A Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants


A Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants
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Ha llucinogenic plants have been used by man for thou­
sands of years, probably since he began gathering pla nts
for food . The ha l l ucinogens have continued to receive
the attention of civilized man through the ages. Re­
cently, we have gone through a period during which so­
ph isticated Western society has "discovered " ha llucino­
gens, and some sectors of that society have taken up,
for one reason or a nother, the use of such plants. Th is
trend may be destined to continue.
It is, therefore, important for us to learn as m uch
as we can about ha llucinogen ic plants. A great body of
scientific literature has been published a bout their uses
and their effects, but the information is often locked away
in technical journals. The interested layman has a right
to sound information on wh ich to base h is opm1ons.
Th is book has been written partly to provide that kind
of information.
No matter whether we believe that man ' s intake of
ha llucinogens in primitive or sophisticated societies
constitutes use, m isuse, or abu se, hallucinogenic plants
have undeniably played an extensive role in human
culture and probably shall continue to do so. It follows
that a clear understanding of these physically a nd
socia l ly potent agents shou ld be a part of man ' s genera l
R . E . S.
Copyright © 1976 b y Western Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved, including
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obtained from the copyright proprietor. Produced in the U.S.A. Published by Golden
New York,
Congress Catalog
What Are Hall ucinogenic Plants?
Hall ucinogens in Prim itive Societies
Use in Modern Western World .
Fami ly Tree of the Plant Kingdom
Distribution of Halluc inogens
Chemical Composition . . . .
Pseudohalluc inogens . . . . .
How Hall ucinogens Are Taken
Old World Hall uci nogens . . .
F l y Agaric Mushroom, 2 4 • Agora, Ereriba, 28 • Kwa shi,
Golanga, 29 • Marihuana, 30 • Turkestan Mint, 42 •
Syria n Rue, 43 • Konno, 44 • BelladOf)na, 46 • Henbane,
4 8 • Mandrake, 50 • Dhatura , 5 2 • lboga, 54
. . . . . . .
New World Hall ucinogens .
Puffballs, 5 7 • Mushrooms, 5 8 • Rape dos Indios, 72
Sweet F lag, 73 • Virolas, 7 4 • Masha-hari, 8 3 • Jurema,
84 • Yopo, 8 6 • Vilca, 9 2 • Genista, 9 3 • Mescal Bean,
94 • Colorines, 96 • Piule, 9 7 • Ayahuasca, 98 •
Shonshi, 1 07 • Sinicuichi, 1 08 • San Pedro, 1 1 0 •
Peyote, 1 1 4 • "False Peyotes," 1 24 • H ierba loco, 1 2 6
Sacred Morning G lories, 1 2 8 • Hojas de Ia Pastore, 1 3 7
Coleus, Borrachera, Arbol de los Brujos, 1 38 • C h iric­
Caspi, 1 40 • Daturas, 1 4 2 • Tree Daturas, 1 45 •
Culebra Borrachero, 1 4 8 • Shan in, Keule, Taique, 1 50 •
Tupa, Zacatechichi, 1 5 2
1 54
Other Hallucinogenic Plants
1 56
More Information
1 57
1 58
Hallucinogenic plants have been featured on many postage stamps:
( 1 , 6 ) Amanita muscaria, (2) fruit of Peganum hormala, (3) Atropa
belladonna, (4) Pancratium trianthum, (5) Rivea corymbosa, (7) Datura
stramonium, (8) Datura candida, (9 ) Hyoscyamus niger.
In his search for food, early man tried all kinds of plants .
Some nourished h i m , some, h e found, cured h i s i l l s , a nd
some killed him . A few, to his surprise, had strange
effects on his mind and body, seeming to carry him into
other worlds. We call these plants hal l u cinogens, beca use
they distort the senses a nd usually produce hallucinations
-experiences that depart from rea l i ty. Although most
hal l ucinations are visual , they may also involve the senses
of hearing, touch, smell, or taste- and occasionally
several senses simu ltaneou sly are involved .
The actual causes of such hallucinations are chemica l
substances in the plants. These substances are true nar­
cotics. Contrary to popu lar opinion, not a l l narcotics a re
dangerous and addictive. Strictly a nd etymologically
speaking, a narcotic is any substance that has a de­
pressive effect, whether slight or great, on the centra l
nervous system .
Narcotics that induce ha llucinations are variously
cal led hallucinogens ( ha l l uCination generators), psy­
chotomimetics ( psychosis mim ickers) , psychotaraxics
( m ind d isturbers), and psychedelics ( m ind manifesters).
No one term fully satisfies scientists, but hallucino­
gens comes closest. Psychedelic is most widely used in
the United States, but it combines two Greek roots
incorrectly, is biolog ically unsound, a nd has acquired
popu lar meanings beyond the drugs or their effects.
In the h istory of mankind, hallucinogens have prob­
ably been the most important of all the narcotics. Their
fantastic effects made them sacred to primitive man and
may even have been responsible for suggesting to him
the idea of deity.
Paramount a mong the hallucinogens of rel igious significance is the
peyote cactus . This illustration, called " Morning Prayer in a Peyote
Ceremony, " is adapted from a pai nting by Tsa Toke, a Kiowa Indian.
These I ndians ore ritual users of peyote. Central fore and crescent­
shaped altar are flanked b y ceremonial eagle-feather fans; feathers
symbol ize morning, and the birds, rising prayers .
Ha l l ucinogens permeate nearly every aspect of life in
primitive societies. They play roles in health and sick­
ness, peace and war, home life and travel, hunting and
agriculture; they affect relations among individuals,
villages, and tribes. They are believed to influence life
before birth and after death.
MEDICA L A N D RELIG IOUS USES of hallucinogenic
plants are particularly important in primitive societies.
Aboriginal people attribute sickness and health to the
working of spirit forces. Consequently, any " medicine"
that can transport man to the spirit world is considered
by many aborigines to be better than one with purely
physica l effects.
Psychic powers have also
been attributed to hallu­
cinogens and have be­
come an integ ra l part of
primitive religions. Al l over
the world hal l ucinogenic -..,.....;Will"
plants are used as hoi
mediators between man
and his gods. The prophe­
cies of the oracle of Delphi,
for example, are thought
to have been induced
th rough hallucinogens.
Makuna I ndian medicine man
under i nfluence of coapi ( aya·
huasca or yaje) prepared from
bark of Banisteriopsis caapi.
Statue of Xochipilli, the Aztec " Prince of Flowers," u nearthed i n
Tlal manalca o n the s lopes of t h e volcano Popocatepetl a n d now o n
display i n t h e Museo Nacional in Mexico City. Labels i ndicate
probable bota n ical interpretation of stylized glyphs.
OTH ER A BORIG INAL USES of hallucinogens vary
from one primitive culture to another. Many hallucino­
genic plants are basic to the initiation rituals of adoles­
cents. The Algonquin Indians gave an intoxicating medi­
cine, wysoccan, to their young men, who then became
violently deranged for 20 days. During this period, they
lost all memory, starting manhood by forgetting they
had been boys. The iboga root in Gabon and caapi in
the Amazon are also used in such rituals.
I n South America, many tribes take ayahuasca to
foresee the future, settle disputes, decipher enemy
plans, cast or remove spells, or insure the fidelity of
their women. Sensations of death and separation of
body and soul are sometimes experienced during a
dreamlike trance.
The hallucinogenic properties of Datura have been
thoroughly exploited , particularly in the New Worl d . In
Mexico a nd in the Southwest, Datura is used in divina­
tion, prophecy, and ritualistic curing .
Modern Mexican Indians value certain mushrooms
as sacraments and use morning glories a nd the peyote
cactus to predict the future, diagnose and cure disease,
and placate good and evi l spirits.
The Mixtecs of Mexico eat puffba lls to hear voices
from heaven that an swer their questions. The Wa ikas
of Brazil and Venezuela snuff the powdered resin of a
jungle tree to ritua lize death, induce a trance for diag­
nosing disease, and thank the spirits for victory in war.
The Witotos of Colombia eat the same powerfu l resin
to " talk with the little people. " Peruvian medicine men
drink cimora to make themselves owners of another' s
identity. Indians of eastern Brazil drink j u rema to have
glorious visions of the spirit world before going into
battle with their enemies.
Our modern society has recently taken up the u se,
sometimes i llegally, of hallucinogens on a grand sca le.
Many pe·o ple believe they can achieve " mystic " or
" religious" experience by altering the chem istry of the
body with hallucinogens, seldom realizing that they are
merely reverting to the age-old practices of primitive
societies. Whether drug-induced adventu res can be
identical with the metaphysical insight claimed by some
mystics, or are merely a counterfeit of it, is sti l l con­
troversial . The widespread and expa nd i ng use of hal l u­
cinogens in our society may have little or no value and
may sometimes even be harmful or dangerous . In any
event, it i s a newly imported and superimposed cu ltura l
trait without natural roots in modern Western tradition.
Deta il of a painting of a primitive ayahuasca vision by Yando del Rios,
contemporary Peruvian artist.
Simpler plants a re the mushrooms and mold s ( fungi),
seaweeds ( a lgae), masses and l iverworts ( b ryo­
phytes), and ferns ( pteridophytes). More complex
are the seed plants ( spermataphytes), subdivided
into cone-bearers ( gymnosperm s) and flower-bearers
( ang iosperms) , with one seed leaf ( monocots) or two
( dicots) , with petal s absent or separate ( archi­
chlamydeae) or petal s joined ( metach lamydeae).
The majority of halluci nogenic species occur among
the highly evolved flowering plants and in one
divi sion ( fungi) of the simp ler, spore-bearing plants.
No hal lucinogenic species are yet known from the
other " branches" of the plant kingdom ( see pp. 1 21 3 ) . Plants illustrated are representative psycho­
active species.
Hallucinogens are limited to a small number of types
of chemical compounds. All hallucinogens found in plants
are organic compounds -that is, they contain carbon
as an essential part of their structure and were formed
in the l ife processes of vegetable organisms. No inorganic
plant constituents, such as minerals, are known to have
ha llucinogenic effects.
Hallucinogenic compounds may be divided conven­
iently into two broad groups: those that contain nitrogen
in their structure and those that do not. Those with
nitrogen are far more common. The most important of
those lacking nitrogen are the active principles of mari­
huana, terpenophenolic compounds classed as diben­
zopyrans a nd cal led cannabinols-in particular, tetrahydro­
cannabinols. The hallucinogenic compounds with nitrogen
in their structure are alkaloids or related bases.
" TH C "
carbon atom
hydrogen atom
a oxygen atom
carbon atom
hydrogen atom
oxygen atom
n itrogen atom
ALKALOIDS are a diverse group of some 5, 000 com­
pounds with complex molecular structures. They con­
ta in nitrogen as wel l as carbon, oxygen, a nd hyd rogen.
All alkaloids are of plant origin, though some proto­
alkaloids occur in animals. All are slightly a lka l ine, hence
their name. They are classified into series based on
their structures. Many hallucinogen ic a l ka loids are
indoles ( see below) or are related to indoles, and the
majority have or may have originated in the plant
from the amino acid known as tryptophan.
Most medicinal and toxic plants, as wel l as hallucino­
genic plants, owe their biologica l activity to alkaloids.
Exam ples of widely valued alka loids are morphine,
quinine, nicotine, strychni ne, and caffeine.
a re hallucinogenic alka loids or related bases,
all of them nitrogen-conta ining compounds . It is most
surprising that of the many thousands of organic com-
pounds that act on various parts of the body so few
are hallucinogenic . The indole nucleus of the hallucinogens
frequently appears in the form of tryptamine d erivatives.
It is composed of phenyl and pyrro l segments ( see d ia­
gram on opposite page).
Tryptamines may be "simple" -that is, without sub­
stitutions -or they may have various "side chains" known
as hydroxy ( O H ), methoxy (Oh), or phosphogloxy
(OP03H) groups in the phenyl ring.
The indole ring ( shown in red in the diagram) is evi­
dent not only in the numerous tryptamines ( d imethyltryp­
tamine, etc.) but a l so in the various ergoline a l ka loids
{ergine and others), in the ibogaine alka loids, and in the
,8-carboline alka loid s (harmine, harmaline, etc . ) . lysergic
acid d iethylamide (lS D ) has an indole nucleus. One
reason for the sign ificance of the indolic hallucinogens
may be their structura l similarity to the neurohumora l
tryptamine serotonin (5-hydroxyd imethyltryptam ine), pres­
ent in the nervous tissue of warm-blooded animals.
Serotonin plays a major role in the biochemistry of the
central nervous system. A study of the function ing of
ha llucinogenic tryptamine may experimenta l ly help to
expla in the function of seroton in in the body.
A chemica l relationsh ip simi lar to that between in­
dolic hal lucinogens and serotonin exists between
mescaline, an hallucinogenic phenylethylamine base in
peyote, and the neurohormone norepinephrine.
These chemical similarities between hallucinogenic com­
pounds and neurohormones with roles in neurophysiology
may help to explain hallucinogenic activity and even
certain processes of the central nervous system . Other
alkaloids -the isoquinolines, tropanes, quinolizidines, and
isoxazoles -are more mildly hallucinogenic and may
operate differently in the body.
(C H2h
(C H 3h
Dimethyltryptam ine
(CH2h-NH (CH3)2
Psi locybin
These are poisonous plant compounds that cause what
m ight be called secondary hallucinations or pseudo­
hallucinations. Though not true hallucinogenic agents,
they so upset normal body functions that they induce
a kind of delirium accompanied by what to all practi­
cal purposes are hallucinations. Some components of
the essential oils-the aromatic elements responsible
for the characteristic odors of plants-appear to act
in this way. Components of nutmeg oil are an example.
Many plants having such components are extremely dan­
gerous to take internally, especially if ingested in doses
high enough to induce hallucinations. Research has not
yet shed much l ight on the kind of psychoactivity pro­
duced by such chemica l s .
Myristico frogrons is
the source of nutmeg
and mace.
Nepeto cataria
is known for its
effect on cots.
Ha llucinogenic plants are used in a variety of ways,
depending on the kind of plant material, on the active
chemicals involved, on cultural practices, and on other
considerations. Man, in prim itive societies everywhere,
has shown great ingenuity and perspicacity in bend i ng
hallucinogenic plants to his uses.
fresh or dried, as are peyote
and teonanacatl; or juice from
the crushed leaves may be drunk,
as with Salvia divinorum ( i n
Mexico). Occasionally a plant
derivative may be eaten, as with
hasheesh. More frequently, a
ayahuasca, caapi, or yaje from
the bark of a vine; the San
Pedro cactus; jurema wine; ibaga;
leaves of toloache; or crushed
seeds from the Mexican morning
glories. O riginally peculiar to
New World cultures, where it
was one way of using tobacco,
smoking is now a widespread
method of tak ing cannabi s. Nar­
cotics other than tobacco, such
as tupa, may a lso be smoked .
SNUFFING is a preferred meth­
od for using several hallucinogens
-yopo, epena, sebil, rape dos
indios. like smoking, snuffing
is a New World custom. A few
New World Indians have taken
the case of Anadenanthera.
One curious method of in­
ducing narcotic effects is the
African custom of incising the
scalp and rubbing the juice from
the onionlike bulb of a species
of Pancratium across the in­
cisions. This method is a kind
of primitive counterpart of the
modern hypodermic method .
Several methods may be used
in the case of some hallucino­
genic plants. Virola resin, for
example, is licked unchanged, i s
usual ly
form , is occa s ionally made into
pellets to be eaten, and may
sometimes be smoked .
tures to major hall ucinogenic
species are becoming increas­
i mportant
resea rc h .
Subsidiary plants a re sometimes
added to the preparation to
alter, increase, or lengthen the
narcotic effects of the main
ingredients. Thus, i n making the
drinks, prepared basically from
inebrians, several additives are
often thrown
leaves of
Psychotria viridis or Banisteriopsis
rusbyana, which themselves con­
tain hallucinogenic tryptamines;
or Brunfelsia o r Datura, both of
which are hallucinogenic in their
own right.
Existing evidence indicates that man in the Old World
- Europe, Asia, Africa, and Austra lia- has made less
use of native plants and shrubs for their hallucinogenic
properties than has man in the New World .
There is little reason to believe that the vegetation of
one half of the globe is poore r or richer in species with
ha llucinogenic properties than the other half. Why, then,
should there be such dispa rity? Has man in the Old
World simply not discovered many of the native hallu­
cinogenic plants? Are some of them too toxic in other
ways to be utilized? Or has man in the Old World been
culturally less interested in narcotics? We have no rea l
answer. But we do know that the Old World has fewer
known species em ployed hallucinogenica l ly tha n does the
New World: compared with on ly 1 5 or 20 species used in
the Eastern Hem isphere, the species used hallucinogen­
ically in the Western Hemisphere number more than 1 00!
Yet some of the Old World hallucinogens today hold
places of primacy throughout the world. Cannabis,
undoubtedly the most widespread of all the hallucinogens,
is perhaps the best example. The severa l solanaceous
ingredients of medieval witches ' brews -henbane, night­
shade, belladonna, and mandrake-greatly influenced
European phi losophy, medicine, and even history for many
years. Some played an extraordinarily vita l religious
role in the early Aryan cultures of northern India.
The role of hallucinogens in the cultural and social
development of many areas of the Old World is only
now being investigated. At every turn, its extent a nd
depth are becoming more evident. But much more
needs to be done in the study of hallucinogens and
their uses in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Amanita muscaria
yellow form
you ng
Amanita m uscaria, may be
one of man ' s oldest hallucinogens. It has been sug­
gested that perhaps its strange effects contributed to
man ' s early ideas of deity.
Fly agaric mushrooms g row in the north temperate re­
gions of both hemispheres. The Eurasian type has a
beautiful deep orange to blood-red cop flecked with
wh ite scales. The cop of the usual North American
type varies from cream to on orange-yel low. There ore
also chemical differences between the two, for the New
World type is devo id of the strong ly ha l l ucinogen ic
effects of its Old World counterpa rt.
The u se of th is mushroom as on orgiastic and shaman­
istic inebriant was discovered in Siberia in 1 73 0 . Sub­
seq uently, its uti lization has been noted among severa l
isolated groups of Finno-Ugrion peoples ( Ostyak a nd
Vogul) in western Siberia
and th ree primitive tribes
( Chuckchee, Koryok, and
Komchodo l) in northeast­
ern Siberia. These tribes
hod no other intoxica nt
unti l they learned recently
of alcoho l .
These Siberians ingest
the mushroom alone, either
sun-dried or toasted slowly
over a flre, or they may
toke it in reindeer milk
or with the juice of wild
pla nts, such as a species
Amanita muscaria typically oc­
curs in association with birches.
A Siberian Chukchee man with wooden urine vessel, about to recycle
and extend intoxication from Amanita muscaria.
of Vaccinium and a species of Epilobium. When eaten
alone, the dried m ushrooms are moistened in the
mouth and swa llowed , or the women may moisten a nd
rol l them into pel lets for the men to swallow.
