an overview of the film, television, video and dvd industries in
an overview of the film, television, video and dvd industries in
the STATS an overview of the film, television, video and DVD industries 1990 - 2003 contents THIS PDF IS FULLY NAVIGABLE BY USING THE “BOOKMARKS” FACILITY IN ADOBE ACROBAT READER Introduction by David Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Introduction to 1st edition (2003) by Ray Templeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii Preface by Philip Wickham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii the STATS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .282 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310 Cumulative Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341 Country Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352 Research: Erinna Mettler/Philip Wickham Design/Tabulation: Ian O’Sullivan Additional Research: Matt Ker Elena Marcarini Bibliography: Elena Marcarini © 2006 BFI INFORMATION SERVICES BFI NATIONAL LIBRARY 21 Stephen Street London W1T 1LN ISBN: 1-84457-017-7 Phil Wickham is an Information Officer in the Information Services Unit of the BFI National Library. He writes and lectures extensively on British film and television. Erinna Mettler is an Information Officer in the Information Services Unit of the National Library and has contributed to numerous publications. Ian O’Sullivan is also an Information Officer in the Information Services Unit of the BFI National Library and has designed a number of publications for the BFI. Information Services BFI National Library British Film Institute 21 Stephen Street London W1T 1LN Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7255 1444 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7436 0165 Contact us at with your film and television enquiries. Alternatively, telephone +44 (0) 20 7255 1444 and ask for Information (Mon-Fri: 10am-1pm & 2-5pm) Try the BFI website for film and television information 24 hours a day, 52 weeks a year… Film & TV Info – - contains a range of information to help find answers to your queries. Film Links Gateway – - provides annotated links to other useful websites Details about the BFI National Library can be found at Search the book catalogue online at Acknowledgements Much of the research that informs The STATS has come from the Information Unit’s work over the years compiling the statistics for The BFI Film & Television Handbook. We would like to thank the Handbook editor, Eddie Dyja and Sean Delaney and his Library Services staff. This work would not have been possible without the co-operation of a number of bodies who have provided us with information since 1991. This particularly includes Screen Finance magazine, Screen Digest magazine and, in many cases, film producers and distributors themselves. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of information in The STATS but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or any liability resulting from the use or misuse of such information. Introduction to 2nd edition (2006) The vogue for measuring activity of all sorts is a constant presence in today’s moving image industry, and as that industry starts to deliver its product in more diverse ways it becomes increasingly important to be able to make comparisons across time. One of the problems that besets any researcher as they set out to make these kinds of comparisons is knowing where to start given the variety of sources for the data and the fact that there is inevitably a mix of publicly available information and some that has to be obtained from more specialized sources. The beauty of the publication you are now looking at is that it brings all of these together in one source and has been re-edited to make them all available in a single volume, drawing upon the annual tables and other material previously published in the bfi Film and Television Handbooks, including the final, separate volumes from 2005. The Stats also represents a historical period in the art of collecting and collating statistics which reflects the period before the responsibility for collecting some of these statistics passed to the UK Film Council’s Statistics Unit, and for commercial television from ITC to OFCOM. Students and other researchers will find this an invaluable resource for an overview of the years in question as will those in the industry keen to consider the past when they plan for the future. We are grateful to everyone who has supported this research in the past, including colleagues and former colleagues who worked hard gathering the raw data. Finally I would like to point out that many of the sources used continue to be collected and made available via our Reading Room and via Information Services, and there are of course other newer sources that are also available. David Sharp Deputy Head (User Services) BFI National Library June 2006 BFI Information Services i Introduction to 1st edition (2003) The BFI Film and Television Handbook has been an fixture on the desks of many people in these industries for many years. Over the years, its summaries of the key industry statistics have developed into essential reading for everybody from experienced professionals to casual browsers. While the directory sections of the Handbook can go out of date fairly quickly as companies and organisations move or go out of business, or as new ones start up, most of the industry statistics never do. They’re no longer last year’s hot figures, but they gather both historical and commercial value as time series build up and a retrospective view is formed. In some respects you could say that they become more useful rather than less. But not everybody wants to keep a shelf full of old bfi Handbooks in their office, and having the data dispersed like that is inconvenient and unhelpful. What somebody needs to do is to bring them all together in a single volume. Which brings us to “The Stats”. Here we have all of the relevant tables, all of the important figures, with the kind of thoughtful organisation and expert analysis that can only derive from years of experience, a thorough knowledge and understanding of the film and television business and a ready familiarity with the kinds of questions that people in the industries need to be asking. The Information Services staff of the BFI National Library can bring all of those things, and that is what makes “The Stats” so special. This is a new venture for us, but it’s one that we feel confident will deliver what many people in Film and Television are looking for. Ray Templeton Head of Library and Education 2003 BFI Information Services ii PREFACE by Philip Wickham We are enormously grateful to all these organisations for their support over the years in ensuring that the handbook is a definitive source of information, bringing together data from a variety of sources to create an annual snapshot of the media industry. Sources that have helped us shed light on the media in Britain, and sometimes elsewhere, are as follows: INTRODUCTION Over the last ten years the Information Service in the bfi National Library has compiled the statistics section of the BFI Film & Television Handbook. This report gathers together this decade of data to provide The STATS - an overview of the film, television, video and DVD industries in the UK as they grew between 1990 and 2001. We reproduce the statistics from each handbook, year by year as they appeared. Following this are cumulative charts and tables, which trace the development of the industry by showing how figures dealing with cinemas, audiences, and TV channels changed in this period. . FILM PRODUCTION Our annual round up of films produced each year with any British involvement has traditionally used data on companies, titles and budgets published by Screen Finance magazine, which is published every two weeks by Informa Media. In the last 2-3 years we have supplemented this by looking at The British Council’s self-entry website and our own records and contacts. The weekly trade paper Screen International is also valuable as it carries a weekly list of films currently shooting in the UK. We interpret all the findings by organising them into our own, unique category system based on degrees of British involvement. Over ten years some tables in the bfi Film & Television Handbook have come and gone. This is due to the transformation of media markets in an era of increasing globalisation, fluctuating economic conditions and the vagaries of consumer taste. Some tables were based on areas of interest that were public talking points for a few years then seemed to pass, such as complaints on particular programmes to the Broadcasting Standards Council. In other cases industry change made them redundant – there becomes little point in a table showing ITV regional companies contributions to the network when the same two companies own most of them – or the data became elusive, as with European production investment or satellite channel subscriptions. This sees British films, or films made in Britain, as falling into one of the following groups: CATEGORY A – Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. However the bulk of the tables have stayed remarkably consistent –we will always want to know what films or programmes were made, how much money they earned and who went to see them. CATEGORY B – Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. CATEGORY C – Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. SOURCES As the tables have stayed largely consistent so have the sources used to compile them. Within the last two or three years we have started to contact producers and distributors directly and increasingly we have adapted and interpreted the information to make the data more accessible for the general reader or to clarify certain market trends. This would not be possible without the work of other publications and information sources that gather the figures together in the first place. BFI Information Services CATEGORY D – American financed, or partfinanced, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. CATEGORY E – American films with some British financial involvement. iii Screen Finance is also a useful resource for most aspects of the British film industry, including distribution patterns of UK productions and developments in the labyrinthine world of film finance in the UK, which range from government grants to tax exemptions to sale and leaseback deals. value of advertising in cinemas and work out the annual average ticket price. Leicester based company Dodona Research specialises in research on cinema exhibition, publishing a set of international reports called Cinemagoing. Screen Finance also occasionally carries articles on exhibition and regularly updates on admissions. FUNDING In the UK the success of a film is measured by its box office gross, but other territories calculate in terms of admissions to particular titles. The European Audiovisual Observatory compiles relevant figures based on available admissions data from 12 EU countries. Screen Digest also produces reports on international exhibition. Generally the magazine is a useful source of information on global media markets, offering comparative figures and often forecasts and projections. It also frequently examines data on the impact of new technology on consumers and the industry. In the last few years we have tried to track the ever-burgeoning system of production awards, especially since the advent of the National Lottery funding for individual projects in 1995. This has become even more vast since the advent of The Film Council, which took over funding responsibilities in England from the Arts Council in 2000. Screen Finance detailed awards through the Arts Council and through the three franchise organisations (The Film Consortium, Pathe and DNA) set up in 1997. The UK Film Council, through their website, list details of the awards through their new film funds. Details of film funding since the mid 1990s can also be found in raw data form on the Department of Culture, Media and Sport’s site VIDEO/DVD Information on video, and in the last couple of years the rapidly expanding DVD market, comes from the British Video Association (BVA). Their statistician Doug Hopper collates data from the market research companies that track rental and retail transactions. These bodies are currently Rental Monitor (MRIB covered rentals previously) and CIN respectively. They also now track DVD information. Because of sampling difficulties financial returns on video and DVD releases are not made publicly available, however the BVA does publish ranking lists, which give a good idea about public tastes in the home entertainment market. In Scotland awards for production funding are handled through Scottish Screen - prior to 2000 they were through the Arts Council of Scotland. In 2002 the baton in Northern Ireland was passed from the Arts Council (ACNI) to the Film Commission (NIFC). Welsh awards have stayed with the Arts Council of Wales throughout. All these organisations have been very helpful in supplying data to the handbook. CINEMAS A number of sources have made a significant contribution to this section over the years. For box office figures Nielsen EDI (previously known as EDI or AC Nielsen EDI) are invaluable. Their database report lists gross theatrical box office receipts in UK and Ireland alphabetically by title going back comprehensively to the mid 1980s. Their release schedule includes listings by distributor and details of upcoming releases. US versions of these publications are also produced and are used to put together figures outlining the performance of British films in the American market. The trade association ELSPA (European Leisure Software Producers’ Association) produces information on the video games industry, much of which is listed on their website TELEVISION BARB (Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board) research audience data for UK television and produce a weekly report giving ratings and other information for each programme. Companies such as TarisTaylor Nelson Sofres (formerly AGB) have converted this information into tables by genre, channel or demographic type. Until last year this was published in yearbook The Cinema Advertising Association tracks the demographics and frequency of cinema going, which are published in the CAVIAR reports. They also receive figures on the BFI Information Services iv form but is now purchased on request from the company. Broadcast magazine publishes the top ratings hits in various categories each week. The Independent Television Commission (ITC) - soon to be part of OFCOM researches data on the TV audience and on independent (ie non-BBC) channels in the UK, including cable and satellite broadcasters. GENERAL STATISTICS Each year we publish some annual demographic and economic indicators to put the preceding media information into context. This data - on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), inflation and population - is supplied by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). BFI Information Services v 1990 FILM PRODUCTION UK Film Production 1990 - Category A UK Film Production 1990 - Category B UK Film Production 1990 - Category C UK Film Production 1990 - Category D UK Film Production 1990 - Category E European Film Production Total Feature Film Production Investment Government Subsidy to Film Industry (in ECU millions) 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 CINEMA Country of Origin of Feature Films Exhibited in the UK Between 1 April 1990 and 31 March 1991 Top Ten Films at UK Box Office 1990 UK Market Share of the Major Distributors in 1990 Indignenous and US Films Shares of National Markets Indigenous Releases Gross Box Office Revenue (in US $m) Frequency of Cinema-going UK Multiplexes Opened between April 1990 and March 1991 Number of Cinema Screens in the UK New Cinemas Built/Screens Added Number of Cinemas in Europe Number of Cinema Screens in Europe Total Cinema Admissions (millions) in Europe 1980 - 1989 European Cinema Admissions per head of the Total Population 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 VIDEO Percentage of Homes with Video Recorders/Cable TV 11 TELEVISION Top 20 Networked Programmes 1990 12 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1990 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British Title Production Companies American Friends The Bridge Close My Eyes Cold Light Of Day Dakota Road The Fool Get Back In Fading Light Life Is Sweet Pleasure Principle, The Rainbow Thief Revenge Of Billy The Kid Riff-Raff The Runner Twenty-One Where Angels Fear To Tread Millennium Films/ Mayday Productions/ Prominent Features Moonlight (Bridge) Beambright Productions/ FilmFour International Creative Artists Dakota Road Ltd/ Working Title Films/ FilmFour International Sands Films/ FilmFour International Front Page Films/ Allied Film-makers Amber Films Thin Man Film/ FilmFour International Palace Pictures/ Psychology News Timothy Burrill Productions Montage Films Parallax Pictures Living Spirit Pictures Anglo International Films Where Angels Fear to Tread Ltd/Sovereign Pictures/ Stagescreen Productions/ Compact Television Total Number of Films 16 Source: bfi Film & Television Handbooks/Dennis Gifford - British Film Catalogue UK Film Production 1990 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Participating Countries Afraid Of The Dark Telescope Films/ Sovereign Pictures/ Les Films Ariane/ Cine Cinq Basilisk/ ZDF/ Uplink Film Four International/ Vision Productions/ Limelight Films/ Windmill Lane Productions Film Trustees/ Vermilion Films/ Let Him Have It Productions/ Vivid Productions Ltd/ Studio Canal + Palace Productions/ Promenade/ Film Four International Celtic Films/ Mediterraneo Cine-TV bfi / Film Four International/ Sankofa Film and Video/ La Sept/ Kinowelt Filmverleih/ Iberoamericana Films FR The Garden Hear My Song Let Him Have It The Miracle The Monk Young Soul Rebels Total Number of Films 7 Source: bfi Film & Television Handbooks/Dennis Gifford - British Film Catalogue BFI Information Services 2 DL/JP IE FR IE ES FR/DL/ES The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1990 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies Participating Countries Assassin Of The Tsar Spectator Entertainment International/ Mosfilm/ Courier Studios Film Four International/ ITEL/ Target Productions/ Australian Film Finance Corp. FilmFour International/ Sveriges Television Kanal 1/ La Sept/ Danmarks Radio TV/ Norsk Rikskringasting/ YLETV2/ ZDF/ RUV/ RAI-2 Zenith Productions/ Palm Beach Pictures/ Australian Film Finance Corp. Villealfa Filmproductions Oy/ Svenska Filminstitutet/ Finnkino/Megamania/ Esselte Video/ Pyramide Films/ Pandora Filmproduktion/ First City Features Umbrella Films/ Sovereign Pictures/ Films Ariane/ Filmdebroc SU Backsliding Best Intentions Harbour Beat I Hired A Contract Killer Rue Saint-Sulpice Total Number of Films AU SE/FR/DK/NO/ FI/DL/IS/IT AU FI/SE/FR/DL/IE FR 6 Source: bfi Film & Television Handbooks/Dennis Gifford - British Film Catalogue UK Film Production 1990 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Arabian Knight Ballad Of The Sad Café The Commitments Allied Film-makers/ Miramax Films Merchant Ivory Productions Ltd First Film Company/ Dirty Hands/ Beacon Communications PolyGram Filmed Entertainment/ Drop Dead Fred Prods/ Working Title Films Marquis Productions/ Icon Productions/ Carolco Pictures Le Studio Canal+ (FR) Palace Productions/ British Satellite Broadcasting/ Wicked Films/ Miramax Films Universal Pictures/ Mirage Enterprises Initial Films/ Universal Pictures Enigma Film and Television/ British Sky Broadcasting/ County Natwest Ventures/ Warner Brothers/ Fujisankei Communications Group (JP) Palace Productions/ Michael White/ Film Four International/ Miramax Films Morgan Creek Productions/ Warner Brothers Brandenberg International Twentieth Century Fox/ Sandollar Productions/ Peter V. Miller Investment Corp. Drop Dead Fred Hamlet Hardware King Ralph A Kiss Before Dying Meeting Venus The Pope Must Die Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Shining Through Total Number of Films 13 Source: bfi Film & Television Handbooks/Dennis Gifford - British Film Catalogue BFI Information Services 3 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1990 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Title Production Companies Liebestraum Mississippi Masala Initial Pictures/MGM FilmFour International/SCS Films Inc./OdysseyEntertainment/Cinecom Entertainment/Mirabai Films (India)/Movieworks/Black River Productions Palace Productions/Miramax Working Title Films Goldcrest Films/PRO FilmWorks (AU) Zenith Productions/Film Four International/True Fiction Pictures A Rage In Harlem Rubin & Ed Scorchers Trust 6 Total Number of Films Source: bfi Film & Television Handbooks/Dennis Gifford - British Film Catalogue European Film Production 1980 1985 1987 1988 1989 10 Belgium 6 7 5 12 15 Denmark 13 12 11 12 17 18 189 151 134 133 137 136 German Fed Rep 49 64 60 65 57 68 Greece 27 27 20 15 19 - Ireland 5 2 4 4 5 6 117 France Italy 163 89 114 116 124 Luxembourg 0 1 1 1 1 3 Netherlands 7 11 13 18 10 13 Portugal Spain UK 9 8 6 11 16 - 118 77 60 69 63 48 38 54 41 57 56 38 Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 1986 4 The STATS: Film Production Total Feature Film Production Investment Share of EC total 1987 ($m) 1988 ($m) 1989 ($m) 1987 (%) 1988 (%) 1989 (%) Belgium 16.6 21.1 14.0e 1.4 1.6 1.2 Denmark 17.5 14.2 18.8e 1.4 1.1 1.6 France 351.9 423.1 446.5 28.8 32.4 39 German Fed Rep 123.9 97.4 114.4e 10.1 7.5 10 4.3 7.6 - 0.3 0.6 - 222.6 270.6 231 18.2 20.8 20.2 Netherlands 13 7.1 9.2e 1.1 0.5 0.8 Portugal 2.2 3.6 - 0.2 0.3 - 77.1 51.4 47.2e 6.3 3.9 4.1 392.1 407.8 263.8 32.1 31.3 23 Greece Italy Spain UK (e = estimated figure) Source: Screen Digest Government Subsidy to Film Industry (in ECU millions) Belgium 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 - 2.4 2.9 - 4.4 2.6 4.6 5.9 3 Denmark - 4.8 - - 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.7 - France - - - - - 107.5 110.1 111.1 113.1 Germany - - - - - - 51.3 62.4 33.3 Greece - - - - - 1.6 - - - Italy - - - - 114.8(1) 131.2(1) 139.0(1) 146.2(1) - 31.8 (2) 40.7(2) 51.4(2) 63.4(2) 96.1(2) 129.5(2) 162.2(2) 202.9(2) Netherlands Portugal Spain UK: BFI grant from OAL National Film & Development Fund British Screen Finance - - - - 4.9 4.9 6.4 5.9 - 0.63 0.79 0.63 0.63 0.95 1.31 1.05 - - - - - 30.3 29.5 29 35 - - 9.32 16.68(3) - 16.8(4) 11.66 13.9 14.3 16.2 - - - - 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 - - - - 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 (1) Film investments by the film credit section of the Banca National Del Lavoro (BNL-SACC) (2) Financial aid by the Fondo Unico Per Lo Spettacolo (FUS) (3) For the 18 month period ending 30 September 1983 (4) For the 18 month period ending 31 March 1985 Source: BFI Library and Information Services BFI Information Services 5 The STATS: Cinema Country of Origin of Feature Films Exhibited in the UK between 1 April 1990 and 31st March 1991 Main Country of Origin Number of Films USA 171 UK 29 Western Europe 41 Eastern Europe 2 Others 19 Total 262 Source: MFB Top Ten Films at UK Box Office 1990 Title Distributor Box Office Gross (£m) 1 Ghost UIP 17.3 2 Pretty Woman Warner Brothers 11.9 3 Look Who's Talking Columbia TriStar 10.1 4 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Warner Brothers 9.4 5 Total Recall Guild 8.5 6 Ghostbusters Columbia TriStar 8.3 7 Back to the Future Part III UIP 7.9 8 Gremlins 2: The New Batch Warner Brothers 7.4 9 Back to the Future Part II UIP 7.2 10 When Harry Met Sally Palace 7.0 Source: Screen International UK Market Share of the Major Distributors Company No. of Films Approx Gross Box Office Revenue (£) UIP 17 74,118,061 Warner 19 70,453,860 Columbia TriStar 7 25,319,000 Palace 5 13,858,900 20th Century Fox 4 13,157,108 Guild 4 10,768,929 Rank 6 10,202,808 Source: Screen International BFI Information Services 6 The STATS: Cinema Indigenous and US Films' shares of National Markets Indigenous Film's Share (%) US Films' Share (%) 1980 1985 1988 1989 1980 1985 1988 1989 Belgium 2.0 0.8 1.0 - - 61.0 - - Denmark 21.0 4.4 6.6 7.5 44.5 61.2 71.0 62.2 France 46.9 44.7 38.6 33.8 35.2 39.1 45.9 - German Fed Rep 9.3 22.7 23.4 16.7 54.9 59.0 64.4 - Greece 28.0 13.0 - - - 76.0 - - Ireland - 2.0 3.0 4.0 - 96.0 94.0 95.0 Italy 43.5 31.8 23.1 21.7 33.7 48.6 56.0 63.1 Netherlands 12.5 3.6 11.9 4.5 46.2 74.3 75.0 Portugal - 1.0 1.0 - - 48.0 - - Spain 18.5 16.2 11.1 7.3 7.3 58.4 64.2 71.4 UK 21.0 10.7 18.7 21.0 21.0 88.0 80.0 78.0 Source: Screen Digest Indigenous Releases Gross Box Office Revenue (in US $) 1985 1988 Belgium 0.3 0.6 - Denmark 1.2 2.7 3 213.9 231.1 191.7 59.7 109.5 70.4 0.3 0.7 1 83.3 93.2 90.5 Netherlands 1.7 8.6 3.7 Portugal 0.2 0.3 - Spain 24.0 26.5 18.7 UK 17.0 64.4 78.1 France German Fed Rep Ireland Italy 1989 Source: Screen Digest Frequency of Cinema-going 1988 1989 1990 All ever go to the cinema (7+) 56 60 64 Ever go (7- 14) 84 85 85 Ever go (15-24)) 81 86 87 Ever go (25-34) 64 72 79 Go once a month or more (15-24) 27 30 34 Go once a month or more (25-34) 10 11 11 Source: Cinema and Video Industry Research Association 7 bfi Information Services The STATS: Cinema UK Multiplexes Opened between April 1990 and March 1991 Town/City Screens Operator 10 Warner Brothers 6 MGM Cinemas Basingstoke Bedford Bracknell 10 UCI 6 MGM Cinemas Dublin/Tallaght 12 UCI Edinburgh 12 UCI Gloucester 6 MGM Cinemas Harlow 6 MGM Cinemas Hull 8 Rank Hull 8 UCI Ipswich 5 Rank London Mezzanine 5 Rank London/Staples Corner 6 MGM Cinemas Chester Preston 10 UCI Romford 8 Rank 7 Warner Brothers 12 Warner Brothers Thurrock York Source: Moving Pictures International Number of Cinema Screens in the UK 1988 1990 642 676 one screen 336 356 two screens 260 236 three screens 450 387 four screens 88 116 five screens 45 75 six screens 6 48 seven screens - 7 eight screens 8 56 Number of cinema sites/complexes Number of screens in sites/complexes with: nine screens - 18 ten screens 80 150 eleven screens 11 22 twelve screens - 60 thirteen screens - 13 fourteen screens - 14 1,284 1,558 total screens Source: Cinema Advertising Association/Screen Digest BFI Information Services 8 The STATS: Cinema New Cinemas Built/Screens Added 1989 1990 MGM Cinemas 12 24 National Amusements 50 - Rank 23 21 UCI 55 52 Warner Brothers 21 22 161 119 Total Source: Number of Cinemas in Europe 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 Belgium 500 440 433 407 422 Denmark 329 241 221 207 195 - France 4,500 5,153 5,117 5,026 4,819 4,658 Germany 3,354 3,418 3,262 3,252 3,246 - Greece 1,100 900 600 500 500 455 - Ireland - 163 - - - 100 8,453 4,885 4,431 4,143 3,871 - Luxembourg 12 17 17 17 16 14 Netherlands 523 473 457 438 438 - Portugal 423 379 373 358 - - 4,096 3,109 2,640 2,234 1,882 - 942 663 660 648 657 676 Italy Spain UK Note: Figure for Greece, Ireland and the UK since 1986 are estimates. Source: bfi Library and Information Services/Cultural Trends/Screen Digest Number of Cinema Screens in Europe 1980 1985 1987 1988 1989 Belgium 508 440 399 467 395 Denmark 475 429 397 381 366 France 4,540 5,190 5,026 4,819 4,658 German Fed Rep 3,422 3,418 3,252 3,246 3,216 Greece 1,103 600 700 700 625 Ireland 163 135 140 145 146 8,453 4,885 4,143 4,000 3,500 Italy Luxembourg 20 18 18 14 14 Netherlands 523 473 438 445 436 Portugal 423 379 300 290 280 Spain 4,096 3,109 2,234 1,882 1,802 UK 1,574 1,251 1,215 1,250 1,424 Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 1989 9 The STATS: Cinema Total Cinema Admissions (millions) in Europe 1980 - 1989 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Belgium 21.6 20.1 20.5 21.4 19.0 17.9 15.7 15.7 15.2 15.0e Denmark 15.9 16.2 14.3 13.8 11.8 11.3 11.5 11.5 10.0 10.3 France 174.8 189.2 201.9 198.8 190.8 175.0 136.7 136.7 124.7 118.8 German Fed Rep 143.8 141.3 124.5 125.3 112.1 104.2 108.1 108.1 108.9 101.6 Greece 42.9 - 35.0 - - 23.0 22.5 22.5 17.0 17.5 Ireland 9.5 - - - - 4.5 5.2 5.2 6.0 7.0 241.9 215.0 195.0 162.0 130.1 123.1 110.0 110.0 93.0 95.2 Italy Luxembourg 0.8 - - - - 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 Netherlands 27.9 26.7 22.0 21.6 17.4 14.9 15.5 15.5 14.8 15.6 Portugal 30.8 30.3 27.3 24.3 18.8 18.4 16.9 16.9 13.0 13.8e Spain 176.0 173.0 155.9 141.0 118.8 87.3 85.7 85.7 69.6 78.1 UK 101.0 86.0 64.0 65.7 53.8 75.7 78.4 78.4 84.0 94.6 e = estimated figure Source: Screen Digest European Cinema Admissions per head of the Total Population Population Average admissions per head and ranking 1981 1980 rank 1985 rank 1988 rank 1989 rank Belgium 9.93m 2.19 9 1.82 7 1.53 8 1.51 9 Denmark 5.14m 3.10 6 2.21 4 1.95 2 2 2 France 56.15m 3.24 4 3.17 1 2.23 1 2.12 1 German Fed Rep 61.23m 2.34 8 1.71 8 1.78 3= 1.66 6 Greece 10.07m 4.45 2 2.32 3 1.7 5 1.74 5 Ireland 3.56m 2.79 7 1.27 9= 1.69 6 1.97 4 57.55m 4.29 3 2.15 5 1.62 7 1.65 7= Italy Luxembourg 0.37m - - - 1.35 10 1.35 10 Netherlands 14.85m 1.97 10 1.06 11 1 12 1.05 12 Portugal 10.46m 3.14 5 1.86 6 1.25 11 1.32 11 Spain 39.28m 4.71 1 2.63 2 1.78 3= 1.99 3 UK 57.19m 1.79 11 1.27 9= 1.47 9 1.65 7= Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 10 The STATS: Video Percentage of Homes with Video Recorders/Cable TV Penetration of TV Households Video Recorders Cable TV Population (m) TV Homes (m) 1988 (%) 1989 (%) 1990 (%) 1989 (%) Belgium 9.93 3.43 32.90 39.50 45.60 91.40 Denmark 5.14 2.15 35.50 39.30 42.60 28.20 France 56.15 19.65 35.80 41.60 46.60 1.10 German Fed Rep 61.23 30.83 40.00 46.00 51.40 23.80 Greece 10.07 3.06 19.00 23.20 27.10 - Ireland 3.56 0.94 45.20 49.20 52.50 38.20 Italy 57.55 19.49 15.20 20.00 25.70 - Netherlands 14.85 5.69 41.20 45.20 49.30 79.00 Portugal 10.46 2.60 27.00 28.90 30.80 - Spain 39.28 10.69 34.30 40.00 44.90 4.00 UK 57.19 21.13 58.80 63.30 67.00 1.10 Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 11 The STATS: Television Top 20 Networked Programmes 1990 (excluding multiple screenings) Title Channel 1 Coronation Street ITV 1-Jan 19.21 2 Coronation Street ITV 10-Jan 18.90 3 Only Fools and Horses BBC1 25-Dec 17.97 4 It'll Be Alright on the Night ITV 2-Dec 17.91 5 A View to a Kill ITV 31-Jan 17.72 6 E.T. BBC1 25-Dec 17.49 7 The Queen's Speech BBC1 25-Dec 16.74 8 Christmas Generation Game BBC1 25-Dec 16.73 9 BBC World Cup `90 BBC1 4-Jul Audience (m) 16.69 10 Coronation Street ITV 28-Dec 16.68 11 News and Weather BBC1 25-Dec 16.61 12 Inspector Morse ITV 24-Jan 16.16 13 ITV World Cup `90 ITV 11-Jun 15.95 14 Octopussy ITV 20-Jan 15.86 15 Blind Date ITV 3-Feb 15.79 16 This is Your Life ITV 1-Jan 15.65 17 For Your Eyes Only ITV 13-Jan 15.22 18 Keeping Up Appearances BBC1 3-Dec 14.98 19 Eastenders BBC1 27-Dec 14.86 20 Watching ITV 19-Jan 14.82 Source: AGB Television/BARB BFI Information Services Tx Date 12 1991 FILM PRODUCTION UK Film Production 1991 - Category A UK Film Production 1991 - Category B UK Film Production 1991 - Category C UK Film Production 1991 - Category D UK Film Produciton 1991 - Category E Number of Films Produced by EC Countries 1989 -1991 (£m) Total EC Feature Film Production Investment (£m) Source of Funding for British Screen Films 1989-1991 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 CINEMA UK Cinema Screens, Admissions, Box Office Gross, and Average Ticket Prices Frequency of Cinema-going 1991 Top 20 European non-English language Films (including co-productions) at the UK Box Office 1991 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1991 Breakdown of 1991 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Indigenous and US films' shares of national markets (%) Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1991 Breakdown of 1991 UK Box Office by Distributor 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 VIDEO UK Video Rental: Top 20 European Titles 1991 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1991 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 1991 24 24 25 TELEVSION BBC, ITV and Channel Four Transmissions by Genres 1991/1992 Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1991 Average Hours of TV Viewing per Person per Week 1986-1991 Viewing of the major terrestrial channels 1990 (based on 7 weeks average) Top Audiences for Feature Films on Television 1991 Where BBC Feature Films Come From: Feature Transmitted on BBC1 and BBC2 by Country or Origin, 1984/85 and 1990/91 Television Advertising Hours of New Independent Production Commissions on UK TV 1991 26 26 27 27 28 GENERAL 30 28 29 29 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1991 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Ama Efiri Tete/ Channel Four 0.40 UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 0.008 As You Like It Sand/ Aim/ Reinhart 1.00 0.012 Blonde Fist Blue Dolphin 1.10 0.003 The Boy from Lucky Village Brook/ Moonglobe 1.50 x The Crying Game Palace/ British Screen 2.18 2.025 Double X String of Pearls 0.35 0.003 Dream On 0.43 0.002 Edward II Amber Films/British Screen/ Channel Four Working Title/ BBC/ British Screen 0.85 0.064 Enchanted April BBC/ Greenpoint 1.10 0.064 How's Business 0.16 x Just Like a Woman Children's Film Unit/ Children's Film and TV Foundation Zenith/ LWT/ British Screen/ Rank 2.30 0.314 London Kills Me Working Title/ BBC/ British Screen 1.57 0.031 The Long Day Closes bfi / FilmFour International 1.70 0.212 The Punk Videodrome 0.20 0.005 Secret Friends 1.50 0.002 Split Second Whistling Gypsy/Film Four/Briar Patch Challenge Films/ Muse Productions 2.50 0.375 Truly, Madly, Deeply BBC/ Samuel Goldwyn 0.75 0.603 Wild West Initial/ British Screen/ Channel Four 1.32 0.030 x- unreleased Total Number of Films 18 Total Cost £20.91m Average Cost £1.16m Source: Screen Finance/British Screen/Knowledge Research BFI Information Services 14 Budget (£m) The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1991 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Elenya 0.75 DL Hostage bfi / S4C/ Frankfuter Films/ ZDF/ Ffilmiau Llifon Portman/ Independent Image/Jempsa 1.80 AR x Howards End Merchant Ivory 4.00 JP 4.027 The Lover Burrill Productions/ Renn 10.00 FR 1.376 Map of the Human Heart 8.00 AU/FR/CA 0.272 1.90 FR 0.016 2.86 DL 0.007 Shadowchaser Working Title/ Films Ariane/ Sunrise/ AFC Christopher Young/ Constellations/ British Screen/ UGC/ SFPF RDL/ Delta/ British Screen/ Astra/ BBC Wales Shadowchaser Productions 1.40 CA x Utz Viva/ NDR/ BBC/ Academy/ Mainstream 1.42 DL x Total Number of Films 9 Total Cost £32.12m Average Cost £3.57m Prague Rebecca's Daughters Budget (£m) Co-Producing Countries UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 0.002 UK Film Production 1991 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Bitter Moon Timothy Burrill/ RP Productions 7.00 FR 0.532 Canvas Mark Forstater/ Optima 1.50 CA x Demon in My View First City/ Project Filmverlag 2.00 DL x Double Vision 1.70 CA/FR x Far Better and Far Worse Cameras Continentales/ Steve Walsh/ Gemini/ Astral Steve Walsh/ Gemini/ Astral 1.70 CA/FR x The Gift Jam Pictures/ Mark Forstater 0.80 CA x The Naked Lunch Recorded Picture/ Telefilm Ontario 10.00 CA 0.542 Paper Marriage Mark Forstater/ Zodiac 1.40 PL 0.002 The Perfect Husband Portman/ Jempsa/ Ion/ Barrandov 1.80 ES/AR/CS x The Plague Pepper Prince/ CFC/ Oscar Kramer 1.80 FR/AR x Salt on Our Skin New Constantin 8.50 DL/FR/CA x Sweet Killing Burrill Productions/ Makifilms/ BleuBlancRouge Mark Forstater/ Tor/ DFI/ British Screen/ Metronome Cameras Continentales 3.40 FR/CA x 1.42 PL/DK x 1.70 FR x The Touch Weep No More My Lady x - unreleased Total Number of Films 14 Total Cost £44.72m Average Cost £3.19m Source: Screen Finance/British Screen/Knowledge Research BFI Information Services 15 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1991 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Alien3 Twentieth Century Fox Blame it on the Bellboy Prominent Features/ Disney Chaplin Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 24.00 6.573 5.00 2.607 Carolco/ Lambeth Productions 16.67 1.814 City of Joy Lightmotive/ Pricel/ Majestic 13.00 0.927 Dust Devil Palace/ British Screen 2.99 0.003 Freddie's Gone to Washington Hollywood Road Into the West The Lawnmower Man Little Bird/ Majestic/ Channel Four/ British Screen/ Miramax Allied Vision Patriot Games Paramount The Playboys 12.00 x 3.56 0.223 4.50 3.623 20.00 6.542 Green Umbrella 2.00 0.545 The Power of One Warner Brothers/ Regency International 8.50 0.282 The Railway Station Man 2.90 x 4.60 0.809 3.58 0.275 Wuthering Heights Turner Pictures/ BBC/ First Film Company/ Sand Productions Columbia Pictures/ Rank/ LWT/ Carnival Films Palace/ British Screen/ Fine Line/ Pandora Cinema/ Channel Four Films Paramount Year of the Comet Castle Rock Under Suspicion Waterland 6.00 0.183 12.00 x x - unreleased Total Number of Films 16 Total Cost £141.30m Average Cost £8.83m UK Film Production 1991 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Bob Roberts Working Title 2.20 0.461 Simple Men Zenith/ True Fiction 1.20 0.052 Total Number of Films 2 Total Cost £3.40m Average Cost £1.70m Source: Screen Finance/British Screen/Knowledge Research BFI Information Services 16 The STATS: Film Production Number of Films Produced by EC Countries 1989 -1991 Total EC Feature Film Production Investment (£m) 1989 1990 Belgium 10 20 3 Denmark 18 13 11 136 146 156 France Germany 1991 1989 1990 1991 Belgium 11 21.9 7.6 Denmark 14.8 12.3 14 350.2 404.3 449.4 France 68 48 72 Germany 89.2 83 99.6 Greece 8 n.a n.a Greece n.a n.a n.a Ireland 3 3 1 Ireland 5.8 16.1 1.6 117 119 129 152.5 161.5 222.9 Italy Italy Luxembourg 3 1 1 Luxembourg n.a n.a n.a Netherlands 13 13 14 Netherlands 7.1 n.a n.a 7 9 9 Portugal 3.9 2.4 4 Spain 48 47 64 Spain 29.7 n.a n.a UK* 27 54 48 UK* 137.1 258.7 244.5 Portugal Source: Screen Digest Source: Screen Digest Source of Funding for British Screen Films 1989 -1991 British Screen Channel 4 Other UK European Co-Prod Fund EEC US Other Total 1989 £000s (%) 1990 £000s (%) 1991 £000s (%) 3,577 2,669 6,058 n.a 521 1,182 1,476 23.1 17.2 39.2 n.a 3.4 7.6 9.5 4,865 5,524 7,497 n.a 3,384 1,822 1,756 19.6 22.2 30.2 n.a 13.6 7.3 7.1 4,559 3,933 4,057 250 5,948 4,223 421 19.5 16.8 17.3 1.1 25.4 18.1 1.8 15,483 24,848 Source: British Screen BFI Information Services 17 23,391 The STATS: Cinema UK Cinema Screens, Admissions, Box Office Gross, and Average Ticket Prices 1985 1989 1990 1991 1,251 0 33 1,284 1,432 85 33 1,550 1,552 85 36 1,673 1,642 97 38 1,777 Mulitplexes (5 plus screens) Number of multiplex screens Number of single screens 1 10 324 29 285 341 41 387 349 57 510 328 Box Office grosses (£m) 132 226 261 295 Average UK admissions prices (£) 1.83 2.35 2.66 2.90 Index at constant prices (1980 = 100) Average US admissions prices ($) Index at constant prices (1980 = 100) 95 3.55 101 97 4.44 112 100 4.75 115 103.00 4.90 115 Screens taking advertising National Amusements screens Regional Film Theatres Total Screens Source: Policy Studies Institute/Cultural Trends 1992:13/Business Monitor MA2; Central Statistics Office; CSO Bulletin Issue 3/92;GB Exhibitors (Quarter 3 1991); Variety 27/1/92; CAA/ Screen Digest/ EDI/ bfi Frequency of Cinema-going 1991 Age Group Total 5+ 5 to 6 7 to 14 15 to 24 24 to 35 35+ ABC1 C2DE 32,119 1,372 5,473 8,081 8,685 28,509 21,731 30,082 Ever go to the cinema Twice a month or more Once a month Once every 2-3 months 2-3 times a year Once a year 61 5 7 8 14 9 53 2 1 6 14 12 80 6 8 15 28 10 89 14 19 20 17 9 71 7 9 8 18 13 47 1 2 4 10 8 70 5 9 11 16 11 55 4 5 6 13 9 Less often 18 18 13 10 16 22 18 18 No. of People (000s) % Percentage of the population aged 7 and over who "ever go" to the cinema 1976 1983 1985 1987 1989 46 45 49 54 60 Source: Cinema and Video Industry Audience Research (CAVIAR), 9th CAVIAR Study, October - November 1991 BFI Information Services 18 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 European non-English language Films (including coproductions) at the UK Box Office 1991 Title Country of Origin Distributor 1 Cyrano de Bergerac FR Artificial Eye 2 3 Le Mari de la Coiffeuse (The Hairdresser's Husband) Das Schrekliche Madchen (The Nasty Girl) FR DE Palace Mainline 420,620 385,446 4 The Neverending Story 2 DE Warner Brothers 373,667 5 Uranus FR Artificial Eye 183,585 6 Daddy Nostalgie (These Foolish Things) FR Gala 152,800 7 Tatie Danielle FR Palace 128,776 8 Statto Tani Bene (Everybody's Fine) IT/FR Rank 120,149 9 Toto le Heros (Toto the Hero) BE/FR/DE Electric 84,123 10 C'est la Vie FR Electric 79,087 11 La Gloire de Mon Pere (My Father's Glory) FR Palace 78,582 12 Il Sole Anche di Notte (Night Sun) IT/FR/DE Artificial Eye 75,337 13 Ay Carmela! ES/IT Palace 60,816 14 Le Chateau de ma Mere (My Mother's Castle) FR Palace 36,215 15 Valmont FR/UK Artificial Eye 34,334 16 Dekalog (Decalogue) PL Artificial Eye 28,603 17 Reise der Hoffnung (Journey of Hope) CH Mainline 21,922 18 Andrei Rublev RE Artificial Eye 18,666 19 La Captive du Desert FR Artificial Eye 18,636 20 Metador ES Metro 13,665 note: ^ 1991 gross Source: EDI BFI Information Services 19 Box Office Gross (£) 2,458,175 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1991 Title Year Production Company(ies) Distributor Production Cost (£m) Ama 1991 Efiri Tete/ Channel Four Artificial Eye 0.40 8,320 American Friends 1990 Virgin 2.50 141,096 Blonde Fist 1991 Prominent/ British Screen/ BBC/ Virgin Blue Dolphin Blue Dolphin 1.10 2,502 Buddy's Song 1990 Curbishley-Baird Castle 1.80 4,952 Close My Eyes 1990 Beambright Artificial Eye 1.20 384,793 The Comfort of Strangers 1990 Erre Produzzioni Rank 4.00 253,175 The Commitments 1990 6,997,113 1989 Twentieth Century Fox bfi 5.41 December Bride n/a 245,000 Drop Dead Fred 1990 First Film/ Sovereign/ Twentieth Century Fox Little Bird/ FFI/ British Screen/ Central/Ulster Working Title Rank 5.41 1,775,662 Edward II 1991 Palace 1.10 64,354 Enchanted April 1991 Working Title/ BBC/ British Screen BBC/ Greenpoint Miramax 1.10 63,630 Everybody Wins 1990 Recorded Picture Company Virgin n/a 29,308 The Field 1990 Granada Granada n/a 1,168,613 The Fool 1990 3.90 39,482 The Four Feathers 1939 Sands/ British Screen/ Channel Hobo Four London Film Productions Blue Dolphin n/a 23,804 The Garden 1990 0.50 65,819 Get Back 1990 Uplink/ Basilisk/ British Screen/ Artificial Eye Channel Four Front Page Entertainment n/a 22,027 Hidden Agenda 1990 Initial Enterprise 3.00 141,050 I Hired a Contract Killer 1990 First City Electric 0.80 6,008 Impromptu 1990 Governor Films Rank n/a 18,880 K2 1990 Union Pictures/ Trans Pacific Entertainment 3.80 87,632 A Kiss Before Dying 1990 Initial/ Universal UIP 8.11 606,195 Let Him Have It 1990 Vivid/ British Screen/ BBC 3.20 18,880 Life is Sweet 1990 1.00 87,632 London Kills Me 1991 Channel Four/ British Screen/ Palace Working Title First Independent Palace Rank 1.57 696,195 Meeting Venus 1990 Enigma Warner Brothers 6.00 291,525 The Miracle 1990 Palace 2.70 530,000 The Object of Beauty 1990 Palace/ British Screen/ Channel Four/ Miramax Avenue Pictures/ BBC 2.00 30,749 One Full Moon/Un Nos Ola Leuad 1990 Gaucho Samuel Goldwyn bfi 0.80 274,668 The Pope Must Die 1990 Palace 2.90 15,689 Prospero's Books 1990 Palace/ Michael White/ British Screen All Arts Palace 2.40 20,222 A Rage in Harlem 1990 Palace Palace 5.61 7,923 Riff Raff 1990 Parallax Palace 0.75 1,550,000 Robin Hood 1990 Working Title 8.11 579,489 Rock-a-Doodle 1990 Goldcrest Twentieth Century Fox Rank 7.03 404,145 Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead 1990 Brandenberg International Hobo 2.43 61,069 The Sheltering Sky 1990 Palace n/a 383,785 Tales of Beatrix Potter 1971 Sahara Co.(Recorded Picture Co.) EMI Squirrel n/a 888 Truly, Madly, Deeply 1991 BBC/ Samuel Goldwyn 0.80 603,479 Trust 1990 Zenith Samuel Goldwyn Palace 0.61 47,671 Twenty One 1990 Anglo International Entertainment 0.81 60,922 Under Suspicion 1991 Carnival Rank 4.60 808,815 Where Angels Fear to Tread 1990 Stagescreen Rank 3.78 305,179 Young Soul Rebels 1990 bfi / Channel Four bfi 1.28 85,704 Total 44 films Box Office Gross (£) £17,339,038 Hollywood Productions BFI Information Services Hamlet 20 1990 Marquis King Ralph 1990 Paramount Guild UIP Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1990 Morgan Creek Warner 12.60 1,036,186 8.11 2,406,515 13.51 20,104,692 The Sheltering Sky 1990 Sahara Co.(Recorded Picture Co.) Tales of Beatrix Potter 1971 Truly, Madly, Deeply 1991 EMI The Trust Twenty One Palace Squirrel STATS: Cinema n/a n/a 383,785 888 BBC/ Samuel Goldwyn Samuel Goldwyn 0.80 603,479 1990 Zenith Palace 0.61 47,671 1990 Anglo International Entertainment 0.81 60,922 Under Suspicion 1991 Carnival Rank 4.60 808,815 Where Angels Fear to Tread 1990 Stagescreen Rank 3.78 305,179 Young Soul Rebels 1990 bfi / Channel Four bfi 1.28 85,704 Total 44 films £17,339,038 Hollywood Productions Hamlet 1990 Marquis Guild 12.60 1,036,186 King Ralph 1990 Paramount UIP 8.11 2,406,515 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1990 Morgan Creek Warner 13.51 20,104,692 Total films 3 £23,547,393 Total (All films) 47 £40,886,431 Note: we have included all UK registered productions and have distinguished Hollywood productions. Source: EDI/Screen Finance Breakdown of 1991 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Country No. of titles Box Office Gross (£) % 166 247,854,320 84.037 3 23,547,393 7.984 UK-UK films 44 17,339,038 5.879 Total, Other EC 24 4,592,966 1.557 Total, All EC 68 21,932,004 7.436 5 84,285 0.029 73 22,016,289 7.465 English Speaking 8 315,096 0.107 Rest of World, other 7 312,194 0.106 Total, Rest of World 15 627,290 0.213 English Language 2 462,279 0.157 Foreign Language 7 416,265 0.141 Total Co-Productions 9 878,544 0.298 Various 1 12,309 0.004 English Language, total 224 289,714,694 98.230 Foreign Language, total 43 5,221,451 1.770 267 294,936,145 US UK-Hollywood filims Total, Other Europe Total All Europe Rest of World Co-Productions Grand Total Note: we have included all UK registered productions and have distinguished Hollywood productions. Source: EDI/Screen Digest BFI Information Services 21 The STATS: Cinema Indigenous and US films' shares of national markets (%) Indigenous Films' Share US Films' Share Belgium Denmark France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain UK 1989 1990 1991 1989 1990 1991 2.5 15.0 34.3 16.7 9.0 4.0 21.7 6.0 4.5 1.2 7.3 10.0 3.8 14.7 37.5 9.7 8.0 5.0 21.4 2.0 3.0 2.2 10.4 7.0 3.0 16.0 30.1 11.0 7.0 2.0 24.0 3.0 4.0 2.1 10.9 5.5 68.9 62.6 55.3 65.7 86.0 85.0 63.1 64.0 75.6 67.4 71.4 86.2 73.5 77.0 56.9 83.8 87.0 87.0 69.4 65.0 85.8 63.5 72.5 88.0 80.3 70.0 58.7 77.0 88.0 91.5 68.0 67.0 83.0 67.8 68.7 89.0 Source: Screen Digest Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1991 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 2 Terminator 2: Judgement Day Warner Brothers US 20,104,692 Guild US 3 18,179,609 The Silence of the Lambs Rank US 17,119,333 4 Three Men and a Little Lady Warner Brothers US 12,967,783 5 Dances with Wolves Guild US 10,598,273 6 Sleeping with the Enemy Twentieth Century Fox US 9,230,825 7 The Naked Gun 2 1/2 UIP US 8,790,453 8 Home Alone Twentieth Century Fox US 8,353,519 9 Kindergarten Cop UIP US 8,216,680 10 The Commitments Twentieth Century Fox US 6,997,113 11 The Addams Family Columbia TriStar US 5,597,749 12 Arachnophobia Warner Brothers US 5,515,513 13 Look Who's Talking Too Columbia TriStar US 5,265,147 14 Highlander 2: The Quickening Entertainment US 5,250,692 15 Green Card Warner Brothers US 5,030,887 16 Backdraft UIP US 5,028,603 17 Misery First Independent US 4,715,242 18 Edward Scissorhands Twentieth Century Fox US 4,299,657 19 Hot Shots Twentieth Century Fox US 4,284,417 20 Mermaids Rank US 3,938,024 Total £169,484,211 Source: EDI BFI Information Services 22 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of 1991 UK Box Office by Distributor Distributor No. of Titles Box Office(£) 35 31 21 17 104 66,140,192 55,425,610 46,371,722 26,936,238 £194,873,762 11 22 10 8 25 16 6 6 5 9 7 6 7 4 4 5 12 39,520,406 28,293,052 8,351,802 7,882,102 7,532,637 3,302,263 1,083,743 642,205 501,265 303,812 192,099 180,326 114,906 35,322 33,983 19,358 2,072,902 163 267 £100,062,383 £294,936,145 133 134 £154,663,279 £140,272,866 Warner Brothers UIP Twentieth Century Fox Columbia TriStar Total Majors Others Guild Rank First Independent Entertainment Palace Artificial Eye Virgin bfi Mainline Electric Gala Hobo Blue Dolphin Metro Hemdale ICA Companies with 1-2 titles Total, others Grand Total of which: Integrated distrib/exhib* Non-integrated distributors Source: EDI BFI Information Services 23 The STATS: Video UK Video Rental: Top 20 European Titles 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Distributor Nuns on the Run Memphis Belle The Krays Hardware The Big Man The Field Nikita Mr Frost Buddy's Song Atame! (Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!) Paper Mask Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming Cyrano de Bergerac Hidden Agenda All Dogs Go To Heaven The Sheltering Sky Everybody Wins Truly, Madly, Deeply To Be the Best Close My Eyes Fox Video Warner Brothers RCA/Columbia Palace Palace Granada Palace Fox Video Fox Video Enterprise Enterprise First Independent Artificial Eye Fox Video Warner Brothers Fox Video MCEG Virgin Vision Buena Vista Odyssey Artificial Eye Country of Origin UK UK UK UK UK UK FR FR UK ES UK UK FR UK IE UK UK UK UK UK Source: MRIB Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1991 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Fantasia Buena Vista US 2 The Little Mermaid Buena Vista US 3 Ghost CIC US 4 The Rescuers Buena Vista US 5 Home Alone Fox Video US 6 The Amazing Adventures of Mr Bean Thames/Video Collection UK 7 Rosemary Conley's Whole Body Programme BBC UK 8 Pretty Woman Touchstone US 9 The Lovers' Guide Lifetime/Pickwick UK 10 The Exciting Exploits of Mr Bean Thames/Video Collection UK 11 Roy Chubby Brown: The Helmet Rides Again Polygram Video UK 12 Three Men and a Little Lady Touchstone US 13 Billy Connolly Live Virgin UK 14 Lady and the Tramp Buena Vista US 15 Chippendales: Tall, Dark & Handsome Video Gems US 16 Road House Warner Home Video US 17 Total Recall Guild US 18 In Bed with Madonna Video Collection US 19 Callanetics CIC UK 20 Highlander Warner Home Video UK Source: CIN BFI Information Services 24 The STATS: Video Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 1991 Distributor Buena Vista Video Collection BBC Warner Home Video CIC Fox Video PolyGram Virgin RCA/Columbia Pickwick Castle Communications Others (less than 2% market share each) Source: Gallup/BVA BFI Information Services 25 % share 16.0 13.9 10.5 8.7 8.6 6.9 4.2 3.9 3.4 2.8 2.0 19.1 The STATS: Television BBC, ITV and Channel Four Transmissions by Genres 1991/1992 BBC1* hours BBC2* hours ITV # hours Channel 4# Total Hours hours % Drama and Films 1,653 1,569 2,660 1,880 7,762 29 News and News Mags 1,147 473 1,123 711 3,454 13 Factual and Arts 1,046 1.438 1,108 1,547 5,139 19 Children's 849 171 545 633 2,198 8 Sport 641 841 490 569 2,541 9 Entertainment 634 227 1,322 1,048 3,231 12 Continuing Education 136 121 126 379 762 3 Religion 75 25 116 78 294 1 Open University 86 633 0 0 719 3 0 624 0 384 1,008 3 6,267 6122 7,490 7,229 27,108 Schools Total Source: *BBC Annual Report for the year to March 1992. #ITC Report and Accounts for the year to December 1991 Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1991 Title Channel Tx Date Audience (000s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Coronation Street Only Fools and Horses Coronation Street Darling Buds of May Coronation Street London's Burning You've Been Framed Grand National Blind Date Watching Denis Norden's Laughter File news ITV BBC1 ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV BBC1 ITV ITV ITV ITV 25-Nov 3-Feb 20-Nov 21-Apr 1-Nov 1-Dec 10-Feb 6-Apr 19-Jan 8-Feb 22-Sep 7-Apr 19,568 18,934 18,855 18,354 18,336 18,045 17,809 16,762 16,653 16,426 16,447 16,048 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Eastenders Eastenders Blind Date Wedding Auntie's Bloomers Inspector Morse Ruth Rendell Mysteries The Bill Antiques Roadshow BBC1 BBC1 ITV BBC1 ITV ITV ITV BBC1 21-Nov 12-Nov 20-Oct 29-Dec 20-Feb 1-Dec 12-Nov 3-Feb 16,197 16,197 15,935 15,873 15,574 15,524 15,500 15,311 Figures are taken from the AGB Audience Statistics Yearbook. Although AGB compile audience data for BARB, published BARB figures sometimes differ from AGB's; eg. the top rated feature film in the table "Top Audiences for Feature Films on Television 1991" (p.14) does not appear in AGB's Top 20 although it ought to be no.11. The apparent inconsistency in rankings in this table (eg. Watching and Denis Norden's Laughter File) is due to a change in the audience measurement methods in August 1991. Source: AGB Audience Statistics Yearbook BFI Information Services 26 The STATS: Television Average Hours of TV Viewing per Person per Week 1986 -1991 Year BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Total 1986 9:22 2:58 11:59 2:03 26.22 1987 9:32 2:52 11:11 2:16 25.51 1988 9:23 2:58 10:32 2:11 25.04 1989 1990 9:45 9:01 2:42 2:25 10:40 10:24 2:12 2:08 25.19 23.58 1991 9:05 2:30 11:03 2:28 25.06 Source: AGB/BARB/BBC Facts and Figures/Channel 4 Annual Reports Viewing of the major terrestrial channels 1990 Based on 7 weeks average BBC1 Hours: Mins per week BBC2 Hours: Mins per week Light Entertainment - Variety 0:57 0:04 1:24 0:14 Light Entertainment - Comedy 0:40 0:08 0:26 0:15 News 1:34 0:08 1:55 0:06 Drama (UK) 0:31 0:04 1:07 0:04 Soap Opera (UK) 0:19 0:00 0:59 0:06 Features, Music and documentaries 0:39 0:32 0:28 0:21 Sport 0:49 0:49 0:55 0:06 Children's 0:47 0:04 0:40 0:05 Current Affairs 0:27 0:08 0:29 0:07 Religion 0:06 0:00 0:05 0:00 Drama (non-UK) 1:02 0:05 1:13 0:11 Films 0:57 0:31 0:45 0:29 Total viewing (7 week average) 8:48 2:33 10:26 2:04 Source: BARB BFI Information Services 27 ITV Channel 4 Hours: Mins per Hours: Mins per week week The STATS: Television Top Audiences for Feature Films on Television 1991 Title Country Year Channel Audience (m) 1 Big US 1988 ITV 16,461,000 2 Fatal Attraction US 1987 ITV 15,029,000 3 Beetlejuice US 1985 ITV 14,869,000 4 The Golden Child US 1986 ITV 14,496,000 5 The Man with the Golden Gun UK 1974 ITV 14,494,000 6 Every Which Way But Loose US 1978 BBC1 14,466,000 7 Lethal Weapon US 1987 ITV 14,444,000 8 Fun With Dick and Jane US 1976 ITV 14,420,000 9 Big Trouble in Little China US 1986 ITV 14,354,000 10 Batman US 1989 BBC1 14,297,000 11 The Karate Kid US 1984 ITV 14,073,000 12 Beverly Hills Cop 2 US 1987 ITV 13,867,000 13 Buster UK 1988 ITV 13,705,000 14 Wildcats US 1985 ITV 13,570,000 15 Ghostbusters US 1984 ITV 13,139,000 16 The Goonies US 1984 ITV 12,982,000 17 Live and Let Die UK 1973 ITV 12,978,000 18 Coming to America US 1988 BBC1 12,958,000 19 Dr No UK 1962 ITV 12,866,000 20 The Great Outdoors US 1988 BBC1 12,855,000 Source: BARB/Screen Finance Where BBC Feature Films Come From: Feature Transmitted on BBC1 and BBC2 by Country of Origin, 1984/85 and 1990/91 1984/85 1990/91 New Repeat All New Repeat All Country of origin United States 147 352 499 224 538 762 United Kingdom 43 116 159 36 131 187 Total, Other EC 19 12 31 24 7 31 Total, All EC 62 128 190 80 138 218 Total, Other European 3 1 4 8 3 11 Total, All Europe 65 129 194 88 141 259 Rest of World, English Language 16 5 21 12 42 54 Rest of World, Other 1 0 1 18 3 21 Total, Rest of World 17 5 22 30 45 75 Total 229 486 715 342 724 1066 Total English Language 206 473 679 293 711 1004 Total Foreign Language 23 13 36 49 13 62 Source: BBC BFI Information Services 28 The STATS: Television Television Advertising 1980 1985 1989 1990 1991 692 1,374 2,286 2,325 2,351 70 188 296 321 334 93 529 176 1,010 297 1,693 301 1,703 304 1,712 Television Advertising in £ millions: Gross TV advertising revenue Deduct production costs Deduct agency commission TV companies net advertising revenue UK Television Net Advertising Revenue 1991 (%) ITV £m % 1,321 77 Channel 4 278 16 TV-AM 71 5 Satellite 42 2 Source: Advertising Association/Zenith Saatchi Hours of New Independent Production Commissions on UK TV 1991 BBC Network BBC Local ITV Network ITV Local TV-am Channel Four S4C* Total Arts 23 7 8 86 0 153 277 Current Affairs 15 2 1 134 0 466 618 Children's 52 4 52 8 129 0 245 7 6 26 6 0 134 179 26 0 56 2 0 109 193 Entertainment 130 0 394 76 0 298 898 Features & Documentaries 211 59 39 236 0 337 882 Feature Films 2 0 2 0 0 11 15 Religion 8 4 20 43 0 31 106 Continuing Education Drama Schools 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 Sport 70 1 1 68 0 131 271 Total 548 83 599 659 129 1,671 *No breakdown available for S4C # including S4C programmes Source: BBC, ITC, Channel Four, Knowledge Research BFI Information Services 29 430 4,119 # The STATS: General General Statistics 1982 Annual Rate of Inflation (%) 1986 1991 8.6 3.4 6.7 Gross Domestic Product (£m) 278,406 380,623 596,631 Household Expenditure (£m) 169,816 239,156 357,979 Population (000s?) 56,306 56,763 57,494 Number of Households (000s) 20,750 21,248 22,178 TV Households (000s) 20,250 20,614 21,792 Colour TV Households (000s) 16,865 18,122 20,959 Households with two or more TVs (000s) 5,819 8,913 10,955 VCR Households (000s) 2,062 9,149 15,429 Satellite Dish Households (000s) 0 0 2,040 Cable: homes passed (000s) 0 1,176 2,105 Cable: unsubscribers (000s) 0 188 535 Direct household TV spend - total (£m) 3,050 3,928 5,355 Hardware - Total Expenditure 2,124 2,269 2,501 TV Sets (£m) 1,527 1,306 1,263 597 949 995 Basic Cable (£m) 0 14 74 Satellite Dishes (£m) 0 0 169 Software - Total Expenditure 926 1,659 2,854 BBC Licence Fee (£m) 706 1,026 1,409 VCR Software (£m) 220 615 1,183 Premium Cable (£m) 0 18 47 Satellite Subscriptions 0 0 215 Hardware 70 58 47 Software 30 42 53 107 142 295 VCRs (£m) Direct TV Household Expenditure (%) Expenditure on Cinema (£m) TV Service Revenues - Total (£m) 1,205 2,051 3,183 BBC (TV only) (£m) 473 695 1,027 Advertising (£m) 697 1,227 1,712 0 28 254 35 101 190 Subscriptions (£m) Other (programme sales etc) (£m) Source: Knowledge Research BFI Information Services 30 1992 FILM PRODUCTION UK Film Production 1992 - Category A UK Film Production 1992 - Category B UK Film Production 1992 - Category C UK Film Production 1993 - Category D UK Film Production 1992 - Category E Total EC Feature Film Production Investment 1990-1992 (£m) Source of Funding for British Screen Films 1990-1992 What Happened to 1991 UK Films? 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 CINEMA UK Cinema Screens, Admissions, box-office gross and average ticket prices Frequency of Cinema-going 1992 Top 20 Non-English Language Films at the UK Box Office 1992 1992 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films Box-Office Revenues of British Films Released in the US in 1992-93 Breakdown of 1992 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Indigenous and US Films' shares of National Markets % Top 20 UK Films at UK Box Office 1992 Breakdown of 1992 UK Box Office by Distributor 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 VIDEO Top 10 Video Rentals 1992 Distributors' Shares of UK Video Rentals 1992 UK Video Rental: Top European Titles 1992 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1992 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 1992 Video Sell Through: Distributors' Share (%) of Top 100 1992 43 43 44 44 45 45 TELEVISION Programme Transmission on ITV and Channel 4 1992 (Weekly Average) Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1992 Average Hours of TV Viewing per Person per Week by Channel 1987-1992 UK TV Films Premiered 1992 Top Audiences for Feature Films on Television 1992 Where Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial* TV Come From: Transmissions by Country of Origin Channel 3 Licences Payments to ITC/Exchequer 1993 The Programmes the BBC transmits and where they come from, year to 31st March 1992 The Programmes Channel 4 Transmits and where they come from, year to 31st December 1991 Television Advertising 46 46 47 48 49 50 GENERAL STATISTICS 52 50 50 51 51 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1992 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Anchoress Bad Behaviour Bhaji on the Beach Blue Black Permanent Blue Ice Carry on Columbus Dirty Weekend Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 bfi/ Corsan 1.00 0.003 Parallax Pictures for Film Four Internationa and British Screen Umbi Films/ Film Four International 1.05 0.144 1.00 0.310 bfi / Viz Film/ Channel Four/ Scottish Film Production Fund Blue Ice Productions 0.50 0.006 5.00 0.211 Island World/ Comedy House Productions Scimitar Films 2.50 1.672 2.30 0.518 Great Moments in Aviation BBC 2.50 x The Hawk BBC/ Initial Films and TV 1.80 0.240 Leon the Pig Farmer Leon the Pig Farmer Plc 0.50 0.675 Lost in Africa Hotspur Prods 2.50 x Mystery of Edwin Drood Bevanfield Films/ First Standard Media 2.00 0.002 Naked Thin Man Films/ FilmFour International/ British Screen Renaissance Filmis 2.50 0.456 2.00 3.354 0.75 0.301 1.50 0.054 The Snapper Parallax Pictures/ FilmFour International Greenpoint Films/ Channel Four/ British Screen BBC Films 0.50 0.615 Soft Top, Hard Shoulder Gruber Brothers 0.20 0.229 Splitting Heirs Prominent Features 4.50 1.325 Tale of a Vampire State Screen Productions 0.60 0.007 The Trial BBC/ Santa Ana 4.00 0.018 The Turn of the Screw 2.00 x White Angel Michael White Prods/ Lakedell Ltd/ Cinemax Living Spirit Prods 0.25 0.018 Wittgenstein Bandung Films/ bfi / Channel Four 0.23 0.025 The Young Americans Working Title/ Trijbits Worrell Associates 3.00 0.300 Peter's Friends Raining Stones The Secret Rapture x - unreleased Total Number of Films 25 Total Cost £44.68m Average Cost £1.78m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 32 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1992 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies The Baby of Macon Allarts/ UGC/Cine Electra/ Channel Four/ Schlemmer Films/ North Rhine Westphalian Film Fund Neue Constantin/ Laurentic Fimls/ Toni Prods NEF/ Skreba Films/ Studio Canal+ and the European Co-Prod Fund Friends Prods/ British Screen/ European Co-Prod Fund BBC/ CiBy 2000/ British Screen/ European Co-Prod Fund Lakehart/ Norma Heyman/ Chris Sievernich Wieland Schultz-Keil Prods Recorded Picture Company/ CiBy 2000 The Cement Garden Damage Friends The Hour of the Pig The Innocent Little Buddha No Worries Orlando Psychotherapy Budget (£m) FilmFour International/ British Screen/ Palm Beach / Initial Film and TV in association with Southern Star British Screen/ Rio SA/ Mikado Films/ Sigma Films/ Lenfilm bfi / TiMe/ Skyline/ Mervyn Film/ NWR film foundation/ WDR Total Number of Films 11 Total Cost £50.25m Average Cost £4.57m Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 2.00 NL/DL 0.122 1.90 FR/DL 0.107 6.60 FR 1.908 1.45 SA 0.014 1.45 FR 0.110 8.25 DL 0.086 18.00 FR 0.255 2.70 AU x 6.60 JP/FR/RU 1.30 DL 1.520 x UK Film Production 1992 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Death Train British Lion/ Jadran 2.30 CT x High Boot Benny First City 1.50 IE/IT x x - unreleased Total Number of Films 2 Total Cost £3.80m Average Cost £1.90m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 33 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1992 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Being Human Foreign Affairs The Hudsucker Proxy Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 Enigma Films/ Warner Brothers 13.00 x Stagescreen/ Interscope/ Turner Entertainments Working Title/ Silver Prods 3.00 x 16.80 0.456 5.60 5.506 The Muppet Christmas Carol Rennaissance Films/ Samuel Goldwyn Company Jim Henson Prods/ Walt Disney 8.00 2.588 The Remains of the Day Columbia TriStar/ Merchant Ivory 6.00 4.456 The Secret Garden Warner Brothers/ Zoetrope 8.00 3.820 Son of the Pink Panther MGM 13.00 x Total Number of Films 7 Total Cost £67.8m Average Cost £9.69m Much Ado About Nothing UK Film Production 1992 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Posse Working Title 6.00 0.131 Romeo is Bleeding Working Title/ Hilary Henkin 6.00 0.171 Total Number of Films 2 Total Cost £12.00m Average Cost £6.00m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 34 The STATS: Film Production Total EC Feature Film Production Investment 1990-1992 (£m) 1990 1991 1992 Belgium 21.9 7.6 18.4 Denmark 12.3 14 n.a 404.3 449.4 504.1 Germany 83 99.6 n.a Greece n.a n.a n.a Ireland 16.1 1.6 n.a 161.5 222.9 235.4 Luxembourg n.a 1.7 1.1 Netherlands n.a n.a n.a Portugal 2.4 4 4.1 Spain n.a n.a 1.08 258.7 244.5 185.0 France Italy UK* Source: Screen Digest Source of Funding for British Screen Films 1990-1992 1990 £000s % 1991 £000s % 1992 £000s % British Screen European Co-Production Fund Channel Four 4,865 n.a 5,524 19.6 n.a 22.2 4,559 250 3,933 19.5 1.1 16.8 2,700 2,043 4,709 10.5 8.0 18.4 Other UK Investors EC Investors US Investors Other 7,497 3,384 1,822 1,756 30.2 13.6 7.3 7.1 4,057 5,948 4,223 421 17.3 25.4 18.1 1.8 2,546 7,878 3,697 2,069 9.9 30.7 14.4 8.1 24,848 100 23,391 100 25,642 Total Source: British Screen BFI Information Services 35 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1991 UK Films? Received Theatrical Distribution in 1991/2 Release Date in 1993 Ama Map of the Human Heart As You Like It The Silent Touch Bitter Moon The Wild West Blame it on the Bellboy Blonde Fist UK Distributor but no release date Bob Roberts The Boy from Lucky Village Chaplin How's Business City of Joy The Punk The Crying Game Sweet Killing Double X Dream On Limited short run in repertory cinemas Edward II Paper Marriage Elenya Dust Devil Enchanted April Howards End No Distribution Deal Into the West Canvas Just Like a Woman A Cry in the Night The Lawnmower Man Double Vision London Kills Me For Better or for Worse The Long Day Closes The Perfect Husband The Lover The Plague Naked Lunch Weep No More My Lady The Playboys Prague Straight to Television Rebecca's Daughters Hostage Secret Friends The Railway Station Man Simple Men Utz Split Second Truly, Madly, Deeply Production Abandoned Under Suspicion Freddie Goes to Washington Waterland Source: Screen Finance/ bfi BFI Information Services 36 The STATS: Cinema UK Cinema Screens, Admissions, box-office gross and average ticket prices 1989 1990 1991 1992 2,260 2,610 2,955 3,223 Average UK Admissions prices (£) 2.35 2.66 2.9 3.11 Index at Constant Price (1980=100) 97 100 103 100 1,432 1,552 1,642 1,805 Regional Film Theatres 33 36 38 43 Multiplexes (5 screens) 29 41 57 63 285 387 510 556 Box Office Grosses (£millions) Screens taking advertising Number of Multiple Screens Number of Single Screens 341 349 328 338 1,550 1,673 1,777 1,848 Average US admissions prices ($) 4.44 4.75 4.9 5.06 Index at Constant Prices 112 115 115 115 Total Screens Source: Screen Digest/CAA/bfi Frequency of Cinema-going 1992 Age Group 7 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 Nuber of People (m) Twice a month or more Once a month Once every 2-3 months 2-3 times a year Once a year Less often 35+ ABC1 C2DE 5.46 6 10 16 28 8.11 15 16 21 20 8.56 6 8 12 19 28.52 1 3 5 8 5 9 12 15 4 5 8 14 13 13 9 8 13 15 8 21 10 18 9 16 Age of Multiplex and No-Multiplex Visits % Multiplex Visits Non-Multiplex Visits Groups as a % of Total Admissions 1991 (%) 1992 (%) 1991 (%) Age Group 1 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35 + Total Male Female ABC1 C2DE 13 44 24 19 100 53 47 54 46 14 45 24 17 100 50 50 55 45 17 33 25 25 100 53 47 56 44 1992 (%) 20 38 18 24 100 50 50 57 43 Percentage of the population over 7 who ever go to the cinema 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1992 45 49 54 60 61 62 Source: CAVIAR BFI Information Services 37 17.0 41.5 21.0 20.5 100.0 50.0 50.0 56.0 44.0 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Non-English Language Films at the UK Box Office 1992 Title Country of Origin Distributor 1 Delicatessen FR Electric 2 High Heels ES Rank 409,160 3 Les Amants du Pont Neuf FR Artificial Eye 181,253 4 Merci La Vie FR Artificial Eye 173,541 5 Until the End of the World FR/DE/AT Entertainment 125,557 6 Raise the Red Lantern CN/HK Mayfair 101,633 7 Betty Blue (Version Integrale) FR Twentieth Century Fox 88,257 8 Van Gogh FR Artificial Eye 86,187 9 La Belle Noiseuse FR Artificial Eye 79,549 10 Europa Europa FR/DE Arrow 76,566 11 My Night with Maud FR bfi 74,294 12 Belle de Jour FR Electric 67,418 13 The Double Life of Veronique FR Gala 36,187 14 The Best Intentions SE Artificial Eye 37,151 15 Aux Yeux du Monde FR Artificial Eye 32,293 16 Jacquot de Nantes FR Gala 26,294 17 Mon Pere ce Heros FR Gala 25,461 18 Pepi, Luci, Bom ES Metro 23,759 19 Urga FR/RU Mayfair 20,981 20 Europa DK Electric 18,409 Source: EDI BFI Information Services 38 Box Office Gross (£) 1,267,000 The STATS: Cinema 1992 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films Title Country of Origin Distributor Prod Costs (£m) Box Office Gross (£m) Afraid of the Dark UK/FR Rank As You Like It UK Squirrel n.a 0.049 1.00 Bitter Moon UK/FR Columbia 7.00 0.012 0.500 Blame it on the Bellboy UK/US Warner Brothers 5.00 0.500 Blue Ice US/UK Guild 5.00 2.600 Bob Roberts US/UK Rank 2.20 0.400 The Bridge UK Electric n/a 0.016 Carry on Columbus UK UIP 2.50 1.600 Chaplin^ US/UK Guild 16.60 1.800 City of Joy The Crying Game^ UK/FR UK Warner Brothers Mayfair 13.00 2.10 0.800 2.020 Dakota Road UK Mayfair 1.00 0.029 Double X UK Feature Film Co. 0.35 0.002 Dream On UK Amber 0.43 0.002 Electric Moon UK Goldwyn/Winstone n/a 0.002 Elenya UK/DE bfi 0.75 0.005 The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish UK/FR Rank n/a 0.002 Enchanted April UK Mayfair 1.10 0.063 Freddie as F.R.O.7 UK Rank 9.90 0.390 Hear My Song UK Mayfair n.a 0.730 Howards End^ UK Mayfair 4.00 3.700 Immaculate Conception UK/PK Feature Film Co. n.a 0.012 Into the West UK/IE Entertainment 3.50 0.056 Just Like a Woman UK Rank 2.30 0.310 The Lawnmower Man US/UK First Independent 4.50 3.600 Life on a String CN/DE/UK ICA n.a 0.026 The Long Day Closes UK Mayfair 1.70 0.200 Lost in Siberia CIS/UK Winstone n.a 0.003 The Lover FR/UK Guild 10 1.300 The Monk UK/ES Arrow n/a n/a The Naked Lunch CA/UK First Independent 10.00 0.540 Peter's Friends UK Entertainment 2.00 3.070 The Playboys UK Goldwyn/Winstone 2.00 0.540 The Pleasure Principle UK Mayfair n.a 0.031 Prague UK/FR Goldwyn/Winstone 1.80 0.015 The Princess and the Goblin UK/HU Entertainment n.a 0.025 Rebecca's Daughters UK Mayfair 2.86 0.007 Secret Friends UK Feature Film Co. 1.50 0.002 Simple Men US/UK Metro 1.20 0.005 Split Second UK Entertainment 2.50 0.370 Strip Jack Naked UK bfi - 0.006 Time Will Tell UK Theatrical Experience 1.50 0.003 Waterland UK/US Mayfair 3.60 0.200 ^these figures are cumulative and include money made in 1993 Hollywood British Productions Alien3 Twentieth Century Fox The Muppet Christmas Carol Buena Vista Patriot Games UIP The Power of One Wuthering Heights Source: EDI BFI Information Services 39 8.00 2.500 20.00 6.500 Warner Bros 8.50 0.250 UIP 6.00 0.200 The STATS: Cinema Box-Office Revenues of British Films Released in the US in 1992-93 Title Country of Origin Distributor Box Office Gross($) The Crying Game UK Miramax 62,539,006 The Lawnmower Man US/UK New Line 32,071,997 Howards End UK Sony Classics 17,982,985 Enchanted April UK Miramax 12,562,372 Chaplin US/UK Tristar 8,576,068 Split Second UK Paramount 5,742,781 Damage UK/FR New Line 5,340,451 The Playboys UK/IE Samuel Goldwyn 4,906,900 Bob Roberts US/UK Paramount 4,233,302 The Lover FR/UK MGM 4,170,000 Hear My Song UK Miramax 3,519,704 Peter's Friends UK Samuel Goldwyn 3,200,000 Blame it on the Bellboy UK/US Buena Vista 2,891,055 Naked Lunch UK/CA Fox 2,278,178 Where Angels Fear to Tread UK Fine Line 1,394,566 Freddie as F.R.0.7 UK Miramax 1,200,000 Waterland UK Fine Line 1,093,599 Antonia and Jane UK Miramax 880,774 Edward II UK Fine Line 684,834 Under Suspicion UK Columbia 183,701 London Kills Me UK Fine Line 165,370 The Favour, the Watch & the Very Big Fish UK/FR Tri Mark 149,204 Close My Eyes UK Castle Hill 135,893 Simple Men US/UK Fine Line 133,706 Afraid of the Dark UK/FR Fine Line 46,570 Source: Screen Finance/bfi Breakdown of 1992 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Country Number of Titles % of the 267 titles released Box Office Gross (£) % of Total Box Office 136 4 25 18 56.4 1.7 10.8 7.5 249,758,323 13,501,103 10,407,363 9,335,114 85.8 4.6 3.6 3.2 Other EC (inc. Co-Prods between Non-UK EC Nations) Other Europe Other Co-Productions 31 12.9 2,430,191 0.8 3 6 1.2 2.5 41,360 1,527,240 0.1 0.5 Rest of the World (English Speaking) Rest of the World (Other) 12 4.9 3,852,267 1.3 6 2.5 120,433 0.1 241 100 £290,973,394 United States UK - Hollywood Films UK - UK Films UK Co-Production Total Source: EDI BFI Information Services 40 The STATS: Cinema Indigenous and US Films' shares of National Markets % Country Indigenous US Films Others Belgium 2.2 78.6 .19.2 Denmark 15.3 n.a n.a 35 58.3 6.7 10.5 80+ 8.5 Greece n.a n.a n.a Ireland n.a n.a n.a Italy 24 68 8 Luxembourg 2.6 80 17.4 Netherlands France Germany 13.7 n.a n.a Portugal n.a 68.4 n.a Spain 9.2 75.8 15 UK 3.7 92.5 3.8 Source: Screen Digest Top 20 UK Films at UK Box Office 1992 Title Country of Origin Distributor Box Office Gross (£) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Basic Instinct Hook Lethal Weapon 3 Batman Returns Cape Fear Beauty and the Beast Wayne's World Home Alone 2: Lost in New York My Girl US US US US US US US US US Guild Columbia TriStar Warner Brothers Warner Brothers UIP Warner Brothers UIP Twentieth Century Fox Columbia TriStar 15,480,560 13,099,578 11,878,179 10,979,599 10,360,215 9,717,735 9,133,551 8,263,681 7,629,917 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle JFK Beethoven Father of the Bride Alien3 Patriot Games Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey Sister Act Far and Away Unforgiven Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs US US US US US US US US US US US Warner Brothers Warner Brothers UIP Warner Brothers Twentieth Century Fox UIP Columbia TriStar Buena Vista UIP Warner Brothers Warner Brothers 7,306,665 7,017,004 6,757,980 6,649,715 6,552,103 6,542,299 5,412,724 5,354,853 4,815,223 4,689,237 4,657,649 Source: EDI/Moving Pictures/Screen International BFI Information Services 41 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of 1992 UK Box Office by Distributor Distributor Number of Titles Box Office (£) Warner Brothers 33 90,094,791 UIP 23 65,168,906 Columbia TriStar 19 45,899,753 Twentieth Century Fox 15 23,735,186 Majors Buena Vista 2 6,983,409 92 £231,882,045 Guild 12 30,846,086 Rank 18 6,975,472 Entertainment 12 4,836,420 6 5,760,044 Mayfair 14 4,271,735 Electric 11 3,223,652 6 1,311,271 Artificial Eye 10 684,262 Metro 10 290,500 Mainline 3 257,439 Blue Dolphin 5 139,388 Gala 5 115,273 bfi 6 114,181 Arrow 3 85,776 Feature Film Co 9 70,384 ICA Projects 7 60,332 Squirrel 2 13,700 Central TV 1 10,882 Out on a Limb 2 9,419 Contemporary 4 8,250 Theatrical Experience 1 3,000 Oasis 1 2,432 Amber 1 2,000 Total US Majors Others First Independent Goldwyn/Winstone Total 149 £59,091,898 Grand Total 241 £290,973,394 Source: EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 42 The STATS: Video Top 10 Video Rentals 1992 Title Distributor 1 Terminator 2: Judgement Day Guild 2 Basic Instinct Guild 3 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Warner Home Video 4 Point Break Fox Video 5 Backdraft CIC 6 The Silence of the Lambs 20:20 Vision 7 City Slickers First Independent 8 Naked Gun 2 1/2 CIC 9 Hot Shots! Fox Video 10 Father of the Bride Touchstone Source: BVA/MRIB Distributors' Shares of UK Video Rentals 1992 Distributor No. % Columbia TriStar/20:20 Vision 96 19.4 Warner Home Video 60 12.1 CIC 59 11.9 Fox Video 43 8.7 Entertainment 35 7.1 Buena Vista/Touchstone 29 5.8 Guild 27 5.5 First Independent 24 4.8 Odyssey 19 3.8 Medusa 16 3.2 Vision 13 2.6 High Fliers 9 1.8 Hollywood 9 1.8 American Imperial/VPD 8 1.6 MGM/Pathe 7 1.4 41 8.3 Others (20 companies) Total 495 Source: MRIB BFI Information Services 43 The STATS: Video UK Video Rental: Top European Titles 1992 Title Country of Origin Distributor 1 The Commitments UK/US/IE Fox Video 2 The Lawnmower Man UK First Independent 3 Split Second UK Entertainment 4 Blame it on the Bellboy UK/US/IE Hollywood 5 Under Suspicion UK 20:20 Vision 6 The Pope Must Die UK RCA/Columbia 7 Let Him Have It UK First Independent 8 The Naked Lunch UK/CA First Independent 9 A Rage in Harlem UK/US Palace 10 Twenty One UK Entertainment 11 Hear My Song UK CIC 12 Truly, Madly, Deeply UK Buena Vista 13 Blonde Fist UK Hollywood 14 Revenge of Billy the Kid UK Medusa 15 Memphis Belle UK Warner 16 Nuns on the Run UK Fox Video 17 The Krays UK RCA/Columbia 18 The Pleasure Principle UK Palace 19 Until the End of the World DE/FR/AT Entertainment 20 Young Soul Rebels UK Braveworld Source: MRIB Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1992 Title Year Country of Origin Distributor 1 Cinderella 1950 US Buena Vista 2 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1991 US Warner Home Video 3 Terminator 2: Judgement Day 1991 US Guild 4 Hook 1992 US Columbia TriStar 5 Batman Returns 1992 US Warner Home Video 6 Fantasia 1940 US Buena Vista 7 The Rescuers Down Under 1991 US Buena Vista 8 Dances With Wolves 1992 US Guild 9 The Silence of the Lambs 1992 US Columbia TriStar 10 Cherfitness: A New Attitude 1990 US Fox Video 11 25BC - The Best of 25 Years 1986 UK VVL 12 Home Alone 1990 US Fox Video 13 The Little Mermaid 1989 US Buena Vista 14 Aliens 1992 US Fox Video 15 Ghost 1992 US CIC 16 Basil the Great Mouse Detective 1989 US Buena Vista 17 Tale of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin Bunny 1992 US Pickwick 18 Amazing Adventures of Mr Bean 1992 US Video Collection 19 JFK 1991 US Warner Home Video 20 The Commitments 1991 UK/US Fox Video Source: CIN/Gallup BFI Information Services 44 The STATS: Video Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 1992 Distributor % BBC 10.5 Warner Home Video 10.3 Buena Vista 9.9 Polygram 7.7 Video Collection 7.7 Fox Video 6.6 CIC 6.5 VVL 4.9 Columbia TriStar 4.0 Guild 3.0 Source: Gallup/CIN Video Sell Through: Distributors' Share of Top 100 1992 Company No.of Titles Buena Vista BBC Polygram FoxVideo Warner Home Video VVL CIC Pickwick Video Collection PMI Guild BMG Video Columbia TriStar Ritz EUK 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 5 5 5 4 4 3 1 1 MGM/UA First Independent Braveworld Watershed Silvervision 1 1 1 1 1 Source: BVA BFI Information Services 45 The STATS: Television Programme Transmission on ITV and Channel 4 1992 (Weekly Average) ITV Hours.Mins % Channel 4 Hours.Mins News and News Related Factual Material inc. documentaries Education Religion Arts Informative Plays, Series & Serials Feature Films & TV Movies Narrative Entertainment Sport Children's Programmes 18.45 21.61 2.09 2.11 1.20 46.26 31.00 20.31 51.31 26.33 8.10 11.22 13 15.3 1.5 1.5 0.9 32.2 21.5 14.2 35.7 18.4 5.7 7.9 10.16 20.47 14.11 1.02 4.07 50.23 12.08 28.06 40.14 26.3 11.08 13.57 Total 144.02 100 142.12 % 7.2 14.6 10 0.7 2.9 35.4 8.5 19.8 28.3 18.6 7.8 9.8 Source: ITC Annual Report 1992 Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1992 Title Channel Tx Date Audience (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Eastenders Coronation Street Eastenders Coronation Street Coronation Street Only Fools and Horses Worst of Alright on the Night You've Been Framed The Trouble with Mr Bean The Darling Buds of May Merry Xmas, Mr Bean More Auntie's Bloomers Taggart Three Men and a Baby Neighbours Elizabeth R Mr Bean Rides Again Birds of a Feather The Bill BBC1 ITV BBC1 ITV ITV BBC1 ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV BBC1 ITV ITV BBC1 BBC1 ITV BBC1 ITV 2-Jan 8-Jan 27-Oct 10-Jan 3-Feb 25-Dec 1-Feb 19-Jan 1-Jan 26-Jan 29-Dec 27-Dec 1-Jan 15-Feb 21-Dec 6-Feb 17-Feb 25-Dec 28-Jan 24.3 21.6 21.3 21.3 20.3 20.1 19.9 19.3 18.3 18.1 18.5 18.4 18.3 18.3 18.1 17.9 17.1 16.9 16.