TALES `N TRAILS - Atlantic Canada Trail Riding Association


TALES `N TRAILS - Atlantic Canada Trail Riding Association
SPECIAL INTEREST: AGM Minutes - 2014 YE Revision - Spring Meeting - NSEF Bursary - 2015 Year End Awards
- ACTRA Milestone Mounts - AERC offer - Facebook Fun
Notes from the Manure pile – Winter 2016
Well another ride season in the rear view and yet another on the horizon. The past season saw a lot
of miles, something I don’t think we have seen for a while, congratulations and thanks to all.
We had some very successful clinics and are continuing to attract new members, which is vital to the
club. I hope this work can continue to not only attract new members, but to also provide
information and education to our existing members. A suggestion was made that maybe a session
to go over endurance rules and procedures may be a plan. I have seen a lot of confusion at both LD
and Endurance rides over some procedures and rules. It would most likely be worthwhile; I don’t
think we have had one for general membership since the one is Sussex in the 90’s.
I take the number of folks noticing errors in the website as a positive that the site is being used.
Please be patient, we are still working out some parts and the information is still being updated. I
appreciate anyone letting us know if there is incorrect data, we are working to correct and update as
quick as we can.
Congratulations to all our members (and horses) that achieved milestones this year, every one of
them should be a point of personal pride and something we should all respect and applaud. Those
who have been around a while know what it takes to get there.
As always, I can be reached or contacted anytime with any suggestions, comments or complaints.
Happy Trails
[email protected]
ACTRA Nov 2015 AGM
Sackville Coastal Inn, NB
Donna Lee Cole
Rene Mersereau
Pat Rideout
Bertha Harrison
Chester Gillan
Janice MacSwain
Jacqui Tupper
Roy Drinnan
Claire Winchester
Delle Fairclough
Jean Bridges
Donna Munn
Lucy Rudge
Angie VanKessel
Bev Elliott
Carrilee Eddy
Sylvia Gillies
Suzanne Horne
Jennifer McDonald
Elwood Munroe
Mike Fairclough
Susan Hovey
Jim Burns
Pearl Skjonsberg
Frannie Croken
Sherry Brooks
Meeting called to order at 13:00 by Roy Drinnan.
Spring Meeting minutes read by DL Cole and accepted as presented.
Treasurer Report Offered by Pam Rustige read by Roy
- Balance $8736
- Memberships: 62 Single, 20 Family, New 10, Jr. 10, Mount 23
- Please include receipts for when asking for ACTRA funds. A form will be developed for this.
Statistician Report offered by Jennifer McDonald
- Registering ACTRA rider miles is an ongoing effort but is working well
- Roy will look into putting up ride results on the website
Sanctioning Report offered by Donna Munn
- 492 available miles for 2015 season
- Requested $200 for toner cartridge, mailings, paper, etc.
Public Relations Report offered by Rene Mersereau
- Has developed a trifold ACTRA brochure
- Will have an ACTRA banner made for displays
Rules Report offered by Susan Hovey
- Revision of the current Rule Book is continuing
Newsletter Report offered by Carrilee Eddy
- There were 2 newsletters and 3 e-Bulletins for 2015
Endurance Canada Report offered by Sylvia Gillies
- Endurance Canada is now under Equine Canada.
- Endurance Canada is requesting we list ACTRA rides on Endurance Canada
- Bob Gielen placed 5th in PanAm Endurance in Ontario
- Canada East and West Teams won Silver
- 2018 WEG will be held in Bromont, Quebec
- Sylvia will remain as representative for 2016 season
Motion to accept reports as presented made by Carrilee, 2nd by Jean. Passed
IDR 5MPH speed: Motion made by Sylvia “Leave IDR speed at 5MPH for 2016 season and have it reviewed at
the 2016 AGM , 2nd by Delle. 3 opposed. Carried
Ride Survey: Bev will develop an online survey for riders for the 2016 season
- Roy will add this to the website for the spring
- Survey results are to be sent to Jennifer McDonald
Endurance Rules on ACTRA website: Motion made by Pat Rideout “ACTRA adopts the posted Endurance Rules as
presented by Roy on the website”, 2nd by Carrilee. Carried
- Motion made by Donna Munn “If an Endurance Ride is AERC and ACTRA sanctioned, we will default to
AERC rules” 2nd by Pat. Carried
- Ride Managers need to be aware that they will be required to pay AERC Rider and Mount sanctioning
fees if it is an AERC sanctioned ride.
