April 16 Registered Participant List
April 16 Registered Participant List
PARTICIPANTS LIST This list contains the contact information for all delegates whose registration forms were received by 16 April 2004. Hussein Abaza UNEP Economics & Trade Unit 15, Chemin des Anemones Geneva Chatelaine Chatelaine 1219 SWITZERLAND P: +41 22 917 8179 x8243 F: +41 22 917 8075 [email protected] Robyn Abernethy-Gillis Indian & Northern Affairs Canada PO Box 100 Iqaluit NT X0A 0H0 CANADA P: +1 867 975 0000 F: +1 867 975 4585 Raihatul Abidin Petronas Level 54, Tower 1, Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur 50088 MALAYSIA P: +603 20514025 F: +603 20514060 [email protected] Ahmed Abul-Azm Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency PO Box 148 Maadi Cairo 11431 EGYPT P: +20 2359 3261 F: +20 2358 7690 [email protected] Marie Adams Govt. of Canada-Dept. Indian Affairs and Northern Dvlpt. PO Box 1500 Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3 CANADA P: +1 867 669 28 54 F: +1 867 669 2406 [email protected] Adebayo Surajudeen Adebowale Fountain Springville Estate Limited P.O. Box 4568 Shomolu Lagos Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 080 333 13081 F: +234 01 555 5401 [email protected] Stanley Adeshina Adediwura STS/STS 40 Iremo Road ile ife osun state 200002 NIGERIA P: 2.34806E+12 F: +234 36 230705 [email protected] Pius Akindele Adeniyi Federal Ministry of Environment P.M.B 468, Abuja Abuja FCT NIGERIA P: +234 09 5234119 F: +234 09 5234119 [email protected] Kayode Adetokunbo (SAN) Environmental Impact Associates Ltd. AP. Plaza (3rd Floor) Adetokunbo Ademola Way Wuse II - Abuja FCT 371 NIGERIA P: +234 9 523 2744 F: +234 9 523 2844 [email protected] Abraham Adesina Adeyemi Sintos Consulting #46/48 Lagos Abeokuta Motor Sango Ogun 234039 NIGERIA P: +234 081 7900599 F: [email protected] Renee Afoom York University 4 Assiniboine Road Apt 307 Toronto ON M3J 1L2 CANADA P: +1 416 650 2969 F: [email protected] Elizabeth Afuye Centre for Everlasting Environment,Women, Education & Dvlpt. 89, Ijegun Road, Ikotun Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: F: Musiliu Ayinde Agarawu Fountain Springville Estate Limited P.O. Box 4568 Shomolu Lagos Lagos 2340 1 NIGERIA P: +234 080 333 13081 F: +234 01 555 5401 [email protected] Eric Agyekum Amoako Dept of Urban Roads Ghana PMB Ministry Ghana Ghana GHANA P: +233 244 965 949 F: +233 21 685 983 [email protected] Ibrahim Aha madu Linkoping University Alsattersgatean 5, C:26 Linkoping 584 35 SWEDEN P: +46 735 751 239 F: [email protected] Balsam Ahmad University of Newcastle School of Population & Health Sciences-William Leach Bldg. The Medical School, Framlington Place Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH ENGLAND-UK P: +44 191 222 8750 F: +44 191 222 8211 [email protected] Kulsum Ahmed The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 1130 F: +1 202 477 0565 kahmed4@worldbank,org Richard Akkinitire Centre for Everlasting Environment,Women, Education & Dvlpt. 89, Ijegun Road, Ikotun Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: F: [email protected] Peter Akkikungnaq Nunavut Impact Review Board PO Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU XOB 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 Imaobang Akpan University of Waterloo B1-01 280 Phillip Street Waterloo ON N2L 3X1 CANADA P: +1 519 885 1047 F: +1 519 885 1047 [email protected] Susan Mohammed Al-Ajjawi UC Davis 30 College Park Drive Davis CA 95616 USA P: +1 530 750 0129 F: +1 530 757 3537 [email protected] Ali Albayrak Ministry of Environment Turkey Eskisehir Yolu 8 KM Ankara TURKEY P: +90 312 285 4710 F: +90 312 285 2910 [email protected] John Alexis Indian & Northern Affairs Canada 600-1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 666 5067 F: +1 604 666 6474 [email protected] Hussien Alawi Al-Gunaid Ministry of Environment Yemen Haddah Road, Sana'a YEMEN P: +967 1 324 666 334 260 F: +967 735 14345 [email protected] Sheila Allan Environment Canada-Ontario Region 867 Lakeshore Rd Burlington ON L7R 4A6 CANADA P: +1 905 336 4948 F: +1 905 336 8901 [email protected] Stephanie Allen Sagamok FN PO Box 1017 Massey ON P0P 1P0 CANADA P: +1 705 865 1685 F: Carl Alleyne Health Canada 3155 Willingdon Green Burnaby BC V5G 4P2 CANADA P: +1 604 666 4693 F: +1 604 666 3149 [email protected] Jonathan A. Allotey Environmental Protection A gency PO Box M326 Accra GHANA P: +233 21 664697 F: +233 21 667374 [email protected] Habib Alshuwaikhat King Fahd University of P & M KFUPM Box 1632 Dhahran 31261 SAUDI ARABIA P: +966 3 860 2824 F: +966 3 860 4972 [email protected] Mary Altalo SAIC 8301 Greensboro Drive M/S E -4-6 McLean VA 22102 USA P: +1 703 676 4687 F: +1 703 676 2934 [email protected] Charles Alton Bonneville Power Administration PO Box 3621 - KEC Portland OR 97208 USA P: +1 503 230 5878 F: +1 503 230 3049 [email protected] Edward Amakom Intl' Trading and Energy Co. Limited Nigeria Plot 21 Kudirat Abialo Way Olusosun Lagos Ikeja Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 802 350 4609 F: +234 1 585 1175 [email protected] Takeo Amano McGill University Box 628 Laird Hall 21, 111 Lakeshore Ste-Anne-de Bellevue QC H9X 3V9 CANADA P: +1 514 457 4146 F: [email protected] Dariush Ameli Shell Ettelat Newspaper Bldg. South Naft Avenue Mirdamad Tehran 1549951199 IRAN P: +98 21 2225554 F: +98 21 2224454 [email protected] Muhammad Amjad Roskilde University Guddrensvej 24, 1th, brabrand Aarhus 8220 DENMARK P: +45 24119944 F: +45 86254211 [email protected] Janet Amos Amos Environment & Planning 1236 Butter & Egg Road, RR #6 Bracebridge ON P1L 1X4 CANADA P: +1 705 764 0580 F: +1 705 764 1514 [email protected] Yaw Amoyaw-Osei UC Davis 542 Miller Drive Davis CA 95616 USA P: +1 530 753 9414 F: +1 530 757 3537 [email protected] David Anderson Govt Of Canada Les Terraces la Chaudière, 10 Wellington St, 28th Gatineau (Hull) QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 997 1441 F: +1 819 953 3457 [email protected] Ron Anderson International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 7953 F: +1 202 974 4351 [email protected] Pierre Andre University of Montreal Dept. of Geography C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre Ville Montreal QC H3C 3J7 CANADA P: +1 514 343 8051 F: +1 514 343 8008 [email protected] Paul Andrianaiyomahefa Office National Pour l'Environment Avenue Rainilaiarivony Antaninarenina Antananarivo 101 822 MADAGASCAR P: +261 20 22 259 99 F: +261 20 22 641 [email protected] Dalila Antunes Palma Consultadoria Ambiental Lda Rua Acores n4 r/c dto Olival Basto 2675-033 PORTUGAL P: +351 962564744 F: [email protected] Ebenezer Appah-Sampong Environmental Protection Agency PO Box M326 Accra GHANA P: +233 21 664 6978 F: +233 21 662 690 [email protected] Seth Appiah -Opoku University of Alabama Geography Department 230 Farrah Hall Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0322 USA P: +1 205 348 2731 F: +1 205 348 2278 [email protected] John P. Appleby Public Works & Gov't Services Canada Environmental Assessments 1713 Bedford Row Halifax NS B3J 3C9 CANADA P: +1 902 496 5144 F: +1 902 496 5536 [email protected] Gonzalo Arango IDEAM Tr. 44b# 101-30 Apt 501 Bogotá DC ZP1 COLOMBIA P: +57 1 3500111 1606 F: +57 1 3500111 1603 [email protected] Rosa Arce-Ruiz Escuela T.S. Ingenerios de Caminos, C.P. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Carretera De Canillas, 103 Madrid 28043 SPAIN P: +34 91 381 03 82 F: +34 91 554 2394 [email protected] Lyn Archer UMGENI PO Box 9 Pietermaritzburg 3200 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 33 341 1345 F: +27 33 341 1218 [email protected] Brad Armstrong Lawson Lundell Barristers Suite 1600, Cathedral Place 925 West Georgia St Vancouver BC V6C 3L2 CANADA P: +1 604 408 5423 F: +1 604 669 1620 [email protected] Glen Armstrong International Finance Corporation Beam House, Madeira Walk Church Stretton Shropshire SY66JQ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1694 723 484 F: +44 202 974 4389 [email protected] Olafur Arnason Environment & Food Agency of Iceland Sudurlandshraut 24 Reykjavik IS-108 ICELAND P: +354 591 2000 F: +354 591 2000 [email protected] John Aronson AATA International, Inc. 736 Whalers Way, F-200 Fort Collins CO 80525 USA P: +1 970 223 1333 F: +1 970 223 9115 [email protected] Elisabete Arsenio LNEC - Dept. of Transportation Av. DO Brazil, 101 Lisbon 1700-066 PORTUGAL P: +351 218 443 326 F: +351 1 218 443 029 [email protected] Jos Arts Transportation/EIA Centre Ministry of Transport Public Works & Water PO Box 5044 Delft 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 251 8461 F: +31 15 251 8555 [email protected] Christine Asare Environmental Protection Agency-Ghana PO Box M326 Accra Ghana GHANA P: +233 21 671 869 F: +233 21 662 690 [email protected] Sigudur Asbjoernsson The Planning Agency Laugavegur 166 Reykjavik 150 ICELAND P: +354 595 4100 F: +354 595 4165 [email protected] Ralf Aschemann ANIDEA-Austrian Institute for the Development of Environmental Assessment Elisabethstr. 3/3 Graz Styria A-8010 AUSTRIA P: +43 31631 8198 F: +43 31638 46777 [email protected] Charles Ohis Asekhamen Ikorodu Police Barrack Shagamu Road Ikorodu Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 803 404 5360 F: [email protected] John Ashe John Ashe & Associates 22 Quiros Street Red Hill ACT 2603 AUSTRALIA P: +61 2 6239 7835 F: +61 2 6239 7835 [email protected] Getachew Assefa Royal Institute of Technology Osquars Backe 7, 10044 Stockholm Stockholm SWEDEN P: +46 8 790 9331 F: [email protected] Steve Atemie SNEPCO, NIGERIA 20 Marina, Lagos Lagos Lagos, Nigeria 234 NIGERIA P: +234 1 2762045 F: +234 1 2637504 [email protected] Elvis Wai Kwong Au Environmental Protection Dept. Hong Kong SAR Government 27/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Rd Wan Chai Hong Kong SAR HONG KONG P: +852 283 51964 F: +852 257 53371 [email protected] Diane E. Austin University of Arizona Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology PO Box 210030 Tuscon AZ 85721-0030 USA P: +1 520 621 6282 F: +1 520 621 9608 [email protected] Maurice Authie International Finance Corporation 5844 Edson Avenue Rockville MD 20852 USA P: +1 202 458 2640 F: +1 202 974 4347 [email protected] Mary Avalak Nunavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 Amudat Awomokun 99b Obafemi Awolowo Way Ikeja Lagos 2341 NIGERIA P: +234 803 351 2651 F: [email protected] Mustafa Aytac Ministry of Environment and Forest Eskisehir Yolu 8 km A blok 2 K AT Ankara TURKEY P: +90 312 287 99 63 F: +90 312 285 29 10 [email protected] Thandi Baartman Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Private bag X15 Brakpan Gauteng 1540 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 11 761 2173 F: +27 11 741 2144 [email protected] Kwabena Badu-Yeboah Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box M326 Accra GHANA P: +233 021 671869 F: +233 021 662690 [email protected] Marcel Ayite Baglo B.P. 03-1831 Cotonou BENIN P: +229 30 45 56 F: +229 31 45 43 [email protected] ntnet.bj Chernor Suliaman Bah Bambaya Enterprise, General Merchandise 122 Pademba Road Freetown Western Area 232 SIERRA LEONE P: +2 323 022 7803 F: +2 322 222 4439 [email protected] James Baines Taylor Baines and Associates PO Box 8620 Christchurch 1 NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 3433 884 F: +64 3 3433 884 [email protected] Jill Baker Environment Canada 17th Fl. Place Vincent Massey, 351 St. Joseph Blvd Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1695 F: +1 819 953 4093 [email protected] Ken Baker Kestrel Research Inc. 11 Cochrane Alke Place Cochrane AB T24 2AC CANADA P: +1 403 861 1676 F: +1 403 851 0772 [email protected] Rebecca Balcom Golder Associates Ltd. 1000, 940 - 6th Ave. S.W. Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Ken Banister Alberta Energy and Utilities Board 640 5th Avenue SW Alberta AB T2P 3G4 CANADA P: +1 403 297 4786 F: +1 403 297 2691 [email protected] Reiner Banken AETMIS 2021, avenue Union, bureau 1040 Montréal QC H3A 2S9 CANADA P: +1 514 864 9933 F: [email protected] Peter Bannon Environmental Impact Review Board Inuvialuit EIRB 5405 49th Street Yellowknife NWT X1A 1R2 CANADA P: +1 867 669 2572 F: +1 867 669 2715 [email protected] Chris Barlow Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 320-757 West Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6C 1A1 CANADA P: +1 604 666 8748 F: +1 604 666 6990 [email protected] Jeffrey Barnes Jacques Whitford 711 Woodstock Rd.; P.O. Box 1116 Fredericton NB E3B 5C2 CANADA P: +1 506 457 3200 F: +1 506 452 7652 [email protected] Ron Barsi Golder Associates Ltd 145 1st Street North, Suite 200 Saskatoon SK S7K 1W6 CANADA P: +1 306 665 7989 F: +1 306 665 3342 [email protected] Ronald Bass Jones & Stokes Principal 78 6th Street Ashland OR 97520 USA P: +1 541 488 5767 F: +1 541 488 3278 [email protected] Ambrose Bassey Udia & Company 3 Bogobiri Street Cross River NIGERIA P: +234 080 335 73329 F: [email protected] Nsa Nsa Bassey Federal Ministry of Environment P.M.B 468, Abuja Abuja FCT NIGERIA P: +234 09 5234119 F: +234 09 5234119 [email protected] Stella Bastidas Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy-CIELAP 210-1745 West 12th Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 2E5 CANADA P: +1 604 736 6220 F: [email protected] Janet Bauman AMFC Earth & Environmental 221 18th Street SE Calgary AB Y2E 6J5 CANADA P: +1 403 569 6518 F: +1 403 248 2188 [email protected] Juergen Baumann Vancouver Port Authority 1900/200 Granville St. Vancouver BC V6C 2P9 CANADA P: +1 604 665 9081 F: +1 604 665 9007 [email protected] Danny Bayha Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Harry Beach Senior Environmental Advisor Parks Canada-Atlantic Svc. Center Historic Properties, Upper Water Street Halifax NS B3J 1S9 CANADA P: +1 902 426 6626 F: +1 902 426 2728 [email protected] Tim Bekhuys AMEC Earth & Environmental 2227 Douglas Road Burnaby BC V5C 5A9 CANADA P: +1 604 294 4664 F: [email protected] Leyli H. Bektashi School of Planning & Landscape University of Manchester 2 Laurel Ave., Fallowfield Manchester Lancashire M14 7JW ENGLAN D-UK P: +44 77 17 220 371 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] Ingrid Belcakova Slovak Technical University Faculty of Architecture Nam. Slobody 19 Bratislava 81245 SLOVAKIA P: +42 1 444 58907 F: +42 1 444 58907 [email protected] Matt Bender Indian & Northern Affairs 10 Wellington Street Gatineau QC K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 994 9350 F: +1 819 953 2590 [email protected] Judy Bennett National Energy Board 444 Seventh Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 221 3003 F: +1 403 299 2785 [email protected] Omutuyole Benson Amicable Assurance PLC 582, 1korobu Road Kosofe, Ketu Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 1 47 21035 F: +1 7753205649 Wendy Benson Oxford Brookes University 12 Selsmore Avenue Hayling Island Hampshire PO11 9PB ENGLAND-UK P: +44 02 292 460 422 F: [email protected] Louise Bergin Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 947 4796 F: +1 613 943 8811 [email protected] Evelin Bermudez WWF International Fluhmattstr 19 Luzern 6004 SWITZERLAND P: +41 41 4103512 F: [email protected] Wendy Bertrand-Bolton Western Economic Diversification Canada #700-601 West Hastings St. Vancouver BC V6B 5G9 CANADA P: +1 604 666 7394 F: +1 604 666 7433 wendy.bertrand [email protected]` Bette Beswick Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 -6th ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5614 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Virginio Bettini IUAV Venice Via Vittorio Veneto 78 Venice Italy 30027 ITALY P: +39 042 133 2784 F: +39 042 145 6040 [email protected] Maya Bevan Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq PO Box 1590, 57 Martin Crescent Tururo NS B2N 5V3 CANADA P: +1 902 895 6385 F: +1 902 893 1520 [email protected] Faiyaz Bhojani Shell International 910 Louisiana, Suite 1030 Houston TX 77057 USA P: +1 713 241 8995 F: +1 713 241 5875 [email protected] Maria Big Snake Siksika Environmental Ltd. Box 520 Siksika AB T0J 3W0 CANADA P: +1 403 7 34 5448 F: Tiffanie Billey Komex International Ltd. #100, 4500-16 Ave NW Calgary AB T3B 0M6 CANADA P: +1 403 247 0200 F: +1 403 247 4811 [email protected] Stephen Billiott Environmental Resource Management 15610 Park Ten Place Houston TX 77084 USA P: +1 281 600 1231 F: +1 281 600 1001 [email protected] Jacqueline Bilodeau Canadian International Development Agency 200 Promenade du Portage Hull QC K1A 0G4 CANADA P: +1 819 953 4932 F: +1 819 953 3348 Olivia Bi na Universidade Nova de Lisboa DCEA-GOT / FCT-UNL Quinta da Torre 2829-516 PORTUGAL P: +351 91 7451961 F: +351 21 2949664 [email protected] Richard Binder Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat - EIRB P.O. Box 2194 Inuvik NWT X0E 0T0 CANADA P: +1 867 777 2828 F: +1 867 777 2610 [email protected] Charlotte Bingham The World Bank 40 Seneca Place Oceanport NJ 7752 USA P: +1 732 571 0552 F: [email protected] Martin Birley Shell International Carel van Bylandtlaan 30 Den Haag 2596 HR THE NETHERLANDS P: +44 151 632 6767 F: +44 7740 426620 [email protected] Runar D. Bjarnason Hönnun Consulting Engineers Grensavegur 1 Reykjavik 108 ICELAND P: +354 510 4000 F: +354 510 4001 [email protected] Marie-France Blain #NAME? 1001 St -Laurent West Longueuil QC J4K 1C7 CANADA P: +1 450 646 1353 F: +1 450 928 4269 [email protected] Ric Bland Golder Associates Ltd. PO Box 142 North Carlton VI 3054 AUSTRALIA P: +61 3 9381 4625 F: +61 3 9381 4625 [email protected] Jean Blane Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 1801 Hollis Street, Ste 200 Halifax NS B3J 3K9 CANADA P: +1 902 426 0564 F: +1 902 426 6550 [email protected] Derrick Blay 238 Lakeshore Road Pointe Claire QC H9S 4K7 CANADA P: +1 514 697 8858 F: +1 514 697 3090 [email protected] Thomas Boivin Hatfield Consultants Ltd. 201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue Vancouver BC V7V 1A6 CANADA P: +1 604 926 3261 F: +1 604 926 5389 [email protected] Alan J. Bond Universi ty of East Anglia - Norwich School of Environmental Sciences Norwich NR4 7TJ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 603 593 402 F: +44 603 507 719 [email protected] John Bones BC Environmental Assessment Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov. Govt Victoria BC V8W 9V1 CANADA P: +1 250 387 1447 F: / Marleen Bekker M.P.M. Wijde Begijnestraat 17A Utrecht 3512 AW THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 10 408 8579 F: +31 10 4089 094 [email protected] Sue Bonnyman BC EAO PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 1L8 CANADA P: +1 250 387 1624 F: +1 250 387 2208 sue.bonnyman@gems&.gov.bc.ca Nick Bonvoisin U.N. Economic Commission for Europe Room 411, Palais des Nations Geneva 10 1211 SWITZERLAND P: +41 22 917 1193 F: +41 22 917 0107 [email protected] Ginette Borduas Dessau-Soprin Inc. 1060, University Street Ste 600 Montreal QC H3B 4V3 CANADA P: +1 514 281 1033 F: [email protected] Olena Borysova Academy of Municipal Economy 12 Revolutzii str Kharkiv 61002 UKRAINE P: +380 57 7073331 F: +380 572 174319 [email protected] Josephine Bothma PO Box 415 Pretoria Gauteng 54 