Fall 2013 - Lancaster Mennonite School


Fall 2013 - Lancaster Mennonite School
Mill Creek Project
Campus Chorale in South Africa
23 Fall Festival & Homecoming
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 3
3 Mill Creek project
6 Campus Chorale travels
to South Africa
10 Before and after school
care program
12 Alumni notes
15 Thank you, donors!
22 Iron Bridge
Kraybill, grades PreK–8
598 Kraybill Church Road
Mount Joy, PA 17552
(717) 653-5236
Lancaster, grades 6–12
2176 Lincoln Highway East
Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 299-0436
Locust Grove, PreK–8
2257 Old Philadelphia Pike
Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 394-7107
New Danville, grades PreK–5
393 Long Lane
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 872-2506
Address alumni and school news to
[email protected]
or call (717) 509-4459, ext. 701.
Lancaster Mennonite School
has four campuses:
Loving all parts of
God’s creation
from the
Bridges is the magazine of Lancaster
Mennonite School, sent to alumni,
parents and friends. LMS exists to
transform students so they can
change our world through Christlike
love, peacemaking and service. The
school welcomes students without
regard to gender, race, nationality or
ethnic origin.
One of the first Bible verses I recall starts,
“For God so loved the world.” Today, we are
called to love the world that God loves.
J. Richard Thomas
Care of creation is an important way for Christians to love the world. We
know that God is bringing renewal to this world, and we are to join God in
bringing healing and hope.
This summer, work was done to help bring healing to the Mill Creek,
which flows through the Lancaster Campus. By extension, the work also
brought healing to the downstream watershed, including the Chesapeake
After the start of school, Lancaster Campus students in biological
science classes in middle and high school were educated about the stream
restoration project. They also helped to plant about 250 native trees to
complete the project.
We are also called to join with God in loving all the people of the world.
Examples of our joining with God in this issue of Bridges include trips LMS
students took this past summer to connect with communities in South
Africa and Germany.
We talk about local and global student connections, and yet, in our ever
Editor: Stephanie Weaver
[email protected]
more interconnected world, the line between local and global becomes
Volume 41, No. 1
blurred as global students become part of the local community and local
Check out our Facebook page,
Lancaster Mennonite School,
for videos and more photos
from campus events.
Cover photo: The portion of the
Mill Creek that flows through the
Lancaster Campus in the midst of a
summer restoration project.
Photo: Stephanie Weaver
2 | Bridges SUMMER 2 0 1 0
students move to other parts of the globe. In any case, being together,
whether from across the street or around the world, enriches all and
prepares all for life and witness in a global village.
Creation care and global-local connections help meet our graduate
profile that envisions our graduates to be stewards of the natural
environment and to be globally-minded.
Finally, they are empowered to live with a sense of curiosity, wonder and
mystery as they join with God at work in our world. 
Restoring the Mill Creek
The only thing freshman Jazleen Jones
ever planted before in her life were
some flowers.
But in September, Jones and about 200
“I thought it was a lot of fun, and we
got dirty,” Jones said.
Students from grades 6-12
participated in the planting day, joining
other LMS students helped plant almost
with volunteers from the Lancaster
250 trees and shrubs along the banks of
County Conservation District and
the recently-restored Mill Creek.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
The work is the last leg of a summer
project by the conservation district to
re-grade and restore the Mill Creek.
(continued on page 4)
Sophomore Benjamin Breisinger (in
orange) shows a middle school class
how to properly plant a tree.
April 2013
The portion of the project that
flows through the Lancaster Campus
underwent a transformation under
Kofroth said will prevent erosion and
allow the creek to flood naturally.
The conservation district also added
help to stabilize the banks.
The work completed on campus is
part of a bigger project that included
the watchful eye of Matt Kofroth,
stones and a mudsill to the creek
parts of the Mill Creek down to
watershed coordinator for the Lancaster
to increase the fish habitat and aid
Strasburg Pike.
County Conservation District.
the overall ecosystem. The work
Kofroth’s team worked on the project
throughout the summer and were on
campus during the planting day to
The project was funded through
also eliminated invasive species and
$200,000 worth of federal and state
replaced them with native plants.
grants, obtained by the conservation
“What we are doing today will
Lancaster Campus Principal Elvin
teach the students about the changes
compliment everything we did over
made to the Mill Creek and guide them
the summer,” Kofroth said during the
Kennel said partnering in the project
in the proper way to plant trees.
planting day. “These trees and shrubs
was a no-brainer.
The biggest difference to the Mill
will serve as the first line of defense.”
“It is very clear to people who would
The trees and shrubs help provide
have looked at the stream before to now
Previously, the bank was vertical, but
shade to the stream and help protect
see the gentleness of the banks and the
now it contains a gradual slope that
it from pollution. Their roots will also
new features,” he said.
Creek is the change to its banks.
August 2013
4 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
Senior Katie Adams said she was
The work ties into the graduate
amazed by the difference in the Mill
profile of LMS to foster the desire in
Creek. Her forestry class last spring
students to practice stewardship of
studied the waterway intensively,
all that God has entrusted to them,
from the erosion and flooding to the
including the natural environment.
wildlife habitat.
“It’s nice knowing the Mill Creek
In addition to the student volunteers,
former science teachers and alumni,
now has a better chance of surviving,”
Charles Longenecker and Leon Good,
she said.
also stopped by to help plant trees.
Sophomore Ben Breisinger helped
Longnecker said he decided to help
give a presentation to a middle school
after finding out the work wouldn’t be
class during his double period of
too strenuous.
biology with Cedric Steiner.
After a group of students took a
Breisinger and his group modeled
break for chapel, Longenecker made
how to properly dig the holes for the
the most of the quiet to plant a few
young trees and protect them with
trees on his own and take in the
plastic tubes.
beauty around him.
He enjoyed getting the chance to be
“Oh my, what a change,” he said.
out of the classroom and said planting
“This bank used to be vertical and it
the trees with his peers created a sense
was overrun.”
of accomplishment.
“I thought it was cool that my school
Moving forward, Kennel said there
is still some signage about the work
would do this,” he said. “I don’t know
that needs to be installed by the Mill
too many other schools that would.”
Creek. He added that LMS is also
Kennel said the planting day allows
planning to water the plants to help
students to connect more with what
offset the mortality rate and will
they are learning in class and the
do “stem-planting” in the spring to
further solidify the bank.
“I think they will all take a piece of
this with them,” he said.
September 2013
“It far exceeds anything that we
would have imagined,” he said. 
Top: Seventh-graders Kiyana McGill-Jefferson,
Dulce Shenk-Zeager and Willa Beidler prepare to
dig a hole to plant their first tree.
Middle: Junior Po-Hua Chen, junior Madeline
Dionne and freshman Ben Coryell sprinkle dirt
around a freshly-planted tree.
Bottom: Current and former science teachers
helped with the planting day. From left to right:
Cedric Steiner, Leon Good, 1960, Charles
Longenecker, 1950, and Seth Buckwalter,1997.
Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
Singing in
South Africa
Photos provided by Sheri Wenger
Tuck Ryan could pick from a
Instead, it’s of an impromptu
multitude of incredible experiences
performance at a McDonald’s in
when he reflects on the Campus
Chorale trip to South Africa.
“Not only did all the workers and
hoped to instill in her choir during
the 17-day trip.
Hostetler dreamed of taking a choir
to South Africa to experience the
the manager stop and listen, but
passion, sound and movement of the
forefront of the 2013 graduate’s mind
they danced and sang along,” Ryan
music that she fell in love with while
isn’t of an inspirational concert or of
said of the chorale’s performance
she was a student at Goshen College.
interacting with the wildlife at a game
of Shoshaloza, a traditional South
African folk song. “Seeing the
country’s concept of “ubuntu,” which
enjoyment on their faces and their
means that people only truly exist by
willingness to pause from their busy
being in community with others.
But the one that rushes to the
work and join us in song is a lesson
“I was impressed with the power
for all of us to remember to take time
of singing and the joy and strength
for those simple things in life that
it brought to the people,” Hostettler
give us joy.”
said. “In South African culture,
Learning to connect with the South
Workers at a McDonald’s in
Rustenberg sing along with Campus
Chorale members.
She was forever changed by the
chorale music is a reflection of a
African community, especially
cherished way of life, a way that we
through song, was one of the main
know is modeled through Christ.”
concepts director Marcella Hostetler
This summer Hostetler’s dream
“South Africa has a singing tradition that is unmatched anywhere else in the world. It
seems as though music and pitches are not as important as movement and the spirit of
each individual. ” ­— Jonathan Sauder, 2013 graduate
6 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
Students experience
Germany as part of
exchange program
became a reality when she led
a group of 30 members of the
Lancaster Mennonite Campus
Chorale to South Africa from
Nine LMS students and high school
June 10-27. Campus Chorale
teacher Jonathan Metzler participated
is a group of select juniors
in an exchange visit with the
and seniors that practiced
Kreisgymnasium school in Bad Krozingen,
and performed together
Germany, this summer. Students from the
throughout the 2012-13
school year. This trip was the
final LMS experience for the
Nathaniel Kratz, 2013
graduate, tries out a drum at the market
at Chameleon Village.
members of the choir who
graduated this spring.
The choir stopped at several
schools around Johannesburg
and Pretoria to learn more about
the African music culture and to
share their music as well, creating a
unique educational experience.
The students were overwhelmed
by the responses they received at
the various concerts throughout
the trip. As soon as the students
began to sing, the crowd would
join in with clapping, snapping and
dancing, experiencing each note
with the chorale.
“They love music and singing and
dancing, and it just make me love
it all the more too,” senior Alyse
Yoder said.
In addition to stops at several
schools, the students visited
the Pilanesberg Game Reserve,
Chameleon Village, the Apartheid
Museum, the Indian Ocean and
Soweto, where they learned about
both apartheid and post-apartheid
South Africa. The chorale also
spent a weekend at Hope Valley
Farm, a sugar cane plantation, and
had the opportunity to present the
message and sing during a Zulu
church service.
Junior Maria Waterfield said the
visible transformation of the group
was incredible and that she is proud
of her fellow chorale members.
“We have learned and grown so
much in our music in the last year
two schools have visited each other seven
times in the past 13 years to promote
cultural understanding and practice
Sophomore Rudolph Rigano III said
he wanted to go because he hosted a
German student in 2012 and wanted to
see him again. Senior Isaac King was more
interested in improving his knowledge of
the German language.
The LMS students stayed with hosts at
Kreisgymnasium to experience the culture
and foods.
“I loved it dearly and really want to
go again because I had such a strong
connection with my exchange student,”
freshman Faith Dinger said.
The group also spent four days in
Berlin visiting landmarks such as the
Sachsenhausen concentration camp
and took day trips to Strasbourg, Basel,
Heidelberg and Staufen.
“It was a once in a lifetime trip and the
bonds formed are unlike any other,”
senior Emily Pautler said.
and especially over the course of
this trip,” she said. “We are no
longer afraid to move, our sound
is so much bigger, and we connect
“I realized I don’t need souvenirs to remember this trip. We
have songs that we have learned and movement skills that
we’ve acquired. I will never forget it.” — Maddie Garber, senior
Seniors Sophia Mast and Aubrey Haller
much more to the meaning of our
practice a new dance with friends from a
music.” 
student choir at Lebone II School.
Celebrating Achievements
Yoder to lead Community Peacemaking BOARD
LMS Assistant Superintendent Miles Yoder was named the chair of the board of
directors for the Center for Community Leadership in Lancaster. The Center, like
LMS, believes in restorative justice as a way to deal with individuals who break
the law. The Center works to bring offenders and victims together to reconcile and
work out a solution that brings healing to both parties.
Miles Yoder
LMS named Readers’ CHOICE
LMS was once again named Favorite Private School in Lancaster Newspapers’
13th annual Readers’ Choice Awards, helping to bolster the school’s reputation for
offering an excellent education in a Christ-centered environment.
Meghan Good, a 2013 graduate, was chosen by Landis Homes Retirement Community to be the 2013 Art Student Award winner. Good was chosen for her color
photograph, “Amusement Park Memory.” The piece depicts the upper portion of
Paul Brubaker
a very colorfully decorated amusement park ride that she captured on a trip to
Texas. The piece will become a part of Landis Homes’ permanent collection.
SENIor department awardS
The faculty honored the dedication and success of twelve seniors with the
top department awards during the high school awards assembly last spring. The
seniors recognized were: Colleen Andrews, agriculture; Deok Hoon Kim, art;
Anson Lam, business; Laurel Bornman, English;
Christina Gantt, family and consumer science;
Below, department award winners, left
to right: Laurel Bornman, Nick Weaver,
Brandon DaSilva, Christina Gantt, Isaac
King, Monica Beiler, Andrew Wassall,
Megan Baak, Deok Hoon Kim and
Anson Lam.
Nick Weaver, mathematics; Andrew Pauls, music;
Brandon DaSilva, health and physical education;
Isaac King, science; Megan Baak, social studies;
Andrew Wassall, technology; and Monica Beiler,
world language.
Colleen Andrews Andrew Pauls
Stephanie Weaver
The 2013 varsity boys volleyball team
shakes hands with the Conestoga
Valley team after a regular season
match. The boys team was selected to
win the Sportsmanship Award by the
L-L League officials.
LMS earns spring sportsmanship award
Gary Hiller
For the second consecutive year, LMS was honored with the Lancaster-Lebanon
League Spring Sportsmanship Award, showcasing the school’s belief that sports
and other co-curricular activities help develop skills of leadership, character and
growth in self-understanding and Christian values.
Three spring teams won the sportsmanship awards for their respective sports:
boys volleyball, boys tennis, and track and field.
Ian Schwabe
Junior Ian Schwabe earned first place honors in the Newspaper
in Education 8th Annual Student Press Awards for best cartoon.
Schwabe’s recognition highlighted a solid showing from the
2012-13 Millstream staff, which also included a third place for
front page and a third place for best news story.
Wassall EXCELS in driving competition
Andrew Wassall
2013 graduates Jerel Sensenig and Nick Weaver earned spots on the Class AA
all-state volleyball team, highlighting
a successful spring season for the boys
volleyball team. Sensenig, an outside
hitter, finished the season with 314 kills
and 94 digs, and Weaver, a setter, finished
with 858 assists and 95 digs.
Weaver, a four-year starter, also earned
Jerel Sensenig
Two win honors at
PA Computer Fair
Junior Cameron Andrews won first place
honors at the state and regional levels of the
Pennsylvania Computer Fair earlier this year.
Andrew Wassall, a 2013 graduate, tied for first place in the
written portion of the 20th annual Lancaster-Lebanon Safe
Driving Competition sponsored by the Center for Traffic Safety
earlier this year.
a spot on the all-league team. 
Junior Cameron Andrews shows off the check
he won for getting first place in best web
design at the PA Computer Fair.
Nick Weaver
Andrews, the LMS student webmaster, won
the competition for his work on a new section
of the website designed and implemented to
market the school to prospective international
students. Andrews received a cash award for
his winning effort on behalf of LMS.
Sophomore Bryce Yoder earned second place
at the regional
level in Computer
Animation for his
humorous creation,
“Ski Trip.”
The regional
competition is for
all of the schools
serviced by the
Lancaster Lebanon
IU 13.
Bryce Yoder
Bridges SSUUM
Before and After School Care
Finding flexibility
Lauren Krady
Looking back, Kendra Hartman is
to enroll their children to stay at the
not sure how she would have managed
school instead of having to make other
without the Before and After School
arrangements for after school care,”
Care program offered at the Locust
Mollenkof said.
Grove Campus.
Hartman’s daughter, Sarah, attended
Hartman said the program gave her
daughter extra time to play on the
the program throughout her time at the
playground and burn off energy before
PreK-8 campus and is now a freshman
she had to go home to do homework.
Above: Remy MacKay, second grade,
takes a break from playing during the
after-school program at the Locust Grove
at the Lancaster Campus.
As she got older, the program provided
Below: Ivana Dougherty, first grade, uses
time during the before school program at
the Locust Grove Campus to read a book.
school day, gave the Hartman family the
Xiaodong Fan, M.Ed.
The program, which allows students
to come early and stay later than the
flexibility it needed to mesh schedules.
“It was a necessity,” Kendra Hartman
quiet time to do school work and assist
the instructor with younger students.
“It seemed to work out really well,” she
said. “I don’t know what I would have
done otherwise.”
said. “With work, I couldn’t leave before
Assistant to the Superintendent
a certain time.”
LMS 学区区长助理 范晓东
In a commitment to help more
Centered in Christ
Transforming Lives
Changing our World
2176 Lincoln Highway East
families, LMS expanded its Before and
Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: 717-299-0436, ext. 432 After School Care programs to the
[email protected]
www.lancastermennonite.org Kraybill and New Danville campuses.
Judi Mollenkof, principal of the Locust
Grove and Kraybill campuses, said the
Lauren Krady
expansion is the result of interest and
requests from parents.
“This enables parents who need these
services, particularly those who work,
Lauren Krady
Students in the before school program at Locust
Grove Campus work with iPads.
1 0 | Bridges
Stephanie Weaver
J. Daniel Martin
Eagle Scout projects spiffy up campuses
The Lancaster and Kraybill campuses underwent some outdoor renovations throughout the
summer as part of two students’ Eagle Scout projects.
Sophomore Ryan Kindelberger placed a pathway at the Kraybill Campus from the
playground to the school while junior Jon Harker installed a patio and picnic tables outside
the Gym A lobby and the concession stand by the turf field at the Lancaster Campus.
“Kraybill has done so much for me and has been
such a huge influence on my life … that I just wanted
to give back,” Kindelberger said. “I’m hoping that
it’s just something that makes life a little easier for
Harker said he heard people talking about how there
were no places to sit to eat by the concession stand
and came up with the idea.
“It was cool to be able to help out,” he said.
Mark your calendar
High School Play, Pride and Prejudice, 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 15-16
Fall Festival and Homecoming, Lancaster Campus
Dec. 5 Locust Grove Campus Christmas Program, 7 p.m.
Dec. 5
MCCL at Neffsville Mennonite Church, 7 p.m.
Dec. 7
MCCL at Ridgeview Mennonite Church, , 7 p.m.
Dec. 8
MCCL at Grace Baptist Church, 4 p.m.
Dec. 10
MCCL at Neffsville Mennonite Church, 7 p.m.
Dec. 12
New Danville Campus Christmas Program, 7 p.m..
Dec. 13
Kraybill Campus Christmas Program, 7 p.m.
