Annual Report 2014UK
Annual Report 2014UK
Toms Gruppen A/S Annual Report 2014 Registration no: 56759328 2 Contents Company details s. 4 Financial highlights s. 6 Management’s review s. 7 Statement by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board s. 11 Independent auditors’ report s. 12 Consolidated financial statements and parent company financial statements for the period 1 January – 31 December 2014 s. 14 Accounting policies s. 14 Group companies s. 37 Board of Directors s. 38 3 Company details Toms Gruppen A/S Toms Allé 1 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Telephone: +45 44 89 10 00 Fax: +45 44 89 10 99 Registration no.: 56 75 93 28 Website: Established: 30 January 1924 Registered office: Ballerup E-mail: [email protected] Ownership Toms Gruppen A/S is a fully owned subsidiary of Gerda & Victor B. Strand Holding A/S, Ballerup, Denmark Subsidiaries Toms Sverige AB, Sweden Toms Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Anthon Berg Inc., USA Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH, Germany Hanseatische Geschäftsführungs GmbH, Germany Bremer Hachez Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Feodora Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Huchtinger Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Hawopral GmbH, Germany Toms Confectionery Group Pte. Ltd., Singapore Adopted at the annual general meeting on 27 March 2015 Chairman of the meeting 4 Corporate chart Toms Gruppen A/S DKK Hanseatische Toms Confectionery Toms Sverige Toms Polska Sp. z o.o. Chocolade GmbH Anthon Berg Inc. Group Pte. Ltd. (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) Bremer Hachez Feodora Chocolate Huchtinger Logistik Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH & Co. Gmbh & Co. KG GmbH & Co. KG Geschäftsführungs KG (100%) (100%) (100%) GmbH (100%)* Hawopral GmbH (100%) *Hanseatische Geschäftsführungs GmbH acts as the General Partner in Bremer Hachez Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, Feodora Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG and Huchtinger Logistik GmbH & Co. KG. 5 Financial highlights DKK m Revenue Gross profit Operating profit/loss before goodwill/trademarks impairment Operating profit/loss Net financials Profit/loss before tax 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 1.748,9 1.817,4 1.637,2 1.396,1 1.296,5 565,6 592,4 559,7 458,7 446,3 33,9 28,3 68,7 29,1 63,9 -32,5 28,3 68,7 29,1 63,9 -3,9 -1,0 3,2 -3,4 4,2 -36,4 27,2 71,9 25,7 68,1 Profit/loss after tax -44,2 18,4 51,1 21,2 51,8 Profit/loss for the year -44,2 18,4 51,1 21,2 51,8 Non-current assets 368,9 463,7 494,0 343,1 357,3 Current assets 570,3 600,3 636,8 622,4 551,3 Total assets 939,2 1.064,0 1.130,8 965,5 908,6 Share capital Equity Provisions Long-term liabilities Short-term liabilities Total liabilities and equity 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 445,7 643,2 615,8 559,7 553,8 61,5 79,4 94,3 31,1 45,3 5,9 7,1 9,4 0,0 14,3 426,1 334,3 411,2 374,7 295,2 939,2 1.064,0 1.130,8 965,5 908,6 Cash flow from operating activities 115,4 28,8 73,4 102,5 72,4 Cash flow from investment activities -40,4 -46,0 -176,4 -26,2 -36,4 -40,4 -46,0 -60,4 -26,2 -34,7 Of this investments in property, plant and equipment Cash flow from financing activities Total increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents Average number of employees -1,2 -1,2 -21,0 -14,3 -14,3 73,8 -18,4 -124,0 62,1 21,7 1.277 1.201 1.258 803 776 48,6% Financial ratios: Growth in operating profit -215,0% -58,8% 136,1% -54,4% Operating margin -1,9% 1,6% 4,2% 2,1% 4,9% Return on invested capital -4,4% 3,6% 11,4% 5,9% 12,2% Gross margin 32,3% 32,6% 34,2% 32,9% 34,4% Current ratio 133,8% 179,6% 154,9% 170,0% 186,8% Solvency ratio 47,5% 60,5% 54,5% 58,0% 61,0% Return on equity -8,1% 2,9% 8,7% 3,8% 9,8% 6 Management’s review Financial highlights Development in activities and financial position Principal activities of the Company Toms Gruppen A/S manufacture, market and Profit for the year sell confectionery. The Group’s revenue for 2014 amounted to DKK 1,748.9 million against DKK 1,817.4 million in Denmark is the largest market, including sales 2013. Revenue decreased by DKK 68.5 million, to Danish/German border shops. Mainly bran- corresponding to a decrease of 3.8 per cent. ded products are sold in Denmark, and Toms Gruppen A/S is a market leader across the con- In 2014, production costs in percent of revenue fectionery category as a total. amounted to 67.6 per cent compared to 67.4 per cent in 2013. In Germany, sales mainly consist of premium chocolate under the brands of Hachez and Feo- In 2014, the operating result amounted to DKK dora. -32.6 million compared to DKK 28.3 million in 2013. The result was negatively affected by the In Sweden, sales consist of pick and mix sweets non-cash impairment of the remaining goodwill as well as branded goods. and trademarks, DKK 66.4 million pre tax, relating to the acquisition of Hanseatische Cho- The international business unit primarily ex- colade GmbH in 2012 due to the recent finan- ports to the main markets in Norway, North cial performance and an adjusted expectation America, the Netherlands and Australia as well of future earnings levels from the German en- as the other Nordic countries, the Far East and tity. The underlying profit for the Group impro- Middle East. In several markets, sales handled ved slightly compared to 2013 primarily due to through distributors. The business unit is also strong savings on overheads. Despite the im- responsible for sales to the travel retail market. provement of the underlying profit, the level of profitability was not satisfactory. To be able to The Group’s production takes place at the reinvest in the company’s production, brands Group’s own four factories in Denmark (2), Ger- and people, a higher profitability level is nee- many (1), and Poland (1). The facility in Poland ded. only handles packaging tasks. During 2014, the company’s production facility in Sweden was Net financials show an expense of DKK 3.9 mil- closed and production transferred to one of the lion in 2014 compared to an expense of DKK existing factories in Denmark. The Group is or- 1.0 million in 2013, equivalent to a negative de- ganized into four main sales units: Denmark, velopment of DKK 2.9 million due to value ad- Germany, Sweden and International. 