LHAS Aider - Ladies Hospital Aid Society


LHAS Aider - Ladies Hospital Aid Society
LHAS Aider
Summer 2012
2012 LHAS Annual Meeting
Executive Director Dee Dee Troutman
offered a warm welcome, reminding the
group that LHAS was started over 115
years ago by a group of 17 dedicated
women. President, Laura Penrod Kronk,
gave her Annual Report and thanked
her vice presidents, directors, LHAS
staff members and LHAS volunteers
and members for their commitment to
the LHAS
The group
enjoyed a
lunch, after
which the
installation of
Past President Marcia Weiss
Officers was
conducted by Past President, Marcia Weiss.
Marcia thanked outgoing board members
Nancy Sansom and Deb Wheeler for their
hard work and dedication to LHAS. She
welcomed the new and remaining board
members. The new members are Rhonda
Gay Hartman, Alice Hirsch, Cindy Kacerik,
Joan Turner, and Alexis Wukich.
The charming Nijole of Linda Bucci served
as moderator for the Dolores Warwick/Folio
Productions professional runway model show
of exclusive collections from Linda Bucci
and Charles Spiegel. The show included
2012-13 Board of Directors
Executive Director
Laura Penrod Kronk
Executive Committee Advisor
Carole Kamin
n the light airy rooms, signature of
the Fox Chapel Golf Club, LHAS
members gathered for the annual meeting
on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Chairs of the
Day, Violet Gallo and Dolores Warwick,
presided over a lovely luncheon with a
tantalizing fashion show.
The day started with boutique shopping
provided by vendors Arbonne, Chris
Balint Wreaths, Great for Dogs, Lisa’s
Sbicca Treasures, Plaza Designs and
South Beach Jewelry. Special thanks
are extended to Lisa Gaydos and
Betsy Wotherspoon for arranging the
wonderful array of shopping delights.
President Laura Penrod Kronk
Dee Dee Troutman
June Yonas
Vice Presidents
Barbara Adelson
Jodi Amos
Carrie Conboy
Violet Gallo
Mary Beth Hacke
Rhonda Gay Hartman
Alice Hirsch
Cynthia Kacerik
Jayme Latta
Jackie Dixon
Lisa Gaydos
Mary Ellen Wampler
Beverly Wukich
Ruby Kang
Lori Brinker
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
Carole Kamin
everything from
stylish casual
wear to beautiful
evening gowns
for the crowd’s
LHAS thanks the
Chairs of the Day,
Violet Gallo and
Moderator Nijole
Dolores Warwick,
for a wonderful
luncheon and celebration of its new Board
of Directors. Also,
a heartfelt ‘thank
you’ was given to
Sarris Candies
for the chocolate
purses that were the
luncheon favors.
The luncheon
concluded with a
very special thanks
to Dolores Warwick
for the amazing
Model in Fashion by
fashion show that Linda Bucci
was enjoyed by all!
More pictures can be found on the
LHAS website (at www.lhas.net)
and our Facebook page.
Christine McCormick
Jayme Meyer
Mary Novick
Marolee Pollock
Cynthia Roth
Ruth Rubenstein
Carole Miner Schuman
Joan Turner
Susan Varga
Dolores Warwick
Marcia Weiss
Betsy Wotherspoon
Alexis Wukich
Executive Director
Message from the Sandy Chernew
are sad to anounce that LHAS Board Member Sandy
Executive Director We
Chernew passed away on Saturday, July 21, 2012.
e are very proud of
and excited about
this year’s initiative – our
Teen Dating Violence
Awareness and Prevention
Dee Dee Troutman
Program. To ensure the use
Executive Director
of the most effective means
of providing awareness and prevention on this
timely and critical topic, we will continue to
work with Dr. Gary Cuccia, President of the
Demi Brae Cuccia Awareness Organization.
Please attend our Membership Orientation
on Thursday, September 13, 2012, at 5:30 PM
to catch up on all of our new projects and
programs. The LHAS Tree of Life dedication
will also be that evening. So be certain to
include both events in your plans!
Our new LHAS Emergency Room Trauma
Closet Program supplies clothing and
shoes for trauma victims to wear home after
an emergency visit to the hospital. This
program and other vital LHAS projects,
such as the LHAS CMO Bags and LHAS
Emergency Care Packages, are worthy of your
attention and support. Information on the
individual LHAS programs is in this LHAS
Aider and on the website at www.lhas.net.
Our special thanks to those of you that
donated to these worthy causes!
If you would like to volunteer and/or provide
financial support for any of our LHAS
programs, please contact me at 412-648-6116.
My best wishes to you for a wonderful end of
Summer and Fall!
Dee Dee Troutman
Contact LHAS at: 412-648-6106
Executive Director: Dee Dee Troutman
[email protected]
Secretary: Ethel Gelman
[email protected]
Secretary: Melanie Costantino
[email protected]
andy Chernew joined Ladies Hospital Aid Society in 1957 after her claim
to fame of being a candy-striper in high school. Sandy held positions on
different working committees within our organization, but most notably as Vice
President of Finance, sitting as a member of the LHAS Executive Committee.
She also represented the Investment Committee of LHAS as our delegate to
UJF. When it came to numbers, she was very steadfast in balancing budgets no
Sandy Chernew
matter how much volunteer time was needed to complete the job. Our heartfelt
sympathies to Nick and her family, as we at LHAS will miss her devotion,
dedication, friendship and compassion that she displayed while undertaking any LHAS project.
LHAS has been designated as one of the charities for contributions in Sandy’s memory. To make a
donation, please contact the LHAS Office at 412-648-6106.
Editor’s Message
e received a
response to the
last LHAS Aider,
so I would like
to thank all of
those individuals
who took the
Nancy Sansom
time to comment
with their kind
words. We are taking a more modest
approach to the length of the Aider
this time – reducing the number
of pages from 28 to 16 pages. My
great appreciation goes to Delphine
Clemens and Alice Hirsch for their
amazing proof reading skills.
I encourage you to go to our
website at www.lhas.net to view
more LHAS information and
pictures. In case you missed it, the
Fall 2011 LHAS Aider is online at
our website as well!
Please visit our Facebook page for
more pictures and up-to-the-minute
announcements. If you do not have
a Facebook account, just go to our
website and click on the tab at the
upper right hand corner that says,
“Like LHAS on Facebook!”
Unfortunately, the price of mailings
is increasing in both money and
time. We encourage you to let us
send you information via email. We
use Constant Contact, an email
message service. If you are not
receiving emails from LHAS through
Constant Contact, please email me
at [email protected] or call the
LHAS office at 412-648-6106. Read
an email, save a tree!
