December 6 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
December 6 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Sunday, December 6, 2015 St. Anthony of Padua 101 E Virginia Ave Effingham, IL 62401 217-347-7129 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Padre’s point of view . . . Pope Francis has invited us to begin praying and meditating with the idea of Mercy for the next year. So, I will have the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy as the subject of Padre’s Point of View. So we will look at each one of these in depth. I hope you enjoy these weekly reflections. The Corporal works of mercy are: The spiritual works of mercy are: To feed the hungry; To give drink to the thirsty; To clothe the naked; To harbor the harborless; To visit the sick; To ransom the captive; To bury the dead. To instruct the ignorant; To counsel the doubtful; To admonish sinners; To bear wrongs patiently; To forgive offences willingly; To comfort the afflicted; To pray for the living and the dead. Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays. Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 16 at 11:00am at St. Anthony Church. Those who would like to receive this sacrament are encouraged to receive the sacrament of the reconciliation before Mass. Fr Michael will be the celebrant. A light lunch will follow in the Parish Center after Mass. Grief Support Meetings Our next meeting will be held at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, December 8th and every Tuesday in December, in the St Anthony Parish Center. Baptism Class - Parents are required to attend Baptism Class before their child is baptized. The next class will be held at Sacred Heart, January 21st at 6:00 pm. To register call Darlene at 347-7177. Pray for Vocations Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty, those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing homes, those recovering from surgery, and all those serving our country. Also, Christine Adams, Steven A Bierman, Brenda Braunecker, Doris Dasenbrock, Betty Esker, Sally Gaca, Bob Harpe, Mary Harris, Eric Hartke, Jason Hooper, Jeaneane Jenne, Mark Jirak, Ingrid Kay, Ted Keller, Tyler Koester, Katie Kroeger, Rich Lauwrence, Craig Lindvahl, Isabel Lustig, Fr. Virgil Mank, Mrs. Don McDevitt, Bill Mette, Geraldine Miller, Floyd Pagel, Michael Poterucha, Fr. Dean Probst, Stan Richardson, Randy Seaton, Nicole Szymonik, Allen Wente, Jerry Worman. A Special Christmas Gift St. Anthony Church will be accepting donations for the Christmas Season decorations. If you would like to make a donation towards the decorations, please place it in an envelope marked “Christmas Decorations”: and mail it to PO Box 764 Effingham IL 62401 or place in the collection basket. Please include how you would like your donation listed in the bulletin. Advent Penance Services St Anthony will host a Communal Penance Service on December 20th at 3:00pm in the Church. In honor of the Year of Divine Mercy, you are cordially invited to the Effingham Deanery Pilgrimage starting at Immaculate Conception Church, 320 N. 21st St., Mattoon. It will be held Sunday, December 13, 2015, at 3:00 - 4:00pm with a Holy Hour and Sacrament of Reconciliation, and followed by a social hour. Altar Servers Meeting Our next servers meeting is Monday, December 14th at 6:00pm in the parish center. St. Anthony High School Chapel Mass Thursday 7:00 a.m. (Except the 3rd Thursday of every month) (Subject to Change. Check with SAHS) Sacred Heart Mass Times Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Mass Times Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 Calendar of Events Mass Intentions Monday, December 7: 6:30 a.m. Mass: CCW Members 8:30 a.m. Mass: Bill Peters 5:30 p.m. Mass: Parishioners of St. Anthony Sun 12/6 7:00am - 1:00pm CCW Bake Sale 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 10:00am - 11:00am Scrip Store Open Tuesday, December 8: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Jeane Kinkelaar Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Mass: Bede Stockman Anniversary 12:10 p.m. Mass: Clara Hartke Mon 12/7 10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open Tues 12/8 