A very old a nd curious practice of these tribesmen
is the ritual istic drinking of urine from men who
have become intoxicated with the mushroom . The active
pri nciples pass through the body and are excreted
unchanged or as sti l l active derivatives. Consequently,
a few mushrooms may inebriate many people .
The nature o f the intoxication varies, b u t o n e or
several mushrooms induce a condition marked usua lly
by twitching, trembling, slight convulsions, numbness of
the limbs, and a feeling of ease characterized by hap­
piness, a desire to sing and dance, colored visions,
and macropsia ( seeing th ings greatly enlarg ed ) . Violence
giving way to a deep sleep may occasionally occur. Par­
ticipants a re sometimes overtaken by curious beliefs,
such as that experienced by an ancient tribesman who
insisted that he had j ust been born! Religious fervor
often accompanies the inebriation.
Recent studies suggest that th is m ushroom was the
mysterious God-narcotic soma of ancient India . Thou­
sands of years ago, Aryan conquerors, who swept
across I nd ia, worshiped soma, drinking it in religious
ceremonies. Many hymns in the Indian Rig-Veda are de­
voted to soma and describe the plant and its effects.
The use of soma eventually died out, and its identity
has been an enigma for 2,000 years. During the past
century, more than 100 plants have been suggested,
but none answers the descriptions found in the many
hymns. Recent ethnobotanical detective work, leading
to its identification as A. muscaria, is strengthened by
the reference i n the vedas to ceremonial urine drinking,
since the main intoxicating constituent, m u scimole (known
r\1,0 _/-- � H -coo -co2
Ell NH3. H20 -H20
lbotenic Acid
O=C, _/-CH
Ell NH3
Chemical formulas of
the importa nt Amanita
muscaria alka loid s.
on ly in this m ushroom), is the sole natu ra l ha l l ucinogenic
chemica l excreted unchanged from the body .
Only in the last few years, too, has the chemistry
of the intoxicating principle been known. For a century,
it was believed to be muscarine, but muscarine is present
in such mi nute concentrations that it cannot act as the
inebriant. It is now recognized that, in the drying or
extraction of the mushrooms, ibotenic acid forms severa l
derivatives . One of these is muscimole, the main
pharmacologically active principle. Other compounds,
such as muscazone, are found in lesser concentrations
and may contribute to the intoxication .
F l y agaric mushroom i s s o called because of i t s age­
old use in Europe as a fly ki l ler. The mushrooms were
left in an open dish. Flies attracted to and settling on
them were stunned, succumbing to the insecticida l
properties of the plant.
Birches and Pines
- Chukchee-Koryok peoples
- Uralic peoples (Ostyok, Vogul, etc.
Mop of northern Eurasia shows regions of birches and pines, where
Amanita muscorio typically grows, and areas inhabited by eth nic groups
that use the mushroom as on hallucinogen.
(Galbulimima Belgraveana) is a tal l forest tree
of Mal aysia and Australia. In Papua, natives make a
drink by boiling the leaves and bark with the leaves
of ereriba. When they imbibe it, they become violently
intoxicated, eventually falling into a deep sleep during
which they experience visions and fantastic dreams.
Some 28 a lkaloids have been isolated from this tree, and
although they are biologica lly active, the psychoactive
principle is sti l l unknown . Agora is one of four species
of Galbulimima and belongs to the Himantandraceae,
a rare family related to the magnol ias.
ERERI BA, an undetermined species of Homo/omena, is
a stout herb reported to have narcotic effects when its
leaves are taken with the leaves and ba rk of agara.
The active chem ical constituent is unknown . Ereriba is a
member of the aroid family, Araceae. There are some
1 40 species of Homo/omena native to tropica l Asia
and South America.
Bushman applying
Pancrotium bulb
to scalp incisions.
KWASH I (Pancratium trianthum) is considered to be
psychoactive by the Bushmen in Dobe, Botswana. The
bulb of this perennial is reputedly rubbed over incisions
in the head to induce visua l hallucinations. Nothing is
known of its chemical constitution . Of the 14 other spe­
cies of Pancratium, mainly of Asia and Africa, many
are known to contain psychoactive principles, mostly
alkaloids. Some species are potent cardiac poisons.
Pancratium belongs to the amaryllis family, Amaryll idaceae.
GA LANGA o r MARABA (Kaempferia galanga) is an
herb rich in essential oils. Natives in New Guinea eat
the rhizome of the plant as an hallucinogen. It is va lued
locally a s a cond iment and, like others of the 70
species in the genus, it is used in local folk medicine to
bring boi ls to a head and to hasten the healing of burns
and wounds. It is a member of the ginger fam i ly, Zingi­
beraceae. Phytochem ical stud ies have revea led no
psychoactive principle.
Hemp field in Afghani stan , showing portly harvested c rop of the short,
conical Cannabis indica grown there.
MARIHUANA, HASHEESH, or HEMP ( species of the
genus Cannabis), also cal led Kif, Bhang, or Charas, is
one of the oldest cultivated plants. It is also one of the
most widely spread weeds, having escaped cultivation,
appearing as an adventitious plant everywhere,
except in the polar reg ions and the wet, forested tropics.
Cannabis is the source of hemp fiber, an edible
fruit, an industrial oil, a medicine, and a narcotic. Despite
its great age a nd its economic importance, the plant
is sti l l poorly understood, characterized more by what
we do not know about it than by what we know.
Cannabis is a rank, weedy annual that is extremely
variable and may atta in a height of 18 feet. Flourishing
best in disturbed , nitrogen-rich soils near human habita­
tions, it has been ca lled a "camp follower, " going with
man into new areas.
It is norma l ly dioecious-that is, the male and fe­
ma le parts are on different plants. The ma le or stami­
nate plant i s usually weaker than the female or pistil­
late plant. Pisti llate flowers grow in the leaf axi ls. The
intoxicating constituents are norma lly concentrated in a
resin in the developing female flowers and adjacent
leaves and stem s.
is disputed by
bota nists. They disagree about the family to which it
belongs and also about the number of species. The
plant is sometimes placed in the fig or mulberry family
(Moraceae) or the nettle family ( U rticaceae ), but it i s
now usually separated, together with the hop pla nt
(Humulus), into a d istinct fam i ly: Cannabaceae.
I t has been widely thought that there is one species,
Cannabis sativa, which, partly as a result of selection
by man, has developed many "race s " or "varieties, "
for better fiber, for more oil content, or for. stronger
narcotic content. Selection for narcotic activity has been
especially notable in such areas as India, where intoxi­
cating properties have had religious significance. En­
viron ment a lso has probably influenced thi s biolog ical ly
changea ble species, especially for fiber exce llence a nd
narcotic activity. Current research i nd icates that there
may be other species : C. indica and C. ruderalis. All
Cann abis i s native to centra l Asia.
Cannabis leaves o re palmately divided-norma lly into 3-7 leaflets,
occasionally into 1 1- 13. Leaflets vary in length from 2 to 6 inches.
Cannabis sativa
Chinese characters T A MA, the
oldest k nown name far cannabis.
;k = TA ( p ronounced DA).
Litera lly this means a n adu lt
man, and by extension may
signify great or tall.
J#. = MA. I t represents a
fiber p lant, litera lly a clump of
plants ( � ) , growing near a
dwelling (} ). Hence , the
two symbols together mean
" the tal l fiber plant,"
which everywhere in
China signifies cannabis.
HISTORY OF CANNABIS USE dates to ancient times.
the late 8 th century
been found in Turkey. Specimens have turned up in
an Egyptian site nearly 4,000 years of age. In ancient
Thebes, the plant was made into a drink with opium­
like effects. The Scythians, who threw cannabis seeds
and leaves on hot stones in steam baths to produce
an intoxicating smoke, grew the plant along the Volga
3,000 years ago.
Chinese tradition puts the use of
the plant
4,800 years. Indian medical writing, compiled before
1000 B.C., reports therapeutic uses of cannabis. That
the early Hindus a ppreciated its intoxicating properties
is attested by such names as "heavenly guide" and
"soother of grief."
The Chinese referred to cannabis
as "liberator of sin" and "delight giver." The Greek
physician Galen wrote, about A.D.
160, that general
use of hemp in cakes prod uced narcotic effects. In 1 3th­
century Asia Minor, organized murderers, rewarded with
ha sheesh , were known as hashishins, from which may
come the term assassin in European languages.
Hemp as a source of fiber was introduced by the
Pi lgrims to New England a nd by the Spanish and Portu­
guese to their colonies in the New World.
Objects connected with t h e u s e
o f cannabis were found in frozen
tombs of the a n cient Scythians,
in the A ltai Mountains on the
border between Russia and Outer
The small, tepee-like structure
was covered with a felt or
leather mat and stood over the
copper censer (four-legged stool­
like object) . Carbonized hemp
seeds were found nearby. The
two-handled pot contained can­
nabis fruits . The S cythian c u s­
tom of breathing cannabis fumes
in the steam bath was men­
tioned about 500 B . C . by the
Greek naturalist H erodotus.
known for centuries. Its long h istory of use in folk medi­
cine is significant, and it has been included more re­
cently in Western pharmacopoeias. It was l isted in the
United States Pharmacopoeia unti l the 19 3 0 ' s as valu­
able, especially i n the treatment of hysteria. The progress
made in modern research encourages the bel ief that
so prolific a chemica l factory as Cannabis m ay indeed
offer potentia l for new medicines.
is complex. Many or­
ganic compounds have been isolated, some with nar­
cotic properties and others without. A fresh plant
yields mainly cannabidiolic acids, precursors of the
tetrahydrocannabinols and related constituents, such as
cannabinol, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol-carboxylic
acid, stereaisomers of tetrahyd rocannabinol, and can­
It has been demonstrated recently that the main ef­
fects are attributable to delta- 1 -tetrahydrocannabino l . The
tetrahydrocannabinols, which form an oily mixtu re of
several isomers, are non-n itrogenous organic com­
pounds derived from terpenes ( see page 16). They a re
not alkaloids, although traces of alkaloids have been
reported in the plant.
Until recently, little was known about the effects of
pure tetrahydrocannabinol on man. Control led studies
are basic to any progress. These are now possible with
the recent synthesis of the compound, a major advance
in studying the mechanism of physiological activity of this
intoxicant. Because the crude cannabis preparations
normal ly used as a narcotic vary greatly in their chemi­
ca l composition, any correlations of their biological
activity would be relatively meaning less.
A c rude woodcut illustration of cannabi s from the 1 517 edition of the
European herbal Ortus sonitotis de herbis et plontis.
three contemporary designs
silver hookah
from I n dio
Assortment of cannabis pipes and water pi pes.
World, marihuana ( maconha in Brazil) is smoked-the
dried, crushed flowering tips or leaves, often mixed
with tobacco in cigarettes, or ''reefers.'' Hasheesh, the
resin from the female plant, is eaten or smoked, often
water pipes, by
in Moslem
northern Africa and western Asia. In Afghanistan and
Pakistan, the resin is commonly smoked. Asiatic Indians
regularly employ three preparations narcotically: bhang
consists of plants that are gathered green, dried, and
made into a drink with water or milk or into a candy
(majun) with sugar and spices; charas, normally smoked
or eaten with spices, is pure resin; ganjah, usually smoked
with tobacco, consists of resin-rich dried tops from the
female plant. Many of these unusually potent prepara­
tions may be derived from C. indica.
has g rown in popu­
larity in the past 40 years as the plant has spread to
nearly all pa rts of the globe. The na rcotic use of
cannabis in the U nited States dates from the 1 92 0 ' s
and seems to have started in New Orleans and vi­
cinity. I ncrease in the p lant' s use as an inebriant in
Western countries, especially in urban centers, has l ed
to major problems and dilemmas for European and
American authorities. There is a sharp division of
opinion as to whether the widespread narcotic use of
cannabis is a vice that must be stamped out or is an
innocuous habit that should be permitted legally. The
subject is d ebated hotly, u sua lly with limited knowledge.
We do not yet have the medical, social, legal, and mora l
information on which to base a sound judgment. As
one writer has said, the marihuana problem needs
" more light and less heat. " Controlled, scientifically
va lid experi ments with cannabis, invo lving large num­
bers of individuals, have not as yet been made.
Contemporary American cannabis shoulder patches.
OF CANNABIS, even more tha n of other
hallucinogens, are h ighly variable from person to per­
son a nd from one plant strain to another. This varia­
bility comes mainly from the unstable character of some
of the constituents. Over a period of time, for example,
the inactive cannabidiolic acid converts to active tetra­
hydrocannabinols and eventually to inactive cannabinol,
such chemical changes usually taking place more rapidly
in tropical than in cooler climates. Materia l from plants
of different ages may thus vary in narcotic effect.
The principal narcotic effect is euphoria. The plant
is sometimes not classified as hallucinogen ic, and it is
true that its characteristics are not typically psychoto­
mimetic. Everything from a mild sense of ease and
wel l-being to fantastic dreams and visua l a nd a uditory
hallucinations are reported. Beautiful sights, wonderfu l
music, a nd aberrations of sound often entrance the
mind; biza rre adventures to fi l l a century take place in
a matter of m inutes.
Soon after taking the drug, a subject may fi nd him­
self i n a dreamy state of altered consciousness. Norma l
thought is interrupted, and ideas are sometimes plenti-
I n many parts of Asia the
use of cannabis preparation s
is both socially and legally
acceptable. In predominantly
Moslem countries, can nabis is
usually smoked i n water pipes,
sometimes called hookahs .
T h e i llustration shows an
Afghani using one of the
many kinds of water p ipes
seen in Asia.
Market forms of cannabis i ncl ude finely ground or " manicured"
marihuana, "reefers" (smaller than commercial tobacco cigarettes),
pure hasheesh, and compressed kilo bricks.
ful, though confused. A feeling of exaltation a nd inner
joy may alternate, even dangerously, with feelings of
depression, moodiness, uncontrollable fear of death,
and panic. Perception of time is almost invariably
altered . An exaggeration of sound, out of all relation to
the real force of the sound emitted, may be accompanied
by a curiously hypnotic sense of rhythm . Although the
occasional vivid visual hallucinations may have sexua l
coloring, the often-reported aphrodisiac properties of
the drug have not been substantiated .
Whether cannabis should be classified primarily as a
stimulant or depressant or both has never been deter­
mined. The drug 's activities beyond the centra l nervous
system seem to be secondary. They consist of a rise in
pulse rate and blood pressure, tremor, vertigo, diffi­
culty in m uscular coordination, increased tactile sensi­
tivity, and dilation of the pupils.
Although cannabis is definitely not addictive, psy­
cho log ical dependence may often result from continual
use of the d rug.
(Lagochilus inebrians) is a small shrub
of the dry steppes of Turkestan. For centuries it has
been the source of an intoxicant among the Tajik,
Tartar, Turkoman, and Uzbek tribesmen. The leaves,
gathered in October, are toasted, sometimes mixed
with stems, fruits, and flowers. Drying and storage in­
crease their aromatic fragrance. Honey and sugar are
often added to reduce their intense bitterness.
Va lued as a folk medicine and included in the 8th
edition of the Russian pharmacopoeia, it is used to
treat skin disease, to help check hemorrhages, and to
provide sedation for nervous d isorders. A crysta l line
compound isolated from the plant and named lago­
chiline has proved to be aditerpene. Whether or not it
produces the psychoactive effects of the whole plant is
unknown. There are some 34 other species of Lagochilus.
Members of the mint family, labiatae, they are native
from central Asia to Iran and Afghanistan.
Peganum harmala
(Peganum harmala) grows from the Medi­
terranean to northern India, Mongolia, a nd Manchuria.
Everywhere it has many u ses in folk medicine. I ts seeds
have been employed as a spice, and its fruits a re the
source of a red dye and an oil .
The seeds possess known hallucinogenic alkaloids,
especially harmine and harmaline. The esteem in which
the peoples of Asia hold the plant is so extraordinary
that it m ight indicate a former religious use as an hal­
lucinogen, but the purposefu l use of the plant to in­
duce vision s has not yet been established through the
literatu re or field work.
The caltrop family, Zygophyllaceae, to which Syrian
rue belongs, comprises about two dozen genera native
to d ry ports of the tropics and subtropics of both
KANNA (Mesembryanthemum expansum and M. tor­
tuosum) is the common name of two species of South
African plants. There is strong evidence \ hat one or both
were used by the Hottentots of southern Africa as vision­
inducing narcotics. More than two centuries ago, it was
reported that the Hottentots chewed the root of kenna,
or channa, keeping the chewed material in the mouth,
with these results: "Their animal spirits were awakened,
their eyes sparkled and their faces manifested laughter
and gaiety. Thousands of delightsome ideas appeared,
and a pleasant jollity which enabled them to be amused
by simple jests. By taking the substance to excess, they
lost consciousness and fell into a terrible delirium. "
Since the narcotic use of these two species has not
been observed directly, various botanists have suggested
that the hallucinogenic kenna may actua lly have been
cannabis or other intoxicating plants, such as several
species of Sclerocarya of the cashew fam ily. These two
species of Mesembryanthemum do have the common
name kenna, however, and they also contain alkaloids
that have sedative, cocainelike properties capable of
producing torpor in man.
In the drier parts of South Africa, there are alto­
gether 1 ,000 species of Mesembryan themum -many,
like the ice plant, of bizarre form. About two dozen
species, including the two described here, are considered
by some botan ists to represent a separate genus, Scele­
tium. Al l belong to the carpetweed family, Aizoaceae,
mainly South African, and are believed to be related to
the pokeweed, pink, and cactu s families.
BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna) is wel l known as
a highly poisonous species capable of inducing various
kinds of ha llucinations. It entered into the folklore and
mythology of virtua lly all European peoples, who feared
its deadly power. It was one of the ingredients of the
truly hallucinogenic brews and ointments concocted by
the so-called witches of medieval Eu rope. The attractive
shiny berries of the plant still often cause it to be acci­
dentally eaten, with resultant poison ing .
The name belladonna ( " beautifu l lady" in Italian)
comes from a cu rious custom practiced by Ita lian
women of h igh society during medieval times. They
would d ro p the sap of the plant into the eye to dilate
the pupil enormously, inducing a kind of drunken or
glassy stare, considered in that period to enhance
feminine beauty and sensuality.
The main active principle in bel ladonna is the a l ka loid
hyoscyamine, but the more psychoactive scopolam ine
is also present. Atropine has also been found, but
whether it is present in the living plant or is formed
during extraction is not clear. Belladonna is a commercial
source of atropine, an alkaloid with a wide variety of
uses in modern med icine, especially as an antisposmodic,
an antisecretory, and as a mydriatic and cardiac stimu­
lant. The alkaloids occur throughout the plant but are
concentrated especially in the leaves and roots.