Membership renewal
- Motion made by DL Cole “Renewing ACTRA members must renew their ACTRA membership prior to
attending a sanctioned ACTRA ride. Any mileage accrued while not being an ACTRA member in good
standing will not be allocated to their mileage total for that season.” 2nd by Carrilee.
One opposed. Carried
Financial support for clinics
- Seed money will be provided for hosting a clinic/educational session
- Pre-event form to be submitted to PR Chair
- Post-event form to be submitted to PR Chair
- Motion by Donna Munn “PR is allocated a $500 budget for PR Events for 2016 season” 2nd by
Sylvia. Carried
ACTRA logo
- We need to have a computerized ACTRA logo for embroidering Mileage jackets/coolers. Motion “To
change the ACTRA logo to the photo of the horse climbing up the rocks, with the ACTRA and Distance
Riding encircling it” 2nd by Carrilee. Carried
- Motion made by Pat “Scoring points for End/LD to be allotted as 11, 10, 9, 8, etc. Completions placing
after 10th place will get one point” 2nd by Jacqui. Carried
- Motion made by Sylvia “ACTRA purchase a PSO membership for NB, NS, and PEI for each subsequent
year” 2nd by Pat. Carried
- Request by DL Cole that Ride Managers should be knowledgeable about the ride rules. There have been
rides where the rules were not adhered to. All competitors must be able to rely on ACTRA sanctioned
rides, to follow the rules and procedures.
- Chester Gillan has sanctioned an End/LD and IDR for Oct.8/9, 2016 in PEI
ELECTIONS: Donna Munn, Bev, and Roy will remain in their positions for the upcoming 3-year term.
Meeting adjourned at 15:30. Supper and Silent Auction followed. Minutes submitted by DL Cole Jan.13/16
2014 Year End Limited Distance Placings
(Revised after correct Kiss My Axe results tabulated)
Here are the new placings...
1st Donna Lee Cole
2nd Shelley Schaefer & Deanna Johnston
3rd Betty Dwyer & Ann Bridges
4th Russlyn Patriquin-Dyke
5th Susan Hovey
6th Sylvia Gilles & Christine Boulay& Pearl Skjonsberg
2014 Kiss My Axe Ride LD - 1 Place Donna Lee Cole and 2 Place Donna Munn – Happy riders with happy horses!!
ACTRA 2016 Spring Meeting
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Oxford Lions Club, 4627 Main Street Oxford, NS
Exit 6, turn North on Main Street, Lions Club on left across from Irving & Tim Horton’s
Directors’ meeting at 10:30am, General meeting at 1:00pm
Please send items for agenda to Roy – [email protected]
Google Map to Oxford Lions Club
A few of our members are indeed enjoying the relative warmth of Florida this winter!
Jan Thaw 2016
Once again, ACTRA was well represented at January Thaw Equine Expo!
There are 62 horses that have 1000 miles plus. We have photos of them all, the last one we got on the
day before! Many ACTRA members were involved in finding pictures of the milestone horses.
Bertha found pictures and printed many of. Ann did the list of mounts from the web site and colour coded
it according to mileage. Having the list to work with made it easier to organize the photos. Thank you
Jennifer for the hours of work you must have put into mount mileage on the web site. Many members
sent their mounts pictures. Lucy found one mount we would have missed. Bev did some searching and
sent the last photo the day before the Thaw. That gave us photos of all 62 milestone horses.
Donna, Bertha, Kaaren, Bernice and Ann helped set up and work the booth.
Roy and Rene ordered and sent us the new signs and cards, which added to the booth.
It was a busy day. Many members renewed their membership and there were five new members.
At the end of the day Donna and I felt it was a successful day. – submitted by Jean Bridges
Editor’s Note: The January Thaw Equine Expo is a fundraiser. They actually raised $4400 for the Children's Wish
Foundation. Thanks to you ACTRA members who contributed to this effort!
You may remember last May when it was announced that our own Kathleen
Schaefer applied for and was awarded a $250.00 bursary from Nova Scotia
Equestrian Federation.
It was for 2015 Long Term Equestrian Development (LTED)
Endurance/Competitive Trail.
Not only does this help with competition/training/education costs but it also
brings wonderful attention to our sport – we encourage all our ACTRA
members who also belong to NSEF to apply!
Highlights of the application information:
– You must have been an NSEF member (junior or senior) in Good Standing for the current and
previous year.
