chocolate ochocolate
chocolate ochocolate
hot chocolate 4th annual FESTIVAL vancouver WALKING MAP 25 chocstars, 28 days and 60+ CRAZY FLAVOURS! presented by cityfood magazine This Festival is a fundraiser for the Downtown Eastside women’'s job training program of the PHS Community Services Society and East Van Roasters. kitsilano A BEAUCOUP BAKERY & CAFÉ *No participation on Jan. 18 - 21 2150 Fir St. 1 2 3 k KOKO MONk 1849 West 1st Ave. e CHOCOLATE ARTS 1620 West 3rd Ave. 13 14 29 30 R TERRA BREADS 2 2380 West 4th Ave. g COCONYMPH chocolate & Confections 3739 W. 10th Ave. 15 16 17 18 53 54 t THOMAS HAAS CHOCOLATES 1 2539 West Broadway 57 58 W 1st Ave. k W 2nd Ave. W 3rd Ave. e R W 4th Ave. 2 W 5th Ave. A W 6th Ave. t W Broadway 1 For complete Festival information: Granville St. Fir St. Burrard St. Vine St. Larch St. Balsam St. MATCH THE NUMBERED grey SQUARES ON THE BACK FOR flavours available at each location. Please note: only main roads are listed on maps. W 10th Ave. Trafalgar St. January 18 - February 14, 2014 Alma St. g DOWNTOWN VANCOUVER b BEL CAFÉ M LEONIDAS fresh belgian CHOCOLATES #29 - 1055 Canada Place 33 34 35 36 801 West Georgia St. 4 5 c BELLA GELATERIA soirettE MACARONs & TEA Q 1001 West Cordova St. 6 7 8 9 10 48 *No participation on Feb. 14 1433 West Pender St. 49 50 51 52 d BLENZ COFFEE 1 232 Howe St. THIERRY CHOCOLATERIE,patisserie & Cafe s 11 12 *No participation on Feb. 11 - 14 1059 Alberni St. u UVA WINE BAR 55 56 900 Seymour St. 59 60 61 62 N MINK CHOCOLATES 863 West Hastings St. 41 42 gastown & chinatown d BLENZ COFFEE 2 603 Abbott St. 11 12 h EAST VAN ROASTERS 319 Carrall St. 19 20 Q St . WP a ol er S St . ic to n N W G eo gh St . ou is Al rv Br M end rn ia . Can ada W Co rd s W b St w H St d . ar tin gs WH . W Pe nder rS rS ou m Se y d 2 St . d BLENZ COFFEE 4 2506 Granville St. 11 12 1 1605 Manitoba St. 53 54 W Broadway d 4 W d 3 Cambie St. 11 12 R TERRA BREADS Heather St. 695 West Broadway 1 2n . ve dA W 6th Ave. Granville St. 3 R Manitoba St. d BLENZ COFFEE Athletes Way Columbia St. olympic village & fairview Ontario St. e St. t. Abbott St. u gs St. St Sm ith va S astin t. H ow e St rr Bu ui ordo . un sm WC St D . Th a as ur lo ov Pl. Keefe r St. t. h Carrall St. t. 1 N St iS d c . Je be rg t. north vancouver t THOMAS HAAS CHOCOLATES 2 t 2 Fell Ave. 998 Harbourside Dr. Unit 128 57 58 Harbourside Pl. Harbourside Dr. mount pleasant R Manitoba St. R TERRA BREADS 3 Main St. W 5th Ave. E 8th Ave. E Broadway ay gsw 53 54 i Kin 53 West 5th Ave. 3 Ontario St. 81 Kingsway 21 22 23 24 25 Scotia St. i FRENCH MADE BAKING Main St. main street L The LAST CRUMB E 13th Ave. L bakery & CAFe E 14th Ave. E 15th Ave. 3080 Main St. 31 32 E 16th Ave. E 17th Ave. E 18th Ave. E 19th Ave. f CHOCOLATERIE DE LA E 20th Ave. f NOUVELLE FRANCE Main St. 198 East 21st Ave. 37 38 39 40 Logo requirements and restrictions: E 21st Ave. Made In Print Inc. has one unique logo, which may not be modified or adapted. Variations for an internal organization, promotion, concept, event, or project are not permitted. Placement: Always be placed on a solid background (white or black, ideally) that does not compete with the identity; EAst vancouver Sizing: Be a minimum of 1 inch tall for most applications MIP's Logo Cannot: Be broken up; Be stretched, compressed; or re-proportioned; Be rotated or angled: it must always be horizontal; Visibility: Be surrounded by a clear area equivalent to at least 1/8 the length of the logo to maintain visibility when used with text, photographs or other elements Franklin St. Colour Palette: p SCHOKOLADE ARTISAN Only be used in authorized colours: CHOCOLATE & CAFÉ gem chocolates p E Hastings St. Garden Dr. Templeton Dr. 2263 East Hastings St. 43 44 45 46 47 E Pender St. FULL COLOR WITH WHITE BACKGROUND WHITE WITH BLACK TYPE FULL COLOR WITH BLACK BACKGROUND OR FULL COLOR BACKGROUND BLACK WITH WHITE TYPE Maple St. kerrisdale J GEM CHOCOLATES East Blvd. 2029 West 41st Ave. 26 27 28 