October 2015 - St. Michael`s School
October 2015 - St. Michael`s School
October 2015 Newsletter ST. MICHAEL’S SCHOOL ÉCOLE ST. MICHAEL’S Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division #212 407 Darlington Street East YORKTON SASKATCHEWAN CANADA S3N 3Y9 Phone: 1-306-782-4407 Fax: 1-306-782-4408 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://stmichaels.christtheteacher.ca D e a r S t . M i c ha e l ’ s P a re n t s a n d G ua r d i a ns : Already one month has gone by in the school year and things here at St. Michael’s are in full swing. The first month has shown that our school will be a busy place of school lessons, sharing with friends and learning more about ourselves and the world we are a part of. Students and staff have been busy with a number of curricular and extracurricular activities, whether praying at school celebrations, competing at sports events, canoeing at York Lake, or working on class assignments. It is also great to see a wonderful turnout of parents and guardians for many of these activities. This certainly indicates that you are truly interested and want to be involved in your child’s education. There will be many opportunities for you to continue to be involved and we encourage you to join with us for any activities that may fit your schedule. Most importantly, we would like to extend our wishes that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. On Friday, Oct. 9 th at 12:45pm, we will celebrate our Thanksgiving Liturgy with Father Ray. This will provide us with the opportunity to reflect with thanks the many gifts we have received. We would love to have you come and join us in prayer and Thanksgiving. We also hope that you and your family are able to make time throughout the Thanksgiving weekend to enjoy a moment of quiet in our busy lives, Inside this issue: and to recognize God’s many gifts and blessings. Forms, Leadership Wishing everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving. Band Info Mr. M.J. Malayney Mrs. S. Willson Principal Vice-Principal Public Health Info, School Photos are Scheduled for All are Invited to our Thanksgiving Liturgy Celebration Friday, October 9th at 12:45p.m. @ St. Michael’s School Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 (Day 3) KB photos are on Thurs. October 1st, 2015 (Day 1) Retakes are on: Tuesday October 27 *Day 2 (you need to be on the list to have your photo taken again—parents need to call the office to put their child/ren on the list) 2 Sacrament Prep, Parish Information Dates to Remember, Special Invitation 2 News, Lost and Found, 3 Terry Fox Walk, Education Week No School Dates, 3 Thank You’s, Halloween Cross Country Results 4& & Information 5 October Calendar 6 Page 2 SUNRISE PUBLIC HEALTH Demographic Form: Please hand in if you have not done so already, so we can update our records. Use of Student Work and Personal Information: We need one for each child that attends St. Michael’s school. This is a one time form, once we have it on file you will not have to sign another one! If you have not handed this in, please do so immediately. School Fees: Please remember to hand in your school fees if you have not done so already! ** I have emailed those families that I am missing documents for*** Starting Monday, October 5 , our School Leadership Team will be requesting donations for our FCC food drive. To help us collect for the food drive, we will be sending home paper bags with the youngest child in your family at St. Michael’s School. You are asked to place non-perishable food items in this bag for your child to return to school with. The food will go to our local food bank here in Yorkton. Filling up the bag with non-perishable food items is completely optional, but we encourage students to participate and give back to their community. This campaign will end October 9th, so be sure to donate to this worthy cause. th 150 Independent Street YORKTON, Saskatchewan S3N 0S7 Dear parents/guardians, Phone: (306) 786-0600 Influenza season will soon be here once again! Did you know that children are one of the most at risk groups for picking up the influenza virus? Influenza is easily spread by coughing, sneezing or direct contact with nasal and throat secretions. You need to protect your child from the influenza virus every year! This vaccine is free and recommended for all ages. The influenza vaccine is the most effective in healthy children and young persons. By immunizing as many children as possible, not only do we protect children themselves, we also create a protective cocoon around our elderly and those with chronic diseases who are equally or more at risk but in whom the vaccine is less effective than in children. Please consult your local paper in October for dates and locations of various flu clinics or visit our website (www.sunrisehealthregion.sk.ca). Help us keep you, your children, and our community healthy. Thank you. Your local Public Health Office Some ideas of food items include: pasta products and rice, canned meats and fish, dry and canned soups and vegetables, flour, breakfast cereal, fruit juices, pasta sauce, beans and legumes, infant formula and baby food Thank you for your support! St. Michael’s Leadership Team We have a “growing” lost and found collection. If your child has lost something please check the lost and found in the elbow doors in the PINK tote! We have had 3 sets of keys turned into the office two house keys and a vehicle key—See Mr. Malayney BAND Information Gr. 5 $10 + $15 Band book/CD/DVD, Gr. 6-8: $70 No refunds after December Parish Information St. Gerard’s Roman Catholic Church Father Francis Hengen Full Band @ 8 AM @ Sacred Heart High School: 125 – 3rd Avenue North- Phone: (306) 782-2449 Fax: (306) 782-8566 Mondays: Grade 5, beginning after Thanksgiving, Oct. 19th Tuesdays: Grade 6, beginning Sept. 29th Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. & Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Prayer: 9:00 p.m. Thursdays: Grade 7/8, began Sept. 24th Oct. 15: t-shirt forms are due. Chocolate prizes will be drawn on Friday, Oct. 2, 9 & 16, for those who have handed in their $90 to the office. Deadline is Fri. Oct. 23. If you cannot sell yours, please return them ASAP, so others can have them. St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church Father Peter Pidskalny/ Father Ray Lukey 155 Catherine Street -Phone: (306) 783-4594 Fax: (306) 782-4214 Saturday Divine Liturgy: 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday Divine Liturgies: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian) & 11:00 a.m. (English) Page 3 October 2015 Newsletter September 30 School Photos (Day 3) October 1 School Photos for KB (Day 4) October 2 Terry Fox Walk with MCKnoll School @ 2:00pm October 5-9 FCC Drive Away Hunger Program October 8 Districts Cross Country @ Cherrydale October 9 Thanksgiving Liturgy @ 12:45pm October 12 NO SCHOOL—Thanksgiving Day October 13 NO SCHOOL for Students—Professional Learning October 19 Grade 5 Full Band 8:00am @ SHHS October 23 Band Chocolates Due October 27 Photo Retakes (must have a valid reason for retakes by parents) - (Day 2) October 30 Halloween Parade @ 12:30pm (Day 5) November 10 Remembrance Day Service @ 11:00am November 11 Remembrance Day—NO SCHOOL November 12-13 NO SCHOOL November 17-18 City Wide Volleyball Tournament November 20 Student Progress Reports Handed Out December 1 Band Christmas Concert @ SHHS December 17 Christmas Concert 1:00pm and 7:00pm December 21January 1 Christmas Break—NO SCHOOL There will be NO SCHOOL on MON. OCT. 12th & 13th. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! * Thank you to all who came out and supported our School Opening BBQ & the SCC for preparing the food. * Thank you to all who joined us for our School Opening Liturgy. * Thank you to all who cheered on our students at both Cross Country Meets. Parade of costumes – October 30 at 12:30 p.m. Parents please try to encourage your child to select costumes that are of good taste. Also -- remember to include only one or two treats with your child’s lunch. Every year St. Michael’s School has partnered up with the school next door MC Knoll School to participate in the annual Terry Fox Walk. We will be walking with MC Knoll around 2:00pm on Friday October 2nd.. You are more than welcome to join us! Remember to bring comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather! Education week is: OCTOBER 19th—23rd. Halloween is fast approaching and the children are excited about their costumes. As a staff, we have done some reflecting on the various costumes that are out there that truly depict negative and violent themes. One of our directives from administration is that “we must model and reinforce socially respective behaviour so teaching and learning can take place in a safe and caring environment”. The costumes that depict blood, gore, weapons and violence create a negative image and engage children in conversations that are not healthy. There are a lot of costumes that we can wear that create humour, laughter and imagination. These are the types of costumes that we encourage your child to wear this year. Costumes that depict a violent theme are not allowed. Weapons, blood and gore are unacceptable accessories to the costume and will not be allowed. If these are worn, we will ask the student to remove the costume and/or accessories. Please respect our concern regarding violent themes and inappropriate costumes. We wanted to share this information with families early to allow you plenty of time to plan for your child’s costume. Note: We have done some research on “fun” costumes and have supplied a list