Deposits - BBVA Continental
Deposits - BBVA Continental
Investors Report Fourth Quarter 2015 Disclaimer This document has been elaborated as a part of the information policies and transparency of BBVA Continental and contains public information, own source and provided by third parties, that can be corroborated with their sources. This document has been prepared solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer, or invitation or solicitation of an offer to subscribe or purchase securities. This document and its contents does not constitute the basis for any contract or commitment. This document may not be photocopied, reproduced and/or distributed in whole or in part, without prior authorization from BBVA Continental. Sections 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peru: Attractive economy and financial system Organization BBVA Continental vs. Peers Ratings Social responsibility and Awards Appendix Peru: Attractive economy & financial system Peru: one of the most stable and fastest-growing economies in the region… Peru is one of the economies with fastest growth in Latin America… GDP growth …with one of the lowest inflation rates in the region Inflation 6.9% 4.8% 4.6% 5.5% 5.4% 3.9% 3.6% 3.7% 2.8% 3.5% 3.7% 2.5% 2.0% 3.6% 3.2% 3.5% 3.2% 1.8% 1.2% Peru Mexico Colombia 2011 - 2015 Average Source: Central Bank of Peru & BBVA Research Chile 2016 Projected Brazil Brazil Colombia Chile 2011 - 2015 Average Peru Mexico 2016 Projected 5 …sovereign investment grade, relatively stable currency and low levels of debt Ratings AABBB+ BBB+ BBB Investment Grade: BBB- Public Debt as a percentage of GDP 43.5% BB+ BB Average debt of the General Government /GDP for countries with BBB+ rating for 2013 CCC 22.1% SDu 21.2% 20.4% 20.1% Source: Standard & Poor’s 19.6% Currency depreciation against USD 5% 0% -5% -10% -12.73% -14.30% -14.39% -15% 2011 2012 2013 2014 3T15 Source: Central Bank of Peru -20% -25% -25.14% -30% -32.90% -35% Jan-15 Mar-15 Chile Source: Bloomberg Brasil Jun-15 Colombia Sep-15 Mexico Dec-15 Peru 6 Peru has a solid Financial System with great opportunities of expansion… The Peruvian Banking System has shown strong growth… …with great potential for future expansion Performing loans and Deposits Loans to private sector as a percentage of GDP PEN thousands of millions 2014 CAGR 109% 15.9% CAGR 14.5% L: 15.9% D: 14.5% 218 186 164 140 170 211 178 69% 140 53% 17.2% 34% 18.4% Dec-12 Dec-13 Loans Dec-14 Dec-15 Chile Brazil Colombia Peru 31% Mexico Deposits* *Other obligations are excluded from deposits Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Source: World Bank. Last available information. 7 …and an active Central Bank, which promotes PEN denomination of Loans Objective: Reducing credit exchange rate risk Central Bank Mesures: PEN - denominated Loans and Deposits at the Banking System Additional Legal Reserve Requirement for Derivatives to reduce the upward pressure on exchange rate. 3.50 3.41 67% 3.40 3.30 65% 63% 3.18 60% 58% 3.20 USD 70% Additional Legal Reserve Requirement in foreign currency (FC) for growing FC loans. 3.10 58% 57% Increase in the marginal reserve requirement in FC. 3.00 Increase the legal reserve requirement in FC linked to targets to reduce loans in FC*. 56% 55% 55% 53% 2.78 50% 2.70 49% 50% 2015 2016 52% 2.80 53% Steady reduction of the legal reserve requirement in PEN in order to encourage loan growth in PEN 2.70 49% 50% 2.67 2.60 47% 2.55 45% 2014 2.80 2.80 53% 2013 2.90 2.50 PEN 50% 2.98 54% New Currency Repos to convert liquidity in FC to liquidity in PEN. Auction of deposit of the Public Sector. Loans PEN Deposits PEN* *Other obligations are excluded from deposits Source; Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Tipo de cambio *Excluded operations higher than USD10MM and 3 years (before 4 years) from June 2015 . Source: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, BCRP 8 Organization Shareholders BBVA Continental and Subsidiaries are part of the Economic Group formed by Holding Continental, whose shareholders are BBVA Group and Breca Breca Group BBVA Group 50.00% BBVA Consumer Finance 50.00% 36.00% Holding Continental Comercializadora Corporativa Others 99.998% 92.24% 7.76% BBVA Continental 0.002% 100.00% IRCSA Source: BBVA Continental. 