Saturday, November 14, 2015 - Texas Brangus Breeders Association
Saturday, November 14, 2015 - Texas Brangus Breeders Association
Hill Country Brangus Breeders Registered Brangus Bull Sale And Commercial Female Sale Saturday, November 14, 2015 Producers Livestock Auction—San Angelo, Texas Phone (325) 653-3371 Selling… Schedule of Events Friday, November 13, 2015 2 p.m. . . . . .Bulls and females in place for viewing 100+ COMMERCIAL & REGISTERED BRANGUS FEMALES Pairs • Breds • Opens 6 p.m. . . . . .HCBBA Steak Dinner - Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . .and Election of Officers immediately . . . . . . . . .following dinner All members and . . . . . . . . .buyers welcome! 65 REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL BRANGUS BULLS Service Age • Fertility Tested Saturday, November 14, 2015 12 Noon . . .Female Sale followed by . . . . . . . . .40th Annual Registered Brangus Bull Sale Bulls will meet health requirements for shipment in or out of state. Bulls will be fertility and trichomoniasis tested. All events for Friday and Saturday take place at Producers Livestock Auction, 1131 N. Bell, San Angelo, Texas (325) 653-3371 • Fax (325) 653-3370 Sale Chairman Danny Farris (325) 669-5727 • [email protected] Please bring this sale catalog to the sale! Auctioneer Terry Reagan Sale Catalog Production The Horseshoe Group, Lea Stokes • (210) 827-2727 Hotels Inn of the Conchos, U.S. 87 North (325) 658-2811 Holiday Inn, 441 Rio Concho Drive (325) 658-2828 • Fax (325) 658-8741 Dun Bar Motel, Pulliam Street (325) 653-3366 • (325) 628-2691 Holiday Inn Express, Loop 306 (800) 345-8082 1 Consignors… Welcome to the 40th Annual HCBBA Bull & Female Sale! CONSIGNOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOT NUMBER ANDREWS BRANGUS, Ed Andrews . . . . . . . . . .1, 2 Greetings Fellow Cattlemen, BAR H BRANGUS, Bob Helmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8, 68 This sale marks the 40th year that the Hill Country Brangus Breeders have continuously offered their animals to prospective buyers seeking quality Brangus genetics to improve their bottom line. It is the longest running Brangus sale in the country! It has always been in San Angelo, and supported by progressive ranchers all over the country that realize the value of Brangus influence in their herd. BAR Y BAR, Dr. Joe Mims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 BELT BRANGUS, Brandon Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69-73 CHANEY CATTLE CO., Michael Chaney . . . . . . .10-12, 74, 75 MIKE CROWELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76, 77 I believe you will be very pleased when you see this year’s lineup! The vast majority are rugged coming two year old bulls that will rival any offering in the country. These bulls have the age on them to go out and get the job done. We also have a nice set of young registered females that can contribute to your program year after year. Commercial females will be available, but again it is hard to find programs willing to part with these assets in this time of expansion. E3 RANCH LLC, Keith & Stacie Earnest . . . . . . .13, 14 8G BRANGUS, Jackie & Kelly Grissom . . . . . . . .15, 16 EZ BRANGUS, Phillip Evans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78, 79 FARRIS RANCHING COMPANY, Danny & MB Farris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-20, 80-84 HARRIS RANCH, David & Joy Harris . . . . . . . . . .21-26 If you have any questions about the sale, please don’t hesitate to call. I will be happy to assist you in any way possible. HODGES LIVESTOCK, Truitt Hodges, Jr. . . . . . . .27-31 INDIAN HILLS RANCH, Buck Thomason . . . . . .85-88 See you Sale Day! JLS INTERNATIONAL, INC, Jeff Smith . . . . . . . . .32, 33 Danny Farris J&M 4C RANCH, John & Mary Callaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 35, 89, 90 (325) 669-5727, cell [email protected] LACK-MORRISON BRANGUS, Joe Paul Lack & Bill Morrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-38 Sale Sponsored By Hill Country Brangus Breeders Association MYRON SAATHOFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Brandon Belt, President (254) 248-5260 SHOOTING STAR LAND & CATTLE Michelle Wilson & Earl Bowman . . . . . . . . . . . . .40-50 Dr. Joe Mims, Secretary (325) 942-1432 Home (325) 481-2157 Office TEXAS CANYON RANCH, Shane & Jolyn Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51-53 VINSON RANCHES, Lanny Vinson . . . . . . . . . . . .54-60 JOE WALLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 WEDEKING BRANGUS FARM, Alan & Jera Wedeking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62-65 2 3 Brangus 1 ABR MR THUNDER CLOUD 407 Andrews R#: 10260396 DOB: 3/25/14 EPDs BW: 0.3 WW: 15 YW: 27 Milk: 10 TM: 17 SC: 0.13 Performance BW: 74 (94) WW: 538 (*) YW: n/a PHN: 407 Gen: 5th BH News 54-8 ABR Thunder 21X6 R 10199850 LSR 21 BEB/A Polled Bull JLS Newsmaker 650P BH Ms Atlas 5452 Mr B&P 222N8 LSR 21 BE/B ABR Mr Target 713 ABR Ms Target Lindy 113 R 10192095 ABR Ms Throck 403 DC Target 27J12 Ms Cibolo Pepper 45/5 BBR GW 10L3 ABR Ms Throck 7/14 2 Andrews Brangus ABR MR TARGET ROSS 408 R#: 10263929 DOB: 5/7/14 EPDs BW: -0.5 WW: 14 YW: 24 Milk: 10 TM: 17 SC: 0.04 Performance BW: 82 (105) WW: 578 (99) YW: n/a PHN: 408 Gen: 4th DC Target 27J12 ABR Mr Target 713 R 10095950 Ms Cibolo Pepper 45/5 Polled Bull WB Target 804D32 DC Ms Champ 71E DC Target 27J12 Ms Designer Lewis 84/0 Mr Smoky Ross 32/5 ABR Ms Tyson Update 208 R 10216079 JNL Ms Startright 6S JBL Tyson 48F Ms Smoky Ross 32/2 BTL Mr KO Gold Swinney 6 ABR Mr Target Ross 408 • Lot 2 3 R#: 10248516 DOB: 1/30/13 PHN: 11/31 Gen: 6th EPDs SR Cadence Warrior P456 BW: -0.1 WW: 25 SVF Kiowa W662 R 10152637 YW: 58 SR Warrior Princess N332 Milk: 14 TM: 27 SC: 0.45 Brinks Garrett 30T28 Performance BH Ms Garrett 11-0 BW: 74 (99) R 10183397 WW: 646 (93) BH Ms Goodness 8-8 YW: n/a This is a very clean bull with great EPDs. 5 Polled PHN: 158/41 Gen: 6th EPDs Skyhawks Presidente BW: -0.2 WW: 24 Skyhawks Pres 193Y4 R 10224485 YW: 41 Skyhawks Ms Link 193T2 Milk: 6 TM: 18 SC: 0.42 2H Mr 294R-107W Performance BH Miss Summit 1582 BW: 77 (100) R 10226960 WW: 704 (96) BH Ms Lucky 5-9 YW: n/a Really nice Presidente grandson. Aces TF Wrangler 145/8 SR Cherokee Princess L119 Garrett of Brinks 789P Ms Brinks Van Go 30N4 Mr JLS Goodness 144N BH Ms Pine 81 Polled PHN: 541/3 Gen: 4th EPDs Csonka of Brinks 30R4 BW: 0.3p WW: 24p Patton of Brinks 30T22 R 10082758 YW: 48p Ms Brinks Ali 30P26 Milk: 9p TM: 22 SC: 1.19p LTD of Brinks 415T28 Performance Ms RRR LTD 541Y12 BW: 85 R 10206335 WW: 605 Ms Brinks Angelo 541P38 YW: n/a Extremely deep-sided bull with good bone. The Rock’s Ms Lineman 55D10 Bar H Brangus Bull Mr CR Fred 99/N26 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice CNF Link-H 457L Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 2H K2 294R Ms Iron Farm Summit 107S3 Mr Townsend T330/3 TQBF Ms Powerstroke/158/6 Patton of Brinks 30T22 • Sire of Lot 4 4 Bar H Brangus BH CONCHO 541-3 R#: 10295388 DOB: 11/5/13 Bull Cadence of Brinks BH PRESIDENTE 158-41 R#: 10280362 DOB: 1/11/14 4 Bar H Brangus BH KIOWA 11-31 Polled Bull Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 Ali of Brinks 209J2 Miss Brinks Transformer 30H5 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Ms Brinks Bright Side 415P5 Angelo of Brinks 489K4 Miss Brinks Heavy Duty 541E7 6 Bar H Brangus BH PRESIDENTE 8-4 R#: 10280352 DOB: 1/20/14 PHN: 8/4 Gen: 5th EPDs Skyhawks Presidente BW: 0.2 WW: 23 Skyhawks Pres 193Y4 R 10224485 YW: 41 Skyhawks Ms Link 193T2 Milk: 7 TM: 18 SC: 0.32 2H Mr 294R-107W Performance BH Miss Summit 82 BW: 79 (102) R 10226954 WW: 690 (94) BH Ms News 8-0 YW: n/a Good, thick, moderate bull. Polled Bull Mr CR Fred 99/N26 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice CNF Link-H 457L Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 2H K2 294R Ms Iron Farm Summit 107S3 JLS Newsmaker 650P BH Miss Pine 81 BH Presidente 8-4 • Lot 6 7 R#: 10280361 DOB: 2/4/14 8 PHN: 50/42 Gen: 6th EPDs Skyhawks Presidente BW: 0.4 WW: 29 Skyhawks Pres 193Y4 R 10224485 YW: 54 Skyhawks Ms Link 193T2 Milk: 10 TM: 24 SC: 0.38 SVF Kiowa W662 Performance BH Miss Kiowa 5022 BW: 78 (101) R 10226958 WW: 732 (99) BH Ms Lucky 