Demonstrate the use of blends of waste cooking oil
Demonstrate the use of blends of waste cooking oil
Demonstrate the use of blends of waste cooking oil with biodiesels and mineral fuel for engines and heating the County Council Offices at Mallow County Cork Altener Project No. 4.1030/0/00-014/2000 Final Report Compiled by R.Howard-Hildige, A.P.O’Connell and J.J.Leahy December 2002 Contents Acknowledgements 6 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Background 7 1.2 Recycled Vegetable oil 7 1.3 Cork County Council Energy Agency : Final Report 8 1.3.1 Waste Management in Ireland 8 1.3.2 Waste Cooking Oil Resource 10 1.3.3 Impacts of Harnessing Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) Resource 14 1.3.4 Demonstration at Cork County Council Offices 15 1.3.5 Dissemination 18 1.4 Objectives 19 2. Recycled Vegetable Oil Collection 20 2.1 Background 20 2.2 The Collection Procedure 20 3. RVO Processing 22 3.1 Introduction 22 3.2 Process 23 4. RVO Characterisation 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Viscosity of RVO and Blends with Mineral Oil 28 4.2.1 Introduction 28 4.2.2 Apparatus 28 4.2.3 Results and Discussion 29 4.3 Low Temperature Viscosity of RVO 31 4.3.1 Introduction 31 4.3.2 Apparatus and Procedure 31 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 32 4.4 Calorific Value of RVO 37 2 4.4.1 Introduction 37 4.4.2 Apparatus and Procedure 37 4.4.3 Results and Discussion 38 4.5 Gas Chromatography 40 4.5.1 Introduction 40 4.5.2 Apparatus and Procedure 40 4.5.3 Results and Discussion 41 4.6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry 44 4.6.1 Introduction 44 4.6.2 Apparatus and Procedure 44 4.6.3 Results and Discussion 45 4.7 Cetane Rating of RVO 48 4.7.1 Introduction 48 4.7.2 Apparatus and Procedure 49 4.7.3 Results and Discussion 54 4.8 Low Temperature Solidification and Growth of Crystals of RVO 59 4.8.1 Introduction 59 4.8.2 Apparatus and Procedure 63 4.8.3 Results and Discussion 66 5. RVO Testing 82 5.1 Short Duration Boiler Fuel Blend Tests: Pilot Study 82 5.1.1 Introduction 82 5.1.2 Apparatus and Procedure 82 5.1.3 Results and Discussion 86 5.2 Burner Modification and Adjustment for Heating Trial 91 ADEME –CIRAD Interim Report Optimisation of burners to use waste cooking oil for domestic heating Tests conducted at CIRAD, Montpellier, March 2002 5.2.1 Introduction 92 5.2.2 Waste Cooking Oil Fuel 92 3 5.2.3 Equipment 94 5.2.4 Optimisation 95 5.2.5 Experimental procedure 100 5.2.6 Results 103 5.2.7 Conclusions and Recommendations 105 5.3 Heating Demonstration at Cork County Council 107 5.3.1 Introduction 107 5.3.2 Apparatus and Procedure 107 5.3.3 Results and Discussion 110 5.3.4 Analysis of Cuenod Burner Failure and Modification to ECOFLAM Burner for 100%RVO (ADEME – CIRAD Final Report) 111 Introduction 113 On site trials Charleville: Cuenod NC4 114 Characteristics of test fuels 120 Ecoflam Minor 1 – Tests conducted at CIRAD 120 Results 124 Conclusions 127 5.4 Modified Engine in Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Test Pilot Study 132 5.4.1 Introduction 132 5.4.2 Apparatus and Procedure 132 5.4.3 Results and Discussion 135 5.5 Modified Engine in Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Test 141 Main Study 5.5.1 Introduction 141 5.5.2 Results 142 Discussion 146 5.5.3 Conclusions 149 5.6 Fuel Injector Fouling 150 4 5.6.1 Introduction 150 5.6.2 Apparatus and Procedure 150 5.6.3 Results and Discussion 152 5.7 Effect of variation of injection timing and pressure upon exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of a 4 cylinder diesel engine operating on 25% RVO/75% mineral fuel 156 5.7.1 Introduction 156 5.7.2 Apparatus and procedure 156 5.7.3 Results 160 5.7.4 Discussion 167 5.8 Demonstration at Ecotopia 2002 172 5.8.1 Introduction 172 5.8.2 Apparatus and Procedure 172 5,8.2 Results and Discussion 173 6 Dissemination 174 6.1 Project Brochure 175 6.2 Workshop at Ecotopia 2002 177 5 Acknowledgements DGTREN for support under the Altener Programme. Adrian O’Connell for the sections on Recycled Vegetable Oil, RVO Processing and Characterisation. Aidan Hickey and Eric Mercier for the Cetane Rating of RVO blends. Robert Nichol for the Vehicle Test Results. John Kehily for the section on the Low Temperature Viscosity of RVO. Jim Ryan, John Cunningham, Pat O’Shea and John Griffen for the Technical Support. Bernard Rice and Des O’Connell for the RVO, Processing, and much valuable information and support. Brian Dwyer and Pat Walshe for the section on Waste Management Etienne Poitrat, Gilles Vaitilingom and Alain Liennard for the Burner set up methodology. 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Background: Environmental concerns over greenhouse gases and depletion of source highlight the need to move away from mineral diesel fuel oil. Vegetable oils may provide an alternative as they are a form of renewable energy and are considered to be CO2 neutral. They have for some time been seen as an attractive alternative fuel, and have been demonstrated in diesel engines as far back as the early years of the 20th century. Recycled vegetable oil (RVO) from the catering industry (also known as waste cooking oil (WCO)) is a source of this fuel and its traditional use as an animal feed additive is now limited following the introduction of dioxins into the human food chain via contaminated RVO. 1.2 Recycled Vegetable Oil: In Ireland there is currently 100,000 tonnes of edible vegetable oil imported annually. When the oil has completed it’s useful life cycle, it is considered to be a waste material. Approximately 10,000 tonnes of this waste cooking oil is collected in Ireland and recycled each year. This recycled vegetable oil, or RVO has traditionally been used as an animal feed additive. However, a recent animal feed contamination in Belgium has resulted in the prospect of this use of RVO being limited or banned. It is necessary to dispose of the RVO, it cannot be simply dumped due to it’s status as a toxic material. One possible use of RVO is as a boiler fuel extender. If it can be used successfully in this context, there would no need for the costly esterification process. Standards covering the scope of this use of RVO in this context are possibly - Fatty acid methyl ester requirements Draft EN 14213. Vegetable and animal oils and fats principal context of use covered by standards seems to be for foodstuffs. 7 1.3 Cork County Energy Agency Final Report 1.3.1. Waste Management in Ireland. Waste Management in Ireland is based on the Waste Management Act of 1996, which paved the way for much needed environmental legislation in Ireland. Section 22 of the Act requires that each local authority make a Waste Management Plan with respect to the prevention, minimisation, collection, recovery and disposal of waste within its functional area. The Act makes specific stipulations regarding the content of the Waste Management Plan and requirements of the plan are further outlined in the Waste Management (Planning) Regulations, SI No. 137 of 1997. The Act requires that the Plan be reviewed every five years. The document imposes on Local Authorities the responsibility for: Developing the waste management plan Enforcing the waste management regulations The provision of collection and disposal services Meeting national targets The policy document “Changing Our Ways” which was published by the Department of the Environment and Local Government (DoELG) in 1998 identifies who would be responsible for operating the plan and set national targets for recycling and diversion of waste from landfill. The targets set in this document are as follows: Diversion of 50% of MSW from landfill 65% reduction in biodegradable waste to landfill Recycling of 35% of MSW Development of composting facilities 80% reduction in CH4 emissions from landfill sites Reduction in no. of operating landfill sites from 100 to 20 Waste Management in Cork. Cork City and County produced a joint 5-year waste management plan in 1999. It recommended 70 actions under the following headings Waste prevention Waste collection Waste recovery Disposal of residual waste 8 Waste packaging Litter General waste management It is intended that this plan will improve on the current disposal methods utilised in Cork. At present, only 4% of Cork’s waste is recycled, the rest is land filled. The targets set out in the plan are given and illustrated in the table and figure below respectively. Waste Stream Glass Paper Plastic Organic Metals Other Textiles 2000 (tonnes) 7,051 46,246 12,485 41,186 3,185 23,731 2,888 2004 (tonnes) 5,288 34,685 3,121 20,593 2,389 17,798 1,444 % Reduction 25% 25% 25% 50% 25% 25% 50% Table 1.3.1. Targets for Waste Reduction, Cork Waste Management Plan 1999. 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 tonnes 25,000 2000 2004 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Glass Plastic Metals Textiles Figure 1.3.1. Targets for Reduction of Waste in Cork. Waste Cooking Oil and the Waste Management Plan. Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) represents approximately 4% of the total organic waste produced in Cork1. It has been described by the Head of Waste Management in Cork County Council as “unsuitable for land filling under any circumstances”. The use of WCO as a fuel is consistent with the “Reduce, Recycle, Reuse” policy of Cork’s Waste Management Plan. Also if WCO is declared unsuitable for animal 1 Source: Cork City & County Waste Management Plan, 1999 9 feed2, the major outlet for recycled WCO will be removed and the majority of the oil would only be fit for final disposal. Utilising WCO as a fuel would be consistent with Action 42 of the Waste Management Plan, which states “Energy shall be recovered from all waste restricted to final disposal, if possible.” At present, with an outlet for the recycled WCO 1.3.2. Waste Cooking Oil Resource. As with every renewable resource a distinction must be made between the available resource and the collected resource. The available resource is all the oil that is used for cooking. The collected resource is the amount of oil that has been collected for recycling. A waste management plan would aim to have both resources equal to each other. Collected Resource. It is difficult to establish the exact amount of Waste Cooking Oil in Ireland at present, as there are no official figures for this waste stream and there are many different companies involved. National Resource. Our own researches with a variety of WCO processors gave us a national total of approximately 7,000 tonnes collected per annum with an annual increase of approximately 500 tonnes p.a. This is in reasonable agreement a Teagasc report3, which estimated the total collected WCO to be 6000 tonnes. Cork’s Resource. Within the Cork region, the WCO processors report just in excess of 1,000 tonnes of WCO collected annually, increasing at approximately 8% per annum. Waste Cooking Oil Composition and Quality. There is no segregation of different types of oil and as a consequence the WCO is a mixture of a wide variety of oils, some of which are solid at ambient temperatures. This means that the oil must be kept heated throughout processing. 2 3 See §Future Utilisation of Recycled Waste Cooking Oil Source: “Bio-diesel production from camelina oil, waste cooking oil & tallow”, Teagasc, 1998 10 Waste Cooking Oil Refining. The oil collected has to be refined to remove particulate matter and moisture. As this is done via settling tanks, which allow the particulates and water to settle out of the oil. It is then treated with live steam to kill any pathogens and then settled again to remove the moisture added by the steam. This process generates refined oil with a yield of approximately 85%. The current resale value of WCO in Ireland is €190.5 per tonne or 17.2€¢ per litre. Current Utilisation of Recycled Waste Cooking Oil. The table below shows the destination of the collected WCO at present. As can be seen 98% of the oil collected goes to animal feed. Outlet Percentage Weight (tonnes) 66% 4,600 Animal Feed (export to UK) 32% 2300 Animal Feed (used in IRL) 2% 140 Research Table 1.3.2: Destination of WCO produced in Ireland Future Utilisation of Recycled Waste Cooking Oil. However, this may not be allowed to continue for much longer. Fears have been raised that the heat treatment the oil is exposed to, could lead to the formation of dioxins or other carcinogenic chemicals. The EU is under pressure to ban WCO from animal feed4. Even if this doesn’t come to pass, the regulations governing the use of WCO are becoming more stringent5, with the possible introduction of HACCP6 and ISO 9002 systems. The processor could also be required to provide a chemical analysis of the WCO before it could be sold on. These systems would add significantly to the running costs of the processor and could affect the sales price of the WCO, making it too expensive for the animal feed market. Resource Estimation It was intended as part of this report to produce an estimate of the WCO produced in Cork County, via a survey of all commercial food preparation by the local Environmental Health Office. Unfortunately the dumping of WCO in has been banned 4 European Parliament Scientific & Technical Options Assessment, PE nr.289.889, February 2001. Ibid. 6 Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points. This is a system used in food preparation 5 11 therefore no one was prepared to admit how much cooking they would be utilising. Therefore it was necessary to develop an estimate from national import and export figures7. The CSO has trade figures for 37 different types of animal and vegetable fat. Estimate Assumptions • Can exclude all animal fats as they are no longer popular in restaurant and domestic sectors • Two sectors consume the majority of refined vegetable oils 1. Food processing 2. Cooking Oil • Can exclude all unrefined oils as they are not used in spreads or cooking oil • Can exclude all Soya oil as it is no longer used in food processing due to GMO fears8 • Only palm-kernel oil found in WCO implies palm oil can be ignored Spreads industry utilises a 2:1, Rape: Palm oil mixture9 • Fat content of spreads ranges form 38%-70%. Take an average figure of 50% • Two main producers in Ireland 1. Kerry Group 40,000 tonnes per annum 2. Dairygold 2,000 tonnes per annum • Other industrial consumers of oil in Ireland are the chips and crisps manufacturers. The 3 main processors consume approx. 9,000 tonnes per annum.The CSO figures for imports and exports of animal and vegetable fats, combined with these assumptions produces the following Table 1.3.3. 7 Source: Central Statistics Office, 2002. Source Dairygold & Glanbia 9 Source: Dairygold 8 12 Item Sunflower Oil Rape seed oil Coconut Palm-kernel Tonnes per annum 8815 28605 6988 317 Total Imports 44725 Rape Oil consumed in spreads 14000 Other Industry Chips & Crisps 9000 Oil absorbed in domestic cooking process 4345 Total Consumed 27345 Exports 6102.7 Total unaccounted oil 11277.3 Total available resource 17380 Table 1.3.3. Waste Cooking Oil Resource Estimation This analysis gives an estimated total resource in excess of 17,000 tonnes. In 1998 Teagasc estimated a national available resource of 10,000 tonnes10, while a project undertaken by the University of Limerick estimated a potential resource of 45-50,000 tonnes11. There are no figures available on a regional or local basis. The 2002 census figures give cork city and county 11.5% of the population. If it is assumed that the proportion of WCO generated in Cork City and County is the same as the population12, then the total amount of WCO generated annually is approximately 2,000 tonnes. Approximately 1,000 tonnes is collected each year by professional WCO traders, which leaves approx 1,000 tonnes unaccounted for. As WCO is no longer accepted at landfills, and it is illegal to dump it anywhere else, the most likely route of disposal is down the drain to the foul sewer system and on the Council’s wastewater treatment plants. 10 Source: “Bio-diesel production from camelina oil, waste cooking oil & tallow”, Teagasc, 1998 “Production & Testing of Waste Cooking Oil Based Fuel Oil for Vehicles, R. Howard-Hildige & JJ Leahy, University of Limerick, 1997. 12 This could be considered a minimum figure, as it takes no account of Cork’s intensive tourist industry. 11 13 The wastewater treatment plants employ grease traps and Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems to separate about 85% of the fat from the water. This is then land filled. The remaining 15% is digested by microbes and is treated as BOD13. The cost associated with processing the fat to the Council in this manner is given in the following table: Disposal Method Treatment Area Grease traps and DAF Waste Water Total Amount (tonnes) 850 Landfill 150 Aerobic digestion 1000 Cost14 (€) € 97,750.00 € 66,750.00 €164,500.00 Table 1.3.4. Destination and Cost of WCO Disposal Ironically it is the banning of WCO from landfill that has led to it being poured down the drain where, after treatment, 85% is land filled by the Council. The savings available to the Council by disposing of WCO properly are significant, but WCO can be harnessed as a resource and used in engines and boilers, as this project has demonstrated. 1.3.3. Impacts of Harnessing WCO Resource The following table provides an indication of what could be generated by WCO if it was harnessed for electricity generation utilising a CHP plant. The assumptions used were: • Plant thermal efficiency of 40% • Plant availability of 85% • Best new entrant sales price for electricity of €0.037815 Waste Cooking Oil (tonnes) Calorific Value (MJ/ tonne) Total Energy Available (MJ) Potential Electricity Available (kWhr)* Potential Income Electricity Generation Capacity No. of households powered16 Tonnes of CO2 avoided17 In Ireland 17380 40.1 696938 278775200 €10,537,702.56 37.5 61950 228596 In Cork 1998.7 40.1 80147.87 32059148 €1,211,835.79 4.3 7124 26289 Table 1.3.5. Outputs of Harnessed WCO Resource 13 Biological Oxygen Demand Source: Cork County Council. 15 Source: CER Website, Nov. 2002. 16 Source: Sustainable Energy Ireland Website, Nov 2002 17 Source: ibid. 14 14 As can be seen from Table 1.3.5, there exists the potential to avoid almost 250,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. This is equivalent to the entire national saving expected from the introduction of more stringent building regulations as envisaged by the National Climate Change Strategy. There is also a potential income stream from the operation of the CHP plant in excess of €1.2 million. Waste Cooking Oil and Excise Duty However, all these financial estimates are predicated on the assumption that no excise duty would be imposed on the collected WCO. The Revenue Commissioners, the body responsible for operating excise duty in Ireland have indicated that they would consider centrally collected WCO, used to generate useful light of heat, a “substitute fuel”, as defined in section 94(1) of the Finance Act, 1999, (as amended by section 163 F.A. 2001). There are two rates of duty applicable to WCO in this context: • €47.36 per 1,000 litres for use as boiler fuel • €301.94 per 1,000 litres for use as an automotive fuel.As can be seen from table 1.3.6 the duty payable for use in a CHP plant would be almost half the current cost of disposing of the WCO. In Ireland In Cork 17380 1998.7 Waste Cooking Oil (tonnes) € 823,116.80 € 94,658.43 Duty Payable if used in boilers € 5,247,717.20 € 603,487.48 Duty Payable if used in vehicles Table 1.3.6 Potential Cost of Excise Duty on Centrally Collected WCO The cost of excise duty would put severe strain on the economic viability of any centralised collection system, and would make the use of WCO as an automotive fuel completely uneconomic. 