100.00% Continental Bolsa 100.00% Continental Titulizadora 100.00% Continental Fondos 10 BBVA Group Appropriate balance between developed and emerging markets that allows the BBVA Group to diversify its sources of income by providing a high degree of recurrence in their results 31 Countries 750 € 51 Billion In Assets Million Customers United States Leader Regional Bank in the Sunbelt Spain North America 1st. / 2nd. • USA • Mexico Mexico Market leader South America • Argentina • Bolivia • Brazil •Chile • Colombia • Paraguay • Peru • Uruguay •Venezuela South America 1st. / 2nd. 9,145 137,968 Branches Employees Turkey Asia / China Strategic participation In Garanti Bank Strategic alliance Asia – Pacific • Abu Dhabi, UAE • Australia • China • India • Japan • Singapore • South Korea • Taiwan • Indonesia Europe • Belgium • France • Germany • Italy • Portugal • Russia • Spain • Switzerland • Turkey • U.K. Gross Income Dec-15 (1) Developed Emerging Weight: 42% Weight: 59% YoY var.:+4.3% YoY var.: +21.1% Source: BBVA Group 1/ Excludes Corporate activities; YoY change in constant Euros South America: 18.9% of BBVA Group’s Gross Income 11 Breca Business group founded by the Brescia Cafferata family, is one of the largest business conglomerates in Peru, with operations in Peru, Chile and Brazil Board of Directors Management Committee FINANCIAL SERVICES INSURANCE AND HEALTH INDUSTRY MINING TOURISM REAL ESTATE FISHING AND AGROINDUSTRY SPECIALIZED SERVICES Marcobre 12 Peruvian Financial System December 2015 Institution PEN Million Financial system Banking system Banks (17) Banco de la Nación Other financial institutions Cajas Municipales (12) Financieras (12) Cajas Rurales (7) Edpymes (12) Leasing (2) COFIDE Agrobanco Net loans Dec-15 Deposits Dec-15 Net Income Dec-15 216,684 10,198 210,767 24,892 7,040 741 13,472 8,404 415 1,705 442 7,000 1,550 14,603 4,995 489 235 - 355 277 -18 -3 8 82 17 The four largest banks concentrate around 83% of the banks loans and deposits 13% Loans Loans Net Income Deposits 87% 92% 92% Banking System *Other obligations are excluded from deposits Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 8% 8% Other Financial Institutions 13 Key performance indicators of BBVA Continental: December2015 Leading Bank in Peru Strong shareholders BBB (S&P) A- (Fitch) Operates in one of the most attractive economies of the region Peru, one of the most dynamic and attractive economies in the region BBVA Continental: second largest bank in the country and leading institution for over 60 years Strong shareholders: BBVA Group, leading global financial institution, and Breca, one of the largest business conglomerates in Peru Ranking among the 4 largest banks in terms of assets. Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP #1 in Cost of risk* #1 in NPL ratio #1 in Coverage ratio 1.42% 2.17% 203.57% #3 in profitability ROE: Annualized net income / Average equity 23.92% #3 in efficiency 38.92% #2 in assets S/.81,116 million #2 in performing loans S/.47,788 million #2 in deposits*** S/.47,287 million #2 in number of branches 331 *Cost of risk: Provisions for the last 12 months between total loans (average of the last 12 months). **Other obligations are excluded from deposits. 