stratigraphic architecture and facies analysis of the
stratigraphic architecture and facies analysis of the
STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE AND FACIES ANALYSIS OF THE LOWER CRETACEOUS DINA MEMBER OF THE MANNVILLE GROUP IN NORTHWEST SASKATCHEWAN A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science In Geology University of Regina By Daniel Jonathon Kohlruss Regina, Saskatchewan October, 2012 Copyright 2012, D.J. Kohlruss UNIVERSITY OF REGINA FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH SUPERVISORY AND EXAMINING COMMITTEE Daniel Jonathon Kohlruss, candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Geology, has presented a thesis titled, Stratigraphic Architecture and Facies Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous Dina Member of the Mannville Group in Northwest Saskatchewan, in an oral examination held on October 5, 2012. The following committee members have found the thesis acceptable in form and content, and that the candidate demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the subject material. External Examiner: Dr. Steven Hubbard, University of Calgary Co-Supervisor: Dr. Guoxiang Chi, Department of Geology Co-Supervisor: Dr. Per Kent Pederson, Adjunct Committee Member: Dr. Maria Velez Caicedo, Department of Geology Chair of Defense: Dr. Renata Raina, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry *Not present at defense ABSTRACT Recent exploration activity in northwest Saskatchewan, north of the Clearwater River Valley along the Alberta provincial border, has revealed an extensive bitumen resource. 1.4 billion barrels to 2.3 billion barrels (222 million m3 to 371 million m3) of bitumen is estimated in place. The bitumen-bearing sandstones belong to the Dina Member of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, stratigraphically equivalent to Alberta’s McMurray Formation. The purpose of this study is to determine the stratigraphic architecture of the Dina Member and its control on bitumen distribution in the study area. The Dina Member in northwest Saskatchewan was deposited unconformably on top of the underlying Devonian Elk Point Group with the thickest Dina sandstones residing within paleo-topographic lows on the unconformity surface. The Dina Member was extensively eroded by Pleistocene glacial processes and is unconformably overlain by Pleistocene glacial tills. Analysis of 83 stratigraphic test hole drill cores and 255 geophysical well log suites has revealed 8 recurring facies and 5 facies associations. The facies are comprised of siliciclastic sediments, including sandstones, siltstones, mudstones and in rare instances, coal. These facies are predominantly non-marine in origin, including fluvial sediments and associated over-bank deposits. Many fluvial facies exhibit a significant tidal and/or seasonal brackish water influence. Tidal indicators are manifested as rhythmic grain size striping, reactivation surfaces and co- and back-flow structures. Brackish conditions are indicated by impoverished, mono-specific assemblages of diminutive trace fossils in mud beds and discrete sand layers, along with marine palynmorphs and microfossils. I Deposition of the Dina Member is interpreted to have occurred within an incised valley system formed as a result of a relative base-level drop, which initiated trenching and deepening of pre-existing valleys. Braided channel deposits proceeded to fill the lowest portions of the valley during the lowstand and part of the subsequent transgression. As the valley was gradually filled and the lateral accommodation space increased, fluvial style changed from braided to meandering, with deposition of laterally accreted point-bar deposits. These manifest as inclined stratification (IS) and inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) overlying basal trough cross-bed sets. Mud filled, oxbow lake deposits were also observed in close association with the point-bar deposits. Bitumen distribution throughout the study area is not uniform and has several controls. Bitumen saturation is highest where braided fluvial and IS deposits are found, especially when stacked. Conversely, IHS deposits and mud filled oxbow lake deposits restrict oil flow and in cases act as flow barriers to oil migration. Bitumen is trapped laterally by the incised valley walls created by the sub-Cretaceous unconformity, where bitumen saturated sand pinches out against the impermeable carbonates. The Dina sandstones, in turn, were sealed above by shales of the Clearwater Formation/ Cummings Member of the Mannville Group. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for a large portion of this project was provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, most notably was a grant to Dr. Guoxiang Chi and Dr. Per Kent Pedersen at the University of Regina. Many individuals have contributed to this thesis in many different ways, through technical support, inspiration and motivation. I would like to thank Dr. Guoxiang Chi and Dr. Per Kent Pedersen for their technical support, patience and the freedom to think, work and act independently throughout the process. Their many hours of editing and valuable feedback are greatly appreciated. I’d like to thank all my colleagues at the Ministry of Energy and Resources, specifically, Arden Marsh, for his technical expertise with data management and mapping software, as well for our many discussions surrounding sedimentology and stratigraphy. I’d also like to thank Melinda Yurkowski who always believed I would finish this project and provided the time needed to accomplish my goal. I’d also like to thank Jeff Coolican, who “took-up-the-slack” in our shared work duties, while I focused on research. I’d like to thank Gavin Jensen and Arden Marsh for their assistance preparing for our Clearwater field season as well their time and energy while in the field. I’d also like to thank Megan Love and Tyler Music, who provided technical support while assembling my thesis. III DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this thesis to my two children. Without them I would not have the patience, maturity or strength to accomplish a goal of this magnitude. They teach me more than I will ever be able to teach them and they make me a better person. My son Ethan is the strongest individual I know and whenever I feel I can not accomplish a goal, I look to him for motivation. He truly is my hero and I am blessed to be his dad. My daughter Avery inspires me every day with her beautiful personality, endless curiosity and love of rocks and dogs. She makes me feel privileged to have the career I’ve chosen and appreciate every day I am a geologist. I look forward to working with her someday. Finally, I owe a very special thanks and dedication to my wife Melanie, who provided endless love, patience, encouragement and inspiration. She is always there when I need her most and without her I would not have attempted, let alone finished this thesis. “If you want to take the island, burn the boats!” –Tony Robbins IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………… I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...…………………………………………………………... III DEDICATION.……………………………………………………………...………….. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………V LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………..VIII LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………...IX 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose and Objectives ........................................................................................ 3 1.2 Previous Work ...................................................................................................... 5 1.3 A Review of Estuary Depositional Models .......................................................... 8 1.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 8 1.3.2 Physical Processes ........................................................................................ 9 River and Tidal Currents ......................................................................... 11 1.3.3 Chemical Processes and Water Circulation ................................................ 13 1.3.4 Biological Processes ................................................................................... 15 1.3.5 Morphology................................................................................................. 16 1.3.6 Cross-Bedding and Tidal Indicators ........................................................... 18 1.3.7 Grain Size Distribution ............................................................................... 19 1.3.8 Estuarine Depositional Model..................................................................... 21 1.4 Study Area .......................................................................................................... 22 1.5 Study Methods.................................................................................................... 22 1.5.1 Net Pay and Net Water/Lean Mapping ....................................................... 25 1.5.2 Geological Isopach and Structure Maps ..................................................... 26 1.5.3 Geological Cross-Sections .......................................................................... 27 2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING .......................................................................................... 28 3 2.1 Regional Geology ............................................................................................... 28 2.2 McMurray Sub-Basin ......................................................................................... 36 FACIES DESCRIPTIONS AND DEPOSITIONAL INTERPRETATIONS ........... 41 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 41 3.2 Facies Descriptions and Interpretations ............................................................. 41 3.2.1 Facies 1: Massive Sandstone ...................................................................... 41 V 3.2.2 Facies 2: Ripple Cross laminated Sandstone .............................................. 46 3.2.3 Facies 3: Planar Cross-bedded Sandstone................................................... 48 3.2.4 Facies 4: Trough Cross-Bedded Sandstone ................................................ 54 Facies 4a: Medium to Very Coarse Trough Cross-Bedded Sandstone ... 54 Facies 4b: Massive to Trough Cross-Bedded Pebbly Sandstone ............ 59 3.2.5 Facies 5: Pebble Conglomerate ................................................................... 62 3.2.6 Facies 6: Inter-bedded Sandstone and Bioturbated Mudstone.................... 65 3.2.7 Facies 7: Siltstone, Mudstone, and Coal ..................................................... 73 3.2.8 Facies 8: Laminated Siltstone to Very Fine Sandstone .............................. 77 3.3 Facies Associations ............................................................................................ 80 3.3.1 Facies Association 1: Braided Fluvial Channel .......................................... 80 3.3.2 Facies Association 2: Tidally Influenced Meander Channel Deposits ...... 88 3.3.3 Facies Association 3: Oxbow Lake Fill ...................................................... 99 3.3.4 Facies Association 4: Flood Plain Crevasse Splay ................................... 102 3.3.5 Facies Association 5: Floodplain Deposits ............................................... 105 4. STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE AND DEPOSITIONAL MODEL .............. 109 4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 109 4.2 Structural and Isopach Maps ............................................................................ 109 4.3 Facies Association Structural Cross-Sections .................................................. 115 4.3.1 Cross-section A-A’ ................................................................................... 116 4.3.2 Cross-section B-B’ .................................................................................... 119 4.3.3 Cross-section C-C’ .................................................................................... 121 4.3.4 Cross-section D-D’ ................................................................................... 123 4.3.5 Cross-section E-E’ .................................................................................... 126 4.3.6 Cross-section F-F’..................................................................................... 128 4.4 5. 6. Depositional Model .......................................................................................... 131 BITUMEN DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................. 137 5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 137 5.2 Bitumen Distribution ........................................................................................ 137 5.3 Trapping and Bitumen Distribution Controls................................................... 149 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................... 156 LIST OF REFERENCES.………………………………………………………………158 VI APPENDIX I : Formation and Facies Association Tops..………………………….….168 APPENDIX II : Bitumen Saturation Calculations….………………………………….177 APPENDIX III : Palynological Report..………………………………………..………185 VII LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Summary of facies within study area....………………………………………43 Table 3.2 Description interpretation and sequence stratigraphic nomenclature of facies associations in the study area………………….…………………………………………81 VIII LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Stratigraphic correlation chart for study area ................................................... 2 Figure 1.2 Oil sands activity map ...................................................................................... 4 Figure 1.3 Tide dominated estuary facies map ................................................................ 10 Figure 1.4 Morphology map of tide-dominated estuary .................................................. 12 Figure 1.5 Classification of estuaries based on internal water circulation patterns ......... 14 Figure 1.6 Map of study area ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 1.7 Map of detailed study area ............................................................................. 24 Figure 2.1 Structure map of the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity surface ......................... 29 Figure 2.2 Regional stratigraphic cross-section of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin 30 Figure 2.3 Terrane accretion model during Mannville deposition .................................. 31 Figure 2.4 Sequence stratigraphy breakdown of the Mannville group ............................ 32 Figure 2.5 Major drainage systems on the sub-Cretaceous unconformity....................... 34 Figure 2.6 Inferred Firebag Tributary system .................................................................. 37 Figure 2.7 Stratigraphic correlation chart of Alberta’s lower Cretacious, Mississippian and Devonian .................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 3.1 Core photograph of facies 1: massive sandstone ............................................ 42 Figure 3.2 Core photograph of massive sandstone with Gyrolithes burrows .................. 45 Figure 3.3 Core photograph of facies 2: ripple laminated sandstone .............................. 47 Figure 3.4 Core photographs of facies 3: planar cross-bedded sandstone ....................... 49 Figure 3.5 Core photograph of reactivation surface within facies 3 ................................ 50 Figure 3.6 Block diagram illustrating facies within a braided fluvial system ................. 53 Figure 3.7 Core photograph of facies 4a: trough cross-bedded sandstone ...................... 55 Figure 3.8 Outcrop photograph of mud rip-up clasts in facies 4a ................................... 56 Figure 3.9 Thin section photograph of facies 4a.............................................................. 58 Figure 3.10 Core photograph of facies 4b: pebbly trough cross-bedded sandstone ........ 60 Figure 3.11 Core photograph of facies 5: pebble conglomerate ...................................... 63 Figure 3.12 Thin section photograph of polycrystalline quartz grain in facies 5 ............ 64 Figure 3.13 Core photograph of facies 6: inter-bedded sandstone and bioturbated mudstone ........................................................................................................................... 66 Figure 3.14 Core photographs of facies 6: trace fossils ................................................... 69 IX Figure 3.15 Photomicrographs of pollen, spores, dinoflagellate cysts and scoleodont ... 70 Figure 3.16 Point bar and counter point bar morphology ................................................ 72 Figure 3.17 Core photograph of facies 7: paleosol .......................................................... 74 Figure 3.18 Core photograph of facies 7: Naktodemasis continental insect burrow ....... 75 Figure 3.19 Photomicrograph of root within facies 7 siltstone ........................................ 76 Figure 3.20 Core photograph of facies 8: laminated siltstone ......................................... 78 Figure 3.21 Smectite in SEM image at varying magnifications ...................................... 79 Figure 3.22a Core litholog of well 16-32-94-25W3 ........................................................ 82 Figure 3.22b Litholog legend ........................................................................................... 83 Figure 3.23 Isopach map of facies association1 .............................................................. 84 Figure 3.24 Schematic diagram of fluvial architecture in the study area ........................ 85 Figure 3.25 Outcrop photo of facies association 1 .......................................................... 87 Figure 3.26 Outcrop photo of bitumen impregnated log in facies association 1 ............. 89 Figure 3.27 Core litholog of well 16-28-94-25W3 .......................................................... 90 Figure 3.28 Gamma ray trace of well 6-20-94-25W3 illustrating channel stacking patterns of facies association 2 ......................................................................................... 91 Figure 3.29 Schematic of idealized point bar facies distribution in a tidally influenced meandering river channel system...................................................................................... 93 Figure 3.30 Isopach map of facies association 2 ............................................................. 96 Figure 3.31 Isopach map of facies 6 ................................................................................ 97 Figure 3.32 Illustration of esturine circulation ................................................................ 98 Figure 3.33 Core litholog of facies association 3 .......................................................... 100 Figure 3.34 Isopach map of facies association 3 ........................................................... 101 Figure 3.35 Core litholog of facies association 4 .......................................................... 103 Figure 3.36 Isopach map of facies association 4 ........................................................... 104 Figure 3.37 Illustration of crevasse splay ...................................................................... 106 Figure 3.38 Isopach map of facies association 5 ........................................................... 107 Figure 4.1 Map showing well coverage, logged cores and structural cross-sections .... 110 Figure 4.2 Structural map of the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity surface ...................... 112 Figure 4.3 Isopach map of the Dina Member/McMurray Formation ............................ 113 Figure 4.4 Structural map of the base of the Quaternary glacial deposits ..................... 114 X Figure 4.5 Structural cross-section A-A’ ....................................................................... 117 Figure 4.6 Structural cross-section B-B’ ....................................................................... 120 Figure 4.7 Structural cross-section C-C’ ....................................................................... 122 Figure 4.8 Structural cross-section D-D’ ....................................................................... 124 Figure 4.9 Structural cross-section E-E’ ........................................................................ 127 Figure 4.10 Structural cross-section F-F’ ...................................................................... 129 Figure 4.11 Plan view sketches of incised-valley system through time ........................ 133 Figure 5.1 Core photograph of well 16-28-94-25W3 highlighting “perched” water saturated zone.................................................................................................................. 138 Figure 5.2 Map of net bitumen pay ................................................................................ 139 Figure 5.3 Map of weighted average bitumen saturations ............................................. 141 Figure 5.4 Map of weighted bitumen saturations excluding water-lean zones.............. 142 Figure 5.5 Structural cross-section A-A’, illustrating oil water contacts ...................... 143 Figure 5.6 Structural cross-section F-F’, illustrating oil water contacts ........................ 144 Figure 5.7 Map of net thickness of water-lean zones .................................................... 145 Figure 5.8 Overlay of total net bitumen pay map with weighted average bitumen saturation map ................................................................................................................. 146 Figure 5.9 Overlay of total net bitumen pay map with weighted average bitumen saturation map excluding bottom or “perched” water zones .......................................... 147 Figure 5.10 Map overlay of total net bitumen pay and net thickness of water-lean zones ......................................................................................................................................... 148 Figure 5.11 Map of Athabasca oil sands deposit ........................................................... 150 Figure 5.12 Schematic diagram of lateral spill and fill trapping ................................... 152 Figure 5.13 Map illustrating bitumen stratigraphic trapping ......................................... 154 Figure 5.14 Map overlay of net water-lean zones and facies 6/facies association 3 distribution ...................................................................................................................... 155 XI 1. INTRODUCTION The Athabasca oil sands in Alberta represent one of the world’s largest hydrocarbon accumulations (AEUB 2007), and a number of studies have been carried out on the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the bitumen bearing McMurray Formation of the Mannville Group (Carrigy, 1959a, 1963, 1966, 1971; Nelson and Glaister, 1978; Mossop, 1980; Pemberton et al., 1982; Flach and Mossop, 1983, 1985; Smith, 1988; Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Stroble et al., 1997; Hein and Cotterill, 2006; Crerar and Arnott, 2007; Fustic et al., 2008; Hubbard et al., 2011). In contrast, little attention has been paid to the Saskatchewan part of the oil sands, which has been recognized since the mid 1970’s (Paterson et al., 1978). The first stratigraphic test holes were drilled by Shell Canada and Gulf Canada between 1974 and 1976 in an effort to expand the known oil sands resource of Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sands deposit (Ranger, 2006; Kohlruss et al., 2010a). In these early test holes, two wells intersected bitumen bearing sandstones in the Dina Member of the Mannville Group, which is stratigraphically equivalent to the McMurray Formation (Figure 1.1), but the exploration permits were subsequently relinquished back to the Provincial Government, likely due to technological limitations, poor economics or perhaps poor understanding of the potential resource. Regardless of the reasons, further industry exploration for oil sands ceased. In a Saskatchewan Mineral Resources report written in 1978, bitumen staining was also identified in Mannville outcrops along the Clearwater River valley (Paterson et al., 1978). 1 Figure 1.1. Stratigraphic chart of strata in northwestern Saskatchewan and northeastern Alberta (Kohlruss et al., 2010b). 2 In 2004, Oilsands Quest Inc. acquired Saskatchewan oil sands permits in northwestern Saskatchewan, and in 2005 the company began extensive exploratory drilling. The initial test holes intersecting bitumen were subsequently described and reported by Hoffman and Kimball (2006), and Ranger (2006). Further drilling of 355 test holes resulted in intersections of abundant bitumen saturated sandstones and consequently a large resource has since been identified. Oilsands Quest Inc. estimates a resource of 222 million m3 to 371 million m3 (1.4 billion barrels to 2.3 billion barrels) of bitumen in place (Oilsands Quest Inc., 2010). These lands are located directly adjacent to the Alberta border in very close proximity to the Athabasca oil sands deposits, which have a total in-place oil reserve of 161.1 billion m3 (1.013 Trillion barrels) (AEUB 2007), and just north of the Clearwater River (Figure 1.2). This thesis represents the first systematic sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Dina Member, the primary host of Saskatchewan’s oil sands. The research is based on examination of drill cores from Oilsands Quests Inc.’s Saskatchewan properties, supplemented by study of outcrops of the Dina Member along the nearby Clearwater River valley. 