Introducing GÉANT
Introducing GÉANT
GÉANT Providing for Global R&E Collaboration Thomas Fryer, DANTE Trobada de l'Anella Científica Wednesday, 19th June 2013 What are R&E Networks? Why are They So Important? R&E Networks provide high-bandwidth connectivity for research and education communities. The connections are reliable and deliver defined and predictable speeds and quality of service. The greater speeds, timely delivery, and very high levels of resilience enable researchers, teachers and students to benefit fully from advanced datasharing techniques and collaboration tools. R&E Networks enable better collaboration, and integration within and between geographically distributed research and education communities. R&E Networks are dedicated to meeting the needs of the academic and research communities. 2 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 2 How are R&E Networks Organised? Within a country, a national research and education network (NREN) links together some or all of the universities, research institutions, schools, hospitals and museums. In some countries, the national network interconnects regional networks, such as the Anella Científica, which connect the institutions. NRENs join together to form regional R&E networks. Regional R&E networks are connected together to create a global research and education networking infrastructure 3 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 3 What Technical Features do R&E Networks Offer? Without the narrow commercial criteria of the public internet, R&E networks deliver faster speeds and higher capacities in a more stable environment. R&E networks avoid the congestion, delays, interruptions and limitations caused by overbooking and competing traffic on public internet services. R&E networks offer dedicated on-demand capacity and end-to-end support for time-critical research applications. Resource usage is monitored in real time Network repair, maintenance and development activities are managed centrally, with 24-hour central support. R&E networks are generally one generation ahead of commercial networks that focus more on mass-market needs. 4 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 4 What are the Benefits of R&E Networks for Users? R&E networks provide the bandwidth and reliability that large-scale and time-critical projects depend on. Researchers and students are able to use dataintensive and time-critical applications such as: Large file transfers; Computer modelling and simulations; Application sharing; Remote instrumentation and visualisation Videoconferencing. Global connectivity enables users to access the research and education communities in over 100 countries around the world. R&E networks help people work better as well as faster, enabling, encouraging and enhancing collaboration. 5 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 5 Who Provides R&E Networks? National Research and Education Networks: Fund their own in-country costs Contribute to the costs of the regional network Pay their share of the global link costs European Commission co-funded projects, past and present, support the establishment and expansion of networks in many world regions: Europe Central Asia The Caribbean North Africa & The Middle East Asia-Pacific Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa 6 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 6 Europe’s 100Gbps Network - e-Infrastructure for the “data deluge” Latest transmission and switching technology Routers with 100Gbps capability Optical transmission platform designed to provide 500Gbps super-channels Hybrid network – GÉANT IP: packet routed – and VPNs – GÉANT Plus: switched point-to-point circuits – GÉANT Lambda: dedicated wavelengths 12,000km of dark fibre over 100,000km of leased capacity (inc. transatlantic links) 28 main sites covering European footprint Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 7 GÉANT Global Connectivity - at the heart of global research networking GÉANT connects 66 countries outside of Europe, reaching all continents through international partners Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 8 GÉANT: The Best-connected R&E Network 66 countries outside Europe connected to GÉANT Americas & the Caribbean CANARIE C@ribNET CEDIA CUDI ESNet INNOVA|RED Internet2 NISN (NASA) NLR RAAP RAGIE RAICES RAU2 REACCIUN2 Red CoNARE RedCyT RENATA REUNA RNP USLHCNet Middle East & Africa Canada Anguilla, Antigua, Barbados, BVI, Dominica, Dominican Rep., Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad Ecuador Mexico USA Argentina USA USA USA Peru Guatemala El Salvador Uruguay Venezuela Costa Rica Panama Colombia Chile Brazil USA ANKABUT ARN ENSTINET KENET MoRENet PalNREN Qatar Foundation SARInet SUIN TENET TERNET ZAMREN United Arab Emirates Algeria Egypt Kenya Mozambique Palestinian Territories Qatar Saudi Arabia Sudan South Africa Tanzania Zambia Asia & Oceania AARNet AfRENA NAS RA ASGC AzRENA BdREN CamREN CERNET CSTNET INHERENT/ITB Australia Afghanistan Armenia Taiwan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Cambodia China China Indonesia Asia & Oceania (cont.) JGN-X HARNET KazRENA KOREN/NIA KRENA-AKNET LEARN MAFFIN MYREN NKN NREN PERN2 PREGINET REANNZ SINET3/NII SingAREN TARENA ThaiREN/ThaiSARN ThaiREN/UniNet TuRENA TWAREN VINAREN Japan Hong Kong Kazakhstan Korea Kyrgyzstan Sri Lanka Japan Malaysia India Nepal Pakistan Philippines New Zealand Japan Singapore Tajikistan Thailand Thailand Turkmenistan Taiwan Vietnam Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 9 GÉANT (GN3plus) - vital to the EU’s e-Infrastructure strategy Key Facts GN3plus Start date April 1 2013 Duration 24 months Total budget €84,283,018 EC contribution €41,800,000 Participants 250+ 41 Project Partners: 38 NRENs, DANTE, TERENA, NORDUnet (representing 5 Nordic countries) GN3plus: extension and expansion to 3rd term of the successful GÉANT networking project, vital to the EU’s e-Infrastructure strategy. GÉANT vision: to become the unified European Communications Commons driving knowledge creation as the global hub for research