3rd sunday of advent - st. anthony of padua
3rd sunday of advent - st. anthony of padua
Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua. Today we celebrate the: Bienvenidos a San Antonio de Padua. Hoy celebramos el: 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO DECEMBER 13/14, 2014 - 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 2 STEWARDSHIP & PARISH INFORMATION St. Anthony of Padua Pastoral Staff (559) 439-0124 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Rob D. Wenzinger ext. 104 [email protected] Parochial Vicar : Rev. Bert Mello Parish Deacons Rev. Mr. Edward C. Valdez Rev. Mr. Ricardo DeLeon Parish Sisters Sister, Flor Azevedo, FHIC Sister, Rosa Maria Branco, FHIC Sister/Hermana, Teresa Norberto, MCSTNJ Support Staff Finance/Facilities Tom Neumeier [email protected] Parish Administrator Mary Mosier [email protected] Admin Asst. Clergy Appt’s Chris Shiveley [email protected] Accts. Receivable Lilli Angela Antonio [email protected] Bookkeeper Sherry Otero [email protected] Webmaster Lisa Hendey [email protected] Bulletin Editor email bulletin articles to: [email protected] ext. 243 ext. 103 ext 101 ext 172 ext 120 Last year’s plate income: $21,460.16 This week’s plate income: $26,186.50 Difference: $4,726.34 YEAR TO DATE PLATE COLLECTION 7/1/2013-9/30/2013 $316,029.67 7/1/2014-9/30/2014 $314,588.57 - $1,441.10 THANKS FOR SHARING WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU WITH OUR PARISH! As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 Certain watchwords are associated with each season of the church year, almost becoming a motto. Advent’s is “Wake up.” It then leads to other words like “Watch,” “Wait,” and “Witness.” But every Third Sunday of Advent, we anticipate the coming Christmas season, whose key word is “Rejoice.” This Sunday was traditionally called Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday. Priests continue to wear rose-colored vestments today, signaling joy. Joy is not only for Christmastime and the occasional Sunday. I remember as an altar boy, before Vatican II, Mass began with the “prayers at the foot of the altar.” The priest would begin: “I will go up to the altar of God.” The server responded: “To God who gives joy to my youth,” or as some translations had it, “To God, my exceeding joy.” It was a reminder that God is the source of all joy and that joy is one of the great gifts of God, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul reminds us that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). Now there is a good list for Christmas giving. Tell your loved ones your Christmas gift this year will be to pray throughout the coming year that the Spirit will bring them one of these gifts. John’s gift to the people who came out into the wilderness was to call them to prepare for the Lord, to give them a sense of heightened anticipation that the One coming to them would fill them with joy. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Please join us for our FOR THE WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 6/7, 2014 Difference: Reflecting on God’s Word There will be no Confessions on Saturday December 20th. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Penance Service Schedule Wednesday, December 17th, @ 7:00pm A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT In today’s second reading Paul concludes his le er to the Chris an community at Thessalonica by providing it with ac ons to take as its members wait for the return of the Lord. The first ac on is to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. This sounds easy but it’s not. The two words that make this task difficult are “always” and “all”. This means giving thanks and rejoicing even when our circumstances are not always moments of joy and thanksgiving, or when we are confronted with a broken world. Prayerful stewards rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances because they are people of hope. A good reflec on this week would be how the season of Advent can give you reason to hope. TRECER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO - DICIEMBRE 13/14 DE 2014 PAGE 3 MASS