later colonial architecture


later colonial architecture
later colonial architecture
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proposed convict barracks, Norfolk Island,
by Captain H G Hamilton of the Royal Engineers, 1847
Tasmanian Archives PWD266/1/1902
proposed gaol, Norfolk Island,
by Captain H G Hamilton of the Royal Engineers, 1848
Tasmanian Archives PWD266/1/1891
'Woodbine', Rosebrook, near Port Fairy, c 1847
Miles Lewis
‘Woodbine’: details of chimney & stable wall
Miles Lewis
‘Woodbine’: fireplace
opening and detail of the
termination of the flue
Miles Lewis
cottage in the main street of Robe, South Australia
Miles Lewis
cottage at Robe; Woodbine, Rosebrook
Miles Lewis
South Australia
plan of Adelaide, 1837, usually attributed to Colonel William Blight,
but possibly by G S Kingston
from a poster
monument to Colonel
Light, Adelaide, by
Kingston, 1843
E J R Morgan & S H Gilbert, 'Sir
George Strickland Kingston', in
Howard Tanner [ed], Architects of
Australia (South Melbourne 1981),
pp 24-30
Government House, North Terrace, Adelaide:
east front by Kingston, 1838-40
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George Kingston', p 26
'Cummins', Sheoak Avenue, West Torrens
City (formerly Morphettville), by G S
Kingston, 1842 and later
Stables at Tyringham, Buckinghamshire, by Sir
John Soane, 1790s. MUAS 4329
E J R Morgan & S H Gilbert, 'Cummins, Adelaide', in
Historic Houses of Australia [I] (North Melbourne
1974), p 98
front view
bow window,
added c 1854
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George
Kingston', p 26
'Kurralta', Kurralta Drive,
Burnside City, by Kingston
(1842) 1843-6
approach side
Stewart Game, 'Kurralta, Adelaide',
in Historic Houses of Australia [I]
(North Melbourne 1974), p 112
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George
Kingston', p 29
'Kurralta', rear
'Dwelling in the Swiss
Style' from Loudon
J C Loudon, An Encyclopædia of
Cottage Farm and Villa
Architecture (London 1846
[1833]), p 46, pl IX
'Rust Hall', 12 Pages Road, Mitcham, SA, partly or wholly by G S Kingston,1846
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George Kingston', p 28
the incorporated loggia: Kurralta; Rust Hall; Guard House, Anglesea Barracks,
Hobart, 1838; 'Dwelling for man and wife', from Loudon
E M Dollery, 'Anglesea Barracks, Hobart', in Historic Public Buildings of Australia (North Melbourne
1971), p 14; Loudon, Encyclopædia of Cottage Farm and Villa Architecture, p 61
56-8 Hutt Street,
apparently by
Kingston, 1840s
house of William
North Adelaide, by
G S Kingston, c
1850 & 1859
Philip Cox & Clive
Lucas, Australian
Colonial Architecture
(Melbourne 1978),
Morgan & Gilbert,
'George Kingston', p 27
'Ayers House', 288 North Terrace, Adelaide, as developed by Kingston c 1859
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George Kingston', p 28
‘Ayers House’, as completed by
Kingston c 1875
Miles Lewis
32 Mackinnon Parade, North Adelaide,
attributed to Kingston,1858: view & detail
Miles Lewis
168 Jeffcott Street,
North Adelaide, 1852,
with a front of 1856
attributed to Kingston
32 Mackinnon Parade,
North Adelaide
Morgan & Gilbert, 'George
Kingston', p 27
Miles Lewis
'Glanville Hall', Park Avenue, Semaphore Park, attributed to G S Kingston,
1856, tower 1865
Miles Lewis
'Glanville Hall‘: details of the arcading and tower
Miles Lewis