Thanks to all of you,
Nancy Sansom
Table of Contents
LHAS 2012-2013 Annual Meeting................. 1
Board of Directors............................................... 1
Executive Director’s Page
Executive Director’s Message........................ 2
Editor’s Message............................................... 2
Save the Dates................................................... 2
President’s Page
2011-2012 Annual Report........................ 3-4
Board Retreat................................................... 5
Community Relations
LHAS Teen Dating Violence Awareness.... 5+6
LHAS Fall Luncheon..................................... 7
Wild Orchid Party.......................................... 7
LHAS Gala....................................................... 7
Rabbi Larry Heimer........................................ 8
LHAS Boot Camp.......................................... 8
Hesselbein Students........................................ 8
LHAS Bike Club............................................. 8
Social Services
National Social Work Month....................... 9
Making A Difference................................ 9-10
Donate Items.................................................. 10
LHAS CMO Bags........................................ 11
LHAS ER Trauma Closet............................ 11
LHAS Emergency Care Packages.............. 11
Donors............................................................. 11
New Member Orientation........................... 12
New Members................................................ 12
Special Gift Fund........................................... 12
Tree of Life...................................................... 13
Hospital Operations
Bright Light.................................................... 13
LHAS Lends a Helping Hand........................ 14
Calendar of Events............................................. 14
LHAS Membership and Donations Form...... 15
LHAS Special Gift Fund Cards Order Form...... 16
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
2011-2012 Annual Report
Ladies Hospital
Aid Society
Annual Report
Delivered by
Laura Penrod
Kronk, President
Laura Penrod Kronk
Thursday, May 10, 2012
s President
of Ladies
Hospital Aid Society, it is my honor
and responsibility to report the
accomplishments and activities over
the last year to the membership. At
this time, I would like to thank those
who have donated either their time
or contributed financially to LHAS.
Your support enables us to continue
fulfilling our mission of helping the
indigent population by providing
medical, educational, financial and
social services to those in need.
The LHAS Staff and volunteer
committees operate in full force
throughout the year. Although I could
never detail all the wonderful things
that LHAS does in one report, I
would like to take this opportunity to
briefly highlight the accomplishments
from the last year at LHAS.
Thanks to our Hospital Operations
Vice President Carole Kamin, our Gift
Shops and Lottery are flourishing to
say the least! We have exceeded our
expectations and, to date, we are on
target to net $100,000 and we cannot
thank you enough. This income
will support the new and exciting
programs that are here today on display.
Our Beauty Salons continue to
build clientele and provide the social
respite needed when loved ones are
in the hospital, not to mention a
new lease on life by looking beautiful
and human again. Special thanks
go to Lisa Kapinski, Manager of
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
our Montefiore Salon and Debbie
Mancuso, our Manager at the
LHAS Positive Image and owner
of Hair Enhancements, for always
demonstrating the compassion with
purpose that we promote.
Thanks to Mary Ellen Wampler
for serving as Vice President of
Social Services and chairing the
LHAS Emergency Care Family
Packets Committee. I would like to
report that your contributions have
helped provide over 500 packets to
be dispensed, $1,500 for lodging
for out of town families, $8,000 in
medication costs, and $5,000 for wigs
for cancer patients with hair loss,
$5,000 for durable medical equipment
and supplies.
“...I welcome all the new board
members and look forward to working
with them. There is more than enough
to do and I encourage you to be
proactive in asking how you can help.”
And speaking of leaving the hospital,
your financial support, not only help
establish the LHAS ER Trauma
Closet, which provides clothing and
shoes for patients being discharged,
but also $15,000 in transportation for
over 200 patients leaving the hospital
by wheelchair van, a cab or ambulance.
Thanks to Beverly Wukich for getting
the best possible prices.
LHAS Comfort Measure Only
(CMO) Bags have become a staple
of LHAS, thanks to Christine
McCormick. Christine and her
committee have assembled and
distributed over 350 bags and the
need is growing. These bags represent
a small token from LHAS and serve
as a diversion to families of dying
patients who do not want to leave
their bedside.
Thanks and congratulations to Jackie
Dixon for representing LHAS at every
available opportunity.
Our annual Gala in August 2011 was
spectacular thanks to our co-chairs
Ruby Kang and Mary Ellen Wampler,
and Hoddy Hanna who so graciously
agreed to be our Honorary Chair.
These efforts garnered $150,000 in
proceeds to benefit pediatric surgery’s
patients operations and assistance
fund at Children’s Hospital. Mark
your calendar for this year’s gala on
Saturday, September 22nd, at The
Fairmont Hotel. Ruby Kang and
Mary Ellen Wampler would love to
have your support so make sure to sign
up on their committee.
Our LHAS Health and Wellness
Series continued this year and I am
proud to say the efforts have made a
difference, one person at a time.
LHAS sponsored a boot camp with
Dr. Vonda Wright for a successful sixweek course. Thanks to Cindi Roth
for coordinating this effort for 23
participants. Some even went on to
complete the 5K run last week!
LHAS Teen Dating Violence
Awareness and Prevention campaign
kicked off at Pittsburgh CAPA in
February 2012, thanks to Carrie
Conboy, Jodi Amos and their
committee. LHAS visited seven
schools this year, distributing over 800
t-shirts with hangtags listing the 10
warning signs of abuse, and partnered
with Dr. Gary Cuccia, the father
of Demi Cuccia, who was stabbed
16 times by her boyfriend. Had an
awareness campaign and warning signs
been visible, it may have saved her
life and made parents more aware of
the signs as well. Look for LHAS to
become more involved in the future.
(Continued on page 4)
President (con’t)
(Continued from page 3)
LHAS Bike Club has just begun
and we are assembling a group to
ride once a week. I encourage your
participation and friendship.
Thanks to Vice President, Lisa Gaydos,
for undertaking the portfolio of
Membership and her tireless efforts
to engage new and former members.
I must say that recruitment over the
last year has produced over 50 new
members who are willing to give of
their time and talents for upcoming
special events.
Our web page and facebook page
is complete and is updated on a
continual basis, thanks to Nancy
Sansom. I encourage you all to
bookmark the site to see all the good
work being done.
Again, I welcome all the new board
members and look forward to
working with them. There is more
than enough to do and I encourage
you to be proactive in asking how you
can help. For those who have been
actively involved, and I know I have
not mentioned you all, I thank you.
On a final note, I thank Dee Dee,
Ethel, Melanie and the rest of the
LHAS Staff for their efforts and
continued support at a moment’s
notice, and UPMC, John Innocent
and Deb Redmond for their ongoing
respect, partnership and friendship
that has enabled LHAS to effectively
continue to lend the helping hand to
those less fortunate.
With that, I respectfully submit my
2011-2012 Annual Report.
Laura Penrod Kronk on May 10, 2012.
“Our web page and facebook
page is complete and is updated
on a continual basis, thanks to
Nancy Sansom.”
2012-2013 LHAS Board Retreat
L to R: Cindi Roth, Rhoda Hartman, Mary Ellen Wampler, Alice Hirsch, Beverly Wukich
he 2012-2013 year got off to a great
start with a working annual LHAS
Board Retreat on Thursday, June 28, 2012!
All of the board members had a chance
to mingle and have their photographs
taken while light refreshments were served
during the opening hour at Chartiers
Country Club.