INTENTIONS, PRAYERS, PETITIONS & MASS SCHEDULE READINGS AND MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY 12/14 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm (Latin) TODAY’S READINGS CAN BE FOUND AT #865B IS 40:1-5, 9-11; PS 85:9-14; 2 PT 3:8-14; MK 1:1-8 † Johnny Hopkins by Kit Hopkins † Barney Crawley by Ron & Kathi O’Rourke † James Ochinero his daughters & grandsons † J. Guadalupe Garcia by Sergio Garcia † Stephanie Timsak by Martha Slaven 6:00 pm † Vaclav & Julie Lim by Marketa Limova MONDAY 12/15 NM 24:2-7, 15-17A; PS 25:4-5AB, 6, 7BC-9; MT 21:23-27 6:45 am 8:00 am TUESDAY 12/16 † Frank Fagan by Sue Fagan † Jacob Paddock by Nick & Angela DiLiddo ZEP 3:1-2, 9-13; PS 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; MT 21:28-32 6:45 am 8:00 am 6:45 am 8:00 am † Rock Barros by Michael & Bridget Fornaro † Dante P. Santiago by Jo J. Santiago & family GN 49:2, 8-10; PS 72:1-4AB, 7-8, 17; MT 1:1-17 † Jesse Chavez by Stella Chavez † Chuck Shwiyhat by Sami & Dina Shwiyhat & family THURSDAY 12/18 JER 23:5-8; PS 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; MT 1:18-25 6:45 am 8:00 am † Margaret Agnes Hill by Violeta Diokno † James & Josephine Ochinero by their daughters & grandsons 12/17 FRIDAY 12/19 JGS 13:2-7, 24-25A; PS 71:3-4A, 5-6AB, 16-17; LK 1:5-25 6:45 am † Natalie Martinez by George & Karen Martinez 8:45 am (School Mass) † Sharon Borre by St. Anthony’s School Faculty & Staff SATURDAY 12/20 IS 7:10-14; PS 24:1-4AB, 5-6; LK 1:26-38 5:15 pm 7:00 pm (Español) Intentions of Joy Huebner by Teri & Chris † Carlos Mercado by Karen Mercado SUNDAY 12/21 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Español) 3:30 pm (Latin) 6:00 pm 2 SM 7:1-5, 8B-12, 14A, 16; PS 89:2-5, 27, 29; ROM 16:25-27; LK 1:26-38 † Margaret S. & Donald Dougherty by Elizabeth Stittich † Paolo & Angelina Pecora by Antoinette & Angelo Pecora † Josephine Romero by Mark & Chris Shiveley † Jose Montoya por su familia Pro Populo † Lois Laygo by Ron & Sony Ballecer OUTREACH MINISTRY Members of St Anthony Outreach will be at the entrances today to accept any donation you might offer for those in need. Thank you to the volunteers and to all of you for your generosity & prayers. RECENTLY REQUESTED MASSES: Glenn Fenley & Emma Kelly by Anne & Kevin Nist Angie Bustellos by Carol Wright Pray for the Sick: We pray Audrey Diaz and for all those who are sick. May they feel the healing power of our prayers. Condolences: We pray for Guadalupe Leal, Richard Norman Soares, Joan Klepper, Juan Guillermo Cuellar, Elizabeth Foin, Janet Ochinero-Slakey, Jacqueline Rivera, Aaliyah Chavez, and for all the faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24th NO MORNING MASSES Children’s Mass @ 4:00pm Evening Masses 6:30pm & 9:00pm, [12:00am Midnight Mass] Christmas Day Thursday, December 25 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish) Misa en español 3:30pm (Latin), NO 6:00pm Mass New Years Eve Wednesday, December 31 6:45am & 8:00am Vigil Mass 6:30pm (Bi-lingual) New Years Day Thursday, January 1 6:45am & 8:00am 12:15pm (Latin) We are a people who wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. Advent is a joyful time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. DECEMBER 13/14, 2014 - 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 4 SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM, MATRIMONY & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sacraments Support Staff (559) 439-0124 Infant Baptisms & Funerals Teri Loera ext 102 [email protected] Marriage Coordinator Lynn Medeiros ext 116 [email protected] Music Ministry David Sarkisian ext 222 [email protected] THE SACRAMENT OF We are currently on Christmas Vacation. Enjoy your time off with your family and friends, also spend time with the needy as we await for the Christ Child. CLASSES RESUME: Sunday, January 11, 2015 & Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Complete calendar at www.stanthonyfresno/EDUCATION/GIFT ------------------------------------------- If you like working with children, consider joining us. We still need several assistants in different grades on