7 justment of currency hedging instruments. activities include the development of new proBalance sheet and equity development ducts as well as development of existing produ- The Group’s total assets at year end amounted cts and concepts. All development costs were to DKK 939.2 million against DKK 1,064.0 mil- expensed. lion in 2013. At the end of 2014, working capital amounted to DKK 309.3 million against 2015 Outlook DKK 331.8 million at the end of 2013, which is Management expects that the market generally equivalent to 17.7 per cent of revenue and, in will be in line with 2014 with continued strong 2013, to 18.3 per cent of revenue. price competition in the retail sector in all of the Group’s markets. It is estimated that the Net interest-bearing debt amounted to DKK -3.5 confectionery market will see a modest decline million at year end. At the end of 2013, the net in the relevant geographical areas of the Group. interest-bearing debt amounted to DKK 70.7 million. At 31 December 2014, equity amounted Management expects a moderate increase in to DKK 445.7 million, while equity amounted to both revenue and underlying profit in 2015. DKK 643.2 million in 2013. The solvency ratio amounted to 47.5 per cent and 60.5 per cent, Events after the reporting period respectively. No events have occurred after the end of the financial year, which significantly affect the an- Uncertainty regarding recognition and me- nual report. asurement Goodwill impairment testing is based on the re- Particular risks coverable amount, which is determined as the value-in-use applying the DCF method. The cal- General risks culation is based on assumptions and estimates The Group’s main operating risks are attribu- for the future and is therefore subject to uncer- table to the development of the competitive en- tainty. At year-end the impairment test led to an vironment in the confectionery market. In addi- impairment of the remaining balance of goodwill tion, risks are associated with the development and trademarks relating to Germany as detailed of world market prices of cocoa, cocoa butter, above. almonds, hazelnuts, gelatin and sugar. Investments and cash flow Financial risks Net investments amounted to DKK 40.4 million in 2014 against DKK 46.0 million in 2013. Con- Interest rate risks solidated cash flow from operating, investment The company is not significantly exposed to and financing activities was DKK 73.8 million changes in interest rate levels due to low exter- compared to DKK -18.4 million in 2013. Impro- nal debt levels. vements in cash flow were primarily caused by better operational cash flow compared to 2013. Currency risks The Group’s currency risks occur partly becau- Development activities se there is an imbalance between income and Costs are continuously incurred for develop- expenses in each currency (transaction risk), ment of the product portfolio. Development 8 and partly because the Group includes compa- part of the Management’s review. nies with a functional currency other than DKK (translation risk). Transaction risk: The Group incurs significant costs in foreign currency for the purchase of raw materials, and the individual companies have revenues in foreign currencies. The Group’s currency policy stipulates as a general rule that cash flows in the major currencies (SEK, NOK, GBP and USD) must be hedged according to policy. Hedging is mainly done by using forward contracts and futures. Translation risk: Net assets in foreign currency were not hedged, as these would not have a significant size. For 2014, the income statement and balance sheet were affected by fluctuations in EUR, SEK, USD and PLN, however the impact on the Group’s results were not significant. Credit risks The Group’s credit risks are related to the primary financial assets and to derivative financial instruments with a fluctuating market value. The Group’s policy for undertaking credit risks means that all major customers and other business partners must be credit rated. A large proportion of transactions with customers outside the local markets are insured. Counterparty risk on derivatives is managed by assessing the credit risk of counterparties by credit rating from an international credit rating agency. Corporate social responsibility The Group has decided to publish the statutory report on social responsibility according to section 99a(7) of the Danish Financial Statements Act on our website. The Global Compact Report can be found at and is an integral 9 10 Statement by the Board of Directors and the Executive Board The Board of Directors and the Executive Board solidated cash flows for the financial year 1 Ja- have today discussed and approved the annual nuary – 31 December 2014. report of 2014 for the financial year 1 January – 31 December 2014. Further more, in our opinion, the Management’s review gives a fair review of the development in The annual report has been prepared in accor- the Group’s and the Company’s operations and dance with the Danish Financial Statements Act. financial matters and the results of the Group’s It is our opinion that the consolidated financial and the Company’s operations and financial po- statements and the parent company financi- sition. al statements give a true and fair view of the Group’s and the Company’s financial position We recommend that the annual report be ap- at 31 December 2014 and of the results of the proved at the annual general meeting. Group’s and the Company’s operations and con- Ballerup, 23 March 2015 Executive Board Carsten Lyngsø Thomsen Anders Hagh CEO CFO Board of Directors Henrik Brandt Christian H. Sørensen Chairman Vice Chairman Morten Petersen Flemming Sundø Mikael Thinghuus Lone C. Nielsen Søren Svenningsen Joan Wind Carsten Bennike 11 Independent auditors’ report To the shareholder of Toms Gruppen A/S Independent auditors’ report on the con- whether the consolidated financial statements solidated financial statements and the pa- and the parent company financial statements rent company financial statements are free from material misstatement. We have audited the consolidated financial An audit involves performing procedures to statements and the parent company financial obtain audit evidence about the amounts and statements of Toms Gruppen A/S for the finan- disclosures in the consolidated financial state- cial year 1 January – 31 December 2014, which ments and the parent company financial state- comprise accounting policies, income state- ments. The procedures selected depend on ment, balance sheet, statement of changes in the auditors’ judgement, including the assess- equity and notes, for the Group as well as for ment of the risks of material misstatement of the parent company and consolidated cash flow the consolidated financial statements and the statement. The consolidated financial state- parent company financial statements, whether ments and the parent company financial state- due to fraud or error. In making those risk as- ments are prepared in accordance with the Da- sessments, the auditors consider internal con- nish Financial Statements Act. trol relevant to the Company’s preparation of consolidated financial statements and parent Management’s responsibility for the con- company financial statements that give a true solidated financial statements and the pa- and fair view in order to design audit procedu- rent company financial statements res that are appropriate in the circumstances, Management is responsible for the preparation but not for the purpose of expressing an opi- of consolidated financial statements and parent nion on the effectiveness of the Company’s in- company financial statements that give a true ternal control. An audit also includes evaluating and fair view in accordance with the Danish Fi- the appropriateness of accounting policies used nancial Statements Act and for such internal and the reasonableness of accounting estimates control that Management determines is neces- made by Management, as well as evaluating the sary to enable the preparation of consolidated overall presentation of the consolidated financi- financial statements and parent company finan- al statements and the parent company financial cial statements that are free from material mis- statements. statement, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the audit evidence we have obAuditors’ responsibility tained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a Our responsibility is to express an opinion on basis for our opinion. the consolidated financial statements and the parent company financial statements