Domicillo - Metro Tagaytay Times


Domicillo - Metro Tagaytay Times
Tagaytay Times
Get me
Volume 5 - Number 9
Relevant. Informative. Interesting.
Memory Lane
Vintage Country
from the Past
by Nomar Seyer
Story on page 3
Celebrating Life’s Moments
The newly opened Ayala Mall Serin in Tagaytay is the biggest happening to hit the city
in recent months. Now people have another place to satisfy their shopping needs and
food cravings. Especially in a little restaurant that is fast becoming known as the place
that hits all your comfort food triggers. Krisson is THE place to go when you are longing
for really good Pancit Malabon, Pichi Pichi and a whole lot of Filipino staples.
Decked in modern geometrics and complimentary shades of blue and orange, Krisson
does not look like most dining establishments offering Filipino food. The deliberate
move away from common native materials and decor makes Krisson refreshingly
original. Much like their strategy when it comes to food where they put their own twist
to Filipino favorites.
K r i s s o n ' s
Kaldereta does not
offer the usual heat.
Infact, children have
Krisson to get their
fill, much to the
by Renalyne A. Digo and Jennylyn Nabelon
delight of their
parents who can
finally share their favorite dish with the younger members of the family. Their Adobong
Baboy sa Kamatis offers a different take on an all-time favorite with the addition of sun
ripened tomatoes. The Sizzling Tadyang ng Baka is so juicy that you may use a spoon to
pull apart the meat. Absolutely melt-in-the-mouth delicious! The Tapsilog is tender and
flavorful and is just one of the three all-day breakfast dishes on offer, the other two being
Bangsilog and Longsilog. All dishes is good for sharing -- the more bang for your buck.
Pancit Malabon, Pichi Pichi
and more at Ayala Serin
Of course, no visit to Krisson is complete without an order of their well-loved Pancit
Malabon and Pichi Pichi. Krisson's Pancit Malabon has a rich but not heavy sauce,
perfectly complimenting a variety of ingredients (including squid!). The Pichi Pichi,
often ordered as an after-meal dessert or snack, comes in a variety of toppings: Peanut,
Pinipig, Niyog and Cheese. Our favorite? Cheese, for the right balance of sweet and
salty. After a meal, you are served with a cup of soothing tarragon tea, the herb freshly
picked from a pot inside the restaurant.
Krisson started very simply as a small space along Olivarez (Tagaytay Executive Village)
ur daughter’s 16th birthday was the ideal occasion to revisit Domicillo Design
Hotel. When celebrating the significant event of an only child, it is fitting to do
so in the place she declared as her favorite in Tagaytay.
There is much to love in this multi-level hotel located along Aguinaldo Highway.
The contemporary modern look. The profusion of bamboo in the garden. Beautiful,
organic accessories from the country’s top interior designers: Budji Layug, Milo Naval
and Tess Pasola. We were immediately impressed on our first visit. It felt like stepping
into an oasis of calm.
This time around, we were in for the an even better experience.
We stayed in the Premier Room with a Lower Lake View -- the best room in the house
because you get a central view of Taal Lake and a tree on the left frame. This tree is
very much part of the landscape at Domicillo and looks magical at night, dramatically
lit against the evening sky. Our room, as with all rooms in this hotel, is a study in
minimalist elegance. Spacious, airy, modern with raw cement floors, white walls,
warm wood, the sheen of shell-accented lampshades and a bold gorgeous abstract by
R.M. De Leon. That sense of calm is palpable the moment you enter.
Of course, nothing compares to the magnificence of Mother Nature filling one whole
panel of the room. Especially on a picture-perfect sunny day. The unusual positioning
of the king-sized bed in the middle of the room makes it appear floating and lighter. It
is actually a most comfortable spot to admire the beauty of Taal. You can do the same
ensconced in the graceful bamboo chair near the full-length sliding door. A pair of
chairs out in the garden patio is also ideal for viewing the lake during sunset. If you
need to tear your eyes away from all that beauty to get some work done, a console table
behind the bed provides ample space for writing (lots of room to spread papers) or
tapping on your laptop. Worth noting is the stool for this table which offers the perfect
height for writing comfortably. What joy! It is a real challenge to find a seat where I
can rest my elbows on the table while writing or typing, and not strain my back. Credit
for achieving the perfect balance of design and functionality goes to Budji Layug who
designed the space and personally handpicked all furniture and accessories.
