The Heart of Hospice - Hospice of Rutherford County


The Heart of Hospice - Hospice of Rutherford County
Spring 2014
The Heart of Hospice
Reflecting on 2013
2013 Festival of Trees
Whitaker’s legacy lives on
Volunteer profile
Upcoming volunteer training
Veteran serves country twice
Hospice statistics
2: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Times may change, but we are still here for you
ospice of Rutherford
unprecedented 814 hospice
patients and 647 palliative
care patients in the past
year. This is our 32nd year
of providing services to our
communities, and a great deal
has changed over more than
three decades. As we all know,
healthcare reform has become
a reality in all phases of our lives. Hospice of Rutherford
County, like all other health care entities, is dealing with
these changes at a very rapid pace. No one knows what the
remainder of 2014 will bring. What we do know is that an
aging population of Baby Boomers will demand the best
care at the end of life, and Hospice of Rutherford County
(HORC) is committed to providing that care. In addition
to serving more patients in Rutherford County, we are also
serving more patients in neighboring McDowell County.
We are privileged that their citizens are utilizing the SECU
Hospice House, the home care program, the palliative care
program and our grief counseling and caregiving groups.
ospice of Rutherford County was named a
2013 HOSPICE HONORS Recipient by Deyta,
Incorporated, as the result of the excellent care provided
by the agency and the SECU Hospice House. This annual
honor recognizes the top 100 agencies that continuously
provide the highest level of satisfaction through their care
as measured from the caregiver’s point of view. Deyta used
the Family Evaluation of Hospice Care (FEHC) survey
results from over 1,200 partnering hospice agencies.
e are fortunate that all counties throughout NC
now have access to hospice services. However, not
all hospices are created equal. All hospices have to provide
core services such as nursing, social work, chaplaincy,
volunteers, etc. Hospice of Rutherford County has gone
above and beyond these core services for many years as the
result of the generous support of our community, and the
dedication of our Board of Directors, volunteers and staff.
Hospice of Rutherford County provides the following that
many or most hospices don’t provide:
• HORC provides crisis care, meaning that we make every
effort possible to have a trained staff or volunteer with a
patient and family during a medical crisis. Hospice of
Rutherford County has consistently been one of the top
three providers of this service in the state.
• HORC operates an 18-suite Hospice House for patients
who are in a medical crisis, may require respite or a longer
stay than a hospital can provide.
• HORC admits patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year.
• HORC has a palliative care program operating in homes,
nursing homes, assisted living facilities and the hospital.
• HORC has physicians and nurse practitioners on staff
who are available to visit patients in their homes or
wherever they live.
• HORC has an extensive grief counseling program for
anyone in the community who has lost a loved one.
• HORC is a “We Honor Veterans” member and offers
specialized services to Veterans.
• HORC is the Charlotte region provider for Camp Erin,
which offers a 3 day camp for children and teens who have
lost someone close to them.
• HORC is committed to providing ongoing advance care
planning consultations and caregiver support groups for
anyone in the communities it serves.
• HORC operates a Resale Shop in Rutherford County
which ensures that anyone can access the Hospice House
regardless of ability to pay.
• HORC also operates a Resale Shop in McDowell County,
and all proceeds benefit the patients of McDowell County.
• HORC operates the Carolina Event & Conference Center,
and all proceeds ensure homecare patients can be served
regardless of their economic situation.
• HORC can report that 100% of all donations go directly
to patient care in their respective counties and not to
agency operations.
hese are very challenging times in the healthcare
arena. Hospice of Rutherford County is proud to be
the provider of choice, and we are willing to navigate the
system to better serve Rutherford and McDowell counties.
Thank you for allowing us to care for your loved ones.
Please call us so that you and your family can get the best
care you need when you need it most.
BSW, MBA, CFRE, Executive Director
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 3
2013 Festival of Trees
raises more than $25,000
The 2013 Festival of Trees, held Dec. 5, 2013, raised more
than $25,000. The event has been held since 1996, and
­proceeds help to ensure Hospice can continue to provide
the highest quality care for patients regardless of ­ability
to pay and for those who
­receive grief counseling or
other ­programs and services
not ­reimbursed by any other
The ornament for 2013
­featured a decorative tree.
The names of persons
honored or memorialized
were attached to each handmade ornament. All donors were
invited to view the trees and take their ornaments home for
the h
­ olidays during the event.
As with all Hospice fundraising events, expenses for the
2013 Festival of Trees were kept to a minimum because of
volunteers, who worked throughout the summer to make the
clay ornaments. Hospice does not set a donation amount for
the ornaments, but the average donation is $20, and is tax
deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The 2013 Festival of Trees, held Dec. 5, 2013, featured
­handmade tree-shaped clay ornaments. The names of those
honored or memorialized were attached. This tree features
ornaments made by Camp Erin participants
Whitaker’s legacy lives on 25 years after her death
February 13, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of Annette
Cash Whitaker, for whom Hospice of Rutherford County’s
Center of Living is named.
Whitaker was a patient of Hospice of Rutherford County
­until her death. To help her memory live on, Whitaker’s family
gave a $250,000 donation which helped to fund the building
of Hospice of Rutherford County’s Annette Cash Whitaker
­Center of Living.
In a news article printed about the groundbreaking for the
Center in 1994, Whitaker’s son, Doug, said, “I promised my
mother when she died that I would do something so that her
grandchildren and the rest of her family and friends would
never forget her. My mother’s actions and deeds always spoke
louder than her words. Having her name on the new Hospice
will be a lasting tribute to a good, honest lady.”
Hospice of Rutherford County continues to be grateful for
the Whitaker family’s contribution!
4: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Volunteer Profile: Jeanette Moran
olunteers have ­always been the
heart of Hospice, and without
these special people, the ­organization
would cease to exist. In honor of those
who freely give their time and ­talents,
Hospice features a ­volunteer who
has remained active for the ­greatest
­number of years in each issue of the
Hospice newsletter. This issue focuses
on ­Jeanette Moran, who has served
Hospice as a volunteer in the Lake Lure
office for six years.
eanette faithfully staffs the Lake
Lure office every Thursday ­morning
­greeting guests and ­answering
the phone. In addition, she scans
­paperwork into the records system.
­Jeanette enjoys volunteering because by
giving her time she can relieve ­hospice
staff – especially nursing staff – so that
they can spend more time caring for
patients and families.
enced ­hospice
­services first
both of her
­p a r e n t s ,
­J e a n e t t e
­u nderstands
the value hospice brings in ­supporting
the patient and ­family. “Hospice did
such a wonderful job with my ­parents.
The nurses were so good to my ­parents.
They took such good care of all of us.
I knew I had to get on the hospice
­volunteer ­bandwagon. I knew I would
enjoy it.” She previously volunteered
with ­hospice in Delaware, and when
she and her husband relocated to
Lake Lure in 2000, decided to become
­involved here.
eanette, who was on the ­original
­committee for the Lake Lure ­office,
has also assisted with fundraising
­efforts and takes great pride in the
­recruitment of other volunteers. The
agency has had a rapid growth, she
said, and the ­greatest accomplishments
have been the ­expansion of beds in the
­hospice house, addition of palliative
care into local nursing facilities and
the expansion of home hospice ­services
into ­McDowell ­County. Jeanette’s ­desire
is for hospice staff to be able to focus ­totally on the care of patients and
families without potential political restraints.
eanette is an asset to the volunteer
team in Lake Lure. Being a ­volunteer
has been a blessing for her. “You just
never know how you are going to help
someone,” she said. “It just gets to me
and touches my heart.” Thank you for
sharing your time and talents with
­Hospice of Rutherford County!
Spring volunteer training session planned in April
Spring volunteer training is scheduled for April 14-16
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Carolina Event and ­Conference
Center, 374 Hudlow Road, Forest City.
“Volunteers are the Heart of Hospice,” said Kim Smith,
director of Volunteer Services with Hospice of ­Rutherford
County. “We could not provide all the services we do
­without volunteers. Many volunteer opportunities are
available, from gardening to being with patients. No ­matter
what your interests are, we would love to have you as part
of the team.”
Volunteer opportunities with Hospice of Rutherford
County include:
Patients and ­
l Administrative
l Resale Shops
l Faith in Action
l Veteran-to-Veteran
l Special events
Pet therapy
Grounds and ­
l Dining assistance
l Cosmetology
l Greeters
l And many more!
If you would like to volunteer for Hospice of Rutherford
County, please contact Mary Richardson at 828-245-0095.
One of the volunteer opportunities with Hospice of ­Rutherford
County is in one of two resale shops. Volunteer Claire F
­ eldmeth
is shown here at the resale shop in Forest City.
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 5
Honored to serve his country twice
World War II veteran
drove Kennedy children
to father’s funeral
At age 91, it’s been 74 years since
Gerald Benfield fudged his age to
­enter the Army in order to do his
part to help his country. Serving as
a ­gunner for General George Patton, Gerald battled at least three
scrimmages in the front lines of
World War II from 1942-45. After
suffering military career-ending
wounds, he was given an honorable
discharge and received a Purple
Heart in 1945.
After leaving the Army, G
­ erald
worked for years with the
Metropolitan Washington Transit
Authority (formerly DC Transit).
The bus company often transported
elite dignitaries. In November 1963,
Gerald was selected to drive the
limousine that would take John F.
Kennedy Jr. and Caroline ­Kennedy
Gerald Benfield
to their father, John F. Kennedy’s,
funeral, along with their nurse, a
Kennedy family friend and a S­ ecret
Service agent. “I recall them ­wanting
the Secret Service man to sing a
song. So, he sang ‘Home on the
Range,’ and they enjoyed it.”
Following the funeral, Gerald
r­eturned the children to the White
House. “After being informed my
services were no longer needed for
the day, I returned home and watched
the remainder of the ­funeral on TV
with the rest of America,” Gerald
explained. ­“President ­Kennedy was
a good man. I would have liked to
have spoken to the children after
they were grown.”
Gerald is one of many ­veterans
who are celebrated by the staff of
Hospice of Rutherford County
through the “We Honor ­Veterans”
program. A c­ollaboration of the
­National Hospice and ­Palliative Care
Organization and the D
­ epartment
of Veteran Affairs, the “We Honor
Veterans” program helps hospice
agencies ­recognize the unique needs
of America’s veterans and their
families. For more i­
on this program, please contact
Hospice of R
­ utherford County at
Grindstaff’s Interiors makes donation to Hospice of Rutherford County
Hospice of Rutherford County Executive ­Director Rita Burch (second from left) accepts a $6,550.79 check from
­Grindstaff ’s Interiors of Forest City. The profits were from a grand re-opening event held at Grindstaffs. Pictured with
Burch are Tammy ­McCracken, Boyce Grindstaff and ­Sharon Easler.
6: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Dear Friend of Hospice of Rutherford County,
Thank you again for your past support of Hospice and the people we serve through hospice and
palliative care and grief counseling. We can once again state that 100% of donations to Hospice are used
directly to ensure that patients, their families and those who are grieving receive care when they need it
most. Gifts to Hospice of Rutherford County do not support operation of the agency in any way.
We recognize that everyone continues to be dealing with economic uncertainty, but we ask that you
thoughtfully consider renewing your commitment to the Hospice mission this year as you have before. As
the result of your generosity last year, Hospice was able to accomplish the following and much more:
 Hospice served more than half of all people who died in the community making Hospice of
Rutherford County one of the top most utilized hospices in the state for several years.
 Hospice consistently provides more crisis care than other hospices in North and South Carolina,
meaning that Hospice staff and volunteers are committed to being present at the death of our
 Hospice served 814 hospice patients and 647 palliative care patients in 2013.
 Hospice cared for patients of all ages regardless of ability to pay in our 18-suite Hospice House.
 Hospice provided grief counseling at no cost for hundreds of grieving adults, teens and children
in the community.
Although Hospice receives funding from various sources, we rely on gifts and donations to serve anyone
regardless of ability to pay. Our philosophy continues to be “life to the fullest.” Your generosity will make
a difference in the lives of those we serve. Please take a moment to complete the card below, and send it
with your tax deductible gift in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for caring. Please let us know if we can
be of assistance to you or your family.
Rita Burch, Executive Director
Linda Edgerton, Hospice Board President
Because I care, I want to support Hospice with the following gift:
$50 - $99 Friend
$1 - $49 Member
$100 - $499 Partner
$500 - $999 Patron
$1,000 - $4,999 Guardian Angel
$5,000 - Up Special Gift Total Gift Enclosed $_______
Please make checks payable to Hospice of Rutherford County and mail to Hospice of Rutherford County,
PO Box 336, Forest City, NC 28043. Contributions to Hospice are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 7
Gifts to Hospice of Rutherford County October 1, 2013 through February 28, 2014
Hospice of Rutherford County gratefully acknowledges the following contributions made during the time period listed above. These gifts from our
generous supporters help Hospice care for the terminally ill and their families. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you feel an
error has been made, please contact Hospice at (828)245-0095.
Campfield Memorial Baptist Church
Cane Creek Baptist Church, Inc.
