President`s Message - bakersfield


President`s Message - bakersfield
March 2010
Volume 48 Issue 3
Sparton News - Recipient - 2009
MAFCA Certificate of Merit Award
The Model A Ford Club of America - Bakersfield Chapter
Upcoming Events:
The Model A Ford
Club of America, Bakersfield Chapter, the
first chapter, is dedicated to the preservation of the Model A
Ford and its era. All
are welcome.
* = Club Sanctioned Event
• *Mar 1 - General meeting at the
Rasmussen Center - 7:00 P.M.
• Mar 6 - Selma Swap Meet.(See
Details Page 3).
• Mar 9 - Board Meeting - 6:30
• Mar 13 - CCRG Board Meeting.
• Mar 14 - Bill Rose’s Crab/Steak
Meetings are held the
first Monday of the
month at 7:00 p.m. at
the Rasmussen Center, 115 E. Roberts
Feast in Livermore.(See Flyer in
February’s Sparton News)
• Mar 15 - Drive an A to Dinner
(see Details on Page 3)
• *Mar 20 - Vanhorn School Car
Candy and Mike won the Rudy Gallups award at
the Super Cruise with Bandit!
Inside This
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Information Page
Business Directory
Meeting Minutes
Guest Writer Article
(Mary Nicks)
Snippets from the Past
Pictures from Drive an A to
Dinner to Moo Creamery
February Club Meeting
Turlock Images
Various Registration Forms
Women’s Footgear
President’s Message
Show (See Flyer on page 1112).
• *April 5 - General meeting at
the Rasmussen Center - 7:00
Happy St. Patricks Day! I can't believe it is March al- •
ready. March is special for Mike and I as we will be
celebrating 27 years of marriage on the 19th. It was a
very windy day in Las Vegas in 1983, but enough of •
On Feb. 8th, a large group of cars and members spent a
beautiful, fun day in Kernville for the Whiskey Flats Day
Parade. There was also a group at the Super Cruise at
the fairgrounds. Our club sponsored an award that the
group set out to pick. I had two criteria; that the car was
a family oriented hobby and that the work was mostly
done by them. Our pick was a 1915 Model T that an 85
year old vet still drives. His name is Art Romango, and
his son Roy has a 1915 Model T also. It was quite fun
talking to them about their restorations. Also, "the Bandit" was surprised to receive the "Rudy Gallups"
award! What a great day for all Model A'ers.
Our drive an A to dinner at the Moo Creamery was fan(Continued on page 3)
P.O. Box 1616, Bakersfield, CA. 93302
*April 10 - Calvary Bible
Church Car Show.(See Flyer on
Page 13-14 ).
April 15-18 - 22nd Annual
Laughlin Tour.(See Application
on Page 15)
• April 15-17 Kern County Model
T Swap Meet at KC Fairgrounds
• *April 16-18 Antique Tractor
Show in Tulare (see Application
Page 16)
• *May 14-16 - CCRG Jamboree
in San Luis Obispo (See Application Page 9-10)
• *June 19-27 - MAFCA 150th
Anniversary Pony Express Tour
(See Pony Express on Page 3)
• *Aug 2-6 2010
National Meeting in Vancouver,
(Passports will be
Page 2
March 2010
Arlie Lynch, our Sunshine Representative, needs to know when members are ill, have
surgery, or are in the hospital. Also let her know about new Model A’rs (babies), marriages, and other important events.
March Birthdays
March Anniversaries
16 - Al & Judy Baumgarten
19 - Mike & Candy Martin
Larry Rose
Terry Marraccino
Dorothy Fraser
Tom Douglass
Hailey Wade
Al Baumgarten
Evie Stanfill
Janie Budy
Dennis Patrick
Editors Corner
In order to expedite delivery of the newsletter, all letters, minutes, pictures, etc should be sent to me on or before the 22nd of
each month. Email any information to be in the newsletter or
on the website to:
[email protected]
Note our new advertiser, Molly Quarnberg on page 4!