1.1 Purpose and Objectives The sandstones of the bitumen bearing Dina Member (Mannville Group) in northwestern Saskatchewan occur at approximately 200 m below surface and 3 Figure 1.2. Location map of current active oil sands exploration licenses in Saskatchewan along the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, directly adjacent to Alberta oil sands agreements, and immediately north of the Clearwater River valley (Modified after Alberta Energy, 2012). Note location of Pre-Cambrian shield and Provincial border. (Information for this graphic obtained with permission from Alberta Energy, original source file ) 4 subsequently the resource would require in-situ techniques to develop. In-situ development requires much more detailed understanding of reservoir characteristics than that of surface mining projects (Hubbard et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2011; Labrecque et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2012). Vertical and horizontal facies changes within the reservoir can impact in-situ development techniques and strategies and a detailed geological model of the reservoir would aid in an efficient development of the resource (Strobl et al., 1997; Hubbard et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2011; Labrecque et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2012). The purpose of this study is to determine the stratigraphic architecture of the Dina Member in northwestern Saskatchewan and its control on bitumen distribution. The objectives are to identify and characterize facies and facies associations of the Dina Member, to determine their depositional environments, to produce stratigraphic cross sections, and correlate the units to the McMurray Formation in the Athabasca Oil Sands area of Alberta. Results from these studies are used to decipher the relationships between facies, facies associations, stratigraphic architecture and bitumen distribution. 1.2 Previous Work A number of studies have been carried out on the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the McMurray Formation in Alberta. The first modern detailed work documenting the sedimentology of the McMurray Formation was conducted by Carrigy (1959a, b, 1962, 1963, 1966, 1967, 1971). Carrigy (1959a) devised a three part, informal subdivision of the McMurray Formation (the Lower, Middle and Upper units) that is still used today, although the boundaries between the three units are often difficult to place (Ranger and 5 Gingras, 2006). Carrigy (1971) interpreted the depositional environment of the McMurray Formation to be a fluvial-dominated delta, and was later supported by other studies, specifically that of Nelson and Glaister (1978). Concurrently, Christopher (1974, 1980, 1984) and Paterson et al. (1978) were conducting pioneering research on Mannville Group stratigraphy throughout Saskatchewan, including synthesizing the depositional history of the Mannville for the entire province. Part of this research documented the Dina and Cummings members, including the first descriptions of bitumen-bearing Mannville Sandstones in the La Loche area, outcropping along the Clearwater River Valley (Paterson et al., 1978). Throughout the 1980’s Peter Flach and Grant Mossop (Mossop, 1980; Pemberton et al., 1982; Mossop and Flach, 1983; Flach, 1984; Flach and Mossop, 1985) further advanced the understanding of Alberta’s McMurray Formation, both through subsurface drill core and outcrop studies. They carried out detailed subsurface mapping and correlations, estimated paleochannel depths and widths, utilized ichnological data to aid determining the depositional setting of the McMurray Formation, and studied the economic impact of reservoir variability. Flach and Mossop (1985) proposed the McMurray Formation was predominantly fluvial, aggrading to keep pace with rising sea level, forming complex mosaics of meandering channels associated with brackish bays and shallow lakes. Despite the rising sea level, Flach and Mossop (1985) still interpreted the depositional system to be part of a delta plain, since typical estuarine features like bidirectional current indicators and a funnel shaped morphology were absent. Although most researchers described the McMurray Formation as deltaic, it was recognized that this was not an ideal model, since the facies successions vary from the 6 typical delta depositional models. Unlike the coarsening upward succession typically found in a delta system, resulting from delta front sands prograding over marine muds (Flach and Mossop, 1985), the McMurray Formation exhibits a fining upward profile with increasing marine influence at the top, which is more typical of an estuary (Pemberton et al., 1982). The first interpretation of the McMurray Formation as being deposited in estuarine environments was put forward by Stewart and MacCallum (1978). They suggested that the McMurray is comprised of a lower fluvial unit, middle estuarine unit and an upper marine unit, and they subsequently mapped these three facies associations. Ichnological studies undertaken by Pemberton et al. (1982), Keith et et al. (1988), Ranger and Pemberton (1988), Beynon et al. (1988), Ranger and Pemberton (1992), and Ranger and Pemberton (1997) identified marine trace fossils within the Middle McMurray unit, demonstrating a marine influence on the fluvial meandering channel sands. This, along with the identification of tidal bundles by Smith (1988), strongly points to the Middle McMurray as having been deposited in a tidally influenced depositional environment. It has become commonly accepted that the Lower and Middle units of the McMurray Formation were formed in broad valleys that were in-filled with fluvial and tidally influenced meandering channel deposits (Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Hein et al., 2000; Crerar and Arnott, 2007; Hubbard et al., 2011). The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board has recently provided overviews of the Athabasca Wabiskaw-McMurray succession, primarily within the surface mineable areas (Hein 2000, 2004, 2006; Hein et al 2000, 2006). Studies documenting the facies and depositional environments of the Firebag-Sunrise area in northeastern Alberta have also 7 been carried out (Hein et al., 2007). The most recent studies within the McMurray Formation have specifically focused on individual company properties in an effort to develop high resolution sedimentological models (e.g., Hubbard et al. 2011, Fustic et al., 2012; Fustic et al., 2011). These studies have identified very complex McMurray Formation stratigraphy produced by point bar and counter point bar deposits of tidally influenced fluvial meander systems. Christopher (2003) provided a comprehensive depositional model for the entire Mannville Group of Saskatchewan. Bauer et al. (2009) studied the Dina-Cummings interval in west central Saskatchewan, describing incised valley-fill deposition characterized by brackish-water dominated units, emphasizing the similarities to the McMurray Formation. Ranger (2006) and Hoffman and Kimball (2006) were the first to document the northwestern Saskatchewan oil sands exploration activity. Ranger (2006) described depositional controls and identified the location of the Firebag tributary system which extends from the McMurray Valley system eastward into Saskatchewan. 1.3 A Review of Estuary Depositional Models 1.3.1 Introduction The definition of Estuary can be widely variable, but from a geological perspective Dalrymple et al. (1992) defines an estuary as: the seaward portion of a drowned valley system which receives sediment from both fluvial and marine sources and which contains facies influenced by tide, wave and fluvial processes. The estuary is considered to extend from the landward limit of tidal facies at its head to the seaward 8 limit of coastal facies at its mouth (Figure 1.3). Some definitions utilize salinity to define the estuarine environment, but deltas can also experience brackish-water conditions (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Estuaries form in fluvial incised valleys during transgression when the creation of accommodation space outpaces sediment input and is differentiated from deltas, in that, estuaries have a net landward movement of sediment while deltas have a net sediment transport seaward (Dalrymple et al., 1992; Zaitlin et al., 1995). The McMurray Formation and Dina Member have been interpreted to be deposited not just in the fluvial environment, but also within the fluvial-to-marine transition zone, where fluvial waters mix with tidal waters (Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Hein et al., 2000, 2001, Langenberg et al., 2002; Crerar, 2003; Lettley, 2004; Crerar and Arnott, 2007; Fustic, 2007; Ranger and Gingras, 2006; Hubbard et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2012). For this reason, it is worth reviewing the current understanding of how facies change within an estuary and what processes are occurring due to the many terrestrial and marine processes interacting there. This review also paves the ground for description, interpretation and discussion of the various facies encountered in this study and their depositional environments. 1.3.2 Physical Processes Two of the most significant physical processes controlling the deposition of the McMurray Formation/Dina member in the Athabasca oil sands areas are river currents and tidal currents and therefore an understanding of these processes is warranted. 9 Figure 1.3. (A) Schematic facies map of a tide dominated estuary. (B) Longitudinal salinity variations along the estuary, with the shaded area indicating fluctuations through time of the salinity gradient, influenced by river discharge. (C) Profiles showing longitudinal variability of invertebrate organisms, size and density (after Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Side scales are for relative comparison only. 10 River and Tidal Currents The most important consideration with river currents is that they decrease in strength and influence in a distal or seaward direction and this occurs in both estuaries and deltas (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Tidal currents, on the other hand, subject tidal action starting at the seaward portion of an estuary or delta and produce flood (landward) and ebb (seaward) currents. Tidal currents increase landward through tidal wave compression. The currents speed up as the tidal wave moves progressively into narrower channels, and then gradually decrease landward due to the friction. The greatest tidalcurrent speeds are achieved within the middle area of the estuary, due to the resonance effect, called the tidal-maximum (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007) (Figure 1.4). Without considering density-driven circulation, the current velocities are the total of tide and river produced water movement. Within the river portion, velocities vary based upon seasonal response and storm related input. These changes are relatively slow compared to semi-diurnal current fluctuations that result from tides (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). One of the recognizable tidal influences on rivers is a tidally induced fluctuation of the flow velocity in rivers. Though flow is always seaward, river flow slows down during flood tides and accelerates during ebb tide. Moving further seaward, the effects of tides become strong enough to stop the river flow, and then finally, a point is reached where the tide effects are strong enough to induce intermittent flow reversals landward (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). The most landward portions of an estuary are river dominated and the most distal seaward portions would be tidally dominated (Figure 1.4). The tidal-limit of an estuary is not a static location and can be located anywhere from the first proximal observation of 11 Figure 1.4. Schematic map of a tide-dominated estuary. Note longitudinal change in channel morphology from straight-meander-straight in a seaward direction. Also note the longitudinal variations in current intensity of the river and tides. Note the location of the tidal maximum and the diminished energy within the area of mixing. Note that the area of mixing is also the area of highest suspended sediment, bed-load convergence and the area of highest river sinuosity (after Dalrymple and Choi, 2007) 12 flow reversals to the most proximal occurrences of tidally induced flow fluctuations. This can be separated by 10s to 100s of kilometers. The tidal limit can also move as a result of seasonal fluctuations of river out-put or neap-spring changes in tidal range. During times of high river flow the tidal limit will be pushed seaward while during times of low river input the same area may be affected significantly by tidal conditions. Areas considered mainly fluvial may have irregular tidal depositional features due to variability in the position of the tidal limit. 1.3.3 Chemical Processes and Water Circulation In all estuaries and deltas salt and fresh water mixing is a significant component of the physical processes. Overall, salinity increases from the river to the sea but can be quite variable depending upon tidal current intensity and river input. The range of this brackish-water zone can therefore be variable, from only a few kilometres to hundreds of kilometres long (Allen et al., 1980; Allen, 1991; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). In all cases the landward brackish water limit (salinity limit) is always seaward of the tidal limit. Like the tidal limit, the salinity limit is pushed seaward during times of high river flow and migrates landward further with high salinities during time of low river flow. This can therefore create salinity variations in discrete locations. Water circulation within estuaries can be divided into three distinct categories and can create three types of estuaries. Depending on which category of water circulation pattern, different sediment transport patterns will exist (Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004). The first type is a stratified estuary or salt-wedge estuary (Figure 1.5). Here there is relatively little tidal flow and the less dense fresh river water flows over the more dense, 13 Figure 1.5. Classification of estuaries based on internal water circulation patterns. (A) Salt wedge estuaries typical of micro-tidal estuaries. (B) Partially mixed estuaries, where input of tidal and fluvial currents is near equal. This is similar to the McMurray/Dina depositional system. In partially mixed estuaries, the formation of a salt-wedge in the zone of mixing, results in density driven circulation, trapping of suspended sediments and the development of the turbidity maximum (C) A well mixed estuary experiences dominant tidal energies with little river energy (modified after Lettley 2004) 14 stable wedge of salt water, therefore little mixing occurs. This type is most common where the tidal range is micro-tidal (< 2 m range) (Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004). The second type is a partially mixed estuary. This type has increased tidal energy and is prevalent where river flow and tidal currents both contribute significantly to the estuarine system (Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). It is this type of system that portions of the McMurray Formation are interpreted to have been deposited and therefore has the most relevance to this study (Lettley, 2004). Mixing of saltwater upwards into freshwater and freshwater downwards into saltwater is caused by turbulent flow associated with tidal current friction. The friction is a result of the tidal currents interacting with the bed of the estuary. As saline water is mixed upward into the fresh water flow and subsequently carried seaward, a significant landward flow at the bottom layer also occurs to compensate for volume loss. This creates a much larger salt wedge than that of the stratified estuary. This process is known as vertical gravitational circulation. In these cases, density driven circulation and salinity stratification are especially pronounced during high river flow periods (Figure 1.5) (Dyer, 1995; Lettley 2004; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Finally, where tidal processes dominate over fluvial energy, a well-mixed estuary exists. This completely mixes the water vertically and salinity variations are horizontal. In these cases there are often separate flood and ebb channels (Figure 1.5) (Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). 1.3.4 Biological Processes The fluvial-to-marine transition, whether in a delta or estuary, is subjected to brackish-water conditions. These conditions, as previously stated, can be highly variable 15 due to changes both seasonally from fluctuations in river out-put and within single tidal cycles. This along with water turbidity and frequent sediment disturbances by river and tidal currents make the estuarine environment a stressed setting for organisms. Consequently, few organisms are adapted to survive there, but some organisms have made adaptive changes. The group of organisms present generally exhibit low diversity, the lowest of which is associated with the lowest salinities landward, whereas species diversity increases seaward (Figure 1.3). The species in the brackish environment reflect an impoverished marine assemblage rather than a mixture of fresh water and marine (Beynon et al., 1988). Also, due to the stresses of salinity variability these organisms tend to be reduced in size compared to the fully marine equivalents. The organisms are often opportunistic and can colonize surfaces very quickly, occur in large numbers and in mono-specific assemblages (Beynon et al., 1988). The organisms in this environment often live within the sediment producing simple vertical or horizontal structures (Beynon et al., 1988; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992; Buatois et al., 2005; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). 1.3.5 Morphology Estuaries are initially formed at the start of a transgression and move landward, up the incised valley, as relative sea-level rises. Tide dominated estuaries typically exhibit a tripartite zonation through the plan-form of the channel. Dalrymple et al. (1992) describes this zonation as a straight-meandering-straight plan-form morphology (Figure 1.3). Beginning at the seaward limit, the inlet, the initial “straight” portion is characterized by mid-channel and bank attached bars, and is relatively broad at the inlet mouth and tapers 16 to a single channel. Continuing upstream from this point, the system passes into a highly sinuous reach and is characterized by laterally migrating point bars displaying tight meanders. This is the lowest energy zone where net bed-load converges and grain size in the channel becomes finest in this area from both upstream and downstream directions (Dalrymple et al., 1992; Zaitlin et al., 1995). Finally, moving further inland to the inner “straight” channel zone, there is a transition from meandering to braided river morphology (Figure 1.4). The cross-sectional area of the channel also decreases upstream as a function of decreased tidal related energy and water volume further inland. The location where the channel system ceases to decrease in cross-sectional area generally coincides with the landward extent of tidal influence. All tidal environments are channelized and are similar to meandering fluvial systems with predominantly laterally accreted channel margins and vertically accreted overbank areas. Braided rivers can have tidal influence at their mouths but the zone is generally very narrow due to the relative steep gradient of braided rivers (Zaitlin et al., 1995; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007) Due to tidal water flux, the cross-sectional area of tidal channels displays a seaward exponential increase. This cross-sectional increase is responsible for the typical funnel-shape of a tide dominated estuary succession. Another morphological feature of fluvial and tidal channels is that they are almost all curved to a certain degree. Wide channels, with larger discharge, tend to be straighter while narrow channels tend to be more sinuous (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). So, more distal channels tend to be straighter than the more proximal, until steeper gradients produce faster currents, which results in straighter channels as well. This fits well with the straight-meander-straight zonation. 17 Bars develop differently in response to the different hydraulic regimes. In the narrow, sinuous portions of the tidal system, bars are laterally accreting point bars and in the wider, straighter, more distal areas of a tidal system the bars are elongate. These elongate tidal bars migrate laterally as well, commonly not in the direction of dominant current as might be expected, but rather behave very similarly to point bars (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Lateral accretion bedding of point bars and elongate bars are erosively based due to the lateral movement across the thalweg of the adjacent channel and have a fining upward vertical profile (Bridge, 1985). This may eventually develop into inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) as described by Thomas et al., (1987) or inclined stratification (IS). IHS beds formed within the proximal limit of the tidal-fluvial system have coarse grained layers produced by river flooding or seasonal high river output. 1.3.6 Cross-Bedding and Tidal Indicators In the fully fluvial areas beyond the tidal limit, cross stratification is unidirectional with all flow indicators pointing seaward. Moving further seaward, where tidal action is represented as fluctuations in river speed due to slowing caused by flood tide and increased speed due to ebb tide, flow direction is still unidirectional, but the change of hydrodynamic regime may be reflected by rhythmic grain size striping, where medium or coarse sand grains are deposited during ebb tide and finer sand during flood tides (M. Gingras, pers. Com. 2009; Ranger and Gingras, 2006; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). This can be used to suggest semidiurnal processes when seen in the rock record. Continuing to move seaward, stronger tidal currents produce slack-water periods, leading to deposition of suspended sediments. These can occur as single or double mud 18 drapes depending upon one or two slack water periods. Mud drapes can also be dependent on seasonal variations since during seasonally high river flow the areas of mud accumulation would be pushed significantly seaward (Lettley, 2004). Mud drapes can therefore be present in what appears to be a fully fluvial area. The mud would have accumulated during the seasonal low flow times when tidal waters can push much farther landward. Further seaward, current reversals and reactivation surfaces form. These features should become increasingly more frequent towards the inlet where tidal currents become progressively stronger. Surprisingly, bi-directional current indicators such as herringbone cross bedding are not as abundant as one would expect; rather cross-bedding associated tidal dunes, which is generally planar tabular and two dimensional in nature, is most common (Dalrymple and Rhodes, 1995; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). 1.3.7 Grain Size Distribution Coarse grained sediments within the fluvial or tidal system become finer grained in the direction of decreasing energy of transport (McLaren and Bowles, 1985; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Grain size decreases both from the seaward limits and the landward limits towards the middle of the estuary. Therefore, the finest grains are found at the area of bed-load convergence (Figure 1.4). As suspended sediment is carried from the freshwater fluvial system into brackish-water, an electrical attraction between ions in the water and the unsatisfied bonds at the edges of clay particle crystal lattices occurs. This process then starts to form loose bundles of clay particles called flocs and is most prevalent where salinity is 1-10 19 wt.% (Nichols and Biggs, 1985; Dyer, 1995). This results in increased settling of silt and clay sized sediment, particularly at the fresh-salt water interface. This is enhanced in wedged estuaries and partially mixed estuaries where fresh water rides over top of a base salt water wedge (Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004). The landward bed flow in the salt wedge carries the fines into the estuary as it settles out of the overlying fluvial discharge (Dyer, 1995). This process creates a zone of highly concentrated suspended sediment that occurs slightly landward of the landward limit of the saltwater intrusion. Salinities range from approximately 1-5% in the landward direction to approximately 20% in the seaward direction (Nichols and Biggs, 1985; Dyer, 1995; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007) (Figure 1.5). This zone is known as the Turbidity Maximum and is developed through the combination of tidal current asymmetry and density circulation (Allen, 1991). The turbidity maximum location is primarily influenced by changes in fluvial out-put, migrating seaward with increasing flow and landward with low flow (Allen et al., 1980; Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004). The turbidity maximum also moves with tide, moving landward with the flood tide and seaward with the ebb tide. The turbidity maximum is therefore a dynamic feature resulting in transport and deposition, particularly of muds and silts, and changes its location through time. Of high importance is the seasonal variability of the turbidity maximum’s location. The turbidity maximum’s position varies significantly in relation to river out-put and the consequent changes in water circulation (Allen et al., 1980). During seasonal periods where river flow is lowest, the turbidity maximum is mainly controlled by tidal activity on the diurnal and neap-spring (14 day) scales (Allen, 1991). During periods of high river out-put, 20 density circulation controls the turbidity maximum and it is concentrated much further downstream (Allen, 1991; Dyer, 1995; Lettley, 2004). The result is cyclic deposition of muds and sand in areas where the turbidity maximum is seasonally migrating. 