Court House and Police Station, 66 Commercial Road (ne cnr Vincent
Street), Port Adelaide, by E A Hamilton, completed 1861
Miles Lewis
Port Adelaide
Court House,
detail of pier
Miles Lewis
toll gate at the Benevolent Asylum, Sydney, by Francis Greenway, 1820
‘Toll Gate and Benevolent Asylum, George Street South', published in J G Austin, Lithographic Drawings
of Sydney and its Environs (Sydney 1836)
Government House Stables, Sydney, by Francis Greenway from 1817: plan and elevation
Mitchell Library, reproduced in Broadbent, Australian Colonial House, p xxi
Government House Stables,
old photo & modern view
Photographs of Public and other Buildings (Sydney
1872), p 130 ; Miles Lewis
Government House, Sydney, by Edward Blore, (1833) 1837-45:
perspective by Blore c 1833
RIBA Library, reproduced in Robert Griffin & Ann Toy, Government House Sydney
(Sydney 2000), p 5
'Engehurst', Ormond Street, Paddington: design for a lodge
and a privy by John Verge, 1835, 1834
James Broadbent et al, The Golden Decade of Australian Architecture :
the Work of John Verge (Sydney 1978), p 58
'Engehurst,' privy, remounted details
'Carthona', Carthona Avenue, Darling Point, by Sir Thomas Mitchell 1844
J M Freeland, Architecture in Australia; a History (Melbourne 1968), p 107
'Villa in the Old English Manner' by Charles Fowler, as
published in Loudon, compared with ‘Carthona
Loudon, Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture, p 849
gable ends in the Scotch style, from Loudon
Loudon, Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture, p 23
'Banyule', Heidelberg, by John Gill, from 1849
MUAS 13,593
'A house at New Town', view c 1826
Jules Dumont D'Urville, Voyage de la Corvette l'Astrolabe exécuté par ordre du Roi, pendant les années 1826,
1827, 1828, 1829, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont D'Urville, capitaine de vaisseau(13 vols, Paris
1830-1835), pl 159
'Cambria', north of
Swansea, late 1820s
Miles Lewis
house at Newtown,
from Dumont
D’Urville: detail
detail of
French windows
Miles Lewis
'Clairville', Evandale Road, Western Junction, 1830s
view from the north-east
Miles Lewis
front door
Miles Lewis
'Clairville', fireplace in the north-east room
Miles Lewis
'Clairville', room with scenic wallpaper
Miles Lewis
'Clairville', detail of
scenic wallpaper:
'Passage des Detroits' or
'Cérémonie Turque‘,
c 1820-5
Miles Lewis
'Passage des Détroits' or 'Cérémonie Turque'
Odile Nouvel-Kammerer, French Scenic Wallpaper 1795-1865 (Paris 2000 [1990]), pp 288-9
'Clairville', lodge
'Dwelling for gardener or
other servant on a
gentleman's estate', from
Loudon, c 1833
MUAS 16,350.
Loudon, Encyclopaedia of Cottage,
Farm and Villa Architecture, p 89
Storekeeper's Cottage, Highfield, 1833
(compared with Loudon dwelling)
Archives of Tasmania
chimney from Highfield
Storekeeper's cottage.
chimney design from Loudon
Loudon, Encyclopaedia, of
Cottage, Farm and Villa
'Franklin House', Midland Highway, Franklin Village, 1838-9
Miles Lewis
House', detail
of the ionic
Edith Speck
Patriot King William the Fourth Inn
(now 'Blenheim'), Evandale, 1832
Miles Lewis
Patriot King William
the Fourth Inn (now
Evandale, 1832
porch & capital
Miles Lewis
Commercial Hotel (now 'Dysart House'), Kempton, 1842
Miles Lewis
‘Dysart House’: detail of
shuttered window
Miles Lewis
Dysart House
Franklin House
near Campbell
MUAS 16,500.