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 12 426 6013 F: +27 12 362 2116 [email protected] Michel A. Bouchard Secretariat Francophone AIEI/IAIA 145 St. Pierre Boul 108 Montreal QC H2Y 2L6 CANADA P: +1 514 288 2663 F: +1 514 288 7701 [email protected] Louise Boucher Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement 575, rue Saint-Amable, bureau 2.10 Quebec QC G1R 6A6 CANADA P: +1 418 643 7447 F: +1 418 643 9474 [email protected] Jaafar Boulejiouch Secretary of State in Charge of Environment Rue Soussa Appartement N 6 Rabat Rabat MOROCCO P: +212 37 20 13 71 F: +212 37 77 26 33 [email protected] Gord Boulton Health Canada 2720 Riverside Drive A/L: 6604M Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 CANADA P: +1 613 952 8712 F: +1 613 941 8921 [email protected] Nathan Bowden Technical University of Delft Jaffalaan 5, PO Box 5015 Delft Zuid 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 8460 F: +31 15 278 6439 [email protected] Jon Bowen Dept of Environment Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 667 5683 F: +1 867 393 6213 [email protected] Michael Boyd Alberta Environment 111, Twin Atria Building, 4999 -98 Ave. Edmonton Alberta T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 422 2598 F: +1 780 427 7824 [email protected] Tony Boydell Royal Roads University 2005 Sooke Rd. Victoria BC V9B 5Y2 CANADA P: +1 250 391 2501 F: +1 250 391 2610 [email protected] John Boyle The World Bank 4414 Volta Place NW Washington DC 20007 USA P: +1 202 473 5224 F: +1 202 473 3185 [email protected] Michelle Boyle UBC 214-1924 West Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2 CANADA P: +1 604 827 5276 F: +1 604 822 9191 [email protected] Gerard Brady United Nations University 5-53-70 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-8925 JAPAN P: +81 3 3499 2811 F: +81 3 3406 7247 [email protected] Klara Brandl Federal Environ ment Agency Spittelauer Lande 5 Vienna A-1090 AUSTRIA P: +43 1 31304 3310 F: +43 1 31304 3700 [email protected] Diane Brent Dev. Assess. Coord. - Yukon Government Dept. of Economic Development Box 2703, F-1 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 667 5471 F: +1 867 667 8601 [email protected] Elaine Bright University of Toronto 67 Wiley Avenue Toronto ON M4J 3W5 CANADA P: +1 416 466 1233 F: [email protected] Stephanie Briscoe Nunavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 [email protected] Edward T. Bristol-alagbariya CEPMLP - Dundee University Flat 82, 23 Brown Street Dundee Scotland DD1 5EF SCOTLAND-UK P: +44 1382 205 894 F: +44 1382 345 854 [email protected] Jackie Bronson University of Saskatchewan 210 Brock Crescent Saskatoon SK S7H 4N4 CANADA P: +1 306 477 0048 F: [email protected] Daniel A. Bronstein Michigan State University Natural Resources Dept. Natural Resources Bldg. East Lansing MI 48824-1222 USA P: +1 517 432 1277 F: +1 517 353 8994 [email protected] David Brooks Environment and Natural Resources USA Office of the US Trade Representative Washington DC USA P: +1 202 395 9579 F: +1 202 395 6865 [email protected] Lex Brown School of Env. Planning Griffith University Nathan Brisbane QLD 4111 AUSTRALIA P: +61 7 3875 7645 F: +61 7 3875 6684 [email protected] Michael Brown Environmental Affairs Transportation Government of Northwest Territories PO Box 1320 Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9 CANADA P: +867 873 7063 F: [email protected] Susan Francis Brownlie ICON 21 Menin Avenue Claremont 7708 SOUTH AFRICA P: F: [email protected] Frank Brusberg World Bank 1818 H Strreet, NW Washington DC 20433 CANADA P: +1 202 473 7676 F: +1 202 522 1664 Theechat Boonyakarnkul Ministry of Public Health Thailand Sanitation and Health Impact Assessment Tiwanon Road Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 590 4346 F: +66 2 590 4355 [email protected] Hobson Bryan Geography Department University of Alabama Box 870322 Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0322 USA P: +1 205 348 1950 F: +1 205 348 2278 [email protected] Angela Buckingham BC Ministry of Transportation 4A-940 Balnashard Street Victoria BC V8W 9T5 CANADA P: +1 250 387 7557 F: +1 250 356 8767 [email protected] Rabel J. and Joyce L. Burdge PO Box 4056 Bellingham WA 98227-4056 USA P: +1 360 676 9892 F: +1 360 715 0985 [email protected] Steve Burgess Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Place Bell,22nd Flr, 160 Elgin St. Ottawa QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 948 2667 F: +1 613 957 0941 [email protected] Todd Burlingame Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Neal Burnham Government of Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs & Int'l Trade 111 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0G2 CANADA P: +1 613 944 0956 F: [email protected] Cherie Burns Poaskwayak Cree Nation PO Box 1000 The Pas MT R9A1L1 CANADA P: +1 204 627 7130 F: [email protected] Mike Burns Council for Scientific/Industrial Research Environmentek P.O. Box 320 Stellenbosch 7600 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 888 2492 F: +27 21 888 2693 [email protected] Andrew Buroni Environmental Resources Management 8 Cavendish Square London W1M0ER ENGLAND-UK P: +44 20 7465 7282 F: +44 20 7465 7272 [email protected] Philip H. Byer Division of Environmental Engineering University of Toronto 35 St. George St. Toronto ON M5S 1A4 CANADA P: +1 416 978 5980 F: +1 416 978 6813 [email protected] Helen Byron Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 72 St Neots Road Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1LG ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1767 681610 F: +44 1767 683640 [email protected] Ken Caine University of Alberta PO Box 191 Deline NT X0E 0G0 CANADA P: +1 867 589 4643 F: [email protected] Alan Calder BC Environmental Assessment Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9V1 CANADA P: +1 250 952 6507 F: +1 250 387 2208 [email protected] Paula Caldwell St Onge Environmental Protection Service 17th Fl. Place Vincent Massey, 351 St. Joseph Blvd Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 997 2019 F: +1 819 997 0086 [email protected] Christy Campbell Environme nt Canada 210-401 Burrard St. Vancouver BC V6C 3S5 CANADA P: +1 604 666 2733 F: +1 604 666 9107 [email protected] Diane Campbell Environment Canada-EAB 351 St. Joseph Blvd., 17th Floor Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1690 F: +1 819 953 4093 [email protected] Ian Campbell Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada 361-930 Carling Ave. Ottawa ON K1A 0C5 CANADA P: +1 613 759 7306 F: +1 613 759 7139 [email protected] Miguel Carballo Hernandez Asesoria en Geologia, Petroleo & Medio Amb 5a Avenida 15 -45 zona 10, Torre 1, Oficina 208 Guatemala 1010 GUATEMALA P: +502 3675902 F: +502 3675892 [email protected] Susan M. Carlick First Nation Environmental Assessment Tech Working Group Box 256 Atlin BC V0W 1A0 CANADA P: +1 250 651 2188 F: [email protected] Linda Carton TU Delft, Section Policy Analysis Jaffalaan 5, P.O. Box 5015 Delft 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 6571 F: [email protected] Luis Miguel Casas CONAFOR Periferico Pte. Y Carretera a Nogales s/n, San Juan de Ocotan Gudalajara JL 45019 MEXICO P: +33 3777 7073 F: [email protected] Matthew Cashmore University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences Norwich Norfolk NR4 7TJ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1603 593797 F: +44 1603 507719 [email protected] Carmen Cecilia Castillo Instituto de Parques Nacionales Edificio: Sure del Museo del Transporte, Caracas 1070 VENEZUELA P: +1 273 2701 27012 F: +1 273 2888 [email protected] Mauricio Castro Sustainable Development Advisors Mesoamerica 757-1260 Plaza Colonial Escazu COSTA RICA P: +506 356 1785 F: [email protected] Clare Cattrysse Fisheries & Oceans Canada 200 Kent Street Ottawa ON K1A 0E6 CANADA P: +1 613 990 0206 F: +1 613 993 7493 Deoraj Caussy World Health Organization Ring Road, IP State New Delhi ND 110 002 INDIA P: +91 11 2337 0804 F: +91 11 2337 9507 [email protected] Ben Cave Ben Cave Associates Ltd. PO Box 20 Brighton, East Sussex BN2 3WJ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 12 73 682 052 F: +44 0207 655 6660 [email protected] Alissar Mohamad Chaker UNDP LEBO2/2006 Jamil Adra Street. El Huda Building 6th Flr Tripoli LEBANON P: +961 3 204 420 F: +961 4 840 911 [email protected] Alexander Chambi Center for Environmental Assessment & Resource Management P.O. Box 33315 Dar es Salaam TANZANIA P: +255 741 480349 F: +255 222 410393 [email protected] Mauro Celso Brazilian Petroleum Company Avenida Hum, Cidade Universitaria Ilha do Fundao Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL P: +55 21 38+867 766 7050 F: +55 21 38654975 [email protected] r David Burdick ENGLAND-UK P: F: Sonia Chand Sandhu The World Bank 70 Lodi Estate New Delhi 110003 INDIA P: +91 11 461 7241 F: +91 11 461 9393 [email protected] Jonathan Chaplan Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin Street Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 957 0285 F: +1 613 957 0935 [email protected] Binod Chaudhary Liberty Research Forum Pvt. Limited Dillizabar Kathmandu Bagmati 977 NEPAL P: F: [email protected] Jorge Chavez Golder Associates Ltd Av. Jose Galvez Barrenechea 511 Lima 41 PERU P: +511 224 9398 F: +511 476 7884 [email protected] Aleg Cherp Int Inst. For Industrial Env. Economics P.O. Box 196, Tegnérplatsen 4 Lund 22100 SWEDEN P: +36 1 327 3089 F: +36 1 327 3031 [email protected] Fiona Chung Hanh Cheung Environmental Protection Dept. Hong Kong SAR Government 27/F, Southorn Ctr 130 Hennessy Wanchai Hong Kong SAR HONG KONG P: +852 2835 1869 F: +852 2597 0558 [email protected] Michael Cheung Dept. of Law, University of Hong Kong C,3/F. Block 19, Wonderland Villas Kwai Chung, N.T. HONG KONG P: +852 932 318 77 F: +852 278 58 922 [email protected] Christina Chianale Agenxia Torino 2006 Galleria San Frederico 16 Torino ITALY P: +39 335 129 7474 F: [email protected] Amanda Chisholm Scottish Executive Development Dept. Trunk Roads Design & Construction Div. Victoria Quay Edinburgh EH6 6QQ SCOTLAND-UK P: +44 131 2 44 7225 F: +44 131 244 7228 [email protected] Camilia Zoe-Chocolate Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Vern Christensen Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Lee Chun-won Dong-sung Engineering Co. Ltd. 15-2 Sukchon-Dong Seoul Songpa-Gu SOUTH KOREA P: +82 02 2140 3430 F: +82 02 2140 3472 [email protected] Ian Church Government of Yukon Box 2703, A -310 Yukon NT Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 456 3860 F: +1 867 667 3216 [email protected] Geoff Clark Kitikmeot Inuvit Association Box 474 Kugluktuk Nunavut X0B 0E0 CANADA P: +1 867 982 3310 F: +1 867 982 3311 [email protected] Karen Clarke Whistler Golder Associates Ltd 78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6NQ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 7900 211 801 F: [email protected] Berni Claus Western Economic Diversification 700-601 West5 Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6B 5G0 CANADA P: +1 604 666 9203 F: +1 604 666 2353 [email protected] Kimberley Cliffe -Phillips MacKenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board 4701 Hamilton Drive Yellowknife NT X1A 2E1 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7062 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Rodney Cluck DOI - Minerals Management Service 381 Elden Street, MS-4042 Herndon VA 20170 USA P: +1 703 787 1087 F: +1 703 787 1026 [email protected] Kim Coady C-NOPB 140 Water Street St. John's NL A1K 1A6 CANADA P: +1 709 778 1431 F: [email protected] Norval Collins CEF Consultants Ltd. 5443 Rainnie Drive Halifax NS B3J 1P8 CANADA P: +1 902 425 4802 F: +1 902 425 4807 [email protected] Mary Anne Connell University of Guelph RR No 3 Palmerston ON N0G 2P0 CANADA P: +1 519 343 2668 F: +1 519 343 2554 [email protected] Desmond M. Connor Connor Development Services, Ltd. 5096 Catalina Terrace Victoria BC V8Y 2A5 CANADA P: +1 250 658 1323 F: +1 250 658 8110 Shirley A.M. Conover Aber Ecological Consulting Ltd. 7415 McAllister Rd. RR #2 Bewdley ON K0L 1E0 CANADA P: +1 905 342 3546 F: +1 905 342 2414 [email protected] Jacky Conrod Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Rm 200, 1 First Nations Way Regina SK S4S 7K5 CANADA P: +1 306 780 8457 F: +1 306 780 6128 [email protected] Joy Constant Opaskwayak Cree Nation PO Box 1000 The Pas MT R9A 1L1 CANADA P: +1 204 627 7145 F: +1 204 6 23 6236 [email protected] Kimberley Cook Minerals Management Service 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd. New Orleans LA 70123 USA P: +1 504 736 1720 F: +1 504 736 2407 [email protected] Vanessa Cook Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 200 Sacre Couer Blvd. Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 957 0324 F: [email protected] Elizabeth Copland Nunavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 [email protected] Henry Correa Risk & Safety Calle 126 No 12 -90 Apto 504 Bogotá 1 COLOMBIA P: +57 1 619 1342 F: [email protected] Bob Connelly Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Policy Development 200 Sacre-Coeur Blvd, Fontaine Bldg, 14th Floor Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 997 2711 F: +1 819 953 8592 [email protected] Chantale Cote Health Canada 1001 St -Laurent West Longueuil QC J4K 1C7 CANADA P: +1 450 646 1353 F: +1 450 928 4 269 [email protected] Gilles Cote Université du Québec à Chicoutimi 507, Querbes Montréal QC H2V 3W4 CANADA P: +1 514 274 7797 F: [email protected] Real Courcelles and Phillipe Mora Hydro-Québec Aboriginal Relations 75 boul. Réné Lévesque-ouest, seventeenth floor Montréal QC H2Z 1A4 CANADA P: +1 514 289 2211 x3956 F: +1 514 289 2523 [email protected] Carla Cowling Agriculture & Agri-food Canada Bldg. 97, 960 Carling Avenue Ottawa ON K1A 0C6 CANADA P: +1 613 759 7763 F: +1 613 759 7238 [email protected] David Cox Environmental Protection Dept. Hong Kong SAR Government 27/F, Southorn Ctr 130 Hennessy Wanchai Hong Kong SAR HONG KONG P: +852 2835 1106 F: [email protected] Michael Cox Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq 57 Martin Cres Truro CANADA P: F: Roger Creasey Shell Canada 400 4th Ave. S.W., P.O. Box 100, Station M Calgary AB T2P 2H5 CANADA P: +1 403 691 4238 F: +1 403 691 2224 [email protected] Peter Croal Southern African Inst. Of Impact Assessment P.O. Box 6322 Ausspannplatz Windhoek NAMIBIA P: +264 61 220579 F: +264 61 249183 [email protected] Raymond Crook BC Environmental Assessment Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9V1 CANADA P: +1 250 356 7492 F: +1 250 387 2208 [email protected] Jonathan Crowther & Fuad Fredericks CCA Environmental (Pty) Ltd. Unit 35, Roeland Square, 30 Drury Lane Cape Town 8001 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 461 1118 F: +27 21 461 1120 [email protected] Ron Cruikshank Yukon Land Use Planning 201-307 Jarvis Yukon YT Y1A 2H3 CANADA P: +1 867 667 7397 F: +1 867 667 4624 [email protected] Jennifer Culleton Defence Construction Canada 350 Albert St. Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 CANADA P: +1 613 991 6759 F: +1 613 991 9953 [email protected] Katherine Cumming Parks Canada 145 McDermot Ave Winnipeg MB R3B 0R9 CANADA P: +1 204 984 1929 F: +1 204 983 0031 Scott Cunningham Technology University of Delft POST BUS 5015 Delft Zuid Holland 2628 BX THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 2787187 F: +31 15 278648 [email protected] Johanna Curran WSP Environmental Ltd. 3 The Courtyard, 48 New Notrth Road Devon EX4 ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1392 456 367 F: [email protected] John Curry University of Northern British Columbia 3333 Unviersity Way Prince George BC V2N 4Z9 CANADA P: +1 250 960 5837 F: +1 250 960 5544 [email protected] Mark A. Curtis McGill University, Macdonald Campus Dept. of Natural Resource Sciences 21.111 Lakeshore, Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue Québec QC H9X 3V9 CANADA P: +1 514 398 7728 F: +1 514 398 7990 Brigitte Cusson Environment Canada 105 McGill, 7th Floor Montreal Quebec H2Y 2E7 CANADA P: +1 514 283 3452 F: +1 514 496 2901 [email protected] Greg Czernick Ministry of Transportation 7818-6th Street Burnaby BC V3N 4N8 CANADA P: +1 604 660 8077 F: +1 604-660-1826 [email protected] Oritsetimeyin Dada Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd. P.O. Box 263 Port Harcourt Rivers State NIGERIA P: +234 8 442 4039 F: +234 8 423 7127 24756 [email protected] Barry Dalal-Clayton Int'l Inst. for Environment & Development 3 Endsleigh Street London WC1H ODD ENGLAND-UK P: +44 171 388 2117 F: +44 171 388 2826 [email protected] Arne Dalfelt Oevre Toppenhaug 78 Baerums Verk 1353 NORWAY P: +47 678 03988 F: [email protected] Holger Dalkmann Wuppertal Inst. Climate, Env. & Energy Doppersberg 19 Wuppertal 42103 GERMANY P: +49 202 2492 233 F: +49 202 2492 263 [email protected] Brian Daly Fisheries Division Annex 5, Castle Blds, Stormont Dundonald Belfast BT4 3PW IRELAND P: +44 028 9052 3116 F: +44 028 9052 3121 [email protected] Chris Daly Nova Scotia Government PO Box 697 Halifax Nova Scotia B3J 2T8 CANADA P: +1 902 424 4936 F: +1 902 424 0501 [email protected] Alison Dalziel Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 8th floor Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings Wellington North Island 6001 NEW ZEALAND P: +644 471 9609 F: +644 473 2508 [email protected] Evans Darko -Mensah Refast Ltd. 3rd Floor, Hotel Westgate; P.O. Box CE11233 Tema 11233 GHANA P: +233 22 20507 F: +233 22 206959 [email protected] John Dauvergne Indust ry Canada 235 Queen St. Ottawa ON K1A 0H5 CANADA P: +1 613 952 2269 F: +1 613 954 3419 [email protected] Jacinthe David Health Canada 2720 Riverisde Dr. A/L: 6604M Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 CANADA P: +1 613 952 9349 F: +1 613 941 8921 [email protected] Douglas Davidge Environment Canada 91782 Alaska Hwy. Whitehorse YT Y1A 5B7 CANADA P: +1 867 -667-3409 F: +1 867-667-7962 [email protected] Ajana Davies CEEWED 89 Ijegun Rdjkotun, Lagos LAGOS Lagos State 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 805 510 9551 F: +234 1 5558300 [email protected] Jeff Davis Health Canada 2720 Riverside Drive, A/L/ 6604M Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 CANADA P: +1 613 948 8297 F: +1 613 941 8921 [email protected] Todd Davis SAIC 8301 Greensboro Drive McLean VA 22102 USA P: +1 610 213 4251 F: +1 703 676 2934 [email protected] Mark Davy MACA - Government of the NWT Box 1320 Yellowknife NWT X1A 1L5 CANADA P: +1 867 920 8038 F: +1 867 920 6343 [email protected] Sarah Dawson Boffa Miskell Limited P.O. Box 110 Christchurch NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 366 8891 F: +64 3 356 7339 [email protected] Billy Day Environmental Impact Screening Committee PO Box 1818 Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 CANADA P: +1 867 777 2828 F: +1 867 777 2610 eisc@ jointsec.nt.ca Liyana Pathrinage Dayananda IUCN The World Conservation Union 53 Horton Place Colombo 7 SRI LANKA P: +94 11 2 54 54 58 F: +94 11 2 54 54 [email protected] J.J. De Boer Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning &Env P.O. Box 30945 The Hague 2500 