1.3.4. Demonstration at Cork County Council Area Offices, Charleville One of the objectives of the project was to conduct a trial of the WCO as a fuel for an area office of Cork County Council. Originally the machinery yard at Mallow was considered for the trial. This was convenient for Cork County Energy Agency and the University of Limerick, as Mallow is on the main Cork-Limerick road. However the boiler in the yard was very old and in extremely poor condition. This would have skewed readings taken for energy output, emissions etc. As the yard was to be 15 decommissioned this year, upgrading the boiler was viewed as not the best use of resources. It was decided that another location for the trial would be necessary. The area offices at Charleville were chosen for the trial, as the town lies on the main CorkLimerick road, to allow frequent monitoring by UL. Description of the Office The office consists of a large bungalow, housing a number of offices, of which at least one is permanently occupied. There is also a canteen, storerooms and changing rooms for personnel working outside the office. The cooperation of Mr. Paddy O’Friel, Charleville Area Engineer, and the rest of the staff at the office were essential to the Figure 1.3.2. Paddy O’Friel & the staff of the Charleville Area Office successful running of the trial. Trial Set-up The boiler that was in place at Charleville was very old and it was decided that, in order to make accurate comparisons with the performance of diesel fuel, the boiler should be replaced. A new Firebird Popular 150 was installed and fitted with a modified Cuenod optimised of UL NC4 burner. This burner was at CIRAD in France for a 25% WCO: diesel mix. The Figure 1.3.3. Trial set up. optimisation of the burner is described in detail in chapter 5. Outside the boiler house two Industrial Bulk Containers (IBCs) were positioned. The bottom IBC acted as a mixing tank for the WCO diesel blend and the boiler was supplied directly from this tank. The top IBC contained the processed WCO. 16 A simple T-junction with a couple of valves ensured that supply of mineral diesel could be reestablished quickly and easily. For a detailed description of the set up for the trial please see chapter 5. Operational Issues Within the first two weeks of operation, a leak was reported. This was investigated and a rubber seal on Figure 1.3.4. Fuel line & valve layout one of the IBCs had perished. The IBCs had been used previously to store WCO and biodiesel by Teagasc. It was felt that this seal was probably very near failure at the start of the trial and that its failure was not directly related to the trial. This position is supported by the fact that this was the only leak experienced by the system during the trial. The trial was completed in the first week of December when the burner failed. The failure was related to the fuel pump where the rotor had seized in its housing due deposits forming from the RVO (WCO)/mineral fuel blend used. The trial was restarted the last week in December using a new pump mounted in an ECOFLAM burner which has proved to be unreliable operating on the 25% RVO – 75% mineral fuel blend. Comfort levels The occupants of the office were satisfied by the performance of the WCO as a fuel. They found that the offices were heated to the same levels as the diesel fuel, and that the demands for hot water were also met. The only indication that WCO was being utilised was an aroma of fried food, which could be detected near the boiler. Ease of use The people in the office experienced no difficult in operating the system during the trial, as no modifications were made to the operation of the system. However a drop in response time was noted with the boiler having to be started approximately one hour earlier than normal to ensure adequate temperature levels in the office in the morning. 17 1.3.5. Dissemination The summary of the project will be posted on the Agency’s website.widest possible audience of interested parties. Also holding of the seminar “Waste to Warmth”, Killaloe, Co. Tipperary, 5th September 2002. The seminar was promoted via the following organisations: • Association of Irish Energy Agencies (National) • Waste Management Departments of other Irish Local Authorities • Energie-Cites • Islenet • FEDERENE Also Creation and distribution of seminar proceedings CD-ROM Creation and distribution of Final Report CD-ROM Creation of a poster to be displayed in the Energy Agency’s Public Office. 18 1.4 Objectives: In addition to documenting the collection and processing of RVO in a typical Irish setting this work investigates some of the chemical and physical properties of RVO in relation to its use as a fuel. Use mixtures of mineral home heating oil and RVO in the range 0 – 40% RVO in mineral heating oil to fuel a 25kW home heating boiler and determine the resulting exhaust gases for each blend. Determine the performance of the RVO in a modified vehicle : use RVO to fuel a modified Toyota Dyna pick up truck and determine the resulting power developed at the road wheels and the exhaust emissions. To operate a diesel generator on a blend of RVO and mineral fuel. 19 2. Recycled Vegetable Oil Collection 2.1 Background Although there have been many tests carried out on recycled vegetable oils, very little literature currently exists surrounding the actual recycling process. Recycled vegetable oil (RVO) or waste cooking oil (WCO), is the name given to oils and fats that have been used for the preparation of foodstuffs for human beings, but which are no longer suitable for that purpose. They therefore need to be disposed of in a suitable manner. In Ireland the 10,000 tonnes of WCO currently collected annually is from the catering industry, from where it is transported to a recycling plant. It is then steam treated and filtered to remove unwanted solids and to lower its water content. The majority of the recycled oil is then used as an animal feed additive. 2.2 The Collection Procedure A study was carried out on a recycling plant currently operating in Co. Kildare. The collecting involves using barrels to store the used vegetable oil at the point of use, then transfer it to the recycling plant. 20 Fig. 2.2.1: Used vegetable oil containers The oil is usually collected in 3 basic types of containers shown in above Fig. 2.2.1 A: 20 litre cans/buckets B: 160/200 litre drums C: IBC which are basically 1 metre square polymeric containers that hold approximately 1 tonne of oil. When caterers have finished using the cooking oil/fat, if the original containers for the oil have been kept then these are refilled with the used oil. Otherwise, the used oil is placed in drums. The quantitiy of oil determines how it is handled, larger quantities being more easily placed into drums as opposed to 20 litre tins. Even larger quantities, for example, the case of a factory using large volumes of vegetable oil as part of a cooking process, would require the use of an IBC, and when full, it can be easily lifted onto the collection van by forklift truck. Full IBCs and drums are replaced with empty ones as required by the collection cycle. 21 3. RVO Processing 3.1 Introduction Vegetable oils and fats can be found in solid, semi-solid, or liquid form. All RVO material that has been collected for recycling requires some degree of processing to reduce the impurities. It is assumed within the industry, that RVO prior to processing contains by volume 20% water and/or impurities. After recycling, the oil should be of a standard whereby it contains less than: 3% free fatty acids 1% water 1% solids other than fat in order for it to be considered for use as an animal feed additive (Bolton R.V.O. Ltd., personal communication). Fig. 3.1: Vegetable Oil Recycling Plant, Kildare. The 20% waste by volume in the RVO is due to the following; (a): large solids (food, papers etc) (b): smaller sized solids, which have become suspended within the oil (c): water, which will gradually settle out. 22 3.2 Process: The RVO is passed through a series of sieves, which take out the unwanted solids. Large solids tend to block up the sieves very quickly and impede the flow of oil. Therefore the first sieve that the oil encounters is of a very coarse grade, with each subsequent sieve being of an increasingly fine grade as the oil gradually gets cleaner. Before processing, the first step is usually to separate any oils that have a sufficiently low viscosity at room temperature such that there would be no need for heating in order for them to pass through the sieves relatively quickly. These oils are processed first, and in the meantime steam is applied to the solid fats, causing them to melt to the degree that they too will be able to undergo filtration. Melting the fats is also a necessary way to release any water that may have become trapped within the fat during solidification following its original use as a frying oil. Filtration: The oil passes through the sieves and falls into a tank fitted with two valves positioned one above the other near its base. The level in the tank is noted and the yield of oil from a particular batch of RVO can be therefore be calculated. This is necessary because the amount of vegetable oil obtained per tonne of waste cooking oil bought, varies depending on the supplier. This is a necessary method for calculating the value that a load of RVO is actually worth to the recycler. The liquid is left to settle in the tank for a period of time which depends on the volume, temperature and quality of the oil (i.e., did it originally contain a large amount of impurities). The longer it is left settle, the more sediment and water precipitates out, but the viscosity of the oil also increases as the oil cools so there exists an optimum settling time for each batch. 23 Fig. 3.2: Schematic of valve layout After settling, the lower valve is opened to drain the water and any suspended solids that were too small to be caught in the sieves, but have now settled out. As soon as the first sign of oil appears in the lower pipe, it is closed. The operator now knows that there is oil in the tank down to this point. Therefore, the upper valve which leads to the storage tank or possibly on to another settling tank, can now be opened. Steam: Steam is supplied to a coil to the base of every tank in the factory. The purpose of the steam is twofold; firstly it maintains the temperature of the settling oil in the tanks, ensuring it will flow to the next tank easily and stopping any fats from resolidifying. Secondly some of the tanks have steam pipes branching off from the main heating coil and protrude through the sieve from below. Cans of solid fat can be placed onto the sieves with the steam pipe intruding inside. The steam is then applied causing the fat to melt, fall through the sieve and into the tank below. In the recycling plant in Kildare, there is a long, slender tank approximately 1m above the ground upon which the 20 litre containers are lifted manually. It has a slight gradient leading towards another tank in which the volume of oil can be measured. To facilitate the 200 litre barrels, there is a tank approximately 160cm above the ground onto which the barrels are lifted with a forklift truck. This tank could be 24 positioned at ground level which would negate the need for the forklift but would then require a additional pump to transfer the oil to the next tank. The schematic shows the general arrangement of the layout of the tanks in the process. Fig. 3.3: RVO Plant Schematic The sieves all need to be easily removed and cleaned because poor quality oil high in unwanted solids can cause them to clog up very quickly. Also, the tanks are designed in such a way that when empty, they too can be easily cleaned. Over time, deposits of very small solids that passd through the sieves build up at the bottom of the tank and eventually cover the heating coil. This effectively acts as insulation resulting in a loss in heat transfer from the coil. As the volume of sediment increases, more is flushed into the next tank by the oil leaving for the next filtration stage. 25 Fig. 3.4: Finished product storage tank The storage tank’s design has a similar valve system to the other tanks, in that it has two valves near it’s base and a heating coil. The valves can clearly be seen in Fig. 3.4., the steam coil entry is at the rear, and the access hatch for cleaning is visible to the left of the tank. Further settling of the oil will also occur in this tank. 26 4. RVO Characterisation 4.1 Introduction It is necessary to characterise the RVO in terms of its chemical and physical properties to assess its suitability for the intended use. Most of the testing was carried out on a grade of RVO typically considered to be the least viscous grade of the various types encountered by the RVO factory. This RVO was liquid at room temperature and dark brown in colour, whereas the finished product from the RVO factory was seen to be semi-solid at room temperature and a lighter brown colour. This is due to the finished product containing a mix of both solid fats and liquid oils that have been filtered. In a 5 litre container in the laboratory, the finished RVO sample settled out into two distinct phases after a period of about one week. It was seen that a yellowish semisolid phase settled out to the bottom of the, and on top of this was a darker, less dense phase, similar in colour and viscosity to the RVO used in the short duration pilot boiler tests. The less viscous nature of this grade of RVO makes it more suitable for use in a boiler than the semi-solid RVO. Approximately 50% of the oil processed in the RVO factory is of similar viscosity to this oil. It is regarded as the easiest and certainly the least expensive type of oil to recycle, as it doesn’t require heating to pass through the various sieves. The low relative viscosity of this type of RVO is due to the distribution of the free fatty acids that it contains. 27 4.2: Viscosity of RVO and Blends with Mineral Oil 4.2.1 Introduction: The viscosity of home heating oil, vegetable oil, and various blends of both oils were measured. The viscosity is considered to have a major effect on the ability of a fuel to be atomised prior to combustion. The viscosities of the blends used in the boiler trials were investigated at 13.5 oC which was representative of the ambient temperature used during the boiler pilot study, while the viscosity of neat RVO was measured in the range 14oC to 48oC. 4.2.2 Apparatus: Ubbelholde/Schott-Geräte Automatic Viscometer. Fig. 4.2.1: Schott-Geräte Automatic Viscometer 28 4.2.3 Results and Discussion: 120 Viscosity 80 2 Viscosity (mm /s) 100 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RVO (%) Fig. 4.2.2: Viscosity of Home Heating Oil with increasing fraction of WCO. 120 Viscosity 2 Viscosity (mm /s) 100 80 60 40 20 0 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 44 48 o Temperature ( C) Fig. 4.2.3: Viscosity of 100% RVO Vs temperature. 29 Viscosity: A fuel’s viscosity is considered to have the a significant effect on its ability to atomise and hence combust. The viscosity of the various blends of RVO and home heating oil used was investigated at the same temperature as the ambient temperature during the boiler tests. The range was from 6.36mm2/s for 100% home heating oil (HHO), to 14.99mm2/s for the blend containing 40% RVO, which was the fuel being used when combustion failed in the pilot study boiler tests (see section 5.1). 30 4.3 Low Temperature Viscosity of RVO 4.3.1 Introduction For use as a boiler fuel the low temperature viscosity is of obvious interest if the fuel is stored in an outside tank during Winter. 4.3.2 Apparatus and Procedure a Haake Roto Visco 1.cone and cup viscometer connected to a Haake K15 cooler unit as shown in Fig 4.3.1 Fig 4.3.1 Haake Roto Visco Viscometer and Cooler 31 4.3.3 Results and Discussion Viscosity curves were calculated for recycled vegetable oil (RVO) and Camelina Sativa oil as a comparison with a typical cold pressed and filtered seed oil. The viscosity of the fuels can be significantly affected by such variables as shear-rate, temperature, pressure and time of shearing. This analysis focuses on the variation of viscosity with shear rate and temperatures in the range –5oC to +20oC. Comparison of the Viscosities of RVO and Camelina Oil 0.35 0.3 0.25 Viscosity Pa.s 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Shear Rate(1/s) -0.05 -5oC Cam 10oC 1oC RVO -3oC Cam 20oC Cam 4oC RVO -1oC Cam -5 oC RVO 10oC RVO 0oC Cam -3oC RVO 20oC RVO 4oC Cam -1oC RVO Fig. 4.3.2 – Comparison of the viscosities of RVO and Camelina Viscosity Variation with Shear Rate: Fig. 4.3.2 shows how the viscosity of both RVO and Camelina varies with shear rate. The viscosity of the RVO is much higher than the viscosity of Camelina. The higher the viscosity the more problems are likely to occur with the material if it is used as a fuel. 32 3500 As can be seen in Fig. 4.3.2, at shear rates higher than 1000s-1 the materials behaved more as Newtonian fluids showing viscosity values practically constant. In order to analyse the behaviour of the material more closely, Fig.4.3.3 shows just the viscosity below shear rates of 1000s-1. Comparison of the Viscosities of RVO and Camelina Oil 0.35 0.3 0.25 Viscosity Pa.s 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 -0.05 100 200 -5oC Cam 10oC 1oC RVO 300 400 -3oC Cam 20oC Cam 4oC RVO 500 600 Shear Rate(1/s) 700 -1oC Cam -5 oC RVO 10oC RVO 0oC Cam -3oC RVO 20oC RVO 800 900 4oC Cam -1oC RVO Fig. 4.3.3– Comparison of the viscosities of RVO and Camelina at low shear rates. Both materials behave very similarly. The viscosity increases dramatically as the shear rate increases from 0s-1 to 500s-1. This would imply that both RVO and Camelina are dilatant liquids, although it should be noted that the accuracy of cone and plate viscometers at low shear rates is questionable. The viscometer is more accurate when the shear rates exceed 1000s-1. This section of the graph is shown in Fig.4.3.4 33 1000 Comparison of the Viscosities of RVO and Camelina Oil 0.35 0.3 0.25 Viscosity Pa.s 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1000 -0.05 1200 1400 -5oC Cam 10oC Cam 1oC RVO 1600 1800 -3oC Cam 20oC Cam 4oC RVO 2000 2200 Shear Rate(1/s) -1oC Cam -5 oC RVO 10oC RVO 2400 0oC Cam -3oC RVO 20oC RVO 2600 2800 4oC Cam -1oC RVO Fig. 4.3.4 –Comparison of the viscosities of RVO and Camelina at higher shear rates. It can be seen that once the shear rate is increased beyond 1000s-1, then both materials behave as shear thinning or pseudoplastic materials, with decreases in viscosity for increasing shear rate. Both materials behave like Newtonian materials with further increases in shear rate. 34 3000 Viscosity Variation with Temperature: Fig. 4.3.5 shows how the viscosity of the two materials varies with temperature, for shear rates of 517s-1, 1551-1 and 3000-1. Comparison of Viscosity variation with temperature at different shear rates 0.35 0.3 Viscosity Pa.s 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -10 -5 0 S.R. = 517(RVO) S.R. = 517(Cam) 5 Temp. (oC) 10 S.R. = 1551(RVO) S.R. = 1551(Cam) 15 20 25 S.R. = 3000(RVO) S.R. = 3000(Cam) Fig 4.3.5 – Comparison of Viscosity variation with temperature at different shear rates for RVO and Camelina. For the Camelina it can be seen from Fig.4.3.5 that the increase of viscosity is gradual with decreasing temperature until 0oC. There is a sharp increase in viscosity as the sample goes from 0oC to –1oC. The viscosity decreases as the sample temperature goes from –3oC to –5oC. This could be due to error in experiment. The viscosity of the RVO increases more with decreasing temperature than the Camelina particularly when the sample is at temperatures less than 1oC. 35 This would also indicate that RVO is less suitable for use as a diesel fuel in countries with a cold climate. Sources of Error All cone and plate instruments allow the cone to be moved away from the plate to facilitate sample changing. It is very important that the cone and plate be reset so that the tip of the cone lies in the surface of the plate. For a 1o gap angle and a cone radius of 50mm, every 10µm of error in the axial separation produces an additional 1% error in the shear rate. To avoid error in contacting the cone tip (which might be worn) and the plate (which might be indented), the cone is often truncated by a small amount. The alignment of the cone axis has to be coincident with the rotational axis, the setting of the cone tip in the surface of the plate, and the minimising of, and correction for viscous heating are other important matters to be taken into account for accurate work. 36 4.4: Calorific Value of RVO 4.4.1 Introduction: The calorific value is an important measure of the value of RVO as a fuel and allows a comparison with other boiler fuels. The calorific value was determined according to ASTM D 240 using a Parr Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter. 4.4.2 Apparatus and Procedure: Apparatus Parr Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter, 1180 Combustion Bomb. Fig. 4.4.1: Parr Calorimeter Adiabatic Bomb 37 The first sample burned in the bomb was Benzoic Acid, whose calorific value is known. The energy equivalent of the calorimeter was thus found which was then used to calculate the calorific values of the other samples. A sample of known weight is inserted into the brass sample jar in the bomb, the bomb is sealed and charged with oxygen to a pressure of about 25atm. The bomb is inserted into a two litre container of water and put into the calorimeter. The calorimeter is closed and the temperature of the water is taken. Inside the bomb there is a nickelcadmium wire about 5cm long which is connected to two electrodes, which passes just above the sample. When the bomb is fired, a current is passed through this wire making it burn out completely, which in turn causes the sample to ignite. The water in which the bomb is submerged heats up and the temperature of the water is taken after it has stabilised, which in this case took approximately 10 minutes. The bomb is removed from the calorimeter, the pressure is released. However, even after repeated attempts, it was found that the RVO sample would not ignite. It was decided to add benzoic acid and then mineral heating oil to the sample of RVO in order for ignition to occur. 