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Lake Jackson_Layout 1 10/2/14 9:23 AM Page 2 S U N DAY M O N DAY O C TO B E R B I RT H DAY S Lorene Griffin Rose Irwin Becky Featherhoff Charlotte Vautrain 6 8 14 15 T U E S DAY LIMO SCHEDULE Raymond Cathcart 16 Tom Moore 22 Wilder Brown 23 Jo Ann Horak 24 Monday & Friday: Wal-Mart & Local Banks Tuesday & Thursday: Dr. Appointments Wednesday: Trip Day W E D N E S DAY T H U R S DAY 1 12 19 26 10:00 Walk for a Cure 10:00 Chair Yoga w/ Stella 10:45 Pink Warrior Project by Angleton/Danbury Hospital 12:30 LJ Library 1:00 Spinner Dominoes 1:30 Cookies & Punch 2:00 Trivia 4:00 Pizza & Movie 6:00 Mahjong Wear Pink Today! Breast Cancer Awareness Month! 2 PEARLAND SHOPPING 9 7:00 10:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 Breakfast Taco Station Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Card Game Boggle Ice Cream Social Bingo 9:15 Sunday School Class “Hope Fellowship” 1:00 Mahjong 2:30 Sing in the Chorus 3:00 Church Service “St.Timothy’s” 6 9:00 9:30 10:00 12:00 2:00 7 8 9:15 Sunday School Class “Hope Fellowship” 1:00 Mahjong 2:30 Sing in the Chorus 3:00 Church Service “First Christian Church” 13 9:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 12:00 2:00 14 15 CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL & CLOISTER RESTAURANT 22 I Love Lucy Day HISTORIC BLESSING HOTEL & RESTAURANT Clergy Appreciation Day 9:15 Sunday School Class “Hope Fellowship” 1:30 Mahjong 2:30 Sing in the Chorus 3:00 Church Service “1st United Methodist” w/ Pastor Mireya 9:15 Sunday School Class “Hope Fellowship” 1:30 Mahjong 2:30 Sing in the Chorus 3:00 Church Service “Chapelwood UMC” 20 27 Walmart Bridge Exercise-Stretch It Out Hand & Foot Resident BDay Party w/ Curtis the Piano Man 3:00 Bingo 6:00 “Downton Abbey” STARPLEX CINEMA Walmart Bridge Day Circle Mtg. Exercise-Stretch It Out Hand & Foot Root Beer Floats/Ice Cream Social 3:00 Bingo 6:00 “Downton Abbey” 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 12:00 2:00 Walmart Bridge Exercise-Stretch It Out Nails by Lois Hand & Foot Banana Split/ Ice Cream Social 3:00 Bingo 6:00 “Downton Abbey” Walmart Bridge Exercise-Stretch It Out Hand & Foot Singing w/ John & Ardena Chocolate Shakes/ Ice Cream Social 3:00 Bingo 6:00 “Downton Abbey” 9:00 9:30 10:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 21 28 10:00 Heavenly Harmonizers 10:45 Not All Dementia’s are the Same by Care Builders 1:00 Spinner Dominoes 1:30 Cookies & Punch 6:00 Mahjong 6:00 Movie Night 10:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:30 Chair Yoga w/ Sheila LJ Library Spinner Dominoes Cookies & Punch NEW RESIDENT PARTY w/ Rodney Rasberry 6:00 Mahjong 6:00 Movie Night 9:30 Senior Scams by Officer Rick Wright 10:00 Chair Yoga w/ Sheila 1:00 Spinner Dominoes 1:30 Cookies & Punch 2:00 Bunco 6:00 Mahjong 6:00 Movie Night National Crime Prevention Month 29 7:30 10:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:00 7:30 10:00 12:30 1:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 7:30 10:00 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 Eggs Benedict Breakfast Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Card Game Boggle Ice Cream Social Bingo Tina Marshall on Keyboard Omelet Station Chair Yoga w/ Stella Card Game I Love Lucy Video Boggle Ice Cream Social Bingo Breakfast Taco Station Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Card Game Boggle Ice Cream Social Bingo SURFSIDE BEACH & RED SNAPPER INN 7:30 Eggs Benedict Breakfast 10:00 Exercise-Strength & Aerobics 10:00 Trick or Treating w/ Chapelwood Preschool 12:30 Card Game 1:00 Boggle 2:00 Ice Cream Social 3:00 Bingo 16 23 30 Entertainment 9:00 Flu Shots 10:00 Exercise-Aerobics & Balance 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks by Angel’s 12:30 Wii Bowling 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Bible Study 1:30 Cookies & Punch 2:00 Crosswords 10:00 Exercise-Aerobics & Balance 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks by Angel’s 12:30 Wii Bowling 1:00 Bible Study 1:00 Mahjong 1:30 Cookies & Punch 4:00 Directors Special: Pizza Party w/ Bill Parish 9:00 Donuts & Coffee 10:00 Exercise-Aerobics & Balance 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks by Angel’s 12:30 Wii Bowling 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Bible Study 1:30 Cookies & Punch 6:00 Sing A Long w/ Ross Poteet on Piano 9:30 TOWN HALL 10:00 Exercise-Aerobics & Balance 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks by Angel’s 12:30 Wii Bowling 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Bible Study 1:30 Cookies & Punch 2:00 Scrabble 10:00 Exercise-Aerobics & Balance 10:30 Blood Pressure Checks by Angel’s 12:30 Wii Bowling 1:00 Mahjong 1:00 Bible Study 1:30 Cookies & Punch 5:30 Reinsong w/ Gina & Stacy Cooper Candy Corn Day S AT U R DAY 130 L AKE ROAD L AKE J ACKSON , TX 77566 October 2014 Community Events 5 F R I DAY 979.285.0300 WWW. RCMSENIORLIVING . COM L ICENSE P ENDING Special Activities Trips 3 7:30 9:00 10:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 Waffle Station Walmart Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Mad Hatter Tea Party Community Store Bingo Spinner Dominoes 4 9:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:00 Coffee & Pastries Hand & Foot Spinner Dominoes Ice Cream Social Family & Friends Bingo Movie Night 10 7:30 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:20 2:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 French Toast Station Walmart Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Lunch Bunch Communion w/ George Ice Cream Social Community Store Bingo Spinner Dominoes 11 9:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:00 Coffee & Pastries Hand & Foot Spinner Dominoes Ice Cream Social Bingo Movie Night 17 7:30 9:00 10:00 11:20 12:30 2:00 2:00 3:00 Pancake Station Walmart Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Communion w/ George Fall Crafts Ice Cream Social Community Store Bingo 18 9:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 6:00 Coffee & Pastries Hand & Foot Spinner Dominoes Ice Cream Social Movie Night Sweetest Day 24 7:30 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:20 2:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 Waffle Station Walmart Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Pumpkin Patch/Lunch Bunch Communion w/ George Ice Cream Social Community Store Bingo Spinner Dominoes Pumpkin Chunkin Day 31 7:30 9:00 10:00 11:20 2:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 French Toast Station Walmart Exercise-Strength & Aerobics Communion w/ George Halloween Party Community Store Bingo Spinner Dominoes Happy Halloween! 25 9:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:00 Coffee & Pastries Hand & Foot Spinner Dominoes Ice Cream Social Bingo Movie Night