50-91 YW: n/a Note the conformation and EPDs of this bull. Polled Polled Bull Mr CR Fred 99/N26 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice Mr Bar J Revenue 161K5 ET WB Ms Mentor 157B14 Mr. S.T. Lucky Jr. 94H Ms Townsend-102-330/0 JLS Powerstroke 157M19 Ms JLS Newsmaker 158P Bar H Brangus BH PRESIDENTE 50-42 R#: 10280358 DOB: 2/13/14 PHN: 158/4 Gen: 6th EPDs Skyhawks Presidente BW: 0.1 WW: 22 Mr JLS Presidente 157Y7 R 10218709 YW: 37 Ms JLS Revenue 157P2 Milk: 6 TM: 17 SC: 0.29 Mr Townsend T330/3 Performance BH Ms Lucky 5-9 BW: 77 (100) R 10159140 WW: 692 (94) TQBF Ms Powerstroke/158/6 YW: n/a Nice Presidente grandson. Skyhawks President • Paternal Grandsire of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 39 Bar H Brangus BH PRESIDENTE 158-4 Bull Mr CR Fred 99/N26 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice CNF Link-H 457L Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 SR Cadence Warrior P456 SR Warrior Princess N332 Mr JLS Lucky 915S15 BH Ms Designer 5091 BH Presidente 50-42 • Lot 8 9 MR BAR Y BAR COWBOY 38B R#: 10284217 DOB: 6/10/17 EPDs BW: -0.4 WW: 12 YW: 17 Milk: 6 TM: 12 SC: 0.10 Performance BW: n/a WW: n/a YW: n/a Mr Bar Y Bar Cowboy 38B • Lot 9 5 PHN: 38B Gen: 5th RockBrooks Cowboy 468E4 BBR Cowboy 915R R 10000615 ER Lady 457/9 x 915/8 Polled Bar Y Bar Ranch Bull Cowboy of Brinks Miss BB New Macho 468C ER Excel Son 457/9 Miss ER 980T7-Eagle Mr Lucky 101L Bar Y Bar Ms Heritage 1P1 R 10008645 -Y- Ms Heritage 1L Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 Ms LH Georgia 101A12 TH Heritage 384H -Y- Ms Wildcard 3185-1Y 10 CCC MR TALLY WALKS ALONE CattleChaneyCo. R#: 10298140 DOB: 5/2/14 EPDs BW: 0.5p WW: 21p YW: 47p Milk: 12p TM: 23 SC: 0.53p Performance BW: 73 (*) WW: 648 (*) YW: 995 (*) PHN: 915B1 Gen: 6th Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Bull Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 DDD Walks Alone 193W6 R 10148290 Polled Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 CNF SP Elberta 193E CNF Southern Pine 289B2 CN Miss Karen NM 193C Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Ms JLS Blackhawk 915Y29 R 10207290 Transformer of Brinks Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 Miss JLS Tally 915M CCC Newsmaker 192G3 ER Lady XS 915/C DDD Walks Alone 193W6 • Sire of Lot 10 11 Chaney Cattle Co. CCC MR CADENCE STAR R#: 10298076 DOB: 6/1/14 EPDs BW: -1.3p WW: 15p YW: 27p Milk: 11p TM: 19 SC: 0.25p Performance BW: 74 (98) WW: 678 (*) YW: 1013 (*) PHN: 402B Gen: 5th MC Rock Star 924U6 Bull MC Jethro 00S3 Miss NMSU 924 Texas Star R 10191789 Polled Ms Csonka 9U8U3 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Miss 4L Best Bet 9U8P5 Cadence of Brinks Miss BB New Tyson 535B15 Miss Chaney 402M R 10242964 Hub of Brinks 392Z Ms BR Eclipse 402K Mr BR Daybreak 105/G PC Ms Tyson 402E1 CCC Mr Cadence Star • Lot 11 12 R#: 10298077 DOB: 7/13/14 EPDs BW: 0.4p WW: 19p YW: 30p Milk: 7p TM: 17 SC: 0.09p Performance BW: 77 (102) WW: 664 (*) YW: 1194 (*) PHN: 40B Gen: 5th Skyhawks Rock 895W Skyhawks Rock 7Z3 R 10213293 Skyhawks Ms Mia 7W Polled 13 Chaney Cattle Co. CCC MR BIG SKY 40B R#: 10269824 DOB: 3/30/14 Bull EPDs BW: 2.2 WW: 30 YW: 55 Milk: 10 TM: 25 SC: 0.63 Performance BW: 87 (105) WW: n/a YW: n/a CN The Rock 582S2 BLT Ms Summit 895S JL Mr Steelhouse 820S DC Ms Target 7P Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms Brinks Brightside 935Z R 10230978 Miss OSO 35-9 Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Miss Brinks Big Easy 607H10 OSO Negro 69-0 Miss M-Lillie 201 14 Gen: 3rd Polled Bull MC Something Special 129W14 MC Boulder 889Z14 R 10229894 MC Ms Extravagant 889X4 MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 Nichols Extra H6 MC Ms Madison 889J6 MC Rock Star 924U6 MC Ms Rock Star 10Z R 10228319 MC Ms Lead Gun 10U MC Jethro 00S3 Miss NMSU 924 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 MC Ms Watash 10P E3 Ranch LLC E3 MR PRES 136B3 EPDs BW: 0.1 WW: 22 YW: 38 Milk: 8 TM: 19 SC: 0.30 Performance BW: 81 (98) WW: n/a YW: n/a 6 PHN: 10B MC Jethro 00S3 R#: 10269828 DOB: 5/19/14 E3 Mr Pres 136B3 • Lot 14 E3 Ranch LLC E3 MR BOULDER 10B PHN: 136B3 Gen: 6th Skyhawks Presidente Skyhawks Pres 32X R 10191985 Ms Thomas 748P-32S4 Polled Bull Mr CR Fred 99/N26 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice Skyhawks Target 748P DL Miss Exacto 32/C4 Farris Contender-938W ES Ms Contender 136Z R 10225311 Ms Bar Y Bar 136X2 Brinks Lead Gun 196S Ms Farris Prime-38R8 Mr Lucky 101L -Y- Ms Heritage 136N2 15 8G FIRST EDITION 66B UB#: 10299887 DOB: 9/1/14 EPDs BW: 0.1p WW: 18p YW: 48p Milk: 14p TM: 23 SC: 0.54p Performance BW: 75 (99) WW: 652 (94) YW: 1132 (*) 50% BR | 50% AN 16 EPDs BW: 3.1p WW: 40p YW: 72p Milk: 9p TM: 29 SC: 0.81p Performance BW: 75 (94) WW: 672 (101) YW: 1038 (*) PHN: 146B Gen: 4th Brinks Bear Bryant 468R76 8G Bear Bryant 11U R 10147763 MTG Ms Kansas Jack 349D1 Polled Polled CCC 346 Traveler 728T 8G First Edition 804Y R 10208184 Ms Bar C 804P1 Ultrablack Bull R&R Traveler 11H 1346 CCC Ms Hero 728N3 ZM King Joseph 820K SG Ms Double Platinum 804H36 Mytty In Focus L W R's Mytty Focus TH2 EA15902768 S A F Focus of ER Mytty Countess 206 Bon View New Design 878 New Design’s Rose 017 of LWR G T Max Melody 1458 of R W R 8G BRANGUS 8G BEAR BRYANT 146B R#: 10299881 DOB: 9/7/14 PHN: 66B 8G BRANGUS Bull Bear Bryant of Brinks 1000N6 Ms Brinks Bright Side 468K8 Kansas Jack of Brinks 823Z2 Harry’s Ms Exacto 349Z1 Brinks Csonka 3241T Miss 8G Csonka 146W R 10155380 Ms 8G GC Tripp 127 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 WAT First Lady 3241N GC Imp Exonan Prf 408 Tripp 127 8G Bear Bryant 146B • Lot 16 17 FARRIS ULTRA 50/50 051B RanchingFarrisCo. UB#: 10280941 DOB: 3/29/14 EPDs BW: -0.3 WW: 29 YW: 58 Milk: 10 TM: 24 SC: 0.59 Performance BW: 82 (100) WW: 647 (98) YW: n/a 50% BR | 50% AN Farris Ultra 50/50 051B • Lot 17 PHN: 051B Polled G A R New Design 5050 GAR 5050 New Design V447 EA15928372 VT Grid Maker B32 EPDs BW: -0.8 WW: 22 YW: 51 Milk: 10 TM: 21 SC: 0.59 Performance BW: 80 (97) WW: 574 (95) YW: n/a 50% BR | 50% AN PHN: 204B Polled G A R Retail Product S Rock Retail Product 639X5 EA16808672 Ms S Rock Shear Force 639S Suhn’s BT 416S5 Farris Ms Eureka 051Y R 10210692 Miss Farris Prime 051S Ultrablack Bull G A R Precision 1680 G A R EXT 4927 G T Shear Force Ms S Rock Dedication 639N MC Jethro 541X22 Farris Ms Dinero 200Z R 10230104 Ms Farris 55L2-201N MC Jethro 00S3 Miss Brinks Heavy Duty 541E7 WBF Bright Side 55L2 Ms Farris 195G-202K Farris Ultra Product 204B • Lot 18 7 G A R Precision 706 G A R Grid Maker VT New Design X55 18 FARRIS ULTRA PRODUCT 204B RanchingFarrisCo. UB#: 10280904 DOB: 3/31/14 Ultrablack Bull B/R New Design 036 Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Suhn’s Ms Target 416M WLS Prime Time 15/1 Ms Farris 434C-5F 19 FARRIS ULTRA 50/50 387B RanchingFarrisCo. 20 FARRIS FOCUS 301 168B RanchingFarrisCo. UB#: 10280968 DOB: 3/31/14 EPDs BW: -1.3 WW: 23 YW: 49 Milk: 10 TM: 21 SC: 0.61 Performance BW: 72 (89) WW: 634 (96) YW: n/a 50% BR | 50% AN PHN: 387B Polled G A R New Design 5050 VT Grid Maker B32 EPDs BW: -0.1 WW: 21 YW: 42 Milk: 14 TM: 24 SC: 0.58 Performance BW: 82 (98) WW: 623 (94) YW: n/a 75% BR | 25% AN G A R Grid Maker VT New Design X55 Suhn’s BT 416S5 Suhn’s Ms Target 416M Farris Ms Eureka 638X R 10186917 Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Ms Farris Prime 389S WLS Prime Time 15/1 Ms Farris Duke-38F7 21 HARRIS BRIGHTSIDE 016B R#: 10256295 DOB: 2/21/14 EPDs BW: 1.6 WW: 24 YW: 42 Milk: 9 TM: 21 SC: 0.60 Performance BW: 100 (103) WW: 802 (108) YW: n/a UB#: 10280965 DOB: 4/13/14 G A R Precision 706 GAR 5050 New Design V447 EA15928372 Ultrablack Bull B/R New Design 036 PHN: 016B Gen: 6th Farris 192T-093W Ms Farris Brightside 55-15R2 Hales In Focus Lad 8004 Hales Miss RE Lady 6103 Farris Ultra Focus 301Y UB10229799 Ultrablack Bull Mytty In Focus Ms Farris 15E8-300K Escoba Duke-15E8 Ms ECC Ike - 30Z Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Miss BB New Big Easy 222E55 Ms Farris Leadgun 162T R 10085633 Cadence of Brinks Miss Farris 571-165J Mr. Farris Duke-571G Ms Escoba 576A-16E Selling… Harris Ranch Bull Saturday, November 14, 2015 Farris Leadgun 192T FEMALES SELL AT 12 NOON Followed by the Bulls Ms Farris Duke 090H Harris Brightside R 10201098 Polled PHN: 168B Polled WBF Bright Side 55L2 Miss ECC Ike 515A8 Reeh’s Maxum Atlas 579 Reeh’s 954 Harris Ms Bright Atlas 016Z R 10211459 SELLING 100+ COMMERCIAL BRANGUS FEMALES Mr Atlas’s Exacto Cross Farris K Ms BSide 55-165U WBF Bright Side 55L2 Call Sale Chairman prior to sale for list of female consignments! Ms Farris 194G-160N Still accepting quality consignments! 