April 2014 Messenger 2618KB Apr 02 2014 08:44:06 AM


April 2014 Messenger 2618KB Apr 02 2014 08:44:06 AM
Machin Messenger
Serving minnitaki, eagle river, vermilion bay
And surrounding area
Volume 16, issue 4
Phone: 807-227-2633
Municipal Notes
April 3, 2014
fax: 807-227-5443
Important Public Notice
The Corporation of the
Municipality of Machin
Filing of Nominations
2014 Municipal Elections
This notice is for anyone proposing to be a candidate in the Municipal Election on October 27, 2014. Section 33(1) of the Municipal Elections Act provides that a
person may be nominated for an office by filing a nomination with the Returning Officer in the Municipal Office in
person or by an agent. The nomination form shall be in the
prescribed Form 1 (Nomination Paper) available from the
Clerk-Treasurer. The nomination fee is to be paid in cash
or certified cheque or money order; the fee is $100.00 for
Councillors and $200.00 for the Mayor. Facsimile signatures are not acceptable.
The nomination form may be filed at any time during normal office hours (8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.) beginning January
2, 2014 up to and including Nomination Day, September
12, 2014, with a 2:00 p.m. deadline, for the following offices:
The Municipality of Machin has been dealing with a lot of frozen
waterlines this year and most have been on private property
(the municipality is responsible up to your curb stop valve
which is usually at the property line) from that point on it is the
property owner’s responsibility. The municipality will continue to
help people with frozen lines but you will have to provide access
to your turn on/off value in your house, under your house or in
your basement. If the municipality thaws your line you may be
instructed to keep a garden hose running to prevent your water
from freezing again and you will more than likely have to keep
it running until at least May or June. If the municipality is called
a second time to thaw your water line we will, but the third
time the property owner will be responsible to find someone to
come in and thaw the waterline.
If your waterline is under your driveway and has been plowed
all winter there is a good chance your water line will freeze this
year, as a prevention if you can keep water running this will
MAYOR (1 to be elected)
COUNCIL (4 to be elected)
PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD (1 to be elected)
If you wish to advertise in the Machin Messenger,
please call the Municipal Offices at 227-2633 to find out
the charge for your ad. Ads will need to be pre-paid.
Tammy Rob
Clerk-Treasurer and Returning Officer
Municipality of Machin
75 Spruce Street
Vermilion Bay, ON
Reminder that dump hours will change on May 1st, 2014
back to summer hours:
2 p.m.— 6 p.m.
9 a.m.—1 p.m.
9 a.m.— 1 p.m.
9 a.m.— 1 p.m.
2 p.m.—6 p.m.
2 p.m.— 6 p.m.
Submissions for the Machin Messenger must now be in
by the LAST WEDNESDAY of the month, by noon. Since
the Messenger is published on the first Thursday of the
month, the deadline will change if the 1st is on Thursday.
We will put reminders in the month before. The deadline
for the May Messenger will be Wednesday April 23rd.
Drop submissions off at the Municipal Office or email to
[email protected], subject line “Machin Messenger”.
Ads will need to be pre-paid prior to insertion in the Messenger.
Machin Messenger—Page 2
The Municipality of Machin’s Council has been asked by Machin’s Fire Chief to replace the Volunteer Fire Chief
position with a paid full time position. He feels that the commitment of being the Fire Chief is no longer a position that
can be done as a volunteer. He feels that the amount of time that a fire chief is required to perform fire department
duties warrants that it be a paid full time position. Machin’s Fire Chief has resigned and will take the position of Deputy
Fire Chief effective March 31, 2014. He would have liked a new paid Fire Chief position in place by this date, and suggested a yearly salary of $55,000 would be fair. He feels that soliciting the unorganized households currently serviced
by the department for donations and using the money received from MTO calls will allow for this salary without having
to raise the fire department budget and burden tax payers.
Council is finding it increasingly difficult to provide mandated services without raising taxes. A declining tax
base and continued down loading of services by the provincial government while at the same time reducing funding
that could be used to pay for these downloads makes a decision like this even more difficult.
Creating a paid position could result in higher taxes for municipal residents. It will require the committed support of unorganized residents in the form of financial donations to the fire department and would affect the ability to
put money into reserves for future upgrades to fire equipment, vehicles and building maintenance. However, not creating a paid position and continuing with a volunteer fire chief could result, as suggested to Council, in a decline of the
level of service provided by the fire department now.
There are many arguments that can be made for both options. Council would like know your feelings on a paid
full time fire chief position within the Municipality of Machin as soon as possible. As this also affects the unorganized
residents that it protects, we would like your opinion on this issue.
