Navin Ramgoolam
Navin Ramgoolam
[email protected] 020 8811 1744 2 Juillet 2015 AFFAIRES DUFRY ET BETAMAX Navin Ramgoolam toujours dans l’œil du cyclone L ’ex-Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam, ne quitte toujours pas les feux des projecteurs. C’est le cas de le dire avec des développements dans deux enquêtes: le scandale des commissions de Rs 100 millions à la Mauritius Duty Free Paradise (MDFP) et le contrat jackpot de Rs 10 milliards de Betamax. L’escouade de limiers du Central CID a décidé de passer à l’étape supérieure pour compléter le dossier dans les allégations de trafic d’influence et de corruption avec la signature d’un Sales Agency Agreement en faveur de Dufry, d’une ancienne partenaire d’affaires de Rakesh Gooljaury et de Navin Ramgoolam. Suite en page 3 REGISTER for FREE on WWW.PARIAZ.CO.UK and BET INSTANTLY ! 54 21 November 2013 Immigration & Asylum ¦ Criminal Defence Civil litigation ¦ Family ¦ Privy Council (JCPC) Specialist advice on all legal matters in a friendly environment Beneets of choosing Raj Law Solicitors: * Outstanding Success rate * Legal Aid available * Direct access to qualiied solicitors - with in-depth experience * Succeeded in complex cases where others have failed Emergency Number 079 4764 1876 169 Tooting High Street, London SW17 0SY Tooting Broadway Tel: 020 3133 0000 / Fax: 020 3133 0092 3 3 2 Juillet 2015 02 July 2015 Affaires Dufry et Betamax Navin Ramgoolam toujours dans l’œil du cyclone R ohit Ramnawaz, le bras droit de Navin Ramgoolam à l’aéroport (MDFP et AML), et la chef de Cabinet, Premila Roy devraient être interrogés par la CID cette semaine. D’autres membres du board de la MDFP ont été convoqués pour interrogatoire under caution. D’autre part, à la conclusion de l’audition formelle de Navin Ramgoolam qui a repris depuis lundi dernier dans le scandale Betamax avec des allégations de dilapidation de fonds publics, les beauxfrères Veekram Bhunjun, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) du groupe Bhunjun, et l’ancien ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur Rajesh Jeetah devront lui emboîter le pas au Central CID incessamment. Tractations Les indications étaient qu’après la récente double inculpation de Navin Ramgoolam dans les commissions de Rs 100 millions payées par Dufry, société basée en Suisse, deux noms sont cités comme étant ceux au top de la liste en vue de permettre aux enquêteurs de faire la lumière sur cette sinistre affaire. D’abord Rohit Ramnawaz, ancien chairman du board de la MDFP et d’Airports of Mauritius Ltd (AML) après le débarquement de Pazhany Rengasamy, devra se tenir prêt à répondre aux questions sur les tractations autour de la signature du Sales Agency Agreement, avec une ancienne partenaire de Rakesh Gooljaury et d’autres bénéficiant d’une commission de 4,2 % sur le chiffre d’affaires de la MFDP, soit une somme de Rs 100 millions déjà versée dans des comptes bancaires de Frydu en Suisse. La CID attend à ce que l’ancien bras droit de l’ex-PM, Navin Ramgoolam, Rohit Ramnawaz révèle les dessous de cette affaire favorisant une tierce partie. Les enquêteurs de la police s’intéressent également à la version de la Permanent Secretary Premila Roy, qui a siégé sur le board de MDFP pour représenter les intérêts du ministère du Tourisme. Certains membres du board de la MDFP seront interrogés au sujet des News editor - Adjoa Boateng Head of Sports - Nitish V. Bhugobaun. Head Of Marketing Sabrina Chetty. Journalist and Assistant Editor - Helen Place au travail ! L a mise en place des différentes équipes au sein de nos cinq mairies est déjà chose faite. Les partenaires de l’alliance Lepep sont satisfaits du partage, et chacun a eu sa part du gâteau. Avec une équipe soudée et solidaire, la balle est désormais dans le camp de nos élus. Comme les élus de nos cinq villes sont issus des rangs de l’alliance Lepep, il va de soi qu’ils auront le soutien et la bénédiction du ministère des Collectivités locales. Ainsi, les projets pour faire avancer nos villes sont porteurs d’espoir, et il n’y a pas de risque d’un quelconque boycott. Du moins, on l’espère ! Certes, nos cinq villes ont été presque laissées dans un état d’abandon ces dix dernières années, mais force est de reconnaître que ceux qui ont été élus tout récemment ont vraiment du pain sur la planche. D’ailleurs, nos citadins gardent l’espoir pour des lendemains meilleurs. délibérations sur les conditions du contrat de gestion et de fourniture de produits de luxe accordé à la société Dufry. À ce jour, il est très difficile de dire quelle sera la conclusion de cet exercice, dépendant de la façon des interrogations et des réponses obtenues. Il y a certainement urgence pour compléter le volet mauricien de l’enquête sur les Rs 100 millions de commissions de Dufry, car cela devrait servir de base pour justifier une demande sous la Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) auprès de la Suisse vu que Dufry est une entité internationale basée dans ce pays. Urgence En ce qui concerne l’interrogatoire de Navin Ramgoolam sur le contrat Betamax reprise depuis lundi dernier au Central CID, il aurait terminé l’exercice qui avait été interrompu la semaine dernière avec ses nouvelles inculpations provisoires. Veekram Bhunjun et de Rajesh Jeetah devraient être convoqués aux Casernes centrales très bientôt. Ainsi, le Central CID pourrait soumettre à l’Office du Director of Public Prosecutions un premier rapport sur le contrat de Rs 10 milliards de Betamax, signé en novembre 2009 et résilié en ce début d’année. Toutefois, il y aura également l’épisode Xavier-Luc Duval. Le Premier ministre adjoint se dit prêt à collaborer avec le Central CID au sujet du comité ministériel sur Betamax et le rapport des consultants sur certains aspects spécifiques de ce contrat. Le leader du PMSD, Xavier-Luc Duval, a, par ailleurs, accusé Paul Bérenger de faire de « la démagogie » sur le dossier Betamax. Selon lui, Bérenger est une personne qui dégringole alors que le MMM se désintègre. Il continue toujours de faire son « son intéressant ». Il a aussi fait ressortir que Paul Bérenger était Premier ministre “in waiting”, un contrat de Rs 30 M a été signé par Air Mauritius. Xavier-Luc Duval dit être au courant que Paul Bérenger n’a pas interrogé le Premier ministre à ce sujet, bien qu’il l’ait rencontré à plusieurs reprises. Il a déclaré que Paul Bérenger fait un procès d’intention, et ce sans preuve, soutenant même, d’après lui, qu’il n’y a pas une once de vérité dans ce que dit le leader du MMM. Le Premier ministre adjoint a fait comprendre qu’il n’a aucun problème à rendre public le rapport qui se trouve entre les mains de la STC. M.F.Jones Design Layout Ghanishsingh Bissessur. Maneesha Molla. Journalist B. Neeraye V.Gomind Vishakha Vyas Sports Journalist Bobby Poullé Steeve How Administrative Office: 583 Wandsworth Road London SW8 3JD CUSTOMER CARE: Tel: 07456019893 Email : [email protected] Advertising Office : 020 36897241 / Mobile : 07429420318 [email protected] [email protected] Advert price and size Editor in Chief Seemadree Ramiah. edito Ceux et celles qui siègent au conseil municipal doivent aussi comprendre que leur rôle se résume pas à offrir un meilleur éclairage de nos routes, au réaménagement de nos jardins publics et veiller au ramassage des ordures. En d’autres termes, cela ne signifie pas d’expédier les affaires courantes. Bien au contraire. Ils ou elles doivent ‘think outside the box’. Les citadins rêvent d’un grand nettoyage dans nos villes. Ni plus ni moins. Comme ils payent la taxe municipale, l’attente est grande. Ceux siégeant comme conseillers doivent non seulement être à l’écoute et deviennent des élus de proximités, mais ils doivent également mettre en pratique ce que les citadins attendent d’eux. Certes, toutes les décisions ne seront pas faciles à prendre et ne feront pas l’unanimité, mais l’essentiel est de faire bouger les choses dans la bonne direction afin que nous soyons fiers de nos villes. Surtout pour démontrer la différence et aussi justifier le changement. Tout compte fait, l’heure est désormais au travail. Nos élus auront à justifier la confiance placée en eux par les citadins. La rédaction Full Page : 1 week - 200 pounds / 4 weeks - 600 pounds Half page: 1 week - 115 pounds / 4 weeks - 345 pounds Quarter page: 1 week - 65 pounds / 4 weeks - 195 pounds One eighth: 1 week - 40 pounds / 4 weeks - 120 pounds Banner: 1 week - 20 pounds / 4 weeks - 60 pounds 44 2 Juillet 20152015 02 July National Development Unit Clean up operation by next month Sir Anerood Jugnauth hopes to shed light on the work undertaken by the National Development Unit (NDU) under the former regime. By next month, the government will start investigating the projects undertaken by the National Development Unit (NDU), which was supervised by the exPrime Minister. The projects launched under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme will be investigated to determine if there has been any abuse. At least Rs 1.3 billion emergency projects were initiated without the green light under the old regime. Already, a team of auditors are going over these issues in detail. Everything indicates that a thorough investigation will be instituted on the grey areas identified by the report of the Audit Office and a report of internal audit surrounding the projects launched under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme. The report of the audit office, 11 projects for a total amount of Rs 42 million, falling under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme 1, were not on the list of emergency work government approved February 15, 2013 to Following the torrential rains of 13 February 2013. Ditto for the work done by the RDA for an amount of Rs 62.9 million. In addition, jobs that fall under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme II for an amount of Rs 460.5 million, undertaken following the floods of March 30, 2013 had not been approved by the government, according to the report by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Troubling Factor More than half a billion rupees of work have been allocated to private contractors and the RDA without obtaining prior approval from the government. Furthermore, the noncompliance with decisions taken by the Council of Ministers is the most disturbing element. The report of the Internal Audit reported that a number of projects approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on the 22nd of February 2013, was not followed to the letter. Not only one of the projects has been sidelined, but the other 29 were divided into 33 projects. These projects concern mainly the construction of drains in Batterie Cassee, Valléedes-Pretres, D’Epinay, BaieduTombeau, QuatreBornes and Camp de Masque and the construction of a wall at Rivière of the Creoles, a bridge in Sebastepol, among others. The report of the audit office also noted that some projects have been initiated by the NDU without the approval of the Ministry of Finance. In six cases, “Works Orders” for an amount of Rs 70.9 million were issued even before the Ministry of Finance has authorized the disbursement of funds to undertake the work. Besides seven projects, originally estimated at Rs 69.8 million, cost Rs 124.6 million more than expected, for a total amount of Rs 194.4 million. Rs 470 million disbursed Another observation not less overwhelming is that Rs 470 million disbursed by the Ministry of Finance on 10 and 30 April 2013 for the start of emergency works, were used to fund similar projects undertaken in 2011 and 2012. The report of the audit office said that the government permission and the Ministry of Finance is required under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme. The second statement is about the gross abuses in granting work to be done urgently to only three construction firms, namely Safety Construction Co Ltd, Best Construct Co Ltd Builders and Super Co Ltd. This decision is not without consequences as some work had taken much more time that was planned. Worse, these same companies received contracts for other projects, such as the construction of infrastructure such as kindergartens and sports amenities. Safety Construction Co Ltd has won new contracts in 2010, two in 2011, 15 in 2012 and 29 in 2013. Best Construct Co Ltd has won 49 contracts in 2011, 17 in 2012 and 41 in Super Builders Co Ltd won two contracts in 2010, 14 in 2011, 35 in 2012 and 32 in 2013. The internal auditors also noted that the construction of drains must start as soon as possible due to the risk of flooding. The report of the audit office abounds in the same direction. For zone 2, a contractor awarded contracts amounting to Rs 742.5 million. Of this, Rs 172.8 million were allocated under the “Zonal Contract” in February 2013 and 17 “emergency projects” for an amount of Rs 569.7 million between February and May 2013, “without competition”. The report stresses that this entrepreneur has pocketed alone, about 41% of Rs 1.3 billion allocated under the Emergency Rehabilitation Programme. Closing the tap Pending the restoration of discipline and good management, the government seems to have shut down the valve of the National Development Unit (NDU). Everything suggests that the NDU is to receive a budget of Rs 32 million for the construction of roads for 20152016. Dividing by 20, this amounts to only Rs 1.6 million per constituency. For the refurbishment of kindergartens, the NDU has obtained Rs 800,000 for all 20 constituencies. This amounts to Rs 40,000 per district. For other items, such as the refurbishment of cemeteries and crematoriums, no money has been allocated. For the fiscal year of June 2015 July 2016, the government plans to inject Rs 945 million in the NDU. This represents an increase of about Rs 19 million, certainly, but the “capital budget” or the budget allocated for development projects has been reduced by over Rs 10 million from Rs 814 million (2014) to Rs 803 million (2015/2016). Current expenditures for 20152016 are estimated at Rs 142 million. The NDU has various projects it wants to achieve during the current year, or by next year, including: A Land Drainage Authority operational from October 2015. This authority will be responsible for managing and supervising our drainage system, a manual of procedures developed and approved by November 2015 to increase transparency and efficiency in current projects, complete drainage work in Pereybere, Camp Carol (Grand Bay) and Argy ( Flacq) to March 2016, four complete drainage projects in Rodrigues by April 2016 and the opening of a Citizen Advice Bureau in Rodrigues. 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The clean up operations at the Department of Housing and land is not over yet. Minister Soodhun, last Friday, presented a verbatim record of his ministry since the victory of the Alliance Lepep a little more than six months ago. 700 acres were taken back from people that Navin Ramgoolam called ‘ti Dimun.’ “ And it is not finished”, he said, “there is another 400 acres of crown land to be taken back”. Traumatised The Minister explained that when it came to the allocation of land, there were abuses under the previous regime but said that his officials were even traumatised. His first task was to make them feel comfortable and protected. Then ‘the cleaning operation could start’. There was a lot of fraud and corruption, the minister said, but he does not blame any of his officers. According to Mr Showkutally Soodhun, state land were allocated without going through the established procedures. Now, more stringent standards will be applied and the government will show no mercy to those who break the rules. A team from the CCID has set up camp in the premises of the ministry of land and development to investigate any wrongdoings. Furthermore, Minister Soodhun will make sure that the hotel project of the Currimjee Jeewanjee group at La Cambuse will move forward. Ecologists and other conservationists are warned. He would prefer that no one will be allowed to hinder this project of about Rs 1 billion as this will create, according to the minister, a 1,000 jobs. However, he will ensure that the ecological side of things are respected. Trade Exchanges Rs 24 billion disbursed by the EU soon Intertrade IOC (Indian Ocean Commission) are very limited. During a workshop held last week, the maritime connectivity project in the Indian Ocean was on the agenda. . The goal is to find common ground to improve interCIO trade links. Eric Vanhalewyn, First Secretary and Head of Section (Mauritius) of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) found that between 2008 and 2010, interCIO trade represented only 3.2% of the total trade of member countries. In addition, interCIO trade were three times less than those with Eastern and Southern Africa. The improvement of aerial, digital and sea links between IOC countries, Africa and the rest of the world is therefore a strategic priority, as indicated by the section leader (Mauritius). There are countries in the IOC who make efforts to improve the port infrastructure, and the EU will support them with the implementation of some of the projects resulting from this study. Eric Vanhalewyn said the EU is closely following the developments in the port of Mauritius, Seychelles and Comoros, and they will be eligible for regional funding under the 11th European Development Fund, including the indicative program that has been signed., The envelope is in the range of about Rs 24 billion for this program. He was confident that some IOC will set up the appropriate mechanism to enhance regional maritime connectivity after the discussions he had during a meeting, following this workshop. JeanClaude de l'Estrac, general secretary of the Indian Ocean Commission stressed the importance of adopting a clear and concrete strategy as a result of research undertaken. This is to give an overview of the status of maritime transport and ports in the region, as well as their potential. Restructuring To a question from the press on the government’s policy with respect to the “pas geometriques”, the Deputy Prime Minister said that a committee has been established to review the land allocation policy, specifically the “pas geometriques”. He said his ministry will review each and every application. Nothing will be done to the detriment of the country. The number 3 of the government said that the restructuring of of the National Housing Development Company (NHDC) is already in progress and will be revitalised. This parastatal body will be working on new guidelines and according to new professional standards. This year the NHDC delivered 850 homes for Rs 767 million and planning the construction of 1256 units which will start by December, amounting to Rs 1.4 billion. In addition to housing for those at the bottom of the scale, the NHDC will also build homes for the middle class. The Minister also said that Rs 93 million in debt and interests have been considered as bad debts for those who have already paid at least 75% of their housing loan. As for the 300 abandoned houses, they will be refurbished and then reassigned to those who needs it most. It will also be more difficult for a buyer to sell an NHDC home. Those squatting on state land can rejoice because the squatters from Port Louis, the Ferme and Riambel will be regularised or relocated elsewhere. Road Terre Rouge / Verdun A real disaster in perspective Experts from South Africa, working for the ARQ agency, were commissioned by the government to test the highway of terre rouge/ verdun. “It is a disaster in waiting”, they said in their primary report to the government. South African experts had, in May, conducted a series of analysis of the road Terre Rouge / Verdun on which cracks were detected earlier this year. To make these geological analysis, experts had to dig in as many as 13 locations. Observations have thus confirmed the findings that had been made initially by Japanese experts. It appears from these analysis that the region identified by the then government to build this section was inappropriate. These experts argue that the tests that had been made previously were not performed to a suitable standard, otherwise we would have known that the ground was way too soft for that kind of project. The then government should have identified another site for a project of this magnitude or take the necessary measures work to avoid such a disaster The South African experts have also submitted two proposals concerning the way forward to make this road safe. The first would be to excavate to a depth of 3040 meters and placing solid foundations. The second would be to install piles and transform this stretch of Terre Rouge / Verdun in a suspended road. It is now up to the government to decide, taking into account the cost to implement these recommendations. The minister of public infrastructure, Nando Bodha said that this is only a preliminary report. Soil samples were sent to South Africa for further analysis. He will meet a member of the team of experts to address the issue soon. This road was inaugurated on Monday the 2nd of December 2013 by the former Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam. This project was presented as one of the most important projects implemented during the mandate of Navin Ramgoolam. The work would have costed about Rs 4.17 billion, or 10% more than originally planned. 