28th Ave INDUSTRIAL e Av 4th 192 nd S 2 190 th Str ee t d 22n tree t Ave th 20 e Av FOR SALE OR LEASE CAMPBELL HEIGHTS SOUTH Campbell Heights Business Park 20th Avenue Surrey, BC FOR MORE INFO CONTACT TODD YUEN 604 909 8768 [email protected] BETH BERRY 604 909 8756 [email protected] SALE OR LEASE AERIAL CA MPBELL HE IGHTS SOU TH OPPORTUNITY Beedie Development Group presents a rare opportunity to own or lease a brand new, high quality industrial facility within Campbell Heights Business Park (“CHBP”). Comprised of approximately 40 acres, Campbell Heights South (“CHS”) is the next phase of CHBP. 20th Ave. Subject Site 22nd Ave. 19 h 0t L O CAT I ON St CHS is centrally located in Metro Vancouver’s fastest growing area and provides quick access to all parts of the Lower Mainland. Direct access is provided from the north and south via 176th Street (Hwy 15), 192nd Street and 200th Street. Access from the east and west is via 16th, 24th and 32nd Avenues. The TransCanada Highway can be accessed via 176th Street to the west and 164th Street to the east. . Located in south Surrey, Campbell Heights Business Park is a master planned light industrial business park. Bound between 20th Avenue and 22nd Avenue just west of 190th Street, CHS is truly a well positioned location for potential users. 28th Ave. BU I LDI N G FEAT U RES - Premium quality pre-cast concrete construction - Efficient layouts accommodating businesses up to 300,000 square feet. - Extensive use of glazing, glass curtain walls and architectural features designed to project the professional image that your business demands - Dock level loading doors suitable for use with 53’ trailers. Each dock height position to feature dock bumpers and hydraulic levelers. - Grade level loading. - 26’ - 32’ clear ceiling height. - State-of-the-art ESFR sprinkler system allowing for maximum racking height for most standard product classifications. - High efficient T5 fluorescent lighting in the warehouse for long term energy efficiency - Industrial - IB - 2 zoning. AVAILABILITY Q3, 2017. 1954: Beedie Construction was born. 2015: Beedie’ celebrates 60 years of business. Established in 1954, Beedie Development Group is the largest private industrial landlord and developer in Western Canada having completed 20 million square feet of new construction throughout Metro Vancouver and Alberta. From state of the art distribution facilities, to a federally rated dairy plant, a jet turbine repair facility, to residential high-rise towers, there is no type of project the Beedie team has not been involved with. This experience and background provides our clients with unparalleled insight. Advice from our project management and design teams often leads to operational efficiencies and overall cost savings for our purchasers and tenants. A commitment to providing value and quality, coupled with integrity, innovation, and vision have defined the Beedie name since its inception. 604.435.3321
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