14 BBVA Continental vs. Peers Strong banking platform December 2015 Distribution network: One of the largest in the country Evolution in transactions per channel 2015 2008 7% 9,263 points of service More than 4.5 million customers 26% 32% 1% Ranking Market vs. Share Peers 7,200 7,155 3,552 4,071 2nd 17.4% 5,207 21% 5% 15% 9,263 25% 24% 18% 26% Branches Internet Banking ATM Mobile Banking Express Agent Others** Digital Banking: Our objective: To be the leading Digital Bank in the region Online forms to apply for LifeMiles credit cards 1,974 2,330 More digital campaigns: Online registration 1,777 3rd 14.4% 1,290 1,671 Lending platform 1,444 288 297 322 331 2nd 15.4% Improvements in the user experience on the web Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Express agents* ATM* Branches * ATM & EA as of September 2015, last available public information. ** Other channels include Telephone Banking, POS, Net Cash and Automatic debit. Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP & BBVA Continental 16 Outstanding growth PEN Million Deposits* Performing loans CAGR 13.5% 13.7% 13.7% 19.4% 47,287 47,788 42,041 38,510 32,698 237 1,149 2,126 7,149 1,491 84 1,154 2,132 66 1,191 2,254 9,562 8,433 1,199 1,412 3,046 36,811 32,178 1,201 2,262 2,788 16,011 2,815 12,607 12,171 9,816 12,480 9,308 9,505 7,956 28,230 10,851 21,825 24,212 17,437 6,562 Dec-12 39,607 10,391 9,094 8,869 5,116 105 1,548 2,419 12,803 8,032 7,824 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dic-15 Corporate Large enterprise Middle enterprise SME Mortgage Consumer Credit card Microfinance *Other obligations are excluded from deposits Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Dec-12 Dec-13 Demand + Saving Dec-14 Term Dec-15 CTS 17 Performing loans Retail customers 10.4% PEN Million and percentage (%) -67 bps BBVA Continental shows steady loan growth… 14,358 13,007 Performing loans 20.24% 19.57% 13.7% Dec-14 Loans -29 bps 47,788 42,041 Dec-15 Market share* Banking System 73,380 Annual variation 14.2% Business customers 22.17% 15.1% 21.88% -11 bps 33,430 29,034 Dec-14 Dec-15 Loans Banking System Annual variation 23.16% 23.05% Market share* 218,437 15.2% Dec-14 Loans Banking System *Market share of December 2014 affected by the inclusion of Edyficar in the Banking System (February 2015). Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Annual variation Dec-15 Market share* 145,058 15.7% 18 High quality of loan portfolio Loans by economic sector December 2015 Construction 3% Utilities 4% Agriculture and livestock 4% Mining 6% Loans breakdown 0.2% 3.2% 5.1% 1.4% 7.4% 9.6% 21.7% 16.5% 2.5% Microfinance 5.7% Transport, storage and communications 8% Credit card Others 14% Industry 27% Commerce 26% Real estate 8% Consumer 20.5% 17.0% Mortgage SME Top 20 clients and others Middle enterprise 19.9% 17.9% Large enterprise 12.60% Corporate Top 20 Clients Others 26.8% BBVA Continental Source: 24.5% 87.40% Banking System Asociación de Bancos del Perú 19 Deposits Retail customers 14.8% -43 bps PEN Million and percentage (%) Growth continues also in deposits… 19.4% 37 bps 17,265 15,036 20.27% 19.84% Dec-14 Dec-15 47,287 39,607 Deposits Banking System Annual variation 22.07% Market share* 87,015 17.3% 22.44% Business customers 22.2% 93 bps 93 bps 30,022 24,571 Dec-14 Dec-15 24.26% 23.33% Deposits Banking System Annual variation Market share* 210,767 17.4% Dec-14 Dec-15 Deposits Banking System *Market share of Dec14 affected by the inclusion of Edyficar in the Banking System. Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Annual variation Market share* 123,752 17.5% 20 Liabilities and Capital Breakdown USD PEN 28.9% 29.1% 32,783 42,245 6% 7% 17% 15% 30,114 38,871 2% 2% Equity 36% 32% Wholesale funding 4% Others 14% 26% 5% 21% 4% 3% 19% 25% 39% 38% Dic-14 Dic-15 CTS 15% Term 38% 32% Demand + Saving Dic-14 Source: Dic-15 Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP / Asociación de Bancos del Perú 21 High level of self-financing and balance sheet denomination in PEN December 2015 Loans and Deposits PEN-denominated Performing Loans 67% PEN Thousands of millions 100.1% 63% 103.1% 106.1% 101.1% 57% 48 33 54% 47 42 39 66% 40 37 50% 49% 49% 49% 50% 51% 50% 52% 62% 55% 57% 54% 50% Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-11 Jun-13 Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 33 BBVA Continental Banking System Average PEN-denominated Deposits 61% 59% 58% 58% 56% 56% 54% 53% 53% 53% 52% 53% 50% Dec-12 Loans Dec-13 Dec-14 Deposits* Dec-11 Jun-12 Dec-11 Jun-13 Dec-13 Jun-14 Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 BBVA Continental *Other obligations are excluded from deposits Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 50% 47% 47% 46% Dec-15 Loans/Deposits 55% Banking System Average 22 Financial margin Implicit rate of loans2 PEN Million and percentage (%) 12.20% 11.47% 8.14% 10.01% 8.05% 7.41% 6.75% 5.09% 6.55% 4.69% 8.00% 10.45% 9.78% 8.92% 6.55% 6.10% 4.35% 5.47% 6.00% 7.97% 10.28% 8.81% 9.98% 9.71% 9.51% 8.71% 8.66% 8.63% 8.06% 7.10% 7.01% 7.03% 7.11% 7.17% Dic-14 TOT Mar-15 PEN Jun-15 USD Sep-15 Dic-15 4.00% 3.61% 2.00% Dic-12 Dic-13 0.00% 3,309 3,631 3,741 4,052 -2.00% Implicit rate of deposits 3 -4.00% 2.20% -6.00% 1.73% -8.00% 1.11% 1.97% (980) (1,117) (1,055) (1,346) 1.85% 1.85% 1.79% 1.78% 1.77% 1.12% 1.10% 1.04% 1.00% 0.98% 1.63% 1.16% -10.00% Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Financial Expenses Financial Income NIM PEN NIM USD 0.31% Dec-15 0.29% 0.29% 0.28% 0.30% Mar-15 PEN Jun-15 USD Sep-15 Dic-15 NIM 1 Dic-12 Dic-13 Dic-14 TOT 1 NIM ratio: Interest margin for the last 12 months divided by average interest earning assets (interbank funds, investments, net loans). Implicit rate of loans: Loans interest income for the last 12 months divided by average net loans. 3 Implicit rate of deposits: Deposits interest expenses for the last 12 months divided by average deposits (excluding other obligations). 2 Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP / Asociación de Bancos del Perú 23 Expenses management We manage an attractive efficiency ratio Administrative expenses* Efficiency Ratio PEN Million December 2015 3,338 3,100 Bank 3 38.29% Bank 1 38.59% BBVA Continental 38.92% Bank 4 43.03% Promedio Sistema Bancario 1,606 1,398 7.7% 42.30% 1,248 Number of employees 1,362 1,288 1,114 14.8% 9.1% 15.5% Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Bank 1 BBVA Continental Bank 4 Bank 3 December 2015 21,615 Market Share 8.9% 7,032 Bank 1 * Includes Amortization and Depreciation Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP Bank 4 5,601 5,529 Bank 3 BBVA Continental 24 Risk management Outstanding asset quality Past due loan ratio by product and segment BBVA Continental December 2015 Microfinance 1.12% 366.81% SME Middle enterprise 258.87% 203.57% 202.11% 2.23% Dec-12 1.74% Dec-13 Past due loan ratio Dec-14 Coverage ratio* Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 5.92% Large enterprise Corporate 1.19% 7.72% Car-loan 1.43% 0.00% 1.66% 2.17% Credit Card 1.47% Consumer 1.54% Dec-15 Mortgage 1.09% 25 Risk management Best Past Due Loan Ratio and Coverage Ratio December 2015 Best Risk Cost ratio vs. Peer Group Annual Variation 3.08% 2.80% 2.17% Banking System Average 203.57% 2.10% 193.87% 166.57% 1.70% 157.12% Bank 4 77 bps 2.11% Bank 1 2.06% Bank 3 -9 bps 36 bps 2.20% 2.03% 2.09% 2.06% 1.70% 1.39% 1.47% Dec-12 Dec-13 BBVA 14 bps 1.42% Continental 1.28% Dec-14 Dec-15 132.29% Maintaining high levels of voluntary provisions PEN Million 3,057 2.89% Required 311 2.54% 2.35% Voluntary 2,456 2.43% 2,079 552 2.17% 2,322 871 24.5% 2,746 BBVA Continental Bank 4 Bank 1 Bank 3 1,904 774 1,431 11.7% 1,451 1,305 Past due loan ratio Coverage ratio *Risk Cost: Provisions for the last 12 months between