GX THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 70 339 4096 F: +31 70 339 1302 [email protected] Hans de Bruijn Delft University of Technology PO Box 5015 Delft Z-H 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 8061 F: +31 15 278 6439 j.a.debruijn@tbm. tudelft.nl Marjan de Groote ProSes and Ministry of the Flemish Region Jacob Obrechtlaan 3 Bergen op Zoom 4600 AG THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 164 212 825 F: +31 164 212 801 [email protected] Willem Martin de Jong Delft University of Technology Jaffalaan 5 Delft 2628 BX THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 8052 F: +31 15 278 6439 [email protected] Jan De Mulder Ministry - Flemish Region AMINAL EIA Unit K Albert II Laan 20 B8 Brussels 1000 BELGIUM P: +32 2 553 8077 F: +32 2 553 8075 [email protected] Monique de Wit Shell International Carel Bylandtlaan 16 The Hague 2501 AN THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 70 377 1808 F: +31 70 377 3797 [email protected] Jordan Degroot Nunavut Impact Review Board PO Box 2 379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 [email protected] Steve Dehmer Chevron Texaco Overseas 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd San Ramon CA 94583 USA P: +1 925 842 1532 F: [email protected] Claude D elisle Ecole Polytechnique University of Montréal CP 6079, Succ. Centre- Ville Montreal QC H3C 3A7 CANADA P: +1 514 340 4711 F: [email protected] Olga Demidova Ecoline EA Center 40 apt., 2, Yakushkina str. Moscow 127273 RUSSIA P: +7 095 907 58 89 F: [email protected] Mary Beard Deming Southern California Edison PO Box 800, 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead CA 91770 USA P: +1 626 302 9528 F: +1 626 302 9730 [email protected] Lea den Broeder --see Penris, Manon 102426 Bilthoven THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 30 274 2735 F: +31 30 274 2971 [email protected] John V. Dennis, Jr. Sustainable Development Associates 893 Cayuga Heights Road Ithaca NY 14850 USA P: +1 607 272 3323 F: +1 607 277 4725 Ludwig Desjardins Chaire en paysage et environnement C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville Montreal QC H3C 3J7 CANADA P: +1 514 343 2320 F: +1 514 343 6771 [email protected] David Diplock Keystone Environmental Ltd. 320 4400 Domwion St. Burnaby BC V5G 4M7 CANADA P: +1 604 430 0671 F: +1 604 430 0672 [email protected] Doug Dittburner Unilever BestFoods North America 195 Belfield Road Rexdale ON M9W 1G8 CANADA P: +1 416 240 4746 F: +1 416 240 4741 [email protected] Jennifer Dixon Department of Planning University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland NEW ZEALAND P: +64 9 343 7599 F: +64 9 373 7410 [email protected] Robert Dobos Environment Canada - Ontario Region 867 Lakeshore Rd, Box 5050 Burlington ON L7R 4A6 CANADA P: +1 905 336 4953 F: +1 905 336 8901 [email protected] Harland Doerksen Har-Land and Laser Surveys 10407 Fairmount Drive SE Calgary AB T2J 056 CANADA P: +1 403 875 0226 F: +1 403 547 5338 home [email protected] Wendy Donnithorne Government of Yukon PO Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 393 6428 F: +1 867 667 3216 [email protected] Carlos Dora World Health Organization Ave. Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 1211 SWITZERLAND P: +41 22 791 3541 F: +41 22 791 4123 [email protected] Lee D. Doran President Ecological Writings #1, Inc. 2 College Street Suite 218 Toronto ON M5G 1K3 CANADA P: +1 416 934-9503 F: [email protected] Doris Dreyer University of Northern BC Box 49 Ross River YT Y0B 1S0 CANADA P: +1 867 969 2754 F: +1 867 969 2405 [email protected] Edmundo Ducoing Chaho Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186 Mexico Iztapalapa D.F. 9340 MEXICO P: +555 804 4747 F: +555 804 4738 [email protected] m.mx Patrick Duffy P.J.B. Duffy & Assoc. Ltd. 5839 Eagle Island West Vancouver BC V7W 1V6 CANADA P: +1 604 921 6119 F: +1 604 921 6664 [email protected] Danah Duke Miistakis Institute c/o Environmental Design, 2500 University Dr NW Calgary AB T2N 1N4 CANADA P: +1 403 220 8968 F: +1 403 210 3859 [email protected] Paul A. Dulin P.O. Box 388 Hatch NM 87937 USA P: +1 505 267 3130 [email protected] F: +1 505 267 1716 Peter Duinker Dalhousie University 1322 Robie Street Halifax NS B3H 3J5 CANADA P: +1 902 494 7100 F: [email protected] Adrian Duncan Environment Canada Env. Assessment Coordinator 224 West Esplanade North Vancouver BC V7M 3H7 CANADA P: +1 604 666 0670 F: +1 604 666 7463 [email protected] Jiri Dusik Regional Environmental Center for CEE Mezi Silnicemi 17 Plzen 317 01 CZECH REPUBLIC P: F: +420 377 431 728 [email protected] David John Duthie Environment & Development Group (EDG) 11 King Edward Street Oxford OX1 4HT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1865 263400 F: +44 1865 263401 [email protected] Claudine Dutil -Berry Environmental Advisor National Energy Board 444 - 7 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 299 3900 F: +1 403 299 3110 Gerard Early Australian Government Dept. of Environment GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA P: +61 2 6274 1077 F: +61 2 6274 1600 [email protected] Jennifer Edwards Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada- Prairie Farm Rehabilitation #600 138-4th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 4Z6 CANADA P: +1 403 292 4989 F: +1 403 292 5659 [email protected] Wayne Edwards Levelton Engineering Ltd #150-12791 Clarke Street Richmond BC V6V 2H9 CANADA P: +1 604 278 1411 F: +1 604 278 1042 [email protected] Adeyemi Egbeleke Bradford Centre for International Development 5, Howard Street Bradford BD5 0BP ENGLAND-UK P: +44 796 092 2784 F: [email protected] Milton Egesa Uganda Wetlands & Resource Conservation Assoc. 27072 Kampala Kampala Central province 41 UGANDA P: +256 71 86 9023 F: [email protected] Markus Eggenberger Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Embassy of Switzerland 44B, Ly Thuong Kiet Street, G.P.O. Box 42 Hanoi 3003 VIETNAM P: +84 4 934 66 27 F: +84 4 934 66 33 [email protected] Doris Eggers Dept. of Resources Wildlife and Economic Development 600, 5102 -50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 3S8 CANADA P: +1 867 920 8046 F: [email protected] Albert Ehaloak Nunavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 25 93 F: +1 867 983 2594 [email protected] Alan Ehrlich Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board P.O. Box 938 Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 760 7056 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Haukur Einarsson Hönnun Consulting Engineers Grensásvegur 1 Reykjavík 108 ICELAND P: +354 510 4000 F: +354 510 4001 [email protected] Anders Ekbom Department of Economics Goteborg University Box 640 Goteborg V. Gotaland 40530 SWEDEN P: +46 31 773 4817 F: +46 31 773 1326 [email protected] Oluyemisi Elegbeleye Elf Petroleum Nig. Ltd. Plot 25 T/Amadi Ind Layout Port Harcourt Rivers State P.M.B 5160 NIGERIA P: +234 084 236310 2350 F: +234 238955 2506 [email protected] Vince Elenko University of Calgary 124 Canova P1 SW Calgary AB T2W 2A8 CANADA P: +1 403 281 4371 F: [email protected] Edna Elias Nunavut Impact Review Board PO Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 Ramani Ratnamala Ellepola CEA 30/2 Bagatelle Road Colombo 3 SRI LANKA P: +94 1 258 1776 F: Dave Elliott Canada Coast Guard 25 Huron Street Victoria BC V8V 4V9 CANADA P: +1 250 480 2670 F: +1 250 480 2702 [email protected] -mpo.gc.ca Elizabeth Emanuel Environmental Action Programme 10 Caledonia Ave. Kingston 5 JAMAICA P: +876 754 7568 F: +876 754 7597 [email protected] Bert Enserink TU Delft SEPA P.O. Box 5015 Delft 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 8071 F: +31 15 278 2464 [email protected] Gary Epp Earth Tech Canada Inc Suite 502-101 Frederick Street Kitchener ON N2T 1Z4 CANADA P: +1 519 570 4859 F: +1 519 570 3379 [email protected] David Estrin Gowling Lafleur Henderson 40 King Street W #5800 Toronto ON M5H 327 CANADA P: +1 416 862 4301 F: +1 416 863 3401 [email protected] Mel Falk Falk Environmental 63 Waterhouse Bay Winnipeg MB R3R 2N5 CANADA P: +1 204 831 7740 F: +1 204 873-9201 [email protected] Alison Farrand National E nergy Board 444-7th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 299 2761 F: +1 403 299 2780 [email protected] Kym Fawcett Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 6th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Herbert Felix Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat - EIRB General Delivery Fort Smith NWT X0E 0P0 CANADA P: F: [email protected] James Fennell Parks Canada 214 Benchlands Terrace Canmore AB T1W 1G1 CANADA P: +1 403 678 3038 F: [email protected] Warren Fenton Environment Canada 4999 98 Ave. Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 951 8865 F: +1 780 495 4367 [email protected] Brian Ferguson Fisheries & Oceans Canada 112 McDonald Drive Nelson BC V1L 6B9 CANADA P: +1 250 352 0896 F: +1 250 352 0916 [email protected] -mpo.gc.ca Mark Ferguson Greater Vancouver Regional District 4330 Kingsway Burnaby BC B5H 4G8 CANADA P: +1 604 432 6341 F: +1 604 432 6420 [email protected] Chris Finley National Energy Board 444 - 7 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 2H5 CANADA P: +1 403 299 3184 F: +1 403 299 3110 [email protected] Lisa Fischer Shell Canada 400 - 4th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 2H5 CANADA P: +1 403 691 2472 F: +1 403 691 3321 [email protected] Thomas Fischer Department of Civic Design University of Liverpool 74 Bedford Street South Liverpool L69 7ZQ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 151 794 3113 F: +44 151 794 3125 [email protected] Weston Fisher Tellus Institute 11 Arlington Street Boston MA 02116-3411 USA P: +1 617 266 8090 F: +1 617 266 8303 [email protected] Art Fitzgerald Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Street Ottawa ON K1A 1K3 CANADA P: +1 613 597 7050 F: +1 613 598 3098 [email protected] Lorene Flaming Development Alternatives, Inc. 7250 Woodmont Avenue Suite 200 Bethesda MD 20814 USA P: +1 301 215 7027 F: +1 301 718 7968 [email protected] Jonathan Guy Follen Environment Canada 351 St Joseph Blvd. Quebec K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1296 F: +1 819 953 4093 [email protected] Robin Fonger Environmental Impact Review Board Box 2120 Inuvik NT XOE 0T0 CANADA P: +1 867 777 2828 F: +1 867 777 2610 [email protected] Bruce Ford Gartner Lee Ltd. 6400 Roberts St, Suite 490 Burnaby BC V5G 4C9 CANADA P: +1 604 299 4144 F: +1 604 299 1455 [email protected] Marie Jose Fortin Université du Québec à Chicoutimi 385, Maltais Ave. Chicoutimi QC G7H 4T4 CANADA P: +1 418 543 5473 F: +1 418 545 5012 [email protected] John Foster Golder Associates Ltd #500-4260 Still Ck. Drive Burbaby BC V5C 6C6 CANADA P: +1 604 298 6623 F: +1 604 298 5258 [email protected] Ken Foster AMEC Earth & Environmental 221- 18th St SE Calgary AB T2E 6J5 CANADA P: +1 403 235 8128 F: +1 403 248 2188 [email protected] Paulette Fox Blood Triple Land Management 8320 Spruce Drs Lethbridge AB T1K 3M3 CANADA P: +1 403 737 8721 F: +1 403 737 8183 [email protected] Ellen Francis Pembina Institute for Appropriate Develop ment #520 600 6th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 0S5 CANADA P: +1 403 269 3344 x115 F: +1 403 269 3377 [email protected] Derek Fraser Government of Yukon Box 2703 A -310 Whitehorse YK Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 456 3963 F: +1 867 667 3216 [email protected] Glenda Fratton Gartner Lee Limited 840 7th Ave. SW, Suite 1605 Calgary AB T2P 3G2 CANADA P: +1 403 262 4299 F: +1 403 250 5330 [email protected] Stephen Friant Golder Associates Ltd 6241 NW 23rd Suite 500 Gainesville FL 32653 USA P: +1 352 336 5600 F: +1 352 336 6603 [email protected] Sigurros Fridriksdottir Environment & Food Agency of Iceland Sudurlandsbraut 24 Reyjkavik IS-108 ICELAND P: +354 591 2000 F: +354 591 2000 [email protected] John Friend University of Pretoria-ENV ENG GROUP Pretoria 1 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 82 554 8900 F: +27 12 420 3741 [email protected] John Fry University College, Dublin ERM, Agriculture University College, Belfield Dublin 4 IRELAND P: +353 1 716 7730 F: +353 1 716 1102 [email protected] Steve Fudge Jacques Whitford & Associates Limited 3 Spectacle Lake Drive Dartmouth NS B3B 1W8 CANADA P: +1 902 468 0412 F: +1 902 468 9009 [email protected] Richard Fristik Institute for Water Resources CEI WR-MD 7701 Telegraph Road, Casey Building Alexandria VA 22315-3868 USA P: +1 703 428 8066 F: +1 703 428 8435 [email protected] Richard F. Fuggle Dept of Environmental Science University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 650 2874 F: +27 21 650 3791 [email protected] Monica L. Fundingsland School of Planning & Landscape University of Manchester Oxford Rd. Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6881 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] Peter Furu Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory Jaegersborg Allé 1 D Charlottenlund 2920 DENMARK P: +45 77 32 77 82 F: +45 77 32 77 33 [email protected] Leo Gadwa Kehewin Cree Nation Box 6835 Bownyville Alberta T9N 2d3 CANADA P: +1 780 826 2913 F: +1 780 826 1915 Christiane Gagnon Dept. of Human Sciences University of Quebec 555 (500) Universte Chicoutini QC G7H 2B1 CANADA P: +1 418 545 5011 F: +1 418 545 5012 [email protected] Don Gamble Golder Associates Ltd 202-2790 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC V2T 4S8 CANADA P: +1 604 580 8786 F: +1 604 850 8756 [email protected] Kante Gaoussou University of Gent Rue de Picardie 16 Brussells 1140 BELGIUM P: +32 495 49 94 19 F: [email protected] Nelson Garcia Bitor America 5200 Town Center Circle, Suite 301 Boca Raton FL 33486 USA P: +1 561 392 0026 F: +1 561 392 0490 [email protected] Michel Gariepy Faculte de L'Amenagement Universite de Montreal P.O. Box 6128, Downtown Station Montreal QC H3C 3J7 CANADA P: +1 514 343 5980 F: +1 514 343 2338 [email protected] Sheila Gariepy Environment Canada 351 St Joseph Blvd Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +819 994 3503 F: +819 953 9547 [email protected] Paola Gazzola Dept of Civic Design, University of Liverpool 74 Bedford Street South Liverpool L69 7ZQ ENGLAND-UK P: F: [email protected] Dianne Gee University of Tasmania 96 Bangalee Street Lauderdale TS 7021 AUSTRALIA P: +61 3 6248 1262 F: [email protected] Clive G eorge The Institute for Development Policy and Management University of Manchester Harold Hankins Bldg. Precinct Centre, Booth St. W. Manchester M13 9QH ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 0812 F: +44 161 273 8829 [email protected] Linda Ghanime Bureau for Development Policy United Nations Development Program 304 East 45th St., 10th Fl. New York NY 10017 USA P: +1 212 906 6480 F: +1 212 906 6973 [email protected] Ginger Gibson Mining Engineering, UBC #201, 3637 Cambie Street Vancouver BC V5Z 2X3 CANADA P: +1 604 872 8430 F: [email protected] Jack Gibson Indian & Northern Affairs 600-1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 666 9332 F: +1 604 666 6474 [email protected] Robert Gibson Environment & Resource Studies University of Waterloo Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 CANADA P: +1 519 888 4567 ext. 3407 F: +1 519 746 0292 [email protected] Jan Gilbreath U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1300 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20004 USA P: +1 202 564 6279 F: +1 202 565 2411 gilbreath. [email protected] Ian Gilchrist Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 - 6th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5654 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Eleanor Gill Institute of Asian Research Rm 1037, St. John's College UBC 2111 lower Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 CANADA P: +1 604 827 4146 F: [email protected] Thomas Gillmore Government of Canada Dept. of Foreign Affairs & Int'l Trade 111 Sussex Drive, Rideau Pavilion, (R2 -210) Ottawa ON K1N 1J1 CANADA P: +1 613 944 1066 F: +1 613 944 0432 [email protected] Neil Gilson Parks Canada 13th Floor, 635 8th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3M3 CANADA P: +1 403 292 4499 F: +1 403 292 4404 [email protected] M Glassman British Columbia EIA Office P.O. Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt. Victoria BC V8W 9V1 CANADA P: F: Shannon Glenn NRCAN 3rd Flr 580 Booth Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 995 5719 F: +1 613 943 8161 Marsha Goldberg Argonne National Laboratories 955 L'E nfant Plaza North, SW Washington DC 20024 -2112 USA P: +1 202 488-2411 F: +1 202 488-2413 [email protected] Bernice Goldsmith Concordia University 1455 Blvd. de Maisonneuve West Montreal QC H3G 1M8 CANADA P: +1 514 848 2424 x3071 F: +1 514 848 7909 [email protected] Mikael Gontier Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm Brinellvägen 28 SE Stockholm 10044 SWEDEN P: +46 8 790 7377 F: +46 8 411 0775 [email protected] Ainhoa Gonzalez EIS Ltd. 6 Merrion Square Dublin 2 IRELAND P: +353 1 661 2142 [email protected] Kelly Goody Transport Canada 620-800 Burrard St. Vancouver BC V6Z 2J8 CANADA P: +1 604 666 5719 F: +1 604 666 2961 [email protected] Rick Grabowecky Health Canada 510 Lagimodiere Bl vd. Winnipeg MT R23 3Y1 CANADA P: +1 204 984 8318 F: +1 204 984 0461 [email protected] Keith Grady Infrastructure Canada 90 Sparks Street Room 606 Ottawa ON K1P 5B4 CANADA P: +1 613 952 1673 F: +1 613 946 9888 [email protected] F: +353 1 676 9502 Stephen Granger City of Cape Town P.o. Box 16548, Vlaeberg Cape Town W. Cape 8018 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 487 2236 F: +27 21 487 2255 [email protected] Richard Grassetti GECO Environmental Consulting 7008 Bristol Drive Berkeley CA 94705 USA P: +1 510 849 2354 F: +1 510 849 2354 [email protected] Jeffrey Green AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. #300, 805 Eighth Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 1H7 CANADA P: +1 403 750 2439 F: +1 403 269-5245 [email protected] Joyce Greenfield Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada- Prairie Farm Rehabilitation #600 138-4th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 4Z6 CANADA P: +1 403 292 5723 F: +1 403 292 5659 [email protected] Paul Gregoire Environment Canada Room 200 4999 98 Ave Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 951 8695 F: +1 790 495 2615 [email protected] Lorne Greig Essa Technologies Ltd 77 Angelica Ave Richmond Hill ON L4S 2C9 CANADA P: +1 905 770 6334 F: +1 905 770 0197 [email protected] Rory Grewar Manitoba Cl ean Environment Commission Department of Conservation 305-155 Carlton Street Winnipeg MB R3C 3H8 CANADA P: +1 204 945 7091 F: +1 204 945 0090 [email protected] Tisha Greyling Manyaka Greyling Meiring Ltd. P.O. Box 95823 Waterkloof Gauteng 145 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 12 362 0848 F: +27 12 362 0869 [email protected] Derek Griffin Environmental Assessment Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 1L8 CANADA P: +1 250 387 1543 F: +1 250 387 2208 [email protected] Robert Griffin Fisheries Division Annex 5, Castle Blds, Stormont Dundonald Belfast BT4 3PW IRELAND P: +44 028 9052 3117 F: +44 028 9052 3121 [email protected] Erin Groulx Environment Canada 2999 98th Ave. Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 951 8628 F: +1 780 495 4367 [email protected] Jennifer Gull Waswasnipi Cree First Nation Diam Blacksmith Building Waswanipi QC J0Y 3C0 CANADA P: +1 819 753 2441 F: +1 819 753 2904 [email protected] John Zane Gulley Golder Associates Ltd. 1000-940 6th Ave SW Calgary Alberta T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5615 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Michael Gullo Dalhousie University 5671 Fenwick St Apt 3 Halifax NS B3H 1R1 CANADA P: +1 902 431 7959 F: [email protected] Hugrun Gunnarsdottir The National Power Company Haaleitisbrut 68 Reykjavik 103 ICELAND P: +354 515 9000 F: +354 515 9005 [email protected] Pam Gunther Parametrix, Inc. 5808 Lake Washington Blvd. NE; Suite 200 Kirkland WA 98033 USA P: +1 425 822 8880 F: +1 425 889 8808 Jane Gurney University of Guelph SEDRD, LA Building Guelph ON N1G 2W1 CANADA P: +1 519 249 4364 F: [email protected] Theo Hacking University of Cambridge Selwyn College Cambridge CB3 9DQ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1223 766 685 F: +44 1223 765 625 [email protected] Martin Haefele MacKenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board PO Box 938-5102-50th Avenue Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766-7053 F: +1 867 766-7074 [email protected] Sombat Haesakul Health Systems Research Institute Munag Nontahburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 951 1286x126 F: +66 2 951 1295 [email protected] Stan Hagen Government Of Canada PO Box 9054 STN PROV GOV Victoria BC V8W 9E2 CANADA P: +1 250 356 8273 F: [email protected] Monica Hale SAIC 8301 Greensboro Drive McLean VA 22102 USA P: +1 703 676 4687 F: +1 703 676 2934 [email protected] Freddie Hall US Air Force OC-ALC/EMPD, 7701 Arnold St. Tinker AFB OK 73145-9100 USA P: +1 405 734 3114 F: +1 405 734 5148 [email protected] Nuraini Hambali PETRONAS Research Lor 3288 & 3289, Off jalan Air Itam Kajang 43000 MALAYSIA P: +603 89283174 F: +603 89258821 [email protected] Glenn Hamilton Western Economic Diversification Suite 1500, 9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 4H7 CANADA P: +1 780 415 8519 F: +1 780 495 4557 Jackie Hamilton Cloudworks Energy Inc 15 - 655 Fort Street Victoria BC V8S 4R9 CANADA P: +1 250 385 6101 F: +1 250 385 6120 [email protected] James G. Hamilton Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 -6th Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 260 2272 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Scott Hamilton Dept. of National Defence 188 Larkin Drive Ottawa ON K2J 1H9 CANADA P: +1 613 823 7844 F: [email protected] Rita Hamm IAIA Headquarters 1330 23rd St. S., Suite C Fargo ND 58103 USA P: +1 701 297 7912 F: +1 701 297 7917 [email protected] El Kébir Hannou MOROCCO P: F: Betty Hansen Ecosys tems International Environmental Assess. & Research 459 Ceasar Avenue Oakville ON L6J 3Z1 CANADA P: +1 905 845 2690 F: +1 905 845 9429 [email protected] Petur Ingi Haraldsson The Planning Agency Laugavegur 166 Reykjavik 150 ICELAND P: +354 595 4100 F: +354 595 4165 [email protected] Sachihiko Harashina Tokyo Institute of Technology Dept. of Env. Science & Tech. 4259 Magatsuta Midori-Ku Yokohama 226 8502 JAPAN P: +81 45 924 5550 F: +81 45 924 5551 [email protected] Lisa Hardess Centre for Indigeneous Environmental Resources 3rd Flrr-245 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 0S6 CANADA P: +1 204 956 0660 F: +1 204 942 1895 [email protected] Percy Hardisty Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] David Hardy Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road Toronto ON M5R 1K6 CANADA P: +1 877 267 7794 F: +1 416 944 0900 [email protected] Bill Harland USA P: F: Masud Hasan United States Export & Import Administration 811 Vermont Ave, NW Washington DC 20571 USA P: +1 202 565 3572 F: +1 202 565 3718 [email protected] Joanne Harkness Urban Systems Suite 200, 286 St Paul Street Kamloops BC V2C 6G4 CANADA P: +1 250 374 8311 F: +1 250 374 5334 jharkness@urban_systems.com Linda Havers University of Calgary 43 Arboour Wood Close Calgary AB T3G 4A8 CANADA P: +1 403 5547 4822 F: [email protected] Kiichiro Hayashi Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. Environmental Research Department 2-3-6, Otemachi 2 -Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 100-8141 JAPAN P: +81 3 3277 0446 F: +81 3 3277 0512 [email protected] Harry Heisler Semarnat Av. Revolucion # 1425 Nivel 21 Mexico City 1040 MEXICO P: +52 55 5624 3316 F: +52 55 5624 3618 [email protected] Paul Hemsley Hemmera E nvirochem Inc 350-1190 Hornby Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2K5 CANADA P: +1 604 669 0424 F: +1 604 669 0430 [email protected] Francisico Javier Alvarez Hernandez Comision Federal de Electricidad Mississippi #71 Piso 9 Col Cuaauhtemoc Mexico DF 6500 MEXICO P: +52 5231 1876 F: [email protected] Joan Hesketh, Deputy Minister British Columbia EIA Office PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt. Victoria BC V8W 9V1 CANADA P: +1 250 356-7475 F: +1 250 356-7477 [email protected] Viv Heslop University of Auckland c/32 Aroha Ave. Sandringham Aukland NEW ZEALAND P: +64 9 846 7177 F: +64 9 846 7177 [email protected] Lisa Hewitt Gartner Lee Ltd. 522-2050 Scotia Street Vancouver BC V5T 4T9 CANADA P: +1 604 709 0790 F: +1 604 299 1455 [email protected] Kathryn Elizabeth Higgins Texas Program for Society & Health James A Baker III Inst. for Public Policy P.O. Box 1892 Houston TX 77005 USA P: +1 713 348 2183 F: +1 713 348 5975 [email protected] Olavi Hiiemae EIA Center, Uppsala - Sweden Akadeemia 4 Tartu 51003 ESTONIA P: +372 7 427 434 F: +372 7 427 432 [email protected] Evan Hill Adelaide Aust Office of Regional Affairs 178 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 8303 2400 F: +61 8 8303 2350 [email protected] Jenifer Hill Klohn Crippen Suite 500-2955 Virtual Way Vancouver BC V5M 4X6 CANADA P: +1 604 251 8436 F: [email protected] Thomas Hoban North Carolina State Univ. Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology Box 8107 Raleigh NC 27607 USA P: +1 919 515 1676 F: +1 919 515 2610 [email protected] Jonathan Hobbs UK Dept. for International Development 86 Broad Manor, The Grange, Pocklington York YO 42 2 ENGLAND-UK P: +44 771 051 5852 F: +44 20 7023 0679 [email protected] Laurence Hogue Hydro-Québec 855, Rue St Cathterine Est, 9etage Montreal QC H2L 4P5 CANADA P: +1 514 840 3000 4671 F: +1 514 840 3355 [email protected] Pekka Hokkanen University of Tampere 33014 Tampereen yliopisto Tampere FINLAND P: +35 814 697 286 F: [email protected] Nelia Heydenreich PO Box 20046 Noordbrug 2522 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 11 313 3060 [email protected] F: +21 11 313 3086 Bonny Hill BC Hydro 6911 Southpoint Drive Burnaby BC V3N 4X8 CANADA P: +1 604 528 3403 F: +1 604 528 2905 [email protected] Maureen Hill City of Calgary - Environmental Management P.O. Box 2100 Station M # 8020 Calgary AB T2P 2M5 CANADA P: +1 403 268 F: +1 403 268 1592 Robert Hoft UNEP SCRD 393 St. Jacques, Suite 300 Montréal QC H2Y 1N9 CANADA P: +1 514 287 7028 F: +1 514 288 6588 [email protected] George Hegmann AXYS Environmental Consu lting Ltd. Suite 600, 805 8th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 1H7 CANADA P: F: Elaine Holtzhausen Lokisa Environmental Consulting PO Box 719 Gorenkloof Gauteng 27 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 12 346 2340 F: +27 12 346 0638 Sang Pyo Hong Chonju University 36 Naedok-Dong, Sangdang-Gu Chongju City Chungbuk 360-764 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 43 229 8576 F: +82 43 229 8432 [email protected] Eric Hopkins Indian & Northern Affairs 10 Wellington Street Gatineau QC K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 994 7110 F: +1 819 953 2590 [email protected] Robert Hornal Robert Hornal and Associates Ltd. 2576 West 7th Ave. Vancouver BC V6K 1Y9 CANADA P: +1 604 731 2697 F: +1 604 731 0244 [email protected] Jim Howell Jacques Whitford Environment Limited 500 708 -11 Ave SW Calgary AB T2R 0E4 CANADA P: +1 403 781 4119 F: [email protected] Mjoca Hrabar Oikos, Sustainable Development Consulting Inc. Jarska Cesta 30 Domzale SI-1000 SLOVENIA P: +386 1 7 226 825 F: +386 1 7214 807 [email protected] Hildur Hrolfsdottir National Power Company Haaleitisbraut 68 Reykjavik 107 ICELAND P: +354 515 9000 F: +354 515 9050 [email protected] Cindy Hubbard Indian & Northern Affairs 600-1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 666 5299 F: +1 604 666 6474 [email protected] Pamela Hubbard PM Hubbard 310 Herkimer Street Hamilton ON L8P 2J1 CANADA P: +1 905 524 0852 F: +1 905 524 0033 [email protected] Bob Humphries Levelton Consultants Ltd 150-12791 Clarke Place Richmond BC V6V 2H9 CANADA P: +1 604 207 5122 F: +1 604 278 1042 [email protected] Carol Hunsberger University of Waterloo 105-45 Caroline Street N. Waterloo ON N2L 2Y6 CANADA P: +1 519 725 8669 F: +1 519 746 0292 [email protected] Mary Hunt Nunavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NT X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 Chiel Husmann Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & The Environment PO Box 3 0945 The Hague 2500 GX THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 70 3394039 F: +31 70 3391302 [email protected] Dale Hutchison Manitoba Hydro PO Box 815 - 820 Taylor Avenue Winnipeg MA R3C 2P4 CANADA P: +1 204 474 4884 F: +1 204 474 4854 [email protected] Barbara Illsley School of Town & Regional Planning University of Dundee Scotland DO1 4HN SCOTLAND-UK P: F: [email protected] Chandhana Indhapanya Nat'l Institute of Development Admin. Center for Graduate Studies Development Seri-Thai Road, Klong Chan, Bangkapi Bangkok 10240 THAILAND P: +622 374 4280 F: +622 374 4280 [email protected] David Ingstrup Environment Canada 4999-98 Avenue Edmonton Alberta T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 951 8850 F: +1 780 495 2615 [email protected] Sally Innanen DHV Water BV Water/ Consultants Laan 1914 nr 35 Amesfoort 3818 EX THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 33 468 2589 F: +31 33 468 3945 [email protected] Helda Ishaq UC Davis 414 First Street Davis CA 95616 USA P: +1 530 759 9929 F: +1 530 757 3537 [email protected] Abdulrahman Salim Issa IUCN, Tanzania Country Office Haile Selassie Avenue Dar es Salaam Langata TANZANIA P: +255 22 2666895/2666190 F: +255 22 2668611 [email protected], [email protected] Moro Issah Ghana Red Cross Society Box KF 1906 Koforidua E/R GHANA P: +233 812 3260 F: [email protected] Masaru Ito Edogawa University 474, Komagi Nagareyama Chiba 270-0198 JAPAN P: +81 471 52 0661 F: +81 471 54 2490 [email protected] Masami Iwasaki-Goodman Hokkai Gakuen University 1-40, 4 -chome, Asahi-machi Toyohira-ku Sapporo Hokkaido 062 8605 JAPAN P: +81 11 841 1161 F: Philip B. Jago Natural Resource Canada 580 Boer Street, 100 Floor Ottawa ON K1J 6W1 CANADA P: F: +1 613 995 6839 [email protected] Emma James TRL Ltd. Old Wokingham Road Crowthorne Berkshire ENGLAND-UK P: +44 134 477 0192 F: +44 134 477 0918 Nana Janashia CENN 14 B Chonkzade Street Tbilisi 107 GEORGIA P: +99532 92 39 46 F: +99532 92 39 47 [email protected] Young Kee Jang Dept Of Environmental Engineering University of Suwon Suwon SOUTH KOREA P: F: [email protected] Jorma Jantunen Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre PO Box 36 Helsinki 521 FINLAND P: +358 20 490 3004 F: +358 40 517 3446 [email protected] Daryl Jaques 408-1800 Hamilton St. Regina SK S4P 4L2 CANADA P: +1 306 780 6554 F: +1 306 780 6778 [email protected] Tony Jackson The Gedes Institute University of Dundee School of Town and Regional Planning Dundee Scotland DD1 4HT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1382 345 239 F: +44 1382 204 234 [email protected] Bryce Jardine Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Rm 200, 1 First Nations Way Regina SK S4S 7K5 CANADA P: +1 306 780 6916 F: +1 306 780 6128 [email protected] Andrea Jardine Orr Murdoch University 28 Lynton Street, Doubleview Perth WA 6018 AUSTRALIA P: +61 08 9242 8515 F: [email protected] Stephen Jay EIA Centre, University of Manchester School of Planning and Landscape Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6881 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] Barry Jeffrey Environment Canada Environmental Assessment Section 16th Fl., Queen Square 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N6 CANADA P: +1 902 426 4633 F: +1 902 426 8373 [email protected] Sten Jerdenius Ministry of the Environment S - 103 33 Stockholm S - 103 33 SWEDEN P: +46 8 4053910 F: +46 8 140987 [email protected] Urmila Jha Thakur University of Liverpool Flat 45, Stephenson House, 179 Crown St. Liverpool L73RH ENGLAND-UK P: +44 776 0152 904 F: +44 151 794 3125 [email protected] Jeff Johansen Fisheries & Oceans Canada 200-401 Burrard Street Vancouver British Columbia V6C 3S4 CANADA P: +1 604 666 2057 F: +1 604 666 7097 [email protected] -mpo.gc.ca Veronica Johansson Swedish EIA Centre P.O. Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 018 671989 F: +46 018 673563 [email protected] Kathleen Johnnie First Nation Environment 910 Siem Heights Lantzville BC V0R 2H0 CANADA P: +1 250 390 2114 F: Eric Johnson Atlantic Consulting Environmental Impact Assessment Review Obstgartenstrasse 14 Gattikon 8136 SWITZERLAND P: +41 1 7721079 F: +41 1 7721059 [email protected] Isabel Johnson Golder Associates Ltd 6241 NW 23rd Street, Suite 500 Gainesville FL 32653 USA P: +1 352 336 5600 F: +1 352 336 6603 [email protected] Martha Johnson Indian & Northern Affairs 10 Wellingt on Street Gatineau QC K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 994 6773 F: +1 819 953 2590 [email protected] Stewart Johnson Dept. of Primary Industries Water & Environment GPO Box 44 Hobart TAS 7001 AUSTRALIA P: +61 3 6233 2780 F: +61 3 6233 3800 [email protected] Leslie Johnston US Agency for International Development RRB 3.8 -62 1300Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20523 USA P: +1 202 712 5808 F: +1 202 216 3227 [email protected] Robert Joly Direction Des Evaluations Environnesmentales 675 Est Rene-Levesque, 6th Quebec QC G1R 5V7 CANADA P: +1 418 521 3933 F: +1 418 644 8222 [email protected] Carys Jones EIA Centre, School of Planning & Landscape Oxford Rd. Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6255 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] Jung Jong-Gwan Chungman Development Institute 138-42 Sangdae-dong, Yuseong-gu Daejeon 305-313 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 42 824 7813 F: +82 42 824 7817 [email protected] Gladys Joudrey Nunavut Impact Review Board P.O. Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 283 2574 [email protected] Susan Joyce Susan Joyce Consulting Inc. 433 13th St. NW Calgary AB T2N 1Z3 CANADA P: +1 511 9754 2973 F: [email protected] Ricardo Juarez Semarnat Av. Revolucion # 1425 Nivel 16 Mexico City D.F. 1040 MEXICO P: +52 55 5624 F: [email protected] Mario Julien Falcon Bridge, Raglan Mine 120 Ave. de 1 Aeroport Rouyn Noranda QC T9X 5B2 CANADA P: +1 819 762 7800 x4801 F: +1 819 762 9266 [email protected] Serge Julien Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd Chalk River Laboratories Stn:E6 Chalk River ON K0J 1J0 CANADA P: +1 613 584 3311 F: +1 613 584 8023 [email protected] Ausra Jurkeviciute The Regional Center for CEE Ady Endre ut. 9 -11 Szentendre 2000 HUNGARY P: +36 26 504 056 F: +36 26 311 294 [email protected] Biren Juttun PWGSC for INAC Client Service Team Public Works and Government Canada 600-1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 666 5159 F: +1 604 666 9747 [email protected] Kanchana Kanchansiuith Ministry of Public Health Thailand Sanitation and Health Impact Assessment Tiwanon Road Nonthaburi BC 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 590 4013 F: +66 2 5 90 4015 Mohan Bahadur Karki Ministry of Population and Environment Singhdurbar Kathmandu Bagmati NEPAL P: +977 14241586 F: +977 14242138 [email protected] Rama Karmacharya HELP/Nepal P.O. Box 19675 Kathmandu Nepal 977 NEPAL P: +977 1210112 0 F: +977 1460560 [email protected] Haroon Essop Karodia Dept of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs Private Bag x 9059 Pietermaritzburg 3200 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 033 355 9624 F: +27 033 355 9188 [email protected] Sonja Karstens Delft University of Technology/GeoDelft Jaffalaan 5 Delft 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 7452 F: [email protected] Gediz Kaya The World Bank 1818 H St NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 458 5365 F: +1 202 458 5365 gkaya@wo rldbank.org Adetokunbo Kayode Environmental Impact Associates Ltd PO Box 7444, AP Plaza, Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent Abuja NIGERIA P: +234 9 523 2744 F: +234 9 523 2844 [email protected] Meg Keen Australian National University National Centre for Development Studies 9 Dwyer Street Cook ACT 2614 AUSTRALIA P: +61 2 6125 0556 F: +61 2 6125 5570 [email protected] Dawn K elly Golder Associates 1000, 940 -6th Ave. SW Calgary T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 532 5747 F: +1 403 299 5600 [email protected] Alan Kennedy Imperial Oil Resources 237-4th Av. SW, P.O. Box 2480 Stn M. Calgary AB T2P 3M9 CANADA P: +1 403 237 3485 F: +1 403 232 5861 [email protected] William V. Kennedy Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America 393, rue St -Jacques Ouest, bureau 200 Montréal QC H2Y 1N9 CANADA P: F: [email protected] Brenda Kenny University of Calgary 119 Stratton Park SW Calgary AB T3H 2V3 CANADA P: +1 403 510 5824 F: [email protected] David S. Kerr Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 94-0 6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5610 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Dean Kerwick-Chrisp Highways Agency Heron House, 49-53 Goldington Rd. Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 3LL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1234 79 6080 F: +44 1234 79 6060 [email protected] Nusaraporn Kessomboon Health Systems Research Institute Room 505, 5th Floor, AI Building Nonthaburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +662 951 0177 F: +662 951 8584 [email protected] Khaffou M'hamed Association Marocaine d'Ornithologie 23, Rue Elmarka, Zifoune Meknes 50 000 MOROCCO P: +212 706 23 567 F: +212 558 85 324 [email protected] Marina Khotouleva Econline EIA Center Post Office Box 7 G -47 Moscow 125047 RUSSIA P: +7 095 480 2970 F: +7 095 480 2970 [email protected] Sue Kidd Dept. of Civic Design, University of Liverpool 74 Bedford Street South Liverpool L69 72Q ENGLAND-UK P: +44 151 794 3111 F: +44 151 794 3125 [email protected] Ken Kiemele Department of Environment Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 CANADA P: +1 867 667 5093 F: +1 867 667 3641 [email protected] Myungjin Kim Korea-China Env. Science & Tech. Exchg Ctr (NEACEDT) Research Planning Division Ministry of the Environment Kyungseodong Incheon 404-170 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 (032) 560 7703 F: +82 032 568 2036 [email protected] Tae Geum Kim Chongju Unviersity, Dept. of Environmental Engineering 36 Naedol-Dong Sangdang-Gu Chongju Korea 360-164 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 43 228 8595 F: +82 43 229 8432 Collin Kingman Public Works and Government Serv.