Prevention (LTDVAP) Program.
He showed the LHAS Board a very
moving video portraying the events
leading up to and following the tragic
loss of his daughter, Demi Brae Cuccia.
Dr. Cuccia spoke to the Board about
the importance of getting his message
to both teens and adults to prevent this
loss from happening again.
(see page 6 for more info)
New Treasurer, Lori Brinker, thanked the
outgoing Treasurer, Jodi Amos, for her
excellent work. The Board unanimously
approved the 2012-2013 budget.
Each of the Vice Presidents highlighted
and reviewed their portfolios for the year.
Alexis Wukich
After a warm welcome by President
Laura Kronk, the group viewed an
informative video history and overview
developed by new Board Member,
Alexis Wukich, and LHAS Intern, Erin
Kulishek. The content of the video
included the LHAS Organizational
Chart (available for review at the
LHAS website at www.lhas.net).
The group received a surprise visit
from Dr. Gary Cuccia, a great friend
to LHAS who partners with LHAS
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and
After a delightful salad luncheon,
Executive Director Dee Dee Troutman
did an overview of the current By-Laws.
Anyone who is interested in serving on
the By-Laws Committee should contact
Dee Dee at 412-648-6116.
Ethel Gelman and Joan Turner
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
Community Relations
LHAS Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Program Kickoff!
A girl keeping tabs on her boyfriend at
all times. A boyfriend demanding that
his girlfriend give up a favorite activity
like cheerleading. Slowly, over time, a
teen being cut off from her friends and
family. These are just some of the signs
of teen dating violence and abusive
behaviors. In the end, it is about
trying to control someone else and it
can lead to dangerous consequences.
Guest Speaker Dr. Gary Cuccia’s
daughter, Demi, was stabbed to death
by her ex-boyfriend.
Dating abuse happens when one
partner exerts power and control over
the other. One in three teenagers
in the U.S. is a victim of physical,
emotional or sexual abuse from
someone they are dating. Young
women, ages 16-24, are three times
more likely to experience abuse
than the general public. These
violent relationships have serious
consequences for victims and are
putting teens at higher risk for
substance abuse, eating disorders, risky
sexual behavior and even suicide.
Pittsburgh CAPA Students
LHAS is stepping up to start the
dialogue and reach out to the
community to become more aware
about the seriousness of teen dating
violence. With over 200 Pittsburgh
CAPA seniors in attendance, LHAS
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
Pittsburgh CAPA Students spell out “LHAS”
presented an impressive program on
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and
Prevention on Friday, February 10, 2012.
LHAS gave out 250 t-shirts with the
logo “xoshove≠trulove”TM on the
front, and the names of sponsors,
hotline phone numbers and websites
for assistance on the backside.
Each shirt also has a hang tag
oulining the 10 warning signs of
abusive behavior.
The LHAS Teen
Dating Violence
Awareness and
took place at
the Pittsburgh
CAPA’s Black
Box Theater where many students
wore the shirts for the program. Dee
Dee Troutman, LHAS Executive
Director, in her welcoming
remarks said, “Since 1990, LHAS
has contributed over $100,000 for
emergency services such as housing, food
certificates, transportation, community
education and referrals to shelters
for victims of domestic violence. An
important part of today’s awareness
campaign is the incredible volunteer
effort put forth to make sure that each
and every one of you recognize the
signs....speak up....and take a stand!”
Event Chairs, Carrie Conboy and
Jodi Amos, shared with the group,
“February is Teen Dating Violence
Awareness and Prevention Month.
One in three adolescents reports some
type of verbal, emotional, physical or
sexual dating violence each year. This
overwhelming statistic is the reason
LHAS is proud to kickoff its first annual
Awareness Campaign.”
LHAS President Laura Kronk
introduced some special guests in the
audience that included Joseph Cuccia,
Vice President of the Demi Brae
Cuccia Awareness Organization
(Continued on page 6)
Community Relations (con’t)
LHAS Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Program Kickoff (con’t)
• H
onorable Robert C. Gallo,
Senior Judge, Court of Common
Pleas of Allegheny County
• Jonathan Raso, Southwest
Regional Manager, Office of
Senator Pat Toomey
• Shelley Sufrin, Community
• Olivia Benson and Nick
Martini, Office of Mayor Luke
• Austin Davis and Katie Breen,
Office of Allegheny County
Executor Rick Fitzgerald
• Martin Kinnunen, UPMC
Public Relations
• Amy Schaarsmith and Mike
Henninger, Pittsburgh PostGazette
• Celina Pompeani, KDKA
• Faculty members of CAPA
Melissa Pearlman, CAPA Principal,
reminded the students that dating
violence is a very real issue in their lives.
The County Council and the offices of
the Mayor and the County Executive
presented proclamations that recognized
the campaign and the importance of
awareness and prevention.
that siblings and friends know the
warning signs of abuse and get word to
a trusted teacher, guidance counselor,
parent or other adult, according to Dr.
Cuccia. “I don’t want anyone else to go
through what Demi had to endure.”
LHAS gives many thanks to the event
co-sponsors: the Allegheny County
District Attorney’s Office, Pittsburgh
CAPA and the law firm of Metz Lewis;
and to all participants.
Program Update
David Spurgeon, District Attorney’s Office
Allegheny County Domestic Violence
Prosecution Unit, both addressed the
legal aspects of dating violence.
Mr. Spurgeon said, “Dating violence
and abuse doesn’t begin on the first date,
but are the culmination of a gradual slide
into controlling behavior over a period
of time. The abuser tends to wear that
person down. They can be very charming
and once they feel like they have you under
control, the abuse starts. Be aware not
only that love’s not supposed to hurt, but
also that if someone is trying to control
you, find someone you can talk to.”
Dee Dee Troutman with LTDVAP T-shirt
The most moving message of the day
came from Dr. Gary Cuccia, father
of Demi Brae Cuccia and President
of the Demi Brae Cuccia Awareness
Organization. Demi was stabbed
sixteen times on the day after her
16th birthday by her ex-boyfriend in
2009. Because the boy was a friend
of Demi’s older brother, Dr. Cuccia
said that her mother and he did
not recognize the warning signs of
abusive behavior. They did notice the
boyfriend’s demand that Demi give up
cheerleading and his excessive texting
after she broke up with him.
Jennifer Digiodvani, Esq., Allegheny
County Child Abuse Unit, and David
Spurgeon, Deputy District Attorney,
Because parents often do not know
everything that goes on in their teen’s
life, it becomes even more important
Since its kickoff at Pittsburgh CAPA in
February 2012, the LTDVAP program
committee members have been busy
visiting area high schools. LTDVAP has
partnered with Dr. Cuccia to present
programs that touch the heart and
teach awareness and prevention of teen
dating violence behaviors and what to
do when those behaviors occur.
Dr. Gary Cuccia with a poster of Demi
Various members of the committee
join Dr. Cuccia, along at times
with members of the Allegheny
District Attorney’s office, to provide
a compelling program. After a
presentation to seniors at Upper St.
