external joinery
external joinery
Cl/SfB (31) Xi2 ExtErnal JoinEry Technical SpecificaTion Guide October 2013 www.jeld-wen.co.uk sliding sash all Bar window Choose the BEaUty and PErForManCE of tiMBEr choosing the right windows and doors can make a huge difference to the style, appearance and thermal performance of any property. That is why Jeld-Wen invests heavily in research and product development to meet legislative performance criteria, as well as aesthetic design to meet the needs of architects, specifiers, contractors and consumers. JELD-WEN windows and doors are specified for many high profile developments, including zero carbon projects. Timber is one of the few fully sustainable building products and can reduce energy consumption more effectively than most man-made materials. Supporting you JELD-WEN aims to source all its timber according to recognised chain of custody schemes and all exterior joinery products shown in this brochure are Forestry Stewardship Council® (FSC) certified as standard. We also offer free RIBA accredited CPD courses that will explain windows and doorsets in more detail, and will add points to your core curriculum studies. We also run a free CPD course on timber stairs. Visit the website for more information and to complete your enquiry form. Proud to be UK based Like you, we believe that UK manufacturing is unparalleled in terms of quality and craftsmanship. So wherever you see this logo, you can be confident that a product has been manufactured or assembled right here in the UK. 2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 You can download accurate CAD drawings of our products from the ‘Professionals’ section of our website or request a CAD disc by emailing us at [email protected]. stormsure Casement, sliding sash Marginal Bar windows contents Our Range 4 Behind Our Products 6 Specifying Considerations Windows 7 Building Regulations 8 Legislation 10 Thermal Performance 11 General Specification 12 Glazing Windows 16 Finishing Your Products 17 Measuring and Tolerances 18 Installation and Handling 20 Cavity Closers 24 patio doorsets Specifying Considerations Patios 74 Patio Range Thermal Transmittance 75 Patio Specification Comparison Guide 76 Canberra Folding Sliding 78 Canberra French 82 DreamVu™ High Performance Single and French 86 Farndale Single and French 90 Fenton Sliding 94 external doorsets Kensington Timber Doorsets Windows 98 Castle Composite Doorsets 100 Window Specification Comparison Guide 26 Choosing Your Hardware 102 Window Range Thermal Transmittance 28 Commitments and Guarantees 104 Window Range Acoustic Ratings 29 General Maintenance Guidelines 105 Stormsure Casement 30 DreamVu™ High Performance Casement 44 Sliding Sash 50 Tilt and Turn 58 Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi 64 Bay windows 70 www.jeld-wen.co.uk 3 oUr ranGe We offer standard and made to measure windows and patio doorsets and can offer a fully customised service for your project. contact us to discuss your requirements. Stormsure Casement Our most popular timber windows are available in a range of designs and a choice of softwood, hardwood and oak timber. Our Dreamvu™ high performance casement windows offer the best thermal retention in our range with U values down to 0.7 W/m2K. Page 30 Page 44 Sliding Sash Tilt and Turn Our softwood timber Sliding Sash windows combine an authentic period feel with modern engineering to match local architectural style and planning requirements. The Tilt and Turn softwood window range meets some of the highest performance ratings in the industry and is suitable for medium and high rise buildings. Page 50 Page 58 Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi Bay windows Our fully reversible Hi-Profile Combi softwood timber windows can be completely inverted to ensure they can be cleaned inside and out. Page 64 4 DreamVu™ High Performance Casement For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 We offer Stormsure casement and Sliding Sash square, splay and oriel bay windows for you to choose from depending on your project requirements. Page 70 Canberra Folding Sliding Our made to order Canberra folding patios are our premium, solid oak range providing excellent stability and strength compared to a veneered patio. Page 78 Canberra French Providing a suited option to the Canberra folding sliding patios, this is our premium oak French doorset. www.jeld-wen.co.uk DreamVu™ Single and French Our highest performance doorsets with U values down to 1.0 W/m2K, provides the best thermal performance and security in the range. Page 82 Page 86 Farndale Single and French Fenton Sliding The softwood Farndale offers a large range of standard and made to measure sizes and designs to choose from. This attractive slimline softwood timber sliding patio doorset comes in a variety of sizes to help you open up tight or large spaces. Page 90 Page 94 Kensington Timber Doorsets Castle Composite Doorsets This range of timber external doorsets features a range of decorative glazing designs and the option of softwood or oak doorframes. A high quality, energy efficient composite doorset range available in a choice of ten designs, and supplied complete with frame and ironmongery fitted. Page 98 Page 100 our ranGe 5 Behind our ProdUCts Jeld-Wen recognises the importance of acting responsibly and strives to be at the forefront of innovation in order to drive the highest standards within the industry. We work closely with third party industry bodies to achieve this, and to ensure all our products are tested to meet current legislation and standards across the uK. Quality standards We understand how important quality is to our customers and therefore continually develop our products and services to achieve the high standards that are expected. We are formally assessed under quality and environmental practices and all our factories are ISO9001: 2008 and ISO14001: 2004 certified. The TWA Scheme, set up by the British Woodworking Federation, provides one of the most rigorous and best supported of the UK certification schemes for wood windows. Our Stormsure Casement and Sliding Sash ranges are both certified under the BSI Kitemark certification to ensure quality and safety standards. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they can perform to the highest standards when installed. We also carry a number of third party accreditations and affiliations including: We actively support the development and standards of timber windows and our membership ensures we are performing on quality, performance and sustainability. WWA life cycle assessments confirmthat JELD-WEN windows will provide a minimum service life of 60 years. Our Stormsure Casement and Sliding Sash window ranges are energy certified by BRFC to offer an alternative method of assessing thermal performance. JELD-WEN factory glazed windows and external doorsets are CE marked as directed under European law on 1 July 2013. Secured by Design (SBD) is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of ‘designing out crime’. We offer SBD on all our window ranges, some of our patio doorsets and composite door ranges – details are shown in the product pages. Other symbols Here are a few other symbols you will see as you look through the brochure: MADE TO MEASURE All our windows and some of our patio doorsets MADE TO MADE TO made to measure. are available MEASURE MEASURE We have categorised our products to provide an indication on timber profile, performance and pricing. JeLd-Wen’s standard doors, windows and patios are perfect for those who want to combine quality with value for money. the range is simple yet stylish and is available in various designs and finishes to suit your requirements. JeLd-Wen seLeCtIon suits those who want more from their joinery products. discerning buyers will love the wide choice of materials and designs on offer in this premium range, which offers that little bit extra for those who value excellence. only the finest workmanship and design is used to create JeLd-Wen superior products. Crafted from the very best timbers, this first class range comprises beautiful pieces of joinery that will add value to your home and last a lifetime. 6 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 MEASURE WIndoW handIng key Left hand hung MEASURE Right hand hung top hung (when viewed from outside) sPECiFying exTernal Joinery There are a number of things to consider when specifying external joinery: • Design – The style and finish of the products need to reflect the building design, any planning guidance and the aspirations of the client. Timber windows and doors offer subtle design features that create a traditional or contemporary quality feel, helping new fittings blend into an old home or adding a touch of luxury to a modern building. • Design details – Glazing requirements, locks, enhanced security eg Secured by Design etc. • Planning – What are the local project requirements? For example Grade 1 listed, Conservation etc • Performance – Windows and doors will contribute to the overall performance of the building. You will therefore need to consider the following performance ratings in addition to Building Regulation requirements: • Exposure category • Solar gain • Air permeability requirement • Acoustic performance • Thermal performance of the building and individual product elements • Building Regulations – Which Building Regulations apply and what are the standards? The Building Regulations for the replacement of windows and doors vary to new build, and there may be differences between England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales who each have their own standards. See this section for further information. • Budget – A key requirement but don’t forget to consider whole life cycle costing as timber is expected to last almost twice as long as PVC-u frames. • Sustainability – As we move towards a carbon neutral future, material consideration has to be at the forefront of design consideration for buildings. Timber is the only truly sustainable building material, emitting less CO2 in the manufacturing process than its manmade rivals. Unlike PVC-u, it is carbon neutral, fully recyclable and biodegradable. All our external joinery is also FSC certified (except our doorframes) which means we have sourced wood from Chain of Custody forests that have been independently verified against worldwide standards. • Code for Sustainable Homes • Environment - maritime etc • Life Time Homes Timber frames can save over 1.5 tonnes Co2e per house In a recent report for the WWA by Heriot Watt University, one of the most important findings is that all timber-based window frame materials have a negative GWP (Global Warming Potential) over a 60-year service life – that is to say they reduce the CO2e in the atmosphere, rather than adding to it. Using a timber window frame instead of PVC-u saves roughly 160kgs CO2e over 60 years in average conditions. In a house with 10 windows, that’s over 1.5 tonnes CO2e. The study also finds that timber frames made to WWA specifications can be expected to last around 60 years, twice as long as comparable PVC-u frames. All JELD-WEN windows meet with the WWA specification. report: life cycle assessment of timber, modified timber and aluminiumclad timber windows. May 2013, by dr Gillian Menzies, institute for Building and urban design, heriot Watt university, edinburgh. www.jeld-wen.co.uk 7 BuildinG rEgUlations Building regulations drive product design of Jeld-Wen products to ensure they comply at all times. This information provides guideance on the relevant regulations you need to consider when specifying our external joinery products. Building Regulations, England and Wales. Additional requirements under Scottish Building Regulations How JELD-WEN can help you comply: JeLd-Wen quoted U Values in this catalogue cover most products and are provided to assist correct selection. Many JeLd-Wen products are also available with alternative, both lower (better) and higher, U Values to meet particular requirements. Important changes to the Building Regulations (england & Wales) affecting windows and doors were made in 2010. these were, in particular, new editions of approved documents L & f, (“Part L” and “Part f”), affecting all new building work and replacement windows and doors with their doorframes (doorsets). these will be changed again in april 2014, but only affecting new building work. the principle points affecting window and doorset specification and selection are: • Part L “Conservation of Fuel & Power” – new Build Windows & doorsets performance is determined by the Building designer but the U Value (the thermal performance) of windows and doorsets is typically in the region of 1.4 to 1.6 W/m2k. – higher levels of building airtightness can also be designed in to improve whole building performance – Replacement windows require a max U Value of 1.6 or a Window energy Rating (WeR) of “C” or better – Replacement doorsets with greater than 50% glass area must have max U Value of 1.8 – Replacement doorsets with less than 50% glazed area are “not notify-able” (to Building Control) but also require a max U Value of 1.8 – Replacement doors ie doors fitted into original installed frames (unchanged) are outside the scope of the changes but in any event should not be worse than the doors being replaced – Centre Pane (glass only) U Value is no longer accepted as demonstrating compliance, (except in certain historic buildings renovation) 8 • Part F Ventilation (“System 1” background ventilation, usually in windows) – total new build requirements were increased by typically 30% but the minimum per habitable room of 5000mm2 equivalent area (ea) was unchanged (typically 8000mm2 actual area) – other ventilation systems ie system 2 Passive stack Ventilation, system 3 Continuous Mechanical extract (MeV) and system 4 Continuous Mechanical supply & extract with heat Recovery (MVhR) will be determined by the Building designer. Requirements for window ventilation will differ from system 1 – for individual performance of our ranges please see relevant product pages. addition ventilators on windows over 1700mm wide and “no ventilator” options are available to order. (*excluding tilt & turn & dreamVu™, used infrequently in system 1 ventilation applications) – JeLd-Wen external doorsets and doorframes are available with ventilators as an option to enable total ventilation requirements to be met. – Replacement windows require ventilation only if the originals were vented. however good practice recommends ventilation in all cases. • Scottish Building Regulations. these also changed in 2010 as detailed in the technical handbooks published by the scottish government. these differ from england & Wales requirements in certain aspects summarised below: – Thermal performance: • New Build specify that the maximum “area weighted average” U Value must not exceed 1.8, with no individual element exceeding 3.3 W/m2k • For replacements the requirements allow an “area weighted average” U Value of 1.6 with no individual element exceeding 3.3 “C” rated WeR windows are allowed (as england & Wales) – Ventilation: the scottish requirements refer to actual (geometrical) area only with 8000mm2 being the requirement for rooms in apartments, 4000mm2 in other rooms. Increased areas of ventilation are required for buildings designed with greater levels of airtightness. – Security: this is an additional requirement applicable in scotland. there are several alternative methods of demonstrating compliance, one being the use of “secured By design” approved products i.e. windows and doorsets tested to Pas23 & Pas24, all available from JeLd-Wen Uk Ltd. the above is a brief summary of the major points influencing windows and doorsets and is intended to assist specification of the correct products for dwellings. There are a total of 14 parts to Building Regulations. You can view the latest approved documents on the building control website. As a guide, you also need to consider the following when selecting our products: Windows Part B - Fire safety In first floor habitable rooms, for example bedrooms, windows must be large enough to provide a means of escape. In some situations there may be a requirement for fire resisting windows. Part E - Resistance to passage of sound Removing a ventilator in the head of a window and changing the glass spec will significantly improve acoustic performance. generally an acoustic engineer report would be required to ensure complete compliance. Part K - Protection from falling, collision and impact Windows should not open onto walkways in or around buildings and containment is required by the use of guarding/ glazing in some situations, particularly where the window sill is below 800mm from floor level. Doors Part B - Fire Safety fire doors save lives! they protect escape routes and contain a fire to prevent it spreading throughout a building allowing occupants time to escape. JeLd-Wen offer both fd30 and fd60 certified doors, which provide either a 30 or 60 minute fire resistance. Part E - Resistance to passage of sound Buildings must provide reasonable resistance to sound. flat entrance doors should have good perimeter seals including the threshold where practical, and achieve 29dBRw sound reduction or better. In most situations, doors must also be fire rated. Part K - Protection from falling collision and impact Provision should be made to ensure a clear view of the space either side of a door where appropriate. Part M - Access and facilities for disabled people doors must be wide enough to gain access into buildings and allow for movement within buildings. the minimum width will vary but usually 2’9” (838mm), is fine externally and we offer a range of internal sizes at 2’9 (838mm), 2’10” (864mm) and 3’0 (926mm) for compliance. In buildings other than dwellings, vision panels are important as is the positioning of these. Please advise your clear opening requirements. Part N - Glazing in relationship to impact, opening and cleaning toughened glass in doors (4mm) is a requirement except for small panes of glass, in this instance the glass usually has to be at least 6mm thick. the responsibility for correct specification remains with the Building designer (for new build) or the installer (for replacement products). If in any doubt customers should always seek the advice of their Local authority Building Control department. there may be other regional differences in requirements not included in the above (northern Ireland, Channel Islands, etc). JeLd-Wen Uk Ltd does not accept any liability for incorrectly specified product and resulting non compliance with regulations. for the latest Building Regulations documents for england visit our website or www.planningportal.gov.uk for the latest guideance on Building Regulations for scotland visit www.scotland.gov.uk for the latest guideance on Building Regulations for Wales visit www.wales.gov.uk for the latest guideance on Building Regulations for northern Ireland visit www.dfpni.gov.uk Part N - Glazing in relationship to impact, opening and cleaning glass must be toughened or laminated in certain locations and if it does break then it must do so without causing injury. Reversible windows must also be fitted with restrictors. Please let us know if you require restrictors. www.jeld-wen.co.uk BuildinG reGulaTionS 9 BuildinG rEgUlations Other regulatory details: BS 8300:2009 + A1:2010 design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people – Code of practice. BS 6262-4:2005 Code of Practice for glazing for Buildings Part 4. safety related to human impact. Conservation of Fuel and Power Means of escape from fire england ad L1a and ad L1B england approved document f scotland section 6 scotland section 3 northern Ireland technical booklet f northern Ireland technical booklet k Wales ad L1a and ad L1B Wales approved document f Means of escape from fire Conservation of Fuel and Power further details of these standards can be found at the BsI website: www.bsi-global.com england approved document B england approved document B scotland section 2 scotland section 2 northern Ireland technical booklet B northern Ireland technical booklet e PAS 24 Where indicated our frames can comply with the requirements of Pas 24 for security performance of casement windows in domestic applications. Wales approved document B Wales approved document B further details of the secured by design scheme can be found at: www.securedbydesign.com Glazing – Safety Means of escape from fire england approved document n england approved document k scotland section 4 scotland section 4 northern Ireland technical booklet V northern Ireland technical booklet h Wales approved document n Wales approved document k ad = approved document Please note: Channel Islands and Isle of Man are excluded from the above regulaions leGiSlaTion Sustainability JeLd-Wen aspires to be the industry leader in environmentally responsible practices and products. We have committed ourselves to more sustainable business practices and environmental stewardship. this affects every aspect of our organisation and governs our approach to energy efficiency, air and water emissions and indoor air quality. We have a sustainable, renewable timber sourcing policy and are extremely proud to have received fsC® (forest stewardship Council) multi-site chain of custody certifications dedicated to promoting responsible forest management. all JeLd-Wen products meet the new eU timber regulations which aims to prevent the trade in illegal harvesting of timber. Biocide Regulation JeLd-Wen exterior joinery is treated with an approved wood preservative and protected against wood decaying fungi. for all timber Windows, door frames, dreamVu, farndale & fenton products the active ingredients are tebuconazole, propiconazole and cypermethrin. for Wellington patio products the active ingredients are Carbamic acid, butyl, 3-iodo-2-propynylester. for oakfold products the active ingredients are copper carbonate and didecyldimethylammonium Chloride. Preserved wood should not be cut or otherwise reworked as this will expose un-preserved wood. any surface which is exposed by cutting or drilling must be retreated with an hse approved 10 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 cut end preservative. follow the instructions for safe use on the manufacturers’ safety data sheet. CE Marking JeLd-Wen factory glazed windows and external doorsets have been Ce marked as directed under european law on 1 July 2013. Ce marking is not required for internal doorsets or staircases at this time. What is the purpose of CE Marking? It is the “passport” for products allowing them to be sold legally across the whole of the european single Market. It is european Law, standing above Uk legislation. It also provides tighter control of products and their claimed performance, ensuring products do what they should and completed buildings meet their claimed performance. What has JELD-WEN done to implement CE Marking? • Placed the Ce mark as a label on each product or packaging • Provided a declaration of Performance (doP) for each product available to download from the website in our download centre which is the legal declaration of its performance. Does a window that is glazed on site need to be CE Marked? yes, windows are always glazed and once glazed they require Ce Marking. While it is technically possible to buy an unglazed window and separately buy a glass unit, when put together they then require to be Ce marked. JELD-WEN recommends that customers buy fully glazed windows to ensure compliance. for more information about Ce Marking visit our website. TherMal PErForManCE With windows and doors responsible for around one fifth of a building’s energy loss, the choice of material and specification is more important than ever. Thermal transmittance values are declared in the form of either a U value or a Window Energy Rating (WER). Both are means of compliance with Building Regulations. WERs are commonly specified for replacement windows, with the rating of the product clearly identifiable. U values are used commonly on new builds with the window and doorset specification driven from SAP calculations by the building designer or architect. U Values A windows thermal performance is a windows’ whole U value not just the value of the centre pane U value. U values are determined by reference to EN14351-1 standard and window type is a single frame and full opening sash. Energy ratings Offers an alternative method of assessing thermal performance and is currently available on the Stormsure Casement range and the Sliding Sash. Indepedently certified by BRFC they provide: • a simple method for comparing the overall energy performance of windows; • measure U value, solar gain and air leakage • are classified with A being the highest • are consumer friendly as are used on other consumer products We offer a range of U values depending on the project type to meet new build and other project and regional requirements. See pages 28 and 75 for U value calculations and comparisons for our window and patio ranges. stormsure Casement, sliding sash and tilt & turn windows www.jeld-wen.co.uk 11 General sPECiFiCation Glazing Glazing is undertaken in controlled factory conditions which provide quality and adherence to correct glazing practices in line with BS 6262 standard. This includes a 5mm clearance between the edge of the glass unit and the rebate to assist with drainage and ventilation commonly referred to as a drained and vented glazing system. • Robust – Annealed glass that does not normally comply with BS EN 12600 can be used in critical locations when the nominal thickness and dimensions are as listed in Table 2 and all four edges are supported. Table 2 Nominal Thickness (BS 952-1 (12) Maximum pane size 8mm 1100mm x 1100mm 10mm 2250mm x 2250mm Safety Glazing 12mm 4500mm x 4500mm We recommend using toughened or laminated glass around low level areas or in areas that need extra safety. We also offer extra security through enhancements on products under the Secured by Design Scheme. 