Official Boardwalk Art Show Program
Official Boardwalk Art Show Program
Official Boardwalk Art Show Program Thank you for supporting the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 1 \eh b[Wl_d] W h[Wbbo X_] _cfh[ii_ed$ FD9 8Wda _i fhekZ je i[hl[ Wi j^[ fh[i[dj_d] ifedieh e\ j^[ +/j^ 7ddkWb 8eWhZmWba 7hj I^em$ M[ Yed]hWjkbWj[ CE97 WdZ Wbb ej^[hi _dlebl[Z _d eh]Wd_p_d] j^_i ekjijWdZ_d] [l[dj \eh L_h]_d_W 8[WY^$ fdY$Yec (&'* J^[ FD9 <_dWdY_Wb I[hl_Y[i =hekf" ?dY$ 7bb h_]^ji h[i[hl[Z$ FD9 8Wda" DWj_edWb 7iieY_Wj_ed$ C[cX[h <:?9 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK 'HDU )ULHQGV :HOFRPH WR 02&$·V %RDUGZDON $UW 6KRZ 31& %DQN LV SOHDVHG WR EH WKH SUHVHQWLQJ VSRQVRU RI WKLV RXWVWDQGLQJ PXFK DQWLFLSDWHG VXPPHU HYHQW WKDW FHOHEUDWHV VRPH RI WKH ILQHVW ZRUN IURP H[FHSWLRQDO DUWLVWV DQG FROOHFWRUV DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ )RU GHFDGHV 31& KDV EHHQ D OHDGLQJ VXSSRUWHU RI FXOWXUDO LQLWLDWLYHV DQG DUWV RUJDQL]DWLRQV DV ZH EHOLHYH WKDW WKH DUWV DUH YLWDO WR WKH VRFLDO DQG HFRQRPLF IDEULF RI RXU FRPPXQLWLHV 1RW RQO\ GR DUWV GHYHORS FUHDWLYLW\ LQQRYDWLRQ DQG FROODERUDWLRQ ² WKH VNLOOV IRU WKH ZRUNIRUFH RI WRPRUURZ ²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² UHJDUGOHVV RI WKHLU FLUFXPVWDQFHV ² DUH SUHSDUHG WR VXFFHHG LQ VFKRRO DQG OLIH :H DSSODXG 02&$ IRU HQVXULQJ WKDW SURFHHGV IURP WKH %RDUGZDON $UW 6KRZ GLUHFWO\ VXSSRUW WKH 0XVHXP·V JRDOV RI QRW RQO\ SUHVHQWLQJ WKRXJKWSURYRNLQJ FRQWHPSRUDU\ DUW H[KLELWLRQV EXW DOVR FKLOGUHQ·V HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPV ,Q FORVLQJ ZH H[WHQG D VSHFLDO WKDQN \RX WR WKH PRUH WKDQ GHGLFDWHG VWDII DQG YROXQWHHUV ZKR KDYH ZRUNHG WLUHOHVVO\ WR SURGXFH WKLV HYHQW D 9LUJLQLD %HDFK WUDGLWLRQ DQG PDMRU KLJKOLJKW RI WKH VXPPHU 7KDQNV IRU EHLQJ D SDUW RI WKH 02&$·V %RDUGZDON $UW 6KRZ 3OHDVH HQMR\ WKH ILQH DUW JUHDW IRRG DQG OLYH HQWHUWDLQPHQW 6LQFHUHO\ 0LFKDHO 1 +DUUHOG 5HJLRQDO 3UHVLGHQW 31& %DQN ² *UHDWHU :DVKLQJWRQ $UHD (QULFR 'HOOD &RUQD 9LUJLQLD 0DUNHW ([HFXWLYH 31& %DQN 0HPEHU RI 7KH 31& )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV *URXS WK 6WUHHW 1: :DVKLQJWRQ '& ZZZSQFFRP 2 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )! % )% !% ! ( ( +++ % % % '& "" &'+++ !% ) )%% %*%% # # Voted Best of the Beach 20 Years Running Best Seafood & Our Famous Award Winning Crab Cakes & the Best View in Virginia Beach! FRESH FISH Filets Tuna - Flounder - Mahi Mahi - Catfish FAVORITES: Lynnhaven Oysters Our Seafood Tower Original Mediterranean Salad She Crab Soup Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner Daily Specials 10% Early Bird Discount 4:30- 6pm Daily Private Room with Chesapeake Bay View Call for Reservations 481-0003 2350 Starfish Road, Virginia Beach ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 3 the Future of Apartment Living. • Energy efficient design to help you save money on bills • Full-size washer & dryer included in each apartment home • Fully-equipped kitchens with stainless steel appliances • Sparkling swimming pool with cabana • Outdoor Grills and Fire Pit • Minutes from local naval bases • Very close to Norfolk International Airport. • Pet Friendly 6130 Edward St., Norfolk, VA 23513 PH: (866) 284-5014 • FX: (757) 965-5435 [email protected] p Luxurious one, two, & three bedroom apartment homes. • Gated community providing controlled-entry access • Heated, resort-style infinity pool • State-of-the-art fitness center • Elevators in each building • Minutes from downtown Norfolk and Naval bases • Kayaks, paddle boards, & beach cruiser bikes for resident use • Pet Friendly 4253 Llewellyn Ave., Norfolk, VA 23504 PH: (866) 464-5309 • FX: (757) 965-4762 Stunning one, two, and three bedroom luxury apartment homes [email protected] on the Lafayette River rhouse-aappttss..coom • Fully-equipped kitchens with