Part of the reason Domicillo Design Hotel gets my daughter’s stamp of approval is the
ensuite bathroom: equally spacious, modern and spare. It has complete amenities, nail
file included. The eye is immediately drawn to the shell-accented mirror and tray for
bath accessories, as well as the interesting lines of a potted plant. You can choose from
two refreshing scents: lavender and citrus for your shampoo, conditioner, soap and
Continued on page 3
Continued on page 6
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Celebrate Moments .. page 2
Did You Know .. 2
The Beatles, 1966 .. 2
Health Matters .. 3
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Tagaytay Times
Metro Tagaytay Times is a monthly publication
that features information on interesting places,
notable events, and the best things to do in and
around Tagaytay.
Jonmark Ong
Rosemarie Asuncion-Reyes
Editor in Chief
Bro. Victor Stuart Fernandez
Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Ramon Reyes
Design and Technology
Jennylyn Nabelon
Sales Executive
Dennis Hetzel
Colin Richards
Dr. Jates Jose
Renalyne A. Digo
Executive Assistant
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A Foreigner’s View
By Colin Richards
1966 The Beatles
in Manila
Cats Can’t Eat Sweets
and Other Trivia
Did You Know?
By Dennis Hetzel
The tongues of humans and most
mammals hold thousands of taste
buds, microscopic receptors that identify various tastes
and then signal the brain. About 400 BC, Democritus
(an ancient Greek) determined that humans could detect
four “flavors” … sour, bitter, salty, and sweet. That’s how
things remained for a couple thousand years until about
1900 when a French chef (Auguste Escoffier) identified
a fifth taste: “umami” or meatiness. Today, scientists are
debating whether to add a sixth human taste: fattiness.
Even for prehistoric cavemen, sweetness was important.
It identified a food source rich in carbohydrates. So for
quick energy dogs, wolves, bears, hyenas, mice, horses,
mongooses, pandas, humans … virtually all mammals
except lions, tigers and house cats seek sweet treats.
Dogs and humans also enjoy meat but cats only want
meat, not carbohydrates. (Yes, I know that when cats are
hungry they’ll eat rice but they won’t enjoy it.) However,
dogs like your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, will enjoy
sweet chocolate. But unlike humans, canines are able to
handle only small amounts of chocolate. Larger doses are
poisonous. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical
similar to caffeine that can cause a dog’s heart to accelerate
to high speeds. So, dogs and chocolate don’t mix. Other
things bad for dogs (and cats, too) include avocado, beer,
onions, garlic, grapes, raisins and salt.
Did you know that the earth isn’t really round?
That’s right, our fragile blue marble photographed many
times by astronauts isn’t round. Isaac Newton was the first
to propose that the earth was slightly deformed into what’s
known as an oblate spheroid – a sphere that’s squished at
the poles and swollen at the equator. The earth is spinning
on its axis. Due to this rotation, a person standing at the
equator is moving about 1,650 kilometers per hour. This
rotation also causes the earth to bulge at the middle. The
earth’s diameter is almost 50 meters greater at the equator
than between the poles. Okay, so what? The earth is
12,756 kilometers in diameter. This small bulge is hardly
noticeable so no big deal.
The upcoming concert of ‘Look-a-Like’ Beatles performing in Manila this month inspired me to repeat the facts of the
first ‘real’ Beatles tour of the Philippines in 1966. Personally, I find it such a shame and a lost opportunity for both sides
of the fracas …
In the morning of 3 July 1966, The Beatles flew from Japan to the Philippines, stopping briefly en route in Hong Kong.
They had sold out concerts booked and they did perform twice on their first day to crowds of 80,000 people.
The morning of the second day they were ‘told’ that they must attend and perform at a party being given by Imelda
Marcos at Malacang for 200 guests. They apparently had no prior knowledge of the arrangement so their manager, Brian
Epstein, politely declined the invitation – he did not realize that in those days you did not decline the President (or the
First Lady)!
Despite the British Embassy pleading
with the group, they still declined
as they never did private parties for
anyone. Especially for no fee. Imelda
went on TV with her siblings crying
because they did not see the Beatles. The
press, of course, criticized the group and
whipped up an anti-Beatles fever against
them. Brian Epstein did try to apologize
to the Filipino people and whilst doing
a televised interview... the transmission
was cut off.
