Dec/Jan 2008 - Miss Rodeo Arizona


Dec/Jan 2008 - Miss Rodeo Arizona
Newsletter sponsored by:
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
Hello Family and Friends! I hope this letter finds you
happy and healthy. Some of you may have already
heard about the Miss Rodeo America pageant, but I
have lots to tell you, mainly about Vegas and my
experience competing for Miss Rodeo America. As I’m
writing this letter, I’ve been trying to gear up for the
holidays; as I’m typing, it’s Christmas Eve and I will be
going out to my Great Grandparents’ house to visit
family and eat her infamous tamales. (I can never get
enough!) It’s been so nice to be able to catch up with
everything and relax since returning from the Miss
Rodeo America pageant in Las Vegas. It’s been nice
to have time to spend with my family and friends and
catch up on all I’ve missed.
December is a slow month for rodeos across the United States with the Wrangler National Finals
Rodeo just completed and the 2008 World Champions determined. It all picks back up in January.
Until then, I have used my time to catch up with friends and do the other things I love to do, but
haven’t had time for. I’ve always thought this strange - and never thought it would be this way - but
since being crowned Miss Rodeo Arizona, I’ve ridden my horses (or any horse for that matter) much
less than ever before. I’ve really missed being able to work with my horses and roping, which I’ve
had no time for… until now. Last week, I dusted off my roping saddle and my pink patron rope…
thought I’d give it a whirl. We practiced, caught a couple, and about the fourth steer out - I threw my
loop and “pop” there goes my shoulder! I’ve had so many issues with my shoulder in the past and
it’s been flaring up more over the last couple months than ever
before. So, even though I have a little extra time to rope, my
arm’s out of commission. It is in much need of some serious
work. I’ll possibly have a specialist take a look at it. I thought I
could keep sliding by, but it’s never seemed to heal up on its
own. It’s pretty frustrating, but I have once again put roping on
the back burner… at least until I can get my shoulder checked
out. I figure I don’t want to be the “one-handed rodeo queen”
(plus it’s my waving arm).
Photo: (above right) Casey Jo Rose is awarded her trophy saddle and headstall during Coronation on December 7, 2008 –by
Shooter Enterprises. (above left) Casey with the MRA Contestants’ Chaperones
1-3, 7
From the Pen of Casey Jo Rose
Miss Rodeo America Pageant Photos
Our Incredible Sponsors
Board Member Spotlight: Julie Jenkins
Miss Rodeo America Pageant Results
For the Queen-to-Be
QUEST 2009 Information & Registration
Friends of MRAz Information
Marilyn Cox Memorial Scholarship (MCMS)
Foundation Friends
MCMS 2010 Calendar Contest &
Sponsorship Opportunities
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
As for my time in Vegas and the Miss Rodeo America
pageant... What an experience! This is an opportunity that I
will never forget!
In all honesty, I was terrified for the pageant. I didn’t know
what I had gotten myself into. This all changed once I arrived
at the Orleans Casino and got into the swing of things. I
decided to just be myself and enjoy the experience that was
given to me because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Win, loose or draw… I was going to enjoy what I was doing.
I walked away from Vegas with the prestigious award for
horsemanship. Don’t get me wrong the other categories are
just as important! However, if I wasn’t going to be taking
home the crown, horsemanship was the category I personally
could be most proud of. My family said that many people
questioned who my trainer was after horsemanship and
wondered where I learned to ride. They laughed because I
simply grew up riding… I’ve been riding since I could walk.
Some people complimented my dad about my ability to ride.
He told them, “truth is, we just threw her up on horses and let
her ride. She pretty much learned what she knows on her
own.” In addition, all we’ve ever owned were rope horses that
were not the least bit of a “reining horse.” In fact, I grew up
riding a rope horse named “Lynryd” and I learned to rope off
him as well. I guess I owe all the credit to the horses that I’ve
ridden. They’ve made me the rider I am today!
