March - QueeriesTV
March - QueeriesTV
Volume 9 Issue 3 March 2009 Maps Events Articles Calendar Upcoming Pride and Dayton LGBT events March/April Thursday March 26, 2009 7:30 Pm Screening of the movie PEDRO, The Neon Saturday, March 28, 2009 Club Masque Pride Fundraiser Saturday, March 28, 2009 – 7:30 Cabaret; Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus Benefit Musicale with the “Rubi Girls” and “The Broadway Broads” go to Early Bird Tickets for Pride Dinner on sale now at thru April 15 April 18, 2009 The Right Corner Pride Benefit" Saturday April 11, 2009 Stage Door and L-Room Pride Fundraiser June Pride Events Sat; May 30, 2009 with the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus Spring Concert “BravISSeamo” at the Victoria Theatre Wed June 3, 2009 Dayton Pride Dinner with national entertainer Poppy Champlin and film producer Malcolm Lazin Thurs June 4, 2009 Pride Nite at the Neon Movies screening The Saint of 9/11 Fri June 5, 2009. Pride-Nite on the Quad: Look to The Word for upcoming details of this fun event on the eve of PrideFest Saturday June 6, 2009, annual PrideFest at Dayton’s Courthouse Square featuring entertainment with food and beverage vendors from 11 AM – 6 PM. Sun June 28, 2009 Pride Picnic at Irelan Park, Kettering, Ohio sponsored by several faith groups in the Miami Valley 2 PM _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The Partnership thanks it’s supporters including GayDayton Publications, Dr. Robert L. Brandt, Jr. M.D., The Word media sponsor, MJ’s Café, The City of Dayton, Stonewall Democrats, The Montgomery County Democratic Party, Diversity Dayton, Aquarius, The L-Room and the Stagedoor, The Right Corner, 464 on Fifth, Will Deaton and American Family Insurance, Club Masque, The Human Race Theatre, The Rubi Girls, The Neon Movies, PFLAG, The Living Beatitudes, DO-IT Bowling, Miami Valley Ohio Prime Timers, The Lambda Car Club, Youth Quest, Calendar of Events Feb 27 - March 15 The Dayton Theatre Guild presents “The Paris Letter” for more information 937.278.5993 March 7 “A Blast From The Past” fundraiser to benefit VFW National Home for Children at M. J.’s Cafe` 10:30 pm March 10 PFLAG monthly meeting at Cross Creek presentation by Josh Stucky of the Fabulous Rubi Girls March 26 Movie: “PEDRO” the story of Pedro Zamora at the Neon for info: March 28 Pride Fundraiser at Club Masque March 28 Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus presents “Benefit Musicale” 7:30pm at 1368 Huffman, Dayton 45403 March 19 - April 10 The Human Race Theatre presents “Doubt, A Parable” for more information (888)228-3630 Gay Dayton is published monthly by Gay Dayton Press Randy Phillips, owner E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 937-623-1590 All ads must be placed by the 10th of the month prior to inclusion. For Rates call: 937-623-1590 or check out: Inclusion in this publication does not indicate the sexual orention of any person or business. All advertisers welcome the business of the LGBT community. All material is copyrighted 2009 by Gay Dayton Press. P.O. Box 4436, Dayton, Ohio 45401-4436 All Rights Reserved. by: Terri Schlichenmeyer aka: “The Book Worm” [email protected] “Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage” by David Moats c.2004, Harcourt 25.00 / $28.00 Canada (hardcover) 288 pages The parents are seated, the guests are smiling, and the officiate awaits the happy couple. A wedding is about to start. The groom looks dapper in his tux, a spring-like blossom pinned to his lapel. He’s a little nervous, but ready to embark on this trip with his beloved. The groom looks dapper in his tux, a spring-like blossom pinned to his lapel. He’s a little nervous but he’s been waiting for this day for a lifetime. A misprint? No, just the exercise of what many argue is a basic civil right. The battle for and against Proposition 8 vehemently rages in California, months after its passage disallowed same-sex marriage. In the book “Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage” by David Moats, you’ll read about another historic political skirmish for the rights of gays and lesbians to march down the aisle. Nearly twelve years ago, in a small town clerk’s office in Milton, Vermont, Holly Puterbaugh and Lois Farnham kicked off a small snowball that became an avalanche of controversy and court-fight. The two women filed for a marriage license. Within two months, four other people – a lesbian couple and a gay couple – did the same thing. All were turned down by their town clerk. All six sued the state. The Vermont Supreme Court’s eventual decision was a curious one: the lawyers, Beth Robinson and Susan Murray, technically won the case, but