15mm or thicker no limits We recommend ordering factory finished glazed windows to ensure windows comply with legislation and are at recommended standards for the best overall performance. This standard takes into account the publication of harmonized European standards for glass products, including the publication of BS EN 12600 for impact testing and classification of flat glass, and the withdrawal of BS 6206:1981 for the classification of “safety glass”. Critical Locations The following locations may be considered “critical” in terms of safety: (a) Between the finished floor level and 1500mm above that level in doors and in side panels which are within 300mm of either edge of the door; (b) Between the finished floor level and 800mm above that level in the case of windows not included in (a) above; (c) Mirrored doors and panels. Glazing wholly or partly within a critical location should be one of the following: • Safety glass is classified in accordance with BS EN 12600 (See Table 1). • Small panes – Ordinary annealed glass, not less than 6mm thick, may be used in small panes up to a maximum width of 250mm and an area not exceeding 0.5m2. (Traditional leaded lights and copper lights may use glass 4mm thick.) • Permanent screen protection – If glazing in a critical location is protected by a suitably designed protective screen system the glass does not need to be safety glass. Other glazing considerations Any glazing forming part of a bath or shower screen, or located adjacent to, or surrounding a bath, swimming pool, or other associated wet area, constitutes a potential danger because of the possibility of a person slipping on a wet surface. JELD-WEN UK uses toughened and laminated glass units to achieved safety requirements. Toughened Termpered Safety Glass All safety glazing and insulating glass units, where applicable, are marked with the appropriate identification to ensure correct, safe installation and permanent traceability. Table 1 Minor dimension of pane doors > 900mm 2 ≤ 900mm 3 > 900mm 2 ≤ 900mm 2 > 900mm 2 ≤ 900mm 3 Unbacked mirror glazing > 900mm 2 accessible from one side only ≤ 900mm 3 Low level glazed areas Irrespective of pane dimension 3 Bathing areas Irrespective of pane dimension 3 areas of special risk Irrespective of pane dimension 3 door side panels fully backed mirror glazing 12 Minimum Recommended Classification (*) Critical Location For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Safety glazing locations 300mm 300mm 1495mm High Window 2100mm 1500mm 800mm 800mm Blue shaded areas indicate the critical locations where safety glazing must be used. Laminated Glass (external pane) Recommened for an enhanced degree of resistance against breakage and entry. Also used internally for critical locations as required. All double and triple insulated glass units come with either, Argon or Krypton gas filled cavities. The type will be determined by the overall thermal performance of the specified windows. Acoustic windows Demand has increased for good acoustic performance on windows and doors. JELD-WEN has various specifications of glazing and window designs to meet these requirements. We have included our acoustic data for windows to help you make the right choice. Definitions Safety Glass Glass product conforming to BS EN 572-3, BS EN 572-6, BS EN 12150-1, BS EN ISO 12543-2, EN 14179-1 or BS EN 13024-1 that has a performance classification in accordance with BS EN 12600. Unbacked mirror glazing Glazing which has either no backing or only partial backing behind its entire area, or has a backing that does not retain its www.jeld-wen.co.uk FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL integrity or is cracked or broken when tested as described in BS 7449:1991, Annex A. Where glazing is situated in a window where it is likely to be subject to accidental human impact, precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of injuries by: a) selecting glazing of a suitable type, thickness and size, primarily with reference to impact behaviour and safety characteristics as established by testing in accordance with BS EN 12600 b) providing mechanical protection to the glazing c) enhancing a person’s awareness of the presence of transparent glazing If glazing does not have permanent screen protection; a) for glazing wholly, or partly, within 300mm from a door and within 1500mm from the floor or in other locations within 800mm of the floor the pane will be toughened or laminated and will conform, when tested, to class B of BS 6206 or class BS EN 12600 b) in some circumstances, if the smaller dimension of the pane is 250mm or less and it’s area is 0.5m2 or less then glass with a nominal thickness of 6mm not conforming to class B of BS 6206 may be used. JELD-WEN UK supply factory glazed windows above 1350mm with the low level units as toughened (tempered) safety glass. General SpecificaTion 13 General sPECiFiCation References Timber type (1) BS 6262-4: Glazing for building – Part 4: Code of practice for safety related to human impact (Updated and republished in 2005) (2) BS EN 12600:2002 Glass in building – Pendulum test – Impact test method and classification for flat glass (3) BS EN 12150-1 Glass in building – Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass – Part 1 : Definition and description Our timber is sourced in compliance with the practices agreed with the Wood Window Alliance and the Timber Window Accreditation scheme. All timber complies with the requirements of BS EN 942 2007. We offer hardwood and softwood timber options across our range which is either finger jointed engineered, knotty or laminated engineered timber. (4) BS EN 14449 Glass in building – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass – Evaluation of conformity. (5) BS 6206:1981 Specification for impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for use in buildings (6) BS EN 572-3 Glass in building – Basic soda lime silicate glass products – Part 3: Polished wired glass (7) BS EN 572-6 Glass in building – Basic soda lime silicate glass products – Part 6: Polished wired glass (8) BS EN ISO 12543-2 Glass in building – Laminated glass and laminated safety glass – Part 1: Laminated safety glass (9) BS EN 14179-1 Glass in building – Heat soaked thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass – Part 1: Definition and description (10) BS EN 13024-1 Glass in building – Thermally toughened borosilicate safety glass – Part 1: Definition and description (11) BS EN 14428 Shower enclosures – Functional requirements and test methods (12) BS 952-1 Glass for glazing – Part 1: Classification Finger jointed engineered Finger jointed engineered timber has all the benefits of being a natural material, except it has all of its natural defects removed such as knots and splits. The engineering of the component reduces the risk of twisting and warping, allowing the product to operate as designed. Knotty Redwood Knotty timber is traditionally used in external joinery due to its natural properties and grain pattern to achieve a high quality finish. Knots are visible in this type of timber, which need treatment before finishing as described in our technical manual or fitting instructions. Laminated engineered Laminated timber is another form of engineered timber with finger joints. The timber has all knots and splits removed from the component and it is laminated with glue under high pressure, producing a stable and strong component. Preservative treatment All timber where required is vacuum pressure treated to prevent rot and fungal attack. (13) BS 7449:1991 Specification for inclusion of glass in the construction of furniture other than tables or trolleys, including cabinets, shelving systems and wall hung or free standing mirrors 14 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 www.jeld-wen.co.uk 15 GlaZinG WindoWs JELD-WEN UK timber windows are designed to accept 24mm, 28mm or 36mm insulating glass units depending on the range, incorporating Low E glass to comply with Building Regulations Part L. Our window glazing units come with a 10 year guarantee. Glass options shown are the most common other than clear, but if you want a different finish give us a call to discuss your requirements. Standard obscure glass is available at the same price as clear factory glazed windows. Ice Effect will be supplied as standard unless specified otherwise. Other options i.e. interlayer white, sand blasted and etched available at extra cost. Bar designs Simulated divided lite has timber bonded fret bars on the outside and inside with an aluminium integral bar in the glass unit and gives better thermal performance than a traditional divided lite. This is available across the whole window range. Triple glazed with bars has timber frets inside and outside however no integral bar inside. Spacer bars Standard Warm Edge spacer bars are supplied in black but grey and white are also available upon request. Leaded glass is not a vailable for simulated divided lite windows. iNTEGRAL BAR 10mm Glazing options 26mm All bar simulated divided lite designs are supplied with JELD-WEN standard division. If you require equal divided lites please specify at time of order. 26mm Leaded lights are supplied as standard to match JELD-WEN designs. If you require equal divided designs please specify when ordering. Simulated bars double glazed OUTSiDE iNSiDE 16mm 4mm 4mm Simulated bars triple glazed tulip effect 26mm Leaf effect OUTSiDE 26mm Ice effect 8mm 8mm 4mm 4mm 4mm dew effect diamond Leaded* Rectangular Leaded* * not available with simulated divided lite design 16 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 iNSiDE finiShinG your ProdUCts Paint Colours & stains Our standard finishes are primed, base coat stained or fully finished in Hi-build white paint or stain. Our other common colours are shown and other RAL colours are available upon request at additional cost. We recommend ordering factory finished products to ensure windows are finished correctly in order to protect and maintain their appearance for as long as possible. Our Hi-Build paint or stain options are microporous which allow moisture to be released whilst protecting the timber. Please note that dark finishes will absorb the heat quicker than lighter finishes and can increase the risk of resin exudation through the finish and therefore carry a reduced warranty. We advise customers to choose other options. See the guarantees section for further information. Finishing recommendations If customers prefer to finish their own products we offer primed or basecoat stained with knotting treatment pre applied. We recommend further knotting treatment where necessary and that final decoration must be completed within 3 months of exposure for primed products and 1 month for stained. Any unfinished external products including oak must be treated before exposure on site or guarantees become void. All external joinery must be finished in dry weather with a Hi-build paint or stain to protect the timber. Stain options standard basecoat stain for site finishing (softwood only) hardwood harmonising basecoat stain for site finishing hi-Build stain hardwood hi-Build stain softwood Oak stain choices available upon request golden oak dark oak Paint options – subject to additional charges Primed (cream) for site finishing hi-Build white RaL 9003 hi-Build gardenia Bs 10 B 15 hi-Build conservation green* Bs 12 B 19 hi-Build buttermilk Bs 10 C 31 hi-Build dusky grey* RaL 7037 Any surfaces that are cut must be brush coated with preservative and primed/stained before joinery is fixed into position in accordance with British Standards. Ensure surfaces and edges are in good condition before applying finishing coats. If the primer or base coat stain has deteriorated it should be recoated before further finishing coats are applied. *Matching ventilators available at extra cost. Colours shown are as close as printing process will allow. It is important not to apply paint or stain to weather strips, ironmongery, projecting hinges or moving parts as this may cause lasting damage to the performance of JELD-WEN products. Drying time should be allowed before closing window sashes against frames otherwise it may cause damage to the weather strip next time the window is opened. Danish oil, wax and varnish are not suitable for any exterior JELD-WEN products. Choose your colour We offer the complete spectrum of RaL colours to choose from in our fully finished windows and patio doors, available with market-leading guarantees. non-standard and dual colours are available at an extra cost as a special order, with a minimum quantity of 10 frames per order. Please supply a RaL colour on application. www.jeld-wen.co.uk 17 MeaSurinG and tolEranCEs JeLd-Wen would recommend the following guidelines are followed when measuring openings prior to ordering your frames: • Complete the method of any cavity closing before installation of windows. • Take three measurements horizontally and vertically across the opening of the brickwork. the smallest measurement of width and height should be used as your brickwork (structural) opening size. • Then measure diagonally, corner to corner to determine the squareness of the aperture. • The sill must overhang the external brickwork by at least 25mm. • Ensure any internal and external reveal sizes are checked and ensure any opening windows will not be blocked in any way eg by render. When ordering a JeLd-Wen doorset or window which are shown in the catalogue as actual frame size, leave a tolerance to allow the frame to fit (deduction from the brickwork size). this will vary depending on new build or replacement and the method of installation i.e. building in (where a 5mm tolerance may be suitable) to cavity closer, straps and screws. the deduction is made from the total brickwork width and height not per side. In order to cover most eventualities JeLd-Wen recommend a 12mm deduction. For example Brickwork (structural) opening 1234mm wide x 1456mm high would have an actual frame size of 1222mm wide by 1444mm high. When making an enquiry or placing an order please state if your dimensions are brick/structural or actual product size. Co-ordinated brickwork module sizes Equal divide range BS644: 2003 stuctural opening 493 635 920 1205 1775 2344 Window width 483 625 910 1195 1765 2334 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 888 1188 1488 1788 2088 2388 This sizing system refers to our Stormsure and Sliding Sash window ranges. Metric modular Range BS644: 2003 stuctural opening 300 600 frame width 288 588 This sizing system refers to our high performance dreamVu , reversible hi-profile combi and Tilt & Turn window ranges. This also applies to our dreamVu™, fenton, farndale and canberra patios. ™ Brickwork tolerances vary across ranges resulting in slight differences in frame widths. 18 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Brickwork module widths Standard brick 215 x 102.5 x 65, Standard 10mm perps between bricks 2 Brick module 1 light 2 light 3 light 4 light stuctural opening 460mm 910mm 1360mm 1810mm Window width 450mm 900mm 1350mm 1800mm 460mm 910mm 450mm 2 Brick module, 2 Light 2 Brick module, 1 Light Standard brick 215 x 102.5 x 65, Standard 10mm perps between bricks 2.5 Brick module 1 light 2 light 3 light 4 light stuctural opening 572.5mm 1135mm 1697.5mm 2260mm Window width 562.5mm 1125mm 1687.5mm 2250mm 572.5mm 1135mm 562.5mm 2.5 Brick module, 1 Light 2.5 Brick module, 2 Light Standard brick 215 x 102.5 x 65, Standard 10mm perps between bricks 3 Brick module 1 light 2 light 3 light 4 light stuctural opening 685mm 1360mm 2035mm 2710mm Window width 675mm 1350mm 2025mm 2700mm 685mm 1360mm 675mm 3 Brick module, 2 Light 3 Brick module, 1 Light Co-ordinated brickwork module window sizes These are based on brick course heights (65mm brick + 10mm mortar course). E.g. 900mm = 12 brick courses 65 102.5 2 Brick Module Increment = (2 x 215) + (2 x 10) = 450mm 2.5 Brick Module Increment = (2 x 215) + 102.5 + (3 x 10) = 562.5mm 10 3 Brick Module Increment 215 www.jeld-wen.co.uk = (3 x 215) + (3 x 10) = 675mm 10 MeaSurinG and ToleranceS 19 installation and handlinG the way in which products are stored, handled and installed can affect their performance. good practice avoids damage, maintains quality and saves money. Windows and patio doorsets have a range of finishing options available including base coat stained, primed or fully finished in a choice of colours. see page 17 for more information. Delivery, storage & handling Follow this check list to avoid injuries and damage: 3 Check your order at the time of delivery to ensure it is correct and that each product including protective packaging isn’t damaged. 3 Most products weigh in excess of 15kg so ensure you consider the method of handling to avoid injury or damage to the product. assess any risks before lifting and get assistance if required. Visit the hse website for more information www.hse.gov.uk 3 store your JeLd-Wen timber products preferably inside a building in a dry place which is well ventilated and all new plaster is dry. If outside all timber products including fully finished should be stored under a tarpaulin off the ground on level bearers. 3 do not expose any unfinished products to daylight or extreme temperature or humidity before finishing. our products are manufactured in moisture controlled environments in line with British standards. any additional moisture during storage or installation may cause distortion or swelling. 3 Unglazed products should be stacked flat whilst glazed products should be stored standing upright. 3 Lift windows by the main frame not opening casements or glazing bars and carry vertically to avoid any distortion. 3 keep protective wrappings on products until finishing and installation where possible. 3 Lift products from each other when stacked, don’t drag them, and put spacer packaging between them if they have projecting sills or fitted hardware to avoid damage. 20 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 installation We recommend fitting all joinery products as soon as possible after the delivery date. for detailed installation information refer to standard Bs8213 Pt4 provided by the BsI which gives guidance on good practices necessary for successful surveying and installation of windows and doorsets into new build and replacement situations. all framed products should be fitted square, true and plumb and should be fitted in accordance with the fitting instructions supplied or project specification, as correct installation is vital to ensuring proper thermal and product performance. Protect any surfaces from mortar droppings. all external products are supplied actual frame size and should be fitted into preformed openings with a tolerance around each side. tolerance guidance for each product is shown on the specification tables for windows p26 and patios p76. If the product is cut or drilled please ensure the area is preservative treated and decorated before installation. Window installation timber windows can be installed into all types of building designs and JeLd-Wen windows are available with a number of options to aid installation. We recommend using a cavity closer system to help you get the best fit for your JeLd-Wen windows see page 24 for further information. for buildings with vertical tiling or timber cladding, specify window surrounds that are available in 3 sizes – 70mm, 100mm & 135mm. all window types are available with a selection of sill depths dependant on your design option. extended sill nosings are not a preferred design option because of their vulnerability to damage and long term erosion. If not adequately maintained this could lead to premature failure of the decoration system. Glazing glazing must be carried out using a proprietary material or glazing system complying with the requirements of Bs 8000 P art 7:1990 and must be Ce Marked. glazing rebates and the concealed surfaces of all beads must receive a coat of sealer or two coats of the finishing paint or stain before glazing. Alternativ stopped 1 Figure 2 Expanding foam seal With factory glazed and finished windows, the protection should be left in place unless this interferes with the integrity of the damp proof course membrane (dPC) and seals. Metal fixing bracket with shims as required all JeLd-Wen factory glazed windows come fully Ce marked. Rebated check reveal Forming openings Windows can be fitted either during construction or into preformed openings at a later stage. a tight fit of adjacent materials should be avoided where there is a danger of distortion in the frame. side tolerances however should not exceed 10mm on each side. When not building in, openings can be formed using either proprietary templates or site templates. these templates should produce openings that are 10mm to 20mm larger than the actual window size. Using wider dpc for retrofit windows, excess dpc is cut off after window is fitted. Support Windows should be supported on durable packings at a maximum of 150mm from each jamb and beneath mullions. the window should be fitted level and plumb (figure 3). When building-in, continuous support at sill level can be provided by a mortar bed. Figure 3 In exposed conditions we recommend using a rebated check reveal (see figure 1). Fitting Figure 1 Alternative timber trim cover stopped 10mm above sill Expanding foam seal 150mm External sealant Weight Metal fixing bracket with shims as required Rebated check reveal Using wider dpc for retrofit windows, excess dpc is cut off after window is fitted. dPCs should be fitted as the construction proceeds. this can be achieved by fixing the dPC to the frame prior to building in, or by Weight fitting it into the structure when making pre-formed openings. In the latter case it is often convenient to use wider dPCs than needed (see figure 2) avoid forming a cold bridge when fitting windows. support for the frame should such as to prevent distortion and should not damage any protection or finish. side packings should be located where fixings occur and fitted without distorting the frame. www.jeld-wen.co.uk inSTallaTion and handlinG 21 installation and handlinG Particular care is necessary when providing packings to sliding sash windows where even minor distortions can prevent the movement of the sashes or introduce excessive clearance to sashes (figure 4). Purpose made nylon frame fixings are available. these utilise the same diameter hole through the timber as well as the substrate. Fixing Locations the fixing is usually supplied complete with the screw. When fitting packings it is advisable to check the operation of all Vertical Sliding Sash types of windows prior to final fixing. pinched due to oversize alternative fixings include a proprietary screw device which enables 450mm to be adjusted in position on the screw fixings (figure 7). the window Figure 4 Sealing 450mm to prevent air infiltration between the window and adjacent wall the gap between the window and wall should be sealed. a 150mm polythene backed sealing strip can be fitted prior to building-in or alternatively an expanding foam seal or mineral wool can be fitted Additional fixings for windows > 1800mm wide after building-in is completed. middle packs 150mm these will expand after a period of time to fill the gap (figure 6). an additional seal can then be provided by a silicone or polysulphide based sealant. Fixing Locations 150mm Vertical Sliding Sash pinched due to oversize middle packs Vertical Sliding Sash 450mm could fall out if sides of frame are not correctly fitted 450mm alternatively a timber cover strip can be provided which should be fitted over the foam seal. this strip should be cut 10mm short of the sill. this method permits any moisture which reaches the foam seal to escape. Figure 6 Fixing Alternative timber trim cover stopped 10mm above sill side fixings should be provided at 150mm150mm from top and bottom of frame and a maximum 450mm between c/s. Where a window Expanding Additional fixings for windows > 1800mm wide exceeds 1800mm in width or is formed with two or more units, foam seal fixings should be provided at head and sill (figure 5). External sealant special requirements may be necessary when fixing windows into preformed openings. Unless internally fitted fixing clips are used (figure 6) it will be necessary to fix through the frame. Where possible, choose unobtrusive locations. If a cavity closer is used refer to the JeLd-Wen Uk fitting information leaflet. Metal fixing bracket with shims as required Vertical Sliding Sash could fall out if sides of frame Using wider dpc for retrofit windows, are 5 not correctly fitted Figure excess dpc is cut off after window is fitted. Fixing Locations eveal 150mm for advice on fitting bay windows see page 70. 