John
Sycamore Twp
wife Jennet; sons Robert, David,
Henry, Isaac, John, Peter; son James’
heirs Mary & James Perlee
Cummins; Martha Jane heir of
Stephen Cummins
James Logan of W arren Co OH; John
R Gastin; Robert Caldwell; James
25 430
1826 06 10
Conklin, Stephen
wife Anna; children Joseph, Stephen,
Amos, Martin, Elias D, Spencer,
Susan, Joanna, Polly, Sally
James foster; John Bannon; Andrew
06 457
1826 08 18
Ripley, Nathaniel
O Lovell; Clarrisa Lovel; relatives
W m P Ripley of Plymouth MA; Levin
(or Lewion) F Leonard; Marston Allen;
John W illiams
25 428
1826 09 05
Collier, Hazel
sister Ann wife of Nathaniel Suit
Even Price (decd); Reace Price; Icabod
Palmerton; Peter W illiams; John
Undersand; Elijah Morten
08 264
1826 09 08
W oolley, George
Green Twp
children John, Peter, Elizabeth wife
of John Craven, Thomas, W illiam,
George, James, Joseph, Charlotte,
Alfred; (land in Switzerland Co IN)
W illiam Benson; W m C Richardson
11 330
1826 09 09
W alker, Jemima
Mill Creek Twp
children Mary wife of W illiam
Medina, Margaret wife of John
McCorkle, Nancy Boswell, Betsey
W alker, Catherine Pindall
son George W alker; Adam Moore &
wife; Clark Bates & wife; Stephen
McFarland; Gabriel Hubbell; Jacob
Stewart; Isaac Bates
11 357
1826 09 12
Roll, Abraham
wife Prudence; children Samuel (in
Springfield Twp), Sarah, W ick,
Elizabeth wife of Calvin Raymond,
Rachel wife of Robert Preston, John,
Isaac, Martha wife of James Rich;
Eliza Ann Lindley; grandchildren
James W haling; Thomas Long; Rachel
Badgely; Clark Bates; W illiam Moore;
Joshua Moore; Joshua W illiam Sr
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
John & Abraham (sons of Isaac
Brokaw), Abraham & Henry (sons of
W ick Roll), Robert (son of James
Rich), W illiam (son of Isaac Roll)
01 483
1826 09 15
Jessup, Judith
Springfield Twp
deceased husband John Jessup; sons
Daniel, David, Stephen, John;
daughters Rachel wife of Casey
Johnson, Phebe Jessup, Lydia Jessup
Ichabod Spinning; John W Browne;
Jacob Smith; Rebecca Irelan
04 204
1826 10 06
Harvey, Esther
Colerain Twp
daughter Grace Cone; sons Azel
Cone, Charles Cone; daughters
Clarissa Nortrop, Esther Potter; sonin-law Jonathan Howard;
grandchildren Mares, Marcus,
Homer & Dan Potter; daughters
Elizabeth Huston, Lucy Ramsey
Samuel Huston; John Ramsey Jr;
Ogden ross; Charles Hill; Solomon
25 431
1826 10 12
McCormick, Thos
wife Margaret; children Robert,
W illiam, James, Martha Cilly, Mary,
Elizabeth, Sarah Ann
Benjamin Cilley; Jonathan Gray; Rbt
05 276
1826 11 29
W iltse, Cornelius
Green Twp
eldest son John; daughter Susannah
Shin; son Thomas; grandson
Cornelius Shin; granddaughter
Reachel Elizabeth W iltse;
granddaughter W eachel Sparks
W iltse; Martha Mull; John W iltse;
Simon W iltse; Susan Shin, Thomas
W iltse
W illiam H Biddle; Thomas W iltse;
Susannah Shinn
08 266
1826 12 01
W estcoat, James
wife Sarah; mother Elizabeth
W estcoat; children James, John D,
Esther, Sarah Batem (also Bateman),
Hannah Parvin, Elizabeth Fuller;
sister Elizabeth Smith (decd); (land
in Cumberland Co NJ); son-in-law
W illiam Bateman; Samuel Burr;
Phebe burr; Helmus Bogart (also
John Jay; Abraham Gampson;
02 464
1826 12 09
Edgworth, Robert
wife Jane; son Samuel
James McLane; Charles B McKee;
John McCornick; James McGregor
25 433
1826 12 18
Murphy, Peter
wife Jane; all my children
Peter A Sprigman; Calvin W ashburn;
Robert boggs; David Swing
25 437
1826 12 18
James, Sarah
daughters Catharine E, Martha
Louisa and Sarah Elner James; sons
W arren, Alfred
Samuel Lewis; Jonathan Young;
Margaret Morton
01 500
1826 12 20
Stanley, W illiam
(W ill written 1811 Mar 2)(married
about 14 years with no child) wife
Sarly (also Sally); nephew W m
Stanley Hatch–son of Abner & Jane
Hatch; nephew W m Stanley Merrells
(or Merretts)–son of Jacob and Ann
Merrels; nephew W m Stanley (son of
Nicholas M Gano; — Schenck;
— Cooper; Lewis Howell; Francis W est
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
James & Dinuntha Stanley; nephew
W S Hatch; bequest to the first
permanent seminary or college
established in Cincinnati for teaching
the languages & sciences
08 250
1827 01 27
Daulton, Naomi
husband John Daulton (decd);
daughter Rebecca wife of Samuel
Meeds & their eldest dau; daughter
Ann Lester wife of Charles Rigdon &
their daughter Naomi
Robert Clapham; W illiam Barr; Daniel
H Hroner; Oliver M Spencer; John
Mears; John Shally
18 425
1827 02 12
Burns, James Sr
wife Jennett;, John, Archabel, James,
W illiam, Thomas, Joseph, Francis
Joseph McKnight; Isaac Sturges; James
Lyon; John Leeper
04 181
1827 03 17
Brand, W illiam
housekeeper Ann Ludloe (or
Ludlen); (owned lot in Carthage);
brother David Brand & his eldest
daughter Mary
David Kennedy; W illiam A Smith;
John Shanklen
06 446
1827 03 17
Carson, Robert
wife Leah; children W illiam, Robert,
Rachel, Rebekhah, Eleanor, Lea,
Adelany, Mary
Reiley (also Riley) Stephenson; Albert
09 448
1827 04 10
Higgins, Thomas
Sycamore Twp
wife Nelly; children John V,
Abraham, James, Thomas C,
Vandorn, Francis, W illiam, Perthana
Horner (also Homer), Mary Jalit
(also Jalet)
Benjamin Tucker; James Cunningham
09 452
1827 05 04
Harnes,s Michael
Anderson Twp
wife Margaret; children Michael,
Sollomon, George, Elizabeth, Sarah,
Meetildy, Harriett, John, Job,
Caroline, Mary
Isaac Marriott; Stacy Marriott; David
Jones; John Debolt
08 245
1827 05 04
Edwards, Isaac
wife Hannah; children W illiam,
Rebecca, Betsey, Samuel, Edward,
Redford, Lydia Ann, George
Timothy Day Jr; Isaac Marriott; Elias
08 259
1827 05 15
W alker, Daniel
died at the house of George W alker
on 7 May 1827, made will on 6 May;
brother George B W alker
John W alker; Edward B W alker
06 439
1827 05 16
Hubbard, John
wife Mary; sons Jessy, Enoch, Silas;
Deborah Mixer; Eliz Taylor;
(Land in Bartholomew Co IN)
Ebenezer Mixer; Bartlett Vincent;
Ichabod Palmerton; Nathaniel Suto
Delhi Twp
10 431
1827 05 28
Patterson, Samuel
wife Mary; children Andrew,
Eleanor, Samuel, John S, Elizabeth,
Mary, Jane
Peter McNickle; Joseph Guest; J L
W ilson; James W ard; John Jolly;
Robert A Merrie
11 327
1827 08 06
W oolley, John
wife Martha; children Katharine,
Isaac, Silas, Joseph, Charles, Sarah,
Abigail, Rhoda, Eliza, David,
Daniel Hayden, David Mills, Jacob
07 345
1827 08 06
King, James
wife Ann; sons James & Jessy; heirs
of Ann Farefue (decd); Ruthy Gray;
Matthew Davis; Jona W ood; James
Russell; Jonathan W Lyon
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Elizabeth Davis; Sarah W ood;
Thomas D King; Mary Voiley; Delila
Flobrence; Catherin W ood; Susan
Manly (or Mauly)
08 248
1827 08 06
Mull, Benjamin
Mill Creek Twp
wife Martha; children
John W iltse; Asa Shinn; John Mason
11 365
1827 08 07
Street, W illiam
mother Elizabeth Street
Hugh W hite; Moses Brooks; Thos
Pawson; Joseph Cartwright; Charles
Tatem; John McCormick
wife W hilemia; children Thomas,
W illiam, Rachel, Phebe, Martha
be jailed till making payment.
McCewon; Samuel Carr
brothers Aaron & Basser Valentine
of Cincinnati; sister Rhoda; land in
Butler co OH
James W right; E A Bradbury; Samuel
Johnston; Sarah Shortridge; Daniel
Boyd; Amos Valentine; Hannah
wife Catharine; children Abel,
David, James, Joseph, Hesterann,
Elizabeth, Marthyann
(owned land in Vevay IN)
Zadok Davis; George Cullum; Edward
Babcock; Henry Davis
wife Margaret; sons Alfred D,
Samuel A; other sons an daughters
Chas Tatem; Benjamin Hopkins, W m
Disney; Parsons Garhams (sic); F W
Athearn; N S Hubbell; Iaiah (sic)
W ine(?)
06 441
1827 08 08
Brick, John
05 273
1827 08 08
Valentine, Levi
09 454
1827 08 08
Ellis, Thomas
Delhi Twp
06 442
1827 08 09
Coombs, John
25 442
1827 08 11
W ilson, W illiam Sidney
sisters Emily & Meeky Grady; (if
Meeky’s husband returned to her, she
would be disinherited); (land in
Augusta, Bracken Co KY)
W illiam Buckner; R Morecraft; Samuel
W ood; Nathaniel Townsley
05 275
1827 08 13
Vanzant, Isaac
(Also Vansant)
g-children Ruben Vansant, Mary
Vansant, Margaret Conklin, Mercy
W eatherbe
Ruben Vansant; Elias Toward (or
Soward or Loward); Jacob Field Sr;
Jacob Field Jr; John R Field
11 376
1827 08 24
Smith, Daniel Sr
Mill Creek Twp
wife Sarah
James Taylor of Springfield Twp;
Bradberry Robinson; Archibald Burns;
Isaac W illiams; Elizabeth W illiams
08 263
1827 08 27
W escot, Nehemiah
wife Zilphia; two children; two
youngest sons of Zilphia’s 1 st
husband– Henry & Joseph Ludlum
John Ramsdale; Saml Lewis
06 448
1827 08 27
Matthews, Nehemiah
wife Isabella
— Longworth; — Harrison; —Parr; M
brooks; Robert Farrall, Joseph Coppin
04 220
1827 09 11
St Clair, Hannah
Dr Moorhead; Mrs Jane Calhoun;
Edward H Bradbury
W Mills; B Hopkins; W m Cooper;
Charles Samson
08 246
1827 11 21
Miller, John
wife Barbary; children W illiam
Miller, Henry Miller, Jacob S Miller,
John Miller, Catharine Posey, Susan
Miller, Elizabeth Reid, Nancy
W illiam Benson; James Cox; Cornelius
Green Twp
Vol pg
yr mo day
09 451
1827 11 22
Johnson, Robert
also spelled Johnston
Green Twp
wife Dolly; children Letty, Catherine,
Jonathan, Alexander, Mary Jane,
Caroline, W illiam Henry, Robert,
Ezekiel Lockwood; W illiam Benson;
Joseph B Trowbridge; Moses P
04 202
1827 12 08
Yeaman, Sally
(Also Yaman)
rev Joshua L ; brothers Henry
Yeaman, Smith Yeaman; sister
Jemima wife of Henry Rowan; niece
Parmelia wife of Elijah Cahel; sister
Lydia Broadstreet [whose husband
was not to get his hands on the
Chas Fox; Sam Beach; Henry Miller Jr
09 456
1827 12 19
Kelly, Oliver
wife Jane; children Jane Murphy,
Elizabeth Nickerson, Amy Vindale,
Deborah Culin
George Lee; Macajah Conn; Peter
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 332
1827 12 25
W inter, John
Colerain Twp
wife Margaret L; children George
W inter, Sarah Ann W inter, John
Sifer W inter; wife’s daughter Sarah
Jacob Piatt; Joseph W atts; Jasper
Johnson; Sally Johnson; Ezra
Beckwith; W m MacDonald; Robert
Joice; John Ramsay; James McCormick
07 339
1828 02 12
Dusky, Eli
son James (who has been absent
from this country for some years) &
his children Margaret Mun and
W illiam; daughters Christana &
Cynthia; son Eli; son Joseph
I A Reeder; Josiah McMeen; W illiam
Cumback; Oliva Reeder
11 340
1828 02 12
Pottinger, Samuel
Crosby Twp
wife Susannah; children Samuel,
John, Thomas, James, Susan, Sarah
Jane, Betsey wife of Joseph Sater,
Nancy wife of Joseph McHenry,
Eleanor wife of Thomas Sater
Joseph McHenry; Benjamin Gilmore;
Luther Tilloston; Henry Case (now
resident of Franklin Co IN); Margaret
04 197
1828 02 25
Concklin, Isaac
(Also Conkling)
Mill Creek Twp
(member of Elizabeth Town
Presbyterian Church) wife Joanna;
unnamed daughter; Aaron son of
Abner Conklin; sons Abner, Isaac
Townsley Mulford; James Lyons;
Elijah Norton; Boler (or Buler)
Morgan; Elizabeth Breaul (or Breant?)
08 257
1828 03 22
W illey, Israel
children Sarah, Betsy, Deborah,
Hosea, Horace, 3 other children;
brother Judah W illey
Peter Stephenson; Roxana W illey
10 385
1828 04 15
Frazee, Jacob
Anderson Twp
wife Elizabeth; children Elizabeth
Millspaugh, Rachel Debolt, Jonah
Frazee,; “heirs” [probably also
children] Martha Debolt, Catharine
W olverton
Francis Martin; Isaac W olverton; John
W ebb; John Smith; Clayton W ebb;
Richd H Swain; John S Jones;
Thaddeus W ebb
04 173
1828 05 28
Lovelace, Seneca
wife Catherine; children Seneca
Lovelace Jr, Morgan Lewis Lovelace
James H Shaw; Calvin W ashburn; W m
Hosson; Jonathan Emerson
25 421
1828 06 21
Davis, Stephan
wife Elizabeth; Stephen Corbly son
of John Corbly
Johnson Clark; James Clark
25 423
1828 08 04
McIlroy, Enos
recently of Derry Co Ire
now of Cincinnati
nephew James McIlroy son of
brother John McIlroy of County
Derry Ireland
James McIntire; Charles Tatem; E
Hotckkiss (sic); W m B Sheldon (also T
B Sheldon)
Vol pg
yr mo day
04 170
1828 08 04
Konigmacher, Adam
Merchant of
Philadelphia PA
wife; children
John Cooke; Thomas Yardley; John M
Price; W illiam Yardley Sr; Jolly
Longshore; W illiam W Yardley; Jon
25 422
1828 08 04
Craffort, Henry
Springfield Twp
wife Polly; children Elizabeth,
Catherine (unmarried); son-in-law
John Henry
Thomas Smith; Stephen Enos; John
Riddle Jr
11 329
1828 08 05
W oodruff, Stephen
children Stephen, Samuel, Sally,
Polly, Rachel, Elizabeth, Rebecca
Samuel Hutchinson; James Clark;
Ephm Stewart; Samuel Johnson; W m
04 167
1828 08 05
Kitchen, Thomas
W hitewater Twp
Leovica (or Leonica); daughter Mary
John Powell; James Matson; Epraim
04 176
1828 08 05
Low, Cornelius
only child Almira Ann Lowe;
brothers & sisters
James McIntire; John Mahard; Peter
Britt; E Hotchkiss
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
04 199
1828 08 07
Shull, Peter
wife Catharine; sons John M, David,
Jacob; daughters Elizabeth, Rebecca,
Mary; son-in-law Adam Cole
C Fenton; Daniel Shup (or Streep);
Sarah Shull
25 419
1828 08 13
Dempsey, ElizabethT ereas
education of poor females of St
Peters Catholic Church; Hannah
Dempsey (wife of James Dempsey)
recently of Dublin Ireland for her
children; John Meara & his daughter
Catherine; Roxanna Ingham; Patrick
Kennedy living in the alley between
6 th & 7 th St; Emma Meara; Letitia
Boner; Mrs Sarah Baken
Rev E Fenwick Bishop of Cincinnati;
John Mahard; Jonathan D Harding;
Sarah Sloat
11 350
1828 08 15
Stephenson, Stephen
wife; children Peter, Tilitha (or
Lilitha), Azeneth, Catherine
W illiam M Grason; John Deen
11 325
1828 08 26
W akefield, Andrew
Crosby Twp
wife Margaret; children W m, Daniel,
John, Campble, Joseph M, Hannah
Elder, Elizabeth, Mary
John McMaken; Robert Blackburn
07 341
1828 09 05
Beresford, Richard
of Cincinnati
formerly of Parwick in
Derby Co England
wife Elizabeth; son Samuel; daughter
Ann wife of W illiam Langtry;
daughter Elizabeth Beresford; son
Benjamin & Richard
Asa Kimball; Nat W right; dnl H Horne;
Robert Hurton
10 392
1828 10 01
Freeland, John
wife Mary; children Mary, Jane,
Eliza wife of James R Horrocks
Sam R Miller; Calvin W ashburn; James
25 418
1828 11 17
McCowen, George
W hitewater Twp
wife Mary; mother Martha
McCowen; siblings James, John
Abner K Starr; David Keeler; W illiam
10 394
1828 11 17
Furnsler, Elizabeth
Anderson Twp
(died four days after making verbal
will on 1828 Nov 11); Saloma
Bridges; niece Elizabeth Knight
Jonathan Gerard; Justice Conley;
Justice Corbley; James Clark; W m
Davis; Geo Vail; Thos Banks
11 324
1828 11 19
W alker, Jesse
wife Hester; children Ann Eliza,
Mary Louisa, Augustus; friend David
Hadden (also Hedden)
James Foster; Luman W atson; Thomas
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 260
1828 11 25
W allace, Robert
on farm near
wife Rebecca; children Edith,
Elizabeth, Matthew, Rebecca, Ann,
David, Mary, Robert, Margaret,;
(land in Marietta)
sons-in-law Jacob Burnet & Martin
Baum; Aaron Dayton; Mary Dayton
07 343
1828 11 28
Baily, Daniel
wife Phebe; all my children
Gen Harrison; Jeremiah Goodrich;
Coslly Hudson; Daniel G Howell;
Robert Allen
wife Nancy
Matthew Benson; Christopher Smith;
Nal [Nathaniel] W right
Miami Twp
04 172
1828 12 02
Hall, Samuel M
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 352
1828 12 24
Sellman, John
Front St Cincinnati
wife; 5 children
son-in-law Marshall Key; Isaac Burnet;
Edwd H Stall
08 244
1829 01 24
Hill, John Austin Rev
Rev Nicholas Bomnir Young of
Perry Co OH
Richard w Roach; S H Montgomery
18 431
1829 02 10
Crane, Phebe
children Abigail Crane, Mary
Edwards, W illiam Crane, Stephen
Crane, Moses Crane; g-children
Rachel Crane, Mary Crane, Phebe
Crane, W illiam Crane, W illiam
Henry Sloan; children of son Moses
Crane–Uriah, Thomas, David, Phebe
Gideon Bresvent; W m Vandyke; John
Cortleford; Benajah Ayres
08 242
1829 02 12
Lambert, Mary
daughters Charlotty Briges, Elizabeth
John Ferris of Columbia Twp; Hugh S
Ferris; W m J Feris
18 424
1829 02 12
Hayden, W illiam
Springfield Twp
wife Hannah; children Rebecca (also
called Rachel), Martha Caroline (also
listed as two girls Martha, Caroline),
unborn child; (land in Veve, IN)
James Elder; W illiam McClellan;
Thomas Smith
18 430
1829 02 12
Chambers, John
wife Mary
Thomas Moorhead; John Vortiche
04 175
1829 02 13
Hill, Andrew
W hitewater Twp
wife Mary; children John, Daniel,
Catharine W ile, Susan Park, Evelina
Park, Mary Shull, Elizabeth W ile
Arthur Henrie (also Henry); Patrick
Smith; Joseph Seal
04 189
1829 02 18
Hunt, Andrew
of New York City
wife Catharine; brother Henry s
Hunt; sisters Elizabeth, Rebecca;
Catharine Matilda Vail; Catharine G
Fish; Uncle Reuben Hunt; Uncle
Israel Hunt; Andrew son of cousin
W illiam See; brother David Hunt &
his oldest son Abijah; Jeremiah
Hunt; Dr Cicero Hunt; brother Henry
A Hunt
Archibald Falconer of NY; Jo Dunbar;
Jno Chamberlain; B H Burgur (or
will made in Jefferson Co
06 437
1829 02 18
Febiger, Christian
merchant of
wife Hannah; sons Christian, Lea,
John C & Geo L
Joseph B Lapsley, merchant; Isaac Lea,
bookseller; Robert Martin Sykes,
attorney; James Perot, merchant;
Joseph Pryor; A J W erthey, in
05 258
1829 02 24
Bishop, Truman
wife Mary; only child Laura
James Foster; W m Young; M W olf
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 335
1829 03 08
Gwaltney, Bennet
sisters Mary, Rebecca; unnamed
James Clark Sr; James Clark Jr; Shelly
08 252
1829 03 16
Jones, Maria
granddaughter Maria Fowler
McMahan; grandson John Jones
McMahan; daughter Ann Maria
(decd) wife of James McMahan; son
Daniel Jones (decd) (wife Ann) & his
children Mary Ann, Charlotte, John
& Daniel; son W m Jones (decd)
(wife Maria) & children Ann Maria,
Peter Miller Jones, Eliza Jane Jones,
W m Henry Jones, George Bates
Melancthon S W ade; Richard Mulford;
Jno F Kemper; Thomas W yatt; James
brother John Peyton Scott of
Philadelphia; (land in Mercer Co
OH; Piqua OH); mother in Ireland
W m Hunter; John S Long; John Keown
04 201
1829 03 17
Scott, James
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
09 449
1829 03 17
Morton, Loring
of Natchez MS
lately of Massachusetts
Robert ; Rachel Dobbins & daughter
Angelina Morton; nurse Maria
W m Burk of Cincinnati; John W
Trenibly; Jacob Fowler of Natchez;
Sam Gustine; Jesse Trahem (or
Trahern); Capt Benjamin Farran; Dr
05 264
1829 03 17
Benson, Jane
daughter Mary P Benson; sons David
P Benson & Peter Benson
John Armstrong; W S W Gano
11 349
1829 03 27
Pryer, Andrew
wife Polly; children W illiam M,
John, Andrew, Charlotty, Aaron,
Mary Ann
Andrew Baxter (decd); Moses Flinn;
son-in-law W illiam ; W illiam Baxter;
John Davis; David Flinn
07 346
1829 04 21
Dunseth, Patty
daughter Mayard; son
Daniel H Horne; Saml Lewis; Margaret
Johnson; Rebekah Hartin
01 503
1829 05 26
Skillman Benjamin
wife Nancy; eldest daughter
Margaret W illiamson wife of John
W illiamson; 2nd daughter Sarah
Robertson wife of Daniel Roberston;
3rd daughter Masey Ann Skillman;
only son Thomas Skillman;
— Taylor; — Lindley; — Gurge; James
B Skillman; James L Larum (or Larowe
or Lavowe); Jonathan Lavison
08 239
1829 08 03
Irvin, W illiam
(also spelled Irwin)
Columbia Twp
children Samuel, Margaret, John,
Benjamin, Elizabeth Martin;
daughter Rachel & her son Mose
W idow Smith; Col John Fener; Isaac
Marriott; Daniel Marsh
05 262
1829 08 03
Bowman, Richard
Sycamore Twp
wife Mary; children Charity , Hannah
Lucas, George W , Hiram, Sarah
Lucas, Ezekiel, Jacob S (if he
returns in two years), Jane Lucas
Abraham Miller Jr; John Buxton;
Benajah Ayres
5 264
09 447
1829 08 04
Myres, John
Sycamore Twp
wife Margaret; 11 children Joseph,
Sarah Beard, John, Mary Shuff,
David, Aaron, Lydia Legg, Jonathan,
Daniel, Jacob (decd) , Samuel
(decd); children of decd sons Jacob
& Samuel
Joseph Thompson; Darius Ayres,
Benajah Ayres
11 338
1829 08 06
Pawson, Thomas
wife Elizabeth
M Brooks; E W Bradbury
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
08 241
1829 08 07
Hess, Jacob
18 427
1829 08 08
Brown, Hugh A
wife Diner (also Dinia); sons Jacob
Hess Jr, Michael Hess (decd);
daughters Agness Hess, Elizabeth
wife of Henry Stewort; Barbery wife
of Cornelius Blew Jr, Catherine wife
of Archabal Kintner; nephew John
Hess the son of Michael Hess (decd)
Samuel Cochran; W alter Clark
wife Ann; son George Hugh Brown;
half brothers Joseph Johnson,
Archibald Smith Johnson & half
sister Eliza Johnson the children of
Joseph J Johnson
brother-in-law Nathaniel P Robinson;
Ezekiel Hall; Daniel J Coswell; W m W
W ade
05 260
1829 08 18
Brokaw, Isaac
wife Sarah; six children Caroline,
Harriet, Abraham, John, Isaac,
W ick Roll; Smith Doty; W m Moore;
Thomas Long
11 346
1829 08 26
Rice, John G
of Cincinnati, but in
New Orleans LA
(died on his way from New Orleans
to Cincinnati) heirs of Ephriam Gale
(decd) of Guilford Vermont
Hugh K Gordon; Martin F Maher;
Meson M Crabuc; Charles Blanche;
Felix Jala; Matthew F Maher; John
W ood; I Hodgson Job W ood; S W
Phelps; J H Groesbeck; Albers
05 256
1829 09 02
Fry, John
wife Maria; only child W illiam Fry
Ebenezer B Tuttle; Benjamin Collins of
W Feliciana Parish LA); George see;
Joseph Conklin; Samuel Ackley
wife Elizabeth; children Elizabeth
Hunt, James (decd) & his son
W illiam, Alexander, Margaret
Colter, Hugh, Ann , W illiam; George
Christopher Smith; John W illiams (who
was ill August 1829; Vachel
W orthington
now Cincinnati
formerly W Philiciana
(Feliciana) Parish LA
11 360
1829 09 08
Gibson, James
04 168
1829 09 18
Batsford, Russell
(Also Botsford)
(oral will given the day he died, 1829
Sep 6); Mrs Rebecca Sterling (at
whose house he died); younger
brother & older brother; mother &
eldest sister
Isaac Eveleth; Hiram Frazee; Richard
W Chandler; Jos M Bacon; G W
Humphrey; Robt Gelly
01 496
1829 11 05
Banks, George D
Adams Co MS
friend A L Bingaman; Negroes Amy,
Isaac, Fenda; Frederick Stanton; Jane
Stanton; Mary Stanton; George
Banks Brandon son of Gormer
Brandon; Dr W m R Cox
Archibald Dunbar; A C Henderson;
Thomas Henderson; H P Postlethwaite;
Nicholas P Carr; Charles Little; James
05 259
1829 11 16
Durham, Joshua
daughter Alazanna Durham;
grandsons Jeremiah Durham &
Hiram Durham (son of Hiram, decd);
heirs of daughter Elizabeth Clerk
James Thompson; Henry Crosley
11 353
1829 11 16
Ross, Ignatius
Anderson Twp
deceased wife; children Thomas,
Ellenor McCormack, David, Jacob
Ichabod B Miller, Andrew W ayt,
Aaron Hopper, Charles Johnston,
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
B, John W Ross; grandchildren
Mary Ann Ross, Ignatius Ross
McCormac; (owned land in
Anderson Twp & in Brown Co OH)
Christian Ebersole
11 355
1829 12 10
Robinson, Alexander
wife Nancy; children John, Thomas,
Nancy, Martha, Betsey; Jane Brown,
W illiam, James, Mary Gelispie,
Sarah Clark
W illiam & Francis Bodine; son-in-law
Israel Brown; Benajah Ayres; Sarius
Ayres; John McKnight; James Mathers
11 364
1829 12 10
Shane, Elizabeth
friend Catherine W eldon of
Cincinnati; Ruth Graham
Lewis Dewese; W illiam Turner; Hugh
Peters; Jemima Farmer
06 435
1829 12 16
Flinn, Stephen
wife Joanna; daughters Sarah and
Sabra, Joanna; sons James, Stephen,
W illiam, Jesse, Vinson (or Vinsor),
David, Moses; (farms on Indian Hill
& in Columbia Twp)
W idow Clark; W m Baxter; James
Parker; Isaac W illiams; John W Jones
09 446
1829 12 30
DeW itt, Mary Ann
of Cincinnati
died in MorrisTown NJ
husband Garret V H DeW itt; sisters
Anna L Baymiller, Sally C Pierson;
Grandmother Mary Pierson (decd) of
Cincinnati; Charles P Baymiller (son
of sister Anne); father (decd) of Ohio
John E Canfield; J W Canfield; J F
25 399
1830 01 16
W ebster, George W
recently of Port Gibson
siblings Humphrey W ebster, Israel
W ebster, Ruth W ebster, Sally wife of
Abial W ardwell, Polly wife of
Reuben W ardwell
Peter Britt; Calvin W ashburn
25 400
1830 02 09
Lisk, Solomon
(also spelled Leisk)
Fulton Twp
children of his brother Ireal (sic);
(died 1830 Feb 1, the day after
making his oral will)
W illiam Lewis; James Byers; Peter C
Parker; John Morgan; J T Stewart
03 027
1830 02 10
Hays, Oliver Jr
Crosby Twp
father & mother Oliver & Miriam
Hays; Samuel R Pierce; Fanny M
John Frost; W illiam W akefield; B F
Looker; John McMaken; Barney
Simerson; Henry Crossly; Alex
Cavender; W illiam elsworth; John
Campbell Jr
11 299
1830 02 15
Appelgate, George
Springfield Twp
wife Hannah; children W ashington,
Hamilton and Amanda
Arthur L Sortor; T Snook; Elias
W hitlock; Thos Sorter; Jas Bloomfield;
Aaron Brown
11 292
1830 02 15
Graumlich, Christopher
wife Catherine; children Jacob
Grumlich, Catherina W hitmeyer,
Adam Grumlich, John Grumlich;
grandson Christopher W hitmeyer;
grandson John Grumlich (son of
Daniel M Fleming; John Larowe; John
Hoffner; Stephen Jessup; Thomas
Smith; Daniel Brown; John Laboyteax
25 408
1830 02 15
Cox, Jacob
wife Rosanna; children David, Jacob,
John, Rebecca Felter, Sarah Hetzler,
Elizabeth Cox; g-children Jacob,
Peter, David, John & W illiam
Hetzler all children of deceased
daughter Rosanna
Joseph Clark; W M Baxter; David
Osborn; John T Jones
father; mother; sister Marion;
John G W orthington; Ben Drake; R L
Columbia Twp
11 300
1830 02 17
Bower, James
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Place; e S Haines; McFarland J Beggs;
E D Vinton
11 301
1830 03 09
Basset, Benjamin
of Cincinnati formerly of
Chilmark on Martha’s
Vineyard MA
(W ill written 1823 Aug 1, when
testator was 71 years old); wife
Abigail; children Benjamin,
Jonathan, Elizabeth Davis, Ruth
Copelen; g-children Zipporah Basset
(daughter of Benjamin), Bassett &
Benjamin Davis (sons of daughter
John Matson; heirs of Grinnell; R
Mulford; Cornelius W ing; E Hotchkiss
02 458
1830 03 17
Chamberlin, Richard
Sycamour Twp
(also Chamberlain)
children Tylee (a son), Richard,
James S, Sarah Lane, Molly Thorp,
Anna; g-children Samuel, Huldah &
Taber Shadwick–the children of
deaceased daughter Catharine;
Daniel Kitchell, John Kitchell, Daniel
09 442
1830 03 24
Scott, John P
mother Hannah Scott (wife of Robert
Scott); youngest sister Hannah Scott;
Thomas Alderdice
Robert Boggs; James Johnston; John
Kearn; Julius V Thomasson
11 289
1830 04 01
Ross, Mathias
children Ogden, Joseph, W illiam,
Aaron, Abigail Burnet; g-children
(the children of Ogden) – Marthat C
Bigham, Caroline Andrew, Sarah L
Ross, John L Ross, Charlotte Ross,
Harriet Ross, Mathias D Ross, Jane
Ross & Lydia Ross
Charles Hill; Stewart McGill; Samuel
Huston (also Hueston); Samuel Ransey;
John Ramsey
25 416
1830 04 15
Parker, Stephen
The will, which was crossed out,
was also recorded in vol 25 p 405
25 405
1830 04 15
Parker, Stephen
(No evidence of probate; the will is
crossed out) wife Elizabeth; children
John, Elmore, Stephen, W illiam,
Catharine Nothren, Amelia Haircot,
Nancy Crowell; (Land in Miami
W illiam Benson; Jonas Avy; Joseph
02 455
1830 04 28
Corbley, Stephan
wife Margaret;
(land on Clough Creek)
Robert Murrows; Elizabeth Davis;
Leona[rd] Armstrong; Clayton W ebb;
John L Richmond; Henry Eversoell (or
Eversuell; also Eversoll); Peter
Monigar (also Monjar)
03 030
1830 05 11
Drake, John T
wife Eliza; son John; father Simeon
Drake & mother residing near
Gilmanton Iron works PO in NH;
(died of consumption; his health
declined after 1829 Oct 10, & in Jan
1830, he went down the river for his
health; he died in New Orleans in
Phillip Speer; Clev (or Clen also Cleny
or Clevy) Bates; J Bates; John H
09 440
1830 08 09
Cox, Joshua
daughters Temperence King,
Elizabeth King, Sarah Cox, Mary
Cox ; heirs of eldest son W illiam
John Boughman; Robert Gunning;
Isaac Pierson; Daniel Iseminger; Isaac
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Cox (decd); sons Bozley, Edward,
Jonathan, Robinson; grandson
Earwin Cox (son of Jonathan &
Susan Cox)
25 415
1830 08 10
Price, Hezekiah
wife Anne; children Clarkson, Peter,
W illiam R, Hannah Crain, Susanah
Radabaugh, Esther Ryan, Katharine
S Price; (land in Mechanicsburgh,
Butler Co OH)
Robert Botkin; Samuel W B Felter;
Richard Botkin
11 294
1830 08 10
Godstone, Joseph
(also spelled Kotstone)
wife Mary; son Jacob Kotstone
R A Madison; Jabez C Tunis; W m
Bowman; P Carabin; A Botkin
25 403
1830 08 10
W right, Amnon
wife Hannah; father W illiam W right
of Salem Co NJ (decd)
John Stout; Samuel Stout; James
Foster; Federal B Everett; W illiam
Janes (or Jones); James Taylor
wife Angelina; adopted boy
Theodore; sister Eliza W McCoy;
brother W illiam C McCoy &
children; Robert Hazelwood; wife
Angelina’s siblings–Catharine,
Elizabeth &Jacob Hoops
Jacob Burnet; Charles Fox; Joseph
Challen; Vincent C Marshall; Henry
18 420
1830 08 18
McCoy, Robert
09 445
1830 08 21
Corbly, Paul
[wife] Rebecca; children
Justice Corbly; Merrit Johnson;
Clayton W ebb; Shelly Clark; James C
25 412
1830 08 21
VanMiddlesworth, John
wife Lydia; son-in-law Ira C Vanline;
children Catharine, Jane, Margaret,
Eliza, Tunis, Peter & Henry (decd);
orphans of son Henry
F A Sayre; Vachel W orthington;
Michael Bardge
18 418
1830 08 26
Meek, John
Ross Twp, Butler Co OH
nephews Thomas Cisel, John Cesil;
uncles John Meek, Isaac Ogg; aunt
Sophia Shaw; cousin Knoles Shaw Jr
John Cleves Symmes; Albert
Corteleyon; James Shield; James
Howard; Henry Montgomery
25 406
1830 08 30
McGarvey, Mary
Green Twp
children Mary Ann wife of Isaac D
Carson, Peggy wife of Robert
Bovard, W illiam (decd), Robert
(decd), Polly Moore, Rachel wife of
John Fisher; grandsons Robert &
W illiam McGarvey orphans of
W illiam; grandson George Smith
John Reddish Sr; W illiam McGarvey
(decd); W illiam Benson; W illiam J
Carson; Benjamin Griffith; Robert
02 453
1830 08 31
Shepherd, Thomas
wife Nelly; children Sarah,
Catherine, Thomas, Rhoda Smally,
Mary Lasy, Elenor Nail, Aletty
Lobaw (or Labaw)
John Rinerson; Benajah Ayres; John
Roberston; James Lochs
02 451
1830 09 01
Dayton, Aaron
Mill Creek Twp
wife Mary; bound boy Hary
John Armstrong; Robert W allace (since
decd) ; Rebecca W allace
11 343
1830 09 04
Newton, Joseph
wife Martha residing in Oldham
Lancashire England
Hiram Howard; Henry Morris; James
W aren; W illiam T Scofield
01 468
1830 09 18
Riggs, David
wife Elizabeth; sons Isaac , David &
John Burgoyne; John Ludlow; James
Vol pg
25 411
yr mo day
1830 09 18
Conley, Nancy
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Lukens; W B Stout
children Bridget Murray, W illiam,
Mary Brady, Nancy McElroy
James Murray; James Foster; John
Scull; John Pelson (or Pilson)
09 437
1830 10 11
Tarrant, Larkin Maxwell
34 yr old Merchant
native of Garrett Co KY
now of Orleans Parish LA
W illiam Y Lewis; Madame Gwelset;
Jabez C Tunis; James Baldridge of
Cincinnati; Nathaniel Emerson;
Benjamin Barnard Perry; Stuart
Hillhouse Lewis; Robert Boal; Nathan
Baker; Henry Rockey
11 317
1830 10 13
Kilgour, David
wife Juliana; sisters Mrs Jane Lyhter
(also Lighter) & Margaret Brower
(also Brown) both of Fifeshire
Scotland; sister Mrs Jeanett Bogie;
brother Glenny Kilgour; nieces Mrs
Isabella Adams, Mrs Jeanette
Christy, Mary Kilgour (daughter of
Glenny), Catherine Kilgour, Eliza
Milson, Betsey Foster, Jane
Springer; nephews John Kilgour,
Glenny M Kilgour, John Boogie,
W illiam Bogie; heirs of Griffin
Taylor (including his daughter Sarah)
Joseph Gest; nephew John G Kilgour;
Griffin Taylor; Ezekiel J Haines; W m
Lytle; W (also P) Beson (also Benson)
wife Eliza; children John W ,
W illiam, Samuel
brother W illiam Adams; Zaccheus
Barnard; James Foster; Benjamin F
Bowers (also Powers)
Delhi Twp
wife Mary; children Person, Mary
Jane, Richard, Emerly
Thomas Holland; Ichabod Palmerton;
Robert Goudy
Green Twp
wife Sarah; John Dilks (the son of
Isaac Dilks) now living with me
W illiam H Biddle; Abraham Matlock;
John Coleman
11 297
11 296
25 402
1830 11 15
1830 11 19
1830 12 01
Adams, John W
Goudy, Samuel
Dilks, Samuel
11 290
1830 12 08
Robertson, Joshua G
Rev Benjamin P Aydelott; Joseph
Kite (“a coloured man in
consideration of his faithful attention
and Kindness to me in this my last
illness”); mother Rachel robertson;
sisters Susan Rebecca Dorsey, Lydia
Ann Robertson and Eliza Ann
W illiam Neff; Bayly Keys, John B
Brooke; Robert Moorhead; W illiam R
Foster; John S Lytle (also Lyte)
18 422
1830 12 09
Robison, Michael
mother Catherine Robison
John F Lancaster; Robert Mitchell;
David W illiams; George Smith
02 460
1830 12 13
Caldwell, James S
wife Helen Mary
Jane Cist; Charles Cist; W illiam J Peter
03 029
1830 12 20
Davis, Thomas
Colerain Twp
wife Rachel; children of Daniel
Baruess; Anna Heath; James Lues
Noah Runyon; Daniel Barus; W illiam
Sparks; Jacob Hart
18 417
1830 12 20
Hutchinson, John
wife Maria; child Mary
John Mayo; Bellamy Storer; Philip
02 456
1830 12 20
Cottle, John
wife Rebecca; daughter Mary
Mayhew; heirs of daughter Betsey
Mayhew (decd); children W illiam,
E Stone; Eloisa S Cottle; C M Stephens
(also E M Stephens)
Delhi Twp
(Name also written
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
John, Truman, Rebecca Green, Susan
Harding, Peter
01 475
1831 02 22
Martin, Samuel W
Colerain Twp
wife Charlotte; children Sally Bevis,
Samuel, Charlotte
Stewart McGill; James Struble;
Jonathan Larrison (or Lanison)
05 235
1831 02 23
Scott, Alexander
Crosby Twp
son James Scott; daughter Isabel
Scott; daughter Anne Reed (who kept
house for testator over 30 years);
Jenet Elder; grandsons Andrew
Scott, Joseph Scott, Henderson Scott,
W illiam Scott, Barnet Moore, Scott
W illiam Miller; Mr W hite; Israel
Starlin (also Starling);
04 160
1831 03 05
Crosley, Josiah
wife Huldah; children Henry,
Simeon, Abel, Gitlia (or Githa), Lois,
Polly, Ira, Radah (or Vadah), Alex
Shelly Clark, Elisha Bridges
25 394
1831 03 08
Fowble, Jacob
wife; child Harriet
Ebenezer Hulse; Geo Simmins; John
Larowe (or Larame)
Mt Pleasant
Springfield Twp
04 152
1831 03 08
Field, Jacob
Springfield Twp
brother John Ross Field; sister Eliza
Michael Fantuyl of W arren Co; James
Coddington; Thomas Smith; John J
W alker; Benjamin Hubbard
03 026
1831 03 12
Bailiff, Daniel
wife Martha; sons Phenias B,
Edmond P; Elizabeth Leeds; Emma
Fegan; Phebe Cox; Eidith Bailiff;
Susan Bailiff
(owned land in Palestine, Clermont
W illiam Arbegust; Joseph McDowell
25 398
1831 03 14
Schmidlapp, Frederick
a baker of
wife Mary Ann
Christopher F Hanselmann; Jonathan T
Stateler; Philipp Phisterer; Jacob
03 043
1831 03 17
Skillman, Jacob
Colerain Twp
wife Sarah; 3 children Jacob, James,
Richard Burge; son-in-law John J
Miles; John W illiamson; Thomas
Skillman; Abiezer Miles
04 151
1831 03 22
Conklin, Joseph
wife Sarah; daughter Ann Maria
L J Strait; Ralph McKay; Daniel H
01 476
1831 04 06
Lytle, W illiam
son W illiam H Lytle (decd betw
1826 Jan 31 & 1831 Feb 8);
John S Lytle; W illiam H Lytle; Robert
T Lytle; Ezekiel Smith Haines; Henry
Avery; Timothy Kirby; V A Marshall; J
F Henry; W m S Ridgely
04 154
1831 04 18
Bates, Isaac
nephews W illiam M Bates, Ethan S
Bates, Henry M Bates, Michael
Bates, Isaac Bates; brother Clark
Bates (who owned land in IN jointly
with testator); nieces Mary Ann
Bates, Jane Bates
W m ruffin; Stephen McFarland;
Richard C Fosdick
11 287
1831 05 10
Veaucher, Abraham
wife Polly
Robert Ferrein; Oliver English; John
W aggoner; Theodore Scowden; James
Hughes; Jesse Smith
Vol pg
yr mo day
01 478
1831 06 17
Facorn, Daniel Frederick
Peter Britt & son Peter Britt Jr;
Robert Coppin (wife Sarah) and his
children Almira, Henry F, Charlotte
Elizabeth; Pierson & Sarah Elizabeth
the two youngest children of John
Gibson (wife Elizabeth); Frederick
W Rogers; Joseph B Humphreys
A L Choat; James R Hancock
04 162
1831 08 16
Bennet, John
wife; children Morris, John,
Amanuel, Nathaniel, David, Joseph,
Gideon, Mary
W illiam Doan; James Bennett; George
H Braydon
25 396
1831 08 16
Smith, John Broadfoot
wife (decd); daughter Ann Barnacott
Smith; son Henry Ryder Smith
John S Gano; George C Miller;
— McCarmack; Richard Gaines; Luke
Kent; Henry Mesggeridge
06 430
1831 08 31
Harris, Joseph
wife Amy; children Edmond, James,
Stephen F, Joseph, Mary Shepherd,
Elizabeth Ann Harris, Amy Harris
Thomas W illiams; Phelender (also
Phelander) Baldwin; Joseph McDowell
Fulton Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
04 158
1831 09 07
Gwaltney, Mary
mother; brothers Samuel, John &
Simmons Gwaltney; Sarah Gwaltney;
sister Rebecca Gwaltney
Stewart McGill; Samuel Huston
03 023
1831 09 12
W ood, John
wife Theadace; children
Isaac Morgan; John D W estcutt; James
W W estcutt (also W estcott)
09 432
1831 09 13
Lawler, Matthew
lately of Philadelphia
wife Ann; granddaughter Anna
Lawler Bryant; grandsons Matthew L
Harbeson, Benjamin Harbeson,
Charles Harbeson; son Davis B