- You must have lived in Nova Scotia for the past two (2) years and be a Canadian citizen or hold landed
immigrant status.
- You must demonstrate a commitment to personal long term equestrian development.
- There is no limit to the number of times an applicant may receive this bursary.
The complete Application package must be received by NSEF by March 1st of each year.
Link to NSEF LTED Bursary information
“The Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation (NSEF) is committed to supporting
amateur athletic development. To help support Nova Scotia equestrians of all
disciplines, the NSEF created the LTED Bursary Program. Up to four bursaries
of $250 are awarded annually to those active NSEF members who exemplify a
commitment to skill development.”
*NB riders – not to worry! NBEA offers a similar program, details to follow as soon as we receive’em!*
Mary Howell
11400 Mt. Airy Drive
New Kent, Virginia USA 23124
December, 2015
Hello friend!
I recently joined the AERC board as sanctioning director for the Northeast Region, which stretches from Virginia
north to the eastern Canadian Provinces and west to Ohio, and have been challenged to help grow membership in
our region of the country.
If you’re interested in learning more about endurance riding and are considering joining the American Endurance
Ride Conference for the first time, I’ve got a great offer, good through March 31, 2016 for ACTRA members. I’ll
chip in $30 USD towards the first-time individual member rate of $63.75 USD.
If you enter just two AERC rides before Nov. 30, 2016, this membership will “pay for itself” since you wouldn’t be
charged a non-member ride entry fee. You’ll also receive Endurance News magazine and free AERC registration
for one horse ($15 USD value).
When I first joined AERC in 1999, little did I guess how much becoming involved in this sport would benefit my
overall life. Like most of us, I’ve faced challenges in my career and personal life. Endurance riding develop my
determination and self-reliance, and also provided a wonderful outlet that motivated me to find solutions.
AERC’s emphasis on welfare of the horse and “To Finish is to Win” offers meaningful recognition for all
participants, who are recognized for reaching mileage goals as well as placement at individual rides.
In recent years, I haven’t always been able to compete as much as I’d like, but enjoy “paying it forward” as a
volunteer before, during and after rides - help clear and mark trail, serve & clean up ride meals or take pulses and
scribe for vets. Though not a parent, I’ve found deep satisfaction in sponsoring juniors and mentoring young riders
in our sport.
Should you want to take me up on my offer, visit www.aerc.org, click on the link at the top and enter payment
information. Or, fill out and mail in the attached form. Your name will appear in AERC’s online member database
the same the day you join online (or as soon as your mailed application is processed) and I can either mail you the
$30 check or provide via PayPal.
I’m just an email, call or text away if you have any questions or want some advice! Thanks for considering joining
AERC, and best wishes for safe and happy holidays,
Mary Howell
[email protected]
On Facebook as “AERC Northeast Region Members”
Mount Name: Frolic-N-Vae
Miles: 1431.00
Owner: Gallant
Mount Name: Nizzan
Miles: 1352.93
Owner: Pam Thornton
Mount Name: Wutun's Reprieve
Miles: 1277.00
Owner: Harrison
Mount Name: Yankee Banner
Miles: 1583.90
Owner: Murray Canning
Mount Name: Ben Adem Masada
Miles: 2218.95
Owner: Pat Rideout
Mount Name: Sabraies
Miles: 1343.70
Owner: Lucy Rudge
Mount Name: Joker's Kiten