There are four species of Atropa distributed in
Eu rope and from central Asia to the Himalayas. Atropa
belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Bel la­
donna is native to Europe and Asia Minor. Until the
1 9th century, commercial collection was primarily from
wild sources, but since that time cultivation has been
initiated in the United States, Europe, and India, where
it is an important source of medicina l drugs.
HENBANE (Hyoscyamus niger) was often included in the
witches ' brews and other toxic preparations of medieval
Europe to cause visual hallucinations and the sensation
of flight. An annual or biennial native to Europe, it has
long been valued in medicine as a sedative and an
anodyne to induce sleep.
The principal alkaloid of henbane is hyoscyamine, but
the more hallucinogenic scopolamine is also present in
significant amounts, along with several other alkaloids
in smaller concentrations.
Henbane is one of 20 species of Hyoscyamus, mem­
bers of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. They are
native to Europe, northern Africa, and western and
central Asia.
Medieval witches cooking " magic" brew with toad a n d henbane.
Hyoscyamus niger
fruit, in
fruit with
calyx removed,
showing cap
(Mandragora officinarum ), an hallucinogen
with a fantastic history, has long been known and feared
for its toxicity. Its complex history as a magic hypnotic
in the folklore of Europe cannot be equaled by any
species anywhere. Mandrake was a panacea . Its folk
uses in medieval Europe were inextricably bound up
with the " Doctrine of Signatures," an old theory hold­
ing t hat the
of an
special properties. The root of mandrake was likened to
the form of a man or woman; hence its m agic . If a
mandrake were pulled from the earth, according to
superstition, its unearthly shrieks could drive its collector
Woodcuts from
Hortus sanitatis, 1 st edition
Mayence, 1 4 85
mad. In many regions, the people claimed strong
aphrodisiac properties for mandrake. The superstitious
ho ld of this plant in Europe persisted for centuries .
Mandrake, with the tropane alkaloids hyoscya­
mine, scopolamine, and others, was an active hallucino­
genic ingredient of many of the witches ' brews of Europe.
In fact, it was undoubtedly one of the most potent
ingredients in those complex preparations .
Mandrake a n d five other species o f Mandragora be­
long to the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and are
native to the area between the Mediterranean and the
Mandragora officinorum
DHATURA and DUTRA ( Da tu ra mete/) are the common
names in I ndia for an important Old World species of
Datura. The narcotic properties of this purple-flowered
member of the deadly nightshade family, Solanaceae,
have been known and valued in I ndia since prehistory.
The plant has a long history in other countries as well.
Some writers have credited it with being responsible for
the intoxicating smoke associated with the Oracle of
Delphi. Early Chinese writings report an hallucinogen
that has been identified with this species. And it is u n­
doubtedly the plant that Avicenna, the Arabian physician,
mentioned under the name jouzmathe l in the 1 1 th
century_. Its use as an aphrodisiac in the East Indies was
recorded in 1 5 78. The plant was held sacred in China,
where people believed that when Buddha preached,
heaven sprinkled the plant with dew.
Nevertheless, the utilization of Datura preparations
in Asia entailed much less ritual than in the New World.
In many parts of Asia, even today, seeds of Datura are
often mixed with food and tobacco for ill icit u se, es­
pecially by thieves for stupefying victims, who may re­
main seriously intoxicated for several days.
Datura mete/ is common ly mixed with cannabis and
smoked in Asia to this day. leaves of a wh ite-flowered
form of the plant ( considered by some botan ists to be
a distinct species, D. fastuosa) are smoked with can­
nabis or tobacco in many parts of Africa and Asia.
The plant contains highly toxic alka loids, the principal
one being scopolamine. Th is hallucinogen is present in
heaviest concentrations in the leaves and seeds . Scopola­
mine is found also in the New World species of Datura
( pp. 1 4 2 - 1 4 7 ) . Datura ferox, a related Old World
species, not so widespread in Asia, is also va lued for
its narcotic and medicinal properties.
Datura mete/
Datura ferox
(Tabernanthe iboga), native to Gabon and the
Congo, is the only member of the dogbane fam ily,
Apocynaceae, known to be used as an hallucinogen.
The plant is of growing importance, providing the
strongest single force aga inst the spread of Chris­
tia nity and Islam in th is region.
The yel lowi sh root of the iboga plant is employed
in the initiation rites of a number of secret societies,
the most famous being the Bwiti cult. Entra nce into the
cult is conditional on having "seen " the god plant Bwiti,
wh ich is accomplished th rough the use of iboga .
The drug, discovered by Europeans toward the m id­
dle of the last century, has a reputation as a powerfu l
stimulant a nd aphrodisiac. Hunters use it to keep them­
selves awake all n ight. large doses induce u nworldly
visions, and " sorcerers " often take the drug to seek in­
formation from ancestors and the spirit world.
I bogaine is the principal indole alkaloid a mong a dozen
others found in iboga.
The pharmacology of ibo­
ga ine is wel l known . In
addition to being an hal­
large doses is a strong
central nervous system
stimulant, leading to con­
vu lsions, paralysis, and
arrest of respiration.
" Payment o f t h e Ancestors,"
tak ing p lace between two shrubby
bushes of Tabernanthe iboga in
the Fang C u lt of Bwiti, Congo.
( Photo by J . W . Fernandez. )
flo wer,
In the New World- North , Central, and South America
and the West I nd ies- the number and cultural im­
portance of hallucinogens reached amazing heights in
the past-a nd in places their role is undiminished.
More than ninety species are employed for their
intoxicating principles, compared to fewer than a dozen
in the Old World. It wou ld not be an exaggeration to
say that some of the New World cultures, pa rticularly
in Mexico and South America, were practically en­
slaved by the relig ious use of ha llucinogens, which ac­
quired a deep a nd controlling sign ificance in almost
every aspect of life. Cultures in North America a nd
the West I nd ies used fewer hallucinogens, and their
role often seemed secondary. Although tobacco and
coca , the sou rce of cocaine, have become of world­
wide importance, none of the true hallucinogens of
the Western Hemisphere ha s assumed the g lobal sign ifi­
cance of the Old World canna bis.
No ethnologica l study of American Indians can be
considered complete without an in-depth appreciation
of their ha llucinogens. Unexpected discoveries have
com e from studying the hallucinogenic use of New
World plants. Many hallucinogenic preparation s called
for the addition of pla nt additives capable of altering the
intox ication . The accomplishments of a boriginal Ameri­
cans in the use of mixtures have been extraordinary.
Wh ile known New World hallucinogens a re numerous,
studies a re still u ncovering species new to the list. The
most cu rious aspect of the studies, however, is why, in
view of their vital importance to New World cultures,
the botanical identities of many of the ha llucinogens
rema ined unknown unti l comparatively recent times .
PU FFBALLS ( Lycoperdon mixtecorum and L. margin atum)
are used by the Mixtec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, as
auditory ha llucinogen s. After eating these fungi, a
native hea rs voices and echoes. There is apparently no
ceremony connected with puffballs, and they do not en­
joy the place as divinatory agents that the mushrooms
do in Oaxaca. L. mixtecorum ls the stronger of the two.
It is called g i-i-wa, meaning " fu ngus of the first qual ity. "
L. marginatum, which ha s a strong odor of excrement,
is known as gi-i-sa-wa, mean ing ' ' fungus of the second
quality. "
Although intoxicating substances have not yet been
found in the puffballs, there are reports in the litera­
ture that some of them have had narcotic effects when
eaten. Most of the estimated 50 to 1 00 species of
Lycoperdon g row in mossy forests of the temperate
zone. They belong to the Lycoperdaceae, a family of
the Gasteromycetes.
The use of halluc inogen ic mushrooms, which dates back severa l thou­
sand years, centers in the mountains of southern Mexico.
MUSH ROOMS of many species were used as hal lu­
cinogens by the Aztec Indians, who cal led them
teonanacatl, meaning " flesh of the god s " in the
Nahuatl Indian language. These mu shrooms, all of the
family Agaricaceae, are still va lued in Mex ican magico­
religious rites. They belong to fou r genera: Conocybe
and Panaeo/us, al most cosmopolitan in their range;
Psilocybe, found in North a nd South America, Europe,
and Asia; and Stropharia, known in North America, the
West Indies, a nd Eu rope .
MUSHROOM WORSHIP seems to have roots in cen­
turies of native tradition . Mexican frescoes, going back
to A. D. 300, have designs suggestive of mushrooms.
Even more remarkab le are the artifacts called mush­
room stones (p. 60 ), excavated in large numbers from
highland Maya sites in Guatemala and dating back to
1000 B . C . Consisting of a stem with a human or animal
face and surmounted by an umbrella-shaped top, they
long puzzled archaeologists. Now interpreted as a kind of
icon connected with re ligious rituals, they indicate that
3,000 years ago, a sophisticated religion surrounded
the sacramental use of these fungi .
It has been suggested that perhaps m ushrooms were
the earliest hal lucinogenic p lants to be discovered . The
other-world ly experience induced by these mysterious
forms of plant life could easily have suggested a spiritual
plane of existe nce .
Deta il from a fresco ot
Tepontitlo ( Teotihuocan,
Mexico) representing
Tloloc, the god of clouds,
ra in, and waters . N ote
the pole blue
mush rooms with orange
stems and also the
" colori n e s " - the darker
blue, bean-shaped forms
with red spots. See pages
96 and 97 fo r d iscu ssion of
co lori nes and pi ule.
( After H eim and Wasson . )
Typical icons probably associated with mushroom cults dating back
3 ,000 years in Guatemala.
mainly from the extensive descriptions written by the
Spanish clerics. For th is we owe them a great debt.
One chron icler, writing in the mid- 1 5 00 's, after the
conquest of Mexico, referred freq uently to those mush­
rooms " which are harm fu l and intox icate like wine, "
so that those who eat them " see visions, feel a faint­
ness of h eart and are provoked to l u st' '; the natives
" when they begin to get excited by them sta rt danc­
ing, singing, weeping. Some do not want to eat but
sit down . . . and see themselves dying in a vision;
others see them selves being eaten by a wild beast;
others imagine that they are captu ring prisoners of wa r,
that they are rich, that they possess many slaves, that
they had committed adultery and were to have their
heads crushed for the offense.
A work of Aztec medicine mentions three kinds of
intoxicating mushrooms. One, teyhuintl i, cau ses " mad­
ness that on occasion is lasting, of which the symptom
is an uncontro llable laughter; there are others which
. . . bring before the eyes all sorts of things, such as
wars and the l i keness of demon s. Yet others are not
less desired by princes for their festivals and banquets,
and these fetch a high price. With night-long vigils are
they sought, awesome and terrifying. "
Deta il from fresco ot Socuala, Teotihuacan , Mexi co, showing four
greenish ' ' m ushrooms" that seem to be emerging from the mouth of
a god , possibly the S u n God .
SPANISH OPPOSITION to the Aztecs ' worship of pagan
de ities with
t he sacramental aid of mushrooms
t he
Me xico
hated and attacked the religious use of al l hallucinogens
-peyote, ololiu q ui, toloache, and others-teonanacat l
was t he target of special wrath. Their religious fanati­
cism was drawn especially toward this despised and
feared form of plant life that, through its vision-giving
powers, held the Indian in awe, allowing him to com­
mune direct ly with his gods. The new religion, Christi­
anity, had nothing so attractive to offer him. Trying to
stamp out the use of the mushrooms, the Spaniards
succeeded only in driving the custom into t he hinter­
lands, where it persists today. Not on l y did it persist,
but the ritual adopted many C hristian aspects, and the
modern ritual is a pagan-Christian blend.
pa gan
g ad
u n derworld
speak s
m u s h room,
teonanocat l , a s represented by a M e x ican a rt i s t i n the 1 6 th ce n t u r y .
( From t h e M a g liab ecchia no Codex, B i bl ioteca N a z i onale, F lorence . )
A 1 6 th-century illustration of teona nacatl ( a ) , the intoxicating mushroom
of the Aztecs , sti l l valued in Mex ican magico-religious rites; identity
of ( b) is unknown. From Sahagun ' s Historic general de las cosas de
Nueva Espana, Vol. IV ( Florentine Codex).
slow in com ing . Driven into hiding by the Spaniards,
the mushroom cult was not encou ntered in Mexico for
four centuries. During that time, a lthough the Mexica n
flora was known to include various toxic mushrooms, it
was believed that the Aztecs had tried to protect their
real sacred plant: they had led the Spaniards to bel ieve
that teonanacatl meant mushroom , when it actua lly
meant peyote. It was pointed out that the symptoms
of mushroom intoxication coincided remarkably with
those described for peyote intoxication and that dried
mushrooms m ight easily have been confused with the
shriveled brown heads of the peyote cactu s . But the
numerous deta iled references by ca refu l writers, in­
cluding medica l men trained in bota ny, a rgued agai nst
th is theory.
Not until the 1 93 0 ' s were botanists able to identi fy
specimens of mushrooms found in actual use in divino­
tory rites in Mexico . later work has shown that more
than 20 species of mushrooms are simi larly employed
among seven or eight tribes in southern Mexico.
of the Maze­
tee Indians of northeastern Oaxaca illustrates the im­
portance of the ritual in present-day Mexico and how
the sacred character of these plants has persisted from
pre-conquest times . The divine mush rooms are gathered
during the new moon on the hillsides before dawn by
a virgin; they are often consecrated on the altar of the
loca l Catholic church . Their strange growth pattern helps
make mushrooms mysterious and awesome to the Maze­
tee, who ca ll them ' nti-si-tho, mean ing " worshipfu l ob­
ject that springs forth. " They believe that the m ushroom
springs up miracu lously and that it may be sent from
outer realms on thunderbolts. As one Indian put it
poetically: " The little mushroom comes of itself, no one
knows whence, like the wind that comes we know not
when or why. "
The all-night Mazatec ceremony, led usual ly by a
woman shaman (curandera) , comprises long, complicated,
and curiously repetitious chants, percussive beats, and
Curandera with Mazatec patient and dish af sacred mushrooms.
Scene is typical of the all-night mushroom ceremony. Curandera is
under the influence of the mushrooms.
prayers. Often a curing rite takes place during which
the practitioner, through the " power " of the sacred
mushrooms, communicates and intercedes with super­
natural forces. There is no question of the vibrant
relevance of the mushroom ritua ls to modern I nd ian
life in southern Mexico. None of the attraction of
these divine mushrooms has been lost as a result of
contact with Christianity or modern ideas. The spirit of
reverence characteristic of the mushroom ceremony is as
profound as that of any of the world ' s great religions.
KINDS O F M USHROOM S USE D by different shamans
are determined partly by personal preference and partly
by the purpose of the use. Seasona l and regional
availability also have a bearing on the choice. Stropharia
cubensis and Psilocybe mexicana may be the most com­
monly employed, but half a dozen other species of
Psilocybe as well as Conocybe siliginoides and Panaeo/us
sphinctrinus are also important. The native names are
colorful and sometimes significant. Psi/ocybe aztecorum
is called "chi ldren of the waters" ; P. zapotecorum,
" crown-of-thorns mush room " ; and P. caerulescens
va r. nigripes, " m ushroom of superior reason . " (See il­
lustrations on pp. 66-67) . The possibility exists that
other hallucinogenic species of mushrooms are also used.
It is possible, too, that Psilocybe species are used as
inebriants outside of Mexico. P. yungensis has been
suggested as the mysterious " tree mushroom " that early
Jesuit missionaries reported as being employed by the
Yurimagua I ndians of Amazon ian Peru as the source of
a potent intoxicating beverage. This species is known to
contain an ha l lucinogen ic principle. Field work in modern
times, however, has not disclosed the narcotic use of
any mushrooms in the Amazon area .
include m uscular
relaxation or limpness, pupil enlargement, hilarity,
and d ifficulty in concentration. The mushrooms cause
both visual and auditory hallucinations. Visions are
breathtakingly lifelike, in color, and in constant motion .
They are followed by lassitude, menta l and physica l
depression, and alteration of time and space percep­
tion. The user seems to be isolated from the world
around h im; without loss of consciousness, he becomes
wholly ind ifferent to his surroundings, and his dream­
like state becomes rea lity to him. Th is pecu liarity of
the intoxication makes it interesting to psychiatrists .
One investigator who ate mushroom s in a Mexican
Indian ceremony wrote that " your body lies in the
darkness, heavy as lead, but you r spirit seems to soar
. . . and with the speed of thought to travel where it
listeth , in time and space, accompan ied by the shama n ' s
singing . . . What you are seeing and . . . hearing
appear as one; the m usic assumes harmonious shapes,
giving visual form to its harmonies, a nd what you a re
seeing takes on the moda lities of music- the music of
the spheres.
"All your senses are similarly aff e cted; the cigarette
. . . smel ls as no ciga rette before had ever smelled;
the glass of simple water is infinitely better than cham­
pagne . . . the bemushroomed person is poised in
space, a d isembodied eye, invisible, incorporeal, seeing
but not seen . . . he is the five senses disembod ied . . .
your soul is free, loses all sense of time, alert as it
never was before, living a n eternity in a n ight, seeing
infinity in a grain of sand . . . [The visions may be of]
almost anything . . . except the scenes of your every­
day life . " As with other hallucinogens, the effects of
the mushrooms may vary with mood and setting .
A scientist' s description of his experience after eating
32 d ried specimens of Psilocybe mexicana was as fol­
lows: " . . . When the doctor supervising the experiment
bent over me . . . he was transformed into an Aztec
priest, and I would not have been aston ished if he had
drawn an obsidian knife . . . it amused me to see how
the Germanic face . . . had acqu ired a purely Indian
expression. At the pea k of the intox ication . . . the
rush of interior pictures, mostly abstract m otifs rapidly
chang ing in shape and color, reached such an alarm ing
degree that I feared that I wou ld be torn into th is
wh irlpool of form and color and wou ld disso lve . After
about six hours, the dream came to an end . . . I felt
my return to everyday reality to be a happy retu rn
from a stra nge, fantastic but quite rea lly experienced
world into an old and fa miliar home. "
of the hallucinogenic mush­
room s has surprised scientists. A wh ite crystalline
tryptamine of unusua l structure- an acidic phosphoric
acid ester of 4-hydroxydimethyltryptam i ne-was iso­
lated . This indole derivative, na med psi locybin , is a
new type of structure, a 4-substituted tryptamine with
a phosphoric acid radical, a type never before known
as a natura lly occu rring constituent of plant tissue.
Some of the mushrooms a lso contain minute amounts
of a nother indolic compound- psilocin-which is un­
stable. While psilocybin has been found also in Euro­
pean and North American mushrooms, a pparently only
in Mexico. and Guatemala have psilocybin-containing
mushrooms been purposefully used for ceremon ial in­
o= P
Psilocin is bel ieved by some
biochemists to be the precursor
of the more stable psilocybi n .
H- C - H
+I I
H /N - - H
H- C- H
- o-
H-C- H
H- C-H
N- C-H
H- C- H
H- C-H
Psi locybin
Psi locin
A laboratory cu lture of Psilocybe m exicana, grown from spores,
an innovation that speeded analysis of the ephemera l mushroom.
