OBBV High quality Injected plastic kits • short run/ Vstflkovane modely - llmltovana serie Plastic molding with PUR Plastic molding with PUR SH48020 Focke Achaelis Fa 223 Drache (EN) fflseale SH'/2Q35PiaggioP.W8Bserieil. Plastic molding with PUR l/72seale SH72070 Seggiane Pe 2000 serie I. and Photo - etched parts Plastic molding with PUR 1/72 SEalB SH720B5 Piagsio P. 108A Artigliere. Plastic molding with PUR and Photo - etched parts 1/72ssale SH72B87 fiat G.55 serie I. Plastic molding with PUR Focke Achgelis Fa 266 Hornisse resembled an enlarged version of the FA 61 and was designed for Deutsche Lufthansa as a six-seat civil transport, which gained the distinction of being the world's first genuine transport helicopter. The prototype was completed late in 1939, but because war had started, it was decided to develop it for military use. The Fa 266 made its first free flight in August 1940, by which time it was redesigned Fa 223 Drache. The operational roles planned for the Fa 223 were those of anti-submarine patrol, reconnaissance, rescue, cargo transport and pilot training. The machine was to be tested in these roles using 30 pre-production Fa 223s, which RLM ordered from the Focke Achgelis Bremen factory. Of the 30 pre-production Fa 223s ordered from Bremen, only ten were completed before factory was bombed, destroying other machines in various stages of construction. The firm then moved to Laupheim, near Stuttgart, where seven more Fa 223s were built. Early 1942, the Fa 223 was considered ready for operational testing, and trials began, although by July 1942, because of constant losses and setbacks caused by bombing, only two machines had actually flown. Successful trials with the Fa 223 primarily in the assistance of troops, resulted in ordering of 100, but only eight were test flown, and six of these were destroyed by bombs in July 1944 at Laupheim. Once again a new production factory was established, in Berlin, with a production capacity of 400 aircraft a month, but only one was completed by the end of war. Despite all these efforts, only ten or eleven Fa 223s were actually flown, Although the Fa 223 was particularly effective in the rescue role, details of its use or trial in this or other roles are few, but it is known that the few machines available were used on a small scale in genera! transport and communication work, Luft-Transportstaffel 40 having three Fa 223 on hand at Ainring in April 1945. The remaining two (Nos. 14 and 51) were taken over by American Forces at Ainring in May 1945 for evaluation. One FA 223 (No. 14) which had first flown in July 1943, was flown by German crew to England and made history by being die first helicopter to cross the English Channel. It arrived at Brockenhurst, Hampshire, in September 1945 and began flight trials, but was destroyed the following month, having had a flying life of 170 hours. After the war development of the Fa 223 was continued in France and Czechoslovakia. In France the new development, in which Prof Focke assisted, was designated SE 3000 and made its first flight on 23 October, 1948. In Czechoslovakia, a start was made on helicopters in autumn 1945 by reconstructing two Fa 223s from salvaged parts. These machines got the designation VR-1. Technical specification: Rotor Diameter: 12.00m (39 ft. 4.5 in.) Rotor Span (Turning): 24.50 (80 ft. 4.75 in.) Fuselage Length: 12.25m (40 ft. 0.25 in.) Maximum Speed: 175km/h (109 mph) Cruising Speed: 121km/h (75 mph) Range: 435 