Dec. 14
High School Christmas Concert, 7 p.m.
teams can access a registration form
Dec. 17
Middle School (all-campuses) Christmas Concert at
at www.mennonitesports.org. MSO is
the Lancaster Campus, 7 p.m.
Eli Passage
Oct. 31- Nov. 2 Register now for
MSO basketball
Registration is open for the 2013-14
Mennonite Sports Organization boys
and girls basketball seasons.
Those interested in signing up for the
an LMS program to provide Christcentered athletics for the community.
Faculty recognized for years of service
Every spring, Lancaster Mennonite
art; Brent Hartzler, Spanish; Barbara
recognizes faculty and staff members
Josephian, social studies; Alice Lauver,
during the Staff Appreciation Celebra-
ELL and language arts; Lee Thurber,
tion for their continued dedication to
health and physical education; Wendy
the LMS mission.
Weinstein, art; and Nancy Witmer, bus
Pauline Stoltzfus, LMS bookkeeper,
was honored with a slideshow of photos of her throughout her 45 years.
Teachers Janet Banks, high school
English; Dennis Kauffman, high school
Spanish; and Mick Steckback, middle
music; Kristine Long, 5th grade; and
Betty Mumma, Spanish.
The LMS family also said good-bye
who entered into retirement.
and education; and Marlin Groff, CFO.
Jan M. McDowell, learning support, retired after 29 years of helping
students succeed.
mathematics teacher at the high school
bus driver, and Erma Shultz, accounts
for 14 years. Mumma retired after 10
holder, kindergarten; Kathryn Ciaccia,
Jim Baer
Jan McDowell
Karen L. Diffenbach served as a
For 20 years of service: Amy Frantz,
For 15 years of service: Marie Burk-
Mick Steckback
baum, Media Center; Deanna Grager,
honored for 35 years. For 30 years of
Groff, high school health and physical
Dennis Kauffman
For 10 years of service: Kent Fellen-
this spring to three faculty members
For 25 years of service: Geoffrey
Janet Banks
school Bible and social studies, were
service: Jim Baer, maintenance.
Pauline Stoltzfus
Thank you all for advancing the LMS
mission. 
Karen Diffenbach
Betty Mumma
Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
| 11
Weber face of billboard
Eric Weber, 2002, is featured on a new
billboard for the Pennsylvania College
of Health Sciences. The billboard is
to help promote the new name of
the college, which was previously
known as Lancaster General College of
Nursing and Health Sciences.
Weber is a medical technologist
at Lancaster General Hospital. The
billboards are prominently posted
throughout Lancaster County.
Weber’s parents, Tim and Dottie, are
familiar faces at Lancaster Mennonite.
Tim works in maintenance and Dottie
is the director of food services.
Class Notes
Charles B. Longenecker, 1950, Lititz,
recently published the book, This I
Remember: A Memoir. The former LMS
biology teacher wrote the book to share
his experiences of growing up playing
in the farm meadows with his children
and grandchildren. The book features
several family photos. Longenecker
held a book signing at Landis Homes
Retirement Community, Lititz, in July.
Blair Seitz, 1963, West Reading,
recently published the book, Turn
the World Around: A Photojournalist
Discovers Paths to Peace Traveling a
War-torn Planet.
Phyllis Pellman Good, 1966,
served as chairman of National Penn
Lancaster, launched a weekly online
Bank’s Lancaster division.
cooking show called “Cooking with
Jim Smucker, 1979, Bird-in-Hand,
Phyllis.” The show is shot in the upstairs
portion of Good Cooking Store and
walks through a recipe from start to
finish. The shows can be found on the
YouTube channel of the same name
or on the Fix-It and Forget-It blog or
Facebook page.
Cheryl Weaver Landis, 1970,
Paradise, was selected to give a poster
presentation at the national summit
for the Assessment Technologies
Institute (ATI), a national nursing
education and testing organization.
Her poster was about connecting the
was named the first full-time dean of
graduate studies at Eastern Mennonite
University. Smucker is also the
president and major shareholder of the
Bird-in-Hand Corporation.
Heidi R. Wenger, 1985, Ephrata, is
now the billing and costing clerk at
Burkholder Paving.
Jennifer King, 1990, Brownstown,
was awarded the Platinum Club
award and inducted into the RE/MAX
International Hall of Fame. King works
as an associate broker for RE/MAX of
Merle, 1964, and Phyllis Pellman,
classroom and clinical experience
1966, Good, Lancaster, and their
through simulations. Landis was also
Matthew B. Hartzler, 1991, Manheim,
daughters, Kate Good, 1995, Lancaster,
awarded first place for a presentation
was promoted to president of Warfel
and Rebecca Good Fennimore, 1997,
on the same topic during the annual
Construction. Hartzler has been with
Lancaster, released a new cookbook,
conference of the Pennsylvania
the business for 18 years and became a
Association of Practical Nursing
partner and vice president in 2007.
newest member of the popular series
Eric Kennel, 1999, Lancaster,
will be full-color, featuring the work
William K. Poole, 1979, Lancaster,
received a master’s degree in public
of photographer Jeremy Hess, 1997,
was named executive vice president of
administration from Penn State
Integrity Bank in May. He previously
University in May 2012. He works as
Fix-It and Forget-It New Cookbook. The
1 2 | Bridges SSUMMER
U M M E R / F2 A0 L1L0 2 0 1 3
Alumnus pens off-Broadway play
Well-known Mennonite author, publisher
and playwright Merle Good, 1964, Lancaster,
believes his newest creation, The Preacher
and the Shrink, is the best play he’s ever
Good’s work is set to open Nov. 2 at the
Beckett Theatre in New York, an off-Broadway
theater on West 42nd Street a few blocks
from Times Square. It’s run will end on Jan. 5.
The play is set in MIddle America in the fall
of 2009. It looks at the strain and stress grief
brings to family relationships and questions
if human beings truly listen to one another.
It focuses on an estranged relationship
between a father , who happens to be a
pastor, and his daughter, examining if they
can find healing and ever trust one another
The show will run at 8 p.m. Tuesdays
through Saturdays with
afternoon matinees
on Saturdays and
Sundays. Tickets can
be purchased through
Telecharge.com. Group
rates are available.
LMS is organizing a bus trip to New York to view Good’s play on Nov. 30.
The trip will include a lunch and discussion with Good, time to explore the
city and the play. Tickets are $109 for the bus and play. Email Keri Bloom to
reserve a spot at [email protected].
a grant writer for Liberty Lutheran
July. Smucker is director of engineering
Heidi Weaver, 2009, Denver, is
Services in Philadelphia.
for Tupolo Honey Productions in New
an East Coast education outreach
Jayne Thomas Kennel, 1999,
York, N.Y.
representative for The Thirst Project,
Washington D.C., is an information
Lane Crouse, 2004, Atlanta, Ga., works
an L.A.-based nonprofit organization
architect for NavigationArts Designers
as a sound designer for Turner Studios
in McLean, Va.
and is involved with the set-up for the
Stephen Leaman, 1999, Lancaster,
Colbert Report. Crouse also helped
is now the general manager of
with the technical production of the
Restaurant Store Locations and www.
Mennonite Church USA Convention in
therestaurantstore.com for Clark
Phoenix, Arizona, in July.
Kristina Fenninger, 2007, New
Matt Pellman, 1999, Philadelphia,
Holland, graduated magna cum
works as a traffic reporter for 6ABC
laude from California University of
Action News.
Pennsylvania with a Master of Science
Eileen Kinch, 2000, Quarryville, held
degree in communication disorders.
a reading from her new collection of
poetry, Gathering the Silence, at the
She previously earned her bachelor’s
degree from Bloomsburg University in
that builds clean water wells.
Weaver previously interned with the
organization and traveled across the
country speaking in high schools and
colleges about the global water crisis.
Ryan Gehman, 2011, Millersville, runs
cross country for Eastern Mennonite
University and was named the ODAC
Athlete of the Week on Sept. 9.
Gehman took first in just his second
NCAA race, winning the Generals
Invitational in Lexington, Va., by more
than 17 seconds.
Lancaster Poetry Exchange Sept. 25.
Kinch was nominated for a Pushcart
J. Wilson Roth, 2007, Lancaster, is the
Calvin Ruth, 2008, and Hanna
Prize for her debut work.
new manager of shipping, property and
Nussbaum, June 1, 2013. They live in
Hans Smucker, 2002, Astoria, N.Y.,
maintenance at Good Enterprises in
Chalfont, Pa.
helped with the technical production
Intercourse. He splits time between the
Eric J. Augsburger, 2009, and
of the Mennonite Church USA
hands-on work and helping to boost
Stephanie L. Miller, 2009, September
Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, in
the company’s online presence.
7, 2013. They live in Reinholds.
F AELRL 22001103
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Class of 1963 celebrates
50 years
The Class of 1963 celebrated its 50th
reunion with a weekend jam-packed with
events at the Lancaster Campus, Aug.
30-31. More than 80 classmates attended
the various events.
The festivities started Friday with an
informal time to catch up with one
another and enjoy refreshments. The
group then gathered Saturday morning
for lunch in the Alumni Dining Hall and
a silent auction to raise funds for a gift
for the school. They went on tours of
the campus in the afternoon and held
a banquet that evening. During the
banquet, the group participated in
classmate trivia and several classmates
shared of life experiences. The reunion
committee also created an updated
yearbook to share the continuing stories
of each class member.
Keith Nisly
Michael, 2005, and Rachel Charles,
Ron, 1984, and Lavonne Miller,
Lancaster, first child, a son, Caleb Elias,
Lancaster, first daughter, fourth child,
Feb. 26, 2013.
Lily Anne, Aug. 16, 2012.
Gordon and Valerie Clemmer, 1990,
Anderson, Parkville, Md., second child,
Younger grads who have left home: If you
have established a separate residence from your
parents, please give us your new address so
you can remain connected to your classmates
and alma mater. Call (717) 509-4459, ext. 701, or
e-mail [email protected].
Ann Keener Gingrich, 1948, Goshen
a daughter, Hanna Estelle, June 11,
Ind., Jan. 18, 2013.
John K. Kauffman, 1951,
Nathan and Sarah Dean, 1998,
Harrisonburg, Va., May 10, 2013.
Sizemore, Belfast, Prince Edward
Gilbert S. Zook, 1954, Ashland, Va.,
Island, Canada, third child, a daughter,
August 22, 2013
Theo Haynes Perkins, 1962, Auburn,
1978 Nov. 16, 2013, 3 p.m.
Lancaster Campus, Room 115
Contact: Cindi Mast, 610-620-5919 or
Brenda Plowman, 717-324-6466
Wren Satsuki Wyrinda, Aug. 21, 2012.
Vince and Melissa Landis, 1998,
Eilenberger, Altoona, fourth child,
a son, Asaph Michael, March 10,
2013. The Eilenbergers are involved
in full-time ministry at Living Stones
Resources in Altoona.
Dan, 2003, and Cassie Allia, Lititz,
first child, a son, Connor Presley, May
1, 2013.
Brent and Ramona Hurst, 2004,
N.Y., July 16, 2013.
Kenneth Lee Walker, 1964, Center
Valley, March 27, 2013.
Patricia A. Johnson, 1968, Lititz, June
17, 2013.
Sharon M. Keener Yeager, 1973, Dry
Run, January 10, 2013.
Elton Moshier, former teacher, New
Holalnd, March 27, 2013.
Martin, Stevens, first child, a daughter,
J. Wilmer Heisey, former teacher,
Alexis Kate, April 4, 2013.
Harrisonburg, Va., May 5, 2013. 
1 4 | Bridges SSUMMER
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1968 Nov. 2, 2013
Bird-in-Hand Restaurant
RSVP by Oct. 2 to Phoebe Nafziger
[email protected]
1983 Nov. 15, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
Lancaster Campus, Room 115
Contact: Cindy Burkhart
[email protected]
1988 Oct. 19, 2013
LMS Campus Tour
Dinner at Bent Creek Country Club
Contact: Karen Hoober
[email protected] For reports of past reunions go to
Thank you for impacting students’ lives!
With deepest appreciation, we acknowledge you, alumni and friends of
Lancaster Mennonite School, for your investment in a Christ-centered
education. You, along with many other individuals, businesses and
congregations, gave $2,439,432 during the 2012-13 school year. Your
gifts are changing lives and transforming our world. Every dollar counts!
LMS celebrated its 71st commencement on June 1 with 162 graduates in the Class
of 2013. Pictured are the 2013 Senior Dedication and Commencement speakers:
Jonathan Sauder, Laurel Bornman, the Rev. Al Taylor, Gabe Imhoff and Anson Lam.
Stephanie Weaver
Arbor Gate Ltd.
Sylvia Arnold
Auntie Anne’s Inc.
Autohaus Lancaster Inc.
B & G Lumber Co.
Donald R. & Brenda Bare
Max & Martha Bingaman
CCAB Insurance & Benefits, Inc.
City Limits Realty
Clark Inc.
Conestoga Country Kitchens, Inc.
Abram W. ‘69 & Karen L. Diffenbach
Dinse Dental Care
Donegal Mutual Insurance Co.
Dynamic Aviation Group, Inc.
Eastern Mennonite University
Ephrata National Bank
Esbenshade Farms
Four Seasons Produce, Inc.
Charles F. & Beulah M. Frey
Miriam ‘72 & Nicholas B. Frey
George Hutt, Inc.
Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLC
Daniel S. & Sarah B. Glick
Susan E. ‘61 & Stanley M. Godshall
Goodville Mutual Casualty Co.
Dale B. & Joyce E. Graybill
Florence K. Groff ‘53
Marlin G. ‘74 & Sue A. Groff
Mary Ellen ‘65 & Harold M. Groff ‘62
Haller Enterprises Inc.
Joyce E. ‘78 & J. Richard Haller
David M. & Renee Hernley
Hershey Advisors, P.C.
Glenn R. ‘70 & Christina Hershey
Hess’s Barbecue Catering, Inc.
Calvin G. & Janet C. High
Charles A. ‘82 & Diane M. Hoober
Charles B. & Sally Hoober
Hoober Inc.
Grace E. Horst
J. B. Hostetter Sons Inc.
J. Steven Burkhart Excavating, Inc.
John D. Sauder Buick-Pontiac
Dennis and Rose Kauffman
Kinsey’s Archery Products Inc.
Kreider Farms
Justin D. ‘91 & Dawn M. Leaman
Rodney A. ‘84 & Lauri L. Lefever ‘88
Mast Electric
Max E. & Martha E. Bingaman
Charitable Foundation
Mellinger Mennonite Church
Alvin & Pauline Miller
Miller’s Greenhouses
Mount Joy Mennonite Church
Neffsville Mennonite Church
Nolt Dental Associates
Richard and Lynne Palazzo
Premier Custom-Built, Inc.
Robert H. Ranck Inc.
Rohrer Dairy Farms
Carl N. ‘62 & Lovina Rutt
John M. ‘55 & Rebecca C. Rutt
John D. & Lisa M. Sands
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Selahart Institute
Sharp Shopper
Simon Lever LLP
Connie Stauffer ‘55
Brent O. ‘80 & Theresa Stoltzfus
Stoltzfus Meats, Inc.
The Ripple Foundation
Joyce E. ‘69 & J. Richard Thomas
R. Todd Weaver ‘83 & Anne
Kaufman Weaver
Matthew A. ‘03 and Lindsay
Weaver ‘05
Weaver Markets, Inc.
John S. & Janet F. Weber
White Oak Mills
Willow Street Mennonite Church
Leslie K. & Marian Witmer
Wolgemuth’s Farview Farms
Beth H. ‘75 & Gary L. Yoder
Terry and Joan Yoder
Timothy L. & Brenda Yoder
Loren L. ‘65 and Helen
Zimmerman ‘65
Accu-Aire Mechanical Services
Akron Mennonite Church
Appel & Yost
Andrew H. Appel
Atlantic Coast Conference
Kristine L. & E. Scott Augsburger ‘81
Walter & Sara Augsburger
B. G. Mellinger & Son Inc.
B. R. Kreider & Son, Inc.
James W. ‘76 & Valerie K. Baer ‘79
Gerald R. ‘72 and Rose Ann Baer
Laming Bai & Xiaoxiang Chen
E. Robert & Elva Bare
Beam Leasing Inc.
Benuel S. ‘60 & Janet Beiler
Galen N. ‘52 & Eileen M. Benner ‘55
Blainsport Mennonite Church
Mark D. & Kimberly Blest
Blossom Hill Mennonite Church
Philip E. ‘72 & Lori H. Bontrager
Bossler Mennonite Church
Bowmansville Mennonite Church
Lena ‘52 & Michael R. Brown
Colleen J. ‘81 & Andrew C. Brubaker
Kenneth & Pamela Brubaker
Burnell L. & Carol A. Buchen
Burma Road Associates LLC
Edward M. & Mindy M Carreras
Chestnut Hill Mennonite Church
Clark Associates Inc.
Donald G. & Lisa Clark
Fern & Dennis Clemmer
J. Paul ‘57 & Esther Clymer ‘57
Community Mennonite Church of
Conestoga Mennonite Church
Covenant CPA LLP
Crels Foundation
John H. & Debbie Denlinger
Anna L. Detweiler ‘69
Diffenbach, Scudner & Thomas
Double H. Transport, Inc.
Andrew ‘87 & Michelle Dula
Dutch Valley Foods
East Chestnut St. Mennonite Church
Eastern Lancaster County Veterinary
Elizabethtown Mennonite Church
Charles & Kathy Engle
Engle Printing & Publishing
Erisman Mennonite Church
David L. ‘93 & Cindy Estep
Everence Financial Advisors
Farmers Insurance Group
Field Hockey Booster Club
First Deaf Mennonite Church
Forest Hills Mennonite Church
Donald H. ‘53 & Elnora L. Frank ‘53
Leslie R. ’68 & Gloria Frey ‘71
Fulton Bank
Furniture Doctor, Inc.
Garden Spot Village Retirement
Garman Builders
Loretta R. ‘74 & Jerry H. Gehman
Trula N. Gingrich ‘75
Dexter & Heather L. Girdharry
Girls Soccer Booster Club
Joel S. ‘81 & Ellanna E. Gish
Martin S. & Robin D. Gish
Glenn Lapp Memorial Volleyball
Glick Fire Equipment Company Inc.
Moses B. & Emma G. Glick
Goshen College
William S. Gotwals
Aaron L. & Anna Groff
Habecker Mennonite Church
Marcia L. & Joseph W. Hackman
Corinne J. & Todd C. Han Danforth
David M. ‘49 & Florence Harnish
Matthew B. ‘91 & Andrea Hartzler
Debra Hatfield
Henry K. Fisher & Sons, Inc.