stainless steel appliances • Gated community • Bowling Alley with top of the line sound system. • Convenient to beaches & Virginia Beach Town Center • State-of-the-art fitness center • Massage Room • Beautiful pool with cabana beds • Pet Friendly 1205 Colgin Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 PH: (855) 294-7305 • FX: (757) 965-5435 [email protected] Spacious one, two, and three bedroom apartment homes w w w. t h e f r a n k l i n j o h n s t o n g r o u p . c o m Developing & Managing MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK MOCA’s Boardwalk Art Show Local Tradition and National Recognition It’s another great year of fabulous artists, entertainment and food at this year’s Boardwalk Art Show, June 12 – 15th, 2014. This four-day festival is popular among artists and attendees alike, running from 19th Street to 33rd Street, overlooking the sandy beach and Atlantic Ocean. In 1952, a small group of artists presented an outdoor art show at the boardwalk, with the proceeds benefiting a fellow artist who had fallen ill. Those artists later formed an organization which is today the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). In 1956, the first official Boardwalk Art Show was held. Top prize was $25 and 104 artists participated. Today the Best in Show winner receive $7,500 and MOCA’s Boardwalk Art Show is consistently ranked in Sunshine Artist Magazine’s top 40 fine art shows in the country. With an average attendance of more than 200,000, this four-day festival is one of the most recognized in Virginia, attracting collectors and artists from across the nation. And we’re excited to be celebrating our 59th year on the Boardwalk! Proceeds from the Boardwalk Art Show directly support the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. MOCA is a non-profit institution and is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. Its mission is to promote exploration and understanding of the significant art of our time. In the last decade, MOCA has provided exposure to the arts to over 100,000 children in Hampton Roads. Find out more about MOCA by visiting Boardwalk Art Show Hours • Thursday, June 12, 2014 Show Hours 12pm to 8pm • Friday, June 13, 2014 Show Hours 10am to 6pm Wine & Beer Garden 31st St. 4pm to 11pm • Saturday, June 14, 2014 Show Hours 10am to 6pm Wine & Beer Garden 31st St. 4pm to 11pm Entertainment Highlight: The Right On Band - 31st St. Stage 7pm to 11pm Entertainment Highlight: Family Fest - 24th Street Park 10am to 6pm Strictly Bizzness - 31st St. Stage 7pm to 11pm • Sunday, June 15, 2014 Show Hours 10 am to 5pm Wine & Beer Garden 31st St. 4pm to 10pm Entertainment Highlight: Deja - 31st St. Stage 6pm to 10pm Location The Art Show is located between 19th and 33rd Street on the Virginia Beach Boardwalk 4 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Experience the Ultimate Beach Staycation Save on travel and splurge on your stay. Enjoy luxury accommodations for 2 nights, a rooftop infinity pool, a $100 gift card for our award-winning restaurants, 2 tickets to Beach Movie Bistro and the best location on the boardwalk. Book our Staycation Package today by calling 757-352-2730 3001 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 | | 757-352-2730 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 5 AQUA ON 25TH STREET AND 25TH STREET GARAGE OPENING SPRING 2015 147 Luxury Apartment Units and a City Parking Garage EXCITING NEW mixed use development COMING SOON B Y T H E B R E E D E N C O M PA N Y ® iFLY VIRGINIA BEACH 6 State-of-the-Art Vertical Wind Tunnel 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW OPENING FALL 2014 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT ® ASHBROOK 205 SILVERBROOK LANE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23462 