Fall 2015 Newsletter - Ignatian Spirituality Center
Fall 2015 Newsletter - Ignatian Spirituality Center
ESTABLISHED 1994 Board of Directors David Rothrock, Chair Matt Barmore Michael Bayard, SJ Vince Herberholt Sheila Evoy Mallahan Jim McGinley Thomas Morton Cindy O’Brien Carla Erickson Orlando Jay Schwartz Jim Schneider Kristine Sweeney Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Staff Mary Hartrich. MM Executive Director Carolyn Hickman Spiritual Direction Services and Program Outreach Andrea Fontana, M Div Program Coordinator Theresa Lukasik, Database Coordinator, Program Marketing and Young Adult Programs Located at St. Joseph Parish Center 732 18th Ave E Seattle WA 98112 (206) 329-4824 www.ignatiancenter.org FALL 2015 NEWSLETTER An integral part of the ISC’s mission is “nurturing compassion, healing and justice in the Ignatian tradition and vision.” Can we imagine this mission being applied to the entire natural world, as well as to human beings? This Fall, the ISC will join Pope Francis in inviting humanity to care for our common home, to “hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor,” and respond on their behalf. The origin of the word “compassion” means to “suffer with.” In his new encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis boldly aligns human sin with the suffering of our Sister, Mother Earth. He writes, “the violence present in our hearts, wounded by sin, is also reflected in the symptoms of sickness evident in the soil, in the water, and in the air and in all forms of life.” Mike Schut, facilitator of our upcoming series on Laudato Si’ writes, “Pope Francis urges us to look at what is perhaps the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced: our dependence on an economic system which has both created vast inequities and seriously degraded ecological systems, causing massive species extinction and altering Earth's climate. Woven in this challenge is the reality that those most responsible for these impacts often suffer the least from them.” How can we develop a deeper sense of compassion and “suffering with” creation, so that all creation may be healed, or “restored to wholeness”? And as the root of the word “justice” implies, how can we then work toward greater “equity” and a restoration of “right order “ on the earth? This Fall, ISC will provide several opportunities to explore these crucial questions through an Ignatian lens: with a men’s spirituality event, in a series for men and women devoted to Laudato Si’, and in an IgNite offering. (Please see PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS on p. 2-3 & the CALENDAR on p. 4-5) T hose who receive our monthly e-newsletter have already learned that our lovely and beloved Program Marketing and Young Adult (IgNite) Coordinator, Michaela Kearns, will not be with us this year. We all so greatly appreciated Michaela’s inspiring introductions and helpful program information in ISC’s monthly e-newsletter, as well as her continuous updating and improvements to our website, her generous, gentle, and insightful facilitation of ISC programs and events, and her welcoming spirit and creative work with young adults in King and Pierce Counties. Michaela also laid the foundation and led the selection of our new database. In July we warmly welcomed Theresa Lukasik to the ISC Staff, who will coordinate this new database, along with ISC’s Marketing and Communications, and IgNite for Young Adults. Theresa is a transplant from Chicago where she received her BA in Theology and her MA in Spirituality, at Loyola University. She brings an abundance of skill and ministry experience, having facilitated RCIA, Homeless Ministries, Young Adult ministry, Theology on Tap, Spiritual Care at Harborview, Theresa Lukasik and she has helped develop the LGBT Ministry at St. Joseph’s Parish here in Seattle. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Randy Novak, a truly inspiring leader and greatly appreciated member ISC Board member for the last 5 years. We are fortunate to continue a strong relationship with Randy, since, as the magnanimously energetic Executive Director for the Shirts Across America organization, his office is just across the hall from the ISC. (Continued on Page 6) In the Steps of Ignatius: Photo by Brad Reynolds. SJ Ignatian Spirituality for Men 2015-2016: Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy M en of all ages and all faith backgrounds are invited this year to one, some or all of four offerings of Ignatian spirituality just for men. This year’s exciting series will follow Pope Francis’ words and actions during this upcoming “Year of Mercy,” inspiring us to care and healing of our common home, our politics, our souls, and our families. Each gathering will include social time, prayer, stimulating presentations, and meaningful time to reflect individually and with others. Join other men interested in being Ignatian “contemplatives in action” for a more merciful world! LARGE GROUP GATHERINGS Vince Herberholt, Facilitator Ignatian Spirituality 101: An Introduction to Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality P ope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, is grounded in Ignatian spirituality, but what exactly does that mean? What is Ignatian spirituality all about? How might I incorporate Ignatian prayer and spirituality into my life? If you would like to know more, this evening introduction to the basics of Ignatian prayer and spirituality is for you! Come learn more about the life of St. Ignatius and key elements of Ignatian spirituality, experience Ignatian prayer, and learn how this rich spiritual tradition is being kept alive locally. If you are already familiar with Ignatian spirituality, we encourage you to think of others to invite! Thursday, October 8, 2015 6:30-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle ISC staff and partners, presenters Co-sponsored by Magis, SEEL, and CLC NEW! A series on Laudato Si’: I: Care and Healing of our Common Home LECTIO & LAUDATO SI’: Prayerful reading & response to the Pope’s Encyclical Saturday, October 3, 2015 9 am Gathering | 9:30 am Program | 12 pm Sack Lunch St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Paul Peterhans, Presenter II: Care and Healing of our Politics Thursday, November 12, 2015 | 6:30-9:00 pm Location TBD III: Care and Healing of our Souls February 2016 Location TBD IV: Care and Healing of our Families Thursday, April 7, 2016| 6:30-9:00 pm St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle On Care for our Common Home Join facilitator Mike Schut and others to reflect with an Ignatian lens on Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Laudato Si’. It challenges us to consider our economics, our sense of identity, our theology and spirituality, and ultimately, the way we live our daily lives. Each evening will include stimulating presentations on key themes, prayer, reflection and conversation on passages from the encyclical that you will read throughout the four weeks. Women and men of all faith backgrounds are welcome! Mike Schut has served on the national Episcopal Church's staff as Economic and Environmental Affairs Officer, at Seattle-based Earth Ministry, and at Seattle University’s Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability. He has edited/partially authored three books, and is a retreat and workshop leader seeking to connect faith, spirituality, simplicity, sustainability and eco-justice. 4 Thursdays, October 29, November 5, 12 & 19, 2015 7:00-8:30 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Mike Schut, Facilitator 2 Advent Evening of Prayer E nter more fully into the rich meanings of this holiday season by joining us for this year’s contemplative Advent Evening of Prayer. Allow yourself to let go of some of the “shoulds” of the season, and to be transported into the Advent story through prayer, art and imagination. Thursday, December 10, 2015 7:00 pm at St. Joseph Church, Seattle NEW! Examen of Life at the Turn of the Year: A HIGHLIGHTS OF ISC OUTREACH Recovery Café: Growing in Awareness T he ISC and the Recovery Café collaborate in offering another book series this Fall. We will be reading “Awareness”, the classic book by Anthony DeMello. The book challenges us to wake up to every aspect of our lives and leave our worlds of illusion. DeMello urges us to accept the invitation for this new awareness to change us. The Café members continue to inspire us and each other with their commitment and authenticity in their journey to spiritual freedom. Winter Day of Reflection W e live busy lives and may not always allow time and space to slow down or step back to prayerfully “examine” our lives. When the hectic holiday season dies down, we invite you to join us at the turn of the calendar year for a peaceful day of reflection to allow your soul to savor time for quiet listening, to ponder the important matters in your life, and to consider possible next steps in your life and service of the Gospel. This daylong