10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open Wednesday, December 9: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Harry Bierman 8:30 a.m. Mass: Grace & Charles Hotze & Family; Steve Huelsing; Martha Repking; Marion Kramer Thursday, December 10: 6:30 a.m. Mass: George Willenborg Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Mass: Carl Koerner Wed 12/9 Friday, December 11: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Elaine Oltman; Andy Donsbach; Marlene Ochs; George Stumborg; Lorraine Jones 8:30 a.m. Mass: Cliff Kaufman Saturday, December 12: 4:30 p.m. Mass: Nick Dust Sunday, December 13: 7:30 a.m. Mass: Charles Wiedman 9:15 a.m. Mass: Helen Dasenbrock 11:00 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St. Anthony Christmas & New Years Mass Ministers Needed We are currently scheduling Eucharistic Minister, Lectors, Ushers & Servers for the Christmas & New Years Masses. If you can help out, please use the sign up sheet in the vestibule in the back of church or call Sara at the Parish Office (347-7129), and let us know where you can help us out. Thanks in advance for your help. Holiday Hours for Scrip Sales Scrip card will be sold Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 2pm; Wednesday from 9am to 2pm; Saturday from 8am to 10am, and Sundays from 10am to 11am. The last day for holiday sales is December 23rd. CCW NEWS Cookie and Sale December 5th & 6th Our Christmas dinner/meeting will be held on Dec. 7, at 6:30 PM. Ham will be the only food provided. Please bring a dish to share. Patty Winn will entertain. We will raffle off a quilt at the dinner. Raffle chances are available at the parish center and can be dropped in the collection basket or turned in at the dinner. 7:00pm - Grief Support 9:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open 7:00pm - Fr. Larry Dolan Mission in Church Thurs 12/10 10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open 12:00 Noon - Bible Study with Fr. Chris 7:00pm - Fr. Larry Dolan Mission in Parish Center Fri 12/11 6:30am - Friday Morning’s Men’s Group 10:00am - 2:00pm Scrip Store Open Sat 12/12 8:00am - 10:00am Scrip Store Open December 8th - Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule St. Anthony Church December 7th: 5:30pm December 8th: 6:30am, 8:30am, 12:10pm Sacred Heart Church December 8th: 7:15am, 8:30am, 7:00pm Shumway Church December 8th: 7:00pm Christmas Mass Schedule St. Anthony Church Christmas Eve: 4:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. & Midnight Christmas Day: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Church Christmas Eve: 4:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. & Midnight Christmas Day: 9:30 a.m., 5:00pm (Spanish Mass) Shumway Church Christmas Eve: 5:30 p.m., & Midnight (Latin Mass) Christmas Day: 8:30 a.m. Please cut out this schedule for future reference! Effingham Area Catholic Youth Group Effingham Area Catholic Youth Group meets on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:00pm at Sacred Heart Church. Feel free to join us for the 5:30pm Sacred Heart mass, followed by snacks and time for fellowship. If you have any questions, please contact, Katalyn Miller, DRE at 347-7177. Weekday Mass Servers Monday, Dec 7 Tuesday, Dec 8 Wednesday, Dec 9 Thursday, Dec 10 Friday, Dec 11 6:30am Nick Goeckner 8:30am Caroline Deters & Jaccob Dust 5:30pm Max Sager & Will Hoene 6:30am Kyle Willenborg 8:30am High School/12:10pm Grade School 6:30am Mason Bloemer & Jacob Johnson 8:30am Kenzie Kabbes & Michael Martelli 6:30am Allison Kowalke & Avery Rogers 8:30am Grade School 6:30am Tom & Will Unkraut 8:30am High School Church Cleaning for December Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement. Chris & Carmen Huelsbusch Bob & Dixie Huey Jr Melinda Hull Jim & Jenni Huntington Nicholas & Kim Hustedde Jeff Hutchison Nicolette Iatropoulos Tim & Colleen Jackson Richard & Angela James Joseph & Janet Jamison Samuel Jamison Doug & Ashley Jansen Jack & Jennifer Jansen Liturgical Ministers for December 12 & 13 Radio Mass Recorder for the month of December: Steve & Sherri Bourgeois Ministry Saturday - 4:30pm Sunday - 7:30am Sunday - 9:15am Sunday - 11:00am Presider Fr. Michal Rosa