450mm We can offer a supply and fit service for certain schemes. Contact us for more information on 0845 122 2892. 450mm 150mm Additional fixings for windows > 1800mm wide 22 Linseed oil putty is not permitted and will invalidate the guarantee. For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Doorset installation ensure all hardware is fitted before doors are hung. We recommend that in areas of extreme exposure that doors should be protected by a porch or canopy in addition to the recommended decorative protection. see page 105 for maintenance guidelines. Patio doorsets installation every opening that will be having a patio doorset installed will need structural support such as a RsJ, lintel or timber beam. for a folding sliding patio doorset a lintel needs to be in place owing to the weight. they must have at least 150mm bearing at each end and the overall length should be a minimum of the total opening width plus 300mm. at specification it is important to understand the type of construction, the type and thickness of the inner and outer leaves and the width of the cavity. It will also be necessary to understand the exposure rating for the site to determine if a cavity tray is required. the additional loads imposed by the folding sliding patio doorsets will be a uniformly distributed load (UdL) of 0.5kn (approx. 50kg) per metre run. Loads from the structure will include loads from roof trusses, floor joists and masonry. You can view fitting videos on our YouTube page which offers practical advice whilst you are on the job including how to fit a fire door correctly. Go to www.youtube.com/JELDWENUK or scan the QR code www.jeld-wen.co.uk inSTallaTion and handlinG 23 caViTy ClosErs the fully certified BBa cavity closer system guarantees compliance with Part L of Building Regulations when closing the cavity around the window openings. Universal closer system our standard Universal cavity closer system suits 75mm and 100mm, other sizes as shown are available on a special order. Please specify which ones you need when ordering. fixing packs are available separately – see table for price. If using a thin joint mortar construction method, we can supply a thin joint brick tie on special order. Big Blok closer system Recognising the need for super insulated homes, we now offer a super insulating Big Blok closer which are designed to fit into the larger cavity sizes. our Big Blok closer system suits 125mm and 150mm and other sizes as shown are available on a special order. Fire stops fire stops are not normally needed in conventional masonry construction but when they are needed we offer the flameblok cavity closer system. this is a one hour fire rated all in one cavity closer option available in 100mm, 125mm & 150mm. Certification these are the certification details for our cavity closer systems: flameblok fire certification – Chilt/If09035 in accordance with general principles of Bsen 1363-1:1999 Examples of brickwork opening sizes for windows when using cavity closers BBa certification 00/3673 our cavity closer systems are made from 100% post consumer recycled PVC-u. With an odP and gWP of zero, this product is ideal to meet sustainable construction standards. Frame hangers If you are using cavity closers in a timber frame construction, please check with our technical team to ensure you choose the correct specification. frame hangers suitable for cavities 50mm & 75mm are available to special order. When you order a window to fit into a cavity closer, always state this on the order. Cavity closer orders will only be accepted when JeLd-Wen windows are being supplied. Actual window size Brickwork opening size 625mm x 895mm 642mm x 908mm 910mm x 1045mm 927mm x 1058mm 1195mm x 1195mm 1212mm x 1208mm 1765mm x 1345mm 1782mm x 1358mm Brick fixing ties will automatically be added to your order when ordering a cavity closer system. Please let us know if you do not require them. for bespoke window sizes, orders or further information on all of these systems contact the sales office or view the technical manual on our website. Cavity opening sizes 50mm 75mm 100mm 125mm 140mm 150mm 170mm 200mm 300mm Universal 7 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 Big Blok 7 7 7 3 so 3 so so so Flameblok 7 7 so so 7 so 7 7 7 so so 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Timber Frame Hangers 3 = available 7 = not available so = special order. Minimum order value applies – speak to a member of staff for more information. 24 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Brace Cavity closer Brick ties Big Blok closer system www.jeld-wen.co.uk 25 WindoW SpecificaTion CoMParison Guide this information provides you with a comparison of the specification across our window range. 26 Stormsure Casement & Regency High Performance Casement DreamVu™ Operational detail standard casement, side and top hung flush casement, side and top hung Frame section size 93mm front to back at head 92mm front to back at head 168mm front to back at head Jamb material engineered softwood, hardwood* or oak* engineered softwood PVC jamb liners in white Frame material engineered softwood, hardwood* or oak* engineered softwood engineered softwood Sill material softwood, hardwood or oak to match frame softwood sill softwood sill Sill sizes standard 158mm sill. timber nosing options to create overall sizes of 93mm stub sill, - 133 mm - 183mm - 208mm standard 92mm sill. aluminium sill options to create overall sizes of: 130mm, 181mm, 231mm. timber nosing options to create overall sizes - 158 mm - 183mm - 208mm standard 168mm sill (flush). timber nosing options to create overall sizes of 196mm or 225mm Beading externally timber beaded Internally timber beaded externally timber beaded Hardware detail Minimum one cockspur locking handle on side hung and one locking stay on top hung with butt hinges as standard, espagnolette locking. standard projecting, restricted projecting and fire egress hinges optional espagnolette locking and projecting hinges as standard fitch catch locking as standard, non locking available to order. optional sash opening restrictor available upon request Glazing double - 24mm Low e insulating double - 28mm Low e insulating or triple up to 36mm Low e insulating double - 24mm Low e insulating U Values (factory glazed products) 1.6-1.3 W/m k 1.6-0.7 W/m k 1.5-1.4W/m2k Energy ratings a-C (a-rated only available with plain casement) – B-C Spacer bars Black standard, white & grey optional Black standard, white & grey optional Black standard, white & grey optional Ventilation detail flush fitting vents as standard no vents as standard Concealed flush vent as standard Ventilation colour Brown as standard, white, oak brown (oak windows) & green optional, others on request White as standard, brown & green optional White as standard, brown optional. others on request Hardware Polished gold standard or white. Brushed chrome chargeable option Brushed chrome standard, white and polished gold optional White fitch catch and lifts as standard. Polished gold and brushed chrome chargeable options Bays yes no yes Tolerance guidance 12mm 12mm 12mm Secured by Design yes yes yes Exposure rating 2000pa 2000pa 2000pa Air permeability Class 4 Class 4 Class 2 Performance testing Bs6375: Part 1:2004 Bs6375: Part 1:2004 Bs6375: Part 1:2004 Strength/operation testing Bs6375: Part 2:1987 & Pas24 Bs6375: Part 2:1987 & Pas24 Bs6375: Part 2:1987 & Pas24 Acoustic performance available to 37dB available to 34dB available to 31dB Sustainability fsC fsC fsC 2 2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Sliding Sash spiral balance, tilt in options. assisted lift spiral balance available as a special order Tilt and Turn Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi tilt in and open in side or top hung, fully reversible 67mm front to back at head 86mm front to back at head engineered softwood engineered softwood engineered softwood engineered softwood softwood sill softwood sill standard 67mm sill (flush). aluminium sill options to create overall sizes of: 125mm, 176mm, 226mm. timber nosing options to create overall sizes of 168mm, 196mm, 225mm standard 86mm sill. aluminium sill options to create overall sizes of 138mm, 189mm, 239mm. timber nosing options to create overall sizes of 127mm, 152mm, 177mm or 202mm externally beaded to the top and 2 sides, aluminium bottom bead externally beaded to the top and 2 sides, aluminium bottom bead. all timber available to order espagnolette locking Reversible hardware to match either side or top hung operation. Cockspur or espagnolette locking options double - 28mm Low e insulating or triple up to 36mm Low e insulating double - 24mm Low e insulating or triple up to 28mm Low e insulating 1.6-0.9 W/m2k 1.6-1.1 W/m2k – – Black standard, white & grey optional Black standard, white & grey optional no vent as standard trickle ventilation no vent as standard, white, green & brown optional Brown as standard, white, green and grey optional with external canopy Brushed chrome as standard, polished gold and white optional Polished gold as standard, or white. Polished chrome chargeable option no no 12mm 12mm yes yes - 1200pa - Class 4 - Bs6375: Part 1:2004 Pas24 Bs6375: Part 2:1987 & Pas24 available to 33dB available to 36dB fsC fsC www.jeld-wen.co.uk WindoW SpecificaTion coMpariSon Guide 27 TherMal transMittanCE the thermal performance of external joinery is an important consideration when specifying products to ensure their performance meets the required standards. Whole product U value (W/m.K) thermal transmittance, also known as U value is the rate of transfer of heat (in watts) through one square metre of a structure divided by the difference in temperature across the structure. It is expressed in watts per metres squared kelvin, or W/m2k. Well insulated parts of a building have a low thermal transmittance whereas poorly insulated parts of a building have a high thermal transmittance. 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 U values in windows and doorsets is calculated in accordance with Iso-10077-2. thermal performance of windows and doorsets is affected by various elements of the design including timber section size, glass specification and weather seals. JeLd-Wen aims to offer a range of different products covering different U values to suit your requirements. Below is a graph which illustrates a comparison with how our ranges compare to provide guidance on range selection. 4-16-4 Standard Low-E 4-20-4 Standard Low-E 4-8-4-8-4 Standard Low-E 4-12-4-12-4 Standard Low-E 4-16-4 Super Low-E 4-20-4 Super Low-E 4-8-4-8-4 Super Low-E 4-12-4-12-4 Super Low-E Stormsure High Performance Casement DreamVu™ Sliding Sash Window Product Range 28 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Tilt & Turn Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi acouSTic ratings the increased focus on environment and indoor climate calls for high acoustic quality levels in buildings. for external noise. therefore windows and doorsets can be specified with higher performance characteristics which will assist in reducing this transmission of sound in line with an acoustics site specific report. Below is a graph illustrating how our range of windows compare to provide guidance on range selection Decibel Reduction (dB) acoustic reductions are required for certain sites in order to comply with Planning Policy guidance 24 (PPg24), World health organisation (Who) and Bs 8233:1999 - sound insulation and noise reduction in buildings. these standards and policies outline acceptable noise levels within dwellings. PPg24 recognises that windows in a facade are the most common transmission pathway 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 2 0 4-16-4 Vents closed 4-14-6.4 Acoustic glass no vents 4-16-6.4 Acoustic glass 4-16-4 No vents 4-20-4 No vents Secondary glazing Stormsure High Performance Casement DreamVu™ Sliding Sash Tilt & Turn Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi Window Product Range www.jeld-wen.co.uk 29 StormSure CaseMent stile sight line head depth 98mm 93mm CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE Window viewed from external Internal head height 56mm ON OUR WEBSiTE Mullion section 140mm transom section 140mm glass thickness 24mm Bottom rail sight line 110mm Internal sash height 42mm 68mm Internal sill height 158mm sill projection (std) our most popular timber windows are available in a large range of standard sizes or made to measure to suit your project requirements. • U values available 1.6-1.3 W/m2K, BFRC energy rated A-C • DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbaras standard, white and silver optional • Softwood,oak,andhardwoodtimberavailablein all standard casement frames • Designoptions–Standard,VictorianBar, Horizontal Bar, All Bar, Cottage Bar, Deco Bar, Regency and designer designs available • Polishedgoldhandlesandsilverbutthingesare standard. Other options available see page 102 for more hardware information • BasecoatstainedorfullyfinishedinHi-Buildstain as standard. Paint options available – see page 17 for finishing details • Standard,madetomeasureandimperialsizes available. Our window trade catalogue and CAD drawings shows the full range of standard sizes available. • LifetimeHomes-lowlevelhandlesandcord operated ventilators are available as an optional extra • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage26 • FactoryglazedwindowsarefullyCEMarked 30 10 10 30 10 10 10 Year Guarantee SOLID OAK 10 30 10 1030 10 1010 10 Year Guarantee Year r Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING UFACTURING SOLID OAK HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 1 • FEN DR FD HI-BUILD PAINT MANUFACTURING CAN 1010 10 10 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee GLASS HI-BUILD PAINT CAN • FEN DR FD GLASS 1030 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL CAN • FEN DR FD 40 10 30 40 30130 10 210 30 10 10 10 10 10102 26 1012 30 10 10 1040 10 Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee ar Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Year Guarantee • FEN DARK PAINT ROT &MANUFACTURING FUNGAL STAIN ROT &OAK FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT &PAINT FUNGAL ARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL STAIN SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING SOLID OAK HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS GLASS CAN • FEN DR FDGOLDEN MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN DR HI-BUILD FDOAK GLASS HARDWARE MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 6 302 1 516 30 40 110 2 2 10 102 40 630 2405 us 5 30 22 information For more contact on 0845 122 2890 YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee ar Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &DARK FUNGAL PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE STAIN BLINDS INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH GOLDEN OAK STAINDARK INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH STAIN DARK STAIN INTEGRAL OAK FINISH ARK STAINGOLDEN OAK Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 1 Year Guarantee DARK PAINT 610 5 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee SOLID OAKPAINT HI-BUILD 40 30 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee ROTROT & FUNGAL & FUNGAL 2525 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING GLASS 1 10 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee DARK PAINT HARDWARE 62 TO YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MADE OAK STAIN • FEN DR FDGOLDEN INTEGRAL BLINDS DARK ADVANCE-LINE CLAD CANSTAIN DARK OAKSTAIN FINISH MEASURE Year YearGuarantee Guarantee HI-BUILD CAN • FENPAINT DR FD 40 2 Year Guarantee Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING 5 MADE TO Year Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS MEASURE 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 10 Year Guarantee HARDWARE 2 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MADE TO Year Guarantee OAK FINISH MEASUR 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MEASUR Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 42mm, Stormsure windows will accept 24mm (4:16:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A narrow 93mm stub sill is available as well as extended sills to widths of 208mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct sill width is specified to suit the brickwork detail and Approved Document ‘L’ 2010 amendments. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Stormsure windows to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 6100mm² on windows 915mm and wider, 3050mm² on windows below that size, down to 488mm² wide. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K Low level handles available for mobility requirements dB reductions up to: 37dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk U available down to: 1.3 W/m2K Fire egress available to assist with compliance of Approved Document B Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F STorMSure caSeMenT 31 Stormsure Casement Section Details SECTION C-C A C C SECTION A-A B SECTION B-B A NoA.: Created: NoA No.: Supplier: Jamb No.: DETAIL Order Transom 14/12/2012 by BD Approved: SECTION I-I J N Pos. No.: 15/08/2013 by NP Customer: DETAIL Head Purpose/Classification: Item name: General tolerance: Drawing No.: 93 Multi Light Casement SS_A_001 Stormsure Multi Light Casement Doc. No.: 02/03 Rev. No.: B 68 Mullion Category: 35 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0016 - Stormsure\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\SS_A_001- Multi Light Casement THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. B 56 140 67 Transom I 67 42 110 Head 42 67 I Sill N J SECTION J-J SECTION N-N DETAIL Sill 55 98 140 56 56 68 10 110 55 67 67 83 42 31 DETAIL Jamb 32 67 6 DETAIL Mullion For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 67 158 15 67 acouStic PeRfoRManCe External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Titon trickle vent blanked off Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Glidevale trickle vent open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 22.6 125 21.9 160 22.1 200 14.9 250 24.0 315 31.1 400 32.2 500 33.4 630 34.6 800 34.5 1000 34.5 1250 37.7 1600 39.4 2000 41.2 2500 39.2 3150 36.5 4000 37.9 5000 40.4 1/1 Octave 22.2 19.0 33.3 35.7 39.9 38.0 Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Titon trickle vent open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 17.9 125 18.0 160 18.2 200 14.2 250 21.8 315 24.1 400 24.4 500 25.0 630 25.6 800 21.7 1000 19.0 1250 16.9 1600 17.9 2000 19.9 2500 19.8 3150 19.8 4000 21.0 5000 22.7 1/1 Octave 18.0 17.9 25.0 18.8 19.1 21.0 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 19.3 125 18.5 160 18.5 200 14.1 250 21.0 315 24.2 400 24.8 500 24.6 630 23.8 800 21.3 1000 20.1 1250 20.9 1600 19.4 2000 21.1 2500 21.2 3150 20.2 4000 21.8 5000 22.6 1/1 Octave 18.8 17.7 24.4 20.8 20.5 21.4 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 35 (-3;-7) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 20 (-1;0) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 21 (0;0) dB Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Titon trickle vent closed Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Glidevale trickle vent closed Stormsure (4F-16-6.4L) Vents blanked off Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 21.6 125 20.2 160 20.6 200 14.7 250 23.0 315 28.4 400 28.2 500 28.0 630 27.0 800 24.1 1000 24.7 1250 27.7 1600 29.4 2000 33.4 2500 29.0 3150 30.5 4000 32.4 5000 33.5 1/1 Octave 20.8 18.7 27.7 25.3 30.2 31.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 28 (-1;-3) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 20.1 125 19.1 160 20.6 200 14.1 250 23.0 315 27.2 400 26.9 500 27.1 630 26.9 800 22.4 1000 20.7 1250 22.4 1600 23.9 2000 26.4 2500 27.1 3150 28.8 4000 30.7 5000 32.1 1/1 Octave 19.9 18.1 27.0 21.8 25.6 30.3 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 25 (-1;-2) dB Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 23.1 125 22.2 160 25.0 200 22.4 250 28.6 315 33.1 400 33.8 500 35.3 630 36.5 800 35.4 1000 35.8 1250 38.6 1600 39.8 2000 40.5 2500 39.9 3150 40.7 4000 41.2 5000 43.5 1/1 Octave 23.3 26.0 35.1 36.4 40.0 41.6 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 37 (-1;-4) dB STorMSure caSeMenT 33 acouSTic perforMance - STorMSure caSeMenT Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Titon select hood vent open Stormsure (4F-16-4F) Vents blanked off Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 17.5 125 17.9 160 17.8 200 13.5 250 21.0 315 23.4 400 24.1 500 23.8 630 25.6 800 23.1 1000 20.8 1250 18.7 1600 19.2 2000 19.9 2500 20.1 3150 19.5 4000 20.6 5000 21.2 1/1 Octave 17.7 17.2 24.4 20.5 19.7 20.4 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 22.1 125 22.3 160 25.2 200 22.4 250 28.1 315 32.3 400 32.8 500 34.1 630 34.8 800 33.6 1000 33.7 1250 33.4 1600 34.0 2000 38.0 2500 38.8 3150 39.3 4000 39.4 5000 39.3 1/1 Octave 23.0 25.8 33.8 33.6 36.4 39.3 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 25.0 125 25.6 160 25.7 200 26.8 250 28.2 315 32.9 400 35.1 500 36.6 630 36.5 800 35.1 1000 36.0 1250 37.0 1600 38.1 2000 39.2 2500 40.5 3150 43.0 4000 42.4 5000 45.0 1/1 Octave 25.4 28.6 36.0 36.0 39.1 43.3 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 21 (-1;-1) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 35 (-1;-3) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 37 (-1;-3) dB Stormsure with 4-14-6.8PVB glass Vents removed and blocked Stormsure with 4-14-6.8PVB glass 2 x Titon R16-4000 vents closed Stormsure with 4-14-6.8PVB glass 2 x Titon R16-4000 vents open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 17.7 63+ 20.3 80+ 22.2 100 19.7 125 160 24.7 23.0 200 20.9 250 27.2 315 33.6 400 32.6 500 35.6 630 36.2 36.0 800 1000 1250 35.6 38.0 1600 41.4 2000 42.3 2500 41.3 3150 4000 39.3 39.0 5000 40.4 6300+ 45.3 8000+ 48.1 1000+ 51.4 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 19.6 21.9 24.6 34.5 36.4 41.6 39.5 47.6 33.0 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 37 (-2;-5) dB 34 Stormsure (6F-10-10F) Vents blanked off Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 17.5 63+ 20.4 80+ 21.9 100 17.8 125 23.6 160 21.4 200 20.3 250 26.0 315 29.3 400 29.4 500 28.7 630 27.4 800 24.6 1000 23.3 1250 24.0 1600 27.7 2000 31.3 2500 29.2 3150 30.7 4000 32.2 5000 33.0 6300+ 36.9 8000+ 39.4 1000+ 42.8 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 19.5 20.3 23.6 28.4 23.9 29.2 31.9 39.1 25.