This is when the furor started and all
the planned concerts were cancelled. All
security for the band was withdrawn and
the boys had to make there ‘escape’ back to the airport for their KLM flight. To top it off, they were told that they had
to pay an airport tax of $15,000 before they could leave, which they did. The reputation of the Philippines, as far as the
Beatles were concerned, was sullied forever and never again would they perform here.
All that chaos could have been avoided had things been planned (not the norm here in the Philippines, but is so
important). We all tend to think that what we want is the same as what everyone else wants. Not so. Bad planning always
leads to confusion and misunderstanding as what happened in 1966. Here, very often I hear about musical shows the
week they are happening. Of course, it is already too late to book. Bad planning.
We get invitations to local parties and events the same day! The inviters being so disappointed when we have to decline
because of prior engagements. Again, bad planning The people of the Philippines lost out that day in 1966 because of
bad planning. But despite all these, the Beatles became the biggest music band in history and are still as popular as ever.
Their music is timeless.
For those lucky 80,000 who attended their only two concerts in Manila, I am sure the experience is embedded in your
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Next time you receive a bouquet of cut flowers,
add some citrus-flavored soda (7-up, Sprite, etc.) to the
vase of water. Or, add a touch of vodka to help keep
flowers bright and beautiful longer. But, usually citrus
soda is recommended because it is more readily available
in most households and it’s cheaper than vodka. Why
does this work? In addition to water, flowers need a little
sugar to stay fresh. But simply sweetening the water with
sugar would encourage the growth of bacteria harmful to
the delicate blooms. The citrus sodas are slightly acidic
preventing bacteria growth. Also, when the flowers arrive,
make a fresh cut across each stem to facilitate intake of the
water and soda. Remove fading blooms to permit the rest
of the bouquet to stay beautiful longer.
Have you heard of Naga Fireballs? On just a few
nights in late October every year, thousands of people
crowd the banks of the Mekong River near the city of
Nong Khai, Thailand to see small balls of red light silently
emerge from the river and quickly rise to about 50 meters
before disappearing. The lights are named after the Naga,
a gigantic, mythical serpent that supposedly lives in the
river and shoots the red balls into the air. The fireballs
have been reported on, filmed and observed by millions
of people. There is supposedly no actual explanation as to
their origin. There have been many theories. For example,
skeptics say the lights are actually tracer rounds fired from
rifles on the opposite river bank, bottle rockets, or even
specialized modern fireworks. But proponents believe
that gas emitted by decomposing organic residue on the
river bottom spontaneously ignites, sending small fireballs
into the air. But there are a few difficulties with that
conclusion. First, methane or natural gas is the most likely
gas generated by decomposition. Methane burns blue not
red. Second, methane requires a spark, an ignition source.
It doesn’t spontaneously burst into flame. Third, why
would this unique decomposition only occur for a few days
each year and only in this particular location? Why aren’t
there fireballs on the Cagayan River? Finally, methane or
any similar gas would bubble to the surface of the river but
not fly 50 meters into the air. So, confusion surrounds the
origin of the fireballs. But one thing cannot be denied. The
tourist trade brings 50 to 100 million Thai Baht into the
tiny local economy every year. The current exchange rate
is about 1.3 Philippine Pesos for each Thai Baht. So 100
million Baht equates to about 130 million Pesos. That’s a
lot of money. So, the fireballs will probably continue in late
October for at least the next few years.
Editor’s Note
By Rosemarie Asuncion-Reyes
Celebrate Moments,
Go Back in Time and
Discover the Best Pancit
Tagaytay remains a well-loved destination because
you will keep coming back to favorite haunts as often
as you discover some place new. The city never gets
boring as there is so much to see and do!
This issue, we revisit Domicillo Design Hotel to
experience the best room in the house: the Premier
Room with a view of Taal Lake front and center.
Waking up to that view makes celebrating occasions
even sweeter. New discoveries include Krisson, the
place to get the best Pancit Malabon and Pichi Pichi
at the Ayala Mall Serin. Plus more Filipino favorite
dishes with a twist. Then there is the quaint and pretty
Memory Lane Diner and Gift Shop, when you want to
step back in time to the 50’s and 60’s. That trip was a
breath of fresh air, actually, to an era that is calmer and
gentler. Perfect spot for couples planning a pre-nuptial
shoot with a “Somewhere in Time” concept (an old hit
movie starring the beautiful Jane Seymour and the late
Christopher Reeves).