-CANADA 641-8000 Burrard Street Victoria BC V6Z 2V8 CANADA P: +1 6 04 775 6811 F: +1 604 775 6650 [email protected] Sigurd Juel Kinn Statoil Hes Forusbeen 35 Stavanger 4035 NORWAY P: +47 51 99 6174 [email protected] David Kinyua USAID/REDSO PO Box 30261, 0010 Nairobi 100 KENYA P: +254 02 862400 F: +254 02 860870 [email protected] Colin Kirkpatrick Institute for Development, Policy & Mgmt. University of Manchester Harold Hankins Bldg., Precinct Centre, Booth St. W Manchester M13 9QH ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 2807 F: +44 161 273 8829 [email protected] Friederike Kirstein Environment Canada 45 Alderney Dr. Queen's Square Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N6 CANADA P: +1 902 426 8066 F: +1 902 426 8373 [email protected] Cecilia Kjellander Swedish EIA Centre PO Box 7012 Uppsala 750 07 SWEDEN P: +46 18 672642 F: [email protected] William J. Klassen W.J. Klassen & Associates LTD. Box 20183 Whitehorse YT Y1A 7A2 CANADA P: +1 867 633 2443 F: +1 867 668 2763 [email protected] Heidi Klein Gartner Lee Ltd PO Box 22457 Bankers Hall Calgary AB T2P 5G7 CANADA P: +1 403 262 4299 x 122 F: +1 403 264 8412 [email protected] Martin Klukas Atomic Energy of Canada Station E6, Chalk River Laboratories Chalk River ON K0J 1P0 CANADA P: +1 613 584 8811 F: +1 1613 584 8023 [email protected] Anne Knol National Institute for Public Health and Environment PO Box 1 Bilthoven 3720BA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 30 274 2869 F: +31 30 274 4451 [email protected] Tito Kodiaga PACT Kenya PO Box 690 Sarit Centre Nairobi 60 KENYA P: +254 2 578271 F: +254 2 570775 [email protected] Josefin Kofoed EIA Centre PO Box 7012 Uppsala 750 07 SWEDEN P: +46 18 672639 F: +46 18 673563 [email protected] Arend Kolhoff Netherlands Commission for EIA Arthur Vah Schehdelstrsoo Utrecht 3500 GH THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 0302341604 F: [email protected] Jorgen Komak Nunavut Impact Review Board PO Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 866 233 3033 F: +1 867 983 2954 [email protected] Charles Kelly 3225 Oliver Street NW Washington DC 20015 USA P: +1 301 986 1322 F: [email protected] F: +47 51 99 0050 Jason Koo Yonsei University 234 Maeji, Heungeup Wonju Gangwon-do 220-710 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 33 760 2393 F: +82 33 760 2394 [email protected] Johann Koppel TU Berlin Franklins Dr. 28129 Sekr. FR 2 -6 Berlin D-10587 GERMANY P: +49 030 314 22349 F: +49 030 314 23507 [email protected] Lone Kornoev Aalborg University Fibigerstraede 13 9220 Aalborg DENMARK P: +45 96 35 82 87 [email protected] Simona Kosikova Sulcova Regional Enviro nmental Center Czech Republic Senovazna 2 Prague 1 110 00 CZECH REPUBLIC P: +420 224 222 843 F: [email protected] Frank Kotchea Nahendeh Land and Environmental Services General Delivery Fort Liard NT X0G OAO CANADA P: +1 867 770 4571 F: +1 867 770 4573 Nicole Kovalev Technical University Berlin Franklinstrasse 27/28, FR 2 -6 Berlin 10587 GERMANY P: +49 30 314 73337 F: +49 30 314 23507 [email protected] Ryszard Kowalczyk ECOPLAN Rzeszowska 11 Opole 45-316 POLAND P : +48 77 4558950 F: +48 77 4558950 [email protected] Dennis Krochak AMEC Earth & Environmental 2227 Douglas Road Burnaby British Columbia V5C 5A9 CANADA P: +1 604 294 3811 F: +1 604 294 4664 [email protected] Naomi Krogman University of Alberta GSB 5 -15 Edmonton AB T6G 0N4 CANADA P: +1 780 492 4178 F: +1 780 492 0268 [email protected] Nabil Ktaily Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority (ADWEA) P.O. Box 6120 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES P: +9712 694 3644 F: +9712 694 3692 [email protected] Hidefumi Kurasaka Assoc. Prof. Faculty of Law & Econ. Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi -Cho, Inage-Ku Chiba City 263-8522 JAPAN P: +81 43 290 3655 F: +81 43 290 3655 [email protected] Ryan Kustra Major Projects Licensing, Manitoba Hydro 820 Taylor Ave Box 815 Winnipeg MT R3C 2P4 CANADA P: +1 204 474 4334 F: +1 204 474 4974 [email protected] Adjei-Fosu Kwaku National Development Planning Commission PO Box Ct 633 Cantonments Accra Greater Accra GHANA P: +233 21 773 011 F: +233 21 773 055 [email protected] Roy Kwiatkowski Health Canada PL 1915D Tunney's Pasture, Rm 1597D Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 CANADA P: +1 613 952 2828 F: +1 613 954 0692 [email protected] Alan Y. Kwok Maunsell Environmental Management Consultants Ltd. Rm 1213-1219 Grand Central Plaza, Tower 2 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road Shatin New Territories SAR HONG KONG P: +852 2893 1551 F: +852 2891 0305 [email protected] Young Han Kwon Korea Environment Institute 613-2 Bulgwang-dong, Eunpyeong -gu Seoul 122-706 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 3807660 F: +82 2 380 7744 [email protected] Adam La Rusic Environment Canada 401 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6C 354 CANADA P: +1 604 666 8342 F: +1 604 666 7294 [email protected] Abdelali Laamari National Institute of Agricultural Research BP 589 Settat 589 MOROCCO P: +212 611 54922 F: +212 237 20927 [email protected] Saida Laarouchi Engström Swedish Nuclear Fuel And Waste Management Co Box 5864 Stockholm 10240 SWEDEN P: +468 459 8512 F: +468 459 8462 [email protected] Philippe Lafay TOTAL 2 Place de La Coupole La Défense 6 92078-Codex FRANCE P: +33 1 47 446 118 F: +33 1 47 444 708 [email protected] Abdelaziz Lagnaoui The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 458 2806 F: +1 202 477 0565 [email protected] Ginette Lajoie Cree Regional Authority Grand Council of the Crees 277 Duke St. Suite 100 Montreal QC H3C 2M2 CANADA P: +1 514 861 5837 F: +1 514 861 0760 [email protected] Panneer Selvam Lakshminarayanan The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 458 2728 F: +1 202 522 1664 [email protected] Iannick Lamirande Senior E nvironmental Assessment Office 580 Booth St 3rd Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 995 5719 F: [email protected] Carol Lamont BC Hydro 6911 Southpoint Avenue Burnaby BC V7L 2Y2 CANADA P: +1 604 528 1877 F: [email protected] Raymond Lamoureux Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 22nd Floor, Place Bell Canada, 160 Elgin Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 957 0897 F: ray.lamoureux@ceaa- acee.gc.ca Robert Lanari Makivik Corporation 1111 Dr. Frederick-Philips, Suite 300 Montreal QC H3M 2X6 CANADA P: +1 514 745 8880 F: +1 514 745 3700 [email protected] Jane Lancaster Kestrel Research Inc. 11 Cochrane Lake Place Cochrane AB T4C 2A8 CANADA P: +1 403 932 2269 F: +1 403 851 0772 janelanc@telus planet.net Robert Landry Hydro-Quebec 855 Stre Catherine Est 14E Montreal QC H2L 4P5 CANADA P: +1 514 840 5855 F: [email protected] Alexandra Langenheld Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature-Conservation and Nuclear-Safety Alexander plitz 6 Berlin Berlin GERMANY P: +49 30 28550 3628 F: +49 30 28550 3629 [email protected] F: +45 98 15 37 88 Georges Lanmafankpotin ABPEE 07 BP505 Ste-Rita Cotonou BENIN P: +229 90 71 73 F: +229 30 45 43 [email protected] Paul Lansbergen Forest Products Association of Canada 99 Bank St. Suite 410 Ottawa ON K1P 6B9 CANADA P: +1 613 563 1441 F: +1 613 563 4720 [email protected] Louis E. LaPierre Institute for Env'l Monitoring & Research 53 Mathieu-Martin Drive Grand-Barachois NB E1A 3E9 CANADA P: +1 506 863 2056 F: +1 506 863 2000 [email protected] Kerstin Larsson EnviroPlanning AB Lilla Bommen 4b Gothenburg 41104 SWEDEN P: +46 31 771 8740 F: +46 31 771 8741 [email protected] Ross Lashbrook York University 17 Bartley drive Caledon East ON L0N 1E0 CANADA P: +1 905 880 1827 F: [email protected] Laurie Lavallee Cree Regional Authority Grand Council of the Crees 277 Duke, Suite 100 Montreal QC H1Y 2V5 CANADA P: +1 514 221 7593 F: [email protected] David P. Lawrence Lawrence Environmental PO Station A, Box 3475 Langley BC V3A 4R8 CANADA P: +1 604 532 9889 F: +1 604 534 9889 [email protected] Yolaine le Beau Tecsult International Ltd 85 St. Catherine West Montreal QC H2X 3P4 CANADA P: +1 514 287 8500 F: +1 514 287 8643 [email protected] Constance Lebel Hydro-Québec 855, Rue St Catherine Est, 9etage Montréal QC H2L 4P5 CANADA P: +1 514 840 3000 F: +1 514 840 3355 [email protected] Larry Lechner Saskatchewan Environment Env. Assessment Rm 142, 3211 Albert Street Regina SK S4V 2T2 CANADA P: +1 306 787 5786 F: +1 306 787 0930 [email protected] Larry LeDrew Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro 500 Columbus Drive St. John's LB A1B 4K7 CANADA P: +1 709 737 1409 F: +1 709 737 1777 [email protected] Marcel Leduc Nove Environnement Inc. 1650, rue Champlain Trois Rivieres QC G9A 4S9 CANADA P: +1 819 371 3481 F: +1 819 371 2616 [email protected] Hi Sun Lee Korea Environment Institute 613-2 Bulgwang-Dong Eunpyeong -Gu Seoul 122 706 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 380 7614 F: +82 2 380 7744 [email protected] Hyoun -Young Lee Dept Of Geology, Konkuk University #270 128, Suyu-dong Seoul Kangbuk-gu 142 879 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 905 8202 F: [email protected] Jeongho Lee Korea Environment Institute 613-2, Bulgwang-Dong, Eunpyeong-Gu Seoul SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 380 7682 F: [email protected]; [email protected] Jong Ho Lee Department of Urban and Regional Planning Chongju U niversity #36 Naedok -Dong Sangdang -Gu Chongju Chungbuk 360-764 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 43 229 8279 F: +82 43 229 8233 [email protected] Mu-Choon Lee Yonsei University Department of Environmental Engineering 234 Maeji, Heungeup Wonju Gangwon-do 220-710 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 33 760 2393 F: +82 33 760 2394 [email protected] Sang Don Lee Department of Environmental Science & Engineering Ewha Womans University SeoDaeMun-Ku DAeHyung-Dong 11-1 Seoul 122-700 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 3277 3545 F: [email protected] Sang Hoon Lee The University of Suwon PO Box 77 Suwon 440 600 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 31 220 2148 F: [email protected] Young Soo Lee Korea Environment Institute 613.-2 Bulgwang-Dong EunypongGU Seoul 122 706 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 380 7657 F: [email protected] Shirley Sau-Ling Lee Hon Environmental Protection Dept Govt of HKSAR 27/F, Southorn Ctr 130 Hennessy Hong Kong SAR HONG KONG P: +852 2835 1122 F: +852 2591 0558 [email protected] Bruce F. Leeson Parks Canada Agency 13th Flr 635 8th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3M3 CANADA P: +1 403 292 4438 F: +1 403 292 4404 [email protected] F. Larry Leistritz North Dakota State University Dept Agribusiness and Applied Economics Morrill Hall Rm. 217, NDSU Fargo ND 58105 USA P: +1 701 231 7455 F: +1 701 231 7400 [email protected] Einar Leknes RF Rogaland Research Prof. Olav Hanssenvei 15 Stavanger 4068 NORWAY P: +47 5187 5000 F: +47 5187 5200 [email protected] Peter Leonard Hydro Quebec- Environnement 75, René Levésque Ouest, 10th Floor Montréal QC H2Z 1A4 CANADA P: +1 514 289 2211 x4282 F: +1 514 289 5083 [email protected] Tor Lerstang Inst. of Transport Economics PO Box 6110 Oslo 602 NORWAY P: +47 22573800 F: +47 22570290 [email protected] Helene Letourneau Project Manager (Environment) Hydro Quebec, TransEnergie 800 est. boulevard de Maisonneuve Quebec QC H2L 4M8 CANADA P: +1 514 840 3000 x4615 F: +1 514 840 3137 [email protected] Carole Levesque Institut national de la recherche scientifique 3465 rue Durocher Montreal QC H2X 2C6 CANADA P: +1 514 499 4094 F: +1 514 499 4065 carole.levesque@inrs -ucs.uquebec.ca Ana Marie Leyton Transport Canada 330 Sparks St 18th Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 CANADA P: +1 613 957 4260 F: +1 613 998 6500 [email protected] Julian Lim Indian & Northern Affairs Canada PO Box 100 Iqaluit NT X0A 0H0 CANADA P: F: +1 867 975 4585 [email protected] Stephen Lintner World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 2508 F: +1 202 477 0565 [email protected] Jane Lister UBC 2565 W. 2nd Ave. Vancouver BC V6K 1J7 CANADA P: +1 604 733 8354 F: [email protected] Paul Lochner CSIR Environmental PO Box 320 Stellenbosch Western Cape 7599 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 888 2486 F: +27 21 888 23693 [email protected] Jerry Loomis MVEIRB Box 938, 5102 50yh Ave Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: F: Andrew Loosley Andarko Canada Corporation 425-15th Street SW Calgary AB T2P 4V4 CANADA P: +1 4 03 231 0436 F: +1 403 231 0620 [email protected] Stefan Lopatka Nunavut Tunnagavik Inc. P.O. Box 1269, Cambridge Bay Nunavut NT X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 645 5616 F: +1 867 983 5624 [email protected] Soledad Diaz Lopez Rio Niagara No. 8 bis-22 Depto 22 Col. Cuauhtemoc D.F. 6500 MEXICO P: +52 55 11 7922 F: [email protected] Sherry Lovely Gov. of Northwest Territories Dept. Health & Social Services Box 1320 Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9 CANADA P: +1 867 920 8868 F: [email protected] Dave Lucas Eskom Holdings Limited PO Box 1091 Johannesburg 2000 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 11 800 4514 F: +27 11 800 2938 [email protected] Kristina Lundberg KTH Brinellvagen 28 Stockholm SE-100 44 SWEDEN P: +46 8 790 61 41 F: +46 8 411 07 75 [email protected] Stina Lundstrom Dept. of Landscape Planning Ultuna P.O. Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 0 18 671957 F: +46 0 18 673512 [email protected] William Lynch University of Dundee Perth Road Dundee DD1 4HN SCOTLAND-UK P: +44 1382 345 237 Amy Maarse Defence Construction Canada Constitution Square, 19th Floor, 350 Albert St. Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 CANADA P: +613 998 7937 F: +1 613 991 9953 [email protected] Lulama Hazel Macanda Department of Economic Affairs, Environment & Tourism PRIVATE BAG X0054 Bisho Estern Cape 5605 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 45 8383984 F: +27 45 8383981 [email protected] Karen MacArthur Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Mary Ellen MacCallum ESSA Technologies Ltd. 1012 Frederick Rd N Vancouver BC V6K 1H8 CANADA P: +1 604 904 9618 F: +1 604 904 9619 [email protected] Michelle D. MacDonald AXYS Environmental Consulting Suite 300. 805 B Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 1H7 CANADA P: +1 403 750 2447 F: +1 403 269 5245 [email protected] Jodine Macduff Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prairie Farm Rehabilitation 200-303 Main Street Winnipeg MB R3C 3G7 CANADA P: +1 204 983 2244 F: +1 204 983 2178 [email protected] Jaroslav Machacek Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Institute of Landscape Ecology Narodní 3 Praha 110 00 CZECH REPUBLIC P: +420 2 21403292 F: +420 2 22221634 [email protected] Sarah Macharia University of Saskatchewan Apt #1-1506 Main Street Saskatoon SK S7H 0L7 CANADA P: +1 306 652 2264 F: [email protected] James Mack Canadian E nvironmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin Street Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 957 0603 F: +1 613 957 0897 [email protected] Gabrielle MacKenzie-Scott Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] Letha Maclachlan Environment & Resources Law 509-20th Ave Sw Calgary AB T2S 0E7 CANADA P: +1 403 228 6666 F: +1 403 228 5550 [email protected] Donna Maher Surrey EAC 12626 21A Avenue Surrey BC V4A 7P6 CANADA P: +1 604 535 7265 F: [email protected] Akinpelu Malaolu Ogun State Environmental Protection Agency Old Governor Office, P.O. Box 4399, Ibara Abeokuta Ogun State 110001 NIGERIA P: +234 39 240094 F: [email protected] James Malick SEACOR Environmental Inc. 200-1620 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 1V4 CANADA P: +1 604 318 7501 F: +1 604 738 2542 [email protected] Neil D. Mallen Golder Associates Ltd 500 - 4260 Still Creek Drive Burnaby BC V5C 6C6 CANADA P: +1 604 296 4256 F: +1 604 298 5253 [email protected] Lionel Marcinkoski Indian & Northern Affairs PO Box 1500 Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3 CANADA P: +1 867 669 2591 F: +1 867 669 2701 [email protected] Svetlana Markova Klaipeda University H.Manto 84 Klaipeda Klaipeda LT-92294 LITHUANIA P: +370 4639 8803 F: +370 4639 8802 [email protected] Karen Lock European Centre for Health of Societies in Transition London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Keppel Street London WCIE 7HT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 207 612 7810 F: +44 207 612 7812 [email protected] F: +44 1382 204 234 Leonardo Marotta Entropia V. Corridoni 3 Recanati MC 62019 ITALY P: +39 338 351 8558 [email protected] F: +39 071 757 5525 David Marshall Fraser Basin Council Vancouver BC V6C 1V5 CANADA P: +1 604 488 5350 F: +1 604 488 5351 [email protected] Ross Marshall Environment Agency National Environment Assessment Service Waterside North Lincoln LINCS LN2 5HA ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1522 513100 F: +44 1522 512927 [email protected] Miroslav Martis Institute of Applied Ecology of CAU Zamek 1 Kostelec and Cernymi lesy 28163 CZECH REPUBLIC P: +420 321 697 500 F: +420 321 697 500 [email protected], [email protected] Henrieta Martonakova UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and CIS Grosslingova 35, Bratislava 81109 SLOVAKIA P: +421 2 59337 411 F: [email protected] Marco Martuzzi World Health Organization Via Francesco Crispi 10 Rome 187 ITALY P: +39 06 487 7520 F: +39 06 487 7599 [email protected] Sheryl Maruca Chevron Texaco 4800 Fournace Place Bellaire TX 77401 USA P: +1 713 432 6802 F: +1 713 432 2234 [email protected] Jonathan Mathers University of Birmingham Edgbaston Dept of Public Health & Epidemiology Birmingham B15 2TT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 121 414 6024 F: +44 212 414 7878 [email protected] Lesley Matthews National Energy Board 444 Seventh Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 299 2796 F: +1 403 299 2785 lmatthews@neb -one.gc.ca Steven Matthews Dept of Resources, Wildlife & Economic Dvlpt. 