1.3.8 Estuarine Depositional Model Despite what appears to be an extremely complex depositional setting, a high degree of organization occurs and a model with predictable longitudinal variation of fluvial to marine processes can be developed in estuaries. The coarsest grains are supplied and deposited by fluvial and marine processes in the upstream and seaward areas of the estuary, where either tidal processes or river processes dominate (Figure 1.4). In the most landward portions of the system, high fluvial out-put transports and deposits coarse bed load sediment. During relative low fluvial out-put, the same area is of low energy and can be influenced by a migratory turbidity maximum which promotes the development of flocculation and mud deposition. This can result in a depositonal pattern of inter-bedded sands and muds, as preserved in inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) (Thomas et al., 1987). At the most seaward portions, periods of high river out-put drives the turbidity maximum towards the inlet and increases the effects of density circulation. This process along with the increase in suspended sediment derived from the high river flow and high volumes of fines will result in significant deposition of silts and muds. Alternatively, during low river flow, this same area will be dominated by tidal currents, rather than density currents and higher salinities. This will result in sand deposition pushed landward from the inlet in the form of elongate sand bars. 21 Where bed-load convergence occurs in the centre of the system, low energy dominates with deposition of fine grained sediment deposition. Deposition in this region is primarily controlled by turbidity maximum, variations in river discharge and variations in tidal strength. 1.4 Study Area The study area is located in the extreme northwestern corner of Saskatchewan’s portion of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, directly adjacent to the Alberta border at the northeastern limit of the Athabasca oil sands deposit (Figure 1.6). The study area ranges from Township 88 Range 19 West of the 3rd Meridian to Township 101 Range 25 West of the 3rd Meridian, which include outcrops along the Clearwater River valley (Figure 1.6). A more focused, detailed study was carried out in the most intensely drilled area ranging from Township 94 Range 24 West of the 3rd Meridian to Township 95 Range 25 West of the 3rd Meridian (Figures 1.6 and 1.7), which is encompassed by the exploration permit lands of Oilsands Quest Inc. The detailed study was performed due to the abundant available cores. 1.5 Study Methods A database of 244 geophysical well logs was used to correlate major formation tops, unconformity surfaces and facies within the Dina Member in the study area. The geophysical well logs are of very good quality since all were acquired between 2005 to 2008. All stratigraphic test holes included gamma-ray, neutron-density porosity, photo electric, spontaneous potential, resistivity and sonic logs. 22 Figure 1.6. Location of the study area in northwestern Saskatchewan. Note the detailed mapping area where the majority of Oilsands Quest Inc’s drilling has been undertaken. Also note detail of outcrop area along the Clearwater River (after Kohlruss et al., 2010a). 23 Figure 1.7. Map of detailed study area showing the distribution of stratigraphic test holes. 24 The full suite of modern logs helped for formation and facies recognition and correlation. These were used to create a series of structure and isopach maps based on stratigraphic correlations. Eighty three drill cores were described in detail for facies characteristics, that included observations on lithology, ichnology, sedimentary structures and bitumen distribution. This data, along with geophysical well logs was used for environmental interpretations. Twenty-five thin sections were analyzed, specifically from each identified facies to determine mineralogy, potential sediment source areas, textural attributes and bitumen staining. Seven samples from three wells were processed and analyzed for palynmorphs by L. Bloom of the Department of Geoscience, at the University of Calgary (L. Bloom, pers. com. 2010). 1.5.1 Net Pay and Net Water/Lean Mapping Two hundred forty-four (244) core analyses were utilized to produce net pay maps of the study area. The core analysis submitted to the Saskatchewan Provincial Government by Oilsands Quest Inc. (analyzed by Norwest Labs) recorded sample interval, bitumen saturation based on bulk mass, bulk mass of water, saturation based on grain mass, and porosity. The methods used to construct “Net Pay” maps were the same as those used by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB, 2003) (Hein et al., 2005). Bitumen saturation, based on weight, was utilized for the Net Pay calculations. A value of 6 wt% bitumen saturation was used as a minimum cut-off value. All increments within the Dina Member that meet the cut-off were accumulated into a net bitumen pay thickness. The AEUB utilizes a 6 wt% bitumen saturation cut-off since it approximates a combined 50% bitumen saturation cut-off and a 27% porosity cut-off (AEUB, 2003). For 25 continuity and ease of comparison, these parameters were used in this study as well. Maps were then generated utilizing Golden Software’s Surfer 9 mapping program. The contours generated for net pay maps were constructed utilizing a Kriging algorithm. Net Water/Lean Zone Isopach maps were also constructed. Once the net pay thickness for each stratigraphic test hole was calculated, the net pay thickness value was subtracted from the Dina Member/McMurray Formation isopach thickness value to produce the Net Water/Lean Zone thickness. Also, along with the net pay and net water maps, two bitumen saturation average maps were produced. One included water saturated values within each core and the other excluded water saturation zones and utilized intervals with bitumen saturation values only. Since each sample varied in thickness, a weighted approach was taken to give each sample a weighted percentage. To achieve a weighted value, each sample interval was divided by the total sample interval. This was then multiplied by the bitumen saturation for the interval, producing a weighted saturation value for that sample interval. All the values from each subsequent calculated weighted interval were then summed to achieve a bitumen saturation average for that well, over the course of its overall net pay. 1.5.2 Geological Isopach and Structure Maps Geological isopach and structure maps were constructed using formation and member top depths determined from drill core analysis and geophysical well-log signatures. The formation and member top depths were entered into Microsoft Excel 2007 spread sheet and were mapped using Golden Software’s Surfer 9 mapping program. The contours generated for the isopach and structure maps were constructed utilizing Golden Software’s Surfer 9 Kriging algorithm. 26 1.5.3 Geological Cross-Sections Five cross-sections perpendicular to inferred paleo-channel direction and one along the thalweg of inferred paleo-channel were constructed to show detailed, “property” scale stratigraphic framework for the Dina Member in the study area, as well as bitumen distribution. These cross-sections were based on geophysical well logs, principally gamma ray, and detailed drill core descriptions. The lack of a recognizable and/or correlatable stratigraphic datum resulted in the decision to use mean Sea Level as a structural datum for all cross-sections in the study area. Reasonable facies association correlations and generalized interpretations of the depositional environment and its history were still possible despite the use of a structural rather than a stratigraphic datum. 27 2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING 2.1 Regional Geology The Mannville Group is the basal part of the Cretaceous sedimentary succession that developed as a southwest dipping clastic wedge in the foreland basin associated with the development of the Cordillera orogeny. The Mannville Group is underlain by the regional sub-Cretaceous unconformity (Jackson, 1984; Cant, 1996). The ages of the subcropping strata underlying the sub-Cretaceous unconformity progressively change from Jurassic to Cambrian from southwest to northeast (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). (Jackson, 1984; Hayes et al., 1994; Cant, 1996; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). This surface was a mature erosional surface prior to the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous uplift of the Cordillera (Jackson, 1984; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). Thrusting in the Cordillera loaded the western edge of the foreland basin, causing flexure of the lithosphere to create an area of maximum subsidence adjacent to the load (Figure 2.3) (Jackson, 1984; Cant and Stockmal, 1989). The rising Cordillera lead to a subsequent influx of sediment into the subsiding basin. The lower portion of the Mannville was deposited during an overall transgression systems tract (TST) and then a regression or Highstand systems tract (HST) created by the large pulse of Cordilleran sediment (Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Cant, 1996; Cant and Abrahamson, 1996; Christopher, 1997; Christopher, 2003). The TST and HST are separated by a maximum flooding surface within the Clearwater Shale/ Cummings shale (Figure 2.4) (Cant and Abrahamson, 1996). The Dina Member and McMurray Formation were deposited as part of the initial transgression of the Boreal Sea from the North-Northwest (Vigrass, 1968; Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Cant, 1996; Christopher, 1997; Christopher, 2003). 28 Figure 2.1. Structure map of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface. Various colours indicate the age of sub-cropping strata underlying the unconformity. The strata become progressively older to the north and east. The contacts between the sub-cropping strata are often preferentially eroded creating paleo-channel systems parallel to strike. Note map covers Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. (after Hayes et al., 1994). 29 Figure 2.2.Stratigraphic cross-section from southwest to northeast, perpendicular to strike of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Note the dipping strata into the foreland basin to the southwest (after Ranger and Gingras, 2006). 30 Figure 2.3. Model for terrane accretion during creation of the Mannville depositional basin. (a) Initial accretion causing peripheral bulge creating unconformity; (b) Deep water conditions in foreland basin due to flexure induced subsidence; (c) Time of high rates of sedimentation and filling of foreland basin; (d) Basin rebound (after Cant and Stockmal, 1989) 31 Figure 2.4. Formations and Members of the Mannville Group. This diagram illustrates the TST and HST (transgressive and highstand systems tracts) of the entire Mannville Group (modified after Cant, 1996) 32 Three major drainage systems developed as a result of the lithosphere flexure and subsidence of the foreland basin (Figure 2.5). A major drainage system (most southwestern) occurs in western Alberta, referred to as the Spirit River Valley located along the axis of the developing foreland trough of the North American Cordillera (Figure 2.5) (Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). A second major valley system has its headwaters in the Swift Current Platform of southeast Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan and flowed toward the northwest (Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). This is known as the Edmonton Valley System (Figure 2.5). It is not well known where the mouth of the system resided but it is believed it may have emptied directly into the Boreal sea (Jackson, 1984). It has also been suggested that it may have connected with and been a tributary of the Spirit River Valley (Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). To the east of the Edmonton Channel valley was a major axial ridge of resistant Devonian carbonates known as the Wainwright Ridge in Central Alberta and the Grosmont High in northeastern Alberta. East of the Wainwright Ridge lies a third major drainage system known as the Assiniboia Valley System (Figure 2.5) (McMurray Valley System in Alberta) (Christopher, 1997; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997). It is within this channel system, running approximately parallel to the orogen/foreland subsidence gradient, the Athabasca Oil Sands deposits of the McMurray Formation and Dina Member are confined. The channel system is restricted by the Canadian Shield to the northeast and its axis follows parallel to the strike of the Canadian Shield through 33 Figure 2.5. Major paleo-drainage systems on the sub-Cretaceous unconformity. Note the Assiniboia / McMurray Valley extending from northern Alberta, across Saskatchewan to Manitoba. The Assiniboia / McMurray Valley follows near parallel to the Prairie Evaporite dissolution edge (modified after Christopher, 2003) 34 Saskatchewan down to Manitoba (Christopher, 1980; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Christopher, 1997) (Figure 2.5). The Assiniboia/McMurray Valley system occupies a regional collapse low created by Devonian salt dissolution of the Prairie Evaporite (Figure 2.5) (Vigrass, 1968; Christopher, 1980; Jackson, 1984; Cant, 1996). The dissolution caused structural subsidence of the overlying basin, before, during and after deposition of the McMurray Formation and Dina Member. The upper Assiniboia/ McMurray Valley system is eroded down into the Middle to Lower Devonian carbonates of the Elk Point Group in western Saskatchewan and Upper Devonian carbonates of the Woodbend Group in eastern Alberta (Wightman et al., 1997, Ranger, 2006). The Devonian carbonates are often porous and are believed to have Karst topography (Belyea, 1952; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Hein, 2006; Hein et al., 2007). The angular discordance between the Cretaceous and the Devonian is very subtle and in outcrop appears to be conformable. It is only with regional mapping that an angular relationship is apparent. The topography on this surface is very significant since this is the surface in which deep, intricate valleys were eroded and the McMurray and Dina were deposited (Jackson, 1984; Ranger et al., 1988; Hayes et al., 1994; Cant, 1996; Christopher, 1997). Sediments within the Assiniboia/McMurray Valley system were likely derived in part from erosion of Jurassic deposits and from the Canadian Shield. Valley fill is comprised of fluvial, marginal marine and estuarine deposits arranged in an overall transgressive vertical stacking pattern (Jackson, 1984; Flach, 1984; Cant and Stockmal, 1989; Cant and Abrahamson, 1996). 35 2.2 McMurray Sub-Basin The McMurray sub-basin is limited by the north trending ridge of the Grosmont High in the west where the McMurray Formation is absent and also by the Canadian Shield in the east (Ranger and Pemberton, 1997) (Figure 2.5). Tributaries flow off the “highs” of the Grosmont and Canadian Shield and drain into the north-northwest trending main trunk valley of the Assiniboia/McMurray Valley system. Tributary Valley systems that drained parts of the Precambrian shield immediately east of the McMurray sub-basin were likely supplied with sands from the Precambrian Athabasca Group (Helikian age) (Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Ranger, 2006; Hein et al., 2007). Exploration in the far northeast region of the Athabasca Oil Sand deposit in Alberta has identified a tributary valley system known informally as the Firebag valley (Figure 2.6). The sands in this area contain very coarse material, suggesting a proximal, fluvial to fluvio-estuarine channel origin (Ranger, 2006; Hein, 2006; Hein et al., 2007). It is this valley system that extends eastward into Saskatchewan along the Alberta border into the study area at township 94 and 95, Ranges 24 and 25W3 (Figure 2.6). In this area the Elk Point Group is exposed by the sub-Cretaceous unconformity and sub-crops below the Dina Formation (Paterson et al., 1978; Ranger 2006). 2.3. Stratigraphy of the lower Mannville Group Different subdivisions and nomenclatures are used for the Mannville Group in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In northeastern Alberta, the Mannville Group is divided into 36 Figure 2.6. Location map showing Firebag valley system on the sub-Cretaceous unconformity in northeastern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan. Note the Firebag tributary is inferred to extend landward into Saskatchewan, into the study area. Also, note, the Firebag tributary runs approximately east west and drains into the Athabasca main valley (modified after Ranger, 2006) 37 Figure 2.7. Alberta stratigraphic chart illustrating lower Cretaceous stratigraphy, in particular, the Devonian stratigraphic relationship with the McMurray Formation (after Ranger and Gingras, 2006) 38 the lower McMurray Formation, middle Clearwater Formation, and upper Grand Rapids Formation (Figures 2.7 and 1.1). In northwestern Saskatchewan, the Mannville consists of a lower Cantuar Formation and an upper Pense Formation. The Cantuar Formation is divided into seven members, which are, from lower to upper, Dina, Cummings, Lloydminster, Rex, General Petroleums, Sparky, and Waseca, and the Pense Formation is comprised of the lower McClaren Member and the upper Colony Member (Figure 1.1). The Dina Member is equivalent to the lower portions of Alberta’s McMurray Formation, which is the main reservoir for the Athabasca Oil Sands deposit. In Alberta, the McMurray Formation has been informally sub-divided into the Lower, Middle and Upper units (Carrigy, 1959a) and is interpreted as continental, prograding tide dominated delta/estuary and wave dominated delta shoreface deposits respectively (Ranger and Gingras, 2006). The McMurray outcrops along the Athabasca River north of the town of Fort McMurray, equivalents outcrops of the Dina Member are exposed along the Clearwater River in northwestern Saskatchewan. The Dina Member in northwestern Saskatchewan is a stratigraphically complex siliciclastic depositional system with abrupt lateral facies changes that makes correlation difficult even between closely spaced wells (Carrigy, 1971; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Ranger and Gingras, 2006). The Dina Member is comprised of unconsolidated sands and shales overlying the sub-Cretaceous unconformity which was developed predominantly on Devonian carbonates (Paterson et al., 1978; Christopher, 1997; Christopher, 2003). Like Alberta’s McMurray Formation, deposition of the Dina Member was subsequently controlled by regional depressions in the sub-Cretaceous erosional surface. This topography was in part controlled and enhanced by dissolution of the Devonian Prairie 39 Evaporite Formation as well as karstification of Devonian carbonates (Belyea, 1952; Vigrass, 1968; Christopher, 1980; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Hein, 2006; Hein et al., 2007). Northwestern Saskatchewan lies near the present day erosional edge of the Athabasca oil sands deposit, where potential reservoirs lie at relatively shallow depth, and in many instances has been eroded severely by Pleistocene glaciation processes (Paterson et al., 1978; Ranger, 2006; Kohlruss et a., 2010a,b). Pleistocene glacial drift lies directly on top of eroded Dina/McMurray reservoir and when present, is normally a sand on sand contact. Where there is a sand on sand contact, it is very difficult to determine formation top picks in geophysical well logs. When this is combined with the fact that fresh water occupies the Pleistocene aquifer, stratigraphic interpretation from geophysical well logs becomes very difficult since freshwater reads very high on resistivity logs making it difficult to discern from the high resistivity readings of bitumen. Without utilizing drill core, the evaluation of northwestern Saskatchewan’s bitumen potential is extremely challenging (Ranger, 2006; Kohlruss et al., 2010a). 40 3. 3.1 FACIES DESCRIPTIONS AND DEPOSITIONAL INTERPRETATIONS Introduction Within the detailed study area, the Lower Cretaceous Dina Member has been divided into eight distinct recurring facies. These facies divisions are based upon the combination of lithology, grain size, and sedimentary and biogenic structures. Facies 4 has further been subdivided into 2 sub-facies. These facies are then organized into 5 facies associations based on stacking patterns and genetic relationships. The facies descriptions and interpretations are summarized in Table 3.1, and are elaborated on below. 3.2 Facies Descriptions and Interpretations 3.2.1 Facies 1: Massive Sandstone Facies 1 (F1) is composed of very well sorted, generally sub-rounded to sub- angular fine grained quartz sandstones with no visible sedimentary structures or burrowing, and is distinctive with its massive appearance. Commonly the sandstones of this facies display high levels of bitumen saturation adding to the massive appearance. The bitumen acts as the “cement” for the quartz grains that would otherwise be friable and poorly indurated (Figure 3.1). Occasionally mud chips and carbonaceous debris were observed. F1 is observed within 16 of the logged cores and ranges in thickness from less than 1m to a maximum total of 19 m with an average of 5.3 m. F1 is commonly observed overlying F3 and inter-bedded with F2 and F6 (Table 3.1). 41 Figure 3.1. Massive sandstone (Facies 1) composed of lower to upper medium sized grains: the sandstone appears structureless and is commonly highly bitumen saturated; well 05-12-95-25W3, 189.0 m. 42 Table 3.1. Summary of facies within the study area 43 In thin sections, silt sized fraction was commonly observed as matrix between the fine grained quartz grains. 1-3% fine grained muscovite and rare fine grained microcline plagioclase was also observed. Quartz grains exhibit common undulose extinction under cross-polarized light. Quartz grains are mostly monocrystalline, occasionally polycrystalline. Very rare quartz overgrowths and no other cements, were observed. Although there is rare disruption of sand and sedimentary structures due to bioturbation, this facies has sparse, diminutive Cylindrichnus and Gyrolithes observed as mud lined or mud filled burrows. These burrows tend to be constrained to discrete horizontal layers (Figure 3.2). The apparent homogeneity of F1 can be interpreted in multiple ways. Most likely, the abundance of oil saturation has masked subtle primary physical structures, such as ripple cross laminations, and/or biogenic structures. Alternatively, the sands may have been deposited very quickly resulting in sandstones with no visible stratification. Since F1 is in close association with Facies 2, which is interpreted as formed in a low flow depositional regime, and has never been observed without complete bitumen saturation, it is very likely F1 is a product of low energy flow and the extreme bitumen saturation is masking the primary structures. The presence of sparse and diminutive simple vertical trace fossils such as Cylindrichnus and Gyrolithes suggest brackish water conditions, perhaps locally or over a short period of time (Beynon et al., 1988). This is likely a result of a migrating salt wedge whose position is controlled by neap-spring tidal cycles, rate of fluvial discharge or storms producing tidal surges. This is in contrast with freshwater deposits, which are generally unburrowed or contain horizontal insect traces. Freshwater trace fossils are generally short-lived and rarely preserved. 