Tips to Horticultural Exhibitors Preparing
Tips to Horticultural Exhibitors Preparing
Tips to Horticultural Exhibitors Except for the number or quantity of specimens in each class, the guidelines of Publication 34, “Horticultural Judging Standards”, shall be used as a judging standard. This publication may be obtained from: Garden Clubs of Ontario, c/o Floral Art Shop, Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington ON L8N 3H8 ($6/copy) Also available at Generally, the following characteristics are desirable in all types of horticultural exhibits: UNifOrMitY – as nearly uniform in size, colour, form, shape and maturity as possible cONditiON – free from blemishes caused by insects, disease, dirt, mechanical damage and showing evidence of good culture and grooming fOrM aNd cOLOUr – as true to variety or type specifed as possible – bright, clean, attractive siZe – typical of cultivar – should be moderate, not large, but always according to the cultivated variety distiNctiON – specimens should be of the highest quality Preparing Vegetable Exhibits In judging, the points mentioned in Tips to Horticultural Exhibitors (above) are considered, with quality, condition and uniformity being the most important. Keep these criteria in mind as you gather your vegetables for entry. Using the ideas in Publication 34 and the hints below, prepare your specimen vegetables to show them to best advantage. beans – stem and calyx should be attached; crisp, fleshy, not stringy. beets – crown should be free of splits, scaling and sunburn, tops cut to 1.5cm to 2.5cm (1/2” to 1”). broccoli – dense, smooth head formation; not faded in colour or overmature; free from pests & disease. cabbage – firm, uniform and moderate in size; free from pest injuries and other blemishes; stalk removed at 1.5cm (1/2”) but some wrapper leaves retained. carrots – free from sunburn, discolouration and side roots; no pest or mechanical injuries; bright colour; tops removed 1.5cm (1/2”) above crown. Long varieties: length 20cm (8”) or over; slender and pointed. Intermediate varieties: length not over 18cm (7”); stump rooted or pointed according to variety. Short varieties: not over 8cm (3”); distinctly stump rooted. cauliflower – should be 15cm to 20 cm. (6” to 8”) across; smooth, regular, good depth of curd; no green leaves sticking up in curd; stalks and larger leaves removed, remaining leaves dressed to 1.5cm (1/2”) above head. celery – rootstock trimmed down to a conical point and small and broken outer stalks removed. corn – ears uniform in size and form; evenly filled from tip to base with long rows of closely set kernels; show with 1/3 husk removed lengthwise, and stub trimmed at 1.5cm (1/2”). cucumber, slicing – at least 15cm (6”) long; cross-section should show deep flesh and minimum of seeds; .75cm (1/4”) stem left on. cucumber, pickling – 5cm to 10cm (2” to 4”) long; clean with no withered blossom; very little taper from stem to blossom end. Onions, green – clean with loose skin removed; tops trimmed evenly; roots trimmed to approximately 1.5cm (1/2”) Onions, mature – should not be peeled; remove only jagged & dirty outer scales; trim roots just below the base of the onion; neck should be thin but firm & the top neatly trimmed Leeks – tops shortened to 10cm to 15cm (4” to 6”) above white shank; roots neatly trimmed. Peas – stems and calyx attached. Potatoes – should be cleaned with a soft brush and preferably not washed; must be reasonably free of all diseases. Squash – winter varieties should not be washed; please tie the specimens in each entry together. rhubarb – preferably 45cm to 51cm (18” to 20”) stalks; leaf blade trimmed to leave about a 5cm (2”) fan shape; leave petiole as pulled from plant but trim away loose tissue. tomatoes – any kind: firm condition; stems left on. [email protected] • Page 37 Class F-1 Vegetables PLease refer tO “PrePariNG VeGetabLe eXHibits” ON PrecediNG PaGe scorecard for exhibits of Vegetables and/or fruit: Uniformity 30% Condition 25% Form and Colour 20% Size - typical of cultivar 15% Distinction 10% Prizes: (sec. 1 - 76) 1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00 Prizes: (sec. 77) 1st: $40.00 2nd: $30.00 3rd: $20.00 Prizes: (sec. 78) 1st: tba 2nd: tba 3rd: tba Prizes: (sec. 79) 1st: $5.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Basil, 6 stems, standing in water Beans, green, flat (slicing), 8 Beans, green, round (snap), 8 Beans, purple, 8 Beans, yellow, fresh, 8 Beets, cylindrical, 3 Beets, golden, 3 Beets, round, 3 Broccoli, 2 heads Cabbage, green, 2 heads Cabbage, red, 2 heads Carrots, long variety, 3 Carrots, short variety, 3 Cauliflower, any kind, 2 heads Celery, any kind, 2 plants Collection of herbs, standing in water, named, 6 Corn, bi-coloured, sweet, 3 cobs Corn, sweet, 3 cobs Cucumbers, ripe, any variety, 3 Cucumbers, English, 2 Cucumbers, pickling, 4 on a plate Cucumbers, slicing, 3 Cucumbers, long, 2, any variety Garlic, 3 bulbs with tops Horseradish, 3 roots Kohlrabi, 3 Leeks, bunch of 3 Lettuce, Buttercrunch, 2 heads Lettuce, head, any variety, 2 heads Lettuce leaf, red or green, 2 bunches Melon, cantaloupe, any kind, 2 Melon, watermelon, any variety, 2 Oddly shaped vegetable Onions from sets, 5, mature: red, yellow, purple, or white Onions, green, 4 Onions, Spanish, 3 Oregano, 6 stems, standing in water Parsley, 6 sprigs, standing in water Parsnips, any variety, 3 Peas, edible pod, 6 Peas, green, fresh, in pod, 6 Peppers, 3 varieties, on a plate Peppers, any variety, hot, 2, under 4” Peppers, any variety, hot, 2, 4” and over Peppers, sweet green, 2 Peppers, sweet red, 2 Page 38 [email protected] • 47. Peppers, sweet yellow, 2 48. Potatoes, A.O.V., 5 on a plate, variety named 49. Potatoes, Kennebec, 5 on a plate 50. Potatoes, Norland, 5 on a plate 51. Potatoes, purple skinned, 5 on a plate 52. Potatoes, Russet, 5 on a plate 53. Potatoes, Shepody, 5 on a plate 54. Potatoes, Yukon Gold, 5 on a plate 55. Pumpkin, Atlantic Giant, 1 56. Pumpkin, field, any other variety, 2 57. Pumpkin, pie, 2 58. Rhubarb, 5 stalks 59. Squash, Acorn, 2 60. Squash, Buttercup, green, 2 61. Squash, Green Hubbard, 2 62. Squash, Golden Hubbard, 2 63. Squash, Spaghetti, 2 64. Squash, Zucchini, 2, immature maximum length 25 cm (10 in.) 65. Squash, Zucchini, 2 mature, large 66. Squash, any other variety, 2 of same variety, variety named on entry tag 67. Collection of squash, one each of 4 varieties 68. Swiss Chard, 2 plants, any colour 69. Tomatillo, 5 on a plate 70. Tomatoes, green, 5 on a plate 71. Tomatoes, ripe, 5 on a plate 72. Tomatoes, ripe, cherry variety, truss 73. Tomatoes, green, cherry variety, truss 74. Tomatoes, yellow, 4 on a plate 75. Turnips, table, Swede, 2 76. Vegetable not called for elsewhere, named 77. Display of any fruits/vegetables in a maximum space of 30” (77 cm). Quality, arrangement, labelling, attractiveness, consumer appeal and educational value will be considered in judging. (Open to individual gardeners.) 78. Community Garden Veggie Display Create a Community Garden display to show off the veggies you grow, as a Community, in your garden. Displays will be judged on quality of produce, presentation and originality. Open to all Community Gardens in Northwestern Ontario. 