Miles: 1374.70
Owner: Gary Harrison
Mount Name: Liath Echo
Miles: 1388.72
Owner: K. Cambell
Mount Name: Nerzan
Miles: 3000.95
Owner: Garnet Gallant
Mount Name: Mahabba
Miles: 1119.50
Owner: Pat Rideout
Mount Name: Balthasar
Miles: 1410.73
Owner: Tabitha Harvey
Mount Name: Chrissy
Miles: 1134.30
Owner: Diane Skidmore
Mount Name: Too Bee
Miles: 1927.90
Owner: Gallant
Mount Name: Tara Mia Mandate
Miles: 1076.06
Owner: Joyce Canning
Mount Name: Beauvar's Zahaba
Miles: 1747.99
Owner: Pam Thornton
Mount Name: Farra Falima
Miles: 1091.24
Owner: McKinny
Mount Name: Apache Pride
Miles: 4711.20
Owner: Christine Hillmann
Mount Name: Cedar Wind Pride
Miles: 1007.50
Owner: Lorraine Wheaton
Mount Name: Muhammud
Miles: 1156.90
Owner: Ann Bridges
Mount Name: Summit's Polyana
Miles: 1295.60
Owner: Yasmin Dunn
Mount Name: Baskitawk
Miles: 1101.20
Owner: Bertha Harrison
Mount Name: Wind Echo
Miles: 1229.23
Owner: Jennifer McDonald
Mount Name: Count
Miles: 1276.70
Owner: Bev Elliott
Mount Name: Kameron
Miles: 1321.66
Owner: Bridges
Mount Name: Spring Hills Justina
Miles: 5837.20
Owner: Jean Bridges
Mount Name: ROA Tshoboy
Miles: 2924.70
Owner: Bob Gielen
Mount Name: Blue Safire
Miles: 1052.42
Owner: MacLeod
Mount Name: Silvermond
Miles: 1477.16
Owner: Steve Bulmer
Mount Name: Two Island Ashwood
Miles: 2323.80
Owner: Diane Skidmore
Mount Name: Ebony Highlights
Miles: 2016.70
Owner: Diane Skidmore
Mount Name: Kabir
Miles: 1741.50
Owner: Bertha Harrison
Mount Name: On the Town
Miles: 2026.00
Owner: Chester Gillan
Mount Name: Flashy Girl
Miles: 1315.30
Owner: Donna Munn
Mount Name: Farah
Miles: 1118.69
Owner: Jenni Johnston
Mount Name: ROA Bask Tristar
Miles: 3212.60
Owner: Sylvia Gillies
Mount Name: Pissint
Miles: 1632.40
Owner: Bev Elliott
Mount Name: Ben Adhem Allydan
Miles: 2236.10
Owner: Kim MacKeen
Mount Name: Virginian Magic
Miles: 3280.00
Owner: K. LeBert
Mount Name: Bikou
Miles: 1045.80
Owner: Gwen Dexter
Mount Name: Sirrocco's Indian
Miles: 1000.00
Owner: D.Munn
Mount Name: Guysborough Grey
Miles: 3080.40
Owner: Ann Bridges
Mount Name: Ronya
Miles: 1436.90
Owner: I. Lipp
Mount Name: MDA Billy Four
Miles: 2709.00
Owner: D. Munn
Mount Name: Call Me Lauren
Miles: 2078.10
Owner: R. Patriquin-Dyke
Mount Name: PD Cat-A-Hoolah
Miles: 2959.00
Owner: Betty Dwyer
Mount Name: Royal
Miles: 1100.00
Owner: B. Curran
Mount Name: Fantasia En Vallen
Miles: 1019.50
Owner: C. Hyson
Mount Name: FC Galaxy
Miles: 1906.00
Owner: R. Gielen
Mount Name: Doc Holiday
Miles: 1006.00
Owner: Pearl Skjonsberg
Mount Name: Hoofprint
Miles: 1059.00
Owner: I. Lipp
Mount Name: Jalna Saffire
Miles: 1899.00
Owner: Jean Bridges
Mount Name: Elastic
Miles: 1223.00
Owner: April Haliburton
Mount Name: Aazzaan
Miles: 1136.00
Owner: Bev Elliott
Mount Name: JDA Azrael The
Miles: 1494.00
Owner: Deanna Johnston
Mount Name: Kindred Spirit
Miles: 1773.20
Owner: Lynn Beazley
Mount Name: Deuces Wild
Miles: 1210.00
Owner: Sylvia Gillies
Mount Name: Solara
Miles: 1067.00
Owner: Donna Lee Cole
Mount Name: Some Nice Tracey
Miles: 1048.80
Owner: Lucy Rudge
Mount Name: High Tempered Steele
Miles: 1022.30
Owner: Gwenn Dexter
Mount Name: Poplar Ridge Bailey
Miles: 2399.30
Owner: April Haliburton
Mount Name: Sin Dee
Miles: 1000.00
Owner: J. Brown
Sore Back/Saddle Fit Clinic with Dr. Jeannie Waldron has been confirmed Dates April 16 and 17.
Place: Donna McInnis D@ D Stables, Cap Pale, New Brunswick - about 40 minutes from Amherst and about
the same from Moncton. This clinic will be of benefit to all riders, regardless of discipline or saddle type.
Contact Garnet Gallant for details.
Our Jean Bridges is featured in Atlantic Horse & Pony!