44 Figure 3.2. Massive sandstone (Facies 1) composed of lower to upper medium-sized grains: Note Gyrolithes burrows penetrating into sand layers from overlying discrete bed. Also note variation in bitumen staining between sand layers separated by burrow bed, likely reflecting lower porosity/permeability of these beds; well 06-29-94-25W3, 198.75m. 45 3.2.2 Facies 2: Ripple Cross laminated Sandstone Facies 2 (F2) is comprised of light to moderate bitumen cemented, centimetre scale ripple cross laminated, lower to upper medium grained sandstones. The grains are subangular to rounded and very well sorted. F2 commonly hosts sparse and diminutive mud lined or mud filled Cylindrichnus, Thalassinoides and Gyrolithes constrained to discrete horizontal layers. F2 is observed within 17 of the logged core and occurs primarily within decimeter thick beds with a rare net accumulation up to 14 m present discontinuously in one stratigraphic drill core. Thickness averages 2.7 m. Individual ripple cross laminated beds rarely exceed 10 to 20 cm in thickness and individual ripples measure 1-2 cm in height (Figure 3.3). F2 occurs in close relationship with F1 and F6 and is almost always found inter-bedded, directly above, or directly below one of these two facies (Table 3.1). In thin section, the grains are primarily grain supported with no visible cementation and no visible matrix clays or fines. Quartz grains were often observed to have undulose extinction under cross-polarized light. Minor amounts of pyrite were also observed. The structures in F2 indicate unidirectional flow under relatively lower energy conditions. This facies was likely deposited as small-scale current ripples migrating within fluvial and/or estuarine channels. This could occur along the bottom of channels or more likely along the inside meanders of low flow point bars. 46 Figure 3.3. Ripple laminated medium grained sandstone (Facies 2); note the relatively low bitumen saturation; well 16-28-94-25W3, 191.45 m. 47 3.2.3 Facies 3: Planar Cross-bedded Sandstone Facies 3 (F3) is comprised of planar cross-bedded, well to moderately sorted, sub- rounded to sub-angular, medium grained to very coarse grained sandstones (Figure 3.4). Less than 5% fine muscovite grains have also been observed scattered throughout the facies. Planar cross-bed sets are generally metre scale in thickness and composed of uniform fining upward, centimetre scale, depositional lamina recognizable as grain-size striping (M. Gingras, pers. com. 2009; Ranger and Gingras, 2006; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Bed-set boundaries can be sharp or can be separated by horizontal lamina or coflow or back-flow ripple cross laminations. These lamina commonly contain fine carbonaceous debris and/or mud rip-ups (Figure 3.5). Mud rip-up clasts and wood fragments are also commonly observed throughout F3. Bioturbation was rarely observed within this facies. F3 has the highest observed bitumen saturation values, however, throughout the southern region (south of, and portion of Township 94) of the general study area, this facies is typically water wet. When present, bitumen acts as a “cementing” agent, but when absent the sandstones are commonly friable and poorly indurated. F3 is a very common facies, observed within 37 of the logged cores, and ranges in thickness from as little as ~1m to a maximum of 25m with an average of 8.4m. F3 is commonly observed underlying F2, F3 or F6 and overlying F4. The contact between F4 and F3 is generally erosive in nature (Table 3.1). F3 has also been observed in outcrops along the Clearwater River valley, as described by Kohlruss et al. (2010a). F3 is interpreted to be deposited under high energy conditions. Reactivation surfaces, co-flow and back flow ripple cross laminations, rip-ups and planar cross 48 Figure 3.4. Planar cross-bedded sandstone (Facies 3); Note bitumen stained and water wet variations; A) Unstained well 13-16-94-25W3, 185.5m; B). Bitumen stained well 16-28-9425W3, 190.30m 49 Figure 3.5. Facies 3 showing reactivation surface (red arrow) separating planar crossbedded sandstone. Note a mud rip-up clast just above reactivation surface; well 05-29-9425W3, 223.27m 50 bedding are interpreted to indicate that deposition occurred as metre scale dunes migrating within meandering fluvial to upper estuarine channels. The extremely low abundance of biogenic structures (very rare Cylindrichnus) supports the interpretation of an environment where water conditions would be primarily fresh to brackish (Pemberton et al., 2001; Ranger and Gingras, 2006). A pin-stripe rhythmic grain size couplet or grain size “striping” appearance within the planar cross-bed sets (M. Gingras, pers. com. 2009; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007) are interpreted to suggest semidiurnal processes and tidal influence and used as evidence for tidally influenced sediment bundles (Dalrymple and Choi 2007; Ranger and Gingras, 2006). The coarse grained portion would have been deposited during ebb tides, when flow seaward would be the fastest, and the fine grained portions deposited during flood tide stages, when tidal processes worked against river flow and slowed river currents resulting in finer grained sediment deposits (Ranger and Gingras, 2006). There are also common horizontal lamina at the planar cross-bed-set boundaries, typical of the toe-sets of sigmoidal cross-bedding. Also, commonly co-flow or back-flow ripple cross laminations at bed-set boundaries are observed which is indicative of a dominant current, slack-water and subordinate current component within the bed-sets. This suggests the grain-size striping, in combination with the bed-set boundary characteristics, when present, likely represent a tidal influence and deposition would have been as mid-channel tidal bars or meander point bars. Alternatively, the back-flow ripples may be a result of a flow-separation vortex in the troughs of dunes. Along with the tidal component interpretation, the deposition of F3 requires flow conditions where either there were low concentrations of suspended fines, or energy 51 conditions were rarely low enough for silt or mud to settle out. Carbonaceous debris deposits may have been formed during slack-water periods. Many of the planar cross-bedded sandstones, where stacked and separated by coflow or back flow structures, likely formed as laterally migrating metre scale mid-channel dunes within a tidally influenced fluvial meander channel complex near to the bayline, up-stream from the turbidity maximum (Figure 3.5) but still within tidal influence. In other cases, where back-flow and co-flow structures are absent, F3 likely represents Inclined Strata (IS). Here IS beds are likely part of the lowest portions of a laterally accreting point bar within a meandering channel complex. F3 has been observed both in core and outcrop to be inter-bedded with trough cross-bed sets of F4, occurring as single bed sets. In these instances, F3 may be exclusively part of the fluvial braided stream environment. The planar cross-bed sets in these cases likely represent cross channel bars developed as sand flats in the braided channel complex (Cant, 1978) (Figure 3.6). Within the meander complex, planar crossbeds deposited by point bars would be found topographically above the trough cross-bed sets of the main channel, while planar cross-bed sets found in the braided environment could be found at any level (Cant, 1978). Ranger and Gingras (2006) have also observed a similar facies within outcrops of the McMurray Formation along the Athabasca river valley, north of Fort McMurray. In the Athabasca outcrops they have interpreted the facies to represent the lower portion of a prograding delta complex, proximal to the mouth, with flow velocities magnified by tidal effects. The planar cross-beds in the Athabasca outcrops were interpreted as prograding mega-ripples produced by distributary mouth tidal bars. These structures do not seem to 52 Figure 3.6. Three dimensional block diagram and vertical facies profiles of the braided South Saskatchewan River. Note the overall fining upwards succession, and random stacking patterns of trough and planar cross beds (after Smith et al., 2006). 53 be present in this study area and an interpretation of F3 deposition in upstream channels is more appropriate. 3.2.4 Facies 4: Trough Cross-Bedded Sandstone Facies 4 (F4) is comprised of trough cross-bedded sandstone with variable grain size. This facies is commonly highly bitumen saturated and is an important reservoir facies with respect to the bitumen resource within the study area. F4 has been subdivided into two sub-facies based primarily on grain size. Facies 4a: Medium to Very Coarse Trough Cross-Bedded Sandstone Facies 4a (F4a) is comprised of moderately sorted, sub-rounded to sub-angular, medium to very coarse grained trough cross-bedded sandstone. Within F4a cross bed sets fine upwards and are typically bitumen “cemented”. Bed sets within F4a are typically highly variable in thickness and can range from centimetre to decimetre scale. The direction of dip of bedding planes is typically highly variable in orientation and often tangential, yet a grain-size striping appearance is still evident (Figure 3.7). Angular mud rip-up clasts and wood fragments are typically present and found at bed-form bounding surfaces (Figure 3.8). There are no visible biogenic structures observed within this facies (Figure 3.7). F4a is very common in the study area and was observed within 36 of the logged cores. It ranges in thickness from ~2 m to a maximum of 19 m, with an average of 7.9 m. F4a is often observed inter-bedded with F4b and can be found overlying any of the other facies. The lower contact is almost always erosional in nature although it can grade into F4b. If not inter-bedded with F4b, the upper contact can be gradational, but most often 54 Figure 3.7. Bitumen saturated medium to very coarse trough cross-bedded sandstones from Facies 4a; well 07-01-95-25W3, 189.5 m. 55 Figure 3.8. Mud rip-up clasts in Facies 4a sandstones along Clearwater River Valley. Note lens cap for scale. 56 sharp with F3 (Table 3.1). This facies was also observed in outcrop, first by Paterson et al., (1978) and again by Kohlruss et al. (2010a) along the Clearwater River valley. In thin section, F4a is comprised primarily of coarse to medium grained monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz grains (Figure 3.9). Polycrystalline quartz grains were commonly found in the coarser fractions. All quartz exhibit undulose extinction under cross-polarized light, suggesting that sediment source was from metamorphic terranes. Grains are primarily rounded to sub-rounded and well sorted. Rare microcline plagioclase and muscovite were also observed, while no chert grains were observed. No visible cementation (including overgrowths) was observed, and there are no visible mud or silt fines present. F4a is interpreted to have formed in a unidirectional, high energy depositional system within fluvial meander or braided channels. The bed forms were likely deposited as 3D dunes in the lower portion of river meanders or braided channel sequences along the bases of the channels, and migrated in a downstream direction. The normal grading that produces the bed forms is likely a result of fluctuations in flow velocity and possibly channel depth due to seasonal discharge variation. Angular mud clasts suggest limited transport distances and the mud clasts may have been sourced from bank collapse due to channel undercuts. The absence of mud matrix also points to high energy flow conditions, where clay size particles would have remained in suspension. The complete lack of trace fossils also suggests deposition was within a dominantly non-marine fluvial setting. Despite very strong and clear evidence that F4a was deposited in a non-marine fluvial system, the presence of rhythmic grain-size striping defining the trough cross-beds 57 Figure 3.9. Thin section photomicrograph of F4a sandstones under cross-polarized light; Note rounded to sub-angular grains and polycrystalline grains. Polycrystalline grains feature sutured boundaries. 58 could indicate a slight tidal influence on this facies, since the physical influences of tides can extend upstream well beyond the salinity limit (Allen, 1991; Ranger and Pemberton, 1997; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Alternatively, the grain size variations may merely be a function in flow velocity variations caused by storms or seasonal variation. Though no suitable cores were observed, a statistical analysis of cross-bedding thickness variations over a vertical transect may display neap-tide variations and would further support the tidal influence interpretation. Facies 4b: Massive to Trough Cross-Bedded Pebbly Sandstone Facies 4b (F4b) is notably coarser than F4a. Most evident is the presence of pebble sized chert and quartz grains at the bounding surfaces and within the decimetre scale trough cross-bed sets. This facies is also composed of poorly sorted, sub-rounded to sub-angular, medium to very coarse grained quartz sandstone with cross laminated bedsets that fine upward from pebbly to medium grains. Pebbles are typically 5-6 mm in size. F4b sandstone is commonly bitumen “cemented”, and also contains common mud rip-up clasts, wood fragments or coally debris. Rare pyrite “nodules” have also been observed at sporadic intervals (Figure 3.10). In places F4b lacks cross-bedding and a massive appearance is prevalent. F4b is completely void of any visible bioturbation. F4b is common in the study area and is observed within 24 of the logged cores and ranges in thickness from ~2 m up to 13 m, averaging 6.9 m. F4b is often inter-bedded with F4a and can be found overlying any of the other facies. Like F4a, the lower contact is almost always erosional in nature although the lower contact can grade into F5 or F4a. 59 Figure 3.10. Highly bitumen saturated pebbly trough cross-bedded sandstone (Facies 4b); well 05-12-95-25W, 201.71 m. 60 The upper contact can either be gradational or erosional in relationship with F3, F4a or F5 (Table 3.1). In thin section F4b is comprised of predominantly pebble sized to medium sized polycrystalline quartz gains. These grains exhibit orientated elongate crystals with common sutured contacts. Pebbles are commonly 5-6 mm in diameter and comprised of quartz and feldspars. All quartz grains and crystals exhibit undulose extinction under cross-polarized light, suggesting that sediment was sourced from metamorphic terranes. Grains are primarily sub-angular to sub-rounded and poorly sorted. Commonly up to 20% of F4b is comprised of detrital matrix clay and silt. No visible cementation was observed and rare diminutive quartz overgrowths were present. F4b is interpreted to represent a very high energy, unidirectional depositional system. Textural and mineralogical immaturity suggests transport from sediment source area was likely short and sediment reworking was minimal. The pebbly trough cross-beds within this facies exhibit frequent internal erosion surfaces and are considered to have been deposited as three dimensional subaqueous dune forms migrating downstream within the lower portions of a rapidly shifting meander or braided fluvial sequence. Interbeds of massive versions of F4b suggest deposition from rapid decrease in flow or possible bank collapse (Rust and Jones, 1986). The abrupt differences in grain sizes also suggest frequent fluctuations in flow energy. The common coally debris, and mud rip-ups along with the absence of trace fossils also indicates that F4b was a result of predominantly high energy conditions, most likely under fluvial environments. 61 3.2.5 Facies 5: Pebble Conglomerate Facies 5 (F5) is primarily comprised of pebble sized quartz grains with minor interstitial coarse and medium quartz grains. The conglomerate is very poorly sorted with angular to sub-angular pebbles and grains (Figure 3.11). This facies is commonly bitumen “cemented”, however it has the lowest porosity (20%) of any of the Dina Member facies within the study area. The limited porosity is due to the poor sorting of the sediments, and as such this facies is considered to have relatively low reservoir potential compared to F3 and F4. This facies can be clast or matrix supported, massive, chaotic or graded. F5 has common wood fragments and/or mud clasts throughout. Where present overlying the subCretaceous unconformity, pebbles of Devonian origin are often present. Facies 5 (F5) has been observed in 21 of the logged cores ranging in thickness from 0.5 m to 13.5 m with an average thickness of 2.8 m. Facies 5 was also observed and described in outcrops along the Clearwater River valley by Patterson et al. (1978) and Kohlruss et al. (2010a). In thin section F5 is comprised of predominantly pebble sized polycrystalline quartz grains, to medium sized monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz grains (Figure 3.12). Pebbles are commonly 5-6 mm in diameter and though comprised primarily of quartz, they contain approximately 10% microcline potassium feldspar. The polycrystalline quartz grains exhibit elongated crystals with preferred orientation and many having sutured contacts. All quartz grains and crystals exhibit undulose extinction under cross-polarized light. Grains are primarily sub-angular to rarely sub-rounded and poorly sorted. Commonly, detrital clay and silt contribute up to 25-30% of the matrix. No 62 Figure 3.11. Bitumen saturated, poorly sorted pebble conglomerate (Facies 5); well 1632-94-25W3, 215.45 m 63 Figure 3.12. Photomicrograph under cross polarized light showing large sutured polycrystalline quartz grain in facies 5; Well 06-33-94-25W3, 198.35m 64 chert grains were observed as part of the pebble fraction. No visible cementation was observed and rare diminutive quartz overgrowths are present. F5 was likely deposited within the highest energy depositional environment of all the facies observed, and is considered to represent deposition in the upper most reaches of the alluvial plain within a braided stream system and/or the channel lag deposits within a point bar sequence. The largest grains were likely transported by traction during bankfull flow, sliding or rolling along the bed. Bank-full flow was likely a result of seasonally increased flow events likely due to rainy season in a humid climate. The massive nature of F5 suggests deposition was a result of a rapid decrease in flow or possibly bank collapse (Rust and Jones, 1986). The abundant detrital clay and silt would have also settled and been deposited during rapid flow depletion and suggests deposition related to an ephemeral braided stream environment. F5 sedimentation therefore took place where insufficient discharge is present to carry the sediment load. There is also the possibility that this facies was formed along the thalweg of a meander belt channel system, especially when present at the base of the section. These possibilities will be further explored later in the discussion of facies associations. 3.2.6 Facies 6: Inter-bedded Sandstone and Bioturbated Mudstone Facies 6 (F6) is comprised dominantly of massive and/or ripple laminated sandstone, inter-bedded with variably bioturbated siltstone/mudstone (Figure 3.13). The contact between sandstone and siltstone/mudstone layers tend to be sharp but the lower contact of mudstone/siltstone layers may appear wavy or irregular due to bioturbation or soft sediment deformation (Figure 3.13). The upper contact of the mudstone/siltstone 65 Top F6 F6 F3 F4a F2 F3 Bottom Figure 3.13. Inter-bedded sandstone with bioturbated mudstone (Facies 6); Note inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS); well 16-28-94-25W3 (189.4 - 194.6m). Note the variable bitumen saturation. 66 layers is generally sharp due to erosion. F6 is almost always sand dominated and the silt/mud layers generally comprise 10% of the total rock volume or less (Figure 3.13). In rare cases siltstone/mudstone layers comprise up to 70% of the facies. The sandstone portions are predominantly fine grained, rounded to sub-rounded, well sorted, commonly nongraded and generally bitumen cemented. This facies is sedimentologically similar to F1 and/or F2, exhibiting either massive or ripple laminated sedimentary structures and represents a gradational transition from either of F1 or F2. Individual sandstone layers are typically heavily bitumen saturated. The sandstone layers are irregularly thick, ranging from 5 - 150 cm and ~ 10-30 cm thick on average (Table 3.1). Although sandstone layers are generally unbioturbated, uncommon diminutive mud lined Cylindricnus or Gyrolithes occur along discrete bedding planes with no associated mudstone/siltstone layers (Figure 3.13). Facies 6 has been observed in 19 of the logged cores, ranging in thickness from ~1.0 m to 23.0 m with an average thickness of 6.8 m (Table 3.1). In thin section, the sand is comprised of upper very fine to lower fine quartz grains. The grains are rounded to sub-rounded with rare angular grains, and are very well sorted. Polycrystaline quartz grains were occasionally observed along with minor plagioclase. Cylindrichnus burrows are mud lined and sand filled. Mudstone/siltstone layers generally vary in thickness from thin mm scale laminae up to 30cm thick beds (Figure 3.13), averaging 3-10 cm thick. In rare mudstone dominated cases, mudstone dominated intervals might be upto 3 m in thickness. The mudstone/siltstone layers exhibit variable sedimentary character from featureless and massive in appearance to finely laminated. Rarely, a fine sand fraction is observed as thin 67 lenticular beds within the mudstone/siltstone. Presence of bioturbation is highly variable, ranging from rare to common, and when present, can often be seen within the mudstone/siltstone layers and most obvious at the lower bedding contacts with the underlying sandstone, with burrows often penetrating down into the underlying sandstone beds. Burrowing, when present, often obliterates the primary sedimentary structures of the siltstone/mudstone layers. Trace fossils are generally diminutive and exhibit a relatively low diversity assemblage that includes common Cylindrichnus, while Thalassinoides, Skolithos, Gyrolythes,and Teichicnus are rare (Figure 3.14). Generally, the intensity of bioturbation and frequency of mudstone/siltstone layers increases upwards within F6. Five palynological samples from three wells were taken from the mudstone/siltstone layers and processed by L. Bloom at the Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary. Although the majority of the palynmorphs were terrestrial bisaccate pollen grains and trilete miospores, marine dinoflagelate cysts and scoleodonts were also observed (Figure 3.15) (L. Bloom, pers. com. 2010). This together with the trace fossil assemblage suggest a slight marine influence on the depositional setting of the mudstone/siltstone beds. F6 has a very similar, if not the same, character as the Epsilon Cross-Strata/ Inclined Heterolithic Stratification (IHS) beds described in outcrop and cores along the Athabasca River in northeastern Alberta (Mossop, 1978; Pemberton et al., 1982; Flach, 1984; Flach and Mossop, 1985; Thomas et al., 1987; Smith, 1988; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992; Strobl et al., 1997; Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Ranger et al., 2008; Ranger and Gingras, 2006). In particular, F6 most resembles the sand dominated 68 Figure 3.14. A) Inter-bedded sandstone with bioturbated mudstone (Facies 6); trace fossils include Cylindrichnus (Cy): well 16-28-94-25W3, 191.30m. B) Inter-bedded sandstone with bioturbated mudstone(Facies 6); trace fossils include Teichichnus (Te): well 05-12-95-25W3, 213.50m. C) Interbedded sandstone with bioturbated mudstone (Facies 6); trace fossils include Thalassinoides (Th): well 16-28-94-25W3, 182.93m. 69 Figure 3.15. Photomicrographs of some of the pollen, miospores, dinoflagellate and scoleodont observed from wells 16-28-94-25W3, 5-12-95-25W3 and 13-21-95-25W3. Note mix of marine and terrestrial palynmorphs (L. Bloom, pers. com. 2010). 70 IHS (Ranger and Pemberton, 1992; Ranger and Gingras, 2006). The term IHS was introduced by Thomas et al. (1987) to describe dipping, alternating sand and mud deposits and has since evolved to also include lateral accretion deposits produced by the migration of fluvial or estuarine point bars. The use of the term epsilon cross stratification has predominantly been abandoned since it is non-descriptive and the use of “cross-stratification” as a descriptor is inappropriate since the formation of IHS is a result of lateral accretion rather than bed-form migration (Thomas et al., 1987). Similar to the sand dominated facies observed along the Athabasca River, F6 is likely a result of lateral accretion deposition associated with point-bar migration. Many modern and ancient examples of IHS deposits are a result of tidal influences on fluvial or estuarine channel systems where fluctuating energy produces alternating sand and mud sets (Thomas et al., 1987; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992). IHS can also be produced in purely fluvial settings and the deposition of muddy sediments can be linked to counter point bar deposits (CPBD) (Smith et al., 2009). CPBD have concave scroll patterns, rather than the typical convex point bar pattern and are dominated by silt and mud. The CPBD deposition occurs at a meander inflection point, where the river transitions from convex to concave and is observed to thicken downstream (Smith et al., 2009) (Figure 3.16). The presence of marine trace fossils in F6 indicates marine influence. Pemberton et al. (1982) also recognized the influence of brackish water in the McMurray Formation outcrops and cores along the Athabasca River of northeastern Alberta based upon trace fossil assemblages. Brackish-water assemblages are typified by the combination of their diminutive size, simplistic form and low diversity indicative of highly variable stress conditions (Pemebrton et al., 1982; Beynon et al., 1988; Pemberton et al., 2001; Ranger 71 Figure 3.16. Morphology of point bar and counter point bar deposits with inclined heterolithic stratifications (after Smith et al., 2009). 72 and Gingras, 2006). Where trace fossils such as Cylindrichnus, Gyrolithes and Thalasanoides are present within F6, they exhibit the mono-specific or low diversity and diminutive signature of a brackish water assemblage. The co-existence of both terrestrial palynomorphs and marine microfossils supports the interpretation of F6 as a predominantly fluvial environment with some marine influence. 