600-5102 50th Avenue Yellowknife NT X1A 3S8 CANADA P: +1 867 873 7775 F: +1 867 873 0293 [email protected] Bruce Mattock Keystone Environmental Ltd. 320-4400 Dominion Street Burnaby BC V5G 4M7 CANADA P: +1 604 430 0671 F: +1 604 430 0672 [email protected] Sabine Mayer Federal Environmental Agency Spittelauer Lände 5 Vienna A-1020 AUSTRIA P: +43 1 313 04 3311 F: [email protected] Karel Mayrand See Paquin, Marc CANADA P: F: Piotr Mazurkiewicz The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, MSN U 11-1106 Washington DC 20433 USA P : +1 202 473 8794 F: +1 202 522 2654 [email protected] Rhonda McCallister Urban Systems Suite 200, 286 St. Paul Street Kamloops BC V2C 6G4 CANADA P: +1 250 374 8311 F: +1 250 374 5334 [email protected] Mark McCarthy University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 207 679 1711 F: [email protected] Rachel Mc Cormick University of Calgary 1921 22nd Avenue NW Calgary AB T2M1R8 CANADA P: +1 403 283 5864 F: [email protected] Cara McCue Transport Canada 330 Sparks Street, Place de Ville, "Tower C" AHEB Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 CANADA P: +1 613 990 0405 F: +1 613 957 4260 [email protected] Deb McGregor Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Downsview ON M3H 5T4 CANADA P: +1 416 739 4890 F: +1 416 739 4804 [email protected] Ignace A.J. Mchallo Natl Environment Management Council P.O. Box 68035 Dar es Saalam 63154 TANZANIA P: +255 22 744 611 333 F: [email protected] George McKay 2010 Vancouver Organi zing Committee 2227 Douglas Road Burnaby BC V5C 5A9 CANADA P: +1 604 294 3811 F: +1 604 294 4664 Don McKinnon Dillon Consulting Limited 235 Yorkland Blvd. Suite 800 Toronto ON M2J 448 CANADA P: +1 416 229 4647 x 355 F: +1 416 229 4692 [email protected] Cameron McLean Cree Regional Authority/Grand Council of the Cree 277 Duke St., Suite 100 Montreal QC H32 2M2 CANADA P: +1 514 861 5837 F: +1 514 861 0760 [email protected] Bill McMillan Equus Consulting Group 250, 9707 -110 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2L9 CANADA P: +1 780 423 4731 F: +1 780 423 4745 [email protected] Jason McNeill Dept. of Resources Wildlife and Economic Development 600, 5102 -50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 3S8 CANADA P: +1 867 920 8071 F: +1 867 873 5724 [email protected] Morag McPherson Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. Gatineau Quebec K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 997 3851 F: +1 819 953 4093 [email protected] Margaret McQuiston National Energy Board 444 Seventh Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 299 3517 F: +1 403 299 3110 [email protected] George Meadows Hemmera Envirochem Inc. 6th Floor, 1483 Douglas Street Victoria BC V8W 3K4 CANADA P: +1 250 414 4330 F: +1 250 414 4300 [email protected] Derek Melton Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 -6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5659 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Angeles Mendoza Duran Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary 2500 University Drive, NW Calgary AB T2N 1N4 CANADA P: +1 403 585 5525 F: +1 403 289 6205 [email protected] Celestine Mengue Medou University of Quebec - Montreal 9301 Saint -Michel app 14 Montreal QC H1Z 3G7 CANADA P: +1 514 826 0909 F: +1 514 987 6784 menguec@ yahoo.fr Katrina Menzies Public Works and Government Serv.-CANADA 825 Admirals Rd. Victoria BC V9A 2P1 CANADA P: +1 250 363 8623 F: +1 250 363 3808 [email protected] Pascale Méra ESSA Technologies Ltd. 1765 West 8th Ave, Suite 300 Vancouver BC V6J 5C6 CANADA P: +1 604 733 2996 F: +1 604 733 4657 [email protected] Jean-Roger Mercier The World Bank Quality Assurance & Compliance Unit (ESDQC) 1818 H St. NW, Room MC 5 -135 Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 5565 F: +1 202 477 0565 [email protected] Astrid Merl Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment & Water Management Stubenbastei 5 Vienna 1010 AUSTRIA P: +43 1 51522 2115 F: +43 1 51522 7122 [email protected] Roberto Mezzalama Golder Ass ociates Ltd 1000, 940 -6 Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Monica Micek Alberta Environment 4999-98 Ave Edmonton Ab T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 427 2931 F: +1 780 427 9102 [email protected] Livain Michaud Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, 3rd Flr Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 995 2848 F: +1 613 995 5719 [email protected] Joseph Milewski Inter-American Development Bank 1300 New York Ave NW, Stop W0500 Washington DC 20577 USA P: +1 202 623 2197 F: +1 202 623 1786 [email protected] Anne Miller Oxford Brookes University School of BMS, Gypsy Lane Headington Oxford OX3 0BP ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1865 483244 F: +44 1865 484017 [email protected] Anne Norton Miller Office of Fed. Activities U.S. EPA 3433 S Utah St Arlington VA 22206 USA P: +1 202 564 7127 F: +1 202 564 0070 [email protected] Jacques Mine TOTAL 24 Cours Michelet A 1033 Paris La Defense 92069 FRANCE P: +33 0 141 352861 F: +33 0 141 356 983 William Lembi Mngoma Dept of Agriculture & Environme ntal Affairs Private Bag x 9059 Pietermaritzburg Kwazulu 3200 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 33 355 9624 F: +27 33 355 9188 [email protected] Jennifer Mindell Imperial College London, Dept of Epidemiology and PubHealth St. Mary's Campus Norfolk Place London W2 1PG ENGLAND-UK P: F: [email protected] Archie Moar CRBE Nation of Chisassisi P.O. Box 150 Chisasiisi QC J0M 1E0 CANADA P: +1 819 855 2898 F: +1 819 855 3304 [email protected] Bert Moar Waskaganish First Nation P.O. Box 60 Waskaganish QC J0M 1R0 CANADA P: +1 819 895 8650 F: +1 819 895 8901 [email protected] Zainab Moghal Nunavut Impact Review Board PO Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NU X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 [email protected] Luis Montanez-Cartaxo Comision Federal de Electricidad Copilco #300 Edif. 8 -302 Mexico, D.F. Col. Copilco-Universidad 4360 MEXICO P: +52 5229 4400 x 44100 F: +52 5229 4400 x 44007 [email protected] Philippe Mora HydroQuebec #NAME? QC H2L 5B2 CANADA P: +1 514 286 2020 ext 2207 [email protected] Gavin More Dept. of Resources Wildlife and Economic Development 600, 5102 -50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 3S8 CANADA P: +1 867 873 7244 F: +1 867 873 4021 [email protected] Silvio Morelli Groupe Conseil Genivar 5858, chemin de la Cote-desNeiges, 4e etage Montreal QC H3S 1Z1 CANADA P: +1 514 340 0046 F: +1 514 340 1337 [email protected] Alonso Moreno Romero Consejo Nacional De Electricidad-Conelec Av. Naciones Unidas E7 -71-Shryis Quito Pichincha 1717817 ECUADOR P: +593 226 8746 2440123 F: +593 226 8737 8 [email protected] Richard Morgan Department of Geography University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 479 8782 F: +64 3 479 9037 [email protected] Angus Morrison -Saunders Murdoch University Division of Science & Engineering South Street Murdoch WA 6150 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 9360 61 25 F: +61 8 9360 6787 [email protected] Grand Chief Ted Moses Cree Regional Authority 2 Lakeshore Road Nemaska QC J0Y 3B0 CANADA P: +1 819 673 2600 F: +1 819 673 2606 [email protected] Charlotte Mougeot Mougeot Geo Analysis 523 Lake Moraine Way SE Calgary AB T2J 3A4 CANADA P: +1 403 271 1139 F: +1 406 271 0035 [email protected] Leon muba Mopili Association Nationale Pour L'Evaluation Environmentale Av. Kilangwe No 2634 Lemba Kinshasa Kinshasa 243 CONGO P: +243 81 501 7572 F: +1 775 822 7069 [email protected] Sangsoo Mun Oxford Brookes University 2 Fielden Grove, Headington Oxford OX3 0DU ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1865 48 34 12 F: [email protected], [email protected] Dave Munday Golder Associates L td #220-174 Wilson Streeet Victoria BC V9A 7N6 CANADA P: +1 250 889 2768 F: +1 250 881 7470 [email protected] Felicidade Nazare Munguambe Ministry for the Coordination of Environial Affairs Av. Acordos de Lusaka n. 2115 Maputo Maputo 2020 MOZAMBIQUE P: +25 81 66 6055 F: +25 81 46 6059 [email protected] F: +1 514 286 2046 Anne Murray Vancouver International Airport Authority P.O. Box 23750, APO Richmond B.C. V7B 1Y7 CANADA P: +1 604 276 6357 F: +1 604 232 6190 [email protected] Carol Murray ESSA Technologies Ltd. 1435 Brooke Street Victoria BC V8S 1M4 CANADA P: +1 250 383 1190 F: [email protected] Raphael Mwalyosi Institute of Resource Assessment University of Dar es Salaam PO Box 35097 Dar es Salaam TANZANIA P: +255 22 2410144 F: +255 22 2410393 [email protected] Serge Nadon Meteorological Service of Canada 10 Wellington St. 4th Fl. Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 997 3841 F: +1 819 994 8854 [email protected] Rachid Nafti 6 rue Ettoujibi Riadh El Andalous 2058 TUNISIA P: +216 98 306 248 F: +216 71 820 441 [email protected] Isayani Naicker CSIR Environmental P.O. Box 2724, Parklands Johannesburg 2121 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 12 841 3740 F: +27 12 841 2689 [email protected] Nader Najmi Moshanir Company No. 37 Vanak Sq. Khoddami Avenue Tehran IRAN P: +19 947 534 86 F: [email protected] Tak Nakamura Health Canada Suite 730, 9700 Jasper Ave. Edmonton Alberta T5J 4C3 CANADA P: +1 780 495 4290 F: +1 780 495 2743 [email protected] Mike Nassichuk Environment Canada 201 401 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6C 3S5 CANADA P: +1 604 666 2799 F: +1 604 666 9107 [email protected] Meera Nathwani Shell Canada 400-4th Ave SW, PO Box 100, Stn M Calgary Ab T2P 2 H5 CANADA P: +1 403 691 3422 F: +1 403 691 4255 [email protected] Larissa Naylor Komex Europe 129 Cumberland Road Bristol B51 6UX ENGLAND-UK P: +44 117 9251304 F: +44 117 9293404 [email protected] Peter A. Neame Senior Environmental Specialist International Finance Corp. 2121 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 1564 F: +1 202 974 4351 [email protected] Peter J Nelson 14, Great George Street Bristol B96 6RJ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1179 291 997 F: +44 1179 291 998 [email protected] Emmanuel Noubissie Ngankam The World Bank Ekoudou Bastos Bastos BP 11 28 CAMEROON P: +237 221 8030 F: +237 221 0722 [email protected] Roec Nijsten Ministry of Transport P.O. Box 5044 Delft Zuiokuland 2600ga THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 251 8343 F: +31 251 8555 [email protected] Måns Nilsson SEI Box 2142 Stockholm 10314 SWEDEN P: +46 8 412 1415 F: [email protected] Shigeo Nishikizawa Tokyo Institute of T echnology 4259 Nagatsuda-machi Midori-ku Yokohama Kanagawa 226-8502 JAPAN P: +81 45 924 5550 F: +81 45 924 5551 [email protected] Hirohiko Nishikubo Ministry of Environment Kasumigaseki 1 -2-2 Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8975 JAPAN P: +81 3 5521 8235 F: +81 3 3581 2697 [email protected] J. Ashley Nixon Shell Canada 400 4th Avenue S.W. Calgary AB T2P 2H5 CANADA P: +1 403 691 4965 F: +1 403 691 3321 [email protected] Tsinguzo Nnadozie Sunday Shell Nigeria Exp. & Production Company 21/22 Marina St. Lagos Lagos Box 2418 NIGERIA P: +234 12601600 F: dozie.tsinguzoofshell.com Patricia Nnaji The Presidency, Office of the Secretariat Federal Secretariat Abuja Nigeria Abuja NIGERIA P: +234 805 582 9733 F: [email protected] Bram Noble Department of Geography University of Saskatchewan #9 Campus Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 5A5 CANADA P: +1 306 966 1899 F: +1 306 966 5680 [email protected] Harald Noreik Ministry of Environment PO Box 8013 Oslo 30 NORW AY P: +47 222 46012 F: [email protected] Monica Norejko University of Guelph 690 Wincheter Crescent Sarnia ON N7S 4P5 CANADA P: +1 519 542 3812 F: [email protected] Laury North Alberta Environment 111, 4999 -98 Ave. Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 422 2207 F: +1 780 427 9102 [email protected] Suphakij Nuntavorakarn The Energy and Industry Policy Network Health Systems Research Institute 801/8 Ngamwongwan 27 Muang Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 952 7371 F: +66 2 9 52 7606 [email protected]; [email protected] Nwokoma Nwabiani Casta Communications 38 Bale Street Orile Iganmu Lagos State 101015 NIGERIA P: +234 1 791 7922 F: [email protected] Steve Oates Parks Canada Environmental Science and Assess ment 300-300 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6B 6B4 CANADA P: +1 604 666 0286 F: +1 604 666 7957 [email protected] Patrick O'Brien Chevron Texaco Energy Research 100 Chevron Way, PO Box 1627 Richmond CA 94802-0627 USA P: +1 510 242 4348 F: +1 510 242 5577 [email protected] Peter Offu University of Malaya Dept of Intl' and Strategic Studies University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur 50603 MALAYSIA P: +601 0 279 0327 F: +603 7 967 5483 Joyce Ogwezi Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Block P, Flat 3, Edjeba, P.O. Box 230 Warri Delta NIGERIA P: +234 53 4 46571 F: +234 53 251 282 [email protected] Rita Ohene Sarfoh Ghana Highway Authority PO Box GP 1641 Accra GHANA P: +233 21 666 594 F: rpinkrah@hot mail.com Hafeez Oladunjoye Ojetunde SA Adejola & Sons Nig Ltd. 35924 Agodi Post Office Ibadan Oyo State 20001 NIGERIA P: +234 2 8102 772 F: +234 2 8100 668 [email protected] Matthew Ojo Centre for Everlasting Environment,Women, Education & Dvlpt. 89, Ijegun Road, Ikotun Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 055 109 551 F: +234 155 58 300 Chris Smith Okpocha UKM MALAYSIA D1310 Seri Apts, Jalan Aman, Desa Aman Puri, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur 52100 MALAYSIA P: +60 17 652 9213 F: [email protected] Lukman Adeshina Oladimeji L'unica Engineering Limited L'Unica House 27 OlawleSt. Off Imalefalafia oke ad Ibadan OYO 200001 NIGERIA P: +234 02 2314937 F: +234 02 231 4937 [email protected] Inger Olausson Swedish EIA Center PO Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 18 67 26 62 F: +46 18 67 35 63 [email protected] Kirsten Oleson Dept. of Civil Engineering Stanford University 729 Escondido Rd Apr 2332 Stanford CA 94305 4022 USA P: +1 650 380 3950 F: +1 202 676 0199 [email protected] Hongyan He Oliver Stanford University PO Box 15339 Stanford CA 94309 USA P: +1 650 725 8306 [email protected] Elsabeth Olivier Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Private bag X15 Brakpan 1540 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 11 741 2173 F: +27 11 741 2144 oliviere@ekurhuleni Anifowose Olumide Heritage International 53 Oyerokun St. Off Stadium Surulere Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 803 3222919 F: [email protected] Tadhg O'Mahony Env Protection Agency, Ireland Regional Inspectorate Inniscarra County Cork IRELAND P: +353 21 4875 540 F: +353 21 4875 545 [email protected] Moremi Omotoso Environment Canada Room 200, 4999 - 98 Ave Edmonton Alberta T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 951 8950 F: [email protected] John R. Opare-Djan National Development Planning Flagstaff House, P.O. Box CT 633, Cantonments Accra Greater Accra 233 GHANA P: +233 24 4149954 F: +233 21 773055 [email protected] Irene Opoku Environment Protection Agency P.O. Box M326 Accra GHANA P: +233 21 664 6978 F: +233 21 664 2690 [email protected] Somtochukwu C. Orizu Fano Intl'. Nigeria Ltd. #5 Achala Street, off jadeshola Oshodi brown Rd Ag Surulere Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 1813 7288 F: Leonard Ortolano Dept. of Civil Engineering Stanford University Terman Engineering Center, Rm. M42 Stanford CA 94305-4020 USA P: +1 650 723 2937 F: +1 650 725 3164 [email protected] Antoienette Oscarsson Swedish EIA Centre P.O. Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 18 671957 F: +46 18 67 3563 [email protected] Olushola Osho Centre for Everlasting Environment,Women, Education & Dvlpt. 89, Ijegun Road, Ikotun Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +1 2348055109551 F: [email protected] Khattar Ould Tabakh Ministry of Mines and Industry P.B. 199 Nouakchott MAURITANIA P: +222 525 32 25 F: [email protected] Akinsaya Richard Owolabi Dan Maak Nigeria Limited 33 Apata St. Shomolu 1000007 Lagos 23401 NIGERIA P: +234 802 339 1499 F: +234 1 496 4059 [email protected] Blessing Oyeyinka Help Mate International 46/48 Lagos Abeokuta Motor Road Sango Ota Ogun 234039 NIGERIA P: +234 803 725 5408 F: [email protected] Sibel Ozsayin Ministry of Environment & Forest Eskisehir Yolu 8 KM A Blok KAT:2 Ankara 6530 TURKEY P: +90 312 287 9963 F: +90 312 285 2910 [email protected] Paula Pacholek 71 Finch Crescent Whitehorse YT Y1A 5X5 CANADA P: +1 867 456 4882 F: [email protected] Bob (Robert) Page TransAlta Corporation Vice Pres. of Sustainable Development 110-12 Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 2M1 CANADA P: +1 403 267 7372 F: +1 403 267-4774 [email protected] William Page Beech Tree Publishing 10 Watford Close Guildford Surrey GU1 2EP ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1483 824871 F: +44 1483 567497 [email protected] Juan Palerm Sacromonte 262, Col. Chapalita Guadalajara Jalisco 45046 MEXICO P: +52 33 3656 0767 F: +52 33 3656 3639 [email protected] Peter Paneak Nanavut Impact Review Board Box 2379 Cambridge Bay NT X0B 0C0 CANADA P: +1 867 983 2593 F: +1 867 983 2594 Jayne Parry University of Birmingham Dept of Public Health & Epidemiology Birmingham B15 2TT ENGLAND-UK P: +44 121 414 3191 F: +44 121 414 7878 [email protected] José Palma -Oliveira University of Lisboa Faculdade de Psicologia Alameda de Universidade Lisbon 1649-013 PORTUGAL P: +351 966 150 0919 F: [email protected] F: +1 650 725 3164 Maria Rosario Partidario DCEA/FCT-UNL New University of Lisbon Quinta da Torre Caparica 2829-516 PORTUGAL P: +351 21 294 9616 F: +351 21 294 8554 [email protected] Kimberley Paul Union of NS Indians 47 Mallard Memberton NS B1S 2P5 CANADA P: +1 902 539 4107 F: +1 902 564 2137 [email protected] Kim Pawley Environmental Specialist ESSA Technologies Ltd. 5 Throop Rd. Chelsea QC J9B 2E5 CANADA P: +1 819 827 6132 F: +1 819 827 6133 [email protected] Arturo Pelaez SUMA Escarcha 272. Col. Prados del Campestre Morelia Michoacan 58290 MEXICO P: +52 443 4248400 F: [email protected] Jean Pierre Pelletier Dessau-Soprin Inc. 1060 Unversity St. Montreal QC H3B 4V3 CANADA P: +1 514 281 1033 x 272 F: +1 514 281 1060 [email protected] Kathy Penney Jacques Whitford Environment 500, 708-11 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 0E4 CANADA P: +1 403 263 7113 F: +1 403 263 7116 Manon Penris and Lea den Broeder RIVM P.O. Box 7 Bilthoven 3720BA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 30 274 3673 F: [email protected] Eduardo Peris-Mora Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera S/N Valencia 46021 SPAIN P: +34 963 87 9564 F: +34 963 877 569 [email protected] Nissanka Perrera Coastal Conservation Department 155/7 Kadawatha Road Ragama SRI LANKA P: F: [email protected] Reima Petajajarvi Finnish Road Enterprise PO Box 157 Helsinki 521 FINLAND P: +358 020 444 2175 F: +358 020 444 2929 [email protected] Alice Petawabano Cree Nation of Mistissini 187 Main Street Mistissini QC G0W 1C0 CANADA P: +1 418 923 3461x 213 F: +1 418 923 3115 [email protected] Eric Peters European Commission 200 rue de la Loi Bruxelles 1049 BELGIUM P: +32 2 295 96 97 F: +32 2 296 93 09 [email protected] Martin Petersen Golder Associates UK 9c, Cranwich Road London N16 5HZ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 7971 49 29 57 F: +44 7967 209 255 [email protected] Wiput Phoolcharoen Health System Research Institute Mental Health Department Building, Ministry of Public Health 205/7 Moo 6 Tiwanon Rd, Tombon Tungsonghong Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +662 951 1286x 117 F: +662 951 1295 [email protected] David Pierce Scripps Institute of Oceanography Climate Research Division Mail Stop 0224 La Jolla CA 92093-0224 USA P: +1 858 534 8276 F: [email protected] Carlos Munoz Piña National Institute of Ecology Periferico Sur 5000 piso 3 Distrito Federal Coyoacan 4530 MEXICO P: +525 54246413 F: +525 54245408 [email protected] Paulo Pinho University of Oporto Faculty of Engineering Rua Roberto Frias Oporto PORTUGAL P: +351 225 081 903 F: [email protected] Angela Pinilla Urije Universiteit Brussel Human Ecology