Hernley Mennonite Church
Paul A, Hernley
Dean M.’71 & Helen S. Hertzler ‘71
Michael and Marcia Hess
Mervin W. & Nora L. Hess
Marcy and Rick High
Hoober Feeds
Bonita S. ‘80 & Eugene M. Hoover
Horst Aviation LLC
Jeffrey N. ’91 & Alicia Horst ‘92
James W. ‘65 & Mary Louise
Hostetter ‘65
Chad G. ‘91 & Coleen M. Hurst ‘92
Louetta W. Hurst ‘62
James Street Mennonite Church
William F. Schall ‘81 & Diane Janney
Rick K. & Debra A Jones
Kelly’s Sports
Elizabeth A. & Eric Kennel ‘99
Laurence S. ‘49 & Shirley A. King
King Painting & Wallpaper
Tonya ‘88 & Brian King
King’s AgriSeeds, Inc.
Kline’s Services Inc.
Alexandra B. Knox
Herbert E. & Sharon Kraybill
John E. ‘47 & Betty Kreider ‘52
Ken and Violet Kreider
Paul J. ‘64 & Marie D. Kurtz
Raymond D. & Gail Lanas
Lanco Properties, Inc.
Elizabeth A. Landis ‘95 & Steven B.
Denlinger ‘95
Landis Valley Christian Fellowship
Kevin L. ‘81 & Sherry L. Lapp
Lloyd M. & Anna Mae Lapp
Marvin G. & Mary S. Lapp
Laurel Ridge Farms
Brandon M. Leaman ‘04
Carolyn J. Leaman
Joel M. ‘96 & Shelley Leaman
Joseph Paul Leaman ‘98
Patricia ‘66 & J. Harold Leaman
Marjorie S. & R. Michael Lehman
Glen & Jean Lengacher
Kevin D. ‘87 & Shelby L.
Nelson E. ‘75 & Danielle M.
Lyndon Mennonite Church
Manor Fuels Inc.
Marietta Community Chapel
Ann L. Martin & James A. Stutzman
Esther H. ’66 & Lewis M. Martin
Melvin J. & Geneva Martin
Timothy L. ‘91 & Dawn T. Martin
Cindy S. & Daniel D. Mast ‘77
Harold R. ‘65 & Ruth E. Angstadt
Mast ‘66
Mrs. Jan M. McDowell
Merv Miller Builder, LLC
Messiah College
Alta M. ‘65 & C. Lehman Metzler
Jonathan A. ‘91 & Ann Metzler
Metzler Mennonite Church
Patrick R. & Ann Elizabeth Millar
Edward & Twila Miller
Millersville Mennonite Church
Electa K. & Carl M. Mohler
Mountville Mennonite Church
Lamar M. & Sally Moyer
National Penn Bank
National Philanthropic Trust
Donald O. ‘63 & Erla Nauman ‘63
Larry W. ‘58 & Janet W.
Newswanger ‘58
Gerald C. & Mary E. Nissley
Northeast Trading International Ltd.
Cheryl A. Oeschger
Oregon Dairy Inc., in memory of
Esther M. Wolgemuth
PNC Foundation Matching Gift
Rachel’s of Greenfield
Dorothy E. ‘57 & Harry H. Ranck
Merle R. & Ruth Ann Reinford
Ridgeview Mennonite Church
River Corner Mennonite Church
Bonnie ‘74 and John Rohrer
Clarence H. ‘49 & Helen A. Rutt
Sam S. Smucker & Sons Inc.
Rhoda Sanders ‘61
R. Clair ‘60 & Doris Sauder
Gary W. & Christina Seldomridge
Willis W. Shenk
James E. ‘67 & Mary E. Shreiner
Daniel T. & Carol L. Siegfried
Speedwell Construction
Carol B. ‘77 & James E. Spicher
J. W. & Deborah L. Sprunger
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
Andrew L. ‘90 & Joy Steckbeck
Clarence S. ‘60 & Rodica Stoltzfus
Heidi ‘89 and Rodney Stoltzfus
Isaac H. ‘70 & Julia Stoltzfus
Gary Lake & Lorna Stoltzfus
Richard G. ‘54 & Elaine Stoltzfus
Sidney W. & Janice H. Stoltzfus
Stony Brook Mennonite Church
Sunnyside Mennonite Church
Susquehanna Garden Concepts
Tanger Properties, LP
Donald R. ‘61 & Charmaine
Thomas ‘61
Travelers Rest Motel
Turkey Hill Dairy
Diane & Ronald N. Umble ‘68
Warfel Construction Co.
Alvin M. Weaver
J. Michael ‘80 & Valerie K. Weaver ‘81
|| 1 5
Naomi R. ‘64 & James W. Weaver
Vera B. Weaver
Weaver, Reckner, Reinhart Dental
Weaverland Mennonite Church
Weinhold, Nickel & Company, LLP
Jerry L. & Denise L. Wenger
Roy E. ‘55 & Esther S. Wert ‘56
West End Mennonite Fellowship
Rebecca S. Weybright
Clyde B. & Nancy L. Wissler
James and Cathy Witter
Gregory D. Wolfe
Lorie B. & Calvin Yoder
Michael K. Yoder
Miles E. & Dawnell F. Yoder
Young & Young
David E. ‘73 & Nancy Baer
Suzanne Y. ‘79 & John M. Baker
Beiler-Campbell Realtors
H. Charles ‘65 & Rebecca M.
Benner ‘65
John N. ‘59 & Barbara R. Benner ‘59
Blakinger Byler & Thomas
Keri & Bill Bloom
Martha Bomberger
Charles P. & MaryAnn S. Bozym
Eugene ‘66 and Marie Breneman
Brook Ledge Inc.
Mary K. & Glenn Bucher
A. David & Marian Buckwalter
Seth H. ‘97 & Karisten Buckwalter ‘99
Doris M. ‘54 & Frank R. Burkhart
Cheryl J. ‘79 & Kevin A. Carey
Carl Wingard Inc.
Guifang and Rongjuan Chang
Jonathan E. ‘70 & Rhoda R.
Charles ‘72
Michael R. ‘05 & Rachael Charles
CNH America LLC
D. R. Hackman, Inc.
DavCo Advertising, Inc.
Delaware Valley Family Business
Dwayne L.’78 & Charlene Denlinger
DJ’s Taste of the 50’s
Eric L. ‘89 & Elaine Lapp Esch
Melba R. ‘64 & J. Leon Eshleman
Thomas L. ‘91 & Jennifer Eshleman
Faith Builders Scholarship Fund
Farm & Land Realty, Inc.
Jay Richard ‘64 & Janet Landis Frey
Kere J. Frey ‘79
Lauren Frey ‘08
Michael A. & Julia Fueyo
Fred M. ‘66 & Linda M. Garber ‘66,
in memory of Gary S. Clapper
Paul E. & Pauline M. Garber
James M. ‘51 & Joan L. Gingrich
Arlene M. ‘63 & Ronald G. Gipe
Lois M. ‘59 & Carl L. Good
Richard & Marcia Good
Lois F. ‘58 & Grayfred B. Gray
Janice M. & Matthew J Greenleaf
Groff’s Home Comfort Team
Craig K. & Nina Kaufman Harnish
Gwendolyn K. Hartzler
James and Gloria Heisey
Daryl F. ‘88 & Charlene Heller
Lauren R. Hernley
Marlin R. ‘67 & Barbara Hershey ‘67
Denise Y. ‘84 & Michael S. Hess
Ernest M. ’60 & Lois E. Hess ‘60
Larry A. Hess ‘60
Julya Hood ‘72
Elton W. & Sherlyn K. Horst
Gerald R. ’65 & Linda Horst
Gerald W. & L. Marlene Kaufman
Elvin N. ‘79 & Wendy S. Kennel
Lois C. Kennel ‘68
David and Debra King
Kinzer Mennonite Church
Andrea N. Kirk
Van & Lisa R. Knox
Koser Jewelers
Ernest N. ‘51 & Eunice Kraybill
Ronald E. & Hollee A. Kreider
Landes Learning International, LLC
Lester ‘64 and Darlene Landis ‘64
Ira B. Landis ‘48
Steven V. Lantz ‘84
J. David & Jewel A. Leaman
Norman B. & E. Arlene Leaman
Ronald H. ‘71 & Joyce Leaman ‘67
Jessica J. & Andrew J. Lloyd
Dale E. Long
Kenton L. ‘83 & Shelly Longenecker
Lynn E. ‘90 & Laurie Longenecker ‘90
Longenecker’s Hatchery, Inc.
Eunice H. ‘57 & Burnell E.
M & T Universal-Tech
Bryan L. ‘83 & Andrea Martin
J. Daniel & Anna Martin
Randall S. ‘79 & Eunice M. Martin
E. Dean ‘84 & Jan L. Mast ‘85
Masterpiece Marketing, LLC
Douglas W. & Paige McFarling,
in honoring the love, support and
teaching excellence of Jenn
Esbenshade and Jessica
Menges & McLaughlin
Andrew G. ‘57 & Naomi P. Miller
Fred H. ‘62 & Lynn Miller
Beryl A. & Marie Z. Moser
Ralph L. ‘64 & Judith Nafziger ‘64
Dortha Neil ‘63
New Danville Mennonite Church
R. W. Newswanger ‘57 and Janet
Breneman ‘67
North Group Consultants
Old Road Furniture Company
Donna Elaine ‘84 & Jeffrey G. Pauls
Robert L. ‘73 & Lucinda Petersheim
John E. ‘57 & Carolyn H. Reed
Donna R. ’89 & Neil R. Reinford
Michael R. ‘75 & Karen L.
Earl W. ‘45 & Marian R. Rohrer
Robert H. & Lorraine Rohrer
John L. & Nancy Rosenberry
Anne M. ’75 & Jay L. Roth
Susan G. ‘74 & Thomas K. Ruth
J. Donald ‘81 & Twila A. Sauder ‘81
Mervin Sauder
Mike & Alice M. Saufley
Scenic Ridge Construction Co.
Karen ‘72 & Kenneth L. Sensenig
Patricia A. Shelly ‘82
Audrey J. Shenk ‘82
Elvin ‘80 and Jonelle Shenk ‘81
Mark & Priscilla Simmons
Slate Hill Mennonite Church
Mary Jane & David Smith
Ann Smyser
Linda L. 79 & David L. Snader
Lois J. Snook
Karl D. ‘58 & Barbara Stoltzfus ‘59
Martha ‘66 & Lester S. Stoltzfus
Stumptown Mennonite Church
Shelby C. ‘81 & J. David Swartley
Julia A. ‘70 & Terry E. Swartz
Calvin D. ‘92 & Michelle M.
TCW Computer Systems
Donald & Cheryl Thomas
Jayne E. Thomas Kennel ‘99 &
Timothy L. Thomas
Kurt D. ‘90 & Char Thomas ‘90
Janelle Thomas ‘91 & Ryan Sauder
Doris ‘74 & Marvin D. Toll
William L. ‘77 & Diane Umble ‘79
United Way of Lancaster County
John S. & Darlene Walker
Dong and Hong Wang
Alma G. ‘47 & John M. Weaver
Sylvia M. & Glenn Weaver
1 6 | Bridges SSUMMER
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Wendy C. & Richard J. Weinstein
Clifford R. ‘79 & Carol A. Wenger
Patsy Williams
Witmer Automotive Service
Witmer Heights Mennonite Church
Peter C. & Phyllis J. Witmer
Elvin D. & Theo Yoder
Rodney and Sheri L Yoder
Hai Yu & Meng Zhou
Mark B. ‘59 & Karene Zimmerman
Abbott Laboratories Fund
David Abel
Erick W. & Melanie Aiken
Dawn M. ‘87 & P. Troy Alderfer
Harold R. & Joyce P. Anderson
B. Titus Rutt Insurance Co.
Dusty J. & Patricia J. Backer
Ruth M. ‘49 & John J. Bare
Richard M. & Diane M. Barker
Barton’s Body Shop
Wayne L. ‘ 73 & Debbie L. Bechtold
Kevin S. & Dawn M. Becker
James M. and Carolyn Beckwith
Lorin K. Beidler & Emily J.
Paul M. ‘61 & Leanna Beiler
Connie K. ‘73 & L. Roy Bender
Benner Insurance Agency, LLC
Linda K. ‘71 & Curtis R. Berry
John S. & Loine F. Bert
Bingaman & Son Lumber Co., Inc.
Heidi and Chris Bingaman
Binkley & Hurst LP
Lester A. ‘47 & Mary Lou Blank
Rosemary S. ‘97 & Joshua Blessing
Sharon E. ‘76 & Glen M. Bollinger
Doris ‘49 & James R. Bomberger
Allan B. & Deborah G. Bowers
Leroy H. Bowman
David S. & Yen Breneman
John K. & Lois Brenneman
Barbara A. ‘60 & Luke F. Brubaker
Betty Ann Brubaker
J. Lester & Lois Brubaker
Marian ‘69 & J. Donald Brubaker
Robert L. ‘65 & F. Lois Brubaker ‘64
Steven T. ‘90 & Devon E. Brubaker
John R. ‘56 & Miriam ‘55 Buckwalter
Kelley L. Buckwalter
Richard L. ‘77 & Ann L.
Buckwalter ‘77
Janie ‘58 & Jay Bullock
Melvin S. Burkholder
Susan R. & Daryl Burkholder
Burnley Realty
Tina K. & Max Campbell
Carpenter Community Church
Central PA Rehabilitation
Services, Inc.
Charles Builders
Levi H. ‘65 & Eileen Charles ‘65
Miriam E. ’44 & D. Arthur Charles
Christian A. Silvaggio DMD, LLC
Mary E. Clark
CMS, in memory of Gary S. Clapper
Sherry and Philip Collins
Daniel & Jennifer Conrad
James Cook & Francesca Santini
Lucy S. & Harold E. Coover
Cornerstone Design-Architects
Michael & Donna Courtney
Israel & Elizabeth A. Crespo
Tashya S. ‘92 & Craig Dalen
David Eschbach, Jr. Inc.
Jay R. & Marilyn Denlinger
Derby Don’s Delicious Kettle Corn
James & Kaylene Derksen
Vernon L. & Miriam G. Derstine
Florence S. Detweiler
Howard D. ‘59 & Judy Detweiler
David J. ’85 & Stephanie J. Detwiler
Anita S. & Michael F. Dickert
Peter A. & Marian Dimmig
Daniel & Sau-Ling Dinse
James L. & Grace Discavage
William R. Dougherty & Colleen
Linda J. ‘71 & Leonard Dueck
Mary Ellen ‘51 & Mamo Dula
Steven M. & Susan P. Dunkleberger
Daryl L. ‘81 & Brenda K. Ebersole
Dustin T. ‘03 & Katie J. Ebersole ‘03
Jay D. ‘70 & Elma Z. Ebersole ‘70
John D. ‘69 & Carol A. Ebersole ‘69
Lee E. ‘79 & Connie J. Ebersole
Marlin S. ‘59 & Elva J. Ebersole ‘63
Dennis L. ‘70 & Ellen K. Eby ‘70
H. L. ‘60 & Susan L. Eby ‘61
J. W. ‘58 & Anna Eby
John W. Eby ‘58
Joyce S. ‘76 & Irvin C. Enck
Leslie and Randy England,
in honor of James C. Mock
Erie Insurance
Ellen M. & Adolfo Eschenwald
Daryl E. ‘88 & Cheryl A. Eshleman
Xiaodong & Lucy Fan
Farmer Boy Ag
Douglas C. & Nancy D. Fisher
Gena and Edward Fisher
Rachel M. Fisher ‘48
Foam-Tech Insulation Service, Inc.
Janita ‘83 & Bradford Forney
Timothy G. & L. Marie Forry
Timothy S. & Lisa R. Forry
Naomi A. ‘49 & Richard H. Frank
Fraser Advanced Information
Christina M. Fraser
Frey Lutz Corp.
Karmen C. & Kristen D. Friesen
Tina ‘91 & Doug Friesen
Jo Anne Funk ‘76 & Paul Schlitz Jr.
Gannett Foundation
Gene & Karen L. Garber
Joella S. Garber ‘04
Garden State Pacific LLC
Lyle J. ‘76 & Regina Gascho
Edith ‘56 & Paul Gehman
Janet N. Gehman ‘52
Lois ‘69 & David L. Gehman
M. Gregory & Karolyn S. Gehman
Margaret A. Gehman ‘58
Gehman Mennonite Church
Verda ‘59 & Homer E. Geib
Ray M. ‘57 & Dorothy Geigley ‘57
Keith A. & Joy M. Gibble
David R. ‘71 & Marian Gingrich ‘71
Nelson R. ‘73 & Yvonne Gingrich
Karl G. ‘61 & Charlotte Glick
Sue ‘76 & Kevin D. Glick
Doris A. Gochnauer
Daniel F. ‘67 & Sharon Good
John W. & Phoebe Good
Lee A. ‘88 & Rosemary Good
Leon W. ‘60 & Elaine W. Good ‘62
Toby & Patrice Good
Trisha Y. Good ‘02
Trudy L. Good ‘86 & Michael G. Pratt
Jon M. & Janet L. Green
Karen Griffin ‘72
Charles L. ‘54 & Janet Groff
Christine A. & Jeffrey Alan Grosh
Janet ‘65 & Nelson R. Habecker
Haldeman Mechanical, Inc.
Katherine ‘46 & Willis Hallman
Earl & Sylvia Handwerk
David F. ‘83 & Sandra K. Harnish ‘82
G. Evan ‘54 & Dorothy Harnish
John M. ‘53 & Evelyn M. Harnish
Nelda I. Harnish
Janet ‘63 & Kenneth Hartzler
David L. & Janet Hawthorne
Leo and Ruthanne Heatwole
Allen H. & Diane J. Heinly
Karen A. & Dean E. Heintzelman
Sylvia ‘73 & Leslie N. Helmuth
Anna Mae Herr ‘60
H E. ‘75 & Terri Herr
Norman L. Herr
Andrew M. ‘72 & Yvonne Hershey ‘76
Carl E. ‘66 & Doris J. Hershey ‘66
Cleo R. ‘61 & Mary A. Hershey
Clifford N. ‘78 & Mary L. Hershey
Dorothy A. & Dale Hershey
Hershey Mennonite Church
Nathan R. ‘78 & Linda J. Hershey ‘79
Nelson and Thelma Hershey
Karen E. Hertzler ‘91 & Aaron Crist
Daniel S. ‘66 & Evanna Hess ‘66
Edie M. & Maris Hess ‘66
Eunice Hess
Gale D. & H. J. Hess
Gerald L. & Carol M. Hess
John M. & Rebecca L. Hess
Paul S. ‘60 & Nancy L. Hess ‘61
William M ‘61 & Connie K. Hess
Paul R. & Caroline M. Hoffer
Harold E. & Ruth H. Hollinger
Joseph L. ‘78 & Cheryl M.