3.2.7 Facies 7: Siltstone, Mudstone, and Coal Facies 7 (F7) consists of light coloured (very light grey to white) siltstone commonly grading into mudstone. Rootlets are commonly observed within the mudstone intervals (Figure 3.17) (Table 3.1). F7 mudstones are in places carbonaceous, grading into coal. The mudstones and siltstones can both contain convoluted bedding, suggesting some degree of soft sediment deformation. Besides coal beds, rare coal fragments and wood fragments are also observed. Bioturbation tends to be absent, but in the 13-21-95-24W3 core, a continental insect burrow was observed (Naktodemasis) (Figure 3.18) (Smith et al., 2008, Ranger et al., 2008; M. Ranger, 2010). Palynological analysis undertaken in F7 identified both terrestrial Trilete spores and marine dinoflagellate cysts (L. Bloom, pers. com 2010). Facies 7 (F7) is relatively rare in the study area, and has been observed in only 10 of the logged drill cores. It ranges in thickness from 1.0 m to 14.0 m, with an average thickness of 6.3 m where present. In thin section, silt sized and very fine grains were observed “floating” within a clay matrix (Figure 3.19). Approximately 10% of the quartz grains exhibited undulose extinction. Grains are well rounded and of mainly equal size. Visible organic matter was 73 Figure 3.17. Rooted organic-rich siltstone and light coloured mudstone (Facies 7); note pedogenic fabric with rootlets (R): well13-21-95-24W3, 181.45 m. 74 Figure 3.18. Organic-rich mudstone (Facies 7); note trace fossils including continental insect burrow, Naktodemasis (Nk); well 13-21-95-24W3, 180.47 m. 75 Figure 3.19. Photomicrograph of siltstone of Facies 7. Note carbonaceous material infilling crack, likely a plant root; well 13-21-95-24W3, 186.20m 76 observed infilling “cracks”. This is likely coally material from plant rootlets penetrating into the sediment (Figure 3.19). The presence of coal or highly carbonaceous mudstone is reflected by a sharp deflection on both density curves to the left on sonic-density/neutrondensity geophysical well logs, and the mudstones typically read between 100 API to 150 API on the Gamma Ray logs. The light coloured mudstones are interpreted to be the result of pedogenesis on a floodplain, while organic-rich to coaly mudstone represents flooded marsh or oxbow lake deposits. Siltstone grading to mudstone is interpreted to represent over-bank deposits from flooding events and suspension sedimentation. The presence of both terrestrial palynmorphs and marine microfossils suggests that despite a very strong evidence for purely continental deposition a marginal marine influence on deposition is present. 3.2.8 Facies 8: Laminated Siltstone to Very Fine Sandstone Facies 8 (F8) is comprised of light grey unconsolidated laminated siltstone inter- bedded with very fine grained sandstone. The very fine grained sandstone is observed as flasers within the siltstone. This facies has very fine laminated bedding with common centimetre scale soft sediment deformation features such as convoluted bedding, load casts and flame structures. Although no specific biogenic structures could be identified, the overall appearance appears bioturbated (Table 3.1). F8 is a relatively rare facies, since it has been only observed in four of the logged drill cores. It ranges in thickness from 1.0 m to 2.2 m with an average thickness of 1.5 m. F8 occurs within facies F3 and F4, and no bitumen staining was observed in this facies (Figure 3.20). 77 Figure 3.20. Inter-laminated siltstone and very fine grained sandstone (Facies 8); well 05-3494-25W3, 231.80 m. Note potential burrows. 78 Figure 3.21. (A-C) Smectite in SEM image at varying magnification. (A) indicates X-ray spectrum sample locations for determination of mineralogy. (D) Photomicrograph of a Smectite mineral (red arrow indicates location) (E) X-Ray spectrum of Smectite from points 1, 2 and 3 along with element percentages from point 1. 79 In thin section, F8 is comprised of ~50% very fine, angular to sub-rounded, well sorted grains. Quartz grains exhibit undulose extinction. Minor amounts of muscovite were also observed. An olive green clay mineral was also observed between quartz grains and was identified through scanning electron microscope – energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) analysis as Smectite (Figure 3.21). The other ~ 50% is represented by silty mudstone, again with rare muscovite. F8 is interpreted as being deposited on a floodplain as over-bank deposits where seasonal avulsion events where channel levees were bypassed and unchannelized floods occur. 3.3 Facies Associations and Depositional Environments 3.3.1 Facies Association 1: Braided Fluvial Channel Facies Association 1 (FA1) is comprised of F3, F4a, b, F5 and F7 (Table 3.2). FA1 is dominantly sandy and gravelly with variable amounts of structureless beds, trough cross-beds and planar bed sets (Figure 3.22a). Planar cross-bed sets may be observed as solitary decimetre to metre scale bed sets at various stratigraphic levels within FA1 and the vertical stacking order is variable. There are very little overall vertical grain size trends within FA1 other than a general fining upward within bed sets. The proportion of each individual facies represented in FA1 is also quite variable as well. Common mud clasts, woody and coally material is observed (up to tree trunk in size), while biogenic structures are non-existent within FA1. Facies Association 1 (FA1) is generally found in the basal part of the Dina Member in the study area and typically found overlying the sub-cretaceous unconformity (Figure 3.22a, 3.23 and 3.24). Correspondingly, FA1 tends to be within the lowest relative paleo-geographic structural lows of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity (Figure 80 Table 3.2 Description, interpretation and sequence stratigraphic nomenclature of facies associations in the study area. LST = Lowstand systems tract; TST = Transgressive systems tract. 81 Figure 3.22a. Core litholog of well 16-32-94-25W3, illustrating vertical relationships of FA1. Note Gamma Ray (GR) curve and Resistivity (Res) curves. The legends are shown in Figure 3.22b 82 Figure 3.22b. Litholog legends for Figure 3.22a. The same legends applied to all lithologs in this section. 83 Figure 3.23. Isopach map of Facies Association 1 (FA1) in the study area. Note the confined morphology and irregular isopach thickness, with a slight thickening toward the northeast. 84 Figure 3.24. Schematic diagram illustrating fluvial architecture in the study area as a result of relative sea-level rise along with changes in accompanying vertical and lateral accommodation space. 85 3.22a and 3.24). FA1 has been observed in 32 of the logged cores and ranges in thickness from 2 m to 27 m with an average thickness of 14 m. Where FA1 was observed to be thinnest, the Devonian was structurally high and/or Quaternary down cutting was exceptionally deep. This often contributed to the thin isopach of FA1, which rarely represent original thickness. FA1 was also observed in outcrop along the Clearwater River in northwestern Saskatchewan (Kohlruss et al., 2010a) (Figure 3.25). The vertical profiles produced by geophysical well logs, in particular gamma ray traces also give valuable information towards the interpretation of the FA1. The gamma ray traces are typical of amalgamated braided channel deposits (Hamilton and Galloway, 1989). The gamma ray readings are generally very low, giving a blocky vertical profile, indicating very little clays which is consistent with observations in cores (Figure 3.22). The abundance of gravel and coarse grained sand and random stacking patterns of F3, F4, F5 and F7 of FA1 is suggestive of a mixed sand and gravel braided non-marine fluvial system. Thick successions of F4 likely represent aggrading channels where no cross channel bars were able to form and deposition was primarily from three dimensional dunes (Cant, 1978), while planar cross beds tend to be thin and likely represent sand flats and/or cross channel bars as described by Cant (1978) in the South Saskatchewan River near Outlook in Saskatchewan (Figure 3.6). In mixed sand gravel braided fluvial systems, bars, sand flats and mid-channel sediments are generally deposited upon each other in very random order. Major sand and gravel deposition likely occurred during seasonal 86 Figure 3.25. Outcrop photo of FA1 located along the Clearwater River valley in the extreme south of the general study area. Note complex and random stacking patterns of the internal facies. Lens cap for scale. 87 flashy floods and would account for the occurrence of massive bedded sandstones, large grain sizes and woody debris as large as tree trunks (Figure 3.26). While rarely observed, the presence of rooted mudstones and coals of F7 are generally cm scale and found at the top of FA1. This likely represents isolated preservation of overbank deposits. The rare occurrence of overbank deposits is likely due to the nature of braided systems, which tend to be wide and occupy the majority of a fluvial plain or incised valley, and floodplain/overbank deposits do not have an opportunity to be preserved (Miall, 2010). The preservation potential for fines within a low accommodation setting is much lower in a braided system setting. Typical fluvial fining-upward cycles are not as readily preserved since channel systems are likely scouring back and forth, within the confinement of the incised valley, stripping the top off of previous cycles. With higher lateral and/or vertical accommodation, complete cycles may have been preserved. 3.3.2 Facies Association 2: Tidally Influenced Meander Channel Deposits Facies Association 2 (FA2) successions are comprised of F1, F2, F3,F4, F5 and F6 (Table 3.1). FA2 is composed mainly of fining upward sands (Figure 3.27). The lowest portions of the vertical profile generally begin with trough cross-bed sets truncating older braided channel deposits followed by stacked metre scale planar crossbed sets. This in turn is followed by inter-bedded, occasionally bioturbated sandstones and siltstones/mudstones (Figure 3.27). Occasionally, FA2 can be seen truncating earlier FA2 successions, creating stacked FA2 successions (Figure 3.28) identifiable by vertically stacked fining-upward packages. The base of stacked successions can be identified by an abrupt change to coarse sediments, including mud clasts or pebbly layers 88 Figure 3.26. Mummified tree trunk (Bitumen impregnated) found at the basal contact of F5 within FA1 assemblage along Clearwater River Valley. 89 Figure 3.27. Core litholog of well 16-28-94-25W3, illustrating vertical relationships of FA2. Note Gamma Ray (GR) curve and Resistivity (Res) curves. Blue infill on Resistivity curve indicates water zone and/or lean zone (below 6% bitumen saturation by weight). Green infill indicates bitumen saturated zones of greater than 6% by weight. 90 Figure 3.28. Gamma Ray trace of well 06-20-94-25W3, illustrating the channel stacking patterns of FA2. 91 of F5. The inter-bedded sandstones and mudstones/siltstones tend to be predominantly sand dominated but in some rare instances mudstone/siltstone dominates. F1 and F2 tend to be observed at the base of F6, the top of F3 and/or inter-bedded within F6 muds/silts (Table 3.1). Facies Association 2 (FA2) has been observed in 28 of the logged cores and ranges in thickness from 6 m to 30 m with an average thickness of 18.5 m. The vertical profiles produced by geophysical well log Gamma Ray profiles are noticeably “clean”, reading very low to moderate at the base (<30 API) and gradually, with the increase of inter-bedded silt and mud, have increased Gamma Ray log readings (>90 API) (Figure 3.28). This produces a vertical Gamma Ray log profile that resembles a “bell” shape (Figure 3.27) typical of a fining upward sequence. The vertical stacking relationships of the observed facies within FA 2 are typical of meandering channels (Figure 3.29). The channel deposits are comprised of both laterally accreting point bars, fluvial and tidally influenced, as well as in-channel 3D dunes (F4) and in some instances mid-channel bars. The 3D dunes (F4) and mid-channel bars (F3) were deposited within the channel thalweg and are overlain by cross beds of laterally accreting bars (F3, F6). These vertically grade into inter-bedded sandstones and muds also produced by lateral accretion (F6) (Figure 3.29). The laterally accreted beds are similar to structures defined by Thomas et al., (1987) as Inclined Stratification (IS) and Inclined Heterolithic Stratification (IHS) respectively. For the most part, IS beds and IHS beds of FA2 are composite sets where IHS sequences gradationally overlie IS deposits. Mid-channel bars can be identified and differentiated from bank attached point bars primarily by the presence of reactivation surfaces, co-flow and back flow ripple cross laminations separating metre scale cross-bed sets (Nio and Yang, 1991). 92 Figure 3.29. Idealized point bar facies distribution model in a tidally influenced meandering river channel system. Note the tidally influenced IHS beds of F6 and the IS beds of F3 overlying F4 trough cross-bed sets. Mud rip-ups are commonly found at this contact due to lateral accretion over trough cross-bedded sands of F4. Note channel abandonment mud plug of facies association 3 (FA 3) 93 Deposition of mid-channel bars and laterally accreting point bars are primarily found within meandering fluvial channels (Dalrymple and Choi 2007; Dalrymple, 2010). In many instances a tidal influence can be identified and is evidenced in several ways. The ichnology of F3 and F6 within many of the observed FA2 successions is typical of brackish water environments, displaying diminutive simple vertical burrows and very low diversity (Pemberton et al., 1982; Beynon et al., 1988; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992). These burrows predominantly populate the mudstone and siltstone layers of the laterally accreting IHS beds of F6 but have also been observed within the laterally accreting IS beds of F3. Additionally, the lack of bioturbation in the IHS beds may be indicative of laterally accreted beds formed in a fully fluvial environment, or at least deposited in a fully fresh water environment beyond the limits of the turbidity maximum. Muds in these instances may represent extended periods of low flow due to seasonal fluctuations or perhaps counter point-bar development. Also, micropaleontological analysis undertaken in F6 identified both terrestrial Trilete spores and marine dinoflagellate cysts (L. Bloom, pers. com. 2010). The co-existence of terrestrial palynmorphs and marine dinoflagellate cysts supports the interpretation of FA2 being predominantly fluvial environment with a marine influence. The introduction of mud deposition and bioturbation within the channel sands is evidence of a change in depositional conditions and possibly water chemistry from a fully fresh water fluvial environment to a brackish tidally influenced environment (Allen et al., 1980; Allen, 1991; Dyer, 1995; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). Deposition of mud beds likely represents reduced influx of fluvial sediments and/or dominance and a closer proximity to the Turbidity Maximum due to seasonal up stream migration caused by 94 lower fluvial water discharge. An increase in salinity promotes mud flocculation and creates brackish water conditions favourable for opportunistic trace makers (Beynon et al., 1988; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992). The paucity of burrows likely reflects that brackish conditions were seasonal. Only at low fluvial out-put stages was marine water able to migrate landward enough to influence the study area and create brackish conditions. The low abundance of burrows populating the mud beds also reflects the relative increase of salinity levels and subsequent tidal and/or fluvial influence, in that the conditions were either short lived or just barely tolerable (Pemberton et al., 1982; Beynon, 1988; Ranger and Pemberton, 1992). FA2 successions are thickest in the most southern areas of the study area and taper to zero to the north (Figure 3.30). This is a function of the transgressive nature of FA2 deposition, as it is back stepping and on-lapping northward within the incised valley and subsequently thinning of FA2. F6 IHS deposition and trace fossil populations are also confined to the southern portion of the study area. The base of these deposits and the northern limit mark the extent of landward incursion of saline water (Figure 3.31). The onlapping and thinning of F6 IHS deposits are consistent with deposition from north to south (as well as vertically from top to bottom) changing from a location landward of the tidal limit to seaward towards the turbidity maximum. Fluvial processes are primarily dominant, especially within the sand fraction, and likely reflect seasonally high river flow. At these times, the tide limit and turbidity maximum are pushed furthest seaward (Figure 3.32). When mud is able to accumulate, seasonally low river flow is likely responsible. At these times the turbidity maximum is likely extended landward to its farthest (Figure 3.32). 95 Figure 3.30. Isopach of Facies Association 2 (FA2). Note FA2 is thickest in the southern most portion of the study area, thinning towards the northeast. This is a function of FA2 deposition back-steping in a “landward” direction. 96 Figure 3.31. Isopach map of F6 (IHS) deposits (seasonally brackish-water deposits). These deposits are characterized by inclined heterolithic strata and an assemblage of brackish trace fossils. Like composite FA2 deposits, these deposits are thickest to the southwest and taper to the northeast in a wedge geometry. 97 Figure 3.32. Illustration of estuarine circulation, sedimentation and salinity stresses between times of high and low fluvial discharge. (A) At times of low fluvial discharge, tidal currents dominate over fluvial density driven currents. At these times brackish water conditions migrate significant distance up fluvial channels and seasonally deposits muds and silts. (B) At times of high fluvial discharge, fluvial/density circulation dominates but silts and mud deposition occurs much further seaward. The river dominated segment has abundant sediment reworking (after Lettley, 2004). 98 3.3.3 Facies Association 3: Oxbow Lake Fill Facies Association 3 (FA3) is comprised entirely of F7 (Table 3.2). Successions of this facies association are consistently comprised of upward fining cycles beginning at the base as a very thin, cm scale layer of siltstone, quickly transitioning to light grey and white muds. Each repetition of silt to mud is, in turn, commonly capped by a weakly rooted horizon (Figure 3.33). FA3 is generally void of recognizable sedimentary structures and is unburrowed. Rarely, very fine sandstone marks the base of the fining upward succession. Individual fining cycles range in thickness from 1 m to 5 m (Figure 3.33). Gamma Ray logs typically have a vertical profile that is jagged with a zig-zag appearance, reflecting multiple fining upward successions. The mud responses on Gamma Ray logs read between ~100 API to ~150 API (Figure 3.33). Facies Association 3 (FA3) is relatively rare, in that it has only been observed in seven of the logged cores. FA3 ranges in thickness from ~2 m to 14 m with an average thickness of 12 m (Figure 3.34). FA3 likely represents vertically accreted abandoned channel deposits. In four closely spaced logged cores, FA3 deposits form an isolated remnant plug. The plug covers an area measuring ~1500m by ~500m. Sediments within the abandoned channel were deposited as a result of suspension settling in quiescent setting, with the silts and very fine sands settling first followed by clays and muds. The presence of silty and sandy layers followed by successions of mud likely indicates that deposition took place when adjacent active channels were breached during high flood events, spilling suspension rich waters into the abandoned oxbow lake/channel. The presence of rooted horizons 99 Figure 3.33. Core litholog of FA3 deposits. A thick, amalgamated succession of FA3 oxbow lake deposits is present in 08-01-25W3. 100 Figure 3.34. Isopach map of facies association 3 deposits. Note that the areal distribution is limited to discrete “bodies” of isolated mud filled oxbow lake deposits. 101 demarcating the tops of successive flooding events indicates prolonged desication periods where plants were able to populate the tops of flood sequences. Micropaleontological analysis indicates the presence of marine dinoflagelettes along with terrestrial triletes (L. Bloom, pers. com. 2010), suggesting that the adjacent channels were more likely those of FA2 rather than FA1 and the waters responsible for flooding the abandoned channels were likely brackish. It has been speculated that the abandoned channel depositional elements provide molds of the channel system and clues to the scale of the channels (Nielsen, 2008; Hubbard et al., 2011). Therefore, the channels in the study area potentially range from 2 m to 14 m deep. 3.3.4 Facies Association 4: Flood Plain Crevasse Splay Facies Association 4 (FA 4) is entirely comprised of Facies 8 (Table 3.2). It occurs between FA1 and FA2 successions (Figure 3.35). FA4 is a relatively rare succession in the study area. It was only observed in four of the logged drill cores and ranges in thickness from 1.0 m to 2.2 m with an average thickness of 1.5 m (Figure 3.36). The areal extent of the FA 4 is ~500 m by ~250 m and is thickest (2.2 m) at its northern extent of the study area and subsequently tapers to the south to 1.0 m and then to zero (Figure 3.36). The fine grained nature, laminated structure, presence of soft sediment deformation, and the over-all dimensions are consistent with crevasse splay deposition (Smith et al., 1989; Smith and Perez-Arlucea, 1994; Bristow et al 1999). Similar depositional characteristics were observed along the rapidly aggrading braided Niobrara River in Nebraska (Bristow et al, 1999) and also some of the depositional features of the lower reaches of the Saskatchewan River (Smith et al., 1989; Smith and Perez-Arlucea, 1994). Based upon observed characteristics, this particular splay is likely a Stage I type as 102 Figure 3.35. Core litholog of Facies Association 4 deposits. The transgressive surface/non-marine flooding surface is linked to the base of FA4 deposits in this stratigraphic test hole core log. 103 Figure 3.36. Isopach map of FA4 deposits illustrating the limited extent of preserved crevasse splay deposits. These were deposited during transgression as part of the aggradation of the braided channel environment. 104 described by Smith et al. (1989), assuming preserved dimensions and thicknesses are close to those originally deposited. Stage I splays are small, lobate in plan view and form a wedge shape in cross section much like what is observed in the study area (Figure 3.35 and 3.37) (Smith et al., 1989). The crevasse splay deposit was likely formed following aggradation of an adjacent channel belt due to unchannelized overbank floods, possibly as a result of base level rise, since preservation of splay deposits during non-aggradational or degradational settings is highly unlikely (Bristow et al., 1999; Miall, 2010). However, the rarity of this facies in the study area is also likely a function of the depositional environment. Deposition likely occurred within a confined valley system where frequent lateral reworking of sediments took place. In this environment, even in an aggradational setting, preservation of splay deposits would still be a rare occurrence (Bristow et al., 1999). 3.3.5 Facies Association 5: Floodplain Deposits Facies Association 5 (FA5) consists of leeched white mudstones and carbonaceous silty mudstones that grade into a coal at its top and is comprised of F7 deposits (Table 3.1) (Figure 3.17). Bioturbation is absent except for a single continental beetle burrow observed burrowing down into a coal bed (Naktodemasis) (Figure 3.18) (Smith et al., 2008; Ranger et al., 2008; Kohlruss et al., 2010). Facies Association 5 (FA5) is an extremely rare facies and has been observed in only one logged drill core and is ~6.0 m thick (Figure 3.38). FA5 likely formed primarily from suspension fall-out in the inter-channel/ overbank areas. These areas may have been vegetated bogs or swamps laterally adjacent 105 Figure 3.37. Cross-section B-B’ illustrates the geometry of an active Stage I splay. This is similar to the geometry of the crevasse splay deposits observed in the study area (after Smith et al., 1989). 106 Figure 3.38. Isopach map of Facies Association 5 (FA5) deposits. The location of FA5 paleosol deposit is indicative of interfluves deposits. 107 to active channels. The vertical association of a leeched zone and rooted horizon/organic-rich horizon is consistent with a paleosol interpretation as well. Though rare, FA5 has the potential to be critical in further development of the stratigraphic history (Ranger and Gingras, 2008). Alluvial paleosols can be easily recognized and can offer ideal marker beds for correlating deposits and sedimentary events (Bown and Kraus, 1987). Further identification of FA5 throughout the study area would be beneficial. 108 4. STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE AND DEPOSITIONAL MODEL 4.1 Introduction In the previous chapter facies and facies associations were described in great detail. Here the lateral and vertical distribution of the Dina/McMurray and its facies associations will be determined through geological structure and isopach maps as well as six structural well log and drill core cross-sections. Five cross-sections were orientated perpendicular to the main channel thalweg and the sixth was orientated within the thalweg of the main channel. An attempt to correlate the facies associations and boundaries is made across all the cross-sections. This will in turn provide a framework from which the depositional model and history can be inferred. Sequence stratigraphic nomenclatures (Shanley and McCabe, 1994; Van Wagoner, 1995; Posamentier and Allen, 1999, Catuneanu et al., 2009) are used in stratigraphic correlations and depositional history reconstruction, despite limitations caused by using a structural, rather than a stratigraphic datum, as discussed earlier. 