( After Heim & Wasson: Les Champignons Hallucinogimes du M exique)
of the Mexican mushrooms
was difficult u ntil they could be cultivated. They are
almost wholly water and great quantities of them are
needed for chemica l analyses because their chemica l
constitution is so ephemeral. The clarification of the
chemistry of the Mexican mushrooms was possible only
because mycologists were able to cultivate the plants
in numbers sufficient to satisfy the need s of the chem­
ists. This accomplishment represents a phase in the study
of ha llucinogenic plants that must be imitated in the
investigation of the chemistry of other narcotics. The
laboratory, in this case, became an efficient substitute
for nature. By providing suitable conditions, scientists
have learned to grow many species in artificial culture.
Cu ltivation of edible mushrooms i s an importa nt
commercial enterprise and was practiced in France early
in the seventeenth century. Cu ltivation for laboratory
studies is a more recent development.
fruit ( 1 i n .
in di ameter)
RAPE DOS INDIOS (Maquira sclero­
phylla; known also as 0/mediopere­
bea sclerophylla) is an enormous
tree of the fig fam i ly, Moraceae.
In the Parlana region of the cen­
tral Amazon in Brazil, the Indi­
ans formerly prepared an hallucino­
genic snuff from the dried fruits.
The snuff was taken in tribal cere­
monials, but encroaching civilization
has obliterated its use.
Further studies of this narcotic
are needed . The prelimina ry chemi­
cal investigations made so fa r
have not indicated what the active
principle may be .
SWEET FLAG (Acorus calamus), also cal led sweet
calomel, grows in damp places in the north and south
temperate regions. A member of the arum fami ly,
Araceae, it is one of two species of Acorus. There i s
some indirect evidence that Indians o f northern Canada,
who employ the plant as a medicine and a stimu lant,
may chew the rootstock as an ha llucinogen . In excessive
doses, it is known to induce strong visual ha llucina­
tions. The intoxicating properties may be due to a -asarone
and /3 -asarone, but the chemistry and pharmacology of
the plant are still poorly understood.
Colombian Indians using a snuffi ng tube fa shioned from bird bone.
VIROLAS (Virola calophy/la, V. calophylloidea, and V.
theiodora) are a mong the most recently discovered hal­
lucinogen ic plants . These jungle trees of medium size
have glossy, dark green leaves with clusters of tiny
yellow flowers that emit a pungent aroma. The intoxi­
cating principles are in the blood-red resin yielded by
the tree bark, wh ich makes a powerful snuff .
Virola trees are native to the New World tropics.
They are members of the nutmeg family, Myristicaceae,
which comprises some 300 species of trees in 1 8 genera.
The best known member of the fa mily is Myristica fra­
gra ns, an Asiatic tree that is the sou rce of nutmeg
and mace.
I n Colombia, the species most often used for hal­
lucinogen ic purposes are Virola calophylla and V. cal­
ophy/loidea, whereas in Brazil and Venezuela the I n­
dians prefer V. theiodora, which seems to yield a more
potent resin.
flower cluster,
Strip of bark from
Virola tree, showing
oozing red resin .
prepared from the bark of Virola
trees by I nd ians of the north­
western Amazon and the head­
waters of the Orinoco. An anthro­
pologist who observed the Yekwana
Indians of Venezuela in their prep­
aration and use of the snuff in 1 909
com mented :
" Of special i nterest a re cures,
during which the witch doctor i n­
hales hakudufha . This is a magical
snuff used exclusively by witch
doctors and prepored from the
bark of a certain tree which,
pounded up, is bailed in a sma l l
earthenware pot, until all the water
has evaporated and a sediment
remains at the bottom of the pot.
"This sediment is toasted in the
pot over a slight flre and i s then
finely powdered with the blade of
a knife. Then the sorcerer blows a
little of the powder through a
reed . . . into the air. Next, he
snuffs, whilst, with the same reed,
he absorbs the powder into each
nostril successively.
' 'The hakudufha obviously has
a strong stimulating effect, for
immediately the witch doctor be­
gins to sing and yel l wild ly, all the
while pitching the u pper port of
his body backwards and forwards. "
Among numerous tribes in eastern Colombia, the
use of Virola snuff , often called yakee or pa rica, is
restricted to shamans. Among the Waik6 or Ya nonamo
tribes of the frontier region of Brazil and Venezuela,
epena or nyakwana, as the snuff is ca lled, is not re­
stricted to medicine men, but may be snuffed cere­
monially by all adult males or even taken occasionally
without any ritua l basis by men individually. The medi­
cine men of these tribes take the snuff to induce a
trance that is believed to aid them in d iagnosing and
treating illness.
Although the use of the snuff a mong the Indians of
South America had been described earlier, its source
was not definitely identified as the Virola tree u ntil 1 954 .
Waiko I ndian scraping Virola
resi n into pot, preparatory to
cook ing it.
ferent Indians. Some scrape the soft inner layer of the
ba rk and dry the shavings gently over a flre. The shav­
ings are stored for later use. When the snuff is needed,
the shavings are pu lverized by poundi ng with a pestle
in a mortar made from the fruit case of the Brazi l-nut
tree . The resu lting powder is sifted to a flne, pungent
brown dust. To this may be added the powdered leaves
of a smal l, sweet-scented weed , Justicia, and the ashes
of amasita, the bark of a beautiful tree, Elizabetha
princeps. The snuff is then ready for use .
Other Indians fell the tree, strip off and gently heat
the bark, collect the resin in an earthenware pot, bail
Dried Justicia leaves ore g round
before being added to snuff.
it down to a th ick paste, sun-dry the paste, crush it
with a stone, and sift it. Ashes of severa l barks a nd
the leaf powder of Justicia may or may not be added .
Stil l other Indians knead the inner shavings of
freshly stripped bark to squeeze out all the resin a nd
then bai l down the resin to get a thick paste that is
sun-dried a nd prepared into snuff with ashes added .
The same resin, applied directly to arrowheads and
congealed in smoke, is one of the Waika arrow poisons.
When supplies of snuff are u sed up in ceremonies, the
Indians often scrape the hardened resin from arrow
tips to use it as a substitute. It seems to be as potent
as the snuff itself.
Woika I ndian sifting ground
Justicio leaves to make fine pow­
der for additive to Virolo snuff.
A SNUFF-TAKING CEREMONY is cond ucted annually
by many Waika tribes to memoria lize those who have
died the previous year. Endocannibalism comprises part
of the rite; the ashes of calcined banes of the depa rted
are m ixed into a fermented ba nana drink and are
swallowed with the beverage.
The ceremony takes place in a large round house.
Fol lowing initial chanting by a master of ceremony, the
men and older bays form groups and blow huge amounts
of snuff through long tubes into each other' s nostrils
( p . 74 ) . They then begin to dance and to run wi ld ly,
shouting, brandishing weapons, and making gestures of
bravado. Pairs or groups engage in a strange ritua l in
wh ich one participant thrusts out his chest and is pounded
forcefu lly with fists, clubs, or rocks by a companion,
who then offers his own chest for reciprocation . Although
th is punishment, in retribution for real or imagined
grievances, often draws blood , the effects of the na r­
cotic are so strong that the men do not flinch or show
signs of pai n . The opponents then squat, throw their
arms about each other,
and shout into one another' s
ears. All begin hopping
and crawling across the
floor in imitation of ani­
mals. Eventually all suc­
cumb to the d rug, losing
consciousness for up to
ha lf on hour. Hallucina­
tions ore said to be ex­
perienced during this time.
Wa ika round house in
clearing in Amazon forest.
EFFECTS OF VIROLA SNUFF are felt within minutes
from the time of in itia l use. First there is a feeling of
increasing excitability. This is fol lowed by a numbness
of the limbs, a twitching of the face, a lack of m uscular
coo rdination, nasal discha rges, nausea , and, freq uently,
vomiting . Macropsia-the sensation of seeing th ings
greatly enlarged-is characteristic and enters into Waik6
beliefs a bout heku las, the spirit forces dwell i ng in the
Virola tree and control ling the affairs of man . During
the intoxication, medicine men often wildly gesticu late,
fighting these gigantic hekulas.
CAUSE O F T HE NARCOT IC EFFECT of Virola has been
shown by recent studies to be an exceptiona l ly high con­
centration of tryptamine alka loids in the resin. Wa ik6
snuff prepared exclusively from the resin of Virola
theiodora has up to 8 percent of tryptamines, mainly
the highly active 5 -methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine.
Two new alkaloids of a different type-,8-carbolines­
have also been found in the resin; they act as monoamine
oxidase inhibitors and make it possible for the tryptamines
to take eff e ct when the resin is taken orally.
snuffi ng it are sometimes employed. The primitive nomadic
Maku of Colombia often merely scrape resin from the
bark of the tree and l ick it in crude form . The Witoto,
Bora, and Muinane of Colombia prepare little pel lets
from the resin, a nd these are eaten when, to practice
witchcraft or diag nose disease, the medicine men wish
to " ta l k with the spirit people " ; the intoxication begins
five minutes after ingestion. There is .s ome vague evi­
dence that certain Venezuelan natives may smoke the
bark to get the intoxicating eff e cts.
Waika Indians is one of the recent discoveries in the
study of curare. The red resin from the bark of Virola
theiodora is smeared on an arrow or dart, wh ich is
then gently heated in the smoke of a flre ( shown in
the i l l ustration below) to harden the resin . The killing
action of the poison is s low. The chemica l constituent
of the resin responsible for this action is sti l l unknown.
It is intere sting that although the arrows a re tipped
while the hal lucinogen ic snuff is being prepared from
resin from the same tree, the two operations are car­
ried out by d ifferent medicine men of the sa me tribe.
Many other plants are employed in South America in
preparing arrow poisons, most of them members of the
families Loganiaceae and Menispermaceae.
Wa ik6 I ndian holding poison
darts i n smoky fire to congeal
Virola resin, appl ied by d ipping
or spreading with fingers.
MASHA-HARI (Justicia pectoralis var . stenophylla) is a
sma l l herb cultivated by the Waika I nd ians of the
Brazilian-Venezuelan frontier region . The ciromatic leaves
are occasionally dried, powdered, and mixed with the
hal l ucinogenic snuff made from resin of the Virola tree.
Other species of Justicia have been reported to be em­
ployed in that region as the sole source of a narcotic
Hallucinogenic constituents have not yet been found
in Justicia, but if any species of the genus is uti lized a s
the only ingred ient o f a n intoxicating snuff, then one or
more active constituents must be present. The 300
species of Justicia, members of the acanthus fam ily,
Acanthaceae, grow in the tropics a nd subtropics of both
JUREMA (Mimosa hostilis) is a poorly u nderstood shrub,
the roots of which provide the " m i raculous j u rema d rink, "
known in eastern Brazi l as ajuco or vinho de juremo.
Other species of Mimosa ore also loca l ly called jurema.
Several tribes in Pernambuco-the Kariri·, Pankaruru,
Tusha, and Ful nio-consume the beverage in ceremonies.
Usually connected with warfa re, the hallucinogen was
used by now extinct tribes of the area to ' pass the
night navigating through the depths of slumber " just
prior to sallying forth to war. They would see " glorious
visions of the spirit land . . . ( or) catch a g l i mpse of
the clashing rocks that destroy souls of the dead jour­
neying to their gool or see the Thunderbird shooting
lightni ng from a h uge tuft on his head a nd producing
claps of thunder . . . " It appears, however, that the
ha llucinogen ic use of M. hostilis has nearly disappeared
in recent times.
Little is known about the hallucinogenic properties of
th is plant, which was discovered more than 1 50 years
ago. Early chemical studies indicated an active alka­
loid g iven the name nigerine but later shown to be
identical with N, N-di methyltryptamine. Since the tryp­
tamines are not active when taken ora l ly unless in the
presence of a monoam ine oxidase inhibitor, it is obvious
that the jurema drink must conta in ingredients other than
M. hostilis or that the plant itself must contain an in­
hibitor in its tissues.
The genus Mimosa, closely allied to Acacia and
Anadenanthera, comprises some 500 species of tropica l
and subtropical herbs and small shrubs. The mimosas
belong to the subfamily Mi mosoideae of the bea n family,
Leguminosae. Most of them are American, although some
occur in Africa a nd Asia. Jurema is native on ly to the
dry reg ions of eastern Brazil.
single flower,
or PARICA (Anadenanthera peregrina or Pipta­
denia peregrina) is a South American tree of the bean
family, Legum i nosae . A potent hallucinogenic snuff is
prepared from the seeds of this tree . The snuff , now
used mainly in the Orinoco basin, was first reported
from Hispaniola in 1 496, where the Tai na Indians ca l led
it cohoba. Its use, which has died out in the West Indies,
was u ndoubtedly i ntroduced to the Caribbea n area by
Indian invaders from South America .
The hallucinogenic principles found in A. peregrina
seeds include N, N-d imethyltryptam ine, N-monomethyl­
tryptamine, 5 -methoxydimethyltryptamine, and severa l
related bases. Bufotenine, also present in A. p e regrina
seeds, apporently is not hal l ucinogen ic. Elucidation of
the chemico l make-up of the seeds of the yopo tree ha s
only recently been accompl ished. Future studies may
i ncrea se our knowledge of the active principle of these
varies somewhat
from tribe to tribe. The pods, which are borne pro­
fu sely on the yopo tree , are Aat and deeply con­
stricted between each seed. Gray-black when ripe ,
the seed pods break open, exposing from three to
about ten Aat seeds, or beans. These a re gathered
during January and February, usually in large qua ntities
and often ceremonially. They are first slightly moistened
and rolled into a paste, which is then roasted gently
over a slow fire until it is dried out and toasted . Some­
times the beans are allowed to ferment before being
rol l ed into a paste. After the toasting, the ha rdened
paste may be stored for later use. Some Indians toast
the beans a nd crush them without mold i ng them into
a paste, grind i ng them usually on an ornate slab of
hardwood made especially for the purpose.
Severa l early explore rs described the process.
In 1 80 1 Alexander von Humboldt, the German naturalist
and explorer, detailed the preparation of yopo by the
Maipures of the Orinoco. In 1 85 1 , Richard Spruce, an
English explorer, visited the Guah ibos, another tribe of
the Orinoco, and wrote: " In preparing the snuff, the
roasted seeds of n iopo are placed in a shallow wooden
platter that is held on the knee by means of a brood
hand l e g rasped firmly with the left hand; then crushed
by a sma l l pestle of the hard wood of pao d ' arco . . .
wh ich is held between the fingers a nd thumb of the
right hand . "
The resulting grayish-green powder is almost always
mixed with about equal amounts of some alkaline sub­
stance, which may be lime from snail shel l s or the
ashes of plant materia l . Apparently, the ashes are made
from a great variety of plant materials: the burned fruit
of the monkey pot, the bork of many d ifferent vines
and trees, and even the roots of sedges. The addition
of the ashes probably serves a merely mechanica l pur­
pose: to keep the snuff from caking in the humid climate.
The addition of lime or ashes to narcotic or stimu­
lant preparation s is a very widespread custom in both
hemispheres. They are often added to betel chew,
pituri, tobacco, epena snuff, coca, etc. In the case of
yopo snuff , the a l ka l ine admixture seem s not to be es­
sential. Some Indians, such as the Guahibos, may oc­
casional ly take the powder a lone. The explorer Alex­
ander von Humboldt, who encountered the use of yopo
in the Orinoco 1 75 yea rs ago, mista kenly stated that
" . . . it is not to be believed that the niopo acacia
pods are the chief cause of the stimulating effects of
the snuff . . . The effects are due to freshly calcined
lime . " In his time, of course, the presence of active
tryptamines in the beans was unknown .
snuffing tube
with shaft
of reed and
a palm fruit
snuffing tube
with palm
fruit nosepieces
or crushers
mortar troy
for grindi.n g
yapo seeds
Snuffi ng Parapherna lia
A yopo tree (Anodenanthera peregrina) in Amazon ian Brazil. The
seeds of this tree are the source of a potent hallucinogenic snuff.
Yopo snuff is inhaled through ho l low bird-bone or
bamboo tubes. The effe cts begin almost immediately:
a twitching of the muscles, sl ight convu lsions, and lack
of muscular coordination, followed by nausea, visual
ha l l ucination s, a nd disturbed s leep . An abnorma l
exaggeration of the size of objects ( macropsia) is
common. In an early description, the Indians say that
their houses seem to ' ' . . . be turned upside down and
that men are walking on their feet in the a ir. "
South American Indians of the u pper Orinoco region in characteristic
gesticu lating postures while under the influence of yopo snuff.
are snuffs believed to have been
prepared in the past from the beans
of Anadenanthera
colubrina and its variety cebi/ in central and southern
South America, where A. pe re g ri n a does not occur. A .
colubrina seeds are known t o possess the same hallu­
cinogenic principles as A. pe re g rina (see p. 86 ) .
An early Peruvian report, dated about
1 57 1 ,
that Inca medicine men foretold the future by communi­
with the
devil through the
Argentina, the early
of vilca,
Spaniards found the
Comechin Indians taking seb il "through the nose" to
intoxicated, and in
plant was chewed for endurance . Since these Indian
snuffs and their use is lim ited.
Ancient Snuffi ng Instruments
wooden mortar
and pestle
with i n c ised
Bol iv ia
snuff tray with
bi rd-head designs;
( Cytisus canariensis) is employed as an hal l uci­
nogen in the magic practices of Yaqui medicine men
in northern Mexico. Native to the Canary I s lands, the
plant was introduced into Mexico. Rarely does any
nonindigenous plant find its way into the religious and
magic customs of a people. Known also by the scientific
nome G enista canariensis, this species is the " genista "
of florists.
Plants of the genus Cytisus ore rich in cytisine, on
alkaloid of the lupine group. The alka loid has never
been pharmacologica l ly d emonstrated to hove ha l luci­
nogenic activity, but it is known to be toxic a nd to cause
nausea, convulsions, and death through failure of
respiration .
About 80 species of Cytisus, belong i ng to the bean
family, Leguminosae, ore known in the Atlantic islands,
Europe , and the Medite rranean area . Some species
are h ighly ornamental; some ore poisonous.
MESCAL BEAN ( Sophora secundiflora), a lso cal led red
bean or coralillo, is a shrub or smal l tree with s ilvery
pods conta ining up to six or seven red beans or seeds.
Before the peyote relig ion spread north of the Rio
Grande, at least 1 2 tribes of Indians in northern Mexi­
co, New Mexico, and Texas practiced the vision -seeking
Red Bean Dance centered around the ingestion of a
drink prepared from these seeds. Known also as the
Wichita, Deer, or Whistle Dance, the ceremony util ized
the beans as an oracular, divinatory, and ha llucino­
genic medium.