Hollinger ‘78
Jane C. Holman
Rebekah ‘85 & Derek Holmes
Carl L. ‘61 & Janet Hoover ‘61
Nelson C. Hoover ‘69
Steven ‘86 and Brenda Horst
Kyle ‘98 & Marta Horst ‘98
Joshua & Allison T. Horvath
Hostetter & Hostetter, CPA
Abram M. ‘47 & Pat Hostetter
Miriam M. Housman
Susan Y. ‘76 & John H. Howard
C. Glenn ‘66 & Helen Hurst
George M. & Lois Jean Hurst
Kenneth L. ‘73 & Marion S. Hurst
Melvin G. & A. Arlene Hurst
Ray N. ‘70 & Brenda M. Hurst ‘74
Joy & Raymond Ide
Anna R. ‘45 & Donald R. Jacobs
Roger M. & Barbara Josephian
Lisa ‘82 and Craig King Kachel
Lee S. ‘86 & Kris R. Kauffman ‘87
Sharon G. ‘75 & Richard S. Kauffman
Gladys E. ‘49 & Carl S. Keener
Herbert S. ‘68 & Barbara Keener
Marilyn Keener ‘67 & Fred Baldwin
Marci J. Keener ‘68 and Michael
K. Eck
Naomi W. Keiper ‘56
Robert J. Keller
Lois ‘68 & Larry E. Kennedy
Christian D. ‘70 & Rose L. Kennel
Philip N. ‘71 & Kathleen S. Kennel
J. Craig & Kristine M. Kimbark
Kevin P. ‘76 & Karen King
Paul J. ‘53 & Dorothy J. King ‘53
Fred L. ‘74 & Rosalyn Kniss
Stephen Korich & Julie McKenna
Patricia ‘84 & Charles V. Kratz
Donald B. ‘63 & Frances Kraybill
Eileen ‘82 & Gary Kraybill
J. Nelson ‘72 & Ellen G. Kraybill
Joy L. Kraybill ‘91
Leon S. ‘77 & Audrey Kraybill
Brent R. ‘91 & Kristin Kreider ‘92
Lloyd ‘63 and Mary Lois Kreider ‘64
James L. ‘53 & Rozetta Kreider
Thelma H. ‘50 & Elvin L. Kreider
Barry and Amy Krisko
Wayne D. ‘60 & Kathleen Kurtz
Benjamin L. ‘70 & Cheryl Landis ‘70
Landis Homes Retirement
John G. ’55 & Eileen M. Landis ‘55
Lester E. & Judith M. Landis
Mark G. ‘53 & Alma M. Landis
Mary Jane Landis
Odessa C. & William A. Landis
Scott D. ‘84 & Wendy M. Landis
Landis Spraying Service
Landyshade Mulch
Michael C. & Laura M. Lane
Alice W. & John A. Lapp
Gregory L. Lapp ‘87
Loretta M. ‘53 & Jacob R. Lapp
Larry C. Dombach, Inc.
Ethel Z. ‘64 & Francis A. Latta
Alice D. & David J. Lauver
Kenneth B. & Marcia E. Leahy
Ivan B. ‘50 & Mary E. Leaman ‘54
James R. ‘64 & Elizabeth Leaman ‘64
Nancy L. ‘68 & John M. Leaman
Stephen D. ‘99 & Mikaela
Leaman ‘06
Andrew ‘58 & Dorothy
Leatherman ‘60
William C. ‘57 & Mary E. Leatherman
Abram T. & Ruth Lefever
Jeffrey A. Lefever ‘89
Cora E. Lehman ‘54
Dorcas M. & Glenn M. Lehman ‘62
Doug P. ‘83 & Nicole M. Lehman
Steve R. ‘78 & Mary A. Lehman ‘78
W. Gary & Ruby E. Lehman
Connie L. & Esten B. Leinster
Ruth D. ‘71 & Emerson L. Lesher
Edward M. ‘59 & Rhoda
Longenecker ‘60
Lawrence T. & Mary Lucarino
Stefen & Elsie Lustig
Sarah J. & John Paul Mahala
Thomas & Heather Mann
Timothy G. & Mary T. Markovits
Ava Lee Martin ‘64
Benjamin F. ‘50 & Esther G. Martin
Carol A. Martin ‘77
Edna G. Martin ‘48
Elvin L. & Esther M. Martin
Ethel ‘50 & James S. Martin
Georgia ‘52 & Samuel H. Martin
J. Melvin ‘64 & Shirley B. Martin
Laverne ‘54 & J. Elvin Martin
Margaret ‘77 & Lee Martin
Mildred E. ‘67 & Glenn H. Martin
Susan ‘74 & Thomas K. Martin
Brenda and Ajay Marwaha
Dave & Joy Mason
Austin R. ‘90 & Danielle S. Mast
Ernest S. ‘59 & Esther J. Mast ‘59
Michael M. Mast ‘57
Jonathan & Bilita Searls Mattes
Elsie M. Matz
Joanne ‘82 & David McIlvaine
Rachel McKain
Frank J. & Sharon L. McSorley
R. Michael & Debra L. Medley
Donald L. ‘54 & Alta M. Mellinger ‘56
Lois E. Mellinger ‘56
P. D. ‘61 & Carolyn F. Mellinger ‘63
James E.’53 & Rachel G. Metzler
Joel A.’93 & Andrea F. Metzler ‘96
Donald B.’77 & Marilyn R. Miller ‘77
J. Martin’69 & Ferne Miller ‘71
Jennifer L. & Brett Miller
Joyce H. & Ronald L. Miller
Mary Ann ‘70 & Lloyd N. Miller
Melodi R.’94 & Jonathan P. Miller
Millport Mennonite Church
Richard Mitchell in memory of
Gary S. Clapper
Jon E. Moore ‘75
Dorcas L. Morrow ‘51
Lorraine Murphy ‘60
Roy D. & Anna L. Musselman
Mabel & Norman L. Myers
Mary J. Myers ‘63
Ellen ‘51 & Roy C. Neff
Norma Jean ‘’63 & J. Larry Neff
Harry B. & Helen M. Nell
Melanie L.’91 & James O. Nell
Esther ‘55 & Edward P. Nelson
Mary E. ‘54 & Daniel K. Ness
Paul G. & Barbara Ann Newman
Mahlon F. & Mary Ella Newswanger
Orpha A. Newswanger’55
A. Martha ‘49 & Clayton R. Nissley
Clarence ‘54 & Anna Nissley
Lois Nissley ‘65
Mary J. Nissley ‘60
Nancy M. Nissley ‘61
Darlene ‘ 70 & C. Robert Noll
Holly E. & J. Kevin Noll
Rebecca T. ‘72 & Herbert H. Noll
Geoffrey ‘98 & Stashia Nolt
I. Wesley ‘76 & Vicki Nolt
Marvin B. & Delores Nolt
Northwestern Mutual Matching
Gifts Program
Thomas A. ‘92 & Denise D. ‘92
Brenda J. ‘76 & Anthony A. Pascotti
PDQ Industries, Inc.
Urbane & Gwendolyn Peachey
Jennifer Peifer ‘88 & Nicholas
Martin E. ‘54 & Joyce Peifer
David & Fay D. Pelletier
Betty N. Pellman
Dr. Kim Phipps & David Phipps
Phoenix Courier, LTD
C, Donald Pidich Jr.
Grace M. Plate
Prudential Homesale Services
Quilt Expressions of Lancaster
Rachel M. & Justin Reesor
Dayna M. ‘99 & Jonathan
Anna W. ‘61 & Ron H. Reimer
Darrel J. ‘92 & Kirsten E. Reinford
Gerald J. & Mary Alice Ressler
Valerie ‘82 & Doug W. Rheinheimer
Dan C. & Donna K. Ring
Mary ‘77 & Dennis Rittenhouse
Cheri M. & Daniel L. Rittner
Sylvia M. & James W. Robertson
Rockville Mennonite Church
Rocky Acre Farm Bed & Breakfast
Ronald S. Keener Grain, LLC
Glen A & Annabelle Roth
Miriam E. ‘61 & Harvey Ruhl
Glenn E. ‘49 & Pauline Rutt
Julia A. Rutt
Phillip M.’71 & Marian H. Rutt ‘71
Mary ‘54 & Elroy Saner
Martha C. Sangree
David L. ‘59 & Joanne Sauder
Twila & Galen Sauder
M. Dean & Doris Sauder
Norman L Sauder
Kenneth E. & Charlene F. Schildt
Erma P. ‘45 & Werner Schwebbach
Gary & JoAnne T. Scott
Ethel L. ‘54 & Glen M. Sell
Donald ‘56 and Doris ‘56 Sensenig
Gerald L. & Charlene R. Sensenig
Richard K. & Regina G. Sexton
Carolyn L Shank ‘60
Michelle J. Sheaffer
Helen E. ‘50 & Glenn H. Shenk
James W. ‘71 & Donna ‘71 Shenk
John B.’48 & Myrtle B. Shenk
J. Daniel ‘55 & Mary Ellen
Shertzer ‘55
John W. ‘61 & Henrietta M.
Shertzer ‘61
Maynard ‘65 & Alice Shirk ‘65
Mary A. ‘71 & Kirk L. Shisler
Katharine N. ‘06 & Robert C.
Carolyn F. Showalter ‘72
Susan E. ‘68 & Earl D. Showalter
John L. ‘62 & Teresa J. Shreiner
Alma ‘57 & Harold Shultz
Reba F. ‘78 & John L. Shuman
Clarence S. & Jane Siegrist
J. Donald ‘63 and Joanne Siegrist ‘64
Wilbur P. & Rachel Siegrist
Andrew C. & Kristina E. Sloyer
Janae ‘85 & Christopher Smiley
Mary E. ‘59 & Charles Smith
Ruthella ‘64 & Lester R. Smith
Charlotte A.’73 & Ronald L. Smoker
Smoketown Family Dentistry
Madeline M. ‘57 & J. Wilbur
Melanie J. Sollenberger
Rachel M. ‘51 & Jacob A. Stahl
Nancy L. ‘62 & B. Leon Stauffer
Robin D. & Robert Stauffer
Wayne G. & Janice M. Stebbins
Millard L. & Fern I. Steckbeck
Rita H. ‘90 & Anthony J. Steffen
Herbert L. & Beverly S. Steffy
J. Scott ‘75 & Susan Steffy ‘76
Cedric D. Steiner
Matthew S. & Stacy C. Steinkamp
Melinda & Ryan E. Stevens
Andrew D. ‘59 & Lucille Stoltzfus ‘59
Chad M. ‘87 & Brenda R. Stoltzfus ‘87
Zachary ‘03 and Amanda
Stoltzfus ‘02
Freiman F Stoltzfus
John W. ‘63 & Edwina F. Stoltzfus
Ken ‘75 and Karen Stoltzfus ‘72
Miriam E. Stoltzfus ‘50
Ruth A. ‘68 & John F. Stoltzfus
Ruth W. & Christian Stoltzfus
Susquehanna Beneficial
Harold A. & Karen Thomas
J. Sam ‘68 and Marian Thomas
Melvin H. ‘61 & Geneva Rufenacht
Miriam Thomas ‘63
Ruth ‘65 & Jay L. Todd
Vera ‘59 & Ralph Todd
Trefsgar Associates, Inc.
Trout, Ebersole & Groff, LLP
Ivan R. ‘71 & Connie Troxel
Tyco Electronics Matching Gift
C. Douglas ‘90 & Karen Umble
Dale L. ‘60 & Ruth Umble
Marvin M. Walters
Nancy C. Waltz
Dianne E. & Jay Stewart Wassall
Shawn D. & Sasha N. Wawrzyniak
Dennis L. & Karen Y. Weaver
J. Clyde ‘52 and Edna ‘52 Weaver
J. Clair ‘61 & Jane H. Weaver
John W. ‘47 & Margaret Weaver
Joy ‘75 & Nelson Weaver
Marlin D. ‘75 & Lesetta E. Weaver
Richard L. ‘52 & Marilyn J. Weaver
Ronald R. ‘71 & Erma J. Weaver
Floyd & Salinda Weber
Timothy J. & Dorothy Weber
Shawle & Mary Wehibe
Laurie L.’97 & Matthew Weitzel
Carol ‘88 & Sherwin Wenger
David A. ‘65 & Ruth Wenger
Elizabeth A. Wenger ‘51
Jeffrey L. ‘87 & Lynelle Wenger ‘88
L. Larry ‘53 & RaeDella Wenger
Ralph B. & Rhoda S. Wenger
J. Lloyd ‘59 and Beverly Wert ‘59
Patrick D. & Christine F. Whalen
James S. ‘62 & Evelyn White
Wilco Electric, Inc.
Mary Beth & Steven M. Will
Michael A. & Christine C. Willig
Derek A. ‘93 & Melissa Wissler ‘93
James M. & Sara Jane Witmer
Jim & Sally Witmer
Rodney K. ‘85 & Wendy S. Witmer
John H. & Thelma Wolgemuth
Reba J. & Rudy L. Wolgemuth
Thelma B. Wolgemuth ‘47
Dale R. & Joanne Z. Yoder
Dwight W. Yoder ‘84
Harold D. & Luella M. Yoder
Harvey M. & Shirley Yoder
Julia M. Yoder ‘47
Julie M. ‘83 & J. Dwight Yoder
Nancy B. ‘65 & J. David Yoder
Richard C. ‘75 & Janine Yunginger
Jonathan Charles
2013 graduate Emily Paulter is all smiles as she makes her way
to the front lawn for the traditional cap toss.
Mary K. & Michael D. Zehr
Lois R. ‘63 & Sam Zeiset
Joyce Zimmerman ‘67
Lois J. ‘56 & Leon R. Zimmerman
Mark ‘66 & Lucille Zimmerman
J. Harold Zook ‘55
Larry J. ‘80 & Dawn ‘79 Zook
Laurie A. Bartlett ‘78 & Robert Abel
Richard Z. & Susan M. Abel
Ruben B. & Gloria N. Abenes
Yanet Abreu
Miriam ‘59 & Leroy C. Achenbach
Rebecca S. Achenbach
Moniqua M. ‘94 & Dionicio Acosta
Timothy Aiken
Casey L. Ainsworth
Charles H. ‘82 & Nancy J. Albrecht
Franklin D.’76 Albrecht & Elizabeth
Nichole M. Albright
Henry & Janet Albrycht
Teresa ‘69 & Paul D. Alderfer
Eric D. & Beth Ann Alderman
Donna ‘78 & John C. Alexander
Ruth Alger ‘48
Lorraine E. ‘68 & George C. Allen
Margaret L. Allen ‘58
Albert J. Alley
Dorothy Allgyer ‘60
Shirley & G. R. Altizer
Melinda Alva
Juliana Ament
Debra S. Amspacher
Steven B. & Joann Anderson
Andrew Haynes Trucking
Donna & Peter D. Andrews-Mower
Matthew & Kimberly Ankney
Peter J. & Mary Anninos
Ms. Stephanie Arnold-Dinger
Asher & Company in memory of
Gary S. Clapper
Harry & Barbara Ashley
Mark & Judy Ashley
Rebecca & Eric Ashley
Lindell ‘74 & Vernon L. Asper
Asuncion Dental
ATF Contractor LLC
Rhoda Atzeff
Eric J. Augsburger ‘09
Charles Aukamp
Susan E. ‘78 & Karl E. Auker
Linda and Anthony Austin
Betsy Bach
Michele D. Bachmann
G. Michael M. Baer ‘08
Kenton W. Baer ‘07
Melanie Baer-Drescher ‘78 & J. Doug
Daniel E. & Pauline G. Baker
George T. & Betty S. Baker
Philip M. ‘75 & Charlotte
Leon J. & Carol A. Bame
Janet C. Banks
Martha J. Barber
Harvey N. & Susan L. Barbour
Robert K. Bard
Travis R. ‘99 & Nicole Bare
Jane R. Barley
Marilyn S. ‘68 & Richard C. Barnett
Barry G. Keller, D.M.D.
Barry Shearer Welding
Christopher C. Barton
Randall G. & Rebekah A. Basinger
Cheryl ‘79 & Steve Baugher
Mabel Jean ‘60 & Dennis E. Baum
Marian J. Bauman ‘62
Jeffrey L. & Gail Baumgartner
Barbara Baynard
BCF Group
Stephen R. ‘90 & Patti S. Beachy
Diane ‘79 & Jamie E. Beam
Nelson R. and Marilyn Beam
Titus H. & Violet Beam
William L. ‘78 & Robin Beam
Robert Beamenderfer
Beam’s Music Store
Robert & Becky Beaston
J. Nelson ‘68 & Connie Bechtold
John G. & Fay W. Beck
Esther H. Becker ‘55
Glenn D. Becker
Don and Anita Beidler
Leanne Beidler
Allen R. ’50 & Florence A. Beiler
Arlan R. ’96 & Dana Beiler ‘93
Chester O. ‘81 & Sharon Beiler
Clair E. ‘75 & Verna M. Beiler ‘74
E. Kenneth ‘72 and Judy Beiler
Katie B. Beiler
Leon Edwin Beiler
Leon M. ‘82 & Christina J. Beiler
Vida K. Beiler ‘62
Mary ‘65 & Leroy P. Beitzel
Mary ‘69 & Wishart Bell
Audrey ‘69 & Everett A. Bender
Doris Bender
Michael D. & Shirley M. Bender
David & Deborah Bendit
Brenda L. Benner
Lamar M. ‘77 & Cheryl A. Benner
Leanne E. ‘77 & Steven P. Benner
Loren and Amy Benner
Lori A. ‘89 & Lynn C. Bergey
Bernard H. Lauer, DMD, P.C.
Kevin A & Lenora Berning
Mark and Doris Berrier
Joyous Bethel
Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
| 17
Jonathan Charles
2013 graduates Brandon DaSilva, Katelyn Blest and Heran Berhanu
prepare to walk into the commencement ceremony.
