Ichtyologie Français - Royal Museum for Central Africa
Ichtyologie Français - Royal Museum for Central Africa
Biodiversity studies on African freshwater fishes in the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren Jos Snoeks Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren and KU Leuven (Leuven University), Belgium History 1897 : Brussels World Fair with temporary colonial section in Tervuren 1898 : turned into a permanent exhibition, the Museum • Fish from the Congo were on display in formalin aquaria • Ichthyological collections, studied by G. Boulenger (BMNH) and later by J. Pellegrin (MNHN) History • 1932 : first ichthyologist Prof. M. Poll • Important collections from “Belgian Congo” • 1962: second ichthyologist Prof. Em. D. Thys van den Audenaerde • Important collections from a.o. West Africa History • Eighties start of period with many students and temporary contracts; Guy Teugels appointed as curator in 1988; Jos Snoeks in 1996 • Collections continued to grow especially from the great lakes region but also from Central West Africa and the area around Kisangani (Tuur De Vos) Staff Prof. Dr. Jos Snoeks, Head of Vertebrates & curator of fishes Dr. Emmanuel Vreven, curator of fishes Miguel Parrent, collection manager (section BCDM) Gert Boden, FishBase Tobias Musschoot, FishBase Dimitri Geelhand, FishBase Dr. Maarten Van Steenberge, Genbas project Eva Decru, PhD project N-E Congo Jolien Bamps, Cobafish project (with KBIN) PhD students & associated PhD students (2008-2014) • • • • • • • • • • • • Dieter Anseeuw (Belgium, KU Leuven & Kulak; 2008) Armel Ibala-Zamba (R. Congo Brazzaville, KU Leuven; 2010) Soleil Wamuini (D.R. Congo, Université de Liège; 2010) Mamadou Bamba (Côte d’Ivoire, KU Leuven; 2012) Gaspard Caporal Banyankimbona (Burundi, KU Leuven; 2012) Maarten Vansteenberge (Belgium, KU Leuven; 2014) Tuur Moelants (Belgium, KU Leuven; 2015) Djiman Lederoun (Bénin, Université de Liège; 2014) Eva Decru (Belgium, KU Leuven) Bauchet Katemo Manda (D.R. Congo, KU Leuven) Tchalondawa Kisekelwa (D.R. Congo, KU Leuven) Emmanuel Abwe (D.R. Congo, KU Leuven) • • • • • Maarten Vanhove (Belgium, KU Leuven, 2012) Arnold Nyom Bitja (Caméroun, Université de Yaoundé, 2012) Mekonen Gebrehiwot (Ethiopie, KU Leuven, 2013) Célestin Danadu (D.R. Congo, Université de Kisangani, 2014) Yitayal Alemu Taffere (Ethiopia, KU Leuven) History Fish collections about 1.000.000 specimens Largest collection of African freshand brackish water fishes 1897-1920 1921-1961 1962-1980 1981-2004 map G. Boden Core business Curating of fish collections Biodiversity research (collection based) Dissemination of knowledge General public Study visits and loans Short term training M.Sc. & Ph.D. level Databases Biodiversity research Study of the biological diversity of African fresh- and brackish water fishes based on old and new collections (field work) using morphology, osteology, colour pattern analysis, zoogeography, and genetics, etc... • description of new species • systematic revisions (genera of Cichlidae, Clariidae, Mastacembelidae, Schilbeidae, Chrysichthys, Hepsetidae) • preparation of regional faunas The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature http://www.nhm.ac.uk/host ed-sites/iczn/code/ Faunal guides • The fresh- and brackish water fishes of West Africa • The fresh- and brackish water fishes of Central-West Africa • Guide to the fishes of the Ruvubu National Park (Burundi) • Cichlids of Lake Malawi International collaborations Faunal guides Research activities on the African frsh and brackish water fishes 