the Court turned the ultimate decision over to the Legislature. To win the right for gay marriage, the lawyers would have to fight again. But it wouldn’t be easy. When the news broke nationally, a loud outcry followed. Religious conservatives weighed in with their opinions. Legislators were badgered and intimidated. Gays, lesbians, and their families gave impassioned pleas on behalf of their loved ones. Neighbors spoke out against neighbors at Vermont Town Hall meetings, and unlikely supporters were surprised by unexpected dissenters. Those who wanted to see the issue die were vociferous in their desire. Those who wanted to see it pass were hurt by the anger but insisted, as Moat says in his introduction, “When love shows up, it does not always obey arbitrary social conventions.” When I first opened this book, I thought it was going to be dry, dry, dry. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. “Civil Wars” rivals any good legal thriller, but it’s all true. Beginning with the Vermont Supreme Court decision and ending with the political aftermath of the decision to create “legal unions”, author and journalist David Moats weaves in the life-stories of the people who acted as catalyst for the initial lawsuit, as well as legislators for whom the decision had personal importance, politicians willing to “do the right thing” and the behind-the-scenes people whose stories inspired those involved. Though “Civil Wars” was published in 2004, I think it’s more relevant than ever, particularly in light of the California battle over Proposition 8. No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, and though this may be a challenge to find, you need to read this book. BENEFIT MUSICALE: On March 28, 2009, The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus is sponsoring their signature annual fundraising event, “Benefit Musicale” at 1368 Huffman, Dayton, OH 45403. The event will be held in a European-style chapel in Dayton’s historic Eastern Hills. The venue is an elegant, preserved architectural jewel of Dayton’s history. Built as the Esther Price family’s private chapel in the 1940’s, it features immense vaulted wood-beamed ceilings, arched limestone masonry, and stunning stained-glass windows that were created in Germany just for the Price family. Entertainment will be provided by members of the DGMC, local legends The Broadway Broads and the fabulous RubiGirls. “A fun, lighthearted, yet classic cabaret event to benefit the DGMC programming season and support their mission “to inspire, encourage, and sustain excellence in the choral arts and to achieve a gay-affirming presence in the Greater Miami Valley.” Advanced, preferred table seating is $50/person or a table of 10 for $450. Catering by The Chimneys Inn of Miamisburg, OH. There will be a cash bar, raffles, and a silent auction. Ample parking is available. Cocktails will be served from 6:30pm-7:30pm, during which time guests can meet representatives of local GLBT mission-driven organizations, including PFLAG, The Dayton Pride Partnership, the Dayton GLBT Center, MuCrew, Miami Valley Prime Timers, and AIDS Resource Center Ohio. The cabaret program beings at 7:30pm. Join the DGMC, as we celebrate our five-year history through narrative and song, and anticipate our next full concert, BraviSEAmo!, at the landmark Victoria Theatre on May 30th, 2009. BraviSEAmo!: On May 30th, 2009, the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus will kick-off Gay Pride Week activities with their final concert of the season, “BraviSEAmo”, at the landmark Victoria Theatre. The concert will feature songs of the open seas, with a staged version of Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore. Allen Kimbrough, DGMC President and development chair said, “It’ll be a version of Pinafore you’ll never forget! Artistic director Jason Schuler has some surprises in store for both the chorus and the audience. When pressed to reveal them, he said, “We’ve put an ironic twist or two into the story because as far as we’ve come as a society, some things never change. We want our audience to do more than hear our performance of Pinafore; we want them to feel the power of the story and be energized by it.” Schuler has brought in American bass William Himmelbauer to play the role of Sir Joseph Porter K.C.B. Himmelbauer who has performed with the Vidin Philharmonic Orchestra in Bulgaria, the Amato Opera Company, Opera at Rutgers, The Village Light Opera Group, West Side Opera, and the Metropolitan Opera chorus in New York City, brings a profound element into the production the DGMC is proud to present to its Dayton Audience. Tickets for BraviSEAmo! are $15 each; children 