resham azette
resham azette
2012 spring Gazette final_Layout 1 2/27/12 9:14 PM Page 1 G resham azette The Spring 2012 • Volume 6, Number 1 Another Year . . . Another Banquet March 24, 2012 And Look at the Plethora of Items for the Silent Auction and Raffle! Jen Hoffman is donating a Kindle Touch. $149 value. Wade Bohl offers a complete “detailing” on your car. $100 value. Three generations, Megan, Gram (Janice) and Alyce Welk snuggled under the quilt they all worked on for GDFS. Value: Priceless The Hoffman Boys, Mike, Brock & Brad, are donating a full cord of hardwood firewood. $300 value Ethan Schmidt showing off a golf bag and piece of luggage given by Gresham Do-It-Best. Golf bag:$40 & Luggage: $30 value. Clete Kling restored this beautiful 100 year old commode. $200 value. Robin at the Classics Restaurant and Lounge is donating 10, $10 coupons 2012 spring Gazette final_Layout 1 2/27/12 9:14 PM Page 2 Presidents message: The generosity of you, the Gresham Dollars for Scholars backers continues to astound me. Financially we are doing great but we would really like to see the $1,000 scholarships increase and to do that we must continue to grow our endowment. Your purchase of duck tickets in the past and participation at the annual banquet has been most appreciated. Now, many of you are giving raffle and auction items for the March 24th Banquet. This annual fundraiser has been critical to our success. Please consider bringing some friends or relatives to this years Banquet. It’s always been a very successful and entertaining event. This year the speakers will be the grade school kids as they tell you about Dollars for Scholars in a video produced by Pure Milk Genius Productions. They graciously agreed to do the project for GDFS at no cost. It should be a blast! Come and enjoy some fine friendships, great deals and entertaining students telling us about their futures. This is what it is all about! See you there, Brenda Hoffman GDFS President Gresham Dollars for Scholars 11 Annual Banquet Saturday March 24th, 2012 The Woodland Restaurant Gresham, Wisconsin th Time: 4:30 P.M. Reception and Raffle Ticket Sales 6:00 P.M. Dinner Program: Video Program – Courtesy of: Pure Milk Genius Productions Please check one of the following: Table Sponsorship ($675 total includes $300 for table of eight and $375 for sponsorship). Sponsorships received by March 15th will be listed in the program. $300 Table of eight $65 per Couple $35 Single I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation of $ Name: Company: Mailing Address: Telephone: E-Mail: Reservations are on a first come first served basis. Reservations received by March 19th will be mailed, those received after that date will be held at the door. (A few tickets for the event may be available for purchase at the door.) Make checks payable to Gresham Dollars for Scholars and mail to: Gresham Dollars for Scholars Banquet P.O. Box 102 Gresham WI, 54128 Any questions please contact: Bob Klopke (715) 787-3386 Besides the donations pictures on the cover here are a bunch more: • Bronze piece from sculptor David Aschenbrener • Honey from Rea & John Ballbach • Quilt from Diane Bauman • Autographed copy of The Abbey and Me • Packers Jersey from Bumps Mattson • Autographed football from the Green Bay Packers • Northstar Casino Resort package: 2 each, $10 free play coupons, $10 Long House Restaurant meal coupons, and Terradea spa session. • Premier Community Bank is giving several items and a $25 gift certificate to Luigi’s. • Woodwork from Ken Westphal • Furniture from carpentry class at the school • A turkey gun from Lyle Grosskopf. • Pottery from Simon Levin • A Pysanky Ukrainian Easter Egg by Dolly Pleshek • In-kind donation from the Mohican News (preevent publicity) • Speciality items from Shawano Auto • 10 free adult admissions to Shawano County Speedway • A spiffy bowl and plate from the State Bank - Gresham • Queen sized quilt from Rose Weisner • Gift certificates from: Body Essentials, Bults Bakery, C-US-4 Wireless, Heins Appliance, Luigi’s, Perkins, North Woods Studio, Qualheim’s, Shawano Cinema and the Green Bay Gamblers. • The Zehringer Girls are giving something Stay tuned! The above are just a few of the many items you will see and have a chance to win at the March 24, 2012 GDFS Banquet. New items daily. 2012 spring Gazette final_Layout 1 2/27/12 9:14 PM Page 3 WilDcaT 500 THE FAMILY oF HARRY & DEAN BAUMAN JEAN BEAUPREY IN MEMoRY oF MR. B THE BRADY-CoLLINS FAMILY HARV & JENNY BRADY PHILLIP & MELISSA (GoERS) BRAUN MARV & FRIEDA BUETTNER CHARLIE'S CoUNTY MARKET CLAIRE & RoD CHRISTENSEN JIM & SUE CHRISTENSEN CHRIS & RANDY DAY FAMILY KEVIN & CARoL DoWD TY & JAN EBERT RoLAND & VIoLET GoLZ MR. JoHN GRANCHAY GRESHAM AMERICAN LEGIoN AUxILIARY GRESHAM AUTo BoDY LLC GRESHAM EDUCATIoN ASSoCIATIoN GRESHAM STUDENT CoUNCIL - 2003 DR. & MRS. RICH HESS HoBBS FoREST PRoDUCTS LLC CLYDE & CARoL HoFFMAN HoFFMAN'S GAMBLE SToRE GARY & JENNY HoFFMAN FAMILY JEFFREY & JULIE HoFFMAN JoSH & BRENDA HoFFMAN ANoNYMoUS IN MEMoRY oF VERNoN HoFFMAN JR. IN MEMoRY oF VERNoN HoFFMAN SR. BERT & MARY BETH HUNTINGToN IN MEMoRY oF EDGAR H. JUNG, JR. FRED & JEAN KAFURA GAIL & CLETE KLING IN MEMoRY oF HERMAN & LUCY KNoKE TRoY & DANIELLE KUHN VICToR & HAZEL LAMBERIES FAMILY IN MEMoRY oF DR. & MRS. F.L. LITZEN IN MEMoRY oF TESS & LEoNE MADER JIM & TERESA MATHEWS ToM & DIANE MEHLBERG BoB & YVoNNE MILLER STEVE & CINDEE MILLER BEN & NICoLE (SCHMIDT) NELSoN GARY & GWEN oLSEN IN MEMoRY oF LYNN oVANS TIM & KRISTY PAISER JAY & KATHY PIEPER RANDY & LISA PLESHEK PLESHEK'S AIR CoNDITIoNING & REFRIGERATIoN, INC. THE PoTTING SHED PREMIER CoMMUNITY BANK PURE MILK GENIUS PRoDUCTIoNS LLC JIM & ANNE REDMoND PHYLLIS & MARCEL REoPELLE MR. NoRMAN RITTENHoUSE SR. GARY & JUDY SCHABoW HATIE SCHABoW JEFF & HoLLY SCHMIDT LoUIE & JACKIE SCHMIDT GRACE & KURT SCHWEFEL IN MEMoRY oF BENJAMIN M. SEABoRNE SHAWANo CHAPTER WISCoNSIN DEERHUNTERS, INC. MARSHALL & SHIRLEY VENZ JIM & RoSE WESENER WTCH / WoWN RADIo MR. /MRS. DoNALD WURTH ZIoN LUTHERAN CHURCH ALTAR GUILD PAUL & LUCY ZoGLMAN BrONze $1,000 KEN & GERI BEYER BISLEY FABRICATIoN IN MEMoRY oF RoY & VIVIAN BUETTNER WAYNE & SANDRA BUETTNER ANoNYMoUS ARNoLD & GERTRUDE DALKE LEE & KAREN EBERT FIRST AMERICANS INSURANCE SERVICE KEN & JACKIE FISCHER GREEN BAY PACKERS GRESHAM AUTo & PoWER CENTER GRESHAM FFA ALUMNI GRESHAM ToWNMART ANNE, JoE & DAN BoUCHER CHARLES AND GERMAINE HALL MARY E. HANSoN BARBARA & AL HEINS RICH & MARI HINRICHS JoHN & LISA HoFFMAN STEVE & ANN HoFFMAN IN MEMoRYoF KATHYHUNTINGToN RAASCH RoGER & HAZEL KUCKSDoRF MARTIN JEWELERS oNEIDA NATIoN FARM PICK 'N SAVE - PERFoRMANCE FooDS oF WI, INC. RoN & DoLLY PLESHEK leGacy circle CURT & MARTHA KNoKE RED SPRINGS HoMEMAKERS CLYDE & MARGIE SCHMIDT