Alibi Historic LandMarkC 2/13 - Meeting Portal
Alibi Historic LandMarkC 2/13 - Meeting Portal
K. Boodjeh, Architect P O Box 881 Arcata CA 95518 707 822 8691 February 14th, 2014 Historic Design Review Commission City of Arcata Community Development Department c/o City of Arcata 531 K Street Eureka, CA 95501 ! Members of the Commission ! The Alibi (located at 744, 9th Street - on the north side of the Historic Arcata Plaza) received a conditional use permit in the fall of 2009 for the demolition of the existing total 2,940 S.F. structure except for the facade facing 9th street, and construction of a new structure consisting of 4,900 S.F. of Bar/Restaurant on the first floor and an additional 3,900 S.F. of the same use on the second floor along with a 740 S.F. balcony at the street front. (Permit # 089-002-CUP) ! ! ! ! APPROVED FACADE REHABILITATION 2009 Due to various reasons, amongst which the 2009-2012 economic conditions cannot be ignored, the project had to be redesigned to fit the current realities of owner’s financing. ! 1 As required we have a revised application submitted to the City and the Commission for HDRC’s re-review. This application amends the previous building project proposing a new structure at the vacant lot area to the west of the existing Alibi. The existing Alibi is to remain with some minor remodel work related to building access, health and safety. The proposed uses are the same as the previous project. ! At the existing Alibi structure, the use will remain as is. The work proposed at the existing structure consists of new fire sprinklers throughout (required by Building Code and Fire Chief (health and safety)) additional plumbing work associated with the removal of the existing restrooms in favor of new fully accessible restrooms located in the new structure, and some minor related electrical work. A new pair of doors are proposed to connect the existing structure to the new addition, for access to the new restrooms and for emergency exit at the end of the “crib wall” (the existing Alibi’s exit towards the alley does not meet ADA requirements). The structural upgrades will be performed such that if removed in the future, the structural and historical integrity of the existing building would be unimpaired. ! Therefore, the proposed work in this application is principally limited to the proposed new structure, given the mentioned alterations in the existing building are minor and required due to health, safety, and accessibility requirements. ! When designing a new structure on the vacant portion of this lot on the Arcata Plaza Historic District, the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties must be incorporated in the design alongside the constraints of the Building Codes, ADA, City of Arcata LUC (LUDG) and other related regulations. ! These "Standards are neither technical nor prescriptive, but are intended to promote responsible preservation practices that help protect our Nation's irreplaceable cultural resources. For example, they cannot, in and of themselves, be used to make essential decisions about which features of the historic building should be saved and which can be changed. But once a treatment is selected, the Standards provide philosophical consistency to the work". (Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, Introduction) ! The Standards' four treatment approaches of Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, and Reconstruction, were reviewed. Obviously the two treatment approaches of Preservation and Restoration, dealing with maintenance, repair, and retention of existing structures, at this vacant lot, were deemed not applicable. ! The treatment approach of Reconstruction was studied next. The Secretary of Interior's "Standards for Reconstruction and Guidelines for Reconstructing Historic Buildings address those aspects of treatment necessary to re-create an entire non-surviving building with new material. Much like restoration, the goal is to make the building appear as it did at a particular -- and most significant -- time in its history. The difference is, in Reconstruction, there is far less extant historic material prior to treatment and, in some cases, nothing visible. Because of the potential for historic error in the absence of sound physical evidence, this treatment can be justified only rarely and thus, is the least frequently undertaken. Documentation requirements prior to and following work are very stringent. Measures should be taken to preserve extant historic surface and subsurface material. Finally, the reconstructed building must be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation". (Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, Reconstruction) 2 1908 Humboldt State University Library, Photo #98 1914-17 Humboldt State University Library, Photo #104 3 ! 