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 A Touch of Frost Inspector Morse It'll be Alright on the Night Casualty Wish You Were Here One Foot in the Grave ITV ITV ITV BBC1 ITV BBC1 6-Dec 15-Apr 19-Jan 14-Nov 3-Feb 8-Mar 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.3 16.2 Source: BARB BFI Information Services 46 The STATS: Television Average Hours of TV Viewing per Person per Week by Channel 1987-1992, All Homes Year BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Other Total 1987 9.32 2.52 11.11 2.16 n/a 25.51 1988 9.23 2.58 10.32 2.11 n/a 25.04 1989 9.45 2.42 10.40 2.12 n/a 25.19 1990 9.01 2.25 10.24 2.08 n/a 23.58 1991 9.05 2.30 11.03 2.28 n/a 25.06 1992 9.00 2.47 10.54 2.45 1.18 26.44 Source: AGB/BARB BFI Information Services 47 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 1992 Title Tx Date BARB Rating (m) Film on Four Life is Sweet 15-Sep 3.66 Riff Raff 22-Sep 2.65 Paris By Night Venus Peter 29-Sep 6-Oct 3.18 1.81 Queen of Hearts 13-Oct 1.78 December Bride 20-Oct 2.57 Stormy Monday Bye Bye Baby* 27-Oct 3-Nov 4.29 2.34 Resurrected 10-Nov 3.00 I Hired a Contract Killer 17-Nov 2.53 Diamond Skulls 24-Nov 3.28 The Deceivers 1-Dec 3.23 Sour Sweet 8-Dec 2.44 Strapless 15-Dec 1.84 Fools of Fortune God on the Rocks* 22-Dec 19-Dec 1.19 1.35 Films marked* have received no theatrical release prior to transmission BBC TV Films An Ungentlemanly Act 13-Jun 3.00 Adam Bede 1-Jan 6.28 Ghostwatch 31-Oct 11.07 Screen One A Very Polish Practice 6-Sep 5.42 Disaster at Valdez 13-Sep 6.14 Born Kicking 20-Sep 7.05 Black and Blue 27-Sep 7.18 Seconds Out 4-Oct 4.22 Running Late 11-Oct 6.60 Losing Track 15-Oct 4.56 Trust Me The Humming Bird Tree 25-Oct 20-Dec 6.43 4.76 The Grass Arena 19-Jan 2.58 Flea Bites The Count of Solar 26-Jan 2-Feb 2.13 2.36 Screen Two The Lost Language of Cranes 9-Feb 3.39 The Object of Beauty* 16-Feb 2.91 My Sister-Wife Truly, Madly, Deeply* 23-Feb 1-Mar 3.52 5.67 The Common Pursuit 8-Mar 1.97 Utz 15-Mar 2.29 The Law Lord The Last Romantics 22-Mar 29-Mar 2.91 1.55 5-Apr 4.64 19-Apr 2.86 Enchanted April* Memento * these films were given a theatrical release prior to transmission Source: BARB BFI Information Services 48 The STATS: Television Top Audiences for Feature Films on Television 1992 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Three Men and a Baby US 1987 ITV 18,272,000 2 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade US 1989 BBC1 15,779,000 3 Turner and Hooch US 1989 ITV 15,452,000 4 Who Framed Roger Rabbit US 1988 ITV 15,104,000 5 Twins US 1988 BBC1 15,038,000 6 Die Hard US 1988 ITV 14,768,000 7 Naked Gun US 1988 BBC1 14,206,000 8 Romancing the Stone US 1984 ITV 14,117,000 9 K9 US 1988 BBC1 13,890,000 10 Shirley Valentine UK/US 1989 BBC1 13,861,000 11 Flight of the Navigator US 1986 BBC1 13,805,000 12 Batteries Not Included US 1987 BBC1 13,395,000 13 Tremors US 1989 BBC1 13,366,000 14 Working Girl US 1988 ITV 13,337,000 15 Vice Versa US 1988 ITV 13,304,000 16 Heartbreak Ridge US 1986 ITV 13,174,000 17 Coming to America US 1988 BBC1 13,169,000 18 Crocodile Dundee II US 1986 ITV 12,661,000 19 The Living Daylights UK/US 1987 ITV 12,440,000 20 Beverly Hills Cop US 1984 BBC1 12,410,000 Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 49 Audience (m) The STATS: Television Where Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial* TV Come From Transmission in 1992 by Country of Origin Country Channel 3 Licences Payments to ITC/Exchequer 1993 Station % Annual Qualifying Revenue Cash Bid Border TV Scottish TV Channel TV Central Independenet TV Anglia TV Carlton TV 0 2 0 11 7 11 52,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 17,804,000 43,170,000 LWT Grampian TV Granada TV Ulster TV Meridian Broadcasting Westcountry TV HTV Group Yorkshire Tyne Tees GMTV 11 0 11 0 11 0 2 7 2 15 7,585,000 720,000 9,000,000 1,027,000 36,523,000 7,815,000 20,530,000 37,700,000 15,057,000 34,610,000 No. of Titles United States United Kingdom Australia France Germany Italy Others Co-Prods Total Of which "made for TV" movies 1,503 571 55 86 16 27 151 83 2,480 243 *BSkyB do not record the country of origin of films transmitted but estimate that well over 80% of their films come from the USA. Source: Screen Digest Source: ITC The Programmes the BBC transmits and where they come from, year to 31 March 1992 Hours Features, Documentaries and Current Affairs Sport Light Entertainment Children's Entertainment Schools Drama Continuing Education Religion Music and Art Weather Regional Total Qualifying Hours* News and Daily News Related Parliamentary Broadcasting Acquired Programmes Total First Transmissions Total Repeats Open University Continuity Total Hours of Broadcasting New Hrs made by Independents 2,409 1,189 861 587 624 398 257 100 75 82 866 7,448 (100%) 252 88 148 47 n.a. 35 25 11 27 n.a. 82 715 (10%) New In-House Production 2,157 1,101 713 540 n.a 363 232 89 48 n.a 784 6,027 (81%) 4,125 322 1,440 13,425 4,444 719 647 19,235 *Broadcast output fo which 25% has to be commissioned from independent production companies Source: BBC Facts and Figures 1992/BBC Annual Report 1991-92 BFI Information Services 50 The STATS: Television The Programmes Channel 4 Transmits and where they come from, Year to 31 December 1991 Where They Come From Hours Cost (£m) Cost/Hr (£) New - Independent Commissions Repeats - Independents New - ITVA Repeats - ITVA US Programmes US Repeats Other Purchased Programmes Other Purchased Repeats Feature Films (1st Transmission) Feature Films Previously Transmitted Total 1,671 667 1,551 238 800 303 569 349 475 492 7,115 126.9 54.277 37.6 21,017 6.9 6,256 6 6,536 7 7,238 184.4 25,917 Type of Programmes Drama/Film on Four Entertainment News Documentaries Current Affairs Education/Schools Arts/Music Feature Films Multicultural Religion Total 719 1,190 638 494 613 779 364 1,427 569 148 98 76 7,115 49,930 27,938 33,072 38,259 24,959 18,741 38,187 6,657 15,290 34,459 48,979 42,105 25,917 Source: Channel 4 Annual Report to 31st December 1991 Television Advertising 1985 1989 1991 1992 Television Advertising in £ millions Gross TV Advertising Revenue Deduct production costs Deduct agency commission 1,374 188 176 2,286 296 297 2,325 321 301 2,478 364 362 TV companies net advertising revenue 1,010 1,693 1,703 1,732 Source: ITC BFI Information Services 51 The STATS: General General Statistics Annual rate of inflation Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices (£m) 1991 1992 6.7% 3.7% 380,623 596,631 595,209 Population 56,763 57,494 57,561 Number of Households 21,248 22,178 22,800 TV Households 20,614 21,792 22,237 9,149 15,429 15,565 0 2,040 2,667 1,176 2,105 2,718 188 535 602 TV and video software - total expenditure 1,659 2,854 2,680 BBC Licence Fee (£m) VCR Households Satellite Dish Households Cable: Homes passed Cable: Subscribers 1,026 1,409 1,486 VCR Software (£m) 615 1,183 911 Premium cable (£m) 18 47 50 0 215 233 142 295 322 Satellite subscriptions (£m) Expenditure on cinema Source: CSO BFI Information Services 1986 3.4% 52 1993 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981-1993 UK Film Production 1993 - Category A UK Film Production - Category B UK Film Production 1994 - Category C UK Film Production 1993 - Category D UK Film Production - Category E EC Film Production 1993 What Happened to 1992's UK Films? 54 55 56 56 57 57 58 59 CINEMA Worldwide Screen Admissions 1993 Frequency of Cinema-going 1993 Top 20 Films at UK Box Office 1993 UK Box Office for 1993 UK Feature Films US Box Office Revenues for UK Films Released in the US in 1993 Breakdown of 1993 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Top 20 Non-English Language Films at the UK Box Office in1993 BBFC Censorship of Films 1991-1993 Breakdown of 1993 UK Box Office by Distributor 60 60 61 62 63 63 64 64 65 VIDEO Top 10 Video Rental Titles 1993 Distributors' Shares of UK Video Rental Transactions 1993 Top 10 Non-US Video Rental Titles Top 20 Selling UK Video Sell-Through Titles 1993 Video Sell-Through Company Market Share By Volume (%) 66 66 66 67 67 TELEVISION Viewing Habits in Cable and Satellite Homes Top 20 Programmes For All Channels Top 20 Original TV Drama Productions 1993 UK TV Films Premiered in 1993 Top Rated Feature Films on TV 1993 Films on TV in 1993 by Country of Origin ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network: 68 68 69 70 71 71 71 GENERAL Balance of Trade in Film and Television Employment in the Film, TV and Video Industries 1994 General Statistics 1993 72 72 72 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981-1993 Year Titles Produced Current prices (£m) Production Cost at 1993 Prices (£m) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 24 40 51 53 54 41 55 48 30 60 59 47 67 61.2 141.1 251.1 270.4 269.4 165.8 195.3 175.2 104.7 217.4 243.2 184.9 220.4 118.3 251.4 428.0 435.0 412.2 245.4 276.9 239.0 131.5 246.2 258.2 188.9 220.4 Source: Screen Finance/CSO/bfi BFI Information Services 54 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1993 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 Backbeat Scala Prods with Royal Films (Germany)/ Channel Four/ Polygram Beg Prods Ltd/ Robert Golden 2.90 1.870 0.75 x 0.75 0.053 Blue Metrodome Films backed by Business Expansion Scheme Basilisk with Uplink (Japan) 0.09 0.004 Boy Meets Girl Kino Eye 0.35 x Captives BBC/ Distant Horizon 1.50 0.101 A Christmas Reunion Y Wennol 0.70 x Dead Lucky Cross Sound Prods 0.35 x Deadly Advise Zenith/ Mayfair 2.00 0.249 Death Machine Fugitive Features/ Entertainment/ Victor (Japan) 2.50 0.001 Decadence 1.70 0.025 Four Weddings and a Funeral Vendetta Films/ Schlemmer (Germany)/ DeLuxe (Luxembourg) Polygram/Channel Four/ Working Title 2.00 27.763 The Funny Man Nomad Pictures/ Redman Entertainments 0.65 0.010 Glastonbury the Movie Videodrome 0.10 0.001 The Higher Mortals Children's Film Unit 0.09 x Intimate With a Stranger Independent International Pictures 1.00 0.002 Ladybird, Ladybird Parallax Pictures/ Channel Four/ UIP 1.00 0.196 London Koninck/ bfi / Channel Four 0.14 0.012 Midnight Movie BBC/ Whistling Gypsy 2.00 x The Priest and the Pirate Video in Pilton 0.10 x The Queen of Clubs Santana/ Vital Productions 1.00 x Seaview Knights 0.75 x Second Best Seaview Knights Prods backed by Business Expansion Scheme Sarah Radclyffe Prods/ New Regency 3.00 0.039 Shallow Grave Figment Films/ Channel Four 0.90 5.101 Shopping Impact Pictures/ Polygram/ Channel Four 2.30 0.101 Sister My Sister NFH Films/ British Screen Finance/ Channel Four 1.50 0.015 Staggered The Big Nowhere plc backed by Business Expansion Scheme String of Pearls 1.00 1.149 0.40 x 4.70 0.265 UFO New Era/ UGC-DA/ITC/ Entertainment/British Screen/ IRS Media Busybrave/ Polygram 1.40 0.410 Welcome II the Terrordome Non-Aligned Prods 0.20 0.004 Widow's Peak Jo Manuel Prods/ British Screen 4.50 0.205 Beg! Beyond Bedlam To Catch a Yeti Tom and Viv x - unreleased Total Number of Films 32 Total Cost £42.32m Average Cost £1.32m Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 55 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1993 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies A Business Affair Film and General/ Osby Film Connexion/ Cartel 2.89 FR/DL/ES 0.028 In Custody Merchant Ivory/ Likproof 1.00 IN 0.009 Loaded New Zealand Film Commission/ bfi / British Screen/ Channel Four/ Strawberry Vale/ Movie Partners Sarah Radclyffe Prods/ Samson Prods/ British Screen/ Australian Film Finance Corp Working Title/ Entertainment Media 1.00 NZ/DL 0.004 2.00 AU 2.640 1.70 AU War of the Buttons Enigma/ Les Productions de la Geauville/ Fujisankel 5.00 FR/JP/IE Total Number of Films 6 Total Cost Average Cost £13.59m £2.27m Sirens That Eye in the Sky Budget (£m) Co-Producing Countries UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 x 0.654 UK Film Production 1993 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Au Pair Specific Films/Latent Image 1.30 AT Teliesyn/ Hermes Film 0.35 DL Before the Rain Aim Prods/ Vardar Film/ Noe Prods 2.25 MAC/FR The Bishop's Story 1.00 IE/FR Borderline De Facto Film & Video/ K-Films/ B-Film/ Cinegel Forever Films/ Mythos/ Greek Film Centre 0.60 GR x Camilla Skreba/Shaftesbury Films 4.40 CA 0.010 Draum Spel Unni Straume Filmproduksjon/ Trust/ Nordic Film and TV Fund Adventure Pictures/ Rio 1.00 NO/SWE 3.80 FR Portobello Pictures/ MK2/ KF/ Trite/ Fandango/ Channel Four/ European Co-Production Fund 1.30 CZR/FR/RU/IT 5.60 AT/CA/DL Moondance Levergreen/ Satel Film/ Accent Films/ Filmstudios Babelsberg Lodge Prods/ Little Bird/ MFG 1.90 IE/DL 0.018 Nostradamus Allied Entertainments/Vereingte Film 6.12 DL 0.177 A Pin for a Butterfly Skreba/ Heurekea/ British Screen/ Channel Four Woodline Films/ Allarts/ Films Ariane/ Kenneth 1.66 CZR x 3.63 NL/DK/FR x 1.70 AU/JP x 1.50 SWE/DK/NO x 0.30 PL x 2.50 IE/DL/LU x Le Roi de Paris The Life and Extraordinay Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin Mesmer The Prince of Jutland The Seventh Floor Sista Dansen A Time for Witches Words Upon the Window Pane x - unreleased Madsen Filmproduktion Portman Entertainment/ Sogovision/ Channel 10 Sandrews/ Shibsted Film/ Metronome Mark Forstater Prods/ Casting Service Film/ Elnor/ Odra-Film/ Max-Film Pembridge/ Northpro/ British Screen/ Calypso/ DeLux Total Number of Films 18 Total Cost £40.91m Average Cost £2.27m Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 56 1.544 x 0.067 x x x 0.002 x The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1993 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Black Beauty The Browning Version Warner Brothers Paramount British 8.00 6.50 Dragon World Paramount/ WLS/ Full Moon Entertainment 2.00 x In the Name of the Father Hell's Kitchen/ Universal 9.10 4.936 Interview with the Vampire Geffen/ Warner Brothers 30.00 10.675 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein TriStar Pictures/ American Zoetrope 19.00 6.035 The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet 3.00 x 4.00 0.127 Raging Earth Magic Carpet Films/ Smart Egg Pictures/ Zoran Films International Artisan/ Longfellow Pictures/ Beacon Communications Eagle Films/ REA Productions 8.80 x Shadowlands Savoy Pictures/ Spelling Films International 15.00 4.862 The Three Musketeers Walt Disney/ Caravan Pictures 13.00 3.478 Total Number of Films 11 Total Cost £118.40m Average Cost £10.76m The Princess Caraboo Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 1.504 0.237 In addition the following project was abandoned during shooting due to the death of River Phoenix, the lead actor Dark Blood Scala Prods/Polygram 5.3 UK Film Production 1993 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Amateur Zenith/ UGC 2.50 0.672 Playmaker New Era/ Steinhardt-Baer 2.70 x x - unreleased Total Number of Films 2 Total Cost £5.20m Average Cost £4.60m Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 57 The STATS: Film Production EC Film Production 1993 Country No of Films (incl. Co-Investment ($m) prods) Belgium 8 9.97 Denmark 14 25.71 152 550.01 France Germany 67 - Greece 18 7.68 Ireland 6 33.32 106 227.4 Luxembourg 4 1.9 Netherlands 16 - Portugal 16 3.9 Spain 53 99.4 UK* 59 159.38 Italy * Does not include Hollywood productions made in the UK. Source: Screen Digest/bfi BFI Information Services 58 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1992's UK Films Distribution of 1992 UK Productions and Foreign Films made in the UK Received Theatrical Distribution in 1992/93 UK Distributor but no Release Date Anchoress The Baby of Macon Bad Behaviour Blue Black Permanent Blue Ice Carry on Columbus The Cement Garden Century Damage Dirty Weekend The Hawk The Hour of the Pig Leon the Pig Farmer Much Ado About Nothing The Muppet Christmas Carol The Mystery of Edwind Drood Naked Orlando Peter's Friends Posse Raining Stones The Remains of the Day The Secret Garden Soft Top, Hard Shoulder Splitting Heirs Tale of the Vampire The Trial Wittgenstein The Young Americans Being Human Son of the Pink Panther Limited Run in Repertory Cinema High Boot Benny No Distribution Deal Foreign Affairs Great Moments in Aviation Lost in Africa No Worries Pychotherapy The Turn of the Screw Straight to Video Death Train Release Date in 1994 Bhaji on the Beach Friends The Hudsucker Proxy The Innocent Little Buddha Romeo is Bleeding The Secret Rapture White Angel Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 59 The STATS: Cinema Worldwide Screen Admissions 1993 a) Cinema Screens 1993 Country Sweden USA France Italy Canada Australia Ireland UK India Screens 1,169 25,755 4,397 3,800 1,723 940 183 1,890 13,002 Screens per million 137.90 99.80 76.90 65.30 63.70 53.50 49.80 32.60 12.80 Admissions (m) 5,090.00 1,244.00 52.79 79.00 9.31 133.33 130.49 114.36 15.98 92.20 Visits per head 5.83 4.82 3.00 2.92 2.53 2.33 1.99 1.99 1.89 1.59 b) admissions 1993 Country India USA Australia Canada Ireland France Germany UK Sweden Italy Source: Screen Digest/bfi Frequency of Cinema-going 1993 Age Group 7 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Number of People (m) Twice a month or more Once a month Once every 2/3 months 2 or 3 times a year Once a year Less Often 5.46 8% 13% 22% 32% 10% 8% 8.39 17% 16% 21% 20% 9% 8% 8.82 7% 11% 14% 19% 18% 13% 28.72 1% 4% 5% 12% 10% 21% 21.9 8% 10% 14% 18% 11% 16% 29.5 4% 7% 8% 16% 1% 16% Total who ever go to the cinema 93% 89% 82% 53% 77% 62% Source: Screen Finance/Caviar BFI Information Services 60 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Films at UK Box Office 1993 Title Country of Origin Distributor Box Office Gross (£) 1 Jurassic Park US UIP 46,564,080 2 The Bodyguard US Warner Brothers 14,665,069 3 The Fugitive US Warner Brothers 14,002,047 4 Indecent Proposal US UIP 11,885,752 5 Bram Stoker's Dracula US Columbia TriStar 11,548,429 6 Sleepless in Seattle US Columbia TriStar 9,417,608 7 Cliffhanger US Guild 9,219,405 8 A Few Good Men US Columbia TriStar 8,416,625 9 Aladdin US Buena Vista 8,167,165 10 The Jungle Book (re) US Buena Vista 7,415,989 11 In the Line of Fire US Columbia TriStar 6,817,821 12 The Firm US UIP 6,816,581 13 Forever Young US Warner Brothers 6,787,327 14 Sommersby US Warner Brothers 6,668,012 15 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York US Twentieth Century Fox 5,663,186 16 Demolition Man US Warner Brothers 5,628,613 17 Under Siege US Warner Brothers 5,422,549 18 Much Ado About Nothing UK Entertainment 5,133,502 19 Groundhog Day US Columbia TriStar 5,098,267 20 Made in America US Warner Brothers 4,999,057 Source: EDI BFI Information Services 61 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for 1993 UK Feature Films Title Distributor Anchoress Country of Origin UK/BE The Assassin of the Tsar UK/RU Blue Dolphin The Baby of Macon UK/NL/GE Electric 2.00 100,595 Bad Behaviour UK First Independent 1.05 143,669 Blue UK/JP Basilisk 0.09 3,884 Blue Black Permanent UK bfi 0.50 - The Cement Garden UK/FR/DL Metro Tartan 1.90 106,606 Century UK Electric 1.80 47,778 The Cure Show UK Rank Damage UK/FR Entertainment 6.60 1,908,050 Dirty Weekend UK UIP 2.30 517,744 Dust Devil UK Polygram 2.99 2,836 The Hawk UK Feature Film Co. 1.80 198,901 Leon the Pig Farmer UK Electric 0.50 675,300 Map of the Human Heart UK/AT/FR Rank 8.00 271,528 Much Ado About Nothing UK Entertainment 5.60 5,427,124 Naked UK First Independent 2.50 456,280 Orlando UK/FR/RU/DL Electric 2.60 1,519,690 Performance UK Blue Dolphin Raining Stones UK First Independent 0.75 The Silent Touch UK/PL/DL Mayfair 1.42 The Snapper UK Electric - 615,132 Soft Top, Hard Shoulder UK Feature Film Co. 0.20 229,323 The Trial UK Feature Film Co. 4.00 14,622 UFO UK Feature Film Co. 1.40 322,530 Wild West UK First Independent 1.32 30,349 Wittgenstein UK bfi 0.23 24,639 In the Name of the Father US UIP 9.10 4,754,484 The Remains of the Day US/UK Columbia TriStar 6.00 4,122,086 The Secret Garden US Warner Brothers 8.00 3,608,478 bfi Prod Cost (£m) 1.00 - - - Box Office Gross (£) 2,928 1,237 8,758 4,034 301,111 6,109 Hollywood Productions in the UK Source: EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 62 The STATS: Cinema US Box Office Revenues for UK Films Released in the US in 1993 Title Distributor Box Office Gross ($) Much Ado About Nothing Goldwyn 22,550,957 The Remains of the Day Columbia 18,892,885* Posse Gramercy Shadowlands Savoy Orlando Sony Classics 5,289,772 Splitting Heirs Universal 3,246,063 Map of the Human Heart Miramax 2,806,881 The Summer House** Goldwyn 1,219,060 The Snapper Miramax 1,170,714 Naked Fine Line 393,995* 18,289,763 14,418,525* *Still on release in Feb 1994 ** The Summer House was premiered in the BBC Screen Two season under the title The Clothes in the Wardrobe and has not been theatrically in the UK. Source: Screen Finance Breakdown of 1993 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Country No. of Titles Box Office Gross (£m) 141 7 12 16 281.0 19.4 6.0 3.9 9 32 3.8 3.8 5 12 8 0.5 0.3 0.1 242 319 United States UK/US Other co-productions UK UK co-productions Other EC (inc. co-prods between non-UK EC nations) Non-EC Europe Rest of World (English Speaking) Rest of World (non-English speaking) Total Source: EDI/Screen International BFI Information Services 63 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Non-English Language Films at the UK Box Office in 1993 Title 1 Un Coeur en Hiver Country of Origin FR Distributor 2 Indochine FR Electric 383,055 3 Mediterraneo IT Mayfair 384,153 4 Three Colours:Blue FR/CZR/PL Artificial Eye 347,151 5 Jamon Jamon ES Metro Tartan 331,454 6 Tango FR Artificial Eye 276,211 7 Savage Nights FR/IT Artificial Eye 248,578 8 Story of Qiu Ju CN Electric 244,042 9 House of Angels SE Mayfair 174,887 10 The Fencing Master ES Mayfair 166,545 11 Les Enfants du Paradis FR Artificial Eye *113963 12 Leolo CA/US Metro Tartan 97,416 13 Man Bites Dog BE Metro Tartan 73,697 14 Le Samourai FR Artificial Eye *68,129 15 Hard Boiled HK Metro Tartan 62,255 16 L627 FR Artificial Eye 61,627 17 The Quince Tree Sun ES Artificial Eye 56,124 18 Madame Bovary FR Arrow 51,576 19 Apres L'Amour FR Mayfair 39,630 20 Olivier, Olivier FR Gala 36,132 Artificial Eye * denotes re-issue Source: EDI BBFC Censorship of Films 1991-1993 BBFC Censorship of Cinema Feature Releases 1991-1993 1 film refused a certificate. Number of films with cuts made before being passed at these certificates 1991 1992 1993 U 1 1 0 PG 6 8 10 12 8 3 4 15 13 7 7 18 18 8 12 R18 - - 1 Source: BBFC BFI Information Services 64 Box Office Gross (£) 715,505 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of 1993 UK Box Office by Distributor Distributor Titles % of Titles Box Office (£) % of Box Office UIP 28 11.6 87,784,546 27.6 Warner Brothers 23 9.5 66,442,270 20.8 Columbia TriStar 13 5.4 52,656,883 16.5 Buena Vista 18 7.4 44,261,268 13.9 9 3.7 10,332,990 3.2 91 37.6 £261,477,957 82 Entertainment 14 5.8 18,784,883 5.9 Guild 13 5.4 17,029,888 5.3 Rank 15 6.2 7,251,946 2.3 Electric 12 5.0 4,761,723 1.5 First Independent 13 5.4 3,468,067 1.1 Artificial Eye 16 6.6 2,174,681 0.7 Metro Tartan 16 6.6 1,279,551 0.4 Mayfair 11 4.5 1,095,855 0.3 Mainline 4 1.6 530,000 0.2 Feature Film Co 6 2.5 468,551 0.1 Blue Dolphin 4 1.6 101,402 0.03 Gala 6 2.5 94,883 0.03 Arrow 4 1.6 85,398 0.03 BFI 6 2.5 51,258 0.02 Out on a Limb 1 0.4 25,158 0.01 ICA 4 1.6 14,994 0.005 Medusa 1 0.4 5,855 0.002 Manga 1 0.4 5,042 0.002 Oasis 1 0.4 4,397 0.001 Basilisk 1 0.4 3,884 0.001 Polygram 1 0.4 2,836 0.001 Squirrel 1 0.4 1,665 0.001 Total (Non-Majors) 151 62.4% £57,241,917 18% Total 242 Majors 20th Century Fox Total (Majors) Others £318,719,874 Source: EDI/Screen International BFI Information Services 65 The STATS: Video Top 10 Video Rental Titles 1993 Title Company 1 Sister Act Buena Vista 2 The Bodyguard Warner Home Video 3 Under Siege Warner Home Video 4 The Universal Soldier Guild 5 Lethal Weapon 3 Warner Home Video 6 Single White Female Columbia TriStar 7 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Fox Video 8 Patriot Games CIC 9 A Few Good Men Columbia TriStar 10 The Last of the Mohicans Warner Home Video Source: BVA/MRIB Distributors' Shares of UK Video Rental Transactions 1993 Company % Warner Home Video CIC Columbia TriStar 19.5 16.2 15.2 Guild Buena Vista Fox Video Entertainment in Video First Independent High Fliers Polygram 11.1 10.5 10.4 7.1 3.2 1.4 1.4 Source: BVA/MRIB Top 10 Non-US Video Rental Titles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Title Country of Origin Distributor The Crying Game Strictly Ballroom City of Joy Peter's Friends The Lawnmower Man Howards End Damage Carry on Columbus Romper Stomper Blue Ice UK AU UK/FR UK UK/US UK UK/FR UK AU UK Polygram Guild Warner Home Video EV First Independent Curzon EV Warner Home Video Medusa Guild Source: MRIB BFI Information Services 66 Placing on Total Chart of Top Rental Titles 22 32 38 41 46 60 63 64 81 85 The STATS: Video Top 20 Selling UK Video Sell-Through Titles 1993 Title Distributor 1 The Jungle Book Buena Vista 2 Beauty and the Beast Buena Vista 3 Peter Pan Buena Vista 4 The Muppet Christmas Carol Buena Vista 5 The Bodyguard Warner Home Video 6 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Fox Video 7 Sister Act Buena Vista 8 Lethal Weapon 3 Warner Home Video 9 The Party Live: Take That BMG 10 Bottom Live VVL 11 Mr Blobby BBC 12 Exposed: Roy "Chubby" Brown Polygram 13 Take That and Party BMG 14 The Merry Mishaps of Mr Bean Video Collection 15 Full Metal Jacket Warner Home Video 16 Red Dwarf 1: The End BBC 17 Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Warner Home Video 18 Bram Stoker's Dracula Columbia TriStar 19 The Last of the Mohicans Warner Home Video 20 Other Fitness: Body Confidence Fox Video Source: CIN/BVA Video Sell-Through Company Market Share by Volume (%) Company Buena Vista Polygram BBC % 16.6 12.9 11.5 Warner Home Video Video Collection CIC Fox Video Columbia TriStar Pickwick * Top Feature Share 9.4 8.1 6.3 5.7 3.4 2.5 Source: CIN/BVA BFI Information Services 67 * The STATS: Television Viewing Habits in Cable and Satellite Homes Average Weekly Viewing of Cable and Satellite Channels 1993 Channel Hours: Minutes Sky One 2:03 Sky News 0:21 Sky Sports 1:01 Movie Channel 0:53 Sky Movies 1:16 Sky Movies Gold 0:09 Children's Channel 0:19 MTV 1:22 UK Gold 0:46 Bravo 0:10 Discovery 1:12 Family Channel 0:07 Nickelodeon 0:06 UK Living 0:07 Others 1:22 Source: Screen Digest Top 20 Programmes For All Channels Programme Channel Tx Date TVR* Audience (m) Channel Share (%) 1 Coronation Street ITV 22-Mar 39 20.7 75 2 Coronation Street ITV 6-Jan 39 20.5 77 3 Coronation Street ITV 12-Feb 38 20.0 78 4 One Foot in the Algarve BBC 26-Dec 38 20.0 79 5 Only Fools and Horses BBC 25-Dec 37 19.6 70 6 Birds of a Feather BBC 25-Dec 37 19.4 66 7 Inspector Morse ITV 13-Jan 36 18.7 66 8 Ghost BBC 25-Dec 35 18.5 72 9 One Foot in the Grave BBC 28-Feb 35 18.4 61 10 You've Been Framed 11 Eastenders ITV BBC 5-Dec 21-Jan 35 34 18.2 17.8 65 71 12 Heartbeat ITV 5-Dec 33 17.8 66 13 The Bill ITV 26-Mar 33 17.7 71 14 Eastenders BBC 25-Dec 33 17.4 69 15 Eastenders BBC 12-Jan 33 17.3 64 16 Keeping Up Appearances BBC 26-Dec 32 17.1 64 17 Casualty BBC 26-Dec 32 17.0 54 18 Grand National BBC 3-Apr 31 16.5 83 19 This is Your Life ITV 3-Feb 31 16.4 69 20 The Big Fight Live ITV 9-Oct 31 16.4 79 *TVR (Television Rating) is the size of an audience expressed as a percentage of the relevant population size Source: AGB/BARB BFI Information Services 68 The STATS: Television Top 20 Original TV Drama Productions 1993 Excluding soap operas but including series, serials and UK TV Movies. Audience ratings for series and serials are averages. Programme Producer/Sponsor 1 Heartbeat Yorkshire 15.1 2 Prime Suspect 3 Granada 14.2 3 Taggart: Fatal Inheritance* STV 13.9 4 Anna Lee: Headcase* LWT 13.4 5 Inspector Morse** Zenith/Central 12.8 6 Peak Practice Central 12.7 7 The Bill Thames/Central 12.6 8 The Man Who Cried* Tyne Tees 12.1 9 Lady Chatterley BBC 12.0 10 Harnessing Peacocks Meridian 12.0 11 Sherlock Holmes and the Last Vampyr** Granada 11.9 12 Casualty** BBC 11.8 13 Unnatural Causes Anglia 11.8 14 The Darling Buds of May** Yorkshire 11.7 15 Minder Thames/Central 11.2 16 London's Burning** LWT 11.2 17 Riders Anglia 11.1 18 Taggart (series) STV 11.0 19 Dr Finlay STV 10.7 20 Cracker Granada 10.6 * single drama ** Average includes repeats Source: Broadcast/AGB/BARB BFI Information Services 69 Audience (m) The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered in 1993 Single films over 60 minutes long. Not including mini-series. Tx Date Audience (m) ITV 15: The Life and Death of Philip Knight 18-Aug 5.9 Stalag Luft 27-Oct 10.4 30-May 8.5 5-Sep 6.4 A Foreign Field 12-Sep 7.2 Down Among the Big Boys 19-Sep 8.8 Royal Celebration 26-Sep 8.8 Tender Loving Care 3-Oct 7.0 Money For Nothing 10-Oct 6.0 Wall of Silence 17-Oct 6.5 The Bullion Boys 24-Oct 9.1 The Clothes in the Wardrobe* 17-Jan 4.0 Edward II* 24-Jan 7.8 7-Feb 3.5 Dead Romantic 14-Feb 4.6 The Cormorant 21-Feb 1.6 7-Mar 2.3 Maria's Child 28-Mar 2.4 The Snapper* 4-Apr 5.3 Rebecca's Daughters* 24-Jul 1.3 Love Lies Bleeding 22-Sep 2.1 The Merrihill Millionaires 29-Sep 1.5 6-Oct 1.5 13-Oct 2.3 6-Oct 1.8 Boswell and Johnson's Tour of the Western Isles 27-Oct 1.8 The Trial 19-Dec 0.6 American Friends 25-Dec 1.4 Selected Exits 25-Dec 1.0 The Railway Station Man 20-Dec 2.5 Hear My Song* 21-Oct 3.4 Close My Eyes* 28-Oct 3.4 Paper Mask* 4-Nov 3.5 Young Soul Rebels* 11-Nov 1.6 The Miracle* 18-Nov 2.8 Blonde Fist* 25-Nov 3.7 Closing Numbers 2-Dec 1.9 Trust* 9-Dec 1.9 16-Dec 1.8 BBC1 Don't Leave Me This Way Wide Eyed and Legless BBC2 Femme Fatal Voices in the Garden The Vision Thing Safe Not Even God is Wise Enough Channel 4 The Bridge* * have received a theatrical release in the UK. Source: BARB BFI Information Services 70 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Franchise projection and actual total screened 1993 Company Hours Projected Anglia Border Carlton Central Channel Grampian Granada HTV LWT Meridian STV Tyne Tees Ulster Westcountry Yorkshire Hours Screened 200 521 550 616 160 231 185 159 130 318 USA UK Australia/NZ France Germany Italy Other Europe Africa Asia Other Americas Co-Productions Total Made for TV movies 118 - * 128 320 - * 1 647 37 226 86 219 53 0.5 - * 270 Source: Screen Digest * Only supplied episodes of Morning Worship. Note: the applications made for the current ITV franchises included detailed programme proposals and projected number of hours which the applicants aimed to screen on network ITV. The beginning of these new franchises on 1/1/1993 also meant the creation of the ITV Network Centre as a body solely responsible for commissioning programmes for the network. The Network Centre has rejected many applications from the ITV companies. Source: ITC Top Rated Feature Films on TV 1993 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Ghost US 1990 BBC1 18.5 2 Pretty Woman US 1990 ITV 15.2 3 Crocodile Dundee II AU 1988 ITV 14.0 4 Back to the Future 3 US 1990 BBC1 13.7 5 Lethal Weapon US 1987 ITV 13.5 6 Jewel of the Nile US 1985 ITV 13.3 7 Ghostbusters 2 US 1989 ITV 12.8 8 Karate Kid 3 US 1989 ITV 12.6 9 Romancing the Stone US 1984 ITV 12.3 10 Working Girl US 1988 ITV 12.2 11 Top Gun US 1986 ITV 12.2 12 The Goonies US 1985 ITV 12.1 13 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels US 1988 BBC1 12.1 14 Memphis Belle UK 1990 ITV 12.0 15 Splash US 1984 ITV 12.0 16 Die Hard US 1988 ITV 11.9 17 Karate Kid 2 US 1986 ITV 11.8 18 Police Academy 4 US 1987 ITV 11.8 19 Wildcats US 1986 ITV 11.8 20 Look Who's Talking US 1989 ITV 11.7 Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services Films on TV in 1993 by Country of Origin 71 Audience (m) 1,380 462 35 42 30 13 42 10 47 22 56 2,139 242 The STATS: General Balance of Trade in Film and Television Employment in the Film, TV and Video Industries 1994 UK Overseas Transactions in Respect of Film and Television Material 1991-1993 £m 1991 Receipts1 Film Companies 2 TV Companies 3 Total Expenditure 4 Film Companies TV Companies Total Receipts less expenditure Film Companies TV Companies Total 346 233 479 249 233 482 £m 1992 £m 1993 400 254 531 496 228 609 228 254 482 288 228 516 97 -100 172 -123 208 -115 -3 49 93 Notes: Source: CSO General Statistics 1993 Population 57,998,000 Number of Households 23,000,000 GDP (current price) TV Households Video Penetration Cable Penetration DTH (Satellite) Penetration Laser Disc Units Sold Value of Laser Disc Sales Video Games Hardware Units Sold Value of Video and Computer Games Sales Total TV Licences in Force Households Requiring Licences Net TV Licence Income 1.60% £794,196,000,000 97% (22.11 million) 77.70% 3% 12.10% 0.05 million £3 million 2 million + £670 m 20,506,000 22,226,000 £15,052,000,000 Source: CSO/BVA/BBC/bfi BFI Information Services 54% Broadcasters 32% Independent Company sectors 14% Numbers in workforce areas: Television 41,000 Talent 86,000 Infrastructure 6,000 Distribution 1,500 Production Hardware 72 1,000 Exhibition 31,000 Video 41,000 Professionals 1,000 Schools/Training 1,000 Total Souce: Skillset/London Economics/bfi 1 Sums receivable from overseas residents; 2 includes transactions by film companies in respect of tv rights; 3 includes transactions in respect of BBC sound broadcasting and ITN; 4 Sums payable to overseas residents Annual Rate of Inflation Freelanceres 209,500 1994 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1994 UK Film Production 1994 - Category A UK Film Production 1994 - Category B UK Film Production 1994 - Category C UK Film Production - Category D UK Film Production - Category E EC Film Production 1994 What Happened to 1993's UK Films 74 75 76 76 77 77 78 79 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 1994 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1994 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1994 UK Box Office for 1994 UK Feature Films US Box Office Revenues for UK Films Released in the US in 1994 Breakdown of 1994 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Top 20 Foreign Language Films 1994 BBFC Classification of Feature Films 1994 Breakdown of UK Box Office for 1994 Releases by Distributor 80 80 81 82 83 83 84 84 85 VIDEO Top 10 Video Rental Titles in the UK 1994 Distibutors' Share of UK Rental Transactions Top 20 UK Video Retail Titles 1994 Video Sell-Through Company Market Share by Volume 86 86 86 86 TELEVISION ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 1994 Viewing Habits in Cable and Satellite Homes 1994 Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1994 Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1994 Television Advertising 1994 UK TV Films Premiered in 1994 Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestial TV in 1994 87 87 87 88 88 89 90 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1994 Year Titles Produced Current prices (£m) Production Cost £m (1995 prices) 1981 24 61.2 119.2 1982 40 141.1 253.4 1983 51 251.1 431.4 1984 53 270.4 438.5 1985 54 269.4 415.5 1986 41 165.8 247.4 1987 55 195.3 279.0 1988 48 175.2 241.0 1989 30 104.7 132.5 1990 60 217.4 248.0 1991 59 243.2 260.3 1992 47 184.9 190.4 1993 67 224.1 230.8 1994 84 455.16 458.7 Source: Screen Finance 74 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1994 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 August An Awfully Big Adventure Granada Film 3.70 0.125 Portman/Wolfhound/ British Screen 3.00 0.635 Blue Juice Skreba 2.50 0.256 Boston Kickout Boston Films* 1.00 0.057 Bullet to Beijing Harry Palmer Prods/ J and M 6.00 x Butterfly Kiss Dan Films/ British Screen/ BBC/ MIDA 0.60 0.207 Chasing the Deer Chasing the Deer PLC* 0.40 0.090 Clockwork Mice Metrodome/ BSkyB/ British Screen 1.30 0.069 E=MC Squared E=MC Squared* 1.00 x Eden Valley Amber Films 0.10 0.002 A Feast at Midnight Kwai River Productions 0.65 0.021 A Fistful of Fingers Wrightstuff Productions 0.05 0.002 The Hurting Fluid Films* 0.50 x i.d Parallax/ BBC/ Metropolis/ British Screen/ ECF 1.00 0.305 The Innocent Sleep Timedial 2.70 0.109 The Institute Benjamenta Koninck/ Channel Four 1.10 0.016 Jack and Sarah Granada/ BSkyB/ Polygram 2.70 2.567 Mad Dogs and Englishmen Movie Screen/ Moor Street 1.20 0.076 Madagascar Skin Dan Films/ bfi 0.45 0.007 The Madness of King George Mad George Films/ Samuel Goldwyn 3.50 4.638 The Making of Maps Gaucho/ BBC/ S4C 1.00 x Midnight in St. Petersburg Harry Palmer Prods/ J and M 6.00 x The Neon Bible Scala/ Channel Four 2.75 0.106 Priest BBC Films 1.20 1.047 Room 36 Nirvana Films* 0.50 x Safe Haven Insight Films/ Pilgrim 0.70 x Savage Hearts First Look* 1.80 x Solitaire for Two Cavalier* 1.50 0.185 Stonewall BBC 1.00 0.049 Taboo LJ Pictures/ Ghana Films 0.50 x Thin Ice Thin Ice Films 0.50 0.004 Three Steps to Heaven Maya Films 0.45 x To Die For TDF/ London Lighthouse/ British Screen 0.50 0.016 Two Deaths BBC/ Dakota Films/ British Screen 2.00 0.010 Under Pressure Videodrome* 0.60 x Willie's War Children's Film Unit/ Channel Four 0.11 x x - unreleased Total Number of Films 35 Total Cost £54.56m Average Cost £1.56m * denotes use of deferred payments on production Source: Screen Finance/bfi /Screen Digest BFI Information Services 75 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1994 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Carrington Jane Eyre 5.60 9.00 FR FR/IT 0.834 1.168 3.00 DL/ES 0.890 Mary's House Freeway/ Cinea/ Pyramide/ Polygram Rochester Films/ Flach Films/ Cinerito/ Eurimages Parallax/ Messidor/ Road Movies/ BBC/ British Screen/ ECF/ Eurimages Amy International/ Deluxe 1.50 LU x The Passion of Darkly Noon Fugitive/ Hauskunst 2.00 DL 0.018 Rainbow Winchester Pictures/ Screen Partners/ Filmline/ Vereinigte/ Vine International Telescope/ UGC/ Babelsburg/ BSkyB/ Eurimages/ ECF/ Recorded Picture Company Mass Productions/ Kinowelt/ Haut en Cour/ BSkyB/ Eurimages 8 6.60 CA/DL x 8.60 FR/DL 0.011 1.35 DL 0.211 Land and Freedom Victory The Young Poisoners Handbook Total Number of Films Total Cost Average Cost Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 37.65m £4.7m UK Film Production 1994 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. All Men are Mortal Nova Film/ Sigma/ Rio/ ECF/ BSkyB/ Eurimages 2.80 NL/FR 0.008 Antonia's Line Primitive Pictures/ Bergen/ Prime Time/ NOS/ ECF/ BSkyB Capitol/ Flach/ Channel Four/ Telemunchen/ Polygram Mark Forstater Films/ Mans Films/ Hyperion/ BRN/ Eurimages Ferndale/ Rimb Prods/Fine Line/ Eurimages/ RTE/ Channel Four Fallingcloud/ Transfilm/Initial 1.50 NL/BE 0.183 8.50 FR/DL 0.323 2.80 BE/DL x 4.00 IE/FR/US 0.040 17.00 FR/CA 2.014 1.00 IE/NL 0.001 10.00 FR/DL 0.050 Death and the Maiden The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Frankie Starlight Highlander III Korea La Femme Francaise Lawnmower Man II Black Star/ Cathal Black/ RTYE/ NOS/ Arte/ Irish Film Board Recorded Picture Company/ UGC/ Studio Babelsburg Allied Vision/ Fuji 8 9.90 JP 0.090 2.00 CA/FR 0.102 2.50 DL A Man of No Importance Enigma/ Cinemaginaire/ Ciea/ Channel Four/ ECF Lantern East/ Lichblick/ Axel/ British Screen/ BSkyB/ Eurimages Little Bird/ BBC/ Irish Film Board/ Majestic 1.80 IE 0.081 Margaret's Museum Skyline/ Imagex/ BSkyB/ British Screen 3.50 CA 0.022 My Mother's Courage 5.00 DL/AT 0.006 Nightwatch Little Bird/ ECF/ BSkyB/ BBC/ Eurimages/ Bavaria Film Fund/ Austria Film Fund British Lion /J and M/ Jadran/ Fine Line 3.80 CT/US x Prime Time Imagine/ Praxino/ HD / Cinergetique 2.00 NL/FR x Prowokator Mark Forstater/ Filmcontract/ Balzar/ PRT/ Eurimages Koninck/ Channel Four 0.10 PL/CZR x 1.00 AU Intrinsica/ Macht/ Lichtblick/ Staffi/ BSkyB/ Pandora/ ECF/ Eurimages Corsan/ Thorema/ BRTN/ Eurimages/ Screen Partners 3.25 FR/DL 0.002 2.50 BE/DL 0.028 Le Confessional Letters from the East Savage Play Someone Else's America Suite 16 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 20 Total Cost £89.95m Average Cost £4.25m Source: Screen Finance/bfi /Screen Digest 76 x x The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1994 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Angels and Insects Playhouse International/ Samuel Goldwyn Icon Prods/ Alan Ladd Prods Braveheart The Englishman who Came up a Hill and Parallax/ Miramax Went Down a Mountain The Feast of July Peregrine Pictures/ Merchant Ivory First Knight Columbia TriStar Funny Bones Suntrust/ Buena Vista Hackers United Artists Haunted Double A/ Zoetrope/ Lumiere Judge Dredd Cinergi Loch Ness Working Title/ Polygram Mary Reilly Hyde Films/Tristar Restoration Oxford Film Co/ Miramax Rob Roy Talisman Films/ United Artists The Steal Poseidon Pictures/ HBO Total Number of Films 14 Total Cost £214.70m Average Cost £15.34m Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 3.00 0.176 35.00 12.649 3.00 1.563 5.00 0.007 30.00 4.421 8.70 0.178 10.00 0.313 6.50 0.193 50.00 7.319 7.00 2.576 30.00 0.025 8.00 0.293 16.00 4.352 2.50 0.02 2.00 25.00 x 3.057 UK Film Production 1994 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Dead Funny French Kiss Koninck/ Channel Four Working Title/ Fandango/ Polygram Innocent Lies Umbrella Films/ Polygram 8.00 0.064 Jefferson in Paris Merchant Ivory/ Disney 8.00 0.137 A Month by the Lake Anuline/ Miramax 3.50 0.096 Moonlight and Valentino Working Title/ Polygram 8.00 0.687 Panther Working Title/ Tribeca/ Polygram 10.00 0.19 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 7 Total Cost £64.50m Average Cost £9.21m Source: Screen Finance/bfi /Screen Digest BFI Information Services 77 The STATS: Film Production EC Film Production 1994 Country Number of Films (incl. Co-Prods) Investment ($m) Belgium 8 Denmark 14 20.44 115 538.15 Germany 57 - Greece 11 - Ireland 17 99.56 Italy France 20.03 95 262.62 Luxembourg 0 - Netherlands 16 - 9 2.26 44 51.44 63* 264 Portugal Spain UK * Not including US films made in the UK, the classication of which could be disputed. Austria, Sweden and Finland joined the EC on 1/1/95 Source: Screen Digest 78 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1993's UK Films Distribution of 1993 UK Productions and Foreign Films Made in the UK Released Theatrically in 1993/94 No Distribution Deal Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert The Bishop's Story Backbeat Chonkin Beyond Bedlam Glastonbury Blue The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet The Browning Version Playmaker A Business Affair Seaview Knights Deadly Advice Sister My Sister Decadence That Eye the Sky Four Weddings and a Funeral Words Upon the Window Pane The Funny Man In Custody Straight to Television In the Name of the Father Midnight Movie Ladybird, Ladybird To Catch a Yeti London Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Straight to Video The Princess Caraboo Borderline Shadowlands Death Machine Shopping Gypsy Fires Sirens The Higher Mortals Staggered Paradise Found The Three Musketeers A Pin for the Butterfly Tom and Viv Prince of Jutland UFO The Seventh Floor War of the Buttons Widow's Peak No Planned Release A Christmas Reunion Released in 1995 Dead Lucky Amateur Dinner in Purgatory Before the Rain Draum Spel Camilla The Queen of Clubs Captives (The Prisoner) The Priest and the Pirate Interview with a Vampire Le Roi de Paris Intimate with a Stranger Sista Dansen Nostradamus A Time of Witches Welcome to the Terrordome In Dispute with Distributor Distribution deal but no release date Mesmer Au Pair Beg Boy Meets Girl Loaded Moondance Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 79 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1994 Age Group 7 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE No. of People (million) 5.67 7.48 9.04 29.12 24.32 26.99 Twice a month or more 12% 18% 10% 2% 9% 5% Once a month 13% 20% 11% 3% 9% 7% Once every 2/3 months 25% 20% 15% 7% 15% 9% 2/3 times a year 26% 20% 22% 13% 19% 16% Once a Year 11% 8% 15% 10% 11% 10% Less Often 6% 6% 10% 18% 14% 13% 93% 92% 83% 53% 77% 60% Total Who Ever Go to the cinema Source: Screen Finance/Caviar Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1994 Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Country of Origin Four Weddings and a Funeral Mrs Doubtfire The Lion King The Flintstones The Mask Schindler's List Forrest Gump True Lies Speed Philadelphia Cool Runnings Pulp Fiction Wayne's World 2 Maverick Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Miracle on 34th Street Beethoven's 2nd Free Willy Clear and Present Danger Naked Gun 33 and 1/3: The Final Insult UK US US US US US US US US US US US US US US/UK US US US US US Source: EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 80 Distributor Box Office Gross (£) Rank Twentieth Century Fox Buena Vista UIP Entertainment UIP UIP UIP Twentieth Century Fox Columbia TriStar Buena Vista Buena Vista UIP Warner Brothers Columbia TriStar Twentieth Century Fox UIP Warner Brothers UIP UIP 27,762,648 21,227,668 20,970,828 20,177,784 17,306,976 14,150,675 14,081,107 13,743,846 10,752,912 10,064,236 9,506,926 8,449,624 7,078,119 6,259,617 5,932,019 5,864,491 5,775,238 5,647,646 5,363,770 5,262,931 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1994 Title Distributor Box Office Gross (£) 1 Four Weddings and a Funeral Rank/Polygram 27,470,077 2 Backbeat Rank/Polygram 1,870,001 3 Staggered Entertainment 1,149,079 4 Bhaji on the Beach First Independent 309,715 5 Deadly Advice Mayfair 248,694 6 Widows Peak Rank 205,187 7 Ladybird Ladybird UIP 157,816 8 Shopping Rank 101,286 9 Chasing the Deer Feature Film Co. 90,000 10 Draughtsman's Contract Artificial Eye 68,322 11 Secret Rapture Oasis 53,688 12 Beyond Bedlam Feature Film Co. 53,000 13 Leaving Lenin Feature Film Co. 40,000 14 White Angel Pilgrim 18,292 15 Third Man Electric 18,000 16 To Die For Metro 15,722 17 Peeping Tom Electric 15,160 18 London bfi 12,094 19 Funny Man Feature Film Co. 10,000 20 In Custody Mayfair Source: EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 81 9,101 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for 1994 UK Feature Films Title Country of Origin Distributor Prod. Cost (£m) Box Office Gross(£) Backbeat UK Beyond Bedlam UK Rank 2.90 1,870,001 Feature Film Co. 0.75 Bhaji on the Beach 53,000 UK First Independent 1.00 309,715 Brighton Rock (re) UK Electric - 5,085 Chasing the Deer UK Feature Film Co. - 90,000 Deadly Advice UK Mayfair 2.00 248,694 The Draughtsman's Contract (re) UK Artificial Eye Four Weddings and a Funeral UK The Funny Man In Custody - 68,322 Rank 2.00 27,470,477 UK Feature Film Co. 0.65 10,000 UK Mayfair 1.00 9,101 Ladybird, Ladybird UK UIP 1.00 157,816 Leaving Lenin UK Feature Film Co. - 40,000 The Line, the Cross and the Curve UK FMA - 802 London UK BFI 0.14 12,094 Peeping Tom (re) UK Electric - 15,160 The Punk and the Princess UK Videodrome 0.20 5,395 Second Best UK/USA Warner Brothers 3.00 21,230 The Secret Rapture UK Oasis 1.50 53,688 Shopping UK Rank 2.30 101,286 Staggered UK Entertainment 1.00 1,149.08 The Third Man (re) UK Electric - 18,000 To Die For UK Metro - 15,722 Tom and Viv UK/USA Entertainment 4.70 264,639 White Angel UK Pilgrim 0.25 18,292 Widow's Peak UK Rank 4.50 205,187 The Browning Version US UIP Mary Shelley's Frankenstein US Columbia The Princess Caraboo US Entertainment Shadowlands US UIP Thumbelina US Warner The Three Musketeers US Buena Vista US Films made in the UK and Eire Source: EDI BFI Information Services 82 6.50 163,961 19.00 6,005,306 4.00 127,081 15.00 4,796,467 - 1,551,760 13.00 3,477,725 The STATS: Cinema US Box Office Revenues for UK Films Released in the US in 1994 Title US Distributor Box Office Gross($) Four Weddings and a Funeral Gramercy 52,700,832 Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Gramercy 10,205,944 * Sirens Miramax 7,770,731 Widow's Peak Fine Line 6,243,722 Princess Caraboo Universal 3,246,063 Backbeat Gramercy 2,392,599 Blue Miramax 1,553,244 The Browning Version Paramount 423,891 * Nostradamus Orion 364,164 Camilla Miramax 183,385 * In Custody Sony Classics 92,612 Second Best Warner 86,115 Tom and Viv Miramax 66,255 Ladybird, Ladybird Goldwyn 20,962 * * Still on release at the end of the year Source: Screen Finance/EDI Breakdown of 1994 UK Box Office by Country of Origin Country No. of Titles Box Office Gross (£) % 156 311,276,925 86.0 5 7,366,815 2.0 UK 34 31,926,481 8.8 UK CO 10 6,803,085 1.9 EU 36 2,964,330 0.8 EU & NON-EU EUROPE 9 1,000,000 0.3 NON-EU EUROPE 4 56,007 0.02 USA UK/USA OTHER CO REST OF WORLD (ENGLISH) REST OF WORLD (FOREIGN) TOTAL Source: EDI BFI Information Services 83 7 251,268 0.1 10 1,082,065 0.3 16 1,389,741 0.4 287 364,116,717 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Country of Origin Distributor Farewell My Concubine 3 Colours Red Belle Epoque 3 Colours White Scent of Green Papaya Kika To Live Les Visiteurs Dear Diary Germinal Parfum D'Yvonne Mina Tannenbaum L'Enfer Golden Balls We Don't Want to Talk About It Wild Target La Crise Faraway So Close Ma Saison Prefere Stalingrad CN FR/CH/PL ES/FR/PT FR/PL FR SP/FR CN/HK FR IT/FR FR/BE/IT FR FR/BE/NL FR SP/FR AR/IT FR FR GE FR GE Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Mayfair Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Electric Electric Arrow Artificial Eye Guild Artificial Eye Mayfair Mayfair Metro Artificial Eye Gala Electric Columbia Arrow Entertainment Source: EDI BBFC Classification of Feature Films 1994 Number of films passed at each classification and the number of films with cuts made before being passed at these certificates. Certificate Number of Films Classified Number Classified After Cuts U 47 1 PG 92 8 12 60 1 15 124 7 18 87 4 R18 0 0 Rejected 0 0 Source: BBFC BFI Information Services 84 Box Office Gross (£) 1,039,622 511,253 292,530 274,044 251,149 227,304 197,959 166,829 162,514 156,602 133,542 132,385 105,374 99,654 87,563 85,189 84,502 72,950 70,583 66,975 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office for 1994 Releases by Distributor Distributor No. of titles % Box Office Majors UIP Buena Vista 20th Century Fox Warner Brothers Columbia Total (majors) 25 24 13 27 22 111 105990102 66,381,304 44,653,012 33,667,437 31,644,214 £282,336,069 29.0 18.2 12.3 9.2 8.6 77.5 Rank Entertainment Guild Artificial Eye Metro/Tarton Mayfair First Independent Electric Feature Film Co. Mainline Arrow ICA Gala Clarence Oasis Blue Dolphin Contemporary bfi Pilgrim ITC City Screen AFC Manga Inner Eye FMA 22 19 12 13 14 12 6 13 9 5 2 9 5 4 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 40,119,977 27,792,647 4,369,115 3,647,631 1,325,137 1,024,080 905,287 782,281 582,539 459,222 237,412 132,525 104,159 84,892 53,688 41,569 31,662 21,912 18,292 17,084 16,392 5,850 4,839 2,340 802 11.0 7.6 1.2 1.0 0.37 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.16 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.009 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.0007 0.0002 Total Independents 166 £81,781,334 22.5 Total 277 £364,117,403 Source: EDI BFI Information Services Box Office Gross (£) 85 The STATS: Video Top 10 Video Rental Titles in the UK 1994 Title Company Distibutors' Share of UK Rental Transactions 1 The Fugitive Warner Home Video Company 2 Jurassic Park CIC 3 Demolition Man Warner Home Video Warner Home Video 24.0 Columbia TriStar Columbia TriStar 18.4 Fox Video CIC 16.0 Columbia TriStar Buena Vista 10.2 Columbia TriStar Guild 8.3 Guild Entertainment in Video 7.0 CIC FoxVideo 6.9 Warner Home Video Polygram 2.5 Others 6.7 4 5 6 7 8 9 Four Weddings and a Funeral Mrs Doubtfire In the Line of Fire Sleepless in Seattle Cliffhanger The Firm 10 Passenger 57 % Source: BVA Source: BVA Top 20 UK Video Retail Titles 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Company Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Aladdin Bambi Jurassic Park Mrs Doubtfire Mr Motivator - BLT Workout Gone with the Wind Billy Connolly Live 1994 Free Willy Roy "Chubby" Brown - Jingle B!@*ll@ks Beauty and the Beast Star Wars Police Stop! The Jungle Book Return of the Jedi The Empire Strikes Back Michael Barrymore Live Red Dwarf - The Smegs Up Take That - Berlin The Wrong Trousers Buena Vista Buena Vista Buena Vista CIC Fox Video Polygram Warner Home Video VVL Warner Home Video Polygram Buena Vista Fox Video Labyrinth Buena Vista Fox Video Fox Video VCI BBC BMG BBC Source: BVA BFI Information Services 86 Video Sell -Through Company Market Share by Volume Company % Buena Vista 15.9 Polygram 14.5 BBC 10.6 Warner 9.6 VCI 8.7 CIC 8.5 FoxVideo 6.9 Columbia Others Source: BVA 2.7 22.6 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 1994 Viewing Habits in Cable and Satellite Homes 1994 Company Channel Hours Screened Anglia 151 :45 Border * Carlton 127 :00 Central 184 :40 Channel 51 :00 Grampian Granada 582 :00 15 :30 LWT 255 :00 Meridian STV Terrestial Channels 1 :00 HTV 45 :00 225 :00 Tyne Tees 92 :30 Ulster Yorkshire 65.6 Sky One 5.1 Sky News 1.1 Sky Sports 3.7 Movie Channel 2.8 Sky Movies 3.4 Sky Movies Gold 0.5 Sky Sports 2 0.4 Bravo 0.7 CMT 0.3 Discovery 1 Eurosport 0.8 MTV * Westcountry % Share 2 :05 204 :00 *Only supplied episodes of Morning Worship Source: ITC 1 Nickelodeon 1.4 Children's Channel 0.7 Family Channel TNT/Cartoon Network 0.4 2 UK Gold 2.7 UK Living 0.5 VH-1 0.7 Others 2.6 Source: Screen Digest/BARB Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1994 Title Tx Date Audience (m) Channel 1 Olympic Ice Dance Championship 21-Feb 24.0 BBC1 2 National Lottery Live 19-Nov 20.2 BBC1 3 Coronation Street 14-Feb 19.7 ITV 4 Eastenders 27-Oct 19.3 ITV 5 Heartbeat 20-Nov 17.8 ITV 6 Casualty 19-Nov 17.2 BBC 7 You've Been Framed 4-Sep 17.0 ITV 8 Emmerdale 6-Jan 16.8 ITV 9 London's Burning 20-Nov 16.8 ITV 10 The Grand National 9-Apr 16.7 BBC 11 The Bill 18-Mar 16.5 ITV 12 Utterly Worst of Alright on the Night 10-Apr 16.2 ITV 13 Soldier Soldier 22-Nov 16.1 ITV 14 A Touch of Frost 30-Jan 15.8 ITV 15 Do-it-Yourself Bean 10-Jan 15.6 ITV 16 It'll be Alright on the Night 2-Jan 15.4 ITV 17 Licence to Kill 3-Jan 15.3 ITV 18 Cracker 5-Dec 15.2 ITV 19 Barrymore 8-Jan 15.1 ITV 20 One Foot in the Grave 25-Dec 15.1 BBC Only top rated episode of series included Source : BARB BFI Information Services 87 The STATS: Television Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1994 Including Soap Operas, Series and UK TV Movies. Ratings for series and serials are for the highest rated episode during 1994. Title Producer/Sponsor Tx Date Audience (m) 1 Coronation Street Granada 14-Feb 19.7 2 Eastenders BBC 27-Oct 19.3 3 Heartbeat Yorkshire 20-Nov 17.8 4 Casualty BBC 19-Nov 17.2 5 London's Burning LWT 20-Nov 16.8 6 The Bill Thames/Central 18-Mar 16.5 7 Soldier, Soldier Central 13-Dec 16.3 8 Emmerdale Yorkshire 6-Jan 16.0 9 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 30-Nov 15.8 10 Cracker Granada 5-Dec 15.2 11 Peak Practice Central 10-May 14.7 12 The Cinder Path Tyne Tees 17-Apr 13.6 13 Taggart STV 1-Jan 13.4 14 The Dwelling Place Tyne Tees 22-May 12.9 15 The Knock Bronson Knight/LWT 17-Apr 12.8 16 99-1 Zenith/Carlton 5-Jan 12.0 17 Minder Thames/Carlton 13-Jan 11.7 18 The Chief Angla 7-Jan 11.5 19 Common as Muck BBC 7-Sep 11.1 20 Pat and Margaret BBC 11-Sep 10.5 Source: AGB/BARB Television Advertising 1994 £m Gross TV Advertising Revenue 2,873 Advertising Production 773 Net TV Advertising Revenue 2,100 Consists of ITV 1,575 Channel 4 399 Cable and Satellite 126 In addition Total Sponsorship Income Average number of minutes commercials shown per week Source: ITC/Advertising Association BFI Information Services 88 23 1793 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered in 1994 Single films over 60 minutes long. Not including mini-series. Title Tx Date Audience (m) Open Fire 12-Nov 7.9 The Dying of the Light 16-Nov 4.5 4-Sep 1-Jun 2.4 3.1 Pat and Margaret 11-Sep 10.5 Two Golden Balls 18-Sep 6.3 Meat 25-Sep 4.6 Murder in Mind 2-Oct 6.4 Doggin' Around 16-Oct 3.4 Genghis Cohn 2-Mar 2.4 Skallagrigg 9-Mar 1.9 All Things Bright and Beautiful 16-Mar 1.6 The Reflecting Skin* 23-Mar 1.9 O Mary this London 30-Mar 1.9 6-Apr 2.2 Return to Blood River 13-Apr 1.1 Henri 20-Apr 3.0 Zinky Boys go Underground 27-Apr 1.4 Ethan Frome* 4-May 3.8 Sin Bin 18-May 1.8 Men of the Month 25-May 1.5 8-Jun 1.4 In the Cold Light of Day 15-Jun 1.5 The Criminal 22-Jun 1.7 ITV BBC1 A Breed of Heroes The Mountain and the Molehill BBC2 Dirtysomething Landing on the Sun Channel Four Self-Catering 4-Oct 3.8 Requiem Apache 11-Oct 2.5 Blood on the Dole 18-Oct 2.3 Pleasure 25-Oct 2.5 The Crying Game* Peter's Friends* 1-Nov 8-Nov 4.1 4.7 Waterland* 15-Nov 3.3 Wild West* 22-Nov 1.8 London Kills Me* 6-Dec 1.6 Secret Friends* 13-Dec 1.6 Into the West* 21-Dec 2.8 Source: BARB BFI Information Services 89 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestial TV in 1994 Title Country of Origin Year Audience (m) 1 Licence to Kill UK/US 1989 15.3 2 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves US 1991 14.3 3 Three Men and a Little Lady US 1990 14.1 4 Twins US 1988 13.9 5 Honey I Shrunk the Kids US 1989 13.8 6 Turner and Hooch US 1989 13.4 7 Uncle Buck US 1989 13.2 8 Sleeping with the Enemy US 1991 12.9 9 10 Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear Dances with Wolves US US 1991 1990 12.9 12.5 11 Kindergarten Cop US 1990 12.3 12 The Naked Gun US 1988 12.2 13 Crocodile Dundee 2 US 1988 11.9 14 The War of the Roses US 1989 11.9 15 Beverly Hills Cop 2 US 1987 11.5 16 Commando US 1985 11.4 17 Ghostbusters 2 US 1989 11.4 18 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade US 1989 11.3 19 Romancing the Stone US 1984 11.2 20 The Enforcer US 1976 11.1 Bold indicates films shown on BBC1. All others were shown on ITV Source: Screen Finance/BARB BFI Information Services 90 1995 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1995 UK Film Production 1995 - Category A UK Film Production 1995 - Category B UK Film Production 1995 - Category C UK Film Production 1995 - Category D UK Film Production 1995 - Category E EC Film Production 1995 What Happened to 1994's UK Films 92 93 94 95 96 96 97 98 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1995 99 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 1995 Top 20 Films at UK Box Office UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1995 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1995 US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US in 1995 Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in 1995 Breakdown of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1995 100 100 101 102 102 103 104 VIDEO Top Ten Video Rentals in the UK 1995 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions 1995 Top 20 UK Video Retail Titles 1995 Video Sell Through Company Market Share by Volume 1995 (%) 105 105 105 105 TELEVISION ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Viewing Habits in Cable/Satellite Homes 1995 Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1995 Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1995 UK TV Films Premiered 1995 Television Advertising 1995 Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestrial TV in 1995 106 106 107 107 108 109 109 GENERAL Overseas Transactions: Film and Television Material 1984-1995 110 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1995 Year Titles Produced Current Prices (£m) Production Cost (£m) (1996 prices) 1981 1982 24 61.2 123.4 40 141.1 262.3 1983 51 251.1 446.5 1984 53 270.4 453.8 1985 54 269.4 430.0 1986 41 165.8 256.0 1987 55 195.3 288.8 1988 48 175.2 249.4 1989 30 104.7 137.1 1990 60 217.4 256.7 1991 59 243.2 269.4 1992 47 184.9 197.0 1993 67 224.1 238.9 1994 84 455.2 474.8 1995 78 402.4 416.5 Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 92 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1995 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) Alive and Kicking Indian Summer/ Channel Four 2.00 0.02 Beautiful Thing World Prods/ Channel Four 1.50 0.480 Bob's Weekend Erinfilm 1.00 x Brassed Off Prominent Features/ Channel Four 2.53 3.388 The Bruce Bruce Pictures/ Cromwell Prods/ BSkyB 0.50 0.008 The Brylcreem Boys Sherwood Films/ Rough Magic Films 4.80 0.007 Caught in the Act Midsummer Films 1.50 x Deadly Voyage Union/ Viva/ BBC/ HBO 3.54 x Different for Girls X-Pictures/ BBC/ Great Guns 1.50 0.012 Driven Earthbound Pictures 0.15 0.366 The Grotesque Xingu Films 4.50 0.003 Guardians World Productions/ Channel Four 2.00 x In the Bleak Midwinter Midwinter Films 2.00 0.374 Intimate Relations Handmade Films/ Boxer Films/ Paragon 1.20 0.145 Jude Revolution Films/ BBC/ Polygram 5.70 1.025 Killing Time Pilgrim Films/ Metrodome 1.00 x A Midsummer Nights Dream Edenwood/ Channel Four/ Capitol/ Arts Council 2.50 0.026 The Near Room 1.00 0.029 The Proposition Inverclyde/ BSkyB/ British Screen/ Glasgow Film Fund/ Smart Egg S4C/ Peakviewing/ Transatlantic 2.00 0.017 Proteus Metrodome/Victor Films/ Trimark 3.00 x Respect Intense Productions 0.08 x Small Faces 2.00 0.391 Trainspotting Skyline/ Easterhouse Prods/ BBC/ Glasgow Film Fund Figment Films/ Channel Four/ Polygram 1.76 12.433 Two Blind Mice Kill the Real Films 0.10 x Virtual Terror The Film Co 1.00 x When Saturday Comes Pint o' Bitter Prods/ Capitol Films 1.70 0.727 The Wind in the Willows Davrod Prods/ Allied Filmmakers/ Guild 9.75 1.303 The Woodlanders River Films/ Channel Four/Chargeurs/ Arts Council 4.00 0.177 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 28 Total Cost £64.31m Average Cost £2.3m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 93 UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1995 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Carla's Song Parallax Pictures/ Road Movies/ Tornasol/ TVE/ Channel Four/ Glasgow Film Fund/ Filmstifung Nordrhein-Westfalen Focus Films/ Pandora/ Kinowelt/ Channel Four/ Eurimages/ Trimark/ Arts Council CSL Films/ Samson Films/ Channel Four/ Pandora/ Eurimages/ Road Movies/ Irish Film Board/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein Westfalen Scala Prods/ Iberoamericana/ Senator/ Channel Four/ Eurimages The Smoking Room/Films du Dauphin/Gaumont Little Bird/ Channel Four/ British Screen Finance/ Irish Film Board Woodline Films/ Kasander-Wigman Prods/ Channel Four/ Polygram/ Eurimages/ Dutch Film Fund Ciby 2000/ Thin Man Films/ Channel Four 2.80 DL/ES UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 0.326 4.30 DL/FR 0.013 3.10 IE/DL 0.004 2.80 ES/DL 0.048 1.40 FR 0.789 2.00 IE 0.097 2.00 NL 0.507 2.50 FR 1.967 Handmade/ Mass Productions/ Imagex/ BSkyB/ British Screen Finance/ Telefilm Canada 2.40 CA 0.002 Crimetime A Further Gesture The Hollow Reed Nil by Mouth Nothing Personal The Pillow Book Secrets and Lies Sweet Angel Mine Budget (£m) Total Number of Films 9 Total Cost £23.30m Average Cost £2.59m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 94 CoProducing Countries The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1995 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies The Boy from Mercury Blue Rose/ Mercurian Prods/ Blue Dahlia/ RTE/ Canal +/ Irish Film Board Zentropa/ Trust/ Liberation/ Channel 1/ Arte/ ZDF/ Canal +/ Danish Film Inst. Kestrel Two/ Colomo/ Mainstream/ Canal +/ TVE/ Eurimages Steve Walsh Prods/ La Fabrique/ Les Films du Triangle/ Kershermetfilm/ Canal +/ BSkyB/ Eurimages/ ECF/ CNC/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein Polar Prods/Ima Films/ UGC/ President Films/ Iberoamericana/ Channel Four/ ECF The Spice Factory/ Taiga/ Europa 7/ KRO/ Dutch Film Fund/ Eurimages First City/ Samson Films/ Victoria Film/ Channel Four/ Eurimages Working Title/ Polygram/ Home Made Films/ TF1/ Eurimages/ DA Films Polar Prods/ Die Hauskunst/ Rimo/Canal +/ Chrysalis/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein Westfalen Portman Prods/ Gemini Film/ Eurimages/ Irish Film Board/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein Westfalen Portobello Pictures/ Biograf/ Pandora/ CZTV/ Eurimages The Spice Factory/ Iberoamicana/ Noel Gay/ ECF/ British Screen Northolm Ent/ Parallel Films/ Nordisk/ RTE/ Irish Film Board/ Eurimages Gargantua/ Crisaldi/ Flach Film/ Eurimages 1.30 IE/FR 0.005 6.50 SE/DK/NO 0.712 2.35 ES/FR x 5.00 FR/HU/DL x 3.50 FR/ES 0.077 1.39 NL/PT x 2.50 NL/PT 0.020 7.80 FR/BE 0.097 2.70 FR/DL x 1.70 IE/DL x 0.85 CZR/FR x 2.50 ES x 2.65 IE 2.00 IT/FR x Recorded Picture Co/ Bebelsberg/ Renn Prods/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein Westfalen/ Filmboard BerlinBrandenberg Buxton Films/ Integral/ TVE/ Luna Films 11.25 DL/FR x 1.60 ES/DL x 2.50 IE/DL x 1.47 FR/IT x 7.00 FR/IT 0.928 1.70 CA 0.012 2.85 IE 0.015 3.50 FR/BE/US 0.015 3.09 IE 0.060 Breaking the Waves The Butterfly Effect The Castle of Monkeys Chinese Portraits The Crows of St.Vincent The Disappearance of Finbar The Eighth Day I Love You- I Love You Not Joe, My Friend Kid The Killer Tongue The Last of the High Kings A Lift to Heaven The Ogre Robert Ryland's Last Journey Snakes and Ladders Spaghetti Slow Stealing Beauty Swann This is the Sea Total Eclipse Trojan Eddie Budget (£m) Nova Films/ Livia Films/ Sievernich Films/ ZDF/ RTE/ Irish Film Board/ Filmboard BerlinBrandenberg/ Arts Council of Ireland Fantastic Films/ Clesi Cinema/ Film master Film/ The Good Film Co Recorded Picture Co/ Fiction Film/ UGC/ Fox Searchlight Greenpoint Films/ Shaftesbury Films/ BBC/ Telefilm Canada Judy Counihan Films/ Pembridge/ BSkyB/ ECF/ Irish Film Board Portman/ Fit Prods/ SFP/ K2/ Capitol/ New Line/ Eurimages/ ECF Initial/ Cairndawn/ Channel Four/ Eurimages/ Irish Film Board x - unreleased Total Number of Films 23 Total Cost £77.7m Average Cost £3.4m Source: Screen Digest/bfi BFI Information Services 95 Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 0.322 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1995 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 101 Dalmations Great Oaks/ Disney Emma Matchmaker Films/ Miramax 32.20 20.660 6.32 Fierce Creatures 5.283 Fish Prods/ Jersey Films/ Universal 20.00 Firelight 4.311 5.15 0.048 Goldeneye Carnival/ Wind Dancer/ Hollywood Pictures Eon Prods/ United Artists 17.00 18.246 Mission:Impossible Cruise and Wagner/ Paramount 48.30 18.654 The Muppet Treasure Island Jim Henson/ Walt Disney 8.00 3.062 Othello Imminent Films/ Dakota Films/ Castle Rock Propaganda/ Polygram/ Gramercy 6.00 0.488 16.25 0.681 8.00 0.845 The Portrait of a Lady Richard III Sense and Sensibility First Look/ BSkyB/ United Artists/ Mayfair/ British Screen Heyman Hoskins/ Fox Searchlight/ Capitol Sensible Prods/ Mirage/ Columbia Surviving Picasso TriStar Merchant Ivory/ Warner Brothers Twelfth Night Renaissance/ BBC/ Fine Line Total Number of Films 14 Total Cost £194.16m Average Cost £13.87m The Secret Agent 4.00 0.014 9.40 13.633 10.13 0.484 3.41 0.648 15.50 1.851 18.00 0.306 7.80 2.836 1.58 0.119 UK Film Production 1995 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. The Advenutures of Pinnocchio Allied/Savoy/ Kushner-Locke/ Davis Films/ Polygram Blood and Wine Recorded Picture Co/ Fox Searchlight/ Majestic Dead Man Walking Working Title/ Havoc/ Polygram/ Gramercy Walking and Talking Zenith/ Channel Four/ Ciby 2000/ Good Machine Total Number of Films 4 Total Cost £42.88m Average Cost £10.72m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 96 The STATS: Film Production EC Film Production 1995 Country Number of Films Austria 19 Belgium - Denmark 13 Investment ($m) 24.1 22.4 Finland 8 France 141 Germany 70 - Greece 24 6.2 Ireland 22 123.5 Italy 75 150.9 Luxembourg - Netherlands 18 4.9 749.4 7.5 Portugal 8 5.9 Spain 59 115.9 Sweden 20 - UK 78 498.1 *Not including US films made in the UK, the classification of many of which could be disputed. Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 97 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1994's UK Films Distribution of 1994 UK Productions and Foreign Films made in the UK Released Theatrically in 1994/95 Released in 1996 (contd) An Awfully Big Adventure The Innocent Sleep Angels and Insects Jane Eyre Blue Juice Lawnmower Man II Braveheart Loch Ness Butterfly Kiss Madagaskar Skin Carrington Mary Reilly Chasing the Deer A Month by the Lake Clockwork Mice Moonlight and Valentino Death and the Maiden The Passion of Darkly Noon Eden Valley The Englishman who went up a Hill but came down a Mountain Rainbow Restoration A Feast at Midnight Someone Else's America First Knight Stonewall A Fistful of Fingers Two Deaths French Kiss Funny Bones Distribution deal but no release date Haunted Bullet to Beijing Highlander III Dead Funny i.d. Midnight in St Petersburg Innocent Lies Institute Benjamenta No Distribution Deal Jack and Sarah The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Jefferson in Paris E=MC2 Judge Dredd The Hurting Land and Freedom Korea Mad Dogs and Englishmen Letters from the East The Madness of King George The Making of Maps A Man of No Importance Margaret's Museum The Neon Bible Prowokator Panther Room 36 Rob Roy Savage Hearts The Steal Sagage Play Solitaire for Two Victory Thin Ice To Die For Straight to Television The Young Poisoner's Handbook Willie's War Released in 1996 Straight to Video All Men are Mortal Mary's House Antonia's Line Safe Haven August Boston Kickout Abandoned or Unknown Le Confessional Taboo The Feast of July Under Pressure La Femme Francaise Frankie Starlight Hackers Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 98 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1995 Title Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) The Spire £1 million £9.1 million True Blue £1 million £3.5 million the Woodlanders £1 million £4 million Entrepreneurs £980,000 £2 million Food of Love £800,000 £2.1 million Love and Death on Long Island £750,000 £2.5 million A Midsummer Night's Dream £750,000 £2.5 million Crimetime £300,000 £4.3 million Gallivant £170,000 £340,000 Franz Fanon £84,000 £270,000 The Man who held his Breath £59,000 £118,614 Glastonbury: The Movie £36,000 £125,000 Arts Council of England Total awards: £6.91 million Arts Council of Scotland Poor Things £1 million £6.5 million Stella Does Tricks £137,178 £450,000 Transition £135,507 £250,000 £92,099 £160,000 £9,461 £48,000 The Ring of Truth Gaidhlig gu Lor Total awards: £1,374,245 Arts Council of Wales House of America £250,000 Total awards: £250,000 £1.25 million Arts Council of Northern Ireland Old New Borrowed Blue £200,000 Total awards: £200,000 Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 99 £1.95 million The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1995 Age Group 7 to 14 15 to 24 25-34 35+ ABC1 C2DE No. of People (million) 5.71 7.3 9.12 29.37 25.23 26.26 Twice a month or more 13% 18% 8% 2% 8% 5% Once a month 18% 19% 11% 4% 11% 7% Once every 2/3 months 24% 22% 20% 7% 15% 12% 2/3 times a year 27% 18% 24% 17% 21% 18% Once a year 9% 10% 12% 13% 16% 12% Less Often 5% 7% 12% 20% 14% 16% 96% 94% 87% 63% 81% 70% Total who ever go to the cinema Source: Screen Finance/CAVIAR Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1995 Title Country of Distributor Origin 1 Batman Forever US Warner Brothers 20.013 2 Casper US UIP 16.011 3 GoldenEye US/UK UIP 14.785 4 Apollo 13 US UIP 11.831 5 Braveheart US/UK Twentieth Century Fox 11.357 6 Interview with the Vampire US/UK Warner Brothers 10.514 7 Pocohontas US Buena Vista 10.362 8 Die Hard with a Vengeance US Buena Vista 10.019 9 Stargate US Guild 10 Dumb and Dumber US First Independent 11 Waterworld US UIP 8.316 12 Muriel's Wedding AUS Buena Vista 7.919 13 Disclosure US Warner Brothers 7.664 14 Star Trek: Generations US UIP 7.516 15 While You Were Sleeping US Buena Vista 7.241 16 Judge Dredd US Guild 7.141 17 101 Dalmations US Buena Vista 6.917 18 Babe AUS UIP 6.717 19 The Santa Clause US Buena Vista 5.921 20 The Specialist US Warner Brothers 5.313 Covers monies made in calender year 1995 Source: Screen Finance/EDI BFI Information Services 100 Box Office Gross (£m) 9.777 8.95 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1995 Title Box Office Gross (£) Shallow Grave The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain Priest 5,101,342 1,562,504 1,047,332 An Awfully Big Adventure 634,214 In the Bleak Midwinter 274,696 Blue Juice 256,375 The Young Poisoner's Handbook 211,385 Butterfly Kiss 202,967 Solitaire for 2 185,109 Jefferson in Paris 137,058 Captives 100,901 Mad Dogs and Englishmen 74,235 Clockwork Mice 68,755 Institute Benjamenta 27,841 A Feast at Midnight 20,766 Sister My Sister 15,118 Close Shave 14,082 The Steal 12,144 Straw Dogs 5,900 Welcome II The Terrordome 4,085 Thin Ice 3,490 Fistful of Fingers 3,163 Intimate with a Stranger 2,073 Eden Valley 1,824 Death Machine 1,378 25 Titles 9,968,737 Box Office for US/UK Films GoldenEye 16,057,149 The Madness of King George 4,636,275 Black Beauty 1,474,058 Immortal Beloved 269,388 Haunted 192,660 Funny Bones 178,425 Neon Bible 96,341 Postcards from America 6,000 8 titles 22,910,296 Total: Source: Screen Finance BFI Information Services 101 32,879,033 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1995 Country No. of Titles Box Office(£) % 169 323,654,543 84.1 8 22,910,296 6.0 UK 25 9,968,737 2.6 UK Co. Prod. 18 6,063,185 1.6 EU 31 6,922,123 1.8 Other Co. Prod. 15 8,083,075 2.1 Rest of World (English) 10 6,306,152 1.6 Rest of World (Foreign) 8 834,245 0.2 USA UK/USA Total 284 £384,742,356 Source: EDI/Screen Finance/bfi US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US in 1995 Title US Distributor The Madness of King George The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain Priest Goldwyn Miramax 15,180,852 10,904,930 Miramax 4,176,932 Sense and Sensibility Sony 4,032,165 Persuasion Sony 3,607,611 Death and the Maiden Fine Line 2,946,940 Shallow Grave Gramercy 2,881,508 Carrington Gramercy 2,697,902 Moonlight and Valentino Gramercy 2,488,858 A Month By the Lake Miramax 2,106,534 A Man of No Importance Sony 839,296 The Innocent Miramax 553,454 Funny Bones Buena Vista 532,268 The Feast of July Buena Vista 293,274 An Awfully Big Adventure Fine Line 258,195 Sister, My Sister 7th Art 217,881 Covers revenues made in calender year 1995 Does not include Hollywood studio films made in the UK Source: Screen Finance/EDI BFI Information Services 102 Box Office Gross($) The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in 1995 Title Country Distributor 1 Il Postino IT Buena Vista 2 La Reine Margot FR Guild 533,314 3 Eat Drink Man Woman TW Buena Vista 425,077 4 La Haine FR Metro 387,021 5 The City of Lost Children FR Entertainment 322,636 6 Farinelli FR/IT/BE Guild 268,031 7 Bandit Queen IN Mainline 263,055 8 Burnt by the Sun RU Guild 219,733 9 Shanghai Triad CN Electric 219,293 10 La Separation FR Guild 146,743 11 Colonel Chabert FR Guild 133,053 12 D'Artagnan's Daughter FR Artificial Eye 119,056 13 The White Balloon IR Electric 107,735 14 Chungking Express HK ICA 73,989 15 Le Roseaux Sauvages FR Gala 67,814 16 The Bait FR Artificial Eye 47,198 17 Fiorile IT Arrow 39,756 18 Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker HK/CN Electric 34,812 19 20 The Sexual Life of the Belgians Before the Rain BE UK/MAC/FR Metro Electric 34,545 33,898 Source: Screen Finance/EDI BFI Information Services 103 Box Office Gross (£m) 1,204,500 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1995 Distributor Titles Box Office Gross (£) UIP 25 102,946,058 Warner Brothers 34 75,445,829 Buena Vista 27 74,194,835 Columbia TriStar 20 24,479,725 Twentieth Century Fox 17 24,301,908 123 £301,368,355 Guild 12 19,941,891 Rank 14 18,659,923 Polygram 12 14,450,257 First Independent 6 11,728,154 Rank/Polygram 7 5,821,983 Entertainment 23 5,755,048 Artificial Eye 14 2,900,231 Electric 10 2,200,225 Metro 13 700,158 FilmFour 2 347,094 Mainline 1 282,458 Feature Film Company 4 133,505 11 124,027 1 80,740 11 73,576 Arrow 3 47,340 Electric Avenue 1 27,385 Gala 5 24,939 ITC 2 20,889 Blue Dolphin 2 16,808 Aardman 1 14,082 Arthouse 1 9,594 Made in Hong Kong 1 5,292 BCA 1 3,838 NFT 2 2,740 Amber 1 1,824 Total (independents) 161 £83,374,001 Total majors + independents: 284 £384,742,356 Total (majors) ICA Clarence bfi Source: EDI BFI Information Services 104 The STATS: Video Video Sell Through Company Market Share by Volume 1995 (%) Top Ten Video Rentals in the UK 1995 Title Company 1 Forrest Gump CIC Video 2 Speed Fox Guild 3 Pulp Fiction Buena Vista 4 The Mask EV 5 True Lies CIC Video 6 Stargate Guild 7 The Specialist Warner Home Video 8 Dumb and Dumber First Independent 9 Timecop CIC Video 10 Four Weddings and a Funeral Columbia Tristar Company 1 Buena Vista 16.5 2 PolyGram/VVL 15.3 3 VCI 10.7 4 Warner Home Video 9.8 5 BBC 8.6 6 CIC 8.4 7 Fox Video 7.1 8 Columbia TriStar 3.2 9 BMG 1.9 10 EV Source: MRIB/BVA % 1.9 Source: CIN/BVA Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions 1995 Top 20 UK Video Retail Titles 1995 Title Company 1 The Lion King Buena Vista 2 Riverdance...The Show VCI 3 The Aristocats Buena Vista 1 Warner/MGMUA 19.8 4 The Fox and the Hound Buena Vista 2 CIC 18.4 5 Four Weddings and a Funeral PolyGram 3 Columbia Tristar 14.9 6 Pinocchio Buena Vista 4 Fox Guild 13.8 7 Coronation Street Special Warner Vision 5 Buena Vista 13 8 Batman Forever Warner Home Video 6 EV 7.4 9 The Mask Company % Entertainment in Video 7 PolyGram 6.9 10 Star Wars Fox Video 8 First Independent 3.2 11 The Return of the Jafar Buena Vista 9 High Fliers 1.3 12 Pulp Fiction Buena Vista 10 Medusa 0.6 13 Robson and Jerome - So Far So Good BMG 14 The Return of the Jedi Fox Video 15 Power Rangers - The Movie Fox Video 16 The Empire Strikes Back Fox Video 17 Bottom Live - The Big No.2 Tour VVL 18 Miracle on 34th Street Fox Video 19 Roy Chubby Brown - Clitoris Allsorts PolyGram 20 Forrest Gump CIC Video Source:MRIB/BVA Source: BVA BFI Information Services 105 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Company Hours :Minutes Anglia 212 :00 Border - Carlton 168 :00 Central 298 :00 Channel 0 :30 Grampian 3 :00 Granada 584 :00 HTV 15 :45 LWT 230 :00 Meridian 31 :00 STV 144 :00 Tyne Tees 50 :00 Ulster - Westcountry 1 :00 Yorkshire 214 :00 Source: ITC Viewing Habits in Cable/Satellite Homes 1995 Channel %share Terrestial channels 65.6 Sky One 4.9 Sky News 1.5 Sky Sports 3.8 Movie Channel 3.2 Sky Movies 3.4 Sky Movies Gold 0.8 Sky Sports 2 0.8 Bravo/EBN 0.7 CMT 0.2 Discovery/TLC 1.0 Disney Channel 0.4 Eurosport 1.0 MTV 1.0 Nickolodeon 1.5 Children's Channel 0.7 Family Channel 0.4 TNT/Cartoon Network 2.5 UK Gold 2.4 UK Living 0.7 VH-1 0.7 Others 2.9 Source: Screen Digest/BARB BFI Information Services 106 The STATS: Television Top 20 Programmes for all Channels 1995 Title Tx date Audience(m) 1 Panorama Special 20-Nov 22.8 BBC1 2 Coronation Street 9-Jan 19.4 ITV 3 Heartbeat 19-Nov 18.7 ITV 4 National Lottery Live 25-Mar 18.2 BBC1 5 Auntie's Bloomers 1-Jan 17.8 BBC1 6 One Foot in the Xmas Grave 25-Dec 17.8 BBC1 7 Eastenders 21-Feb 17.0 BBC1 8 Casualty 25-Mar 16.7 BBC1 9 Keeping up Appearances 25-Dec 16.7 BBC1 10 News 25-Dec 16.7 ITV 11 Inspector Morse 29-Nov 16.6 ITV 12 Police, Camera, Action 25-Oct 16.4 ITV 13 You've Been Framed 12-Nov 16.3 ITV 14 A Touch of Frost 22-Jan 16.2 ITV 15 London's Burning 5-Nov 16.2 ITV 16 Soldier Soldier 7-Nov 15.7 ITV 22-Oct 15.7 ITV 18 Band of Gold 9-Apr 15.5 ITV 19 Home Alone 5-Feb 15.2 ITV 11-Apr 14.6 ITV 17 Cracker 20 Peak Practice Channel Only top rated episode of series included. Source: AGB/BARB Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1995 Including soap operas, serials and UK TV Movies. Ratings for serials are for the highest rated episode during 1995. Title Producer/Sponsor 1 Coronation Street Granada 9-Jan 19.4 2 Heartbeat Yorkshire 19-Nov 18.7 3 Eastenders BBC 21-Feb 17.0 4 Casualty BBC 25-Mar 16.7 5 Inspector Morse Zenith/Central 29-Nov 16.6 6 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 22-Jan 16.2 7 London's Burning LWT 5-Nov 16.2 8 Sodier Soldier Central 7-Nov 15.7 9 Cracker Granada 22-Oct 15.7 10 Band of Gold Granada 9-Apr 15.5 11 Peak Practice Central 11-Apr 14.6 12 The Bill Thames/Carlton 29-Dec 14.5 13 Kavanagh QC Central 17-Jan 14.0 14 Mind to Murder Meridian 2-Jan 12.4 15 Prime Suspect 4 Granada 7-May 13.2 16 Taggart STV 11-Jan 13.1 17 The Glass Virgin Fstival/Tyne Tees 6-Jan 13.1 18 Paparazzo Yorkshire 25-Oct 12.7 19 The Gambling Man Festival Tyne Tees 26-Feb 12.6 20 Bugs Carnival/BBC 1-Apr 12.5 Source: AGB/BARB BFI Information Services 107 Tx Date Audience (m) The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 1995 Single Films over 60 minutes long, not including mini-series Tx Date BARB Rating (m) ITV Mind to Murder 2-Jan 13.4 20-Feb 11.8 The Perfect Match 6-Sep 6.4 The Vacillations of Poppy Crew 5-Mar 8.8 Beyond Reason A Village Affair 17-Apr 9.3 Paparazzo 25-Oct 12.7 5-Apr 9.5 Cold Comfort Farm 1-Jan 9.9 the Great Kandinsky 14-Apr 4.1 The Plant 20-Jan 4.7 The Affair 3-Dec 7.3 23-Dec 7.7 16-Apr 3.8 2-Apr 1.4 25-Nov 2.1 4-Jun 2.9 11-Jun 2.1 2-Dec 0.9 Saigon Baby 16-Dec 2.6 A Very Open Prison 26-Mar 2.0 Crazy for a Kiss 23-Apr 1.6 Absense of War 18-May 1.7 Mrs Hartley and the Growth Centre 21-May 2.6 Great Moments in Aviation 11-Nov 1.1 Loved Up 23-Sep 1.7 Ruffian Hearts 30-Sep 1.6 Go Now 16-Sep 2.7 The Hawk 24-Dec 4.7 The Hour of the Pig 26-Dec 2.0 31-Aug 3.4 3-Jan 1.4 The Long Day Closes 10-Jan 1.3 Blue Black Permanent 24-Jan 0.5 The Secret Rapture 17-Sep 1.9 7-Nov 1.1 Howard's End 10-Oct 3.1 Damage 24-Oct 2.4 Raining Stones 31-Oct 2.9 Four Weddings and a Funeral 15-Nov 12.4 Naked 21-Nov 2.0 Friends 28-Nov 1.3 Oleanna 5-Dec 0.8 Mi Vida Loca 12-Dec 1.4 No Worries 26-Dec 0.8 The Turnaround BBC1 It Might be You BBC2 Persuasion Life after Life Streetlife Black Easter Bliss Nervous Energy Channel Four Eleven Men Against Eleven Men Simple Men Ballad of the Sad Cafe Source: BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 108 The STATS: Television Television Advertising 1995 £m Net TV Advertising Revenue 2300 Consists of: ITV 1665 C4 454 Cable and Satellite 181 In addition total sponsorship income 21 Average number of Minutes Commercials shown each week on Terrestial TV 1009 Source: ITC/C4/AGB Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestial TV in 1995 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Home Alone US 1990 ITV 15.2 2 The Bodyguard US 1992 ITV 13.3 3 Hook US 1991 BBC1 12.5 4 Four Weddings and a Funeral UK 1994 C4 12.4 5 Beethoven US 1992 BBC1 12.1 6 Patriot Games US 1992 BBC1 11.9 7 Indecent Proposal US 1993 BBC1 11.7 8 Only the Lonely US 1991 BBC1 11.6 9 Lethal Weapon 3 US 1992 ITV 11.6 10 Pretty Woman US 1990 ITV 11.5 11 Ghost US 1990 BBC1 11.2 12 Lethal Weapon US 1987 ITV 10.8 13 FX2 US 1991 ITV 10.8 14 Die Hard US 1988 ITV 10.4 15 Hot Shots! US 1991 BBC1 10.3 16 Deceived US 1991 ITV 10.2 17 Sleeping with the Enemy US 1991 ITV 10.1 18 Three Men and a Little Lady US 1990 ITV 10.1 19 My Cousin Vinny US 1992 BBC1 9.9 20 Crocodile Dundee US/AU 1988 ITV 9.9 Source: Screen Finance/BARB BFI Information Services 109 Audience (m) The STATS: General Overseas Transactions: Film and Television Material 1984 -1995 £ million 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 226 260 210 264 230 263 334 346 400 345 426 495 91 110 101 117 128 194 128 133 131 278 370 245 317 370 311 382 358 457 461 479 531 623 796 740 114 123 106 157 188 204 266 239 228 257 397 505 90 86 99 130 121 186 207 233 254 251 296 400 204 209 205 287 309 390 473 472 482 508 693 905 112 137 104 107 42 59 68 107 172 88 29 -10 1 24 2 -13 7 8 -79 -100 -123 27 74 -155 113 161 106 94 49 67 -11 7 49 115 103 -165 Receipts (1) Film Companies (2) Television Companies (3) Total Payments (4) Film Companies Television Companies Total Receipts less Payments Film Companies Television Companies Total net Receipts 1. Sums available from overseas residents 2. Includes transactions by film companies in respect of rights restricted to television 3. Includes transactions in respect of BBC sound broadcasting and Independent Television News 4. Sums payable to overseas residents Source: CSO BFI Information Services 110 1996 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1996 UK Film Production 1996 - Category A UK Filim Production 1996 - Category B UK Film Production - Category C UK Film Production 1996 - Category D UK Film Production 1996 - Category E EC Film Production 1996 What Happened to 1995's UK Films? 112 113 115 116 118 118 119 120 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1996 121 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 1996 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1996 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1996 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1996 US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US in 1996 Top 20 Foreign Language Films 1996 Breakdown of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1996 Most Profitable Films of 1996 123 124 125 126 126 127 128 129 VIDEO Top 10 Rental Videos in the UK 1996 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) Top 20 Retail Titles in the UK 1996 Video Sell-Through Company Market Share by Volume 1996 (%) 130 130 130 130 TELEVISION ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1996 Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1996 Television Advertising 1996 UK TV Films Premiered 1996 Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestial TV in 1996 131 131 132 132 133 134 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1996 Year Titles Produced Current prices (£m) 1981 24 61.2 126.4 1982 40 141.1 268.6 1983 51 251.1 457.2 1984 53 270.4 464.7 1985 54 269.4 440.3 1986 41 165.8 262.1 1987 55 195.3 295.7 1988 48 175.2 255.3 1989 30 104.7 140.4 1990 60 217.4 262.9 1991 59 243.2 275.9 1992 47 184.9 201.7 1993 67 224.1 244.6 1994 84 455.2 486.2 1995 78 402.4 426.5 1996 128 741.4 759.2 Source: Screen Finance/CSO BFI Information Services 112 Production Cost £m (1997prices) The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1996 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies B. Monkey Scala Prods/ Synchronistic Prods Bean WorkingTitle/ TigerAspect/ Polygram Bent The Big Swap Channel Four/ Arts Council of England/ Bent Prods Moonlit Pictures/ Dandelion The Borrowers Working Title Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 6.80 x 16.20 17.973 2.01 0.028 0.64 0.031 29.00 8.004 Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis The Mission/ BBC/ Goldcrest 3.00 0.064 Cameleon Elidir/ S4C 1.00 x Career Girls Thin Man Films/ Channel Four 1.50 0.493 Darklands 1.00 0.005 Deadline Metrodome/ Lluniau Lliw/ Victor/ Arts Council of Wales Alchemy Prods 0.20 x The Designated Mourner Greenpoint Films/ BBC 1.00 0.001 Dust Palm Oil Prods 0.03 x Face 3.00 1.198 Fever Pitch Diagaro Face/ BBC/ BSkyB/ Distant Horizon/ British Screen Wildgaze/ Channel Four 1.75 1.863 Follow the Moonstone Pelicula/BBC/Arts Council of Scotland 0.18 Gallivant bfi The Girl with Brains in her Feet Lexington Films 1.00 0.021 The James Gang Revolution Films/BBC/Handmade 1.60 0.025 Janus Imaginary Pictures 1.00 x Julie and the Cadillacs Parker Mead 1.50 0.014 La Passione Fugitive Films 1.50 0.005 The Leading Man Leading Man Prods/ J and M 5.60 0.046 Let's Stick Together Indio Pictures 0.96 x Long Hot Summer Summer Films 0.05 x MacBeth Cromwell Films/ La Mancha Prods/ Grampian 0.50 x Made in Japan Turn on Productions 0.50 x Mojo Portobello/ BBC/ BSkyB/ British Screen 2.20 0.027 Monarch Hourglass Productions 1.00 x Monk Dawson De Warrenne Productions 1.00 0.007 Mrs Brown Ecosse Films/ WGPH/ BBC 1.00 4.119 Peggy Su! Deco Films/ BBC/ Arts Council of England/ Merseyside Film Production Fund Exotic Entertainments 1.10 x 0.50 x 3.60 0.104 Preaching to the Perverted Starry Night Film Co/ BBC/ BSkyB/ Polygram/ Entertainment/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Cyclops Vision/ Entertainment/ Victor Film Co 1.20 0.044 Pulse Roaring Fire/ La Mancha/ Victor 0.50 x Razor Blade Smile Eye Deal/ Beatnik 0.35 0.008 Remember Me? Talisman Films/ Channel Four 1.40 0.008 Romance and Rejection Bloomsbury/ Leopard 1.25 x The Scar Amber Films/ BBC/ Northern Arts 0.25 x The Scarlet Tunic Scarlet Films-Scorpio Productions 0.75 0.062 Shooting Fish Gruber Bros/ Tomboy Films/ Entertainment/ Arts Council of England Skreba/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England and Scotland/ Glasgow Film Fund The Grade Company 2.90 4.024 2.20 0.016 9.40 0.029 0.45 0.042 Stone Man Compulsive Viewing/ bfi / Sidewalk/ Channel Four/ Scottish Film Production Board/ Arts Council of Scotland Stone Man Films 0.30 x The Stringer BBC 1.00 x Thon Rumneyvision Prods 0.05 x The Tribe Deep City/ BBC 2.80 x Film and General/ Rafford/ Channel Four/ Arts 113 Council of England/ Booker Entertainment Figment Films/ Twin Town Prods/ Channel Four Strange Dog/ Channel Four/ Merseyside Production Fund/ bfi / Rouge Film 3.50 0.152 2.00 0.709 0.66 0.050 Pervirella Photographing Fairies The Slab Boys Something to Believe In Stella Does Tricks TrueServices Blue BFI Information Twin Town Under the Skin x 0.016 * The Slab Boys Arts Council of England Skreba/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England and Scotland/ Glasgow Film Fund The Grade Company 2.20 0.016 9.40 0.029 0.45 0.042 Stone Man Four/ Scottish Film Production Board/ Arts Council of Scotland Stone Man Films 0.30 x The Stringer BBC 1.00 x Thon Rumneyvision Prods 0.05 x The Tribe Deep City/ BBC 2.80 x True Blue Film and General/ Rafford/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England/ Booker Entertainment Figment Films/ Twin Town Prods/ Channel Four Strange Dog/ Channel Four/ Merseyside Production Fund/ bfi / Rouge Film Approaching Fish Prods/ HBO 3.50 0.152 2.00 0.709 0.66 0.050 1.00 x 2.40 0.006 Vol-au-Vent Carnival Films/ Granada/ Rank/ Production Line John McKenzie Prods/ Winchester Films 1.20 x You Can Keep the Animals Sterling/ Winchester 1.00 x Something to Believe In Stella Does Tricks Twin Town Under the Skin Unknown Things Up on the Roof The STATS: Film Production Compulsive Viewing/ bfi / Sidewalk/ Channel x - unreleased * estimated figure Total Number of Films 55 Total Cost £128.48m Average Cost £2.34m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 114 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1996 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies The Brave Recorded Picture Co/ Majestic/ Gaja/ Bac/ BMG/ Mikado Sarah Radclyffe Prods/ Septieme Prods/ Fox Searchlight Scala/ Pilgrim Films/ Ima Films/ Pandora/ Channel Four/ BSkyB/ Arts Council of England/ British Screen/ Merseyside Production Fund 6.40 ES/FR/DL 5.00 FR/US 0.123 1.90 FR 0.028 2.10 FR 0.002 Hard Men Intrinsica/ M.P Films/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England Venture Movies/ Ima/ UGC 1.20 FR 0.022 Hostile Waters World Prods/ BBC/ HBO/ UFA/ Flach 4.50 US/FR/DL 1.25 NL 0.022 2.70 CA 0.394 2.50 IE 2.99 ES/FR 0.049 2.00 FR 0.131 3.90 CA 0.649 4.30 FR x 0.90 IN 0.002 3.93 ES 0.203 2.30 FR/DL/NL 0.216 1.90 FR/US/DL/JP 6.40 JP/DL Cousin Bette Downtime Food For Love Budget (£m) House of America September Films/ Bergen Films/ BSkyB/ HTV/ Chrysalis/ ECF/ Dutch Film Fund/ Arts Council of Wales/ British Screen Love and Death on Long Island Skyline/ Imagex/ BBC/ BSkyB/ Telefilm Canada/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Lucan Yellowbill Prods/ Film Eireann/ Screen Partners/ Section 35 Metroland Blue Horizon/ Mact Productions/ Filmania/ BBC/ Canal +/ Pandora/ Arts Council of England/ Eurimages My Son the Fanatic Zephyr Films/ BBC/ UGC/ Arts Council of England Regeneration Rafford Films/ Norstar Entertainment/ BBC/ Arts Council of Scotland The Revenger's Comedies Artisan Films/ Ima/ BBC/ J and M/ Arts Council of England The Sixth Happiness bfi / BBC/ Arts Council/ National Film Development Corp of India Stiff Upper Lips Cavalier Features/ Impact Films/Filmania/ Yorkshire TV/ Chrysalis/ Isle of Man Govt The Tango Lesson Adventure Pictures/ Alpha Film/ Pandora Film/ Sigma Film/ BSkyB/ Arts Council of England/ British Screen/ ECF/ Eurimages/ BadenWurtemburg Filmfond Vicious Circles Scala/ BSkyB/ Pandora/ Trimark/ Senator/ Kazai Wilde Samuelson Prods/ BBC/ BSkyB/ Polygram/ Capitol Films/ Dove International/ NDF/ Pony Canyon/ Pandora Films/ Arts Council of England x - unreleased Total number of films 18 Total Cost £56.67m Average Cost £3.12m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 115 Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 x x x x 1.878 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1996 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies American Werewolf in Paris Delux/ Comet/ Hollywood Pictures/ J and M De Facto Film and Video/ Hindsight/ RTE/ ZDF/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland/ Irish Film Board/Section 35 Koninck/ Athanor/ Delfilm/ ICA/ Eurimages/ Czech and Swiss Govts Illuminations/ Pandora Films/ Arte/ WDR/ ECF/ German State Govts Funding Yellowbill Productions/ Producers Network Assocs/ Concorde New Horizon/ Canadian Govt Funding/ Screen Partners Gemini Films/ Matt Carroll Films/ Village Roadshow/ Australian Film Finance Commission Metronome/ Victoria Films/ Nordic Screen Prod/ TV2/ Danish, Swedish and Norweigan Film Institutes/ Nordic Fund/ Eurimages (UK Locations) Strawberry Vale/ Ocean Films/ Geissendorfer Film/ BSkyB/ Chrysalis/ Irish Film Board/ British Screen/ Eurimages/ ECF/ Section 35 Gambler Prods/ Hungry Eye/ Objektiv Filmstudio/ Channel Four/ KRO TV/UGC/ Dutch Film Fund/ Eurimages/ Cobo Fund 15.60 Jolyon Symonds Prods/ Kinowelt/ SDR/ ECF/ German State Govt Film Boards Jester Films/ Schlemmer Films/ WDR/Nil Films/ Vine International/ Isle of Man Govt Yellowbill Prod/ Hysteria Prods/ August Entertainment/ Screen Partners NTTS Prods/Odessa Film/ M6 Bogwoman The Conspirators of Pleasure Dance of the Wind Deadly Wake Diana and Me Eye of the Eagle The Fifth Province The Gambler Harald The Harpist Hysteria I Love Paris Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 FR/DL/US 1.234 0.62 IE/DL x 0.90 CZR/CH 0.005 0.70 DL 0.058 1.63 CA x 3.80 AU x 2.40 SE/DK/NO x 1.60 IE/DL x 3.90 NL/HU/FR 1.75 DL x 2.30 DL x 4.20 CA x 0.022 10.00 FR x 1.80 GR 0.662 6.50 DL/DK 1.00 ZA 0.023 1.60 FR 0.002 2.60 FR/BE 0.410 0.42 CZR x The Matchmaker Treasure/ BBC/ Irish Film Board/ RTE/ Euskal April Prods/ Connexion/ M and M/ WDR/ Moonstone Ent/ Eurimages/ FNW/ Nordic Fund/ Danish Film Institute Parallax Films/ Xencat Films/ Channel Four Polar/ Noe Productions/ BSkyB/ Canal +/ Sales Co/ EDF/ CNC Freeway Films/ Haut et Court/ WFE/ La Sept/ TF1/ Canal +/ RTBF/ CNC/ ECF/ Eurimages Hamilton Prods/ Kopecky Group/ Kratky Film Working Title/ Polygram/ Section 35 6.10 IE x Miss Monday Metopolitan Films/ Sunny Side Up 0.65 JP x The Opium War Film City 6.00 HK x Meridian/ Artisan Films/ Dalton Films/ Fox Searchlight/ Australian Film Finance Corp Painted Angels Greenpoint/ Shaftesbury Films/ Heartland/ BBC/ BSkyB/ CFP/ British Screen/ Telefilm Rhinoceros Hunting in Budapest Serious Pictures/ Davis Films/ KanZaman 7.60 AU 0.280 4.00 CA 0.012 0.90 FR x The Serpent's Kiss 8.40 FR/DL/IE x Spanish Fly Red Parrott/ Nes Filmproduktion/ Berryer/ Canal +/Z DF /J and M/ Eurimages/ Section 35 Pinnacle/ Parallel/ Star Line 2.25 ES x Sweet Sixteen Nehetan International 3.00 IN x Welcome to Woop-Woop Scala/ Unthank Prods/ Samuel Goldwyn Co/ Australian Film Finance Commission Handmade Films/ Paragon Entertainment/ CFP/ Hollywood Pictures 5.00 AU x 5.15 CA x I Went Down The Island on Bird Street Jump the Gun Kini and Adams Ma Vie en Rose Mandragora Oscar and Lucinda The Wrong Guy BFI Information Services x - unreleased 116 * estimated figure Total Number of Films 30 Total Cost £112.37m * x * The Matchmaker Sales Co/ EDF/ CNC Freeway Films/ Haut et Court/ WFE/ La 2.60 Sept/ TF1/ Canal +/ RTBF/ CNC/ ECF/ Eurimages Hamilton Kopecky Group/Production Kratky 0.42 TheProds/ STATS: Film Film Working Title/ Polygram/ Section 35 6.10 IE x Miss Monday Metopolitan Films/ Sunny Side Up 0.65 JP x The Opium War Film City 6.00 HK x Meridian/ Artisan Films/ Dalton Films/ Fox Searchlight/ Australian Film Finance Corp Painted Angels Greenpoint/ Shaftesbury Films/ Heartland/ BBC/ BSkyB/ CFP/ British Screen/ Telefilm Rhinoceros Hunting in Budapest Serious Pictures/ Davis Films/ KanZaman 7.60 AU 0.280 4.00 CA 0.012 0.90 FR x The Serpent's Kiss 8.40 FR/DL/IE x Spanish Fly Red Parrott/ Nes Filmproduktion/ Berryer/ Canal +/Z DF /J and M/ Eurimages/ Section 35 Pinnacle/ Parallel/ Star Line 2.25 ES x Sweet Sixteen Nehetan International 3.00 IN x Welcome to Woop-Woop Scala/ Unthank Prods/ Samuel Goldwyn Co/ Australian Film Finance Commission Handmade Films/ Paragon Entertainment/ CFP/ Hollywood Pictures 5.00 AU x 5.15 CA x Ma Vie en Rose Mandragora Oscar and Lucinda The Wrong Guy x - unreleased * estimated figure Total Number of Films 30 Total Cost £112.37m Average Cost £3.74m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 117 FR/BE 0.410 CZR x The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1996 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Amy Foster The Apocalypse Watch Tapson Steel/ Canal +/ Sony/ Arts Council of Wales Watch Prods/ABC/ Hallmark 30.00 x Event Horizon Impact/ Paramount 29.00 3.610 Eyes Wide Shut Hobby Films/ Warner Bros 50.00 5.259 Fairytale - A True Story Icon Prods/ Wendy Finerman Prods/ Paramount Sony/ Zalman/ Gaumont(France) 11.00 2.467 The Fifth Element Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 9.20 0.049 50.00 7.089 1.60 52.232 11.12 0.605 26.00 1.141 8.00 0.033 30.00 4.918 13.00 0.222 19.00 0.632 2.60 0.237 13.00 x 30.00 2.464 5.00 0.334 Renaissance/ Miramax 8.70 2.247 The Winter Guest Pressman-Lipper/ Capitol/ Film Four/ Fine Line/ Arts Council of Scotland 5.00 0.251 Number of Films 19 Total Cost £352.22m Average Cost £18.53m The Full Monty Hamlet Bodger Films/ Redwave Films/ Fox Searchlight Fishmonger/ Castle Rock In Love and War New Line Incognito Jackal ReProductions/ Morgan Creek/ Warner Brothers Universal The Man Who Knew Too Little Polar/ Warner Bros Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation Outworld/ Threshold/ New Line Mrs Dalloway The Saint Overseas Group/ Bergen Film/ BBC/ Bill Shepherd Prods Lakeshore/ Summit/ Constantin(Germany)/ Entertainment Paramount Welcome to Sarajevo Dragon/ Channel Four/ Miramax The Wings of the Dove Prince Valiant UK Film Production 1996 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. The Education of Little Tree Allied Filmmakers/ Largo Entertainment 8.30 x Evita 40.00 14.212 Extreme Measures Robert Stigwood Organisation/ Cinergi/ Dirty Hands/ Paramount Simian Films/ Castle Rock 22.00 1.194 Fargo Working Title/ Polygram 4.80 1.674 Lawn Dogs Toledo Pictures/ Rank 5.15 0.063 A Life Less Ordinary Figment Films/Channel Four/ Polygram/ Fox Hungry Eye/ Trijbits and Worrell/ Spelling/ Fine Line 7.70 3.518 4.10 0.18 Roseanna's Grave x - unreleased Total Number of Films 7 Total Cost £92.05m Average Cost £13.15m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 118 The STATS: Film Production EC Film Production 1996 Country No. of Films (inc. Co-Prods) Austria n/a n/a Belgium 8 35.1 Denmark 21 39.2 Finland 10 4.7 France 134 634.7 Germany 63 258.6 Greece n/a n/a Ireland 18 83.9 Italy 99 247.3 Luxembourg 0 0.0 Netherlands 16 5.4 Portugal Spain Sweden 8 4.2 91 155.3 31 71.0 UK 128 741.4 Total EU 627 $2,280.80 Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services Investment ($m) 119 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1995's UK Films? Distribution of 1995 UK Productions and foreign films made in the UK Released Theatrically in 1995/96 Beautiful Thing Portrait of a Lady Brassed Off The Secret Agent Breaking the Waves Swann The Bruce Crimetime Total Eclipse Trojan Eddie Dead Man Walking The Woodlanders The Eighth Day Emma GoldenEye Distribution deal but no set release date The Disappearance of Finbar The Grotesque A Further Gesture The Hollow Reed I Love You - I Love You Not In the Bleak Midwinter The Killer Tongue Jude This is the Sea The Last of the High Kings Virtual Terror A Midsummer Night's Dream Mission Impossible No Current Distribution Deal The Muppet Treasure Island Bob's Weekend Nothing Personal 101 Dalmatians The Butterfly Effect The Castle of Monkeys Othello Caught in the Act The Pillow Book Crossing the Border (Different for Girls) The Adventures of Pinocchio Richard III The Crows of St Vincent Driven Secrets and Lies Firelight Sense and Sensibility Killing Time Small Faces A Lift to Heaven Stealing Beauty My Friend Joe Surviving Picasso The Ogre Trainspotting Respect Twelfth Night Robert Ryland's Last Journey When Saturday Comes Snakes and Ladders The Wind in the Willows Spaghetti Slow Sweet Angel Mine Released in 1997 Two Blind Mice Alive and Kicking (Indian Summer) Blood and Wine The Boy from Mercury Straight to Video Proteus The Brylcreem Boys Carla's Song Straight to TV Chinese Portraits Deadly Voyage Fierce Creatures Intimate Relations Guardians The Proposition Kolya (Kid) The Near Room* Nil By Mouth Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 120 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1996 Title Arts Council of England Features Amy Foster Bent Captain Jack Downtime Die Enfuhrung aud dem Serail The Haunted Woman Keep the Aspidistra Flying A Kind of Hush Land Girls Love is the Devil Metroland My Son, the Fanatic Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) 2,000,000 561,000 9,750,000 768,898 550,000 795,846 1,000,000 750,000 1,500,000 364,551 865,000 750,000 9,210,526 2,011,000 3,500,000 1,569,796 4,600,000 2,836,732 3,230,000 2,200,000 5,500,000 1,000,000 2,810,000 1,500,000 Nana Peggy Su! Photographing Fairies Raving Beauties The Revenger's Comedies The Secret Laughter of Women The Sixth Happiness The Slab Boys The Tango Lesson Wilde The Wisdom of Crocodiles Awards Sub-Total: Shorts The Albatross The Cull Dancing in the Ruins The Florist The Future Lasts a Long Time The Gift Glottis Johnny Panic Keep in a Dry Place and Away From Children 160,000 500,000 890,000 544,820 950,000 900,000 469,727 500,000 690,000 1,500,000 950,000 £19,303,824 300,000 1,091,766 3,600,000 1,650,952 4,302,836 3,200,000 940,000 2,200,000 2,305,490 5,600,000 4,000,000 Pride Princess The Queen's Monastery Season's Greetings Seeing Things The Sweet Life Awards Sub-Total: Total Awards: 12,500 30,515 30,000 19,566 25,000 27,487 £369,880 £19,673,704 23,000 49,922 27,500 21,000 25,000 22,640 18,000 23,250 14,500 Arts Council of Scotland Features Follow the Moonstone The Life of Stuff Regeneration The Silver Darlings BFI Information Services 90,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 121 78,000 100,000 55,631 42,000 50,000 36,000 46,500 30,000 29,233 60,000 68,969 39,132 54,974 183,000 2,000,000 3,200,000 6,500,000 The STATS: National Lottery The Slab Boys 500,000 2,200,000 Until We Meet Again 65,000 169,000 Untitled Bill Forsyth 1,000,000 3,200,000 500,000 4,500,000 The Winter Guest World of Moss 1,000,000 Awards Sub-Total: Shorts £6,965,000 - Angelou on Burns 90,000 The Beauty of the Common Tool 10,000 23,000 The Butterfly Man Dancing, Some Days 95,000 10,000 200,000 23,000 Darkness in the Afternoon 45,000 60,000 Dead Eye Dick 10,000 23,000 Dead Sea Reels Fantoosh 10,000 10,000 55,000 23,000 Flight 40,000 155,000 49 Bodhisattvas 26,500 60,000 Hard Nut - A Love Story 10,000 23,000 Here's Johnny Initiation 10,000 10,000 23,000 55,000 In Search of Eric Campbell 29,210 60,000 The Lucky Suit 10,000 33,000 Poor Angels 10,000 135,000 The Star 10,000 55,000 The Whirlpool 10,000 35,000 Awards Sub-Total: 190,000 £445,710 Total Awards: £7,410,710 Arts Council of Wales Features Darklands 250,000 The Heather Mountain 1,000,000 45,131 600,000 2,000 1,000,000 The Mountain People 250,000 1,000,000 Solomon and Gaenor Awards Total: 250,000 £4,800,000 1,200,000 K (development) Arts Council of Northern Ireland Features Bogwoman 150,000 750,000 Sunset Heights 200,000 1,500,000 Awards Sub-Total: 350,000 Shorts Elsewhere 24,183 48,000 Dah Dit Dah 15,000 60,000 The Freesia of Eden 20,000 58,500 Friends in Need Serve Cold 25,000 25,000 110,000 60,000 30,000 64,481 Still Life Awards Sub-Total: £139,183 Total Awards: £489,183 Source: Arts Councils/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 122 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1996 Age Group 7 to 14 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE No. of People (million) 5.77 7.19 9.16 29.63 25.42 26.33 Twice a month or more 11% 17% 7% 2% 7% 4% Once a month 15% 22% 12% 5% 11% 8% Once every 2/3 months 27% 24% 22% 7% 17% 11% 2/3 times a year 27% 20% 23% 13% 18% 17% 9% 7% 15% 13% 13% 11% 6% 95% 4% 94% 9% 88% 18% 58% 14% 80% 13% 64% Once a Year Less Often Total who ever go to the cinema Source: Screen Finance/CAA/Caviar BFI Information Services 15 to 24 123 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1996 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) Trainspotting PolyGram UK 12,331,224 Brassed Off FilmFour International UK 2,873,429 The Wind in the Willows Guild UK 1,274,662 Jude PolyGram UK 1,005,060 When Saturday Comes Guild UK 727,142 Beautiful Thing Film Four UK 479,798 Small Faces Guild UK 391,492 Withnail and I (reissue) Feature Film Co UK 253,280 True Blue FilmFour UK 149,532 August FilmFour UK 124,604 The Innocent Sleep Starlight UK 109,219 Boston Kickout First Independent UK 57,000 Stonewall Metro/Tartan UK 49,301 A Midsummer Night's Dream FilmFour UK 9,156 The Bruce The Bruce PLC UK 8,300 Madagascar Skin ICA UK 7,401 Persuasion Winstone UK 7,291 Brothers in Trouble bfi UK 6,422 Two Deaths Metro/Tartan UK 4,388 Dracula (reissue) Barbican UK 3,411 The Grotesque Starlight UK 3,280 Glastonbury: The Movie Starlight UK 1,283 UK Films 22 titles £19,876,675 US/UK Films Mission Impossible UIP US/UK 18,351,333 Sense and Sensibility Columbia TriStar US/UK 13,615,691 101 Dalmatians Buena Vista US/UK 13,436,041 Emma Buena Vista US/UK 5,153,762 Muppet Treasure Island Buena Vista US/UK 3,032,663 Dead Man Walking PolyGram US/UK 2,790,751 Fargo PolyGram US/UK 1,523,014 Richard III Guild US/UK 844,592 Moonlight and Valentino PolyGram US/UK 670,561 Twelfth Night Entertainment US/UK 633,561 Othello Rank US/UK 488,368 Restoration Buena Vista US/UK 292,293 Balto UIP US/UK 235,477 I Shot Andy Warhol Electric US/UK 100,219 Surviving Picasso Warner Brothers US/UK 96,120 A Month by the Lake Buena Vista US/UK 91,280 Mary Reilly Columbia TriStar US/UK 24,531 American Buffalo FilmFour US/UK 15,552 A Feast of July Buena Vista US/UK 6,695 19 titles BFI Information Services 61,402,504 124 The STATS: Cinema UK Co-Production The Adventures of Pinnochio PolyGram UK/FR/DE/CZR/US 1,850,746 Secrets and Lies FilmFour UK/FR 1,728,642 Jane Eyre Guild UK/IT/FR/US 1,167,305 Stealing Beauty Twentieth Century Fox IT/UK/FR 889,899 The Van Twentieth Century Fox IE/UK 884,749 The Pillow Book FilmFour UK/NL/FR/LU 418,490 Last of the High Kings First Independent UK/IE/DK 312,235 Antonia's Line Guild UK/NL/BE 181,742 Mute Witness Columbia TriStar UK/DL/RU 162,779 The Rainbow First Independent UK/CA 117,460 Le Confessional Artificial Eye CAQ/UK/FR 102,463 Nothing Personal FilmFour UK/IE 97,305 The Eighth Day PolyGram UK/FR/BE 95,858 Une Femme Francaise Guild UK/FR/DL 50,133 The Hollow Reed FilmFour UK/DL 48,301 Rough Magic Twentieth Century Fox FR/UK 22,379 The Passion of Darkly Noon Entertainment UK/DL/BE 18,369 Crimetime First Independent UK/US/DL 13,127 All Men are Mortal Warner Brothers UK/FR/NL 7,071 Loaded Blue Dolphin UK/NZ 3,783 Total: £88,540,627 20 titles £8,172,836 Source: EDI/bfi Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1996 Title Country of Origin Distributor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Independence Day Toy Story Se7en Mission Impossible Twister Sense and Sensibility 101 Dalmatians Jumanji Trainspotting US US US US/UK US US/UK US/UK US UK Twentieth Century Fox Buena Vista Entertainment UIP UIP Columbia TriStar Buena Vista Columbia TriStar PolyGram 37.01 22.16 19.51 18.35 14.90 13.54 13.44 13.27 12.33 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Nutty Professor The Hunchback of Notre Dame Heat The Rock Star Trek: First Contact DragonHeart Michael Collins Twelve Monkeys James and the Giant Peach The First Wives Club Phenomenon US US US US US US US US US US US UIP Buena Vista Warner Brothers Buena Vista UIP UIP Warner Brothers PolyGram Guild UIP Buena Vista 12.21 10.68 9.60 8.23 7.27 6.64 6.46 6.36 5.79 5.63 5.49 Source: EDI BFI Information Services 125 Box Office Gross (£m) The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1996 County Titles Box Office Gross (£) % US UK/US UK UK Co. E.U Other Co. Rest of World (Eng.) Rest of World (For.) 154 19 22 20 28 12 4 5 329,596,913 61,402,504 19,876,675 8,172,836 2,770,321 2,047,045 2,028,874 156,947 77.36 14.41 4.67 1.91 0.65 0.48 0.47 0.04 Total 264 £426,052,115 Source: EDI/Screen Finance/bfi US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US in 1996 Title US Distributor Trainspotting Miramax 16.52 Secrets and Lies October 5.94 Cold Comfort Farm Gramercy 5.68 Jane Eyre Miramax 5.20 Stealing Beauty Fox Searchlight 4.72 Antonia's Line* First Look 4.22 Angels and Insects Goldwyn 3.41 Breaking the Waves* October 1.06 Wallace and Gromit Northern Arts 0.91 Margaret's Museum* Malo 0.73 The Young Poisoner's Handbook CFP 0.58 Twelfth Night NLC 0.55 The Eighth Day* CFP 0.42 * Minority UK Co-Production Does not include US studio films made in the UK. Source: Variety BFI Information Services 126 Box Office Gross($m) The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films 1996 Title Distributor Production Country(ies) 1 Horseman on the Roof Artificial Eye FR 443,102 2 Nelly & Mr Arnoud Guild FR/IT/DL 398,699 3 Flower of My Secret Electric ES/FR 331,843 4 French Twist Guild FR 340,429 5 Antonia's Line Guild NE/BE/GB 181,742 6 When the Cat's Away Artficial Eye FR 168,138 7 Les Miserables Waner FR 140,372 8 A Summer's Tale Artificial Eye FR 120,070 9 Underground Artificial Eye 112,751 10 Les Rendez-vous de Paris Artificial Eye HU/FR/DL FR 11 Ulysses' Gaze Artificial Eye GR/FR/IT 104,095 12 Le Confessional Artificial Eye CAQ/GB/FR 102,463 13 The Eighth Day PolyGram FR/BE/GB 95,858 14 Fallen Angels Electric HK 89,429 15 Le Bonheur Guild FR 77,910 16 The Tit and the Moon Metro ES/FR 61,425 17 Beaumarchais Artificial Eye FR 54,776 18 Cyclo Entertainment VN/FR 50,967 19 Une Femme Francaise Guild FR/DL/GB 50,133 20 Memories of Underdevelopment Metro CU 32,667 Source: EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 127 Box Office Gross(£) 106,257 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1996 Distributor Titles Box Office Gross (£) UIP 29 94,669,115 Buena Vista 26 89,900,905 20th Century Fox 16 57,518,416 Columbia 13 41,593,200 Warner 20 38,178,590 104 £321,860,226 Entertainment 20 39,131,233 Polygram 21 31,875,282 Guild 15 13,391,257 Film Four 14 6,070,476 Rank First Independent 10 9 6,025,751 2,687,785 Artificial Eye 19 2,461,912 8 1,622,882 10 294,917 Feature Film Co. 3 279,915 Timedial 1 109,219 Starlight 6 52,911 Gala 4 52,696 Arrow 1 25,572 ICA 5 25,328 Winstone 4 24,107 bfi 1 19,131 The Bruce PLC 1 8,300 BBC/Winstone 1 7,291 AFC Contemporary 1 1 5,329 4,519 Barbican 1 4,194 Rank/Polygram 1 3,834 Blue Dolphin 1 3,783 NFT 1 2,984 Clarence 1 Total (US Majors) Electric Metro 160 £104,191,889 Total 264 £426,052,115 Source: EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 1,281 Total (independents) 128 The STATS: Cinema Most Profitable Films of 1996 Title Production Company(ies) Worldwide Box Office ($m) Budget ($m) Profit to Cost Ratio Trainspotting The Postman Miramax/Channel Four 72.1 3.5 20.6 Miramax/BVI** 80.5 4.5 Se7en New Line** 17.9 309.1 26.0 Independence Day 11.9 Twentieth Century Fox* 785 70.0 11.2 Leaving Las Vegas MGM/UGC** 49.8 4.6 10.8 Toy Story Buena Vista** 358.8 35.0 10.3 Rumble in the Bronx New Line/Golden Harvest 75.8 7.5 10.1 Babe Universal 245.9 25.0 9.8 Secret Lies October/CB 2000 39.6 4.5 8.8 Dangerous Minds Buena Vista** 179.5 23.0 7.8 Microcosmos Miramax/President* 26.8 3.5 7.6 Sense and Sensibility Sony 134.1 18.0 7.4 Welcome to the Dollhouse Sony Classics/Alliance 5.9 0.8 7.4 Dead Man Walking Gramercy/PolyGram 80.1 11.0 7.3 The First Wives Club Paramount* 169.0 26.0 6.5 Scream Miramax* 71.4 12.0 5.9 Fargo Gramercy/PolyGram 43.9 7.5 5.8 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Buena Vista 318.4 55.0 5.8 Twister Warner Brothers/Universal 495.4 88.0 5.6 Antonia's Line First Look/Sales Co. 12.9 2.5 5.2 * Still in release. ** Distributed in 1995. Source: ©Variety Inc BFI Information Services 129 The STATS: Video Video Sell - Through Company Market Share by Volume 1996 (%) Top 10 Rental Videos in the UK 1996 Title Distributor 1 Braveheart Fox Guild 2 Seven EV 3 Die Hard with a Vengeance Buena Vista 4 Bad Boys Columbia TriStar 5 Waterworld CIC 6 Trainspotting PolyGram 7 The Usual Suspects PolyGram 8 Apollo 13 CIC 9 Heat Warner 10 Babe CIC Company % 1 Buena Vista 16.3 2 PolyGram 15.6 3 Warner/MGM 11.4 4 CIC 9.1 5 VCI 8.7 6 BBC 8.4 7 Columbia TriStar 6.3 8 Fox 6.2 9 Carlton 1.8 10 BMG Source: BVA 1.4 Source: BVA/CIN Top 20 Retail Titles in the UK 1996 Title Distributor 1 Toy Story Buena Vista 2 101 Dalmatians Buena Vista 3 Lord of the Dance VVL 4 Babe CIC 5 Pocahontas Buena Vista 6 Braveheart Fox 7 Sleeping Beauty Buena Vista 8 Sense and Sensibility Columbia 9 Trainspotting PolyGram 10 Jumanji Columbia 11 They Think it's All Over BBC 12 The X Files - File 1 Fox Video 13 Oasis - There and Then Sony 14 GoldenEye MGM 15 Roy Chubby Brown PolyGram 16 Les Miserables in Concert VCI 17 Nick Hancock's Football Nightmares VVL 18 Riverdance - The New Show VCI 19 Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave BBC 20 Robson and Jerome - Joking Apart BMG Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) Company Warner/MGM CIC Buena Vista Fox Guild Columbia TriStar PolyGram EV First Independent High Fliers Medusa Source: BVA Source: BVA BFI Information Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 130 % 18.7 16.4 14.4 14.0 13.1 11.9 6.4 3.0 1.2 0.4 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Company Hours :Minutes Anglia 226 :00 Border 2 :40 Carlton 150 :00 Central 242 :00 Channel Grampian Granada 3 :00 1 :52 553 :00 HTV 21 :30 LWT 265 :00 Meridian STV 46 :32 133 :00 Tyne Tees 79 :00 Ulster - Westcountry 1 :40 Yorkshire 194 :00 Source: ITC Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1996 Title Tx Date Audience (m) 1 Only Fools and Horses 29-Dec 24.3 BBC1 2 Coronation Street 28-Feb 19.8 ITV 3 Casualty 24-Feb 18.1 BBC1 4 Eastenders 7-Oct 17.9 BBC1 5 A Touch of Frost 4-Feb 17.6 ITV 6 Heartbeat 8-Dec 17.6 ITV 7 One Foot in the Grave 26-Dec 17.5 BBC1 8 Football: England vs Germany 26-Jun 17.5 BBC1 9 You've Been Framed 27-Oct 17.3 ITV 10 National Lottery Live 6-Jan 16.6 BBC1 11 London's Burning 13-Oct 16.6 ITV 12 The Bill 26-Jan 16.4 ITV 13 News 20-Oct 16.1 ITV 14 Jurassic Park 25-Dec 15.7 BBC1 15 Grandstand 22-Jun 15.6 BBC1 16 The Vicar of Dibley 25-Dec 15.1 BBC1 17 Ballykissangel 20-Mar 15.0 BBC1 18 Football: England vs Spain 22-Jun 14.9 BBC1 19 Emmerdale 8-Feb 14.8 ITV 20 Inspector Morse 28-Nov 14.8 ITV Only top rated episodes of each series are included. Source: BARB/RTS/bfi BFI Information Services 131 Channel The STATS: Television Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1996 Including soap operas, serials and TV Movies. Ratings are for highest rated episode of each drama during 1996. Title Producer/Sponsor Tx Date Audience (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28-Feb 24-Feb 7-Oct 4-Feb 8-Dec 13-Oct 26-Jan 20-Mar 8-Feb 28-Nov 20-Oct 8-Dec 24-Mar 23-Feb 30-Apr 22-Feb 26-Jan 25-Feb 28-Oct 19-Jan 19.8 18.1 17.9 17.6 17.6 16.6 16.4 15.0 14.8 14.8 14.5 13.3 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.9 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.5 Coronation Street Casualty Eastenders A Touch of Frost Heartbeat London's Burning The Bill Ballykissangel Emmerdale Inspector Morse Prime Suspect 5 Moll Flanders Band of Gold The Girl Peak Practice Silent Witness Ruth Rendell Mysteries: Simisola The Sculptress Cracker: The White Ghost Tide of Life Granada BBC BBC Yorkshire Yorkshire LWT Thames/Carlton BBC Yorkshire Zenith/Central Granada Granada Granada Tyne Tees Central BBC Meridian BBC Granada Tyne Tees Source: BARB/RTS/bfi Television Advertising 1996 £m Net TV Advertising Revenue 2400 Consists of ITV 1728 C4 480 Cable and Satellite 192 In addition total sponsorship income 31 Source: ITC BFI Information Services 132 Prelude to a Kiss 9-Nov 2.8 16-Nov 1.9 2-Dec 6.3 9-Dec 2.9 Giving Tongue 16-Dec 2.7 Cruel Train 22-Dec 2.2 Dallas Doll* Brazen Hussies The STATS: Television King Girl UK TV Films Premiered 1996 Channel Four Single films over 60 minutes long, not including mini-series. Tx Date BARB Rating (m) 3-Jan 0.5 A Pin for a Butterfly 16-Jan 0.6 Welcome II the Terrordome 25-Jun 0.5 Christmas 1-Sep 0.8 Holed 8-Sep 1.4 ITV Heartstones The One that Got Away Some Kind of Life Poldark Real Money 1-Jan 10.6 Guardians 15-Sep 0.8 18-Feb 10.9 7.8 In Custody* 11-Nov 0.5 The Madness of King George* 25-Nov 4.9 Ladybird, Ladybird* 28-Nov 2.4 5-Dec 1.8 11-Aug 2-Oct 8.0 28-Oct 9-Nov 10.8 7.8 Backbeat* Bhaji on the Beach* 12-Dec 2.1 24-Nov 27-Nov 11.3 Shopping* 19-Dec 2.1 5-Dec 7.7 Respect 17-Dec 6.7 The Treasure Seekers 25-Dec 2.9 Element of Doubt 30-Dec 8.9 Cuts 31-Dec 4.7 Cracker - The White Ghost Kiss and Tell Jane Austen's Emma Inspector Morse: The Daughters of Cain Hillsborough BBC1 Trip Trap 14.8 9-Mar 10.2 10-Mar 3.7 5-Apr 6-Apr 7.1 6.1 Lord of Misrule Killing Me Softly 5-May 7-Jul 7.2 8.1 Truth or Dare Witness Against Hitler Eskimo Day Deep Secrets 31-Aug 7.0 BBC2 Half the Picture 18-Feb 0.8 Captives* 11-May 3.3 A Man of No Importance* The Cement Garden* 18-May 25-May 1.0 2.6 Bad Boy Blues 1-Jun 1.4 The Precious Blood Crossing the Floor 8-Jun 5-Oct 2.5 3.0 Deadly Voyage 12-Oct 1.9 Loving Flowers of the Forest 19-Oct 26-Oct 3.2 2.3 Look Me in the Eye 2-Nov 2.4 Prelude to a Kiss Dallas Doll* 9-Nov 16-Nov 2.8 1.9 Brazen Hussies King Girl 2-Dec 9-Dec 6.3 2.9 Giving Tongue 16-Dec 2.7 Cruel Train Channel Four 22-Dec 2.2 Real Money 3-Jan 0.5 16-Jan 25-Jun 0.6 0.5 Christmas 1-Sep 0.8 Holed Guardians 8-Sep 15-Sep 1.4 0.8 In Custody* 11-Nov 0.5 The Madness of King George* Ladybird, Ladybird* 25-Nov 28-Nov 4.9 2.4 Backbeat* Bhaji on the Beach* 5-Dec 12-Dec 1.8 2.1 Shopping* 19-Dec 2.1 A Pin for a Butterfly Welcome II the Terrordome * have had a theatrical release in the UK. BFI Information Services Source: BARB/bfi * have had a theatrical release in the UK. Source: BARB/bfi 133 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestial TV in 1996 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Jurassic Park US 1993 BBC1 15.72 2 Cliffhanger US 1993 BBC1 12.68 3 Beethoven US 1992 BBC1 12.29 4 Forever Young US 1992 ITV 11.32 5 Sleepless in Seattle US 1993 ITV 11.17 6 Father of the Bride US 1991 ITV 10.95 7 Curly Sue US 1991 ITV 10.47 8 Sister Act US 1992 ITV 10.28 9 Passenger 57 US 1992 ITV 10.05 10 Never Say Never Again US 1983 BBC1 9.98 11 For Your Eyes Only US/UK 1981 ITV 9.86 12 Free Willy US 1993 BBC1 9.79 13 Crocodile Dundee 2 US 1988 ITV 9.64 14 The Firm US 1993 BBC1 9.57 15 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves US 1991 BBC1 9.47 16 Die Hard US 1988 ITV 9.31 17 A Few Good Men US 1992 ITV 9.20 18 The Naked Gun 2 1/2 US 1991 BBC1 9.19 19 Groundhog Day US 1993 ITV 9.18 20 Honey I Blew Up the Kid US 1992 ITV 9.14 Source: Screen Finance/BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 134 Rating (m) 1997 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 -1997 UK Film Production 1997 - Category A UK Film Production 1997 - Category B UK Film Production 1997 - Category C UK Film Production 1997 - Category D UK Film Production 1997 - Category E EC Film Production 1997 Types of Release for UK Films 1996 What Happened to 1996's UK Films 136 137 139 140 141 141 142 142 143 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions and Production Projects by National Lottery Awards 1997 145 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going1997 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1997 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1997 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US 1997 Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in 1997 Top 20 Films at the Worldwide Box Office 1997 Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe in 1997 Top 20 Admissions of European Films Distributed in Europe in 1997 Breakdown Of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1997 Most Profitable Films of 1997 147 148 150 151 151 152 152 153 154 156 156 VIDEO Top 10 Rental Videos in the UK 1997 Distributor Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 1997 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1997 Video Sell-through Company Market Share by Volume 1997 (%) 157 157 157 157 TELEVISION ITV Companies Programme Supply to Network 1997 Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestial Channels 1997 Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1997 Television Advertising Revenue 1997 UK TV Films Premiered 1997 Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestial TV in 1997 158 158 159 159 160 161 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1997 Year Titles Produced Current prices (£m) Production Cost £m (1997prices) 1981 24 61.2 130.7 1982 40 141.1 277.7 1983 51 251.1 472.7 1984 53 270.4 480.5 1985 54 269.4 455.3 1986 41 165.8 271.0 1987 55 195.3 305.8 1988 48 175.2 264.0 1989 30 104.7 145.2 1990 60 217.4 271.8 1991 59 243.2 285.3 1992 47 184.9 208.6 1993 67 224.1 252.9 1994 84 455.2 502.7 1995 78 402.4 441.0 1996 128 741.4 785.0 1997 116 562.8 581.9 Source: bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 136 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1997 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Alien Blood West Coast Films 1.00 x All the Little Animals Recorded Picture Co/ BBC/ British Screen 3.50 0.003 Among Giants 2.50 0.091 2.00 0.062 Beach Boys Kudos/ BBC/ British Screen/Arts Council of England/ Yorkshire Media Prod Fund Formation Films/ Channel Four/Arts Council of England Ragged Films 0.10 x Bedrooms and Hallways Berwin and Dempsey Prods/ BBC 3.00 0.117 Buskers Lyndania Films 0.06 x Captain Jack 3.50 0.017 Comic Act Viva Films/ Granada/ Winchester Films/ Arts Council of England Spider Pictures 1.20 x Crossmaheart Lexington Films/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland 0.52 x Dad Savage Sweet Child Films/ PolyGram 3.50 0.0015 Day Release Bolt-On Media 0.25 x The Devil’s Snow Eye-Cue Prods 0.03 x Dirty British Boys Firestorm Pictures 1.00 x Don't Go Breaking My Heart Bill Kenwright Films 5.00 1.019 Elizabeth Working Title/ Channel Four 13.00 5.537 Fast Food Fast Food Films 1.00 0.003 The Final Cut Fugitive Features 1.00 0.105 Get Real Graphite Films/ B Sky B/ Distant Horizon/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Granada/ ITV/ Showtime 1.80 0.151 3.00 0.718 2.80 0.137 Guru in Seven Parallax Pictures/ BBC/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Balhar Prods/ Ratpack Films 0.10 0.020 Hard Edge DMS Films 0.85 x Heart Granada 5.00 0.034 Hilary and Jackie 4.90 1.041 I Want You Oxford Film Co/ Channel Four/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Revolution Films 3.00 0.017 Jilting Joe Warner Sisters/ BBC Scotland/ British Screen 1.00 x The Jolly Boys Last Stand Jolly Pics/ Bigger Picture Company/ Function Films 0.10 0.002 Keep the Aspidistra Flying 4.00 0.111 2.20 0.006 Laid Up Bonaparte Films/ UBA/ Sentinel Films/ Arts Council of England The First Film Co/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Rented Films 0.02 x The Last Seduction 2 Specific Films/ Ty Cefn/ Polygram 1.50 x The Life of Stuff 2.00 0.001 Love is the Devil Prairie Pictures/ BBC/ Scottish Arts Council/ Glasgow Film Fund State Films/ bfi / BBC/ Arts Council of England 1.00 0.277 Lucia Lexington Films 1.00 0.002 Martha Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence Middleton's Changeling Banshee/ Channel Four 3.00 1.366 High Time 1.60 0.001 Mistress of the Craft Armadillo Films 0.80 x Orphans 1.70 0.413 Parting Shots Antonine Green Bridge Prods/ Channel Four/ Scottish Arts Council/ Glasgow Film Fund Scimitar Films Plunkett and MacLeane Working Title Prometheus Babymother Girls’ Night The Governess A Kind of Hush Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 4.00 0.102 10.00 2.779 1.60 0.006 Red Mercury Holmes Associates/ Michael Kustow Prods/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England Red Mercury Ltd 0.02 x Resurrection Man Revolution Films 3.50 0.121 Rogue Trader David Paradine Prods/ Granada/ Newmarket Capitol Group Shadow Run 7.27 1.025 1.70 x Merchant Ivory/ British Screen 137 Leda Serene/ BBC/ bfi / Arts Council of England 6.20 0.028 1.00 x Spice World:The Movie Fragile Films/PolyGram 4.00 11.402 Sugar,Sugar Sweet Tooth Films 0.60 x Table 5 Raw Talent Prods 0.01 x Shadow Run A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries BFI Information Services Speak Like a Child The STATS: Film Production Orphans Parting Shots Antonine Green Bridge Prods/ Channel Four/ Scottish Arts Council/ Glasgow Film Fund Scimitar Films Plunkett and MacLeane Working Title Prometheus 1.70 0.413 4.00 0.102 10.00 2.779 1.60 0.006 Red Mercury Holmes Associates/ Michael Kustow Prods/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of England Red Mercury Ltd 0.02 x Resurrection Man Revolution Films 3.50 0.121 Rogue Trader 7.27 1.025 Shadow Run David Paradine Prods/ Granada/ Newmarket Capitol Group Shadow Run 1.70 x A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries Merchant Ivory/ British Screen 6.20 0.028 Speak Like a Child Leda Serene/ BBC/ bfi / Arts Council of England 1.00 x Spice World:The Movie Fragile Films/PolyGram 4.00 11.402 Sugar,Sugar Sweet Tooth Films 0.60 x Table 5 Raw Talent Prods 0.01 x Talisman Ealing Touch Film Prods 0.40 x The Theory of Flight BBC/ Distant Horizon 3.00 0.017 The Tichborne Claimant The Bigger Picture Co/ Merseyside Film Prod Fund 3.10 0.101 Time Enough Time Films 0.20 x Titanic Town 3.00 0.026 Tom’s Midnight Garden Company Pictures/ BBC/ British Screen/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland Eastern and Hyperion/ BBC 3.30 0.067 TwentyFourSeven Scala/ BBC 1.40 0.235 Underground Creative Film Sources 0.07 x Understanding Jane DMS Films/ Flashpoint Pictures 0.50 x Up ‘N’ Under 2.00 3.207 Urban Ghost Story Touchdown Films/ Colour Features/ Llanieu Lliew Cyff Living Spirit 0.50 0.004 What Rats Won’t Do Working Title Films 3.00 x The Wisdom of Crocodiles Zenith Prods/ Arts Council of England 3.50 0.019 The Wolves of Kramer Discodog Prods 0.80 x x - unreleased * - estimated figure Total Number of Films Total Cost Average Cost 65 £148.20m £2.28m Source: bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 138 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1997 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Appetite The Alternative Cinema Company/ Loud Mouse/ 101 Films/ Schlemmer Films Little Bird/ Tatfilm/ Channel Four/ WDR Croupier Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 1.53 DL x 3.50 DL 0.582 Working Title/ Film Development Corp/ Alberto Ardissone/ ZDF Divorcing Jack Scala/I ma Films/ BBC/ Arts Council of England/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland Hideous Kinky Greenpoint/ L Films/ BBC/ Arts Council of England The Film Consortium The Land Girls Greenpoint Films/ West 11 Films/ Camera One/ Arena Films/ Channel Four/ Arts Council of Los Angeles Without a Map Dan Films/ Marianna Films/ Euro American Films/ Arts Council of England/ Yorkshire Media Prod Agency/ Finnish Film Foundation The Misadventures of Margaret Lunatics and Lovers/ Granada/ Mandarin/ TF1/ Canal +/ ECF My Name is Joe Parallax Pictures/ Road Movies/ Channel Four/ Arte/ Scottish Arts Council/ Glasgow Film Fund/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen The Nutcracker Prince Sands Films/ IMAX Corporation 1.90 DL 0.001 2.70 FR 0.47 3.00 FR 0.794 5.00 FR 1.574 4.90 FR/FI 4.50 FR 0.004 2.50 DL/FR 0.949 5.00 CA The Sea Change 2.00 ES x 3.40 FR 0.007 2.00 IE 3.40 FR/DL/ES/JP 0.005 3.10 FR 7.055 Dangerous Obsession Winchester Films/ Granite Films/ Sogedesa The Secret Laughter of Women Elba Films/ Paragon Ent/ Septieme/ ECF/ Arts Council of England Sunset Heights Scorpio Prods/ Northlands Film/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland/ Irish Film Board/ Irish Section 35 tax scheme Vigo: A Passion for Life Impact Pictures/ Nitrate Films/ Little Magic/ Mact Films/ Road Movies/ Tomasol/ Channel Four/ Canal +/ Arte/ European Script Fund Waking Ned Tomboy Films/ Gruber Bros/ Mainstream/ Bonaparte/ Canal + x - unreleased Total number of films 15 Total Cost £48.43m Average Cost £3.23m Source: bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 139 x x x The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1997 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies All For Love Little Bird/ Tatfilm/ BBC/ WDR/ Compagnie des Phares et Balises/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland Dayavanti Pictures 3.40 IE/DL x 2.00 IN x 3.70 DL/BE x Crush Proof New Era/ Metropolis/ Saga/ Eurimages/Canal +/ Filmboard Berlin Brendenburg Woodline Films/ Liquid Films/ Continent Films/ ECF 3.00 IE/DL The Dance Oxford Film Co/ Island/ ECF 1.00 IS Dancing at Lughnasa Ferndale/ Pandora/ Sanisa/ Channel Four 7.00 IE/FR/DL 0.872 The General Merlin/J and M IE 1.699 Himalaya - A Chief's Childhood Antelope/ Galatee’ films/ JMH/Canal +/ ECF/ CNC 3.00 FR/CH 0.220 Jinnah Petra Films 3.00 PK The Man With Rain in His Shoes CLT/ Escima/Mandarin/ UFA 2.20 ES/FR/DL On Connait la Chanson Greenpoint Films/ Arena Films/ ECF 5.00 FR/CH Owd Bob Allied Vision/ Kingsborough/ Greenlight Films 3.10 CA x The Real Howard Spitz 4.60 CA 0.012 6.20 CA/IT 0.084 Such a Long Journey Metrodome/Imagex/ Telefilm Canada/ Nova Scotia Development Corp Rhombus Media/ Mikado/ Channel Four/ Telefilm Canada Amy Intl/ Filmworks/ British Screen 1.96 CA x Treasure Island Allied Vision/ Kingsborough/ Greenlight 2.50 CA x Vent de Colere Millenium Films/ CNC/ CLC Prods/ ECF/ RhonesAlpes Cinema/ Conseil General de la Drome 1.30 FR x Arzoo The Commissioner The Red Violin Budget (£m) ^ x - unreleased Total Number of Films 17 Total Cost £52.96m Average Cost £3.11m ^ budget cannot be verified. Source: bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 140 Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 0.012 x x x 0.076 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1997 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies The Avengers Jerry Weintraub Prods/ Warner Brothers Basil Showcase/ Kushner Locke 9.00 x Little Voice Miramax/ Scala 4.20 8.502 2.60 11.784 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Ska Prods/ Steve Tisch/ Paragon Entertainment Barrels Loss of Sexual Innocence Red Mullet/ New Line 2.270 0.017 10.664 Miramax/ Enigma Films/ Scottish Arts Council 3.70 0.028 Meyers-Schyer Prods/ Walt Disney/ Stansbury Prods Dreamworks SKG/ Paramount/ Cloud 9/ Irish Section 35 tax incentives Mirage Enterprises/ Miramax/ British Screen/ Sliding Doors Project Lucasfilm/ Jak Prods 24.00 5.292 50.00 19.234 1.80 12.458 25.00 51.064 United Artists/ Eon Prods/ Danjaq My Life so Far The Parent Trap Star Wars - Episode One: The Phantom Menace Tomorrow Never Dies 45.00 2.40 New Line/ Prelude Pictures Sliding Doors UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 45.00 Lost in Space Saving Private Ryan Budget (£m) 40.00 19.884 Velvet Goldmine Killer Films/ Zenith Prods/ Channel Four 4.50 0.454 Woundings Stone Canyon Ent/ Muse Prods. 2.00 x Total Number of Films 14 Total Cost £259.2m Average Cost £18.51m UK Film Production 1997 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. The Big Lebowski Working Title 13.00 1.893 The HiLo Country Working Title 10.00 0.065 Les Miserables 25.00 0.297 Palookaville Sarah Radclyffe Prods/ Etic/ Mandalay Entertainment Redwave Films/ Playhouse International/ Goldwyn 2.50 0.269 A Price Above Rubies Channel Four/ Miramax 3.50 0.015 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 5 Total Cost £54m Average Cost £10.80m Source: bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 141 The STATS: Film Production EC Film Production 1997 Country Number of Films (inc. Co-Prods) Investment($m) Austria 14 18.4 Belgium 6 19.1 Denmark 23 59.7 Finland 10 16.5 France 163 902.1 Germany 61 346.3 Greece 20 7.1 Ireland 22 111.7 Italy 110 299.1 Luxembourg 5 3.3 Netherlands 15 63 8 5.7 Spain 80 204.4 Sweden 29 76.3 116 929.8 Portugal UK Total EU 682 $3,052.50 Source: Screen Digest Types of Release for UK Films 1996 Proportions of UK films and UK co-productions made in 1996 which achieved: a) a wide release - opening on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production. b) a limited release mainly in arthouse cinemas or a limited West End release within a year of production. c) were unreleased a year after production. (ie 1st Jan 1998) 1996 a) 19% b) 14% c) 67% Source: bfi / Screen Finance/EDI BFI Information Services 142 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1996's UK Films Distribution of 1996 UK productions and foreign films made in the UK. Released theatrically in 1996/7 Straight to Video American Werewolf in Paris Pervirella Bean The Borrowers Distribution deal but no release date Career Girls B Monkey The Conspirators of Pleasure The Education of Little Tree Event Horizon Eyes Wide Shut Evita Food of Love Extreme Measures Mandragora Face The Revengers Comedy Fargo Th e Scar Fever Pitch Spanish Fly The Fifth Element The Full Monty No current distribution deal The Gambler The Apocalypse Watch Hamlet Bogwoman Hard Men Cameleon House of America Diana and Me Incognito Driven I Went Down Dust The Jackal The Eye of the Eagle Jump the Gun The Fifth Province Lawn Dogs Harald The Leading Man The Harpist A Life Less Ordinary I Love Paris Ma Vie en Rose The Island on Bird Street Mrs Brown Julie and the Cadillacs La Passione Kini and Adams Photographing Fairies Let's Stick Together Preaching to the Perverted Long Hot Summer Prince Valiant Made in Japan Regeneration Miss Monday Roseanna’s Grave Monarch The Saint The Opium War The Scarlet Tunic* Peggy Su Shooting Fish Prairie Doves The Slab Boys** Rhinocerous Hunting in Budapest The Tango Lesson Romance and Rejection True Blue The Serpent's Kiss Twin Town The Sixth Happiness Under the Skin Stone Man Up on the Roof Thon Welcome to Sarajevo Unknown Things Wilde Vicious Circles Vol au Vent Welcome to Woop Woop You Can Keep the Animals BFI Information Services 143 The STATS: Film Production No Distribuition Deal (cont) Short run at National Film Theatre Deadline Darklands Deadly Wake Remember Me? Hysteria The Designated Mourner Lucan Pulse Straight to TV The Stringer The Brave Follow the Moonstone Released 1998 Hostile Waters Amy Foster MacBeth Bent The Matchmaker The Big Swap The Tribe Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis The Wrong Guy Cousin Bette Dance of the Wind Downtime Fairytale:A True Story The Girl with Brains in her Feet In Love and War The James Gang Love and Death on Long Island The Man Who Knew Too Little (Watch That Man) Metroland Mojo Monk Dawson Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation Mrs Dalloway My Son the Fanatic Oscar and Lucinda Razor Blade Smile Something to Believe In Stella Does Tricks Stiff Upper Lips The Wings of the Dove The Winter Guest As of June 1998. Source: bfi /EDI BFI Information Services 144 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions and Production Projects by National Lottery Awards 1997 Title Amount of Award(£) Total Budget (£) 665,000 2,300,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND Features Among Giants Babymother A Christmas Carol (Animation)^ 50,000 149,500 800,000 2,700,000 From a View to a Death 1,000,000 2,700,000 Hideous Kinky^ 1,000,000 2,000,000 HOLD BACK THE NIGHT^ 560,000 1,760,000 Jackie 950,000 4,900,000 1,000,000 5,500,000 12,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 4,500,000 870,000 4,900,000 Divorcing Jack Jack Sheppard and Jonathan Wild* JANICE BEARD 45 WPM^ Kin Los Angeles Without a Map The Lost Son^ 2,000,000 6,000,000 Mike Leigh Project 98 2,000,000 13,500,000 Plunkett and Macleane Still Crazy Two Bad Mice (Post-Production) Awards Sub-Total 950,000 9,300,000 1,890,000 7,000,000 117,500 405,960 £24,304,500 Shorts Appeal 23,694 48,592 Insomnia 30,000 60,000 Stiletto 38,000 76,000 Stung 5,974 11,974 Temenos 55,448 Awards Sub-Total £153,116 Projects National Film and Television School improvements in production facilites. 4,492,000 Screen Network 5,000 Awards Sub-Total £4,497,000 TOTAL AWARDS £28,954,616 SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL Features THE ACID HOUSE 170,000 900,000 Blood Relative 500,000 1,500,000 Daybreak 370,000 900,000 My Name is Joe 500,000 2,500,000 450,000 2,600,000 A Pale View of the Hills* Awards Sub-Total £1,990,000 Shorts Lay of the Land 15,000 50,000 Little Sisters 10,000 23,000 The Proposal 15,000 30,000 Awards Sub-Total £40,000 Projects West Highland Animation New TV Series of Films Awards Sub-Total £52,975 52,975 TOTAL AWARDS BFI Information Services £2,082,975 145 105,950 The STATS: National Lottery ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features LAWRENCE OF ARABIA WAS WELSH 10,000 ONE OF THE HOLLYWOOD TEN 28,500 3,100,000 6,000 600,000 Y Mynydd grug (Post Production) Awards Sub-Total £44,500 Shorts Motor Driving Made Easy 13,955 Too Old to Dream 25,619 Awards Sub-Total £39,574 Projects Lluniau Lliw Script Development for a number of features. Teliesyn Development for 2 feature projects. 25,000 120,000 36,000 Awards Sub-Total £156,000 TOTAL AWARDS £240,074 ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Features Cycle of Violence 150,000 520,000 Divorcing Jack 200,000 2,700,000 The King’s Wake (Animation) 60,000 Mad About Mambo 17,525 ON HOLY GROUND 13,000 A PROFUSION OF BLOOD 15,000 St.Ives 100,000 Awards Sub-Total £555,525 Television Amazing Grace (Documentary) 20,000 THE DREAM TEAM 12,000 Flip Sides (Animation) 38,500 MARY ANN 15,150 The Stranger 200,000 Awards Sub-Total £285,650 TOTAL AWARDS £841,175 Key Upper case - Money given for development of this title. * Production postponed after lottery award announced. ^ Money given through franchise for THE FILM CONSORTIUM, one of the three lottery franchise holders for film production announced in May 1997. BFI Information Services 900,000 146 3,500,000 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1997 Age Group 7 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE No.of People (m) 8.14 7.12 9.22 30.6 27.01 28.07 Once a month or more 26% 52% 34% 10% 25% 19% Less than once a month 47% 34% 43% 24% 36% 27% Once a year or less 15% 9% 16% 26% 21% 21% 88% 95% 93% 60% 82% 67% Total who ever go to the Cinema Source: CAVIAR/ Screen Finance BFI Information Services 147 bfi Information Services The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1997 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) Bean Polygram UK 17,902,161 Spiceworld * Polygram UK 8,532,981 The Borrowers * Polygram UK 6,504,140 Shooting Fish Entertainment UK 4,023,825 Fever Pitch FilmFour UK 1,836,141 Face UIP UK 1,158,803 Twin Town Polygram UK 707,265 Career Girls Film Four UK 492,772 Quadrophenia (re-issue) Feature Film UK 266,461 Photographing Fairies Entertainment UK 81,609 Keep The Aspidistra Flying* First Independent UK 75,397 Cold Comfort Farm Feature Film UK 49,045 The Leading Man Pathe UK 46,087 Preaching To The Perverted Entertainment UK 43,536 The Scarlet Tunic * RIT UK 31,623 The Near Room Metrodome UK 29,135 Under The Skin bfi UK 19,807 Alive And Kicking FilmFour UK 19,701 Heat & Dust (re-issue) First Independent UK 18,542 Gallivant Alliance UK 16,137 Slab Boys FilmFour UK 15,911 Remember Me Metrodome UK 8,467 Railway Children (re-issue) bfi UK 6,736 Up On The Roof Carlton UK 5,982 La Passione Warner UK 4,137 Small Time Alliance UK 2,854 Hell Is A City (re-issue) Barbican UK 1,122 UK Films * Films still on general release in the UK after Jan 13th 1998. 