Smith L Hammedien?; John P Foote;
Samuel E Foot; W illiam Green;
W illiam S Johnson; W illiam Hartshorn;
Nathl W right; John H Corke; John
McKnight; R buchanan
11 344
1831 09 20
Ross, James
wife Sarah; son James
John Ennson; John townsend Jr; Lewis
06 429
1831 09 26
Jordan Caleb D
of New Orleans LA,
now sick in Cincinnati
Harlory W hitney of W eatham MA;
James Crebore of New Orleans;
mother Elizabeth Jordan of Canton
MA; sisters Elizabeth W hitney,
Charlotte Cathcart & Hannah
Belden; Frederick Atbeary; brother
Henry Jordan
C Hammond; Benj B Tressenden (also
Fessenden); John T Martin
01 480
1831 09 27
Phillips, John H
wife Hannah; probable children
widow Sarah Ann Anderson (& her
children George & Howell), Hester
Josiah Houwm (or Houmn?); James
Drum; W illiam Doty; James McLean;
Jonah Martin
11 286
1831 09 28
Tasker, W illiam
Columbia Twp
wife Mary Ann; children
W illiam Lofthouse; Michael Hey; Jas
Hey; Benj Hey; Jonathan Jones
06 427
1831 09 30
Groff, John
wife Sarah; children
Andrew W are; Lot Howe, Lewis F
wife Anna; children W illiam, George
W ashington, Mary, Lydia Ann,
Richard, Hannah, Emeline (provided
she lived separate from her present
Asa Hinkle; W illiam McCrane; John
McCormick Sr; brother Aaron
Chamberlain; John McGilliard; Tylee
Chamberlain; Nathaniel S Schoody
02 461
1831 11 --
Chamberlain, W illiam
Springfield Twp
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
husband James Thorp); Emeline’s
daughter Mary Ann Thorp)
(also Schooley)
05 253
1831 11 03
Tunis, Nehemiah
Borough of Elizabeth,
Essex Co NJ
wife Patience; children M Caleb,
Nehemiah, Bonardis (also
Bonardus), Garrison, Sarah
(married), Julia (married), Susan
(married), Hannah, Patience, John,
Dr Isaac Morse; John Chandler; Elihue
Pirce; J B Dayton
02 450
1831 11 20
Bailey, Barzilla
wife Mary
(First name also written Baizilla)
W illiam Mills; Lewis W Lee; Geo C
03 225
1831 11 21
Reddish, Thomas
daughter Sarah; son Stevenson; sister
& brother Elizabeth Bentley & John
Reddish both of Mancester England;
guardian of the children was to take
his children from their mother so she
had no control over them; wife’s
name was Phoebe
W illiam Pierson; W illiam Hill
W oodward & wife; Anthony
Thompson; W illiam Kenyon; John &
Elizabeth Baldwin; James M Mason;
Elam P Langdon; [portrait painter]
Corwine; E Hotchkiss; J Foster; Josiah
W ing; Jacob B Hancock; Joshua R
Gibson; Stephen Burrows; Josiah
Blake; James Cobb; W illiam Ruffin;
Stephen McFarland; Franklin Carr
06 433
1831 11 21
Owens, David E
wife Nancy; children Elizabeth,
Rhoda, Mary Margaret, unborn child
Jacob Phillis; George Shuck; James
11 336
1831 11 22
Chamberlin, W illiam
Springfield Twp
wife Anna; children W illiam, George
W ashington, Mary, Lydia Ann,
Richard, Hannah, Catharine,
Emeline; Emeline’s child Mary Ann
thorp; Emeline to have interest if she
lives separate from her husband
James Thorp
Asa Hinkle; W illiam McCrane; Isaac
Swallow; John McCormick Sr; brother
Aaron Chamberlin; John M Gilliard;
Tylee Chamberlin; Nathl L Schooley
01 472
1831 12 17
Matson, James
wife Leonati (or Lemati); only son
John DeW itt Matson; only daughter
Sarah MCrackin; grandson James
Matson Mcracken; Levinata Johnson
“a girl whom I have brought up
nearly from infancy”; (owned land in
Miami & W hitewater Twps)
Onan Scott; W m J Buck; David Noble;
Shannon A Buck
01 471
1831 12 28
McClellan, James
Springfield Twp
children John, W illiam, Robert W ,
Hannah wife of Ephraim Pitman,
James, Nancy wife of Jonathan
Pitman, Elizabeth wife of John Clark,
Ann wife of Daniel Burch, Belinda
Thomas Smith; Job R Hutchinson
10 391
1831 12 31
Matthews, Thomas
Cincinnati Royal Arch Chapter #2;
nephew & nieces Charles Matthews,
nieces Mary wife of W illiam
Herbert, Martha wife of W illiam
Carnish (children of Charles
Matthews of Yelvertoft,
Northamptonshire England)
Calvin W ashburn; Jabez W ashburn
(witness whomoved to parts unknown);
Joseph Cornish; Elisha W oods; David
Swing; Chas W hipple; Peter Britt;
David Loring; Jacob Resor
04 149
1832 01 04
Edwards, John
wife Rebecca; children Justice, John
John Davis; Robert Shoemaker;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
C; son-in-law Peter Marshall; Dr
James L Chamberlen; Richard
Dement; Thomas E Johnson
Jonathan (also Nathan) Mott
11 258
1832 01 20
Jones, James
wife Mary; children
Daniel Hasbrook; David Black Jr
04 178
1832 02 11
Dunlap, Robert
wife Margaret; children Agnes Jane,
W illiam John, Robert Elam (or
Ekin); brothers W illiam, John (now
of Ireland), James Dunlap; sister
Eliza Martin & her son Robert
Thompson); father W illiam Dunlap
of Cambridge NY & his son Robert
J & G R Gilmore; James Johnston;
Philip Skinner; David ; Elizabeth
W illiam; Stephen Burrows; Genl
Harrison; N Longworth; I Burrows;
sister Eliza’s husband David Martin; E
B W alker; Robert Gilmore; Margaret
10 368
1832 02 21
Green, Elizabeth
children W illiam W Green, Robert C
Green; Lewis Green, Caleb Green;
Edeliza; Rebecca B Green; father’s
estate at the death of testator’s
Vachel W orthington; Robert W allace
11 239
1832 02 21
Atherton, Aaron
will written 1819 Mar 3
wife Nancy; children including son
Benjamin, daughter Gemsha, son
Peter, son Aaron
son-in-law Abraham Lee; W illiam
Sater; Joseph Sater; John Sawyer;
Amos Atherton; Daniel Long
01 450
1832 02 21
Ramsey, John
wife Mary Josephine; mother
Elizabeth Ramsey; brothers James,
Thomas Ramsey; sister Eliza
Slaughter’s children Elizabeth &
Julia Ann
W m Powell; W m Disney; James foster;
Hezekiah Flint; Ellis dunaway
children James Richey, Elizabeth
wife of James W are, Mary wife of
W illiam Moore, Ellinor wife of
Arthur Beaty, Stephen richey,
W illiam J Richey
Isaac H Jackson; W illiam Moore; H L
W ilmer; Garret Hopper; Sidney A
Jackson; Arthur Beaty; Edwd Dodson;
W m W allace
wife Mary; sons George W ashington
Green, Rufus Green
(owned land in Vincinnes IN)
Smith Clason; Raticy Evans; J C
morris; Abram Knicely (or Kincely);
Benjamin C Conklin
10 379
1832 02 22
Richey, Mary
06 432
1832 03 14
Green, Silas
10 367
1832 03 14
Begal, Christian
(also spelled Bickle)
wife Mary; children Nancy Meritt,
Rachel Begal, Phebe Begal, Mary
Ann Begal, Jacob Begal
Eli Davis; Zacheus Biggs; G D Black;
Jacob Ganger; Stacy Marriott
05 238
1832 03 14
Marsh, Mary
Colerain Twp
husband Daniel Marsh (who was still
living); sons Thomas, Benjamin,
Jabesh; daughters Agness Averell,
Harriet Segar
John Brown; Thomas Alston; Benjamin
B Alston; Jasper Johnson
08 212
1832 03 23
Hall, Ezekiel
we Elizabeth; children
w £ Chappill; John Layman; Arnold
11 259
1832 03 23
Johnson, Abne
Colerain Twp
wife Jane; children Carey, Abner,
Andrew, Samuel, Peggy, Betsey,
Hannah, David K; grandson Elias
Johnson son of Alexander Johnson
G Richard Jr; W alter McCrary; Isaiah
Feelds (also spelled Josiah Fields)
08 230
1832 03 29
W inton, Matthew
(Also spelled W inston)
wife; children John, Margaret wife of
Griffin Yeatmen, Sarah Anderson
Orin (also Orion) F Smith; Jonathan
Pierson; David McDill; John
Vol pg
yr mo day
Butler Co OH
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
(her sons Charles & W illiam
Anderson); testator was over 60
years old–one witness said about 70
Sutherland; Joseph Landis (who
married testator’s granddaughter)
11 248
1832 05 09
Austin, W arren Burgess
wife Sidney N; children Sarah
Amelia & W arren Burges
W illiam Crossman; Thatcher Lewis;
John Layman; Edward Jolley; Benj R
Smith; Samuel Crain; Richd Mitchell;
Jno Reed
11 261
1832 05 29
Jessup, Stephen
Springfield Twp
wife Marcy; younger daughters
Lydia & Rachel; eldest daughter
Betsey Cary; daughter Rhoda Butler;
sons Israel, James, Isaac, Firman;
(owned land in Vincinnes &
Brookville IN)
W illiam Irwin; W illiam Snodgrass;
Jehiel N W oodworth; James Hermston
(also Urmston); Hazael Miller; Robert
Carry; James McCash; Samuel
Raymond; W illiam Cummins
08 213
1832 05 29
Paddack, Benjamin
Mill Creek Twp
wife Jemima; son W illiam; son
Samuel in Sycamore Twp; son
Charles of Union Co IN; daughter
Lydia wife of Joshua H Perry
Lewis Bonnell; Benjamin C Bonnell;
Stephen R Bonnell; W m Snodgrass;
Archibald Burns; Solomon Rogers;
Jedediah B Swift
07 323
1832 05 29
Underwood, Mishal
son Mishal Underwood; mother,
brothers & sisters
Brother James Underwood; Mahlon
Brown; John W Isgreg
07 318
1832 05 30
, James
wife Elizabeth; children Sidney,
Morrow, Adlade Eliza, Marion
James, W estly
(Had land in Johnson Co IN,
Brookville IN)
W illiam Pursel of Dearborn Co IN;
Henry Lincoln; George W aldorf; Jesse
W hitehead
Mary McMullen; W illiam Backer &
heirs; (testator was heir of George
Schultz & Martha Shultz of Adams
Co PA)
Abraham W alker; Thomas Scott;
Robert Giles; W m H Stickney
town of Harrison
05 237
1832 05 31
Schultz, John
05 241
1832 07 31
Scott, Benjamin
Sycamore Twp
wife Charlote sole heir
John Ried Dick; Henry Quick
10 362
1832 08 13
Clark, W illiam
wife Elizabeth; W Clark Morgan;
W illiam Clark Thompson; children
W alter Clark, James Jenkins Clark,
Powell D Clark, Nathaniel
Crookshank Clark, W illiam Jenkins
Clark, Mary Bowman Clark, Diana
W alker Clark
James Tomson (also Thompson); Isaac
Prudden, W W oodnutt; Elze Pruden;
Daniel Mason; Asa Runyon; Chs Mills
10 378
1832 08 14
Rees, Elias
wife Susannah; 3 children Elias,
Edward, Mary Anne
W illiam Morgan; Abraham Evans;
W illiam Bingham; Ralph Reeder;
George Henney; Danl W illiams; John
Bevan; Saml Bowen; Thos Pritchet;
Phillip Jones
John P Foote; W illiam Greene; Samuel
Foote; Davis B Lawler
wife Clarissa; sisters Elizabeth
Binam and Mary or Polly McLevy
both of McNary Co TN; brother
John Ferrel of Clinton IN; brother
W illiam Core; Archibald Irwin; Lewis
W hiteman; Jno P W hiteman
03 021
1832 08 15
Dury, Henry
07 321
1832 08 20
Ferrel, W illiam
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Charles Ferrel (“Living with me”);
father Charles Ferrel of McNary Co
10 365
1832 08 21
Burr, Samuel
Miami Twp
11 241
1832 08 27
Andrew, Dudley
10 360
1832 09 03
Chambers, Mary
wife Phebe; daughter Deborah F
Dodge; son W illiam P Burr
Thomas Evinger; John Patten;
— Bogart; John Hull; Robert Brown;
John D W estcott; Stephen W ood
wife Hepza Dana Andrews; children
George H Hill; Jos (or Jas) S Sampson;
Nathaniel W right; W m S Sampson
John Brooks; bound girl Mary
John H Gerard; Thomas Brooks;
Stephen Brooks
children Ann Eliza Reed, Frederick
Reed; sister-in-law Sarah Price
David Swing; W illiam Neff & Mrs
Neff; David Concling; John Dubois;
Chs Ran–; A G Dodd; Jonathan Morris;
Saml Halley; Alexr W ebb
10 381
1832 09 03
Reed, Elizabeth
11 238
1832 09 18
Cameron, Daniel Sr
wife Mary; sons & daughters
including Joseph & Daniel Cameron
Bartholomew Chadwick; Joseph
Reddick; Michael Shively; Abram
Compton; Joseph Laboiteaux; James
Carnaham; Samuel Huston; Ogden
11 264
1832 09 21
Miles, Abiezer (also
spelled Ebiezer)
wife; only son John J Miles; 3
daughters Phebe Lane, Susan R
Long; Hannah G Pegg
Jonathan Larrison; John Runyan; John
W illiamson Jr; John Lane; W illiard A
10 375
1832 10 01
Fenwick, Edward Dominick
Bishop of the Roman
Catholic Church in
next appointed bishop; Literary
Society of St Joseph’s; Catholic
Church in Michigan; nephew Rev
Nicholas D Young
Rev Frederick Resi; Rev Anthony
Ganillo (also Ganilh); Hugh Bonner;
Alpheus W hite; Stephen H
Montgomery; Robert Angier; Joseph O
Finan; — Ver Scoute; George Saps;
Thomas Reilly; Patrick Reilly; Morris
03 019
1832 10 04
Dougherty, Francis
Patrick O’Connor; late brother
Patrick Dougherty who had land in
Dearborn Co IN; cousin Edward
Muriur (or Muirer or Munir) of
Cincinnati; father & mother Phelin &
Mary Dougherty & brother Phelin in
Killybags Parish Donegal Co Ireland;
Thos Dougherty of NY
J M Smith; Bernard Dougherty; Joseph
V W iseman
08 220
1832 10 23
Gillmore, Gurdon R
wife Phebe; sons James, Hiram;
children of Robert Dunlap (late
partner in exchange business)
–Agness, Jane, W illiam & Robert;
Samuel R Miller; John H Groesbeck;
Josiah W hitman; V Royse; D E A
Strong; O M Spencer; Augustus
Moore; Jacob Resor; John Mahard
11 252
1832 10 26
Elvidge, Jonathan
(also spelled Elridge)
wfe Maria; relative John Houghton
son of Benj Houghton of Great
James Foster; Hughnet P Carmon;
Christopher Smith; Lewis Howell; John
W hetstone
03 018
1832 10 31
Bogie, W illiam
wife Margaret in Pathlead Scotland
Dan Hawes (also Hanes); D McIntyre;
Ralph McKay; Jannet Bogie
lately of Pathlead
Vol pg
yr mo day
03 015
1832 11 01
Boyd, John
Merchant of
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
wife Mary; children James S plus
other sons & daughters
John Baker; Samuel Talberth;
— Handy; Benjamin Mason;
Christopher Smith; John Bevan; John
Jolley; Jo N McDowell; W m R Morris
05 240
1832 11 02
Middleton, John C
mother Eleanor Middleton
(had estate in Ohio & New Jersey)
John E –almer; James Foster Jr; James
10 364
1832 11 12
Bowen, Samuel
wife Elizath.; children Samuel,
Martha; (Owned land in
Lawrenceburg IN)
John Bevan; W m Morgan; W m P
Smith; David B Phillips; Geo C Miller;
Josiah Morehead; Henry Nugridge
(also Mugridge); Jno Smith; Daniel
W illiams
05 242
1832 11 12
Scudder, Stephen
Green Twp
wife Margaret; children Moses P,
Lambert D; (owned land in NC)
W illiam Benson; James Orr; David
Thomas; Abraham Rockinfiela
07 317
1832 11 14
Terrell, John
Eliza Marlin; Mary Martin; Edward
Kelly son of Thomas Kelly (decd);
Nancy McGinney & daughter Mary;
sister Mary Kelly; brother Michael
Benjamin & Joseph Thornton; Rev
James I Mullon; be B Smith; Janison
Henderson; Neal Mc Groartey; G H
08 216
1832 11 14
Dagneaux, Gregorie
native of France resident
of Cincinnati
wife Mary; brother John; sisters
Cathirine, Louisa & Agnes
(will made 1818 Nov 20)
Jacob Burnet; Thos Sedgwick &
Reuben T Macey–both deceased or
move to parts unknown; Mary Griffin
(decd before 1832); Alexander
Deimeston; Aaron G Gano; Lot Pugh;
P A Sprigman
11 251
1832 11 19
Easton, Colin Sr
Montgomery Co OH
son Colin Easton Jr of Danoth Island
St Croix, W est Indies
Andrew Lemon; Tobias Vanschoick;
Robert Heard; John G Dixon; J Kelso
(whereabouts unknown); Thos S
Malinder; Jos Smith
10 374
1832 11 21
Gilbreath, Hugh
wife; children; sister-in-law Eliza M
James M Sutin; Samuel R Miller;
Lenard Harris; Charles Fox; David
Rees; Belamy Storer; George Sheely;
Jas Johnston; Calvin W ashburn; Peter
Britt; James W ilson; James McIntire
11 254
1832 11 27
W inn, Mary A
daughter Patience Lewis W inn born
1818 June 29
James McIntire; Jesse Kimball; David
Bryant; Israel W ood; Benjamin Decker
(sick in bed in ov 1832)
11 245
1832 11 27
Ayres, Richard
Sycamore Twp
son Richard Ayres Jr & his 3 sons
Stephen G, Gideon M & Benj M; son
Benajah; daughter Hannah
John Cleves Symnes; Richard Fosdick;
Thomas Tucker (decd by Nov 1832);
Elias Day; Luther Rose (also Ross)
who was sick in bed Nov 1832
08 215
1832 12 13
Finney, James P
wife Sarah; mother; (land in
Richland Twp Rush Co IN)
John Clark; bro-in-law James Patterson
(also Poterson); John Short; John
Harper; Eliza finney; Thomas Finney;
Richard Botkin
08 218
1832 12 25
W hite, Joseph
Enon Baptist Church on W alnut St;
brother John of Rowley MA; Baptist
Missippi (sic) Journal; widow of
Alexander Ross; to my wash woman;
John Benis; Henry Miller; Peter Jilton
of Lexington KY; Deacon Noble
Johnson; John Holland; Stephen
Ingersoll; M C W illiams; Thomas
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Abigail Platts of Rowley MA; Sarah
widow of Dr Hall of Rowley; money
due in NC and AL
02 445
1833 01 14
Salman, W illiam
John Kelly
W illiam Hunter; Barney Kelly
03 079
1833 01 28
W oodward, W illiam
wife Abigail; sisters Lucy Rowland,
Polly, Rebecca, Hannah Tyler, Lidia
Cogswell; brother Lemual; nieces
Sophia W eeden, Mrs Lydia
Carpenter, Abbigail Lewis; nephews
Alfred W oodward, Osmond
Cogswell; W illiam son of Saml
Lewis; W illiam son of Osmond
Cogswell; Jane daughter of Henry
Lewis; W illiam son of W illiam Cary;
Samuel Lewis; Mrs Electa Thomas;
Hanna Tyler’s son W illiam
John Melendy (also Melinda &
Melividy); James Melendy; V H
Marshall; Polly Sumner; W m Cary;
John Baker; Henry Lewis; David C
Casset; Hugh Moore
11 313
1833 02 02
Keys, Richard
daughter Mary Eaton
J Dorfenseille; George L W hite; John T
Keys; Bagly Keys; W illiam Barr;
Herman Cope; J Young; John Sterritt
wife Betsey; children John Morris,
W illiam Morris, Thomas Morris; gchild Mary Morris Price
James Cobb; Isaac Stevens; Joshua H
Perry; W m Thomas Howard; Richard
Fosdick; Reuben Coffin; James
Cormly; Frederick Swain
11 271
1833 02 04
Morris, Jonathan
05 246
1833 02 12
Hargraves, Maxwell
Village of Sharon
wife Ann; children Rosana wife of
Joseph Murray, Hannibal, Scipio,
Hercules, Isaac
W illiam S Johnson; W illiam Green;
Samuel Proud; Nicholas Goshorn;
Abijah Cutter; Daniel Burlen; Thomas
05 248
1833 02 23
Osborn, Daniel
Southold NY
(will written 1797 Dec 23; probate
granted 1800 Oct 7); ten children
including Daniel, Thomas, Barnabas,
Abigail, Hull (or Stull), Mihitable
Thomas W ebb; Sister Hellen Osborn;
Sally Petty
11 274
1833 03 07
Mitchell, Henry
father Jethro Mitchell of Cincinnati;
brother Rowland G Mitchell; mother
Mercy Mitchell; minor siblings
John C Macy; Abed Hussey; Hiram
06 426
1833 03 14
Hoffman, Frederick G
wife Harriett M
Elijah Norten; Seaveaur D Conner
25 392
1833 03 16
Ferguson, James B
Smithland KY
wife Katharine; nephew James
Ferguson; brother W m Ferguson;
Anthony ferguson
Richard Olive; Henry I Persons; Robert
Altsman; D B W elch
04 163
1833 04 03
Barnard, Zacheus
wife; children Lucretia, Mary,
Elizabeth, Charles, W ard, Sarah
Reuben Coffin; Jethro Folger; P
Gorham; James Cobb; Joshua H Perry;
Jas Cowly (also Cowling)
10 371
1833 04 03
Gourdin, Louis J
of Cincinnati,
lately of Charleston
sister Rebecca Anna Young of SC;
John Rogers & wife Sarah Ellen;
Edward Pope Cranch (or Crauch)
brother Henry Gourdin of Charleston;
Chs R Pomeroy; W C Ogilvie; W m
Greene; John P Foote; Saml Foote;
Chiles Stetson
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 228
1833 04 15
W illiams, Thomas
wife Mary; 8 children including
Thomas W illiams, W illiam W illiams,
Francis Burdett W illiams, Mary
Ashburn, Rebecca Rush, Susan
Elston, Catharine Mason W illiams,
Eunetta W illiams; friend Isaac G
Charles Hammond; W illiam Seuddor
(also Seudder)
02 440
1833 04 18
Sortor, Thomas
Springfield Twp
wife Jane; sons Hezekiah, John &
Aarthur S; heirs of daughter Ann
deceased wife of Isaac Snedaire (or
Snedance); daughter Charity wife of
Peter Stites; daughter Epenetus wife
of Jeremiah Breadon; daughter Jane
Long; heirs of Catharine W hite
(decd); children of daughter
Elizabeth Murdock (decd)– Jane
Murdock, Thomas Murdock;
(money coming from the state of NJ)
Thomas Smith; John Gaston (or Guston
or Goston); John S Peterson
25 387
1833 04 20
Curie, Caroline R
recently of Richwood KY
daughters Marry Curry, Margaret
Burnet; slaves Suky & child,
W illiam, Nancy, Carter, Phill, Eliza,
Edmond, Sally, John, W att, Virginia;
son-in-law W illiam Burnet;
Jacob Burnet; Rebecca Burnet; Hannah
Reed; Dr John Moorhead
25 390
1833 04 23
Carle, John
Springfield Twp
wife Sarah; children John, Peter,
Joseph, Thomas, W illiam, Abraham,
Thomas Smith; Daniel W Turner; Isaac
Sellars (removed to parts unknown)
02 448
1833 06 03
Schmidlapp, Mary Ann
mother Theresa Rapp
Christopher F Hanselman; James
Glenn; Ludwig Martin
11 283
1833 06 10
Hunter, W illiam
sons Joseph Hunter, Paul H (or K)
Hunter, David Hunter; daughters
Agnes Sturgess, Elizabeth B Hunter,
Martha Ann Arnold
(land in New Burlington, Hamilton
Co & in Butler Co)
W illiam Correy; Ogden ross; Charles
W ill; James Carnaham; Paul Huston;
Stewart McGill
02 442
1833 06 17
Mayhew, Nathaniel
Springfield Twp
former of MA
sons Alexander, Rufus, Benjamin F;
daughters Mary Robinson, Aline
Paddock; wife lately deceased; other
children Nathaniel, George A,
Rebecca Jarrigen (or Darrigen) &
W m Corry; A H Pierson
11 279
1833 06 17
Abbott, Richard C
Delhi Twp
wife Siviana; unborn child
Ruth HitchKiss (also Hitchins &
Hitchkins); Eliza Stoddart; G Stone
(also Eathen & Ethan Stone)
11 314
1833 06 17
Badgley, Robert
wife Rachel; children W illiam
W oodruff Badgley, Jacob Roll
Badgley & his children
Robt Merrie; Andrew McAlpin; John
Merrie (moved to Louisville KY)
25 393
1833 06 25
Folger, David
wife Elizabeth; children Giles
Folger, Mary Joulin; granddaughter
Eliza Ann Smith
brother Richard Folger; W illiam
Grossman; W atson Lewis
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 322
1833 07 02
Kahl, Barbara
(Name also spelled
husband Jacob Koehle; father John
Roedel; mother Elisabeth Roedel,
formerly Elizabeth Sohlicht in
“Kaudel Commisjanet Germershein,
Canton Kaudel in Rhein Kreis
Benj B Fessenden; Phillipp Reiss (also
Rice); Ignatz Jager (also Yager)
08 234
1833 07 27
Scott, Miachel
wife Eliza Vlicky; son-in-law Patrick
Downey; Mrs Elizabeth Laut;
daughters Eliza Scott, Yivgitta
Downey, Mary Campion
Alpheus W hite; John McCartney (also
06 422
1833 08 03
Huddert, Joseph
wife Anna; infant son John; widow
of brother George & their children
W illiam, Mary Ann, Eliza, Charlotte
& Catharine
Joseph Clark; James Thorus; Isaac
Loruthing of Franklin Town in MO;
James Foster; Sarah H W itham; Ezekiel
C Cough
07 315
1833 08 03
Carr, Francis
wife Mary Ann; brother Arthur
Isaac G Burnet; James F Conover; John
04 155
1833 08 07
Day, Jehiel
Springfield Twp
wife; son-in-law Josiah B Day (also
listed “among my children”); wife’s
son Robert Preston; children Samuel,
Jehiel, Cinthia (who had a husband)
Albert Cortleyow?; Samuel Clark;
Robert Boal; Daniel Couden (also
Corwin); Samuel Hall; G W Crosby
06 423
1833 08 12
Patten, Robert
wife Isabella; Robert Patten “my son
by Ellen Hume”; David Patten “my
son by Margaret Holmes”; Anne
Patten “my daughter by Isabella
Patten my present wife”
Benjamin B Fessenden; John Kimball
25 388
1833 08 17
Fawcett, John
wife Mary; children Thomas, Mary
Ann, John, Sarah, W illiam
Robert Paton Sr (decd between July 24
and Aug 17, 1833); Samuel Hall; Jos
Greene Twp
05 244
1833 08 24
Goforth, Catharine
Covington KY
daughters Mary Gano, Tabitha
Lockhart; grandsons Thomas
Jefferson Goforth, David Gano;
granddaughters Jamima D Goforth,
Charlotte K Lewis, Mary Jamima
Goforth Plasket;(owned land in
Bethlehem IN)
Samuel Lewis; Oliver M Spencer;
Alexander Denniston; Ann Denniston;
Joseph Clark
11 266
1833 08 26
Stockdale, George
(Made oral will Aug 10, died Aug
12) brother W illiam’s children
Joseph, George, W illiam, Elenear,
Mary Middleton
George W Cary of Allen Co OH;
W illiam Jackson; Elijah Carey; George
04 142
1833 08 28
Goodwin, Edward
wife Margaret; daughter Ann P
W illiams; Catherine King; sons
Christopher & Edward; brother
Griffin Goodwin
James Glenn; Abraham Evans; W illiam
11 278
1833 08 30
Appelgate, John
Delhi Twp
wife Pheba; son Henry; other
Ikabod Palmerton; Elanson Tilloston;
W m L W illiams; Ebenezer Mixter;
Harvey Palmerton; W illiam Murphy
18 342
1833 08 31
Smith, Edmund
wife Mary; children Edmund,
W illiam S Johnston; Samuel W iggins;
Timothy S Goodman; Isaiah W ing; J T
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 267
1833 09 09
Morse, Supply C
of Cincinnati, but now in
W Feliciana Parish LA
wife Sarah
Joseph E Johnson; Henry B Heim;
Joseph Periam; James P Boswell; H N
08 221
1833 09 12
Sharp, James
wife Rebecca Ann; child Harriet
John Sharp; bro-in-law Abraham T
Jordan; Archld. McCall; W illiam
Caughlin; Benjn. Stewart; Jesse Justis;
Isaac Copeland
04 144
1833 09 14
Epley, W illiam
Green Twp
wife Hannah; children Mark, Jacob,
Samuel, James, Hannah, W illiam,
Joseph, Sarah, Eve, Ann
George W C Hunter; Daniel Gans;
Joseph Epley; Richard Gaines; Mary H
Gaines; Mary Anne Gaines (now Mary
Anne North–also written Nash– of
Bloomfield twp Knox Co OH)
02 447
1833 09 16
Merry, John
wife Betsey; children John Robinson,
Ann Eliza; Kekia Abigail Murry
Thomas Cooper; Mary G Mackey
Tanner of
Sycamore Twp
01 468
1833 09 18
Ryland, Joseph P
wife; two youngest children; 3 oldest
children; brother Thomas Ryland;
W m Thomas eldest son by present
wife; (owned land in Delaware Twp
Ripley Co Indiana)
Mr Raymond; Charles W oodward;
Thomas I Rylands
06 424
1833 09 24
Hudson, Corbly
Miami Twp
son Elijah Davis Hudson; daughters
Maria, Eliza & Sarah Ann
John C Short; W illiam Short; W m H
Harrison; Jeremiah Goodrich; M Years
Harkness; R G Gardner; Rosanna
Shook; Isaac Morgan
08 235
1833 09 24
Smith, Jesse (Dr)
wife Elizabeth B; children; mother;
step-brother Justice Hurd; First
Congregational Church; Mary
Keaing; brother Robert Smith; (land
in Clermont Co OH)
Nathan Guilford; W illiam Greene; John
Rogers; Jesse Kimboll (also Kimbell)
08 223
1833 10 01
Stittinius, John
of Cincinnati
late of W ash. DC
wife Mary; son James Longworth
Stittinius; brother Samuel; brother
Joseph; sister Susan Holmead;
mother M A Cana; brother George
W illiam Lodwick (decd); Mrs Maderia;
R Jones; J F Clark; – Harper; – Knelar;
Nicholas Longworth; Thos Longworth;
Jos L Morris (also Norris)
05 251
1833 10 05
Phillips, Richard
C M James; James N Brice (or Bine)
Ezekiel Fosdick; W S Thomson; Z G
Bush; – Munson
01 470
1833 10 07
Turrill, Jared
wife Hannah; children Solmon,
Laura, Charlena, Paulina, Sematha,
Benjamin G, Heman B
John C W ood; David Mills
04 165
1833 10 11
Campbell, Jane
daughters Mariah Motherell, Polly
Reynolds, Jane Pugh, John Motherel
(decd) ; Henry Lovett; Enos
Eldridge; Sarah Jane Lovett; Nancy
Eldridge; Betsy Lovett
Charles Fox; justus Reynolds; Jesse
Kimball; B Chase
testator adopts as heir “the child of
Georgina, a female whom I have
educated and protected” named
Rev Samuel Johnson; James Brown;
artist Paul Brill; J W Davis; A G D
Tuthill (also Tuttle); A Dudley; M
11 281
1833 10 12
Beck, Mary
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
James F Conover; Samuel W Davis
(also Davies) & Mrs Davies; Jeptha
D Garred (also Garrard); George B
Smallwood & his sister Mrs Jane
Thompson; Mrs Garrard; George
Beck (decd); J W Davis; brother
Peter Mowatt of London England;
Rachel [possibly last name Davies or
Rogers; David Gwynne; Martha Ann
Gwynne; M Locke; Ellin (also Ellen)
Marony; Colt Davis; Ambrose Dudley;
John P Foot; W m Burk; John George
Stewart; Jas Comly; W m Loder
04 161
1833 10 14
Crane, Hagar
Sycamore Twp
Eliphalet Norris
Henry Morse of Springdale; Lewis
Morse; Daniel Brown
05 250
1833 11 14
Nutt, Adam
wife Nancy; son Moses V Nutt; Isaac
B Riddle
John Myers; W m W akefield
02 444
1833 11 29
Sater, Joseph
wife Hannah; heirs of eldest daughter
Martha Sater (decd); daughter
Dorcas; other children
D Long; John McMakin
07 332
1834 01 04
Park, Culbertson
wife Sarah; Louisa Lord (reputed
daughter of son John Park); widow
of son John Park; children of late son
Arthur Park; grandson Sgt
Culbertson Park; daughters Elizabeth
Merrit, Rebecca Flagley, Mary
Coleman, Harriet Nash
John Jolley?; James H Speer; W atson
Lewis; Jonathan McW illiamson (or
Jonathan W W illiamson); Abner
Newman; W I VanHorne
07 324
1834 02 20
Folger, Hephsibeth
deceased husband Timothy Folger;
children Zacheus Folger, Rebecca F
Paddack, Lydia F Hunt
Richard Folger; John Shaw; W illiam
18 410
1834 02 21
Jones, Thomas
wife Mary; several children
W m Connet; Ira Broadwell
09 430
1834 03 01
Arnold, W illiam
daughter Melinda; sons W illiam,
George, Moses A
John Knopp; Samuel Bradbury; Noble
S Johnson; J Frazer
04 140
1834 03 05
Enyart, Samuel
Symmes Twp
wife Ann; children Benjamin, Lewis,
David (if he returns in 4 yrs), Joel,
Jacob; John, Samuel; granddaughters
Elaner Enyart, Slalley (sic) Ann; 4
daughters & dau-in-law Naudy (or
Nauly) Betsey Elliott, Anna Rowan,
Ocee Lacky, Phebe Mahan & Anne
W illiam Harper; John Short; Samuel R
Short; Noah Strattan
01 461
1834 03 05
Taylor, Philip
St Louis MO
have neither father, mother, brother
or sister living; Uncle George Taylor
& wife of KY within 20 miles of
Cincinnati; Georgiana & Emily
Taylor daughters of brother
Archibald R Taylor (decd) of New
Orleans; Ann T Lowry a young lady
raised in my father’s family; friends
W alter H Dorsett of St Louis Co &
John W Red (or Reel) of St Louis;
W illiam Brick of W Kensington PA;
John Fitzpatrick of W Kensington
Arthur H W allace of New Orleans;
Charles W Gazzam of Cincinnati; John
W Rul (or Red or Reel) of St Louis
MO; Daniel Coleman; W alter H
Dorsett; Hartly Sappington; Ringrose D
W atson
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
PA; wife Sarah; children W illiam
Coleman Taylor, Archibald Ritchie
25 377
1834 03 05
Mayhew, Benjamin
wife Rebecca; youngest child Norris
R Mulford; Thatcher Lewis; George W
06 413
1834 03 07
Sargent, Thomas
wife Helena
Catherine W ampole; J W ampole
04 137
1834 03 19
Leiby, George
wife Mary; children Mary wife of
John Tatum, George, Daniel, Jacob,
Joseph, John;
John Jolly; James Reynolds; James H
Sluar; W illiam Kyle; Thomas Morton
wife Mary; children Richard,
W illiam, Mary, Elizabeth
Thomas Fenner; D K Cady
09 427
1834 03 22
Goss, Richard
09 428
1834 04 01
Empson, Thomas
wife Elizabeth; 9 children including
Jefferson F Empson; Sarah Ann &
Catharine (two youngest), Ruth,
Tilford, John H
James Foster; W m B Evans; John
18 408
1834 04 02
Harvey, Clarissa
only child son Cary King Harvey
John Rider; Josiah W ing (also Isaih
W ing); David Buckman; John Merrit
09 420
1834 04 10
Brooke, John B
Joseph Shay; Charles D Dana; O M
Spencer Jr; J H Carter
wife Sevilla; 8 children John, Betsy
Barnuff, Henry, George, Rebecca
Felter, Levisa, Jacob Alexander
g-children Liza Kern, Sevilla Kern
heirs of daughter Barbara Kern
son-in-law Cornelius Snider Felter;
John Todd; Daniel Hasbrook (also
wife Frances; infant child George
W ashington McKean; sister Nancy
Ann W ilie; brother James McKean
friend & kinsman John W ilie; James
Foster; George Roll; Lewis W oodruff
02 438
1834 04 11
Bolsel, Peter
(or Balsel)
25 379
1834 04 16
McKean, John
04 129
1834 05
Harris, W illiam
children Daniel, Melinda, Amos,
W illiam, Henry, Lucinda, Phebe
John Short; W illiam Harper; Hamilton
09 422
1834 06 09
Curry, Matthew
wife Mary; 5 children Jane,
Margaret, Ann, Rebecca, John W –all
residing in Virginia
brother Robert Curry of VA; Isaiah
W ing; Langhorne Simpson; Abbigaile
W oods
25 382
1834 06 11
Meeker, John Jr
wife Margaret; children Randolph,
Daniel, Ogden, Clark, Emiline,
Phebe, Isabella, Elizabeth, Mary,
Joseph Cornell; Samuel Beeler;
Abraham Skinner; George Cornell
06 420
1834 06 13
W oodworth, Jehiel
wife Nancy Ann; sister Sarah
Seymour; adopted son John Semore
Hazcel Miller; Israel Jessup; W m
07 328
1834 06 17
Page, Benjamin
wife Martha; youngest son W illiam
B Page; other children; family lived
in Louisville KY; son-in-law Thomas
M Bakenell of Cincinnati
W illm J Madura (also Maderia); John
H Page;
09 425
1834 06 25
Parsons, Sarah
Eliza Aitken; daughter Jane Summott
Burten Hasen (also Heazen); Peter
Vol pg
yr mo day
of Cincinnati
but currently
in Butler Co
01 460
1834 08 05
Tibbs, Samuel
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
in trust for her daughter Sarah
Elizabeth Summott on the condition
that Jane leave her intemperate
husband W m Summott; son Jonathan
Sutton; Silvendor (also Silvander)
W adley; Sarah Jane Finch
wife Barbara; son Nelson Tibbs
(wife Nancy) & their children
Samuel, Andrew Bown (or Bosin),
Joana, Sylva, Martha Ann, Mary Ann
Alexander H Ewing; Caleb Jones; W m
Hartzhorne; Jm P W inston
07 326
1834 08 05
Dunlap, W illiam
wife Jane; sons Charles, James,
(wife Jane had property in Troy NY
in the hands of Abraham Vantuyl)
Robert Gilmore; John Cruickshank;
Saml R Miller; James Riggs
01 458
1834 08 06
W allace, Rebecca
widow of
Robert W allace
children David C W allace, Robert
W allace other children ; grandson
Edward Perry son of daughter Mary
Tod Perkins; Taids Burnet; – Burd of
Loraine Co; Thos Brainerd; Sarah J
04 132
1834 08 15
Reed, Henry
Eleanor Elliott; Martha Patton;
Elizabeth W ise of Louisville; brother
James Reed of Derry Ireland; “son
James Reed by the said Eleanor
Elliott”; “son Henry Reed by the said
Martha Patton”; “son Robert Reed by
the said Elizabeth W ise”;
George W allace of Pittsburgh (since
deceased); Andrew Kennedy of
Philadelphia (since deceased); Thomas
Boyd; Bars. McShane; James M Nutt;
W illiam Reed
Merchant of
Louisville KY
09 423
1834 08 19
Birdsall, James
wife Lidia; daughter Lady Emily
Birdsall; daughter Pricilla wife of
Amos L Davis; daughter Deborah T
wife of Samuel Smith; daughter
Cinthia J wife of Robert P Finley;
Maria L Harker
Samuel Smith; Amos G? Davis; Robert
F McMains; Hezekiah Neves; James
25 384
1834 08 20
Rogers, John
wife Elizabeth
John Gaston; B F Brashear; John S
Peterson; B F Peterson (may be a
Lucinda Frances Piatt; Daniel,
W illiam & E Demund Piatt sons of
brother Daniel Piatt (decd);
Catherine W heeler
Mrs Ryland; Col Risso; George W
Jones; J Bigelow since deceased; Philip
Yost Jr now in parts unknown; G P
Torrence; Jm B Enness
01 464
1834 08 25
Piatt, W illiam
05 232
1834 09 03
Shepherd, Elisha
heirs of eldest son Thomas; heirs of
son John; heirs of daughter Sarah;
heirs of son Elisha; daughter
Elizabeth; daughter Alleto; son
Hendrick; heirs of son Jacob; heirs of
Amelia; daughter Eleanor; daughter
Clemmence; son George
Zebulon B W ebb; George Morton;
Josiah Carter
25 385
1834 09 03
W allis, W illiam
(also spelled W allace)
wife Ann; children Ann J W allace,
Amandal C Arthurs, Emily W allace;
granddaughter Caroline V Bartlett–a
motherless infant; other children
James Foster; John W hetstone; James
Foster Jr
07 330
1834 09 03
Pitman, Jonathan
wife Jane; daughter Sarah wife of
Amos Cleavenger; Henry Jones; John
Vol pg
yr mo day
Sycamore Twp
06 408
1834 09 06
Sparks, Isaac
18 414
1834 09 06
Hodge, Adam
Miami Twp
18 405
1834 09 10
Ruffin, W illiam
09 431
1834 09 15
Foley, Isaac
Delhi Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
John Tucker; son Calvin; son Joshua
(decd) & his children Rebecca,
W illiam, Betcy; daughter Massy late
wife of John W hite & her children
Charlotte, Layton, Jonathan, Amos,
Phebe, Rebecca, Mary, Sarah, Jane
& Massey W hite; daughter Susan
late wife of Edward W hite & her
children Sarah, Amos, Nancy, John,
Calvin & Jane W hite; daughter
Theadand wife off Asher Houbert;
son Jonathan; son Ephriam
Leonard; Henry Gorman
wife; W illiam, children Polly wife of
Obadiah Seward, Rachel Long, Nacy
Cook, Sally Leggit; granddaughters
Elizabeth & Harriett McCash; gchildren Frank Sparks, Eria Sparks &
his sister Martha, Isaac Sparks
James Hole; James McCash; Steward
McGill; Reuben s Compton; Samuel
age 63; wife Alice; children Robert,
Richard, Sarah, Jennet, Alice, Adam
(age 10)
W illiam H Harrison; J Scott Harrison;
W illiam M Cornell (moved to Indiana)
sons John B, W illiam W , James L,
Samuel N, Oliver P; daughters Mary
wife of Henry Rockey, Frances G
Hopkins of St Louis MO, Eliza
Oliver, Harriet O Monsaret
(Land in Clarke Co OH)
Joseph George Stewart; David Barton;
W illiam P Hunt; Benjamin Beresford
wife Deborah; dau’s son Josiah
Briceland; all my children
Ichabod Palmerton; George Davison
06 409
1834 09 15
Schooley, John
Springfield Twp
children Nathaniel Smith Schooley,
Stephen Schooley, John Schooley
(decd), Hannah reeder, Mary
Spinning, Sarah Spring (decd),
Elizabeth Yeatman,
children of son John (decd) MaryAnn & Algelinie; 4 children of Sarah
Thomas B VanTuyle (or VanTeyle or
VanTuyl)( later removed to Butler Co);
James Catterlin (on a journey in Aug
1834); Amelia Lyst (removed to Butler
Co, married name now Amelia
Aydelott); Benjamin Perler; W m
Graham; Eliza Brown
02 436
1834 09 17
Bowers, James
Colerain Twp
wife Elizabeth; brother Andrew
Bowers (decd) of New Hampshire;
children Josiah, Charlott Hannah
Octavo Huggerford, Mary, Elizabeth,
Julia, Augusta (or Mary Elizabeth ,
Julia Augusta) & Augustus; (land in
Framingham MA)
Dr W illiam Mount of Mill Creek Twp;
Eliza Sparks; Sarah Sparks
18 411
1834 09 17
Huggeford, Charlotte
Hannah Octovia
husband (decd); child; Henry
Huggeford; Richard W eatherby;
sisters Morry & Julia
John W eatherby; John Umstice (or
Urnstice); Dr W Mount; Dr Baily; John
Yessuf (also Jessup); Richard Bernard
(also Barness)
25 380
1834 09 20
Salmon, John
wife Susan; left funds for support of
Robert Boal & wife; Henry Miller Jr;
Vol pg
yr mo day
recently of London
now of Cincinnati
01 466
1834 09 30
Paull, Henry