based Our audit has not resulted in any qualification. on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Audi- Opinion ting and additional requirements under Danish In our opinion, the consolidated financial state- audit regulation. This requires that we comply ments and the parent company financial state- with ethical requirements and plan and perform ments give a true and fair view of the Group’s the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to and the parent company’s financial position at 12 31 December 2014 and of the results of the Group’s and the parent company’s operations and consolidated cash flows for the financial year 1 January – 31 December 2014 in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act. Statement on the Management’s review Pursuant to the Danish Financial Statements Act, we have read the Management’s review. We have not performed any further procedures in addition to the audit of the consolidated financial statements and the parent company financial statements. On this basis, it is our opinion that the information provided in the Management’s review is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and the parent company financial statements. Copenhagen, 23 March 2015 Ernst & Young Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab Jens Thordahl Nøhr Lisa Hagedorn State Authorised State Authorised Public Accountant Public Accountant 13 Consolidated financial statements and parent company financial statements for the period 1 January – 31 December 2014 Accounting policies The annual report of Toms Gruppen A/S for curred to generate the year’s earnings, inclu- 2014 has been prepared in accordance with the ding depreciation, amortisation, provisions and provisions applying to reporting class C enter- reversals due to changes in accounting esti- prises (large) under the Danish Financial State- mates of amounts previously recognised in the ments Act. consolidated financial statements and the parent company financial statements. The comparative figures of trade receivables and other payables have been restated to Consolidated financial statements reflect actual netting of certain balances, the The consolidated financial statements comprise change has no effect on the income statement the parent company, Toms Gruppen A/S, and or the equity. subsidiaries in which Toms Gruppen A/S directly or indirectly holds more than 50 per cent of The accounting policies used in the preparation the voting rights or which it, in some other way, of the financial statements are consistent with controls. Enterprises in which the Group holds those of last year. between 20 per cent and 50 per cent of the voting rights and over which it exercises signifi- Recognition and measurement cant influence, but which it does not control, are Assets are recognised in the balance sheet considered associates, see the group chart. when it is probable that future economic bene- On consolidation, intra-group income and ex- fits will flow to the Group and the income can be penses, shareholdings, intra-group balances measured reliably. and dividends, and realised and unrealised gains and losses on intra-group transactions are Liabilities are recognised in the balance sheet eliminated. when the Group as a result of a past event has a legal or constructive obligation and it is proba- Investments in subsidiaries are set off against ble that future economic benefits will flow from the proportionate share of the subsidiaries’ fair the Group, and the value can be measured re- value of net assets or liabilities at the acquisi- liably. tion date. In recognising and measuring assets and lia- Business combinations bilities, any gains, losses and risks occurring Enterprises acquired or formed during the year prior to the presentation of the annual report are recognised in the consolidated financial that evidence conditions existing at the balance statements from the date of acquisition or for- sheet date are taken into account. mation. Enterprises disposed of are recognised in the consolidated income statement until the Income is recognised in the income statement date of disposal. The comparative figures are as it occurs, including value adjustments of fi- not adjusted for acquisitions or disposals. nancial assets and liabilities measured at fair value or amortised cost. In addition, costs in- Gains or losses on disposal of subsidiaries and 14 associates are stated as the difference between Foreign subsidiaries and associates are consi- the sales amount and the carrying amount of net dered separate entities. The income statements assets at the date of disposal plus non-amorti- are translated at the average exchange rates sed goodwill and anticipated disposal costs. for the month, and the balance sheet items Acquisitions of enterprises are accounted for are translated at the exchange rates at the ba- using the acquisition method, according to lance sheet date. Foreign exchange differences which the identifiable assets and liabilities ac- arising on translation of the opening equity of quired are measured at their fair values at the foreign subsidiaries at the exchange rates at the date of acquisition. Provision is made for costs balance sheet date and on translation of the in- related to adopted and announced plans to re- come statements from average exchange rates structure the acquired enterprise in connection to the exchange rates at the balance sheet date with the acquisition. The tax effect of the re- are recognised directly in equity. statement of assets and liabilities is taken into account. Foreign exchange adjustments of intra-group balances with independent foreign subsidiaries Any excess of the cost over the fair value of which are considered part of the investment in the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired the subsidiary are recognised directly in equity. (goodwill), including restructuring provisions, is Foreign exchange gains and losses on loans and recognised as intangible assets and amortised derivative financial instruments designated as on a systematic basis in the income statement hedges of foreign subsidiaries are also recogni- based on an individual assessment of the useful sed directly in equity. life of the asset, not exceeding 20 years. Derivative financial instruments Goodwill from acquired enterprises can be adju- Derivative financial instruments are initially re- sted until the end of the year following the year cognised in the balance sheet at cost and are of acquisition. subsequently measured at fair value. Positive and negative fair values of derivative financial Foreign currency translation instruments are included in other receivables On initial recognition, transactions denominated and payables, respectively. in foreign currencies are translated at the ex- Changes in the fair value of derivative financial change rates at the transaction date. Foreign instruments designated as and qualifying for exchange differences arising between the ex- recognition as a hedge of the fair value of a re- change rates at the transaction date and at the cognised asset or liability are recognised in the date of payment are recognised in the income income statement together with changes in the statement as financial income or financial ex- fair value of the hedged asset or liability. penses. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments designated as and qualifying Receivables, payables and other monetary for recognition as a hedge of future assets and items denominated in foreign currencies are liabilities are recognised in other receivables translated at the exchange rates at the balance or other payables and in equity. If the forecast sheet date. The difference between the exchan- transaction results in the recognition of assets ge rates at the balance sheet date and at the or liabilities, amounts previously recognised in date at which the receivable or payable arose equity are transferred to the cost of the asset or or was recognised in the latest financial state- liability, respectively. If the forecast transaction ments is recognised in the income statement as results in income or expenses, amounts pre- financial income or financial expenses. viously recognised in equity are transferred to 15 the income statement in the period in which the premises and office expenses, and depreciation. hedged item affects profit or loss. For derivative financial instruments that do not Other operating costs qualify for hedge accounting, changes in fair va- Other operating costs comprise items second- lue are recognised in the income statement on ary to the activities of the Company, including a regular basis. losses on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment. Income statement Profits/losses from investments in subsiRevenue diaries and associates Income from the sale of goods for resale and fi- The proportionate share of the results after tax nished goods is recognised in the income state- of the individual subsidiaries is recognised in the ment when delivery and transfer of risk to the income statement of the parent company after buyer have taken place and provided that the in- full elimination of intra-group profits/losses. come can be reliably measured and is expected The proportionate share of the results after to be received. Revenue is measured ex. VAT tax of the associates is recognised in both the and taxes charged on behalf of third parties. consolidated income statement and the parent company income statement after elimination of Revenue is measured at fair value of the agreed the proportionate share of intra-group profits/ consideration ex. VAT and taxes charged on be- losses. half of third parties. All discounts granted are recognised in revenue. Financial income and expenses Financial income and expenses comprise interest Production costs income and expense, gains and losses on secu- Production costs comprise costs, including de- rities, payables and transactions denominated preciation and amortisation and salaries, incur- in foreign currencies, amortisation of financial red in generating the revenue for the year. Such assets and liabilities as well as surcharges and costs include direct and indirect costs for raw refunds under the on-account tax scheme, etc. materials and consumables, wages and salaries, rent and leases, and depreciation of production Tax on profit/loss for the year plants. Tax for the year comprises current tax for the year and changes in deferred tax. The tax ex- Sales and distribution costs pense relating to the profit/loss for the year is Costs incurred in distributing goods sold during recognised in the income statement, and the tax the year and in conducting sales campaigns, expense relating to amounts directly recognised etc., during the year are recognised as distri- in equity is recognised directly in equity. The bution costs. Also, costs relating to sales staff, tax expense recognised in the income state- advertising, exhibitions and depreciation are re- ment relating to the extraordinary profit/loss cognised as distribution costs. for the year is allocated to this item whereas the remaining tax expense is allocated to the Administrative expenses profit/loss for the year from ordinary activities. Administrative expenses comprise expenses incurred during the year for company manage- The parent company, Gerda & Victor B. Strand ment and administration, including expenses Holding A/S, is covered by the Danish rules on for administrative staff, management, office compulsory joint taxation of the Group’s Danish 16 17 subsidiaries. Subsidiaries form part of the joint measured at cost less accumulated depreciation taxation from the date on which they are inclu- and impairment losses. Land is not depreciated. ded in the consolidation of the consolidated financial statements and up to the date on which Cost comprises the purchase price and any they exit the consolidation. costs directly attributable to the acquisition until the date when the asset is available for use. Gerda og Victor B. Strand Holding A/S is the ad- The cost of self-constructed assets comprises ministrative company for the joint taxation and direct and indirect costs of materials, compo- consequently settles all corporate tax payments nents, subsuppliers, and wages and salaries. with the tax authorities. Interest expense on loans to finance the proThe current Danish corporate tax is allocated duction of property, plant and equipment which by settlement of joint taxation contribution bet- concerns the production period is included in ween the jointly taxed companies in proportion costs. All other borrowing costs are recognised to their taxable income. In this relation, compa- in the income statement. nies with tax loss carryforwards receive joint taxation contribution from companies that have Where individual components of an item of pro- used these losses to reduce their own taxable perty, plant and equipment have different useful profits. lives, they are accounted for as separate items, which are depreciated separately. Tax for the year comprises current tax, joint taxation contributions for the year and changes The basis of depreciation, which is calculated as in deferred tax for the year – due to changes cost less any residual value, is depreciated on a in the tax rate. The tax expense relating to the straight-line basis over the expected useful life. profit/loss for the year is recognised in the in- The expected useful lives are as follows: come statement, and the tax expense relating to amounts directly recognised in equity is re- • Buildings 30 years cognised directly in equity. • Installations in buildings 10 years • Fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment 5-20 years Balance sheet • Cars 3 years Intangible assets • It equipment 3-5 years Goodwill and trademarks Depreciation is recognised in the income state- Goodwill and trademarks are amortised over ment as production costs, distribution costs and the estimated useful life determined on the ba- administrative expenses, respectively. sis of Management’s experience of the specific business areas. Goodwill and trademarks are Gains and losses on the disposal of property, amortised on a straight-line basis over a ma- plant and equipment are determined as the dif- ximum amortisation period of 20 years, lon- ference between the selling price less selling gest for strategically acquired enterprises with costs and the carrying amount at the date of strong market positions and long-term earnings disposal. Gains or losses are recognised in the profiles. income statement as other operating income or other operating costs, respectively. Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings, plant and machinery and fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment are 18 Investments in subsidiaries and associates The recoverable amount is the higher of an as- Investments in subsidiaries and associates are set’s net selling price and its value in use. The measured under the equity method. value in use is determined as the present value of the expected net cash flows from the use of Investments in subsidiaries and associates are the asset or the group of assets and expected measured at the proportionate share of the net cash flows from the disposal of the asset or enterprises’ net asset values calculated in ac- the group of assets after the end of the useful cordance with the Group’s accounting policies life. minus or plus unrealised intra-group profits and losses and plus or minus any residual value of Other investments positive or negative goodwill determined in ac- Other investments recognised under non-cur- cordance with the acquisition method. rent assets comprise listed bonds measured at fair value. Investments in subsidiaries and associates with negative net asset values are measured at DKK Inventories 0 (nil), and any amounts owed by such enter- Inventories are measured at cost in accordance prises are written down if the amount owed is with the FIFO method. Where the net realisable irrecoverable. If the parent company has a le- value is lower than cost, inventories are written gal or constructive obligation to cover a deficit down to this lower value. that exceeds the amount owed, the remaining amount is recognised under provisions. Goods for resale and raw materials and consumables are measured at cost, comprising Net revaluation of investments in subsidiaries purchase price plus delivery costs. and associates is recognised in the reserve for net revaluation in equity under the equity met- Finished goods and work in progress are measu- hod to the extent that the carrying amount ex- red at cost, comprising the cost of raw materi- ceeds costs. als, consumables, direct wages and salaries and On acquisition of subsidiaries, the acquisition indirect production overheads. Indirect produc- method is applied, see consolidated financial tion overheads comprise indirect materials and statements above. wages and salaries as well as maintenance and depreciation of production machinery, buildings Impairment of non-current assets and equipment as well as factory administration The carrying amount of intangible assets and and management. Borrowing costs are not in- property, plant and equipment is subject to an cluded in cost. annual test for indications of impairment other than the decrease in value reflected by amorti- The net realisable value of inventories is calcu- sation or depreciation. lated as the sales amount less costs of completion and costs necessary to make the sale and Impairment tests are conducted of individual is determined taking into account marketability, assets or groups of assets (cash-generating obsolescence and development in expected sel- units) when there is an indication that they may ling price. be impaired. Write-down is made to the recoverable amount if this is lower than the carrying amount. 19 Receivables Receivables are measured at amortised cost. relating to goodwill which is not deductible for tax purposes and on office premises and other Write-down is made for bad debt losses where items where temporary differences arise at the there is an objective indication that a receivable date of acquisition without affecting either or a receivable portfolio has been impaired. If profit/loss for the year or taxable income. Whe- there is an objective indication that an individu- re alternative tax rules can be applied to de- al receivable has been impaired, a write-down is termine the tax base, deferred tax is measured made on an individual basis. based on Management’s planned use of the asset or settlement of the liability, respectively. Securities Securities, comprising listed bonds, are measu- Deferred tax assets, including the tax value of red at fair value at the balance sheet date. tax loss carryforwards, are recognised at the expected value of their utilisation; either as a Cash at bank and in hand set-off against tax on future income or as a set- Toms Gruppen A/S is part of a cash pool arran- off against deferred tax liabilities in the same gement together with other group companies. legal tax entity and jurisdiction. Balances arising from cash pools are included in cash at bank and in hand/Bankloans and Adjustment is made to deferred tax resulting overdrafts in the balance sheet of the parent from elimination of unrealised intra-group pro- company fits and losses. Dividends Deferred tax is measured in accordance with Proposed dividends are recognised as a liabi- the tax rules and at the tax rates applicable in lity at the date when they are adopted at the the respective countries at the balance sheet annual general meeting (declaration date). The date when the deferred tax is expected to cry- expected dividend payment for the year is dis- stallise as current tax. The change in deferred closed as a separate item under equity. tax as a result of changes in tax rates is recognised in the income statement. Corporation tax and deferred tax Current tax payable and receivable is recogni- Provisions sed in the balance sheet as tax computed on the Provisions are recognised when, as a result of taxable income for the year, adjusted for tax on past events, the Company has a legal or a con- the taxable income of prior years and for tax structive obligation and it is probable that there paid on account. may be an outflow of resources embodying eco- Joint taxation contribution payable and re- ons are measured at net realisable value. If the ceivable is recognised in the balance sheet as obligation is expected to be settled far into the „Corporation tax receivable“ or „Corporation tax future, the obligation is measured at fair value. nomic benefits to settle the obligation. Provisi- payable“. Liabilities other than provisions Deferred tax is measured using the balance Other liabilities are measured at net realisable sheet liability method on all temporary differen- value. ces between the carrying amount and the tax value of assets and liabilities. However, deferred tax is not recognised on temporary differences 20 Cash flow statement The cash flow statement shows the Company’s cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities for the year, the year’s changes in cash and cash equivalents as well as the Company’s cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the year. Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from operating activities are calculated as the profit/loss for the year adjusted for non-cash operating items, changes in working capital and corporation tax paid. Cash flows from investment activities Cash flows from investment activities comprise payments in connection with acquisitions and disposals of enterprises and activities and of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments. Cash flows from financing activities Cash flows from financing activities comprise the raising of loans, repayment of interest-bearing debt and payment of dividends to shareholders. Segment information Information is provided on business segments and geographical markets. Segment information is based on the Company’s internal financial management. Financial ratios Financial ratios are calculated in accordance with the Danish Society of Financial Analysts’ guidelines on the calculation of financial ratios „Recommendations and Financial Ratios 2010“. 