Mar - Pruett/Osborn
Apr - Poole/Wade
May - Koop/Rose
Jun - Reed/Slattery
July - 4th of July Party
Aug - Noble/Davis
Sep - Quarnberg/Stanfill
Oct - Albitre/Brancato
Nov - Creel/Bierlein
Dec - Christmas Party
2009 Board of Directors
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
News Editor/Webmaster
Member At Large
Past President
Candy Martin
(661) 387-1687
Jim Berry
(661) 588-7408
Debbie Launer
(661) 587-2465
Susan Quarnberg
(661) 399-5579
Sharon Davis
(661) 393-3317
Dan Foulk
(661) 393-2795
Jerry Osborn
(661) 588-4859
Eddie Pruett
(661) 392-1668
Committee Chairmanships
Edwina Barnes
(661) 399-1429
Suzie Slattery
(661) 589-8677
Edwina Barnes
(661) 399-1429
Rick Davis
(661) 393-3317
Rick Davis
(661) 393-3317
Mike Martin
(661) 387-1687
Sharon Davis
(661) 393-3317
Arlie Lynch
(661) 322-1607
Annie Duckworth
(661) 399-2375
Jean Gleim
(661) 397-5221
Debbie Launer
(661) 587-2465
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 3
Information Page
Upcoming Events - Details
Cellphone Recycling
Mar 6 - Selma Swap Meet - Meet at Rick Davis’ at
6:00 AM, to convoy up, or share a ride.
Have any unused Cellphones around the house? Bring them
to the next Club meeting, and we will send them in for cash,
that will go directly into the club treasury. An easy way to
make a buck or two.
Mar 15 - Drive an A to Dinner at Coconut Joe’s
Beach Grill, 4158 California Ave., at 6:00 PM.
Million Mile Challenge
Don’t forget to send your odometer reading to Al. Baumgarten
every month. No need to keep track of the miles you drive on
each trip, just send Al the mileage on your vehicle, he will
Roster Change
figure out how far you have driven. You can email Al, call
him, or just tell him, the important thing is that he gets the inPlease add the following new members to your 2010 Ros- formation.
Pony Express Tour
Smith, Mark, & Susan Reep
5400 Edge Water Dr.
Bakersfield, Ca. 93312
‘30 Sport Coupe
Newsletter Article Guest Writers
January 2011
Mary Nicks
Sharon Davis
Mike Martin
Gary & Evie Stanfill
Al Baumgarten
Tyler Weeks
John Reed
Larry & Helen Rose
Anna Degraff
Presidents Message (Continued from Page 1)
from page 1)
tastic. We had over 30 members, including new members
Mark Smith and Susan Reep. Dan Foulk has accepted the
Chairman of the CCRG 2012. He has started the ball rolling and will give a report at the next meeting. Thank you
Dan and the others who signed up to be the chairperson of a
See you at the March meeting and keep on driving!
Candy Martin
The MAFCA Pony Express Tour is
coming up in June of this year. All
of the information that you need to
register, and book your hotels is on
the MAFCA website. I suspect that
you will need to get the registration
and hotel booking done ASAP. Next
month, the forms will be in the Sparton News.
For all the information, go to:
Page 4
March 2010
Business Directory
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 5
Bakersfield Chapter
General Membership Meeting
February 01, 2010
The meeting was called to order by our President, Candy Martin at 7:02pm.
GUESTS: Anna and Semmi, foreign exchange students staying with the Besenfelders.
Minutes of the January General Membership were approved.
Shout outs given for the Birthdays and Anniversaries for February.
Thanks given to Paula Poole for her guest article in the February 2010 Newsletter. Mary Nicks is writing for
March Newsletter.
Sharon Davis has the new membership rosters for 2010.
TREASURER REPORT: Sharon Davis reported the balances on all accounts. Report placed on file and available
for those who members who would like to review.
OLD BUSINESS: The 1,000,000 mile challenge was discussed again this meeting. Please give Al Baumgarten
your mileage on all of your Model A’s. He will be keeping track for us!
Report on the Turlock Swap meet given. Had lots of fun, sold lots of stuff and ate very well. Weather was perfect.
Sign up sheet passed around again for refreshments for this year.
Flyers for Laughlin Tour at front table.
CCRG: We are hosting the 2012 Jamboree!! Planning now. Sign up sheets passed around for the committee
chairmanships. Dan Foulk kindly volunteered to be the “Man in Charge” Chairman. Thanks Dan!! Decided we
needed a date for the SAVE THE DATE flyers for the Jamboree in May this year.
Shelby Foulk will head a committee to put together cook books for a fund raiser for the club. She will report back
at the March Meeting. Another fundraiser was discussed, a yard sale, possibly for early spring. More into to follow.
We have entertainment tonight, the Thompson Junior High School Jazz Bank directed by Andrea Allen, for our
musical pleasure. They were great!! Thanks.
Our mystery person in the newsletter was none other than Shelby Foulk.
EVENTS: Feb 9 Board meeting at the Pruetts at 6:30. Feb 13 Super Cruise at the Fairgrounds. Debbie has applications. Also Whisky Flats Parade meet at 8am at the Chevron Station on 178. Lunch at the Tibbits afterward.