22 HR CZONKA'S MDX 93B R#: 10259014 DOB: 3/25/14 EPDs BW: 3.5 WW: 27 YW: 50 Milk: 8 TM: 21 SC: 0.50 Performance BW: 97 (107) WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: 93B Gen: 6th Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Bull Transformer of Brinks Burtin’s Milky Way 803E Mr. EJ Maddox R 10047075 Polled Harris Ranch Ms Farris Newsman 38P2 MC News Man 81H13 Ms ECC 33 - 38B5 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 Farris Ms Czonka 093X R 10186786 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Ms Farris Brightside 093N Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Ms ECC 33 -719B2 HR Czonka’s Mdx 93B • Lot 22 23 HR CZONKA’S CASH 90B R#: 10259147 DOB: 3/28/14 EPDs BW: 2.7 WW: 31 YW: 58 Milk: 8 TM: 24 SC: 0.89 Performance BW: 96 (105) WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: 90B Gen: 6th Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Farris Czonka 193X R 10186699 Ms Farris 15/1-196N Polled 24 HR HILLBILLY BOB 66B Harris Ranch R#: 10260735 DOB: 4/28/14 Bull EPDs BW: 2.5 WW: 27 YW: 50 Milk: 10 TM: 23 SC: 0.25 Performance BW: 96 (105) WW: n/a YW: n/a Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 WLS Prime Time 15/1 Ms Escoba Duke - 19E2 IFCC Cash 248T3 Harris Abbey-190Y R 10189798 Ms Farris Transformer-190M IFCC "Cash" 5137P5 Ms Iron Farm 10J3-248M2 Transformer of Brinks Ms ECC Aztec - 119Y 8 PHN: 66B Gen: 4th MB New Direction 535W Farris Hillbilly 007Y R 10210802 Farris Ms 607L11-073U Polled Harris Ranch Bull MC New Direction 000 M24 MB Ms Nimitz 535T7 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms Farris Cowboy-073M Mr. EJ Maddox Farris Ms MDX 165X R 10186701 Ms. Escoba Kilgore-616D2 Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Ms Farris Newsman 38P2 SJR Kilgore 151A ECC Maya Erica 616R2 25 Harris Ranch HR MDX ELI 716B R#: 10261091 DOB: 5/4/14 EPDs BW: 3.9 WW: 29 YW: 50 Milk: 8 TM: 23 SC: 0.27 Performance BW: 98 (108) WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: 716B Gen: 6th Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Bull Burtin’s Milky Way 803E Mr. EJ Maddox R 10047075 Polled Transformer of Brinks Ms Farris Newsman 38P2 MC News Man 81H13 Ms ECC 33 - 38B5 Cadence of Brinks PR Elixir 698L3 Miss B&L Kansas Jack 698D Farris P Ms Elixir-716U R 10134931 Ms P Farris Bright Side-162P Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Miss Farris Duke-160G HR Mdx Eli 716B • Lot 25 Harris 26 HR HILLBILLY CONTENDER 1716B Ranch R#: 10261610 DOB: 5/7/14 EPDs BW: -0.5 WW: 26 YW: 52 Milk: 10 TM: 23 SC: 0.40 Performance BW: 84 (92) WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: 1716B Gen: 4th MB New Direction 535W Bull MC New Direction 000 M24 MB Ms Nimitz 535T7 Farris Hillbilly 007Y R 10210802 Polled Farris Ms 607L11-073U Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms Farris Cowboy-073M Brinks Lead Gun 196S WAT Classy 196M6 Farris Ms Contender-1716W R 10161855 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Ms P Farris Rooster 168S Suhn’s John Wayne 919N2 Miss Farris Newsday-160J HR Hillbilly Contender 1716B • Lot 26 27 Hodges Livestock TH SBT'S PILGRIM 52B R#: 10270718 DOB: 1/14/14 EPDs BW: -0.5 WW: 20 YW: 42 Milk: 8 TM: 18 SC: 0.48 Performance BW: 80 (103) WW: 650 (*) YW: 873 (*) PHN: 52B Gen: 4th Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Suhn’s BT 416S5 R 10052962 Suhn’s Ms Target 416M Polled Bull Transformer of Brinks Burtin’s Milky Way 803E WB Target 804D32 Miss CC News Day 416E RCC Pilgrim 88W RCC Gracie 1252Z2 R 10209793 RCC Ms Star 1252U SG Tonto 820H7 DDD Lady Doguet 88R4 DDD Lights Out 44P1 JCC Ms Maddie 1252S2 28 TH SLICK'S SBT 162B R#: 10270720 DOB: 2/11/14 EPDs BW: -0.4 WW: 24 YW: 47 Milk: 9 TM: 21 SC: 0.70 Performance BW: 76 (97) WW: 751 (*) YW: 936 (*) TH Slick’s SBT 162B • Lot 28 9 PHN: 162B Gen: 5th Brinks Lead Gun 196S Farris Contender 204X R 10186700 Ms Farris 55L2-201N Hodges Livestock Polled Bull Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 WAT Classy 196M6 WBF Bright Side 55L2 Ms Farris 195G-202K Suhn’s BT 416S5 FRC Ms Eureka 162Z R 10230098 Ms P Farris John Wayne 161S Burtin’s Transformer 803G3 Suhn’s Ms Target 416M TJM John Wayne 44L Ms P Farris Tejano 160L Hodges 30 29 FRC ULTRA PRODUCT 573B Livestock UB#: 10271104 DOB: 4/12/14 EPDs BW: -1.5 WW: 22 YW: 49 Milk: 11 TM: 22 SC: 0.32 Performance BW: n/a WW: 671 (96) YW: n/a 50% BR | 50% AN 31 G A R Retail Product EA16808672 Ms S Rock Shear Force 639S EPDs BW: 0.9 WW: 27 YW: 54 Milk: 10 TM: 23 SC: 0.90 Performance BW: 81 (99) WW: 729 (104) YW: n/a G T Shear Force Ms S Rock Dedication 639N MB New Direction 535W MB Ms Nimitz 535T7 Farris Ms Hillbilly 570Z R 10230061 MC New Direction 000 M24 Farris Ms Eureka-573W Suhn's BT 416S5 Ms Farris 571G-571J Hodges Livestock TH SLICK'S FOCUS 155B EPDs BW: 0.4 WW: 29 YW: 58 Milk: 12 TM: 27 SC: 0.74 Performance BW: 76 (*) WW: 660 (*) YW: n/a R#: 10274826 DOB: 4/14/14 Ultrablack Bull G A R Precision 1680 G A R EXT 4927 S Rock Retail Product 639X5 R#: 10280379 DOB: 6/10/14 33 PHN: 573B Polled PHN: 155B Gen: U 1st Polled Brinks Lead Gun 196S Farris Contender 204X R 10186700 Ms Farris 55L2-201N 32 Bull FRC Ms Ultra Direct 155Z UB10230077 Farris Ms Ultra Focus 151X R#: 10278308 DOB: 2/18/14 WBF Bright Side 55L2 MC New Direction 000 M24 MB Ms Nimitz 535T7 Hales In Focus Lad 8004 Farris Ms Eureka-15U PHN: 200B2 Gen: 5th Polled Gen: 4th Bull WAT Classy 196M6 Farris Contender 204X R 10186700 Polled Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Ms Farris 55L2-201N WBF Bright Side 55L2 Ms Farris 195G-202K MC Jethro 541X22 Miss Brinks Heavy Duty 541E7 FRC Ms Dinero 094Z R 10230105 MC Jethro 00S3 Farris Ms Eureka-092U Suhn's BT 416S5 Ms Farris Brightside 093N MR JLS SAMSON 610B PHN: 610B Gen: 7th Polled JLS International Bull EPDs Mr Bar J Revenue 161K2 ET Odyssey of JLS BW: 1.1 Miss L Mistee WW: 18 Mr JLS Samson 915S3 R 10043591 Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 YW: 30 Miss JLS Feliciti 915K Milk: 9 ER Lady XS 915/C TM: 18 Mr 304 (Lucky) 118 SC: 0.50 Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 Performance La Mejor 312N6-13A Clem’s Lucky 610M2 BW: 72 (102) R 797859 Exacto of Brinks WW: 721 (100) WB Ms Exacto 610Y Ms Claydesta 700-610R3 YW: n/a Double-bred Lucky combining the families of 820, 915 and 610. Long, deep and clean. WAT Classy 196M6 MR JLS BART 200B2 PHN: 094B Brinks Lead Gun 196S R#: 10269204 DOB: 1/18/14 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Ms Farris 195G-202K MB New Direction 535W Hodges Livestock TH SLICKS DINERO JLS International 34 Bull R#: 10255847 DOB: 10/25/13 PHN: 91A EPDs BW: 2.3 WW: 30 YW: 46 Milk: 6 TM: 21 SC: 0.43 Performance BW: 81 (*) WW: 507 (99) YW: n/a EPDs Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Lombardi of Brinks 468N10 BW: 1.4 Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15 WW: 26 IH Bart 535S16 R 10034249 Uppercut of Brinks 14J8 YW: 52 Ms Brinks Uppercut 535N58 Milk: 9 Miss BB Kansas Jack 535C21 TM: 22 SG Tonto 820H7 SC: 0.58 Mr CR Fred 99/N26 Performance Ms 38 Center Ranch 99/K1 Ms DCC Fred Tyson 200S1 BW: 70 (99) R 10059327 South Gate’s MVP 157E22 WW: 722 (98) DDD Tysons Player 200L9 Miss T.H. Tyson 200C2 YW: n/a This is a very long, deep and correct son of Bart. He is out of the very consistent 200 family and sired by Fred, the sire of Presidente. J&M 4C Ranch MR 4C ZORRO DKO 91A Gen: 6th Skyhawks Zorro Bull Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 Skyhawks Zorro 20Y2 R 10192667 Polled Skyhawks Presidente Skyhawks Ms Betty 20T Skyhawks Dividend 02L Ms Thomas KO-20K7 Domino KO 222/3 Miss SB Knockout 222K 8G Miss DKO 199Y R 10205466 Sundance of Brinks 392G9 JC’s Juggernaut 433G1 Ms 8G JC 409/01 Ms 8G Jaci Shaq 409/9 J&M 35 4C ZORRO BEAR BRYANT 94A 4C Ranch R#: 10255849 DOB: 12/12/13 PHN: 94A EPDs BW: 3.0 WW: 37 YW: 62 Milk: 8 TM: 27 SC: 0.51 Performance