Sundays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays. For more information contact: Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119 or [email protected] Baptisms are celebrated at St. Anthony on We ask that all parents and godparents attend a baptism preparation class. Please schedule your child’s baptismal date and your Baptismal Preparation Class in the Parish Office. RECENT BAPTISMS We welcome the infants who were recently initiated into the family of Christ. Children’s Christmas Eve Mass Wednesday, December 24th @ 4:00pm If your child would like to be a lector for this Mass, please contact Mary Briseño at 439-0124 ext. 119 or [email protected] Ruby Ann Hammond Liliana Shirley Pacheco-Nuzzolese Dec. 18th @ 6pm till 7:15pm THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples should contact the parish office to make an appointment with the parish marriage coordinator at least six months in advance of any wedding date to begin preparations. MARRIAGE BANNS: Pray for those preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony in the coming weeks: Anthony Merz and Sarah Lamas If you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the parish office. The next meeting for sacraments is Saturday December13th in Rm22 from 4:15pm-6:15pm. You can download a forms and calendar at www.stanthonyfresno.org. For more info Call Jenise Coates at 439-0124. Dec. 14th Life Night If you are interested in being a part of our Life Teen Ministry please call Sharon Christison at 439-0124x111 or email: [email protected] TRECER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO - DICIEMBRE 13/14 DE 2014 PAGE 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, FAITH FORMATION & PARISH MINISTRIES RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Sessions are held every Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. Anyone interested in completing their sacraments of initiation ~ Baptism, Confirmation or Eucharist ~ is welcome to join us. For more information about SAYA contact Edgar Briseño @ 439-0124 *173 or [email protected] Religious Education & First Communion (559) 439-0124 Children's Religious Education Mary Socorro Briseño ext 119 [email protected] Religious Ed. Secretary Aida Bolton ext 115 [email protected] High School Sacraments Sharon Christison ext 111 [email protected] Youth Group Assistant Jenise Coates ext 110 [email protected] Adult Religious Education-RCIA And Sunday Pre-School (559) 439-0124 Martha Danks-Ferguson ext 114 [email protected] REFLECTION Pilgrimage to World Youth Day Krakow, Poland 2016 “The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.” (St. Maximilian Kolbe) Do you still need more time for your Christmas shopping or need some special time away from the kids? Santa’s Elves are here to help: The SAYA St. Anthony’s Young Adults will watch your children Saturday, December 20th from 10am – 4pm while you take care of any holiday errands. We will provide lunch, crafts, games and a Christmas movie. Please call Edgar @439-0124 *173 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your spot today! Hourly or all-day rates and sibling discounts available. All donations and proceeds will support St. Anthony’s Young Adult World Youth Day Poland Pilgrimage. Thank you for your support. Enjoy and have a great time! A er reading this Gospel, I came to recognize that God sends all of his children to have a purpose and a path in life. He sends all to serve Him and to lead others closer to Him as well. To Him, it doesn’t ma er if you are the most important and well-known person in the world; such as asking if John was the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet. John recognizes that he is just himself serving God and helping others do the same. He was a humble leader who trusted in what God’s plan was for him and denied what others expected him to be because it wasn’t what he was called to be. John sets an example of leadership for us so that we may pray for God’s plan for us and to spread the Word in a loving way. Everything we are meant to do in our lives is for God and others. Alyssa, 17 - LIFETEEN PAGE 6 DECEMBER 13/14, 2014 - 