Avenue du Laerbeek, 107 Flat A38 Brussels 1090 BELGIUM P: +32 499 43 2293 F: [email protected] Julieta Pisanty -Levy IberoAmerican University Dept. of Architecture Design & Urbanism Horacio No. 1834-301, Col. Polanco Mexico City 11510 MEXICO P: +52 55 52 80 95 95 F: [email protected] Edward Pollett International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 2032 F: +1 202 974 4347 [email protected] Geraldine Pope First Nations Environmental Steering Committee 117 Industrial Road Whitehorse YT Y1A 3V3 CANADA P: +1 867 668 8613 F: +1 867 667 4295 [email protected] Jenny Pope Murdoch University 25 Gold Street South Fremantle WA 6162 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 9431 7554 F: +61 8 9431 7031 [email protected] Lise Poulin Infrastructure Canada 90 Sparks Street Room 606 Ottawa ON K1P 5B4 CANADA P: +1 613 952 1673 F: +1 613 946 9888 vincent.nadine@infrastructure .gc.ca Renan Poveda World Bank 185 Alvarez Caldeeon Ave. Son lsidro Lima 27 PERU P: +51 1 6150660 F: +51 1 4217241 [email protected] Timothy Powers Indian & Northern Affairs 600-1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 775 5157 F: +1 604 666 6474 [email protected] Robert Prairie Noranda / Falconbridge 2250 Alfred Nobel Suite 300 St. Laurent QC H4S 2C9 CANADA P: +1 514 745 9357 F: +1 514 745 9379 [email protected] Linda Prang Capilano College 2055 Purcell Way Vancouver BC V7J 3H5 CANADA P: +1 604 984 1764 F: +1 604 983 7520 [email protected] Cynthia Pratt WA Dept. of Natural Resources PO Box 47014 Olympia WA 98504-7014 USA P: +1 360 902 1633 F: +1 360 902 1789 [email protected] Kathy Preston RWDI West Inc. 222-1628 West First Ave. Vancouver BC V6J 1G1 CANADA P: +1 604 730 5688 F: +1 604 730 2915 Amnat Prommasutra Team Consulting Engineers Co., Ltd 151 Team Bldg. Moo 12 Soi Nuan Chan Nawamin Rd (Sukhapiban 1), Klong Kum, Bueng Kum Bangkok 10230 THAILAND P: +66 2 509 9000 x2301 F: +66 2 509 9090 [email protected] Paul Prosanto Kumar BADTF P.V.O. Section #12/D HOUSE #19/25, Mirpur Dhaka 1216 BANGLADESH P: +88 018 237013 F: +88 02 801 7862 [email protected] Prakash Proudel TOTAL Quality Management-Nepal PO Box 20883Thamel Kathmandu 20882 NEPAL P: +981 017 1768 F: +977 1435 6307 [email protected] Sukanda Pudpadee Sanitation & Health Impact Assessment Division Ministry of Public Health Nonthaburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 590 4349 F: +66 2 5904359 [email protected] Anjala Puvananathan Health Canada 2301 Midland Ave Toronto ON M1P 4R7 CANADA P: +1 416 954 0821 F: [email protected] Jason Quigley Fisheries & Oceans Canada 200-401 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6C 3S4 CANADA P: +1 604 666 7918 F: +1 604 666 0292 QuigleyJ@dfo -mpo.gc.ca Robert Quigley 4 Krull Street, Vogeltown Wellington NEW ZEALAND P: F: [email protected] Martin Quijano Semarnat Av. Revolucion # 1425 Nivel 20 Mexico City D.F. 1040 MEXICO P: +52 55 56 24 3604 F: [email protected] Greg Radford Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Street Ottawa ON K1A 1K3 CANADA P: +1 613 597 8660 F: +1 613 598 3098 [email protected] Michael Raine and Dawn Kelly Golder Associates Ltd Suite 1000, 940 6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Asha Rajvanshi Wildlife Institute of India EIA Cell, PO Box 18, Chandrabani, Dehradun UP 248001 INDIA P: +91 135 640112 F: +91 135 640117 [email protected] Jean Chrysostome Rakototary Office National por L'environnement PO Box 822 Antaninrenina Antanananarivo 101 MADAGASCAR P: +261 20 2264107 F: +261 20 2230693 [email protected] Lantosoa Ramarojaona PCDI-WWF Madagascar West Indian Ocean Program Office MADAGASCAR P: +261 20 22 348 85 F: [email protected] Geetha Ramesh Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Rafael Arnaiz Ramos Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad Principe de Vergara 72 Madrid 28003 SPAIN P: +34 91 411 07 41 F: +34 91 563 07 93 Bruce Ramsay AMEC Earth & Environment 221 18th Street S.E. Calgary AB T2E 6J5 CANADA P: +1 403 569 6540 F: +1 403 248 2188 [email protected] James Ramsay J. Ramsay Associates 2671 Margate Avenue Victoria BC V8S 3A8 CANADA P: +1 250 598 4415 F: +1 250 598 4450 [email protected] Douglas Ramsey Seacor Environmental Inc. 200-1620 West 8th Ave. Vancouver BC V6J 1V4 CANADA P: +1 604 742 3898 F: +1 604 738 2542 [email protected] Eric Rapaport University of Northern B.C. School of Environmental Planning 3333 University Way Prince George BC V2N 4Z9 CANADA P: +1 250 960 5359 F: [email protected] Josoa Razafindretsa USAID/Madagascar 6th floor, ZITAL Tour Antananarivo Antananarivo 101 MADAGASCAR P: +261 20 22 539 20 F: +261 20 22 538 86 [email protected] Fraser Reilly-King Halifax Initiative 624 O'Connor Street Ottawa ON K1N 1H5 CANADA P : +1 613 789 4447 F: +1 613 241 4170 [email protected] Francois Retief University of Manchester Flat 22, Brian Redhead Ct, 123 Jackson Crescent, Hulme Manchester M15 5RR ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6904 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] Stanley Rhodes Scientific Certification Systems 2000 Powell Street Suite 1350 Emeryville CA 94608 USA P: +1 510 452 8004 F: +1 510 452 8001 [email protected] Frederic Richard Capilano College 2055 Purcell Way Vancouver BC V7J 3H5 CANADA P: +1 604 984 1764 F: +1 604 983 7520 [email protected] Jeremy Richardson UNEP c/o Mme Hirsch, 4 Rue de Zurich Geneva 1201 SWITZERLAND P: +41 22 917 8447 F: +41 22 797 3454 [email protected] Mark Richardson Health Canada A/L: 6604M, 2720 Riverside Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0K9 CANADA P: F: Nathalie Risse Universite Libre de Bruxelles CP 210/01, Boulevard du Triomphe Brussells 1050 BELGIUM P: +32 2 650 5505 F: +32 2 650 5970 [email protected] Richard Roberts Praxis 221 2451 Dieppe Avenue S.W. Calgary AB T3E 7K1 CANADA P: +1 403 245 6404 F: +1 403 249 8983 [email protected] Andrew Robinson Canadian Wildlife Service 5421 Robertson Road Delta BC V4K 3N2 CANADA P: +1 604 940 4685 F: +1 604 946 7022 [email protected] Simon Robinson Vancouver International Airport Authority Box 23750 Richmond BC V7B 147 CANADA P: +1 604 276 1408 F: +1 604 276 6699 [email protected] Humberto C. Rodarte-Ramon National University of Mexico Cuahhtemoc 239, Tepepan D.F. 16020 MEXICO P: +52 55 5622 5215 F: +52 55 5622 5207 [email protected] Jittima Rodsawad Sanitation & Health Impact Assessment Division Ministry of Public Health Nonthaburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +66 2 590 4349 F: +66 2 5904359 [email protected] Nick Roe Partner & Senior Consultant IRIS Environmental Systems Suite 700, G40 -8th Av S.W. Calgary AB T2P 1G7 CANADA P: +1 403 543 4455 F: +1 403 543 4459 [email protected] Hannah Rogers Indian & Northern Affairs 17D, 10 Wellington Street Gatineau QC K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 997 2451 F: +1 819 953 1885 [email protected] Grethel Aguilar Rojas Del Banco Nacional de Moravia Centro 300 metros norte y 50 este. Dificio 3 pisos San Jose COSTA RICA P: +506 241 0101 F: +506 240 99 [email protected] Susan Ross Golder Associates Ltd 940 6th Avenue SW, Suite 1000 Calgary AB T2P 3t1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 4663 F: [email protected] William Ross Faculty of Environmental Design University of Calgary 2500 University Drive NW Calgary AB T2N 1N4 CANADA P: +1 403 220 6961 F: +1 403 284 4399 [email protected] Nigel Rossouw CSIR Environmental P.O. Box 320 Stellenbosch Western Province 7600 SOUTH AFRICA P: +2721 8882492 F: +2721 8882693 [email protected] Olalekan Oladipo Rotimi Ogun State Environmental Protection Agency Old Governor office, P.O. Box 4399, Ibara Abeokuta Ogun State 110001 NIGERIA P: +234 39 240094 F: [email protected] Nightingale Rukuba-Ngaiza The World Bank Legal Department 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 473 6325 F: +1 202 522 1573 [email protected] Laura Russo Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale Delle Terme Di Caracalla Rome 152 ITALY P: +39 06 57062044 F: +39 06 5705-2044 Rene Royal Private Bag X04, Suite 263 Dalbridge 4014 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 31 2058091 F: +27 31 2058058 [email protected] Murray Rutherford School of Resource & Environmental Management Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby B.C. V5A 1S6 CANADA P: +1 604 291 4690 F: +1 604 391 4968 [email protected] Bernt Rydgren SwedPower AB PO Box 1842, SE -581 Linkoping 58117 SWEDEN P: +46 70 31 60920 F: +46 13 254 301 [email protected] Nuntana Sabrum Health Systems Research Institute Room 505, 5th Floor, AI Building Nonthaburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +662 951 0177 F: +662 951 8587 [email protected] M. Husain Sadar 39 Liston Circle Kanata ON K2L 2W3 CANADA P: +1 613 592 0450 F: +1 613 591 8956 [email protected] Ahmad Saeed Senior Coordinator IUCN 1-Bath Island Lake Road Karachi 75530 PAKISTAN P: +41 1 623 2981 F: +41 1 633 1102 [email protected] Paul W. Sage Trinity Lakes Consulting 2619 N. Peregrine Place Boise ID 83702 USA P: F: [email protected] Girma Sahlu Environment Canada Park Plaza, Room 300, 2365 Albert Street Regina Saskatcewan S4P 4K1 CANADA P: +1 306 780 6425 F: +1 306 780 7614 [email protected] Rauno Sairinen Helsinki University of Technology Centre for Urban and Regional Studies PL 9300 Espoo 02015 TKK FINLAND P: +358 50 44 231 46 F: +358 451 4071 [email protected] Jose Luis Salazar-Mañez Assoc. of Land & Commerce Registrars of Spain (Colegio de Registradores Mercantiles España) C/ Pintor Goya 17; Sant Cugat del Valles Barcelona 8197 SPAIN P: +34 9322 41410 F: [email protected] Alan Samostie Environmental Impact Analyst 152 Village Road Herring Cove NS B3V1H2 CANADA P: +1 902 475 1337 F: [email protected] Luis Enrique Sanchez University of Sao Paulo Escola Politecnica-Pmi Av. Prof Mello Moraes 2373 Sao Paulo SP 05508 -900 BRAZIL P: +55 113 3818 5186 F: +55 113 3818 5721 [email protected] Luke Sandham North-West University School of Environmental Sciences Private bag X6001 Potchefstroom SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 18 299 1585 F: [email protected] Jeff Sansom Alberta Environment 111 Twin Atria Building, 4 999 - 98 Ave. Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 CANADA P: +1 780 427 9064 F: +1 780 427 9102 [email protected] Emanuele Santi The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20007 USA P: +1 202 473 2281 F: +1 202 522 2654 [email protected] Terry Sargeant Manitoba Clean Environment 305-155 Carlton Street Winnipeg MT R3C 3H8 CANADA P: +1 204 945 5293 F: +1 204 945 0090 Michel Savoie Parks Canada 186 Route 117 Kouchibouguac National Park NB E4X 2P1 CANADA P: +1 506 876 2443 F: [email protected] Julie Sbeghen HydroQuebec 75 Boul. Réné-Lévesque-Ouest; 10th Floor Montreal QC H2Z 1A4 CANADA P: +1 514 289 4486 F: +1 514 289 5038 [email protected] Nikhat Sattar IUCN World Conservation Union Asia Sub Regional Office 1, Bath Island Road Karachi Sindh 75530 PAKISTAN P: +92 21 586 1540 F: +92 21 587 0287 [email protected] Hilary Schaffer EXXONMOBIL Development Company 12450 Greenspoint Drive #1347 Houston TX 77060 USA P: +1 281 654 5511 F: +1 281 654 6964 [email protected] Jan Peter Schemmel GTZ Tulpenfeld 2 53113 Bonn GERMANY P: +49 228 9853328 F: +49 228 989018 [email protected] Bobbi Schijf laan van Meerdervoort 670 Den Haag 2564 AL THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 70 32 50 837 F: [email protected] Chris Schmidt SEACOR Environmental Inc. 200-1620 West 8th Ave. Vancouver BC V6J 1V4 CANADA P: +1 604 306 3364 F: +1 604 738 2508 [email protected] Nathan Schmidt Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Peter Scholz Indian & Northern Affairs Canada PO Box 100 Iqaluit NT X0A 0H0 CANADA P: F: +1 867 975 4585 [email protected] Alex Schutte Levelton Consultants Ltd #150 12791 Clarke Place Vancouver BC V6V 2H9 CANADA P: +1 604 207 5134 F: +1 604 278 1042 [email protected] Paul Scott Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 757 W Hastings St., Suite 320 - Sinclair Centre Vancouver BC V6C 1A1 CANADA P: +1 604 666 6961 F: +1 604 666 6990 [email protected] Terrie Scott Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada-Prairie Farm Rehabilitation 200-303 Main Street Winnipeg MB R3C 3G7 CANADA P: +1 204 983 3870 F: +1 204 983 2178 [email protected] Miles Scott-Brown Vice President Komex International Ltd. Calle 114, No. 9 -45, Teueport Bus. Park, Torre B Oficina 916, Bogota COLOMBIA P: +57 1 629 5435 F: +57 1 629 2760 [email protected] Scottish Power Representative Scottish Power 1 Atlantic Quay Glasgow G3 8SP SCOTLAND-UK P: +44 141 566 4628 F: Graham C. Seagel 3939 Sunnycrest Drive Vancouver BC V7R 3E1 CANADA P: +1 604 987 3769 F: +1 604 987 3722 [email protected] Lorraine Seale Indian & Northern Affairs Canada Box 1500 Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3 CANADA P: +1 867 669 2590 F: +1 867 669 2701 [email protected] Cory Searcy University of Alberta 3 Sorrel Lane Winnipeg MT R2E 0E4 CANADA P: +1 204 474 4528 F: [email protected] Debra Sequeira International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 458 7406 F: [email protected] Susana Serra AMB e Veritas Rua Almirante Sousa Dias n 4B Oeiras 2780-299 PORTUGAL P: +351 914730241 F: +351 214697859 [email protected] Brian Sevick Mount Royal College Department of Environmental Sciences 4825 Richard Rd. S.W. Calgary AB T3E 6K6 CANADA P: +1 403 440 6675 F: +1 403 240 6095 [email protected] Eugene Shannon African Development Bank Rue Heidi Nouira 1002 Tunis Belvedere Tunis TUNISIA P: +216 22 70 1401 F: [email protected] Silvia Shardonofsky GEIGER/UQAM 5028 Bastein Montréal - Pierrefonds QC H8Z-2E7 CANADA P: +1 514 685 3074 F: [email protected] Sean Sharpe BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection PO Bag 5000 Smithers BC V0J 2N2 CANADA P: +1 250 847 7302 F: +1 250 847 7591 [email protected] Kathryn Shaver Nuclear Waste Management Organization 49 Jackes Avenue Toronto ON M4T1E2 CANADA P: +1 416 934 9814 F: +1 416 934 9526 [email protected] Linsey Sherman DFAIT, Multilateral Trade Policy Division Government of Canada 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0GZ CANADA P: F: Mark Sherrington Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 -6th Ave S.W. Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 216 8918 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Sherwin Shih MSES Inc. 207 Edgebrook Close NW Calgary AB T2M 1R8 CANADA P: +1 403 341 8668 F: [email protected] Emmanuel Abiodun Showunmi STS/STS 40 Iremo Road ile ife osun state 200002 NIGERIA P: +234 805 526 4354 F: +234 35 230705 [email protected] Mark Shrimpton Newfoundland Limited 607 Torbay Road St. John's NL A1 4Y6 CANADA P: +1 867 920 8046 F: +1 709 576 2126 [email protected] Nicolas Shuku Onemba ANEE Ave. Kilangwe No 2634 Kinshasa (Commune de Lemba) RD CONGO, DEM REP OF THE P: +243 89 60647 F: [email protected] Holmfridur Sigurdardottir Head of EIA Division Plann ing Agency Laugavegur 166 Reykjavik 15150 ICELAND P: +354 562 4100 F: +354 562 4165 [email protected] Themba Sikhutshwa City of CapeTown PO Box 16548 Vlaerburg South Africa 8018 SOUTH AFRICA P: F: A. John Sinclair University of Manitoba Natural Resources Institute Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 CANADA P: +1 204 474 8374 F: +1 204 261 0038 [email protected] Bhawan Singh Department of Geography University of Montreal Case postale 6128, Succursale centreville Montreal QC H3C 3J7 CANADA P: +1 514 343 8040 F: +1 514 343 8008 [email protected] Lasmaydha Siregar BHP Billiton Ltd L24 - 180 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VC 3001 AUSTRALIA P: +61 3 9609 2722 F: +61 3 9609 3600 [email protected] D. Connor Skehan EIS Ltd. 6 Merrion Square Dublin 2 IRELAND P: +353 1 6612142 [email protected] Roel Slootweg SEVS- Slootweg en van Schooten Consultancy SevS Juffermansstraat 5 Oegstgeest 2341 JH THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 71 528 3858 F: +31 71 528 3859 [email protected] Daniel Slunge Department of Economics, Gothenburg University Box 640 Gothenburg 40530 SWEDEN P: +4631 7732638 F: +46 31 773 1043 [email protected] Andrew Smith Environmental Services Public Works & Government Services Canada PO Box 5000, 401-1230 Government Street Victoria BC V8W 2Z4 CANADA P: +1 2 50 636 8441 F: +1 250 363 3263 [email protected] Elizabeth Smith EBRD One Exchange Square London EC2A 2JN ENGLAND-UK P: +44 207 338 6504 F: +44 207 338 6848 [email protected] Graham Smith DND - Risk Management 3rd Flr, Bldg 0199 CFB E squimalt PO Box 17000 StnF Victoria BC V9A 7NZ CANADA P: +1 750 363 5063 F: [email protected] Ila Smith Parks Canada 25 Eddy 4th floor Hull QC K1A 0M5 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1861 [email protected] Karen Smith Matawa First Nations Management 2-230 Miles St. East Thunder Bay ON P7C 1J6 CANADA P: +1 807 577 4961 F: +1 807 344 2977 [email protected] Malcolm Smith Hemmera Envirochem Inc. 350-1190 Hornby Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2K5 CANADA P: +1 604 669 0424 F: +1 604 669 0430 [email protected] Martin Smutny REC CO Czech Republic Senovazna 2 Prague CZECH REPUBLIC P: +420 2 2422 2843 F: +420 2 2422 2843 [email protected] Clint Smyth EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. 