21 Income statement 2014 DKK '000 Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 1.328.276 1.312.552 1 Revenue -913.561 -916.662 11 414.715 395.890 -293.840 -264.257 11 -67.176 -57.722 11 0 -4.184 Other operating costs 53.699 69.727 Operating profit/loss -28.320 -99.890 1.748.853 1.817.421 -1.183.261 -1.224.986 565.592 592.435 Sales and distribution costs -405.881 -434.986 Administrative expenses -184.704 -129.158 -7.546 0 -32.539 28.291 0 0 19.795 5.243 2 Financial income 1.671 17.226 -14.284 -2.480 3 Financial expenses -5.544 -18.274 30.890 -27.400 -36.412 27.243 -12.523 -16.782 -7.770 -8.876 18.367 -44.182 -44.182 18.367 Production costs Gross profit 13 Share of profit/loss in subsidiaries after tax Profit/loss before tax 4 2013 Tax on profit/loss from ordinary activities Profit/loss for the year Proposed profit appropriation -151.633 -44.182 170.000 0 18.367 -44.182 Retained earnings Proposed dividends Profit/loss for the year 22 23 Balance Sheet 31.12.2014 Assets DKK '000 Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 2013 0 0 5 Goodwill 0 0 6 Trademarks 0 0 75.487 69.846 172.345 186.877 8 Plant and machinery 576 114 9 Fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment 16.525 10.025 Property, plant and equipment under construction 264.933 266.862 2.735 2.735 12 Other investments 126.149 101.318 13 Investments in subsidiaries 0 0 14 Deferred tax assets 128.884 104.053 Total financial assets 9.590 2.735 393.817 370.915 Total non-current assets 368.882 463.666 220.871 215.200 Inventories 280.522 292.847 146.005 160.520 Trade receivables 232.877 244.501 195.542 107.183 Amounts owed by affiliated companies 0 0 0 0 Corporation taxes 4.504 1.936 8.946 18.656 Other receivables 22.409 12.700 1.701 1.972 1.972 3.386 352.194 288.331 261.762 262.523 1.283 678 678 1.283 25.213 10.712 27.319 43.683 599.561 514.921 Total current assets 570.281 600.336 993.378 885.836 Total assets 939.163 1.064.002 7 10 27.882 78.331 260 33.997 Total intangible assets 28.142 112.328 Land and buildings 90.831 101.387 220.265 218.404 10.027 11.988 10.027 16.824 331.150 348.603 2.735 2.735 0 0 6.855 0 Total property, plant and equipment 15 Prepayments Total receivables 16 Securities and investments Cash at bank and in hand 24 Balance Sheet 31.12.2014 Equity and liabilities DKK '000 Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 3.500 3.500 469.743 442.195 170.000 0 643.243 445.695 33.259 29.308 18 9.323 5.240 19 42.582 34.548 0 0 0 0 0 0 106.087 17.345 117.126 115.356 4.391 170.000 8.774 11.642 71.175 91.250 307.553 405.593 307.553 993.378 17 2014 Share capital 3.500 3.500 Retained earnings 442.195 469.743 Proposed dividend 0 170.000 445.695 643.243 Deferred tax 30.309 38.275 Other provisions 31.181 41.083 Total provisions 61.490 79.358 Credit institutions 5.851 7.065 Long-term liabilities other than provisions 5.851 7.065 Equity 20 20 2013 Current portion of long-term liabilities other than provisions 1.191 1.194 16.785 106.087 Trade payables 128.728 135.238 Amounts owed to affiliated companies 170.000 0 Corporation taxes 11.642 8.774 Other payables 97.781 83.043 Short-term liabilities other than provisions 426.127 334.336 405.593 Total liabilities other than provisions 431.978 341.401 885.836 Total liabilities and equity 939.163 1.064.002 Bank loans and overdrafts 21 22-24 25-26 Contingent liabilities Notes without reference Notes to cashflow statement 25 Statement of changes in equity DKK '000 Parent company 2013 2014 Group 2014 2013 3.500 3.500 Share capital at 1 January 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 Share capital at 31 December 3.500 3.500 612.319 469.743 Retained earnings at 1 January 469.743 612.319 -151.633 -44.182 Retained earnings for the year -44.182 -151.633 -1.431 -1.491 -1.491 -1.431 1.361 2.507 -4986 -1.361 Foreign currency translation adjustments Deferred tax on value adjustments at 31 December Deferred tax on value adjustments at 1 January 2.507 1.361 -1.361 -4.986 -5.497 5.664 Value adjustments on cocoa contracts at 31 December 5.664 -5.497 14.811 5.497 Value adjustments on cocoa contracts at 1 January 5.497 14.811 Value adjustments on hedging instruments at 31 December 5.482 -336 336 5.135 442.195 469.743 -336 5.482 5.135 336 469.743 442.195 Retained earnings at 31 December Value adjustments on hedging instruments at 1 January 0 170.000 Proposed dividends at 1 January 170.000 0 170.000 -170.000 Dividends declared for the year -170.000 170.000 170.000 0 0 170.000 643.243 445.695 445.695 643.243 Proposed dividends at 31 December Equity at 31 December 26 Cash flow statement DKK '000 Group Note Operating profit/loss 2014 2013 -32.539 28.291 -3.873 -1.048 140.818 76.336 104.406 103.579 Inventories 12.325 5.496 Trade receivables 11.624 -82.454 Other receivables -9.709 -1.456 Net financials Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses Changes for the year to the below items: Prepayments 1.414 -2.336 Trade payables -6.510 11.844 Other payables 14.738 -14.720 Value adjustments of financial instruments 18.125 10.488 Provisions Paid tax Total cash flow from operating activities -9.902 -485 -21.092 -1.200 115.419 28.756 Total cash flow from investing activities 25 -40.381 -45.956 Total cash flow from financing activities 26 -1.214 -1.194 Cash flow from operating activities 115.419 28.756 Cash flow from investment activities -40.381 -45.956 -1.214 -1.194 Increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents 73.824 -18.394 Cash and cash equivalents, securities and payables to credit institutions, etc., at beginning of the year -61.121 -41.296 -1.491 -1.431 Cash and cash equivalents, securities and payables to credit institutions, etc., at the end of the year 11.212 -61.121 Which is specified as follows: Securities and investments Cash at bank and in hand Bank loans and overdrafts 678 27.319 -16.785 1.283 43.683 -106.087 Total 11.212 -61.121 Cash flow from financing activities Value adjustments etc. 27 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 2014 Group Note 1 2014 2013 Segment information Primary segment: geographical area 761.424 161.811 110.376 294.665 709.452 177.633 104.970 320.497 1.328.276 1.312.552 Revenue Denmark* Sweden* Germany* Other export, incl. Travel Retail 710.988 275.610 413.667 348.588 762.244 284.047 444.198 326.932 1.748.853 1.817.421 Revenue Sugar Chocolate 458.966 1.289.887 534.729 1.282.692 Total 1.748.853 1.817.421 0 1.671 0 17.226 1.671 17.226 5.544 18.274 5.544 18.274 -21.083 -306 13.619 -15.368 0 6.492 -7.770 -8.876 Total *Excl. Travel Retail 434.908 893.368 393.106 919.446 1.328.276 1.312.552 2 3.448 16.347 3.880 1.363 19.795 5.243 Financial income from subsidiaries Other financial income 3 14.284 2.480 14.284 2.480 -19.280 -306 2.804 -12.523 -16.782 Financial expenses Other financial expenses 4 -15.423 0 2.900 Financial income Tax Tax on profit for the year Adjustment of tax relating to previous years Adjustment of deferred tax 28 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 5 2014 2013 Goodwill 1.500 0 -1.