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 28 (-1;-3) dB For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 16.4 63+ 18.4 80+ 20.0 100 14.9 125 20.9 160 16.7 200 17.0 250 21.9 315 23.7 400 24.4 500 23.6 630 23.3 800 21.3 1000 20.6 1250 18.0 1600 15.9 2000 16.9 2500 18.5 3150 17.2 4000 19.1 5000 20.5 6300+ 22.7 8000+ 25.3 1000+ 30.4 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 17.0 16.9 19.9 23.7 19.7 17.0 18.7 25.1 19.7 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 19 (-1;-0) dB RaPId ventilation and daylight aRea fIgURes Purge ventilation is manually controlled ventilation of rooms or spaces at a relatively high rate to rapidly dilute pollutants and/or water vapour. Purge ventilation may be provided by natural means, eg. by a window that opens, or by mechanical means eg. a fan. For a window that opens 30º or more or for vertical sliding sash windows, the height x width of the opening part should be at least 1/20th of the floor area of the room. The same above applies to windows opening between 15º - 30º, however the width x height should be at least 1/10th of the floor area. If the window opens less than 15º, then the window is not suitable for purge ventilation and other arrangements should be made. All of our windows when specified as opening will open past 30º, unless a restrictor is specified. standard CaseMent Height Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm D V mm2 Width 2334mm mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 745 LeW107C 225225 312417 LeW207C 537642 312417 LeW207CC 450450 624834 LeW307CC 762867 624834 LeW407CMC 895 LeW109C 289575 389367 LeW209C 678942 389367 LeW209CC 579150 778734 LeW309CC 968517 778734 LeW409CMC 1357884 778734 1045 LeW110C 353925 466317 LeW210C-a 820242 466317 LeW210CC 707850 932634 LeW310CC 1174167 932634 LeW410CMC 1640484 932634 1195 LeW112C 418275 543267 LeW212C 961542 543267 LeW212CC 836550 1086534 LeW312CC 1379817 1086534 LeW412CMC 1923084 1086534 1345 LeW113C 482625 620217 LeW213C 1102842 620217 LeW213CC 965250 1240434 LeW313CC 1585467 1240434 eW413CMC 2205684 1240434 V mm2 Width 1337mm D D V 570768 D = Daylight mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 standard CaseMent – naRRoW ModULe Width 483mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 910mm 745 LeWn07C 150675 228984 LeW2n07C 379659 228984 LeW2n07CC 301350 457968 Height mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 Width 1765mm LeW3n07CC 530334 457968 LeW4n07CMC mm2 mm2 mm2 895 LeWn09C 193725 285384 LeW2n09C 479109 285384 LeW2n09CC 387450 570768 LeW3n09CC 672834 570768 LeW4n09CMC 958218 1045 LeWn10C 236775 341784 LeW2n10C 578559 341784 LeW2n10CC 473550 683568 LeW3n10CC 815334 683568 LeW4n10CMC 1157118 683568 1195 LeWn12C 279825 398184 LeW2n12C 678009 398184 LeW2n12CC 559650 796368 LeW3n12CC 957834 796368 LeW4n12CMC 1356018 796368 1345 LeWn13C 322875 454584 LeW2n13C 777459 454584 LeW2n13CC 645750 909168 LeW3n13CC 1100334 909168 LeW4n13CMC 1554918 909168 D = Daylight mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 standard CaseMent – naRRoW ModULe fIRe esCaPe Height 1045 1195 Width 910mm D V LeW2n10fe LeW2n12fe 473550 559650 725382 84508 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk STorMSure caSeMenT 35 STorMSure caSeMenT standard – naRRoW ModULe WIth CaseMent Vents Height Width 483mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V 745 895 1045 1195 LeWn07V LeWn09V LeWn10V LeWn12V 162104 218504 274904 331304 91744 91744 91744 91744 LeW2n07CV LeW2n09CV LeW2n10CV LeW2n12CV 312779 412229 511679 611129 320728 377128 433528 489928 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 standard CaseMent – WIth Vents Height Width 625mm D V 745 LeW107V 227157 125172 mm2 mm2 Width 1195mm D mm2 V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm LeW207CV 452382 437589 LeW307CVC mm2 D mm2 V mm2 D Width 2334mm V mm2 mm2 LeW407CVVC 895 LeW109V 304107 125172 LeW209t 618882 360639 LeW209CV 593682 514539 LeW309CVC 883257 LeW409CVVC 1187364 1029078 1045 LeW110V 381057 125172 LeW210t 760182 437589 LeW210CV 734982 591489 LeW310CVC 1088907 1057806 LeW410CVVC 1469964 1182978 1195 LeW112V 458007 125172 LeW212t 901482 514539 LeW212CV 876282 668439 LeW312CVC 1294557 1211706 LeW412CVVC 1752564 1336878 1345 LeW113V 534957 125172 LeW213t 1042782 591489 LeW213CV 1017582 745389 LeW313CVC 1500207 1365606 LeW413CVVC 2035164 1499778 1495 LeW115V 611907 125172 LeW215t 1184082 668439 LeW215CV D = Daylight mm2 903906 LeW315CVC LeW415CVVC V = Ventilation mm2 standard CaseMent - LandsCaPe WIth Vents Height 895 D V LeW2n09W 480522 194712 LeW209W 656937 264252 LeW309CW Width 910mm D mm2 V Width 1195mm mm2 mm2 mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 V mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 LeW309C mm2 Width 1765mm LeW309WW D mm2 V mm2 Width 2334mm D mm2 V mm2 LeW409CWC 1045 LeW2n10W 600222 194712 LeW210W 819387 264252 LeW310CW 1173312 730569 LeW310C 1338372 466317 LeW310WW 1200444 389424 LeW410CWC 1527237 1196886 1195 LeW2n12W 719922 194712 LeW212W 981837 264252 LeW312CW 1400112 807519 LeW312C 1565172 543267 LeW312WW 1439844 389424 LeW412CWC 1818387 1350786 1345 LeW2n13W 839622 194712 LeW213W 1144287 264252 LeW313CW 1626912 884469 LeW313C 1495 LeW2n15W 959322 194712 LeW215W 1306737 264252 LeW315CW D = Daylight mm2 1791972 620217 LeW313WW 1679244 389424 LeW413CWC 2109537 150468 LeW315C LeW315WW V = Ventilation mm2 standard CaseMent – toP hUng WIth sUB LIght Height 1345 1495 Width 625mm LeW113as LeW115as D = Daylight mm2 36 V D V mm2 Width 910mm 479097 576792 466317 543267 LeW2n13as LeW2n15as mm2 D V mm2 Width 1195mm 783762 942732 725382 845082 LeW213as LeW215as mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 D V 1088427 1308672 984447 1146897 mm2 mm2 LeW415CWC standard CaseMent - dIReCt gLazed Height 445 595 745 895 1045 1195 1345 Width 625mm D mm2 Width 1195mm D LeW104dg LeW106dg LeW107dg LeW109dg LeW110dg LeW112dg LeW113dg 158517 235467 312417 389367 466317 543267 620217 LeW204dg LeW206dg LeW207dg LeW209dg LeW210dg LeW212dg LeW213dg 334647 497097 659547 821997 984447 1146897 1309347 mm2 D = Daylight mm2 standard CaseMent - tRansoM Height Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm 895 LeW109t 229515 360639 LeW209tX mm2 D mm2 V mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 V mm2 LeW309tXt Width 1765mm D V mm2 mm2 LeW309t Width 2334mm D mm2 V mm2 LeW409tt 1045 LeW110t 293865 437589 LeW210tX 731454 437589 LeW310tXt 1338489 875178 LeW310t 1278312 437589 LeW410tt 1547208 875178 1195 LeW112t 358215 514539 LeW212tX 872754 514539 LeW312tXt 1544139 1029078 LeW312t 1505112 514539 LeW412tt 1786608 1029078 1345 LeW113t 422565 591489 LeW213tX 1014054 591489 LeW313tXt 1749789 1182978 LeW313t 1731912 591489 LeW413tt 2026008 1182978 1495 LeW115t 486915 668439 LeW215tX 1155354 668439 LeW315tXt 1955439 1336878 LeW315t 1958712 668439 LeW415tt 2265408 1336878 D = Daylight mm 2 V = Ventilation mm 2 standard CaseMent – toP hUng Height Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm D V 445 595 745 895 1045 1195 LeW104a LeW106a LeW107a LeW109a LeW110a LeW112a 96525 160875 225225 289575 353925 418275 158517 235467 312417 389367 466317 543267 LeW2n04a LeW2n06a LeW2n07a LeW2n09a LeW2n10a LeW2n12a 160650 267750 374850 481950 589050 696150 246582 366282 485982 605682 725382 845082 LeW204a LeW206a LeW207a LeW209a LeW210a LeW212a 224775 374625 524475 674325 824175 974025 334647 497097 659547 821997 984447 1146897 LeW304ae LeW306ae LeW307ae LeW309ae LeW310ae LeW312ae 407232 634032 860832 1087632 1313342 1541232 246582 366282 485982 605682 725382 845082 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk STorMSure caSeMenT 37 STorMSure caSeMenT CottagE Bar Height D Width 625mm mm2 V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm D V mm2 Width 2334mm 778734 LeWC409CMCsdL mm2 mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 895 LeWC109CsdL 268960 389367 LeWC209CsdL 592975 389367 LeWC209CCsdL 537920 778734 LeWC309CCsdL 841320 1045 LeWC110CsdL 330460 466317 LeWC210CsdL 718825 466317 LeWC210CCsdL 660920 932634 LeWC310CCsdL 1025820 932634 1195 LeWC112CsdL 391960 543267 LeWC212CsdL 844675 543267 LeWC212CCsdL 783920 1086534 LeWC312CCsdL 1210320 1086534 LeWC412CMCsdL 1390720 932634 1345 LeWC113CsdL 453460 620217 LeWC213CsdL 970525 620217 LeWC213CCsdL 906920 1240434 LeWC313CCsdL 1394820 1240434 LeWC413CMCsdL 1636720 1086534 D = Daylight mm2 LeWC410CMCsdL 1144720 78734 V = Ventilation mm2 CottagE Bar – dIVIded CaseMent Width 625mm D V 895 LeWC109dsdL 219350 180319.5 LeWC209dsdL 1045 LeWC110dsdL 280850 218794.5 LeWC210dsdL 476075 1195 LeWC112dsdL 342350 257269.5 LeWC212dsdL 580325 1345 LeWC113dsdL 403850 295744.5 LeWC213dsdL 684575 Height D = Daylight mm2 38 mm2 mm2 Width 1195mm D mm2 V Width 1195mm D V LeWC209CdsdL 524300 340347 LeWC210CdsdL 400197 LeWC212CdsdL 460047 LeWC213CdsdL mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 V mm2 Width 2334mm 380674.5 LeWC309CdCsdL 743650 560994 LeWC409CddCsdL 671300 461899.5 LeWC310CdCsdL 952150 680694 LeWC410CddCsdL 1342600 923799 818300 543124.5 LeWC312CdCsdL 1160650 800394 LeWC412CddCsdL 1636600 1086249 965300 624349.5 LeWC313CdCsdL 1369150 920094 LeWC413CddCsdL 1930600 1248699 mm2 mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 D mm2 V mm2 horizontal Bar Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm 745 LeWh107CsdL 217074 312417 LeWh207CsdL 519744 312417 LeWh207CCsdL 895 LeWh109CsdL 281424 389367 LeWh209CsdL 661044 389367 LeWh209CCsdL 562848 778734 1045 LeWh110CsdL 345774 466317 LeWh210CsdL 802344 466317 LeWh210CCsdL 691548 932634 1195 LeWh112CsdL 410124 543267 LeWh212CsdL 943644 543267 LeWh212CCsdL 820248 1086534 LeWh312CCsdL 1353768 1086534 LeWh412CMCsdL 1887288 1086534 1345 LeWh113CsdL 474474 620217 LeWh213CsdL 1084944 620217 LeWh213CCsdL 948948 1240434 LeWh313CCsdL 1559418 1240434 LeWh413CMCsdL 2169888 1240434 Height D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 D V LeWh309CCsdL 942468 778734 LeWh310CCsdL 1148118 932634 Width 1765mm mm2 mm2 LeWh307CCsdL Width 2334mm D mm2 V mm2 LeWh407CMCsdL LeWh409CMCsdL LeWh410CMCsdL 1604688 932634 V = Ventilation mm2 horizontal Bar – naRRoW ModULe Height Width 483mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 1337mm mm2 mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 V mm2 895 LeWhn09CsdL 188272 285384 LeWh2n09CsdL 466512 285384 LeWh2n09CCsdL 376544 570768 LeWh3n09CCsdL 654784 570768 LeWh4n09CMCsdL 1045 LeWhn10CsdL 231322 341784 LeWh2n10CsdL 565962 341784 LeWh2n10CCsdL 462644 683568 LeWh3n10CCsdL 797284 683568 LeWh4n10CMCsdL 1131924 683568 1195 LeWhn12CsdL 274372 398184 LeWh2n12CsdL 665412 398184 LeWh2n12CCsdL 548744 796368 LeWh3n12CCsdL 939784 796368 LeWh4n12CMCsdL 1330824 796368 1345 LeWhn13CsdL 317422 454584 LeWh2n13CsdL 764862 454584 LeWh2n13CCsdL 634844 909168 LeWh3n13CCsdL 1082284 909168 LeWh4n13CMCsdL 1529724 909168 D = Daylight mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 horizontal Bar – dIVIded CaseMent and naRRoW ModULe Height 895 1045 1195 1345 Height 895 1045 1195 1345 Width 483mm D V Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V LeWhn09d LeWhn10d LeWhn12d 153545 196595 239645 132164 160364 188564 LeWh109d LeWh110d LeWh112d LeWh113d 229515 293865 358215 422565 180319.5 218794.5 257269.5 295744.5 LeWh2n10d LeWh2n12d LeWh2n13d 489090 596190 703290 340347 400197 460047 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm D V mm2 Width 2334mm LeWfgh209Cd LeWfgh210Cd LeWfgh212Cd LeWfgh213Cd 510939 639639 768339 897039 569686.5 685111.5 800536.5 915961.5 LeWfgh309CdC LeWfgh310CdC LeWfgh312CdC LeWfgh313CdC 792363 985413 1178463 1371513 959053.5 1151428.5 1343803.5 1536178.5 LeWfgh409CddC LeWfgh410CddC LeWfgh412CddC LeWfgh413CddC D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 D V 1279278 1536678 1794078 1370223 1601073 1831923 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk STorMSure caSeMenT 39 STorMSure caSeMenT all Bar Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm 895 1045 LeWB109C LeWB110C 261170 322670 389367 466317 LeWB209C LeWB210C 522340 645340 389367 466317 1195 1345 LeWB112C LeWB113C 376380 437880 543267 620217 LeWB212C LeWB213C 752760 875760 Height D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 D Width 1765mm D V LeWB209CC LeWB210CC LeWB309CC LeWB310CC 783510 968010 778734 932634 543267 620217 LeWB212CC LeWB213CC LeWB312CC LeWB313CC 1129140 1313640 1086534 124043 Width 2334mm D V mm2 V mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 all Bar – WIth CaseMent Vents Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V mm2 Width 1765mm 745 LeWB107V 157850 125172 LeWB207CV 365310 437589 LeWB307CVC 895 1045 LeWB109V LeWB110V 211560 273060 125172 125172 LeWB209CV LeWB210CV 472730 595730 514539 591489 LeWB309CVC LeWB310CVC 733900 918400 903906 1057806 LeWB409CVVC LeWB410CVVC 1191460 1182978 1195 1345 LeWB112V LeWB113V 326770 388270 125172 125172 LeWB212CV LeWB213CV 703150 826150 668439 745389 LeWB312CVC LeWB313CVC 1079530 1264030 1211706 1365606 LeWB412CVVC LeWB413CVVC 1406300 1652300 1336878 1490778 Height D = Daylight mm2 40 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 D mm2 V mm2 mm2 mm2 LeWB407CVVC all Bar – tRansoM Height D Width 625mm mm2 V mm2 Width 1195mm D mm2 V Width 1765mm mm2 D V mm2 Width 2334mm mm2 895 1045 LeWB109t LeWB110t 273060 LeWB209tX LeWB210tX 1195 1345 LeWB112t LeWB113t 326770 388270 LeWB212tX LeWB213tX 776540 591489 LeWB312tXt LeWB313tXt 1164810 1182978 LeWB412tXXt LeWB413tXXt 1495 LeWB115t LeWB215tX 883960 668439 LeWB315tXt 1325940 1336878 LeWB415tXXt D = Daylight mm 2 LeWB309tXt LeWB310tXt D V 638780 1336878 mm2 mm2 LeWB409tXXt LeWB410tXXt V = Ventilation mm 2 all Bar – WIth CaseMent Vents and naRRoW ModULe Width 483mm D V mm2 Width 910mm 895 1045 LeWBn09V LeWBn10V 148092 191142 91744 91744 LeWB2n09CV LeWB2n10CV 1195 LeWBn12V 228739 91744 LeWB2n12CV Height D = Daylight mm 2 mm2 D V D V 433528 LeWB2n09W LeWB2n10W 450216 114240 489928 LeWB2n12W 538772 114240 mm2 Width 910mm 373961 454608 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm www.jeld-wen.co.uk 2 STorMSure caSeMenT 41 STorMSure caSeMenT all Bar – WIth CaseMent and naRRoW ModULe Width 483mm D V 895 1045 LeWBn09C LeWBn10C 182819 225869 389367 466317 1195 1345 LeWBn12C LeWBn13C 263466 543267 Height mm2 mm2 rEgEnCy – non BaR Height 745 mm2 LeWsRn07 134603 V mm2 Width 625mm D V mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm 103964 LeWsR107 201201 141844.5 LeWsR2n07 329612.5 220647 LeWsR207 mm2 mm2 D mm2 V mm2 895 LeWsRn09 177653 132164 LeWsR109 265551 180319.5 LeWsR2n09 435287.5 280497 LeWsR209 618381 380674.5 1045 LeWsRn10 220703 160364 LeWsR110 329901 218794.5 LeWsR2n10 540962.5 340347 LeWsR210 768231 461899.5 1195 LeWsRn12 263753 188564 LeWsR112 394251 257269.5 LeWsR2n12 646637.5 400197 LeWsR212 918081 543124.5 1345 LeWsRn13 306803 216764 LeWsR113 458601 295744.5 LeWsR2n13 752312.5 460047 LeWsR213 1067931 624349.5 244964 1495 LeWsRn15 371378 1645 LeWsRn16 Height Width 1195mm D mm2 LeWsR115 555126 334219.5 LeWsR2n15 857987.5 519897 LeWsR215 1292706 705574.5 LeWsR116 311668.5 372694.5 LeWsR2n16 963662.5 579747 LeWsR216 725773.5 786799.5 V mm2 Width 1765mm D mm2 V mm2 745 LeWsR207d 895 LeWsR209d 1045 LeWsR210d 659802 437589 LeWsR4n10 1098132 680694 1195 LeWsR212d 788502 514539 LeWsR4n12 1312332 800394 LeWsR4n07 LeWsR4n09 1345 LeWsR213d 917202 745381 LeWsR4n13 1526532 920094 1495 LeWsR215d 1110252 668439 LeWsR4n15 1847832 1039794 1645 LeWsR216d 623337 LeWsR4n16 D = Daylight mm2 42 D Width 483mm 668439 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 rEgEnCy – VeRtICaL BaR Width 625mm D V 745 LeWfgsRV107 192290 Height mm2 D V mm2 Width 1195mm 141844.5 LeWfgsRV2n07 354434.5 220647 LeWfgsRV207 mm2 Width 910mm mm2 D V mm2 mm2 895 LeWfgsRV109 253790 180319.5 LeWfgsRV2n09 466409.5 280497 LeWfgsRV209 606620 380674.5 1045 LeWfgsRV110 315290 218794.5 LeWfgsRV2n10 578384.5 340347 LeWfgsRV210 753620 461899.5 1195 LeWfgsRV112 376790 257269.5 LeWfgsRV2n12 690359.5 400197 LeWfgsRV212 900620 543124.5 1345 LeWfgsRV113 438290 295744.5 LeWfgsRV2n13 802334.5 460047 LeWfgsRV213 1047620 624349.5 1495 LeWfgsRV115 499790 334219.5 LeWfgsRV2n15 914309.5 519897 LeWfgsRV215 1194620 705574.5 1645 LeWfgsRV116 561290 372694.5 LeWfgsRV2n16 1026284.5 579747 LeWfgsRV216 1341620 786799.5 Width 1765mm D V D V Height mm2 745 LeWfgsRV4n07 mm2 Width 2334mm mm2 mm2 LeWfgsRV407 895 LeWfgsRV4n09 1045 LeWfgsRV4n10 1068910 680694 LeWfgsRV410 1507240 923799 1195 LeWfgsRV4n12 1277410 800394 LeWfgsRV412 1801240 1086249 1345 LeWfgsRV4n13 1485910 920094 LeWfgsRV413 2095240 1248699 1495 LeWfgsRV4n15 1694410 1039794 LeWfgsRV415 1645 LeWfgsRV4n16 1902910 1159494 LeWfgsRV416 D = Daylight mm2 LeWfgsRV409 V = Ventilation mm2 rEgEnCy – aLL BaR Height 745 Width 483mm D V mm2 Width 625mm D V LeWsRBn07 134603 103964 LeWsRB107 192290 141844.5 LeWsRB2n07 mm2 mm2 mm2 Width 910mm D V mm2 Width 1195mm D V 317044 220647 LeWsRB207 441798 299449.5 LeWsRB207d mm2 mm2 mm2 Width 1195mm D mm2 V mm2 895 LeWsRBn09 172200 103964 LeWsRB109 246000 141844.5 LeWsRB2n09 405600 220647 LeWsRB209 565200 299449.5 LeWsRB209d LeWsRBn10 215250 103964 LeWsRB110 307500 141844.5 LeWsRB2n10 507000 220647 LeWsRB210 706500 299449.5 LeWsRB210d 615000 283689 514539 1195 LeWsRBn12 138477.5 188564 LeWsRB112 361210 257269.5 LeWsRB2n12 595556 326170 LeWsRB212 829902 543124.5 LeWsRB212d 722420 LeWsRBn13 181527.5 188564 LeWsRB113 422710 257269.5 LeWsRB2n13 696956 326170 LeWsRB213 971202 543124.5 LeWsRB213d 1495 LeWsRBn15 219124.5 188564 1645 LeWsRBn16 D = Daylight mm2 D mm2 V mm2 LeWsRB4n07 1045 1345 Width 1765mm LeWsRB4n09 LeWsRB4n10 1014000 441294 LeWsRB4n12 1191112 652340 LeWsRB4n13 1393912 652340 LeWsRB115 476420 257269.5 LeWsRB2n15 785512 326170 WsRB215 1094604 543124.5 LeWsRB215d LeWsRB4n15 1571024 652340 LeWsRB116 537920 257269.5 LeWsRB2n16 886912 326170 LeWsRB216 1235904 543124.5 LeWsRB216d LeWsRB4n16 1773824 652340 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk STorMSure caSeMenT 43 010 rrantee Guarantee OAK UFACTURING 01 high performance caSement dReaMVU™ CAD 26 external frame thickness 31mm Internal head height 56mm DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE Mullion section 142mm ON OUR WEBSiTE Internal sash height 43mm transom section 56mm glass thickness 28/36mm Rail thickness 68mm Internal frame height 56mm 68mm sash stile thickness 92mm sill projection (std) our dreamvu™ high performance flush casement windows offer the best thermal retention in the JeLd -Wen range with U values down to 0.7 W/m2k. they are available in softwood timber with a choice of simulated bar designs to suit all styles of property. • WarmEdgeblackspacerbarasstandard,white and silver optional • FullyfinishedinHi-Buildwhiteasstandardor other Hi-Build colours available. See page 17 for finishing options • Directglazedandfixedsashoptions • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage26 • Polishedgoldespagnolettehandle,projecting hinge and no vent as standard. Other options available see page 102 for more hardware information, • FactoryglazedwindowsarefullyCEMarked • U values available 0.7-1.6 W/m2K • Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable. Our window trade catalogue and CAD drawings shows the full range of standard sizes available. 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 40 1040 10 210 10 30130 10 10 1010 10 10 10 30 2 10 10 YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee MADE TO rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee UNGAL ARK PAINT Window viewed from external SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT ROT &HARDWARE FUNGAL ROT &OAK FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT GLASS GLASS MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD MANUFACTURING 306305 44 1 1 GLASS HI-BUILD PAINT CAN • FEN DR• FEN FD DR MEASURE CAN FD 30 4040 11010 40 2 2 10 10 Year Guarantee MADE TO • FEN DR FD CAN MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 2 2 information Year Guarantee For 5 more contact us on 0845 122 2890 MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGALDARK HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE AK STAIN INTEGRAL OAK FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAKBLINDS FINISH ARK STAIN ROT &DARK MEASURE Glazing Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 56mm, DreamVu™ windows will accept up to 36mm (4-12-4-12-4) triple glazed units. The glazing system is fully drained and vented. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. Ventilation The high performance DreamVu™ casement window is supplied without any trickle ventilation installed as standard specification. This is due to the nature of the developments it is more commonly specified in, such as buildings incorporating heat recovery systems. However, if ventilation is required then it can be provided with the addition of a head piece to allow for the vent slots. This will provide an Equivalent Area of 5842mm² on windows 915mm and wider, 2921mm² on windows below that size, down to 488mm² wide. Sill Detail A narrow 92mm flush sill is available as well as extended sills to widths of 208mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct sill width is specified to suit the brickwork detail and Approved Document ‘L’ 2010 amendments. W/m2 K Low level handles available for mobility requirements dB reductions up to: 34dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk U available down to: 0.7 W/m2K Fire egress available to assist with compliance of Approved Document B Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F hiGh perforMance caSeMenT dreaMVu™ 45 hiGh perforMance caSeMenT dreaMVu™ Section detaILs SECTION SECTION H-H H-H G I 18 99 43 18 43 99 14 14 68 6 99 68 25 56 31 56 G 99 N K 6 N Y 25 AB 43 Y AB 56 Y H 43 Y K H H 56 H 36/28mm 36/28mm SECTION SECTION I-I I-I I DETAIL DETAIL K K 43 18 43 56 56 6 14 92 92 31 14 99 99 31 7° 7° DETAIL DETAIL N N 56 56 6 18 SECTION SECTION Y-Y Y-Y 6 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0002 - DreamVu Window\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\DVW_A_001 - All Timber Multi-Light Casement THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. I J SECTION SECTION G-G G-G 46 I DETAIL DETAIL J J 92 92 DETAIL DETAIL AB AB 6 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0002 - DreamVu Window\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\DVW_A_001 - All Timber Multi-Light Casement THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. J G 31 G 129.3 129.3 NoA.: aLUMInIUM sILL (oPtIonaL) NoA.: NoA No.: NoA No.: Category: Category: Supplier: Supplier: Customer:Customer: Created: Created: Order No.:Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Item name: Doc. No.: Doc. No.: Approved:Approved: Pos. No.: Pos. No.: General tolerance: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: Rev. No.: 15/10/2012 15/10/2012 by NBby NB 06/12/2012 06/12/2012 by NBby NB DreamVu DreamVu Window Window All Timber All Timber Multi-Light Multi-Light Casement Casement Elevation Elevation & Sectional & Sectional Drawings Drawings For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Multi-Light Multi-Light Casement Casement 03/04 03/04 DVW_A_001 DVW_A_001 B B W V 56 Q 14 P P 92 O C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0002 - DreamVu Window\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\DVW_A_001 - All Timber Multi-Light Casement THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. SECTION P-P DETAIL V 31 Z SECTION O-O Z O 99 SECTION Q-Q Q AA 142 SECTION Z-Z 56 43 56 14 14 DETAIL W DETAIL AA 68 68 6 68 24.9 NoA.: NoA No.: acouStic PeRfoRManCe Category: Supplier: Customer: Created: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Approved: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: 15/10/2012 by NB 06/12/2012 by NB Multi-Light Casement DVW_A_001 External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail DreamVu Window or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a All Timber Multi-Light Casement Elevation band & Sectional Drawings These tables detail these bands, which will enable significant reduction required for this specific of frequency. you to see the exact performance of the product. DreamVu™ Standard glass 4-20-4 No vents 1/3 Octave 100 22.8 125 20.3 160 18.2 200 14.9 250 22.3 315 25.5 400 27.8 500 29.4 630 34.4 800 33.1 1000 36.9 1250 39.0 1600 41.2 2000 41.2 2500 37.7 3150 33.9 4000 39.5 5000 43.2 1/1 Octave 20.4 20.9 30.5 36.3 40.0 38.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 33 (-2;-6) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk B DreamVu™ Acoustic glass 6-16-6.4 Acoustic Glass, no vents Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 04/04 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 23.6 125 25.6 160 17.7 200 20.7 250 23.6 315 24.7 400 31.7 500 32.4 630 33.7 800 35.6 1000 36.7 1250 36.4 1600 36.1 2000 35.5 2500 36.4 3150 40.2 4000 44.4 5000 46.8 1/1 Octave 22.3 23.0 32.6 36.2 36.0 43.8 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 34 (-1;-4) dB hiGh perforMance caSeMenT dreaMVu™ 47 hiGh perforMance caSeMenT dreaMVu™ RaPId ventilation and daylight aRea fIgURes Purge ventilation is manually controlled ventilation of rooms or spaces at a relatively high rate to rapidly dilute pollutants and/or water vapour. Purge ventilation may be provided by natural means, eg. by a window that opens, or by mechanical means eg. a fan. For a window that opens 30º or more or for vertical sliding sash windows, the height x width of the opening part should be at least 1/20th of the floor area of the room. The same above applies to windows opening between 15º - 30º, however the width x height should be at least 1/10th of the floor area. If the window opens less than 15º, then the window is not suitable for purge ventilation and other arrangements should be made. All of our windows when specified as opening will open past 30º, unless a restrictor is specified. toP hUng Height 738 888 1038 1188 Width 588mm D V mm2 Width 888mm D V mm2 Width 1188mm D V Led0607a Led0609a Led0610a Led0612a 210600 269100 327600 386100 297976 369376 440776 512176 Led0907a Led0909a Led0910a Led0912a 372600 476100 579600 683100 485776 602176 718576 834976 Led1207a Led1209a Led1210a Led1212a 534600 683100 831600 980100 673576 834976 996376 1157776 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 side hung sidE hUng Height 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Width 588mm 48 V mm2 Width 888mm 210600 269100 327600 386100 444600 503100 297976 369376 440776 512176 583576 654976 Led2n07C Led2n09C Led2n10C Led2n12C Led2n13C Led2n15C mm2 Led0607C Led0609C Led0610C Led0612C Led0613C Led0615C D = Daylight mm2 D D V mm2 Width 888mm 319140 407790 496440 585090 673740 762390 225360 279360 333360 387360 441360 495360 Led0907CC Led0909CC Led0910CC Led0912CC Led0913CC Led0915CC mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 D V mm2 Width 1188mm 295920 378120 460320 542520 624720 706920 450720 558720 666720 774720 882720 990720 Led207C Led209C Led210C Led212C Led213C Led215C mm2 D V mm2 Width 1188mm 481140 614790 748440 882090 1015740 1149390 319260 395760 472260 548760 625260 701760 Led207CC Led209CC Led210CC Led212CC Led213CC Led215CC mm2 D V 457920 585120 712320 839520 966720 1093920 638520 791520 944520 1097520 1250520 1403520 mm2 mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk hiGh perforMance caSeMenT dreaMVu™ 49 Sliding sash CAD Jamb thickness 65mm external head height 54mm DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE Window viewed from external frame depth 168mm Internal head height 54mm top rail sight line 89mm glass thickness 24mm Meeting rail height 44mm hurn length 75mm Internal jam thickness (std*) 36mm Bottom rail sight line 79mm Internal sill height 68mm *on sBd spec or oversized frames, internal staff bead fitted. 