BW: 72 (*) WW: 515 (101) YW: n/a 4C Zorro Bear Bryant 94A • Lot 35 10 Gen: 5th Skyhawks Zorro Skyhawks Zorro 20Y2 R 10192667 Skyhawks Ms Betty 20T Polled Bull Skyhawks Presidente Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 Skyhawks Dividend 02L Ms Thomas KO-20K7 8G Bear Bryant 11U 8G Ms Bear Bryant 919-73U2 R 10233048 Miss 8G News Era Tonto 919U Brinks Bear Bryant 468R76 MTG Ms Kansas Jack 349D1 HCC Tonto 222N18 Ms PL News Era 919M 36 LM MR HAWK 204/416 R#: 10262655 DOB: 10/23/13 PHN: 204 Gen: 6th Polled Lack-Morrison Brangus Bull EPDs Transformer of Brinks Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 BW: -0.2 Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 WW: 15 LM Mr Hawk 802/439 R 10152387 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G YW: 30 LEM Ms. Chili 802 Milk: 4 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 TM: 11 KO of Brinks 392F10 SC: 0.14 Mr B 622 KO-Vis Performance Ms Becky 290 Vision 57 Morrison’s Ms 622 173/416 BW: 74 (101) R 10054848 Mr. ST-Checkmate 60/Z WW: 614 (97) Too Young Morrison Fancy Lady YW: 1239 (103) Adj. REA: 15.43; Adj. FT: -0.01; Adj. IMF: 3.669 This is a growthy, big volumed, two-year-old that ranks in the top 20% of the breed for birth weight and top 25% for calving ease. He scanned a 15.4 inch ribeye area. 37 LM Mr Hawk 204/416 • Lot 36 38 LM MR PATRIOT 665/964 Lack-Morrison Brangus R#: 10272875 DOB: 3/8/14 PHN: 964 Gen: 6th Polled R#: 10272876 DOB: 3/9/14 Bull PHN: 1019B Gen: 5th Polled Bull Mr JLS Dax 86Y8 • Sire of Lot 39 40 STAR'S SUPREMACY 383B Shooting Star Land & Cattle 41 R#: 10266686 DOB: 2/23/14 Bull AX#: 10266717 DOB: 2/25/14 Gen: 5th Polled Bull EPDs Mr CR Fred 99/N26 Skyhawks Presidente BW: 1.8 SVF-D Bar D Ms Alice WW: 28 Mr JLS Dax 86Y8 R 10207285 CCC Newsmaker 192G3 YW: 46 Ms Tomahawk 86/9 Milk: 9 Ms Thomas 077D-640G11 TM: 23 Suhn’s Affirmed 416N4 SC: 0.37 Vorel Affirmed 117T4 Performance GH 117J Miss JLS Affirmed 1019X2 BW: 72 (103) R 10194201 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 WW: 747 (*) DDD 1019S ET SG Ms Ruby 1019H2 YW: 1210 A young bull that has a lot of performance, depth and thickness. He has a pedigree combining Presidente, 192G3, Affirmed and Bright Side 607L11. PHN: 383B Gen: 6th Myron Saathoff MR MS DAX 1019B R#: 10278636 DOB: 1/22/14 PHN: 974 Lack-Morrison Brangus EPDs Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Lambert of Brinks 317R3 BW: 4.5 Ms Brinks Good Fortune 317M WW: 43 Suhn’s Patriot 440W R 10137307 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 YW: 73 Ms MW Bright Side 440S Milk: 3 Miss Brinks Flagship 440N TM: 25 WR Duke 228/F SC: 0.36 TJM John Wayne 44L Performance Miss TJM Transformer 44H Morrisons Miss Wayne 568/665 BW: 82 (102) R 10009620 Brinks Cowboy 317E3 WW: 717 (115) Ms Bill 568 CB 193E Ms VR Vision 193E YW: 1137 (105) Growth is this guy’s middle name. His EPDs rank in the top 3% of the breed for weaning weight, top 10% for yearling weight and top 20% for ribeye area. EPDs Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Lambert of Brinks 317R3 BW: 1.4 Ms Brinks Good Fortune 317M WW: 27 Suhn’s Patriot 440W R 10137307 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 YW: 48 Ms MW Bright Side 440S Milk: 5 Miss Brinks Flagship 440N TM: 18 WR Duke 228/F SC: 0.22 TJM John Wayne 44L Performance Miss TJM Transformer 44H Morrisons Miss Wayne 568/665 BW: 67 (83) R 10009620 Brinks Cowboy 317E3 WW: 583 (108) Ms Bill 568 CB 193E Ms VR Vision 193E YW: 1037 (96) A big framed calf with big growth numbers. Outstanding performance in feed test. 39 LM MR PATRIOT 665/974 Polled STAR'S KALIJA 449B2 PHN: 449B2 Gen: 6th Polled Shooting Star Land & Cattle Bull EPDs Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 BW: 2.2 Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 WW: 30 CRC Guardian 9U8U5 R 10122023 MBR Mr BB 44M2 YW: 58 Miss 4L Best Bet 9U8P5 Milk: 5 Miss 4L Pathfinder 9U8M TM: 20 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.97 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 LM Miss Hawk 802/449 BW: 82 (101) R 10152389 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G WW: 725 (98) LEM Ms. Chili 802 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 YW: 1396 (98) Adj. REA: 13.94; Adj. FT: 0.42; Adj. IMF: 4.714 EPDs MC Jethro 00S3 MC Something Special 129W14 BW: 1.9 MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 WW: 33 MC Game Changer 127Y42 R 10201653 Luke of Brinks 784P14 YW: 68 MC Ms Lucia 127W Milk: 8 MC Ms Easy Money 127K11 TM: 25 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 SC: 0.90 LTD of Brinks 415T28 Performance Ms Brinks Bright Side 415P5 Ms Thomas LTD 383Y1 BW: 84 (113) R 10205352 DTS-CR-Bam-Bamm 99R52 WW: 738 (*) Ms Thomas BamBam-383W1 Ms Thomas 101K-383R1 YW: 1482 (*) Adj. REA: 13.31; Adj. FT: 0.38; Adj. IMF: 3.658 11 42 STAR'S RETRO 665B12 Shooting Star Land & Cattle Shooting Star 43 STARS DUECES WILD 665B18 Land & Cattle R#: 10266726 DOB: 3/1/14 Bull R#: 10266729 DOB: 3/6/14 PHN: 665B12 Gen: 5th Polled EPDs MC Jethro 00S3 MC Something Special 129W14 BW: 5.0 MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 WW: 44 MC Game Changer 127Y42 R 10201653 Luke of Brinks 784P14 YW: 80 MC Ms Lucia 127W Milk: 5 MC Ms Easy Money 127K11 TM: 27 WR Duke 228/F SC: 0.81 TJM John Wayne 44L Performance Miss TJM Transformer 44H Morrisons Miss Wayne 568/665 BW: 81 (100) R 10009620 Brinks Cowboy 317E3 WW: 777 (105) Ms Bill 568 CB 193E Ms VR Vision 193E YW: 1402 (98) Adj. REA: 13.01; Adj. FT: 0.32; Adj. IMF: 3.847 PHN: 665B18 Gen: 5th Polled EPDs MC Jethro 00S3 MC Something Special 129W14 BW: 4.1 MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 WW: 34 MC Game Changer 127Y42 R 10201653 Luke of Brinks 784P14 YW: 63 MC Ms Lucia 127W Milk: 6 MC Ms Easy Money 127K11 TM: 23 WR Duke 228/F SC: 0.69 TJM John Wayne 44L Performance Miss TJM Transformer 44H Morrisons Miss Wayne 568/665 BW: 81 (100) R 10009620 Brinks Cowboy 317E3 WW: 668 (91) Ms Bill 568 CB 193E Ms VR Vision 193E YW: 1302 (91) Adj. REA: 11.49; Adj. FT: 0.35; Adj. IMF: 3.972 44 STAR'S X-PLODE 449B4 R#: 10266730 DOB: 4/5/14 PHN: 449B4 Shooting Star Land & Cattle Gen: 3rd Polled Bull EPDs MC John Wayne 165N3 MC Jethro 00S3 BW: 3.4 MC Ms Stout 00M5 WW: 32 MC X Factor 889X34 R 10182415 S A F 598 Bando 5175 YW: 65 MC Ms 5175 Bando 889P12 Milk: 6 MC Ms Madison 889J6 TM: 22 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.58 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 LM Miss Hawk 802/449 BW: 79 (97) R 10152389 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G WW: 727 (99) LEM Ms. Chili 802 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 YW: 1095 (*) Adj. REA: 12.26; Adj. FT: 0.50; Adj. IMF: 3.425 Star’s X-Plode 449B4 • Lot 44 Shooting Star 45 STARS X-CEPTION 449B8 Land & Cattle 46 STAR'S X-ACTOR 449B14 R#: 10266732 DOB: 4/12/14 Bull PHN: 449B8 R#: 10266735 DOB: 4/18/14 Gen: 3rd Polled Bull Shooting Star Land & Cattle PHN: 449B14 Gen: 3rd Polled Bull EPDs MC John Wayne 165N3 MC Jethro 00S3 BW: 3.6 MC Ms Stout 00M5 WW: 32 MC X Factor 889X34 R 10182415 S A F 598 Bando 5175 YW: 65 MC Ms 5175 Bando 889P12 Milk: 6 MC Ms Madison 889J6 TM: 22 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.58 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 LM Miss Hawk 802/449 BW: 81 (100) R 10152389 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G WW: 640 (*) LEM Ms. Chili 802 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 YW: 1195 Act. REA: 12.40; Act. FT: 0.43; Act. IMF: 5.970 EPDs MC John Wayne 165N3 MC Jethro 00S3 BW: 3.9 MC Ms Stout 00M5 WW: 34 MC X Factor 889X34 R 10182415 S A F 598 Bando 5175 YW: 68 MC Ms 5175 Bando 889P12 Milk: 5 MC Ms Madison 889J6 TM: 23 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.60 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 LM Miss Hawk 802/449 BW: 82 (101) R 10152389 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G WW: 745 (101) LEM Ms. Chili 802 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 YW: 1200 Act. REA: 14.10; Act. FT: 0.52; Act. IMF: 3.600 47 STAR'S BANKROLL 665B22 Shooting Star Land & Cattle R#: 10266736 DOB: 4/19/14 Bull PHN: 665B22 Gen: 5th Polled EPDs MC Jethro 00S3 MC Something Special 129W14 BW: 5.2 MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 