Delhi Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
evangelical truth because heirs have
“embraced and are pursuing an awful
career of atheism”; children John,
Alfred; Marion College in Marion
Co MO; American Tract Society;
American Colonization Society;
American Bible Society
Charles Fox; Dr James W arren; Henry
Morris; James McCord; Isaac G Burnet
wife Elizabeth; son Henry Andrew
Powell of London; son-in-law
Bartholomew Hay; son Richard Paull
Ethan Stone; Ebenezer Hulse; Thos M
Jackson; Thomas Henderson
06 417
1834 10 10
Martin, Joseph
wife Nancy; son John; other children
including daughters
Jacob Fenton; W m McFerrann; M
Lewis W right
09 418
1834 10 18
Stump, W illiam
Columbia Twp
wife Elizabeth; sons John, W illiam
(wife Sylvia), Clementay, Abraham;
daughter Elizabeth McMahan
George W Holmes; Sylva (sic) Stump
09 421
1834 10 21
Blades, Benjamin
Miss Mary Ann W est; youngest
brother P S? Blades; E W Luce; W M
Nandown (or Naudown or Nowdoure);
D W Bicknell
06 419
1834 10 25
Shinn, Charles A
father James Shinn; mother Mary
Shinn; siblings Geo W Shinn, Jas W
Shinn, Harriett Shinn, Adelaide
Shinn, Caroline Shinn; Thos &
Phoebe Lee’s children–my cousins;
cousins Richard A Taylor, Gabriel
Taylor, Anthony E Harker, Edward
Hallin, Mary Ann Allen; Uncle
Richards F Allen
W illiam W oodnutt; Caleb W Taylor;
W m Folwell Jr; M McMichael; James
18 412
1834 11 07
Howell, Louis
wife Mary R
(will make 1812 Oct 21)
(testator in the service of his country)
Alex A Meek; Danl Curping (or
Curssing; also spelled Curling &
Cushing); (Meek & Cushing were
deceased by 1834); W m Barbee;
George P Torrence; Phineas Ross
09 419
1834 12 01
Carpenter, Ira
saddle tree maker of
(Oral will made about 13 hours
before his death 1834 Nov 13)
mother in W aterville VT
Cyrus Powers; Luke Kendall; David B
06 418
1834 12 16
Sefton, Eliza
Rebecca Clarke; Methodist
Episcopal Church in Cincinnati
Jos G Rust; George Parsell; John
04 141
1834 12 18
Crispe, John
wife Mary; W illiam Crispe of Sutton
Valence Kent Co England; brothers
of Sutton Valence; niece Priscilla
Crispe of Harrison OH; John Bowles
E M Gibbon; Christopher Robinson
02 434
1834 12 20
Crain, Oliver
wife Abigail; sons and daughters
James Ayres; Daniel Crist
04 147
1834 12 24
Jones, James
wife Elizabeth; children John T
Jones, W illiam Jones, Sarah
Sunmorgen?, Catherine Snyder,
Maria Milspaugh (or Nulspaugh),
Ann Shields, Lydia Jones, Enoch
Jones, Robert Jones; granddaughter
Levi Mundell; L G Gaines Jr
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Elenor Jones
05 231
1835 01 07
Stewart, Charles
wife Betsey; son Rozalius; W illiam
Isaiah W ing; Francis Rambo; Charles
W ilson; S W Folger
07 338
1835 01 24
Alexander, Horace
wife Elizabeth; infant son Horace
(land in NH & MA); two children of
1 st wife; father; (died 1835 Jan 21,
the day he gave the oral will)
Caroline W atts; James Cheesbrough;
Charles Tatem Jr; Nathan Seaman
01 454
1835 02 05
Miles, Benjamin
wife Katherain; mother Sarah Miles;
Methodist Church
John Miles; N Longworth; M M
Barney; James Cones
09 409
1835 02 11
Bogie, Janet
Rev Joshua C W ilson; daughters
Eliza W ilson, Janet Christy, Isabella
Adams; granddaughter Jannit K
daughter of Thomas J Adams;
grandchildren Jane & Elizabeth
daughters of George & Janet Christy;
granddaughters Sarah & Frances
daughters of James & Eliza W ilson
nephew John Kilgour; Griffin Taylor;
James W ilson Sr; Isaac? W ilson
(About 75 years old when
will was executed)
09 415
1835 03 17
Limming, Samuel
daughters Elsey Goodin, Hannah
Norris, Letitia Norris, Catherine
Cady, Martha Applegate; sons
James, Samuel, John; grandsons
(children of Benjamin Limming
decd) –Samuel, Robert, Benjamin
(Had pension from the US)
James Limming; son-in-law Benjamin
Cady; Ogden Ross; Charles Heill;
Stewart McGill
05 226
1835 03 17
Maw, Jacob
Henry Taylor; Samuel Taylor Jr
Samuel Taylor; W illiam Metcalfe (also
Metcalf); James Graham; W m Metcalf
09 411
1835 03 25
Nutt, Nancy
children; grandson Isaac B Riddle;
grandson Adam Nutt; granddaughter
Louisa Nutt;
John McMahan; John Myers;
Alexander Mayhew; D Mayhew
01 457
1835 03 28
Lawler, Ann
now of Cincinnati
formerly Philadelphia
son Davis B Lawler; grandson
Matthew L Harbison; niece Ann
Lawler wife of Stern [or Stevn]
Humphreys of Philadelphia; niece
Sarah wife of Davis B Stacey of
Philadelphhia; nephews James G
Stacey, Davis B Stacey; cousin
Abigail Taylor; Timothy W alker;
granddaughter Mary wife of Benja
Harbison; friend Ann W ood widow
of James W ood of Cincinnati;
Augusta Lawler; granddaughter Jane
wife of M L Harbison; daughter
Sarah Harbison
Mr Mason; V C Marshall; I I B W ood;
A Lawler
05 228
1835 04 06
Milot, Patrick
wife; two sons
Thomas Thompson; Samuel Lewis;
John Lindsy (also Lindsey)
02 426
1835 04 08
Treusdell, Arnold
wife Melinda; Missionary Society of
the Methodist Episcopal Church
minister of the Methodist Episcopal
Church; W m McLean; S Lauphear
02 427
1835 04 30
Tebow, Uriah
younger brother W illiam
Thomas Hunt; Charles Mills; Edward
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Tebow;brothers Peter, John; sister
Sarah W oodbury; (owned lots in the
town of Elizabeth & Miller Twp
Dearborn Co IN)
Hunt; Thomas Miller; Sam C Bond;
Jacob Hunt
02 433
1835 06 09
Rynerson, Isaac
wife Susanna
Amos Cleavengen; W illiam Robertson;
W illiam B Naylor
04 116
1835 06 10
Cunningham, Janet
sons Arthur, Robert, James, Samuel,
Jesse, Franklin; daughter Sally
Graham; granddaughters Janet
Cunningham, Anne Mead, daughter
of James, daughter of Samuel; Jane
Pittman; Sally Demuk?; Mary Jane
daughter of Jesse; Elizabeth
W illiam Gray; Joseph Gray; Henry
05 233
1835 06 10
Meeker, John Jr
wife Elizabeth; heirs of son
Randloph; heirs of daughter Sarah;
heirs of son John; daughter
Elizabeth; daughter Mary & her
children–Josephus, Adolphus &
Alonzo; daughter Phebe
Samuel Beeler; Joseph Cornell; Henry
Patmor; Samuel Vorhes (or Voches);
Augustine P McNaill; George Cowell
01 452
1835 06 16
Mills, W illiam
wife Mary; children Isaac, Thaddeus,
Mary R Bonson; Ann Gardner; Miles
S Bennet
J S Lyttle; E S Haines; Anderson G
Hopper; Jno Eberli; Samuel Davis;
James Foster
brother Samuel Burt
Perry Lefevre; W helander Barry; John
Bow; M N McLian; J McCullough
07 336
1835 06 25
Burt, Abner
New York
04 136
1835 07 03
Richeson, Holt
King W illiam Co [VA]
wife; sons Holt, W est, John &
Anderson; (owned land in KY)
W illiam Dandridge; Drewry Ragsdale;
John Smith; Joseph Pannill (also
02 424
1835 08 01
Reilly, Thomas
wife Johama (sic); sister Ann Reilly
of Cork Ireland; children George,
Mary Ann, Ellen M Malque, Farrell
Thomas, Ann E
Stephen G Brown; Charles Fox; Alban
G Smith
04 130
1835 08 03
Brown, Ephraim
[Springfield Twp]
wife; Nancy Lawrance; children
Phebe Stout, Effaima (also Effand)
Maple, Mahlon, Cyrus, W alter,
Julianna W eatherby, Lucinda Gilby
(or Gilhy), Eliza Stephens, Asa,
Eunice Nichols, Caroline Vansayank
Gurham Gard (decd) ; Elephu Stout;
Jesse B Stephens (since removed to a
remote location); W m Cary (also
W illiam Corry); A G Arnold; Abigail
09 414
1835 08 18
Golden, Barnabas
wife; children James, Andrew,
Leonard, Isaac, Stephen, Martha
(called Patty), Mary Ann Golden,
Sarah Golden; Betty Vincent
(probably a dau) & her children
H M Dengal (or Durgal); Rich Fosdick;
A Botkin
02 429
1835 08 25
Thomson, Patrick
formerly New Orleans
wife Amelia; Amelia’s children by
previous marriage Maria O Menefee
& Frances A Menefee; my children
Amelia Thomson, Seth Lewis
Thomson, Patrick Thomson Jr, Jane
George King of St Laundry Parish LA;
Charles Fox; B T W right
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Nancy Thomson
02 431
1835 09 23
Tucker, Jacob
New Orleans LA
(will made in Cincinnati) daughter
Virginia Tucker; Joseph J Quigly;
John B Craig
John Geddes; W arren Hartshorn
01 456
1835 10 05
McKee, Rebekah
only daughter Harriet McKey;
deceased brother Samuel W ilkinson
of LA; sistter Leah W ilkinson
Thomas; husband’s brother Enoch
Joseph Bloomnfield; W alter P Mead; E
F Clon?
09 417
1835 10 07
Jonte, John George
formerly of
Sycamore Twp,
now of Cincinnati
youngest son Peter Frederick Jonte
Louis J D Roberts; Christian Sommers;
04 120
1835 10 10
Scofield, Hugh
[Sycamore Twp]
wife Sarah; daughter Betsy Mariah
W ard; sons John Dewitt Scofield,
W illiam P Schofield, Gilbert H,
W illiam S
John B Hayden; James C Hayden;
Henry Jones
01 455
1835 10 14
Mundell, Jonathan
Anderson Twp
children James, Levi, Peggy Ries (or
Rics), Lydia Carpenter, John
Isaac Mears, James Gallagher
05 229
1835 10 17
Spooner, Reed
wife Sarah P; children Thomas,
W illiam S, Elizabeth
Oliver Ormsby; W illiam Crossman;
Joshua H Perry; Jeffrey Seymour
01 451
1835 11 03
Mitche,l Simeon
heirs of Elothan Mitchel in Litchfield
Co CT; Samuel B Crissey of
Cincinnati; Daniel Root of
Springfield Twp
Ebenezer Hulze of Cincinnati;
Alexander Mayhew of Springfield; A
Gardner; Peter C Carls
02 432
1835 11 12
W ashburn, Calvin
wife Fanny; children Sarah Ann wife
of Augustus C Brown & Timothy
Dwight W ashburn
Peter Britt; Edward King
04 114
1835 11 13
Broadwell, Jacob Jr
Anderson Twp
to be buried on father’s farm in
Anderson Twp; deceased son Paul A
Broadwell to be reburied beside
testator; wife Mary M; Janet? C
Broadwell; son Samuel Broadwell
brother Lewis Broadwell; friend
W illiam Thoms of Cincinnati; W m
Orange; Danl Cloon
09 413
1835 12 14
Nicholson, Robert
wife Martha; daughter Mary Holt
W illiam Holt (son-in-law); W illiam
Magness; Uriah Baldwin
04 125
1835 12 29
Arbegust, W illiam
Jefferson Co KY
brothers George, John,
father George Arbegust (decd)
(One witness called the testator about
30, the other upwards of 30 & 40)
W illiam George; Philip Meyer & John
C Evans (also called John C Creamer)
both now residing in Louisville,
Jefferson Co KY; Abner Newman;
John G Gilpin; Jonathan Forman;
James M Forman; George G Gruble
18 400
1836 01 05
Jessop, Aaron
late of Dublin Ireland,
now of New York City,
about to move to Utica
sister Mary wife of James Stannus of
Dublin & her children; sister
Susannah wife of Edward Tuite,
recently of Dublin but moving to
Utica NY, & her children
John W ard; R R W ard; Daniel Gano;
M W Byrne; Edward Hutchinson;
Thomas Emnery; Henry Gregory
Vol pg
yr mo day
05 220
1836 01 05
O’Reilly, Patrick
wife Mary Ann; sons & daughters
(property in Philadelphia)
Eve W altman of Philadelphia; Chas
Fox; James H W alker; John B Purcell;
Michael F Capilly; James Gorman;
Patrick McKay; W m M May
01 449
1836 01 25
Roberts, John
father W illiam Roberts;
(land in Piqua Land District)
Edward Jones; James Tweedy
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 213
1836 02 02
Lewis, John
Springfield Twp
wife Anna; (owned brick houses in
Daniel H Horne; Catharine Horne;
John Hoffer (also referred to as Gate
Hoffer & John Huffner); Beneyah
Cory; W m Cory; John A Gano
01 447
1836 02 09
Hubbard, Kearby
[Delhi Twp]
wife Jane; son Milton S Hubbard
Jesse Hubbard (decd); James Curry;
Garrit Applegate
01 442
1836 02 13
Findlay, James
wife Jane; “my little favorite” Louisa
Jane Findlay W hiteman infant
daughter of Lewis W hiteman;
brother John; brother Thomas;
brother Nathan; children of brother
Jonathan (decd); niece Mary wife of
George P Tanomer (or Taurmer);
niece Jane Findlay Harrison wife of
W illiam Henry Harrison Jr
D Carneal (left for New Orleans about
Nov 1835, and has since left there);
Nathaniel G Pendleton; Thomas
Herkewilde (also Hechelde)
wife Sarah; sons Rufus & Thomas
W Tracy House; Benjamin I Hyatt;
Nath G Pendleton; W illiam Greene;
Benjamin Drake; Chas R Pomroy; Chas
11 311
1836 02 18
King, Edward
04 096
1836 04 08
Denman, Nathaniel
Sycamore Twp
wife Mary; children Anne, Abraham,
Hulda, Rebekah, Nathaniel, David,
Morris, Susannah
Joseph McKnight; Isaac Hunt; Price
Thompson; Samuel Thompson (sick in
April 1836); Benijah Ayres; Saml
W ilson; John Nere (?); James I
W hallen; Thomas Cooper; John Myers
01 446
1836 04 30
Parker, Jeptha
Fulton Twp
Lovisa; adopted daughter Matilda M
McCollough; Amis Parker;
(land in Clermont Co OH)
W m Doty; Burton Hazen; James Doan
06 405
1836 05 16
Stout, Reuben
Colerain Twp
wife Abia; children Elisha, Elijah,
Orriminah MCGill, John H (decd,
who left children)
Stewart McGill; Samuel D Hardin
18 398
1836 06 15
Urner, Nathan
never married; brother Benjamin
Urner; mother living
George W Neff; James L Bogert; Jno N
Hawtonrn; P Cenas; W m Christy
07 313
1836 06 27
Swain, Joseph
wife Eliza Swain (formerly Eliza
O’Neal); children living at home
Cordine Elizabeth Swain, Joseph
Ballarra Storer Swain; children in
New York– James Swain & daughter
Thankful M Swain
Ezra Carpenter; Isaiah Hing; Pulaski
Smith; Peter Morhead
05 215
1836 06 30
Miller, Henry Sr
wife Jane; son Henry; daughter Jane
wife of Edwart T Lee & their
children; daughter Mary Fox; Mr
Thomas of NY; W estern Baptist
John Bevan; John Ewing; Isaac C
Burnet; Geo Gordon
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Education Society(property in
05 224
1836 07 27
Garard, W illiam
wife Mary; children
Jac Flinn; David Muchmore; Ephriam
05 225
1836 09 02
Filson, John L
(also written Johnah L)
wife Elvia
Alexander Mayhew of Springfield
Twp; Frederick W Athearon; W illiam
Filson; Isaac W rigg; Isaac Reinery;
Philip W riggs
04 094
1836 09 03
Broadwell, Jacob
wife Jane; children Elias, Lewis,
Phebe Day, Mary Ann Polleck,
Cyrus; (land in Clermont Co,
Cincinnati & Fulton)
Joseph Martin; James Goodloe; John H
Martin; Gano Martin; Charles Fox;
Hugh Benner; Jona Broadwell; Ceppus
W ilda (?); Saml C Perry; Robert
Buchanan; Joseph Smith
07 307
1836 09 05
Shaffer, Daniel
brother John Shaffer of Baltimore
MD & his son Daniel
Jesse Hunt; N G Pendleton; Henry B
Funk; Samuel Beresford; Thomas J
Henderson; Abraham Fubiveber;
Garret Vanosdol; Timothy S Goodman;
James Loatherwood
05 212
1836 10 05
Morgan, Elisha A
wife Julia A; (land in Campbell Co
Nelson R W ells; James F W illet; Henry
Stors; John F Doir; John O Charle
04 101
1836 10 06
Black, Anna
brother Peter Black; brother David
Black; sister Catherine Bult; sister
Margaret Lindley; heirs of brother
Matthias Black; heir of sister Mary
Jones (decd); mother Catherine
Black; brother Mahlon Black
Oliver Jones; Joseph Jones; James D
Jones; W m Baxter; Jos B Meum (?);
Robt Crise (?); Jacob Parker
02 420
1836 10 10
Cochran, Richard
eldest sister Sarah Harris; 2 nd sister
Nancy Jones; eldest brother Thomas
Cochran; youngest brother Nathaniel
Cochran; sister-in-law Hester
Cochran–widow of W illiam
Cochran; nieces Ann Thornald, Eliza
Hilderbrandt, Hulda Jones; nieces
Hester & Harriet Cochran daughters
of W illiam (decd); nephews Simon
Cochran, Hiram Cochran, Cornelius
Cochran, Levi Jones
John Snider; Robert Botkin; James
07 308
1836 10 10
Maulsbury, Samuel
Sycamore Twp
wife Nancy; sons Jacob, John, Joel,
Samuel; daughters Nancy, Mary
Daniel Hosbrook; James Ayres
04 099
1836 10 31
Brown, Vincent
Symmes Twp
wife Mary; sons John J, Frederic,
David, Allical, James (decd),
Vincent Jr; daughters Catherine
Burton, Mary Morris, Barbery
Aeldes (decd), Ann Shoemaker;
granddaughter Mary Revil; grandson
Dennis Brown s/o Vincent Jr;
granddaughter Mary Cozatt;
granddaughter Rachel Brown d/o
Vincent; Daniel Trusley; W illiam
W illiam Morris; Albart Vorhis;
W illiam Mahan; Minard Apgart; Jacob
Vorhis; Hamilton Mahan; David
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
08 209
1836 11 02
Vayhinger, GodfreIim
d anuel
(Also spelled Vaihinger)
wife Louise; son Gustavus; daughter
Auguste; two other surviving
Emmanuel Frederick Schmidt; Simon
Geeeding (also Guidiny); Jos
Howbrielye; W m Linde
11 229
1836 11 08
Bigham, W illiam
Fairfield Twp, Butler Co
wife Mary; children George R,
Margaret Patterson, Sarah Read of
Hamilton Co, Jane Long, David,
James, W illiam, Judith Bigham;
bond girl Martha Swader; Black boy
Benj Pinder; (will written 1815)
(land in Hamilton Co)
Hugh W ilson, James Boal, James
McBride; Mathew G W allace
06 402
1836 11 10
W eeks, Stephen P
On Clough Creek
wife Nancy
Christopher Smith & wife Sarah; Isiah
Crosby; Robt Hosea; Daniel D Gray
02 422
1836 11 14
Breaden, Jeremiah
Springfield Twp
wife Epenetus; sons W illiam,
Thomas, George, Jeremiah, John;
daughters Epenetus, Jane, Margaret,
W m Van Dyke; Solomon Harr; Jacob
Lane; Henry Brokaw; Robert Marshall;
— W hetstone; — Miller; –
Shaneberger (or Shamberger); Arther S
Sarter; Solomon Howe; Thomas Smith;
Aaron Brown; H Schooley; Garret A
Hageman; Joseph Bloomfield
06 404
1836 11 14
Snodgrass, W illiam
wife Elizabeth; children W illiam
Lamdon Snodgrass, John Snodgrass,
Joseph T Snodgrass; granddaughters
Harriett & Judeth Jessup, Elizabeth
James W Cook (also written McCash);
Reuben Vanzant; Martin G Swane
06 401
1836 11 26
W illsey, Henry
Colerain Twp
wife Margaret; children Isaac, Phebe,
John, Peter, Mark, Lavina; grandson
Henry son of John
David Hunt; Abizah Hunt (decd);
Arthur Orr; Gilbert Von Keuren
04 107
1836 12 06
Dean, Bishop C
stepmother Lucinda Dean; Abigail
Phelps; brother Joshua Dean
James Read (also Louis Read);
Ebenezer Harrison
09 405
1836 12 13
Sutton, John
Symmes Twp
wife Eleanor; son John S
Seth Brewster (moved to Franklin Co
IN); Lisha W oodruff;
08 211
1836 12 15
Tuttle, John
children Ezra, Joseph, Charity,
Sarah, John, Mary, James
David Smith of W ithamsville; Caleb
W illiams of Cincinnati; Jarvis Pettiford
(also spelled Jarvis P Mefford);
Thomas P Jones; J L Malot
Clermont Co
02 409
1836 12 17
Blachley, Oliver B
daughters Elizabeth Alden Blachly
(age 8), Mary Blachly (age 6);
mother Elizabeth Spencer Blachly;
sister Eliza; nephew Joseph D
Blachly (son of brother Joseph); W
Simpson; uncle Oliver M Spencer
brother Joseph W Blachley; Henry
W ells; George K Drake; James I (or J)
Scofield; Elijah W ard; (Drake, Scofield
& W ard now residents of Morris Co
NJ); James Pullem (or Pullun); James
Smith; Ira S Avery; John A Simpson
11 228
1837 01 24
Russell, James
wife Esther; children James Jr, John,
Mary Clawson, Elizabeth Burge;
daughter Nancy Scribner (mother of
granddaughter Mary Scribner);
children of daughter Sarah Sewell
W illiam Crossman; Ephriam Morgan;
David Folger; Joseph Bonsall
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 226
1837 02 06
Hey, Bartholomew
5 th St Cincinnati
wife Elizabeth Hey; “her children” &
“my children”
Thomas Reeves; Thomas Henderson;
Jos Clark; Richd Paul; Thos W ood;
Geo Middlewood; Geo Howard;
Richard Boul; Joseph Clinton
04 110
1837 02 11
Cary, Christopher
wife Margaret; children Anne Cary,
Irwin Cary, James Finley Cary;
children by a former marriage
Ely Elder; neighbor James Heelgeland;
Simon Crary; Samuel Crary; Zebulon
Strong; Alanson Grant; Cyrus Howard;
Elzy Oleer; Jas Hedgland
11 219
1837 02 16
Myers, Jonathan
wife Mary
James Scallen; Alber Eims
06 394
1837 02 18
McFeely, Richard G
Springfield Twp
wife Hannah; son Edward J & five
younger children including youngest
daughter Betsey Ann
Henry Rodgers; Robert S Preston
04 108
1837 02 21
Gordon, George
Sycamore Twp
children Jesse J, John, Rachel,
Elizabeth, Ann, Lucinda; Mary
Carus; Margaret Gaston; Sarah
Nixon; Rebecca Minor
(land in Montgomery Co IN)
Daniel I (or S) Irvin; Leister Nichols;
Robert Caldwell; Tho Conrey (or
Cowrey); Hugh Gaston; Saml Beiler;
James Caldwell; Isaac Runyon
04 093
1837 03 15
Gresmer, George
wife Charlotta; son Samuel; heirs of
son George (decd)–W illiam, Adam,
Mary, Anna; children of John (decd)
& Mary Emons –Elias, Ann, Mary;
children of John (decd) & Sarah
VanPelt–George, Albert & W illiam;
daughter Phebe Billingsley
James J W hallen; Adam Pardonner;
Henry Jones
06 390
1837 03 18
W illiams, Peter
son James Peter W illiams; son
W illiam L, W illiams & child Eliza
Ann “sworn to him by Phillis
Nicholson”; youngest son Milton L
W illiams; daughter Eliza A Snyder;
son Peter T W illiams; g-children
Peter W illiams, Susanah W illiams,
Maria W illiams, James W illiams,
John g W illiams; sister Mary
Linton’s heirs–Margaret Biggs,
George Linton, Maria Linton
Gen Harrison; Peyton Short; W m
Thomas; heirs of Thomas Spurrier;
Joshua Hyatt; John Bacon; Robert
Moore; W illiam T Geuth; Asa W
Rhodes; Seth Mayhew; David Piplin
11 225
1837 03 21
Hine, Samuel
wife Levina
Isaac G Burnet; John B Enness;
Stephen Barmore; Robert Richardson;
W m Biland; Benj Stewart; David A
Powell; Mahlon Broadwell
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 310
1837 03 22
Keniston, James
Springfield Twp
daughters Margaret Robe and
Kittabel Kenniston both of
Bridgewater NH
W illiam Cary; John Campbell; Jeston
Hazelrigg; David Jackson; David Kantz
(or Kautz); Sam’l Johnson; Jno K
W eatherby; Zeb W Stong
25 376
1837 03 28
Bird, Norman
wife Anna; children Ira H, Henry N;
sister Elizabeth wife of Benjn B Hall
& their children; Lidia Ann
Hooker–cousin of wife Anna;
George C Miller; C S Bradbury; James
Foster; John Melendy; D K Cady
wife Charlotte
James J Faran; Mannasseh Sweet
04 103
1837 03 30
Goldsmith, Burfit
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
08 201
1837 03 31
Cochran, John
08 203
1837 04 06
Harris, Joseph
children Sarah Harris, Nancy Jones,
Thomas, Nathaniel; grandchildren
Andrew Jackson Harris, Mary
Harris; three deceased sons W illiam,
John, Joseph, all with children;
neighbor John Snider; James Fimmes,
W m Love
brother James Harris
Stephen Barmore; Daniel W ainwright
Fulton Twp
07 303
1837 04 06
Shaw, W illiam
formerly of Franklin,
W arren Co OH, now of
Mill Creek Twp
Ann Orr; Robert Orr Jr; 4 brothers in
Indiana–John, Jesse, Robinson &
Alfred; W illiam Orr; Presbyterian
Church; Horace Bushnell
Otho Evans; John Unglesbee; Margaret
W illiams; Martha E W alker
09 399
1837 04 07
May, Andrew
Springfield Twp
wife Catherine; children David, John,
Jacob, Andrew, Mariah Rierdon May
wife of Elisha Belles (also Bellies &
Bellows), Abigale Amanda,
Margaret, Elizabeth Sweme, Polly
(also Dolly) M Danuel (also
McDaniel & McDonald), July Ann
(also Juliana) Hoel, Sarah Bella
Hoel, Catharine Ann Robison (also
Robinson); testator died fall 1836;
(Land in Crawfordsville IN)
Abraham Cumptuns; Caleb Norris (also
Norie); Thomas Smith; W illiam
Vandyke; Daniel Van Matre;sml
Millikan; Mr Piatt; Daniel Hoel;
W illiam B Hoel; James Badgely
(Andrew May’s will was brought to
court where it was misplaced)
08 204
1837 04 10
Hayes, Roswell P
wife Cornelia; children Mary
Elizabeth, Saml F Snowden, Susan
Louisa, Henry Lindsley
brother Oliver B Hayes of Nashville
TN; H F Gaines; Sidney Snowdon
06 396
1837 04 15
Phelps, Samuel W
wife Ann; sons Benjamin R (Dehli
Twp), Samuel W Jr, Edward A B;
daughter Martha G Chesseldine; Col
John Russell
— Harlow; W illiam Poe & wife; James
Gallaher & wife; James M Shay &
wife; Robert B Hamilton & wife; David
H Howe; Samuel Cloon; Israel L
Ludlow; Samuel Fosdick; Esther
Finley; Gerard R Chesseldine; Nat
W right; Sam M Candler; Israel M
06 406
1837 04 22
Reece, Robert
recently of Stafford Co
(Tipton Parish) England
parents Owen & Mary Reece of
Tipton Parish, Stafford Co England;
uncle Thomas Beamont; youngest
brother George Reese of Stafford Co
John Gill; Joseph Morledge Sr; Jabez
Reynolds; W m W ood; W m M Onions
(no longer resident of Ohio in 1837);
Thomas J Henderson; James R
Baldridge; Charles M Gazzam;
Theodore Scowden; Hudson Hughes;
Ezra Bailey
04 112
1837 05 19
Pursel, John
W hitewater Twp
half siblings Franklin Rees, Mary
Rees, Pursel Rees, W illiam Russel
Rees, Thos P Rees all of Fayette Co
IN; mother–widow of father John
Pursel; uncle W illiam Pursel of
Dearborn Co IN; aunt Ketturah Hunt;
John Pursel Hare son of Jacob &
Susan Hare of W hitewater Twp;
uncle Edwd Hunt
Saml McHenry; – W rite; Daniel Lake
of Dearborn Co IN; Israel Tennis;
Joseph Lewis; Saml W Conger;
Thomas Hunt; Charles Mills; Stephen
W ood; Saml Bond
Vol pg
yr mo day
07 334
1837 06 06
Folger, Elizabeth
(Record was refused & is
crossed out)
husband David Folger (decd);
brother Solomon Folger; sister
Phoebe Rawson of Nantucket MA
Luther F B Joulyn; Mary Ann Locclyn;
Richard Folger; Elinor Folger
04 090
1837 06 19
Ebersole, Christian
Anderson Twp
sons Christian S, Jacob, Abraham;
daughters Catherine Richards, Mary,
Maria, Martha, Elizabeth
Jacob Ross; Johnson McCormick; Jno
Keating; Ebzr Turpin; Isaac Mears;
Garrett Hopper
08 208
1837 06 23
Cunningham, Elizabeth
[Rossville, Butler Co OH]
Joshua Van De W ater;
granddaughter Maria Van De W ater;
granddaughter Elizabeth Van De
W ater
John W ood; W m L Tucker; Catharine
Isabelle Niles
04 089
1837 07 05
Garard, Jonathan Sr
Anderson Twp
wife Leah; daughters Mahetible
Houghn, Phoebe Muchmore, Patey
Coon, Mary Jones, Elizabeth
W oodruff, Sarah Banks, Rachel
Debolt (decd) & heirs, W illiam
(decd), John H; Julia Gerrard
(daughter of son John H); grandson
Jonathan H Gerrard Jr
W illiam Lynes Jr; Isaac Mears
11 220
1837 07 06
Myers, Adam
wife Katherina; children Frederick,
John, Henry; Katherina Regnew;
Elizabeth Iseminger; Barbara Carley
(will written in 1825)
Adam Nutt; John Cummins; Daniel
Long, James Cummings; Elijah
Thompson; W m W akefield; Mores V
Nutt; jmsd G W altney
04 104
1837 08 22
Brown, John
wife Susannah
W illiam Brown; Saml W illiams; James
G Speer (also Spear); Daniel T Shoup;
Geo W Brow (sic); James P Brown; C
Cogswell; John Elsnier
08 206
1837 08 22
Dickinson, Samuel S
wife Olive G; children; mother
Abigail Dickinson, widow, of MA
Ephriam Gilmore; James Foster; B L
Roebrough; John Rosebrough
06 393
06 501
1837 10 03
Meeker, Elizabeth
W arren Co OH
daughters Elizabeth Swain, Mary
Brush, Phebe Keelor; Mary Brush’s
sons Josephes Frazier, Adolphes
Frazier & Alonzo Frazier
John Short; James Baxter; W m
Morrison; Ezra Morrison
04 117
1837 10 15
Bonne,l Aaron
Crosby Twp
wife Rachel; all my children
Othniel Looker; Pamela Looker; B F
06 389
1837 10 18
W illiams, Daniel
wife Hannah; John Roberts; Baptist
Church–pastored by Rev Lynd
Elinore W illiam; Isaac Ayres; Thatcher
Lewis; Nouwt (?) Johnson; David
W illiams; Isaac Burnett; Henry Martin;
Clement W Burt
09 397
1837 10 21
Merrie, Robert
wife Eleanor; children Robert, John
Margaret McAlpin, Eleanor, Mary
Ann; granddaughters Jane
McCullough & Ellen McCullough
Joseph George Stewart; Henry Rockey;
N B Rairden
wife Elenor; children Samuel Davis
Hardin, Rebecca Pool, Martha
Kenedy, Susannah W hite, Mary
Huston, Catharine Potenger, James
Hardin; g-children Catharine Smith,
James Adams; Ann Adams; Jonathan
Cilley; W m Pool; Sam Hoal; Elisha
11 223
1837 10 21
Hardin, James
Colerain Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Rebecca Smith
05 218
1837 10 28
Stacy, Thomas
06 395
1837 11 07
Ross, Britton
wife Mary; Sarah Davids; Solomon
Osborn; Mary Hall (recently Mary
Hammel); Mariam stump
James Davis; Lewis McKee; O Jones;
D D Osborn
wife Susanna; children
friend David Conklin; B Drake; N B
07 305
1837 11 14
Sprong, Elizabeth
husband David Sprong Jr; brother
James Harris; sister Mary Shepherd
Cornelius Sprong; Samuel Dodson
25 374
1837 11 15
Banks, Thomas
wife Sarah; children Eliza, Julia,
Caroline, Jackson, Hiram, Clinton,
Rachel Jane
Henry Debolt; Maritn Light
04 118
1837 12 05
Alexander, Agnes
children W illiam Nichols; (dau)
Renham, Mary Margaret, Amos
Nichols, James Nichols
James Miller; Thos Franer; James
Barrett; Josiah Grover; David Huston
02 395
1837 12 16
W est, Mary
children Ameila Ann W est, Mary
Jane W est, W illiam Thomas W est
Mr Piatt; — Spencer; Edward
W oodruff; Andrew Fottrell; Mary Ann
11 308
1837 12 19
Kauffman, Simon
Agata Meher; Lorentz Meher; sonin-law Aliwis (or Ahivis) Foma of
Freiburg; Stephen Landerer in
Germany; widow Catharine Pfeifer
(by birth the name Schwabinin
Aldbreisach) in Germany; sons
Joseph, Peter, Jacob; daughter
Magdalena wife of George Gettear
John Myers; Friedrick Schmid; George
05 205
1838 01 27
Markland, Garah
Green Twp
wife Elizabeth; sons George,
Thomas, Garah, W illiam, Richard;
son John T Markland’s son Simeon
& his mother Sarah; daughters
Cynthia Craven, Amelia Richardson,
Sovina Sheppard, Elizabeth
Amos W orthington; Israel Applegate
01 436
1838 02 15
Fosdick, Richard
sons Samuel, Henry Nicholl, Charles
Updike, Betsy Eliza; son Sylvester L
Hommedim Fosdick’s children if any
Dr James M Mason; Saml H Miller;
John C Gilpin
05 209
1838 02 26
Little, James
Springfield Twp
wife Elizabeth; boys & girls
including Cornelius, Marthyann
David Brecount; Moses Heath; Samuel
10 341
1838 03 30
Harrison, W m H Jr
Miami Twp
wife Jane; children; brother John
Scott Harrison
Gen W H Harrison; Samuel Findlay;
Benjamin Harrison
10 338
1838 04 05
Horn, Frederick
wife Catherine; children John S,
Jacob W (absent a long time), cn h,
Maria Catheriene Kinnean, Elizabeth
Patrige, Susanna (also Susan) Horne
Cahn Carpenter; John C Norris; Daniel
sister Mary wife of Samuel Snowden
of Leeds England & her children
W illiam (of Cincinnati), Joseph &
George Middlewood Sr; Chas Fox;
Thomas W ood
10 346
1838 06 04
Overend, John
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Elizabeth (both of Leeds); sister Ann
wife of Thomas Fullan (of Oldham
Lancashire) & children John,
Richard, Martha & Sarah (both girls
married to unknown men); nephew
Matthias Overend (of Oldham);
nephew John Brown (of Rothville
near Leeds)
10 355
1838 06 05
Shipley, W illiam
wife Phoebe; children including
Thomas C Shipley
Thomas W ood; George Middlewood Jr
10 359
1838 06 07
W ilson, Jane
Memphis, Shelby Co TN
mother Rachel Tarlton
(lot in Cincinnati acquired in 1818)
W m Hood; John Hood; Elener Hood;
Elizabeth Hood; Joseph Bahannon;
Seth W heatly; Charles B Merry
10 352
1838 06 07
W alker, Joseph
wife Hetty; children Samuel S,
Charles C, George W ashington,
Joseph N, Harrit T, Henry S
Luke Kent; Robert Richardson; Thos J
Halderman; Thomas J Henderson;
W illiam Neff; James Kemper; W m E
Marsh; Saml Martin; Dan H Horne
02 407
1838 06 09
Morten, Amanda
(also spelled Marton)
husband Henry Marton; father
Jonathan Foreman & Mary Foreman
(probably his wife); son Albert G W
Morton; daughter Catharine Morton
Isaac L Malott; James Hesler; John F
Dair–; peter C Parker; John Ferris;
W illiam Love; James Byers
10 348
1838 06 26
Hawkins, Reuben
wife Sarah; two daughters Sally, Ann
N Longworth; Gen James Taylor; Capt
Saml Perry; Salmon P Chase; John
Hatfield; James Ewan
06 383
1838 06 26
Phelps, Ann
son Flamen Ball; daughter Emily A
wife of John A Patterson; daughter E
Cecilia wife of Samuel M Candler;
daughter Ann F Ball; stepson Samuel
W Phelps; stepdaughter Martha wife
of G R Cheseldin?; stepson Edward
A B Phelps; grandchildren Evelin
(also Ebelim) C Ball, Flamen Ball Jr,
Samuel M Cander (sic); Ann F
Flamen (probably identical with Ann
F Ball)
James Tompkins; S P Chase
wife Freelove; son Henry; daughter
Sarah; son David’s children W illiam,
Freelove, Henry, David; daughter
Mary Shawers; Maria Aspey widow
of son David
Samuel Lewis; Richard Gaines; I
Perkins; David C Stratham; E Larson
01 440
1838 07 02
Aspy, W illiam
Green Twp
10 354
1838 07 03
W ilson, W illiam
wife Sarah; daughters Martha Ann
Baxer; Anna Cosbey, Polly Cosbey,
Catharine Bailey; sons Abraham,
David, W m, John, Joseph, James,
Samuel; Mary Ann Goudy; son-inlaw Allen Cullom
W illiam Baxter; John Keller; Henry
Keller, Robert MacMount; Richard
Chamberlain; James Sampson
05 222
1838 07 03
Schenck, Daniel
wife Margaret; children John,
W illiam; (land in Preble Co)
John Crumel (decd); David Kennedy;
W illiam Baxter; Richard Chamberlin;
John R Schenk; Thomas Goodall; S J
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Miller; Jos Sampson
10 343
1838 07 16
Hunt, Catherine
W alnut Hills
Foreign missions; Tract Society;
Education Sociey; Lane Seminary;
daughter Catharine Matilda Vail;
grandchild Catharine Hunt Vail,
daughter of Rev Franklin Y Vail &
Catharine M Vail
Gabriel Tichenor; Elizabeth Tichenor
10 340
1838 07 24
Hyatt, Squire
Betsey Dayley
John Clingman; Richard Evans;
— Combs; — Hyatt; Adam N Riddle;
Ira A Butterfield; Stephen W oodruff
05 210
1838 09 14
Meara, John
(also spelled Mearea)
wife Emma; children
E J W alton; John A W illiams;
10 357
1838 10 01
Souders, Phebe
Mill Creek Twp
husband Daniel Souders; David
Leeper; heirs if David Dunham
(decd) — Joseph Dunham, Edward
Dunham, Joshua Dunham; son
Edward C Roll; daughter Mary
Miller; daughter Jane Joseph;
granddaughter Phebe Miller
John McMakin; Abraham Leaman (or
02 405
1838 10 01
Sillsbee, John W
wife Ann; children including 4
youngest boys John, Charles, Ben,
Silas Smith; W m S Spooner; Marston
Allen; Ebenezer Hinman; S Homes; S S
Smith; C R F olger
01 435
1838 10 02
Ford, Squire
wife Esther
Richd Mulford; Daniel Stagg; Samuel
Bishop Bingham
01 434
1838 10 13
Boals, W illiam
Colerain Twp
brother Pritchard Boales (decd 1830
Aug 17 without issue); James Bell;
W illiam Bell Sr; W illiam Boales
Aston; John Aston; W illiam W est;
W illiam Pricket son of John Pricket
Benjamin Perry; Samuel Aston;
Lazarus Pine; Isaac Palmer
10 350
1838 10 30
Vansandt, Joshua
(also spelled Vanzandt)
Sycamore Twp
wife Drucila; children Elezabeth,
Josiah, Elija, Margaret, John, Alfred
Clinton, Alvanza, Jerome
Joseph Thompson; Jacob P T Miller;
Aaron Meyers; Isaac Conklin; Edmond
R Glenn
10 345
1838 11 06
Jackson, George A
apprentice Samuel W hite (turning &
umbrella making business) who
would be 21 on 1843 Mar 8); sister
Mary Amanda Jackson; wife Mary J
A L Voorhes; Hesekiah Kierstead;
Bellamy Storer; S J W ade
06 381
1838 11 07
Benninger, Martin
wife Mary Ann; children Mary
Elizabeth wife of John Newbold;
Martin, W illiam Henry, Sophia,
Mary Ann
(owned farm in Denton Co IN)
Bellamy Stover (or Storer); John E
Edmonds; Godfrey Schober
02 393
1838 11 12
Bray, Peter
children Henry, Thomas, Catharine
Nugent, Jerusha Golden, Sarah
Cochran, Elizabeth W ise, Mary
Emerson; daughter Catherine’s
children–Melinda McManomy,
Sarah Dimick & Eliza Richardson
Richard Gains; David E Stothem;
Robert Hope
Vol pg
yr mo day
06 386
1838 11 21
Taney, Lewis
01 438
1838 11 30
Black, John
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Nancy M Taylor for attention during
testator’s sickness; father Joseph
Taney of Frederick Co MD;
Henry B Funk; Jos B Billings; Olly A
wife Christiania; daughter Elizabeth
Elder & her children; daughter Sarah
wife of Frederick Biddinger;
daughter Susan wife of Robert
Pearson; grandchildren
B F Looker; Peter Rifner; Henry
Lincoln; Samuel Ball
01 439
1838 12 05
Elder, Mary
W hitewater Twp
formerly of Franklin Co
husband John Elder (decd); youngest
son James Elder
Andrew Lind; Solomon Scott
06 385
1838 12 12
Parker, Godfrey
infant child & its grandmother
Turner; mother Mrs Barney (whose
husband Daniel F Barney was
Edgar Scott; S V Ready; Daniel
Turner; D Buchanan
03 014
1838 12 13
Bishop, Deborah
Mill Creek Twp
children John, Lydia Crary, Sophia,
Rebecca, Elizabeth
Charles Avery; Joseph Burgoyne; H A
06 382
1838 12 14
Cornish, W illiam
wife Martha
James Glenn; Jos Cumings
02 408
1838 12 14
Luther, Mary
husband John Luther; father David
Aupperle (decd)
Joseph Burgoyne; Gotleib Gosche;
Francis Kempf
01 444
1838 12 18
Pickins, John
Jefferson Co MS
my Negro woman Hannah & children
Harriet & Shannon emancipated;
Abel Gupton & his sister Mary
Gupton– children of half sister
Catharine (now the wife of M W
Trimble, formerly the wife of
Garland Gupton)
friends & neighbors Stephen Terry &
James F Stewart; Horatice W Fleming;
Jas J Cox (or Car)
05 207
1838 12 21
Johnson, W illiam
wife Elizabeth
A F Robinson (left for parts unknown);
W m C Lawrence; George Gay
03 013
1839 01 08
Brand, David
wife; children Delilah, Jonathan
Claten; Mary German & Rebecca
Miller (probably also his children)
David Lee; W illiam Baxter; Jacob Cox;
David Cox; Sarah Cox
08 197
1839 01 23
Gaston, Hugh
wife Margaret; daughters Sarah Ann,
Martha Ann, Mary Elizabeth,
Lucinda Caroline; one other child
Samuel Beeler (also called David
Beeler); Samuel Vorhes, Joseph
Cornell Jr, Daniel S Meeker
07 294
1839 02 16
Hawkins, W illiam
wife Jane; son & daughters
friend Jacob L W ayne; Thorton a
Mills; Evan Gaithen (also written Erian
08 195
1839 02 17
Irwin, John V
wife Anna J; brother W illiam; father
Archibald Irwin
John R Caram; Joseph Graham; W m S
03 007
1839 03 26
Bearns, Rachel
(also spelled Barns)
brother Robert Camiel; (property in
Youngstown PA)
John Morgan; W illiam Casey; Richard
09 394
1839 03 27
Hilton, Elizabeth
