- Katydids
CHIRPER AUGUST 2009 Katydids Square Dance Club Newsletter Volume 46, No. 8 START YOUR WEEKENDS RIGHT … DANCE WITH THE KATYDIDS ON FRIDAY NIGHT! Photograph(s) courtesy of Don Gaubatz Katydids Annual Picnic & Reunion CLUB CALENDAR Fri., Sep. 04: Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Chirper distributed Fri., Sep. 11: Angel Island Tour 8:00 AM Bus leaves Santa Clara First Baptist Church, 3111 Benton St. Bring backpack, comfortable shoes & a jacket. Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Fri., Sep. 18: Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 6:30 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP **PARTY NIGHT** Bring food to share Wear GREEN. POTLUCK DINNER!! Fri., Aug. 07: Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Fri., Aug. 14: Sat., Aug. 15: Fri., Aug. 21: Fri., Aug. 28: www.katydids.info Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP **PARTY NIGHT** Bring food to share Wear GREEN. **NEW LOCATION-One Nite only** Creekside Park, 10455 Miller Ave., Cupertino 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Sun., Sep. 20: Executive Board Meeting 6:30 PM at the Stevens’ home Fri., Sep. 25: Campbell United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave., Campbell 7:00 – 9:30 PM, DBD PLUS WORKSHOP Chirper August 2009 SQUARE HEAD ASSIGNMENTS and DUTIES UPCOMING SQUARE DANCE EVENTS –– PLUS LEVEL –– Super Square Heads Bob & Opal Hebson (408) 255-3753 Aug. 8: Slab Dance; Lucky Steppers Ben Lomond Slab, Mill Street 7:00 – 7:30 PM; Cuer: John Flora 7:30 PM; Caller: Roger Smith Aug. 07 ........ Angotti / Gaubatz Aug. 14 ........ Bennett Aug. 21 ........ Benevento Aug 28 ......... Clark Aug. 15: Slab Dance; Lucky Steppers Ben Lomond Slab, Mill Street 7:00 – 7:30 PM; Cuer: Sue Harris 7:30 PM; Caller: Bill Silver Sep 4 ............ Caywood Sep 11 .......... Kernan / Hinze Sep 18 .......... Headman / Cosentino Sep 25 .......... Anderson Oct 02 Oct 09 Oct 16 Oct 23 Oct 30 Aug. 15: Starlight Hoedown, CPSD Adira Dance & Costume Parking Lot 1202 Lincoln Ave., San José 7:30 – 8:00 PM; PreRounds: John Flora 8:00 – 10:00 PM; Caller: Gary Carnes Bring chairs & food to share .......... Pitts / Powell .......... Darknell .......... Ashmall / Oros .......... Angotti / Gaubatz .......... Bennett Aug. 22: Slab Dance; Lucky Steppers Ben Lomond Slab, Mill Street 7:00 – 7:30 PM; PreRounds: Sue Harris 7:30 PM: Caller: Jim Osborne FREE!! 3 singing calls per tip Before the dance: • Notify the Super Square Head, Bob or Opal Hebson, at (408) 255-3753 of any needed change of duty assignment dates. • Purchase and bring 6-8 lbs ice for the water cooler. • On scheduled night, the designated Square Heads should arrive by 6:30 PM. • Set up tables and chairs as needed. Note: Chairs should be set up in a horseshoe shape with an opening at the back for access to food & drinks. • Make ice water. • Start hot water for tea and coffee. * Attach special signs to recycle containers. Aug. 23: Norcal Caller School Hoedown Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church 728 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale 7:00 – 10:00 PM; FREE!! Bring food to share. Among other student callers, our own Club members, Tork Clark & John Caywood, will be calling!!! Aug. 29: Whing Ding; SCVSDA & SCVCA John Muir Middle School, San José 7:30 – 8:00 PM; Cuer: Sue & Phil Harris 8:00 – 10:15 PM: Callers: Keith Ferguson, MC; Robert Algea, Vicki Woods Bring food to share. During Club dance: • Welcome everyone at the sign-in table. • Offer raffle tickets, 5 tickets for $1.00. • Have guests sign guest book and collect a $4.00 donation per guest and ‘angels’. • Give guest names to President or Membership Chair for introduction during announcements. • Divide the raffle proceeds – 50% to the Club, 50% to one single “prize” cup. • Check that water and cups do not run out. • If Treasurer is not present, pass monies collected to any Executive Board Member. Aug. 30 - Sep. 2: Reno Romp Sands Regency Resort & Casino, Reno, NV Cuer: Sue & Phil Harris Callers: Ken Bower, Tony Oxendine, Gary Shoemake Info: 803-840-0746 