april 2015 - Laguna Beach Community Clinic
april 2015 - Laguna Beach Community Clinic
CONNEcTIONS N E W S L E T T E R O F L A G U N A B E A C H C O M M U N I T Y A p r i l 2 0 1 5 C L I N I C The mission of LBCC is to offer excellent medical care, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Clinic! You are invited!!! Our 9th Annual Sunset “Fiesta” Sunday, May 3rd, 4:30 ~ 7:30 pm At the spectacular Cliff Restaurant, an oceanfront dining delight! Slip into colorful garb, dance to festive music, share our tantalizing tapas, magnificent margaritas, wonderful wines and view the sunshine splashed waves lapping along the sandy shore. Win riotous raffle prizes! Reserve NOW for $100 per person (tickets go quickly) $125 each after April 25 All proceeds benefit our Women’s Health program To respond “Sí” visit www.LBClinic.org 3 6 2 T h i r d S t r e e t • L a g u n a B e a c h • C a l i f o r n i a • 92651 • 949.494.0761 • w w w. L B C l i n i c . o r g Laguna Beach Community Clinic is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation, Tax ID # 95-2637633 Big changes for Laguna New technology revolutionizes patient care LBCC moving forward LBCC Board of Directors President: George Heed CFO/Treasurer: Roya Cole Gary Beverage Orson Dee, MD Jane Egly Barbara Hamkalo, PhD Marion Jacobs, PhD Anne E. Johnson Richard Kain Pamela Lawrence, MD John J. Link, Jr. Chris Loidolt Susan Neely Brian Sadler Mary Kate Saunders The use of EHR (Electronic Health Records) was mandated by passage of the Affordable Care Act. After much research, the Clinic chose the EPIC system. This system is recognized for its excellence nationally and is in use by Kaiser Hospitals, the Veteran’s Administration, and major universities and hospitals across the country. Purchase of the system, equipment, and training will cost the Clinic over $250,000. Under the diligent supervision of Clinic Associate Medical Director, Dr. Jorge Rubal, the Clinic staff is completing the implementation of our new state-of-the-art EHR system. This allows LBCC to continue as a mainstream provider of quality healthcare. Oregon Coast Health Information Network (OCHIN) spearheaded the application of the EPIC System, which is now used in over 100 community clinics such as ours. This system improves patient care and streamlines the ability to share information with other providers. This system will also improve billing and better reimbursement. Months prior to the January on-site training, the entire Clinic staff accessed online modules to aid in the orientation to the EHR program. Each staff member spent two hours per week for 5 weeks in interactive job-specific training. The Clinic designated three staff members as on-site specialists, called “Super Users” to provide day-to-day staff support. They are Jorge Rubal MD, Clinical Director, Adriana Sayegh, RN, and Alma Tellez, Front Office Supervisor. For several weeks, OCHIN provided on-site training at the Clinic for the front desk staff, clinical supervisors, Super Users and our billing team. There are a total of 20 computer stations throughout the Clinic, with the system directly linked to OCHIN. The data is backed up nightly and stored in 3 offsite locations. We want to again thank the Assistance League of Laguna Beach, the Draper Family Foundation, the Ueberroth Family Foundation, and many other supporters for their generous donations. This generosity helps us accomplish our Mission and remain the safety net provider of medical care in our community. We have ongoing operating expenses of about $60,000 per year and are reaching out to our community and foundations for ongoing support of this important system. —Mary Anderson, RN Medical Assistant, Maria Zembrano, takes a patient’s history on our new Electronic Health Records system Beach Community Clinic Do you know someone who does not have health insurance? Do you know someone who is insured through Covered California? The Clinic is here to help everyone become healthy and STAY healthy! Monday - Friday 8 - 5 (lunch 12 - 1) Saturday 8 - 12 Walk-in hours: 8 - 10am & 1 -3pm Mon. - Fri., 8 - 10am Saturday “Gimme Shelter” A thank you to local hotels During the fall and winter months, program experts oversaw the installation of Clinic’s new Electronic Health Records (EHR) and provided hands on training to our staff. We are grateful to these local hotels for generously hosting our EHR experts. The Inn at Laguna Beach The Art Hotel Holiday Inn Hotel Laguna La Casa Del Camino Thanks to an outpouring of community support, our EHR is now fully functional. Help the Clinic help others! The working poor and the uninsured continue to be hard hit by our current economy. You can help give the gift of health to families in our