Caroleen Baptist Church
Cedar Grove United Methodist Church Men
Chimney Rock Baptist Church
Church of the Transfiguration
Crestview Baptist Church
Fathers Vineyard
First Baptist Church Henrietta
Florence Baptist Church
Floyds Creek Baptist Church
Fork Creek Baptist Church
Glenwood Baptist Church of McDowell
Goodes Creek Baptist Church
Grays Creek Baptist Church
Thomas Harvill
Haynes Memorial Baptist Church
Hicks Grove Baptist Church
Holly Springs Baptist Church
Long Branch Road Baptist Church
Mt. Harmony Baptist Church
Mt. Hebron Wesleyan Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Mt. Calvary Freewill Baptist Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
New Bethel Baptist Church
New Vernon Baptist Church
New Vernon Baptist Church Missionary
New Zion Baptist Church, Spindale
Oak Ridge Baptist Church
Outreach Baptist Church
Piedmont Baptist Church
Pleasant View Community Church
Russell Tabernacle CME Church
Sandy Mush Baptist Church
Smith Grove Baptist Church
Spindale Church of the Brethren
Spindale United Methodist Church
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
My Tribute Gift Foundation Inc
PPG Industries Foundation
Ms. Harriet Abernethy
John Abrams
Beverly Adair
Elbert Adair
Gene & Sherin Adair
Victoria Adair
Patricia Adams
Sam & Sara Adams
Lisa L Adkins
Jay & Sandra Aldrich
All Stor Center
Jerry Allen
Preston Allen
Ted & Diane Allen
Bertha & Larry Allison
Judy Ammons
Jim & Barbara Anderson
Peggy Anderson
Joanne Annas
Randy Aragon
Peter & Geri Arndt
Charlton Arrowood
Cindy Arrowood
Fred & Brenda Arrowood
Jennifer Arrowood
Tucker Arrowood
Delores Ashlin
Tammie & Kevin Ash
Martha Ashton
Candace & Bradley Austin
Cheryl Ayala
Jane Ayers
Ms. Jane E Ayres
Lorie Badger
Ann Bailey
Dana Bailey
Daniel Wayne Bailey
Leigh-Anna Bailey
Melanie Bailey
Patricia Bailey
Scott & Jill Bailey
Shelby Jean Bailey
Bobby Baker
Jamie Baker
Dolores Balderstone
Sandra Balfour
Susan Balfour
Jackie & Dick Balmer
Jason & Erin Balmer
Natalie Banks
Christine Barkschat
Ms. Peggy Barnes
Shelley & Joe Barnette
Martha Barnwell
Dean & Robin Barron
Kristina Bartlett
Rick Bartlett
Meik Bartoschek
Crystal Baxter
Nate Beam
Bill & Pamela Beason
Felicia Beaver
Hersel Beaver
Mike & Jennifer Bechtel
Steve & Debbie Bedford
Edwin & Brenda Benfield
Joan & Jerry Benfield
Amanda & Russ Bennett
Roy & Jackie Bennett
Todd & Wendy Bennett
Tonya Bennett
Mr. Neal Bennick
Allison Rollins Bess
Beverly Best
Bible Tabernacle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Biddy
Randi Bifulco
Laurie Biggerstaff
Gale Bischoff
Thomas & Carol Bittner
David Bixler
Karen Bland
Wanda & Stanley Bland
Dennis R Blanton
Jane Blanton
John & Lynn Blanton
Samuel & Wanda Blanton
Sherri Quinn Blanton
Wanda Blanton
Lisa & Robert Blecher
Brandy Boggs
Donna Boggs
Thea Boggs
Boiling Springs Baptist Church - Acteens
Linda H. Boland
Jeremy Boler
Cheryl Boone
Elizabeth Boone
Edward & Jeanette Bosgra
Blake Bostic
Debbie & Steve Bostic
Steven Bostic
Margaret Botcher
Connie Bowen
Laura Bowers
Linda Bowling
Annamaria Bowman
Ann Boyd
Diane Boyett
Antoniea Boykins
Thann Boyum
Betty Jo Brabb
Freddie & Sandra Brackett
Sharon Brackett
Franklin & Jody Bradley
Marilyn Bradley
Pam Bradley
Lindsay Bralley
Lisa T Bralley
Grover Braswell
Maryanne M Brewer
Mr. Donald Bridges
Kim Bridges
Rebecca Bridges
Teresa Bridges
Brannon Bright
Doug & Janice Bright
Sherry Bright
Dan & Phyllis Lovelace Briscoe
Jeff & Lynn Brookshire
Joann Brooks
Kay & David Brooks
Charlene Brown
Lynn Brown
William Brown
Michael Bruce
Roger Bruce
Walt & Linda Brummett
Tammi Bruning
Lisa & Danny Buchanan
Russell K Buchanan
Clint Buckner
Barbara Buehring
Donna L Buff
Julie Buffington
Mark Bullman
Juanita Bumgarner
Justin Kyle Bumgarner
Rita Bumgarner
Pamela Bunch
Gregg & Dixie Burgess
Mr. Edward & Patricia Burgin
Carmen M Butler
Mark Butler
Kim Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byers
Lori & Andrew Cain
Daniel Brian Caldwell
Hugh Calton
Tara Calton
Tom & Evelyne Calton
Ronnie Campbell
Brandi Camp
David & Leeanne Camp
Francis Camp
Lisa Robin Canterbury
Melissa & Michael Cantrell
Avery A Carlton
Caroleen United Methodist Church
Parrish Carpenter
Tim & Ursula Carson
Kay & Tom Carswell
Casar Elementary School
Charles L. Cash
Nancy Cash
Douglas Cates
Sandy & David Chambers
Patsy J Champion
Ashley Chapman
Karen Chappell
Jada Chavez
Sonda Childress
Melissa & Andrew Christopher
Janiene Clapp
Karen Clark
Helen Clayton
Rachel & Mike Clayton
Matt Clement
Charlie & Maggie Clute
Cindy & Andy Cobb
Carol Cobble
Mickey & Susan Cochran
Susan Cochran
Ted Cody
Chris Cogan
Wanda Coggins
Ruth Coldren
Betty Cole
Beverly Cole
Gail Colley
Michelle Collier
Fred & Caroline Collins
Ruth & Marcel Colnot
Concord Baptist Church
Carolyn Condrey
Mike & Ruth Ann Connelly
Brittany Conner
Dwayne & Renee Conner
Jessica Conner
Linda Conner
S Conner
Steve Conner
Roland & Claudia Conrad
David & Deneen Cook
Bonny Cooper
Quincy Corey
Joseph & Jennifer Cornet
Clarence & Elizabeth Correll
Debra Corum
Joseph & Patsy Costner
Shannon Costner
Kelley Cournoyer
Ronnie Cove
Nancy & Robert Covert
Gaylord & Dagmara Cowan
William Ivy Cowan
Robin Cox
Gaylynn & Glenn Coyne
Ryan Coyne
Sarah Coyne
Lonnie Neil Craft
Steven Craig
Billy Ray Crain
Donald B. & Judy Crawford
Tim, Kelly, Ashley & Braeden Crawford
Max & Sandra Crawley
Sara Slice Crawley
Steve Crawley
Peggy Jean W Crenshaw
Kevin & Dona Crifasi
Brian & Shelley Crocker
Robert & Rhonda Cromer
John & Lauren Crotts
Shirley Crotts
Jason & Jill Crowe
Larry & Kay Crowe
Susan Crowe
Cathy Cruz
Kathy & Jimmie Culbertson
Darlene & Tim Cummings
Kathryn Cunningham
Febbie Cureton
Josephine Curtis
Tammy Curtis
William & Carolyn Curtis
Mona Czarnecki
Donna Dahl
Peggy & David Dahle
Michael Daigle
Nita & Henry Dale
Adam Dalton
Patsy & Charles Dalton
Robert Dangelo
Ken Daniel
Robert & Tammy Daniel
John D Daulton
Doris R Daves
Elizabeth & Ernest Davidson
Amanda & Michael Davis
Evelyn Davis
Heather Davis
Leslie & Brenda Davis
Mary Ellen Davis
Sara Jane Davis
Venita & Mike Davis
Robert & Cecilia Davoli
Bob Decker, Jr.
Marc & Dianne Dedmond
Betty DeGrandpre
Theresa Deibert
Lori Delfosse
Kevin DeLoach
Bill & Ann Deviney
Bernie Dilgert
Charles & Kathy Dillon
Glenn & Leslie Dinga
James & Wanda Dobbins
Mrs. Ruth Dobbins
Travis Dodrill
Amy Dodson
Janine Dodson
Tommy & Glorious Doggett
Audrey Doig
William & Diane Doll
Jim Dorsett
Miriam Dorville
Shea Doty
Joshua Downey
Myra Downey
Russell Keith Downey
Linda & Arthur Dudycha
Duke Power Retirees
H. Wayne Duncan
Hazel Duncan
James & Susan Dunn
Kimberly Dunn
Linda Dustman
Amanda Earley
Jerry Earley
Jim Earley
Shane & Kerrie Earley
Delores & Joe Early
Aretha Edgerton
Barbara Edney
Edwards Carpet
Denise Edwards
Jeff & Candice Edwards
Jessica Edwards
Rhonda Elliott
Roger Engelke
Annette & William England
Caleb Enloe
Estate of Gerald Sager, Jr.
Damias Richard Evans
Wayne & Rhonda Evans
Jeri Faini
Fairfield Mountains Chapel
Susan & Robert Farwell
Tracy Faucette
Amy Feldman
Mike Fender
Kim Ferguson
Deborah Fields
Emilie Fields
Dr. and Mrs. George Finch
Ralph Finke
Douglas W Flack
Jef & Lynn Flack
Nannette Flack
Carl & Linda Fleming
Teresa Ford
Bill & Pam Forrest
Carolyn & Bobby Fowler
Heather Fowler
William Fowler
Barbara Fox
Mary & Doug Francis
Ms. Delta Frazier
Lisa Frazier
Alfred & Mae Freeman
Amanda Freeman
Bob & Lola Freeman
Brenda A Freeman
Charles Freeman
Zach Freeman
Angela Friddle
Barbara & William Frontena
Cindy Fry
Ruth & Paul Fulham
Tracy Fuller
Nathan & Jane Fulton
Earl Furbish
Richard & Angela Gallagher
Paula Garrard
Petra Gary
Lettie Gass
Peter Gaulin
Trudy Gee
Pete Gendron
Dawn T. Gentry
Nina & Maynard Gettys
Derrick & Felicia Gibson
Patricia & William Gilbert
Richard Gilbert
Susan Gilbert
Deana & Todd Gilliam
Stacey & Scott Girffith
Glassical Heirlooms
Dave Glicksir
Carolyn Goforth
Mr. Harry Goforth
Elizabeth A Goode
Shakita Goodlett
Lois & Norris Gornto
David Gowan
Lindsey Grant
Robert & Lynn Grason
Melissa Jill Graudszus
Christopher Graybill
Joyce Gray
Lorraine Dale Gray
Mr. Jack & Maryann Greco
Alan & Julie Greene
Andy & Christina Greene
Catherine W. Greene
J. Lee Greene
Joanne Greene
Linda Greene
Phillip Greene
Rachelle Greene
Rosemary Greene
Sandy & Lloyd Greene
Sheila Greene
Tyler & Whitney Greene
Wilford Greene
Nadine Greenlee
Rickey Green
Lesia Greenway
Eleen Griffin
Dee Griffith
Paul Grigg
Grindstaff ’s Incorporated
Milton Groome
Colleen & Michael Grossell
Kolby Grubb
Robert Guess
Linda Guffey
Joye Gulley
Peggy Hager
Jean Hagmann
Jane Hall
Jeff & Kelly Hall
Nancy Hallman
Debbie Hamilton
Pat & Larry Hammett
Ruthie & Nelson Hampton
Mary Hamrick
Keith Haney
Frances & Arvid Hansen
Kathleen Hanson
Sally & Ned Harbin
Ben & Alice Hardin
Josephine & Charles Hardin
Karl E Hardin
Kevin Hardin
Larry Hardin
Linda Hardin
Madeline Hardin
Susan Hardin
Tommy & Pat Hardin
Mark Hargett
Rebecca Hargett
Kristin Harmon
Betty G Harper
Lee Harper
Marcus & Kimberly Harper
Brittney Harrelson
Burton Harris
Carol Harris
Dwayne & Jamie Harris
Ed Harris
Jack Verner Harris
Karen Harris
Leigh Ann Harris
Mike Harris
Al Hart
Beverly Hartford
Debra Harvey
Richard & Tabatha Harwood
Kim Hawkins
Richard & Lauree Hayden
Billy Haynes
Jessica & Travis Haynes
Thyra Haynes
Tim & Teressa Haynes
Don Head
Sylvia Hedin
Evelyn Heflin
8: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Barbara Helfst
Ashley Hellard
Donald & Beth Helton
Dorothy Helton
Doris Henson
Mary Henson
Mary Lou Henson
Susie Henson
Gladys & Diony Hernandez
Billie Herring
Tiffany Herrington
Nancy Hickman
Revonda Hicks
Teresa Higginbotham
Thomas Hildebrand
Amanda Hill
Brandon & Hope Hill
Denise Hill
Jessica Hill
Larry Hill
Janice & Darryl Hodge
Mike & Alice Hodge
Timmy & Loree Hodge
Beth Hogan
Billy Hoilman
Misty Holdridge
Gerald & Polly Holland
Janice Holland
Roger Holland
Anthony Hollar
Diana & Jonathan Hollifield
Phyllis Hollifield
Rita T Hollifield
Susan Hollifield
Shirley Holloway
Cathy Holmes
Marcia Holmes
Jamie Holtsclaw
Jamie Holtzclaw
Bob & Brenda Honeycutt
Deana Honeycutt
Renee Honeycutt
Hopewell Family Care Home
Peggy Hoppenstedt
Roy C. Hoppes
Barry Horne
Tracy G. Houser
William Houser
David A Hoyle, Jr.