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Ministries (559) 439-0124 Norma Jean Liscano Ministries Secretary [email protected] Sister Rosa [email protected] Sister Flor [email protected] Music Ministry David Sarkisian [email protected] ext 112 TheSilverAngelsthankyouforyour unfailingsupportandgenerosityduring 2014.Wewishyouandyoursablessed Christmas,andlookforwardtoseeingyou inFebruary2015! ext 122 THIS WEEKEND! Just in time for Holiday ext 105 ext 222 Advent: A Season of Hope and Anticipation!” giving, this weekend. Saint Anthony's Cub Scout Pack will be selling See's Candy after Mass Saturday, December 13th and morning Masses Sunday, December 14th. Please support our scouts! NEXT WEEKEND! Homemade Tamales Pork or Chicken Cost: $15 a dozen PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL During the Christmas Holiday The Blessed Sacrament will be REPOSED (placed) into the TABERNACLE on Wednesday, December 24 @ 11:00am & EXPOSED (returned), to the MONSTRANCE on Monday, January 5th @ 8:00am NO coverage is necessary: Adorers & visitors with a key are still welcome; as Jesus is still present in the Tabernacle. “The hidden treasure…is Jesus himself, the Kingdom in person. In the Sacred Host, he is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us. Only by adoring this presence do we learn how to receive him properly-we learn the reality of communion.” (Pope Benedict XVI, address to Religious and seminarians, Altotting, Germany, Sept., 11, 2006) We wish you all a very blessed Christmas Season! Available @ Conference Room (doughnut room) Saturday Dec. 20 & Sunday Dec. 21, 2014 AFTER ALL MASSES & WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! - NO PRE ORDERS All proceeds benefit Our SAYA Young Adult World Youth Day fundraiser THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT & MARRY CHRISTMAS PLEASE NOTE There will be NO TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY w/ deacon Ed on December 16th, 23rd & 30th. Study will resume Tuesday January 13th, 2015. There will be NO THURSDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY . They will have a winter break from Dec.18 thru January 8th and resumes on Thursday, January 15, 2015. There will ne NO FATIMA’S FAITHFUL MONTHLY meeting in December. Next meeting will resume in January. NO St. Anthony Food Drive in December! As always thank you for your generosity! The truck will return in January! “To serve the poor, is to serve Jesus.” ~ St. Vincent de Paul Reminder: There will be NO TAIZÉ PRAYER SERVICE in DECEMBER. See you in January! TRECER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO - DICIEMBRE 13/14 DE 2014 PAGE 7 PARISH MINISTRIES @Pontifex Dec 9 The family is a community of love where each of us learns to relate to others and to the world around us. @Pontifex Dec 8 Let us learn from the Virgin Mary how to be bolder in obeying the word of God . @Pontifex Dec 6 Advent begins a new journey. May Mary, our Mother, be our guide. St. Agnes Mission Never counting the cost, Sisters Elizabeth Mary, Carolyn, and Bridget, and some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests like them—have offered their lives in service to others. Many worked for years for small stipends, leaving their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious provides funding for prescription medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous. Over 93 percent of donations aid senior religious. There will be NO MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS IN DECEMBER The December (2013), decedent names will be combined with January (2014), decedents names on Saturday, January 17, 2015. For questions? Please call 439-0124, ext. 105 or 112. Dreaming New Dreams for... DIVORCED & SEPARATED MINISTRY When people are no longer part of a relationship they can feel distant and unaccepted by everyone around them. Pope Francis has encouraged us to reach out and include them as part of our Church family. St. Anthony’s Church will offer a new support group in January for divorced & separated Catholics. It begins with a series entitled, “Dreaming New Dreams.” The first meeting is a New Year’s Party on