total loans (average of the last 12 months) Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 1,064 86 87 34.5% 1,345 977 1,195 950 222 148 25.7% 802 974 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-14 Dec-15 Bank 1 BBVA Continental Bank 3 Bank 4 26 Profitability management Net income Return on Equity - ROE PEN million December 2015 26.30% Bank 4 2,778 Bank 1 25.76% BBVA Continental 2,468* 1,915 23.92% 17.26% Bank 3 22.13% Banking System Average 1,344 1,372 Return on Assets - ROA 956 1,014 December 2015 709 45.1% 860 Bank 1 2.1% 6.0% 2.47% 21.4% Bank 4 Bank 3 Dec-14 Dec-15 Bank 1 Dec-14 Dec-15 BBVA Continental Dec-14 Dec-15 1.94% Dec-14 Dec-15 BBVA Continental Bank 3 2.31% Bank 4 1.87% 2.14% Banking System Average *Net Income of Bank 1 without considering an extraordinary income of PEN 310MM due to a sale of shares in subsidiary. Net Growth adjusted 28.9%. Source: Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 27 Solvency management Regulatory capital Composition of capitalization PEN million 61,682 10,000 47,207 8,209 38,961 8,000 13.78% 60,000 53,495 7,371 12.43% 12.42% 2.62% 2.59% 50,000 4.00% 13.31% 3.64% Mín. 11.22% 40,000 2,247 5,866 6,000 4,844 2,139 30,000 1,221 20,000 1,019 4,000 9.82% 2,000 4,645 3,825 5,962 5,232 9.84% (CE T1 9.67% 8.69%) (CE (CE (CE T1T1 T1 9.78% 10,000 8.75%) 8.67%) 8.32%) -10,000 Dec-12 Dec-13 TIER I Dec-14 TIER 2&3 Dec-15 RWA Dec-12 Dec-13 TIER I Dec-14 Dec-15 TIER 2&3 From July 2012 to July 2016 capital requirements will increase gradually to comply with new local regulations, based on Basel III standards. Source: BBVA Continental / Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP 28 Ratings International & Local Rating Rating agencies have granted BBVA Continental the best international and local ratings: Fitch Ratings Standard & Poors Foreign currency long term issuances A- BBB Foreign currency short term issuances F1 A-2 Local currency long term issuances A- BBB Local currency short term issuances F1 A-2 Individual rating WD - Stable Stable Instrument Outlook Instrument Apoyo & Asociados Equilibrium PCR Top local Short term deposits CP-1+ (pe) EQL Categoría I Categoría 1 Term deposits > 1 year AAA (pe) pAAA AAA Corporate bonds AAA (pe) pAAA AAA Subordinated bonds AA+ (pe) pAA+ AA+ Leasing bonds AAA (pe) pAAA AAA 1a (pe) 1a PC N1 Categoría 1 A+ A+ A+ A Stable - Stable Stable Common shares Issuer rating Outlook 30 Social Responsibility and Awards The Bank maintains its commitment to society and is highly regarded in the market SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AWARDS Social, Economical and Environmental Responsibility Report First environmental facility made in South America Green loan to promote green lending projects Program: “Leer es estar adelante” BBVA Continental is part of the Best Corporate Governance Principle’s Index of companies 32 Annex Annex 1: Clients and Products Retail and Middle Market Banking Retail Banking Individuals and small businesses with annual sales under USD 1.4 million Middle Market Banking Medium-sized businesses with annual sales over USD 1.4 million and below USD 75 million Corporate & Investment Banking Corporate Banking Global Markets Global corporate groups with annual sales over USD 75 million Customers demanding FX transactions and derivatives Products for individuals: credit cards, consumer loans, mortgages loans, vehicle loans, saving deposits, demand deposits, term deposits, CTS, funds and investments. Products for businesses: Leasing, foreign trade loans, discounts, commercial loans, factoring, advance accounts, credit cards, funds, savings deposits, demand deposits, term deposits. Also syndicated loans and debt issuances. Treasury: FX transactions (spot and forward), IRS, Cross Currency Swaps, options. 34 Investors Report Fourth Quarter 2015