miles (700km) with auxiliary tanks. Armament: One MG 15 manually aimed from the nose. (cz) and Photo - etched parts 1/72 scale SH72110 fiat G.55 SotoserleO 1/72 scale 5H72089 fiat SB 25 "VIP import Version" ITALSKE LETOUNY OD ITALIAN AIRCRAFT oficialm stranky MPM Production / MPM Production offic www.miimkits.Eam wwvn.cmkUts.eam Focke Achgelis Fa 266 Homisse, ktery svym vzhledem pfipominal zvfitSenou verzi vrtulniku Fa 61, byt navrzen jako dopravm vrtulnik pro nemeckou dopravni spolecnost Deutsche Lufthansa. Tento Sestimistny vrtulnik se stal prvni skutecnou dopravni helikopterou na svete. Prototyp vrtulniku byl dokoncen koncem roku 1939, ale protoze zacala valka, bylo rozhodnuto o vyvoji vojenske verze t6to helikoptery. Letoun Fa 266 uskutecnil prvni volny let v arpnu 1940., v t6 dobe bylo take oznaceni zme'ne'no na Fa 223 Drache. Operacni role planovane" pro tento letoun byly naslcdujici: hlidkovy proti-ponorkovy vrtulnik, vyzvfidny, zachranny, nakladni, a vrtulnik pro vycvik pilotu. Vrtulnik me"! byt v tfchto rollch tak6 testovan za pouziti tficeti pfedseriovych stroju, kierc si RiSske Ministerstvo Letectvi (RLM) objednalo v tovarne" Focke Achgelis v Bremach. Bylo dokonceno pouze 10 kusu pfedtim, nez byla tovarna bombardovana, ostatni rozpracovanii kusy byly zniceny. Firmasepakprestehovalado Laupheimu v blizkosti Stuttgartu, kde bylo postaveno dalSich7kusiiFa223. Pocatkem roku 1942 byl vrtulnik Fa 223 pfipraven k provoznim zkouskam, zkougek se vsak zucastnily pouze dva stroje, a to z duvodu trvalych vyrobnich ztrat a zpozde'ni ve vyrobS zpusobene bombardovacimi nalety, Probihajici zkouSky zame'Fene' na podporu pozemnich jednotekprobihaly uspSSne1, takze bylo objednano dalSich 100 kusfi vrtulniku Fa 223, pouze osm z nich bylo vgak vyrobeno a testovano, Sest z nich bylo nasledne zniceno pFi bombardovani tovarny v Laupheirau v cervenci 1944. Po bombardovani byl vybudovana nova tovarna v Berlins, ktera mSlaplanovanou vyrobni kapacitu 400 letounu mSsicnfi, do konce valky byl vSak vyroben pouze jeden kus Fa 223. Navzdory veSkeremu vyrobnfmu usili je faktem, ze do konce valky tetalo pouze 10-11 vrtulniku Fa 223. Ackolivse vrtulnik Fa 223 jevil jako efektivni pro roli zachranneho letounu, detailni informace ojehopouzili vteto nebojine rolijsou velmi omezene. Je vgak znamo, ze Fa 223 byl v male'm rozsahu pouzit k transportnim a spojovadm ukolum, kdyi na pfiklad Luft-Transportstaffel 40 mfila k dispozici 3 kusy Fa 223 na zakladne v Ainringu v dubnu 1945. Zbyvajici dva kusy Fa 223 (vyrobni cislo 14 a 51) byly zabaveny Americkou armadou v Ainringu vkvfitnu 1945 za ucelem dalSiho testovani. Jeden ztfichto stroju (vyr, cislo 14), ktery letaljiz odcervence 1943, byl pfeletnut pfes Francii doAnglie, a byl pfi tomto letu pilotovan nerneckou posadkou. Tento vrtulnik uskutecnil historicky prvni pfeletAnglick^hokanalu vrtulnikem, Vrtulnik Fa 223 dorazil do Brockenhurstu, Hampshire v zafi 1945, kdesnim byly provadfeny dal5i zkuSebni lety. Vrtulnik viSak brzy havaroval, kdyz diky SpatntJ udribS se mu uvolnil motor a doSlo ke zlomeni luiaci hfidele. Stroj byl pfi havarii totalnfi znicen. Po skonceni 2.sv2tovd valky vyvoj vrtulniku dale pokracoval ve Francii a v Ceskoslovensku, Ve Francii novy vyvoj pokracoval za ucasti profesora Fockeho a vrtulnik byl oznacen jako SE 3000. Prvni vrtulnik SE 3000 poprve vz!6tl 23.rijna 1948. V Ceskoslovensku se zapocalo se zkouSkami vrtulniku na podzim 1945, kdy byly rekonstruovany dva stroje za pouziti nalezenych