son Thomas; sister Eliza McBride;
Aaron Fuller; Lewis Mixer; John
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
niece Caroline Bailey;
(house in Marietta OH)
Keoun; C B Dyer; I Frazer
03 011
1839 03 28
Bracken, Michael
4 children by last wife now
deceased– Mary Ann, Daniel Joseph,
James, Margaret Francis
W illiam A O Hara; Jacob W Piatt; E
04 086
1839 04 17
Bowles, John
wife Elizabeth; wife’s daughter
Priscilla Crispe & her uncle John
Crispe (decd) & grandfather (decd)
& father (decd); brothers Thomas,
W illiam, Richard, Robert; sister
Mary Bigg; Charles Crispe (residing
with brother Robert)
Joseph W ebb; cousin John Dendy
Bowles; J H Biddinger; S Biddinger;
George Sullvin; Thomas Tomsett; John
Brown; John Hermi; Amos Ferris;
Crosby Twp
09 395
1839 05 10
McHenry, Van
Crosby Twp
wife Nancy; children Amos N, Phebe
Serjiant, Joseph
Edward Burne; Margaret Radcliff;
Judah W illey
01 433
1839 06 03
Markland, Jesse
wife Mary
David Hill; W illiam Dawson
01 425
1839 06 04
Shepherd, George
wife Rachel; children Stebbins,
Amos Clearinger; John Tucker Jr;
W illiam Robertson
08 193
1839 06 04
Hamilton, Andrew
Springfield Twp
wife Mary; sons John, James,
Andrew Jackson; daughters Rosanna
Miller, Mary Crane, Elizabeth Clark,
Nancy Patton, Harriet Tolbert,
Catherine, Hannah, Martha, Rachael
John Thompson; W m Sentney; Henry
Morse; Joseph Bloomfield; Peter
02 397
1839 06 05
Burnside, Daniel
wife Mary; children David, Nancy,
Jane wife of Robert Caulfield
Thomas Thornsett; Jesse Oneill;
Ebenezer Harrison
08 200
1839 06 05
Roark, James Sr
wife Sarah; children John, Sarah,
Nancy, Catherine, James, Souseanah,
W illiam, Andrew J
Stephen Bormer; Ludwick Sheevvor
18 390
1839 06 20
Lewis, W atson
wife Nancy Elizabeth; children
Josephus Marion Lewis, Marcus
Lewis, Franklin Lewis, Nancy
Marcella Lewis, Mira Albina Lewis,
Helen Lewis; brothers John W
Lewis, Richard Lewis, Freeborn
W m R Morris; Oliver Lovell; W illiam
Crossman; W Q Hodgton; W m S
Merrell; W illiam Rankin
09 391
1839 06 27
Parker, Catherine
husband W illiam Parker; sister
Angeline Luce wife of E W Luce
James H Looker; W m G Johnston;
Edmund Smith; Robert McCoy (decd);
Chas Fox; Stephen Gregg
03 009
1839 07 05
Cameron, John
Robert Simmey of Aberdeen
Scotland; brother W illiam Cameron
of London England; Church of
Cincinnati pastored by Rev Burt;
brother Robert Cameron; sister
Amelia Cameron; niece Helen Reed;
sister Eliza (now sick); Mrs Gathery
Andrew McAlpin; W illiam Stevenson;
Peter McNicoll; Cyrus W elch; Andrew
Ross; R A Madison; Robert Lang
wife Deborah; wife’s father Samuel
Owings of Baltimore Co; daughter
Mary Eliza wife of Dr Lenox
Mr Pearce; — Moale; — Hughes;
— W orthington; — Shipley; Robert
W alsh (decd); Elizabeth Lawrence;
25 365
1839 07 19
Hoffman, Peter
of Baltimore MD
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Birckheard & daughters; brother
George (decd); son Samuel Owings
Hoffman; son W illiam Alfred
Hoffman; son Edward Hoffman; son
James Latimer Hoffman; son George
P Hoffman; daughter Sally; daughter
Henrietta; grandchildren; brother
Jacob (decd); sister-in-law Elizabeth
Hoffman; slave Perry (set free);
Maryland Colonization Society
Stephen Queens; —Martin; Mr
Goldsborough; Dederick Allers; Hugh
Birckhead; L L Eichelberger; Grafton
D Spurrier
02 403
1839 07 26
Sortor, Hezekiah
(also spelled Sarter)
Sycamore Twp
wife; 3 sons; 3 daughters including
Charity; granddaughter Caroline
Robert Martin; Aaron Brown; John
Sarter (also Sorter); Elisha Peterson
08 198
1839 07 26
Haynes, Manley B
brother Lafayette Haynes; father
Benjamin Haynes; brother Philander
Haynes; sister Elizabeth Haynes;
brother Edwin Haynes; brother
Benjamin Franklin Haynes; sister
Mary Jane Haynes; friend John C
Cooper of Covington KY; friend
Alexander Donaldson of Newport
Albert Gardner; Joseph Burgoyne
25 370
1839 07 26
McCormick, Arthur
wife Rebecca; two eldest sons of
Joab Comstock–Milton Lemon &
Austin W illey
W illiam Lemory (also Lemmory);
W illiam Sefton (now resident of
Decatur Co IN)
03 008
1839 09 09
Emery, Mary
father of late husband John Emery;
sister Lonida S Crane; Charles
Emery Crane–son of brother Rufus
Crane; Church of Christ; children of
brother Ebenezer Crane (lately decd)
brother Thurston Crane; John W
Owens; John W aggow
02 415
1839 09 12
Arbegust, Sarah
Mill Creek Twp
(Age 18 last Jan 12); mother
Christiana Clark; distribute clothing
among friends; brother Benjamin
Arbegust; other brothers and sisters;
George Mankee swore that the heirs
of George Arbegust (decd) – George
W , John, Mary wife of John Fowler,
Christiana wife of John M Davis,
Margaret Ready wife of Levin V
Ready, Sarah Arbegust (decd),
Elizabeth wife of Abner Newman,
Emeline (age about 19 yrs) wife of
Joseph McCune, W illiam Arbegust
(decd); the widow of George
Arbegust [Sr] (who died about 10
years ago) is Christianna now the
wife of W illiam Clarkson
John Arbegust; Daniel van Matre;
George Maukee (or Mankee); John
25 373
1839 10 02
Munson, John
wife Susan; son Ira; daughters
Melinda, Ludica, Ann; son-in-law
Aaron Kitchel
George Crookshank; Robert Hopping
Vol pg
yr mo day
09 392
1839 10 07
Harper, James
02 418
1839 10 10
Ayres, Samuel
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
wife; children John, James, Jane,
Martha, Sarah, Agnes, Eliza
Jeremiah Morrow; Peter Monfort
wife; son John S; daughter Emeline
C T Barnard; Richard Mulford; A B
18 395
1839 10 10
Harwood, W illiam
New York City
Mademoiselle Euphrasie Vivien of
Paris & her children legitimate or
illegitimate; Patrick Hanrahan Taylor
of NY; brothers in England
(owned two lots in Cincinnati)
Gilbert C W eld; H Pelering; John B
Purroy; W illet (also Millet) Coles;
Robert W Harwood; Henry P
Harwood; John R Pitkin; Hutchins T
W illiams; Patrick H Taylor; James
01 426
1839 10 10
Smith, Sarah
son Increase Morse (also Mores);
son Supply C Morse (decd);
James Brown; A Johnston; Andrew
09 389
1839 10 11
Peter, George Adam
wife Rachael Knowl Peter;
(land in Jeffersonville IN)
Justus Klinje; John Noll
02 399
1839 10 12
Hall, Samuel
no wife or children living; nieces
Jane & Elizabeth (daughters of
James Hall of Cincinnati); nieces
Martha & Elizabeth (daughters of
brother John Hall in England)
I W Piatt; W T Hartburn
02 390
1839 10 14
Crarey, John
wife Martha Robinson “the widow of
John Bachelor and of Hesikiah
Hadlock”; 4th son Silas Crary;
grandson John W illiamson Crary;
sons Simon, Benjamin and Samuel
Peter Colllins (or Cullins); Rebecca
Collins; George W intel (or W intele);
Samuel Raymond; Zebulon Strong;
W ick Roll
11 305
1839 11 05
Kitchel, Moses
wife Esther; son Samuel Kitchel; son
Harvey Kitchel; daughter Mariah
Kitchell; daughter Huldah Dawson;
James Dawson
bro-in-law David Muchmore; Oliver
Jones; Eliphalet Buckley; James Stites;
W esley Dawney (also Downey); J B
Price; John Muchmore; Edghar Scott;
Joseph Ludlow
01 429
1839 11 05
McLean, W illiam
wife Sara; children Caroline A Schan
(or Sheen), Sarah F Geogoire(?),
Eliza L, Nathaniel Henry, Mary B,
Arabella Sophia
brother John McLean of W arren Co
OH; Josiah Lawrence; S P Chase;
McLean I Blair
09 388
1839 11 18
Pierson, Samuel
(W ill written 1829 Mar 19) children
Lewis, Elizabeth Creagar, Samuel,
Jonathan, Rebecca, Jesse, Sally
W m Logan; Elizabeth Logan; Danl
01 427
1839 12 09
Simmons, Jane
Springfield Twp
son Joseph H Simmons
A R Sayre; Elias H Annerralt (or
01 432
1839 12 12
McCormick, Philey
(also spelled Piley)
sister Elizabeth
Samuel McLean (also McLenn);
W illiam W oolley
03 022
1839 12 13
Davis, Joshua Sr
wife Jemime; children Hatty
Leggett, Elizabeth Leggett, Bershebe
Legget, Phebe Leboyteux; Anna
Juster; Elizabeth Johnson, Joshua;
grandsons Joshua Davis Vionir,
Randle Davis; children of Dunow?
Peter Labeyteux; James Carnahan,
Robert Martin
Vol pg
yr mo day
18 381
1840 01 06
06 369
25 360
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Miller, Ichabod Benton
(died 1839 Dec 3); son David
Mercer Miller; daughter Sarah
Mariah Miller wife of Aaron Huston
Matson; daughter Hannah Halsey
Miller wife of W illiam W illiams; son
Halsey Benton Miller;
(decedent had farm adjoining
Milford, one called Clough & one in
Clermont Co)
N Ross (or Rope); – Linenger;
–Hennings; Dr W illiam W illiams;
W illiam M Carrol; John W ood; Caleb
H W illiams; W illiam M Corry; Mr
W right; Mr W alker; cousin Dr Thomas
W Brown; Hope M Brown (male);
James Gallagher; – Debolt; – Gerrard;
W m McLaughlin; N B Gatch; C M
W illiam; Samuel Pevin; Thos Porent;F
Cox; Alfred Humphrey; W m Johnson;
1840 01 15
Cook, George
children George Cook, Margaret
Vanaustin, John Cook, Perry Cook,
Eliza W alser, Hannah Comstock,
Charlotte Nelson; Rebecca Lake;
Mary Ashley, Henrietta Cook
sons-in-law Daniel Lake & Broun
Comstock; W illiam Jessup; Henry
1840 02 16
Israel, James
wife Ann; father Samuel Israel
(decd) of Elizabethtown in Marshall
Co VA; siblings Isaac, Eleanor
Geo W Duvall; John C Hall; Josiah
06 380
1840 02 18
Barker, W illiam B
wife Sarah
James Lousdale; Robert Bland
10 332
1840 02 25
Orr, W inthrop G
wife Mary; sister Deborah Thomson
of Camden MN & her children
Deborah Ke—, Mary Armstrong,
Lucy W atreman, Sally Smith
Samuel R Miller; Enion Singer; Ira A
Butterfield; Samuel W Davies; John
16 587
1840 03 09
Moore, John
children Anthony, Robert, Harriet,
Henry; (land in Morgan Co IN)
W illiam Moore; Emaline Thomas;
Samuel Thomas; James P W illiams
05 203
1840 03 16
W illiamson, Joseph
Delhi Twp
wife; children Thomas, Harriet
Gregg, Ellin W illliamson, Nancy
Megart, Henry, Rachel Goudy (decd,
but with heirs), Eliza W illiamson,
Mary Porter, Joseph, W esley, John,
Margaret W illiamson
son-in-law Stephen Gregg; Ethan
Stone; Henry Pease; Louisa Pease
10 325
1840 03 17
Godfrey, Elijah
Sycamore Twp
mother Jemima Godfrey
Benjamin Bowen; John Snider; Elisha
Bodine; Joseph S Galloway; Jacob
06 378
1840 03 20
Bond, Lydia
sisters Jane Calloway, Eleanor Bond;
relatives Robert Bond, heirs of
Hannah Hackney (decd);
Jacob Rees of Dearborn Co IN; Israel
Teunies (or Tennis)
18 388
1840 03 20
Moss, Henry
son John Moss; Anne Metcalfe
Disney (daughter of W m Disney Jr &
wife Ann); Ann Metcalfe wife of
W m Metcalfe; Ann Metcalfe
daughter of W m Metcalfe Jr; brother
Humphrey & daughter Elizabeth;
nephew John Moss; sister Sarah
W estfield; (property in Louisville)
W m Metcalfe; Joseph Scott; S B
W inchester; Thomas M Johnson;
Edward Easton; Joseph Metcalfe &
wife; W m Disney Jr; Stephen Bonner;
Isabella Metcalfe
06 368
1840 03 26
Cogy, James
Springfield Twp
wife Jane; wife’s niece Matilda
Gorman; Sarah Tuller (formerly
Gorman); Jane & Joseph children of
W illiam D Hilts; James W Sellers;
Adrian Aten
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Hugh Gorman; half-brother Andrew
Dempsey of Laurence Co OH
06 374
1840 04 01
Bragdon, George H
wife Electra; daughter Elizabeth
Jurie & her aunt Elizabeth Collins;
father & mother; brothers & sisters;
George Bragdon son of brother
(land in Rockport IN)
Arnold W Hibben; Southwell Royse
02 400
1840 04 21
Hammond, Charles
wife Elizabeth B; daughters
Elizabeth, Catherine; son-in-law &
friend Stephen S Shornidew;
Sampson R Sherman; Richard F S
Shornidew; sister Nancy Hammond;
John s Legget; daughter Almy H
Jeptha S Gerrard; James C Ludlow;
Isreal Ludlow; Thomas Ingles Jr; John
Elias Ingles (also Engles)
07 288
1840 05 02
Little, Harriet
Mary wife of David Mewhinney;
Amanda Martin; Alexander Duncan;
half brother Henry Griesnard of LA
John Snider; Saml Slaback
06 375
1840 05 05
Black, Peter
wife Jemiema (also spelled Jemima
& Jereima); children Morris, Peter,
Harvey, Sarah, Martha, Harriet
John B Butts; John C W ard; D Black
05 196
1840 05 08
Zane, Lois
grandchildren John Z Graff, Josiah
Graff, Mary Gruff (sic); brother John
Borden; interests in NJ; daughter
Mary Ann Graff; Dr Storer Carter
Samuel C Allen of NJ; Cornelius
Scofield; Sarah Scofield; James H
Biddle; name written in error–Joseph C
06 370
1840 05 11
Carson, Achsah
Green Twp
deceased husband Enoch Carson;
sons W illiam I Carson, Isaac D
Carson, Enoch W Carson
James Turner; Andrew C Griffith; J S
Robbins; Henry Allen
05 201
1840 05 18
W ood, W illiam
mother; W illiam W ood, Mary W ood,
Rebecca Gordon, Francis W ood
(female) –children of George W ood;
W illiam E, John, Ellen Harris, Mary
Ann Browning, Cornelia W ood,
Martha Ann Foster –children of John
W ood of Indianapolis IN; W illiam
Short–son of John & Phebe Short;
eldest brother Jonas W ood & his
children John, Susan; Adonijah
Middaugh & son Benjamin
friend Adam W Riddle; James Bryant
& wife; S W Bousall; Phillip Slaughter;
Charles C Shane
Stephen Butler son of brother
Jonathan Butler (decd) & Rebecca
Butler of Petrilvania VA; half sister
Huldah (former wife of Latham
Stanton) & her daughters Hepsiby
wife of Boyd W illiams & Elizabeth
wife of Benjamin Fausdeck (or
Fansdeck); step-son by Deborah
Johnson--Ansalum D Johnson;
brothers James S Butler, Stephen
James T Evans; Rankin Dilworth;
Ephraim Knowlton
06 376
1840 06 01
Butler, W illiam
Vol pg
yr mo day
10 328
1840 06 01
Gee, Charles
Sussex Co VA
relative Joseph Mason of Petersburg;
Samuel B Morgan; servant Nicholas
now in Petersburg; Mulatto woman
Rose & her two children Mary and
Roberty set free; Chappell Dickins &
wife of Halifax Co NC; brother
Thomas Gee; [bro] Theron; brother
W illiam; sister Therina Belsches;
Joseph and Anna Glover; (will
written 1836 Jan 5 & proved in
Sussex Co 1836 Mar 3)
Thomas K Neves; Thomas K Moyler;
Benjamin H Mason; W illiam M
05 075
1840 06 08
Specker, John Fr
wife Maria Anna; sons & daus
Henry Mersse; Gerhard Henry
Klaphake; J B Moormann;
04 084
1840 06 11
Mead, Joel K
niece Ellen H Stevens of Cincinnati;
will made in New Orleans
J Bennucles (?)
06 366
1840 06 22
Everson, Mary
son Henry Everson; daughters Eliza,
Mary, Mahitable
John Jones; Ralph Reeder (or Ruder)
05 198
1840 06 22
W ilson, Thomas
wife Sarah
Joseph Burgoyne; Richard Thornton;
Joseph Brown
10 335
1840 06 22
Shaw, Henry
wife Mary T; son; brothers & sisters
Robert Buchanan; Richard Miller; John
L Avery; Th Burley; John Buchannan
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 199
1840 07 08
Aspy, Freelove
Green Twp
(died Friday morning 1840 Jul 3);
daughter Sarah Aspy
Eliza Hope; Jane W ilson
06 377
1840 08 06
Barnwell, John
brothers W illiam, George;
Dr M Rogers; Henry Shelly; W illiam
Jones; Rebe Madison; W illiam W ells
07 289
1840 08 17
Limber, Thomas J
wife Ester; stepsons Benjamin &
W illiam Caddack; daughter Mary;
(land in Spencer Co IN)
W m H Tatem; John Dennis; J Beale;
Samuel M Hart
25 356
1840 08 28
Thompson, John
nieces Nelly Kenton, Maria Kenton
of Lewis Co MO; brother Thomas
Thompson & children Erasmus,
Mary Jane, Ellen Martin; Michael
Delarac; brother Samuel Thompson
& children Sarah & Oliver; brother
Ralph Thompson & children John,
Eliza, Margaret; sister Nancy Vail
(decd) & children Mary Vail, Ellen
Armstrong, Jane Ryland; sister
Prudence Thompson (afflicted with
palsey); (land in Randolph Co IN &
“plantation” on Clough in Anderson
Griffin Yeatman; Moses Lyon; John P
Foote; John Steward; Jno F Kemper;
Charles Brearly; James K Baldridge;
Joseph Lewis
07 300
1840 09 28
Kelly, Mary
husband James Kelly (decd) of York
PA; testator aged 73; daughter Mary
(also Maria) wife of Elijah Vance
(of Hamilton OH)–Elijah was to
have no part of the inheritance
John Hilton of Baltimore MD; C S
Ramsay; W m S Ridgely; J F Keys
wife Ann; children Noah Stratton,
James B Harper; Caleb Stratton; Daniel
10 333
1840 10 05
Stratton, Noah
Vol pg
yr mo day
Symmes Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Mary Ann Devilegar (and her son
Noah), Matilda Orgadin (and her
daughter Mary Ann)
B Stratton
10 327
1840 10 06
Gwinnup, George
wife Margaret; son George & his
daughter Catherine Gwinnup; sons
John, Samuel, Luther, James, Isaac;
daughters Sarah Byers, Parmela
Alexander, Mary Byers
W illiamW Baxter; Joseph Hamilton;
10 336
1840 10 15
Reinier, Hezekiah
(also spelled Rinier)
New Haven, Crosby Twp
wife Lilly; children James Rinier,
Hezekiah Rinier, Hugh G Rinier,
Ealce Minton, Hannah Gray
wife’s brother W illiam Gray; Samuel
Gwaltney; W illiam Sater
07 291
1840 10 15
Linville, James
of Rush Co, IN
but died in Cincinnati
wife Polly; children Morgan, Elisha,
James, John, Polly Marklin, Sally,
Martha, Ellen, Mahuda
Davis Riley of Rush Co IN; Charles
Lacey of Cincinnati; Dudley M
Patterson of Cincinnati;
02 389
1840 10 27
Holly, W illiam S
sister Polly Holly (testator died
Sunday morning 1840 Aug 9)
Harvey Hall; Saml Holly
06 367
1840 10 29
Everett, Amanda M
husband W illiam H Everett; brothers
Jonathan P Broadwell, Lenneas
Henry V D Johns; Louisa Perry
10 330
1840 11 02
Gall, Jacob
wife Agness; children John Andrew
Gall, W illiam B Gall, Catherine
Blackburn, Harriet Gall, Mary Eve;
W illiam Band
Joseph Burgoyne; S G Ayres
25 351
1840 11 09
Sentney, W illiam
wife Mary A; daughters Martha Ann
Vandyke, Jane Sentney, Sarah
Martin; son John Sentney & his
children John P & Harriet Caroline
sons-in-law W illiam Vandyke &
George W Martin; John S Peterson;
Asher W Cain
07 297
1840 12 04
Lytle, John S
daughter Eliza Ann Lytle; Sarah wife
of Davenport Orrick of Cincinnati;
sisters & brother of late wife;
daughter’s aunt Mrs Mary
Vandevoort of NY
Charles Macalister of Philadelphia;
Robert Buchanan & Lewis W hiteman
both of Cincinnati; Christopher
Andrews; Gen D L Clinch; Lot Clark;
B Drake; M P Cassilly; Paul Anderson
06 372
1840 12 08
Armstrong, Ann
Mason Co KY
niece Mary Eliza Hunt; son George
Brown; Thomas Corwin Hunt &
George Robinson Hunt brothers of
Mary Eliza; Eliza Johnston half sister
to former husband; Peronie (or
Peroine) Robinson (a male); brother
George Robinson; (house in
James Ferguson; Thomas Young
Payne; Elizabeth Payne
08 175
1840 12 14
Bellows, John
wife Ann H; children Eliza E Dorr,
John N Bellows, Alexander H
Bellows, Henry W Bellows, Francis
W G Bellows, Harriet A Bellows,
Perncial L Bellows, George G
Bellows; wife’s mother Mrs Mary W
Langdon (decd)
Jacob Knapp; Abel Bellows; Ebenr
mother Jane Johnson; nieces Maria
Edward W oodruff; R M Ross
W alpole in
Cheshire Co NH
02 388
1840 12 15
Hobbs, Louisa
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Louisa W hiten (daughter of sister
Nancy) & Ann Louisa Adams
(daughter of sister Mary)
02 385
1840 12 24
Bartholomew Putman
wife Cornelia Ann; children
Joseph S Sampson; Ebenezer Herrman;
W illiam E W hite; Joseph s Hastings Jr;
J W Hartwell
26 361
1840 10 15
Skillman, Isaac N
Sycamore Twp
wife Amelia; deceased children in
Mount Pleasant Cemetery; other
children; Elizabeth Mansfield; E D
B Storer; C Fox; — Ingersoll; W illiam
Columby; Jacob Herider & wife Susan;
W illiam Enshaw; Thomas Emery; J W
Tabor; Alfred S Fear; Henry W iles;
John Hill; Nathan Lynn; James H
Beard; Hazeal Coan; Samuel Fobes;
John Ingersoll; John Swerts; Thomas Q
Skillman; Peer L Striker; J H W right;
John I (or J) Lane; Patrick Long; James
Knicely; John Sharp
07 282
1841 01 04
Buehler, Frederick
wife Elizabeth
John H Bruce (or Brua); G G Angrill
(also G G April & J F April)
11 216
1841 01 04
Loxterkamp, John H
(testator died 1840 Dec 31, at about
age 38, German by birth) left a wife
Maria Elizabeth but no children;
father & mother living in Germany;
brother in St Louis MO; married
sister in Ohio (land in Mercer Co
Hermann Heinrich Mollman; Eve
Meiering; John A W iseman; Gerard
Lehrmann; John Arnd Becker (also
bisker) ; Gerard Heartleage; Joseph
Sommer; Joseph wessel; Henry Gurkee
(also Goke)
01 406
1841 01 05
Stone, Elisha
wife Susan; children
Adam N Riddle; H G Hamlin; W m G
05 174
1841 01 08
Davids, Phineas
son Moss (or Moses) Davids in
London England
D I Johnson; Phineas Moses; Elsten
Moses; Saul J(or P) Levy; Bernard
06 364
1841 01 18
Jackson, David Jr
wife Julia; children Francis Rollins,
Julia Ann, Mary Jane, David
Henry Cutter of Maysville KY; John
Davis; Elias Day
25 338
1841 02 12
Everett, W illiam Harrison
Mt Auburn
sister Susanah H wife of Richard H
Green and their children–Emma
Amanda Green & Charles Green
John Baker; Mr Suydam; C A Power;
John Buchanan
25 343
1841 02 17
Flinn, Thomas
wife Mary; father John Flinn; (Land
in Vincennes IN)
John B Purcell; Thomas Maddock; O
M Spencer; W m H Burland; Robert
07 280
1841 03 01
Appelgate, Henry
(also spelled Henira)
Delhi Twp
wife Sarah; children John, James,
Anna Varland; Betsy Mullor, Kuziah
Curry, David, Zaret, Sally Rhodes,
Allover [Oliver]
James Curry; Nathan Stewart; W illiam
25 352
1841 03 11
Felter, Jacob
children David E Felter, Andrew
Jackson Felter, Levira (also Elvira)
wife of Abraham Ritter, Rosilly
Felter; heirs of daughter Catharine
W hitiker (decd)–Sarah Ann,
Nephew John Snider; Cornelius S
Felter; Arthur C Ritter; David S Roosa
(also Rosa)
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Jonathan, W illiam, Mary; heirs of
W illiam C Felter (decd) –Andrew W
Felter, Hannah Felter, Eliza, Jacob;
heirs of daughter Amanda Snider
(decd) –Eliza Snider, Jacob Snider,
Mary Jane Snider; daughter Cinthe
Snider (decd) –Martha Ann Snider,
James Snider, Thomas Henry Snider;
heir of daughter Hariet Kitchell
W eller – Eliza Ann W eller
11 209
1841 03 12
W illiamson, Amos
wife Louisa M
John W illiamson Jr; Orin (also Orrien)
S Clark; Jacob Flinn
06 362
1841 03 16
Gaston, John R
Springfield Twp
wife Mary; son David Beaty Gaston;
son Jeremy Chamberlain Gaston;
heirs of daughter Ann Chamberlin
Moore (decd); daughters Isabel
Gaston, Jane Cimins Gaston;
grandson John R Gaston Jr;
(land in Ripley Co IN)
John C Laboyteaux; Abeizer (also
spelled Abieger) Miles; John J Miles
02 378
1841 03 17
Conkling, David
wife; son Joseph; son Merick M;
other children; brother Isaac
Conkling; friend John S Talbott
David E W ade; Harry Decamp; Charles
W oodward MD
11 169
1841 04 02
W ilson, James Sr
wife Sarah; son John Millburn
W ilson (decd); son James W ilson;
daughter Sarah W hite Lee wife of R
M Lee; daughter Francis W ilson
Pattison wife of Robert E Pattison of
W aterville Maine; children of son
James W ilson– Sarah, John
Millburn, James Boge; bound girl
Sarah Jewett (bound by Boston
house of industry; a Koren boy
named John Milburn W ilson; Baptist
tract society; grandson Robert Everet
Pattison; grandsons Rensselear W
Lee & Francis W hite W ilson the son
of James & Eliza W ilson (both were
born between 1838 Dec 6 & 1841
Apr 2)
Edward Robins; John Bevan; Thos
Barnes; Absalom Sweet; Nathan
Guillford; W m J Ferris; Sarah Jewett
05 176
1841 04 08
Drake, Benjamin
Mrs Lydia W ooley & her daughter
Caroline (testator’s neice); nephew
Benjamin Drake McDowell; nieces
Elizabeth M McGuffey, Harriet Echo
Campbell, Elizabeth D Conkling
(formerly Elizabeth D Glenn);
brother D Daniel Drake; nephew
Charles D Drake of St Louis; niece
Lavinia Bedinger; grt nephew Isaac
Drake Glenn; sister Amanda V
McDowell; portraits of father &
mother drawn by Audobon; portraits
painted by Harding; James P
Jno A W arder; Landon C Rivers
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Campbell; Alexander H McGuffey
01 424
1841 04 09
W ise, Solomon
Green Twp
wife Elizabeth; children Caroline,
Mary, Elizabeth, Peter, Roswell,
Peter Johnson; John B Posey; James W
Manarry; Joseph Boyd; Robert Moore;
Richard Gaines; B P Morgan
08 185
1841 04 16
Knight, Henry
wife; son W illiam Henry Knight;
mother Sally Knight of Salem MA;
mother-in-law by 1 st marriage Lydia
Cliff of Salem MA; brothers John
Knight, Benjamin Knight both of
Isaac Eveleth; Thomas Dickson; N
R(also B) Meader
25 349
1841 06 07
Moores, Linus F
wife; mother Sarah Moore; children
John, W illiam, Laura Ann; (debts
due to testator in Rodney MS, Cario
[sic] IL)
G H W ilcox; Henry Moore; Caleb
W illiams; Morris Moores
18 371
1841 06 12
Swallow, Isaac
Springfield Twp
sons John Swallow, Jacob Swallow,
Garret Swallow, Benjamin Swallow;
daughters Anna Swallow, Elizabeth
wife of John Maize, Mary wife of A
S Sortor (also Salter), Betsey Morse;
testator’s wife died about the fall of
1839; testator was bout 77 or 78 yrs
old when he died
Leener Mase; T M Cochran; Joseph
Bloomfield; A T Sortor; T M Little;
Aaron Barown; Lewis Spurrier; Clark
Brecount; Eraminah Swallow (daughter
of Jacob); John Simonton; David
07 286
1841 06 15
Harthorn, Tamerson
Mt Pleasant
granddaughters Miranda Howard,
Caroline Howard
Alexander Maythen (also Mayhew &
Maghew); W m G Cock; Saml Haffner
(or Hoffner)
18 377
1841 06 18
Fithian, Joel
Cumberland Co NJ
wife Hannah A; wife Hannah’s
grandfather Isaac Mulford; two
children by 2 nd wife Jonathan Fithian
& Lydia W Fithian; W illiam
Steadams; children Elizabeth Fithian,
Joel Fithian
W illiam P Seeley; W illiam Parvin;
Philip Fithian of Readstown; Daniel
Fithian; Cornelius Lupton; W illiam
Caill; Elias P Seeley
07 275
1841 06 25
Highlands, W illiam
Columbia Twp
(aged 62 yrs and in good health when
will was written 1827 Feb 20); wife
Elizabeth; sons W illiam, Joseph,
Anthony; heirs of daughter Mary
(decd); heirs of daughter Catharine
Addison Hendrick of Clermont Co OH;
Samuel Hawn; Emanuel Hawn (also
spelled Hahn) (residing in Clermont Co
by 1841); Silas Smith (residing in
Miamisburgh OH by 1841)
07 284
1841 07 06
Bast, John
(Also Johannes Last
or Laft)
brother Nicholas Bast; brothers and
sisters in Europe; Father’s estate in
Daniel Griffith; Reuben Reynolds;
Fflegg Jacob Sranlaf
25 339
1841 07 09
Folger, Richard
wife Eleanor; (pre-nup dated 1835
Nov 17); son Peter B Folger;
daughters Mary B Plummer, Lydia B
Dennes with their children; grandson
Richard U son of Peter
John Paddack; son-in-law W arden B
Dennis; James Foster; Samuel Halley;
W illiam H Morris
02 382
1841 07 13
Harper, W illiam
Symmes Twp
wife Jane; daughters Nancy, Mary
Ann, Elizabeth Jane; sons David M,
James H
James B Harper; Ogden Meeker; James
Baxter; W illiam W alker
03 001
1841 07 16
Mayhew, Eber
wife Agnes; father Benjamin Mahew
Samuel R Hamilton; Henry Kendall;
Vol pg
yr mo day
02 374
1841 07 20
Podesta, Joseph
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
George T W illiamson; Alexander
Denniston; Alphonso Tavt
Roman Catholic Cathedral of
Cincinnati; Bishop Purcell; brother
John Paptist (sic) Podesta of Geneva
(sic) Italy; Mother Mary Remezana
of Genova (sic); Marco Bugaini of
Cincinnati; John Podesta
Joseph Cutair; Archanjelo Suchesi
(also Archanglo Sucheisi)
04 077
1841 07 24
Coffin, Henry B
wife Mary; brother Telemachus (also
Zelenachus) B Coffin; father Cyrus
Coffin; son Frederic J Coffin; sisterin-law Clarissa Greenleaf; nephew
Rev Cyrus Coffin
T B Coffin; G W Coffin; Ethan Stone;
Timothy W alker; Stephen Bonner;
Ebenezer Harrison
16 584
1841 07 29
Smith, John
wife Sarah L
John M Bradstreet; Alphonso Taft;
W illiam Lee Boggs; John Bell Phillips
01 419
1841 08 04
Hageman, Laura D
daughter Mary B Hageman; Simon
Hageman brother of late husband;
(property in Mississippi)
Mary Bishop; Ida Hageman; W m H
W illiams
01 421
1841 08 11
W alls, John
wife Ann; children James W alls,
W illiam W alls (who had children)
Polly Black & Brother Ross her
brother-in-law of Baltimore; — Grover;
— Taylor; Griffith Hughes; —
Chislion(?) Of Baltimore; Isaac Baker;
Talbot Jones
10 318
1841 08 17
Norris, Bethuel
Sycamore Twp
wife Phebe; Rebecah Tofset daughter
of Olhid Hurin; Hurin C Genung &
David H Genung
Enos Hurin; Othnid (or Othuid) Bates;
Henry Graham; James Bates
10 324
1841 08 20
Smith, Samuel
wife Margaret; children
Benj Stewart; E Dunaway; James S
10 317
1841 09 03
Newell, W illiam S
Springfield Twp
wife Jane; children including Mary
Uphania Newell
John Newell; Aaron Brown; George
02 370
1841 09 10
Goshorn, David
Green Twp
wife Catharine; sons John, Nicholas,
David; daughters Sarah Brisbon,
Hester Goshorn, Fanny Goshorn,
Rachel Goshorn; brother Nicholas
Jacob Haffner & wife; Jonathan
Young; John Bell; Jacob Goshorn
05 179
1841 09 10
Ludlow, James C
wife Josephine; children; Geo C
Miller’s children by first wife;
Ludlow Chambrs son of Col Benj
Chambers; Thomas Chambers of
MO; W illiam S (or L) Scott of MO;
Jno O W attles; anti-slavery cause
Jno Ludlow; Daniel C Cooper; W illiam
Mount; J C Clopper
02 376
1841 09 17
Purinton, Pelatiah
children Jacob of Oxford in Butler
Co, Moses of Cincinnati, Anna,
Mary C Brockett; grandson Pelatiah
P Page son of deceased daughter
Peace Page
Reuben Brockett (or Brackett); Jane E
16 586
1841 10 05
McKinney, David
wife Nancy; David Z McKinney;
Thomas Rich; Seth Bates; R A
Vol pg
yr mo day
Symmes Twp
06 358
1841 10 07
Jones, Ruth
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
George Flammerfelt
Madison; J B W ashburn
Ruth wife of W m Harrison
(land in Adams Co IL)
John a Harrison; John Davis; Anna
Gabrielson; Mary A Boyd
18 368
1841 10 09
W illson, Francis
Allegheny Co Pa
wife Mary (maiden name Neil);
sister-in-law Martha Stewart (maiden
name Neil); sister Mary Gault
(maiden name W ilson); Nephew
James W illson; niece Jane Beard;
Niece Rachel Johnston; Nephew
Peter W illson; niece Mary
Armstrong (maiden name W illson) &
her son John; nephew & niece John
& Sarah W illson; Mary W igfield
(maiden name W illson); Elizabeth
Shaw (maiden name W illson);
George W illson; Francis W illson;
Thomas W illson; three bound
children serving wife; (land in
Cincinnati, Newport KY & Knox Co
IN); (will made 1805 Oct 20)
Archibald Campbell; Col Nevill;
Matthew Stewart; Thomas W illson;
Robert Steele; John Irwin; Rd Graham
11 210
1841 10 16
W hitehead, W illiam
Rachel Vantreese (also Vantaruse) &
my two children Rachel Ann
W hitehead and Daniel Hender
W hitehead
Jethro W right Taber; James B Stevens;
Samuel Arnold
10 320
1841 10 18
W illiamson, Joseph
Anderson Twp
wife; son Stephen; daughter Hannah
Birdsall; grandson Josiah Bowers
Isaac Mears; Abigail Mears; George
Vail; Joseph Hine
05 178
1841 10 21
Degolyer, Anthony
Symmes Twp
wife Hannah; granddaughter
Theodocia Schofied
Low— Degolier; Thomas Rich;
W inney Rich
11 213
1841 10 25
Logan, W illiam
wife Elizabeth; children Rebakah
Slaughter, July Ann (single), James,
Deniel Schenk Logan; “heirs”–
Rebekah, Jesse, Elizabeth, W illiam,
John, Sarah; (land in Jeffersonville
Robert Jones; Jesse Pierson; Samuel
Pierson; Mary Cobb
10 322
1841 10 28
Owens, Peter
wife Elizabeth
Moses V Nutt; James Falkington
Crosby Twp
125 42
1841 11 --
W hite, Alpheus
Brown Co OH
wife Sarah; children Alpheus, James,
Vincen, Mary Adulphena Josephine,
Gertrude Everlina M (land in Detroit
& Cincinnati) (will written 1835 Sep
Bishop Rise; Jonathan P Fay; Mich’l
03 005
1841 11 01
Underwood, James
native of England,
now of Cincinnati
son Charles James; sister Sarah in
Boston; sister Ann in England, but
not her husband; Madame
Stephan L Possele; John Howard;
Moses Dawson; James Tompkins;
Edward (or Edu) Patterson (moved to
parts unknown)
25 345
1841 11 30
Miller, Daniel
wife Anna; daughters Elizabeth
Evinger, Catharine Houts, Polly
Markland, Susan Miller; sons John,
Henry Applegate Sr; Enoch W Carson;
Benjamin Markland; Jonathan
Markland; David E Stathem
Green Twp
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Daniel, Jacob, George, Frederick,
Henry, David
03 002
1841 12 02
Jolley, John
wife Elizabeth; George Perryman of
MD; brother W m D Jolley (decd);
sister Ann Perrymann (decd); sisters
Isabella Cox, Sarah Gover
James Reynolds; Rufus Hodges; W m S
Merrell; W atson Lewis (decd btw 1838
& 1841 Dec) , James L Chamberlin
18 353
1841 12 03
Shreve, W illiam M
Greeup Co KY
sister Kitty & her children; David
Boyce; Emily Dunlap; Peggy
Prewitt; brother Leven L Shreve;
Negro boy Sandy
W illiam Boyce; Archibald Paull; E R
Holingsworth; Andrew Dempsey
04 080
1842 01 03
Lynes, W m Sr
former wife (decd); present wife;
daughter Elizabeth (decd); other
Daniel H Horne; John H Stevens;
Joseph H Bard
04 063
1842 01 06
Silvers, Benjamin F
Miami Twp
sister Elizabeth wife of James
Cullum; sister Sarah S wife of Enoch
Anderson; brother Cleeves S Silver
C J W Smith; James Glenn
04 067
1842 01 29
Reid, Robert
residing in Newport KY
friend Michael Steen (also Stien) &
children Firederich, Sarah, Francis
David Scott; Cadwallader W allace &
wife; L E Bennett; G Monroe; John L
Fowler; Abraham Bloomin
06 356
1842 01 29
Atherton, David
grandsons W esley B & Peter B
W alker sons of daughter Eliza P
W alker; Anias Atherton & his son
Elizah Atherton; brothers & sisters
W m W akefield; W m Sater; Datus
Ensign; John Carter
16 581
1842 01 29
Vosher, Mary
(also spelled Voshier)
sister Rebecca Osborn & her children
Mary Ann McGrew & W illiam (also
W illie) Osborn (also Osborne); all
my brothers; sister Abigal; Harriet
John Leibee; David S Smith;
04 069
1842 02 05
Taylor, Archibald R
New Orleans LA
never married; one brother
living–Philip Taylor of St Louis; set
free servant Amey & all other slaves;
uncle John B Taylor & wife &
children of St Louis Co MO;
deceased relative John T Ford of
Fredricksburg VA; Miss Ann T
Lowry, who resided with testator’s
father’s family of VA; Mrs Nancy
Tinsley a free woman of color;
Robert Lewis (decd)
A H W allace; W m M Lambeth; John
Lurton; John B Barker; Jno Andrews;
W m McCowley; Tho Slov Jr
04 123
1842 02 05
Taylor, Sarah
St Louis MO
deceased husband; Mrs W atson wife
of Ringrose D W atson & her
daughter Eliza; Thomas, W illiam &
Mary A O children of John Taylor
from near Floristan; niece Emily
Taylor; John W atson of St Louis Co;
son W m C Taylor; son Archibald
Taylor & his Uncle Archd R Taylor;
Mrs Heely widow of Dr Heely;
Harriet reel dau/of John W Reel;
James T Sweringen
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
step-son W illiam C Taylor & son
25 334
1842 02 10
Larew, Anna
mother; sister Jane A Shillman;
sister-in-law Naoma Larew; sister
Catharine Larew; brother John
Larew; niece Sarah Catharine
Andrew Benton; J J Packer
25 336
1842 02 17
Lewis, Elizabeth
Mill Creek Twp
grandsons Robert Lewis, John H
Hunington; daughter Mary Titus (of
Robert Orr; Horace Bushnell; Charles
E Hedge; Ruth Titus
11 197
1842 02 21
Harper, Edward C
formerly of MD
wife Ann; son Isaac Samuel Harper
brother John Harper of Talbot Co MD;
John B Clark; John W illiamson; James
Crehove (also Crehoe); Isaac C
05 168
1842 02 24
Isherwood, Thomas C
wife Mahelah Bennett Isherwood;
infant son George W ashington
Isherwood; unborn child
Aquilla Ramsay; Alphonso Taft; Fr
Disereus; Jos A Coburne
16 578
1842 03 08
Braden, Epenetus
(also Breaden, Epnetus)
sons George, W illiam, Thomas,
Jeremiah, John; daughters Epnetus,
Jane Gilmore; granddaughter
Epenetus (daughter of George);
grandson Jeremiah B Gilmore; Jane
W ebber
brother Arthur S Sorter; John M
Cochran; Nathaniel S Schooley
16 576
1842 03 08
Thompson, Price
wife Martha; sons David, Alva; son
Joseph (& his daughter Martha),
Samuel, Price; daughters Elizabeth
(& her children), Marg, Phebee,
Patty D; Cyntha Ferris (daughter of
Samuel Irwin; Christopher Constable;
Lloyd Smethurst
05 171
1842 03 10
Glasscock, Hesekiah
James W hite & wife W elthy
Isaac S W hiteside; Jonathan Spader;
Jacob Voorhees
04 054
1842 03 18
Eells, Samuel
father Rev James Eels resident of
Amherst; brothers Timothy Dwight,
James and Dan Parmalee; sister
Mary Lucretia Brown
— Newkirk; — Stanley; Truman
W oodruff; — Pugh; Samuel W yllys
Pomeroy; Eben S Brooks
11 199
1842 03 31
Hurin, Enos
wife Lydia; Experience wife of
James C W ood & her daughters;
Lydia H W ood; Jacob M Patton;
Presbyterian Church; James K Hurin;
sons of Eli Huron;
Silas Hurin; W illiam W W ood;
Constantine Smith; James Smith;
W illiam Marsh
08 179
1842 04 21
Belveal, James
wife Katharine; sons John L Belveal,
Marton Belveal & three youngest
sons Andrew B Belveal, Henry
Belveal, Daniel L Belveal; daughters
Mahala Belveal, Elizabeth L Belveal,
Sarah Ann Belveal, Amelia Orr
Belveal, Mary W Jordan, Susannah
Stanberry, (land in Spencer Co IN &
John Light; Charles W Johnson; Jeptha
Johnson, John Bennett
Lived on
Eight Mile Creek
Anderson Twp
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
New Richmond in Clermont Co OH)
02 368
1842 06 07
Johnston, Alexander
(also spelled Johnson)
wife Margaret; son Alexander;
daughter by former wife-- Jane Pyne;
daughter Elizabeth Davis & her
daughter; son W illiam
Arthur Martin; B W Bontell (or
Boutell); H W Knight; S W Tarwin
04 056
1842 06 07
Palmer, Maria
husband Abraham Palmer; son
Eugene Tretcher by former husband
Morris Trechday(?)