We realize that a simple yes or no answer to this issue is difficult without time being spent researching each
option, but we would like any comments or questions that you may have. Please cut and return the following question
and comment portion of this notice and return it to the Municipal Office. It can be done anonymously and dropped in
the mail slot at the front doors of the Municipal Building, or put in the regular mail. Please take the time to give your
Are you in favour of a full time paid position for the fire chief?
(please circle one)
Machin Messenger—Page 3
The Municipality of Machin is responsible for the rental and caretaking of
the Eagle River Recreation Centre.
To book this Centre for your function, please contact the Municipal
Office at 227-2633. We R Eager will
continue to be part of the community
and offer to arrange funeral luncheons, walking programs and other
events at the Eagle River Recreation
If summer ever comes you might
want to wear a bathing suit. No?
Need to lose weight?
Vermilion Bay Lions Club
Annual Seniors' Dinner
Sunday, May 4th
At the Vermilion Bay Lions Hall
Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
Dinner at 5:00 p.m.
All Seniors age 65 and older and their spouse/guest who
reside full-time in the Municipality of Machin, Waldhof, Quibell, Red Lake Road and McIntosh are welcome. If you don't
receive a personal phone call from a Lions member please
accept this as your invitation and call Gary or Susan at 2272449, or Al or Shirley at 227-5483 to confirm your attendance.
The Vermilion Bay Lions Club is hosting the PURINA
WALK FOR GUIDE DOGS in Vermilion Bay. The walk
takes place on the last Sunday in May and is the
major fund-raiser to provide and train Guide Dogs
to those who need them. If you are interested in walking,
with or without your favourite canine friend to raise money
for this worthwhile endeavour, pledge sheets are available.
For more information please call Gary at 227-2449 or
Shirley at 227-5416.
The Vermilion Bay Lions Club will be doing their
annual highway cleanup in May, date determined
by snow conditions! High school and community
volunteers are welcome. Watch for more infor-
Thumbs up Thumbs down
Thumbs up  to Martin Lindquist for your assistance
to the Public Works Crew. Thank you.
Join us at
5:30 p.m. every Thursday
in the Reading Room
(basement of the
Municipal Office Building)
In Ontario there are an estimated 100,000
people with ASD. Based on recent studies by
Canadian researchers, 1 in 94*children are
diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Every day, families look for support, resources
and services for their loved ones with ASD.
Autism Ontario is that support for Families
across the province. Please help make your
community a friendlier place for people with autism.
Contact us today, visit www.authismontario.com
Machin Messenger—Page 4
Self-Help and Coping Tips to
Overcome Depression
Part 2
Depression self-help tip 3:
Take care of yourself
In order to overcome depression, you have to take care
of yourself. This includes following a healthy lifestyle,
learning to manage stress, setting limits on what you’re
able to do, adopting healthy habits, and scheduling fun
activities into your day.
Aim for eight hours of sleep. Depression typically involves sleep problems. Whether you’re sleeping too little
or too much, your mood suffers. Get on a better sleep
schedule by learning healthy sleep habits.
Expose yourself to a little sunlight every day.
Lack of sunlight can make depression worse. Make sure
you’re getting enough. Take a short walk outdoors, have
your coffee outside, enjoy an al fresco meal, peoplewatch on a park bench, or sit out in the garden. Aim for
at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to boost your mood.
If you live somewhere with little winter sunshine, try using a light therapy box.
Keep stress in check. Not only does stress prolong and
worsen depression, but it can also trigger it. Figure out
all the things in your life that stress you out. Examples
include: work overload, unsupportive relationships, taking
on too much, or health problems. Once you’ve identified
your stressors, you can make a plan to avoid them or
minimize their impact.
Practice relaxation techniques. A daily relaxation
practice can help relieve symptoms of depression, reduce
stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being. Try yoga,
deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
Care for a pet. While nothing can replace the human
connection, pets can bring joy and companionship into
your life and help you feel less isolated. Caring for a pet
can also get you outside of yourself and give you a sense
of being needed—both powerful antidotes to depression.
Do things you enjoy (or used to)
While you can’t force yourself to have fun or experience
pleasure, you can choose to do things that you used to
enjoy. Pick up a former hobby or a sport you used to like.
Express yourself creatively through music, art, or writing.
Go out with friends. Take a trip to a museum, a nature
trail, the ballpark or a hockey game.
Push yourself to do things, even when you don’t feel like
it. You might be surprised at how much better you feel
once you’re out in the world. Even if your depression
doesn’t lift immediately, you’ll gradually feel more upbeat
and energetic as you make time for fun activities.