mini-retreat includes brief presentations leading you through four movements of an Examen on the previous year, reflection questions, and abundant time for personal prayer, journaling and reflection. Saturday, January 2, 2016| 9 am—3 pm St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Starting Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 12:45pm at the Recovery Café, Seattle The Way of Companionship: Accompanying Those in Society’s Margins T his morning will offer a clear language and compassionate approach to companionship. Together we will explore 5 core practices anyone can apply to support individuals on the road to healing, recovery and wholeness. All are invited to attend. Anyone working with or desiring to work with people in society’s margins will benefit from this day. Saturday, November 7, 2015 9:00 am-12:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Carolyn Hickman, Presenter , Companions for the Journey: Spiritual Direction Saint Ignatius often finished his letters with the encouragement: “ite, inflammate omnia” (Go, set the world on fire). Young adults yearn to live life fully and intentionally, and to contribute to the well-being of their immediate community and the world at large. In the hope of strengthening encounters with God’s palpable grace, IgNite will enrich young adults as they, too, go forth and set the world on fire! This year IgNite hopes to help young adults reflect more deeply on their life experiences and give them a spiritual framework from which to engage the world. One of the major premises in Ignatian Spirituality is to find God in all things. This year IgNite hopes to give young adults the opportunity to find God in nature through a contemplative hike, to find God in the poor and in our cities, to find God in our relationships, and to find God in our prayer through the Examen and Ignatian Contemplation. For more info, please follow us on Facebook and contact Theresa Lukasik at 206-329-4824 or [email protected] to subscribe to the E-Newsletter. for Jesuit Volunteers T he ISC will continue to offer support to current members of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Seattle by providing them the option of being connected with spiritual directors who will accompany them during their year of service. This year we will also offer our connection service to members of Encorps, (JVE), volunteers over the age of 50 who are giving 10 months of with people living in society’s margins. Solidarity In Service: A Day of Reflection for Volunteers T his day is offered to enrich and support those serving people in the margins in their faith communities. The retreat is an opportunity to connect faith, spirituality, and hospitality and a shared sense of mission, using the lens of Ignatian Spirituality. 9:00 am—3:00 pm Saturday, February 6, 2016 For more information, contact the ISC office. 3 In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men) II: Care and Healing of our Politics Ignatian Spirituality 101: Introduction to Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality Thursday, October 8, 2015 6:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men) I: Lectio & Laudato Si’: Prayerful reading & response to the Pope’s encyclical Saturday, October 3, 2015 9:00 AM-12:30 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:30-9:00 PM | Location TBD ADVENT EVENING OF PRAYER Thursday, December 10, 2015 7:00 PM at St. Joseph Church, Seattle Examen of Life at the Turn of the Year: A Winter Day of Reflection Saturday, January 2, 2016 9:00 AM-3:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle LOCAL HARVEST (more information on pg 8) A Benefit to Support the ISC Saturday, October 10, 2015 5:30-9:00 PM at Graham Visitors Center, Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle A series on Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home 4 Thursdays, October 29; November 5, 12 and 19, 2015 7:00-8:30 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle The Way of Companionship Workshop: Training for Companions of Those in the Margins Saturday, November 7, 2015 9 AM—12 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle 4 Immersions in Ignatian Prayer: Prayer Practices for Life 5 Thursdays from January 28—February 25, 2016 6:30-8:45 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Spiritual Companioning with Those Who Mourn: Listening with an Open Heart & Healing Spirit Friday, January 29. 