neighborhood. Please Give Today ɶɶ Use the enclosed envelope to mail your gift. ɶɶ Make a secure online contribution at www.LBClinic.org. ɶɶ Donate your car to the Clinic. Details: www.LBClinic.org Thank You! Contributions to Laguna Beach Community Clinic are tax deductible to the extent of the law. Tax #95-2637633 Dr. Korey Jorgensen Retires A festive tribute for our hero The enticing invitation to a much deserved thank you and sincere tribute for his 43 years as a dedicated physician at LBCC beckoned many admirers of Dr. Korey Jorgensen to rejoice in honor of his retirement on January 25 at the Montage Resort. Thoroughly enjoying a sun-splashed Sunday morning, 150 guests were warmly welcomed with sparkling flutes of Veuve Cliquot Champagne graciously hosted by Board member Roya Cole. The guest of honor greeted his admirers to the festive celebration which continued with a lavish buffet of delicious breakfast bounties. The public “thank you” heralded Dr. Jorgensen’s years of dependable and good-natured service at LBCC. Popular LB City Council member, Toni Iseman, called the appreciative honoree “my longtime friend and favorite dance partner.” He was presented with an engraved, gold-flecked, freeform glass bowl. Dr. Jorgensen concluded the revelry appropriately acknowledging donors both present and away for “my wonderful opportunity to practice medicine in a way that benefits people regardless of their ability to pay.” —Glori Fickling DONORS Diamond Level Donors Platinum Level Donors The Annenberg Foundation Anonymous Assistance League of Laguna Beach Draper Family Foundation Bill & Sue Gross Pfizer, Inc St. Joseph Health Community Partnership Fund Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Ueberroth Family Foundation Anonymous Blue Shield California Health Care Foundation City of Laguna Beach City of Lake Forest George Heed & Martin Conlon Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Mildred & Marian Kiger Foundation AAUW, Laguna Beach AIDS Healthcare Foundation Dr. Frank & Joan Andersen George Baechtold Dr. Marina Ball Ron Beasley Dr. Tom & Carolyn Bent Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Gary & Nancy Beverage Gerald Bodamer, DDS Bob Boyd Roya Cole & Charles View Dr. Orson & Dee Hal Binder Bill Deland & Mark Fleming Timothy Dillon Anne Earhart Paul & Jane Egly Nordstrom Orange County Community Foundation Pacific Life Foundation Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation Laura Tarbox The Allergan Foundation The John D. Evans Foundation United Way, Orange County Wells Fargo Foundation Gold Level Donors Tom Ellebie & Paula Mathis Dr. Barbara Hamkalo Dr. Marion Jacobs Gary & Betsy Jenkins Dr. Korey Jorgensen Diane Koch Laguna Beach Chamber Of Commerce Laguna Board of Realtors Laguna Presbyterian Church Dr. Pamela Lawrence & Andrew Horowitz John & Claudia Link Jim & Katie Loss Macy’s Dr. Thomas and Karen Mauro Silver Level Donors Eunice Aikman Anonymous (2) Dana Harbor Bridge Club Ebell Club of Laguna Beach Kent & Linda Falk Gene & Johanna Felder Gay Geiser Jazelle Ghiz Andrew & Jeanette Harautuneian Robert Haskell Mai Huynh Jim & Susie Jaqua Mark Johnson Kay Jones The Clinic is very grateful to our generous 2014 donors. You make it happen! Michael & Cheryl Kinsman Tiberio & Leslie Lindgren Marshall & Joyce Linn Greg & Barbara McGillivary Robert & Sonia Meyerhof Kia Mortazvi Dr. Roger & Eileen Ohanesian Sidney Peterson Kent Russell Kirk & Mary Kate Saunders Eric & Mary Schneider Dr. Lynn & Melinda Stanton The Petersen Family Fund Village Laguna, Inc. Ann McDonald Morgan Stanley Jeffrey & Debbie Mulligan Bob & Susan Neely John Nootbaar Charles & Ann Quilter Chris Quilter Al Roberts & Ken Jillson Rotary Club of Laguna Bech Sam & Peggy Grossman Family Foundation Bruce & Jan Scherer Daniel & Francine Scinto bastian & Assoc. Jim & Ann Shea Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Soroptimist, Laguna Beach Spring Classic Golf Tournament Robert & Nancy West Legacy Donors Bobby Albert Tom & Carolyn Bent Gary & Nancy Beverage Orson Dee, MD Lee Winocur Field Barbara Hamkalo, PhD Bonnie & Arnold Hano George Heed & Martin Conlon Marion Jacobs, PhD Korey Jorgensen, MD Lon Schultz Bronze Level Donors Gregory & Kathleen Abel Bob Albert Mary Anderson Andy & Martha Anderson Anonymous (5) Art for the Soul Auto Repair of Laguna Beach Wayne & Faye Baglin Richard & Margaret Bayston Katherine Bent Kathleen Blackburn Francois Boucher Chris Bragg & Philip Yaeger Lauren Buangan Dr. Janet Chance Bill & Tina Cordes Mary Cordes Bill & Mary Cordes Dr. Art Corish Alison Cummings George & Karin de Riszner Anna Deland Diane DeWalsche Claus Dieckell Nadine Diedrich Dr. Cecile Dillon Lynn Drazba Anne Ellett Megan Evans Joyce Farmer Jon & Peggy Feder