B Storer; Hiram Palmer
08 182
1842 06 07
Broadwell, Jane
son Lewis Boradwell; son Cyrus
Broadwell & his son Jacob; daughter
Harriet Rose (in “matrimonial
bondage” with husband N D Rose;
sister Sarah Ludlow;
Joseph D Secrist; John M Secrist
16 574
1842 06 08
Goulcher, Rebecca
(also spelled Goalcher)
sister Eleanor Goalcher; father
Mrs Culbertson; Capt J C Culbertson;
Joseph Burgoyne; Thomas Nalton
25 327
1842 06 14
Pullan, John
aged mother Elizabeth Pullan &
unmarried sister Mary Pullan;
brother Thomas Pullan (decd); other
Joseph Smith; W m W Austin; J M
06 353
1842 06 15
W illiams, Thomas
wife Mary; daughters Rachel Leaper,
Eliza Thompson, Mary M W illiams,
Catherine Jane W illiams; sons
W illiam W W illiams, Thomas N
W illiams, Richard W W illiams;
grandchildren Sanford & Hamlin B
heirs of son Sanford W illiams
(decd); grandson Thomas A heir of
son Peter W illiams (decd)
Thomas Miller; Thomas Payne
02 361
1842 06 16
Jeremiah, Effee
children Ann Eliza Hand, Robert,
Martha (a cripple), Harriet, Mary
Mary C T Morrison; son-in-law
Freeman Hand Jr; Edward C Roll;
Richard Mulford
04 065
1842 06 22
Taulman, Hermanus
school in Sycamore Twp; heirs of
brother John Taulman (decd); heirs
of brother Joseph Taulman (decd);
sister Margaret Smith of NY City
N Schoonmaker; George Moore;
Cyrenius L Kitchull (also Ketchell);
Benjamin S Dackey
11 202
1842 06 25
Kent, Luke
children W illiam Kent, Mary Disney,
Luke, Martha Allen, Elizabeth D
Lyon, Thomas, Asbury
John Redhead; Jacob Vurnet; Josiah
Blake; George Strobridge
wife Sarah
Peter Cline; George Frintz; [name
written in error: A Lemon]
Samuel W illiams; Josiah Lawrence;
children Sarah, Mary, Helena
Charles Roe; E Lawrence
02 366
1842 06 29
Stall, Philip
02 364
1842 07 07
Sargent, Helena
25 333
1842 07 11
Lowe, Charles
wife Jane
W illiam Hartman; Hiram Volner
11 184
1842 07 19
Eversull, John
wife Rebecca; sons George, W illiam,
John, Benton, Henry
George W Holmes; Orin Mason; W m T
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 195
1842 07 21
Hardin, Catharine
W m Freeman of Liberty Twp Butler
Co OH; nephew John Mallalley
Daniel Pocock of Union Twp Butler
Co OH; John M Stuart; David
W aldren; Thomas J Legg
08 186
1842 07 26
W ade, David E
Hannah Stevens the daughter of late
sister-in-law of the same name;
children David W ade, Nehemiah
W ade (Butler Co), Mary Oliver
(W arren Co), Saran E Bedinger
(Campbell Co KY), Melancthon S
W ade, Susan A L Guy (Symmes
Twp), Stephen J W ade
Lewis W hiteman; Henry B Funk;
Peyton S Symmes, George P Torrence;
John Jolley; son-in-law Benjamin F
Bedinger; Edward D Mansfield; W m
W Philips (also J M Phillips); Samuel
Newell; O M Spencer
25 347
1842 07 29
Marsh, Calvin
children Elizna, W illiam, Rachel
Ann, Jacob Lonzo; Phebee Norris
widow of Mathuel
–ius Keelor; Samuel Beelor; Augustin
P McNeill; Henry Graham
16 579
1842 08 01
Shera, Thomas
wife Mary;
(Land in Decatur IN)
Adam Eli Carr & wife Susannah; W m
M Lauder; John Searight; Henry
W ilkemacke
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
04 058
1842 08 01
Tomson, John
(also spelled Thomson)
wife Maria; daughter Harriet Elvina
Robert Boal; Ezekiel Ross; Samuel F
Cary; John Lilley
05 181
1842 08 02
Mosby, Littlebury
wife; children
W illiam Conelin; W illiam E W hite;
Henry Rockey
05 172
1842 08 02
Conger, Nancy
children Caroline, W illiam,
Jeremiah, Hezekiah, Daniel, John,
Josiah B, Airy Johnson
Henry S W ilmer; Robert Giffin,
W illiam Giffin
Green Twp
11 189
1842 08 04
Crocker, James H
Margaret McElroy; father David
Crocker; sister Canges & her
daughter Sarah French; brothers
Charles, David Jr, Silas
Jacob Burnet; Joshua Harden; Samuel
Sheldon; John M Bradstreet; Lannstons
W hipple; W illiam Higby; John
Dempster; Thomas Henderson
04 060
1842 10 07
Skilllman, Jacob
Springfield Twp
wife Jane
John J Miles; A R Sayre; E Crain
11 187
1842 10 12
Collins, John
wife Mary; children Henry, Margaret
Yates, Mary; Margaret’s child
W illiam Henry Yates; (land near
Dayton in Montgonery Co OH)
James F Meline; W illiam Pyne
06 355
1842 10 14
Kloepp, Augustus
wife Lydia; John son of first wife;
Daniel son of present wife; bro-inlaw John Thomas to be guardian of
John; (land in IN)
W illiam Nast; John Thomas
04 075
1842 10 22
Sterrett, Benjamin
Baltimore MD
daughter Jane wife of John T Barr;
brother Robert Sterritt (decd) & son
Benjamin; John Sterritt
(land in Cincinnati) (will written
1823 Jul 1)
— Keys; — W elsh; Thomas Cromwell;
Saml H Gover; Asahel Mathewson
04 105
1842 10 31
Pollock, John
Oldham Co KY
children of Parmelia Houdon (or
Herndon) of W inchester KY–Albert
A Curtis, Martha Curtis, E Curtis,
T H Berry; Charles G Shane; Amon
Scovill; Nelson W Vallandigham
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Mary Curtis, James Hauden; Charity,
Ann M & Cornelius Toby of
11 192
1842 12 09
Clark, John
Columbia Twp
wife Mary; children James, John,
Isaac S, Nancy A Lee, Mary B
W ilson, Francis C W ood (decd, & hr
daughters Nancy L & Charity D
W ood); son John’s daughters Mary
H & Lula J Clark
Samuel J Miller; Jos Sampson; W illiam
W W ood
06 359
1842 12 27
Bonte, Peter J
wife Elizabeth; son John Herman
Bonte & his son John; brother John
Bonte; son Peter Cornelius Bonte;
daughters Jane Maria wife of David
Rozmon; Eliza Ann wife of George
Rozman (also spelled Bozmon),
Hanna Rebecca Bonte
E D Hornfield & wife; David E W ade;
Jacob Broadwell & wife; Jerome B
W ertz; Jacob Buneth; John Teluirs;
John H Kortz; Adam Frigal; John
Stokum(?); John F Kepmer; John
Burgoyne; Josiah Forbes
10 301
1843 01 26
W altenrath, Jacob
Mill Creek Twp
wife Catherine; wife’s daughter
Margaret Buhrger
Charles Behne; James S Brown
10 304
1843 02 06
Bloomfield, Joseph
Springfield Twp
wife; sons Moses, Aaron, Isaac;
daughters Elizabeth wife of George
Closson, Anna, Mary
(owned land in Adams Co &
Huntington Co IN)
Henry Snook; Applegate W atson;
Aaron Brown; Arthur S Sotor; John M
Cochran; James Martin
25 307
1843 02 14
W illiams, Elmor
wife Lucy Ann; son Charles Elmore
W illiams; grandsons W illiam Elmor
Gazlay, Allen W illiams Gazlay the
sons of James W Gazlay;
granddaughters Rebecca A Allen,
Mariah L Cary; W illiam Philander
Hulbert; Epheriam D W illiams;
James H Ewing (who had sister
Martha & brother Jacob); Jacob
Ewing; Parthnia, Abigail, Mariah,
Alfred, Ephheriam D, Samuel,
Josephine the children of Epheriam
D W illiams & his wife Maria;
Nathan Hulbert & his wife Elizabeth;
Sarah Pierson (recently Sarah
Blackburn) & her son Jacob
Blackburn; Elmor W illiams Jackson
the son of John W Jackson; sister
Martha Spader & her daughters
Sarah M Floyd, Margaret Ann Ferris;
daughters Martha Allen, Rebecca
Gazlay, Charlotte, Effey; Charlotte C
W illiams the daughter of testator’s
nephew Miles W illiams; George
Rogers; Benjamin A Hunt; Edward C
Roll; John & Miles W illiams the
sons of testator’s brother Miles;
Julius Augustus Drake; Robert
Reily–clerk in W P Hulbert’s store;
Daniel W illiams; W illiam P Hulbert;
Amos Haines; Enoch McHenry; Joseph
Kounse; Edward Roll; W ick Roll–idiot
son of Edward Roll; Joshua Perry;
Horace W ells; Ebenezer Martin; John
Martin; Sarah Pearson; Joseph Martin;
W illiam Mills (decd); Abraham
Babinger; Ezekial Tharp (decd); Joseph
Lefler; John A Gurly; James H Ewing;
Philip Grandin; Nathan Hulbert; Caleb
W Taylor; Joseph H McHenry; George
Crawford; Robert Crawford
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
John W Jackson; Joseph McHenry;
brother Jacob W illiams & his son
David whose son is Elmor W illiams
10 311
1843 02 15
Lakeman, Sarah
husband Joseph F Lakeman; sisters
Jennett Thompson & Margart
J C Clopper; W m Staddon
01 416
1843 02 23
Flora, Jacob
(also spelled Flory)
Delhi Twp
wife Catherine; only son Joseph
Joseph Flora; Philip Stout; John N
Nunn; George Herbstreet (or
Herbstrict); Lorris F Assenback; John
Kizer; W m T Gentle
10 314
1843 03 21
Pool, W illiam
wife Katharine; children including
David; Ebenezer Forbes;
Elijah Cowan; Hiram Bodine; P
Manjar; Peter Buntin (also Buntine)
06 349
1843 03 30
Fenton, Jacob
W hitewater Twp
James W right; John W right; Lewis
W right; W illiam W right; Ann
Morgan; Jacob Fenton W right son of
W illiam W right; W illiam, Eliza,
Sarah children of James W right;
heirs of Roswell Fenton (decd);
W ithia Hazelton; Rebecca Cary;
Lucy Howard; Jacob Fenton
Paddock; George W ashington
Fenton; Deborah Paddock; Hannah
Van Buren; Stephen Fenton
W illiam Jessup; Thadeus R W ebb;
Jacob Birnhart (or Burnhart); Thomas
Morgan; Joseph Morgan
06 351
1843 04 04
Dunn, Elizabeth
daughters Mary Baily, Sarah
Scudder, Elizabeth Richards; sons
Iramiah Dunn, John C Dunn;
grandson Samuel W Dunn
James Glenn; George A Kerr; Daniel
02 354
1843 05 15
Vail, Thomas C
Anderson Twp
children Elizabeth E Vail, John B
Vail, Jacob S Vail
George V Betts; Abraham Eversole;
Halsey B Miller; George Vail
02 381
1843 05 15
McGrew, Alexander
wife Carolina Carter McGrew;
children Alexander M, W illiam R,
Robert J, Amelia, Caroline E C
Henry Storr (or Starr); H F Hill; J P
Biggs; W ilson McGrew
10 307
1843 05 17
Heim, Franz Xavery
(also Xaver Franz &
Francis Xavery)
wife Christina, maiden name
W irthlin; daughter Christina; son
Edward; brother Philip Heim in
Fadenbach District of Achem in
Jacob Smith Jr; Phillipp Hauser
05 166
1843 05 31
Chiesa, Lewis Camillo
born in Genoa Italy
now of Cincinnati
friend Chiara Bernere in Senagi
Italy; friend Madelena Bernere (also
Barnere) of Senagi; Capuchini
Convent of Dibassagia in Italy; no
near relatives; Church of Oratorio de
Peter Machio Derichoso of Senagi
Italy; Peter Brasco of Senagi; Stephen
Costa; Gialomo Costa; James Costa
05 183
1843 06 01
Mason, Sarah
Restoration Church of Cincinnati;
friend Eliza Butter of Philadelphia;
grandson John J Hill & his sister
Sarah H W arner now of Albany NY;
ganddaughter Sarah Anna Roe;
N Longworth; Elam P Langdon; Rufus
Hodges; Samuel Fosdick
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
daughter Eunice Mason; W illiam E
Manlove & his cousin Eunice Mason
18 365
1843 06 15
Clark, Isaac L
niece Mary E Clark (daughter of
brother Thomas decd); nephews
Albert , W illiam & Thomas Chatfield
(children of sister Nancy & Leonard
Chatfield); (will written 1836 Jul 14)
Belamy Storer; David Van Matre;
Henry Rockey
16 573
1843 06 16
Caldwell, James
Springfield Twp
Margaret Cosby Sr & daughter
Frances Cosby; Andrew Rogers Sr;
nephews James N Caldwell, Robert
C Caldwell
Archibald Burns; Boyd Dill; Andrew
Bradley; Jonas Roberson
10 313
1843 06 20
Page, James
nieces Charlotte Pace, Catherine
Pace, Laura H Slade (all daughters of
brother Henry Pace); nephew Henry
Pace Jr
Jacob Burnet; Mr Defereest; Peter
Smith; J W Ely; Timothy D Lincoln
06 348
1843 06 23
Forte, Elijah
divorced wife Julia; 3 children;
nephew Samuel W ilcox
T W alker; L P Brux
04 062
1843 07 29
Riley, Littleton T
Bracken Co KY
sister Eliza Hutchinson
(owned land in Cincinnati)
John M Blair; Eliza Blair; James (also
called Darius) Hutchinson; David
Brooks; Richard Gibson
10 299
1843 07 31
Hesselwood, Andrew
wife Nancy; sons Robert C, Thomas
S, John D
Mark Atkins; John McCammon; Robert
07 268
1843 08 02
Kroning, Frederick
(also spelled Krenning)
wife Carolina Henriette
H Noltekemper; Anna Maria
Noltekemper; Matheus Schroth;
Charlotte Schrodt
04 071
1843 10 04
Stites, Hezekiah
from Franklin Co IN
now of Columbia OH
children Isaiah, Mary, Hezekiah,
Benjamin, Athan, John Newton,
Rachel, Deborah, George
W ashington, Roda, Freemont (also
Freeman); Isaiah’s daughter Mary
Michael D Bott; James Curry;
Skilllman Alger
10 297
1843 10 16
Hummel, Michael Sr
wife Dorothea–maiden name Yost;
sons Michael Jr, Jacob
Friedrich Pfiester; Gustavus Herder;
Henry Roedter
16 569
1843 10 20
Clark, Frances
daughter Mary Ann Henrie; son
Norval Kelso (whose father–the
testator’s husband– died 1832 Oct
James McIntyre; Thomas G Mitchell;
John Kelly
10 303
1843 11 03
Addis, Elizabeth
daughter Almire Shourds
Jonathan Moore; John P Cornell;
Benjamin Skene
05 164
1843 11 17
Patterson, Samuel
W ashington Co TX
mother; niece Mary Duncan; sisters
Eleanor, Elizabeth wife of Sam B
Findly, Mary, Jane
Joseph H W ood; Dr Richard R Peebles;
Robert Merett; Daniel J Toler; W H
Charis (also Chairs); Jas R Jenkins
10 309
1843 11 18
Goudy, Thomas
wife Ruthamey; father Robert Goudy
(decd); only son Robert Goudy;
son’s grandfather W illiam Cottle
James M W est & wife; Enoch £
Harcourt; Oliver Harcourt; James
Vol pg
yr mo day
05 163
1843 11 23
Barnwell, W illiam
Sarah wife of Henry H Miller;
W illiam W ells
James Foster; W illiam Jones; John
W inall
18 347
1843 11 27
Lapsley, David
Philadelphia PA
children Eliza Lapsley, John (of
Bucks Co PA), Joseph B, David Jr,
Sarah wife of Quintin Campbell;
grandchildren: children of John-Jane, Eleanor, W illiam, John,
Joseph, Edward; (will written 1827
Aug 24)
T Mitchell; J W ilson Mitchell (died
before 1836); Benj G Mitchell;
Quinton Campbell
16 571
1843 11 27
Jones, Philip
wife Nancy; children John, W illiam,
Eliza Jane
Edward Jones; W illiam Hughes
wife Frances
Bellamy Storei (also Storer); W olcott
05 150
1843 11 27
Ridgely, Absalom
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 185
1843 12 11
Murphy, James
assets given to the Catholic Church
to procure masses for the repose of
the testator’s soul & that of his
Rev John J Doherty; Robert Martin;
James Murphy
18 361
1843 12 18
Thompson, Aaron
Symmes Twp
wife Hannah; children Moses, John,
Aaron Jr, Sintha Cameron, Mary
Sutton, Rachael Thompson, Sarah
Thompson, Alex (also Eley) Abbott,
Margaret Thompson; (land in Allen
Co IN)
W illiam Humphrey; John Cameron;
W illiam Hamers
06 347
1843 12 27
Farnham, Charles A
wife Margaret
Henry Ires (Ines); Eliza J Burns
04 081
1844 01 10
Sheepshanks, W illiam
son Thomas Sheepshanks; nephew
W illiam M Spencer; daughter
Caroline Sheepshanks
James S Spencer Jr; Jacob Jones;
Thomas Sheepshanks Spencer; John
01 412
1844 01 16
Thompson, Ralph
Anderson Twp
nephew W illiam Thompson & his
son Ralph; children Eliza, Ellen,
Margaret, John; brother John
Thompson; estate from Ellen &
Robert Armstrong; brother Samuel
Thompson & his son Oliver
Blair Jeffries; Benjamin Bridges;
W ashington Corbly; James Johnson
02 349
1844 01 17
Griffith, David
wife Eliza
H B Pearce; Jacob Griffith
06 337
1844 01 17
Harding, Jonathan
wife Abigail
James Smith; Uzziah Kemball (or
Kimball, aslo Kernball); E Hotchkiss
(also Hotchkisson)(now resident of
W ashington DC)
06 343
1844 01 18
Day, Timothy
Anderson Twp
wife Sarah; eldest son Elias; 2 nd son
Aaron Crane; 3 rd son Artemas; 4 th
son Timothy; du Nancy;
granddaughter Serena Edwards; (will
written 1831 Dec 23); (land in
Clermont Co)
John Rose; W illiam Lytle (or Lytte);
John McDowell; Levi B W ilmington;
Joseph Badgley
05 191
1844 01 19
McCullouch, James
nieces in Belfast Ireland–daughters
W illiam W ilson of Philadelphia;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
of sister Nancy & Joseph Gilmore;
niece Mrs Steath near Market Hill
County Armagh–daughter of sister
Jane & Samuel Boyd; nephew John
Boyd in Pittsburg PA–son of Samuel
& Jane; nephew John Gilmore son of
Joseph Gilmore & wife Nancy of
Belfast; John Gilnore & 4 sisters in
Ireland & his brother Joseph of
Mifflin Co; brother Samuel
McCulluch’s children of Mifflin Co;
brother W illiam McCulloch of
Mifflin Co & children; Margaret
McCormick my present housekeeper;
Thomas H Baird husband of niece
Nancy McCulloch of W ashington
PA; nephew George McCulloch of
Mifflin Co PA; (will written 1829
with codicils in 1830)
Thomas Stewart; James Boggs; Joseph
H Seal
18 355
1844 01 19
Spencer, Joseph
wife Sarah S; (will written 1826 Jul
Elizabeth Patterson; Morris Patterson
06 334
1844 01 19
Henderson, Thomas
wife Mary W ; children Thomas J
Henderson, John C Henderson;
Maria A VanMatre; Ellen G
Henderson; Mary Henderson,
Edward F Henderson
Daniel Van Matre; Eliza W right; Sarah
S Armstrong
05 156
1844 01 23
Parker, W illiam
wife Angeline; Theodore McCoy;
sister Abigail Sanious; Mary Biddle;
Elizabeth Starr; Catherine Parker
daughter of brother Samuel Parker;
W illiam P Balance child of the
tanner on Race St; Sarah Packer
(sic); half sister Priscella E Brewster
in TX; wife’s former husband Robert
McCoy; wife’s sister Catherine;
brother John Parker; brother Joseph
— Burnet; Robert Hazelwood; James H
Looker; Josiah W ing; Charles Fox;
Arthur Hill
02 351
1844 01 25
Cumming, Jennet
son Peter Cumming (decd) & his
daughters Mary Ann & Jennet
John Beeler; Joseph Logan; Samuel
05 152
1844 01 27
Price, Sarah
son Rees E Price
Harvey Hall; George W Allen; George
Stors Twp
02 373
1844 01 27
W aldo, Arabella H
Fulton Twp
husband Frederick A W aldo
David B Lupton; Jane Daniels
18 357
1844 02 16
Reese, Samuel
Fayette Co IN
children Ellen D Payne, David
Erskine Reese, Jacob Reese, Samuel
Reese, Franklin Reese, Mary Reese,
Thomas P Reese, W illiam P Rees
(property in Hamilton Co OH)
W illiam W Thomas; John Caldwell;
Thomas Heinkson Jr; John Hinkson
25 323
1844 02 24
Long, Patrick
wife Ailes; children James Long,
Sarah W ilson, Margaret Schenck,
James Clark; David Lee; Daniel
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Mary Lane (decd), Jane Hagerman,
Isabella Lane, Rebccah (sic) Long;
(will written 1833 Jul 26)
05 187
1844 02 26
Moore, George
Green Twp
wife Deborah; children Abraham,
Morris, Nancy, Phebe, Cornelia,
neighbor John Pounder Jr; J H F
Thornton; Henry Benn
02 341
1844 02 28
Butler, Elizabeth
husband Edmund Butler; Amelia
Butler of Cincinnati; father died in
England; sister Mary An[n] butler
Francis Miller; Henry C Beckam; Steph
Bonner; Alex Van Hamm
05 189
1844 03 11
Myers, Andrew
Delhi Twp
wife Freelove; children James,
Cornelius, Jacob, Samuel, Adam,
Andrew J, John
neighbor Philip Stout; W illiam P
Gentle; Asa W Rhodes
11 164
1844 03 15
Harding, Abigail
grandson Lebbens Harding; Ann
Harding widow of Jonathan Harding;
granddaughter Mary Smith; niece
Emma Merea; dau-in-law Sarah B
Saxton; granddaughter Cordelia D
Rogers; grandson Charles C Harding;
granddaughter Emily D Harding;
Cornelia Ann Harding; (will written
1839 Sep 18)
James M Graves; Hugh Erwin
10 293
1844 03 19
Reeves, Thomas
wife Eunice
Henry Lincoln; Isaac Pruden (also
10 295
1844 03 21
Symmonds, Phillip
wife Maria; daughter Charlotte
Francis W yble; Joseph Symmonds;
Thos G Mitchell; Christopher A
18 363
1844 03 27
Hunter, James
Switzerland Co IN
wife; children Sarah, James, George,
seven youngest daughters
John Cunningham
02 343
1844 05 21
Helde, Gervasius
(also spelled Gervas)
wife Mary Ann (formerly Mary Ann
Mock); unborn child; brother
Bernharde Helde
Henry Roedler; Dominckus Keifer;
Jacob Burkhardt
06 336
1844 06 05
Hopkins, Milton W
Brown Co OH
wife Almira; children including
youngest daughter Jane Theodore
John Jolleffe; Charles B Hubr; Samuel
K McEntire
25 305
1844 06 07
Vorhes, Samuel
Sycamore Twp
wife; children Saray, Mary, Ann,
Elizabeth, John, James Monroe,
Rebecca, Janetta, Jamime, Harriet,
Elvira, Lucinda, Martha
Thomas Riker; Joseph Cornell;
Randolph Meeker
11 174
1844 06 08
W right, Thomas B
wife Hannah; son John T W right;
minor children Thomas, Martha,
Hannah, Joseph, Elizabeth; (land in
Clark Co OH)
Thomas Kirby; Allen Burman; Harvey
Hall; Israel W ilson
16 565
1844 06 17
W ood, Stephen
wife Catharine; two sons Stephen B
W ood, Clarkson F W ood; daughters
Eliza F Morgan, Mariah P Schench,
Catherine Dayton; grandchildren
Catharine W ood W alker, Diana
W alker, Amos W orthington, Stephen
Hannah & Thomas Bray; Eli Dayton;
W illiam Bateman; Andrew Porter;
Corridon Yates; Arthur O Howell
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
W ood W orthington, James
W orthington, Catherine W ood
W orthington, Stephen W ood Morgan
(Land in Green Twp & Jeffersonville
02 356
1844 06 21
Greason, John
wife Sarah Ann; children
W m George Patterson; Hugh Moses;
John Hughs; Hugh Morran
02 359
1844 06 28
Greene, Elizabeth
son Fenlon (decd) & his son Fenlon
Green; daughter Elizth S Green
“formaly Miller”; son Caleb B
Green; son Joseph R Green; sister
Sarah Hallenbeck (decd) of New
E Singer; M S Stuyvesant (also
05 161
1844 06 29
Davis, Zadock A
Delhi Twp
mother Elizabeth Davis; sister
Abigail Davis
Benjamin J W orthington; Stephen B
01 413
1844 07 10
Stone, Elias
wife Julia M; children Sarah Ann,
Elizabeth, Martin Luther, Leonidas,
Caroline F
James Keslar (also Kestar), Isaac B
Funk; Richard A Morten; Baltzer
W alden; Aquilla Leaf
11 180
1844 07 25
W illiams, Joshua
Mill Creek Twp
wife Cathrina (also Catherina &
Cathrin); grandsons John W illiams,
Joshua W illiams (wife Susan);
daughter Phebe Van Horn & her
children Nancy, Martha, Joshua,
Julia, Joseph; daughter Caty Dunham
& her sons Joseph, Edward, Joshua;
daughter Nancy Herren & her
children Koleno (or Kolene), Nancy,
Elizibeth, Steven, Cornelius;
daughter Abigail Kull & her daughter
Jubian; son Isack W illiams & his
sons Jacob (a blind child), Andrew;
daughter Sally (former widow of
Arther Park, now last name
Blackburn) & her children LizeBeth
Park, Caroline Lufler, Sara Ann wife
of Manson W est, Lucendy wife of
Samuel Pinck (or Pinch), Emily
Blackburn, Harret Blackburn, David
Blackburn, Jacob Blackburn; son
Cornelious & his children Abigail
Forest, Mary W illiams; daughter
Abigail Nash & her daughter Susan
Ephraim A W illiams; Edward Kull;
Gabriel J Floyd (died before testator);
Robt Reily; Elmor W illiams (died 1843
Feb); Richard Shade (also Spader)
02 353
1844 08 05
Gerdsen, Henry
(Suffering severe accidental injury to
leg) sf Ann Margaret Elizabeth; son
John Herman
Eden B Reeder; J D Saunders;
Frederick Myers
05 159
1844 09 21
Chamberlin, Tyler
Madison, Columbia Twp
wife Jerusha; Tyler Reese; heirs of
Tyler Chamberlin (decd); Tyler
W ainright; Jerusha W ainright;
George W W ainright; John Jones &
wife Jerusha in Sycamore Twp
John C W ard; Oliver Jones; Seth C
Lindsley (also Lindsly); Luke (also
Lake) M W ard
Vol pg
yr mo day
02 346
1844 10 09
Burns, Archibald
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
wife Margaret; children James,
W illiam, Margaret, Else Jane
Thomas W right; Boyd Thomas; Francis
04 043
1844 10 10
W illiams, James
brother David W illiams & his
daughter Harriet Foote wife of
Joseph Foote; brother David’s son
David W illiams; David’s daughter
Mary; sister Mary wife of Cap
W illiam Sole (or Sale); sister
Rebecca Hurley; brother Robert ; (all
siblings residing in Bristol England
except Rebecca who was in London)
George Sutton; Charles Fox; Enos
W oodruff (decd by 1844); W illiam
Butler (decd by 1844)
25 329
1844 10 11
Lea, Thomas G
brothers John (wife Catherine), Isaac
(of Philadelphia), Henry; sisters
Hannah F Jones, Eliza Lea, Margaret
McLean (decd), Susan L Lamb
(decd) ; nieces Elizabeth McLean,
Anna Fandon, Elizabeth Fandon;
Cincinnati Orphan Asylum; John H
Perkins; son James M Lea
Benjamin Urner; Robert Buchanan;
Isaac Stephens; Isaac Stephens Jr;
Peyton S Symmes; W illiam Greene
wife Babet; children Simon, Moses,
Adam W eiler (also W eler); Jacob
Seasongood; Samuel F Cary; Jacob
Rece (also Rice)
05 154
1844 10 11
Rice, Solomon
25 324
1844 10 19
Sellman, Elizabeth
Philadelphia PA
granddaughter Harriet Key Sellman
(daughter of deceased son Carberry J
Sellman); daughter Elizabeth wife of
Thomas Evans of Philadelphia
grandson Thomas M Key of Cincinnati;
John G W orthington of Cincinnati;
Nicholas Longworth; Larz Anderson
11 161
1844 10 22
Huston, Paul
Colerain Twp
wife Caroline; sons John, Franklin
Shafer, unborn child
— Lemon; John M Milliken; Dan
Milliken; Sarah Miller; Isaac H Miller
11 166
1844 10 22
W atson, George
wife Jane; grandson James W atson
the son of W illiam W atson (decd);
daughter Ann wife of John Eckles;
George W atson & his daughter Jane;
son John W atson & his daughter
Jane; (land in Ripley Co IN)
Caleb Summer & wife; W illiam
Lofthouse; Edward c Roll; Thomas
06 327
1844 10 22
Allen, Rebecca A
friends Ann Gazlay & Julia Gazlay;
Allen Grant–infant son of Alanson
Grant; brother W illiam E Allen;
sister Maria Louisa wife of Samuel F
Cary; testator an heir of Elmore
W illiam (decd); friend Sophronia E
Freeman G Cary; E Elliott; James H
Bacon; Zebulon Strong
04 036
1844 10 23
W ilkins, Peter
Crosby Twp
wife Susanna
Michael W ilkins; Judah W illy; Adam
04 046
1844 10 25
Kerr, George
wife; daughter Emily Amelia Ker;
brother John H Kerr; (wife attempted
to destroy the will while it was being
read to her)
Isaac Golden; W m Disney; Thomas
W atts; Allice Pye; Prosper Carpenter
(also spelled Carpiette) (moved to
Hancock Co IL); Richard Mulford;
W illiam Disney Jr
Vol pg
yr mo day
01 417
1844 10 30
Small, Richard
wife Jessie
Joseph Bonsall (decd btw 1842 Nov &
1844 Oct) ; A R Foote
02 347
1844 11 11
Bruner, Joseph
Mill Creek Twp
wife Mary H
George Scherer; Henry Spradthaner (or
06 398
1844 11 23
Phinney, Hannah
Essex Co NJ
(Recently Hannah W oodruff); first
husband purchased land in Hamilton
Co “many years ago”; Mary Chapin
wife of Dr Marshall Chapin of
Detroit MI; Jonathan K Horton of
NY; niece Elizabeth Cooper of
Newark; Hannah W Baker wife of
Henry Baker of Lebanon OH;
Archibald S W oodruff of
Elizabethtown; Phebe W oodriff wife
of Andrew W oodruff of NY; Lucy
Roberts of Newark widow of Jesse
Roberts; Samuel W oodruff of
Springfield (son of Nehemiah
W oodruff); Elizabeth Colie sister of
Samuel W oodruff; Rev John
McDowell; Joanna Herriman of
Elizabethtown; Gould Phinney; wife
of Smith Scudder; Rev Nicholas
Murry; Archibald W oodruff of
John Cleaves Symmes; James Heaton
of Butler Co OH; Dr Henry Baker of
Lebanon OH; Elias W inans; James F
Meeker; Luk Hasiland; Stephen
Pierson; Thomas O Sayre
11 178
1844 11 23
W oodruff, Lewis
City of Elizabeth
Essex Co NJ
wife Hannah; John Cook
(will written 1801 Jul 23; codicil
1812 Jun 8)
Aaron Lane; Geo C Barber; Jonathan
Hampton; Gabriel W oodruff; John
Dayton; Isaac Morse; John Chetwood
16 563
1844 12 20
Elliott, Jabez
wife Mary
Josiah Lawrence; brother George
Elliott; W Cooper; S A Fannow
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
06 345
1844 10 17
Dickinson, Charles G
wife Elizabeth; children Hannah
Jane, Francis Marion
S O Almy; Adam N Riddle
25 289
1845 01 03
Beeler, John
Sharonville in
Sycamore Twp
wife Mary; son Samuel; unborn child
brother Samuel Beeler; Joseph Cornell,
Stephen W hitlock; Peter Beeler
07 271
1845 01 13
Yanny, Samuel Sr
(also spelled Yanning)
wife Fanny Yanny; sons Jacob &
Samuel; daughter Fanny Kincaid
(will made 1839 Apr 8)
W illiam Finkbine; Andrew Sind;
Andrew Porter
09 345
1845 01 16
Farrell, James
wife Mary Ann; wife’s children
Robert & Charlotte Heartly
Hannah Kelley; Usebea James
06 332
1845 01 24
Moore, Eliza A
Springfield Church; aunt Isabella
Gaston; sister Mary Jane Stewart;
brother Robert Moore; (land in
Butler Co); Grandfather Gustin’s
estate; uncle David Gustin’s 4
children; uncle John Scott’s 5
children; cousin John R Gaston
Josiah Grant; John J Miles
01 404
1845 02 24
Moore, Robert
children Jane Moore, Emaline
James P W illiam; Charles R Harding
Vol pg
yr mo day
Dehli Twp
10 289
1845 02 26
Sharp, Morris
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Thomas, Mary Runyan, Sarah
Chapion, Marthy Champion, Rachel
Graves, Margaret Nicholson,
W illiam Moore, John Moore;
grandchildren Eloise JuneAyler,
Cintha Ann Myers
(decd by 1845) ; Jas P W illiams; the
word Thomas was interlined
wife Perthenia
W alter Armstrong; John Sharp; erome
B W illiams; John A W iseman
05 149
1845 03 04
Rausch, Charles
wife Mary Ann; money due in
Germany from mother’s estate
Alexander Semmon; Johannes Pfister
05 139
1845 03 07
Cope, Jason
wife Belinday; six sons W illiam,
John Clay, George M, Charles
Henry, Jason, Amos; father John
Cope (decd)
Joseph DeCamp; John P Guion; John
W Corderman
daughter Sarah Ann wife of S G
W illiam Resor; Reuben Perry Resor;
W m S Hatch; Brtisen Pursel
wife Lucretia; son and daughter;
sister Jane D Brotherton; Catharine
John C Culbertson; Jacob L(or S)
W ayne; Nath Sawyer; George P
Torrence; Samuel B Findlay
10 280
1845 03 13
Resor, Jacob
07 253
1845 03 20
Dunn, Denton
05 141
1845 03 22
Robertson, John
merchant of New York
wife Eliza; children; sister Francis
Robertson; brother George
brother Thomas Robertson; Adam
W alker of NY; John R W alker of NY;
W illiam Manson of NY; Mr Perkins of
NY; Morrison Cash of NY; Mr Chester
of NY
01 402
1845 03 25
McIntire, W illiam
daughter Mary wife of Jno Clark;
daughter Martha Baxter (decd) wife
of James Baxter & children Eliza
Jane, David, W illiam Baxter;
daughter Ann (decd) 1 st the wife of
David W ilson (who died) by whom
sheriff had a son & daughter and 2 nd
the wife of Jonathan W hitaker by
whom she had two sons and a
Oliver Jones; John Jones
01 397
1845 03 28
Cole, Nelson L
wife Alice; mother Ann Cole;
testator to be buried in Philadelphia
Edwd W oodruff; John P Cornell
16 560
1845 03 31
W elta, John
(also W ildy, Johanes)
Storrs Twp
wife Margaret; children Augustus,
Jacob, John, Margaret, Mary Ann,
W illiam D
David Allen; James P W illiam
25 299
1845 04 11
Smoot, Henry H
mother Mary widow of Joshua
Smoot of Preston Co VA; brothers
and sisters including Samuel &
W illiam; James H Huett
Irael (sic) Baldwin; John C Brown;
Lewis French; George C Sargent
15 418
1845 05 06
Dunn, Roxanna H
husband John W Dunn; father Seth
Dunbar; brother Melzar Dunbar;
Stephen B Shaner (or Shauer);
Elizabeth Stephens; Joseph Mayhew
Joseph & Mary Mayhew; James P
W illiams
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Jr; Caroline Stephens; phriam M
11 158
1845 05 19
Miller, W illiam
16 561
1845 05 21
Tatem, Charles
wife; daughters Louisa wife of David
K Este, Clarissa wife of Ambrace
Dudley, Delia wife of Thomas
Maddox, Jeanette wife of W ood
Schenk, Mary Miller, Elanor Miller,
Caroline wife of Allison Owen,
Elizabeth wife of Dr Thomas B
Harris; sons James Miller, W illiam
Miller, Emanuel Miller; female slave
in possession of Delia
E Brigham; Edward C Roll; Adam N
Riddle; Jacob H Clemmer
children Janet S Ridgway, Esther,
Henry L Tatem, W illis Tatem;
grandson Henry H Tatem;
Oliver M Spencer; John A Gurley;
Samuel A Spencer
05 146
1845 05 21
Gerhard Henry
brothers Herman, Chrisian, John
John H W essel; Joseph W ehner; Henri
Hundertmark; Arnold Schutte
07 266
1845 05 21
Engler, Anton
(also spelled Anthony)
wife Regina (formerly Giesseler
Mr W hetmore; Anthony Kempfer;
Peter Stein
07 273
1845 05 22
W ilson, W illiam
merchant of
Pittsburgh PA
(will written 1793 May 15, just
before a long journey); wife Ann;
Negro wench Dolly; natural son
W illiam W ilson born to Ellinor
House; brother Robertson W illiam
W ilson; (land in PA, OH, VA)
James Brison; nephew Andrew Boggs;
Mr Hargey; James O’Hara; George
W allace; Benjamin Stevens; John
Scull; John Moury
01 409
1845 05 22
W illiams, Micajah
wife Hannah J; children
Geo W Jones; Chas e Lynch; S P
01 393
1845 05 22
Fox, George
Mill Creek Twp
wife Elizabeth; children John,
Richard; Charlotte Fox; Thomas Fox;
George Fox Jr
Joseph Burgoyne; Theodore F
10 277
1845 05 26
Geyer, Mary
Samuel Martin of Cincinnati
W illiam Cross; Jane Nox; James
Killough MD;
mother; brothers David & Joseph;
father-in-law & mother-in-law;
nephew W illie son of sister Mary
D (probably David) F Bensal (also
spelled Benshall); John A W arden;
John Manley
mother Elenora Corry
John T Shotwell; W illiam M Corry
07 260
1845 05 27
Parker, George
06 326
1845 05 28
Corry, Mary A
25 294
1845 05 29
W ilson, Sidney S
wife; brother W ickliffe Monroe
W ilson
John Ashby; C W Hendrickson
05 147
1845 05 30
Rodgers, W illiam
Sycamore Twp
wife Rebecca; children Mary,
Margaret, Rhode Ann, W illiam,
David E Filter; John R Dick;
16 558
1845 06 02
Gordon, Archibald
wife Mary F; children Jane W ,
A F Temple; Capt Carroll; —
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Harriet E; mother; sister-in-law
Lydia A Hanson (single)
Andrews; M S (also L) Broadwell; A
W Scales
02 331
1845 06 16
Aston, Samuel
Colerain Twp
sons Samuel, John; daughter
Margareta Bray & her infant son
Samuel; daughter Polly; daughter
— Shamberg; George W Jessup; Daniel
04 038
1845 06 25
Brown, John
of Boone Co KY
formerly W oodbridge NJ
testator born 1751 Oct 22–will made
1824 Jan 22; son John born 1823
Aug 11; daughter Clarissa Harlow
Pike (widow of Gen Pike) & her
daughter Clarissa Brown Harrison;
nephew John Brown the son of
brother Benjamin Alstin Brown of
W oodbridge NJ; sister Mary Marsh
wife of Daniel Marsh & their son
Thomas; “best friend” Abigail Baxter
mother of son John Brown
Dr Collins; John W alls (or W atts); Gen
P W ikoff; James Parker; Joseph
Calvin; Vincent Colum; John Garland;
Daniel W allace of Colerain Twp; John
C Symmes; And Porter; John Kintley;
Owen Kintley (or Kirtley); James
01 400
1845 07 08
Myers, Daniel
wife Elizabeth; son Daniel B Myers;
daughter Mary Ann Brownell
W illiam Tenk (?); D Merrhinney(?);
Richard Parrott
06 324
1845 07 09
Denison, Edward S
Nephew James Challin Barnes of
Jackson Co IN
David Denison; W m Bickham; Richard
Lewis; John Henderson
11 148
1845 07 14
Keating, John
wife Mary Robinson Keating
L W Firend; Lewis Choate; W D
11 156
1845 07 15
Orcutt, Alvin H
wife Emeline; brother Luther B
Orcutt; friend Hudson B Curtis; sons
Luther P & Barton Orcutt
James Cummings; Alexander Mayhew
25 301
1845 07 19
Harris, Joseph
Joseph Baker of Boston MA; James
Ellison of Boston
John Richards; W illiam Heyworth;
John P Callahan
11 150
1845 07 21
Hanselman, Jacob
(also Hanselmann)
wife Margareth; daughters Catherina
Bobinger, Dorothea Rapp, Christiana
Hanselmann wife of Christopher
Frederick Hanselmann, Rosina
W armier; Charles Hanselmann the
son of John Jacob Hanselmann
James Findlay; Henry Roedter; Francis
Eichenlaub; George Hagen
04 033
1845 07 30
Schaw, John J
wife Ellen
James R Lysle; H Matthews (of
Independence MO)
11 152
1845 08 04
Conover, James F
W ill written in
Bedford Springs PA
brothers & sisters; brother Samuel;
nephew Henry J Miller; friend W m S
Caldwell; friend Minerva S Norton
Thos Keg (or Key); brother Thomas
Conover; Jno Andrews of Steubenville;
O Grafton; D Spurrier of Baltimore
MD; Espy L Anderson of Bedford PA
02 334
1845 08 05
Blair, Alexander
formerly of Clermont Co,
now of Hamilton Co
children Margaret Blair, Mary W
Ezekel Bement (also Ezekel Demmett);
Lot Hulick; Jonathan Morris; Robert
Blair; Ananias Blair; Amasa Higbee;
John Shannon
08 158
1845 09 06
Ralston, Robert
Philadelphia PA
late son W illiam; children Robert
(now of Boston), Matthew Clarkson,
Ashbel G, Gerard, Henry, Maria
James Findlay of Cincinnati; W m
Hodgson Jr; Peter Thompson (may be
the same as Samuel P Thompson);
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Dorsey, Rebecca Chester, Elizabeth
Ann Ralston, Abigail Proudfit, Sarah
Cox (decd); grandchildren named
Robert–Robert R Dorsey (son of