4.4.3 Results and Discussion 1 2 3 4 5 Sample Weight T1oC T2oC ∆T Benzoic Acid 0.928g 17.2 19.4 2.2 RVO 0.918g 14.1 14.3 N/A RVO plus Benzoic 0.918g 14.6 18.2 1.6 Acid 0.125g Home Heating Oil 0.968g 10.8 15.4 4.6 Biodiesel 1.027g 11.5 15.5 4 Table 4.4.1: Temperature rise for various fuels tested. . Heats of Combustion J/g Home Heating Oil 53.0274 Biodiesel 43.4617 RVO 40.1579 Table 4.4.2: Heat of Combustion for different fuels 38 A difficulty encountered was igniting the RVO samples in the bomb. It was decided to add a small amount of one of the other fuels to aid ignition. 0.125g of Benzoic Acid was added to 0.918g of vegetable oil. After combustion, the calorific value for the mixture of the two fuels was found to be 39.998J/g. The calorific value of the Benzoic Acid was known, so the temperature rise caused by burning 0.125g of acid was calculated. Taking this temperature rise from the total temperature rise, gave the temperature rise caused by the combustion of the RVO in the sample, which yielded a calorific value of 40.158J/g. 39 4.5 Gas chromatography of RVO 4.5.1 Introduction: Gas Chromatography can separate individual components from complex mixtures and give a measure of each component present. There were two different types of RVO analysed in the gas chromatograph. The first sample was of the finished product from the RVO plant. It had been steam cleaned a number of times, left to settle in a tank, and was made up of many different types of vegetable oils and fats. The second sample was as delivered and had not been treated in the RVO plant. The RVO had been settling for 1 week before the sample was taken. 4.5.2 Apparatus and procedure Apparatus: HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph, Zebron ZB-wax column. Fig. 4.5.1: Gas Chromatograph with results printer 40 A Zebron ZB-wax column (30m length x 0.53mm internal diameter x 0.1µm film thickness) filled with polyethylene glycol was used in a HP 5890 Series II chromatograph. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas. Procedure -Sample size: 1µlitre (Each test sample consisted of 60mg of WCO dissolved in 10mls of dichloroethane) -Injector temperature: 300oC -Detector temperature: 300oC -Initial temperature: 170oC -Initial time: 10 min. -Rate: 20deg / min. -Final temperature: 245oC -Final time: 5min. 4.5.3 Results and Discussion With few exceptions, the carboxylic acids (or fatty acids), from which all fats and oils are derived are straight-chain compounds ranging in size from 3 to 18 carbons. These acids may be saturated, containing only single bonds, or unsaturated, containing one or more double bonds. The gas chromatograph gave the percentages of the different free fatty acids present in each sample, as a percentage of the total free fatty acid content. The results from the gas chromatograph were in graph form. Each peak on the graph corresponds to a separate fatty acid, and the areas or the height of the peaks corespond to the relative proportions of fatty acid in the sample. The results are shown for both samples. 41 Fatty Acid Treated GC Analysis RVO (%) C14:0 1.25 C16:0 7.38 C16:1 1.61 C18:0 2.75 C18:1 58.09 C18:2 23.22 C18:3 5.69 Untreated RVO (%) 0.3 10.61 0.88 4.73 49.83 28.9 4.74 Table 4.5.1: Gas Chromatograph Results As can be seen from the results of the gas chromatograph, the highest proportion of fatty acid contained in the sample was the unsaturated Oleic Acid (or C18:1), at 49.83%. Saturated acids exhibit higher freezing temperatures than the unsaturated acids. Oleic acid also does not contain enough C-bonds to polymerise readily. A similarly high percentage (58.09%), of this acid can be seen in the treated RVO. The results shown below conducted in the Karl-Franzens-Universitat, Graz, compare well with those obtained for this project. Fatty Acid GC Analysis C14:0 C16:0 C16:1 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 Treated RVO (%) 0.46 9.93 0.53 5.04 55.82 17.69 5.99 Table 4.5.2: Analysis of typical Irish waste cooking oil sample (Graz) Note: The sample did contain very small concentrations of C20 and C22 fatty acids, but these were ignored as their concentrations in the oil were extremely low. The GC results appear to show a higher percentage of oleic acid in the finished RVO, which is semi-solid at room temperature. This can be attributed to the sample used in the GC tests had been taken from the darker, less viscous phase of the finished RVO. 42 C18:2 and C18:3 (Linoleic and Linoleic) acids are present in both samples at quite high percentages. These fatty acids are undesirable because their C bonds are susceptible to bonding with O atoms (oxidation), which would limit the length of time they could be stored. 43 4.6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry 4.6.1 Introduction: A measure of a fuel’s cold temperature properties can be found using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). A 9.82mg sample of the untreated oil was analysed. The energy needed to cause a change in phase in the oil and the temperatures at which these changes take place are shown on the results graph. 4.6.2 Apparatus and Procedure: Apparatus: DSC 10 Differential Scanning Calorimeter, TA 2000 Thermal Analyser, Sample Encapsulating Press. Fig. 4.6.1: Differential Scanning Calorimeter 44 Procedure: The sample size was in the range 5 to 20mg. The sample was chilled to approxiamately –70oC using liquid nitrogen. It was then sealed in a sample pan in the Sample Encapsulating Press. Heat capacity measurements require that a blank (reference) run be subtracted from the standard and sample runs. Following the reference run the temperature of the sample was increased in 2oC increments. 4.6.3 Results and Discussion : A graph of the results is shown overleaf. 45 46 The DSC showed the RVO to contain two distinct types of oil which changed phase at different temperatures. There were two main significant minima on the graph at 56.65°C and –20.75°C. The energy required for these phase changes was shown to be 29.98J/g and 53.39J/g respectively. 47 4.7 Cetane Rating 4.7.1 Introduction As well as the measurement of the cetane number of a diesel fuel under the standard ASTM D613 in the Cooperative Fuel Research (C.F.R.) engine there are a number of different procedures for establishing an approxiamate cetane number of a fuel sample. IP 41/60 part b (throttling) is a method that requires little modification to a standard engine. It requires the fitting of a chamber to the inlet manifold with a valve to throttle the airflow. While the engine is running the valve is progressively closed and the inlet manifold depression is measured at the point when the engine first misfires. This is indicated by a puff of white smoke from the exhaust of the engine. The measurement of the cetane number by methods that do not involve an engine test are called the cetane index. The Calculated Cetane Index by Four Variable Equation Test Method D4737-96a (2001) is not an optional method for expressing the ASTM cetane number. The calculated Cetane Index by Four Variable Equation provides a means for estimating the ASTM cetane number of distillate fuels from density and recovery temperature measurements. The test method is particularly applicable to diesel fuel oils containing straight-run and cracked stocks. It can also be used for heavier fuels with 90% recovery points less than 382°C and for fuels containing nonpetroleum derivatives from tar sands and oil shale. It is not a method that is applicable to biodiesel fuels because of the high boiling temperatures associated with liquid biofuels. This study involves use of a Petter single cylinder, direct injection, diesel engine. It is fitted with an AVL piezoelectric pressure transducer and Cussens needle lift indicator to enable measurement of the delay between injection and pressure rise due to ignition of a fuel (ignition delay). The cetane rating of the fuel is then obtained by comparing the ignition delay for the fuel with the ignition delay obtained from burning a reference fuel of known cetane number. 48 Objective To use a single factor multi level experiment, that involves the measurement of ignition delay of fuel samples in order to obtain a cetane number for the fuels by comparison with reference fuel of known cetane number. Fuels of interest are 0 to 25% recycled vegetable oil (R.V.O.) blends in mineral diesel fuel, tallow methyl ester (T.M.E.), and waste cooking oil methyl ester (WCOME). 4.7.2 Apparatus and Procedure Cussons Engine Test Rig The test rig consists of a Petter ACIW single cylinder diesel engine, a BKB 10 KW electrical dynamometer, dynamometer control unit, Stuart Turner circulation pump for the engines water-cooling system, Cussons cooling module (P4423) for the water cooled AVL Piezo electric pressure transducer, and Cussons instrumentation connection unit. This test rig is also set up to carry out cetane number experiments in accordance with standard IP41/60. Oscilloscope Instrumentation Connection Unit Petter Diesel Engine Dynamometer Figure 4.7.1 Cussons Engine Test Bed 49 Petter AC1Wb Diesel Engine This is a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection, water-cooled, diesel engine . The main source of fuel to the engine is a header tank, this is filled with mineral diesel fuel oil. Fuel samples can be run through the engine by opening and closing valves on the fuel pipes while the engine is running. The exhaust system is fitted with two sample points for exhaust gas analysis. The needle lift indicator shows when the fuel is injected into the engine. The piezo electric pressure transducer shows the pressure in the combustion chamber of the engine. The needle lift indicator and the pressure transducer are connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope via a signal amplifier. The traces from these two instruments are displayed on the screen of the oscilloscope. Figure 4.7.2 Petter Diesel Engine 50 Piezoelectric Pressure Transducer A quartz AVL water cooled piezo electric pressure transducer (P4420) is used for measuring the dynamic pressure in the cylinder of the engine (Figure 4.5). The transducer is rated to measure dynamic pressure up to 500 BAR. The piezo transducer is connected to the oscilloscope through a piezo channel on the instrumentation connection unit. The piezo channel is a very high impedance FET based charge amplifer. Pressure Transducer Figure 4.7.3 Pressure Transducer 51 Injector Needle Lift Indicator The injector was modified by Cussons UK (part no p4427). To indicate the movement or lift of the needle in a diesel engine injector requires a transducer of very small size capable of monitoring very small movements. This consists of an external transducer coil mounted on top of the injector with an extension of the needle acting as the core. The transducer coil is mounted inside the injector body. The needle lift indicator is connected to the oscilloscope through a frequency modulating channel. Needle Lift Indicator Figure 4.7.4 Needle Lift Indicator Electrical Dynamometer The 10 KW BKB dynamometer can be used as a motor to start the engine and as an alternator to absorb the engine’s power. This is achieved by a control unit that is used for varying the supply voltage to the dynamometer when it is being used as a motor and when it is being used as a dynamometer. The unit has a set of heating coils that are used to dissipate any heat generated in the dynamometer when it is being used to absorb the engine’s power. Hewlett Packard 54602B Oscilloscope The oscilloscope is used to measure the ignition delay. The pressure transducer and needle lift indicator are connected to the oscilloscope via the Cussons instrumentation connection unit. The traces from the instrumentation are displayed on the oscilloscope 52 display screen. By the moving of cursors it is possible to measure the time between the two relevant points on the two curves. Figure 4.7.5 Measurement of ignition delay from oscilloscope trace 53 4.7.3 Results and Discussion Results Ignition Delay Plot of Mean Ignition Delay of Test Fuels 2.8 2.6 Ignition Delay (Milli Seconds) 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 40 CN 25% RVO WCOME 20% RVO 15% RVO 10% RVO 45 CN 5% RVO 50 CN MINERAL DIESEL 55 CN TALLOW ME Figure 4.7.6 Plot of Mean Ignition Delay of Test Fuels R.V.O. /Mineral Diesel Blend Separation Test Figure 4.7.7 R.V.O. /Mineral Diesel Blend Separation Test 54 60 CN Discussion From the literature it is clear that determination of the cetane rating of a fuel can be approached by using a number of methods. As described by (Burt and Troth 1968), there are problems with the accuracy of the experimental results obtained by calculating the cetane number under the ASTM D613 method. In this study a number of problems that were found in the literature were encountered. In preliminary tests when running high percentage of R.V.O./ mineral diesel blends, problems with fouling of the injector nozzle were encountered. Also fluctuations were noticed in measurements of ignition delay due to different engine temperatures. Experimental Procedure and Experimental Design In the initial stages of the testing, it was necessary to access the validity of the results that were obtained from the engine tests. An experiment was conducted to determine if the ignition delay between fuels is significance to distinguish the fuels when running at a speed of 1388 R.P.M. Analysis of variance showed that the level of significance was low. The tests were repeated at a lower engine speed of 1280 R.P.M. Analysis of variance showed that the lower engine speed produced a measureable difference of ignition delay between fuels at a confidence level of better than 0.05 between fuels. In order to design the next experiments it was necessary to determine the highest blend of recycled vegetable oil (R.V.O)/ mineral diesel blend, that could be run through the engine and still maintain steady operating conditions that would allow the accurate measurement of ignition delay from the needle lift and pressure traces. It was found through experiment that the highest blend that could be run through the engine was a 25% R.V.O./ mineral diesel blend. When the engine was changed back to run on mineral diesel, it was noted that the engine would not run smoothly. On noting this the fuel supply was bled to rule out an air locked fuel system. The fuel injector was then removed and on fitting a new injector nozzle the engine ran smoothly. 55 A separation test was also carried out on the R.V.O. blends. The results of this experiment showed that a thin layer of R.V.O settled out at the bottom of the 30% blend container (Figure 4.7.7). This experiment also verified that a 25% blend would be the highest that would not separate. Running the engine on pure R.V.O. that had settled out at the bottom of the burette would result in inaccurate measurements of ignition delay for the mixture. In order to obtain a cetane rating for the fuels that were to be tested, it was necessary to conduct a factorial experiment that runs in a randomised order and incorporate the burning of reference fuels of known cetane number as well as the fuels under test. The fuels that were tested were 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% R.V.O / mineral diesel blends, Waste Cooking Oil Methyl Ester (WCOME), Tallow Methyl Ester (TME), Mineral Diesel, and reference fuels blended to give cetane ratings of 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60. A total of 13 fuels. Each fuel was to run through the engine eight times. An experimental design package, Design-Ease, was used to give the random run order for eight replicates of each of the thirteen fuels. To ensure that each fuel did not become contaminated with another, each fuel was given its own burette. The fuel system was adapted to allow for change over of fuels by the swapping of the burettes. Each fuel was stored in its own container, and blends were made up by weight using a digital weighing scales. Engine Operating Characteristics During Engine Testing During the preliminary test on R.V.O blends, it was noted that the engine did not operate steadily when running on the blends. The engine speed fluctuated, and it was also noted that the pressure peaks of successive combustions were not uniform. The engine was also noted to be misfiring. On inspection of the engine the tappets were found to be out of adjustment from manufacturer’s requirements and were readjusted to the correct setting. The injector nozzle was also examined and it was replaced as the nozzle had become fouled. Following this the engine behaved well on all fuels that were tested. It was observed for all fuels that once the speed was set that the engine speed did not fluctuate while the Ignition delay was being measured. 56 Ignition Delay and Cetane Numbers The Ignition Delay is the period that covers the time from the injection to the ignition of the fuel in the combustion chamber. Different fuels have different ignition delays. The ignition delay of a fuel is dependant on a number of factors. A fuel with high cetane number will have a shorter ignition delay than a fuel with a low cetane number. When measuring the ignition delay in order to compare it with other fuels it is necessary to conduct the test at the same engine speed. From the results of the initial ignition delay experiments that were carried out, it is clear that the precision of the ignition delay measurement is dependent on the engine speed. The analysis of variance that was carried out on the ignition delay results shows that the method used produces significant results. The cetane rating of Tallow Methyl Ester (TME). was calculated to be the highest (58.5) of the fuels on test, while the 25% R.V.O blends was calculated to have the lowest at 41.56. The cetane rating of the mineral diesel fuel that was tested was calculated at 53.5 while the 5% to 20% blends of R.V.O. ranged between 47.5 and 42.8 respectively. The cetane rating of Waste Cooking Oil Methyl Ester (WCOME) was calculated at 41.71. During the measurement of the ignition delay of the different fuels it became apparent that the different fuels have different pressure traces. With fuels like T.M.E. the initial pressure rise due to combustion was very distinct and presented clear traces. When measuring the ignition delay from the 25% R.V.O./ 75% mineral diesel blend it was noted that the initial pressure rise was not as pronounced as for the T.M.E. pressure curve, this region on the pressure curve seemed to fluctuate which made it difficult to take the exact point each time the fuel was tested. In an attempt to estimate the cetane number of a 100% blend of R.V.O. a graph was plotted of the cetane number of the five R.V.O blends that were tested against the percentage blend. A curve was fitted to these points and a value for a 100% blend of R.V.O. was estimated by extrapolation to have a cetane number of 25. This is shown in Figure .4.7.8. . 57 Cetane Rating of 100% R.V.O 60 55 50 45 Cetane 40 35 -0.7135x y = 48.518e 2 30 R = 0.9295 25 20 15 10 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% R.V.O/ Mineral Diesel % Blend Figure 4.7.8 Plot of Estimated Cetane Rating of 100%R.V.O. 58 4.8 Low Temperature Solidification and Growth of Crystals of RVO 4.8.1 Introduction The crystallisation of RVO, seed oils, biodiesel and biofuel blends at low temperature is one of the main problems in using these fuels. The prevention of wax formation, at low temperatures and the design of new and better additives require a good understanding of the crystalline behaviour of the biofuel. In this work, thermomicroscopy was used to study the crystallisation of a range of fuels over time when exposed to low temperatures. This project involves the use of a cold stage device produced by Stritch (2000), and modified by Fogarty (2001). The cold stage is placed under a microscope, and a small sample is placed on the cold plate. The biofuels crystallisation can be thus viewed, as the sample is kept at alower than ambient temperature. The sample is analysed for a period of approximately 6 hours to allow full crystallisation to occur. The cold stage uses a Peltier device which works on the principle that when two dissimilar materials, constitute a circuit, a current will flow as long as there is a temperature gradient between the junctions of the two conductors and vice versa. Crystallisation In a crystal the constituent materials, ions or atoms rearranged in a regular manner with the result that the crystal shape is independent of size and, if a crystal grows, each of the faces develops in a regular manner. The presence of impurities will, however, usually result in the formation of an irregular crystal (Coulson and Richardson, 1991) The crystallisation process consists essentially of two stages, which generally proceed simultaneously, but which can to some extent be independently controlled. The first stage is the formation of small particles or nuclei, which must exist in the solution before crystallisation can start, and the second stage is the growth of the nuclei. If the number of nuclei can be controlled, the size of the crystals ultimately formed may be regulated, and this forms one of the most important features of the crystallisation process (Coulson and Richardson, 1991). The crystallisation process is sensitive to a wide variety of factors (rate of cooling, concentration, and temperature gradients, impurities, etc.). 