27 Titles £41,900,377 UK/US Co-Productions The Full Monty * Twentieth Century Fox UK/US 46,252,459 Tomorrow Never Dies * UIP UK/US 16,620,181 Fierce Creatures UIP UK/US 4,310,638 Event Horizon UIP UK/US 3,591,607 A Life Less Ordinary Polygram UK/US 3,474,816 G.I. Jane First Independent UK/US 2,331,514 Seven Years In Tibet Entertainment UK/US 1,660,580 Extreme Measures Carlton UK/US 1,194,157 Portrait Of A Lady Polygram UK/US 636,188 Hamlet Carlton UK/US 605,000 Welcome To Sarajevo FilmFour UK/US 330,650 Blood and Wine Twentieth Century Fox UK/US 305,976 Palookaville Metrodome UK/US 269,373 Roseanna’s Grave Polygram UK/US 171,844 8 Heads In A Duffel Bag Carlton UK/US 130,888 Walking And Talking Alliance UK/US 118,916 Lawn Dogs Carlton UK/US 63,476 Head Above Water Warner Brothers UK/US 32,017 Kiss Me Guido UIP UK/US 12,940 Snow White The Disappearance Of Kevin Johnson UIP DDA UK/US UK/US 2,637 580 21 Titles £82,116,437 148 Other UK Co-production Shine BVI AU/UK 4,415,599 Mrs. Brown BVI IE/US/UK 2,647,037 Blood and Wine Twentieth Century Fox UK/US 305,976 Palookaville Metrodome UK/US 269,373 Roseanna’s Grave Polygram UK/US 171,844 Walking And Talking Alliance UK/US 118,916 Lawn Dogs Carlton UK/US 63,476 Head Above Water Warner Brothers UK/US 32,017 Kiss Me Guido UIP UK/US 12,940 Snow White The Disappearance Of Kevin Johnson UIP DDA UK/US UK/US 2,637 580 8 Heads In A Duffel Bag TheCarlton STATS: CinemaUK/US 21 Titles 130,888 £82,116,437 Other UK Co-production Shine BVI AU/UK 4,415,599 Mrs. Brown BVI IE/US/UK 2,647,037 Wilde Polygram UK/US/JP/DL 1,524,346 An American Werewolf in Paris Entertainment UK/NL/LU 1,234,316 Nil By Mouth Twentieth Century Fox UK/FR 699,214 I Went Down BVI UK/IE/ES 565,113 Kolya BVI CZR/UK/FR 536,392 Ma Vie En Rose Bluelight FR/UK/BE/CH 325,318 Carla’s Song Polygram UK/ES/DL 322,661 Kama Sutra FilmFour UK/IN/JP/DL 289,372 Regeneration Artificial Eye UK/CA 206,246 The Tango Lesson Artificial Eye UK/FR/AR/JP/PL 155,875 Intimate Relations Twentieth Century Fox UK/CA 144,419 Portraits Chinois FilmFour FR/UK/SP 76,785 Trojan Eddie FilmFour IE/UK 60,414 Prince Valiant Entertainment UK/DL/IE/US 56,493 Jump the Gun FilmFour UK/ZA 22,539 Margaret’s Museum Metrodome UK/CA 22,454 House Of America First Independent UK/NL 22,407 The Gambler FilmFour UK/NL/HU 22,291 Hard men Entertainment FR/UK 22,219 Disappearance of Finbar BVI IE/UK/FR/SE 17,478 Total Eclipse Feature Film FR/UK/BE/US 14,953 The Proprietor Warner Brothers FR/UK/TR/US 14,071 Swann Pathe UK/CA 11,785 Madame Butterfly Blue Dolphin UK/FR/JP/DE 10,506 Gold In The Streets Carlton IE/UK 10,336 My Mother’s Courage Clarence DL/UK/AT 5,852 The Boy From Mercury Blue dolphin IE/UK/FR 4,223 A Further Gesture FilmFour IE/UK/DL/JP 4,207 North Star Warner Brothers NO/FR/UK/IT 2,627 Someone Else’s America FilmFour UK/FR/DL 2,425 Franz Fanon bfi UK/FR 1,684 Driftwood Blue Dolphin UK/IE 1,288 34 Titles £13,472,945 Total Box Office Source: EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 149 £137,489,759 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1997 Title Country of Origin Distributor 1 The Full Monty* US/UK Twentieth Century Fox 46.2 2 Men In Black US Columbia Tristar 35.8 3 The Lost World US UIP 25.8 4 Bean UK Polygram 17.9 5 Star Wars (re-issue) US Twentieth Century Fox 16.3 6 Batman & Robin US Warner Brothers 14.6 7 Tomorrow Never Dies* US/UK UIP 14.5 8 Ransom US Buena Vista 12.8 9 The English Patient US Buena Vista 12.7 10 Liar Liar US UIP 11.7 11 Space Jam US Warner Brothers 11.6 12 Hercules US Buena Vista 11.2 13 Sleepers US Polygram 10.1 14 Jerry Maguire US Columbia TriStar 9.4 15 My Best Friends Wedding US Columbia Tristar 8.7 16 Scream US Buena Vista 8.3 17 Romeo and Juliet US Twentieth Century Fox 7.4 18 Empire Strikes Back (re-issue) US Twentieth Century Fox 7.2 19 The Fifth Element FR Pathe 7.1 20 Mars Attacks US Warner Brothers 7.0 *Films still playing at cinemas after Jan 3rd 1998 NB:Box Office figures have been rounded up. Source EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 150 Box Office (£m) The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin Country No. of Titles Box Office Gross (£) % 153 347,319,194 68.61 US/UK 21 82,116,437 16.22 UK 27 41,900,377 8.27 Other UK Co. 34 13,472,945 2.66 EU (including co-prods) 25 9,657,225 1.91 Other Co. 14 10,602,416 2.09 Rest Of World (Foreign) 4 24,419 0.01 Rest Of World (English) 6 1,164,815 0.23 284 £506,257,828 US Total: NB. Does not include films released in 1996 and still showing in 1997 Source: bfi /EDI US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released in the US 1997 Title US Distributor Box Office Gross ($m) Bean Gramercy 44.87 The Full Monty Fox Searchlight 35.01 Mrs Brown Miramax 8.49 The Wings of the Dove Miramax 8.19 Secrets and Lies* October 7.53 A Life Less Ordinary Fox Searchlight 4.33 The Matchmaker^ Gramercy 3.40 Breaking The Waves* October 3.08 Career Girls October 2.63 Brassed Off Miramax 2.59 The Pillow Book CFP 2.37 The Van Fox Searchlight 0.71 * Film went on release in 1995 (amount shown cumulative total) ^ Minority UK Co-Production. Source: ©Variety Inc/bfi BFI Information Services 151 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in 1997 Title Int. Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross ($) 1 Ridicule Alliance FR 729,436 2 Kolya BVI CZR/UK/FR 536,392 3 L’Appartement Artificial Eye FR/ES/IT 352,342 4 Ma Vie En Rose Bluelight FR/UK/BE/CH 325,318 5 Beyond The Clouds Artificial Eye FR/IT/ 286,901 6 A Self Made Hero Artificial Eye FR 265,847 7 Tango Lesson Artificial Eye UK/AR/FR/JP/DL 155,875 8 Temptress Moon Artificial Eye HK/CN 141,126 9 Flirt Artificial Eye US/DL/JP 112,498 10 Star Maker Twentieth Century Fox IT 71,002 11 Will It Snow For.. Artificial Eye FR 60,670 12 Drifting Clouds Metro/Tartan FI/DL/FR 55,981 13 Mon Homme Artificial Eye FR 50,860 14 Ma Vie Sexuelle Pathe FR 43,124 15 Tierra Metro/Tartan ES 33,150 16 Kitchen Alliance HK/JP 25,292 17 See How They Fall Artificial Eye FR 14,442 18 Men/Women... Gala FR 13,892 19 Plein Soleil bfi FR/IT 12,082 20 Madame Butterfly Blue Dolphin FR/JP/DL/UK 10,506 Source: EDI/bfi Top 20 Films at the Worldwide Box Office 1997 Film International Distributor Country of Origin 1 The Lost World UIP US 605.0 2 Men In Black Columbia TriStar US 533.0 3 101 Dalmatians BVI US/UK 315.0 4 Liar Liar UIP US 285.0 5 Air Force One BVI US 278.9 6 Jerry Maguire Columbia TriStar US 269.0 7 Star Wars (re-issue) Twentieth Century Fox US 255.0 8 The Fifth Element Various FR 235.0 9 My Best Friend’s Wedding Columbia TriStar US 233.3 10 Ransom BVI US 233.0 11 The English Patient BVI US 228.0 12 Face/Off BVI US 223.0 13 Batman & Robin Warner Brothers US 208.0 14 Bean Polygram UK 198.3 15 Con Air BVI US 183.0 16 Hercules BVI US 178.8 17 Dantes Peak UIP US 178.0 18 Contact Warner Brothers US 175.5 19 Various US 171.0 Warner Brothers US 163.0 Scream 20 Space Jam Source: Screen International BFI Information Services 152 Box Office Gross ($m) The STATS: Cinema Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe in 1997 Based on analysis of 70% of admissions in European Union in 1997 Original Title Country of Origin 1 Men in Black US 29,240,389 2 Lost World US 24,718,969 3 Bean UK 21,500,270 4 The Fifth Element FR 18,519,222 5 The Full Monty UK 18,100,481 6 101 Dalmations US 15,284,938 7 The English Patient US/UK 14,673,687 8 Hercules US 13,845,009 9 Ransom US 12,745,790 10 Space Jam US 11,933,922 11 My Best Friend's Wedding US 11,639,364 12 Liar, Liar US 9,447,714 13 Tomorrow Never Dies UK/US 8,368,416 14 Air Force One US 8,306,568 15 Alien: Resurrection US 7,867,623 16 Batman & Robin US 7,528,968 17 Con Air US 7,419,680 18 Star Wars US 6,932,916 19 Face/Off US 6,906,129 20 Seven Years in Tibet US 6,785,589 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory BFI Information Services 153 Admissions The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Admissions of European Films Distributed in Europe in 1997 Original Title Nationality EUR (*) 1 Bean UK Smith, Mel 21,500,270 3 Le Cinquieme Element FR Besson, Luc 18,519,222 2 The Full Monty UK Cattaneo, Peter 18,100,481 4 The English Patient US/UK Minghella, Anthony 14,673,687 5 Tomorrow Never Dies UK/US Spottiswoode, Roger 8,368,416 6 Evita UK/US Parker, Alan 5,700,294 7 Fuochi D'Artifichio IT Pieraccioni, Leonardo 5,444,136 8 La Verite si Je Mens FR Gilou, Thomas 4,955,037 9 Le Pari FR Bourdon, D./Campan, B. 10 Knockin' On Heaven's Door DE Jahn, Thomas 4,017,576 3,544,820 11 Rossini-Oder Die Morderische Fraage Wer Mit Wem 12 Kleines Arschlock DE Dietl, Helmut 3,376,252 DE Schaak, Michael 3,311,284 13 Didier FR Chabat, Alain 14 Fraulein Smillas Gespur Fur Schnee (*) DE/SE/DK August, Bille 3,055,471 2,634,030 15 Fierce Creatures US/UK Chepisi, F./Young, R. 2,549,804 16 Ballerman 6 DE Gerhardt, Tom 2,482,304 17 La Vita E' Bella ES/PT/DE Bajo Uolla, Janna 2,308,238 18 Airbag IT Benigni, Roberto 2,073,524 19 On Connait La Chanson FR/IT/CH EUR Resnais, Alain 1,791,614 20 Le Bossu FR/IT/DE EUR de Broca, Philippe 1,746,368 EUR EUR Director National sources: Austria: Columbia; Belgium: Le Moniteur du film belge; Germany: FFA/SPIO; France: Le Film Francais Italy: Cinetel; Spain: ICAA; United Kingdom: X25/Screen Finance. For Italy, Spain and United Kingdom data has been extraporated from box-office revenues on the basis of average ticket price. (+) Based on an analysis of 70% admissions in European Union in 1997 (*): data include admissions in UK after 1.1.98. EUR: films supported by Eurimages Source: European Audiovisual Observatory BFI Information Services 154 Total Admissions 1997 (+) The STATS: Cinema Breakdown Of UK Box Office for Releases by Distributor 1997 Distributor Titles Box Office Gross (£) Twentieth Century Fox 25 110,708,734 Buena Vista 26 89,666,351 UIP 20 82,416,777 Columbia TriStar 19 64,630,151 Warner Brothers 21 48,552,167 Total US Majors 111 £395,974,180 Polygram 22 55,753,927 Entertainment 29 22,568,012 Pathe 13 13,966,790 Carlton 11 5,925,751 FilmFour 13 3,208,675 First Independent 12 3,126,409 Artificial Eye 13 1,965,654 Alliance Releasing 9 1,391,227 Feature Film Company 6 849,633 Metrodome 6 786,767 Bluelight 3 340,809 Metro/Tartan 4 99,499 Island Jamaica 1 98,808 11 71,232 Blue Dolphin 6 43,217 Gala 6 40,543 RIT 1 31,623 Clarence 1 5,852 Barbican 3 4,842 Made in Hong Kong 1 2,379 Island 1 1,419 DDA 1 580 Total (Independents) 173 £110,283,648 Total 284 £506,257,828 bfi Source EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 155 The STATS: Cinema Most Profitable Films of 1997 Title Production Company Worldwide Box Office($m) Budget ($m) Revenue Ratio The Full Monty Fox Searchlight/Redwave Chasing Amy Miramax 205.4 3.5 58.7 14.7 0.4 When the Cat’s Away.. Sony Classics 36.7 7.6 4.2 0.3 0.2 In the Company of Men Sony Classics/Alliance 25.3 21.0 Shine New Line/Pandora Scream Miramax 89.1 5.5 16.2 173.0 14.0 Star Wars (reissue) Twentieth Century Fox 12.4 253.7 24.0 Bean 10.6 PolyGram 221.2 23.0 9.6 The Lost World Universal 614.4 70.0 8.8 The English Patient Miramax 229.9 27.0 8.5 Air Bud Keystone 25.0 3.0 8.3 Romeo and Juliet Twentieth Century Fox 135.7 19.0 7.1 Men in Black Sony 586.2 85.0 6.9 Liar Liar Universal 300 45.0 6.7 Jerry Maguire Sony 270.6 43.0 6.3 My Best Friend’s Wedding Sony 286.9 46.0 6.2 Soul Food Twentieth Century Fox 44.4 7.5 5.9 I Know what you did Last Summer Entertainment 98.1 17.0 5.8 Karma Sutra Trimark/Ciby 15.7 3.0 5.2 Beavis and Butt Head Do America Paramount 80.1 16.0 5.1 George of the Jungle Buena Vista 165.3 33.0 5.0 The Shadow Conspiracy Summit Ent. 5.4 45 0.120 McHale’s Navy Universal 5.5 42 0.131 Steel Warner Bros 2.2 16 0.137 Cats Don’t Dance Warner Bros 5.2 32 0.162 ‘Til There Was You Lakeshore Ent. 4.8 23 0.209 The Pest Sony 4.1 17 0.241 A Smile Like Yours Rysher Ent. 4.4 18 0.244 Blood and Wine Fox Searchlight 7.3 26 0.281 Switchback Rysher Ent. 9.3 29 0.321 Warriors of Virtue MGM 11.1 34 0.326 Gone Fishin’ Buena Vista 19.8 53 0.373 Gattaca Sony 13.5 36 0.375 Ghosts of Mississippi Castle Rock 13.9 36 0.386 One Night Stand New Line 9.4 24 0.392 A Simple Wish Universal 11.1 28 0.396 Hamlet Castle Rock 11.3 24 0.471 Rosewood Warner Bros 15.2 31 0.490 Turbulence Rysher Ent. 28.6 55 0.520 U-Turn Sony 10.2 19 0.537 Father’s Day Warner Bros 36.2 65 0.557 And the Least Profitable... Source:Variety BFI Information Services 156 The STATS: Video Video Sell-through Company Market Share by Volume 1997 (%) Top 10 Rental Videos in the UK 1997 Title Distributor 1 The Rock Buena Vista 2 Ransom Buena Vista 1 Buena Vista 15.6 3 Independence Day Fox Pathe 2 PolyGram 14.2 4 Twister CIC 3 Warner/MGM 13.4 5 Mission Impossible CIC 4 Twentieth Century Fox 9.1 6 The Nutty Professor CIC 5 BBC 8.3 7 Jerry Maguire Columbia TriStar 6 VCI 8.1 8 Eraser Warner Brothers 7 CIC 7.7 9 Phenomenon Buena Vista 8 Columbia TriStar 6.2 PolyGram 9 EV 1.9 10 Virgin 1.5 Company 10 Sleepers Source: BVA Souce: BVA/CIN Distributor Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 1997 Company % share 1 CIC 22.2 2 Buena Vista 20.0 3 Warner Brothers/MGM 13.7 4 Columbia TriStar 13.1 5 Fox Pathe 10.7 6 EV 9.3 7 PolyGram 7.0 8 FilmFour 1.4 9 High Fliers 1.1 10 First Independent 0.7 Source: BVA Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1997 Title Distributor 1 Independence Day Twentieth Century Fox 2 Star Wars Trilogy Twentieth Century Fox 3 101 Dalmatians Buena Vista 4 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Buena Vista 5 Spice-The Official Video Virgin 6 Roald Dahl’s Matilda Columbia TriStar 7 Oliver and Company Buena Vista 8 Here Come the Teletubbies BBC 9 Dance with the Teletubbies BBC 10 Space Jam Warner Home Video 11 Cinderella Buena Vista 12 Evita EV 13 Batman and Robin Warner Home Video 14 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Buena Vista 15 The Black Cauldron Buena Vista 16 Beauty and the Beast’s Enchanted Christmas Buena Vista 17 Billy Connolly-Two Night Stand VVL 18 Toy Story Buena Vista 19 Winnie the Pooh’s Most Grand Adventure Buena Vista 20 Brookside-The Lost Weekend PolyGram Source: BVA BFI Information Services 157 % share The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to Network 1997 Company Hours: Minutes Anglia 252 :00 Border 2 :00 Carlton 214 :00 Central 200 :00 Channel 3 :00 Grampian 1 :41 Granada 665 :00 HTV 24 :00 LWT 277 :00 Meridian 57 :00 STV 94 :00 Tyne Tees 65 :00 UTV -- Westcountry - 25 Yorkshire 207 :00 Source: ITC Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestial Channels 1997 Only top rated episodes of each series are included. Title Channel Audience (m) 1 Funeral of Princess Diana BBC1 6-Sep 19.3 2 Heartbeat ITV 16-Nov 18.4 3 A Touch of Frost ITV 16-Feb 18.2 4 Eastenders BBC1 2-Jan 18.1 5 Coronation Street ITV 17-Nov 18.0 6 Casualty BBC1 22-Feb 16.4 7 Men Behaving Badly BBC1 25-Dec 16.3 8 One Foot in the Grave (Xmas) BBC1 25-Dec 15.8 9 Before they Were Famous BBC1 31-Mar 15.3 10 It’ll be Alright on the Night 8 ITV 4-Jan 14.9 11 Emmerdale ITV 20-Feb 14.2 12 The Bill ITV 17-Jan 14.2 13 London’s Burning ITV 2-Feb 14.1 14 Police, Camera,Action ITV 7-Jan 13.7 15 National Lottery Live BBC1 15-Mar 13.6 16 The Killing at Badger’s Drift ITV 23-Mar 13.5 17 BallyKissangel BBC1 5-Jan 13.5 18 Ronnie Barker:A Life in Comedy BBC1 1-Jan 13.2 19 Peak Practice ITV 18-Feb 13.1 20 National TV Awards ITV 8-Oct 13.0 Source: BARB BFI Information Services Tx Date 158 The STATS: Television Top 20 Original Drama Productions 1997 Including soap operas, serials and TV movies. Audience Figures are for highest rated episode of each drama in 1997. Title Producer/Sponser Tx Date Audience (m) 1 Heartbeat Yorkshire 16-Nov 18.4 2 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 16-Feb 18.2 3 Eastenders BBC 2-Jan 18.1 4 Coronation Street Granada 17-Nov 18.0 5 Casualty BBC 22-Feb 16.4 6 Emmerdale Yorkshire 20-Feb 14.2 7 The Bill Pearson/Carlton 17-Jan 14.2 8 London’s Burning LWT 2-Feb 14.1 9 The Killing at Badger’s Drift Bentley Prods/Yorkshire/Tyne Tees 23-Mar 13.5 10 Ballykissangel World Prods/BBC 5-Jan 13.5 11 Peak Practice Central 18-Feb 13.0 12 Where the Heart Is United Film and TV/Anglia 20-Apr 12.6 13 Jane Eyre LWT 9-Mar 12.5 14 Touching Evil United film and Tv/Anglia 29-Apr 12.3 15 The Wingless Bird Festival TV/Yorkshire/Tyne Tees 26-Jan 12.3 16 The Student Prince BBC 29-Nov 12.3 17 Inspector Morse Zenith/Central 19-Nov 12.1 18 Reckless Granada 13-Mar 11.9 19 The Vanishing Man Harbour Pictures/Meridian 2-Apr 11.9 20 Taggart STV 16-Jan 11.8 Source: BARB/AGB/bfi Television Advertising Revenue 1997 £m Net TV Advertising Revenue 2,600 Consists of: ITV 1716 C4 520 C5 Cable and Satellite In addition total programme sponsorship income 28 286 36 Source: ITC BFI Information Services 159 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 1997 Single films over 60 minutes long, not including mini-series. Title Tx Date BARB Rating (m) BBC1 Gobble 15-Feb 5.8 Deacon Brodie 8-Mar 6.2 Hostile Waters 26-Jul 8.5 The Fix 4-Oct 4.6 Sex and Chocolate 26-Oct 6.7 The Student Prince 29-Nov 12.3 Cold Enough for Snow 31-Dec 5.1 BBC2 *Stonewall 17-May 1.3 *I.D 1-Jun 3.0 Stone,Scissors, Paper 7-Jun 2.4 *Butterfly Kiss 14-Jun 2.0 *Brothers in Trouble 21-Jun 0.9 Eight Hours from Paris 16-Nov 1.0 7-Dec 1.7 In Your Dreams 14-Dec 2.4 Perfect Blue 21-Dec 2.3 Mothertime 28-Dec 4.4 Bumping the Odds ITV The Place of the Dead Supply and Demand No Child of Mine Jane Eyre The Killings at Badger’s Drift The Vanishing Man 18-Jan 6.9 5-Feb 10.3 25-Feb 5.1 9-Mar 12.5 23-Mar 13.5 2-Apr 11.9 The Ebb Tide 24-Sep 6.9 Into the Blue 15-Oct 10.9 Inspector Morse: Death is now my Neighbour 19-Nov 12.1 Agatha Christie’s The Pale Horse 23-Dec 6.8 The Black Velvet Band 24-Dec 8.6 *Death and the Maiden 2-Jan 1.9 *Shallow Grave 9-Jan 2.9 *The Baby of Macon 23-Jan 0.5 The Investigator 6-May 2.7 26-Nov 4.6 3-Dec 1.6 *Sister, My Sister 10-Dec 2.0 *Beautiful Thing 17-Dec 1.3 *A Midsummer Night’s Dream 26-Dec 0.5 *Le Confessional 27-Dec 0.3 Beyond Fear 30-Mar 1.7 One Deadly Summer 30-Nov 1.8 Channel Four *Trainspotting *Blue Juice Channel Five * denotes previous cinema release. Source: bfi /BARB BFI Information Services 160 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films shown on Terrestial TV in 1997 Title Country Year Channel Rating (m) 1 Mrs Doubtfire US 1993 BBC1 12.3 2 Hocus Pocus US 1993 ITV 10.4 3 The Bodyguard US 1992 ITV 10.3 4 Airport US 1969 BBC1 10.2 5 Sister Act 2 US 1993 ITV 10.1 6 True Lies US 1994 BBC1 10.1 7 In the Line of Fire US 1993 ITV 9.7 8 Made in America US 1993 BBC1 9.7 9 Addams Family Values US 1993 BBC1 9.7 10 Father of the Bride US 1991 ITV 9.6 12 Tightrope US 1984 ITV 9.5 13 Die Hard US 1988 ITV 9.2 14 Beethoven’s Second US 1993 BBC1 9.1 15 Pretty Woman US 1990 ITV 8.8 16 A Clear and Present Danger US 1993 BBC1 8.7 17 The Chase US 1994 BBC1 8.4 18 Another Stakeout US 1993 ITV 8.4 19 Lethal Weapon US 1987 ITV 8.3 20 Home Alone 2 US 1992 ITV 8.2 Source: BARB BFI Information Services 161 1998 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1998 UK Film Production 1998 - Category A UK Film Production 1998 - Category B UK Film Production 1998 - Category C UK Film Production - Category D UK Film Production - Category E Types of Release for UK films 1997 What Happened to 1997 UK Films? 163 164 165 165 166 166 167 168 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1998 169 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 1998 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1998 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office1998 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1998 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1998 Top 10 US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released Domestically 1998 Foreign Language Films Released In The UK 1998 Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe in 1998 Top 20 of Admissions to European Films Distributed in the European Union 1998 Breakdown of UK Box Office By Distributor 1998 Most Profitable Films of 1998 171 172 174 174 175 175 176 177 178 179 180 VIDEO Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 1998 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1998 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume 1998 (%) 181 181 182 182 TELEVISION Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestial Channels 1998 Top Original Drama Productions 1998 ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 1998 Television Advertising 1998 UK TV Films Premiered 1998 Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestial TV 1998 183 183 184 184 185 186 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films* 1981 - 1998 Year Titles Produced Current Prices (£m) Production Cost (£m) (1999 prices) 1981 1982 24 61.2 134.8 40 141.1 286.3 1983 51 251.1 487.4 1984 53 270.4 495.4 1985 54 269.4 469.4 1986 41 165.8 279.4 1987 55 195.3 315.3 1988 48 175.2 272.2 1989 30 104.7 149.7 1990 60 217.4 280.2 1991 59 243.2 294.1 1992 47 184.9 215.1 1993 67 224.1 260.7 1994 84 455.2 518.3 1995 78 402.4 454.7 1996 128 741.4 809.3 1997 116 562.8 599.9 1998 88 509.3 525.0 * UK films are defined here as films produced in the UK or with a UK financial involvement, they include majority and minority co-productions Source: Screen Finance/x25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 163 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1998 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies 24 Hours in London Anxiety The Acid House Ashes to Ashes Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 One World Films 1.30 0.005 Mortal Films 1.00 x Channel Four/Picture Palace North/Umbrella Productions/Yorkshire Screen Development Agency/Glasgow Film Fund/European Regional Development Fund Red Moon Films N/A 1.00 x 1.11 0.117 Being Considered Tall Stories Prods/ FilmFour/ bfi / MIDA/ British Screen/Arts Council of England Serendipity Films 1.00 x Clandestine Marriage Portman Productions 5.00 0.016 The Darkest Light Footprint Films/ Pathe/ Becker Pictures/ BBC 2.00 0.018 The Debt Collector Dragon Pictures/ FilmFour/ Glasgow Film Fund 3.00 0.108 East is East Assassin Films/ FilmFour/ BBC 2.40 10.375 Elephant Juice HAL Films 5.00 0.018 Everybody Loves Sunshine The Mission Prods/ Isle of Man Film Commission 2.20 x Fanny and Elvis Film Consortium/ Scala Prods/ ITV 3.20 0.162 Following Syncopy Films 0.10 0.021 Freak Out Beyond Therapy Entertainment 0.10 x Gregory’s Two Girls Lake Young Prods/ FilmFour/ Scottish Arts Council 3.50 0.128 Human Traffic Fruit Salad Films/ BBC Wales 2.20 2.271 An Ideal Husband Scorpio Prods/ Wilde Films 1.00 x Janice Beard 45wpm Film Consortium/ Dakota Films/ FilmFour 2.50 0.009 The Killing Zone Seventh Twelfth Collective 0.01 x The Last Yellow Scala Prods/ Jolyon Symonds Film/ BBC/Arts Council of England 2.00 0.005 Lighthouse 1.50 0.006 Mad Cows Winchester Ent/ Tungsten Pictures/ British Screen/ Arts Council of England Flashlight Films/ Entertainment 2.20 0.291 Make Believe Make Believe Prods 0.25 x Milk Gumfluh Films/ BSkyB 2.00 x Notting Hill Notting Hill Pictures/ Bookshop Prods/ PolyGram 15.00 31.006 Out of Depth Out of Depth plc 0.52 0.003 Rancid Aluminium Fiction Factory/ Entertainment 4.72 0.325 Ratcatcher Pathe/ BBC 2.00 0.432 A Room for Romeo Brass Company Pictures/ BBC/ ACE 3.20 0.098 Saintly Cool Beans Prods 2.00 x Simon Magus Silesia Films/ Jonescompany/ FilmFour/ Arts Council of England 3.00 0.013 Small Time Obsession Solo Films/ Seventh Twelfth Collective 0.45 0.005 Summer Rain Enterprise Films 1.00 x This Year’s Love Kismet Film Company/ Entertainment/ Scottish Arts Council 2.75 3.601 Three Days Austin Hill Topsy Turvy Pathe/ Thin Man Films/ Greenlight Fund Trouble on Earth Two Bad Mice Beautiful People 0.10 x 13.50 1.174 Rollercoaster Films 1.00 x April Films 0.10 x The War Zone FilmFour/ Sarah Radclyffe Prods/ Portobello Pictures 2.00 0.102 Weak at Denise Peninsula Films 1.00 0.002 The Wedding Tackle Viking Films 1.00 0.041 Wonderland Revolution Films/ Kismet Film Company/ BBC/ PolyGram 4.00 0.423 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 43 Total Cost £102.91m £2.45m Average Cost Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 164 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1998 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Accelerator Imagine Films/ Gazboro/ Irish Film Board/ Irish Section 48 Tax Incentive Smoke and Mirrors/ Pembridge Prods/ BskyB/ Isle of Man Film Commission Woodline/ Movie Masters/ Delux/ Continent/ TF1/ Dutch Film Fund/ Eurimages Marquis Films/ Alliance/Artisan Best Eight and a Half Women Felicia’s Journey Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 2.60 IE 0.177 5.00 IE 0.009 8.24 NL/FR/DL/LU 0.033 4.00 CA/US 0.283 15.00 CA/US 0.151 1.76 FR/ES/DK 0.008 0.48 IE 0.011 4.00 IE/FR 0.085 7.00 FR 0.056 Mad about Mambo Grey Owl Ajawaan Prods/ Richard Attenborough Prods/ Largo Entertainment Parallax Pictures/ Channel Four/Arts Council fo England/ Colofisiers/ Wave Films/ Alta Films Hot Property/ Spider Pictures/ Liquid Films/ bfi / Channel Four/Arts Council of England/ Irish Film Board Scala/ Ima Films/ Zaglos/ BSkyB/RTE/ British Screen/ Irish Film Board Film Consortium/ Scala/ Ima Films/ FilmFour/ Canal +/ TF1 First City/ Plurabelle/ ACNI/ Irish Film Board 5.00 IE To Walk with Lions Studio Eight/ Kingsborough Greenlight/ Cavco 10.30 CA 0.011 The Trench Blue PM/ Skyline/ Galatee/ Entertainment/ Portman/Arts Council of England/ British Screen/ European Coproduction Fund 2.20 FR 0.086 Total Number of Films 12 Total Cost £65.58m Average Cost £5.47m Grey Owl Hold Back the Night I Could Read the Sky The Last September The Lost Son x UK Film Production 1998 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Conquest Shaftesbury Films/ Greenpoint 1.50 CA x The Escort Pathe/ Renn Prods/ UGC 4.20 FR 0.069 Esther Kahn Zephyr/ Why Not Films/ Canal +/ Films Alain Sarde/Arts Council of England/ British Screen Claussen and Woebke/ Media II/ German Lander funding Frankfurter Film/ ZDF 7.00 FR 0.003 2.30 DL x The German Undertaker Lalla 1.05 DL x Ordinary Decent Criminal Little Bird/ TATfilm/ Icon/ Greenlight Fund/ Irish Film Board/ Irish Section 35 Tax Incentive Straight Shooter Perathon/ Senator/ German Lander funding 7.34 IE/DL/US 0.373 3.90 DL x Tea with Mussolini 8.50 IT 1.900 Film and General/ Medusa/ Cineritmo x - unreleased Total Number of Films 8 Total Cost £35.79m £4.47m Average Cost Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 165 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1998 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Alien Love Triangle (Part 1) Figment Films/ Miramax/ Dimension Films 3.00 x The Big Tease Crawford Prods/ Warner Brothers 1.00 0.096 Chicken Run 27.40 29.514 The Closer You Get Pathe/ Aardman Animations/ Dreamworks SKG Redwave/ Fox Searchlight 4.72 0.257 Dreaming of Joseph Lees Midsummer Films/ Fox Searchlight 2.00 0.009 Entrapment Fountainbridge/ Twentieth Century Fox 51.60 5.776 Greenwich Mean Time Anvil Films/ Icon Entertainment 5.00 0.014 An Ideal Husband 6.50 2.893 Mansfield Park Pathe/ Fragile Films/ Miramax/ Icon Entertainment Miramax Hal/ BBC/ Arts Council of England 6.64 0.587 The Match Rafford Films/ Propaganda/ PolyGram 4.20 0.030 The Mummy Universal Pictures 30.35 17.797 Onegin Onegin Prods/ Entertainment/ Rysher Ent 8.40 0.721 Shakespeare in Love Miramax/ Universal/ Bedford Falls 15.00 20.815 Sleepy Hollow Scott Rudin Films/ Paramount 42.00 10.047 Soldier 30.00 x 7.00 0.934 4.00 0.399 Three Businessmen Impact/ Jerry Weintraub Prods/ Warner Bros/ Morgan Creek Marmot Tandy/ Columbia TriStar/ Greenlight Fund Last Time Prods/ Entertainment/ Kushner Locke Co. Exterminating Angel/ VPRO (Netherlands) 0.73 x Virtual Sexuality Noel Gay Co/ Canal +/ Sony 3.70 0.750 The Winslow Boy Sony Pictures Classics 6.00 0.325 With or Without You Revolution Films/ Miramax/ FilmFour 2.40 0.002 Total Number of Films 21 Total Cost £261.64m Average Cost £12.46m 16.83 1.865 Still Crazy Swing Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 UK Film Production 1998 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Arlington Road Mickey Blue Eyes Samuelson Prods/ Lakeshore Entertainment/ PolyGram Simian Films/ Castle Rock 22.00 5.193 Texas Funeral TF Prods/ J and M 4.20 x The Weekend Granada Films/ Yellow Room Productions 5.00 x x - unreleased Number of Films 4 Total Cost £48.03m Average Cost £12.00m Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 166 The STATS: Film Production Types of Release for UK films 1997 Proportions of films with a UK involvement made in 1997 which achieved; a) a wide release. Opening or playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production (ie. Prior to 1st January 1999) b) a limited release, mainly in art house cinemas or a short West End run, prior to 1st January 1999. c) Released or planned to be released during 1999 d) Unreleased with no plans to do so during 1999. a)% b)% c)% d)% 15.5 17.2 22.5 44.8 Source:Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/ACNielsen EDI/BFI BFI Information Services 167 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1997 UK Films? Distribution of 1997 UK Productions and foreign films made in the UK. Released theatrically in 1997/8 Released in 1999 No UK Release The Avengers All the Little Animals The Dance Babymother Among Giants The Big Lebowski Bedrooms and Hallways Dad Savage Captain Jack Dancing at Lughnasa The Croupier Buskers Divorcing Jack Crushproof (*Hooligans) Dirty British Boys Elizabeth Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (*Us Begins with You) Hard Edge The General Get Real Girls’ Night Heart The Governess Hideous Kinky Guru in Seven The HiLo Country Alien Blood Hilary and Jackie (*Jackie) The Misadventures of Margaret Beach Boys If Only Orphans Comic Act I Want You Parting Shots Crossmaheart Keep the Aspidistra Flying Plunkett and MacLeane Dangerous Obsession The Land Girls A Price Above Rubies Day Release Les Miserables Prometheus The Devil’s Snow The Life of Stuff The Red Violin Fast Food Little Voice Rogue Trader The Final Cut Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Himalaya - A Chief’s Childhood Lost in Space The Theory of Flight Jilting Joe Love is the Devil Vigo : Passion for Life Jinnah Martha -Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence Waking Ned The Jolly Boys Last Stand No Distribution Deal Middleton’s Changeling My Name is Joe Unfinished Laid Up Distribution Deal but No Release Date On Connait La Chanson Lucia Married 2 Malcolm Palookaville Death and the Loss of Sexual innocence The Nutcracker Prince The Parent Trap A Kind of Hush Owd Bob The Real Howard Spitz Los Angeles Without a Map Red Mercury Resurrection Man My Life So Far The Sea Change Saving Private Ryan The Tichborne Claimant The Secret Laughter of Women Sliding Doors A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries Shadow Run Straight to TV Such a Long Journey Spice World Sugar Sugar Titanic Town The Commissioner Table 5 Tomorrow Never Dies Speak Like a Child Talisman TwentyfourSeven St. Ives Time Enough Up N’ Under Tom’s Midnight Garden Treasure Island Velvet Goldmine What Rats Won’t Do Understanding Jane The Wisdom of Crocodiles Urban Ghost Story Straight to Video Films in bold signifies those films which Vent de Colere The Wolves of Kromer opened or played on 30 or more screens Mistress of the Craft Wrestling with Alligators around the country within a year of production prior to 1 January 1999 Sunset Heights Underground As of September 1999 Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/ACNielsen EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 168 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1998 Title Amount of Award(£) Total Budget(£) THE FILM CONSORTIUM * The Boggart 30000 (Development) Calcio 1,000,000 4,000,000 Fanny and Elvis 1,000,000 + 30,500 (Development) 3,200,000 Hideous Kinky 225,000 225,000 Hold Back the Night 560,000 1,760,000 Janice Beard 45 wpm 833,000 2,500,00 The Navigators 9,928 (Development) 1934 36,965 (Development) Out of It 10,000 (Development) The Streets above Us 13,000 (Development) Vera 20,000 (Development) Wounded Knee 8,000 (Development) TOTAL 3,776,393 DNA FILMS No titles in 1998 PATHE PICTURES The Darkest Light 708,000 2,000,000 An Ideal Husband 1,000,000 6,500,000 Ratcatcher 615,000 2,000,000 TOTAL 2,323,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND Features Another Life 935,000 2,500,000 Beautiful People 553,823 1,100,000 Daniel Deronda 2,000,000 9,500,000 Esther Khan 700,000 7,000,000 I Could Read the Sky 234,327 468,655 The Last Yellow 550,000 2,060,000 The Lighthouse 412,474 1,500,000 Mansfield Park 1,000,000 6,460,000 A Room for Romeo Brass 850,000 3,200,000 Simon Magus 946,250 3,000,000 Solomon and Gaenor 250,000 1,600,000 Somme 700,000 2,197,640 William 997,000 3,150,000 Warriors at Heart 10,000 (Development) Short Films Banana Rollercoaster 14,603 36,652 The English Goodbye 19,624 50,919 Hester 20,500 38,000 Home Road Movies 47,500 90,000 The Night Frontier 18,635 37,270 Little Dark Poet 46,321 96,643 Pig Iron 45,000 90,000 Pitch Black 45,000 80,000 The Promise 34,351 72,617 Wildlife 31,010 62,010 TOTAL 322,549 * Lottery Franchise Consortia BFI Information Services SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL 169 Features Gregory’s 2 Girls 1,000,000 3,500,000 Simon Magus 946,250 3,000,000 Solomon and Gaenor 250,000 1,600,000 Somme 700,000 2,197,640 997,000 3,150,000 William The STATS: National Lottery Warriors at Heart 10,000 (Development) Short Films Banana Rollercoaster 14,603 36,652 The English Goodbye 19,624 50,919 Hester 20,500 38,000 Home Road Movies 47,500 90,000 The Night Frontier 18,635 37,270 Little Dark Poet 46,321 96,643 Pig Iron 45,000 90,000 Pitch Black 45,000 80,000 The Promise 34,351 72,617 Wildlife 31,010 62,010 TOTAL 322,549 * Lottery Franchise Consortia SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL Features Gregory’s 2 Girls 1,000,000 This Year’s Love 750,000 3,500,000 2,750,00 Shorts Duck 15,000 60,000 First It’s Dark 15,000 64,000 Two Wrongs 15,000 60,000 TOTAL 1,795,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features One of the Hollywood Ten 250,000 3,000,000 Solomon and Gaenor 250,000 1,600,000 Shorts Aml Bai 38,765 TOTAL 538,765 50,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Features Country 75,000 1,000,000 Days Like This 200,000 5,300,000 The Follower 75,000 1,200,000 Mad About Mambo 50,000 4,003,952 160,000 3,260,382 TV Series Eureka Street Short The Shoemaker 28,072 TOTAL 588,072 TOTAL AWARD 19,482,658 Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/ACNI BFI Information Services 170 39,000 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1998 Age Group No.of People (m) 7 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Male Female 8.30 6.96 9.07 30.15 26.39 28.09 26.79 27.69 Once a month or more(%) 31 53 33 11 27 20 24 22 Less than once a month(%) 48 37 44 33 41 34 37 39 13 92% 7 97% 18 95% 30 74% 20 99% 25 79% 21 82% 23 84% Once a Year or Less(%) Total who ever go to the cinema(%) Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/CAVIAR BFI Information Services 171 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films 1998 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) UK Films Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels Polygram UK 11,520,069 Elizabeth Polygram UK 4,497,977 Up’n’Under Entertainment UK 3,206,994 Martha Meet Frank Daniel and Lawrence 24 7 Film Four UK 1,365,704 Pathé Releasing UK 235,126 Stiff Upper Lips Metrodome UK 203,003 The Woodlanders Pathé Releasing UK 177,442 Kurt & Courtney Downtown UK 161,796 My Son The Fanatic Feature Film Co. UK 123,976 Resurrection Man Polygram UK 120,932 Bring Me The Head Of Mavis Davis Feature Film Co. UK 63,956 Baby Mother Film Four UK 62,928 Chubby Goes Down Under Polygram UK 58,695 Stella Does Tricks BFI UK 41,127 The Big Swap Film Four UK 31,145 A Soldiers Daughter Never Cries Roseland UK 28,342 Mojo Portobello UK 26,560 The Girl With Brains In Her Feet Alliance UK 21,115 The Wisdom Of Crocodiles Entertainment UK 19,856 Guru In 7 Ratpack UK 19,792 I Want You Polygram UK 16,816 Dad Savage Polygram UK 15,131 Different For Girls Blue Dolphin UK 11,868 Razor Blade Smile Palm Pictures UK 8,260 Monk Dawson Winstone UK 7,211 Like It Is Dangerous UK 5,971 Sixth Happiness NFT UK 2,818 Designated Mourner NFT UK 1,371 Life Of Stuff NFT UK 1,214 29 Titles 22,057,195 US/UK Co-productions Sliding Doors UIP US/UK 12,434,715 Lost In Space Entertainment US/UK 10,664,453 The Wings Of The Dove BVI US/UK 2,142,932 The Big Lebowski Polygram US/UK 1,893,347 Still Crazy Columbia Tristar US/UK 896,325 Girls Night Granada US/UK 717,673 Velvet Goldmine Film Four US/UK 454,263 The Winter Guest Film Four US/UK 250,689 Cousin Bette 20thC Fox US/UK 107,575 Best Men Film Four US/UK 45,576 The Secret Agent 20thC Fox US/UK 13,617 Deja Vu UIP US/UK 5,412 Body Count Polygram US/UK 4,071 13 Titles 29,630,648 Other UK Co-productions Paws Polygram AU/UK 2,175,278 The General Warner Bros. IE/UK 1,694,028 Land Girls Film Four UK/FR 1,463,805 The Boxer UIP US/UK/IE 1,343,129 Hard Rain Polygram US/UK/JP/DL/D K UK/US/IE 1,077,387 BFI Information Services Dancing At Lughnasa Film 172 Four My Name Is Joe Film Four Divorcing Jack Love And Death On Long Island 801,009 785,594 Mosaic UK/DL/FR/IT/E S UK/FR Pathé UK/CA 394,372 469,961 The Secret Agent 20thC Fox US/UK 13,617 Deja Vu UIP US/UK 5,412 Body Count Polygram US/UK 4,071 The STATS: Cinema 13 Titles 29,630,648 Other UK Co-productions Paws Polygram AU/UK 2,175,278 The General Warner Bros. IE/UK 1,694,028 Land Girls Film Four UK/FR 1,463,805 The Boxer UIP US/UK/IE 1,343,129 Hard Rain Polygram 1,077,387 Dancing At Lughnasa Film Four US/UK/JP/DL/D K UK/US/IE My Name Is Joe Film Four Divorcing Jack Love And Death On Long Island 801,009 785,594 Mosaic UK/DL/FR/IT/E S UK/FR Pathé UK/CA 394,372 Love Is The Devil Artificial Eye UK/FR/JP 277,366 Mrs Dalloway Artificial Eye UK/US/NL 236,793 The Governess Alliance UK/FR 122,518 If Only Pathé 91,679 Dance Of The Wind Artificial Eye UK/ES/FR/CA/L U DL/IN/UK/FR Metroland Metrodome UK/ES/FR 49,497 Amy Foster Columbia Tristar UK/US/FR 48,711 On Connait La Chanson Pathé FR/UK/CZ/IT 47,772 Downtime Film Four UK/FR 28,135 Bent Film Four UK/US/JP 27,962 Something To Believe In Warner Bros. Uk/DL 27,904 The James Gang Polygram UK/CA 25,400 This Is The Sea Alliance Releasing UK/US/IE 14,747 The Boys Film Four UK/AU 12,038 Real Howard Spitz MOB UK/CA 11,947 Victory Feature Film Co. UK/DL/FR 10,416 The Disappearance Of Finbar Ratray UK/IE/SE/FR 3,100 Guy Polygram UK/DL 1,932 Wednesday 19 7 1961 J. Balfour UK/DL/FI/RU 1,148 Bride Of War Sgrin UK/PL 712 Dandy Dust Millivres UK/AT 482 469,961 58,283 30 Titles 11,303,105 TOTAL 72 TITLES 62,990,948 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 173 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office1998 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) 1 Titanic (12) Twentieth Century Fox US 68,971,532 2 Doctor Dolittle (PG) Twentieth Century Fox US 19,854,598 3 Saving Private Ryan (15) UIP US 17,875,260 4 Armageddon (12) BVI US 16,506,605 5 Godzilla (PG) Columbia TriStar US 15,974,736 6 There's Something About Mary (15) Sliding Doors (15) Twentieth Century Fox US 15,665,386 UIP US/UK 12,434,715 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (18) Flubber (U) Polygram UK 11,520,069 7 8 9 BVI US 10,891,774 10 Lost in Space (PG) Entertainment US 10,664,453 11 Deep Impact (12) UIP US 10,199,634 12 The Truman Show (PG) UIP US 9,929,680 13 Antz (PG) UIP US 9,672,036 14 As Good As It Gets (15) Columbia TriStar US 9,613,181 15 The Wedding Singer (12) Entertainment US 9,256,114 16 Mulan (U) BVI US 8,902,296 17 The X Files (15) Twentieth Century Fox US 8,426,489 18 Scream 2 (18) BVI US 8,280,725 19 Mouse Hunt (PG) UIP US 8,218,817 20 Good Will Hunting (15) UIP US 7,806,051 Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/EDI Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1998 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) 1 Sliding Doors (15) UIP US/UK 12,434,715 2 Polygram UK 11,520,069 3 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (18) Lost in Space (PG) Entertainment US/UK 10,664,453 4 Elizabeth (15) Polygram UK 4,497,977 5 Up 'n Under (12) Entertainment UK 3,206,994 6 Paws (PG) Polygram AU/UK 2,175,278 7 The Wings of the Dove (15) BVI US/UK 2,142,932 8 The Big Lebowski (18) Polygram US/UK 1,893,347 9 The General (15) Warner Brothers IE/UK 1,694,028 10 Land Girls (12) Film Four UK/FR 1,463,805 11 Film Four UK 1,365,704 12 Martha - Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (15) The Boxer (15) UIP US/UK/IE 1,343,129 13 Hard Rain (15) Polygram US/UK/JP/DL/DK 1,077,387 14 Still Crazy (15) Columbia TriStar UK/US 896,325 15 Dancing at Lughnasa (PG) Film Four UK/US/IE 801,009 16 My Name is Joe (15) Film Four UK/DL/FR/IT/ES 785,594 17 Girls Night (15) Granada UK/US 717,673 18 Divorcing Jack (15) Mosaic UK/FR 469,961 19 Velvet Goldmine (18) Film Four UK/US 454,263 20 Love and Death on Long Island (15) Pathe UK/CA 394,372 Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/EDI BFI Information Services 174 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 1998 Territories No Of Titles Box Office Gross (£) % US 159 431,736,833 83.87 UK 30 22,057,195 5.76 US/UK 14 29,678,307 4.28 Other UK co-productions EU (including co-productions with nonEU countries Co-productions (rest of world) 31 50 11,349,748 11,300,639 2.20 9 4,692,856 0.91 Rest of world (English) 10 683,366 0.62 Rest of world (foreign) 26 3,234,381 0.13 329 514,733,325 Total 2.19 nb. does not include films released in 1997 Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi Top 10 US Box Office Revenue for UK Films Released Domestically 1998 Title US Distributor Country of Origin 1 Elizabeth (15) * Gramercy UK 30,034,124 2 The Wings of a Dove (15) Miramax US/UK 13,692,948 3 Sliding Doors Miramax US/UK 11,841,544 4 The Governess (15) Sony Classics UK/FR 3,919,509 5 Gramercy UK 3,753,929 6 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (15) Love and Death on Long Island (15) Lions Gate UK/CA 2,581,012 7 A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (15) October UK 1,782,005 8 Velvet Goldmine (18) Miramax US/UK 1,053,788 9 The Winter Guest (15) New Line US/UK 870,290 Buena Vista US/UK 785,482 10 Firelight (15) *Still on Release Jan 99 70,314,631 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services Box Office Gross($m) 175 The STATS: Cinema Foreign Language Films Released In The UK 1998 Title Distributor Production Country(ies) Box Office Gross(£) 1 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Yash Raj IN 1,498,006 2 Live Flesh Pathé ES/FR 632,925 3 Hana-Bi Alliance Releasing JP 218,215 4 Shall We Dance Film Four JP 216,442 5 Lucie Aubrac Pathé FR 174,895 6 Un Air De Famille Metro FR 123,660 7 The Dream Life Of Angels Gala FR 99,493 8 Rein Ne Va Plus Artificial Eye FR/CZR 88,356 9 Doh Sajake Rakhna Eros IN 82,999 10 Mehndi UFDL IN 81,318 11 Jhooth Bole Kauwa Kaate UFDL IN 75,913 12 Bandhan Eros IN 73,299 13 Happy Together Artificial Eye HK 71,515 14 Junk Mail Metro NO/DK 69,244 15 Mr Nice Guy Entertainment HK 65,291 16 La Grande Illusion (Re) bfi FR 62,481 17 Love Ect. Pathé FR 60,726 18 The Prisoner Of The Mountains Metro RU/KZ 60,126 19 Dance Of The Wind Artificial Eye DL/UK/FR/NL/IN 58,283 20 The Thief Artificial Eye RU/FR 58,116 21 Taste Of The Cherry Artificial Eye IR 56,782 22 Das Boot (re) Feature Film Co. DL 52,535 23 Wajwood UFDL IN 48,708 24 Ponette Metro FR 48,037 25 On Connait La Chanson Pathé FR/UK/CZR/IT 47,772 26 Kudrat Eros IN 47,531 27 Western Artificial Eye FR 46,117 28 Les Voleurs Metro FR 40,500 29 The Eel Artificial Eye JP 40,273 30 Funny Games Metro AT 33,727 31 The Bandit Rio TR/BG/FR 33,172 32 Haman ICA TR/IT/ES 29,622 33 La Vie De Jesus ICA FR 28,222 34 Prem Aggan UFDL IN 28,162 35 Ugetsu Monogatari (re) bfi JP 26,054 36 Clubbed To Death Artificial Eye FR/PT/NL 23,003 37 Pardesi Babu UFDL IN 22,258 38 Mother And Son Bluelight RU/DL 21,940 39 The Apple Artificial Eye IR/FR 20,012 40 Battleship Potemkin (re) Contemporary RU 18,779 41 Pretty Village Pretty Flame Pathé SER 16,032 42 Majorettes In Space bfi FR 16,955 43 Marquise Downtown FR/IT/CZR/ES 15,829 44 The Knowledge Of Healing Artificial Eye CZR 15,608 45 Angel Sharks Bluelight FR 13,773 46 China Gate Eros IN 11,428 47 The River bfi TW 11,115 48 Tales Of The Tiara Clan (re) bfi JP 10,071 49 Journey to the Centre of The World Artificial Eye FR/PT 8,128 50 Character Gala NL 8,113 51 Pepe Le Moko (re) bfi FR 8,639 52 Secret Defense Artificial Eye FR/CZR/IT 7,447 53 Caresses Dangerous ES 6,515 54 The Hands Kino RU 6,474 55 Rothschild’s Violin Winstone FR/HU/CZR 6,464 bfi bfi176 IT 6,067 DL 4,267 56 Fistst In Pocket (re) BFI Information Services 57 Kuhle Wampe (re) 58 April Story Rockwell JP 3,901 59 Moment Of Innocence ICA IR/FR/CZR 3,642 60 Salut Cousin Arrow FR/BE/DZ/LU 1,828 45 Angel Sharks Bluelight FR 13,773 46 China Gate Eros IN 11,428 47 The River bfi TW 11,115 48 Tales Of The Tiara Clan (re) 49 Journey to the Centre of The World Artificial Eye FR/PT 8,128 50 Character Gala NL 8,113 51 Pepe Le Moko (re) bfi FR 8,639 52 Secret Defense Artificial Eye FR/CZR/IT 7,447 53 Caresses Dangerous ES 6,515 54 The Hands Kino RU 6,474 55 Rothschild’s Violin Winstone FR/HU/CZR 6,464 56 Fistst In Pocket (re) bfi IT 6,067 57 Kuhle Wampe (re) bfi DL 4,267 58 April Story Rockwell JP 3,901 59 Moment Of Innocence ICA IR/FR/CZR 3,642 60 Salut Cousin Arrow FR/BE/DZ/LU 1,828 61 Wednesday 19-7-1961 J. Balfour RU/DL/UK/FI 1,148 The STATS: Cinema JP bfi 61 Titles 4,767,953 Source:ACNielsen EDI Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe in 1998 Based on analysis of 72% of admissions in European Union in 1998 Title Country of Admissions Origin 1 Titanic US 84,683,816 2 Armageddon US 20,533,583 3 Saving Private Ryan US 18,224,863 4 There’s Something About Mary US 13,975,358 5 Godzilla US 13,811,086 6 Mulan US 13,662,316 7 Dr Dolittle US 13,380,870 8 As Good as it Gets US 12,571,907 9 Deep Impact US 10,765,008 10 Lethal Weapon 4 US 10,492,315 11 The Horse Whisperer US 10,330,813 12 The Truman Show US 10,204,528 13 The Man in the Iron Mask US 9,409,775 14 Le dîner de cons FR 8,996,894 15 Les couloirs du temps FR 8,795,987 16 Flubber US 8,726,410 17 The X-Files US 8,576,071 18 Anastasia US 7,985,720 19 Six Days, Seven Nights US 7,561,313 20 The Jackal US 7,235,744 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory BFI Information Services 10,071 177 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 of Admissions to European Films Distributed in the European Union 1998 Data taken from data generated by 11 European countries. The data represents approximately 72% of admissions to cinemas in the European Union Title Country of Origin Admissions 1 Le Dîner des Cons FR 8,996,894 2 Les Couloirs du Temps FR 8,795,987 3 Taxi FR 6,693,334 4 La Vita è Bella IT 6,549,903 5 The Full Monty UK 5,342,127 6 Sliding Doors UK/US 5,312,966 7 Tomorrow Never Dies UK/US 5,295,275 8 Spice World The Movie UK 3,470,577 9 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels UK/US 3,016,910 10 Torrente, el Brazo Tonto de la Ley ES 2,835,220 11 Tre Uomini e una Gamba IT 2,762,798 12 Comedian Harmonists DL 2,313,152 13 Lola Rennt DL 2,136,556 14 Elizabeth UK 2,110,604 15 Cosi e la Vita IT 2,000,124 16 Gallo Cedrone IT 1,616,042 17 La Vie Rêvée des Anges FR 1,545,820 18 DL 1,325,242 19 Merkwürdige Verhalten Geschlechtsreifer Grosstädter zur Paarungszeit Abre los Ojos ES 1,295,713 20 Pippi Longstocking CA/SE/DL 1,158,127 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory BFI Information Services 178 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office By Distributor 1998 Distributor Titles Box Office (£) Twentieth Century Fox 17 129,562,323 UIP 36 119,378,163 Buena Vista 27 98,013,512 Warner Brothers 25 46,967,601 Columbia TriStar 15 32,750,941 Total US Majors 120 £426,672,540 Entertainment 22 45,404,914 Polygram 22 25,421,233 FilmFour 12 5,328,848 Pathé 16 3,196,645 7 1,516,921 Artificial Eye 18 1,345,749 Alliance 11 1044382 Metrodome 8 910,578 Eros 6 820,277 Feature Film Company 11 644,646 Metro 10 544,271 1 469,961 16 433,603 Downtown 3 343,843 UFDL 3 152,783 Gala 2 107,606 ICA 4 63,509 Bluelight 2 35,713 Rio 1 33,172 Blue Dolphin 4 32,265 Roseland 1 28,342 Portobello 1 26,560 Ratpack 1 19,792 NFT 7 19,769 Contemporary 1 18,779 Winstone 3 14,909 City 1 12,791 Dangerous To Know 2 12,486 The MOB 1 11,947 Jones 1 9,206 Manga 2 8,393 KINO KINO 1 6,474 United Media 1 5,988 Rockwell 1 3,901 Barbican 1 3,259 Rattray 1 3,100 Arrow 1 1828 J.Balfour 1 1148 Sgrin 1 712 Millivres 1 482 Total (Independents) 209 £88,060,785 Total 329 £514,733,325 First Independent Mosaic bfi Box office totals are for the UK and Republic of Ireland. Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi /Screen Finance/X25 Partnership BFI Information Services 179 The STATS: Cinema Most Profitable Films of 1998 Title Production Company Life is Beautiful Miramax There’s Something about Mary Fox Worldwide Box Office ($m) Budget Ratio Box ($m) Office/Budget 140.00 9.00 15.60 370.00 27.00 13.70 4.00 0.30 13.30 25.00 2.00 12.50 Pi Artisan Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels Everest PolyGram 80.00 7.00 11.40 Good Will Hunting Miramax 226.00 22.00 10.30 Sliding Doors Miramax 68.00 7.00 9.70 Smoke Signals Miramax 7.50 0.80 9.40 Titanic Fox 1836.00 200.00 9.20 Spice World PolyGram 78.00 9.00 8.70 Least Profitable Films of 1998 Lolita Goldwyn 11.40 55.00 20.70 Krippendorf’s Tribe Buena Vista 9.00 32.00 28.10 Almost Heroes Warner 6.60 23.00 28.70 Tarzan and the Lost City Warner 5.00 17.00 29.40 Holy Man Buena Vista 18.00 60.00 30.00 My Giant Sony 10.00 33.00 30.30 Soldier Warner 21.00 65.00 32.30 The Postman Warner 27.00 75.00 36.00 Beloved Buena Vista 24.00 65.00 36.90 The Newton Boys Fox 12.00 32.00 37.50 MacGillivray/Freeman Ratios - Figure for most profitable films refers to how many times the budget figure the film made at the box office. Figures for the least popular are best on % budget covered by Box Office. Source: Variety BFI Information Services 180 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 1998 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Men in Black Columbia TriStar US 2 Face/Off Buena Vista US 3 Air Force One Buena Vista US 4 Starship Troopers Buena Vista US 5 The Fifth Element Fox Pathe FR 6 The Full Monty Fox Pathe US/UK 7 The Lost world CIC US 8 The Devil’s Advocate Warner Brothers US 9 Austin Powers Fox Pathe US 10 The Jackal CIC US 11 My Best Friend’s Wedding Columbia TriStar US 12 Conspiracy Theory Warner US 13 LA Confidential Warner US 14 Tomorrow Never Dies MGM US/UK 15 As Good as it Gets Columbia TriStar US 16 Scream Buena Vista US 17 Volcano Fox Pathe US 18 Alien Resurrection Fox Pathe US 19 Event Horizon CIC US/UK 20 The Peacemaker CIC US Source:Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1998 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Titanic Twentieth Century Fox US 2 The Full Monty Twentieth Century Fox US/UK 3 The Lady and the Tramp Buena Vista US 4 Men in Black Columbia Tristar US 5 Hercules Buena Vista US 6 Flubber Buena Vista US 7 Cats PolyGram US 8 Peter Pan Buena Vista US 9 Anastasia Twentieth Century Fox US 10 The Lost World CIC US 11 The Little Mermaid Buena Vista US 12 Spiceworld PolyGram UK 13 Romeo and Juliet Twentieth Century Fox US/CA 14 Billy Connolly-Erect for 30 Years VVL UK 15 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Carlton UK 16 Feet of Flames VVL UK 17 Mousehunt CIC US 18 Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Xmas Buena Vista US 19 Tomorrow Never Dies MGM US/UK 20 George of the Jungle Buena Vista US Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 181 The STATS: Video Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) Company %share 1 Buena Vista 20.6 2 Fox Pathe 16.3 3 CIC 15.5 4 Warner/MGM 15.0 5 Columbia Tristar 12.2 6 EV 10.6 7 PolyGram 6.6 8 First Independent 1.0 9 FilmFour 0.9 10 High Fliers 0.5 Source: BVA/Rental Monitor Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume 1998 (%) Company %share 1 Twentieth Century Fox 15.0 2 PolyGram Group 14.5 3 Buena Vista 14.2 4 Warner/MGM 13.7 5 CIC 8.8 6 Columbia TriStar 7.1 7 VCI 7.0 8 BBC 5.3 9 Carlton 2.1 10 EV 1.9 Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 182 The STATS: Television Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestial Channels 1998 Only top rated episodes of each series are included. Title Channel Tx Date Audience(m) 1 England V Argentina (World Cup) ITV 30/6/98 23.8 2 England V Romania (World Cup) ITV 22/6/98 19.5 3 England V Columbia (World Cup) BBC1 26/6/98 19.1 4 Coronation Street ITV 16/11/98 18.6 5 Eastenders BBC1 29/12/98 16.9 6 Heartbeat ITV 22/2/98 16.5 7 Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes ITV 2/12/98 16.3 8 Casaulty BBC1 28/2/98 15.7 9 Brazil V France BBC1 12/7/98 15.6 10 Men Behaving Badly BBC1 28/12/98 15.2 11 Forrest Gump BBC1 1/1/98 15.1 12 France V Croatia BBC1 8/7/98 14.6 13 Brazil V Holland ITV 7/7/98 14.1 14 You’ve Been Framed ITV 13/9/98 13.9 15 Goodnight Mr.Tom ITV 25/10/98 13.8 16 Birds of a Feather BBC1 19/1/98 13.3 17 Emmerdale ITV 10/2/98 13.3 18 National Lottery Live BBC1 28/2/98 13.2 19 The Cruise BBC1 13/1/98 12.9 20 London’s Burning ITV 11/1/98 12.8 Source: BARB Top Original Drama Productions 1998 Including soap operas, series, serials and UKTV Movies. Ratings are for highest rated episode of each production. Title Producer/Sponser Tx Date Audience (m) 1 Coronation Street 2 Eastenders Granada 16/11/98 18.6 BBC 29/12/98 3 16.9 Heartbeat Yorkshire 22/02/98 16.5 4 Casualty BBC 28/02/98 15.7 5 Goodnight Mr.Tom Carlton 25/10/98 13.8 6 Emmerdale Yorkshire 10/02/98 13.3 7 8 London’s Burning Inspector Morse:The Wench is Dead LWT Central 11/01/98 11/11/98 12.8 12.4 9 The Bill Pearson/Carlton 30/01/98 12.3 10 Coming Home Portman/LWT 13/04/98 11.9 11 Where the Heart Is United/Anglia 07/06/98 11.8 12 March in Windy City Yorkshire 25/03/98 11.6 14 Taggart Scottish TV 01/03/98 11.4 15 Midsomer Murders Bentley Prods/Yorkshire 22/03/98 11.4 16 Real Women BBC 26/02/98 11.1 17 Jonathan Creek BBC 28/02/98 10.9 18 19 Ballykissangel Inspector Wexford Mysteries: Road Rage World Prods/BBC Blue Heaven/Meridian 08/03/98 08/11/98 10.9 10.5 20 Peak Practice Central 23/03/98 10.5 Source:BARB/Taris/bfi BFI Information Services 183 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network Company Hours (New Programmes) Anglia 244 Border 2 Carlton 105 Central 173 Channel - Grampian 2 Granada 690 HTV 34 LWT 296 Meridian 42 STV 113 Tyne Tees 57 UTV 1 West Country 8 Yorkshire 203 Source: ITC Television Advertising 1998 £m Net TV Advertising Revenue 2,948 ITV 1,834 C4 562 C5 142 Cable and Satellite 365* In addition total sponsorship income 45 *Figures only available up to September 1998 for Cable/Satellite Source : ITC BFI Information Services 184 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 1998 Title Tx date BARB Rating (m) Our Boy 15-Feb 6.40 My Summer with Des 25-May 7.00 5-Jul 5.60 31-Aug 8.10 BBC1 The Gift Speedy Death Big Cat 6-Sep 6.60 27-Dec 11.50 Small Faces* 1-Jan 1.30 Getting Hurt 8-Mar 2.40 Stand and Deliver 15-Mar 1.30 Guiltrip* 22-Mar 0.90 5-Apr 2.10 The Tribe 21-Jun 3.30 Swann * 19-Jul 1.10 An Awfully Big Adventure 26-Jul 2.00 Two Deaths 26-Jul 0.90 Peggy Su! 16-Aug 1.00 The Designated Mourner 23-Aug 0.30 Touch and Go 15-Sep 5.10 Ted and Ralph 27-Dec 3.10 A Rather English Marriage 30-Dec 4.00 Mrs.Brown BBC2 Anorak of Fire ITV Wuthering Heights The Stalker’s Apprentice Neville’s Island Inspector Pitt: The Cater Street Hangman Kiszko: Life After Life 5-Apr 7.70 25-May 6.90 4-Jun 7.30 23-Sep 7.80 4-Oct 7.30 Goodnight Mr.Tom 25-Oct 13.80 Inspector Morse: The Wench is Dead 11-Nov 12.40 Jack and Sarah* 8-Feb 4.40 The Neon Bible* 14-Mar 0.40 Frankie Starlight* 21-Mar 0.40 Institute Benjamenta* 28-Mar 0.20 Secrets and Lies* 13-Apr 2.90 Smalltime* 16-Apr 0.40 Brassed Off* 24-May 4.90 Fever Pitch* 29-Nov 2.50 Jump the Gun* 1-Dec 0.30 Remember Me? 25-Dec 1.00 Alive and Kicking 30-Dec 0.10 C4 * denotes previous cinema release Source: bfi /BARB BFI Information Services 185 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestial TV 1998 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Forrest Gump US 1994 BBC1 15.10 2 Die Hard with a Vengeance US 1995 ITV 11.60 3 Mrs Brown UK/US 1997 BBC1 11.50 4 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade US 1989 BBC1 10.90 5 Beverly Hills Cop 3 US 1994 BBC1 10.80 6 Jurassic Park US 1993 BBC1 9.90 7 Speed US 1994 BBC1 9.80 8 Babe AUS 1995 BBC1 9.30 9 Waterworld US 1995 BBC1 9.00 10 The Three Musketeers US 1993 ITV 8.90 11 Stargate US 1994 BBC1 8.70 12 Kindergarten Cop US 1990 BBC1 8.70 13 Seven US 1995 BBC1 8.70 14 The Bodyguard US 1992 ITV 8.70 15 Licence to Kill US 1989 ITV 8.70 16 Home Alone US 1990 ITV 8.60 17 Philadelphia US 1993 ITV 8.50 18 Lethal Weapon 3 US 1992 ITV 8.50 19 Robin Hood Prince of Thieves US 1991 BBC1 8.40 20 Maverick US 1994 ITV 8.30 Source: BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 186 Audience (m) 1999 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981 - 1999 UK Film Production 1999 – Category A UK Film Production 1999 – Category B UK Film Production 1999 – Category C UK Film Production 1999 - Category D UK Film Production 1999 – Category E EU Film Production 1999 Types of Release for UK films 1999 What happened to 1998 UK Films? 188 189 191 191 192 192 193 194 195 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1999 196 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 1999 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 1999 Top 20 Films at the GB Box Office 1999 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1999 Top 20 EU Films At The UK Box Office 1999 Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK in 1999 EU Films 1999 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 1999 Breakdown of Box Office by Country of Origin 1999 Top 10 US Box Office Revenues of UK Films Released in 1999 Top 20 Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe 1999 Top 20 of Admissions to European Films Distributed in the European Union in 1999 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor 1999 199 199 201 202 203 204 205 207 210 210 211 211 212 VIDEO Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 1999 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1999 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 1999 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume 1999 (%) Top 20 Retail DVDs in the UK 1999 213 213 214 214 214 TELEVISION ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 1999 Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1999 Top Original Drama Productions 1999 Television Advertising 1999 UK TV Films Premiered 1999 Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 1999 215 215 216 216 217 218 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films* 1981 - 1999 Year Titles Produced Current Production Cost (£m) Prices (£m) (2000 prices) 1981 24 61.2 135.7 1982 40 141.1 288.4 1983 51 251.1 491.2 1984 53 270.4 469.5 1985 54 269.4 473.4 1986 41 165.8 281.8 1987 55 195.3 318.2 1988 48 175.2 274.8 1989 30 104.7 151.3 1990 60 217.4 283.5 1991 59 243.2 297.7 1992 47 184.9 217.9 1993 67 224.1 264.0 1994 84 455.2 525.1 1995 78 402.4 460.7 1996 128 741.4 820.4 1997 116 562.8 608.3 1998 88 509.3 532.6 1999 100 549.2 557.4 * UK films are defined here as films produced in the UK or with a UK financial involvement, they include majority and minority co-productions Source: Screen Finance/x25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 188 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1999 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Another Life Boxer Films/ Arts Council of England 2.50 0.011 Beautiful Creatures Creatures Ltd/ DNA/ Arts Council of England 4.00 0.204 Between Two Women 5.00 x 2.80 18.387 1.00 x Breathtaking Julie Woodcock Prods/ North Country Pictures Tiger Aspect/ WT2/ BBC Films/ Arts Council of England Cantor Markham/ Loud Mouse/ Yorkshire Media Production Agency September Films/ Sky Pictures 3.40 x Cold Fish Opus Pictures 2.00 x Complicity 4.60 0.096 County Kilburn Talisman Films/ Carlton/ Scottish Arts Council/ British Screen Watermark Films Dead Babies Gunter/ Film Consortium/ Outer Edge Films Dead Bolt Dead Emotional Backgammon Billy Elliot Blood Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 1.00 x n/a 0.004 It’s Alright Ma Productions 1.00 x Corazon 0.01 x Essex Boys Granada Films 3.00 0.533 Fed Rotten Cake Media 0.20 x Five Seconds to Spare 3.00 x The Ghost of Greville Lodge Scala/ Wildgaze/ BBC Films/ Matrix Film and TV Renown Pictures 0.75 x Going off Big Time KT Films/ MIDA 1.50 0.093 Goodbye Charlie Bright Cowboy Films/ Imagine Films 4.00 0.083 Guest House Paradiso Phil McIntyre Prods/ House Films/ Vision Video Bolt on Media/ Atlantic Celtic 4.00 1.503 1.00 x 2.00 0.114 7.50 0.709 Inbetweeners Wire Films/ Arts Council of England/ British Screen/CFI Three Rivers/ FilmFour/ Granada Films/ Arts Council of England/ Scottish Arts Council/ Glasgow Film Fund Britpack Films 1.00 0.019 Inside Outside Lydia’s Head Covent Garden Films 0.80 x It Was an Accident Bukett Pictures/ Litmus Pictures/ Pathe/ Arts Council of England Tiger Aspect/ Fragile Films 2.60 0.031 4.00 10.461 Sterling Pictures/ Waking Point/ Orange Top/ Ernst and Young Prince World Ent 1.00 0.005 1.00 x Palm Tree Prods/ British Council/ Big Issue Scotland Fugitive/ BBC Films 0.50 0.001 2.00 1.202 1.00 0.043 1.50 0.008 2.50 0.011 Offending Angels Oil Factory/ Sleeper Films/ FilmFour/ British Screen Ipso Facto/ Glenrinnes/ MPCE/ Northern Production Fund/ West Midland Support Agencies Imagine Films/ Alchymie/ Flashpoint/ British Screen Pants Prods 1.00 0.001 One Life Stand Elemental Films 0.50 x Pandemonium Mariner prods/ BBC Films/ Arts Council of England Paradise Grove plc/ Enterprise Investment Scheme Trijbits Productions/ Sky/ Isle of Man Film Commission Mumbo Jumbo/ FilmFour 3.76 0.073 1.03 x 3.14 x 4.00 0.774 Homerun/ Wave Pictures/ Sky Movies/ Portman/ Rich Pickings Second Generation Films 3.00 2.017 1.00 0.002 Dragon Pictures/ FilmFour/ British Screen Weston Union 189 2.00 0.030 0.03 x Blue Orange/ DNA 4.00 0.018 There is Only One Jimmy Grimble Sarah Radclyffe/Impact/Pathe 3.00 0.355 The Truth Game 0.85 0.004 Hard News Soft Money House! The House of Mirth Kevin and Perry go Large Lava London Blues Love the One You’re With Love, Honour and Obey The Low Down Nasty Neighbours New Year’s Day Paradise Grove Paranoia Purely Belter Saving Grace Second Generation Some Voices BFI Information Services Soul’s Ark Strictly Sinatra Screen Productions Associates One Life Stand 0.50 x Mariner prods/ BBC Films/ Arts Council of England Paradise Grove plc/ Enterprise Investment The STATS: Film Production Scheme Trijbits Productions/ Sky/ Isle of Man Film Commission Mumbo Jumbo/ FilmFour 3.76 0.073 1.03 x 3.14 x 4.00 0.774 3.00 2.017 Second Generation Homerun/ Wave Pictures/ Sky Movies/ Portman/ Rich Pickings Second Generation Films 1.00 0.002 Some Voices Dragon Pictures/ FilmFour/ British Screen 2.00 0.030 Soul’s Ark Weston Union 0.03 x Strictly Sinatra Blue Orange/ DNA 4.00 0.018 There is Only One Jimmy Grimble Sarah Radclyffe/Impact/Pathe 3.00 0.355 The Truth Game Screen Productions Associates 0.85 0.004 Warrior Sisters Frank Scantori Films 0.01 x Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? West Eleven Films/Intermedia/Arts Council of England 5.64 0.254 Pandemonium Paradise Grove Paranoia Purely Belter Saving Grace Elemental Films x - unreleased Total Number of Films 47 Total Cost £105.12m Average Cost £2.24m Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 190 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1999 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 Daybreak 1.00 x Glory Glory Daybreak Films/ FilmFour/ Traumwerk/ Scottish Arts Council/ Scottish Screen Tiger Aspect/ WT2/ BBC Films/ Arts Council of England Peakviewing/ Transatlantic 7.36 ZA x Honest Honest Prods/ Pathe/Pandora 6.10 FR 0.190 Hotel Splendide Renegade Films/ FilmFour/ Canal +/ British Screen Bard Entertainment/ M-Net/ Arts Council of 3.20 FR 0.004 Kin 4.50 ZA 0.001 The Luzhin Defence England/ British Screen Renaissance/ ICE/ Egmond/ Lantia The Man Who Cried Adventure Films/ Working Title/ Canal + Maybe Baby Gangster No.1 4.15 DL 0.329 5.50 FR/IT 0.172 15.00 FR 0.091 Phil McIntyre Prods/ BBC/ Pandora 3.25 LU 3.475 The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz Strawberry Vale/ GFF 0.40 DL 0.002 Room to Rent 2.20 FR 0.009 3.33 DL x Shooters Renegade Films/ Canal + / Ima/ FilmFour/ Arts Council of England/ bfi Focus Film Prods/ Ena Film/ WDR/ Filmstiftung/ Isle of Man Film Commission/ Yorkshire Media Production Agency CoolBeans Films/Catapault Prods 1.20 NL 0.007 That Girl From Rio Casanova Films/ Lola Films 3.75 ES 0.001 Very Annie Marie Dragon Pictures/ FilmFour/ Canal +/ Arts Council of England/ Arts Council of Wales Scala/ BBC/ Northern Ireland Film Commission/ Medien Beteiligungs 3.09 FR 0.149 3.16 DL 0.015 Secret Society Wild About Harry Total Number of Films 16 Total Cost £67.19m Average Cost £4.20m UK Film Production 1999 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Aberdeen About Adam Christie Malry’s Own Double Entry The Company Man Freeway Films/ Norsk Films/ Scottish Film Council Exchequer Film Co/ BBC/ HAL/ Venus/ Irish Film Board Movie Masters/ Woodline 3.80 NO x 3.28 IE 0.076 2.98 IE 0.002 Studio Eight/ Prophecy Pictures 1.40 CA x Deception Studio Eight/ GFT Kingsborough/ Next Film 3.60 CA/FR x The Intruder Steve Walsh Prods/ GFT Kingsborough 2.90 CA x The Little Vampire Cometstone/ First look/ Filmstiftung 13.94 NL/DL 4.339 Sabotage 6.25 ES/FR x Saltwater Spice Factory/ Cine B/ Kinovision/ Basque regional subsidies Treasure Films/ BBC Films/ Irish Film Board 2.08 IE 0.132 Shaheed Udham Singh Surjit Movies 0.20 IN x Sorted Jovy Junior Enterprises/ Advanced Medien 4.00 DL 0.091 When Brendan Met Trudy Deadly Films/ BBC Films/ Irish Film Board 3.00 IE 0.779 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 12 Total Cost £47.43m Average Cost £3.94m Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 191 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 1999 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 102 Dalmatians The Beach Walt Disney 36.00 11.880 Figment Films/Twentieth Century Fox 23.50 13.333 Birthday Girl Portobello Pictures/FilmFour/HAL/Miramax 10.00 0.784 Circus Film Development Corp/ Columbia TriStar 6.00 0.332 The Criminal 2.50 0.041 The End of the Affair Christopher Johnson Company/ Storm Entertainment/ Palm Pictures Columbia TriStar 20.00 3.58 Gladiator Dreamworks SKG/ Universal 92.00 31.201 The Golden Bowl Merchant Ivory/ Miramax/ TF1 9.62 0.659 Greenfingers 2.42 0.067 1.82 x Londinium Boneyard Ent/ Xingu Pictures/ Motion Picture Partners Venom Entertainment/ Summit Entertainment/ Palm Pictures Sun-Lite Pictures 5.00 x Love’s Labour’s Lost Pathe/ Miramax/ Intermedia 8.50 0.531 Miss Julie Red Mullet/ Moonstone Entertainment 4.25 0.029 Quills Charenton Prods/ Fox Searchlight 9.00 0.742 Rat 5.20 0.035 3.00 0.253 4.38 0.775 A Shot at Glory Universal/ Jim Henson Company/ Ruby Films Midsummer Films/ Overseas FilmGroup/ Isle of Man Film Commission Recorded Picture Company/ FilmFour/ Fox Searchlight Butchers Run/ Eagle Beach/ Seven Arts 4.00 0.043 Snatch Ska Films/ Sony Pictures 4.50 12.338 The Testimony Of Taliesin Jones Frontier Features/ Snake River/ CPI/ HTV/ Arts Council of Wales Britt Allcroft Co/ Destination Films/Icon 3.75 x 12.50 2.106 3.00 0.021 50.00 28.577 The Last Minute Relative Values Sexy Beast Thomas and the Magic Railway Women Talking Dirty The World is Not Enough Rocket Pictures/ Sweetland Films/ Jean Doumanian Prods Eon Prods/United Artists Total Number of Films 23 Total Cost £320.94m Average Cost £13.95 UK Film Production 1999 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. In the Light of the Moon Tartan Films/ Flying High/ Santelmo 3.68 x Suspicious River Tartan Films/ Okulitch Pedersen 4.80 0.007 x - unreleased Total Number of Films 2 Total Cost £8.48m Average Cost £4.24m Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 192 The STATS: Film Production EU Film Production 1999 Country No.of Films (inc.Co-Prods) Investment ($m) Austria 20 15.38 Belgium 14 38.05 Denmark 16 33.56 Finland 16 21.36 France 181 732.58 Germany 74 38.45 Greece 16 n/a Ireland 23 98.92 108 171.10 Italy Luxembourg 2 1.44 Netherlands 14 41.89 Portugal 10 3.22 Spain 97 168.46 Sweden 23 34.70 UK 100 356.98 TOTAL 714 Source: Screen Digest BFI Information Services 193 The STATS: Film Production Types of Release for UK films 1999 Proportions of films with a UK involvement which achieved; a) Wide Release. Opening or playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production prior to 1 January 2000. b) Limited release, mainly in art house cinemas, or a short West End run, prior to 1 January 2000. c) Released or planned to be released during 2000. d) Unreleased with no plans to do so during 2000. (information as of 21st June 2000) Year a)% b)% c)% d)% 1997 15.5 19.0 22.4 43.1 1998 22.7 21.6 21.6 34.1 Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi Types of Release for UK films 1984 - 1999 Proportion of films with a UK involvement which achieved; a) Wide release. Opening or playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production. b) Limited release, mainly in art house cinemas or a short West End run. c) Unreleased a year after production. Year (a)% (b)% (c)% 1984 50.0 44.0 6.0 1985 52.8 35.9 11.3 1986 55.8 41.9 2.3 1987 36.0 60.0 4.0 1988 29.5 61.2 9.3 1989 33.3 38.9 27.8 1990 29.4 47.1 23.5 1991 32.2 37.3 30.5 1992 38.3 29.8 31.9 1993 25.4 22.4 52.2 1994 31.0 22.6 46.4 1995 23.1 34.6 42.3 1996 19.0 14.0 67.0 1997 15.5 19.0 65.5 1998 22.7 21.6 55.7 Source: Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/ACNielsen EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 194 The STATS: Film Production What happened to 1998 UK Films? Distribution of 1998 UK productions and foreign films in the UK as of 1st July 2000. Released Theatrically in 1998/9 Released Theatrically in 2000 (* signifies previous title) Best No Distribution Deal As of 1st July 2000 Chicken Run Accelerator Arlington Road The Closer you Get Anxiety Beautiful People The Darkest Light Ashes to Ashes The Big Tease The Escort (*The Wrong Blonde) Conquest The Clandestine Marriage Grey Owl Esther Khan The Debt Collector I Could Read the Sky Freak Out Dreaming of Joseph Lees Janice Beard wpm The German Undertaker East is East The Last September An Ideal Husband Eight and a Half Women Mansfield Park Lalla Entrapment Ordinary Decent Criminal Lighthouse Fanny and Elvis Simon Magus Mad About Mambo Felicia’s Journey Sleepy Hollow Make Believe Following Small Time Obsession Out of Depth Greenwich Mean Time Topsy Turvy Soldier Gregory’s 2 Girls To Walk with Lions Straight Shooter Human Traffic Twenty Four Hours in London Summer Rain Hold Back the Night The Wedding Tackle Texas Funeral An Ideal Husband Wonderland Three Businessmen The Last Yellow The Lost Son Three Days Distribution deal but no release date Mad Cows Trouble on Earth Two Bad Mice The Match Alien Love Triangle Part One Mickey Blue Eyes Being Considered The Mummy Elephant Juice Notting Hill Weak at Denise The Weekend Onegin Rancid Aluminium Straight to TV or Video Ratcatcher A Room for Romeo Brass Everybody Loves Sunshine Shakespeare in Love The Killing Zone Still Crazy Milk Swing Tube Tales Tea with Mussolini This Year’s Love The Trench Virtual Sexuality The War Zone The Winslow Boy With or Without You (Northern Ireland Only) As of 1st July 2000 Films in bold signifies those films which opened or played on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production to 1 January 2000 Source: Screen Finance/ACNeilsen EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 195 The STATS: National Lottery bfi Information Services Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 1999 Title Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) THE FILM CONSORTIUM Production Room To Rent 325,376 1,967,168 Journey to the Centre of the Brain 1,250,000 7,187,500 A Christmas Carol 1,182,500 6,846,000 510,000 1,450,000 Large Post-Production Janice Beard wpm 35,000 Prints and Advertising The Lost Son 300,000 600,000 Hold Back the Night 175,000 350,000 Fanny and Elvis 400,000 800,000 Janice Beard wpm 200,000 400,000 Development Me Again 18,000 47,250 A Christmas Carol 10,000 170,000 Gridlock 19,000 80,000 Spider 10,000 20,000 The Burning Hill 15,500 31,750 Normal Human Problems 15,000 35,000 6,000 120,729 44,500 4,515,876 115,000 The Final Curtain 1,996,176 3,992,352 Strictly Sinatra 1,994,910 3,989,819 Night Creatures TOTAL 2,000,000 5,991,086 4,000,000 See Under:Love A Passionate Woman TOTAL DNA FILMS* PATHE PICTURES Production Love’s Labours Lost 1,057,000 8,500,000 Kingdom Come 2,000,000 12,500,000 There’s Only one Jimmy Grimble 1,650,000 3,315,000 900,000 4,250,000 1,382,000 2,765,000 White Merc with Fins 50,000 215,186 Simon Says 47,500 95,000 A Tale of Three Cities 40,740 81,481 Rebuilding Coventry 32,681 98,000 Snark 50,000 214,007 49,750 99,500 Miss Julie It was an Accident Development It was an Accident TOTAL 7,259,671 ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? 500,000 5,640,000 State of the Party 275,000 1,132,660 1,000,000 5,100,000 Doctor Sleep 600,000 3,600,000 Billy Elliott 850,000 2,830,000 Pandemonium 617,935 3,359,900 Pornografia 350,000 3,400,000 Very Annie Mary 250,000 3,095,000 My Boy Jack 650,000 4,000,000 750,000 4,000,000 420,000 2,675,000 598,648 6,861,583 1,198,648 Days Like This Cowboys Cywraeg BFI Information Services Raving Beauties This Filthy Earth TOTAL 196 A Tale of Three Cities 40,740 Rebuilding Coventry 32,681 98,000 Snark 50,000 214,007 49,750 99,500 It was an Accident The STATS: National Lottery TOTAL 81,481 7,259,671 ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? 500,000 5,640,000 State of the Party 275,000 1,132,660 1,000,000 5,100,000 Doctor Sleep 600,000 3,600,000 Billy Elliott 850,000 2,830,000 Pandemonium 617,935 3,359,900 Pornografia 350,000 3,400,000 Very Annie Mary 250,000 3,095,000 My Boy Jack 650,000 4,000,000 Cowboys Cywraeg 750,000 4,000,000 Raving Beauties 420,000 2,675,000 This Filthy Earth TOTAL 598,648 6,861,583 1,198,648 Days Like This ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features Beautiful Mistake 100,000 500,000 Cowboys Cymraeg 250,000 3,800,000 One of the Hollywood Ten 200,000 3,000,000 The Testimony of Teliesyn Jones 247,490 2,200,000 Very Annie Marie 275,000 3,405,701 Black Dog 68,500 136,964 The Debt 80,364 155,569 8,487 (p and a) Shorts Dune Edith's Finger 40,613 81,440 The Letterbox £39,597 £81,147 0 Little Town of Bethlehem 81,600 161,751 Suckerfish 43,295 89,590 Without a song or dance 31,065 89,590 Development Beryl's List 15,000 30,010 Dead Long Enough 38,000 108,000 Dewis Teg 7,000 28,000 Headcases 15,000 30,000 9,440 14,440 The King's Shadow 12,750 17,000 Spic n'Span 13,500 27,000 14,500 1,591,201 29,710 Late Night Shopping 400,000 800,000 Child of Air 250,000 500,000 The Last Great Wilderness 375,000 500,000 26,500 63,536 Marathon 99 11,487 19,014 Next Stop Paradise 25,000 59,707 The Visual Purple 24,750 150,620 Daddy’s Girl 20,000 41,980 11,080 1,143,817 36,503 200,000 2,000,000 100,000 3,100,000 Do Armed Robbers Have Love Affairs? 24,000 59,000 The Furry Story 29,169 69,000 I'm in Training,don't kiss me Tree of Crows TOTAL SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL Features Daybreak Shorts Pastures New TOTAL ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Features A Little Piece of Earth Wild about Harry BFI Information Services 197 Shorts Next Stop Paradise 25,000 59,707 The Visual Purple 24,750 150,620 Daddy’s Girl Pastures New TOTAL 20,000 The STATS: National Lottery 41,980 11,080 1,143,817 36,503 A Little Piece of Earth 200,000 2,000,000 Wild about Harry 100,000 3,100,000 Do Armed Robbers Have Love Affairs? 