Clair High School, school officials
were so impressed that they asked the
group to come back the next month to
present it again for the rest of the high
school students.
Along with statistics and prevention
methods, the program includes an
emotional video. The story resonates
with teens in a deep and real life
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
Community Relations (con’t)
The committee will continue to reach
out to area high schools with their
message of awareness, prevention and
assistance for those in need.
Questions or comments can be directed
to the LHAS Office at 412-648-6106
or to Melanie at
[email protected].
If you would like to sit on the
LTDVAP Committee and/or
contribute to this program, please
contact the LHAS Office.
Wild Orchid Party!
Hosted by Alexis Wukich and
Jeannine Blyth of Urban Polish
Friday, August 17, 2012
Savoy Restaurant & Lounge
from 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
LTDVAP Committee--Front Row: Ruby Kang,
Judge Robert Gallo, Violet Gallo, Alexis Wukich
Second Row: Dee Dee Troutman, Betsy Wotherspoon,
Laura Kronk, Chairs Jodi Amos and Carrie Conboy,
Jackie Dixon, Nancy Sansom
Ladies Hospital Aid Society
Fall Luncheon, Wednesday,
November 14, 2012
LHAS lends a helping hand...ONE
The LHAS One Handbag At a Time
Luncheon will be on Wednesday,
November 14, 2012, at LeMont
Restaurant from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm.
A silent auction featuring donated
new and vintage designer handbags
will take place. Everything from Gucci
to Chanel will be available for bidding.
All proceeds will benefit LHAS Social
Service programs.
The luncheon will also include a raffle
for luxury gift baskets with themes
perfect for holiday giving.
Tickets are $75 each or a table of 10
for $650 (payment with one check).
Additional information on these events
can be found at the LHAS website at
www.lhas.net or on our Facebook page.
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
Saturday, September 22
Fairmont Pittsburgh
he proceeds benefit the LHAS
Orchid Fund established to help
individuals with hair loss by providing
support and financial assistance towards
hair replacement options to restore
confidence and enhance a positive image.
Purchase tickets at:
Online Tickets are $50 each until
3:00 p.m., August 17, 2012. At the
door, tickets are $75 each.
Savoy Restaurant
2623 Penn Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Casual Cocktail or Business attire
Additional information on this event
can be found on the Wild Orchid Party
website at www.wildorchidparty.com
or by contacting Jeannine Blyth
([email protected], 412-398-1522)
or Alexis Wukich (alexis.wukich@
gmail.com, 412-849-7078) by either
email or telephone.
LHAS will hold the annual black-tie
charity gala on Saturday, September 22,
2012, at Fairmont Pittsburgh. Proceeds
will benefit the LHAS Teen Dating
Violence Awareness and Prevention
Program. This program is to raise
awareness of the prevalence of teen dating
violence and educate teens regarding the
warning signs of violent dating behavior.
Honorees are Mrs. Athena Sarris and
the Sarris Family for their years of
support and dedication to LHAS.
The LHAS Youth Advocate Award will be
presented to The Honorable Max Baer.
The LHAS Community Impact Award
will be presented to Dr. Gary A. Cuccia.
The LHAS Compassion Award will be
presented to The Honorable Robert and
Mrs. Violet Gallo.
The LHAS Innovation Award will be
presented to Dr. Jacques Chelly.
Christine and Jack Tumpson of Whirl
Magazine will emcee the evening.
Community Relations (con’t)
A Beautiful History
Rabbi Larry Heimer and LHAS Executive
Director Dee Dee Troutman
uring the dark moments of illness
in a hospital, one of the most
important beacons of light is the word
or gesture that brings comfort from one’s
religious beliefs. Rabbi Larry Heimer
works diligently to insure UPMC
Presbyterian/Montefiore Office of
Spiritual Care offers comfort to all within
Presbyterian and Montefiore Hospitals.
Rabbi Heimer was the first rabbi to
serve in a medical center setting in
Pittsburgh when the position for a
Jewish Chaplain was created in 1991.
LHAS funded the first year of the Jewish
Chaplaincy. Coming from Connecticut,
Rabbi Heimer had already served for 10
program years as a chaplain in a medical
center setting as well as serving as pulpit
rabbi in a small congregation.
In the twenty years since, his
responsibilities have expanded. He
works together with six other chaplains of
various faith traditions—identifying
and addressing the spiritual, religious
and emotional needs of those who
seek out the support of the interfaith
chaplaincy team.
As Manager for the Office of Spiritual
Care, Rabbi Heimer oversees everything
from daily operations to the purchasing
of prayer rugs. The chaplains ensure that
religious worship services are provided
to people of Catholic, Protestant, Jewish
and Islamic faith traditions and reach
out to community clergy and spiritual
advisors for providing comfort and
support to patients and family members
of other traditions.
“Throughout the past two decades,
LHAS has been supportive of the Office
of Spiritual Care,” Rabbi Heimer says.
“LHAS helps with individual patients and
they also assist with special needs, like the
purchase of a new Tabernacle and actually
going to pick it up!”
Rabbi Heimer and his staff are a true
blessing for the patients, family members
and staff at Presbyterian and Montefiore
For more information on the UPMC
Presbyterian Office of Spiritual Care and
UPMC Montefiore Office of Spiritual
Care, please call 412-648-6227.
Hesselbein Students Bring
Fresh Ideas to LHAS
onday, July 23, 2012: The
University of Pittsburgh’s
Hesselbein Global Academy for Student
Leadership and Civic Engagement
partnered with LHAS for the fourth
consecutive year to help LHAS develop
a marketing campaign to gain greater
exposure in the community through
engaging our current membership and
recruitment of new members.
LHAS Boot Camp!
LHAS conducted its first LHAS Boot
Camp with Dr. Vonda Wright from
January through February 2012. Dr. Wright
was assisted by Ron DeAngelo, M. Ed.
Director of Sports Performance Training
at UPMC Center for Sports Medicine.
The group met for six weeks at the
Pittsburgh Athletic Association gym for
circuit training, nutritional guidance and
healthy lunches.
2012 Boot Camp Participants
Front Row: Maricielo Solis, Amanda Spalding Back Row:
Saidzhan Abdullaev, Carolyn Baxter, Christopher Naley,
Dee Dee Troutman, Laura Kronk, Carole Kamin, Lisa Gaydos
A professional mentor and four of her
students spent the day researching the
history of LHAS and its programs and
presented their campaign recommendations
later that day to the LHAS Executive
Committee. The campaign was entitled
FACE: Fundraising, Awareness and
Community Engagement, which included
variations on fundraising events, youth
programs, and a variety of ideas to gain a
larger presence in the community.
If you are interested in volunteering
on the Membership or Publicity
Committees, or have interest and expertise
in writing articles, please contact Melanie
Costantino at [email protected]
or 412-648-6106.