Develop a wellness toolbox
Come up with a list of things that you can do for a quick
mood boost. Include any strategies, activities, or skills
that have helped in the past. The more “tools” for coping
with depression, the better. Try and implement a few of
these ideas each day, even if you’re feeling good.
Spend some time in nature
List what you like about yourself
Read a good book
Watch a funny movie or TV show
Take a long, hot bath
Take care of a few small tasks
Play with a pet
Write in your journal
Listen to music
Do something spontaneous
Depression self-help tip 4: Get regular exercise
When you’re depressed, exercising may be the last thing
you feel like doing. But exercise is a powerful tool for dealing with depression. In fact, studies show that regular exercise can be as effective as antidepressant medication at increasing energy levels and decreasing feelings of fatigue.
Scientists haven’t figured out exactly why exercise is such a
potent antidepressant, but evidence suggests that physical
activity triggers new cell growth in the brain, increases
mood-enhancing neurotransmitters and endorphins, reduces
stress, and relieves muscle tension—all things that can have
a positive effect on depression.
To gain the most benefits, aim for 30 minutes of exercise
per day. You can start small, though, as short 10-minute
bursts of activity can have a positive effect on your mood.
Here are a few easy ways to get moving:
Take the stairs rather than the elevator
Park your car in the farthest spot in the lot
Take your dog for a walk
Pair up with an exercise partner
Walk while you’re talking on the phone
As a next step, try incorporating walks or some other enjoyable, easy form of exercise into your daily routine. The key
is to pick an activity you enjoy, so you’re more likely to
keep up with it.
Exercise as an Antidepressant
The following exercise tips offer a powerful prescription for
boosting mood:
Exercise now… and again. A 10-minute walk can
improve your mood for two hours. The key to sustaining
mood benefits is to exercise regularly.
Choose activities that are moderately intense. Aerobic exercise undoubtedly has mental health benefits, but
you don't need to sweat strenuously to see results.
Find exercises that are continuous and rhythmic
(rather than intermittent). Walking, swimming, dancing,
stationery biking, and yoga are good choices.
Add a mind-body element. Activities such as yoga
and tai chi rest your mind and increase your energy. You
can also add a meditative element to walking or swimming
by repeating a mantra (a word or phrase) as you move.
Start slowly, and don't overdo it. More isn't better. Athletes who over train find their moods drop rather than lift.
Continued next page
Machin Messenger—Page 5
Depression self-help tip 5:
Eat a healthy, mood-boosting diet
What you eat has a direct impact on the way you
feel. Aim for a balanced diet of low-fat protein,
complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Reduce your intake of foods that can adversely affect
your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol,
trans fats, saturated fats, and foods with high levels
of chemical preservatives or hormones (such as certain meats).
Don’t skip meals. Going too long between
meals can make you feel irritable and tired, so aim
to eat something at least every three to four hours.
Minimize sugar and refined carbs. You may
crave sugary snacks, baked goods, or comfort foods
such as pasta or French fries, but these “feel-good”
foods quickly lead to a crash in mood and energy.
Focus on complex carbohydrates. Foods
such as baked potatoes, whole-wheat pasta, oatmeal, and whole grain breads can boost serotonin
levels without a crash.
Boost your B vitamins. Deficiencies in B vitamins such as folic acid and B-12 can trigger depression. To get more, take a B-complex vitamin supplement or eat more citrus fruit, leafy greens,
beans, chicken, and eggs.
Try super-foods rich in nutrients that can
boost mood, such as bananas (magnesium to decrease anxiety, vitamin B6 to promote alertness,
tryptophan to boost feel-good serotonin levels),
rice (serotonin, thiamine to support sociability),
and spinach (magnesium, folate to reduce agitation and improve sleep).
Consider taking a chromium supplement. Some
depression studies show that chromium picolinate
reduces carbohydrate cravings, eases mood swings,
and boosts energy. Supplementing with chromium
picolinate is especially effective for people who tend
to overeat and oversleep when depressed. (Check
with your doctor before adding any new supplement to you routine.)
Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in
stabilizing mood.
Foods rich in certain omega-3 fats called EPA
and DHA can give your mood a big boost. The best
sources are fatty fish such as salmon, herring,
mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and some cold-water
fish oil supplements. Canned albacore tuna and lake
trout can also be good sources, depending on how
the fish were raised and processed. When cooking
fish, grill or bake rather than fry.