4.2 Structural and Isopach Maps Utilizing drill core and geophysical well logs, a series of maps of the Dina Member in the study area were constructed, including a structural map of the subCretaceous unconformity surface, the Dina Member/McMurray Formation isopach map, and a structural map of the sub-Quaternary erosional surface. The well coverage for the detailed study area is shown in Figure 4.1. These maps were developed in an effort to 109 Figure 4.1. A map of the study area showing the well coverage, locations of logged cores (red dots) and structural cross-sections. Note black dashed line indicates outline of paleovalley. 110 identify the main paleo-topographic features of the depositional surfaces of the Dina/McMurray, to identify thickness trends in the Dina/McMurray and to determine the affects of, and degree of, Quaternary erosion upon the Dina/McMurray respectively. Mapping of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface revealed some notable features, not the least of which was a continuous, significant paleo-low running through the study area (Figure 4.2). In many places the lows are in excess of 50 metres below the surrounding areas (Figure 4.2). The axis of the paleo-low runs approximately northnortheast beginning approximately in section 9 township 94 range 25 west of the third meridian up to section 13 township 95 range 25 west of the third meridian (Figure 4.2). A second “arm” of the paleo-low extends in an easterly direction from approximately section 36 township 94 range 25 west of the third meridian to section 21 township 94 range 24 west of the third meridian (Figure 4.2). The resulting paleo-low features are likely enhanced by incision initiated by karsting and salt collapse. Several, smaller “tributaries” can also be mapped rejoining with the main paleo-low (Figure 4.2). The isopach map of the Dina Member/McMurray formations shows that the thickest portions generally align with the main structural lows along the sub-Cretaceous unconformity (Figure 4.3). The thickest of the accumulations occur in the most southwestern portions of the study area reaching thicknesses of 45 metres (Figure 4.3). These deposits thin quickly to zero outside of the paleo-lows defined by the subCretaceous unconformity. There are also anomalously thin or zero-thickness areas within the isopach of the Dina/McMurray that coincide with paleo-topographic structural lows (Figure 4.3). As shown in the sub-Quaternary unconformity structural map (Figure 4.4), 111 Figure 4.2. Structural map of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface. Structural lows are interpreted to be incision initiated by salt dissolution in the middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite Formation and karsting in the middle Devonian Winnipegosis Formation. 5 metre contours above mean sea-level. 112 Figure 4.3. Isopach map of the Dina Member/ McMurray Formation (Top of the subCreatceous unconformity to the base of the Quaternary (sub-Quaternary unconformity). Note, the thickest areas of sediment accumulation generally coincide with structural lows on the sub-Cretaceous unconformity. Note area of deep Quaternary erosion (between dashed red lines). 5 metre contour interval. 113 Figure 4.4. Structural map of the base of the Quaternary glacial deposits (sub-Quaternary unconformity). Note structural lows (blue) cutting across the study area as a deep Quaternary erosional channel. 114 these are areas where Quaternary glaciation and/or glacial melt waters removed significant thicknesses of the Mannville Group sediments. In several parts of the study area the effects of Quaternary erosion can be seen. In particular, a significant low cuts across the Mannville sediments, down through to the underlying Devonian rocks and in some cases to the underlying Precambrian (Figure 4.4). This “channel” is orientated in a northwesterly direction and begins in the northwest at section 21 township 95 range 25 west of the third meridian and extends to section 34 township 94 range 25 west of the third meridian, approximately 1 km wide. Extending beyond section 34 the channel widens to approximately 5 km wide and abruptly turns south west and evidence of the anomalously deep channel terminates in section 16 township 94 range 25 west of the third meridian (Figure 4.4). 4.3 Facies Association Structural Cross-Sections The stratigraphic architecture of the Dina Member/McMurray Formation in northwestern Saskatchewan is presented in this section through a series of five structural cross-sections orientated perpendicular to a prominent channel thalweg and one structural cross section orientated parallel or near parallel to the channel thalweg running through the western side of the study area (Figure 4.1). All stratigraphic test holes utilized within the cross-sections make use of drill core for facies association correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretations. Geophysical well logs were also utilized to aid in drill core interpretation. All the Dina Member/McMurray Formation sediments occur between two unconformities, the sub-Cretaceous unconformity and the sub-Quaternary unconformity. 115 The Dina/McMurray sediments were subsequently divided into systems tracts of either lowstand, transgressive or highstand. Although not ideal, a structural datum was chosen for cross-section construction and stratigraphic interpretation due to the absence of a consistent stratigraphic datum (major marine shale, extensive coal, etc). Because post-Mannville structural displacement was likely limited, apart from an overall westward dip, correlation of the facies associations with a structural datum is considered to be accurate. The vertical measured depth is recorded on all geophysical well logs along with the Kelly Bushing (KB) elevation. Gamma Ray log traces were used to illustrate rock lithology (differences between mud and sand) and correlations on the cross-sections, while facies contacts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces were verified by core analysis. 4.3.1 Cross-section A-A’ Cross-section A to A’ is the most southerly cross-section and runs east-west, perpendicular to the inferred thalweg and is comprised of eight cored stratigraphic test holes (Figure 4.1 and 4.5). The cross-section shows mainly Facies Association 2 (FA 2), but in the deepest portions of the valley, an approximately 20m succession of braided channel deposits of Facies Association 1 (FA1), has been preserved. Overlying these deposits are the tidally influenced meander deposits of FA2 (Figure 4.5). The FA2 deposits are comprised of amalgamated, stacked laterally accreting deposits, fining upwards successions from trough cross beds of Facies 4a (F4a) and IS deposits of Facies 3 (F3), into inter-bedded sandstones and mudstones of Facies 6 (F6). The inter-bedded sandstones and mudstones found near the top of the successions are inclined heterolithic 116 6-20-94-25W3 KB 568.82m GR API 0 Dina Member Lower Cretaceous Quaternary Measured Depth 150 180m A Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 8-20-94-25W3 190 KB 557.1m 0 0 7-20-94-25W3 GR API GR API 150 KB 544.47m 200m 200 190m 0 GR API 0 GR API KB 545m 150 0 0 0 GR API 150 3 180m 190m 220m 220 180 180 220 190 Winnipegosis Fm. Devonian 210 Prairie Evaporite Breccia 200 230 230 190 190 TD 200 220 TD 210 240 Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity 150 150 170m 170m 210 200 GR API GR API KB 537.5m 5-21-94-25W3 150 210 KB 532.95m 6-21-94-25W3 4-21-94-25W3 KB 574.5m 150 A’ 7-21-94-25W3 KB 572.6m 5-20-94-25W3 S 1 240 200 200 1 210 220 250 Datum=Subsea 250 210 TD S Depths MD 220 TD TD TD TD 220 ~400m TD F T95 FA 1 FA 2 FA 3 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 FA 4 S -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity FA 5 E E' D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' Figure 4.5. Structural cross-section A-A’. See text for discussion. R25 R24W3 117 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 stratification (IHS) (Thomas et al., 1987). The mudstone beds contain low diversity, diminutive trace fossils and represent deposition during seasonal brackish water conditions. On the east side of the cross-section, in well 7-21-94-25w3, two abandoned, mud filled oxbow lake deposits of Facies Association 3 (FA3) were observed (Figure 4.5). The lower contact is the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity defining the bottom of the channel and represents a major sequence boundary (SB1), separating Devonian and Jurassic sediments from overlying Cretaceous sediments of the Mannville Group (Christopher, 1974, 1997, 2003; Jackson, 1984; Hayes et al., 1984; Cant 1996). The sequence boundary represents a minimum hiatus of 10-20 My and is considered a second-order sequence boundary representing a major reorganization of the Cordillera and the adjacent foreland basin (Cant and Stockmal, 1989). The upper contact is represented by the sub-Quaternary unconformity and represents the second sequence boundary (SB2). The lower sequence boundary (SB1) is coincident with a lowstand unconformity, since some valley cut occurred by fluvial action during the lowstand and it is also expected that braided sediments of FA1 began to accumulate during the lowstand as well, although a portion of the transgressive deposits may have also been assigned to FA1, especially upstream, to the east as the base level rose and braided channel deposits begin to aggrade within the incised valley. A transgressive surface (TS) or Non-Marine Flooding Surface (NMFS) marks the beginning of back-stepping and a landward on-lap of an overall transgressive systems tract (TST) initiated by a relative sea-level rise. This 118 is truncated at the top by SB2. In cross-section A-A’, the TS/NMFS is marked by the transition from FA1 deposits to FA2 deposits. 4.3.2 Cross-section B-B’ Cross-section B-B’ is also orientated perpendicular to the inferred channel thalweg and is comprised of seven cored stratigraphic test holes (Figure 4.1 and 4.6). Again, the base of the channel is marked by SB1, which is also coincident with the lowstand unconformity. Directly on top of SB1, within the lowest portions of the valley are FA1 sediments located in 15-20, 16-20, and 13-21-94-25w3 stratigraphic test holes. The FA1 sediments are relatively thin and represent a veneer of lowstand system tract (LST) deposition. Overlying FA2 sediments have eroded down into FA1 sediments producing a morphology where FA1 sediments lap out against the valley flanks. This is typical of LST sediments within an incised valley fill (Figure 4.6) (Blum, 1990; Shanley and McCabe, 1994; Zaitlin et al., 1995). Within cross-section B-B’, the contact between FA1 and FA2 sediments marks the TS/NMFS. Sedimentation from laterally accreting point bars of FA2 are represented in all the stratigraphic test holes of cross-section B-B’, except in the most eastern hole where Quaternary glacial processes have cut away all Mannville group sediments and SB1 and SB2 are coincident (Figure 4.6). Much like in cross-section A-A’, the FA2 deposits are comprised of amalgamated, stacked laterally accreting deposits, fining upwards from F4a and F3, into F6 and sit directly on top of FA1 sediments in the centre of the channel and directly on top of SB1 on the flanks. Again, the mud beds are populated by low diversity, diminutive trace fossils and represent deposition during seasonal brackish water conditions. In stratigraphic test holes 15-20 and 14-21-94-25w3, mud filled oxbow lake 119 14-21-94-25W3 KB 563.3m 0 GR API 150 Quaternary Dina Member Lower Cretaceous B 13-20-94-25W3 KB 540m 0 GR API Measured Depth 14-20-94-25W3 Sub-Quaternary Unconformity KB 540.68m 0 GR API 180 150 GR API CD 210 KB 537m 210 190 0 150 200m GR API 150 3 210 CSG 210 220 220 220 200m 200 220 S TD 0 GR API 200m 16-20-94-25W3 150 1 TD 230 1 230 210 230 TD TD Winnipegosis Fm. Devonian 200 KB 563.4m 0 200 KB 562.8m 150 15-20-94-25W3 180m 190 0 GR API B’ 15-21-94-25W3 KB 558.6m 170m Prairie Evaporite Breccia 190 13-21-94-25W3 150 Datum=Subsea 240 1 220 Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity Depths MD 240 S 250 230 TD TD 250 240 ~400m 250 TD F T95 FA 1 FA 2 FA 3 FA 4 FA 5 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 S -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity E E' D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' Figure 4.6. Structural cross-section B-B’. See text for discussion. R25 R24W3 0 120 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 FA3 deposits are observed, further supporting the meander channel and oxbow channel abandonment model for FA2 and FA3. The upper sub-quaternary unconformity surface within cross-section B-B’ is very irregular and cuts preferentially deeper coincident with the underlying channel thalweg and, as mentioned previously, it cuts and removes all Mannville valley fill sediments in the 15-21-94-25w3 stratigraphic test hole. 4.3.3 Cross-section C-C’ Cross-section C-C’ is orientated perpendicular to the inferred channel thalweg and is comprised of ten cored stratigraphic test holes (Figure 4.1 and 4.7). This cross-section represents the widest representation of the inferred Valley system and is nearly 5 km wide. The base of the valley in cross-section C-C’ has less relief compared to crosssections A-A’ and B-B’. Consequently, there is increased lateral preservation of FA1 sediments observed, although still thin and confined to the lowest portions of the valley. FA1 sediments comprise the LST and sit directly on top of SB1/lowstand unconformity surface (Figure 4.7). FA2 sediments sit directly on top of FA1 sediments in almost all the stratigraphic test holes, except in 13-29, 14-29, and 13-28 where FA2 sits directly on top of SB1. Again, the contact between FA1 and FA2 represents the TS/NMFS. FA2 sediments comprise the majority of the strata in cross-section C-C’. FA2 is predominantly comprised of F4a and F3 with a noticeably thinner succession of F6 deposits overlying the stacked meander channel successions. Despite the much larger channel width, only one intersection of oxbow lake deposits of FA3 were encountered in the far east 121 Quaternary 14-28-94-25W3 C 13-29-94-25W3 Dina Member Lower Cretaceous KB 560.71m 14-29-94-25W3 KB 562.0m 0 GR API 0 KB 564.2m 0 GR API GR API 150 16-28-94-25W3 150 KB 549.9m 190m 150 15-28-94-25W3 Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 190m 16-29-94-25W3 13-28-94-25W3 KB 555.7m 200 200 0 GR API KB 553.6m 190m 150 190m 0 GR API 0 3 KB 558.6m GR API KB 568.6m 0 150 Prairie Evaporite Breccia 210m Winnipegosis Fm. 210 220 230 220 220 1 230 220 S Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity 220 230 TD 230 240 TD TD 230 TD 230 240 TD TD ~400m E FA 1 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion S -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity E' D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' FA 5 Figure 4.7. Structural cross-section C-C’. See text for discussion. R25 R24W3 0 122 1 S 220 Depths MD 3 190 210 240 230 TD 1 180 210 210 150 200 S TD GR API 3 1 220 KB 535.8m 170m 150 220 210 C’ 13-26-94-25W3 0 200 220 Datum=Subsea Measured Depth 150 210m F FA 4 GR API GR API 190m 200 200m 0 13-27-94-25W3 150 T95 FA 3 KB 575m 210 200 FA 2 14-27-94-25W3 150 190m 210 Devonian GR API 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 TD 200 TD stratigraphic test hole, 13-26-94-25w3. This reflects the nature of lateral reworking and poor preservation potential of oxbow lake mud fills within a confined incised valley fill system. The SB2 surface of the sub-Quaternary unconformity of cross-section C-C’ has less relief compared with cross-section B-B’ and much more of the underlying deposits have been preserved as a result of less down-cutting of the Quaternary unconformity. 4.3.4 Cross-section D-D’ Cross-section D-D’ is comprised of ten cored stratigraphic test holes and is orientated primarily perpendicular to the thalweg of the inferred channel form but due to stratigraphic test hole density and orientation of the channel form, test holes 15-34 and 13-35-94-25w3 are orientated askew from a perpendicular alignment with the thalweg (Figure 4.1 and 4.8). Regardless of the orientation of the cross-section to the thalweg, these two test holes were also chosen to illustrate the effects of glacial processes in the study area and will be discussed in further detail further below. Much like cross-section C-C’, cross-section D-D’ shows a relatively wide incised valley with a similar, relative low relief base. Again, the valley base is coincident with SB1 (Figure 4.7). FA1 deposits directly overly the SB1 surface and are generally thin and confined to the lowest portions of the valley form. As was observed in cross-section BB’, in test hole 16-20-94-25w3, erosion of FA1 deposits and compound fill of FA2 sediments on top of FA1 deposits at well 5-33-94-25w3, leaves FA1 deposits restricted and lapped out against the valley flanks. In test holes, 8-33, 5-34 and 6-34-94-25w3, rare preserved crevasse splay deposits of FA4 is observed overlying FA1 deposits. The FA4 123 D Quaternary GR API Measured Depth KB 549.77m KB 546.3m 150 GR API 0 170m 0 150 KB 562.1m 0 GR API 180 Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 150 190m 5-33-94-25W3 GR API KB 532.42m 190 150 170m 0 3 GR API 0 3 180 1 0 150 210m 150 3 200 190m 5-34-94-25W3 KB 577.75m 200 200 190 0 GR API 220 150 15-34-94-25W3 0 230 1 210 200 190 GR API 150 210m 220 TD 230 TD 190 1 S 220 210 200 TD 210 KB 559.65m 220m 180 S Datum=Subsea GR API 150 180 TD 220 Winnipegosis Fm. Devonian Prairie Evaporite Breccia GR API 170m FA 2 210 KB 580.27m KB 558.1m KB 535.9m 190m 6-34-94-25W3 8-33-94-25W3 7-32-94-25W3 0 200 170 Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity 220 1 240 S 250 TD TD 230 210 Depths MD 240 200 250 TD 230 3 210 TD 240 ~400m 240 TD TD 220 F FA 1 FA 4 150 5-32-94-25W3 T95 FA 3 GR API 160m 210 FA 2 D’ 13-35-94-25W3 6-33-94-25W3 KB 558.56m 0 Dina Member Lower Cretaceous 8-32-94-25W3 E 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity S E' D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' FA 5 Figure 4.8. Structural cross-section D-D’. See text for discussion. R25 R24W3 0 124 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 S deposits have been placed within the TST since crevasse splay preservation in a degradational stage is extremely rare and are more likely to be preserved during aggradation. The TS/NMFS has been placed within FA1 deposits and coincided with the base of the FA4 deposits in 5 and 6-34-94-25w3 (Figure 4.8). Still, FA2 deposits are dominant in the cross section, but vertical channel amalgamation is tighter and IHS deposits of F6 are only observed in test holes 8-32 and 6-33-94-25w3 and are significantly thinner than those observed in the more southerly cross-sections. This suggests that cross-section D-D’ is near the upstream limits of the seasonal incursion of salt water for the preserved deposits. In 13-35-94-25w3, the most eastern test hole of the cross-section, a large deposit of FA3 is observed. This particular deposit of FA3 is comprised of three fining upward cycles and likely represents the amalgamation of oxbow lake deposits. In all of the discussed cross-section, a pattern of mud filled abandoned oxbow lakes, at the margins of the valley has developed, particularly at the eastern margin. This is likely a result of the Paleozoic Dolostone bedrock valley wall acting as an erosion-resistant barrier. The river meanders respond to confinement through down-valley migration or translation (Smith et al., 2009; Fustic et al., 2012). The result is not only a concentration of counter point bars along the margins (Figure 3.16), but when a meander lobe is abandoned the oxbow lake fills tend to be confined to the valley margins as well. These can then also act as erosion resistant barriers to subsequent meanders. SB2 is at the base of the Quaternary and is highly irregular through cross-section D-D’ and in many places has removed much of the underlying Dina Member deposits. In particular, in test hole15-34-94-25w3, the unconformity cuts all the way down to the Pre- 125 Cambrian, with no Phanerozoic deposits preserved (Figure 4.8). This cut extends from section 21 township 95 range 25 west of the third meridian and cuts completely across the valley to depths of at least the underlying Paleozoic rocks. 4.3.5 Cross-section E-E’ Cross-section E-E’ is the most northerly cross-section orientated perpendicular to the inferred channel thalweg and is comprised of six cored stratigraphic test holes (Figure 4.9). The amalgamated lowstand unconformity and SB1 is noticeably flat lying through cross-section E-E’ with very little relief. This is due to the cross-sections orientation and positioning. The cross-section is orientated perpendicular to the thalweg, but it is near a bend in the valley-form, which turns from an orientation of north-northeast to northwest (Figure 4.1 and 4.3). Although orientated perpendicular to the north-northeast thalweg the alignment with the northwest orientated thalweg likely contributes to the low relief character of SB1. FA1 deposits lie directly above the SB1 surface and represent a significantly higher percentage of the Dina Member in the cross-section than what has been observed in the more southerly cross-sections. This is likely due to amalgamation of lowstand and transgressive FA1 deposits in response to relative sea level rise. The placement of the TS/NMFS is therefore located within the FA1 deposits. This surface has been assigned to a minor paleosol development in 12-12-95-25w3 and a distinctive erosional contact with abundant mud rip-ups in 3-12-95-25w3. 126 E Dina Member Lower Cretaceous Quaternary 0 GR API KB 545.3m KB 545m KB 542.8m Measured Depth 12-12-95-25W3 150 KB 537.24m 170m Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 0 GR API 11-1-95-25W3 3-12-95-25W3 150 0 0 150 GR API 150 GR 3 180 180 180 3 190 190 180 190 190 190 190 200 200 200 1 200 TD Datum=Subsea 220 ~400m F E E' D' D C FA 4 210 210 Depths Measured Depth 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity S FA 5 B T94 A C' B' A' F' R25 R24W3 0 Figure 4.9. Structural cross-section E-E’. See text for discussion. 127 S TD TD FA 1 1 210 TD S TD Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity 210 210 210 Winnipegosis Fm. Devonian Prairie Evaporite Breccia 200 1 T95 FA 3 150 170m 170m 200 FA 2 GR API 0 150 180m 180m 170m GR API KB 548.1m KB 547.2m GR API 0 E’ 8-1-95-25W3 7-1-95-25W3 6-11-95-25W3 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 220 TD 355mSS A thick succession of FA3 deposits are located in 7-1 and 8-1-95-25w3 and can be correlated to the FA3 deposits found in the test hole 13-35-94-25w3 of cross-section D-D’. These deposits sit directly on top of SB1. This is not likely the result of a single abandoned oxbow, but rather a consolidation of several in a location of high preservation potential. FA2 deposits directly overly both FA1 and FA3 deposits and comprise a much lower percentage of the section in the cross-section than in the previous more southerly cross-sections. The FA2 deposits are primarily comprised of tightly stacked channels of F4a deposits capped by F3 grain striped planar cross-bedded sandstones. No IHS deposits of F6 were observed in any of the test holes in cross-section E-E’, likely indicating the deposits preserved in the cross-section are located upstream of the seasonal salt water incursion limit. The SB2 surface is relatively flat lying throughout cross section E-E’ with no preferentially deep incisions, as observed in cross section D-D’. 4.3.6 Cross-section F-F’ Cross-section F-F’ is orientated along the axis of the main valley’s inferred thalweg in an effort to determine the longitudinal variations of the facies associations and to tie together all the perpendicular-to-strike cross-sections previously described (Figure 4.1 and 4.10). Cross-section F-F’ has a general north-south orientation and is comprised of six stratigraphic test holes. The major sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface which comprises SB1 is characterized by relatively low relief, with some of the minor fluctuation along its length 128 F Dina Member Lower Cretaceous Quaternary 13-21-95-24W3 KB 558.60m 0 KB 563.20m KB 546.3m 150 170m 0 GR API 14-28-94-25W3 0 KB 560.71m 150 160m 0 GR API GR API 150 7-21-94-25W3 180 KB 532.95m 2 1 3 12-12-95-25W3 KB 537.24m S 0 GR API 2 190m 180 3 150 200 170m 210 180 200 200 TD 180 2 190 210 1 2 Winnipegosis Fm. 190 200 1 S 220 S 190 220 1 1 200 200 210 S S TD 230 TD 210 TD TD TD F T95 FA 1 FA 4 GR API 3 ~400m FA 3 0 150 170m Prairie Evaporite Breccia 3 190 170 240 FA 2 F’ 150 3 190 Devonian 14-21-94-25W3 6-33-94-25W3 GR API E 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity E' S D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' FA 5 Figure 4.10. Structural cross-section F-F’. See text for discussion. R25 R24W3 0 129 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 likely due to test hole location within the channel, since not all test holes in the crosssection are exactly in the centre of the thalweg. The interfluve area rises above the valley in the northern most portion of the cross-section, beginning approximately at section 13 township 95 range 25 west of the third meridian and extending towards test hole 13-2195-24w3 (Figure 4.10). FA1 deposits directly overlie the SB1 surface throughout the inter-channel area, except within test holes 14-21 and 7-21-94-25w3. FA1 sediments are only absent in the cross section since the cross section is slightly off-centre of the deepest portions of the valley. This highlights the restricted nature of the FA1 deposits in the southern reaches. FA1 deposits thicken slightly towards the north, and as mentioned earlier, this is likely due to aggradation of the FA1 deposits due to onset of trangession. The TS/NMFS is inferred to be at the thin paleosol located in 12-12-95-25w3. The FA1 deposits below the paleosol and in the other more southerly wells are designated to be within the LST (Figure 4.10). FA1 deposits on-lap the edges of the valley and do not extend onto the interfluves regions. FA2 deposits predominantly lie directly on top of FA1 deposits, especially within the main thalweg valley. FA2 deposits are thickest in the southern part of the crosssection and gradually thin northward. This is likely a result of both depositional thinning northward along with the effects of down cutting caused by glacial erosion. FA2 sediments thin significantly, but do extend over the valley edge into the interfluve area. In test hole 13-21-95-24w3, FA2 sediments lie directly on top of a well-developed FA5 marsh paleosol deposit produced when relative sea level rise outpaced sediment supply. 