LHAS Bike Club
he LHAS Bike Club started in May
2012 and travels different trails
around the Pittsburgh areas on Wednesday
nights at 6 pm. The group is informally led
by David Knapp and includes a 10-12 mile
and dinner at a local restaurant. Everyone
is invited (including significant others)
for an evening of fun exercise, and great
conversation and laughs. Call the LHAS
Office at 412-648-6106 if you would like
to join the group.
Barbara Burge, Jayme Meyer, Trinity Kronk,
Nancy Sansom, David Knapp.
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
Social Services
LHAS Celebrates Social
Work Month
Making A Difference!
Dee Dee,
On behalf of the Social Workers and entire
Care Management Department, we are so
grateful to be celebrated by you and LHAS
again this year.
L to R: Sheela Palocaren, Caitlin Osterhout,
Diane Christian, Fred Maradei
lthough it was gloomy outside, the
inside of the B. Blair Crawford
Memorial Garden was warm with the
UPMC Social Work staff mingling with
LHAS Board and Staff Members to
celebrate National Social Work Month
on March 1, 2012.
LHAS Social Services Vice President,
Mary Ellen Wampler, oversaw another
wonderful tea that included finger
sandwiches and a beautiful cake to
recognize the amazing work done by
the social work departments within
Montefiore and Presbyterian Hospitals.
LHAS often works closely with the
Social Work Departments dispersing
from the LHAS Patient Assistance Fund
for emergency transportation, food,
lodging, medication and medical supplies
for patients in dire need of these services.
The tremendous support of LHAS is
recognized by all of us every day. The
impact you have on the patients and their
families is beyond measure. I’ve attached
some examples of how the work you do
helps the people who come here for care.
Ann, Shana and I are always thankful for
having you and LHAS here to help us help
the patients and families of UPMC!
Please express our deepest gratitude to all of
LHAS and the Board.
Mary Veihdeffer, MSW, LCSW,
Manager, Clinical Social Work,
Collaborative Care Management,
UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside
This 59 year old male has a diagnosis of
chronic renal failure, hypertension and
diabetes. He lost one toe thus far due to his
He was recently laid off from work but
receives a limited monthly income of $468
through unemployment. He missed two
months of medication because he could not
afford it.
He is pending Medicaid coverage and
also completed the Falk Pharmaceutical
Assistance Program application.
LHAS salutes the wonderful work of the
Social Work Departments!
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
LHAS made it possible for him to start his
medication prior to approval for Medicaid
with prescription coverage. Thank you
LHAS for your support.
This 24 year old female is a full time
student and working as a waitress without
medical or prescription benefits.
She had not had a menstrual cycle for
two years. She learned she had a tumor on
her pituitary gland and needs a surgical
She was on her father’s medical insurance
prior to needing the procedure. However,
her parents recently divorced and shortly
thereafter her father dropped her from his
insurance plan. Later she learned that her
father lost his job.
She is studying to become a Veterinarian
and had to decrease her hours of working
due to the demands of school.
She was feeling overwhelmed because
she did not know how she was going to
pay for her medication, which helps slow
the growth of the tumor and regulate her
menstrual cycle. LHAS helped her obtain
the medicine she needed.
She completed the applications for Falk
Pharmacy Assistance and the UPMC
Financial Assistance and she will have
resources to aid her medical concerns
going forward. Thanks LHAS for filling
the gaps.
(Continued on page 10)
LHAS Board Members at the Tea: L to R: Ruby Kang, Bev Wukich, Mary Beth Hacke, Dee Dee Troutman,
Mary Ellen Wampler, Betsy Wotherspoon, Lisa Gaydos, Nancy Sansom
Social Services (con’t)
Making A Difference! (con’t)
This sweet unusually high-spirited 48 year
old woman lost all four of her children.
Three died in a house fire when they were
very young. She managed to rescue one
child. Unfortunately, that child recently
died due to an aneurysm.
Because of her tragic losses, she has severe
depression and anxiety. Over the years, she
has maintained her mental health through
bi-weekly treatments with her therapist.
In addition to her mental health concerns,
she also suffers from severe back pain and
cannot stand for long periods of time. This
has kept her from any gainful employment.
She keeps to herself and has few family or
friends available. She is the sole caregiver
of her 87 year old mother.
She is unemployed and is in need of the
medication Lexapro. Her doctor stated that
without Lexapro, she would likely need
inpatient psychiatric care. The Lexapro
helps her control her depression and anxiety.
Her doctor and she completed the necessary
paper work to obtain assistance through
the County Assistance Office, and so she
will receive long term assistance including
medical and prescription coverage.
In the interim, without the support of
LHAS, she would be facing the possibility
of an inpatient psychiatric admission along
with the need to establish supportive care
for her mother during her absence.
When she learned that LHAS would
provide her with a grant she fell to her knees
in tears, and thanked God that maybe she
is doing something right these days.
Again, thank you LHAS for your
compassion and much needed support in
helping the families we serve.
Submitted by Joan L. Williams, MSW,
LCSW, - General Internal Medicine – 9
South MUH.
A patient was recently provided with
extra cab fare and tickets—more than is
generally allowed.
He relocated to Pittsburgh from Texas and
is supporting two households. His wife and
he have five children and one car. The wife
works outside the home. The patient comes
to 7-West for infusion three to five times a
week, and often does not have a way home.
Donate Items!
LHAS always needs items for our many
assistance programs. If you would like to
donate, please drop off these items at the
office. Or someone can meet you at your
car and take them in.
He has been paying for his cab fare at great
hardship. He is trying to get a second car,
and hopes to sell his home in Texas.
So I asked LHAS for an exception.
He has since connected with a local parish
and has applied for some grants, etc. but he
is not eligible for disability and pays for his
insurance. LHAS stepped in to help this
gentleman receive care in the outpatient clinic.
Submitted by Jennifer Hollenberger,
MSW, LSW, - Outpatient Transplant, STI.
An 18 year old patient was in a horrific
motor vehicle accident and suffered
extensive brain damage.
Her parents are elderly and she is their only
child. The parents have their own medical
problems, but were and are clearly devoted
to their treasured daughter.
They live in Beaver County and needed
to be here for their child. They have an
extremely low income.
The parents were exhausted, and needed
a place to replenish themselves. Even with
the Family House reduced rate, they could
not afford to stay there.
LHAS supplemented the cost of Family
House so the parents could have a room there.
Submitted by Joyce Barmak, MSW,
LCSW, - Inpatient Social Worker,
Trauma ICU.
If you would like to donate to the LHAS
Patient Assistance Fund, please call the
LHAS Office at 412-648-6106 or fill
out the form on page 15 of the Aider.