You may hear a lot about getting your omega3s from foods rich in ALA fatty acids, such as vegetable oils and nuts (especially walnuts), flax, soybeans, and tofu. Be aware that our bodies generally
convert very little ALA into EPA and DHA, so you
may not see as big of a benefit.
Some people avoid seafood because they worry
about mercury or other possible toxins, but most
experts agree that the benefits of eating one or two servings a week
of cold-water fatty fish outweigh the risks.
Depression self-help tip 6:
Know when to get additional help
If you find your depression getting worse and worse, seek professional help. Needing additional help doesn’t mean you’re weak.
Sometimes the negative thinking in depression can make you feel
like you’re a lost cause, but depression can be treated and you can
feel better!
Don’t forget about these self-help tips, though. Even if you’re receiving professional help, these tips can be part of your treatment plan,
speeding your recovery and preventing depression from returning.
Please feel free to call for an appointment – 227-2675. I will be at
office Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 12:00pm - 1:00pm to 4:30pm.
Brenda Wise, Registered Social Service Worker :)
Points North Family Health Team
St. Francis of Assisi - "Start by doing what's necessary; then
do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
Machin Messenger—Page 6
Horseback Riding Lessons (10)
Children 8-17 & Adults (with your own
Instructor: Stacy Danielson
When: May 13, 2014 once a week
Where: Wrangler Arena
Waldhof Road South, Waldhof
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2014
First five lessons $175.00
Lessons 6-10 pay as you go $35.00 per lesson
For more information call: Joanne Graham
227-8065 or Brigitte Musyj 227-2259
Also check Waldhof Wranglers Facebook.com
Horsemanship Clinic with Dale Barkman
When: May 24, 2014
Where: Wrangler Arena
Waldhof Road South, Waldhof
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2014 with
$75.00 deposit
Fee: Wrangler Members $150.00
: Non-Members $175.00
Includes morning snack and lunch
For more information call: Joanne Graham
227-8065 orBrigitte Musyj 227-2259
Also check Waldhof Wrangles Facebook.com
Machin Messenger—Page 7
A great big THANK YOU to the
Machin First Responders who came
to my assistance on February 26,
2014. I t was reassuring to have
them wait and care for me until
the ambulance arrived.
Sincerely, Moreen Gauthier.
11:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.
Admission: $3.00 (Includes lunch)
DATES: Firearms Safety—April 18 and 19, 2014
Hunter Education—April 25 and 26, 2014
******WHITE ELEPHANT*******
PLACE: Waldhof Hall
Instructor: Bill Ballantyne
For further information
And to register,
Contact Bill Ballantyne at 227-2302
April 4,
Machin Messenger—Page 8
will be having their annual
garage sale on May 10th .
So think of us when you are doing
your Spring cleaning.
Willing to pick up donations.
Table Rental $10.00 each.
Phone Brigitte at 227-2259 or Joanne
at 227-8065
Graham Quarter Horses
Registered Horses for Sale
Stud, Broodmares
2 year old, Yearling Geldings
Very affordable to the right home.
For More Information call 807-2278065
or email: [email protected]
Machin Messenger—Page 9
The Vermilion Bay Kinsmen would like to thank everyone
that came out and enjoyed the 48th Kin Karnival. We would
also like to thank our volunteers, there are too many to
mention by name. Please support our Donors, they are
what helps make these events possible. See you next year
for our 49th.
If we missed anybody please accept our apologies.
Dr. Yvon Gagnon
Vermilion Bay Lions Club
Bayview Hotel
Nelson Granite
Piston Ring
Busters BBQ
Vermilion Bay CO-OP
Bobby’s Corner
Comfort Table
Casually Hip
Canadian Tire
Nor-Wynns Auto Pro
Prax Air
Eglis Sheep Farm
McKinstry Chrysler
Martel Diesel
Blue Lake Park
Dingwall Ford
Dryden GM
Dryden Conservation Officers Railside Sports & Marine
Bonny Bay Camp
United Rentals
Home Hardware
Walters Auto Body
Best Start Hub
Cassey’s Clothes Closet
Eagle Junction
Mann & Sons Welding
Mark’s Work Wearhouse
Bulk Zone
Dr. Neil Mcleod Chiropractic
Hugh Ferry
North Country Lodge
Miller Northwest
Holiday Inn
Anderson’s Homestead Golf
Vermilion Bay Lodge
Tattoo 4 U
Cedar Point Lodge
Northern Lights Credit Union Vermilion Bay & Dryden
Last but not least, special thanks to Bruyere’s Bobcat Services for keeping the parking lots and ice clean, and don’t
forget the Porta-Potty!