W 41st Ave. J Do not distribute the Made In Print Inc. logo to colleagues without the accompanying guidelines. If for any reason you need a variation of the logo that is not found in this file, please send your request with the specific project details to the Marketing department through [email protected] LIST OF FLAVOURS by vendor A BEAUCOUP BAKERY & CAFÉ LIKE FEATHERS & SNOW” 1 Served: Jan. 22 - 27 White chocolate with warm spices. Served with a cardamom cookie. “THE INTIMATE ACT” 2 Served: Jan. 28 - Feb. 5 Milk chocolate with passionfruit. Served with a hazelnut cookie. “HUNGERS SATISFIED” 3 Served: Feb. 6 - 14 e CHOCOLATE ARTS “PUT DA LIME IN DA COCONUT” Single origin Venezuela chocolate with organic coconut and kalamansi lime. Accompanied by a toasted coconut shortbread. A SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL” Single origin Mexican chocolate with chili poured over chocolate ice cream. Served with a flourless chocolate cookie. Dark chocolate with black pepper. Served with a vanilla/maldon salt cookie. f b Served: Every day, excl. Tues. & Wed. “ PEPPERMINT PATTY” 4 Served: Jan. 18 - 31 Made from 70% Valrhona guanaja chocolate infused with organic peppermint and vanilla bean chantilly. Served with a double fudge cookie. BANANA SPLIT” Served: Every day, excl. Tues. & Wed. 5 Served: Feb. 1 - 14 Made from 36% Valrhona Caramelia chocolate and topped with walnut marshmallows. Served with banana pound cake. c CHOCOLAT GLACE A LA NOIX DE COCO” BELLA GELATERIA “MONKEY’S UNCLE” gBAR from banana liquer, chocolate and Banana Bread crumb. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. “BLACK MAGIC” gBAR flavoured with black sesame and matcha tea. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. “THE EVITA” gBAR flavoured with salted caramel Argentina style. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. LONDON FOGGY” gBAR flavoured with vanilla and Earl Grey tea. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. RED HOT CHILI PEPPER” gBAR flavoured with chocolate, cinnamon and cayenne. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. “DARK AND DANGEROUS A gBar composed of a blend of three different chocolates. Served with a slice of “To Die For” Banana Bread. 6 CHOCOLAT GLACE A LA ROSE” 7 Rose flavoured iced drinking chocolate. Served with Gaufre de Liège waffle, with a side of fleur de sel caramel or chocolate hazelnut spread. Served: Every day, excl. Tues. & Wed. An organic peppermint tea infusion combined with Belgian milk chocolate. Served with a mini chocolate croissant. MY FUNNY VALENTINE” 50% dark Belgian chocolate with ginger. Served with a mini chocolate croissant. Served: Feb. 1 - 14, excl. Sun. & Mon. g 38 APHRODITE’'S DELIGHT” 9 Made from 72% dark chocolate, with mango rosemary puree and almond milk (vegan and dairy free). Served with a side of rosemary anise fudge. “PHAUN’'S FANCY” L FRENCH MADE BAKING “MAGNIFIQUE BRUNETTE” Served: Jan. 18, 24, 19 and Feb. 3, 8, 13 10 “BLONDE FATALE” “BELLE DU SUD” “LORD OF THE HOT CHOCOLATE” Served: Jan. 19, 25, 30 and Feb. 4, 9, 14 “BEYOND THE MILKY WAY” “HERA'’S HABIT” 48 Made from 50% deep milk chocolate with malted milk balls. Served with vanilla bean cinnamon shortbread. 12 22 Served: Feb. 4 - 14, excl. Mon. Served: Feb. 1 - 14, excl. Mon. 31 23 24 LEONIDAS fresh belgian CHOCOLATES TIGER MILK” White Belgian chocolate with cardimom, nutmeg and saffron. Served with choice of liege waffle, cheesecake, chocolate, or a scoop of Italian ice cream. NOISETTE” Praline Belgian milk chocolate. Served with choice of liege waffle, cheesecake, chocolate, or a scoop of Italian ice cream. JAMAICA KISS” 25 Belgian Milk Chocolate flavoured with coconut, pineapple and rum. Served with choice of liege waffle, cheesecake, chocolate, or a scoop of Italian ice cream. BOHO SECRET” 26 A 72% Dark Belgian Chocolate flavoured with peppermint, turmeric, honey and pepper. Served with choice of liege waffle, cheesecake, chocolate, or a scoop of Italian ice cream. N 28 Cherry, chocolate and fig, with a surprising pop. Served with a dried cherry chocolate creation. 