Donna Hoyle
Melanie & Yancey Hubbard
Lois Hudson
Melissa & James Hudson
Michelle & Marcus Huffman
Arthur Hughes
Kate Hughes
Steven Hughes
Teresa Humphries
Bobby & Nancy Hunt
Dwayne & Starlyn Hunt
Barry Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. & Rebecca Hunt
Keith & Susan Hunt
Gene & Beckie Huntley
Brian Hutchins
Karen Hutchins
Lois Hutchins
Sandra Hutchins
Dot Hyde
Pauline Imm
Jerry & Faye Ingle
Randy Ingle
Kim Isaac
Corrine & Mike Jablonsky
Amanda Jackson
Anna Jackson
Nancy & Franklin M. Jackson
Edwin & Carol T. Jacunski
Alicia James
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Cortney Jenkins
Deborah Jenkins
Jeanne & Mickey Jenkins
Lemuel Jimerson
Alfred Johnson
Claude Johnson
Linda Johnson
Mary Johnson
Phillip Johnson
Ray & Mary Johnson
Richard & Diane Johnson
Thelma Kate Johnson
Donald & Cindy Jolley
Janice Jolley
Linda Jolley
Michelle Jolley
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Roger Jolly
Becky Jones
Clayton Jones
Eddy Jones
Frank & Kim Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jones
Joyce & Clayton Jones
Karen Jones
Melanie Jones
Michael & Katie Jones
Norman Jones
Tiffany Jones
Tyra Jones
Joe & Alice Joplin
Matthew & Sarah Jordan
Don Julien
Linda Justice
Richard Justice
Karen Kearns
Lynn Keene
Susan Keever
Joy Keith
Kim Keller
Matt Keller
Ellen Kendall
Leila Kerby
Margaret Keyes
John & Kathy Kilby
Angie & Don King
Katherine Kingbaum
Jeff King
Jennifer King
Joan King
Robert & Avis King
Veronica King
Connie Kinman
Beatrice Kinsey
Cathy Kinter
James & Catherine Kinter
Dean Kirby
Mitchell Kirkland
Amber Leigh Kirton
Sherry Kistler
Jill & James Knox
Katrisa Koenig
Shirley B Koone
Raymond & Donna Ko
Jane Krigbaum
Katherine Krigbaum
Jane Lail
Karen & Ronald Lail
Valerie Lail
M. Clark Lamb, Jr.
Joel & Charline Lambert
Lois M Lamb
Connie Lancaster
Krystal Lancaster
Lancaster’s Designs of Distinction
Misty Yelton Lane
Sharon Lane
Susan Lane
Teresa & Brian Lane
Susan & Robert Laney
Evelyn Langley
Charito Lasay
Shirley Lattimore
Joyce Laughter
Amy & Todd Lavender
Adam Lawing
Reo Lawrence
Ellen & Mackie Lawson
Margaret Lawson
Michael & Lovanda Lawson
Louise Layton
Kristin Lee
Shirley Leverette
Ernestine Lewis
Maggie Lewis
Nancy Lewis
Rae Lewis
Sheila & Richard Lewis
Travis Lewis
Bob & Joanne Libera
Robert & Wendi Litaker
Mary Ann Littlejohn
Dan Lloyd
Grant Lloyd
Theodore Lodygowski
Tami Forte Logan
Terrie Ann Logan
Rhonda & Kirk Lola
Al Lopresti
Avery Lovelace
Crystal Lovelace
Deitra Lovelace
Doug & Tami Lovelace
Linda Lovelace
Cyndee Loven
Ronnie Lovett
Tina Lovett
Anthony & Donna Lowery
Pamela B. Lowrance
Tasia Lowrance
Tracy & Steve Luckadoo
Lynn J. Lund
David B Lusk
Anthony & Michelle Lynch
Danny Keith Lynch
Keith MacDonald
Travis Macopson
Russ Madea
Doris A. Magee
Angie Malan
Ken Malone
Kelia Maner
Lazarus & Crystal Margolin
Lucas Marks
Linda Marlow
Sidney Marlow
Karen Marshall
Sharon Marshall
Melinda & Allen Marsh
Peggy Marsh
Anita Martin
Carolyn Martin
Debbie Martin
Detria, Robert & Jacob Martin
G.C. Martin
Gail Martin
Gordon & Deany Martin
Martha Martin
Sharon Mart
Judy Mason
Laine H Matheny
Jerry & LouAnne Matheson
Lois & Wendell Mathews
Jayne Mathis
Lenora Mathis
Matthew’s Gym
Joseph Mazna
Macy McBrayer
Margaret McBrayer
Tim McBrayer
Tom McBrayer
Alice McCluney
Justin McCluney
Lori McCool
Carolyn McCraw
Jeffery McCraw
Mitchell McCraw
Charles & Jane McCurry
Earl McCurry
Lacey McCurry
Mark & Beverly McCurry
Carole & Norman McDaniel
Edith Y. McDaniel
Kathy & John McDonald
John McDonnell
Adrian & Tikisha McDowell
Roy McFarland
Beverly McGinnis
Donna McGinnis
Lindsey McGinnis
Tracy H. McGlohon
Kathryn McGowan
Paul & Paula McIntosh
Sue McKeithan
Shirley McKenzie
Jesse McKinney
Michelle McKinney
Rebecca McKinney
William McLaughlin
Mary Ann McNeilly
Don & Helen McSwain
Marty & Paula McSwain
Nancy Medford
Rhonda Medford
Melody Meious
Roella Mellnik
Amy & Stephen Melson
Robert Mercer
Kriston Merrill
Susan Messer
Stephen Metz
Lori & Bobby Migala
Kirk Milleman
Linda H Miller
Natalie Miller
Phil & Diane Miller
Joe Mills
Michelle Mills
Rhonda Mills
Pat Millwood
Margaret & Dave Mitchell
Russell Mitchell
N.C. & Susan Mohn
David & Lorraine Moore
Jeffrey Moore
John & Jimi Moore
Lois Moore
Myra K. Moore
Pamela Moore
Susan Moore
Geraldine S. Morgan
Heather Morlino
Georgia Morris
James W. Morris
Dave Morrison
Donald & Catherine Morrison
Kenny & Lisa Morrison
Judy Morrow
Lynda & Jim Morrow
Sarah Morrow
Debra Moss
Ellen J. Moss
Pat Moss
Mark & Dana Motto
Mountain View Baptist Church
Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church
Ginger & Larry Mulhall
Kimberly Mullinax
Pamela Mungo
Debbie Murphy
Diane & Truett Murray
Donna & Rodney Murray
Tim & Loretta Murray
Michael Nagy
Kathy Nance
Shirlea Naster
Pam Nevin
New Testament Assembly
New Vernon Baptist Church Missionary
Peter Newberry
Tammy Newberry
Loretta Newton
Mike & Kim Newton
Robert Michael Newton
Russ & Penny Newton
Henry Nichols, III
Ashley Nichols
Melissa & Charlie Nickels
David Nielsen
Gordon & Zo Ann Nix
Nancy Nix
Sheila Nix
James Nolen
Thomas R Northrup
Karen Norton
Sarah Norville
McKenna O’ Connell
Cheryl Oates
Doris Odom
Olive Grove Baptist Church
Tina O’Rourke
Amy Owens
Colette Owens
Holly Owens
Larry & Ann Padgett
Sandy Padgett
Tim Padgett
Charles Page
Susie Parker
Margaret Parks
Larry K. Parrett
Sallie Patterson
James Pearce
Fred & Michele Peasley
Carl & Mary Pelikan
Dianna Pendleton
Godofredo Perez
Fred & Kristen Perrine
B.G. & Virginia Perry
Maggie Perry
Ben & Chris Petreulla
Charles & Linda Philbeck
Ruth Philbeck
Gary Phillips
Gary & Mary Phillips
Glenn & Lillian Phillips
Sharon Phillips
Piney Ridge C.M.E Church
Piney Ridge Storage
Karen Pintuff
Dennis Piper
Donnis M. Pitchford
Robert & Gina Pitchford
Zachary Pitchford
Joanne & Doug Pittman
Pleasant View Community Church
Nelle D. Pogue
Steven Polulak
Charles & Rebecca Pope
Suzanne & Robert Porter
Sandra Poteat
Tim Potter
Ricky & Julie Powell
Ron Powell
Dale Price
Donna Pritchard
Charlene & Jeff Proctor
Doris Proctor
Billie Ann Prosser
Karen Pruett
Karen & Sammy Pruett
Barry Putman
Russell Pye
Karl Quarzenski
Marilyn Queen
Jeff Rabon
Tonda Radford
Miguel Rios Ramirez
Joyce Ramsey
Merry Lynn & Ron Ramsey
Anita Ratliff
Terry Ratliff
Melissa Ray
Randall & Sherry Reavis
Linda Reel
Russell W Reep
Linda Register
Byron & Briana Reid
Terrie Reid
Faye Reuther
Joey & Amy Revis
Robert & Patti Reynolds
Laura Rhodes
Vickie Rick
Mrs. Doris Riddle
Robbie Riedl
Tony Riffice
Bruce Robbins
Carole Robbins
Carolyn Robbins
Cynthia Clark Robbins
Jim & Robin Robbins
Mildred Robbins
Beth Roberson
Ms. Evelyn Roberson
James & Terri Roberson
Pat Roberson
Steve Roberson
Cynthia Roberts
Debbie & Forrest Robertson
Carolina Rodriguez
Crystal Rodriguez
Edward E Rogers
Harrell & Pat Rogers
Ken & Pam Rogers
Martha Rogers
Robert Rogers
Brandee & Adam Rollins
Jody Crotts Rollins
Carolee Rooney
Trena Roper
Tracey Rose
Paula Ross
Marjorie & Steve Rothell
Dan Royal
Ramona Rubio
Diane Ruby
Jason Ruff
Karen Ruff
William Ruff
Charlotte Ruppe
Erin Ruppe
Jennifer Ruppe
Keilah Ruppe
Tim & Regina Ruppe
Vickie Ruppe
Anita Russell
James & Sarah Russell
Marybeth Russell
Geraldine Russ
Amy Saad
Phillip Sabatino
Emily & John Sain
Darlene Sakay
Sidna Sampson
Carroll Sams
Terri Sams
Laurance R Sandstrom
Sandy Run Baptist Association
Steve Sarant
Dwaynne Satterfield
Sophia Satterfield
Nikki Saxton
Russell & Julie Scherer
Arthur Scherpereel
Keith & Robin Schoenfeldt
Michele Scholes
Alice Scoggins
Judy & Gordon Scott
Sheila Scott
Denise Scruggs
Gene Scruggs
Seams to Be Fabrics
Kay Searcy
Betty Secker
Second Baptist Church - WMU
Brian & Sallie Sessoms
Shannon Shaffer
Judith Shapiro
Sarah Sheehan
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Sheets
Patty Shelton
Roy & Felicia Shelton
James Sherrill
Robert & Carrie Short
Roy Shroyer
Christa Simpson
Harold Simpson
Sidna Simpson
Wanda Simpson
Tina Sims
Sisk Memorial Missionary Methodist Church
Amie Sisk
Susan Sistare
Carol Skidmore
Doris & Roy Skipper
Andera H Smith
Ann Smith
Barbara H Smith
Connie Smith
Debbie Smith
Donald Smith
Emory Smith
Pamela Smithey
Grady & Madelyn Smith
Heather Smith
Justin C Smith
Kay Smith
Maria & Westley Smith
Michael J. Smith
Rosemary & David Smith
Tiffany Smith
Tiffany & Derek Smith
Linda Snyder
Randy & Barbi Snyder
Dennis Sommers
Kathy Spangler
Ann Sparks
Spencer Baptist Church - Caring Hearts
Robynn Spence
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 9
Spindale Church of the Brethren
Spindale Drug Long Term Care
James & Karen Spratt
Alice V Sprinkle
Shelly Sprinkle
Annette Spurling
Tim & Sue Spurlin
Bobbie St. Clair
Della Stacey
Judy Stacy
Douglas Stamey
Craig R. Starr
Tina Steadman
William Steele
Brenda & Harold Stewart
Kenneth & Dana Stickney
Stanley & Rebecca Stiles
Ann Still
Brittany Stone
Brenda Stott
Bob Street
Bob & Robin Street
Charles Street
Joanna Street
Gail & Doug Strickland
Dawn Striff
Nancy Stroud
Brian & Anne Strupp
Pat Sumlin
Amy & Chad Summers
Lee Anne Summey
Frieda Suttle
David Swafford
Arlene & David Switzer
Doug Tate
Tommy & Glenda Tate
Bettie Taylor
Kim & Ronnie Taylor
Mike & Mary Kathryn Taylor
William & Jean Taylor
Charles Teague
Hilda & Paul Tecklenberg
Gail & John Tedder
Laura Tenbroeck
Jane Tennant
J. Terry
Tammy Terry
Roger Tesseneer
Don Tessneer
Donnie Tessneer
The Estate of Dorothy Ward
Cindy Thomas
Heather & Joshua Thomas
Margaret Thomas
Brenda Thomason
Sherry Thomas
Starlyn Thompsen
Amber Thompson
Emma Thompson
Martha Thompson
Patsy Thompson
William & Vickie Thompson
James Thomson
Stanley Thornton
Maggie Tice
Matthew Tice
John Toms
Jordan & Debbie Toms
Alyssa Toney
Darrell & Connie Toney
Jim Toney
Judy & David Toney
Kristen Toney
Robert Toney
Jolayne Towery
Margaret Trantham
Mary Trent
Jeremy Trevitz
Jamie Tricarico
Bill Triplett
Elizabeth Troxler
Rachel B Tucker
Ken Turner
Lynn E Turner
Kathy Tuttle
Nancy Upton
Mary Van Dyke
Kim & Madelyn Van Voorhis
Dwayne & Lisa VanderLaan
Sheri & Milton Via
Gregory Todd Vickers
Victory Baptist Church-Ellenboro
Eddie & Darrell Anne Waldrop
Beatriz Waldroup
Lee Walke
Emma Walker
Katie Walker
Lucas & Rebecca Walker
Steve Walker
Cynthia & Ronald Walkup
Darlene Wallace
Evelyn Waller
Beverly Ward
Bob & Anna Ward
Keith Ward
Rheba & Mike Ward
Mickey & Glenna Warlick
Phyllis Washburn
Twila Washburn
Mrs. B. J. Washington
Mrs. Betty Waters
Donna Waters
Helen M Waters
Paul & Terry Waters
Scott Waters
Anthony & Deneise Watkins
Gerri Watkins
Brenda Watson
Joan & Malcolm G. Watson
Kathy Watson
James Waycaster
Jason & Ashton Wease
Betty and Gray Webber
Lisa Weese
GS Wellings
Shi Whisnant
Helen White
James & Jessie White
Maryann White
Naima White
Nick & Norma White
Pat & Fred White
Debra Whiteside
George Whitmire
Daniel & Michelle Whitson
Robin Wiggins
Wilbert Plastics
Herbert Wiley, Jr.
Cora Wilkerson
Debra Wilkerson
Janice Wilkie
Gail Wilkins
Sharon Willets
Bo Williams
Darby & Chris Williams
Jean Williams
Valorie Williams
Annette Wilson
C. B. Wilson
Eugene Wilson
Glenn & Patsy Wilson
James Wilson
Patsy Wilson
Ronald Wilson
Ronnie & Brenda Wilson
Mark & Julia Winslow
Ms. Rita Womack
Catherine Wood
Rose Woodworth
Myra A Woody
Pat Workman
Charlie C. & Elsie Worley
Alunda & Wilbur Wright
Dwayne Wright
Jennifer Wright
Jerry Wright
Michael Wright
Paul Wykle
Debra Yagen
Eric Yelton
Jamie Yelton
Mike Yelton
Emily Zachrich
Jonathan Zaffuto
Carmen & Carol Annette
Phyllis Bailey
Reba Ball
James & Priscilla Berry
Mr. Mark Brown
Wade Burnett
Jim Burns
Kendall Coffey
Leon & Brenda Crocker
Joseph & Mary Jane Dailey
Hubert & Merle Dixon
Duke Power Retirees
Linda Eacho
Frances Toms Ervin
Fairfield Mountains Chapel - WOC
Bob & Lola Freeman
Pam Harrison
Thomas Harvill
Ed & Nancy Hughes
Rosemary Jann
Patricia M Little
Sarah Lyles
Margaret Mason
Wayne & Ronell McCall
Louis C. McKinney
Mary Moore
Jennifer Morris
Lynda & Jim Morrow
Mountain Creek Baptist Church
Helen & Herman Norville
Judith Pickering
Fern Porter
Dr. and Mrs. Hobart Rogers
Linda S. Shaw
Warren & Wilda Shultz
Albert & Lorie Smith
Jack Smith
Shelbie Stroud
The Estate of Gerald Sager, Jr.
The Trust Account of Byrdine Lee
Ron Vickery
Doris Wilkins
Debra Aaronsen
Richard H Acrivos
Annie Allison
Kathy Allison
Alma, Gary & Greg Lambert
Rhonda Ammons
Brandy Anderson
Crystal Anderson
Appalachian Equipment Rental
Robert Ayers
Terry & Betty Baldridge
Patricia A. Barnett
Bobbie J Baucom
Rebecca Birchfield
Wallace Blanton
Debra & Sam Bolinger
Franklin & Jody Bradley
Gwen Bradshaw
Lucille Brown
Barbara Buchanan
Genny Buchanan
Joe Buchanan
Barbara Burgess
Bonnie & John Daniel Burgin
Charles Burgin
Joseph Burke
Linda Burleson
Barbara Burnette
Bridget Burnette
Kim Burnette
Beth Buzagany
Lauren Cain
Martha Calhoun
Neal & Lucy Calhoun
Maribeth Carpenter
Chapel Hill Baptist Church
Laura Christenbury
Robert Christopher
Victor & Janet Clark
Latoya Conley
Phyllis & Ray Connell
Harold & Joyce Conner
Wade Cooper
Jan Cosby
Richard & Ruby Cox
Garry Crooks
Linda Davenport
Hayley Davis
Lori Davis
Peggy & Ray Davis
Phyllis Davis
Stephen Dehart
Sara Denuna
Maureen Distler
Joshua & Amy Dowdle
Aimie Duncan
Barbara Duncan
Penni Dunn
East Court Group Care Inc.
Tom Eckenrod
Gail Eller
Douglas G Elliott
Pat Epley
Wayne & Sandra Epperson
William Evans
Fancy Pants
Lorene Farr
Wendy Faurote
Kasey Finley
Phillip Finley
Brenda & John Foshee
Bill Fowler
Donald Fox
Michelle Franklin
Wesley D Gallion
Laurie Gavle
Tony Gillian
David & Cathy Goins
Deborah Cooke Greene
Elizabeth Greene
Jerry Greene
Margaret Grindstaff
Carolyn Gurley
Catherine Gurley
Anna & Bruce Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hall
Joyce Halter
Rheubena Hardin
Stephanie Harklerode
Vivian Harris
Lawrence Hartie
D Henline
Emma Jean Hill
Toni Hollenbeck
Kathryn Hollifield
Barbara Horn
William Houser
Becky C Huskins
Charles Scott Huskins
Mary Ann Huskins
Marc Hyatt
William Jarrett
Jeannie Jimison
Vicki & Leonard Justice
Anthony J Kapely
L&B Furniture
Nancy Lail
Ashleigh Lamb
Barry Laney
Louella Lanning
Betty Lawing
Larry & Brenda Lawing
Joey Ledford
Amy Lester
Deborah Lewis
Teresa Lewis
Doug & Teresa Long
Tyler Mace
Deanna & Gary MacLaren
Ted Mahaffey
Ima Mashburn
Dixie Matthews
Jackie McArthur
Shirley McCoyle
Lisa McCoy
James Junior McCraw
Wendi B McCraw
Doris McCurry
Jeri & Scott McIntosh
Melissa & Mark McKinney
Kim McMahan
Carol Melton
Katrinkia Miller
Rachel Miller
Michelle Mills
Courtney Mom’s
Steve Moore
David Morris
Benny Nations
Tatiana Navarro
Joe Neal
Carla Newsome
Dean Norman
Theresa O’Neal
Matthew J. Orders
Guy & Nina Painter
Rita Patton
Ronda Patton
Mildred Pettit
Ellen Pfirrmann
Steve & Janice Pierce
Randy Pool
Lisa Poteate
Lisa R Poteat
Ray Price
Suzette R Price
Lois Rabb
Kathleen Radford
Oneida Rafi
Deeana Ray
Sandra Reeves
Rodney Renfro
Peggy Rhymer
Robert Richardson
Cheryl Ridings
Matthew Roberts
Jessica Robinson
Carolyn Rogers
Cortnie Rohr
Jeff Rumberg
Phillip Ruppe
Angela M Rutherford
Molly Sandfoss
Jenelle Sayre
Ron Schultz
Kathryn K Schulz
Ron Schulz
Priscilla Seagle
Phyllis Sexton
Michael & Toni Shelton
Marietta Sherlin
James Lee Shreve
Mickey Shuford
Brenda K Silkwood
Charles Silver
Donnita Silver
Elva Simmons
Arley Smith
Barbara Smith
Rebekah Smith
Ken Spencer
Benny Stamey
Robert C Steljies
Martha Stepp
Anna Stockton
Janet Stockton
Lewis Stott
Sandra Strother
Kevin Styles
Pat Sumlin
Jeanette Tarver
Kay P Tate
Heather Taylor
Robbin Taylor
Brenda Thomas
Charles Thomas
James & Faye Timmons
Jane Townsend
Brenda Turvin
Peggy Vitolo
Linda Waiden
Kevin Waldrop
Danielle Walker
Luanne Walker
Tammy Walls
Olivia & Peter Wan
Freddie Ward
Phil & Connie Wells
Christine Wesley
Earlene Whitson
Emily Whittington
Janet Williams
Sybil Williams
Glenda Wills
Joy & Bryan S Wilson
R.T. Wilson
Kathy Witherspoon
Steve Young
Arlene Zimmer
Rainbow Camp
Green River Baptist Association
Alan & Ann Leavens
United Way
AT&T United Way/Employee Giving
Burke County United Way
United Way of Asheville & Buncombe
United Way of Cleveland County
United Way of the Piedmont, Inc.