Bottled Water
Snickers Bar – Regular Size
Salted Peanuts 1.5oz packets
Honey Cashews 1.5 oz
Potato Chips 1.875 oz
Peanut Butter on Cheese Crackers
Toasty Peanut Butter Crackers
Lifesavers Pep-O-Mint .84 oz
Wrigley’s Winterfresh Gum 5 stick pack
Wrigley’s Doublemint Gum 5 stick pack
Playing Cards
Kleenex Brand Tissue with Lotion & Aloe
Kleenex Brand Tissues – Travel Size
Small Journal
Post-It Notes
BIC Round Stick Pens
Antibacterial Wipes – Travel Size
Deodorant – Travel Size
Bar Soap – Travel Size
Tooth Brush
Toothpaste – Travel Size
Shampoo – Travel Size
Hand Lotion – Travel Size
Body Lotion – Travel Size
Dental Floss
Hair Ties
New Slip on Shoes (all sizes)
New Shirts (S, M, L, XL)
New Pants (S, M, L, XL)
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
Social Services (con’t)
LHAS Comfort Measure
Only (CMO) Bags
LHAS Emergency Room
(ER) Trauma Closet
LHAS Emergency Care
The LHAS CMO Bags are assembled
by volunteers and given to the family
members of a patient in the last stage of
life. The bags include information on
grieving, nutritious snacks, and diversion;
i.e., playing cards.
LHAS’ newest project, the LHAS ER
Trauma Closet, provides clothing and
footwear for those whose lives have
undergone great upheaval through an
accident or medical condition. Sweat
pants, a t-shirt and footwear in men and
women’s sizes are purchased by LHAS
and donated.
An LHAS Emergency Care Package
contains 15 personal care items, such
as a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc.
for families of patients who have rushed
to the hospital without time to pack
personal items.
The bags have an amazing impact for
families receiving them. “The ‘goodie’ bag
you gave me was a bright spot in a very
bleak time. Thank you.” Cris H.
If you are interested in helping with the
LHAS Trauma Closet, please call Chair
Beverly Wukich at 412-259-8014.
If you are interested in helping
assemble Emergency Care Packages,
please contact the LHAS Office at
If you would like assemble bags, please
call Chair, Christine McCormick at
If you would like to donate $25 to sponsor one of these programs, please contact
the LHAS Office at 412-648-6106 or fill out the form on page 15 of this Aider.
We asked for your help, and you answered the call! The following members
have donated over $5,300 towards our LHAS ER Trauma Closet, LHAS Comfort
Measure Only (CMO) Bags, and LHAS Emergency Care Packets. These are
ongoing projects and we are still accepting donations. January 2012-July 2012.
Barbara Adelson
Florence Allen
Jodi Amos
Kim Marie Angiulli
Kathy Arnheim
Revva Benovitz
Rose Berman
Cheryl Bloch
Charlotte Bluestone
Sandra Brand
Elizabeth Brenner
Joanne Buncher
Barbara Burge
Roberta Caplan
Delphine Clemens
Carrie Conboy
Lynda Coslov
Jocelyn Dellaria
Laura Dinkin
Sheila Fine
Eileen Finestone
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
Lois Finkel
Susan Fuhrer
Violet Gallo
Patricia Glosser
Marilyn Goldman
Barbara Greenburg
Bunni Grossinger
Etta Golomb
Sandy Goodwin
Laurie Gottlieb
Michele Gray-Schaffer
Dana Green
Barbara Greenberg
Mary Beth Hacke
Marlene Haus
Faith Heimer
Deborah Henzes
Alice Hirsch
Gloria Janavitz
Nancy Johnson
June Jonas
Barbara Kalla
Susan Kalson
Carole Kamin
Hannah Kamin
Ruby Kang
Lisa Kapinski
Diane Katz
Ruth Klein
Elaine Krasik
Shirley Kurtz
Eileen Lane
Bernice Lasser
Lois Levy
Bonnie Levine
Sissy Liberman
Judith Linaburg
Cate Linn
Catherine Loevner
Janet Lubic
Gertrude Mallet
Debbie Mancuso
Barbara Mars
Wendy Mars
Myrna Mason
Christine McCormick
Bernice Meyers
Lois Michaels
Margery Mitnick
Irene Nelkin
Marolee Pollock
Dorothy Pollon
Jeanine Pronio
Rita Randall
Louisa Rosenthal
Sorley Rosenthal
Claire Ross
Cynthia Roth
Ruth Rubenstein
Doug Sansom
Nancy Sansom
Adina Schiffman
Carole Schuman
Barbara Shapira
Debra Sigal
Marlene Sliverman
Sandy Snyder
Violet Soffer
Amy Spear
Marcia Stewart
Lauren Sufrin
Hilary Tyson
Sue Varga
Diane Waldman
Bonnie Walker
Iris Walker
Dolores Warwick
Marcia Weiss
Debra Wheeler
Vonda Wright
Beverly Wukich
June Yonas
Membership (con’t)
New Member Orientation
“This is unbelievable! I had no idea LHAS
did so much.” That was just one of the
comments made by a LHAS member at
the LHAS New Member Orientation on
Wednesday, March 14, 2012.
L to R: Judy Woffington, Diane Dreifuss, Lois Friedman,
Betsy Wotherspoon, Lisa Kapinski, Carole Kamin,
Deborah Henzes, Lisa Gaydos, Dee Dee Troutman.
Not pictured: Ruby Kang, Laura Kronk, Christine
McCormick, Nancy Sansom, Alexis and Bev Wukich
The group of seven new members
enjoyed presentations by the LHAS
Board and committee chairs on the
volunteer opportunities and projects that
LHAS sponsors.
The members had a special tour through
Montefiore and Presbyterian Hospitals
highlighting LHAS operations such as the
LHAS Windows on Seventh Gift Shop,
the LHAS Beauty Salon and the LHAS
Café on Seventh. Some members even tried
out the LHAS Discharge Wheel Chairs!
After the tour, members signed up for
volunteer opportunities.
“We are blessed to have such a talented
group join LHAS,” said Membership Vice
President, Lisa Gaydos. “I can’t wait to see
what gets accomplished this year!”
New Members (As of July 2012)
Violet Baird
Jean Horne
Olivia Benson
Linda Kistler
Bear Brandegee
Linda Kosinski
Jeannine Blyth
Beth Kuhn
Lori Cherup
Susan Masartis
Melanie Costantino Michelle Purcell
Diane Daugherty
Ashley Quach
Ralene DeBord
Lea Ann Rattigan
Diana Doran
Beth Tibbott
Diane Dreifuss
Sharon Semenza
Christine Ferguson Yetta Speiser
Iris Friedman
Renee Williams
Marian Geisler
Alexis Wukich
Barbara Granito
Lee Yingling
Diane Grego
Gayle Zacharia
New Member Orientation
The next LHAS New Member
Orientation is Thursday,
September 13, 2012 at 5:30 PM
in the B. Blair Crawford
Memorial Garden, UPMC
Montefiore Hospital.
Please mark your calendar and
plan to join us for an overview
of the LHAS organization, tour
of the LHAS operations and
sponsored organizations and a
meet and greet with the LHAS
Board Members.
Please RSVP for the orientation
to the LHAS Office by Friday,
September 7, 2012.