59 Nucleation and Crystal Growth Crystals are created when nuclei are formed and then grow. The kinetic processes of nucleation and crystal growth require supersaturation, which can generally be obtained by a change in temperature. The system then attempts to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium through nucleation and the growth of nuclei (Mersmann, 1995). The nucleation can be classified into two types depending on if the process occurs in the presence, or in the absence, of crystals. They are known as primary and secondary nucleation and they take place in the absence of crystals or with a growing “parent” crystal, respectively. The primary nucleation can be also subdivided into homogenous, if it is a spontaneous process, or heterogeneous, if the process is induced by foreign particles (Mersmann, 1995). The rate of growth of a crystal face is the distance moved per unit time, in a direction that is perpendicular to the face. The crystal growth is a layer-by-layer process and since the growth can only occur at the outer face of the crystal, the solute material must be transported to that face from the bulk of the solution. The solute molecules reach the face by diffusion through the liquid phase (Geankoplis, 1993). The rate of growth in a solution is dependant on the temperature and concentration of the liquid at the crystal face (Coulson and Richardson, 1991). The rate of growth is also related to the conditions within the medium. In the process of adding molecules required for the growth of crystals, some atoms form permanent attachments immediately, or shortly after, the collision with the crystallites (nuclei that exceeded the critical size). Others are adsorbed temporarily and return to the medium after some time on the growth surface. The flow from the medium to the crystal will determine the rate of growth (Gay, 1972). Caking of Crystals The tendency for crystalline materials to cake is attributable to a small amount of dissolution taking place at the surface of the crystals and subsequent re-evaporation of the solvent. The crystals can then become very tightly bonded together (Coulson and Richardson, 1991). Because the vapour pressure of a saturated solution of a crystalline solid is less than that of pure water at the same temperature, condensation can occur on the surfaces of the crystals even though the relative humidity of the atmosphere is less than 100 per cent. The solution so formed then penetrates into the pack of crystals by virtue of the capillary action of the small spaces between the crystals, and caking can occur if the 60 absorbed moisture subsequently evaporates when the atmospheric humidity falls (Coulson and Richardson, 1991). A crystalline material will cake more readily if the particle size is non-uniform, because the porosity is less in a bed of particles of mixed sizes and fine particles are more readily soluble (Coulson and Richardson, 1991). Crystal Geometry In crystallisation, the opportunity for individual crystals to develop, depends on the processes of nucleation and growth. Rapid crystallisation from a large number of nuclei is unlikely to allow the formation of any recognisable shapes in the crystallites. Limited nucleation and slow growth will permit the formation of single crystals of appreciable size. The particular conditions of crystallisation must be expected to play some part in determining external shape, but even in undisturbed and controlled growth there are wide variations in form and habit between crystals with the same point group symmetry but different atomic structures. From this it seems probable that features of the atomic structure must control growth forms to some extent (Geankoplis, 1993). Use of Additives Waxy distillate fuels containing long-chain normal paraffins have the characteristic of becoming less fluid as the temperature of the fuel decreases below its cloud point. This is due to the crystallisation of wax molecules into plate-like crystals, which leads to a loss of fluidity and filterability of the fuel (El-Gamal and Al-Sabbagh, 1995). Chemical additives referred to as wax dispersants/flow improvers (WDFI) are introduced to solve the problems economically. These additives modify the size and shape of wax crystal in such a manner as to permit the oil to remain fluid at lower temperature and thus pourable and able to pass through coarse filters (El-Gamal and Al-Sabbagh, 1995). Flow improver additives can decrease the size, or inhibit the formation of wax crystallites formed upon cooling the fuel and thus lower the temperature at which wax plugging becomes a problem. These additives can lower the temperature of fuel “gelling” significantly, when blended with fuel at low concentrations. These tailormade additives can be matched to the wax in the fuel (Lewtas et al., 1991). The additives adsorb on and block the growing of the fast growing edges. The crystals now grow as thin columns, needles or prisms, which prevent the gelling and allow the temperature operability range of the diesel fuel to be widened (Arkenbout, 1995). 61 Flow improvers ameliorate the cold flow properties of fuels in terms of pour point depression through reduction of the size of the wax crystals (El-Gamal and AlSabbagh, 1995). The cloud point (CP) is not generally affected by additives. (Graboski and McCormick, 1998). But, studies conducted by Dunn et al. (1995, 1996) have shown a nearly linear relationship between CP and low-temperature filterability of distillate/methyl ester blends. That is cold-temperature operability limits predicted by standard filterability tests were directly proportional to the corresponding CP. This trend was observed for formulations containing 10 to 100% volume methyl esters. These studies pointed out that approaches to improving the low temperature flow properties of blends should concentrate on reducing CP. (Dunn and Bagby, 1996). Literature Review Conclusions Due to the lack of fundamental knowledge on the crystallisation of seed oil and biodiesels at low temperatures a method is required to obtain consistently good images of the shapes and sizes of crystals as they crystallise over time. More knowledge in the area of crystallisation will help towards developing effective additives and determining the optimal blends of fuels for use in the transport industry. Objectives The objectives of the work reported in this chapter were: • Make necessary alterations to the cold stage set up in order to be able to maintain a constant temperature of cold stage for long periods of time (6 hours). • Improve on the measurement techniques used by Fogarty (2001) in measuring the crystal size. • Determine the crystal growth rate and crystal structure of RVO, WCOME, and Camelina seed oil (CSO). • Investigate the effect of the addition of Additive 240 on the crystal structure and growth rate of RVO and WCOME. • Determine the crystal growth rate and crystal structure of mineral diesel/ RVO blends. 62 4.8.2 Apparatus and Procedure The Apparatus Central to the experiment is a cold stage (Fig.4.8.1) P.I. Controller Glycol Outlet Glycol Inlet Fig. 4.8.1 – The Cold Stage Thermocouple The apparatus consists of: • Cold Stage – the cold stage uses a Marlow Industries Inc. Model DT32-6 peltier device, which has a hot and a cold side. • Haake Cooling Unit – the cooling unit circulates glycol around the peltier device to dissipitate the heat produced on the hot side. It also helps in controlling the temperature to a constant level. • Voltage Generator - A Metronix Model MSV18-15 voltage generator supplies the peltier device with the appropriate level of voltage and current. A P.I. Controller controls the current that is being passed through the peltier device. • P.I. Controller – the controller controls the current that is being passed through the peltier device. A Metronix Model MSV18-15 voltage generator supplies the peltier device with the appropriate level of voltage and current. • Thermocouple – the thermocouple is attached to the cold plate; the temperature is read using a digital thermocouple reader. • Microscope – the microscope used is an Olympus BX60 microscope. The optical output from the microscope is recorded by a JVC Model TK-C1381EG 63 colour video camera and is displayed using Buehler Ltd. Omninet imaging software on the computer screen. • Light Source – the sample is illuminated by a Rofin-Sinar (RS6160) light source. • Skirt – a skirt is draped around the microscope and cold stage to shield the sample from the ambient temperature. • Video Digital Camera and Microscope ‘Skirt’ External Light Source Temperature Reader P.I. Controller Haake Cooling Unit Transformer Voltage Generator Fig 4.8.2 - The Overall Setup Experimental Procedure • Remove the microscope table by releasing the lock-nut located to the rear of the table. • Remove the microscope table’s support (this lifts off). • Replace with special cold stage microscope table. • Place the cold stage on the table and under the microscope. 64 • Connect the inlet and outlet hose from the cooling unit to the inlet and outlet of the cold stage. • Set the cooler to 19.8°C, the temperature of the cooler may need to be adjusted to maintain constant temperature. • Switch on the voltage generator, transformer and P.I. controller. • Set the voltage to 10V and the current to 3A. • Using the thermocouple reader check that the cold plate goes to -6°C. • Using a pipette place a small amount of the sample on the cold stage. • Take micrographs of the sample periodically for approximately six hours, using the Buehler Ltd. Omninet imaging software on the computer. • The images recorded by the software can be exported as .jpg files. The images can be arranged in a chronological order and a pattern emerges as to how the sample crystallises. Calibration To calibrate the objective, • Place the graticule under the objective that needs to be calibrated. • Select the ‘Calibrate Objective’ option under ‘tools’ tab • A box called ‘Calibrate X’ shows up. • Select the units in millimetres • Extend the measuring device on screen so that it measures between 1 and 2 on the graticule. • Enter a value of ‘1’ in the X distance box (the division shown in the image window on the graticule represents 1mm). Measuring Crystal Size From each micrograph, ten crystals were randomly selected and measured as shown in Figure .4.8.3. The diameters of the crystals were measured using the inbuilt ruler in the program. 65 Figure 4.8.3 – Measuring Crystal Size The process was repeated for each micrograph and the results were tabulated as shown below in table 4.8.2. See Appendix for a full set of tables for each of the micrographs. 4.8.3 Results and Discussion Results Time 102 Crystal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total size Mean size St. Dev. Diameter (micro m) 180.21 162.03 166.74 159.03 165.24 174.03 171.03 162.03 210.09 186.78 1737.21 173.721 15.465 Table 4.8.2 - Determining Mean Crystal Size The time and mean crystal size value for each set of micrographs were further tabulated (see Table 4.8.3). 66 Time 35 60 82 102 118 147 160 180 230 277 345 400 Crystal Size 72.957 116.499 134.106 173.721 186.795 257.817 255.636 271.962 286.158 263.259 285.939 273.183 Log time 1.544068 1.7781513 1.9138139 2.0086002 2.071882 2.1673173 2.20412 2.2552725 2.3617278 2.4424798 2.5378191 2.60206 Log size 1.86307 2.06632 2.12745 2.23985 2.27137 2.41131 2.40762 2.43451 2.45661 2.42038 2.45627 2.43645 Table 4.8.3 - Time vs. Crystal Size for WCOME This allowed graphs of log mean crystal size vs. log time to be plotted using the tables. A quadratic equation was fitted to all the graphs for all the fuels tested as shown below using neat RVO as an example. The other graphs are presented in the appendix. RVO 3 2.5 2 y = 0.0635x + 0.7055x + 0.4472 2 R = 0.9577 Log size (micro m) 2 3 2 y = -3.3799x + 21.362x - 43.499x + 30.611 2 R = 0.9919 1.5 Log Crystal Growth Quadratic Cubic 1 0.5 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Log Time (min) Figure A.4 - Crystal Size vs. Time for RVO The values of the coefficients are tabulated below in table 4.8.4 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample a b c r^2 WCOME -0.5688 2.9543 -1.3753 0.9617 WCOME with 1% Additive 240 -4.058 20.207 -23.098 0.8889 WCOME with 0.1% Additive 240 -0.2127 1.5758 -0.3669 0.9741 RVO 0.0635 0.7055 0.4472 0.9577 RVO with 1% Additive 240 -1.1246 5.0239 -3.4069 0.8562 RVO with 0.1% Additive 240 0.0525 -0.0879 2.041 0.8262 Mineral Diesel with 10% RVO -0.9376 4.3007 -2.8532 0.9253 Mineral Diesel with 5% RVO -0.512 2.9683 -2.1358 0.9801 RVO Seed Oil -2.8988 14.437 -15.49 0.7097 Table 4.8.4 – Coefficients for the quadratic equation for each sample. Biodiesel Sample a b c Esterified WCOME (1) -4.3849 20.443 -21.892 Esterified WCOME (2) -0.4067 2.3835 -1.5071 Mineral Diesel -0.4012 2.6155 -1.9814 WCOME with 0.5% Additive 240 -0.2433 1.9301 -1.5324 WCOME with 1% Additive 240 -0.5435 3.4283 -3.6815 WCOME with 2% Additive 240 -0.0959 1.281 -1.2982 WCOME with 2% Additive 373 -0.2773 1.4934 -0.3091 Esterified WCOME (2) (second test) -0.6279 2.8906 -1.6402 Table 4.8.5 – Coefficients for the quadratic equation of each sample as determined by Fogarty (2001) Fogarty (2001) also determined coefficients for quadratic equations that relate log time to log size (Table 4.8.5). The coefficients determined for WCOME in this analysis relate closely to the coefficients determined by Fogarty (2001), (WCOME (2)). This indicates good repeatability in experiment. The values of the coefficients of the WCOME with 1% additive 240 differ, although it was unspecified whether the 1% additive used by Fogarty was 1% by weight or 1% by volume. The blend used in this analysis was 1% by weight. Poor values for the coefficient of determination in Table 4.8.4 indicated that a quadratic equation is a poor fit for most of the samples, in particular the samples that contained an additive. 68 A cubic equation of the form, proved to be a better fit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample WCOME WCOME, 1% Additive 240 WCOME, 0.1% Additive 240 RVO RVO, 1% Additive 240 RVO, 0.1% Additive 240 Mineral Diesel, 10% RVO Mineral Diesel, 5% RVO Camelina Seed Oil a -31.034 -1.3739 -3.3799 2.9513 1.4694 20.427 b 210.09 8.3563 21.362 -19.988 -9.4259 -147.4 c -471.42 -16.044 -43.499 44.948 20.151 354.09 d 352.42 11.567 30.611 31.383 -12.259 -280.77 r^2 0.9399 0.9821 0.9919 0.993 0.959 0.8299 Table 4.8.6 – Coefficients for the cubic equation for each sample. Discussion Obtaining Images Viewing the samples at low magnifications proved to be relatively easy, however, it was more difficult to obtain images at higher magnifications. This is primarily due to lack of clearance to focus the microscope. To overcome this problem an alternative microscope table was used, designed by Fogarty (2001). The alternative table adds 30mm to the focal range, and this allowed higher magnification images to be viewed. The design of the microscope is such that a sample is brought into focus on low magnifications first and then if higher magnification images of the sample are required; it is possible to rotate between objectives easily. Due to the sensitivity of the crystalline process to temperature gradients, it is important that the sample is shielded from ambient temperature. This was achieved by using a ‘skirt’, which surrounded the cold stage and helped in obtaining a constant temperature. When illuminating the sample to obtain images, the microscope light cannot be used, because the heat from the light would cause temperature gradients in the sample and affect the accuracy of the experiment. To overcome this a Rofin-Sinar light source was used. The light is transmitted to the sample using optical fibre. With these modifications it was possible to obtain the images required to produce the graphs in Appendix A 69 Cooling Methods A Peltier device is used to create a cold stage. Ideally the cold plate temperature should stay constant. Previously, in Fogarty’s study, this had not been the case, the temperature often varied over as wide a range of 8oC. A Haake cooling unit is the ideal solution to this. When this cooling unit was used the cold plate temperature was maintained to within + 0.1°C. (Fig.4.8.4). However the variation in temperature used by Fogarty shows the lack of sensitivity to constant temperature for crystal growth to occur after nucleation. Variation of Temperature with Time, 2002 25 20 Temp. ('C) 15 10 5 0 -5 0 50 -10 100 150 200 Time (mins) 250 300 350 400 Cold Plate Temp Glycol Temp Fig. 4.8.4 – Temperature vs. Time for cold stage Crystal Growth The growth rate of a crystal is described by Geankoplis (1993) as the distance moved perpendicular to the crystal surface. The growth rate for each sample tested is presented graphically in the Appendix B. Micrographs of every sample were recorded periodically using Buehler Omninet imaging software. The log of the crystal size was plotted against the log of the time and the results were plotted on a graph and an empirically derived fit polynomial fit was derived for each graph. A quadratic equation proved to be the best fit for the majority of the samples. However a cubic equation proved to be the best fit where additives were used. Using the derived equations, the mean crystal size in sample can be predicted, under carefully 70 controlled conditions. In general these equations appear satisfactory at supersaturation. From the graphs it can be seen that in general the crystal size increased with time. This agrees with Fogarty (2001), and also with Gonzalez Gomez et al. (2001). In the case of the WCOME, the crystal sizes ranged from 72µm after 35 minutes to 273µm after 400 minutes. This agrees with Gonzalez Gomez et al., 2001 who found that the crystals ranged from 2-252µm using laser diffraction techniques. The crystal sizes obtained by Fogarty (2001) were smaller ranging from 19µm to 91µm. However the cooling method used then, was unable to sustain constant temperature, hence, the crystallisation occurred under different conditions. Effect of Additives WCOME In the case of the WCOME, the effect of the additive was to maintain the crystal size at a somewhat constant size between the times of 127 minutes (Log(time) = 2.1038) and 155 minutes (Log (time) = 2.19033) in the case of the 1% additive. WCOME with 0.1% additive had a less dramatic effect. Crystals began to appear earlier in the sample, and it suppressed the crystal growth between the times of 46 minutes (Log (time) = 1.6627) and 93 minutes (Log (time)=1.9685). The additive had the effect of suppressing the mean crystal size in both samples. The maximum crystal size for WCOME with 0.1% Additive 240 and WCOME with 1% additive 240 after being left to crystallise for approximately 6 hours were 172µm and 112µm respectively. This indicates that increasing the percentage additive in the WCOME had the effect of suppressing the mean crystal size. This is in agreement with the findings of Fogarty (2001) RVO The maximum crystal size for RVO after being allowed to crystallise for approximately 6 hours was 377µm. The maximum crystal size for the RVO with 0.1% additive 240 and 1% additive 240 after 6 hours were found to be 145µm and 146µm respectively. This indicates that increasing the percentage additive had very little effect on the maximum crystal size in the sample. These results would indicate that 0.1% additive would be just as effective as a 1% additive blend. 