24,000 59,000 The Furry Story 29,169 69,000 Lladia 25,000 50,000 Mysterious Ways 14,000 28,000 Oh Superman 21,788 44,000 Postcards from the Hedge 38,400 155,000 Rising Steps (TV) 40,000 202,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Features Shorts Documentaries TOTAL 492,357 TOTAL AWARD 27,855,591 Source: Screen Finance/Scottish Arts Council/Arts Council of Wales/Arts Council of Northern Ireland BFI Information Services 198 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 1999 Age Group No.of People (m) Once a month or more(%) 4 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Male Female 8.19 28 6.96 58 8.96 37 30.16 12 26.61 29 28.12 20 26.61 26 27.86 22 Less than once a month(%) 49 29 37 28 37 28 31 34 Once a year or Less(%) 15 10 18 26 18 24 19 20 92% 96% 91% 66% 84% 72% 77% 79% Total who ever go to the cinema (%) Source: CAVIAR/Screen Finance UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) UK Films 1 East Is East FilmFour UK 7,251,243 2 This Years Love Entertainment UK 3,600,636 3 Plunkett & Maclean Universal UK 2,757,485 4 Human Traffic Metrodome UK 2,271,369 5 Guest House Paradiso Universal UK 1,492,963 6 Hilary & Jackie FilmFour UK 1,040,788 7 Don’t Go Breaking My Heart Universal UK 1,019,361 8 Virtual Sexuality Columbia TriStar UK 749,714 9 Orphans Downtown UKS 412,699 10 Mad Cows Entertainment UK 291,147 11 Acid House FilmFour UK 242,829 12 The Third Man (re) Optimum UK 194,545 13 Get Carter (re) bfi UK 124,296 14 The Debt Collector FilmFour UK 107,970 15 Final Cut Downtown UK 105,434 16 Beautiful People Alliance Releasing UK 103,619 17 The Italian Job (re) UIP UK 103,319 18 Parting Shots UIP UK 101,041 19 Tichborne Claimant Redbus UK 88,988 20 Solomon & Gaenor FilmFour UKW 73,505 21 Among Giants Twentieth Century Fox UK 68,992 22 Heart FFC UK 34,272 23 Scrooge (re) FFC UK 24,478 24 39 Steps (re) Winstone UK 22,716 25 Cotton Mary UIP UK 21,887 26 Following Alliance Releasing UK 20,494 27 Captain Jack FFC UK 16,800 28 Yellow Submarine (re) UIP UK 15,890 29 Kes (re) bfi UK 15,538 30 The Clandestine Marriage Universal UK 14,822 31 South (re) bfi UK 13,907 32 Greenwich Meantime Icon UK 13,747 33 Julie & The Cadillacs Capricorn UK 13,640 34 Brylcreem Boys Guerilla UK 7,045 35 Prometheus FilmFour UK 5,956 36 Kind Of Hush Metrodome UK 5,864 37 All The Little Animals Entertainment UK 3,376 38 Man Who Knew Too Much (re) bfi UK 2,944 39 With Or Without You FilmFour UK 2,156 40 Lucia Nepotism UK 1,998 Downtown 199 Winstone UK 1,133 UK 239 41 Darkness Falls BFI Information Services 42 A Quiet Day £22,460,845 35 Prometheus FilmFour UK 5,956 36 Kind Of Hush Metrodome UK 5,864 37 All The Little Animals Entertainment UK 3,376 38 Man Who Knew Too Much (re) UK 2,944 39 With Or Without You FilmFour UK 2,156 40 Lucia Nepotism UK 1,998 41 Darkness Falls Downtown UK 1,133 42 A Quiet Day Winstone UK 239 The STATS: Cinema bfi £22,460,845 US/UK Co-productions 1 US/UK 50,928,328 2 Star Wars Episode1: The Phantom Twentieth Century Fox Menace Notting Hill Universal US/UK 30,765,273 3 The World is Not UIP US/UK 23,375,037 4 Shakespeare In Love UIP US/UK 20,407,662 5 Little Voice Buena Vista US/UK 8,337,648 6 Eyes Wide Shut Warner Brothers US/UK 5,244,320 7 Mickey Blue Eyes Universal US/UK 5,172,636 8 An Ideal Husband Pathe US/UK 2,891,515 9 Arlington Road Universal US/UK 1,864,927 10 Rogue Trader Pathe US/UK 1,024,860 11 Muppets From Space Col/TriStar US/UK 594,356 12 Onegin Entertainment US/UK 583,527 13 Gods & Monsters Downtown US/UK 454,733 14 Swing Entertainment US/UK 399,301 15 Ravenous Twentieth Century Fox US/UK 331,845 16 The Big Tease Warner Brothers US/UK 79,798 17 Hi-Lo Country Universal US/UK 57,903 18 Dreaming of Joseph Twentieth Century Fox US/UK 6,203 £152,519,872 Other UK Co-Productions 1 The Lost Son UIP UK/FR 49,302 2 3 Southpaw Croupier Downtown bfi UK/IE 34,246 28,752 4 5 The Match 8_ Women Universal Pathe UK/IE/US UK/NL/LU/GE 28,429 22,828 6 Such A Long Journey Optimum UK/CA 21,188 7 A Price Above Rubies FilmFour UK/US/FR 14,690 8 Crush Proof Clarence UK/NL/IE/GE 12,450 9 The Theory Of Flight Buena Vista UK/ZA 8,699 10 Painted Angels Artificial Eye UK/CA 7,816 11 12 The Secret Laughter of Women Vigo – Passion For Life Optimum FilmFour UK/CA 7,121 5,479 13 Hold Back The Night UIP 14 15 The Last Yellow LA Without A Map Metrodome United Media UK/GE 16 17 Misadventures of Margaret Kini & Adams FFC Sales UK/FR 18 Appetite ICA UK/FR/ZW/H V/CH UK/GE 19 Sweet Angel Mine Optimum UK/CA 1,600 20 21 Food Of Love Skin Flick FilmFour Millivres UK/FR 1,507 958 UK/GE/ FR/IE UK/JP/FR/ES /GE UK/IT UK/FR/FI/ LU UK/GE/CA/JP 5,236 4,741 3,641 3,519 2,574 2,176 £266,952 TOTAL 99 Titles £194,188,805 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/X25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 200 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) Twentieth Century Fox US/UK 50,928,328 2 Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Notting Hill Universal US/UK 30,765,273 3 A Bug’s Life Buena Vista US 29,310,536 4 Austin Powers 2 Entertainment US 25,772,822 5 The World Is Not Enough UIP US/UK 23,375,037 6 The Sixth Sense UIP US 20,449,726 7 Shakespeare In Love UIP US/UK 20,407,662 8 Tarzan Buena Vista US 17,469,366 9 The Mummy UIP US 17,439,339 10 The Matrix Warner Brothers US 17,279,897 11 The Blair Witch Project Pathe US 14,971,525 12 American Pie UIP US 13,923,015 13 Rugrats: The Movie UIP US 13,423,386 14 Little Voice Buena Vista US/UK 8,337,648 15 The Deep Blue Sea Warner Brothers US 8,139,940 16 Star Trek: Insurrection UIP US 7,572,978 17 Runaway Bride UIP US 7,562,023 18 East Is East FilmFour UK 7,251,243 19 Waking Ned Twentieth Century Fox US/UK/FR/IE 7,044,705 20 Wild Wild West Warner Brothers US 6,845,175 1 NB: Box Office Totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for new releases from January 1st 1999 – Jan 5th 2000 Source: EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 201 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) Twentieth Century Fox US/UK 50,928,328 2 Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Notting Hill Universal US/UK 30,765,273 3 The World Is Not Enough UIP US/UK 23,375,037 4 Shakespeare In Love UIP US/UK 20,407,662 5 Little Voice Buena Vista US/UK 8,337,648 6 East Is East FilmFour UK 7,251,243 7 Waking Ned Twentieth Century Fox US/UK/FR/IE 7,044,705 8 Entrapment Twentieth Century Fox US/UK/DL 5,770,948 9 Eyes Wide Shut Warner Brothers US/ UK 5,244,320 10 Mickey Blue Eyes Universal US/UK 5,172,636 11 This Years Love Entertainment UK 3,600,636 12 An Ideal Husband Pathe US/UK 2,891,515 13 Plunkett & Maclean Universal UK 2,757,485 14 Human Traffic Metrodome UK 2,271,369 15 Arlington Road Universal US/UK 1,864,927 16 Existenz Alliance UK/CA 1,553,196 17 Guest House Paradiso Universal UK 1,492,963 18 Tea With Mussolini UIP UK/IT 1,404,905 19 Hilary & Jackie FilmFour UK 1,040,788 20 Rogue Trader Pathe UK/US 1,024,860 1 Box Office totals for new releases in the UK and Republic of Ireland between Jan 1st 1999 and Jan 5th 2000 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 202 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 EU Films At The UK Box Office 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) 1 Fight Club Twentieth Century Fox DL/US 5,424,113 2 The General’s Daughter UIP DL/US 3,043,667 3 Life Is Beautiful Buena Vista IT 2,955,627 4 Madeline Columbia TriStar US/DL 2,497,577 5 Drop Dead Gorgeous Icon US/DL 1,428,714 6 A Midsummer Nights Dream Twentieth Century Fox DL/US 1,399,806 7 Blue Streak Columbia TriStar US/DL 1,272,860 8 All About My Mother Pathe ES/FR 1,038,387 9 Random Hearts Columbia TriStar US/DL 737,158 10 Buena Vista Social Club FilmFour DL/CU 725,769 11 A Love Divided Buena Vista IE 614,252 12 This Is My Father Buena Vista CA/IE 508,184 13 Le Diner De Cons Pathe FR 364,960 14 Run Lola Run Columbia TriStar DL 319,815 15 Agnes Brown UIP US/IE 308,913 16 Festen Bluelight DK 269,103 17 Romance Bluelight FR 206,321 18 An Autumn Tale Artificial Eye FR 190,777 19 Last Night FilmFour CA/FR 183,673 20 Black Cat White Cat Artificial Eye DL/FR/YU/AT/GR 172,575 NB Box Office Totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for new releases from January 1st 1999 January 5th 2000 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 203 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK in 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Life Is Beautiful Buena Vista IT 2,955,627 2 All About My Mother Pathe ES/FR 1,038,387 3 Buena Vista Social Club Film Four DL/CU 725,769 4 Central Station Buena Vista BR 630,227 5 Hum Saath Saath Hain Eros IN 622,909 6 Taal Eros IN 604,800 7 This Is My Father Buena Vista CA/IE 508,184 8 Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rahte Hain Eros IN 455,257 9 Biwi No.1 Yash Raj IN 385,936 10 Dil Kya Kare Eros IN 368,032 11 Le Diner De Cons Pathe FR 364,960 12 Mann Yash Raj IN 353,082 13 Aa Ab Laut Chalen UFDL IN 350,604 14 Run Lola Run Col/TriStar DL 319,815 15 Hum Dil De Chuck Sanam Blue Star IN 310,764 16 Baadshah Stars Int. IN 287,509 17 Festen Bluelight DK 269,103 18 Romance Bluelight FR 206,321 19 An Autumn Tale Artificial Eye FR 190,777 20 Black Cat White Cat Artificial Eye DL/FR/YU/AT/GR 172,575 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 204 Box Office Gross (£m) The STATS: Cinema EU Films 1999 Film Distributor Countries of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 Fight Club Twentieth Century Fox DL/US 5,424,113 2 The General’s Daughter UIP DL/US 3,043,667 3 Life Is Beautiful Buena Vista IT 2,955,627 4 Madeline Columbia TriStar US/DL 2,497,577 5 Drop Dead Gorgeous Icon US/DL 1,428,714 6 A Midsummer Nights Dream Twentieth Century Fox DL/US 1,399,806 7 Blue Streak Columbia TriStar US/DL 1,272,860 8 All About My Mother Pathe ES/FR 1,038,387 9 Random Hearts Columbia TriStar US/DL 737,158 10 Buena Vista Social Club FilmFour DL/CU 725,769 11 A Love Divided Buena Vista IE 614,252 12 This Is My Father Buena Vista CA/IE 508,184 13 Le Diner De Cons Pathe FR 364,960 14 Run Lola Run Columbia TriStar DL 319,815 15 Agnes Brown UIP US/IE 308,913 16 Festen Bluelight DK 269,103 17 Romance Bluelight FR 206,321 18 An Autumn Tale Artificial Eye FR 190,777 19 Last Night FilmFour CA/FR 183,673 20 Black Cat White Cat Artificial Eye DL/FR/YU/AT/GR 172,575 21 The Idiots Metro DL/DK/FR/ IT/NL 136,959 22 Tango Metrodome ES/AR/FR/ DL 123,444 23 Mifune Alliance DK/SE 122,899 24 A La Place Du Coeur Artificial Eye FR 112,933 25 Taxi Metrodome FR 108,523 26 Eternity And A Day Artificial Eye GR/FR/IT/DL 92,866 27 Apt Pupil Columbia TriStar US/FR 88,930 28 Sitcom Alliance FR 76,714 29 Nights Of Cabiria (re) bfi IT/FR 70,120 30 It All Starts Today Artificial Eye FR 63,082 31 Doberman Metro FR 58,706 32 Sweety Barrett Buena Vista IE/IS 57,195 33 Aprile Metro IT/FR 52,874 34 Alice Et Martin Artificial Eye FR/ES/US 52,060 35 You’re Dead Entertainment DL/US 48,704 36 West Beruit Metrodome FR/LB/BE/NO 47,551 37 Late August, Early September Artificial Eye FR 42,488 38 Night Train Lucky Shamrock IE 40,104 39 The Polish Bride Artificial Eye NL 32,708 40 Perdita Durango Metrodome ES/MX/US 27,771 41 Jean De Florette (re) Pathe FR/IT/CH 26,515 42 Class Trip Bluelight FR 25,118 43 Manon Des Sources Pathe FR/IT/CH 24,001 44 Seul Contre Nous Alliance FR 17,506 45 Children Of The Marshland Gala FR 17,243 46 The Inheritors Metrodome DL/AT 13,605 47 Artemesia Gala DL/FR/IT 12,623 48 Simply Irresistible Twentieth Century Fox DL/US 12,593 49 The Buttoners ICA CZR 12,427 50 The Legend Of 1900 Entertainment IT/US 10,912 51 Cinema Paradiso (re) Metro IT/FR 10,886 52 Jakob The Liar Columbia TriStar DL/US 10,292 53 A Man And A Woman (re) Gala FR 9,250 54 L’arche Du Desert Downtown FR/DL/DZ/CH 9,083 55 Lucky People Centre international J. Balfour DK/SE/NO 7,679 Gala FR 6,828 Celluloid205 DL/TR/NL 5,630 56 Hotel Du Nord (re) BFI Information57 Services Journey To The Sun 58 Goodbye Lover Warner Brothers DL/US 5,537 59 Out Of The Present Downtown DL/FR/BE/RU 4,677 60 Foreign Land ICA PT/BR 4,300 45 Children Of The Marshland Gala FR 17,243 46 The Inheritors Metrodome DL/AT 13,605 47 Artemesia Gala DL/FR/IT 12,623 48 Simply Irresistible 49 The Buttoners ICA CZR 12,427 50 The Legend Of 1900 Entertainment IT/US 10,912 51 Cinema Paradiso (re) Metro IT/FR 10,886 52 Jakob The Liar Columbia TriStar DL/US 10,292 53 A Man And A Woman (re) Gala FR 9,250 54 L’arche Du Desert Downtown FR/DL/DZ/CH 9,083 55 Lucky People Centre international J. Balfour DK/SE/NO 7,679 56 Hotel Du Nord (re) Gala FR 6,828 57 Journey To The Sun Celluloid DL/TR/NL 5,630 58 Goodbye Lover Warner Brothers DL/US 5,537 59 Out Of The Present Downtown DL/FR/BE/RU 4,677 60 Foreign Land ICA PT/BR 4,300 61 Idle Hands Columbia TriStar DL/US 4,123 62 La Promesse ICA FR/BE/LU 3,829 63 Venus Beauty Gala FR 3,400 64 The Story Of O (re) Arrow FR/DL 2,857 65 Winter Sleepers City Screen DL 2,762 66 Merchant Of Four Seasons (re) bfi DL 2,207 67 Actresses Downtown ES 2,046 68 Mouchette (re) bfi FR 1,936 69 Chance Or Coincidence Gala FR/CAQ 1,926 70 Beyond Silence Arrow DL/CH 1,893 71 The Cyclist (re) ICA DK 1,766 72 News From The Good Lord ICA FR/PT/CH 1,233 73 The Music Freelancers Winstone FR 1,100 74 Boys On The Beach Gala FR 465 75 The Last Bus Home Bandit IE The Twentieth STATS: Cinema Century Fox DL/US 12,593 163 25,397,293 Source: ACNielsen EDI/ Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 206 The STATS: Cinema Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) Life Is Beautiful Buena Vista IT 2,955,627 All About My Mother Pathe ES/FR 1,038,387 Buena Vista Social Club FilmFour DL/CU 725,769 Central Station Buena Vista BR 630,227 Hum Saath Saath Hain Eros IN 622,909 Taal Eros IN 604,800 This Is My Father Buena Vista CA/IE 508,184 Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rahte Hain Eros IN 455,257 Biwi No.1 Yash Raj IN 385,936 Dil Kya Kare Eros IN 368,032 Le Diner De Cons Pathe FR 364,960 Mann Yash Raj IN 353,082 Aa Ab Laut Chalen UFDL IN 350,604 Run Lola Run Columbia TriStar DL 319,815 Hum Dil De Chuck Sanam Blue Star IN 310,764 Baadshah Stars Int. IN 287,509 Festen Bluelight DK 269,103 Romance Bluelight FR 206,321 An Autumn Tale Artificial Eye FR 190,777 Black Cat White Cat Artificial Eye DL/FR/YU/AT/GR 172,575 Hello Brother IFD IN 147,670 22. Aarzoo Shernwali IN 144,811 The Idiots Metro DL/DK/FR/IT/NL 136,959 Dillagi Eros IN 134,498 Kachche Dhaage UFDL IN 130,232 Tango Metrodome ES/AR/FR/DL 123,444 Mifune Alliance DK/SE 122,899 Daag UFDL IN 116,554 A La Place Du Coeur Artificial Eye FR 112,933 Silsila Hain Pyar Ka Eros IN 111,721 Taxi Metrodome FR 108,523 Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin Blue Star IN 95,126 Eternity And A Day Artificial Eye GR/FR/IT/DL 92,866 Sarfarosh Eros IN 84,318 Haseena Maan Jayegi Eros IN 82,933 Khoobsurat Blue Star IN 82,199 Sitcom Alliance FR 76,714 Hindustan Ki Kasam Eros IN 75,084 Solomon & Gaenor FilmFour GBW 73,505 Nights Of Cabiria (re) bfi IT/FR 70,120 Earth Pathe IN 67,141 Jaanam Samja Karo Shernwali IN 63,891 It All Starts Today Artificial Eye FR 63,082 The Cup Alliance BT/AU 60,009 Doberman Metro FR 58,706 Shaheed E Mohabbat Eros IN 58,347 Sweety Barrett Buena Vista IE/IS 57,195 Aprile Metro IT/FR 52,874 Alice Et Martin Artificial Eye FR/ES/US 52,060 Lal Badshan Eros IN 48,209 West Beruit Metrodome FR/LB/BE/NO 47,551 Hote Hote Pyar Ho Gaya Eros IN 45,807 Sooryaravansham Eros IN 45,163 Late August, Early September Artificial Eye FR 42,488 Laawaris UFDL IN 41,475 Afterlife ICA JP 40,772 Shernwali 207 Eros IN 34,761 IN 34,126 Polish Bride Artificial Eye NL 32,708 Vaastav Eros IN 30,732 Hogi Pyar Ki Jeet Monohill IN 28,188 Kartoos BFI Information Services International Khiladi Shaheed E Mohabbat Eros IN 58,347 Sweety Barrett Buena Vista IE/IS 57,195 Aprile Metro IT/FR 52,874 Lal Badshan Eros IN 48,209 West Beruit Metrodome FR/LB/BE/NO 47,551 Hote Hote Pyar Ho Gaya Eros IN 45,807 Sooryaravansham Eros IN 45,163 Late August, Early September Artificial Eye FR 42,488 Laawaris UFDL IN 41,475 Afterlife ICA JP 40,772 Kartoos Shernwali IN 34,761 International Khiladi Eros IN 34,126 Polish Bride Artificial Eye NL 32,708 Vaastav Eros IN 30,732 Hogi Pyar Ki Jeet Monohill IN 28,188 Perdita Durango Metrodome ES/MX/US 27,771 Jean De Florette (re) Pathe FR/IT/CH 26,515 Mast Eros IN 26,131 Class Trip Bluelight FR 25,118 Dahek Eros IN 24,619 Manon Des Sources Pathe FR/IT/CH 24,001 Hu Tu Tu Eros IN 21,575 Who Am I? Columbia TriStar HK 21,532 Rayaji UFDL IN 20,704 Seul Contre Nous Alliance FR 17,506 Children Of The Marshland Gala FR 17,243 Jaanwar Yash Raj IN 16,426 Sirf Tum Shernwali IN 14,572 Hum Tum Pe Marte Hain Blue Star IN 13,888 The Inheritors Metrodome DL/AT 13,605 Artemesia Gala DL/FR/IT 12,623 The Buttoners ICA CZR 12,427 Godmother Yash Raj IN 12,426 Kohram Venus IN 12,340 No Alliance CAQ 12,202 The Legend Of 1900 Entertainment IT/US 10,912 Cinema Paradiso (re) Metro IT/FR 10,886 Perfect Blue Manga JP 10,724 Made In Hong Kong ICA HK 10,016 Pyaar Main Kabhi Kabhi Columbia TriStar IN 9,595 Arjun Pandit Blue Star IN 9,386 A Man And A Woman (re) Gala FR 9,250 L’arche Du Desert Downtown FR/DL /DZ/CH 9,083 Lucky People Centre International J. Balfour DK/SE/NO 7,679 Jai Hind Monohill IN 7,450 Zulmi Monohill IN 7,416 Hotel Du Nord (re) Gala FR 6,828 Anari No 1 Shernwali IN 6,300 Journey To The Sun Celluloid DL/NL/TR 5,630 The Chess Players Contemporary IN 4,717 Out Of The Present Downtown DL/FR/BE/RU 4,677 Thakshak Venus IN 4,665 Foreign Land ICA PT/BR 4,300 La Promesse ICA FR/BE/LU 3,823 Venus Beauty Gala FR 3,400 Motel Cactus ICA KR 3,165 August In The Water ICA JP 3,116 Story Of O Arrow FR/DL 2,857 Winter Sleeper City DL 2,762 Angel Dust ICA JP 2,740 I Am Cuba Barbican RU/CU 2,612 Safari Blue Star IN 2,409 Merchant Of Four Seasons bfi DL 2,207 Sar Ankhon Par GVI IN 2,064 Actresses Downtown ES 2,046 Spark 208 bfi IN 1,948 FR 1,936 Chance Or Coincidence Gala FR/CAQ 1,926 Gair Venus IN 1,916 Alice Et Martin Sangharsh BFI Information Services Mouchette (re) The STATS: CinemaFR/ES/US Artificial Eye 52,060 Motel Cactus ICA KR 3,165 August In The Water ICA JP 3,116 Story Of O Winter Sleeper The Arrow STATS: City CinemaFR/DL 2,857 DL 2,762 Angel Dust ICA JP 2,740 I Am Cuba Barbican RU/CU 2,612 Safari Blue Star IN 2,409 Merchant Of Four Seasons bfi DL 2,207 Sar Ankhon Par GVI IN 2,064 Actresses Downtown ES 2,046 Sangharsh Spark IN 1,948 Mouchette (re) bfi FR 1,936 Chance Or Coincidence Gala FR/CAQ 1,926 Gair Venus IN 1,916 Beyond Silence Arrow DL/CH 1,893 The Cyclist (re) ICA DK 1,766 118. Desh Re Joya Dada Pardes Joya Globe IN 1,752 Shaheed Uddham Singh Venus IN 1,319 News From The Good Lord ICA FR/PT/CH 1,233 The Music Winstone FR 1,100 Boys On The Beach Gala FR 465 Mother Skilkant JP 260 Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 209 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of Box Office by Country of Origin 1999 Territories No. of Titles Box Office (£) % US 148 344,414,373 60.37 US/UK 18 152,519,872 26.73 UK 42 22,460,845 3.94 Other UK Co-productions 39 19,208,088 3.37 EU (including US and other nonEU co-productions) Co-productions (rest of world) 75 25,397,293 4.51 2 62,621 0.01 Rest of world (foreign language) 64 6,400,251 1.12 Rest of world (English language) 4 42,020 0.00 393 570,505,363 Total Box Office for new releases in the UK and Irish Republic between Jan 1st 1999 and Jan 5th 2000 Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi / Screen Finance Top 10 US Box Office Revenues of UK Films Released in 1999 Title US Distributor Box Office Gross ($m) 1 The World is Not Enough MGM 117,880,000 2 Notting Hill Universal 116,090,000 3 Waking Ned Devine Fox Searchlight 19,460,000 4 An Ideal Husband Miramax 18,540,000 5 Tea with Mussolini MGM 14,400,000 6 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Gramercy 3,900,000 7 Mansfield Park Miramax 2,470,000 8 Ravenous Fox Searchlight 2,060,000 9 Get Real Paramount Classics 1,150,000 10 Felicia’s Journey Artisan 760,000 296,710,000 Source: ACNielsen EDI BFI Information Services 210 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Admissions of Films Distributed in Europe 1999 Based on an analysis of 80% of admissions in the European Union in 1999 Title Country of Admissions Origin 1 Stars Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace US 38,843,453 2 Notting Hill UK 26,160,254 3 Tarzan US 23,647,493 4 A Bug’s Life US 20,411,714 5 The Matrix US 19,895,760 6 The Mummy US 19,639,974 7 Asterix et Obelix contre Cesar FR/DL/IT 18,385,262 8 Shakespeare in Love US 16,032,558 9 The World is not Enough US/UK 10 The Runaway Bride US 14,091,519 11 Austin Powers 2:The Spy who Shagged Me US 10,063,323 12 You’ve Got Mail US 9,875,293 13 Wild Wild West US 9,679,865 14 Enemy of the State US 9,513,749 15 Life is Beautiful IT 8,621,872 16 Entrapment US 7,818,980 17 The Blair Witch Project US 7,331,121 18 Eyes Wide Shut US 7,286,222 19 American Pie US 7,148,576 20 The Sixth Sense US 7,008,462 15,046,96 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory/bfi Top 20 of Admissions to European Films Distributed in the European Union 1999 Title Country of Origin Admissions 1 Notting Hill UK 23,852,916 2 Asterix et Obelix Contre Cesar FR/DL/IT 17,288,501 3 The World is not Enough UK/US 13,324,796 4 Life is Beautiful IT 8,621,872 5 All About My Mother ES/FR 6,119,239 6 The Ninth Gate FR/ES 3,383,473 7 Joan of Arc FR 2,936,612 8 Werner –Volles Rooaa DL 2,755,103 9 Waking Ned Devine UK 2,586,346 10 Les Enfants du Marais FR 2,220,558 11 Little Voice UK 2,208,023 12 Buena Vista Social Club DL/US/FR/CU 2,035,633 13 Cosi e la Vita IT 1,932,683 14 Sonnennallee DL 1,863,297 15 East is East UK 1,784,944 16 Quasimode d’el Paris FR 1,706,110 17 Punktchen und Anton DL 1,716,478 18 Muertos de Risa ES 1,668,594 19 Festen DK 1,417,297 20 It All Starts Today FR 1,329,284 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory/bfi BFI Information Services 211 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor 1999 Distributor No. of Titles Box Office Gross (£) UIP 39 133,206,947 Buena Vista 32 118,539,642 Twentieth Century Fox 22 86,423,946 Warner Brothers 19 68,558,266 Universal 14 45,605,281 Columbia TriStar 26 30,447,731 Total US Majors 152 £482,781,813 Entertainment 24 34,855,964 Pathe 11 21,048,407 FilmFour 19 17,364,907 Eros 17 2,799,177 Alliance 14 2,540,559 3 1,705,668 Artificial Eye 12 1,119,171 Downtown 11 1,071,162 Yash Raj 4 767,870 UFDL 5 659,569 Bluelight 4 617,926 Blue Star 6 513,772 12 353,362 Metro Tartan 6 304,233 Stars Int. 1 287,509 Metrodome 8 276,466 Shernwali 5 264,335 Optimum 4 224,454 Redbus 2 175,221 ICA 12 160,618 IFD 1 147,670 11 103,573 Gala 7 51,735 Monohill 3 43,054 Lucky Shamrock 1 40,104 First Independent 4 35,728 Millivres 4 31,602 Contemporary 2 28,481 Winstone 3 24,055 Venus 4 20,240 Capricorn 1 13,640 Clarence 1 12,450 Manga 1 10,724 J Balfour 1 7,679 Guerilla 1 7,045 Celluloid 1 5,630 Arrow 2 4,750 Blue Dolphin 2 4,650 Barbican 2 4,228 United Media 1 3,641 City 1 2,762 Sales 1 2,574 GVI 1 2,064 Nepotism 1 1,998 Spark 1 1,948 Globe 1 1,752 Skillant 1 260 Bandit 1 163 Total (Independents) 241 £87,724,550 Total 393 £570,506,363 Icon bfi Feature Film Company Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi/ Screen Finance/X25 Partnership BFI Information Services 212 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 There’s Something About Mary Fox Pathe US 2 Armageddon Buena Vista US 3 Saving Private Ryan CIC US 4 Enemy of the State Buena Vista US 5 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels UPV UK 6 Blade EV US 7 Lethal Weapon 4 Warner Brothers US 8 The Truman Show CIC US 9 Payback Warner Brothers US 10 Dr. Doolittle Fox Pathe US 11 Godzilla Columbia TriStar US 12 The Matrix Warner Brothers US 13 Sliding Doors CIC UK/US 14 Mercury Rising CIC US 15 Notting Hill UPV UK 16 Lost in Space EV US 17 The Siege Fox Pathe US 18 Ronin MGM US 19 Small Soldiers CIC US 20 Rush Hour EV US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 A Bug's Life (U) Buena Vista US 2 The Lion King 2 - Samba's Pride (U) Buena Vista US 3 The Matrix (15) Warner Brothers US 4 Notting Hill (PG) Universal US 5 Saving Private Ryan (15) CIC US 6 Mulan (U) Buena Vista US 7 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (18) Universal UK 8 Antz (U) CIC US 9 Dr Doolittle (U) Twentieth Century Fox US 10 George of the Jungle (U) Buena Vista US 11 Godzilla (PG) Columbia TriStar US 12 Rugrats - The Movie (U) CIC US 13 Armageddon (12) Buena Vista US 14 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Universal UK 15 Ali G, Innit VCI UK 16 Friends - Series 5 - Episodes 1-4 Warner Brothers US 17 Billy Connolly Live VVL UK 18 The Royle Family - Complete Series 1 VCI UK 29 The Prince of Egypt (U) CIC US 20 Friends - Series 5 - Episodes 5-8 Warner Brothers US Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 213 The STATS: Video Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume 1999 (%) Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 1999 Distributor %share Distributor Company Share(%) 1 Warner/MGM 18.60 2 Buena Vista 16.80 1 Warner Brothers/MGM 24.20 3 CIC 15.80 2 Universal 17.80 4 Fox Pathe 12.80 3 Buena Vista 12.60 5 UPV 11.50 4 Columbia TriStar 12.30 6 EV 11.20 5 CIC 11.40 7 Columbia TriStar 8.80 6 Fox 8.60 8 FilmFour 1.90 7 EV 6.20 9 High Fliers/Alliance 1.10 8 VCI 3.90 0.50 9 Carlton 0.50 10 MIA 0.30 10 Mosaic Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Source: BVA/CIN Top 20 Retail DVDs in the UK 1999 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 The Matrix (12) Warner Brothers US 2 Armageddon (15) Buena Vista US 3 Blade (18) EV US 4 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (18) Universal UK 5 A Bug's Life (U) Buena Vista US 6 Enemy of the State (15) Buena Vista US 7 Notting Hill (15) Universal US 8 Lethal Weapon 4 (15) Warner Brothers US 9 The Exorcist (18) Warner Brothers US 10 Ronin (15) MGM US 11 Godzilla (PG) Columbia TriStar US 12 Payback (18) Warner Brothers US 13 Shakespeare in Love (15) Universal/Columbia TriStar US/UK 14 Starship Troopers (15) Buena Vista US 15 Titanic (12) Twentieth Century Fox US 16 The Mask of Zorro (PG) Columbia TriStar US 17 There's Something About Mary (PG) Twentieth Century Fox US 18 The Negotiator (15) Warner Brothers US 19 Tomorrow Never Dies (12) MGM US/UK 20 The Faculty (15) Buena Vista US Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 214 The STATS: Television ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 1999 Company Hours of new programmes Anglia 313 Border - Carlton 129 Central 100 Channel Grampian Granada 670 HTV 34 LWT 287 Meridian STV 53 105 Tyne Tees 8 UTV - Westcountry 4 Yorkshire 177 Source: ITC Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 1999 Title Channel 1 Coronation Street ITV 7-Mar 19.8 2 Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV 7-Mar 19.2 3 Heartbeat ITV 28-Feb 17.0 4 A Touch of Frost ITV 21-Mar 16.8 5 Eastenders BBC1 7-Jan 15.7 6 ITV 26-May 15.6 7 Champions League Final: Man Utd v Bayern Munich Walking with Dinosaurs 4-Oct 15.0 8 Euro 2000 Play Off: England V Scotland ITV 17-Nov 14.6 9 The Vicar of Dibley BBC1 27-Dec 14.4 10 New You’ve Been Framed ITV 7-Nov 13.9 11 Emmerdale ITV 10-Jan 13.4 12 Goldeneye ITV 10-Mar 13.2 13 TV Nightmares ITV 9-Jan 13.1 14 Casualty BBC1 13-Feb 13.1 15 Mission Impossible BBC1 26-Dec 12.8 16 Neighbours From Hell ITV 7-Jan 12.8 17 Before They Were Famous BBC1 25-Dec 12.2 18 Lost for Words ITV 3-Jan 12.2 19 Stars in Your Eyes ITV 5-Jun 12.2 20 Police, Camera, Action ITV 6-Jan 12.0 Source. BARB BFI Information Services 215 BBC1 Tx Date Audience (m) The STATS: Television Top Original Drama Productions 1999 Including soap operas, series, serials and UK TV movies. Audience Figures are for highest rated episodes of each production. Title Producer/Sponsor 1 Coronation Street Granada 7-Mar 19.80 2 Heartbeat Yorkshire 28-Feb 17.00 3 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 21-Mar 16.80 4 Eastenders BBC 7-Jan 15.70 5 Emmerdale Yorkshire 20-Jan 13.40 6 Casualty BBC 13-Feb 13.10 7 Lost for Words Bard Entertainment/ Yorkshire 3-Jan 12.20 8 Forgotten LWT 15-Feb 12.00 9 Coronation Street:After Hours Granada 13-Nov 12.00 10 Where the Heart Is United/ Anglia 18-Apr 11.70 11 Jonathan Creek BBC 28-Dec 11.40 12 London’s Burning LWT 28-Feb 11.40 13 The Bill Pearson/ Carlton 5-Jan 11.20 14 Extremely Dangerous 11-Nov 11.10 15 Grafters North West One/ Picture Palace/ Carlton Coastal Prods/ Granada 8-Nov 11.10 16 Midsomer Murders Bentley Prods/ Yorkshire 12-Sep 11.10 17 Rhinoceros Coastal Prods/ Granada 11-Apr 11.00 18 Peak Practise Central 23-Feb 10.90 19 Harbour Lights Valentine Prods/ BBC 18-Feb 10.90 20 Silent Witness BBC 31-May 10.90 Source: BARB/bfi Television Advertising 1999 Net Terrestrial Television Advertising Revenue £2,777 million ITV £1,874 million C4 £590 million C5 £187 million S4C £9 million GMTV £65 million Programme Sponsorship £52 million *Non-Terrestrial TV Revenue £2,145 million *Figure to end of September 1999. Includes Advertising Revenue, Sponsorship and Subscriptions. Source: ITC BFI Information Services 216 Tx Date Audience (m) The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 1999 Title Tx Date BARB Rating(m) BBC1 The Man 5-Apr 5.50 Split Second 26-Aug 5.97 All for Love 22-Oct 6.16 All the King’s Men 14-Nov 9.67 Last Christmas 22-Dec 6.13 The Greatest Store in the World 22-Dec 7.09 21-Mar 0.71 5-Apr 3.68 Regeneration* 12-Sep 1.49 My Son the Fanatic* 19-Sep 0.81 I Went Down* 26-Sep 1.10 Sex n’Death 14-Dec 2.89 Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell 23-Dec 0.75 The Revenger’s Comedies 30-Dec 3.10 BBC2 The Sixth Happiness* Face* ITV Lost For Words 3-Jan 12.23 Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil 24-Feb 7.48 Hunting Venus 31-Mar 8.70 Hornblower: Frogs and Lobsters Rhinoceros Girl’s Night* 2-Apr 5.95 11-Apr 10.96 14-Apr 8.36 Bostock’s Cup 25-May 6.26 Trial by Fire 15-Dec 7.74 The Flint Street Nativity 22-Dec 9.33 The Turn of the Screw 26-Dec 6.08 True Blue* 10-Jan 1.29 Bent* 23-Aug 0.41 Gallivant* 20-Sep 0.13 The Slab Boys 27-Oct 0.57 Babymother* 19-Dec 0.93 The Disappearance of Finbar 23-Dec 0.29 The Woodlanders* 25-Dec 0.90 Channel 4 * denotes previous release in UK cinemas Source: BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 217 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 1999 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Goldeneye UK/US 1995 ITV 13.23 2 Mission Impossible US 1996 BBC1 12.80 3 Tomorrow Never Dies UK/US 1997 ITV 11.86 4 Jingle all the Way US 1996 ITV 11.29 5 The Nutty Professor US 1996 ITV 11.07 6 Twister US 1996 ITV 10.67 7 The Specialist US 1994 ITV 10.58 8 Never Say Never Again UK/US 1983 ITV 10.13 9 Apollo 13 US 1995 BBC1 10.10 10 Dr.No UK/US 1962 ITV 10.02 11 The Spy Who Loved Me UK/US 1977 ITV 9.95 12 For Your Eyes Only UK/US 1981 ITV 9.30 13 Home Alone 2 US 1992 ITV 9.28 14 The Man with the Golden Gun UK/US 1974 ITV 9.28 15 Diamonds are Forever UK/US 1971 ITV 9.23 16 K-9 US 1988 ITV 9.21 17 While You Were Sleeping US 1995 ITV 9.20 18 Executive Decision US 1996 ITV 9.09 19 In the Line of Fire US 1993 ITV 9.06 20 Live and Let Die UK/US 1973 ITV 9.01 Source: Taris/BARB BFI Information Services 218 Audience (m) 2000 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981-200 UK Film Production 2000 - Category A UK Film Production 2000 - Category B UK Film Production 2000 - Category C UK Film Production 2000 - Category D UK Film Production 2000 - Category E Types of Release for UK Films 1999 What Happened to 1999 UK Films? 220 221 223 224 225 226 227 228 NATIONAL LOTTERY Top 20 all-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2000 229 230 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 2000 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2000 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 2000 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2000 Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office Released in 2000 Top 20 Foreign Language Films 2000 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2000 Top 10 US Box Office Revenue of UK Films Released in 2000 Top 20 Admissions to Films in Distribution in Europe in 2000 Top 20 Admissions of European Films Distributed in the Euroepan Union Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor in 2000 All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK 233 233 234 235 237 238 238 239 239 240 241 242 243 VIDEO Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 2000 Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 2000 Distributors Share of UK Rental transactions 2000 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume etc Top 20 Retail DVD’s in the UK 2000 244 244 245 245 245 TELEVISION Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2000 ITV Companies Programme Supply Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2000 Top 20 Original Drama Productions 2000 Television Advertising 2000 UK TV Films Premiered 2000 Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2000 246 246 246 247 247 248 249 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films* 1981 - 2000 Year Titles Produced Current Prices (£m) Production Cost (£m) (2001 prices**) 1981 24 61.2 139.8 1982 40 141.1 297.1 1983 51 251.1 505.9 1984 53 270.4 483.6 1985 54 269.4 487.6 1986 41 165.8 290.3 1987 55 195.3 327.7 1988 48 175.2 283.0 1989 30 104.7 155.8 1990 60 217.4 292.0 1991 59 243.2 306.6 1992 47 184.9 224.4 1993 67 224.1 271.9 1994 84 455.2 540.9 1995 78 402.4 474.5 1996 128 741.4 845.0 1997 116 562.8 626.5 1998 88 509.3 548.6 1999 100 549.2 574.1 2000 98 804.3 828.4 *UK films are defined here as films produced in the UK or with a UK financial involvement, they include majority and minority co-productions. ** based on calender year inflation figure of 3%. Source: Screen Finance/x25 Partnership/bfi BFI Information Services 220 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2000 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Al’s Lads Alchemy Pictures/ Evolution Films 3.50 x Alone CF1 Evolution Films 6.00 x Beautiful Mistake Boda Films/ S4C/ Arts Council of Wales 0.50 x Born Romantic Kismet Films/ BBC/ Harvest Pictures/ Redbus 3.20 0.382 The Bunker Millennium Pictures 1.92 0.004 Chunky Monkey Open Roads Films 0.15 x Club le Monde Screen Associates 0.63 0.009 Crush 4.30 0.170 Daddy Pipedream Pictures/ Lee Thomas Productions/ FilmFour/ Film Council Imaginary Films 1.50 x Dead Creatures Long Pig Productions 0.10 x Dead in the Water Spice Factory/ Redbarn/ Enterprise Films 2.40 x Dog Eat Dog Tiger Aspect/ FilmFour/ Shona Prods 1.60 0.004 The Emperor’s New Clothes Redwave/ FilmFour 6.00 tbr End Game Various Films 3.50 x The Filth and the Fury Film Four/ Sex Pistols/ Jersey Shore/ Nitrate Film 0.60 0.117 The Final Curtain Young Crossbow/ DNA 4.00 x Gabriel and Me 3.75 0.029 2.90 x 3.11 tbr The Hole Samuelson Prods/ Film Consortium/ British Screen/ Isle of Man Film Commission Sky Pictures/ Starfield Productions/ Imagico/ Wave Pictures/ Isle of Man Film Commission Ruby Films/ BBC Films/ Distant Horizon/ Arts Council of Wales Cowboy Films/ Granada/ Impact/ Pathe 4.16 2.302 The Honeytrap Honeytrap Prods 0.83 x Injustice Migrant Media 0.25 0.005 Is Harry on the Boat? Sky/ Ruby Films/ Rapido 1.00 x Jack Brown and the Curse of the Crown Jesus the Curry King Little Wing Films/ SDA Prods 14.50 x Aylesbury Films 0.01 x Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Pagoda Films/ Sky Pictures/ Television Production Company PLC Picture Palace North/ FilmFour/ Film Consortium/ Yorkshire Media Production Agency BBC Films 4.30 x 1.40 0.017 0.75 0.160 1.60 0.104 1.50 0.321 Liam Ideal World/Film Four/Glasgow Film Office/Scottish Screen Martin Pope Productions/ Isle of Man Film Commission/ British Screen/ Film Council/ October BBC Films/ MIDA 1.60 0.070 Like Father Amber Films 0.50 0.002 Mad Dogs Roaring Mice Films 0.50 x The Martins Tiger Aspect/ Isle of Man Film Commission 3.00 0.980 The Meeksville Ghost Peakviewing Prods 2.34 x Mrs. Caldicot’s Cabbage War Cabbage Films 3.00 0.016 My Kingdom Close Grip Films/ Primary Pictures/ Sky Pictures 5.00 0.014 Pasty Faces 0.50 x Plato’s Breaking Point Noel Gay Motion Picture Co/ Victor Film Co/ Metrodome/ Lone Wolf Robark Pictures/ Shawthing Media 0.75 x Randall’s Flat Stage to Screen 1.50 x Revelation Romulus Films 4.13 0.019 Shiner 7.00 0.034 The Sorceror’s Apprentice Wisecroft Productions/ IAC/ Geoffrey Reeve Film and TV Peakviewing Transatlantic 2.35 0.007 South West Nine Fruit Salad Films/ Irish Screen 2.00 0.082 Tabloid TV Ultimate Pictures 5.00 x This Filthy Earth FilmFour/ Tall Stories/ Sky/ Yorkshire Media Production Agency/ East London Film Fund 1.10 0.007 Gypsy Woman Happy Now Large Last Resort Late Night Shopping Lawless Heart x - unreleased BFI Information Services * estimated figure 221 tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Total Number of Films 46 Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 * Like Father Amber Films 0.50 Mad Dogs Roaring Mice Films 0.50 x The Martins Tiger Aspect/ Isle of Man Film Commission 3.00 0.980 The Meeksville Ghost The STATS: Film Production 0.002 Peakviewing Prods 2.34 x Mrs. Caldicot’s Cabbage War Cabbage Films 3.00 0.016 My Kingdom Close Grip Films/ Primary Pictures/ Sky Pictures 5.00 0.014 Pasty Faces 0.50 x Plato’s Breaking Point Noel Gay Motion Picture Co/ Victor Film Co/ Metrodome/ Lone Wolf Robark Pictures/ Shawthing Media 0.75 x Randall’s Flat Stage to Screen 1.50 x Revelation Romulus Films 4.13 0.019 Shiner 7.00 0.034 The Sorceror’s Apprentice Wisecroft Productions/ IAC/ Geoffrey Reeve Film and TV Peakviewing Transatlantic 2.35 0.007 South West Nine Fruit Salad Films/ Irish Screen 2.00 0.082 Tabloid TV Ultimate Pictures 5.00 x This Filthy Earth FilmFour/ Tall Stories/ Sky/ Yorkshire Media Production Agency/ East London Film Fund 1.10 0.007 x - unreleased * estimated figure tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Total Number of Films 46 Total Cost £119.73m Average Cost £2.66m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 222 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2000 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Budge t (£m) 51st State The Abduction Club Momentum Pictures/ Focus Films/ Alliance Atlantis/ Film Consortium/ Artists Production Group Pathe/ Gruber and Samson Films/ KC Meridien The Fourth Angel Rafford Films/ Norstar Filmed Entertainment/ Sky Last Orders CA 3.790 6.00 IE/DL 0.061 9.69 CA x Scala prods/ MBP/ Metrodome 8.30 DL 0.947 Lucky Break Fragile Films/ FilmFour/ Senator Films 4.00 DL 1.255 Me Without You Dakota Films/ Isle of Man Film Commission/ British Screen/ Banque Luxembourg/ Matrix Film/ Britannia Mumbo Jumbo Prods/ Firelight/ Apollo Media 3.70 LU 0.128 2.84 DL x 1.00 DL 0.005 1.70 ES/DL 0.009 4.00 ES 3.50 IE/DL Quicksand Trijbits Productions/ Film Council/ FilmFour/ British Screen/ Media II/ Filimboard Berlin-Brandenburg Parallax Pictures/ Road Movies/ Tornasol/ Alta/ FilmFour/ Film Consortium Alibi Films/ Arts Council of Wales/ BBC/ Canal + Spain/ Morena/ Bloom Street/ Saltire Entertainment/ TVE Insight Ventures/ Northern Ireland Film Commission/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland/ Irish Govt Section 481 Tax Incentives/ MBP Geoffrey Reeve Film/ Cinesand/ Visionview/ Cinerenta 6.33 DL x The Reckoning Renaissance Films/ KanZaman/ MDA Films 9.62 ES x Mumbo Jumbo My Brother Tom The Navigators One of the Hollywood Ten Puckoon x - unreleased Total Number of Films 13 Total Cost £80.06m Average Cost £6.16m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 223 19.38 Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 x 0.006 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2000 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies The Biographer First Biographer Films/ Pipeline 4.66 DL The Cat’s Meow Dan Films/ Cat’s Meow/ KC Medien 4.30 DL Dark Blue World Helkon Media/ Portobello/ Czech Film Fund/ Phoenix Investments/ Fandango/ Eurimages Temple Films/ Renaissance Films/ Irish Film Board/ Irish Govt section 481 tax incentives Final Cut/ Scandinavian Entertainment 4.00 DL/CZR 0.199 3.08 IE 0.117 1.43 SE History dreams/ Film Consortium/ Ena Films/ Fandango Prods/ Sky/ European Co-Prod Fund/ Filmstiftung/ Shadow Doel Greenpoint/ Telema/ CNC/ Canal + 11.00 Off Key Werner Herzog FilmProduktion/ Tatfilm/ Little Bird/ FilmFour/ Arte WDR/ BR Lola Films Princesca Parallax Pictures/ BIM/ Road Movies Semana Santa Disco Pigs Dream Dust Budget (£m) Co-Producing UK Box Office Countries (£m) as of May 2003 x x x DL/IT/MAC 0.004 4.00 FR 0.412 4.50 DL 0.013 6.37 ES x 0.97 IT/DL x 4.77 DL/FR x Superstition Schlemmer/ Wandering Star/ Senator/ Septieme Woodline/ Movie Masters/ De Lux Productions 4.50 NL/LU x The Triumph of Love Recorded Picture Company/ Fiction 3.50 IT Villa des Roses Dan Films/ Favourite Films/ Isabella Films/ Samsa Films Random Harvest/ DB Entertainment/ Vanguard Entertainment 2.40 BE/NL/LU 0.005 3.70 CA 0.006 Intimacy Invincible The War Bride x - unreleased Total Number of Films 15 Total Cost £63.18m Average Cost £4.25m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 224 x The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2000 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Blow Dry Intermedia/ Miramax/ West 11 Films/ Mirage Enterprises/ Internationale Medien Working Title/ Universal/Miramax Bridget Jones’ Diary Budget UK Box Office (£m) (£m) as of May 2003 n/a 0.123 14.00 42.007 10.34 tbr Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Film Four/ Good Machine/ Gorilla Entertainment/ Odeon Pictures/ Grosvenor Working Title/ Universal/ Canal+ 13.00 9.793 Chocolat David Brown Prods/ Miramax 18.00 7.348 A Christmas Carol:The Movie Scala/ Illuminated Film Company/ Film Consortium/ Channel Four/ Winchester/ UIP/ Medien Beteiligungs Pathe/ Revolution Films/ United Artists/ BBC/ Canal + Intermedia/ Broadway Pictures/ Jagged Films/ Mees Pierson Dreamworks/ Columbia TriStar/ Bayakite/ Baltimore/ Everlasting Prods Belhaven Prods/ High Command Prods/ Paramount/ Miramax GFT Entertainment/ Ultimate Pictures 10.00 1.462 12.50 0.245 18.90 4.892 n/a 0.070 26.00 tbr 5.13 x Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone High Heels and Low Lifes Warner Brothers 90.00 66.096 Fragile Films/ Buena Vista 6.50 1.630 Killing Me Softly Montecito Pictures/ MGM 16.50 0.069 Lara Croft Tomb Raider Paramount 60.00 12.283 Long Time Dead WT2/ Universal/ Lola Productions The Mummy Returns Universal/ Alphaville Prods The Parole Officer DNA/ Figment Films/ Toledo/Universal Possession The Search for John Gissing Baltimore Spring Creek/ Warner Brothers/ USA Films Castle Rock/ Warner Brothers Bel Air Entertainment/ Anvil Films Renaissance Films/ Infilm/ Killer Films/ Clear Blue Sky Prods Sunlight Prods The Sleeping Dictionary Fine Line Spy Game Unconditional Love Buffalo Soldiers The Claim Enigma An Everlasting Piece The Four Feathers Global Heresy Proof of Life The Safety of Objects 5.99 3.284 20.39 0.322 47.00 3.236 4.86 x 6.00 x x Universal/ Beacon Pictures 55.00 4.023 Avery Pix/ New Line/ Zucca Bros 20.00 x Total Number of Films 25 Total Cost £541.31m £21.65m Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 1.774 20.390 6.00 x - unreleased Average Cost 3.20 72.00 225 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2000 - Category E "Bollywood" movies which shot sequences in the UK in 2000. Note these films are not included in the overall production total. Title Production Company(ies) A Couple of Words of Love Inderjit Kasam Se Sai Tinetra Arts India Khattee Methee Bharat Productions Love, Love, Love Ashwammi Chopra Film Mohabbetein Yash Raj Films Pyar Kiya Nahin Jata Sutyashwami Production Telegu Feature Film Suresh Productions Untitled AK International Untitled Vigay Anthi Productions Yaadein Mukts Arts Total Number of Films 10 Source: Screen Finance/British Film Commission BFI Information Services 226 The STATS: Film Production Types of Release for UK films 1984 - 2000 Proportion of films with a UK involvement which achieved; a) Wide release. Opening or playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production. b) Limited release, mainly in art house cinemas or a short West End run c) Unreleased a year after production Year (a)% (b)% (c)% 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 50.0 52.8 55.8 36.0 29.5 33.3 29.4 32.2 38.3 25.4 31.0 23.1 19.0 15.5 22.7 30.0 44.0 35.9 41.9 60.0 61.2 38.9 47.1 37.3 29.8 22.4 22.6 34.6 14.0 19.0 21.6 10.0 6.0 11.3 2.3 4.0 9.3 27.8 23.5 30.5 31.9 52.2 46.4 42.3 67.0 65.5 55.7 60.0 Source: ACNielsenEDI/bfi /Screen Finance BFI Information Services 227 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 1999 UK Films? Distribution of 1999 UK productions and foreign films made in the UK up to 1st July 2001 Released Theatrically in 1999/2000 Released Theatrically in 2001 No Distribution deal The Beach All About Adam Between Two Women Billy Elliot Another Life Blood Circus Christie Malry’s Own Double Entry Cold Fish Complicity * The Criminal The Company Man Creatures (Beautiful Creatures) Dead Bolt Dead County Kilburn The End of the Affair Essex Boys Glory, Glory (Hooded Angels) Inbetweeners The Cup (A Shot at Glory) Daybreak Gangster No.1 Kin Deception Gladiator Lava Emotional Backgammon Going Off Big Time The Low Down Fed Rotten The Golden Bowl Pandemonium Five Seconds to Spare Guest House Paradiso Quills Hard News Soft Money Honest Room to Rent In the Light of the Moon House! The Intruder House of Mirth Sexy Beast Strong Boys (Goodbye Charlie Bright) Hotel Splendide Suspicious River Londinium It was an Accident Very Annie Mary London Blues Kevin and Perry go Large Wild About Harry Love the One You’re With The Little Vampire When Brendan Met Trudy New Year’s Day Love, Honour and Obey Women Talking Dirty The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz Love’s Labours Lost The Last Minute Offending Angels The Luzhin Defence Distribution Deal But No Release Date One Life Stand The Man Who Cried Aberdeen Paradise Grove Maybe Baby Birthday Girl Secret Society Miss Julie Greenfingers Nasty Neighbours Shooters Soul’s Ark The Testimony of Teliesyn Jones 102 Dalmatians Strictly Sinatra Warrior Sisters Purely Belter The Truth Game Rat** That Girl From Rio Relative Values Saltwater Straight to TV or Video Saving Grace Breathtaking Second Generation The Ghost of Greville Lodge Snatch Paranoid Some Voices Pilgrim Sorted Sabotage There’s Only One Jimmy Grimble Shaheed Udham Singh Thomas and the Magic Railway Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? The World is Not Enough * Scotland Only ** Ireland Only. titles in parentheses ( ) indicate new title for release. Source: Screen Finance/ACNielsen EDI BFI Information Services 228 The STATS: National Lottery Top 20 all-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Title Award (£) Budget (£m) Box Office Gross(£) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Billy Elliot Shooting Fish This Year's Love An Ideal Husband Plunkett and MacLeane Land Girls Topsy-Turvy Hilary and Jackie My Name is Joe Still Crazy Hideous Kinky Mansfield Park Love's Labours Lost Divorcing Jack Ratcatcher Love and Death on Long Island There's Only One Jimmy Grimble Love is the Devil Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? 850,000 980,000 750,000 1,000,000 950,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 950,000 500,000 1,890,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,060,000 1,000,000 615,000 750,000 1,600,000 364,551 500,000 2.83 2.90 2.75 6.50 9.30 5.50 13.50 4.90 2.50 7.00 2.00 6.46 8.50 2.70 2.00 2.50 3.31 1.00 5.64 18,230,000 4,020,000 3,600,000 2,890,000 2,780,000 1,570,000 1,150,000 1,040,000 949,228 933,574 793,538 566,450 527,681 469,961 429,980 394,372 352,173 277,366 253,530 20 The Winter Guest 500,000 4.50 250,689 Box office figures as of 16 August 2001 Source: ACNielsenEDI/Screen Finance/bfi 229 bfi Information The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2000 Title Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND/FILM COUNCIL Features Crush 875,000 3,900,000 Long Time Dead Morvern Callar 1,000,000 500,000 3,075,000 2,997,000 My Brother Rob Pandaemonium 359,989 63,152 (Post Production) 999,000 200,000 1,205,000 The Lawless Heart Very Annie Mary 50,000 (Post Production) Simon Magus Shorts 21,730 (Post Production) Delilah Dish 21,325 30,000 45,469 60,000 Ho Ho Ho! 26,000 52,000 Home Ground 30,000 60,645 Intolerance Just Like My Dad Kings Ransom 15,000 26,870 27,025 30,000 53,740 54,050 Lambeth Marsh Landmark 40,000 20,000 80,000 40,000 Maises Catch 41,226 86,226 Mapping Perception 32,400 62,526 Once Seen The Elevator 28,157 13,350 59,546 26,700 Taxi! The Tyre 11,825 45,258 36,970 90,516 To Have and to Hold Trick of the Light Vivid 30,000 30,000 26,000 74,000 60,000 96,500 2,000,000 5,994,000 2,000,000 4,200,000 DNA FILMS The Parole Officer THE FILM CONSORTIUM 24 Hour Party People Blindfold Brian Jones Project 15,000 (Development) 19,000 (Development) Child of Air Dust 11,500 (Development) 1,950,000 5,236,000 50,000 (Post Production) 20,000 (Development) 1,200,000 3,720,000 Dust Fattypuffs and Thinifers Gabriel & Me Haroun and the Sea of Stories Innocence Janice Beard Large Quiz Night Room to Rent 60,000 (Development) 19,750 (Development) 85,000 (Prints and Advertising) 75,000 (Post Production) 13,600 (Development) 20,000 (Post Production) Seven Against the West Streets Above Us 34,000 (Development) 10,000 (Development) The 51st State Transgressions 2,000,000 15,000 (Development) 16,340,000 Amount of Award (£) 38,750 (Development) Total Budget (£) PATHÉ PICTURES A Romantic Comedy About Divorce Agent X Dead Sexy BFI InformationFeet Services Up It Was An Accident Minister of Fun Ode to Pandora 37,500 (Development) 45,000 (Development) 230 41,750 (Development) 99,850 (Post Production) 47,950 (Development) 34,750 (Development) Room to Rent Seven Against the West Streets Above Us The 51st State Transgressions The STATS: 20,000 (Post Production) 34,000 (Development) 10,000 (Development) National Lottery 2,000,000 15,000 (Development) PATHÉ PICTURES A Romantic Comedy About Divorce Agent X Dead Sexy Feet Up It Was An Accident Minister of Fun Ode to Pandora The Abduction Club Amount of Award (£) 38,750 (Development) 37,500 (Development) 45,000 (Development) 41,750 (Development) 99,850 (Post Production) 47,950 (Development) 34,750 (Development) 1,200,000 The Alchemist The Hole The Wedding Gift There's Only One Jimmy Grimble Waterloo Sunset 41,750 (Development) 1,500,000 41,750 (Development) 60,000 (Post Production) 50,000 (Development) 16,340,000 Total Budget (£) 4,297,000 4,158,000 Notes 1) The above list includes hard awards only 2) Film Council Awards are given under the interim award process between the Arts Council of England and the Film Council 3) The Budget as provided at the time of the Award SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL Features Child of Air The Last Great Wilderness Daybreak (supplementary funding) Shorts Pastures New Documentaries The Maggie Centre Who Owns Jack Kerouac? Louder than Bombs Exploitation Fund A Small Piece of Paradise Frog Project Preparation Awards Scheme The Flying Scotsman 500,000 375,000 250,000 500,000 26,500 63,536 11,080 36,503 38,000 70,215 123,587 25,000 246,771 48,911 17,500 10,000 24,316 13,400 50,000 109,700 TOTAL SCOTTISH SCREEN £1,176,667 Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) Features Late Night Shopping Morvern Callar 100,000 500,000 1,600,000 3,000,000 Fly Me to Dunoon The Flying Scotsman Gas Attack 500,000 500,000 300,000 Shorts The Hidden Over Land and Sea 17,000 13,697 Annotations The Gift Reel in the Flickering Divine Looking for Karma 12,000 21,146 12,500 25,000 12,000 Documentary The Millenium Clock The Sun Worshippers Company Development Awards BFI Information Services 4 Way Pictures Gabriel Films Saltire Productions Holdings Ecosse 24,500 95,401 231 3,000 61,750 42,150 3,000 Reel in the Flickering 12,500 Divine 25,000 Looking for Karma 12,000 The STATS: National Lottery Documentary The Millenium Clock 24,500 The Sun Worshippers 95,401 Company Development Awards 4 Way Pictures 3,000 Gabriel Films 61,750 Saltire Productions 42,150 Holdings Ecosse 3,000 Moco Films Monogram Wark Clements 2,000 42,150 Bronco Films January Films 61,750 3,000 Umbrella Productions 3,000 Ecosse Films 42,150 TOTAL £2,397,194 ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features Happy Now The Tulse Luper Suitcase 250,000 250,000 ‘360’ The Amateur Photographer 250,000 250,000 Very Annie Mary Shorts Screen Gems 25,000 (10 X 3 short films) Overland 90,000 74,114 A Day Out Blue Kenny 45,982 31,228 One Dau Trois 31,662 Dance Floor 3,110,000 3,090,000 5,000 Script Development Lavender 15,000 Acting Up Caitlin 14,445 11,000 Places of Greater Safety The Boy from Nowhere To Comfort the Brave 10,000 9,825 6,930 TOTAL £1,370,186 ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Features Puckoon Amount of Award (£) Total Budget (£) 120,000 2,784,648 Shorts The Devil You Know 32,967 65,967 Ireland Mojo Mickybo 10,000 18,525 10,000 27,000 Teenage Kicks English as a Foreign Language Elsewhere 35,000 12,000 1,177 105,000 49,925 1,570 The Centre A Multitude of Sins 6,000 35,000 45,250 110,000 The Last Storyteller/ An Scealai Deanacn 50,000 170,758 TOTAL TOTAL AWARD £320,669 £ 21,711,123 Source: Film Council/Screen Finance/Scottish ArtsCouncil/Arts Council of Wales/Arts Council of Northern Ireland BFI Information Services 232 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 2000 Age Group 4 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Male Female No.of People (m) 8.23 6.91 8.76 31.12 Once a month or more 26% 54% 31% 14% 27.48 27% 27.54 20% 27.09 25% 27.93 22% Less than once a month 54% 33% 47% 31% 42% 32% 35% 39% Once a year or less 13% 10% 17% 34% 21% 28% 25% 25% 93% 97% 95% 79% 90% 80% 85% 86% Total who ever go to the cinema Source: CAVIAR/Screen Finance Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Toy Story 2 Gladiator Chicken Run American Beauty Stuart Little Mission Impossible II Billy Elliot X-Men The Beach Dinosaur What Lies Beneath Snatch The Grinch Charlie’s Angels Pokemon Erin Brockovich Buena Vista UIP Pathe UIP Columbia TriStar UIP UIP Twentieth Century Fox Twentieth Century Fox Buena Vista Twentieth Century Fox Columbia TriStar UIP Columbia TriStar Warner Columbia TriStar US US UK/US US US US/DL UK US UK/US/TH US US UK/US US US US/JP US 43,491,021 30,907,687 29,428,037 21,340,511 17,828,403 17,291,606 16,661,492 14,976,383 13,332,236 13,219,265 13,083,584 12,326,923 11,393,599 11,143,821 10,976,174 10,550,144 17 18 19 20 Final Destination Kevin & Perry Go Large Scary Movie Sleepy Hollow Entertainment Icon Buena Vista Pathe US UK/US US US/DL 10,386,318 10,247,636 10,086,721 10,046,249 NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 - 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 233 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chicken Run Billy Elliot The Beach Snatch Kevin & Perry Go Large Angela’s Ashes High Fidelity The Little Vampire Maybe Baby Thomas & The Magic Railroad Saving Grace A Clockwork Orange (re) Love Honour & Obey Pathe UIP Twentieth Century Fox Columbia TriStar Icon UIP Buena Vista Icon Redbus Icon Twentieth Century Fox Warner Brothers UIP UK/US UK UK/US/TH UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US/DL/NL UK/FR UK/US UK UK UK 29,428,037 16,661,492 13,332,236 12,326,923 10,247,636 7,753,488 4,871,947 4,093,714 3,474,530 2,056,007 1,919,572 1,905,983 1,202,053 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Topsy Turvy The Miracle Maker Wonder Boys Purely Belter The House Of Mirth Essex Boys Mansfield Park Pathe Icon UIP FilmFour FilmFour Pathe Buena Vista UK/US UK/RU UK/US/DL/JP UK UK/US UK UK/US 1,081,918 1,043,007 994,139 765,509 636,835 529,891 491,054 NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 - 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 234 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2000 Title UK Films 1 Billy Elliot 2 Saving Grace 3 A Clockwork Orange (re) 4 Love Honour & Obey 5 Purely Belter 6 Essex Boys 7 Wonderland 8 Rancid Aluminium 9 Whatever Happened To Harold Smith 10 Relative Values 11 The Filth And The Fury 12 House 13 Complicity 14 Going Off Big Time 15 Sorted 16 The Wedding Tackle 17 One More Kiss 18 The Long Good Friday (re) 19 Some Voices 20 A Matter Of Life And Death (re) 21 Brothers 22 Merlin: The Return 23 Manchester United: Beyond… 24 Janice Beard: 45 wpm 25 Nasty Neighbours 26 24 Hours In London 27 Small Time Obsession 28 Bodyworks 29 Fast Food 30 Second Generation 31 The Jolly Boys Last Stand 32 Strong Language 33 Sacred Flesh Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) UIP Twentieth Century Fox Warner Brothers UIP FilmFour Pathe UIP Entertainment UIP Alliance Releasing FilmFour Pathe Entertainment Entertainment Metrodome Viking Metrodome Metrodome FilmFour bfi Paradise Peakviewing Icon UIP Redbus Blue Dolphin Guerilla Guerilla Optimum Second Generation NFT NFT Salvation Films UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK 16,661,492 1,919,572 1,905,983 1,202,053 765,509 529,891 395,498 325,106 253,530 244,415 117,282 104,475 93,506 92,786 90,903 41,078 40,751 34,466 30,497 29,342 25,890 20,868 15,109 8,192 7,518 4,477 4,289 3,161 2,617 1,659 1,408 878 823 £24,975,024 Pathe Columbia TriStar Icon UIP Buena Vista Icon Pathe FilmFour Buena Vista Columbia TriStar Buena Vista Redbus UIP UIP Optimum Metrodome Buena Vista Columbia TriStar NFT UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US 29,428,037 12,326,923 10,247,636 7,753,488 4,871,947 2,056,007 1,081,918 636,835 491,054 332,142 223,821 112,464 107,451 34,788 28,384 18,280 16,702 12,360 6,752 £69,786,989 235 Twentieth Century Fox Icon Redbus Icon UK/US/TH UK/US/DL/NL UK/FR UK/RU US/UK Co-productions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Chicken Run Snatch Kevin & Perry Go Large Angela’s Ashes High Fidelity Thomas & The Magic Railroad Topsy Turvy The House Of Mirth Mansfield Park Circus Titus One Day In September Up At The Villa Rat Miss Julie Elephant Juice My Life So Far The Loss Of Sexual Innocence Wisconsin Death Trip Other UK Co-production BFI Information Services 1 The Beach 2 3 4 The Little Vampire Maybe Baby The Miracle Maker 13,332,236 4,093,714 3,474,530 1,043,007 15 Miss Julie Optimum UK/US 28,384 16 17 Elephant Juice My Life So Far Metrodome Buena Vista UK/US UK/US 18,280 16,702 18 19 The Loss Of Sexual Innocence Wisconsin Death Trip NFT UK/US UK/US 12,360 6,752 £69,786,989 The STATS: Cinema Columbia TriStar Other UK Co-production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Beach The Little Vampire Maybe Baby The Miracle Maker Wonder Boys The Golden Bowl Love’s Labours Lost A Monkey’s Tale Twentieth Century Fox Icon Redbus Icon UIP Buena Vista Pathe Miracom UK/US/TH UK/US/DL/NL UK/FR UK/RU UK/US/DL/JP UK/US/FR UK/FR/US UK/FR/DL/HU 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Ordinary Decent Criminal There’s Only One Jimmy Grimble Gangster No1 The Closer You Get Eye Of The Beholder Honest Sunshine The Luzhin Defence Nora Himalaya Grey Owl A Room For Romeo Brass Borstal Boy The Last September Saltwater Where The Money Is Tom’s Midnight Garden The Man Who Cried The Escort It Was An Accident Resources Humaines Simon Magus Isn’t She Great To Walk With Lions Darkest Light Best I Could Read The Sky Hotel Splendide The King Of Paris Clarence/Icon Pathe FilmFour Twentieth Century Fox Metrodome Pathe Alliance Releasing Entertainment Alliance Releasing Momentum Twentieth Century Fox Alliance Releasing Clarence Metro Buena Vista Warner Downtown UIP Pathe Pathe NFT FilmFour UIP Optimum Pathe Optimum Artificial Eye FilmFour Gala UK/US/IE/DL UK/FR UK/DL/IE UK/US/IE UK/US/AU/CA UK/FR UK/HU/DL/CA/AT UK/US/FR/IT/HU UK/IE/DL/IT UK/FR/CH/NP UK/CA UK/CA UK/IE UK/FR/IE UK/ES/IE UK/US/DL UK/JP/US UK/FR UK/FR UK/FR UK/FR UK/DL/FR/IT UK/US/DL/JP UK/CA/KE UK/FR UK/IE UK/IE/FR UK/FR UK/FR 39 Siam Sunset Blue Dolphin UK/AU Totals 90 Titles 13,332,236 4,093,714 3,474,530 1,043,007 994,139 474,768 447,151 382,802 371,775 346,412 328,682 256,273 193,751 189,567 175,774 172,109 170,917 131,525 93,092 86,463 85,288 85,212 78,065 72,663 67,054 54,333 44,937 30,462 14,725 13,161 10,956 10,502 10,500 9,801 7,040 3,840 984 957 £27,359,167 £122,121,180 NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 – 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen/EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 236 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office Released in 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mission Impossible II Sleepy Hollow Hollow Man Double Jeopardy The Patriot The End Of The Affair Bedazzled O Brother Where Art Thou? Shaft The Cell Rules of Engagement Urban Legends UIP Pathe Columbia TriStar UIP Columbia TriStar Columbia TriStar Twentieth Century Fox Momentum UIP Entertainment UIP Columbia TriStar US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/FR US/DL US/DL US/DL US/FR 17,291,606 10,046,249 6,101,225 4,618,857 4,058,582 3,471,852 3,265,754 3,114,223 2,969,360 1,950,977 1,109,480 715,543 13 14 15 16 17 Elmo In Grouchland Snow Day In The Mood For Love Dancer In The Dark Ghost Dog: Way Of The Samurai Columbia TriStar UIP Metro FilmFour FilmFour US/DL US/DL FR/HK FR/DK/SE/IT/DL US/JP/FR/DL 18 19 20 Time Regained The Ninth Gate Beau Travail Artificial Eye UIP Artificial Eye FR/IT/PT FR/ES FR 532,351 510,075 460,982 417,111 394,976 394,119 281,463 276,544 NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 - 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/ bfi BFI Information Services 237 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Foreign Language Films 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 Mohabbatein Yash Raj IN 967,803 2 Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai Yash Raj IN 474,751 3 In The Mood For Love Metro FR/HK 460,982 4 Dancer In The Dark FilmFour FR/DK/SE/IT/DL 417,111 5 Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge Yash Raj IN 394,269 6 Time Regained Artificial Eye FR/IT/PT 394,119 7 Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega Eros IN 390,227 8 Fiza Spark IN 373,109 9 Phir Bhi Dil Hain Hindustani Eros IN 320,690 10 Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai Eros IN 310,422 11 Beau Travail Artificial Eye FR 276,544 12 Joan Of Arc Columbia TriStar FR 275,141 13 Mission Kashmir Set Singa IN 272,875 14 Asterix & Obelix V Caesar Pathe FR/DL/IT 260,627 15 The Girl On The Bridge Pathe FR 252,148 16 Harry He’s Here To Help Artificial Eye FR 247,833 17 Dhadkan Eros IN 211,850 18 Chal Mere Bhai Eros IN 174,629 19 A Bout de Souffle (re) Optimum FR 170,864 20 Pukar Eros IN 163,320 NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 - 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2000 Territories No.of Titles Box Office Gross (£) US % 140 353,085,344 61.16 Other US Co productions 34 91,156,601 15.79 GB 33 24,975,024 4.33 GB US 19 69,786,989 12.09 Other GB Co-productions 39 27,359,167 4.74 EU inc. other co-productions 63 4,932,787 0.85 Rest of world foreign language 49 5,711,917 0.99 Rest of world English language 5 272,513 0.01 382 £577,280,342 Total NB: Box office totals are for UK and Republic of Ireland for releases from 1 January 2000 - 5 January 2001 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 238 The STATS: Cinema Top 10 US Box Office Revenue of UK Films Released in 2000 Title US Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross($m) 1 Chicken Run Buena Vista UK/US 106,834,564 2 The Beach Twentieth Century Fox UK/US 39,785,027 3 Snatch Sony UK/US 30,328,156 4 Billy Elliot Universal Focus UK/US 21.995,263 5 Thomas and the Magic Railroad Destination Films UK/US 15,933,500 6 Saving Grace Fine Line UK 12,178,602 7 The End of the Affair* Sony UK/US 10,827,816 8 Croupier Shooting Gallery UK 6,201,143 9 Topsy-Turvy USA Films UK 6,208,548 10 East is East Miramax UK 4,177,818 Total $232,475,174 * Was released in December 1999 but not in last year’s table Source: ACNielsen EDI Top 20 Admissions to Films in Distribution in Europe in 2000 Based on data from 12 European Union Countries (78% of admissions) Title Country of Origin 1 Gladiator US 24,649,032 2 Toy Story 2 US 23,751,342 3 American Beauty US 21,416,993 4 Mission:Impossible 2 US 20,379,836 5 The Sixth Sense* US 18,939,737 6 Scary Movie US 14,123,441 7 Dinosaur US 13,748,718 8 Erin Brockovich US 12,474,099 9 Stuart Little US 12,377,768 10 Chicken Run UK/US 12,095,424 11 Pokemon:The First Movie JP/US 11,555,667 12 Taxi 2 FR 11,317,034 13 X-Men US 11,222,095 14 What Lies Beneath US 11,052,359 15 Gone in Sixty Seconds US 10,160,378 16 Sleepy Hollow US 9,626,335 17 Hollow Man US 9,570,561 18 Charlie’s Angels US 9,408,066 19 The Beach US 9,284,789 20 American Pie* US 9,066,508 *First Released in 1999 Source: European Audiovisual Observatory BFI Information Services 239 Admissions The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union in 2000 Based on data from 12 European Union Countries (78% of admissions) Title Country of Origin 1 Chicken Run UK/US 12,095,424 2 Taxi 2 FR 11,317,034 3 The World is Not Enough* UK/US 6,395,673 4 Billy Elliot UK 4,956,703 5 Les Rivieres Pourpres FR 4,490,341 6 Le Gout des Autres FR 4,100,165 7 Snatch UK/US 4,002,905 8 Chiedimi se Sono Felice IT 3,089,467 9 Angela’s Ashes IE/US 2,638,784 10 Dancer in the Dark DK/SE/FR/DL 2,513,984 11 Kevin and Perry Go Large UK 2,484,179 12 Anatomie GER 2,289,536 13 High Fidelity UK/US 2,279,508 14 Himalaya – L’Enfance d’un Chef FR/CH/UK/NP 2.235,014 15 Harry, Un Ami Qui Vous Veut Du Bien FR 2.061,253 16 Jet Set FR 1,995,702 17 Harte Jungs DL 1,666,031 18 Crazy DL 1,467,029 19 Saving Grace UK 1,422,787 20 Ano Mariano ES 1,357,867 * First Released in 1999 Country of origin defined here by the Observatory. Source: European Audiovisual Observatory. BFI Information Services 240 Admissions The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor in 2000* Distributor Titles Box Office Gross (£) UIP 43 160,153,643 Buena Vista 31 123,583,375 Columbia TriStar 30 76,507,851 Warner Brothers Twentieth Century Fox 23 16 36,396,845 62,283,841 143 £458,925,555 Pathé 22 45,109,029 Entertainment 21 27,997,539 Icon 8 17,870,332 Momentum 6 6,306,136 FilmFour Redbus 16 7 4,989,128 3,705,679 Eros 16 2,185,131 Yash Raj Artificial Eye 4 17 1,887,612 1,382,819 Metrodome Total US Majors 14 1,001,988 Alliance 8 973,898 Downtown 7 923,690 Metro Optimum 8 10 835,043 603,953 Spark 3 434,396 Miracom Clarence 1 4 382,802 322,312 Set Singa 1 272,875 ICA bfi 8 8 177,733 160,533 Ink Pen 1 148,814 GVI 1 135,901 IFD 2 83,843 Bollywood 5 73,963 Tips Blue Star 1 2 66,975 49,991 Gala 3 41,252 Viking Paradise 1 1 41,078 25,890 Winchester 1 25,663 NFT 4 23,763 Peakviewing 1 20,868 Venus Millivres 1 5 16,729 13,586 Celluloid 2 10,752 Peccadillo Blue Dolphin 1 3 10,095 8,532 Guerilla 2 7,450 Barbican Melanda 3 1 5,087 4,766 Bluelight 1 3,696 Winstone Feature Film Co. 1 1 3,666 3,094 Kino Kino 2 2,492 MFD 2nd Generation 1 1 1,785 1,659 Weinerworld 1 482 Sun Character Total (independents) 1 239 287 £118,354,787 Total 382 £577,280,342 * only films released between January – December 2000 are included Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi/Screen Finance/X25 Partnership BFI Information Services 241 The STATS: Cinema All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Title Year of Release Box Office Gross (£) 1 The Full Monty 1997 52,232,058 2 Bridget Jones' s Diary 2001 41,411,811 3 Notting Hill 1999 31,006,109 4 Chicken Run 2000 29,478,090 5 The World is Not Enough 1999 28,576,504 6 Four Weddings and a Funeral 1994 27,762,648 7 Shakespeare in Love 1999 20,814,996 8 Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 19,884,412 9 GoldenEye 1995 18,245,572 10 Billy Elliot 2000 18,232,327 11 Bean 1997 17,972,562 12 Sliding Doors 1998 12,457,984 13 Trainspotting 1996 12,443,450 14 Snatch 2000 12,337,505 15 A Fish Called Wanda 1988 12,034,286 16 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998 11,784,141 17 Shirley Valentine 1990 11,548,196 18 Moonraker 1979 10,659,000 19 East is East 1999 10,373,945 20 Kevin & Perry Go Large 2000 10,256,520 Box office figures as of 16 August 2001 N.B. Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace (1999) has grossed £51,031,269 in the UK. It was partially produced in Britain but for these purposes has been treated as a US film. Source: ACNielsen EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 242 The STATS: Cinema Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Title Distributor Opening Date Box Office Gross (£) Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Mohabbatein Dil To Pagal Hai Hum Saath-Saath Hain Taal Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai Dil Se Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rahte Hain Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega Yash Raj Yash Raj Yash Raj Eros Eros Yash Raj Eros Eros Yash Raj Eros 15-Oct-1998 27-Oct-2000 31-Oct-1997 5-Nov-1999 13-Aug-1999 14-Jan-2000 21-Aug-1998 15-Jan-1999 24-Mar-2000 4-Aug-2000 Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen International BFI Information Services 243 1,750,000 1,100,000 990,000 651,797 604,800 495,531 467,271 455,257 394,269 390,227 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Distributor Country of Origin The Sixth Sense Gladiator The Green Mile East is East The Deep Blue Sea American Pie American Beauty Fight Club The Mummy End of Days The World is not Enough Big Daddy Three Kings The Bone Collector Erin Brockovich Sleepy Hollow The Runaway Bride The Beach Blue Streak Stigmata Buena Vista Universal Universal FilmFour Warner Brothers Universal Universal Fox Pathé Universal Buena Vista MGM Columbia TriStar Warner Brothers Columbia TriStar Columbia TriStar Fox Pathé Buena Vista Fox Pathé Columbia TriStar MGM US US US UK US US US US US US UK/US US US US US US US US/UK/TH US US Source: Rental Monitor Top 20 Retail Videos in the UK 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Star Wars Episode 1 Twentieth Century Fox US 2 Toy Story 2 Buena Vista US 3 Gladiator Universal US 4 Chicken Run Twentieth Century Fox US 5 Stuart Little Columbia Tristar US 6 Tarzan Buena Vista US 7 The Tigger Movie Buena Vista US 8 Pokemon – the First Movie Warner Brothers US 9 The World is not Enough MGM UK/US 10 American Pie Universal US 11 Ali G-Aiii VCI UK 12 The Mummy Universal US 13 14 Blade Austin Powers –The Spy who Shagged Me EV EV US US 15 South Park –Bigger, Longer and Uncut Warner Brothers US 16 Kevin and Perry Go Large Icon UK 17 The Jungle Book Buena Vista US 18 The Matrix Warner Brothers US 19 Saving Private Ryan Paramount US 20 The Sixth Sense Buena Vista US Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 244 The STATS: Video Distributors Share of UK Rental transactions 2000 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume 2000 (%) Distributor %Share 1 Universal 20.2 2 Fox Pathé 17.5 3 Buena Vista 15.6 4 Warner 14.7 5 Columbia TriStar 12.6 6 EV 7 Film Four 5.2 8 Paramount 4.7 9 Metrodome 1.2 10 High Fliers/Alliance 1.1 Distributor %Share Universal Warner Brothers Columbia Tristar Fox Buena Vista Paramount EV MGM VCI Icon 6 Source: Rental Monitor/BVA * Includes VHS and DVD Source: BVA/CIN Top 20 Retail DVD’s in the UK 2000 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gladiator The Matrix The Sixth Sense Mission Impossible 2 The Mummy The World is not Enough Toy Story 2 The Deep Blue Sea Chicken Run Columbia Tristar Warner Brothers Buena Vista Paramount Columbia TriStar MGM Buena Vista Warner Brothers Twentieth Century Fox US US US US US UK/US US US US 10 11 12 The Perfect Storm The Green Mile Austin Powers – The Spy who Shagged Me Three Kings Blade American Pie Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels End of Days Men in Black Sleepy Hollow American Beauty Warner Brothers VVL EV US US US Warner Brothers EV Columbia Tristar Universal US US US UK Buena Vista Columbia TriStar Pathé Universal US US US US 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Source: BVA/CIN BFI Information Services 245 19.4 18.8 16.1 10.0 8.4 7.5 6.4 5.9 3.3 1.3 The STATS: Television Top 20 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2000 Only top rated episodes of each series are included. Title Channel Tx Date Audience (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Coronation Street Eastenders Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Heartbeat Euro 200: England V Portugal Euro 200: England V Romania Inspector Morse Emmerdale ITV BBC1 ITV ITV ITV BBC1 ITV ITV 1-Mar 1-Mar 19-Jan 23-Jan 6-Dec 20-Jun 15-Nov 22-Mar 19.0 18.4 15.9 15.2 14.9 14.6 13.7 13.3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 One Foot in the Grave The Vicar of Dibley Casualty Seeing Red Stars in their Eyes The National TV Awards A Touch of Frost Garages from Hell The Bill Hero of the Hour I Don’t Believe It The Full Monty BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV ITV BBC1 ITV 20-Nov 1-Jan 2-Dec 19-Mar 12-Feb 10-Oct 1-Jan 1-May 4-Feb 3-Dec 20-Nov 29-Nov 12.8 12.5 12.3 12.3 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.5 11.5 11.2 11.2 11.1 Source: Taris-Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2000 ITV Companies Programme Supply to the Network 2000 Aggregate subscribers (millions) Operator Analogue Digital Total Sky 0.5 4.6 5.1 Cable 2.6 0.9 3.5 - 1 1 3.1 6.5 9.6 OnDigital Total Source: ITC/Merrill Lynch/ONDigital Company Anglia Border Carlton Central Channel Grampian Granada HTV LWT Meridian STV Tyne Tees UTV West Country Yorkshire Source: ITC BFI Information Services 246 Hours of new programmes 300 156 103 783 29 281 49 168 15 1 6 170 The STATS: Television Top 20 Original Drama Productions 2000 Including soap operas, series, serials and UK TV movies. Audience figures are for highest rated episodes of each production. Title Producers/Sponsor Tx Date Audience(m) 1 Coronation Street 2 Eastenders Granada 1-Mar 19.0 BBC 1-Mar 3 18.4 Heartbeat Yorkshire 23-Jan 15.2 4 Inspector Morse Zenith/Carlton 15-Nov 13.7 5 Emmerdale Yorkshire 22-Mar 13.3 6 Casualty BBC 12-Dec 12.3 7 Seeing Red Granada 19-Mar 12.3 8 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 1-Jan 11.9 9 The Bill Pearson/Carlton 4-Feb 11.5 10 Hero of the Hour LWT 3-Dec 11.2 11 12 London’s Burning Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) LWT Working Title/BBC 16-Jan 18-Mar 10.7 10.6 13 Jonathan Creek BBC 1-Feb 10.7 14 Monsignor Renard Carlton 27-Mar 10.6 15 16 Where the Heart Is Fat Friends 6-Apr 10-Dec 10.4 10.4 17 Holby City United/Anglia Rollem/Tiger Aspect/Yorkshire BBC 13-Jan 10.1 18 Peak Practice Central/Carlton 28-Mar 9.9 19 Cold Feet Granada 19-Nov 9.9 20 My Fragile Heart Tiger Aspect/LWT 17-Sep 9.8 Source: Taris-Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB Television Advertising 2000 Net Terrestrial TV Advertising Revenue £3,300 ITV 1,912 C4 652 C5 207 S4C & GMTV 67 Programme Sponsorship 67 Non-Terrestrial TV Revenue 462 Includes Advertising Revenue, Sponsorship and Subscriptions. Source: ITC/C4 BFI Information Services 247 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 2000 Title BBC1 Mrs.Brown The Great Gatsby McCready and Daughter Last of the Blonde Bombshells Care Thin Ice BBC2 Summer in the Suburbs Tx Date Audience (m) 1-Mar 29-Mar 15-Jun 9-Mar 10-Aug 12-Apr 9.3 3.2 7.6 7.7 4.4 5.7 1-Oct 3.4 Storm Damage 23-Jan 1.4 Mojo* Mrs Dalloway* The James Gang* Justice in Wonderland Speak Like a Child Metroland* Love is the Devil* A Love Divided Nice Girl TwentyFourSeven Divorcing Jack* Wilde* Gods and Monsters* ITV Forgive and Forget Hero of the Hour Seeing Red The Last Musketeer The Railway Children Cor Blimey! Inspector Wexford:Harm Done Little Bird Inspector Morse: The Remorseful Day Channel Four Killing Time Alice in Wonderland The Land Girls* Elizabeth* Dancing at Lughnasa* My Name is Joe* Prometheus* Under the Skin* Hilary and Jackie* Career Girls* 20-Feb 23-Feb 27-Feb 3-May 3-May 3-Dec 26-Mar 26-Mar 5-Nov 9-Oct 16-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec 1.0 1.9 1.2 1.9 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.3 2.6 0.8 1.0 1.9 0.7 1-Mar 3-Dec 19-Mar 26-Mar 23-Apr 24-Apr 10-Nov 11-Jan 15-Nov 5.9 11.2 12.3 8.6 9.6 6.2 9.8 6.0 13.7 1-Jan 23-Apr 19-Jun 9-Mar 9-Oct 17-Sep 17-Sep 12-Dec 25-Dec 28-Dec 0.5 4.0 3.9 3.8 2.6 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.7 0.4 * denotes previous release in UK cinemas. Source: BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 248 The STATS: Television Top 20 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2000 Title Countries of Origin Year Channel 1 The Full Monty US/UK 1997 ITV 11.1 2 Liar Liar US 1997 ITV 10.9 3 Men in Black US 1997 BBC1 10.7 4 Dante’s Peak US 1997 ITV 10.7 5 101 Dalmations US 1996 BBC1 10.1 6 Titanic US 1997 BBC1 10.0 7 Independence Day US 1996 BBC1 9.9 8 Volcano US 1997 ITV 9.7 9 Mrs Brown UK/US/IE 1997 BBC1 9.3 10 11 Tomorrow Never Dies The Lost World:Jurassic Park 2 UK/US US 1997 1997 ITV ITV 9.3 9.0 12 GoldenEye UK/US 1995 ITV 8.9 13 Daylight US 1996 ITV 8.3 14 One Fine Day US 1996 ITV 8.2 15 Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves US 1991 BBC1 8.1 16 Apollo 13 US 1995 BBC1 7.9 17 Sleepless in Seattle US 1993 ITV 7.8 18 The Specialist US 1994 ITV 7.8 19 Forrest Gump US 1994 BBC1 7.8 20 Face/Off US 1997 BBC1 7.7 Source: Taris-Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 249 Audience(m) 2001 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981-2001 UK Film Production 2001 - Category A UK Film Production 2001 - Category B UK Film Production 2001 - Category C UK Film Production 2001 - Category D UK Film Production 2001 - Category E Indian Films in the UK 2001 Types of Release for UK Films of 2000 What Happened to 2000 UK Films? 