1958-59 Humboldt State University Library, Photo #33 ! ! The review of historic analysis on record (Leslie Heald, M.S. February 2006) have indicated the vacant lot’s most significant time to have been between 1914-17 (pre stucco) 1958-59 (post stucco). Given the clear lack of detailed and substantiated documentary evidence of the original structures, any reconstruction would be based on conjectural designs or the availability of different features from other historic buildings in the area, making Reconstruction a nonviable option as indicated above in its treatment approach. ! The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the treatment approach of Rehabilitation for historic properties, the only remaining option, was chosen for the proposed new structure, an addition, with similar use. "In Rehabilitation, historic building materials and characterdefining features are protected and maintained as they are in the treatment Preservation; however, an assumption is made prior to work that existing historic fabric has become damaged or deteriorated over time and, as a result, more repair and replacement will be required. Thus, latitude is given in the Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation to replace extensively deteriorated, damaged, or missing features using either traditional or substitute materials. Of the four treatments, only Rehabilitation includes an opportunity to make possible an efficient contemporary use through alterations and additions". (Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, Rehabilitation) ! The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation "is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values". 4 ! The Arcata General Plan: ! Historic Preservation Element, Guiding Principal and Goals: ! B. Preserve the Historical character of the Plaza and the surrounding commercial district. ! H-3a Arcata Plaza Historic District. The Plaza Area has a special character and unique historical, aesthetic and cultural interest and significance to the residents and business of Arcata. Reflecting its central place in Arcata’s heritage and identity, the Plaza Area, …, is hereby designated as a local historic district. ! H-3d Design review approval. Review and approval by Design Review Commission shall be required for all exterior alterations of and additions to structures located within the Plaza Area Historic District. ! H-3e Design criteria for alterations and additions. [policies D-2e and D-2g shall apply] ! ! Policies D-2 Downtown (Central Commercial) Design: ! ! D-2e Design criteria for new structures and additions. The height, scale, and mass (volume) of new buildings and additions to existing buildings shall be compatible with other buildings in the immediate vicinity. Each building shall have an entry from sidewalk to the street-level floor. Building elevations shall be articulated: long, continuous, unbroken wall and roof planes should be avoided. The visual organization and proportions of building elevations - including the size, spacing and shape of window and door openings - should be consistent with neighboring buildings. Architectural detailing and ornamentation, such as cornices, eaves, recessed or covered entryways, and awnings, are encouraged. Design review applications shall include depiction of buildings on adjoining lots, either in elevation drawings or photographs. D-2f Design criteria for vacant lots on the Arcata Plaza. In addition to the criteria in D-2e, the following criteria shall also apply to development on vacant parcels with frontage on streets surrounding the Plaza: 1. All buildings shall have a minimum height of two stories to create a sense of enclosure for the City’s central open space and focal point. 2. All floors of buildings should be parallel to and at the street parcel line. ! D-2g Design criteria for remodeling existing facades (storefronts). In remodeling facades, the distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site and its environment shall not be destroyed. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features shall be avoided whenever possible. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced whenever practical. Storefronts shall be designed to fit inside the original opening and not extend beyond it. Contemporary design for alterations and additions to existing structures shall not be prohibited when such alterations and additions do not destroy significant historical or architectural character of the property. The size and proportions of any additions shall be compatible with the original building. ! ! ! 5 ! ! The Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are as follows: 1. A property will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change to its distinctive materials, features, spaces, and spatial relationships. 2. The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. 3. Each property will be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, will not be undertaken. 4. Changes to a property that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. 8. Archeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in a such a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. Adaptive Use or Rehabilitation of the subject property has resulted in the design of a proposed new one story structure, consisting of a two story height that is compatible with the historic size, scale, proportion and massing of the subject site and district on the north side of the Arcata’s Historic Plaza. ! The proposed spatial relationships and spaces are designed to be in historic character within the context of the block and a reminder of the scale and character of the lost structures, while avoiding any change to the existing historic resources. ! The proposed architectural features and materials are selected and designed to be lasting and timeless, on the cutting edge of today's technological advances, in character with the spirit of the lost structures. ! The proposed architectural features, finishes, construction techniques, craftsmanship and materials are selected and designed to be contemporary, preserving and distinguishing the existing historic resources. ! ! ! 