WW: 46 MC Game Changer 127Y42 R 10201653 Luke of Brinks 784P14 YW: 81 MC Ms Lucia 127W Milk: 4 MC Ms Easy Money 127K11 TM: 27 WR Duke 228/F SC: 0.85 TJM John Wayne 44L Performance Miss TJM Transformer 44H Morrisons Miss Wayne 568/665 BW: 81 (100) R 10009620 Brinks Cowboy 317E3 WW: 811 (110) Ms Bill 568 CB 193E Ms VR Vision 193E YW: 1290 Act. REA: 13.10; Act. FT: 0.58; Act. IMF: 4.880 Star’s Bankroll 665B22 • Lot 47 12 Shooting Star 48 STARS DESPERADO 449B18 Land & Cattle R#: 10266738 DOB: 5/4/14 PHN: 449B18 Gen: 6th Polled Bull EPDs Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 BW: 1.2 Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 WW: 26 CRC Guardian 9U8U5 R 10122023 MBR Mr BB 44M2 YW: 50 Miss 4L Best Bet 9U8P5 Milk: 5 Miss 4L Pathfinder 9U8M TM: 18 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.96 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 LM Miss Hawk 802/449 BW: 79 (97) R 10152389 Mr Bar J Chili Pepper 161G WW: 501 (*) LEM Ms. Chili 802 Ms Lonnie 234 P.S. 469 YW: 895 (*) Adj. REA: 11.40; Adj. FT: 0.15; Adj. IMF: 4.056 Stars Desperado 449B118 • Lot 48 49 STAR'S PANCHO 88B1 R#: 10266690 DOB: 5/12/14 Shooting Star Land & Cattle STAR'S LEFTY 88B3 R#: 10266691 DOB: 5/12/14 PHN: 88B3 Gen: 3rd Polled Bull EPDs MC John Wayne 165N3 MC Jethro 00S3 BW: 3.9 MC Ms Stout 00M5 WW: 34 MC X Factor 889X34 R 10182415 S A F 598 Bando 5175 YW: 68 MC Ms 5175 Bando 889P12 Milk: 9 MC Ms Madison 889J6 TM: 26 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.95 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 RCC Ms Scarlett 88Y2 BW: 79 (*) R 10196226 Ali of Brinks 209J2 WW: 565 (*) RCC Lady’s Ms Ruby DDD Lady Doguet 88R4 YW: 988 (*) Adj. REA: 11.23; Adj. FT: 0.13; Adj. IMF: 3.591 MC X Factor 889X34 • Sire of Lots 44, 45, 46, 49, 50 50 PHN: 88B1 Gen: 3rd Shooting Star Land & Cattle Polled Bull EPDs MC John Wayne 165N3 MC Jethro 00S3 BW: 5.0 MC Ms Stout 00M5 WW: 41 MC X Factor 889X34 R 10182415 S A F 598 Bando 5175 YW: 81 MC Ms 5175 Bando 889P12 Milk: 8 MC Ms Madison 889J6 TM: 29 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.83 Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Performance Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 RCC Ms Scarlett 88Y2 BW: 83 (*) R 10196226 Ali of Brinks 209J2 WW: 619 (*) RCC Lady’s Ms Ruby DDD Lady Doguet 88R4 YW: 1086 (*) Adj. REA: 12.14; Adj. FT: 0.12; Adj. IMF: 3.541 Star’s Lefty 88B3 • Lot 50 51 TC 1009/DIMENSION 472 411 Texas Canyon Brangus Canyon 52 TC 1015/DIMENSION 472 401 TexasBrangus R#: 10280579 DOB: 2/23/14 Bull R#: 10271895 DOB: 3/13/14 PHN: 411 Gen: 7th Polled EPDs Garrett of Brinks 789P Suhn’s Dimension 894U18 BW: -0.9 Suhn’s Miss BT-M15 894S24 WW: 12 LM Mr Dimension 472/530 R 10214712 CCR Sleep Easy 027S YW: 21 LM Miss Easy 642/530 Milk: 7 Ms Rose 642-GER-60 TM: 13 Captain of Brinks 541L34 SC: 0.46 Brinks Captain 314R Performance Miss Stalwart 314J Miss Arabela 1009 BW: 69 (*) R 10197753 Brinks Picasso 535K18 WW: 570 Miss OSO 25-4 Miss OSO 82-9 YW: n/a These three bulls consigned by Texas Canyon Brangus were raised in the High Desert of Southeast Arizona. They were developed on the range. They are rock footed and good doers. They have only been on grain the past 90 days, before that they were on their own. 13 PHN: 401 Gen: 6th Polled Bull EPDs Garrett of Brinks 789P Suhn’s Dimension 894U18 BW: -1.0 Suhn’s Miss BT-M15 894S24 WW: 14 LM Mr Dimension 472/530 R 10214712 CCR Sleep Easy 027S YW: 25 LM Miss Easy 642/530 Milk: 8 Ms Rose 642-GER-60 TM: 15 Mr. Townsend Lucky 59/5 SC: 0.40 OSO Negro 12-8 Performance Miss OSO 60-4 Miss Arabela 1015 BW: 69 (100) R 10197680 OSO Negro 10-9 WW: 644 (102) Miss OSO 52-2 Miss OSO 26-9 YW: n/a These three bulls consigned by Texas Canyon Brangus were raised in the High Desert of Southeast Arizona. They were developed on the range. They are rock footed and good doers. They have only been on grain the past 90 days, before that they were on their own. 53 Canyon TC 1006/DIMENSION 472 402 TexasBrangus R#: 10271894 DOB: 3/29/14 PHN: 402 Gen: 7th Polled Bull EPDs Garrett of Brinks 789P Suhn’s Dimension 894U18 BW: -1.8 Suhn’s Miss BT-M15 894S24 WW: 7 LM Mr Dimension 472/530 R 10214712 CCR Sleep Easy 027S YW: 14 LM Miss Easy 642/530 Milk: 8 Ms Rose 642-GER-60 TM: 11 Brinks Picasso 535K18 SC: 0.29 OSO Negro 30-6 Performance Miss OSO 60-4 Miss Arabela 1006 BW: 67 (97) R 10183784 OSO Negro 20-0 WW: 624 (98) Miss OSO 541 Miss OSO 56-7 YW: n/a These three bulls consigned by Texas Canyon Brangus were raised in the High Desert of Southeast Arizona. They were developed on the range. They are rock footed and good doers. They have only been on grain the past 90 days, before that they were on their own. 101 Ranger 99W1 • Sire of Lot 54 54 Vinson Ranches MR VR RANGER 222B R#: 10297486 DOB: 2/15/14 EPDs BW: 1.7p WW: 28p YW: 58p Milk: 9p TM: 23 SC: 0.51p Performance BW: 94 (104) WW: 607 (99) YW: n/a PHN: 222B Gen: 5th Hannibal of Brinks 784T6 Bull Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Ms Brinks Good Fortune 784N9 101 Ranger 99W11 R 10194069 Polled 101 Ms Tracker 99S2 Tracker of Brinks 541M8 Ms 38 Center Ranch 99/M1 Farris 607L11 151T Ms VR 151T-222Y R 10214038 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Farris Newsday-150J Ms VR Powerstroke 222H Mr VR Champ 533-23C4 Ms WBR Destination 222A Mr VR Ranger 222B • Lot 54 55 R#: 10297488 DOB: 2/20/14 EPDs BW: 0.1p WW: 10p YW: 28p Milk: 11p TM: 16 SC: 0.37p Performance BW: 86 (95) WW: 560 (92) YW: n/a PHN: 376B Gen: 5th Farris 607L11 151T Mr VR 151T-583Y R 10214043 Ms VR 416S5-583W 56 Vinson Ranches MR VR 583Y-376B Polled R#: 10297478 DOB: 3/1/14 Bull EPDs BW: -0.4p WW: 13p YW: 36p Milk: 11p TM: 18 SC: 0.06p Performance BW: 75 (93) WW: 579 (90) YW: n/a Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Farris Newsday-150J Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 583S Easy Tyson of Brinks 535 Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-376R R 10058499 Ms VR 837A2-376D2 Big Easy of Brinks 283Z Miss BB New Tyson 535B5 Mr VR Idaho Jack 837A2 Ms WBR Dynasty 376/71 57 Gen: 6th Mr VR 151T-583Y R 10214043 Ms VR 416S5-583W Polled Bull Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Farris Newsday-150J Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 583S Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms VR 607L11-646W2 R 10150834 Ms VR Trooper 646J Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Miss Brinks Big Easy 607H10 Trooper of Brinks Ms VR Tyson 646F3 Vinson Ranches MR VR 222Y3-646B4 EPDs BW: 0.0p WW: 24p YW: 36p Milk: 8p TM: 20 SC: 0.29p Performance BW: 92 (102) WW: 658 (108) YW: n/a 14 PHN: 646B3 Farris 607L11 151T R#: 10297490 DOB: 3/25/14 Mr VR 222Y3-646B4 • Lot 57 Vinson Ranches MR VR 583Y-646B3 PHN: 646B4 Gen: 6th Mr VR 416S5-376W Mr VR 376W-222Y3 R 10214039 Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-222R2 Polled Bull Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-376R Easy Tyson of Brinks 535 Ms VR Powerstroke 222H Farris 607L11 151T Ms VR 151T-646X2 R 10201776 Ms VR Trooper 646J Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Farris Newsday-150J Trooper of Brinks Ms VR Tyson 646F3 58 Vinson Ranches MR VR 222Y3-881B2 R#: 10297459 DOB: 3/25/14 EPDs BW: 0.3p WW: 18p YW: 32p Milk: 8p TM: 17 SC: 0.58p Performance BW: 92 (107) WW: 695 (101) YW: n/a PHN: 881B2 Gen: 6th Mr VR 416S5-376W Bull Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-376R Mr VR 376W-222Y3 R 10214039 Polled Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-222R2 Easy Tyson of Brinks 535 Ms VR Powerstroke 222H Mr VR 416S5-376W Ms VR Easy Tyson 535-376R Ms VR 376W - 881Z R 10273163 Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR 607L11-881W Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms VR Powerstroke 881P Mr VR 222Y3-881B2 • Lot 58 59 R#: 10297460 DOB: 3/28/14 EPDs BW: -1.2p WW: 17p YW: 33p Milk: 9p TM: 18 SC: 0.24p Performance BW: 80 (93) WW: 684 (99) YW: n/a 61 PHN: 881B3 Gen: 6th Farris 607L11 151T Polled EPDs BW: 0.5p WW: 24p YW: 41p Milk: 9p TM: 21 SC: 0.32p Performance BW: 95 (105) WW: 647 (106) YW: n/a Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms VR 416S5-583W Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 583S Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Brinks