251 252 254 255 256 256 257 257 258 NATIONAL LOTTERY Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2001 Top 20 All Time Lottery Funded Films by UK Box Office Media Plus Funding 259 264 265 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 2001 Top 20 Films at UK Box Office Released in 2001 Top 20 UK Films Released In The UK 2001 UK Box Office For UK Feature Films Released 2001 - UK Films Top 20 EU Films At The UK Box Office 2001 (inc. non-UK co-productions) Top 20 Foreign Language Releases 2001 Breakdown Of UK Box Office By Country Of Origin 2001 Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2001 by US Box Office Revenue Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union 2001 Breakdown of UK Box Office By Distributor in 2001 Admissions to films in distribution in the European Union 2001 267 267 268 269 271 271 272 272 273 274 275 VIDEO Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 2001 Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2001 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions 2001 (%) Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2001 Top 20 Retail DVDs in the UK 2001 276 276 277 277 277 TELEVISION Multichannel Subscribers Numbers 2001 Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2001 Top 25 Original Drama Productions on UK TV 2001 Television Advertising 2001 UK TV Films Premiered 2001 Top 25 Feature Films shown on Terrestrial TV 2001 278 278 279 280 280 281 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films* 1981 - 2001 Year Titles Produced Current prices (£m) Prod cost (£m) 2002 prices ** 1981 1982 24 61.2 142.3 40 141.1 302.4 1983 51 251.1 515.0 1984 53 270.4 492.3 1985 54 269.4 496.4 1986 41 165.8 295.5 1987 55 195.3 333.6 1988 48 175.2 288.0 1989 30 104.7 158.6 1990 60 217.4 297.3 1991 59 243.2 312.1 1992 47 184.9 228.4 1993 67 224.1 276.8 1994 84 455.2 550.6 1995 78 402.4 483.0 1996 128 741.4 860.2 1997 116 562.8 637.8 1998 88 509.3 558.5 1999 100 549.2 584.4 2000 98 804.3 843.3 2001 96 584 594.5 *UK films are defined here as films produced in the UK or with a UK financial involvement ** based on calendar year inflation figure of 1.8 per cent Source: Screen Finance/ bfi BFI Information Services 251 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2001 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 Ali G in da House An Angel For May WT2 4.00 10.297 1.50 x 2.90 1.851 Before You Go Spice Factory/ Barzo Productions/ Children’s Film and TV Foundation/ Gentian Prods Starfield Prods/ Film Council/ BBC Films/ East Midlands Film Initiative/ Chest Wig and Flares Spice Factory/ Phantom Pictures/ Great British Films Big Fish Productions/ Pacificus/ Entertainment/ Isle Beginner’s Luck of Man Film Commission Late Night Pictures/ Angel Eye Films 1.30 x Biggie and Tupac Lafayette Films 0.60 0.094 Bodysong Hot Property/ FilmFour Lab/ Film Council/ MEDIA + N/A tbr Bollywood Queen Spice Factory/ Enterprise Films/ Great British Films 0.60 tbr The Case Screen Production Associates/ Chana Film 0.80 x Conspiracy of Silence Conspiracy of Silence/ Little Wing 3.00 x Crust Giant Films/ Jolyon Symonds Prods/ Little Wing 2.80 tbr The Devil’s Tattoo KCD Films/Scottish Screen 0.50 x Doctor Sleep 4.90 x Don’t Look Back Kismet Film Company/ Film Council/The Film Consortium/ BBC Films New Forest Pictures 1.63 tbr The Engagement Cornwall Films/ First Foot Films 0.35 tbr The Gathering Samuelson Productions/ Granada film/ Isle of Man Film Commission Palm Tree Films UK 11.50 tbr 1.40 x 4.20 0.183 # Jimmy Fizz Martin Pope Productions/ BBC Films/ Take 3-Baker Street/ Isle of Man Film Commission Little Wing 3.00 x The Last Great Wilderness Sigma Films 0.50 0.025 Married/Unmarried Spice Factory/ Meltemi Entertainment 2.42 x Miranda Feelgood Fiction/ FilmFour/ Premiere Fund 3.50 tbr Morvern Callar 3.00 0.387 Mr.In-Between BBC Films/ Company Pictures/ Film Council/ Scottish Screen/ Glasgow Film Fund Spice Factory/ Phantom Films 2.60 x My Little Eye WT2 2.00 2.693 Never Say Never Mind Revenge Films/ Evolution Films 3.00 x Nobody Someday Century Films/ IE Prods N/A 0.071 Once Upon a Time in the Midlands 3.00 0.494 The Principles of Lust Slate Films/ Big Arty/ FilmFour/ Film Council/ East Midlands Film Initiative Blast Films/ Film Four Lab 0.90 x Redemption Road Spice Factory/ Great British Films/ Enterprise 3.00 x Reinventing Eddie BBG Pictures/ Great British Films 2.50 x The Revenger’s Tragedy Bard Entertainment 2.00 0.042 The Rocket Post Ultimate Pictures 4.50 x Secrets LATV/ VPS 0.80 x Shoreditch Miraster Films 0.60 x Silent Cry Little Wing/ First Foot Films 3.00 x Simon Simon Film Prods 2.50 x This is Not a Love Song 0.40 tbr Three Guesses Footprint Films/ Strange Dog/ Film Council New Cinema Fund Thirdwave 1.00 x Thunderpants Dragon Pictures/ Pathe 5.00 1.970 The Ticking Man Roaring Fire Film Productions 0.12 x Tomorrow La Scala! BBC Films/ New Cinema Fund 0.50 x Twenty Four Hour Party People Revolution Films/ Film Council/ Film Consortium/ FilmFour Little Wing/ Ira Trattner 4.30 1.036 3.00 0.016 Anita and Me Baby Juice Express The Hawk and the Dove The Heart of Me Two Men Went to War x - unreleased N/A means budget information not available. # - still on release. Box Office as of June 1 2003. BFI Information Services tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Total Number of Films Total Cost 45 £103.47 252 0.60 x 3.75 0.134 The STATS: Film Production This is Not a Love Song 0.40 Three Guesses Footprint Films/ Strange Dog/ Film Council New Cinema Fund Thirdwave 1.00 x Thunderpants Dragon Pictures/ Pathe 5.00 1.970 The Ticking Man Roaring Fire Film Productions 0.12 x Tomorrow La Scala! BBC Films/ New Cinema Fund 0.50 x Twenty Four Hour Party People Revolution Films/ Film Council/ Film Consortium/ FilmFour Little Wing/ Ira Trattner 4.30 1.036 3.00 0.016 Two Men Went to War x - unreleased N/A means budget information not available. # - still on release. Box Office as of June 1 2003. tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Total Number of Films Total Cost 45 Average Cost £2.46m £103.47 Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 253 tbr The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2001 - Category B Majority UK Co-productions. Films in which, although there are foreign partners, there is a UK cultural content and a significant amount of British finance and personnel. Title Production Companies Co-Producing Countries All or Nothing Thin Man Films/ Canal+/ Films Alain Sarde FR 6.00 0.673 Bend it Like Beckham DL 2.70 11.552 IE 3.00 0.005 Butterfly Man Bilb Productions/ Kintop/ Film Council/ British Screen/ Hamburg Film Fund/ Future Films/ Roc Media Granada Film/ Hell’s Kitchen/ Film Council/ Irish Film Board, Section 481 Irish Government tax incentives De Warrenne Pictures/ Harmonic Film TH 0.70 0.005 Charlotte Gray Ecosse Films/ FilmFour/ Pod Films AU 14.00 1.567 Dog Soldiers LU 4.50 2.070 IE 5.00 x ZA 5.50 0.617# DK 3.00 tbr FR/IE 1.60 2.058 The One and Only Kismet Ent Corp/ Carousel/Noel Gay Motion Picture Company Sky Pictures/ Jolyon Symonds Productions/ Little Bird Trademark/ BBC Films/ Distant Horizon/ Take 3-Baker Street/ Isle of Man Film Commision Parallax Pictures/ Projekt Inc/ Productionsselskabet/ Danish Broadcasting Corp/ Film Council/ Danish Film Institute/ Film Consortium PFP Films/ Film Council/ Scottish Screen/ Temple Films Assassin Films/ TF1/ Pathe FR 3.50 0.111 Plotz with a View Spice Factory/ Lou Horowitz Org/ Snowfull CA 6.00 tbr Spider Catherine Bailey Productions/ Spider Films/ AIN/ Grosvenor Park Parallax Pictures/ Road Movies/ Tornaso Alta/ BBC Films/ Scottish Screen/ Glasgow Film Office/ Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen CA 8.50 0.326 DL/ES 2.40 0.825 Perfect Cousin Prods/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland/ Irish Film Board/ BBC The Bureau/ FilmFour IE 0.14 x IN 2.50 0.147 Bloody Sunday The Escapist I Capture the Castle The Intended Magdalene Sweet Sixteen Teenage Kicks-The Undertones The Warrior x - unreleased # - still on release. Box Office as of June 1 2003. tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Total Number of Films 16 Total Cost £69.04m Average Cost £4.32m Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 254 Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2001 - Category C Minority UK Co-Productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK financial involvement. Most titles would not appear to be British films to the audience. Title Production Companies $teal And now Ladies and Gentlemen.. Spice Factory/ Transfilm/ Mandarin Films/ TF1/ Miramax Les Films 13 14.00^ FR tbr Black and White Scala/ Duo Art 5.27 AU tbr The Book of Eve Focus Films/ Rose Films/ Telefilm Canada/SODEC Medusa/ Cattelya/ Business Affair Productions/ Galfin/Alquimia/Mediapro Working Title/ F and AME/ Apollo 3.00 CA tbr IT/ES/FR/RO tbr Callas Forever Deathwatch The Good Thief Honour thy Father It’s All About Love Budget (£m) Alliance Atlantis/ Company of Wolves/ Metropolitan Films/ TNVO GMT/ Transfilm/ Spice Factory 8.57 14.00 3.50 Co-Producing Countries CA/FR/US DL 10.66 CA/IE 3.20 FR/CA 7.00 DK/SE/NL/DL 0.92 IE/FR UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 x 0.968 tbr x Max Nimbus Film/ FilmFour/ Danish Film Institute/ Swedish Film Institute/Dutch Filmfund/ Zentropa/ A.M.A Oil Factory/ Grand Pictures/ Irish Film Board/ Section 41 Irish Government tax incentives/ Arts Council of Northern Ireland/ Northern Ireland Film Commission/ Arte Natural Nylon/ Jap Film/ Alliance Atlantis 7.60 HU/CA tbr Moonlight Spice Factory/ Staccato Films/ DeLux N/A** NL/LU x Napoleon GMT/Transfilm/ Spice Factory 24.00 FR/CA Owning Maloney Alliance Atlantis/ Natural Nylon 11.20 CA tbr Resident Evil 46.50 DL 2.768 The Secret Passage Constantin/Impact Pictures/New Legacy/Davis Film Isfilm/ Hope and Glory/ Archer Street/ Icelandic Film Fund/ Eurimages/ Nordic Film and TV/ Film Board Berlin Brandenburg Delux Prods/ Zephyr Films/ Parnasse South Kensington Medusa Total Number of Films 18 Total Cost £180.96m Average Cost £10.05m The Mapmaker The Seagull’s Laughter ^Total spend in the UK £0.70m ** average does not include the film whose budget was not available tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 255 x x 2.50 IS/DL x 14.20 LU/FR x IT x 4.84 x - unreleased tbr The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2001 - Category D American financed, or part-financed, films made in the UK. Most titles have a UK cultural content. Title Production Companies Budget (£m) UK Box Office (£m) as of May 2003 28 Days Later DNA Films/ Fox Searchlight/ Film Council 10.40 6.240 About a Boy Working Title/Universal/Canal+ 13.50 16.935 Below Dimension Films/ Miramax 20.00 x Dirty Pretty Things Celador/ Miramax/ BBC Films 6.10 0.829 Gosford Park Capitol Films/ USA Films/ Premiere Fund 13.50 12.259 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Heartlands Heyday Films/ Warner Bros 90.00 54.139 2.86 0.072# Hope Springs Revolution Films/ Vestry Entertainment/ DNA/ Miramax Fragile Films/ Buena Vista 6.00 1.023# The Hours Scott Rudin Films/ Paramount 16.00 4.611 The Importance of Being Earnest 10.50 3.520 3.00 4.226 2.70 4.470 3.50 3.568 Swept Away Fragile Films/ Film Council/ Miramax/ Grosvenor Park Mirage Enterprises/ Robert Fox Prods/ Scott Rudin Films/ BBC Films/ Miramax/ Intermedia Ska Films/ Paramount/ Ruddy Morgan Prods/ Brad Grey Prods Gruber/ Entertainment/ Film Council/ Hallmark Entertainment Ska Films/ Columbia 4.50 x Total Number of Films 14 Total Cost £202.56m Average Cost £14.47m Iris The Mean Machine Mike Bassett:England Manager UK Film Production 2001 - Category E American films with some British financial involvement. Bundy Teddy Films/ Tartan Films 1.28 0.010 Carolina IAC Productions/ Martin Bregman Prods/ BIL 15.00 tbr Death to Smoochy Warner Brothers/FilmFour 20.00 tbr Total Number of Films 3 Total Cost £36.28m Average Cost £12.09m x - unreleased tbr - reasonable expectation of a release after June 2003 # - still on release. Box Office as of June 1 2003. Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 256 The STATS: Film Production Indian Films in the UK 2001 'Bollywood' Movies which shot sequences in the UK in 2001. Please note that these films are not included in the overall production total. Total spend in the UK is estimated at £2.5 million. Title Production Company (ies) Beta *1 MKD Productions Is Pyaar Ky Kya Naam Doon Saboo Films I've Given My Heart to You A Guneet and Sohail Production Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham Dharma Productions Kyo Kii Main Jhuth Nahin Bolta Shri Siddivinayak Films Neeindri Naanilai Thooyavan Pictures Roshni Ripples Entertainment Will You Marry Me? Karishma International Yeh Hai Jalwa MKD Productions Yuvaraja RS Productions Source: British Film Commission Types of Release for UK Films of 2000 Proportion of Films with UK Involvement which achieved: a) Wide Release. Opening or Playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production prior to 1st January 2002 b) Limited Release. Showing mainly in art house cinemas, or a short West End run prior to 1st January 2002 c) Released or planned to be released in 2002 d) Unreleased with no current plans to do so. % a) 22.5 b) 12.2 c) 14.3 d) 51.0 Proportion of films with a UK involvement which achieved: a) Wide Release. Opening or playing on 30 or more screens around the country within a year of production b) Limited Release. Showing mainly in art house cinemas, or a short West End run, within a year of production. c) Unreleased a year after production % a) 22.5 b) 12.2 c) 65.3 Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi BFI Information Services 257 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 2000 UK Films? Distribution of 2000 UK Productions and Foreign Films made in the UK up to 1st June 2002 Released theatrically in 2000/2001 The Lawless Heart Randall's Flat Blow Dry Long Time Dead Quicksand Born Romantic Possession The Reckoning Bridget Jones' Diary Revelation The Safety of Objects Captain Corelli's Mandolin The Search for John Gissing A Christmas Carol Distribution Deal but No Release Date Semana Chocolat The Final Curtain The Sleeping Dictionary The Claim The Four Feathers The Sorceror's Apprentice Disco Pigs My Kingdom Superstition Enigma The Triumph of Love Tabloid TV An Everlasting Piece Unconditional Love The Filth and the Fury Straight to TV or Video/DVD Villa des Roses The 51st State Alone The War Bride Gabriel and Me Al's Lads Harry Potter and the Philiosopher's Stone End Game High Heels and Low Lifes Is Harry on the Boat? The Hole The Meeksville Ghost Injustice Intimacy No Distribution Deal Lara Croft:Tomb Raider Beautiful Mistake Last Resort The Biographer Late Night Shopping The Bunker Liam The Cat's Meow Lucky Break Chunky Monkey The Martins Club Le Monde Me Without You Daddy The Mummy Returns Dead Creatures My Brother (My Brother Tom) Dead in the Water The Navigators Dog Eat Dog The Parole Officer Dream Proof of Life Global Heresy Shiner Gypsy Woman Spy Game The Fourth Angel SW9 Happy Now This Filthy Earth The Honeytrap Hot Gold Released Theatrically in 2002 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang The Abduction Club Mad Dogs Buffalo Soldiers Mrs. Caldicot's Cabbage War Crush Mumbo Jumbo Dark Blue World Off Key Dust One of the Hollywood Ten The Emperor's New Clothes Princesca Invincible Puckoon Jesus the Curry King Pasty Faces Killing Me Softly Plato's Braking Point Large Last Orders Source: bfi/ Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 258 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2001 Title Award (£) Additional Award (£) Total Budget (£) FILM COUNCIL Premiere Fund Bend it Like Beckham Braids, Twists and Tales Five Children and It Gosford Park L'Homme du Train The Importance of Being Earnest Mike Bassett:England Manager 945,043 2,700,000 50,000 500,000 2,000,000 13,500,000 500,000 1,320,000 1,200,000 Mike Leigh 03 500,000 Miranda 850,000 Water Warriors 500,000 620,000 Prints and Advertising 3,500,000 2,000,000 New Cinema Fund Anita and Me 600,000 65,000 Ape Bloody Sunday 150,000 250,000 37,500 Post-Production Bodysong 350,000 Cork Emotional Backgammon Fever 9,999 45,000 10,000 Hoover Street Revival 175,000 Magdalene 620,000 The Night We Called it a Day Noi the Albino 20,000 1,600,000 10,000 10,000 Once Upon a Time in the Midlands 690,000 3,000,000 The Revengers Tragedy 510,000 2,000,000 This is Not a Love Song 238,559 Tomorrow La Scala! 162,500 When I Fall in Love 10,000 Development Fund Companies Archer Street Tiger Lily 160,000 Autonomous 140,000 Dragon Pictures 250,000 Ecosse Films 250,000 Fragile Films 200,000 Gabriel Films 66,000 Jim Henson Company 150,000 Kuhn and Company 350,000 National Film and Television School October Films Recorded Picture Company Riverchild Films Ruby Films 12,000 75,000 150,000 65,000 100,000 Films L'Amour Fou 15,500 The Anarchists 15,828 Blind Flight 18,750 Blood Relative 5,500 Boney and Betsy 10,000 Braids, Twists and Tales 50,000 By the Shore 27,500 Canteen Culture 36,500 Carol 10,000 Carrion 32,250 China to Me 15,500 Chocolate Vanilla 15,525 The Chosen Comes the Time 4,750 Crime of the Century 19,163 259 9,000 Cross Your Heart 12,650 The Dead Wait The Devil's Assassin 6,500 33,500 bfi Information October Films 75,000 Recorded Picture Company Riverchild Films Ruby Films 150,000 65,000 The STATS: National Lottery 100,000 Films L'Amour Fou 15,500 The Anarchists 15,828 Blind Flight 18,750 Blood Relative 5,500 Boney and Betsy 10,000 Braids, Twists and Tales 50,000 By the Shore 27,500 Canteen Culture 36,500 Carol 10,000 Carrion 32,250 China to Me 15,500 Chocolate Vanilla 15,525 The Chosen Comes the Time Crime of the Century Cross Your Heart The Dead Wait 4,750 19,163 9,000 12,650 6,500 The Devil's Assassin 33,500 DJ Plumm 36,000 The Dope Priest 26,000 The Emperor's Babe Family Entertainment 5,250 5,600 Godparents 14,000 Gods of War 24,000 Grand Ambition 45,721 The Hangman's Apprentice 32,700 Holy Land 24,420 Hostage 2 Fortune 7,500 In Every Dream House 27,600 Julia 75,000 Just the Two of Us 33,000 A Kind of Warfare 28,000 Kisses After Dark 65,000 The Last Man 14,750 Mapping the Edge 57,500 Memoirs of a Geezer 18,000 The Monday Club 20,000 One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night 35,500 Panic Beach Patrick Robertson: A Tale of Adventure The Prince of Dalston The Revolving Door The Rivals 7,850 26,000 8,250 10,000 2,500 The Rose Grower 85,000 Salsa Con Fusion 11,500 Sensation 23,315 Smokescreen 45,000 Straight to Video 20,000 Straightheads 8,500 Thanksgiving 21,950 These Things Stay The Third Day 6,000 13,500 This is Not a Love Song 8,383 Timbuktu 3,750 Ultramaroon 4,000 Unknown Rider 1,000 Untitled Black Comedy 5,000 Urban Legends 2,500 VIY 10,000 Wooden Camera 12,000 BFI Information Services Lottery Film Franchises 260 DNA Films 3,000,000 6,000,000 28 Days Later 1,430,000 2,800,000 Heartlands The STATS: National Lottery Lottery Film Franchises DNA Films 3,000,000 6,000,000 28 Days Later 1,430,000 2,800,000 Dr.Sleep 1,375,000 4,900,000 The Intended 1,150,000 3,000,000 Heartlands THE FILM CONSORTIUM Production Post-Production/p+a Costs A Christmas Carol Dust Gabriel and Me Large Room to Rent 24 Hour Party People 425,000 59,410 101,243 80,000 80,000 247,842 Development Charlie Noads RIP Dead Souls Dr.Sleep 11,795 6,000 8,500 Fourth Wall 15,000 Innocence 16,750 Shame 10,000 PATHE PICTURES Production Max 1,971,830 7,000,000 The One and Only 1,500,000 3,500,000 Thunderpants 2,000,000 5,000,000 Development The Blitz 100,000 Drunken Monkey 10,250 Hawksmoor 36,670 The Mushroom Prince 20,900 The Season 47,515 Ugly Streakers 2,500 Source: Film Council SCOTTISH SCREEN Features All American Man 500,000 Away Days 20,000 The Bothy 500,000 The Boy David 146,000 The Devil's Tattoo 100,000 The Last Great Wilderness 105,000 Magdalene 150,000 (additional funding) Outlanders 130,000 16 Years of Alcohol 200,000 Sweet Sixteen 500,000 The Ticking Man Young Adam 25,000 500,000 Documentaries BFI Information Services 261 The STATS: National Lottery Documentaries A Beginner's Guide to Dying 22,833 Blanketmen and Dreamers 40,000 Fellini-A Life in Film 90,000 Ferry Up the Amazon 80,000 Sightseer Through Hell and High Water 4,080 82,500 Shorts Blackout 12,500 Bye Child 21,000 Cry for Bobo 20,000 Dingwall and the Mouse 25,000 Does God Play Football? 10,000 Drama Queen 15,000 4 Minute Wonders 75,000 Last Legs 12,500 Leonard 12,500 Lost 12,500 Manji 20,000 Rank 25,000 Saved 12,500 Small Love 12,500 Tangerine 20,000 The Turning Tide 25,000 Unscrew 24,000 The Window Cleaner 45,000 Development The Bothy 25,000 The Bum's Rush 20,000 Change of Fortune 10,000 Child of Air 14,950 The Cone Gatherers 25,000 The Cove Shivering Club 12,000 The Dark Island 20,000 Every Third of June 14,750 Fergus Lamont 18,000 Fly me to Dunoon 20,000 The Great Beyond 6,000 Harvey and Joan Heartbeat The Heist 5,000 12,000 5,000 House in Berlin 19,300 Last Post 12,000 Little Sisters 7,000 Maud 25,000 The Meat Trade 25,000 Mondo Desperado 5,000 Oracle 12,250 Poor Things 24,800 Red Sub Diaries 25,000 The Ring 25,000 Scottsville 14,000 Skaggerak 21,580 The Soldier's Return Solid Air BFI Information Services 5,000 15,000 262 The STATS: National Lottery Solo 20,000 Sweet Sixteen 15,895 Theory 10,000 Television Gas Attack 15,000 Company Development 4 Way Pictures 100,000 ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features The Owl Service 250,000 Prints Diwrnod Hollol Mindblowing 30,782 Shorts Animation Scheme (10 films) 57,800 The Adventures of Mohammed Ali 61,105 Dad and Boy 42,972 One,Dau,Trois 33,223 Screen Gems (10 films) 90,000 Song of a Pole 18,095 The Vampire Craig 19,532 Development Abraham's Point Acting Up 7,500 9,647 Bassoon Children 15,000 Being Mr.Black 15,000 Bruised 15,000 Caitlin 13,787 Calling 5,363 Don't Kiss Me 18,994 Dust Town Girl 10,500 Everything Must Go 15,000 The Hiding Place 15,000 Little Sisters 15,000 The Rabbit 10,525 Stalin's Fridge 15,000 Telepathy 15,000 The Waterfall 14,962 Source: Arts Council of Wales BFI Information Services 263 The STATS: National Lottery Top 20 All Time Lottery Funded Films by UK Box Office Title Award Budget (£m) (£m) Box Office Gross(£) 1 Billy Elliot 0.85 2.83 18,230,000 2 Gosford Park 2.00 13.5 12,116,177 3 Bend it Like Beckham 0.95 2.70 7,755,057 4 Shooting Fish 0.98 2.90 4,020,000 5 The 51st State 2.00 16.34 3,789,865 6 This Year's Love 0.75 2.75 3,600,636 7 Mike Bassett:England Manager 1.20 3.50 3,568,492 8 The Parole Officer 2.00 5.99 3,283,870 9 An Ideal Husband 1.00 6.50 2,893,170 10 Plunkett and MacLeane 0.95 9.30 2,779,315 11 The Hole 1.50 4.16 2,302,126 12 Land Girls 1.50 5.50 1,573,783 13 A Christmas Carol-The Movie 1.18 6.85 1,412,399 14 Topsy Turvy 2.00 13.5 1,163,994 15 Hilary and Jackie 0.95 4.90 1,040,788 16 My Name is Joe 0.50 2.50 949,228 17 Still Crazy 1.89 7.00 933,574 18 24 Hour Party People 2.00 4.20 924,448* 19 Hideous Kinky 1.00 2.00 793,538 20 Mansfield Park 1.00 6.46 566,450 Box office as of 5th May 2002. * denotes still on release on this date. Source:Nielsen EDI/Film Council/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 264 * The STATS: National Lottery Media Plus Funding Award(Euros) Region Amy Hardie Productions 30,000 Scotland B-Dag 50,000 Wales Bladeswift 20,000 England Bluebookfilms 30,000 England Cyclops Vision 50,000 England Dan Films 50,000 England De Facto Film and Video 50,000 Northern Ireland De Warenne Pictures 20,000 England Electric Sky 15,000 England Fairwater Films 50,000 Wales Focus-Film 40,000 England Gabriel Films 15,000 Scotland Informgain 50,000 England Pelicula Films 30,000 Scotland Protean Vision Quest 50,000 England Salem Films 50,000 Wales UBA 50,000 England Agenda TV 125,000 Wales Cambrensis 90,000 Wales Elephant Productions 125,000 England Film and Music Entertainment 125,000 England 90,000 England Haystack 125,000 England Infilm Productions 125,000 England King Rollo Films 125,000 England OR TV 125,000 England Pathe Pictures 125,000 England Scala Productions 125,000 England Talisman Films 125,000 England Development Single Project Company Awards Slate Company Awards Halo Productions Teledu Opus 60,000 Wales Tiger Aspect 90,000 England Tomboy Films 125,000 England Wark Clements 110,000 Scotland Television Gold-The History of an Obsession 255,000 Wales Through Hell or High Water 100,000 Scotland Distribution Companies Artificial Eye 151,313 Metro Tartan 14,050 Pathe Distribution 83,659 Films BFI Information Services Distributors A La Verticale de l'Ete 25,000 Artificial Eye A Ma Souer 30,000 Metro Tartan Ali Zaoua,Prince de la Rue 20,000 Gala L'Anglaise et le Duc 50,000 Pathe Comedie de l'Innocence 15,000 Artificial Eye Harrison's Flowers 40,000 Pathe Italian for Beginners 80,000 Pathe Je Rentre a la Maison 30,000 Artificial Eye La Pianiste Le Pornographe Presque Rien Die Unberuhrbare Va Savoir 265 40,000 Artificial Eye 30,000 Metro Tartan 19,000 Peccadillio 7,000 ICA 30,000 Artificial Eye Distribution Companies Artificial Eye Metro Tartan 151,313 The STATS: National Lottery 14,050 Pathe Distribution 83,659 Films Distributors A La Verticale de l'Ete 25,000 Artificial Eye A Ma Souer 30,000 Metro Tartan Ali Zaoua,Prince de la Rue 20,000 Gala L'Anglaise et le Duc 50,000 Pathe Comedie de l'Innocence 15,000 Artificial Eye Harrison's Flowers 40,000 Pathe Italian for Beginners 80,000 Pathe Je Rentre a la Maison 30,000 Artificial Eye La Pianiste 40,000 Artificial Eye Le Pornographe 30,000 Metro Tartan Presque Rien 19,000 Peccadillio Die Unberuhrbare Va Savoir 7,000 ICA 30,000 Artificial Eye Festivals Brief Encounters 10,000 Celtic Film and TV Festival 15,000 Cinemagic 20,000 Leeds International 25,000 Sheffield International Documentary 10,000 Training Bodies Arista 999,000 Moonstone International 1,092,000 Source: Media Plus BFI Information Services 266 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 2001 Age Group 4 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Male Female Total No of people (millions) 8.25 7.00 8.64 31.45 28.27 27.03 27.29 28.01 55.30 Once a month or more 31% 50% 29% 15% 29% 19% 255% 24% 24% Less than once a month but at least twice a year Once a year or less 48% 35% 42% 31% 39% 32% 31% 40% 36% 13% 11% 21% 27% 20% 24% 24% 20% 22% Total who ever go to the cinema 92% 96% 92% 73% 88% 75% 80% 84% 82% Source:CAA/CAVIAR 19 2001 Top 20 Films at UK Box Office Released in 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone Warner Brothers UK/US 57,496,638 2 Bridget Jones Diary UIP UK/US/FR 42,007,008 3 The Lord Of The Rings Entertainment US/NZ 34,988,861 4 Shrek UIP US 29,004,582 5 Cats & Dogs Warner US/AU 23,013,391 6 Hannibal UIP US 21,578,566 7 The Mummy Returns UIP US 20,390,060 8 Jurassic Park 3 UIP US 18,307,718 9 10 American Pie 2 UIP US 18,258,034 Moulin Rouge Twentieth Century Fox US/AU 18,166,288 11 12 What Women Want Icon US 17,251,156 Planet Of The Apes Twentieth Century Fox US 17,027,825 13 Cast Away UIP US 14,571,627 14 15 Pearl Harbour Buena Vista US 13,374,111 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider UIP UK/US/DL/JP 12,822,883 16 The Others Buena Vista US/ES 11,655,181 17 Rush Hour 2 Entertainment US 11,152,027 18 Miss Congeniality Warner US/AU 10,145,129 19 Cpt. Corelli's Mandolin Buena Vista UK/US/FR 9,793,071 20 The Emperor's New Groove Buena Vista US 9,587,655 Source: Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 267 Box Office Gross (£) The STATS: Cinema Top 20 UK Films Released In The UK 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£m) 1 Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone Warner Brothers UK/US 57,496,638 2 Bridget Jones Diary UIP UK/US/FR 42,007,008 3 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider UIP UK/US/DL/JP 12,822,883 4 Cpt. Corelli's Mandolin Buena Vista UK/US/FR 9,793,071 5 Enigma Buena Vista UK/US/DL/NL 4,747,440 6 Enemy At The Gates Pathe UK/US/IE/FR/DL 3,935,795 7 Mike Bassett: England Manager Entertainment UK/US 3,536,652 8 The 51st State Momentum UK/CA 3,492,423 9 The Parole officer UIP UK 3,283,870 10 The Mean Machine UIP UK/US 3,006,463 11 Proof Of Life Warner UK/US 2,771,631 12 The Wedding Planner* Pathe UK/US/DL 2,545,166 13 The Hole Pathe UK/FR 2,292,804 14 The Man Who Wasn't There* Entertainment UK/US 1,645,828 15 High Heels And Low Lifes Buena Vista UK 1,630,090 16 A Christmas Carol Pathe UK/DL 1,372,998 17 Lucky Break Film Four UK/US/DL 1,254,772 18 The Martins Icon UK 967,528 19 When Brendan Met Trudy Momentum UK/IE 779,252 20 Sexy Beast Film Four UK/US/ES 774,942 * Not previously included in UK Production Tables Source: ACNielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 268 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office For UK Feature Films Released 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) UK Films 1 The Parole officer UIP UK 3,283,870 2 High Heels And Low Lifes Buena Vista UK 1,630,090 3 The Martins Icon UK 967,528 4 Born Romantic Optimum UK 381,840 5 2001: A Space Odyssey Warner UK 244,535 6 Beautiful Creatures UIP UK 203,619 7 Last Resort Artificial Eye UK 141,770 8 A Hard Day's Night (re) Buena Vista UK 89,032 9 Goodbye Charlie Bright Metrodome UK 82,665 10 Don't Look Now (re) BFI UK 54,499 11 The Low Down Film Four UK 42,947 12 Shiner Momentum UK 34,499 13 Gabriel And Me Pathe UK 21,374 14 Inbetweeners Britpack UK 18,888 15 Large Pathe UK 16,242 16 Strictly Sinatra UIP UK 16,172 17 Another Life Winchester UK 11,316 18 Pasty Faces Metrodome UK 9,763 19 The Sorcerer's Apprentice Peakviewing UK 6,927 20 Rage Metrodome UK 5,543 21 Alfie (re) BFI UK 5,445 22 Dead Babies Helkon SK UK 3,821 23 This Filthy Earth Film Four UK 3,737 24 The Truth Game NFT UK 3,568 25 Out Of Depth Steon UK 3,299 26 Dazzle Peakviewing UK 3,056 27 Weak At Denise Guerilla UK 1,926 28 The Children's Midsummer… Squirrel UK 1,615 29 Like Father Amber UK 1,591 £7,291,177 US/UK Co-Productions 1 Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone Warner UK/US 57,496,638 3,536,652 2 Mike Bassett: England Manager Entertainment UK/US 3 The Mean Machine UIP UK/US 3,006,463 4 Proof Of Life Warner UK/US 2,771,631 5 The Man Who Wasn't There* Entertainment UK/US 1,645,828 6 What's Cooking* Helkon SK UK/US 200,059 7 Greenfingers Winchester UK/US 66,670 8 Pandaemonium Optimum UK/US 64,965 9 The Criminal Downtown UK/US 40,565 10 Women Talking Dirty UIP UK/US 21,252 11 Jump Tomorrow Film Four UK/US 20,109 £68,870,832 Other UK Productions 1 Sexy Beast Film Four UK/US/ES 774,942 2 Croupier Film Four UK/IE/DL/FR 548,080 3 Ghost World* Icon UK/US/DL 528,572 4 The Contender* Icon UK/US/DL 405,803 5 Intimacy Pathe UK/FR 370,501 6 Shadow Of The Vampire Metrodome UK/US/LU 245,294 7 Bread And Roses Film Four UK/DL/ES/IT/FR 223,574 8 The Claim Pathe UK/CA/FR 214,243 Film Four UK/FR 148,965 Momentum UK/DL 126,710 9 Very Annie Mary BFI Information Services 10 Me Without You 269 11 Blow Dry Buena Vista UK/US/DL 122,630 12 Disco Pigs Entertainment UK/IE 116,578 13 Late Night Shopping Film Four UK/DL 104,286 7 Greenfingers Winchester UK/US 66,670 8 Pandaemonium Optimum UK/US 64,965 9 The Criminal Downtown UK/US 40,565 10 Women Talking Dirty UIP UK/US 21,252 11 Jump Tomorrow Film Four UK/US The STATS: Cinema 20,109 £68,870,832 Other UK Productions 1 Sexy Beast Film Four UK/US/ES 774,942 2 Croupier Film Four UK/IE/DL/FR 548,080 3 Ghost World* Icon UK/US/DL 528,572 4 The Contender* Icon UK/US/DL 405,803 5 Intimacy Pathe UK/FR 370,501 6 Shadow Of The Vampire Metrodome UK/US/LU 245,294 7 Bread And Roses Film Four UK/DL/ES/IT/FR 223,574 8 The Claim Pathe UK/CA/FR 214,243 9 Very Annie Mary Film Four UK/FR 148,965 10 Me Without You Momentum UK/DL 126,710 11 Blow Dry Buena Vista UK/US/DL 122,630 12 Disco Pigs Entertainment UK/IE 116,578 13 Late Night Shopping Film Four UK/DL 104,286 14 Brother Film Four UK/JP/US/FR 97,024 15 South West 9 Fruitsalad UK/IE 82,198 16 About Adam Metrodome UK/IE/US 76,333 17 Liam Artificial Eye UK/DL/IT 60,791 18 On The Nose Buena Vista UK/IE/CA 55,196 19 Little Otik Film Four UK/CZR/JP 24,355 20 Saltwater Artificial Eye UK/IE/ES 19,146 21 New Year's Day Optimum UK/FR 10,959 22 Wild About Harry Winchester UK/IE/DL 8,893 23 The Navigators BFI UK/ES/IT/FR 8,748 24 Room To Rent Pathe UK/FR 7,867 25 Bloody Angels ICA UK/NO 5,267 26 The Nine Lives Of Tomas Katz NFT UK/DL 4,451 27 Dog Eat Dog Film Four UK/DL 3,935 28 My Brother Tom Film Four UK/DL 3,260 29 The Lost Lover Metrodome UK/IT 2,700 30 Esther Kahn Feature Film Co. UK/FR 2,361 £4,403,662 Total 70 Titles Total BO Gross:£165,609,283 * Not previously included in UK Production Tables Source: Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 270 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 EU Films At The UK Box Office 2001 (inc. non-UK co-productions) Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 The Others Buena Vista US/ES 11,655,181 2 Rugrats In Paris UIP US/DL 8,189,486 3 Vertical Limit Columbia TriStar US/DL 6,403,077 4 Jeepers Creepers Helkon SK US/DL 6,279,028 5 Advs. Of Rocky & Bullwinkle Momentum US/DL 4,464,040 6 Amelie Momentum FR/DL 4,382,625 7 Spy Game Entertainment US/DL/JP/FR 3,621,550 8 The Score Pathe US/DL 2,824,220 9 Along Came A Spider UIP US/DL 2,628,261 10 Zoolander UIP US/DL/AU 2,166,831 11 Down To Earth UIP US/DL/AU 1,972,176 12 15 Minutes Entertainment US/DL 1,762,683 13 Kiss Of The Dragon Twentieth Century Fox US/FR 1,475,701 14 The Tailor Of Panama Columbia TriStar US/IE 1,233,394 15 Quills Twentieth Century Fox US/DL 721,628 16 Together Metrodome SE/DK/IT 715,431 17 Help! I'm A Fish Metrodome DK/DL/IE 677,038 18 Le Gout Des Autres Pathe FR 439,939 19 Under Suspicion Helkon SK US/FR 428,587 20 Brotherhood Of The Wolf Pathe FR 413,470 Source: Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi Top 20 Foreign Language Releases 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) 1 Amelie Momentum FR/DL 4,382,625 2 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham Yash Raj IN 2,080,040 3 Amores Perros Optimum MX 763,048 4 Together Metrodome SE/DK/IT 715,431 5 Help! I'm A Fish Metrodome DK/DL/IE 677,038 6 Lagaan Sony IN 656,184 7 Asoka Miracom IN 577,372 8 Chori chori Chupke Chupke Eros IN 548,398 9 Ek Ristaa Bollywood IN 445,816 10 Le Gout Des Autres Pathe FR 439,939 11 Yaadein Sovereign IN 429,754 12 Lajja Eros IN 419,989 13 Brotherhood Of The Wolf Pathe FR 413,470 14 The Piano Teacher Artificial Eye FR/DL/AT 366,726 15 Dil Chahta Hai Spark IN 320,987 16 American Desi Eros IN 310,510 17 Gadar-Ek Prem Katha Bollywood IN 280,503 18 Battle Royale Metro JP 251,215 19 Yeh Raaste Hein Pyar Ke Bollywood IN 248,104 20 The Devil's Backbone Optimum ES/MX 192,059 Source: Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 271 Box Office Gross(£) The STATS: Cinema Breakdown Of UK Box Office By Country Of Origin 2001 Territories Titles Box Office Gross (£) % UK 29 7,291,177 1.05 UK Co 41 89,447,274 12.9 UK US 11 68,870,832 9.95 EU 51 9,101,651 1.31 US 115 335,482,019 48.5 Other US Co (inc. EU) 37 170,205,193 24.6 Rest of World Foreign Language 66 9,876,693 1.43 Rest of World English Language 4 1,953,989 0.28 Total 354 £692,228,828 Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi/ Screen Finance Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2001 by US Box Office Revenue Title US Distributor Country Box Office Gross ($m) 1 Bridget Jones's Diary Miramax/Universal UK/US 71,543,427 2 Captain Corelli's Mandolin Miramax/Universal UK/US 25,543,895 3 Sexy Beast Fox Searchlight UK/US 6,946,056 4 5 SPC Rainbow UK UK 2,874,225 1,588,423 6 The House of Mirth Monty Python and the Holy Grail (re-issue) Greenfingers IDP/Fireworks Odeon UK 1,443,067 7 Last Orders Sony Classics UK/GE 1,265,528 8 Liam Lion's Gate UK 1,016,021 9 The Man who Cried Universal Focus UK/FR 740,771 Miramax UK/US 644,076 10 Blow Dry Source: Neilsen EDI BFI Information Services 272 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union 2001 Provisional ranking on the basis of data from 10 European Union States (ca. 80% of admissions analysed) Title Country of Origin Admissions 1 Bridget Jones's Diary UK/US 26,144,377 2 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain FR/DL 13,232,157 3 Der Schuh des Manitu DL 12,475,108 4 The Others ES 10,492,399 5 La vérité si je mens ! 2 FR 7,872,522 6 Chocolat UK/US 7,696,520 7 Le pacte des loups FR 7,014,960 8 Billy Elliot (1) UK 6,657,513 9 La placard FR 6,428,424 10 Torrente 2: Misión en Marbella ES 5,274,341 11 Tanguy FR 3,206,700 12 Captain Corelli's Mandolin UK/FR/US 3,201,920 13 Yamakasi FR 2,864,236 14 Kiss of the Dragon FR 2,495,650 15 Belphégor - Le fantôme du Louvre FR 2,461,872 16 Der kleine Eisbär DL 2,415,431 17 Une hirondelle a fait le printemps FR/BE 2,380,077 18 L'ultimo bacio IT 2,338,102 19 La stanza del figlio IT/FR 2,196,582 20 Un crime au paradis FR 2,173,078 (1) 4 998 458 entrées dans l'Union européenne en 2000 / 4 998 458 admissions in the European Union in 2000 Data for the following countries included: AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FR, UK, IT, NL, SE No data processed for FI, LU, PT, GR Admissions in IE and LU are considered as being partly reported by UK and BE data respectively. Source : OBS / LUMIERE BFI Information Services 273 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office By Distributor in 2001 Distributor Titles UIP 25 213,741,350 Warner 20 118,212,860 Buena Vista 25 89,117,081 Twentieth Century Fox 21 63,105,601 Columbia TriStar 26 38,860,243 Total US Majors 117 £523,037,135 18 73,111,894 8 32,590,051 Momentum 14 17,763,322 Pathe 19 14,909,110 Helkon SK 6 11,572,128 Film Four 14 3,500,467 Eros 21 2,546,130 2 2,155,951 Metrodome 12 1,992,636 Optimum 11 1,867,929 Artificial Eye 17 1,435,244 Bollywood 11 1,233,978 Sony 1 656,184 Metro 9 618,168 13 581,800 Miracom 1 577,372 Spark 6 441,367 10 437,748 Sovereign 1 429,754 Blue Dolphin 4 117,069 Winchester 3 86,879 Fruitsalad 1 82,198 GVI 1 81,406 NFT 6 77,068 MFD 1 76,598 Set Singha 1 68,558 Downtown 1 40,565 Britpack 1 18,888 Tips 1 18,728 Gala 3 16,059 Life 1 15,678 Bluelight 2 13,313 IFD 1 10,227 Peakviewing 1 9,983 Cinefrance 1 6,696 Blue Star 1 4,402 Steon 1 3,299 Barbican 2 3,149 Daata 1 3,069 Octavian 1 2,992 Peccadillo 1 2,893 Feature Film Co 1 2,361 Guerilla 1 1,926 Ratpack 1 1,865 Squirrel 1 1,615 Amber 1 1,591 Millivres 1 1,228 Kush 1 Total (independents) 4 £4,591 354 £692,228,828 Entertainment Icon Yash Raj bfi ICA BFI Information Services Box Office Gross (£) Total Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi /Screen Finance 274 157 IFD 1 10,227 Peakviewing 1 9,983 Cinefrance 1 6,696 Blue Star The STATS: Cinema1 4,402 Steon 1 3,299 Barbican 2 3,149 Daata 1 3,069 Octavian 1 2,992 Peccadillo 1 2,893 Feature Film Co 1 2,361 Guerilla 1 1,926 Ratpack 1 1,865 Squirrel 1 1,615 Amber 1 1,591 Millivres 1 1,228 Kush 1 Total (independents) 4 £4,591 354 £692,228,828 Total 157 Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi /Screen Finance Admissions to films in distribution in the European Union 2001 Provisional ranking on the basis of data from 10 European Union States (ca. 80% of admissions analysed) Title Nationality Year Admissions 1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone US 2001 42,577,225 2 Bridget Jones's Diary UK/US 2001 26,144,377 3 US/NZ 2001 20,940,700 4 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Shrek US 2001 20,803,220 5 What Women Want US 2000 20,685,021 6 Hannibal US 2001 17,895,597 7 American Pie 2 US 2001 17,549,403 8 The Mummy Returns US 2001 17,208,901 9 Cast Away US 2000 16,879,650 10 Pearl Harbor US 2001 16,817,486 11 Planet of the Apes US 2001 15,183,298 12 Jurassic Park III US 2001 14,197,207 13 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain FR/DL 2001 13,232,157 14 Der Schuh des Manitu DL 2001 12,475,108 15 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider US/UK/JP/DL 2001 12,359,517 16 The Others ES 2001 10,492,399 17 Moulin rouge ! US/AU 2001 9,975,402 18 The Emperor's New Groove US 2000 9,061,783 19 Traffic US/DL 2000 8,810,879 20 Scary Movie 2 US 2001 8,436,075 Data for the following countries included: AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, IT, NL, SE No data processed for FI, LU, PT, GR Admissions in IE and LU are considered as being partly reported by GB and BE data. Source : OBS / LUMIERE BFI Information Services 275 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental Videos in the UK 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Meet the Parents Universal US 2 Bridget Jones's Diary Universal/Columbia TriStar US/UK/FR 3 What Women Want Icon US 4 What Lies Beneath Fox Pathe US 5 Billy Elliot Universal/Columbia TriStar UK 6 Gone in 60 Seconds Buena Vista US 7 Cast Away Universal US 8 Scary Movie Buena Vista US 9 Snatch Columbia TriStar UK/US 10 Unbreakable Buena Vista US 11 Hannibal Universal/Columbia TriStar US 12 Traffic EV US 13 Road Trip Universal US 14 X-Men Fox Pathe US 15 Me, Myself and Irene Fox Pathe US 16 Hollow Man Columbia TriStar US/GE 17 Charlie's Angels Columbia TriStar US 18 Vertical Limit Columbia TriStar US 19 The Patriot Columbia TriStar US 20 The Gift Helkon SK US Includes DVD and VHS Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Shrek Universal US 2 Bridget Jones's Diary VVL US/UK/FR 3 Cats and Dogs Warner Brothers US 4 Dinosaur Buena Vista US 5 The Lady and the Tramp 2 Buena Vista US 6 The Grinch Universal US 7 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Buena Vista US 8 Pearl Harbor Buena Vista US 9 Barbie in the Nutcracker Universal US 10 The Mummy Returns Universal US 11 102 Damatians Buena Vista US 12 Billy Elliot VVL UK 13 Gladiator Universal US 14 The Little Mermaid 2-Return to the Sea Buena Vista US 15 The Emperor's New Groove Buena Vista US 16 Doctor Doolittle 1 and 2 Twentieth Century Fox US 17 X-Men Twentieth Century Fox US 18 Snatch Columbia TriStar UK/US 19 Chicken Run Twentieth Century Fox UK/US 20 Billy Connolly - Live Greatest Hits VVL UK Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 276 The STATS: Video Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2001 Distributors Share of UK Rental Transactions 2001 (%) Distributor %share 1 Universal 18.9 2 Fox-Pathe/MGM 16.5 3 Columbia Tristar 4 Distributor % share 1 Universal 18.5 2 Warner 18.0 15.8 3 Buena Vista 12.0 Warner 15.0 4 Columbia Tristar 11.6 5 Buena Vista 14.3 5 20th Century Fox 8.0 6 EV 9.2 6 VCI 5.2 7 Paramount 4.5 7 Paramount 4.9 8 FilmFour 2.0 8 MGM 4.0 9 Momentum 1.3 9 BBC 3.9 10 High Fliers 0.9 10 EV 3.1 Includes DVD and VHS Includes VHS and DVD Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Source:BVA Top 20 Retail DVDs in the UK 2001 Title Distributor Country of Origin 1 Shrek Universal US 2 The Mummy Returns Columbia Tristar US 3 Bridget Jones's Diary Columbia Tristar US/UK/FR 4 Gladiator Columbia Tristar US 5 Pearl Harbor Buena Vista US 6 7 The Mummy Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Columbia Tristar Columbia Tristar US 8 Snatch Columbia Tristar US/UK 9 10 X-Men Lara Croft-Tomb Raider Fox Paramount US 11 Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace Fox US/DL/UK/JP US 12 Cats and Dogs Warner US 13 Hannibal Columbia Tristar US 14 The Perfect Storm Warner Brothers US 15 Billy Elliot Columbia Tristar UK 16 Hollow Man Columbia Tristar US/DL 17 Charlie's Angels Columbia Tristar US 18 Se7en EV US 19 Traffic EV US 20 Gone in 60 Seconds Buena Vista US Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 277 CN/TW/US/HK The STATS: Television Multichannel Subscribers Numbers 2001 Number of Households (millions) Operator Analogue Digital Total BSkyB Cable - 5.72 5.72 1.63 1.98 3.61 - 1.26 1.26 1.63 8.96 10.59 ITV Digital Total Source: ITC Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2001 Title Channel Tx Date Audience (m) 1 Only Fools and Horses BBC1 25-Dec 21.34 2 EastEnders BBC1 5-Apr 20.05 3 Coronation Street ITV 1-Jan 16.22 4 A Touch of Frost ITV 14-Jan 14.69 5 Heartbeat ITV 21-Jan 13.82 6 Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITV 1-Jan 12.65 7 Emmerdale ITV 3-Jan 12.42 8 Popstars ITV 3-Feb 12.36 9 Football:England V Albania BBC1 5-Sep 11.63 10 Royal Variety Performance ITV 28-Nov 11.55 11 Comic Relief 2001 BBC1 16-Mar 11.47 12 The Weakest Link BBC1 1-Mar 11.40 13 London's Burning ITV 28-Jan 11.38 14 British Soap Awards ITV 30-May 11.28 15 Deep Impact BBC1 2-Jan 11.25 16 Soapstar Special ITV 7-Nov 11.05 17 Airline ITV 19-Mar 10.80 18 Buried Treasure ITV 14-Oct 10.67 19 Stars in Their Eyes ITV 24-Nov 10.56 20 Ten O'Clock News BBC1 16-Nov 10.46 21 UEFA Cup Final: Liverpool V Alaves BBC1 16-May 10.25 22 Holidays From Hell ITV 17-Jan 10.24 23 Antiques Roadshow BBC1 30-Sep 10.18 24 The Grand National BBC1 7-Apr 10.05 25 Casualty BBC1 13-Jan 10.00 Only the top rated episode of each series is included Source: Taris Taylor Nelson-Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 278 The STATS: Television Top 25 Original Drama Productions on UK TV 2001 Includes Soap Operas, Series, Serials and UK TV Movies Audience figures are for highest rated episodes of each production Title Producer/Sponsor 1 EastEnders BBC 5-Apr 20.05 2 Coronation Street Granada 1-Jan 16.22 3 A Touch of Frost Yorkshire 14-Jan 14.69 4 Heartbeat Yorkshire 21-Jan 13.82 5 Emmerdale Yorkshire 3-Jan 12.42 6 London's Burning LWT 28-Jan 11.38 7 Buried Treasure LWT 14-Oct 10.67 8 Casualty BBC 13-Jan 10.02 9 Back Home Danny Rose Productions/LWT 21-Oct 10.00 10 Midsomer Murders Bentley Productions/Yorkshire 26-Aug 9.99 11 The Innocent Yorkshire 7-Jan 9.87 12 Where the Heart Is United/Anglia 22-Apr 9.84 13 Cold Feet Granada 2-Dec 9.78 14 The Bill Thames/Carlton 23-Feb 9.74 15 My Uncle Silas Excelsior/Yorkshire 28-Oct 9.71 16 Hot Money Granada 12-Dec 9.62 17 Silent Witness BBC 19-Mar 9.43 18 Judge John Deed BBC 26-Nov 9.43 19 Bad Girls Shed Productions/Channel TV 20-Mar 9.42 20 At Home with the Braithwaites Yorkshire 22-Feb 9.17 21 Anybody's Nightmare Carlton 7-Oct 9.11 22 Waking the Dead BBC 9-Jul 9.09 23 Peak Practice Central/Carlton 16-Jan 9.06 24 Dalziel and Pascoe BBC 19-Nov 8.98 25 Holby City BBC 9-Oct 8.92 Source: Taylor Nelson-Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 279 Tx Date Audience (m) The STATS: Television Television Advertising 2001 £m Net TV Advertising Revenue 3,119 ITV 1,703 C4 604 C5 192 S4C 9 GMTV 58 Programme Sponsorship 66 Non Terrestrial TV Advertising Revenue 487 Source: ITC UK TV Films Premiered 2001 Covers single feature length films shown on British television and transmissions of feature films funded by UK broadcasters which may have had a previous theatrical release (marked by *) Title Tx Date Audience (m) BBC1 Gentlemen's Relish 1-Jan 8.37 Red Cap 28-Dec 8.30 Station Jim 30-Dec 7.13 The Theory of Flight 28-Jan 1.03 Hideous Kinky* 25-Feb 1.60 Love and Death on Long Island* 16-Mar 0.35 Titanic Town* 24-Mar 0.87 When I was 12 26-Sep 2.30 Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise 30-Sep 1.36 7-Oct 0.72 Buried Treasure 14-Oct 10.67 Back Home 21-Oct 10.00 7-Nov 8.90 Hot Money 12-Dec 9.62 Fanny and Elvis* 17-Dec 5.21 Othello 23-Dec 3.57 A Price Above Rubies* 21-Feb 0.53 The Debt Collector* 25-Jun 1.26 East is East* 2-Sep 4.75 The Navigators* 2-Dec 1.60 18-Feb 1.18 BBC2 Strumpet ITV My Beautiful Son C4 C5 Hotel Source: bfi /BARB BFI Information Services 280 The STATS: Television Top 25 Feature Films shown on Terrestrial TV 2001 Title Country of Origin Year Channel 1 Deep Impact US 1998 BBC1 11.25 2 Mission:Impossible US 1996 BBC1 9.85 3 The World is not Enough UK/US 1999 ITV 9.80 4 The Mask of Zorro US 1998 BBC1 9.60 5 Waking Ned UK 1998 ITV 9.08 6 Rush Hour US 1998 BBC1 8.88 7 Con Air US 1997 BBC1 8.45 8 Bean UK/US 1997 ITV 8.36 9 Speed US 1994 BBC1 8.34 10 Dr.No UK/US 1962 ITV 8.22 11 You Only Live Twice UK/US 1967 ITV 8.11 12 Tomorrow Never Dies UK/US 1997 ITV 8.08 13 GoldenEye UK/US 1995 ITV 8.00 14 Godzilla US 1998 BBC1 7.85 15 Mrs Doubtfire US 1993 BBC1 7.80 16 Toy Story US 1995 BBC1 7.73 17 Die Hard with a Vengeance US 1995 ITV 7.58 18 Kiss the Girls US 1997 BBC1 7.56 19 Hard Rain US/JP/DL 1998 BBC1 7.45 20 From Russia with Love UK/US 1963 ITV 7.36 21 Diamonds are Forever UK/US 1971 ITV 7.35 22 Flubber US 1997 BBC1 7.26 23 Braveheart US 1995 BBC1 7.24 24 Air Force One US 1997 BBC1 7.15 25 Goldfinger UK/US 1964 ITV 7.00 Source: Taris Taylor Nelson-Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 281 Audience (m) 2002 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981-2002 UK Film Production 2002 - Category A UK Film Production 2002 - Category B UK Film Production 2002 - Category C UK Film Production 2002 - Category D Types of Release for UK films 1984-2001 What Happened to 2001 UK Films? 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 NATIONAL LOTTERY Top 25 All-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2002/03 MEDIA Plus Funding: UK Beneficiaries - 2002 290 291 293 CINEMA Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2002 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 2002 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2002 Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office 2002 Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 2002 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2002 Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2002 by US Box Office Revenue Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in the European Union in 2002 Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union in 2002 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor 2002 All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK 294 294 295 297 297 298 298 299 299 300 301 301 VIDEO Top 20 Rental VHS Videos in the UK 2002 Top 20 Rental Videos VHS & DVD in the UK 2002 Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2002 Top 20 Rental DVD Videos in the UK 2002 Top 20 Retail DVD Titles in the UK 2002 Top 20 Retail VHS & DVD Titles in the UK 2002 Distributors’ Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 2002 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2002 All Time Top 20 Rental VHS & DVD Video in the UK 2002 302 302 303 303 304 304 305 305 305 TELEVISION Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2002 Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2002 Top 25 Original Drama Productions 2002 Television Advertising 2002 UK TV Films Premiered 2002 Top 25 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2002 306 306 307 307 308 309 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films 1981-2002 Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Titles produced 24 40 51 53 54 41 55 48 30 60 59 47 67 84 78 128 11 6 88 100 98 96 105 Current prices (£m) 61.2 141.1 251.1 270.4 269.4 165.8 195.3 175.2 104.7 217.4 243.2 184.9 224.1 455.2 402.4 741.4 562.8 509.3 549.2 804.3 592.3 536.7** Production cost (£m) (2003 prices*) 146.4 308.1 529.9 506.6 510.8 304.1 343.2 296.4 163.2 305.9 321.6 235.0 284.8 566.6 497.0 885.1 656.3 574.7 601.3 867.8 620.4 618.5** U K f i l m s a r e d e fi n e d h e r e a s fi l m s p r o d u c e d i n t h e U K o r w i t h a U K fi n a nc i al i n v o l v e m e n t , th e y i nc l ud e m a j o r i t y a nd m i n o r i t y c o -p r o d u c ti o n s * b a s e d o n c a l e n d a r y e a r i n f l a t i o n f i gu r e o f 2 . 9 p e r c e n t * * F i g u r e i nc l ud e s e s t i m a t e d b u dg e t s Source: Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 283 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2002 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Title Production company(ies) AKA A m e r ic a n C o u s i n s Ashes and Sand Bitter Sweet Blackball B r i g h t Yo u n g T h i n g s The Bone Hunter T h e C al c i u m K i d Cheeky Cloud Cuckoo Land D a y o f th e S i r e n s D e v i l' s G a t e T h e D ay I W il l N e v er Forget F a ll e n A n g e l s Fakers F in d in g F o r t u n e The Football Factory Gladiatress In T h i s Wo r l d T h i r d R o c k / U K F i l m C o u n c i l /B a r d E n t e r ta i n m en t s L i t t l e W i n g F i l m s / S c o t ti s h S c r ee n / G l a s g o w F i l m F u n d O p e n R oa d F i l m s W es t C o a s t P ro d u c t i o n s M i df i el d F i l m s / In s i d e Tr a c k R e v o l ut i on F i l m s / D o u bt i ng H a l l / F i l m C o n s o r t i u m / Vi s i o n Vi e w P a l m Tr e e P r o d u c ti o n s WT2 Xingu Films A i r b o rn e P i c t u r es / E I S Imaginary Films Alchemist Films/Shetland Island UK Film Council C h an n e l 4 n/a* 3.00 3.50 n/a* 4.00 7.60 2.70 4.00 3.90 1.50 n/a* 2.00 n/a* n/a* 1.70 1.50 0.50 3.50 1.30 To K i l l a K in g To u ch in g t h e Vo i d Wa n t e d Wo n d r o u s O b l iv i o n Yo u n g A d a m Av r i o F i l m w o r k s F a k i n g I t P r o d s /K l e p o w s k i a nd B e e / J a n e s F i l m s P a l m Tr e e P r o d u c ti o n s Ve r t i g o F i l m s / M a tr i x F i l m F i na n c e M i s s i o n P i c t ur e s / S t o c k P r od u c t i o n s R e v o l ut i on F i l m s / T h e F i l m C o n s o r ti u m /B B C F i l m s / UK Film Council W i l d H o r s e s / B B C F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l /B a k e r S t. M e d i a Prolific Films F o u r H o r s em en F i l m s / R a nd o m H a r v e s t / M a tr i x F i l m F i na n c e C a rn a b y F i l m s / E I S P a s s i o n P i c tu r e s F l ui d i t y F i l m s F e s ti v a l F i l m s / 1a P r o d u c t i o n s / S a l t i re F i l m s Free Range Films/BBC Films Tw o t h r e e f i v e A+A Films V F Ve r s a t i l e F i l m O n e f o r t he R o a d F i l m s / F i l m F o u r /U K F i l m C ou n c i l / E a s t M i d l a n d s M e di a I n i a t i v e Ti g e r F i l m s / F u s i o n Tr i s t a r L i t t l e W i n g F i l m s / K u d o s P r o d u c ti o n s Ta rt a n F i l m s / S c o tt i s h S c r e e n E l e m e n ta l F i l m s /S c o t t i s h S c r e e n /G l a s g o w F i l m O ff i c e G r e e n w o l f F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / I n s i d e Tr a c k / S k y M o v i e s /I s l e o f M a n F i l m C o m m i s s i o n R u by F i l m s / B B C F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l I m a g i n a r y F i l m s 2 0 00 C o m m o n F e a tu r e s L t d /B B C F i l m s /U K F i l m C o u nc i l / Yo r k s h i re M e d i a P ro d u c t i o n A g e n c y / N o rt h e r n P ro d u c ti o n F u n d N a tu r a l N y l o n / Vi s i o n Vi e w FilmFour/Darlow Smithson/UK Film Council/PBS F o o t p ri n t F i l m s Kuhn and Co/Apt Films R e c o r d e d P i c tu r e C o m p a n y / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / S c o t ti s h S c r e e n TOTAL NUMBER OF FILM APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST APPROXIMATE AVERAGE COST 44 £111.34m £2.5m Kiss of Life The Last Horror Movie LD50 L ig h th o u s e H il l L iv e F o r e v e r L iv i n g i n H o p e Mandancin The Mother N e i l' s P a r t y Nine Lives Oh M a r b e l la On e f o r t h e R o a d T h e P r o d ig a l Pure 16 Ye a r s o f A l c o h o l S o l id A i r S u z ie Go ld Sylvia Te a m O n e T h is L it t l e L i f e Production cost (£m) 2.00 1.00 5.20 2.40 n/a* n/a* n/a* 2.00 1.20 2.00 n/a* 0.69 1.30 3.00 0.60 0.90 3.50 8.00 0.90 3.50 14.00 n/a* 0.45 3.50 4.50 * W he r e b u d g e t s a r e n o t a v a i l a b l e a n ap p r o x i m a t e t o ta l h a s b e e n e s t i m at e d b a s e d o n a v e ra g e t o t a l o f £ 1 m pe r fi l m . Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 284 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2002 - Category B M a j o r i t y U K C o- P r o du c t i o n s . F i l m s i n w h i c h , a l t h o u g h th e r e a r e f o r e i g n p a r t n e r s , t h e r e i s a U K c u l tu r a l c o n t en t a n d a s i g n i f i c a n t a m ou n t o f B r i t i s h f i n a n c e a n d p e rs o n n e l . Ti t l e P r o d u ct i o n c o m p a n i e s /p a r ti c i p a t in g c o u n t r i e s The Actors C o m p a n y o f Wo l v e s / F i l m F o u r /I r i s h F i l m B o a r d /F ou r P r o v i n c e s F i l m s ( R e p u bl i c o f I r e l a n d ) H e r o F i l m s / S c o tt i s h S c r e e n / G l a s go w F i l m Off i c e / M o t l y s ( N o r w a y ) M a ta d o r P i c tu r e s /Z o di a c P i c t u r e s In t e r n a ti o na l ( S w i t z e r l a n d) A r c an e P i c t u r e s / S u m m i t E n t e r ta i nm en t / A l qu i m a ( S p a i n ) R e c o r d ed P i c t u r e C o m p a n y / P e n i s u l a F i l m s / F i c t i o n F i l m s (France/Italy) A r c he r S t r ee t F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / I n s i d e Tr a c k / D e L u x (Luxembourg) A m o e b a F i l m s /A l l a rt s / Id e a l e A u d i e n c e ( N e t h e r l a n d s / F r a n c e ) R C D P r o d u c t i on s / M D P ( G er m a n y ) F i l m a n d M u s i c E n t e r t ai n m e n t/ Yo d i ( Yu g o s l a v i a ) L ug e r t h e M o v i e / S t r a y D o g s F i l m s ( R o m a n i a ) F i l m F o u r /S o ut h f o r k P i c t u re s / Tu Va s Vo i r ( F r an c e ) S c a l a P r od u c t i o n s / Oc e a n P i c tu r e s ( A u s t r a l i a ) The Bum's Rush Chaos and Cadavars Dot the I T h e D r e am e r s G i r l w i t h a P e ar l E a r r i n g H o o v e r S t r e e t R e vi v a l T h e I I n s id e L o v in g G la n c e s Luger The Motorcycle Diaries T h e N i g h t We C a ll e d It a Day Octane One Love R i v er s a n d Ti d e s S C lu b S e e i n g D o u b l e T h e Vi r g i n o f L iv e r p o o l T h e Wa t e r G i a n t Production cost (£m) F o u r H o r s e m e n /D e L u x ( L u x e m b o ur g ) S c a l a P r od u c t i o n s /U K F i l m C o u n c i l /B a k e r S t . M e di a F i n a nc e / E x p os e d F i l m P r o d u c t i o n s / E u r o m a x F i l m s ( N o r w a y ) S k y l i n e / S c o tt i s h S c r e e n / S c o tt i s h A rt s C o u nc i l / FilmFernsehFondsBayern/Metropolis/Arte/ F i l m F o n d s B e r l i n- B r a nd e n b u r g ( G e rm a n y ) D o u b l e Vi s i o n L td / 1 9 E n te r t a i n m e n t / M e d i a p r o ( S p a i n ) T h e M o b F i l m C o m p a n y / S e n a t o r E n t e r t ai n m e n t( G e r m a n y ) B a r r y F i l m s / M B P ( G e rm an y ) TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS 16 APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST £94.56m APPROXIMATE AVERAGE COST £5.25m *Where budgets are not available an approximate total has been estimated based on average total of £2.5m per film. Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/bfi BFI Information Services 285 15 . 0 0 2.80 2.20 3.00 6.00 11 . 5 0 n/a* 7.00 1.00 0.60 10.00 3.70 8.00 1.60 n/a* n/a* 2.00 12 . 6 6 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2002 - Category C Minority UK Co-productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK involvement in finance or personnel. Ti t l e Production company(ies)/participating countries Absolon B a l t ic S t o r m S t u d i o E i g h t /G F T E n t e r t a i n m e n t ( C a n a d a ) To p S to r y / S m i l e E nt e r t a i n m e n t /I A C F i l m s / A r t e/ F FA / F B B / M e d F i l m s t u d i o s / A 2 M e d i a /N o r m e d i a F o n d s (Germany/Denmark/Malta) W h a t ' s t h e s to r y / S t a l h e i m ( R e p u b l i c o f Ir e l a n d ) Ga l a fi l m P r o d u c t i o n s / Gl o b a l A rt s ( C a na d a ) M e l t e m i E n te r t a i n m e n t /B V In t e r n at i o na l ( N o r w a y ) Vo i c e P i c t u r e s /L e s P r o d . C o l i n N e a l e /S tu d i o E i g ht / Te l e fi l m C a n a d a ( C a n a d a ) P a r a l l el F i l m s / C o m p a n y o f Wo l v e s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / Ir i s h F i l m B o a r d ( R e p ub l i c o f I r e l a n d ) S p i c e F a c t or y / M i l a gr o F i l m s / S n o w f al l s F i l m ( C a n a da ) Gr e a t S c o t t /S a ra h R a d c l y ff e P r od u c t i o n s (A u s t r a l i a ) D r e y c o P r o d u c t i o n s / Im a g o ( I ta l y ) b ol e x b r o t h e r s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / P a t h e / S k y M o v i e s / F i l m s A c t i on ( F r a nc e ) N o m a d i c P i c t ur e s / A m a f i / Vi s i o n v i e w ( C a n a d a) S o i c e F a c t or y / M a r ti n e l l i P ro d u c t i o n s / B l u e S ta r / B o x ! F i l m / Is t i t u to Lu c e ( I t al y /G e r m a n y ) M a l t e m i E n te r t a i n m e n t /M ed i a fo n d s 1 / Vi e n n a F i l m F u nd / Nord Rhine Westfalia(Germany/Austria) Tri p ty c h M e d i a / D an F i l m s / F i l m C o n s or t i u m / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / Te l e fi l m C a n a d a ( C a n a d a ) U m b r e l l a P r o d u c ti o n s / B B C F i l m s / S c o t ti s h S c r e e n/ Nimbus Film (Denmark) S u b o ti c a E n t /M o v i e f a n / Z o m a F i l m s /Z e n t r o p a /I r i s h F i l m B o a r d / D a n i s h F i l m In s t i t u te (R e p u b l i c of I r e l a n d / D e n m a r k ) F i d e l i t e P r o d u c t i on s / H e a d f o r c e ( F r a n c e) B a k er S t r e et M ed i a F i na n c e / K c r af t / C a n a l + ( F r a n c e) K a s an d e r F i l m / S gr i n /D e L u x ( N e th e r l a nd s / L u x e m b u r g ) Bl,.m T h e B lu e B u t t e r f l y Emile The Great Goose Caper Intermission J er ic h o M a n s io n s Love's Brother Luminal The Magic Roundabout Mrs.Ritchie P i a z z a o f t h e F i ve M o o n s T h e P o et T h e R e p u b l ic o f L o v e Skaggerak Song for a Raggy Boy T h e S w i m m in g P o o l T h r e e B li n d M ic e T h e Tu l s e L u p e r S u i t c as e : T h e E a r ly Ye a r s Underworld Wa n t e d W il b u r Wa n t s t o K i l l H i m s e l f TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST APPROXIMATE AVERAGE COST S u b t er r a n e a n P r o d u c ti o n s / U n de r w o r l d P r o du c t i o n s / L au r i n P r o d u c ti o n s ( G e r m a n y /H u n g a ry ) S t u d i o E i g h t /G F T E n t e r t a i n m e n t ( C a n a d a ) S i g m a F i l m s / S c o t ti s h S c r e en / G l a s g o w F i l m F u n d / Z e nt r o p a / D a n i s h F i l m In s t i t u tr / N or d i s k ( D en m a r k ) Production cost (£m) 4.50 3.80 2.20 1.70 7.00 3.40 2.50 3.86 n/a? 2.00 12.80 n/a* 6.40 3.15 2.50 3.00 2.40 3.70 3.20 2.21 n/a* 5.50 n/a* 23 £89.82m £3.9m * W h er e bu d g e t s a r e n o t a v a i l a b l e a n a pp r o m i m a te to t a l ha s b e e n e s t i m a t e d b a s e d o n av e r a g e t o ta l o f £ 3. 5 m p e r f i l m . S o u r c e : S c r e e n F i n a n c e / S c r e e n I nt e r n a ti o n a l / b fi BFI Information Services 286 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2002 - Category D A m e r i c a n f i n a n c e d or p ar t - f i n a n c e d fi l m s m a d e i n t h e U K . M o s t t i tl e s ha v e a B r i t i s h c u l t u r a l c o n t en t . Ti t l e P r o d u c t io n c o m p a n y ( i e s ) C a l en d a r G i r l s C o l d M o u n t ai n D i e A n o th er D ay I Am David If Only H a r b o u r P i c tu r e s M i r a g e E n te r p r i s e s E o n P r o du c t i o n s /M a n d a l ay P i c t ur e s / M G M /U A F i l m a n d G e n e r a l / Wa l d e n M e d i a I nt e r m e d i a / B o x F i l m s / Ou t l a w P r od u c t i o n s / L o v e s p e l l P r o d u c ti o n s M o r g a n C r e e k /Wa r n er B r o s W i l l a n d C o /R e v e r e P i c t u re s Wo r k i n g Ti t l e / U n i v e r s a l S c a l a F i l m s / F r e e w h e e l In t e r n a ti o n a l / J o y F i l m s / Vo r t e x International Wo r k i n g Ti t l e / U n i v e r s a l S p i tf i r e / I n te r m e d i a / B B C F i l m s Wo r k i n g Ti tl e F i l m s /U n i v e r s al / E n d y m i o n F i l m s F i l m C o l o n y /M i r a m a x C l o u d N i n e F i l m s /H a r t S h a r p F o c us F i l m s / P e r s i s te n c e P i c tu r e s /I m a g i n a r i um /M a t r i x F i l m F i n a nc e S p y g l a s s E n t e rt a i nm en t / To u c h s t o n e A b s o l u t e l y P r o d u c ti o n s / C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r Paramount D i n o v i F i l m s /G a y l o r d P r o du c t i o n s /Wa r ne r B r o th e r s I'll Be There I ' l l S le e p W h e n I ' m D e a d J o h n n y E n g li s h Leo Love Actually M a s k e d an d A n o n y m o u s N e d K e l ly Neverland N i c h o la s N i c k le b y Sandmother S h a n g h a i K n ig h t s S t e ll a S tr e et To m b R a id e r 2 W h a t a G i r l Wa n t s TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS APPROXIMATE TOTAL COST APPROXIMATE AVERAGE COST Production cost (£m) 8.00 48.00 62.50 5.00 7.50 4.00 6.00 15.00 n/a* 20.00 3.20 20.00 8.00 6.80 2. 0 0 40.96 0.60 65.00 13.00 19 £340m £17.89m * W h e r e b u d g e t s ar e n ot a v a i l a b l e a n a p p r o x i m a t e t o ta l h a s b e en e s t i m a t e d b a s e d o n a v e r a g e t o t a l o f £ 5 m pe r fi l m . S o u rc e : S c r e e n F i n an c e / S c r ee n In t e r n a ti o na l / bf i BFI Information Services 287 The STATS: Film Production Ty p e s o f R e l e a s e f o r U K f i l m s 1984-2001 P r o p o rt i on o f fi l m s w i t h a U K i n v o l v e m e nt w h i c h achieved; a) W i d e r e l e a s e . O p e n i n g o r p l a y i n g o n 3 0 o r m or e s c r e e n s ar o u n d t h e c o u n tr y w i t h i n a y e a r of p r o d u c ti o n b) L i m i t e d r e l ea s e , m a i n l y i n a r t h o u s e c i n e m a s or a s ho r t W e s t E n d r u n w i t h i n a y e a r o f r e l e a s e . c ) U n r e l e a s e d a y e ar a ft e r p r o d u c t i o n Ye a r 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 (a)% (b)% 50.00 52.80 55.80 36.00 29.50 33.30 29.40 32.20 38.30 25.40 31.00 23.10 19.00 15.50 22.70 30.00 22.50 24.50 44.00 35.90 41.90 60.00 61.20 38.90 47.10 37.30 29.80 22.40 22.60 34.60 14.00 19.00 21.60 10.00 12.20 10.60 (c)% 6.00 11 . 3 0 2.30 4.00 9.30 27.80 23.50 30.50 31.90 52.20 46.40 42.30 67.00 65.50 55.70 60.00 65.30 64.90 7. 5 p er c e n t o f 2 0 0 1 U K f i l m p r o d u c ti o ns w e r e re l e a s e d o n 30 0 s c r e e n s o r m o re . 17 . 9 p e r c e n t o f 2 0 01 U K f i l m p r o d uc t i o n s w e re re l e a s e d o n 10 0 s c r e e n s o r m o re . 40 . 4 2 p e r c e n t o f 2 00 1 U K f i l m p r o du c t i o n s h a d re c e i v e d s o m e k i n d o f t h e a tr i c a l r e l e a s e b y 1 s t June 2003. S o u r c e : S c r e e n F i n a nc e / N i e l s e n E D I /b f i BFI Information Services 288 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 2001 UK Films? Distribution of 2001 UK productions and foreign films made in the UK up to 1 June 2003. Where approximate the numbers of screens that the film opened on is shown beside the title Released theatrically in 2002 28 Days Later About a Boy Ali G in da House All or Nothing Anita and Me Before You Go Beginner’s Luck Bend it Like Beckham Biggie and Tupac Bloody Sunday Bundy Butterfly Man Charlotte Gray Death Watch Dirty Pretty Things Dog Soldiers Gosford Park Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Importance of Being Earnest Iris The Magdalene Sisters The Mapmaker The Mean Machine Mike Bassett: England Manager Morvern Callar My Little Eye Nobody Someday Once Upon a Time in the Midlands Resident Evil Sweet Sixteen Thunderpants 24 Hour Party People Two Men Went to War The Warrior BFI Information Services 318 446 396 55 226 65 1 384 6 3 3 3 217 193 50 313 156 524 215 84 31 5 313 264 17 255 8 74 264 66 356 118 6 19 Released theatrically by 1 June 2003 The Good Thief The Heart of Me Heartlands The Hours I Capture the Castle The Last Great Wilderness Hope Springs (New Cardiff) Revengers Tragedy Spider 20 41 31 209 76 8 303 7 19 Awaiting release at 1 June 2003 An Angel For May And Now Ladies and Gentlemen Baby Juice Express Below Black and White Bodysong Bollywood Queen The Book of Eve Callas Forever Carolina The Case Conspiracy of Silence Crust Death to Smoochy The Devil’s Tattoo Doctor Sleep Don’t Look Back The Engagement The Escapist The Gathering The Hawk and Dove Honour Thy Father The Intended It’s All About Love Jimmy Fizz 289 Married/Unmarried Mavahlatur (The Seagull’s Laughter) Max – (released 20 June 2003) Miranda Moonlight Mr.In-Between Napoleon Never Say Never Mind Owning Maloney Plotz with a View The Principles of Lust Redemption Road Reinventing Eddie The Rocket Post The Secret Passage Secrets Shoreditch Silent Cry Simon South Kensington $teal Swept Away Teenage Kicks Three Guesses The Ticking Man This is Not a Love Song Tomorrow La Scala! Titles in paranthesis indicate former title of film Source: bfi/Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance The STATS: National Lottery Top 25 All-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Tit l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 B i ll y E ll i o t Gosford Park B e n d i t L ik e B e c k h a m 28 Days Later Shooting Fish The 51st State T h is Ye a r ' s L o ve M i k e B a s s e tt : E n g l a n d M a n a g e r The Importance of Being Earnest The Parole Officer An Ideal Husband P l u n k e tt a n d M a c L e a n e T h e H o le Thunderpants Anita and Me L o n g Ti m e D e a d L an d G i r ls A C h r i s t m a s C a r o l -T h e M o v i e To p s y Tu r v y H i la r y a n d J a c k i e 24 Hour Party People M y N a m e is J o e S t il l C r a z y Hideous Kinky M a n sf i e l d P a r k Award (£m) Budget (£m) B o x O f f i ce ( £ ) 0.85 2.00 0.95 3.23 0.98 2.00 0.75 1.20 1.32 2.00 1.00 0.95 1.50 2.05 0.68 1.00 1.50 1.18 2.00 0.95 2.00 0.50 1.89 1.00 1.00 2.83 13.50 2.70 10.40 2.90 16.34 2.75 3.50 10.50 5.99 6.50 9.30 4.16 5.00 2.98 3.27 5.50 6.85 13.50 4.90 4.20 2.50 7.00 2.00 6.46 1 8 ,2 3 0 , 0 00 12,259,248 11 , 5 5 1 , 5 3 8 6,243,656 4,020,000 3,789,865 3,600,636 3,568,492 3,519,574 3,283,870 2,893,170 2,779,315 2,302,126 1,969,798 1,848,620 1,774,552 1,573,783 1,412,399 1,163,994 1 ,0 4 0 , 7 88 1 , 0 3 5 ,11 4 949,228 933,574 793,538 566,450 Figures as of 7 March 2003 S o u r c e : N i e l s e n E D I/ S c r e e n F i n a nc e / b fi /R S U a n a l y s i s BFI Information Services 290 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2002/03 Development Awards Title Award (£) Above The Clouds 45,000 Being Me 6,500 Between the Frames 32,000 Black Ice 34,500 Bob's Ark 10,000 Bomber 71,500 Boney & Betsy 10,000 Box of Delights 69,833 Canteen Culture 44,750 The Chosen 24,750 China To Me 15,500 Crime of the Century 9,000 The Dead Wait 4,500 Devils Assassin 16,500 DJ Plum 36,000 The Dope Priest 5,500 Du Quesne's Boys 23,800 Dust - Cloud 9 8,500 Eustace Diamonds 31,433 Fever 3,480 Friends Forever 24,500 Girls at War 30,210 Godparents 49,500 Gods of War 16,000 Hendrix 94,000 Hijra 16,000 Untitled Hunter/Hunsinger 5,000 Ideal World 58,137 In Every Dream Home 27,600 Kiss It 13,265 The Liar, The Bitch... 8,000 Lifesaving aka Adult Behaviour6,000 Man and the Mysteries... 