2016 9am—3pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Solidarity in Service: A Day of Reflection for Volunteers Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle Examen of Life in the Middle of the Year: In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men) Saturday, June 18, 2016 9:00 AM-3:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle III: Care and Healing of our Souls February 2016 | Location and date TBD NINE DAYS OF GRACE: NOVENA Wednesday, March 2 through Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:30 PM at the Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle University and 7:00 PM at St. Joseph Church, Seattle In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men) IV: Care and Healing of our Families Thursday, April 7, 2016 6:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle A Summer Day of Reflection Summer Ignatian Retreat Friday, July 22—Sunday, July 24, 2016 Palisades Retreat Center, Federal Way (continued from page 1) We also wish to express our tremendous gratitude to Carla Orlando, who brought a spirited, lively and graced wisdom, a delightful sense of humor and inspired creativity to our ISC board for these last three years. As our board’s secretary, Carla also graciously took the minutes at our meetings. Carla has been one of our most cherished program presenters, including as for this year’s Novena of Grace, and she has strengthened our integration of the arts and the creative imagination into Ignatian Spirituality. We will continue to call upon Carla to lend her wide array of talents to future ISC events and programs, and hopefully see her regularly. Our Board of Directors welcomes two strongly gifted members: Mike Bayard, S.J., who served on the ISC Board several years ago, and was instrumental in our bringing the St. Louis Jesuits together in 2009. He is currently the Socius of the Oregon Province and the soon to be U.S. West Province – Society of Jesus. In July 2014, Mike moved to Portland to become the Provincial Assistant for Pastoral Ministries. Prior to moving to Portland in July 2014, Mike served as Director of Campus Ministry at Seattle University from 2009 – 2014. In 2006, Mike cofounded and co-directed Seattle University’s Magis: Alumni Living the Mission. Jim Schneider also joins our board this year. He and his wife, Shannon, have four children - Lucia, Clara, Mariana and James. The Schneider’s are parishioners of St. Joseph on Capitol Hill, where Jim is currently serves on the Pastoral Council. He is an alumnus of Seattle SEEL, a graduate of Seattle University and he received his MBA from Loyola University in Chicago. Professionally, Jim serves as the Sr. Vice President of Centennial Mortgage where he lends money for the acquisition, construction or refinance of apartment buildings or healthcare facilities. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SERVICES Encouraging a Closer Relationship with God Longing for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love? Spiritual direction can help! Contact us if you are interested in connecting with a spiritual director. Carolyn Hickman [email protected] 206.329.4824 Interested in receiving ISC’s monthly E-Newsletter for the most up-to-date information? Go to our website, click “About Us”, select “email newsletter” and fill in your email address. www.ignatiancenter.org 2015-16 ISC STAFF Left to right: Carolyn Hickman, Andrea Fontana, Mary Hartrich, Theresa Lukasik 6 Or call Theresa at ISC 206.329.4824 Thank You to Our ISC Contributors in 2014-2015 We are so grateful to each and all of you! Without your support, the work of the ISC would not continue. Please let us know if we have inadvertently left your name off this list. John Adams Janet Alkire Quentin Dupont, SJ Robert Deltete Pam Ingalls Anne Jenkins Tom & Janet Morton David Murphy John & Shannon Sehn Patrick & Flora Sempel/Curran Maureen Allenback Marilyn Dennehy Corbin Johnson Cathy Murray & Vince Herberholt Corinne Senechal Alegria Aquino Albers Gennyn Dennison Michael Johnston Jody Mullally Bob & Mary Linden Sepulveda Dale and Tom Auffenberg Lisa Dennison & Helen Jolly Marilyn Nash Mary Cunningham & Michael Sinsky Mary Rose Bacina G DeCastro Michael Jones Bridget Neal Patricia & Stuart Spencer Kathryn Ballinger Brian & Patti Desroche Jennifer Kelly & Gerry Scully Mark & Mary Nielsen David & Marti Spicer Mary Fran & Art Barkshire Kae Eaton Patrick Kelly, SJ Killian Noe Bob Stephan, SJ Matt Barmore Susan & Michael Dougherty Margaret Kirmeyer Lucy Nonnenkamp Peggy Stevens Chuck & Judy Barnes Dennis Duffell Erin Kittleman