7 and under are admitted free of charge. In partnership with the Victoria Theatre Association, the DGMC anticipates broad audience appeal, attendance, and appreciation for an inspiring and entertaining evening of men’s choral music. Ship AHOY! The DGMC is also pleased with the renewed and increased collaborative efforts with the Dayton Pride Partnership and other local GLBT mission-driven organizations. The process of networking to share technical, financial, and human resources helps Dayton and the greater Miami Valley region celebrate the community’s vitality and spirit of unity during Pride Week 2009 activities. For tickets or more information, contact 937-626-7048 or e-mail [email protected]. elmont hysicians Barry S. McCorkle, M.D. Compassionate care for our community delivered in a warm and welcoming environment! Convenient Access Most insurance Accepted Same Day Appointments Available Providing Medical Care to Adults such as: Physicals, Chronic Disease Management, Routine GYN Care, HIV Management Belmont Physicians Internal Medicine 2451 Wayne Avenue, Dayton, OH 45420 (937) 208-7374 “UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2009” The Electricians, the dry-wallers, the plumbers, MJ’s owners and staff, the Center Board and volunteers have completed the needed demolition and are rehabbing – the lights are on! NOW WE NEED YOU! Come and Party with us at the New Dayton LGBT Center site - See how much has been accomplished in the last 12 months since the 2008 Under Construction Party 7 PM Saturday April 4, 2009 117-119 East Third Street Entrance beside MJ’s Cafe $10.00 per person Lite Hor’douerves and beverages, Cash Bar for Beer and Wine Call the Center Hotline for more information 937-274-1776 PEDRO ZAMORA BIOPIC TO SCREEN AT THE NEON On Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 7:30pm, The Downtown Dayton LGBT Film Festival will host a special, mid-year screening of the film PEDRO – which celebrates the extraordinary life of Pedro Zamora, a young man who, when he found out he was HIV positive made the decision to dedicate his life to speaking out about his condition. In 1994, Bunim/Murray Productions made the groundbreaking choice to cast openly gay, HIV-positive, Cuban-American Zamora as part of MTV’s THE REAL WORLD: SAN FRANCISCO. Sponsored by the Greater Dayton LGBT Center, proceeds will benefit AIDS Resource Center Ohio, and tickets are $10.00 per person. Advanced tickets will be available beginning February 1. Visit for information on the theatre and for information on the film. For additional information (including press photos from the film), please contact Jonathan McNeal at THE NEON via e-mail at [email protected] or at (937)222-8452. The 17th annual Equality Forum is the Largest annual national and International GLBT civil rights forum. Equality Forum 2009 has no registration fee and all substantive programs are free. All programs can be found at Dayton Area Faith Groups, Pride Partnership and Gay Men’s Chorus Work Together March 2009. Dayton, OH. The Dayton Pride Partnership along with the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus and a coalition of LGBT Faith groups announced this month that there are two more Pride events being added to the 2009 June Pride festivities. First, the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus final concert of the season, “BraviSEAmo”, will be held just prior to the early June events on May 30th, 2009 at the Victoria Theatre. This annual event has traditionally been marketed as a stand-alone event, but, the leadership and members of these groups came together to join marketing forces and collaborate for a unified community celebration of Pride Week activities. The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus is a Gold level Pride Sponsor. The other new event is a revival of an old event. A coalition of faith groups has reserved Irelan Park in Kettering Ohio for a festive picnic on the afternoon of June 28th to cap the Pride month activities off. It will be a potluck gathering with hamburgers, hotdogs, beverages and paper ware furnished by the organizers. Attendees are encouraged to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to complete the picnic. For full details visit The other pride events are as follows: Wednesday, June 3, the annual Pride Dinner at the Ponitz featuring Poppy Champlin. Early Bird discount tickets for this event are on sale at through April 15. June 4 is Pride Nite at the Neon with several screenings of the Saint of 9/11. June 5th is a Pride Nite on the Quadrant with festivities happening at all of the LGBT bars and the new Center. Last, on a June 6th is the annual PrideFest March and