North Hills - Midtown Transit
North Hills - Midtown Transit
PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) 4 Midtown What is PRT? PRT stands for Personal Rapid Transit, and is the most energy efficient urban transit system ever devised. PRT consists of lightweight, four-passenger electric vehicles running on elevated tracks. PRT does not run on a schedule. Service is on-demand, taking you non-stop from your origin to your destination, 24/7. Why Midtown Raleigh? Midtown Raleigh is the area within a 2-mile radius surrounding North Hills that has become a hub of commercial and residential activity in Raleigh, distinctive in character and sense of place. Midtown is unique, with long established neighborhoods, a thriving mix of businesses, schools, churches, parks, and open space, and a 24/7 walkable urban center. At the heart of Raleigh’s Midtown, North Hills is the hightraffic center where the community lives, works, and plays. A staggering 7.5 million visitors walk through North Hills; some 67 million vehicles pass through the area; and 10,000 residents live within the core of Midtown, which is also home to First Citizens Bank’s corporate headquarters, Duke Raleigh Hospital, the 17-story Captrust Tower, 1100 hotel rooms, and 150 retailers and restaurants. The most likely environment in which rapid urban transit can be successful is in a place that generates high volumes of internal trips. The Midtown core centered by North Hills is the ideal location for PRT because the area is bustling with short trips. As an urban center that integrates mixed use development with pedestrian-friendly space, Midtown Raleigh offers the perfect starting ground for urban transit, pushing the envelope on what exists today in the Triangle region. Continued smart growth over the next decade will bring more high-density mixed use development across Midtown, increasing the number of residences, office, retail, and hotel rooms. Personal Rapid Transit is a viable solution to moving people within Midtown and connecting Midtown to area transit centers while minimizing traffic on the roadways. How It Works PRT Remakes Cities Comfortable and quiet, the vehicles travel non-stop to personally selected destinations at 25mph. The system operates only in response to user requests. Saving time and energy, PRT uses an automated fleet of four-seat electric vehicles moving along a network of elevated tracks to carry passengers non-stop, point to point. Stations are located on track separated from the main track, so that stopped vehicles do not interfere with the free flow of passing traffic. ··Less congestion as PRT frees up road capacity and parking space ··Small, unobtrusive vehicles and guideways minimize visual intrusion and conform to modern architecture PRT Transforms Transportation ··Low-impact infrastructure requires ··Immediate private, point-to-point fewer resources compared with other forms of transportation, yielding lower costs and faster construction time. service ··Reliable, predictable, and 5 feet congestion-free non-stop travel that is faster than driving “Rapid Transit is a natural evolution of the continued growth at North Hills, where people are looking for an efficient way to move around without continually moving their car.” ··Comfortable and attractive seating for up to four passengers 6 feet ··Easy access for people with bikes, wheelchairs, backpacks, and briefcases John Kane, CEO and Chairman of Kane Realty Corporation For more information, please visit 3 LA SS 2 IT ER M IL L RO AD FIRST CITIZENS S IX T FI RS NS ZE CI TI 4 DA RT F OR M OU TH RD 14 6 LAS SIT ER 440 T 5 M ID RE SI TO W N DE NC ES ST. AL BA NS H AR DR IV PA RK DI M ON T RO AD E TH CA RD E IN AL NORTH HILLS EXPANSION 8 NEW HOPE CHURCH ROAD 9 OFF ICE RESI DENT RE S ID ST. AL EN T IA BA NS DR IV L OF FI E 10 CE ES WA F IC KE OF 15 &R A IL 14 ET BARRETT DRIVE OFFICES AN AN 16 S IX F OR 17 CH CH S T. 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PRT consists of lightweight, four-passenger electric vehicles running on elevated tracks. PRT does not run on a schedule. Service is on-demand, taking you non-stop from your origin to your destination, 24/7. Yes. For reasons of both speed and safety PRT vehicles are never allowed to mix with pedestrians or other traffic. The guideway is very minimal, however, due to the lightweight nature of the vehicles, and is also completely customizable. Q:Can you explain PRT in simple terms? Q:Why is Midtown suitable for transit? When you enter an elevator, you push a button to choose a stop (or floor). PRT is similar, but does not stop at several stations (or floors)– instead, it takes you directly to the next station you choose and bypasses all intermediate stations. PRT vehicles flow rapidly on a main track. Vehicles pulling in and out of stations leave the main track, enabling other PRT vehicles to pass stations without stopping. The most likely environment in which rapid urban transit can be successful is in a place that generates high volumes of internal trips. The Midtown core centered by North Hills is the ideal location for PRT because the area is bustling with short trips. As an urban center that integrates mixed use development with pedestrian-friendly space, Midtown Raleigh offers the perfect starting ground for urban transit, pushing the envelope on what exists today in the Triangle region. Q:How is PRT powered? PRT vehicles are 100% electrically powered, using batteries that are recharged whenever the vehicle is parked at a station. Q:At what speed does it travel? The maximum speed is 25 mph. It is important to remember that this is non-stop: once a PRT vehicle departs its station of origin, it does not stop again until it reaches its destination. Continued smart growth over the next decade will bring more high-density mixed use development across Midtown, increasing the number of residences, office, retail, and hotel rooms. Personal Rapid Transit is a viable solution to moving people within Midtown and connecting Midtown to area transit centers while minimizing traffic on the roadways. Q:Is PRT environmentally friendly? Q:How early could this rapid transit be in place in Midtown? We believe that PRT is the most environmentally friendly form of transit ever invented. It is 70% more energy-efficient than private cars. The feasibility study has been completed and Midtown PRT could be in place within 48 months, given favorable funding and other conditions. Q:Is PRT quiet? Electrically powered PRT vehicles are extremely quiet. The noise has been compared to that of a bicycle with a well-oiled chain, and from a few yards away, it is effectively inaudible. Q:How many car trips could PRT save? In numerous studies of other cities, PRT networks have been estimated to decrease car trips by 10% to 30% or more, with an average decrease of 15%. Q:Why does PRT operate without drivers? In all forms of transport, the principal cause of an accident is the driver. Existing large scale fully automatic systems in operation worldwide have never had a fatality due to the automatic control system, and today’s computer technology is a major contributor to safer transport systems. For more information, please visit us at PRT 4 MIDTOWN