Ryan Bevitz
Neerja M. & Pradeep K. Bhagat
Thomas J. & Creta C. Bieber
Reuben J. & Ann H. Bigelow
Samuel L. & Cynthia L. Bigler
Anna M. ‘62 & James V. Bishop
Benjamin D. ‘98 & Sarah G. Bixler ‘98
Beth M. Bjorkman
Denise Y. Black ‘94
Jon & Carol Black
Karra B. Black ‘04
Melissa F. ‘93 & Steve Blair
Charles A. & Carol H. Bleacher
Carol Blecker
John D. & Lorraine M. Block
Douglas E. & Kristy M. Bloom
Janet ‘73 & Floyd Blosser
Andrew and Karen Bobetsky
Laurel C. Bobst
Kerri Bogda
Susan A. Boldt
Elvin B. & Clarene Boll
Marion L. Boll
Della K. Bollinger
Jonathan M. ‘90 & Jan M.
Bollinger ‘90
E. Douglas and Teresa Bomberger
Joyce Bomberger ‘63
Robert E. ‘87 & Kathy
Bomberger, Jr. ‘84
Joy Bonner
James M. ‘68 & Karen Bontrager
Curtis W. ‘73 & Leslie Book ‘73
Thatcher ‘96 & Michelle ‘94 Book
in memory of Gary S. Clapper
Martha M. Boshart
William D. & Margaret Bowen
Kenneth & Fay L. Bowers
Karen Bowman
Daniel J. ‘84 & Vanessa G. ‘84 Boyer
H. Wesley ‘ 58 & Lois A.’57 Boyer
John W. Brabazon ‘12
Frances L. & Donald R. Bradley
Nancy G. & Carl E. Brandt
R. L. & Sallie Jo Brandt
Anna R. ‘62 & H. Mervin Breckbill
Joel S. Breneman ‘01
Margaret S. & Michael D. Breneman
Paul E. ‘65 & Janice Breneman
Grace B. Brenneman
Paul W. & Mauria Bristow
Jean M. Brooks
Douglas L. Brown
Heidi A. Brown
Ben B. & Bertha Brubaker
Carolene S. Brubaker ‘67
Carolyn L. ’69 & Leon M. Brubaker
David J. ‘99 & Olivia Brubaker
David W. ‘73 & Donna ‘73 Brubaker
Diane K. & Jay Marvin Brubaker
Donald & Esther Brubaker
Doris E. Brubaker ‘52
Duane & Vanessa Brubaker
Glenn S. ‘69 & Susanne Brubaker
Jacob N. & Orpha M. Brubaker
James D. ‘52 & Carley Brubaker
Jeremy R. ‘99 & Laura Brubaker ‘99
John A. ’72 & Barbara Brubaker ‘73
Kenton K. ‘50 & Shirley Brubaker
Michael & Lisa Brubaker
Nevin K. ‘56 & Mary Brubaker
Mr. Paul A. Brubaker
Rachel Brubaker ‘44
Rebekah ‘00 & Daryl Brubaker
Robert & Sandra Brubaker
Robert L. ‘89 & Andrea ‘89 Brubaker
Roy D. ‘88 & Julie Brubaker ‘88
Roy L. ‘59 & Anita H. Brubaker
Ruth M. ‘67 & Mark G. Brubaker
Vanessa G. Brubaker ‘06
Steven & Danielle Brumm
Edna M. ‘46 & Leonard S. Brunk
William H. Brunke
Muriel and Richard Bruso
Scott and Gretchen Bruso
Jason J. Bryant
J. Daniel & Susan Buch
Kenneth P. Buchen
Trilda J. Bucher ‘59
J. G. & Linda Buckwalter
Jean L. ‘58 & Marlin L. Buckwalter
Joan ‘75 & Leon Buckwalter
Judd C & Susan Buckwalter
Marian B. ‘78 & Steven C. Buckwalter
Marlene ‘62 & Kenneth B. Buckwalter
Nathan R. Buckwalter ‘97
Raymond G. ‘70 & Nancy Buckwalter
Timothy L. Buckwalter ‘80 & Andrea
S. Brown
Verna ‘59 & Kenneth G. Buckwalter
Mary Bullock
Diane G. & Thomas R. Burke
Jodi M. ‘98 & Amos Burkepile
Cynthia R. ‘83 & J. Steven Burkhart ‘83
Jessica L. ‘99 & Philip L. Burkhart
Kari A. ’00 & Christopher R.
Burkhart ’98
Cheryl L. ‘77 & J. Richard Burkholder
Gary J. & Janelle R. Burkholder
John H. & Gwenda S Burkholder
Landis E. & Gladys Burkholder
Marie A. ‘75 & Galen E. Burkholder
Michael S. & Laura J. Burkholder
Orpha G. Burkholder ‘67
Rhoda G. Burkholder ‘66
Samuel S. ‘58 & Naomi Burkholder ‘61
Stacy L. ’99 & Andrew C. Burkholder
Susan E. ‘48 & John R. Burkholder
Ronald J. & Barbara E. Burwell
Donald W. & Robin M. Bush
Alta M. ‘60 & Charles R. Bussard
Jeffrey L. Butler ‘01
Robert K. & Michele K. Byers
Betty S. Byler ‘46
Ervin & Emma Byler
Roberto & Regina Cabezas
Mark E. Cacamis
Peter J. & Andrew Cacka
Glenn E. & Lois A. Cain
Evelyn Cameron
1 8 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
James & Mary Cameron
Marie Campbell
Mark Campbell
Michael E. & Darby J. Campbell
Elizabeth Carmer
Christoph and Sharon Carpenito
Barbara ‘79 & Roger L. Carper
Kenneth L. ‘86 & Diane M. Carper, Jr.
Emanuel Carreras
Gail G. Carson
Lindsay F. Cattell ‘05
Central Beautique
Central Penn Nursing Care, Inc.
Doris M. Champagne
Aldus W. & Jean M. Charles
Carl L. & Mary Charles
Eunice G. Charles ‘80
Jesse G. ‘82 & Sylvia N. Charles
Paul K. & Fannie Charles
Robert C. Charles ‘63
Charleston Mennonite Fellowship
John E. & Patricia N. Chase
Benjamin F.D. Chikes
Chiropractic 1st LLC
Deborah D. Chopka
Ruth E. ‘71 & David R. Christner
Linda Christy
Ruth S. Christy
Maureen ‘88 & Mark A. Chritzman
Christopher J. Churchill
Marian S. ‘63 & Gary S. Clapper
Benjamin L. & Mary E. Clark
Faye L. ‘71 & Paul L. Clark
Jean and Robert Clark
Martha E. Clark
Milt E. & Emma L. Clark
Phillip and Susan Clemmer
Tasha G. ‘93 Clemmer
Kevin & Cynthia Coakley
Sandra L. Coakley
Sharon ‘71 & David M. Cody
Julie A. Collins ‘08
George & Carmelina A. Colton
Elizabeth J. Colucci ‘84
Scott and Tracy C. Conley
Tamara J. Connor
Kenneth G. Conrad
Peter and Glenda Cook
Isabel D. & Elmer J. Coolbaugh
Marie & Larry R. Cornell
Cornerstone Genetics
Hiram Cortes
David & Sara Costello
Stephen E. & Lisa M. Courtney
Rita C. Curven
Norma Custer
James L. & Lorraine Cutrer ‘65
Carolyn Cyms & Kenneth Dyer
Joyce B. & Robert M. Daby
Paul B. & Karen Dandurand
Felicia S. ‘05 & Donovan Daniel
Nathan R. ’00 & Valerie R. Darity ‘00
Sonya Darr
Heidi M. & Dayne M. Davis
William L. & Phyllis K. Davis
Barbara E. ‘68 & Walter N. Davison
Christopher D. DeAntonio
Michael F. & Rebecca J. Degan
Patricia Degan
M. Lena DeGuire ‘57
Richard and Portia Deibler
Cory C. Deist ‘00
Michael A. Deitrich ‘99
Odill M. Del Rosario
James Delduco
Doris M. Dellinger
Betty G. Denlinger
Duval L. ‘87 & Tamara S. Denlinger
Joanne Denlinger ‘61
Kenneth M. & Beverly Denlinger
Ruby S.’69 & Ronald Denlinger
Dentistry With A Woman’s Touch
Ann ‘66 & Ted E. Derrick
Dennis A. Deslippe
Patricia A Desmond
Tina L. Devonshire
Floyd O. & Cheryl S. Dewitt
Antoinette J. Diaddezio
Roy M. Dice
Theodore L. & Linda C. Dickerson
Martin and Barbara Dickey
James W. & Bonita L. Diem
Andrew S. & Jean M. Diener
Jo Ann Dietz
Myron S. & Lois W. Dietz
Sarah E. ‘01 & David DiFilippo
Gregory K. ‘86 & Melody C. Dillman
Joanne ‘71 & Douglas W. Dirks
Jeffrey A. Dise ‘01
Elizabeth Dodson
Sharon ‘82 & Ken Doll
Donna M. ‘85 & James S. Dombach
Sharon Donley
Robert A. & Jean B. Dougherty
Carla L. ‘90 & Steven K. Douple ‘90
K. Doreen Dourte
Rick Dover
Paul B. & Valda C. Downs
Nancy J. Drescher
Edith Duckworth
Jennifer ‘90 & Kevin Dunigan
Harry G. & Janet M. Dyer
Kelvin & Sharon Dyer
Daniel G. & Nancy J. Eaby
Janet ‘58 & Eugene R. Eberly
Sharon Eberly
Amos L. & Andrea B. Ebersol
Jeanette & Wilbur M. Ebersole ‘51
Jeanette Ebersole
Mary E. Ebersole
Stephanie A. & Robert Ebersole
Josephine A. & Robert Ebert
Alma E. Eby ‘47
George & Serena Eby
J. Harold & Kathryn W. Eby
John E. ‘65 & Audrey H. Eby
Kristina Eby
Lloyd C. ‘72 & Linda J. Eby
Lynette J. ‘91 & J. Michael Eby ‘90
Richard ‘63 and Jean Eby ‘65
Mary J. ‘50 & Laurence Eby
Melvin R. ‘64 & Joyce Eby ‘65
Omar ‘53 & Anna Kathryn Eby ‘58
Philip R. ‘87 & Diane M. Eby
Susan ‘73 & Michael C. Eby
Elaine E. Eckert
Mark S. & Chanda Y. Eckman
Melinda A and Christopher Edie
Christopher & Christine Eifert
Janet ‘71 & Mostafa Elbalghiti
Elite Energy, LLC
Donnie L. & Robin Eller
Newell & Vicki Embley
James & Linda K. Enck
Brian & Jesenia M. Engle
Fredrick L. & Nan L. Engle
Miriam Engle ‘58
Rudolph Erb
Jeffrey & Kaitlin Erikson
Dennis W. & Rosalind Ernest
Marjorie A. Ernst ‘52
Adam B. & Alta Esbenshade
Christine E. Esch ‘80
Etta ‘65 & Earl L. Esch
Evan L. Esch ‘95
James W. & Eunice L. Esch
Michael P. & Carol A. Esch
Calvin E. ‘75 & Janet Esh
Elias S. & Anna M. Esh
Roy M. Eshelman
Sharon Eshelman
Mabel H. ‘49 & D. R. Eshleman
Robert M. ‘65 & Anna R. Eshleman ‘65
Cheryl R. Espenshade
Ruth K. Essick
Brandi L. Estremera
Marlene Etienne
Arbra R. Evans
Duane M. & Jill Evans
Scott A. Everhart
Dawne B. & Kimberly J. Fahnestock
Doris ‘73 & Dale E. Fahnestock
Enanga D. Fale ‘99
Kelly S. & Samuel T. Fallinger
David A. & Wendy M. Farmer
Esther E. Farmer
Richard R. & Barbara Farneth
Senta Fean in memory of
Gary S. Clapper
Kathleen ‘61 & Donald Fellenbaum
Kent D. Fellenbaum ‘96
L. Kenneth & Debra Fellenbaum
in memory of Patricia Johnson
Robert E. & May Fellenbaum
Marilyn K. Felter
William & Karen Fennell
Norma J. Ferdinand
Mary M. & David J. Ferruzza
Joanne ‘82 & Richard Fetzer
Mark & Jennifer Fischer
John L. Fisher ‘49
Kenneth & R. Mildred Fisher ‘44
Effielow ‘52 & J. R. Fleagle
Harry E. & Muriel C. Fletcher
Brock D. & Holly M. Ford
Gail C. & Eldon S. Ford
K. Eugene & Nancy Forrey
K. Matthew & Tammy M. Forrey
Harold Forry
Mark S. & Susan M. Forry
Jean M. & Ernest C. Forshey
Tammy L. & Gus Forte
Rosemarie and Dan Foster
Amanda L. Fowler & William A. Fife
Chad & Andrea Fox
David A. Franklin
Albert W. & Brenda A. Frantum
Jenny ‘62 & Benjamin Fredrick
Naomi G. Freed
Susan ‘72 & Phillip M. Freed ‘72
Dorothy Freese
Luis & Barbara S. Freile
Betty J. Frey
Caroline ‘92 & Chesen Frey
David E. ‘92 & Rebecca Frey
Dennis L. Frey ‘70
Dorothy J. ‘52 & J. M. Frey
Kristopher L. ‘91 & Annette Frey ‘93
Wendy L. Frick
Margaret ‘68 & John D. Frost
Christine M. Fry
John Fry
Kenneth H. & Joann Fry
Steven R. & Bonnie L. Fry
Suzanne L. Fry
David A. & Karen M. Fuge
William E. & Barbara B. Fuller
A. E. ‘60 & LeRoy Funk
G.L. Day Trans. Services, Inc.
Marian ‘67 & James E. Gaffney
Emil & Jennie L. Galis
Selvathambi & Jayanthi Gangadhar
Ann L. Gantt
Daryl D. & Lila F. Garber
Edna Garber
Joe C. ‘74 & Yvonne Garber ‘78
Lois ‘48 & Jay C. Garber
Michael T. & Erica Ann Garber
Lupe and Ramona Garcia
Garden Spot Mechanical, Inc.
Beverly H. Gardner
Dorothy Gardner in memory of
Gary S. Clapper
Barry and Sandra Garman
Glenn D. ‘67 & Cathy A. Garman
Robert E. & Phyllis L. Garman
Steve L. & Alison Garman
Priscilla ‘65 & Millard Garrett
Anthony K. ‘84 & Christie A. Gehman
Hans D. & Stephanie L. Gehman
John M. ‘82 & Norma Gehman ‘82
Joyce A. Gehman
Leon S. & Anna H. Gehman
Lester E. & Anna Gehman
Lester W. ‘74 & Ruth Ann Gehman
Nelson D. ‘75 & Dianne K. Gehman
Paul J. ‘54 & Inez Gehman
Seth D. ‘72 & Rosalyn J. Gehman ‘72
Barry L. & Dawn M. Geib
Richard J. & Ann Marie Geiger
Milton & Mary Jane Geiser
Gene Wenger’s Meats & Fine Foods
Brian and Elizabeth Gerhart
Jenelle R. ‘95 & Roy A. Gerlach
John D. ‘56 & Mary J. Gerlach ‘56
Larry & Linda Gerlach
Mary J. Gerlach ‘68
Cheryl Gerringer
Christopher M. & Ashley N. Gerz
Shawn D. & Dolly M. Getz
David E. & Sandra J Gibble
David M. Gibble
Esther ‘69 & William Gibble
James L. & Linda L. Gibble
James L. Gibble
Charles B. & Eva Gibbs
Louva A. Gibbs
Debra J. ‘77 & William E. Gibson
Elrena L. Gibson
Miriam E. ‘68 & Ronald Gieg
Arlene ‘52 & Paul Gingerich
Barbara L. Gingrich ‘76
Cora and James Gingrich
Esther B. Gingrich
John M. ‘68 & Rosanne Gingrich ‘69
Karen J. Gingrich ‘82
Paul R. ‘78 & Debra L. Gingrich
Sandra L. Gingrich
A. Samuel & Grace Gish
Jonathan S. ‘85 & Karen Gish
Nancy L. & James W. Gish
Jason L. & Julie M. Givens
Judith & James Givens
Vicki & Charles W. Glenn
Samuel L. ‘70 & Sue Glick
David L. ‘77 & Rebecca S. Gochnauer
Fannie ‘67 & Richard L. Gochnauer
Ruby ‘65 & Donald R. Gochnauer
Christopher D. Godshall ‘05
Godshall Commercial Interiors
Stephen E. ‘88 & Sara Godshall
Alicia G. Gonzalez
Dale E. & Kathy Good
Daniel D. ‘68 & Lois Good ‘69
Ellen R. ‘51 & Ernest R. Good
J. S. ‘87 & Jean L. Good ‘87
Karen S. & J. Michael Good
Linford L. ‘69 & Velma E. Good
Lorna L. Good
Marlin W. ‘68 & Barbara N. Good ‘71
Phebe M. ‘62 & Donald W. Good
Phillip H. ‘95 & Holly A. Good
Travis D. ‘00 & Jane E. Good
W. M. Good ‘04
Goodville Mennonite Church
Tracy Goredy for DPW Workers
in memory of Joyce Dowell Brunke
Glenn K. & Helen D. Goshow
Albert and Evelyn Goss
Bradley H. & Scarlette Z. Gotwals
Kristal ‘80 & Lester Graber
Nelda G. ‘56 & James R. Graber
Grace Point Church of Paradise
Valerie D. Granaway-Kewis
Diana Gray
Ronald P. Gray
Conrad S. ‘60 & Edith Graybill
Emma E. Graybill ‘65
Mark M. Graybill ‘00
Robert ‘60 and Susan Graybill
Norene & M. Daniel Greenleaf
Joanne N. Greenly
E. Anne Greider
Teresa L. Greider
Sharon I. & Franklin Greiner
Todd A. Greiner
Brenda J. ‘74 & Daniel B. Grimes
Abram B. ‘52 & Betty Groff
Alma ‘57 & Clair Groff
Anna M. ‘02 & Brian Groff
Anna R. ‘54 & Melvin M. Groff
Bryan L. ‘90 & Jill M. Groff
Dale E. & Barbara B. Groff
Daryl C. ‘77 & Audrey Groff ‘77
Donald B. & Elnora Groff
Dwight L. Groff ‘80
Eric S. ‘86 & Glenda S. Groff
Heather D. ‘92 & Brett E. Groff
Jerry M. ’69 & Kathryn S. Groff
John H. ‘56 & Margaretta Groff
Larry K. ‘80 & Sheryl L. Groff
Marian A. ’58 & John B. Groff
Merle E. ‘80 & Shirley Groff
Mildred V. Groff ‘48
Paul S. Groff ‘59
Richard P. ‘67 & Beverly B. Groff
Robert B. & Marlene Groff
Shirley A. Groff ‘65
James & Lorie Grosh
Karen K. ‘69 & Joel L. Gross
Kendra J. ‘91 & Larry Guengerich
Ronald A. Guenther
Gemechisa Guja
Doris ‘67 & Verlin E. Haarer
John C. & Jennifer G. Haas
Tracy & Daniel A. Habacivch
William & Rita Habacivch
Anna M. Habecker
Andrea ‘99 & S. S. Hackman
Nancy L. & Mark E. Hackman
Patricia M. Haffert
Elizabeth C. Hagey
Yoseph & Etagegnehu Haileselassie
Lori K. & James C. Haines
Larry E. & Debra A. Haldeman
Lester C. & Emma J. Hall
Pamela E. Hall
E. Irene Haller
Kevin R. ‘86 & Yvonne F. Haller
Christina N. Handwerk ‘03
Christopher & Barbara Haney
Charles S. & Erin L. Hanna in memory
of Gary S. Clapper
Susan & Danny J. Hanna
Michael Hansen
Carolyn ‘89 & Jeffrey Hapeman
Gavin V. & Shiobhain M. Harding
Jane E. Hardy
Mavlyn Hargett
Frank B. & Kimberly A. Harker
Anthony A. ‘97 & Karen L. Harnish
David L.’76 & Brenda J. Harnish
Dennis A. ‘69 & Sharon L. Harnish ‘70
Jean ‘72 & Gerald Harnish
Marian ‘74 & Robert A. Harnish
Miriam ‘62 & John A. Harnish
Paul K. & Anna E. Harnish
Robert E. Harnish ‘62
Kersten M. Harnly ‘07
Charles N. Hart
Dervin ‘62 & Charlene Hart
Dianna L. ‘67 & Dewey Hart
Jeffrey M. ‘99 & Amy C.