nahradnich dilu. Ceskoslovenske vrtulniky dostaly pak oznaceni jako VR-1. Technicke udajt: Prumerrotoru: 12,00m Rozpfiti vrtulniku s rotory (to£icimi se): 24,50 m Delkatrupu: 12,25 m Maximalnf rychlost: 175 km/hod Cestovni rychlost: 121km/hod Dolet: 700 km s pfidavnou nadrzi Vyzbroj: jeden kulomel MG 15 v pfidi kabiny, rucne" ovladany DILY PLASTIC PARTS - PARTS - TEILE - PIECES CAMOUFLAGE and MARKING , (A,B,C,D) TAKNUNG und KENNUNG , CAMOUFLAGE et DESIGNATION Foc/fe Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-51, GW+PA, Berlin-Tempelhof, jam 1945. Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-51, GW+PA, Berlin-Tempelhof airbase, spring 1945. BH Cam. D TmavA seda, Prun pneu.: Bila, Dark Grey - — Tyre Stripe: White C116/RLM66 H1/C1 POLYURETHAN CLEAR PARTS (F) // ! 1 3 i PARTS (E) PHOTOETCHED PARTS (PP) 5H4SG20 par!2 4 innn 9 SYMBOLS Motnost volby M^ Optional mL Nachbelleben MJ Option OdtHK Cut with knife Mil Messer schneiden Couper au couteau B Ohnout BQI IS Vyrobit nov& Scratch build Fertigstellen Achever Gunze Sangyo Color 01/2006 H48020 Lepidlo na kov Glue for metal Metallkleber Cotle a metal Fa 223 Drache Tmava zelena Seda Dark Green RLM71 Grey RLM 02 SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG-ASSEMBLAGE CAMOUFLAGE and MARKING , TARNUNG und KENNUNG . CAMOUFLAGE et DESIGNATION Cam. C Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-11, DM+SO. Vtomto zbarveni s nim pilot K. Bode havaroval pfi pokusu o vyprosteni 6asti havarovaneho Dornieru Do 217, Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-11, DM+SO. During the recovery atte-^^ mpt of crashed Dornier Do 217, pilot K. Bode crashed in this Basic interior color RLM66 Tmava seda, Pruh pneu.: Bila, Dark Grey - — Tyre Stripe: White C116/RLM66 H1/C1 1§Tmava zelena Dark Green RUM 71 Seda Grey RLM 02 Svetle modra* Light Blue \BarvyGUNZE RLM 65 C7, Make 3 sets SH 48020 Fa 223 Drache SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG-ASSEMBLAGE ZBARVENIa OZNACOVANI CAMOUFLAGE and MARKING , TARNUNG und KENNUNG . CAMOUFLAGE et DESIGNATION =i Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-11, DM+SO, zakladna Laupheim, Nemecko, 1943. Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-11, DM+SO, Laupheim airbase, Germany, 1943. Cam. S Basic interior color RLM66 Tmavaseda, Prun pneu.: Bite, Dark Grey - — Tyre Strips: Whit C116/RLM66 H1/C1 PP25 F1 Seda Grey RUM 02 H48020 Fa 223 Drache Barvy GUNZE GUWZE colours No. SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLE1TUNG-ASSEMBLAGE CAMOUFLAGE and MAKKING , TARNUNG unit KENNUNG , CAMOUFLAGE et DESIGNATION Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-16, DM+ST, testovaci letyvAlpach, zafl 1944. Focke Achgelis Fa 223E-0 V-16, DM+ST, test flown in the Alps, September 1944, B Cam. A STEP4 Tmava seda, Pruh pneu.: B//a, Dark Grey - — Tyre Stripe: White C116/RLM66 H1/C1 PP9 Tmava zelena Dark Green RLM71 SSecia ) Grey RUM 02 Svetle modra Barvy GUNZE Light Blue GUNZE colours No. RLM65 SH 48020 Fa 223 Drache SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG-ASSEMBLAGE SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG-ASSEMBLAGE STEP16 D24 D25 H48020 Fa 223 Dracne SH 48020 Fa 223 Dracne SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG-ASSEMBLAGE Dril hole 2.2 mm C20 FixC15(C19)toD26 after attaching to fuselage STEP10 STEP11 SH 48020 Fa 223 Drache SESTAVA - ASSEMBLY- BAUANLEITUNG- ASSEMBLAGE C21 B1 H48020 Fa 223 Drache
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