2007-2014; not including FishBase or IUCN activities The problem Turkana Albert Edouard Kivu Victoria Tanganyika Malawi Indigenous species richness in East African lakes cichlids Turkana Albert Edward Kivu Victoria Tanganyika Malawi/Nyasa 8 20 60 16 600 250 800 50% 65% 92% 94% 99% 98% 99% non-cichlids 36 37 21 7 45 75 45 17% 5% 5% 0% 16% 59% 29% total 44 57 81 23 645 325 845 Cichlid species numbers of Edward, Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi/Nyasa are estimates. Only lake, not whole basin; introduced species excluded. Percentages are of endemism in cichlids and non-cichlids respectively. Lake Edward includes Snoeks, 2000 Lake George species. Pourcentage de l'endémisme des cichlidae et des non-cichlidae des grands lacs de l'Afrique de l'Est 100 80 60 40 20 0 Turkana Edouard Albert Victoria Kivu Malawi/Nyasa Tanganika cichlidae non-cichlidae Snoeks, 2000 How ? morphometrics • measurements, counts, qualitative observations • univariate and multivariate data analyses 2,5 1,5 How ? 0,5 PC 3 multivariate data analysis • log-transformed measurements -0,5 -1,5 -2,5 • raw meristics -3,5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 pictus nitidus intermedius PC 2 4 multidisciplinary approach 3 2 1 PC3 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -2 ,5 -1 ,5 -0 ,5 0 ,5 P C 2 1 ,5 2 ,5 3 ,5 b rich a rd i cra ssu s m a ru n g u en sis fa lcicu la g ra cilis o liv a ceu s sp len d en s sa v o ry i p u lch er The case of the so-called pan African pike One family, one genus, one species: Hepsetus odoe. A big fish, one of the easiest recognizable species, distributed over a large part of Africa, everywhere in the Congo basin No problem except that …. Decru et al. 2012, 2013 The case of the so-called pan African pike .... there are six clearly distinct species (two new) Decru et al. 2012, 2013 There is more than morphometrics The Mormyridae: elephantsnout fishes© John Sullivan: www.tolweb.org Example of Brienomyrus from Gabon: Differences in the shape of the snout, the morphologie of the electrogenic units and the EOD’s Sullivan et al., 2002 There is more than morphometrics: molecular studies and barcoding Haplochromines of the region of lakes Victoria, Edward & Kivu : Example: Mt-DNA of limited use for delimiting species Central Africa: Intra-specific distinction : Congo versus Lower Guinea Basse Guinée (Kouilou-Niari) Congo (Léfini) Pantodon buchholzi, butterfly fish Disjunct distribution: Congo (+ Upper Ogowe) Niger (+ nearby coastal rivers) Large genetic divergence (ca. 60 million BP). Morphological stasis; Almost no morphological differences between populations from Congo and Niger. Lavoué et al, 2011 A revision of the genus Tropheus from Lake Tanganyika Endemic to the lake; living on rocky shores. Most extreme example of geographic variation in colour pattern. Currently six species described. ± 12 DNA-lineages. More than 100 colour forms. Revision including morphometrics (traditional and geomorphometric), an in depth analysis of colour patterns and complementary molecular work. Additional data from Monogenean parasites (M. Vanhove) Van Steenberge et al. Ophthalmotilapia in Lake Tanganyika: problem of delimiting genera Hanssens, Snoeks, Verheyen, unpublished Ophthalmotilapia 35 - 40 scales lline Cyathopharynx 48-67 scales lline O p h th a lm o tila p ian a su ta C Np o p u la tio n(w e s tc o a s t lo c a litie s ) Cap Banza Cap Muzimu 3 ,5 2 ,5 Rubana 1 ,5 PC3(BodyD,DentAreaL) 0 ,5 -0 ,5 R u b a n a C a pB a n z a -1 ,5 C a pM u z im u Yungu Y u n g u -2 ,5 -1 ,8 -1 ,4 -1 ,0 -0 ,6 -0 ,2 0 ,2 P C2(A n a lFin L ,C a u d a lP e d L ,L o w e rJ a w W ) Kabimba 0 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,4 K a b im b a Telmatochromis temporalis Telmatochromis sp. ‘tanzania’ Complexity : geographical variation in morphology (7 to 11 of 25 measurements significantly different) Telmatochromis sp. North East Central East p c alo gm e a s u re m e n ts S o u th Central West PC3 N o rthE a s t C e n tra lW e s t C e n tra lE a s t T. te m p o ra lis T. s p . 