77 2 Juillet 2015 02 July 2015 Eau Coulee Involved in a murder case since 2013 Juanita, 12 years claims to have been raped by Mevin Life really is not a bed of roses for Juanita,a 12 years old girl who lives in Eau Coulee, Curepipe. Actually, she was already involved in the murder of Jocelyn Veerasamy, 51 years old, in December 2013, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) came to the conclusion of not suing her and since last week, she alleges that she was raped by a friend of her cousin. A month after the legal procedures of the murder of Jocelyn Veerasamy, in which the number one suspect is Juanita, the girl is once again involved in another sex scandal. Born into a modest family, her father did odd jobs and her mother is a housewife. An average student, she attended a secondary school high Plaines-Wilhems. Since the murder of Jocelyn Veerasamy, Juanita and her family had to leave Derby Street, Forest Side, to find shelter with relatives. Soon after, they found a house to rent in Eau Coulee. Juanita had since resumed her studies and was followed by psychologists. Life seemed to have returned to normal for the family and Juanita gave the impression to regain her enthusiasm in life until last Sunday. Indeed, the girl said she was raped by a friend of her cousin. The young man of 22, Mevin R. abused her on the banks of a river in Eau Coulee. According to her statement to the police, her cousin arrived about 9 am that Sunday. Everything was fine and the two teenage girls were talking about day to day life until noon, when they felt like having an ice cream. With the consent of the mother of Juanita, the two girls went out to go to a nearby shop. A little trip Having not found what they were looking for in the first shop, they decided to go to another one not too far away. Along the way, they meet Mevin, who lives in the area. Juanita’s cousin knew him very well as they were friends. The three of them started chatting. Mevin suggested that they go for a little walk to the banks of a nearby river. Juanita’s cousin and Mevin were chatting while Juanita was following them. After about 15 minutes, they reached their chosen destination. Mevin went straight to a bush in a secluded spot which he probably knew well and invited the two girls to sit down next to him. He then offered them a cigarette to two teenage girls according Juanita’s statement to the police. As it was raining, it was feeling a bit cold as well. If the cousin quickly accepted the cigarette, Juanita was hesitant. At the insistence of Mevin and her cousin, she accepted. Juanita said that Mevin took the cigarette rolled in it in some rolling papers. Mevin told them that the cigarette would help them warm up. The two girls Mervin being naive, began to smoke and according to Juanita, she started to feel weak and fell unconscious ... but she still felt a hand fiddling with her breasts. She has no recollection of what happened afterwards as she fainted. Mevin took the opportunity to sexually abuse Juanita. The latter regained consciousness half an hour later and found that her underwear was missing and that she was bleeding. She told police that she woke her cousin up and Mevin was no longer there. Panicked and scared, according to the statement of Juanita to the police, she did not say a word to anyone. Moreover, she and her cousin have agreed to keep this little adventure a secret. However, as she was not feeling well, Juanita decided to tell her mum the whole story. Officers of the Child Development Unit (CDU) were alerted. Juanita was admitted to the hospital in Candos. The police of Eau Coulee arrested the suspect on Friday and on Saturday, he appeared before the Bail and Remand Court (BRC) under a provisional charge of “Causing child to be sexually abused”. Jessica’s cousin was also summoned to the police to give her version of events. They kissed Police questioned the cousin of Juanita last Friday. It turns out that the version of the teenager does not corroborate with that of the alleged victim. She explained that they had met the young man and they went to the banks of the river. She told police that at one point, Juanita and Mevin were kissing. According to the cousin, Juanita was mesmerised by Mevin and at no point did she say ‘no”. The young man then asked the cousin to take some pictures as they kissed. Mevin lowered Juanita’s shorts to caress her. It started raining and according to the cousin’s statement to the police, she told them she was leaving. Juanita decided to stay with Mevin. Investigators have confronted Juanita to this version to see more clearly in this case. In 2012, the family of Juanita offered a place to stay to Jocelyn Veerasamy, a friend of Juanita’s father. However, the relationship between Juanita and Jocelyn are far from rosy. On the 11th of December 2013, a dispute broke out between the girl and the family friend. The reason, according to police, was that Jocelyn Veerasamy was harassing her. On the day of the tragedy, he spied on her while she was in the shower and then slapped her. The girl, then aged 10, took a knife and stabbed the 51 year old man. The whole country was in shock after this murder. Juanita was sent to the Rehabilitation Youth Centre, before being entrusted to a close relative. Grand-Bois Iqbal 38, allegedly raped his 41 year old aunt Nazneen (pseudonym), 41 years old, a resident of Grand-Bois feels dirty and humiliated. She was raped by her nephew Iqbal, 38, on Sunday 14th of June. Arrested, the latter rejects these allegations. Iqbal told police he did not know why her aunt is accusing him of something that he didn’t do ... That day, Nazneen went about with her business as usual. She was alone but she never believed that she would be attacked by anyone especially that she felt safe in her modest home. Around noon, her nephew Iqbal, shows up. According to the woman’s statement to the Grand-Bois police, she was in her kitchen. Iqbal seemed nervous, but after a while, he offered to have sex with her. Nazneen was shocked and pushes Iqbal away. Iqbal could not digest this refusal. He held his aunt against a table before abusing her. Nazneen tried to struggle but was feeling too weak, having taken some tablets. Her nephew was too strong for her. The woman tried to shout but Iqbal had taken the care to put his hand over her mouth to stop her shouting. After having satisfied his urges, Iqbal left his aunt’s place without feeling an iota of guilt. Nazneen can’t stop crying as she considered Iqbal as her own son. Being the first time that she is a victim, Nazneen is traumatised and she fears that her nephew comes to attack her again. It no longer feels safe in her own home. The images of the attack was haunting her, she then decided to go to police to give evidence against her nephew. The alleged victim was examined by a police doctor. Iqbal was arrested the same day. When questioned by investigators, he denied outright the allegations against him. He said to the investigators that he was indeed at her aunt’s place, but he did not rape her. After his interrogation, he was detained and the next day he appeared before the court of Souillac. A provisional charge of rape was lodged against him. Iqbal has provided a deposit of Rs 10,000 for his release on bail. 88 2 Juillet 20152015 02 July Drama of Belle Rive The guru, Devanand Mannick gives his version of events Four disciples died during a meditation session last Friday in the Kali ChinnaMasta Sthaan in Belle Rive. Police are still trying to solve this mystery, but nobody is saying much as the guru, Devanand Mannick,made sure that none of his disciples talks about this case. Since Friday, all sorts of rumours are going around to explain the death of the four followers. And soon after, the guru, Devanand Mannick, visited the “casernes centrales” to lodge a complaint against several media groups. He also gave his version of the tragedy to some journalists. Witchcraft Devanand Mannick first started to explain what actually happened on that fateful day . He explained that the generator which maybe caused the deaths of four of his disciples was placed at the entrance door of the temple. The windows and doors of the temple were shut, he said, because it was raining heavily. He said that all those present during this meditation session had no idea of what carbon monoxide is. On Thursday evening, him and his disciples began the prayer session and then carried on practising a dance routine for Cavadee. Feeling ill, they sat on the floor to rest. Then it was total darkness. Devanand Mannick says he does not remember what happened after. Only at about 10am the next day, the religious regained consciousness. He was feeling very cold, he said, and was suffering from intense pain. He thought that all the other disciples were still sleeping. Guru Devanand Mannick, which has already been in trouble with the law in the past about a statue of the goddess Kali he built in Bigara, on top of the grave of his first wife, who died of a disease in 1994, says that does not mean he practices witchcraft. He adds that he is not the only person to place a statue of the goddess in a cemetery. He also admits that very often, VIPs and even ministers come to his ashram for meditation sessions. According to the guru, people come to see him to seek help. They come to him to find physical and moral strength. During last Thursday’s prayer session, Devanand Mannick says that his disciples began a prayer in which they invoke the protection of the divine mother. After the meeting, he added, songs and dances dedicated to the goddess took place. He said he had never given any intoxicating substance to any of the four victims. Moreover, the autopsy concluded that they died poisoned by carbon monoxide from a generator placed on the threshold of the ashram. He insists that he is not responsible for the death of these four people and that he is ready to go to prison for the four victims, if there were really any doubt against him. On holiday in Mauritius A Frenchman accused of sodomy on a Mauritian There are many tourists who come and enjoy our beautiful beaches, sea and the beautiful scenery but Carlos Lopez, a Frenchman of 38 years, came to Mauritius for some other kind of pleasures. He is accused of sodomising a young mauritian women in an apartment in Grand Bay. He was arrested and taken back to a police cell after a sodomy charge was lodged against him The holiday in Mauritius for this French national will leave a very bitter taste in his mouth. Carlos Lopez is now in police custody and is facing an interim charge of sodomy. The suspect has been settled in Mauritius since mid-June. The information gathered from police sources indicate that the alleged victim, aged 28 and Supervisor in a private company met the French national Carlos Lopez on social networks three years ago. To know more about the Mauritian girl, the frenchman decided to spend two weeks vacation in Mauritius. Thus Carlos Lopez landed on the island on June 15 to meet with the young woman. In the early days, everything went well for the young woman. She is inundated with gifts received from the french guy. The two lovers hired an apartment in Swami Dayanand street in Grand Baie. During sex, according to the young woman, she was sodomised. She complained to her partner once their antics were over, saying that she felt excruciating pain. An argument ensued between the young woman and the Frenchman. The latter and abandoned her in the apartment. The Mauritian woman, feeling humiliated, nevertheless waited a week before going to give a statement to the police station of Grand Bay. Carlos Lopez was arrested the same day and was detained. A provisional charge of sodomy was lodged against him on Wednesday before the court of justice in Riviere du Rempart. Police objected to his release on bail, Carlos Lopez was sent back to a police cell. Carlos Lopez was staying in Cassis when police arrested him and he should appear in court again sometime this week. Cow urine Explaining some of the practices of the followers of the Chinamasta Maha Kali temple, Devanand Mannick says that walking in boiling water and sharp nails is not a torture for him, but a way that leads to divinity. A resident of the east who joined the guru after a bad break up ten years ago is categorical in his statements. For him, those who died knew what awaited them. He explained that the prayer sessions are designed to burn karma. When all the karma is burned, we die at the feet of Kali. Some special prayers requires the swallowing of cow’s urine,considered to be sacred and purifying. The young man added that the devotees are already conditioned to die. And that those who died in Belle Rive knew what awaited them. “We are all the same. Nothing serious happened”, he said. The tragedy that occurred in Belle Rive resulted in a first preliminary charge. Indeed, Guirish Hemraz, 52, inhabitant Camp Thorel, has been charged under of a provisional charge of manslaughter regarding the death of his wife Sharmila Hemraz, 44, of Gundaree Mannick, 54, wife Guru Devanand Mannick, of Samoo Devi, 54, of Belle Rive, and constable Oodesh Cassiram, 56, of Union Park. Guirish Hemraz was questioned “under warning” by the police of the Eastern Division on what actually happened during this meditation session. The police investigation is focusing for the moment on the presence of a generator inside the temple. Plaines-Wilhems A 3 year old boy abused placed in shelter Victim of abuse at the hands of his father and his father’s friend, a boy of 3 years, from a broken down family, was sent to the Child Development Unit (CDU). A carpenter of 50, living in high-Plaines Wilhems, was witness to the child’s plight and informed the CDU. The carpenter was near a shop when he witnessed this particular scene: a three year old child was being beaten up. Seeing that, he approached the individual to demand an explanation. The individual started to insult the carpenter. Unable to tolerate such behavior, the carpenter took the child to his place. He questioned the little boy and the latter said that he is often abused by his father. Wanting to be a responsible citizen, the carpenter decided to take David back to his home. Once there, he could not believe his eyes. He saw the child’s father and his friend having a drink. The child’s father then started to insult the carpenter again while also wanting to attack his son. Seeing the level of violence and aggression that the father showed towards his son, the carpenter decided to bring the small boy back to his, lest he be attacked again. The Vacoas police station immediately warned the Child Development Unit (CDU) and the child was placed in a shelter. The child’s father was arrested on Sunday morning. When questioned, he denied the allegations against him. He explained that in 2010 he made the acquaintance of a young woman of 22 years old and they lived together for some time. From this union was born the child. His concubine abandoned him, leaving their son. After his interrogation, he was allowed to go home. He has since appeared in the Justice Court of Curepipe for his indictment. 10 02 July 2015 12 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Face book With the inception of social networking sites in the early 2000s, there were several start-up companies looking to maximize their membership and excel in niche areas. In the first few years that Facebook entered the scene, it was meant to be the best way for college students to socialize and connect. It didn’t take long for this service to expand and become inclusive of people of all ages. For several years now, Facebook has maintained its title of the best social networking website. Facebook is not just limited to uploading photos, putting up status and stalking people. It has a lot more to offer. It does not only helps us to connect with our local friends and relatives, but also teaches us life-hacks to have a balanced life .Are you wondering how? Read on to know all the life lessons Facebook teaches us that we seldom notice! 1.What you see is not always the truth 4. People only let you see the positive side of their life, so you should not judge them based on one part of their story person after your breakup. They stay in your memories and recently searched history 8. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, the show goes on. People will post videos, photos, and voice their opinions time and again old, all that you’re left with is photos and good memories People only show you what they want to see 2.You have the liberty to comment on anyone’s status, but don’t forget that also lets people see what your views are People notice your every move closely! 3. There is no unlike button in life, nor on Facebook Sometimes even if you want to express what you feel, you can’t. That’s the ugly truth of life. SMS Format: Ways of missing and stalking someone has changed, but it is still very much a part of everyone’s life. Nobody likes to be pitied. Also, people often love to be the talk of the town and make others jealous. It all depends on how you take things. 5. Anything you say will get both negative and positive response to it 6.You completely don’t lose the 7. You will always have an option of keeping things private and public. You should learn to keep certain things private so that you’re not bothered by the outside world. In the end it’s all about moving ahead in life. 9. You can’t mess around with someone’s private life, if you do then you will be banned People might judge you for putting up dozens of photos right now, but when you grow old these photos will make you laugh most. 11. The world is big and if you keep an open mind you will meet a lot of interesting people daily. People from interesting groups, communities and ages will break all the stereotypes you have about the world. 12. Opportunities are in abundance, but you have to be on the right page at the right time The more public you make, the more opinions people will have about you. You can’t let everyone be part of everything that’s happening in your life. AmountR?H? R?H? Amount = Stakes amount E.g 10. When you grow R = Race It is important to draw your lines; you should know how personal you can get. Opportunities don’t knock twice, but sometimes you do stumble upon the same page twice. So keep your eyes open. phone off and cook, sleep, binge watch movies, or meditate. Get to know yourself. There’s nothing as important as some peace of mind. Adjoa Note: Do not leave any space between characters. H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. For a double bet of $25 on Race No1 Horse No5, and Race No4 Horse No1 Send 25R1H5R4H1 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: [email protected] 18+ ARS Aryan Recruitment Services We specialise in public sector jobs. Please contact : Sabrina on 07472840056 or 02082450764 Address: North/East London Solicitors, Accountants, Administrators,cleaners and All profile Jobs CARGO TO MAURITIUS ITW SHIPPING (UK) LTD 3 New Broadway, Uxbridge Road Hillingdon, UB10 0LH EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: NOTHING IS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL FOR US TEL: 01895259123 SHIP 2 SUITCASES OR 2 CARTONS AND GET THE 3RD ONE FREE OF CHARGE. ITW SHIPPING (UK) LTD MOB: 07902740668 EIGHT LIMIT / 20 - 40 FT CONTAINER, RORO, BREAKBULK AND SHARED CONTAINER. 3 New Broadway, Uxbridge Road YOU NAME IT, WE SHIP IT. Hillingdon, UB10 0LH DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE WE LOAD EVERY 10 DAYS TO MAURITIUS. TO MAURITIUS EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: T & C APPLY. FREE PACKING MATERIALS FOR ALL RETURNING RESIDENT AND STUDENT. FREE HOME SURVEY, FREE ADVICE, WE WILL BEAT ANY GENUINE QUOTE FROM ANY OTHER COMPETITOR. CALL THE CARGO SPECIALIST NOW! T & C APPLY. 14 POLICE AND SECURITY UPS THEIR GAME AT WIMBLEDON IN FEARS OF TERRORIST ATTACKS - Whilst the tennis fans look forward to watching their favourite tennis players and eating their strawberries and cream, much preparation goes into making sure their visit is enjoyable and safe behind the scenes. Scotland Yard said the changes had been made to policing plans for this year’s tournament. The UK’s terror threat level is at “severe”. This means an attack is “highly likely”. Extra officers will be on patrol. Some will be in plain clothes. The forest said a highly mobile reserve unit is ready to respond to emerging incidents. Last week there were terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait. The UK prepares to mark the 10th anniversary of the July 7 bombings next week. I remember being A Week In The UK on a training course during my summer break, in my first year of university. The trainer went to put a video on and then we saw the news. Majority of London’s transport system came to a halt and it was difficult to make phone calls and texts, because the network was so busy. I was lucky to get a lift home. Tennis action on centre court kicked off this Monday. The defending champion Novak Djokovic’s first round match, while 2013 champion Andy Murray took place on Tuesday. The Scot has been handed a tough draw as third seed. He may have to overcome former champions Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Djokovic, if he is to win this year. The British Association of Tennis Supporters have insisted Murray will have the full support of the Wimbledon crowd, being one of our only hopes, despite having voiced his support for Scottish independence in last year’s referendum. Good luck Murray! of the Mid Staffs Trust, the fuelled to a lethal culture of silence. They would cover-up when mistakes were made. Chief Executive of the General Medical Council Niall Dickson, said things can and do go wrong. However it is the actions of what doctors, nurses and midwives do afterwards that matters. He commented: “If they act in good faith, are open about what has happened and offer an apology this can make a huge difference to the patient and those close to them. We also want to send out a clear message to employers and clinical leaders - none of will work without an open and honest learning culture, in which staff feel empowered to admit mistakes and raise concerns. It remains one of the biggest challenges facing our healthcare system and a major impediment to safe effective care”. Jackie Smith, chief executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, said it was important there were common standards for nurses, midwives and doctors. She said: “We can’t stop mistakes from happening entirely and we recognise that sometimes things go wrong”. I think this is an excellent idea that empowers both NHS staff and patients. A culture of honesty and reflecting on mistakes will help to develop a better practice and make improvements. LORD JANNER ACCUSED OF BEING A SERIAL ABUSER - Lord NEW DUTY OF CANDOUR RULES SAY MEDICS HAVE TO ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES - This was introduced in April. A new rule that NHS and private healthcare organisations to admit their mistakes candidly. They have to say as soon as possible. Now this week the same rule is to be applied to individual medics. They have to say sorry to the patient. You have to remember that medics are only human and do make mistakes, like any of us at work. Especially when under pressure and working at a fast pace. Detailed guidance makes clear to staff the following: They should tell the patient as soon as possible when something has gone wrong, what it might mean for their health and patients or their families should receive a faceto-face apology. The General Medical Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council created the guidelines. This applies to more than 950,000 doctors, midwives and nurses working in the UK. The scandal at Stafford Hospital, called the Francis Report, where hundreds of patients suffered poor care and neglect. It exposed and revealed how fears over damage to the reputation Janner has been accused in Parliament of attacking children inside the Palace of Westminster. The police informed told him they wanted to bring 22 historical charges against Lord Janner. The dates are between 1969 and 1988. The director of public prosecutions (DPP) announced he would not be charged because of his dementia. But the latest news this week says this has been overturned. Lord JANNER the exMP denies any wrongdoing. His family support this, saying that the peer: “Is entirely innocent of any wrongdoing”. Lord Janner’s dementia was so severe that he could play no part in a trial says DPP Alison Saunders. The police condemned the CPS decision as wrong. The Labour suspended the 86-year-old peer. This is in the public interest and speaking in a Westminster Hall debate about the Crown Prosecution Service, the Rochdale MP, Mr Danczuk said: 02 July 2015 “I have met with Leicestershire police and discussed the allegations in detail. Children being violated, raped and tortured - some in the very building in which we now sit”. Although innocent until proven guilty, these are serious charges and I agree are within the public interest. He continued to say: “If Lord Janner really is too ill to face prosecution, then why can’t the courts establish this with a fitness to plead process? This would clear up doubts that still linger, for example why he was still visiting parliament on official visits after he was declared unfit to face justice”. Allegations against the 86-year-old Labour peer first came to light in 1991. He said that a trial of the facts would allow the victims to tell their stories. But surprisingly, the DPP said that would not be in the public interest: “Personally I fail to see how the knowledge that a peer of the realm is a serial child abuser is not in the public interest,” the MP added. I agree. I sense that the DPP are trying to hide the truth. Conservative MP Anne Main on many occasions, Mr Danczuk was repeatedly warned by the chair of the debate, against criticising Lord Janner. A former DPP-turned-Labour MP Sir Keir Starmer, said: “The decision before the DPP was not an easy decision. It was a stark and difficult choice between two unattractive approaches. We should respect the independence she brought to the decision making, and the fact she’s had that decision out for a review. To that extent I think we should inhibit our comments on the case”. I hope the truth, whatever it is, will come out in the end. UK JUSTICE SYSTEM IS FAILING THE POOREST IN BRITISH SOCIETY - The British Justice system in England and Wales has been said to be outdated and fails society’s poorest. Justice Secretary Michael Gove has said. The best legal provision was the preserve of the wealthy and favours those who are more affluent. I am sure to some extent it has always been this way. Victims of crime are badly let down, he said. Gove is seeking a £700m investment in the courts. This is to make better use of technology. It will speed up trial procedures. Mr Gove has also indicated that he would like to focus aspects of Freedom of Information (FOI) rules. He had concerns for the courts to erode exempted areas. The case for ministers to get advice from their civil servants in a “safe space”, was beyond the reach of FOI. This needs to be re-asserted. His first speech, since his appointment as lord chancellor and secretary of state for justice, Mr Gove also said he would review the legal aid system. He criticised the cuts to fees made by Ken Clarke and Chris Grayling, his predecessors. Speaking at the Legatum Institute in London, the former education secretary and chief whip said that while the UK’s global reputation for legal services was deserved. It was not “world-beating”. He continued to say: “There are two nations in our justice 15 02 July 2015 system at present. On the one hand, the wealthy, international class who can choose to settle cases in London with the gold standard of British justice. And then everyone else, who has to put up with a creaking, outdated system to see justice done in their own lives.The people who are let down most badly by our justice system are those