6 ! The proposed new structure will retain and preserve the property's existing historic resource, The Alibi building, while providing it an opportunity for enhanced health, safety and access upgrades. ! The proposed new structure will protect and preserve in place archeological resources. If such resources are disturbed, mitigation measures will be undertaken. ! The proposed new structure will not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The new work, designed and detailed in size, scale and proportion of the nearby structures, shall be differentiated from the old and yet protect the integrity of the property and its environment. ! The proposed new structure is designed with no structural ties to the existing historic resource. If removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic resource and its environment would be unimpaired. ! Under the Guidelines : ! In Rehabilitation, historic building materials and character-defining features are protected and maintained as they are in the treatment Preservation; however, an assumption is made prior to work that existing historic fabric has become damaged or deteriorated over time and, as a result, more repair and replacement will be required. Thus, latitude is given in the Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitation to replace extensively deteriorated, damaged, or missing features using either traditional or substitute materials. Of the four treatments, only Rehabilitation includes an opportunity to make possible an efficient contemporary use through alterations and additions. ! ! The approaches are listed as follows : ! Identify, Retain, and Preserve Historic Materials and Features Protect and Maintain Historic Materials and Features Repair Historic Materials and Features Replace Deteriorated Historic Materials and Features Design for the Replacement of Missing Historic Features Alterations/Additions for the New Use Energy Efficiency/Accessibility Considerations/Health and Safety Code Considerations In order to protect Alibi's architectural features, the least degree of intervention is very important for the new addition to the west, making sure the design does not compete and/or distract from the existing structure's architectural features and to allow time and space for its comprehension and understanding. ! The existing Alibi structure facing 9th street consists of scale and massing, color, texture, and treatments of signage combinations along with parapets and cornices that are very unique to it. The building's tile base, windows, entrance, canopy and the way it meets the sky is not difficult to be perceived by an interested observer as one of a kind in this region. ! ! ! ! 7 Any work on the adjacent parcel must be designed to be contextually compatible with the existing scale, mass, solid to void, color and texture of the Historic Arcata Plaza and its common surrounding architectural features. In other words, the proposed building needs to be consistent in character, and scale in order to fit in the "context" of the Historic Arcata Plaza. ! Contextual compatibility can be achieved through using three design tools creating buildings that: ! Emulate; copy a particular neighboring architectural style, when authentic with its proportions, detailing and materials can be thoughtful solution. Merely mimicking what is there with a pastiche of off-the-shelf materials, however, renders a superficial Disneyesque or Las Vegas type of solution that insults its neighbors. Neither copies nor contrasts. ! Reinterpret; use proportions of neighboring bays, roof lines or other architectural features, heights, details, symmetry or asymmetry in a new way with updated materials are often successful. ! ! Contrast; intentionally, yet politely with its existing neighbors is a time honored tradition and should be encouraged, providing they honor certain good practices of urban design, such as thoughtful pedestrian and vehicular entrances, establishing a street wall height in relation to the street width, rather than relying only on the height of existing adjacent buildings, a good use of proportion, and quality of materials. Very often the contrasting building enhances the appreciation and understanding of existing adjacent buildings by simply being different. This is one of the basic tenets outlined in the Secretary of Interior's standards for adding to historic buildings. The proposed new structure is designed to fit in the context of the Historic Arcata Plaza and is also designed to retain and respect the existing Alibi at the same time that is compatible with its extended surrounding. ! In the design of the proposed new structure there are design elements relating to all three contextual design tools implemented as deemed appropriate and functional creating a new building that fits in the existing Historic Arcata Plaza’s context, the following is an attempt at explaining how. ! R E S T A U R A N T ! ! ! ! ! PROPOSED DESIGN IN CONTEXT OF THE NORTH SIDE OF THE PLAZA 2012 ! 