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Robert & Paula Aiken
Alvin & Judy Allen
Jean Allen
Junior & Jewel Alley
Tracy Allred
Cheryl G Anderson
Brenda G Andrews
Wanda S Andrews
Judy Atchley-Benson
Brenda Avey
Ray & Catherine Ayers
Diane Babcox
Connie Bailey
Gilbert L Bailey
John & Rachael Bailey
Matthew Bailey
Shelia Bailey
Tina Bailey
Wendell & Beckie Bailey
Neil Barrier
Jeanne Bass
Vicki & Patrick Baur
Nancy Beam
Pat Bedford
Christine F Beebe
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Bill Beeman
Barbara Bennett
Connie Biddy
Dennis & Katherine Biddy
Mary Ann Forbes Blackwell
Charles Blankenship
Don & Connie Blanton
Elizabeth Bonjour
Baylee Boone
Pat Booth
Debbie Boozer
Mary Bostic
Carl Bradley
Doris Bradley
Wanda Bradley
Gary Bridges
Diane Brock
Anthony Brodfuhrer
Kenneth & Diane Brooks
Selma Brooks
Shirley Brown
Stacey Brown
Wendy Brown
James & Nancy Bruce
Mrs. Richard Brucksch
Wendy Bryant
Joyce Buckaloo
Ruth Buesser
Lori Buff
Mattie Burcham
Rita Burch
Sherry Burgin
Wilbur Burgin
Jim Burns
Tom & Faye Burton
Leanne & Steve Bushnell
Myra Byars
Anna Byers
Dorothy Byers
Judi and Wayne Byers
Misti Byers
Harry & Susan Cahn
Brad & Christy, Kinsley & Kallan Caldwell
Barbara Callahan
Cathy & Carson Calton
Stella Carroll
Selena Cash
Alfred & Edith Causby
Sue Champion
Bonnie Cherry
Rachel & Mike Clayton
V.O. & Jane Cline
Betty T. Cobb
10: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Susan Cochran
Mrs. Bill Cole
Blaine Cole
Heather Collins
Brenda J. Condrey
Lois Condrey
Madge T Condrey
Harold & Joyce Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conner
Revonda Conner
Aileen Conyers
Ken & Patsy Cook
David & Freida Cordell
Dolly D Cordell
Joseph & Jennifer Cornet
Pat Covey
Patsy Crain
Max & Sandra Crawley
Chris & Linda Cross
Sue Crotts
Raina & Tim Crowder
Donna Dahl
Jeff & Sonya Dahl
Martha & Inez Dale
Lori Dallman
Don & Diane Dalton
DAVA Unit 25
Angela Davis
Chris Davis
Evelyn Davis
Jane M. Davis
Leslie & Brenda Davis
Martha C. Davis
Rick & Cindy Davis
James & Tinnie Dawkins
Michael DeLorenzo
Betty Dickey
Carol Diehl
Flossie Dillard
Hubert & Merle Dixon
James & Wanda Dobbins
Mildred Donathan
Carolyn & Joe Dorton
Donna W Doty
Marion Duncan
Phil Dunford
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Barbara “Bobbie” Eastridge
Drs. Tammy & Gary Edelman
Camilla & Hoyle Edgerton
Gloria Edgerton
Linda Edgerton
Sarah Edgerton
Elizabeth M. Edwards
Rebecca Elliott
Lois J Elmore
Wayne & Sandra Epperson
Mrs. Rachel G. Ervin
Hank & Laura Evans
Rhonda Evans
Pat Ferguson
Sarah Finney
Dianne & Bill Fisher
Gene & Joyce Fite
Col & Mrs. Walter Fitts
Kolen, Randy & Joe Flack
Kimberli Flaugher
Louise & Gregory Floyd
Demaris Ford
Gilbert & Melissa Forney
Maxine T Forrest
Carolyn & Bobby Fowler
Sherry Fowler
Amelia Fox
Minnie Fox
Jerry & Loudella Francis
Mark Franklin
Kim Freeman
Michele & Bill Funderburke
Mary Ann Galyon
Mr. Jim Garren
Walter & Ella Mae Gee
Susan Gentry
Terrica Gibbs
Amy Gibert
Vivian Gibson
Gilkey Lumber Co., Inc.
Gilkey Ruritan Club, Inc.
Michelle Gillepsie
Henry Glover
Shirley Glover
Hazel Godfrey
Mr. Harry Goforth
Nina Goforth
Corless & Mike Goode
John & Joyce Goree
Donald Gowan
Dale Gray
Brenda Greene
Jeaul & Shirley Greene
Mattie Greene
Gene & Betty Green
Alan C Greenley
Betty Gregory
Cindy C. Grier
Janice Guffey
Lorie & Matt Guffey
Maggie & Annie Guffey
Ruth Gurley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett
Lora Hall
Robin T. Hall
Sophia Hamilton
Pat & Larry Hammett
Brenda Hammond
Mary Hampton
Cheryl Hamrick
Garland & Martha Hamrick
Glen & Peggy Hardin
Grady & Carolyn Hardin
Grover Hardin
Madeline Hardin
Patricia Hardin
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Nora Hardy
Lisa Harmon
Mrs. Betty H Harrill
Susan Harris
William & Nancy Hartley
Dawn Hawkins
Teresa Hayes
Kenneth & Betty Head
Sylvia Hedin
Mr. and Mrs. William Helfst
Helping Hands Nursing Service, Inc.
Bill & Dawn Hemmelgarn
Jean Henderson
Sam, Shelly, Blake & Brooklyn Henderson
Brenda Hendrix
Jackie Henson
Susan Henson
Hank Heun
Helen D. Higdon
John & Stephanie Higgins
Bobby & Jean Hill
Donna Hill
Sherry Hill
Todd & Laura Hodge & Family
Ms. Barbara Hodge
Drew Hodge
Beth Hogan
Dave & Carolyn Holland
Evangeline Holland
Jennifer & Caroline Holland
Claude Hollifield
Cathy Holmes
Terry Honeycutt
Steve & Hazel Hopper
Carolyn M Horton
Joy Hoyle
Brittany Nicole Hudgins
Carolyn & Jr Humphries
Doug & Pat Hunnicutt
Bobby & Nancy Hunt
Betty Huntley
Scott & Tammy Hunt
Virginia Hunt
Maurice & Ellen Huskey
Johnny, Jill, Kristin & Alivia Hutchins
Lois Hutchins
Bernice Hutchinson
Christine Ingle
Pat Isenhour
John Jackson
Nancy & Franklin M. Jackson
Edwin & Carol T. Jacunski
Bobby G Jenkins
Sidney & Gloria Jennings
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Henry & Cynthia Jones
Foye R. Jones
Rob and Kris Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R Judkins
Don Julien
John & Pat Keeter
Mr. Jack Keller
Jean Kelly
Louise Kelly
Margaret Keyes
Ver Ann & Mac Kimbrough
Lisa Kincaid
Dan King
Jeff King
Joan King
Sandra & Henry King
Jeanette Klutts
Karen LaBreche
Christine & Dennis Lail
Karen & Ronald Lail
Larry & Angela Lane
Nettie Laughter
Hazel Lawing
C.R. Lawson
Nellene Ledbetter
Willie Mae Ledbetter
Annis Ledford
Renee Linnens
Nancy Littlejohn
Brenda Logan
Gail Logan
Taran Long
Heather Lovelace
Sharon Lowery
Doris H Luckadoo
Holland & Patty Luckadoo
Lynn J. Lund
Pat Lynn
Paul Maitland
Dorcas Malone
Marion Pharmacy
Charles Martell
Ashley Bailey Martin
Carolyn Martin
Debbie Martin
Grace A Martin
Matthew AME Chapel Zion Church
Billy & Beverly Mauldin
Jane Mauney
Ron & Eleanor Mauney
Doris B McBrayer
Connie McCraw
Jo Ann McCurry
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Velma D McCurry
Mr. Frank McDaniel
Heidi McDaniel
Lynn McDaniel
Wynelle McDaniel
Patricia McDaris
Connie McDonald
Martha Jean McFarland
Mary Linda McFarland
Joseph L McGaha
Harlan & Sandi McGinnis
Ms. Louise McGinnis
Roy McKain
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Charles McNally
Shirley McNeil
Don & Helen McSwain
Nancy Medford
Rene Michaud
Michael & Judy Migala
Binney Miller
Phil & Diane Miller
Ruby Miller
Carol Mills
Pat Millwood
Fern Mohr
Amy Hill Moore
Troy M Moore
Carolyn Morgan
James & Sandra Morgan
Luther S Morris
Mamie T Morris
Donald & Catherine Morrison
Mildred Morrow
Dave Mow
Marie Nations
Richard & Barbara Nealon
Carol & Doug Nethaway
Ralphia and John Newell
Pam Robinson Newton
Kay Nichols
Diane Nix
Martha Odom
Dorothy Overcash
Thurman & Sheila Owensby
Deborah Owens
Beatrice C Pace
Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Douglas M. Padgett
Mary Padgett
Nilda A. Padgett
Phyllis Parker
Sandra Parton
Judy & Jim Patton
Frankie Pearson
Wade & Elma Philbeck
Donnis M. Pitchford
Ginny Pitman
Lorene & Ralph Poole
Joyce Pressley
Jerry & Sarah J Prewitt
Buddy & Cathy Price
Robert L. Price
Sherry Price
Spencer & Edy Price
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Marilyn Propst
Floyd Queen, Jr.
Grace Quick
Dana Radford
Darlene & Marshall Radford
Diann Ramsey
Jane Rawson
David & Evelyn Ray
Johnny D. Ray
Ms. Ruth Reavis
Sharon Reece
Ann S Reel
Jane & Larry Revels
Andrew Rice
Lois Rice
Ruby Robbins
Jane Robinson
Hilda Roper
Norman & Sheila Roper
Frances Ross
Jane Rucker
Carla Ruff
Ray W. Ruppe
Sonya Ruppe
Rutherfordton Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Sidna Sampson
Doris D. Sandberg
Ken & Diane Sanford
Jenelle Sayre
Ashley Scearse
Russell & Julie Scherer
Bobo & June Scruggs
Earl Scruggs
Bob & Martha Sellers
Heather, Phillip & Simon Sheehan
Arnold Shehan
Sandra Sherrill
Tanya Sillato
Lillian Silvers
Nancy Silvers
Rachel Sims
Kathy Sinclair
Jean & H. A. Slate
Ms. Carolyn Smart
Barbara Smith
Chris Smith
Ms. Mary Ann Smith
Ruby Smith
Shelley Smith
Teresa H Smith
Wanda Van Dyke Smith
Robynn Spence
Bobbie St. Clair
Kenneth & Betty Stapp
Rev. and Mrs. Michael J Stephens
Melinda Stina
Elizabeth Stover
Cliff & Wanda Strassenburg
Gail & Doug Strickland
Shelbie Stroud
Roy & Joyce Stuckwisch
Michelle J Sunderman
Charles & Mary Swanson
David Sykes
William L Szabo
James & Ellyn Tanner
Dennis & Tina Tarlton
Gay Tate
Diann Teague
Jane Tennant
David & Teresa Teseniar
Terry, Chris & Matthew Tessnear
Hannah Thompson
Heather Thompson
Martha Thompson
Roberta Thompson
Susie & Scoota Thompson
Wanda & Mike Thompson
Betty Thrift
Rebecca Thurber
Robert & Helen Tolhurst
Lisa Tolleson
Pastor Dennis Tomlinson
Evelyn Toms
Randy & Nancy Toms
Kathy Toney
Louise Toney
Dr. Robert Toney
Terri Toney
Barbara Troxell
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Trumpler
Myra Upton
Cruz Valdez
Randy Vess
Victory Temple Evangelistic Association, Inc.
Eric & Karen Von Briel
Dianna & Chris Wald
Hazel B Walker
Janice Walker
Maddie Walker
Regina Walker
Susan A. Walker
Thomas & Cheryl Walker
Bobby Wall
Chad Wall
Danny Wall
Linda Wall
Virgil & April Wall
Mr. Joseph Walton
Brenda K. Warner
Jane Waters
Lillian Irene Waters
Diana Watson
Janice Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W
Rose Mary Weathers
Earl & Sheila Wells
Shirley Wells
Waynette & Grady Wells
Inez Wess
Helen West
Cindy Wharton
Renee Whisenant
Brett White
Louise White
Angela Whiteside
Gloria Whiteside
Justin, Becky & Walker Whiteside
Nancy & Russell Wicker
Edith Wilkerson
Michael Wilkins
Bernice & Robert Williams
Patsy Willis
Leona Wilson
Sandra Wilson
Sheila Wilson
Jack Wofford
Laura Woods
Susan Wood
Myra A Woody
Charlie C. & Elsie Worley
Alunda & Wilbur Wright
Renee Wright
David Wyscarver
Peggy Lanning Wyszynski
Bruce & Debra Yager
Annette C Yarnell
Beth Yeatts
Dave & Kay Yelton
Joan Yelton
Naomi Yelton
San Toye Yelton
Wade & Mary Yelton
Thomas & Janice Yermack
Mathon H Culpepper
Debbie & Chip Dempsey
Bob & Pam Keith
Lynn Kemerait
Joan King
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Peebles
Joe B Scism, Sr.
Malone & Betty Thomason
Bob & Elaine Wolf
Lea & Neil Danner
Sandra & Henry King
Marilyn Propst
Ashley Scearse
Jean True
Renee Wright
Connie Bailey
Susie Buchanan
Pamela Deck
Janice Fitzgerald
Sherry Fowler
Cheryl Hamrick
LaDonna Hart
Pat Isenhour
Tammy Johnson
Lisa Kincaid
Larry & Angela Lane
Max & Edna Ledbetter
Renee Linnens
Ramona McEntire
Pat Millwood
Katy Roper
Tracy Roper
Jennifer Ruppe
Ruby Smith
Greg & Kim Street
Jean True
Bob & Carol Womick
Pat Workman
Harold Moore, Martha Odom, Martha
Crain & Caroline Crain
Wendy Bryant
All Hospice Workers for their care & love
Charles & Mary Swanson
Julie Adams
Troy M Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Alexander
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Tracy Allred
Annis Ledford
Ruth & Roland Arrowood
Susan A. Walker
Ed & Myrlie Barrier
Shirley Wells
Anne Billingsley
Sue Crotts
Bonnie Bittle
Rita Burch
Bill Blair
Rita Burch
Mr. Bill Blair
Tom & Faye Burton
Billie Blake
Sue Crotts
Cheryl Boone
Sue Crotts
C.C. Brackett
Sandra & Henry King
Faye Brackett
Sandra & Henry King
Sara Bradley
Sue Crotts
Sherry Price
Marilyn Brucksch
Sue Crotts
Roberta Thompson
Cindy Buck
Rita Burch
Rita Burch
Myra Byars
Debbie Martin
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 11
Susie Byers
San Toye Yelton
Hugh Calton
Cathy & Carson Calton
Chris & Linda Cross
Robin Carpenter
Sue Crotts
Employees of Smith’s Drugs of Forest
City, Inc.