I had never been to the pageant before – in contrast, the
majority of the other contestants had! I’d never seen first
hand what it is like or what I should have been expecting. So,
here’s a snap shot: It was a long grueling week! We were up
every morning at 5am and didn’t get to bed until roughly
11pm every night. Midway through the week, we were all
exhausted and just wanted to sleep. It got harder and harder
to get up every morning. Once we got to Friday and were
practicing our dance rehearsal, it hit most of us that the
pageant was almost over and this was the last time we would
all be together. At that point, we didn’t want it to be over. All
in all, the Miss Rodeo America Pageant was an experience
of a lifetime. I walked away with some amazing friendships
and memories to last a lifetime!
Now for a few other items: Please remember that QUEST is
coming up on February 21st, 2009 – conducted by Amanda
Jenkins, Miss Rodeo America 2006. I attended this seminar
two years ago and gained so much from what Amanda had
gathered and learned during her years as a queen. She
Casey and her Aunt Rhonda
One of Casey’s Horsemanship runs
(Photo by Shooter Enterprises)
Casey with her Papa and Grandma
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
brings great things to the table and I think it’s definitely
something to attend whether you’re competing for a local or
state title… or any rodeo queen title for that matter!
I am also very excited about the new changes for the Miss
Rodeo Arizona pageant! The 2009 Pageant will be held in
conjunction with the Fiesta Days Rodeo in Cave Creek. I
hope to see many cowgirls from around Arizona eager to
compete for the title I so proudly hold! If there is anything I
can do to help you in your quest to become Miss Rodeo
Arizona, do not hesitate to contact me. I’m happy to help!
Daughter and mother at MRA Pageant
With the MRA Pageant completed, I’m looking forward to my
January trips. I will be meeting a lot of new state queens
again during 2009, as most start their reigns at the
beginning of the year. I plan on attending the National
Western Stock Show in Denver and am really looking
forward to this trip. Being from Yuma, I’m not prepared for
the cold weather! I may have to go shopping for a good
jacket and gloves before I head for up to chilly Colorado.
February will be a jam-packed month, which I am super
excited for!! First off is my hometown rodeo - the Yuma
Jaycees Silver Spur Rodeo, which runs February 13-15.
After Yuma, I’m headed to visit my friend Sydnye Weber,
Miss Rodeo Florida 2008, and attend the rodeo and
festivities in Kissimmee, Florida. Upon returning, I’ll attend
Tucson’s rodeo and parade and then drive to Scottsdale for
the Parada Del Sol Rodeo at the end of the month. So, it’ll
be a couple of busy months after welcoming 2009!
Bumping into Dick and Anne Reason
at the Cowboy Christmas
I hope you all have a great and fabulous New Year and wish
you many, many blessed years to come!
See you in 2009!
Casey Jo Rose
Miss Rodeo Arizona 2008
Casey and pal, Miss Rodeo Florida,
Sydnye Weber, at the MRA Pageant
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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Without the financial backing of businesses like these, MRAz, Inc. would not be able to support its
titleholder and Miss Rodeo Arizona would not be able to complete her basic obligations, let alone go
beyond the call of duty. MRAz, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so all donations are tax
deductible. Multiple sponsorship opportunities are available or you can donate products/services for
any MRAz Event to help raise money. Our sponsors are included in MRAz, Inc. promotional materials
and we can bring a fresh approach to your marketing and customer relations program – especially
since our titleholders travel several thousand miles. We would gladly develop a sponsorship to suit you
and your business needs. Visit our website and “contact us” to start supporting your western heritage
as an MRAz Sponsor! We look forward to having you on our team!
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I have been involved in the rodeo queen world since about 1995, when
my daughter Amanda started competing. I have served as a 4 H Horse project
leader, Arizona High School Rodeo Queen Coordinator and Miss Rodeo Arizona,
Inc President. I love to trail ride, travel and compete with my dogs in agility. My
immediate family consists of my husband Joe, daughter, Amanda and son
Joshua. My husband and I have operated a Construction/Remodeling company
since 1987. Hmmm… what do I do in my “free time?” What’s free time? If I could
do anything, I’d love to trail ride in the desert or watch the sun set over the ocean.