Beca use the red bean drink was highly toxic, often
resulting in death from overdoses, the arriva l of
a more spectacular a nd safer ha flucinogen in the form
of the peyote cactus ( see p. 1 1 4 ) led the natives to
abandon the Red Bean Dance. Sacred elements do not
often disappear completely from a cu lture; today the
seeds a re used as an adornment on the uniform of
the leader of the peyote ceremony .
An early Span ish explorer mentioned mesca l beans
as an article of trade in Texas in 1 5 3 9 . Mescal bean s
have been found at sites dating before A . D . 1 000,
with one site dating back to 1 500 B.C. Archaeologica l
evidence th us po ints to the existence of a prehistoric
cult or ceremony that used the red beans.
The alka loid cytisine is present i n the beans. It
causes nausea, convulsions, and death from asphyxiation
th rough its depressive action on the diaphragm .
The mescal bean is a member of the bean fam i ly,
Leguminosae . Sophora comprises about 50 species
that are native to tropical and warm parts of both
hemispheres. One species, S. japonica, is medicinally
important as a good source of rutin, used in modern
medicine for treating capi l lary fragi lity .
Sophora secundiflora
{ woody pod)
ceremonial neck lace
{ Kiowa tribe, Anadarko, Oklahoma)
COLORINES ( several species of Erythrina) may be used
as hallucinogens in some parts of Mexico. The bright
red beans of these plants resemble mesca l beans
( see p . 94 ) , long used as a narcotic in northern Mexico
and in the American Southwest. Both beans are some­
times sold mixed together in herb markets, and the
mescal bean plant is sometimes called by the same com­
mon name, colorin.
Some species of Erythrina contain a l kaloids of the
isoquinoline type, which elicit activity resembling that
of curare or arrow poisons, but no alkaloids known
to possess ha l lucinogen ic properties have yet been
found in these seeds.
Some 50 species of Erythrina, membe rs of the bean
family, leguminosae, grow in the tropics and subtropics
of both hemispheres.
fru i t ing
bran c h
( several
e n la rged
of Rhynchosia)
have beautiful
red and black seeds that may have been valued as a
narcotic by ancient Mexicans. What appear to be these
seeds have bee n pictured, together with mushrooms,
falling from the hand of the Aztec
Tepantitla fresco of A . D. 300-400
rain god in the
( see
gesting hallucinogenic use . Modern I ndians in southern
Mexico refer to them as piule, one of the names also
applied to the hallucinogenic morning-glory seeds .
Seeds of some species
of Rhynchosia
positive alkaloid tests, but the toxic principles have
still not been characterized .
Some 300 species of Rhynchosia, belongi n g to the
bean family, Leguminosae, are known from the tropics
and subtropics.
The seeds of some species are
portan t in fo lk medicine in several cou ntries.
AY AHUASCA and CAAPI are two
of many loca l names for either of
two species of a South American
vine: Banisteriopsis caapi or 8.
inebrians. Both are gigantic jungle
l ianas with tiny pink flowers. Like
the approximately 1 00 other species
in the genus, their botany is poorly
understood. They belong to the
family Malpighiaceae .
An hallucinogenic d rink made from
the bark of these vines is widely
used by Indians i n the western Ama­
zon- Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecua­
dor, and Bolivia. Other loca l names
for the vines or the d rink made
from them are dopa, natema, pinde,
and yaje. The d rink is intensely
bitter and nauseating .
I n Peru and Ecuador, the drink
is made by rasping the bark and
boi ling it. In Colombia a nd Brazi l,
the scraped bark is squeezed in
cold water to make the drink. Some
tribes add other plants to alter
or to increase the potency of the
drink. In some ports of the Orinoco,
the bark is simply chewed. Recent
evidence suggests that i n the
northwestern Amazon the plants
may be used in the form of snuff .
Ayahuasca is popu lar for its " tele­
pathic properties," for which, of
course, there is no scientific bosis.
EARLIEST PUBLISHED REPORTS of ayahuasca date from
1 85 8 but in 1 85 1 Richard Spruce, an English ex­
plorer, had discovered the plant from which the in­
toxicating drink was made and described it as a new
species. Spruce also reported that the Guahibos along
the Orinoco River in Venezuela chewed the d ried stem
for its effects instead of preparing a drink from the bark.
Spruce collected floweri ng material and also stems for
chemica l study . Interestingly, these stems were not
analyzed unti l 1 969, but even after more than a cen­
tu ry, they gave resu lts ( p. 1 0 3 ) i ndicating the presence
of alkaloids .
In the years since Spruce 's d iscovery, many explorers
and travelers who passed through the western Amazon
region wrote about the drug. It is widely known in the
Amazon but the whole story of this plant is yet to be
unraveled . Some writers have even confused ayahuasca
with completely different narcotic p lants.
Colorado Indian from Ecuador rasping the bark of Banisteriopsis­
a step in preparation of the narcotic ayohuasca drink.
1 00
two examples of
pottery vessels
used in
The ceremonial vessel used in the ayahuasca ritual is a lways hung
by the I ndians under the eaves at the right side of a house. Although
occasional ly redecorated, it i s never woshed .
EFFECTS of d rinking aya huasca range from a pleasant
intoxication with no hangover to violent reactions with
sickening after-effects. Usua lly there are visual ha llucina­
tions in color. In excessive doses, the d rug brings on
nightmarish visions and a feeling of reckless abandon.
Consciousness is usua l ly not lost, nor is there i mpairment
of the use of the l imbs. In fact, dancing is a major pa rt
of the ayah uasca ceremony in some tribes. The intoxication
ends with a deep sleep and d reams.
An ayahuasca intoxic ation is difficult to describe.
The effect of the active principles varies from person to
person. In addition, prepa ration of the drink varie s
from o n e region to another, and variou s plant additive s
may a l so a lter the eff e cts .
1 01
The Yuruparf ceremony in the Colombian Amazon i nvolves ritual
ayahuasca intoxi cation. The I ndians are blowing sacred bark flutes.
CEREMONIAL USES of ayahuasca are of major impor­
tance in the l ives of South American I ndian s. In eastern
Peru, medicine men take the drug to diagnose and treat
diseases. In Colombia and Brazil, the d rug is employed
in deeply religious ceremonies that are roated in tribal
mythology. In the famous Yurupari ceremony of the
Tukanoan I nd ians of Amazonian Colombia- a ceremony
that initiates adolescent boys into manhood-the drug
is given to fortify those who must undergo the severely
painful o rdea l that forms a part of the rite.
The intoxication of ayahuasca or caapi among these
Indians is thought to represent a return to the origin
of all things: the u ser " sees" tribal god s and the
creation of the universe and of man and the animals.
Th is experience convinces the Indians of the reality of
their rel igious beliefs, because they have " seen " every­
th ing that underl ies them. To them, everyday life is
unreal, and what caapi brings them is the true reality.
1 02
CHEMICAL STUDIES of the two ayahuasca vines have
suff e red from the botan ical confusion surround ing them.
However, it appears that both species owe their ha l l u­
cinogenic activity prima rily to harmine, the major
,8-carboline alkaloid in the plants. Harmaline and
tetrahydroharmine, alkaloids present in m i nor amounts,
may also contribute to the intoxication . Early chemica l
studies isolated these several a l ka loids but did not
recognize their identity. They were given names as " new "
alkaloids. One of these names-telepath ine- is a n
ind ication o f the widespread belief that the drink pre­
pared from these vines gave the Indian med icine m en
telepathic powers.
Harm ine
C H ,O
Harmal ine
Tetrahyd roharm ine
Chem ical formulas of Bonisteriopsis caapi and 8. inebrians alkaloids.
Indole nucleus is shown in red.
1 03
the preparation of the ha llucinogenic drink are a mazingly
diverse and include even ferns. Several are now known
to be active themselves and to alter effectively the
properties of the basic drink. Among these are Datura
suaveo/ens ( p. 1 45 ) and a species of 8runfelsia ( p.
1 40)- both members of the nightshade family, Solana­
ceae, and both containing active principles.
Two additives, employed over a wide area by many
tribes, are especial ly sign ificant. The leaves ( but not
the bark) of a third species of 8anisteriopsis- 8.
rusbyana- are often added to the preparation " to
lengthen and brighten the vision s. ' ' Cal led oco-yaje
in the western most Amazon reg ion of Colombia and
Ecuador, the Iiana is cultivated for th is purpose, along
with 8. caapi and 8. inebrians.
Over a much wider area, including Amazonian Brazi l,
Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru , the leaves of several
species of Psychotria- especia l ly P. viridis- are added.
This 20-foot forest treelet belongs to the coffee fam ily,
Rubiaceae. Like 8. rusbyana, it has been found recently
to contain the strongly hallucinogenic N, N-dimethyl­
N, N-Dimethyltryptamine ( DMT)
1 04
ANOTHER KIND OF CAAPI is prepared from Tetrapteris
methystica, a forest vine also belong ing to the family
Malpigh iaceae. One group of Maku Indians of the
northwesternmost part of the Brazilian Amazon prepares
a cold-water drink from the bark. There is no other plant
i ng redient. The drink is very bitter and has an u nusual
yel low hue. Th is may be the " second kind" of caapi
mentioned by several explorers as caapi-pinima, meaning
" pa inted caapi . "
Although T. methystica prod uces effects identica l with
those of Banisteriopsis caapi, we still know nothing of
its chemistry. However, it is closely related to Banisteriop­
sis and there is every probability that similar or iden­
tical alkaloids are present.
There are 90 species of Tetrapteris-vines a nd sma l l
trees found throughout the humid American tropics.
( Coriaria thymifolia) is a widespread Andean
shrub long recogn ized as very poisonous to cattle. It
has recently been reported as one of the plants used
as an hallucinogen by peasants in Ecuad or . Shanshi is
their name for the plant. The fruits are eaten for their
intox icating
flight. The weird effects are due possibly to an un­
identified glycoside, but the chemistry of this species
is still poorly understood. Shanshi is one of 1 5 species
Coriaria, most of which are shrubs. They are found
Med iterranean area eastward to Japan, and also in New
Coriaria is the only known genus in the
family, Coriariaceae.
1 07
SINICUICHI (Heimia salicifolia) i s a poorly u nderstood
but fascinating auditory hallucinogen of central Mexico.
Its leaves, slightly wilted, are crushed a nd sooked in
water. The resulting juice is put in the sun to fer­
ment into a slightly i ntoxicating drink that causes
giddiness, darkening of the surroundings, shrinkage of
the world, and drowsiness or euphoria. Either deafness
or auditory hallucinations may result, with voices or
sounds distorted and seeming to come from a distance.
Partakers claim that unpleasant after-effects are rare,
but excessive drinking of the i ntoxicant can be quite
Sinicuichi is a name given also to other plants that
are important both medica lly and as intoxicants in
various parts of Mexico . Other intoxicating sinicuich is
are Erythrina, Rhynchosia, and Piscidia, but Heimia
s a lici fo lia commands the greatest respect. With the
closely related H. myrtifolia, it has interesting uses in folk
medicine. Only in Mexico, however, is the hallucinogen ic
use i mportant.
Heimia belongs to the loosestrife fami ly, Lythraceae,
and represents an American genus of three hardly
disting uishable species that range in the highlands from
southern U nited States to Argentina. Presence of ha lluci­
nogenic principles was unknown i n this family, but
chemists have recently found six a l ka loids in Heim ia
salicifolia. They belong to the q uinolizidine group. One,
cryogenine or vertine, appears to be the most active,
althoug h the ha llucinogenic effects fol lowi ng i ngestion
of the total plant have not yet been duplicated by any
of the alkaloids isolated thus far. Th is provides us with
another example of the often appreciable difference be­
tween the effects of drugs taken as natura l products
and the effects of their purified chemical constituents .
1 08
Heimio solicifolia
1 09
( flowers are
and very
( spines often
(Trichocereus pachanoi) is a large colum­
nar cactu s widely cultivated as an hallucinogen in the
Andes of Peru , Ecuador, and Bo livia . The natives, who
also call it aguacolla or giganton, recognize severa l
" kinds, " wh ich differ ma inly in the number of ribs,
the most common type having seven. Th is cactus is
sometimes planted along fields as a fence row to keep
sheep and cattle from roaming.
An intoxicating drink called cimora is made from
the San Pedro cactus. Short lengths of the stem, often
sold in native markets, a re sliced like loaves of bread
and then boi led in water for several hours, sometimes
with superstitious objects such as cemetery d ust and
powdered bones.
Although cimora is often made from San Ped ro a lone,
several field researchers indicate that a variety of
I 10
of stem
From collection of Munson·Williams-Proctor Institute-Utica,
other plants may sometimes be added to the brew. These
include the cactu s Neoraimondia macrostibas, an Andean
species the chemistry of wh ich has not yet been deter­
mined; the shrub Pedilanthus tithym alo ides of the cos­
tor oil fami ly; and the companulaceous /sotoma longi­
flora. All these plants may have biodynamic constituents.
On occasion, other more obviously potent plants ore
added D atura, for example .
Only recently have researchers become awa re
of the importance of the " secondary " p lant ingre­
dients often employed by primitive societies. The fact
that mesca line occurs in the San Pedro cactus does not
mean that the drink prepared from it may not be altered
by the addition of other plants, although the sign ifi­
cance of the add itives in changing the hallucinogenic
effects of the brew is sti ll not fu l ly understood .
1 1 1
Cimora is the basis of a folk healing cere mony
that combines a ncient i ndigenous ritual with imported
Christian elements. An observer has described the plant
as ' ' the catalyst that activates all the complex forces at
work in a folk healing session, especially the vision­
ary and divinatory powers" of the native medicine man.
But the powers of San Pedro are supposed to extend
beyond medicine; it is said to guard houses like a dog,
having the ability to whistle in such u nearth ly fashion
that intruders flee in terror.
Although San Pedro is not closely related botan­
ically to peyote, the same a lkaloid, mescal i ne, is re­
sponsible for the visual hallucinations caused by both.
Mescal ine has been isolated not only from San Pedro
but from another species of Trichocereus. Chemica l
studies of Trichocereus are very recent, and therefore
it is possible that additional alkaloids may yet be
found i n T. pachanoi.
Trichocereus comprises about 40 species of columnar
cacti that grow in subtropica l a nd temperate ports of
the Andes.
There is no reason to suppose that the use of the
San Pedro cactus in hallucinogenic and divinatory rit­
ual s does not have a long history. We must recognize,
certainly, that the modern use has been affected greatly
by Christian i nfluences. These infl uences a re evident
even in the naming of the cactus after Saint Peter, pos­
sibly stemming from the Christian belief that Sa int
Peter holds the keys to heaven. But the overall con­
text of the ritual a nd our modern understanding of the
San Pedro cult, which is connected inti mately with moon
mythology, leads us to believe that it represents an
authentic amalgam of pagan a nd Christian elements.
Its use seems to be spread ing in Peru.
Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum
tip of
Cowe, or Pachycereus p ecten-aboriginum, i s one of the plants com­
bined with the Son Pedro cactus by the Torohumore of Mexico. It is
not defin itely known whether this tol l organ cactus is hall ucinogenic.
1 13
Lophophora williamsii
plant in flower,
with accessory heads
PEYOTE ( Lophophora williamsii), an unobtrusive cactus
that grows in rocky deserts, is the most spectacu lar
hallucinogenic plant of the New World . It is also one of
the earliest known. The Aztecs used it, ca l ling it peyotl .
Peyote is a small, fleshy, spineless cactus with a
rounded gray-green top, tufts of white ha ir, and a long
carrotl ike root. It rarely exceeds 71h inches in length or
3 inches across. The Indians cut off the crowns to
sun-dry into brown, discoidal " mesca l buttons " that last
long periods and can be shipped to distant points for
use. When the top is severed, the pla nt often sprouts
new crowns so that many-headed peyotes are common .
Peyote was first described botanically in 1 845 and
1 14
dried peyote cro wns
( mesca l buttons)
flower of
L. williamsii
L. williamsii
whole plant
with tapering
carrotlike root
Lophophora diffuse
called Echinocactus williamsii. It has been given many
other technical names. The one used most commonly by
chemists has been Anhalonium lewinii. Most botanists
now agree peyote belongs in a distinct genus, Lopho­
phora. There are two species: the w idespread L. wil­
liamsii and the local L. diffuse in Quereta ro .
Peyote is native to the Rio Grande va l ley of Texas
and northern and central parts of the Mexican plateau.
It be longs to the cactu s fam ily, Cactaceae, comprising
some 2 ,000 species in 50 to 1 50 g en era, native pri­
marily to the drier parts of tropica l America . Many
species are va lued as horticultural curiosities, and some
have i nteresting folk uses among the I nd ians.
1 15
USE OF PEYOTE BY THE AZTECS was described by
Spanish chroniclers. One reported that those who ate
it saw frig htfu l visions and rema ined drunk for two or
three days; that it was a common food of the Chich­
imeca I ndians, " sustaining them and giving them courage
to flght and not feel fear nor hunger nor thirst; a nd
they say that it protects them from all danger . " In
1 5 9 1 , another chronicler wrote that the native s who
eat it " lose their senses, see visions of terrifying sights
like the devi l, and are able to prophesy their future with
' satanic trickery. ' "
Dr. Hernandez, the physician to the King of Spain,
described the cactus as Peyotl zacatecensis and wrote
of its " wonderfu l properties. " He took note of its
small s ize and described it by saying that " it scarcely
issues from the earth, as if it did not wish to harm those
who flnd and eat it. " Recent archaeologica l flnds of
peyote buttons in the state of Texas are approximately
1 ,000 years old.
was strong among the Spanish conquerors. One early
Spanish ch urch document likened the eating of peyote
to cannibal ism. Upset by the religious hold that peyote
had on the I ndians, the Spanish tried, with great vigor
but little success, to stamp out its use.
By 1 720, the eating of peyote was prohibited th rough­
out Mex ico. But despite four centuries of civil and ec­
clesiastica l persecution, the use and importance of peyote
have spread beyond its early lim ited confines. Today it is
so strongly anchored in native lore that even Christian­
ized I ndians believe that a patron saint- EI Santo Nino
de Peyotl-wa l ks on the hills where peyote grows.
There is continu ing opposition in certain religious
1 16
organization s in the United States to the Indian s ' use
of peyote as a ceremon ial sacrament. Nevertheless,
the federal government has never seriously questioned
or inte rfered with the practice since it is essentially
a religious one. Those tribes living far from sou rces
of peyote-some as fa r north as Canada-can legally
import mescal buttons by mai l . Despite constitutional
guarantees separating ch urch and state, however, a
few states have enforced repressive laws against even
the religious use of peyote .
H uichol I ndian art indicating the importance of peyote in a trinity in­
volving man and the maize plant.
1 17
persists among
the Tarahumare, Huichol, and other Mexican Indians.
The Tarahumare believe that when Father Sun left earth
to dwell above, he left peyote, or hikuli, to cure man ' s
i l l s and woes; that peyote sings and talks a s it grows;
that when gathered it sings happily in its bags all the
way home; and that God speaks through the plant in
this way.