John & Stephanie Higgins
Doris Clark
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Faye Cole
Renee Wright
Dwight Cooper
Dianne & Bill Fisher
Dan Daisley
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Lucille Daniel
Shay Guffey
Lucy Daniel
Sherry Fowler
Jacqueline DeLorenzo
Michael DeLorenzo
Ann & Bill Deviney
Jane Rucker
Kay & Larry Deviney
Marian Buchanan
Merle Dixon
Hubert & Merle Dixon
Sylvia Downey
Larry & Angela Lane
Gabriella Drury
John & Pat Keeter
Sophia Drury
John & Pat Keeter
Phil Dunford
Rita Burch
Leroy & Carolyn Earley
Annis Ledford
Linda Edgerton
Rita Burch
Bobby Edney
PPG Industries Foundation
Marty & Susan Elliott
Shelbie Stroud
Mike & Kathy Eplee
Jane Mauney
Robert Evans Family
Cindy Lafon
Alexandra Figueroa
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Allison Figueroa
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Jay Fletcher
John & Pat Keeter
Meg Fletcher
John & Pat Keeter
Mary Freeman
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Bill & Denise Gardner
Annis Ledford
Denise & Bill Gardner
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Flossie Geer
John & Pat Keeter
Dr. James Godfrey
Myra Upton
Jackie Hampton
Rita Burch
Melinda Hamrick
Lois J Elmore
Karl Hardin
Grover Hardin
Nicole Hardin
Grady & Carolyn Hardin
Debbie Hedgepath
Sue Crotts
Jean Henderson
Renee Wright
Susie Hennessee
Sandra & Henry King
Betty Hensley
Troy M Moore
Libby Henson
Bob & Martha Sellers
Susie “June” Henson
Bobo & June Scruggs
Charles & Lola Hill
Sherry Hill
Don & Paulette Holland
Annis Ledford
Johnny & Tricia Holland
Jane Mauney
Dianne Hollifield
Sue Crotts
Margie Horne
Corless & Mike Goode
Nurses & Staff of Hospice
Mary Ann Forbes Blackwell
Rita Hudson
Sue Crotts
Ellen Huskey
Wynelle McDaniel
Coy & Sandra Hutchins
Baylee Boone
Lois Hutchins
Thomas & Janice Yermack
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Jaski
Flora Major
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Jane Rucker
Jane Jenkins
Renee Wright
Cornelia King
Joan King
Elizabeth K. King
Dan King
Joan King
Rita Burch
Jeff King
Jane Rucker
Rudy King
Joan King
Cindy Lafon
Donna Dahl
Mark Franklin
Chrissy Lail
Selma Brooks
Ruby Laughter
Wendy Bryant
Annis Ledford
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Flora Major
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Debbie Martin
Rita Burch
Glenn & Sara Mauney
Jane Mauney
Jane Mauney
Ron & Eleanor Mauney
Ron & Eleanor Mauney
Jane Mauney
Mrs. Wynelle P. McDaniel
Mary Padgett
Wynelle McDaniel
Nelson & Crystal McDaniel
Spencer & Edy Price
Roger & Rebecca Price
Terry & Kathryn McGowan
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Beverly McKinney
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Morgan & Margaret McKinney
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Rich Melson
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Our Members
DAV Unit 25
Mirian Miranda
Chris Davis
Ray Montalvo
Bobbie St. Clair
Peggy Moore
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Johanna Morrison
Waynette & Grady Wells
B.J. Mosely
Rita Burch
Frank Nanney
Helping Hands Nursing Service, Inc.
Nolan Newton
Pam Robinson Newton
Martha Novack
Joan King
Ann Okey
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Fran Owens
Sue Crotts
Our Good Friend-My Pal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett
Hannah Parker
Pam Robinson Newton
Jeffrey Parker
Pam Robinson Newton
Kurt Parker
Pam Robinson Newton
Penny Ann Parker
Pam Robinson Newton
Edy Price
Sue Crotts
Wynelle McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Qualls
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Dr. Matt Rees
Rita Burch
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Mary Richardson
Bobbie St. Clair
Brecken Richey
John & Pat Keeter
Oncology Staff of RIMA
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Lucy Robbins
Troy M Moore
Pastor Lucy Robbins
Annis Ledford
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Harrell & Pat Rogers
Jerry & Loudella Francis
Jane Rucker
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Jeep & Johnnie Martin
Dr. Gary Schafer
Rita Burch
Myra Upton
Kim Smith
Bobbie St. Clair
Mark, Kimberly & Jonathan Snyder
Annis Ledford
Kathy Spangler
Waynette & Grady Wells
Polly Moore & Brenda Splawn
Larry & Angela Lane
Alice Faye Stephens
Rev. and Mrs. Michael J Stephens
Mike Tanner
Rita Burch
Ruby Tate
Sue Crotts
Roberta Thompson
Doris D. Sandberg
Brenda & Bill Thomsen
Candace & Pete Caprise
Triniti Toney
Terri Toney
Christopher Keith Upton
Myra Upton
Garrett Keith Upton
Myra Upton
Whitney Leigh Upton
Myra Upton
All Volunteers
Myra Byars
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Walker
Thomas & Cheryl Walker
Jim & Sybil Wells
Annis Ledford
Danny & Glenda White
Brett White
Helen White
Susan Cochran
Dr. Phillip Whitworth
Rita Burch
Dick Wilkins
Joan King
Jo Williams
Sue Crotts
Drs. Guy & Nancy Winker
Joan King
Dr. Jack Wofford
Rita Burch
Jack Wofford
Joan King
Judy Wolfe
Sandra & Henry King
Carole & Wilson Womble
Joan King
Gail Wright
Sue Crotts
Debbie Yager
Sue Crotts
Casondra Yelton
Sue Crotts
Thomas Brooks “Gene”
Christine & Dennis Lail
Joe Woody “Pops”
Myra A Woody
Connie Bladerstone (Nanny)
Tammy Johnson
Dan Wilkie (Worth)
James & Sandra Morgan
All Hospice Patients during 2013
John & Stephanie Higgins
Jamie Adair
Eunice Campbell
Argio Alberghini
Nilda A. Padgett
Elfrieda Alberghini
Nilda A. Padgett
Blanche Matheny Allen
Alunda & Wilbur Wright
James Allen
Jean Allen
Sharon Lowery
James Craig Allen
Ms. Mary Ann Smith
Ronnie Allen
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Doris Alley
Junior & Jewel Alley
Jewell Allred
Tracy Allred
Robert Allred
Sharlene & Gary Allred
Joan Bennett
Bob & Martha Sellers
Ruth Allred
Tracy Allred
Bob Anderson
Robert “Bob” Anderson
Cheryl G Anderson
James Milton “Jimmy” Andrews
Wanda S Andrews
Paris C. Andrews
Brenda G Andrews
Mary Ann Anthony
Shirley B. Fraley
Anthony Arrowood
Holland & Patty Luckadoo
Ethel Arrowood
Kistler’s Chapel United Methodist Church
Louise Arrowood
Lorie & Matt Guffey
Mary Arrowood
Hugh & Colene Nanney
Julian & Frances Shehan
Michael Arrowood
Susan A. Walker
Beth B. Atchley
Judy Atchley-Benson
Elizabeth Atchley
Joan Yelton
Elizabeth H. Atchley
Judy Atchley-Benson
Ronald Atchley
Judy Atchley-Benson
Bruce H. Avery
Brenda Avey
John D. Ayers
Ray & Catherine Ayers
Cathren Baber
Maurice & Ellen Huskey
Bobby K. Bailey
Shelia Bailey
Ashley Bailey Martin
Clara M. Bailey
Tina Bailey
Faye Burns Bailey
Jim Burns
Gladys H. Bailey
Judy Atchley-Benson
Jake Bailey
Kolen, Randy & Joe Flack
Terry Daniel Bailey
John & Rachael Bailey
Willard Bailey
Mike Brewer Family
Marshall & Rita Baynard
Earnesteen Barnes
Crew 260A & FGD
Prospect Baptist Church
Vicky Beard
John W. Barnes
Duke Energy Corporation - Cliffside Steam
Station Employees
Vicky Beard
Yvonne Paganetti
Charles Barnett
Jean Henderson
Mary Barnett
Jean Henderson
James Bass
Jeanne Bass
Norris Bates
Aileen Conyers
Carl Baynard
The 4 Wilkerson Sisters
Lynn Bolen
Sandy & Billy Carmichael
Dwight & Brenda Ferguson
Margaret Kesterson
Barbara Knighton
Alan & Judy Sellars
Charles & Betty Webster
Martin Beam
Nancy Beam
Max Beam
Ken & Diane Sanford
Dan Beason
Rita Burch
Jerrell Bedford
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Ingles Employees
Oak Grove United Methodist ChurchFellowship Bible Class
Pat Bedford
Buddy & Mary Ruth Bennett
Bill & Peggy Blair
Lucy & Jim Earls
Norma Jean Gurney
Dot Harrill
Mike Jolley
Jack Lutz
Jo Ann Martin
Bill & Mary McKinney
Nancy Medford
Frances & Chester Melton
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Nick & Nancy Nichols
Merry & Bob Owens
Grady & June Pope
David & Patricia Roberts
Suzanne & Rick Shaffer
Duane & Rhonda Sinquefield
Johnny & Amie Sisk
Norman & Doris Wilson
Charlie C. & Elsie Worley
Dick Beebe
Betty Dickey
Richard Beebe
Christine F Beebe
Anna Beeman
Bill Beeman
Lois Bertot
Carolyn Martin
Kristie Bibler
Rhonda Evans
Rev. and Mrs. Michael J Stephens
Hazel Biddy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Biddy
Mrs. Hazel Biddy
Dennis & Katherine Biddy
Olin Biddy
Connie Biddy
Lois Rice
Kevin Biggerstaff
Kathy Toney
Margie Biggerstaff
Bob & Anne Hendrix
Dale & Ann Stout
Sylvia Biggerstaff
Sherry Fowler
Rev. Charlie Blackwell
Mary Ann Forbes Blackwell
Earl Scruggs
Elnora Blake
William & Nancy Hartley
Worth F. Bland
Mickey & Patti Bland
Louise Blankenship
Charles Blankenship
Bob Blanton
Garland & Martha Hamrick
Kaye Blanton
Donald & Catherine Morrison
Artie Boone
Greg & Kim Street
Jean White Borman
Elizabeth Stover
Jack M. Bradley
Doris Bradley
Martha, Aunt Helen & Jack Bradley
Carl Bradley
Mary Bradley
David Camp & Wayne Ruppe Family’s
Jim & Joyce Carpenter
Mr. Ronald & Benita Cole
Tricia Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hill & Family
Annis Ledford
Jack Lutz
Laine H Matheny
Bill & Mary McKinney
Phil & Diane Miller
Mary Lou Owensby & Family
James & Annie Mae Page
Craton & Teresa Stephens
William Bradley
Curtis & Lizzie Jackson Family, Bob, Doris,
Alton & Paul
McDowell High EC Dept.
McDowell High School
The Ernest Hardin Family
Tom, Kathy, Pemble, Mike & Kathy Dobbins
James & Jill Clary
Jeep & Johnnie Martin
Imogene Bratton
Earl Scruggs
Max Hardin, Franklin Hardin, Dorothy
Cole, Brenda Reid and Ava Hardin
Glen & Peggy Hardin
Fadie Bridges
Lynn McDaniel
Georgie Bridges
Lynn McDaniel
Ms. Louise McGinnis
Ralph J. Bridges
Gary Bridges
Rita Brillhart
Ms. Mary Ann Smith
Dorothy Briscoe
Helping Hands Nursing Service, Inc.
Karla Brodfuhrer
Anthony Brodfuhrer
Anthony Brodfuhrer
David Brooks
Rutherfordton Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Thomas G. Brooks
Kenneth & Diane Brooks
Selma Brooks
Wayne Lyle Brooks
Nina Goforth
Tom Brown
Wilbur Burgin
Willie S. Brown
Shirley Brown
Richard Brucksch
Mrs. Richard Brucksch
Wayne Bryant
Wendy Bryant
William Buckaloo
Joyce Buckaloo
Mary Buff
Johnnie Buff
Ralph Buff
Lori Buff
Jane Buitekant
Joyce Cunningham
Jesse Burcham
Mattie Burcham
Mytris Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byers
Doris Burgin
Wendell & Beckie Bailey
Guy Brooks
Linda & Leon Fox
12: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Don & Wanda Hastings
Nat & Renee Hyde
Steve & Ginger Meador
Charles & Emily Yelton
Mavis Burgin
Robert Burgin
Russell Burleson
Susie Buchanan
Dorothy Burns
Jim Burns
Louis Burns
Hospice of Rutherford County Employees
Sarah Bush
Bill & Peggy Blair
Franda H Kincaid
Jack Lutz
Patsy & Ted Rollins
Bob & Martha Sellers
Mary Catherine Butler
Deborah Owens
Robert & Mary Catherine Butler
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Dr. James & Tina Byers
Brenda Hendrix
Gladys Byers
Diane Rabon
Leonard & Frances Byers
Annis Ledford
W. Paul & Lucille R. Byers
Annis Ledford
Jean Cabiniss
Wade & Elma Philbeck
Bob Cable
Janet & Richard McDuffie
Joan Callahan
Doyle & Joyce Corwin
Freida Calton
Cathy & Carson Calton
Marcia Lacerda Cammett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett
Annie Lee Camp
Dawn Hawkins
Gerald Campbell
Eunice Campbell
James Campbell
WF Wilson Septic Tank Service
Mildred Camp
Jo Ann Martin
Dean Canipe
Jean Henderson
Hugh Cardinal
William L Szabo
Catherine Carnes
Norman & Sheila Roper
Rev. Marvin Carnes
Norman & Sheila Roper
Charles Carpenter
Anthony & Linda Monfrado
Favette Carpenter
Anthony & Linda Monfrado
Robert E. Carpenter, Jr.
Betty Jo Carpenter
Charlie Carver
Cindy Wharton
Elsie Harris Carver
Cindy Wharton
Madge Carver
Cindy C. Grier
Onnie Carver
Wilbur Burgin
Gay Blankenship - P.G. Cash
Tracy Roper
Joe Cash
Rebecca Thurber
Troy Donald Cash
Selena Cash
Aline Champion
Hicks Chapel Ladies Class
The Neighbors of Ethel Owens
Rudolph & Dorliss Gallion
Jack Lutz
Pam Champion
Ray W. Ruppe
Sarah Champion
Sue Champion
Sarah H. Champion
Jane & Larry Revels
Arthur Chandler
Linda Edgerton
Shawn Patrick Charles
Mary Linda McFarland
Harry J. Cherry, Jr.
Bonnie Cherry
Ray Chipley
Robynn Spence
Yvonne Cline
Tim & Nancy Cole
James F. Cobb
Betty T. Cobb
Jessie Cochran
Kistler’s Chapel United Methodist Church
The Family of Juanita Davis
Thomas Cochran
Gladys & Wayne Hames
Jim & Ron Henson
Maxie & Joannie Jolley
James & Annie Mae Page
Gary & Shannon White
Lane Cochran
Thurman & Sheila Owensby
Eric Coggins
Janice Waugh
James “Bud” & Mary Coker
Bobo & June Scruggs
Dorothy Cole
Blaine Cole
H. Billy Cole
Ginny Pitman
Minnie Cole
Diane Brock
Ginny Pitman
Yvonne Cole
Mrs. Bill Cole
Hoyt Collins
Henry & Cynthia Jones
Folks from the Gilkey Community
Gilkey Ruritan Club, Inc.