270, 200 Rivercrest Drive SE Calgary AB T2C 2X5 CANADA P: +1 403 723 6855 F: +1 403 203 3301 [email protected] Anne Snider Indian & Northern Affairs 10 Wellington Street Gatineau QC K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 997 0046 F: +1 819 953 2590 [email protected] Valerie Snow Canadian Electricity Association 2037 Grey Avenue Montreal QC H4A 3N3 CANADA P: +1 514 489 7406 F: [email protected] Charlie Snowshoe Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 8 67 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 Young -il Song Korea Environment Institute 613-2 Bulwang Dong, Eunpyeong-Gu Seoul 122-706 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 380 7674 F: +82 2 380 7744 [email protected] Levi Southwind Sagamar First Nation Massey ON P0P 1P 0 CANADA P: F: Omer Soylu Ministry of Environment & Forest Eskisehir Yolu 8 KM A Blok KAT:2 Ankara 6530 TURKEY P: +90 312 287 9963 F: +90 312 285 2910 [email protected] Harry Spaling The King's University College 9125 - 50 ST. Edmonton AB T6B 2H3 CANADA P: +1 403 465 3500 F: +1 403 465 3534 [email protected] Leigh Speed and Neil Cory Highwood Environmental Management 1901 33rd Ave S.W. Calgary AB T2T 1Z3 CANADA P: +1 403 685 1411x123 F: +1 403 685-1670 [email protected] Eva Stephansson Swedish EIA Center PO Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 18 67 10 00 F: +46 18 67 35 12 [email protected] John Stevenson Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 Bernadette Stewart Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Box 938, 5102-50th Ave. Yellowknife NT X1A 2N7 CANADA P: +1 867 766 7050 F: +1 867 766 7074 [email protected] F: +353 1 6769502 Paul Slinn EIA Centre, University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M139PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6881 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected] F: +1 819 997 3380 Gerard Stewart Environment Agency Kings Meadow House, Reading Bridge Road Reading RG1 8DQ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1189 535 253 F: +44 1189 535 265 [email protected] Ilse Steyl University of Southhampton School of Geography Highfield Campus Southhampton HA SO17 1BJ ENGLAND-UK P: +44 2380 584 610 F: [email protected] Karina Stiff Transport Canada 330 Sparks St 18th Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 CANADA P: +1 613 990 2861 F: +1 613 957 4260 [email protected] Keith Storey Geography Dept. Memorial University of Newfoundland Elizabeth Avenue St. John's NF A1B 3X9 CANADA P: +1 709 737 8987 F: +1 709 737 3119 [email protected] Robert Stranks Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph, 17th Floor Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 814 994 2370 F: +1 814 997 0709 [email protected] Thomas Stubbs HEADWATER GROUP 1323 Hamilton St NW Calgary AB T2N 3W8 CANADA P: +1 403 220 1144 F: +1 403 220 1149 [email protected] Decharut Sukkumnoed Kasetsart University Faculty of Economics 50 Paholyothin Rd. Chatuchak Bangkok 10930 THAILAND P: +66 2 968 8239 F: +66 2 951 1295 [email protected] Arlene Suski Pacific Rim National Parks Canada PO Box 280 Ucluelet BC V0R 3A0 CANADA P: +1 250 726 7165x 23 F: +1 250 725 4691 [email protected] Lisa Sutherland City of Calgary-Environmental Management PO Box 2100 Satation M #8020 Calgary AB T2P 2M5 CANADA P: +1 403 268 1083 F: +1 403 268 1592 [email protected] Sanchai Sutipanwihan Health Systems Research Institute Room 505, 5th Floor, AI Building Nonthaburi Nonthaburi 11000 THAILAND P: +662 951 0177 F: +662 951 8587 [email protected] Ausra Svarpliene Environmental Protection Division Transport and Road Research Institute I Kanto St 25, PO Box 2082 Kaunas 3000 LITHUANIA P: +370 7 202361 F: +370 7 205619 [email protected] Elizabeth Swanson Tran Canada Pipelines 450 1st St SW Calgary AB T2P 5H1 CANADA P: +1 403 920 6209 F: +1 403 920 2422 [email protected] Rick Swift CH2M HILL Metro Tower II, 4720 Kingsway, Suite 2100 Burnaby BC V5H 4N2 CANADA P: +1 604 684 3282 F: +1 604 684 3292 [email protected] Gabor Szarvas Central European University, Hungary, Open Society Inst. H-1028 Budapest, Hunyadi János u. 15. Budapest 1028 HUNGARY P: +36 1 200 1010 F: +36 1 200 1010 [email protected] Philip Tagoe National Development Planning Commission PO Box Ct 633 Cantonments Accra Greater Accra GHANA P: +233 21 773 011 F: +233 21 773 055 [email protected] Roslan Taha Public Works Dept. Malaysia JKR HQ JLN SULTAN SALAHUDDIN Kuala Lumput Kuala Lumpur 50582 MALAYSIA P: +603 26968247 F: +603 26921202 [email protected] Bob (Henry Robert) Tai Environment Cantebury - New Zealand P.O. Box 345, 58 Kilmore Street Christchurch Stn. Island NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 337 5022 F: [email protected] R. Tailleur British Columbia EIA Office BC CANADA P: F: Andrews Takyi Golder Associates Ltd 1000, 940 6th Ave. SW Calgary AB T2P 3T1 CANADA P: +1 403 299 5600 F: +1 403 299 5606 [email protected] Judy Tamm Env. Assessment AECL Sheridan Park, SP2F3 2251 Speakman Drive Mississauga ON L5K 1B2 CANADA P: +1 905 823 9040 x4197 F: +1 905 403 7398 [email protected] Matthew Tanoush Nemaska First Nation PO Box 90 0 Lakeshore Road Nemaska QC J0Y 3B0 CANADA P: +1 819 673 5212 F: Mary Tapsell Environment Canada 5204 50th Ave., Suite 301 Yellowknife NT X1A 1E2 CANADA P: +1 867 669 4748 F: +1 867 873 8185 [email protected] Peter W. Tarr Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment PO Box 6322, Ausspannplatz Windhoek NAMIBIA P: +264 61 220579 F: +264 61 259183 [email protected] Lorraine Taylor Health Development Agency Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn London WC1V 7BA ENGLAND-UK P: +44 20 7061 3178 F: +44 20 7061 3393 [email protected] Nick Taylor Taylor Baines & Associates 75 Oxford Road Rangiora NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 313 8458 F: +64 3 3 13 8458 [email protected] Jennifer Tennant Environment Canada 201-401 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6C 3S5 CANADA P: +1 604 606 3567 F: +1 604 666 7294 [email protected] Ron Tessolini Parks Canada Box 900 Banff AB T1L 1K2 CANADA P: +1 403 762 1419 F: [email protected] Deependra Bickram Thapa Ministry of Population and Environment Singhdurbar Kathmandu Bagmati NEPAL P: +977 14218456 F: +977 14242138 [email protected] Marie France Therrian Canadian Environme ntal Assessment Agency 160 Elgin St 22nd Flr Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 613 957 0758 F: +1 613 957 0941 [email protected] Suzanne Therrien Richards Env. Science & Assmt. Coordinator Parks Canada 145 McDermot Ave. 3rd Fl. Winnipeg MB R3B 0R9 CANADA P: +1 204 984 5719 F: +1 204 983 0031 [email protected] Katherine Thiesenhausen Joint Secretariat Box 2120 Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 CANADA P: +1 867 777 2828 F: +1 867 777 2610 [email protected] Wil A. H. Thissen Delft University of Technology PO Box 5015 Delft 2600 GA THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 15 278 6607 F: +31 15 278 6439 [email protected] Ian Thomson On Common Ground Consultants 906-1112 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6E 2S1 CANADA P: +1 604 681 8600 F: [email protected] Gudlaugur Thorarinsson Landsvirkjun Haaleitisbraut 68 Reykjavik 103 ICELAND P: +354 515 9096 F: +354 515 9004 [email protected] Dixon Thompson Faculty of Environmental Design University of Calgary Calgary AB T2N 1N4 CANADA P: +1 403 220 3625 F: +1 403 284 4399 Stefan Thors VSO Consulting Consultant Borgartun 20 Reykjavik 15105 ICELAND P: +354 585 9000 F: +354 585 9010 [email protected] Napoleon M. Tiapo CBBIA Project Intl Association of Impact Assessment 1330 23rd Street South Suite C Fargo ND 58103 USA P: +1 701 297 7912 F: +1 701 297 7917 [email protected] Doug Tilden Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1693 F: +1 819 953 4093 [email protected] Paul Tomlinson TRL Limited Old Wokingham Road Crowthorne Berkshire G4S 6AG ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1344 700800 F: +44 1344 770918 [email protected] Namory Traore Projet -Ci-PAST 01 BP 1533 Abidjan 01 Abidjan COTE D'IVOIRE P: +225 20 32 23 38 [email protected] Janice Traynor Indian & Northern Affairs Canada PO Box 2200 Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0 CANADA P: +1 867 975 4554 F: +1 867 975 4560 [email protected] Joanna Treweek SES Chancery Cottage, Kentisbeare Cullompton Devon EX15 2DS ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1884 266798 F: +44 1884 266711 [email protected] Lin-yi Tsai Environme ntal Protection Administration R.O.C. 41 Sec 1 Chung HWA Road Taipei CHINA P: +886 2 23447322 ext 2740 F: [email protected] Philip T.P. Tsui ExxonMobil Corporation Rm. 4287, 800 Bell St. Houston TX 77002 7426 USA P: +1 713 656 7426 F: +1 713 656 6594 [email protected] Shih-Liang Tu Asian Development Bank No. 6 Adb Ave. Mandaluyong City Metro Manila 401 PHILIPPINES P: +63 2 632 5481 F: +63 2 636 2336 [email protected] Irfanullah Tunio Environmental Protection Agency B-13 Jason Coastal View Block 3 Clifton Karachi 75600 PAKISTAN P: +92 300 924 9436 F: [email protected] Rennie Tupper Natural Resources Canada 466 Kintyre Private Ottawa ON K2C 3M9 CANADA P: +1 613 943 8088 F: +1 613 995 5719 [email protected] c.ca Robert Turland Dillon Consulting Limited 5 Cherry Blossom Road Cambridge ON N3H 4R7 CANADA P: +1 519 650 9833 F: +1 519 650 7424 [email protected] Nick Tywoniuk Atymes Management Ltd. 131 Weaver Drive Edmonton AB T6M 2J3 CANADA P: +1 780 487 8410 F: +1 780 487 7324 [email protected] Igwe Uche Community Level Environmental Action Network 76 Amurri Road Fed Housing Trans Ekulu Enugu 234 NIGERIA P: +234 803 786 3870 F: +234 42 256 746 [email protected] Batu Krishna Uprety Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Environmental Assessment Secretariat Complex, Singhdurbar Kathmandu NEPAL P: +977 1 423 0862 F: [email protected] Olalere Tajudeen Usman Ogun State Environmental Protection Agency Old Governor office, P.O. Box 4399 Ibara Abeokuta Ogun State 110001 NIGERIA P: +234 39 240094 F: [email protected] Diana Valiela Lawson Lundell Barristers 1600-925 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6C 3L2 CANADA P: +1 604 631 6724 F: +1 604 669 1620 dvaliela@lawson Charlotte van Andel Atradius - Dutch State Business Kaiseizersgracht 28 Amsterdam 1016 THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 20 553 2587 F: +31 20 553 2087 [email protected] Andries van der Walt School of Planning & Landscape University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 966 1538 372982 F: +44 966 1538 372982 [email protected] Petrie van Gent Netherlands Commission for EIA PO Box 2345 Utrecht 3500 GH THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 30 234 7609 F: +31 30 230 4382 [email protected] Maartje van Putten World Bank - Inspection Panel Roemer Visscherstraat 21 Amsterdam 1054 EV THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 20 6163257 F: +1 202 522 0916 [email protected] Liesbet Van Rooy Ministry of Flanders Bosstraak 75 2500 Lien BELGIUM P: +32 0 479 199 8797 F: +32 3 224 62 01 [email protected] Dick van Straaten Flemish Government Kliniekstraat 25 Brussels B1000 BELGIUM P: +32 2 227 1471 F: +32 2 227 1475 [email protected] Hugo van Zyl Independent Economic Researchers Box 1015, Green Point Cape Town 8051 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 423 0633 F: +27 21 423 0633 [email protected] Robert Vance Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth St. Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 996 2599 F: +1 613 947 4205 [email protected] Liviu Vancea Natural Resource, Canada 580 Booth St. Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 CANADA P: +1 613 995 3866 F: +1 613 996 0478 [email protected] Mieke Vander Valk National Energy Board 444 7th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 0X8 CANADA P: +1 403 292 5876 F: [email protected] Paul Vanderlaan NB Dept. of Environment & Local Govt. PO Box 6000 Fredericton NB E3B 5H1 CANADA P: F: Kevan VanVelzen City of Calgary Environmental Management P.O. Box 2100 Station M #8020 Calgary AB T2P 2M5 CANADA P: +1 403 268 6448 F: [email protected] Andrew Thrift 1896 Stainsbury Ave Vancouver BC V5N 2M5 CANADA P: +1 604 874 0149 F: +1 604 822 5599 [email protected] F: +225 20 33 86 30 William Varey EMRGNC PO Box 1402 West Perth WA 6872 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 9383 3451 F: +61 893 833 3401 [email protected] Guillermo Vargas SUMA Escarcha 272. Col. Prados del Campestre Morelia Michoacan 58290 MEXICO P: +52 443 3248400 F: [email protected] Jeji Varghese University of Alberta 515 GSB Edmonton AB T6G 2H1 CANADA P: +1 780 463 2479 F: +1 780 492 0268 Steve Varrette Indian and Northern Affairs Canada 10 Wellington Street, Room 17D Gatineau Quebec K1A 0H4 CANADA P: +1 819 997 0773 F: +1 819 953 1885 [email protected] Thomas Vaughan Organization of American States 1889 F Street NW, Room 610 Washington DC 20006 USA P: +1 202 458 6248 F: +1 202 458 3560 [email protected] William Veerkamp Shell Global Solutions International B.V. PO Box 336 The Hague 2501 CH THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 70 377 2298 F: +31 70 377 2069 [email protected] Siva Ram Vemuri Northern Territory University University Avenue Darwin NT 909 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 8946 6087 F: +61 8 8946 6777 [email protected] Alfred Vismer Engen Petroleum Ltd. PO Box 35 Cape Town 8000 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 21 403 4805 F: +27 21 403 4986 [email protected] Kelly Vodden Simon Fraser University Box 308 Alert Bay BC V0N 1A0 CANADA P: +1 604 862 3512 F: +1 250 974 2806 [email protected] Jean Philippe Waaub Geography Department, UQAM C.P. 8888 Saint Catre-Ville Montréal QC H3C 3P8 CANADA P: +1 514 987 3000 8908 F: +1 514 987 6784 [email protected] Rob Walker Government of Yukon Box 2703, A -310 Whitehorse YK Y1A 236 CANADA P: +1 867 456 3963 F: Warren Walker Rand Europe Newtonwee I Leiden S Holland 2333 P THE NETHERLANDS P: +31 71 524 5151 F: +31 71 524 5191 [email protected] Pauli Wallenius Finnish Forest and Park Service PO Box 94 Vantaa 1301 FINLAND P: +358 205 64 4475 F: +358 205 64 4500 [email protected] Hans-Georg Wallentinus EIA Center, Swedish University of Ag. Sciences PO Box 7012 Uppsala 75007 SWEDEN P: +46 18 671978 F: +46 18 673512 [email protected] Tabatha Wallington Murdoch University 161/12 Wall Street Maylands WA 6051 AUSTRALIA P: +61 8 9450 8556 F: [email protected] Lisa Walls Environment Canada 201 - 401 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6C 3S5 CANADA P: +1 604 666 3055 F: +1 604 666 7294 [email protected] Bryony Walmsley WSP Walmsley Environmental Consultants PO Box 5384 Rivonia Gauteng 2128 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 11 233 7882 F: +27 11 807 1362 [email protected] Martin Ward 31 Moncks Spur Rd., Redcliffs Christchurch NEW ZEALAND P: +64 3 384 9590 F: +64 3 384 9590 [email protected] Susan Waters Legal Services Environment Canada Place Vincent Massey, 6 étage 351 Boul. St Joseph Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 953 1384 F: +1 819 953 9110 [email protected] Lisa Webster Indian & Northern Affairs Canada 1138 Melville Street Vancouver BC V6E 4S3 CANADA P: +1 604 666 0596 F: +1 604 666 6474 [email protected] Joseph Wells IEG Environmental 1338R - 36th Avenue NE Calgary AB T2E 6T6 CANADA P: +1 403 219 1263 F: +1 403 291 1150 [email protected] Marc Wen Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. Sixth Floor, 1111 West Hastings St. Vancouver BC V6E 2S3 CANADA P: +1 604 689 9460 F: +1 604 687 4277 [email protected] Wolfgang Wende Technical University of Berlin FR2-6 Franklinstr. 28-29 Berlin 10587 GERMANY P: +49 30 314 73284 F: +49 30 314 23507 [email protected] Rob West James & James Ltd /Earthscan 8-12 Camden High Street London NW2 0JH ENGLAND-UK P: +44 207 121 3150 F: +44 207 387 8998 [email protected] Alan J. Whitehead Principal Whitehead Env. Consultants Ltd. R.R.1 Site CH -11 Bowen Island BC V0N 1G0 CANADA P: +1 604 947 0144 F: +1 604 947 0141 [email protected] Frances Wilbur CH2M HILL Canada Limited 255 Consumers Road Toronto ON M2J 5B6 CANADA P: +1 416 499 9000 F: [email protected] Greg Wilburn Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 200 Sacre Coeur Boulevard Hull QC K1A 0H3 CANADA P: +1 819 853 4765 F: +1 819 953 8592 [email protected] Bruce Wilcoxson Sustainable Development 600 N Dairy Ashford Houston TX 77252-2197 USA P: +1 281 293 1509 F: [email protected] Leslie E. Wildesen ETCI, Inc. 7461 E. Archer Place Denver CO 80230 USA P: +1 720 859 0380 F: +1 720 859 0381 [email protected] Ann Wilkie VP Environment CBCL Limited 1489 Hollis Street ; PO Box 606 Halifax NS B3J 2R7 CANADA P: +1 902 492 6764 F: +1 902 423 3938 [email protected] Susan Wilkins Pottinger Gaherty Environmental #1200 -- 1185 West Georgia Vancouver BC V6E 4E6 CANADA P: +1 604 895 7621 F: +1 604 682 3497 [email protected] Monique Wilkinson Aquila Networks Canada 700,801 - 7th Ave. S.W. Calgary AB T2P 3P7 CANADA P: +1 403 514 4266 F: [email protected] Maurice Williamson Williamson Consulting 270 S Main Colville WA 99114-2408 USA P: F: [email protected] Michelle Williamson AAFC- PFRA 408-7 1800 Hamilton St. Regina SK S4P 4L2 CANADA P: +1 306 780 6778 F: +1 306 780 8261 [email protected] Rick Williamson Export Import Bank of the US 811 Vermont Ave NW Rm 767 Washington DC 20571 USA P: +1 202 565 3576 F: +1 202 565 3325 [email protected] David Wilson BC Hydro 6911 Southpoint Drive E16 Burnaby BC V3N 4X8 CANADA P: +1 604 528 1804 F: [email protected] Kathy Wilson Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Bldg. 97, 960 Carling Ave. Ottawa ON K1A 036 CANADA P: +1 613 759 7387 F: [email protected] Lee Wilson Lee Wilson & Assoc. 105 Cienega Street Sante Fe NM 87501 USA P: +1 505 988 9811 F: +1 505 986 0092 [email protected] Peter Wilson Nunavut Planning Commission 130 Albert St #1902 Ottawa ON K1P 5G4 CANADA P: +1 613 238 0837 F: +1 613 238 5724 [email protected] Matthias Wismar European Observato ry of Health Systems & Policies WHO Rue Notagne de L'0ratoire 20, Boite 3 Brussels 1010 BELGIUM P: +32 2 210 4983 F: [email protected] Ben Witchalls BP Middlesex University Maddox farm, Little Bookham Street Leatherhead SURREY KT23 3BU ENGLAND-UK P: +44 1932 739 409 F: [email protected] Mark Wittrup Cameco Corporation 138 MacFarland Place Saskatoon SK S7N 4M2 CANADA P: +1 306 956 6493 F: +1 306 956 6590 [email protected] Charlie Wolf Social Impact Assessment Center 423 Broome Street New York NY 10013 USA P: +1 212 966 2708 F: +1 212 219 1963 [email protected] Christopher Wood EIA Centre, Dept. of Planning & Landscape University of Manchester Manchester M13 9PL ENGLAND-UK P: +44 161 275 6902 F: +44 161 275 6893 [email protected], [email protected] Graham Wood Oxford Brookes University Gipsy Lane, Headington Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 0BP ENGLAND-UK P: +44 01865 483942 F: +44 01865 483559 [email protected] Jennifer Woodland Heritage Salmon Limited Suite 203-919 Island Highway Campbell River BC V9W 2C2 CANADA P: +1 250 286 0022 F: +1 250 286 0042 [email protected] Skeeter Wright Yukon Government PO Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 4Z1 CANADA P: +1 867 393 6428 F: +1 867 393 6438 [email protected] Sirinimit Wungsoontorn Team Consulting Engineering Mngt CO Ltd. 151 Team Bldg., Nuan Chan Rd. Bangkok 10230 THAILAND P: +66 2 509 9046 F: +66 2 509 9047 [email protected] Nonita T. Yap College Faculty of Environmental Design University of Guelph Guelph ON N1G 2W1 CANADA P: +1 519 824 4120 x 6536 F: +1 519 767 1692 [email protected] Shiranee Yasaratne IUCN 53, Horton Place Colombo 7 SRI LANKA P: +94 (1) 694094 F: +94 (1) 682470 [email protected], [email protected] Eric Yaxley Dept. of Indian & Northern Affairs 4914-50th Street PO Box 1500 Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3 CANADA P: +1 867 669 2569 F: +1 867 669 2701 [email protected] Elizabeth Brago Yeboah Vrije Universteit Brussel Laarbeek Laan 107/C90 Brussels 1090 BELGIUM P: +32 486 698 357 F: +32 24 77 41 24 [email protected] Suh-Sung Yoon Korean Environmental Institute 613-2 Bulgwangg -Jowg, Eunbeong Seoul 122-706 SOUTH KOREA P: +82 2 380 7777 F: +82 2 380 7755 [email protected] Jennifer Gail Youthed Department of Economic Affairs, Environment & Tourism PRIVATE BAG X0054 Bisho Eastern Cape 5605 SOUTH AFRICA P: +27 45 8383984 F: [email protected] Zsuzsa Zakar Deloitte Kleh Istvan u. 9. Budapest HUNGARY P: +36 30 905 0624 F: [email protected] Debra Zanewich Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Street Ottawa ON K1A 1K3 CANADA P: +1 613 598 3057 F: +1 613 598 3098 [email protected] Alonso Zarzar The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 USA P: +1 202 458 0150 F: +1 202 676 9373 [email protected] Vladimir Zdrazil Institute of Applied Ecology FF CAU Zamek 1 Kostelec and Cernymi lesy 28163 CZECH REPUBLIC P: +430 321 697 500 F: +430 321 697 500 [email protected] Todd Zimmerling Gartner Lee Limited 11301 - 89 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8V 7M9 CANADA P: +1 780 513 0745 F: +1 780 831 7337 [email protected]
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