Sep. 4-5: Mid-Cal Classic Merced County Fairgrounds, Los Banos Cuer: Sharon & Casey Parker Callers: Bob Baier, Jet Roberts After the dance – • ALL MEMBERS: Clean up!! Help pack up supplies and jugs and put into the Club Cupboard. Remove non-recyclable trash accidentally tossed into the designated recycle bins. Take the trash bags out to the dumpster located in the side parking lot. Sep. 5-7: Hoedowns at Tapestry Arts Festival Downtown San José FREE!! NOTE: tables must go into closet FIRST (remember the Caller’s table, too), then the chair “rack”. Sep. 26: Harvest Moon Hoedown, Alameda Elks ‘n’ Does Alameda Elks Lodge 8:00 – 11:00 PM; Caller: Eric Henerlau • Remove signs from recycle containers and put into cupboard. Oct. 9-11: SCVSDA Jubilee Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San José • Notify the Super Square Head of any supplies that are needed. 2 Chirper August 2009 THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER – – get to the ferry dock BEFORE the ferry leaves. Thank you, Pat, for putting this trip together for us. I know it has been difficult getting all the ‘ducks’ to sit still long enough to get a plan together. It looks like it will be a fun outing, as usual. Hello Katydids! Wow! It has been quite a month. First, we celebrated our nation’s birthday on Friday, July 3rd. Thank you to Ann Kernan, Carol, Headman and Dory Clark for all the wonderful decorations. They really made the hall feel especially festive. Jim will be calling a Hoedown at the Slab in Ben Lomond on Saturday, Aug. 22nd. Let’s try to get some Katydids together to support him (a carpool?). Besides, it is fun dancing in the cool of the evening, under the stars … and, it’s FREE!! Then, we had our annual picnic and reunion. It was wonderful to see so many people turn out for this event. Besides our currently active club members, 15 Katydones (alumni), 3 from our DBD Workshop, and 9 family & friends … and, a couple of dogs, attended. This was quite a turnout and the weather couldn’t have cooperated more … unless, you were directly in the sun much of the time as our cooks were. Let’s hear a round of applause for the terrific job Sal Stagnitto, Tork (a.k.a. Michael) Clark, and that strange middle eastern dude (a.k.a. Skip Stevens), did in cooking our food to perfection. And, not to be outdone: the HUGE mound of strawberries, watermelon, & even ‘ice-cream’ cupcakes(?!). Thank you Bob and Annie Bennett for setting things up so nicely that I could step in and complete the job with little effort. (We are so glad that Annie is feeling better.) And, did you know we even have an official “blower of the leaves?” Thank you Maxine and Lloyd Darknell for making things so clean and tidy for us. And, finally, we are announcing that the NEW Katydids Recipe Book will be ready for your enjoyment soon. See you in a square soon! Stephanie .............. DIRECTIONS TO CREEKSIDE PARK In Cupertino, from I-280 exit onto Wolfe Rd., go past Vallco Shopping Center and Stevens Creek Blvd., (Wolfe Rd. become Miller Rd.) go through the “S-shaped” curve and go past next light which is Calle de Barcelona to Creekside Park / Phil Lane and turn right. Park in spaces in front of the Creekside Park Recreation Center. Walk into the breezeway; our room is on the far left side. And, while I’m on a “thank you” roll, I don’t know if you noticed the finer points of the photo of all the picnickers on page 1-- it is a composite of several photos that Don Gaubatz took and then ‘rearranged’. He did a splendid job. Thank you for your talented handiwork, Don. .............. I don’t know if you were in attendance the night Tillie Tillman brought in some peaches from his tree. They were super sweet. You missed a real treat if you weren’t there. Thank you, Tillie, and to Don Gaubatz and others who have shared bounty from their gardens this summer. REMINDER: The church has asked us not to park in the front (parallel to Campbell Ave.) parking lot. Please park in the side lot. I want to particularly welcome our newest Club members. We are so glad to have you join us! .............. Thank you to Bob & Opal Hebson for offering to take over as Super Square Heads. We thank Lloyd & Maxine Darknell for cheerfully stepping in to take over when the previous person had to resign the position. Thank you for your continued support of the Club “above and beyond!” FALL BEGINNER’S CLASSES TUESDAYS: Committee to Promote Square Dancing (CPSD) Instructor/Caller: Roger Smith Camden Community Ctr., San José 6:30 – 8:45 PM Starts: Sept. 1; $5 per person per night Couples & Singles Contact: Jackie, 408-723-0315 or http://www.c-p-s-d.org Annie Bennett and Jenny Andersen are now recuperating at home from their respective recent surgeries and we wish them well in their road to recovery so we can dance with them again as soon as they are able. If you haven’t seen them yet, the Club now has business cards advertising our DBD Workshop. Pick some up at the sign-in desk to share with your other clubs and at hoedowns. Thank you, Don Gaubatz, for printing these up. Single Squares of Sunnyvale Instructor/Caller: Rich Reel Murphy Park Comm. Ctr., Sunnyvale 7:00 – 8:30 PM Starts: Sept. 1 Oh, by the way, for those going on the trip to Angel Island on August 15th, remember that the bus LEAVES at 8:00. Be there well beforehand … like by 7:45AM. We have to 3 Chirper August 2009 Meet our new Katydid Jeannie LaRue WELCOME to our newest members ! Lynn Ashmall Teri Cosentino Naomi Grubb Jeannie LaRue Bill Matolyak Tillie Tillman Once upon a time our nation was covered by a vast ocean. During this time, a beautiful bottle floated in the sparkling blue waters. Ultimately, the waters retreated and created a beach in Rochester, New York. A few years ago, a young couple strolled along these shores and discovered the bottle almost totally buried in the sand. They dug the bottle out but couldn’t see what was inside because it was covered by sand and debris. They carefully began to brush these sands of time away. In doing so, they stroked the bottle. Smoke suddenly began to rise from inside the bottle. Out of the haze of light blue smoke appeared our new member - Jeannie. She joined two brothers and three sisters. The brothers now live in Columbia, S.C. and New York, N.Y. One sister lives in Boca Raton, Florida, the second is patrolling the streets of Memphis, TN and the other is local and a new Katydid. .............. From the Kitchen of Pat Angotti – – TAKE-ALONG CAKE Makes 12-16 servings 1 pkg. Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Swiss Chocolate Cake mix 1 pkg (12 oz.) semisweet chocolate chips 1/4 c. butter or margarine, melted 1/2 c. packed brown sugar 1/2 c. chopped pecans or walnuts At the age of twelve or thirteen, Jeannie learned to square dance with the Teen Twirlers. Then night work as a bartender in Florida for 25 years interrupted her square dancing. In October of 2007, she moved to California and now works in medical billing. She joined the 2008 Bows and Beaus Class to renew her interest in square dancing. She especially enjoys the challenges of the Katydids’ Dancing by Definition. Preheat oven to 350º. Grease and flour 13x9” baking pan Prepare cake mix as directed on package. Add chocolate chips and marshmallows to batter. Pour into prepared pan. Drizzle melted butter over batter. Sprinkle with sugar and top with nuts. Bake at 350º for 45-55 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Serve warm or cool completely in pan. Jeannie claims the computer as a central focus for her life and is a “computer geek” with gaming and web design her main interests. Occasionally, she gets away from the computer long enough to enjoy deep sea fishing. Hint: To keep leftover pecans fresh, store them in the freezer in an airtight container. ~~Submitted by Don Gaubatz .............. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! NEXT MONTH: A new Club Roster will be printed and included in the September Chirper and we will highlignt another new member. Look for them! Dory Clark ............................................ Aug. 04 Carmen Hea .......................................... Aug. 09 4 August 2009 Chirper ANNUAL KATYDIDS PICNIC & REUNION Sunday, July 19, 2009 Santa Clara Memorial Park Good Food! Good Fun! Good Fellowship! We kissed babies, hugged dogs, played games … What more could we want?! Cook, Sal Stagnitto Oh … Badminton with John & Maxine!! Cook, Tork Clark with Dory & Char Hemsley 5 Photographs courtesy of Pat Angotti, John Caywood, Don Gaubatz, & Stephanie Stevens Returning from foreign lands, Cook, Skip Stevens You’re doing what, Dory?!!? Chirper August 2009 Linda Caywood, Maxine Darknell with Granddaughter John Caywood Jeanne LaRue Bill Matolyak Harold & Lee Fleeman Denis Moore, Lloyd Darknell Tork & Dory Clark Ann Kernan, Alice McManus Kathy Shaney Char & Roger Hemsley, Linda Caywood 6 Sue Willey, Stephanie Stevens Chirper August 2009 Sandy Franger, Pat Delevaux, Gerry Fant, Glenna Colistra, Louise Stagnitto Bobbie Davis, Harold & Lee Fleeman, Sandy Franger & Denis Moore Harold & Lee Fleeman, Sal Stagnitto Look at the beautiful square dance place that was hiding under all those yummy strawberries!! Lee Fleeman, Don Powell Don Gaubatz, Pat Angotti Roger Smith & Josie Baumgartner Carmen Hea Sandy Franger, Louise Stagnitto 7 Glenna Colistra August 2009 Chirper Photographs courtesy of Stephanie Stevens KATYDIDS CELEBRATE OUR NATION’S BIRTHDAY 8 Chirper August 2009 FROM MARY & ROD --07/17/09 Hello, friends and family Hi, y’all. Well, not catching up but not getting any farther behind, either. We enjoyed a wonderful June in Utah and Montana – good weather, beautiful locations and lots to see and do. As with the Grand Canyon, it gets even better as we begin to walk down into the canyon – the Queen’s Garden and Navaho Loop Trail in this case. You lose the overall grandeur as you descend, but the smaller set of figures becomes larger and larger – huge, actually. Colors, shapes, shadows – wow! Holy Cow! Left Zion and headed to Bryce Canyon National Park (NP). We decided to boondock in the Dixie National Forest (NF) just outside the park entrance. What’s not to like about a location like this? Our destination – the Queen’s Garden. Seemed like an appropriate place to have lunch. Our anniversary we took the day off from Bryce and found beautiful, deserted Tropic Reservoir near our campsite. Camping in the shoulder seasons is fantastic – all the wonderful sights and no crowds. Our first look at Bryce canyon. We drove directly out to Rainbow Point, the end of the park road. It was awesome! And as we found out later, not nearly the best, or largest, or most striking area of the park. Back to Bryce. This view is a partial of the Bryce Amphitheater. (All pictures of Bryce are partials.) After walking the Rim Trail, we started down. But it’s not all about big. Some German tourists told us of seeing this beautiful flower that only blooms every other year – and we found it! Unfortunately, we didn’t get the name of it. (Mary & Rod continued on page 10) 9 August 2009 Chirper (Mary & Rod continued from page 9) But there were also these large stand alone spires with nothing else around for a couple hundred yards. An infinity of shapes. And they are always changing – e r o d i n g , crumbling. The upper rim recedes one foot every hundred years, starting the process over again. Finally had to leave but even the departure is dramatic – passing through this red rock tunnel as part of the Red Rock N a t i o n a l Recreation Area. Yes, the 5’er fit under it – barely. Another day we drove scenic highway 12 thru Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument to Capitol Reef NP. The drive itself was amazing – natural “hogs backs” only the road-width wide, steep descents, immense vistas. Then you see the “Reef”. A hundred miles long – and beautiful. Natural paintings like this on Capitol Gorge Road. Headed to Mt. Pleasant, UT, for a couple of days of electricity. On the way we passed through Ephraim and saw this M o r m o n Tabernacle, site of the annual Miracle Pageant. Missed it by a week. After a couple days R&R – we drove to Provo for some shopping. Stayed at a very nice Elks Club right in town – still had great scenery! Also found a summer square dance in the park – and Carabaos! And the distinctiveness of the rock layers – it’s hard to believe they’re natural. The Department of the Interior doesn’t have all the great locations. We drove to Utah’s Kodachrome State Park where we found great color, huge walls, some nice trails and a nice place for a picnic. 