Friday, January 9th, at 6:30pm in the Parish Office Library. Group Facilitator will be: Suzanne Swanson. Please RSVP to Sr. Rosa Maria at: 439-0124, ext.112 so we can plan for food and beverages. St. Agnes Mission Support Staff Parish Administrator Annette Amparano 394-5058 [email protected] Director of Religious Ed. Phyllis Carmona 299-5549 Hispanic Ministries Miguel Mireles 259-4205 St. Agnes News & Christmas Schedule Children’s Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday Dec. 14th after the both Masses, followed by refreshments after both performances. Posadas: Dec. 16th -23rd…6pm nightly in the social hall. Christmas Tamale Sale: Sat. Dec. 20th - pre orders only! Christmas Eve Mass 6pm in English & 8pm in Spanish. Christmas day mass (ONLY ONE MASS THAT DAY) 10 am – bilingual. NO NEW YEARS DAY MASS AT THE MISSION! DECEMBER 13/14, 2014 - 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGINA 8 HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Hispanic Ministries Staff (559) 439-0124 Hispanic Ministries Director Director de Ministerios Hispanos Edgar Briseno ext 173 [email protected] Hispanic Ministries Assistant Asistente de Ministerios Hispanos Hna. Teresa Norberto, MCSTNJ ext. 113 [email protected] Venta de Tamales Próximo fin de Semana de Puerco y Pollo $15 por docena Disponibles en el Salón de Conferencias Sábado 20 y 21 de Diciembre, 2014 DESPUÉS DE TODAS LAS MISAS (HASTA QUE SE ACABEN) - NO PRE ORDENESS - Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Ciertas palabras son como contraseñas, las cuales asociamos con cada tiempo del año litúrgico y casi se convierten en lemas. Esa palabra en Adviento es “despierten”. Luego le siguen otras palabras como, “vigilen”, “esperen” y “atestigüen”. Pero cada Tercer Domingo de Adviento anticipamos la venida del Tiempo de Navidad, cuya palabra clave es “alégrense”. Este domingo tradicionalmente se ha conocido con el nombre de domingo de Gaudete (“Alégrense”). Los sacerdotes continúan usando hoy los ornamentos color rosa, que indica alegría. La alegría no es sólo para el Tiempo de Navidad y uno que otro domingo esporádico. Recuerdo cuando era monaguillo antes del Vaticano II que la Misa comenzaba con las “oraciones al pie del altar”. El sacerdote comenzaba diciendo: “Me acercaré al altar de Dios”. Y el monaguillo contestaba: “Al Dios que alegra mi juventud”. Se trataba de un recordatorio de que Dios es la fuente de toda alegría y que la alegría es uno de los dones más grandes de Dios, uno de los frutos del Espíritu Santo. San Pablo nos recuerda que “los frutos del Espíritu son: amor, alegría, paz, tolerancia, bondad, fe, mansedumbre y dominio de sí mismo” (Gálatas 5, 22–23). En estos momentos tenemos una buena lista para los regalos de Navidad. Dile a tus seres queridos que tu regalo de Navidad este año será orar durante todo el año para que el Espíritu les conceda uno de estos dones. El regalo o don que Juan le dio a la gente que venía al desierto fue exhortarlos a prepararse para el Señor, dándoles un sentido aguzado de expectación, porque el Señor que vendría los llenaría de alegría. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Todas lo recaudado beneficiara nuestros jóvenes adultos del grupo SAYA para el Día Mundial Juvenil Gracias por su apoyo & Feliz Navidad CIMIENTOS DE CATEQUESIS Programa de certificación básica para todos los catequistas, facilitadores de estudio de la Biblia; Grupos de Oración, Clases de bautismo (todos los que enseñan a niños, jóvenes y adultos; y formación en la fe para la diócesis de Fresno. Por favor hable con Edgar Briseño para registrarse en la formación en español @ 439-0124 *173 Primera sesión: 20 de diciembre, 2014 de 8:30-4:30 $13.00 (incluye los primero 2 libros) Para registrarse en la certificación en ingles hable con Mary Briseño al 439-0124 *119 No habrá confesiones el sábado 20 de diciembre. Actualmente estamos de Vacaciones de Navidad. Disfruten de su tiempo de descanso con su familia y amistades, y también pasen tiempo con los necesitados mientras esperamos al Niño Jesús. Las Clases se Reanudan el domingo, 11 de enero del 2015 Calendario Completo en