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cost at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Disposals Other adjustments Cost at 31 December -612 0 0 749 -137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Accumulated amortisation at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Impairment Amortisation on disposals Amortisation Accumulated amortisation at 31 December 0 0 Carrying amount at 31 December 137.253 -136 0 -4.021 133.096 142.118 0 -1.500 -3.365 137.253 -58.922 31 -36.979 0 -9.344 -105.214 -50.602 0 0 749 -9.069 -58.922 27.882 78.331 48.694 -110 0 0 48.584 48.389 0 -269 574 48.694 -14.697 33 -29.388 -4.272 -48.324 -10.631 -4.066 -14.697 260 33.997 The annual impairment tests of goodwill in Toms Gruppen are based on a discounted cash flow evaluation of expected future earnings for the cashgenerating units. For the German cash-generating unit, management has lowered the expected earnings level in the forecast due to higher raw material prices and pressure on sales of branded products. This adjustment has led to full impairment of goodwill relating to the German activity. 6 Trademarks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cost at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Additions from acquisitions Additions Cost at 31 December 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Accumulated amortisation at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Impairment Amortisation Accumulated amortisation at 31 December 0 0 Carrying amount at 31 December The annual impairment tests of trademarks in Toms Gruppen are based on a discounted cash flow evaluation of expected future earnings for the cashgenerating units. For the German cash-generating unit, management has lowered the expected earnings level in the forecast due to higher raw material prices and pressure on sales of branded products. This adjustment has led to full impairment of trademarks relating to the German activity. 7 Land and buildings 215.307 0 0 424 68 215.799 215.799 0 0 28 0 215.827 Cost at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Disposals Additions Transferred Cost at 31 December 284.518 -942 -12.755 370 0 271.191 284.601 -575 0 424 68 284.518 -134.631 0 0 -5.681 -140.312 0 0 -5.669 Accumulated depreciation at 1 January Amortisation on disposals Foreign currency translation adjustments Depreciation -183.131 9.414 660 -7.303 -176.165 0 396 -7.362 -140.312 -145.981 Accumulated depreciation at 31 December -180.360 -183.131 75.487 69.846 90.831 101.387 Carrying amount at 31 December 29 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 8 935.482 0 17.928 11.099 -4.876 959.633 959.633 0 43.351 15.722 -46.457 972.249 -747.317 0 1.661 -41.632 -787.288 -787.288 0 41.966 -40.050 -785.372 172.345 186.877 2013 Plant and machinery Cost at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Additions Transferred Disposals Cost at 31 December 1.189.072 -2.919 45.078 15.722 -66.985 1.179.968 1.158.589 -1.530 35.629 11.099 -14.715 1.189.072 -970.668 2.100 59.532 -50.667 -959.702 -930.359 1.144 11.210 -52.663 -970.668 220.265 218.404 Cost at 1 January 74.162 72.320 Foreign currency translation adjustments Additions Disposals Cost at 31 December -144 1.237 -1.335 73.920 0 1.991 -149 74.162 -62.174 120 1.026 -2.865 -63.893 -59.146 0 148 -3.176 -62.174 10.027 11.988 16.824 9.223 -16.020 12.131 16.118 -11.425 10.027 16.824 55.225 1.703 83.890 54.888 2.860 18.588 140.818 76.336 Accumulated depreciation at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Depreciation and impairment on disposals Depreciation Accumulated depreciation at 31 December Carrying amount at 31 December 9 2014 Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment 10.192 10.192 0 0 0 10.192 0 0 -888 9.304 -9.394 0 0 -222 -9.616 -9.616 0 574 -148 -9.190 576 114 11.575 16.117 -11.167 16.525 9.222 -15.722 16.525 10.025 41.557 1.236 4.879 11 Impairment losses and depreciation/amortisation The total impairment losses and depreciation/amortisation (including goodwill) has been included in the following line items: 41.737 Production costs 20 Sales and distribution costs 4.110 Administrative expenses 47.672 45.867 Accumulated depreciation at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Depreciation and impairment on disposals Depreciation Accumulated depreciation at 31 December Carrying amount at 31 December 10 Property, plant and equipment under construction Cost at 1 January Additions Transferred Cost at 31 December Total 30 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 2013 12 Other investments 2.735 0 2.735 2.735 0 2.735 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.735 2.735 Cost at 1 January Additions Cost at 31 December 2.735 0 2.735 2.735 0 2.735 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.735 2.735 Value adjustment at 1 January Adjustment during the year Value adjustment at 31 December Carrying amount at 31 December 13 Investments in subsidiaries 207.606 3.948 -3.655 207.899 207.899 80.590 -4.021 284.468 -49.248 -828 -18.965 -13.002 3.647 -3.019 -335 -81.750 -81.750 -1.510 -105.057 -3.845 9.012 0 0 -183.150 126.149 101.318 Cost at 1 January Capital increases Other adjustments Cost at 31 December Value adjustment at 1 January Foreign currency translation adjustments Profit/loss on ordinary activities before tax Amortisation of goodwill and trademarks Share of tax on profit/loss for the year Transferred to write-down for bad and doubtful debts Other adjustments Value adjustment at 31 December Carrying amount at 31 December Subsidiaries Toms Sverige AB Toms Polska Sp. z o.o. Anthon Berg Inc. Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH Toms Confectionery Group Pte. Ltd. Registered office Habo, Sweden Leszno, Poland New York, USA Bremen, Germany Singapore, Singapore Ownership 100% 100% 100% 100% Share of profit/loss in 2014 is impacted by impairment of goodwill and trademarks related to the German subsidiary, cf. note 5 and 6. 14 Deferred tax assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 Deferred tax at 1 January Adjustments of deferred tax Deferred tax at 31 december 0 6.855 6.855 0 0 0 Deferred tax relates to: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Property, plant and equipment Loss carried forward Provisions -592 5.991 1.456 0 0 0 0 0 Carrying amount at 31 December 6.855 0 31 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 2013 15 Inventories 76.667 34.075 110.129 72.882 35.216 107.102 Raw material and packaging Work in progress Manufactured goods and goods for resale 96.620 44.945 138.957 109.316 43.096 140.435 220.871 215.200 Carrying amount at 31 December 280.522 292.847 870 -603 267 1.999 -1.129 870 413 -5 3 411 610 -31 -166 413 678 1.283 16 Securities and investments 1.999 -1.129 870 870 -603 267 Cost at 1 January Disposals Cost at 31 December 610 -31 -166 413 413 -5 3 411 Value Value Value Value 1.283 678 Carrying amount at 31 December adjustment adjustment adjustment adjustment at 1 January of securities disposed of during the year at 31 December 17 Share capital 3.500 3.500 Share capital at 31 December 2.000 750 612 136 2 2.000 750 612 136 2 The share capital consists of: 1 share of DKK 2,000,000 150 shares of DKK 5,000 each 306 shares of DKK 2,000 each 136 shares of DKK 1,000 each 20 shares of DKK 100 each 3.500 3.500 Total The parent owns treasury shares of nominal DKK 150 thousand, corresponding to approx. 4% of the share capital. The shares are valued at nil and are not included in the balance sheet. No treasury shares have been acquired or disposed of in the fianancial year. No changes have been made to the share capital during the last five years. 