Now that we moving to the busiest time of the year,
treat yourself to a well-deserved staycation. Call us at
Metro Tagaytay Times for the best deals in hotel stays
-- up to 30% off on published rates!
memory. The Beatles survived musically whilst presidents
and prime ministers fell. There is some justice in that I
“He’s a real Nowhere man living in his no where land, making
all his no where plans for nobody” -- The Beatles, Nowhere Man,
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Domicillo: Celebrating Life’s
Moments Continued from page 1
lotion. There is no unsightly silver-toned floor drain, a necessary feature in the bath area.
Instead the floor gently slopes down one edge to drain water quite elegantly.
My husband liked the bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that is included in the room. My
favorite amenity: the therapeutic Signature Body Massage for two which my daughter
and I availed. The full hour of Thai, Shiatsu and Swedish massage was both soothing and
relaxings. The therapists used deep tissue movements to knead out the knots and tension
from the muscles and joints, especially from the shoulders and back. My daughter actually
napped, lulled by the lavender-scented oil. All hotel rooms come with a free minibar of
sodas, juices, coffee and tea. The minibar is hidden behind a cabinet door and blends well
with the rest of the furniture in solid wood. Domicillo really pays attention to detail.
Staying in the best room means waking up to a magnificent view on the morning of my
daughter’s birthday. The special day was off to a great start with complimentary breakfast
from either of the two restaurants in the hotel (or both, if you wish): La Finca Restaurant
and Aozora Japanese Cafe + Bistro. For a novel adventure, try both Filipino and Japanese
for your first meal of the day -- and that only happens at Domicillo.
Overall, another great experience. A stay at this hotel is always a treat with the amazing
view, luxurious interiors and excellent staff. I am happy my kid has good taste and excellent
style. Wonder what she will request on her next milestone?
Domicillo Design Hotel has three room types with different views: the Premiere Room
(lower lake view with veranda and pocket garden), the Superior Room (upper lake view
with balcony) and the Deluxe Room (garden view). It has two restaurants, a Home Store
and Gallery, a Lounge and View Deck which are ideal for private or corporate events. The
hotel is located at Km. 58 General Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, Maharlika East, Tagaytay
City. For inquiries and reservations, contact (046) 413.3782, 0922.884.1046 or email
[email protected].
Health Matters
By Dr. Jates Jose
The Dance for Life
Skillfully, his arms, fingers and wrists moved in synchrony, as the highlight of the
performance became apparent. Stress on his mind was nearing its peak, the most energy
consuming aspect of this exploit is the continuous overdrive of his thought processes.
Every single muscle in his body starts to strain, begging for rest, from hours of holding
the same position. Auxiliaries in the number are no less exhausted. As the main artist’s
pressure builds up to maximal levels, it looms heavily in the air making it most certainly
contagious. Decades of education and tons of experience makes this execution no less
unique, as “each performance is different” - this thought something he has to constantly
remind himself. Each tiny movement gets more dangerously significant as the fruition is
nearing its climax. Knots of sweat have been trickling down to the now sopping-wet fabric
of his attire. Luminosity of the spotlight is essential, the radiant heat from it doesn’t help.
His fingers, consciously at their height of sensitivity, feels a fearful yet welcoming
tug. The disease-causing entity is free. An inaudible sigh of relief escapes from the
Surgeon’s breath and everyone else in the room does the same. The performance is far
from completion, but the worst is over. Everything so far was orchestrated well in this
dance for life. The entire team then proceed to finish the remaining laborious task.
Every person who holds a role in the medical or healing community is an Artist in his
or her own right. Each artist is the hero in that particular performance. Being an artist
in the life-saving business is one unimaginable thought, it being among the (if not THE)
most stressful occupational performances. Had I known of its full demands and stresses,
I might have stepped away a long time ago. Nevertheless, here I am inevitably today.
I highly commend my fellow surgeons. Kudos for stepping into the spotlight each time,
willingly or hesitatingly. We pour in all the best of our abilities and efforts in this literal dance
for each life -- each one putting the entire weight of its trust squarely in our hands. The degree
of personal satisfaction from every fruition, I’m sure you will agree, cannot be matched.