130 This marks the beginning of the transgressive systems tract and can be correlated to the south with the TS/NMFS. Within FA2, the longitudinal distribution of F6 IHS deposits is of significant importance and illustrates the back-stepping /transgressive depositional nature of the succession (Figure 4.10). All FA2 sediments are tidally influenced fluvial deposits, but those of F6 are not only tidally influenced, but are seasonally (during low river flow periods) brackish and subject to the influences of the turbidity maximum. A wedge of seasonally brackish-water mud deposits is observed starting in almost all the FA2 deposits of test hole 7-21-94-25w3 and gradually pinches out at 6-33-94-25w3 (Figure 4.10). Below this wedge, laterally accreting FA2 deposits occur as Inclined Stratification (IS) deposits rather than Inclined Heterolithic stratification (IHS) deposits (Figure 4.10) FA3 deposits occur in test holes 7-21 and 14-21-94-25w3. The thickness of FA3 deposits is higher in the southern portion of the cross-section, but this is biased due to the off-centre location of the cross-section in the southern portion. The sub-Quaternary unconformity of SB2 is relatively flat lying with only minor undulations, including over the sub-Cretaceous unconformity valley edge, with the exception of the deep, preferential erosional “cut” located between test hole 12-12-95-25w3 and 6-33-94-25w3. This channel cut is inferred from the isopach and structure maps, as well as other logged core intervals, since there is no test hole utilized in the cross-section that intersects the Quaternary channel. 4.4 Depositional Model The following depositional history/model utilizes a simplified base level curve interpretation due to the correlation challenges of fluvial deposits along with the 131 challenges of using a structural datum. Thus, the depositional history/model does not take into account higher frequency base level fluctuations that occurred within the duration of each systems tract, as described, and does not account for anomalous facies stacking patterns that resulted from higher frequency base level changes. Although the author recognizes the presence of these higher frequency base level fluctuations, the stratigraphic correlations are simplified due to the limitations encountered in the study area. The depositional history of the Dina Member in the study area is illustrated by a series of plan view sketches showing the morphology and depositional environments. The system tracts and corresponding relative base level changes are also indicated (Figure 4.11). Initial down-cutting was in response to a base level fall during lowstand conditions. The down-cutting likely enhanced and exploited karst features upon the subCretaceous unconformity and created incised valleys (Figure 4.10). Facies Association 1 (FA1) is interpreted as a lowstand systems tract (LST) of braided-fluvial channels developed and largely preserved within the lowest paleo-topographic lows upon the subCretaceous unconformity (Figures 3.26, 4.2, 4.5, 4.11A and B). This fluvial system flowed southwest, towards Alberta, where it joined with the Firebag tributary system as described by Ranger (2006) and Hein et al. (2007) (Figure 2.6). This tributary system is orientated approximately east-west and generally follows the township 95 grid, until it reaches and empties into the Assiniboia paleo-valley (McMurray main trunk valley) at approximately township 95 range 8 west of the fourth meridian (Figure 2.6). 132 A T95 T95 T95 D T95 Tidally Influenced Fluvial Meander Braided Channel Braided Channel Tidally Influenced Fluvial Meander Tidally Influenced Fluvial Meander Tidally Influenced/ Seasonal Brackish Influence Incised Valley Trench T94 R25 R24W3 1 2 3 4 Kilometres R25 5 0 1 2 3 4 Kilometres R24W3 5 0 1 High Low High Low Lowstand Systems Tract R25 R24W3 High 0 T94 Lowstand (wedge) Systems Tract 2 3 4 Kilometres R24W3 5 0 High R25 T94 Low T94 133 C Low Figure 4.11. Plan view sketches of incised-valley system in the study area, showing its evolution over its depositional cycle from sea-level fall to subsequent late transgression. (A) Lowstand time showing the incised valley system. (B) Lowstand (wedge) time showing the beginning of braided fluvial deposition throughout the incised valley system, including overbank crevasse splay deposits. (C) Transgessive systems tract time showing development of tidally influenced meander channels as part of the “meander” of a straight-meander-straight system, as well as the aggradation of braided fluvial system, within the landward “straight” segment. (D) Late transgressive time showing further migration landward of the meander fluvial system with “distal” tidally influenced seasonally brackish portion transitioning beyond the influences of seasonal salt incursion to a tidally influenced meander system (modified from Zaitlin et al., 1995). B Transgressive Systems Tract (Early) Transgressive Systems Tract (Late) 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 In the study area, the most landward expression of the tributary system runs through townships 94 and 95, ranges 24 and 25 west of the third meridian, but the thickest preserved sediments are within townships 94 and 95 range 25 west of the third meridian and is orientated north-northwest (Figure 4.3). Following the LST, a relative sea level rise marks the beginning of the transgressive systems tract (TST). Within the study area’s valley system, this can be recognized by the vertical transition from the braided channel deposit of FA1, to laterally accreting tidally influenced point bar deposits of FA2, or in some cases by a minor paleosol observed within FA1 deposits in the northern areas of the paleo-valley (Figure 4.10 and 4.11 C and D). Continued relative sea-level rise increased accommodation space within the incised valley, resulting in preservation of amalgamated, aggraded multistory, tidally influenced meander channel deposits (Figures 3.27, 3.28, 4.2, and 4.5). The lowest portions of these deposits were initially confined by steeper valley walls formed along the sub-Cretaceous unconformity. The lateral accommodation space available during early transgression was limited and abundant sediment cannibalism was occurring. Interchannel deposits were very rarely preserved at this level and occur as mud-clasts within the lower FA2 deposits (F3 and F4). FA2 deposits consist of at least three stacked meander channel belt deposits (Figures 3.28 and 4.5). Continued relative sea-level rise and an increase in lateral accommodation space combined with infilled irregular paleotopography resulted in a continued vertical and landward shift in facies. A facies transition from tidally influenced IS deposits to not only tidally influenced deposits, but also a seasonal deposition of brackish deposits occurs as a 134 seasonal salt-water incursion migrates farther inland. The brackish deposits are characterized by impoverished, diminutive, simple vertical burrows in thin mud beds. The mud beds and trace makers occur inter-bedded with sandstone and together comprise the IHS component of point bar deposits. As a result of increased lateral and vertical accommodation, the IHS deposits become thicker. In turn a more complete point-bar succession is preserved. A distinct wedge of seasonal brackish deposits is evident in the study area, thickest in the southern portions of the paleo-valley system and thinning towards the north (Figures 3.31 and 4.9). These deposits are confined within the uppermost portions of F3 inclined stratification (IS) deposits and the muddy layers of the inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) deposits. During seasonal, low fluvial discharge, salt water migrated up-channels and during seasonal high fluvial discharge, the salt incursion was pushed downstream. Within the zone of mixing, salinity induced density stratification occurred, resulting in density currents (Figure 2.11). As fine grained sediment enters the brackish area it begins to flocculate and deposition of mud and silt occurs. This area is coincident with the turbidity maximum, where elevated suspended sediment is concentrated. During times of low fluvial discharge, mud accumulates on underlying sand beds and a brackish water assemblage of trace fossils opportunistically populates the mud. When fluvial fresh water discharge is high, trace makers die and sand is deposited on top of the mud layers. The mud beds generally have erosive tops because of this. The base of the brackish water deposits can trace the incursion of the brackish water conditions landward (Figure 4.9) 135 Eventually, sedimentation overstepped the valley walls and deposition of tidally influenced sediments occurred over interfluve regions. FA2 deposits subsequently overlie FA5 deposits in the interfluves. The ultimate extent of the marine transgression is not recorded in the study area due to the ultimate removal of the uppermost deposits by Quaternary glaciation. 136 5. 5.1 BITUMEN DISTRIBUTION Introduction A series of four maps illustrating net “pay”, net water/ “lean” zones and bitumen saturation were constructed along with two oil-water-contact cross-sections to determine the extent of the bitumen resource within the study area . Trapping and controls on bitumen distribution will also be discussed in this chapter. 5.2 Bitumen Distribution Bitumen distribution throughout the study area is influenced by many complicating factors and determining the most desirable development targets is not straight forward. The first step performed to assess the bitumen resource potential for the study area was constructing a Dina/McMurray isopach map of the area to determine where the thickest succesions were located (Figure 4.3). Then, utilizing dean stark analysis performed on Oilsands Quest Inc’s drill core, by Norwest Corporation, net bitumen “pay” isopach maps were also developed. For these, all bitumen saturation values >6 wt% were accumulated, regardless of bottom water or perched water zones between bitumen zones, and a 10 metre net thickness was used as minimum cut-off (Figure 5.1 and 5.2). Notably, the thickest bitumen “pay” does not always correlate with the thickest Dina/McMurray successions. Also, the “pay” is restricted to the western flank of the southern reaches of the channel, but coincides with the thickest successions in the northern valley limit area (Figure 5.2). 137 Bitumen Zone Bitumen Zone Top Bottom Figure 5.1. Core photograph of “perched” water-saturated zone between an upper and a lower bitumen saturated zone; drill core 16-28-94-25W3, 182.55-219.40 m. 138 Figure 5.2.Map of total net bitumen pay (>6 wt%) more than 10 m in thickness; data based on core analyses. 5 metre contour interval. 139 The average bitumen saturation for each stratigraphic test hole’s drill core was also calculated and mapped. This was done regardless of thickness and two maps were constructed, one showing average saturation values regardless of water and the other excluding water (Figures 5.3 and 5.4). This again revealed the highest average bitumen saturations were not always coincident with the thickest successions of Dina/McMurray. Again, the highest saturation averages coincided with the western flank of the southern portions of the valley and coincided with the successions in the most northern portions and easterly portions of the valley (Figure 5.3 and 5.4). A problematic reservoir condition involves the presence of low saturation zones and water. A common observation in the study area is the presence of water saturated zones, both observed as bottom water and perched water zones overlying and between oil saturated zones (Figures 5.1, 5.5, 5.6 and 3.33). The southern portion of the channel fill is especially prone to this problem (Figure 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6). Unfortunately, these zones degrade the resources and can be detrimental to in-situ recovery techniques such as Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD). For the purposes of development, the best areas would be those where net bitumen pay exceeds 10m, the average saturations are greatest and there is little water (Figure 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10). From a development perspective, the areas located in the northern portions of the channel exhibit the most favourable conditions. The average saturation values exceed 16%, the net pay is greater than 18 metres and there is very little water or lean zones. 140 Figure 5.3.Map of weighted average bitumen saturations including water zones, regardless of net bitumen pay thickness. 141 Figure 5.4. Map of weighted average bitumen saturations excluding water zones, regardless of net bitumen pay thickness. Note, this will increase the average bitumen saturation percentage values for individual drill cores where bottom water or “perched” water zones are present. 142 6-20-94-25W3 KB 568.82m 0 Dina Member Lower Cretaceous Quaternary GR API Measured Depth 150 180m Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 8-20-94-25W3 190 KB 557.1m 0 GR API 7-21-94-25W3 KB 572.6m 5-20-94-25W3 0 7-20-94-25W3 GR API 150 KB 544.47m 200m KB 574.5m 150 190m 200 0 GR API 0 KB 537.5m 5-21-94-25W3 KB 545m 150 0 150 210 200 GR API GR API 0 210 3 220 Winnipegosis Fm. Devonian 150 150 180m 180 180 190 200 230 230 190 190 TD 200 220 210 240 S 1 240 200 200 1 210 220 250 Datum=Subsea 250 210 TD S 220 TD TD TD 220 Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity ~400m TD 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity Water Saturated Sandstone Poor to Fair Bitumen Staining Good to Excellent Bitumen Staining Figure 5.5. Structural cross-section A-A’, illustrating the oil-water contacts. Note multiple oil-water contacts through the cross-section, increasing from west to east. See also text for further discussion. 143 GR API 190m 210 S 0 150 220 TD GR API 170m 170m 220m Prairie Evaporite Breccia KB 532.95m 6-21-94-25W3 4-21-94-25W3 TD Lower Cretaceous Dina Member Quaternary F 13-21-95-24W3 KB 558.60m 0 GR API KB 563.20m KB 546.3m 170m 0 GR API 14-28-94-25W3 0 KB 560.71m 150 160m 0 GR API GR API F’ 150 150 7-21-94-25W3 3 KB 532.95m 180 Prairie Evaporite Breccia 3 12-12-95-25W3 1 3 190 170 0 GR API 150 KB 537.24m S 190 Devonian 14-21-94-25W3 6-33-94-25W3 150 0 3 GR API 190m 3 150 170m 180 200 170m 210 180 220 190 200 200 TD 180 190 210 Winnipegosis Fm. 190 200 S 220 S S 200 200 210 TD 230 210 S TD TD TD 240 ~400m 3 -SB 2 /Sub-Quaternary Unconformity 2 -Surface of Maximum Brackish Incursion 1 -TS/NMFS -SB 1/ LST Unconformity/Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity S 1 F T95 Water Saturated Sandstone E Poor to Fair Bitumen Staining E' Good to Excellent Bitumen Staining Figure 5.6. Structural cross-section F-F’, illustrating the oil-water contacts from north to south. Note multiple oil-water contacts in the southern wells, increasing in water content from north to south. See text for further discussion. D' D C B T94 A C' B' A' F' R25 R24W3 0 144 1 2 3 4 Kilometres 5 Figure 5.7. Map of net thickness of water and low-saturation zones. Note the increased thickness in the southern portion of the paleo-channel system. 145 Figure 5.8. Overlay of total net bitumen pay map (red cross-hatch indicates >10m net pay) with weighted average bitumen saturation map (green contours). Areas of overlap are the most desirable as production targets. 146 Figure 5.9. Overlay of total net bitumen pay map (red cross-hatch indicates >10m net pay) with weighted average bitumen saturation map (green contours), regardless of bottom or ‘perched” water zones. Areas of overlap are the most desirable as production targets, but caution must be taken to consider the possible detrimental effects of water zones (especially “perched”) on in situ recovery techniques. 147 Figure 5.10. Map overlay of the total net bitumen pay (red cross-hatch indicates >10m net pay) and net thickness of water and low-saturation zones (blue contours). Note net bitumen pay tends to overlap areas of thinner water-low saturation zones. 148 5.3 Trapping and Bitumen Distribution Controls There is much controversy surrounding the source rocks for the gigantic Athabasca bitumen deposit, but there is consensus that all potential source rocks occur southwest and down-dip of the Athabasca Bitumen deposit in the foreland basin region (Figure 5.11) (Vigrass, 1968; Moshier and Wapples, 1985; Higley et al., 2009). Within the foreland basin, source rocks were buried deeply, to the point where temperatures and pressures were sufficient enough to initiate primary migration of oil into adjacent porous and permeable beds. Oil subsequently migrated up-dip approximately 600km, out of the foredeep part of the foreland basin, towards the shallower areas in the northeast, eventually becoming trapped in Dina Member and McMurray Formation deposits within migration focal points and subtle structures. There are currently two accepted models in the literature for the trapping mechanisms for the Athabasca bitumen deposit: 1) the Prairie Evaporite salt solution edge formed a significant structural trap restricting most of the oil of the southern portion of the Athabasca bitumen deposit from migrating further up-dip to the north and east into Saskatchewan (Figure 5.11) (Vigrass, 1968; Ranger, 2006) and 2) a stratigraphic trapping mechanism for the northern portion of the Athabasca deposit. The bitumen in the study area is part of the northern stratigraphic trap. Trapping in the study area is strongly controlled by facies pinch-out. Oil migrated into the sandstones of FA1 and FA2 and were trapped laterally where these facies associations pinch-out against the impermeable paleo-valley walls of the sub-Cretaceous unconformity surface. 149 0 100 200 km Figure 5.11. Map of the Athabasca oil sands deposit. Note the proximity of the Prairie Evaporite salt-solution edge and the edge of the Athabasca bitumen deposit (shaded grey). The salt edge likely formed the trap that limited the eastward migration of oil further east, up-dip, into Saskatchewan. The northern portion, including the study area has a bitumen resource not structurally limited by the salt-solution edge and is trapped stratigraphically. (modified after Ranger and Gingras, 2006 and Kohlruss et al., 2010a) 150 Vertically thick Cummings/Clearwater shales overlapped and sealed the Dina Member/McMurray Formation reservoir against the rising Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity surface (Ranger, 2006). Unfortunately there is no preserved confirmation of the later component since all evidence has been completely removed by Quaternary erosion. Internal relationships of facies and facies associations also exhibits controls on bitumen distribution and trapping. A significant correlation can be made with facies exhibiting controls on bitumen distribution in the southern portion of the paleo-valley (sections 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32 and 33-94-25w3) where the thickest successions of Dina/McMurray reside. Here, oxbow lake mud filled channel deposits comprised of at least three stacked meander-belt deposits, where F6, IHS deposits and FA3 deposits produce a mosaic of barriers and baffles which inhibit bitumen migration. In this area, the presence of multiple oil-water contacts is commonly observed and is a result of complex lateral stratigraphic traps (Figure 5.12). This has been observed by authors in the McMurray Formation and Elleslie Member (Edie and Andrichuk, 2005; Fustic et al., 2011; Fustic et al., in press). Fustic et al. (in press) describes in detail, the emplacement of bitumen through fill and spill concepts of Gussow (1954) and differential entrapment (Schowalter, 1979). Since there are many lateral, up-dip traps created by IHS and mud filled channels, individual traps become saturated by migrating oil (fills), and subsequent arriving oil displaces existing oil and consequently is expelled from the trap (spills) and fills laterally adjacent up-dip traps (Gussow, 1954; Fustic et al., in press). This concept also lends itself to areas being isolated from oil emplacement, leading to low saturation zones and water wet zones laterally and vertically adjacent to highly saturated zones (Figure 5.5, 5.6, 5.10 and 5.12). 151 Figure 5.12. 3-dimensional schematic block diagram of lateral up-dip spill and fill trapping. IHS and mud filled oxbow lake fills (grey) act as lateral barriers and baffles restricting oil flow (green) into otherwise thick succession of reservoir quality sandstones (beige). Note arrows indicate oil flow and spill points. Complex lateral and vertical barriers creates mosaic of pathways creating multiple oil water contacts (modified after Fustic et al., in press). 152 In general, areas coincident with FA1 deposits and the sand rich portions of FA2 (F3, F4) result in higher oil saturation and less water (Figure 3.27 and 3.36) while those areas coincident with F6, IHS deposits and FA3 mud filled channel deposits tend to complicate the bitumen trapping model and produce areas with multiple oil-water contacts (Figure 5.6, 5.7, 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14). 153 Figure 5.13. Map of total net pay more than 10m thickness (red cross-hatch), the inferred valley wall of the incised valley system created by the sub-Cretaceous unconformity (black line) and the outline of the areal distribution of F6 IHS deposits and FA3 mud filled oxbow lake deposits (blue cross-hatch). The combination of F6 and FA3 deposits produces an intricate mosaic of baffles and barriers restricting oil flow to the east. In the north, Dina/McMurray sediments pinch-out against the valley wall produced by the subCretaceous unconformity. The sub-Cretaceous unconformity and the underlying low permeability rocks provide a lateral seal for trapping. Due to Quaternary erosion, the vertical trap has not been preserved. 154 Figure 5.14. Overlay map of net water and low-saturation zones (blue contours) and F6/FA3 distribution (red cross-hatch). Note, thickest water zones are coincident with F6/FA3 distribution. 5 metre contour interval. 155 6. CONCLUSIONS The main purpose of this study was to characterize the Dina Member/McMurray Formation and its resource potential in northwest Saskatchewan. This was accomplished by integrating facies and facies association descriptions with mapping and sequence stratigraphy, which lead to the development of a depositional model. Also, this study has produced a stratigraphic framework that can now be linked to Alberta’s oil sand areas, in particular, the Firebag-Sunrise developments. This study has greatly improved the understanding of the Dina Member/ McMurray Formation in northwest Saskatchewan, as well as the bitumen sands resource and the controls on bitumen distribution. The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. 1) Dina Member/ McMurray Formation sediments within the study area have accumulated within a paleo-valley system created by the sub-Cretaceous unconformity. 2) The Dina Member/ McMurray Formation was deposited in a tidally influenced fluvial system, that at times was seasonally influenced by brackish conditions. 3) Deposition of the Dina Member/ McMurray Formation within the study area was initiated as part of a relative sea level fall and early rise induced lowstand systems tract and then followed by a subsequent sea level rise induced transgressive systems tract that back filled the valley with tidally influenced fluvial deposits. 156 4) The Dina Member/ McMurray Formation is bound by two major sequence boundaries: the sub-Cretaceous unconformity/lowstand unconformity at the base and the sub-Quaternary unconformity at the top. 5) Bitumen distribution is strongly controlled by facies and facies association, with the best bitumen resource being hosted within FA1 and F3 deposit; deposits of F6 and FA3 restrict initial oil emplacement due to baffles and barrier to flow. 6) The overall bitumen trap is stratigraphic related to facies pinch-out. Bitumen is trapped where facies on-lap against impermeable valley walls and are sealed above by the Mannville Group, Clearwater/Cummings shales. 