Hartenstine ‘99
Thomas H. & Kendra Hartman
Thomas & Marilyn Hartman
Brent L. & Lourdes Hartzler
Lois ‘55 & Roy T. Hartzler
Jackson P. Hatfield
W. M. & Sonja Denlinger Haught
Phoebe K. ‘80 & Stephen A. Haupert
Barbara S. & Lance S. Haverkamp
Matthew J. & Heather Haverkamp
Arlene ‘60 & Ted Hayes
Louis J. & Yoko Haynes
Patrick J. & Helen P. Hazatones
Eldon & Sharon Heatwole
Heckman Brotthers, Inc.
Arlene E. ‘44 & Nathan B. Hege
Robert L. & Tamalyn J. Heim
Susan ‘69 & David A. Heimbach
Connie S. Heindel
Robert L. & Jill K. Heine
Jonathan D. ‘03 & Megan Heinly ‘04
John M. & Linda Heisey
Nelson E. & Joyce Heisey
Stuart L. & Doris M. Heisey
Janet M. Heistand ‘49
Larry & Linda Hellein
Daniel C. ‘55 & Jennifer Heller ‘55
Eric G. & Terri A. Hellman
Robert E. ‘84 & Amanda M. Helsel
Gordon L. Hemphill
Russell J. & Kimberly A. Henkel
Gregory T. & Patricia A. Henning
Janet L. & Ronald E. Henry
Jhoanny M. Hernandez & Quidvio
R. Polanco
Amy ‘67 & M. D. Herr
J. G. Herr ‘67
Jansen M. Herr ‘93
John L. & Joann M. Herr
Kenneth L. & Elnore Herr
Kevin & Leanne Hersh
Edna E. ‘58 & Dwight L. Hershberger
Beverly Hershey
Hershey Entertainment & Resorts
Glenn C. ‘65 & Helen M. Hershey ‘65
J. A. ‘66 & Cynthia A. Hershey
J. W. ‘68 & Donna Hershey
John F. & Carolyn L. Hershey
John H. & Mabel Hershey
Mary & Floyd Hershey
Mary Ann & Clarence R. Hershey
Robert L. Hershey
Warren W. & Betty M. Hershey
Connie A Hertzog
Andrew B. ‘74 & Marlene Hess
C. R. ‘65 & Mary A. Hess ‘65
Cynthia P. Hess ‘67
Dale E. ‘67 & Ursula M. Hess
David Hess
David W. ‘85 & Starla Hess ‘86
Florence A. Hess
Helen ‘50 & James R. Hess
J D. ‘55 & Joy Hess ‘57
J. Robert & Evelyn Hess
James O. ‘96 & JoAnna S. Hess ‘97
Jerry & Bonnie Hess
Joseph D. ‘71 & Linda D. Hess
Joseph D. & Lois W. Hess
Joseph M. ‘61 & Patricia A. Hess
Joseph S. ‘74 & Jane Hess
Luke C. ‘66 & Dorothy Hess
Marshall E. & Karen Hess
Mervin G. ’53 & Reba Hess ‘53
Miriam G. Hess ‘58
Raymond H. ‘68 & Faye Hess ‘69
Dale & Lucy Hiestand
Rebecca ‘67 & David F. High
Krista ‘88 & Franklin D. Higham
Mary C. Hihn
Gary & Doris Hiller
John & Sandra A. Hilsher
Eric L. & Jennifer G. Hiltebeitel
Dorl Elaine Hilton
Ruth A. ‘57 & John R. Himmelreich
Clint R. & Michelle L. Hinkle
Mary E. & Rickey R. Hinkle
Michelle L. Hinkle
David L. & Carol Hippensteel
Leone Hipple
David & Debra Hochstetler
Deborah & Paul Hodson
Danielle M. Hofstetter
Oren & Naomi Hofstetter
Craig & Melinda Hoin
Arlan L. & Diane M. Hollinger
Clyde M. ‘64 & Elaine L. Hollinger ‘64
I. W. ‘61 & Ruth Hollinger ‘61
L. K. ‘68 & Rosene F. Hollinger ‘67
Ruth L. Hollinger
Mary S. Homsey Jon Woollard
Ruth ‘50 & Mervin S. Hoober
Carl E. & Deborah S. Hoover
Carolyn ‘69 & Leon M. Hoover
Harold & Jane Hoover
Jane E. Hoover
Marie ‘66 & Levi F. Hoover
Paul R. & Janet F. Hoover
Sandra B. & R. Scott Hoover
Virginia O. Hoover
Donald & Carol F. Horning
Elton & Linda Horning
Henry W. ‘48 & Lela Horning
James S. & Jean Horning
Joyce A. & Randy Horning
Arlene G. Horst
Clifford L. ‘89 & Roberta J. Horst
Gerald M. & Merla F. Horst
J. Noreen Horst
Keith A. & Erica S. Horst
Kriston T. & Christy L. Horst
Linda K. Horst
Luanne ‘72 & Vernon D. Horst
Martha Horst
Matthew F. Horst ‘97
Peter V. ‘07 & Angelina R. Horst
S. J. ‘07 & Robert L. Horst
Thomas A. ‘70 & Thelma Horst ‘72
V. J. ‘68 & James E. Horst
Steven D. & Ruth M. Horvath
J. Glen & Patricia Hostetler
J. M. ‘68 & Mary L. Hostetler ‘69
Marcella R. Hostetler & Monte Garber
Dale R. ‘73 & Dorothea M.
Hostetter ‘76
G. R. ‘76 & Sally A. Hostetter
J. Elvin ‘74 & Sharon J. Hostetter ‘78
Jeanette Hostetter ‘49
Joshua D. Hostetter ‘99
Lu Ann Hostetter
Phyllis Hostetter
Pluma ‘48 & I. D. Hostetter
Robert D. ‘64 & Nancy Hostetter
Vera Houben
Michael and Despina Houck
D W. & Karen Hovis
Lois E. & Joseph J. Howanec
Erwin G. & Isabel R. Howarth
Beverly A. Howes
Kimberly Hrapchak Rice
Karl H. & Patricia Hruby
Liyang Huang & Songwen Guo
Carol D. Huber
Daria ‘80 & Frank J. Huber
Dorothy R. ‘49 & James Huber
Earl E. & Charlotte L. Huber
Joyce A. Huber ‘65
Ray A. ‘83 & Lynette C. Huber84
Nancy J. & Joachim J. Huerter
David & Deborah Hummer
Glenn C. & Kathleen J. Hummer
Elsie Hundley
Chad E. ‘00 & Nicole Hurst
J. Michael ‘83 & Kathleen F. Hurst
Hurst Produce
Eric F. & Terra Hussar
Suzanne F. & Daniel A. Hussar
Rose M. ‘69 & Alvin M. Huyard
Joshua M. Hykes ‘03
Janet D. ‘53 & Gerald H. Ihle
Nancy ‘81 & Earl Illyes
Erin R. Ipsen ‘10
Adrian L. & Monica L. Izquieta
J G Forney Company
Sandra M. Jackson
Brian J. & Maureen D. Jacobs
Paul E. & Tammy K. Jacobs
Lisa Jay-Fuchs
David & Doreen Jemison
Ralph E. & Shirley Jemison
Erika Jenkins
Robert & Faye Jenkins
Wilbur Jenkins
Kim R. & Donald Jerasa
Bryon H. & Janet L. Johnson
Judith A. & Robert H. Johnson
Robert E. Johnson in memory of
Edith McGowman Johnson
Stephen A & Nancy Johnson
Cleo & Kim M. Johonoson
Charles C. & Florence E. Jones
Miriam L. ‘61 & David R. Jones
Michael & MaLisa Jordan
Ralph F. Kallenberg
Conrad L. & Heidi M. Kanagy
Lamar E. ‘78 & Cheryl Kanagy
Susan E. Kane
Vasiliki Karandrikas
Helen ‘64 & Ronald W. Kasemeyer
Barbara ‘60 & Titus F. Kauffman
Harold R. Kauffman ‘72
Richard W. ‘74 & Janet E. Kauffman
Mary Beth ‘73 & Donald L. Kautz
Nancy E. ‘72 & Kenneth L. Keefer
Richard & Shirley Keene
Eugene N. ‘62 & Ravae Keener
Harold L. & Mary Keener
Jay G. ‘76 & Cheryl J. Keener ‘79
Shawn D. & Pam Keener
Timothy A. ‘01 & Melissa Keener ‘05
J. E. ‘70 & Judy Keens
Kenneth & Tiffany Keim
Helen ‘45 & Richard Keiper
Harold Keller
Leah Keller
Lois ‘53 & Harold H. Keller
Mabel Keller
R. Craig Keller
Paul and Sarah Kelley
Terry M. & Sheila L. Kelley
Eric & Hollie Kemp
Stephen E. ‘96 & Tara Kenkelen
Michelle Kennedy
William L. & Quinna F. Kennedy
Elmer E. ‘60 & Marianne Kennel
Mary E. ‘82 & H. L. Kennel
Timothy L. ‘77 & Kathryn L. Kennel
Roger H. & Carol L. Kennett
James ‘84 & Debra L. Kepiro
Katherine J. & Borko Kereshi
Richard & Phyllis Kern
Matthew & Kathy Keys-Ludwig
Austin W. & Mary O. Kibler
Larry L. Kiefer
H. Scott & Kristin Marie Kieffer
Sharon ‘70 & Kenneth E. Kilheffer
Michael and Marie Kinch
Bruce E. ‘81 & Patricia King
Darvis E. ‘89 & Shelly King
Elmer E. ‘52 & Esther E. King ‘53
Laura B. ‘96 & Zachary L. King
Margaret ‘56 & Harry King
Nathan ‘56 & Melba King ‘57
Sharon ‘58 & Martin G. King
Sheryl J. King ‘78
Susanne J. King ‘52
Walter L. King
Ann ‘71 & Jerold King-Grosh
Kingsway Realty in memory of
Esther M. Wolgemuth
James V. Kinsey
Harry & Linda Kirk
Linda M. Kirk
Joyce L. ‘58 & Kenneth E. Kisamore
Gloria A. Kiser
Michael L. & Connie D. Kiser
Thomas E. & Hope Dawn Klein
Theda ‘69 & Ulrich H. Klemm
Philip Kliewer
Kenneth D. Kline Jr.
J. N. & Marie Kling
Sandra E. Knaub
Carl D. ‘83 & Rochelle Kniss ‘83
David L. ‘53 & Esther L. Kniss ‘53
Ruth ‘60 & Elvin S. Kolb
Michael & Diane M. Kolessar
Ruth A. ‘56 & Donald Kopp
KPMG in memory of Gary S. Clapper
Brent and Wendy Krady
Daniel M. Krady ‘46
James M. ‘50 & Madeleine M. Krady
Mark C. Kraemer
Mark E. & Naomi Jill Kraenbring
George B. Kramer
Ray & Mary E. Kratz
Ronald D. & Laurel A. Kratz
Eugene D. ‘89 & Christina J. Kraybill
Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
| 19
Harold E. & Esther Kraybill
John H. ‘49 & Thelma M. Kraybill
Nevin M. ‘55 & Barbara Kraybill ‘60
Simon P. & Mary Jean Kraybill
Barry E. & Janet K. Kready
Arlene K. ‘62 & Wilmer H. Kreider
Frederick M. Kreider ‘64
Frank and Barbara Kreider
Karen Q. & B. Robert Kreider
Kirby L. ‘61 & Cassie Kreider ‘61
Laura Mae ‘59 & Lester Kreider
Lloyd E. ‘53 & Joyce A. Kreider ‘53
Marlin L. & Elsie Kreider
Mary A. Kreider ‘50
Noah W. Kreider Jr.
Stephanie J. & Joseph W. Kreider
Joanne & Eugene D. Kreiser
Diane L. & Jay E. Kretzing
Lisa A. Krieg
Butch Kuentzler
Ray E. ‘64 & Sharon K. Kuhns ‘67
Ruth A. ‘72 & John D. Kulp
Jason H. & Joanne Jeanes Kuniholm
Roland E. & Althea H. Kuniholm
Randy L. ‘88 & Heidi Kunkel ‘90
Calvin S. ‘59 & Esther M. Kurtz ‘59
David D. Kurtz ‘88
Duane and Pamela Kurtz
Floyd W. ‘73 & Beth Kurtz
Ira A. ‘59 & Evelyn Kurtz
Laura S. Kurtz
Paul S. ‘47 & Lydia H. Kurtz ‘48
Phillip D. Kurtz ‘73
Sharon J. ‘81 & Gerald H. Kurtz
Carson Lacquement
Charles & Connie J. Lacquement
Christina Ladson
Martha ‘83 & Patrick Lamb
Nanette ‘80 & Donald T. Lamb
Raymond & Audrey Lanas
Alma R. & Ben Landis
Benjamin B. & Rhoda Landis
Dwayne J. ‘86 & Corlene B. Landis ‘86
Edwin J. ‘50 & Almeda G. Landis ‘50
Landis Foods, Inc.
Howard & Dena Landis
Jason R. Landis ‘05
Jay B. ‘50 & Peggy H. Landis
Jeffrey M. ‘80 & Alicia R. Landis
John J. & Gladys Landis
June M. & Jacob S. Landis
Mary L. ‘65 & James C. Landis
Nancy J. Landis
Paul G. ‘50 & Ann M. Landis
Ruth A. ‘60 & Martin C. Landis
Sara J. ‘62 & Charles D. Landis
Shirley A. Landis ‘72
Steven & Judith K Landis
Steven E. ‘73 & Rosemary K. Landis
Vida J. Landis ‘70
Paula A. Lane
Seth A. ‘94 & Paula A. Laninga
Barry ‘68 & Mary E. Lapp
Ben F & Geraldine Lapp
Douglas & Suzanne M. Lapp
Gerald V. ‘84 & Mary Ellen Lapp
Helen ‘54 & Samuel J. Lapp
James R. ‘74 & C. J. Lapp
Reuben Lapp ‘80
Timothy J. ‘77 & Sandra Lapp
Caryl C. Large
Kathy E. & Clair Lashinsky
Kenneth & Marlene Laukhuff
Joan B. Lawler
Charles & Diane Lawrence
Carl M. & Frances Leaman
Cheryl ‘84 & Randall S. Leaman
Diane E. Leaman
Janine E. Leaman ‘00
Jonathan G. ‘82 & Jacqueline A.