79. Vegetable, grown from heritage seed collected by the Gardener. To be eligible for this award your exhibit must be accompanied by a card showing the variety, name and provenance (original history of the seed) and any other interesting information you care to give. (For more information on heritage seeds: MarViN VieHbecK MeMOriaL casH aWard & PLaqUe for highest points in Class F Stock & Custom Floor Trusses Designed for all Purposes • Silent Floor I Joists LVL Beams • Pre-Fab Wall Panels Email: [email protected] FAX: 345-8659 676 Squier Street, Thunder Bay TOLL FREE: 1-877-832-8128 344-9671 [email protected] • Page 39 Class F-2 1st place prize only - $3.00 1. Longest Bean 2. Longest Beet 3. Longest Carrot 4. Fattest Cucumber 5. Longest Cucumber 6. Largest Onion 7. Largest Potato 8. Heaviest Tomato 9. Largest Zucchini 10. Tallest Cornstalk Break the Record Class F-3 Heirloom Vegetables Must include seed packet Prizes: 1. Tomatoes, 3 2. Onions, 3 3. Carrots, 3 4. Beets, 3 5. Beans, 3 6. Pumpkin, 1 1st - $3.00 2nd - $2.00 3rd - $1.00 Anyone can be an Exhibitor! Become a Member of the Hymers Agricultural Society. Only $6.00 then you can enter lots of your great handiwork… or your garden produce… or your chickens, or goats, or rabbits… or your home-made delicacies… or – well, the list just goes on and on. check out our Prize List at which will give you lots of interesting and inspiring ideas about what to enter. (if you’re under 18, you don’t need a membership to enter the under 18 classes. but for a $6.00 membership you can compete in the adult classes too!) Make the Weekend even more fun… Become an Exhibitor! To request your membership call Debbie Hoover, Secretary: Page 40 475-8586 [email protected] • Class FS The Great Pumpkin Hunt sponsored by belluz farms Got a knack for growing great pumpkins? Belluz Farms is excited to sponsor a hunt for the greatest pumpkins in the Thunder Bay area. Winners will receive Belluz Farms Gift Packages. With permission, winners will also be displayed in the Belluz Farm Pumpkin Barn during its Fall Season and featured on their website. 1. the Great Pumpkin - Traditional “Jack ‘O Lantern” varieties (orange). 1st: $20.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 2nd: $15.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 3rd: $10.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 2. the Great Wacky Pumpkin - Bring us your weird, your wonderful and your strange! No gourds please! 1st: $20.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 2nd: $15.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 3rd: $10.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 3. the Great Ornamental Pumpkin - White, Red, any other variety. Shape, size & colour considered. 1st: $20.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 2nd: $15.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate 3rd: $10.00 Belluz Farms Gift Certificate For more information: Contact Jodi Belluz at 475-5181 or Visit Proud to Support the 2015 Hymers Fall Fair and Our Community. No room left in your garden? We pride ourselves on growing top quality fruits & vegetables. Pick Your Own or Fresh Picked & ready to take home. Visit to experience our Farm. Like to Work Outdoors? We need Fruit & Vegetable Pickers during the summer months. Call Kevin @ 475-5181 for more information. [email protected] • Page 41 Class G Fruit PLease refer tO tiPs fOr HOrticULtUraL eXHibitOrs PrecediNG cLass f- VeGetabLes. fruits are judged on the following points: uniformity and type, condition, appropriate colour, size and form. Prizes: (sec. 1-30) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 Apples, Collett, 5 on a plate Apples, Duchess, 5 on a plate Apples, Fall Red, 5 on a plate Apples, Goodland, 5 on a plate Apples, Haralson, 5 on a plate New Apples, Harcourt, 5 on a plate Apples, Heyer #12, 5 on a plate Apples, Mantet, 5 on a plate Apples, McIntosh, 5 on a plate Apples, Melba, 5 on a plate Apples, Minnesota 447, 5 on a plate Apples, NorKent, 5 on a plate New Apples, Norland, 5 on a plate Apples, September Ruby, 5 on a plate New Apples, Transparent, 5 on a plate Apples, Wealthy, 5 on a plate New Apples, any other variety, 5 on a plate, named on entry tag 3rd $2.00 18. Apples, 3 varieties, 2 of each New 19. Apple Crabs, any variety, 12 on a plate, named on entry tag 20. Crabapples, any variety, 12 on a plate, named on entry tag 21. Blueberries, small plate 22. Cranberries, bush, on plate, stems on 23. Black Currants, plate, stems off 24. White Currants, plate, stems off 25. Grapes, any variety, 2 bunches on a plate, named on entry tag 26. Pears, any variety, named, 3 on a plate 27. Plums, any variety, plate of 12 28. Raspberries, any colour, plate of 12 29. Red Currants, plate, stems off 30. Tame Strawberries, plate of 12 31. Any other fruit or berry, not previously listed, named on entry tag dULUX PaiNts aWard for highest points in Class G Apple Clinic There will be an on the Saturday of Fair Weekend. Bring 6 apples or 13 crabapples (from the same tree) to the grounds between 9 - 11 a.m., and they will be identified and entered in the Exhibit Hall. (1 apple for tasting, the rest to be entered.) Bring extra apples for tasting. This is a great way to discover what trees are growing on your property! Page 42 [email protected] • Class H Dairy and Domestic Prizes: (sec. 1-16) Prizes: (sec. 17) Prizes: (sec. 18-20) 1st $5.00 1st $10.00 1st $12.00 2nd $4.00 2nd $6.00 2nd $8.00 3rd $3.00 3rd $4.00 3rd $5.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Baked beans from scratch Butter, 225 grams (1/2 lb.), any variety Cheese Ball Dehydrated meat - jerky, 5 strips/sticks Dried fruit leather, 10cm. x 10cm. (4” x 4”) Dried fruit(s) or vegetable(s), 1/2 litre (1 pt.), named on entry form and entry tag Eggs, 1 dozen, all one colour Nuts ‘N bolts - a quart jar with minimum 5 ingredients, including recipe Oil - herb, etc. in appropriate container, name herb, etc. Container needs to open Syrup, appropriate container, any flavour, named on entry form and entry tag Pickled Eggs, 1/2 litre (1 pt.), may or may not be sealed Rice Pudding Vinegar - herb or fruit, labelled, appropriate container which needs to open, name herb or fruit on entry form and entry tag 14. Lemon curd, 1 pt. (500 ml.). 15. Yogourt, plain, 250 ml. jar 16. crOsbY’s casH aWard for Molasses Barbeque sauce. Sauce must include a minimum of 1/4 cup of molasses. To be judged on taste, texture and creative use of a recipe.recipe must be included. Label from product container to be submitted with entry. 1st: $10.00, 2nd $6.00, 3rd $4.00 17. tHUNder baY beeKeePers’ assOciatiON casH aWard for Liquid Honey, one 250 ml. jar, 18. tHUNder baY beeKeePers’ assOciatiON casH aWard for Cut Comb Honey, one container between 200 grams and 255 grams (7 to 9 oz.) 19. tHUNder baY beeKeePers’ assOciatiON casH aWard for Granulated (Creamed) Honey, one jar/container caNadiaN tire - artHUr street aWard for highest points in Class H Honey Triple Crown Award Triple Crown Award for high points accumulated by entries in the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition (CLE), Oliver Agricultural Society (OAS – Murillo), and Hymers Agircultural Society (Hymers Fair), will be awarded at the Hymers Fair. The Award winner will receive a Certificate and bragging rights. The sections are as follows, from Class H: 1) Liquid Honey, one 250 ml. jar 2) Cut Comb Honey, one container between 200 grams and 255 grams (7 to 9 oz.) 3) Granulated (Creamed) Honey, one jar/container Good Luck! [email protected] • Page 43 1160 Oliver Road Thunder Bay ON P7B 7A4 (807) 345-3353 Your Full Service Veterinary Hospital Open 7 days a week (except public holidays) ENJOY THE FAIR!! Page 44 [email protected] • The Hymers Hot Dog Booth Open all day Sunday & Monday [email protected] • Page 45 Class J Flowers PLease refer tO tiPs fOr HOrticULtUraL eXHibitOrs PrecediNG cLass f - VeGetabLes. fLOraL eXHibits Scorecard for cut flower specimens: Uniformity of Size, Form, Colour, Stage of Development 30% Form - proper shape for type of flower 20% Colour 15% Size 5% Substance - fresh, not wilted or old 10% Stem and Foliage - strong, straight, clean 10% Condition, Grooming - free of disease, insect damage, dirt, etc. 10% Potted plants to be exhibited in pots in which they were grown. If at all possible, varieties should be named. Prizes: (sec. 1 - 32) 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 (sec. 33 - 44) 1st $6.