Feb 15 Drive your Model A to Dinner-Moo Creamery 6pm. March 1 General membership meeting. March 9
Board Meeting.
DRAWINGS: Vest: Bill DeGraff. Drive your Car: Eddie Pruett. Member: Traci Russell, not present.
RAFFLE: Sudy Pruett x2, Tyler Weeks, Jim Berry x3, Audrey Albitre, Bill DeGraff x3, Don Lykin, Ron Black,
Shirley Osborn, Stu Slatery, Rick Davis, Bill Phillips, Art Tibbitts, Ken Quarnberg x2.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Quarnberg, Recording Secretary
Visit our Website at:
Page 6
March 2010
Mary Nicks is our “Guest Writer” for March This
is a really cute story. I think it really defines
what we all enjoy about our hobby! Thank You
I confess that the young woman in the February issue is Mary! - Ed.
Snippets From The Past
my wife, Shelby. I never cease to wonder what she was
doing hanging around with me!
Stu Slattery emailed me after the Feb. newsletter, and
told me who it was, I guess the eyes never change!
This month, you get a new one, who is this young man
with his sister, learning how to drive in a ‘29 Roadster?
Mary’s car before restoration
When I was growing up my dad had a couple of books of
antique cars that I would look at frequently and dream about
how it must have been like to live during that period. I had
always hoped that I would someday ride in one. Every now
and then I would see one of those special Modal A cars in a
parade or parked on the side of the road.
Years later, I met this wonderful man, whose name is Stan,
who told me he had one sitting in the back of his father’s
barn. He drove it in high school and college. It wasn’t until
after we were married that I saw that old Ford Model A car
be towed into my driveway. Then it sat waiting for a face lift
next to Stan’s shop. This is the model A that our son Michael is restoring. Stan told me later that he had always
wanted a 30 sedan. Time passes.
Each month, I will try to have something for the Snippets From The
Past column. If any of you old timers have copies from the ‘50’s,
60’s, 70’s, and ‘80’s, please let me borrow them, so I can make
some copies. - Ed
In 1989 we went to Fresno to attend the MCC Sale as we had
for many years previously. We knew that there was going to
be a sedan auctioned that day and we were really quite anxious to see it. As we drove into the parking lot the clutch in
our pickup went out. So, a tow truck came to pick it up leaving us without a vehicle at Fresno Pacific College. We just
didn’t know how we were going to get to my mother’s house
across town at the end of the day. We just laughed and said,
“Guess we will just have to buy a car.”
Then, it came time for the auction of that Model A that we
had drooled over all morning long. I just happened to have a
bidding card in my hand. Up the hand went, I looked at Stan
and he looked back. Other people were bidding back and
forth. I realized that I would just let them bid. Then I heard,
“Going, once, twice.” My hand went up and Stan said, “GO
FOR IT!” My heart pounding, I raised my hand a few times.
Then all at once I heard, “SOLD to the lady!” It was my car
now. I went down and got in it as the men pushed it out of
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!
(Continued on page 7)
Volume 48 Issue 3
February Drive an A to Dinner to Moo
Page 7
The February Club Meeting was highlighted
by another visit from the Thompson Junior
High School Jazz Band under the direction
of Andrea Allen - Ed and Debi Besenfelders
Moo Creamery was a new Experience for most of us
The Band was Great!
Based on the number of people who showed up, Moo
Creamery was a huge success.
the gym. Stan was now ready for a project. Besides, we
needed a car to get to my mother’s house.
So, that is the story of how I bought my 30 Ford Model A
sedan. I didn’t know how to drive it but I had bought it. It
ran long enough to get us to my mother’s house across town.
We were glad that it was the vehicle that got us to where we
needed to be at the end of the day.
I never thought that my dreams of antique cars would become a reality in my life. Boy, it’s been a GOOD one at
that. This was the beginning of many car projects, fun filled
entertainment, and friends.
Mary Nicks
The Club enjoyed it - Look at how many people were there!
Page 8
March 2010
Turlock Images
Inside our Carhauler was a pretty good place to Eat!
The Weather in Turlock was the best ever!
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 9
Page 10
March 2010
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 11
Page 12
March 2010
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 13
Page 14
March 2010
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 15
Page 16
March 2010
Model A Club Members. Send two copies of this form in when Registering (See Invitation on Page 3).
If joining us in the RV’s, we will be having a Potluck on Saturday night in lieu of going to the Banquet.
Volume 48 Issue 3
Page 17
P.O. Box 1616
Bakersfield, CA 93302
Model A Ford Club of America, Bakersfield Chapter