daughter Maria), Robert (son of son
Matthew), son of daughter Sarah,
Robert (son of son Robert);
daughters of late brother-in-law
Levinus Clarkson–Sarah Clarkson
Chambrs & her two sisters in MD;
cousins–daughters of late Uncle
George Ralston–Rebecca Ralston,
Mary Ann Eyre, Margaret Summers;
late half sister Sarah Stemons’
children; late half brother W illiam
Dean’s son Benjamin (late of
W ashington but now of
Philadelphia–died before the
testator); John Samos a tailor who
was a domestic in the family (died
before the testator); Orphan Society
of Philadelphia; Indigent W idows &
Single W omans Society of
Philadelphia; 2 nd Presbyterian
Church & Mariners’ Church of
Philadelphia; Bible Society;
Theological scholarship at Princeton
in NJ; children of deceased daughter
Sarah– Robert Ralston Cox, Maria
Cox, Sarah Ralston Cox, John Cox;
daughter Maria Dorsey died before
testator leaving children Robert
Ralston Dorsey, Elizabeth wife of
James Cox, Maria Dorsey; Joseph
Lesly; coachman John W illiams;
(owned lots in Cincinnati); (will
made 1831 Jun 7 with codicils
W alter Smith; Charles Cauncey of
11 154
1845 09 06
Overbeck, John Henry
wife Catharina Maria maiden name
Quebbemann; two children; (land in
Mercer Co OH)
Bernard Hollenkamp; Ferdinand
07 262
1845 09 13
W aggoner, John
wife Diana; brother Benjamin
W agoner of Montgomery Co OH;
sister Nancy Delong of Tuskerawas
Co OH; (will made 1837 Apr 24)
John C Brown; Simeon Hase; Isaac
McFarland; Jesse M Sparks; Henry
Ruthledge; David Burnside
08 157
1845 09 27
Hannan, W illiam
(also spelled Hannars)
Symmes Twp
wife; John D Davis; son James;
(farm in Clermont Co, land in Allen
Co IN)
Nicholas Shoemaker; Hamilton Mahan;
Anthony Carland; W m Mahan
06 329
1845 09 27
Mansfield, Roswell
children James Mansfield (born 1826
Feb), Roswell Mansfield (born 1828
Aug), and Olive Elizabeth Mansfield
(born 1831 Feb); other children
Henry Starr; Charles S Pomeroy;
W illiam Birney
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
16 556
1845 10 08
Gardner, Reuben G
Green Twp
wife Nancy; children Mary, Martha,
Emeline, Charles, Ann, Peter, Ruben
Israel Applegate; R C Markland; Adam
25 303
1845 10 10
McCurdy, Archibald
W hitewater Twp
wife Margaret; children Robert,
Samuel, John, W illiam, Jane
W arnock, Ann Small, Mary Small,
Margaret McCurdy
Archibald W arnock of Princeton IN;
Daniel B Reeves; Thomas Mitchell;
Thomas Kelly; Thomas Reeves
11 145
1845 10 10
Allen, W illiam E
wife Sarah; mother-in-law Susan
W illiams; friend W illiam Reeder
W illiam P Hulbert; Rebecca A Allen;
Samuel F Cary & wife; Joseph
Shingler; Mary Shingler; Edward C
Roll; Isaac C Miller
05 137
1845 10 13
Clopper, Rebecca C
sisters Caroline, Mary Ann & Rachel
Ruhamet Clopper; nephew Edward
W Clopper; estate of father Nicholas
Clopper in TX; Presbyterian
missionary societies; Rev Saml R
W ilson; brother J C Clopper;
children of J C Ludlow–Hadapa
Ludlow & Israel Ludlow; Charles
W urtz son of J B W urtz
— Richardson; Jerome B W artz (also
spelled W urtz, W ortz & W orty); Eliza
01 395
1845 10 15
Fogel, Joseph
wife Catharine; Anthony, Maria Ann,
Ginofwa, Minerva, Francis, Samuel
& Magdalan Reigelspringer
John A W iseman; Francis Eicher;
Thomas Hurst
about to move to Illinois
14 533
1845 10 16
Stevenson, Charles Sr
Munroe Twp
Adams Co OH
wife Ann; children Samuel, Jane
Kirker, Charles Jr, Elizabeth,
W illiam, John D, James Henry;
grandson Richard Henry Stevenson
the son of Euclid Stevenson (decd);
children of son John D– Virginia,
John Harkett, Charles Edward, Sarah
Ann, Simon, Euthalia; (land in
Cincinnati & IL)
— O’Connor; — Staley; — Newland;
— Thatcher; — Parry; Cyrus Ellison;
John Penniwill; Mark Penniwill; David
Penniwill (also Pennywill); Nelson
Marrere (also Marror & Barrere or
Barrene); W illiam Ellison; David C
Vam (or Vane)
25 288
1845 10 21
Bager, W illiam J
Marion Co OH
brothers Robert, Joseph, James; two
children of Charles G Smith; Mr &
Mrs Hawes Redd of Fulton OH;
sister Martha J Derby
Mrs Young; John Bamford; Hawes
06 325
1845 10 25
Clark, Ichabod
W illiam Tingley; Ira Broadwell
11 204
1845 10 30
Logan, John W
wife Jane; children Marie, Anna
Jane, Virginia, John W Jr
Andrew M Ernst; George H Bates;
Joshua H Bates; Edwin S Emmerson;
Samuel V Hill
10 286
1845 11 04
O’Harra, W illiam
wife Ellen; daughter Eliza B Jane
O’Harra; sons John J O’Harra,
George O’Harra; illegitimate
children W illiam O’Harra &
Caroline Moore; Bethel Church in
Cincinnati; (land in Mercer Co OH
& New Iberia LA)
Philip Granden; Col W G Pendleton;
Thomas Bowles; Augustus W addle;
Griffin W atson; David W eeks; H P
Gaines; W illiam W Light; Shelton
10 282
1845 11 05
Perlee, Benjamin
Springfield Twp
wife Mary; sons John, Peter;
daughter Rebecca Roland; heirs of
Isaac S Brower; James B Brower
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
daughter Martha Gaston(decd);
daughter Sally wife of Abraham
Pearson in Dearboarn Co IN;
granddaughter Mary French
10 278
1845 12 01
Grone, Johann Gerhard
children Johan Hermann Grone,
Grederick Grone, Francis Michael
Grone, Maria Grone
(will translated from German by
Henry Roedter)
bro-in-law Gerhard Stever; Heinrich
Schubhof; David Menkhaus
06 339
1845 12 06
Erwin, Hugh
wife Lydia Ann; daughter Mary Jane
Erwin; (had land in IL, & mother’s
estate in W arren Co NJ)
Samuel Fosdick & wife; Aaron Smith
& wife; Charles Fishback; Geo W
wife Ann; wife’s children John
Coffee, Jane Coffee, Ellen wife of
Owen Ahern, Mary Ann wife of
Thomas Coughlin; St Peters Orphan
John Bickett; Stephen Bonner; Joseph
08 155
1845 12 10
Henry, Edward
01 408
1845 12 12
W eitkamp, Henry
brother in Madison “Ia”; betrothed
bride Elizabeth W ellmann; brother
Herman Henry W eitkamp
Nerman Kimfeld of St Charles Co
(either MD or MO); “Ernst or
Frederick” Bierbaum who drives a dray
in this city; J B Moormann; Joseph
16 568
1845 12 13
Tullis, Elizabeth
sister Sarah Tullis; father Jonathan
Tullis (decd); brother Thomas C
Tullis; sister Mariah Tullis
(land in Butler Co)
David J Tullis; John McGilliard; J C
tullis, Scott Carson
04 024
1845 12 13
Cochran, Nathaniel
nephew Benjamin Readenbough
W m Hooper; James I Ross; Josiah
Harper; Jacob Snider
06 331
1845 12 16
Meyer, Joseph
brother W ilhelm Meyer
Henry Roedter; Bernard Trum; W illiam
25 286
1845 12 23
Borland, W illiam
wife Phebe; daughters Elizabeth wife
of Dr willard of Indiana, Rebecca
wife of Osborn Thomas
George D Biggar; Samuel W arner
25 297
1845 12 27
Schultz, Andreas
wife Caroline (maiden name Reis);
children of mother’s sister– Mariana
Böh, Melchior Böh, Richard Böh,
Barbara Böh, Catharina Schaurer;
children of mother’s brother– Louisa
Springer, Adam Springer; St Johns
Catholic Church
Henry Roedter; Adam Dick; G F
04 022
1846 01 10
Lane, Aaron
wife Elizabeth; sons Aaron Jr, John
W illiam, Garret; 7 daughters
including Elenor, Nancy, Elizabeth,
John G Miles; W illiam S Carnohan;
James Carnahan
06 322
1846 01 14
Eichelberger, Joseph
(also Eichilberger)
wife Christiana; sons David, John,
Moses; daughters Charity, Polly,
Cassia; Elizabeth Carr; Obadiah
Meeks, Martin Carr; David
James Clark; Shelby Clark
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
25 280
1846 01 21
Hey, James
formerly of
Sherburn, York, England
now of Columbia Twp
Benjamin Hey of OH (youngest son
of brother Joshua Hey); W illiam Hey
or York England (2 nd son of brother
John Hey decd); niece Ann Quail of
Cincinnati wife of John Quail; Mary
Ann Tasker & her daughter Martha;
(testator had lived on the “Beauteau
Hill farm” for 27 years)
Joseph Clark; W illiam Smith; W illiam
Jones; — Softhorn; — Martin; Bellamy
Storer; Saml Storer
09 340
1846 01 27
Cilly, Benjamin
Mill Creek Twp
Charles Babbs
Samuel Crary; Lyman Crary; John B
Gordon; – Brown; Jno Ludlow; Alfred
Phillips; Noah Babbs
09 337
1846 01 28
Van Tuyl, Charity
brother John Hay; brother Henry
Hay; sister Jane Vantuyl; nieces
Susan, Helan & Mary Jane Hay
(daughters of James Hay); nieces &
nephews Mary Ann, Jane, James,
Benjamin, Susan & Harriett
(children of John Hay); American
Bible Society; sister Mary Ann
Perkins & daughters Mary H Perkins
& Catherine F Dana; Thomas B
John M Cochran; Dr John R Hunt;
Samuel F Leaman; Peter Perlee
10 270
1846 01 30
W alker, David
Springfield Twp
sons W illiam & David W orker;
daughter Elizabeth wife of Silis
Chadwick; daughter Mary W orker
John Pierson; John W Hoel; James
01 386
1846 02 04
Raphael, Daniel
wife Lenatta (also written Jeanette);
two children including daughter
W m R Morris; Jacob Kilp; Nathan
Ransohoff (also Ransoholf)
09 348
1846 02 10
Durham, Daniel
Anderson Twp
wife Catharine (who had been
married to the testator about 11 or 12
years; all the testator’s children were
married at that time); children Joshua
(wife Betsy), Samuel, Sarah (also
called Sally) Frazee wife of Jonab
Frazee, Eleador Martin, Elizabeth
Morrison (decd with heirs), Margaret
Dials (decd with heirs), Precilla
W encil (alsoW insel), Jane Kyle
(decd with heirs), Cintha W oodruff ;
grandson Stephen Durham;
grandchildren Richard and Annie
Ayres; under oath Isaiah Johnson
named the testator’s children as
follows: Joshua, Samuel, Cynthia
W oodruff, Nelly Martin, Jane Kyles,
Priscilla W aiston, Martha Dyer;
testator was about 85 yrs old at the
time he made his will; son Samuel
was deceased at that time; grandson
Zacheus Kyle; Joseph Reed; Daniel
(also called David) Reed; John Bennet;
Henry Hopper; Joseph Rich; Stephen
Clarke (son of the testator’s widow);
Robert W elsh; Henry Nandank;
Maurice (also Morris) W itham; Dr
W illiam Doane; Nathaniel W itham
(father of Maurice); Richard Ayres
(grandson of testator); Mr Ryan;
Harrison Morrison; Daniel Durham
(son of Joshua); Joseph Fagin; John
Dawson; Henry S Jenkins; Elisha
Miller (a blacksmith); Daniel Snyder;
Joseph W ilmington (whose son-in-law
was a nephew of the testator); Aquilla
Durham (brother of the testator); Isaiah
Johnson (married testator’s
granddaughter, who was the child of
Cynthia W oodruff); Mr Frazee;
W illiam A Ryan; Mr Read; M A
Kelby; Henry Hopper; John Bennett;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Stephen Durham married the
testator’s wife’s daughter; the
testator was 18 - 20 yrs older than his
wife; grandson Riese Morrison
John Martin; George Fagin; Jonathan
Stansbury; George P Torrence; James
Hardy; Harvey Hawkins; Mr Snow;
Gideon B (or V) W itham; Mr Dawson
10 284
1846 02 12
Phillips, Richard Sr
wife Rachel Cook Phillips; children
Richard Phillips Jr, Rachel W illiams,
Anna Durrell, Henry B Phillips;
W illiam C Phillips; Sarah P Lowrey
wife of Jackson Lowry; W illiam
Guest Thos son of Rachel Guest;
Richard Phillips the son of Henry B
son-in-law Rezin W illiams; Henry A
McCullough; W illiam Durrell; Artemus
18 324
1846 02 25
Kelsey, W illiam
Miami Twp
wife Lydia; daughters Eliza Kelsey;
Martha, Tamson, Harriet, Mary,
Lydia; sons James, Joseph (will
written 1832 Aug 7)
John D W estcott (by 1854 was living
near Mt Vernon Jefferson Co IL);
Jonathan W ood (also called Moon, he
died in Green Twp 1844 Mar 18);
David E Stathem; Jacob Yancey (name
also spelled Yanney & Yananey; he
was 34 yrs old Jan 14 of 1846[?];
married 1832 Dec); James Kincaid;
John Matson; John Osborn (moved to
IN in 1832, then back to OH in 1841);
Eli Scull (age 49 in 1845 Dec); Samuel
Yanney; Andrew Porter; — Hull;
Aaron Parker; David Squier; Vincay
(also Viney) Kincaid; Mr Edmunds; Mr
Campbell; W illiam Harrell
25 292
1846 02 26
Branch, Hardin
formerly of New York
City, now of Cincinnati
faithful friend George Richards;
George Richards Jr
Joseph Lawson; L W Holt
25 272
1846 02 26
Rich, Thomas
wife; children John Rich, Thomas
Rich, Benjamin Rich, Lorenzo Rich,
W inney Rich, John Rich, Mary
Harrison, Margaret Rowan, Sarah
W are; John Berry son of Joseph
Berry (decd)
Thomas Rowan; Minor Apgar; J Lewis;
N Brown; V Brown; John S Sutton;
David McKinney Jr
10 268
1846 03 06
W alker, John
wife Isabella; Mr Patterson; five
children of deceased sister Abigail;
James W arwick; Jane W arwick;
Hugh Moren; Thomas W ilson; Robert
Elliott; Samuel Patton
08 152
1846 03 10
Corwine, Daniel
children Margaret wife of John
Mahon (also Mahohun), Mary wife
of John Depro, George, Sophrona,
Peter; (property in Shelby Co IN)
— Clark; — Carr; — Puttum; — Burk;
Louis Brettmann; Barthel Schopf
02 321
1846 03 11
Hazard, Thomas Jr
New York city
wife Ann; children Sarah wife of
John H Rowland, Thomas Rodman
Hazard, Samuel Hazard, Elizabeth
wife of Jacob Barker, Anna Hone
(who died in GA) ; children of son
Thomas– Elizabeth, Thomas,
Samuel, Edward, W illiam, Robert;
only child of daughter Anna–
Johanna Hone; children of daughter
W illiam Kelly & wife Lydia of
Hamilton Co OH; Samuel Hazard;
Robert Terry; John R W illis; Andrew
Cock; Jno L Bowne; Alfred W illis
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Elizabeth Barker– Robert Barker,
Thomas Hazard Barker, W illiam
Hazard Barker, Andrew Sigourney
Barker, Anna Hazard Barker, Jacob
Barker, Elizabeth Barker Jr, Andrew
Barker, Mary Barker; (will made
1825 Sep 1); (testator owned farms
in Hamilton Co OH)
01 398
1846 03 23
Highfill, Sarah A
(also spelled Highfield)
Fanny Berry; grandson John Jarome
Agnew commonly known as John
Jerome Highfield (son of testator’s
daughter Mary Ann); son Joseph
Jonathan B Funk; John T Shotwell;
Daniel Burritt; Benj B Fessinden
25 276
1846 03 26
McFarland, James
clerk James Matthews; nephew
W illiam Hamilten age 13 of
Covington KY; niece Mrs Jane
Myers; nephew W illiam Graham;
drayman Mathew Styne; James
Sheave (who was drowned last
March 17); sisters in Ireland–
Margaret wife of James Hamilton,
Elizabeth wife of John Kennedy,
Nancy wife of John Shields
Frederick G Gedge of Covington;
Richard Bates; Bushrod W Foley;
James B McNickle; James C Gedge
(also George)
05 131
1846 04 08
Bonnel, Benjamin C
Mill Creek Twp
wife Margaret; adopted daughter
Elizabeth Bonnel Dunn; Lewis
Bonnel (decd) & his youngest sons
John & Benjamin; Solomon &
Joanna Breeount & their son
Benjamin S
vincent Flinn; W m Paddack; Richard
A Morten; James M Forman
25 278
1846 04 25
Hasson, W illiam
wife Anne; nephews W illiam Hasson
& his brother James; St Peters
Benevolent Society of Cincinnati;
Roman Catholic Bishop John B
Purcell; John Giner
Edward Pursell; P O’Connor; John
11 143
1846 04 25
Betts, George V
Anderson Twp
brother Samuel Betts, John Betts;
sisters Jane Miller, Sarah Crist, Mary
Ann W ilson; Thomas Betts the son
of Samuel; nephew George B Crist;
niece Orpha Ann W ilson
George Vail; Stephen F Sutton; George
V Davis; Ebenezer Harrison; George
W arren
09 346
1846 05 08
Bates, Jonathan
W alnut Hills
wife Catharine; sister Susan Bates;
brother Martin Bates of Boston & his
daughters & son Martin Bates Jr;
Elizabeth wife of David B Tower;
John Bates of Cohasset MA &
Abigail Stephens of the same place;
bro-in-law Capt Joshua G Dickson &
four youngest children; Cincinnati
Orphan Asylum; Lane Seminary
under direction of Prof Allen; brother
Caleb Bates & his minor children
Elizabeth H & Caleb Jr; Joshua
C & J Bates; Richard Southgate;
Joseph B Bates; Henry Starr; N
W right; Timothy S Goodman
Vol pg
yr mo day
04 006
1846 05 11
Mullanophy, Ann
niece Ann O’neil
Edward Purcell; Otho (or Ollio)
01 388
1846 05 18
Bowen, Benjamin Sr
2 mi N of Montgomery
wife Lucina; children Henry S,
Benjamin Jr, W illiam, Pardon, Jabez,
Francis, Clark S, Clovis H, Mary A
Smith, Eliza Hunt, Hannah Bowen
David E Felter; Christophr Constable;
Richard Parrott; Lloyd Smithurst
10 274
1846 05 27
W eeks, W ellington
wife Sarah who “has for nearly two
years abandoned my bed and board,”
and who was guilty of “several acts
of adultery” – a divorce was
pending; Mrs Ellen O’Hara; Orphan
Asylum for Colored Children in
Cincinnati; St Peters Orphan Asylum
of Cincinnati; legacy to procure the
liberation of brother Henry John
Vaughan “who is held in slavery or
bondage in some way not precisely
known to me”; Ladies Fugitive
Society of Cincinnati
W W Light; Elizabeth Mathews; H P
Gaines; Magnus Ledenberg (or
Sedenbreg– also Laderberg or
Saderberg); Joseph Trefts
08 149
1846 05 30
Carpenter, Calvin
wife Ann Maria; sons Clifford H
Carpenter, Daniel Haines Carpenter;
brother Ezra Carpenter; children of
deceased sister Lydia McMillan;
sister Esther King; sister Sarah
brother W alter T Carpenter; Abraham
M Taylor; Isaac Shoemaker
04 007
1846 06 02
McGrath, W illiam
(Also called McCarthy)
daughter Ellen McGrath; brother
John M McGrath; sisters Margaret
McGrath, Ann McGrath
Edward Purcell; Thomas I Gallagher;
Maurice Pendergast
05 133
1846 06 06
Abrams, W illiam H
wife; mother Martha Abrams; sister
Mary A Crehore
Andrew Donaldson; W illiam H
Stewart; Thomas J Finch
06 320
1846 06 08
Evans, Jesse
Union Town in
Fayette Co PA
son Samuel Evans; daughter Eliza
widow of Alpheus P W ilson;
grandchildren Mary Evans W ilson,
Virginia A W ilson, Ellen L W ilson,
Alpheus Evans W ilson; (will written
John Campbell (believed to have died
between 1842 and 1846); John
Dawson; Ellis Bailey
02 329
1846 06 11
Dupler, Lewis
daughter Mary Ann Dupler; brother
Charles Dupler; mother Mary
Dupler; Mrs Christ wife of Philip
Christ; sister-in-law Elizabeth Dupler
Nicholas Hoffer; David Isler; Henry
Roedter; Nicholas Huffner
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
15 417
1846 06 20
Aston, Samuel R
father John Aston
John B Aston; Stewart McGill
14 417
1846 06 20
Aston, Samuel R
father John Aston; (land in Peoria Co
John B Aston; Stewart McGill
02 338
1846 06 26
Barnard, Rachel
sister Amelia Buel; brother Morris
Simmonds; Rebeca Symond; Maz
Dogherty; Louisa Symmons; Celia
Symonds; (testator died 1844 Jun 15)
Katzenhorn; Joseph Symmons; Jacob
Levi; Smith Bruel; Mark Taylor
09 341
1846 07 09
Carnay, Louis
wife Sarah E; sons George W , Lewis
C Constable; R Parrott
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
C, Frederick
11 141
1846 07 16
Battker, Anna Maria
(also spelled Bettker)
Mrs Elizabeth Empson
J H Jon[es]; John H Empson
02 327
1846 07 21
Davis, David
“detar[s] to said David Davis” Jona
Jones, Lucy [Davis]; siblings Owen
Davis, Daniel Davis, Elizabeth
Davis, Sara Davis, Hannah Davis
John H Jones; Sarah Jones; Thomas
Griffith; Capt W hiter(?); Jonah Jones;
Jonathan Thomas
04 009
1846 08 05
Foster, James
town of Jamaica
Queens Co NY
wife Sarah; son Jacob’s children–
Ellen wife of Alfred Emmanuel,
Eliza wife of Samuel E Johnson,
James, Henry H, Jane and Amos P;
son James Foster Jr; son W illiam R
Foster; daughter Sarah wife of Amos
Palmer of NY & her daughter
Amelia H wife of Edward Caney; son
George C Foster; daughter Emeline;
daughter Jane (decd) wife of Robert
Carter of Brooklyn & her children –
W illiam H Carter, Robert Carter Jr,
Sally Ann wife of Richard Sands
Tucker of Brooklyn, Mary wife of
Augustus T M Craven; son Charles
Foster;(Owned mercantile Foster &
Brother of Cincinnati)
Henry Carter; John Gracy; Laurence
Reeve; James H Reve, Thos Herttell
25 270
1846 08 10
Rogers, George
wife Ruth D
Abel C Thomas; John A Gurley
11 116
1846 08 14
Harton, Charles
wife Margaret; children John Harton,
Margaret Ann Harton Hudson,
George W Harton, Charles Harton,
W illiam H Harton; Margaret
Matthews (who lived with the
W illiam Crossman; John Hudson;
Josiah Forbes; John Annean (or
Anneau or Annear)
07 251
1846 08 20
W illiams, Ethan S
sister Mary W illiam; (oral will made
1846 Jul 6 or 7)
brother W m H W illiams; Geo
Mendenhall; Thomas Graham
01 390
1846 09 06
Merriweather, James H
Mt Auburn
wife Louisa; nephew James
Merriweather Griffith; brothers
Nicholas, John H, Reuben (or John H
Reuben), W illiam
G R Chesildine (?); Eden B Reeder; I
10 272
1846 09 10
W orthington, W illiam
wife Nancy; (testator was a veteran)
Mr Goodhue of Covington; Daniel
Mulholland; Charles S Pomeroy;
Simeen (sic) Robertson
16 550
1846 09 12
Goldschmidt, Aloysius
John Henry Spelmeier & his wife
Elizabeth (“who is my stepmother”);
St John’s Church
Bernard Holt; J B Moormann, H Steen
10 291
1846 10 05
Sutton, Stephen
Anderson Twp
wife Deborah; children Tingley (of
Newtown), John, Hannah Mears,
Stephen, Nancy Anderson, Harvey,
Harrett; children of daughter
Stephen D W illiamson; John H Gerard;
James Gallagher; Southwell Royse
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Elizabeth– Stephen, Hannah & Sarah
Stewart; (will written on 1839 Jun 1)
05 135
1846 10 06
Ammen, David
wife Sarah; son Jacob; other heirs
John M Secrist; Joseph H Secrist;
Elizabeth S Secrist
11 135
1846 10 08
Hicks, Bevis
Mill Creek Twp
son Henry Hicks; (will written 1839
Sep 21)
Thos B W alker; John B W arren
16 549
1846 10 09
Grobmeirer, John Ruolph
wife Bernardina; children
J B Moormann; John G Abel
25 209
1846 10 09
Surenbrock, Bernard
wife Maria Gerdrud (maiden name
W amsted)
Clemens Hammer; L Bedenbecker;
Andrew Nordmeyer; J B Richter; G
Grene; A Lehmkukle; H Beckmann; J
A Kunner; Diederich Hofman; J B
02 336
1846 10 09
Douthwiate, W illiam
children Timothy, John, Susan,
Elenor, Hama (or Hannah) Dumont;
granddaughters Marey Shaw, Martha
Thomas W right of Sycamore Twp;
James H Bowker; John Thomas
15 412
1846 10 10
Boram, Aaron
wife Elizabeth; “all my daughters
dead & living”; “each of my sons
deceased”; [living] sons Jackson &
Jonathan; Betsy Boram (daughter of
testator’s son Amos decd)
Daniel Boram; Andrew Stewart; Daniel
Symes Twp
05 125
1846 10 20
W esler, Rebecca
children Frederick & Jacob W esler;
Joseph Draper; brother-in-law
Frederick Steinberg; A W Gilbert;
Henry C Gillis
05 127
1846 10 20
W ilson, Joshua L
wife Sarah M; “each of my surviving
John P Harrison; W illiam McLaughlin;
Geo C Miller; James W ilson; James
Johnston; James McIntire; John Baker
14 557
1846 10 29
Osborn, Daniel
Southold, NY
ten children including Daniel,
Thomas, Barnabas, Abigail,
Mehetable, Hull; (will made 1797
Dec 23, submitted for probate 1801
Oct 7 in NY)
Capt Thomas W ebb; Sylvester Lester;
Hellen Osborn; Sally Petty
04 026
1846 11 07
Robertson, Thomas
of New York City
wife Mary; brother John Robertson
of New York City; sister Frances
Robertson; brothers George
Robertson, John Robertson (decd by
1846 Nov) (will made 1837 Jul 4)
Adam W alker; John R W alker; W illiam
Manson; Vachel W orthington
09 343
1846 11 09
Green, Marmaduke
wife Mary; daughter Rebecca; son
John Kelsey Green
Anthony L Cook; John P Letter
16 552
1846 11 13
Strauss, Hugo V
W iesbaden, Duchy of
Nassau in Germany
wife Maria in W iesbaden
Frederick C Roelker of Cincinnati; F H
Rombach; Georg Graf von Kameke; C
F Adae, John Kebler
11 140
1846 11 13
Mortel, Carlos
(also Carrolus)
wife Kalastia Keller
Christian Fisher; August Strasser; John
F Kuey
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
25 274
1846 11 17
Thompson, Matilda
maiden name Matilda Gorman;
husband Marcus Thompson; James
Cogy of Springfield Twp (decd);
sister Jane Gorman
Samuel F Leaman; Edmund Thompson
15 414
1846 11 21
Allen, Jacob Sr
Columbia Twp
sons Joseph S, Jacob; daughter
Catherine wife of Adam
McCullough; deceased daughter
Sarah who was wife of James
McCormick also decd & their heirs;
son Hiram living in IL; daughter
Mary (now Mrs Harlow) who was
married to Charles Johnson (decd) ;
son David living in IN
John L Holbrook; Samuel B W
McLean; Peter Zinn
07 247
1846 12 07
Speaker, John
(also spelled Speake)
sister Elizabeth Smith; step-daughter
Ann W est; daughter Sarah Jane
Speaker; Israel Speaker
John Holland; Bennoni Kendrick;
W illiam Jessup (also spelled Jessep);
James Kendrick
11 137
1846 12 17
Johnston, Clarina
husband W illiam S Johnston;
daughters Cornelia Johnston,
Augusta M Johnston, Emily S
Johnston; sons
John Kilgour; Griffin Taylor; Reuben R
Springer; Calvin Fletcher; Samuel
W iggins; Timothy W alker; Davis B
09 330
1847 01 27
L’Hommedieu, Richard F
Richard L’Hommedieu M’Henry;
sister Maria Britton; brother Stephen
G L’Hommedieu & wife Almy; half
sister Caroline Ellis; (will written in
Nashville TN)
Brownlaw Fisher; Samuel
L’Hommedieu; Joseph A Lewis;
Thomas R Jennings
09 334
1847 02 02
Lawler, Charles
wife Ellen; brother Michael Lawler
Edwd Drum; John W awler
25 252
1847 02 16
Higgins, W illiam
Colerain Twp
wife Sarah; children John Higgins,
James Higgins, W illiam W Higgins,
Deborah Ann Higgins, Mary Jane
Higgins, Rachel HIggins
Stewart McGill; Amzi McGill
11 118
1847 02 18
Hotchkiss, John G
New Haven CT
wife Julia Parker Hotchkiss
T A Davenport; John Reid; Charles
16 546
1847 02 20
Fairchild, W alter
wife Susan; son Oliver Perry
Richd Mulford; Julius V Barton;
Edward Fairchild
10 267
1847 02 25
Carney, Hugh
Mill Creek Twp
son James Carney; brother Daniel
Patrick O’Conner; Edward Purcell;
John Doyle
10 263
1847 02 27
Carver, W illiam R
wife Elizabeth; son W illiam H
Carver; at least one other child
James Foster; John H Carver; Henry
08 143
1847 03 04
Matson, John
wife Mary; children May Ann
W hipple; Sally Price, John A
Matson, W illiam Matson; grandson
John (son of W illiam Matson);
grandson John (son of John Matson)
Martin C Dew; Daniel Lingan; Abram
Mason; John Moore; David Kirgan
06 307
1847 03 12
W alker, Diana
son-in-law Isaac Southward;
granddaughter Diana B Francis; Mr
Gallaway; sons Francis P W alker,
Robert Bowles; W m Longstreet; James
J Clark
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Robert B W alker; son-in-law
Thomas S Francis; daughters Ann
Frost, Unis F Francis, Jane W Van
Hauten; granddaughter Diana
Rittnhouse; deceased daughter
Elizabeth & her children
16 543
1847 03 19
Ferguson, James B
aged mother Lucy Ferguson; brother
Charles B Ferguson; sister Eliza
J M Clark; John Pryer; Samantha Clark
02 305
1847 03 27
Appelgate, Henry
Delhi Twp
sisters Phebe Ann Applegate,
Matilda wife of H T Newcomb,
Clarinda wife of W illiam L W illiams
W illiam Cotton; Peter T W illiams
11 122
1847 03 29
Robinson, Catherine
son Jesse Robinson; niece Catherine
M Daniels (maiden name Robinson);
niece Elizabeth W eeks
W illiam P Lancaster; Nimrod
Lancaster; Thomas W allace; Elijah
Bonhan (also spelled Bonham)
08 148
1847 04 06
McGaughey, Samuel
sister Katharine McGauhey
J F W arring; Ira Broadwell; John
Jones; Matthias Jones
18 317
1847 04 08
Carter, Hannah
Columbia Twp
daughter Ann W Thompson; son
Nathaniel W Stites (or Stiter); heirs
of son W illiam Stites (decd) –
W illiam Stites, Henry W aring Stites,
John James Stites, Mary Ann Stites,
Hannah W Stites, Louisa Stites; John
James Stites (son of Nathaniel)
G W Holmes; Isaac N Davis; Enoch
04 030
1847 04 12
Howard, Horton
Columbus, Franklin Co
wife Hannah; deceased daughter
Rachel & her children; children
Henry, Joseph, Horton, Sarah, Mary
Ann, John; son-in-law Samuel Fower
(or Forrer); daughter Mary Little &
Ebenezer Thomas; Amos Menely;
Micajah Dellingham; W m Hand
06 317
1847 04 14
Dignan, Luke
wife Margaret; mother Ellinor
Digman of Ballinaswoler Ireland;
niece Catherin Digman of Cincinnati;
sons Thomas, John (a lunatic in the
asylum at Columbus OH); children
of sister Mary wife of Samuel Egan
or Fegughua Cornwle in Roscommon
Co Ireland; (house in Stringfield in
Clark Co OH)
Dennis McCormick; P Cody; James P
Kinsella; Edward Kenna
wife Margaret Ann; children David,
Joseph, Rosana Drake, Elizabeth
Downey Rebecca Jane, Margaret
Ann, W illiam Andrew, John Evret
(?), Michael Brice
Firman Hand Jr & wife; James T
Tolton of Deerfield in W arren Co OH;
James F Smith; Alexander Patterson
06 308
1847 04 15
W orley, Brice
08 140
1847 04 15
W orchester, Noah
(also spelled W orcester)
brother David F W orcester
A J Brown; J F Potter
05 118
1847 04 16
Berry, James Sr
wife Rachel; son James Berry Jr;
daughters Nancy (married name
Jesse Kimball; David Nemich; Hugh
McDoughal; Mary Dromgoole;
Vol pg
yr mo day
25 269
1847 04 19
Geider, Barbara
14 587
1847 05 01
Price, Margaret
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
forgotten) in MD, Betsy Berry of
DE; (original will written 1832 Aug
Elizabeth Shafter
husband Henry Geider; parents
Valentine Schlamp & Anna Maria
Schlamp both deceased of New
Bamberg in Rhenish Hessia in
Frederic E Zerrlantz; Henry Roedter
son Isaac Price; granddaughters
Mary Ellen Price, Nancy Jane Price,
Janet Price
N Longworth; W illiam Corse; James
Foster; Ruth Ayres
06 310
1847 05 01
Crookshank, Nathaniel
of Harris
(a physician age 75); wife; 3 rd
daughter Fidelia Crookshank alias
Fedelia Dauton; eldest daughter Jane
W iley & her children W illiam C,
Juliette M, Isabel, Emma (an infant);
2 nd daughter Juliette M wife of Dr M
C W illiams of Preble Co OH; 4 th
daughter Martha Crookshank; oldest
son Dr Erasmus Darwin Crookshank
of Fairfield IN; 2 nd son W illiam
Cullen Crookshank; 3 rd son Nathaniel
McKinley Crookshank
W illiam W akefield; Hamilton Ashby;
John Ashby
08 145
1847 05 24
Kemper, Stephen
Mill Creek Twp
children of brother Presley & Mary
Kemper– Stephen, Reuben, Samuel,
Robert, Isabella, Presley, George,
Mary, Hariet, Elizabeth, Jane; (will
made 1835 Jan 27)
Lewis Howel; John Burgoyne; George
P Torrence
25 267
1847 05 25
Greenwalt, George
wife Elizabeth Greenwalt (maiden
name Hanckall); father John
Greenwalt (also spelled Coonwalt,
decd) (land at Vincinnes IN)
Henry Roedter; John Zapf
18 338
1847 05 25
Smith, Edmund Curtis
mother; sister Caroline Smith; aunt
Fanny Duval; aunt Eliza Cotten;
cousin Charlotte Smith of Mt Vernon
OH; cousin Julia Smith of Derbey
CT; Samuel W iggins; Charles D
Joseph B Talbott; John P Garnif (or
Garnis); H H Southgate
08 142
1847 05 25
Knapp, Levi
wife Susanah
W illiam W illiams; P B Gatch; Saml
W est
09 333
1847 06 07
Cobourn, Joseph A
(also spelled Cobourne)
wife Martha E; children Margaret
Elizabeth, May Esther, Edward; wife
to have custody of Sarah Coburne–“a
child born to me”
Francis J C Oberdorf; Martin Allen;
Daniel Parkhurst; Shadford Easton
02 317
1847 06 08
Smith, Samuel
wife Martha; children Mary
Elizabeth, Sarah Ann, W illiam
Hrman B Turrell (also spelled Turrill);
Columbus W illiams
11 112
1847 06 10
Fuller, Henry
wife Mary
Dr John P Libbets; John Brough; Mr
Zimmer; Thomas I W illiams (who
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
moved to Philadelphia, then
Baltimore); Jacob G Davies
07 249
1847 06 16
Stoddard, David
wife Rebecca; (oral will made 1847
Jun 10, a short time before the death
of the testator, who had been injured
the day previously)
C A Garrett; James Coss; Stephen
W heeler; Frederich Handmann
01 379
1847 06 25
Broxtermann, Henry
Maria Elizabeth Broxtermann; minor
J B Moormann; W illiam Vedder
16 547
1847 06 25
Tholking, Johann Albert
(also spelled John)
wife Anna Maria; daughters Maria
Catharine (11 yrs old in Sep 1847) &
Maria Anna (8 yrs old in May 1848)
J B Moormann; H Kronlage
03 151
1847 06 26
Riddle, John Sr
Mill Creek Twp
(Record partially destroyed in 1884
Court House fire, so gaps appear)
widow Jane Riddle; James Riddle
the son of John Riddle [filed a
complaint] against John Riddle &
Mary Ann, George G Holman his
wife Mary, Jacob A Riddle, Isaac B
Riddle, Joseph Jackson & Nancy
Jackson his wife; George W Riddle,
Thomas I Riddle, Alfred C Riddle,
Edward Roll (died before case was
setted) and his wife Eliza Jane,
Andrew I Riddle, Samuel M Riddle,
Adam N Riddle & Joseph R Riddle
(as executors of John Riddle decd),
Martha Cutter and husband Alpheus
Cutter (administrator of Joseph and
Margaretta Riddle); Augustus N
Riddle, Mary A Riddle; complainant
sought to set aside a writing
purporting to be the will & codicil of
John Riddle Sr; the names as listed in
his will follow: wife Jane; children
John, James, Jacob, Joseph R, Issac
B, Adam N, George W , Thomas J,
Nancy wife of Joseph Jackson, Eliza
Jane Riddle, Alfred C, David W
(who later died at age 21), Andrew J,
Samuel M; grandchild Mary Ann
Ray the daughter of James B Ray
[end of the will]; other court
documents list son Thomas J
Riddle’s children – Augustus N,
Mary E, Joseph C; Mary Holman
wife of George G Holman; Catherine
Dodson; the minor children of
Joseph Riddle (decd) Augustus A,
Mary E & Joseph
Alexander ----- appointed guardian ad
litem for children of Thomas I Riddle
(Margaretta Riddle & Joseph Riddle);
jurors–Edwin L Armstrong, W illiam E
Mears, James B Harmans, David — ;
Daniel F Meader, W illiam S Caldwell,
Ebenezer S Turpin, W illiam McGill,
Joseph C Butler, Henry W H Butts,
Charles W W est, Sheldon Donaldson,
Samuel W iggins, John W Hartwell,
Robert Brown; other partial
names–Jonathan Emerso-, ---- Holden,
Harvey C ----, B Luken; John Gilmore
(decd); Jacob Burnet; Samuel I (or J)
Brown; George Luckey; George
W alker (decd); Bates; Oliver M
Spencer; — Keen; N Longworth; I
Smith; Miles Greenwood; Joseph T
Hunt; J H Clemmer; F Bodman;
W illiam Loder; Edward Dodson &
wife; Anthony L Cook & wife; Charles
Cist; James Cooper; Francis Fortman;
Joseph Ross; W illiam Scudder; Stewart
McGill; Davis B Lawler; W m B
Cassily; E M Gregory; Francis
Donaldson; Robert — amerson; Joseph
Dair; John Bruce; John Tice; James
Bazott; Isaac Golden; R Hitt; A L
Ross; J S Baldwin; J W Secrist;
Solomon Langdon; ---- --rence; Samuel
Davis Jr; A P Holden; Joseph Jonas;
Samuel H Goodin; George Conklin;
John J Brown; Henry Vallette; John W
Smith; W m F Johnson; Henry Miller;
John C Thorp; Jonathan Emerson;
Charles Davis; Charles Henry Allen;
James W W ard; Charles W olff; Danl H
Howe; John H Konnebaum; George
Myres (in Illinois); Michael Leib;
W illiam W enning; Clark W illiam;
Elbert Marsh; D K Cady; W illiam
Sellen (or Sellew); W illiam S
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Sampson; Joseph Clark (gone to
England); James P W illiams; Patrick
Cody; Tunis Van Middlesworth; Henry
Crosley; Peter Gibson; John Craig;
Andrew J Ferris; H Bodine; Samuel
Akin; David Kennedy; Charles Allen;
James W W ard (gone east); Elias Day;
Henry Miller; Samuel B Findlay;
Henry David (sic); Samuel Sayre;
Phineas Morris; Andrew Gross;
Benjamin Loder; John F Dai–; Henry
McNicholl; Calvin Fletcher; Marcus
Smith; Elias Day; ---- David; Phineas
Moses; Benjamin Loder; Henry
McNicholl; Marcus Smith; Samuel B
Findley; Nathaniel Sawyer; Calvin
Fletcher; John Elstner; Daniel Colby;
(jurors were unable to agree); Jacob
Ernst; Henry Rohrkasse, Henry
Brachman; I Cheseldine; Martina (also
spelled Marston) Allen; Franklin Ernst;
Griffin Taylor; George Crawford;
W illiam M Goodwin (also spelled
Goodman); Edmund (also spelled
Edward) W ayne; J F Desilver; John
Kennett; Charles Bradbery; E N
Slocum Saddler; W illiam Henry Davis;
J D W aldbridge; J W Smith; Benjamin
Loder Sr; J C Montgomery; H Kelser;
John Buttermiller; George W oodward;
Arned (also spelled Arndt & Ant)
Katenhorn; Francis Neilson; Samuel
Burdsall; E S Eakles; Paul Reist; John
Schank; J C — aers; Robert Jones;
Hugh Kelly; T A Harris; John Borgelt;
J C Rogers; J S Empson; Ferdinand
Bodman; In October 1854, the will was
found valid by a jury.