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 1. Asters, 3 blooms, under 7.5 cm. (3 in.) 2. Asters, 3 blooms, over 7.5 cm. (3 in.) 3. Bachelor Buttons, 5 blooms 4. Calendula, 5 blooms 5. Cosmos, 5 blooms 6. Dahlias, 3 blooms under 10 cm. (4 in.) 7. Dahlias, 2, blooms over 10 cm. (4 in.) 8. Dried Flowers, 5 stems, variety named 9. Echinacea, 3 blooms 10. Gladiola, single spike, any colour 11. Gladiola, 2 spikes, any colour 12. Gladiola, single spike, novelty type, e.g. miniature 13. Hosta leaves, 3 14. Hydrangea, 1 stem 15. Lavatera, 2 stems 16. Lily, variety named, 1 stem only 17. Marigolds, doubles, 5 blooms, under 5 cm. (2”) 18. Marigolds, singles, 5 blooms, under 5 cm. (2”) 19. Marigolds, 3 blooms over 5 cm. (2”) 20. Nasturtiums, 5 blooms 21. Pansies, 5 blooms with foliage, pinch off buds 22. Petunias, double, 2 sprays 23. Petunias, single, 3 sprays 24. Rose, 1 25. Rose, 1, in rose bowl, other than Rugosa 26. Salvia, 3 spikes 27. Sedum, 3 stems 28. Snapdragons, 3 stems 29. Sunflower, small, 3 stems 30. Zinnia, large, 3 blooms, over 5 cm. (2”) 31. Zinnias, small, 5 stems, under 5 cm. (2”) 32. Cut flower, A.O.V., 3 specimens, named 33. African Violet, single flowers, in bloom, single crown 34. African Violet, double or semi-double flowers, in bloom, single crown 35. Begonia, in bloom, 1 plant/pot 36. Cactus or Succulent, any variety, named, 1 plant/pot 37. Geranium, in bloom, 1 plant/pot 38. Herb, potted, any kind, named, 1 plant/pot 39. Variety (3 or more) of indoor foliage/flowering/succulent plants in one container 40. Any other flowering houseplant, named, 1 plant/pot 41. Any other foliage plant, named, 1 plant/pot 42. Outdoor planter, (hanging, window box, patio, etc.) 43. Corsage, fresh flower; must have a pin attached 44. Flower, grown from heritage seed collected by the Gardener. To be eligible for this award your exhibit must be accompanied by a card showing the variety, name and provenance (original history of the seed) and any other interesting information you care to give. (For more information on heritage seeds: sponsored by Gillies community centre caNadiaN tire - artHUr street aWard for highest points in Class J Page 46 [email protected] • Class JS Rules: Floral Designs In floral design classes, flowers that have not been grown by the exhibitor are permitted, but all flowers used must be garden grown. All other plant material must be indigenous to the area. Prizes: 1st: $15.00 2nd $7.00 3rd $5.00 1. “There’s Country in the Air at Hymers Fair” – create an arrangement in a small milk pail or milk jug, using predominantly Fall Colours 2. “Down the Lane” – a wayside design that includes some or all of the following: common and plentiful flowers, foliage, fungus and weeds found along a country lane. 3. “Pass the cookies” – an arrangement in a cookie jar. 4. “Spooktacular” – a design for Hallowe’en in a pumpkin, squash or gourd 5. “Hats Off” – an arrangement of your favourite flowers, in a hat of your choice, greens may be used 6. “For Men Only” – Tailgate Party – an arrangement using team colours 7. “Pipsqueak” – a small design under 8” 8. “Berried Treasure” – a design using gourds, berries, and coloured leaves. Not to exceed 12” in width. Hymers Annual Deep Pit Barbeque Beef Dinner Sunday Starting at 1PM Hymers Home-Cooked Country Meal Monday Starting at 1PM [email protected] • Page 47 Tips to Handwork Exhibitors Rules: 1. In Sections where there is no competition, unless the exhibit is worthy, the prize will be withheld. 2. Judges in Needlework are authorized by the Directors of this Society to disqualify all soiled or defaced work, and are instructed to award prizes to new, up-to-date, clean work. articles may have been used, but MUst be clean, and should show no sign of wear or laundry. 3. No article which has won a prize may be shown again. Any article which has not yet won a prize may be shown a second time. No article may be shown more than twice. 4. No starch or stiffening allowed in embroidery classes. Stiffening allowed for appropriate crochet only. 5. In collections, 2 or 3 articles making up a set are classed as one article. 6. Cross stitch should run in the same direction. 7. “Woven fabric” refers to any fabric that does not stretch, e.g. broadcloth, etc. 8. Ready-to-hang items must have a means of hanging. 9. No visible identification should be on any exhibit. Judging standards for sewing For your guidance, the following is the general score for the judging of clothing: General Appearance: – neatness, design, colour, trimming: 50% Workmanship: – cutting, sewing, etc.: 50% Judging standards for Handcrafts: General Appearance: – attracts attention, neat, clean, well-pressed, accurate dimensions - 15% Creative Design: – shows creativity and individuality, appealing, complements colour and material used, functional; one focal point of interest in article - 15% Colour and Materials: – suits design and use of article, harmonious colour scheme, including background or frame, choice suited to use of article, complements chosen design, use warrants value of material involved - 20% Workmanship: – shows knowledge and understanding of materials and methods used, work finished appropriately and ready for use, fabric mounted or framed on grain, neatness of construction, stability, suitability of material used - 50% NOTE: – in pairs, both pieces should be the same size, e.g. mitts, socks. HOLMES ROOFING AND SHEET METAL ROSSLYN SERVICE ALL ROOFING, METAL, SIDING HOMESHEET HARDWARE TERRY VIBERT & MISC. IRON WORK RAY PILON MANAGER Industrial & Residential 1103446 ONTARIO LTD. 3404 Rosslyn Road, Rosslyn Ontario P7K 0P8 Phone 939-2521 Phone 807-345-4584 Fax 807-345-6862 Cell 807 627-1025 Email [email protected] CUB CADET • EQUINOX • MANTIS • TROY-BILT • HOME HARDWARE 2476 Dawson Road Thunder Bay, ON P7G 2G2 Page 48 [email protected] • Class K Needlework PLease refer tO tiPs tO HaNdWOrK eXHibitOrs ON PrecediNG PaGe Prizes: (all sections, except where listed) 1st $5.00 (sec. 92-104) 1st $10.00 (sec. 105-113) 1st: $6.00 2nd $3.00 2nd $6.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $2.00 3rd $4.00 3rd $3.00 K-1 Hand embroidery - No swedish weaving (see class K-2) 1. Tablecloth or runner, hand embroidered and/or cross stiched 2. Pillow cases, 1 pair, hand embroidered 3. Embroidered picture or sampler, ready to hang 4. Red Work article 5. Counted cross stitch picture or sampler, framed 6. Counted cross stitch picture or sampler, unframed 7. Counted cross stitch, any other article 8. Needlepoint, mounted 9. Any other style of embroidery, one article, not listed, technique named on entry tag 10. Any other article of hand embroidery, named on entry tag K-2 swedish Weaving New Class! 11. Placemats, 2 12. Bag, 1 13. Runner, 1 14. Tablecloth, 1, named on entry tag 15. Any other article, not listed K-3 crochet 16. Stuffed toy, animal, or doll, all crochet, may have purchased head and hands 17. Article of clothing, not including hats 18. Small afghan, suitable for baby, or knee throw 19. Coordinating dish cloth and terry towel with crocheted hanging top 20. Baby cocoon and matching hat New 21. Jewellery, any article 22. Cowl, excluding ruffled yarn fibres New 23. Slippers 24. Dishcloths, 2 different 25. Stole, Poncho or Shawl 26. “Look at the Hat I made” - Exhibitor’s Choice of style and materials 27. Any other article, crocheted, not listed in Class K or L, named on entry tag WWW.sceNtsatiONaLsMeLLs.cOM casH aWard for highest points in Crochet See Class - KS - for “Charity Begins at Home” for additional Crocheted Entries [email protected] • Page 49 K-4 Hand Knitting 28. Knitted beaded article (eg. bracelet, scarf, bag, purse, etc.) New 29. Socks, fancy/rib stitch, adult’s or children’s 30. Socks, plain stitch, adult’s or children’s 31. Socks, colour pattern, adult’s or children’s excluding Regia and similar yarn types 32. Mitts, colour pattern, adult’s or children’s excluding Regia and similar yarn types 33. Mitts, plain stitch, adult’s or children’s 34. Mitts, fancy/rib stitch, adult’s or children’s 35. Slippers 36. Hoodie 37. Child or infant sweater, with sleeves, no hoodies 38. Yoga socks 39. Headwear 40. Any article of Fair Isle knitting (unlined), no hoodies 41. Adult’s sweater, pullover, no hoodies 42. Adult’s sweater, cardigan, with sleeves, no hoodies 43. Shawl or Stole 44. Shawlette 45. Leg warmers 46. Fingerless gloves 47. Cowl, excluding ruffled yarn fibres New 48. Stuffed animal, toy or doll, all knit, may have purchased head and hands 49. Small afghan, suitable for baby, or knee throw 50. Felted article 51. Any other knitted article, not listed in Classes K or L, named on entry form and entry tag WWW.sceNtsatiONaLsMeLLs.cOM casH aWard for highest points in Hand Knitting See Class - KS - for “Charity Begins at Home” for additional Hand Knitting Entries Page 50 [email protected] • See Class - KS - for “Charity Begins at Home” for additional Sewing Entries K-5 sewing 52. Lady’s wear 53. Pillowcases, 2 54. 