33 34 35 36 MINK CHOCOLATES “PAULA DEAN WHITE TRASH TRAINWRECK” 27 32 Hot chocolate flavoured with orange blossom, with a citrus marshmallow. M Hot chocolate made with Aussie natural black licorice. Served with chocolatedipped, natural black licorice. “POPPED CHERRY” 18 Made from 72% dark chocolate with red wine reduction and apple ginger compote. Served with walnut shortbread (vegan and dairy free). Served: Jan. 25 - Feb. 2, excl. Mon. “NUT YOUR TRADITIONAL HOT CHOCOLATE” “WINTER CITRUS” Some things are meant to go together like orange and chocolate. Served with a candied orange peel chocolate creation. TWISTED ROMANCE” 17 BACCHUS'’ DREAM” 11 “KISS ‘N'’ TELL” 30 Hot chocolate flavoured with peanut butter. Served with a berry marshmallow. GEM CHOCOLATES Served: Jan. 18 - 24, excl. Mon. 29 LAST CRUMB bakery & cafe Served: Jan. 18 - 31, excl. Mon. Valrhona Araguani dark chocolate (72%), pear and almond milk (dairy free). Served with “Marocaine” (almond flour ball with orange blossom water (dairy free). J Made from 64% dark chocolate with parmesan and fresh nutmeg. Served with a side of Umami No. 5 fudge. Served: Feb. 1 - 14 21 Earl Grey-infused Valrhona Jivara milk chocolate (Valrhona Bahibe 46%). Served with a French macaron of your choice. 16 Served: Jan. 25 - Feb. 14 “THE BRUNETTE BANGLE” Served: Jan. 18 - Feb. 14, excl. Mon. Lavender-infused Valrhona Bahibe milk chocolate. Served with “Guimauve” (vanilla marshmallow). 15 Served: Jan. 18 - Feb. 14 20 i Served: Jan. 22, 27 and Feb. 1, 6, 11 40 THE PROPOSITION” Served: Jan. 18 - Feb. 14, excl. Mon. Hot Chocolate with the exotic hint of curry. Served with your choice of cookie. Served: Jan. 20, 23, 28 and Feb. 2, 7, 12 39 KOKO MONK Eggnog and Rum Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon. Served with your choice of cookie. Valrhona Dulcey caramelized white chocolate and salted caramel. Served with “Sable Chocolat” (chocolate and sea salt shortbread). COCONYMPH chocolates & confections 8 19 k Earl Grey drinking chocolate. Served with East Van Roasters’ signature gluten-free brownie and candied orange. Served: Jan. 21, 26, 31 and Feb. 5, 10 BLENZ COFFEE “MINT TO BE” “THE HIVE” Served: Jan. 18 - 31, excl. Sun. & Mon. Valrhona Araguani Dark Chocolate (72%) with coconut milk and toasted coconut. Served with “Congolais” (coconut macaroon dipped in chocolate). Coconut flavoured iced drinking chocolate. Served with Gaufre de Liège waffle with a side of fleur de sel caramel or chocolate hazelnut spread. Served: Feb. 7 - 14 d 37 Cardamom flavoured iced drinking chocolate. Served with Gaufre de Liège waffle with a side of fleur de sel caramel or chocolate hazelnut spread. Served: Every day, excl. Tues. & Wed. EAST VAN ROASTERS “HIGH SOCIETY”” 14 Iced drinking chocolate. Served with Gaufre de Liège waffle with fleur de sel caramel or chocolate hazelnut spread. CHOCOLAT GLACE A LA CARDOMOME” h Hives for Humanity honey dark drinking chocolate, with a honey nib caramel. CHOCOLATERIE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE CHOCOLAT GLACE” BEL CAFÉ 13 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, AVAILABLE EVERY DAY. For contact information per location and hours of operation, please view the vendors' details online. Served: Jan. 18 - 31 41 A 70% dark chocolate ganache with condensed milk, salted kettle chips, and vanilla whipped cream. Served with a 72% dark chocolate wafer. CAFFE SHAKERATO CON CIOCCOLATO” Served: Feb. 1 - 14 Iced espresso and warm 70% dark ganache. Served with a chocolate covered lemon, orange or grapefruit citrus peel. SHARE YOUR JOURNEY! Enter our photo contest to WIN $500 worth of chocolate! Find all details at: 42 LIST OF FLAVOURS by vendor p SCHOKOLADE ARTISAN CHOCOLATE & CAFÉ “EXTRA DARK” 43 Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. Made from 90% dark chocolate