Fr. Zachary Edgar Fr. Zachary Edgar Fr. Michal Rosa Lectors Bob Mette Aidan Steineman Rem Woodruff Marilyn Woodruff Kent Schmidt Liz Schmidt Larry Roewe Connie Roewe Eucharistic Ministers Mary Beth Stuckey Mary Jo Green Cindy Thies* Eric Althoff* Cathy Bierman Jane Brummer Jernice Rhodes Carlene Weber Billie Zeller Kate Weber* Roy Weber* Deb Kabbes Gregg Kabbes Valerie Wohltman Mark Kenter Tom Murphy Tina Pearcy* Lori Rentfrow* Emma Richards Carolyn Rohlfing Mary Jane Day Kathleen Green Gary Hanner* Joshua Hanner* Janice Kinkelaar Jean Kinkelaar Theresa/Larry Masengale Servers Will Willenborg Wade Lawrence Darin Hutchison Maria Poston Sophia Poston Travis Pearcy Adam Brandenburger Alex Brandenburger Riley Seachrist Shae Kinkelaar Katherine Slaughter Ushers Larry Thies Ken Stuckey Bart Willenborg Richard Worman Curtis Valenti Peggy Valenti Tony Weber Don Wente Vic Jansen Craig Kabbes Ron Kabbes Art Kinkelaar Steve Schallert Dennis Myer Parker Seachrist Dewayne Seachrist * Denotes those who are to clean vessels after Mass. Liturgical Ministers for December 7th & 8th (Immaculate Conception) Ministry Monday - 5:30pm Tuesday - 6:30am Tuesday - 8:30am Tuesday - 12:10pm Presider Fr. Ron Hilt Fr. Larry Dolan Fr. Chris Brey Fr. Chris Brey Lectors Eric Zeller Nicole Zeller Regular 6:30am Group Grade School to Provide Linda Hanner Regular 6:30am Group High School to Provide Eucharistic Ministers Eric Althoff Denise Deters Cindy Thies Randy Jones Alice Dust Greg Dust MORE NEEDED Mary Sur Tiffiny Wrigley Gary Hanner Bob Broeker Maureen Broeker Nancy Roley Janice Kinkelaar Servers Max Sager Will Hoene Kyle Willenborg Nick Grunloh Chris Jones / Blake Esker Grade School to Provide Ushers Ken Bourgeois MORE NEEDED Regular 6:30am Group High School to Provide Jeff Dust MORE NEEDED Second Sunday of Advent - The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy opens on Tuesday, 8 December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast day for the dioceses of the United States of America. We are given twelve months to be merciful like the Father, to make this a daily habit. Mary’s life gives us a pattern for our own. How can I magnify, sing the praise of God today? How can I be more like her – full of grace? St. Anthony High School December 6, 2015 Paw Prints For the calendar . . . ∗ Dec. 3, Chapel Mass, 7:00am ∗ Dec. 4, H.S. Mass in Church,8:30am; First Friday Adoration ∗ Dec. 6, Chorus Concert, MPR, 2:00pm (All are invited!) ∗ Dec. 7, Homecoming Week Begins ∗ Dec. 8, H.S. Mass in Church, 8:30am (Feast of Immaculate Conception; Friday Bell Schedule Runs; Pep Rally, Homecoming Game vs. Beecher City & Coronation ∗ Dec. 9, 1/2 Day of School 11:48 Dismissal (School Improvement); Advent Penance Service-Fr/Soph 9:15am; Jr/Sr 10:15am; NHS Students @ WXEF X-athon; Band Christmas Concert, MPR, 7:00pm ∗ Dec. 10, Chapel Mass, 7:00am ∗ Dec. 11, H.S. Mass in Church, 8:30am ∗ Dec. 12, Homecoming Dance ∗ Dec. 17, Third Thursday Mass in Church, 6:30am (Breakfast follows in Room 7:7) ∗ Dec. 18, Semester Exams ∗ Dec. 21, Semester Exams ∗ Dec. 22, Semester Exams; End of 2nd Quarter ∗ Dec. 23-Jan. 4, Christmas Break (Please note that Jan. 5, the first day back to school, we will run the Friday bell schedule due to the all -school Mass: Early Bird 7:30am; First Hour 8:16am) **CAC Mass in Chapel is on second and third Tuesdays at 7:00am. High School Mission Trip Fundraiser The SAHS summer mission trip students will be selling frozen cookie dough during the upcoming Christmas season. If you would like to preorder cookie dough, please call Katalyn Miller, Campus Minister at 217-347-7177 or email at [email protected] to place an order. The students will also be selling frozen cookie dough after the weekend masses December 12th-13th and December 19th-20th. Orders will be sold in packs of 24 pre-scooped cookie dough pieces for $8. SAMBA (ST. ANTHONY MUSIC BOOSTERS ASSOCIATION) SUPPORTS FINE ARTS Junior high and high school students, along with music booster parents, gathered in the high school multipurpose room on Friday, October 23, for their annual “Apple Pie Making” fundraiser. Together they made and sold over 550 apple pies. Shown in photo are music students Abigail Zaccari