25 263
1847 07 01
Hasler, George
01 377
1847 07 01
Butler, Ann
Mary Schlinker; (testator recently
served in the US Army in Mexico)
Hilarius Spelte; Michael L Lench;
Friedrich Schmied; John Bachler;
Charles A F De W attenwyl
Emily Smith (wife of Peter Smith)
Thomas J Strait; John J Collins
09 327
1847 07 10
W iltsee, Thomas
wife Catherine; children incuding
eldest son John F
Joseph G Rust; W illiam Young; H E
10 256
1847 07 13
daughters Ann Evans, Rebeca
Pepper, Sarah Schooley, Mary Jane
Schooley; son Francis N H Schooley
Israel Evans (husband of daughter
Ann); — Conover; Edmund R Glenn;
James Graham; Jane Graham
children Mary Ann, Emily A, James
J (wife Angalina); grandchild Mary
Faran daughter of James J
Thomas I Henderson; James Goodloe
Nathaniel Smith
Springfield Twp
02 319
1847 07 17
Faran, Charles P
Vol pg
yr mo day
07 245
1847 07 17
Burns, W illiam G
brother James Burns; father
Archibald Burns (decd)
John N Caldwell; Margaret Burns
25 258
1847 07 28
Holmes, James
Miami Twp
wife Elizabeth; children Reuben C
Holmes, Rachel Ann Miller, Salina D
A W hipple; Anthony Miller
06 305
1847 07 30
W heatcroft, John
wife Mary Ann
Joseph Burgoyne; John Melendy
08 135
1847 08 02
W illiams, John
Paper hanger
of Cincinnati
children John, Charles, one
unnamed; Anthony Harkness;
Samuel Fosdick
W illiam W McDemott; W m Laycok;
Chas V Ballanse
07 240
1847 08 09
Buckingham, Maria
Levi Buckingham Jr & his wife
Margaret (maiden name Black);
Thomas Dewy (also spelled Dewey)
& his wife Maria; Greenbrier
W illiam N Robinson; Jeremiah Price
11 120
1847 09 04
Jett, Sarah
husband John Jett (decd); James
Foster; Sophronia Thompson; Mrs
Coleman wife of Gabriel Colelman
David Allen; Robert Goudy; Enoch
Mudge; George W Foster; Jeremiah
02 315
1847 10 04
Findlay, Elizabeth
husband Samuel B Findley (sic); 4
children; 3 sisters
Bellamy Storer; Lewis W hiteman; F
Ball; Thos S Butler
14 584
1847 10 04
Hett, Matthew
Mill Creek Twp
wife; children
John Richards; Morris Goodin; Marvel
(also spelled Monroe) H Southworth;
Alex Lemma (died before probate);
Samuel Crary; Francis Linch (also
spelled Linck)
10 260
1847 10 05
Stitt, Samuel
wife Mary Gray Stitt; children of
sister Nancy
James Blackmon; John & James Sharp;
Charles Macalister Jr; Edward Yorke;
Robert Buchanan; Edward Macalister;
James Ferguson; Joseph Clark; Vachel
W orthington; Samuel Fosdick
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
11 130
1847 10 05
Vail, George
Anderson Twp
wife; George Davis; Sidney V Stites
& his children Thomas Benton Stites,
Elizabeth Stites, Olive Stites
I (or J) T Crapsey; W B Dunham
25 250
1847 10 05
Hickman, John
Mt Pleasant
wife Sarah; two eldest children
George Hickman & Mahala Turner;
other children: Mary Emerick, John
Hickman, Sarah Ann Smith;
Margaret Lacy, Eliza Jane Jarrard,
Martha Ann W ormston
Ebenezer Crain; Elias W Hoffner
10 258
1847 10 05
Stewart, Myron A
wife Catharine Mary
Robert Crawford; Philip Galligher;
Chas L Telford
06 319
1847 10 06
Loer, Zachariah
W ilmington
Clinton Co OH
mother Hetty Loer; half-brother Dr
John Truman
Levi (also spelled Levis) Gustin; N B
Hartan (or Hartau); Charles M
Basworth; Charles D Hughes; Jabez
Harlan; Robert T Hareus; Jesse Hughes
Jr; Isaac Thornburgh; Dana F W alker
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 139
1847 10 13
W hiteside, James
children Robert W hiteside, Isaac
W hiteside, Mariah McDonold, [the
three following are in the same list
but do not specifically say daughters]
Louisa Cross, Caroline Bucharck,
Jane Hand; grandson Benjamin
Franklin W hiteside (son of Nancy
W hiteside)
Charles C Cross; James Ferwilleger;
Jonathan T Martin; Robert Martin
05 129
1847 10 18
Benninger, Engelbert
St Philomena Church; — Henghold;
friend H Grotenkemper
Schu— in Dayton; J B Moormann;
Henry Henscher; Maria Anna Henscher
02 307
1847 10 19
Bogart, Helmus
wife Sarah; children Isaaac Bogart,
Peter Bogart (decd), Halmas Boagart
(sic), James W alters Bogart, Elbert
Bogart, Samuel Bogart, Annetta wife
of Eli Holliday, Mary wife of Jackob
Fogarty, Sophia wife of Allen E
Miller; grandson Henry (son of
Lewis Fagly; Arthur Orr; Stephen
25 261
1847 10 20
Hinkle, Elizabeth
children Mary Ann Gaither, Caroline
Campbell, Margaret Meyers (also
spelled Myers), Elizabeth Sheppard,
Phillip Hinkle, Anthony Hinkle;
granddaughter Almira Gibson
(daughter of Mary Ann Gaither)
W m Schillinger; James M Gitchell
11 133
1847 10 28
Vickers, Mary
(formerly Mary Vail)
Campbell Co KY
mother Nancy Vail; John Thompson;
husband Garland Vickers; (will
written 1841 Jun 27)
John Foote; John Stewart; John F
Kemper; W m Decourcy; John Cooper;
Sarah Vickers
11 124
1847 10 29
Pendleton, Jane Frances
husband Nathaniel G Pendleton;
father Jesse Hunt (decd); brother
George N Hunt (decd); children
Susan Louisa, Martha Eliza, George
Hunt Pendleton, Elliott Hunt
Pendleton, Anna Pierce Pendleton,
Nathaniel; (will written 1839 May 6);
(property in IL)
Fielding Lowry; Jonathan Pancoast;
Samuel Fosdick; Archibald Irwin; I
Frazer; Stephen Fales
18 320
1847 11 01
Simonson, Barney
wife Catharine; daughter Levinia
Atkinson; sons Jessy, Aaron, Barney,
W illiam, Charles; daughters Eliza
Atherton, Sarah Atherton, Julia
Rionier (will written 1842 Mar 20)
Daniel Lacy; Samuel Stewart; Thomas
Lacy; Nathan Guilford; Robert Bowles;
John Derby Bowles; Robert Bowles Jr
(by 1847 a resident of Tippecanoe Co
IN); David Oyler
16 544
1847 11 05
Rath, George
wife Elizabeth; children; (land in
Dubois Co IN)
J B Moormann; Martin Klopf
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
09 336
1847 11 16
Dulweber, Elizabeth
son Francis Dulweber (about 30 yrs
old, weak of mind); other children
J B Moorman; John H Biester
07 243
1847 11 29
Bowen, George G
wife Mary Ann; children
John Pfaff; Edger M Gregory; Thos G
Newton; Enion Singer
05 120
1847 11 29
Bampton, Edward
Nantucket MA
friend Paul Coffin III; (original will
made 1809 Aug 14; presented for
Isaac Coffin; Silvanus Ewen, Davis
W hippey; Lydia Coffin
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
probate 1816 May 2 in MA)
02 301
1847 12 01
Bugher, Aaron
wife Rachel
W illiam Harrah; Alex Van Hamm
10 265
1847 12 03
O’Cavanaugh, James
wife Elizabeth; children
D L Starr; Miles Byrne; Mathias Byrne
08 136
1847 12 07
Van Horne, W illiam J
wife Margaret W ; mother Elizabeth
Van Horn of Middleton in Butler Co
W illiam Cassidy; Reuben W Spiegel;
David Bennett; John T Shotwell;
George Silvers
09 323
1847 12 09
W illard, Susan
son Franklin W illard; husband Simon
W illard;
Hiram Sloop & wife; George W Allen;
Allen T Loring
14 576
1847 12 24
Cary, Maria L
husband Samuel F Cary; children
Martha Louisa, Ella W oodnutt,
unborn child; Female College at
Pleasant Hill
Mary E W illiams; Hugh E W ilkinson
05 116
1848 01 03
Johnson, Samuel
Anderson Twp
son Jepthiah (also spelled Jephthah)
Johnson; W ilton Johnson (decd) &
his children W ilton, Samuel, Nancy
Fishback, Achsah Becket, Martha
Johnson; son Mariot Johnson; son
James C Johnson (decd) & his
widow Theodocie & children
Sanford, Filomelia, Achsah and
Theodoce; son Isaiah Johnson; heirs
of daughter Rebekah (decd) & Paul
Corbly (decd) – John B, Samuel,
W ilson H, Margaret Campbell,
Rebekah Johnson (maiden name
Corbly), Patsy, Harriet, Elizabeth;
daughter Patsy wife of Benjamin
Abraham Bogart; John G Bridges
14 572
1848 01 10
Hubbard, Samuel
Boston MA
wife Mary Ann; five oldest children
provided for by grandfather (decd);
children Rebecca C, Alicia H
Blatchford, Sarah W , Samuel, Henry
B, W illiam C, James M; Phillips
Academy in Andover; “our” mother;
sister Martha; “Brother W illiam P
Greene”; son Gardiner; (will written
1838 Jul 20)
George Rogers; Mr Atwood; Henry
Alline; Nathan G Cary; James Rice
14 582
1848 01 21
Gooch, Horace
Green Twp
wife Anna Amelia; eight children
including four youngest Horace,
Anna, Charles, Fanny
Thos Kelsall; Henry Gooch; Noble S
Johnson; Benjamin Benn Jr; John Ade
11 104
1848 01 21
W estcoat, Ebenezer
Miami Twp
wife Sally; children; sons -in-law
Joseph McVicker, Thomas Markland
Catherine Ellis; J H F Thornton
10 253
1848 01 25
Barnard, Matthew
Mill Creek Twp
wife Eliza; grandson W alter Ferrris
(son of Robert & Martha Ferris);
granddaughter Adeline wife of Henry
Dressel; son Matthew Barnard; son
— Riddle; S H Gerrard; Thomas Peet;
Jacob Ridenow; J Robert Clarke;
Daniel Parkhurst; Benj B Fessenden;
James Richardson; James M Gilson (or
Vol pg
07 227
yr mo day
1848 01 27
Simons, Simon
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Edward Barnard; daughter Mary Ann
wife of George Clendenning of
Adams Co IN
wife Louisa; children including
Judah G Joseph; Moses Jacobs
DeYoung; Abram W olf Jr; Lewis
06 302
1848 01 28
Thele, Bernardina
St Philamena’s Church; sisters
Johanna wife of John Martin Buscher
of Lounigen, Henriette W erthing in
Laarmar Asnaburg, Antinetta
W ertting in W ellingholthouse,
Henena daughter of sister & Rudolph
Junvalede in Ornackenbruk
J B Moorman; Henry Ridder; Rudolph
Mornker (or Moncker or Moruke or
10 251
1848 01 28
Brown, Charles L
wife Ann; children Joseph, John
Maria, Martha, Charles
Joel Brown; Joseph D Bacon
06 299
1848 01 31
Reagin, Margaret
children Christopher Goodwin, Ann
W illiam; (will made 1843 Sep 13)
Edward Jones; W illiam Hughes; John
H Jones (died before 1848 Jan)
11 100
1848 02 01
Paul, John W illiam
wife Elizabeth
Herman Kleine; Nelson B Rairden
10 249
1848 02 11
Buell, Ephriam
Crosby Twp
wife Margareth
Judah W ilkey Jr; J F Anderson
07 238
1848 02 12
Corry, Clarissa Alice
mother; sister Eleanor; brothers &
Rachel A Pugh; Jane Bennetts (also
spelled Bennett); W illiam M Corry
01 382
1848 02 28
Tranor, Thomas
Maria Tranor; Samuel Toft; Mary
Ramsey; Bernard Tranor; James W
O’Connor; Mary Jane Tranor; John
Tranor; Oliver Tranor; Thomas
Tranor; James Tranor; W illiam B
Barry; mother
W m Coolidge; Robert Hope; Jas F
07 233
1848 02 28
Sampson, Joseph
wife Mary; son James Sampson &
his son Joseph; son John Sampson;
son W illiam; daughter Margaret B
Little; grandchildren Eliza Pierson,
Rebecka Pierson, W m Pierson, Eliza
Swallow, Isaac Swallow, Mary
Swallow, Aramina Swallow, Martha
Swallow, Joseph L Ireland, Elizabeth
Ireland, David Ireland, John Ireland
W illiam Baxter; Daniel McGrew;
Reason F Bolsen
06 301
1848 03 09
Richardson, James
Newport KY
wife Helen; children W illiam T, John
N, George C, Charles H, Tait, Asa T,
Pearson J, James H; Amanda W
Lidy; Tor— M Caldoul; Elizabeth
wife of Pearson J Richardson;
Charlotte wife of James Richardson
(House in Cincinnati)
Elizabeth Richardson; Sam’l Lynn; E
Ladd, Ira Root
01 369
1848 03 13
Kostermann, Henry J
Margaret Dorothea Kosterman
Jacob Brubacker; Johan Girad Mann;
Herman Kurtz; Hein G Kustermann
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 112
1848 03 20
Hosea, Robert
wife Lucy; son Robert Hosea & his
children Harriet E, Robert N, Lewis
M, Lucy E, W illiam G
Daniel Parkhurst; Charles W Parkhurst;
R M Moore
10 234
1848 03 23
Lingo, Obadiah
Green Twp
Josiah Lingo; Calup Lingo; James
Lingo; Orpha Sanders; Sarah Epley;
Mary W illiams; three youngest sons
including Bucham, Henry and
W illiam
James W McMakin; Edward Grogan
10 247
1848 04 04
Bultmann, John Henry
wife Anna Dorothea; cl Christian
Friedrich Bultmann; Anna
Margaretha Bultmann, Dietrich
Ludwig Bultmann
John & Mina Swartz; Henry Roedter;
John H Dopke
06 304
1848 04 05
Krogmann, Henry
wife Engel (maiden name Husting);
two younger children Henry age 8
and Francis age 6; Engel’s son
Bernard Ruske
Joseph Ferneding; Pastor W Deks (also
spelled Diks); J B Moorman
11 106
1848 04 18
Bowie, Allen
Prince George Co MD
father Fielder Bowie of Prince G Co
MD; (fought in Mexico under Capt
Samuel H W alker’s company of
mounted riflemen in 1847); Joseph
A J Pruden; Increase Baker; Joseph
08 130
1848 04 18
Moore, John
(oral will make 1843 Mar 3); brother
W illiam Moore; Betsy Dew (to
receive a $5.00 gold ring “in token of
the love I bear her”)
W m D Matson; Seth J Allen; George
W Moores
05 123
1848 04 19
Jones, Oliver
Columbia Twp
wife Nancy; daughter Margaret Ann
(decd) & her daughter Cornelia
Flinn; daughters Elizabeth, Rebecca,
Caroline; son James Daniel
G W Holmes; Jeffreys A Black; John
09 325
1848 04 22
Farnham, Margaret P
son Charles Augustus Franham;
Hannah Moore Jones wife of George
G Jones; brother-in-law George
Farnham of NY; American Bible
Dr Israel S Dodge; Abigail H Knight
09 321
1848 04 24
Slaughter, Isham
wife Ann; Luman (also spelled
Lunian) Rice to purchase freedom of
testator’s brother Joseph McGoodin
a slave living in Clarksville TN–also
his other brothers and sisters & their
Hester Barland; Nicholas Headington;
Hugh Morran
07 236
1848 05 18
Schmitt, Johan Michael
(also spelled John)
wife Mariana
Franz A Keller; Johannes Mundorf;
John Braun
11 102
1848 06 01
W alker, Samuel S
wife Harriet Newell W alker; children
Irene Ethelia, Claud Stanley, Charles
Silas Smith; John Allen; J P Reynolds;
Edwin D Dodd
10 241
1848 06 06
Rudisell, Christopher
(also spelled Rudicell)
Miami Twp
wife Selorna; daughters Mary &
Lution; youngest sons Jefferson &
Harrison; son Conrod Rudisell; son
W m Hauell; Samuel Boutcher
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
George Rudisell (decd) & his son
James; son John Rudicell; son Jams
(sic); son Reubin; daughter Sarah
14 580
1848 06 10
Goshorn, George
Mill Creek Twp
wife Belinda
C A Rousey; J H Clemmer; W Goshorn
11 108
1848 07 15
Baker, Mary
(formerly Mary King)
husband W illiam W Baker
Thomas M Key; Alphonso Taft
25 259
1848 07 18
Denny, W illiam
wife Sarah Jane; children Margaret
Cordelia (or Margaret, Cordelia),
Thomas, Sarah Ann, Isaac Corle,
W illiam James, Mary Elizabeth
Ann Crane; B B Magness; Joseph D
W eer (also spelled W ere)
10 245
1848 07 19
Blackbuarn, Robert
Crosby Twp
nephew Robert Hamilton Blackburn
son of Patterson Blackburn; sister
Catharine Gamble & her daughter
Cintha Gamble; siblings Bryson
Blackburn, Hamilton Blackburn,
Patterson Blackburn, Catherine
Gambel & their children; (will
written 1836 Jun 16)
W illiam W akefield; W illiam Lemmon;
Joseph B Thompson; Alexander P
Covender; John J Sater
10 237
1848 07 25
Kramer, Ambrose
uncle George Getts
W ick Roll; Jacob Hummel
02 303
1848 07 25
Le Beuf, Joseph
testator was Sergeant in Co L
Regiment of Ohio Volunteers; Daniel
Burrite (also spelled Berrite)
Benj B Fressenden; W illiam Luck (or
Lock) Jr; John T shotwell
01 380
1848 07 26
McCombs, Robert
John & James McCombs; mother
May McCombs; Samuel, May, John
& Letitia children of sister May
Hyndman (decd); Elizabeth
McCombs; John & Letitia Huston;
James, Robert, W illiam sons of
James & Jane Johnson
W illiam Huston; James Prestley;
Abraham Larew; Hugh Huston
25 240
1848 08 09
Runge, Christian
wife Elizabeth; children
John T Long; John A Heinzelman
10 238
1848 09 02
Thoms, W illiam
wife; children Robert, Matthew,
Joseph, Louis; unborn child; Charles
Timothy Kirby; Harvey Hall; Charles
D Coffin; George Stuart
11 098
1848 09 02
Potts, John
wife Eliza Martha; infant daughter
Amaza Nigbee; Martin Slough; A T
Loving; J P Slough; M Slough; E P
nephew Elijah H Burton; children of
sister Hannah; Pearse Burton if alive;
Burton Goodloe son of James
Goodloe; Mrs James Goodloe & her
oldest daughter; Mrs John Keown;
W m e W hite; New Jerusalem Church
George Carlisle; Cornelius Mather;
W illiam Manser
wife Anna Margareth; three children
George Major; John George Gratz;
John George Schmoup; J B Moormann;
John Stumpf
10 242
1848 09 23
Burton, Isaac
01 385
1848 10 06
Nikalaus, John Valentine
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 133
1848 10 11
McMurphy, Theodore W
wife Mary
Samuel P Bishop; James F Irwin;
W alcott Richardson; W ashn Van
02 313
1848 10 12
Buse, John Henry
wife Maria; (property in Linville IN
& in TN)
A Gaucun; Daniel K Levitt; Ja– Oliver
& wife; Henry Roedler; T G Mann
11 110
1848 10 13
Baldwin, Arden W
wife Sophronia; two small children;
mother Flora Baldwin
Jos Baldwin; Chas S Clarkson; Henry
Starr; Origin Brown
04 001
1848 10 17
Cogswell, Lydia
brother W illiam W oodward of
Cincinnati (decd); daughter Lydia C
wife of Gilbert Smith; daughter
Sophia W eeden
Charles Nulling or Randloph; W illiam
Nulling; Nathan £ Pennock; David
wife Adaline Maria; children Sophia
Elonora Dorney, W illiam Henry
Harrison Dorney
A Epply; Henry W Schafer
in Orange Co Vt
25 256
1848 10 25
Dorney, Mark
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
14 578
1848 11 08
Hammond, Nancy
sister Catherine Merriman of VA;
sister Eliza Viers of Steubenville
OH; sister Elizabeth Hammond;
niece Catherine Hunter of MI;
nephew George Hammond of OH
(son of brother Shandy Hammond);
nephew George H Crawford of VA;
niece Nancy Hammond (daughter of
brother Talbert); niece Rebecca
Samuel Fosdick; Stephen S
L’Hommedieu; Daniel B Sedam;
Sidney S Jackson
01 374
1848 11 11
Taylor, John
Columbia Twp
Jane Taylor; Anna W Taylor; Joseph
H Taylor; Louisa F Lavassor
John W Ellis; John Kilgour; Thomas J
Gallagher; John W ynn
09 329
1848 11 14
Flohr, Frederick
mother Margaretha Catharina Flohr
in Lasebeck, Tohledehausen Parish
near Ostabruck
Christopher Neiderick; J B Moorman;
John B Brummer
18 314
1848 11 15
Ledman, Samuel F
Butler Co
wife [decd]; oldest sister Rachel
McQuity; children including
daughters; brother-in-law Samuel
McQuity; brother W illiam Ledman;
brother John G W Leadman; brotherin-law David Pittman; nephew Saml
S McQuity
Samuel McLain; Jacob P Achey;
Vincent D Enyart (died after signing
will); Franklin Stokes; Henry Morse
02 309
1848 12 05
Andrews, Charles S
John Dempster
Britton Roberts; James W elsh
01 372
1848 12 10
Meguire, W illiam
Jane E Maguire; Lavinia J Meguire
W m J Schultz; Conrad Schultz Jr;
Mark P Sayler
08 131
1848 12 20
Marshall, Oliver Jackson
siblings Eveline Marshall Pursell,
Laura Cornelia Marshall, Charles
Theadore, Matilda Marshall
Armstrong, Louisa Marshall
Kenneday, Frederick Alonzo
Marshall; father W illiam P Marshall
& his family
— Seybold; Elim P Langdon; John
Kennedy; John E Norris; Thomas J
06 314
1848 12 29
Francis, David
wife Susannah; W illiam, Mary Ann,
Thomas T Hacker; Thomas W atts;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Shelby Co IN
George, Jane, Lewis, Thompson,
W arren; (will written 1843 Jul 12)
Elijah F Fleming
06 281
1849 01 03
Tucker, Mary
Springfield Twp
son Manning R Tucker; grandsons
Harry Tucker, Manning Tucker;
granddaughters Mary S Tucker,
Harriatt Maria N Tucker, Angeline
John M Cochran; Authar (sic) S Sorter;
Lewis Morse
06 287
1849 01 04
Rowse, Margaret M
husband John B Rowse
John G Douglass; Anna Tole; Elizabeth
02 299
1849 01 10
Farelly, Patrick
(also spelled Farrell)
wife Ann; (property in Tamagna PA)
Bernard Farrell; James Bower (also
spelled Bowers)
14 538
1849 01 11
W ilmurth, Alexander J
wife Elizabeth; wife’s mother; sonin-law J W Bacon
(Property in Carthage OH & Nelson
Co KY)
Phillip D Riggs; Isaac J Riggs
10 215
1849 01 13
Markbreit, Leopold
wife Johanna (maiden name Abele);
minor children
Adolph Geffken; S W Pease; J B Stalls
(or Stallo)
06 289
1849 01 17
Hunt, Benjamin
formerly Urbana OH
wife Elizabeth N; children Mary G
Merril, Lucy Jane Hunt; John
Grandin Hunt, Benjamin A Hunt,
Charles H Hunt, George R Hunt,
Hannah P wife of Albert Lewis;
grandson Henry Lewis (son of
Charles L Telford; Saul J Thompson
25 212
1849 01 22
W halley, Sarah
John Stewart (son of former husband
John Stewart); daughter Ann Maria
Conklin (“by my first husband”);
daughter Caroline August W halley
(“by my last husband”); sister
Elizabeth Kenann
John Kinann; brother Henry Moores
(or Morris); Thomas J Strait; Samuel S
25 254
1849 01 23
Goodrich, Seymour
niece Mary Ann Mitchell
W illiam Finkbine; Andrew Porter
18 283
1849 02 03
Loring, David
wife Maria; children ; Maria’s sister
Mrs. Jane Bogarat; daughter Sarah B
Carlisle & children; son James L
Loring; daughter Jane W wife of
James M Foot & children; daughter
Susan M wife of John T Hinsdale &
children; daughter Harriet W wife of
Daniel W Corwin & children; Mary
wife of Milo G W illiams & children;
daughter Eliza B Anderson &
children; son David Loring; son
Eliphalet (also spelled Elpalet)
Loring; daughter Georgianna (also
spelled Georganna) Loring; niece
Julia B Dobbs; niece Betsey wife of
John Hoxie of NY; Elizabeth W ilson
(day of niece Elsa W ilson decd);
son-in-law George Carlisle; son-in-law
David W Corwin; Lewis W illiams;
Robert Merrill Jr; Alexander F W illis;
Amasa Higbee; John Kilgour; Samuel
Dick; Henry Barstow of NY; Eugenie
Grassilley; Ethan Stone; Charles
Stanley; W illiam Phillips; Samuel
W iggins; Peter Outcolt; Vachel
W orthington
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
nephew Charles P Maxfield of New
Bedford MA
01 364
1849 02 08
Drude, Henry
Louisa Drude
David Quinn; Augustus Renz
05 092
1849 02 09
Lawler, John
mother Mary Lawler; godchild
Margaret Conway daughter of
Thomas Conway; St Peter
Benevolent Society for the support of
orphan Children; Frederick G W ood;
sister May wife of Cornelius
Mangan; brother Joseph Lawler
Edward Purcell; Stephen Bonner; Thos
25 246
1849 02 12
Huffman, Ambrose
wife; Charles Job Huffman, Tobias
Huffman, John Huffman, Allen
Huffman, Henry Huffman, Ameila
wife of Thomas Minshsel; (will made
1835 Mar 18)
John Ludlow; Elijah H Brady (was
supposed to have moved from Carthage
to Hartsville IN, then to parts
unknown); Adam N Riddle; Edward C
05 109
1849 02 13
Gibson, Joseph W
Edwin F Freedley
Edward Sargent; Henry Holmes
02 280
1849 02 15
Mitchell, John
Mill Creek Twp
wife Mary M; son James W ilson
Mitchell; daughter Elizabeth Ingalls;
daughter Susan Jane Mitchell; minor
children Hannah, David, John B,
Thomas; Lydia Garwood to get
equal part with children
Abraham Ingalls; Robert Boal; Joseph
01 370
1849 02 17
Murrell, Robert
wife; David Murrell; Samuel
Murrell; Margaret Murrell; Mary
Ann Murrell; J Murrell; T Murell;
John Murrell; Lindsay Murell
David Storms; Peter H Galladay; John
10 233
1849 02 21
Griffith, Louisa M
Mary Ann wife of W m McLaughlin
John P Tweed; Jane C Tweed
01 359
1849 02 27
W ilson, James
Ann W ilson
John McDonald; John McQuilty
wife Catharine; son Francis; daughter
— Johnston; — Green; Maxwell
Hargraves; John Gerhardt; Bernard
Reus (also spelled Bernhardt Ries &
Reis); Henry Roedter
25 210
1849 02 27
Kelsch, Francis
01 361
1849 03 09
Yeatman, Griffin
Margaret Yeatman; Julia Graham;
Isabel Anderson; Eliza Landis;
Francis Campbell; Mary Bishop;
Sarah Jane Meriweather; Thomas H
Yeatman; Nicholas Meriweather;
W m H Thompson
George Carlisle; George Shirlas; T J
06 295
1849 03 26
Davis, Isabella
Mill Creek Twp
deceased husband’s nephew–
W illiam Henry Davis the son of
Edmund Davis of Brooklyn NY;
Emily Reed McIlvaine & Anna
Pierrepont McIlvaine–daughters of
Bishop Charles P McIlvaine & wife;
Joseph H McIlvaine; Lynch W illiams
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal
09 318
1849 03 29
Gilmore, Hiram S
wife Maria H; Joseph H Moore;
Elliott Moore
Joseph V Smith; Jesse Garretson
05 103
1849 04 05
Lincoln, Henry
Harrison Co OH
wife Mary; daughters Mary
Crookshank, Syren Bowlby, Sarah
Jane Taylor, Selana Lincoln;
granddaughters Virginia & Eliza Ann
J Cox; John Harrop (also spelled
06 284
1849 04 11
Ross, W illiam H
wife Georgianna; children George &
John G Douglass; Nancy Moore
02 268
1849 04 18
McCullough, Mary
children John Grandin, Elenor wife
of Joseph Redding, Phillip Grandin,
Elizabeth N Hunt, Mary Bray, Lucy
W illiams; grandson James N
Christopher Smith; James S
W eatherby; W Augustus Goodman;
Edward W oodruff
02 290
1849 04 19
Myers, Elizabeth
six of my children Andrew, Nancy,
Elizabeth, Jonathan, Silas, Robert;
Joseph K Fortney; W m Carnell (or
Curnell) Jr; Samuel Vail
14 524
1849 04 23
Carnahan, Robert
wife Martha; children George S,
James G, John M, Isaac V, Thomas
A, Alfred J, Gano R, David M,
Abraham, Eliza Carter (who was the
same as Margaret E Carnahan),
Catharine A Carnahan, Emeline
Carnahan; daughter Margaret
McCummen (sic)
Garret Lane; G W Martin
10 231
1849 04 24
Hastings, Jane
Springfield Twp
father and mother Nathan and
Abigail Hastings
Caleb Allen; Caroline H Allen
01 346
1849 04 25
Underwood, W inney
Eliza Jane & Louisa Lou
[Underwood]; Henry Underwood
C S Lee; W illiam H Ozin
07 211
1849 04 25
Manning, Daniel
children Drake Manning, John
Manning, Anna Thompson, Samuel
Manning, Daniel Manning, Sarah
Manning, Francis C Manning; Old
School Baptist Church at Muddy
Creek in W arren Co OH
W illiam Thompson; Thomas M
Skinner; James P Bates
05 105
1849 04 28
Geiger, John George
stepchildren Joseph Hurst, Anthony
Hurst; children Theresia Geiger,
Rosalia Geiger, Roman Geiger
George Michael Hechel; Frantz Ignatz
Erd; Jos Putcheo; Blasius Fritsch
08 123
1849 05 24
Brough, Charles H
wife Abigail; sisters Jane, Mary Ann;
brother John; brothers and sisters of
W m W ood; C Ryan (possibly
Cornelius Ryan who left for Baltimore)
06 296
1849 05 25
Gebhardt, Magdalena
formerly of Langen
daughter of Frantz Markstein (living)
& his wife Magdalina (maiden name
Gross decd); husband Anton
Gebhardt; Aunt Margaretta Zinner &
Uncle Johannes Zinner of Langen
Emil Sherer; Valentin W alter; Adolph
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 114
1849 05 25
Thompson, Benjamin F
Thomas W ood M D; John
Satherthwaite & infant son; Mrs W H
Hays; sister’s child Sarah Jane
Anthony; Elizabeth Permor; Smith D
W alton of Philadelphia; Henry s
Yeager; Henry Gerker
Aaron Shaw; John H Prittman; M S
14 527
1849 05 26
Storm, Rachel H
James Davis; brother Abraham
Samuel Copely; John C Day of
Lebanon OH; John W Matthews;
Samuel Black Sr; Francis A Harris
18 302
1849 05 31
Lemaire, Nicholas
Covington KY
wife Frances; sons Jacob, Isaac R,
Nicholas L, Harriet Frances,
Frederick, Mary Jane, Alexander,
Hiram Bona; W m E W ade; C W
Claton; J W Clemons
05 093
1849 08 07
Patton, John Sr
Green Twp
wife (decd); children Jane Cox,
Margaretha Marshall, Nancy Smith,
Hannah Miller, Mary Sounder, John
Patton, Robert Patton, David Patton,
Chas Patton; son W illiam Patton
(decd) & his son Syman; grandson
W illiam Cox
R K Sexton; Chr Reemelin; son-in-law
John Miller; John McConnell
11 057
1849 06 01
Bodine, Francis
sons Elisher, David, W illiam,
Stephen, Selah, Marcus; daughters
Mary Ann Hunter, Jane Snider,
Charlotte Constable, Susan Milsaugh
(also spelled Millspaugh), Emily
Constable, Fanny Knicely
Jacob Roosa; John Snider
05 087
1849 06 01
Clark, Michael
wife Eliza J; children Peter Clark,
John A Clark, Ann M Langston,
Laura F Clark, Eliza A Clark; sister
Evelina W oodson
Flamen Ball; Henry S Mount; John J
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
05 107
1849 06 02
Gale, Catharine A
(also spelled Gall)
adopted child Rosa Decker;
Catherine Schmucker
Henry Snow; Farnham Abbott formerly
of Cincinnati but now of KY); Isaac C
W inans; Elizabeth W inans
01 353
1849 06 02
W essel, John Diederich
Maria Gertrude W essel
J B Moormann; J H Ahaus
03 294
1849 06 04
W hittaker, James
daughters Mary Ann Hampton,
Francis Chamberlain; children &
grandchildren in England
W illiam T Chamberlain; Charlotte K
Lewis; Samuel Lewis
02 298
1849 06 04
Smith, James B
mother Margart Smith; sister Susama
(also spelled Sussana) H Smith;
G E Pugh; Michael Taylor; George W
18 309
1849 06 04
Robinson, Jesse
mother Catharine Robinson; nephew
Abram Robinson; niece Elizabeth
W eeks (maiden name Robinson)
W illiam P Lancaster; Nimord
Lancaster; Thos W allace; David
W illiams
10 224
1849 06 05
Luken, John W illiam
(also spelled
Johann W ilhelm)
Mill Creek Twp
brothers John Gerard Luken & John
Bernard Luken both of Cincinnati;
sister’s son Herman Gerard Rolfes;
brother Gerard Henry Luken in
Germany; testator born in Loningen
W m Gockel & wife; J B Moormann;
Herman H Luken
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Germany; sister’s son Herman
Gerard Gruthe of Loningen; widow
of half brother Elizabeth Brundis;
German Catholic poor & orphans of
25 284
1849 06 13
Draper, W arren
father Ira Draper (decd); brother Ira
B Draper; sisters Nancy Maria
Draper, Lucy Ann Draper; Henry
Rockwell & his wife Elizabeth;
James A Rowland of NY;
John G Myers & John Tryon of NY;
W illiam S Deverna (decd) of NY;
W illiam E Benton; av T Snelbaker;
Gaylord L Prinelle
08 116
1849 06 16
Anna Lena Christina
husband Diedrick Kramer (decd);
testator’s maiden name was
Johanning; John Bernard Reulmann
age 3 ½ years (son of John Bernard
Aloysius Reulmann and wife Anna
May maiden name Kramer); poor of
Lengerke near Lingen Hanover
Germany; Bernard Hermann Holsche
& his mother; Christine Brookhof of
J B Stallo; H B Reulmann
25 218
1849 06 20
Mullen, Robert
wife Eliza; children Mary Eperson,
W illiam C Mullen, Samuel Mullen,
John B Mullen, James R Mullen,
Sarah B Linly; grandson Elonzo C
Mullen; granddaughter Unice
Harrient Eperson
John Buxton; John Snider; D R
Biddleman; James Kennedy
07 213
1849 06 20
McDaniel, James
Harriet Thurman; (oral will made
1849 Jun 10)
Hosea Steetman; Edwin W est; Edward
10 222
1849 06 25
Leach, Luther D
Dudley Hall; Alphonso Taft; Richard
Henry Lee
02 291
1849 06 26
Ferris, Andrew
daughter Elizabeth A; brothers &
John J Ferris; Andrew J Ferris; John L
Hasbrook; Christian S Ebersole (also
spelled Elerole)
25 205
1849 06 27
Barnes, Thomas
wife Sarah
Thomas Fenner; John Quincey
11 061
1849 06 30
Boyer, Gustavus H (or A)
wife Mindwell G; son Clarence “now
a babe”; W m H Briscoe; W m W
Boyer; W m McCall; W m Reasin;
Susan Reasin; Margaret Ann Reasin;
(property in Newport KY)
H Goodman; J N Livezey; Joseph
Herron; Landos C Rives
16 541
1849 07 05
Owens, Richard
parents Owen (sic) & Ann Owens;
sisters Mary A Howells, Elizabeth O
Peace, Priscilla Owens, Sarah
Owens; brothers John W illiam
Owens, Joseph Owens, Alfred
Owens; Jennett Cummins; Mary
brother-in-law Henry Pearce; brotherin-law Edward B Howells; John W
Hartwell; N T Marshall; John Barr
10 221
1849 07 05
Herman Henry
wife Theresia
J B Moormann; A Bockling
Vol pg
yr mo day
14 529
1849 07 06
W ilson, Samuel
wife Mary H; daughter Elizabeth
Ann W ilson
father-in-law John Clark; A C Clark;
James Clark
11 065
1849 07 09
Brickel, Robert S
wife Margaret; children
Thurston Crane; R J Latimer; A H
05 084
1849 07 09
Cox, James
children of daughter Betsy Hawkins
of Cincinnati; Mary & Sa–oinica the
children of Nancy & John Lionport
[Liverpool]; daughter Mary (or May)
Ant (sic) wife of Dennis Richards;
daughter Fanny Coats (not of
Cincinnati –unknown if living or
dead) & her son Robert James Coats
of Cincinnati; speaks of procuring
freedom of Fanny Coat & Betsy
Hawkin’s children; Ann Cage
daughter of Betsey Ann Cage wife
of Richard Redend Cage of
Neituam Dobsen; Charles Satchell;
John Liverpool; W illiam P Newman
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
02 340
1849 07 09
Laird, Joshua
wife; children
Noah Spears of Cincinnati; Allen
Obermam of Pittsburgh; — Clinton;
— W right; — Brother; Joseph
Burgoyne; Samuel Rhoads
02 277
1849 07 10
Theis, Phillip Jacob
wife Josephine
Mathius Messner; Adam Pfefer;
Elizabeth Speek
11 095
1849 07 11
W agner, Christian
wife; mother; Frank Pepenbrink;
John Hawkins
S P Hunt; W illiam Engle; S P Muller;
Mr Hantley; C Beneki; W P Fuller
01 355
1849 07 12
W heaton, PM
Adeline Arnthrup; M S Tuelen;
Margaret McGlaughlin & her unborn
H E Perry; A B Mitchell; John R
08 126
1849 07 12
Burland, W illiam H
son John Gorden Burland; brother
Samuel Burland & sister Eliza (both
of Montreal)
Daniel H Horn; Charles H McCormick;
Cornelious Toby; E Singer; Chas J
09 320
1849 07 13
Stanley, Thomas
wife Mary; children including
W illiam W hite; Edward Sutton
07 258
1849 07 16
Cutter, Abigail
lot in Spring Grove Cemetery to bury
self & remains of child; sister wife of
Ira Benson of Branden in Rutland Co
Angeline Newton; Susan Ann Cox; Dr
Lot Cooper
08 120
1849 07 17
Kunckle, Christian
Fulton, OH
wife Deborah; children John, Mary C
wife of Richard M Greendage,
Edmund, Joseph, Lydia, Aaron; (will
originally written 1845 Apr 5, when
testator lived in Nescopeck Twp in
Luzerne Co PA)
B W ilson; S M Gilmore; Henry H
goodman; Tallor Jones
02 279
1849 07 17
Karl, Anna
children; Catholic German Churches
neighbor Nicholas W afer; I B
Marsman; Goottfried Eberhardt; Otto
Vol pg
yr mo day
01 331
1849 07 17
Brinkmann, John W
sister (decd); John W ilke; father &
J R Moormann; J B W arnefeld;
Barnard Garnehusen
01 363
1849 07 20
Erball, Nicholas
Lomis Day; Peter Eglinger
25 242
1849 07 21
Greeble, Lazarus
wife Mariana; Rabbi of W urzburg;
Rabbis in “holy City Jerusalem”;
aunt Sara Beibergam in Europe;
sister Mina Unfelder (living “here”);
brother Mayer Greeble in Biebergan;
brother-in-law Nathan Malzer
Abraham Aub; M Klaw; Hyman Moses
11 089
1849 07 23
Hold, Bernard
wife Maria Anna; children of brother
Dierk Holt of Cincinnati; children of
sister Maria Anna wife of Herman
Henry Evers in Germany; children of
wife’s sister Anna Engel (decd)
formerly wife of Lucas Niehaus
J B Moorman; H Spellmeyer
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
18 311
1849 07 23
Feldschneider, John H
wife Charlotte
Henry Roedtor (Reidtor); John Hauck
02 296
1849 07 25
Feger, Lorenz
(also spelled
Lawrence Fager or Fegar)
wife Maria Anne (maiden name Grof
or Graf); child Francisco; brother-inlaw Xavier Grof & his 3 brothers & 2
Casper Rehbold; Michael Dolbreen