Hal Stephen Condrey
Lois Condrey
Jean Kelly
Howard Condrey
Madge T Condrey
Ailene Conner
Blue Ridge Terrace
Garden Creek Baptist Church
Providence United Methodist Church
Jim Morris
Evelyn Sauter
Kathy Simmons
Gary & Judy Suttles
Alton Conner
Revonda Conner
Sheila Wilson
Avery Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conner
Jeanette Conner
Gene & Betty Green
Margaret Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conner
Bobbie Cook
Lucille H. Daniel
Camilla & Hoyle Edgerton
R. David Hattier
Kittie S Henderson
Bob & Kay Hollifield
Deborah S Merting
Frances W. Yelton
Betty Cooper
Sue Allred
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Paris Cooper
Joseph & Jennifer Cornet
Lillian Covert
Gilbert L Bailey
Bobbie Cox
Mrs. Barbara Warren
Dawn Cox
John & Jimi Moore
Rachel Nan Crain
Patsy Crain
Karen M. Crawford
Carol Diehl
Celia Crawley
Maxine T Forrest
Max G. Crawley, Sr.
Max & Sandra Crawley
Jo Ann Martin
Lillian Silvers
Nancy Silvers
Merle Crawley
Caroleen United Methodist Church
Chase Corner United Methodist Ministries
Sandy Mush Baptist Church
Patricia Allen
David & Angela Allen
James & Peggy Barker
Marshall & Rita Baynard
Daisy Brown
Judy Case
Max Crawley, Jr.
Eunice Dobbins
Dianne & Bill Fisher
Garland & Martha Hamrick
Don & Wanda Hastings
Doug & Cindy Hollingsworth
Bill & Helen Matheny
Frances & Chester Melton
Lonnie & Jacola Ray
Bob & Martha Sellers
Margaret West
Barbara & Jr. Wilson
Oscar Cruz
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Ruth Culpepper
Mathon H Culpepper
Juanita Curtis
Pat & Larry Hammett
Richard Dahl
Elizabeth Bonjour
Jeff & Sonya Dahl
Donna Dahl
Edward L Eckstrom
Terry Honeycutt
Elaine Mendelow Pinchuk
Mrs. Zenon Redkevitch
Cleatus Dale
Martha & Inez Dale
Eugene Dale
Marine Bell
Larry & Flora Phillips
JW Dale
Pastor Dennis Tomlinson
Judy Dallman
Lori Dallman
Margaret Dalton
Don & Diane Dalton
Chris Daniel
Ed & Sharon Hill
Glenn Daniel
James & Ellyn Tanner
Bessie Davis
Maxine & Lee Phillips
Debbie Davis
Jennifer & Caroline Holland
Emma Davis
Joseph L McGaha
Emma H. Davis
Linda Wall
Eugene Davis
Barbara Callahan
Jane M. Davis
Helen Davis
Alfred & Edith Causby
Loren Davis, Jr.
Angela Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis
Dolly D Cordell
Mrs. Marie Davis
Martha Jean McFarland
Thomas F. Davis
Martha C. Davis
Geneva T. Dawkins
Sarah Finney
Judi Deese
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Joseph D. Denison
Janet & Richard McDuffie
Louie Deviney
Joan King
David DeYoung
Vicki & Patrick Baur
Eugene Deyton
Pat & Larry Hammett
Maudleen Deyton
Pat & Larry Hammett
Lottie Dixon
Hubert & Merle Dixon
Robert E. Dixon
Gail Logan
Bernice Dobbins
Mr. Jack Keller
Dean Dobbins
Phyllis Parker
Faye Dobbins
Phyllis Parker
Beth Yeatts
Jack Dobbins
James & Wanda Dobbins
Jim & Mary Willie Dobbins
James & Wanda Dobbins
Kenneth & Grace Dobbins
James & Wanda Dobbins
Z.E. Dobbins
Ken & Lucy Flack
Ben Dodson
Brenda Greene
Martha Dodson
Brenda Greene
Oscar Dodson
Greg Ruppe
Janet Stack
Betty Dowdle
Waccamaw Community Foundation
Kenneth Downey
Larry & Angela Lane
Mari Jean Ducett
Diane Babcox
James Dula
Mattie Burcham
Gladys Duncan
Zion Hill Community & Friends Memorial Fund
Jon Duncan
Amelia Fox
Keith Duncan
Susan A. Walker
Mary Lou Duncan
Marion Duncan
Dan Dunford
Phil Dunford
Ginny Dunford
Phil Dunford
William E. Dye
Brenda Avey
Yates Eaker
The Lancasters
Stephen & Jean Bettis
Rita Burch
Wilbur Burgin
Dot & Jack Byerly
Beth & Jody Carpenter
Judy Clement
V.O. & Jane Cline
Angela, Bill & Emily Cline
David & Ronda Eaker
Dave & Terry George
Genie Hauersperger
Bill & Elaine Horn
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Maxie & Joannie Jolley
Jack Lutz
Dr. Bill & Peggy McBrayer
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Uday Reebye, MD, DMD, PA
Evelyn Spangler
Paul Tulowiecki
Sandra Lynch Earley
Helen D. Higdon
Bill Eastridge
Barbara “Bobbie” Eastridge
St. Lois Ebelein
Louise & Gregory Floyd
Bill Edgerton
Sarah Edgerton
Linda Edgerton
Ernestine Edgerton
Gloria Edgerton
Grace & Bill Edgerton
Craton & Teresa Stephens
Grace Edgerton
Rita Burch
Sally & Jerry Cogan
Wanda & Carl “Mack” Edgerton
Linda Edgerton
Sarah Edgerton
Camilla & Hoyle Edgerton
Olivia & John Fortson
Terry Honeycutt
Dr. and Mrs. Bill McDaniel
Sam & Ethel Metcalf
Frank Nanney
Nick & Nancy Nichols
Hoyle H. Edgerton, Jr.
Camilla & Hoyle Edgerton
James Blanton & Ernestine Edgerton
Matthew AME Chapel Zion Church
Lee Edney
Grace Quick
Carl Edwards
Carla Ruff
Frances Edwards
Carla Ruff
Gilmer & Nancy Edwards
Diann Teague
Horace Edwards
Elizabeth M. Edwards
Ruth Efird
Jane Waters
Mae Elliott
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Millie Elliott
Golden Valley Missionary Methodist Church
J.C. & Pauline Lovelace & Family
Rena Elliott
Shelbie Stroud
Bessie Epley
Dave & Kay Yelton
Briscoe Epley
Dave & Kay Yelton
William C. Ervin
Mrs. Rachel G. Ervin
Michael Estep
Johnny D. Ray
Perry Estep
Johnny D. Ray
Janet Evans
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Cathy Ewing
CLC Reality, Inc.
First ARP Women’s Ministries
Judy Morgan
Bobby Farr
Rita Burch
Sarah Edgerton
Linda Edgerton
Mr. Butler, Cathy’s Father
Deborah Owens
Martha K. Ficken
Steve & Laura Meyer
Carol Finger
The Gallmann Family
Fritz & Suzan Morf
Charles Jerry Fite
Gene & Joyce Fite
Mildred Flack
Kolen, Randy & Joe Flack
Kelly D. Flynn, Sr.
Ver Ann & Mac Kimbrough
Rev. Joe Forbes
Mary Ann Forbes Blackwell
Marjorie Fort
Marjorie F Bleecker
Ed & Nancy Butler
Shelia Coffin
Amanda Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. George Watt
Susan Evans Crowder Foster
Hank & Laura Evans
Susan Foster
Nancy & Russell Wicker
Bobby D. Fowler, Sr.
David & Freida Cordell
Carolyn & Bobby Fowler
Maurice Fowler
Sherry Fowler
Heather, Phillip & Simon Sheehan
Jack T. Fox
Minnie Fox
Mable L. Freeman
Velma D McCurry
Mr. & Mrs. Spurgeon Freeman
Ms. Ruth Reavis
Ron Freeman
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Viola Gamble
Frank Nanney
Ben Gantt
Marian Buchanan
Charles Fetzer
Daniel J Fetzer
Sandra & Bob Martin
John & Tressie Steppe
Sandra K Walker
Wanda Garren
Mr. Jim Garren
Marianee Cobb Gee
Walter & Ella Mae Gee
J.V. Geer
John & Pat Keeter
Truman (Buddy) Gee
Walter & Ella Mae Gee
Ike Gentry
Susan Gentry
Isabel Gervason
First United Methodist Church
Naomi Yelton
Ken Gettys
Wilbur Burgin
Betty Pitts Gibert
Amy Gibert
Dennis Gibson
Vicki & Patrick Baur
Vivian Gibson
Paul N. Gibbs Sr.
Robert & Paula Aiken
Briscoe Givens
Frank Nanney
Carolyn Godfrey
Aileen Conyers
William & Rachel Haynes
Mr. Franklin & Joan Smith
Dovie G. Godfrey
Hazel Godfrey
Lonnie Godfrey
Cheryl G Anderson
Mary Goforth
Mr. Harry Goforth
Millie McPherson
Bobby Goode
Renee Linnens
Iva Goode
IBEW Local 1753
Mt. Vernon Baptist - Fidelis S.S. Class
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church
Jim & Joyce Carpenter
Helen Gordon
Elizabeth M Waldo
Gail Gowan
Donald Gowan
Mary Gowan
Ted & Serena Buckner
Rachel & Mike Clayton
Bill Gowan
Rev. Dupre Gowan
Jane Rawson
Katherine Graham
Stacey Brown
Vickie Graham
Faye P Bradberry
Marion D Price
Aileen Grant
Pat Taylor
Jerry Grant
Ed & Nancy Hughes
Edith Graybeal
John & Peggy Buchanan
Tracy Faucette
Harlan & Sandi McGinnis
Salley Gray
Frankie Pearson
Betty & Marshall Greene
Jerry & Loudella Francis
Edward Eli Green
Mattie Greene
Eloise Greene
Misti Byers
Joe L. Greene
Misti Byers
Mae Greene
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Margaret Greene
Rutherfordton Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Virginia Greene
Maurice & Ellen Huskey
Charles Greenholtz
Bill & Dawn Hemmelgarn
Patricia E. Greenley
Alan C Greenley
Lizzie R. Green
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 13
Shirley McNeil
Willis & Geneva Green
Louise Toney
Boyce Gregory
Betty Gregory
Anne H. Guffey
Kay Nichols
Bessie Murray Guffey
Janice Guffey
Maggie & Annie Guffey
Bryant Gurley
Steve & Dottie Gurley
Inez Hagelberger
Lora Hall
Ashley Elizabeth Hall
Robin T. Hall
Eula Hall
Robin T. Hall
Moyne E. Hall
Carole Ann Simpson
Palmer Hall
Donna Hill
Rev. Millard Hall
Robin T. Hall
Ruth Hall
Hazel Lawing
Van Hammett
Pat & Larry Hammett
Dale Hammond
Brenda Hammond
John G. Hampton
Mary Hampton
Dewitt & Guyneta Hamrick
Garland & Martha Hamrick
Jennie Hamrick
Charlotte Walker
Ted Hamrick
Sherry Fowler
Cheryl Hamrick
Frances Haney
Bill & Phyllis Plowden
Dot Hanson
Jean Hanvey
Kathy Sinclair
Bob Hardin
Patricia Hardin
Charles C. Hardin
Madeline Hardin
Deta Hardin
Patricia McDaris
Ken Hardin, Sr.
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Louise B “Sis” Hardin
Karen LaBreche
Marshall Hardin
Hardins Drug Inc., Store No. 1
Ryan K. Hardin
Patricia Hardin
Wanda Hardin
Grover Hardin
Kelly Hargett
Steamatic, Inc.
Rita Burch
James Swayze
Billy Bostic Harrill
Mrs. Betty H Harrill
Bobby Harrill
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Myrtice Harrill
Rick & Cindy Davis
Melinda Stina
Bessie Harris
Bob & Pat Jones
Bobby Harris
Naomi & Junior Nations
Jennifer Plyler
Steve & Sandra Reese
Doris & Willis Truesdale
Deborah Harris
Brenda Greene
Devue H. Harris
Joseph L McGaha
Heather Thompson
Linda Wall
Chad Wall
Guy Harris
Heidi McDaniel
Lottie Harris
Mr. Jack Matheny
Don Harrison
David & Evelyn Ray
Gladys Harrison
Donna Harrison
Viola Harrison
David & Evelyn Ray
Ruby Harris
Nellene Ledbetter
Dianna Hart
Ruth Buesser
Michael Harvey
Friends of Mike Harvey
Craig, Jane & Mickey Arens
Genevieve Baldwin
Elizabeth Drake
Linda Godfrey
Bob Harvey
Julie Humphrey
Dick & Dee Kleff
Donna & Craig Matsuda
Don & Lola Nelson
Leon & Charlotte Wisniewski
Mike Harvey
Carol Ann Hunter, Janet Smalley, Martha Burris
Friends of Mike Harvey
Sandra Parton
Mary Margaret Rapp
James Hawkins
Full Gospel Revival Church
Lola Hawkins
Liberty Baptist Church-Wisdom Heirs
Bible Class
Kim Nielsen
Bob & Martha Sellers
Douglas Haymes
Gene & Joyce Fite
Rev. Paul Heafner
Pat Booth
Lillian C. Hedin
Sylvia Hedin
Barbara Henderson
B&H Motors
Rutherford OB/Gyn Associates
D.J. Henderson
Jean Henderson
Herbert Henderson
Terry Honeycutt
Terry Henderson
Ricky Henderson
Roy “Sonny” Hendrix
Brenda Hendrix
Ollis Hensley
Frank Nanney
Jim Henson
Jackie Henson
Susan Henson
Susie Henson
Audio Professionals
Duke Energy Corporation - Cliffside Steam
Station Employees
East Rutherford Class of 1969
Johnnie Buff
Rodney Butler
Michael & Susan Calhoun
William “Ditney” & Dianne Clayton
Ted R. Cook, Jr.
Hubert & Merle Dixon
David & Deborah Earls
Don & Wanda Hastings
Evelyn Huntley
James & Lisa Johnson
Jesse & Beverly McKinney
Susan & Buddy Moore
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Lillian Nanney
Brenda & Jerry Reynolds
Irene Scott
Bobo & June Scruggs
Wanda Winn
Julie E. Heun
Hank Heun
Ruth E. Heun
Hank Heun
Garrett Dean Hill
Bobby & Jean Hill
Amy Hill Moore
Gary Hill
Donna Hill
Jimmy Hill
Donna Hill
Sharon Hill
Donna Hill
Susan Hill
Donna Hill
Violet Graham Hill
Stacey Brown
Winnie Hill
Bobby & Jean Hill
Reola Hines
Darlene Caldwell
Beatrice Hodge
Jeanette Klutts
Bob Hodge
Ms. Barbara Hodge
Drew Hodge
Todd & Laura Hodge & Family
Joan King
Peggy Hodge
Church Auto Parts, Inc.