'Mount Pleasant', York Plains, before 1848
Miles Lewis
'Mount Pleasant
portico details
E G Robertson, Early Buildings of
Southern Tasmania (2 vols, Middle Park
[Victoria] 1970), II, p 402
'Summerhill', Craigieburn, Victoria, c 1855
Miles Lewis
detail of porch
Miles Lewis
‘Summerhill’: porch and detail of vermiculation
Miles Lewis
porch capitals
vapital from the
Sanctuary of Demeter,
Pergamon, c 200 BC
Miles Lewis
Fatih Cimok, Pergamum
(Istanbul 2001 [1993]), p 55
pilastrated buildings
in Pedlar Street
(Cressy Road),
Campbell Town ,
Miles Lewis
'Lake House', near Cressy, 1830-6
Miles Lewis
'Lake House', detail of the end wall
Miles Lewis
'Lake House’: porch; fireplace in the library
Miles Lewis
'Beaufront', near Ross, 1837
Miles Lewis
'New Town Park', Bowen Road, Hobart, c 1830
Robertson, Early Buildings of Southern Tasmania, II, p 320
'Secheron House', Battery Point, Hobart, c 1831 and later, with a
verandah added in 1840s
Miles Lewis
'Secheron House', view out of the drawing room bow window
Miles Lewis
'Secheron House', side verandah
Miles Lewis
'Secheron House', pedimented window at rear
Miles Lewis
'Secheron House',
Gothic window at
the rear
Miles Lewis
'Beaulieu', 8 Rupert Avenue, Hobart, before 1833
Miles Lewis
‘Beaulieu’, detail of [reconstructed] verandah
Miles Lewis
house at Longford
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’,
Chudleigh, probably
1830s: house and
rear wing
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: approach to the walled farmyard
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: barn
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’
detail of loophole
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: barn
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’ barn: eaves joist detail
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: farmyard wall
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: farmyard wall detail
Miles Lewis
‘Old Wesleydale’: pier
of a lean-to shed
against the farmyard
Miles Lewis
Wesleydale’: roof carpentry
and trenails in the farmyard shed
Miles Lewis
'Brickendon', Wellington Street, Longford, by William
Archer, 1831
Miles Lewis
‘Brickendon’: details
of front door and
Miles Lewis
view of yard
view inside yard
Miles Lewis
Brickendon, wooden barn
Miles Lewis
barn on
Miles Lewis
'Brickendon' barn, detail of steddles
Miles Lewis
'Brickendon', steddle barn
Bramley Granary, England
Miles Lewis; Chris How
'Brickendon', dovecote
Miles Lewis
details of openings
in the gable end
and the side wall
Miles Lewis
gable end
Miles Lewis
Miles Lewis
'Brickendon', chapel, details of bell-cote & porch
Miles Lewis
'Brickendon‘ chapel
cottage for R J Archer by Peter Mills, 1860s
Miles Lewis
'Highfield', Circular Head, manager’s house attributed to Henry
Hellyer, 1832: elevation by Hellyer
Mary McRae, 'Stanley Village, Circular Head, Tasmania', Historic Places of
Australia (Stanmore [New South Wales] 1978), p 60
view from the
after additions
by J L Archer
Rex Nan Kivell
Collection, Australian
National Library
view from the northwest
watercolour view from
west, 1840
Miles Lewis
The Art of Gardening in Colonial
Australia: Converting the
Wilderness (Sydney 1979), cover
‘Highfield’ from the west
Miles Lewis
details of west bay window
Miles Lewis
'Highfield', view of the outbuildings
left: slaughterhouse,c 1831 or 1835-6; stables, 1836-7
right: Straw Barn, rebuilt in 1920 on the 1828 site
Miles Lewis
Miles Lewis
'Highfield', cast iron sashes
from the stables; from the chapel,
c 1840-2, detail of the opening section
Miles Lewis
shops, Midland Highway, Green Ponds, Tasmania, reputedly 1833
Miles Lewis
'Commercial House‘, Liverpool St, Hobart, probably by T E Chambers, 1843
Stone & Tyson, Old Hobart Town, p 165
shop at Robe, South Australia
Miles Lewis
shop at Robe: detail of window
Miles Lewis
'Charlotte Place' (Dr Black's),
Swanston Street, Melbourne, by John Gill, ?1851
Illustrated Australian Magazine, III, 13 (July 1851)
shop and house of Thomas White, Adelaide Street,
Westbury, Tasmania. c 1840-41
Miles Lewis
Clarendon Hotel and Store, Russell Street, Evandale, Tasmania, 1847
Miles Lewis
Devonshire Arms, Fitzroy St, Fitzroy, Melbourne, before 1847, but with altered joinery &c
Miles Lewis
Clarendon Hotel &
Devonshire Arms
Miles Lewis
corner treatments
Clarendon Hotel &
Devonshire Arms
Miles Lewis
Government Buildings, Murray Street, Hobart:
portico of the central block by James Blackburn, 1842
Miles Lewis
Lady Franklin Museum
Miles Lewis
Round House
view of Fremantle, by R Morrell, 1832.