71 The additive seemed to have a similar effect on the crystal growth for the RVO, as it did for the WCOME, in that it maintained the crystal size for a period before the growth rate increased again. This was especially true in the case of 0.1% additive blend. If a choice were to be made between the two blends, results suggest that a 0.1% additive blend would be the optimal blend. Even though additives normally succeed in suppressing the mean crystal size in a sample during crystallisation, they also tend to increase the viscosity of the fuel, which can lead to poorer atomisation of the fuel and pumping problems. From examination of the micrographs obtained, it is clear that the effect of the Additive 240 is one of making the RVO crystallise to form in long thin columns. This is especially clear in the image obtained for RVO with 1% additive after 105 minutes, see figure 4.8.5 . This agrees with Arkenbout (1995) who noted that the effect of additives is one of making crystals grow as thin columns, needles or prisms. Arkenbout noted that the additive had the effect of adsorbing on and blocking the growth of the fast growing edges. Figure 4.8.5 Crystalisation of RVO with 1% Additive 240 after 105 minutes Mineral Diesel/RVO blends The maximum crystal size for the mineral diesel with 10% RVO and mineral diesel with 5% RVO were both approximately 119µm. The extra percentage RVO in the 10% RVO had the effect of making the initial crystal size much smaller (34µm for 5% RVO as opposed to 98µm for the 10% RVO sample). The size of the crystals occurring in the blends was much smaller than the other fuels. The maximum value of crystal size recorded in the blends after being left to crystallise for 6 hours was measured to be 119µm. 72 Conclusions • Using the Haake cooling unit with glycol proved to be a very effective method of heat dissipitation from the hot side of the peltier device. The cooler helped in controlling the temperature in excess of 6 hours to within ±0.1°C. • The Rofin-Sinar light source was an adequate replacement to the microscope light. • When samples of RVO, CSO, WCOME or mineral diesel/RVO blends are left to crystallise at -5°C approximately, generally the size of the crystals increase with time. • The crystal sizes for RVO, CSO and WCOME were found to be 377µm, 298µm and 273µm respectively if left to crystallise for 6 hours. • The effect of the additive was to inhibit the growth of the crystals in both the RVO and the WCOME. Increasing the percentage additive in the WCOME had the effect of inhibiting the crystal growth even further. • The additive had the effect of maintaining the crystal to a constant size in the RVO and the WCOME for a period before the crystal proceeded to grow again. • The size of the crystals recorded for all the samples would indicate that all the samples could cause blockages in the fuel filter had the fuel been exposed to temperatures in the region of -6°C for 6 hours. Recomendations • Following more tests on WCOME/additive 240 blends; it should be investigated whether or not a pattern emerges in the coefficients of the polynomial relating crystal size with time, as the percentage additive in the sample is increased. References 1. Arkenbout, G.F., 1995. “Melt Crystallisation Technology”. Technomic. 73 2. Coulson, J.M., J.F. Richardson,1991, “Chemical engineering - Particle technology and separation processes ” Vol.2, 4th ed., Pergamon Press. 3. Coutinho, J.A.P., C. 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TIME GRAPHS OF CRYSTAL SIZE vs. TIME 76 WCOME 3 2.5 2 y = -0.5688x + 2.9543x - 1.3753 2 R = 0.9617 Log Size (micro m) 2 Log Crystal Growth 1.5 Quadratic 1 0.5 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Log Time (min) Figure A.1 - Crystal Size vs. Time for WCOME WCOME 1% 240 2.5 3 2 y = -31.034x + 210.09x - 471.42x + 352.42 2 R = 0.9399 2 y = -4.0538x + 20.207x - 23.098 2 2 R = 0.8889 Log Size (micro m) 1.5 Log Crystal Growth Cubic Quadratic 1 0.5 0 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 Log Time (min) Figure A.2 – Crystal Size vs. Time for WCOME with 1% Additive 240 77 WCOME 0.1%240 2.5 2 y = -0.2127x + 1.5758x - 0.3669 2 R = 0.9741 2 3 2 y = -1.3739x + 8.3563x - 16.044x + 11.567 Log Size (micro m) 2 R = 0.9821 1.5 Log Crystal Growth Cubic 1 Quadratic 0.5 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Log Time (min) Figure A.3 - Crystal Size vs. Time for WCOME with 0.1% Additive 240 RVO 3 2.5 2 y = 0.0635x + 0.7055x + 0.4472 2 R = 0.9577 Log size (micro m) 2 3 2 y = -3.3799x + 21.362x - 43.499x + 30.611 2 R = 0.9919 1.5 Log Crystal Growth Quadratic Cubic 1 0.5 0 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Log Time (min) Figure A.4 - Crystal Size vs. Time for RVO 78 RVO with 1% 240 3 2.8 2.6 3 2 2 y = -1.1246x + 5.0239x - 3.4069 y = 2.9513x - 19.988x + 44.948x - 31.383 2.4 2 2 R = 0.8562 Log Size (micro m) R = 0.993 2.2 2 Log Crystal Growth 1.8 Cubic 1.6 Quadratic 1.4 1.2 1 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Log Time (min) Figure A.5 - Crystal Size vs. Time for RVO with 1% Additive 240 RVO with 0.1% 240 2.3 2.25 2.2 2 y = 0.0525x - 0.0879x + 2.041 2 Log Size (micro m) 2.15 R = 0.8262 2.1 2.05 3 2 y = 1.4694x - 9.4259x + 20.151x - 12.259 Log Crystal Growth 2 2 R = 0.959 Cubic 1.95 Quadratic 1.9 1.85 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Log Time(min) FigureA.6 - Crystal Size vs. Time for RVO with 0.1% Additive 240 79 Mineral Diesel with 10% RVO 2.4 Log Size (micro m) 2.2 2 2 y = -0.9376x + 4.3007x - 2.8532 2 R = 0.9253 1.8 Log Crystal Growth Quadratic 1.6 1.4 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Log Time (min) Figure A.7- Crystal Size vs. Time for Mineral diesel with 10% RVO 80 Mineral Diesel with 5% RVO 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 Log Size (micro m) 2 y = -0.512x + 2.9683x - 2.1358 2 R = 0.9801 1.8 1.6 Log Crystal Growth 1.4 Quadratic 1.2 1 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Log Time(min) Figure A.8 - Crystal Size vs. Time for Mineral Diesel with 5% RVO Camelina 3 2 3 2 y = 20.427x - 147.4x + 354.09x - 280.77 y = -2.8988x + 14.437x - 15.49 2 R = 0.7097 2 R = 0.8299 2.5 Log Size (micro m) 2 1.5 1 Log Crystal Growth Quadratic Cubic 0.5 0 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Log Time (min) Figure A.9 - Crystal Size vs. Time for Camelina Seed Oil 81 5. RVO Testing 5.1 Short Duration Boiler Fuel Blend Tests : Pilot Study 5.1.1 Introduction: An unmodified home central heating boiler was used to burn pilot blends of RVO and Texaco mineral home heating oil (HHO) over the range 100% mineral oil to 60% mineral oil / 40% RVO in 10% increments. The flue gas was also measured in each case to determine flue gas emissions. 5.1.2 Apparatus and Procedure Apparatus: Fig 5.1.1: Home Heating Boiler 82 Amanda Home Heating Boiler fitted with a Danfoss Nozzle, Bentene B9 27 kW Burner as shown in Fig. 5.1.1. IMR 2800P Exhaust Gas Analyser as shown in figures 5.1.4 and 5.1.5. Procedure: After an initial gas sample measurement of ambient air was conducted, the boiler was started using 100% home heating oil fuel. After the heating system reached its normal operating temperature (68oC water temperature), two exhaust samples were taken using the gas analyser for each of the different fuel blends. The measurement probe was positioned as shown in Fig. 5.1.2. Fig. 5.1.2: Position of IMR 2800P probe. The oil supply was switched from the main oil tank to an alternative supply line from a 20 litre container into which contained the various blends of fuel, (see Fig. 5.1.3 overleaf). This made it possible to change the different fuel mixtures to the boiler quickly and accurately. The size of each sample used was 500ml. After the boiler had burned almost all of the sample, the flue gases were measured. 83 Fig. 5.1.3: Alternative fuel supply line The boiler’s thermostat setting was increased before each flue gas measurement to ensure continuous combustion during the measurement of the flue gas emissions. Fig. 5.1.4: IMR Probe position during flue gas measurement 84 Fig. 5.1.5: IMR Flue Gas Analyser This procedure was carried out for each of the different fuel blends of up to 40% RVO. At 40% RVO blend to 60% mineral fuel, combustion was erratic, combustion failed (cut out) however the boiler was restarted and samples were taken of the flue gases. 85 5.1.3 Results and Discussion: Flue Gas Emissions: Fuel Sample: T-Room oC T-Gas oC CO2 % O2 % CO PPM SO2 PPM NO2 PPM NO PPM QA % Lambda % A: 100% B: 10% V C: 20% V D: 30% V E: 40% V (cut out) F: 40%V 13 335 11.1 5.9 0 32 0 70 17.1 1.4 13 410 10.6 6.7 0 23 0 68 22.2 1.5 13 352 10.6 6.7 0 7 0 61 18.9 1.5 12 362 10.7 6.5 0 9 0 66 19.2 1.4 13 392 10.8 6.4 10 22 0 38 20.7 1.4 13 390 10.1 7.3 500 24 0 26 22.3 1.5 Table 5.1.2. Flue Gas Emissions A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 Fuel Sample: 100% Diesel Oil 10% 10% 20% 20% 30% 30% 40% 40% 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 T-Room oC T-Gas oC 369 384 392 295 380 391 374 383 313 347 360 377 CO2 % 11 11 11 5.6 11.3 11.3 11.7 11.7 10.8 11.8 11.1 11.6 O2 % 5.8 5.9 6 13 5.7 5.7 5.2 5.2 6.3 5 6 5.3 CO ppm SO2 ppm 0 0 0 0 0 24 26 28 30 19 0 27 0 17 0 21 50 12 0 12 260 11 0 17 NO2 ppm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO ppm 66 67 67 45 68 69 70 72 48 71 37 42 qA % Lambda % 19 20 20 30 19.3 19.8 18.4 18.8 16.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.8 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4 Table 5.1.3. Flue Gas Emissions 16.7 1.3 18.7 1.4 18.6 1.3 0 0 0 0 86 The results in table 5.1.2 show a gradual decrease in SO2 gases from 32 to 9ppm with increasing amounts of RVO. This figure returned to 22/24 ppm when the combustion became intermittant at a vegetable oil concentration of approximately 40%. NO decreased from 72ppm for HHO to 61ppm for the 20% RVO mix. The amount of oxygen recorded increased with increasing concentrations of RVO. The percentage CO2 recorded was lower for all the RVO blends than for 100%HHO. The results in Table 5.1.3. are from the second boiler test. In the fourth case (A2), where the gas temperature is 295 oC, the nitrogen monoxide figure is far lower than the other readings taken for the same fuel. This test also yielded the greatest amount of oxygen in the flue gas, 13%, and gave a lambda figure of 2.8%. This result may due to the test being carried out immediately after the boiler had restarted, and there may have been residual unburned fuel in the flue, also the CO2 figure for the same fuel is the lowest of all the tests. The results show a 1% increase in CO2 as soon as the burner started using the 20% vegetable oil mix. There were two CO measurements in columns F2 and H2, indicating incomplete combustion and suggesting that the upper limit of RVO in the blend was being approached. With incomplete combustion comes excess air, this should be kept low as it needs to be heated resulting in a decrease in flame temperature and an increase in flue gas temperature which results in a deterioration in efficiency. The decrease in flame temperature is reflected in the lowest overall NO figures produced for both these samples. In both cases where there was CO present, the temperatures of the subsequent test for each mixture increased to a greater extent than with the other fuel blends. Over time, deposits of unburnt fuel can cause insulation of the heat exchanger surface and so an increase in flue gas temperatures. 87 The blended fuels showed a decrease in SO2 levels, the range being from 30ppm for the home heating oil to the lowest figure of 11ppm for the 40% blend. The qA values are a measure of flue gas losses. The loss due to free heat is caused by the temp difference between the fuel air mixture entering the combustion furnace and the outgoing gases. Graphs of emissions Vs RVO% are shown overleaf. There is a general trend displayed in Figs. 5.1.6 and 5.1.8 showing a gradual decrease in the percentage of NO and SO2 emissions with increasing RVO. Figs. 5.1.7 and 5.1.9 show a general decrease in the amount of O2 with increasing amounts of RVO. Parts Per Million (PPM) 80 70 NO 60 SO2 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 40 Percentage RVO Fig.5.1.6: NO, CO2 Emission Levels Vs Percentage RVO 88 12 10 Gas Percentage 8 6 CO2 O2 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 40 Percentage RVO Fig. 5.1.7: CO2 and O2 Emission Levels Vs. Percentage RVO Parts Per Million (PPM) 80 70 NO 60 SO2 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 Percentage RVO Fig. 5.1.8: NO, SO2 Emission Levels Vs Percentage RVO 89 12 Emission Percentage 10 8 6 CO2 O2 4 2 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 Percentage of RVO Fig: 5.1.9:CO2,O2 Emission Levels Vs Percentage RVO 90 5.2 Burner Modification and Adjustment for Heating Trial Optimisation of burners to use waste cooking oil for domestic heating Tests conducted at CIRAD, Montpellier, March 2002 ALTENER Contract No.4.1030/C/00-014 91 5.2.1 Introduction CIRAD successfully modified a 260kW burner to use 100% rape seed oil as a fuel. The main modifications carried out on the burner were the addition of a high pressure fuel pump and a 1kW fuel preheater. This experiment investigates the possibilities of using blends of waste cooking oil and home heating oil in an unmodified 20 – 40kW size home heating burner. The burner was optimised to use the highest percentage of waste cooking oil it could burn efficiently. Various blends of waste cooking oil and home heating oil were tested and the nozzle type, fuel pressure, air damper, flame stabiliser setting and the position of the burner inside the boiler were altered and the emissions were monitored. It was seen that as the percentage of vegetable oil was increased in the fuel blend, higher fuel pump pressures were needed in order for efficient combustion and reliable start-up to occur. Heating the fuel blends had a similar positive effect on combustion efficiency. Using standard components and without preheating the fuel, the optimised burner ran successfully using a blend of 50% waste cooking oil and 50% home heating oil. While raw vegetable oil has been used successfully in burners (Vaitilingom et al, 1998), the use of waste cooking oil as a fuel has usually only occurred after it has undergone transesterification; Rice et al (1997), Mittelbach et al (1992). The transesterification process not only results in a fuel with properties closer to mineral diesel fuel than unesterified oil, it also results in a more uniform fuel. The variation in properties such as FFA, melting point, water and impurity content between batches of waste cooking oil makes the transesterification process more difficult than with virgin vegetable oil. This variation in turn creates difficulties when attempting to use the fuel in its raw state. 5.2.2 Waste Cooking Oil Fuel Prior to recycling, vegetable oil typically contains 20% water and/or impurities, so it cannot be used directly in a burner without first going through a cleaning stage. It was therefore decided to use oil from a commercial waste cooking oil recycler, Bolton R.V.O. Their recycling process consists of steam treatment, filtration and a series of 92 settling tanks. After recycling, the oil should be of a standard whereby it contains less than: 3% free fatty acids 1% water 1% Solids not fat (Source; O’Connell, 2000). While the previous tests carried out by Vaitilingom et al were successful in using 100% raw vegetable oil, their system required the addition of a fuel pre-heater and a more powerful pump. In the context of a small home heating oil burner, these modifications would be relatively expensive and could negate the cost savings made through burning the cheaper waste cooking oil. It was decided to optimise a standard burner, and to find out the highest percentage of waste cooking oil it could burn reliably. It was also investigated if the optimised settings for the burner which enable it to use this fuel blend, would adversely effect its ability to burn 100% home heating oil. As can be seen in figure 5.2.1 below, the waste cooking oil used in this experiment settled out into two phases during storage: on the top there was a dark material that was liquid at room temperature and on the bottom there was material of a lighter colour (that had a higher melting point), i.e. was semi-solid at room temperature. As this experiment involved the use of standard burner components, only RVO that was liquid at room temperature could be used, and therefore the RVO for the experiment was taken from the top of the IBC. 93 Fig. 5.2.1. IBC of waste cooking oil There is a possibility that the oil at the top of the IBC would contain fewer impurities than the oil below, simply because the IBC had been in the same position for a number of months and impurities would have had the opportunity to settle out of the top phase. - Characteristics of waste cooking oil from Bolton RVO: Viscosity at 20oC (mm2/s): 80 Calorific Value (kJ/kg): 40,160 Approx. Density (kg/m3): 900 5.2.3 Equipment A test bench was set up consisting of the following main components: A Cuenod NC4 burner which was equipped with a preheater (this heats to approx. 60°C but only during start-up), a water boiler, a CIAT heat exchanger, a Ciclade Energy meter and two exhaust gas analysers (an IMR and a Quintox). During part of the experiment, it was necessary to heat some of the fuel blends prior to combustion and this was 94 achieved using a small deep fat fryer with a 2kW heating element. Fuel consumption was monitored using a digital scales and a stopwatch. Fig. 5.2.2. Laboratory test bench The burner parameters that could be adjusted were: - the fuel pump pressure - the type of nozzle - the position of the flame stabiliser - the air damper setting - the position of the burner inside the boiler 5.2.4 Optimisation Introduction Optimal combustion of the different fuels and blends was achieved primarily by using different nozzles and by altering the fuel injection pressure. The type of nozzle that was selected depended not only on the fuel flowrate, but also on the boiler geometry. The most suitable nozzle would be one that produced a spray pattern that took up as much area inside the boiler as possible without coming in contact with the boiler walls, where the formation of deposits of unburnt fuel could occur. Lowest CO 95 readings, together with high CO2 readings and oxygen readings of between 3 to 5% would indicate optimal combustion. Fig. 5.2.3. Inside of boiler prior to testing After each test, the burner was removed from the boiler and the inside of the boiler inspected (see figure 5.2.3) to check for the presence of unburnt fuel deposits and provide a further indication to combustion efficiency. Nozzles having the following different spray patterns were tested: solid cone, semi-solid cone and hollow cone. A nozzle with an angle of 45o was also investigated but its pattern was too narrow and it produced CO emissions far in excess of 60o nozzles with equivalent flowrates. A schematic of the inside dimensions of the boiler used during testing is shown in figure 5.2.4. 96 Fig. 5.2.4. Boiler geometry Parameter Adjustment While attempts have been made to correlate between adjustments to various parameters and their subsequent effects on the performance of the boiler (Karagiannidis, 1996), it should be noted that boilers are multivariate and the adjustment of one parameter (e.g. nozzle type), usually necessitates the adjustment of one or more other parameters (e.g. fuel pressure, air damper setting) in order to achieve optimum combustion. The effects adjustment of each parameter had on the boiler performance are summarised in the following paragraphs. Fuel Pressure: It was seen that in order to burn blends of vegetable oil and home heating oil satisfactorily, higher fuel pressures were needed to ensure the higher viscosity blends would be atomised properly. The fuel pressure was adjusted by means of the screw at the side of the fuel pump. It was found the maximum pressure attainable in this fashion was approximately 14 bar, but higher pressures could subsequently be achieved by throttling the return fuel line (see figure 5.2.7). 97 Nozzle Spray Patterns: A solid cone nozzle would have a centrally concentrated spray suited to a relatively narrow boiler such as that used in this experiment. There is however the possibility of droplets from the spray reaching the back wall of the boiler (point A in figure 5.2.4) and leaving deposits, especially considering the elevated pressures that the system was working under. A semi-solid spray would tend to concentrate more of the fuel away from the middle of the boiler and towards the sides (points B and C in figure 5.2.4), while at the same time directing some fuel to the centre of the spray, and a hollow cone spray would tend to concentrate all the fuel towards the sides – this type of nozzle would be more suited to shorter and wider boilers. Fig. 5.2.5. Nozzle patterns Nozzle Spray Angle: This is the angle of the cone of the fuel spray and again, depending on the geometry of the boiler and fuel pressure used, a wide spray angle or a narrower spray angle is preferable. Fig. 5.2.6. Close-up of nozzle assembly 98 Nozzle Flowrate (Size): A nozzle with too low a flowrate rating would produce a relatively small flame that wouldn’t take up enough area in the boiler chamber. There would then be the possibility of unburnt gases forming in areas D and E in figure 5.2.4. Too high a flow rate and there is a greater possibility of incomplete combustion through unburnt fuel coming in contact with the boiler walls. Fig. 5.2.7. Adjustable burner components Distance Inside Boiler: The burner could be moved horizontally in and out of the boiler. This could be used to lessen the amount of unburnt fuel deposits on the back of the boiler wall, or conversely to extend the flame further into the chamber. Air damper setting: As the fuel flow was altered, so too was the air damper; the greater the fuel flow, the more oxygen would be needed for combustion. The oxygen content in the exhaust was maintained at between 3 and 5% - less than 3% oxygen would be insufficient for combustion, greater than 5% and the excess air would remove heat from the boiler and displace it into the chimney, lowering boiler efficiency. 99 Optimising the burner for the various blends tested involved the manipulation and consideration of all of these parameters. It was found that a solid-cone Danfoss nozzle with a spray angle of 60o was most suited to the 50/50 blend. 