www.stanthonyfresno/EDUCATION/GIFT ------------------------------------------ Si le gusta trabajar con niños, considere integrarse con nuestros. Todavía necesitamos ayudantes para las clases del jueves. Para mas información comuníquese con: Mary Briseño al 439-0124 ext. 119 o [email protected] TRECER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO - DICIEMBRE 13/14 DE 2014 PAGINA 9 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS / HISPANIC MINISTRIES @Pontifex Dic 9 La familia es una comunidad de amor, en la que aprendemos a relacionarnos con los demás y con el mundo. @Pontifex Dic 8 Aprendamos de la Virgen María a seguir la Palabra de Dios con ánimo generoso. CALENDARIO DE CLASES Y REUNIONES Dic. 14 SALÓN SOCIAL Dic. 21 POSADA 2:30pm - TODOS Muchas Gracias...! Sin contar nunca el costo, las Hnas. Elizabeth Mary, Carolyn y Bridget, y 35 mil hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas ancianos como ellas– han ofrecido su vida en servicio a los demás. Muchos han trabajado durante años recibiendo salarios bajos, lo cual ha dejado a sus comunidades religiosas sin ahorros suficientes para su jubilación y sus cuidados geriátricos. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos proporciona fondos para recetas médicas, enfermeros y más. Sean generosos. Más del 93 por ciento de los donativos ayuda a los religiosos ancianos. MINISTERIO DE ASISTENCIA Miembros del Ministerio de Asistencia estarán en las entradas hoy aceptando cualquier donación que pueda ofrecer para aquellos que necesitan. Gracias por sus generosa contribución y oraciones! ...a todos los voluntarios, grupos y familias que asistieron a los rosarios y celebraciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe el pasado 12 de diciembre; a los miembros del Grupo Guadalupano, y a los jóvenes que participaron en la obra de las apariciones de la Virgen. Gracias a nuestro pastor Monseñor Rob por su apoyo y al Padre Rafael por habernos guiado y acompañado en la celebración a la Virgen. Gracias a la Familia Marquez por ofrecer el mariachi para las Mañanitas, a la Familia Flores de Los Amigos Restaurant por ofrecer el Menudo y Chocolate en la misa de la mañana y a la Familia de Anda de Don Pepe’s Taquería por ofrecer la hospitalidad de la misa de la tarde. Gracias a todos los grupos que apoyaron con la hospitalidad después de las misas y novena y Gracias a toda la comunidad por ser fieles a esta celebración anual Guadalupana. Que Nuestra Madre de Guadalupe bendiga su generosidad y los siga cubriendo con su manto de ternura y amor durante este próximo año para que podamos ser misioneros y caritativos con los demás. ¿No estoy yo Edgar Briseño, Director aquí, que soy de Ministerios Hispanos tu Madre? PAGINA10 DECEMBER 13/14, 2014 - 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT OTHER NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT On the Third Sunday of Advent, we learn more about John the Baptist’s relationship with Jesus. We learn about how John prepared the way for Jesus. John’s job was to point others to Jesus and to get them ready for Jesus by telling them the right way to live. He taught people to treat one another fairly. He also told them to look forward to Jesus, because he was coming soon. Because of John the Baptist, many people heard the good news about Jesus’ coming. We can tell others about Jesus too. The best way to do that is to live good Christian lives and be an example to others. When you say the word “Advent,” what immediately pops into mind? A feast of color, a tradi onal manger scene bathed in so candlelight, glistening snowflakes falling on fes ve trees, a yearning for the One who is to come. But some mes, the season brings other images: crowded stores, treats that tempt us to too many calories, limitless to-do and to-buy lists. Yet in the back of our minds, we hear the call to conversion. Christ is calling us to be good stewards of all that we have and all that we are. How can we keep Advent in such a way that it is a me to focus on the fundamentals of stewardship; of spiritual growth and prepara on for the coming of Jesus Christ? Here are a few sugges ons, not meant to be