168mm sill projection (std) our softwood timber sliding sash windows combine an authentic period feel with modern engineering to match local architectural style and planning requirements. this fully weather stripped range features stepped sashes for improved performance with horns to the top sash. • DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbaras standard, white and silver optional • Venetianstyleslidingsashwindowsthatare3 lights (1665mm and 1890mm wide) are supplied as standard with fixed outer sashes. Sliding sashes are available as special order • Whitefitchcatchandliftasstandard,other options available see page 102 for more hardware information • Largewindowsmaybesuppliedwithloosesashes to reduce the risk of damage and to assist in manual handling and fixing • Designoptions–NonBar,VictorianBar,AllBar, Marginal Bar, Vertical Bar and designer options available • Tiltfacilityforeasycleaningandmaintenanceas standard on most standard sizes. Secured by Design and oversize windows have this facility disabled • Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable. Our window trade catalogue and CAD drawings shows the full range of standard sizes available. • FactoryglazedwindowsarefullyCEMarked • U values available 1.5-1.4 W/m2K, BFRC energy rated B-C • PrimedorfullyfinishedinHi-Buildwhiteas 30 10 10 10Year 10Year10 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee r Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Hi-Build YearGuarantee Guarantee standard or other colours available. SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT CAN FEN DR FD GLASS UFACTURING SOLID OAK HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN FEN DR FD See page 17 for finishing options • 1 • • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage26 10 • SecuredbyDesignandoversizeframeshavebatons fitted internally Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 10 40 10 30 40 30130 10 210 30 10 10 10 10 10102 6 1012 30 10 10 1040 YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee SOLID OAK • FEN MANUFACTURING GLASS HI-BUILD PAINT DARK PAINT ROT &MANUFACTURING FUNGAL ROT &OAK FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT &PAINT FUNGAL ARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL STAIN SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS GLASS CAN • FEN DR FD DR HI-BUILD MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN FD HARDWARE 6 502 110 1 516 30 40 2 2 10 102 40 630 2405 us 5 30 22 information For more contact on 0845 122 2890 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee ar Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL ROT &DARK FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE STAIN BLINDS INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH GOLDEN OAK STAINDARK INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH STAIN DARK STAIN ROTOAK INTEGRAL OAK FINISH ARK STAINGOLDEN OAK 10 5 YearGuarantee Guarantee MADE TO Year CAN FEN DR FD ADVANCE-LINE MEASURE • 25 MADE TO Year Guarantee CLAD MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 42mm, our Sliding Sash windows will accept 24mm (4:16:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard flush 168mm sill is available as well as extended sills to widths of 225mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct sill width is specified to suit the brickwork detail and Approved Document ‘L’ 2010 amendments. Ventilation Face fixed Titon Trimvent® select ventilators are fitted as standard to all Vertical Sliding windows to asssist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide and Equivalent Area of 5214mm² fitted on windows 860mm and wider and 2607mm² on windows below that size. Windows below 488mm wide are not fitted with ventilators. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K dB reductions up to: 31dB U available down to: 1.4 W/m2K www.jeld-wen.co.uk Fire egress available to assist with compliance of Approved Document B Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F SlidinG SaSh 51 Sliding Sash Section Details 54 54 52 DETAIL J 18 89 52 89 54 DETAIL J DETAIL K 24 55 DETAIL K 24 18 55 56 DETAIL K 55 15/05/2013 by NP Order No.: Vertical Sliding Sash Single Sliding Order No.: Created: & Sectional Drawings 18/10/2012 by Elevation NB Category: Approved: 15/05/2013 N by NPSECTION M-M N SECTION O-O 52 Pos. No.: General tolerance: 15124 68 68 Item name: Doc. No.: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: Single Sliding Sash B 36 Doc. No.: 03/04 Drawing No.: NoA No.: Rev. No.: VS_A_001 Supplier: Customer: Purpose/Classification: Item name: General tolerance: Drawing No.: 03/04 VS_A_001 Single Sliding Sash 168 General tolerance: NoA No.: Customer: Item name: Purpose/Classification: B Doc. No.: Single Sliding Sash 03/04 Rev. No.: VS_A_001 B Vertical Sliding Sash Single Sliding Elevation & Sectional Drawings DETAIL S O S 36 SECTION N-N 103.5 66.5 18 37 35 SECTION M-M 168 M N T DETAIL S 114.5 SECTION O-O O 65 103.5 91.1 18 103.5 DETAIL T 66.5 18 37 T 65 65 103.5 18.5 O Supplier: Sliding Sash SECTION N-N Vertical 18/10/2012 by NB Single Sliding Approved: Pos. No.: Elevation 15/05/2013 by NP & Sectional Drawings Created: 168 Purpose/Classification: 10 Pos. No.: 18/10/2012 by NB 15 Order No.: Approved: 118 168 NoA.: M Created: Customer: 91.1 S Category: Supplier: 44.7 NoA.: 124 NoA No.: Category: DETAIL L 10 168 15 118 NoA.: 44.7 79 DETAIL L 56 18 118 44.7 DETAIL L SECTION I-I 68 10 79 56 124 18 24 44 K DETAIL J 52 18 71 76 60 76 60 SECTION I-I SECTION I-I 25 18 44 K I G 168 130.5 76 60 44 K L 54 34 71 I L I G 25 1879 SECTION G-G H 18 I 71 L J 54 34 SECTION G-G H 168 130.5 18 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0008 - Vertical Sliding Sash\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\VS_A_001 - Single Sliding Sash THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. G 12.5 SECTION H-H 35 M I SECTION G-G HJ NoA.: Category: NoA No.: 114.5 M GH \United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0008 - Vertical Sliding Sash\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\VS_A_001 - Single Sliding Sash ATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0008 - Vertical Sliding Sash\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\VS_A_001 - Single Sliding Sash THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. G H 25 89 12.5 J 54 34 G SECTION H-H 168 130.5 12.5 SECTION H-H 18 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 18/10/2012 by NB Created: Approved: 15/05/2013 by NP Vertical Sliding Sash Supplier: Customer: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: Single Sliding Sash VS_A_001 04/04 B acouStic PeRfoRManCe External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. Sliding Sash 2x Titon Select S 16 4000 trickle vents both closed Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 20.7 125 16.9 160 18.1 200 18.0 250 21.9 315 23.0 400 21.8 500 20.0 630 15.5 800 16.5 1000 20.3 1250 20.2 1600 20.8 2000 24.4 2500 27.3 3150 27.9 4000 28.8 5000 29.8 1/1 Octave 18.3 20.4 18.3 18.6 23.3 28.8 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 21 (0;-2) dB Sliding Sash 4-16-4 glass vents removed and blocked off Sliding Sash 2x Titon Select S 16 4000 trickle vents both open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 19.4 125 16.0 160 17.2 200 17.6 250 21.1 315 22.4 400 21.7 500 20.6 630 16.7 800 12.6 1000 13.6 1250 17.3 1600 16.4 2000 19.2 2500 22.9 3150 24.0 4000 26.6 5000 25.9 Sound Reduction index, dB 1/1 Octave 17.3 19.8 19.1 14.1 18.7 25.3 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 18 (-1;-2) dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 15.7 63+ 19.5 80+ 22.8 100 15.8 125 20.8 160 16.9 200 14.2 250 21.4 315 30.2 400 26.4 500 29.2 630 29.9 800 30.3 1000 31.3 1250 31.3 1600 31.8 2000 33.4 2500 33.9 3150 33.3 4000 35.0 5000 36.5 6300+ 39.8 8000+ 41.4 1000+ 44.2 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 18.4 17.4 18.1 28.2 30.9 32.9 34.7 41.4 26.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 30 (-1; -4) dB secured by design www.jeld-wen.co.uk all Bar SlidinG SaSh 53 acouSTic perforMance - SlidinG SaSh Sliding Sash 4-16-6.8PVB glass 2 x Titon R16-4000 vents - closed Sliding Sash 4-16-6.8PVB glass vents removed and blocked off Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 16.2 63+ 20.2 80+ 21.4 100 17.0 125 20.4 160 17.0 200 18.7 250 23.4 315 26.5 400 24.7 500 23.0 630 18.4 800 14.4 1000 18.8 1250 21.4 1600 18.7 2000 21.3 2500 25.1 3150 24.9 4000 24.2 5000 26.3 6300+ 30.9 8000+ 35.5 1000+ 40.9 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 18.6 17.9 21.7 21.2 17.2 21.0 25.0 34.1 20.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 21 (-1; -2) dB 54 Sliding Sash 4-16-6.8PVB glass 2 X Titon R16-4000 vents - open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 19.2 63+ 21.1 80+ 23.3 100 18.6 125 22.8 160 19.0 200 19.4 250 25.5 315 32.6 400 29.9 500 31.1 630 30.4 800 30.2 1000 30.6 1250 30.9 1600 31.8 2000 32.7 2500 33.3 3150 34.3 4000 36.4 5000 36.3 6300+ 38.8 8000+ 41.1 1000+ 44.6 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 20.9 19.8 23.1 30.5 30.5 32.6 35.6 40.9 28.3 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 31 (0; -3) dB For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 14.6 63+ 19.6 80+ 20.5 100 16.4 125 20.7 160 16.5 200 18.1 250 23.4 315 25.4 400 24.9 500 630 23.4 20.0 800 14.5 1000 1250 15.2 20.0 1600 17.8 2000 2500 19.8 23.0 3150 21.1 4000 21.8 5000 23.3 6300+ 27.7 8000+ 31.7 1000+ 37.2 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 17.4 17.5 21.2 22.3 16.0 19.7 22.3 30.7 20.1 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 19 (0; -1) dB RaPId ventilation and daylight aRea fIgURes Purge ventilation is manually controlled ventilation of rooms or spaces at a relatively high rate to rapidly dilute pollutants and/or water vapour. Purge ventilation may be provided by natural means, eg. by a window that opens, or by mechanical means eg. a fan. For a window that opens 30º or more or for vertical sliding sash windows, the height x width of the opening part should be at least 1/20th of the floor area of the room. The same above applies to windows opening between 15º - 30º, however the width x height should be at least 1/10th of the floor area. If the window opens less than 15º, then the window is not suitable for purge ventilation and other arrangements should be made. All of our windows when specified as opening will open past 30º, unless a restrictor is specified. non Bar Height Width 405mm 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 1795 2095 LetVs0410 LetVs0412 LetVs0413 LetVs0415 LetVs0416 LetVs0418 LetVs0421 Height Width 1665mm 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 LetVs1610 LetVs1612 LetVs1613 LetVs1615 LetVs1616 D = Daylight mm2 D V 156024 109450 215424 150700 274824 191950 mm2 D mm2 V Width 630mm LetVs0610 LetVs0612 LetVs0613 LetVs0615 LetVs0616 LetVs0618 LetVs0621 D V 333324 199000 460224 274000 587124 349000 mm2 V mm2 mm2 SL open mm2 SL fixed Width 1710mm 822672 507450 288550 LetVs1710 LetVs1712 LetVs1713 LetVs1715 LetVs1716 1135872 698700 397300 1449072 889950 506050 mm2 D mm2 Width 855mm LetVs0810 LetVs0812 LetVs0813 LetVs0815 LetVs0816 LetVs0818 LetVs0821 V mm2 1021248 577100 D V 510624 288550 705024 397300 899424 506050 mm2 Width 1890mm LetVs1810 LetVs1812 1410048 794600 LetVs1813 LetVs1815 1798848 1012100 LetVs1816 mm2 Width 1080mm LetVs1010 LetVs1012 LetVs1013 LetVs1015 LetVs1016 LetVs1018 LetVs1021 D V 687924 378100 949824 520600 mm2 1211724 663100 V V mm2 mm2 SL open 999972 597000 378100 1380672 822000 520600 1761372 1047000 663100 D mm2 mm2 SL fixed V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk SlidinG SaSh 55 SlidinG SaSh all Bar (sIMULated dIVIded LItes) Width 405mm D V mm2 Width 630mm D V mm2 Width 855mm D V mm2 Width 1080mm D V 1045 LesVs0410B 152262 68200 LesVs0610B 310676 124000 LesVs0810B 469090 179800 LesVs1010B 627504 316200 1345 LesVs0413B 207900 150700 LesVs0613B 424200 274000 LesVs0813B 640500 397300 LesVs1013B 856800 520600 1645 LesVs0416B 263538 150700 LesVs0616B 537724 274000 LesVs0816B 811910 397300 LesVs1016B 1086096 520600 Height D = Daylight mm2 mm2 V D mm2 mm2 SL open 1045 LesVs1610B 773614 1345 LesVs1613B 848400 1645 LesVs1616B D = Daylight mm2 mm2 V V V mm2 mm2 SL open LesVs1810B 932028 372000 235600 1281000 794600 LesVs1813B 1272600 822000 520600 1623820 794600 LesVs1816B 1613172 822000 520600 mm2 SL fixed Width 1710mm D V mm2 Width 1890mm D 316200 179800 LesVs1710B 938180 359600 698700 397300 LesVs1713B 1613172 698700 397300 LesVs1716B mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 sEMi-CirCUlar Width 630mm D mm2 Width 855mm D mm2 Width 1080mm D LeVsseM6 91751 LeVsseM8 199709 LeVsseM10 345710 mm2 sEMi-CirCUlar - tRadItIonaL tRUe dIVIded LItes 56 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 Width 1665mm Height mm2 Width 630mm D mm2 Width 855mm D mm2 Width 1080mm D LeVsseM6B 69414 LeVsseM8B 166795 LeVsseM10B 302437 mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 mm2 SL fixed mm2 Marginal Bar (sIMULated dIVIded LItes) Height 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 1795 2095 Width 855mm 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 1795 2095 mm2 LesVs0810MB 480680 LesVs0812MB LesVs0813MB 663680 LesVs0815MB LesVs0816MB 846680 LesVs0818MB LesVs0821MB D = Daylight mm2 Height D Width 1710mm Width 1080mm 288550 LesVs1010MB 657980 LesVs1012MB LesVs1013MB 908480 LesVs1015MB LesVs1016MB 1158980 LesVs1018MB LesVs1021MB mm2 397300 506050 D mm2 V Width 1665mm 378100 LesVs1610MB 792728 LesVs1612MB LesVs1613MB 1094528 LesVs1615MB LesVs1616MB 1396328 LesVs1618MB LesVs1621MB mm2 520600 663100 D mm2 V V 507450 288550 698700 397300 889950 506050 mm2 SL open mm2 SL fixed V = Ventilation mm2 D mm2 LesVs1710MB 961360 LesVs1712MB LesVs1713MB 1327360 LesVs1715MB LesVs1716MB 1693360 LesVs1718MB LesVs1721MB D = Daylight mm2 V V Width 1890mm 577100 LesVs1810MB 970028 LesVs1812MB LesVs1813MB 1339328 LesVs1815MB LesVs1816MB 1708628 LesVs1818MB LesVs1821MB mm2 794600 1012100 D mm2 V V 597000 378100 822000 520600 1047000 663100 mm2 SL open mm2 SL fixed V = Ventilation mm2 vErtiCal Bar (sIMULated dIVIded LItes) Height 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 1795 2095 Height 1045 1195 1345 1495 1645 1795 2095 Width 630mm D V Width 855mm D V Width 1080mm D V LesVs0610VB LesVs0612VB LesVs0613VB LesVs0615VB LesVs0616VB LesVs0618VB LesVs0621VB 318352 199000 495652 288550 378100 274000 684352 397300 929152 520600 560752 349000 873052 506050 LesVs1010VB LesVs1012VB LesVs1013VB LesVs1015VB LesVs1016VB LesVs1018VB LesVs1021VB 672952 439552 LesVs0810VB LesVs0812VB LesVs0813VB LesVs0815VB LesVs0816VB LesVs0818VB LesVs0821VB Width 1665mm D mm2 mm2 SL open LesVs1610VB LesVs1612VB LesVs1613VB LesVs1615VB LesVs1616VB LesVs1618VB LesVs1621VB 807700 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 V V mm2 mm2 mm2 SL fixed Width 1710mm D V 507450 288550 495652 577100 1115200 698700 397300 1422700 889950 506050 LesVs1710VB LesVs1712VB LesVs1713VB LesVs1715VB LesVs1716VB LesVs1718VB LesVs1721VB mm2 684352 873052 mm2 mm2 mm2 1185352 663100 Width 1890mm LesVs1810VB LesVs1812VB 794600 LesVs1813VB LesVs1815VB 1012100 LesVs1816VB LesVs1818VB LesVs1821VB V V mm2 mm2 SL open 985000 597000 378100 1360000 822000 520600 1735000 1047000 663100 D mm2 SL fixed V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk SlidinG SaSh 57 010 rrantee Guarantee OAK UFACTURING 01 tilt and turn CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE 26 Window viewed from external Internal head height 45mm external head height 70mm top rail sight line 109mm 157mm Mullion section Internal mullion thickness 29mm 58mm Internal sash thicknes glass thickness 28mm external sill height 70mm Internal sash thickness 58mm aluminium bottom bead 45mm Internal frame height 67mm sill projection (std) the JeLd -Wen softwood timber, single handle tilt and turn window range meets some of the highest performance ratings in the industry and is suitable for medium and high rise buildings. • BasecoatstainedorfullyfinishedinHi-Buildstain as standard. Paint options available – see page 17 for finishing details • U values available 1.6-0.9 W/m2K • DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbar as standard • Availablewithsimulatedbardesigns • Brushedchromeespagnolettehandlesasstandard, polished gold and white are optional. See page 102 for more hardware information • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage26 • FactoryglazedwindowsarefullyCEMarked • Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable. Our window trade catalogue and CAD drawings shows the full range of standard sizes available. 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 10 40 1040 10 210 10 30130 10 10 1010 6 10 10 10 30 2 10 YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee UNGAL ARK PAINT Jamb thickness 70mm SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT ROT &HARDWARE FUNGAL ROT &OAK FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT GLASS GLASS MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD MANUFACTURING 306305 58 1 1 GLASS HI-BUILD PAINT STAIN CAN • FEN DR• FEN FD DRHI-BUILD CAN FD 30 4040 11010 40 2 2 10 10 5 YearGuarantee Guarantee MADE TO Year CAN FEN DR FD ADVANCE-LINE MEASURE • 25 MADE TO Year Guarantee CLAD MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 2 2 information Year Guarantee For 5 more contact us on 0845 122 2890 MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGALDARK HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE AK STAIN INTEGRAL OAK FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAKBLINDS FINISH ARK STAIN ROT &DARK MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 51mm, Tilt & Turn windows will accept up to 36mm (4-12-4-12-4) triple glazed units. The glazing system is fully drained and vented. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A narrow 67mm flush sill is available as well as extended sills to widths of 168mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct sill width is specified to suit the brickwork detail and Approved Document ‘L’ 2010 amendments. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Tilt and Turn windows to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 8970mm² on windows 915mm and wider, 4485mm² on windows below that size, down to 488mm² wide. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K dB reductions up to: 33dB U available down to: 0.9 W/m2K www.jeld-wen.co.uk Fire egress available to assist with compliance of Approved Document B Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F TilT and Turn 59 Tilt And Turn Section Details 67mm K DETAIL H H F E A - Standard T&T 67mm 45 SECTION E-E 70 J 39 58 6 E DETAIL G G 58 6 58 29 6 58 6 67 68mm 39 45 28 DETAIL K 70 60 39 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 79 157 45 70 6 DETAIL J 58 SECTION F-F 109 F acouStic PeRfoRManCe External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. Tilt & Turn Standard glass 4-20-4 No vents Tilt & Turn Acoustic glass 6-16-6.4 Acoustic Glass, No vents Tilt & Turn Acoustic seal & glass 6-16-6.4 Acoustic Glass, No vents, perimeter gasket Sound Reduction index, dB Sound Reduction index, dB Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 23.3 125 20.2 160 200 16.7 18.0 250 26.0 315 25.8 400 29.2 500 29.3 630 32.4 800 31.1 1000 23.6 1250 22.2 1600 24.7 2000 27.1 2500 29.1 3150 4000 31.8 36.0 5000 37.9 1/1 Octave 20.1 23.3 30.3 25.6 27.0 35.2 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 27 (-1;-2) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 23.3 125 20.7 160 22.6 200 19.6 250 21.6 315 25.5 400 30.8 500 31.4 630 32.5 800 31.5 1000 23.8 1250 21.9 1600 24.2 2000 26.9 2500 30.1 3150 34.7 4000 39.6 5000 41.9 1/1 Octave 22.2 22.2 31.6 25.7 27.1 38.7 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW(C;Ctr) = 27 (-1;-2) dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 24.5 125 24.7 160 24.6 200 20.2 250 26.4 315 27.9 400 29.8 500 31.9 630 32.0 800 31.5 1000 32.1 1250 32.7 1600 35.7 2000 36.1 2500 37.6 3150 40.6 4000 44.4 5000 45.0 1/1 Octave 24.6 24.8 31.2 32.1 36.5 43.3 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW(C;Ctr) = 33 (0;-3) dB TilT and Turn 61 TilT and Turn RaPId ventilation and daylight aRea fIgURes Purge ventilation is manually controlled ventilation of rooms or spaces at a relatively high rate to rapidly dilute pollutants and/or water vapour. Purge ventilation may be provided by natural means, eg. by a window that opens, or by mechanical means eg. a fan. For a window that opens 30º or more or for vertical sliding sash windows, the height x width of the opening part should be at least 1/20th of the floor area of the room. The same above applies to windows opening between 15º - 30º, however the width x height should be at least 1/10th of the floor area. If the window opens less than 15º, then the window is not suitable for purge ventilation and other arrangements should be made. All of our windows when specified as opening will open past 30º, unless a restrictor is specified. tilt & tUrn Height Width 588mm 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Lett0607t Lett0609t Lett0610t Lett0612t Lett0613t Lett0615t D = Daylight mm2 62 D V mm2 Width 888mm 192400 247900 303400 358900 414400 469900 267904 335104 402304 469504 536704 603904 Lett0907t Lett0909t Lett0910t Lett0912t Lett0913t Lett0915t mm2 D V mm2 Width 1188mm 348400 448900 549400 649900 750400 850900 447304 559504 671704 783904 896104 1008304 Lett1207t Lett1209t Lett1210t Lett1212t Lett1213t Lett1215t mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 D V mm2 Width 1188mm 504400 649900 795400 940900 1086400 1231900 626704 783904 941104 1098304 1255504 1412704 Lett1207tf Lett1209tf Lett1210tf Lett1212tf Lett1213tf Lett1215tf mm2 D V 422760 544710 666660 788610 910560 1032510 15330 362406 435081 507756 580431 653106 mm2 mm2 tilt & tUrn Height Width 1488mm 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Lett1507t Lett1509t Lett1510t Lett1512t Lett1513t Lett1515t D = Daylight mm2 D V mm2 Width 1488mm 660400 850900 1041400 1231900 1422400 1612900 806104 1008304 1210504 1412704 1614904 1817104 Lett1507tf Lett1509tf Lett1510tf Lett1512tf Lett1513tf Lett1515tf mm2 Width 1788mm D V mm2 Width 2088mm 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Lett1807tft Lett1809tft Lett1810tft Lett1812tft Lett1813tft Lett1815tft 653120 841520 1029920 1218320 1406720 1595120 625508 782408 939308 1096208 1253108 1410008 Lett2107tf Lett2109tf Lett2110tf Lett2112tf Lett2113tf Lett2115tf mm2 Width 1788mm 578760 745710 912660 1079610 1246560 1413510 379431 474606 569781 664956 760131 855306 Lett1807tf Lett1809tf Lett1810tf Lett1812tf Lett1813tf Lett1815tf D V mm2 Width 2088mm 890760 1147710 1404660 1661610 1918560 2175510 558831 699006 839181 979356 1119531 1259706 Lett2107ftf Lett2109ftf Lett2110ftf Lett2112ftf Lett2113ftf Lett2115ftf D V mm2 Width 2388mm 965120 1243520 1521920 1800320 2078720 2357120 400859 501409 601959 702509 803059 903609 Lett2407tft Lett2409tft Lett2410tft Lett2412tft Lett2413tft Lett2415tft D V mm2 Width 1788mm 734760 946710 1158660 1370610 1582560 1794510 469131 586806 704481 822156 939831 1057506 Lett1807ftf Lett1809ftf Lett1810ftf Lett1812ftf Lett1813ftf Lett1815ftf D V mm2 Width 2088mm 809120 1042520 1275920 1509320 1742720 1976120 341059 426609 512159 597709 683259 768809 Lett2107tft Lett2109tft Lett2110tft Lett2112tft Lett2113tft Lett2115tft D V 965120 1243520 1521920 1800320 2078720 2357120 864708 1081608 1298508 1515408 1732308 1949208 mm2 D V 653120 841520 1029920 1218320 1406720 1595120 281259 351809 422359 492909 563459 634009 D V 809120 1042520 1275920 1509320 1742720 1976120 745108 932008 1118908 1305808 1492708 1679608 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 Height Width 2388mm 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Lett2407tf Lett2409tf Lett2410tf Lett2412tf Lett2413tf Lett2415tf D = Daylight mm2 V mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 Height D = Daylight mm2 D D V mm2 Width 2388mm 1046760 1348710 1650660 1952610 2254560 2556510 648531 811206 973881 1136556 1299231 1461906 Lett2407ftf Lett2409ftf Lett2410ftf Lett2412ftf Lett2413ftf Lett2415ftf mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk TilT and Turn 63 010 rrantee Guarantee OAK UFACTURING 01 fULLy rEvErsiBlE CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE 26 Internal head height 68mm 191mm Mullion section ON OUR WEBSiTE 82mm 48mm transom section 177mm glass thickness 24mm Bottom rail sight line 116mm Internal sill height 68mm 86mm sill projection (std) 118mm stile sight line Window viewed from external our fully reversible hi-Profile Combi softwood timber windows can be completely inverted to ensure they can be cleaned inside and out – even in hard to reach areas. • Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable. Our window trade catalogue and CAD drawings shows the full range of standard sizes available. • U values available 1.6-1.1 W/m2K • DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbar as standard • Polishedgoldhandlesasstandard,whiteoptional. Polished chrome chargeable option. • Availablewithsimulatedbardesigns • Reversibleswinghingesstandard.Note–thehinge mechanism is partially visible from the external view. See page 102 for more hardware information • FactoryglazedwindowsarefullyCEMarked 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage26 • BasecoatstainedorfullyfinishedinHi-Buildstain as standard. Paint options available – see page 17 for finishing details 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 10 40 1040 10 210 10 30130 10 10 1010 6 10 10 10 30 2 10 YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee UNGAL ARK PAINT top rail sight line 116mm Jamb thickness 48mm external head height 50.5mm SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT ROT &HARDWARE FUNGAL ROT &OAK FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT GLASS GLASS MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD MANUFACTURING 306305 64 1 1 GLASS HI-BUILD PAINT STAIN CAN • FEN DR• FEN FD DR HI-BUILD CAN FD 30 4040 11010 40 2 2 10 10 5 YearGuarantee Guarantee MADE TO Year CAN FEN DR FD ADVANCE-LINE MEASURE • 25 MADE TO Year Guarantee CLAD MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 2 2 information Year Guarantee For 5 more contact us on 0845 122 2890 MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGALDARK HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE AK STAIN INTEGRAL OAK FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAKBLINDS FINISH ARK STAIN ROT &DARK MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 43mm, Reversible Hi-Profile Combi windows will accept 24mm (4:16:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A narrow 86mm flush sill is available as well as extended sills to widths of 201mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the correct sill width is specified to suit the brickwork detail and Approved Document ‘L’ 2010 amendments. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all fully reversible Hi-Profile Combi windows to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 6100mm² on windows 915mm and wider, 3050mm² on windows below that size, down to 488mm² wide. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K dB reductions up to: 36dB U available down to: 1.1 W/m2K www.jeld-wen.co.uk Fire egress available to assist with compliance of Approved Document B Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F fully reVerSiBle hi-profile coMBi 65 Fully Reversible Hi-Profile Combi Section Details DETAIL Jamb Mullion Jamb 117 68 SECTION F-F 86 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0004 - Hi- Profile Combi Window\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\HPC_A_001- Multi Light Assembly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. E 49 D F F 48 6 63 191 49 E 93 D 86 SECTION E-E SECTION D-D DETAIL Mullion 6 53 NoA.: NoA No.: Category: Customer: Created: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Approved: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: 04/01/2013 by BD 02/07/2013 by NP Hi Profile Combi Multi Light Assembly 66 Supplier: For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Multi Light Assembly ML-HPC_A_001 03/04 C 5959 Transom Transom K K 56 56 K K 47.9 47.9 24mm 24mm Sill Sill Self adhesive Self adhesive Expanding foam Expanding foam tape fitted to top tape fitted of fixed sashto top of fixed sash locations only locations (min gap only height (min gap height 13mm) 13mm) 8282 116 116 SECTION I-I SECTION I-I 99 SECTION J-J SECTION J-J 6868 I I 5959 J J 4040 C:\JeldWen\United C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0004 Development\RD-0004 - Hi-- Profile Hi- Profile Combi Combi Window\Part, Window\Part, Assemblies Assemblies & Drawings\HPC_A_001& Drawings\HPC_A_001Multi Multi Light Light Assembly Assembly THE THE INFORMATION INFORMATION CONTAINED CONTAINED IN THIS IN THIS DRAWING DRAWING IS THE IS THE SOLE SOLE PROPERTY PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. OF JELD-WEN. ANYANY REPRODUCTION REPRODUCTION IN PART IN PART OR AS ORAASWHOLE A WHOLE WITHOUT WITHOUT THE THE WRITTEN WRITTEN PERMISSION PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. IS PROHIBITED. Head Head 6868 I I 116 116 SECTION K-K SECTION K-K 50.5 50.5 J J 6.56.5 86 86 86 86 NoA.: NoA.: Category: Category: Created: Created: 04/01/2013 Approved: 04/01/2013 Approved: 02/07/2013 Supplier: Supplier: Purpose/Classification: Purpose/Classification: General tolerance: General tolerance: acouStic PeRfoRManCe Order No.: NoA No.: NoA No.: Customer: Customer: Item name: Item name: Drawing No.: Drawing No.: Order No.: Multi Light Assembly by BD Pos. No.: Multi Light Assembly by BD Pos. No.: ML-HPC_A_001 by NP ML-HPC_A_001 02/07/2013 by NP Hi Profile Combi External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail Hi Profile Combi Multi Light Assembly Multi Light Assembly or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a Doc. No.: Doc. No.: Rev. No.: Rev. No.: 04/04 04/04 C C significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. 2 x Hi-Profile Combi windows 1x Titon Select R16 4000 trickle ventilator in each, both closed 2 x Hi-Profile Combi windows 1x Titon Select R16 4000 trickle ventilator in each, both open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 19.7 125 21.6 160 19.0 200 18.3 250 17.7 315 24.6 400 28.7 500 26.6 630 25.2 800 23.0 1000 24.6 1250 26.9 1600 28.1 2000 27.6 2500 28.0 3150 31.1 4000 31.1 5000 34.1 1/1 Octave 20.0 19.3 26.6 24.6 27.9 31.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 27 (-1;-3) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk 2 x Hi-Profile Combi windows Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 18.5 125 20.2 160 17.4 200 17.6 250 17.3 315 23.3 400 26.1 500 24.1 630 23.8 800 21.9 1000 19.3 1250 18.7 1600 20.2 2000 20.4 2500 19.7 3150 21.6 4000 22.5 5000 24.9 Sound Reduction index, dB 1/1 Octave 18.5 18.7 24.5 19.8 20.1 22.8 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 21 (-1;-1) dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 20.4 125 22.5 160 18.3 200 18.4 250 17.0 315 26.4 400 30.1 500 30.2 630 30.9 800 32.6 1000 30.4 1250 28.9 1600 29.3 2000 31.5 2500 35.3 3150 35.4 4000 33.7 5000 35.9 1/1 Octave 20.0 19.1 30.4 30.4 31.4 34.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 31 (-2;-4) dB fully reVerSiBle hi-profile coMBi 67 acouSTic perforMance - fully reVerSiBle hi-profile coMBi Combi windows 4-14-6.8PVB Glass 2 x Titon R16-4000 vents closed 4-14-6.8PVB Glass 2 x Titon R16-4000 vents open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 10.8 63+ 18.1 80+ 20.5 100 15.9 125 21.5 160 20.1 200 19.2 250 22.6 315 26.9 400 27.0 500 25.8 630 24.1 800 20.0 1000 18.7 1250 23.0 1600 22.8 2000 24.1 2500 25.7 3150 27.7 4000 28.4 5000 28.8 6300+ 32.8 8000+ 35.9 1000+ 42.0 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 14.4 18.5 21.9 25.5 20.2 24.1 28.3 35.5 22.8 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 10.6 63+ 17.7 80+ 19.1 100 15.5 125 20.7 160 18.9 200 18.5 250 21.7 315 25.8 400 25.8 500 24.6 630 24.1 800 22.0 1000 16.5 1250 16.3 1600 20.7 2000 20.8 2500 20.2 3150 21.4 4000 22.3 5000 24.2 6300+ 27.5 8000+ 30.7 1000+ 36.3 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 14.1 17.8 21.1 24.8 17.6 20.5 22.4 30.2 20.8 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 50+ 8.8 63+ 16.7 80+ 20.5 100 18.0 125 23.1 160 23.5 200 21.8 250 24.8 315 30.2 400 29.6 500 30.0 630 30.8 800 30.8 1000 30.0 1250 26.0 1600 23.9 2000 27.4 2500 31.2 3150 33.7 4000 31.6 5000 30.5 6300+ 35.3 8000+ 38.5 1000+ 43.4 average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 12.7 20.8 24.4 30.1 28.4 26.6 31.8 37.9 27.2 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 24 (-1; -2) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 20 (0; -1) dB Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 29 (-1; -2) dB (AQ-109) with 4-14-6.8pvb Glass vents removed and holes blocked off (AQ-109) with 4-14-6.8pvb Glass 2 x Titon r16-4000 vents - closed (AQ-109) with 4-14-6.8pvb Glass 2 x Titon r16-4000 vents open Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 12.5 50+ 21.1 63+ 22.5 80+ 19.5 100 25.6 125 25.2 160 23.9 200 26.7 250 34.7 315 35.3 400 35.9 500 36.9 630 37.8 800 38.1 1000 35.6 1250 35.6 1600 37.2 2000 38.3 2500 37.8 3150 36.5 4000 37.2 5000 42.6 6300+ 44.9 8000+ 48.4 1000+ average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 16.3 22.4 26.6 36.0 37.0 36.9 37.1 44.7 32.8 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 36 (-1; -3) dB 68 4-14-6.8PVB Glass vents removed and holes blocked off Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 10.7 50+ 19.1 63+ 22.1 80+ 17.9 100 23.7 125 22.1 160 20.9 200 24.9 250 29.5 315 29.2 400 28.2 500 25.0 630 22.1 800 21.6 1000 26.9 1250 30.4 1600 28.7 2000 29.2 2500 31.0 3150 32.1 4000 33.5 5000 37.2 6300+ 40.3 8000+ 45.7 1000+ average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 14.6 20.5 23.8 27.1 23.0 29.4 32.1 39.0 25.7 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 27 (-1; -2) dB For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 11.1 50+ 17.7 63+ 19.8 80+ 16.0 100 22.3 125 20.1 160 18.9 200 23.3 250 26.9 315 27.2 400 26.3 500 24.4 630 22.6 800 15.8 1000 17.0 1250 23.4 1600 22.1 2000 20.9 2500 22.5 3150 23.8 4000 25.9 5000 28.8 6300+ 31.8 8000+ 37.9 1000+ average 100-3150 1/1 Octave 14.6 18.7 21.9 25.8 17.6 22.0 23.9 31.4 21.9 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 Rw(C;Ctr) = 21 (-1; -1) dB RaPId ventilation and daylight aRea fIgURes Purge ventilation is manually controlled ventilation of rooms or spaces at a relatively high rate to rapidly dilute pollutants and/or water vapour. Purge ventilation may be provided by natural means, eg. by a window that opens, or by mechanical means eg. a fan. For a window that opens 30º or more or for vertical sliding sash windows, the height x width of the opening part should be at least 1/20th of the floor area of the room. The same above applies to windows opening between 15º - 30º, however the width x height should be at least 1/10th of the floor area. If the window opens less than 15º, then the window is not suitable for purge ventilation and other arrangements should be made. All of our windows when specified as opening will open past 30º, unless a restrictor is specified. sidE hUng rEvErsiBlE Height D Width 588mm mm2 V Width 888mm mm2 D mm2 V mm2 Width 1188mm D mm2 V mm2 738 LeXC0607CR 180136 272104 LeXC1207CgR 387090 288659 888 LeXC0609CR 233536 339904 LeXC1209CgR 501840 360584 V mm2 Width 1788mm LeXC1807CgCR 594044 625679 LeXC1509CgR 698640 473384 LeXC1809CgCR 770144 781579 937479 Width 1488mm D mm2 D mm2 V mm2 1038 LeXC0610CR 286936 407704 LeXC0910CR 528736 678304 LeXC1210CgR 616590 432509 LeXC1510CgR 858390 567809 LeXC1810CgCR 946244 1188 LeXC0612CR 340336 475504 LeXC0912CR 627136 791104 LeXC1212CgR 731340 504434 LeXC1512CgR 1018140 662234 LeXC1812CgCR 1122344 1093379 LeXC0913CR 725536 903904 1388 LeXC0613CR 393736 543304 1488 LeXC0615CR 447136 611104 D = Daylight mm2 LeXC1213CgR 846090 576359 LeXC1513CgR 1177890 756659 LeXC1813CgCR 1298444 1249279 LeXC1215CgR 960840 648284 LeXC1515CgR 1337640 851084 LeXC1815CgCR 1474544 1405179 V = Ventilation mm2 toP hUng rEvErsiBlE Height 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 Width 588mm D V mm2 Width 738mm D V mm2 Width 888mm D V mm2 Width 1188mm D V LeXC0607aR LeXC0609aR LeXC0610aR LeXC0612aR LeXC0613aR LeXC0615aR 180136 233536 286936 340336 393736 447136 272104 339904 407704 475504 543304 611104 LeXC0707aR LeXC0709aR LeXC0710aR LeXC0712aR LeXC0713aR LeXC0715aR 256036 331936 407836 483736 559636 635536 362404 452704 543004 633304 723604 813904 LeXC0907aR LeXC0909aR LeXC0910aR LeXC0912aR LeXC0913aR LeXC0915aR 331936 430336 528736 627136 725536 823936 452704 565504 678304 791104 903904 1016704 LeXC1207agR LeXC1209agR LeXC1210agR LeXC1212agR LeXC1213agR LeXC1215agR 387090 501840 616590 731340 846090 960840 288659 360584 432509 504434 576359 648284 D = Daylight mm2 Height 738 888 1038 1188 1338 1488 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 Width 1488mm D V mm2 Width 1743mm D V mm2 Width 1788mm D V LeXC1507agR LeXC1509agR LeXC1510agR LeXC1512agR LeXC1513agR LeXC1515agR 538890 698640 858390 1018140 1177890 1337640 378959 473384 567809 662234 756659 851084 LeXC1707agR LeXC1709agR LeXC1710agR LeXC1712agR LeXC1713agR LeXC1715agR 665390 862640 1059890 1257140 1454390 1651640 454209 567384 680559 793734 906909 1020084 LeXC1807agaR LeXC1809agaR LeXC1810agaR LeXC1812agaR LeXC1813agaR LeXC1815agaR 594044 770144 946244 1122344 1298444 1474544 625679 781579 937479 1093379 1249279 1405179 D = Daylight mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 V = Ventilation mm2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk fully reVerSiBle hi-profile coMBi 69 Bay WindoWs We offer casement and sliding sash square or splay bay windows for you to choose from depending on your project requirements. We have provided information to guide you through the measuring process but there are other methods you can apply. Whatever method you decide, the junction between the window and the structure must comply with the relevant building regulations. to help you further you can download the Bay measuring forms at www.jeld-wen.co.uk meet. traditionally the various types of bays were set against plain brickwork with the joints made by butting the jambs or corner posts up to the brickwork. Most of these details create a cold bridge at this joint which is unacceptable under current regulations. scottish building regulations may vary so please check for information. NOTE: Bay windows are not designed to be load bearing – installation and Building Regulations Part L – if in doubt contact your architect or the JeLd-Wen sales team England and Wales on 0845 122 2892. Bay windows need careful consideration when planning building 30 PartYearL10 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee detail and installation. the Building Regulations requires SOLID OAK SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING GLASS PAINT CAN FENGLASS DR FD CAN FEN DR FD HI-BUILD PAINT HI-BUILD the thermal performance around openings to achieve levels that some traditional methods of bay window installation cannot • 10 30 10 1030 10 1010 10 Year Guarantee Year ar Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee NUFACTURING 1 SOLID OAK SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS • FEN DR FD MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT CAN 30 10 10130 1010 1 1040 Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &PAINT FUNGAL DARK ROT & PAINT FUNGAL CAN • FEN ROTDR DARK & FD FUNGAL PAINT HI-BUILD GLASS CAN • FEN DR GLASS FD 40210 30 106210 30 40 30130 10 210 10 10 10102 5610 1012 30 10 10 1040 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee ear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &OAK FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT &PAINT FUNGAL SOLID OAK • FEN MANUFACTURING GLASS PAINT HARDWARE MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT ROT &MANUFACTURING FUNGAL GOLDEN OAK STAIN GOLDEN OAK•STAIN DARKHI-BUILD STAIN DARKBLINDS STAIN ARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS GLASS CAN FEN DR FDINTEGRAL MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN DR FD HARDWARE 6 702 40 1 516 3040 405 1us 10on 21222289010 1020845 22 information 630 2 5 30 For more contact Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &ROT FUNGAL DARK PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL ROT &DARK FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROT & OAK FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE GOLDEN OAK STAINDARK INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH DARK STAIN STAIN BLINDS INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL FINISH DARK STAIN GOLDEN OAK 40 10 Guarantee Year Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE 210 5 Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee • 210 Year Year Guarantee Guarantee MANUFACTURING HARDWARE 2 MADE TO Year Guarantee • FEN CAN DR FD MEASURE OAK INTEGRAL FINISH BLINDS OAK FINISH 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MADE TO MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MEASURE Recommended detail: returned cavity for Square Bays In the drawing the brickwork is brought up to the edge of the window using angled or cut brick to replicate the joint between a flat window and the wall. this provides good thermal detail and an attractive finish. the insulation of the horizontal roof and underside details of bay windows also require careful attention to ensure compliance, particularly where the bay projects beyond the structure. you will need to discuss this with your architect or building control officer. How to order to order your bay windows: 1 Complete the bay measuring form to provide brickwork dimensions – available to download from the website or by calling our sales team 2 for replacement windows also supply the existing window dimensions 3 supply installation details (ie Part L 2002 robust detail) Bays can be made up from any combination of our stormsure Casement and sliding sash windows. a standard splay (sP) and square bays (sQ) will have 2 return ends of equal size. If you require a single return end (sQR or sPR) please specify when ordering. 4 Provide a copy of the architects drawings if available – email to [email protected] or fax to 01664 503 403 trickle ventilators will generally be positioned centrally on the front module as standard with each bay. Where the size allows ventilators can also be added to the returns. We have included examples of square and splay bays for both ranges and highlighted the dimensions to measure to help you. Special bays We also supply 30°, 60° and oriel bays which are available on special order. Key If you do have any questions give us a call to discuss your requirements. = o/s face of sill = o/s face of brickwork stoRMsURe CaseMent Bays Bay window sills to meet the requirements of the published ‘robust detail’ and to achieve a 30mm overhang of the window frame over the cavity a 158mm is needed when using plain brickwork. If a cant brick or similar detail is used the sill width will be different. Stormsure 90° Square dIM B faCe of eXteRnaL BRICkWoRk 90º 90º dIM a o/s faCe of BRICkWoRk Example of Square Bay Square Bay Standard Module Front module window* frame width All standard module returns are 625mm* DiM A Brickwork DiM B Brickwork 2 Lights on front elevation 1195mm 1439mm 752mm 3 Lights on front elevation 1765mm 2008mm 752mm 4 Lights on front elevation 2334mm 2578mm 752mm Square Bay Narrow Module Front module window* frame width All standard module returns are 483mm* DiM A Brickwork DiM B Brickwork 2 Lights on front elevation 910mm 1154mm 609mm 3 Lights on front elevation 1337mm 1581mm 609mm 4 Lights on front elevation 1765mm 2009mm 609mm *Size excludes posts inner block work and cavity details for illustration purposes only, design of wall construction may vary. please consult your building designer for correct application. www.jeld-wen.co.uk Bay WindoWS 71 Bay WindoWS 45° sPLay Bay CaseMent Stormsure 45° Stormsure 45° AN 3.5 dIM d dI M B 135° dIM C faCe of eXteRnaL BRICkWoRk dIM a o/s faCe of BRICkWoRk Stormsure 45° Single Cant Stormsure 45° AN 5.1 - Single Cant Corner infill not supplied dIM d dI M B 135° faCe of eXteRnaL BRICkWoRk dIM a dIM C o/s faCe of BRICkWoRk Example of 45° Splay Bay 45° Splay Bay Standard Module 2 Lights on front elevation All standard module returns are 625mm* Front module window frame width* DiM A Brickwork DiM B Brickwork DiM C Brickwork DiM D Brickwork 1195mm 1288mm 677mm 478mm 478mm 3 Lights on front elevation 1765mm 1858mm 677mm 478mm 478mm 4 Lights on front elevation 2334mm 2427mm 677mm 478mm 478mm 45° Splay Bay Narrow Module 2 Lights on front elevation All standard module returns are 483mm Front module window frame width* DiM A Brickwork DiM B Brickwork DiM C Brickwork DiM D Brickwork 910mm 1003mm 535mm 378mm 378mm 3 Lights on front elevation 1337mm 1430mm 535mm 378mm 378mm 4 Lights on front elevation 1765mm 1858mm 535mm 378mm 378mm *Size excludes posts oriel bay 72 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 sLIdIng sash Bays Bay window sills generally sliding sash bay windows are installed on stone sills or a similar detail and can be installed using the 168mm standard flush sill. other sill sizes are available upon request. All dimensions on this section are actual frame size. Sliding Sash 45° dIM C M dI Re tU Rn 135° e dIM d faCe of eXteRnaL BRICkWoRk dIM B dIM a 45° Splay Bay Bay front window frame size Bay return window frame size* DiM A Overall window width DiM B Front elevation Actual window size inc. post (angle fillet) DiM C Forward projection DiM D Width projection DiM E Actual window size inc. post (angle fillet) 1080mm 630mm 2153mm 1193mm 485mm 485mm 686mm 1080mm 855mm 2472mm 1193mm 644mm 644mm 911mm 1665mm 630mm 2737mm 1776mm 485mm 485mm 686mm 1665mm 855mm 3055mm 1776mm 644mm 644mm 911mm 1710mm 630mm 2782mm 1821mm 485mm 485mm 686mm 1710mm 855mm 3100mm 1821mm 644mm 644mm 911mm 1890mm 630mm 2962mm 2001mm 485mm 485mm 686mm 1890mm 855mm 3280mm 2001mm 644mm 644mm 911mm dIM B 90º RetURn Sliding Sash 90° Square 90º faCe of eXteRnaL BRICkWoRk dIM a Square Bay Bay front window frame size* Bay return window frame size DiM A Actual window size inc. post DiM B Actual window size inc. post 1665mm 630mm 1979mm 787mm 1665mm 855mm 1979mm 1012mm 1710mm 630mm 2024mm 787mm 1710mm 855mm 2024mm 1012mm 1890mm 630mm 2204mm 787mm 1890mm 855mm 2204mm 1012mm *Size excludes posts inner block work and cavity details for illustration purposes only, design of wall construction may vary. please consult your building designer for correct application. www.jeld-wen.co.uk Bay WindoWS 73 WhaT To conSider When SpecifyinG a doorsEt Patio doorsets are an ideal way to improve the design of a home and add value to it. they allow extra light providing thermal benefits whilst offering functional and aesthetic appeal. We have a range of standard and made to order sizes to choose from to meet your project requirements. high quality oak laminates Our solid oak Canberra products are laminated, which means that rather than using a single piece of oak, we use three separate pieces permanently bonded together, providing a stronger dimensional stability. Oak veneer has decorative slices of oak with a lower density core. high quality oak veneer Internal oak laminate Solid oak 0.5 – 1.5mm* veneer typically softwood core 0.5 – 1.5mm* veneer * typical dimensions Oak veneer Specifying patio doors There are a number of things to consider when specifying patio doorsets: • Design – The style and finish of the products need to reflect the building design, any planning guidance and the aspirations of the client. • Size and space – The type of patio you can choose will depend on the space and location it is going into and the opening space it will have. You need to consider if you want it to open in, out, concertina (fold and slide) or slide for smaller spaces. Concertina will open out only. • Material – We have oak or softwood patio doorsets to choose from with different features and benefits. • Design details – Finishing options, glazing requirements, locks, added security eg Secured by Design etc. 74 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 • Building Regulations – The Building Regulations for the replacement of windows and doors vary to new build, and there may be differences between England, Scotland and Wales who each have their own standards. See the Building Regulations section on page 8 for further information. • Performance – such as acoustics, air permeability and exposure rating. • Budget – Consider whole life cycle costing depending on client requirements as timber is expected to last almost twice as long as PVC-U frames. • Sustainability – Timber is the only truly sustainable building material and is carbon neutral, fully recyclable and biodegradable. All our patio doorsets are FSC certified which means we have sourced wood from Chain of Custody forests that have been independently verified against worldwide standards. TherMal transMittanCE the thermal performance of external joinery is an important consideration when specifying products to ensure their performance meets the required standards. Whole product U value (W/m.K) thermal transmittance, also known as U values is the rate of transfer of heat (in watts) through one square metre of a structure divided by the difference in temperature across the structure. It is expressed in watts per metres squared kelvin, or W/m2k. Wellinsulated parts of a building have a low thermal transmittance whereas poorly insulated parts of a building have a high thermal transmittance. 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 U values in windows and doorsets is calculated in accordance with Iso-10077-2. thermal performance of windows and doorsets is affected by various elements of the design including timber section size, glass specification and weather seals. JeLd-Wen aims to offer a range of different products covering different U values to suit your requirements. Below is a graph which illustrates a comparison with how our ranges compare to provide guidance on range selection. 