757.456.5556 We have the perfect apartment home waiting for YOU! AUBURN PLACE 3745 EDENBERRY COURT VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 757.498.9299 CAMBRIA AT CORNERSTONE 4884 TRAVERTINE AVENUE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23462 757.605.5234 CHAPEL LAKE 500 CHAPEL LAKE DR., #202 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23454 757.428.4289 EMERALD POINT 2100 WESTMINSTER LANE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23454 757.422.3457 HUNTERS MILL 397 BRIXTON DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23462 757.456.9300 RED MILL LANDING 2241 WISTERIA LANE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456 757.747.7368 THOUSAND OAKS 1020 THOUSAND OAKS DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23454 757.481.2748 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 7 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK MOCA’s Famed Family Fest – making fun boardwalk style! Saturday June 14th • 10am – 6pm MOCA’s popular Family Fest heads to the Boardwalk Art Show and brings along several community partners for a fun-filled day of hands-on artmaking, music and fun! Join MOCA, the Scrap Exchange, Virginia Zoo, Young Audiences of Virginia,, REACH and the Virginia Beach Public Library. Create, explore, enjoy art and most of all, have fun Boardwalk Style! It’s free for all ages! The MOCA Boardwalk Art Show Family Fest is sponsored in part by generous funding from the B. M. Stanton Foundation. Culinary Row at 24th Street Positioned as the hub of the show, Culinary Row features 10 caterers and local restaurants sharing their specialty edibles with Boardwalk Art Show visitors. Choose from fresh crabcakes, local barbeque, gourmet pizza made to order, vegetarian cuisine and many other treats for the senses. Tables and chairs line the boardwalk for comfortable seating and eating! Join us Under the Big Tent at the Boardwalk Beach Club presented by The jewel of the show is the Boardwalk Beach Club, an 80’ tented space along the boardwalk for individuals who want to enhance their show experience. Beach Club guests enjoy valet parking, a commemorative 2014 signed poster, open bar and unparalleled lunch service provided by Steinhilber’s, all in a lovely shaded space with comfortable seating, private bathrooms and beautiful views of the ocean. Beach Club Tickets are $99 per person per day and can be purchased online at and at the event if still available. Share the LOVE – Virginia Tourism joins MOCA The Boardwalk Art Show is a proud destination this year for the Virginia is for Lovers LOVE campaign. You can find the LOVE artwork at 24th Street Park. Take your picture there and post it to the Virginia is for Lovers Facebook page at virginiaisforlovers and share on Twitter using the special hashtag #LOVEVA. Post your LOVE artwork photo to the Boardwalk Art Show Facebook page and you could win a commemorative poster. One person will be selected at random daily during the show. Share the LOVE! 8 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder. View our entire collection at and start Driving Southern Style! Poseidon Beach Proud to Support Virginia Beach's condominiums 5 9 th A N N U A L BoardwalkArtShow GPXQGV 6XVLH( REALTOR® B E AC H L I V I N G AT I T S B E S T A Howard Hanna Company Call or Text: (757) 718-1970 [email protected] Real Estate Services ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 9 THE SHOPS AT HILLTOP Poster Framing Special Only $49 Includes mounting, black metal frame, and clear glass Hilltop North Shopping Center • 1628 Laskin Road, Suite 716 425-1670 • 10 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT THE SHOPS AT HILLTOP ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 11 THE SHOPS AT HILLTOP Swimwear For Misses & Juniors in Sizes 