Rally in downtown Dayton. For all details of Pride, visit National Equality Rally at Independence Hall History will be repeated at Independence Hall with the National Equality Rally beginning April 27th through May 3rd 2009. The National Equality Rally is held at Independence Hall and Liberty Bell Pavilion Philadelphia, PA. It is the birthplace of liberty and where our movement for Equality was launched with demonstrations each July 4th from 1965 to 1969. The rally will feature 34 panel discussions, 8 parties and 10 special events. The 17th annual Equality Forum is the largest annual national and international GLBT civil rights forum. The Equality Rally does not charge registration fees and all substantive programs are also free. So each and every reader, if time permits, should plan to attend. This years rally for Equality in front of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell Pavilion and Gay Pioneers Historic Marker on Independence Mall, arises from community-wide aspirations for Congress and the Obama administration to enact trans-inclusive hate crimes and ENDA protection, the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), prioritize LGBT health issues and ensure same-sex family equality. Some of the features for this years rally includes; • Challenges of the Russian GLBT Community is the international focus • San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom will received the 14th annual International Role Model Award, and The New York Times Company will receive the 7th annual International Business Leadership Award at the International Equality Dinner at the National Constitution Center. Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell in the Honorary Dinner Chair. • Richard Amsel Retrospective of the works of Hollywood’s preeminent illustrator in collaboration with the University of the Arts. • A Conversation with Bishop Gene Robinson facilitated by Rabbi Linda Holtzman • Equality Forum 2009 includes 10 national executive directors of GLBT organizations, four “out” gay mayors and other national and international movement leaders. • Voices of Equality concert with 300 members of the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus, Anna Crusis Choir and the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia • 5th annual National Interfaith Service at historic Christ Church • SundayOUT!, the region’s largest annual GLBT street festival • BB”Q” – in the “gayborhood” The 10th annual art exhibit at Equality Forum 2009 is the longest running annual exhibit of gay and lesbian artist and is a grand part of Equality Forum’s rally. “The first-ever Richard Amsel retrospective is the icing on the cake to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our annual exhibit of gay and lesbian artists,” said Equality Forum Executive Director Malcolm Lazin. “Richard Amsel was Hollywood’s top illustrator and a legendary Artist.” Richard Amsel Retrospective features sketches and illustrations for major Hollywood movies including “Raiders of the Lost Arc,” “Hello Dolly!” and “The Sting.’ Illustrations for Bette Medler’s album covers including “The Divine Miss M,” and some of his TV Guide cover including portraits of Elvis Presley, Lucile Ball, Johnny Carson and Katherine Hepburn. Amsel, a native of Philadelphia, began his career when he won a national competition at art schools to create a poster design for the movie “Hello Dolly!” He was a student at Philadelphia College of Art and Design (now The University of the Arts). Later in his career, Amsel won a Grammy Award and the Key Arts Award from the Hollywood Reporter. 6 11 St ey 10 ll Va N r Jef fe w Ludlo ton Ave 1 st 35 re War in S.Ma er Riv mil 12 h e av 18+ A AH C D DG W E. 5t Ha St. Legend th W. 5 ne 75 t ee eow th s ay 4 w. t St E. 3rd S. K W. 2nd 3 d E. 2n 9 713 8 son st W. 1st E.1st s ument E. Mon t gs min o y W 725/miamisburg-Centerville Rd 675 ain N. M E S n W 18 and up E Other Entertainment NH Neighborhood bar Alternative F Food S Strippers After Hours G/S Gay/Straight Mix T Mature Country K Karoke V Video Dance L Leather W Women Drag M Men Y Young 1. Argo’s 301 Mabel Street - 252-2976 (M-L) 3. Aquarus: 131 E. Second St - 223-1723 - (M-L-S-D-C-18+) 6. LadyHawks: 2600 Valley Pike - 233-5879 (W) 7. Masque: 34 N. Jefferson St - 228-2582 ( Y-D-DG-S-V-K-E-AH-A-G/S-18+M-W) 8. The Right Corner: 105 E. Third St - 228-1285 (M-NH) 9. The Stage Door: 44 N. Jefferson St - 223-7418 (C-L-M) 10. Up On Main: 1919 N. Main Street - 278-3650 (W-DG-E-K-D) 11. Q-gift: 1904 N. Main St. - 274-4400 12. 464 on Fifth: 464 Fifth St. - 228-3584 13. Mj’s Café: 119 E. Third St - (F-M-D-S-K-AH)
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