Many legends about the supernatural powers of peyote
underlie its religious importance. It m ight be esteemed
merely as an everyday medicine, but it has been exa lted
to a position of near-divinity. The peyote-collecting
trip of the Huichols, for example, is highly religious,
requi ring pilgrims to forego adult experiences, especially
sexual, for it reenacts the first peyote quest of the
divine ancestors . The pilgrims must confess in order to
become spirit and enter into the sacred country through
the gateway of clashing clouds, a journey wh ich,
according to their tradition, repeats the "journey of the
soul of the dead to the underworld . "
EFFECTS O F PEYOTE o n the mind and body are so
utterly unworldly and fantastic that it is easy to under­
stand the native belief that the cactus must be the
residence of spirit forces or a divinity. The most spectac­
ular of the many effects is the ka leidoscopic play of
indescribably rich, colored visions. Hallucinations of
hearing, feeling, and taste often occur as wel l .
The intoxication may b e divided into two periods:
one of contentment and extrasensitivity, followed by
artificial calm a nd muscu lar sluggishness at which time
the subject begins to pay less attention to his sur­
roundings and increase his introspective "meditation . "
Before visions appear, some three hours after eating
1 18
Parap hernalia u sed in a typical Plains Indian peyote ceremony. Note
the blend of C h ristian and pagan symbol s on the s m ok e-stick.
peyote, there ore flashes and scinti l lations in colors,
their depth and saturation defying description . The
visions often fol low a sequence from geometric figures
to unfamiliar and grotesque objects that vary with the
Though the colored visua l hallucinations undoubtedly
underlie the rapid spread of the use of peyote, espe­
cially in those Indian cultures where the q uest for visions
has always been importa nt, many natives assert that
visions are " not good " and lock rel igious significance.
Peyote ' s reputation as a panacea and a l l-powerful
"medicine" -both in physical and psychic senses ­
may be equally responsible for its spread.
1 19
first came to
public attention about 1 8 80 when the Kiowa and the
Comanche Indians established a peyote ceremony de­
rived from the Mexican but remodeled into a vision­
quest ritual typical of the Plains Indians. Use of peyote
had been recorded earlier, in 1 720, in Texas. How the
use of peyote diffused from Mexico north, far beyond
the natural range of the cactus, is not fully known .
During the 1 8 80's, many Indian missionaries were
active in spreading the peyote ceremony from tribe to
tribe. By 1 920, the peyote cult numbered over 1 3,000
faithful in more than 30 tribes in North America . It
was legally organized, partly for protection against
fierce Christia n-missio na ry persecution , into the Native
American Church, which now claims 250,000 members .
This cult, a combination of Christian and native elements,
teaches brotherly love, high mora l principles, and
abstention from a lcohol . It considers peyote a sacrament
through which God manifests Himself to man.
THE PEYOTE RITUAL as practiced by Indians in the
United States varies somewhat from tribe to tribe.
A typical Plains Indian ceremony takes place weekly
in an a l l-night meeting in a teepee. Worshipers sit in
a circle around a ha l f-moon a l ta r of sand ( see p . 6 ) on
which a large specimen called a " Father Peyote " is
set a nd at which a sacred fire burns. The ashes are
shaped into the form of a thunderbird. The ceremony,
led by a " roadman, " consists of chanting accompanied
by rattle and drum, alternating with prayers, lessons,
testimonies, and occasionally a curing ritual. At night
dried peyote tops ( mescal buttons) are moistened a nd
swallowed-from 4 to 30 or more. The ritual ends with
breakfast at dawn when the teepee is hauled down.
1 20
Indian painting of Peyote "roadman"- leader of the Peyote ceremony.
( Origina l painting is by S tephen Mopape, Kickapao Indian artist; in
collection of Harvard Botanical Museum . )
was described by a scientist who
experienced it as follows : " . . . clouds . . . tai l of
pheasant turns into bright yel low star; star into sparks.
Moving, scintil lating screw; hundreds of screws. A
sequence of rapidly changing objects in agreeable colors .
A rotating wheel in the center of a silvery ground . . .
The upper part of a man with a pale face and red
cheeks, rising slowly from below. Wh ile I am thinking
of a friend, the head of an Indian appears. Beads in
different colors . . . so bright that I doubt my eyes are
closed . . . . Yellow mass like saltwater taffy pierced
by two teeth . Silvery water pouring downward, suddenly
flowing upward . . . exploding shells turn into strange
flowers . . . A drawing of a head turns into a mush­
room, then a skeleton in lateral view . . . Head and
legs are lacking . . . Soft, deep darkness with moving
wheels and stars in . . . pleasant colors. Nuns in silver
dress . . . quickly disappearing. Col lection of bluish
ink bottles with labels. Red, brown ish, and violet threads
running together in the center. Autumn leaves turning
into mescal buttons . . . Man in green ish velvet jumping
into a deep chasm. Strange animal turns into a piece
of wood in horizonta l position . "
i s extremely interesting
and is sti l l subject to intense study by chem ists and
pharmacolog ists. More than 30 active constituents
have been found in the peyote tissues . They are mainly
alkaloids of two types: phenylethylamines and isoquino­
lines. Much pharmacological and psychological research
has been done on mescaline, the alkaloid responsible
for the colored visions, but the effects of most of the
other constituents, alone or in combination, are not wel l
understood .
1 22
C H 30
� I
Anha lamine
An ha line
Mesca l ine
c Hp
C Hp
C H 2.....-
An halonine
C H2_..... 0
'c H3
c Hp
Anha lidine
'c H 3
" FALSE PEYOTES" are other species of cactus used
by the Tarahumare and Huichol Indians of northern
Mexico. One, called hikuli mulato, is believed to make
the eyes so large and clear that the user can see
sorcerers. Thi s small cactus has been identified as
Epithelantha micromeris. A species known as hikuli
sunami (Ariocarpus fissuratus) is said to be more power­
ful than peyote (hikuli ), and the Tarahumare bel ieve
that robbers are powerles s to steal when this cactus
calls soldiers to its aid.
Hikuli wa lula saeliami, meaning " h iku li of greatest
authority, " is so rare that it has not yet been identified,
Epithelantha micromeris
plant in flower,
Ariocarpus fissuratus
fruits, enlarged
but it is reputedly the most powerful of a l l hallucino­
genic cacti. Among the Huichol, tsuwi ri (Ariocarpus
retusus) is considered dangerous to eat; it is be lieved
capable of sorcery and deception, driving a man mad
in the desert if he has not been properly instructed by
the shaman or is not in a state of ritual purity that
allows him to find the true peyote plant.
Noth ing is known of the chemistry of Epithelantha.
Several toxic alka loids, especially anhalonine, have been
found in Ariocarpus, but m esca line is apparently absent.
Pelecyphora aselliformis, another "false peyote, " has
recently been found to contain alkaloids.
Ariocarpus refusus
section af
plant in
Pelecyphora aselliformis
habit of
flower and leaf
flower and leaf
PerneHya p arvifolia
of P. pa rvifolia
of P. fvrens
(Pernettya furens and P.
parvifolia) a re two of about 25 species of Pernettya,
mostly very sma l l subshrubs that grow in the high lands
from Mexico to Chi le, the Galapagos and Fa l kland
islands, Tasmania, and New Zea land. These plants
belong to the heath fam i ly, Ericaceoe, a long with the
cranberry, blueberry, Scotch heather, rhododendron,
and trai ling arbutus. Several species are known to be
toxic to cattle and man, but only these two are known
definitely to be employed as hallucinogens .
Pernettya furens, which in Chile is ca lled h ierba
loco ( " madden ing p lant") or hued hued , has fru its that,
when eaten, can cause mental confusion, madness, and
permanent insanity. The intoxication resembles that
fo llowing the ingestion of Datura.
The fruit of tagl li, of Ecuador, is wel l recogn ized as
poisonous, capable of inducing hallucinations and other
psychic alterations as well as affecting the motor nerves .
Though the chemistry of these and other species of
Pernettya needs further study, it seems that the tox icity
may be due to andromedotoxin, a resinoid, or to
arbutin, a g lycoside. Both compounds are rather com­
mon in this plant family.
1 26
Pernettya furens
1 27
of two species
(Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea violacea) provide Mexi­
can Indians with hallucinogenic seeds. Although the
morning glory family, Convolvulaceae, has been im­
portant as the source of severa l med icines and many
ornamentals, only in recent years has it been discovered
that some of the 1 , 700 temperate and tropical species
contain highly intoxicating pri nciples. I n other parts of
the world the concentration of these principles may be
higher than in the Mexican morning glories, yet they
seem never to have been used as hallucinogens.
Seeds of Rivea corymbosa
Seeds of Ipomoea violacea
Shortly after the conquest of Mexico, Spanish chron­
iclers reported that ololiuqui a nd tlitli ltzin were importa nt
divinatory hallucinogens of Aztec religion, magic, and
medicine. Ololiuqui is a sma ll, round, brown ish seed
from a vine, coatl-xoxouhqui ( "snake plant" ), with
heart-shaped leaves and white flowers; tlitliltzin is a
black, a ngular seed . These were recently identified
respectively as the seeds of Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea
violacea. Since botanical nomenclature in th is family is
not always clear, these two species are sometimes called
Turbine corymbosa and Ipomoea tricolor, respectively.
Whereas much was written about ololi uqu i, tlitliltzin was
merely mentioned in the a ncient writings.
1 28
of the morning glory
cal led ololiuqui were of
major importance to the
Aztecs. O loliuqui is pre­
sumed to have pain-ki lling
properties. Before making
sacrifices, Aztec priests
rubbed themselves with an
ointment of the ashes of
olo l i uqui to benumb the
flesh and lose a l l fea r.
Hernandez, physician to
the King of Spain, wrote
that ' ' when the priests
wanted to commune with
their god s and receive
them ,
they ate this plant to inEarliest
duce a d el irium, a nd a
cor ym ba s a , a lso k nown as alaliuqui ( Hernandez; Rome, 1 65 1 )
thou sand visions . . . a ppeered to them . "
One ea rly chro nicler wrote that ololiuqui " deprives
of his senses him who has taken it, for it is very
powerfu l . " Another contended that "the natives com­
mun icate in th is way with the devi l, for they usually
ta lk when drunk with olol iuqui and are deceived by the
hallucinations which they attribute to the deity residing
in the seed s . "
The seeds were venerated and placed in the idols of
Indian ancestors. Offerings were made to them under
the strictest secrecy in places unknown to persons not
involved in the worship.
1 29
I DE NTI FICA liON of ololiuqui and tlitli ltzin as morning
g lories had to wait for four centuries, because efforts of
the Spanish to eradicate the use of these sacred hallu­
cinogens drove them into the hills. Severa l crude draw­
ings in the chronicles indicated that ololiuqui was a morn­
ing g lory. Mexican botanists identified it as such as
early as 1 854. But doubts persisted because the morn­
ing g lory family was thought to be devoid of intoxi­
cating principles, and no member of the fam i ly had ever
been seen employed as an hal lucinogen . Mainly on the
basis of similarity of the flowers, it was suggested early
in the 1 900's that ololiuqui was not a morning g lory but
a Datura ( p. 1 4 2 ) , a known ha llucinogen sti l l used in
Mex ico. Not until 1 93 9 were actual specimens of Rivea
corymbosa used in Mazatec I nd ian d ivinatory ritua ls
collected in Oaxaca and identified as the ololiuqui of
the ancient Aztecs. Ipomoea violacea was found 20
years later in ceremon ial use among the Zapotecs of
the same region and identified as tlitliltzin.
An i l l u stration of olol iuqui i n fruit, from Sahag u n ' s H is tor ic de las
Casas de Nueva Esp ana, vol . IV, book XI. Sahagun, a Spanish friar,
wrote about the marvels of the New World in the years 1 5 2 9 - 1 5 9 0 .
1 30
PRESENT USE of the sa­
cred Mexica n morn ing
glory seeds differs little
from ancient practices.
The seeds are used for
divination, prophecy, and
diagnosis and treatment
of i l l ness by many tribes,
especially the Chatinos,
and Zapotecs. I n almost
I ndian girl from Oaxaca grind·
vil lages, ing Ip om oea seeds on a metate .
the seed s serve the Indians "as an ever present help in time of trouble. "
The mod ern ceremony, featuring the use of morn ing
glory seeds to treat an illness, is a curious blending of
old I ndian beliefs and Christianity. The native who is
to be treated col lects the seeds h i mself. About a
th imbleful of the seeds- often the magic number is 1 3is measured out. The seeds a re ground by a virgin,
usually a chi ld, in a special ritual accompan ied by
com plex prayer. Water is
added, the resulting bev­
erag e is strained, and
the patient drinks it at
night in silence. After
more prayers, he lies
down with someone by
his side who liste ns to
what he says while in­
toxicated. This dete rm ines
the cause of his troubles.
I ndian patient drinking potion
prepared from I p omoea seeds.
1 31
Pearly Ga tes
Rivea corymbosa
1 33
the narcotic morning
g lories began in 1 95 5 when a psychiatrist published
notes on self-experimentation with Rivea seeds, showing
that they brought on an intoxication accom pa nied by
hallucinations. This announcement prompted chemists
to examine the plant, but no active principle could be
found unti l the 1 960's. At that time the chem ist who
discovered LSD analyzed the plant and found severa l
alkaloids closely related to that potently hallucinogenic
synthetic compound.
His astonishing discovery met with widespread dis­
belief, partly because these lysergic-acid de rivatives
had hitherto been known in nature only in the primitive
fungus ergot (Ciaviceps purpurea), a parasite on the
grains of rye. In Europe, when ergot was accidentally
ground up in a mill with rye flour and eaten in bread
made from the flour, it poisoned whole towns, causing
a terrible intoxication and leading frequently to wide­
spread insanity and death . In the Middle Ages, before
causes were understood and preventative measures
taken, these mysterious mass attacks were cal led St.
Anthony' s Fire and were attributed to God ' s wrath.
Half a dozen of these ergoline alkaloids have been
found in seeds of Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea vio­
lacea. The main hallucinogenic constituents of both seeds
are ergine (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) and isoergine,
but other related bases occur in m inor amounts-chiefly
chanoclavine, elymoclavine, and lysergol . The total alka­
loid content of Ipomoea violacea is five times that of
Rivea corymbosa, which explains why the natives use
fewer of the Ipomoea seeds in preparing for their
ritua ls. While these alka loids are not uncommon in
numerous morning glories around the world, apparently
only in Mex ico have the plants been utilized as narcotics.
1 34
Head of rye infested with
Claviceps purp urea, the ergot
fungus. The purp le-black structures
are the ergot sc lerotia.
C H 20 H
LSD 2 5
C H ,O H
Alkaloids of the sacred Mexican morning glories, showing their chemical
relationship to LSD.
1 35
ceo, including the popular ornamentals Heaven ly Blue,
Pearly Gates, Flying Saucers, Blue Stars, and Weddi ng
Bells, a s well as other varieties of Ipomoea, contain
ha llucinogenic constituents. Other genera, notably
Argyreia and Stictocardia, also contain these sub­
stances. The Hawaiian wood rose (A. nervosa), for
example, has been found to be highly intoxicating.
Seeds of I. cornea, which are known to possess bio­
dynamic constituents, are said to be used as ha lluci no­
gens in Ecuadorian folk med icine. In fact, hal lucinogenic
compounds are so preva lent in th is family, both geo­
graphical ly and botanically, that it is difficult to ex­
plain why the morning glories hove not been more
widely employed as narcotics by prim itive societies. Or
hove they?
HOJAS DE LA PASTORA (Salvia divinorum), of Mexico,
is the only one of 700 species of Salvia known to be
used as an hallucinogen. Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca
employ the leaves as a divinatory narcotic, hence divi­
norum ( "of the diviners " ). The Mazatecs call the plant
hojas de Ia Pastore in Spanish and shka-Pastora in their
native tongue, both names meaning " leaves of the
Shepherdess. " The leaves are chewed fresh, or the
plants a re ground on a metate, then diluted with water
and filtered for drinking.
The plant is not known in the wild and rarely, if ever,
develops from seed . The Mazatecs plant this mint vegeta­
tively in remote mounta in ravines, and most families use
it as a drug when the sacred mushrooms (p. 5 8 ) or
morning glory seeds (p. 1 2 8 ) are scarce. It is commonly
believed to be the hallucinogenic pipilzintzintl i of the
ancient Aztecs.
Ingesting leaves of the plant has been found experi­
mentally to induce an intoxication similar to that of the
sacred mushrooms but less striking and of shorter dura­
tion. It is characterized by three-dimensional colored
designs in ka leidoscopic motion. Chemical studies have
as yet failed to isolate any psychoactive component.
1 37
( Coleus pumilus and C. blumei) is cultivated by
the Mazatecs of Oaxaca, Mexico, who reputedly employ
the leaves in the same way as they use the leaves of
Salvia divinorum ( see p. 1 3 7) . Indeed , the I ndians
recognize the fa mily relationship between these two
genera of mints, both of the family Labiatae. They refer
to S. divinorum as Ia hembra ( " the fema le") a nd to
C. pumilus as el macho ( " the ma le" ) . There are two
forms of C. blumei, which they ca l l el n ino ( " the child")
and e l ahijado ( " the godson " ) .
These two species are native to Asia, where they are
va lued in folk medicine but apparently have not been
used as hallucinogens. No ha llucinogenic principle has
yet been discovered in the 1 50 known Coleus species .
BORRAC H ERA (Jochroma fuchsioides) is one of about
two dozen species of lochroma, all native to the high­
lands of South America . There are suspicions and u n­
confirmed reports that several species of lochroma are
loca lly taken in hallucinatory drinks, either alone or
mixed with other narcotic plants, by Indians in the
Sibu ndoy Val ley of southern Colombia. Although no
chemica l studies have been made of lochroma, it be­
longs to the n ightshade fam ily, Solanaceae, wel l recog­
nized for its toxic and hallucinogenic principles.
ARBOL DE LOS BRUJOS ( " sorcerers' tree " ) or latue
(Latua pubiflora) is used by the Mapuche Indian medicine
men of Va ldivia, Chile, to cause del irium, hal l ucina­
tions, and occasional ly permanent insanity. There is no cult
or ritua l surrounding its use, but the tree is widely feared
and respected. Dosages are a closely guarded secret, a nd
it is widely believed that a madness of any desired dur­
ation may be induced by a medicine man who knows
1 38
/ochroma fuchsioides
how to mea sure the doses properly. The natives employ
the fresh fruits.
The alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine have been
isolated from the fruit and are responsible for its potent
effects. The only species of Latua known, the tree is con­
fined to coa sta l mountains of centra l Chile. It belongs to
the nightshade fami ly, Solanaceae.
1 39
(Brunfelsia) are
the most common of the native names for severa l species
of shrubs that a ppear to have been impo rtan t hallu­
cinogens among some South American India n tribes.