Through my own daughter’s experiences – and those of
many other young ladies I have known over the years – I
have seen the vast skills they have gained via Rodeo Queen
competitions. In all cases, whether they achieve the title or
not, they come away winners because they have acquired
valuable proficiency in some of life’s most challenging
circumstances (ex: speaking in public, interviews, discipline,
study skills and much, much more).
Julie pictured with her husband, Joe, and daughter, Amanda, during Amanda’s reign as Miss Rodeo America
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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LAS VEGAS — The results are in, the points tallied, and the next Miss Rodeo
America has been crowned. The 2009 leading lady of professional rodeo is
Maegan Ridley, of Alta Loma, California. Ridley served as Miss Rodeo
California 2008 (photo at left), and during the next year, She will travel over
100,000 miles representing Miss Rodeo America, Inc. and the Professional
Rodeo Cowboys Association.
Miss Rodeo America 2008, Amy Wilson, of Colby, Kansas, will fulfill her duties at the 50th
anniversary of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Ridley will be introduced as the 2009 Miss Rodeo
America at the 4th performance of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, on Sunday, Dec. 6, 2008.
She will begin making appearances at rodeo across the country in January.
“As Miss Rodeo America I will show everyone why my heroes have always been cowboys,” Ridley
said. “What an honor it will be to prove the American cowboy is alive and well.” Aside from her rodeo
interests, Ridley is pursuing an Associate of Science Degree in Anatomy and Physiology with focus
on Speech Language Pathology. Her further educational goals are to obtain a Master of Speech
Language Pathology with concentration on rehabilitation. Ridley will be able to put to good use the
$10,000 educational scholarship she will receive at the completion of her reign.
Ridley was also awarded a wardrobe of Wrangler Jeans, Justin Boots, Bailey Hats, fully tooled
Court’s Saddle with custom Miss Rodeo America conchos and an official Miss Rodeo America trophy
buckle from Montana Silversmiths. Accompanying the perpetual Miss Rodeo America tiara made by
Landstrom’s Original Black Hills Gold Creations, she was given a wardrobe of matching jewelry.
These items, along with a multitude of other valuable and exquisite prizes will be presented to her
throughout the year.
Contestants were judged in the major categories of horsemanship, personality, and appearance,
competing in the areas of public speaking, personal interviews, modeling, photogenic and
rodeo/equine knowledge. Contestants were eligible for $38,500 in scholarships at the 2009 Miss
Rodeo America Pageant. In addition to the $10,000 Miss Rodeo America scholarship, Ridley was
also awarded the Appearance category, including $1,500 scholarship and a Montana Silversmiths
Buckle Purse.
Ridley is looking forward to seeing all aspects or rodeo while traveling across the country as Miss
Rodeo America 2009. “Life doesn’t always stand tied at the hitching post, sometimes you have to get
a lope after it,” Ridley said in reference to her hard work and preparation for the Miss Rodeo America
Miss Rodeo America 2008 – Maegan Ridley
First Runner-up – Stacy Jo Johnson, Miss Rodeo Wyoming
Second Runner-up - Tara Trask, Miss Rodeo South Dakota
Third Runner-up – Megan Grieve, Miss Rodeo Colorado
Fourth Runner-up - Renae Cowley, Miss Rodeo Utah
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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Miss Rodeo Minnesota, Dayna Iverson; Miss Rodeo Nebraska, Kristen Schott; Miss Rodeo
Oklahoma, Kristin Killion; Miss Rodeo Oregon, Nicole Andrews; and Miss Rodeo Texas, Avery
Western Region Scholarship – Nichole Andrews, Miss Rodeo Oregon
Central Region - Avery Gonzales, Miss Rodeo Texas
Eastern Region Scholarship – Carly Ray Hagey, Miss Rodeo Illinois
Appearance – Maegan Ridley, Miss Rodeo California
Personality – Stacy Jo Johnson, Miss Rodeo Wyoming
Horsemanship – Casey Rose, Miss Rodeo Arizona
Speech – Stacy Jo Johnson, Miss Rodeo Wyoming
Photogenic – Shelby Rivera, Miss Rodeo Hawaii
Rodeo Knowledge Written Test – Anna Bavor, Miss Rodeo Nevada
Congeniality – Stacy Jo Johnson, Miss Rodeo Wyoming
Raeana Wadhams Spirit Award – Tara Trask, Miss Rodeo South Dakota
Original Chaps Award – Carly Ray Hagey, Miss Rodeo Illinois
Achievement Award (most funds raised for MRA Scholarship Foundation Drawing) – Anna Bavor,
Miss Rodeo Nevada
Kristin Killion, Miss Rodeo Oklahoma.; Jenna Nelson, Miss Rodeo Kansas; Aleigh Beahm, Miss
Rodeo Iowa; Leah Wedl, Miss Rodeo Wisconsin
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1st - Janelle Schlobohm, Miss Rodeo Missouri; 2nd -Tara Trask, Miss Rodeo South Dakota; 3rd Dilynn Dodd, Miss Rodeo Arkansas; and 4th - Nichole Andrews, Miss Rodeo Oregon
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Name one of your strengths/one of your weaknesses. Why is it a strength/weakness?