Big Easy 607H10 Ms VR 607L11-881W R 10150836 Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 Ms VR Powerstroke 881P Mr VR Champ 533-23C4 Miss WE Stryker 881C3 WBR ONSTAR 415Y8 19/3 R#: 10267995 DOB: 10/7/13 EPDs BW: 0.9 WW: 16 YW: 30 Milk: 3 TM: 11 SC: 0.52 Performance BW: 67 (104) WW: 643 (94) YW: n/a R#: 10297489 DOB: 4/15/14 Bull Miss Farris Newsday-150J Mr VR 151T-583Y R 10214043 60 MR VR 583Y-376B3 Vinson Ranches MR VR 583Y-881B3 PHN: 19/3 Gen: 5th MC Onstar 924W4 Farris 607L11 151T Bull Miss Farris Newsday-150J Mr VR 151T-583Y R 10214043 Polled Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Ms VR 416S5-583W Suhn’s BT 416S5 Ms VR Easy Tyson 583S Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Miss Brinks Sundance 607K18 Ms VR Blackhawk 376U R 10150805 Transformer of Brinks Ms VR Easy Tyson 376S Easy Tyson of Brinks 535 Ms VR 837A2-376D2 Joe Wallace Bull MC Jethro 00S3 Miss NMSU 924 Mr 101 On Star 415Y8 R 10225521 Polled PHN: 376B3 Gen: 6th Vinson Ranches Ms Brinks Bright Side 415P27 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 Miss Brinks Vaquero 415G WBR Bright Side 98 3/4 WBR Ms Raybro Heritage 3/2 WBR Ms Bright Side 19/9 R 10172925 Brinks Bright Side 98L WBR Ms Heritage 487 19/0 Brinks CC Heritage 487D3 WBR Ms Exacto 191 WBR Onstar 415Y8 19/3 • Lot 61 Wedeking 62 WEDEKING CLOUD LINE B8 Brangus Farm 63 R#: 10276955 DOB: 1/14/14 EPDs BW: 2.0 WW: 18 YW: 29 Milk: 5 TM: 14 SC: 0.26 Performance BW: n/a WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: B8 Gen: 6th Mr JLS Blackhawk 915T20 Skyhawks Cruise R 10150376 Skyhawks Ms Casey 12R Polled R#: 10298518 DOB: 5/12/14 Bull EPDs BW: 2.3p WW: 19p YW: 31p Milk: 6p TM: 15 SC: 0.26p Performance BW: n/a WW: n/a YW: n/a Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Miss JLS Tally 915M Skyhawks Dividend 02L Ms Skyhawk Alpha 12/6F SJR Success Line 55A5 WB Miss Cloud Line E3 R 9692422 Ms WB Blk Cloud 525 NG Hotline of Brinks SJR Ms Success XL 55Y Blk Cloud 13/86 Miss Blk Cloud 1/85 15 Wedeking Brangus Farm WEDEKINGS B 25 PHN: B25 Gen: 6th Mr JLS Blackhawk 915T20 Skyhawks Cruise R 10150376 Skyhawks Ms Casey 12R Polled Bull Blackhawk of Brinks 607M12 Miss JLS Tally 915M Skyhawks Dividend 02L Ms Skyhawk Alpha 12/6F SJR Success Line 55A5 WB Miss Cloud Line E60 R 9692438 00WB Extra Cloud 369 NG Hotline of Brinks SJR Ms Success XL 55Y Extra Cloud 40/87 Miss Tiny Cloud 53/88 64 WEDEKINGS B 27 R#: 10298519 DOB: 7/1/14 EPDs BW: 2.4p WW: 15p YW: 25p Milk: 8p TM: 16 SC: -0.02p Performance BW: n/a WW: n/a YW: n/a PHN: B27 Gen: 6th Mr WBR Tyson 202B3 65 Bull R#: n/a Polled BV Tyson’s CCR/894L CCR Update 3014C ASR Ms Tyson 565C2-894J SJR Success Line 55A5 SJR Ms Success XL 55Y WB Miss Pride Line D70 R 9692412 NG Hotline of Brinks Ms WB Pecos Pride 496 Pecos Pride 99/88 Miss Blk Cloud 46/85 68 Registered Brangus Females Gen: 6th Polled Bred Heifer Gen: 4th MC New Direction 468U2 BBR New Direction 185Y R 10222105 Polled Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15 Ms CCC 292/1 R 10089776 BBR Ms Cowboy 47J R 9673786 BV Tyson’s CCR/894L CCR Update 3014C ASR Ms Tyson 565C2-894J Purebred Brangus Bull Purebred Brangus Female Purebred Brangus Female R n/a Purebred Brangus Bull Purebred Brangus Female Purebred Brangus Bull Purebred Brangus Female Bar H Brangus PHN: 419/9 Gen: 5th Polled Pair RBF Atlas 85B RBF Ms Atlas 1A RockBrooks Cowboy 468E4 Highroller’s Chosen 16 Belt Brangus BBR MS ACHILLES 3B6 PHN: 3B6 Gen: 4th Mr PB Achilles 193P Mr JLS Achilles 915Y15 R 10207235 Ms JLS Cadence 915S37 Polled Open Heifer Mr Bar J Revenue 161K5 ET Miss JLS Luci 193M S.B. Mr Cadence 89J Miss JLS Feliciti 915K MC New Direction 468U2 BBR Ms New Direction 3Y R 10198366 BBR Ms Duke 3S5 MC New Direction 000 M24 Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15 MC Texas Duke 98N6 BBR Ms Atlas 3P Belt Brangus BBR MS ACHILLES 215B4 EPDs BW: 0.7p WW: 17p YW: 29p Milk: 7p TM: 16 SC: 0.19p Performance BW: 72 (96) WW: n/a YW: n/a Breeding: Open. RBF Icon Supreme of Atlas BBR Ms Atlas 47R4 Ms. WBR Exacto 202X R#: 10300037 DOB: 12/28/14 PHN: 215B4 Gen: 5th Open Heifer MC New Direction 000 M24 RBF Ms Maxuma of Atlas 185K RBF Mr Maxum Atlas 76E Mr WBR Tyson 202B3 Commercial Bull Tyson of Brinks BH MS LUCKY 419-9 EPDs BW: 2.0p WW: 28p YW: 54p Milk: 11p TM: 25 SC: 0.45p Performance BW: 76 (102) WW: n/a YW: n/a Breeding: Open. Belt 72 71 BBR MS NEW DIRECTION 47B4 Brangus EPDs BW: -0.2p WW: 15p YW: 26p Milk: 9p TM: 16 SC: 0.46p Performance BW: 75 (100) WW: n/a YW: n/a Breeding: Open. Polled Mr BV Tyson 894P R#: 10300036 DOB: 12/7/14 EPDs TJM John Wayne 44L MC John Wayne 895S BW: 2.1 MB Ms Good Fortune 895N WW: 19 MC John Wayne 895S 535Z R 10227553 MC Real Deal 541R3 YW: 35 MB Ms Real Deal 535U2 Milk: 6 MB Ms New Era 535M TM: 15 TH Heritage 384H SC: -0.01 Bar Y Bar Mr Heritage 12S Performance -Y- Ms Newsbreaker 115H BBR Ms Heritage 47X3 BW: 79 (104) R 10198369 RockBrooks Cowboy 468E4 WW: 534 (95) BBR Ms Cowboy 47H Highroller’s Chosen YW: 738 (100) Breeding: Pasture exposed to MC Elegido 1420Z6, R10228542 from 3/15/15 to 5/15/15 and to Mr JLS Big Cat 274A6, R10262013 from 5/16/15 to 9/30/15. Safe to 1420Z6. R#: 10300039 DOB: 12/20/14 PHN: 47B4 PHN: B1 EPDs Mr 304 (Lucky) 118 Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 BW: 0.8 La Mejor 312N6-13A WW: 21 Mr JLS Lucky 915S15 R 10089860 ER Shadow 23/1 YW: 35 ER Lady XS 915/C Milk: 13 ER Lady 915-675U1 TM: 24 Hub of Brinks 392Z SC: 0.28 Cadence of Brinks Performance Miss BB New Tyson 535B15 LMB Ms Cadence 463R5 BW: n/a R 10023798 NG Hotline of Brinks WW: 755 (*) Chris’s Hotline 463H8 WB Ms 533-463A YW: n/a This is a nice 5th generation cow sired by a Lucky son. Lot 68A: Bull calf, born 7/7/15, by Mr JLS Presidente 157Y7, R10218709. Belt 69 BBR MS JOHN WAYNE 47X3 Brangus 70 PHN: 47B DOB: 1/1/14 R#: 10159144 DOB: 2/6/09 Lots 68-90 R#: 10269312 DOB: 1/20/14 Wedeking Brangus Farm WEDEKINGS B1 EPDs BW: 2.4p WW: 15p YW: 25p Milk: 8p TM: 16 SC: -0.02p Performance BW: n/a WW: n/a YW: n/a Tyson of Brinks Ms. WBR Exacto 202X Mr BV Tyson 894P R 9673786 Wedeking Brangus Farm Mr PB Achilles 193P Mr JLS Achilles 915Y15 R 10207235 Ms JLS Cadence 915S37 Polled Open Heifer Mr Bar J Revenue 161K5 ET Miss JLS Luci 193M S.B. Mr Cadence 89J Miss JLS Feliciti 915K Bar Y Bar Mr Heritage 12S BBR Ms Heritage 215Y R 10210278 WW Pearl 215P TH Heritage 384H -Y- Ms Newsbreaker 115H HCC Brutus 18H Ms HCC Daisy 215G3 Belt 73 BBR MS NEW DIRECTION 3C Brangus 74 R#: 10300038 DOB: 1/2/15 EPDs BW: 0.0p WW: 17p YW: 30p Milk: 10p TM: 19 SC: 0.50p Performance BW: 76 (102) WW: n/a YW: n/a Breeding: Open. 75 PHN: 3C Gen: 4th MC New Direction 468U2 Open Heifer R#: 10230978 DOB: 7/23/12 RBF Icon Supreme of Atlas RBF Ms Maxuma of Atlas 185K Ms CCC 292/1 RBF Mr Maxum Atlas 76E R 10100385 RBF Atlas 85B RBF Ms Atlas 1A BBR Ms Atlas 3T2 BBR Ms Exacto 3G3 RockBrooks Cowboy 468E4 BBR-W 3/1C MS SLEEP EASY SADIE R#: 10226564 DOB: 7/30/12 PHN: 122Z Gen: 6th Polled 76 Chaney Cattle Co. Bred Cow R#: 10218828 DOB: 3/22/12 PHN: 610Z Gen: 5th Polled Polled PHN: 403Z Gen: 5th Polled R#: 10287225 DOB: 8/16/14 Pair PHN: 607B1 Gen: 6th Polled Bred Cow PHN: 296B Gen: 6th Polled Open Heifer EPDs Suhn’s Affirmed 416N4 IFCC Affirmed 981S5 BW: 1.2 Ms Iron Farm 636H2-981P4 WW: 27 IH Affirmed 847W R 10164096 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 YW: 56 IH Ms Csonka 847T Milk: 8 CNF Miss Osceola 847L2 TM: 22 WAT Lead Gun 33P6 SC: 0.66 IH WAT Lead Gun 24U Performance Miss Brinks The Natural 24H4 EZ Ms Lead Gun Special 296X BW: 68 (101) R 10166255 Brinks Bright Side 209N8 WW: 848 (*) IH Ms Special Occasion 296S Ms DCD Special Occasion 2962 YW: 1278 (*) Adj. REA: 14.24; Adj. FT: 0.43; Adj. IMF: 4.264 Big stout heifer with a good ribeye measurement. Good length, width and height. Comes from a long line of maternal mothers. 