NECROMUNDA GETSTARTED ASSEMBLTTG YOUR BUTTDIiIGS The card buildingsincludedin Necromundarepresentthe urban clutter of the Underhiveand form the basis of the game, providing cover for your gang and obstaclesto your enemy. The card buildingsare designedso that they can be clippedtogetherwith just the plasticbulkheadsprovided. PTASTIC BUTKHEADS The buildingsand gantriesof Necromunda are designed to fit around the thirty plasticbulkheadsincludedin the game.These bulkheadsform the the main supportfor the card floors,buttressesand the walkways. There are several different bulkhead styles, and you shouldbearthis in mindwhen assemblingthe buildings. Try to avoid placingthe same style of bulkheadnext to each other or formingtoo many solid areas as this tends to obscureline of sighttoo much. GLUINGPARTSTOGETHER Once you have experimentedwith the assemblyof your buildingswe recommendthat each buildingis glued together.Gluingyour buildingsprovidesa more stable surfacefor you to battleover.To glue your buildingsyou will needa PVAglue,suchas CitadelPVAglue,or an all purposeadhesivelike UHU glue. It is best to glue the plastic bulkheadstogether first. Once dry the bulkheadscan then be gluedinto position with the card floors.The final stage is to glue the card buttressesto the side slots of the plasticbulkheads. Do not glue any of the card walkwaysto the buildingsas this will make it difficultfor you to experimentwith and battleover differentlayouts. CARDBUTTRESSES Necromundacontainsa numberof card buttresses whichyou maywishto addto yourbuildings to provide extra supportand cover.The large buttressesare designed to fit thethreestoreybuildingonly.Thesmal[er buttresses are moreversatileand can positioned onio anyof thebuildings or walkways. Join the plastic bulkheads together by locating the bottom tabs of one bulkhead into the top slot of another. Push the bulkheads together until they are flush with each other as shown in the'correct'illustration below. To position a buttress simply push it into the side groove of a plastic bulkhead. WRONG! CORRECT The small buftresses may be used on any building. NECROMUNDA GETSTARTED BUITDING ONE BUILDING TWO For thistwo storeybuildingyou will needthe two card floorsshownbelow,six plasticbulkheads and up to six smallcardbuttresses. Thisthreestoreybuildingrequiresthreecardfloorsas illustrated, twelveplasticbulkheads and the eightlarge cardbuttresses. STAGE 1: Join two plastic bulkheads together.Slide the two card floors onto the assembled two storev bulkhead. STAGE 1t Join three plastic bulkheads together then slide in the three card floors. Repeat this procedure using the other slots on the card floor. STAGE2: Attachfourmoreplasticbulkheadsas shown above to completethisbuilding. STAGE2: Assemblethreeplasticbulkheadsand attach as shown.Repeatthisprocedurefor the oppositeside. STAGE 3: This stage is optional. Six of the small card buttressesmay be attached to the plastic bulkheads. STAGE 3: The eight large card buttressescan now be aftached to the plastic bulkheads, as illustrated. NECROMUNDA GETSTARTED BUILDING TI{REE \r"0" This is the most intricate of the buildings and consists of two storeys incorporating a tower. For this buildingyou will needthe two card floors, six plastic bulkheadsand up to eight small card buttresses.A strip of adhesivetape or an elastic band will be requiredto securethe cardtower. STAGE1: Firstslotthe towerroof in place. The tower can now be foldedround the roof, ensuringeach of the roof tabs slotsin firmly.We recommendyou use a strip of adhesivetape on the inside of the buildingto secure the assembledtower.Alternativelyan elasticband can be placedaroundthe baseof the tower. STAGE2: Theassembledtowercannowbe sloftedinto thecardfloor.lt is importantto ensurethattowerside 'A' faces towardsthe striped sectionof the card floor. STAGE3: Slide the second card floor into the slots providedas shownabove. STAGE4zJoin twoplasticbulkheadstogether.Slide the tvvobulkheadsinto the two card floors.Repeatthis step for the otherside. STAGE5: Aftachtwo more plasticbutkheadsby stiding theminto the firstflooras shownabove. STAGE6: Ihr.sstageis