networking excellence GÉANT Mission: to deliver world-class services with the highest levels of operational excellence Co-funded: by the EU and Europe’s NRENs Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 10 Innovation through collaboration - for delivery of advanced networking services Building the GÉANT “eco-system” through development and delivery of a world-class networking service portfolio: Flexible connectivity options & test-bed facilities Performance tools & expertise Advanced AAI, cloud and mobility services Collaborative research into state-of-the-art technology network architectures - mobility, cloud, sensor, scientific content delivery, high-speed mobile identity and trust technologies paradigm shifts in service provisioning and management influencing global standards development Delivering innovative services to end users, their projects and institutions across Europe and beyond: secure access to the network and resources they need, when and where they want it. Open Calls to widen the scope and agility for innovation Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 11 GN3plus in numbers 14 Activities 58 Tasks 250+ People 41 Partners 50,000,000 users Reaching over 10,000 institutions across Europe 100 countries worldwide Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 12 Network Performance: perfSONAR MDM perfSONAR MDM (Multi-DomainMonitoring) is the multi-domain monitoring service for the GÉANT Service Area (GSA) Based on the perfSONAR protocol Interoperable with hundreds of deployments around the world Easy to integrate into other visualisation tools perfSONAR MDM used to assess the link between Brasilia & Barcelona Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 13 Network Performance: eduPERT – Getting the Best from the Network A federated PERT (Performance and Enhancement Response Team) that combines independent PERTs (the GÉANT PERT and the National, Local and Project PERTs) with a portfolio of central services to aid them in their network investigations. Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 14 eduroam: Roaming access for the R&E community Eduroam is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. eduroam allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop Having started in Europe, eduroam has gained momentum throughout the research and education community and is now available in 60 territories world-wide. 15 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 15 eduGAIN –joining identity federations The eduGAIN service is intended to enable the trustworthy exchange of information related to identity, authentication and authorisation between the GÉANT (GN3plus) Partners’ federations. The eduGAIN service will deliver this through co-ordinating elements of the federations’ technical infrastructure and a policy framework controlling the exchange of this information. 16 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 16 ELCIRA: Supporting Europe-Latin American Collaboration ELCIRA Europe Latin America Collaborative e-Infrastructure for Research Activities Coordinating the expansion and interoperability of collaboration tools and services to the benefit end users in Europe and Latin America: Supporting the establishment of identity federations in Latin America Aligning GÉANT and RedCLARA videoconference room certification and directories Expanding the reach of eduroam in Latin America Creating a suite of collaboration tools for EU-LA collaboration (large file transfer, webconferencing, wiki service, community management) Fostering collaboration Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 17 Supporting the growth of R&E Communities - transforming how researchers collaborate GÉANT delivers real value and benefit to society by enabling research communities to transform the way they collaborate on ground breaking research Together with Europe’s NRENs, GÉANT connects 50 million users in 10,000 institutions across Europe Health and Medicine | Energy | Environment | Particle Physics Radio Astronomy | Arts & Education | Society Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 18 Who Uses R&E Networks? (i) Radio astronomy BIG SCIENCE The Large Hadron Collider - PIC, Barcelona, is a Tier 1 site SUPERCOMPUTIN G BSC, Barcelona, is a PRACE participant Source of image: CERN E-HEALTH AND THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES ELEARNING Benefits teachers, lecturers and students 19 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 19 Who Uses R&E Networks? (ii) EARTH OBSERVATION Environmental monitoring THE ARTS TELEMEDICI NE Musicians have new ways to create music, rehearse and perform together. Disaster warning and recovery 20 Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 20 LHC Optical Private Network and Open Network Exchange LHC OPN To facilitate Tier 0 –Tier 1 and Tier 1 –Tier 1 traffic flows 10 Gigabit Lambdas form a dual star on 2 routers at CERN Fibre routes designed to provide resiliency LHC ONE For Tier 1 –Tier 2 data flows Uses routed IP on dedicated VPN Edoardo Martelli ATLAS @ LHC Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 21 21 Two New Key Users: 1) ITER / IFERC (Fusion Energy Reactor) GÉANT is providing dedicated 10Gbps connectivity to meet a reciprocal Japanese link in Washington (US). Engaged with European sites and planning a dedicated network topology comparable with LHCOPN for later in 2013 Benefit – Providing high-capacity connectivity between the experimental site in France and the compute facilities in Japan. Fusion is essential to clean, secure energy supply post-fossil fuels Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 22 Two New Key Users 2) CERN: the first 100Gbps Lambda service • Connecting CERN data centre in Geneva to the new remote data centre at the Wigner Centre in Budapest • Now Operational! CERN data centre, Geneva, Switzerland Connect | Communicate | Collaborate Wigner Centre, Budapest, Hungary 23 Thank you! Connect | Communicate | Collaborate | | Connect | Communicate | Collaborate 24
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