5.2.5 Experimental Procedure 100% home heating oil The burner was optimised initially while running on 100% home heating oil, and subsequently on various blends of vegetable oil and home heating oil. The exhaust gas analysers were used to monitor the CO and CO2 readings. During preliminary testing it was noted that the temperature of the flue gases would reach approximately 120°C and maintain that temperature while the burner was running constantly, thus the exhaust gases were analysed at this temperature. Later on in the experiment a second heat exchanger was added and the exhaust gases were seen to maintain a temperature of approximately 90oC. The water pump, which recirculated the water through the heat exchanger, was set to run at its highest speed in order to keep the heating requirements on the boiler at a maximum. The first nozzle tested was that which came fitted to the burner; a Danfoss 0.60 US Gal 60oS. This would provide a baseline to compare emissions against and was also an opportunity to become familiar with the equipment and the adjustments needed to optimise combustion. (Shortly after beginning testing the IMR analyser didn’t appear to be recording the CO measurements properly, therefore the exhaust figures quoted in this chapter are from the Quintox analyser. • 100% Home heating oil; Emissions - CO: 34 (ppm) and CO2: 13.3 (%) • 50% sunflower oil and 50% home heating oil Using the same settings as for 100% home heating oil, it was attempted to use a blend of 50% sunflower oil and 50% home heating oil. This blend was heated to approximately 63°C for the test but would not burn properly and therefore the burner was optimised again. After adjustments, the CO emissions improved vastly but were still slightly higher than when using 100% home heating oil. Fuel consumption was 100 seen to be quite high in comparison to home heating oil. This was due in part to the higher injection pressure of the fuel (at 20 bar) as opposed to there being a problem of incomplete fuel combustion – (a leak was seen at the side of the pump while it operated at 20 bar, and would have been part of the cause of the elevated fuel consumption figure). The settings and further results for the burner running on 100% home heating oil and on the 50/50 blend with sunflower oil are shown in table 5.2.1. • 50/50 blend with new oil; Emissions - CO: 65 (ppm) and CO2: 12.9 (%) 80% peanut oil and 20% home heating oil A fuel blend containing 80% peanut oil and 20% home heating oil was tested and was also seen to burn, although somewhat less efficiently. While not unsuccessful, burner starting proved unreliable, with the fuel blend requiring heating to above 80oC and the fuel pump operating at 30 bar. This pressure appeared to be too high for the pump to maintain, even over a few minutes. • 80/20 blend with new oil; Emissions - CO: 94 (ppm) and CO2: 11.9 (%) 100% Peanut Oil An attempt was made to fuel the burner using 100% Peanut Oil. The oil was heated using a deep fat fryer to approximately 160°C prior to use, however the burner cut out almost instantly and the CO readings reached a very high level (>1500 ppm) attempts to restart the boiler failed, even with quite a high fuel pressure of approximately 30 bar. • No emissions results available Nozzle Size It was felt at this point in the experiment, that the flowrate of the 0.60 US Gal/hr Danfoss nozzle was too high (both heat exchangers were unable to dissipate the heat rapidly enough), so a nozzle with the same characteristics but a lower flowrate was tested. 101 • The 0.50 US Gal/hr Danfoss nozzle produced CO readings as low as 50 (ppm) with CO2 at 13.1 (%). 50% waste cooking oil and 50% home heating oil Having found the upper limit of the burners’ capability to efficiently use a blend of new vegetable oil to be approximately 50%, a blend containing 50% waste cooking oil and 50% home heating oil was subsequently tested. Firstly, the burner settings for the 50/50 blend with new vegetable oil (see table 1) were tested for accuracy given that a slightly smaller nozzle was now being used, and the results were seen to be approximately the same as before. Using these, a blend of 50% home heating oil and 50% waste cooking oil was tested. However, a leak developed on the fuel pump shortly after beginning the test and no results were recorded. Upon inspection, it was seen that a seal on the axle of the fuel pump had become faulty. It was thought that the leak was not due to the waste cooking oil blend but was related to an earlier problem encountered with the fuel return line. A replacement pump with a similar output was sourced and mounted onto the burner. It was also decided that the manometer on the fuel line was of too large scale than needed, making it too difficult to read accurately, so a manometer with a smaller scale was fitted. After repairs were made to the system, some medium term tests were carried out with the burner using the 50% waste cooking oil/50% home heating oil blend, and a comparison made with it’s performance while burning 100% home heating oil. • Using the same settings as for the 50% blend with new oil (and the 0.50 US Gal/hr Danfoss nozzle), the 50% blend of waste cooking oil produced - CO: 49 (ppm) and CO2: 12.8 (%) 102 5.2.6 Results 100% home heating oil Fuel 50/50 home heating oil /sunflower oil Nozzle: Danfoss US 0.60US Gal, 60oS Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar): 14 20 Air damper (dial setting): 10 12 Flame stabiliser (mm): 5 5 Distance of burner inside 35 25 2.29 3.89 34 65 CO2 (%): 13.3 12.9 O2 (%): 2.9 3.4 Gas temp (°C): 121 128 0.378 0.393 boiler (mm): Fuel consumption (kg/hr): * Emissions CO (ppm): Energy Meter (MW/H) Table 1: Initial optimisation of burner with (a) home heating oil and (b) a 50/50 blend with sunflower oil 103 100% home heating oil Fuel 50/50 home heating oil/WCO Nozzle: Danfoss US 0.50US Gal, 60oS Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar): 12 20 Air damper (dial setting): 5.5 11 Flame stabiliser (mm): 4.5 5 Distance of burner inside 25 25 1.83 2.3 66 49 12.5 12.8 O2 (%): 4 3.6 Gas temp (°C): 89 ~90 boiler (mm): Fuel consumption (kg/hr): Emissions CO (ppm): CO2 (%): Table 5.2.2: Comparison of home heating oil and 50% WCO blend using WCO setting 104 5.2.7 Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions It was shown that 50% waste cooking oil could be burned in an optimised burner, fitted with a preheater and using the standard components. The only additional equipment used was a valve to throttle the return fuel line, thus the purchase of expensive heaters and more powerful fuel pumps was avoided while at the same time the burner used a usefully high percentage of waste cooking oil in its fuel blend. It is possible to use higher percentages of vegetable oil in a standard burner. However blends containing over 50% waste cooking oil displayed difficulties during start up and showed high CO readings during running. Having monitored the CO emissions, and carried out an inspection of the inside of the boiler after the tests, the combustion of the 50% waste cooking oil blend appeared to be satisfactory, however longer term tests would give a more accurate measure of burner performance. It should also be noted that as the ambient temperature increased (from approx. 10oC to 20oC), and hence the temperature of the fuel blend, the CO readings would decrease slightly. Recommendations Apply a more structured approach to optimisation. There was quite a degree of codependence between the adjustable parameters; it may be possible to achieve lower emissions (i.e. better optimisation) with the 50/50 blends. It was noted that a small increase in ambient temperature lowered the CO emissions slightly. Re-use of some of some of the waste heat present in the exhaust gases may be used to increase system efficiency further. CO emissions were slightly higher with the 50/50 blends than with 100% home heating oil. Conduct longer term tests to investigate the possible effects this might have; i.e. the possibility of the build up of deposits over long periods of time. Properly assess the degree of separation that would occur in the fuel blends due to the different densities of the two fuels. 105 RVO from the top of the IBC had been used in this experiment, therefore it remains to be seen if RVO straight from the supplier could be used. It wouldn’t have settled out to the same extent as the test RVO and therefore would contain more impurities and water. Work on achieving a standard for the waste cooking oil fuel grade would be useful. Investigate and quantify the benefits versus the increased costs associated with installing some of the modifications as outlined by Vaitilingom et al. References Karagiannidis, A. 1996. Burners of domestic heating boilers: a measurement-based analysis approach aiming at quantifying correlations among the basic parameters of operation. Energy Conservation Management, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 447-456. Mittelbach, M., Pokits, B., Silberholz, A., 1992. Production and fuel properties of fatty acid methyl esters from used frying oil. Proc. Alternate energy conference on Liquid fuels from renewable resources. Nashville, USA: 74-79. O’Connell, A., 2000. Investigation into the potential of recycled cooking oil as a boiler fuel. University of Limerick, final year project thesis. O’Connell, D., 2002. (Personal communication) – Director of Bolton R.V.O. Ltd, Waste Cooking Oil Recycling Company, Kildare, Ireland. Rice, B., Fröhlich, A., Leonard, R., 1997. Biodiesel Production based on waste Cooking Oil: Promotion of the Establishment of an Industry in Ireland. Teagsc, Oak Park Research Centre, Carlow, Ireland. Vaitilingom, G., Perlihon, C., Liennard, A., Gandon, M., 1998. Development of rape seed oil burners for drying and heating. Industrial Crops and Products 7 (1998) 273279. 106 5.3 Heating Demonstration at Cork County Council 5.3.1 Introduction The modified Cuenod burner described in section 5.2 was installed in a Firebird boiler located at Cork County Council offices, Charleville, Co. Cork, for the purposes of evaluation of the reliability of using a 25% RVO/ 75% mineral heating oil as fuel. The offices are similar in construction to a typical 4 bedroom residential bungalow that can be found throughout Ireland and many other countries within the European Union. 5.3.2 Apparatus and Procedure A Cuenod NC4 burner was fitted to a Firebird boiler as shown in figure 5.3.1. Figure 5.3.2 shows the burner boiler assembly installed at Cork County Council offices in Charleville. The blend of 25% RVO/75% mineral fuel was decided from consideration of the separation tests results in section 4.7.3 (see also figure 4.7.8) to be the maximum RVO/mineral fuel ratio that did not separate with a lower layer of neat RVO. The RVO/mineral fuel was blended on site using the containers shown in figure 5.3.2. The elevation of the offices at Charleville are shown in figure 5.3.3. 107 Figure 5.3.1 Cuenod Burner and Firebird Boiler 108 Figure 5.3.2 Heating Installation at Cork County Council Offices, Charleville Figure 5.3.3 Cork County Council Offices, Charleville (elevation). 109 5.3.3 Results and Discussion The trial began on 24 June 2002 The burner settings and flue gas emissions are given in table 5.3.1. Fuel: 25% blend of waste cooking oil & 75% mineral diesel fuel Nozzle: Danfoss US 0.50US Gal, 60oS Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar): 15 Air damper (dial setting): 8 Flame stabiliser (mm): 6 Dist inside boiler (mm): 20 Emissions CO (ppm): 0 CO2 (%): 12.5 O2 (%): 4.0 Gas temp (°C): 162 Table 5.3.1 Cuenod NC4 Burner Settings and Flue Emissions Following more than 4 months of satisfactory operation the burner failed on 1 November 2002 apparently due a seized fuel pump. The burner was removed at this point in time and returned to CIRAD for further analysis and repair. The trial was restarted the last week in December using a new pump in an ECOFLAM burner, but the operation was unreliable when using a 25% RVO/75% mineral fuel blend. The boiler was returned to mineral fuel on 3rd January 2003. 110 5.3.4 Analysis of Cuenod Burner Failure and Modification to ECOFLAM Burner for 100%RVO ADEME – CIRAD Final Report Utilisation of Recycled Vegetable Oil as a fuel in a Domestic Burner Utilisation d’huile de friture usagée comme combustible dans un brûleur domestique (ADEME n° 0201002) Tests conducted at CIRAD, Montpellier November/December 2002 ALTENER Contract No.4.1030/C/00-014 with European Commission and Limerick University 111 Utilisation of recycled vegetable oil as a fuel in a domestic burner Introduction On site trials Charleville: Cuenod NC4 Performance using 25% RVO ................................................................................................... System Failure............................................................................................................................. Characteristics of test fuels Ecoflam Minor 1 - Tests conducted at Cirad, Montpellier. Performance using 100% home heating oil .............................................................................. Modifications to use fuel blends containing >50% RVO - Additional Equipment............... Performance of modified burner using 50% RVO.................................................................. Performance of modified burner using 100% RVO................................................................ Results Conclusions References Appendix 112 Utilisation of recycled vegetable oil as a fuel in a domestic burner Introduction Previous tests on a Cuenod home heating burner showed it was possible to successfully burn blends of recycled vegetable oil (RVO) and home heating oil by optimising the burner components. To assess the long-term durability of such a system, an optimised Cuenod burner was used to heat the Cork County Council Offices in Charleville, fuelled by a blend containing 25% RVO and 75% home heating oil. After operating successfully for a period of approximately 4 months, a mechanical failure in the fuel pump caused the burner to malfunction. Difficulties arose when attempting to repair the French sourced burner in Ireland, and it was necessary to send it back to CIRAD (for detailed investigation into the failure of the system). To avoid similar future problems, it was decided to optimise an Irish sourced burner (type: Ecoflam Minor 1) for future experiments. CIRAD had previously modified a large scale burner to burn 100% rape seed oil, and by carrying out similar modifications on the Ecoflam home heating oil burner, it was hoped to burn fuel blends containing more than 50% RVO. By optimising the components of a standard Cuenod burner (see project interim report), it can be seen that fuel blends containing up to 50% RVO can be burned efficiently and with similarly low emissions levels as when using 100% home heating oil. In order to burn blends containing greater than 50% RVO, it is necessary to preheat the fuel and to inject it into the combustion chamber at a high pressure (Vaitilingom et al, 1999). The problems associated with burning RVO are both technical and fiscal. Table shows that RVO has a small price advantage per litre compared with home heating oil, however this advantage can be negated when the price of any necessary modifications are taken into account. The total cost of the modification of the Ecoflam to run with 100 % RVO is roughly 300 € (excluding tax). In the case of France, with an average yearly consumption of 2000 litres, that means two years and a half to pay back this added investment. 113 Q1 2001 - fuel prices euros/l excluding tax HHO - France 0.34 HHO - Ireland 0.36 RVO - Ireland 0.28 Table Comparison of Fuel Prices From a technical point of view, RVO may be filtered and also subjected to steam treatment, depending on the type of recycling facility. Even after steam treatment and filtration, properties such as water content and S.N.F. levels (solids not fat) vary, leading to possible problems such as fuel filter/nozzle blockages. On site trials Charleville: Cuenod NC4 To assess the durability of the optimised burner while using an RVO fuel blend, a long-term test was set-up at Cork County Council Offices in Charleville. These offices comprise of a single storey house with an approximate floor area of 150m2, with the boiler housed outside in a purpose built shed. The boiler fuel is stored beside the boiler house in a 1000 l. plastic fuel tank (see figure A separate fuel tank and fuel line were set-up (see also figure in parallel to the original fuel line and 400 litres of a fuel blend containing 25% RVO and 75% domestic heating oil were prepared for use. It was decided to use a 25% blend for reliability reasons previous work at CIRAD had shown that a 50% blend was the upper inclusion limit for an optimised system (such a system is quite sensitive to changes in ambient temperatures, and it was thought that the lower ambient temperatures in Cork compared to those found in Montpellier could result in operational problems). 114 Fig. Charleville test site Although the basic components on the Cuenod burner were the same as those which would be seen on burners currently available on the Irish market, some modifications were still required. Firstly, a new mounting flange had to be used (as the diameter of the blast tube of the Ecoflam burner originally fitted to the boiler was 8 mm larger than that of the Cuenod burner). Secondly, the burner required re-wiring due to the differences between the French and Irish control systems; with the French system, the burner power is fed through the boiler and is switched on and off by an internal thermostat. On the Firebird model in use in Charleville, there is a separate thermostat that controls a three-pin socket, into which the burner is plugged directly (see figure 115 Fig. New mounting flange & electrical supply Fig. Fuel supply lines 116 Performance using 25% RVO For a period of 4 months, the burner ran successfully at the test site in Charleville. The only attention the system required was after approx. a month when some readjusting of its parameters were necessary as it was noted the burner was producing higher CO and lower CO2 emissions than at the beginning of the trial. Test Fuel 25% RVO - 75% HHO Emissions CO (ppm) O2 (%) 2 0 15 8 10 6 4 CO (%) 12.5 Gas Temperature C 162 o Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar) Air damper (units 0 - 10) Dist inside boiler (mm): Flame stabiliser (mm): Nozzle Specification Danfoss 0,50 US Gal 60oS Table Performance on trial site using 25% RVO The drift in performance was thought to be due to a separation in the fuel tank between the different density fuels (table shows the density difference between home heating oil and RVO). The fuel used at the start of the trial (i.e. that at the bottom of the IBC) may have contained greater than 25% RVO, and this percentage may have changed over time. The only further attention the system required was the repair of a seal on one of the IBC’s which had been incorrectly installed and had developed a small leak. System Failure After approximately 4 months of running on the 25% fuel blend, the burner stopped operating. Upon inspection of the system, it was found that the fuel pump had seized to the point where it had become difficult to rotate its shaft by hand. The pump was dismantled and inspected and its internal filter was seen to contain a negligible volume of dirt particles (see figure, certainly not enough to stop fuel flow. 117 The front plate from the gear section of the pump was removed and the gears inspected (see figure; there appeared to be no large solid particles or blockages between the pump gears that might stop them from rotating. The gear wheels were then lubricated and this was seen to free up the shaft to a sufficient level whereby it could be rotated easily by hand once more. This suggests that either minute particles of dirt or insufficient lubricity due to the higher viscosity fuel blend caused the fuel pump to seize (table outlines the viscosity difference between RVO and home heating oil). Another interpretation could be linked to the characteristics and composition of the RVO. Burners in real site condition are running according to a thermostat. Periods of no combustion can be long enough for the fuel pump to cool down. Thermo-chemical reactions, eg polymerisation can occur and cause a blockage of the small internal valve. If the pressure is not sufficient the control command system of the burner switches off the installation. This has to be investigated and verified. But it has to be noted that the fatty acid analysis shows the presence of linolenic acid (C18:3), which is not the case for rape seed oil or sunflower oil (see table below) which were successfully tested before in industrial burners. Fatty Acid GC Analysis Treated RVO (%) Untreated RVO (%) Rape seed oil C12 : 0 Sunflower oil 0.1 C14 : 0 1.25 0.3 C16 : 0 7.38 10.61 C16 : 1 1.61 0.88 C18 : 0 2.75 C18 : 1 0.14 6.40 6.1 4.73 4.40 4.2 58.09 49.83 18.80 26.9 C18 : 2 23.22 28.9 68.90 61.4 C18 : 3 5.69 4.74 0.20 - C20 : 1 0.20 0.3 C22 : 0 0.67 0.7 Table Fatty Acid Distribution of Rape seed oil, Sunflower seed oil and RVO 118 Fig. Close-up of seized fuel pump Having experienced a number of difficulties both in the repair and use of the French Cuenod burner in Ireland, it was decided to continue the tests using a burner which could be easily sourced in Ireland. An Ecoflam Minor 1 burner was used for the remainder of the experiments; it was of a similar output to the Cuenod and also had a pre-heater fitted. Note: an attempt had been made to fit a new pump to the Cuenod burner while in Ireland, however, differences in the diameter and position of fuel pipes and differences in the diameters of the valve actuators (situated on top of the fuel pump) made this task impractical. 