79 EZ MS AFFIRMED PICASSO 607B1 BrangusEZ 80 BBR MS ND 480B Open Heifer EPDs Suhn’s Affirmed 416N4 IFCC Affirmed 981S5 BW: 2.4 Ms Iron Farm 636H2-981P4 WW: 29 IH Affirmed 847W R 10164096 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 YW: 55 IH Ms Csonka 847T Milk: 7 CNF Miss Osceola 847L2 TM: 22 Lombardi of Brinks 468N10 SC: 0.61 IH Lombardi 392W4 Performance Miss Brinks Cowboy 392G8 EZ Ms Lombardis Picasso 607Y BW: 67 (99) R 10212046 Chief of Indian Hills 23P68 WW: 708 (*) IH Ms Chief Picasso 607T Miss Brinks Picasso 607J30 YW: 1161 (*) Adj. REA: 12.10; Adj. FT: 0.44; Adj. IMF: 4.108 Good bloodline mix with Affirmed on top and Picasso on the bottom. Will make a nice moderate sized cow. Mike Crowell 78 EZ MS AFFIRMED LEADGUN 296B BrangusEZ EPDs Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 Newt of Brinks 302P16 BW: -1.0 Miss Brinks Geronimo 302H6 WW: 22 Mr CS 55X R 10190163 Garrett of Brinks 789P YW: 41 Ms. CS 55U Milk: 12 MCB Extra Success 55P TM: 23 Cadence of Brinks SC: 0.77 Dimmit of Brinks 84R9 Performance Miss Brinks Ali 84L Ms SS 610X BW: 72 (107) R 10190145 BR Mr Cain 101/L8 WW: n/a Miss MB Cain 610R SG Ms Target 610G8 YW: n/a Lot 72A: Heifer calf, 610C, R10299889, born 9/25/15 by M&L Man of Distinction 40Z, R10213383. BW: 77 lbs. R#: 10287227 DOB: 10/1/14 Bred Cow EPDs Hub of Brinks 392Z Cadence of Brinks BW: -0.5 Miss BB New Tyson 535B15 WW: 23 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 R 778561 Brinks New Big Easy 487C9 YW: 43 Miss BB New Big Easy 222E55 Milk: 10 Miss BB New Performer 222Z5 TM: 21 J-E 13/03 SC: 0.21 Mr J-E Jones 73/7 Performance Ms J Bar E Lou Jones Ms J-E 403/3 BW: 85 (*) R 9688061 Exacto of Brinks WW: n/a J-E 1440/3 ER Champ’s Lady Price YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to M&L Man of Distinction 40Z, R10213383. ECD: Spring 2016. Mike Crowell MS SS 610Z Gen: 6th FFF MS LEADGUNS ANNIE 403Z R#: 10220921 DOB: 2/27/12 EPDs CCR Sleep Easy 15H CCR Sleep Easy 338P2 BW: 1.0 SMR Miss Cadence 338G5 WW: 15 Mr Bar 3 Sleep Easy 101/T R 10078332 Mr. Bar 3-767-46/4 YW: 29 Miss Bar 3 307/9 Milk: 9 Miss Bar 3 196 68C TM: 17 Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 SC: 0.00 Mr Snickers 851N1 Performance MK Ms Faith 851L2 ABF Ms Sadie 122W BW: n/a R 10147676 CCR Update 314C WW: 651 (*) MK Ms Sadie 122N1 SG Ms Tonto 122L YW: 920 (*) Breeding: AI’d to LTD of Brinks 415T28, R10082892 on 8/3/15. Pasture exposed to RCC Titleist 88A, R10237373 from 8/15 to sale day. 77 PHN: 935Z EPDs Transformer of Brinks Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 BW: -0.2 Ms BB Bright Promise 789E14 WW: 18 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 R 815045 Brinks CC Big Easy 54D YW: 25 Miss Brinks Big Easy 607H10 Milk: 6 Miss Brinks Newsday 607F32 TM: 14 Transformer of Brinks SC: 0.03 OSO Negro 69-0 Performance Miss OSO 78-4 Miss OSO 35-9 BW: 74 (93) R 10149030 Mr 304 (LUCKY) 118 WW: 469 (92) Miss M-Lillie 201 Miss OSO 89-6 YW: 888 (89) Act. REA: 11.28; Act. FT: 0.25; Act. IMF: 2.870 Breeding: AI’d to LTD of Brinks 415T28, R10082892 on 8/3/15. Pasture exposed to RCC Titleist 88A, R10237373 from 8/15 to sale day. MC New Direction 000 M24 Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15 BBR New Direction 185Y R 10222105 Polled Chaney MS BRINKS BRIGHTSIDE 935Z Cattle Co. R#: 10279353 DOB: 3/13/14 PHN: 480B Gen: 4th Farris Ranching Co. Polled Bred Heifer EPDs MC New Direction 000 M24 MC New Direction 468U2 BW: -1.3 Miss Brinks Cadence 468G15 WW: 16 BBR New Direction 185Y R 10222105 RBF Icon Supreme of Atlas YW: 32 RBF Ms Maxuma of Atlas 185K Milk: 13 Ms CCC 292/1 TM: 21 Texas Duke 323F1 SC: 0.45 MC Texas Duke 98N6 Performance Miss BB New Maverick 98A16 BBR Ms Duke 480R3 BW: 60 (79) R 10094532 RockBrooks Cowboy 468E4 WW: n/a BBR Ms Montana 480N SJR Ms Mount Dec 480C YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. 17 81 BBR DUCHESS 30B R#: 10279366 DOB: 3/28/14 PHN: 30B Gen: 7th Polled Farris Ranching Co. 82 MISS JLS SCOUT 820B2 Farris Ranching Co. Bred Heifer R#: 10262012 DOB: 4/14/14 Bred Heifer PHN: 820B2 Gen: 6th Polled EPDs Tracker of Brinks 541M8 Brinks Tracker 392R26 BW: 1.4 Ms Brinks Typesetter 392J11 WW: 19 Austins Scout-37X R 10179548 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 YW: 34 D Bar D Ms Amie Milk: 10 D Bar D Dixie Darlin 37L TM: 19 Odyssey of JLS SC: 0.26 Mr JLS Sampson 915S3 Performance Miss JLS Feliciti 915K Miss JLS Sampson 820Y BW: 71 (99) R 10258640 S.B. Mr. Cadence 89J WW: n/a Miss JLS Cadence 820T17 Miss L Mistee YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. EPDs TJM John Wayne 44L MC John Wayne 895S BW: 2.7 MB Ms Good Fortune 895N WW: 26 MC John Wayne 895S 535Z R 10227553 MC Real Deal 541R3 YW: 53 MB Ms Real Deal 535U2 Milk: 8 MB Ms New Era 535M TM: 21 SVF High Prime 99K31 SC: 0.00 Chief of Indian Hills 23P68 Performance Salacoa Pine Lass 23D2 IH Ms Chief 30X6 BW: 79 (104) R 10190944 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 WW: n/a Ms Brinks Bright Side 30P60 Miss Brinks Big Easy 30K18 YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. 83 HR MS HILLBILLY KAYE 72B RanchingFarrisCo. 84 BBR MS ACHILLES 75B Farris Ranching Co. R#: 10261602 DOB: 5/10/14 Bred Heifer PHN: 72B Gen: 4th Polled Bred Heifer R#: 10279369 DOB: 5/24/14 EPDs MC New Direction 000 M24 MB New Direction 535W BW: 1.3 MB Ms Nimitz 535T7 WW: 29 Farris Hillbilly 007Y R 10210802 Brinks Bright Side 607L11 YW: 54 Farris Ms 607L11-073U Milk: 10 Ms Farris Cowboy-073M TM: 24 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 SC: 0.56 Brinks Lead Gun 196S Performance WAT Classy 196M6 Farris Ms Contender 072X BW: 81 (109) R 10186761 GH Hatari 787N WW: n/a Ms Farris Hatari 076S Ms Farris Brightside 55-076P YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. 85 R#: 10265036 DOB: 1/12/14 PHN: 541B Gen: 6th Polled Gen: 5th Polled 86 IH MS JANICE 23B Indian Hills Ranch IH MS KENADY 541B PHN: 75B EPDs Mr Bar J Revenue 161K5 ET Mr PB Achilles 193P BW: 1.4 Miss JLS Luci 193M WW: 20 Mr JLS Achilles 915Y15 R 10207235 S.B. Mr Cadence 89J YW: 38 Ms JLS Cadence 915S37 Milk: 11 Miss JLS Feliciti 915K TM: 21 Burtin’ s Transformer 803G3 SC: 0.32 BT's Summit 201N5 Performance KB Ms Big Easy 201/04 CB Ms Summit 75R3 BW: 75 (98) R 10043527 Mr. Townsend-Lucky-13/7 WW: n/a CB Ms Lucky 75N RBR Miss Foreman 75G YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. Bred Heifer R#: 10265050 DOB: 5/1/14 EPDs Cadence of Brinks Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 BW: 0.4 Miss BB New Big Easy 222E55 WW: 38 WAT Lead Gun 33P6 R 9692850 KO of Brinks 392F10 YW: 81 Ms HD KO 33J10 Milk: 9 Miss HD SP Addition 33G5 TM: 28 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 SC: 0.95 Csonka of Brinks 30R4 Performance Miss Brinks Uppercut 30L18 IH Ms Csonka 541T2 BW: 69 (97) R 10066450 New Era of Brinks 541J37 WW: 762 (105) Ms Brinks New Era 541P36 Miss Brinks Trooper 541H8 YW: 1164 (112) Adj. REA: 14.45; Adj. FT: 0.23; Adj. IMF: 4.005 Nice open WAT Lead Gun female with great numbers. She is a powerful female who is in the top 1% for REA and YW and top 4% for WW. Breeding: AI’d to WAT Lead Gun 33P6, R9692850. Pasture exposed to IH Ambassador 543X2, R10171240. Updated status will be available sale day. PHN: 23B Gen: 6th Indian Hills Ranch Polled Bred Heifer EPDs Sundance of Brinks 392G9 SVF High Prime 99K31 BW: 1.3 Miss Brinks Carrara 99F2 WW: 31 Chief of Indian Hills 23P68 R 9693019 SVF-CNF Pine Log 793Y YW: 65 Salacoa Pine Lass 23D2 Milk: 9 WPH Miss Tiny 23U TM: 24 KO of Brinks 392F10 SC: 0.74 Ali of Brinks 209J2 Performance Miss Brinks Trooper 209G SVF Ms 23L73 BW: 69 (95) R 801465 SVF-CNF Pine Log 793Y WW: 698 (103) Salacoa Pine Lass 23D2 WPH Miss Tiny 23U YW: 1047 (103) Adj. REA: 12.23; Adj. FT: 0.40; Adj. IMF: 4.190 This female ratioed 103% on WW, YW and REA. She is a granddaughter of the famous Salacoa Pine Lass 23D2. Breeding: AI’d to WAT Lead Gun 33P6, R9692850. Pasture exposed to IH Ambassador 543X2, R10171240. Updated status will be available sale day. 18 87 IH MS BAR BABY 33B R#: 10277195 DOB: 9/11/14 PHN: 33B Gen: 5th Polled 88 IH MS KAREN 535B3 Indian Hills Ranch R#: 10265464 DOB: 6/5/14 Open Heifer PHN: 535B3 Gen: 5th Indian Hills Ranch Polled Open Heifer EPDs WAT Lead Gun 33P6 IH Lead Gun 23U BW: 0.2 SVF Ms 23L73 WW: 31 IH Black Bear 504X R 10171434 Chief of Indian Hills 23P68 YW: 66 IH Ms Chief 504U2 Milk: 8 Ms Brinks Angelo 504P11 TM: 24 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 SC: 1.19 WAT Lead Gun 33P6 Performance Ms HD KO 33J10 IH Ms WAT Lead Gun 535Y BW: 73 (99) R 10211865 Uppercut of Brinks 14J8 WW: 633 (95) Ms Brinks Uppercut 535N38 Ms BB Kansas Jack 535C21 YW: 952 (96) Adj. REA: 11.62; Adj. FT: -0.01; Adj. IMF: 4.462 Nice