4-24 Large Selection of Coverups, Shoes and Sportswear Jewelry, Accessories and Fine Gifts 307 Laskin Rd. (31st Street) Oceanfront Virginia Beach 757-428-7945 15 % off any custom framing order through July 13th, 2014. ASK ABOUT OUR BOARDWALK ART SHOW FRAMING SPECIAL (757) 428-3726 • 313 LASKIN RD. #104, VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23451 12 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK About the Poster Artist Robbin Brothers, a local artist and teacher at Catholic High School in Virginia Beach is the winner of this year’s featured artist competition. Almost 5,000 votes determined the winner from entries around the country. After graduating with a B.A. in Studio Arts, Brothers went on to receive her M.F.A. in Painting and Printmaking at Old Dominion University. Following graduation she accepted a position as artist-in-residence at the University of Georgia in their studies abroad program in Cortona, Italy. After a year, she began working as program director for the Center of Creative Arts in Yorklyn, Delaware, where she designed their educational program and organized regional exhibitions. These positions lead to her desire to teach art. Over the course of 18 years, Robbin has taught high school art in several private schools. She continues to work as an exhibiting artist and she defines herself as “an artist who teaches, instead of a teacher who does art.” You can meet the artist and view her work at booth #3002 along the boardwalk. Posters are available for $20 at 24th and 31st Street merchandise tents. Limited-edition, signed posters will be available for $30. T-shirsts for adults and children, too. Wine & Beer Garden at 31st Street Park Live Entertainment Nightly on the 31st Street Stage Friday 7pm . . . . The Right On Band Saturday 7pm . . . . . Strictly Bizzness Sunday 6pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deja Wine & Beer Garden Open Friday - Sunday from 4pm to 10pm Special thanks to ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 13 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK 2014 Boardwalk Art Show Judges Shannon Timms - Art Advisor and West Coast Sales Director of ArtForum Jeffrey Allison - Manager of Statewide Programs & Exhibitions, VMFA Brigitte Martin - Editor of Crafthaus, Professional Artist & Award-winning Author Volunteer Committee Leaders Diane Anderson Mandy Beall Mary Paul Callis Debra Chako Rich Chinappi LD Davis Lorraine Freeman Martha Glasser Jeff Hubbard Anette Johnson Michelle Kane Maria Kania Staci Katsias Sean King LaVae Lindley Nancy Mansfield Jess McCoy Katy Merrill Betsy Hardy Parks Meredith Rutter Jim Spruance Margaret Sullivan-Rucka Lynne Sward Jodie Woodward MOCA Board of Trustees and Honorees Nancy Arias Jane P. Batten (H) Macon Brock (H) Uschi Butler (H) William Butler Bill Campbell (H) Ben Cohen Christopher Crowder Scott Duncan David Durham John Fall Barbara Fine (H) Janyth G. Fine (H) Barbara Fleming (H) Pace Frizzell Fran Hampton Andrew Hodge Anette Johnson Eden Jones Staci Vella Katsias Mary Anne Kellam-Canada Ross Legum Suzanne T. Mastracco (H) Mike Matacunas Terri McKenzie Preston Midgett Katherine Moore Valerie Neff (H) John Overton Ed Power (H) Madelyn Reass Howard Rodman Rod Rodriguez (H) Meredith Rutter Lisa Sinclair Petra Snowden James H. Spruance (H) Robert L. Stein (H) Linda S. Taylor (H) Steve Test John Uhrin Kim Wheeler Bob Zuckerman Thanks to all of the 300 volunteers who work year round to make the show successful! on view may 29-aug 17 Multiplicity features more than eighty prints by such outstanding modern and contemporary artists as Chuck Close, Sol LeWitt, David Hockney, Barbara Kruger and Kara Walker. Multiplicity is organized by the Smithsonian American Art Museum with support from the William R. Kenan, Jr. Endowment