Betty Dwyer & Hooley On The Edge" ride in Florida. Team Dwyer rode the 53mi in the thunder and rain to place a respectable 4th place
along with Canadian Myna Cryderman, thanks to Hooley (seems he's top of his game pulsing in at 42 at the finish) and crewman Eric was a great ride. Huge congratulations to Bob Gielan riding More Bang for your Buck, placing 1st plus BC and High Vet. Can't get any
better than that. Ride on Canada !!!!
An ACTRA ride in Stanley with Pat Ritcey & Sir Ruby, Steve Loughnan &
MDA Four On The Floor and Elwood & Arabian Style! Look for Pat to be back out on the trails this season!
Not everyone flees our winter cold – Heather Weatherhead and her ACTRA mount, Phoenix are having fun conditioning!
Donna Lee’s endurance partner, Solara, is finding the winter pretty interesting too! “Good girl”!
From Ms Shania Twain’s FB page (thanks to Rene’s eagle eye for noticing this) “Had a blast riding endurance horses in Ocala,
FL with Heather and Jeremy Reynolds, members of the U.S. Endurance Team! “
Just some of the fun ACTRA members are having this
Riding with your friends, a quick ride alone in the dark
with just a halter & reins before supper, riding with
your grandchildren; snowshoeing with friends in
Wentworth, NS; snowshoeing with your horse and
finding she likes it, trail riding with your wife in NB.
Dear Mistakes,
I used to fear you. I thought you were proof of my ineptitude. A sure
sign that I would never reach my goals. Now I think I have finally
figured out who you really are.
Sometimes you are a lack of focus, irritating but forgivable.
Other times you are a welcome step in learning, a sign of advancement.
Another step toward mastery.
Or you show up when I am taking a risk, reaching for that next level of
achievement or that competitive edge in the show ring. Given the chance
your companion, ‘reward,’ can also show up during this time, I have
decided I really I don’t mind.
Finally sometimes my teammate has different ideas—so you happen.
But given I am involved in an awesome sport with a living breathing
wonder of a partner I will accept your presence. Then go back and work
earnestly on my communication skills.
You are a strange friend, but one who challenges me to continue to ride
with purpose. So I have decided not to fear you, nor to avoid you.
So today I want to offer you, mistakes, my thanks. Thank you for being
part of my riding and my life. Thank you for molding me into a stronger
rider and better partner. And by the way, my horse thanks you too.
This was posted on ACTRA Endurance Rider, Donna Lee Cole’s Facebook page recently
– it comes from a website called Horse Collaborative.
As we reflect on our 2015 season, I hope we’ll all adopt this attitude!
Send newsletter submissions to [email protected]
2016 Ride Schedule See ACTRA calendar for more details: www.atlanticriders.ca
Ride Name
Ride Type/Length
July 02
Morning Sun
LD 25 miles
Coburg, NB
Donna Lee Cole
END 50 miles
July 30
END 50 miles
Wickham, NB
Jennifer and Adam
July 31
JP 14 miles
Wickham, NB
Jennifer and Adam
August 20
Maple Ridge
15/25/50* mile
*pending AERC
Eric Dwyer
October 8
Chester Gillan
October 9
Chester Gillan
All Ride Managers love to have volunteers!
There are jobs for all levels of experience, ability, confidence and time
If you aren’t riding, please consider pitching in.
There are always opportunities to learn and help!
Roy Drinnan
PO Box 14
Collingwood, NS
B0M 1P0
[email protected]
Donna Lee Cole
98 Coburg Rd
Coburg, NB
E4M 1M7
[email protected]
Pam Rustige
PO Box 280
Windsor, NS
B0N 2T0
Susan Hovey
8961 Rte 3, Old Ridge
St. Stephen, NB
E31 4W4
[email protected]
Donna Munn
249 Menzies Road
Midland, NB
E5T 2N2
[email protected]
Jennifer McDonald
2020 Rte 705
McDonalds Pt, Wickham, NB
E5T 4A1
[email protected]
Vice Chairperson
Bev Elliott
931 Newtonville Rd
RR # 1 Wolfville, NS
B4N 2R1
[email protected]
Carrilee Eddy
5892 Hwy 215
RR 1 Newport, NS
B0N 2A0
[email protected]
[email protected]
Public Relations
Rene Mersereau
PO Box 14
Collingwood, NS
B0M 1P0
[email protected]
@$30.00 OR/AND
@$20.00 OR