'ta n z a n ia ' T. s p . P C2 South Complexity : introgressive hybridization N. pulcher Salzburger et al. 2002 © Pierre-Denis Plisnier The Congo Biodiversity Initiative Consortium of four institutions (RMCA, RBINS, NBGB, UNIKIS) Multidisciplinary expeditions 2009 & 2010 The study of the biodiversity of the Congo Training of Congolese scientists Creation of a Biodiversity Centre in Kisangani/Yangambi www.congobiodiv.org Major multidisciplinary expeditions 2009 & Boyekole Ebale 2010 PhD Armel Ibala Zamba 2006-2010 Lower Congo & Pool Malebo Project 2004-2008 PhD Soleil Wamuini 2006-2010 PhD Eva Decru 2012-2016 Biodiversity Centre Kisangani, Cobafish project PhD Célestin Danadu 2010-2014 PhD Tuur Moelants 2009-2014 PhD Gaspard Banyankimbona 2009-2013 PhD Maarten Van Steenberge 2009-2014 PhD Maarten Vanhove (2007-2012) Vreven/Cocha/ Schliewen project 2012 In addition: new MbiSa-Congo project on 10 protected areas and Tilapia project on fish parasites MSc Maarten Van Steenberge 2008-2009 The poorly known Lefini Basin (Congo-Brazzaville) Right bank Congo affluent north of Brazzaville. Virtually nothing known about its fish diversity before 2005. Since 2010 inventory of 140 species, of which at least five are new to science. 1.0 1.0 First attempt for an ecological study on microhabitat distribution of fishes in the Congo. Five habitat types characterised by a unique combination of the most abundant species. Ibala-Zamba et al. Pf2 Pf1 Af1 Avf2 Avf1 V: forest with little canopy coverage IV: forest with moderate canopy Ah2 coverage T° Af2 Avh1 III: forest with dense canopy closure Ah1 Avh2 Ph2 I: grass & poolshaped III Mesc I Ctea Dist Ah1 Avh2 Ph2 Ph1 Phai II -1.0 -1.0 Bryg Xens Disa II: grass ACR Axe 1 (Eigenvalues : 20,6) Citm Malm Hepo Heme Tilc Pelv Pf1 Af1 Bryp Hydf XenonTyll Papc Altn Marcm Masc Avf2 Pard Micn Schg Cten Chro Parp Chaa Hems Morf Chrt Nant Ctew Gnap Gnae Panb Avf1 Claa Synf PetcMark Polyw Pols Chrp Batc Pell Alel Ah2 Poln Morb Morz Af2 Marm Mors Mica Schm Odal Sync Phab Alesc Brycm Eugm Disl Peln Hipw Morn Avh1 Barh Bars Synn Bryi Braa Pari Disf Diss Petb Brycb Cteo Disn Phei Tilb Ctek Raic Polym Tetm Hetm Ph1 -1.0 V Mormb ACR Axe 1 (Eigenvalues : 9,3) ACR Axe 2 (Eigenvalues : 9,3) Pf2 IV Hauc Couc 1.0 -1.0 Stop ACR Axe 1 (Eigenvalues : 20,6) 1.0 Moelants, Vanstallen et al., Prey-specific abundance (%) 100 80 Terr. insect Input terrestrial material? Plants Lomami Maiko Chitin 60 DipN Col Ants Unknown Coleopter a (larvae) Unknown 40 20 Spider Ants Plants Chitin 0 0 20 40 60 80 Frequency of occurence (%) 100 Hybridization in spiny eels in the Lower Congo rapids M. brichardi (Poll, 1958) M. brachyrhinus Boulenger, 1898 M. brichardi (Poll, 1958) M. brachyrhinus x M. brichardi (hybrid) Vreven, in prep. Intergeneric hybridisation : Varicorhinus latirostris x Labeobarbus sp. ‘inkisi’ ? Vreven, Schliewen & Wamuini Collaboration IUCN Collaboration since 2004 aiming at a pan-African revision of the conservations status of the biodiversity of the African freshwaters, Two important publications.
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