who must take part in it through no fault or desire of their own - victims and witnesses of crime, and children who have been neglected”. Hopefully this will bring changes to the two tier justice system and make it fairer for all, whatever class you are or how much money you have. TRAVEL CHAOS FOR THOSE MIGRANTS TRAVELLING TO THE UK FROM FRANCE - Helicopter footage reported on the news this week, demonstrated migrants attempting to board lorries near Calais, in France. A strike shut down the Channel Tunnel which links England and France. The company who manages the tunnel said “protesters” had entered the terminal. Workers from a ferry company previously blockaded Calais port. The Eurotunnel reported it saw the highest number of migrants in the a fatality but it’s not good”. Helicopter footage showed miles of traffic and large groups gathered by the side of the road, some chasing and boarding a moving lorry from behind. Other migrants were seen talking openly with drivers. One group was chased away from a lorry by a driver, who saw them trying to break in. One man ran down the middle of the motorway to close the door behind to migrants who attempted to jump aboard. James Kleinfeld, an eyewitness said he had seen dozens of migrants on the side of the road: “We counted around 50 people that we saw hanging around the junction after the exit from the Channel Tunnel train station. I cross quite often but I’ve never seen any [migrants] hanging around that part. They are on the motorway, they are on the side of the motorway. In the direction of the UK there is miles and miles of traffic”. According to the Home Office, about 19,000 attempts to cross the Channel have been prevented in 2015. This had more than double the number during the same period last year. I can empathise that some migrants are desperate to cross the border, in the hopeof a better life in the UK. Their current situation propels them to act in whatever way they can to improve their quality of life and job prospects. To board a lorry, hiding away in a tight confirmed space is an act of despair. But on the other hand the UK must act to control its borders. It must be very frustrating for the lorry drivers, who have to take matters into their own hands and chase the migrants away. I once saw a border control documentary, where illegal migrants from Vietnam were discovered hidden away in a lorry. I felt sorry for these people who must have been so desperate to escape from their current situations, to pack themselves like human parcels in a box for days and days, in the dreams of a better life. SKINNY JEANS FOUND TO BE DAMAGING TO YOUR HEALTH Calais area ever in history. Hundreds have used the strike as an opportunity to attempt to board UK-bound lorries. The slow-moving traffic resulted from action by workers from the MyFerryLink company. The strike prevented ships from leaving or entering the port. The Eurotunnel disruption left long queues building on the roads into Calais. About 3,000 migrants are estimated to be living rough around Calais. Then waiting for a chance to cross the channel.Truck drivers were being advised not to stop within about 60 miles (97km) of the port, to stick with other drivers and to make sure all their doors were padlocked. Donald Armour, international manager at the Freight Transport Association, said the situation was worse than it has ever been. Therefore the number of stowaways had occurred, a spokesperson reported: “There is a lot of fighting between the migrants who all want to be on the best part of the road to get on to the lorries. We haven’t had in the changing rooms of Topshop. Only to find myself on the floor, pulling up the jeans past my calves with lack of success. There were red marks on my legs They do tend to suit those with a slim tall leg shape. They can shape the contour of a lady well, as demonstrated by Kate Moss, the famous British model in this photo. Many men also sport the skinny jean look, with what I call Robin Hood style long shoes. Such as Russell Brand. However trendy these jeans are and remain very much at the forefront of trouser fashion in the UK, they come with a serious health warning, reports this week show. They can cause serious damage to nerves and muscles, doctors have warned. There was a case 35-year-old Australian woman developed a condition called compartment syndrome, caused by bleeding or swelling within muscles. An article in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry said was made worse by her skinny jeans. Other researchers have identified several cases where patients have developed pain or tingling in their thighs.Men are warned that skinny jeans can lead to twisted testicles. They are typically urged to wear looser undergarments when they and their partner are trying to conceive. Professionals have warned high temperatures are thought to have a negative effect on sperm production. Tight jeans can also exacerbate heartburn, urinary tract infections and thrush. Remember you have to allow your skin to breathe. Tight trousers have also been blamed for exacerbating heartburn by putting pressure on the abdomen, which in turn pushes stomach acid upwards. Compartment syndrome is a fairly unusual phenomenon and in the Australian case there was a “perfect storm” of circumstances. The tightness of the woman’s jeans apparently caused her muscles to swell inwards rather than outwards, and the fact she was squatting for extended periods also worsened the situation. People should be aware there is only a small risk and you should try to find ones that fight you correctly and do allow for movement. If you go to the gym and forget your tracksuit bottoms, it is best not to exercise in tight-fitting denims or Lycra. TWO BRITISH TEENAGERS SPENT THE NIGHT IN POLISH JAIL FOR STEALING ARTIFACTS FROM AUSCHWITZ DEATH CAMP - I remember a time back a few years ago as a teenager, when leggings, skinny jeans or “drain pipe” trousers (my parents called it from the 80s), were unfashionable. Baggy, flared trousers were all the rage. How fashion changes. What becomes uncool becomes the latest trend, as skinny jeans did a few years ago. I have never been a huge fan of them, as my muscular leg shape feels like I am wearing compression stockings. I recall trying on my first pair These belonged to former prisoners. The boys, both aged 17, attend the £15,000-a-year independent Perse school in Cambridge. They were on a history trip to Poland. They are accused of attempting to steal spoons, buttons, pieces of glass and a comb. This is from a building where Nazi guards stored prisoners’ confiscated belongings during world war two. Sgt Krzysztof Lach, a spokesman at the Krakow police headquarters, said the teenagers were with a group of friends. I am sure they must have thought it was a joke, until they were detained. They spent the night in a jail for young people. The boys were questioned but refused to cooperate with the police investigation. A translator was assisting during the interviews. If guilty of theft, the pair face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty of theft. The police spokesman said a court would decide whether to release the boys after questioning: “For now it’s hard to say because they are being questioned [by] the investigation team in Oświęcim. The court will decide what to do”. Lach said: “The museum is very important for us and to people from all around the world and the Jewish people,” Lach added. Polish police said the pair acting suspiciously in block five. Block five contains belongings of former prisoners. A spokesman said the boys were being supported by a deputy head and have cooperated fully with the Polish authorities. The headteacher, Ed Elliott, said: “It is still too soon to comment on the details of this case. But it is particularly sad that a situation of this kind had arisen in the course of a visit to a location such as this...we believe that it is essential that young people growing up in today’s world have a proper understanding of just what happened in that time, and these visits are an important part of that process of learning and understanding”. LIB DEMS CALL FOR THE DECRIMINALISATION OF POSSESSION OF DRUGS FOR PERSONAL AND LEGALISE MEDICINAL USE OF CANNABIS - Liberal Democrat peers have called on the government for this change. This is something I agree with very much. A huge amount of police time is wasted arresting and charging those In possession for personal use. When they could be focusing their resources and time on the real criminals. Moreover there is much scientific evidence that supports the benefits of taking cannabis as medication. Brian Paadick, who is the party’s home affairs spokesman in the Lords. He is also a former London mayoral candidate. He has compiled a series of amendments to the government’s psychoactive substances bill. This outlines the decriminalisation of the possession of all drugs for personal use. Moreover it proposes legalisation of medicinal use of cannabis when it is prescribed by a doctor. The psychoactive substances bill will be debated in the Lords. The bill aims to outlaw legal highs. Legal 16 02 July 2015 drug users is simply not the answer,” he said. The shift in attitudes towards recreational drugs have changed. The UK, like the rest of the world, has lost the war in drugs. Many now believe it should be treated as a medical problem and not a criminal one. Paddick went on to say: “We have to learn the lessons of why our current approach is failing before we make the same mistakes with new psychoactive substances as we have done with other illegal drugs”. highs, although legal, have been blamed for a number of deaths in recent years. They are still not always safe for consumption. However draft legislation has been criticised for being badly drafted. It contains too broad a definition of psychoactive substances. Lord Paddick was deputy assistant commissioner for the Metropolitan police before his retirement, also called for the government to delay the new laws until a full independent, evidence- based review of existing laws had been carried out. Paddick commented that instead of tackling the threat of these new drugs, the proposed legislation was likely to make things worse: “When I was a police officer, I realised that locking up Decriminalising personal possession would free up police resources, ensure addicts got treatment and social users received the education they needed to keep them safe, said Paddick. Arguing for the legalisation of cannabis use for medical purposes, he said: “There can be absolutely no justification for seriously ill people, prescribed medicine by a doctor, to be forced to become drug smugglers. We aren’t talking about fake prescriptions for those wishing to get high. We are talking about properly prescribed doses of pain relief for those with serious conditions”. Liberalising drugs laws has always been a key Lib Dem policy, with the party’s two leadership candidates, Tim Farron and Norman Lamb, both backing calls for the UK to legalise, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis. Helen M.F.Jones Journalist and Assistant Editor Pariaz Ltd has 2 immediate vacancies (30hrs/wk) for a bookkeeper with a keen interest in IT and an accountant Candidates should have good numerical and analytical skills and familiar with accounting software Duties and Responsibilities: - Day to day Bookkeeping, invoicing and expense payments - Maintain records and files associated with various business transactions - Preparation of accounts - Preparation and Filling returns with HMRC, Companies House and other authorities - Support with internal/external audit, tax and compliance issues. - Payroll - Any other relevant duties Remuneration: - Negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Applicants should be settled in the UK Qualification & Experience: - Diploma but preferably Degree in Accounting and or Finance or equivalent - Should be of good character ( position subject to a DBS check or equivalent) - At least 1 year experience in a similar position - Good knowledge of IT is essential Location: Shepherd Bush, London (Opposite Westfield Shopping Centre) Working hours : Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm All applications to be made by email to [email protected] 18 02 July 2015 Heatwave “It is commonly observed, that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather; they are in haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm.” (Samuel Johnson) • people with serious mental health Sunblock v Sunscreen Oscar Wilde may have thought Image courtesy Sunday Times of it as the “last refuge of the unimaginative”, but talking about the weather is a very “British trait”. It even tops the list of what makes us British according to a survey carried by Opinium Research LLP. • people on certain medication • people with a serious chronic condition, particularly breathing or heart problems By now, everybody around the country must have moaned a hundred times about the scorching weather sweeping us since Monday. What exactly is a heatwave? Why do we need a Heatwave Plan for the UK? Image courtesy BBC What is a heatwave? A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. We tend to use the World Meteorological Organization definition of a heatwave which is “when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5 °C, the normal period being 1961 1990”. They are common in the northern and southern hemisphere during summer and classification and impacts vary globally. Why do heatwaves happen? Heatwaves are most common in summer when high pressure develops across an area. High pressure systems are slow moving and can persist over an area for a prolonged period of time such as days or weeks. They can occur in the UK due to the location of the jet stream, which is usually to the north of the UK in the summer. This can allow high pressure to develop over the UK resulting in persistent dry and settled weather. Impacts of heatwave The UK experiences occasional heatwaves but of a lesser frequency and intensity of those seen elsewhere globally. In August 2003, the UK experienced heatwave conditions lasting 10 days and resulting in 2,000 deaths. During this heatwave, a record maximum temperature of 38.5 °C was recorded at Faversham in Kent. In July 2006, similar conditions occurred breaking records and resulting in the warmest month on record in the UK. problems Image courtesy Google Image courtesy Google Deadly heatwave in France (summer 2003) Heatwave Plan for England The Heatwave Plan for England is a plan intended to protect the population from heat-related harm to health. The Heatwave Plan has been published annually since 2004, following the devastating pan-European heatwave of 2003. The Public Health Heatwave Plan for England recognises that summers are getting hotter. It builds on the NHS’ previous experience in England as well as on expert advice from the WHO( World Health Organisation) and the EuroHEAT project. A Heat Watch alert system operates from 1st June to 15th September and is based on Met Office data. More than 20,000 people died after a record breaking heatwave left Europe sweltering in August 2003. Many parts of Europe saw their temperature records broken in summer 2003, including the UK. A sweltering 38.5°C was recorded in Brogdale in Kent on 10 August 2003, a record high which still stands today. Estimated number of dead in 2003: France: 11,400 Netherlands: 1400 Portugal: 1300 UK: 900 Spain: 100 In case you are wondering about the necessity of a Heatwave Plan for England, remember how France handled, or mishandled, the situation in 2003. Image courtesy Google An estimated 11,435 people died in France’s heatwave in the first half of August, according to the country’s Health Ministry.Temperatures rose to over 40C in the first two weeks of the month, leading to an unusually high number of deaths of mainly elderly people and putting a heavy strain on mortuaries and funeral services. The French government met with scorching criticisms for its failure to prepare for the consequences of the heatwave. Many doctors and health experts have pointed out that a good number of the deaths could have been prevented. As early as August 7 there were warnings that the heat would have severe consequences and calls for emergency plans to be put into place, but the government remained totally passive. This led to an open conflict between various branches of the health system and the government over the developing disaster. In the second week of August the government was obliged to answer accusations of negligence and indifference. The fact that most of the victims of the heatwave were elderly give the tragedy another dimension. The shockwaves surrounding the deaths of those who were more “vulnerable” to heat still resound deeply with French and European politicians. Another striking aspect behind the tragedy of 2003 was the way those “vulnerable” people were left unattended by families. It should be reminded that it happened in August which is the month when families traditionally take holidays. Many of the deaths were due to hyperthermia and/or dehydration. Those who are vulnerable to heat • people who already have a high temperature from an infection • people who misuse alcohol or take illicit drugs • people with mobility problems • people who are physically active, like manual workers and athletes Keeping cool Below are a few tips to keep cool. The best thing to do is to stay out of the heat and the best way to do it are by: Keeping out of the sun between 11am and 3pm. The middle time of the day is when the sun’s rays are at their strongest. If you do have to head out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses with UVA and UVB blocking lenses. They would stop you from squinting as well as protect your eyes from UV damages. Make sure the sunglasses conform to the European Standard, indicated by the CE mark (or equivalent) and are labelled as providing protection against UV light. Avoid DIY or gardening when the sun it at its strongest (11am to 3pm). Image courtesy Google more Though we are all feeling the heat, some people are more vulnerable during a heatwave. These include the following: • the elderly, especially those over 75 • babies and young children Image courtesy Google Faced with such a wide choice of lotions to protect you from the sun’s rays, how do you know decide what to buy what is best for your skin? Whatever you decide, both are excellent when it comes to protecting yourself from harmful rays. Sunscreens chemically absorb UV rays, sunblocks physically deflect them. Sunscreen has long blocked UVB effectively, but until recently provided less UVA protection. Remember that there are two main types of UV (ultraviolet) sunlight: UVA and UVB. Exposure to strong rays lead to premature ageing and skin cancer. In December 2009, a remarkable new study made perhaps the strongest case ever that some melanomas are caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Over the years, more and more evidence has been added to the case made by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (UK) that most skin cancers are the direct result of over-exposure to harmful sun’s UV radiation. Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before heading outside. It needs to be reapplied every two hours or less. If you plan on going in the water, look for one which is “water-resistant”. Sunblock is different to sunscreen. Sunblock is opaque and stronger than sunscreen. It is able to block most UVA and UVB rays, owing to the ingredients it contains (usually titanium dioxide or zinc oxide). As with sunscreen, you should not consider sunblock as an alternative to other strategies for protecting the skin against the sun’s harmful rays. Sunscreens with an SPF of less than 15 do not give much protection. Always look for one above 15. Consider a much higher factor if you are on holiday in a very hot country. Skin tone is another factor when choosing the right SPF. If you ‘burn’ easily, go for a higher SPF. 19 02 July 2015 To figure out how long you are safe from the sun (at least the UVB rays) you need to do a little math. Take the number of SPF and multiply it by 10. That is the time that if you were under perfect conditions, you’d be safe from the sun’s rays. SPF 20 x 10 = 200 minutes of protection from the sun. ` Since it is better to be safe than sorry, apply the screen every 1 to 2 hours. Sunscreens can go off and not work after a time. Therefore, do not use out-of-date sunscreen (see the use by date on the bottle). Most have a shelf-life of 2-3 years. clothed or staying in the shade. While many in the West consider the veil as a symbol of oppression (they believe the women were forced to wear it), it should be remembered that in Muslim countries, mostly in the Middle East, women wore the veils for practical reasons as well. Mainly to protect their skins from harmful UV rays. The net-like veil, known as chachvan, which covers the eyes, were simply sunglasses. Invented long before what we know as sunglasses. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 35ml for the total body – that’s around seven teaspoons: one for the face/ head and neck, one for each arm and each leg, and one each for your front and your back. low quantity. Only fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines or cod liver oil contain significant amounts of vitamin D3. Most vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin after exposure to UVB light from the sun. It is estimated that, to prevent deficiency of vitamin D, we need 2-3 sun exposures per week in the summer months (April to September). Each exposure should last 20-30 minutes and be to bare arms and face. Short frequent periods of time in the sun are much more beneficial than long periods of time. It needs to be exposure to direct sunlight and not through a window. It is not the same as suntanning and sunburn should be avoided at all costs. Melatonin and Sleep Staying awake during the day and sleeping at night is a natural part of human life. Only recently have scientists begun to understand the alternating cycle of sleep and waking, and how it is related to daylight and darkness. Exposure to light stimulates a nerve pathway from the retina in the eye to an area in the brain called the hypothalamus. There, a special center called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) initiates signals to other parts of the brain that control hormones, body temperature and other functions that play a role in making us feel sleepy or wide awake. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends SPF’s of at least 15, which block 93 percent of UVB. While SPF’s higher than 30 block only 4 percent more UVB, they may be advisable for sun-sensitive individuals, skin cancer patients, and people at high risk of developing skin cancer. They also allow some margin for error if too little sunscreen is applied. Image courtesy Google Image courtesy Google Our body is designed to get the vitamin D it needs by producing it when we exposed our bare skin to sunlight. The part of the sun’s rays that is important is ultraviolet B (UVB). Image courtesy Google Sunshine Vitamin, Vitamin D Finally, let’s stop whinging, as British as that may be. Image courtesy Google UVA and UVB UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin, damaging the middle layer (the dermis). The dermis contains the elastic tissues that keep the skin stretchy. UVA rays therefore have the effect of ageing the skin and causing wrinkles. UVB rays are absorbed by the top layer of skin (the epidermis). This causes sun tanning but also burning. The easiest way to remember their harmful effects is to think of UVA as the ageing one and UVB as the burning one. A for Ageing, B for Burning. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Do not think of sunscreen as an alternative to avoiding the sun or covering up. It is used in addition. Sunscreens should not be used as an excuse to remain exposed for longer under a scorching sun. No sunscreen is 100% effective and it is not as effective as being Nobody is flying to the sun with wings of wax like Icarus, we all want to make the most of the British Summer Time. When the sun is out, we do feel more cheerful, less gloomy. Maybe we just need to be out more to feel less miserable about our lives. Maybe we are so cause we are not getting enough vitamin D. There is no scientific evidence of this, though the difference is noticeable when you look around, but I like to think it is true. Vitamin D deficiency is a real problem in Europe as levels in the blood are low in 50% to 70% of the population It is recommended that fair-skinned people who avoid the sun rigorously to reduce the risk of skin cancer should consider supplementing their intake of vitamin D. You should discuss this with your doctor to be sure you are not taking too much vitamin D, which may cause harm. Sunny mood & Serotonin Stepping outside when the sun is shining, bearing in mind the tips given above to stay protected, increases our level of serotonin. Among the many theories about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), one theory involves how the brain responds to light. Since light stimulates a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which controls our mood, sleep and appetite, how much light we get affects our symptoms of SAD. Serotonin is the happy hormones we need as they regulate our mood, appetite and sleep. Sunlight shuts off the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone produced at night that makes you feel drowsy. Constant exposure to sunlight can help your body maintain its circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is a 24hour cycle that regulates biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes and makes you feel tired when it’s dark outside. The SCN works like a clock that sets off a regulated pattern of activities that affect the entire body. Once exposed to the first light each day, the clock in the SCN begins performing functions like raising body temperature and releasing stimulating hormones like cortisol. The SCN also delays the release of other hormones like melatonin, which is associated with sleep onset, until many hours later when darkness arrives. Now is the time to boost your happy hormones, get your sunshine vitamin, but remember that moderation is the key to everything. The Arabs say it beautifully: “Sunshine all the time makes a desert.” Enjoy the British Summer Weather as winter is coming in a few months. Stay in the shade Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, as there is very little found in our food. Though we may take supplements to compensate the deficiency, a few minutes in the sun is enough. Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble molecules that are important micronutrients for health. Both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 can be obtained from the diet15, 16 but in relatively Image courtesy Google SJ s t o h S r u o m Gla at Champ de Mars 22 02 July 2015 131. THE MANGALKHAN PLATE - -1400 m – [0-25] R.CONSORT G.BOY D.CONTROLLER F.CURTAIN 131. THE MANGALKHAN PLATE 1400-[0-25] FIDELIS R.CONSORT G.GENT Q.TIME Rk Horse 1 2 3 CULA PAGEANTRY G.BOY Q.TIME G.GENT Jockey Time & Length W.GLIDER E.AWARD CASTLE Odds TOROTINO Equip Wgh Draw FIDELIS SND 60.5 3 J.Bardottier 1m25.52 12-1 Rk Horse ROVING CONSORT FIRE CURTAIN SN 58.5 58 10 7 R.Boutanive S.Rama 1m25.53 1m25.63 9-4F 11-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CASTLE EAGLE AWARD TOROTINO CULA DEUX FABULEAX WIND GLIDER PILOT MIKE MOON RAIDER 4 GENEROUS GENT BN 59.5 1 M.vanRensburg 1m25.76 5 6 DATA CONTROLLER GLORY BOY SN BND 60.5 60.5 9 2 R.Joorawon B.Sooful 1m25.81 1m25.99 11-1 11-1 8-1 7 QUESTION TIME BN 61 4 D.Moor 1m26.25 5-1 8 9 EARTHWIND’NFIRE PAGEANTRY B 59.5 60.5 8 6 D.Holland L.Goomany 1m26.31 1m26.55 6-1 29-1 10 SHERWANI N 53.5 5 V.Naiko 1m26.93 21-1 Race 1: 1 RACE Fidelis, Glory Boy, of Earthwind’nfire, Generous and Sherwani were to begin. The opening contest this classic meeting saw aGent thrilling finish, with theslow win going to Shortly after the start, when being urged forward, Pageantry shifted in and bumped Question Fidelis (Jeanot Bardottier). Time, unbalancing the latter. Passing the 1200 metres Question Time had to be steadied when in when insufficiently clear. At into this incident, jockey It Roving was FireConsort Curtaincame (S.Rama) who was the quickest outanofinquiry the blocks, leading from Data Boutanive pleaded guilty to a charge under MTC Rule 160 A (e) for careless riding and was Controller and for pre-race favourite Roving Consort (R.Boutanive). suspended(R.Joorawon), from riding in races one week. Earthwind’nfire raced wide without coverRunin the early stages.was Leaving the 900 metres Pageantry shifted in, carrying Earthwind’nfire onto the ning one-off Question Time (D.Moor), while Glory Boy (B.Sooful), Pageantry heels of Generous Gent with Earthwind’nfire having to be eased to avoid the heels of Gene(L.Goomany) and Generous Gent (M.van Rensubrg) were three-wide. Fidelis was rous Gent. At an inquiry into this incident, jockey Goomany (Pageantry) pleaded guilty to a charge under Rulejust 160 ahead A (e) for riding and was suspended from riding in races running alongMTC the rails, of careless EarthWind’N’Fire (D.Holland) and Sherwani for one Mauritian race meeting. From approaching the 700 metres Earthwind’nfire, which (V.Naiko). Fire Curtain led as he approached theheels finalofstraight, but Pageantry he found himself was over-racing, had to still be steadied when close to the Pageantry. raced wide from 450 metres. 300 metres was takenduel out swamped byleaving RovingtheConsort andApproaching Fidelis, withthe those 2 horseGenerous engagedGent in a thrilling from behind Question Time to continue going forward and, in doing so, carried Pageantry forwider the win. The latter got the win after a photo-finish. Fire Curtain was 3rd, just ahead on the track. Fire Curtain hung in in the home straight and passing the 100 metres had of to be taken out when close to the heels of Fidelis. Generous Gent. 133. THE M - HOMES COURSE DES TURFISTES CUP - -1365 m – [ Benchmark 46] O.PAN CHEQUER T.OF.H.CHOCS 250 S.KID 133. THE M - HOMES COURSE DES TURFISTES CUP GAMELOFT M.MARS1365 C.LORD GAMELOFT M.MARS C.LORD Rk Horse Equip Wgh 1 2 3 4 5 O’CHEE PAN CHEQUER CASH LORD MIGHTY MARS GAMELOFT N S SN N N 60 59.5 60.5 59.5 59.5 1 10 5 6 8 6 7 BLUE LORD SHANGHAI KID N BN 60 56.5 8 9 TOP OF THE CHOCS HUNTING TIME N ND 10 KING’S SOLDIER SN Race 3: 3 RACE Draw S.KID T.OF.H.CHOCS Time & Length BUT Odds J.Bardottier S.Bussunt R.Boutanive D.Holland R.Hoolash 1m22.37 1m22.85 1m22.94 1m23.09 1m23.14 4-5F 32-1 8-1 12-1 10-1 3 7 S.Bhundoo S.Rama 1m23.33 1m23.34 49-1 11-1 60 54 2 4 M.vanRensburg 1m23.40 K.Ghunowa 1m23.62 9-1 32-1 56.5 9 V.Naiko 16-1 E.g Draw SN ON B TD B PN 60 60 58.5 58.5 59 59 60 59 8 2 4 3 6 7 5 1 BN Jockey Time & Length R.Joorawon S.Rama M.vanRensburg D.Moor D.David J.Bardottier M.Neisius R.Boutanive 1m32.42 1m32.52 1m32.60 1m32.69 1m32.91 1m33.01 1m33.21 1m34.81 BUT Odds 6-4F 9-1 7-2 14-1 4-1 14-1 44-1 16-1 hanging in, carried Cula inwards onto Deux Fabuleax with the latter becoming cramped for galloping room between Eagle Award and Cula and having to be checked. An inquiry into this incident will be held on Tuesday morning. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Moon Raider suffered a bleeding attack. 134. THE DEV DASSAYE MEMORIAL CUP - -1600 m – [51] R.TRACTOR B.BARNATO 250 M.M.WONDER B.BUSTER PARADO 134. THE DEV DASSAYE MEMORIAL CUP 1600-Benchmark 51 B.BUSTER 1m24.60 R.TRACTOR M.M.WONDER Rk Horse 1 2 3 4 5 6 R = Race B.BARNATO PARADO Jockey Time & Length BUT Equip Wgh Draw DUSTAN BRONCO BUSTER MAKES ME WONDER RED TRACTOR @N PM N ND 59.5 60 59.5 59.5 6 4 1 5 J.Bardottier D.David S.Rama V.Naiko 1m37.86 1m37.86 1m37.94 1m38.09 6-4F 4-1 8-1 19-1 BARNEY BARNATO PARADO N N 59.5 59 2 3 R.Joorawon B.Lerena 1m38.29 1m38.46 5-1 7-2 Odds RACE 4 Makes Me Wonder jumped awkwardly and shifted out, crowding Barney Barnato onto Parado. Barney Barnato was slow to begin. Barney Barnato was taken back from the start. Leaving the 1365 metres Dustan commenced to over-race and had to be steadied when close the heels of Barney Barnato. of Passing the featuring 450 metresthe Makes MeDustan Wonderand wasBronco taken out Thistorace produced a humdinger a finish, winner from behind Bronco Buster to improve its position and in doing so carried Parado wider on Buster (D.David). winDustan completed Bardottier andhome the yard the track. ParadoDustan’s then carried wider a onhat-trick the track for withJeanot Dustan rounding the turn very wide. Dustan hung in the home straight. The Club’s Veterinary Surgeon reported that Gujadhur. Barney Barnato suffered a bleeding attack. Race 4: of The start saw Red Tractor (V.Naiko) seizing the lead, ahead of Bronco Buster, with Makes Me Wonder (S.Rama) in 3rd, Parado (B.Lerena) 4th, Barney Barnato (R.Joorawon) and Dustan. Positions remained unchanged after the field went past the winning post, with Red Tractor looking prominent at the front, while Makes Me Wonder was well placed along the rails. Dustan was on the move just before the final bend, and played his part in a stonking finish. In awe-inspiring fashion, Dustan responded superbly under the urgings of Jeanot Bardottier, as he surged through the field, and caught up with Bronco Buster, who appeared in the lead with just metres to go. It was a tremendous finish, with the verdict in Dustan’s favour, after a photo-finish, much to the joy of Jeanot Bardottier. Makes Me Wonder was 3rd, after appearing to be interfered in the final metres, while Red Tractor stayed on for 4th. Note: Do not leave any space between characters. AmountR?H? Amount = Stakes amount Wgh Following the running of the race, the Stewards sounded the inquiry sign and considered an Runner-up over his Castle went one better this time round,Castle justifying hisdeobjection lodged bydebut jockeystart, van Rensburg (Torotino), declared 3 , against being clared the winner,in alleging interference in the home straight. Evidence was taken from both status as favourite this contest. riders and trainers. It was established that approaching the 100 metres Castle hung in under pressure, resulting in Torotino having to be at taken to continue going forward. and Taking into Ridden by Rye Joorawon, Castle followed the out back, while Cula (D.Moor) Deux consideration the degree of interference suffered by Torotino and the beaten margin, the Fabuleax (D.David) fought lead. Behind them were (S.Rama) Stewards were satisfied thatfor thethe interference did not affect the Eagle result Award of the race, as suchand the objection was dismissed. An inquiry into this incident was adjourned to Tuesday morning. Pilot Mike (M.Neisius) racingwere side-by-side, whileCastle the same wasawkwardly, said for Moon Raider Moon Raider and Torotino slow to begin. jumped shifted in and had to be steadied when close to theRensburg). heels of Wind Glider. Approaching the along 1365 metres (R.Boutanive) and Torotino (M.van Wind Glider was running the Castle had to be checked to avoid the heels of Wind Glider, which was being taken inwards when clear. At an inquiry into this the incident, jockey Bardottier (Wind Glider) rails, justinsufficiently ahead of Castle. Deux Fabuleax took lead after leaving the back straight, was found guilty of a charge under MTC Rule 160 A (e) for careless riding and was fined while Castle Wind was onGlider the move back. It wascover him who had the momentum the Rs.35,000. then further raced wide without and approaching the 1200 in metres Wind Glider was easedsuperb to take up a position behind Torotino.ahead Castle, following, home straight, showing acceleration, and finishing ofwhich Eaglewas Award, Torowas crowded for room and had to be checked to avoid the heels of Wind Glider. Approaching theand 1100 metres had only to beconfirmed, steadied to after avoidan theobjection heels of Wind Glider. was tino Cula. TheCastle win was by Marco vanCastle Rensburg taken out to improve its position from approaching the 450 metres and raced wide from then – jockey ofCastle Torotino – in was retained the the Racing Stewards. onwards. hung thenot home Over concluding stages Castle, which was still DUSTAN O’Chee Pan’s (Jeanot amazing start life taken in Mauritius as he made it a Blue Lord, MightyBardottier) Mars and Shankhai Kid to were back at continued, the start. King’s Soldier raced wide without cover in the early stages. Mighty Mars hung in in the home straight. hat-trick of wins. Jockey Boutanive (Cash Lord) dropped his whip leaving the 250 metres. Breaking from the ace, he got a good start, running on the inside of Top Of The Chocs (M.van Rensburg), who was trying not to make things easy for the favourite. Hunting Time (B.Sooful) was running along the rails, directly behind O’Chee Pan, and alongside Cash Lord (R.Boutanive). Gameloft (R.Hoolash) had managed to secure a position along the rails, despite his bad draw, and he was running ahead of Chequer (S.Bussunt), who had King’s Soldier (V.Naiko) on his outside. Mighty Mars (D.Holland), Blue Lord (S.Bhundoo) and Shanghai Kid (S.Rama) completed the field. O’Chee Pan started his bid for glory just after the final bend, and he had no such problems thereafter. Chequer was an excellent 2nd, ahead of a fastfinishing Cash Lord. SMS Format: Equip DUSTAN B.LORD Jockey P.MIKE W.GLIDER RACE Race 2: 2 CHEQUER O.PAN D.FABULEAX CULA BUT 250 M.RAIDER TOROTINO CASTLE E.NFIRE D.CONTROLLER FIDELIS 132. THE MANOJ DASSAYE PAPER PROCESSING CUP - DRAPER’S MILE - -1500 m – [Benchmark 41] 132. THE MANOJ DASSAYE PAPER PROCESSING CUP E.AWARD D.FABULEAX PAGEANTRY F.CURTAIN SATURDAY 250 SHERWANI E.NFIRE H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. To bet £50 on Race No1 Horse No5 Send 50R1H5 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: [email protected] 18+ 23 02 July 2015 135. THE GAETAN ROLAND LAGESSE CUP - -1400 m – [0-25] SATURDAY N.PRISONERS OBAMA P.ALBERT FYRKAT M.SKY P.ROYALE 135. THE GAETANB.O.OZZ ROLAND LAGESSE I.T.FRAME CUP 1400-[0-25] N.PRISONERS A.DAY B.O.OZZ Horse Equip Wgh Draw BULSARA L.STRUCK M.SKY I.T.FRAME D.TALE BULSARA B.BEAT Jockey Time & Length Odds FYRKAT N 60 2 S.Rama 1m25.95 13-8F 2 3 BLIZZARD OF OZZ OBAMA BN S 60.5 61 1 3 D.Moor D.David 1m26.05 1m26.24 13-1 5-1 60.5 4 D.Holland 1m26.33 11-1 60.5 58 6 7 V.Naiko 1m26.35 M.vanRensburg 1m26.50 19-1 29-1 4 DESTINY’S TALE 5 6 NO PRISONERS ALBERTS DAY 7 IN THE FRAME 59 10 S.Bhundoo 1m26.61 15-1 8 9 PORT ALBERT BONGO BEAT T 58 59.5 5 8 M.Neisius G.D.Aucharuz 1m26.65 1m26.77 10-1 6-1 10 MARINE SKY TBD 54 9 B.Sooful 1m26.87 44-1 RACE Race 5: 5 Acting on veterinary advice that Benjamin Brush was lame, the Stewards ordered its withFyrkat managed to score his first win in Mauritius, withall Swapneel Rama producing a drawal at 8.45 a.m. on Friday. In view of this withdrawal, bets on Benjamin Brush were ordered to ride. be refunded and betting with bookmakers was re-opened. With the withdrawal determined of Benjamin Brush, Emergency Acceptor Port Albert became a runner and was ridden by From theNeisius. word go, Destiny’s Tale (D.Holland) seized the lead, with Obama (D.David) jockey Obama, Fyrkatbehind. and Alberts Day were slow to begin. Sky jumped was awkwardly, running directly The Emergency Acceptor Port Marine Albert (M.Neisius) one-off, throwing its head. Port Albert raced fiercely in the early stages and, when being settled, threw ahead of his mate Bongo Beat (A.Aucharuz). Blizzard was well its head andstable raced ungenerously. In The Frame raced wide fromOf theOzz 600 (D.Moor) metres. Leaving the 500 metres was taken from behind Destiny’s Tale to its position, carrying placed alongObama the rails, with NooutPrisoners (V.Naiko) racing onimprove his outside. Fyrkat, In The Bongo Beat wider on the track. No Prisoners raced wide from approaching the 450 metres. Frame (S.Bhundoo), Day (M.van Rensburg) and Marine Sky (B.Sooful) completNo Prisoners hung inAlberts the home straight. ed the field. Destiny’s Tale continued to hold the cards as the race neared its conclusion, but he was unable to sustain his effort. Instead, it was Fyrkat, who showed superb acceleration in the final metres, resisting Blizzard Of Ozz, who had a good run throughout. Obama was 3rd, ahead of Destiny’s Tale. 137. THE SIR DONALD MACKENZIE KENNEDY CUP - -1000 m – [Benchmark 36] W.A.MILLION E.CHANCE 250 MILLENIMESTA 137. THE SIR DONALD MACKENZIE KENNEDY CUP 1000-Benchmark 36 MARTIN K.COAST A.O.VALOR O.EDGE A.MAHARA W.A.MILLION E.CHANCE A.O.VALOR Rk Horse 1 WIN A MILLION Equip ND 2 ACT OF VALOR TN 3 EVEN CHANCE UN 4 AL MAHARA TD 5 MARTIN S 6 MILLENIMESTA S 7 KAPITI COAST B+N 8 OCEANS EDGE TND 9 TIGER MASTER 10 MEDITERRANEAN MAN SN Race 7: 7 RACE Draw 58 3 60 59.5 59 58.5 59.5 60 56 53 56 7 2 8 1 10 4 5 9 6 K.COAST Jockey Time & Length BUT Odds D.Holland 0m57.28 7-2 R.Joorawon S.Rama B.Lerena M.vanRensburg D.David S.Bussunt R.Hoolash V.Naiko B.Sooful 0m57.28 0m57.55 0m57.55 0m57.91 0m58.08 0m58.26 0m58.33 0m58.57 0m59.15 2-1F 14-1 19-1 5-1 12-1 13-2 10-1 44-1 69-1 Martin was slow to begin. Kapiti was slow into stride. TigerWin Master fly-jumped at the Darryl Holland ended a very longCoast drought, winning on board A Million in the start. From its wide draw Millenimesta was taken back from the start. Leaving the 900 metres penultimate contest. Kapiti Coast became awkward when close to the heels of Even Chance and, when being eased, shifted out abruptly, crowding Mediterranean Man. It which was a was free-for-all at the start, withOceans Act OfEdge Valoronto (Rye Joorawon), Win AMillenimesta, Million, Al following, became awkward when close to the heels of Oceans Edge and was taken Mahara (B.Lerena) and Tiger Master (V.Naiko) running at the front. Kapiti out to avoid its heels. Leaving the 600 metres Kapiti Coast,four-abreast which was over-racing, became awkward when close to the heels of Act Of Valor clipped its heels and blundered. Al Mahara Coast (S.Bussunt) was 5th, slightly ahead of Even Chance (S.Rama) while Mediterranean and Tiger Master raced wide from leaving the 600 metres. From leaving the 100 metres, when being ridden withMartin the whip, Even Rensburg), Chance shifted out and had (R.Hoolash) to be steadied and whenMillenimesta close to the Man (B.Sooful), (M.van Oceans Edge heels of Win A Million. (D.David) were closely bunched at the back. It was a straight fight for the win between Win A Million and Act Of Valor, and it was the former that just about did enough. Even Chance was a solid 3rd, just ahead of Al Mahara. SMS Format: BULSARA ONE COOL DUDE POLAR ROYALE LOVE STRUCK ALBERT MOONEY ABINGTON CAPTAIN FIRTH REIM Equip SN ND BN N N BN BD Race 6: 6 RACE R = Race Wgh Draw 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 6 3 5 1 4 7 2 8 Jockey Time & Length J.Bardottier B.Lerena D.David S.Rama D.Moor R.Joorawon B.Sooful R.Boutanive 1m36.51 1m36.71 1m36.86 1m37.03 1m37.61 1m37.97 1m37.99 1m38.17 BUT Odds 4-1 5-4F 8-1 9-2 13-1 24-1 59-1 11-1 Win number forRoyale Jeanotcame Bardottier yard of Gujadhur came in the best manBulsara andfour Polar togetherand on the jumping. Albert Mooney jumped awkwardly, shifted in and bumped One Cool Dude. Albert Mooney then shifted out, bumping Polar ner of all, as Bulsara took home out the and second classicBulsara of the season. Royale, with the latter shifting crowding onto Abington. Abington then out,saw inconveniencing Reim on the outside. Passingthe the lead, 1400 metres Captain Firth was A shifted hot start Albert Mooney (Daniel Moor) taking followed closely by Love crowded for room on the inside of Polar Royale, which was being taken in to take a position on the(Swapneel rails and had to beand checked, losingDude its position. Bulsara was taken out from the 400 Struck Rama) One Cool (Brandon Lerena). Reim (Jean-Roland metres and raced wide rounding the home turn. Boutanive) was running on the outside of Polar Royale (Derreck David) as they went past the winning post. Captain Firth (Dinesh Sooful), Abington (Rye Joorawon) and Bulsara were at the back. Reim continued to run on the outside, appearing in the lead at one point down the back straight. Love Struck looked ideally placed along the rails, while One Cool Dude looked prominent, even if he was on the outside. Further back, Bulsara was running quietly, setting himself up for the finish. Albert Mooney was back in the lead, just before the final straight, while Polar Royale and One Cool Dude raced side-by-side heading into the final straight. Bulsara went widest of all, and he came up with a devastating finish, winning his second race in-a-row and sealing a second 138. THE SAMAN PLATE - -1400 m – [Benchmark 31] consecutive classic win for his yard. One Cool Dude could only manage 2nd, with Polar C.STYLE 250 Royale and Love Struck filling the minor honours. T.O.FORTUNE P.DIVE RAINSTONE B.BOJANGLES Y.MAN PLATE HERO SAMAN I.M.PARTY 138.T.R.THE 1400-Benchmark 31 T.O.FORTUNE B.BOJANGLES P.DIVE Y.MAN C.STYLE RAINSTONE I.M.PARTY Rk Horse 1 2 THE REAL HERO TRIAD OF FORTUNE S N 59 59 1 10 3 4 5 6 7 YODA MAN IT’S MY PARTY POWER DIVE BILLY BOJANGLES RAINSTONE N S SN SN 58.5 57.5 58.5 58.5 59 8 COOLS STYLE BN 9 10 SENESCHAL OCEAN HUNTER N B Equip Wgh Draw Jockey Time & Length BUT Odds D.David S.Rama 1m25.52 1m25.54 11-4F 13-2 9 7 5 2 6 J.Bardottier M.vanRensburg R.Joorawon B.Lerena R.Boutanive 1m25.70 1m25.94 1m25.96 1m26.04 1m26.29 7-1 24-1 10-1 2-1 17-1 58.5 3 S.Bussunt 1m26.35 7-1 60 57.5 8 4 D.Holland K.Ghunowa 1m26.83 1m27.59 24-1 79-1 RACE Race 8: 8 Billy Bojangles and Ocean Hunter were slow to begin. Yoda Man was taken back from the Derreck David andand theTriad yard Of of Gilbert managed endinthis meeting on a start. Rainstone FortuneRousset raced wide without to cover the classic early stages. Approaching the 1200 metres Rainstone was eased to take up the position behind Cools Style. It’s high, as The Real Hero went one better, after finishing 2nd over his debut outing. My Party, which was following, became awkward on the heels of Cools Style, shifted in and crowded Ocean An inquiry be held into from this incident Tuesday morning. ApBreaking from theHunter. ace, he got the bestwill start, leading Power on Dive (R.Joorawon), proaching the 1000 metres Billy Bojangles, which was over-racing, had to be steadied when whoclose thentoproceeded to run on the outside of the leader. Billy Bojangles (B.Lerena) was the heels of The Real Hero and, when being steadied, threw its head and raced ungenerously for some distance. Rainstone and It’s My Style Party(S.Bussunt) over-raced inand the debutant middle stages and along the rails, accompanied by the duo of Cools It’s My approaching the 700 metres Yoda Man, which was over-racing, became awkward when close to the heelsRensburg). of Rainstone and, when being steadied, raced ungenerously. raced Party (M.van Rainstone (R.Boutanive) was slightly ahead of Yoda OceanMan Hunter wide from leaving the 500 metres. Seneschal raced wide from leaving the 600 metres. Near (K.Ghunowa), with Yoda Man (J.Bardottier), Seneschal (D.Holland) and TriadhisOfwhip Fortune 150 metres The Real Hero hung out under pressure with jockey David switching to his left all hand. Power Dive, following, was Yoda taken Man, to the with insidehis of jockey The Real Hero (S.Rama) at the back. Thewhich horsewas on the move was – Jeanot to continue going forward, resulting in Triad Of Fortune, which was following, having to be taken to taking the inside Power Dive to secure running. was An inquiry be held inciBardottier theofinitiative, while Triadclear Of Fortune settingwill himself upinto foranthe final dent which occurred between jockeys van Rensburg and Bardottier on the track after the race. straight. Not for the first time during this classic meeting, the finish was superb, with The Real Hero and Triad Of Fortune going head-to-head, and it was the former, who got the win by a very close shave. Yoda Man was not far away in 3rd, with It’s My Party a promising 4th. Neilsen Ip AmountR?H? R?H? Amount = Stakes amount E.g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T.R. HERO MARTIN Wgh Horse O.EDGE MILLENIMESTA A.MAHARA Rk A.MOONEY P.ROYALE O.C. DUDE BUT 1 N BN 250 P.ALBERT OBAMA Rk C.FIRTH L.STRUCK O.C. DUDE REIM 136. THE Le Point Stationery BARBE CUP 1600-[65+] G.1 Poids d’Age A.MOONEY ABINGTON D.TALE FYRKAT 136. THE LE POINT STATIONERY BARBE CUP - -1600 m – [65+] G.1 Poids d’Age 250 A.DAY Note: Do not leave any space between characters. H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. For a double bet of $25 on Race No1 Horse No5, and Race No4 Horse No1 Send 25R1H5R4H1 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: [email protected] 18+ 24 02 July 2015 The Le Point Stationery Barbe Cup (Group 1) BULSARA: TRAINED TO KILL! This classic meeting was all about Jeanot Bardottier and Gujadhur stable. This pair took home half of the race card, but most important of all, they were victorious in the main event of the day – The Le Point Stationery Barbe Cup. Bulsara once again blew the opposition away with his devastating finish, and sealed a second consecutive classic win for his yard. His stable companions Fidelis, O’Chee Pan and Dustan also formed part of this majestic quadruple, on a wonderful day of racing. On paper, this Group 1 classic was wide open. One Cool Dude (Brandon Lerena) was in tremendous shape, and was looking for his second straight win, following his win in the Group 1 MTC