Dr. Jose T. Jose is an Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist, Head and Neck Surgeon, Cosmetic
Aesthetic Surgeon at the Tagaytay Medical Center-located at the Tagaytay-Silang Crossing.
He is also a Private Practitioner at the BENE SANCTUARII MEDICAL along the Tagaytay
Highway Brgy. Kaybagal South, where he performs his cosmetic surgeries.
Vintage Country Diner - Blast
from the Past from page 1
The weather was finicky that morning we drove up peaceful Magallanes Drive in
Tagaytay. The sun managed to peek through the clouds at this charming Americanstyle cottage, our first look at Memory Lane Country Diner and Gift Shop. We were
admiring its facade and verdant garden when clouds covered the sun again to softly
light the scenery around us, painting it like we were visualizing from memory.
Jun Magdangal who owns and manages Memory Lane welcomed us warmly into this
unique place. As soon as you step in, you feel a time leap back to the simpler days
— Tony Bennett and later Paul Anka sang in the background. Their music sounded
scratchy rather than boomy. The chairs and tables were made of real wood, pleasing
to touch with its texture and inexplicable sensation of comfort. The toys on display
were made of tin or wood rather than plastic resin. All the things were fashioned at
a time when they were made by craftsmen rather than technicians. The experience
was surreal — like coming home to your grandparents' lovingly decorated home,
filled with memorabilia and laughter. The black and white movie showing on the
retro television screen looks a lot like the one I grew up with. A throwback. A blast
from the past.
Daddy Jun entertained us for a good three hours before we wondered where that
time went. Over a sumptuous spread of the restaurant's bestsellers, it was the most
fun lunch we have had for a time. We feasted on Sinigang na Lechon, their take on
everybody's favorite protein. Daddy Jun revealed that they are the first in the city
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Vintage Country Diner - Blast
from the Past Continued from page 3
to offer Lechon with the sour and refreshingly good broth. Mom's Tender Juicy Baby
Back Ribs is a special recipe of Daddy Jun's better half -- indeed extremely tender and
juicy. The boneless Dagupan Daing na Bangus perfectly pairs with Ampalaya Ensalada,
the right balance of salty, bitter and sweet. Dad’s Adobong Kangkong with Chicharon
Toppings was a hit even with the "non-veggie" eater in the group, although she had the
lion's share of the crunchy bits. For dessert, we tried their American Halo-Halo, Memory
Lane's version of the Filipino summer refreshment. Inspired by a similar concoction in
one of their travels to New York, Daddy Jun decided to bring it to their customers with a
generous serving of fruit cocktail (lots of grapes!), vanilla ice cream with whipped cream,
topped with cornflakes and marshmallows. Something new to us is the deceptively simple
Mom's Home-baked Prunes Pudding with Vanilla Topping. Prunes have never been so
addictive as it is baked in this delicious pudding. We just kept coming back for more.
And this is only found at Memory Lane. Their Honey Fruit Iced Tea is one of the best we
have tasted. Daddy Jun has fond memories of the time he worked for the country's biggest
conglomerate where this iced tea was served. He recalled how he persistently asked the
creator of the drink to share with him the recipe. It took him a long time, but he got it.
Boneless Chicken, Mom’s Home-baked Prunes Pudding with Vanilla Topping, American
Halo-halo, Memory Lane Special Iced Tea and many more. Our gift shop offers country
home decors, fashion accessories, antiques and pre-owned items.
What is the best customer feedback you have received?
We have been getting very encouraging feedback from our clients as can be seen in
our guestbook and our facebook page. Memory Lane is also awarded as one of the
Top Choices among restaurants by, a China-based restaurant and tourism
evaluations organization.
Most of the recipes are named after the particular family member's contribution. Daddy
Jun said Memory Lane is very much a family business. With his corporate background,
he oversees the operations while his wife is in charge of finance having worked in the
banking industry. They also personally monitor the cutting of meat from their sources so
they can offer city favorites like Bulalo plus their very own dishes from recipes coming
from his parents as well as his wife's parents. Both Daddy Jun and his wife buys the
ingredients and prepares the sauces and spices. All three Magdangal children are actively
involved: the eldest daughter is in charge of purchasing, the middle daughter being the
multi-awarded singer-actress Jolina Magdangal-Escueta takes care of promotions and
marketing. The youngest and only son is the chief cook. With his friends assisting in the
kitchen, the youngest Magdangal ensures the quality of each dish that comes out.
