Pregnancy with Twin Infant
Pregnancy with Twin Infant
10/4/2011 Twins Pregnancy Fajar Ari Nugroho Prevalensi • Sejak tahun 1980 65% angka kejadian bayi kembar penggunaan ovulation induction agent (obat kesuburan) & insiden kehamilan pada wanita usia tua • Dari keseluruhan kejadian kehamilan kembar hanya 3% yang dapat lahir hidup they responsible of a disproportionate share of perinatal morbidity and mortality • all survivors of preterm multifetal births have an increased risk of mental and physical handicap. 1 10/4/2011 Type 2 10/4/2011 3 10/4/2011 Risk & Problem For Infant 1. Greater risk being premature with IUGR (intrauterine fetal growth restriction ) or LBW 2. 1/5 of Triple pregnancy & ½ of quadruplet pregnencies ≥1 child with a major long-term handicap (eg. Cerebral palsy) Triple = ≥ 17 x, Twin =≥4x 3. Growth –restricted preterm infants 4. NICU admission ¼ of twin(18days), ¾ of triples(30days), all quadruplets (58days) Risk & Problem For Maternal 1. maternal morbidity and associated health care costs ↑ 2. period of hospitalization ≥ 6 x 3. Complication preeclampsia, preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, placental abruption, pyelonephritis and postpartum hemorrhage 4. Hospital costs ≥ 40% 4 10/4/2011 Morbidity & Mortality Characteristics Twins Triplets Quadruplets Average birth weight 2,347g 1,687g 1,309g Average gestational age at delivery 35.3wk 32.2wk 29.9wk 14-25 50-60 50-60 25 75 100 18days 30days 58days - 20 50 4times more than singletons 17times more than singletons - 7 times higher than singletons 20 times higher than singletons - Percentage with growth restriction Percentage requiring admission to neonatal intensive care unit Average length of stay in neonatal intensive care unit Percentage with major handicap Risk of cerebral palsy Risk of death by age 1year 5 10/4/2011 Pre cause & Effect (fertility drugs) 1. result of the increased use of ART (assisted reproduction therapy) and ovulation-induction agents in 1980, 37/100,000 triple or more By 2002, 184/100,000 2. 3.2% ART, ranging 1%~5% in association with both ART and ovulation induction one unexpected complication high incidence of monochorionic twins Pre cause & Effect 3. Monozygotic twinning increase the incidence of high order multiple gestation, complicates fetal growth and development, can lead to rare complications(twin-twin transfusion syndrome or acardiac twinning), increases the morbidity of a pregnancy reduction procedure. 6 10/4/2011 Pre cause & Effect (maternal age) 1. the woman’s age increasing the a prior risk of a poor perinatal outcome in a high-order multiple gestation 2. Growing proportion of older women successfully undergoing fertility treatment increase in pregnancies complicated adult-onset disease (DM, labor abnormalities, cesarean delivery) 3. Increased maternal age increases the risk of fetal trisomies (eg. Down syndrome) Pre cause & Effect (maternal age) 1. the woman’s age increasing the a prior risk of a poor perinatal outcome in a high-order multiple gestation 2. Growing proportion of older women successfully undergoing fertility treatment increase in pregnancies complicated adult-onset disease (DM, labor abnormalities, cesarean delivery) 3. Increased maternal age increases the risk of fetal trisomies (eg. Down syndrome) 7 10/4/2011 8 10/4/2011 Complication: Gestational Diabetes 1. Incidence twin pregnancies higher than in singleton pregnancies (36%), triplet pregnancies higher than in twin pregnancies (2239%) 9 10/4/2011 Complication: Gestational Diabetes 2. Diagnosis & management of gestational diabetes in multiple gestation remain unexamined the ideal number of daily calories, the optimal weight gain The best form of insulin to use the best method of fetal surveillance and the ideal time for delivery are all currently unknown - Complication: HypertensionPreeclamsia 1. Preeclampsia twin gestations ≥ X 2.6 times of singleton gestations, triplet gestations ≥ twin gestations 2. Significantly more likely to occur earlier and to be severe 10 10/4/2011 Complication: HypertensionPreeclamsia 3. <35wks gestational hypertension (12.4times in twin), preeclampsia (6.7times in twin), hypertension with diastolic BP >110 (2.2 times in twin) 4. Multiple gestations by ART greater risk of develop in hypertensive complications than spontaneous multiple gestations (unknown) Complication: HypertensionPreeclamsia 5. High-order multiple gestations more likely to develop atypical preeclampsia, hypertension (50%), edema (38%), proteinuria (19%), epigastric pain (60%), HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low PLT (56%)) 6. Management of hypertension complications in high-order multiple gestations has not been studied prospectively 7. Placental abruption : 8.2 times 11 10/4/2011 Complication: Acute Fatty Liver 1. severe coagulopathy, hypoglycemia, hyper ammonemia can lead to fetal or maternal death, halt the disease process by delivery but in postpartum period = complicated by pancreatitis or diabetes insipidus or both Complication: Acute Fatty Liver 2. Sx anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise beginning late in pregnancy and developing over several days of weeks, vague and nonspecific, concurrent evidence of preeclampsia (1/3 of affected women), delayed Dx. 12 10/4/2011 Complication: Pulmonary Embolism 1. Factors multiple pregnancy (m/c), cesarean delivery, delivery < 36wks, (body mass index) ≥25, maternal age ≥35 BMI Complication: Others 1. Pruritic urticarial papules and pustules dermatosis that most commonly affects primigravid women in the 3rd trimester starts in abdominal striae * striae : in multiple gestations (m/c) d/t wt. gain, abdominal distension 13 10/4/2011 Complication: Others 2. Fetal reduction the risks associated with a quadruplet or higher pregnancy clearly outweigh Perinatal outcome after fetal reduction Noted an overall postprocedure pregnancy loss rate: 11.7% Very early preterm (ig. 25~28wks) delivery rate : 4.5% Chance of losing either an additional fetus or the whole pregnancy Chance of early preterm delivery, increased according to the starting number of fetuses Fetuses ≥6 : lost before 24wks of gestation – 23% delivered at ≥37wks (normal)– 20% Complication: Note 1. Fetal reduction of a high-order multiple pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR) 2. Monochorionicity : complicate the reduction procedure one fetus of a monochorionic twin pair is inadvertently reduced → sudden hypotension and thrombotic phenomena → death of damage of the remaining twin fetus 14 10/4/2011 Summary of Recommendation 1. Women with high-order multiple gestations should be queried about nausea, epigastric pain and other unusual 3rd-trimester symptoms because they are at increased risk to develop HELLP syndrome, in many cases before symptoms of preeclampsia have appeared. 2. The higher incidence of gestational diabetes and hypertension in high-order multiple gestations warrants screening and monitoring for these complication . Summary of Recommendation 3. Hospitalization, bed rest, or home uterine activity monitoring have not been studied in high order multiple gestations, and, therefore should not be ordered prophylactically. There currently is no evidence that their prophylactic use improves outcome in these pregnancies 4. Women should be counseled about the risks of high order multiple gestation before beginning ART 15 10/4/2011 Diet Management 1. An adequate maternal weight gain optimal weight gain & infant gestational 2. No specific diet applied 3. Common diet for pregnancy has been shown to be particularly important in these high-risk pregnancies Apa yang kamu anggap buruk buatmu belum tentu buruk bagimu, dan apa yang kamu anggap baik buatmu belum tentu baik bagimu… THANKS FOR JOINING THE CLASS…. 16