(also spelled Dollerson)
06 283
1849 07 25
Trimpe, John Henry
wife Mary Ann (maiden name Busse)
John H Rusche; John Henry Berheide
01 366
1849 07 26
Deeker, Henry
Maria Elizabeth Deeker; children
John Schumacker; H W Schaffer; J H
Lewis; Johan Yorthen; Joseph
01 366
1849 07 26
Deeker, H Henry
wife Maria Elizabeth; children; St
Aloysius Orphan Asylum; St
Joseph’s Church
John Schumacher; H W Schaffer; J H
Luers; Johan Yorthen; Joseph
25 235
1849 07 26
Jones, Anne
husband Rev Edward Jones; nieces
Ann W illiams & Elizabeth W illiams
of NY; W elsh Calvinistic Methodist
Church of NY; W elsh Calvinistic
Methodist Foreign Missionary
Society Institute in Liverpool
David Rosser of Covington KY;
Edward Jones; W illiam M Evans; John
14 530
1849 07 27
W illiamson, Mary
daughter Lydia Hampton Richards
son-in-law Channing Richards; Eden B
Reeder; James Birney
01 367
1849 07 28
Diederick, Henry
W Macke; H W Luhr
07 209
1849 07 30
Meader, John A
wife Phebe; child Harriet
Henry Snord (or Luord); J W Scudder;
W illiam Meader
06 291
1849 07 30
Hasinger, James
wife; children of brothers & sisters
Mark P Taylor; John Byran; John
Hirschbrg; Evan Evans; Geo W
01 347
1849 07 30
W irmel, Martin
Catherine W irmel; Ignaz, anton,
Margarethe & Barbara W irmel (wife
of Jacob Enders)
Timothy Kirby; J B Stalls; Henry
18 313
1849 07 31
Plummer, Philemone P
Methodist Episcopal Church at
E C Middleton; M E Bachman; John
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
W esley Chapel; (will made just
before testator’s death 1849 Jul 16)
Guy; W m D Harris
02 283
1849 07 31
King, Jesse
nephew Elijah I W oods; brother
James King
M P Cassilly W est; Henry Miller;
Henry Miller Jr; Boyd Dill; Philip D
10 219
1849 08 02
Meier, Herman Heinrich
children Bernard, W illiam, Christina;
son John Pieper; Margaretha Pieper;
sisters; Caspar Heinrich Meier
Herm Heinrich M eier; Johan Heinrich
Griese (also spelled Griesse); Franz
06 316
1849 08 02
Creasser, Thomas
wife Mary Ann; two children
C S Muscroft; Robt Kirby; W m
Creasser; Saml(?) W right
14 522
1849 08 02
Conner, Patrick
mother Catherine Conner in Ireland;
sister Mary Conner in Ireland;
brother Owen Conner in Cincinnati
A Donnelly; Peter North; Edward
Bennett; Father Burn
09 299
1849 08 04
Allen, Truman
aunt Ruth Cunningham; Anna Bunce;
Foreign Missions; Betsy
David J Brown; W m H H Taylor; J H F
Thornton; B H Ebbing
02 270
1849 08 04
Macke, Dorothea
children Henry, Elizabeth, Dina,
Cyrus, Maria; (property in Evansville
cousin John Ferdinand Gass; Lawrence
W err; John Gerhard; S Baltes; Joseph
Hottkamp (also spelled Herlekamp &
Halekanep); George W alters;
25 239
1849 08 06
Fels, John
wife Mary Ann (maiden name
F M Heschong (or Heschoug);
Bernhard Bauer;
06 286
1849 08 08
Reed, Ann
(will originally written 1837 Dec 9);
grandchldren Andrew, Rachel Ann,
Isabella Scott, Mary, Elizabeth
(children of daughter Elizabeth S &
W illiam Miller)
Andrew Scott; Benj W Childlaw; John
Pottinger; Samuel Baughman
Crosby Twp
05 110
1849 08 08
Smith, Elizabeth
sisters Mary Henn, Margaret
Burgott; father (decd) near Tiffin in
Seneca Co OH; husband Joseph
Nicholas Mattinger; Joseph Smith;
Magdalena Henry; John Scherring
02 275
1849 08 09
W ainright, John
wife Elizabeth; children W illiam
Henry, David R, John B, Jane
Burton Hayes; A J Pruden; Spencer
Smith; James Lusk
11 068
1849 08 13
Bracken, Michael
Mrs Nancy Robison; brother
Thomas Bracken
J H Perkins; Charles P James
11 087
1849 08 14
Hatteresley, George
wife Lydia; sons George, James
Charles S Bryant; Amos T W illiams
11 096
1849 08 16
W illiam H Harrison
(oral will made four hours before
testator’s death on1849 Jul 15 at the
home of his sister Alice W ilson in
Columbia Twp, Hamilton Co);
brother Abigal (also spelled Abigail)
John Nash; W esley Miller
01 344
1849 08 16
Trentmann, Frederick
Louise Trentmann
J B Moormann; Hermann Attke; B
Hermann Holscher
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 086
1849 08 16
Hunt, Matthew
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
wife Elizabeth
Aaron Parker; David LeRoy; H H
Jordan; C W Jordan
02 272
1849 08 16
W ulkotten, Bernard H
wife Epelenie (also spelled Ephenia)
Maria; children
John Feldschneider; Hermani Blake;
Henry Boedter; John Hauck
25 214
1849 08 17
Kendall, Richard G
Colerain Twp
wife Ann; children Richard Kendall,
Tacheus Kendall, Reese P Kendall,
Harmon R Kendall, Henry W
Kendall, Charles Kendall, Ellen
Frances Kendall, Martha Susan
Kendall, Edwin Kendall, Jacob T
Kendall, Zaccheus R Kendall
(insane); wife’s sister Abigail Brown
Henry D W ilmer; Robert Giffin;
W illiam Giffin; Henry Butts; W illiam P
25 237
1849 08 18
Fritz, Blasius
(also spelled Fritsch)
wife Barbara; children including
oldest daughter Barbara (who had
natural infirmities)
George W Heckel; Gerhard W Bode
02 294
1849 08 22
Foster, Absalom
children Eli, Samuel, Joshua, Jemima
Richards, Mileson Moore, Ann
W alker, Patience Lemmon, Mary
Hairsh (also spelled Haich– & her
children George & Christopher),
John; grandsons Joseph Foster, John
W Foster, Solomon Lemmon,
George Foster (son of Samuel)
Joseph H McHenry; Van McHenry;
Samuel P McHenry
05 082
1849 08 22
Clarkson, W illiam
Mill Creek Twp
wife Christianna; heirs of brother
Joseph Clarkson
John Arbegust; Josh Borman; George
25 232
1849 08 29
Iuppenlatz, George
(also spelled Juppenlatz)
wife Ann Catharine; stepdaughter
Mary Ann McLaughlin; nephew
George Martin Iuppenlatz (son of
oldest brother); youngest brother
Jacob Iuppenlatz; niece Mrs
Frederika Miller (daughter of only
Joseph K Smith; Joseph Jones
11 059
1849 09 01
Burland, John H
wife Margaret Lambert Burland;
daughter Elizabeth Burland; John
Baptist Purcell; Catholic Orphan
Asylums of Cincinnati
W illiam S Scarborough; W illiam
Sullivan; Marshall Seddens; Joshua H
11 093
1849 09 01
Garwals, John Vinant
(also spelled Gerwals)
wife Gertrude
John A W iseman; Robert B Black
14 568
1849 09 08
Hughes, Ezekiel
wife Mary; children Ann Hunt,
Martha, Thomas, John, Rebecca
Chidlaw, Edward, Jane, Richard,
grandson Ezekiel Hughes (son of
Richard); granddaughter Martha Ann
Hughes (daughter of W m); daughterin-law Amarilla Smuthe (former
widow of W m)
Mary Elder; son-in-law Edward Hunt;
son-in-law B W Chidlaw; W ilson
Ewing; W m Clinton Ewing; W Z Noble
05 080
1849 09 12
Murrell, David
mother Sarah Murrell; brother
Robert Scott of Dearborn Co IN;
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Samuel Murrell (not of sound mind);
Samuel Smith; John Knox
08 113
1849 09 25
Schmidt, Joseph
friend Christoph Burgett; Margrett
Jacob Heune (decd); John Gutshall &
wife; Bernard Stambush; George Loos
09 301
1849 10 02
Moore, John W
Springfield Twp
wife Mary; children
Christopher Grumlich (decd); Philip
Cregar; Jane Moore; James Moore;
Robert W Moore
08 128
1849 10 02
Cornell, John P
wife Sylvia
J T Riznor (also spelled John P
Reznor); Leroy J Reznor (both moved
to Ashland Co OH)
07 231
1849 10 03
Foy, John
wife Bridget; children
Jacob W Piatt; Francis Foy; Henry
05 077
1849 10 03
Anderson, Susan
Mill Creek Twp
children Hannah, Samuel, John H,
Sarah, Daniel, B Smith, Thomas,
Isaac, Susan, W illiam Polser
Mrs Marshall; Joseph Burgoyne;
W illiam Mountl
25 220
1849 10 03
Perlee, Peter
wife Melinda; daughters Jane H
Perlee, Mary Perlee, Lydia H Perlee
W illiam D Hilts; E S Close; Jacob S
01 523
1849 10 04
Harvey, Andrew
City of Hamilton
wife Elizabeth; married and
unmarried children
W M Corry; D M Miller, A H Matson
06 276
1849 10 04
Tullis, Thomas B
son Jeremiah C Tullis; daughter
Mary Ann Reed; daughter Martha
Tullis; Thomas T Houtaman; John C
Andrew S Kopper; Isa[ac] Mills;
August Gang; George Curtis in Butler
Co; John Ayler; David J Tullis;
Solomon P Chase; — Barr; —
Hathaway; Charles Gange; Seth Cutter
(decd); Scoby Ackley; John Bettle;
Francis Quinn; John Schroeder; John H
Overdeck; David Monger; John Risley;
George Rankins; Thomas Russell;
David Roof (or Roos); E Redich; B
Rocaup; John Brown; — Bungrey;
Dutch & Rice; J Boss; D Beiney; —
Roads; H Ackley; Dutch Kliney; John
Cows; James Deney; Henry Conklin;
Isaac Douglas; P L Moor; R Cameron;
— Disman; Morris Kelley; John
Dollins; Silas Deeds; N Ersey; John
Louley; — Laberteaux; j Goslin; W m
Ganish; W m Gearth; W m Graham;
W m Mathers; D Moug; Jesse McCray;
David Squires; Isaac Hunt; John Matix;
Dutch J Libbet; Jacob Powel; David
Enyart; W m Johnson; Thomas E Smith;
Samuel Stichel; Ann Scudder; Steward
W ilson; D J Tullis; J C Tullis; P
Baldwin; S D Myers; John Leonard
25 244
1849 10 05
Kautz, David
wife Mary; mother Mary Ann K
Merrill; children of Benjamin A
Merrill–David W illiam Merrill &
Henrietta Merrill; (will made 1841
W illiam R Morris; Moses D Gatch; R
H Stone
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Oct 14)
25 265
1849 10 06
Galleger, James
father John Galleger;
C Driscol; W m Thomson; Thomas
testator was on his deathbed when
asked about his property–he said in
German, “It shall all belong to my
John (also spelled Johann) Joseph
Mecklenburg; Gerard Schlendan;
Mary W alters; Gerhard Henry W alters
11 069
1849 10 15
Klatte, John
05 097
1849 10 15
Behrle, Reimund
(also spelled Reymund)
wife Geneviv; three children
Joseph Burgoyne; Johhanes Illeg
18 305
1849 10 20
Thomas, Boyd
wife; father; son; daughter
Thomas W right; David McFarland
06 387
1849 10 23
Rice, Clarissa D
husband James H Rice; children
including Theodora C Rice
N T Marshall; John D A Bassett
09 297
1849 10 24
Mather, Joseph
wife Martha; children Joseph Mather
in England, George Mather, Cotton
James Coxore (or Coxon); J Morlidge;
Sarah Morlidge
08 118
1849 10 27
Sudmeier, John W essel
wife Anna Margareth
J B Moorman; Johan Heinrich W ibben;
Andreas Locke
25 170
1849 10 29
Jackson, Isaac H
Green Twp
wife Deborah; sons Thomas M
Jackson, Sidney S Jackson, John R
Jackson, W illiam Jackson, Andrew
Jackson (decd); Mary Jackson
(daughter of son Andrew)
James W illiams; Edwd W oodruff;
Alphonso Taft
14 540
1849 10 30
Kahlor, John
wife Elizabeth
Samuel Crary; John Dick
11 091
1849 10 30
Trotter, Agnes
Associate Reformed Church in
Cincinnati; sons John, Daniel,
Thomas (& children), Joseph (decd,
with children); daughters Sarah
Smith, Nancy Bates; granddaughters
Matilda & Agnes Brasheers, Susan
Luella Bates
son-in-law Richard Bates; pastor
James Prestty; John Ligett; Matthew
W ilson
01 525
1849 10 31
Hartmann, John Gottleib
mother Helena Hospe of Danzig
Prussia; apprentice Joseph von Keitz
age 13 son of John & Catherine
Keitz; cousin Johannes Evens (or
Evers) of Diepholz Hanover; German
Catholic Orphan Home; Protestant
German Orphan Society
Johann Heinry; Peter Liedel; Joseph
Huber; Joseph Cuinzen
25 231
1849 11 01
Gillespy, James
wife Betsy; mother Phoebe
James Glass; Thomas W ark
daughters Catharine wife of Marten
Stagach (also spelled Stegert), Mary
wife of Andrew Miller, Emma; sons
W illiam, Joseph, Henry, Edward,
Charles (testator had eight living
children; Mary Miller, Edward (in
Germany called John Eberhard),
Joseph Lietel (also spelled Litel);
W illiam (also spelled W ilhelm)
Schriner; Joseph Burgoyne; Gottfried
Koehler; Dr Frederick L Emmert; Mr
Fey; Louis Drager; John Friedhof;
Francis C Becking; Henry Loth;
George Fritz; – Hummel; G F
09 302
1849 11 03
Minninger, John Henry
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Charles and Emma were by the
testator’s first wife who died in
Germany, the other children were by
the second wife, who also died
before the testator); (the second
wife’s mother was the sister of
W ilhelm Schreiner’s father); (testator
was thought to drink about a quart of
whiskey a day; about a year before
he died, he switched to wine–the
doctor reported he would drink a
bottle or bottle and a half of wine a
day)(testator had been in America
about 12 years)(testator had been a
brandy distiller in Europe); (two
youngest boys were about 15 & 8 yrs
old when their father died)
Eichenlamb; Valentine Eichenlamb;
George Minninger; Samuel Riddle;
Barbara Kohl; Henry Koehler; Louis
Drahger; Adam Zimmerman
18 307
1849 11 10
Ferdon, Joseph
wife Hannah Elizabeth
Thomas M Craft; Alexander Todd
06 298
1849 11 10
Gilmore, Phebe
deceased husband Gurdon R
Gilmore; son James Gilmore & his
wife Mary Jane & their children; Mrs
Margaret Mawson
A O Moore; Josiah H Strauton (or
10 217
1849 11 12
Murphy, Patrick
wife Elizabeth; father; sister Mary
wife of Valentine Burk; brother John
E L Haines; Joseph Riggs; James Roe;
Peter Molloy; Thomas Clarke; Peter J
01 356
1849 11 13
W inans, Mathias
Greene Co OH
Mary W inans
James Long; Dr John Dawson; James J
W inans; John R Adams; W m G Baker;
John Gibbon; John McBride; Josephine
January; John Damson Jr; John
Damson Sr; Samuel Hussey; Joshua
Martin; W illiam G Thorp; J H Jenkins;
John C Johnson
11 063
1849 11 20
Barth, John
wife Christiana
Henry Roedter; Georg Michael W enger
wife Jane; daughters Harriet Banks,
Mary Banks, Georgiana Banks;
brother Richard Banks
W m W Cones; George Couchlin; J H
Gerard; John Earhart
25 203
1849 12 13
Banks, Hiram
01 349
1849 12 22
W illiams, Charles E
Mary Ann W illiams; Laura W illiams;
James S W eatherby; Charles
W illiams Sloan; W m H Sloan;
Hannah Dickson; Nancy ferguson;
Charles McCarty; James S
W eatherby Jr; Philip G W eatherby;
Charles weatherby; Amelia
W eatherby; Robert J Sloan, Mary E
Sloan; Anne I Sloan; W illiam H
Elmer W illiams; Enoch McHenry;
Joseph Konnse; Edward Roll (decd
1826); W ick Roll; Joshua H Bates;
Charles Fox; D P Strader
05 089
1849 12 24
Cutter, Henry
Maysville in
Mason Co KY
Hamilton Gray; M Stanley; James A
Johnston; W inchester Rees; Albert G
Gray; Rebecca Dobyns (sister of
F M Cockrell; M Stanley; Christian
Schultz; Thomas Y Payne; Lewis
Collins; Henry W adsworth; W illiam
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Richard Graham Dobyns); brothers
Charles Cutter, Amos Cutter; sisters
Harriet W hittemore, Sarah
W hittemore (siblings living in W est
Cambridghe MA)
Huston; Richard Henry Collins; John
Shackleford; W illiam B W ood; Adua A
W adsworth
11 071
1849 12 29
Manuel, Thomas
New Orleans LA
(died in Cincinnati 1847 Feb 3);
brother Robert Manuel
Stephen A Kingsland; B Qay(?);
Edward Kuchenthal; John S Baron;
George W ashington Lewis; Francis A
Foyguet; W illiam G Latham; Guy
14 507
1850 01 04
Bohle, John Gerhard
wife Maria Elizabeth Bohle (maiden
name Holtmeyers); daughter Maria
Elizabeth wife of John H Rothert;
other children
Henry Roedter (moved to Franklin Co
OH); F H Rielag; Henry W Borcheli;
01 341
1850 01 08
Schroer, Herman P
Mali Schnab
John Ellermann; Christian Hermann
10 213
1850 01 10
wife Mary; (property in Lima OH)
Frederick Von Seggern; Joseph
Christian Frederick
01 343
1850 01 14
W agenheuser, Michael
Ursula W agenheuser
Andreas Seifort; Michel Reinhard,
Ambrosius Grahm, Franz Stolls;
Killian Pfaff; Katharina Seufert
14 549
1850 01 15
Eshelmann, Isaac
wife Sarah Ann
W A Jones; H W (or M) Chapman
25 190
1850 01 16
Klein, Frederick
Storrs Twp
German Lutheran Church; wife
Margaret; daughter Sophia; brother
& two sisters now in Germany
Lewis Kirchner; Stephen Fehr; John
Ziegel; Henry Ehrenfriend; Joseph
Cox; C Van W eerden; John Kistner
16 553
1850 01 18
Goldstone, Aaron Daniel
wife Sarah; children
Levi J W orkum; Michael Kahn
07 200
1850 01 21
Armstrong, W alter
Vevay in
Switzerland Co IN
wife Hannah; children Thomas
Armstrong, John Armstrong, Mary
Jane Noble, Hannah Malin, David
Armstrong; Margaret Armstrong; son
W illiam Armstrong (decd) & his
children Irvin, W illiam & W alter;
Experience Brannon (alias Elizabeth
Brannon) a “young woman raised in
our family”; (property in Cincinnati)
W illiam B Cmapbell & wife; Polly
Campbell; Francis S Lindley & wife;
John W Malin; Robert Hanna Marshal;
W illiam Hall; Jesse Justice & wife;
George H Dunn; David Guard & wife;
James I Faren of Cincinnati; Charles T
Jones; James Harwood
07 206
1850 01 22
O’Connor, Patrick
Dearborn Co IN
wife Catharine; children Hugh
O’Connor & Elizabeth McCormick
(property in Cincinnati & Covington
son-in-law Dennis McCormick; Patrick
Cody of Cincinnati; John Mahorn;
W illiam Suvilt; W illiam Doulon
01 520
1850 01 23
Huber, Sebastian
Catholic Bishop John B Purcell; wife
Theresia; brothers and sisters
J B Morrimann, John Trollmann (or
Trottmann), Augustine Trollmann;
Edward Elschman
16 538
1850 01 28
Kommler, John
(also spelled
Johannes Kummler)
wife Barbara
Charles Dupler; Joseph Coenzler
Vol pg
yr mo day
03 069
1850 02 06
Hetzel, George
near Cincinnati
wife Mary; all my children
(W ill probated in Davidson Co TN)
B F Foster; Henry Thompson; Kulteb
Mires; Michael Gabert; W A Cheatham
14 491
1850 02 06
Jones, David O
mother in W ales; brother John Jones
in W ales; brother Edward Jones of
Thomas J W alliams (sic); Henry Starr;
W illiam Hughes
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
25 188
1850 02 12
Comly, James D
wife Frances Bye Comly; sister
Rebecca Rakestran Comly;
James Longstaff; John W Riley;
Samuel Millard; John W Gosling
03 062
1850 02 19
W eir, W illiam
of Illinois, but in
Cincinnati attending
medical lectures
wife Nancy; brother James W eir
Edw B Reeder; A W Dewey; John
Carson Jr
11 078
1850 02 20
Gentle, W illiam T
wife Mary; sons James C, Thomas E,
Ebenezer M, W illiam P, Benjamin,
John; daughter Elizabeth Hubbard;
granddaughter Sarah Holland a
— W ittenstiter; Mary B Norton; Joseph
Mayhew; M L W illiams; Melzar
Dunbar; John & Ann McNight; Jesse
Hubbard; Shipley W Davis
04 003
1850 02 23
Avery, John O
wife Lydia; children Charles L
Avery, W illiam L Avery, Orlando
Avery, John Coleman Avery & 4
Samuel Fosdick; Orson Britton;
Stephen I L Hommedieu; Nathaniel
W right; Benjamin S Lawson; Thos
Hechawelder; Nathaniel Harris
06 293
1850 02 28
Overbeck, Francis
wife Agnes; no children
J B Moorman; Mathias W ittman (also
spelled W illman)
06 268
1850 03 01
Stewart, Nathan
Delhi Twp
wife Abigail; won W illiam B
Stewart; grandson Archales Stewart
(son of Danl T Stewart); son John
Stewart; son Thomas H; daughter
Mary W ilson
— Bensinger; Ebenezer Mixer; James
P W illiams; Richard Crowdne; Jesse H
25 222
1850 03 12
Glorman, Maria Elizabeth
village of Industry
1 st German Protestant United Church
in Industry
W W isbet; Frederick W Teepe; Ernst
Jakob Teepe; Rodney I Lee
14 515
1850 03 12
Smith, W illiam
wife; son W illiam H Smith; son John
G Smith; son-in-law Richard A
W hetstone; daughters Jane, Ann;
married daughters Margaret Marion,
C Jeffers; John W hetstone; John Mears
07 191
1850 03 26
Anderson, Alexander
niece Elizabeth Malcolm; mother;
sisters Mizabeth (sic), Jean; brother
W illiam
Milses (?) Lyles; John W alker; Charles
Stewart; James Neil; Robert Clarke
(moved to Philadelphia Co PA
15 407
1850 03 29
Peirce, Thomas
children Charley C Peirce, James
Peirce, Priscilla Peirce; two older
brother-in-law Charles Neave; J M
McCullough; Richard B Pullan
06 271
1850 03 30
John Herrman Deitrich
wife Maria
Michael Dumbroff (moved to Auglaize
Co OH); John Joseph Rehe; J B
01 329
1850 04 05
Busatt, Timothy
Jane Mackafu (decd); John Busatt
(decd); Mary Simiton; W illiam
Busatt; Matilda Flomerfut; Timothy
Hamilton Maken; Lauren F Degolyn;
Henry M Sears
Vol pg
yr mo day
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
Busatt; Sarah Apgar; margaret Busatt
07 215
1850 04 09
Lampert, George Adam
wife Friederika; friend George Adam
Henry Roedter; Valentine Ziegler
16 539
1850 04 12
Medaris, Prior
wife Catharine; children Angeline
Melvina Medaris, Elizabeth Jane
Medaris, Ellen Hannah Jane Medaris
David B Guion; W illiam Elston; J R
07 197
1850 04 15
Anderson, Elizabeth D
son Lefferson De W itt Anderson &
his wife Louisa D Anderson; nephew
Luke Dye (wife Nancy) of Mason Co
KY & children W illiam, George,
Thomas, Margret; Mariannia wife of
W illiam Appleton of Covington KY;
niece Elizabeth A Palmer daughter of
John & Margret Dye
Paul Rust; J G Rust; Geo H Allen
01 333
1850 04 19
Cook, W illiam
Christine Cook; W illiam, Henry,
Sophia, Frederick, Mary, & Eliza
Jas P W illiams, W L W illiams; Adam
Renkenschein, W illiam Hallumet
Delhi Twp
01 335
1850 04 22
W ebb, Clayton
Jane W ebb; John Mageu; John W ebb
John H Gerard; J M shaw; Henry
14 513
1850 04 23
Lawson, W illiam
wife Mary; children John Lawson,
Hannah Doty, Mary Ann Kendle,
Susan Russell, Ellen Lawson
W m P Hurlbert; John Baker; brother in-law Cornelius Mathers; Robert A
Hunter; Edward A McClane
14 521
1850 05 02
Luken, Joseph
wife Elizabeth
J B Moormann; John H Buster (or
14 498
1850 05 02
Cox, Andrew Sr
wife Rebecca Cox; son John Cox;
Russell Gilmore & his wife; Jane
Allison; Mary Eversul; Christina
Jones; Margaret Desensy; Andrew
Cox Jr
Edward Desensy Jr; Dr Isaac C Miller;
Peter J Luboyteaux (also spelled
Laboyteaux); Buton Huffing; W m L
Cooper; Jacob T Crapsey; Joseph
25 194
1850 05 07
Morrison, John
sister Eliza wife of George Tait;
brother W illiam Morrison & wife
Mary; brother Abraham Morrison &
wife Ellen; niece Ann Eliza Deviney
(daughter of brother-in-law Madiera
Deviney); children of Thomas
Montgomery (decd); W illiam
Simpson; W illiam Clements
C G Pierce; Alexander Tmeple; A
Padacka; Samuel Brittle; John N
Bowlsby (or Bowlsley); J H
wife Magdalena; daughter Maria
Magdalena Gell; unborn child; parnts
Anthony & Christina Gell in
Landaughter Rhenpflus Baiern
George Francis Eichenlaub; John
Enderes; George F W iller
wife Ann
James Buchanan & wife; J H Clemmer;
Samuel Cooper
Maria Castel; 3 children
John Hummel; Louis Schneider;
Anthony Hummel; F Xavier Douglas
Tina Smith & her son Gilbert;
John A Davis; Enoch H Scull
02 311
1850 05 13
Gell, Anthony
10 228
1850 05 21
Groves, John
01 328
1850 06 03
Castel, Peter
01 337
1850 06 06
Smith, Jacob
Vol pg
yr mo day
Colerain Twp
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
children in KY
04 050
1850 06 11
Reilly, John
Hamilton, Butler Co
wife Nancy & her youngest son
Robert; son James Reilly & wife
Ellen; daughter Jane Campbell; niece
Mary Jane Hunter & her uncle
Joseph Hough; son-in-law Lewis D
W illiam Corry (decd); J B Thomas;
Luammie Rigdon; Alexander J Miller;
John W oods; John M Millilken; John C
Skinner; Charles Snyder
08 107
1850 06 15
Moore, Samuel
wife Adelia; children John, Sarah
Ann Silvers, Louisa J Hicks, Ophelia
Dickey, Emily McIntire, Henrietta
George McIntire; John Hicks; –
Stephens; Saml Moore; B L Case; A W
10 209
1850 06 17
Mansfield, Elizabeth
husband Col Mansfield (decd); son
Edward Dearing Mansfield; Col
Joseph G Totten; daughter Mary Ann
Mansfield Davies wife of Charles
Davies of New York; granddaughter
Elizabeth Mansfield Davies;
granddaughter Elizabeth Phipps
Mansfield; Col Joseph H F
Mansfield & his brother Capt John
Fenns Mansfield; Dr Drake; father
was in the Revolutionary W ar;
institution for the relief of aged
indigent women to be founded in
Cincinnati; Clarisa Hitchcock (now
Clarissa Brush); daughter-in-law
Margaret W orthington Mansfield
Charles Telford; Benjamin Dale;
Thomas H Yeatman; W illiam M
Cheeer & M L J Cheever (both of
whom moved to Terre Haute IN)
11 055
1850 06 20
Stewart, W illiam C
wife Mary Ann; children Laura wife
of Charles Jones of LA, John D
Stewart, W illiam C Stewart Jr, Jesse
Smith Stewart, Ella Jane Stewart;
Sarah Belle W ashburn adopted
daughter of Jerome B W ashburn;
Alexander McNicholl Sample
Thomas J Henderson; George T
W illiamson; W illiam M Lyon; Henry
Lewis; Mark P Taylor
03 092
1850 06 25
Hermes, Bernard
wife and child
Gerhard Schipp; B Elckmann; Henrich
Koch; I G H Althoff
16 555
1850 06 26
Geers, Herman Henry
wife Anna Maria
J B Moormann; Bernard Schnippel
25 228
1850 06 28
Dignan, Margaret
husband (decd); niece Margaret wife
of Alexander Boden of NY; niece
Dorothy (also spelled Dorothea)
Moor wife of Daniel Ferguson; niece
Catherine wife of Thomas Duffey of
Lexington MO; niece Rebecca wife
of James Rafferty; nephew John
Moore of NY; Robert John Ferguson
(son of Daniel)
Sarah Smith; Nathaniel Smith; J W
Piatt; Robert Bigham; Michael Victor
14 511
1850 07 03
Lane, James
wife Ann T; daughters Margaret Test
Lane, Mary Hall Lane
James Boyle; Lewis L Sleight
Vol pg
yr mo day
25 176
1850 07 12
Corr, David
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
wife Ann
(will made 1842 Oct 14)
James J Farran; John New
16 533
1850 07 12
Buter, Henry
wife Gertrude
Joseph Aschwanden (Catholic
clergyman); Gerhard Menke; Gerard
Hartmann; John (also spelled
Johann)Bernard Buter
14 563
1850 07 20
Dodsworth, Benjamin
2 nd wife Hannah Dodsworth; children
by 2 nd wife Hannah Jane, Eliza,
Ralph, Edward; (Testator was former
Capt in service of the Queen of
Francis Miller; Francis Clement Miller;
P J Moores; Alfred Burnett
01 519
1850 07 22
Hoffner, John
wife Rosannah; children Thomas
Hoffner, Mary A Packer, Hester A
Eveleth, Elizabeth A Hoffner, Savy
A Runun, Susannah A Hoffner,
Cinthia A Hoffner, Rosannah A
Hoffner, Harriet A Hoffner, George
W Hoffner, Ameilia A Hoggner,
W illiam H Hoffner
brother Elias Hoffner; Ebenezer Crain
03 056
1850 07 27
W oddermann, Rosina
(also spelled Wackermann)
husband Jacob W ackermann
Joseph Holtkamp; Christian Xaver
16 536
1850 07 29
Behrmann, Agatha
husband George Behrmann (decd);
St Aloysuis Orphan Society of
Cincinnati; (will made 1850 21 July,
about 1 day before her death)
Johan Goebel; Peter Deller; Barbara
25 224
1850 07 31
Dennis, Jacob
wife Catharine; children of daughter
Lucy Gregg; children of son George
B Dennis; children of son John W
Dennis; children of day Amanda
Lancaster; son Henry James Dennis;
son Ezra F Dennis; son Jacob Dennis
son-in-law Milton Gregg; J G Stelwell
(also spelled Stetwell); S F Cary
10 194
1850 08 02
Brown, Isabel
daughters Eliza L, Jane S, Isabella L,
& Margaret L Brown (all of
Cincinnati); uncle John Liddell
(decd) of London England
N L Rice; J L Scott
01 339
1850 08 02
Shotwell, John T
Mary W ard Shotwell
W illiam Greene; Samuel E Foote
07 226
1850 08 02
W ilke, Ferdinand
two children; brother Francis W ilke;
sister Elizabeth Hekemann
Bernard Mohrhaus (also spelled B
W ohrhaus & R Holnhaus); Jos
25 178
1850 08 05
Coon, Aaron
wife Joanna M; wife Joanna’s
brothers Isaac W alts (or W atts)
Ayres, W illiam Henry Ayres, Robert
W allace Ayres
David Griffey; Robert F Levering
10 191
1850 08 12
Abel, John Gerhard
wife Mary Ann; children
J B Moormann; J J Abel; J Rodenbeck
06 270
1850 08 12
Shepard, Edwin
nephew Charles Shepard; mother &
F Donaldson; Eliza W Guilford
Vol pg
yr mo day
14 519
1850 08 13
Johnston, Jane
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
son John Johnson (sic)
James M Johnson & wife; W m B
Dickson & wife; Henry Eccles; John
Johnson; Algernon S Sullivan; W m D
Rideley; Alexander M Johnston
25 200
1850 08 16
Kocks, W illiam
father; Church of St Philomena;
German Catholic Orphans
G H Overbecke; John Nieters; J B
15 410
1850 08 17
Mahan, Thomas Sr
Symmes Twp
children Thomas, Hamilton, W illiam,
Margaret Miller, Sarah Crane
Anthony Carland; David Snider
14 495
1850 08 21
Atherstone, Jonathan
formerly of Leicester Eng
now of Philadelphia PA
wife Ann; daughter Ann Mary
Atherstone; daughter Hannah Mary
Barber & her daughter Mary Barber;
son-in-law Henry Barber; son Oliver
Atherstone & his children; (will
make 1836 Aug 13); (property near
John Huerne of Louisville KY; Henry
Barber of Philadelphia; Charles Norris
of Philadelphia; John Pierson; Thos
Huerne (or Hueme)
25 196
1850 08 21
Tappin, Benjamin
wife Elizabeth; daughter Sarah Ann;
sons Samuel, Benjamin, James,
Thomas; nephew John Rodgers;
daughter Mary Eliza wife of John J
Roberts; daughter Martha Herter
J H Getzendanner; B Phillip
25 505
1850 09 14
Callahan, Daniel
wife Norry; children including a
deceased son
James Keenan; Charles O’Brine; J H
Luers; Patr W hite
25 202
1850 09 21
Lapham, Darius
wife; father; mother; only daughter;
maien sisters; (will made “an hour or
two” previous to testator’s death)
Solomon J W ylie; Peter Outcult;
Charles A Partridge
14 565
1850 10 07
Earnshaw, Thomas
native of England,
lately of Lisbon W I,
now residing at
Spring Grove Cemetery
wife Mary; sons Henry Earnshaw,
John Buckles Earnshaw, Joseph
Earnshaw; adopted daughter Mary
Dennis Delany; Joseph Starr (moved to
Oshkosh W I)
11 081
1850 10 11
Gilbert, Joseph
Sycamore Twp
children Thomas, Alfred M, Henry,
Joseph, Charles; deceased daughter
Lucy A McGongial & her children
Emily & Mary
Joseph McHannon; Archibald Brown
08 111
1850 10 11
Morten, Mary
sons John Morten (wife Ann), Joseph
Morten (wife Nancy), Richard A
Morten (wife Sarah)
Robert Shaw; Robert Shaw Jr
11 052
1850 10 12
Bernard Herman
wife Ann Mary; child Mary Clara
(property in Efingham Co IL)
John Ferdinand Naschfort; Rudolph
Minieka & wife Elizabeth; George
Meier; Heinrich Hebermann; Dierict
11 084
1850 10 14
Gerling, John
step daughter Elisabeth Redig;
children Peter; John, Phillip, Jacob,
Peter Gerling of Sherveville Co IN; H
Dickkman; H W itte
daughter Maria Jane Knight;
Thurston Crane; John Kiloh; Chas F
11 041
1850 10 15
Richards, Elizabeth
Vol pg
yr mo day
11 051
1850 10 16
Smith, Ephriam
others/executors/witnesses/ etc
housekeeper Maria Miller;servant
Maria Dernnoin
sister Fanny wife of W illiam
Crothers; (estate in Ireland)
John Stille; J C Clopper
25 296
1850 10 17
Sturr, Elizabeth
widow of Cincinnati
only daughter Catharine wife of
Henry Lowry
Henry W alter; E D Kemper; S D
Kemper; John A(also H) Davis;
Charles A B Kemper
16 534
1850 10 23
Bender, Daniel
wife Barbara (maiden name Baur);
Elizabeth “daughter of my said wife,
before our marriage”; children
Henry Roedter; J B Stallo
14 541
1850 10 26
Ewell, Charles
(also spelled Ewall)
wife Maria; children W m H T Ewell,
Elizabeth Matthews, Maria W Ewell,
Mary A Edwards, Sarah S Dixon,
Rebecca W Ewell, Luisa F Ewell,
Charles T Ewell, Benjamin F Ewell;
grandson W arren P Ewell
Nathaniel Kerk; John Murray; H
10 206
1850 10 26
Patton, John
father & mother now in Ireland;
brother George Patton of this city;
brother Thomas Patton (decd) & his
children; (testator was about 37 yrs
old; he died of cholera)
Nathaniel Smith; Crawford Houston;
John Smith; Matthew Smith; John
Keown; Nathaniel Smith; Nathaniel
07 188
1850 10 26
Buckston, Moses
Sycamore Twp
wife Prudence (also spelled
Prudoner); daughters Elizabeth Ann
Buxton, Nancy Lee Moody; sons
Isaac N Buxton, George W ashington
Buxton, Edmond Buxton, Nathen B
Buxton, James B Buxton; David
Buxton, W illiam Buxton;
granddaughter Louisa Clack (maybe
Charles Buxton; James Sampson;
Aaron Buxton; Edmund Buxton
10 192
1850 10 28
Beach, Solomon
daughter Mary Beach Buardsed wife
of Caleb S Brudsed; deceased
daughter Neimys (formerly the wife
of Caleb Burdsed) & her children;
son Erasmus D Beach; son Solomon
L (or S) Beach
John A Bigelow; Oliver Brown; Adam
16 531
1850 11 01
Branch, Sarah Caroline
sister Ann B Brown; John H Branch
& Priscilla H W ard (children of
Joseph W Branch decd); Elizabeth L
Andrew Ferris (decd); Alva W ard;
brother-in-law W illiam W Cones; Mrs
Ann Mauzy (of Manzy); Guy C W ard
14 510
1850 11 02
Knox, Charles
brother Anthony Nelson of IN
Lloyd S Lewis; O H B (or O T B)
Nickens; Philip Toliver
wife; daughters Carolina, Fredericka
brother-in-law Nicholous W olff;
Michael Goepper; Heinrich Geiger;
George Klotter
Herman Heinrich Richter; H Heinrich
10 229
1850 11 22
Fuchs, Lorenz
11 048
1850 11 29
Strubbe, Herman
Vol pg
yr mo day
08 105
1850 11 30
Mason, Eunice
Philadelphia PA
niece Sarah A Evans (maiden name
Roe) of Philadelphia; nephew John J
Hill & niece Sarah A W arner both of
Albany NY; (property in Cincinnati)
Benjamin Ehrman; Henry Snow
25 206
1850 12 02
Aston, John
wife Mary B; children Matilda
Aston, W illiam B Aston, John B
Aston, Thomas O Aston; grandsons
John S & James Jones;
C Rosecrants; David Steedle; Stewart
McGill; Stockton W est
05 098
1850 12 03
O‘Conner, Owen
Fulton Twp
brother John O’Connor; sisters Rose
O’Connor, Mary O’Conner &
Margaret Hamilton
David Hill; Eisha T W atson
06 274
1850 12 05
Thorp, Abner
wife Mary; son Richard Thorp;
daughter Maria Ann Thorp; son
Taber C Thorp; grandson John C
Thorp (son of Milton Thorp);
granddaughter Mary Ann Thorp;
grandchildren James & Eliza
(children of son James L Thorp);
grandchildren Elizabeth, Elmora,
Rebecca Ann & George Cregan
Israel Brown of Sycamore Twp;
Elizabeth J Constable; C Constable
03 058
1850 12 10
W oolley, W illiam
Springfield Twp
wife Theodocia; children Sarah D
W oolly, Phila M W oolly, W illiam
W oolley, Edwin C W oolley, Eliza R
Lane, George W oolley, Jane
W oolley, Evoline W oolley
W illiam Van Dyke; Abraham Lane of
Darrtown in Butler Co OH; Thomas B
Van Tuyle; James A W oolley
16 582
1850 12 10
Frederick William George
and his wife Susanna
formerly of
Rintlingen,W irtemburg
now of Cincinnati
well advanced in years with no
children; adopt Elizabeth Kramer
(who had lived with them 18 yrs);
(agreement made 1841 Jul 15)
W illiam Nast; J Martin Hartmann; John
A W iseman
02 265
1850 12 20
Reed, Hannah
children John T Reed, Luther Reed,
Charles W Reed; Methodist
Episcopal Church of Brown Co OH;
granddaughter Hannah T Reed
W illiam Teasdale; John D Tharp; Geo
G Bailey of Georgetown in Brown Co
OH; T W right; George T Cooke; John
T Cooke
wife Eliza Leister; (“diseased with
James Riley; Patrick Kirby; Andrew
25 198
1850 12 20
Lichtstadt, John
others/executors/witnesses/ etc

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