Pat Booth
Helen Hoffman
Edwin & Carol T. Jacunski
Archie & Frances Holland
Marilyn Propst
Barbara Holland
Burma Poteat
Gene and Jo Mills Holland
Dave & Carolyn Holland
O’lema Holland
Annis Ledford
Thomas Gordon Holland
Evangeline Holland
Clio Hollifield
Ms. Ruth Reavis
Ellen M. Hollifield
Claude Hollifield
Lucy Hollifield
Dolly D Cordell
Pearl Hollifield
Nellene Ledbetter
Henry Holtzclaw
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Coley Hooker
James & Tinnie Dawkins
Lois Hooker
James & Tinnie Dawkins
Orice Hooper
Grace Quick
Guy Hopper
Steve & Hazel Hopper
Myrtle Hopper
Steve & Hazel Hopper
George Horton
Cornelia King
Martha Roach Novak
Carole & Wilson Womble
George Howell
Jane Waters
James Hoyle
Rutherford County Shag Club
Jenny Ruth Hoyle
Don & Wanda Hastings
Jo Ann Hoyle
Financial Data Center
MaryJo More
Keith & Janet Morrow
Richard Sherwin
Mary Magdalene Hoyle
Wanda Bradley
Ruffin Hoyle
Wanda Bradley
Ernest Hudgins
Brittany Nicole Hudgins
Sherman & Purvie Hudson
Mary Linda McFarland
Jack Hughes
Jane E Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Morgan
Lila Simpson
Sharon Lee Fowler Hughs
Sidna Sampson
John Hunt
Virginia Hunt
Ernest Huntley
Rick & Cindy Davis
Betty Huntley
Howard Huntley
Doris H Luckadoo
Margaret “Bud” Huskey
Dorothy Byers
Margaret Huskey
San Toye Yelton
Earnest Hutchins
Lois Hutchins
Thomas & Janice Yermack
Ethel Hutchins
Isothermal Community College
Piney Knob Baptist Church-Ken & Kim
Hutchins SS Class
Plastic Packaging
Elizabeth Harrison
Bobby & Jeannette Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Norris
Alton & Judy Radford
Mittie Hutchins
Betty Grubbs
Max & Edna Ledbetter
Ms. Ruth Peace & Family
Chris Hutchinson
Bernice Hutchinson
Robert Hutchinson
Bernice Hutchinson
Sylvia Freeman, Dot Burns, Nancy
Johnny, Jill, Kristin & Alivia Hutchins
Austin Hyde
Sarah Edgerton
Momse Hyde
Sarah Edgerton
Linda Edgerton
Dean W. Ingle
Christine Ingle
Peggy Ingram
Sue Lloyd
Ernest & Midge Yelton
Michael Isenhour
Pat Isenhour
Mike Isenhour
Rita Burch
Jack Lutz
Mama (Miriam Jackson)
Michele & Bill Funderburke
Hazel Jackson
Barbara Bennett
Mack Jackson
Connie Bailey
Matilda Jackson
Bob & Martha Sellers
Miriam Jackson
John Jackson
Gay Tate
Henry & Wanda Jacunski
Edwin & Carol T. Jacunski
James Jeffords
Rita Burch
Annie Matheny Jenkins
Bobby G Jenkins
Julia Ann Jenkins
Bobby G Jenkins
Donald Jernigan
Linda Neely
Grady Johnson
Jack & Nancy Marlowe
Joseph Johnson
David & Teresa Teseniar
Patience Johnson
David & Teresa Teseniar
Ray Johnson
Amelia Fox
Starla Johnson
David & Teresa Teseniar
Buzz & Ethel Jolley
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Art Jones
Jack Lutz
Bruce Jones
Dale Gray
Caroline Jones
Don & Connie Blanton
Clyde Jones
Barbara & John Greene
Rebecca Greene
Foy Jones
Patricia McDaris
Gordon Jones
Eric & Karen Von Briel
Hal Jones
Susan Cochran
Howard Jones
Judi and Wayne Byers
Janice Jones
Rob and Kris Jones
Julia Jones
Eric & Karen Von Briel
Lennie Jones
Henry & Cynthia Jones
Lillie Jones
Judi and Wayne Byers
Mike Jones
Michelle J Sunderman
Cindy Wharton
Robert Jones
Don & Connie Blanton
Robert K. Jones
Foye R. Jones
Rose Jones
Susan Cochran
Dennis Mathis, Kristie Bibler, Cecil
Gillespie, Joyce Whitwell
Michelle Gillepsie
June Julien
Don Julien
John F. & Louise H. Keeter
John & Pat Keeter
The Helton Family and Jeannie Keeter
Neil Barrier
Helen Kelly
Helen West
John M. Kelly
Louise Kelly
Paul Kersey
Blessed Sacrament Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald St. John
Larry Keyes
Margaret Keyes
Mary Kimbrell
Anna Byers
Carolyn & Joe Dorton
Al King
Jeff King
Viola King
Steve Gamble Family
Marvin Lee Kiser Jr.
Dawn Hawkins
Rose Kubal
Joseph & Jennifer Cornet
Matthew Lail
Bob & Carol Womick
Martha Lane
Evelyn Toms
Terry Lane
Larry & Angela Lane
Will Lane
Larry & Angela Lane
Winnie Lane
Ken & Patsy Cook
Ernest Laney
Truck & Trailer Services
Phyllis & Ray Connell
Wayne & Sandra Epperson
Mike Greene
Betty & Wally Harvey
Henry & Joan Kanipe
Gary & Debra Laney
Patricia McCraw
Mark McCraw
Steve & Janice Pierce
Jean Ryan
David & Amy Worley
Helen Lang
Mr. and Mrs. William Helfst
Gail Lanning
Peggy Lanning Wyszynski
Daine Latour
Friends ING
Donald Lattimore
Linda Edgerton
Grace Lattimore
Averette & Becky Haney
Lee Roy Laughter
Nettie Laughter
Roscoe Laughter
Terrica Gibbs
Edna Lawing
Amelia Fox
Floyd Lawing
Hazel Lawing
Lorene & Ralph Poole
Leonard & Ruth Lawing
Wayne & Sandra Epperson
Ruth Lawing
Harold & Joyce Conner
Beth Hogan
Mrs. Inez Lawson
C.R. Lawson
Louise E. Layton, Sr.
Louise & Gregory Floyd
James Ledbetter
Sherry Burgin
Willie Mae Ledbetter
James Raye Ledbetter
Angela Davis
Kathryn Ledbetter
Bobby & Jean Hill
Vera Mae Ledbetter
Angela Davis
Bob Ledford
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Troy M Moore
Bobby R. Ledford
Annis Ledford
Robert Ledford
John & Sarah Horne
Bruce Lancaster
Byrdine Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Bill McDaniel
Reggie Lewis
Larry & Ann Padgett
Reginald Lewis
Tommy & Judy Mayhew
Perfus Littlejohn
Flossie Dillard
Lonnie Logan
Brenda Logan
Nannie Bell Logan
Sophia Hamilton
Annie Lou Long
Jean & H. A. Slate
Judi Tolhurst Long
Robert & Helen Tolhurst
Mark Long
Cliff & Wanda Strassenburg
Nellie Long
Rutherford Electric Membership Corp
Cathy Loukaitis
Frances Ross
Hazel Lovelace
Heather Lovelace
Rev. Cecil Lovelace
Patsy Willis
H.P. Lowdermilk, Jr.
Michael & Judy Migala
Virginia Lowdermilk
Michael & Judy Migala
Bill Lowe
Willie Lowe, Jr.
Lloyd Lowe
Robynn Spence
Heather Lowery
Carolyn & Jr Humphries
Roy Lowery
Pat Millwood
Tori Lowery
Carolyn & Jr Humphries
Varnette Lowe
Robynn Spence
Becky Luckadoo
David & Camille Luckadoo
Junior Luckadoo
Sherry Fowler
William Forrest Luckadoo, Jr.
Wade & Elma Philbeck
Willie Luckadoo
Cabin Fever Furniture
Larry E. Lund
Lynn J. Lund
Betty Lutz
Millie McPherson
Joyce Lynch
Dolly D Cordell
Melvena “Sis” Lynch
Gilbert & Melissa Forney
Mr. Gus Lynch
Louise White
Mr. Lawrence H. Lynch, Sr.
Louise White
Mrs. Annie E. Lynch
Louise White
William David Lynch
Hannah Thompson
14: The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014
Ervan Macopson
Flossie Dillard
Ervin Macopson, Jr.
Flossie Dillard
Baby Maddox
John & Pat Keeter
Ron Maddox
John & Pat Keeter
Andrew Major
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Michael W. Malone
Dorcas Malone
Brenda Manley
Barbara Dodson
Marjorie Marcec
William & Nancy Hartley
James & Ellyn Tanner
D.P. & Addie Marshall
Nancy Littlejohn
Gary F. Martin
Grace A Martin
Gary Martin
Sherry Fowler
Heather, Phillip & Simon Sheehan
Hazel Martin
Mary Walden
Harry Matheney
Scott & Kelly Matheney
Mrs. George Matheny
Diann Ramsey
Dennis Mathis
Michelle Gillepsie
William Mattison
Theresa Smith
Bill Mauney
Ron & Eleanor Mauney
Mary Mauney
Lorri South
William G. Mauney
Jane Mauney
Charles Maxwell
Robert Cuthrell
Fred Shaffer
Dennis McAbee
Clara Edwards
Mildred McAbee
Karen & Ronald Lail
Blanton McBrayer
Gail & Doug Strickland
Minnie McBrayer
Gail & Doug Strickland
Guy McCraw
Pat Covey
Jeanette McCraw
Harland Gowan Family
Bonnie Cherry
Evelyn Ervin
Shelia Greenwell
Jont & Frances Johnson
Alvin & Jeanette Searcy
Lawrence Kelly McCraw
Connie McCraw
Vergie McCraw
Pat Covey
Edwin P. McCurry
Velma D McCurry
Loyd D. McCurry
Jo Ann McCurry
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Myra McCurry
Periodontics of Greenville, P.A.
Brannon & Leslie Godfrey
Wanda Gordon
Michael & Phillip Greene
Ina Price Lutz
Joel & Gayle McCurry
Lisa & Kenny Morrison
Nelle McCurry
Street’s Tire & Wrecker Service
Cheryl G Anderson
Caroline Baynard
Rita Burch
Carolyn Camp
Audrey Doig
Boyce & Dot Grindstaff Family
Bud & Janet Grissom
Don & Wanda Hastings
Doug & Pat Hunnicutt
Carroll H. & David King
Johnny & Beverly Lavender
Jack Lutz
Earl McCurry
Bill & Mary McKinney
Henry Miller
Juanita Miller
Cathy Mogge
Hilda N Moore
Teresa & Chris Revis
Greg Ruppe
Richard McCurry
David & Kerrie Hillman
Cy Miller
Wayne McCurry
Wanda Van Dyke Smith
James & Doris McDaniel
Nancy & Franklin M. Jackson
Larry McDaniel
Darryl & Mary Ann Keeter
Hazel Robinson & Family
Meredith H. McDaniel
Mr. Frank McDaniel
Teresa H Smith
Joby McDonald
Connie McDonald
Roy & Ruby McFarland
Mary Linda McFarland
Troy Lee McFarland
Mary Linda McFarland
Hugh McKee
Donnis M. Pitchford
Brian Edward McKinney
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Joseph McKinney
Sparks Crossing Homeowner’s Association
Jim & Marty Caldwell
Wade & Elma Philbeck
Sidna Sampson
Donald & Jane Walker
Walter E Walker
Marjorie McKinney
Mavis Lavender
Deloise McMahan
Carolyn M Horton
Judith McMurray
Kimberli Flaugher
Beverly McNally
Charles McNally
Mr. Solomon McNeil
Evelyn Davis
Solomon F. McNeil
Shirley McNeil
Emma McPeters
Michael & Toni Shelton
Lindberg McPherson
Millie McPherson
James McQueen
Jack Lutz
Glenn T. Medford
Nancy Medford
Patricia Melson
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Charles Melton
Bonnie Cherry
Don Melton
Former Mooresboro Womans Club
Dot Melton
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W.
Edgar & Olene Melton
Vicki & Patrick Baur
Harry & Susan Cahn
Brenda J. Condrey
Vivian Gibson
Nora B. Melton
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W.
Selma Melton
Alvin & Judy Allen
Vicky Melton
Patsy Willis
Joyce Michaud
Wendy Brown
Rene Michaud
Joe Miller
Frank Nanney
Walter P. Miller III
Binney Miller
Homer & Bessie Mills
Rebecca Elliott
Don Millwater
Meridian Park
P&A Industrial Fabrications, LLC
Don & Wanda Hastings
MSGT Thomas Millwater
Claude & Debbie Pruitt
Landis P. Mitchell, III
Rowena Bailey
Bill & Ann Deviney
Dale & Sherri Curtis
Greg & Gloria Hodge
Jack & Betty Huss
Maxie & Joannie Jolley
Jack Lutz
Gene & Johnny Mitchell
Hugh & Mary Rachel Moore
Ray Pegram
Karen & Tim Taylor
Mike & Mary Kathryn Taylor
Charles & Emily Yelton
Estelle H. Mitchum
Pat Booth
Leroy Miz & Rosalee Miz
Mary Bostic
David Mohr
Fern Mohr
Sally Mooney
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
Neal & Becky Moore
Bill & Grace Moore
Dawn Hawkins
Rev. Robbie Moore
Joan King
Mildred Morgan
James & Sandra Morgan
Bob Morris
Earl & Sheila Wells
Carol Kay Morris
Luther S Morris
Mary Kearse Morris
Luther S Morris
Bill Morrison
Bobby & Jean Hill
Frank Morrison
Waynette & Grady Wells
Stan Morrison
Shelbie Stroud
Patrick Morris
Heather Collins
Debbie Martin
Clarene E. Morrow
Mildred Morrow
Joyce Morrow
Teresa Hayes
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Linda Mow
Dave Mow
Daniel Mueller
James & Ruby Koone
Roy & Joyce Stuckwisch
Estelle Nanney
Judi and Wayne Byers
Arvle Nations
McDowell County Farm Bureau
Reta H Blanton
Tommy & Edith Farmer
Carol & RB Jenkins
Marie Nations
Steve & Sandra Reese
Dot Nelson
Annis Ledford
Henry & Nellie Nethaway
Carol & Doug Nethaway
Kay Newton
Underwood & Weld Co., Inc.
Roger Newton
Madeline Hardin
Russell Newton
Dwight & Brenda Ferguson
William Newton
First Baptist Church Forest City - Brittany
Roach’s SS Class
Barbara Callahan
Jim & Mary Clement
Donna & Christine McCann
Pat Waycaster
Annissa Dwan Nix
Diane Nix
Lillian Irene Waters
John Mac Nixon
Katy Roper
Alice Faye Norman
Yokefellow Service Center
Bessie & Edgar Norville
William L Szabo
Gilmer Norville
Junior & Jewel Alley
Miles Norville
William L Szabo
Roy & Lou Jane Norville
William L Szabo
William C. Norville
William L Szabo
Nathan Odom
Martha Odom
Rev. and Mrs. Michael J Stephens
Judy Oliver
Jean Henderson
Dennis O’Neil
Florida Silica Sand Company
Edward & Jeanette Bosgra
Julie, Jeff, Virginia & Ben Bradshaw
Shelia, Dave & Catherine Cabano
William & Donna Campbell
Ronald & Pen Campbell
Jonathan & Anita Champagne
Mr. David Fittro
Gregory Handerhan
Kelly, Elaine & Jared Jouette
John & Susie Lemieux
Marvin Overcash
James & Ellyn Tanner
Laura Anne Lewis Owens
Sue L Williams
Mr. Donald W. Owens
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Robert O. Pace
Matthew Bailey
Pat Ferguson
Beatrice C Pace
Charles E. Padgett
Maurice & Ellen Huskey
Ervin Padgett
Mark Franklin
Fern Morgan Padgett
Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Douglas M. Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Maurice & Ellen Huskey
Allen & Vera Painter
Hall Painter
Our Parents
Richard & Barbara Nealon
Anne Parker
Cross Memorial Baptist Church
Hattie Parker
Judith Parker-Proctor
Susan Parris
Piney Knob Baptist Church - Karen Hill
SS Class
Jont & Frances Johnson
Charles Parton
Gilkey Lumber Co., Inc.
Cordie & Fred Parton
Aileen Conyers
Rudolph Parton
Sandra Parton
William “Bub” Parton
Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc.