Bicentenary Trophy. There was also Love Struck (Swapneel Rama), who was making his debut for Patrick Merven. He was also in excellent shape, and was bidding to earn a first ever classic for his trainer. Gilbert Rousset was represented by the duo of Albert Mooney (Daniel Moor) and Polar Royale (Derreck David), with both horses impressive in their gallops. Ramapatee Gujadhur has been selecting carefully the races of Bulsara, because of his age. The latter showed no signs of rustiness at track work, and his connections were expecting a cracker of a performance. His stable mate Reim (Jean-Roland Boutanive), Captain Firth (Dinesh Sooful) and Abington (Rye Joorawon) were all in good shape, but their respective chances looked difficult. It was no surprise to see both Albert Mooney and Reim fighting for the lead. The hot pace was clearly in Bulsara’s favour, who was running very ominously at the back. The trio of Love Struck, Polar Royale and One Cool Dude were all in good positions, but when it came to the final stages, only one horse had the finish, which was deserving of winning a classic. Jeanot Bardottier made his move just before the final bend, and in homage to last year’s winner Polar Bound, Bulsara went widest of all. Just as he proved in the Coupe Du-Cent Cinquantinaire, he produced a devastating finish, blowing away the opposition like a force five cyclone, and winning this Group 1 event in style. One Cool Dude could only settle for 2nd, just ahead of Polar Royale. Love Struck completed the quartet, although he ran into interference in the final bend, when Reim was weakening directly in front of him. Nevertheless, it is doubtful that he would have had any answer to Bulsara’s finish, which was devastating. The win of Bulsara went down very well not just for his connections, and his jockey, but to the punters also, who had supported the horse. On his way back to the paddock, Jeanot Bardottier was given a reception, which would have been appropriate for the winner of a boxing match. He had already tasted it three times before he won on Bulsara, on what was a magical day for the Mauritian jockey. It all started in the opening contest, when he was riding Fidelis. He won the race, after a thrilling battle with hot favourite Roving Consort (Jean-Roland Boutanive). The win was confirmed, after a photo-finish. His next success was in Race 3, and it was a simple formality. O’Chee Pan was looking for a hat-trick of wins, and he had no such problems in achieving his aim. Fittingly, Jeanot Bardottier’s hat-trick was completed in the very next race, courtesy of Dustan. In what was a sign of things to come, Dustan produced a turbo-charged finish to deny Bronco Buster (Derreck David) at the death, and such was the very close margin, it went to a photo-finish. It was a beautiful day of racing, with four photo-finishes. Fidelis and Dustan got the verdicts in the first two. The other two photo-finishes occurred in the final two races. Race 7 saw Win A Million (Darryl Holland) just denying the favourite Act Of Valor (Rye Joorawon), while The Real Hero (Derreck David) confirmed his very promising debut by going one better, albeit by a photo-finish, at the expense of a fast-finishing Triad Of Fortune (Swapneel Rama). The other two races (2 and 5) were won by Castle (Rye Joorawon) and Fyrkat (Swapneel Rama), with both horses joining The Real Hero in opening their accounts in Mauritius. Neilsen Ip What they said ON TV: Ramapatee Gujadhur (Trainer of Bulsara) ‘This goes out to everyone in the stable. We worked hard together to keep Bulsara fit and fresh for two months. We were always targeting the Barbe Cup with him. Once again, I must thank Barty (Praveen Nagadoo), who is my right hand man. It is a big day for us, as we have won 4 races, including this classic!’ Jeanot Bardottier (Jockey of Gujadhur stable) ‘I will always remember this day for the rest of my life. It is the same for my mum, wife, and my son. Bulsara was in tremendous shape, and did very well at track work on Tuesday. I followed my trainer’s instructions to the letter. When I made my move just before the final straight, he showed his class, his big heart, and his physical form. ‘Fidelis was running in a weaker field, and was drawn well. He appreciated the going, and responded superbly when I put him under pressure. ‘O’Chee Pan was a banker for me! My trainer kept him fresh. He had a dream run, and I waited patiently before I started my attack. He will win again this season. ‘Dustan accelerated really well to steal the win from Bronco Buster. Once again, he was following at the back, before slowly closing in on the leaders. I think he is even more dangerous over much longer.’ Yannick Perdrau (Assistant-trainer of Castle) ‘Castle confirmed why he was the favourite today. I have to thank his owners, who have made an effort with this horse. In my opinion, this is a horse that has a very bright future here, and we can rely on him for the remainder of this season.’ Patrick Merven (Trainer of Fyrkat) ‘It is really an incredible ride from Swapneel (Rama). There is no pressure on him from everyone here in the stable. For me, it is because of him that Fyrkat won today.’ Vincent Allet (Trainer of Win A Million) ‘Our biggest danger was Act Of Valor, but he was drawn wider than us. Darryl (Holland) was spoilt for choice in this race, but he chose Win A Million. I initially believed he won easily, but I wanted to see the photo-finish first.’ 25 02 July 2015 HORSE OWNER MEETING 13 373rd WIN 586th WIN FIDELIS (J.Bardottier) CASTLE (R.Joorawon) 132. THE MANOJ DASSAYE PAPER PROCESSING CUP - 131. THE MANGALKHAN PLATE 1400-[0-25] Prop.: MM. & Mmes Gavin Glover, Bernard Lee & M. Dinesh Jaunky Entraîneur: M.Alain Perdrau Prop.: M. & Mme Ramapatee, MM. Tikanand, Uday K. & Dr. Prashant Gujadhur Entraîneur: M.Ramapatee Gujadhur Draper’s Mile 1500 375th WIN 374th WIN O’CHEE PAN (J.Bardottier) 133. THE M - HOMES COURSE DES TURFISTES CUP 1365-Benchmark 46 Prop.: M. & Mme Ramapatee, M. Tikanand & Dr. Hemant K. Gujadhur Entraîneur: M. Ramapatee Gujadhur DUSTAN (J.Bardottier) 134. THE DEV DASSAYE MEMORIAL CUP 1600-Benchmark 51 Prop.: M. & Mme Ramapatee, MM. Tikanand, Uday k., Dr. Hemant K. & Mlle Shikha Gujadhur Entraîneur:M.Ramapatee Gujadhur 289th WIN 376th WIN BULSARA (J.Bardottier) FYRKAT (S.Rama) Prop.: Lagesse 135. THE GAETAN ROLAND LAGESSE CUP 1400-[0-25] MM. D. & J.Claude Le Breton, M. Berne, G. & S. de Rosnay & Mme M.Christine Entraîneur: M.Patrick Merven 136. THE Le Point Stationery BARBE CUP 1600-[65+] G.1 Poids d’Age Prop.: M. & Mme Ramapatee, M. Tikanand & Dr. Hemant K. Gujadhur Entraîneur: M. Ramapatee Gujadhur 309th WIN 685th WIN WIN A MILLION (D.Holland) THE REAL HERO (D.David) 137. THE SIR DONALD MACKENZIE KENNEDY CUP 1000-Benchmark 36 Prop.: M. France Law, M. & Mme J. Pompon & M. F. Lottering Entraîneur:M.Vincent Allet 138. THE SAMAN PLATE 1400-Benchmark 31 Prop.: MM G. Hardy, Gilbert Rousset, Mmes M.C. Menage, M. Desjardins & Josik Rousset Entraîneur: M. Gilbert Rousset 26 02 July 2015 IN THE STEWARDS ROOM Three jockeys banned, two others fined! It was a very busy Tuesday for the Racing Stewards, with many inquiries taking place. Three jockeys were given suspensions, while both Jeanot Bardottier and Marco van Rensburg were fined for pleaded not guilty to the charge, but the Racing Stewards were having none of it, and found the jockey of Gujadhur stable guilty. board Roving Consort in the opening race, he pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding, after his horse interfered with Question Time (Daniel Moor) when passing the 1200 metres. Jean- Stables, Jockeys and Horses Championships separate offences – with the latter having been accused of coming up with a racist Roland Boutanive was given a ban of one meeting. Bulsara and his jockey pedals to the top! There were significant changes in all of the Horses, Jockeys and Trainers’ championships, following the conclusion of last Saturday’s classic meeting. remark. In fact, the alleged remark of Marco van Rensburg towards Jeanot Bardottier was the topic of Tuesday morning. Following the final race, Jeanot Bardottier and his trainer – Ramapatee Gujadhur, reported Marco van Rensburg to the Racing Stewards, citing that the word ‘cafer’ was used by the South African jockey towards Jeanot Bardottier. The Racing Stewards subsequently opened an inquiry, and after listening to numerous accounts, they were of the opinion that they could not prove beyond any reasonable doubt that a racist word was used by Marco van Rensburg – jockey of Rameshwar Gujadhur. Neverthless, Marco van Rensburg did admit to using foul language against Jeanot Bardottier, and his punishment was a Rs 30,000 fine. He later tendered his apologies to Jeanot Bardottier, and Ramapatee Gujadhur. Mauritian jockey Jean-Roland Boutanive was sanctioned twice, once on Saturday, and once more on Tuesday. Riding on However, one meeting would turn into four, after his ride on Reim in the Barbe Cup did not satisfy the Racing Stewards. He was also fined Rs 25,000. Girish Goomany was another jockey that pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding. Riding on board Pageantry, he accepted that his horse had ‘shifted in’ at the 900 metres, forcing EarthWind’N’Fire (Darryl Holland) onto Generous Gent (Marco van Rensburg). He was given a ban of one meeting. Rye Joorawon was the 3rd jockey to be found guilty of careless riding, during his race-winning ride on Castle. In fact, he was sanctioned twice for two interferences. He was suspended for one meeting, and fined Rs 25,000. It is more likely that he will not be riding during the 15th meeting, scheduled for July 11th. On the Saturday, Jeanot Bardottier was fined Rs 35,000 for careless riding, when his horse Wind Glider, had interfered with the eventual winner Castle at the 1400 metre post. Jeanot Bardottier Bulsara’s win in the Barbe Cup saw him go straight to the top of the Horses’ championship. He is now ahead of his stable companion Kremlin Captain, who is currently making progress after sustaining a foot injury. Two other horses belonging to Ramapatee Gujadhur are in the top 10 of the standings. They are Silver Bluff (5th position) and hat-trick hero O’Chee Pan (7th position). Jeanot Bardottier was the hero of the meeting. He bagged a magnificent quadruple, pedalling all the way to the top of the Jockeys’ championship. Second placed Brandon Lerena went winless, but both Derreck David and Rye Joorawon scored once. All four jockeys are some distance ahead of defending champion Cedric Segeon, whose future is unclear, following the controversial decision of his work permit not being renewed. It was a brilliant Saturday for Ramapatee Gujadhur. He scored a 13th classic win as a trainer, and saddled three other winners. He is sitting comfortably top of the Trainers’ championship, Rs 1,127,000 ahead of his nearest challenger – Patrick Merven. Just like his jockey, Gilbert Rousset scored once during this classic meeting, while it was the opposite for Ricky Maingard. Neilsen Ip 28 02 July 2015 SATURDAY THE WINTER STAKES (Group 3) CAN VETTEL MAKE IT COUNT? Following an excellent day of racing throughout last Saturday’s classic meeting, attention now turns to the Winter Stakes – a Group 3 race, and also the first leg of the Stayers’ championship. Only seven horses will be in the starting stalls for this race, but it can be said that all of them have their cases for victory. One jockey that can do no wrong at this present moment is championship leader Jeanot Bardottier. He bagged an impressive quadruple in the last meeting, culminating in his classy ride on Bulsara in the Barbe Cup. He will be riding Vettel in this Saturday’s feature race, and this is a horse which has divided opinion recently. At first glance, Vettel’s 8th place in the main event of the 7th meeting looks very disappointing. However, we can testify that not everything was in his favour during the race. He did not have an easy run throughout, and the very poor going was another factor that contributed to his no-showing. If his current form is to be taken into account, there are big expectations of a much improved performance. Vettel has been brilliant at track work, none more so during his gallop alongside Bulsara last Tuesday. He will appreciate tackling the 1850 metres trip, on which he has scored his two wins. The only question remains is whether he can reproduce his training form onto the real thing. If he does, he has an excellent chance of ending a winless drought, dating back to his win in the 2013 Ladies’ Day Mauritius Derby Cup. Of the new arrivals this season, Top Jet (Brandon Lerena) came with a very handy reputation. He produced a bullet-like finish to take 2nd in the Duchess Of York Cup, a result which could well have been even better, had he been drawn well. Since that run, he has shown bags of improvement, and he was outstanding in his workouts. The longer trip should play into his hands, and there are every expectations of a bold statement coming from this son of Jet Master. Gilbert Rousset is represented by Everest (Derreck David), a horse who had a quiet, yet effective run to 4th in the Duchess Of York Cup. This elegant-looking horse has come on leaps and bounds from that race, and just like Vettel and Top Jet, he should have no problems tackling this 1850 metre trip. He is highly well regarded within his yard, and will have a major say in proceedings. The Patrick Merven-trained Skippyjon Jones (Swapneel Rama) needs no introduction. After a very promising showing in the Coupe Du-Cent Cinquantinaire, he went one better in the feature race of meeting 7. Since arriving from South Africa, he has always performed to the best of his ability, with his tally of four wins a testament to that. He is on very good terms with himself, and it will not be a surprise if he can make it two in-a-row. Diamond Light won this very race last season, and he has not been entered just to complete the field. He may have finished a distant 3rd in his previous start, but it was a run that has done him plenty of good. He has been well-trained, and he has very good form over the 1850 metres. Rye Joorawon is reunited with him, and this is a partnership that has been in the winner’s enclosure numerous times. The field is completed by Bastille Day (Daniel Moor) and 2012 champion horse Ice Axe (Sunil Bussunt). Bastille Day won excellently last time out, and since then, he has remained in excellent form. He is another horse that should enjoy the trip, and is not prevented from showing up. Ice Axe was an impressive 3rd, not far away behind One Cool Dude in the Group 1 MTC Bicentenary Trophy. His trainer – Vincent Allet – took the decision to run him without any improvement, and it looks to have been a smart choice. He looks in good order, and even though he has a tough task, he should not be disgraced. The tandem of Brandon Lerena and Ricky Maingard went winless last Saturday. This time round, there are plenty ofNeilsen Ip opportunities to set the record straight. Along with Top Jet, the chances of Elite Class (Race 2), Bandido Caballero (Race 4) and even Arrowhead (Race 7) are all very high. Both Elite Class and the highly-rated Bandido Caballero are in the form of their lives, while Arrowhead went very close last time out, and is more than capable of going one better. Neilsen Ip 1 No 09h30 THE WORLD FOCUS PLATE 1500 - Rating: 0-20 MRU 110K - 30K - 15K - 5K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR GATE T.Factore B.TIME 1 CAPTAIN MATTHEW GUJADHUR J. BARDOTTIER 61 BNP 5 1 31.44 1.31.66 2 KAAFEL PERDRAU R. JOORAWON 61 BNT 11 1 33.70 1.34.26 3 YOUNG ROYAL C.RAMDIN G. D. Aucharuz 61 - 2 1 31.12 1.31.54 4 EASTWARD BOUND R.GUJADHUR S. BUSSUNT 60 BN 4 1 31.19 1.31.21 5 PLEASE TO PROGRESS FORT NOBLE R.GUJADHUR V. NAIKO 60 P 1 1 33.09 1.33.77 P.MERVEN S. RAMA 59.5 B+N 9 1 31.44 1.31.86 R. HOOLASH 59 N 8 1 31.14 1.31.86 8 ROYAL PERFORMER GRAND BAIE S.RAMDIN R.MAINGARD P.K. HORIL 58 O 6 1 33.34 1.33.65 9 COMMODORE PETE J.M.HENRY B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 57.5 VT1 7 1 32.90 1.34.11 10 MC NAUGHT S.NARANG A. Roy 55 (-4) D 3 1 33.74 1.34.84 EA KYUDO P.MERVEN - 61 B1N 10 1 34.89 1.34.89 6 7 2 No 10h05 THE PRODIGAL CUP 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 36 MRU 130K - 45K - 23K - 12K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR GATE T.Factore B.TIME 1 ARABIAN EMPIRE S.NARANG D. Moor 61 - 5 1 33.80 1.33.91 2 LEVANTO P.MERVEN J. BARDOTTIER 61 NT 1 1 32.17 1.32.84 3 ELITE CLASS R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 60.5 - 7 1 30.15 1.30.15 4 SEVEN FOUNTAINS CINCHONA R.GUJADHUR M. vanRensburg 60 N 4 1 32.78 1.32.78 ALLET S. BHUNDOO 59 BN 3 1 30.96 1.31.23 GHARBEE MIGHTY LION G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 56 D 2 1 31.39 1.31.39 P.MERVEN S. RAMA 56 DT 6 1 32.22 1.32.71 5 6 7 3 No 10h40 PRIX DU CENTENAIRE DE L'ALLIANCE FRANCAISE 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 41 MRU 140K - 50K - 23K - 12K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY GEAR GATE T.Factore B.TIME LUCKY VALENTINE S.RAMDIN B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 61 SN 4 1 22.91 1.23.16 J. BARDOTTIER 60.5 BN 3 1 22.80 1.22.94 3 MOUNT HILLABY CANADIAN CLUB GUJADHUR S.RAMDIN V. NAIKO 59 N 7 New New 4 COUNT EMMANUALE R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 58.5 O 2 1 21.74 1.22.94 5 COLOUR OF COURAGE G.ROUSSET R. HOOLASH 58 B 5 1 21.07 1.23.15 6 LIETUVA VAN DER SCALER G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 58 S 1 1 21.89 1.21.89 GUJADHUR P.K. HORIL 52 SN 6 1 22.38 1.22.84 1 2 7 4 No 11h20 KG THE RENE MAINGARD CUP 1850 - Rating: Benchmark 46 MRU 150k - 50k - 25k - 15k HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR GATE T.Factore B.TIME 1 CARSON CITY S.RAMDIN V. NAIKO 61 ON 8 1 53.23 1.53.64 2 FREEZING POINT C.RAMDIN M. NEISIUS 60 BN 2 1 55.84 1.55.84 3 PRINCETON P.MERVEN S. RAMA 59.5 BN 6 1 52.20 1.52.44 4 URBI ET ORBI GUJADHUR J. BARDOTTIER 59.5 N 3 1 52.29 1.52.51 5 WHY WORRY P.MERVEN R. JOORAWON 59.5 ND 7 1 54.95 1.55.01 6 BANDIDO CABALLERO R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 59 - 9 1 51.84 1.51.92 7 G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 59 S 1 1 52.09 1.52.27 8 PONT D'AVIGNON SHODDY NICK J.M.HENRY R. R. OODITH 58.5 (-4) BN 10 1 55.20 1.55.64 9 PILOT MIKE C.RAMDIN G. D. Aucharuz 57.5 - 4 1 56.65 1.57.21 VIENTO MAGICO GEORGEAN BOY R.GUJADHUR M. vanRensburg 57 SD 11 1 52.29 1.52.29 R.GUJADHUR - 58.5 BP 5 1 55.38 1.55.86 10 EA 5 No 12h00 THE AMERICA CHALLENGE CUP 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 56 MRU 170K - 60K - 30K -15K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR 1 HOT ROCKET ALLET S. BUSSUNT 61.5 - 9 1 33.13 2 INDEPENDENCE R.GUJADHUR M. vanRensburg 61.5 BN 10 New New 3 NORDIC WARRIOR BAY OF BENGAL PERDRAU R. JOORAWON 61 ND 4 1 30.21 1.30.26 ALLET S. BHUNDOO 60.5 T 7 1 34.36 1.35.26 P.MERVEN J. BARDOTTIER 60.5 SNT 6 1 31.37 1.32.67 6 GIDA ZHAN HU S.RAMDIN B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 60 ND 8 1 32.04 1.32.84 7 WONDER KID R.GUJADHUR V. NAIKO 59.5 BN 1 1 31.67 1.32.16 8 BALSE P.MERVEN S. RAMA 59 N 3 1 31.56 1.32.27 9 NOTHING COMPARES SOUTHERN HEIGHTS G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 59 S 5 1 30.38 1.30.84 PERDRAU B. SOOFUL 54 N 2 1 31.85 1.33.34 4 5 10 6 No GATE T.Factore B.TIME 1.33.51 12h30 THE WINTER STAKES 1850 - Rating: G3 - 60+ MRU 270k - 112.5k - 45k - 22.5k HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR S.RAMDIN R. JOORAWON 60 BN 4 1 52.98 1.53.02 2 DIAMOND LIGHT BASTILLE DAY GUJADHUR D. Moor 59.5 SNT 6 1 54.14 1.54.75 3 ICE AXE ALLET S. BUSSUNT 59.5 - 1 1 53.87 1.54.00 4 SKIPPYJON JONES P.MERVEN S. RAMA 59.5 NT 3 1 52.09 1.52.34 5 R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 59 - 7 1 52.14 1.52.14 6 TOP JET VETTEL GUJADHUR J. BARDOTTIER 58.5 T1 2 1 51.88 1.52.89 7 EVEREST G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 57.5 N 5 1 52.77 1.52.77 1 7 No GATE T.Factore B.TIME 13h05 THE FULL CHARGE CUP 1850 - Rating: Benchmark 31 MRU 125K - 45K - 20K - 10K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR 1 MAX RAPAX G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 62 O 1 1 53.95 1.54.54 2 DON'T SAY DON'T P.MERVEN J. BARDOTTIER 61 NT 4 1 55.29 1.55.46 3 TEMBOT R.GUJADHUR M. vanRensburg 60.5 BN 8 1 57.43 1.57.43 4 WING MAN BRIGHT AND BLUE S.NARANG D. Moor 60.5 BN 6 1 54.63 1.54.99 S.RAMDIN G. D. Aucharuz 60 N 3 1 54.86 1.55.44 R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 58.5 - 7 1 53.92 1.53.92 7 ARROWHEAD TEAMOG J.M.HENRY B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 55.5 - 5 1 56.59 1.57.42 8 DUNRAVEN ALLET R. JOORAWON - 2 1 55.03 1.55.94 5 6 8 No 55 GATE T.Factore B.TIME 13h35 THE CAPTAIN TRIAL PLATE 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 31 MRU 125K - 45K - 20K - 10K HORSE STABLE JOCKEY KG GEAR PERDRAU R. JOORAWON 61 N 11 1 21.70 1.21.86 2 CRAFTSMAN GRIS CHEVAL R.GUJADHUR M. vanRensburg 61 BN 9 1 25.19 1.25.19 3 ROVENTAS R.MAINGARD B. Lerena 61 - 7 1 21.94 1.21.94 4 SMITTEN G.ROUSSET D. DAVID 59.5 B 5 1 22.50 1.22.84 5 S.NARANG D. Moor 59.5 N 3 1 21.78 1.22.06 6 SOCIAL NETWORK KINGDOM'S KEY S.NARANG B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 59 - 4 1 22.13 1.23.51 7 ROMAN EXPRESS J.M.HENRY K. GHUNOWA 59 N 8 1 23.00 1.24.53 8 AMBER PALACE JOYFUL P.MERVEN J. BARDOTTIER 58.5 NU 10 1 22.85 1.24.61 ALLET S. BUSSUNT 57.5 BNT 6 1 22.11 1.23.77 BATAAN KEEP WALKING S.RAMDIN V. NAIKO 56 NU 1 1 24.88 1.24.88 P.MERVEN - 53.5 SN 2 1 22.63 1.24.90 1 9 10 EA This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. GATE T.Factore B.TIME 29 02 July 2015 SATURDAY 08h30 THE WORLD FOCUS PLATE 1 1 DATE 1500 - Rating: 0-20 CAPTAIN MATTHEW 06.06.15 23.05.15 25.04.15 18.04.15 Demoted 2 RAT. DIST. TIME KG 0-20 1400 1.24.71 61 PBN 0-25 1400 1.26.52 59.5 PBN 0-30 1365 1.23.85 57 PBN 0-25 1500 1.32.40 59.5 PBN winner of his last race. Beware of KAAFEL 2 J.BARDOTTIER 4 J.BARDOTTIER 8 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE 9 J.BARDOTTIER him. YOUNG ROYAL EASTWARD BOUND PLEASE TO PROGRESS FORT NOBLE ROYAL PERFORMER GRAND BAIE 10 1400 1.25.38 58.5 1365 1.28.09 59.5 1500 1.33.73 60.5 1400 1.25.53 59 Hard to trust him. MC NAUGHT 06.06.15 0-20 16.05.15 0-20 15.11.14 25-0 25.10.14 31-15 Has completely 10 10 4 3 10 9 6 4 8 4 8 3 D.I. Combat Insde Out E. Class BBrush C.SEGEON A.OOGUR S.RAMA D.OLIVER V S S S 30.05.15 04.04.15 11 61KG Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 02.05.15 2 61KG 1 1 2 6 6 1 3 9 6 2 6 7 R.Game Insde Out K. Bay Elita Class 5.90 0.10 4.05 4.10 Average race Beaten a whisker Hung in Lame off fore leg 04.04.15 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 3 7 7 2 9 5 4 9 3 T.O.Fortune D.I. Combat Absalom 1.90 12.35 6.15 2 7 1 3 11 1 4 1 11 5 4 60KG Scratched Lacked finish Wide throughout Improved run P D.I. Combat T DANCER* Zip It Fidelis 7.80 0.45 7.80 2.25 1 60KG Lacked finish-disappointing Flying finish Crowdedn 1365m Inquiry into run gate S. RAMA B+N 3 4 5 3 3 11 4 2 5 9 2 3 S.T.Paradise Cirac D.I. Combat K. Bay 2.42 7.90 4.05 2.20 9 59.5KG Lacked finish Raced wide Winner too good Did his best V.NAIKO V.A.BUNDHOO V.NAIKO R.JOORAWON 9 6 7 5 8 10 N gate 1 6 7 10 Cirac* Absalom MLion Y. Man 8 59KG Big improvement-trainer questioned 0.10 6.45 11.25 13.3 Average run No show No show P.K.HORIL B.LERENA V.SOLA J.BARDOTTIER 7 5 3 6 6 7 8 7 8 7 10 7 Cirac R. Performer Zip It Strum VT1 G.D.AUCHARUZ G.D.AUCHARUZ B.BHAUGEEROTHEE K.GHUNOWA gate 9 7 4 4 7 8 4 6 5 7 6 8 57.5KG 6.65 6.75 6.35 5.15 6 58KG Lacked finish Slight disappointment No show Raced wide 4.10 11.30 4.65 7.10 7 Not a bad run Lacked finish Lacked finish Over-raced gate A. Roy (S.NARANG) h.a S.AF 8 yrs D 3 2 2 1 5 2 4 2 10 3 8 6 Cirac Joyful Y. Man Act Of Valor 9.30 5.10 5.9 4.60 3 55 (-4)KG gate - 1400 1.28.65 56 N 5 S.RAMA 10 10 1400 1.27.35 56 N 4 S.RAMA 10 10 Lietuva 7 6 BBerry 10 61KG loin No show 2.65 Promising 1st outing 4 6 Scorecard 5.20 Over-raced 8 8 8 WWorry 4.65 Inquiry into run 1600 1.39.08 61 7 B.SOOFUL 4 6 7 MMWonder 11.70 Heavy betting-poor display 1365 1.22.68 58.5 O 9 N.TEEHA 10 9 7 ChineseG 4.30 Average run - gate J. BARDOTTIER (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 5 yrs NT 1 61KG 1600 1.39.49 61 T1N 2 R.JOORAWON 1 2 2 N. Star 1.10 Promising run 1400 1.26.96 57 N 5 R.HOOLASH 5 5 5 R. Tractor 3.95 Inconvenienced 1600 1.38.79 60.5 N 4 S.RAMA 3 5 5 MMWonder 10.10 Jumped awkwardly 1500 1.32.27 60.5 N 3 S.RAMA 3 8 8 BBarnato 5.20 Disappointing gate B. Lerena (R.MAINGARD) h.a S.AF 3 yrs 7 60.5KG 1 T. Island* 0.00 Too good this field 1500 1.32.06 60 9 B.LERENA 2 3 2 M.Leyend 0.55 Unlucky-inconvenienced 04.04.15 0-25 1400 1.25.09 61 3 B.LERENA 22.11.14 22-0 1400 1.26.51 60.5 9 J.CASSIDY Easy winner of his last race. Is the horse to beat. 2 4 2 4 1 1 T.O.Fortune* D.I. Combat* 0.25 0.4 Hard fought win Credit to jockey - SEVEN FOUNTAINS Benchm ark 36 Mr68E 17.09.14 29.07.14 Mr70E 21.05.14 Mr69E Nice debut last 1500 1.35.08 60 CINCHONA 5 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 41 06.06.15 02.05.15 04.04.15 N 9 3 W. Glider 0.95 Good debut-watch out G.SCHLECHTER - 8 10 3 7 4 5 A.Capitano Stratocruiser Arachne 4.15 5.8 5.4 Offpace - no threat Ran on well Chased - no finish BN 5 D.HOLLAND 2 4 5 B.CABALLERO 3.85 Difficult to assist 1600 1.39.19 60 BN 8 D.HOLLAND 4 2 2 Strum 0.10 Failed narrowly 1500 1.31.61 57 BN 4 D.HOLLAND 4 3 4 BBarnato 1.25 Finish welll L.CURRIE 4 3 2 DeuxFab. 