another to-do list, but rather a way to remind ourselves daily of our call to prepare a way for the Lord in our lives. • Begin the season with a list to priori ze what you really want spiritually, and in rela on to friends and family, from Advent. Discard all the “extras” and the fantasy of the perfect Hallmark Christmas. List clear goals that bring growth and peace and quality me. • Take me to read the daily readings each day of Advent. The beau ful words of Isaiah are guaranteed to inspire, and the commitment will guarantee you a bit of quiet and reflec ve me. • Do you send Christmas cards? Even if they are the standard signature only or newsle er variety, try to personalize one a day, wri ng a nice note to an elderly rela ve or a friend you haven’t seen in a long me. • Go to the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. This will encourage you to reflect on your life, your gi s and where you fail to u lize them for the good of others. It’s a beau ful prepara on for the coming of Jesus and the beginning of a new year. • Pray for pa ence. As you drive over icy streets or navigate through a crowded store, take me to pray for those around you and for those who struggle with much less. Become aware of people around you and li them in prayer rather than see them as obstacles to your goals. • In the midst of a season of abundance, do not forget the poor in your community. Christ is calling us to be good stewards of all that we have and all that we are. DR. THOMAS PENMAN VAL DORNAY Podiatrist – Foot Specialist ATTORNEY AT LAW (559) 226-5860 Former Dep. D.A. & Vietnam Vet. Knight of Columbus For 35 Years 4820 N. First St., #104 LEGAL SERVICES FOR: FUNERAL DIRECTORS FD-385 Wayne Gomes Mgr., FDR-171 559-432-8814 www.jaychapel.com 1121 Roberts Ave., Madera AUTO ACCIDENTS • PROBATE WILLS • LIVING TRUSTS FREE Consultation • Se Habla Español CATHOLIC BOOKS AND GIFTS OPEN EVERYDAY ONLINE AT MARELLOBOOKSTORE.ORG (559) 299-5300 or (888) 214-1000 211 N. J Street, Madera DISCOUNT OF 50% FOR PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS FOR PARISHIONERS (AT ST. 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Bullard at West Lic #947697 438-0111 Edward Sardisco Toilets / Faucets / Water Heater Repair & Replacement • Hydro Jetting • Drain Cleaning • Water & Gas Lines • Garbage Disposal • Leak Detection / Video • Gas Repairs • Sewer Repair / Inspection • Color Video Sewer Inspection Compliments of CRIBARI VINEYARDS Serving the Clergy for Four Generations 559-440-9314 www.rapidrooterplumber.com Go To Our Website For Special Discounts Fresno Felix Haro Realtor ® 559.307.9522 JK DENTAL CLINIC General Dentistry & Orthodontics Most Insurance & Medi-Cal Welcome HENRY FAJARDO, D.M.D. Open Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm • Se Habla Español 2100 E. Clinton (between Fresno/Blackstone) 224-5988 • 224-5989 Scan the QR Code to visit my web page LET OUR FAMILY CARE FOR YOUR FAMILY! COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY DENTISTRY 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Suite #141 559-222-5331 • www.thefresnodentists.com Pa r i s h i o n e r s Blake Scott, D.D.S. Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry Veterans of Foreign Wars Life Member Fax: 559.436.0938 [email protected] www.felixharo.net BRE#01946762 John W. Feaster, D.D.S. Fresno Comprehensive Dentist for 30 years Lindsey Scott, D.D.S. METALS CARDBOARD CRV Faces! 2345 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno 559-48METAL CENTER FOR FACIAL AESTHETICS AND REJUVENATION Medically Supervised Weight Loss PETER T. TRUONG, M.D. 6137 N. Thesta St., Ste. 101A 434-9497 • Ft. Washington & Friant Rd. (559) 447-9056 www.facialsurgerydr.com Surgeon & Parishioner 2150 E. McKinley Ave. Fresno CA 93703 (559) 268-7646 www.sjglass.com The Salcedo Family Grocery and Natural Foods, Quality at affordable prices Deli, Homemade Salads and Dishes Kid’s Day Activities, First Saturday of every month from 2-4 PM NE Corner of Herndon & West (559) 432-3306 www.themarketfresno.com The Finest in Banquets (559) 222-2453 www.torninos.com 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Whitehurst