Special Gift Fund
October 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
In Memory Of:
To: Ada Davis - in memory of Husband
Stanford Davis
- Michael Samakow and Susie Katz
- Dee Dee Troutman
To: Ethel Gelman - In memory of Aunt
Leona Shorr
- Rabbi Larry and Faith Heimer
To: Jayme Latta Meyer - In memory
of Mother
- Dee Dee Troutman
- Laura, Trinity and Claude Kronk
To: Diane Waldman - In memory
of Father
- Laura, Trinity and Claude Kronk
In memory of
Minnie Caplan
- Posy and Jack Brill
- Sandie and Rob Brand
- Carol and Gary Cozen
- Raymond and Rebecca Costello
- Michelle Fabrizi
- Judy and Jay Feldstein
- Nathan Firestone
- Thelma Harrison
- Suzanne Hummel
- Dr. Seymoure and Corrine Krause
- Claire and Lawrence Levine
- Catherine and Mark Loevner
- Rae and Mel Snitzer
- Dr. Selma Witchel and Steve Steingart
- Gail and Irwin Wedner
- Susan and Leonard Young
In memory of
Irwin Goldberg
- Laura Kronk
In memory of Mother
To: Mary Florentine Hirsch
- Raymond and Rebecca Costello
- Thelma Harrison
- Laura Kronk
- Dee Dee Troutman
In memory of Mary McVay
To: Timothy McVay
- Laura Kronk and Family
In memory of Bernt Rathaus
To: June Rathaus
- Laura, Trinity, Claude & the Kronk Family
In memory of Kevin
To: Debbie Trombulak and Family
- Laura, Trinity, Claude & the Kronk Family
In Honor Of:
To: Jackie Dixon- in honor of graduate
degree from Carlow College
- Nancy and Doug Sansom
To: Carole and Dan KaminCongratulations on the article
on family’s charitable work in the
Community Forum
- Nancy and Doug Sansom
To: Ruth Rubenstein- in honor of
winning the 2011 Distinguished
Alumni Award
- Laura Kronk and the LHAS Board
of Directors
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
Membership (con’t) — Hospital Operations
The LHAS Tree of Life
he LHAS Tree of Life will
be dedicated at 5:00 pm on
Thursday, September 13, 2012, UPMC
Montefiore Hospital Lobby on 7 Main.
The LHAS Tree of Life is a permanent,
commemorative display that recognizes
family members, friends, patients and
donors.* The tree is located on 7 Main in
the lobby of UPMC Montefiore Hospital
and displays personalized inscriptions on
acorns, bushes, leaves, doves, and stones.
Recognize a Loved One
The LHAS Tree of Life offers the
opportunity to individuals, families
and organizations to honor, remember,
or pay tribute to those we care about.
Acknowledge those that you care about
and let their love and legacy live forever.
Leave a Lasting Impression
Inscriptions can include a wide variety of
sentiments. Some examples include:
In loving memory of Charles Morton
From his friends and family
We celebrate the birth of our son, Lance
The Williams Family
In honor of Dr. Eugene Richardson
For his kind and excellent care
Thomas Brendel and Family
Dove (7 x 7-7/8)
Bush (10 x 7)
Acorn (3 7/8 x 4 7/8) $750
Stone (4 ½ x 8)
Gold Leaf (1 ¾ x 3 ½) $400
Silver Leaf (1 ¾ x 3 ½) $300
Bronze Leaf (1 ¾ x 3 ½) $200
How to Make Your Contribution
Gifts may be made by personal check or
credit card. Other ways to give include
pledges, wills, planned gifts, real estate
and the transfer of stock. Mail your
donation to: The LHAS Tree of Life,
3459 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
*A very special thank you to Dr. Jopindar Harika for donating the tree in memory of his beloved mother,
Bibi Balbir Kavr Ji.
A Bright Light
he LHAS mission has
led to some amazing
programs and wonderful
relationships. The LHAS Deb Mancuso
Positive Image Salon and
Children With Hair Loss Program are
examples of the LHAS partnership and
treasured friendship with Deb Mancuso.
Deb has been working in the field of
salon management and hair styling since
she was seventeen years old. When she
was in her thirties, she wanted to branch
out and became involved with women
who suffered from thinning or loss of
hair, often caused by treatment for cancer
and other illnesses. She continued her
education and started volunteering for
the American Cancer Society. When
space became available next to her salon
on West Liberty Avenue, Deb knew it
offered the space and privacy needed
for full time work in this critical and
untreated area. Twelve years ago there
were several options for men suffering
from hair loss, but none for women.
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
With the establishment of Hair
Enhancements of Pittsburgh, Deb was on
her way. Mostly through word of mouth,
her salon flourished and offered valuable
assistance. Deb knew she could do more,
so when she heard that the LHAS
Positive Imagine Salon at the Hillman
Cancer Center needed a new manager,
she reached out to LHAS Executive
Director, Dee Dee Troutman.
After many meetings, a business proposal
and newly appointed space in the
Hillman Cancer Center, a meaningful
partnership was established. LHAS and
Deb have worked together for the past six
years to provide support and assistance to
cancer patients. Hundreds have benefited
and been offered comfort through
difficult treatment and recovery.
About five years ago, Deb attended a
conference and heard about the Children
With Hair Loss Program. This program
raises money to supply young people 21
years old and younger who suffered from
hairloss through medical conditions and
treatment, with a free wig each year. The
program asks local salons to provide their
expertise and services. Deb thought this
was a wonderful initiative and asked
LHAS to assist with it. Together they
provide support to 20 young people
each year.
Deb was recently honored by the
Pittsburgh Professional Women
organization with their Women of
Integrity Award. Deb was noted for her
work with LHAS, the American Cancer
Society and Pink Pamper.
In the LHAS nomination of Deb for
the award, Dee Dee Troutman stated,
“Debbie is the person that you want on
the front lines to deal with those who are
most vulnerable. From cancer to alopecia,
to tricotillomania, Debbie has the perfect
touch to comfort these patients that need
encouragement and hope. She restores
dignity to children and adults alike and
makes a difference everyday with her
nurturing spirit and compassionate heart.”
To donate to these programs, please fill
out the form on page 15 of the Aider or
call the LHAS Office at 412-648-6106.
Check our website at www.lhas.net for
more information on Hospital Operations.
Silent Auction – Calendar of Events
Dates are subject to change.
Help Us Lend a helping hand
One Handbag At a Time!
Donate to the Silent Auction!
Event Dates
Our Annual Fall Luncheon, LHAS One
Handbag at a Time, is one of our
signature fundraising events and will be held on
Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at LeMont
Pittsburgh. We are asking for you to help us
lend a helping hand, one “handbag” at a time
by donating a new or vintage handbag, a gift
certificate, tickets to a local event, or item
valued at $50 or more to the Silent Auction.
The Silent Auction will be the main feature at the
LHAS One Handbag at a Time, Luncheon.