10 We detoured through a corner of Wyoming on our way to Bear Lake, a beautiful large lake that borders Utah and Idaho. There was a community theater where we enjoyed “The Hanging of El Bandito”. (Mary & Rod continued on page 11) Chirper August 2009 (Mary & Rod continued from page10) Drove into Anaconda where this was our tour bus. Smokestack is from the copper smelter – it’s huge. Neat town with a pretty good future. Another day we ventured 40 miles up a forest road to Afton, WY. Beautiful scenery and an interesting town (i.e., a fudge store). We continued the scenic drive to Jackson and stumbled onto Mountain Days. Found a huge candy shop in the pretty tourist town of Philipsburg. We’ll try the playhouse next time. Nearby in the town of Montpelier we found the Oregon and California Trail Center. Interesting and different in that costumed docents lead you through and acted out several of the settings. Bill and JoDee introduced us to a new camping tradition – a S’more & cabernet dinner. Next stop, Lava Hot Springs. We stayed out in the Caribou National Forest – another very pleasant location. Found square ice cream cones here. We’re in Coeur d’Alene, ID this week, then heading into Washington State for August. We’ll fly back to New York for the first two weeks in September – hope to see many of you while we’re there. Please let us know if you’ll be in these vicinities so we can get together. Crossed the Divide and state line on our way to Wise River and Beaverhead NF. But we got chased out by mosquitoes! First time that happened to us. Mary & Rod [email protected] • 817-308-5991 .............. NEWER DANCER HOEDOWN Be an angel – Support our newest dancers!! So we found a great NF camp-ground near Georgetown Lake. Met our Bozeman friends for a great weekend with this as our front yard. - - May Class Level - Sat., September 11: Aloha Hoedown; Sunnyvale Singles Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church 728 W. Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale 7:30 – 10:00 PM; Caller: Rich Reel & Eric Henerlau 11 FIRST CLASS MAIL Chirper Official Newsletter of Katydids Square Dance Club 4862 Morden Drive San José, CA 95130-2131 Chirper August 2009 Katydids Executive Board CHIRPER STAFF President ....................... Stephanie Stevens ....... 408-871-9525 Vice President ............... Bob Bennett ................ 408-778-2689 Treasurer ....................... Don Powell ................. 408-288-5563 Secretary ....................... Dory Clark .................. 408-847-3592 Membership .................. The Caywoods ............ 408-274-3833 Publicity ........................ Don Gaubatz ............... 408-252-6875 Sunshine ....................... Sandy Franger ............. 408-243-8516 The Chirper Newsletter is written by, and for, members of the Katydids Square Dance Club. Committee Chairpersons: Copy deadline for the September issue is August 28st. You can submit articles to the Chirper Editor, Stephanie Stevens at: Class Head Angels ........ The Hosodas ............... 408-252-4105 Chirper Editor ............... Stephanie Stevens ....... 408-871-9525 Historian ....................... Louise Stagnitto .......... 408-244-0194 Photographers ............... John Caywood ............ 408-274-3833 ...................................... Don Gaubatz ............... 408-252-6875 Social Chair .................. Pat Angotti .................. 408-241-0888 Super Square Head ....... Bob & Opal Hebson ... 408-255-3753 Website Manager .......... Lloyd Darknell ........... 408-482-9320 Sweetheart Special ‘10 . Picnic Chair ‘10 ............ [email protected] The Katydids Square Dance Club is co-sponsored by the Cupertino Parks & Recreation Department. Caller & Taw ................ Jim & Joann Osborne . 650-571-1970 12
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