G UILLERMO DONAN D.D.S. SILVIA DONAN D.D.S. Sullivan, Burns & Blair Funeral Home FD 1146 Catholic Funeral Directors Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Call 222-9923 1525 E. Saginaw Way – Fresno, CA – 558.227.4048 whitehurstsullivan.com Donald Cardell FD1185 Mgr. for an Appointment 125 E. Barstow Avenue, Ste 101 www.smilesbydrdonan.com Most Dental Insurance Accepted Gentle & Professional Staff Hablamos Español “2 Generations Serving Fresno for Over 35 Years” Flooring and Complete Remodeling JC MELTON AIR CONDITIONING “You Dream It, WE’LL DO IT” Lic. #842258 1932 E. Home Fig Tree Plaza SE Corner of Bullard and West www.JaimesHomeDesigns.com (559) Christine Shirinian - Parishioner Jaime Martinez - Parishioner 125 E. Barstow, Suite 129 (Blackstone and Barstow, behind Auto Zone) 221-7303 221-0578 Knights of Columbus, Past 3rd & 4th Degrees Grand Knight Mention Bulletin for 264 N. Blythe Ave., Fresno 559-488-7449 www.DioceseofFresno.org/cemeteries Janine Esquivel Abogada/Attorney La Abogada Habla Español Ph: (559) 439-2991 2377 W. Shaw # 208, Fresno, CA Parishioner/Accepting New Patients Accepts VISA and MC Speaks Tagalog and Spanish 10% OFF A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Hanford, CA Maurice Cameron & Bill Warmerdam www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com OSCAR GARCIA NICHOLAS ORME, MD, INC. General Practice Bi-Lingual - Spanish Parishioner 6183 N. Fresno St. #101 ABOGADO DE INMIGRACIÓN SU MEJOR OPCIÓN PARA RESOLVER SU ASUNTO DE INMIGRACIÓN Presente este anuncio y reciba una CONSULTA GRATIS Don Scordino Michael W. Berdinella 490-1590 Accident Injury and Criminal Law 726 W. Barstow, Fresno, CA (Palm and Barstow) St. Anthony’s Parishioner Since 1979 Se Habla Español ADOLPH’S A-1 TREE SERVICE EL AGUA ES ASUNTO DE TODOS TREES AND STUMPS REMOVED Trimming • Topping • Transplanting Pruning • Shrubs Trimmed & Removed Chipping • Stump Grinding General Clean-up • Hauling Lic. & Insured Lic. # 737958 Senior Citizen Discount 224-1005 (559) 513-8564 • www.AguaAsuntoDeTodos.com PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES 7 DAYS A WEEK EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE 222-0815 Catholic Owned and Operated PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK ........ 436-8000 [email protected] www.DonScordino.com St. Anthony’s School Graduate and Parishioner 1315 Van Ness Ave. #100 (559) 396-3022 Attorney At Law Real Estate Broker Certified Residential Specialist DRE #00554312 559.266.7007 PUSH 432-5003 Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days a Week 5279 N. Blackstone Ave. (559) 435-6570 Para una consulta, lláme al 24/7 HELP Free Estimates GENERAL DENTISTRY and ORTHODONTICS BENITO B. JULIAN D.D.S. ........ 225-0395 5606 N. GATES AVE. • FRESNO WWW.OAKMONTOFFRESNO.COM Mausoleums, Traditional Ground Burial Niches for Cremation Competitive Prices Affordable Pre-Need Financing Available Se Habla Español FAMILY LAW IMMIGRATION 268-6286 Catherine Irasusta, D.D.S. Gentle Family Dentistry & Orthodontics St. Peter’s, Holy Cross, Calvary BANKRUPTCY Heating • Sheet Metal • Refrigeration 559-436-0677 Diocese of Fresno Catholic Cemeteries Walk-Ins Welcome • Payment Plans MEDI-CAL & MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 2818 N. BLACKSTONE AVE., FRESNO (BETWEEN SHIELDS & PRINCETON) $40 Two X-Rays & Initial Exam $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Not valid with insurance SE HABLA ESPAÑOL / SPEAKS TAGALOG *First Three Months Nazareth House of Fresno Lic. #5506678740 The Best Mexican Food in the San Joaquin Valley IF YOU DON’T SEE THE FAT MAN, IT’S NOT THE REAL THING CATERING AVAILABLE 9433 N. Fort Washington Rd., Fresno 93730 1365 N. Willow, Clovis 93619 3020 N. Weber, Fresno 93705 151 W. Bullard, Clovis 93612 559.434.2424 559.268.9528 559.299.2504 559.325.5688 www.guadalajarafresno.com 062360 St Anthony of Padua Church (A) A Catholic Assisted Living Community for Seniors Since 1952 Call 559-237-2257 Ext. 222 or Email [email protected] 2121 N. First St. www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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