If you woke up tomorrow and gained any one ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
Define "class" without giving me an example.
Does society define "success" for women the same way we do for men?
What motivates you and why?
When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see?
How are you feeling at this moment?
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change and why?
What has been your biggest disappointment in life? Your biggest failure?
Can you be counted on to do what you say you will do? Give an example.
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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Casey and her roomie, Miss Rodeo Alabama
Casey and her mom after the Auction
“Hey, Mom! Where’d you get that great fur vest!?!?”
Casey and Miss Rodeo Florida, Sydnye Weber,
became fast friends at the Pageant
Showing off the fam AND the new saddle!
Casey with her sponsor – JW Brooks of JW
Brooks Custom Hats – at Cowboy Christmas
With friend, Aude
With friend, Stacy
Casey and her grandfather
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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Use the registration form below to get your cowgirl signed up today – before space runs out!
Seminar Fee: $95/participant. Fee includes lunch,
snacks, door prize tickets and an up-to-date,
original study guide – complete with bonus
information and special tips from Miss Rodeo
America 2006, Amanda Jenkins. A parent of
guardian is welcome to accompany each
participant for $25 charge. Please arrive on time
and park respectfully.
Reservations and fees should be postmarked by
January 31st to allow time for study guide
production and catering arrangements. If the
deadine has past, please email or call for
availability. For questions or concerns, contact
Julie Jenkins, President, at [email protected]
or 480-892-1746.
Amanda will cover Interview, Prepared &
Appearance, Horsemanship, Queen
Etiquette and Pageant Preparation. For
more information about Miss Rodeo
Arizona or QueST 2009, please visit
Make checks payable to MRAz, Inc. and mail
registration and fee to:
Julie Jenkins – QueST 2009
2622 E. Desert Lane
Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Friends of Miss Rodeo Arizona Newsletter – “Miss Rodeo America Edition”
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Marilyn Cox believed in education. She was a huge supporter of Miss Rodeo Arizona, Inc. because of how the program
supports young women and promotes strong moral values, horsemanship skills, self-confidence and higher
education. Marilyn passed away in February of 2006. She battled and beat brain cancer, but had other complications.
That May, her family began a scholarship fund in her memory to allow Marilyn’s strength, wisdom and courage to
continue motivating Arizona’s cowgirls.
What’s more powerful than a beautiful, talented cowgirl with a good hat on her head? One with a good head on her shoulders!
We’d like to pay a special thank you to our Foundation Friends for helping build a solid foundation from which the Marilyn Cox Memorial
Scholarship can continue to be a driving force behind scholastic achievement and goals for Arizona’s young western women. Be sure to say
thank you to these sponsors for preserving a formidable scholarship program for Arizona’s cowgirls!
Joy Whitneybell
Faust Animal Hospital
(P) 602-540-6561
Susan Cornell
Yvonne Reinink and Saskia Davies
(F) 602-795-3282
(P) 602-482-2161
(F) 602-482-2370
The Michigan Connection
Lost Dutchman Days Rodeo Jr. Teen Queen 2008
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