The use of the name borrachero, which means " in­
toxicator, " indicates that the natives of Colombia,
Ecuador, and Peru recognize the shrub 's narcotic
properties, a nd the special care ta ken in its cultivation
seems to suggest a former rel igious or m agic place in
tr ibol l ife. Recently, rea l evidence has pointed to the
use of severa l species of Brunfelsia either as the source
of an hallucinogenic drink, as among the Kach ina ua
of Brazil, or as an additive to other ha llucinogenic
drinks, as among the J lvaro and Kofan I ndians of
The species hallucinogenica lly employed are B. grandi­
flora a nd B. chiricaspi. All species, however, enter into
folk medicine, being used especially to reduce fevers
and as antirheumatic agents. B. uniflora ( a s B. hopeana)
has been included in the Brazilian pha rmacopoeia.
Chemical investigation of the active compounds in
the various species of Brun felsia is stil l in the in itia l
stage, and what the active principles may be has not
yet been determ ined. The genus comprises 40 species
of shrubs native to tropical South America and the West
Indies. It belongs to the nightshade fam ily, Sola naceae.
of bra nch,
show i ng thin,
flaky ba rk
(Datura) form a genus of some 20 species
of the nightshade fami ly, Solanaceae. They occur and
are used as hal lucinogens in both hem ispheres. The drug
is usua l ly prepared by dropping pu lverized seeds into
fermented drinks or by steeping leaves and twigs in
water. Use differs widely from tribe to tribe.
I ntoxication cau sed by the drug is characterized in itial­
ly by effects so violent that physical restraint m ust be
imposed until the partaker passes into a stage of sleep
and halluci nations. Th e medicine man interprets the vi­
sions as visitations of the spirits and is supposedly thu s
able to· d iagnose disease, apprehend th ieves, and
prophesy the fu tu re.
Some of the Indians in the Andes of southern Colom­
bia cultivate a number of clones of highly atrophied
" va rieties," perhaps incipient species. They may be the
result of m utations induced by viruses. Biological mon­
strosities, their identification to species is often difficult.
Med icine men ma intain that they differ in patency from
the usua l Daturas, an indication tha t perhaps their
chemical constitution as wel l as their morphology ha s
been changed . They seem to be confined to Sibundoy,
a m ou ntain-g irt va lley in the high Andes of Colombia.
Basica l ly, all species of Datura have a similar chemical
composition. Their active principles a re ma inly hyoscya­
mine and scopolamine, wh ich are tropane alkaloids.
Scopolamine is often the major constituent. A nu mber of
minor, chem ically related alka loids may be present:
atropine, norscopalam ine, meteloid ine. The differences
among species are chiefly in the relative concentrations
of these various alka loids. Though highly toxic, most spe­
cies have been used extensively in medicine from early
times to the pres�nt. Their use in fol k medicine d erives
from their high concentration of a l kaloids.
1 42
JIMSON WEED or thorn apple
(Da tura stramonium) is an i l l ­
white to purplish flowers. Probably
native to North America, it now
grows in temperate and sub­
tropica l
reg ions
world . All parts of the plant,
especia lly
seeds, are toxic. Thi s species is
bel ieved to have been the chief
ingredient .of wysoccan, used by
the Algonquin Indians of east­
em North America before the
ritual of initiation i nto man­
hood ( see p. 9 ) .
TORNA-LOCO (Da tura cerato­
ca u la ) is a fleshy plant with
thick, forking stems that grows
in marshes and shallow waters.
habitat and
earned it a special place among
the ancient Mexican hallucino­
gens. The Aztecs, who i nvoked
its spirit in treating certain
referred to it as
"sister of ololiuqui , " one of the
morn ing glories ( see p . 1 2 8 ) .
Its modern Mexican name, lorna­
loco ( "maddening plant" ), indi­
cates its potency a s a narcotic .
1 43
( D a tu r a
known also as D. mete/aides), a
coarse, climbing annual native
to Mexico and southwestern
history of use as on hallucinogen.
It wos extremely important to
the Aztecs, who called it tolootzin.
medical uses but warned that
token in excess it would drive a
patient to madness.
The modern Torohumores still
odd the roots, seeds, and leaves
to their maize beer. Zunis value
the plant as a narcotic, an anes­
thetic, and a poultice for treating
wounds. Only the rai n priests
ore permitted to gather it. The
priests put the powdered root
in their eyes; also they chew the
root to commune with spirits
of the dead, asking intercession
for rai n .
T h e Luiseiios use on infusion
of tolooche in on initiation cere­
mony. The young participants
who drink it donee, screaming
like animals, until they drop and
succumb to the drug ' s effects.
Yumons toke it to induce dreams,
gai n occult powers, and predict
the futu re. Yokuts use the drug
in a spring ceremony to assure
good health and long l ife to the
young. The related D. disco/or
and D. wrightii of the some
region ore similarly used.
TREE DATURAS of severa l species are native to South
America where they go by such native names as bor­
rachero, campanilla, maicoa, floripondia, huanto, toe,
and tonga. Al l are cultivated plants, unknown in the
truly wild state and associated with man since earl iest
Datura suaveolens is indigenous to the warmer low­
lands. Recognized as toxic and narcotic, it is used as
an hallucinogen, alone or as an admixture. The northern
Andes, from Colombia to Peru, appears to be the center
of the g roup 's orig in. Species from this region a re · D.
arborea, D. aurea, D. candida, D. dolichocarpa, D.
sanguinea, a nd the newly d iscovered D. vulcanicola
( see pp. 1 46- 1 4 7 for exa mples) .
Aboriginal peoples from Colombia to Chile va lue
these trees as sou rces of ritualistic hallucinogens a nd
medicines. In Chile, the Mapuche I ndians use D. candida
and D. sanguinea to correct u nruly children. The Jlva ros
say that the spirits of their ancestors admonish recalci­
trant chi ldren during the ha l lucinations. The a ncient
Chibchas of Bogota used D. aurea seeds to ind uce
stupor in the wives and slaves of dead wa rriors and
chieftains before they were buried a l ive to accom pany
husbands and masters on the last trip.
At Sogamoza, Colombia, Indians took D. sanguinea
ceremon ially in the Temple of the Sun . The narcotic
prepared from this red-flowered species is known locally
as tonga . Many Peruvian natives sti l l bel ieve that tonga
perm its them to commun icate with ancestors or other
depa rted sou ls. In Matucanas, Peru, Indians say it will
reveal to them treasures preserved in ancient graves, or
huacas, hence the loca l name for the plant- huacacachu
( " g rave plant " ) . The tree daturos o re sometimes con­
sidered a distinct genus: Brugmansia.
1 45
D. aurea,
san guinea
1 46
Sibundoy I ndian witch
doctor collecting leaves
and flowers of
amesianum. Perhaps
nowhere in the N ew
World does the
importance of
hal lucinogens i n native
magic and medicine
acquire such significance
as in the Vo lley of
Sibundoy, which has
been characterized as
" the most narcotic­
conscious a rea of the
New World . "
(Methysticodendron amesian­
um), a tree reaching a height of 25 feet, is known only
from cultivated trees in the Kamsa Indian town of Sibun­
doy, Colombia. The Indians a l so call it mitskway borra­
chera ( " snake intoxicant " ) .
This tree i s the only species of its genus a nd may
represent an extremely aberrant form of a tree species
of Datura. Its 1 1 -inch wh ite flowers differ from those of
the tree daturas in having their bell-shaped corolla split
nearly to the base.
An infusion of the leaves is said to be more potent
and dangerous to use than simi lar prepa rations of Datura.
The chemica l composition explains its great potency: 80
percent of the several typical tropane alkaloids present is
scopolamine. Even in small doses, this drug may cause
excitement, hallucinations, and delirium. The trees are the
special property of certain medicine men who employ
the d rug in d ifficult cases of di sease diagnosis, d ivination,
prophecy, or witchcraft.
1 48
amesian um
SHAN I N (Petunia violacea) is one of the most recently
reported hallucinogens. It is taken by the Indians in Ecu­
ador to induce the sensation of flight. Although an
alkaloid of unknown identity has been reported from this
species of petunia, phytochemical investigation of pe­
tunias is urgently needed .
Some 40 species of petun ias grow in South America
and in warmer parts of North America . Members of the
nightshade family, Solanaceae, they are closely a l l ied to
the genus Nicotiana ( to bacco) . Petunia violacea as well
as other species are horticultura lly important. Cultivated
varieties, with their attractive, funnel-shaped blooms,
are popular garden flowers that bloom profusely through­
out the summer months.
KEU LE (Gomortega keule) is a smal l tree restricted to
about 1 00 square mi les in central Chile. It is the only
species in a rare family, Gomortegaceae, related to the
nutmeg fam i ly. The Mapuche Indians of Chile are said to
eat the fruit of keule, or hualhual, for intoxication, b1,1t
whether the effects are truly hallucinogenic is not yet
known . So far, there have been no chemical studies
made of this tree.
TA IQUE (Desfontainia hookeri) is a shrub of Andean
valleys. Its leaves, made probably into a tea, are em­
ployed in southern Chile as a folk medicine and as a
narcotic . Whether their effects are truly hallucinogenic
is not known, nor has their chemical composition been
investigated. The genus Desfontainia contains one or
two other Andean species and belongs to the family
Desfontainiaceae. A related family, Loganiaceae, in­
cludes the plants from which certain South American
arrow poisons are made.
1 50
(Lobelia tupa), a ta ll, variable plant of the h igh
Andes, is also ca lled tabaco del d iablo ( "devi l ' s tobac­
co " ). In Chi le, the Mapuche Indians smoke the dried
leaves of this beautiful red-flowered plant for their nar­
cotic effects. Whether they are truly hallucinogenic has
not yet been established . They contain the alkaloid
lobeline and several derivatives of it. The same alka loid
occurs in some North American species of Lobelia, espe­
cially L. inflata, known loca lly as Indian tobacco. It has
been used medicinally and as a smoking deterrent. There
are 300 species of Lobelia, mostly tropical and sub­
tropical, and they belong to the bluebell fam ily, Campa­
nulaceae. Some are highly prized as garden ornamentals.
( Calea zacatechichi), an inconspicuous
shrub ranging from Mexico to Costa Rica, is a recently
d iscovered hallucinogen that seems to be used only by
the Chontals of Oaxaca . They take it to "clarify the
senses " and to enable them to communicate verbally
with the spirit world. From earl iest times, the plant ' s
i nten sely bitter taste ( zacatechichi i s the Aztec word m ean­
ing "bitter grass " ) has made it a favorite folk medicine
for fevers, nausea, and other com pla ints.
After drinking a tea made from the shrub ' s crushed
dried leaves, an Indian lies down in a quiet place and
smokes a cigarette made of the dried leaves. He knows
that he has had enough when he feels drowsy a nd hears
his own pu lse and heartbeat. Recent stud ies ind icate the
presence of an unidentified alkaloid that may be respon­
sible for the auditory hallucinations.
There are a hundred or more species of Calea. They
belong to the daisy fam i ly, Compositae, and grow on
open or scrubby hillsides in tropical America. Some
species enter into folk medicine.
1 52
Lobelia tupa
Co/eo zacatechichi
1 53
Psychopharmacology studies the effects of d rugs, espe­
cially hal luci nogens, on the central nervous system.
The effects of psychoactive agents result from con­
stituents that belong to many classes of chemicals. Al l
have one characteristic in common: they are biodynamic,
affecting norma l meta bolism of the animal body .
Hallucinogens act directly on the central nervous sys­
tem, but they may a lso affect other parts of the body.
They have both physical and psychic activity. Their ef­
fects are usually short-l ived, lasting only as long as the
chemica l remains at the point of action in the body.
Pseudohal lucinations- often indistinguisha ble to the lay­
man from true hal l ucinations-may be caused by many
abnormal conditions upsetting body homeostasis, or nor­
ma l metabolism : fevers, fasti ng, lack of water for long
periods, poisons, etc. Pseudoha l lucinations m ay often be
of much longer duration than hallucinations.
I f a plant conta ins an active substance, its medica l
potential is of interest to pharmacologists. Investigation
may ind icate that true ha llucinogenic compounds have
va lue for purposes far removed from their psychoactivity.
An example is scopolamine, an alkaloid of the nightshade
family. Taken in proper doses, it i ntoxicates, inducing a
state between consciousness a nd sleep a nd cha racterized
by hal lucinations. Scopola mine, however, has medica l
uses not associated with the centra l nervous system: it
is antispasmodic and antisecretory, mainly in the ali­
mentary canal and urinary tracts.
Some psychiatrists believe that mental d isorders a re
the result of an imba l ance in body chemistry: " For every
twisted thought, there is a twisted molecule. " Some spe­
cialists formerly thought and sti l l maintain that " model
1 54
Crayon drawing
by a Tukanoan I ndian
of Amazonian Colombia,
depicting one of the
images experienced during
an a boriginal caapi intoxication.
Collected in the field
by the Colombian
anthropologist Dr. Gerardo
Reichei-Dolmataff, who studied
the mythological signifiCance
of hallucinogens
among the Indians.
psychoses " - artificially induced states similar to some
abnormal mental conditions-m ight be a va lua ble ana­
lytic tool. There are many similarities between psychotic
conditions, such a s schizophrenia, and the mental state
ind uced by hallucinogens. Whether or not the use of
hal lucinogens to create such model psychoses will be
of therapeutic va lue is sti l l a question, but there is little
doubt that hal lucinogens may be of experimenta l help
in understa nding the functioni ng of the central nervous
system. One specialist states that studies of " various as­
pects of the norma l a nd the a bnorma l " may elucidate
certain a reas of the " hinterland of character. "
It must be remembered that alteration of the function
of the centra l nervous system by chemica ls is not new;
it is older than written history. In the past, especially in
primitive societies, hallucinogens were employed in
magico-relig ious and curing rituals, rare ly for plea sure.
1 55
In some cultures, notably those suffering accultu ration,
ha l lucinogens are sometimes used to enhance social con­
tacts or even for expla ining mental disorders. I f we com­
pare uses of hallucinogenic plants in primitive societies
with the medica l va lue claimed for them by some psy­
chiatrists, we see that model psychoses are not a new
development. Artificially induced psychoses have long
been used as healing practices in primitive cultures.
Although many modern psychiatrists are critical of
chemica l psychoses as tools in treating mental aberra­
tions, it is too early completely to rule out their possible
medica l va lue.
In addition to the hallucinogenic plants used by primi­
tive peoples, numerous other species containing bio­
dynamic principles are known to exist. Many are common
household varieties like catnip, cinnamon, and ginger.
No reliable studies have been made of the ha llucinogenic
properties of such plants. Some of the effects reported
to have been caused by them may be imaginary; other
reports may be outright hoaxes. Nevertheless, many
of these plants do have a chemistry theoretica lly capable
of producing ha llucinations. Experimentation continues
with plants-common and uncommon-known or sus­
pected to be ha llucinogen ic, and new ones are con­
tinually being d iscovered .
1 56
Cooper, John M . , "Stimulants and Narcotics," i n
S OUTH AMERICAN I N DIANS, J . H . Seward ( Ed . ) , Bureau of Ameri­
can Ethnology, Bul letin No. 1 4 3, U . S . Government Printing
O ffice, Washington, D . C . , 1 949
DRUGS, Public Health Service Publ . No. 1 64 5 , U . S . Government
Printing Office, Washi ngton, D . C . , 1 967
Emboden, W i l liam J., Jr., NARCOTIC PLA NTS , Macmi llan Co. , New
York, 1 9 72
Harner, N . J., HA LLUCI NOGENS A N D SHAMAN ISM, Oxford U n iversity
Press, New York, 1 9 73
Hartwich, C., DIE MENSCHLICHEN GENUSSMITT EL, Ch r . Herm. Tauchn itz ,
Leipzig, 1 9 1 1
Heim, R . , and R. Gordon Wasson, LES CHAMPIG N O N S HA U U C I N OGENES
Du MEX IQUE, Edit. M u s . Hist. Nat. , Paris, 1 9 5 8
Hoffer, A . , and H . Osmund, THE HALLUC I N OGEN S , Academic Press,
New York , 1 967
C. Thomas, Publi sher, S pringfield, I l l . , 1 972
UsE AND ABUSE, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Lon d on , 1 9 64
Pelt, J . -M. , DROGUES ET PLANTES MAGIQUES, Horizons de f rance, S ire s­
bourg, 1 97 1
Safford, Wil liam E . , " Narcotic Plants and Stimulants o f the Ancient
1 9 1 6 , Washington, D . C . , 1 9 1 7
Hafner Press, N ew York, 1 9 73
Schultes, Richard Evans, "The Botanical and Chem ical D istribution
of the Hall ucinogen s , " i n AN N U AL REV I EW OF PLANT PHYS IOLOGY, 2 1 ,
1 9 70 .