32 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 2013 18 Deferred tax 32.528 2.923 -2.192 33.259 -2.562 -1.389 Deferred tax at 1 January Adjustments of deferred tax Adjustments from reduction of the Danish corporation tax 38.275 -6.577 -1.389 44.434 -3.967 -2.192 33.259 29.308 Deferred tax at 31 december 30.309 38.275 -50 26.369 0 23.687 Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment 0 23.687 8.424 26.921 8.669 0 -1.361 -368 8.471 0 -2.508 -342 Current assets Deferred income Items in equity Provisions 8.471 1.006 -2.513 -342 8.930 0 -1.768 -4.232 33.259 29.308 Carrying amount at 31 December 30.309 38.275 Deferred tax relates to: 19 Other provisions 204 1.376 7.743 204 1.314 3.722 Pension liabilities due within the next year Pension liabilities due after the next year Other 1.440 26.019 3.722 1.442 31.898 7.743 9.323 5.240 Carrying amount at 31 December 31.181 41.083 1.086 2.290 0 20 Bank debts 0 0 Due after 5 years 21 Contingent liabilities The parent company has operating leases for the company's motor vehicles, trucks and compressors etc. Total liablilities amount to DKK 8.9 million. The parent company has purchase contracts related to raw material consumption. Total liabilities amount to DKK 151.2 million. The contracts are fixed price contracts. Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH has purchase contracts related to raw material consumption. Total liabilities amount to DKK 40.2 million. The contracts are fixed price contracts. Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH has operating leases for the company's motor vehicles. Total liabilities amount to DKK 2.4 million Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH has rental liabilities for the amount of DKK 2.7 million Huchtinger Logistik GmbH & Co. KG owns a warehouse property, which serves as a collateral for the associated mortgage (logged in the land title register under its original value of DKK 2.0 million). Per 31.12.2014 the mortgage had a carrying amount of DKK 0.7 million, whereas the property had a book value of DKK 1.2 million. Toms Sverige AB has operating leases for the company's motor vehicles. Total liablilities amount to DKK 1.5 million. The parent company has provided security for Toms Polska Sp. Z o.o. in Poland in the amount of DKK 0.6 million. The former owners of Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH have filed for arbitration in a dispute with Toms Gruppen regarding undistributed profits. Management expects a ruling in the case in favour of Toms Gruppen. In the acquired subsidiary, Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH, a lawsuit filed in 2009 on Restrictive Practices is pending. The former owners of Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH have guaranteed to indemnify Toms Gruppen A/S and provided security in the form of bank guarantees. 33 Notes '000 dkk Parent company 2013 Group 2014 Note 2014 2013 22 Staff costs 296.529 23.298 717 280.003 21.825 548 Wages and salaries Pensions Other social security costs 422.597 32.162 21.034 433.388 33.036 22.770 320.544 302.376 Total 475.793 489.194 603 554 1.277 1.201 6.593 2.090 8.683 12.585 2.268 14.853 12.585 2.268 14.853 6.593 2.090 8.683 Average number of employees Their remuneration: Parent Executive Board Parent Board of Directors The company´s Executive Board and executive employees are covered by an incentive plan. In the remuneration for the Parent Executive Board is included a severance payment to the former CEO. 23 Fee paid to auditors Ernst & Young P/S: 405 16 67 39 380 16 410 27 Fee regarding statutory audit Other assurance engagements Tax and VAT related engagements Other non-audit engagements 380 16 410 27 405 16 67 39 527 833 Total 833 527 340 0 0 291 631 368 0 0 67 435 Others: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fee regarding statutory audit Other assurance engagements Tax and VAT related engagements Other non-audit engagements Total 24 Related parties Toms Gruppen A/S' related parties are: Control: Gerda og Victor B. Strands Fond and its Board of Directors Gerda og Victor B. Strand Holding A/S and its Board of Directors Basis Ultimate parent company Direct parent company Other related parties: Toms Sverige AB, Sweden Toms Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland Anthon Berg Inc., USA Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH, Germany Hanseatische Geschäftsführungs GmbH, Germany Bremer Hachez Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Feodora Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Huchtinger Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany Hawopral GmbH, Germany Toms Confectionery Group Pte. Ltd., Singapore Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Related parties also include Board of Directors, the Board of Management and executive employees. 34 Notes DKK '000 Group 2014 2013 25 Total cash flow from investing activities Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment Foreign currency translation adjustments Total -41.664 1.283 -46.520 564 -40.381 -45.956 -1.214 -1.194 -1.214 -1.194 26 Total cash flow from financing activities Change in long-term liabilities other than provisions Total 35 Definitions and Terms Definitions Return on invested capital Operating profit in percent of the average of total assets less cash less short term liabilities excluding interest bearing debt. Working Capital Inventories and trade receivables plus other receivables minus trade payables and other payables Operating margin Operating profit in percent of revenue Return on equity Profit from ordinary activities after tax in percent of average equity Current ratio Current assets in percent of current liabilities Gross marign Gross profit in percent of revenue Solvency ratio Equity at year end in percent of total equity and liabilities at year end Terms Sugar confectionary Wine gums, liquorice, toffees, sweets etc. International Internal segment. Includes export (except Sweden and Travel Retail). Travel Retail Ferry and airport sales 36 Group companies Toms Sverige AB Toms Sverige AB Hamngatan 17 302 43 Halmstad Sweden (100 per cent owned by Toms Gruppen A/S) Anthon Berg Inc. 99 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016, USA (100 per cent owned by Toms Gruppen A/S) Toms Polska Sp. z o.o. Ul. Okrezna 27 64-100 Leszno (100 per cent owned by Toms Gruppen A/S) Hanseatische Chocolade GmbH Westerstrasse 32 28199 Bremen Germany (100 per cent owned by Toms Gruppen A/S) Toms Confectionery Group Pte. Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore) 103 Defu Lane 10, #06-01 FNA Group Building Singapore 539223 (100 per cent owned by Toms Gruppen A/S) 37 Board of Directors Henrik Brandt (Chairman) President & CEO Royal Unibrew A/S Ferd Holding AS (BM) Hansa Borg Skandinavisk Holding A/S med datterselskaber (BM) Gerda og Victor B. Strands Fond (BM) Dansk Industris Selskabsretsudvalg (CH) Christian Hother Sørensen (Deputy Chairman) Executive Vice President, Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S DI’s Internationale Markedsudvalg (BM) Flemming Sundø Mikael Thinghuus CEO Royal Greenland A/S RG Pelagic A/S (BM) Grønt Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (GUDP) (CH) Upernavik Seafood A/S (VCH) Ice Trawl Greenland A/S (BM) World Ocean Council (BM) Morten Petersen CEO for Dki group Carsten Bennike Executive Vice president, Chr. Hansen Holding Ingrediensforum, DI (BM) Søren Svenningsen Blacksmith (ER) Lone C. Nielsen Coordinator Masterdata (ER) Joan Wind Factory Employee (ER) 38 Executive Board Carsten Lyngsø Thomsen Anders Hagh CEO CFO Toms Sverige AB (CH) DI’s Fødevareudvalg (BM) Toms Sverige AB (BM) Auditors Ernst & Young P/S Osvald Helmuths Vej 4 Postbox 250 DK - 2000 Frederiksberg (CH) Chairman (VCH) Vice Chairman (BM) Board Member (ER) Employee Representative 39 40