1.55 Improved run Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 D 1.40.46 58.5 D 9 D.DAVID 2 2 3 Wing Man 0.90 Eye-catching run 1365 1.23.22 56 2 N.TEEHA 7 6 4 O'chee Pan 3.40 Good debut - 4 12 1 14 Falconers Knot* 0.75 8.5 Eased 1200 - ran on Faded out Rainier DT 2 S.RAMA 5 7 7 P.E.Kwatile 8.25 No show 1600 1.40.06 59 TD 8 R.JOORAWON 2 4 6 M. Rapax 10.10 Average race 1500 1.31.84 59.5 TD 4 C.SEGEON 2 5 7 DSDon't 4.20 Did not quicken 29.11.14 25-0 1850 1.56.43 61 TD 1 Disappointing race last out. To be reviewed. C.SEGEON - - 1 Arromon.* 0.95 Expected easy win TRAINING CLOCK SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.50 13.19 12.86 12.38 - 600m 400m 200m 38.82 25.69 13.19 37.69 25.24 12.38 13.72 14.80 - - 11.14 11.86 12.64 - 11.14 36.98 24.50 12.64 4 SEVEN FOUNTAINS 12.42 12.34 14.07 12.14 12.64 14.54 38.83 26.41 14.07 39.32 27.18 14.54 Elite Class HORSE Easy winner of his last race, Elite Class is the hot 1 ARABIAN EMPIRE favorite in this second race. He is the horse to beat in this race. Gharbee hasn't done badly in his two races and he can pretend for the victory in case of a problem 2 LEVANTO of the favorite. Levanto is also to be considered as he 3 ELITE CLASS has done badly too. Place: Levanto GHARBEE GEAR 28.52 14.80 5 CINCHONA ELITE CLASS CINCHONA GHARBEE 14.55 14.54 14.96 12.60 12.01 13.70 44.05 29.50 14.96 38.31 25.71 13.70 6 GHARBEE 12.17 12.52 12.95 12.56 12.01 13.18 37.64 25.47 12.95 37.75 25.19 13.18 Outsider: 7 MIGHTY LION 13.43 14.35 13.07 12.35 - 40.60 27.78 14.35 37.77 25.42 12.35 SEVEN FOUNTAINS 6 56KG 1.31.94 54.5 TD 18.04.15 gate S. RAMA (P.MERVEN) h.a S.AF 5 yrs 1500 09.05.15 2 56KG 1650 MIGHTY LION gate D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 29.04.14 1600 1.34.93 54.5 3 A.DELPECH 08.04.14 Mr76E 1200 1.09.19 56 1 A.DELPECH Hasn't done badly in his two races. Has a chance. 3 59KG 1.54.94 57.5 BN D gate S. BHUNDOO 1850 GHARBEE 09.05.15 4 G.HATT 4 60KG 3 (ALLET) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 15.11.14 36-20 1850 1.55.38 59 BN 3 Didn't get an easy race last out. Can do better. Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 Mr72E N B.SOOFUL G.SCHLECHTER gate M. vanRensburg (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1400 1.28.21 53.5 6 1400 1.27.46 53.5 11 1600 1.39.68 55 B 6 out. Don't underestimate him. Best Time: Disappointing Lacked finish No show Average run B1N 5 D.MOOR FAVOURITE gate B. BHAUGEEROTHEE Cirac Joyful R. Performer Absalom D.MOOR 5 1 06.06.15 O 1 3 7 P.K. HORIL O 1.33.47 60.5 B B.LERENA 6 R. HOOLASH 1.25.74 57 1500 1 16.05.15 gate MARGIN COMMENT 1.30.38 57.5 - 4 V. NAIKO 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 1500 23.05.15 BN 5 61KG 1400 ELITE CLASS 13.06.15 gate GEAR GATE JOCKEY gate D. Moor (S.NARANG) h.b S.AF 7 yrs Didn't disgrace last out. To be considered. 3 S. BUSSUNT TIME KG LEVANTO 2 30.05.15 gate DIST. MRU 130K - 45K - 23K - 12K Was too fiery in his last race. Can be placed. 06.06.15 1400 1.26.27 56 D 1 R.JOORAWON 1365 1.27.04 56 D 4 B.SOOFUL 1400 1.25.68 55 SD 6 B.SOOFUL 1000 0.57.84 53 SD 2 B.SOOFUL weaken last out. Can be placed. Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 18.04.15 Disappointing Inconvenienced, good run Jumped awkwardly Improved run EA KYUDO (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 3 yrs 13.06.15 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 46 09.05.15 gate G. D. Aucharuz (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 11 3 4 4 RAT. 18.04.15 (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 4 yrs B 8 B 1 B1 4 7 reviewed. ARABIAN EMPIRE 1 06.06.15 Shifted in under pressure Big disappointment Did his best Beaten by better 5.05 1.85 5.90 1.35 (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 4 yrs COMMODORE PETE 06.06.15 0-20 16.05.15 0-20 02.05.15 0-20 04.04.15 0-25 Erractic horse. 0.25 6.75 1.45 0.70 (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 8 yrs 06.06.15 0-20 1400 1.25.81 59 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.34.06 60 26.10.14 22-0 1600 1.40.16 60.5 21.09.14 25-0 1650 1.42.22 60 Disappointing in his last race. To be 9 Cirac T.O.Fortune QTime SOThunder (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 8 yrs 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.33.00 57 N 6 04.04.15 0-25 1400 1.25.42 55.5 O 10 29.11.14 25-0 1850 1.58.38 58 7 15.11.14 25-0 1400 1.26.89 60.5 ON 3 Has shown an excellent finish last out. Beware. 8 3 7 3 2 (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 20.06.15 0-25 1500 1.32.65 57.5 N 6 06.06.15 0-20 1400 1.26.03 56.5 N 10 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.32.67 60.5 N 6 06.12.14 22-0 1600 1.38.23 59.5 N 1 Hasn't done badly in his last race. Can do well. 7 1 6 3 1 (C.RAMDIN) h.a S.AF 7 yrs 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.33.35 60 P 3 G.D.AUCHARUZ 29.11.14 30-0 1500 1.32.33 53 P 2 P.K.HORIL 26.10.14 22-0 1600 1.40.35 58.5 PBN 2 N.TEEHA 18.10.14 30-0 1500 1.33.57 55 P 10 S.BUSSUNT Lacked of resistance last out. Will be more striking this time. 6 6 9 5 2 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 36 DATE MARGIN COMMENT BNT 20.06.15 0-30 1600 - 55 BN - R.BOUTANIVE 23.05.15 0-25 1400 1.25.79 57.5 5 R.BOUTANIVE 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.34.48 58 ON 10 N.MARDAY 11.10.14 25-0 1600 1.40.89 60 B1N 7 B.SOOFUL Has improved since his last race. Don't write him off. 5 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 5 61KG R. JOORAWON 16.05.15 0-25 1600 1.42.84 59 2 M.NEISIUS 18.04.15 0-25 1500 1.32.45 59 3 M.NEISIUS 06.12.14 22-0 1600 1.38.60 60.5 4 G.D.AUCHARAZ 22.11.14 22-0 1400 1.27.18 57.5 5 N.MARDAY Weaken in the home straight last out. Will be more striking. 4 BNP (PERDRAU) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 20.06.15 0-25 1500 1.34.02 59.5 10 R.JOORAWON 18.04.15 0-25 1500 1.32.75 59.5 BN 1 R.JOORAWON 04.04.15 0-25 1400 1.26.07 60 BN 10 R.JOORAWON 06.12.14 25-0 1500 1.32.10 60 TBN 4 G.D.AUCHARAZ Is a irregular horse. Can do well on a good day. 3 J. BARDOTTIER (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 5 yrs GEAR GATE JOCKEY gate 09h05 THE PRODIGAL CUP 2 MRU 110K - 30K - 15K - 5K D N BN N N Is far from his best level. Must improve. FAVOURITE TRAINING CLOCK Eastward Bound HORSE Eastward Bound can open his account in this race. He 1 CAPTAIN MATTHEW has improved in training and he seems near to his best level. Captain Matthew, demoted after having hang in the home straight will try to redeem himself. Royal 2 KAAFEL Performer, winner of his last race has a strong finish and he is to be considered. Place: Captain Matthew Young Royal Royal Performer Best Time: EASTWARD BOUND Young Royal Captain Matthew Outsider: SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 13.30 13.41 600m 400m 200m 36.90 25.59 26.71 13.41 GEAR BNP SN - 13.45 36.96 25.39 - BN BNT+ 13.45 - 3 YOUNG ROYAL 13.05 13.40 11.68 14.83 39.49 26.45 13.40 26.51 14.83 4 EASTWARD BOUND 13.26 13.40 13.23 12.21 12.17 13.35 39.89 26.63 13.23 37.73 25.52 13.35 N 5 PLEASE TO PROGRESS 13.99 14.57 12.27 12.18 - 41.95 28.56 14.57 38.18 24.45 12.18 N 6 FORT NOBLE - 12.90 37.04 25.12 - N 7 ROYAL PERFORMER 12.70 11.84 13.14 12.84 12.57 13.26 37.68 24.98 13.14 38.67 25.83 13.26 N N 8 GRAND BAIE 12.43 12.23 13.73 37.92 26.47 38.39 25.96 13.73 B 9 COMMODORE PETE 14.13 12.53 12.76 37.03 25.68 39.42 25.29 12.76 V 10 MC NAUGHT 12.79 11.73 13.62 39.01 27.46 38.14 25.35 13.62 D EAKYUDO 13.85 13.59 12.57 12.87 14.36 41.36 27.44 13.59 39.80 27.23 14.36 BL N Kaafel 12.90 - AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) E.g For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. Email: [email protected] 18+ 30 02 July 2015 09h40 PRIX DU CENTENAIRE DE L'ALLIANCE FRANCAISE 3 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 41 LUCKY VALENTINE 1 DATE RAT. DIST. TIME KG (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 5 yrs SN GEAR GATE JOCKEY 61KG gate B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 4 1 MARGIN COMMENT DATE 1400 1.26.06 57 SN 8 S.BROWN 2 3 6 ChineseG 6.50 Difficult race 30.05.15 1365 - 59 SN 1 N.MARDAY - - - - - Disqualified 25.04.15 4 S.BROWN 3 3 4 Parado 2.15 Moderate finish 04.04.15 29.11.14 56-40 1365 1.24.15 55.5 N 2 P.K.HORIL Run one-off last out. Good form. Will be a big danger. - - 5 MSalute 4.45 Unbalanced rider Benchm ark 51 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 46 30.05.15 02.05.15 18.04.15 1365 1.23.11 59.5 N MOUNT HILLABY 2 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 46 16.05.15 25.04.15 04.04.15 1365 - 60.5 BN Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 23.05.15 02.05.15 11.04.15 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 23.05.15 02.05.15 04.04.15 BONoon 2.70 Lacked acceleration 3 BBuster 1.30 Beaten by better 1500 1.32.11 59.5 N 2 R.BOUTANIVE 6 5 6 Ruby King 5.80 Inconvenienced 1200m 08.11.14 51-35 1850 1.55.96 60 N Is in a good form. Excellent outsider. 2 S.BROWN 7 6 4 Dustan 4.50 One-paced run 2 30.05.15 FREEZING POINT Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 Mr86C 2 M.NEISIUS 6 7 7 BONoon 6.50 Jockey questioned 1500 1.35.48 60.5 BN 4 M.NEISIUS 3 4 4 BBarnato 4.75 Nice debut - 6 8 8 5 Independence Liquid Mercury 6.4 2.2 Battled to feature Ran on 3 1 1 Act Of Valor* 0.70 Big improvement 16.05.15 V.A.BUNDHOO 4 6 5 ChineseG 3.60 Moderate run 8 7 3 K. Soldier 0.9 Good run 17.01.15 1800 1.52.46 55 B 2 R.FOURIE 07.01.15 Mr80D 1800 1.44.23 58 B 6 S.CORMACK His jockey was questionned last out. Good form. Has a chance. 1000 61 59 56.5 Don't - 2 2 2 5 6 1 3 5 Royal Roy Jedak* Snowman Split The Breeze 7 1.25 3.25 7.05 7 59KG Pace - weakened Drew away late No extra late No extra last 400m 16.05.15 O gate 2 58.5KG 4 2 5 5 M. Hillaby 2.90 Slight disappointment 30.05.15 2 A.AJTEBI O 8 J.CASSIDY B 1 R.BURKE write him off 3 2 1 8 5 1 8 7 2 Lord Al JLegacy NCompares 9.30 10.15 1.45 Big disappointment Disappointing run Beaten by better 25.04.15 B 3 B gate 5 58KG 5 1365 1.22.22 58.5 B1 7 R.HOOLASH 9 5 1 Millenimesta* 0.35 Vast improvement 30.05.15 1400 1.26.00 58.5 - 1 P.K.HORIL 5 6 6 M. Master 5.05 Lacked acceleration 09.05.15 1365 1.25.31 58 PTM 8 N.TEEHA 5 8 7 TOTChocs 13.00 Raced wide throughout 04.04.15 1365 1.22.98 59 N 5 D.DAVID 4 4 6 RTTugger 6.05 Turned wide 1400 1.24.50 60.5 S 1500 1400 1400 gate D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 3 yrs S 1 58KG 10 D.DAVID 1 1 1 Power Dive* 2.40 Won going away 1.32.16 58.5 N 2 D.DAVID 3 2 3 M.Leyend 1.20 Beaten by better 1.26.37 57.5 N 10 D.DAVID 2 1 1 M.Leyend* 2.50 Wide-didn't disgrace 1.25.54 58.5 N 5 D.DAVID 7 2 5 PAlwaht. 3.75 Cast shoe 1365 1.22.88 1400 1.26.35 1365 1500 1.33.64 but tough field. 60 60 60 61 SN SN SN PND 3 4 1 3 J.BARDOTTIER J.BARDOTTIER J.BARDOTTIER A.MILLS 9 5 8 9 3 7 SN 4 5 7 TRAINING CLOCK Mount Hillaby HORSE Mount Hillaby is running his first race for the trainer 1 LUCKY VALENTINE Ramapatee Gujadhur and he can follow the path of Dustan. This horse has completely recovered his entire mean and he will be dangerous in this class. Lietuva will 2 MOUNT HILLABY be his main danger and he will be well placed with his good draw. Place: Lucky Valentine LIETUVA Best Time: LIETUVA Van Der Scaler Mount Hillaby COLOUR OF COURAGE SJab R. Consort POPolicy 3 CANADIAN CLUB 4 COUNT EMMANUALE 1.45 1.50 9.65 gate 6 52KG 6 2 P. D'Avignon 0.45 Bad jockeyship 1500 1.35.23 59.5 BN 5 G.D.AUCHARUZ 8 3 2 BBarnato 3.20 Second best 5 7 5 4 2 1 AEmpire Eagle Award* 0.95 0.85 Beaten narrowly Two in a row 1.38.83 59.5 N 8 J.BARDOTTIER 1 1 3 BONoon 0.70 Better than previous 1600 1.38.88 60 6 J.BARDOTTIER 6 5 5 BBuster 4.00 Needed run-watch out! 6 5 8 7 8 7 Dustan E. Approach loin 9.4 Raced wide Inquiry into run 600m 400m 200m 36.42 23.68 12.04 39.13 25.19 12.80 13.90 14.33 13.61 12.37 12.66 28.23 14.33 38.64 25.03 12.66 14.33 13.61 13.34 12.63 11.94 14.13 41.28 26.95 13.34 38.70 26.07 14.13 12.91 12.27 12.78 - 37.60 25.18 12.27 37.03 25.23 12.78 1.32.66 60 2 R.JOORAWON 1.31.89 59.5 N 9 C.SEGEON 22.11.14 51-35 1500 1.33.06 58 N Has been quite regular this season. 9 S.RAMA BANDIDO CABALLERO Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 36 7 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 11.04.15 9 B1 6 LIETUVA 11.71 11.78 14.62 - 38.11 26.40 14.62 36.80 25.36 - S 7 VAN DER SCALER 14.51 13.00 13.09 13.35 - 40.15 27.51 13.00 26.44 13.35 SN SN [ACCUMULATOR] YOU CAN MAKE DOUBLES, TRIPLETS, QUADRUPLETS AND SO ON UNTIL A COMBINATION OF EIGHT HORSES ON ALL RACES ON THE PROGRAM. 18+ Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) E.g For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). 8 Traianus 8.90 Needed the run 4 3 1 SFree* 0.55 Expected win 9 10 4 5 1 2 Ravatak* TornMan 1.35 1.45 Flying finish Bad jockeyship 1.31.50 57 1600 1500 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 Mr70E Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 S S 5 D.DAVID - 59.5 N 8 D.DAVID - 2 D.DAVID 8 7 6 1.31.48 59 S 1 1 Princeton* 0.45 Decisive move - - - - Scratched 6 3 BBarnato 0.45 Lay in 6 SNick 4.80 Dropped bit 800m BN 3 J.BARDOTTIER 5 5 5 P. D'Avignon 3.95 Some improvement 1600 1.38.31 57.5 BN 7 D.BONILLA 7 7 7 MMWonder 2.60 No show 1500 1.32.47 59.5 B 5 D.BONILLA 6 5 5 HMTWon 5.60 No show L.CURRIE 1 1 1 GStar* 0.8 Pillar to post 5 M.NEISIUS - - 7 CASTLE 4.90 No show 7 5 7 R.WIGGINS S.AZIE S.AZIE 6 6 7 7 9 7 6 9 6 King's Guard RTFar Twitter 7.40 loin 17.75 No show Steadied 1400m Needed the run 5 2 2 B.CABALLERO 1.40 Good second 1400 1.25.75 59.5 ND 5 B.BHAUGEEROTHEE 5 4 3 K. Captain 4.00 Eye-catching debut 2 3 R.KHATHI G.HATT - 4 2 2 1 Tiger Tops 2 1.5 Restless - ran on Went early - won 1600 18+ Exclusive Knight* B.SOOFUL - 61.5 - 1 G.D.AUCHARUZ - R.JOORAWON R.WIGGINS 8 7 07.12.14 46-30 1600 1.38.57 59 OS 6 22.11.14 46-30 1850 1.56.89 60 B 8 Disappointing race last out. Can get a place. 8 6 gate - (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 4 11 57KG M.VANRENSBURG BP BONoon 3.65 Average race - - - - Declared non-starter 8 6 6 4 AEmpire Dustan 3.55 6.95 Average run Lacked finish TRAINING CLOCK 5 58.5KG 6 SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.37 11.75 13.02 12.68 11.82 13.08 600m 400m 200m 37.14 24.77 13.02 37.58 24.90 13.08 13.53 13.83 15.20 - 27.36 13.83 43.78 30.05 15.20 12.78 13.16 - 25.94 13.16 35.83 24.01 - N BN 4 URBI ET ORBI 11.65 13.70 12.59 12.20 12.56 25.35 13.70 37.35 24.76 12.56 N 6 BANDIDO CABALLERO BANDIDO CABALLERO Pont D'Avignon VIENTO MAGICO 11.86 12.64 - 36.70 25.05 36.98 24.50 12.64 7 PONT D'AVIGNON 12.81 13.04 12.23 12.32 12.92 25.85 13.04 37.47 25.24 12.92 Outsider: 8 SHODDY NICK 12.86 12.35 12.09 12.71 - 38.99 25.21 12.35 37.92 24.80 12.71 9 PILOT MIKE 13.35 13.16 14.05 13.20 14.84 14.84 40.56 27.21 14.05 42.88 29.68 14.84 10 VIENTO MAGICO 12.29 13.33 12.57 12.52 12.43 13.94 38.19 25.90 12.57 38.89 26.37 13.94 SWD S EAGEORGEAN BOY 12.21 12.17 13.35 13.47 11.76 13.08 37.73 25.52 13.35 38.31 24.84 13.08 N Bandido Caballero HORSE Even if he is facing a tougher field, the little champion of 1 CARSON CITY the Maingard is the horse to beat. He is at ease on this distance and he can continue on this streak. Pont d'Avignon and Why Worry are also dangerous as they 2 FREEZING POINT are at their best. Urbi and Orbi has recover his mean as shown by his last outing. 3 PRINCETON Place: Urbi Et Orbi Why Worry Pont D'Avignon Best Time: PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Email: [email protected] SD 7 - gate M. vanRensburg (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1.54.56 59.5 ND 1.39.29 59 4 57.5KG 1850 1600 gate G. D. Aucharuz (C.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1.38.12 58.5 1.35.58 56 0,58.53 54 out. Must improved. 10 58.5 (-4)KG 1.32.14 59.5 BN - gate R. R. OODITH (J.M.HENRY) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1.33.21 60 1 59KG 1500 1500 gate D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 6 9 59KG B.LERENA 1500 gate B. Lerena 2 VIENTO MAGICO Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races Phone: 08449940299 9 1.31.55 59 FAVOURITE Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Good improvement 10 1500 EA GEORGEAN BOY 18.04.15 PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Back to best 2.95 Galloping lesson 29.07.14 2000 2.07.16 57 28.06.14 MdnmG 1800 1.56.46 60 Will be more striking after two races. 30.05.15 1.50 BBarnato 1.40 VIENTO MAGICO 25.04.15 P.E.Kwatile* 6 V.Magico* Benchm ark 41 06.06.15 1 10 1 25.10.14 51-35 1600 02.08.14 56-40 1500 12.07.14 61-45 1000 Anonymous race last 10 1 9 6 PILOT MIKE 27.06.15 4 6 08.11.14 41-25 1650 1.41.99 60.5 6 Is not regular in his performances. Difficult. N N Didn't disgrace B.LERENA Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 51 Benchm ark 46 09.05.15 0.25 3 SHODDY NICK 13.06.15 BONoon 1.54.35 59.5 - PONT D'AVIGNON 13.06.15 2 1850 - 7 59.5KG 2 (R.MAINGARD) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 08.11.14 41-25 1650 1.42.75 59.5 N 7 J.GEROUDIS Has slightly improved after his last race. Good distance. GEAR N ND 1500 ND gate R. JOORAWON (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1500 04.04.15 36.03 24.41 38.80 26.93 14.63 AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName N 2 06.06.15 3 59.5KG 1600 R.JOORAWON 8 SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.74 11.64 12.04 13.94 12.39 12.80 N 1 6 gate J. BARDOTTIER (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1.38.76 59.5 ND 18.04.15 Good run Not a bad run Scratched before race Big disappointment Email: [email protected] 7 22.11.14 36-20 1600 1.39.46 58 1 J.CASSIDY 26.10.14 31-15 1600 1.37.69 59.5 6 R.BURKE Is improving race after race. Is the horse to beat. 5 COLOUR OF COURAGE 11.87 12.30 14.63 Phone: 08449940299 C.SEGEON 1600 11.04.15 P.K. HORIL (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1 WHY WORRY Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 41 6 59.5KG 1.31.57 59.5 BN 22.11.14 46-30 1850 1.59.45 60.5 N 5 D.HOLLAND 04.10.14 51-35 1850 1.56.03 58 N 5 D.HOLLAND Has completely recover his mean last out. Will be a big runner. R. HOOLASH (G.ROUSSET) h.a S.AF 5 yrs Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 BN 1500 URBI ET ORBI gate S. RAMA (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 07.12.14 46-30 1600 1.38.11 59.5 BN 2 C.SEGEON 25.10.14 41-25 1500 1.31.75 60 BN 8 C.SEGEON Unlucky last out. Is a serious candidate for the win. B. Lerena (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 5 yrs Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 13.06.15 B.LERENA 0.57.38 61 0.58.53 1.24.11 1.23.96 last out. S.VEALE S.CORMACK S.CORMACK S.CORMACK race. N PRINCETON 2 60KG 1.39.75 60.5 BN S.BROWN 3 BN 1600 5 gate M. NEISIUS (C.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 6 FAVOURITE Outsider: 5 3 BN VAN DER SCALER 13.06.15 0-25 23.05.15 0-25 09.05.15 0-25 07.12.14 25-0 Light handicap 5 2 Disqualified Showed his potential last out. Excellent form. 7 7 S.BROWN 1.22.55 56.5 BN LIETUVA 13.06.15 V.A.BUNDHOO - gate 8 MARGIN COMMENT 7 - V. NAIKO 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. 61KG 3 - (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 3 yrs ON 1.38.45 61.5 N - Remains on a nice win with the blinkers. Must confirm. 6 GEAR GATE JOCKEY gate V. NAIKO 1.39.14 61.5 - - COLOUR OF COURAGE 06.06.15 TIME KG 0.56.92 61 06.12.14 36-20 1000 22.11.14 41-25 1365 27.09.14 46-30 1365 Has greatly improved 5 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 51 DIST. 1365 COUNT EMMANUALE Benchm ark 36 RAT. MRU 150k - 50k - 25k - 15k (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 1600 S.BROWN 19.12.14 Mr74E 1200 1.10.78 57.5 6 21.11.14 MdnmG 1200 1.11.24 59 6 02.11.14 MdnmG 1200 1.10.85 59 7 29.06.14 KbjpC 1200 1.10.11 56 4 Has been well prepared. Should deliver a good 25.04.15 3 60.5KG CARSON CITY 1000 CANADIAN CLUB 4 BN 1850 - Rating: Benchmark 46 1600 6 15.11.14 41-25 1000 57.03 59 BN 1 S.BROWN Seems to be in a good shape. Is the horse to beat. 3 gate J. BARDOTTIER (GUJADHUR) c.a S.AF 4 yrs 10h20 THE RENE MAINGARD CUP 4 MRU 140K - 50K - 23K - 12K SATURDAY This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. GEAR N BL 31 02 July 2015 SATURDAY 11h00 THE AMERICA CHALLENGE CUP 5 1 1500 - Rating: Benchmark 56 HOT ROCKET DATE RAT. Benchm ark 61 13.06.15 DIST. TIME KG GEAR GATE JOCKEY 1500 1.31.99 60 - 6 D.HOLLAND 16.05.15 50+ 1600 18.04.15 Benchm 1500 1.41.03 55 1.32.58 61 - 2 7 04.04.15 1.24.29 61 - 1 ark 61 Benchm ark 61 1400 gate S. BUSSUNT (ALLET) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 9 61.5KG 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. MARGIN COMMENT 4 5 7 RAdmiral 6.60 Disappointing D.HOLLAND D.HOLLAND 5 2 5 6 4 7 S. Jones AGold 5.30 10.90 Didn't disgrace Disappointing D.HOLLAND 3 5 5 AGold 0.85 Good run INDEPENDENCE Mr86C 17.01.15 1800 1.52.46 27.12.14 Mr92C 1800 1.53.94 10.12.14 Mr78D 1800 1.53.74 16.11.14 Mr74E 1600 1.38.62 Nice potential and he seems to 3 57.5 54.5 58 59.5 have B 4 C.ORFFER B 3 C.ORFFER B 4 C.ORFFER 8 P.STRYDOM been well acclimated. Can do it. NORDIC WARRIOR G.2 13.06.15 09.05.15 18.04.15 G.3 Benchm ark 61 1600 1400 1500 6 2 1 R.JOORAWON R.JOORAWON R.JOORAWON 06.12.14 56-40 1400 1.23.91 61 ND 8 S.AKHADE Seems to have recover all his mean. Will be a hard nut to crack. 4 BAY OF BENGAL Benchm ark 61 61- 45 30.05.15 1400 01.11.14 1650 04.10.14 61-45 1500 31.08.14 61-45 1500 Good training. A good 5 GIDA Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 66 23.05.15 11.04.15 1.27.53 59 1.42.32 58 1.33.91 59.5 1.33.80 60 performance TO 6 S.BHUNDOO TB 7 L.CURRIE 7 L.CURRIE TO 3 L.CURRIE is expected. 11.04.15 2 RAdmiral 0.30 Beaten narrowly T 8 8 8 Kimberly Al 14.25 No show 1 6 7 2 6 6 5 4 5 Kalinago R.T.Life Z. Torrent 5.05 2.00 2.95 Lame off fore leg Improved run Slight improvement SNT 0.60 Faded last 50m 4.90 Fair run 4 2 7 2 7 2 Valere PRoyale 15.25 2.10 Raced wide Beaten by better (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs ND 1850 6 ND ND ND on the S.BROWN 3 J.BARDOTTIER 3 S.BROWN 1 S.BROWN 1500m. 60KG 5 3 2 Kimberly Al 1.45 Wonner too good 2 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 1 Winter Skye KRand Dee Major* 3.10 4.05 3.15 One-paced run Slight disappointment Expected win M.VANRENSBURG - - - - - Scratched 1.31.92 60 BN 1 P.K.HORIL 6 5 6 RAdmiral 2.85 Slight disappointment 1500 1.31.14 60.5 BN 4 G.D.AUCHARUZ 2 3 6 Rasheed 4.05 Bad jockeyship Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 46 Benchm ark 51 6 4 3 RAdmiral 0.90 N 1850 1.55.06 59.5 N 8 S.RAMA 9 9 4 BFlare 5.15 Lacked strong kick 1500 1.31.89 59.5 N 8 R.JOORAWON 8 8 5 RAdmiral 2.70 Too far back 1365 1.22.28 55 2 S.RAMA 6 4 1 ROArts* 0.10 In touch-surprising win 4 C.SEGEON 3 4 5 Dustan 5.20 Raced ungenerously S N 7 N.TEEHA 7 6 3 RAdmiral 1.80 Finish the strongest 1400 1.24.78 59 N 6 D.DAVID 6 3 2 Icy Jet 2.45 Bad jockeyship 1365 1.21.42 59.5 N 1 D.DAVID 7 1 1 Sbouncer* 0.75 Credit to jockey 7 J.GEROUDIS 6 6 5 Traianus 2.90 One-paced run N R.JOORAWON 3 4 6 P. D'Avignon 5.45 Lacked finish 1600 1.39.29 61 N 4 V.NAIKO 1 7 7 BBuster 6.50 Injury into run 1500 1.32.09 59 N 7 R.JOORAWON 1 3 5 Ruby King 5.65 Hung in 08.11.14 51-35 1850 1.58.39 60 N Is on the up. Nice form. Has a chance. 