for families to use as a guideline. Creating costumes from odds and ends, old clothes, boxes, etc. can be fun, inexpensive and a family activity. Examples: Fairy, Fireman, Pumpkin, Policeman, Scarecrow, Farmer, Ghost, King, Bat, Princess, Various Animals, Witch, Frankenstein (“friendly” monsters) Dragon Have fun, be creative and let your imagination soar! Page 4 On Friday, September 18th, over 500 students from six different schools participated in the annual Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division Cross Country Meet. Students, parents and staff were blessed with a warm day that was perfect for running! Students from grades 1-8 participated in the races that took place at Sacred Heart High School. The largest race had 112 runners! We congratulate all the runners for taking part in the day! GRADE 1 BOYS 1. Kanin Leik – St. Michael’s 2. Jeremy Bailey – St. Michael’s 3. Devante Larios Cadieux – St. Michael’s 4. Kale Bolme – St. Michael’s 5. Mannix Donnelly – St. Michael’s 7. Kraeten Haas – St. Michael’s 8. Issac Forster – St. Michael’s 9. Cade Hanson – St. Michael’s GRADE 1 GIRLS GRADE 2 BOYS GRADE 2 GIRLS 1. 1. 2. 3. Olyvia Heimbecker – St. Michael’s Eira Armbruster – St. Michael’s Caylee Falconer – St. Michael’s 7. Anya Churnoff – St. Michael’s 9. Shayna Yaholnitsky – St. Michael’s 10. Addison Tribe – St. Michael’s Maddon McCombs – St. Michael’s 4. Benjamin Bowtell – St. Michael’s 5. Graden Leik – St. Michael’s 8. Dylan Ismond – St. Michael’s 1. 2. Danielle Ronn – St. Michael’s Brynn Shindle – St. Michael’s 4. 5. 7. Laila Pawlik – St. Michael’s Alera Sveinbjornson – St. Michael’s Ally Madsen – St. Michael’s GRADE 3 BOYS 2. Noah Wyatt – St. Michael’s 3. Carter Jonson – St. Michael’s 4. Aidan Hall – St. Michael’s 6. Jordan Spokowski – St. Michael’s 10. Nicklas Looft – St. Michael’s GRADE 3 GIRLS 2. Yuka Burrell – St. Michael’s 4. Chloe Hove – St. Michael’s 9. Danika Signarowski – St. Michael’s 10. Anna Bulych – St. Michael’s GRADE 4 BOYS GRADE 4 GIRLS 2. Mattias Toppi – St. Michael’s 3. T. J. Lawale – St. Michael’s 5. Easton Szysky – St. Michael’s 6. Landon Balabuk – St. Michael’s 8. Jackson Signarowski – St. Michael’s 10. Tyan Dierker – St. Michael’s GRADE 5 BOYS 3. Vinay Junek – St. Michael’s 4. Taylor Spokowski – St. Michael’s 5. Luke Bailey – St. Michael’s 9. Garrick Janssen – St. Michael’s 10. Lucas Clarkson – St. Michael’s 1. Madison Bowtell – St. Michael’s 2. Kirsi Kitch – St. Michael’s 3. Juliana Obongen – St. Michael’s 4. Danika Kluk – St. Michael’s 5. Inioluwa Lawale – St. Michael’s 6. Keisha Quinto – St. Michael’s 8. Susanna Reed – St. Michael’s 9. Ashlyn Ivey – St. Michael’s GRADE 5 GIRLS 1. Brooklyn Hannotte – St. Michael’s 3. 5. 6. 7. 9. Elyse Johnson – St. Michael’s Marion McInnes – St. Michael’s Mariana Stickwood – St. Michael’s Caybreyn Haas – St. Michael’s Delaney Hove – St. Michael’s GRADE 6 BOYS 1. Tyler Walker – St. Michael’s 3. 5. 7. 8. Adam Becker – St. Michael’s Jakob Thompson – St. Michael’s Owen Bahrey – St. Michael’s Dreyson Potter – St. Michael’s GRADE 7 BOYS 3. 7. 9. 10. Page 5 GRADE 6 GIRLS 1. Belen Reed – St. Michael’s 2. Bailey Pawlik – St. Michael’s 3. Keauna Heimbecker – St. Michael’s 4. Kari Adane – St. Michael’s 7. Emily Dumka – St. Michael’s 8. Hailey Madsen – St. Michael’s 9. Mallory Stackhouse – St. Michael’s GRADE 7 GIRLS Hayden Ivey – St. Michael’s Andrew Ross – St. Michael’s Cameron Van Der Loo – St. Michael’s Kullen Tracy – St. Michael’s GRADE 8 BOYS 2. 5. 6. 7. Kaybrie Lutz – St. Michael’s Kasey McCombs – St. Michael’s Brianna Clarkson – St. Michael’s Andrea Stickwood – St. Michael’s GRADE 8 GIRLS 2. Evan Matatall – St. Michael’s 3. Jairus Pellatt – St. Michael’s 7. Rylan Bahrey – St. Michael’s We had our Salcoats Summit Meet on Friday September 25th. We had 40 students participate and all 40 placed in the top 100! Way to go St. Michael’s School. WE are so proud of your accomplishments! 2. Grace Malinowski – St. Michael’s 4. Kamry Lutz – St. Michael’s GRADE 8 BOYS GRADE 6 GIRLS 9. Evan Matatall 6. Keauna Heimbecker 13. Rylan Bahrey 11. Kaybrie Lutz GRADE 3 BOYS GRADE 3 GIRLS 3. TJ Lawale 4. Chlöe Hove 19. Kari Adane 13. Mattias Toppi 6. Yuka Burrell 42. Emily Dumka 27. Noah Wyatt 24. Ini Lawale 32. Jordan Spokowski 27. Danica Signarowski GRADE 7 GIRLS 67. Nicholas Looft 32. Anna Bulych 25. Grace Malinowski 87. Carter Jonson 40. Keisha Quinto 28. Brianna Clarkson 452. Susanna Reed GRADE 4 BOYS 7. Vinay Junek GRADE 4 GIRLS 13. Easton Szysky 1. Madison Bowtell 59. Jackson Signarowski 3. Kirsi Kitch 7. Juliana Ubongen GRADE 5 BOYS 30. Ashlyn Ivey 24. Taylor Spokowski 44. Danika Kluk 40. Luke Bailey 49. Marion McInnes GRADE 6 BOYS GRADE 5 GIRLS 7. Hayden Ivey 4. Belén Reed 25. Jakob Thompson 7. Bailey Pawlik 31. Owen Bahrey 12. Brooklyn Hannotte 49. Adam Becker 14. Elyse Johnson SCC Hot Lunch Day