Fund. The C.F. Foundation in Atlanta supports the museum’s traveling exhibition program, Treasures to Go. Additional support for the exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art comes from The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation. Chuck Close, Self Portrait, 2000 sceenprint on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase, © 2000, Chuck Close. Cool off with contemporary art, just 6 blocks from the oceanfront. Visit us via the VB Wave! CLASSES | EVENTS | 757-425-0000 | 2200 PARKS AVE | 14 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Remember Fun and Sun with the Virginia Beach Bracelet! • Sterling Silver and 14K Gold • 8 interchangeable bracelet styles to choose from • Additional bracelet toppers available in opal and mother of pearl like crab as shown • Also available as pendants Tidewater Keepsake Jewelers 4224 Virginia Beach Blvd. Ste 104 (1 mile east of Town Center) 757-499-7555 GREAT NECK PARK SEP 6 & 7 Late jury deadline July 11, 2014 #VBARTISANS [email protected] ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 15 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK AWARDS & PRIZE FUND DONORS $7,500 Best in Show Award Sponsored by Virginia Beach Hotel Motel Association Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Barrs Pharmacy Virginia’s Finest Award ($2,500) In Honor of Anne M. Virga, a Virginia artist, by her children, Anne Marie Virga, Andrew Virga, James J. Virga, Jr., Marion Swaim & Anita Warriner Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Jack & Jodie Frieden Thomas A Felton Jr. Award of Distinction in Fine Art ($2,000) Sponsored by Juanita Felton Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Micky & Dave Jester In Memory of Mrs. Bert Chenman Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Mac & Steve Houfek Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Suzanne & Vince Mastracco Friends of MOCA Award of Distinction ($1,000) Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Reba McClanan The Randy & Irene Sutton Best in Glass Award ($1,000) Sponsored by Randy & Irene Sutton Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Kathie Moore in Honor of Virginia Breeden The Warden Family Foundation Best in Painting Award ($1,000) Sponsored by the Warden Family Foundation Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Charlie & Nicole Nash Lee A. and Helen Gifford Fund of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation Award of Distinction ($1,000) Sponsored by the Lee A. and Helen Gifford Fund Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Valerie Neff in Memory of Walter G. Neff, Jr. Judge’s Choice Award ($1,000) Sponsored by Nancy & Manny Arias Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Katherine L. Reilly Judge’s Choice Award ($1,000) Sponsored by Macon F. & Joan P. Brock Judge’s Choice Award ($1,000) Sponsored by Scott & Christina Duncan Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Selma M. Aspinwall Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Barbara Fleming Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Hitt Electric Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Terri McKenzie Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Frank & Diane Monroe, B. M. Stanton Foundation Award of Merit ($500) Sponsored by Bill & Meg Campbell Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Barbara Amdusky 16 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Allen Richter Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by Amy Walton in Memory of Russ Walton Sand Dollar Award ($250) Sponsored by The Winfields Friends of MOCA Mrs. Charles N. Cooper Lynnhaven Fish House Restaurant Lynne Farrell Marcy & Bill Oberndorfer Susan & Paul Hirschbiel Jim & Joan Spore Jim Spruance Marsha & Lewis