Mary A. ‘63 & Glenn E. Leaman
Robert H. & Judy A. Leaman
Tobias G. ‘67 & Lonita Leaman
Adrienne K. Leasa ‘95
Gerald S. ‘68 & Evangeline
Gloria I. Lebo
Monica R. ‘96 & Joel W. Lederman
Gregory T. & Lisa M. Lees
Dale H. ‘61 & Dorothy A. Lefever
David H. ‘74 & Sharon Lefever ‘74
Duane & Irene E. Lefever
Irene Lefever
Adam K. ‘92 & Eunessa Lehman ‘92
Conrad B. ‘87 & Cynthia L. Lehman
Emmett R. Lehman ‘81
Galen R. ‘66 & Gloria Lehman ‘66
Helen M. ‘68 & James M. Lehman
Lola M. Lehman ‘59
Louisa Lehman
Melvin L. Lehman ‘67
Nelson R. & Cheryl Lehman
Sue ‘59 & Richard Lehman
Wilbur G. & Esther W. Lehman
Barbara & Michael L. Leibhart
Ruth S. Lentz ‘49
Dawn M. & Christian E. Leonard
Chi Leong
Brian J. & Marcy L. LePrell
Glenn S. & Colleen G. Leprell
Ross L. & Christine M. Levato
Arlene K. Libby
Doris Linder
Lititz Orthodontics
Elizabeth Litz
Dwain & Audrey Livengood
Faye E. Lober
Brian Long
Kris L. & Gary Long
Ray A. ‘71 & Teresa E. Long
Charles B. ‘50 & Barbara
Longenecker ‘52
Dale K. Longenecker ‘59
Louise E. & Paul L. Longenecker
James Loose
Anelyz Lopez
Martha Loveland ‘64
Marjorie C. Lovett
David J. & Linda Freed Lund
Gina M. ‘02 & Robert J. Lusk
Helen F. Luther
Nancy & Jay H. Lutz
Gloria Mack
Jana L. ‘99 & James MacKay
John G. & Amy MacKay
Judith C. Mahala
Erika ‘45 & C. R. Malin
Gregory E. & Annette K. Mansker
Lisa & Edward S. Marflak
Benjamin B. Markley
Alice M. ‘55 & Raymond M. Martin
Andre L. Martin ‘93
Anna ‘76 & Irvin R. Martin ‘78
Anna R. Martin ‘64
Anne L. & Duane E. Martin ‘78
Brenda S. Martin
C. Kenneth & Lois S. Martin
Calvin J. ‘75 & Karalee S. Martin
David V. & Barbara Martin
Deanna ‘95 & Andrew Martin
Delmar P. ‘72 & Kathy Martin ‘75
Donald & Susan Martin
Dorothy M. ‘64 & Roy W. Martin
Drew M. & Rochelle A. Martin
Eva J. ‘60 & Marlin E. Martin
George B. & Joan Ann Martin
J. N. ‘68 & Ruth A. Martin ‘70
Janice ‘76 & Floyd M. Martin
Jay L. & Jeanette Martin
Jeanne H. ‘75 & Dennis E. Martin
Jeffrey R. & Anne Elizabeth Martin
Joyce ‘82 & Wilmer Z. Martin
Keith A. & Joanne P. Martin
Kristina R. ‘82 & Jeffrey R. Martin
Larry E. & Sally Martin
Leo E. ‘60 & Mary E. Martin
Mary K. ‘54 & Luke S. Martin
Miriam D. ‘66 & Leo K. Martin
Miriam H. ‘57 & Fred W. Martin
2 0 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
Nelson W. ‘63 & Anna M. Martin
Patricia J. ‘72 & John B. Martin
Robert A. & Sarah Jane Martin
Robert E. & Lois Martin
Robert W. & Nancy Martin
Roger D. ‘68 & Rhoda Martin
Roy & Janet Martin
Ruth S. Martin
Sally B. ‘75 & Randall L. Martin
Samuel Martin
Shane T. Martin ‘99
Sharon ‘79 & James Martin
Tiffanie S. Martin ‘00
Vickie L. & Jeffrey D. Martin
Armand R. & Virginia Martin
Yvonne ‘64 & Kenneth M. Martin
Ana Martinez
Judith Martinez
Andres E. & Lauren M. Martiny
Dorcas ‘63 & Glenn D. Martzall
Timothy L. ‘92 & Wendy B. Martzall
Masonic Villages
Alvin E. ‘77 & Peggy Mast
Audrey S. ‘75 & Nevin E. Mast
Cynthia Mast
Dale J. ‘66 & Kathy B. Mast
John & Susan Hochstedler Mast
Larry D. Mast ‘73
Lloyd & Donna J. Mast
Lois A. ‘69 & J. L. Mast
Mary P. Mast
Merle ‘69 & Robert W. Mast
Robert E. ‘71 & Twila Mast ‘72
Doug Mast
Valerie K. Mast
Anthony & Julie Matejicka
Fred & Anna Mattilio
John & Melissa J. Mattilio
William M. Mattilio
Jason B. Mauldin
Peggy A. McCardell
Elmer E. & Kathy A. McCarty
Joyce ‘64 & Theron McCarty
Michael M. & Deborah McCoy
Gregory N. & Mary S. McDaniel
Ginene T. McDowell
Thelma J. McEvoy ‘68
Joyce McFadden ‘63
Douglas N. & Lauren D. McFall
Timothy J. & Catherine E. McGarrity
John M. & Esther J. McGinnes
Timothy I. McGinnis ‘94
Fransis & Louise McGinty
Vincent D. & Michele M. McHenry
Richard F. & Bonnie L. McKee
Judy McKonly
Paul E. & Portia F. McLaughlin
Rachel ‘76 & Larry J. McLaughlin
Tracey Ann McLaughlin
Miriam B.’48 & John M. McMichael
Khadijah Deanna McNeil
Jane L. ‘77 & John D. Meck
Robert N. ‘97 & Shannon D. Meck ‘98
Doris ‘67 & Daniel J. Meehan
William G. & Theresa A Mellinger
William G. & Elizabeth A. Mellinger
John N. Mercurio
Paul B. & Evelyn G. Merriam
Wilbert and Margaret Merzilus
Eric & Stephanie Messick in memory
of Gary S. Clapper
John J. ‘51 & Alta J. Metzler ‘51
Leanna H. ‘73 & Thomas L. Metzler
Mary L. ‘53 & Earl D. Metzler
Paul H. & Jeanette Metzler
Richard E. ‘57 & Roxie A. Metzler
Rebecca Meyer
Helen W. Meyers
Michael R. Sipe Painting &
Rick Milanak
Arlene B. Miller
Clifford G. ‘65 & Joyce E. Miller ‘66
Daniel G. ‘66 & Joyce Miller
David E. Miller
David G. & Fern Miller
E. M. Miller ‘97
Edmund & Esther Miller
Ethel M. ‘51 & John G. Miller
Helen L. Miller
J. Mark ‘79 & Mary K. Miller
J. Mark ‘63 & Kathleen B. Miller
Jane C. Miller
Joan A. Miller
John D. & Lisa A. Miller
Jonas G. & Miriam Miller
Kristine ‘96 & Ryan L. Miller
Marilyn K. Miller
Marilynn and Thomas Miller
Mervyl L. & Linda H. Miller
Mildred B. Miller ‘50
Paul F. ‘65 & L. D. Miller ‘65
Quentin L. ‘87 & Lydia Miller
Robert E. Miller
Ronald J. ‘84 & Lavonne Miller
Susan K. ‘84 & Leon J. Miller
Trent D. Miller ‘08
Nancy R. ‘78 & Blake Minear
Patricia L. Mitten
A. Fern Mohler
Gerald L. & Sharon L. Mohler
James M. ‘57 & Janet Mohler
Kelly L. & Dale E. Mohler
Walter E. Money
Keith E. Mong
Noemi Montano
Doris M. Moore
Maureen F. & Jeffrey S. Moore
Shawn & Margie Moran
Dennis E. & Margery E. Mori
Vicki M. ‘90 & Virgil S. Morningstar
Sue Morrison
Mary Morton
Jeanette ‘78 & Steven Moser
Lawrence E. & Linda M. Moser
Edwin A. Moshier ‘61
Karen ‘69 & Steve Moshier-Shenk
in honor of Arnold Moshier
Howard A. & Carol M. Moss
Fern S. ‘62 & George D. Motto
Rebecca L. Mowchan
D. Ryan Moyer
Dale S. ‘62 & Doris Moyer ‘62
Donald S. ‘64 & Diane L. Moyer
Harold M. ‘70 & Alta M. Moyer
Lisa L. Moyer
Michael T. & Joann Moyer
Ray and Linda Moyer
Scott A. & Ann S. Moyer
Cynthia ‘82 & John A. Muenster
Sharon ‘92 & John P. Muhlfeld
A. D. ‘07 & Jade C. Mumma
Joyce M. Mumma
Peggy A. Murray
Richard A. & Sandra M. Mussa
Alice M. Musser
Anita M. & Stephen M. Musser
Gerald K. ‘88 & Diane I. Musser
Gerald M. & Regina K. Musser
Harold and Judith Musser
Janelle J. Musser ‘91
Kenneth D. & Linda Musser
Richard L. ‘50 & Dorcas Musser
Tracy Musser
Dorothy A. & Carl G. Myer
Janet M. & Earl E. Myer ‘66
Alan L. Myers
Angela Myers
Eric N. ‘85 & Susan Nafziger
John D. ‘70 & Lois Nafziger ‘70
Kenneth L. ‘74 & Judith R. Nafziger
Marlin A. ‘73 & Lisa Nafziger ‘84
Nelson C. ‘60 & Patricia Nafziger
ShaoLin Nai & Dingyu Chen
Durell E. Neely
C. M. ‘64 & Dorothy J. Neff
Clarence R. & Ellen Neff
Daniel and Carol Neff
Kevin J. & Colleen E. Neff
Krystal J. Neff ‘04
Irene G. Nevin
Philip N. ‘75 & Janice E. Newcomer
Aaron K. ‘60 & Marian Newswanger
Jessica Newswanger
Robert & Elva Newswanger
Patricia Ney
Dennis L. & Robin S. Nice
Marilyn & Rich Nicholson
Joan G. & Donald E. Nickol
Dustin T. & Dana R. Nikles
Lynette M. ‘86 & Keith Nisly
Barbara S. Nissley ‘67
Jay L. ‘64 & Barbara Nissley ‘68
Kathleen M. ‘79 & Dennis L. Nissley
Mervin & Nancy E. Nissly
James M. & Marian E. Noll
Brian & Janelle Nolt
E. ‘58 & I. L. Nolt
Kent L. & Melanie Dawn Nolt
Philip E. & Margaret Nolt
Rebecca M. Nolt
Teresa ‘85 & Kenneth M. Nolt
Roger & Carolyn B. North
Audrey Nottke
Dean and Stacy M. Novosat
Harold H. & Gloria A. Nussbaum
Joan A. Nyveldt
James A. Ober
Lori J. & Terry R. Ober
Linford & Rosetta Oberholtzer
Steven S. ‘81 & Sheri S. Oberholtzer
Trace L.’91 & Kristin R.
Oberholtzer ‘91
Cynthia ‘81 & Anthony Obianagha
Dianne O’Connor
Julie A. Oldham
Olaniyi & Olajumoke Oluleye
Cynthia F. & Sergio Ortega
Susan B. & Jeffrey B. Orth
Carlos M. & Leanora L. Ortiz
Charlotte A. ‘72 & Marquel Ortiz
Jodi E. ‘06 & Luis Ortiz
Jere M. Ostermayer
Michelle A. Ostermayer
Lewis J. Oswald
Ann L. ‘68 & Thomas L. Overly
Grant O. & Kimberly A. Packer
Linda Page
Karren E. Palermo
Scott A. & Wendy E. Palmer
Thomas H. Pardue
Holly Parmer
Richard K. & Peggy J. Patrick
Melvin Pauls
Nelson & Barbara Pauls
Carol ‘73 & B. F. Peachey
Crist & Jean Peachey
Jana ‘84 & Michael Peachey
Paul A. & Susan Pearce
Dorothy H. ‘69 & Al Pearson
Arlene Peifer
Betty ‘74 & E R. Peifer
Christian G. ‘50 & Laverne B. Peifer
Penelope A. Pellegrini
Michael L. & Kim L. Pellman
Heidi A. ‘93 & Bryan E. Pence
Ruth & Gerald R. Pennay
Janet L. Pepper ‘69
Fermin S. Perez
Lois J. Perry
Joyce D. & William V. Persic
E. William & Lorraine Peters
Ella L. ‘53 & Galen R. Peters
Jeff Peters
Steven R. Peters ‘92
Freda ‘76 & Jerald M. Petersheim
Greg L. ‘77 & Krista G. Petersheim ‘77
Lois ‘51 & Elam K. Petersheim
Leo F. & Andrea S. Petrokonis
Mabel I. Pickel ‘51
Nathaniel P. ‘81 & Julia A. Pierantoni
Harry P. Pierre-Louis
Andrew & Renee Pilotti
Lisa M. ‘93 & Robert Pinchak
Ernest Pinckney
Brenda ‘78 & Wayne Plowman
Alexandra M. Poff ‘11
John H. ‘78 & Pamela M. Pogue
Gaylord Poling
Nelson M. Polite Jr.
Anton J. & Marilyn Prokesch
Quality Optical
Norma W. Queen
R. K. Rentals
William Rainwater
Joseph P. ‘69 & Ann Ranck ‘69
Parke H. & Emma Ranck
Reba ‘60 & J. R. Ranck
Veronica ‘50 & J. M. Ranck ‘60
Rose A. ‘86 & Christopher Rapp
Red Manufacturing Inc.
Cynthia ‘76 & Robert L. Redcay
Mildred H. Reed
Kay L. Reever
Scott N. & Sharon L. Rehm
Jeffrey S. Reiff ‘89
Darlene ‘61 & Ronald L. Reighard
Daniel J. & Cleta R. Reinford
Charles & Erna Reinhart
David A. & Pamela A. Reist
Margaret E. Reitz
Melvin N. ‘62 & Pauline H. Reitz
David L. & Sherry Ressler
Marlin G. ‘66 & Catherine M. Ressler
Ronald L. ‘76 & Nancy A. Ressler
Anthony ‘84 & Stephanie Resto
Stephen T. & Melissa Reynolds
Gene E. Rhoades
Vernon D. & Jeanette K. Rice
Clemmie ‘64 & George Richards
Terri L. ‘04 & Donn F. Ridley
Thelma ‘59 & Ron Riley
Linda ‘77 & Kevin S. Ringer
Morgan J. & Rebecca D. Rinker
Laura M. ‘06 & Jordan M. Risser
Kevin L. Ritchey
Kendra ‘80 & James L. Rittenhouse
Ruth A. ‘66 & Ronald F. Robenolt
Charles C & Teresa Roberts
Howard D. Robins
Shango I. & Lisa A. Robinson
Gary & Sandra D. Rock
Victor V. & Beverly S. Rodriguez
David B. Roehrig
Darryl E. Rogers
Paul D. Rogers
Calvin & Donna L. Roggie
Ada M. Rohrer
Audrey ‘69 & Richard D. Rohrer
Clara G. Rohrer
Elmer H. & Ruth G. Rohrer
Janet Rohrer
Jason L. ‘96 & Sarah E. Rohrer ‘99
Lois E. Rohrer
R. Tyler & Jennifer J. Rohrer
Ryan C. Rohrer ‘95
William G. Rohrer ‘80
Darlene ‘76 & Marvin L. Rohrer-Meck
Mabel J. ‘60 & David L. Rollins
Nancy G. Rood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rosas Sr.
Candace L. & Rob L. Rosenberry
Nancy L. & Eldon P. Rosentrater
A F. & Nancy Rudy
Ruth & Carl J. Rudy
Michele R. & Scott E. Ruhl
Harry A. & Joan M. Rupp
Jessica & Lawrence T. Rush
Jon C. & Marjorie Rush
Pamela Ann & Allen Rushmer
Harvey A. & Donna H. Ruth
John L. ‘48 & Roma J. Ruth
Naomi K. ‘81 & R. C. Ruth
Rodney A. & D. Fern Ruth
G. Roger & Pamela Rutt
Jacob W. & Ruth A. Rutt
Karen ‘72 & Kenneth S. Rutt
Carolyn L. Ryan
Sandy Salamh
Phyllis J. Salamone
Rhoda B. ‘53 & Ali A. Salim
Richard J. & Carolyn Salisbury
Patrick J. & Bethany G. Sampsell
Carole N. Sanders
Virginia ‘59 & John Saner
G. S. Sangrey ‘89
J. N. ‘64 & L. Jane Sangrey ‘65
Rolando and Raquel Santiago
Richard & Kathy Sargen
Anna Mary Sauder ‘67
Clair H. ‘69 & Nancy Sauder ‘69
Daniel L. & Anna L. Sauder
Donald L. ‘66 & Linda Sauder ‘69
Esther D. Sauder
Evelyn ‘56 & Laurence Sauder
Evelyn M. Sauder ‘58
Glenn E. ‘64 & Joyce E. Sauder ‘65
J. A. ‘78 & Kathleen Sauder ‘78
Jay R. ‘80 & Bonita J. Sauder ‘81
John D. ‘79 & Rose A. Sauder ‘84
Lois J. Sauder ‘59
Martha L. ‘58 & Norman L. Sauder
Matthew A. ‘96 & Jennifer Sauder
McKenzie L. Sauder ‘11
Mona M. & J. E. Sauder
Nelson Sauder ‘66
Thelma B. Sauder
Colette J. & John L. Saufley
Leon K. & Jean R. Saufley
Alan J. & Grace Saunders
Erika ‘89 & Mark H. Sawin
Carl D. & Nanci Schaefer
Michael & Angela Schatz
G. Jane Schenck
John W. & Beverly J. Schilthuis
Patricia Schmucker
Carol A. Schreyer
Timothy M. & Stephanie A. Schreyer
Dawn Schuldt
Amy Schulz
Patricia A. Schwabe
Keisha R. Scovens
Tarsha Scovens
James E. & Joyce M. Seats
Matthew M. & Brooke M. Sehenuk
Donald & Kathy K. Seibert
Miriam ‘58 & Walter D. Seigfried
Dorothy B. Seitz
Sharon M. ‘76 & Kim L. Seldomridge
Heidi D. ‘99 & Joe Sell
Ivan W. Sellers
Lester J. & Sandra J. Sellers
Linda M. ‘64 & Richard W. Semke
Betty L. Sensabaugh in memory
of Gary S. Clapper
Dorothy M. Sensenich ‘57
Audrey L. Sensenig
Grace ‘70 & Noah Sensenig
Janice W. Sensenig ‘55
Jean L.Sensenig ‘84 & Daryl Snider
Joanne E. ‘60 & Gary G. Sensenig
Julia A. ‘72 & Jay C. Sensenig
Nancy Sensenig
Shawn and Jodi Sensenig
Yanimer Serrano
Connie L. & Fred A. Shaffner
Ruth Anna Shaiebly
Alice M. Shank ‘60
Dennis R. & Bonnie R. Sharp
Merle & Bonnie Sharp
Andrew H. Shaub
Jay M. ‘64 & Marilyn Shaub ‘64
Frank B. & Barbara W. Shaw
Tony E. Shaw
Shelley R. & Mildred N. Shellenberger
Ethel Mae Shelly
Mark A. & Heather K. Shelton
David W. ‘55 & K. G. Shenk ‘55
Dorothy A. Shenk ‘56
Ethel M. ’55 & Kenneth E. Shenk
Harold A. ‘58 & Mary G. Shenk
Rosanne E. ‘76 & Allen D. Shenk
Ruth M. Shenk
Joseph N. & MaryLou Sherer
Joyce D. ‘74 & Philip Shertzer
Kristina M. & W. Lee Shertzer
Todd D. ‘90 & Twila Shertzer ‘92
Lita Shillenn
Sandra C. Shillenn
Allan W. ‘60 & Ruth A. Shirk ‘60
Betty H. Shirk
Eva L. ‘59 & Walter H. Shirk
Nancy Shirk ‘58
Steve Shirk
Eugene C. & Nellie Shoff
Delores L. Shope
Marcia & Edward Shore
Delores H. Short
Donald R. ‘66 & Jean Showalter
Robert L. ‘60 & Mary A. Shreiner ‘61
James & Lynda Shrum
Joyce ‘62 & Glenn Shultz
John A. & Karen E. Shuman
Josiah Shuman
Ryan A. Siegrist ‘97
Wesley ‘89 & Teresa Siegrist ‘89
Ignacio J. & Briala D Silva
Joseph A. & Rose M. Silvaggio
Susan L. Silverstein
Anna R. ‘64 & Louis Simonetti
Jacob M. Singer
Dorothy R. ‘46 & Robert M. Singer
Kristopher M. & Alexis K. Sipe
Sistaz Hair Salon
William M. & Margot M. Sloyer
Smiles By Stevens, LLS
E. C. ‘64 & Douglass H. Smith
Jack H. Smith
Steven R. & Meagan J. Smith
Suzanne Smith
Todd H. & Stacy Smith
Trudy ‘83 & Scott Smith
Victoria Smith
Warren W. & Linda K. Smith
Tamara T. Smith-Norris
Gayle ‘81 & Reuben Smoker
Donna L. Smucker
Eric K. Smucker ‘99
James E. ‘79 & Anna Smucker
John E. & Myrna Smucker
Marlin L. Smucker ‘71
David L. ‘74 & Joy L. Snader ‘79
Paul and Carolyn Snader
Sylvia ‘66 & Ray Snader
Jerry L. & Janice E. Snavely
Matthew J. ‘89 & Janine Snavely
Keith D. & Lally J. Snell
Esther R. & Jay H. Snook
Wilbur & Bondia Snook
Dina A. Solito
Elsie Mae Somers
J. Scott Weaver & Lynn J. Sommer
Nancy Soto
Tammy Spackman
Annie-Claire Spittle
Matthew D & Leslie Spurrier
Susan ‘57 & John D. Stahl
John D. ‘76 & Milonica Stahl-Wert
David & Linda L. Stapler
Charles R. & Martha L. Starr
Beverly S. & David Stauffer
Brian L. & Christine A. Stauffer
Chad E. ‘92 & Judy Stauffer ‘92
Elam K. ‘58 & Doris Stauffer
Faye L. ‘71 & Steven B. Stauffer
Norma ‘70 & Bruce A. Stauffer
Robert B. & Mary Ann Stauffer
W. Gary & Pamela J. Stebbins
Carol Steele
Mary L. Steffy
John J. & Mary Lou Stehman
Adrienne R. ‘03 & Michael Steiner
Stephen P. & Claudia Steinkamp
Walter D. & Laura C. Steinke
Theodore B. & Patricia A. Stephens
Carol H. & Peter B. Stewart
James M. & Betty G. Stewart
Charles W. & Louise A. Stickler
Robert K. & Alice M. Stitt
Benuel K. & Barbara J. Stoltzfus
Carol J. & Ralph D. Stoltzfus
Christine Stoltzfus
Dale K. ‘69 & Kathy B. Stoltzfus
Dale W. ‘55 & Doris Stoltzfus
Donald J. & Judith C. Stoltzfus
Elmer S. & Valerie Stoltzfus
Gary L. & Sharon L. Stoltzfus
Glenn L. ‘68 & Jane Stoltzfus
Harvey Z. & Lillian M. Stoltzfus
Henry K. Stoltzfus ‘79
Jonathan C. ‘95 & Tricia B.