4-16-4 Standard Low-E 4-20-4 Standard Low-E 4-8-4-8-4 Standard Low-E 4-12-4-12-4 Standard Low-E 4-16-4 Super Low-E 4-20-4 Super Low-E 4-8-4-8-4 Super Low-E 4-12-4-12-4 Super Low-E Canberra Folding Sliding Canberra French DreamVu™ Farndale Fenton Patio Product Range www.jeld-wen.co.uk 75 paTio SpecificaTion CoMParison Guide this information provides you with a comparison of the specification across our patio range. Canberra DreamVu™ Operational detail top hung folding sliding or french open out options french open in or open out Frame section size (including head) fs* 139mm front to back, french 91mm 92mm front to back Door depth 54mm 64mm Door material solid oak laminate softwood Frame material oak veneer softwood Sill material aluminium and timber aluminium Sill sizes 190mm - folding sliding 170mm - french 170mm - sidelights 158mm - dwarf lights 102mm open in 120mm open out Folding sliding min / max actual sizes Width 1794mm - 4794mm height 1944mm - 2694mm not applicable Single / French min / max (exc side or dwarf lights) Widths 1194, 1494, 1794 height 2094mm standard Widths; single: 844, 920mm double: 1188, 1488 & 1788mm. standard height: 2088mm. excluding sidelights Sliding min / max (exc side lights) not applicable not applicable Sidelights/Dwarflights Widths 300, 450 and 600mm. heights sidelights 2094, dwarflights 1494mm standard Widths: 300, 450 & 600mm. standard height: 2088mm. Standard or made to measure Made to measure - fs*, standard - french Made to measure Beading externally beaded externally beaded Locking detail Multi point locking, key lockable drop bolts for folding sliding Multi point locking with shoot bolts Glazing 24mm toughened double glazing 28mm-36mm double or triple glazing U values (factory glazed) 1.7-1.3 W/m2k - folding sliding 1.6 W/m2k - french 1.5 -1.0 W/m2k Fret options Various bar options on folding sliding Marginal bar on french available yes Ventilation detail trickle ventilation through head of the door top rail no vents as standard Ventilator colour Brown none as standard Handles Brushed chrome Brushed chrome standard, polished gold optional Other detail Premium oak patio doorset. french door opens out open in or out options. Lowest U values down to 1.0W/m2k Brickwork tolerance guidance W & H 12mm 12mm Secured by Design no yes Exposure rating – 1200pa Air permeability – In test Performance testing – Bs6375: Part 1:2004 Strength/operation testing – Pas23/Pas 24 (on open in single) Acoustic performance – Up to 34dB Sustainability fsC fsC fs* = folding sliding † = silver spacer bar 76 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Farndale Fenton french open in or open out sliding double or single on smooth nylon runners 91mm front to back 137mm front to back 54mm 54mm softwood softwood softwood softwood aluminium and timber aluminium and timber 170mm - french/single 170mm - sidelights 158mm - dwarf lights 166mm 166mm - sidelights not applicable not applicable standard Widths; single: 844, 930mm double: 1188, 1488 & 1788mm. standard height: 2088mm. excluding sidelights not applicable not applicable Widths 1588, 1788, 2088, 2388. double - 3576, 4176, 4776 mm height 2088mm standard Widths: 300, 450 & 600mm. standard height: 2088mm. top-lights available Widths 968, 1118 & 1268mm height 2088mm Made to measure standard externally beaded externally beaded Mulit point locking system 4 point bolt locking system 28mm toughened double or triple glazing 28mm toughened double or triple glazing 1.6 -1.1 W/m2k 1.5 -1.1 W/m2k yes georgian or marginal bar trickle ventilation through head of the door top rail trickle ventilation through head of the door top rail White as standard White as standard Polished chrome. Polished gold optional. security handles available Brushed chrome Large variety of design options and raised and fielded panel options (standard sizes only). open in or open out options diamond and rectangular leaded design options. Left or right hand door slide from outside to be advised at point of order 12mm 12mm yes no 800X – Class 3 – Bs6375: Part 1:2004 – Pas23/24 – Up to 31dB – fsC fsC www.jeld-wen.co.uk paTio SpecificaTion coMpariSon Guide 77 0 rantee OAK 0 rantee NGAL 2 rantee K STAIN oak CanBErra Premium oak, folding sliding Jamb depth 120mm Patio viewed from external head depth 139mm CAD Internal head height 96mm 86mm top rail sight line DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE 192mm Meeting style section glass thickness 24mm Bottom rail 145mm Internal bottom rail height 135mm Internal sill height 55mm 170mm sill projection our Canberra patios are our premium oak range for those that want the best quality timber. they offer the ultimate in style and elegance and their solid structure delivers additional stability and strength compared to a veneered patio door. •ChoiceofgoldenoakordarkoakHi-Buildstainfinish, see page 17 •U values available 1.7-1.3 W/m2K •DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbar •Configurationchoicesof2,3,4,5and6doors–seepage 80 for details •54mmsolidoaklaminateddoorleavesthatfoldandslide •Engineeredconstructionoakveneeredframe •OurpatiodoorsetsarefullyCEMarked •Tophunghardwareforeaseofoperation •Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage76 •Brushedchromehandles,multi-pointlockingwithshoot and drop bolts. Polished titanium gold option. •Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable.Standard size CAD drawings are available to download on our website. 30 10 10 30 Year Guarantee SOLID OAK 10 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 10 Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 3010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &CAN FUNGAL • FEN DR FD Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 1 Year Guarantee DARK PAINT Guarantee YearYear Guarantee SOLID OAKPAINT HI-BUILD 40 30 Guarantee Year Year Guarantee & FUNGAL ROT ROT & FUNGAL 6 10 30 1040 10 10 10 210 10 10 10 25 10 210 30130 10 10 Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee • FEN DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL GOLDEN OAK STAINGLASS BLINDS STAIN GOLDEN SOLID MANUFACTURING GLASS DARK CAN DR FDOAK STAIN HI-BUILD PAINTMANUFACTURING SOLID OAK SOLID OAKOAKMANUFACTURING HARDWARE HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN • FEN DR FD• FEN MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT CAN DR FDINTEGRAL 30 3030 78 6 1 11 10 10 Guarantee YearYear Guarantee GLASS MANUFACTURING 110 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee DARK PAINT HARDWARE 62 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MADE TO OAKSTAIN FINISH DARK MEASURE 10 10 YearGuarantee Guarantee Year CAN • FENPAINT DR FD HI-BUILD 40 2 Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING 5 Year Guarantee MADE TO INTEGRAL BLINDS MEASURE 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 10 Year Guarantee HARDWARE 2 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MADE TO Year Guarantee OAK FINISH MEASURE 40 1010 4040 10 2 22 2 For 5 more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee & FUNGAL DARK DARK PAINT ROTOAK ROT & FUNGALHARDWARE ROT &DARK FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROTROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH STAIN MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 43mm, Canberra patios will accept 24mm (4:16:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard sill provides a projection of 170mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the sill width is suitable for the specified building in detail whilst achieving compliance with Approved Document ‘L’ 2010, and to allow for internal sill drainage to clear the brickwork. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Canberra patios to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 8970mm². This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. www.jeld-wen.co.uk oaK canBerra foldinG SlidinG doorSeTS 79 oaK canBerra foldinG SlidinG doorSeTS two door left two door right two door left, one door right two door left, two door right three door left, one door right three door left, two door right four door left, one door right three door left, three door right Special size limitations Number of doors four door left, two door right 80 five door left, one door right For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Minimum Width Maximum Width 2 1794mm 1794mm 3 1794mm 2656mm 4 2368mm 3518mm 5 2942mm 4194mm 6 3516mm 4794mm Minimum Height Maximum Height 1944mm 2694mm SECTION A-A 4 82 A A 192 G B H H 139139 135 18 18 52 Created: Order No.: Approved: Pos. No.: 135 145 145 19/07/2013 by BG DETAIL H SCALE 1 : 3 96 96 55 86 86 NoA No.: Category: by Supplier: Customer: Purpose/Classification: Item name: General tolerance: Drawing No.: 3 door full assemb Drawing 3 DOOR ASSEMBLY OF HEIGHT 2094mm CAN21 24 24 55 54 24 55 54 54 DETAIL DETAIL G G SCALE SCALE 1 : 31 : 3 DETAIL DETAIL F F SCALE SCALE 1 : 31 : 3 170170 188188 52 52 NoA.:NoA.: 133133 NoA No.: NoA No.: Category: Category: Supplier: Supplier: Customer: Customer: Created: Created: Order Order No.: No.: Purpose/Classification: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Item name: Doc. No.: Doc. No.: Approved: Approved: Pos. No.: Pos. No.: General General tolerance: tolerance: Drawing Drawing No.: No.: Rev. No.: Rev. No.: 19/07/2013 19/07/2013 by BG by BG by by DETAIL DETAIL H H SCALE SCALE 1 : 31 : 3 Drawing Drawing 3 door 3 door fullfull assembly assembly CAN21 CAN21 03/04 03/04 A A 3 DOOR 3 DOOR ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY OF OF HEIGHT HEIGHT 2094mm 2094mm SECTION I-I 19 120 J I 51 I 82 32 L 5 J SECTION J-J 19 7 13.5 DETAIL L SCALE 1 : 2 www.jeld-wen.co.uk 54 DE SCA DETAIL G SCALE 1 : 3 NoA.: 133 7 100 170 188 B 135 B 192192 54 24 120 A A 24 82 4 82 7 A A 120 7 4 145 32 B 18 18 100 B SECTION SECTION B-BB-B 32 32 DETAIL DETAIL D D SCALE SCALE 1 : 31 : 3 D D SECTION B-B SECTION SECTION A-A A-A 24 54 G G 120 C:\Documents and Settings\NBL\Desktop\3 door full assembly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. C:\Documents and Settings\NBL\Desktop\3 door full assembly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. F 100 Section detaILs F 139 18 B F C:\Documents and Settings\NBL\Desktop\3 door full assembly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. 18 oaK canBerra foldinG SlidinG doorSeTS 81 0 rantee OAK 0 rantee NGAL 2 rantee K STAIN oak CanBErra solid oak, frenCH Patio viewed from external stile width 94mm CAD Internal head height 50mm top rail sight line 139mm DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE 193mm Meeting stile section ON OUR WEBSiTE glass thickness 24mm Internal bottom rail sight line 158mm Internal sill height 45mm 170mm sill projection Bottom rail 145mm the Canberra french doorset is the classic extension to our premium Canberra folding sliding patio door range. Made from the same solid oak laminate material and hardware, it offers a high quality, suited option to a property. • DoubleglazedwithWarmEdgeblackspacerbar • ChoiceofgoldenoakordarkoakHi-Buildstainfinish, see page 17 for more information • 54mmsolidoaklaminateddoorleavesthatopenout • OurpatiodoorsetsarefullyCEMarked • Brushedchromehandlesandmulti-pointlocking • Choiceofplainormarginalfretdesignwithwinglight options • U value 1.6 W/m2K • Key/keylockingonly • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage76 • Standardsizesavailable.CADdrawingsareavailableto download on our website. 30 Year Guarantee SOLID OAK 10 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 10 Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 3010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT &CAN FUNGAL • FEN DR FD 10 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 1 Year Guarantee DARK PAINT 10 30 Guarantee YearYear Guarantee SOLID OAKPAINT HI-BUILD 40 30 Guarantee Year Year Guarantee & FUNGAL ROT ROT & FUNGAL 6 10 30 1040 10 10 10 210 10 10 10 25 10 210 30130 10 10 Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee • FEN DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL GOLDEN OAK STAINGLASS BLINDS STAIN GOLDEN SOLID MANUFACTURING GLASS DARK CAN DR FDOAK STAIN HI-BUILD PAINTMANUFACTURING SOLID OAK SOLID OAKOAKMANUFACTURING HARDWARE HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN • FEN DR FD• FEN MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT CAN DR FDINTEGRAL 30 3030 82 6 1 11 10 10 Guarantee YearYear Guarantee GLASS MANUFACTURING 110 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee DARK PAINT HARDWARE 62 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MADE TO OAKSTAIN FINISH DARK MEASURE 10 10 YearGuarantee Guarantee Year CAN • FENPAINT DR FD HI-BUILD 40 2 Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING 5 Year Guarantee MADE TO INTEGRAL BLINDS MEASURE 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 10 Year Guarantee HARDWARE 2 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MADE TO Year Guarantee OAK FINISH MEASURE 40 1010 4040 10 2 22 2 For 5 more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee & FUNGAL DARK DARK PAINT ROTOAK ROT & FUNGALHARDWARE ROT &DARK FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROTROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH STAIN MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 43mm, Canberra patios will accept 24mm (4:16:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard sill provides a projection of 170mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the sill width is suitable for the specified building in detail whilst achieving compliance with Approved Document ‘L’ 2010, and to allow for internal sill drainage to clear the brickwork. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Canberra patios to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 8970mm². This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. www.jeld-wen.co.uk oaK canBerra french doorSeTS 83 oaK canBerra french doorSeTS Section detaILs 91 50 5 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0009 - Canberra French Door\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\CFD_A_001 - Doorset Assembly THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. 58 76 134 50 Head 40 D C C 94 D Jamb Meeting Stiles 5 35 Sill SECTION D-D DETAIL Meeting Stiles 45 65 90 54 24 204 SECTION C-C 193 170 NoA.: NoA No.: Category: Supplier: Customer: Created: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Approved: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: 10/08/2012 by BD 19/12/2012 by NB Canberra French Door Double Door Set Assembly 84 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Double Door Set CFD_A_001 03/03 A www.jeld-wen.co.uk OAK CANBERRA fRENCH Doorsets 85 010 rantee r Guarantee HIGH PERFORMANCE drEaMvU™ frenCH and single DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE 26 87mm glass thickness 28/36mm Mid-rail height 118mm Bottom rail sight line 92mm 24mm Internal sill height this high performance french and single doorset is available in softwood timber and offers ultimate weather resistance and security. • 28mmdoubleglazingwithWarmEdgeblack spacer bar as standard or 36mm triple glazed • FullyfinishedinHi-Buildwhitepaintasstandard. Other colour options available, see page 17 for more information • 64mmsoftwooddoorleavesthatopeninorout • OurpatiodoorsetsarefullyCEMarked • Brushedchromehandlesandmulti-pointlocking • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage76 • U values available 1.5 -1.0 W/m2K • Standardandmadetomeasuresizesavailable. CAD drawings are available to download on our website. • Availablewithorwithoutamidrail 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 10 10 Year Year Guarantee Guarantee • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 10 40 1040 10 210 10 30130 10 10 1010 6 10 10 10 30 2 10 Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee NGALPAINT ARK Internal head height 61mm 231mm Meeting stile section ON OUR WEBSiTE OAK UFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 01 CAD Jamb thickness 35mm external head height 35mm Patio viewed from external open out doorset shown OAK MANUFACTURING PAINT GLASS DARK PAINT ROT & HARDWARE FUNGAL SOLID STAIN ROT &OAK FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT GLASS GLASS HI-BUILD CAN • FEN DR• FEN FD DRHI-BUILD MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN FD MANUFACTURING 306305 86 1 512 3040 2 2 240 11010 40 10 10 5 YearGuarantee Guarantee MADE TO Year CAN FEN DR FD ADVANCE-LINE MEASURE • 25 MADE TO Year Guarantee CLAD MEASURE MADE TO MEASURE 2 Year Guarantee For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL DARKHARDWARE PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE K STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAK FINISH ROTOAK ARK STAIN ROT &DARK MEASURE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 53mm, our High Performance DreamVu™ patios will accept up to 36mm (4-12-4-12-4) triple glazed units. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard aluminium sill provides a projection of 102mm for open in and 104mm for open out. Care must be taken to ensure that the sill width is suitable for the specified building in detail whilst achieving compliance with Approved Document ‘L’ 2010, and to allow for internal sill drainage to clear the brickwork. An internal ramp is available if required to achieve compliance with Approved Document Part ‘M’. Ventilation The DreamVu™ doorset is supplied as standard without any trickle ventilation installed. This is due to the nature of the developments it is more commonly specified in, such as buildings incorporating heat recovery systems. W/m2 K Assistance with compliance of Approved Document Part M available on certain widths. dB reductions up to: 34dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk U available down to: 1.0 W/m2K hiGh perforMance dreaMVu™ doorSeTS 87 Section detaILs DETAIL J DETAIL J N M SECTION H-H SECTION H-H I M 64 DETAIL L DETAIL L 92 64 L 82 18 136 82 18 87 87 231 231 75 75 61 36/28 64 36/28 64 125 125 92 24 35 6 92 35 92 956 95 92 118 K SECTION I-I SECTION I-I 61 DETAIL K DETAIL K NoA.: NoA.: Category: Category: Created: Created: Order No.: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Purpose/Classification: Approved: Approved: Pos. No.: Pos. No.: General tolerance: General tolerance: 21/12/2012 21/12/2012 by NB by NB DETAIL M DETAIL MDETAIL N DETAIL N 88 K I 24 I H 61 L 118 H 136 J 18 J 61 I H DreamVu™ GLaZeD 803 H 92 18 N C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0011 - DreamVu Doorset\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\DD_A_002 - Open out with midrail THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0011 - DreamVu Doorset\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\DD_A_002 - Open out with midrail THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. hiGh perforMance dreaMVu™ doorSeTS 03/01/2013 03/01/2013 by NB by NB Supplier: DreamVuDreamVu Doorset Doorset With Mid-rail With Mid-rail Open OutOpen Out For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Supplier: NoA No.: NoA No.: Customer: Customer: Item name: Item name: Doc. No.: Doc. No.: Drawing No.: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: Rev. No.: Open outOpen with midrail out with midrail 03/03 DD_A_002DD_A_002 B 03/03 B acouStic PeRfoRManCe External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. DreamVu™ Doorset Standard glass 4-12-4-12-4 DreamVu™ Doorset Acoustic glass 6-16-6.4 Acoustic Glass Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 22.6 125 19.5 160 18.7 200 24.1 250 20.8 315 21.5 400 25.3 500 31.7 630 33.2 800 35.7 1000 35.5 1250 36.6 1600 38.3 2000 37.9 2500 35.2 3150 31.2 4000 33.7 5000 36.3 1/1 Octave 20.3 22.1 30.1 35.9 37.1 33.7 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 33 (-2;-5) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 22.8 125 21.1 160 15.7 200 23.8 250 26.1 315 26.3 400 31.4 500 33.8 630 35.2 800 36.5 1000 36.1 1250 35.4 1600 35.9 2000 34.0 2500 34.7 3150 38.4 4000 39.5 5000 39.2 1/1 Octave 19.9 25.4 33.5 36.0 34.9 39.0 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 34 (-1;-4) dB hiGh perforMance dreaMVu™ doorSeTS 89 010 rantee r Guarantee FarndalE frenCH and single CAD 26 Patio viewed from external open out doorset shown ON OUR WEBSiTE 161mm Mid-rail height 96mm glass thickness 28mm Bottom rail sight line 109mm 45mm Internal sill height 170mm sill projection the farndale single or french doorset features an attractive, contemporary design, with slim timber sections to maximise the glazed area. available made to measure in a variety of designs. • U values available 1.6-1.1 W/m2K • Righthandopensfirstasviewedfromtheoutside • 28mmdoubleortripleglazingwithWarmEdge black spacer bar • Availablebasecoatstainedorfactoryfinishedin Hi-Build stain as standard. Other colour options available, see page 17 for more information. • 54mmsoftwooddoorleavesthatopeninorout • Securedbydesignoptional–contractorsneedto specify open in or out when ordering • OurpatiodoorsetsarefullyCEMarked • Brushedchromehandlesasstandard,polishedgold optional, with multi-point locking available. • Specialwidthsareavailabletoorder.300mmside lights will be supplied with horizontal bars only as standard. If you require any other design, please specify at time of ordering • Forfullspecificationdetailsseepage76 • Standardandmadetomeasuresizes,topand side light options. CAD drawings are available to download on our website. 30 10 • Variousdesignstochoosefromincludingplain Year Guarantee Year Guarantee SOLID OAK MANUFACTURING glazed, 4 light, 10 light, 15 light, with mid rail, and raised and fielded panels to the bottom. The raised and fielded panel doors are only available in the 1 10 10 10 30 10 Yearsizes 10 Year10 10 standard Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN CAN • FEN DR FDROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT 10 40 1040 10 210 210 30130 10 10 1010 6 10 10 10 30 2 10 Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee NGALPAINT ARK top rail sight line 142mm DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE OAK UFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 01 Jamb thickness head depth 35mm 91mm OAK MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT DARK PAINT ROT & HARDWARE FUNGAL SOLID GOLDEN OAK• STAIN DARKGLASS STAIN ROT &OAK FUNGAL SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING GLASS GLASS CAN FEN DR• FEN FD DR FD HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN MANUFACTURING 306305 90 10 Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT 40 Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL 10 5 Year Guarantee MADE TO CAN FENBLINDS DR FD INTEGRAL MEASURE • 10 2890 Year Guarantee 2 15 40 12 30 2 0845 10 us40 2 122 240 110 For more information contact on Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL DARKHARDWARE PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE K STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAK FINISH ROTOAK ARK STAIN ROT &DARK MANUFACTURING 10 Year Guarantee GLASS 10 Year Guarantee HARDWARE 2 MADE TO Year Guarantee OAK FINISH MEASURE 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 2 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MADE TO MEASURE CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 43mm, our Farndale patios will accept 28mm (4:20:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard timber sill provides a projection of 170mm, with an aluminium threshold fixed to the sill to assist with drainage and compliance with Approved Document Part ‘M’. Care must be taken to ensure that the sill width is suitable for the specified building in detail whilst achieving compliance with Approved Document ‘L’ 2010, and to allow for internal sill drainage to clear the brickwork. Ventilation Flush fitting ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Farndale doorsets to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 8970mm² for double doorsets and 4485mm² for single doorsets. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K Assistance with compliance of Approved Document Part M available on certain widths. dB reductions up to: 31dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk U available down to: 1.1 W/m2K Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F farndale doorSeTS 91 45 D R F 92 R SECTION SECTION F-F F-F E E SECTION D-D F F E Created:Created: F Approved: Approved: Pos. No.: Pos. No.: For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 by by 03/10/2012 03/10/2012 by BD by BD 13 Sill C 96 Head DETAIL Sill Category: 03/10/2012 by BD by Jamb Jamb E DETAIL DETAIL R R 78 78 Category: Category: Order No.: Order No.: 6 NoA.: NoA.: 96 96 C 54 5 56 SECTION C-C 54 FarnDaLe GLaZeD 826mm FarnDaLe GLaZeD 626 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0012 - Farndale Patio Doorset\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\FR_A_001- Double Door THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. 