Happy-Go-Lucky Seniors
Happy Go Lucky Crib Tournament Winners
1st Place – Claudette & Carol
2nd Place- George & Karen
3rd Place- Garry & Janet
Machin Messenger—Page 10
Evergreen Thumbs Horticultural Society
Here are some gardening chores for April.
 Before you work in your garden, make
sure the soil is dry enough to crumble in
your hand. If it's too wet, wait for it to
dry out.
 Plan new landscape designs and this
year's garden.
 Clean and disinfect pots and containers
used when starting seeds.
 If you haven’t done it already, now is the
time to be starting plants like peppers
and tomatoes that need a good head
start on our season here.
 Many annual flowers can be started now
as well. Use a sunny windowsill or grow
lights for your seedlings. Don’t overwater
or let them dry out.
 A weak solution of chamomile tea, misted
onto the soil surface with a spray bottle two
to three times per week, will help protect
seedlings from damping off.
Machin Messenger—Page 11
The Vermilion Bay Co-op would like to let their shoppers know the following dates for Senior & Shareholder
Shareholder Discount
April 11
May 9
June 13
July 11
August 8
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12
Box 309 Vermilion Bay
Phone 227-2895
Seniors Days
April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17
Just a reminder that you can view the Co-op flyer
online at
www.coopconnection.ca .
Thank you for your patronage.
Success Salvage
Adam & Ed Pilipishen
24 hour Towing and Road Side Assistance,
Scrap & salvage removal.
(807) 227-5213
1221 Blue Lake Loop Road, Quibell Ont. P0V 2V0
Visit us on Facebook @ Success Salvage
[email protected]
Dental Services
Private Insurance Plans Accepted
For appointments call
Website – Ear Falls Dentistry.com
Dr. Mathew Walkiewicz and Associates
Machin Messenger—Page 12
[email protected]
Machin Council: Monday April 14th, 7:00 p.m. and Monday April 28th, Council Chambers, Machin Municipal Offices.
Meeting minutes are now available online— www. visitmachin.com
Public Works Meeting: Monday March 14th, 6:00 p.m.,
Council Chambers, Machin Municipal Office.
Recreation Meeting—TBA
Lot Development Committee: Meeting TBA
Lions Club—First and third Wednesdays of every month,
7:00 p.m., Lion’s Hall.
Pine Tree Pathways: TBA
Evergreen Thumbs Horticultural Society: Tuesday May
6th, 4:00 p.m., at the Happy Go Lucky Seniors Building.
TOPS—Weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. every Thursday. Short meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Reading Room, Municipal Building.
AA - Every Tuesday at 8pm. New meeting: Every
Sunday at 7pm - Open meeting for anyone affected
by Alcoholism. All meetings held in the Reading Room
at the Machin Municipal Offices.
Happy Go Lucky Seniors—Dinner meeting Monday Aoruk
7th, 12:00 noon.
Sew’n’Sew Quilters— April 1st and 15th, 9:30 a.m.
Kinettes—The first Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. in
the Bayview meeting room.
Community Gardens Committee— TBA
Seniors Friendship Club of Eagle River—Wednesday
April 9 at 1:00 p.m. with dinner for members at noon.
Community Policing Meeting—TBA
Waldhof Wranglers—Third Wednesday of each month,
7:00 p.m. at the Bayview. Phone Joanne @227-8065. Look
for the Waldhof Wranglers on Facebook.
Building Permit Applications and general inquires
are available at the Machin office. Any questions
on new buildings or to make an appointment with
the Building Inspector Charles Tarrant please call
Charles direct at 1-807-737-6704.
Effective October 1, 2013
Area Church Services
Our Lady of Fatima
Roman Catholic Church
Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
Mass: Fridays at 5:30 p.m.
United Church
97 Spruce Street
Vermilion Bay
Closed for the winter.
Eagle River (Ebenezer) Baptist Church
Services at First Baptist Church
58 King Street, Dryden, Ontario
Morning Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
Services: Sundays 11:30 a.m.
2 p.m.— 6 p.m.
9 a.m.—1 p.m.
9 a.m.— 1 p.m.
2 p.m.—6 p.m.
Copies of water samples are available at the Municipal Office if any of the general public would
like to review them. The Annual & Summary reports are also available. As well, the public may
access the Quality Management System Policy for the Vermilion Bay water treatment plant and
distribution system with forms part of the Operational Plan which is now available in the office.
Evangelical Mission Church
55 Willow Street, Vermilion Bay
Services: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School—10:00 a.m.
Upper Falls Baptist Church
Hwy 105 North
Worship: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School/Bible Study:
10:00 a.m. (all ages)