Stoltzfus ‘94
Leonard J. ‘80 & Diann Stoltzfus
Martha ‘69 & John F. Stoltzfus
Milton L. & Lois J. Stoltzfus
Omar L. Stoltzfus
Paul ‘87 & Mary A. Stoltzfus
Randy J. Stoltzfus ‘77
Robert and Joyce Stoltzfus
Stephanie Weaver
Ruth E. ‘55 & Daniel B. Stoltzfus
Graduates Caleb Kopp and Caleb
Sally J. ‘87 & J. M. Stoltzfus ‘87
Virgil D. ‘50 & Doris G. Stoltzfus
Gish hug after the cap toss, their
Wayne L. ‘79 & Karen Stoltzfus
last experience as LMS students.
James C. ‘66 & Sharon E. Stoner
Janet M. Stoner ‘64
Melissa A. Stoner ‘86
Marian L. Umble ‘63
Harold & Ann Stoppard
James E. & Gina M. Unger
Sandra J. Stotler
Agustin & Emma Valentin
B. Donald & Jessie Stover
Dorothy ‘55 & Faren Van De Grift
Janalee M. ‘76 & Robert L. Strain
Katherine E. & Dennis Vandermark
Ronald R. & Norma G. Strawbridge
Patricia & Joseph Vandermark
Carolyn ‘87 & Jeffrey L. Strong
Mary E. & Richard K. Vogelsang
Timothy A. & Joyce E. Struble
Romulus & Wilsa E. Voigt
Jeffrey D. ‘89 & Julie Stutzman
Carol Vollmer
Summit Rock Enterprises LLC
W. L. Zimmerman & Sons
Albin & Ada M. Sundberg
Ruth A. & John M. Waddell
Scott E. & Wendy J. Sundberg
Donald M. & Sara F. Wagner
Doris M. Supple
John C. & Joyce E. Wagner
Susquehanna Dental Ltd
Kristina ‘80 & Allen C. Wagner
Ida M. Swartley
Nancy ‘64 & Bob Walker
Willard M. ‘54 & Mary Swartley
Shawnae Walker
Ruth A. ‘48 & Robert P. Swartz
Adrian H. Wallace ‘97
Carol ‘50 & Earl Swartzentruber
Fred and Lynette Waller
M. D. ‘59 & Florence B.
Jeffrey & Karolyn Waller
Diane L. & Ralph T. Waltman
Gail Sweeten
Emory & Doris Walton
Jeremy E. & Christine Sweeten
Dawn ‘85 & David Wampler
Jerry Sweeten
Becky Wand ‘81
Darlene ‘62 & Parke E. Sweigart
Audrey J. & Hendrik M. Wandel
Glenn R. & Jane Sweigart
Thomas M. & Carol P. Wanner
Brian & Mechele Swope
Andrew & Julie Ware
Sharon L. & Donald Swope
Fay I. Warfel
Linda and Peter Sydorko
Paul W. Warfel
Gary W. Sykes
Carrie ‘99 & Phil Warner
Thomas E. & Cynthia M. Talbott
Donald L. & Mary Ann Warnick
Joseph & Carol Tatta
Dwight & Mary K. Warnick
Scott E. & Gail A. Taylor
David T. Warren
Charles E. & Betty R. Temple
Susan K. ‘68 & Raymond E. Watkins
John H. & Eileen M. Thomas
Christopher & Jenny Wawrzyniak
Kurtis D. & Charlene F. Thomas
A. Richard ‘56 & Ruth S. Weaver
Steven L. Thomas ‘90
Albert S. Weaver ‘66
Tamara L. & Robert R. Tilton
Allen S. ‘52 & Miriam Weaver
Mary Todd ‘43
Andrew S. Weaver ‘98
Catherine M. Tomassone
Dale E. ‘65 & Deborah Weaver
Craig and Emily Tomko
David L. ‘67 & Dawn E. Weaver
Michael Torelli
Deborah J. ‘72 & Lester E. Weaver
Ruth ‘60 & Charles Torielli
Delmar L. & Susan E. Weaver
Leon A. & Heather Trager
Diana L. Weaver
Richard J. & Mary K. Trees
Donald E. ‘73 & Lucy A. Weaver
J. R. & Terese Tricamo in memory of
Elvin M. & Lois Weaver
Esther M. Wolgemuth
Glenn H. & D. Anne Weaver
Marshall Martin & Angela Trimble
Amy ‘85 & Oliver Weaver Gruber
Elizabeth R. Tronsor
Irvin G. ‘56 & Dorothy J. Weaver
Christy Troyer
Jean R. ‘53 & Robert E. Weaver
Roger & Verda Troyer
Jerle B. ‘75 & Linda J. Weaver
Thomas P. & Julie Ann Tshudy
Joyce M. ‘70 & Nelson E. Weaver
Bira T. Tucho
Kathleen M. Weaver
Kristen Turner
Lillian ‘77 & Donald R. Weaver
John N. & Patricia Tuszl
Martha K. Weaver
Linda A. ‘66 & Warren L. Tyson
Miriam K. ‘74 & David W. Weaver ‘69
Brian M. Umberger
Paul M. ‘52 & Velma Weaver
Curtis D. & Janet Umble
Robert D. ‘56 & Anna Mae Weaver ‘56
David L. Umble ‘67
Stephanie M. Weaver ‘06
Ivan M. ‘70 & Janet E. Umble
Trisha N. Weaver ‘04
Lawrence H. ‘57 & Margaret R. Umble
Ronald R. Weaver, Jr.
Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
| 21
Weaver’s Toasted Grains
Valerie ‘90 & David Weaver-Zercher
Randy S. Webb
Arlene H. ‘48 & John L. Weber
Barbara A. & Kevin J. Weber
Irene S. Weber ‘49
Linford R. ‘76 & Florence G. Weber ‘76
Rhonda ‘76 & Randy L. Weber
Joyce ‘76 & Allen W. Webster
George E. & Susan Weigel
Darren L. Weinhold ‘08
Sharon E. Weinhold
Steven & Marsha Weisfeld
Theodore H. & Janice L. Weitkamp
Andre & Susan Wenger
Benjamin H. ‘65 & Lorraine M.
Wenger ‘66
Betty J. & Melvin M. Wenger
Faith & James Wenger
Heidi A. Wenger ‘82
Heidi R. Wenger ‘85
Janette Wenger
Jay & Suzanne Wenger
Karl M. & Karen E. Wenger
Lloyd D. ‘54 & Pauline R. Wenger
Marian ‘72 & Dale Wenger
Neil A. Wenger
Robert B. ‘53 & Lena Wenger
Sara ‘71 & N. Gerald Wenger
Shenk ‘71
Sheri L. ‘81 & Gordon L. Wenger
Todd Wenger
Jeff and Elizabeth Werkheiser
Charles W. & Mildred M. Wert
Katrina Wert ‘91
Melvin J. ‘59 & Dorothy M. Wert ‘60
Mary B. Westfall
Lewis B. & June M. Wheeler
Lewis B. Wheeler Jr.
Charles B. & Stacey E. Whisman
Ann L. White ‘76
Clyde L. & Norma J. White
David H. ‘48 & Betty M. White
Eileen M. ‘81 & Dale White
Sharon ‘84 & Christopher C. White
Deborah A. & Richard A. Whiting
Blair & Amy L. Whitney
Daniel C. & Rebecca L. Whitsel
Deborah K. Whitsel
Karen L. & James R. Whitworth
T. E. Wickard in memory of
Esther M. Wolgemuth
Irwin S. & Ruth Widders
Joseph M. & Shirley A. Widrick
Sharon ‘78 & Arlen Wilbers
William H. & Mary Ann Wile
Mary L. ‘55 & Dharl L. Wilfong
Norman E. & G. Elaine Will
Gloria J. Williamson
J. Michael Winey ‘81
Linda ‘76 & Thomas Wingard
David L. & Sharon K. Winters
Donald J. ‘59 & Pauline Winters ‘59
Betty Ann ‘69 & Thomas Wirt
Brenda Wise ‘82
George R. Wismer
Paula A. & Clarence H. Witman
Alan & Kimberly Witmer
Anne E. ‘44 & Eugene Witmer
David and Joanna Witmer
Douglas S. ‘89 & Rebecca Witmer
Duane L. ‘79 & Hope Witmer
E. R. ‘55 & Meredyth Witmer
Lester L. & Margaret L. Witmer
Mary E. Witmer ‘65
Rachel M. ‘94 & Jonathan B. Witmer
Raymond & Louise Witmer
David & Sarah L. Witt
Merle ‘65 & Martha Wittmer
Robert O. & Patricia B. Wolff
David R. ‘65 & Donna Wolgemuth
Ellen M. Wolgemuth
Lois B. Wolgemuth ‘53
Randall S. ‘83 & Elizabeth G.
Jason D. ‘93 & Rebecca A. Wolgemuth
Robert G. Wolpert
Shirley A. Work
Susan F. Worman
Beth E. Wray
Denise L. Wren
Ralph L. Wright
M. L. Wu ‘59
Glenn C. ‘65 & Janice Wyble
Robert R. ‘61 & Naomi Wyble
Bill Wykel
Weidi Xie
Audrey J. & Dale Yoder
Bruce R. & Twila Yoder
Carol ‘78 & Edward Yoder
Curt & Debbie Yoder
Cynthia D. Yoder
David A. & Rebecca A. Yoder
David D. Yoder
Doris A. Yoder ‘67
Gladys ‘50 & Jesse L. Yoder
J. B. & Judy Yoder
Janet ‘81 & Denton Yoder
Jared A. ‘03 & Meredith Yoder
Joy ‘62 & Allen Yoder
Kermit L. & Sharon K. Yoder
Marian E. ‘66 & Keith E. Yoder
Max B. ‘67 & Donna M. Yoder
Nelson & Patricia Yoder
Percy S. & Lois Yoder
Robert L. ‘52 & Faith D. Yoder
Sylvia J. ‘76 & Darrell E. Yoder
Christopher S. & Maureen A.
Paul M. & Pamela M. Yothers
Elizabeth A. Young ‘00
Jared L. & Allison Young
Rebecca A. Young
Edna Yousey
Elizabeth A. & Ming H. Yu
Helen M. Yu
Thomas R. Yu
Eunice ‘77 & Lester A. Zeager ‘76
Frank & Rhoda Zeager
Jeffrey H. & Teresa M. Zechman
Betty K. ‘55 & Ralph D. Zehr
Maryanne & Merle Zeigler-Kern
Carolyn M. ’52 & Paul S. Zeiset
Joyce L. & James W. Zellers
Glenn W. ‘62 & Kathleen Zendt
Dereje & Tsega Zewdu
Alma N. & David N. Zimmerman
Earl B. ‘55 & JoAnn H. Zimmerman ‘53
Harry B. ‘52 & Waneta Zimmerman
James M. & Margaret L. Zimmerman
Jay M. ‘70 & Ruth A. M.
Zimmerman ‘70
John M. & Anna R. Zimmerman
M. C. ‘76 & Grace A. Zimmerman ‘76
Paul M. ‘64 & Janet L. Zimmerman
Richard L. & Kathryn Zimmerman
Willis and Joanne Zimmerman
Paul A. Zimmerman-Clayton ‘03
James A. & Donna D. Zoller
Gordon & Carol Zook
Duane E. ‘70 & Genie W. Zook
Hilda J. Zook ‘71
John E. & Velma D. Zook
Robert G. ‘82 & Ethel Zook
Zook Trucking LLC
Abraham ‘78 & Mary Zuniga ‘58
Gary S. & Judy A. Zurin
Todd A. Zurin
As part of the school’s thank you program, the LMS board
of trustees adopted the following giving categories:
Contributor.......................................Up to $149
Leader..........................................$5,000 or more
If your name is not listed or is listed incorrectly, please accept
our sincere apologies and contact Keri Bloom at
[email protected] or 717-509-4459, ext. 701,
so we may correct our records.
Bridges to the Future
Transforming the Iron Bridge
Come witness the unveiling of the
historic Iron Bridge on the Lancaster
Campus in a never-before-seen way
during a special art show Nov. 15.
The stately Iron Bridge will be
transformed into a futuristic piece
of art. The bridge will be wrapped in
colorful fabrics and feature a dynamic
light show and shadow art drama
performance by LMS students.
The masterpiece was envisioned and
designed by artist J. Emmett Murphy,
1962, LMS Technical Director Ryan
Rohrer, 1995, and LMS students. The
event will kickoff our new campaign
for students, Bridges to the Future.
2 2 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 3
November 15
6 p.m.
November 15-16
The 2013 Fall Festival and Homecoming, “Transforming Melodies,” will offer a chorus of fun,
food and sounds for the whole family with specialty music events throughout the weekend.
Come join the celebration and help support students and Christ-centered education.
Transforming Melodies
A unique “Music through the Ages” concert will be held
at 7 p.m. Friday in the Calvin and Janet High Fine Arts Center.
The concert will showcase the varied musical talents of LMS
alumni and students. Opera performer Madeline Bender, 1989,
will headline the show that spans the evolution of musical styles.
On Saturday morning, eight performance groups will create
an outdoor coffeehouse amidst the FFA Country Breakfast, Iron Bridge 5K and 3v3
Tournament. The “Keeping the Tempo” performances will be held on two
outdoor stages from 9 a.m. to noon and feature several alumni and student groups.
Hess’s Barbecue and
FFA Country Breakfast
Enjoy two signature meals
3v3 Basketball Tournament
Support our student
athletes through the 3v3
during our Fall Festival
basketball tournament to
celebration: Hess’s Barbecue
benefit the Brent Nauman
Friday night and the FFA
Memorial Endowment. The
Country Breakfast, prepared
tournament, which features
and served by students,
men’s and women’s divisions,
Saturday morning. Barbecue
will begin at 8:30 a.m.
meals are $10 for adults and $5
Saturday. The endowment
for children between the ages of
supports keeping an athletic
3 and 12. Take out is available
trainer on campus for
from 2:30 to 8 p.m. and eat in
student athletes.
is 4:30 to 8 p.m. The country
breakfast is served in the Gym A lobby
between 7:30 and 10:30 a.m.
For more information, contact Tina
Iron Bridge 5K Run/Walk
The 8th annual Iron Bridge 5K Run/
Walk will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday
and features a new, half-mile, Kids
Campbell at (717) 509-4459, ext. 709, or Fun Run. Register by Nov. 6 at www.
[email protected].
ironbridgerun.org for a reduced fee.
Benefit Dinner and
Specialty Auction
The weekend wraps up with the
Benefit Dinner and Specialty Auction
Saturday at 5 p.m. Registered guests
will enjoy fine dining and the auction
in the Alumni Dining Hall. The auction
will feature original artwork from
Velma Magill, a personalized cooking
class from Good Cooking Store and the
popular gingerbread “Cookie Kids.”
Tickets are available by contacting
Keri Bloom at (717) 509-4459, ext. 701,
or [email protected].
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Parents: Each LMH alumnus receives a personal
copy of Bridges. If this is addressed to a son or
daughter who has established a separate residence,
please give us the new address. Contact Keri Bloom
at [email protected] or (717) 5094459, ext. 701. Thank you.
Centered in Christ  Transforming Lives  Changing our World
Fall Festival & Homecoming 2013
Transforming Melodies
Friday, November 15
• Hess’s Famous Barbecue, 2:30-8 p.m.
• Iron Bridge Art Installation:
Bridges to the Future, 6 p.m.
• Music Through the Ages concert, 7 p.m.
Saturday, November 16
• Country Breakfast, 7:30–10:30 a.m.
• 3v3 Basketball Tournament, 8:30 a.m.
• Keeping the Tempo performances, 9 a.m.
• Iron Bridge 5K Run/Walk, 9:30 a.m.
• Benefit Dinner & Auction, 5 p.m.
Thank you to our weekend sponsors:
Dynamic Aviation
Hess’s Barbecue
Weaver Markets
Stan and Susan Godshall