2 potholders 55. Slacks or pants 56. Girl’s dress 57. Sleep pants 58. Costume (Hallowe’en, Dance, etc.) 59. Article made on a serging machine 60. Tablewear - Tablecloth, runner or 2 placemats 61. Man or Woman’s full apron 62. Sewn accessory, fabric, suitable for kitchen or bathroom 63. Bag, suitable for knitting, groceries, books, etc. 64. Any article made from polar fleece 65. Infant accessory (eg., bib, diaper bag, hooded towel, etc.), other than clothing 66. Pet wear 67. Article made from old jeans 68. An article made from 1m of fabric, named on entry tag 69. Any other article of clothing not listed, named on entry tag 70. Any other sewn article, not listed in Classes K or L, named on entry tag WWW.sceNtsatiONaLsMeLLs.cOM casH aWard for highest points in Sewing K-6 rugs 71. Rug, hooked, traditional technique 72. Rug or mat, any other kind, not woven [email protected] • Page 51 K-7 spinning (All 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. entry tags must list dye and mordants if used.) Article made from homespun wool only. Natural colour only. Skein of homespun sheep wool. Natural colour only. Skein of homespun and home dyed sheep’s wool - plant dye materials listing dye plant and mordant. Skein of homespun and home dyed sheep’s wool - food colour dye material listing mordant use. Skein of homespun blended yarn - 50/50 wool/alpaca, dog hair, goat, or rabbit Article made from 50/50 wool/alpaca, dog hair, goat, or rabbit Skein of homespun yarn using sheep’s wool mixed with: qiviut, tencil, linen, silk, or bamboo. List fibres and approximate percentages on entry tag. 80. Skein of homespun yarn from commercially prepared roving bOGdaLa’s sMOKed Meats aWard for highest points in Spinning K-8 Weaving 81. Rag rug 82. Yarn rug 83. Article woven from recycled fibres 84. Scarf New 85. Table runner New 86. Placemats, 2 87. Tea towels, 2 88. Sampler or article woven with a weft of the following; mohair, tencel silk or linen 89. Cantelon New 90. Wood basket, your design - list wood fibre used New 91. Any other article, woven, not listed, named on entry tag creeKside NUrserY & GardeN ceNtre aWard for highest points in Weaving K-9 quilting NOTE: 1. Quilt sizes have been removed. 2. Quilts consist of three layers – top, filling and backing – which are sewn by hand or machine, with the stitches going through all layers. 3. Quilted wall hangings must be ready to hang but not framed. 4. Name pattern, if known Hand quilting 92. Quilt, minimum of 324” measured on perimeter 93. Quilt by group or organization, minimum of 324” measured on perimeter 94. Any other hand quilted article (eg; lap quilt, coverlet, crib quilt, wall hanging, clothing, etc.) Page 52 [email protected] • Modern quilting 95. Quilt, patchwork, single or larger, pattern named on entry tag 96. Quilt, appliquéd, single or larger, pattern named on entry tag 97. Quilt, any other, single or larger, pattern named on entry tag 98. Quilt by group or organization, single or larger, pattern named on entry tag 99. Lap quilt or coverlet 100. Crib quilt 101. Wall hanging 102. Machine quilted quilt/wall hanging, solely made and machine quilted by the exhibitor, minimum of 324” measured on the perimeter. Article may be square, rectangular, round, etc. Must have visible machine quilting. 103. Any other quilted article, not listed elsewhere 104. Quilt, Quilted by third party - top made by Exhibitor. Single or larger Miscellaneous quilting 105. Quilted article using purchased printed panel(s) 106. Article using fusible design, must be quilted 107. Miniature quilt, maximum 48” (122 cm) total perimeter 108. Paper pieced article 109. Quilt block, one, not quilted, pattern named on entry form and entry tag 110. Quilt top only, any size 111. My First Quilt Block, Novice - a quilt block, 1, not quilted, pattern named on entry tag 112. My First Quilt, Novice - any size 113. My First Wall Hanging, Novice cOra cLOss MeMOriaL casH aWard for the Best Quilt at the 2015 Fair, Quilt to be at LEAST 60” x 84”. KatHLeeN WOOdbecK - JeaN raWLiNGs MeMOriaL casH aWard for highest overall points in Class K Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Annual Championship Quilt Competition Competition #1: Hand Quilted Quilt The Best Quilt in Show, minimum of 324” measured on the perimeter, hand quilted by the Exhibitor, will be chosen at the Fair. Competition #2: Machine Quilted Quilt The Best in Show, minimum of 324” measured on the perimeter, solely made and machine quilted by the Exhibitor, will be chosen at the Fair. The article may be square, rectangular, etc. and MUST have visible machine quilting. Note: These articles will be eligible to compete in the District Annual Meeting Competitions. The winners from there are entitled to enter the Championship competitions at the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies competition in Toronto in February 2016. The CHAMPIONSHIP QUILT, at the O.A.A.S. level, will be awarded a $500.00 Grand Prize and the exhibitor will retain ownership of the quilt. The CHAMPIONSHIP MACHINE QUILTED ARTICLE, at the O.A.A.S. level, will be awarded a $500.00 Grand Prize and the exhibitor will retain ownership of the article. [email protected] • Page 53 Class KS: Charity Begins at Home rules: 1. All entries will become the property of the Hymers Agricultural Society and be donated to various charities (Christmas Cheer, Mutual Aid, Canadian Cancer Society, Humane Society, etc.) 2. No entry fee. 3. Exhibitors may enter as many items in each Section as they wish. Prizes: 1st: $8.00, 2nd: $7.00, 3rd: $5.00 1. Article made for a person with special needs (eg. walker tote, lap blanket, etc.), any medium. sponsored by director erin Laforest 2. Headwear designed for Chemotherapy Patients – Knitted. sponsored by director debbie Hoover 3. Headwear designed for Chemotherapy Patients – Crocheted. sponsored by director randy creighton 4. Headwear designed for Chemotherapy Patients – Sewn. sponsored by Hymers fair 5. Toys for Tragedies - stuffed toy, your choice (eg. teddy bear, animal, doll, etc.), Knitted. Do not use buttons or anything else a baby could swallow. sponsored by director anitta dupuis 6. Toys for Tragedies - stuffed toy, your choice (eg. teddy bear, animal, doll, etc.), Crocheted Do not use buttons or anything else a baby could swallow. sponsored by director emily biloski 7. Mitts, adults plain – Knitted. sponsored by director rhonda Prystanski 8. Mitts, adults fancy – Knitted. sponsored by director Margaret duncan 9. Mitts, childrens plain – Knitted. sponsored by director donna Kangas 10. Mitts, childrens fancy – Knitted. sponsored by director eldon Kangas 11. Socks, adults – Knitted. sponsored by director Jack Mclaren 12. Socks, childrens – Knitted. sponsored by director Karen Kingsborough 13. Knit or crochet preemie hat and blanket, approximate 18” x 18”. sponsored by director Jena curtis 14. Men’s hat, mitts, scarf set sponsored by director Jeff Glavish 15. Women’s hat, mitts, scarf set sponsored by director Kathleen Woodbeck 16. Any other article (like articles to be judged together), not listed above, named on entry form & entry tag. sponsored by director Lawrence Prystanski DONATIONS OF HANDICRAFTS from 2014, which were made and received from our generous Exhibitors, were distributed as follows: *WALKER TOTES (5) AND BIB (1) – donated to Dawson Court Home for the Aged *HEADWEAR FOR CHEMOTHERAPY PATIENTS – 11 hats donated to the Canadian Cancer Society *TEDDIES FOR TRAGEDIES – 9 teddy bears donated to the Thunder Bay Mutual Aid Association – Zone 1 * Mitts (21 pairs), socks (6 pairs), hats (4), slippers (2), scarves (2), and children’s sweaters/ sets (2) – donated to the Thunder Bay Christmas Cheer Preemie Hats and Blankets – 2 sets donated to Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre – Maternity Centre *HANDMADE PET BLANKETS (2) – donated to the Thunder Bay & District Humane Society *CARE PACKAGES FOR SHUT-INS (2) – donated to Dawson Court Home for the Aged Page 54 [email protected] • [email protected] • Page 55 Class L Arts and Crafts PLease refer tO tiPs tO HaNdWOrK eXHibitOrs PrecediNG cLass K NeedLeWOrK Prizes: (all sections except where listed) 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Painting, oils, ready to hang Painting, acrylics, ready to hang Painting, water colours, ready to hang Pencil, charcoal, or ink sketch/drawing, ready to hang Article using the 2015 theme “There’s Country in the Air at Hymers Fair” Cushion or Pillow Toy, any kind Jewellery, handmade Article using the Fall Theme, maximum 18” Welcome or Garden sign, ready to hang Garden/stepping stone, decorated Wreath or swag Stained glass article Article using pressed plant material Table centrepiece, any theme other than Christmas New Clay flower pot creation, 15” & under Clay flower pot creation, over 15” Mosaic article made from broken glass or ceramic pieces 4 greeting cards, any 1 theme, named (shown in plastic Ziploc bag) on entry form and entry tag Scrapbook album - contents only to be judged New Scrapbooking, 2 page spread, any theme named on entry tag Something useful out of something useless Metalwork - lathe work Metalwork - no lathe work Homemade themed gift box, max value $15.00, for a shut-in or student (eg. kitchen or bathroom, etc.) Soap, 1 bar or piece Any other article, not listed above, named on entry tag Page 56 [email protected] • 28. berNardiN sNaP Lid/MasON creatiVe Jar craft aWard - “Gift in a Jar” Best decorative or functional homemade craft made using a Bernardin mason jar(s) and/or 2 piece SNAP Lid. 1st prize: Gift prize 2nd $6.00 3rd $4.00 christmas corner 29. Runner or 2 placemats 30. Container, decorated, to be used as a gift box (eg. basket, box, etc.) 31. Handcrafted snowman, or Santa, freestanding 32. Door or wall decoration, ready to hang, no wreaths 33. Stocking, any kind 34. Table centrepiece or mantelpiece 35. Tree ornaments, 3 36. Tree skirt 37. Angel New 38. Wreath New 39. A Christmas scene in a purchased gift box base New 40. Nativity Scene, minimum of 5 pieces, maximum 14” 41. Any other article, named on entry tag recycle corner Articles entered in this section must be made from recycled materials. 42. Article made from recycled fabric 43. Article made from recycled Hymers Fair ribbons 44. Article made from recycled metal 45. Article made from plastic bags 46. New life for an old farm tool 47. Article made from recycled greeting cards 48. An article using Barnboard 49. Repurposed old window - no larger than 24” x 24” 50. Any other article, useful 51. Any other article, decorative Wood Work 52. Bird feeder or house 53. Functional item (eg. cutting board, tape holder, etc.) 54. Small box 55. An article of handmade decor for the “Man Cave” 56. Carving 57. Toy or puzzle 58. Outdoor ornament New 59. Indoor ornament 60. Any other article made from wood, not listed above ethnic 61. Beadwork, any article, named on entry tag 62. Sash 63. An article of clothing 64. Footwear, any type 65. Decorative article, named on entry tag [email protected] • Page 57 OriGiNaL creatiVe HaNdicrafts Rules: Strictly original work, no kits, no patterns, no copying, no molds. Considerations for judging: demonstrated originality of concept and rendition; skill shown in the use of material chosen; pleasing presentation (frame, mat, base, etc.) 66. Article of jewellery 67. Basket, any type 68. Original poem 69. Pottery, 1 article 70. Hand Painting, water colours, ready to hang 71. Hand Painting, oils or acrylics. ready to hang 72. Charcoal, pencil or ink sketch or drawing. ready to hang 73. Hand painting, pastels, chalk or any other medium, ready to hang 74. Painting on a rock 75. Any other article, not listed above, named on entry tag KiMberLY aNN MassaGe tHeraPY aWard for highest points in Class L Page 58 [email protected] • [email protected] • Page 59 2015 FALL FAIR FUN Official Opening: Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Main Stage DAILY CONTESTS (free entry unless noted) FAMILY WAGON DECORATING CONTEST (sponsored by Jena Curtis Bookkeeping Services) BEST DRESSED COWBOY/COWGIRL CONTEST (sponsored by Avista Realty - Barb McEwen) OLDEST PERSON ON THE GROUNDS (sponsored by Hymers Fair) GRANDPARENT WITH THE MOST GRANDCHILDREN ON THE GROUNDS (sponsored by Hymers Fair) PERSON TRAVELLING THE GREATEST DISTANCE (sponsored by Hymers Fair) MOST RECENTLY MARRIED COUPLE (sponsored by Thunder Bay Symphony) YOUNGEST BABY ON THE GROUNDS (sponsored by Hymers Fair) COUPLE MARRIED THE LONGEST (sponsored by Primary Foto Source) SUNFLOWER AND ZUCCHINI CONTESTS – HILLTOP STAGE (Zucchinis will be donated to the Rural Food Bank) Page 60 [email protected] • SPORTS/RACES (sponsored by Old Dutch Foods, Superior Bowl, Dulux Paints & Hymers Fair) NAIL DRIVE CONTEST (entry fee) (sponsored by Neebing Lumber) HAY TOSS (entry fee) (sponsored by Food Security Research Network) MUTT SHOW (sponsored by Northwestern Veterinary Hospital, Dulux Paints & Hymers Fair) SUNDAY CONTESTS (free entry) BABY SHOW – 2:00 p.m. Hilltop Stage (no pre-registration required) (sponsored by Sooters & Hymers Fair) Scarecrow Entry Deadline – 5:00 p.m. MONDAY CONTESTS (free entry) HYMERS FAIR $1,500 CASH DRAW Tickets sold at the Gazebo DINNERS SUNDAY – Deep Pit BBQ Beef Dinner MONDAY – Home Cooked Country Meal HYMERS FAIR ADMISSION PRICES: $6.00 Adults • $4.00 Seniors $4.00 6 to 12 years of age (or free entry with a zucchini or sunflower) 5 and under - Free [email protected] • Page 61 Class M-1 Canned Goods The guidelines of Homecraft Judging Standards for Ontario Fairs, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, shall be used as a judging standard. Rules: 1. All canning and pickles to be sealed in 500ml (pint) sealers, unless otherwise stated. 2. Jelly and jam must be properly sealed in 110ml or 250ml jars (4oz. or 8oz.) jars. 3. No wax. For your guidance, the following is the general score for the judging of canned goods: flavour - as near to natural as possible, no off odours or mustiness appearance - condition of finished product, original shape, natural colour, free from blemishes or spots, clarity of liquid Pack - proportion of liquid to solid in finished product, neatness container - clean, free from surface soil Label - small, neat, visible Prizes: 1st: $4.00 2nd: $3.00 3rd: $2.00 (except sections 53, 54) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Applesauce Blueberries Peaches Pears Plums Raspberries, tame Raspberries, wild Saskatoons Strawberries, tame Other fruit or berry Blueberry Jam Peach Jam Raspberry Jam, tame Raspberry Jam, wild Rhubarb Jam Strawberry Jam, tame Strawberry Jam, wild Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam Jam using 2 or more fruits, not Strawberry/Rhubarb, named on entry tag Any other jam, not listed above, with recipe, named on entry tag Chokecherry Jelly Crabapple Jelly Cranberry Jelly Grape Jelly Pepper Jelly Raspberry Jelly, wild or tame Red Currant Jelly Saskatoon Jelly Jelly using 2 or more fruits, named on entry tag Any other jelly, not listed above, with recipe, named on entry tag Jam or jelly, suitable for a diabetic, with recipe, named on entry tag Marmalade, any kind, named on entry tag Fruit butter Savory Jam or Jelly, to be used as a condiment, or appetizer, named on entry tag Tomatoes Chutney, any variety, named on entry tag Beets, pickled, sliced Beets, pickled, whole Carrots, dill, pickled Garlic, pickled Page 62 [email protected] • 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Bread and butter pickles Dill cucumbers, pickled Mustard pickles, any variety, named on entry tag Peppers, pickled Any other vegetable pickled, named on entry tag Beet relish Cucumber relish Zucchini relish Any other relish, not listed above, named on entry tag Green tomato pickle Salsa sauce Spaghetti sauce, no meat berNardiN JaM/JeLLY aWard for Best jam or jelly using Bernardin pectin. Judging will be based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. All entries must include proof of purchase of sponsor’s product (UPC) and recipe attached to entry tag. 1st place: gift prize, 2nd place: $6.00, 3rd place: $4.00 54. berNardiN Gift PacK cOMPetitiON Gift basket/container MUST include at least 3 filled Bernardin mason jars & SNAP Lids. Judging will be based on creativity, quality of home canned product (home canned items will be taste tested), perceived value & appropriateness of presentation. (Gift Packs need not be in baskets, any suitable container can be used – be creative.) 