As a Silent Auction donor, you will:
• be listed in the LHAS One Handbag at a
Time Luncheon Program reaching more
than 200 attendees;
• enable LHAS to fulfill its mission
• be entered into a raffle to win tickets for two
to the 2013 LHAS Gala.
Please complete and return the enclosed Silent Auction
Donation Form by Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
Silent Auction Donation Form
Name of Donor (Individual or Company):_____________
Name of Contact:________________________
1. Handbag:
Value ($):_________ Brand__________________
2. Gift Certificate: Value ($):________________
3. Item/Tickets: Value ($):_________________
Pick up or delivery information (please note, all items must be
provided to LHAS no later than Monday, October 1, 2012):_
Calendar of Events
As of 8.3.2012
Friday, August 17
Wild Orchid Party
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Thursday, August 23
Fall Luncheon Meeting
12:00 pm
Berkman Board Room
Friday, August 31
Customer Appreciation Day
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Gift Shop
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 pm
LHAS Conference Room
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Allocations Meeting
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
LHAS Conference Room
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Monthly Gala Meeting
10 am – 11:30 am
Berkman Board Room
Tuesday, September 11
Wednesday, September 12
In-House Fundraising Sale
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Biomedical Science Tower Foyer
*Volunteers Needed!*
Thursday, September 13
Board of Directors Meeting
4:30 pm- 5:00 pm
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, September 13
Tree of Life Dedication
5:00 pm
7 Main Lobby, Montefiore Hospital
Thursday, September 13
5:30 pm
Blair Crawford Memorial
Saturday, September 22
6:30 pm
Fairmont Hotel
Friday, September 28
Living at Home Luncheon
12:00 pm
Herberman Conference Center
Tuesday, October 9
Wednesday, October 10
In-House Fundraising Sale
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Biomedical Science Tower Foyer
*Volunteers Needed!*
Friday, October 26
Customer Appreciation Day
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Gift Shop
Tuesday, November 6
Wednesday, November 7
In-House Fundraising Sale
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Biomedical Science Tower Foyer
*Volunteers Needed!*
Thursday, November 8
Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, November 8
Board of Directors Meeting
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Berkman Board Room
Friday, November 9th
Customer Appreciation Day
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Gift Shop
Wednesday, November 14
Annual Fall Luncheon
10:30 am
The LeMont
Tuesday, December 4
Wednesday, December 5
In-House Fundraising Sale
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Biomedical Science Tower Foyer
*Volunteers Needed!*
Thursday December 6
Friday December 7
Craft Show
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Biomedical Science Tower Foyer
*Volunteers Needed!*
Friday, December 7
Customer Appreciation Day
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Gift Shop
Thursday, January 24
Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, January 24
Board of Directors Meeting
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, February 28
Executive Committee Meeting
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, February 28
Board of Directors Meeting
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Berkman Board Room
Thursday, April 25
Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 16
President’s Day/Annual Meeting
Nominating Committee – Front Row: Diane Knowles, Chair June Yonas, Cindi Roth, Carrie Conboy
Second Row: Cindy Kacerik, Betsy Wotherspoon Not Pictured: Lois Levy
Please visit our website at www.lhas.net and our Facebook page.
LHAS depends on its Members and Friends to help. We invite you to join and support LHAS.
LHAS depends on its Members and Friends to help. We invite you to join and support LHAS.
Your donation is fully tax deductible.
Your donation is fully tax deductible.
Here is my/our gift.
Here is my/our gift.
Home Phone
Home Phone
Planned Giving
Planned Giving
I/ We wish to transfer securities/stocks. Please have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
I/ We wish to transfer securities/stocks. Please have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
I/We have included LHAS in my/our
I/We have included LHAS in my/our
Trust Agreement. Please have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
Trust Agreement. Please have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
I/We would like to make LHAS a gift of life insurance. Please Have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
I/We would like to make LHAS a gift of life insurance. Please Have an LHAS representative contact me/us at (phone number)
The gift is given:
The gift is given:
In honor of
In honor of
In memory of
In memory of
Please send an acknowledgement of my gift to:
Please send an acknowledgement of my gift to:
I would like to dedicate funds for:
I would like to dedicate funds for:
BagPrevention Program
LHAS Comfort Measure Only (CMO) Bag
LHAS Emergency
for Volunteens and University of
LHAS Scholarship Fund for Volunteens and University of
Pittsburgh Nursing students pursuing health-related careers
LHAS ER Trauma
students pursuing health-related careers
$ $
Fund for Allocation/Distribution
Scholarship Fund
LHAS Endowment Fund for Allocation/Distribution
Program—To benefit those most in need
LHAS Positivie
Image those
Salon at
the Hillman
in needCancer Center
$ $
LHAS Health Series and Continuing Education for lectures,
Tree ofSeries
Life and Continuing Education for lectures,
screenings and credited courses
screenings and credited courses
LHAS Annual Member Dues, $50
LHAS Annual Member Dues, $50
LHAS Lifetime Member, $500
LHAS Lifetime Member, $500
LHAS Patient Assistance Fund for medications,
LHAS Comfort
Measure Only
Patient Assistance
for medications,
transportation, medical supplies and lodging
transportation, medical supplies and lodging
$ $
LHAS Patient Assistance Fund
LHAS Children with Hair Loss for wigs and services
with Hair Loss for wigs and services
LHAS Orchid
LHAS Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program
Teen Dating
I would like more
on including
in my estate
S orry, I cannot financially support LHAS at this time, but I would like to volunteer for the project indicated above.
Method of Payment
Method of Payment
American Express
American Express
Check (Payable to LHAS)
Check (Payable to LHAS)
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Expiration Date
Name on Card
Name on Card
First and Last Name
First and Last Name
I wish you to charge $
I wish you to charge $
American Express
American Express
one time per month for
one time per month for
LHAS Aider, Summer 2012
months to my:
months to my:
Please visit our website at www.LHAS.net
Please visit our website at www.LHAS.net
3459 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3241
LHAS Special Gift Fund Cards are beautiful note cards and a way to support our many charitable causes. When you purchase a card, you are
also making a donation to LHAS that is possible to dedicate in someone’s name, memory, or in recognition. Also LHAS will send out a card for any type of
occasion – such as birthdays, anniversaries, condolences, or just to let someone know you are thinking of them. In addition you can order packages
of blank cards for yourself or to give as gifts. They are truly lovely and appropriate for any number of uses.
You can order cards by filling out the information below or by calling the LHAS office at 412-648-6106. We will write them out for you with the message
you can give us over the phone, by email or by fax and we will mail them. Never has being both charitable and thoughtful been so easy!
These two 5"x 7" cards are $10 each
Special Gift Fund Blank Cards
Number of Cards
Number of Cards
These three 4.25"x 5.5"cards are $5 each.
Number of Cards
In Memory
In Honor
Number of Cards
Of: Name
In Memory
Of: Name
Number of Cards
In Honor
Three $5 cards
(One of each)
All five cards
(One of each)
Shipping and Handling add $1.25 per order
Total Costs
Special Donation to LHAS