41 91 NoA.: 76 76 Wen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0012 - Farndale Patio Doorset\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\FR_A_001- Double Door ORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. Wen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0012 - Farndale Patio Doorset\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\FR_A_001- Double Door ORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. farndale doorSeTS Section detaILs D DETAIL Head Mid Rail 54 170 NoA No.: DETAIL Mid Rail Supplier: Customer: Created: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Approved: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: FR_A_001- Double Door 03/04 78 78 A 34 34 162 162 56 56 DETAIL DETAIL Jamb Jamb SECTION SECTION E-E E-E 6 41 41 Supplier: Supplier: Customer: Customer: NoA No.: NoA No.: Purpose/Classification: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Item name: Doc. No.: Doc. No.: GeneralGeneral tolerance: tolerance: Drawing Drawing No.: No.: Rev. No.: Rev. No.: FR_A_001FR_A_001Double Double DoorDoor 04/0404/04 A A acouStic PeRfoRManCe External noise reduction is required from various different sources. These can either be road traffic, air traffic, rail or pedestrians. Depending on the different sources, certain frequencies will be relatively higher which results in a significant reduction required for this specific band of frequency. These tables detail these bands, which will enable you to see the exact performance of the product. Farndale Standard glass 4-20-4 Farndale Acoustic glass 6-16-6.4 Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 20.6 125 21.1 160 19.9 200 20.7 250 16.2 315 22.0 400 24.1 500 28.2 630 29.9 800 31.8 1000 31.3 1250 31.0 1600 33.1 2000 36.5 2500 35.1 3150 30.1 4000 32.3 5000 35.2 1/1 Octave 20.5 19.6 27.4 31.4 34.9 32.5 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 30 (-1;-4) dB www.jeld-wen.co.uk Sound Reduction index, dB Freq F HZ 1/3 Octave 100 20.9 125 20.9 160 20.3 200 20.8 250 16.4 315 21.8 400 24.4 500 28.7 630 30.1 800 32.3 1000 32.5 1250 32.9 1600 35.7 2000 38.9 2500 36.4 3150 31.3 4000 35.7 5000 39.5 1/1 Octave 20.7 19.7 27.7 32.6 37.0 35.5 Rating according to Bs en Iso 717-1:1997 RW (C;Ctr) = 31 (-2;-4) dB farndale doorSeTS 93 010 rantee r Guarantee FEnton sliding CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE 26 Patio viewed from external Internal head height 48mm 86mm top rail sight line 104mm Meeting stile glass thickness 28mm door profile height 86mm Bottom rail sight line 86mm 26mm Internal sill height 155mm sill projection this attractive slimline softwood timber sliding patio doorset comes in a variety of sizes to help you open up tight or large spaces. you can specify a range of hi-Build paint or stain finishes to give it a contemporary look. • Basecoatstainedasstandard.Primed,fullyfinished in Hi-Build paint or stain optional, see page 17 for more information • U values available 1.5-1.1 W/m2K • 28mmdoubleortripleglazingwithWarmEdge black spacer bar as standard • Variousdesignsincludingclearglazed,diamond and rectangular leaded glazing (may differ from the ones shown in the finishing section), Georgian or marginal bar using SDL fret compatible with our window ranges • 54mmsoftwooddoorleavesthatslideeitherleft hand, right hand or double openings as specified. When ordering specify right or left hand to slide when viewed from the outside • Chooseadoublesliderformaximumwidth supplied with a continuous head and sill • OurpatiodoorsetsarefullyCEMarked • Forfullspecificationdetailssee76 • 4pointlockingwithbrushedchromehandles • Standardsizesavailable.CADdrawingsare available to download on our website. 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS 10 10 Year Year Guarantee Guarantee • FEN DR FD GLASS CAN 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 10 40 1040 10 210 10 30130 10 10 1010 6 10 10 10 30 2 10 Year Guarantee Year Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year GuaranteeYear Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee NGALPAINT ARK head depth 137mm 50mm external head height ON OUR WEBSiTE OAK UFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT 01 Jamb thickness 34mm OAK MANUFACTURING GLASS PAINT DARK PAINT ROT & HARDWARE FUNGAL SOLID ROT &OAK FUNGAL STAIN SOLID OAK SOLID HARDWARE MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD PAINT PAINT GLASS GLASS HI-BUILD CAN • FEN DR• FEN FD DRHI-BUILD MANUFACTURING HI-BUILD CAN FD MANUFACTURING 30305 94 6 1 1 304040 11010 40 2 2 10 10 5 YearGuarantee Guarantee Year CAN • FEN DR FD ADVANCE-LINE 2 2 2 information Year Guarantee For 5 more contact us on 0845 122 2890MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee rantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ar Guarantee YearYear Year GuaranteeYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Year ROT & FUNGAL DARKHARDWARE PAINTHARDWARE ROT & FUNGAL FUNGAL PAINT & FUNGAL ROT & FUNGAL DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING HARDWARE K STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDS FINISH STAIN INTEGRAL BLINDSDARK OAK FINISH ROTOAK ARK STAIN ROT &DARK 25 Year Guarantee CLAD Glazing Sill Detail Using glazing rebates of 18mm x 43mm, our Fenton patios will accept 28mm (4:20:4) insulating glass units as standard. The glazing system is fully drained and vented with a sloping bottom platform. A full 5mm clearance is provided between the insulating glass unit and rebate, in compliance with BS 6262. A standard timber and aluminium sill provides a projection of 155mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the sill width is suitable for the specified building in detail whilst achieving compliance with Approved Document ‘L’ 2010, and to allow for internal sill drainage to clear the brickwork. Ventilation Trickle ventilators are supplied fitted as standard to all Fenton patios to assist in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. These provide an Equivalent Area of 5000mm² for widths of 1600mm and 1800mm and 7700mm² for widths of 2100mm and 2400mm. This product is also available with no trickle ventilation at time of order. W/m2 K U available down to: 1.1 W/m2K Background ventilation provided, to assist with compliance of Approved Document Part F www.jeld-wen.co.uk fenTon SlidinG doorSeTS 95 FENTON Sliding Doorsets Section Details 137 6 x 9 x 100mm setting block I 54 77.6 H 28 Y K SECTION G-G 78 6 x 9 x 100mm setting blocks under fixed door stiles 32.2 41 118 86 87 SECTION I-I G 6 I 155.2 165.2 NoA.: NoA No.: Category: R SECTION Q-Q Customer: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Approved: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: 04/10/2012 by NB U W V Supplier: Created: 17/05/2013 by NB 92 Fenton Sliding Patio Door Single Slider Elevation & Sectional Drawings P Single Slider FEN_A_001 34 03/04 C 6 DETAIL U 120 Q 77.6 SECTION R-R R P 48.4 SECTION P-P 34 104 92 120 DETAIL W DETAIL V 66 n\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0001 - Fenton Sliding Patio Door\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\FEN_A_001 - Single Slider ATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. 86 L H Q 96 126 G 26.2 C:\JeldWen\United Kingdom\Melton\Product Development\RD-0001 - Fenton Sliding Patio Door\Part, Assemblies & Drawings\FEN_A_001 - Single Slider THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JELD-WEN. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF JELD-WEN IS PROHIBITED. X 50 48.4 34 SECTION H-H 6 120 6 NoA.: NoA No.: Category: Created: 04/10/2012 by NB For more information contactApproved: us on 0845 122 2890 17/05/2013 by NB Fenton Sliding Patio Door Supplier: Customer: Order No.: Purpose/Classification: Item name: Doc. No.: Pos. No.: General tolerance: Drawing No.: Rev. No.: Single Slider FEN_A_001 04/04 C www.jeld-wen.co.uk FENTON Sliding Doorsets 97 30 30 Guarantee ear Guarantee LID OAK SOLID OAK 30 30 Guarantee ear Guarantee & FUNGAL OT & FUNGAL kEnsington doorsEt oak unfinisHed doorset this range of distinctive external doorsets features a range of decorative glazing designs, and is supplied unfinished for site decoration. the units are glazed using decorative glass to add extra kerb appeal. • 44mmhighqualityunfinishedoakveneerdoors • Multi-pointlocking • Softwoodframebasecoatstainedasstandardor fully finished in Hi-Build paint in white, buttermilk, gardenia and grey optional. • Letterplate,securitychainandviewerinsilveras standard, gold optional. See page 102 for details • Oakframeisavailable–placeanOatthe beginning of the relevant product code • Lefthandhungasviewedfromtheoutside • Mobilitythresholdstandard • Formoreinformationseethetechnicalsectionof the catalogue • Brushedchromehandleasstandard,brushedgold optional. Thumbturn handles in chrome or gold optional • Someofthesedoorshavebeenfinishedinanoak stain for photography purposes only. kEnsington doorsEt rangE Door Size 44mm (1¾”) Thick Width x Height Code 838mm x 1981mm (2’9” x 6’6”) CRoft tRIPLe gLazed 914mm x 1981mm (3’0” x 6’6”) 838mm x 1981mm (2’9” x 6’6”) thoRnBURy doUBLe gLazed 914mm x 1981mm (3’0” x 6’6”) 838mm x 1981mm (2’9” x 6’6”) eVeRsLey 914mm x 1981mm (3’0” x 6’6”) 838mm x 1981mm (2’9” x 6’6”) kIngston 914mm x 1981mm (3’0” x 6’6”) 838mm x 1981mm (2’9” x 6’6”) WestMInsteR tRIPLe gLazed 914mm x 1981mm (3’0” x 6’6”) 29CRft+ds 29CRft+dsff 30CRft+ds 30CRft+dsff 29thoR+ds 29thoR+dsff 30thoR+ds 30thoR+dsff 29eVes+ds 29eVes+dsff 30eVes+ds 30eVes+dsff 29kIn+ds 29kIn+dsff 30kIn+ds 30kIn+dsff 29West+ds 29West+dsff 30West+ds 30West+dsff Actual Frame Size Width x Height U Value 930mm x 2086mm 2.0 1006mm x 2086mm 930mm x 2086mm 2.2 1006mm x 2086mm 930mm x 2086mm 2.2 1006mm x 2086mm 930mm x 2086mm 1.9 1006mm x 2086mm 930mm x 2086mm 2.0 1006mm x 2086mm +ds = base coat stain doorframe + dsff = fully finished doorframe only. U values are based on softwood frame options. frame finish options include white, buttermilk, gardenia and grey. 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT HI-BUILD PAINT 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee GLASS GLASS 10 10 YearYear Guarantee Guarantee • FEN • FEN CANCAN DR DR FD FD these doors have been finished in an oak stain for photography purposes only. 11 40 40 10 10 22 Guarantee Guarantee YearYear Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee ForYear Year Guarantee Guarantee contact Guarantee 98 Year more information us on 0845 122 2890 DARK PAINT ROTROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING Croft un-finished thornbury site finished Unfinished doors shown in oak frames CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE Croft thornbury eversley kingston Westminster Optional oak frame finishes golden oak dark oak www.jeld-wen.co.uk KenSinGTon doorSeTS 99 CastlE doorsEts oak unfinisHed doorset a high quality composite doorset range, that has contemporary and traditional designs to choose from to suit any property. Unlike some other composite doors, the Castle doorset will not splinter, dent or rust, assuring you of a good investment and outstanding heat insulation. Enhanced security Benefits Security is also assured as each doorset comes complete with a full multipoint lock and tested to Secured by Design standards, the Police preferred specification, including NHBC requirements where requested. •10doordesigns •7doorfinishes •Prehungindoorsets •Alldoorsetscanmeetthe requirements of PAS 23/24 (when used with key/key hardware option) and specified upon order •Alldoorsetsmeettherequirements of current Building Regulations Energy efficient and environmentally friendly •Polyurethanecoreis100%CFC-free and offers enhanced sound and heat insulation Stable Door finish •Thethermosetmanufacturingprocessmeansthepanel will not expand or contract with changing temperature •Willnotsignificantlyblow,warp,crack,splinterordent The scratch resistant pre-pigmented skins are through coloured in a choice of five popular colours. The through colour means the skin is coloured throughout and therefore minor damage will not reveal a different colour beneath like some other doors. Secure and durable •Highimpact-resistant,GRP(GlassReinforcedPolyester) skins •44mmthickleaf Technologically advanced • Pre-pigmented skins are scratch resistant and waterproof – engineered composite rails and stiles which completely seal the insulating core Authentic appearance •Woodgraineffect •Compression moulded, high-definition, panel design Technical information •Fibreglassskinbothsides,nominal3mmthickness •Grainedeffectsurfacefinish •Fibreglass skin bonded to composite sub frame •Injectionfilledrigidpolyurethanecore •HCFCthermallyefficientcorewhichisCFCfree •Globalwarmingpotential:<5 •Ozonedepletionpotential:0 •Doorleafweight25kg(approx) •Glazeddoorsutiliseauniquesnaptogetheraction cassette eliminating unsightly plugs and screws 100 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Fire door option •30minuteFD30doorsetavailableinDunster,Clifford, Barnard & Upnor designs •Availableinwhite/whiteormahogany/whitefinish •Clearoriceobscurefireglazing Standard specifications •Softwoodpreservativetreatedframe,hardwoodcill •Goldorsilverhardware •Multipointlockingsystem •SecuredbyDesignantibumpcylinderkey/keyoption, key/thumb available to order •Factoryglazedobscureiceeffect •Silverletterplateandsecurityviewerto front doors •Fullyfinisheddoorinyourchoiceofcolour •Mobilitythreshold •Glassunit – 6.4mm laminated outer pane – 15.5mm black spacer bar – 4mm toughened inner pane •Toviewthehardwareseepage102 Walden Leeds CAD DRAWiNGS AVAiLABLE ON OUR WEBSiTE dunster Clifford Walden tilsbury Barnard Upnor Rising Cottage* keep* Leeds* *available in black & white only. www.jeld-wen.co.uk caSTle doorSeTS 101 ChoosIng yoUR hardWarE standard and oPtional View our standard and non-standard hardware, accessories and pricing to help you choose exactly what you need. WindoW hardWarE stormsure Casement range Cockspur handle Cockspur handle Restrictor Butt hinge Lockable cord restrictor Lock and keep Lock and keep Espagnolette handle Other colour options available Cockspur handle Projecting hinge Non-lockable cord restrictor sliding sasH Lock and keep Lock and keep - SBD Restrictor Sash lift Sash lift Deluxe tension key fullY reVersiBle Hi-Profile ComBi Locking cockspur handle Locking cockspur handle Locking cockspur handle Locking cockspur handle Locking stay and hook 102 For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 Espagnolette handle Other colour options available Sash lift HigH PerformanCe dreamVu™ Locking espagnolette handle Locking espagnolette handle Locking espagnolette handle tilt and turn Locking and non-locking handles Locking and non-locking handles Locking and non-locking handles Patio hardWarE CanBerra and dreamVu™ Handle gold optional fenton Locking handles Left or right farndale Tandem rollers Handle Security handle doorsEt hardWarE Castle & kensington doorsets Castle handle www.jeld-wen.co.uk Kensington handle Letter box, security chain hardWare 103 coMMiTMenTS and gUarantEEs We offer the following guarantees on products. these will become void when surface finishes or 30 faults are caused damage or by excessive wear and tear. 10 by wilful 10 or neglectful 10 10 Year Guarantee SOLID OAK Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT Year Guarantee GLASS Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD WindoWs and door frames 10 10 30 uarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT ROT & FUNGAL ACTURING 1 40 2 Guarantee Year Guarantee K PAINT ROT FUNGAL Year & Guarantee GOLDEN OAK STAIN 30 6 10 10 5 10 Guarantee Guarantee Year YearGuarantee Guarantee OLID OAK KGuarantee STAIN UILD PAINT MANUFACTURING INTEGRAL BLINDS Year Guarantee GLASS 1 10 30 40 Guarantee Year Guarantee & FUNGAL DARK PAINT r Guarantee Year Guarantee & FUNGAL HARDWARE Year Guarantee DARK STAIN r Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee GRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH UILD PAINT 40 r Guarantee & FUNGAL 10 40 • 10 302 10 6 25 2 30 40 year guarantee against rot and fungal attack Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HARDWARE MANUFACTURING Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee onYear softwood windows. ROT & FUNGAL INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH DARK STAIN 30 10 2 10 10 10 Year Guarantee SOLID OAK 10 years guarantee against manufacturing defects. Year Guarantee will accept Year Guarantee Year Guaranteefor products Year Guarantee JeLd-Wen no responsibility HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN FEN DR FD OAK FINISH Year Guarantee Year Guarantee GOLDEN CAN DR FD to size after receipt, or which use cut FEN down or OAK STAIN Year Guarantee SOLID OAK structural strength is impaired following improper Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL fitting of windows or hardware. • • 40 10 2 2 guarantee on hardware against 10 years Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HARDWARE Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING 2 30 30 30 2 manufacturing defect, finish and mechanical Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL failure for properties in land. see p119 for more Year Guarantee GOLDEN OAK STAIN information 6 2 10 2 5 10 Guarantee N OAK STAIN 10 1 Year year Guarantee Year Guarantee 30 guarantee against rot and fungal attack Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee GLASS CAN Year FENGuarantee DR FD YearYear Guarantee & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING SOLID OAK onDARK all PAINT hardwood ROT and oak timberHARDWARE components. GLASS 5 2 2 1010 years guarantee against double or triple glazed Year Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS Year Guarantee OAK FINISH Year Guarantee Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD unit failure on factory glazed windows. 10 GOLDEN OAK STAIN 105 uarantee ACTURING r Guarantee GRAL BLINDS 1 HARDWARE 10 30 2 Year YearGuarantee Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT SOLID OAK Year Guarantee OAK FINISH 40 30 Guarantee Year Guarantee K PAINT ROT & FUNGAL 10 Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 1 30 10 Year Guarantee DARK PAINT Year Guarantee SOLID OAK Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 6 10 30 1 DARK STAIN Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING ROT FUNGAL Year& Guarantee DARK PAINT 1 2 6 Year Guarantee DARK PAINT Year Guarantee GOLDEN OAK STAIN Year Guarantee DARK STAIN 6 Year Guarantee DARK STAIN Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 10 10 10 10 3010 1010 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee 30 years guarantee against rot and fungal attack SOLID OAK Year YearYear Guarantee YearGuarantee Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee GLASS CAN FEN DRPAINT FD MANUFACTURING GLASS CAN FEN DR FD HI-BUILD on solid oak patios – Canberra range. • 10 Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT • 10 30 6 r Guarantee Guarantee 10 30 r Guarantee Guarantee ARDWARE & FUNGAL 22 ar Guarantee Guarantee AK FINISH N OAK STAIN 10 5 2 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee CAN FEN DR FD Year•Guarantee MANUFACTURING INTEGRAL BLINDS GOLDEN OAK STAIN 2 1 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING DARK PAINT 6 Year Guarantee DARK STAIN • 40 10 10 ROT & FUNGAL Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT 10 10 10 MANUFACTURING GLASS CAN • FEN DR FD HARDWARE Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT Year Guarantee 2 10 10 Year Guarantee GLASS Year Guarantee 10 Year Guarantee CAN • FEN DR FD 5 2 10 10 10 1 40 10 2 40 10 2 1 years guarantee on factory finished hi-Build dark INTEGRAL BLINDS Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD PAINT DARK PAINT Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL painted colours. 40 65 OAK FINISH Year Guarantee Year Guarantee GLASS ROTGuarantee & FUNGAL Year HARDWARE 10 25 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee 5 2 5 25 Year Guarantee • FEN Year Guarantee CAN DR FD YearHARDWARE Guarantee MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee MANUFACTURING 22 Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL MANUFACTURING 2 Year years guaranteeHARDWARE onGuarantee factory finished golden oak Guarantee Year Year Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH DARK STAIN Year Guarantee Year Guarantee stained products including clear lacquer. INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH 6 Year years guarantee factory finished hi-Build dark Guarantee Yearon Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH oak stained products. 6Year years guaranteeYearon factory finished hi-Build Guarantee Guarantee ADVANCE-LINE stained products. CLAD 10 10 10 years guarantee on factory finished hi-Build Year Guarantee Year Guarantee GLASS CAN FEN DR FD white and pastel colours under normal exposure. • 10 1 240 3010 12 40 10 26 10 5 210 2 6 Year Guarantee Year Guarantee 10Yearyears guarantee againstGOLDEN manufacturing Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee OAK Guarantee STAIN DARK STAIN Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN FEN DR FD OAK FINISH INTEGRAL BLINDS OAK FINISH DARK STAIN defects, hardware and glazing – Canberra, fenton, dreamvu, farndale. • 40 10 2 2 years guarantee against rot and fungal attack, Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee ROT & FUNGAL manufacturing defects, and glazing – HARDWAREhardware MANUFACTURING oakfold and Wellington ranges. 5 Year Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS 2 Year Guarantee OAK FINISH 5 Sheltered Partly sheltered Year Guarantee INTEGRAL BLINDS Unsheltered 10 climate 2 10 years 10 years Year Guarantee OAK FINISH 7 years For more information contact us on 0845 122 2890 2 climate climate 10 years 7 years 7 years 5 years 5 years 5 years for stain and lacquer coating system applied on timber windows: Construction Moderate climate Hard climate Extreme climate Sheltered 6 years 5 years 3 years Partly sheltered 5 years 3 years 2 years* Unsheltered 3 years 2 years* 2 years* *only dark stain allowed. golden oak stain 2 years maximum. Moderate climate: includes non coastal areas at low altitude hard climate: includes an area within 5km of coastline extreme climate: any area of high altitude or exposed coastal areas this guide is based on en927-1. 104 10 Suggested redecoration cycles: forYearpigmented coating system (e.g. white or pastel colours) applied 40 years guarantee against rot and fungal attack Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee FUNGAL DARK & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING Year Guarantee YearYear Guarantee Year Guarantee Guarantee ROT &Year Guarantee YearPAINT Guarantee onROTtimber windows: on softwood patios – fenton, dreamvu and DARK PAINT ROT & FUNGAL HARDWARE MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING farndale. Extreme Moderate Hard Construction GLASS Guarantee OLID OAK K STAIN 10 allYear our factory finishes are guaranteed in accordance with en927/1-7. Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee HI-BUILD STAIN Year Guarantee 10 10 years guarantee against rot and fungal attack, Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee manufacturing defects, hardware and glazing. HI-BUILD PAINT GLASS CAN FEN DR FD JeLd-Wen will accept no responsibility for products cut down to size after receipt, or which use or structural strength is impaired following improper fitting of doors or hardware. Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Year Guarantee Paint and stain 6 2 Patio doorsets Year Guarantee doors and doorsets General MainTenance gUidElinEs the decoration and finishing of windows is covered in Bs6150: 2006 ‘Painting in buildings’ and Bs8000 Part 12: 1989. the decorative finish applied to windows, external doors and patios must be preserved while they are in service to ensure moisture does not penetrate the wood. JeLd-Wen products should be maintained in accordance with the guarantees or the paint or stain manufacturer’s guidelines, to prevent the finish from deteriorating and to protect the timber underneath. We recommend the following to maintain and extend the life of your exterior joinery products: • all joinery should be washed down twice a year with a mild solution of soapy water and rinsed off with clean water to remove any surface debris. this should be increased to four times a year in marine and industrial environments. • all mechanical hinges etc such be oiled with grease or neutral oil. • Weather seals should be checked and cleaned. • Vents should be cleaned and any blockages removed. • once cleaned, scrape, lightly sand and touch up any areas of wear and tear with a matching microporous paint or stain. any bare wood should be primed first. Hardware hinges, pivots, rivets and other moving parts must never be painted and should be kept clean and lubricated lightly at all times with grease or neutral oil. Products should be cleaned and lubricated at least once a year more often in coastal areas and places where pollution is high. guarantees will reduce depending on location even if general maintenance advice is undertaken. JeLd-Wen external hardware is tested to Bs en1670:2007 for corrosion resistance and generally achieves 240 hours. areas such as coastal or industrial may require higher performance. this should be specified at time of order/enquiry. the test exposure time above relates to the amount of time that a component part has been exposed to a neutral salt spray under laboratory conditions. there is no direct correlation between a given number of hours salt spray testing and real time natural environment exposure. for accessible cleaning options to the glass on your side hung windows opt for the projecting hinge in compliance with Bs 8213-1:2004. Projecting hinges should not be used on top hung windows as this would contravene Bs 8213-1:2004 appendix d and scottish Building Regulations P2.3. do not attempt to paint when temperatures fall below 8ºC or if the humidity is above 85% or in direct sunlight as this will impair the curing process. For maintenance advice after the guarantee period see our Technical Manual on our website. www.jeld-wen.co.uk 105 ContaCt Us To send us your enquiry you can contact us as follows: GENERAL ENqUIRIES: 0845 122 2890 WINDOW & PATIO ESTIMATING: 0845 122 2896 EMAIL: [email protected] JELD-WEN UK LTD SNOW HILL MELTON MOWBRAY LEICESTER LE13 1PD www.jeld-wen.co.uk JWG1643/Oct2013