157 LIST OF REFERENCES Alberta Energy (2012): Alberta’s leased oil sands Area. Retrieved June 10, 2012, from Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (2003): Athabasca Wabiskaw-McMurray regional geological study; Report 2003-A, CD-ROM, 187 p. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (2007): Alberta’s energy reserves 2006 and supply/demand outlook 2007–2016, ST98-2007, 218 p. products/sts /st98_ current.pdf Allen, G.P (1991); Sedimentary processes and facies in the Gironde estuary: a recent model for macrotidal estuarine systems, in Smith, D.G., Reinson, G.E., Zaitlin, B.A., Rahmani, R.A. (eds), Clastic Tidal Sedimentology. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, v. 16, p. 29-40. Allen, G.P., Salomon, J.C., Bassoullet, P., Du Penhoat, Y. and De Grandpre , C. 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Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, Alberta, 123 p. 167 APPENDIX I FORMATION AND FACIES ASSOCIATION TOPS 168 169 02 04 07 09 09 09 10 11 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 13 09 15 07 09 13 15 05 05 01 05 09 13 15 05 13 15 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 25 26 26 27 07 13 15 05 07 13 15 07 09 13 15 13 13 13 13 15 13 17 Sec LSD Twp 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 540.26 537.13 534.6 531.39 551.2 545.4 562.87 556.19 556.6 558.4 539.6 556.54 543.85 565.3 546.5 532.43 540.84 544.9 557.54 551.32 562.2 564.71 556.1 555.66 552.69 558.89 572.61 542.92 559.28 556.75 536.98 541.09 549.36 555.03 KB (m) 153.5 172.5 191 186 180.5 185 185.5 178.5 170.5 188 158.5 170.89 181 181 192 178 168 171 178 Dina TVD (m) 3.5 0 0 0 0 15 8.2 19 5 8.5 10.75 8.5 8.7 16.5 0 10.5 0 8.11 14 5.5 0 4 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 8.5 2.5 Dina iso (m) 157 163.5 170 147 181 187.5 199.2 205 185.5 193.5 196.25 187 179.2 204.5 229.75 169 202.8 179 195 186.5 190 196 176 187 181.5 200 194 172 188.3 187.5 168 173.5 179.5 180.5 SCU TVD (m) 157 163.5 170 147 181 187.5 199.2 205 185.5 193.5 196.25 187 179.2 204.5 229.75 202.8 197 195 186.5 198 211.5 202.5 187 192 200 194 172 188.3 187.5 186 173.5 179.5 198.4 DEV TVD (m) 166.7 180.7 184.6 165.1 191.1 198.7 215.1 219.7 213.6 209.9 194.75 195 219.3 237.9 184.83 212.7 206 207.2 195.13 208.71 222.7 211 197.8 206.7 210.9 206.6 183 198.2 198 198.7 182.5 190.1 218 TD TVD (m) FA1 TVD (m) 0 ISO FA1 (m) 178 FA2 TVD (m) 2.5 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 ISO FA5 (m) ISO F6 (m) 170 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 04 15 05 13 15 07 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 09 15 13 15 05 06 07 11 14 15 08 13 15 06 08 13 14 10 05 Sec LSD Twp 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 535.7 526.61 553.75 554.78 553.5 546.21 538.25 553.2 561.75 565.74 552.6 563.38 570.3 541.14 543.5 535.72 547.6 556.9 537.25 573.1 559.47 562.3 554.5 562.7 567.8 539.6 544.06 536.56 538.6 540.51 531.6 KB (m) 163.5 157 179 185.5 192.4 198 192.2 181.5 189 209 173 166.5 180 189.99 173.5 203 191 180 186 192 194 175 174 165 164.5 168 Dina TVD (m) 5.5 9 0 11.5 8.5 0 0 7.6 19 15.8 23 4.5 11 13 0 5.5 11 1.01 8.5 11 14 31 22 14 16.5 7 18 5.5 8.5 13.5 0 Dina iso (m) 169 166 206.5 190.5 194 191 199 200 217 208 204.5 193.5 220 186 189 172 191 191 182 214 205 211 208 206 210.5 182 192 170.5 173 181.5 167.5 SCU TVD (m) 191 172 191 191 182 214 205 205.5 208 206 210.5 182 192 170.5 173 181.5 167.5 DEV TVD (m) 176.5 183.1 224.1 205.4 209.4 207.1 213.2 210 234.1 223 216.7 208.3 231.3 200.4 204.3 183 206.7 200.7 196 231.2 218.9 227.2 222.5 228.5 227.2 198 207 178.3 188.6 194.6 182.4 TD TVD (m) 191.85 FA1 TVD (m) 0 0 8.45 0 ISO FA1 (m) 187.5 FA2 TVD (m) 0 0 0 19 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) ISO F6 (m) 171 17 17 17 20 20 20 20 20 14 15 16 05 06 07 08 12 14 17 14 12 15 16 13 15 13 13 13 15 09 14 16 36 03 14 28 04 16 28 01 13 27 04 16 27 02 16 22 04 11 21 13 06 20 15 15 20 13 15 19 15 15 094 19 13 13 094 19 05 Twp 18 15 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 Sec LSD 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 540 572.6 574.5 568.82 557.1 536.6 533.3 531.75 549.5 541.9 544.95 529.6 530.49 536.7 552.4 544.1 536.8 556.5 556.8 552.9 544.6 537.6 525.68 536.23 559.7 533.2 548.6 540.42 540.294 546.6 549.69 541.556 544.65 KB (m) 177 205 208 186 188 170 173 172.5 184 196 214 162 180.25 201.5 182 201 176 186.5 189 187.5 179.5 154.2 146 146.5 188 159 173.5 184 Dina TVD (m) 12 35.5 37 29.25 19 36 11.5 9.75 24 21 5.5 50 26.25 6.5 25 0 11 15.5 12.5 10.5 23.5 6.3 0 13.5 15.5 5 7.5 12.5 0 0 0 17.5 0 0 Dina iso (m) 189 240.5 245 215.25 207 206 184.5 182.25 208 217 219.5 212 206.5 208 207 201 187 202 201.5 198 203 160.5 159.5 162 193 166.5 186 180 191.5 200.5 201.5 174 173.5 SCU TVD (m) 240.5 215.25 206 182.5 219.5 206.5 159.5 162 180 191.5 200.5 174 173.5 DEV TVD (m) 205.12 255.1 260.02 231.1 222.9 221.2 192.4 197.8 224.1 230 235.2 223.7 222.2 222.21 219.4 219 204.4 217.9 215.4 208.6 212.2 177 175 176.8 208 181.3 200.2 191.7 205.3 219.6 223.9 189.8 192.4 TD TVD (m) 194.5 FA1 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.15 0 0 0 0 ISO FA1 (m) 233.5 212.8 190.8 190.87 165 185 177.44 FA2 TVD (m) 33.79 31.6 14.96 17.03 2.5 0 11 0 3.03 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) 180.5 FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.45 ISO FA5 (m) 9 5 11 3.5 ISO F6 (m) 172 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 13 14 15 03 05 07 09 23 05 23 13 15 13 23 07 26 23 05 26 22 13 07 22 07 05 22 05 25 21 15 25 21 14 15 21 13 13 21 12 24 21 07 13 21 06 24 21 05 24 21 04 07 094 20 16 05 094 20 15 Twp 20 14 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 Sec LSD 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 560.5 551.62 565.7 566.62 570.2 568.6 543.27 535.8 565.75 559.1 553.53 550.29 565.25 548.88 534.7 565.87 533.9 545.15 562.8 563.2 558.6 559.46 532.95 537.5 545 544.47 537 563.4 540.68 KB (m) 191 175.5 192 224 209 185 176 180.5 177.5 167.5 184.5 176 219.9 187 192 185.5 163 171 188 171 201.5 217 186.5 Dina TVD (m) 27 30 39 0 8.5 24 6 18.5 13.11 0 0 0 0 21.5 0 0 14 11 0 0 17.5 0 32.5 40 41 32 40.5 30.5 43 33.5 21 6.25 Dina iso (m) 218 205.5 231 220 232.5 233 191 194.5 205 205 202 190.5 220 191.5 178.5 220 190 193.5 221.5 219.5 232 226.5 195 211.5 218.5 214 235 238 192.75 SCU TVD (m) 202 190.5 220 191.5 178.5 220 193.5 219.5 211.5 DEV TVD (m) 232.1 216.2 247.4 235.2 241.7 247.3 207.1 201.2 220.4 228.5 216.4 206.1 201 194.1 232.5 204.7 208.9 237.2 235.9 236 241.9 209.9 225.4 232.8 230.76 251.6 253.2 208.7 TD TVD (m) 241.5 234.5 222.9 215.63 200.65 230.25 233..98 FA1 TVD (m) 0 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.2 0 0 1.7 13.61 4.84 4.58 0 ISO FA1 (m) 218.34 210.98 176.43 187.85 196.45 159.97 171.42 186.13 170.05 201.39 219 186.74 FA2 TVD (m) 0 23.5 22.52 15.78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.59 26.45 35.33 36.98 29.2 30.6 28.86 11.65 6.1 ISO FA2 (m) 192.21 219.44 170 230.65 FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.73 0 5 0 0 0 0 3.33 ISO FA3 (m) 233.5 FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) 6 10 18 29 6 6 11 ISO F6 (m) 173 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 08 09 13 15 16 05 06 32 07 29 16 05 06 29 15 33 29 14 32 29 13 05 29 12 16 29 11 32 29 09 32 29 08 15 29 07 14 29 06 32 29 05 13 29 04 32 28 16 08 28 15 32 094 28 14 07 094 28 13 Twp 28 10 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 Sec LSD 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 580.27 577.75 566.1 547.5 568.5 572 548.8 546.3 532.42 564.9 556.8 560.46 537.72 558.56 535.9 562.1 551.7 562.65 564.2 562.07 568.93 547.61 546.98 579.86 574.2 571.46 536.18 549.9 553.6 560.71 558.6 557.85 KB (m) 224 218 199 184 195 204 176 169 166 196.5 193.5 188 184 173 198 195 201.5 200.25 196 198.5 186 175 217 213 203.5 175 184 185 192.1 194.5 193 Dina TVD (m) 16 25 12.5 19 31 28.5 35.5 33 34 21.5 20.5 17.5 0 29.5 18.5 5 20.76 15.5 16.25 11 18.5 14.5 37 23.3 22.5 22 24 34 29.5 39 27 14 Dina iso (m) 240 243 211.5 203 226 232.5 211.5 202 200 218 214 205.5 178 213.5 191.5 203 215.76 217 216.5 207 217 200.5 212 240.3 235.5 225.5 199 218 214.5 231.1 221.5 207 SCU TVD (m) 232.5 215.76 216.25 217 200.5 212 199 231.1 DEV TVD (m) 251.7 251.4 221.2 234.6 241.96 235.6 224.65 218.6 219.2 228.4 230.7 219 194 213.5 206.86 218.1 230.4 232.1 223.45 231.4 214.9 227.5 240.3 242.71 238.2 212.9 228.2 229.1 231.02 223.5 TD TVD (m) 230.8 220.75 198.35 195.8 191 188.2 212.28 211.02 211.95 208.13 217.9 FA1 TVD (m) 13.21 17.65 22.75 6.86 9 0 0 0 3.74 0 3.48 0 0 12.4 0 6.15 6.05 13.2 0 ISO FA1 (m) 169.03 179.16 196.7 184.14 176.5 198.73 196.26 199.26 198.93 193.36 216.8 182.55 188.55 192.91 207 FA2 TVD (m) 0 0 0 26.77 12.84 20.3 0 26.84 11.7 3.87 16.02 6.14 8.53 17.66 7.51 29.44 19.58 25.63 14.5 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) 238.85 231.8 FA4 TVD (m) 1.6 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) 0 0 0 9 8 6 7 11 8.5 5 ISO F6 (m) 174 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 10 13 15 16 01 03 05 06 01 02 01 07 08 08 01 06 02 36 15 06 36 07 02 36 05 02 35 16 05 35 15 03 35 14 01 35 13 16 35 07 01 35 05 15 35 04 01 35 01 13 34 15 01 095 34 14 11 095 34 13 Twp 34 11 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 Sec LSD 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 547.7 533.7 553.41 547.84 556.1 544.6 543.06 543.66 563 560.67 571.17 557.3 551 548.1 545.3 545 552.3 534.1 536.14 553.1 546.6 561.28 548.1 549.77 540.77 542.25 543.27 563 559.65 566.67 568.1 547.67 KB (m) 196 164 175 195 177 177.2 222.5 196 186.5 200 191.5 180.5 179 176 175.7 186 171 170 171 193 180.5 185 223 181 221 192.5 203.5 183 Dina TVD (m) 11.16 15.5 18.5 0 8 19 11.3 0 13.5 13.5 18 14 27 28.36 27.75 29 16.3 26 6.5 0 35 7 13.5 21 26 0 0 17 0 0 22.5 15.5 32.5 Dina iso (m) 207.16 179.5 193.5 203 196 188.5 222.5 209.5 200 218 205.5 207.5 206.75 205 192 212 177.5 186.5 205 178 206.5 201.5 211 223 185 198 244 237 215 219 215.5 SCU TVD (m) 179.5 193.5 222.5 218 207.5 206.75 205 205 223 215 215.5 DEV TVD (m) 224.8 194.9 227.4 208.9 217.71 211 207.1 237.3 224.1 214.1 232.9 219 222.1 222.2 221.1 217 222 195.3 196.5 212.7 194.5 221.8 212 221.05 233.2 218.1 218.7 251.5 245.6 224 232 224.1 TD TVD (m) 193.8 204 198 193.6 FA1 TVD (m) 0 0 13.05 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.35 ISO FA1 (m) 182.73 187.14 182.35 177.09 175.7 186.45 FA2 TVD (m) 0 0 11.1 19 13.15 17.86 16.2 0 10.55 0 0 0 0 ISO FA2 (m) 208 195.5 194.95 191.9 197 FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 8.5 2.5 11.81 9.7 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO F6 (m) 175 Sec 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 07 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 LSD 07 08 11 12 16 06 07 08 09 10 14 06 06 08 15 16 06 09 10 13 16 02 05 07 09 10 13 14 15 03 04 05 08 09 Twp 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 560.34 551.5 549.27 549.86 547.2 544.3 547.6 546.48 539.6 539.6 530.62 544.1 557.62 553.62 552.36 557.9 558.66 529.65 552.4 532.9 530.07 535.3 555.35 549.33 544.9 543.3 536.54 557.04 548.9 KB (m) 184.5 188 188 180.5 181 169.5 202.5 173.5 188 170.5 187 179.5 186 170 176 156.5 158 165 186 175.5 175 169.7 187.5 193 173.5 Dina TVD (m) 0 9.5 26.5 26 28.5 13.5 0 0 0 23.25 13.5 15.5 4 0 10.5 0 10 18.5 12.5 10.46 0 3.5 16.5 13.5 10 18 19 13.5 22.8 7.5 14.48 8.5 21.5 Dina iso (m) 198 194 214.5 214 209 194.5 219 192.75 216 189 192 181 198 197 198 198.5 204 173.5 173 171.5 175 204 194.5 188.5 192.5 195 201.5 195 SCU TVD (m) 198 214 209 192.75 181 197 171.5 194.5 195 195 DEV TVD (m) 206.15 208.1 229 223.9 212 210.1 223 207.89 225.7 205 204 196.9 210.1 213.2 213.1 215 218.5 189.1 196 186.5 187 189.3 216.5 209.8 204.5 206.9 210.1 217.5 210.8 TD TVD (m) 191.7 198.26 FA1 TVD (m) 12.6 10.56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA1 (m) 185.05 182.85 184.37 178.6 FA2 TVD (m) 16.63 13.46 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.52 9.7 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) 1 0 0 0 0 ISO F6 (m) 176 Sec 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 21 21 22 22 23 24 33 33 LSD 11 12 14 15 03 05 15 03 10 01 15 02 06 11 11 08 15 Twp 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Rg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M 522.8 506.75 543.7 533.77 533.5 553.6 531 553.85 530.4 538.2 554.1 576.25 560.6 544.51 543.87 537.24 544.9 KB (m) 160 146.5 175.7 192 165.7 176 220 195 176 173 171.5 181 Dina TVD (m) 13 6.3 0 0 0.14 2.5 0 7.3 18 0 11 17.8 12.5 29 26.5 21 Dina iso (m) 173 152.8 189.8 173 175.84 194.5 171.5 214 173 194 194 231 212.8 188.5 202 198 202 SCU TVD (m) 171.5 188.5 202 198 DEV TVD (m) 195.3 168.3 194.1 203.7 186.7 209.2 187.6 221 186.2 208.8 207.3 239.7 226 202.7 215.5 204 217 TD TVD (m) 192 176.84 FA1 TVD (m) 0 2.5 11.66 ISO FA1 (m) FA2 TVD (m) 0 0 0 ISO FA2 (m) FA3 TVD (m) 0 0 0 ISO FA3 (m) FA4 TVD (m) 0 0 0 ISO FA4 (m) FA5 TVD (m) 0 0 0 ISO FA5 (m) 0 0 0 ISO F6 (m) APPENDIX II BITUMEN SATURATION CALCULATIONS 177 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 13 09 15 07 09 13 15 05 05 01 05 09 13 15 05 13 15 07 13 15 05 07 15 05 07 13 15 15 01 05 07 09 13 15 13 13 13 13 15 13 15 01 05 07 13 02 04 07 09 09 09 10 11 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) 555.03 549.36 541.09 536.98 556.75 559.28 542.92 572.61 558.89 552.69 555.66 556.1 564.71 562.2 551.32 557.54 544.9 540.84 532.43 546.5 565.3 543.85 Ground Elev (m) 553.49 547.73 539.44 535.36 555.16 557.59 541.26 570.92 557.29 551.04 554.09 554.50 563.05 560.60 549.72 555.90 543.30 539.24 530.80 545 563.7 542.30 534.6 556.54 539.6 555 538 558.4 556.6 556.19 562.87 545.4 551.2 531.39 534.6 537.13 540.26 531.6 557 555 554.59 561.27 543.8 549.7 529.79 533.05 535.63 538.7 530 540.51 538.9 538.6 537 178 Net pay iso(m) 4.61 7.27 5.39 2.72 0 0 0 0 0 Lean/H2O iso (m) 2.5 8.5 5.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 5.5 14 8.11 0 5.89 0 9.23 3.31 0 0 8.5 10.75 0 0 0 8.5 5 19 8.2 15 0 0 0 0 3.5 0 0 13.5 0 8.5 Avg Sat%(h2o) Avg sat % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.4 0 13.2 11 17 16 11 17 16 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 15 05 07 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 05 05 13 15 03 05 06 07 11 14 15 08 13 15 06 08 13 15 14 10 15 05 07 13 15 13 15 13 04 02 04 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 04 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 15 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 22 27 27 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) Ground Elev (m) Net pay iso(m) 536.56 535 544.06 539.6 567.8 562.7 554.5 562.3 559.47 573.1 537.25 556.9 547.6 535.72 543.5 541.14 570.3 563.38 542.44 538 566.2 561.20 552.90 560.7 557.80 571.60 535.75 555.3 546 534.14 542.00 539.60 568.80 561.88 552.6 551.00 561 564.20 10.01 15.29 9.88 8.79 14.57 7.31 0 526.61 535.7 544.65 541.556 548.1 560.25 551.70 536.75 544.65 552.00 553.13 552.13 525 525.11 534.10 543 539.956 549.69 546.6 540.294 540.42 548.6 533.2 559.7 536.23 548 545 538.704 538.891 547.00 531.60 558.10 534.6 2.76 0 0 0 1.03 6.37 1.99 11.71 565.74 561.75 553.2 538.25 546.21 553.5 554.78 553.75 179 13.4 10.89 14.83 16.14 12.49 5.1 8.96 0.93 0 1.56 9.75 3.1 4.39 2.58 0 7.25 4.02 0.3 0 0 Lean/H2O iso (m) 5.5 0 18 7 3.1 3.11 7.17 14.86 1.51 5.9 0.08 11 5.5 0 11.44 1.25 1.4 0 12.99 Avg Sat%(h2o) 15.8 10.89 10 14.35 16.05 14.52 12.39 14.37 15.8 12.15 14.3 14.35 16.05 14.52 12.39 3.4 14.43 8.3 14.86 10.37 11.4 13.97 12.85 5.92 0 4.43 0.29 0 0 4.11 8.92 0 4.98 5.2 0 0 0 14.74 0 0 0 11.47 1.13 3.01 3.79 Avg sat % 8.9 13.94 12.9 11.84 0 0 13.95 6.2 0 13.3 4.86 12.32 5.9 7.28 3.3 15.1 10.2 14.7 5.57 15.95 12.9 10.88 0 0 15.4 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 01 02 03 04 03 03 14 13 15 12 15 13 15 06 11 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 05 06 07 08 12 14 15 16 04 05 06 07 12 13 14 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 13 28 28 28 28 36 36 09 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 095 095 095 095 095 095 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) 525.68 537.6 544.6 552.9 556.8 556.5 536.8 544.1 552.4 536.7 530.49 529.6 544.95 541.9 549.5 531.75 533.3 536.6 557.1 568.82 574.5 572.6 540 540.68 563.4 537 544.47 545 537.5 532.95 559.46 558.6 563.2 562.8 545.15 533.9 565.87 534.7 548.88 565.25 Ground Elev (m) 524 530 543 534 536.00 536 543.10 551.40 555.30 555.00 535.30 542.60 550.90 535.10 528.9 528.10 543.3 540.40 548.00 530.25 531.80 535 555.60 567.2 572.90 571 538.50 539 561.60 535.5 542.77 543.40 536 531.25 557.80 557.00 561.6 561.30 543.5 532.25 564.15 0 533.1 547.25 563.75 180 Net pay iso(m) 10.16 5.24 2.22 0 0 0 4.4 12.06 0 0 8.11 0.96 0 16.73 0 0 18 10.01 0.37 13.9 15.69 10.82 17.95 9.27 10.92 5.5 13.27 8.52 5.47 7.77 14.62 7.25 4.16 7.37 8.44 0 7.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lean/H2O iso (m) 3.34 0 6.3 0 23.5 6.1 0.44 15.5 11 0 16.89 5.54 26.25 33.27 5.5 21 6 11.13 22.1 3.31 18.43 19.05 26.23 1.08 0.75 7.73 24.98 37.53 22.73 25.88 24.75 36.84 32.63 24.06 0 10.3 0 0 0 11 14 0 Avg Sat%(h2o) Avg sat % 12.01 5.4 3.9 0.86 9.5 13.2 12.8 0 6.37 3.4 0.64 4.93 0 10.4 11.5 13.2 13.34 11.34 7 4.59 9.5 13.35 12.8 3.65 0 8.47 8.1 1.8 8.87 0 6.6 11.5 6.8 8.1 5.2 10.6 11.5 15.14 8.5 11.5 6.8 8.1 7.8 10 8 4.6 3.7 5.31 8.1 4 3.7 3.81 3.1 10 10.7 6.3 11.6 6.33 9.5 12.3 7.1 9.58 8.8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 15 05 07 13 15 07 13 15 05 07 13 15 05 07 13 14 15 03 05 07 09 10 13 14 15 16 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 16 05 06 07 08 13 14 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 32 32 32 32 32 32 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) 550.29 553.53 559.1 565.75 Ground Elev (m) 548.7 552 557.60 564.10 553.1 0 551 543.27 539.9 534.30 544.5 541.77 568.6 567.10 570.2 566.62 565.7 551.62 560.5 557.85 558.6 560.71 553.6 549.9 574.2 579.86 546.98 547.61 568.93 562.07 564.2 562.65 551.7 562.1 568.50 565.00 564.00 550.00 559.00 556.35 557.00 559.00 552.10 548.20 560 534.68 569.90 567.6 572.60 578.3 545.35 546 567.2 560.57 562.6 561.00 550.10 560.60 535.9 558.56 537.72 560.46 534.30 556.9 536.22 558.80 535.8 536.18 571.46 181 Net pay iso(m) 0 5.83 0 0.32 6.61 0 0 0 0 12.91 11.84 6.39 1.39 2.15 2.6 11.69 0.71 0 0.52 14.01 0.88 4.78 9.66 13.04 5.13 9.45 14.63 6.53 20.44 9.06 5.58 12.52 6.32 11.59 7.07 9.42 4.2 13.2 7.76 0 14.64 Lean/H2O iso (m) 0 15.67 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 6.66 Avg Sat%(h2o) Avg sat % 6.7 0 2.7 12 0.1 0 8.4 0 12 12 0.2 0 1.3 12 6.6 4.61 6.88 21.4 2.76 7.64 9.29 1.9 13 13.1 13.4 8.86 13.8 3.73 10.34 9.29 0.82 11.65 4.97 13.19 10.55 7.2 6.2 6 7.35 10.52 12.16 8.39 13.41 10.78 7.8 7 7.1 7.38 9.78 8.2 8.3 11.83 10 11.09 8.04 11.33 11.69 8.4 8.57 10.4 16.1 8.59 11.78 11.81 9.6 9.47 11.1 16.1 10.38 3.5 0 11.6 10.58 4.9 0 16.3 7.79 0 38.48 15.99 26.12 9.22 17.34 25.96 24.37 24.55 24 15.47 13.44 23.3 37 8.92 5.98 4.68 4.66 8.43 11.34 0.8 0 5.3 21.74 0 2.86 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 15 16 05 06 06 07 08 09 13 14 15 16 05 06 11 13 14 15 01 04 05 07 13 14 15 16 05 07 13 15 01 06 07 08 09 11 13 15 16 03 05 06 08 10 13 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 094 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) 556.8 564.9 532.42 546.3 548.8 572 568.5 Ground Elev (m) 555.20 566.50 530.90 544.70 544.7 547.30 Net pay iso(m) 18.02 10.38 18.58 10.89 17.04 17.58 534.1 570.5 567.00 576.5 546.00 564.40 576.20 578.62 546 566.60 565 558.20 561.30 541.67 540.75 539.2 548.20 546.50 559.70 545.00 551.5 534.50 539.4 532.70 552.3 545 545.3 550.80 543.30 543.7 11.26 14.98 16.91 548.1 546.50 551 557.3 571.17 560.67 563 543.66 543.06 544.6 549.3 555.70 569.5 559.00 561.40 542 542.00 543.00 21.34 22.53 23.47 11.7 547.5 566.1 577.75 580.27 547.67 568.1 566.67 559.65 563 543.27 542.25 540.77 549.77 548.1 561.28 546.6 553.1 536.14 182 13.43 6.24 17.59 11.04 9.67 17.04 11.52 10.29 14.05 0 0 7.32 0 0 13.45 15.6 8.41 6.02 19.96 0 4.91 7.82 10.88 0 8.76 11.87 Lean/H2O iso (m) 2.48 11.12 15.42 22.11 0 18.46 28.5 17.57 1.41 1.46 15.33 20.98 5.21 8.45 0 0 9.68 0 0 12.55 5.4 5.09 0.98 15.04 0 0 1.59 0 14.74 1.32 12.09 0 6.41 5.83 3.53 2.3 18 5.68 2.62 0 2.54 7.13 Avg Sat%(h2o) Avg sat % 11.39 6.4 11.58 11.57 8.4 11.76 10.28 11.66 11.09 12.99 9.39 10.9 12.54 9.4 7.45 8.74 10.19 11.5 12.54 9.7 8.67 8.8 12.23 10.4 0 0.02 8.31 0 12.23 10.4 0 0.02 8.69 0 6.57 9.3 13.03 15.49 11.55 0 12.35 11.2 14.51 15.49 12.95 0 11.53 11.76 8.3 14.7 11.3 11.4 15.4 14.5 13.14 11.34 13.29 12.82 15.73 15.42 15.42 11.75 0 12.81 6.42 13.08 15.02 0 13.78 15.17 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 15 16 01 03 05 06 07 08 11 12 15 16 06 07 08 09 10 14 06 06 08 15 16 06 09 10 13 15 16 02 05 07 09 10 13 14 15 16 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 07 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) Ground Elev (m) 556.1 554.50 547.84 553.41 533.7 547.7 548.9 557.04 546.34 551.76 532 546.20 547.25 555.44 536.54 535 542 541.70 543.40 547.8 553.62 533.80 528.38 531.40 550.90 528.00 557.10 543.3 544.9 549.33 555.35 535.3 530.07 532.9 552.4 529.65 558.66 557.9 552.36 553.62 557.62 544.1 530.62 539.6 539.6 546.48 547.6 544.3 547.2 549.86 549.27 551.5 560.34 556.40 550.90 552 556.00 542.4 542.5 540 529.00 538.00 538.00 544.8 546.00 545.5 542.80 540 545.60 548.16 547.67 549.90 558.74 183 Net pay iso(m) 4.28 0 4.82 7.72 8.7 6.68 7.42 4.01 11.53 15.87 9.18 9.53 8.48 6.62 10.73 8.3 3.34 0 10.26 6.29 13.7 2.9 0 8.85 4.4 0 1.09 11.81 0 0 0 8.99 16.66 23.03 16.4 8.5 Lean/H2O iso (m) 3.72 0 18.5 0 10.68 3.44 12.8 1.82 7.06 3.49 Avg Sat%(h2o) 11.39 12.85 14.4 8.5 11.56 6.93 4.32 9.47 9.52 3.38 2.77 8.2 0.16 0 0.2 6.21 4.8 7.1 0 1.65 0 2.91 3.69 13.5 23.25 0 0 0 4.51 0 0 5.47 9.6 26.5 1 0 15.28 14 14.07 0 14.7 14.69 Avg sat % 11.57 12.28 13.12 12.19 14.7 9.9 12.98 11.73 14.06 16.25 15.65 14 16.03 16.28 16.17 10.76 0 15.5 17 0 4.01 16.07 15.75 0 14.7 14.86 14.74 14.54 0 15.5 17 0 12.72 16.07 0 0 13.32 10.3 0 0 13.58 12.2 12.29 10.24 12.58 13.27 15.92 15.92 LSD Sec Twp Rg M 10 11 12 14 15 03 05 15 03 10 01 15 02 06 11 11 10 15 08 15 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 21 21 22 22 23 24 28 28 33 33 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 095 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 KB Elev (m) 544.9 537.24 543.87 544.51 560.6 576.25 554.1 538.2 530.4 553.85 531 553.6 533.5 533.77 543.7 506.75 522.8 Ground Elev (m) 543.30 535.6 542.2 542.9 559.00 573.75 552.60 536.60 528.90 552.35 529.50 552.10 532.00 532.20 542.20 523 518 505.25 521.30 184 Net pay iso(m) 16.9 11.51 9.34 5.45 0 19.47 2.97 0 0 1.85 0.14 0 0 0 5.08 5.64 0 Lean/H2O iso (m) 0 4.1 26.5 29 0.99 8.46 5.55 0 Avg Sat%(h2o) Avg sat % 15.52 14.85 0 4.33 0 0 0.65 15.52 15.01 15.12 13.63 0 15.28 13.51 12.57 0 0 0 7.3 0.66 13 0 13.1 14.14 0 APPENDIX III PALYNOLGICAL REPORT L. Bloom Department of Geoscience University of Calgary 185 Age of McMurray Formation The Manville Group has been given a gross age of Early Cretaceous based on fauna and floral evidence (Singh 1964). Early Cretaceous period occurred 99.6 to 145.5 million years ago, spanning the Berriasian-Albian stages. Most of the palynomorphs encountered in this study are long ranging and non age-diagnostic, but several indicate a Lower Cretaceous age most notably, Cicatricosisporites, Appendicisporites and Trilobosporites (Burden and Hills 1989). The McMurray Formation is interpreted as being primarily early to late Aptian in age (Demchuk et. al. 2007). Although the lowermost limit for the palynoflora in this study might be as old as Barremian. Singh (1964) divided the Mannville Group into three formational units. He considered the lower boundary for the Ellersllie Member was at the Barremian-Aptian boundary therefore, making the basal beds of the Deville Member Late Barremian. Singh (1964) as well dated the marine Upper Mannville (Clearwater and Grand Rapids Formation) as mid-Albian. Vagvolgyi and Hills (1969, p.155) stated that “the microfauna obtained from the Upper Member of the McMurray Formation are very similar to those found in the basal Clearwater Formation. The latter strata have been dated as Middle Albian on the basis of the ammonites Subarcthoplites and Beudanticeras.” However, Demchuk et. al. (2007) stated “the top of the McMurray Formation can be no younger than earliest Albian based on the presence of earliest Albian dinoflagellates in the overlying Wabiskaw Formation. Depositional Environment The samples studied displayed a strong recovery of terrestrial palynomorphs, mainly gymnosperm pollen (bisaccates) and trilete spores many of which are probably from pteridophytes (ferns). This domination of terrestrial driven forms suggests that the paleoenvironments were fluvially dominated perhaps draining a heterogeneous habitat. However, the presence of marine dinoflagellates and scoledonts also occurred on deposition suggesting at least some marine influence existed on the strata of the 186 McMurray Formation. The dinoflagellates in this study are very thin walled, poorly preserved and very difficult to identify. References Burden, E.T., and Hills L.V. 1989 Illustrated Key to Genera of Lower Cretaceous Terrestrial Palynomorphs (Excluding Megaspores) of Western Canada. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Contribution Series Number 21 Demchuk, D.T., Dolby, G., McIntyre, D.J.,and Suter J.R. 2007 The Utility of Palynofloral Assemblages for the Interpretation of Depositional Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphic System Tracts in the McMurray Formation at Surmont, Alberta, p.1-5. Singh, C. 1964 Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, East-Central Alberta. Alberta Research Council, Bulletin, 15: 238 pgs. Vagvolgyi, A., and Hills, L.V. 1969 Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Northeast Alberta. Bulletin of Canadian Pet. Geol., Vol. 17, No. 2. P. 154-181 187