Randy Novak Steven Sundborg, SJ Mary Bartholet Jim and Mary Dunnam Anne & Steve Knight Lance & Tina O'Brien Ellen Sweeney Clausen Michael Bayard, SJ Jan Dwight & Pat Gemperline Patrick & Carmella Koeplin Cindy & Mike O'Brien Matt & Kristine Sweeney Betsy Beckman Jean & John Ederer Rosemary Krsak Maria Ochoa Tim Leary & Erin Swezey Rod & Mary Jo Bench Dick & Linda Ellis Rick & Anne Kunkle Yosh & Karen Ohno Charles H. Swenson Jeannie & Jim Berwick/Degel Steve & Liz Ellman George Kunz Jack O'Leary, SJ John Tardif Martin Blank Peter Ely, SJ Soonja Larsen Patrick O'Leary, SJ Hilaire Thomas Maralyn & Jack Blume Sigrid Endresen Jean Marie Lee Erin Oliver Mary Thorne, CSJP Randall & Maureen Broom Gary Fallon & Leona DeRocco Mike & Mary Lee Joe & Carla Orlando Jennifer & Matt Tilghman-Havens Rebecca Brown Patrick Fennessy Mark & Maureen Lee/Busto John & Mary Pat Osterhaus Dan Tobin Julia Bucholz Libbie Ferron Renee Leet Kathleen Pape Diane Tomhave & Sherman Alexie Glen Butterworth, SJ Maggie Finley Teresa Litorneau Bill Parks & Beth Struckhoff Steve & Tricia Trainer Ann Bush Paul Fitterer, SJ Linda Lopez Liang Susanne Patrick Lyn Tully Peter Byrne, SJ Andrea & Paul Fontana Diane Lostrangio & Joe Anderton Paul Peterhans Patrick Twohy, SJ Adele Caemmerer Joe & Terri Gaffney Tom Lucas, SJ Jack & Mary Peterson Christine Valters Paintner Liz Caemmerer Mary Gaudette Rev. Paul Magnano Trung Pham. SJ Kiet Wa Sean & Teddy Callahan Will Gerhardt Jim & Sheila Mallahan Charles & Eleanor Pollnow Patsy Walker Deanne & Phillip Calvert Mary Beth & Richard Gemperle Timothy Malone Daniel Potts Nancy Walton-House Lori & Tom Carmody Therese Ghosn Don & Melissa Manning Laurie Quadracci Chris Weekly, SJ Bridget Carney Helen Goehring Dale & Ann Martin Joe Quinn Dennis West & Margaret Kinecke Frank Case, SJ Shannon Greenburg Molly Martinez Dan &Karen Quinn-Shea John Whitney, SJ Ross & Julie Case Catherine & Harold Grytting Billie Mazzei Jerry & Stephanie Ragland Johnson Pete & Karen Wickstrand Joe & Stacy Cates Carney Gretchen Gundrum Jim & Judy McAteer Bob & Lisa Ratliffe Mary Lou & Jim Wickwire Christie Cave Steve Gustaveson Bob McCaffery Lent Steven & Cynthia Reed Jay Schwartz & Renee Willette Hunter Chua Barbara Guzzo & Paul Purcell Bob & Shannon McCambridge John & Maureen Reid Steve Wodzanowski Julie Codd, SNJM Cathryn Hagelin Marga McChesney Jim & Laura Rehrman St. Anne’s Church David Coffey Peg Haggerty Kathryn McGarry Craig Rennebohm St. James Cathedral Cesar Collantes Elizabeth Hansen Jim & Monica McGinley Patricia Repikoff St. Joseph's Parish & Staff Megan Choitz Jannette Hartley Mud McHugh Mary Anne Reynolds Seattle Preparatory School Lara Cole Mary Hartrich Mary McKay Vial David &Elizabeth Richardson Seattle University Dan & Julie Coleman Thomas Hartrich Kathleen McKay Victoria Ries Sisters of Charity Chuck & Nancy Collins Jeanne Haster Cissy McLane Val Ritchie Sisters of Providence Kathy Collins Walt &Katherine Havens Marcia McLaughlin Tom & Jeanie Robinson Patricia & Ted Collins Linda Haydock, SNJM Mickey McGrath John Rochford & Nick Utzinger Paige Collins Tim and Janie Heffernan Terry & Kathleen McLaughlin Al & Lori Roehl Charlene & Charlie Collora Diane Heye Greg & Joan McNabb Dave & Kirsten Rothrock Isabelle Collora Marcelle Hickman Diane McQuiston Steve & Tessa Rothrock Bryan & Theresa Collucio John & Carolyn Hickman Bryce McWalter Tim & Nicole Rothrock Kevin Conley James & Debbie Hoover Cheryl & George Mead James & Brooke Rufo Hill Michael & Fawn Coussens Susan Horther Brian Meza Betty Sanders & Bruce Carter Liz Coz Martino Hoss Rosanne Michaels Kathleen Sanders Dorothy Crean Lorene Davidson Patrick Howell, SJ Patricia Hyde Mark & Ellen Mills Tad Monroe Caprice Sauter Richard & Dennis Siers Joy Drovdahl Kevin & Cathleen Hylton Margaret Moore Daniel & Anne Santee-Stoner Lakeside Industires Flowers on 15th Lee Center for the Performing Arts Nonprofit Org. US Postage PAID Permit #02125 Seattle, WA 732 18th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112 www.ignatiancenter.org What’s Happening at ISC … Laudato Si’ at the ISC Calendar of Events New Board Members and Staff ISC Outreach Thank You ISC Supporters Upcoming Program Highlights SAVE THE DATE FOR LOCAL HARVEST Saturday, October 10, 2015, 5:30-9:00 pm Washington Park Arboretum Graham Visitors’ Center Reception • Dinner • Program A Benefit in Support of the Ignatian Spirituality Center RSVP by September 30 www.ignatiancenter.org 206.329.4824
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