Schu ltes, R ichard Evans, and Albert H ofmann, THE BoTANY A N D
CHEMIST RY O F HALLU CINOGENS, Charles C. Thomas Publ isher,
Spri ngfield , I l l . , 1 9 73
Taylor, Norman, fLIGHT FROM REALITY, Duell, Sloa n and Pearce, New
York, 1 94 9
court, N ew York, 1 96 7
1 57
Bhang, 30, 3 8
Borrachera, 1 3 8 - 1 3 9
Brugman•ia sp. , 1 45
Brunfelsia sp. , 2 1 , 1 04,
1 4 0- 1 4 1
Bushmen, 29
Bwiti cult, 54
Caapi, 7, 9, 2 1 , 9 8 - 1 0 6
Cole a zacalechichi, 1 5 2 153
Canada , Indians of, 73
Cannabino ls, 1 6, " 3 6 , 40
Cannabis sp . , 1 4 , 2 1 ,
2 2 , 30-4 1 , 4 5 , 5 2 ,
S e e also Ma rihuana
Catnip, 1 5 6
Cawe, 1 1 3
Centra l nervous system,
1 8 , 54, 1 5 4, 1 5 5
Chara s, 30, 38
Chemistry of hallucino­
gens, 1 6 - 1 9, 2 6 2 7 , 36, 70-7 1 , 1 0 3 ,
1 04 , 1 2 2- 1 2 3 ,
1 3 4- 1 3 5
China, 3 4 , 5 2
Chiric-caspi, 1 4 0- 1 4 1
Chiric sanango, 1 4 0- 1 4 1
Christian ity, 5 4 , 6 2 , 65,
1 1 2 , 1 1 6 , 1 2 0, 1 3 1
Cimora , 9 , 1 1 0 - 1 1 2
Cinnamon, 1 56
Clavicep• purpurea, 1 3 5
Coca, 56
Cocaine, 56
Coleu• sp. , 1 38 - 1 3 9
Colorines, 5 9 , 9 6
Conocybe sp. , 5 8 , 6 5 , 6 7
Coria ria thymifolio, 1 0 7
Culebra borrachero,
1 4 8- 1 4 9
Curare, 82
Curing rituals, 9, 76 , 77,
1 1 2, 1 2 0, 1 3 1
Cyti•ine, 9 3 , 94
Cytisus conoriensis, 9 3
Datura ( New World sp. ),
4, 9, 2 1 , 1 04 , 1 1 1 ,
1 2 6, 1 3 0, .1 4 2 - 1 47,
Acorus calamus, 7 3
Afghanistan, 3 0 , 3 8 , 4 0 ,
Africa, natives of, 9, 21 ,
29. 38, 44, 5 4
Agora, 2 8
Algonquin Indians ( U. S . ) ,
9, 43
Alkaloid s, 1 6, 1 7- 1 9, 2 1 ,
26-27, 2 8 , 2 9 , 43,
45 , 46, 4 8 , 5 1 , 5 2 ,
54 , 70, 8 1 , 8 4 , 8 6 ,
9 3 , 94, 9 6 , 9 7, 1 0 3 ,
1 04, 1 06, 1 0 8 , 1 1 2,
1 2 2- 1 2 3, 1 2 5, 1 3 4,
1 3 5, 1 3 9, 1 4 2 , 1 4 8,
1 5 0, 1 5 2, 1 5 4
defined, 1 6
Amanita muscaria, .4,
Amazon, Indians of, 9 ,
65 , 7 2 , 76 , 8 1 ,
9 8 , 1 00 , 1 02 , 1 04 ,
1 06
Anadenanthera sp. , 2 1 ,
86-9 1 , 92
Andes, Indians of, 1 0 7,
1 1 0, 1 4 2, 1 4 5 , 1 5 0
And romedotoxin, 1 2 6
Anhalonium lewinii, 1 1 5
Arbol de los brujos, 1 3 8
Arb utin, 1 2 6
Argyrela sp. , 1 36
Ariocarpu• sp. , ·1 2 4 , 1 2 5
Arrow poiso n , 79, 8 2 ,
96 , 1 50
AJia, 3 1 , 3 8 , 40, 4 2 , 5 2
Atropa belladonna, 4 ,
Atropine, 4 6 , 1 4 2
Avicenna ( Arab. phys. ),
Ayahuasca, 7, 9, 1 1 , 2 1 ,
9 8 - 1 05
Aztecs, 8, 5 8 , 6 1 , 6 2 ,
6 3 , 6 9 , 97, 1 1 4 ,
1 2 8, 1 2 9 , 1 3 0, 1 3 7,
1 4 3 , 1 4 4, 1 5 2
1 48
Banisteriopsis sp. , 7, 2 1 ,
Datura (Old World s p . ) ,
9 8 - 1 05 , 1 06
Belladonna, 1 5 , 2 2 , 46Datura s, 1 42 - 1 44
1 58
Datura s, tree, 1 45 - 1 4 7 ,
De l p h i , Oracle of, 7 , 5 2
Desfontoinia hookeri,
1 5 0- 1 5 1
Dhatu ra , 5 2- 5 3
Dibenzopyrans, 1 6
" Doctrine of Signatures,"
Dutra, 5 2 - 5 3
East Indies, 5 2
fchinococtus williamsii,
Elizabetha princep5, 78
Endocannibalism, 8 0
Epen a , 2 1 , 77, 8 8
Epilobium, 2 5
Epithelontho micromeris,
1 2 4- 1 2 5
Ereriba , 2 8
Ergot, 1 3 4
Erythrina s p . , 9 6 , 1 08
Europe, med ieval, 2 2 , 4 6 ,
4 8 , 5 0- 5 1
False peyote s, 1 2 4 - 1 2 5
Fly agaric, 1 !!. 2 3 , 2 4 27
Folk medicine, 7, 9, 3 6 ,
4 2 , 4 3 , 97, 1 08 ,
1 09, 1 1 8 , 1 1 9, 1 3 1 ,
1 3 6, 1 3 8 , 1 4 1 , 1 4 2 ,
1 44 , 1 45 , 1 4 8 , 1 5 0,
1 5 2 , 1 5 5- 1 5 6
Galango, 2 9
Golbulimima belgraveana,
Galen ( Gr. physicia n ) , 34
Ganjah, 3 8- 3 9
Genista conoriensis, 93
Ginger, 1 5 6
Gomortega keule, 1 50151
Ha llucinations, 5 , 2 0, 2 8 ,
2 9 , 40- 4 1 , 4 4 , 46 ,
48, 54, 57, 6 1 , 68,
7 3 , 8 4 , 90, 1 0 1 ,
1 0 8 , 1 1 2, 1 1 6, 1 1 81 1 9, 1 2 2 , 1 2 9, 1 3 7,
1 3 8 , 1 4 2 , 1 4 8, 1 5 2
auditory, 5 7 , 6 8 , 1 0 8,
1 1 8- 1 1 9, 1 5 2
d efined and causes, 5
Ha llucinogens
a n d d eity, 5 , 7, 2 4 ,
5 9 , 1 02 , 1 1 8
and psychiatry, 6 8 ,
1 5 4- 1 5 6
a n d spirit wo rld, 9, 1 1 8
chemistry, 1 6 - 1 9
defined , 5
h o w token, 2 1
in modern world , 1 01 1
in plant kingdom, 1 4 15
i n prim itive societies,
7-9, 2 1
medical uses, 7
New World, 2 1 , 3 5 ,
56- 1 53
Old World, 2 2 - 5 5
psych ic powers from, 7
relig ious uses, 7, 3 1
Hasheesh, 2 1 , 30-4 1
Hawaiian wood rose, 1 36
Heimia sp. , 8, 1 08 - 1 09
Hemp, 30-4 1
Henbane, 2 2 , 4 8- 4 9
Herna ndez ( Spa n . phys. ) ,
1 1 6, 1 2 9 , 1 4 4
Hierba loco, 1 26 - 1 2 7
Ha j a s de Ia Pastora, 1 3 7
Homo/omena sp. , 2 8
Ha p , 3 1
HaHentots, 4 4
Hu ichol Indians ( M ex . ) ,
1 1 8, 1 2 4 , 1 2 5
Humboldt, Alexa nder von ,
Humu lus, 3 1
Hyo scyamine, 4 6 , 4 8 , 5 1 ,
1 3 9, 1 4 2
Hyoscyamus niger, 4 ,
Justitia sp. , 78, 79 , 8 3
Kaempferia galanga, 2 9
Kanno, 44-4 5
Keu le, 1 5 0- 1 5 1
Kif, 30
Kiowa Indians ( U . S . ) , 6 ,
1 20
Kwashi, 29
Logochilus inebrians, 4 2
latua pubiflora, 1 38139
lobelia sp., 1 5 2- 1 5 3
Lophophora sp. , 1 1 41 23
LSD, 1 8, 1 3 4, 1 3 5
Lycoperdon sp., 57
Mace, 2 0 , 74
Macropsia, 2 5 , 8 1 , 90
Mandragora olficinarum,
50-5 1
Ma ndrake, 2 2, 50-5 1
Ma puche Indians ( S . A . ) ,
1 3 8 , 1 4 5 , 1 5 0, 1 5 2
Maquira sclerophylla, 72
Maraba, 29
Ma rihuana , 1 6, 30-4 1
chemistry, 3 6
classification, 3 1
effects, 4 0
history, 3 4 - 3 5
medicina l value, 36
methods o f using, 3 8
narcotic use, 3 9
Masha-hari, 8 3
M a y a I n d i a n s ( Guo!. ),
59, 60
Mazalec I n d i a n s (Mex. ) ,
64 - 6 5 , 1 3 0, 1 3 1 ,
1 3 7, 1 3 8
Med ical uses of ha llucinog e n s , 3 6 , 4 6 , 4 8 ,
5 2 , 9 4 , 1 0 8, 1 4 2,
1 4 4, 1 5 2, 1 5 4
Mescal b e a n , 9 4 - 9 5 , 9 6
Mescal buHons, 1 1 4, 1 1 5,
1 1 6, 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 , 1 1 9,
1 20
lboga, 9, 2 1 , 5 4 - 5 5
Ibogaine, 1 8 , 1 9, 5 4
lbotenic acid , 2 6 , 2 7
Incas, 9 2
India, 2 2 , 2 6 , 3 1 , 3 4 ,
4 3 , 46, 5 2
Indian tobacco, 1 5 2
Mescaline, 1 8 , 1 1 1 , 1 1 2 ,
lndoles, 1 7- 1 9, 54 , 1 03
1 2 2, 1 2 3, 1 25
lochroma fuchsiodes, 1 3 8...:
Mesembrya n themum sp. ,
1 39
Ipomoea sp . , 1 2 8- 1 3 6
lsotoma longiRora, 1 1 1
Jimson weed, 1 4 3
Jurema, 9, 2 1 , 8 4 - 85
Methysticodendron amesionum, 1 4 8 - 1 49
Mexico, Indians of, 9, 2 1 ,
5 6 , 5 7, 5 8 - 6 5 , 6 8 ,
9 3 , 94, 9 6 , 9 7,
1 1 3, 1 1 6 , 1 1 8 , 1 2 4 ,
1 2 5 , 1 30 , 1 3 1 , 1 3 8 ,
1 44, 1 5 2
Mimosa hosti/is, 8 4 - 8 5
Mixtecs ( Me x . ) , 9 , 5 7
" Model psychoses," 1 54
- 1 56
Morning glories, 8, 9,
1 5 , 2 1 , 97, 1 281 3 6, 1 3 7, 1 4 3
Aztec use, 1 2 8 , 1 2 9
chemistry, 1 3 4 , 1 3 5
ide ntification, 1 30
medical uses, 1 2 9 , 1 3 1
relig ious uses, 1 2 9, 1 3 1
va rieties, 1 3 6
Moslems, 3 8 , 40
Mushrooms, 8, 9, 1 5 ,
5 8 -7 1 , 1 3 7
Aztec use, 5 8 , 6 1 -6 3
chemistry, 70 , 7 1
effects, 6 8 , 69
identification, 63
modern Mazatec ceremony, 64-65
opposition to, 6 2
stones, 5 9 , 6 0
worship, 5 9
Myristica fragrans, 20
Na rcotic, defined , 5
Neoroimondio macrostibas, 1 1 1
Nepeto cataria, 20
New Guinea, 2 9
Nicotiana sp. , 8 , 1 5 0
Nicotine, 1 7
Nutmeg, 20 , 74
Oa xaca ( Me x . ) , 57, 64,
1 3 0, 1 3 1 , 1 3 7, 1 3 8 ,
Olmedioperebea sclero­
phy/la, 7 2
Olo liuqui, 62 , 1 28 , 1 2 9 ,
1 30, 1 4 3
Oracle o f Delphi, 7 , 5 2
Orinilca Ba s i n ( S . A . ) , 8 6 ,
8 8 , 9 1 , 9 8 , 1 00
Pachycereus pecten­
aboriginum, 1 1 3
Pakistan, 38
Poncrotium trianthum, 4 ,
2 1 , 29
1 59
" Reefers, " 3 8 , 4 1
Papua, natives of, 28
Rhynchosia sp., 9 7 , 1 08
Parica, 77, 8 6- 9 1
Pedilanthus tithymaloides,
Rig-Veda, 26
Rio G rande Valley ( Tex . ) ,
1 1 1
Peganum harmala, 4 , 43
Pelecyphora aselliformis,
Riveo corymhosa, 4, 8,
1 25
1 28-1'35
Pernettya s p . , 1 2 6- 1 2 7
S t . Anthon y ' s Fire, 1 34
Petunia violacea, 1 50Salvia divinorum, 2 1 ,
1 3 7, 1 3 8
Peyote, 6 , 9 , 1 4 , 1 8 , 2 1 , San Pedro cactus, 2 1 ,
6 2 , 6 3 , 94 , 1 1 4 1 1 0- 1 1 3
1 23
Scopo lamine, 46, 4 8 , 5 1 ,
Aztec use, 1 1 6
5 2 , 1 39 , 1 4 2 , 1 48 ,
chemistry, 1 2 2 - 1 2 3
1 54
effects, 1 1 8
Scythians, 3 4 , 3 5
modern use in U . S . ,
Sebil, 2 1 , 9 2
1 1 7, 1 2 0
Seroton in, 1 8 , 1 9
opposition to, 1 1 6
Shan in, 1 5 0- 1 5 1
religious importance,
Shan shi, 1 0 7
1 1 8- 1 1 9
Siberian tribes, 2 4 - 2 7
ritual, 1 2 0
Sibundoy Valley ( S . A. ),
vision, 1 1 6 , 1 2 2
1 3 8, 1 4 8
Peyotes, " Fa l se , " 1 24 Sinicuichi, 1 08- 1 09
1 25
Snuff, 2 1 , 7 2 , 76-8 1 ,
Pharmacology, see Alka­
86-89, 92 , 9 8
loid s , Chemistry
Soma , 2 6
Piptadenia peregrina, 86
Sophora sp. , 94-95
-9 1
Sorce rer's tree, 1 38
Piscidia, 1 0 8
South American Indians,
Piule, 9 7
7, 9, 1 1 , 5 6 , 65 ,
Plains lndians ( U . S . ) , 1 1 9,
72 , 74, 76 - 8 2 , 8 3 ,
1 20
84 , 86- 9 1 , 9 2 , 1 00,
Pion! kingdom, 1 2 - 1 5
1 0 2, 1 06 , 1 0 7, 1 1 0,
Pseudohallucinations, 1 5 4
1 1 2, 1 38, 1 4 1 , 1 42,
Pseudohallucinogens, 2 0
1 4 5, 1 4 8 , 1 50, 1 5 2
Psilocybe sp. , 8 , 5 8 , 65 ,
Spruc e, Richard, 8 8 , 1 00
66 , 67, 69
Sticlocardia, 1 3 6
Psilocybin, 1 9 , 70
Stropharia sp., 5 8 , 6 5 ,
Psychedelics, 5
Sweet calomel, 73
1 5 4- 1 5 5
Sweet flag, 1 4 , 73
Psychota raxics, 5
Syrian rue, 43
Psychotomimetics, 5
Tabemanthe iboga, 5 4 Psycho tria vi rid is, 1 04 ,
Tag l i i , 1 26- 1 2 7
1 05
Taino Indians ( W. Indies) ,
Puffballs, 9, 5 7
Quinine, 1 7
Taiq ue, 1 50 - 1 5 1
Rape dos indios, 2 1 , 7 2
R e d B e a n Da n c e , 9 4
Tajik tribes, 42
Tara humare Indians (Mex . ) ,
1 1 3, 1 1 8 , 1 24 , 1 44
Tarlar tribes, 4 2
Teananacatl, 2 1 , 5 8 , 6 2 ,
Terpenphenolic com­
pounds, 1 6
Tetra hydroca nnobinols,
1 6 , 36, 40
Tetrapteris methystica, 1 06
Tlitliltzin, 1 2 8 , 1 30
Tobacco, 2 1 , 56
Toloac he, 2 1 , 62, 1 44
lorna-loco, 1 43
Tree datura s, 1 4 5 - 1 47
Trichocereus sp. , 1 1 0 - 1 1 2
Tropanes, 1 8 , 5 1 , 1 4 8
Tryptamines, 1 8 , 1 9, 2 1 ,
70 , 8 1 ' 8 4 , 86 , 1 04
Tu po , 2 1 , 1 5 2- 1 5 3
Turbine corymbosa, 1 2 8
Turkestan mint, 42
Turkoman tri bes, 42
United States Indians, 6,
9, 56, 94, 96, 1 1 9 ,
1 2 0, 1 4 3
Urine drinking ritual, 25
Uzbek tribes, 42
Voccinium, 25
Vilca , 9 2
Virola sp. , 2 1 , 74 - 8 2 , 83
Virolas, 2 1 , 74-8 2 , 83
a s po i son, 79, 82
chemistry, 8 1
effects, 8 1
ritual, 80
snuff, 7 4 - 76 , 8 1
Waika Indians ( S . A . ) , 9 ,
7 7 , 7 9 , 80-8 1 ' 8 2 ,
West Indies, 8 6
Wisteria sinensis, 2 0
Witches' brews, 2 2 , 46,
48, 5 1
Wood rose, 1 36
Wysocca n , 9 , 1 43
Ya je, 7, 2 1 , 98
Yo po , 2 1 , 86-9 1
Yurupari ceremony, 1 0 2
Zaca lechich i , 1 5 2- 1 5 3
Fron t cover, clockwise from lower left: fly agaric mushroom, sinicuichi,
morning glory, tree datura , peyote, cannabis. Bock cover, see page 6 2 .
1 60
RICHARD EVANS SCHULTES, P h . D . , F . L . S . , i s p rofesso r o f
n a t u r a l s c i e n ces a n d d i recto r of t h e Bota n i c a l M u se u m a t
H a rvard U n i v e rs i ty . A n i n te r n a t i o n a l l y k n o w n b o ta n i st s p e ­
c i a l i z i n g i n n a rc o t i c, m ed i c i n a l a n d p o i s o n o u s p l a n ts, D r .
Sch u l tes s p e n t s o m e 14 y e a r s i n S o u t h A m e r i ca l i v i n g
a m o n g I n d i a n t r i bes i n o rd e r t o i nves t i gate d i rectly th e i r
u ses o f s u c h p l a n ts . D r. Sch u l tes i s t h e rec i p i e n t o f n u m e r­
o u s h o n o rs, a m o n g t h e m a decora t i o n fro m t h e gove r n ­
m e n t o f Co l o m b i a fo r h i s w o r k i n t h e A m a z o n , a n d i s a
m e m b e r of several A m e r i ca n a n d fo r e i g n aca d e m i e s of s c i ­
e n ce, i n c l u d i n g t h e N a t i o n a l Acad emy of S c i e n ces. H e i s
ed i t o r of t h e j o u r n a l Economic Botany a n d t h e a u t h o r o f
m a n y s c i e n t i f i c p a p e r s ; w i t h A l bert H o fm a n n h e w rote The
Botany and Ch em is try of Ha llucinogens.
ELMER W. SMITH, a new E n g l a n d Ya n kee by b i rth a n d
i n c l i n a t i o n , i s a free- l a n c e a r t i st, s e l f-ta u g h t i n a r t , w i t h a n
M . S . d e g ree f r o m t h e U n ivers i ty o f Massa c h u setts. H e i l l u s­
t rated t h e G o l d e n G u i d e O R C H I DS, and h a s t raveled a n d
col l ected i n t h e A m a z o n w i t h h i s f r i e n d a n d c o l l ea g u e t h e
a u t h o r of H A L L U C I N OG E N I C P LA N T S . S m i t h ' s w o r k a p ·
pears i n c h i l d re n ' s books as wel l as i n s c i e n t i f i c j o u r n a l s,
a n d he h a s i l l u s t rated n u m e r o u s textbooks i n t h e f i e l d of
b i o l ogy. C u r r e n t l y h e i s a n a rt i s t a t t h e B o ta n i ca l M u s e u m
o f H a rvard U n i v e rs i ty .