Kathryne Fitch Brian Fitzgerald Jim & Cindy Fletcher Kenneth Frank Dick & Anne Frank Paul Fritz Jim & Kathleen Galassi Linda Georges Glo Gordon & Vickie Holtmeier Mary Gregart Trigg & Vicki Gumm James & Jean Hall Dennis Hall Hanauer Family Foundation Arnold & Bonnie Hano Charles & Sharon Haywood Colin Henderson Jane Hoberg Teri J. Hoops Mark Hurd & Kevin Kramp Hon. Toni Iseman Joe & Susan Jahraus Jeff & Linda Jahraus Chloe Jenkins Marv & Anne Johnson Garth Jorgensen Richard & Bette Kain Clare Kapin Marc Kaplan Kate Mesta Jewerly Charles & Emily Kennedy Frederick Knauss Hans & Anita Knoblauch Adrian & Elaine Kuyper Laguna Relief & Resource Coalition Hal & Nora Lehman Alexandra Lithgow Virginia Marshall Vicente & Susan Mas Michael Masters Erta Matson James & Karen McBride McCord Builders Peter & Jackie McDougall Robert Menchaca & Maria Morcos Edward & Jeannette Merrilees Michael & Linda Neri Margot Norris John & Ann O’Flynn Tom & Ginger Osborne Garrett & Linda Pack Richard & Lauren Packard Murray Palatnick Thomas Panno Marshall & Joyce Parker Thomas Peters & Joy Dittberner Wayne Peterson & Terry Smith Madeleine Peterson Robert & Sandra Pink Michael Pinto Jim & Merrill Plou Susan Powers Philip Pryde Herb & Mary Rabe Dr. David & Patricia Randel Jeff Rehm & Scott Byer Carol Reynolds Dr. Barbara Ring James & Kate Rogers Dr. Richard & Karen Rosenberg Matthew & Rebecca Ryan Lester Savit Dr. Johanna Shapiro Andrew Siegenfeld Diane Silber Kay Skjei Smart & Final Charitable Foundation Robert Stait Toni Sullivan Richard Taketa Aaron & Catherine Talarico Fred & Pam Talarico Dr. Patrick Thein John & Margaret Thomas Joseph & Susan Thomas United Airlines Employees United Healthcare Richard Van Dyke Dr. James Vaughan Anita Vermund Diane View Dr. Gerald & Karen Wagner John & Elizabeth Wagner Dr. Betty Werksman L. D. Wesier Lew & Ethel Williams Tom & Jean Wilson Lee Winocur Field Wayne & Louise Wright Catherine Bunn Tony & Kymberly Chiapuzio Council On Aging - Orange County Scott & Jane Dineen Exchange Club of Laguna Beach, Inc. Camile Fitzpatrick Neil & Virginia Fitzpatrick Arthur & Shirley Forcier Rome & Judy Friesen Stephen Garber & Renee Degner Patricia Gillette Nancy Grant Dr. Sandra Grifman Diane Haun J.G. Hoover Annette & Marty Isozaki Coby Keller James & Patricia Kollenda Kroger Catherine Kusnick & Jay Mackro Laguna Beach Seniors Laura’s House Lin & Yee Lee Sandra Longnecker Moms Orange County James Murray National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence-OC Josh Nolan & Steve Field Cary & Lynn Nolan Stan Phillips Howard & Nancy Pink Lisa Pitz Dr. Thomas Poulos & Dr. Andrea Tenner Diane Riegler Donald & Elizabeth Roemermann Dr. Basil & Lynn Shardlow Sweetwater Car Wash Dr. Terrence Taylor Judy Teverbaugh Gayle Waite Jinger Wallace Barbara Williams-Pemberton Carole Zavala In-Kind Donors 230 Forest Avenue Restaurant Assistance League of Laguna Beach Roya Cole Dizz’s As Is Restaurant Hi-Time Wine Cellars House of Big Fish & Ice Cold Beer K’Ya Bistro La Casa del Camino Hotel Jay Laessig Lumberyard Restaurant Peter & Jackie McDougall Montage Resort & Spa Office Furniture Unlimited Dr. Stanley Rosen Sawdust Art Festival Ann Stevens Tivoli Terrace We have made every effort to include all of our donors from January 1, 2014 to December Supporters 2-1-1 Orange County/People for Irvine Community Health Anonymous (2) Harry & Susan Bithell Shirley Bowen Meriam Braselle 31, 2014. If your name is not listed, or is listed improperly, please accept our apologies, and take a moment to notify us at 949.494.0761 x 134 so we can make the correction. Laguna Beach Community Clinic 3 6 2 T h i r d S t r e e t • L a g u n a B e a c h • Ca l i f o r n i a • 9 2 6 5 1 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID w w w . L B C l i n i c .o r g LAGUNA BEACH, CA PERMIT NO. 148 To be removed from the Clinic mailing list, please call 949.494.0761 ext. 134 or email [email protected] Do you shop on Amazon.com? Help the Clinic at the same time! When you buy something on Amazon.com, you can make a donation to the Clinic each time! Don’t forget May 3, Sunday 4:30 - 7:30pm Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Clinic’s 9th annual Sunset party—please see front page Go to Smile.Amazon.com and designate Laguna Beach Community Clinic as your chosen organization, or search for “Amazon Smile” when you are on Amazon.com, and designate the Clinic as your beneficiary. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Clinic. Each donation is small, but with enough of them, it will add up! Thanks for remembering the Clinic as you shop at Amazon! Find us on Facebook! Become our fan! Search for “Laguna Beach Community Clinic”
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