119 Characteristics of test fuels Samples of the fuels used during the experiments at CIRAD were taken and sent to ETS18 laboratories for testing. Two samples of RVO were taken; a liquid sample from the top of the IBC, and a semi-solid sample from the bottom of the IBC. It was necessary to drain off a small volume of water from the bottom of the IBC before a sample could be taken. Analysis Norme HHO RVO (l) RVO (s) Volumetric Mass Calculated Cetane Index Lower Calorific Value Viscosity Kinematic 40° NF EN ISO 12185/96 NF EN ISO 4264/97 NF M07030/96 837.8 50.4 n/a 921.7 31 36.735 921 33.1 36.45 NF EN ISO 3104/96 2.739 41.68 41.49 Cold Filter Plugging Point EN 116/96 -16 too viscous too viscous Sunflower Units 3 kg/m 926.2 n/a Quotation would not ignite MJ/kg 2 mm .s-1 36.25 too viscous o C HHO = home heating oil RVO (l) = liquid at room temp. RVO (s) = solid at room temp. Table Characteristics of Test Fuels Ecoflam Minor 1 - Tests conducted at Cirad, Montpellier. A manual describing the Ecoflam burner is included in the appendix. The Ecoflam was wired into the control unit of the test bench boiler, the circuit was similar to the circuit used in the boiler in Charleville, except that the test bench system used two safety cut-outs. It should also be noted that unlike with the previous Cuenod test burner, the Ecoflam had a rigid flame stabiliser, limiting the optimisation procedure. Performance using 100% home heating oil The Ecoflam burner was mounted on the same test bench as used during the previous tests with the Cuenod, and in its standard form was optimised using 100% home heating oil. 18 Expertises Technologies & Services – Mont Saint Aignan - France 120 The burner’s heating performance and emissions levels were monitored and recorded. It was noted that the oxygen level was slightly higher than required, and this was thought to be linked to an incompletely sealed burner mounting (allowing the ingress of excess oxygen into the combustion chamber). The burner mounting on the test bench at CIRAD was designed for a Cuenod burner, and therefore a new flange was made which had the effect of reducing O2 emissions. It was noted that the burner would operate intermittently; running for approximately 30 seconds, stopping and beginning again without any operator input. The burner would continue running in this fashion with the running times in between stops increasing. This made it difficult to obtain stable combustion and hence have accurate emissions readings. The problem was due to the fact that the power for the burner was wired via a thermostat housed in the nozzle preheater (see A in figure This resulted in the preheater running continuously, but there was no longer a problem with the burner running intermittently. Fig. Modification of control wiring for nozzle preheater The burner would start its sequence, the preheater would heat up and combustion would begin. However, as cold fuel was drawn through the nozzle, the inbuilt thermostat would begin to cool and once it fell below its preset temperature, it would cut power to the burner, stopping the sequence. To avoid this, the thermostat in the nozzle pre-heater was wired out of the circuit (see B in figure, this rewiring was carried out in the Landis & Gyr control box (type: LOA21.171B17). 121 Modifications to use fuel blends containing >50% RVO - Additional Equipment Previous tests conducted using the Cuenod NC4 burner highlighted not only the need for increased injection pressure, but also fuel preheating if blends of vegetable oil greater than 50% were to be reliably used in an atomising burner. To achieve this, a Heizbösch L-10-CR preheater was fitted to the system and the fuel supply line was modified by the addition of a second electro valve. Fig. Ecoflam fuel circuit The control circuit works in the following way: when the boiler is switched on, the large fuel preheater begins to heat and once it reaches the pre-set temperature, the burner sequence starts as per the original circuit. The signal from the original valve (1) (situated on top of the fuel pump), is used to control the second electro-valve (2): thus when the small preheater at the nozzle reaches 60 oC, valve (1) and also valve (2) open directing fuel flow to the nozzle. When the water temperature in the boiler reaches its desired level, the burner shuts down, both valves close and the flow of oil to the nozzle is stopped. The second electro-valve (2) was necessary to avoid unburnt oil dripping from the nozzle after shutdown (the installation of the fuel preheater had resulted in their being a substantial volume of pressurised fuel between the original cut-off valve and the 122 nozzle; without an extra valve this fuel would leak into the boiler once the flame had stopped, raising emissions and leaving some unburnt fuel at the bottom of the combustion chamber). Although there is a small volume of fuel contained in the fuel line between the large fuel heater and the nozzle which will not get properly preheated, it was calculated that after approximately 1second this cold oil would be replaced by hot oil during the injection process, and therefore there wouldn’t be any problems during start-up. Fig. Ecoflam burner on test bench at CIRAD 123 Fig. Modified fuel line and nozzle assembly Results Performance using 100% mineral home heating oil Test Fuel 100% home heating oil Emissions CO (ppm) 2 O (%) 2 CO (%) Consumption (kg/h) Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar) Air damper (units 0 - 10) 40 6.1 10.9 Water Pump Setting 1, 2, 3 3 Flow - m /h 1 0.333 1.33 10 0.4 Blast Tube (dist. visible mm) 10 Nozzle Specification o Danfoss 0,50 US Gal 60 S Boiler Water Temperature C 58 o Water Pressure Bar 1 Delta T C 36.3 o Ambient temperature C * analyser near boiler o 17* Table Optimised performance of Ecoflam burner using 100% HHO 124 Performance of modified burner using 50% RVO Test Fuel 50% recycled vegetable oil Emissions CO (ppm) 2 O (%) 53 Boiler Water Temperature C n/a o 4 2 CO (%) 12.5 Consumption (kg/h) Water Pump Setting 1, 2, 3 3 Flow - m /h 2 0.6037 2.71 Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar) Air damper (units 0 - 10) 14 5.5 Blast Tube (dist. visible mm) 10 Nozzle Specification o Danfoss 0,50 US Gal 60 S o Heizbösch setting ( C) Water Pressure Bar 1 Delta T C 40.36 o Ambient temperature C * analyser near boiler o 16.9 80 o Fuel Pipe temperature ( C) 52 Table Optimised performance of Ecoflam burner using 50% RVO 125 Performance of modified burner using 100% RVO Test Fuel 100% recycled vegetable oil Emissions CO (ppm) 2 O (%) 54 Boiler Water Temperature C 58 o 3.3 2 CO (%) 13 Consumption (kg/h) Water Pump Setting 1, 2, 3 3 Flow - m /h 1 0.587 3.55 Burner Settings Pump pressure (bar) Air damper (units 0 - 10) 23 6.5 Blast Tube (dist. visible mm) 10 Nozzle Specification o Danfoss 0,50 US Gal 60 S o Heizbösch setting ( C) Water Pressure Bar 1 Delta T C 44.92 o Ambient temperature C * analyser near boiler o 13.3 150 o Fuel Pipe temperature ( C) 86 Table Optimised performance of Ecoflam burner using 100% RVO As can be seen from tables and, the modified burner ran successfully on both 50% RVO and 100% RVO. CO emissions for both the 50% and 100% RVO fuels were higher than for 100% HHO. However, the HHO emissions contained a greater amount of excess air which would dilute the CO emissions. Although the 100% RVO fuel required the Heizbösch fuel heater to be set to its maximum heating level (150 oC), a thermocouple on the fuel line after the heater showed there was some loss in temperature after the heater, so the actual fuel injection temperature would have been lower than 150 oC. 126 With the Heizbösch fuel heater to be set to its maximum heating level, the required injection pressure was found to be 23 bar, which was lower than previously found by Vaitilingom et al on an industrial scale boiler. Conclusions With the addition of a fuel preheater, and by increasing the injection pressure, it is possible to use 100% RVO in a home heating burner over a short period of time. Longer-term tests would be needed to ascertain the reliability of the system (particularly during the start-up phase). The possible influence of RVO minor chemical components on the durability of the fuel pump must be verified. The extra cost involved in modifying a burner to use 100% RVO must be looked at in more detail. There was a difference in the Calculated Cetane Index between the solid and liquid RVO fractions. Further testing of combustion performance between different types of RVO is required. 127 References Bolton RVO Ltd. (Vegetable Oil Recycling Company, Ireland) 2002 IEA Energy and Taxes, 1st Quarter 2001 (ISBN 92-64-19069-4) Project Interim Report, Altener contract no. 4.1030/C/00-014 Vaitilingom, G., Perilhon, C., Liennard, A., Gandon, M., 1998. Development of rape seed oil burners for drying and heating. Industrial Crops and Products 7 (1998) 273279 128 Appendix Fig. Close-up of seized pump & filter Ecoflam Oil Burner manual (edited) Models: Minor 1 BR ST and Minor 1 M (578)BR ST 129 130 131 5.4 Modified Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Test : Pilot Study 5.4.1 Introduction The use of neat vegetable oils as fuel for Diesel engines requires either a purpose built engine or a conventional engine modified to cater for greater viscosities normally encountered with vegetable oils compared with mineral diesel fuel. Diesel engines driving a generator of the type found in combined heat and power applications do not lend themselves to power or emissions measurements at speeds other than their rated speed, so a vehicle was used to determine performance and emissions characteristics for neat RVO over a range of engine speeds. 5.4.2 Apparatus and Procedure A 2.4 litre indirect injection naturally aspirated Toyota Dyna fitted with a modified ‘Biocar kit’ which essentially heats the fuel from the the engine cooling system and subsequently modified by the addition of a Parker Industries electrically heated fuel filter, was tested on a Sun Roadamatic chassis dynamometer. Exhaust emissions of CO, CO2, NO and O2 were measured using an IMR 2800P electrochemical gas analyser in conjunction with a heated intake and a Hartridge MK 3 smokemeter was used to determine exhaust opacity. See Figs 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3 and 5.4.4. Neat RVO was used as a fuel when using the modified fuel system and this was compared to mineral diesel fuel in the same vehicle but using the conventional fuel system. All results were obtained using 4th gear. 132 Fig. 5.4.1 Vehicle on chassis dynamometer Fig. 5.4.2 Heated Fuel Line and Filter 133 Fig. 5.4.3 Control and Display Unit for Multifuel Conversion Fig. 5.4.4 Sampling Tail Pipe Emissions 134 5.4.3 Results and Discussion It should be noted that the following results that are presented are typical of the small number of preliminary tests that have been performed so far and as such are considered to be a pilot study only. To date no statistical analysis has been performed on the data. Power The power produced by the vehicle over its full range of engine speed while running on neat RVO using the modified fuel system was compared the power produced by mineral diesel fuel. It can be seen that the two fuels produced similar results up to approxiamately 3000 rpm, at higher engine speeds the mineral fuel produced higher power as can be seen in Fig. 5.4.6. Power Vs Engine Speed Power (KW) 40 30 Diesel 20 RVO 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig. 5.4.6 Power Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel 135 Tail Pipe Emissions. CO As can be seen from Fig 5.4.7 the CO emitted from the vehicle while running on RVO was lower for almost all the speed range of the engine than for the vehicle while running on mineral diesel fuel this particularly pronounced in the speed range 4000 – 5000 rpm. CO Vs Engine Speed 12000 CO (ppm) 10000 8000 Diesel 6000 RVO 4000 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig. 5.4.7 CO Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel 136 CO2 Vs Engine Speed 16 14 CO2 (%) 12 10 Diesel 8 RVO 6 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig 5.4.8 CO2 Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel CO2 It can be from Fig 5.4.8 that the production of CO2 for both fuels was similar over the entire speed range of the vehicle except for the very highest speed when RVO emitted a little over half the CO2 of mineral diesel fuel. 137 NO Vs Engine Speed 300 NO (ppm) 250 200 Diesel 150 RVO 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig 5.4.9 NO Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel NO2 Vs Engine Speed 14 NO2 (ppm) 12 10 8 Diesel RVO 6 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig 5.4.10 NO2 Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel NO and NO2 As can be seen from Figs 5.4.9 and 5.4.10 both NO and NO2 emissions from the vehicle were similar when running on both RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel except at the very highest engine speed when RVO produced the lowest NO and NO2. 138 O2 Vs Engine Speed 12 CO2 (%) 10 8 Diesel 6 RVO 4 2 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig 5.4.11 O2 Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel O2 From Fig. 5.4.11 it can be seen that the O2 produced by the vehicle when running on RVO was similar to when running on mineral diesel fuel, except for the very highest engine speed when RVO produced more. 139 Smoke Vs Engine Speed Smoke (HSU) 100 80 60 Diesel RVO 40 20 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (RPM) Fig 5.4.12 Smoke Vs Engine Speed for RVO and Mineral Diesel Fuel Smoke The smoke produced by the vehicle when running on RVO was much lower than when running on mineral diesel fuel at engine speeds greater than approxiamately 1400 rpm. As can be seen from Fig. 5.4.12. 140 5.5 Modified Engine in Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Test Main Study 5.5.1 Introduction The main study involved further testing of the vehicle described in section 5.4. Each run was conducted in random order and repeated 5 times, to enable a statistical analysis of the data and the resulting 95% confidence limits are shown on each graph. Initial tests carried out using RVO showed that power and tractive effort were similar to that of mineral diesel fuel up to speeds of 3500 rpm. However during the testing the maximum power produced from mineral diesel fuel dropped from 41 to 36.5 KW and the maximum power produced from RVO dropped from 37 to 34 KW. The decrease in power was found to be as a result of a build up of carbon on the fuel injector tips. The injectors were then replaced with fresh injectors and the tests repeated. The results from the second series of tests are used to compare the performance and tailpipe emissions while running on mineral diesel fuel and RVO. 141 5.5.2 Results Power and Tractive Effort Power (KW) Power Vs Engine Speed 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Diesel RVO 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.1 Tractive Effort Vs Engine Speed Tractive Effort (KN) 2.5 2 1.5 Diesel RVO 1 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.2 142 Tail Pipe Emissions CO2 Vs Engine Speed 20 CO2 (%) 15 10 Diesel RVO 5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 -5 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.3 CO Vs Engine Speed 25000 CO (ppm) 20000 15000 Diesel 10000 RVO 5000 0 -5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.4 143 SO2 Vs Engine Speed 100 SO2 (ppm) 80 60 Diesel 40 RVO 20 0 -20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.5 NO Vs Engine Speed 300 250 NO (ppm) 200 150 Diesel 100 RVO 50 0 -50 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.6 144 O2 Vs Engine Speed 25 20 O2 (%) 15 Diesel 10 RVO 5 0 -5 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.7 145 Smoke Opacity Vs Engine Speed Smoke Opacity (HSU) 120 100 80 60 Diesel 40 RVO 20 0 -20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine Speed (rpm) Fig 5.5.8 5.5.3 Discussion Power and Tractive Effort Power and tractive effort were found to be consistently lower while using RVO as shown in fig 5.5.1 and 5.5.2. The percentage drop in power ranged between 4 and 30% with higher power losses at higher engine speeds. While measuring the power and tractive effort while running on RVO it was noted that the readings fluctuated. It was found that running the van at the required speed for a minute and then applying the load reduced the amount of fluctuation significantly. 146 Emissions Emissions were measured using an IMR 2800 P gas analyser and a Hartridge MK3 smoke meter. Fig 5.5.3 shows that the mean carbon dioxide emitted from RVO is 45% less than that emitted from mineral diesel fuel. This decrease is seen at all engine speeds. The reduction in carbon dioxide is greater than reductions reported in literature. Barsic et al (1992) notes similar carbon dioxide emissions between sunflower oil, peanut oil and mineral diesel fuel. RVO was found to produce 66% less carbon monoxide compared to mineral diesel fuel. This is shown in fig 5.5.4. This decrease is particularly significant at speeds between 4000 and 5000 rpm where carbon monoxide is up to 82% less than that from mineral diesel fuel. This seems to contradict literature as vegetable oil is reported to produce as much as twice the amount that is produced from mineral diesel fuel (Barsic et al, 1982). However it must be taken into account that this is at equal energy delivery. The decrease in carbon monoxide is considered to be mainly due to the higher percentage of oxygen present during combustion indicated by a higher percentage of oxygen present in RVO exhaust gas emissions (see fig 5.5.7). Up to three and a half times as much sulphur was present in RVO exhaust gas compared to mineral diesel (see fig 5.5.5). but this was not expected and contradicts the literature. The most likely cause of this is lubricating oil leaking into the fuel through worn piston seals causing an increase in sulphur dioxide emissions, though why this should be higher with RVO than mineral diesel fuel is not clear. 147 Fig 5.5.8 shows that the smoke opacity from RVO was lower than that from mineral diesel fuel particularly at speeds greater 2500 rpm. Condon (1993) also reports a lower smoke opacity from vegetable oils as a direct effect of a reduction in carbon dioxide levels and a dilution effect of the excess oxygen present in vegetable oils. A lower smoke opacity indicates less un-burnt fuel present in the exhaust gasses. The level of precision in the results for exhaust gas emissions is considerably lower than the precision for power, tractive effort and smoke opacity results. The reason for the low precision is not clear and further testing is required to investigate the cause of this. 148 5.5.4 • Conclusions RVO produces less power than mineral diesel fuel especially at higher engine speeds. • There is a difference of 4.75 KW in the maximum power produced by both fuels at 90 km/hr, which is significant at the 5% confidence level. • Emissions of smoke, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were lower from RVO compared to mineral diesel fuel. References Barsic, N.J. and Humke, A.L. (1982) “Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine with Vegetable Oil Fuels”, Society of Automotive Engineers. Condon, S. (1993) “A Comparison of the Characteristics of Two Types of Compression Ignition Engine when Running on Rape Seed Oil and Diesel”, Final Year Project, University of Limerick. 