27,430 Mapping the Edge 67,000 Memoirs of a Geezer 13,600 Mistress of Spices 36,583 Mrs Darwin 38,583 Mrs Radcliffe's Revolution 70,000 Nero 3,000 Newlyn Project 4,000 Northern F&M Script Devlpt 25,000 The Night Train 9,349 One Fine Day.... 12,600 One Love 31,380 Patrick Robertson 27,000 The Prince of Dalston 8,250 Peacock Manifesto 69,750 Rent-a-Wife 5,000 Revolving Doors 74,000 Rose of Tralee 13,500 Run 17,857 Sex Lives of the Potato Men 42,150 So What 12,250 Steerwood 24,500 Swim to America 1,620 Tashkent Girls 16,000 These Things Stay 1,395 The Third Day 18,250 Ugly Streakers 18,750 Urban Legends 2,500 VIY 19,000 Waterloo Sunset 16,869 The Witchfinder General 91,000 Witch 500 You Don't Know My Kids 27,000 Young Santa 13,395 Development Slate Deal Shona Development Tall Stories CHX Development Gabriel Films Autonomous Bend It Films Company Films Ecosse Fox Philips Devpt Fragile Films Gruber Development Kuhn 250,000 Littlebird Mission Pictures New Steps/Scifi October Films Passion Pictures Recorded Pictures Ruby Films Tigerlily BFI Information Services 44,200 50,000 60,000 66,000 216,000 115,000 100,000 250,000 120,000 400,000 200,000 150,000 250,000 94,000 75,000 100,000 300,000 170,000 73,750 New Cinema - Features AKA Blind Flight Entering Blue Zone Helen of Peckham Intermission Live Forever Noi the Albino One for the Road One Love Touching the Void 101,250 450,000 241,000 510,000 570,000 202,249 90,000 240,000 899,827 335,000 New Cinema - Other A Way of Life The Carnal Artist Cinema Extreme A Changed Man Championship God's Tax Home Movie List Cubed Love me or leave me alone The Most Beautiful Man... Purifiers Signal to Noise Sportsman of the Century Stones in his Pockets 10,000 20,000 62,500 25,000 33,060 30,440 9,999 4,500 25,000 30,440 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 New Cinema Digital Shorts LFVDA 40,000 Moving Image 40,000 Northern F&M 40,000 South West Film 40,000 Lighthouse 44,000 Screen West Mid. 44,000 Shine Comedy Shorts 75,000 Screen East 84,000 Sgrin 100,000 Mayavision Shorts Completion30,914 Viral Shorts 27,500 Premiere Code 46 L'Homme du Train Sex Lives of the Potato Men Sylvia Valiant 2,580,645 1,565,063 500,000 1,766,222 2,460,000 The Film Consortium 24 Hour Party People Bright Young Things Bugs Truth (Country of My Skull) Dust 500,000 (P&A) 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,425,000 32,500 (P&A) 1,022,222 12,804 (Post Production) The Best Man 23,000 (Development) The Other Half 27,000 (Development) An Instant in the Wind 9,615 (Development) How to rob banks 17,500 without violence (Development) Republic of Love In this World Pathe Pictures Ltd Thunderpants 53,824 (Post Production) Suzie Gold 510,000 Natural History 900,000 Girl With A Pearl Earring 2,000,000 Churchill, the Hollywood 1,100,000 Years The Mushroom Prince 4,650 (Development) A Romantic Comedy 100,000 about Divorce (Development) The Seven Fires of Mademoiselles A Semester Abroad The Blitz 100,000 (Development) 34,250 (Development) 100,000 (Development) Tunnel Vision 36,500 (Development) Untitled - Bollywood 41,500 (Development) With Prejudice 46,530 (Development) 291 DNA 28 Days Later 225,000 (Post Production) Films L'Amour Fou The Anarchists Blind Flight Blood Relative Boney and Betsy Braids, Twists and Tales By the Shore Canteen Culture Carol Carrion China to Me Chocolate Vanilla The Chosen Comes the Time Crime of the Century Cross Your Heart The Dead Wait The Devil's Assassin DJ Plumm The Dope Priest The Emperor's Babe Family Entertainment Godparents Gods of War Grand Ambition The Hangman's Apprentice Holy Land Hostage 2 Fortune In Every Dream House Julia Just the Two of Us A Kind of Warfare Kisses After Dark The Last Man Mapping the Edge Memoirs of a Geezer The Monday Club One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night Panic Beach Patrick Robertson: A Tale of Adventure The Prince of Dalston The Revolving Door The Rivals The Rose Grower Salsa Con Fusion Sensation Smokescreen Straight to Video Straightheads Thanksgiving These Things Stay The Third Day This is Not a Love Song Timbuktu Ultramaroon Unknown Rider Untitled Black Comedy Urban Legends VIY Wooden Camera 15,500 15,828 18,750 5,500 10,000 50,000 27,500 36,500 10,000 32,250 15,500 15,525 4,750 19,163 9,000 12,650 6,500 33,500 36,000 26,000 5,250 5,600 14,000 24,000 45,721 32,700 24,420 7,500 27,600 75,000 33,000 28,000 65,000 14,750 57,500 18,000 20,000 35,500 7,850 26,000 8,250 10,000 2,500 85,000 11,500 23,315 45,000 20,000 8,500 21,950 6,000 13,500 8,383 3,750 4,000 1,000 5,000 2,500 10,000 12,000 LOTTERY FILM FRANCHISES DNA FILMS 28 Days Later 3,000,000 (Total Budget 6,000,000) Heartlands 1.430,000 (Total Budget 2,800,000) THE FILM CONSORTIUM Production Dr.Sleep 1,375,000 (Total Budget 4,900,000) The Intended 1,150,000 (Total Budget 3,000,000) Post-Production/p+a Costs A Christmas Carol 425,000 Dust 59,410 Gabriel and Me 101,243 Large 80,000 Room to Rent 80,000 24 Hour Party People 247,842 Development Charlie Noads RIP Dead Souls Dr.Sleep Fourth Wall Innocence Shame 11,795 6,000 8,500 15,000 16,750 10,000 The STATS: National Lottery PATHÉ PICTURES Production Max 1,971,830 (Total Budget 7,000,000) The One and Only 1,500,000 (Total Budget 3,500,000) Thunderpants 2,000,000 (Total Budget 5,000,000) Development The Blitz Drunken Monkey Hawksmoor The Mushroom Prince The Season Ugly Streakers 100,000 10,250 36,670 20,900 47,515 2,500 Source: UK Film Council SCOTTISH SCREEN Features All American Man 500,000 Away Days 20,000 The Bothy 500,000 The Boy David 146,000 The Devil's Tattoo 100,000 The Last Great Wilderness105,000 Magdalene 150,000 (additional funding) Outlanders 130,000 16 Years of Alcohol 200,000 Sweet Sixteen 500,000 The Ticking Man 25,000 Young Adam 500,000 Documentaries A Beginner's Guide to 22,833 Dying Blanketmen and Dreamers 40,000 Fellini-A Life in Film 90,000 Ferry Up the Amazon 80,000 Sightseer 4,080 Through Hell and High 82,500 Water Shorts Blackout 12,500 Bye Child 21,000 Cry for Bobo 20,000 Dingwall and the Mouse 25,000 Does God Play Football? 10,000 Drama Queen 15,000 4 Minute Wonders 75,000 Last Legs 12,500 Leonard 12,500 Lost 12,500 Manji 20,000 Rank 25,000 Saved 12,500 Small Love 12,500 Tangerine 20,000 The Turning Tide 25,000 Unscrew 24,000 The Window Cleaner 45,000 Development The Bothy 25,000 The Bum's Rush 20,000 Change of Fortune 10,000 Child of Air 14,950 The Cone Gatherers 25,000 The Cove Shivering Club 12,000 The Dark Island 20,000 Every Third of June 14,750 Fergus Lamont 18,000 Fly me to Dunoon 20,000 The Great Beyond 6,000 Harvey and Joan 5,000 Heartbeat 12,000 The Heist 5,000 BFI Information Services House in Berlin Last Post Little Sisters Maud The Meat Trade Mondo Desperado Oracle Poor Things Red Sub Diaries The Ring Scottsville Skaggerak The Soldier's Return Solid Air Solo Sweet Sixteen Theory Television Gas Attack 19,300 12,000 7,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 12,250 24,800 25,000 25,000 14,000 21,580 5,000 15,000 20,000 15,895 10,000 15,000 Company Development 4 Way Pictures 100,000 Source: Scottish Screen ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES Features The Owl Service 250,000 Prints Diwrnod Hollol Mindblowing 30,782 Shorts Animation Scheme (10 films)57,800 The Adventures of Mohammed Ali 61,105 Dad and Boy 42,972 One,Dau,Trois 33,223 Screen Gems (10 films) 90,000 Song of a Pole 18,095 The Vampire Craig 19,532 Development Abraham's Point 7,500 Acting Up 9,647 Bassoon Children 15,000 Being Mr.Black 15,000 Bruised 15,000 Caitlin 13,787 Calling 5,363 Don't Kiss Me 18,994 Dust Town Girl 10,500 Everything Must Go 15,000 The Hiding Place 15,000 Little Sisters 15,000 The Rabbit 10,525 Stalin's Fridge 15,000 Telepathy 15,000 The Waterfall 14,962 Source: Arts Council of Wales ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND Award Shorts Coronation Day 29,808 (Total Budget 59,808) Crossing 3,000* (Total Budget 4,300) (*Award for Distribution) Short Back & Sides 29,000 (Total Budget 59,000) The Two Williams 22,492 (Total Budget 29,990) The Wayfarer 30,000 (Total Budget 60,000) 292 Feature Development Borderland If I Were Me Middletown Mohammed Maguire Plan B 17,250 Reading Turgenev TV Series Development The Borderline 7,800 9,305 20,000 20,000 20,000 12,000 Source: Arts Council of Northern Ireland The STATS: National Lottery MEDIA Plus Funding: UK Beneficiaries - 2002 Development Metro Tartan Metro Tartan Metropolis Films Parasol Peccadillo Releasing Pathe Single Project Awards Company Country Absolute Features Beryl Productions International Bloom Street Productions Dundella Properties Ltd/ Rogue Rocket Earthly Delights Films Flick Media Limited Forget about It Film + TV Red Fox Productions Richard Ollive animation Shining Pictures Smoking Dogs Films Spectre Films Straight Forward Film & Television Productions The Bridge Treehouse Films True TV & Film TV4C Amount in Euros England Wales Wales 30,000 30,000 30,000 Pearlshine (Blue Dolphin) UGC Films N.Ireland England England Wales England England England England England N.Ireland 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 TOTAL England Wales Scotland England 20,000 40,000 10,000 50,000 Irreversible Sex and Lucia Okay Le Fate Ignoranti 45,000 45,000 18,000 15,000 Ma Femme est une Actrice Moro No Brasil 60,000 8 Women 130,000 553,000 Distribution Automatic Scheme Company Amount in Euros Artificial Eye Cinefrance 117,241 5,396 TOTAL 122,637 Sales Agents The Works Vine International Slate Awards 29,382 15,000 TOTAL Agenda Production APT Films Artists Independent Films Assassin Films Caledonia,Sterne & Wyld Ecosse Films Feelgood Fiction Free Spirit Films Greenpoint Films Kuhn and Co October Films Picture Palace Films Ruby Films Spice Factory Stampede Studio Eight Productions Teledu Elidir Teledu Telesgôp Cyf The Illuminated Film company Tigress Productions TowerCreate Ugh! Wales England England England Scotland England England England England England England England England England England England Wales Wales England England Scotland Wales 80,000 90,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 125,000 125,000 60,000 125,000 90,000 80,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 60,000 100,000 60,000 60,000 125,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 44,382 Festivals Festival Amount in Euros Cinemagic International festival of Wales Leeds IFF Onedotzero Sheffield 20,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL 75,000 Promotion and Market Access Event Amount in Euros Exchange at Celtic Film and Television Festival 15,000 Training Training provider TOTAL Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Artificial Eye Axiom Films Axiom Films ICA Projects BFI Information Services Amount in Euros 2,520,000 Distribution Selective Scheme Company 20,000 Film Sma Ulykker Une Hirondelle a fait Le Printemps Le Fils Divine Intervention Japon Tosca El Bola Man Without a Past Draft Zero: The European Development Network Amount in Euros 294,031 i2i Growth & Audiovisual 28,000 25,000 Company 25,000 30,000 20,000 27,000 30,000 35,000 Scala Productions 293 Amount in Euros 50,000 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2002 Ti t l e 1 L o r d o f t h e R in g s : Two To w e r s 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3 M o n s t e r s , In c. 4 S t a r Wa r s : E p i s o d e II A t t a c k of the Clones 5 Die Another Day 6 Spider Man: The Movie 7 O c e a n ’s E le v e n 8 Austin Powers in Goldmember 9 Scooby-Doo 1 0 M e n i n B la c k 2 11 M in o r i ty R e p o r t 12 About a Boy 13 Signs 1 4 Ic e A g e 1 5 M y B ig F a t G r e e k We d d i n g 1 6 L il o & S t it c h 1 7 G o s fo r d P ar k 1 8 B e n d it L ik e B e c k h a m 19 xXx 20 Stuart Little 2 Distributor Country of Origin B o x O f f ic e Gr o s s ( £ ) Entertainment Wa r n e r B r o s . USA/NZ UK/US 53,972,693 53,667,056 Wa r n e r B r o s . Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x US US 37,907,451 3 7 , 5 3 9 ,9 3 2 Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r Wa r n e r B r o s . Entertainment Wa r n e r B r o s . C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x UIP B u e n a Vi s t a I n t ’ l Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x Entertainment B u e n a Vi s t a I n t ’ l Entertainment Helkon SK C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r UK/US US US/AUS US US/AUS US US UK/US US US US US US/UK UK/DL US US 35,982,997 29,025,619 26,473,267 23,428,992 22,596,370 22,212,394 20,685,587 16,935,159 16,245,914 15,058,648 13,569,577 13,025,297 12,259,248 11 , 5 5 1 , 5 3 8 11 , 5 0 8 , 7 0 3 11 , 1 8 6 , 0 3 8 S ou r c e : N i e l s e n E D I /S c r e e n F i n a n c e / b f i / R S U A n a l y s i s Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2002 Ti t l e 1 L o r d o f t h e R in g s : Two To w e r s 2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3 M o n s t e r s , In c. 4 S t a r Wa r s : E p i s o d e II A t t a c k of the Clones 5 Die Another Day 6 Spider Man: The Movie 7 O c e a n ’s E le v e n 8 Austin Powers in Goldmember 9 Scooby-Doo 1 0 M e n i n B la c k 2 11 M in o r i ty R e p o r t 12 About a Boy 13 Signs 1 4 Ic e A g e 1 5 M y B ig F a t G r e e k We d d i n g 1 6 L il o & S t it c h 1 7 G o s fo r d P ar k 1 8 B e n d it L ik e B e c k h a m 19 xXx 20 Stuart Little 2 Distributor Country of Origin Entertainment Wa r n e r B r o s . USA/NZ UK/US 53,972,693 53,667,056 Wa r n e r B r o s . Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x US US 37,907,451 3 7 , 5 3 9 ,9 3 2 Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r Wa r n e r B r o s . Entertainment Wa r n e r B r o s . C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x UIP B u e n a Vi s t a I n t ’ l Tw e n t i e t h C en t u r y F o x Entertainment B u e n a Vi s t a I n t ’ l Entertainment Helkon SK C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r C o l um bi a Tr i S t a r UK/US US US/AUS US US/AUS US US UK/US US US US US US/UK UK/DL US US 35,982,997 29,025,619 26,473,267 23,428,992 22,596,370 22,212,394 20,685,587 16,935,159 16,245,914 15,058,648 13,569,577 13,025,297 12,259,248 11 , 5 5 1 , 5 3 8 11 , 5 0 8 , 7 0 3 11 , 1 8 6 , 0 3 8 S ou r c e : N i e l s e n E D I /S c r e e n F i n a n c e / b f i / R S U A n a l y s i s BFI Information Services 294 B o x O f f ic e Gr o s s ( £ ) The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2002 - UK Films Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Distributor C o u n t r y o f O r i g i n B o x Of f i c e G r o s s ( £ ) Anita & Me Icon L o n g T im e D e a d UIP 2 4 H o u r P ar t y P e o p l e P a t h é D i s tr i b ut i o n L o s t i n L a M an c h a Optimum B e f o r e Yo u G o Entertainment B i g g i e a n d Tu p a c Optimum Nobody Someday UIP B i g g i e a n d Tu p a c Optimum If .. . .( r e ) BFI Revelation Miracle Tw o M e n W e n t t o Wa r G u e ri l l a B r i g h t o n R o ck ( r e ) BFI Club Le Monde S c r e e n pr o j e x Saturday Night and Sunday BFI Morning (re) AKA C i t y S c re e n Lighthouse F e a tu r e F i l m C o T h e L o n e l i n e s s o f t h e L o n g D i s ta n c e B F I Runner (re) A Ta s t e o f H o n e y ( r e) BFI Lava F e a tu r e F i l m C o B e g i n n e r ’s L u c k G u e ri l l a O ff e n d i n g A n g e l s Guerilla UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK 1,848,620 1,774,552 1 , 0 3 5 , 11 4 233,383 134,102 93,835 7 0, 9 7 1 9 3, 8 3 5 19,090 1 8, 6 7 8 16,168 1 5, 6 8 7 8,800 7, 4 3 6 UK UK UK 6,404 5,536 5,286 UK UK UK UK 5,161 4,501 2,819 89 To t a l 5,400,067 Other UK Co-productions Ti t l e 1 B e n d it L ik e B e c k h a m 2 Ali G Indahouse 3 2 8 D a y s L at e r 4 4 0 D a y s a n d 4 0 N ig h ts 5 T h e I m p o r ta n ce o f B ei n g E a r n e s t 6 R e s i d e n t E vi l 7 M y L i t t le E y e 8 The Quiet American 9 Dog Soldiers 10 Thunderpants 11 R a b b i t - P r o o f F e n c e 12 Charlotte Gray 13 Deathwatch 14 Last Orders 1 5 T h e M a g d e l e n e S is t e r s 16 K-19 17 Sweet Sixteen 18 All or Nothing 1 9 S l a p H e r, S h e ’s F r e n c h 2 0 O n c e U p o n a Ti m e in t h e M i d l an d s 21 The Musketeer 2 2 M o r v e r n C a l la r 23 Heaven 24 Dark Blue World 2 5 N o M a n ’s L a n d 26 Crush BFI Information Services Distributor Country of Origin Helkon SK UIP Tw e n ti e th C e n t u r y F o x UIP B u e n a Vi s t a I n te r n a t i o n a l P a th é D i s t r i b u t i o n M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s B u e n a Vi s t a I n te r n a t i o n a l P a th é D i s t r i b u t i o n P a th é D i s t r i b u t i o n B u e n a Vi s t a I n te r n a t i o n a l F i l m F ou r P a th é D i s t r i b u t i o n Metrodome M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s UIP Icon UGC Films Winchester Films F i l m F ou r B u e n a Vi s t a M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s B u e n a Vi s t a I n te r n a t i o n a l C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s FilmFour 295 B o x O f f ic e G r o ss ( £ ) UK/DE UK/FR/DE/US UK/NL/US UK/US/FR/CA UK/FR/US UK/DL/FR UK/US/FR UK/DL/US UK/LU UK/DL/IT UK/LU UK/DL/AU UK/DL UK/DL UK/IRL UK/DL/US UK/DL/ES UK/FR UK/DL/US UK/DL UK/DL/LU UK/CA UK/FR/DL UK/CZ/DL/DK/IT U K / S LV / F R / B E / I T UK/DL/US 11 , 5 5 1 , 5 3 8 10,296,604 6 , 2 4 3, 6 5 6 5,259,975 3,519,574 2,768,130 2,693,396 2 , 2 3 1, 7 3 7 2,070,441 1 , 9 6 9, 7 9 8 1 , 6 4 5, 8 7 5 1,567,185 967,748 946,719 887,673 844,665 824,821 672,605 633,040 494,281 432,443 384,049 233,690 1 9 8, 5 3 8 196,873 1 6 9, 7 2 4 The STATS: Cinema 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Ti t l e Distributor Country of Origin T h e Wa r r i o r The Eye The Abduction Club The Mystic Masseur H o w H a r r y B ec a m e a Tr e e 11 ’0 9 ’ 0 1 S e p t e m b e r 11 To s c a Invincible My Kingdom Shooters T h e Wa r B r i d e B lo o d y S u n d ay Vi l la D e s R o s e s B u t te r fl y M a n H ij a c k S t o r ie s Kin FilmFour M e t ro Ta r t a n Pathé Miracle Comms Buena Vista A r t i f i c i al E y e Axiom Film Four M e t ro Ta r t a n Universal Miracle Comms F e a t ur e F i l m C o Miracle Comms D e Wa r r e n n e P i c t u r e s M o m e n tu m P i c t u r e s F e a t ur e F i l m C o UK/FR/DL/IN UK/HK UK/FR/IRL/DL UK/IN UK/IRL/IT/FR UK/FR/MX/EG/US UK/FR/DL/IT UK/DL/IRL/US UK/IT UK/NL/US UK/CA UK/IRL UK/BE/NL/LU UK/TH UK/FR/DL UK/SA To t a l Box Office Gross (£) 147,365 1 2 5 , 2 11 61,593 42,235 38,674 26,046 1 6 ,7 6 3 1 3 ,5 7 2 1 3 ,5 6 6 6 ,9 8 3 5 ,9 3 3 5,087 4,891 4,830 4 ,0 1 5 310 60,221,844 US/UK Co-productions Ti t l e 1 H ar r y P o tt e r a n d t h e C h a m b er o f S e c r e ts 2 D ie A n o t h e r D a y 3 About a Boy 4 Gosford Park 5 The Guru 6 Iris 7 The Count of Monte Cristo 8 B ir t h d ay G ir l 9 D ir t y P r e t t y T h i n g s 10 Possession 11 T h e L aw l e s s H e ar t 1 2 I v an s X T C 1 3 K il l in g M e S o f tl y 1 4 D an c in g a t t h e B lu e Ig u a n a 15 Bundy Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) Wa r n e r B ro s . UK/US 53,667,056 Tw e n t i e t h C e n tu r y F o x UIP Entertainment UIP Buena Vista Buena Vista FilmFour Buena Vista Wa r n e r B ro s . O p ti m u m R e l e a s i n g M e t ro Ta r t a n Pathé Miracle Comms M e t ro Ta r t a n UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US 35,982,997 16,935,159 12,259,248 6,497,236 4,226,477 1,433,043 783,575 717,876 321,907 321,263 140,341 69,330 18,419 10,304 To t a l 133,384,230 To t a l B o x O f f ic e G r o s s : 1 9 9 , 0 0 6 ,1 4 4 S o u r c e : N i e l s e n E D I / S c r e en F i n a n c e /b f i BFI Information Services 296 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office 2002 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Red Dragon Blade 2 The Bourne Identity S h a l lo w H a l We Were Soldiers Monsoon Wedding Va n W i l d e r B o w l in g F o r C o l u m b in e K-Pax H a b l e C o n E l l a ( a k a Ta lk t o H e r ) Big Fat Liar M u lh o ll a n d D r i v e Lantana B o a t Tr i p J u s t Vi s t i n g S la p H e r, S h e ’s F r e n c h 8 Wo m e n I am Sam L u c ía y e l S e x o (aka Sex and Lucia) 2 0 I t a l ie n s k F o r B e g y n d e r e ( a k a I ta l i a n f o r B e gi n n e rs ) Distributor Country of Origin Box Office Gross (£) UIP Entertainment UIP Tw e n t i e t h C e n t u r y F o x Icon FilmFour M o m e nt u m P i c t ur e s M o m e nt u m P i c t ur e s FilmFour P a t hé D i s t r i b u t i o n UIP P a t hé D i s t r i b u t i o n W i nc h e s te r F i l m s Entertainment MomentumPictures W i nc h e s te r F i l m s UGC Films Entertainment M e tr o Ta r t a n US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/DL US/IT/DL/FR US/DL US/DL/CA US/DL ES US/DL US/FR AU/DL US/DL US/FR US/DL FR/IT US/DL ES/FR Pathé DK 9 , 59 4 , 8 4 4 9 , 11 8 , 1 4 7 7 , 8 4 8 , 0 11 5 , 77 9 , 2 3 2 2 , 28 8 , 8 5 6 2 , 27 0 , 4 0 4 1,810,970 1,667,625 1,588,410 1,461,569 1 , 27 2 , 2 4 2 1 , 23 1 , 7 1 9 1 , 16 5 , 8 9 4 1,005,410 726,158 633,040 523,470 519,421 376,037 37 4 , 3 2 4 E x c l u d i n g U K a n d U K c o - p r o d uc t i o n s S o u rc e : N i e l s e n E D I / S c re e n F i n a n c e / b f i / R S U a n al y s i s Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 2002 Ti t l e 1 D ev d as 2 Y Tu M a m á Ta m b i é n ( a k a A n d Yo u r M o t h e r To o ) 3 H ab le C o n E l la ( ak a Ta l k t o H e r ) 4 M u j h s e D o s t i K a r o g e! 5 H u m Tu m h a r e H a in S a n a m 6 H u it F e m m e s ( a k a 8 W o m e n ) 7 L e P la c a r d ( a k a T he C l o s e t ) 8 Nueve Reinas (aka Nine Queens) 9 H aa n M a i n e B h i P y a r K i ya 10 Kaante 11 L u c í a y e l S e xo ( a k a S e x a n d L u c i a ) 1 2 I t al i e n s k F o r B e g y n d er e ( a k a It a l i a n f o r B e g i n n e r s ) 13 Sur Mes Lèvres (aka Read My Lips) 1 4 D il H a i Tu m h a a r a 15 Shakti – the Power 1 6 L a S t a n z a D e l F i g l io (aka The Son’s Room) 17 Saathiya 1 8 M e r e Yaa r K i S h a a d i H a i 1 9 N a Tu m J a a n o N a H u m 20 Aankhen Distributor Country of Origin Eros Icon IN MX 1 , 74 2 , 5 5 3 1 , 62 1 , 5 6 0 Pathé Ya s h R a j F i l m s Eros UGC Optimum Optimum Shree Krishna B o l l y w o o d P i c tu r e s M e tr o Ta r t a n Pathé ES IN IN FR/IT FR AR IN IN ES/FR DK 1 , 46 1 , 5 6 9 83 1 , 0 0 0 67 1 , 2 1 5 52 3 , 4 7 0 43 5 , 4 3 2 41 0 , 9 7 3 40 5 , 1 0 8 39 8 , 9 1 2 376,037 37 4 , 3 2 4 Pathé S o v e r ei g n S i r r o c o Eros Momentum Ya s h R a j F i l m s Ya s h R a j F i l m s Eros G u rp r e e t Vi d e o FR IN IN IT/FR IN IN IN IN S o u r c e : N i e l s e n E D I /S c r e e n F i n a n c e / b fi / R S U a n a l y s i s BFI Information Services 297 B o x Of f i c e Gross (£) 359,572 31 3 , 6 4 4 30 5 , 6 0 9 29 2 , 2 5 1 28 8 , 0 0 4 260,590 22 6 , 8 3 6 21 3 , 6 6 2 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2002 Country of Origin No. of releases Box office Gross (£) % 15.0 18.2 51.4 10.0 0.7 1.0 0.5 U K a n d U K c o - p r od u c t i o n s ( n o n U S ) UK US U S s ol o U S c o- p r o d u c ti o n s ( o t h e r ) Europe India R e s t o f th e w o r l d 54 22 122 38 47 60 26 5 0 , 5 5 0, 0 0 0 1 4 7 , 0 1 0, 0 0 0 4 1 5 , 8 4 0, 0 0 0 178,130,000 5 , 9 0 0, 0 0 0 8 , 1 6 0, 0 0 0 3 , 7 40 , 0 0 0 To t a l 369 8 09 . 3 6 Source: Nielsen EDI/RSU analysis Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2002 by US Box Office Revenue Ti t l e 1 H a r r y P o t te r a n d t h e C h a m b e r of Secrets 2 D ie A n o t h e r D a y 3 The Count of Monte Cristo 4 R e ig n o f F i r e 5 The Hours 6 About a Boy 7 R e si d e n t E v i l 8 40 Days and 40 Nights 9 T h e P i a n is t 10Feardotcom D i s tr ib u to r ( U S ) C o u n t r y o f O r i g in Wa r n e r UK/US 261,979,634 MGM/UA B u e na Vi s t a B u e na Vi s t a Paramount Universal S o n y P i c t u r es Miramax F o c u s F e a t ur e s Wa r n e r UK/US UK/US UK/US/IRL UK/US UK/US UK/DL/FR UK/US UK/FR/DL/NL/PL UK/LU/DL/US 160,941,207 54,234,062 43,061,982 41,608,003 40,683,240 39,665,330 37,950,822 32,543,587 13,221,308 S o u r c e : N e i l s e n E D I/ R S U a n a l y s i s BFI Information Services 298 B o x O f f ic e G r o ss ( $ ) The STATS: Cinema Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in the European Union in 2002 Provisional ranking on the basis of data from 12 countries (79 per cent of admissions analysed) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Country of Origin H a r r y P o tt e r a n d t h e C h a m b er o f S e c r e t s Spider-Man L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : F e l lo ws h i p o f t h e R in g * S t a r Wa r s : E p is o d e I I - A t t a c k o f t h e C l o n e s L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : T h e Tw o To w e r s O c e a n ' s E le v e n * * Monsters, Inc. Men In Black II A s te r i x a n d O b e li x : M i s s i o n C le o p at r a D ie A n o t h e r D a y Ice Age M i n o r i t y R ep o r t Signs A Beautiful Mind Red Dragon Scooby-Doo xXx About a Boy B la d e II H a r r y P o tt e r a n d t h e P h i lo so p h e r ' s S t o n e * * * UK/US US US/NZ US US/NZ US/AU US US FR/DL UK/US US US US US US/DL US US UK/US/FR/DL US/DL UK/US Admissions 39,651,450 29,839,465 28,715,509 27,771,038 23,727,624 22,446,379 22,235,989 20,321,708 19,679,380 18,616,042 18,491,750 16,282,652 13,613,469 11 , 5 8 9 , 4 5 4 9,670,347 9,567,873 9,434,712 8,744,433 8,179,053 8,074,317 * 21,609,078 admissions in EU in 2001 * * 1,201,828 admissions in EU in 2001 * * * 43,579,135 admissions in EU in 2001 Source : European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIERE/RSU analysis Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union in 2002 Provisional ranking on the basis of data from 12 European Union States (ca. 79 per cent of admissions analysed) Title Country of Origin 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2 A s t e r i x a n d O b e l i x : M is s i o n C l e o p a t r a 3 Die Another Day 4 About a Boy 5 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone*** 6 H u i t F e m m e s ( a k a 8 Wo m e n ) 7 H a b l e c o n E l l a ( a k a Ta l k t o H er ) 8 Gosford Park 9 Pinocchio 10 Resident Evil 11 L e b o u l e t ( a k a D e a d W e i g h t ) 1 2 L ' a u b e r g e e s p a g n o le 1 3 B e n d I t L ik e B e c k h a m 1 4 L a le g g e n d a d i A l, J o h n e J a c k 15 Ali G Indahouse 1 6 N a t a le s u l N i l o ( a k a C h r i s t m a s o n t h e N i l e ) 17 The Pianist 18 El otro lado de la cama 1 9 L e f a b u l eu x d e s t in d ' A m e l ie P o u l a i n * (aka Amelie) 2 0 L o s o t r o s * * ( a k a T he O th e r s ) UK/US FR/DL UK/US UK/US/DL/FR UK/US FR/IT ES UK/US/DL/IT IT/FR/DL UK/DL/FR FR/UK FR/ES UK/DL IT UK/FR/DL/US IT/ES/UK UK/FR/DL/NL/PL ES FR/DL ES/FR/US * 14,094,971 admissions in the EU in 2001 ** 11,121,175 admissions in the EU in 2001 *** 43,579,135 admissions in EU in 2001 Source : European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIERE/RSU analysis BFI Information Services 299 Admissions 39,651,450 19,679,380 18,616,042 8,744,433 8,074,317 5,792,990 5,368,790 4,938,785 4,545,841 3,469,703 3,372,782 3,347,579 3,333,867 3,306,124 3,105,662 3,088,387 2,986,410 2,697,314 2,504,636 2,298,268 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor in 2002 Box office for all films on release in 2002 by distributor in the period from 4 January 2002 to 2 January 2003. This includes films released in 2001 and still showing in 2002. Film released in 2002 are shown in brackets Distributor Titles 20th Century Fox Buena Vista International Warner UIP Columbia TriStar (25) (28) (18) (27) (27) Majors Entertainment Pathé Momentum Redbus/Helkon SK Icon FilmFour Eros International Metrodome Optimum Releasing Yash Raj Films Winchester Films UGC Films Metro Tartan Artificial Eye Tip Top Entertainment Spark Entertainment Gurpreet Video Intl. Sovereign Sirroco Venus Entertainment BFI Bollywood Pictures Bollywood Films Feature Film Co Miracle Communications Sunny Super Sounds Ltd Diva Films Set Singapore Eclipse Pictures Guerilla Films Axiom Films Blue Dolphin Cinefrance Gala Arrow Films Screenprojex NFT Blue Light Universal Pictures City Screen Millennium Film Dist De Warrenne Pictures Twenty First Century Film Contemporary Rasks Brothers Ltd Life Media Ltd Salvation Films ICA Projects Barbican Life Films Thurkka Films Intl (15) (14) (16) (4) (6) (9) (13) (10) (12) (3) (2) (2) (15) (13) (4) (6) (13) (4) (5) (17) (1) (6) (5) (5) (1) (6) (-) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) Total (independents) Total Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi/RSU analysis BFI Information Services 300 Box Office (£) 28 36 24 29 31 146,073,008 124,616,590 122,652,671 101,410,216 100,936,712 148 595,689,197 19 22 20 4 6 13 13 12 16 4 3 2 16 16 4 6 13 4 5 20 1 6 5 5 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 135,891,670 17,283,748 15,517,313 14,022,487 7,222,162 7,212,431 3,487,420 3,166,069 2,065,772 1,817,831 1,784,382 1,113,935 916,166 876,587 697,170 640,498 610,975 434,908 382,656 331,485 321,849 146,874 138,933 90,156 86,823 32,735 27,433 21,133 19,076 16,763 15,276 13,146 12,462 11,819 8,800 7,856 7,758 6,983 6,404 5,350 4,830 4,806 4,416 4,259 4,106 3,744 2,465 1,539 336 126 272 420 216,503,921 812,193,118 The STATS: Cinema All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Year of Release H a r r y P o t t e r a n d t h e P h il o s o p h e r ' s S t o n e Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Full Monty B r i d g e t J o n es ' s D i ar y Die Another Day N o t t i n g H i ll Chicken Run The World is Not Enough Four Weddings and a Funeral Shakespeare in Love To m o r r o w N e v e r D i e s J o h n n y E n g l is h B i l ly E l li o t GoldenEye Bean About a Boy L a r a C r o f t : To m b R a i d e r S l id i n g D o o r s Tr a i n s p o t t i n g Snatch 2001 2002 1997 2001 2002 1999 2000 1999 1994 1999 1997 2002 2000 1995 1997 2002 2001 1998 1996 2000 Box Office Gross (£) 64,268,932 54,138,718 52,232,058 42,007,008 36,044,960 31,006,109 29,509,150 28,576,504 27,762,648 20,814,996 19,884,412 19,064,424 18,386,715 18,245,572 17,972,562 16,935,159 12,822,883 12,457,984 12,443,450 12,337,505 Box office figures as of 7 March 2003 N.B. Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace (1999) £51,063,811; The Mummy Returns (2002) £20,390,060; Sense and Sensibility (1996) 13,632,700 were partially produced in the UK, but for these purposes have been treated as US films Source: Nielsen EDI/bfi/RSU analysis Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK Title Distributor Year of Release 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ya s h Ya s h Eros Ya s h Ya s h Ya s h Eros Sony Eros Eros 2001 1998 2002 2000 1997 2002 2002 2001 1999 1999 K a b h i K h u s h i K a b h ie Gh a m Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Devdas Mohabbatein D i l To P a g a l H a i Mujhse Dosti Karoge! H u m Tu m h a r e H a in S a n a m Lagaan H u m S a a t h - S a a t h H a in Ta a l Raj Raj Raj Raj Raj Source: AC Nielsen EDI/Screen International BFI Information Services 301 Box Office Gross (£) 2 , 0 8 0 ,0 4 0 1 , 7 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 , 7 4 2 ,5 5 3 1 , 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 990,000 831,000 671,215 6 5 6 ,1 8 4 6 5 1 ,7 9 7 604,800 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental VHS Videos in the UK 2002 Title 1 The Others (12) 2 Swordfish (15) 3 A m e r i c a n P ie 2 ( 1 5 ) 4 L e g a l l y B lo n d e ( 1 2 ) 5 J u r as s i c P a r k I II ( P G ) 6 The 51st State (18) 7 A K n i g h t ’s Ta l e ( P G ) 8 The Fast and the Furious (15) 9 M o u li n R o u g e ( 1 2 ) 1 0 S h a ll o w H a l ( 1 2 ) 11 P la n e t o f t h e A p e s ( 1 2 ) 1 2 A I : A r t i f i c ia l I n t e ll i g e n c e ( 1 2 ) 13 Jeepers Creepers (12) 14 Scary Movie 2 (18) 15 Rush Hour 2 (12) 1 6 L o r d o f th e R i n g s : F e l l o w s h ip o f t h e R i n g ( P G ) 17 Spy Game (15) 1 8 H a r r y P o t t e r a n d th e P h i l o s o p h e r ’s S t o n e ( P G ) 1 9 D o n ’ t S a y a Wo r d ( 1 5 ) 2 0 M i s s C o n g e n i a li t y ( 1 2 ) Distributor Country B ue n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r Universal MGM Universal Momentum C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal U S /E S US/AUS US US US CA/UK US US/DL F o x P at h é F o x P at h é F o x P at h é War n e r Helkon SK B ue n a Vi s t a EV EV US/AUS US/DL US US US/DL US US US/NZ EV War n e r US/DL/JP/FR US/UK F o x P at h é Wa r n e r US/AUS US/AUS Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Rental Videos Combined VHS & DVD in the UK 2002 Ti t l e Distributor Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Buena Vista Wa r n e r Universal Momentum MGM Universal Universal US/ES US/AUS US CA/UK US US US/DL Fox Pathé Wa r n e r C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r Fox Pathé Helkon SK Fox Pathé Buena Vista C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r EV EV US/DL US US US US/DL US/AUS US US U S /D L / J P /F R US/NZ EV Fox Pathé Paramount US US/AUS US 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Others (12) Swordfish (15) A m e r ic a n P i e 2 ( 1 5 ) T h e 5 1 s t S ta t e ( 1 8 ) L e g a l ly B l o n d e ( 1 2 ) J u r a s s ic P a r k I I I ( P G ) The Fast and the Furious (15) Shallow Hal (12) A I : A r t if i c i a l In t e l l ig e n c e ( 1 2 ) A K n i g h t ’s Ta l e ( P G ) Planet of the Apes (12) J e ep e r s C r e e p e r s ( 1 2 ) M o u l in R o u g e ( 1 2 ) S c a r y M o vi e 2 ( 1 8 ) B l a c k H a wk D o w n ( 1 5 ) Spy Game (15) L o r d o f t h e R in g s : F e ll o w s h i p o f t h e R i n g ( P G ) Rush Hour 2 (12) D o n ’t S a y a W o r d ( 1 5 ) Va n i ll a S k y ( 1 5 ) Source: Rental Monitor/BVA BFI Information Services 302 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental DVD Videos in the UK 2002 Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Others (12) Swordfish (15) The 51st State (18) A m er ic a n P i e 2 ( 1 5 ) S h a l lo w H a l ( 1 2 ) B l a c k H aw k D o w n ( 1 5 ) The Fast and the Furious (15) A I : A r t if i c ia l I n t e l li g e n c e ( 1 2 ) Panic Room (15) Ju r a s s ic P a r k I I I ( P G ) Je e p e r s C r ee p e r s ( 1 2 ) About a Boy (12) Spy Game (15) Blade II (18) M in o r it y R e p o r t ( 1 2 ) Va n il l a S k y ( 1 5 ) L e g a ll y B l o n d e ( 1 2 ) Scary Movie 2 (18) A K n i g h t ’s Ta l e ( P G ) Planet of the Apes (12) Distributor Country B u e na Vi s t a Wa r n e r Momentum Universal F o x P a th é C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal Wa r ne r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal Helkon SK Universal EV B u e na Vi s t a EV Paramount MGM B u e na Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r F o x P a th é US/ES US/AUS CA/UK US US/DL US US/DL US US US US/DL UK/US/FR/DL US/DL/JP/FR US/DL US US US US US US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2002 Title 1 H a r r y P o t t e r an d t h e P h il o s o p h e r ’s S t o n e ( P G ) 2 L o r d o f t h e R in g s : F e l lo w s h i p o f t h e R in g ( P G ) 3 Monsters Inc. (U) 4 S c o o b y D o o – T h e M o v ie ( P G ) 5 Ic e A g e ( U ) 6 Cinderella 2 (U) 7 Spider-Man (12a) 8 S t a r Wa r s E p is o d e 2 : A t t a c k o f th e C l o n e s ( P G ) 9 Shrek (U) 1 0 M o u l in R o u g e ( 1 2 ) 11 S t u a r t L it t l e 2 ( U ) 12 Cats & Dogs (PG) 1 3 B a r b ie A s R a p u n z e l ( U ) 1 4 B r id g e t Jo n e s ’ D i a r y ( 1 5 ) 15 Atlantis (12) 1 6 T h e O f f i ce – f i r s t s e r i e s 1 7 B e a u t y a n d t h e B e a st ( U ) 1 8 O c e a n ’s E le v e n ( 1 2 ) 19 Peter Pan – R e t u r n t o N e v e r la n d ( U ) 2 0 W h a t Wo m e n Wa n t ( 1 2 ) Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 303 Distributor Country Wa r n e r US/UK EV B ue n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r 2 0 t h C en t u r y F o x B ue n a Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r US/NZ US US U US US 2 0 t h C en t u r y F o x Universal 2 0 t h C en t u r y F o x C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r Universal VVL B ue n a Vi s t a BBC B ue n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r B ue n a Vi s t a US US US/AUS US US/AUS US US/UK US/AUS UK US US UK/US War n e r US The STATS: Video Top 20 Retail DVD Titles in the UK 2002 Ti t l e 1 Lord of the Rings: F e l lo w s h i p o f t h e R in g ( P G ) 2 Harry Potter and t h e P h il o s o p h e r ’s S t o n e ( P G ) 3 S t a r Wa r s E p is o d e 2 : Attack of the Clones (PG) 4 Monsters Inc. (U) 5 O c e a n ’s E le v e n ( 1 2 ) 6 Spider-Man (12a) 7 T h e F a s t a n d t h e F u r io u s ( 1 5 ) 8 S c o o b y D o o – T h e M o v ie ( P G ) 9 I ce A g e ( U ) 10 Minority Report (12) 11 S h a w s h a n k R e d e m p t i o n ( 1 5 ) 12 The Office – first series 13 Grease (PG) 14 Moulin Rouge (12) 15 Blade II (18) 16 Swordfish (15) 17 Planet of the Apes (12) 1 8 G la d i a t o r ( 1 5 ) 1 9 A m e r i ca n P i e 2 – U n s e e n ( 1 5 ) 2 0 B r id g et J o n e s ’s D i a r y ( 1 5 ) Distributor Country EV US/NZ Wa r n e r US/UK 2 0 th C e n t u r y F o x US Buena Vista Wa r n e r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r Wa r n e r 2 0 th C e n t u r y F o x Paramount VCI BBC Paramount 2 0 th C e n t u r y F o x EV Wa r n e r 2 0 th C e n t u r y F o x C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r US US US US US US US US UK US US/AUS US US/AUS US US US US Source: BVA/Official UK Charts Top 20 Retail Combined VHS & DVD Titles in the UK 2002 Ti t l e 1 L o r d o f t h e R in g s: F e ll o w s h i p o f t h e R i n g ( P G ) 2 Harry Potter and t h e P h i l o s o p h e r ’s S to n e ( P G ) 3 Monsters Inc. (U) 4 S c o o b y D o o – T h e M o vi e ( P G ) 5 S t a r Wa r s E p is o d e 2 : Attack of the Clones (PG) 6 Ic e A g e ( U ) 7 Spider-Man (12a) 8 O c e a n ’s E le v e n ( 1 2 ) 9 M o u l in R o u g e ( 1 2 ) 10 The Fast and the Furious (15) 11 T h e O f f ic e – f i r s t s e r i e s 12 Shawshank Redemption (15) 13 Shrek (U) 1 4 M in o r it y R e p o r t ( 1 2 ) 1 5 Gr e as e ( P G ) 1 6 B r i d g e t J o n e s’s D ia r y ( 1 5 ) 17 Stuart Little 2 (U) 1 8 A m er ic a n P i e 2 – U n s e e n ( 1 5 ) 19 Cinderella 2 (U) 20 Planet of the Apes (12) Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 304 Distributor Country EV US/NZ Wa r n e r US/UK B u e n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x US US US 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Wa r n e r 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r BBC VCI Universal Paramount Paramount C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r B u e n a Vi s t a 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x US US US US/AUS US UK US US US US US US US US US The STATS: Video Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2002 Distributors’ Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 2002 Distributor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fox-Pathe/MGM Universal Wa r n e r B u e n a Vi s t a C o lu m b i a Tr i s t a r EV Paramount Momentum FilmFour H ig h F l ie r s % share Distributor 19.7 14.9 13.5 13.3 13.0 9.6 5.0 4.0 2.1 1.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wa r n e r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r 20th Century Fox Universal EV Buena Vista MGM Paramount VC1 Momentum Includes DVD and VHS Includes DVD and VHS Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Source: BVA/CIN All Time Top 20 Rental Combined VHS & DVD Video in the UK 2002 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Four Weddings and a Funeral D i r t y D a n c in g B a s i c I n s t in c t C r o c o d il e D u n d e e Gladiator S i s te r A c t Forrest Gump The Sixth Sense Home Alone Ghost The Green Mile Speed Pretty Woman Braveheart Ju r a s si c P a r k P u l p F i c t io n The Silence of the Lambs B r i d g e t J o n es ’s D ia r y Robocop A F i s h C a l le d Wa n d a Distributor Country C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r F i r s t I n d e p e n de n t Guild Fox Universal/Columbia B u en a Vi s t a CIC B u en a Vi s t a Fox CIC U n i v e r s a l / Wa r n e r F o x Vi d e o B u en a Vi s t a Fox Guild CIC B u en a Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r US/UK US US US/AUS US US US US US US US US US US US US US Universal VVL MGM US US US/UK Source: BVA BFI Information Services 305 % share 22.7 1 5. 4 11 . 8 11 . 0 8.7 8.1 6.7 6.1 3.2 1.7 The STATS: Television Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2002 N u m b e r o f H o u s eh o ld s ( m i ll i o n s ) Operator Analogue D ig it a l To t a l BSkyB Freeview C ab l e 1.33 6.30 1.30 2.04 6.30 1.30 3.37 To t a l 1.33 9.64 10.97 S o u r c e : IT C Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2002 O n l y t o p r a te d e pi s o d e s o f e a c h s e r i e s a re i n c l u d e d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Title Channel TX date O n l y F o o ls a n d H o r s e s EastEnders C o r o n at i o n S t r e e t Pop Idol Live Final J u b il e e 2 0 0 2 : P a r t y at t h e P a l a c e E n g l a n d V D en m a r k E n g l a n d V B r a z il Auf Wiedersehen Pet A To u c h o f F r o s t E n g l a n d V N ig e r i a England V Sweden Heartbeat England V Argentina Emmerdale W h o Wa n t s t o b e a M i ll i o n a i r e ? The Mummy E a s t E n d e r s : R i c k y a n d B ia n ca I ' m a C e l eb r it y Ge t M e O u t o f H e r e ! Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade I n d i a n a J o n e s a n d t h e Te m p l e o f D o o m Outtake TV G e r m a n y V B r a z i l: Wo r l d C u p F in a l F o y le ' s Wa r Big Brother Blood Strangers BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 C4 ITV1 25-Dec 25-Dec 17-Nov 9-Feb 3-Jun 15-Jun 21-Jun 28-Apr 27-Jan 12-Jun 2-Jun 17-Nov 7-Jun 27-Dec 3-Feb 24-Dec 13-May 8-Sep 24-Jan 17-Jan 27-Dec 10-Jan 17-Nov 26-Jul 4-Feb Source: TARiS Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 306 Audience (m) 17.40 16.97 15.01 13.34 12.54 12.47 12.46 12.41 12.37 12.22 12.21 12.10 12.00 11 . 7 9 11 . 6 1 11 . 1 0 11 . 0 4 10.95 10.34 1 0 . 11 1 0 . 11 10.08 10.04 10.09 9.68 The STATS: Television Top 25 Original Drama Productions 2002 In c l u d e s S o a p O p e r a s , S e r i e s , S e r i a l s a n d U K T V M o v i e s . A u d i e n c e fi g u r es a r e f o r h i gh e s t r a te d ep i s o d e s o f e a c h p r o du c t i o n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Title Producer/Sponsor EastEnders Coronation Street Auf Wiedersehen Pet A To u c h o f F r o s t Heartbeat Emmerdale E as t E n d e r s : R ic k y a n d B i a n c a F o y l e ' s Wa r B lo o d S t r an g e r s The Bill Spooks Midsomer Murders Casualty The Forsyte Saga The Swap Wak i n g th e D e a d M o n a r ch o f t h e G l e n Where the Heart Is Holby City London's Burning S il e n t W i t n e s s T h e Qu es t Poirot Born and Bred Wire in the Blood BBC Granada Ziji Productions/BBC Yo r k s h i r e Yo r k s h i r e Yo r k s h i r e BBC G r e en l i t P r od s / C h a n n e l T V Granada Thames/Carlton Kudos/BBC B e n t l e y P r o d s / LW T BBC Granada G r e en l i t P r od s / C h a n n e l T V BBC Ecosse/BBC United/Anglia BBC LW T BBC Yo r k s h i r e LW T BBC C o a s t a l P r od s / Yo r k s h i r e Source: BARB/BFI Television Advertising 2002 £m N e t T V A d v e r t is i n g R e v e n u e 3146 IT V ( i n c G M T V ) C4 (inc S4C) C5221 1727 623 P r o g r a m m e S p o n s o rs h i p N o n Ter r e s t r ia l T V A d v e r t is i n g R e v e n u e 82 575 Source: ITC BFI Information Services 307 Tx date Audience(m) 25-Dec 17-Nov 28-Apr 27-Jan 17-Nov 27-Dec 13-May 17-Nov 4-Feb 9-Jan 13-May 22-Sep 9-Nov 7-Apr 11 - F e b 4-Nov 29-Sep 30-Jun 21-May 7-Jul 6-Oct 1-Apr 15-Dec 19-May 14-Nov 17.40 15.01 12.41 12.37 12.10 11 . 7 9 11 . 0 4 10.04 9.68 9.62 9.60 9.52 9.42 9.07 8.95 8.92 8.91 8.68 8.61 8.47 8.46 8.39 8.30 8.28 8.08 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 2002 British TV films and single dramas and drama-documentaries shown on UK terrestrial TV during 2002. Those marked * are films partly produced by broadcasters that have had a release at cinemas prior to transmission. BARB rating is given for over 4m viewers only. Title BBC1 Murder in Mind: Passion Murder in Mind: Disposal Night Flight Murder in Mind:Rage Strange Murder in Mind:Swan Song Murder in Mind:Flashback The Many Lives of Albert Walker Sinners Man and Boy Murder in Mind:Victim Murder in Mind: Memories Murder in Mind:Regrets Out of Control Jeffrey Archer-The Truth George Eliot: A Scandalous Life The Hound of the Baskervilles The Real Jane Austen BBC2 Last Resort* Conspiracy This Year's Love* As the Beast Sleeps Smallpox 2002-Silent Weapon About Adam* Surrealissimo Wonderland* A Room for Romeo Brass* Ratcatcher* Get Carmen: The Trials of George Carmen QC The Falklands Play The Gathering Storm Little Angels Flesh and Blood Born Romantic* Tomorrow La Scala! Cruise of the Gods No Night is too Long ITV1 Dick Whittington Happy Together Bloody Sunday The Quest Poirot: Murder in Mesopotamia Bertie and Elizabeth The Law Shipman A Good Thief A is for Acid Daddy's Girl Rogue Trader* Dead Gorgeous The Safe House Poirot:Evil Under the Sun Birthday Girl Goodbye Mr.Chips Bait Channel 4 The War Zone* Sunday With or Without You* Beautiful People* Janice Beard 45 wpm* Falling Apart Solid Geometry Some Voices* Hotel Splendide* Darwin's Daughter Tx date 5-Jan 26-Jan 2-Feb 2-Mar 9-Mar 20-Mar 23-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 30-Mar 6-Apr 20-Apr 28-May 15-Sep 1-Dec 24-Dec 26-Dec 30-Dec 23-Jan 25-Jan 2-Feb 3-Feb 5-Feb 27-Feb 2-Mar 9-Mar 16-Mar 23-Mar 5-Apr 4-Jun 12-Jul 13-Aug 25-Sep 15-Oct 10-Dec 23-Dec 27-Dec 1-Jan 1-Jan 20-Jan 31-Mar 2-Jun 4-Jun 12-Jun 9-Jul 22-Jul 9-Sep 23-Sep 11-Oct 21-Oct 28-Oct 15-Dec 22-Dec 26-Dec 27-Dec BARB rating (m) 6.5 5.0 4.1 5.8 5.6 4.7 5.6 6.3 5.5 4.6 5.1 6.2 5.3 4.1 4.2 7.6 4.4 4.4 5.3 7.6 8.4 6.1 4.8 5.1 7.3 5.7 6.0 7.0 5.5 6.5 7.7 6.6 6.2 5.2 15-Jan 28-Jan 5-Mar 11-Mar 8-Sep 17-Oct 28-Nov 3-Dec 6-Dec 28-Dec Source: BARB/bfi BFI Information Services 308 Writer Director Simon.J.Sharkey J.C.Wilsher William Ivory Anthony Horowitz Andrew Marshall Anthony Horowitz Anthony Horowitz/Stephen Leather Philip Palmer Lizzie Mickery Kevin Hood Guy Burt Stephen Leather Simon Sharkey Dominic Savage Guy Jenkin Steve Attridge Allan Cubitt Claire Tomalin Gerry Poulson Frank.W.Smith Nick Renton David Innes Edwards Joe Ahearne Frank.W.Smith Ferdinand Fairfax Harry Hook Aisling Walsh Simon Curtis Audrey Cooke Nick Jones Gerry Poulson Dominic Savage Guy Jenkin Mary Downes David Attwood N/A Pawel Pawlikowski Loring Mandel David Kane Gary Mitchell Simon Chinn/Daniel Percival Gerard Stembridge Matthew Broughton Laurence Coriat Paul Fraser/Shane Meadows Lynne Ramsay Pawel Pawlikowski Frank.R.Pierson David Kane Harry Bradbeer Daniel Percival Gerard Stembridge Richard Curson Smith Michael Winterbottom Shane Meadows Lynne Ramsay Colin Barr Ian Curteis Hugh Whitemore Devised Project Peter Bowker David Kane Francesca Joseph Tim Firth Kevin Elyot Michael Samuels Richard Loncraine Paul McGuigan Julian Farino David Kane Francesca Joseph Declan Lowney Tom Shankland Simon Nye Sue Teddern Paul Greengrass Douglas Livingstone Clive Exton Nigel Williams Matthew Hall Michael Eaton Kay Mellor Glenn Chandler Philomena McDonagh James Dearden Andrew Payne David Pirie Anthony Horowitz Jonathan Harvey Frank Delaney Daniel Boyle Geoff Posner David Wheatley Paul Greengrass David Jason Tom Clegg Giles Foster Juliet May Roger Bamford Douglas McKinno Harry Bradbeer Bill Eagles James Dearden Sarah Harding Simon Massey Brian Farnham Morag Fullerton Stuart Orme Nicholas Rento Alexander Stuart Jimmy McGovern John Forte/Andrew Eaton Jasmin Dizdar Clare Kilner/Ben Hopkins Anna Maloney Denis Lawson Joe Penhall Terence Gross James Runcie Tim Roth Charles McDougall Michael Winterbottom Jasmin Dizdar Clare Kilner Brian Hill Denis Lawson Simon Cellan Jones Terence Gross James Runcie The STATS: Television Top 25 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2002 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ti t l e C h a n n el The Mummy I n d i an a J o n e s a n d th e L a s t C r u s a d e I n d i an a J o n e s a n d th e Te m p l e o f D o o m C h ic k e n R u n Home Alone R ai d e r s o f t h e L o s t A r k M i s s io n : Im p o s s ib le A B u g ’s L i f e Men In Black Entrapment S m a ll S o l d ie r s R o b in H o o d : P r in c e o f T h i e v e s Moonraker L i v e A n d L e t D ie T h e I t a l ia n J o b D a n t e ’s P ea k Vo l c a n o M a n s f i el d P a r k S t a r Wa r s : E p . I – P h an to m M e n a c e Grease Octopussy A Vi e w To A K i l l Rush Hour Enemy of the State S p e e d 2 : C r u is e C o n t r o l BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 S o u r c e : TA R i S Ta y l o r N e l s o n S o f re s / B A R B BFI Information Services 309 Ye a r 1999 1989 1984 2000 1990 1981 1996 1998 1997 1998 1998 1991 1979 1973 1969 1997 1997 1999 1999 1978 1983 1985 1998 1998 1997 Country US US US UK/US US US US US USA US/UK/GER US US UK/US UK/US UK US US UK US US UK/US UK/US US US USA A u d i en ce ( m ) 11 . 1 0 10.34 10.12 9.61 8.85 8.83 8.26 8.13 8.10 6.98 6.76 6.70 6.89 6.88 6.67 6.66 6.66 6.54 6.52 6.48 6.42 6.41 6.34 6.33 6.31 2003 FILM PRODUCTION Number and Value of UK Films 1981-2003 UK Film Production 2003 - Category A UK Film Production 2003 - Category B UK Film Production 2003 - Category C UK Film Production 2003 - Category D UK Film Production 2003 - Category E Types of Release for UK films 1984-2002 What Happened to 2002 UK Films? 311 312 313 314 315 316 316 317 NATIONAL LOTTERY Top 25 All-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2003/04 MEDIA Plus Funding: UK Beneficiaries - 2003 318 319 322 CINEMA Frequency of Cinema-going 2003 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2003 Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 2003 UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2003 Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office 2003 Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 2003 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2003 Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2003 by US Box Office Revenue Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in the European Union in 2003 Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union in 2003 Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor in 2003 Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK 324 324 325 326 328 328 329 329 330 330 331 332 VIDEO Top 20 Rental VHS Titles in the UK 2003 Top 20 Rental DVD Titles in the UK 2003 Top 20 Rental Videos VHS & DVD in the UK 200 Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2003 Top 20 Retail DVD Titles in the UK 2003 Top 20 Retail Videos VHS & DVD in the UK 2003 Distributors’ Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 2003 Video Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2003 333 333 334 334 335 335 336 336 TELEVISION Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2003 Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2003 Top 25 Original Drama Productions 2003 TV Advertising Revenue 2003 UK TV Films Premiered 2003 Top 25 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2003 337 337 338 338 339 340 The STATS: Film Production Number and Value of UK Films* 1981-2003 Ye a r 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Titles produced 24 40 51 53 54 41 55 48 30 60 59 47 67 84 78 128 11 6 88 100 98 96 105 109 Current prices (£m) 61.2 141.1 251.1 270.4 269.4 165.8 195.3 175.2 104.7 217.4 243.2 184.9 224.1 455.2 402.4 741.4 562.8 509.3 549.2 804.3 592.3 536.7** 1 , 11 6 . 6 4 * * Production co st ( £m ) (2 0 0 4 p r ic e s * ) 151.30 310.22 531.09 507.70 5 11 . 9 1 305.90 344.73 2 9 8 . 11 166.06 307.27 322.83 236.62 286.13 567.25 497.74 885.50 656.83 575.28 601.84 868.17 620.90 619.50** 1 , 11 6 . 9 0 * * * U K fi l m s a r e d e f i n e d h e r e a s f i l m s p r od u c e d i n th e U K o r w i t h a U K fi n a n c i a l i n v o l v e m e n t , t he y i n c l u d e m a j o r i t y a n d m i n or i ty co-productions * b a s e d o n c a l e n d a r y e a r i n f l a t i o n fi g u re o f 3 p e r c en t * * F i g u r e i n c l u d e s e s t i m a t e d b u d g e ts S o ur c e : S c r e e n F i n a n c e /b f i BFI Information Services 311 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2003 - Category A Feature films where the cultural and financial impetus is from the UK and where the majority of personnel are British. Ti t l e P r o d u c t i o n c o m p an y( i e s ) B u ll e t B o y C l o s e r to t h e S u n C o ld a n d D a r k Dead Man's Shoes Dear Frankie E n d u r in g L o v e P r o d u c ti o n cost (£m) S h i n e L i m i t ed / U K F i l m C o u n c i l G l o b a l F i l m s / /M n e m o i c s / E d g e l i m a ge b a n k F u t u r e F i l m G r o u p /C o l d F i l m s Wa r p F i l m s / F i l m F o u r /E a s t M i d l a n d s M e d i a In i ti a ti v e S c o r p i o F i l m s / P a t h e /U K F i l m C o u nc i l / S c o tt i s h S c r e e n F r e e R a n g e F i l m s /F i l m F o u r/ P a t h e / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / I n s i d e Tr a c k F a t S la g s A r t i s t s I nd e p e n d e n t N e t w or k / E n t e r ta i nm en t F i l m s Frozen L i m i n a l F i l m s / R S P ro d u c t i o n s / S ho r e l i n e F i l m s / Freedonia Films H e l l o Yo u Fecund Films H o w t o F i l m Yo u r N e ig h b o u r Mad as Hell Films Ladies in Lavender S c a l a P r o d u c t i on s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / B a k e r Street Media Finance M a p o f t h e U n iv e r s e 2 : T h e M e m o s Global Films M a p o f t h e U n iv e r s e 3 : In a n d O u t o f G l o b a l F i l m s P l a n e t E ar th Millions M i s s i o n P i c t u re s / B B C F i l m s / P a t h e /U K F i l m C ou n c i l My Summer of Love A p o c a l y p s o P i c t u r e s / B B C F i l m s / F i l m C o n s or t i u m / U K F i l m C o u n c i l /B a k e r S tr e e t M e d i a Nine Songs R e v o l u ti o n F i l m s The Phantom of the Opera R e a l l y U s e fu l C o m p a n y / S c i o n F i l m s T h e P u r i f ie r s Ve s t ry F i l m s / B i l l K e n w r i g h t F i l m s / S c o t t i s h S c r e e n/ First Choice R e d R o se P a l m Tr e e T h e R u l e r s , t h e D e al e r s a n d t h e RDL Productions Losers S c h o o l fo r S e d u ct i o n Ipso Facto Films/Her Films/'UK Film Services S e x L iv e s o f th e P o t a t o M en Devotion Films/UK Film Council Shaun of the Dead W T 2 /B i g Ta l k P r o du c t i o n s Spivs C a r na b y P ro d u c t i o n s / E IS T h i n g s t o D o B e f o r e Yo u ' r e 30 S a m u e l s o n P r o d u c t i o n s /M om en t u m / Is l e o f M a n F i l m F un d / F i rs t C h o i c e Va l i a n t Va n g u a r d A n i m a t i o n / E a l i n g s t u di o s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / B a k e r S tr e e t M e d i a Ve r a D r a k e T h i n M a n F i l m s /U K F i l m C o un c i l A Wa y o f L if e Aw o l F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l /A r ts C o u n c i l o f Wa l e s / HTV Ya s m i n P a r a l l a x /C h a n n el 4 Ye s A d v e n t ur e P i c t u r e s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS TOTAL COST OF KNOWN BUDGETS AVERAGE COST 31 £130.56m (28 films) £4.21m (28 films) ApproximateTotal Cost Average Cost n/a* 0.6 2.4 1.5 3.2 3.0 3.5 1.4 0.6 1.0 3.6 0.6 0.6 5.0 1.6 1.0 48.0 n/a* 2.5 0.7 3.0 1.8 3.76 2.4 3.0 27.5 5.0 2.0 n/a* 1.3 £135.06m* £4.35m * Where budgets are not available an approximate amount has been estimated based on an average total of £1.5m per film Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/British Council/UK Film Council/bfi BFI Information Services 312 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2003 - Category B M a j o r i ty U K C o - P r o d u c ti o n s . F i l m s i n w h i c h , al t ho u g h t h e r e a r e f o r e i g n p a r t ne r s , t h er e i s a U K c u l t u r a l c o n t e n t a nd a s i g n i f i c a n t a m o u n t o f B r i t i s h f i n a n c e a n d p e r s on n e l . Ti t l e P r o d u ct i o n co m p a n i e s /p a r ti c i p a t in g c o u n t r i e s Ae Fond Kiss Out on A Limb T h e Qu e e n o f S h e b a ' s P ea r ls Red Light Runners Sons of the Wind Tr i s t a n a n d I s o l d e S i x te e n F i l m s / B i a nc a F i l m s / E M C /To r n a s o l /S c o t t i s h S c r e e n / A z u r e / Gl a s g o w F i l m Off i c e ( I ta l y / G e r m a n y / S p a i n ) S ev e n A r t s F i l m s /W o o d fa l l F i l m s / S a m s o n F i l m s /F u t u r e F i l m G r o u p ( R e pu b l i c o f I r e l a n d ) A rc h e r S tr e e t /Q u a l i t y In t e r n at i o na l /t r i g g e r S t re e t / F i l m b o a r d B e r l i n - B r a n d e n b u r g ( Ge r m a n y / U S A ) P ar a l l a x /P a r ti s a n F i l m s / M a k ar P r o d u c t i o n s / S a m s o n F i l m s / N e tw o r k M o v i e /Z D F / I r i s h F i l m B oa r d / G l a s g o w F i l m O ff i c e / S c o t ti s h S c r e e n/ U K F i l m C o u n c i l /A r ts C o u n c i l o f N o r t he r n I r e l a n d / M a t r i x ( R e p u b l i c o f Ir e l a nd / G e r m a n y ) S pi c e F a c t o r y /P e m b ri d g e P i c t u r e s /K a nz a m a n / D a v i s F i l m / Movision/Scion (Republic of Ireland/Spain/France) L i t t l e B i r d / P a t h e /U K F i l m C o un c i l / Is l e o f M an D f i l m a n d T V F u n d / B S k y B (R e p u b l i c of I r e l a n d ) Q w e rt y F i l m s /B B C F i l m s / N 1 E u r op e a n F i l m pr o d u c k t i o n / Tr i b e c a (Germany/USA) D a n F i l m s /U K F i l m C ou n c i l /Z e ro We s t/ F i l m s ti f tu n g N R W / A r t i s a n E n t (Germany/USA) S E 8 G r o u p /O r a n g e P i c tu r e s /I M F (G e r m a n y ) W T 2 / O c t a g o n F i l m s /I r i s h F i l m B o a r d ( R e p u b l i c o f Ir e l a n d) W T 2 /N e w M o o n /I r i s h F i l m B o a r d / N o r th e r n I r e l a n d F i l m an d T V C o m m i s s i o n ( R e p u bl i c o f I r e l a n d ) P ot B o i l e r P r o d u c t i on s / Tr e as u r e E nt e r t a i n m e n t/ I r i s h F i l m B o a r d/ S ec t i o n 4 8 1 Ti ge r A s p e c t /C h a n n el 4 / H e l l ' s K i tc h e n /I r i s h F i l m B o a r d /R T E ( R e pu b l i c o f I r e l a n d ) T h e t a F i l m s /O u t o n a Li m b ( S o u t h A f r i c a ) A K A P i c t u re s / S w e et w a te r / S w e d i s h F i l m I n s ti tu t e / T V 4 ( S w e d e n ) N u C re a t i o n F i l m G r o u p ( R e p u b l i c o f Ir e l an d ) D a n F i l m s /U G C / M a t e P r o d u c ti o n s / I n ge n i o u s ( F r a n c e/ S pa i n ) S c o t t F r e e /M a t r i x F i l m F i n a n c e / S e c t i o n 4 8 1 ( R e p u b l i c o f Ir e l a nd ) TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS TOTAL COST OF KNOWN BUDGETS AVERAGE COST 18 £138m (16 films) £8.62m (16 films) Asylum B e yo n d t h e S e a B li n d F li g h t T h e B r i d g e o f S a n L u is R e y Churchill: The Hollywood Ye a rs C o m p l e a t F i lm S ta g e B e a u t y Creep D e ad F i s h I n s id e I ' m D a n c i n g Jonjo Mickeybo Man About Dog Omagh ApproximateTotal Cost Average Cost Production cost (£m) £149m* £8.27m * Where budgets are not available an approximate total has been estimated based on an average total of £3m per film Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/British Council/UK Film Council/bfi BFI Information Services 313 3.00 1 5 .0 0 14.00 2.30 13.40 10.00 9 .0 0 3.30 8.00 3.60 3.00 1.50 n/a* 1.0 n/a* 8.00 12.90 30.00 UK Film Production 2003 - Category C Minority UK Co-productions. Foreign (non US) films in which there is a small UK involvement in finance or personnel. Title Production company(ies)/participating countries B e i n g J u l ia M y r i ad P i c t u r e s / S e r e n d i p i ty P o i n t /I S L F i l m s / F i r s t C h oi c e/ A s tr a l M e d i a / C o r u s E n t e r t ai n m e n t/ Te l e f i l m C an a d a (Canada/Hungary) To w e r s o f L o n d o n / E p o - F i l m /F i l m - L i n e /R a y m a x x fi l m (Germany/Austria) M a rl o o M e d i a / U K I F i l m s ( G e rm an y ) Ip s o F a c to / S a m s a / R e v e r s e A n g l e F a c t or y / D o r F i l m s / FilmFund Lux/Osterriche Film/MFG/NRW/Great British Films (Luxembourg/Austria/Germany) P s y c h o l o g y N ew s /F i l m C o n s o r ti u m /U K F i l m C o u nc i l / B a k e r S t r e e t M e di a / n/a* R a p h a e l F i l m s / C i n e te l e fi l m s ( F r a n c e /Tu n i s i a ) Z o m a F i l m s /L u c k y P u n c h / L i b e r a to r 2 /P a i n U n l i m i t e d /T V 2 /Z D F / C an a l P l u s / D a n i s h F i l m In s t i t u te / N or d i c F i l m a n d T V F u n d // N o rd i s k F i l m / N RW ( D e n m a r k / G e r m a n y / F r a n c e ) S p i c e F a c t or y / F o r u m F i l m s /M o v i s i o n (C a n a d a ) R e n e g a d e F i l m s /M a g i c M ed i a /E u r o A r t s / H u n g a r i a n C u l tu r a l M i n i s t r y / M D R /M D M / M F G ( H u n ga r y / G er m a n y ) D a k o ta F i l m s / S p i c e F a c t o r y / Tu s k / R em s t a r /M o v i s i on ( C a n a d a ) S t u di o E i g h t/ G F T / M o v i e w eb ( It a l y / C a n a d a ) Li t tl e B i r d /T. H . E / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / V i s i o n v i e w / N Z o n A i r ( N e w Z e al a n d ) B l u e Li g h t/ U K F i l m C o u n c i l /E x N i h i l o / L o v e S t r e a m s (F ra n c e ) Vi s i o n a r y F i l m s /B a l a g a n P r o d u c ti o n s ( C h i na ) S p i c e F a c t or y / Tr a n s f i l m / C a r r e r e ( F r a n c e / C a n a d a ) P a s s i on P i c t u r e s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / H u i t e t D e m i / Z e a l / F r a n c e 2/ Pyramide(France) S p i c e F a c t or y - B l u e S pi c e/ L u x Vi d e ( It a l y / S r i L a n k a ) MJW (Germany/Portugal) F & M E / Tr a d e w i n d P i c t u r e s /B o s B r o s / F i l m a n d T V P r od u c t i o n / W D R / N RW / M D M / F FA / D u tc h F i l m F u nd / I n v i c t a C a p i t a l (G e r m a n y /N e t he r l a n ds ) F & M E /Z i k Z a k / Tr a d e w i n d P i c tu r e s /N i m b u s F i l m s / N R W / D a ni s h F i l m I n s t i tu t e / N o r d i c F i l m a nd T V F un d / I c e l a n d F i l m F u n d / H a m b u r g F i l m F u nd / E u r i m a g e s / In v i c t a C a p i ta l ( I c e l a nd / D e nm ar k / G er m a n y ) U g l y D u c k l i n g / F i n e a n d M e l l o w /N o r d i s k / M a t r i x F i l m F i n a n c e / D a n i s h F i l m In s t i t u te ( D e n m a rk ) Oy s te r F a rm er F i l m s / L i t t l e W i n g / A n t h o n y B u c k l e y F i l m s / A u s t ra l i a n F i l m F i n a n c e C o r p o r at i on / N S W F i l m O ff i c e / S h o w ti m e /F u tu r e F i l m Gr o u p / Oc e a n D e n dy ( A u s t r a l i a ) D a v i d . P.K e l l y P r o d uc t i o n s /T he o r a m a F i l m s / D u t c h F i l m F u n d / S a m s a F i l m s / NOS/ VA R A ( N e t h e r l a n d s ) H e a d g e a r F i l m s /B e an c a F i l m s / C a l l e C r u z a d a / F i d i c i n e F u n d ( S p a i n/ G e r m a n y ) Im p a c t P i c t u r e s / C o ns t a n ti n F i l m / D a v i s F i l m s ( G e r m a n y / F r a n c e) C o m p a n y P i c t u r e s / S p i c e F a c t o r y /S e re n d i pi t y P o i n t /O d e s s a F i l m s / M o v i s i o n (France/Canada) F & M E /B a l d F i l m s / B o b F i l m / N o r d i s k F i l m / D R / N R K / S V T / D a n i s h F i l m In s t i t u te / N o r d i c F i l m F u n d/ S w e d i s h F i l m In s t i t u te / S a n d r e w M e tr o n o m e (Sweden/Denmark/Norway) M a rt i n P o p e P r od u c t i o n s / S i e n n a F i l m s /C h u m T V / M o v i e C e n tr a l /M o v i e N e t w o r k / C a n a d i a n T V F u n d / A s tr a l M e d i a / Te l e f i l m C a n a d a / Gr e e n b u r g F u n d ( C a n ad a ) Z e ph y r F i l m s / M a i a F i l m s / A l l i g a t o r F i l m s /L a n c e l o t F i l m s ( F r a n c e / B e l g i u m ) Ta l l S to r i e s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / R i c h a rd G re e n an d A s s o c i a t e s / O d e l i o n ( S o u th A f r i c a ) B l a ck o u t J o u r n e y Bride of Ice Bye Bye Blackbird D e a d l in e : B e i r u t Dear Wendy A D if f e r e n t L o y a lt y Fateless Head in the Clouds H o l ly w o o d F l ie s In my Father's Den Innocence Jet Lag The Last Sign Lila Says M o th er T h e r e s a M o u t h t o M o u th M y B r o t h er i s a D o g Niceland Oh Happy Days! T h e O y st e r F a r m e r The Preacher R a b b i t o n th e M o o n R e s id en t E v i l The Statement Strings T h at To u c h o f P in k W i l d S id e T h e Wo o d e n C am e r a TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS TOTAL COST OF KNOWN BUDGETS AVERAGE COST 29 £128.74 (22 films) £5.858m (22 films) ApproximateTotal Cost Average Cost Production cost (£m) £156.74m* £5.40m * Where budgets are not available an approximate total has been estimated based on an average total of £4m per film Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/British Council/UK Film Council/bfi BFI Information Services 314 11 . 0 0 n/a* 0.63 4.70 4.60 9.50 7.00 11 . 6 0 3.28 3.00 n/a* 2.70 7.2 n/a* 8.10 n/a* 3.10 1.75 1.88 3 .0 0 2.30 1.80 25.00 11 . 2 0 2.40 3.00 n/a* n/a* The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2003 - Category D American financed or part-financed films made in the UK. Most titles have a British cultural content. Title A g e n t C o d y B a n k s 2 : D e s t in a t i o n London Alfie Bride and Prejudice B r i d g e t J o n e s : T h e E d g e o f R e as o n Chasing Liberty Code 46 C o u n t r y o f M y S k u ll C u r s e o f t h e We r e r a b b i t Danny the Dog De-Lovely F i v e C h i ld r e n a n d It A G o o d Wo m a n Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Layer Cake T h e L i f e a n d D e a t h o f P e t er S e l l e r s T h e M e r c h a n t o f Ve n i c e Production company(ies) Production cost (£m) S p l e nd i d P i c tu r e s /M a v e r i c k F i l m s / D y l a n S e l l a r s /M G M - U A 16.00 Paramount 20.00 B r i d e P r o d u c t i on s / P a t h e /M i r a m a x 15.00 Wo r k i n g Ti t l e / U n i v e r s a l 18.00 A l c o n E n t er t a i n m e n t / Wa r n e r B r o t h e rs 14.00 R ev o l u t i o n F i l m s / B B C F i l m s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l /U n i t e d A r t i s t s 4.50 S t u d i o E i g h t / M er l i n F i l m s / C h a r t o ff P r o d uc t i o n s /P h o e ni x 9.39 P i c t u r e s / M o r u l a P i c t u r es / F i l m A f r i k a W o r l w i d e / I n g e n i o u s / I n d . D e v. C o r p o f S o ut h A f r i c a A a r d m a n A n i m a ti o n /D r e a m w o r k s S K G 25.00 E u r o p a C o r po r a t i o n / C u r r e n t E n t e r ta i n m e n t/ 2 0 t h C e n t u r y F o x 2 6 . 2 5 C l o u d N i n e / W i nk l er F i l m s 15.00 C ap i to l F i l m s / E n d g a m e /J i m H e n s o n C om p a n y / U K F i l m 12.30 C ou n c i l /I s l e o f M a n F i l m F u n d M e l t e m i E n t e r ta i nm en t / In t e r n a ti o n a l A rt s E n t e r t ai n m e n t/ 7.00 L i g h t h o u s e E n te r t a i n m e n t /B u s k i n F i l m ( I ta l y ) / K a n z a m a n ( S p a i n ) / M a g i c H o u r F i n a n c e /M a t r i x F i l m F i n a n c e H ey d a y F i l m s /Wa rn e r B r o th e r s 100.00 S k a F i l m s / C o l um b i a Tr i s t a r HBO S p i c e F a c t o r y / M o v i s i o n / Av e n ue P i c t u r e s / U K F i l m C o u n c i l / I n s t i t o L u c e /D e l u x / S c ot t s A t l a n t i c /N a v i d i W i l d e M i s s i o n p i c t u r e s / I n s i d e Tr a c k / M y r i a d P i c t u r e s H ar t S h a rp / M i ra m a x / E n d g a m e e n t er t a i n m e n t N at u r a l N y l o n / B r o o k l y n F i l m s 5.00 15.00 18.00 n/a* 41.00 7.50 8.00 Tr o y T h e U p si d e o f A n g e r Van it y F ai r A Way T h r o u g h t h e W o o d s White on White Wimbledon G o l d C i r c l e F i l m /2 6 F i l m s Wo r k i n g Ti t l e / U n i v e r s a l R ed b u s P i c tu r e s /A r c h a n g e l P r o d s / L i t t l e B i r d / M i n i s t r y o f F e a r/ B B C F i l m s /I s l e o f M a n F i l m F u n d /F i r s t C h o i c e Wa r n e r B ro t h e r s Media 8/VIP 2+3/Zephyr Films G r a na d a F i l m s / Te m pe s t a F i l m s /F o c u s F e a t ur e s C e l a d o r / D N A F i l m s /F o x S e ar c h l i g h t/ U K F i l m C o u n c i l C i n e r e nt a / L a k e s h o r e E n t e r ta i n m e nt Wo r k i n g Ti t l e / U n i v e r s a l / In s i d e Tr a c k TOTAL NUMBER OF FILMS TOTAL COST OF KNOWN BUDGETS AVERAGE COST 29 £554.64 (27 films) £20.54m (27 films) P ic c a d i l ly J im Proof S k y C a p ta i n a n d t h e W o r l d o f To m o r r o w S o m e t h i n g B o r r o we d Thunderbirds To o t h Tr a u m a 9.00 12.00 38.00 62.00 n/a* 14.20 5.00 12.50 25.00 ApproximateTotal Cost £574.64m* Average Cost £19.81m * Where budgets are not available an approximate total has been estimated based on an average total of £10m per film Note: The following films shot for two weeks or less in the UK- under 25% of the shoot. New France (Canada)The Lazarus Child (Italy/Germany/Canada)Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (US) Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/British Council/UK Film Council/bfis BFI Information Services 315 The STATS: Film Production UK Film Production 2003 - Category E American Films with some British financial involvement. Title Production Companies Alexander T h e H il l s id e S t r a n g l e r I n t e rm ed i a /P a c i fi c a F i l m Ta r t an F i l m s / C o ns t a n t H o w l i n g P r o d u c t i on NUMBER OF FILMS TOTAL COST AVERAGE COST 2 £101.20m £50.60m Source: Screen Finance/Screen International/British Council/UK Film Council/bfi Types of Release for UK films 1984-2002 P r o p o r ti o n o f f i l m s w i th a U K i n v o l v e m e n t w h i c h a c h i e v e d ; a ) W i d e r e l ea s e . O p e n i n g o r p l a y i n g o n 3 0 o r m or e s c r e e n s a r o un d th e c o u n tr y w i t h i n a y ea r of p r o d u c ti o n b ) L i m i te d re l e a s e , m a i n l y i n a rt h o u s e c i n e m a s o r a s h o r t We s t E n d r u n w i t h i n a y e ar o f re l e a s e . c ) U n r e l e a s e d a y e a r a f te r p r o d u c ti o n Ye a r wide% 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 50.00 52.80 55.80 36.00 29.50 33.30 29.40 32.20 38.30 25.40 31.00 23.10 19.00 15.50 22.70 30.00 22.50 24.50 18.10 limited% 44.00 35.90 41.90 60.00 61.20 38.90 47.10 37.30 29.80 22.40 22.60 34.60 1 4 .0 0 19.00 21.60 10.00 12.20 10.60 10.48 unreleased% 6.00 11 . 3 0 2.30 4.00 9.30 27.80 23.50 30.50 31.90 52.20 46.40 42.30 67.00 65.50 55.70 60.00 65.30 64.50 69.52 S o u r c e: S c re e n F i n a n c e / N i e l s e n E D I / b f i 1 9 /1 0 5 – w i d e r e l e a s e = 18 . 0 9 % 11 / 1 0 5 – l i m i te d r e l e a s e = 1 0 . 4 7 % 7 3 /1 0 5 – U n r e l e a s e d a f te r a y e a r = 6 7 . 6 2 % 6 4 /1 0 5 – U n r e l e a s e d = 6 0 .9 5 % 9 / 1 0 5 – R e l e a s e d i n 2 0 0 4 = 8 . 5 7% 3 9 /1 0 5 – R e l ea s e d a t 1 J u n e 2 0 0 4 = 3 7 .1 4 % 1 3 /1 0 5 – o v e r 1 0 0 s c r en s = 1 2 . 3 8 % 7 /1 0 5 – o v e r 3 0 0 s c r e en s = 6 . 6 6 % BFI Information Services 316 Production Cost (£m) 100.00 1.20 The STATS: Film Production What Happened to 2002 UK Films? Distribution of 2002 UK productions and foreign films made in the UK up to 1 June 2004. Where appropriate the number of screens that the film opened on is shown beside the title R e le a s e d t h e a t r i c a l ly i n 20 0 2 / 2 0 0 3 The Actors AKA A m er i c a n C o u s i n s Blackball B r i g h t Yo u n g T h i n g s C a le n d a r G ir ls Cold Mountain D e v i l ' s G at e D ie A n o t h e r D a y H o o v e r S tr e e t R e v i v a l I'll Be There Intermission In This World Johnny English Live Forever Love Actually The Mother N e d K e ll y N ic h o la s N i c kl e b y Octane Pure S Club Seeing Double S h a n g h a i K n ig h t s Song for a Raggy Boy The Swimming Pool To K i ll a K i n g To m b R a i d e r 2 To u c h i ng th e Vo i d W h a t a G i r l Wa n t s (Amercian Girls) Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself Yo u n g A d a m 270 3 6 304 192 1* 135 2 430 9 78 28 5 445 12 447 21 213 204 24 8 395 371 37 37 53 449 29 250 31 133 R e le a s e d t h e a t r i c a ll y a t 1 J u n e 2004 The Calcium Kid The Dreamers 34 Emile T h e F o o t b a l l F a c to r y G i r l w i t h a P ea r l E a r r i ng I'll Sleep When I'm Dead K i s s of L i fe ( H e l en o f P e c k h a m ) L i v i ng i n H o p e Leo 15 Man Dancin’ 8 T h e N i g h t W e C al l e d I t a D a y One Last Chance (The Bum's Rush) 18 S u z i e G ol d 24 Sylvia 67 W on d r o u s O b l i v i o n A wa i t i n g r e l e a s e a t 1 J u n e 2 0 04 Absolon Ashes & Sand Baltic Storm B i t te r S w e e t Bl,.m T h e B l u e B u tt e r fl y The Bone Hunter C h a os a n d C a d a v e r s Cheeky Cloud Cuckoo Land T h e D a y I W i l l N ev e r F o r g e t D a y of t h e S i r e n s D o t th e I T h i s Li t tl e L i f e ( E n t e r i n g B l u e Z on e ) Fallen Angels Fakers F i n di n g F o r t u ne Lighthouse Hill (A Flight of Fancy) Gladiatress The Great Goose Caper I Am David If Only The I Inside Jericho Mansions T h e L a s t H o r r o r M o v i e – 2 5 J un e LD50 Loving Glances Luger Luminal The Magic Roundabout Mrs Ritchie Neil's Party S o u r c e: b f i /N i e l s e n E D I / S c r e e n F i n a n c e BFI Information Services 317 J M B a r r i e ’s N e v e r l a n d ( N e v e r l a n d ) Nine Lives Masked & Anonymous The Motorcycle Diaries O n e f o r t he R o a d 2 J u l y 20 0 4 One Love P i a z z a o f t h e F i v e M oo n s The Poet T h e P r o di g a l The Republic of Love R i v e r s an d Ti d e s ? ( 2 0 0 3 r e l e a s e? ) Sandmother 1 6 Ye a r s o f A l c o h o l Skaggerak Solid Air S t e l l a S tr e e t 2 1 M a r c h 2 0 04 T V Te a m O n e Three Blind Mice T h e Tu l s e L u p e r S u i t c a s e : T h e E a r l y Ye a r s Vi r g i n o f L i v e r p o o l Wa n t e d ( C r i m e S p re e ) T h e Wa te r G i a n t 2 0 / 10 5 – w id e r e l ea s e = 1 2 / 10 5 – l im it e d r e le a s e = 6 2 / 10 5 – U n r e le a s e d = 6 0 . 9 5 % 1 0 / 1 0 5 – R e le a s e d i n 20 0 4 = 8 . 