8 40 N15°36'54"E At the sidewalk level of the proposed building the wall setback Emulates the existing setbacks at the Arcata Liquors (.84’ at street wall and 1.3’ at shaft wall). In addition the entrance door’s setback Emulates all existing entrance doors (except for Sideline’s second floor access door). It is important here to note that the most recent lost structure’s concrete sidewalk edges extend north, towards the old structure, 4ft at the door and was at an angle at minimum 2ft at the wall line. The proposed wall setback also allows dining at the sidewalk (no alcohol) and the door is setback just enough to avoid the sidewalk traffic with the door swing (as per code). The proposed setbacks (1.3ft at the wall and 3ft at the door) Reinterpret the past, Contrast the present and yet fit in the total context. ! 3 9.3 4 9.7 4 0.0 3 9.9 3 9.6 TOBY AND JACK'S THE ALIBI (FF=41.2') 40 40 40 4 0.5 4 0.2 3 9.8 5 6.2 3 9.7 1 4 0.9 4 0. 5 7.5 40 4 9.3 3 9.7 S74°23'06"E 0.0 4 4 9.3 4 1.2 4 1.14 1.2 3 9.8 4 0.5 4 1.2 4 0.8 4 0.9 4 0.5 4 0.0 5 8.4 0 4 0.1 4 0. 2 4 9.6 4 0. 4 1. 6 4 9.5 3 9.5 3 9.9 4 0.0 3 9.9 3 9.4 4 0.2 4 0.2 4 0.2 6 6.470.3 6 1.6 4 0.7 4 9.5 4 9.8 4 9.9 5 0.1 4 8.3 4 0.1 3 9.7 4 0.0 3 9.6 4 8.2 40 3 9.4 45.00' 4 0.4 4 8.6 40 3 9.7 3 9.9 4 0.9 4 0.60.5 4 4 8.7 3 9.9 3 9.6 THE SIDELINES (2 STORY) 4 0.1 3 9.9 9.6 3 3 9.7 4 0.1 4 0.5 4 0.5 3 9.7 4 0.0 40 SURVEY SHOWING SIDEWALK EDGE AT THE LOST BUILDING ! The storefront windows at the sidewalk level provide the interior space’s users eyes on the activities on the sidewalk. This function is something we all hope can be positive in regards to the behaviors associated with that location, but at the same time it is in context with the storefront applications at the Arcata Hotel, the Sidelines, the Retail Store and the Arcata Liquors. The brick use at Tobby and Jack’s, the Sidelines and Arcata Hotel are Reinterpreted here in a contemporary style. The "storefront" treatments and the street wall height up to the canopy, Emulate the proportions, symmetry, and architectural character of neighboring structures in the area at the street level keeping the pedestrian urban experience in the same context as the existing surrounding buildings. 9 ! At the street level, above a linear brick base, a facade of horizontal redwood siding is combined with a simple set of glass windows. The brick base continues up to the right of the door becoming an expression of the entrance above the canopy. The canopy, the use of the brick and the redwood siding Reinterpret and/or Emulate design elements present in the adjacent buildings, yet contrast them as modern treatments. These contemporary facade treatments and finishes along with their sense of modernity are meant to symbolize an appreciation of the existing context and materials present at the district. ! At the upper level, the building’s shaft and cap, the transom windows, the circular window, and simple parapet treatments Reinterpret the proportions, scale, and architectural features of neighboring treatments and elements with updated materials such as a round window with etched letters echoes the round signs at Alibi and Tobby and Jack’s in addition to the round windows at Everett’s. The clear anodized trim and corner mitered glass at the transom windows Emulate the nearby redwood framed transom windows at Arcata Hotel and the Retail Store with a Contrasting modern material and finish. The cornice treatment is suggested in a Contrasting contemporary metal finish. ! 10 ! ! Justin Ladd of The Alibi has, since 2002, committed countless hours of his time, and other resources making sure that the expansion of his Bar and Restaurant is done in good taste, and has remained committed to having an addition worthy of his property. ! This report, focused on the Plaza side of the project, is intended to provide the commission members an explanation of how design tools were used to reflect the professional commitment made here, since 1999 working with the previous owner, in analyzing what is the best possible solution given all applicable constraints, while designing on the Arcata Plaza. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PL PL 5 4 3 2 1 ROOF & CLEARSTORY WINDOWS BEYOND STANDING SEAM ROOF o/ TRASH & RECYCLE ENCLOSURE CORRUGATED METAL SIDING w/ KYNAR FINISH SOLID METAL FENCE APPROX. 10 FT TALL w/ WEATHERING FINISH METAL EGRESS DOORS FROM OUTDOOR PATIO ADJACENT BUILDING "THE SIDELINES" EXISTING BUILDING "THE ALIBI" ADJACENT BUILDING "TOBBY AND JACK's" BI-PASS BARN DOOR w/ LOUVERED METAL PANEL ELEVATION AT THE ALLEY ! ! The emphasis in the process of designing in a historic district resulted in major reliance on the Secretary of Interior's set of Standards and Guidelines as stressed here, with an eye on the overall contextual fit. The related Arcata General Plan Policies were viewed and analyzed in this primary context. ! With this application The Alibi proudly proposes a structure for your review that is designed considering and implementing all applicable standards and guidelines related to the responsibility associated with constructing in the Arcata Plaza Area Historic District at the same time that it is also a structure that fits its business needs. ! ! Thank you for your time ! ! _____________________________ Date: _______________________________ Kash Boodjeh A.I.A 11 12 + 0'-0" SLAB [LOWER] ADJACENT BUILDING "TOBY & JACK'S" THIN BRICK MANGANESE IRONSPOT o/ WOOD FRAME WALL ASSEMBLY SIGN LETTERS o/ WOOD BASE w/ LED BACKLIGHTING + 22'-0" TOP OF WALL 1 PL 2 3 CIRCULAR WINDOW 4 REDWOOD SIDING w/ TRANSPARENT FINISH STANDING SEAM ROOF REDWOOD BEAM METAL AWNING PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING @ ALL PARAPETS 5 PL + 1.1 FT (E) FINISH FLOOR ADJACENT BUILDING "THE SIDELINES"