and steamed almond milk. Served with your choice of four pieces of chocolate pralines. “DARK AND SPICY” 44 Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. BIG BAD WOLF” 45 A 100% pure hazelnut butter blended with your choice of milk or dark chocolate. Served with freshly made chocolatedipped hazelnut biscotti. “SNOW WHITE” 47 Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. White chocolate and steamed milk, flavoured with peppermint and rose. Served with four pieces of handcrafted chocolate pralines of your choice. Q 56 The base of this drink is Ampamakia 68% chocolate - a premium chocolate from a special plantation of Valrhona, only available at Thierry. Served with a marshmallow dipped in 80% chocolate. thomas haas chocoLATES 57 Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. Hot chocolate with smoky caramel and smoked Hawaiian sea salt. Served with vanilla marshmallows. “PASSIONISTA” Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. UVA WINE BAR CHOCOFRAICHE” SOIRETTE 49 9 O’'CLOCK GUN” An aromatic cedar hot chocolate with the aroma of Stanley Park. Served with an Elderberry Caramel Bar. FIVE SPICE DRAGON” The atmosphere of Chinatown - five spice flavoured hot chocolate. Served with a Fennel Fortune Cookie. “GRANVILLE ISLAND GROCERY LIST” “THE BLACK WIDOW” (contains alcohol) Inspired by Granville Island, this is a beet and saffron hot chocolate. Served with a Gjetost macaron. HOT TODDY FLOAT” Buttered rum hot chocolate blended with wild mountain honey ice cream. Served with a Grouse Grind Reward Cluster. TERRA BREADs CALL ME A CAB” Served: Jan. 18 - Feb. 14, excl. Sun. at 5th Ave 53 Cacao Barry Extra Brute Hot Chocolate with Cabernet, cinnamon & pear. Served with a pear crisp and a cocoa sugar cookie. ALOHA SWEETIE” Served: Jan. 18 - Feb. 14, excl. Sun. at 5th Ave Barry Callebaut White Hot Chocolate with hibiscus flower. Served with a mountain berry marshmallow and lemon sugar cookie. 60 61 Reposado tequila influenced with cacao beans and coffee, Cherry Heering liquer, Amaro averna, Bittered Sling plum and rootbeer bitters. Served with zeppoli (Italian doughnuts!) “CHARTREUSE MILKSHAKE”” (contains alcohol) 52 Served: Jan. 27 - 29, Feb. 8 - 9 Cold mocha rooibos tea, sour cherry & Pedro Ximénez cordial, Bittered Sling orange & juniper bitters. Served with zeppoli (Italian doughnuts!) 59 NOTE: Cocktails only available after 11 a.m. 51 Served: Jan. 24 - 26, Feb. 5 - 7 A hot drink of dark chocolate & heavy cream, infused with chili, vanilla bean & cinnamon with a dollop of creme fraiche. Served with zeppoli (Italian doughnuts!) “SOUR CHERRY TISANE” 50 Served: Jan. 21 - 23, Feb. 2 - 4 58 Fresh passion fruit-infused hot chocolate with Grand Marnier chantilly. Served with passion fruit pate de fruit. u Served: Jan. 18 - 20, Jan. 30 - Feb. 1, Feb. 11 - 13 R THE AMPAMAKIA” THE CAMPFIRE” 46 Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. 55 Served: Jan. 18 - 31 The base of this hot chocolate is 66% Mokaya chocolate by Michel Cluizel. Served with a disk of 45% Kayambe milk chocolate and white chocolate ice cream. t A 38% milk chocolate flavoured with a blend of gingerbread spices and steamed milk. Served with a gingerbread cookie. WINTER COMFORT” THIERRY CHOCOLATERIE, patisserie & cafe TRIO OF CHOCOLATE” Served: Feb. 1 - 10 Made from 70% dark chocolate, cayenne, a shot of espresso and steamed milk. Served with four pieces of chocolate pralines of your choice. Served: Every day, excl. Sun. and Mon. s UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, AVAILABLE EVERY DAY. For contact information per location and hours of operation, please view the vendors' details online. NOTE: Cocktails only available after 11 a.m. Citadelle gin, green Chartreuse, cacao beans, lime & orange juice, Bittered Sling Malagasy chocolate bitters & egg white. Served with zeppoli (Italian doughnuts!) 62 hot chocola 54 4th annual FESTIVAL
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