Daddy Jun shared stories of how Memory Lane was built, literally from the ground up,
five years ago when they decided to focus on food (since everybody in the family loves
to eat and cook) after many, many years in the corporate world, manufacturing, retail
and entertainment industries. When a neighbor in Tagaytay offered his lot for sale to
the Magdangals, the family decided to put to good use the space to house a restaurant
which maximizes their passion for food and displays all the accessories and vintage items
sourced from their travels, especially from yard sales in the United States.
"Lagareng Hapon kami noon. Kita sa commodities (for Jolina's Fashion Gallery, an
old business, which they expanded to include country home decor) and sa concert as
producers of Jolina's shows. Eh kinakatok kami kahit sarado na tindahan. So we decided
to open a restaurant pero dapat may strong idea, a concept that will sell the food. We did
extensive research to verify that wala pang American vintage shop dito sa Tagaytay. So
we went with that unique concept and built this building based on my sketches of what we
saw in our travels to the US and Australia," Daddy Jun recounted in detail.
Jolina's record album "On Memory Lane", certified platinum for selling more than 150,000
copies, was the source of inspiration when naming the diner. The album contained old
favorites ("Paper Roses", "Too Young" and "Crying Time", to name a few) sung by then
17-year-old Jolina, which had the surprisingly positive effect of bringing grandparents
and grandchildren closer. Now, it is the name of a special place that is enjoyed by people
across generations. "We want to bring the experience of what it was like when times were
gentler and less harried. For people of different ages to bond in a place where they can
look back and take a trip down memory lane," Daddy Jun says with a smile,
"This is a retirement project namin ni misis. Para di naman namin mapansin ang mga
sakit na karaniwan nararamdaman sa paglipas ng panahon. Also to keep our minds active.
Memory Lane is a way for us to keep our past and youth alive. Inisip nga namin, beside
it we can put up a retirement home "Memory Gap" and then after that have "Memorial
Lane". Okay na sa lahat ng stages ng buhay!" Daddy Jun's quick wit and sense of humor
certainly makes visiting Memory Lane a memorable experience.
To have your own "Moment in Time" meal, party or pre-nuptial shoot, visit Memory
Lane at Magallanes Drive, Tagaytay City on the following schedule: Mon: 11:00am 9:00pm / Wed-Fri: 11:00am – 9:00pm / Sat-Sun: 9:00am – 9:00pm. For reservations,
contact at 0917.858.1950 / 0922.829.8486 / (046)483.2479. Special weekend menus are
also available on top of the regular bestsellers. Make sure to visit in December when the
entire place is magically transformed into a Christmas Fairy Land.
What is the inspiration behind Memory Lane?
In our travels abroad, especially in the US, we are always amazed with vintage country
homes. In almost every place, we also hunted for old things in antique shops, garage
sales, etc. My wife and I were born and grew up in the 50’s era when life was simple,
quiet, enjoying classic movies and songs that endure the test of time. These became our
inspiration in putting up Memory Lane: the old meets the new. We aspire to make this as
a bonding place between the grandparents, parents and their children and grandchildren.
We are delighted that this is what is actually happening now. Our guests enjoy the food,
ambiance while listening to the music of the 50’s and 60’s.
How do you describe your food?
Our food is a mix of American and Filipino cuisines catering to both the young and the
old, most of which resembles the home-cooked qualities.
What are your best sellers?
Our best-sellers include Mom’s Tender Juicy Babyback Ribs, Sinigang na Lechon, Dad’s
Adobong Kangkong with Chicharon, Mom’s Home-cooked Spaghetti, Country Grilled
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Krisson: Pancit Malabon,
Pichi Pichi and more at Serin
quality of food,
Continued from page 1
Pichi Pichi, ensured
a steady stream of clients. It is this same quality of food that secured its spot in Ayala Malls
Serin, the retail giant known for meticulously choosing the establishments that occupy
their floorspace.
Owner and chef Ma. Krisson Da-yao could scarcely believe that her relatively new, little
restaurant -- a product of tons of sweat and tears -- is now serving patrons at Ayala
Mall Serin. It all happened so fast because in under a month, she was able to meet all
the requirements to open up shop. Since they opened this year, Ms. Krisson has been
inundated with offers and tie-up proposals from companies impressed with her food
Such skill may not be surprising as Ms. Krisson came from a long line of family whose
businesses are firmly entrenched in food. Passion for cooking runs through her bloodline.