1st place: gift prize, 2nd place: $15.00, 3rd place: $10.00 HeLeN LOGaN MeMOriaL casH aWard for highest points in Class M-1 berNardiN best Of sHOW aWard for highest points in Class M-1 Class M-2 Homemade Wine (1 bOttLe) Rules: 1. Wines must be made from raw fruit, by natural vinification process, except for sections 6, 7, & 8. 2. Additives other than those required for fermentation or sweetening during the vinification process are not allowed. 3. Wines may be subjected to chemical analysis. Prizes: (sec. 1-10) 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 1. Red grape, name variety, named on entry tag 2. White grape, name variety, named on entry tag 3. Berry, named on entry tag 4. Cultivated herb or root wine, named on entry tag 5. Fruit, named on entry tag 6. Any other wine, named (may be a kit) on entry tag 7. Red, from kit 8. White, from kit 9. Liqueur, fruit or herbal, named on entry tag 10. tHUNder baY beeKeePers’ casH aWard for Mead (wine made with honey) dULUX PaiNts (NeXt tO McdONaLd’s ON MeMOriaL aVeNUe) for highest points in Class M-2 [email protected] • Page 63 Making your day brighter 899 tungsten street thunder bay, ON P7b 6H2 Phone 345-5951 fax: (807) 344-0441 PER HOL CONSTRUCTION LTD. • Design Build • Commercial • • Residential • Industrial • • Local Supplier of Butler Metal Buildings • 1450 Rosslyn Road Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6W1 Page 64 Phone: 474-0930 Fax: 474-0940 [email protected] [email protected] • [email protected] • Page 65 CATCH THE BUS TO HYMERS FAIR! Labour Day Weekend September 6 & September 7, 2015 Pickup locations are: County Fair Plaza 11:00 a.m Thunder Bay Community Auditorium 11:20 a.m Thunder Bay Mall 11:35 a.m. Approximate arrival at the fairgrounds is 12 noon With daily departure from the fair at 5:30 p.m. Sharp • Cost of the bus is $5 round trip per person No Reservations Required Cash Bus Fare will be collected upon arrival at the fair and a token will be given to you for your return ride. Admission to the fairgrounds is extra Adults $6, Seniors $4, Children 6-12 $4, or free with a sunflower or zucchini; Children 5 & under free Page 66 [email protected] • Class N Baking and Candy Rules: 1. No commercial mixes to be used. bread must be homemade. Pie & tart shells must be homemade. 2. Size of bread pan approximately 23 x 10 x 8 cm. (9 x 4 x 3 inches.) 3. Size of cookies, squares, muffins and tea biscuits, to be minimum 2” to max 3” across top 4. No glaze on pastry and plain bread, unless stated. 5. Buns are attached. 6. Loaves and breads are to be in clear, plastic bags or wrap. 7. Due to the cost of the ingredients, place 1/4 section of the cake or 1/2 loaf of quick breads on foil-covered cardboard or a styrofoam plate. In Class NS the whole cake is to be shown. 8. Rolls must have complete crust. 9. Fruit Cakes previously judged, not eligible. 10. Where labels are required in specials, put in labels only, when possible. 11. If using aluminum foil pie plates, please temper by baking the pans at 425º for 15 minutes before using. 12. Plates will no longer be supplied. For your guidance, the following is the general score for the of baked goods: General appearance: – size and shape, colour, crust internal appearance: – texture, tenderness, colour flavour – taste, aroma Please note the following: White cake: – no egg yolks, just the whites Light cake: – has the whole egg Lattice top: – a true lattice top must be woven decorated cakes: – decoration should be on an actual cake, not on a pan or frame unless otherwise stated in the prize list. Prizes: (sec. 1 - 20) 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 (sec. 21 - 56) 1st $7.00 2nd $6.00 3rd $5.00 Cookies and Squares 1. Brownies, 3, any flavour, iced or no icing 2. No-bake squares, 3 3. Peanut butter cookies, 3 4. Oatmeal Raisin cookies, 3 5. Rolled, sliced and baked cookies, any kind, 3, named on entry tag 6. Sugar cookies, rolled, 3 7. Any other cookie, 3, named on entry tag 8. Favourite cookie, 3, named on entry tag, MEN ONLY Muffins and biscuits 9. Muffin, using fruit, 3 10. Muffin, using vegetable, 3 11. Scones, 3 12. Tea Biscuits, 3 13. Bran muffins, 3 14. Any other muffin, 3, named on entry tag candy 15. Peppermint Patties, 3 16. Fudge, chocolate, 3 pieces, approximately 2.5 cm (1”) squares 17. Fudge, any other kind, 3 pieces, approximately 2.5cm (1”) squares 18. Caramel popcorn, 1 cup, shown in a Ziploc bag 19. Peanut Brittle, 3 pieces, in a paper bag 20. Any other candy, 3 pieces, named on entry tag Pies and tarts (Homemade pie pastry crust, no glaze, one slice of pie only) 21. Fruit pie, one fruit, not apple 22. Fruit pie, two or more fruits 23. Pie, lemon meringue 24. Pie, apple 25. Any other pie, no refrigeration, named on entry tag 26. Best homemade pie shell (no filling) 27. Butter tarts, 3 28. Any other tarts, named on entry tag [email protected] • Page 67 Loaves 29. Poppy seed loaf, ½ loaf or mini 30. Fruit loaf, ½ loaf or mini 31. Vegetable loaf, ½ loaf or mini 32. Loaf using 2 or more fruits / vegetables, 1/2 loaf or mini 33. Lemon loaf, ½ loaf or mini, glazed 34. Any other loaf, ½ loaf or mini, named on entry tag buns and rolls 35. Buns, cinnamon, 4, (butter & cinnamon only) 36. Rolls, 4, white 37. Rolls, 4, brown 38. Any sweetened yeast bread, 1 loaf or braid, may or may not have glaze, icing or filling 39. Buns, white, attached, 4 bread 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. White bread made and cooked with a bread machine White bread made by hand Whole wheat bread made and cooked with a bread machine Whole wheat bread made by hand Rye bread made and cooked with a bread machine Rye bread made by hand Bread, 1 loaf, any other variety, made and cooked with a bread machine Bread, 1 loaf, any other variety, made by hand Bread, 1 loaf, multigrain, made by hand, MEN ONLY cakes 49. 2 layer cake, ¼ section, standing, filling and frosting/icing of Exhibitor’s choice 50. Carrot cake, 1 layer, ¼ section standing, frosted/iced 51. Coffee cake, ¼ section standing 52. Jelly roll, 4” piece, any filling 53. Johnny Cake, ¼ section 54. Light cake, ¼ section, iced 55. Sponge cake, ¼ section 56. Any other cake, ¼ section standing, named on entry tag brULe creeK farMs aWard & dULUX PaiNts aWard for highest points in Class N Hymers Fair Market Tables Available for Rent in the Market September 6 & September 7, 2015 For information call Cindy at 621-0257 Page 68 [email protected] • Donations of Baking are always welcomed and appreciated! Baking will be placed in our Volunteer Booth for our Volunteers to enjoy. Drop off to office any time on the Fair Weekend. Thanks! Baby Show • for Babies up to 24 Months • at the Hilltop Stage • 2:00PM Sunday, September 6th Novelty Classes & Contests No pre-registration required Sponsored by: Sooter’s and Hymers Fair [email protected] • Page 69 Class NS Baking Specials PLease refer tO rULes UNder cLass N – baKiNG & caNdY. For Sections 3 & 15 & 16. All entries must be accompanied by a recipe stapled to the back of the entry tag, or they will be disqualified. Baking must be brought on a paper/plastic plate and in a clear plastic bag, except #1 & #16 which should be displayed on a sturdy base. Cookies, muffins, cupcakes & squares are to be between 2” to 3” across top. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. LaNdaLe GardeNs aWard for a decorated cake, any theme, not to exceed 12” in any direction New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $20.00, 3rd: $10.00 sUPeriOr cOatiNGs aWard for Decorated Cupcakes, 3, using the “Harvest” theme New 1st : Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 crOsbY’s MOLasses casH aWard for Cookies made with Molasses. 5 cookies. Cookies must include a minimum of ¼ cup of molasses. Cookies to be judged on taste, texture and creative use of a recipe. recipe must be included. Label from product container to be submitted with entry. 1st: $10.00, 2nd: $6.00, 3rd: $4.00 New caNadiaN tire - artHUr street aWard for Fun With Cookies – decorated sugar cookies, 5, baby theme 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 New dULUX PaiNts aWard for Root Cookies, 5 (cookies using a root vegetable) New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 cUrrie’s cOPY sHOP aWard for Dark or Light Fruit Cake, not iced, 4” square, including at least 2 outside edges, plastic wrapped 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $8.00, 3rd: $5.00 PiZZa HUt aWard for Fruit Crisp, using at least 2 fruits, individual serving New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 sUPeriOr sOaPNUts aWard for Cake Pops, 3, decorated, using an animal theme New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 dULUX PaiNts aWard for Appetizers, finger foods,3 of each, 2 varieties New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 tHUNder baY MUseUM aWard for Bite Size Muffins, 6, any variety 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 New dULUX PaiNts aWard for Fancy Cookie suitable for cookie exchange, 5 New 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 PiZZa HUt aWard for Sugared or Seasoned Nuts, 1 cup in a Ziploc bag 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 brULe creeK farMs aWard for Buttermilk Pie, 1 slice 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 New a tO Z reNtaLs aWard for “I Wannabe a Dessert” Dessert Mix in a clear glass container, with lid, nicely decorated 1st: Gift Prize, 2nd: $5.00, 3rd: $4.00 HYMers aGricULtUraL sOcietY casH aWard for 60% Whole Wheat Bread. The first place winner will be eligible to enter the District Competition. Pan size (these are measurements for the top of the pan that must be used): minimum 8” x 4” x 2-1/2” (20cm x 10cm x 7cm), maximum 9” x 5” x 3” (23cm x 13cm x 7.5cm). recipe accompanied. A full loaf of 60% whole wheat bread is required to be shown. 1st $10.00, 2nd $8.00, 3rd $5.00 crOsbY’s MOLasses casH aWard for Cake made with Molasses (including gingerbread). Cake must include a minimum of ¼ cup of molasses. To be judged on taste, texture and creative use of a recipe. recipe must be included. Label from product container to be submitted with cake. 1st: $10.00, 2nd: $6.00, 3rd: $4.00 rObiN HOOd faMiLY faVOrite reciPe baKiNG cONtest for Best Homemade Blueberry Muffins (Must include 3 muffins). Judging will be based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. each entry must be accompanied by a recipe and proof of purchase (label) from the sponsor’s product. 1st, 2nd place: Gift Prize, 3rd $5.00 criscO “best HOMeMade Pie cONtest” for Best Homemade Apple Pie. Judging will be based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. each entry must be accompanied by a recipe and proof of purchase (label) from the sponsor’s product. 1st, 2nd place: Gift Prize, 3rd $10.00 Page 70 [email protected] • Class O Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Baking, Junior Division Open to girls and boys 18 years and under on August 31 of this year. No entry fee required. Product must have been made by the exhibitor only. See rules, Class N Baking. sectiON 13 must be accompanied by a recipe stapled to the back of the entry tag. Prizes: 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00 Fudge, chocolate, 3 pieces New Muffins, any kind, 3 Oatmeal Cookies, 3 New Pie, one slice, any flavour Chocolate Cake, iced, 1/4 section standing. Apple crisp, individual serving New Cake pops, 3, decorated Hit-The-Trail Mix, one cup in a ziploc bag New Homemade dog or cat treats, 4 or 1/2 cup in suitable container. sponsored by the Pet food Waggin’. Rice Krispies Cereal Contest: Make a Rice Krispie igloo Must be entirely edible. 1st: $5.00; 2nd: $4.00; 3rd: $3.00 11. Brownies, 3, any flavour, iced or no icing 12. “I make the best...”, 3, named on entry tag New 13. O.a.a.s. chocolate chip cookie competition (no nuts) - open to youth up to age 15 years as of Dec. 31 of current year, 8 cookies to be no larger than 6.75 cm (3”), and no smaller than 5 cm (2”). Displayed on a firm, disposable plate. each entry must be accompanied by a recipe. Winner will be eligible to enter the District Competition. 1st: $10.00; 2nd: $5.00; 3rd: $4.00 14. rObiN HOOd “best Lunchbox snack contest” for Best Homemade Squares, 4 pieces. Judging will be based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. Each entry must be accompanied by a recipe and proof of purchase (label) from sponsor’s product. 1st: $15.00; 2nd: $8.00; 3rd: $4.00 JacK aNd Grace McLareN casH aWard for highest points in Class O 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Be sure to visit our Sponsor’s Websites for recipes and helpful baking hints: Robin Hood Flour Crisco [email protected] • Page 71 Class P Arts and Crafts - Junior Division PLease refer tO tiPs tO HaNdWOrK eXHibitOrs PrecediNG cLass K NeedLeWOrK Rules: 1. Open to boys and girls 18 years and under on August 31 of this year 2. No entry fee required 3. Work must be done by the exhibitor only Prizes: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 14 Years and Under 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Inukshuk, maximum height 12” Pointillism - “dot art” - design of your choice New Take a picture from a magazine, cut it in half, mount on a 8.5x11” sheet of paper. Draw in the missing half Christmas Decoration Mother’s or Father’s Day Craft Sewing, 1 article Weaving, 1 article Woodwork, 1 article, not a kit Create a bumper sticker promoting Agriculture Any article knitted or crocheted Rock painting Tin Can Lantern, hammer & nail created design including candle inside Jewellery, 1 article Original poem Sketch or drawing, any medium Decorate a plain ivory light switch plate - any media New Card, handmade, birthday Design a tattoo Create a design for a skateboard or snowboard on a 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper Sketch a vehicle of the future Grade 6 (as of Sept. 2015) Using a Pen and Writing: World’s Greatest Need A little more kindness and a little less greed: A little more giving and a little less need: A little more smile and a little less frown: A little less kicking a man when he’s down: A little more “we” and a little less “I”: A few more laughs and a little less cry: A few more flowers on the pathway of life: And few on graves at the end of the strife. Page 72 [email protected] • 22. Grade 7 (as of Sept. 2015) Using a Pen and Writing: Indian Summer Along the line of smoky hills The crimson forest stands, And all the day the blue-jay calls Throughout the autumn lands. Now by the brook the maple leans, With all his glory spread; And all the sumachs on the hills Have turned their green to red. See Class T-2 for Amateur Photography, Junior Division Now, by great marshes, wrapt in mist, Or past some river’s mouth, Throughout the long still autumn day Wild birds are flying south. 