optional.Up to eightof the smatt card buttresses may be attached to the plastic bulkheadsas show. NECROMUNDAGET STARTED TUNNETENTRANCE The tunnel entrancecomprisesone plasticbulkhead, two small buttressesand the card tunnel.This oieceof can be used as a stand alone item of terrain, or combinedwith card walkwavs. DOUBLEENDEDWALKWAYThese walkways slide onto the floors of the buildings as shown above. This long walkway requires two plastic bulkheads to support it. STAGE 1: S/of the card tunnel entrance and two small buttressesinto the plastlc bulkhead shown above. Slot "X" DOUBLEENDEDWALKWAY:ThisL shapedwalkway whichrequiresthe supportof oneplasticbulkhead,and connectsto buildingsas shownabove. STAGE 2: The completed tunnel entrance, walkways can be positioned into the slot marKed "X". WATKWAYS Necromunda contains several different types of walkwayswhichcan be usedto connectyour buildings. There are two differenttypes of walkway;double ended walkways which slide onto floors,andsingle ended whichterminatein a plasticbulkhead. SfNGLE ENDED WALKWAYS= These slide onto a building floor at one end and terminate in a plastic bulkhead at the other. Slide the open end of the walkway onto the building floor and then push a plastic bulkhead firmly into position at the other end. The card walkway will fit neatly into the top gap of the plastic bulkhead. Position the walkway so that the ladders on the bulkhead end are not blocked. WATERSTILL SQUARE PLATFORM: To assemble the square platform, slide two plastic bulkheads onto the building floor as shown in the diaqram. The water still is a free standing game objective whichcan also be usedas extra cover.To assemble, fold the large card in half and secure in place with the two smaller card supports. ASSEMBLY TTSTRUCTIONS The card buildings in Outlanders can be used to expand the urban sprawl you already have from your copy of Necromunda. The lift tower and the' watch-tower are designed so they can be clipped together with just the plastic bulkheads, though gluing them together is still a good idea. LIFT TOWER Youwjll needthe large cardfloor,the two small cardfloors.ten plastic bulkheads, the lift platformand front. WATCH.TOWER Forthis buildingyou will needthe watch-towerplatform shown below two plasticbulkheads.the two parapets and the four cardbuttresses. -a/ \ -{ STAGEl: Jointwo plastrc bulkheads togetherSIidethe cardfloor onto the assembledtwo storey bulkhead. STAGEl: Assembletwo setsof three plasticbulkheads andjoin one setto the largecardplafform.Pushthe two smallcardfloorsonto the bulkheads and then attachthe secondset of bulkheads as shown. STAGE2: Pusha plasticbulkheadinto eachof the slotsas shown. Foldthe ljft platformand push the lift front into the slotsprovided. Onceassembied, the lift can be attachedto one of the plasticbulkheads in the same manneras a straight-endedwalkway. STAGE2: FoIdthe tower wallsand pushthem into the slotsprovidedin the watcn-tower platform.Pushthe buttressesonto the plasticbulkheads as illustrated. n BARRICADESAND MARKERS % -w --I ---- +A.''-r! , f= Once jt has been folded, the fortified walkway can be attached to the plasticbulkheads as shown above. lif Youwill needthe fivebarricades and theirsupportsplus the four markersand theirstands.Foldthe barricade supporlstogetherand then pushinto the slotsprovidedin the barricade. Foldthe markerstandsand pushthe markersinto the slotsprovrded. 5 Seee tp tpcH€,9 --------' tcqA r r) tpctles 3 L i,ffi L-**;*;. @e4.ffi*q*lm;c i j ,t ilqr 'il ...:*ry**-t iw ':r $,'1{} , ,[ , ),'- Arr ,Ia, ;.., ," ..ri .'-,; ,r'd\ \1, f f > -:- d \, "a 8. ry.' I .}' ..r{;td'f- !,-, . ,\-.r' .- i; 'i. ? . ;i ] lGtrG. EIG'tt rflJ.L5IEE ? . * , 'I ls I f& .J E--.. + : :!.: *r: +. Ir '! "; ,s,;:&. ..i ?r'1.. +r'1,, t- ?* r rz J 1j):}.].I b.a I ; : ? , , ", ':'l . 3l ] {b ,J "tr ^ ]re. r{* q .q ""1' ,i ,. ,\ (-A r' € I t., t , :ii( r, "1; ,2i , r _- A . r, . , '{{ ,r\ I , . L ' .- .'i. :7{ ( f L 5 )fF11: yp irlcrti{{ q * .re. j -ic,u$ , r. {s".'rttE-4 t ]re. r{* q .q ""1' ,i ,. ,\ (-A r' € I t., t , :ii( r, "1; ,2i , r _- A . r, . , '{{ ,r\ I , . 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