D. Hirschler, Jr. Bobby & Mimi Stein Tom Hoffler Mary Lou Tazwell Margaret & Oliver Joyner Mike & Mary Vance Earl Keegan Betty Wells Sylvia B. Luck Board of Trustees Artist Prize Fund Donors Nancy Arias Barbara Fleming Valerie Neff Macon Brock Suzanne Mastracco Jim Spruance Bill Campbell Teri McKenzie Bobby Stein Scott Duncan Kathy Moore ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT ZH·UH JDPH IRU WKH %RDUGZDON $UW 6KRZ ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 17 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK 201 4 Artist Listing Be sure to check out these amazing artists on the boardwalk. The booth number is shown next to the artist’s name. The first 2 digits represent the block where you can find the artist. Keep track of your favorite artists for future reference! ceramics Judy Abdelaziz Alan & Rosemary Bennett 2502 2011 Thomas Bothe [email protected] 2915 David Camden Trista Chapman Michael Cho Bill Colby Richard Collison Laura Cooke Patrick Dragon Adam Egenolf Brian Evans David Fernandez Gene Gandee Santiago Gutierrez Thomas Harris Lee Hazelgrove Samuel Hitchman Elliott Hubbard 2422 2425 2722 2809 3110 2724 2109 2711 3120 2028 2623 2320 2431 2717 2307 2007 John Kellum Jinsong & Carol Kim 2118 2805 Brian Lacy [email protected] 2223 Michael LaRoche Scott And Jenny Martin Alexa Modderno John Moore Susan Painter Lynette & Andrew Phillips Amber Poole Ralph Rankin David Ross Brenda Schramm Cheryl Mackey Smith Russell Turnage [email protected] 2218 Andrew Wender Fred Wiesener Nevan & Douglas Wise Anita Hume [email protected] Jake Johnson Peter Jones 18 2923 3025 2107 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 2024 2120 2021 2311 2802 2813 2302 2002 2708 2318 2016 2920 2419 2114 digital art Gregg Billman Pat Little Charlie Maiorana 2102 2505 2421 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK John Margerum James Richmond Paul Stevens Alison Thomas [email protected] 2126 2315 2804 2816 drawing Troy Argenbright Greg Barnes Daniel Bondroff Carol Ferony Diane French [email protected] Jeanne Goodman Lawrence Packard [email protected] 2112 2322 2124 3107 2727 C Donofrio Princy & John Fears John Gunther Teresa & Joel Howard Ira & Sue Lances Susan Marling Gloria McRoberts Kyoung-Joa Park James & Rombye Perry Alice Pickett Lewis J.J. Reichert Maureen Roberts Annie Simcoe Robert Stadnycki Shawn Thomas glass Kimberly Brooks Filkins Joseph Falzone Richard Fizer Scott Gamble Ryan Gothrup Jeremy Griffith Adam Kaser Angela McKee Stan Megdall Kirk Miller Tim Miller Celeste North David Russell Bill & Jon Slade 2117 Michael Solomon [email protected] 3113 2103 3028 fiber Jen & Tanya Alsberg-Armstrong 2527 Kalbindar Basi 2619 Dawn De Santo 2319 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 2221 2510 2822 2213 2913 3020 2111 2125 2817 2808 3118 2123 2014 2926 2627 Josh Solomon Richard Wilson 2811 3206 2820 2026 2226 2127 2521 3112 2309 2713 2433 2220 2818 2504 2921 graphics/printmaking Holly Foss Ronna Katz Flo Kemp 2726 2110 2617 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 19 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK Karen Kemp Atsuko Okamoto 2618 2418 Sylvia Pixley [email protected] 2012 Sean StarWars Anne Wooster Mark Grosser [email protected] 3026 Ashleigh Branstetter 2626 [email protected] Laura Cardwell [email protected] 20 2122 2718 2305 2008 2214 2313 2823 2512 2310 3203 jewelry Alexis Barbeau [email protected] Gloria Danvers Lisa Davin Dave & Cathy Davis Jayne DeMarcay Mary DeMarco Lori Flanders Pam & Nelson Fox Samantha Freeman 3122 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 3018 Lynn Harrisberger Jean Havet Wiwat Kamolpornwijit Kristine Kennedy Cynthia Lackore Sandy Lent Thomas Lott Aleksandr Maryaskin Jason McLeod 2729 2219 2506 3210 2225 2108 3205 2910 3119 Balbina