7 J.BARDOTTIER 1 7 7 Dustan loin Knuckled at start TRAINING CLOCK Outsider: INDEPENDENCE 7 4 5 4 6 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 gate 2 12.59 11.95 13.09 39.71 27.94 37.63 25.04 13.09 ND 4 BAY OF BENGAL 13.03 12.10 12.40 11.57 11.90 39.73 25.13 12.10 35.87 23.47 11.90 N N 5 GIDA 12.07 13.81 13.91 12.82 - 39.90 25.88 13.81 26.73 12.82 N N 6 ZHAN HU 12.40 11.16 11.96 12.54 12.13 12.71 35.52 23.12 11.96 37.38 24.84 12.71 N 7 WONDER KID 13.32 12.61 13.81 13.85 11.74 12.84 39.74 26.42 13.81 38.43 24.58 12.84 N 8 BALSE - 13.03 37.64 25.87 - N N 9 NOTHING COMPARES 11.80 12.15 13.97 11.38 11.18 12.00 37.92 26.12 13.97 34.56 23.18 12.00 10 SOUTHERN HEIGHTS 12.35 12.07 13.61 13.87 13.17 - 38.03 25.68 13.61 27.04 13.17 4.45 1.00 1.15 2.95 Needed run Flying finish Flying finish Lacked extra 9 9 6 7 2 8 7 5 1 7 6 6 R.T.Life* S. Jones D.Sheik S. Jones 0.10 6.90 0.85 9.95 4 3 4 7 4 9 10 7 3 9 10 7 O.C.Dude S. Jones Bulsara PRoyale 1.20 13.00 17.75 6.30 S.RAMA S.RAMA G.D.AUCHARAZ C.SEGEON 8 10 6 3 1 8 5 2 1 4 3 2 R.T.Life* Bulsara DLight DLight 0.85 3.55 1.10 1.15 Expected win-easy Good run-watch out Hung in Raced wide gate 7 59KG 2 3 2 6 S.Bluff Reim Reim Legislate 0.15 3 4 3.9 Unlucky-finish the strongest Progressed on rail Ran on well Shoe refit - cast shoe T1 2 3 1 1 7 4 3 3 8 5 4 5 S. Jones DLight DLight L. Struck 10.20 4.10 4.35 3.75 EVEREST (G.ROUSSET) h.g S.AF 4 yrs gate D.DAVID M.YENI J.DOYLE P.STRYDOM 2 58.5KG Faded badly Average run Bad ride Pace-faded gate D. DAVID N 5 - 4 6 1 1 4 14 3 6 S.Bluff Louis The King Judicial Master Sabina TRAINING CLOCK HORSE After his nice race in the Duchess, Top Jet is back in a 1 DIAMOND LIGHT better form. He worked as a champion these two weeks and the distance is an advantage. Skippyjon Jones is his main opponent. This horse is in a superb form and 2 BASTILLE DAY 1.80 11 6.5 8 5 57.5KG Lacked finish Handy - no more Pace - tired Pace - weakened SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 600m 400m 200m 12.96 12.57 12.31 37.84 24.88 12.31 14.81 13.91 13.73 42.45 27.64 13.73 14.05 13.60 13.61 12.17 11.79 12.58 41.26 27.21 13.61 36.54 24.37 12.58 3 ICE AXE 11.18 12.83 12.02 14.27 36.17 23.92 11.18 39.12 26.29 14.27 4 SKIPPYJON JONES 11.88 13.64 12.99 13.05 36.15 24.56 11.88 39.68 26.04 13.05 5 TOP JET 12.51 11.87 11.30 13.69 12.51 36.86 24.99 13.69 6 VETTEL 12.21 12.22 11.83 12.17 11.79 11.92 36.26 24.05 11.83 35.88 23.71 11.92 7 EVEREST 13.22 11.98 14.60 11.88 11.85 13.62 39.80 26.58 14.60 37.35 25.47 13.62 he will be dangerous at the finish. Outsider: 3 59.5KG J. BARDOTTIER 16.05.15 50+ 1600 1.41.87 59.5 S 4 J.BARDOTTIER 07.12.14 71-42 1850 1.53.56 61 S 1 S.PASQUIER 15.11.14 60+ 2200 2.14.81 57.5 SD 1 D.BONILLA 27.09.14 60+ 1850 1.55.47 61 2 D.HOLLAND Has improved lately. Is the choice of the jockey. TOP JET Skippyjon Jones EVEREST gate S. RAMA VETTEL (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 6 yrs Place: 1 B. Lerena 06.06.15 G.2 1400 1.23.25 59.5 10 B.LERENA 10 5 04.10.14 MatcB 1400 1.24.13 60 1 G.VAN NIEKERK 4 20.09.14 GrdmD 1300 1.18.96 60 5 G.VAN NIEKERK 3 DnewA G.VAN NIEKERK 31.05.14 2000 2.03.07 58 10 6 Has improved after his last race. Classy horse. Can open his account. FAVOURITE gate Great run-watch out No show No show No show NT TOP JET (R.MAINGARD) h.g S.AF 4 yrs 06.06.15 G.2 1400 1.23.54 58.5 N 3 29.11.14 SummA 2000 2.06.33 52.5 12 VmhpB 15.11.14 1800 1.55.15 54.5 13 28.10.14 PinnA 1800 1.49.25 58.5 7 Seems to be in a better form. Has a chance. Impressive turn of foot Bad jockeyship Good run Big disappointment 59.5KG SKIPPYJON JONES (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 6 9 5 7 6 59.5KG S. BUSSUNT 30.05.15 G.1 1500 1.31.47 54.5 O 1 B.SOOFUL 16.05.15 50+ 1600 1.42.37 61 BND 9 S.BUSSUNT 25.04.15 60+ 1500 1.33.94 59.5 BND 6 S.BHUNDOO B1ND 04.04.15 60+ 1400 1.23.75 58 6 S.BHUNDOO Seems to have recover his mean. Has a chance. 16.05.15 50+ 1600 1.40.11 58 TN 25.04.15 60+ 1500 1.31.58 55.5 TN 07.12.14 71-42 1850 1.53.09 61 TN 15.11.14 60+ 2200 2.14.27 55.5 TN Good form. The distance is an advantage. gate D. Moor ICE AXE (ALLET) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 3 Ice Axe 38.06 25.71 13.17 37.96 24.25 12.69 S. Jones Tube Wave* S. Jones* S. Jones 4 60KG MARGIN COMMENT SNT Best Time: 12.54 13.17 11.56 12.69 - 13.03 - 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. T1SN 30.05.15 50+ 1650 1.41.37 61 5 J.BARDOTTIER 16.05.15 50+ 1600 1.41.31 58.5 SN 5 G.D.AUCHARUZ 06.12.14 71-47 1500 1.30.56 61 SN 6 D.OLIVER 18.10.14 55+ 2050 2.08.15 61 SN 4 D.HOLLAND The horse is in a great form. Serious pretender for the win. Diamond Light Skippyjon Jones 600m 400m 200m 37.00 25.65 36.28 23.88 12.36 HORSE With Jeannot Bardottier, Gida has an excellent 1 HOT ROCKET opportunity to be back in the winner's enclosure. This horse has improved after his nice race behind Rear Admiral. Nordic Warrior has recovered his mean and he 2 INDEPENDENCE worked well in training. Nothing Compares is almost at his best and he is a serious candidate for the win. 3 NORDIC WARRIOR Independence will him be a good outsider. Nordic Warrior Nothing Compares Wonder Kid 5 SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.40 11.52 12.36 GIDA Best Time: gate 54KG 2 GEAR GATE JOCKEY BN TOP JET B. SOOFUL (PERDRAU) h.b S.AF 8 yrs N Nordic Warrior Balse Nothing Compares 3 59KG 1.31.73 59 Place: gate TIME KG gate R. JOORAWON BASTILLE DAY (GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 2 7 D. DAVID (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 1500 FAVOURITE 1 59KG 1.32.38 60 04.04.15 gate DIST. 16.05.15 50+ 1600 1.40.87 60.5 BN 1 S.BROWN 07.12.14 71-42 1850 1.52.92 61 BN 2 P.MULRENNAN 15.11.14 60+ 2200 2.14.09 55.5 BN 6 R.JOORAWON 18.10.14 55+ 2050 2.06.94 61 BN 6 S.BROWN Will be more striking this time. Is a hard nut to crack. 6 S. RAMA 1500 25.04.15 8 Lacked finish (P.MERVEN) h.g S.AF 5 yrs N gate 59.5KG - RAT. 5 V. NAIKO BN 1500 N 6 B. BHAUGEEROTHEE (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 7 yrs - 59.5 BN gate MRU 270k - 112.5k - 45k - 22.5k DIAMOND LIGHT (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 1 4 60.5KG KRand ND 7 60.5KG RAdmiral 1.22.26 59 gate S. BHUNDOO 6 SOUTHERN HEIGHTS 13.06.15 1 2 22.11.14 51-35 1500 1.32.07 60 Impressive in training. Beware. 10 1 6 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 51 02.05.15 Inquiry into run Fought well-2nd best Hung in under pressure 1 NOTHING COMPARES 23.05.15 9.85 1.10 0.75 2 08.11.14 51-35 1850 1.56.08 60.5 ON Is still in a good shape. Can be a surprise. 9 K. Captain K. Captain AGold 2 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 61 25.04.15 5 2 2 S.RAMA BALSE 23.05.15 4 1 1 S.RAMA WONDER KID 20.06.15 1 1 1 3 1365 4 61KG J. BARDOTTIER 06.12.14 56-40 1400 1.24.02 60.5 BN 3 D.OLIVER Is in a great form and he is facing a tough field. 8 ND 9 TSN gate R. JOORAWON 1.24.73 56 56-40 1000 0.56.97 60.5 56-40 1365 1.22.80 60.5 51-35 1400 1.23.57 60 at his best level. First time 11.04.15 Continues to improve No extra late Took over late Good come back 1.31.52 60.5 TSN 08.11.14 11.10.14 21.09.14 Is almost 23.05.15 1 1.5 2 0.4 1400 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 Benchm ark 56 Surruptitious* Solar Star Arachne* Royal Folly* 10 61.5KG 1500 ZHAN HU 20.06.15 1 4 1 1 (P.MERVEN) h.a S.AF 6 yrs 18.04.15 7 2 2 2 2 (ALLET) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 08.11.14 66-50 1365 1.24.52 56.5 TSN 7 S.RAMA 14.06.14 61-45 1500 1.31.99 59 TSN 5 C.SEGEON Has improved after his last race. Will be at the finish. 6 BN (PERDRAU) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 1.38.05 58 ND 1.24.24 56 ND 1.30.82 58.5 ND gate M. vanRensburg (R.GUJADHUR) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 1850 - Rating: G3 - 60+ DATE Good form. Beware as he is in a field that suits him. 2 11h30 THE WINTER STAKES 6 MRU 170K - 60K - 30K -15K GEAR N SW N N N N GEAR BN SN AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) E.g For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. Email: [email protected] 18+ 32 02 July 2015 12h05 THE FULL CHARGE CUP 7 1 1850 - Rating: Benchmark 31 MAX RAPAX (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 4 yrs DATE RAT. Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 06.06.15 09.05.15 18.04.15 DIST. TIME KG 1850 1.54.57 57 GEAR GATE JOCKEY B 6 D.DAVID 1600 1.38.35 58.5 B 6 1500 1.31.34 59 6 B O 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 31 30.05.15 16.05.15 18.04.15 1500 1.31.30 59 1 62KG 1 3 B.CABALLERO 1.50 Beaten by better D.DAVID 6 1 1 Wing Man* 2.80 Easy winner D.DAVID 3 2 3 DSDon't 1.00 Didn't disgrace - - 2 ARGO 1.20 Beaten by better gate 4 61KG TN 4 S.RAMA 5 5 3 E. Class 6.00 Did his best 1600 1.39.77 59.5 TN 1 S.RAMA 5 5 3 N. Star 2.80 Lacked strong finish 1500 1.34.97 59.5 TN 4 S.RAMA 7 2 2 W. Glider 0.25 Failed narrowly 1500 1.31.18 59.5 TN 3 S.RAMA 7 4 1 IBBack* 0.35 Big improvement TEMBOT (R.GUJADHUR) h.g S.AF 6 yrs Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 Mr70E 20.06.15 30.05.15 4 gate 8 60.5KG 3 M.VANRENSBURG 8 9 5 Harba 2.50 Improved run 1600 1.41.66 58.5 BN 4 S.AZIE 7 7 7 N. Star 14.30 Needed run - 8 4 9 8 CINCHONA Royal Galaxy 4.85 8.00 Moved up - no extra Slow - handy - tired 21.01.14 2000 2.01.85 55.5 B 03.01.14 Mr74E 1600 1.39.24 55.5 B Improved race last out. Average chance. 13 B.JACOBSON 10 I.STURGEON WING MAN (S.NARANG) h.b S.AF 7 yrs DIST. TIME KG 1400 gate 6 1500 Benchm ark 31 MdnmG 6 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 D.BONILLA 9 B 8 B 2 13 reviewed. - 9 4 8 C.PULLER C.PULLER C.PULLER - 1 2 3 2 2 2 Do Be Snappy Rebel House Scorecard 0.75 0.75 1.5 Out paced late Tried hard Good progress 3 2 MARTIN 0.25 Failed narrowly 1365 1.23.22 57.5 - 4 D.DAVID 6 5 5 O'chee Pan 3.45 Did his best 06.12.14 31-15 1400 1.25.57 60 S 2 J.GEROUDIS 3 3 5 22.11.14 31-15 1365 1.24.03 60.5 6 J.GEROUDIS 6 5 5 Good race last out with the blinkers. Can be back in the winer's enclosure. SOApproval DTale 4.80 3.15 Average run Lacked finish 3 2 M. Rapax 2.80 Wide 300m 02.05.15 7 1 6 1 SFree M. Rapax* 2.90 0.15 Lacked finish Hard fought win 07.12.14 31-15 1400 1.25.84 60 5 P.MULRENNAN 08.11.14 31-15 1400 1.25.95 59 9 D.BONILLA Beaten by a better horse last out. Can finish in the money. 6 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 8 1.26.53 59 7 D.MOOR 1 3 3 Lietuva 3.50 Slight disappointment 4 5 2 1 2 3 Big Lion Millenimesta 3.20 1.15 Beaten by better Good run Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 (S.NARANG) h.b S.AF 5 yrs 59KG 0.57.39 59.5 - 4 D.MOOR 2 2 6 MARTIN 2.45 Lacked acceleration 1000 0.58.26 60 8 M.NEISIUS 6 7 9 WAMillion 6.90 Raced wide P.MULRENNAN M.NEISIUS 3 1 3 2 4 2 Y. Man Keep Walking 2.80 1.05 Raced wide Beaten a whisker 7 Harba 2.95 Lacked acceleration 11.04.15 6 7 W. Glider 7.55 No show 1600 1.40.60 60 N 5 V.NAIKO 3 7 8 Strum 8.20 No show 06.12.14 31-15 1400 1.25.65 61 3 22.11.14 30-0 1000 0.58.31 61 4 Hasn't done badly last out. Average chance. 5 6 7 DeuxFab. 4.05 No show 1600 1.40.31 58.5 - 10 B.LERENA 1500 1.31.67 54 - 6 1650 2 2 Harba 0.20 Great run-watch out 10 8 3 - 10 5 2 9 T.O.Fortune Sophistry Vavasour 5.65 1.25 6 Good debut-watch out Backed - slow - ran on Lost 1L - no show 55.5KG SN 7 5 6 6 8 E. Class 8.35 No show 6 1 5 5 3 6 2 6 7 POPolicy WingMan Dustan 0.30 5.60 4.85 Held up 300m Backed, average run Eased 1700m V.SOLA G.AVRANCHE 2 55KG 8 7 Wing Man 5.75 No show 9 D.HOLLAND 2 D.HOLLAND 6 S.AKHADE better. 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 3 4 R.Game SOThunder SFree 7.60 1.40 2.40 No show Improving Slight improvement TRAINING CLOCK SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 12.56 12.01 14.75 Benchm ark 31 N 2 S.RAMA 1000 0.57.78 59 N 1 C.SEGEON 1400 0-20 1365 0-20 1500 0-25 1400 race last out. 10 BATAAN 09.05.15 GEAR B N 41.68 27.87 13.73 36.97 25.52 - N NT 3 TEMBOT 13.20 12.90 - 41.34 26.10 12.90 36.79 24.71 - N BN 4 WING MAN 12.97 - - 36.66 25.14 39.96 26.16 12.97 BN N 11.48 - 11.48 37.54 25.35 - N N 5 BRIGHT AND BLUE - 6 ARROWHEAD 12.43 12.23 13.73 37.14 25.03 38.39 25.96 13.73 7 TEAMOG 12.33 13.83 13.44 12.88 - 38.70 26.16 13.83 38.07 26.32 12.88 14.76 13.05 12.14 13.12 - 42.35 27.81 13.05 39.14 25.26 13.12 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 MjpmF N N [ACCUMULATOR] YOU CAN MAKE DOUBLES, TRIPLETS, QUADRUPLETS AND SO ON UNTIL A COMBINATION OF EIGHT HORSES ON ALL RACES ON THE PROGRAM. PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Email: [email protected] 18+ 2 6 1 4 7 3 5 8 8 5 ARGO ARGO Princeton LPrint 5.85 9.10 7.50 7.45 7 6 5 H.Harry 2.70 Slow to begin 10 9 6 WAMillion 3.95 Raced wide 7 1 4 2 3 6 Strum DeuxFab. 1.15 2.95 Improved run Faded 400m BNT 10 gate 8 D.HOLLAND 4 3 4 Lietuva 3.80 Lacked finish 1.27.02 61 TBN 1.33.31 61 TBN 1.25.22 59 TBN Can be a surprise. 7 3 8 S.BUSSUNT D.HOLLAND S.BUSSUNT 6 3 3 4 2 5 1 3 5 JFlash* R. Performer Absalom 5.00 2.00 5.25 Couldn't match winner Inconvenienced 150m Tried it's best gate V. NAIKO (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 3 yrs NU 1 56KG 4 S.BROWN 4 8 8 M.Leyend 5.35 Average 1365 1.24.11 53.5 SN 8 V.NAIKO 8 10 9 O'chee Pan 9.05 Over-raced 2 3 D.DANIELS S.RANDOLPH - 4 6 3 6 Mootahadee Afrikaburn 5 4.65 Stayed on Made progress S.RAMA R.HOOLASH S.RAMA S.RAMA 6 57.5KG 1.32.85 56.5 SN gate SN 8 2 6 3 9 3 8 1 9 9 8 1 Joyful R. Performer GGent KKey* TRAINING CLOCK 12.25 10.55 10.00 1.1 No show No show Average run Gutsy win 600m 400m 200m 36.64 23.63 11.79 39.56 26.47 12.71 13.51 13.19 13.72 13.79 13.38 - 40.42 26.91 13.72 41.06 27.17 13.38 12.65 12.13 14.52 11.73 12.48 39.30 26.65 14.52 24.21 12.48 4 SMITTEN 13.79 12.66 12.57 12.48 13.77 39.04 26.45 12.66 38.82 26.25 13.77 HORSE Roventas couldn't found the opening on his first race 1 CRAFTSMAN and he ended at the third place. He has improved after this race and he can open his account. Craftsman is back after having been disqualified in his last race. 2 GRIS CHEVAL Beware also of Smitten who has improved with the blinkers. 3 ROVENTAS Place: 2 53.5KG SPLIT TIME 200P 2400P 2200P 11.84 11.79 13.09 13.76 12.71 Roventas CRAFTSMAN SOCIAL NETWORK Amber Palace gate S. BUSSUNT 1500 FAVOURITE 8 58.5KG 1.25.15 57.5 TBN SN 10 SN 9 SN 8 SN 6 reviewed. gate 59KG Average run No show No show Lost off fore shoe NU (ALLET) h.b S.AF 7 yrs 16.05.15 0-20 1365 1.28.25 60 02.05.15 0-20 1500 1.34.66 60.5 11.04.15 0-20 1365 1.24.56 60.5 22.11.14 30-0 1000 0.58.14 53.5 Disappointing in his last race. To be 4 J. BARDOTTIER EA KEEP WALKING (P.MERVEN) h.a S.AF 7 yrs GEAR N N 5 SOCIAL NETWORK CRAFTSMAN ROVENTAS SOCIAL NETWORK 12.40 12.33 11.20 12.10 12.75 39.15 24.73 12.33 36.05 24.85 12.75 N N 6 KINGDOM'S KEY 14.13 13.51 14.11 12.18 11.51 13.66 41.75 27.62 14.11 37.35 25.17 13.66 N Outsider: 7 ROMAN EXPRESS 13.01 12.35 12.09 12.70 - 39.42 25.36 12.35 37.63 24.79 12.70 8 AMBER PALACE - 12.53 36.28 25.18 - N N 9 JOYFUL 12.53 11.85 12.47 - 36.85 24.32 12.47 36.52 24.90 - N BNT 10 BATAAN 12.85 12.55 - 39.49 25.40 12.55 N EAKEEP WALKING 12.90 13.13 12.20 13.84 - 39.47 26.03 13.13 39.06 26.04 13.84 N N Best Time: Phone: 08449940299 1.25.34 54 16.05.15 02.05.15 04.04.15 Average 23.05.15 14.14 13.73 - 8 DUNRAVEN 1400 JOYFUL N (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 6 yrs 13.06.14 1400 1.24.14 58 31.05.14 MjpmF 1400 1.26.73 58 Slight improvement last out. Difficult. 600m 400m 200m 37.52 26.01 39.32 26.76 14.75 V.NAIKO R.JOORAWON V.NAIKO R.JOORAWON 07.12.14 36-20 1500 1.31.41 58.5 N 1 G.D.AUCHARAZ 15.11.14 36-20 1850 1.55.62 58.5 N 7 C.SEGEON Was too fiery and slow in his last race. Average chance. 13.06.15 gate 9 11.04.15 9 R. JOORAWON D.HOLLAND Benchm ark 41 Benchm ark 31 4 5 8 6 gate K. GHUNOWA (J.M.HENRY) h.a S.AF 5 yrs 59.5 N 60 N 60 N 58.5 N this race. AMBER PALACE 13.06.15 gate M.BLUMENAUER 29.11.14 31-15 1500 1.33.07 08.11.14 36-20 1500 1.33.29 27.09.14 36-20 1500 1.35.09 14.09.14 41-25 1850 1.56.26 Back to competition. Will need 8 B. BHAUGEEROTHEE K.GHUNOWA (ALLET) h.a S.AF 7 yrs 1.41.29 56 7 58.5KG 2 ROMAN EXPRESS 7 B. Lerena - 3 B. BHAUGEEROTHEE 1000 6 Best Time: Don't Say Don't 1400 9 HORSE Narrowly beaten in his last race, Arrowhead is well 1 MAX RAPAX placed for the win. His main opponent will be Max Rapax who hasn't done badly last out. Beware also of 2 DON'T SAY DON'T Wing Man who won a nice victory at the finish last out. Outsider: Couldn't match winner 3 Arrowhead ARROWHEAD Max Rapax Wing Man 4.65 S.BROWN FAVOURITE Max Rapax TEMBOT Wing Man KCoast N.MARDAY 16.05.15 0-25 1600 1.43.12 60 SN 18.04.15 0-25 1500 1.32.51 60 N 07.12.14 31-15 1650 1.41.54 58.5 ON Disappointing in his last race. Will try to do Place: 2 8 DUNRAVEN Benchm ark 31 3 2 07.12.14 25-0 1500 1.32.02 60.5 2 25.10.14 25- 0 1850 1.55.54 59.5 1 21.09.14 31-15 2050 2.10.27 59 2 Is no more the same horse. Hard to trust him. 06.06.15 5 N TEAMOG (J.M.HENRY) h.b.b S.AF 10 yrs 13.06.15 D.MOOR 1500 1.36.21 59 23.05.15 0-25 1400 1.26.36 61.5 1 B.LERENA 26.12.14 MdnmG 1600 1.38.24 59 1 A.FORBES MdnmG 10.10.14 1200 1.11.50 59 9 A.FORBES Narrowly beaten last out. Is a serious candidate for the win. 7 8 1600 1.40.77 57.5 N ARROWHEAD (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 3 yrs 20.06.15 06.06.15 gate 59.5KG 1.26.50 59.5 N KINGDOM'S KEY 6 N 1365 N 5 D. Moor (S.NARANG) h.a S.AF 4 yrs 7 4 gate 59.5KG 6 8 gate B D.DAVID J.DE SOUZA B.SOOFUL 7 D. DAVID 5 D.MOOR gate 61KG 0.57.06 59.5 B1 Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 9 B. Lerena No clear run 200m 4 7 15.11.14 36-20 1850 1.55.81 60 N 8 S.BROWN Weaken in the last meters last out. Can finish in the money. Early run - caught Slow into stride Stayed on from rear 1.25 9 02.05.15 0.5 6.15 3.65 MARTIN 1600 1.38.82 57.5 BN Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 36 Benchm ark 36 Stratocruiser Spring Cherry 3 07.12.14 31-15 1650 1.41.63 58.5 BN 25.10.14 25-0 1850 1.54.62 59.5 BN Best finish last out. Aiming for a double. 16.05.15 That Cowboy Kid Raced wide 9 16.05.15 20.06.15 2 4 7 loin 9 Bold finish 3 10 DSDon't 61KG B.LERENA 0.35 60KG BN (G.ROUSSET) h.b S.AF 5 yrs SOCIAL NETWORK gate M. vanRensburg 8 SFree* N First win One-paced run Big improvement 1 3 12 1 gate Disqualified 0.55 4.35 1.75 - 4 G. D. Aucharuz - R. Consort* K. Captain T. Pieman M.BYLEVELD G.HATT G.HATT 6 BRIGHT AND BLUE (S.RAMDIN) h.b S.AF 5 yrs - 10 D.MOOR 5 - 1 4 3 8 3 09.05.15 - 2 4 2 G.D.AUCHARUZ 1650 1.40.30 58.5 BN Benchm ark 31 Benchm ark 31 06.06.15 - 3 4 4 1000 5 11 61KG MARGIN COMMENT (R.MAINGARD) h.b S.AF 4 yrs 0.57.21 61 SMITTEN 4 600 200 RANK WIN./SEC. (R.GUJADHUR) h.g S.AF 4 yrs 1.35.34 60.5 BN 1000 N N 6 V.NAIKO N 1 L.CURRIE ON 2 L.CURRIE Has maintained his form. 22.10.14 1600 1.39.22 60 B 24.09.14 MdnmG 1400 1.26.04 60 B 10.09.14 MdnmG 1400 1.26.43 60 B Couldn't find the opening last out. Beware. 09.05.15 60.5KG Benchm ark 31 MdnmG N 59.5 57 55 race. gate R. JOORAWON GEAR GATE JOCKEY - 60 1.26.35 1.24.84 1.24.98 his last ROVENTAS 06.06.15 D. Moor BN Benchm ark 31 09.08.14 1600 1.47.25 60 21.06.14 MdnmG 1400 1.29.06 60 17.05.14 MdnmG 1400 1.29.73 60 Ran wide all the way last out. To be 06.06.15 BN 1600 1.40.69 61 18.04.15 3 M. vanRensburg BN RAT. MRU 125K - 45K - 20K - 10K (PERDRAU) h.a S.AF 4 yrs GRIS CHEVAL 2 Was slightly inconvenienced last out. Beware of him. 3 DATE 08.11.14 30-0 1400 26.10.14 36-20 1400 04.10.14 41-25 1400 Disqualified winner on J. BARDOTTIER NT 1365 - Rating: Benchmark 31 CRAFTSMAN 1 02.05.15 MARGIN COMMENT 4 DON'T SAY DON'T (P.MERVEN) h.b S.AF 8 yrs 13.06.15 gate D. DAVID 29.11.14 31-15 1500 1.32.21 58.5 B 3 J.GEROUDIS Hasn't done badly in his last race. Can be placed. 2 8 MRU 125K - 45K - 20K - 10K SATURDAY 12h35 THE CAPTAIN TRIAL PLATE Smitten This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. 12.53 - 33 02 July 2015 SATURDAY 1st Race The vote is given to CAPTAIN MATTHEW in this opening contest. He remains stuck with one win in Mauritius, although he has gone close numerous times. He looked in good form in his workouts, and should have no problems tackling the Draper’s Mile. Eastward Bound produced an eye-catching display in his latest. In good nick, he is expected to be the closest opponent to the selection. Royal Performer has not been seen, since his shock win in the 5th meeting. This colt appears to have shown no signs of problem in his gallops, and he runs well fresh. He has a solid chance of showing up. Fort Noble was not very far away behind the winner in his last start. He is worth considering each-way, while Young Royal and Kaafel are lower place outsiders. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: C. MATTHEW STAR HORSE: CAPTAIN MATTHEW 2nd Race The horse to beat in this contest is none other than ELITE CLASS. He simply destroyed his opponents in his recent start, winning from Tiger Island by 5.8 lengths. In very top order, he sets the standard in this field and it would be quite a surprise, if he does not come back as a winner. Levanto should go close here. He produced his best showing yet in his latest, and with Jeanot Bardottier riding him, another good run is expected from him. Gharbee has done nothing wrong, since arriving from South Africa. He will have to produce something very special to topple the favourite, but even so, he can make the frame. Seven Fountains was an eye-catching 3rd over his debut, and having showed satisfaction at track work, he should have a decent race. Cinchona may not have shown much in his last start, but he is capable of doing better. DARK HORSE: EASTWARD BOUND EXPECTED FAVOURITE: ELITE CLASS TRAINING SHOT: ROYAL PERFORMER STAR HORSE: ELITE CLASS 4 Race th Who can stop BANDIDO CABALLERO? If his current form is to be taken into account, it will take someone special to stop this Ricky Maingard-trained horse. This highly-rated finisher once again impressed at track work, and he is highly thought of by his connections and Brandon Lerena. Pont d’Avignon will be looking to take advantage of any slip up from the favourite. He managed to open his account for this season in the 11th meeting, and he looked well enough in his workouts. Princeton was set-off as favourite in his last start, but he could only manage 2nd place. However, he did not have everything in his favour throughout the run. If he can follow in a prominent position, he will fire all sorts of questions in the home straight. Viento Magico has finished 3rd and 2nd in his first two starts in Mauritius. He looks a very promising sort, and will have his say in this contest. Urbi Et Orbi – who went very close last time out – looks a good each-way bet, while Carson City and Why Worry are treated as interesting outsiders. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: BANDIDO CABALLERO DARK HORSE: PRINCETON STAR HORSE: BANDIDO CABALLERO TRAINING SHOT: V. MAGICO DARK HORSE: GHARBEE EXPECTED FAVOURITE: LIETUVA TRAINING SHOT:S. FOUNTAINS STAR HORSE: LIETUVA th Race 5 The Mauritius Guineas Cup was the first time that NORDIC EXPECTED FAVOURITE: MAX RAPAX STAR HORSE: ARROWHEAD DARK HORSE: COLOUR OF COURAGE TRAINING SHOT: MOUNT HILLABY 6th Race Of the eight races on the card, it is this Group 3 contest that looks the most open, with all seven horses capable of winning. The bad draw, and the 1400 metre trip WARRIOR had finished outside the money in Mauritius. A line made Top Jet’s task complicated for his debut start in the Duchess Of York Cup. can be put through that run, as he picked up an injury. He has The fact he finished runner-up to Silver Bluff – 0.15 lengths away demonstrated fully recovered, and looked in good nick at track work. He has his qualities. He has come out from that run in very tremendous shape, and this every chance of renewing with success. Gida just came up short 1850 metre trip should suit him to a tree. One horse which will appreciate this in his previous outing, being piped by Rear Admiral. This Patrick trip is Skippyjon Jones. He was a brilliant winner in the feature race of the 7th Merven-trained gelding can go one better, with Jeanot Bardottier meeting, and his chances of completing a double must not be under-estimated. riding in confidence. Independence is the top-rated arrival at the Diamond Light kept up his amazing record of finishing in the money in his yard of Rameshwar Gujadhur. Armed with a very impressive South return to racing, even if he was 4 lengths behind the winner. He won this very African C.V, he has settled in well in his new environment, and race last season, and as he is in much better shape than his last outing, he is must be watched very closely here. Nothing Compares is in very given tons of respect. VETTEL failed to make an impression in his return to encouraging form, and warrants consideration in all combinations. racing in the 7th meeting. However, he had excuses on his side, most notably the poor going. Awesome would be the perfect word to describe his training Hot Rocket and Zhan Hu are decent outsiders. form, and if he can translate that into the real thing, he will be very hard to beat. 2012 champion horse Ice Axe showed big improvement, when he finished 3rd in the Group 1 MTC Bicentenary Trophy. He has maintained this form, and is worth a thought. Everest has been well-trained, and should be included in all combinations. The same is said for last-time winner Bastille Day, who looked on very good terms with himself in his gallops. He is not prevented from showing EXPECTED FAVOURITE: NORDIC WARRIOR DARK HORSE: NOTHING COMPARES up, with Daniel Moor riding him. STAR HORSE: NORDIC WARRIOR TRAINING SHOT: INDEPENDENCE EXPECTED FAVOURITE: TOP JET STAR HORSE: VETTEL DARK HORSE: EVEREST TRAINING SHOT: TOP JET th 8 Race SOCIAL NETWORK shades the selection in the final race on the th Race 7 ARROWHEAD gets the vote in this penultimate race. His last start saw him do everything but score, and a reproduction of that run should see him go one better. Max Rapax could have something up his sleeve though. He was a solid 3rd in the Duchess Of York Cup meeting, and he has been entered in a lower class this time round. He will appreciate this longer trip, and even if he is handicapped at 62 kg, he is rated as the big danger to the selection. Don’t Say Don’t landed the final step of the podium in race meeting 11. In solid form throughout, he is expected to make the frame once again. Recent winner Wing Man has designs on confirming. This Shirish Narang-trained gelding has won twice over this 1850 metre trip, and as he is a strong finisher, he will be very hard to stop, if he follows in a good position. Tembot was credited with a 5th place finish in his last start, but he was only 2.5 lengths behind Harba.. 