and Libby Brandt with parent Nikki Quandt in the background. SAHS HISTORY CLUB PARTICIPATES IN WWII LARP Forty history club members took part in a WWII LARP (Live Action Role Play) on Thursday, November 5, after school, in the SAHS multipurpose room. Each student was given a general of WWII and completed research to determine which side he was on and then portrayed him in the “war.” Pictures were taped to fronts of shirts to assist with character portrayal. Shown are history students Libby Brandt, Kelly Rentfrow, Rachel Wortman, and Zoe Donovan gearing up for the WWII LARP. History Club sponsor is Mrs. Kelly Thoele. The Financial Corner as of December 1, 2015 YTD Jul 1 - Oct 31 Income Offering $356,167.54 Loose & Children’s YTD Budget Jul 1 - Oct 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 $452,699.60 $1,470,681.76 Income Week of Nov 16 - 22 Offering $23,142.00 $26,608.44 $10,696.28 $14,296.08 $42,888.24 Loose & Children’s $986.00 $750.00 $51,050.00 Holy Days $264,416.61 $236,564.64 $385,768.92 Bequests, Gifts & Trusts $38,497.40 $36,333.32 $122,999.96 Tuition & Resource Fees $496,205.16 $482,007.28 $1,446,021.84 Other $108,063.76 $121,920.42 Holy Days Fundraisers $353,980.95 Total Income $1,275,032.75 $1,344,571.34 $3,873,391.67 Expenses YTD Jul 1 - Oct 31 Salaries & Benefits YTD Budget Jul 1 - Oct 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 $1,057,126.09 $1,091,552.07 $3,320,840.89 Weekly Budget $506.00 $833.94 $25.00 $350.00 Total $23,673.00 $27,792.38 Income Week of Nov 23 - 29 Offering $17,096.50 $26,608.44 Loose & Children’s $683.00 $833.94 $40.00 $350.00 Holy Days Total Weekly Budget $17,819.50 $27,792.38 Week of Nov 16 - 22 Week of Nov 23-29 YTD Jul 1 Nov 29 Utilities $42,386.34 $44,986.00 $134,958.00 Diocesan Collections Insurance (P & L) $18,489.99 $16,540.00 $49,620.00 Parish Haiti $180 $70 $7,079 Repairs & Maintenance $30,601.26 $27,220.00 $45,660.00 Cemetery $405 $795 $6,581 Equipment & Furniture $23,059.49 $2,060.00 $6,180.00 Justice & Hope $284 $45 $456 $100,171.26 $66,380.96 $149,567.96 $5 $0 $2,297 Technology $35,141.70 $25,388.68 $50,166.04 $15 $15 $30 Other $99,370.13 $108,558.60 $352,810.88 Children’s Home $0 $10 $10 Catholic Charities $0 $75 $75 Retired Religious $0 $5 $5 Supplies Total Expenses Net Profit/Loss $1,406,346.26 $1,382,686.31 $4,109,803.77 -$131,313.51 -$38,114.97 Pro-Life Corner One unique way to observe Advent is to use the time, among other preparations, to ponder the maternity of the Blessed Mother and the value of life from its earliest beginnings in the womb. Doing this, we will remember anew that while there was only one Savior of the world in the Divine Christ Child, who was both God and man, every person is a gift. Every life has potential and God does not make mistakes – every child is wanted and loved by Him, even if rejected by his own mother and father. (Excerpt from, 12/10/11) The Effingham Knights of Columbus will be hosting their adult and children’s Christmas parties this year at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The children’s party will be Thursday, December 10 at 6pm. All school age children are invited to come and meet Santa and enjoy some games and activities. The adult Christmas party will be Sunday, December 20. Doors will open at noon. Please call the KC Hall with any questions at 342-6565. -$236,412.10 Prop of Faith Catholic Times Haiti Mission Trip - by Carol Toney I miss my 'mission boots'. They had a LOT of miles on them over 20 years in Haiti, Honduras and Bolivia. Now I'm headed back to Haiti in January with a group of 12 to work in the mission fields of Ferrier. I wish I could take everyone to meet my friends in Haiti. They are so wonderful, fun & appreciative. But as much as we give, we receive so much more in return. Would you help us to serve these people in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? "Some give, some go." We are looking for monetary donations to purchase the medication & construction supplies we will need. Any contribution (large or small) is tax deductible & can be sent to: St Anthony Mission Team Attn: Carol Toney PO Box 764 Effingham, IL 62401 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity.