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A N N U A L F i nan c i al S t a t e m e n t s o f MET R O A G 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 metro group open minded w w w. .de CO N TE N T S 3 Combined Management Report 4Balance Sheet 5Income Statement 6Notes 8 17 20 26 31 Notes to the balance sheet Notes to the income statement Other notes Corporate Boards of METRO AG and their mandates Affiliated companies 63Responsibility Statement of Legal Representatives 64Auditor´s Report 65Information, Financial Calendar 2015/16 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – COMBINED MANAGEMENT REPORT ––––––––––––––––– P. 3 COMBINED MANAGEMENT REPORT The management report of METRO AG and the group management report were combined pursuant to § 315 Section 3 of the German Commercial Code along with § 298 Section 3 of the German Commercial Code and included in the Annual Report 2014/15 of METRO GROUP. The annual financial statements and the management report of METRO AG included in the combined management report for financial year 2014/15 are presented to the operator of the Federal Gazette and then published in the Federal Gazette. The annual financial statements of METRO AG and the annual report of METRO GROUP for financial year 2014/15 are available online at http://reports.metrogroup.de. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – BALANCE SHEET ––––––––––––––––– P. 4 Balance sheet as of 30 September 2015 Assets € million Note no. 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 3 8 14 4 2 2 5 7,886 7,782 7,896 7,798 4,312 Non-current assets 2 Intangible assets Tangible assets Financial assets Current assets Receivables and other assets 6 2,819 Cash on hand, bank deposits and cheques 7 381 35 3,200 4,347 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 8 17 18 11,113 12,163 Note no. 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 9 835 835 828 828 Equity and liabilities € million Equity Share capital Ordinary shares Preference shares (Contingent capital) 7 7 (128) (128) Capital reserve 10 2,558 2,558 Reserves retained from earnings 11 2,660 2,660 Balance sheet profit 26 319 384 6,372 6,437 Provisions 12 384 393 Liabilities 13 4,352 5,328 Deferred income 14 5 5 11,113 12,163 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – INCOME STATEMENT ––––––––––––––––– P. 5 Income statement for the financial year from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2015 € million Note no. 2013/14 2014/15 Investment result 20 811 592 Financial result 21 –95 –21 Other operating income 22 475 469 Personnel expenses 23 –148 –194 Depreciation/amortisation/impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Other operating expenses 2 –15 –3 24 –433 –481 595 362 –7 –0 Result from ordinary operations Income taxes 25 Other taxes Net profit or loss –2 –2 586 360 24 Retained earnings from the previous year 26 0 Additions to reserves retained from earnings 11 –267 0 Balance sheet profit 26 319 384 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES ––––––––––––––––– P. 6 NOTES 1. Disclosure, accounting and measurement principles The annual financial statements of METRO AG are prepared in accordance with the regulations of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Certain items in the balance sheet and the income statement have been combined to increase transparency and informative value. To underscore the holding company character of METRO AG, the order of grouped income statements according to § 275 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) has been altered in some cases. These items are listed separately in the notes. The annual financial statements have been prepared in euros. All amounts are stated in million euros (€ million) unless otherwise indicated. Amounts below €0.5 million are rounded and reported as €0 million. Intangible assets are recognised at cost. Tangible assets are stated at cost of acquisition or production less cumulative depreciation and impairments. Depreciation is conducted linearly, generally on the basis of an assumed useful life of three to five years. Impairments to the lower of cost or market are effected when an impairment is likely to be sustained. Assets included in non-current assets with a cost under €1,000 (lowvalue assets) are divided into two groups. Assets with a cost of up to €150 are fully depreciated in the year of acquisition. Assets with a cost in excess of €150 and up to €1,000 are entered into a so-called collective item and are linearly depreciated in the year of acquisition and in the following four years. The company made no use of the option to capitalise internally generated intangible non-current assets. Investments and shares in affiliated companies are recognised at cost or, if sustained impairment can be assumed, at the lower of cost or market. Lower valuations are maintained insofar as a higher valuation up to the original cost of purchase is not required. Loans are recognised at nominal value or at the lower of cost or market. Non-interest-bearing or low-interest loans are discounted to the net present value. In principle, receivables and other assets are recognised at nominal value. Non-interest-bearing receivables are discounted to their present value. The risks inherent in the receivables are considered by means of bad debt allowances. In principle, income from indirect and direct investments is recognised in the same reporting period if the relevant conditions are met. In addition, insofar as the respective resolutions have been made by the time the annual financial statements are prepared, income from investments is posted and capitalised in the year in which the dividend is paid. Deferred income and charges are prorated over the terms of the underlying items. Unhedged receivables and liabilities in foreign currency with a term of less than one year are recognised at the closing date rate. Unhedged foreign currency receivables and liabilities with a term of more than one year are recognised at cost in adherence to the imparity principle as of the closing date. The actuarial measurement of direct pension commitments is effected in accordance with the projected unit credit method based on biometric probabilities using Prof. Klaus Heubeck’s 2005 G tables. This method takes account of anticipated future pay and pension increases. We assume annual pay increases of METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES 2.0 per cent (2013/14: 2.0 per cent) and annual pension increases of 1.5 per cent (2013/14: 2.0 per cent). The underlying actuarial interest rate used to discount pension commitments stood at 4.07 per cent (2013/14: 4.76 per cent). This is the average market interest rate for the past seven years assuming a residual term of 15 years calculated and published by Deutsche Bundesbank. Additions to pension commitments are recognised in the financial result if they can be attributed to the interest portion and otherwise in personnel expenses. METRO AG has formed an appropriate provision for shortfalls in one underfunded benevolent fund. In the process, the same methods and parameters were applied as in the calculation of direct pension obligations. Other provisions account for all identifiable risks and uncertain obligations. The provisions are measured at the settlement amount necessary to cover future payment obligations based on prudent business judgement. Future price and cost increases are considered insofar as there are sufficient objectively verifiable indications for their realisation. Provisions with a remaining term of more than one year are discounted at the average market interest rate for the past seven years matching the residual term of the provisions. Deferred taxes are determined for temporary differences between the commercial and tax law valuation of assets, liabilities and deferred income and charges. In addition to the temporary accounting differences, tax loss and interest carry-forwards as well as potential tax credits are considered as well. Deferred tax liabilities are only recognised when they exceed deferred tax assets. The company made no use of the option to recognise deferred tax assets pursuant to § 274 Section 1 Sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code (HGB). ––––––––––––––––– P. 7 Liabilities are recognised at amounts repayable. Currency, interest and price risks affecting the operating business are hedged using derivative financial instruments. These especially include currency futures and options, interest rate swaps, interest and currency swaps as well as interest limitation agreements. Derivative financial instruments that are part of an economically necessary and accordingly documented hedging relationship with other primary financial instruments are valued together pursuant to § 254 of the German Commercial Code (net hedge presentation method). This particularly concerns intra-group and external financings as well as derivatives passed on to affiliated companies. Unrealised losses within formed valuation units are offset up to the level of unrealised profits. Excess losses are anticipated (accrued) and excess profits remain unrecognised. The gross hedge presentation method is used as another method to recognise valuation units. It concerns, in particular, current trade receivables from affiliated companies. Under the gross hedge presentation method, fluctuations in the value of underlying and hedging transactions are recognised in the income statement. The formation of valuation units presupposes individual risk compensation, the congruency of interest term and currency, congruency of maturities and the intention to hold the instruments beyond the closing date. Provisions are formed for anticipated losses from the individual valuation of derivative financial instruments that are not part of a hedge. Unrealised profits are not recognised in the balance sheet. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET ––––––––––––––––– P. 8 Notes to the balance sheet 2. Non-current assets € million 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 Acquired rights and licences 7 8 Advance payments 1 6 8 14 Intangible assets Tangible assets Leasehold improvements 0 0 Other plant, business and office equipment 2 2 2 2 6,932 6,932 953 849 Investments 0 0 Other loans 1 1 7,886 7,782 7,896 7,798 Financial assets Shares in affiliated companies Loans to affiliated companies Total The following table outlines the development of non-current assets: Cost of acquisition € million 1/10/2014 Addition Transfer Depreciation Disposal (cumulative) 30/9/2015 Depreciation for the financial year Intangible assets Acquired rights and licences 201 4 0 0 197 8 3 1 5 0 0 0 6 0 202 9 0 0 197 14 3 Leasehold improvements 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Other plant, business and office equipment 8 1 0 1 6 2 0 9 1 0 1 7 2 0 7,257 2,336 23 2,359 325 6,932 0 953 5 –23 86 0 849 0 Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other loans 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8,211 2,341 0 2,445 325 7,782 0 8,422 2,351 0 2,446 529 7,798 3 Advance payments Tangible assets Financial assets Shares in affiliated companies Loans to affiliated companies Total METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET 3. Intangible assets The item intangible assets essentially concerns software. Only scheduled amortisation was carried out in financial year 2014/15. ––––––––––––––––– 6. Receivables and other assets € million Receivables from affiliated companies 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 2,552 1,472 267 2,840 Other assets thereof with a remaining term of over 1 year 4. Tangible assets Additions largely concern business and office equipment and PCs. 5. Financial assets Additions to shares in affiliated companies in the amount of €2,336 million directly relate to the sale of the Galeria Kaufhof group as of 30 September 2015. In this regard, METRO AG has assumed all intra-group receivables from companies of the Galeria Kaufhof group and transferred them to Galeria Holding GmbH at the carrying amounts. METRO AG’s existing long-term receivables in the amount of €23 million were transferred to Galeria Holding GmbH by contribution in kind. This transaction was recognised as a transfer between the items shares in affiliated companies and loans to affiliated companies. Disposals in the item shares in affiliated companies in the amount of €2,359 million result from the sale of all shares in Galeria Holding GmbH. Additions to loans to affiliated companies amounted to €5 million during the reporting year and result from the granting of longterm loans within METRO GROUP. Disposals of loans to affiliated companies totalling €86 million primarily result from scheduled and early redemptions. P. 9 (0) (0) 2,819 4,312 The item receivables from affiliated companies results from METRO AG’s function as a holding company. It includes shortterm interest-bearing receivables from METRO GROUP companies. The decline reflects the group companies’ current financing requirements. At €2,353 million, other assets include the contingent consideration from the sale of the Galeria Kaufhof group and, at €148 million, the receivables from the profit transfer of the Galeria Kaufhof group for financial year 2014/15. In addition, other assets of €177 million (2013/14: €173 million) include receivables from a benevolent fund and tax refund entitlements of €90 million (2013/14: €67 million) as well as related interest receivables of €16 million (2013/14: €15 million). 7. Cash on hand, bank deposits and cheques This item essentially includes bank deposits through cash pool income from the sales lines towards the end of the reporting period. This decline in comparison with the previous year’s closing date of 30 September 2014 primarily results from the disposal of the Galeria Kaufhof group. 8. Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Prepaid expenses and deferred charges include €11 million of primarily prepaid cost and fee invoices as well as €6 million in markdowns from differences between redemption and lending amounts for bonds and promissory note loans. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET ––––––––––––––––– 9. Share capital (equity) holders of ordinary shares insofar as such dividend equals or exceeds €1.02 per ordinary share. In terms of amount and composition – that is, the ratio of ordinary to preference shares – subscribed capital has not changed compared with 30 September 2014 and totals €835,419,052.27. It is divided as follows: No-par-value bearer shares, accounting par value approximately €2.56 Ordinary shares Preference shares Total shares Total share capital P. 10 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 Shares 324,109,563 324,109,563 € approximately 828,572,941 828,572,941 Shares 2,677,966 2,677,966 € approximately 6,846,111 6,846,111 Shares 326,787,529 326,787,529 € approximately 835,419,052 835,419,052 Each ordinary share grants one voting right. In addition, ordinary shares of METRO AG entitle the holder to dividends. In contrast to ordinary shares, preference shares principally do not carry voting rights and give a preferential entitlement to profits in line with § 21 of the Articles of Association of METRO AG, which state: “(1) Holders of non-voting preference shares will receive from the annual balance sheet profit a preference dividend of €0.17 per preference share. (2) Should the balance sheet profit available for distribution not suffice in any one financial year to pay the preference dividend, the arrears (excluding any interest) shall be paid from the balance sheet profit of future financial years in an order based on age, i.e. in such manner that any older arrears are paid off prior to any more recent ones and that the preference dividends payable from the profit of a financial year are not distributed until all of any accumulated arrears have been paid. (3) After the preference dividend has been distributed, the holders of ordinary shares will receive a dividend of €0.17 per ordinary share. Thereafter, a non-cumulative extra dividend of €0.06 per share will be paid to the holders of non-voting preference shares. The extra dividend shall amount to 10 per cent of such dividend as, in accordance with Section 4 herein below, will be paid to the (4) The holders of non-voting preference shares and of ordinary shares will equally share in any additional profit distribution in the proportion of their shares in the share capital.” Authorised capital The Annual General Meeting on 23 May 2012 authorised the Management Board to increase the share capital, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, by issuing new ordinary bearer shares in exchange for cash or non-cash contributions in one or several tranches for a total maximum of €325,000,000 by 22 May 2017 (authorised capital I). The Management Board is authorised, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to exclude shareholder subscription rights in certain cases. To date, the authorised capital I has not been utilised. Contingent capital The Annual General Meeting on 20 February 2015 resolved a contingent increase in the share capital by up to €127,825,000, divided into up to 50,000,000 ordinary bearer shares (contingent capital I). This contingent capital increase is related to the establishment of an authorisation of the Management Board, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to issue warrant or convertible bearer bonds (in aggregate, “bonds”) with an aggregate par value of €1,500,000,000 prior to 19 February 2020, at once or in several stages, and to grant the holders of warrant or convertible bearer bonds warrant or conversion rights or impose warrant or conversion obligations upon them for ordinary bearer shares in METRO AG representing up to €127,825,000 of the share capital in accordance with the terms of the warrant or convertible bearer bonds, or to foresee the company’s right to deliver ordinary shares in the company as full or partial compensation for a cash redemption of the bonds. The Management Board is authorised, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to exclude shareholder subscription rights in certain cases. To date, no warrant and/or convertible bonds have been issued based on said authorisation. Share buyback On the basis of § 71 Section 1 No. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act, the Annual General Meeting on 20 February 2015 authorised the company on or before 19 February 2020 to acquire shares of the company of any share class representing a METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET maximum of 10 per cent of the share capital issued at the time the Annual General Meeting has passed the resolution or – if this value is lower – at the time the authorisation is exercised. To date, neither the company nor any company controlled or majority-owned by the company or any other company acting on behalf of the company or of any company controlled or majorityowned by that company has exercised this authorisation. For more information about authorised capital, contingent capital, about the authorisation to issue warrant and/or convertible bonds as well as about share buybacks, see the chapter “notes pursuant to § 315 Section 4 and § 289 Section 4 of the German Commercial Code and explanatory report of the Management Board” in the combined management report. ––––––––––––––––– P. 11 12. Provisions € million Provisions for pensions and similar obligations Tax provisions Other provisions 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 135 132 82 17 167 243 384 393 –––––––––––––––– Provisions for pensions and similar obligations of €101 million (2013/14: €106 million) provide for direct pension commitments, while €31 million (2013/14: €29 million) has been set aside to cover shortfalls in underfunded benevolent funds. 10. Capital reserve As of 30 September 2015, the capital reserve was unchanged at €2,558 million. 11. Reserves retained from earnings As of the closing date, the other reserves retained from earnings included in this item are unchanged from the previous year at €2,660 million. Asset values in the amount of €31 million (2013/14: €24 million) from pension plan reinsurance were recognised in provisions for pensions and similar obligations. The historical cost essentially corresponds to the fair value of pension reinsurance as well as the settlement amount of the obligations. No material expenses or income were recorded in this context. Changes in tax provisions are largely due to the results of advanced audits of the incorporated companies of METRO AG. Other provisions provide for the following: € million 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 Risks related to investments 10 83 Commitments to employees 51 70 Litigation risks and legal disputes 41 41 Cost accounts not yet received 12 30 Interest on tax back payment 40 7 Others 12 12 167 243 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET ––––––––––––––––– P. 12 13. Liabilities Remaining term € million Bonds Liabilities to banks Trade liabilities Liabilities to affiliated companies Other financial liabilities thereof taxes thereof related to social security 30/9/2014 Total 30/9/2015 Total up to 1 year 1 to 5 years over 5 years 2,834 2,939 1,188 550 1,201 470 982 857 71 54 11 25 25 0 0 956 1,317 1,317 0 0 81 65 62 3 0 (13) (12) (9) (3) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 4,352 5,328 3,449 624 1,255 The bonds item includes the nominal amounts of bond issues and commercial papers. 15. Contingent liabilities € million Liabilities to banks essentially concern nominal amounts from short-term time deposits and promissory note loans. Trade liabilities include cost and investment invoices. Liabilities from guarantee and warranty contracts thereof liabilities of affiliated companies Liabilities from sureties and guarantees thereof liabilities of affiliated companies Liabilities to affiliated companies relate to short-term financial investments of METRO GROUP companies. At €39 million, the other financial and non-financial liabilities item comprises interest liabilities that mostly relate to bonds and promissory notes. There are no liabilities secured by rights of lien or similar rights. 14. Deferred income This item includes commissions on bank guarantees. 30/9/2014 30/9/2015 4,357 5,458 (3,597) (4,754) 159 278 (158) (245) 4,516 5,736 Liabilities from guarantee and warranty contracts essentially include guarantees of METRO AG for financial transactions by group companies. In addition, this item includes guarantees from rental contracts in the amount of €562 million (2013/14: €689 million). These contingent liabilities are considered with the respective annual rates of the individual leases. The liability extends through the full terms of the respective leases. These leases have remaining terms of up to 20 years. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET ––––––––––––––––– To our knowledge, the respective companies can fulfil the underlying obligations of guarantee and surety contracts in all cases; claims are considered unlikely. In addition, METRO AG guarantees defaults of intra-group receivables based on P. 13 separately concluded agreements with group companies. METRO AG has also issued letters of comfort to individual group companies. 16. Other financial liabilities Remaining term € million 30/9/2014 Total 30/9/2015 Total up to 1 year 1 to 5 years 169 147 18 59 70 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 169 147 18 59 70 Obligations from rental contracts and leases thereof to affiliated companies over 5 years Unlimited financial obligations from rental contracts are considered up to the earliest possible termination. Derivative financial instruments are included in the following balance sheet items: 17. Derivative financial instruments € million Type As of the closing date, the following financial instruments were being used for risk reduction: Fair value € million Nominal volume Positive Negative 1001 31 11 thereof currency futures (492) (9) (7) thereof interest rate/currency swaps (206) (18) (0) thereof currency options (303) (4) (4) Currency transactions Carrying amounts1 Balance sheet item Positive Currency futures Other assets 0 Currency futures Other financial liabilities Currency options Other assets Negative 0 7 Currency options Other financial liabilities 7 Interest rate/currency swaps Other financial liabilities 1 1 An amount of 0 is shown since the carrying amounts of the category “currency futures” are below the reporting threshold of €0.5 million The fair values of derivative financial instruments are calculated according to the net present value method and recognised option pricing models based on interest rates and currency exchange rates published by Reuters. The nominal volume of derivative financial instruments is shown in absolute amounts. Please refer to note number 1 for details on the balance sheet treatment and measurement of derivative financial instruments. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET Derivative financial instruments used to hedge currency risks To hedge currency risks related to subsidiaries’ foreign currency receivables and liabilities, currency futures and options with analogous volumes (micro-hedges) are concluded with banks. The nominal volume of the currency futures amounts to €283 million. The nominal volume of the currency options amounts to €303 million. Their effectiveness is reviewed prospectively and retrospectively using the critical term match method. On balance, the currency futures have a fair value of €0 million; they are due within one year and have not been recognised in the balance sheet. For currency options, which also form a valuation unit, option premiums are recognised in the balance sheet. They are due within one year. Other valuation units (micro-hedges) were formed for foreign currency loans, which METRO AG took out from group companies. The foreign currency loans are recognised at the hedged forward exchange rate. The forex futures contracts with a nominal volume of €199 million and a fair value of €2 million are due primarily in 2015 and are not recognised in the balance sheet. Foreign currency receivables from affiliated companies (servicefee receivables) were hedged through currency futures with a nominal volume of €8 million. A foreign currency invoice in US dollar with a nominal volume of €2 million is hedged through currency futures. In 2012, METRO AG concluded interest rate/currency swaps with two banks to hedge cash flow risks from interest and principal payments relating to a fixed-interest bond denominated in foreign currency (CHF 225 million). The effectiveness of the hedge relationship is reviewed prospectively and retrospectively. Due to mutually offsetting payment flows, the interest rate/currency swaps are only recognised at the deferred interest incurred up until the closing date. ––––––––––––––––– P. 14 18. Other legal issues Legal disputes in relation to Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH Through its fully owned subsidiary METRO Kaufhaus und Fachmarkt Holding GmbH (METRO KFH), METRO AG (METRO) indirectly holds 78.38 per cent of the shares in Media-SaturnHolding GmbH (MSH). In March 2011, the shareholders’ general meeting of MSH decided, with the votes of METRO KFH, to create an advisory board (“Beirat”) to strengthen the governance structures at MSH. The advisory board takes decisions by simple majority in number on operational measures proposed by the executive board of MSH that require approval. According to the Articles of Association of MSH, METRO, or METRO KFH, has the right to delegate one member more to the advisory board than the remaining minority shareholder and therefore has a majority by number on the advisory board. The courts of ordinary jurisdiction dealing with the claim of a non-controlling shareholder ruled fully in favour of METRO KFH, endorsing the effective establishment of an advisory board and determining that an arbitration court was the responsible authority for all issues of authority and majority requirements of the advisory board. Upon the claim of METRO KFH, the arbitration court endorsed key aspects of METRO’s position in its arbitral ruling of 8 August 2012: The advisory board can take decisions by simple majority in number on operational transactions proposed by the executive board of MSH that require approval. The ruling of the arbitration court was declared enforceable by the Higher Regional Court of Munich on 18 December 2013. On 16 April 2015, the Federal Court of Justice dismissed the appeal filed by the minority shareholder against such ruling, meaning that it now has legal force. As most recently reported in the consolidated financial statements for financial year 2013/14, members of the advisory board appointed by the minority shareholder had filed several legal actions against MSH and raised questions about decisions taken by the advisory board of MSH. In the meantime, the court has ruled in favour of MSH and METRO and dismissed all of those actions with one exception. In METRO’s view, the prospects for success of the remaining action – which is still being heard by the court of first instance and relates to the decisions taken on the budget for 2013/14 – are low. In the meantime, the plaintiff has declared his claim to be settled. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET The minority shareholder has also filed additional complaints against MSH. After MSH and METRO KFH won the first-instance case before the Regional Court of Ingolstadt relating to decisions taken by the shareholders’ meeting on individual location changes, which have meanwhile been implemented, the Higher Regional Court of Munich upheld the appeal in part and required METRO KFH to vote on the substance of each measure separately in view of the specific circumstances. In a decision dated 13 October 2015, the Federal Court of Justice meanwhile granted leave to appeal based on an according complaint by MSH and METRO KFH. The case is therefore still pending. On 21 April 2015, the Regional Court of Ingolstadt dismissed the complaint of the minority shareholder through which the shareholder aims to achieve the dismissal of the managing director of MSH installed by METRO KFH. In that case, the Higher Regional Court of Munich announced in a decision of 7 October 2015 that it intended to dismiss the appeal filed by the minority shareholder given the unilateral view of the senate that the case is without merit. The Regional Court of Ingolstadt and the Higher Regional Court of Munich as the court of appeal had already dismissed, with final effect, the minority shareholder’s request for an injunction against the managing director that would have prohibited him from performing his duties. The minority shareholder has filed an additional complaint against MSH with the Regional Court of Ingolstadt relating to resolutions adopted by the shareholders’ meeting rejecting amendments to MSH’s Articles of Association that had been requested by the minority shareholder. The minority shareholder’s intention in filing the complaint was to effect adoption of the modifications to the Articles of Association. The modifications relate to the areas of responsibility of the shareholders’ meeting. In METRO’s view, the chances of success of the action are low. In its ruling from 13 August 2015, the Regional Court of Ingolstadt had already dismissed the minority shareholder’s request for a temporary injunction against management action until the court had ruled on the substance of the case. METRO KFH has filed a complaint with the Regional Court of Ingolstadt against shareholder resolutions relating, among ––––––––––––––––– P. 15 other things, to the aforementioned management action. Those shareholder resolutions were adopted by the minority shareholder alone in a shareholders’ meeting that did not even have a quorum pursuant to the Articles of Association and was moreover, in the view of METRO, not responsible for deciding on the management’s action. METRO expects to prevail in the case and for the shareholder resolutions to be deemed ineffective. For more information, see the chapter “risk and opportunity report” in the combined management report. Legal actions filed under stock corporation law In a decision of 11 September 2015, which has meanwhile become final, the Regional Court of Düsseldorf dismissed the complaint filed by a shareholder of METRO AG against, among other things, the resolution adopted by the Annual General Meeting of 8 May 2013 on the appropriation of the balance sheet profit for financial year 2012 and the appointment of the auditor. The Regional Court of Düsseldorf had previously denied a complaint filed by the same shareholder to declare the adopted annual financial statements of METRO AG as of 31 December 2012 invalid and thus also decided in favour of METRO in that decision of 3 April 2014, which was likewise final. These actions were based in particular on an alleged infringement of the regulations governing the structure of the annual financial statements due to allegedly flawed consolidation of the Media-Saturn group of companies in the consolidated financial statements of METRO AG. In both decisions, the court confirmed all key points of the legal opinion held by METRO AG in full. It has therefore been established that the annual financial statements 2012 of METRO AG have been prepared pursuant to the accounting regulations of the German Commercial Code and that they are legally valid. The same applies to the consolidated financial statements 2012 of METRO AG. METRO AG indirectly holds a majority of the voting rights of the shareholders of Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH (MSH) through its subsidiary METRO Kaufhaus und Fachmarkt Holding GmbH. As such, it exerts irrefutable power over MSH pursuant to § 290 Section 2 No. 1 of the German Commercial Code. As a result, MSH is an affiliated company in the meaning of the commercial law stipulations governing the annual financial statements. The method of consolidation used by the Media-Saturn group of companies in the consolidated financial statements 2012 of METRO AG METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET complies with international accounting standards (the IFRS as adopted by the European Union) and has been implemented accurately. All of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting 2013 that had been challenged by the claims – the resolution on the appropriation of profits, the resolution on the appointment of the auditor for the short financial year 2013 and the resolution approving the actions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board – are likewise free of errors and were adopted with legal effect. The information provided to the plaintiff at the Annual General Meeting 2013 was in proper order and sufficient, thus fulfilling the plaintiff’s right to information under stock corporation law. Investigations by the Federal Cartel Office As reported in the annual financial statements for financial year 2013/14, on 14 January 2010, the Federal Cartel Office searched former business premises of MGB METRO Group Buying GmbH. On 19 December 2011, the Federal Cartel Office had extended the scope of the investigation to also include METRO AG, METRO Cash & Carry International GmbH and METRO Dienstleistungs-Holding GmbH. This extension resulted from the merger of MGB METRO Group Buying GmbH into METRO Dienstleistungs-Holding GmbH as part of the decentralisation of central procurement in Germany. As reported, the Federal Cartel Office used this as a reason to extend the investigation to the parent or group holding company in view of the risk that the legal opponent may cease to exist due to a corporate restructuring with a change of legal form. The authority had already stopped proceedings for a sub-complex without imposition of measures. Two additional sub-complexes were settled out of court and by mutual agreement with the authority through payment of a fine. In the context of another remaining sub-complex, the authority sent METRO AG a hearing notice in February 2015. In this notification, accusations are levelled concerning practices engaged in by the former MGB METRO Group Buying GmbH in the form of vertical price fixing agreements with a supplier. A comprehensive defence case against these allegations has been launched and appropriate risk provisions have been formed. ––––––––––––––––– P. 16 Claims for damages due to interbank fees in violation of antitrust law METRO GROUP companies have filed suit in a London court against companies of the Mastercard group. The legal challenge asserts claims for damages based on a decision of the EU Commission which found that the cross-border interbank fees imposed by Mastercard in the period 1992 to 2007 as part of its credit card system, which also impacted national interbank fees, violated European antitrust law. Traditionally, retailers’ banks charge inter-bank fees to retailers as part of retail fees. 19. Risks and benefits of off-balancesheet transactions Profit and loss transfer agreements exist between METRO AG and major group companies. The key benefits of these agreements consist in the resulting fiscal unity. Risks arise from the fact that losses also have to be assumed under these profit and loss transfer agreements. In addition, risks may arise in cases where letters of comfort are issued on behalf of group companies. Additional important business relationships regarding outsourced functions between METRO AG and its subsidiaries mostly concern IT services which are charged by the subsidiaries. The key benefit of this outsourcing is the specialisation that provides for improvements in quality, price and cost optimisation. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT ––––––––––––––––– Notes to the income statement 21. Financial result € million 20. Investment result Income from long-term loans in financial assets thereof from affiliated companies € million 2013/14 2014/15 410 301 Income from investments 485 611 (485) (611) –16 –230 thereof from affiliated companies Other interest and similar income thereof from affiliated companies Income from investments with profit and loss transfer agreements Expenses from loss absorption P. 17 Depreciation/amortisation/impairment losses on shares in affiliated companies –35 0 Expenses from the disposal of financial assets –33 –90 811 592 Other financial income thereof from affiliated companies Interest and similar expenses Income from investments with profit and loss transfer agreements totalling €301 million (2013/14: €410 million) primarily relates to income of the Media-Saturn sales line (indirectly) and the Galeria Kaufhof group. Income from investments without profit and loss transfer agreements totalling €611 million (2013/14: €485 million) primarily results from a dividend payout in connection with the sale of the Galeria Kaufhof group. In financial year 2014/15, losses of €230 million were assumed on the basis of profit and loss transfer agreements (2013/14: €16 million). These losses stemmed (indirectly) from the sales lines Real and METRO Cash & Carry Germany. This item also includes income of METRO Cash & Carry’s foreign subsidiaries that was generated in previous years and collected during the reporting year. Expenses from the disposal of financial assets were primarily related to the sale of the Galeria Kaufhof group. 2014/15 49 25 (49) (25) 26 29 (14) (18) 19 61 (19) (54) –175 –111 thereof to affiliated companies (–3) (–5) thereof from accumulation (–9) (–12) –14 –26 Other financial expenses For financial year 2014/15, METRO AG posted investment income of €592 million, compared with €811 million in the previous year. 2013/14 thereof to affiliated companies (1) (0) –95 –21 At €25 million, income from long-term loans in financial assets mostly concerns long-term loans to group companies. At €18 million, other interest and related income result from financial settlement transactions with METRO GROUP companies as well as, at €4 million, from interest income from credit institutions and, at €2 million, from interest on tax refund claims. Other financial income primarily relates to income from intragroup income allocation. At €80 million, interest and other similar expenses primarily result from interest on bonds and promissory note loans as well as €30 million from interest on current payment transactions. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT ––––––––––––––––– 22. Other operating income € million P. 18 24. Other operating expenses 2013/14 2014/15 Franchise fees from subsidiaries 289 255 Income from administrative services for subsidiaries 131 119 Rental income 20 19 Income from the reversal of provisions As of the closing date, other operating expenses were made up of the following items: € million 2013/14 2014/15 14 28 Service fees charged by subsidiaries to METRO AG 233 237 Income from investments 8 22 Consulting expenses 47 73 Income from other administrative services 3 12 General administrative expenses 41 53 Investment subsidies 7 7 Real estate rents 30 28 Miscellaneous income 3 7 Expenses from currency translation 14 37 475 469 Miscellaneous expenses 67 53 433 481 The items rental income and investment subsidies are netted against corresponding other operating expenses. 23. Personnel expenses € million Wages and salaries Social security expenses, expenses for post-employment benefits and related employee benefits thereof post-employment benefits 2013/14 2014/15 133 175 15 19 (3) (6) 148 194 The increase in personnel expenses was due to the effects of the increase in the company’s headcount, higher performancebased remuneration components and the creation of restructuring provisions. In its function as franchisor, METRO AG has commissioned services from group companies and third parties that essentially relate to IT services. These expenses are netted against income from franchise fees, among others, in the item other operating income. 25. Income taxes For the determination of income taxes, METRO AG as the controlling company is notified of the taxable earnings of the respective incorporated companies. The tax expenses shown represent the balance of paid or due income taxes of the entire group of incorporated companies. In accordance with § 274 Section 1 of the German Commercial Code, deferred taxes are determined for differences between the commercial law and tax law valuations. These essentially refer to provisions for pension commitments. In addition, loss and interest carry-forwards as well as potential tax credits must be considered in the calculation of deferred tax assets. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT The determination of deferred taxes is based on the overall tax rate of 30.53 per cent expected at the time of realisation. It consists of the corporate tax rate of 15 per cent plus solidarity surcharge of 5.5 per cent and the business tax rate of 14.7 per cent based on an average assessment rate of 420 per cent. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised only when they exceed deferred tax assets. As of 30 September 2015, the company made use of the option pursuant to § 274 Section 1 Sentence 2 of the German Commercial Code to not recognise excess deferred income. ––––––––––––––––– P. 19 26. Appropriation of the balance sheet profit, dividends As resolved by the Annual General Meeting on 20 February 2015, a dividend of €0.90 per ordinary share and €1.13 per preference share – that is, a total of €295 million – was paid in financial year 2014/15 from the reported balance sheet profit of €319 million for financial year 2013/14. The remaining amount was carried forward to the new account. Regarding the appropriation of the balance sheet profit for 2014/15, the Management Board of METRO AG will propose to the Annual General Meeting to distribute dividends in the amount of €1.00 per ordinary share and €1.06 per preference share from the reported balance sheet profit of €384 million – that is, a total of €327 million – and to carry forward the remaining amount to the new account. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES Other notes 27. Employees METRO AG’s workforce averaged 1,133 in financial year 2014/15 calculated from the four quarters (2013/14: 1,072). Part-time employees and temporary workers were converted into fulltime equivalents. ––––––––––––––––– P. 20 provided in the following if participations of a notifiable size exist as of the closing date or as of the date of the preparation of the financial statements and if newer, more extensive or less extensive notifications do not exist. The shares of voting rights listed in the following may have been subject to changes after the stated dates which the respective entities are not obliged to report to METRO AG. The notifications which the company has received in accordance with § 25 a of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) are made available on the company’s website at www.metrogroup.de/investor-relations/rechtlichemitteilungen.html. 28. Group affiliation As the parent company, METRO AG prepares the consolidated financial statements of METRO AG. The statements were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the EU. They are presented to the operator of the Federal Gazette and then published in the Federal Gazette. 29. Related party transactions Related parties are legal or natural persons that can exert an influence on METRO AG or are controlled or decisively influenced by METRO AG. Related party transactions concern transactions with subsidiaries and associates, in particular. They primarily relate to services, rental and financing transactions which are principally conducted at arm’s-length terms and conditions. 30. Disclosures pursuant to § 160 Section 1 No. 8 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) METRO AG was informed of the following existing participations pursuant to § 160 Section 1 No. 8 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) between the beginning of financial year 2014/15 and the time of preparing the financial statements. In the case of several notifications within a financial year regarding an entity’s reaching, exceeding or falling below the relevant thresholds, only the most recent notification is provided. Where required, notifications from earlier financial years are provided in the notes to the relevant annual financial statements. In addition, notifications from earlier financial years are also The contents of the notification of 10 December 2010 were published as follows: “On 10 December 2010, Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, Baar, (Switzerland), informed us, METRO AG, Germany (Schlüterstraße 1, 40235 Düsseldorf), ISIN: DE0007257503, WKN: 725750, about the following: ‘Voting rights announcement pursuant to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act Person obliged to report: 1. Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH […] Munich (Germany) 2. Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG […] Düsseldorf (Germany) 3. Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH […] Düsseldorf (Germany) 4. Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim […] Baar (Switzerland) 5. Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH […] Baar (Switzerland) 6. OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH […] Munich (Germany) 7. Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung […] Baar (Switzerland) Issuer: METRO AG Schlüterstraße 1, 40235 Düsseldorf We, Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, in the name and on behalf of the following companies and Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim, hereby inform you pursuant to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act about the following: 1. Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES ––––––––––––––––– P. 21 Thereof, 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are attributed to Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. to Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following shareholder, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH as of this day: – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following controlled enterprises, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG: – Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. 2. Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). 4. Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). Thereof, 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights) are attributed to Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, whereof 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are also attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Thereof, 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights) are attributed to Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, whereof 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are also attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following controlled enterprise, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3 % or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH: – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following controlled enterprises, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3 % or more, are attributed to Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH as of this day: – Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG, – Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. 3. Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). Thereof, 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights) are attributed to Otto Beisheim Group GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, whereof 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are also attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed 5. Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Otto Beisheim The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). Thereof, 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights) are attributed to Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, whereof 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are also attributed to him pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES ––––––––––––––––– P. 22 Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. more, are attributed to Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH.’” Voting rights of the following controlled enterprises, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3 % or more, are attributed to Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Otto Beisheim: – Otto Beisheim Verwaltungs GmbH, – Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG, – Otto Beisheim Betriebs GmbH, – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. “On 19 November 2012, FRANKLIN MUTUAL ADVISERS, LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA, informed us according to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that its voting rights on METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, exceeded the 3% threshold of the voting rights on 16 November 2012 and on that day amounted to 3.06% (this corresponds to 9,926,360 voting rights). 6. OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH exceeds the 5% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). According to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 of the WpHG, 3.06% of the voting rights (this corresponds to 9,926,360 voting rights) are to be attributed to the company.” Thereof, 5.16% (16,728,208 voting rights) are attributed to OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Voting rights of the following shareholder, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, 7. Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung The proportion of voting rights in METRO AG held by Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung fell below the 10% threshold on 10 December 2010 and as of this day amounts to 9.97% (32,313,723 voting rights). Thereof, 5.16% (16,728,208 voting rights) are attributed to Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, and another 4.81% (15,585,515 voting rights) are attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Voting rights of the following shareholder, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung: – OB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. Voting rights of the following controlled enterprise, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3 % or The contents of the notification of 19 November 2012 were published as follows: The contents of the notification of 09 August 2013 were published as follows: “On 9 August 2013, the Prof. Otto Beisheim Foundation, Munich, Germany, informed us about the following: ‘Voting rights announcement pursuant to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act Person obliged to report: Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung […] Munich, Germany Issuer: METRO AG […] Düsseldorf We, the Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung, hereby inform you pursuant to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act that the proportion of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, exceeded the 3% and 5% threshold on 8 August 2013 and as of that day amounted to 9.10% (29,493,970 voting rights). Thereof, 9.10% (29,493,970 voting rights) are attributed to Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung pursuant to § 22 Section 2 Sentence 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, whereof 2.28% (7,392,638 voting rights) are also attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES Voting rights of the following shareholder, whose proportion of voting rights in METRO AG amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Prof. Otto Beisheim Stiftung: – Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH, Baar (Switzerland)’” The contents of the notification of 11 September 2014 were published as follows: “On 11 September 2014, Templeton Global Advisors Limited, Nassau, Bahamas, informed us pursuant to Sections 21 f. WpHG that its share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, exceeded the 3% threshold on 29 August 2014 and on that day amounted to 3.04% (9,846,650 voting rights). According to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 of the WpHG, 3.04% of the voting rights (this corresponds to 9,846,650 voting rights) are to be attributed to the company.” The contents of the notifications of 03 November 2014 were published as follows: “Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH, Duisburg, Germany, informed us on 3 November 2014, pursuant to Section 21 f. in conjunction with Section 24 WpHG that its group company Haniel Finance B.V., Venlo, Netherlands share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30%, 25%, 20% 15%, 10% 5% and 3% on 1 November 2014 and amounted on that day to 0.0003% (1,000 voting rights). These voting shares were held directly by Haniel Finance B.V.” _________________________________ “On 3 November 2014, BVG Beteiligungs- und Vermögensverwaltung GmbH, Essen, Germany, informed us pursuant to Sections 21 f. WpHG that its share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30%, 25%, and 20% on 1 November 2014 and amounted on that day to 15.77% (51,117,363 voting rights). Of this, it holds 2.60% (8,426,849 voting rights) directly. An additional 13.17% (42,690,514) is attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Securities Trading Act. Voting rights of the following controlled companies, whose share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to BVG Beteiligungs- und Vermögensverwaltung GmbH: – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.” _________________________________ ––––––––––––––––– P. 23 “On 3 November 2014, Gebr. Schmidt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Essen, Germany, informed us pursuant to §§ 21 f. WpHG that its share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30%, 25% and 20% on 1 November 2014 and amounted on that day to 15.77% (51,117,363 voting rights). Thereof, 2.60% (8,426,849 voting rights) are attributed to Gebr. Schmidt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG, and an additional 13.17% (42,690,514 voting rights) are attributed to it pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 2 in conjunction with Sentence 2 WpHG. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose attributed share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Gebr. Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG: – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.” _________________________________ “On 3 November 2014, Gebr. Schmidt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Essen, Germany, informed us pursuant to Sections 21 f. WpHG that its share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30%, 25%, and 20% on 1 November 2014 and amounted on that day to 15.77% (51,117,363 voting rights). Thereof, 2.60% (8,426,849 voting rights) are attributed to Gebr. Schmidt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH pursuant to Section 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG, and an additional 13.17% (42,690,514 voting rights) are attributed to it pursuant to 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 2 in conjunction with sentence 2 WpHG. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose attributed share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Gebr. Schmidt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH: – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.” _________________________________ “On 3 November 2014, Schwarz & Körner Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, Frankfurt am Main, informed us pursuant to §§ 21 f. WpHG on behalf of and with the authority of Dr Michael Schmidt-Ruthenbeck, Zurich, Switzerland, that the voting rights of Dr Michael Schmidt-Ruthenbeck in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30%, 25% and METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES 20% on 1 November 2014 and amounted on that day to 15.77% (51,117,363 voting rights). Thereof, 2.60% (8,426,849 voting rights) are attributed to Dr Schmidt-Ruthenbeck pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG, and an additional 13.17% (42,690,514 voting rights) are attributed to him pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 2 in conjunction with Sentence 2 WpHG. Voting rights of the following shareholders, whose attributed share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Dr Michael Schmidt-Ruthenbeck: – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.” The contents of the notification of 27 January 2015 were published as follows: “On 27 January 2015, Palatin Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Essen, Germany, informed us pursuant to Sections 21 f. WpHG that its share of voting rights in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, exceeded the threshold of 15% on 23 January 2015 and amounted on that day to 15.77% (51,117,363 voting rights).” The contents of the notification of 12 May 2015 were published as follows: “Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH, Duisburg, Germany, informed us on 12 May 2015 pursuant to §§ 21 f. WpHG – with respect to its group company Haniel Finance Deutschland GmbH also in conjunction with Section 24 WpHG – of the following: 1. The share of voting rights of Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH, Duisburg, Germany, in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30% and 25% on 11 May 2015 and amounted on that day to 24.996% of the voting rights (81,015,280 voting rights). These voting rights are attributed to Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG. Voting rights of the following controlled companies, whose share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH: – Haniel Finance Deutschland GmbH; – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH; – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Verwaltung GmbH; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG. ––––––––––––––––– P. 24 2. The share of voting rights of its affiliated company Haniel Finance Deutschland GmbH, Duisburg, Germany, in METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, fell below the thresholds of 30% and 25% on 11 May 2015 and amounted on that day to 24.996% of the voting rights (81,015,280 voting rights). Thereof, it holds 11.82% of the voting rights (38,324,765 voting rights) directly. An additional 13.17% (42,690,515 voting rights) is attributed to Haniel Finance Deutschland GmbH pursuant to § 22 Section 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG. Voting rights of the following controlled companies, whose share of voting rights in METRO AG in each case amounts to 3% or more, are attributed to Haniel Finance Deutschland GmbH: – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH; – METRO Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG; – 1. HSB Verwaltung GmbH; – 1. HSB Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.” The contents of the notification of 16 July 2015 were published as follows: “On 16 July 2015, FRANKLIN MUTUAL ADVISERS, LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA, informed us according to § 21 Section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that its voting rights on METRO AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, exceeded the 3% threshold of the voting rights on 15 July 2015 and on that day amounted to 3.001% of the voting rights (9,726,665 voting rights).” 31. Management Board and Supervisory Board Compensation of members of the Management Board in financial year 2014/15 Remuneration of the active members of the Management Board essentially consists of a fixed salary, short-term performancebased remuneration (short-term incentive and bonuses) as well as the long-term performance-based remuneration (longterm incentive) granted in financial year 2014/15. The amount of the short-term performance-based compensation for members of the Management Board essentially depends on the development of the key performance metrics EBIT, RoCE and like-for-like sales and also considers the attainment of individually set targets. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – OTHER NOTES Remuneration of the active members of the Management Board in financial year 2014/15 amounted to €21.7 million (2013/14: €10.8 million). This includes €4.0 million (2013/14: €3.7 million) in fixed salaries, €10.0 million (2013/14: €3.4 million) in short-term performance-based remuneration, €7.5 million (2013/14: €3.4 million) in performance-based remuneration with a long-term incentive effect and €0.2 million (2013/14: €0.3 million) in other remuneration. Performance-based compensation with a long-term incentive effect granted in financial year 2014/15 (sustainable performance plan version 2014) is shown at fair value as of the date granted. In financial year 2014/15, value changes resulted from the current tranches of performance-based payment programmes with a long-term incentive effect. The company’s expenses amounted to €0.92 million for Mr Koch, €0.02 million for Mr Boone, €0.76 million for Mr Frese, €0.77 million for Mr Haas and €0.02 million for Mr Hutmacher. The target amount of the 2014/15 tranche for the members of the Management Board amounts to €5.365 million. Other remuneration consists of non-cash benefits. Total compensation of former members of the Management Board Former members of the Management Boards of METRO AG and the companies that were merged into METRO AG as well as their surviving dependants received €3.4 million (2013/14: €3.5 million). The present value of provisions for current pensions and pension entitlements made for this group amounts to €41.4 million (30/9/2014: €44.0 million). ––––––––––––––––– P. 25 The information released pursuant to § 314 Section 1 No. 6 a Sentence 5 to 9 of the German Commercial Code can be found in the extensive remuneration report in the combined management report. Compensation of members of the Supervisory Board The total remuneration of all members of the Supervisory Board in financial year 2014/15 amounted to €1.8 million (2013/14: €1.7 million). For more information about the remuneration of members of the Supervisory Board, see the chapter “remuneration report” in the combined management report. 32. Declaration of compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code In December 2014 and September 2015, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board made declarations of compliance with the recommendations of the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code pursuant to § 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), which can be accessed on the METRO AG website (www.metrogroup.de). METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – CORPORATE BOARDS OF METRO AG AND THEIR MANDATES 33. Corporate Boards of METRO AG and their mandates Members of the Supervisory Board1 Franz M. Haniel (Chairman) Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH a) BMW AG Delton AG (Vice Chairman) Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH (Chairman) Heraeus Holding GmbH b) TBG Limited, St. Julian’s, Malta – Board of Directors Werner Klockhaus (Vice Chairman) Chairman of the Group Works Council of METRO AG Chairman of the General Works Council of real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH a) real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH (Vice Chairman) b) None Prof. Dr oec. Dr iur. Ann-Kristin Achleitner Holder of the Professorship for Entrepreneurial Finance and Scientific Co-Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS) at the Technical University of Munich a) Linde Aktiengesellschaft Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft b) Engie S.A. (formerly GDF SUEZ S.A.), Paris, France – Board of Directors ––––––––––––––––– P. 26 Dr Wulf H. Bernotat Until 4 September 2015 Former Chairman of the Management Board of E.ON AG Managing Director of Bernotat & Cie. GmbH a) Allianz SE (Vice Chairman) Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Bertelsmann Management SE Vonovia SE (formerly Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE) (Chairman) Deutsche Telekom AG b) None Gwyn Burr Since 9 December 2014 Member of the Board of Directors of Hammerson plc, London, Great Britain a) None b) DFS Furniture Holdings plc, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Great Britain – Board of Directors, until 11 March 2015 DFS Furniture plc, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Great Britain – Board of Directors, since 3 February 2015 DFS Investments Ltd., Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Great Britain – Board of Directors, until 11 March 2015 Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd., London, Great Britain – Board of Directors, until 21 July 2015 Hammerson plc, London, Great Britain – Board of Directors Just Eat plc, London, Great Britain – Board of Directors Sainsbury’s Bank plc, London, Great Britain – Board of Directors Wembley National Stadium Ltd., London, Great Britain – Board of Directors, until 29 September 2015 Status of the mandates: 3 December 2015 or date of the respective appointment to or departure from the Board of METRO AG a) Member of other statutory supervisory boards in accordance with § 125 Section 1 Sentence 5, 1st Alt. of the German Stock Corporation Act b) Member of comparable German and international supervisory boards of business enterprises in accordance with § 125 Section 1 Sentence 5, 2nd Alt. of the German Stock Corporation Act 1 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – CORPORATE BOARDS OF METRO AG AND THEIR MANDATES Ulrich Dalibor National Chairman of the Retail Section of the ver.di trade union a) DOUGLAS HOLDING AG, since 5 November 2015 Maxingvest AG b) None Jürgen Fitschen Co-Chairman of the Board of Management of Deutsche Bank AG a) None b) Kühne + Nagel International AG, Schindellegi, Switzerland – Board of Directors Hubert Frieling Section Head of Payroll Accounting at real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH a) None b) None Dr Florian Funck Member of the Management Board of Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH a) TAKKT AG Vonovia SE (formerly Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE) b) None Andreas Herwarth Chairman of the Works Council of METRO AG a) None b) None Uwe Hoepfel Until 30 September 2015 Vice Chairman of the Group Works Council of METRO AG, until 30 September 2015 Chairman of the General Works Council of GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH a) GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH (Vice Chairman) b) None ––––––––––––––––– P. 27 Peter Küpfer Self-employed Business Consultant a) None b) AHRB AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Board of Directors, since 12 November 2014 ARH Resort Holding AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Board of Directors Breda Consulting AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Board of Directors Cambiata Ltd, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands – Board of Directors Gebr. Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG – Advisory Board Lake Zurich Fund Exempt Company, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands – Board of Directors Supra Holding AG, Baar, Switzerland – Board of Directors Travel Charme Hotels & Resorts Holding AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Board of Directors Rainer Kuschewski Secretary of the National Executive Board of the ver.di trade union a) GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH b) None Susanne Meister Member of the General Works Council of real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH a) None b) None Mattheus P. M. (Theo) de Raad Member of the Supervisory Board of HAL Holding N.V. a) None b) HAL Holding N.V., Willemstad, Curaçao, Dutch Antilles – Supervisory Board Vollenhoven Olie Groep B.V., Tilburg, Netherlands – Supervisory Board METRO Cash & Carry Russia N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands – Supervisory Board, until 15 September 2015 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – CORPORATE BOARDS OF METRO AG AND THEIR MANDATES Dr Fredy Raas Managing Director of Beisheim Holding GmbH (formerly Otto Beisheim Holding GmbH), Baar, Switzerland, and Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG (formerly Otto Beisheim Group GmbH & Co. KG) a) None b) ARISCO Holding AG, Baar, Switzerland – Board of Directors Montana Capital Partners AG, Baar, Switzerland – Board of Directors Gabriele Schendel Until 30 September 2015 Vice Chairwoman of the General Works Council of GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH a) GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH b) None Xaver Schiller Chairman of the General Works Council of METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH Chairman of the Works Council of the METRO Cash & Carry store Munich-Brunnthal a) METRO Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH (Vice Chairman) b) None ––––––––––––––––– P. 28 Dr jur. Hans-Jürgen Schinzler Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft a) None b) None Jürgen B. Steinemann Since 5 September 2015 Member of the Supervisory Board of METRO AG a) Ewald Dörken AG b) Barry Callebaut AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Board of Directors (Vice Chairman) Lonza Group AG, Basel, Switzerland – Board of Directors Angelika Will Honorary Judge at the Higher Labour Court of Düsseldorf, Secretary of the Regional Association Board North RhineWestphalia of DHV – Die Berufsgewerkschaft e. V. (federal specialist group on trade) a) None b) None METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – CORPORATE BOARDS OF METRO AG AND THEIR MANDATES Committees of the Supervisory Board and their mandates Presidential Committee Franz M. Haniel (Chairman) Werner Klockhaus (Vice Chairman) Jürgen Fitschen TBA Personnel Committee Franz M. Haniel (Chairman) Werner Klockhaus (Vice Chairman) Jürgen Fitschen TBA Accounting and Audit Committee Dr jur. Hans-Jürgen Schinzler (Chairman) Werner Klockhaus (Vice Chairman) Dr Florian Funck Rainer Kuschewski Dr Fredy Raas Xaver Schiller Nomination Committee Franz M. Haniel (Chairman) Jürgen Fitschen Dr jur. Hans-Jürgen Schinzler Mediation Committee pursuant to § 27 Section 3 of the German Co-determination Act Franz M. Haniel (Chairman) Werner Klockhaus (Vice Chairman) Dr jur. Hans-Jürgen Schinzler TBA ––––––––––––––––– P. 29 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – CORPORATE BOARDS OF METRO AG AND THEIR MANDATES Members of the Management Board1 Olaf Koch (Chairman) Corporate Communications, Group Strategy, Corporate M&A, Corporate Legal Affairs & Compliance, Corporate Office, Corporate Public Policy, Digital Horeca (since 22 September 2015), Business Innovation / New Ventures, METRO Cash & Carry (until 30 September 2015), Real a) METRO Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH (Chairman), until 14 September 2015 real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH (Chairman) b) Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH – Advisory Board (Chairman) METRO Cash & Carry Russia N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands – Supervisory Board (Chairman), until 30 June 2015 Pieter C. Boone (Member of the Management Board) Since 1 July 2015 METRO Cash & Carry (as part of the management succession process, Mr Koch and Mr Boone were jointly responsible for the METRO Cash & Carry Board department from 1 July to 30 September 2015) a) METRO Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH, since 15 September 2015 (Chairman, since 21 September 2015) b) METRO Cash & Carry Russia N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands – Supervisory Board (Chairman), from 1 July 2015 to 15 September 2015 ––––––––––––––––– P. 30 Mark Frese (Chief Financial Officer) Group Finance (Corporate Planning & Controlling, Corporate Treasury, Corporate Group Financial Services), Corporate Accounting, Global Business Services, Corporate Group Tax, Corporate Investor Relations, Corporate Risk Management & Internal Control Finance, Galeria Kaufhof (until 30 September 2015), METRO PROPERTIES, MIB METRO GROUP Insurance Broker, METRO LOGISTICS a) GALERIA Kaufhof GmbH (Chairman), until 1 October 2014 Metro Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH, until 30 June 2015 b) METRO Cash & Carry International Holding GmbH, Vösendorf, Austria – Supervisory Board METRO Distributie Nederland B.V., Diemen, Netherlands – Supervisory Board, until 1 July 2015 METRO Finance B.V., Venlo, Netherlands – Supervisory Board METRO Reinsurance N.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands – Supervisory Board Pieter Haas (Member of the Management Board) Media Markt and Saturn Vice Chairman of the Management Board of Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH a) None b) Tertia Handelsbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, since 4 December 2014 Heiko Hutmacher (Chief Human Resources Officer) Human Resources (HR Campus, Corporate House of Learning, Corporate Performance & Rewards, Executive Resources, Group Labour Relations & Labour Law, HR Operations, HR Processes, Analytics & Projects, Talent Management, Leadership & Change), Corporate IT Management, Group Internal Audit, Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs, METRO SYSTEMS, MGT METRO GROUP Travel Services a) Metro Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH METRO Systems GmbH (Chairman) real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH b) None Status of the mandates: 3 December 2015 or date of the respective appointment to or departure from the Board of METRO AG a) Member of other statutory supervisory boards in accordance with § 125 Section 1 Sentence 5, 1st Alt. of the German Stock Corporation Act b) Member of comparable German and international supervisory boards of business enterprises in accordance with § 125 Section 1 Sentence 5, 2nd Alt. of the German Stock Corporation Act 1 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 31 34. Affiliated companies of METRO AG as of 30/9/2014 pursuant to § 285 of the German Commercial Code Consolidated subsidiaries Name 2. Schaper Objekt GmbH & Co. Kiel KG Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 2,298 7111 Copenhagen Denmark 100.00 490 608 Berlin Germany 100.00 –12,237 01.8 ADAGIO 2. Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 ADAGIO 3. Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 9,062 01, 11 ADAGIO Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 52 01, 11 Adolf Schaper GmbH & Co. Grundbesitz-KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,220 –8711 AIB Verwaltungs GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 23 –211 ARKON Grundbesitzverwaltung GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 24-7 ENTERTAINMENT ApS 24-7 Entertainment GmbH ASH Grundstücksverwaltung XXX GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 ASSET Immobilienbeteiligungen GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 190,760 01, 11 ASSET Köln-Kalk GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 22,594 01, 11 ASSET Zweite Immobilienbeteiligungen GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 39,904 01, 11 Baar Switzerland 79.20 7,636 7,3909 Vösendorf Austria 100.00 2,406 1,00611 Assevermag AG Avilo Marketing Gesellschaft m. b. H. BAUGRU Immobilien-Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Co. Grundstücksverwaltung KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 6,656 30511 Beijing Weifa Trading & Commerce Co. Ltd. Beijing China 97.14 1,113 09 biwigo GmbH Munich Germany 100.00 100 08 Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 26 01, 11 CJSC METRO Management Ukraine Kiev Ukraine 100.00 25,947 09 Classic Alimentos (Macau) Limitada Macau China 99.00 10 09 Classic Coffee & Beverage Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 100.00 118 09 Hong Kong China 100.00 2,804 09 Blabert Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Classic Fine Foods (Hong Kong) Limited Classic Fine Foods (Macau) Ltd. Classic Fine Foods (Singapore) Private Limited Macau China 99.80 52 09 Singapore Singapore 100.00 1,619 09 Classic Fine Foods (Thailand) Company Limited Bangkok Thailand 100.00 200 09 Classic Fine Foods (Thailand) Holding Company Limited Bangkok Thailand 49.00 1 09 Classic Fine Foods (Vietnam) Limited Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 100.00 163 09 Classic Fine Foods China Holdings Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 1,742 09 Classic Fine Foods China Trading Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 1,062 09 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 50.00 337 09 Classic Fine Foods EM LLC Classic Fine Foods Group Limited London Great Britain 100.00 31,709 09 Classic Fine Foods Holdings Limited London Great Britain 100.00 381 09 Classic Fine Foods Japan Holdings Tokyo Japan 100.00 275 09 Hong Kong China 80.00 106 09 Classic Fine Foods Netherlands BV Schiphol Netherlands 100.00 18 09 Classic Fine Foods Philippines Inc. Makati Philippines 100.00 605 09 Classic Fine Foods Macau Holding Limited Classic Fine Foods Rungis SAS Classic Fine Foods Sdn Bhd Classic Fine Foods UK Limited Rungis France 100.00 450 09 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 100.00 2,048 09 London Great Britain 100.00 1,303 09 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 32 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Classic Fine Foodstuff Trading LLC Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 49.00 337 09 COM.TVmarkt Verwaltungs-GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 –10 18 Concarneau France 100.00 41 1178 Nanterre 25 011 Concarneau Trading Office SAS Culinary Agents France SAS Culinary Agents Italia s.r.l. Dalian Metro Warehouse Management Co., Ltd. DAYCONOMY GmbH France 100.00 San Donato Milanese Italy 100.00 100 011 Dalian China 100.00 10,800 7869 01, 11 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 3,144 –38 Deutsche SB-Kauf GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 8,044 19011 DFI Verwaltungs GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Shanghai China 100.00 1,115 09 Electronic Online Services GmbH Munich Germany 100.00 25 08 Electronics Online Concepts GmbH Munich Germany 100.00 100 08 –1,4219 Deelnemingsmaatschappij Arodema B.V. Dinghao Foods (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Electronics Retail Real Estate Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 146 French F&B (Japan) Co., Ltd. Tokyo Japan 93.83 2,017 09 Fulltrade International GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 FZB Fachmarktzentrum Bous Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 6,574 26211 FZG Fachmarktzentrum Guben Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 50.00 51 011 FZG Fachmarktzentrum Guben Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Vermietungs-Kommanditgesellschaft Düsseldorf Germany 50.00 211 9111 GBS Gesellschaft für Unternehmensbeteiligungen mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 175,529 01, 11 GKF 6. Objekt Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 GKF Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Donaueschingen KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 10 –1111 GKF Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Köln-Porz KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 10 –2611 GKF Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Bremen-Vahr KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 128 –2911 GKF Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Emden KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 68 –1311 GKF Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH & Co.Objekt Groß-Zimmern KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 85 –1611 GKF Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Norden KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 56 –811 GKF Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Schaper Bremen-Habenhausen KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 643 1,25811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 587 7411 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co.10. Objekt-KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 0 -811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. 25. Objekt-KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,173 –1,32811 –1911 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. 8. Objekt - KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,250 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Arrondierungsgrundstücke KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 457 6711 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Entwicklungsgrundstücke KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,129 –26611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Gewerbegrundstücke KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,112 57011 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Bochum Otto Straße KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 774 1,56111 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Braunschweig Hamburger Straße KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 1 90211 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Brühl KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 539 -8811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Duisburg KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 3,595 37511 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Edingen-Neckarhausen KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 0 1,10711 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Emden KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 626 411 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 33 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Espelkamp KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 10,737 52911 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Finowfurt KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 296 54811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Frankenthal KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 808 22511 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Frankenthal-Studernheim KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,221 –2811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Gäufelden KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 2,885 93011 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Göttingen KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 19,038 47511 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hamburg-Neuwiedenthal KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 2,700 17511 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hannover / Davenstedter Straße KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 2,524 –10811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hannover Fössestraße KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,199 –2111 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hannover-Linden KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 586 48311 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Heinsberg KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 4,224 52411 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Herten KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 676 98611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hildesheim-Senking KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 5,701 76611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hörselgau KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 20,599 84511 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Kassel KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 011 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Kulmbach KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 11,380 37311 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Mönchengladbach ZV II KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 726 16711 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Mönchengladbach-Rheydt KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 13,760 –25811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Münster-Kinderhaus KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 648 –9111 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Oldenburg KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,480 80611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Paderborn „Südring Center“ KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,228 11011 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Pfarrkirchen KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 43411 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Rastatt KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 7,558 1,03111 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Ratingen KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 333 –611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Regensburg KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 23,089 56311 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Saar-Grund KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 280 29811 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,229 –3611 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Wülfrath KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 2,237 48411 GKF Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekte Amberg und Landshut KG Düsseldorf Germany 94.90 1,957 67011 Goldhand Lebensmittel- u. VerbrauchsgüterVertriebsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 8 GrandPari Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 5,679 2899 Hansa Foto-Handelsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Cologne Germany 100.00 31 01, 8 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 16,698 01, 11 Berlin Germany 100.00 25 08 Poznan Poland 100.00 12 08 Chisinau Moldova 100.00 –19,167 –3,1138 Düsseldorf Germany 90.24 22,320 84211 Hong Kong China 100.00 220 835 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 2 –18 Horten Nürnberg GmbH iBOOD GmbH iBOOD Sp. z o.o. ICS METRO Cash & Carry Moldova S.R.L. Immobilien-Vermietungsgesellschaft von Quistorp GmbH & Co. Objekt Altlandsberg KG Imtron Asia Hong Kong Limited IMTRON ELECTRONICA ESPAÑA S.L. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 34 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Imtron GmbH Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 –29,732 4,0988 Dietikon Switzerland 100.00 78 –58 Imtron Österreich GmbH Vösendorf Austria 100.00 31 –18 Imtron Sweden AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 4 08 Duiven Netherlands 100.00 –3,458 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 0 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 –67 –1758 Kaufhalle GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25,182 01, 11 Kaufhalle GmbH & Co. Objekt Lager Apfelstädt KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 4,765 43611 Kaufhof Warenhaus Neubrandenburg GmbH 01, 11 Imtron Helvetia AG Inpakcentrale ICN B.V. Johannes Berg GmbH, Weinkellerei Juke Entertainment GmbH 08 1, 11 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,080 Klassisk Group (S) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore 100.00 0 09 Klassisk Investment Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 11,113 09 KUPINA Grundstücks-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 –7,798 –2,21711 Liqueur & Wine Trade GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 Kiev Ukraine 100.00 740 09 Madrid Spain 100.00 54,383 –15,10811 –31,9518 LLC Ukrainian Wholesale Trade Company Makro Autoservicio Mayorista S. A. U. MAKRO Cash & Carry Belgium NV Wommelgem Belgium 100.00 21,129 MAKRO Cash & Carry CR s.r.o. Prague Czech Republic 100.00 96,247 46,54911 Makro Cash & Carry Egypt LLC Cairo Egypt 100.00 –7,945 –38,2998 –9,89411 Makro Cash & Carry Portugal S.A. Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –9,014 Manchester Great Britain 100.00 –11,698 –16 Warsaw Poland 100.00 88,587 1008 Makro Ltd. Manchester Great Britain 100.00 6,168 –1,5766 Makro Pension Trustees Ltd. Manchester Great Britain 100.00 2 06 Boston USA 100.00 152 56211 MCC Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Berlin-Friedrichshain KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 19,751 1,05611 MCC Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Hamburg-Altona KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25,211 97211 MCC Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt München-Pasing KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 33,560 2,62411 Makro Cash & Carry UK Holding Limited Makro Cash and Carry Polska S.A. MCC Boston Trading Office Inc. MCC Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Porta-Westfalica KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 10,610 71311 MCC Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Schwelm KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 13,811 94411 MCC Trading Deutschland GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 8 MCC Trading International GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 Singapore Singapore 100.00 1,753 5073 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 80,877 6,67811 Vösendorf Austria 100.00 32,401 31,3758 161 2748 MCCI Asia Pte. Ltd. MDH Secundus GmbH & Co. KG Media-Saturn Beteiligungsges.m.b.H. MEDIA MARKT ‒ BUDAÖRS Video TV Hifi Elektro Fotó Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budaörs Hungary 90.00 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain 99.90 915 7958 A Coruña Spain 99.90 –1,524 –7748 Aigle Switzerland 90.00 –2,043 –8908 Alicante Spain 99.90 1,067 9478 MEDIA MARKT ALBACETE VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Albacete Spain 99.90 –902 –1778 MEDIA MARKT ALCALÁ DE GUADAÍRA VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Alcalá de Guadaíra Spain 99.90 285 1658 MEDIA MARKT 3 DE MAYO SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE S.A. MEDIA MARKT A CORUÑA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Aigle SA MEDIA MARKT ALACANT VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 35 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % MEDIA MARKT ALCALÁ DE HENARES VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Alcalá de Henares Spain 99.90 790 6708 MEDIA MARKT ALCORCÓN VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Alcorcón Spain 99.90 1,223 1,1038 Rotterdam Netherlands 95.50 1,285 1,1858 Name Media Markt Alexandrium B.V. Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 MEDIA MARKT ALFAFAR VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Alfafar Spain 99.90 847 7278 MEDIA MARKT ALFRAGIDE ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –249 1,1898 Media Markt Alkmaar B.V. Alkmaar Netherlands 95.50 –339 978 Media Markt Almere B.V. Almere Netherlands 100.00 –25 –1258 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 70 08 Media Markt Alphen aan den Rijn B.V. Alphen aan den Rijn Netherlands 95.50 177 778 Media Markt Amersfoort B.V. Amersfoort Netherlands 95.50 –2,028 –5888 Media Markt Amsterdam Centrum B.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 –8,308 –4,1198 Media Markt Amsterdam Noord B.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 –1,208 –1918 Media Markt Amsterdam West B.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 95.50 –1,223 –1,2218 MEDIA MARKT ALMERIA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A.U. Media Markt Amstetten TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Amstetten Austria 90.00 –610 –948 Media Markt Apeldoorn B.V. Apeldoorn Netherlands 95.50 –370 –4708 Media Markt Arena B.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 96.40 2,821 2,7218 MEDIA MARKT ARENA Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budapest Hungary 100.00 84 –2678 MEDIA MARKT Árkád Video TV Hifi Elektro Foto Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budapest Hungary 100.00 86 28 Arnhem Netherlands 95.50 1,154 1,0548 Media Markt Assen B.V. Assen Netherlands 100.00 –871 –5498 MEDIA MARKT AVEIRO ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Lisbon Portugal 90.00 –9,062 3528 Badajoz Spain 99.90 –368 –828 MEDIA MARKT BARAKALDO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Barakaldo Spain 99.90 1,417 1,2978 MEDIA MARKT BARCELONA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Barcelona Spain 99.90 2,306 2,1868 Basel Switzerland 94.00 –21,599 –2,4048 Media Markt Arnhem B.V. MEDIA MARKT BADAJOZ S.A. Media Markt Basel AG MEDIA MARKT Basilix NV Media Markt Békéscsaba Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. MEDIA MARKT BENFICA ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Media Markt Bergen op Zoom B.V. Media Markt Bern AG Media Markt Biel-Brügg AG MEDIA MARKT Bilbondo Video-TV-Hifi-Elektro-Computer-Foto, S.A. Sint-AgathaBerchem Belgium 90.00 –7,792 –488 Békéscsaba Hungary 90.00 78 –1598 Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –24,181 –1488 Bergen op Zoom Netherlands 100.00 –3,171 –3458 Bern Switzerland 90.00 –17,496 –3,6488 Brügg bei Biel Switzerland 90.00 –8,212 –1,4618 Bilbao Spain 99.90 80 968 –9888 Media Markt Borås TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –9,095 Media Markt Borlänge TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 103 18 Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –8,771 5448 MEDIA MARKT BRAGA ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA MEDIA MARKT Braine-l’Alleud SA Braine-l’Alleud Belgium 90.00 1,392 1,2828 Media Markt Breda B.V. Breda Netherlands 97.75 2,023 1,9238 Media Markt Brugge NV Bruges Belgium 90.00 –3,507 –5628 Media Markt Brussel Docks NV Brussels Belgium 100.00 –17,719 1,3898 Media Markt Bruxelles Rue Neuve Media Markt Brussel Nieuwstraat SA Brussels Belgium 90.00 903 7938 Bürs Austria 90.00 –456 –1508 Media Markt Bürs TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 36 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Cartagena Spain 99.90 –4,654 –6948 Castellón de la Plana Spain 99.90 720 6008 Media Markt CCCI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCVI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCVIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXIX TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXVI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXVII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXVIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXX TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXXI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXXII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXXIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCCXXIV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 MEDIA MARKT CCIV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 MEDIA MARKT CCLIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 102 08 MEDIA MARKT CCLXIV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 08 Name MEDIA MARKT CARTAGENA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT CASTELLÒ DE LA Plana VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Media Markt CCLXV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 101 Media Markt CCLXVIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 101 08 Media Markt CCLXXI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 101 08 Media Markt CCLXXV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCLXXXIX TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCLXXXV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCLXXXVII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCXCII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCXCIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCXCIX TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCXCV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 Media Markt CCXCVI TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 08 MEDIA MARKT CCXLIII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 94 –68 MEDIA MARKT CCXLIV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 102 08 MEDIA MARKT CCXXII TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 105 08 Antwerp Belgium 90.00 –12,527 –4058 Chur Switzerland 90.00 663 4108 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 106 08 Collado Villalba Spain 99.90 116 828 Conthey Switzerland 90.00 1,417 1,1548 MEDIA MARKT Century Center NV Media Markt Chur AG Media Markt CLXXIX TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt MEDIA MARKT COLLADO VILLALBA, S.A. Media Markt Conthey SA METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 37 Consolidated subsidiaries Name MEDIA MARKT CORDOBA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT CORDOVILLA-PAMPLONA VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Head office Country Share in capital in % Cordoba Spain 99.90 Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 –318 –2638 Pamplona Spain 99.90 882 7628 Crissier Switzerland 90.00 2,206 1,9348 Media Markt Cruquius B.V. Cruquius Netherlands 95.50 1,291 1,1918 MEDIA MARKT Debrecen Video-TV-Hifi-Elektro-Photo-Computer-Kereskedelmi Kft. Debrecen Hungary 90.00 59 –268 Media Markt Den Bosch B.V. Den Bosch Netherlands 100.00 –8,266 –6,1778 Media Markt Den Haag B.V. The Hague Netherlands 97.30 2,156 2,0568 Deventer Netherlands 95.50 –2,482 –8898 5988 Media Markt Crissier SA Media Markt Deventer B.V. MEDIA MARKT DIAGONAL MAR-BARCELONA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Barcelona Spain 99.90 718 Doetinchem Netherlands 100.00 90 08 Donostia Spain 99.90 1,217 1,0978 Media Markt Dordrecht B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 100.00 –2,441 –1,8628 Media Markt Drachten B.V. Drachten Netherlands 100.00 –297 –3888 Duiven Netherlands 95.50 –14,333 1,1728 Budapest Hungary 90.00 80 –6238 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 83 –148 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 101 01, 8 Dietikon Switzerland 90.00 640 3868 Media Markt Doetinchem B.V. MEDIA MARKT DONOSTI VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Duiven B.V. MEDIA MARKT DUNA Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. MEDIA MARKT E-289 S.A.U. Media Markt E-Business GmbH Media Markt E-Commerce AG Media Markt Ede B.V. Media Markt Eindhoven Centrum B.V. Media Markt Eindhoven Ekkersrijt B.V. MEDIA MARKT EL PRAT VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. MEDIA MARKT ELCHE VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Ede Netherlands 95.50 307 2078 Eindhoven Netherlands 95.50 2,654 2,5548 Son en Breugel Netherlands 95.50 –283 –3738 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 99.90 1,237 1,1178 Elche Spain 99.90 –283 438 Emmen Netherlands 95.50 –902 –8938 Enschede Netherlands 100.00 –4,480 –4348 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –1,061 –9258 Feldkirch Austria 90.00 111 418 Ferrol Spain 99.90 50 2158 Finestrat Spain 99.90 65 -98 Lisbon Portugal 90.00 –10,033 –1,4548 Valencia-Gandia Spain 99.90 108 1678 Gavà Spain 99.90 772 6528 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –6,993 –1,9948 Geneva Switzerland 90.00 17 7388 MEDIA MARKT GETAFE VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Getafe Spain 99.90 103 –178 MEDIA MARKT GIRONA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Girona Spain 99.90 1,943 1,8238 Munich Germany 90.00 1,267 1,1028 Charleroi Belgium 90.00 1,408 1,2988 Media Markt Göteborg-Bäckebol TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –8,730 –2,0408 Media Markt Göteborg-Högsbo TV-HiFi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –17,947 –1,7648 Media Markt Göteborg-Torpavallen TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –3,651 –1,5268 Pulianas-Granada Spain 99.90 958 8388 Grancia Switzerland 90.00 1,038 7798 Media Markt Emmen B.V. Media Markt Enschede B.V. Media Markt Eskilstuna TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt Feldkirch TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA MARKT FERROL, S.A. MEDIA MARKT FINESTRAT S.A. MEDIA MARKT GAIA ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA MEDIA MARKT GANDIA S.A. MEDIA MARKT GAVÀ VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Media Markt Gävle TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt Genève SA Media Markt GmbH TV-HiFi-Elektro MEDIA MARKT Gosselies/Charleroi SA MEDIA MARKT GRANADA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Grancia SA METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 38 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Granges-Paccot Switzerland 90.00 119 –58 Graz Austria 90.00 386 2848 Media Markt Groningen Centrum B.V. Groningen Netherlands 97.75 64 –368 Media Markt Groningen Sontplein B.V. Groningen Netherlands 95.50 20 68 Győr Hungary 100.00 323 2438 Heerhugowaard Netherlands 95.50 –3,051 –1,3358 Name Media Markt Granges-Paccot AG Media Markt Graz-Liebenau TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA MARKT Győr Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Media Markt Heerhugowaard B.V. Media Markt Heerlen B.V. Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Heerlen Netherlands 95.50 665 5658 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –4,308 –1,8558 Media Markt Hengelo B.V. Hengelo Netherlands 95.50 2,050 1,9508 MEDIA MARKT Herstal SA Herstal Belgium 90.00 544 4348 Hoofddorp Netherlands 100.00 –6,931 –7788 Media Markt Hoorn B.V. Hoorn Netherlands 95.50 –779 648 MEDIA MARKT HUELVA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Huelva Spain 99.90 394 2748 Imst Austria 90.00 235 1338 Hong Kong China 100.00 1 –99 Madrid Spain 99.90 –9,192 –3728 MEDIA MARKT Jemappes/Mons SA MEDIA MARKT JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Mons Jerez de la Frontera Belgium 90.00 1,213 1,1038 Spain 99.90 –1,055 –2308 Media Markt Jönköping TV-Hifi- Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –10,996 –1,4738 –1,5248 Media Markt Helsingborg TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt Hoofddorp B.V. Media Markt Imst TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Media Markt IP Holding Hong Kong Limited MEDIA MARKT ISLAZUL MADRID S.A. Media Markt Kalmar TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Kalmar Sweden 90.01 –9,984 Media Markt Kecskemét Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Kecskemét Hungary 100.00 91 –3878 MEDIA MARKT KISPEST Video TV HiFi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budapest Hungary 100.00 192 –1958 Media Markt Kortrijk NV Kortrijk Belgium 100.00 –3,445 –5698 Media Markt Kriens AG Kriens Switzerland 90.00 915 6598 Media Markt Kristianstad TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –6,949 –1,5518 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat Spain 99.90 216 2628 MEDIA MARKT LAS ARENAS S.A. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain 99.90 285 2528 MEDIA MARKT LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain 99.90 662 5428 Leeuwarden Netherlands 95.50 750 6508 MEDIA MARKT L’HOSPITALET VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Media Markt Leeuwarden B.V. MEDIA MARKT LEGANÉS VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT LEIRIA ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Media Markt Leoben TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Leganés Spain 99.90 486 3668 Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –6,055 –1698 3148 Leoben Austria 90.00 416 MEDIA MARKT LEÓN VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. León Spain 99.90 785 6658 Media Markt Liège Médiacité SA Liège Belgium 100.00 –6,766 –1,3298 MEDIA MARKT Liège Place Saint-Lambert SA Liège Belgium 100.00 –5,082 –7278 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –4,148 –1,7978 Linz Austria 90.00 644 5428 Lleida Spain 99.90 389 4278 Logroño Spain 99.90 547 4278 Media Markt Linköping TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt Linz TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA MARKT LLEIDA, S.A. MEDIA MARKT LOGROÑO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT LORCA S.A. MEDIA MARKT LOS BARRIOS VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT LUGO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Murcia Spain 99.90 –870 –3598 Los Barrios Spain 99.90 153 3518 Lugo Spain 99.90 49 278 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 39 Consolidated subsidiaries Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Name Head office Media Markt Luleå TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –5,071 –1,1238 Media Markt Lund TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –10,229 –1,0478 Media Markt Maastricht B.V. Maastricht Netherlands 95.50 1,201 1,1018 MEDIA MARKT MADRID BENLLIURE S.A. Madrid Spain 99.90 6 –918 MEDIA MARKT MADRID CASTELLANA S.A. MEDIA MARKT MADRID PLENILUNIO VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. MEDIA MARKT MADRID-VILLAVERDE VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Madrid Spain 99.90 –301 –448 Madrid Spain 99.90 –2,022 1088 Madrid Spain 99.90 489 3698 Majadahonda Spain 99.90 1,463 1,3438 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 99.90 94 -98 Malaga Spain 99.90 230 1828 MEDIA MARKT Majadahonda Video-TV-HiFi-Elektro-Computer-Foto, S.A. MEDIA MARKT MÁLAGA – PLAZA MAYOR S.A. MEDIA MARKT MALAGA-CENTRO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Country Media Markt Malmö-Bernstorp TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –15,257 4,6008 Media Markt Malmö-Svågertorp TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –5,437 –1,5418 MEDIA MARKT MAMMUT Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budapest Hungary 90.00 84 4318 Media Markt Management AG Dietikon Switzerland 100.00 1,706 1,0718 Media Markt Marin SA La Tène Switzerland 90.00 –3,183 –7408 MEDIA MARKT MASSALFASSAR S.A. València Spain 99.90 –3,344 –998 Mataro Spain 99.90 1,672 1,5528 MEDIA MARKT Mechelen NV Mechelen Belgium 100.00 –1,768 –1,5778 MEDIA MARKT Megapark Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Budapest Hungary 90.00 128 458 Meyrin Switzerland 90.00 1,568 1,3048 Middelburg Netherlands 97.75 623 5238 Miskolc Hungary 90.00 48 -1878 –14,638 –1,0658 MEDIA MARKT MATARO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Meyrin SA Media Markt Middelburg B.V. MEDIA MARKT Miskolc Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmit Kft MEDIA MARKT Mons SA MEDIA MARKT MURCIA NUEVA CONDOMINA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTERFOTO S.A. Mons Belgium 100.00 Murcia Spain 99.90 –801 1608 MEDIA MARKT MURCIA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Murcia Spain 99.90 –2,254 –2958 MEDIA MARKT NASCENTE ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Lisbon Portugal 90.00 –6,977 1,0798 Nieuwegein Netherlands 100.00 –3,927 –1,8648 Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –7,112 –1,0928 Nyíregyháza Hungary 90.00 127 448 Media Markt Nieuwegein B.V. Media Markt Norrköping TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt Nyíregyháza Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Media Markt Oberwart TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Oberwart Austria 90.00 880 7788 Media Markt Oftringen AG Oftringen Switzerland 90.00 604 3518 MEDIA MARKT Oostakker NV Oostakker Belgium 90.00 1,275 1,1658 MEDIA MARKT Oostende NV Oostende Belgium 90.00 –880 28 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –8,443 –1,8028 Orihuela Spain 99.90 781 6618 Palma de Mallorca Spain 99.90 1,889 1,7698 Parets del Vallès Spain 99.90 506 4918 MEDIA MARKT Pécs Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmit Kft. Pécs Hungary 90.00 16 –1038 MEDIA MARKT PLAZA ‒ PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –10,974 –3088 Media Markt Örebro TV-Hifi-Elektro AB MEDIA MARKT ORIHUELA S.A. MEDIA MARKT PALMA DE MALLORCA S.A. MEDIA MARKT PARETS DEL VALLES S.A. Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Poland 100.00 199 1818 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. 19 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. 22 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. 25 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 40 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. 26 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. 27 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Białystok Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 2,1998 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Bielsko-Biała Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 7898 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Bydgoszcz Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 5898 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Chorzów Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1808 Name Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Czeladź Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,0188 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Częstochowa Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 7028 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Elbląg Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 96 5128 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 8628 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Gdynia I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –519 –3488 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Głogów Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –6,543 –8358 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Gorzów Wielkopolski Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 5738 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Jelenia Góra Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Kalisz Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 2668 8448 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Katowice I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Kielce Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 4098 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Konin Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –1,050 1088 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Koszalin Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 3818 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Kraków I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,0258 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Kraków II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 100 4348 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Legnica Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –2,281 –2918 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Łódź I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 3758 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Łódź II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 3298 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Lublin Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 8458 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Nowy Sącz Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –151 -548 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Olsztyn Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 8258 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Opole Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1638 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Piotrków Trybunalski Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –3,684 –3038 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Płock Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –510 508 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Poznań I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 96 1,0538 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Poznań II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,0888 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Przemyśl Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –3,092 –5968 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Radom Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 101 3988 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Rybnik Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 2648 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Rzeszów Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 9938 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Słupsk Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –213 –1788 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Szczecin Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,5748 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Tarnów Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –565 708 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Toruń Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 7688 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Wałbrzych Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –2,611 –4838 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Warszawa 1 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,9258 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Warszawa II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,6948 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 41 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Warszawa III Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 9698 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Warszawa IV Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 6858 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Wrocław I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 3978 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Wrocław II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 8218 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Zabrze Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1018 Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Zamość Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 –2,037 –5838 Name Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o. Zielona Góra Spółka Komandytowa MEDIA MARKT Pólus Center Video TV Hifi Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Media Markt Power Service AG MEDIA MARKT PUERTO REAL VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 4478 Budapest Hungary 90.00 39 –458 Dietikon Switzerland 100.00 157 318 Cádiz Spain 99.90 223 1038 MEDIA MARKT QUART DE POBLET, S.A. Quart de Poblet Spain 99.90 –119 88 Media Markt Ried TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Ried im Innkreis Austria 90.00 102 08 Rijswijk (The Hague) Netherlands 90.10 8 –928 Media Markt Rijswijk B.V. MEDIA MARKT RIVAS-VACIAMADRID VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. Media Markt Roermond B.V. Madrid Spain 99.90 534 4148 Roermond Netherlands 100.00 527 4278 MEDIA MARKT Roeselare NV Roeselare Belgium 90.00 466 3568 Media Markt Rotterdam Beijerlandselaan B.V. Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 –4,280 –1,0568 Santa Marta de Tormes Spain 99.90 516 3968 Seville Spain 99.90 197 778 San Sebastian de los Reyes Spain 99.99 2,872 2,7528 1,2368 MEDIA MARKT SALAMANCA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT San Juan de Aznalfarache VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT SANT CUGAT DEL VALLÈS VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Sant Cugat del Vallès Spain 99.90 1,356 MEDIA MARKT Santander Video-TV-Hifi-Elektro-Computer-Foto, S.A. Santander Spain 99.90 528 4088 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 583 4638 MEDIA MARKT SATURN ADMINISTRACION ESPAÑA, S.A.U. Media Markt Saturn Holding Magyarország Kft. Media Markt Saturn Holding Nederland B.V. MEDIA MARKT SATURN, S.A. UNIPERSONAL MEDIA MARKT Schoten NV Media Markt Setúbal ‒ Produtos Informáticos e Electrónicos, Lda. MEDIA MARKT SEVILLA-SANTA JUSTA VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Budaörs Hungary 100.00 10,295 9158 Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 32,795 –1,8718 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 83,023 32,4958 Schoten Belgium 90.00 –1,401 348 Lisbon Portugal 90.00 –7,615 –1,3168 Seville Spain 99.90 –384 –1428 Lugones-Siero Spain 99.90 1,565 1,4458 Sint-LambrechtsWoluwe Belgium 90.00 721 6118 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Belgium 90.00 656 5468 Lisbon Portugal 90.00 –13,435 7568 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –9,358 –7638 Media Markt Södertälje TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –7,924 –6,4558 Media Markt Spittal TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Spittal an der Drau Austria 90.00 132 308 St. Gallen Switzerland 90.00 715 4608 St. Lorenzen im Mürztal Austria 90.00 681 5798 Steyr Austria 90.00 481 3798 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –16,416 –1,5278 MEDIA MARKT SIERO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. MEDIA MARKT Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe NV MEDIA MARKT Sint-Pieters-Leeuw NV MEDIA MARKT SINTRA - PRODUTOS INFORMÁTICOS E ELECTRÓNICOS, LDA Media Markt Skövde TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Media Markt St. Gallen AG Media Markt St. Lorenzen TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Media Markt Steyr TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Media Markt Stockholm-Barkarby TV-Hifi-Elektro AB METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 42 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Media Markt Stockholm-Gallerian TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –14,573 –2,3478 Media Markt Stockholm-Heron City TV-HiFi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –27,672 –1,6118 Media Markt Stockholm-Länna TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –9,295 –1,0938 Media Markt Stockholm-Nacka TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –15,343 –1,0868 Budapest Hungary 90.00 25 –2858 Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –21,155 –1,6578 Szeged Hungary 90.00 84 2858 MEDIA MARKT Stop Shop Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Media Markt Sundsvall TV-Hifi-Elektro AB MEDIA MARKT Szeged Video-TV-Hifi-Elektro-Photo-Computer-Kereskedelmi Kft. MEDIA MARKT Székesfehérvár Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Media Markt Szolnok Video Tv Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. MEDIA MARKT Szombathely Video-TV-Hifi-Elektro-Photo-ComputerKereskedelmi Kft. MEDIA MARKT TARRAGONA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. MEDIA MARKT TELDE VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Székesfehérvár Hungary 90.00 121 –798 Szolnok Hungary 90.00 37 –1088 Szombathely Hungary 90.00 29 –1258 Tarragona Spain 99.90 625 6468 Telde Spain 99.90 900 7808 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain 99.90 1,162 1,0428 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 99.90 93 –88 Rotterdam Netherlands 95.50 1,183 1,0838 Media Markt Tilburg B.V. Tilburg Netherlands 95.50 1,045 9458 MEDIA MARKT TOLEDO S.A. Toledo Spain 99.90 –37 1368 Turnhout Belgium 90.00 –52 –1528 MEDIA MARKT TENERIFE VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-COMPUTER, S.A. MEDIA MARKT TERRASSA S.A. Media Markt The Corner B.V. Media Markt Turnhout NV Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro Athens II Commercial Anonymi Eteria Maroussi Greece 100.00 –290 7,6588 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Seiersberg Austria 90.00 2,217 1,7908 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Innsbruck Austria 90.00 3,521 3,1088 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Klagenfurt Austria 90.00 1,144 8028 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Pasching Austria 90.00 –33 –2928 MEDIA Markt TV-Hifi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Salzburg Austria 90.00 733 2478 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Villach Austria 90.00 987 6228 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Gesellschaft m.b.H. Vösendorf Austria 90.00 2,936 2,0858 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Wiener Neustadt Austria 90.00 2,207 1,8758 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH St. Pölten Austria 90.00 1,921 1,6538 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bad Dürrheim Germany 90.00 1,270 1,1618 Hallstadt Germany 90.05 473 3618 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Herzogenrath Germany 90.00 282 1808 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schwentinental Germany 90.00 658 5548 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lüneburg Germany 90.00 800 6878 Belm Germany 90.05 2,211 2,1058 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Peißen Germany 90.05 1,182 1,0778 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Porta Westfalica Germany 90.05 1,242 1,1358 Dornbirn Austria 90.00 1,054 7818 9328 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Krems an der Donau Austria 90.00 1,198 Albstadt Germany 90.00 112 588 Alzey Germany 90.00 589 4758 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Amberg Amberg Germany 90.00 560 4688 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ansbach Ansbach Germany 90.05 354 2388 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Albstadt Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Alzey METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 43 Consolidated subsidiaries Name MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Aschaffenburg Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Aschaffenburg Germany 90.05 1,065 9458 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Augsburg Augsburg Germany 90.00 657 5548 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Augsburg-Göggingen Augsburg Germany 90.00 694 5838 Bad Kreuznach Germany 90.00 865 7458 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bad Kreuznach Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bad Neustadt an der Saale Bad Neustadt an der Saale Germany 90.00 328 2268 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Baden-Baden Baden-Baden Germany 90.00 821 7138 Bayreuth Germany 90.05 776 6638 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Biesdorf Berlin Germany 90.05 1,656 1,5388 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Charlottenburg Berlin Germany 90.00 1,562 1,4528 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Gropiusstadt Berlin Germany 90.05 1,095 9818 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Berlin Germany 90.00 500 3968 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Mitte Berlin Germany 90.00 3,081 2,9608 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Neukölln Berlin Germany 90.00 498 3818 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg Berlin Germany 90.00 863 7448 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Schöneweide Berlin Germany 90.00 618 5088 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Spandau Berlin Germany 90.05 1,814 1,7028 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Steglitz Berlin Germany 90.00 1,162 1,0438 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Tegel Berlin Germany 90.05 1,209 1,0918 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Tempelhof Berlin Germany 90.00 310 2148 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Berlin-Wedding Berlin Germany 90.00 -93 -768 Bielefeld Germany 90.05 1,562 1,4558 Bischofsheim Germany 90.00 1,020 8978 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bochum Bochum Germany 90.00 439 3338 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bochum – Ruhrpark Bochum Germany 90.00 417 3148 Bonn Germany 90.00 359 4048 Brandenburg an der Havel Germany 90.00 105 3728 Braunschweig Germany 90.05 903 7858 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bremen Bremen Germany 90.05 789 6768 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bremen-Waterfront Bremen Germany 90.00 598 4738 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bruchsal Bruchsal Germany 100.00 2,295 1,9268 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Buchholz in der Nordheide Buchholz in der Nordheide Germany 90.00 1,160 1,0538 Buxtehude Germany 100.00 –177 1058 Castrop-Rauxel Germany 90.00 1,120 1,0068 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Chemnitz Chemnitz Germany 90.00 509 4078 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Chemnitz-Röhrsdorf Chemnitz Germany 90.00 759 6558 Cottbus Germany 90.05 1,099 9868 Deggendorf Germany 90.00 –3,049 –1778 Dessau-Roßlau Germany 90.00 383 2688 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dietzenbach Dietzenbach Germany 90.00 543 4368 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Donauwörth Donauwörth Germany 100.00 401 2988 Dorsten Germany 90.00 –360 1598 Dortmund Germany 90.00 1,029 9268 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bayreuth Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bielefeld Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bischofsheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Bonn Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Brandenburg an der Havel Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Braunschweig Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Buxtehude MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Castrop-Rauxel Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Cottbus / Groß Gaglow Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Deggendorf Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dessau Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dorsten Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dortmund-Oespel METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 44 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dresden Centrum Dresden Germany 90.00 –2,116 –2918 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dresden-Mickten Dresden Germany 90.00 2,445 2,3428 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Duisburg Duisburg Germany 90.00 251 1438 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Duisburg-Großenbaum Duisburg Germany 90.00 435 3268 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Germany 90.00 1,932 1,8018 Media Markt TV-HIFi-Elektro GmbH Düsseldorf-Bilk Düsseldorf Germany 90.00 –593 –3398 Egelsbach Germany 90.00 616 5038 Ahrensfelde-Eiche Germany 90.00 1,618 1,5028 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Egelsbach Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Eiche Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Eisenach Eisenach Germany 100.00 –93 –1938 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Elmshorn Elmshorn Germany 90.00 804 7008 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Emden Emden Germany 90.00 –1,397 698 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Erding Erding Germany 90.00 1,571 1,4658 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Erfurt Thüringen-Park Erfurt Germany 90.05 1,427 1,3258 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Erfurt-Daberstedt Erfurt Germany 90.00 349 2418 Erlangen Germany 90.00 728 6168 Eschweiler Germany 90.00 1,107 9728 Essen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Erlangen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Eschweiler Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Essen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Esslingen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Fellbach Media Markt TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Flensburg Germany 90.05 2,040 1,9378 Esslingen am Neckar Germany 90.00 409 3018 Fellbach Germany 90.00 689 5838 Flensburg Germany 90.05 –712 –2788 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany 90.00 346 2328 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Frankfurt – Borsigallee Frankfurt am Main Germany 90.00 722 6078 Freiburg im Breisgau Germany 90.05 1,795 1,6828 Friedrichshafen Germany 90.00 1,014 9038 2648 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Freiburg MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Friedrichshafen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Fulda Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Gifhorn Media Markt TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Goslar Fulda Germany 90.05 382 Gifhorn Germany 100.00 296 2118 Goslar Germany 90.00 467 3608 4918 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Göttingen Göttingen Germany 90.05 606 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Greifswald Greifswald Germany 90.00 1,001 8948 Gründau-Lieblos Germany 90.00 1,364 1,2428 Leuna Germany 90.00 –372 –3258 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Gütersloh Gütersloh Germany 90.00 1,388 1,2758 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Halberstadt Halberstadt Germany 90.00 570 4638 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Halstenbek Halstenbek Germany 90.00 815 6958 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg- Wandsbek Hamburg Germany 90.00 918 6398 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg-Altona Hamburg Germany 90.00 1,076 9568 –2638 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Gründau-Lieblos Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Günthersdorf Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg-Billstedt Hamburg Germany 90.00 –355 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg-Harburg Hamburg Germany 90.00 995 8668 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel Hamburg Germany 90.00 687 5758 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hamburg-Nedderfeld Hamburg Germany 100.00 389 2738 Hameln Germany 90.05 68 –658 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hannover-Vahrenheide Hannover Germany 90.00 1,820 1,7048 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hannover-Wülfel Hannover Germany 90.00 –7 –1248 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hameln METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 45 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Heide Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Heide Germany 90.00 541 4358 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany 90.00 524 4158 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Heidelberg-Rohrbach Heidelberg Germany 90.00 491 3768 Henstedt-Ulzburg Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Henstedt-Ulzburg Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Heppenheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hildesheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hof Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Holzminden Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Homburg/Saar Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Hückelhoven Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Idar-Oberstein Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Itzehoe Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Jena Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Kaiserslautern Germany 90.00 1,096 9868 Heppenheim (Bergstraße) Germany 90.00 890 7768 Hildesheim Germany 90.05 135 268 Hof Germany 90.05 282 1718 Holzminden Germany 100.00 –1,766 3938 Homburg (Saar) Germany 90.00 782 6728 Hückelhoven Germany 90.00 810 6968 Idar-Oberstein Germany 90.00 967 8538 Itzehoe Germany 90.00 891 7838 Jena Germany 90.05 379 2748 Kaiserslautern Germany 90.00 908 7998 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Karlsfeld Karlsfeld Germany 90.00 –126 –898 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Germany 100.00 775 6608 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Karlsruhe – Ettlinger Tor Karlsruhe Germany 90.05 60 –558 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Kassel Kassel Germany 90.05 764 6538 Kempten (Allgäu) Germany 90.00 1,121 1,0118 Kiel Germany 95.00 1,469 1,3608 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Koblenz Koblenz Germany 90.05 1,308 1,1358 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Köln Hohe Straße Cologne Germany 90.05 831 7168 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Köln-Chorweiler Cologne Germany 90.00 –1,132 –2508 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Köln-Kalk Cologne Germany 90.00 1,803 1,6828 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Köln-Marsdorf Cologne Germany 90.05 1,823 1,7098 Konstanz Germany 90.00 1,369 1,2568 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Kempten Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Kiel Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Konstanz Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Krefeld Krefeld Germany 90.05 584 4678 Kulmbach Germany 90.00 –34 –1098 Lahr Germany 90.00 372 2638 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Landau/Pfalz Landau in der Pfalz Germany 90.00 1,418 1,3088 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Landsberg/Lech Landsberg am Lech Germany 90.00 1,348 1,2438 Landshut Germany 90.00 501 3668 Leipzig Germany 90.00 –492 2768 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Kulmbach MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lahr Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Landshut Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Leipzig Höfe am Brühl Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Leipzig-Paunsdorf Leipzig Germany 90.00 1,392 1,2838 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lichtenfels Lichtenfels Germany 90.00 –663 –4258 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Limburg Limburg Germany 90.00 319 2068 Lingen Germany 90.00 –615 –5008 Lippstadt Germany 90.00 –384 –1268 Lübeck Germany 90.00 2,238 2,1268 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg Germany 90.00 2,888 2,7748 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ludwigshafen Ludwigshafen Germany 95.00 1,299 1,1818 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Magdeburg Magdeburg Germany 90.05 1,911 1,7918 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Magdeburg – Bördepark Magdeburg Germany 90.00 1,081 9668 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lingen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lippstadt Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Lübeck METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 46 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Head office Country Sulzbach Germany 90.00 –6,027 1,1378 Mainz Germany 90.00 2,182 2,0598 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mannheim Mannheim Germany 90.00 333 2158 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mannheim-Sandhofen Mannheim Germany 90.00 684 5708 Marburg Germany 90.00 589 4748 Marktredwitz Germany 90.00 485 3758 Meerane Germany 90.00 723 6138 Memmingen Germany 90.00 900 7898 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Main-Taunus-Zentrum Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mainz MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Marburg MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Marktredwitz Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Meerane Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Memmingen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mönchengladbach Mönchengladbach Germany 90.00 1,023 9058 Mühldorf am Inn Germany 90.00 268 1578 Mülheim an der Ruhr Germany 90.05 443 3288 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH München-Haidhausen Munich Germany 93.00 696 5778 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH München-Pasing Munich Germany 90.00 1,153 1,0458 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mühldorf/Inn Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Mülheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH München-Solln Munich Germany 90.00 1,364 1,2398 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Münster Münster Germany 90.05 2,074 1,9618 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nagold Nagold Germany 90.00 554 4538 Neubrandenburg Germany 90.05 674 5668 Neuburg an der Donau Germany 90.00 –140 –1188 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neumünster Neumünster Germany 90.05 597 4858 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neunkirchen Neunkirchen Germany 90.00 913 8098 Neuss Germany 90.00 396 2888 5948 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neubrandenburg Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neuburg an der Donau Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neuss Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neustadt an der Weinstraße Neustadt an der Weinstraße Germany 90.00 705 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neu-Ulm Neu-Ulm Germany 100.00 630 5088 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Neuwied Neuwied Germany 90.05 212 1028 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nienburg Nienburg Germany 90.00 –2,158 4178 Nordhausen Germany 100.00 39 –618 Nordhorn Germany 90.00 703 5948 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nördlingen Nördlingen Germany 100.00 –531 –3508 MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nürnberg-Kleinreuth Nuremberg Germany 90.00 1,191 1,0748 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nürnberg-Langwasser Nuremberg Germany 90.00 695 5758 Media Markt TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Nürnberg-Schoppershof Nuremberg Germany 90.00 626 5238 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nordhausen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Nordhorn Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Offenburg Offenburg Germany 90.00 1,230 1,1158 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Oldenburg Oldenburg Germany 90.00 985 7648 Oststeinbek Germany 90.00 –132 418 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Paderborn Paderborn Germany 90.05 1,348 1,2378 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Papenburg Papenburg Germany 90.00 259 1928 Passau Germany 90.05 651 5468 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Pforzheim Pforzheim Germany 90.00 688 5768 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Pirmasens Pirmasens Germany 90.00 844 7358 Plauen Germany 90.00 792 6888 Potsdam Germany 90.00 2,094 1,9758 Ravensburg Germany 90.05 377 2658 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Oststeinbek Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Passau Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Plauen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Potsdam Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ravensburg METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 47 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Recklinghausen Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Recklinghausen Germany 90.00 800 6798 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Regensburg Regensburg Germany 90.00 –583 –1328 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rendsburg Rendsburg Germany 90.00 –18 –588 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Reutlingen Reutlingen Germany 90.05 878 7678 Rheine Germany 90.00 375 2608 Rödental Germany 90.00 385 2748 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rheine MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rödental MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rosenheim Rosenheim Germany 100.00 1,536 1,3828 Sievershagen Germany 90.05 961 8478 Rostock Germany 90.00 808 6968 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Saarbrücken Saarbrücken Germany 90.05 –883 –1238 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Saarbrücken – Saarterrassen Saarbrücken Germany 90.00 –1,323 4568 Saarlouis Germany 100.00 857 7388 Schiffdorf-Spaden Germany 90.00 –2,123 –8118 Schwabach Germany 90.00 402 2998 Schwedt/Oder Germany 90.00 30 –288 Schweinfurt Germany 90.05 75 –348 6198 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rostock Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Rostock-Brinckmansdorf Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Saarlouis Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schiffdorf-Spaden Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schwabach Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schwedt Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schweinfurt Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Schwerin Schwerin Germany 90.05 727 Siegen Germany 90.00 196 938 Sindelfingen Germany 90.00 1,791 1,6808 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Singen Singen Germany 90.00 1,091 9768 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Speyer Speyer Germany 90.00 1,071 9598 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stade Stade Germany 90.00 261 1558 Stadthagen Germany 90.00 –412 –1678 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stralsund Stralsund Germany 90.05 465 3588 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Straubing Straubing Germany 90.05 568 4588 Stuhr Germany 90.05 414 3068 –3568 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Siegen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Sindelfingen Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stadthagen MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stuhr Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stuttgart – Mailänder Platz Stuttgart Germany 100.00 –254 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stuttgart-City Stuttgart Germany 90.00 100 08 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stuttgart-Feuerbach Stuttgart Germany 90.00 1,675 1,5518 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Stuttgart-Vaihingen Stuttgart Germany 90.00 116 38 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Traunreut Traunreut Germany 90.00 223 1208 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Traunstein Traunstein Germany 90.00 1,070 9638 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Trier Trier Germany 90.00 2,209 2,0908 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ulm Ulm Germany 90.00 1,705 1,5898 Velbert Germany 90.00 275 1638 Viernheim Germany 90.00 1,367 1,2568 Schönefeld Germany 90.05 1,695 1,5898 Weiden in der Oberpfalz Germany 90.00 1,305 1,1908 Weilheim Germany 90.00 1,018 9098 Weiterstadt Germany 90.00 523 4008 Wetzlar Germany 90.00 410 2988 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Wiesbaden Wiesbaden Germany 90.00 781 6588 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Wiesbaden – Äppelallee Wiesbaden Germany 90.00 1,266 1,1608 MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Velbert Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Viernheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Waltersdorf bei Berlin Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Weiden Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Weilheim Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Weiterstadt Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Wetzlar METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 48 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Head office Country Wolfsburg Germany 90.05 1,121 1,0198 Worms Germany 90.00 1,223 1,1118 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Wuppertal Wuppertal Germany 90.00 1,333 1,2228 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Würzburg Würzburg Germany 90.05 749 6338 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Würzburg – Alfred-Nobel-Straße Würzburg Germany 90.00 166 648 Zella-Mehlis Germany 90.00 413 2998 Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Wolfsburg Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Worms MEDIA MARKT TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Zella-Mehlis Media Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Zwickau MEDIA Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro Licht GmbH Ingolstadt Zwickau Germany 90.05 608 5038 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 2,042 1,7878 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Wien XI Gesellschaft m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 1,390 8478 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Wien XIII GmbH Vienna Austria 90.00 797 4978 MEDIA MARKT TV-Hifi-Elektro Wien XXI Gesellschaft m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 1,390 9438 Hasselt Belgium 99.65 3,337 4618 Media Markt Umeå TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –5,510 –1,4898 Media Markt Uppsala TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –8,520 –1,6528 Media Markt Utrecht Hoog Catharijne B.V. Utrecht Netherlands 95.50 749 6498 Media Markt Utrecht The Wall B.V. Utrecht Netherlands 95.50 –1,280 3388 València Spain 99.90 –30 –1288 MEDIA MARKT Twee Torens Hasselt NV MEDIA MARKT VALENCIA COLON S.A. MEDIA MARKT VALÈNCIA-CAMPANAR VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. València Spain 99.90 534 4148 Valladolid Spain 99.90 662 5428 Media Markt Västerås TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –13,346 –2,5338 Media Markt Växjö TV-Hifi-Elektro AB Stockholm Sweden 90.01 –11,674 –8608 Venlo Netherlands 95.50 –4,689 –2,0878 Heilbronn Germany 94.00 14,497 9,4578 MEDIA MARKT VALLADOLID VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Venlo B.V. Media Markt Verbund Heilbronn-Franken GmbH MEDIA MARKT VIGO VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO S.A. MEDIA MARKT VITORIA-GASTEIZ VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Media Markt Vöcklabruck TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Media Markt Wels TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH MEDIA MARKT- West End Video TV Hifi Elektro Photo Computer Kereskedelmi Kft. Vigo Spain 99.90 183 638 Vitoria Spain 99.90 624 5048 Vöcklabruck Austria 90.00 527 4258 Wels Austria 90.00 1,216 1,1148 Budapest Hungary 90.00 114 308 Media Markt Wien III TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Vienna Austria 90.00 1,024 9228 Media Markt Wien XV TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Vienna Austria 90.00 578 4768 Media Markt Wien XXII TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Vienna Austria 90.00 859 7578 Media Markt Wilrijk NV Wilrijk Belgium 90.00 625 5158 MEDIA MARKT Wörgl TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Wörgl Austria 90.00 1,059 9578 MEDIA MARKT XCV TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 110 08 Media Markt Zaandam B.V. Zaandam Netherlands 100.00 –5,964 –1,2758 MEDIA MARKT ZARAGOZA PUERTO VENECIA VIDEO-TV-HIFIELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Zaragoza Spain 99.90 7 3948 MEDIA MARKT ZARAGOZA VIDEO-TV-HIFI-ELEKTRO-COMPUTER-FOTO, S.A. Zaragoza Spain 99.90 –7,130 –9988 Media Markt Zell am See TV-Hifi-Elektro GmbH Zell am See Austria 90.00 502 4008 Media Markt Zoetermeer B.V. Zoetermeer Netherlands 95.50 987 8878 Zurich Switzerland 90.00 –31,247 3,8098 Media Markt Zürich AG Media Markt zwei TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Dresden-Prohlis MEDIA MARKT Zwijnaarde NV Media Markt Zwolle B.V. Dresden Germany 90.00 1,088 9858 Zwijnaarde Belgium 90.00 –616 -6008 Zwolle Netherlands 90.10 1,305 1,2058 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 49 Consolidated subsidiaries Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 100.00 10,887 3978 100.00 –3,093 –268 100.00 2,897 –8,3048 Poland 100.00 35,606 21,8018 Warsaw Poland 100.00 12 08 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 301 1818 Warsaw Poland 100.00 127 1338 Curno Italy 100.00 19,172 –13,3148 –2258 Name Head office MEDIA MARKT-SATURN BELGIUM NV Asse-Zellik Belgium Lisbon Portugal Maroussi Greece Media Saturn Holding Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Media Saturn Logistyka Spólka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia Media Saturn ‒ Servicos de Apoio Adminstrativo, Lda. Media Saturn Electronics Hellas Commercial and Holding Anonymi Eteria MEDIA SATURN MULTICHANNEL S.A.U. Media Saturn Online Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Mediamarket S.p.A. con Socio Unico MEDIA-Markt TV-HiFi-Elektro GmbH Aachen Share in capital in % Country Aachen Germany 100.00 33 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 01, 8 Lisbon Portugal 100.00 –91,990 3518 Media-Saturn Beteiligungen Polska GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 177 08 Media-Saturn Deutschland Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 99 –18 Media-Saturn Deutschland GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 125,653 01, 8 Media-Saturn e-handel Norge AS Oslo Norway 100.00 50 –38 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 262 1488 MediaOnline GmbH MEDIA-SATURN (PORTUGAL), SGPS, UNIPESSOAL LDA. Media-Saturn e-handel Sverige AB Media-Saturn Helvetia Holding GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 2,943 01, 8 Media-Saturn Holding Norway AS Oslo Norway 100.00 10,631 1418 Media-Saturn Holding Sweden AB Stockholm Sweden 100.00 39,429 –20,0878 Munich Germany 100.00 10,286 01, 8 Media-Saturn IT Services GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 100 01, 8 Media-Saturn Marketing GmbH Munich Germany 100.00 100 08 Stockholm Sweden 100.00 –1,990 7178 media-saturn-e-business GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 26 01, 8 Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 78.38 573,025 85,6378 Meister feines Fleisch ‒ feine Wurst GmbH Gäufelden Germany 100.00 2,698 01, 11 3079 Media-Saturn Internationale Beteiligungen GmbH Media-Saturn Nordic Shared Services AB METRO (Changchun) Property Service Co. Ltd. Changchun China 100.00 8,293 METRO Achtzehnte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 METRO Beteiligungsmanagement Düsseldorf GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 544,605 37,38711 –18,03311 METRO Cash & Carry Asia Pacific Holding GmbH Vienna Austria 100.00 88,465 Brunnthal Germany 100.00 43 –828 Sofia Bulgaria 100.00 74,155 18,7959 METRO Cash & Carry Central Asia Holding GmbH Vienna Austria 100.00 545 –5611 METRO Cash & Carry d.o.o. Zagreb Croatia 100.00 4,486 –2,9548 METRO Cash & Carry d.o.o. Belgrade Serbia 100.00 38,743 –3,32211 Metro Cash & Carry Danmark ApS Glostrup Denmark 100.00 –17,738 –18,0938 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 41,980 01, 8 Nanterre France 100.00 181,299 113,2888 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Noginsk Russia 100.00 100 –1079 Metro Cash & Carry Brunnthal GmbH & Co. KG METRO Cash & Carry Bulgaria EOOD METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH METRO Cash & Carry France S.A.S. Metro Cash & Carry Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH METRO Cash & Carry Import Limited Liability Company METRO Cash & Carry India Private Limited Bangalore India 100.00 91,399 –17,5337 METRO Cash & Carry International GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,983,964 01, 11 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 3,527,726 –93,8068 Vienna Austria 100.00 162,939 –23,24411 METRO Cash & Carry International Holding B. V. METRO Cash & Carry International Holding GmbH METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 50 Consolidated subsidiaries Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Name Head office Country METRO Cash & Carry International Management GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 30 01, 11 Tokyo Japan 100.00 13,046 –10,4508 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 161,968 –16,0208 Moscow Russia 100.00 343,934 288,6609 METRO Cash & Carry Österreich GmbH Vösendorf Austria 73.00 47,729 19,72411 METRO CASH & CARRY ROMANIA SRL Bucharest Romania 85.00 166,139 9,8706 METRO Cash & Carry Japan KK Metro Cash & Carry Nederland B.V. METRO Cash & Carry OOO METRO Cash & Carry Russia N.V. METRO Cash & Carry SR s.r.o. METRO Cash & Carry TOO Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 191 211 Ivanka pri Dunaji Slovakia 100.00 33,150 7,36811 Almaty Kazakhstan 100.00 –166,186 –86,04111 METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine Ltd. Kiev Ukraine 100.00 –72,096 –111,6329 METRO Cash & Carry Vietnam Ltd. Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 100.00 –1,885 –6,2445 Hyderabad India 99.99 –27 07 Vienna Austria 100.00 12,611 –2,30111 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 927,226 01, 11 METRO Distributie Nederland B. V. Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 380,435 –18,4618 METRO DOLOMITI SpA San Donato Milanese Italy 100.00 6,140 2,3078 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 –103,066 –6449 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Cinisello Balsamo Italy 100.00 69,785 1,9199 Venlo Netherlands 100.00 23,820 1,63511 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 24 01, 8 Nanterre France 100.00 119,536 7,0808 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Metro Cash & Carry Wines METRO Central East Europe GmbH METRO Dienstleistungs-Holding GmbH METRO Dreizehnte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH METRO Erste Erwerbsgesellschaft mbH METRO FIM S.p.A. METRO Finance B. V. Metro Finanzdienstleistungs Pensionen GmbH Metro France Immobilière S. à r. l. METRO Fünfzehnte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Metro Global Business Services Private Limited Pune India 100.00 4,543 1,21211 Istanbul Turkey 100.00 77,884 7,69111 METRO Groß- und Lebensmitteleinzelhandel Holding GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 3,436,236 01, 11 METRO Großhandelsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 37,037 01, 8 Alzey Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 16,908 3,03311 Budaörs Hungary 100.00 6,553 1,2095 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 90,309 01, 11 METRO Group Asset Management Ukraine, Limited Liability Company Kiev Ukraine 100.00 201 699 METRO Group Buying Ukraine Ltd. Kiev Ukraine 100.00 5 –19 –719 Metro Grosmarket Bakirköy Alisveris Hizmetleri Ticaret Ltd. Sirketi METRO GROUP Accounting Center GmbH METRO Group Asset Management B.V. METRO Group Asset Management Ingatlan Kft. METRO Group Asset Management Services GmbH METRO Group China Holding Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 11 METRO GROUP COMMERCE LIMITED Hong Kong China 100.00 150 011 METRO GROUP International Retail Holding Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 2,234 1,8529 Ivanka pri Dunaji Slovakia 100.00 53,218 1,68511 Madrid Spain 100.00 1 011 Karachi Pakistan 99.75 2,625 –111 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 100 01, 11 Voluntari Romania 100.00 1,367 -529 Sofia Bulgaria 100.00 5 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 100 METRO Group Properties SR s.r.o. METRO GROUP REAL ESTATE ESPANA S.L. Metro Group Real Estate Private Limited Company METRO Group Retail Real Estate GmbH METRO Group Retail Real Estate Romania S.R.L. METRO Group Wholesale Real Estate Bulgaria EOOD METRO Group Wholesale Real Estate GmbH 09 0 1, 11 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 51 Consolidated subsidiaries Name METRO Habib Cash & Carry Pakistan (Private) Limited Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Lahore Pakistan 75.00 –21,545 –18,51611 Vitry-sur-Seine France 100.00 464,719 287,3068 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Chur Switzerland 100.00 46,202 26,4498 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 10,000 01, 11 METRO INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,000 01, 11 METRO Italia Cash and Carry S. p. A. San Donato Milanese Italy 100.00 8,569 –5,1438 Shanghai China 90.00 59,853 33,6479 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 2,751,068 01, 11 Budaörs Hungary 100.00 438,367 –9,2645 METRO Leasing GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,527 01, 11 METRO Leasing Objekt Schwerin GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 METRO LOGISTICS Germany GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,675 01, 11 METRO LOGISTICS Services GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Sofia Bulgaria 100.00 19 09 Chongqing China 100.00 11,584 5759 Metro Holding France S. A. METRO Innovations Holding GmbH METRO International AG Metro International Beteiligungs GmbH METRO Jinjiang Cash & Carry Co., Ltd. METRO Kaufhaus und Fachmarkt Holding GmbH METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. METRO Management EOOD METRO North Warehouse Management (Chongqing) Co. Ltd. Metro Properties B.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 251,125 10,5698 Prague Czech Republic 100.00 41,956 5,06611 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,075 01, 11 METRO Properties Enterprise Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Shanghai China 100.00 350 1869 METRO PROPERTIES France SAS Nanterre France 100.00 114 1088 Istanbul Turkey 100.00 296,812 16,2938 METRO PROPERTIES GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 99.51 154,976 6,75411 METRO PROPERTIES Holding GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Moscow Russia 100.00 668 –5579 Düsseldorf Germany 66.67 52 411 METRO Properties CR s.r.o. METRO PROPERTIES Energy Management GmbH Metro Properties Gayrimenkul Yatirim A.Ş. METRO PROPERTIES Limited Liability Company METRO PROPERTIES Management GmbH METRO Properties Real Estate Management Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością METRO PROPERTIES Sp. z o.o. METRO Property Management (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Warsaw Poland 100.00 52 538 Warsaw Poland 100.00 17,314 –17,7818 Beijing China 100.00 7,863 –9349 Metro Property Management (Changsha) Co., Ltd. Changsha China 100.00 12,345 5289 METRO Property Management (Changshu) Co. Ltd. Changshu China 100.00 8,702 1889 Metro Property Management (Changzhou) Co. Ltd. Changzhou China 100.00 6,813 3269 Chengdu China 100.00 13,198 6089 Chongqing China 100.00 0 09 1869 Metro Property Management (Chengdu Qingyang) Co., Ltd. METRO Property Management (Chongqing) Co. Ltd. Metro Property Management (Cixi) Co., Limited Cixi China 100.00 6,649 Metro Property Management (Dongguan) Co. Ltd. Dongguan China 100.00 10,647 7369 Metro Property Management (Hangzhou) Company Limited Hangzhou China 100.00 9,930 2879 METRO Property Management (Harbin) Co. Ltd. Harbin China 100.00 10,935 6729 METRO Property Management (Huai’an) Co., Ltd. Huai’an China 100.00 7,074 1279 Metro Property Management (Jiangyin) Company Limited Jiangyin China 100.00 5,327 2089 Metro Property Management (Jiaxing) Co. Ltd. Jiaxing China 100.00 5,568 2709 Metro Property Management (Kunshan) Co. Ltd. Suzhou China 100.00 8,716 1979 Nanchang China 100.00 8,981 5079 METRO Property Management (Nanchang Qingshanhu) Co. Ltd. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 52 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Metro Property Management (Nantong) Co. Ltd. Nantong China 100.00 9,235 6469 Metro Property Management (Qingdao) Company Limited Qingdao China 100.00 8,883 2729 METRO Property Management (Shenyang) Co. Ltd. Shenyang China 100.00 14,184 7329 METRO Property Management (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Shenzhen China 100.00 7,547 3159 Suzhou China 100.00 6,787 3319 Tianjin China 100.00 10,392 5719 –289 Metro Property Management (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. METRO Property Management (Tianjin Hongqiao) Co., Ltd. METRO Property Management (Weifang) Co. Ltd. Weifang China 100.00 5,515 Metro Property Management (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Wuhan China 100.00 12,830 5779 METRO Property Management (Wuhu) Co. Ltd. Wuhu China 100.00 5,655 –529 Xiamen China 100.00 14,884 2079 Xi’an China 100.00 9,494 5559 Xiangyang China 100.00 6,703 2359 Zhangjiagang China 100.00 9,092 2109 Metro Property Management (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou China 100.00 6,621 3029 METRO Property Management (Zhongshan) Co. Limited Zhongshan China 100.00 7,265 2669 Wuxi China 100.00 7,909 3059 METRO Property Management (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. METRO Property Management (Xi’an) Co., Ltd. METRO Property Management (Xiangyang) Co. Ltd. METRO Property Management (Zhangjiagang) Co. Ltd. METRO Property Management Wuxi Co. Ltd. METRO Real Estate Ltd. Zagreb Croatia 100.00 55,022 3,8158 Metro Reinsurance N.V. Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 20,447 5138 Metro SB-Großmärkte GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Esslingen am Neckar Germany 100.00 322 2948 Metro SB-Großmärkte GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Linden Germany 100.00 348 –2,0548 Vösendorf Austria 100.00 14,492 9,6629 Szczecin Poland 100.00 491 14911 METRO Siebte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 77 411 METRO Siebzehnte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 Vienna Austria 100.00 730 –8511 METRO SYSTEMS GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 72,116 01, 11 Metro Systems Romania S.R.L. Bucharest Romania 100.00 5,038 1,2149 METRO Service GmbH METRO Services PL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością METRO South East Asia Holding GmbH METRO SYSTEMS RU Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 971 669 Kiev Ukraine 100.00 127 309 METRO Vierzehnte Gesellschaft für Vermögensverwaltung mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 METRO Warehouse Management (Chongqing) Co. Ltd. Chongqing China 100.00 8,009 6139 Metro Warehouse Management (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd. Hangzhou China 100.00 13,158 7289 METRO Warehouse Management (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. Suzhou China 100.00 11,069 3049 Metro Warehouse Management (Taizhou) Co. Ltd. Taizhou China 100.00 9,243 1029 Metro Warehouse Management (Wuhan) Co. Ltd. Wuhan China 100.00 13,108 7319 Yantai China 100.00 3,858 759 Zibo China 100.00 5,380 1319 METRO Systems Ukraine LLC Metro Warehouse Management (Yantai) Co., Limited METRO Warehouse Management (Zibo) Co., Ltd. Metro Warehouse Noginsk Limited Liability Company Noginsk Russia 100.00 15,086 –3,1819 MFM METRO Group Facility Management GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 178 01, 11 MGA METRO Group Advertising GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 105 01, 11 MGA METRO Group Advertising Rus OOO Moscow Russia 100.00 25 –989 MGA METRO Group Advertising Spolka z ogranicona odpowiedzialoscia Warsaw Poland 100.00 899 438 Shanghai China 100.00 1,238 1749 MGB METRO Group Buying (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 53 Consolidated subsidiaries Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Name Head office MGB METRO Group Buying HK Limited Hong Kong China 100.00 26,848 14,68011 MGB Metro Group Buying Romania SRL Bucharest Romania 100.00 926 –19 MGB METRO Group Buying RUS OOO Moscow Russia 100.00 331 –19 MGB METRO Group Buying TR Satinalma Ticaret Limited Sirketi Istanbul Turkey 100.00 785 –372 MGC METRO Group Clearing GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 25 01, 11 MGE Warenhandelsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 386 01, 11 Istanbul Turkey 100.00 813 7611 Sofia Bulgaria 100.00 20 09 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 235 01, 11 1,4439 MGI Metro Group Iletisim ve Enformasyon Ticaret Limited Sirketi MGL METRO Group Logistics Bulgaria LTD MGL METRO Group Logistics GmbH Country MGL METRO Group Logistics Limited Liability Company Noginsk Russia 100.00 4,894 MGL METRO Group Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Poland 100.00 528 378 MGL METRO Group Logistics Polska Sp. z o.o. i Spólka Sp.k. Warsaw Poland 100.00 7,253 24,0138 Kiev Ukraine 100.00 15 09 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 79 011 MGP METRO Group Account Processing GmbH Kehl Germany 100.00 1,578 31011 MGP METRO Group Account Processing International AG Baar Switzerland 100.00 1,428 478 MGT METRO Group Travel Services GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 49 01, 11 MIAG Asia Co. Ltd. Hong Kong China 100.00 36 104 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 550,001 08 Kotelniki Russia 100.00 148 116 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 140 01, 11 Barcelona Spain 75.00 1,633 –47411 MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 17 –611 MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property Management GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 74 411 MMS Connect B.V. Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 1 –898 MMS Coolsingel B.V. Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 –13,651 –13,7418 MGL METRO GROUP LOGISTICS UKRAINE LLC MGL METRO Group Logistics Warehousing Beteiligungs GmbH MIAG Commanditaire Vennootschap MIAG RUS Limited Liability Company MIB METRO Group Insurance Broker GmbH MIDBAN ESOLUTIONS S.L. MMS ONLINE BELGIË MMS Online Nederland B.V. Morocco Fish Trading Company SARL AU Zellik Belgium 100.00 100 08 Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 100 08 Casablanca Morocco 100.00 1 -83 MP Gayrimenkul Yönetim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi Istanbul Turkey 100.00 578 5579 MRE Sp. z o.o. Wholesale Real Estate Poland S.K.A. Warsaw Poland 100.00 46,612 188,9178 MRE Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Warsaw Poland 100.00 -50 -378 Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 9,828 01, 8 Wiener Neustadt Austria 100.00 102 08 MS E-Commerce Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Feleősségű Társaság Budaörs Hungary 100.00 129 –2,2598 MS ISTANBUL IC VE DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Istanbul Turkey 100.00 25,884 –49,6168 Vösendorf Austria 100.00 79 18 Warsaw Poland 100.00 12 08 -28 MS E-Business Concepts & Service GmbH MS E-Commerce GmbH MS Multichannel Retailing Ges.m.b.H. MS New CO Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością MS Powerservice GmbH Vösendorf Austria 100.00 98 Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 Multi-Center Warenvertriebs GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 6,111 01, 8 My Mart (China) Trading Co., Ltd. Guangzhou China 100.00 846 –989 Göttingen Germany 76.74 –2,974 –4,7799 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 30 011 MTE Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Duisburg oHG my-xplace GmbH N & NF Trading GmbH METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 54 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Detmold KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Eschweiler KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Germersheim KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Langendreer KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Ludwigshafen KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 49.00 –2,528 1829 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Moers KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Neunkirchen KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Oberhausen oHG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Rendsburg KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 NIGRA Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Salzgitter KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 127 01, 11 OOO „CE trading solutions“ Moscow Russia 100.00 –882 –10,3599 OOO Media-Markt-Saturn Moscow Russia 100.00 74,877 –37,4399 OOO Media-Saturn-Russland Moscow Russia 100.00 79,551 –15,3669 OOO Saturn Moscow Russia 100.00 269 –119 OOO xplace Moscow Russia 100.00 552 3069 Dietikon Switzerland 100.00 170 448 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 –5938 NordRhein Trading GmbH PayRed Card Services AG PIL Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH Power Service GmbH Cologne Germany 100.00 –948 PowerService Nederland B.V. Rotterdam Netherlands 100.00 100 08 Pro. FS GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 771 01, 11 North Jakarta Indonesia 100.00 1,493 09 PT Paserda Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia 100.00 2 34 Qingdao Metro Warehouse Management Co. Ltd. Qingdao China 100.00 12,375 6459 Singapore Singapore 100.00 59 655 Cairo Egypt 100.00 –19 –258 PT Classic Fine Foods Indonesia RaW Real Estate Asia Pte. Ltd. Real Estate Management Misr Limited Liability Company real,- Digital Fulfillment GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 286 –511 real,- Group Holding GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 12,502 01, 11 real,- Handels GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 23 01, 11 real,- Holding GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 639,835 01, 11 real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 590,364 01, 11 red blue Marketing GmbH Munich Germany 100.00 102 01, 8 Redcoon Benelux B. V. Tilburg Netherlands 100.00 –3,497 –6778 Copenhagen Denmark 100.00 311 08 El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 4,081 9588 Redcoon GmbH Aschaffenburg Germany 100.00 5,121 01, 8 redcoon GmbH Vienna Austria 100.00 –170 –7098 Turin Italy 100.00 –8,347 –8,5678 REDCOON DANMARK ApS REDCOON ELECTRONIC TRADE, S.L. REDCOON ITALIA S.R.L. redcoon Logistics GmbH REDCOON POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Remo Zaandam B.V. Erfurt Germany 100.00 1,163 01, 8 Bydgoszcz Poland 100.00 130 –2788 Zaandam Netherlands 100.00 17,400 9788 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 Retail Property 1 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 –2,280 –1,2329 Retail Property 2 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 128 3029 Renate Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 55 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Retail Property 3 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 –520 –1019 Retail Property 4 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 –780 –7079 Retail Property 5 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 –1,650 –2,3249 Retail Property 6 Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 137 011 Retail Real Estate Limited Liability Company Moscow Russia 100.00 2,154 269 Düsseldorf Germany 94.00 –414 489 Amsterdam Netherlands 100.00 764 3488 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 465 01, 11 Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 Bucharest Romania 100.00 –15,878 –12,3629 Name ROSARIA Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Gerlingen KG Rotterdam Trading Office B.V. RUDU Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH RUTIL Verwaltung GmbH & Co. SB-Warenhaus Bielefeld KG S.C. real Hyper Magazine s.r.l. Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 SAS REDCOON FRANCE Villepinte France 100.00 36 1,1545 Saturn Athens III Commercial Anonymi Eteria Maroussi Greece 100.00 –6,936 9,8328 SATURN E502 ELECTRO, S.A.U. El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 19 –18 SATURN E–517 ELECTRO S.A.U. El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 102 –18 Saturn Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Salzburg Austria 90.00 3,096 2,7878 Saturn Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 1,437 9208 7098 Saturn Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Graz Austria 90.00 984 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. Vösendorf Austria 90.00 1,173 3938 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. Linz Austria 90.00 998 6078 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Ansbach Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Augsburg Karlsruhe Germany 90.00 –1,505 –998 Ansbach Germany 90.00 422 3208 Augsburg Germany 90.00 1,871 1,7628 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe Germany 90.00 105 28 Bad Oeynhausen Germany 90.00 273 1678 Baunatal Germany 90.00 492 3928 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin I Berlin Germany 90.00 2,992 2,8818 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Charlottenburg Berlin Germany 90.00 –6,592 –1558 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Gesundbrunnen Berlin Germany 90.00 920 8008 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Köpenick Berlin Germany 90.00 –430 388 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin – Leipziger Platz Berlin Germany 90.00 –665 4478 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin – Märkische Zeile Berlin Germany 90.00 187 808 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Marzahn Berlin Germany 90.00 1,166 1,0548 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Reinickendorf Berlin Germany 100.00 –3,822 –928 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bad Homburg Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bad Oeynhausen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbh Baunatal Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin – Schloßstraße Berlin Germany 90.05 818 6938 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Spandau Berlin Germany 90.00 930 8208 –998 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Treptow Berlin Germany 100.00 -385 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Berlin-Zehlendorf Berlin Germany 90.00 –1,141 558 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bielefeld Bielefeld Germany 90.05 981 8758 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bocholt Bocholt Germany 90.00 387 2828 Braunschweig Germany 90.00 1,680 1,5698 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bremen Bremen Germany 90.05 1,673 1,5678 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bremen-Habenhausen Bremen Germany 90.00 488 3818 Bremerhaven Germany 90.00 –2,035 –2438 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Braunschweig Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bremerhaven METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 56 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Celle Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Celle Germany 90.00 231 1388 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Chemnitz Chemnitz Germany 90.00 495 3848 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Chemnitz-Zentrum Chemnitz Germany 90.00 –733 898 Darmstadt Germany 90.00 1,075 9678 Delmenhorst Germany 90.00 –854 2818 Dessau-Roßlau Germany 90.00 –2,366 –5388 1,5538 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Darmstadt Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Delmenhorst Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Dessau Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Dortmund Dortmund Germany 90.00 –6,849 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Dortmund-Eving Dortmund Germany 90.00 665 5518 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Dresden Dresden Germany 90.00 1,649 1,5428 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Duisburg Duisburg Germany 90.00 564 4568 Erfurt Germany 90.05 512 4088 Erlangen Germany 90.00 1,203 1,0958 Essen Germany 90.00 1,168 1,0408 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Erfurt Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Erlangen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Essen City Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Essen-Steele Essen Germany 90.00 –1,834 2438 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Esslingen Esslingen am Neckar Germany 100.00 405 3028 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Euskirchen Euskirchen Germany 90.00 500 3918 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Flensburg Flensburg Germany 90.00 33 2218 Frankfurt am Main Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Frankfurt/Main Germany 100.00 4,514 3,4008 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Freiburg Freiburg im Breisgau Germany 90.00 958 8458 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Freising Freising Germany 90.00 780 6728 Fürth Germany 100.00 –6,541 –6428 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Gelsenkirchen Gelsenkirchen Germany 90.00 129 238 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Gelsenkirchen-Buer Gelsenkirchen Germany 90.00 197 898 Gießen Germany 90.00 –3,104 –3348 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Fürth Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Gießen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Göttingen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Gummersbach Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hagen Göttingen Germany 90.00 271 3688 Gummersbach Germany 90.00 544 4328 Hagen Germany 90.00 1,154 1,0398 Hamburg Germany 90.00 10,075 9,7978 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hamm Hamm Germany 90.00 147 418 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hanau Hanau Germany 90.00 778 6658 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hannover Hannover Germany 90.01 3,245 3,0558 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hattingen Hattingen Germany 90.00 –1,158 6248 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany 90.00 706 6018 Herford Germany 90.00 –154 –2558 –1,6098 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hamburg-Altstadt Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Herford Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hilden Hilden Germany 90.00 –7,416 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hildesheim Hildesheim Germany 100.00 -783 –2118 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Ingolstadt Ingolstadt Germany 90.00 1,583 1,4778 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Isernhagen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Jena Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kaiserslautern Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Karlsruhe-Durlach Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kassel Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kempten Isernhagen Germany 90.00 735 6258 Jena Germany 90.00 73 1518 Kaiserslautern Germany 90.00 1,041 9308 Karlsruhe Germany 90.00 699 5948 Kassel Germany 90.00 981 8718 Kempten (Allgäu) Germany 90.00 602 4988 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 57 Consolidated subsidiaries Head office Country Share in capital in % Kerpen Germany 90.00 627 5238 Kiel Germany 90.00 –735 –948 Kleve Germany 90.00 614 5038 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Koblenz Koblenz Germany 90.00 619 4968 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Krefeld Krefeld Germany 90.00 –935 1378 Landshut Germany 90.00 –345 1538 Name Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kerpen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kiel Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kleve Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Landshut Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Leipzig Leipzig Germany 90.00 180 528 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Leipzig-Hauptbahnhof Leipzig Germany 90.00 339 2318 Leonberg Germany 90.00 342 2928 Lübeck Germany 90.00 392 2838 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lüdenscheid Lüdenscheid Germany 90.05 287 1808 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Ludwigsburg Ludwigsburg Germany 90.00 190 878 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Ludwigshafen Ludwigshafen Germany 90.00 604 4948 Lünen Germany 90.00 373 2638 Magdeburg Germany 90.05 442 3368 Mainz Germany 90.00 423 3198 Mannheim Germany 90.00 802 6648 Marl Germany 90.00 381 2778 Moers Germany 90.00 883 7778 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Mülheim Mülheim an der Ruhr Germany 90.00 333 2238 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH München Munich Germany 92.06 5,184 3,8608 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH München-Riem Munich Germany 90.00 1,484 1,3698 Münster Germany 90.00 1,388 1,0488 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Leonberg Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lübeck Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lünen Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Magdeburg Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Mainz Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Mannheim Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Marl Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Moers Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Münster Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Neckarsulm Neckarsulm Germany 90.00 435 3288 Neu-Isenburg Germany 90.00 –1,504 –5758 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Norderstedt Norderstedt Germany 90.00 309 2098 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Nürnberg Nuremberg Germany 100.00 505 2618 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Oberhausen Oberhausen Germany 90.00 1,185 1,0748 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Oldenburg Oldenburg Germany 90.00 –1,363 –3628 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Osnabrück Osnabrück Germany 90.00 1,179 1,0328 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Paderborn Paderborn Germany 100.00 –417 –3208 Passau Germany 90.00 155 2218 Pforzheim Germany 90.00 757 6538 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Neu-Isenburg Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Passau Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Pforzheim Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Potsdam Potsdam Germany 90.00 145 628 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Regensburg Regensburg Germany 90.00 1,344 1,2258 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Remscheid Remscheid Germany 90.05 508 3998 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Reutlingen Reutlingen Germany 90.00 360 3108 Rostock Germany 90.00 659 5578 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Saarbrücken Saarbrücken Germany 90.00 363 3968 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Schweinfurt Schweinfurt Germany 90.00 –2,332 –2278 Senden Germany 90.00 931 8288 Soest Germany 100.00 –6,075 –9738 Solingen Germany 90.05 431 3168 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Rostock Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Senden Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Soest Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Solingen METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 58 Consolidated subsidiaries Name Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Head office Country Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany 90.00 2,802 2,6808 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Troisdorf Troisdorf Germany 100.00 242 1578 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Tübingen Tübingen Germany 90.00 372 2658 Weimar Germany 90.00 804 6968 Weiterstadt Germany 90.00 –1,227 –878 Wesel Germany 90.00 50 378 –9198 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Weimar Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Weiterstadt Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Wesel Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Wiesbaden Wiesbaden Germany 90.00 –2,813 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Wolfsburg Wolfsburg Germany 90.00 116 4128 Zwickau Germany 90.00 615 4968 Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Zwickau Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Cologne Germany 100.00 2,032 01, 8 Gerasdorf bei Wien Austria 90.00 –587 –2958 Saturn Graz V VertriebsgmbH Graz Austria 90.00 780 6788 Saturn Haid Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Haid Austria 90.00 1,118 1,0758 Saturn Innsbruck Electro-Handeslges.m.b.H. Innsbruck Austria 90.00 –1,440 –588 Saturn Klagenfurt Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Klagenfurt Austria 90.00 519 4178 Luxembourg Luxembourg 100.00 –1,621 6558 Saturn Mega Markt GmbH Wuppertal Wuppertal Germany 90.05 702 5938 Saturn online GmbH Ingolstadt Germany 100.00 200 01, 8 SATURN PLANET Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Poland 100.00 76 638 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. 11 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. 16 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. 19 Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 100.00 96 08 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Bydgoszcz Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –2,315 –848 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 6838 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Gdynia I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –101 –1978 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Gliwice Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –636 –3518 8088 Saturn Gerasdorf Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Saturn Luxembourg S.A. Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Katowice I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Kraków I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 9788 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Kraków II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –372 –4448 –3248 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Łódź I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –3,437 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Łódź II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 3708 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Lubin Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –5,280 –4838 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Lublin I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –138 –2348 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Poznań I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 6208 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Poznań II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –566 –5788 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Szczecin I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 2048 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Tychy Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –354 1898 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Warszawa I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 1,7228 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Warszawa II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 7658 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Warszawa III Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 4458 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Warszawa IV Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 106 6658 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Warszawa V Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –965 –628 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Wrocław I Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –1,115 2078 Saturn Planet Sp. z o.o. Wrocław II Spółka Komandytowa Warsaw Poland 90.00 –2,399 –1908 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 59 Consolidated subsidiaries Country Share in capital in % El Prat de Llobregat Spain 100.00 90 08 Cologne Germany 100.00 2,054 01, 8 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Hürth Germany 90.00 860 7508 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Neuss Germany 90.09 -604 4128 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Leverkusen Germany 90.09 711 5468 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Aachen Germany 90.00 1,071 9648 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Mönchengladbach Germany 90.00 –2,349 -5438 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Siegen Germany 90.01 903 4398 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Sankt Augustin Germany 100.00 576 3578 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Düren Germany 90.00 271 1438 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bergisch Gladbach Germany 90.20 –302 –3328 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Cologne Germany 100.00 1,430 1,3238 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf-Flingern Düsseldorf Germany 90.00 –789 -588 Saturn Techno-Markt Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf ‒ Königsallee Düsseldorf Germany 90.00 657 3998 Maroussi Greece 100.00 –1,481 9,8958 Vienna Austria 90.00 1,409 1,3078 Name SATURN SAN JUAN DE AZNALFARACHE ELECTRO, S.A.U. Saturn Techno-Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Saturn Thessaloniki II Comercial Anonymi Eteria Saturn Wien X VertriebsgmbH Head office Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Saturn Wien XIV Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 –490 –3488 Saturn Wien XX VertriebsgmbH Vienna Austria 90.00 1,564 1,2088 Saturn Wien XXII Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 759 6578 Saturn Wien XXIII Electro-Handelsges.m.b.H. Vienna Austria 90.00 –1,935 –5078 Saturn-Mega Markt GmbH Halle Halle (Saale) Germany 90.05 505 4038 Saturn-Mega Markt GmbH Trier Trier Germany 90.05 433 3318 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 1,243 01, 11 Tortola British Virgin Islands 100.00 0 09 Warsaw Poland 100.00 448,319,588 04 Shenzhen China 100.00 1 011 –511 Schaper Grundbesitz-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Sentinel GCC Holdings Limited Sezam XVI Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty Aktywów Niepublicznych Shenzhen Hemaijia Trading Co. Ltd. SIL Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Haidach KG Düsseldorf Germany 92.00 –426 Amsterdam Netherlands 65.10 36 08 Sinco Großhandelsgesellschaft m. b. H. Vösendorf Austria 73.00 30,559 11,88611 Singapore Trading Office (MAG) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore 100.00 –111 –1,1505 Madrid Spain 100.00 80 –17211 Shanghai China 100.00 –2,887 –9739 Lahore Pakistan 100.00 101 11111 Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 93 2111 Cologne Germany 60.00 12,574 5,1178 Silver Ocean B.V. Sociedad Ibérica Restaurantes de Tecnología Avanzada S. A. U. Star Farm (Shanghai) Agriculture Information Consulting Company Limited Star Farm Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. STW Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH Tertia Handelsbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH TIMUG Verwaltung GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 51 2511 VALENCIA TRADING OFFICE, S.L. Madrid Spain 100.00 1,519 2508 Weinkellerei Thomas Rath GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 London Great Britain 100.00 321 09 Wommelgem Belgium 100.00 65,141 7,2148 Wirichs Immobilien GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 26 01, 11 Wirichs Immobilien GmbH & Co. Objekt Herford KG Düsseldorf Germany 81.82 402 –1,26211 Wolfgang Wirichs GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 5,113 01, 11 Western United Finance Company Limited Wholesale Real Estate Belgium N.V. METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 60 Consolidated subsidiaries Name World Import N. V. WRE Real Estate Limited Liability Partnership X Place Spain S.L. Xi’an METRO Commercial and Trading Company Limited XPLACE DIJITAL COZÜM TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI xplace GmbH Head office Country Share in capital in % Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Puurs Belgium 100.00 179 1148 Almaty Kazakhstan 100.00 16,701 21,8159 Barcelona Spain 100.00 122 719 Xi’an China 100.00 12,460 1,8989 Istanbul Turkey 100.00 175 1509 Göttingen Germany 50.01 3,039 –5396 XPLACE ITALY S.R.L. Pianoro Italy 100.00 12 08 XPLACE UK LIMITED London Great Britain 100.00 –220 379 Yugengaisha MIAG Japan Tokyo Japan 100.00 38 28 ZARUS Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Dritte Vermietungs-oHG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 ZARUS Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Braunschweig Berliner Straße KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 ZARUS Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Mutterstadt KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 ZARUS Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekt Osnabrück KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 011 ZARUS Verwaltung GmbH & Co. Objekte Niedersachsen KG Pullach im Isartal Germany 100.00 5 Zweite real,- Multi-Markt Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 41 Zweite real,- SB-Warenhaus GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 100.00 32,155 Profit and loss transfer agreement Equity and result as of 31/12/2010 3 Equity and result as of 31/12/2011 4 Equity and result as of 31/12/2012 5 Equity and result as of 30/9/2013 6 Equity and result as of 31/12/2013 7 Equity and result as of 31/3/2014 8 Equity and result as of 30/9/2014 9 Equity and result as of 31/12/2014 10 Equity and result as of 30/6/2015 11 Equity and result as of 30/9/2015 1 2 011 0 1, 11 01, 11 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 61 Investments (minimum of 20% share ownership) Head office Country Share in capital in % Zaragoza Spain 100.00 60 5411 Abanto Spain 100.00 78 –3511 Reus Spain 90.00 160 5311 Sant Boi de Llobregat Spain 80.00 1,000 15111 EKS Handelsgesellschaft mbH Salzburg Austria 25.00 62 39 EKS Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Salzburg Austria 25.00 51,854 51,5339 European EPC Competence Center GmbH Cologne Germany 30.00 497 759 EZW Kauf- und Freizeitpark GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Bremen Germany 49.00 17,895 –4,1329 Name Alberto Polo Distribuciones S.A. Comercial Ulzama S.L. Congelados Romero S.A. Distribución de Alimentación Horeca S.L. EZW Kauf- und Freizeitpark Verwaltungs-GmbH Equity in € ’000 Result in € ’000 Bremen Germany 49.04 78 39 Pullach im Isartal Germany 94.00 –551 –1,2319 Tona Spain 51.00 234 011 Karachi Pakistan 40.00 74,482 610 Iniziative Methab s.r.l. Bozen Italy 50.00 2,386 1,7209 Intercompra LDA Lisbon Portugal 50.00 –3 –14 Mayfair GP S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 40.00 13 011 Mayfair Holding Company S.C.S. Fachmarktzentrum Essen GmbH & Co. KG Font Distribucio Horeca S.L. Habib METRO Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd Luxembourg Luxembourg 39.99 5 011 MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf Germany 50.00 576 1,3269 MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement Verwaltungs GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 50.00 40 169 Metro plus Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH Düsseldorf Germany 20.00 56 119 Budaörs Hungary 33.33 10 06 METSPA d.o.o. za trgovinu Zagreb Croatia 50.00 10 36 MobiLab Solutions GmbH Cologne Germany 27.37 57 –1139 Paris France 25.00 155,006 14,3019 Warsaw Poland 49.00 239 08 Pullach im Isartal Germany 50.00 –15,256 2,4759 METSPA Beszerzési és Kereskedelmi Kft. OPCI FRENCH WHOLESALE STORES ‒ FWS Peoplefone Polska Spółka Akcyjna Peter Glinicke Grundstücks-GmbH & Co. KG Profit and loss transfer agreement Equity and result as of 31/12/2010 Equity and result as of 31/12/2011 4 Equity and result as of 31/12/2012 5 Equity and result as of 30/9/2013 6 Equity and result as of 31/12/2013 7 Equity and result as of 31/3/2014 8 Equity and result as of 30/9/2014 9 Equity and result as of 31/12/2014 10 Equity and result as of 30/6/2015 11 Equity and result as of 30/9/2015 1 2 3 METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AFFILIATED COMPANIES ––––––––––––––––– P. 62 Investments (5% to under 20% share ownership) Name Head office Country Share in capital in % ASSET Grundbesitz GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 5.10 ASSET Objekt Leipzig GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 5.10 Culinary Agents Inc. Wilmington USA 18.33 Diehl & Brüser Handelskonzepte GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 15.00 Lüneburg Germany 18.18 Erschließungsgesellschaft Schwerin-Krebsförden mbH & Co.Kommanditgesellschaft eVentures Growth, L.P. Wilmington USA 5.00 Friedrichsdorf Germany 16.00 GSSI Consortium GbR Düsseldorf Germany 7.69 Horten GmbH Düsseldorf Germany 5.10 Cologne Germany 16.67 Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Ede Netherlands 16.67 16.67 Flip4 GmbH IFH Institut für Handelsforschung GmbH Kato S.à r.l. MAXXAM B.V. MAXXAM C.V. Ede Netherlands Napier S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Paris France 5.00 Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Schönefeld Germany 6.00 OPCI FRENCH WHOLESALE PROPERTIES – FWP Quadrant S.à r.l. QUANTIS Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Darmstadt KG QUANTIS Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Junior Augsburg KG Schönefeld Germany 6.00 Sabra S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Tatra S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Upton S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Hamburg Germany 18.75 Wilcox S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Xiali S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Zagato S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Zender S.à r.l. Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.10 Düsseldorf Germany 5.10 Verwaltungsgesellschaft Lebensmittelgesellschaft “GLAWA” mbH & Co. KG Zentra-Grundstücksgesellschaft mbH 3 December 2015 The Management Board OLAF KOCH PIETER C. BOONE MARK FRESE PIETER HAAS HEIKO HUTMACHER METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES ––––––––––––––––– P. 63 RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting principles, the annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the company, and the management report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the company, together with a description of the principal opportunities and risks associated with the expected development of the company. 3 December 2015 The Management Board OLAF KOCH PIETER C. BOONE MARK FRESE PIETER HAAS HEIKO HUTMACHER METRO AG – ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014/15 ––––––––––––––––– NOTES – AUDITOR’S REPORT ––––––––––––––––– P. 64 AUDITOR’S REPORT The following auditor’s report was issued for the complete financial statements and combined management report: “We have audited the annual financial statements, comprising the balance sheet, the income statement and the notes to the financial statements, together with the bookkeeping system, and the combined management report of METRO AG, Düsseldorf, for the financial year from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2015. The maintenance of the books and records and the preparation of the annual financial statements and management report in accordance with German commercial law and supplementary provisions of the company’s articles of association are the responsibility of the company’s management board. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the annual financial statements, together with the bookkeeping system, and the management report based on our audit. We conducted our audit of the annual financial statements in accordance with Section 317 of the German Commercial Code [HGB] and German generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements promulgated by the German Institute of Public Auditors [IDW]. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit such that misstatements materially affecting the presentation of the net assets, financial position and results of operations in the annual financial statements in accordance with German principles of proper accounting and in the management report are detected with reasonable assurance. Knowledge of the business activities and the economic and legal environment of the company and expectations as to possible misstatements are taken into account in the determination of audit procedures. The effectiveness of the accounting-related internal control system and the evidence supporting the disclosures in the books and records, the annual financial statements and the management report are examined primarily on a test basis within the framework of the audit. The audit includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management board, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the annual financial statements and management report. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit has not led to any reservations. In our opinion, based on the findings of our audit, the annual financial statements comply with the legal requirements and the supplementary provisions of the company’s articles of association and give a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the company in accordance with German principles of proper accounting. The management report is consistent with the annual financial statements and as a whole provides a suitable view of the company’s position and suitably presents the opportunities and risks of future development. Cologne, 3 December 2015 KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft LURWEG Auditor MÜNSTERMANN Auditor” in f o r m at i o n financial calendar 2015/16 Publisher Certifications METRO AG This annual report is printed on paper from sustainable forestr y. By purchasing such products, we foster responsible forest management that is monitored according to strict social, ecological and economic criteria. Apart from Clairtech, this publication also uses Circle Offset Premium White, a 100 per cent recycled paper. In addition, this annual report carries the Saphira Eco label of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. For more information, see w w w.heidelberg.com. Metro-Straße 1 40235 Düsseldorf, Germany PO Box 23 03 61 40089 Düsseldorf, Germany M E T R O G R O UP on the internet w w w.metrogroup.de 12 January 2016 Tr a d i n g S tat e m e n t Christmas Quarter 2 015 11 February 2016 Investor Relations Phone: +49 (211) 6886-1051 Q u a r t e r ly F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t Q1 2 015 / 16 Fax: +49 (211) 6886-3759 [email protected] Corporate Communications Peter Wübben Phone: +49 (211) 6886-4252 Fax: +49 (211) 6886-2001 [email protected] Project lead, concept and editorial Katharina Meisel Project management Malte Hendriksen Inga Reske Viktoria Wedel Kenneth Gildner Graphic design Strichpunkt GmbH, Stuttgart/Berlin, Germany Editorial support and realisation Ketchum Pleon GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany Printing Druckstudio GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany Photography Urban Zintel: cover Disclaimer This annual report contains for ward-looking statements that are based on certain assumptions and expectations at the time of its publication. These statements are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties, which means that actual results may differ substantially from the future-oriented statements made here. Many of these risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond METRO GROUP’s ability to control or estimate precisely. This includes future market conditions and economic developments, the behaviour of other market participants, the achievement of expected synergy effects as well as legal and political decisions. METRO GROUP does not undertake any obligation to publicly correct or update these for ward-looking state m ents to reflect events or circumstances that have occurred after the publication date of this material. The trade names and trademarks used in the annual repor t, which may be protected by third par ties, are subject without restriction to the regulations associated with the applicable tradem ark laws and ownership rights of their respective registered owners. The copyright for any published objects created by METRO AG remains the proper ty of METRO AG. Any duplication or use of such graphics, video sequences and texts in other elec t ronic or printed publications is prohibited without the explicit permission of METRO AG. Photo credits METRO AG Published on 15 December 2015 19 February 2016 Annual Gener al M e e t i n g 2 016 11 May 2016 H a l f-Y e a r F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t H1/ Q 2 2 015 / 16 2 August 2016 Q u a r t e r ly R e p o r t 9M / Q 3 2 015 / 16 19 October 2016 Tr a ding S tatement Fin a nci a l Y e a r 2015/16 You can al so find the Annual Financial Statements of ME TRO AG 2014/15 as well as the Annual Repor t and the Condensed Repor t 2014/15 online: w w w . metrogro u p. d e / o p e n - m i n d e d / d o w n l oa d s - e n