3 Race rd Preference is for LIETUVA over this 1365 metre sprint. He scored his second win in his latest, outclassing the opposition in the process. He was in superb form in training, and is taken to confirm. Mount Hillaby runs for the first time under his new colours. After opening his account in the 4th meeting, he thought he had made it two in-a-row, only for it to be taken away. This four year-old can bounce back strongly, and is rated as the big danger to the favourite. Count Emmanuale comes back after a lay off, and should give a good account of himself. Colour Of Courage ran a cracker with the blinkers in his recent run, winning ahead of stable mate Millenimesta. Don’t rule him out from making it a double. Lucky Valentine – who had his own taken away from him in his penultimate start – was nowhere to be seen last time out. Having dropped down two divisions, he should do a lot better. With a couple of solid runs under his belt, and with only 52 kg on his back, Van Der Scaler looks an interesting outsider. AmountR?H?R?H?R?H?....betName Note: Do not leave any space between characters. Amount = Stakes amount R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. betName = Trixie / Yankee / Canadian / Heinz / Superheinz / Goliath E.g Trixie (3 selections in 3 different Races) E.g For a ‘trixie’ bet of $20 on Race No1 Horse No2, combined with Race No2 Horse No5, and Race No5 Horse No1 Send 20R1H2R2H5R5H1trixie by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). Canadian For 5 selections in 5 different races Heinz For 6 selections in 6 different races Superheinz For 7 selections in 7 different races Goliath For 8 selections in 8 different races PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 DARK HORSE: WING MAN TRAINING SHOT: TEMBOT Email: [email protected] 18+ card. This son of Right Approach may still be winless, but he has not done a lot wrong, only finishing outside the money once. His yard was satisfied with his work in training, and can give Daniel Moor another precious win. Craftsman is now under the tutelage of Alain Perdrau, and will have Rye Joorawon riding him for the first time. He produced a cracker in his last start, even though it counted for nothing in the end. He was in very good form at track work, setting some eye-catching chronos. It won’t be that all surprising, if he manages to strike back. Smitten was narrowly beaten at the post by Martin in the first classic meeting of the season. He seems to have rediscovered his best form, since his trainer decided to fit him with the blinkers. He is not without his chances in this contest. Roventas was an eye-catching 3rd over his debut outing. He has come out from that run in very good shape, and can show up. EXPECTED FAVOURITE: CRAFTSMAN STAR HORSE: SOCIAL NETWORK DARK HORSE: ROVENTAS TRAINING SHOT: SMITTEN Neilsen Ip SMS Format: Amount = Stakes amount E.g Note: Do not leave any space between characters. AmountR?H? R = Race H = Horse ? = Race No. / Horse No. To bet £50 on Race No1 Horse No5 Send 50R1H5 by SMS FREELY to 83777 (from UK) or, send on 447786207719 (from outside UK). PARIAZ.CO.UK OFFERS SERVICES TO MAURITIUS NON-RESIDENTS ONLY. Phone: 08449940299 Email: [email protected] This supplement is published for information. It is not the official program. 18+ MAURITIAN HORSE RACING LIVE ON Pariaz Ltd UK is licensed (Licence No. 000-031665-R-312804-001) and regulated by the UK Gambling Commission. Phone : 08449940299 BET RESPONSIBLY | 18+ | Email : [email protected] 35 35 02 July 2015 2 Juillet 2015 Tennis de table Sarah Hanffou et Anne-Sophie Gourin, deux anciennes gloires de France viennent aider Maurice Deux anciennes gloires de l’Hexagone ont manifesté leur intention de venir chez nous afin d’agir comme des sparringpartners pour nos sélectionnés en vue des prochains JIOI. Ainsi, Sarah Hanffou et Anne-Sophie Gourin sont attendus à Maurice jeudi 2 juillet. De ce fait, la venue de ces deux anciennes raquettes du tennis de table de France est considérée comme une aubaine pour les pongistes mauriciens, car nos deux techniciens locaux, à savoir Rajessen Desscann et Patrick Sahajasein, pourront apporter les dernières retouches avant l’échéance réunionnaise qui se profile à l’horizon. « Sarah Hanffou et Anne-Sophie Gourin demeurent des pongistes très expérimentés. Il ne fait pas de doute que le fait d’avoir côtoyé le haut niveau aidera davantage nos pongistes qui se préparent pour faire face à leur destin en vue des prochains JIOI. » Propos de Rajessen Desscann, entraîneur national. Le déplacement de ces deux pongistes françaises a été rendu possible grâce au soutien et au bon vouloir du ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports (MJS). Pour rappel, tout récemment, les pongistes qui ont été Judo: Christianne Legentil attendue au pays le 20 août Tennis-U10: Aaron Rawa en action dans le Rose-Hill Open Forfait pour les Jeux des Îles de l’Océan Indien (JIOI), la judokate mauricienne Christianne Legentil, a dû passer sur le billard, le 11 juin dernier. Son opération au genou a été un succès, mais la Mauricienne poursuit sa convalescence en Allemagne. Elle compte regagner Maurice, le 20 août. Actuellement, elle est sous la supervision des experts allemands pour des tests. Elle compte remonter sur les tatamis en 2016. Après avoir remporté le Mauritius Union le mois dernier, Aaron Rawa qui a aussi enlevé l’Emcar Open samedi (27 juin) dans la catégorie U10, compte participer au RoseHill Open le mois prochain. Ce pensionnaire de Popy’s Tennis club de Quatre-Bornes entraîné par Dominique Thomas, compte mettre une troisième compétition consécutive à son palmarès. Pour rappel, samedi dernier, Aaron Rawa a battu Matis Seguin sur le score de 2-0 (4-2, 4-2). Après sa victoire, Aaron Rawa occupe la tête de série dans la catégorie U10. sélectionnés pour défendre notre quadricolore en terre réunionnaise ont effectué un stage en Chine, plus précisément au Centre d’entraînement de Baoding. Un Basket-ball: La sélection féminine à La Réunion en juillet La sélection mauricienne de basket-ball sous la houlette du duo Ruben Batterie-Bernard Nuckchady mettra le cap sur la Réunion en juillet afin de participer à cinq matches amicaux. Ce déplacement s’insère dans le cadre de la préparation de nos basketteuses en vue des prochains JIOI 2015. De ce fait, du 19 au 15 juillet, la sélection mauricienne de Maurice jouera cinq rencontres. Des clubs, à l’instar de du Port, des Aiglons et de l’ASPTT seront de la partie. stage d’un mois qui a été bénéfique à tous les niveaux. Entre-temps, Huang Min, Conseiller Technique National chinois, est déjà sur place pour prêter main-forte aux Mauriciens. Huang Min demeure un technicien de grande expérience qui sait comment se pratique le tennis de table dans la région. Il a tout récemment décroché le titre de champion du monde de vétéran, catégorie 50 ans. Précisons aussi que Brian Chan Yuk Fo, qui se trouve en Chine pour ses études, est déjà sur place depuis mardi dernier. Il a été à l’entraînement mardi 30 juin à Beau-Bassin. En ce qui concerne Widaad Gukhool, qui fait des études à Brunei, elle rentre au pays, le 13 juillet, pour rejoindre les autres sélectionnés de Maurice. Nos deux expatriés de France, notamment Ritesh Taucoory et Akhilen Yogarajah, seront, eux, attendus chez nous le 25 juillet. Volley-ball: Maurice participera à la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations hommes au Caire Maurice participera à la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations hommes qui se tiendra du 20 au 31 juillet au Caire, en Égypte. Douze joueurs feront le déplacement. Il s’agit de: Sunil Mudhoo, Ashwyn Ramkalawon, Jason Radoo, Evans Sauteur, Akash Doobraz, Kevin Larose, Gilbert Alfred, Gino Sophie, Bryan Perrine, Eric Louise, Hansley Casimir et Stéphane Moonisamy. Maurice se rendra en Égypte le 15 juillet. Pour rappel, au sein de cette compétition, on retrouve les pays suivants: l’Égypte, la Tunisie, le Maroc, l’Algérie, le Botswana, le Soudan, le Kenya et le Cameroun. 36 36 02 July 2015 2 Juillet 2015 19 nageurs retenus pour l’échéance réunionnaise en août C’est confirmé. 19 nageurs ont été retenus par la Fédération Mauricienne de Natation (FMN), pour défendre notre quadricolore lors des Jeux des Îles de l’Océan Indien (JIOI) qui se tiendront du 1er au 9 août prochain à l’île sœur. Ainsi, huit garçons et onze filles défendront nos couleurs face aux Seychelles, Madagascar, Comores, Maldives et Réunion en août prochain. Les 19 nageurs mauriciens ont réalisé les minimas A et B établis par Philippe Pascal, directeur technique national (DTN) de natation. Ceux retenus sont : Garçons Oliver Ah Ching, Darren Chan Chin Wah, Elken Cheong Leung, Ryano Fortune, Warren Hau Kim Fong, Yohan Lim Chou Sang, Mathieu Marquet et Bradley Vincent. En ce qui concerne les filles, les noms retenus sont : Heather Arseth, Annah Auckbaurallee, Emily Chan Chee, Olivia de Maroussem, Leah Foo Sem Fah, Tessa Ip Hen Cheng, Camille Koenig, Layne Lim Ah Tock, Mélodie Naidoo, Elodie Poo Cheong et Elodie Wong Woon Chong. Lors des JIOI 2015, la compétition s’annonce féroce, et nos nageurs ne devraient pas s’attendre à ce que leurs adversaires leur fassent de cadeaux. Car les nageurs des autres pays ont gagné en maturité et ce sera encore plus dur que sont les Jeux de 2011. Et en ce moment, les nageurs mauriciens sont à l’œuvre afin de parfaire leur préparation en vue de ces Jeux. Ainsi, Darren Chan Chin Wah, Heather Arseth et Bradley Vincent iront participer à la 16e édition des Championnats du monde de natation qui se tiendront du 24 juillet au 9 août 2015 à Kazan en Russie. Par ailleurs, le Long Course Meet 7 aura lieu à partie de 9h15 le samedi 4 juillet à la piscine SergeAlfred (50 m) pour les catégories benjamins et plus. Ce sera une bonne occasion pour nos jeunes nageurs de démontrer de quel bois ils se chauffent d’autant plus que cette épreuve comptera pour la qualification aux prochains Jeux d’Afrique et les Championnats d’Afrique juniors. À la prochaine réunion du CIJ Vivian Gungaram : « Maurice en lice pour organiser les JIOI 2019 » Vivian Gungaram, secrétaire général du Comité Olympique Mauricien (COM), a annoncé que Maurice a déjà préparé un dossier en bonne et due forme destiné aux CIJ en vue d’être candidat aux prochains Jeux des Îles de l’Océan Indien (JIOI) de 2019. Vivian Gungaram a aussi confirmé que le Comité International des Jeux (CIJ) a déjà effectué une visite d’évaluation des quatre îles des Comores depuis l’année dernière. « Depuis la visite d’inspection du CIJ aux Comores, rien de concret n’a été avancé dans ce pays. C’est la raison pour laquelle le CIJ a demandé à Maurice de venir avec un plan B pour préparer les JIOI de 2019 », a-t-il affirmé. Ce dernier déclare aussi que le COM a déjà sollicité le ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports pour l’informer de la situation. Et qu’au conseil des ministres en date du 19 juin dernier, cette haute instance de Maurice a donné son feu vert afin que Maurice prépare un dossier pour être candidat auprès du CIJ pour organiser l’événement 2019. D’ores et déjà, Maurice se positionne pour les Jeux de 2019 au cas où il y a désistement des Comores. Car du 4 au 6 juillet, le CIJ effectuera une autre visite aux Comores. Les représentants du CIJ qui seront présents aux Comores sont Réunion, Maurice et Seychelles, car Madagascar et Maldives n’ont pas encore réagit pour effectuer cette visite. Et si le CIJ n’est pas satisfait des dispositions prises jusqu’ici, dans ce cas, cette instance prendra une décision finale le 30 juillet, et Maurice se verra confier définitivement l’organisation de cet événement. « Le 9 août, de toutes les façons, le CIJ aura à confier le drapeau des Jeux au pays organisateur », a dit Vivian Gungaram. 37 37 2 Juillet 2015 02 July 2015 Cyclisme - Championnats de Maurice Une surprise nommée Yoan Pirogue Yoan Pirogue demeure bel et bien un coureur sur lequel il faudra compter. Car c’est lui qui est venu mettre tout le monde d’accord lors des récents championnats de Maurice qui ont eu lieu dimanche dernier. Ainsi, à l’issue des 144 km au programme de cette compétition, Yoan Pirogue, sociétaire du PSC-Winner’s, est venu couper la ligne d’arrivée en premier, devançant respectivement Philippe Colin et Jérémy Seeyave. « Je me suis entraîné pour remporter une course et, finalement, c’est arrivé pour les championnats. Je tiens à remercier tous les coureurs qui m’ont aidé, l’entraîneur José Achille, mes sponsors et je tiens surtout à dédier cette victoire à mon défunt papa », a déclaré Yoan Pirogue, après sa sublime victoire. Dès le départ de cette épreuve devant la station d’Engen à la Vigie, Stephano Olliver et Jérémy Seeyave demeurent les premiers coureurs à prendre la direction des opérations. Toutefois, les autres coureurs ne l’entendaient pas de cette oreille et ils se sont rapprochés. Toutefois, Grégory Lagane, accompagné par Jérémy Seeyave ont tenté une nouvelle échappée. Un effort réussi, surtout pour Grégory Lagane. N’empêche que Jérémy Seeyave a réussi à recoller avec Lagane. Quant Yoan Pirogue a commencé son effort, il a laissé pantois sur place ses adversaires. C’est ainsi qu’après 4h04’15 de course, il a traversé en premier la ligne d’arrivée pour remporter une sublime victoire. Chez les juniors, Christopher Lagane, a dicté sa loi, pour démontrer qu’il est bel et bien l’homme en forme du moment. Après 96 km, Christopher Lagane a devancé Romain Béchard. Ce dernier a tout tenté mais n’a pas réussi à empêcher son adversaire de franchir la ligne d’arrivée en premier. LES RÉSULTATS Elite 2-3 (144 km) 1. Yoan Pirogue (PSC-Winners) 4h04'15 2. Philippe Colin (FFSC-KFC) 4h04'24 3. Jérémy Seeyave (VCJCC-Bank One) mt 4. Steward Pharmasse (FFSC-KFC) mt 5. Yannick Lincoln (Moka SC) mt 6. Fidzerald Rabaye (VCJCC-Bank One) mt 7. Stephano Ollivier (UCRH-Engen) 4h04'37 8. William Labonne (PLMCC) mt 9. Michael Khedoo (UCRH-Engen) 4h04'40 10. Grégory Lagane (FFSC-KFC) 4h05'17 Juniors (96 km) 1. Christopher Lagane (FFSC-KFC) 2. Romain Béchard (VCJCC-Bank One) 3. Yash Subron (PSC-Winners) 4. Grégory Fleury (PSC-Winners) 2h36'58 2h42'26. 2h50'29 2h54'56 Cadets (72 km) 1. Adriano Azor (FFSC-KFC) 2. Fabio Catherine (FFSC-KFC) 3. Dylan Redy (CNFC) 4. Ronaldo Nizelin (FFSC-KFC) 5. Abyad Maudarbacus (FFSC-KFC) 2h06'31 2h06'36 2h06'46 2h08'31 2h08'37 Minimes (34 km) 1. Treven Ramasawmy (VCJCC-Bank One) 1h03'20 2. Jonathan Charlot (FFSC-KFC° 1h04'43 3. Kenny Azor (FFSC-KFC) mt 4. Atikesh Jadoo (FFSC-KFC) 1h05'50 5. Maximilien Adam (VCJCC-Bank One) 1h05'56 Pass-cyclisme (72 km) 1. Jason Minerve (PSC-Winners) 2h03'00 2. Damien Grégoire (VCJCC-Bank One) mt 3. Kim Chung Yee (VPCC-Snowy) mt Masters 30-49 ans (72 km) 1. Bernard Lasplaces (UCRH-Engen) 2h03'40 2. Jean-Philippe Henry (VCJCC-Bank One) mt 3. Jean-Paul Koo (FFSC-KFC) mt Masters 50+ (72 km) 1. André Le Blanc (VCJCC-Bank One) 2. Karim Hugli (FFSC-KFC) mt 3. Didier Rossignol (PSC-Winners) 2h03'08 2h03'42 38 02 July 2015 Hippisme Jeanot Bardottier : La nouvelle folie du Champ de Mars ! Jeannot Bardotier menant à la victoire Bulsara dans la Barbé Cup samedi dernier Jeanot Bardottier n’oubliera pas de sitôt cette journée du samedi 27 juin 2015. En douze années de carrière et avec 82 gagnants dans l’escarcelle, ce natif de Tranquebar s’est offert son premier quadruple assorti d’un premier succès classique au Champ de Mars. Le “vieux” Bulsara (neuf ans le mois prochain) l’aura mis sur orbite à la veille de ses 30 ans ! Du coup il est devenu la nouvelle foulie du Champ de Mars. Fidelis, O’chee Pan, Dustan et Bulsara : c’est le quarté gagnant de “Bardo” lors de cette deuxième journée classique 2015. Il était aux anges au micro de la télévision nationale. « J’ai beaucoup fait l’aller-retour entre Port-Louis et Floréal pour m’occuper de Bulsara. Il m’a beaucoup impressionné et c’était, selon moi, le cheval à battre dans cette course. Quand j’ai fait mon homework, j’ai constaté qu’il faisait régulièrement les meilleurs 600 mètres, surtout quand il ne portait que 58kg. Cette première victoire classique représente beaucoup pour moi, surtout en cette année où j’ai signé un contrat de jockey titulaire à l’écurie Gujadhur. C’était une grande chance pour moi et j’en profite. Je dédie cette victoire spécialement à mon défunt papa Serge. C’est grâce à lui que j’en suis là aujourd’hui. Mais je n’oublie pas mon épouse et mon fils ainsi que toute la famille Gujadhur qui me font tous confiance », a-til notamment déclaré après cette fameuse journée qui restera gravé dans sa mémoire. Mais cette journée aura aussi ses mauvais souvenir pour Jeanot Bardottier qui aura à verser une amende de Rs 25 000 pour interférence dans la deuxième course où il était engagé sur Wind Glider. Il était aussi au centre d’une polémique avec le jockey Van Rensburg qui l’aurait trainé de «caffer». En effet, Le jockey de l’entraîneur Rameshwar Gujadhur, Marco Van Rensburg, a été condamné à une amende de Rs 30 000 pour langage ordurier envers le Mauricien Jeanot Bardottier après la course de clôture de samedi dernier. Au cours de l’enquête des Racing Stewards, il n’a pas été prouvé que le Sud-Africain a été l’auteur de propos racistes, le témoignage de Boutanive étant approximatif. Van Rensburg a présenté ses excuses à Bardottier et à l’entraîneur Ramapatee Gujadhur. Gujadhur : flying colors Après Silver Bluff dans la Duchesse, l’’écurie Gunajdhir s’est offert le doublé classique avec Bulsara, qui complétait un fabuleux quadruple de l’entraîneur et son jockey Jeanot Bardottier. Cette performance permet au cavalier mauricien de totaliser 17 victoires et de ravir le maillot de leader au Sud-Africain Brandon Lerena, tandis que Ramapatee Gujadhur a accentué son avance en haut du tableau avec Rs 4 969 500 en terme de gains. Le classement des chevaux est désormais mené par Bulsara devant One Cool Dude et Kremlin Captain. Sur le papier, Jeanot Bardottier avait une belle carte à jouer samedi dernier au même titre que Swapneal Rama qui profitait des malheurs de Cédric Ségeon pour obtenir un full card sous les couleurs de Patrick Merven. Deux jockeys, deux styles. Le cavalier de la famille Gujadhur confirma qu’il est un des meilleurs jockeys en action au Champ de Mars actuellement en s’adjugeant la plus grosse part du gâteau avec un beau quadruple, tandis que son homologue, moins puissant, se contenta d’un petit succès. Sa plus belle victoire, Jeanot Bardottier la savoura dans l’épreuve phare, la Barbé Cup, sur Bulsara qui fut présenté comme le principal adversaire du favori One Cool Dude. C’était la toute première victoire classique de sa carrière qui a vraiment pris son envol il y a quelques années seulement. «Cette victoire classique représente beaucoup pour moi, car elle est ma toute première. Elle intervient durant une année où j’ai reçu un contrat chez l’entraînement Gujadhur. C’était une chance inouïe pour moi et j’en ai profité. Comme on le dit souvent, good horses make good jockeys, et je n’ai pas laissé passer ma chance dans le Barbé». Longtemps aperçu en dernière position, Bulsara contourna les outsiders Abington et Captain Firth avant de foncer sur les autres. Polar Royale et One Cool Dude firent impression à un certain moment, mais lorsque Bardottier enclencha le turbo, Bulsara accéléra à nouveau pour les dominer avec une certaine autorité. Cheval, jockey, entraîneur et propriétaires furent accueillis par une foule survoltée qui s’électrifia davantage lorsque Bardottier mima le fameux «pédaler». Reim: prochaine étape, le Maiden Alors que pour Bardottier c’était une grande première, Ramapatee Gujadhur ne fit qu’étoffer son palmarès dans les classiques. L’entraîneur réalisait même le doublé après la Duchesse 2015 remportée par son poulain Silver Bluff, tandis que Il Saggiatore (2012) était le dernier à lui permettre de soulever cette coupe. Dans l’euphorie, Ramapatee Gujadhur n’a pas caché ses ambitions de s’octroyer la plus prestigieuse coupe du calendrier programmée le 7 septembre prochain. «Sa prochaine course sera le Maiden», a-t-il lancé sans détour. Battu par Man To Man dans le dernier Ruban Bleu, ce fils de Silvano possède sans nul doute les qualités nécessaires pour s’offrir une nouvelle épreuve classique et conserver son invincibilité cette saison. Car il avait frappé d’entrée lors de la quatrième journée sur 1500m avant d’être ménagé par son entourage. Si Bulsara s’était forgé une bonne réputation sur le turf sud-africain, nombreux sont ceux à penser que son heure de gloire faisait partie du passé. Du reste, il n’avait pas gagné lors de ses 26 dernières sorties sudafricaines. A 7 ans déjà à l’époque, il fut mis en vente, et Ramapatee Gujadhur peut s’estimer chanceux de l’avoir accueilli dans son yard l’année dernière. Deux jockeys portaient la casaque bleu électrique et écharpe rouge dans cette épreuve. La toque jaune était confiée à Jean Roland Boutative. Les chances de Reim n’étaient pas évidentes dans ce lot, d’autant que le nouveau crack annoncé de cet établissement n’avait pas encore fait ses preuves sur notre turf après une fin de carrière sud-africaine exceptionnelle. On savait aussi que sa présence était une assurance qu’il n’y aurait pas de faux train, car il a démontré sa préférence pour la course à l’avant en Afrique du Sud. Malheureusement, Reim ne prit pas un bon départ et dans l’entêtement de son cavalier de suivre à la lettre les directives de l’entraîneur, Jean Roland Boutanive lui en demanda trop dans la première courbe et dans la descente, hypothéquant ainsi ses chances de succès. Le jockey fut d’ailleurs sanctionné d’une suspension de trois semaines couplée d’une amende de Rs 25 000 pour ne pas avoir monté à la satisfaction des commissaires. La journée avait démarré avec le succès de Fidelis qui tentait sa chance dans une valeur inférieure. Une victoire qui porte la griffe de l’assistant entraîneur, Gopal Gujadhur. La troisième épreuve ne fut qu’une simple formalité pour O’Chee Pan qui démontra qu’il est encore plus efficace lorsqu’il peut dicter le train. L’offensive de Top Of The Chocs à la route laissa Bardottier de marbre. Le jockey mauricien fila les rênes à sa monture dans la dernière courbe et une fois la ligne droite finale entamée, l’issue ne faisait plus de doute. O’Chee Pan se détacha irrésistiblement pour l’emporter facilement. Pour son entraîneur, ce cheval a encore une marge de progression L’arrivée de la quatrième épreuve, où Dustan était le favori, fut plus pointue et on dut avoir recours à la photographie afin de désigner le vainqueur. Si Wind Glider n’a été qu’un simple figurant dans la deuxième épreuve, Yoda Man, qui était à sa première sortie sous ses nouvelles couleurs, fut un des principaux animateurs de la ligne d’arrivée dans la course de clôture. Lancé de loin et contraint à faire les extérieurs dans la dernière courbe, il se contenta d’une troisième place, synonyme d’un chèque de Rs 20 000. Ce qui demeure une contribution à la bonne moisson du yard qui a récolté Rs 1 075 000 en terme de gains samedi dernier. Pariaz Ltd has 2 immediate vacancies (30hrs/wk) for a bookkeeper with a keen interest in IT and an accountant Candidates should have good numerical and analytical skills and familiar with accounting software Duties and Responsibilities: - Day to day Bookkeeping, invoicing and expense payments - Maintain records and files associated with various business transactions - Preparation of accounts - Preparation and Filling returns with HMRC, Companies House and other authorities - Support with internal/external audit, tax and compliance issues. - Payroll - Any other relevant duties Remuneration: - Negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Applicants should be settled in the UK Qualification & Experience: - Diploma but preferably Degree in Accounting and or Finance or equivalent - Should be of good character ( position subject to a DBS check or equivalent) - At least 1 year experience in a similar position - Good knowledge of IT is essential Location: Shepherd Bush, London (Opposite Westfield Shopping Centre) Working hours : Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm All applications to be made by email to [email protected]