As a self-confessed passionate home cook, she initially served only her kids. "Kinareer ko na
pagluluto, una sa mga anak ko. Then eto, sina-suggest ng family ko bakit di ako mag-open
sa Tagaytay kasi wala pa daw masarap na Pancit Malabon and Pichi Pichi doon. Noong
una akong nag-open, ako talaga gumagawa lahat. Paggayat, pagtimpla, luto, hugas...", Ms.
Krisson recalls the early days with a smile. Her experience years ago of working in the
family food business helped tremendously in her new career as entrepreneur. As does her
unique style of cooking -- she does not follow a cookbook recipe. She said that the more
she cooks from a recipe, the less flavourful her food becomes. So she learned to rely on her
eye for detail and palate to come up with comfort food with a twist. And the results are the
best sellers now offered at Krisson.
It is common knowledge that good food only comes from a happy cook. When asked
about what inspires her, she flashed her megawatt smile. Yes, she is happy in all areas of
her life, thank you very much. Especially when her little business is growing fast. "It was
really my idea to go into the food business. I used to be a therapist in a hotel in Manila.
Walang nagturo sa akin magluto. Tapos tamad pa ako magbasa ng cookbook. Pictures
lang talaga tinitingnan ko. Palpak ako pag may recipe so diskarte lang talaga. Tapos eto
nagtuloy tuloy na." Up to now, she still does a lot of the work at her new place in the
mall. "Ako mismo nagma-market. Very hands-on ako. Minsan sa sobrang pagod sa gabi,
bumabagsak yung hawak kong cellphone kasi nakatulog na ako e hawak ko pa," she says
with a laugh. Obviously, hard work and sacrifice pay off as she is now living her dream.
is urgently in need of the following positions:
Resort Manager
Village Manager
Chief Engineer
Junior Engineers (Civil/Industrial and
Electrical Engineers)
Chief Security Officer
Executive Housekeeper
Collection Manager
Collection Clerk
Interested applicants may submit their resume at
Canyon Woods Resort Club, Diokno Highway,
Barangay San Gregorio Laurel Batangas.
For inquiries, please call:
(02) 521-7878 local 2314/2222
(02) 892-9827 local 231 / 0915-6184099 or
email us at [email protected]
Many have commented that the homey yet modern atmosphere inside her cute little mall
shop contributes to the total dining experience. Ms. Krisson is quick to point out that the
overall look and concept was carefully thought out with the help of her architect-partner,
who is also her adviser, all-around cheerer and taste-tester for new offerings. The abstract
wall art occupying prominent space at Krisson is actually the restaurant's name (very
artistic!). And another work of her partner.
Foodies and die-hard Pichi Pichi lovers are just glad they have a place to get their favorites
right inside the newest mall in Tagaytay City. That it is such a cute and cool place is another
advantage. Krisson definitely brings something special to Ayala Malls Serin.
Grab a table at Krisson, located on the first floor of Ayala Mall Serin (opposite The
Coffee Bean Tea Leaf and beside Earle’s Delicacies) from 10am - 10pm daily. For takeout
orders especially of their specialties, Pichi Pichi and Pansit Malabon, call 0927.735.3078;
0999.173.8338 and 0932.780.1818.
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MTT Page 7
Call 0916.696.9309 (Globe) or 0922.510.5654 (Sun)
The Classifieds
Reach customers quickly,
at the lowes prices.
Call 0916.696.9309 (Globe) or
0922.510.5654 (Sun) ask for Jhen
or send email to
[email protected]
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your High School Education
*Based on Universities Ranking
as of July 2015
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 11 & 12)
Academic Track
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track
• Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
• Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
• Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)
• Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
• General Academic (GA)
ADO_metrotagaytay0818.indd 1
MT_V5N9.1edited.indd 8
Specialization in Animation and Computer Programming
Specialization in Contact Centre Services
• Industrial Arts (IA)
Specialization in Consumer Electronics Servicing
Specialization in Shielded Metal Arc Welding
• Home Economics (HE)
Specialization in Bread and Pastry Production, Cookery,
Food and Beverage Services, and Housekeeping
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