Meyer [email protected] 2806 Christian Nevin [email protected] 3202 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK Rex Nockengust David Nugent Nicolette Plynton Alice Scott Gary & Maureen Shull Debbie Smith Michae Stephens Jason Stoddard 3013 2020 2027 2017 2520 2023 2710 2702 Molly Strader [email protected] 2919 Delias Thompson Austin Titus Barbara & Rick Umbel Juan Velez Sally & Leigh Wade 2321 3125 2612 2303 2914 Jessica Weiss [email protected] 2308 Angela Welti Kristin Wornson Katherine Worthington E. Douglas Wunder 2013 3016 3023 2424 mixed media Carlton Abbott Stephen Baldauf Sean Barry Jean Benvenuto Robbin Brothers F. Lennox Campello Teri Causey Robert Cornell Ummarid Eitharong Maurice Evans Deona Fish Holly Hambrick Marirosa Hofmann Nicario Jimenez Leif Johansen Ronna Katz Tony Krysinsky Alex Leopold Chris Mason Lisa Mote Atsuko Okamoto Angelique Robichaud Randall Smith Bob & Patti Stern Luisa Velasquez [email protected] 2525 2624 2019 2524 3002 2918 2517 3208 2009 2420 2119 2224 2104 2113 3121 2110 2616 2317 3204 2911 2418 2230 2015 3014 2426 painting metalworks Keith Bradley Scott Hornbaker Colby Smith Ron Stinson ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 2128 2728 2417 2115 R. L. Alexander [email protected] 3114 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 21 MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK Lisa Ashinoff Stephen Baldauf Jean Benvenuto Stephen Brehm David Cochran Pui-Lan Cockman 3207 2625 2524 3015 2707 2429 James Nelson [email protected] Jinx Constine [email protected] Dave DeLaCruz Gray Dodson Mary Erickson Ed Fadool Michael Farrar Robert Flowers Yoram Gal Charlene Marsh Isaac McCaslin Amanda McLenon Jayne Morgan Micah Mullen Brian Murphy Barbra Myers [email protected] 22 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 2304 2513 2622 2025 2916 2704 2222 3126 3214 2227 2503 2712 3124 2725 3012 2511 Daniel Nie Ed Obermeyer David Oleski Bob Osborne Marian Pacsuta Weih Zizi Pan Damon Pla John Pompeo Stephen Ray Daniel Robbins Suzy Scarborough 2803 2519 2507 2432 3019 2106 2018 2719 2306 2716 2215 Juli Schuszler [email protected] 2824 Jon Smith [email protected] 2516 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT MOCA’s 59th Annual Boardwalk Art Show PRESENTED BY PNC BANK Larry Smith Eric Soller [email protected] Peter Stolvoort Karen Sutton Carroll Swayze Charles Tersolo Midori Ueda-Okahana James Underwood Samuel Whitehead 3030 2423 Mark MacKinnon Oscar Matos Linares Linda McAdams Brian Miller Ray Mosteller David Schmidt Greg Turco sculpture Edward Belbusti Keith Bradley David & Vicky Campbell Vonnie Whitworth Man-Wai Wu Russell Yerkes 2022 2522 2004 2611 photography Ray Becker Caroline Christie Tom Clements David Cote Jeffrey Diener Jana Epstein Barry Hollritt Lorri Honeycutt Nels Johnson Greg Knott Jean-Claude Louis ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 3123 2128 2430 3116 2925 2821 2416 3111 2314 3117 Scott & Jodi Causey [email protected] Steve Whitlock [email protected] 3021 2723 2628 2615 2005 2706 2323 3024 2807 2414 2312 2620 2917 2229 2714 2509 2709 2514 David Figueroa Will Grant Su Griggs Allen John Wayne & Paige Jackson Jeffrey Kennedy Kue King Grace Kisa Boris Kramer Brian Marshall Teresa Moorehouse Larry Ringgold Kurt Ruby Eric Tardif Tanya Tyree Thomas Wargin 2927 3027 3108 3017 3211 3115 2105 2720 2613 2010 2703 3201 2815 2705 2428 3029 wood Andy Costine John Dennis Stacy Kinney Richard McCollum Jeffrey Nelson David O’Neal Robert Wilhelm 2819 2924 2216 2610 2231 2812 2814 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW 23 Thanks to all our sponsors! OF F I CI AL PRES EN TIN G S PO N S OR: 24 59TH ANNUAL BOARDWALK ART SHOW ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT
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