SHAWANo-GRESHAM EDUCATIoN ASSoCIATIoN SHAWANo LEADER SHAWANo MEDICAL CENTER IN MEMoRY oF KEITH W. SToEHR IN MEMoRY oF oPAL SToEHR IN MEMoRY oF oPAL & HENRY SToEHR STEVE & NANCY THoMPSoN KEN & JUDY WESTPHAL WooDLAND CHAPTER WISCoNSIN DEERHUNTERS, INC. THE WooDLAND RESTAURANT MR. & MRS. MELVIN ZAHN Please tell us if we made an error. It will be corrected in the next issue. Silver $2,500 DAVID ASCHENBRENER MR. & MRS. JoHN BAUMAN IN MEMoRY oF JoHN "BUCK" BRADY CASHIERS WHo CARE DALE EBERT THE EGAN FoUNDATIoN GRESHAM LIoNS CLUB IN MEMoRYoF LAWRENCE & ERMAHoFFMAN RoBERT & MARIBETH KLoPKE MILL CREEK PoTTERY, SIMoN LEVIN & SUSAN PHILLIPS NoRTH STAR CASINo DAVE & KARLA SCHMIDT STATE BANK GRESHAM CARoL PAISER SToEHR RAQUEL & GREG STRAYER IN MEMoRY oF ELMER TIMM BUD & GAIL WILEY 2012 DoNoRS BRADY’S SEPTIC SERVICE INC ETHAN & STEPHANIE FERNHABER KEN & JACQUELINE FISHER JoAN FLAHERTY GRESHAM MUNICIPAL UTILITY MARY HANSoN CLYDE & CARoL HoFFMAN CURT AND MARTHA KNoKE KNoPE RooFING AND FURNACE Co. TRoY & DANIELLE KUHN MENoMINEE JoHNSoN o’MALLEY TIMoTHY & KRISTY PAISER LISA & RANDY PLESHEK MARCEL & PHYLLIS REoPELLE DAVE & KARLA SCHMIDT JAMES & BURNELL VAN EGEREN WISCoNSIN DEER HUNTERS INC (SHAWANo CHAPTER) Platinum $10,000 Pearl - $7,500 Gold - $5,000 Silver - $2,500 Bronze - $1,000 Wildcat 500 Club - $500 Any size donation is most appreciated! To all levels of giving, we thank you. Together we can make a difference! GOlD $5,000 GRESHAM ELECTRIC UTILITY LoIS SMITH SToCKBRIDGE MUNSEE CoMMUNITY Pearl $7,500 LYLE & JEANIE GRoSSKoPF PlaTiNuM $10,000 IN MEMoRYoF LEE & RoSEBUD HoFFMAN CURT & MARTHA KNoKE MID-CoUNTY CooPERATIVE DR. BRUCE AND JANE SToEHR ANTHoNY "ToNY" ZAHRINGER Alumni Corner: Amanda Paiser Amanda Paiser, graduate of Gresham High School in 2010, is currently continuing her education at UW-Green Bay. She is pursuing a Bachelors’ degree in Accounting with the outlook of obtaining her CPA. While in Green Bay, Amanda enjoys babysitting for two families and helps her parents out on the farm when needed. She is very thankful for the GDFS scholarship and all that Gresham has to offer. Gresham Dollars for Scholars Directors/Officers John Bauman 2nd V.P. Jeff Brady • Treasurer Brenda Hoffman • President Jennifer Hoffman Denise Huntington • Secretary Bob Klopke • 1st V.P. Curt Knoke Dennis Timm 2012 spring Gazette final_Layout 1 2/27/12 9:14 PM Page 4 Help GDFS Big Time and have a Wonderful Get-away to Boot! A VACATION SPECIAL! (donated by John and Diane Bauman) A one-week vacation at a deluxe three-bedroom townhouse, May 11 - 18, at Christmas Mountain Village Resort in Wisconsin Dells. • The Blue Green Corporation manages the Resort. Check out their website: • The value is approx $2,100 • An $800 minimum bid is requested! • PS: John will meet with the winner to do the booking and confirm the reservation! Perhaps you would like to plan your vacation now. If so, make an offer of$1,599 it’s yours, and Dollars for Scholars will be all the better for it. If there are two or more interested parties the Vacation Special will go to the highest bidder. This stylish, Ladies, Stormy Kromer from Town and Country Cleaners is just one of the many raffle items. Another one is 2 - $50 gift certificates from Charlies Country Store. P. o . Box 102, Gresham, WI 54128 A program of Citizens Scholarship Foundation of of America a publication of G resham azette The