showing the location of the Round House
Round House,
Arthur Head,
Fremantle, by H W
Reveley, 1830-1
Miles Lewis
Court house, Perth, by Henry Reveley, 1836
Miles Lewis
Court House, Perth: detail of the Doric order
Miles Lewis
Court House, Darlinghurst, Sydney, by Mortimer Lewis, (1835) 1836-7
contemporary view]
Darlinghurst Court House, old photo
James Broadbent, Colonial Greek [exhibition catalogue]
(Elizabeth Bay [New South Wales] 1985), no 47
Court house, Hartley, NSW, by Mortimer Lewis, 1837
Miles Lewis
competition drawing for
the Customs House at
Ipswich, England, by
William Mason before
court house at
Auckland,New Zealand,
by William Mason
John Stacpoole, William Mason,
the First New Zealand Architect
(Auckland 1971), plates 23, 33
Supreme Court (now Magistrate's Court). 1 Angus
Street, Adelaide, by Richard Lambeth, 1847-50
Miles Lewis
Supreme Court,
detail of the Doric
Miles Lewis
'Clarendon', Nile Road, Evandale, Tasmania, 1838
Miles Lewis
comparison of
the end wall
treatments of’
‘Clarendon’ and
‘Lake House’,
the unpedimented
portico (1)
Petit Trianon, Versailles, by
A-J Gabriel, 1764, west
Diapofilm S438 JH-10
the unpedimented
portico (2)
Petit Trianon, Versailles
'The Hermitage', near
Nashville, Tennessee, 1835
J M Fitch, American Building: 1: The
Forces that Shaped It (2nd ed, Boston
1966 [1947]), p 83
'Clarendon', portico
Miles Lewis
‘Clarendon’: details of the front door and a window
Miles Lewis
'Clarendon', drawing room
Miles Lewis
‘Clarendon’ drawing
room centre flower,
and Bielefeld
catalogue illustration
Miles Lewis
C F Bielefeld. On the Use of
the Improved Papier-Mâché,
&c. London, no date [c 1840?],
no 2637
‘Clarendon’ drawing room cornice
Helen Stitt
‘Clarendon’ drawing room cornice &
Bielefeld patterns 94; 127N370;
Helen Stitt
Bielefeld. On the Improved PapierMâché
'Killymoon', Esk
Main Road, west of
St Mary's, Fingal
Valley, c 1842-8
Miles Lewis
Prospect Tower, project by John Soane, 1800; Killymoon
Donald Pilcher, The Regency Style, 1800 to 1830 (London 1947), pl 1; Miles Lewis
'A small Grecian villa, or casino, to be placed on an
eminence, commanding extensive prospects in two
directions only', c 1833
Tower by
Loudon, Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture, p
Synagogue, Argyle Street, Hobart, by James Thomson, 1843-5
Miles Lewis
Synagogue, Hobart
detail of porch
Miles Lewis
Hobart Synagogue
‘design for a termination
to a railway', by W J
Architectural Magazine, no 27
(May 1836), p 221