open heifer ready to breed to the bull of your choice. Her pedigree is outstanding, so be sure to check her out! EPDs SVF High Prime 99K31 Chief of Indian Hills 23P68 BW: 2.6 Salacoa Pine Lass 23D2 WW: 34 IH Bar None 820Y8 R 10197900 Bright Side of Brinks 789G5 YW: 64 Ms 38 Center Ranch 820/M38 Milk: 7 CR Cinderella 820F21 TM: 24 Uppercut of Brinks 14J8 SC: 0.61 Brinks Uppercut 209M12 Performance Ms Brinks The Natural 209K23 IH Ms Blackhawk 33T BW: 75 (103) R 10101092 Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 WW: 615 (93) Ms Brinks Lead Gun 33R5 Ms HD KO 33J8 YW: 977 (91) Adj. REA: 10.87; Adj. FT: 0.25; Adj. IMF: 4.306 Really nice moderate female ready to breed to the bull of your choice. She is out of a Blackhawk daughter and by a Chief son. J&M J&M 89 MS 4C ZORRO SQUAW 93A 4C Ranch 90 MISS 4C ZORRO DKO 28B 4C Ranch R#: 10255850 DOB: 11/13/13 PHN: 93A Gen: 6th Polled Bred Heifer R#: 10255848 DOB: 1/9/14 EPDs Skyhawks Presidente Skyhawks Zorro BW: 0.6 Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 WW: 24 Skyhawks Zorro 20Y2 R 10192667 Skyhawks Dividend 02L YW: 38 Skyhawks Ms Betty 20T Milk: 7 Ms Thomas KO-20K7 TM: 19 Ditka of Brinks 535N37 SC: 0.38 Mr 8G Fuego Grande 48/4S Performance Ms 8G Mercy Tripp 48/4 8G Miss Fuego Squaw 111T0 BW: 73 (*) R 10236063 HCC Tonto 222N18 WW: 482 (89) Ms 8G JL’s Squaw 55/7 El Dorado HL 102 Squaw 55/4 YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. PHN: 28B Gen: 6th Polled Bred Heifer EPDs Skyhawks Presidente Skyhawks Zorro BW: 1.8 Ms JLS Powerstroke 193R7 WW: 29 Skyhawks Zorro 20Y2 R 10192667 Skyhawks Dividend 02L YW: 49 Skyhawks Ms Betty 20T Milk: 7 Ms Thomas KO-20K7 TM: 21 Sundance of Brinks 392G9 SC: 0.48 Domino KO 222/3 Performance Miss SB Knockout 222K 8G Miss DKO 662Y BW: 78 (*) R 10206020 CCC Shadow 980F11 WW: 597 (111) DP Ms Nellie Sue 662K1 ZM Ms Pomona 662G YW: n/a Breeding: Pasture exposed to Farris Eureka 619A, R10272468 from 4/5/15 to 5/15/15 and to Farris Ultra focus 815Z, UB10230380 from 6/2/15 to 9/25/15. 19 Terms and Conditions returned to the farm of the seller, if in good condition, and complying with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to six (6) months trial following the return of the animal in which to prove that the animal is a breeder. If, at the end of six (6) months, the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of the buyer, replace the animal with another of equal value or refund the purchase price. The return of the full purchase price shall in any case be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. Any expense incurred for transporting an animal claimed to be a non-breeder shall be the responsibility TERMS: Terms of sale are cash or check. Settlement must be made to the clerk at of the purchaser, except that the seller shall be responsible for transportation costs in excess of the distance between the purchaser’s farm and the location where the the conclusion of the sale. sale took place. If the seller proves the animal to be a breeder, it shall be the obligBIDDING: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. The auc- ation of the purchaser to take delivery of the animal and pay all expenses incurred tioneer will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision will be final. for transportation. Except for those stated in the below terms and conditions, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold at this auction. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the “Terms and Conditions” are in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer, or any party through buyer, for any breach of warranty or guarantee therein provided, and all other obligations or liabilities. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: (A) The above terms and conditions of the sale shall the printed matter in this catalog. All cattle will be sold by lot numbers as announced by constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be the auctioneer. equally binding upon both. (B) Animals resold following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction, and the rights and obligations of the two parties PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal sold becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as connected thereto are not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale. (C) All sold; but will not be delivered until settlement has been made. After the sale, animals persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners, the SALE will be cared for, for a time period not to exceed three (3) days until trucking arrange- MANAGERS (see item below for definition), nor any other person connected with ments can be made. the management and conduct of the sale or sale facilities assumes any liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: When full settlement has been made, a certificate of registration will be furnished and transferred to the purchaser. Give full name and WAIVERS OF LIABILITIES: For the purpose of this waiver of liabilities, the term address to secretary when making payment so the certificate of registry will be SALE MANAGERS is meant to include the Hill Country Brangus Breeders transferred properly. There will be no certificates for commercial bulls. Association, Sale Chairman, Auctioneer, and Consultants, or any person involved with the management or conduct of the subject sale or sale facility. This being a HEALTH: All animals are eligible for interstate shipment except those otherwise consignment sale, the SALE MANAGERS act only as sale agents for the consignors noted. The cattle have been tested for Bangs disease within thirty (30) days of the (seller) and, in no case, are liable for guarantees, accidents, or any financial or legal sale date. Bulls will meet health requirements for shipment for T.B. and brucellosis. liabilities. The SALE MANAGERS have been employed for the consignor(s) of the Bulls will be fertility and trichomoniasis tested. A health certificate will be furnished. animals being sold solely for the purpose of promoting and conducting the subject sale. All information regarding the subject animals as published in the sale BREEDING GUARANTEE: (A) All animals are guaranteed to be breeders with the brochures and announced at the sale is based on presentation made to the SALE exception of: (1) injury or disease occurring after sale; (2) negligence or willful mis- MANAGERS by the consignor(s). The SALE MANAGERS have not made any indeconduct on the part of the purchaser.; (3) calves under 12 months of age; (4) ani- pendent investigation to verify title, health, registration, and lien status of the submals shown by purchaser after sale (In cases of animals shown after purchase, the ject animals; and the SALE MANAGERS assume no liability, either legal or equibreeding guarantees, if any, shall be such as agreed upon between the seller and table, for failure of title, health registration and lien status of the subject animals; the buyer). (B) Bulls are guaranteed breeders if not allowed to run with the herd and the SALE MANAGERS make no representations, either expressed or implied, as until at least 18 months of age. Any bull which either; (1) settles 1/3 or more of the to whether or not the subject animals are security under any lien, either legal or healthy cows he services; (2) is the sire of 20 or more animals; (3) settles cows by equitable. natural service and passes a fertility test made by a competent veterinarian during any six month trial period shall be considered a breeder. Any guarantees with All Cattle are offered for sale according to the laws of the State of Texas. respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be by separate agreement between the Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) listed in this catalog are Fall 2015 buyer and the seller. data obtained from the International Brangus Breeders Association’s OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: (A) All claims for website. adjustment or refund must be made in writing either within six (6) months of the sale date or no later than six (6) months after the animal reaches 18 months of age. (B) In the event an animal is claimed to be a non-breeder, the animal may be 20