5 7 % 4 0 / 10 5 – R e l e a s e d a t 1 J u n e 2 0 0 4 = 1 4 / 10 5 – o v e r 1 0 0 s c r e n s = 7 / 1 05 – o v e r 3 0 0 s c r e e n s = 6 . 6 6 % Ti t l es i n p a r a n th e s i s indicate f o r m e r ti t l e o f f i l m The STATS: National Lottery Top 25 All-time Lottery Funded List by UK Box Office Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 B il l y E l l i o t Gosford Park B e n d i t l i ke B e c k h a m 28 Days Later Shooting Fish T h e 5 1s t S t a t e T h i s Yea r ' s L o v e M i k e B a s se t t : E n g l a n d M a n a g e r T h e Im p o r t a n c e o f B e i n g E a r n e s t T h e P a r o l e O f f i ce r A n I d e a l H u sb a n d P lu n ke t t a n d M a c le a n e To u c h i n g th e Vo i d The Hole Intermission T h e M a g d a le n e S i s t e r s Thunderpants Anita and Me L o n g Ti m e D e a d L a n d G ir ls A C h r i st m a s C a r o l - t h e M o v i e To p s y Tu r v y B r i g h t Yo u n g T h i n g s H il a r y a n d J a c k ie 2 4 H o u r P a r t y P e o p le A wa r d ( £ m ) 0.85 2.00 0.95 3.23 0.98 2.00 0.75 1.20 1.32 2.00 1.00 0.95 0.34 1.50 0.57 0.62 2.05 0.68 1.00 1.50 1.18 2.00 3.00 0.95 2.00 S o u rc e : N i e l s e n E D I / F i l m C o u n c i l /S c r e e n F i n a n c e / b f i BFI Information Services 318 B u d g e t (£ m ) 2.83 13.50 2.70 10.40 2.90 16.34 2.75 3.50 10.50 5.99 6.50 9.30 2.00 4.16 2.50 1.60 5.00 2.98 3.27 5.50 6.85 13.50 7.60 4.90 4.20 B o x O f f ic e (£ ) 18,386,715 12,259,248 11 , 5 5 1 , 5 3 8 6,296,734 4,023,825 3,789,865 3,600,636 3,568,492 3,519,574 3,283,870 2,893,170 2,779,315 2,441,185 2,302,381 2,142,126 2,138,934 1,983,879 1,888,362 1,774,552 1,573,783 1,462,329 1,177,542 1,085,470 1,040,788 1,036,879 The STATS: National Lottery Funding of Film Productions by National Lottery Awards 2003/04 This table represents the principle film production awards granted by the UK Film Council. It does not include awards granted for short films, specialised p&a, distribution, equipment, training or film publications Premiere Fund P r o j e c t Ti t l e C h e m i ns d e Tr a v e r s e C o d e 4 6 - D i s a b i l i t y A c c es s M a t e r i a l s Creep C r e e p - D i g i ta l G r a d e Five Children and It L ad i e s i n L a v e n d er L ad i e s i n L a v e n d er Additional Funding music overcosts L ad i e s In L av e n d e r - Aw a r d i n c r e a s e L i t tl e Tr i p To H e a v e n L ov e a n d H a t e ( a k a N o r t h er n S o u l ) On l y H u m a n (S e r e s Q u e r i do s ) On l y H u m a n (s h o r tf a l l ) Pobby & Dingan S e x L i v e s o f th e P o t at o M e n - m u s i c c o s t s Sex Lives of The Potato Men ( re s h o o t /e x t r a s c e n e s ) S y l v i a - a dd i ti o n a l c o s ts The Libertine T h e M e r c h a n t o f Ve n i c e The Rising Yo un g A d a m - D i s a b i l i t y - A c c e s s M a t e ri a l s Or g a n is a t i o n N a m e Holy Cow Films Code 46 Films Ltd Dan Films Ltd. Creep Films Ltd S a n d fa i r y P r o d u c t i o n s L t d S c al a P ro d u c t i o n s L td Grant Amount 0.00 10,799.00 1,260,000.00 48,000.00 2,100,000.00 1,101,775.00 La d i e s i n L a v e n de r Lt d S c al a P ro d u c t i o n s L td Z i k Z a k F i l m w o rk s Ruby Films Ltd Gr e e n p o i n t F i l m s L t d Gr e e n p o i n t F i l m s L i m i t e d A c ad e m y P r o du c t i o n s L t d D e v o ti o n F i l m s 10,000.00 868,075.00 250,000.00 802,903.00 285,000.00 13,723.72 900,000.00 26,922.50 D e v o ti o n F i l m s Ariel Films Ltd Od y s s e y E nt e r t a i n m e n t L td S h y l o c k Tr a d i ng L td K a l e i d os c o p e U K L t d R e c o rd e d P i c t u r e C o m p a n y L t d 120,294.00 37,643.00 0.00 604,720.00 0.00 1,955.00 To t a l 8,441,810.22 New Cinema Fund P r o j e c t Ti t l e A C h a ng e d M an - a d d i t i o n a l c o s t s A Way o f L i fe A . K . A . - a d d i ti o n al f u n d s B l i n d F l i g h t - D i s a b i l i t y A c c e s s M a te r i a l Blind Flight - re-edit costs D i a m e te r o f t h e B om b D i a m e te r o f t h e B om b - a d d i t i o n a l In s u r a n c e D i a m e te r o f t h e B om b - a d d i t i o n a l r e qu e s t Ga m e O v e r : K a s p a r o v an d th e M ac h i n e - a d d i t i o n a l fu n d s In M y F a th e r ' s D e n K i s s o f L i f e - a d d i ti o n al f u n d s Lila Says M a n ag i n g C om p a n y fo r S h o r t F i l m P r o g r a m m e On e F o r t he R o a d - ad d i ti o n a l f u n d s P i l o t - T h e S to r y o f _ _ _ _ _ __ S c h o ol ( a k a L ' E c o l e ) Ta s t e o f R a i n - P i l o t ( a k a D us t ) The Boys (aka Bullet Boy) T h e P i a n o Tu n er o f E a r th q u a k e s T h e Tr u th A b o ut L o v e T h i s i s n o t a Lo v e S o ng - D i s ab i l i ty P r o v i s i o n T h i s i s n o t a Lo v e S o ng - o n l i ne d i s tr i b u ti o n c o s t s To u c h i n g t h e Vo i d - h e a ri n g i m pa i r e d p r o v i s i o n Ye s Ye s - e n ha n c e m e n t fu n d i n g To ta l BFI Information Services Or g a n is a t i o n N a m e Stink Ltd AW O L F i l m s L t d Third Rock Ltd P a r a l l a x ( B l i nd F l i g ht ) L i m i t e d P a r a l l a x ( B l i nd F l i g ht ) L i m i t e d D i am et e r P r od u c t i o n s L i m i te d D i am et e r P r od u c t i o n s L i m i te d D i am et e r P r od u c t i o n s L i m i te d Grant Amount 3,850.00 422,000.00 104,045.00 10,480.00 9,743.00 138,447.00 4,550.00 38,006.00 Ga m b i t F i l m s L td Li t tl e B i r d ( U . K . ) Wild Horses Film Company P a s s i on P i c t u r e s 16,333.00 393,095.00 7 , 11 2 . 8 7 400,000.00 Li f es i z e P i c t u re s L i m i t e d On e F o r th e R o a d F i l m s L t d M ag n e t F i l m s L t d . Ex Nihilo P o t bo i l e r P r o du c t i o n s L t d S h i n e E n te r t a i n m e n t Koninck Studios Ltd Le x F i l m e d E n te r t a i n m e n t 11 4 , 4 7 7 . 0 0 11 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 10,000.00 397,330.00 10,000.00 450,000.00 275,862.00 544,104.00 T h i s I s N o t a C o m p a n y L td 9,995.00 T h i s I s N o t a C o m p a n y L td 44,541.43 To u c h i n g t h e Vo i d L td A d v e n t u r e P i c tu r e s A d v e n t u r e P i c tu r e s ( Ye s ) L i m i t e d 319 7,348.00 355,000.00 94,500.00 3,871,919.30 The STATS: National Lottery Development Fund P r o je c t Ti t l e A G r e e n a n d Q u i et R i v e r A Wa y o f L i f e A Woman in Winter Balance of Power Balance of Power Balance of Power Being Me Belly Dance Black Ice Bob's Ark C ha m p a g n e B r e ak f a s t ( p r e v i o u s l y ' T h e R i c h m o n d P ro j e c t ' ) Chance C ha s i n g H e a v e n C l e v er ( a k a S w e e t M i l k ) C l e v er ( a k a S w e e t M i l k ) - a d d i t i o n a l C ro s s e d W i r e s D an L e no a n d th e Li m e h o u s e Go l e m D ej a Vu D u C a n e ' s B o y s ( ak a D u Q u e s ne ' s B o y s ) D u C a n e ' s B o y s ( D u Q u e s n e ' s B oy s ) Friends Forever H ap p y B i r t h d ay L u b n a H en d r i x ( ak a C r o s s To w n Tr a ff i c ) H oy l an d C o m m o n v s . It a l y J e an L e e Kidulthood Little Ashes L i t t l e S i s t er s Mermaids M y S o u l To K e e p Nightfall Noir N or t h e r n S o u l ( a k a M y S o u l to K e e p ) One Wish (working title) Outpost P a s s e ng e r s ( a k a M e x i c o) P a s s e ng e r s ( a k a M e x i c o) P a s s e ng e r s ( a k a M e x i c o) P a s s e ng e r s ( a k a M e x i c o) P a t r i c k R ob e r t s o n P a t r i c k R ob e r t s o n P e a c o c k ( T h e P e a c o c k M a n i f e s to ) P e r f e c t H o s t ( ak a R e n t - A - W i f e ) P e r r i er ' s B o u n t y P r o p e r t y La d d e r R ai s i n g t h e N ec e s s a r y Reputation Run Skin S l o w M o ti o n E x p l o s i o n Solid Ssshhh Steer Wood S t o n e s In H i s P o c k e t s Storage Straightheads Straightheads Stupid Cupid Ta s h k e n t Gi r l s BFI Information Services Organisation Name T h e B u r e a u F i l m C o m p a ny AW O L F i l m s L t d Ve s t r y F i l m s L td S c a r l et P i c t u re s L t d S c a r l et P i c t u re s L t d S c a r l et P i c t u re s L t d S u z i e S m i th S a m u el s on P r o d u c t i on s L t d . Cougar Films George Webster Holy Cow Films Grant Amount 31,532.00 10,000.00 31,500.00 4,500.00 49,700.00 3,500.00 9,282.00 8,500.00 9,660.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 C e l t i c F i l m s E n te r t a i n m e n t L t d / AV P i c t ur e s L t d I c e P r o d u c ti o n s C r a b A p p l e F i l m s L td C r a b A p p l e F i l m s L td Ti g e rl i l y F i l m s L i m i te d Number 9 Films L i v e r p o o l F i l m C on s o r t i u m S c a l a P r o d u c ti o n s Lt d S c a l a P r o d u c ti o n s Lt d I c e P r o d u c ti o n s / G r e e n r o o m D i g i t a l Rule 8 Productions Ltd. Number 9 Films S i x te e n F i l m s Cougar Films S te a l th F i l m s Lt d APT Films O s c a r F i l m s L td The Hub Film Company P r o s p e c t E n t e rt a i n m e n t J u g g e r na u t P i c tu r e s L t d Tr a d e m a r k F i l m s P r o s p e c t E n t e rt a i n m e n t Coded Pictures N o r th m e n P r o d u c t i o n s P i c tu r e F a rm L td P i c tu r e F a rm L td P i c tu r e F a rm L td P i c tu r e F a rm L td L i tm u s P r od u c t i o n s L i tm u s P r od u c t i o n s S a m u el s on P r o d u c t i on s L t d . The Agency Number 9 Films Seymour Films Ltd L i v e r p o o l F i l m C on s o r t i u m Cougar Films H a n th u m F i l m s Elysian Films H o t P r o p e r ty F i l m s L t d F i e s t a P r o du c t i o n s L t d. Magnet Films Ltd. I c e P r o d u c ti o n s / G r e e n r o o m D i g i t a l S to n e s i n h i s P o c k e ts L t d M i d fi e l d F i l m s L t d S tr a i g ht h e a d s L i m i te d Suspect Device Scorpio Films B i g Ta l k P r od u c t i o n s L td 320 36,750.00 32,500.00 7,878.00 375.00 33,200.00 142,425.00 8,500.00 15,800.00 12,706.00 15,000.00 95,300.00 2,500.00 19,275.00 50,416.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 3,500.00 23,500.00 250.00 26,500.00 27,750.00 12,500.00 5,000.00 52,000.00 8,000.00 8,575.00 17,340.00 4,566.00 52,000.00 395.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 45,150.00 40,400.00 8,500.00 82,897.16 0.00 31,000.00 18,500.00 46,350.00 13,000.00 11 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 5,000.00 19,750.00 11 , 8 7 5 . 0 0 3,000.00 14,000.00 12,500.00 The STATS: National Lottery P r o je c t Ti t l e The Dark The Darkest Hour T h e D a r k e s t H o u r - a dd i ti o n a l The Describer (aka Meera Syal Untitled) The Devil's Assassin T h e E dg e C h r o n i c l e s The Festival T h e H a n ds o m e s t S o n s i n th e W o r l d T h e L e g e n d e er T h e L e g e n d e er The Mutes T h e P ea r Tr e e T h e P ri n c e o f D a l s t o n T h e P ri n c e o f D a l s t o n T h e R o s e of Tr a l e e The Scholar T h e S ta n d - I n T h e T h i rd D a y T h e T h i rd D a y T h e Tr u t h A b o u t L o v e T h i s i s Yo u r L i f e T h r e e Wa y S p l i t Thylacine Underground Wa t e r Wa r r i o r s Yo u A r e H e r e ( a k a M o n s i e ur H i r e R e m a k e ) Yo u n g S a n t a To t a l O r g an is a t i o n N a m e Impact Pictures C r a b A p p l e F i l m s L td C r a b A p p l e F i l m s L td S t ar f i e l d P r o d u c ti o n s S a m u e l s o n P r o d u c ti o ns L t d . J i gs a w F i l m s L t d P i r a t e P r o d u c ti o n s Cougar Films J i gs a w F i l m s L t d S a r a h R a d c l y ffe P r o d u c t i o n s L t d Lotus Films Scorpio Films C a r l t o n Te l e v i s i o n L i m i t e d C a r l t o n Te l e v i s i o n L i m i t e d F ee l g o o d F i c t i o n C o f e L td 5 0 C a n o n E nt e r t a i n m e n t U K R u b i c o n P i c tu r e s R u b i c o n P i c tu r e s T he Tr ut h A bo u t L o v e L t d I c o n E n t e r ta i n m e n t In t e r n a ti o na l M a r t i n P o p e P r o d u c ti o n s Ti g e r A s p e c t P i c tu r e s L t d Impact Pictures S i l v e r F ox F i l m s Ta x i P r o d uc t i o n s L t d . J i gs a w F i l m s L t d Grant Amount 15,675.00 7,878.00 375.00 5,000.00 1,333.00 36,150.00 28,300.00 22,080.00 98,050.00 0.00 27,000.00 59,750.00 22,000.00 17,000.00 6,000.00 35,325.00 81,875.00 9,350.00 750.00 20,000.00 23,250.00 54,000.00 43,715.00 29,250.00 0.00 73,000.00 23,850.00 2,085,803.16 O r g an is a t i o n N a m e DNA Films Limited DNA Films Limited T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m P a th é P i c t u r es L t d T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m P a th é P i c t u r es L t d T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m Grant Amount 1,455,489.00 19,146.00 370,300.00 1,799,000.00 920,000.00 2,000,000.00 74,755.00 T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m P a th é P i c t u r es L t d T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m P a th é P i c t u r es L t d T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m DNA Films Limited P a th é P i c t u r es L t d T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m T he F i l m C o ns o r t i u m 412,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,348,009.00 1,006,379.00 500,000.00 15,000.00 13,200.00 200,000.00 29,147.54 10,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 18,750.00 15,000.00 12,222,175.54 Franchises P r o je c t Ti t l e A Wa y T h r ou g h T he Wo o d s A Wa y T h r ou g h th e W o o d s Clean Enduring Love G u y X - re s u b m i s s i o n Millions My Summer of Love ( A d d i t i on a l A p p l i c at i o n - O v e r c o s t ) M y S u m m e r o f L o v e - P r od u c t i o n Pride and Prejudice: The Bollywood Musical R i v er Q ue e n R i v er Q ue e n T h e M a g i c R o u n d a bo u t - A d d i t i o n a l P r o d u c t i o n A W o m a n o f N o Im p o r t a n c e C o n c r e te S l i p p e r s D e v e l o p m e n t O v e rh e a d C o n t ri b u ti o n G e tt i n g a nd S p e n d i n g Guy X - Development Funding T h e B at t l e o f H a s ti n g s T h e B es t M a n - A d d i t i o n a l aw a r d Bugs! Bugs! To t a l Source: UK Film Council F o r t h e m o s t re c e n t f un d i n g d e c i s i o n s b y ot h e r p u b l i c fu n d s c h e c k t h e f o l l ow i n g w e b s i t e s : N o r t h e r n I r el a n d F i l m C o m m i s s i o n : w w w. n i f c . c o . u k S c o t ti s h S c re e n : w w w. s c o t t i s h s c r e e n . c o m / S g r i n: w w w. s g r i n . c o . u k U K F i l m C o u n c i l w w w. u k f i l m c o u n c i l . o r g . u k BFI Information Services 321 The STATS: National Lottery MEDIA Plus Funding: UK Beneficiaries - 2003 Distribution Selective Scheme Development Single Project Company Awards Region John Cary Studios Living Doll Lupus Entertainment Arcimboldo Productions Crinkle Cut Motion Pictures Element Productions Moonbeam Films Poseidon Film Distributors 50 Cannon Entertainment Company Films Cowboy Films De Facto Films Fiesta Productions Flagmile Gorilla Entertainment Hotbed Media La Belle Allee Productions Loud Mouse Productions Scarlet Pictures Tiger Aspect Pictures Utah Films Wild Films Award (Euros) England Wales England England England Wales England England England England England N. Ireland England England England England Scotland England England England England Wales 50,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 England England England Scotland England England England England Wales Wales England England England England England England England England England England England 30,000 10,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 40,000 125,000 90,000 90,000 125,000 100,000 90,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 100,000 125,000 100,000 110,000 125,000 Slate Company Awards Optical Image Pesky Two Sides TV Blackwatch Productions Brook Lapping Productions Cheeky Productions Cyclops Vision Dan Films Deem Fiction Factory Fragile Films Gruber Films QI Random Harvest Pictures Scala Productions Sixteen Films Slate Films Steve Walsh Productions The Bureau Film Company Film and Music Entertainment Recorded Picture Company Total 2,790,000 company film title Optimum Releasing Pathe Distribution Artificial Eye Artificial Eye UGC Films UGC Films ICA Projects Parasol Peccadillo Releasing Axiom Films Soda Pictures Winchester Film Distribution UGC Films Nirgendwo in Afrika 25,000 It's All About Love 85,000 Le temps du loup 35,000 Noi Albinoi 25,000 Good Bye, Lenin! 60,000 Swimming Pool 100,000 Kitchen Stories 19,000 Son frere 20,000 Any Way the Wind Blows 20,000 La Finestra di Fronte 17,000 Los Lunes al Sol 45,000 Mieux que la vie 78,000 (aka Jeux d'enfants) Reconstruction 20,000 Rezervni Deli 9,000 Tais-toi! 74,000 (aka Les Tourtereaux) 632,000 Soda Pictures Soda Pictures UGC Films Total Distribution Automatic Scheme company Tartan Films Optimum Releasing Pathe Distribution Artificial Eye UGC Films Cinefrance Total amount (¤) 35,287 71,575 225,924 94,153 37,757 5,572 470,268 Festivals festival Cinemagic World Screen Festival for Young People Sheffield International Documentary Festival Brief Encounters International Short Film Festival Leeds International Film Festival Onedotzero Total amount (¤) 7,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 10,000 87,000 Training training provider Moonstone International: Screen Labs The Script Factory: Scene Insiders Draft Zero: The European Development Network Total i2i Growth & Audiovisual company Haystack Productions Scala Productions Total BFI Information Services amount (¤) 322 amount (¤) 300,000 175,000 176,302 651,302 amount (¤) 50,000 50,000 100,000 The STATS: National Lottery TV Broadcasting Company P r o g r a m m e Ti t l e U K n a ti o n TV4C K i r k P r o d u c ti o n s B o om er a n g Te l e v i s i o n Te l e d u O p u s Te l e v i s i o n Wild Dream Films Mosaic Films T h e C a n n i n g F ac t o r y Mentorn B r oo k L a p p i n g Faction Films Wa rk C l e m e n t s C h a r l o t te S t re e t F i l m s S p ac e L u n i es Kirk T h e C h o s en S e v e n The Normans T h e M ap M a k e r s A th e n s t h r ou g h th e H o o p s Ebb & Flo A n c i e nt C a t a c l y s m s T h e Ir a q Wa r - O n e Ye a r O n A p hr o d i te ' s D r o p S to r m i n t h e E a s t W h y We F i g h t England Wa l e s Wa l e s Wa l e s England England England England England England Scotland England To t a l amount 340,000 300,000 240,000 11 0 , 0 0 0 182,000 68,000 168,000 252,000 220,000 56,000 120,000 150,000 2 , 2 0 6 ,0 0 0 T h e U K M E D I A D e s k c a l c u l a te s r e s u lt s b a se d o n t h e r e le v a n t d ea d l i n e d a t e . T h e r e s u l t s f o r a p a r t i c u l a r y e a r i n c l u d e m o n i es a ll o c a t e d t o a l l d e a d l i n e s f a ll i n g w i t h in t h a t y e a r . BFI Information Services 323 The STATS: Cinema Frequency of Cinema-going 2003 Age Group 4 t o 14 15 to 24 25 to 34 35+ ABC1 C2DE Male Female To t a l N o . o f p e o p l e (m i l l i o n s ) 54.90 O n c e a m o n th o r m o re Less than once a month but at least twice a year Once a year or less 8.02 7.13 8.03 31.73 29.43 25.47 26.74 28.16 33% 52% 33% 14% 28% 21% 25% 24% 25% 47% 14% 34% 10% 40% 19.5% 34% 26% 43% 17.5% 30% 25.5% 36% 20% 38% 22% 37% 21% To t a l wh o e v e r g o t o t h e cinema 94% 96% 92.5% 74% 88.5% 76.5% 81% 84% 83% S o u r c e: C A A / C AV IA R 2 1 Top 20 Films at the UK Box Office 2003 Title Distributor 1 L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : R e tu r n o f t h e K i n g * 2 Finding Nemo 3 Love Actually 4 T h e M at r i x R e l o a d e d 5 T h e P i r a t es o f t h e C a r i b b e a n 6 Bruce Almighty 7 X-Men 2 8 C al e n d a r G ir l s 9 Johnny English 1 0 Te r m i n a t o r 3 : R i s e o f th e M a c h i n e s 11T h e M at r i x R e v o l u t io n s 1 2 A m e r i c a n P ie : T h e We d d i n g 13 Chicago 14 Elf 1 5 C a t c h M e I f Yo u C a n 1 6 Tw o W e e k s N o ti c e 1 7 8 M il e 1 8 C h a r l i e ’s A n g e ls : F u ll T h r o t t le 1 9 K i ll B i ll – Vo lu m e 1 2 0 G a n g s o f N e w Yo r k Entertainment B u e na Vi s t a UIP Wa r ne r B r o s B u e na Vi s t a B u e na Vi s t a 2 0 t h C e nt u r y F o x B u e na Vi s t a UIP C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Wa r ne r B r o s UIP B u e na Vi s t a Entertainment UIP Wa r ne r B r o s UIP C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r B u e na Vi s t a Entertainment Country of Origin US/NZ US UK/US US US US US UK/US UK/US US/DL US US US/CA US US US US/DL US US US Box Office Gross (£) 60,666,284 37,364,251 36,450,860 3 3 , 4 2 3 , 11 7 28,171,721 23,642,290 20,660,229 20,427,788 19,650,225 18,909,904 17,992,877 17,093,190 16,419,445 16,344,883 15,044,459 13,651,822 13,254,612 12,355,642 11 , 6 2 1 , 7 6 1 10,563,616 B ox o ff i c e g r o s s = c u m u l a t i v e t o ta l u p t o 2 2 M a r c h 2 0 0 4 . F i l m s w i th as t e r i s k ( * ) w er e s t i l l be i n g e x hi b i t e d o n 2 2 March 2004 S ou r c e : N i e l s e n E D I /U K F i l m C o un c i l a n a l y s i s BFI Information Services 324 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office 2003 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Love Actually Calendar Girls J o h n n y E n g li s h C o l d M o u n t a in * To m b R a id e r 2 The Hours Underworld Ve r o n i c a G u e r i n The Pianist S C lu b S e e i n g D o u b l e To u c h in g t h e Vo i d * Intermission In America Evelyn N i c h o l as N i c k l eb y B u f f a l o S o ld i e r s B r i g h t Yo u n g T h i n g s I Capture the Castle R i p l e y ’s G a m e Blackball Distributor Country of Origin UIP B u e n a Vi s t a UIP B u e n a Vi s t a UIP B u e n a Vi s t a Entertainment B u e n a Vi s t a Pathé C o l / Tr i S t a r Pathé B u e n a Vi s t a 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x Pathé 20th Fox Pathé Icon Momentum Entertainment Icon UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US/RO/IT UK/US/JP/DL UK/US UK/US UK/US/IRL UK/FR/DL/PL UK UK UK/IRL UK/IRL UK/IRL UK UK/DL UK UK UK UK B o x O f fi c e G r o s s (£m) 36,450,860 20,427,788 19,650,225 9 , 11 8 , 8 1 7 5,297,335 4,697,689 4,391,553 3,304,231 2,972,334 2,317,357 2,217,479 2,142,126 1,900,096 1,445,396 1,244,263 1,098,522 1,085,470 1,043,230 1 , 0 11 , 3 6 4 889,238 Box office gross = cumulative total up to 22 March 2004. Films with asterisk (*) were still being exhibited on 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI/UK Film Council analysis BFI Information Services 325 The STATS: Cinema UK Box Office for UK Feature Films released in 2003 - UK Films 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Ti t l e Distributor Country of Origin S C l u b S e e in g D o u b le To u c h i n g T h e Vo i d B r ig h t Yo u n g T h in g s I C a p t u r e T h e C a s t le Blackball The Mother In This World In The Name Of Buddha B o ll y w o o d Q u e e n R e v e n g e r ' s Tr a g e d y Steal Pure American Cousins Live Forever M r s . C al d i c o t ' s C a b b a g e Wa r Bodysong A i le e n : L if e A n d D e a t h O f A . . . Nine Dead Gay Guys Concert For George C i t iz e n Ve r d i c t Mr In-Between T h e L a t e Tw e n t i e t h D e v i l' s G a t e Shoreditch T h e D r a u g h t m a n ' s C o n t r a c t( R e ) T h is Is N o t A L o v e S o n g The Boy David Story O t h e r w o r ld E m o t i o n a l B a c kg am m o n C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r P a th e D i s t r i b u t i o n L t d . Icon Film Dist. M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s Icon Film Dist. M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s ICA Projects M i r a c l e C om m u ni c at i on s Redbus M e t r o Ta r t a n Redbus A r ti fi c i a l E y e Bard Helkon Sk A r r ow F i l m s P a th e D i s t r i b u t i o n L t d . Optimum Rel. Guerilla Films P a th e D i s t r i b u t i o n L t d . Georgia Films Ver v e P i c tu r e Ti m e l e s s P i c t u r e I n d e p e n de n t U k Georgia Films ICA Projects Soda Pictures Ratpack M i r a c l e C om m u ni c at i on s Buccaneer UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK To t a l B o x O f f i ce G r o ss ( £) 2,317,357 2,217,479 1,085,470 1,043,230 8 8 9 , 2 38 280,494 147,623 50,500 50,246 42,278 40,331 26,947 24,054 22,066 16,415 12,933 12,702 12,685 11 , 4 1 3 9,593 7,846 4,442 2,908 2,272 1,741 1,709 1,444 1,272 1,046 8,337,734 Other UK Co-productions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ti t l e Distributor Country of Origin To m b R a i d e r 2 Underworld Ve r o n i c a G u e r i n T h e P ia n i s t Intermission In America Evelyn N i c h o l a s N ic k l e b y B u ff a l o S o l d ie r s In The Cut Ripley's Game Yo u n g A d a m Swimming Pool Ned Kelly Song For A Raggy Boy The Actors L ' h o m m e D u Tr a i n S p i n T h e B o t tl e Spider The Good Thief To K il l A K i n g The Heart Of Me Max S u m m e r T h in g s W i lb u r Wa n t s To K i l l H i m s e l f Noi Albinoi The One And Only Petites Coupures The Hard Word The Shape Of Things UIP Entertainment B u e n a V i s t a In t l . P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . B u e n a V i s t a In t l . Tw en t i et h C e n tu r y F o x P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . Tw en t i et h C e n tu r y F o x P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . Entertainment Wa r n e r B r o s . Ugc Films UIP A b b e y H o m e E n t e r ta i n m e n t Momentum Pictures P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . B u e n a V i s t a In t l . Helkon Sk Momentum Pictures P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . Ugc Films I c o n F i l m D i s t. Artificial Eye P a t h e D i s t ri b u ti o n L t d . Artificial Eye M e t r o do m e D i s t . Momentum Pictures UK/US/DE/JP/NL UK/US/DE/HU UK/US/IRL UK/FR/DE/PL UK/IRL UK/IRL UK/US/DE/IRL/NL UK/US/DL/NL UK/US/DL US/AUS/UK UK/US/IT UK/FR UK/FR UK/AUS U K / I R L / D K /E S UK/US/RL UK/FR/DL UK/IRL UK/FR/CA/JP UK/FR/CA/IRL UK/DL UK/DL UK/CA/DL/HU UK/FR/IT UK/DK/SWE/FR IS/DL/UK/DK UK/FR FR/UK AU/UK US/FR/UK BFI Information Services 326 B o x O f f ic e Gross (£) 5,297,335 4,391,553 3,304,231 2,972,334 2 , 1 4 2 ,1 2 6 1,900,096 1,445,396 1,244,263 1,098,522 1,051,871 1 , 0 11 , 3 6 4 836,788 715,155 524,022 4 7 9 ,2 4 3 458,220 437,681 362,842 326,414 325,514 262,102 239,779 133,309 132,238 127,340 11 5 , 5 1 0 11 3 , 1 5 0 73,897 67,912 60,006 The STATS: Cinema 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Ti t l e Distributor Country of Origin Feardotcom The Last Great Wilderness Octane H o o v er S t r e e t R e v i va l Mystics Tak i n g S i d e s Miranda Innocence Puckoon Most Fertile Man In Ireland Ten M i n u t e s O ld e r : C e l l o Fogbound T h a t G i r l F r o m R io C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r F e a tu r e F i l m C o . B u e n a V i s ta In t l . M e tr o Ta r t a n M o m e n tu m P i c t u r e s G u e ri l l a F i l m s P a t h e D i s tr i b ut i o n L td . Capers Matcine G u e ri l l a F i l m s I an R a t t ra y F i l m s Blue Dolphin Blue Dolphin Helkon Sk UK/DL/LU/US UK/DK UK/LU UK/FR UK/IE U K / F R / D L / AT UK/DL U K / AT UK/IE/DL UK/IE UK/DL UK/NL UK/ES To t a l B o x O ff i c e Gross (£) 57,931 27,672 19,061 14,075 12,666 9,576 8,641 6,058 5,991 4,799 1,615 1,033 488 31,819,819 US/UK Co-productions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ti t l e Distributor C o u n t r y o f O r ig i n Love Actually C a l e n d a r Gi r l s J o h n n y E n g l is h Cold Mountain T h e I t a li a n J o b The Hours The Core H o p e S p r in g s W h a t A G i r l Wa n t s A l i e n - D i r e c to r ' s C u t Thirteen F o u r F e a th er s Heartlands I' l l B e T h er e T h e S a fe t y O f Ob je c t s U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . Wa rn e r B r o s . Tw e n ti e th C e n t u ry F ox U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . B u en a Vi s t a I n tl . Wa rn e r B r o s . Entertainment To t a l To t a l B o x O f f ic e G r o ss 36,450,860 20,427,788 19,650,225 9 , 11 8 , 8 1 7 7 , 7 1 3 , 4 11 4,697,689 1,591,786 1,062,100 873,699 543,350 2 7 6 , 4 11 164,725 72,228 30,688 8,231 102,682,008 143,039,561 Box office gross = cumulative total up to 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI, UK Film Council analysis BFI Information Services UK/US UK/US UK/US UK/US US/UK UK/US US/UK US/UK UK/US US/UK US/UK US/UK US/UK UK/US US/UK B o x O f f ic e Gross (£) 327 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 EU Films at the UK Box Office 2003 Ti t l e 1 Te r m i n a to r 3 : R is e Of M a c h in e s 2 8 M i le 3 F a r F r o m H e a v en 4 Wr o n g Tu r n 5 W h a l e R id er 6 C o n f e s s i o n s O f D a n g e r o u s M in d 7 Confidence 8 Go o d B y e , L e n in ! 9 T h e R u le s Of A t t r a c t i o n 1 0 T h e L i t t le P o l a r B e a r 11 B e l l ev i l le R e n d e z v o u s 1 2 T h e Tr a n s p o r t e r 1 3 E t r e E t Av o i r 1 4 T h e G o o d Gi r l 15 Russian Ark 16 Respiro 17 The Leopard (Re) 1 8 S i n E at e r 19 The In-Laws 20 Intacto Distributor C o u n t r y o f Or ig i n C o l u m b i a Tr i s t a r U n i t e d I n tl . P i c t u r e s Entertainment P a th e D i s t r i b u t i o n L t d . Icon Film Dist. B u e na Vi s t a I n tl . M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s UGC Films Icon Film Dist. Wa r ne r B r o s . M e t r o Ta r t a n Tw e n ti e th C e n t u r y F o x M e t r o Ta r t a n Tw e n ti e th C e n t u r y F o x A r ti fi c i a l E y e M e t r o Ta r t a n BFI Tw e n ti e th C e n t u r y F o x Wa r ne r B r o s . M o m e n t u m P i c tu r e s US/DL US/DL US/FR US/DL NZ/DL US/CA/DL US/CA/DL DL US/DL DL FR/BE/CA US/FR FR US/DL/NL RU/DL IT/FR IT/FR US/DL US/DL ES B o x O f f ic e Gross (£) 18,909,904 13,254,612 1,853,941 1,569,243 1,517,346 1,457,769 1,189,939 1,151,696 1,130,854 784,162 740,726 715,561 7 0 8 , 11 6 523,393 471,505 359,413 346,807 328,039 324,408 299,743 Box office gross = cumulative total up to 22 March 2004. Films exclude UK and UK co-productions Source: Nielsen EDI/UK Film Council analysis Top 20 Foreign Language Films Released in the UK 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ti t l e Distributor City Of God Kal Ho Naa Ho Good Bye, Lenin! Spirited Away The Little Polar Bear C h al t e C h a l te Baghban B e l l e v il l e R e n d ez v o u s E t r e E t Av o i r K o i. . .M i l G a y a M a in P r e m K i D i w a n i H o o n R u ss i a n A r k D i l K a R is h t a a L ' H o m m e d u Tr a i n Respiro T h e L e o p ar d Andaaz Armaan Intacto K u ch N a a K a h o B ue n a V i s t a Ya s h R a j F i l m s UGC Films Optimum Rel. War n e r B r o s . Eros Eros M e t r o Ta r t a n M e t r o Ta r t a n Ya s h R a j F i l m s Ya s h R a j F i l m s A rt i fi c i a l E y e Ve n u s F i l m s Pathé M e t r o Ta r t a n bfi Ti p To p Eros Momentum Eros Figures as at 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI/BBFC/UK Film Council analysis BFI Information Services 328 Country of Origin BR IN DL US/JP DL IN IN/UK FR/BE/CA FR IN IN RU/DL IN UK/FR/DL IT/FR IT/FR IN IN ES IN B o x O f f ic e G r o s s ( £) 2,372,951 1,671,690 1,151,696 973,037 784,162 775,552 748,028 740,726 7 0 8 , 11 6 647,035 547,245 471,505 446,480 437,681 359,413 346,807 317,530 316,524 299,743 266,705 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Country of Origin 2003 Te r r i t o r i e s No. of Titles B o x Of f i c e % of Box G r o s s ( £ m ) O f f i ce G r o s s USA solo U S A c o - p r o d u c ti o n s ( o t h e r ) UK and UK co-productions USA/UK Europe India R e s t o f t h e wo r ld 133 53 59 16 66 56 40 512.31 164.74 20.55 109.56 7.85 8.13 6.58 61.7 19.9 2.50 13.2 0.90 1.00 0.80 To t a l 423 829.71 100 Box office gross = cumulative total up to 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI/UK Film Council analysis Top 10 UK Films Released in the US in 2003 by US Box Office Revenue Ti t le 1 C o ld M o u n t a i n 2 L a r a C r o f t To m b R a id e r 2 : The Cradle Of Life 3 Love Actually 4 Underworld 5 28 Days Later 6 W h a t A G i r l Wa n t s 7 B e n d I t L i k e B ec k h a m 8 C a le n d a r G ir l s 9 Johnny English 10In America D i s tr ib u to r ( U S ) Country of Origin B o x O ff i c e Gross ($) Miramax Paramount UK/US/RO/IT UK/US/JP/DL 95,313,718 6 5 , 6 60 , 1 9 6 Universal S o n y P i c t u re s F o x S e a rc h l i g h t Wa rn e r B r o s . F o x S e a rc h l i g h t B u e na Vi s t a Universal F o x S e a rc h l i g h t UK/US UK/US/DL/HU UK/NL/US UK/US UK/DL UK/US UK/US UK/IE 59,393,405 51,483,949 45,064,915 3 6 , 0 17 , 0 1 4 32,543,449 3 1 , 0 11 , 6 1 6 28,082,366 15,436,796 Source: Neilsen EDI/UK Film Council analysis BFI Information Services 329 The STATS: Cinema Top 20 of Admissions of Films Distributed in the European Union in 2003 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C o u n t r y o f Or ig i n Admissions US US US US/NZ USA/NZ US US US /DL US US/DL UK/US US US UK/US US/AU US US/JP US US US 37,714,270 31,903,696 28,990,197 27,343,536 27,221,839 22,015,534 18,349,309 17,267,985 16,432,648 14,095,363 13,779,900 13,547,808 13,304,095 12,566,125 11 , 9 1 3 , 6 4 6 10,429,492 9,785,243 9,774,108 9,709,159 9,483,666 F in d in g N e m o T h e M a t r i x R e lo a d e d P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : B la c k P e a r l T h e L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : T h e Tw o To w e r s * The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Bruce Almighty T h e M a t r i x R e vo lu t i o n s Te r m i n a to r 3 : R is e o f t h e M a c h i n e s C a t c h M e If Yo u C a n A m er ic a n We d d i n g J o h n n y E n g l is h X 2 : X -M e n U n it e d 8 M i le Love Actually The Jungle Book 2 Bad Boys 2 T h e R in g * * Chicago *** Tw o We e k s N o t ic e Ga n g s o f N e w Yo r k *25 611 709 admissions in Europe in 2002 **303 792 admissions in Europe in 2002 ***24 865 admissions in Europe in 2002 Based on data from 21 European countries Source : European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIER Top 20 of Admissions of European Films Distributed in the European Union in 2003 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Country of Origin J o h n n y E n g l is h Love Actually Go o d B y e , L e n in ! Ta x i 3 Die Another Day * Calendar Girls L a g r a n av e n t u r a d e M o r ta d e l o y F i le m ó n Chouchou Ta i s - t o i The Pianist** Das Wunder von Bern Natale in India 2 8 D a y s L at e r * * * Días de fútbol Luther La beuze L a f i n e st r a d i f r o n t e D a s F l i e g e n d e K l as s e n z i m m e r Ricordati di me Il p a r ad is o al l ' i m p r o v vi s o U K /U S U K /U S DL FR U K /U S UK ES FR FR FR/DL /UK/PL DL IT UK ES DL FR IT/ PT DL IT/FR/UK IT *19 757 094 admissions in Europe in 2002 ** 4 920 127 admissions in Europe in 2002 ***1 362 045 admissions in Europe (UK) in 2002 Based on data from 21 European countries Source : European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIERE BFI Information Services 330 Admissions 13,779,900 12,566,125 9,209,683 7,378,194 6,048,188 5,103,315 4,979,991 3,989,163 3,472,059 3,266,755 3,253,216 2,594,918 2,517,056 2,424,949 2,342,972 2,042,933 1,967,024 1,870,041 1,868,152 1,829,916 The STATS: Cinema Breakdown of UK Box Office by Distributor in 2003 Distributor Buena Vista Intl. United Intl. Pictures Warner Bros. Columbia Tristar Twentieth Century Fox Total Majors Entertainment Pathe Distribution Ltd. Momentum Pictures Icon Film Dist. Redbus Metro Tartan Eros International Ltd. Yash Raj Films Optimum Rel. Helkon Sk UGC Films Winchester Films Artificial Eye Metrodome Dist. BFI Venus Entertainment Abbey Home Entertainment ICA Projects Venus Films Tip Top Entertainment Tartan Films Bollywood Films Gurpreet Video Intl. Twenty First Century Film Soda Pictures Shree Krishna Film Spark Ent. Miracle Communications City Screen Movie Box Eclipse Pictures Maiden Voyage Pictures Peccadillo Pictures Himalayan Motion Pictures Rio Dist. Medusa Guerilla Films Feature Film Co. Bard Axiom Films Arrow Films Palm Pictures Georgia Films Cinefrance Circuit Film Titles Box Office (£) 39 29 17 31 24 224,605,319 195,763,176 81,665,144 80,026,369 69,310,342 140 651,370,350 17 22 20 8 5 20 17 3 20 5 3 4 21 5 10 11 1 8 1 3 5 8 6 1 6 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 115,515,057 17,925,974 9,585,811 5,532,683 4,143,872 3,734,332 3,033,707 2,865,970 2,515,211 2,349,619 1,999,089 1,986,893 1,332,599 937,759 704,722 561,695 479,243 454,584 446,480 423,731 215,361 187,274 163,200 151,987 150,550 139,352 121,946 83,028 55,838 54,610 53,101 50,351 46,961 46,461 41,841 40,026 28,252 27,672 24,054 20,388 17,494 12,632 11,865 9,471 9,026 Distributor Verve Picture Metropolis Films Capers Matcine Ian Rattray Films Timeless Picture Mandrake Media Independent Uk Blue Dolphin Millivres Gala Ratpack Park Circus Films Buccaneer Hyde Park Pictures Ltd. P-Kino Rafu Miah Total Independents Total Box Office (£) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,846 6,263 6,058 4,799 4,442 3,367 2,908 2,648 2,513 1,932 1,444 1,134 1,046 901 285 282 282 423 178,439,640 829,709,990 Box Office gross for period 3 January 2003 to 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI BFI Information Services Titles 331 The STATS: Cinema Top 10 Indian Movies in the UK Ti t l e Distributor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ya s h Ya s h Eros Ya s h Ya s h Ya s h Ya s h Eros Eros Eros Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham K u c h K u c h H o t a H ai Devdas Kal Ho Naa Ho Mohabbatein D il To P a g a l H a i Mujse Dosti Karoge! C h a lt e C h a l t e Baghban H u m Tu m h a r e H a in S a n a m Raj Raj 2001 1998 2002 2003 2000 1997 2002 2003 2003 2002 Raj Raj Raj Raj Box office gross up to 22 March 2004 Source: Nielsen EDI BFI Information Services Ye a r o f R e l e a s e 332 To ta l B o x O f f i c e ( £ ) 2,498,281 1,750,000 1,742,553 1,671,690 1,100,000 990,000 831,000 775,552 748,028 671,215 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental VHS Titles in the UK 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ti t l e Distributor Country M y B i g F a t Gr ee k We d d i n g ( P G ) S ig n s ( 1 2 ) T h e B o u r n e I d e n t it y ( 1 2 ) C a t c h M e I f Yo u C a n ( 1 2 ) Road to Perdition (15) M e n In B l a c k I I ( P G ) G a n g s o f N e w Yo r k ( 1 8 ) Minority Report (12) The Ring (15) 28 Days Later (18) xXx (12) I n s o m n ia ( 1 5 ) About a Boy (12) One Hour Photo (15) The Sum of all Fears (12) R e ig n o f F i r e ( 1 2 ) Johnny English (PG) Tw o W e e k s N o ti c e ( 1 2 ) Phone Booth (15) M r. D e e d s ( 1 2 ) EV Buena Vista Universal Universal Fox Pathé C ol u m b i a Tr i S t a r EV Fox Pathé Universal Fox Pathé C ol u m b i a Tr i S t a r Buena Vista Universal Fox Pathé Paramount Buena Vista Universal Wa r n e r Fox Pathé C ol u m b i a Tr i S t a r US US US US US US US US US UK/US/NL US US UK/US US US UK/IE/US UK/US US US US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Rental DVD Titles in the UK 2003 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 S ig n s ( 1 2 ) C a t c h M e I f Yo u C a n ( 1 2 ) T h e B o u r n e I d e n t i ty ( 1 2 ) M y B i g F a t Gr ee k We d d i n g ( P G ) The Ring (15) Phone Booth (15) 28 Days Later (18) Road to Perdition (15) G a n g s o f N e w Yo r k ( 1 8 ) xXx (12) J o h n n y E n g li s h ( P G ) B r u c e A lm ig h t y ( 1 2 ) C h a n g i n g L an es ( 1 5 ) P ir at e s o f t h e C a r ib b e a n ( 1 2 ) Red Dragon (15) One Hour Photo (15) Tw o W e e k s N o ti c e ( 1 2 ) M r. D e e d s ( 1 2 ) M e n In B l a c k I I ( P G ) T h e M a t r ix R e l o a d e d ( 1 5 ) Distributor Country B u e na Vi s t a Universal Universal EV Universal F o x P a th é F o x P a th é F o x P a th é EV C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal B u e na Vi s t a Paramount B u e na Vi s t a Universal F o x P a th é Wa r n e r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Wa r n e r US US US US US US UK/US/NL US US US UK/US US US US US US US US US US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA BFI Information Services 333 The STATS: Video Top 20 Rental Videos VHS & DVD in the UK 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ti t l e Distributor Country Signs (12) My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG) T h e B o u r n e Id e n t it y ( 1 2 ) C a tc h m e i f y o u c a n ( 1 2 ) R o a d t o P e r d i t io n ( 1 5 ) The Ring (15) G a n g s o f N e w Yo r k ( 1 8 ) 28 Days Later (18) Phone Booth (15) xXx (12) Men in Black II (PG) Johnny English (PG) One Hour Photo (15) Tw o W e ek s N o t i c e ( 1 2 ) Changing Lanes (15) Insomnia (15) R e ig n o f F i r e ( 1 2 ) M r. D e ed s ( 1 2 ) Red Dragon (15) B r u c e A l m ig h t y ( 1 2 ) B u e n a Vi s t a EV Universal Universal F ox P a th é Universal EV F ox P a th é F ox P a th é C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal F ox P a th é Wa r n e r Paramount B u e n a Vi s t a B u e n a Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal B u e n a Vi s t a US US US US US US/JP US UK/US/NL US US US UK/US US US US US UK/US/IE US US US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail VHS Titles in the UK 2003 Ti t l e 1 Harry Potter and t h e C h a m b e r o f S e c r e t s ( P G) 2 The Lord of the Rings T h e Tw o To w e r s ( 1 2 ) 3 L i lo & S t i t c h ( U ) 4 S t u a r t L it t l e 2 ( U ) 5 I ce A g e ( U ) 6 Pirates of the Caribbean T h e C u r s e o f t h e B la c k P e ar l ( 1 2 ) 7 Spiderman (12) 8 Snow Dogs (PG) 9 B r id g et J o n e s ' s D i ar y ( 1 5 ) 1 0 B e d k n o b s a n d B r o o m s t ic k s ( U ) 11 M i c ke y ' s M a g i c al C h r i s t m a s S n o w e d In ( U ) 1 2 S t u a r t L it t l e ( U ) 13 Signs (12) 14 The Lord of the Rings T h e F e l l o w s h ip o f t h e R i n g ( P G ) 15 Die Another Day 16 Dirty Dancing (15) 17 Grease (PG) 1 8 P e t e r K a y - L iv e a t t h e B o lt o n A l b e r t H a l ls ( 1 5 ) 19 The Matrix (15) 2 0 W i ll y W o n k a & t h e C h o c o l a te F a c t o r y ( U ) Source: Rental Monitor/BVA BFI Information Services 334 Distributor Country Wa r n e r UK/US EV US/NZ B u e n a Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r 2 0 th C e n t u ry F o x B u e n a Vi s t a US US US US C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r B u e n a Vi s t a Universal B u e n a Vi s t a B u e n a Vi s t a US US UK/US US US C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r B u e n a Vi s t a EV US US US/NZ MGM C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Paramount Universal UK/US US US UK Wa r n e r Wa r n e r US US The STATS: Video Top 20 Retail DVD Titles in the UK 2003 Ti t l e 1 The Lord of the Rings T h e Tw o To w e r s ( 1 2 ) 2 Pirates of the Caribbean T h e C u r s e o f t h e B l a ck P e a r l ( 1 2 ) 3 H a r r y P o t t e r an d the Chamber of Secrets (PG) 4 T h e M a t r i x R e lo ad ed ( 1 5 ) 5 The Lord of the Rings T h e F e l l o w s h ip o f t h e R i n g ( P G ) 6 Bruce Almighty (12) 7 Peter Kay - Live at t h e B o l t o n A lb e r t H a l l s ( 1 5 ) 8 Die Another Day (12) 9 X-Men 2 (12) 10 The Lion King (U) 11 T h e M a t r i x ( 1 5 ) 1 2 8 M i le ( 1 5 ) 13 xXx (12) 1 4 T h e O f f i ce T h e C o m p l et e S e c o n d S e r i e s ( - ) 1 5 S p i d e r m an ( 1 2 ) 1 6 Ter m i n a t o r 3 R i s e o f th e M a c h in es ( 1 2 ) 17 Chicago (12) 1 8 L i lo & S t i tc h ( U ) 1 9 O c ea n ' s E l e v e n ( 1 2 ) 20 Signs (12) Distributor Country EV US/NZ B u e n a Vi s t a US Wa r n e r UK/US Wa r n e r EV US US/NZ B u e n a Vi s t a Universal US UK MGM 2 0 th C e n t u ry F ox B u e n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r Universal C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r BBC UK/US US US US US US UK C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r US US B u e n a Vi s t a B u e n a Vi s t a Wa r n e r B u e n a Vi s t a US/CA US US US Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Top 20 Retail Combined Videos VHS & DVD in the UK 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Distributor Country The Lord of the Rings T h e Tw o To w e r s ( 1 2 ) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) P i r a t es o f t h e C a r i b b e a n The Curse of the Black Pearl (12) T h e M a t r i x R el o a d e d ( 1 5 ) The Lord of the Rings T h e F e l lo w s h i p o f t h e R in g ( P G ) Peter Kay - Live at the B o l t o n A lb e r t H a l l s ( 1 5 ) L il o & S t it c h ( U ) Die Another Day (12) Bruce Almighty (12) Spiderman (12) The Matrix (15) The Lion King (U) 8 M il e ( 1 5 ) X-Men 2 (12) Signs (12) Chicago (12) S t a u r t L i t t le 2 ( U ) Ice Age (U) Te r m in at o r 3 R i s e o f t h e M ac h i n e s ( 1 2 ) T h e O f f ic e t h e C o m p l et e S e c o n d S e r i e s ( 1 5 ) EV US/NZ Wa r n e r UK/US Buena Vista US Wa r n e r US EV Universal US/NZ UK Buena Vista MGM Buena Vista C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Wa r n e r Buena Vista Universal 20th Century Fox Buena Vista Buena Vista C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r 20th Century Fox C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r US UK/US US US US US US US US US/CA US US US BBC UK Source: Rental Monitor/BVA BFI Information Services 335 The STATS: Video Distributors’ Share of UK Rental Transactions (%) 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Distributor % sh a r e Fox Pathé/MGM Universal Buena Vista C o l u m b ia Tr i S t a r EV Wa r n e r / I c o n / R e d b u s Paramount Momentum High Fliers/DEJ Redbus 19.28 16.08 15.92 13.66 9.92 9.90 5.97 3.02 1.55 1.40 Includes DVD and VHS Source: Rental Monitor/BVA Retail Company Market Share by Volume (%) 2003 Distributor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % share Wa r n e r Buena Vista Universal 20th Century Fox C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r EV Paramount VCI MGM BBC Includes DVD and VHS Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 336 17.1 13.6 11 . 2 10.2 9.9 6.1 5.8 5.2 4.8 3.3 The STATS: Television Multichannel Subscriber Numbers 2003 Number of TV Households (millions) 24.617 Number of Multichannel TV Households (millions) 12.66 Operator Analogue (millions) Digital (millions) Total BSkyB ADSL 6.893 0.009 6.893 0.009 Freeview Other Free to Air Cable 0.978 3.287 0.211 2.325 3.287 0.211 3.303 Total 0.978 12.361 13.39 Source: Ofcom Top 25 Programmes for all Terrestrial Channels 2003 Only top rated episodes of each series are included Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 C o r o n a t io n S t r e e t Eastenders On ly F o o l s a n d H o r s e s M il l io n a ir e To n ig h t S p e c i a l M ic h a e l J a c k s o n To n i g h t S p e c i al Heartbeat I’ m a C e l e b r i t y – G e t M e Ou t o f H e r e ! B i l ly E l li o t A To u c h o f F r o s t The Royal E m m e r d a le C o m ic R e l ie f Rosemary and Thyme P o p Id o l C o l d F ee t Prime Suspect 6 U E FA C h a m p i o n s L e ag u e L i v e Children in Need T h e B il l Te n O ’C l o c k N e w s Antiques Roadshow My Family P o m p ei i – T h e L a s t D a y M id s o m e r M u r d e r s Casualty Channel ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 Only the top rated episode of each series is included Source: TARiS Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 337 TX date 24/02/03 29/09/03 25/12/03 21/04/03 03/02/03 12/01/03 12/05/03 01/01/03 03/03/03 19/01/03 10/02/03 14/03/03 31/08/03 20/12/03 16/03/03 0 9 / 11 / 0 3 23/04/03 2 1 / 11 / 0 3 30/10/03 2 1 / 11 / 0 3 09/02/03 04/04/03 20/10/03 0 2 / 11 / 0 3 01/03/03 A u d i en ce ( m ) 1 9 .4 1 6 .7 1 6 .4 1 6 .1 1 5 .3 1 2 .8 1 2 .7 1 2 .7 1 2 .2 1 2 .0 11 .9 11 .7 11 .1 11 .0 1 0 .7 1 0 .5 1 0 .5 1 0 .5 1 0 .4 1 0 .3 1 0 .2 1 0 .2 1 0 .1 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 The STATS: Television Top 25 Original Drama Productions 2003 Includes Soap Operas, Series, Serials and UK TV Movies. Audience figures are for highest rated episodes of each production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ti t l e Channel Producer T x d at e C o r o n a t io n S t r e e t Eastenders Heartbeat A To u c h o f F r o s t The Royal Emmerdale Rosemary and Thyme C o l d F ee t Prime Suspect 6 T h e B il l M id s o m e r M u r d e r s Casualty Jo n a t h a n C r e e k Holby City F o y l e ’s War T h e B o o z e C r u is e W il l ia m a n d M a r y M o n a r c h o f t h e G le n Blue Murder The Lost Prince D a n i e l le C a b l e - E ye W it n e s s S u s p i c io n S i le n t W i t n e s s Wa k in g T h e D e a d H e n r y V I II ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 Granada BBC Yo r k s h i r e Yo r k s h i r e Yo r k s h i r e Yo r k s h i r e Carnival Films Carlton Granada Fremantle B e n tl e y P r o d u c t i o n s BBC BBC BBC G r e e n l i t P r o d u c ti o ns Yo r k s h i r e Meridian E c os s e F i l m s Granada Fremantle Granada Granada BBC BBC Granada 24/02/03 29/09/03 12/01/03 03/03/03 19/01/03 10/02/03 31/08/03 16/03/03 0 9 / 11 / 0 3 30/10/03 0 2 / 11 / 0 3 01/03/03 08/03/03 16/12/03 07/12/03 07/09/03 27/04/03 28/09/03 18/05/03 26/01/03 14/04/03 08/09/03 25/10/03 06/10/03 12/10/03 Source:TARiS Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB TV Advertising Revenue 2003 ITV C h a n n el 4 Five GMTV To t al t e r r e st r ia l Sky Others To t al N o n - Te r r e s t r i a l To t al N e t R e v e n u e BFI Information Services £m Share % Sponsorship (£m) 1484 625.5 249 58 2,416.5 284 580 860 3,280.5 45 19 8 2 74 8 18 26 100 35 17 7 3 62 n/a n/a 39 101 338 Share % 35 17 7 3 62 n/a n/a 39 100 Audience(m) 1 9 .4 1 6 .7 1 2 .8 1 2 .2 1 2 .0 11 .9 11 .1 1 0 .7 1 0 .5 1 0 .4 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 9 .9 9 .8 9 .7 9 .7 9 .6 9 .2 8 .9 8 .9 8 .6 8 .6 8 .5 8 .4 8 .4 The STATS: Television UK TV Films Premiered 2003 British TV films, single dramas and drama documentaries shown on UK terrestrial TV during 2003. Single feature length films shown on British television and transmissions of feature films funded by UK broadcasters which may have had a previous theatrical release are marked by * Title Tx date Audience (m) Writer Director BBC1 Billy Elliot* The Gathering Storm Up'n'Under* New Tricks Kevin and Perry Go Large* Arthur's Dyke* Enemy at the Gates* The Young Visiters 1-Jan 5-Jan 23-Feb 27-Mar 17-May 23-Aug 29-Nov 26-Dec 12.7 4.2 1.8 6.7 5.5 2.7 3.9 3.9 Lee Hall Larry Ramin, Hugh Whitemore John Godber Nigel McCrery, Roy Mitchell Dave Cummings, Harry Enfield Robb Stringle Jean-Jacques Annaud, Alain Godard Partick Barlow Stephen Daldry Richard Loncraine John Godber Graham Theakston Ed Bye Gerry Poulson Jean-Jacques Annaud David Yates 2-Jan 15-Jan 26-Jan 1-Feb 23-Feb 19-Mar 22-Mar 26-Mar 28-Mar 22-Jun 26-Jul 3-Aug 4-Oct 2-Nov 20-Dec 5.8 2.1 0.4 0.9 0.3 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.7 1.1 1.6 0.8 1.6 0.5 3.1 Jim Cartwright, Mark Herman Colin Bateman Robert Farrar Simon Beaufoy Simon Mirren Rosemary Kay Roddy Doyle Rona Munro Philippa Gregory, Philippa Lowthorpe Gerard Stembridge Richard Cottan William Trevor, Atom Egoyan Nick Dear William Boyd John Bayley, Richard Eyre, Charles Wood Mark Herman Declan Lowney Rose Troche Sam Miller John Strickland Sarah Gavron Kieron J Walsh Antonia Bird Philippa Lowthorpe Thaddeus O'Sullivan Susanna White Atom Egoyan Simon Cellan Jones William Boyd Richard Eyre Pollyanna B Monkey* 1-Jan 14-Jan 7.5 0.8 Sarah Harding Michael Radford 20-Jan 24-Feb 11-Apr 14-Apr 16-Apr 7-Sep 15-Sep 21-Sep 28-Sep 5-Oct 29-Oct 19-Nov 10-Dec 17-Dec 21-Dec 30-Dec 31-Dec 7.5 7.4 4.2 8.6 5.9 9.7 7.3 7.9 5.4 6.6 6.2 4.9 0.7 5.7 8.0 9.1 5.4 Eleanor H. Porter, Simon Nye Andrew Davies, Chloe King, Michael Radford, Michael Thomas Chris Lang Matthew Hall, Margaret Leroy Kingsley Amis, Jack Rosenthal Kate Brooke, Terry Winsor Marian Keyes Brian Leveson, Paul Minett Joanna Hines, Barbara Machin John Flanagan, Andrew McCulloch Andrew Davies Agatha Christie, Laura Lamson Kay Mellor Tim Loane Simon Moore, Jane Prowse Philip Davison Rob Heyland Kate O'Riordan Glenn Chandler Unconditional Love Loving You Lucky Jim Danielle Cable - Eye Witness Watermelon The Booze Cruise Carla Margery and Gladys Boudica Sparkling Cyanide Gifted Reversals Up on the Roof* The Crooked Man Promoted to Glory The Return The Brides in the Bath Tea With Mussolini* The Match* Sexy Beast* 1-Jan 23-Feb 30-Mar 2.2 0.2 2.2 Franco Zeffirelli Mick Davis Jonathan Glazer Rancid Aluminium* My Life So Far* Do I Love You? Straw Dogs* 7-Apr 14-Jun 30-Jul 10-Aug 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.7 Don't Go Breaking My Heart* The Deal Adult at 14: Pleasureland Orphans* Little Otik* Get Real* Gregory's Two Girls* Late Night Shopping* 7-Sep 28-Sep 16-Nov 17-Nov 25-Nov 2-Dec 8-Dec 27-Dec 0.2 1.5 2.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 Franco Zeffirelli, John Mortimer Mick Davis Louis Mellis, David Scinto, Andrew Michael Jolley James Hawes Denis Forman, Simon Donald Lisa Gornick Gordon Williams, David Zelag Goodman, Sam Peckinpah Geoff Morrow Peter Morgan Helen Blakeman Peter Mullan Jan Svankmajer Patrick Wilde Bill Forsyth Jack Lothian 3-Jul 1-Oct 15-Dec 23-Dec 1.4 2.2 1.3 0.1 Joel Hershman Guy Ritchie Tim Prager, Andrew Wakefield Tony Clarke Joel Hershman Guy Ritchie Tim Fywell Bob Keen BBC2 Little Voice* Wild About Harry* Bedrooms and Hallways* Among Giants* GMT Greenwich Mean Time* This Little Life When Brendan Met Trudy Rehab The Other Boleyn Girl Ordinary Decent Criminal* Love Again Felicia's Journey* Eroica The Trench* Iris* ITV1 Ferdinand Fairfax Jean Stewart Robin Sheppard Adrian Shergold Kieron J. Walsh Paul Seed Diarmuid Lawrence Geoffrey Sax Bill Anderson Tristram Powell Douglas Mackinnon David Evans Simon Moore David Drury Richard Spence Dermot Boyd Harry Bradbeer CHANNEL 4 Edward Thomas Hugh Hudson Lisa Gornick Sam Peckinpah Willi Patterson Stephen Frears Brian Percival Peter Mullan Jan Svankmajer Simon Shore Bill Forsyth Saul Metzstein Five Greenfingers* Snatch* Hear the Silence Jim's Gift Source: DGA Metrics, BARB, RSU BFI Information Services 339 The STATS: Television Top 25 Feature Films Shown on Terrestrial TV 2003 Ti t l e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 B i l ly E l li o t Cast Away The Sixth Sense In d i a n a J o n es a n d t h e L as t C r u s a d e D r. D o li t t l e T h e Wo r ld i s N o t E n o u g h The Thomas Crown Affair The Full Monty Goldeneye M ee t t h e P a r e n t s X-Men To m o r r o w N e v e r D i e s In d e p e n d e n c e D a y B i l ly E l li o t Double Jeopardy Kindergarten Cop T h e B o n e C o ll e c t o r Chicken Run Raiders of the Lost Ark M en i n B la c k M is s i o n : I m p o ss i b l e I I Kiss the Girls To m o r r o w N e v e r D i e s In d i a n a J o n es a n d t h e Te m p le of Doom 2 5 T h e W h o le N i n e Ya r d s Country Ye a r Channel UK/FR US US US US UK/US US UK/US UK/US US US UK/US US UK/FR US US US UK/US US US US US UK/US US 2000 2000 1999 1989 1998 1999 1999 1997 1995 2000 2000 1997 1996 2000 1999 1990 2000 2000 1981 1997 2000 1998 1997 1984 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 ITV1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 ITV1 BBC1 US 2000 ITV1 Source:TARiS Taylor Nelson Sofres/BARB BFI Information Services 340 Audience (m) 12.66 9.60 9.05 8.78 8.21 7.83 7.66 7.66 7.46 7.40 7.22 7.18 7.13 7.07 6.90 6.89 6.84 6.83 6.78 6.78 6.77 6.72 6.70 6.70 6.64 Cumulative Tables FILM PRODUCTION Number of UK Feature Films Produced 1912 - 2003 342 CINEMA Cinema Admissions, Box Office, Ticket Prices 1933 - 2003 (millions) UK Cinema Circuits 1984 - 2001 s(sites) and scr(screens) Sites and Screens in the UK 1984-2003 Cinema-going - 19 Year Trends All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Total Lottery Grants to the cultural sector (£m) UK Cinema Advertising Revenue 1985 - 2001 343 344 344 345 345 346 346 VIDEO All Time Top 20 Rental Video in the UK 2003 All Time Top 20 Retail Video in the UK 2003 The UK Video/DVD Market 1986-2000 BBFC Censorship of Videos 1992 - 2001 UK Video Games Market 1997 - 2001 347 347 348 348 348 TELEVISION Cable and Satellite Penetration 1986 - 1999 Trends in Television Viewing 1969 - 2000 Average Audience Share of TV Channels (%) 349 349 349 GENERAL STATISTICS 1986 - 2001 350 The STATS: Film Production Number of UK Feature Films Produced 1912-2003 Year No.Titles Year No.Titles 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2 18 15 73 107 66 76 122 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 113 95 93 82 83 88 92 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 155 137 110 68 49 33 33 48 80 81 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 97 96 104 99 88 81 80 50 54 61 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 75 93 110 115 145 165 192 176 134 84 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 31 24 40 51 53 54 41 55 48 30 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 50 46 39 47 35 39 41 58 74 101 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 60 59 47 67 84 78 128 116 88 100 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 125 114 117 138 150 110 108 138 121 122 122 117 114 2000 2001 2002 2003 98 96 105 109 Source: Screen Digest/Screen Finance/bfi BFI Information Services 342 The STATS: Cinema UK Cinema Admissions, Box Office, Ticket Prices 1933-2003 Year admissions (m) gross box office (£) av.ticket price (p) 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 903.00 950.00 912.33 917.00 946.00 987.00 990.00 1,027.00 1,309.00 1,494.00 1,541.00 1,575.00 1,585.00 1,635.00 1,462.00 1,514.00 1,430.00 1,395.80 1,365.00 1,312.10 1,284.50 1,275.80 1,181.80 1,100.80 915.20 754.70 581.00 500.80 449.10 395.00 357.20 342.80 326.60 288.80 264.80 237.30 214.90 193.00 176.00 156.60 134.20 138.50 116.30 103.90 103.50 126.10 111.90 101.00 86.00 64.00 65.70 54.00 72.00 75.50 78.50 84.00 94.50 97.37 100.29 103.64 114.36 123.53 114.56 123.80 139.30 135.50 139.75 142.50 155.91 176.00 167.30 - 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.4 5.0 5.8 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.5 7.9 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.0 9.5 10.2 11.1 11.6 12.7 13.3 14.4 15.4 16.8 18.9 20.6 21.8 24.3 26.8 30.6 34.3 37.9 43.2 50.0 61.2 73.0 82.6 93.7 113.3 134.4 163.6 166.9 189.5 175.9 174.4 187.6 215.1 230.0 240.0 266.0 290.0 311.0 311.0 315.0 343.0 344.0 368.0 383.0 380.0 400.0 414.0 429.0 443.0 38.60 39.90 41.50 41.70 44.90 65.00 87.20 103.50 118.80 114.20 118.80 105.40 108.80 103.30 105.20 108.30 109.90 108.80 110.00 105.80 104.20 92.90 83.40 67.50 63.60 59.80 56.90 55.10 57.50 61.70 59.40 57.60 57.70 57.70 59.00 60.30 59.40 58.00 69.30 71.20 75.80 85.50 118.20 126.80 135.70 135.80 106.80 124.50 102.70 122.80 142.00 168.60 193.20 226.00 261.00 295.00 322.00 319.00 364.00 383.70 426.00 506.27 514.73 570.50 577.28 692.23 755.00 742.00 Source: Kine Year Books/Board of Trade/Dept of Trade & Industry/CAA/Screen Digest/Nielsen EDI/Screen Finance BFI Information Services 343 The STATS: Cinema UK Cinema Circuits 1984-2003 s (sites) scr (screens) ABC s 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 92 80 81 58 UGC Cine UK *(ex-Virgin) Odeon** Showcase UCI scr s scr scr s scr s 244 225 234 180 158 173 154 140 142 142 136 131 125 119 116 24 29 34 36 41 41 43 41 403* 443* 408* 379* 388* 411* 435* 422* 408* 402* 406* 162* 213* 290* 312 363 386 405 389 24 66 116 146 219 276 333 357 76 74 75 73 75 75 75 75 75 76 71 73 73 79 79 118 103 97 98 194 190 203 214 241 266 296 313 322 327 320 362 362 415 415 634 597 608 604 s 2 5 10 13 20 25 30 32 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 14 15 15 16 19 19 19 19 Vue Small (ex-Warner Chains Village) scr s scr s scr 85 85 85 97 109 127 141 143 181 197 199 221 244 244 244 243 3 3 5 12 18 21 23 25 25 26 26 26 26 29 31 35 35 39 35 17 1 17 1 33 1 99 1 156 3 189 5 208 6 219 7 219 9 232 10 232 12 232 16 263 17 287 22 320 28 345 33 355 41 375 42 352 45 5 5 5 5 26 48 57 64 84 93 110 143 152 200 200 331 364 405 426 s 58 68 73 55 54 81 72 scr s scr 139 166 100 170 159 209 252 437 469 437 434 416 376 366 351 326 408 631 716 679 739 633 794 659 733 636 947 Total: Sites: 678 Screens:3,318 * figures from 1985 to 1998 indicate Virgin Cinemas ** Odeon bought up the ABC chain in 2000 Source: Dodona Research Sites and Screens in the UK 1984 - 2003 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Sites Screens Multiplex Sites Multiplex Screens 660 663 660 648 699 719 737 724 735 723 734 743 742 747 759 692 686 692 668 678 1,271 1,251 1,249 1,215 1,416 1,559 1,685 1,789 1,845 1,890 1,969 2,019 2,166 2,383 2,564 2,758 2,954 3,164 3,258 3,318 1 2 5 14 29 41 57 65 70 77 82 96 115 150 177 209 226 222 234 10 18 44 141 285 395 523 575 625 687 723 862 1,074 1,341 1,606 1,863 2,170 2,215 2,362 Source: Screen Finance/ X25 Partnership/ Dodona Research BFI Information Services 344 Independents The STATS: Cinema Cinemagoing - 19 Year Trends People who ever go to the cinema 7+ 7 to 14 15 to 34 35+ Regular Cinemagoers 7+ 7 to 14 15-34 35+ 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 38% 73% 55% 21% 58% 88% 74% 42% 64% 85% 83% 49% 69% 93% 86% 535% 72% 95% 90% 58% 75% 95% 94% 60% 83% 97% 96% 74% 78% 955% 93% 66% 86% 97% 95% 79% 82% 97% 94% 73% 82% 98% 94% 74% 83% 91% 87% 60% 5% 10% 10% 1% 8% 12% 17% 1% 11% 18% 23% 3% 14% 22% 26% 5% 15% 25% 27% 6% 22% 34% 42% 10% 24% 39% 42% 11% 25% 37% 46% 12% 24% 32% 41% 14% 25% 38% 38% 15% 26% 37% 42% 17% 25% 38% 41.5% 14% Regular cinemagoers are defined as those that go to the cinema once a month or more Source: CAA/CAVIAR 21 All-time Top 20 UK Films at the UK Box Office Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H ar r y P o tt e r a n d t h e P h i lo s o p h e r ' s S t o n e H ar r y P o tt e r a n d t h e C h a m b er o f S e c r e ts T h e F u ll M o n t y B r id g e t J o n e s ' s D i a r y H ar r y P o tt e r a n d t h e P r i s o n e r o f A z k a b a n Love Actually D ie A n o t h e r D a y N o t ti n g H i l l C h ic k e n R u n The World is not Enough F o u r We d d i n g s a n d a F u n e r a l Shakespeare in Love C al e n d a r G ir l s To m o r r o w N e ve r D i e s Johnny English B il l y E l l io t t Goldeneye Bean Tr o y About a Boy Ye a r o f R e le a s e 2001 2002 1997 2001 2003 2003 2002 1999 2000 1999 1994 1999 2003 1997 2002 2000 1995 1997 2003 2002 B o x O f f ic e G r o ss ( £) 66,096,060 54,780,731 52,232,058 42,007,008 45,217,254 36,800,418 36,044,960 31,006,109 29,514,237 28,576,504 27,762,648 20,814,996 20,427,788 19,884,412 19,064,424 18,386,715 18,245,572 17,972,562 17,964,967 16,935,159 Box office gross up to 1 August 2004 N.B. Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace (1999 £51,063,81; The Mummy Returns (2002 £20,390,060 were partially produced in the UK, but for these purposes have been treated as US films) Source: Nielsen EDI, UK Film Council analysis BFI Information Services 345 The STATS: Cinema Total Lottery Grants to the cultural sector (£m) Arts 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99 TOTAL Combined Arts 1994/95 n.a 66.45 72.02 71.96 25.88 236.31 Dance n.a 30.82 32.02 48.50 9.48 120.82 Drama and mime n.a 135.76 129.86 84.17 24.92 374.71 Film, Video and broadcasting n.a 12.49 42.17 21.41 9.75 85.82 Literature n.a 1.24 1.95 3.37 4.11 10.67 Music n.a 45.84 61.91 58.02 39.28 205.05 Opera/music theatre n.a 61.45 0.71 3.38 1.39 66.93 Visual arts n.a 26.21 62.07 74.71 25.69 188.68 Other 1.75 1.76 7.67 9.93 21.11 Heritage 14.32 n.a 280.65 408.74 270.66 216.60 1190.97 TOTAL 14.32 663.38 814.47 645.82 369.12 2507.11 Source: Policy Studies Institute (PSI) UK Cinema Advertising Revenue 1985 -2003 200 200 185 190 180 164 170 160 150 140 123 130 - 128 120 110 - 97 100 - 88 90 - 73 80 - 69 70 60 50 - 35 40 30 - 18 19 1985 1986 22 39 42 45 50 53 27 20 10 01987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Total revenue in £ millions Source: CAA BFI Information Services 346 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 The STATS: Video All Time Top 20 Rental Video in the UK 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ti t l e Distributor Country F o u r We d d i n g s an d a F u n e r a l D ir t y D a n c i n g B as i c I n s t i n c t C r o c o d i le D u n d ee Gladiator Sister Act F o r r e s t Gu m p T h e S ix t h S e n s e Home Alone Ghost T h e G r e e n M il e Speed Pretty Woman Braveheart Jurassic Park P u l p F ic t i o n T h e S il e n c e o f t h e L a m b s B r id g e t J o n e s ' s D i ar y Robocop A F is h C a l l e d Wa n d a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r F i r s t I nd e p e n d e n t Guild Fox Universal/Columbia B u e n a Vi s t a CIC B u e n a Vi s t a Fox CIC U n i v e r s a l / Wa r n e r F o x Vi d e o B u e n a Vi s t a Fox Guild CIC B u e n a Vi s t a C o l u m b i a Tr i S t a r Universal VVL MGM UK/US US US USA/AU US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US UK/US Source: BVA/Rental Monitor All Time Top 20 Retail Video in the UK 2003 Title 1 Titanic 2 Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 3 The Jungle Book 4 The Lion King 5 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 6 Shrek 7 Gladiator 8 To y S t o r y 9 The Matrix 10 Lord of the Rings: T h e Tw o To w e r s 11 H a r r y P o t t e r a n d the Philosopher's Stone 12 Beauty and the Beast 13 Dirty Dancing 14 Bridget Jones's Diary 15 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 16 The Full Monty 17 Fantasia 18 101 Dalmatians 19 Star Wars 20 Grease Distributor Country 20th Century Fox EV US US/NZ Buena Vista Buena Vista US US Buena Vista Universal Universal/Columbia Buena Vista Warner US US US US US EV US/NZ Warner Buena Vista C ol umbi a Tr i S t a r Universal/Columbia UK/US US US UK/US Warner 20th Century Fox Buena Vista Buena Vista 20th Century Fox Paramount UK/US UK/US US US US US Source: BVA/Official UK Charts BFI Information Services 347 The STATS: Video The UK Video/DVD Market 1986-2003 Year Retail Transactions (million) Value (£m) 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 6 12 20 38 40 45 48 60 66 73 79 87 100 96 (4.0) 114 (16.6) 93.5 (41.3) 79 (90.0) 63 (145.0) 55 110 184 345 374 440 506 643 698 789 803 858 940 882 1104 844 745 537 Rental Transactions (millions) 233 251 271 289 277 253 222 184 167 167 175 161 186 174 186 162 119 69 (68) (264) (646) (1,305) (1,884) Value (£m) 284 326 371 416 418 407 389 350 339 351 382 369 437 408 444 399 (65) 312 (164) 191 (259) (24.6) (57.0) (87.0) DVD retail/rental transactions in parentheses Source: BVA/Official Charts Company DVD 1992-2003 BBFC Censorship of Videos and 1992 - 2003 Certificate U Uc PG Number of Films Passed After Cuts 1992 1993 1994 1995 8 5 0 1 2 22 26 15 8 12 15 18 R18 Rejected Total 19 143 3 3 195 18 164 4 1 217 1 21 154 0 5 193 1996 1 9 1997 1 19 1998 6 27 1999 4 18 2000 6 13 2001 2 18 2002 6 26 2003 13 13 7 18 225 2 6 262 9 13 165 17 5 224 5 18 246 23 4 325 7 17 188 11 9 245 7 9 110 28 173 15 8 167 45 1 255 8 15 106 163 2 324 14 18 112 259 3 429 4 26 175 5 3 219 Source: BBFC/BVA UK Video Games Market 1997 - 2001 Computer Software Sales Year Value (£m) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 623 890 969 934 1,057 1,057 Units Sold 18.7 23.4 35.2 36.9 47.2 Source: Chartrack/Computer Trade Weekly/ELSPA/Screen Digest ScreenDigest BFI Information Services 348 The STATS: Television Cable and Satellite Penetration 1986 - 1999 Trends in Television Viewing 1969 2003 - 2003 Cable figures represents % take up in cabled areas. Year Cable No. of Satellite No. of Subscribers (m) Subscribers (m) 1986 12.2% - 1987 13.3% - 1988 14.3% - 1989 14.5% - 1990 16.5% - 1991 19.1% - 1992 21.5% - 1993 21.1% - 1994 22.0% 0.91 13.1% 3.96 1995 20.8% (1) 1.16 15.0% 3.28 1996 22.4% (2) 2.24 17.0% 3.79 1997 22.2% (3) 2.30 18.0% 4.30 1998 23.7% (4) 2.70 17.0% 4.10 1999 25.7% (5) 3.20 17.0% 4.10 (1) 5.2% represents national figure (2) 10% represents national figure (3) 10% represents national figure. 44% of TV households have been passed by broadband cable. (4) 12% represents national figure. 50% of TV households have been passed by broadband cable Year Average daily hours of viewing per household Number of TV Households (millions) 1969 1972 1976 1980 1982 1986 1990 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 4.50 4.80 5.10 5.10 4.90 5.30 5.10 6.00 3.36 3.41 3.34 3.59 3.61 3.65 16.68 17.21 18.72 19.92 20.25 20.61 21.46 22.11 22.30 22.40 22.60 23.90 23.90 24.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 3.68 3.61 3.70 3.72 24.20 24.34 24.60 24.62 Source: BARB/AGB/TBI/Taris-Taylor Nilson Sofres (5) 13.5% reperesents national figure. 50%…. Source: Screen Digest Average Audience Share of TV Channels (%) Channel 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 BBC1 32.7 32.4 32.2 32.5 30.8 29.5 28.4 27.1 26.8 BBC2 10.2 10.0 11.1 11.5 11.6 11.3 10.8 10.7 11.1 ITV 40.0 39.3 37.2 35.1 32.9 31.7 31.2 29.4 26.7 C4/S4C 11.0 10.0 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.2 10.3 10.1 9.6 2.3 4.1 5.4 5.7 5.7 11.8 13.0 14.0 17.0 19.8 C5 Cab/Sat - 6.1 6.9 8.6 10.2 Source: Taris-Taylor Nelson Sofres BFI Information Services 349 The STATS: General General Statistics 1986 - 2001 Population (m) Number of Households (m) Annual Rate of Inflation (%) GDP (current prices) 1986 1991 1992 1993 56.70 57.50 57.60 58.00 21.25 22.18 22.80 23.00 3.40 6.70 3.70 1.60 £380,623,000,000 £596,631,000,000 £595,209,000,000 £794,196,000,000 20.60 21.80 22.20 20.50 £1,026,000,000 £1,409,000,000 £1,486,000,000 £1,505,200,000 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 58.20 58.60 58.80 59.00 59.10 59.10 59.60 59.95 22.90 23.50 23.50 24.00 24.30 24.30 24.94 25.00 2.40 3.50 2.40 3.40 3.10 1.50 3.00 1.80 £668,866,000,000 £699,573,000,000 £737,236,000,000 £786,308,000,000 £837,618,000,000 £843,725,000,000 £934,294,000,000 £3,989,300,000,000 21.50 21.70 21.70 22.00 22.30 22.80 23.00 23.40 £1,751,000,000 £1,820,000,000 £1,819,700,000 £1,915,200,000 £2,009,700,000 £2,179,500,000 £2,285,500,000 £2,370,800,000 Source: ONS/CSO/BBC BFI Information Services 350 Total TV Licences Licence Fee Income in force (m) Guide to Country Codes The following key to country codes used in The STATS is taken from those codes employed in the British Film Institute’s database, SIFT (Summary of Information on Film and Television) Code Country AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ARGENTINA AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AUSTRIA AU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AUSTRALIA BE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BELGIUM CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CANADA CAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .QUEBEC CH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SWITZERLAND CN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CHINA CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CROATIA CU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CUBA CZR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CZECH REPUBLIC DK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DENMARK DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GERMANY ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SPAIN FI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FINLAND FR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FRANCE GR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GREECE HK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HONG KONG HU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HUNGARY IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IRISH REPUBLIC IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INDIA IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ICELAND IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ITALY JP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JAPAN KE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KENYA KR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SOUTH KOREA KZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KAZAKHSTAN LU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LUXEMBOURG MAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MACEDONIA MX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MEXICO NL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NETHERLANDS NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NORWAY NP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NEPAL NZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NEW ZEALAND PL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POLAND PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PORTUGAL RO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ROMANIA RU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RUSSIA SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SAUDI ARABIA SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SWEDEN SLV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SLOVENIA TH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .THAILAND TR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TURKEY TW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TAIWAN US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNITED STATES YU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YUGOSLAVIA ZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SOUTH AFRICA BFI Information Services 351 Bibliography AGB Cable and Satellite Yearbook. Broadcasting Standard Council Complaints Bulletin (Monthly). London: Taylor Nelson AGB Publications, 1996. London: BSC. AGB Television Yearbook. Brown, David FT Focus on the BBC. London: Taylor Nelson AGB Publications, annual (1994 to 1997). London: Informa (Previously FT Media & Telecoms), 1999. Advisory Committee on Film Finance (Chair Peter Middleton), Report to Secretary of State, London, Business Ratio Plus The Film & TV industry. Department of National Heritage, 1996. Hampton, Middlesex: ICC Information Group, annual (1995 and 1996). Arthur Andersen The European Film Production Guide: Finance, Tax, Legislation. The Cable TV and Telecom Yearbook. Whipsnade, Beds: WOAC Communications, annual (1994 to 1996). London, New York: Routledge, 1996. Cable and Satellite Yearbook. The Arts Council of England and Spectrum Lottery Film Franchising: A Feasibility Study. London: Informa, annual (1992 to 2002). London: The Arts Council of England, 1996. 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