149 5.6 Fuel Injector Fouling 5.6.1 Introduction The four pintle-type injector nozzles were replaced at the start of the RVO trials. However during the testing the maximum power produced from RVO dropped from 37 to 34KW and the maximum power produced from mineral diesel fuel dropped from 41 to 36.5KW. This decrease in power was found to be as a result of injector fouling. Injector fouling/coking is the build up of unburned or residual carbon on the fuel injector nozzles of an engine. It is caused by incomplete combustion of the fuel leading to deposits of either carbon residue or soot particles around valve ports, piston rings and injector nozzles. Before installing new injectors, the airflow through each injector was measured in order to establish a baseline for the build-up of carbon on the injector tips. The injectors were then re-measured after 430km to assess the build up of carbon on the injector tips. 5.6.2 Apparatus and Procedure A test rig was set-up in accordance with ISO 4010 to measure the reduction in airflow through injectors as a result of the build-up of carbon on the injector tips. The nozzle was placed in a holder and surrounded by a rubber boot. The rubber boot was connected to a 1.5m long copper pipe (diameter 3.4 × 10-3 m) and the injector was connected to a vacuum pump. All connections were made using flexible tubing and joints were sealed using petroleum jelly. A pressure drop of 0.6 bar across the nozzle was maintained at all times to ensure the flow through the nozzle was choked and dependent only on the nozzle area of flow. The area of flow was varied by lifting the needle from its seat in increments of 0.1mm using a threaded screw on top of the dial gauge. The pressure drop across the pipe was measured at each 0.1mm increment using a water manometer. The test rig used is shown in fig 5.6.1. 150 Fig 5.6.1. Injector fouling rig. 151 5.6.3 Results and Discussion Results Needle Lift Vs Flowrate Injector 1 Flowrate (cm3/s) 0.025 0.02 0.015 New After 430 km 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Needle Lift (mm) Fig 5.6.2. Air flow rate through RVO injector # 1. Needle Lift Vs Flowrate Flowrate (cm 3/s) 0.025 0.02 0.015 New After 430 km 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Needle Lift (mm) Fig 5.6.3 Air flow rate through RVO injector # 2. 152 Needle Lift Vs Flowrate Flowrate (cm 3/s) 0.025 0.02 0.015 New After 430 km 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Needle Lift (mm) Fig 5.6.4. Air flow rate through RVO injector # 3. Reduction in Airflow Rate (%) % Reduction in Airflow Rate Vs Needle Lift 120% 100% 80% Injector 1 Injector 2 Injector 3 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Needle Lift (mm) Fig 5.6.5. Reduction in air flow rate through injector nozzles due to RVO after 430km. 153 Discussion A test method involving the use of a test rig specified by ISO 4010 was used to quantify the build up of carbon on the fuel injector tips. This involved measuring the airflow through the injector for different needle positions allowing comparisons to be made between the new and fouled injectors. After initial fouling was discovered all four injectors were replaced with fresh injectors and the airflow was measured through each injector. The airflow was measured again after the van had completed 430 km on RVO. The Reynolds number was calculated to be less than 2000 for each needle increment to verify laminar flow. The results of the airflow test are shown in fig 5.6.2 to fig 5.6.5. The results for the fourth injector are not shown as the needle was found to have seized inside the injector. This is thought to be as a result of the engine overheating due to a heating coil that was installed on the van. Figs 5.6.2 to 5.6.4 show a decrease in the amount of airflow through each injector after 430 km due to the build up of carbon on the injector tips. Fig 5.6.5 shows the percentage reduction in airflow due to coking. The greatest reduction in airflow is seen at lower needle lifts. A needle lift of 0.1mm is needed in order for air to flow through clean injectors, however this is increased to 0.5mm through coked injectors. Although the quantity of fuel injected is determined by the fuel pump and not the condition of the injectors, the fuel spray pattern will be affected. Further work is required to determine the effect the carbon coking has on the fuel spray pattern. 154 The carbon deposits on the injector tips required moderate scraping for removal similar to that found by Barsic et al (1982). This increased the airflow through the injectors but not to their original value. Conclusions • Injector coking due to RVO decreased the airflow through pintle type injector nozzles by approxiamately 40% after 430 km running on RVO. • Carbon deposits required moderate scraping for removal. Recommendations for Future Work Injector coking was found to decrease the airflow rate through the nozzles after 430 km however further testing after several thousand kilometres have been completed on RVO would prove useful to investigate the build up of carbon over a longer period of time. Further testing is also required to find the relationship between the reduction in airflow through the nozzle and the quality of the fuel spray. 155 5.7 Effect of changing injection timing and injection pressure upon exhaust emissions and fuel consumption from a 4-cylinder diesel engine operating on 25% RVO/75% mineral fuel. 5.7.1 Introduction The use of waste cooking oil methyl-esters in CI engines has been documented (Nye et al, 1983, Howard-Hildige and Leahy 1999, Mohamad et al, 2002). Filtered waste cooking oil is a cheaper fuel than esterified oil but its increased viscosity, low volatility and poor cold flow properties can result in difficulties when using it in a CI engine. A fuel blend containing 25% RVO was prepared and used to fuel a 1.5 litre Indirect injection 4 cylinder Tempest diesel engine mounted on a Cussens test bed. An IMR exhaust gas analyser was used to measure levels of CO2, O2, CO, SO2, NO2, NO, and lambda (the ratio of the volume of air to the volume of air theoretically required). Fuel The RVO had been steam treated and passed through a 250 micron filter. Although batches of RVO can vary depending on the material being recycled, tests by ETS on the solid and liquid fractions of RVO indicate clearly show it’s lower calorific value, higher viscosity and higher density (see appendix). The mineral diesel fuel was TEXACO road vehicle fuel (DERV), complying with EN 590: 1999.(see appendix). 5.7.2 Apparatus and Procedure Apparatus The engine used for the experiment was a 4-cylinder, 1.5l Tempest indirect-injection compression ignition engine. The engine was mounted on a Cussons Automotive 30 test bed and was coupled to a D.C. dynamometer. 156 Fig.5.7.1 Cussons test bed Fig.5.7.2 Exhaust sampling point 157 5.7.3 Close up of rotary DPA fuel injection pump Procedure The engine was started and run under a light load for 30 minutes to reach operating temperature, after which all the data were gathered after 5 minutes at full load conditions. The engine was tested in its standard injection timing and pressure (130 bar) while using both 25% RVO/mineral fuel (25%R) and mineral diesel fuel (D). The IMR was used to sample the exhaust gases and the burette on the test bench was used with a stopwatch to monitor fuel consumption. Engine speed was recorded with an Ono Sokki Digital Tachometer. 1mm of travel of the baseplate of the pump equates to a change in an injection timing of 2 degrees crank angle - the injection timing was retarded by rotating the pump 2mm anti-clockwise (hence giving a timing retardation of 4 degrees crank angle). Following this, the timing was advanced 4 degrees crank angle and the results noted. Fig.5.7.4 Plate indicating direction of pump rotation 158 The final test in the series involved the removal of all four injectors and the adjustment of the injector springs to adjust the injection pressure. A Hartridge Poptester was used; the injector breaking pressure was changed from the original pressure of 140 bar (LP) to an elevated pressure of 160 bar (HP), the injectors were replaced and both fuels were tested. Fig.5.7.5 Hartridge Pop tester and fuel injector 159 5.7.3 Results Variation of Fuel Injection Pressure CO2 (%) IMR CO2 (%) 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 1000 D (H.P.) 25%R (H.P.) D (L.P.) 25%R (L.P.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.7 CO2 Vs Engine Speed O2 (%) IMR O2 (%) 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 1000 D (H.P.) 25%R (H.P.) D (L.P.) 25%R (L.P.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.8 O2 Vs Engine speed 160 IMR CO (ppm) 700 D (H.P.) 600 CO (ppm) 500 25%R (H.P.) 400 300 D (L.P.) 200 25%R (L.P.) 100 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.9 CO Vs Engine speed IMR NO (ppm) 500 D (H.P.) 450 NO (ppm) 400 25%R (H.P.) 350 D (L.P.) 300 250 25%R (L.P.) 200 150 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.10 NO Vs Engine Speed 161 IMR NO2 (ppm) 40 35 D (H.P.) NO2 (ppm) 30 25%R (H.P.) 25 20 D (L.P.) 15 25%R (L.P.) 10 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.11 NO2 Vs Engine Speed 162 Fuel Consumption (kg/hr) Pressure Tests - Fuel Consumption (kg/hr) 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1000 D (H.P.) 25%R (H.P.) D (L.P.) 25%R (L.P.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.12 Fuel Consumption Vs Engine Speed Variation of Injection Timing CO2 (%) IMR CO2 (%) 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 1000 D (ret.) 25%R (ret.) D (adv.) 25%R (adv.) D (std.) 25%R (std.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.13 CO2 Vs Engine Speed 163 O2 (%) IMR O2 (%) 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 1000 D (ret.) 25%R (ret.) D (adv.) 25%R (adv.) D (std.) 25%R (std.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.14 O2 Vs Engine Speed CO (ppm) IMR CO (ppm) 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1000 D (ret.) 25%R (ret.) D (adv.) 25%R (adv.) D (std.) 25%R (std.) 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.15 CO Vs Engine Speed 164 IMR NO (ppm) D (ret.) NO (ppm) 500 450 25%R (ret.) 400 D (adv.) 350 25%R (adv.) 300 250 D (std.) 200 25%R (std.) 150 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.16 NO Vs Engine Speed IMR NO2 (ppm) 40 D (ret.) 25%R (ret.) D (adv.) 25%R (adv.) D (std.) 25%R (std.) NO2 (ppm) 35 30 25 20 15 10 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.17 NO2 Vs Engine Speed 165 Timing Tests - Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption (kg/hr) 6 D (ret.) 25%R (ret.) D (adv.) 25%R (adv.) D (std.) 25%R (std.) 5 4 3 2 1 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.18 Fuel Consumption Vs Engine Speed M ineral D iesel Fuel and R .V .O. Pow er (kW ) Po wer (kW) 18 16 14 12 10 8 D (H.P.) 6 4 2 0 1000 25% R (H.P.) 1500 2000 2 500 3000 RPM Figure 5.7.19 Power Vs Engine Speed 166 5.7.4 Discussion Variation of fuel injection pressure Exhaust Emissions CO2 Figure 5.7.7 shows that the 25% RVO blend (25%R) injected at low pressure (130 bar)(LP) produces the greatest amount of CO2 at engine speeds greater than approx 1700 RPM , this likely to be due to the higher fuel consumption occurring with this fuel (see figure 5.7.12) than improvement of combustion. It is interesting to note that at low pressure for both 25%R and mineral fuel (D) at low engine speed produces a decrease of CO2 with increase of engine speed up to 1500-1700 RPM, followed by a rapid increase than remains relatively constant above 2000-2300 RPM, as opposed to the relatively steady increase of CO2 with engine speed for the fuels injected at 160 bar (HP). These results suggest that further work be done to clarify the cause of this effect. O2 O2 emitted (see figure 5.7.8) is the inverse trend of the CO2 for both fuels and fuel injection pressures. CO CO produced by 25%R(LP) (see figure 5.7.9) is the largest for all engine speeds, up to approx twice that produced by the other fuel/injection pressure tests, this suggests that high CO emissions of 25%R can be controlled easily by increasing fuel injection pressure. Also improvement of (D) emissions can be obtained, particularly at low engine speeds. NO 25%R at (HP) produces the greatest NO particularly at low engine speeds (see figure 5.7.10), this is expected due to the high indigenous oxygen content of vegetable oils raising combustion temperatures. This also suggests that (HP) gives more complete combustion, probably due to improved atomisation over (LP). NO2 Similarly to NO, more NO2 is produced with 25%R at (HP) (see figure 5.7.11). Fuel Consumption 167 25%R at (LP) gives the highest fuel consumption, as expected from exhaust emissions, the other fuel/injection pressure combinations giving similar results (see figure 5.7.12). Effect of variation of injection timing CO2 The standard timing curves show the same decrease in CO2 at engine speeds up to 1500-1700 RPM, then rapid increase, to become relatively constant above 2000-2300 RPM as in the variation with (LP) injection as this series of tests was conducted at the standard injection pressure of 130 bar (ie LP)(see figure 5.7.13). The other injector pressure settings showing remarkably similar CO2 emissions except for (D) at advanced injection. O2 The emissions of O2 from fuel/injection timing combinations from figure 5.7.14 have as expected an inverse trend to the CO2 emissions. CO Except for the lowest engine speed of 25%R standard injection timing the CO emissions all follow a similar trend of generally decreasing with increasing engine speed. 25%R gives the highest emissions at all injection timings. Increasing the advance of injection timing tends to reduce the CO emitted. NO Figure 5.7.16 shows that 25%R at advanced injection gives the highest NO emissions at engine speeds above 1700RPM, except for this, both fuels perform similarly. Generally, advancing the injection of the fuel produces higher NO, similarly to previous emissions graphs, the NO emitted using standard injection timing is relatively constant at low engine speeds, followed by a rapid rise at medium speeds to become relatively constant at high speeds. Generally, the emissions of NO are similar for both fuels, regardless of fuel injection timing. NO2 From figure 5.7.17 it appears that advancing the injection of the fuel generally favours the formation of NO2 and 25%R produces more at standard and advanced injection. There is no clear effect of engine speed on NO2 emissions for the range of fuel/injection advance combinations used in these tests. 168 Fuel Consumption The fuel consumption does not appear to be a strong function of fuel injection advance, but as expected increases steadily with engine speed at full load conditions. Generally marginally more 25%R is consumed at any given engine speed at full load. Note: A leak was found after the low pressure 4 degrees retarded timing tests which would explain the abnormally high fuel consumption figures. Power Power developed vs engine speed at standard injection timing and 160bar injection pressure for both fuels are shown in figure 5.7.19, it can be seen that both fuels perform closely. It is not clear if maximum power had been achieved, and further study is needed to determine the effects of fuel injection timing and pressure. References Humke, A.L. and Barsic, N.J. ‘Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Naturally Aspirated Diesel Engine with Vegetable Oil Fuels’ 0096-736X/82/90032925. Copyright 1982 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Mohamad I. A., Tashtoush, G. and Abu-Qudais, M. ‘Utilization of ethyl ester of waste vegetable oils as fuel in diesel engines’. Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 76, Issue 2, 20 May 2002, Pages 91-103 Nye, M. J., Williamson, T.W., Deshpande, S., Schrader, J.H., and Snively, W.H. ‘Conversion of Used Frying Oil to Diesel Fuel by Transesterification: Preliminary Tests’ JAOCS, vol. 60, no. 8 (August 1983) Peterson, C.L., and Hustrulid, T. ‘Carbon Cycle for Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel Fuels’ Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 91 – 101, 1998 169 Howard-Hildige, R. and Leahy J.J.. (1999) ‘A trial of Esterified waste cooking oil as a summer and winter fuel for vehicles and heating boilers, and investigation into the feasibility of establishing a small scale processing plant’. Altener Contract No.XVII/4.1030/Z?97-073. 170 Appendix Properties of RVO and Winter grade Automotive Diesel Analysis Norme RVO (l) RVO (s) Volumetric Mass Calculated Cetane Index Lower Calorific Value NF EN ISO 12185/96 NF EN ISO 4264/97 NF M07030/96 921.7 31 36.735 921 33.1 36.45 Viscosity Kinematic NF EN ISO 3104/96 41.68 41.49 Cold Filter Plugging Point EN 116/96 too viscous too viscous Aut. Diesel min max 820 46 845 2 4.5 -15 Units kg/m3 Quotation MJ/kg mm2.s-1 o C Automotive diesel is considered winter grade (figures quoted from EN 590: 1999) RVO (l) = liquid at room temp. RVO (s) = solid at room temp. 171 5.8 Demonstration at Ecotopia 2002 5.8.1 Introduction Ecotopia is a European Youth event which is held annually and has been in existence for 14 years. It is a Summer Camp dedicated to Workshops and Presentations on a wide range of Ecological and Environmental topics. Ecotopia 2002 was held in a 98 acre Broad Leaf Forest on the banks of Loch Derg near to Tuamagraney, Co. Clare, Ireland from August 10 to August 24 2002. The Electrical Power for this event was generated partially by manual means (person pedalled generators) and partially by a 6.5 kW diesel generator. This section describes the diesel engined power generation. 5.8.2 Apparatus and Procedure A 6.5 kW Yanmar Diesel Engine running on a 5% blend of RVO in mineral diesel fuel was used to drive a 5 KVA , 240V ac generator as shown in Figures 5.8.1 and 5.8.2. Figure 5.8.1 Yanmar 6.5 kW Diesel Generator 172 Figure 5.8.2 Yanmar Generator 5.8.3 Results and Discussion The generator operated without any problems for the duration of the event without any operating problems. No measurements were conducted of power consumed etc as on site facilities did not permit this. Conclusions A 5% blend of RVO in mineral diesel fuel operated a generator at Ecotopia satisfactorily. 173 6 Dissemination As it was always intended to promote the public knowledge of this work. The results of this work have been disseminated via the following media. Project Brochure (see section 6.1) sent out to the following networks for further dissemination. FEDARENE ISLENET ENERGIE CITIES National Radio – 2FM Gerry Ryan Show : Interview with Bernard Rice. February 2003. Workshop – Ecotopia 2002 Workshop and presentation on the use of RVO as a fuel. August 2002. (see section 6.2) Seminar – Waste to Warmth : Biofuels from Waste. Lakeside Hotel, Ballina/Killaloe. September 2002. CD ROM – Altener Cluster No.4.1030/C/00.014. Waste to Warmth : Biofuels from Waste. September 2002. Technical papers (International and Global) M.E. Gonzales Gomez, R. Howard-Hildige, J.J. Leahy and B. Rice. Winterisation of Waste Cooking Oil Methyl Ester to improve low temperature fuel properties. Fuel Vol. 2002. B. Supple, M.E. Gonzales Gomez, R. Howard-Hildige and J.J. Leahy. Effect of steam treatment on the yield of methyl ester from waste cooking oil. JAOCS Vol. 2002. 174 6.1 Project Brochure 175 176 6.2 Workshop at Ecotopia August 2002 Ecotopia is a participatory event which brings together people from all over Europe to conduct and attend presentations and workshops on a wide range of social and environmental topics. Ecotopia is coordinated by EYFA, a European-wide network of young individuals and youth organizations, and has been held every year since 1989 at different locations all over Europe. Ecotopia 2002 was held on the banks of Loch Derg, at Tuamagraney, Co.Clare, Ireland, from 10 – 24 August 2002. As part of the dissemination activities of Altener Cluster No. 4.1030/C/00-014, a workshop on the use of waste as a fuel was conducted. A demonstration of the use of RVO/mineral oil blend as a diesel engine fuel was also conducted for the duration of Ecotopia 2002 (see section 5.7). 6.2.1 Workshop The workshop was held on the afternoon of 22 August, and a presentation on the use of RVO as a fuel for diesel engines and heating was given by Adrian O’Connell, University of Limerick and Eric Mercier, INSA Toulouse. Figure 6.2.1 Waste as a Renewable Fuel Workshop Discussion Group The resulting questions and answers discussion session tended towards the clean up of used frying oil so that it could be esterified as many of the attendees had either made 177 or read about biodiesel. All attendees were well informed in the use of alternative liquid bio fuels. Particular questions related to: Increasing the yield of biodiesel, ratio of catalyst / methanol / RVO to be used in the esterification process. Safety and legislative considerations of storage of methanol. Derrogation of fuel tax for use in road going vehicles. Reliability of vehicles and engines using the various biodiesels. The use of neat seed and waste cooking oil was also considered in the discussion, questions included: Details of engines modified to allow the use of neat seed oil. Cost of conversion kits. Reliability of engines using neat oils as a fuel. Cost and availability of seed oils and waste oils. Ecotopia 2002 Ecotopia 2002 was held in a 98 acre broad leaf forest on the banks of Loch Derg at Tuamagraney Co. Clare, Ireland. Previously Ecotopia has been held at : 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Koln, Germany. Bugac, Hungary. Tudulinna, Estonia. Reslec, Bulgaria. Durban sur Arige, France. Tasca, Romania. Wolmierg, Poland. Libovice, Czech Republic. Avonbridge, Scotland. Emmendingen, Germany. Bagda, Romania. Turku, Finland. Sinemorets, Bulgaria 178