23. Grade 8 (as of Sept. 2015) Using a Pen and Writing: The Song Of The Ski Norse am I when the first snow falls: Norse am I till the ice departs. The fare for which my spirit calls Its blood from a hundred viking-hearts The curved wind wraps me like a cloak: The pines blow out their ghostly smoke. I’m high on the hill and ready to go A wingless bird in a world of snow: Yet I’ll ride the air With a dauntless dare That only a child of the north can know. 24. Any other article, handmade, not listed above, named on entry tag KatHLeeN aNd barrY WOOdbecK casH aWard for highest points in sections 1-24 Visit The Hymers Lemonade ‘N Fruit Stand! [email protected] • Page 73 18 Years and Under 25. Rock painting 26. Soothing sounds - handmade windchimes 27. Sewing, 1 article 28. One text message, ten words or less, telling a complete story 29. Weaving, 1 article 30. Jewellery, 1 article New 31. Portrait, any medium 32. Painting, water colours, pastels, or poster prints, ready to hang 33. Sketch or drawing, pencil, ink or charcoal, ready to hang 34. Hand painting, original oil or acrylics (no kits), ready to hang 35. Sculpture, clay, paper, wire, fabric, etc. (no kits) 36. Woodwork (no kits) 37. Fashion design - formal wear (eg. prom or wedding) with or without model - drawn on a page (8.5” x 11”) 38. Original poem 39. Create your own comic strip, no longer than 4 frames, on a page no larger than 8.5” x 11” 40. Penmanship, minimum 20 lines, in writing 41. Wall hanging, ready to hang 42. Original short story, typed, maximum 1000 words 43. Invitation to a party 44. Create a business card or flyer to advertise a skill that you can offer - computer art accepted 45. Scrapbooking, 2 page spread, any theme 46. Family History - on one sheet of bristol board show at least 3 generations of your family. Pictures, painting or paper clippings can be used. New KatHLeeN aNd barrY WOOdbecK casH aWard for highest points in sections 25-46 DINNER’S DONE WORKSHOPS! – email me for more information – you buy the groceries, we make at least 10 meals in 2 hours, they go from freezer to table in 30 minutes or less. Booking Blitz! How to Play: 1. Pick your party date. 2. Pick any item under $50. 3. Get that item for the price of your party date. **must be a qualifying party of $400** Example: Hold your party on July 2, get that item for $2! Call me for all of your Kitchen Needs! Want to book your own Party or Catalogue Party? Email or call me. It’s Easy and Fun!! We do Cooking Shows, Fundraisers, Bridal Showers, Catalog Shows, Facebook Parties, & Dinner’s Done Workshops! Debbie Hoover • 986-3593 • [email protected] Page 74 [email protected] • Class PS Junior Posters and Projects OPeN tO bOYs aNd GirLs 18 Years Of aGe aNd UNder. (check each poster/project for age limits) 1. “the story of compost”, sponsored by Jane Oldale Approximate size 30 x 45 cm. (12” x 18” or 1/2 sheet of bristol board). 1st $15.00 2nd $10.00 3rd $5.00 2. A project based on Country Living - then and now, sponsored by Unitized Manufacturing New May be a chart, diagram, free standing, etc. Greatest dimension not to exceed 60 cm. (2 feet) Open to boys and girls in Grades 1 to 8 in the most recent school year 1st $10.00 2nd $8.00 3rd $6.00 a. Grades 1 - 3 b. Grades 4 - 8 3. O.a.a.s. competition Theme: Promoting Hymers Fair. Poster must be hand drawn. Name and date of Fair must be clearly shown. Poster size: minimum 22cm x 28cm, not including border, maximum 28cm x 44cm, not including border. Each entry must be centered on a cardstock or Bristol board exposing a 5.5cm border on all 4 sides. The winning poster will be eligible to enter in the District Competition competing with the winning entries from Dryden, Emo, Kenora, Murillo and the C.L.E. The District winner will then go on to the O.A.A.S. Convention next February in Toronto to compete provincially. Open to boys and girls in Grades 1 to 12 in the 2015-2016 school year. Judging Standards: 1. Overall appearance - 50 points 2. Hand drawn - 35 points 3. OAAS Criteria - 15 points (size, material, theme) 1st $15.00 2nd $12.00 3rd $10.00 a. Junior, up to and including Grade 4, inclusive b. Intermediate, Grade 5 to Grade 8, inclusive c. Senior, Grades 9 to 12, inclusive 4. Local food system sponsored by food security research Network Open to Boys/Girls Age 8 to 12 years of age as of August 31 of the current year Build a vision of what your community looks like when it is food secure. Take a cardboard box no bigger than 12 x 12 x 15”. Cut one side out and create a scene/model of what your community looks like when it is food secure. You may use materials such as clay, paper, wood, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and other craft materials. Try to incorporate natural materials where possible. 1st: $25.00 2nd: $15.00 3rd: $10.00 [email protected] • Page 75 Class Q Agriculture, Junior Division Rules: 1. Open to all district young people 18 years and under on August 31 of this year. 2. No entry fee required. 3. Please refer to tiPs fOr HOrticULtUraL eXHibitOrs and PrePariNG VeGetabLe eXHibits preceding Class F Vegetables, and floral exhibits preceding Class J Flowers. Prizes: (sect. 1 - 20) 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 1. Potatoes, red, A.V., name the variety on entry tag, 3 on a plate 2. Potatoes, white, A.V., name the variety on entry tag, 3 on a plate 3. Carrots, 3, variety named on entry tag 4. Tomatoes, 3, green, variety named on entry tag 5. Onions, 3 on a plate 6. Beans, green or yellow, 6 7. Corn, 2 cobs, 1/3 of husk removed; 15mm. (1/2 in.) stub 8. Beets, any variety, 3 9. Squash, 1 variety named on entry tag 10. Any other vegetable, not listed above, named on entry tag 11. Decorate a potato to look like a turkey New 12. Eggs, one dozen 13. 5 different vegetables cushioned in a small basket of maple leaves 14. Petunias, singles, 2 sprays 15. Marigolds, 3 blooms under 5 cm. (2”) 16. Pansies, 3 blooms 17. “Let’s be sneaky” - floral design in a sneaker New 18. Any other cut flower, variety named on entry tag, 3 stems 19. Herb Garden - any 3 or more planted in a pot 20. The potato with the most eyes displayed on a paper plate JacK aNd Grace McLareN casH aWard for highest points in Class Q Class QS Agricultural Specials, Junior Division PLease refer tO PrePariNG VeGetabLe eXHibits, PrecediNG cLass f, VeGetabLes & HOW tO MaKe a sHeaf, PaGe 23 1st $25.00 2nd $20.00 3rd $15.00 Prizes: (sec. 1) Prizes: (sec. 2-9) 1st $10.00 2nd $6.00 3rd $4.00 Prizes: (sec. 10-11) 1st $8.00 2nd $5.00 3rd $3.00 1. Ages 10 - 18; Garden Display, approximately 61 cm. (2 ft.) square 2. Wheat sheaf, hand-tied, 1 inch diameter at top band, variety to be named on entry tag 3. Oat sheaf, hand-tied, 1 inch diameter at top band, variety to be named on entry tag 4. Barley sheaf, hand-tied, 1 inch diameter at top band, variety to be named on entry tag 5. Red clover sheaf, 3 inch diameter top band, green 6. Timothy sheaf, 1 inch diameter top band, green 7. Trefoil sheaf, 3 inch diameter top band, green 8. Corn sheaf, field, 3 stalks 9. Sunflower sheaf, 3 stalks 10. A floral arrangement in a vegetable, i.e., pumpkin, squash, etc. May include grasses, grains, etc. 11. Heaviest Pumpkin aNONYMOUs casH aWard for highest points in Class QS Page 76 [email protected] • [email protected] • Page 77 “Dedicated to providing expert, experienced legal services” John W. Atwood Gilbert L. Labine* Christopher M. Arnone** Neil J. McCartney Terry-Lynn Miettinen John G. Illingworth Michael D. Ballantyne Kate D. Brindley Elizabeth A. Calonego *Certified by the Law Society as a Specialist in Criminal Law **Member of the Collaborative Family Law Group • Business • Criminal • Environmental • Family • Real Estate • Income Tax • Estates • Wills & Powers of Attorney Specializing Gilbert L. Labine Neil J. McCartney Kate D. Brindley 501 Donald Street East Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6N6 Page 78 in Criminal Law - After hours: 767-7255 - After hours: 626-6428 - After hours: 630-0183 Phone: 623-4342 Fax: 623-2098 [email protected] • Congratulations to the Hymers Agricultural Society on their 103rd Fall Fair And best wishes for many more to come! Concrete well tiles & septic tanks IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES. Large selection of easy-to handle polyethylene holding tanks, hauling tanks and septic tanks IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES. 939-2655 58 Cooper Road [email protected] • Page 79 Page 80 [email protected] •