Broad River Forest Products
Gilkey Lumber Co., Inc.
Lutz Petroleum
Jack Lutz
Sharon Reece
Marcus & Kathy Tuttle
Burton Patton
Victory Temple Evangelistic Association, Inc.
Ramond Burton Patton
Judy & Jim Patton
Lonie Payne
Carol Mills
Helen & Earl Peeler
Mary Ann Galyon
Margaret Pentaleri
Rita Burch
Peg Pentaleri
Jeffrey Huffman
Pat Lynn
Binney Miller
Eula Perdieu
Amelia Fox
Ola Mae & Carl Pershelli
William L Szabo
Elizabeth Peters
Nancy Medford
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Pitchford
Donnis M. Pitchford
Russell Pitchford
Donnis M. Pitchford
Hoyt Pittillo
William L Szabo
Vergie Pittman
Maddie Walker
Nanny and Poppy
Michele & Bill Funderburke
Carol Porter
Mr. Joseph Walton
Chris Poteet
Lillian Irene Waters
Frances Powell
James & Wanda Dobbins
Dennis Pressley
Joyce Pressley
Emily Preston
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Roxanne Gee Preston
Walter & Ella Mae Gee
In memory of Lillian & Herman Price
Buddy & Cathy Price
Emily Richardson Price
Sidney & Gloria Jennings
Essie Price
David & Evelyn Ray
Lois Price
Bobby & Nancy Hunt
Melvin Price
Buddy & Mary Ruth Bennett
Paige & Will DuBose
Rebecca Greene
Linda Sparks Haire
Don & Wanda Hastings
Doug & Pat Hunnicutt
Jerry & Faye Ingle
Tommy & Marsha Jolley
Sue Lloyd
Earl McCurry
Bill & Mary McKinney
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Steven & Terri Price
Dot & Jim Tilley
Joe & Joyce Waters
Deborah Wilkerson
Weldon Clyde Price
Robert L. Price
Dorothy Pruett
Casar United Methodist Church
Frances Jolley
Ken & EJ Pruett
Charles Queen
Floyd Queen, Jr.
Ethel Queen
Golden Valley Community Club
Mr. & Mrs. Reid Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Spencer & Gayle Davis
Bob Quick
Grace Quick
Broadus “Lee” Quinn
Terry, Chris & Matthew Tessnear
Joshua Kyle Radford
Darlene & Marshall Radford
Dana Radford
Randy Vess
Eunice Ramsey
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Lavon Ramsey
Jack Lutz
Nellie Raxter
Inez Wess
Roy & Margaret Ray
Garland & Martha Hamrick
Harley Reece
Sharon Reece
Marilyn Reed
Campbell Family
Honeymoon Paper Products, Inc.
Kathleen A. Wrigg Insurance Agency, Inc.
Your Friends of the State Farm Southern
Ron Burns
Rebecca Cook
Debbie & Mike Montgomery
Bill Parker
Douglas & Barbara Reed
Barney Riesbeck
Ms. Linda Swift
Patricia Register
Mark & Cathy Beeker
Doris Reinhardt
Rutherford Regional Medical CenterLaboratory Employees
Cindy Brannen
Anne Relogle
Shelbie Stroud
James Michael Rice
Andrew Rice
Roy Robbins
Ruby Robbins
Thomas “Tom” Max Robbins
Sonya Ruppe
Georgia Ruth Roberson
Shirley Glover
Ruth Roberson
Taran Long
Ed Robinson
Pam Robinson Newton
Everett Robinson
Jean True
Mrs. Joyce Padgett Rogers
Mary Padgett
Kathy D. Rollins
James & Wanda Dobbins
Bob Troy Rome
Stella Carroll
Beulah Roper
Gerald V Davis
Bill Roper
Hilda Roper
Joseph “Melvin” Roper
Sam, Shelly, Blake & Brooklyn Henderson
Eleanor Rose
Phil & Diane Miller
Barbara Ross
Frances Ross
Broadus Ross
Frances Ross
Douglas Ross
Frances Ross
Eleanor Ross
Michele & Bill Funderburke
Jackie Rowe
Class of 1963 Reunion
Spencer Baptist Church
Jack & Betty Huss
Nicholas Royko
Tanya Sillato
Pat Rozek
Larry & Angela Lane
Adin Rucker
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Jeep & Johnnie Martin
Belvin Ruff
Carolyn Eitel
Clara W. Rumfelt
Barbara Smith
Ethel G. Ruppe
Foye R. Jones
Glenette Ruppe
Dwight & Brenda Ferguson
Ms. Ruth Peace & Family
Jennifer Ruppe
Betty Sailors
Carolyn Morgan
Kathleen Sane
Dianna & Chris Wald
James Scearse
Ashley Scearse
Frances Scoggins
Brad & Christy, Kinsley, & Kallan Caldwell
Bruce & Debra Yager
George Scoggins
Brad & Christy, Kinsley, & Kallan Caldwell
Bruce & Debra Yager
Vera Scroggs
Ruby M Wingo
Doris P. Scruggs
Earl Scruggs
Dorothy Selby
Evelyn Toms
Billy Self
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Atchley
Gerry Berry
Tim & Betty Biggerstaff Family
The Heart of Hospice Spring 2014: 15
Geneva & Robert Bowen
Rita Burch
Kathy Lattimore
Sue Selsor
Dr. Carol Selsor
All Patients Served
Myra Byars
John Sgombick
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Dr. William Shapiro
Tom & Peggy Jaski
Luther Shelton
Doris Bradley
Cecil Sherrill
Sandra Sherrill
Inez Sherrill
Sandra Sherrill
Ruby Sherrill
Sandra Sherrill
Amelia Shytles
First Wesleyan Church
Lillian Nanney
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Grady & June Pope
Peggy Simpson
Cathy Holmes
Edwin Sims
Linda Edgerton
Leonard Skidmore
Mildred Donathan
Ray Smart
Ms. Carolyn Smart
Celestine Smith
Earl & Sheila Wells
Elijah Smith
Trelleborg Coated Systems US, Inc.
Geneva Smith
Wanda Van Dyke Smith
Gloria Smith
Mack Smith
Brittany Nicole Hudgins
Chris Smith
Odus Smith
Linda Kilpatrick
Savannah Smith
MTCC Child Dev. Center
T.C. Smith
Sam Cargill
Bob Snyder
Wade & Mary Yelton
Margaret Soltis
Jenelle Sayre
L.B. Smith, Sr.
Ruby Smith
Keith Spangler
Marie Champion
Herman & Sonja Sisk
Waynette & Grady Wells
James “Jim” Sparks
Georgia Roberson, & Phyllis Roberson
Resource Partners, LLC.
Rhonda Beam
Nancy Carlisle
Robert & Julie Cathey
Bill & Ann Deviney
Marguerita Dobbins
Mike & Rebecca Dycus
Tom & Dana Haire
Linda Sparks Haire
Truman & Linda Harris
Greg & Gloria Hodge
Doug & Pat Hunnicutt
Jack & Betty Huss
Mrs. Lee Jones & Family
Jack Lutz
Donna Mize
Hugh & Mary Rachel Moore
Rev. and Mrs. Clay J Morgan
Ken & Deanna Neely
Ray Pegram
Carolyn Scott
Guy & Helen Starling
Mike & Mary Kathryn Taylor
William & Shirley Thomas
Shirley Tomblin
Joe & Joyce Waters
Mack & Carrie Yaughn
Charles & Emily Yelton
David Spring
Frank & Brenda Voigt
Brice Sprouse
Amelia Fox
Lib Stallings
Dolly D Cordell
Randolph and Courtnay Stephenson
Dave & Carolyn Holland
Warner Stewart
Betty Dickey
Patrick Still
Michelin Tire Corporation (US3)
Robert & Janice McNair Educational
Sol Blatt, Jr.
Florence & Paul Farthing
Charles Gowan
Elizabeth Harrison
H. Jackson Stinson
Carol & Doug Nethaway
Bill Straughan
Leanne & Steve Bushnell
Homer Ponton, Cash, Tribou, Ozzie Street
Kim Freeman
Paul Stroud
Nancy D Rymer
Delores Summerbell
Eric & Karen Von Briel
Hicks Summers
Sherry Fowler
Heather, Phillip & Simon Sheehan
John Summey
Tom & Lena Hill
Vicki Padgett-Dawson
Martha Suttle
Bobby & Jean Hill
Jeffrey Suttles
Terrica Gibbs
Beth “Little Kissie” Sykes
David Sykes
Dorothy R. Szabo
William L Szabo
Mary & Joseph Szabo
William L Szabo
S. Bobo Tanner
James & Ellyn Tanner
Suzanne Tanner
James & Ellyn Tanner
Lovada Tarlton
Dennis & Tina Tarlton
Vernon Tarlton
Dennis & Tina Tarlton
Marie Tate
Maxine T Forrest
Max Tate
Maxine T Forrest
Robert Tate
Elizabeth Harrison
Troy M Moore
Wanda Tate
Raina & Tim Crowder
Larry Taylor
Millie McPherson
Loretta Taylor
Janice Waugh
Claude Tedder
Anna & L B Hickman
Rebecca A Tedder
Uncle Terry
Larry & Angela Lane
Martha Testerman
Heidi McDaniel
Gerald Thomas
Jeffrey & Mikki Baker
Arvol Thompson
Terry Honeycutt
Russell & Julie Scherer
Martha Thompson
David “Nut” Thompson
Wanda & Mike Thompson
Freda Mae Thompson
Christine & Dennis Lail
Horace Gerald Thompson
Hannah Thompson
Jessie Mae Thompson
Geraldine Thompson
Maggieleen Thompson
Joy Hoyle
Marilynn Thompson
Cruz Valdez
Mary Maggieleen Thompson
Rose Mary Weathers
Mary Thompson
Rose Mary Weathers
Virginia Thompson
Jack Lutz
Charles D. Thrift, Sr.
Betty Thrift
David Timothy
Mark & Cathy Beeker
J. O. and Eunice Toms
Randy & Nancy Toms
John C. Toms
Shirley Brown
JP & Miriam Toms
Billy & Beverly Mauldin
Carl H. Toney
Alunda & Wilbur Wright
Carl Toney
Tommy & Kathy McCurry
Edward Toney
Alfred & Edith Causby
Lucille B. Toney
Dr. Robert Toney
Dot Trammel
Jane Tennant
James Trammel
Liberty Ladies SS Class
Charles Goode
Leamon McLamb
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Barbara L Osburn
Gerald J Reichard
John Trammel
Jane Tennant
Bill Troxell
Barbara Troxell
Bertha Trull
Jo Ann Martin
Essie D. Twitty
Gilbert & Melissa Forney
Mrs. Essie D. Twitty
Louise White
Vangie VanDyke
Wanda Van Dyke Smith
Estrella Vega
Sylvia Gaddy
Charles Vess
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ballard
Wilbur Burgin
Stan Pegram
Ray Pegram
Mrs. Modene Vess
Ms. Lynda Womack
Newell Jones Vess
Dianne & Bill Fisher
Lucille Wall Music Club
Rita Burch
Dwight Cooper
Sarah Vickers
Trelleborg Coated Systems US, Inc.
West Memorial Baptist Church
Pruett Walden
Wilbur Burgin
Maxie & Joannie Jolley
Jack Lutz
Alice Walker
Broad River Water Authority
Leanne Bass
Wilbur Burgin
Camilla & Hoyle Edgerton
Barbara & Don Epley
Shirley Glover
Edith Jones
Helen Long
Nancy R Worsham
Don “Fuzz” Walker
Hazel B Walker
Donald M. “Fuzz” Walker
Donna W Doty
Donald Moore “Fuzz” Walker
Amy Gibert
Horace Alexander Walker
Scott & Tammy Hunt
Janice Walker
Justin, Becky & Walker Whiteside
Samuel Alan Walker
Susan A. Walker
Words from Our Families
“My dad was taken care of by your
staff up until he passed away, and I
am just now able to say thank you to
all the staff that cared for him in his
Shirley Walker
Maddie Walker
Warren Walker
The Gary Ashe Family
Watts Regulator
Windstream - Friends
John & Vicky Cheek
Donna G Freeman
Thomas & Rebecca Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Peterson
J. Garnell Wall
Bobby Wall
Virgil M. Wall, Sr.
Virgil & April Wall
Gary Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conner
George Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conner
Larry Spencer Warner
Brenda K. Warner
Larry Warner
Larry & Angela Lane
Bob Waters
Jane Waters
Bobby Waters
Lillian Irene Waters
Elizabeth Waters
Leslie & Brenda Davis
Ray Waters
Leslie & Brenda Davis
George Watson
Elizabeth Harrison
Bob & Kay Hollifield
Regina Walker
John Watson
Pam Robinson Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson
Pam Robinson Newton
King Wease
Michael & Angela Pritchard
Mildred W. Webb
Ralphia and John Newell
Ralph H. Webb
Ralphia and John Newell
Elva Wellborn
Heather Collins
William O. (Bill) Wells
Shirley Wells
Eva W. Whisnant
Brenda G Andrews
Miles Whisnant
Earl & Sheila Wells
Harrison White
Geneva & Robert Bowen
Lloyd & Martha Green
Dennis & Sheila Guffey
Carl & Cassandra Parton
Sandra Parton
Barbara Whitlock
Donald Ernest Whiteside
Susie & Scoota Thompson
Donald Whiteside
Gloria Whiteside
Angela Whiteside
Jerrie Paul Whiteside
Doug & Pat Hunnicutt
Roxie Whittinghill
John & Jimi Moore
Eleanor Wiles
Mary W Smithey
Ailene Wilkerson
Crooked River Elementary School
David L. Rainer Elementary School
John & Kathryn Brazauskas
Jeaul & Shirley Greene
Edith Wilkerson
Darcus Wilkerson
Diana Watson
Harvey L. Wilkerson
Hannah Thompson
Herman R. Wilkerson
Hannah Thompson
John Wilkerson
Diana Watson
LeeRoy Wilkerson
Edith Wilkerson
Larry Wilkie
Bobo & June Scruggs
Charles H. Wilkins
time of transition. Each and every one
that were involved in his care went
above and beyond to make him as
­comfortable as possible and helped put
Michael Wilkins
Martha Wilkins
Mike & Lynne Tanner
James Glenn Willis
Shelley Smith
Jimmy Willis
Patsy Willis
Joe Willis
Jim & Sara Ashworth
Steve & Jeanne Bailey
Rita Burch
Flay & Doris Costner
Roberta Crotts & Family
Becky & Chuck Earley
Louise Edwards Family
Alice Harmon
Ray & Janice Haynes
AC & Farrie Jo Holtzclaw
Lisa Kincaid
Gilbert & Betty Jean Kincaid
Jan & Jim McArver
Mark & Carol Odell
Tommy & Jolene Porter
Patricia Smith
Vivian Streater
Neal & Beth Tillman
Leonard & Bobby Wilson
Leona Wilson
Dorothy S. Wofford
Jack Wofford
Dorothy Wofford
Drs. Tammy & Gary Edelman
Russell Wood
Susan Wood
Kenneth Woods
Laura Woods
Joe Woody
Myra A Woody
R.D. Workman, Sr.
Jane Robinson
Barbara Wright
Troy M Moore
Helen Wright
Renee Whisenant
Barbara Wyatt
Carolyn & Leroy Earley
Ray Wyatt
J&L Motors of Hickory, Inc.
Betty Wyscarver
V.O. & Jane Cline
David Wyscarver
Sandra Yarbrough
New Bethel Baptist Church
The City Of Salisbury North Carolina
Phil & Kathy Hardee
Jack & Shirley Hodge
Elois Huntley Family
Sondra Lowery
Algie A Myrick
Michael & Sandra Nanney
Bobby & Cheryl Smith
Michelle & Irving Surratt
Randy & Sharon Wall
Paul & Lynn Weisler
Robert A. Yarnell
Annette C Yarnell
Ardie Head Yelton
Lisa Harmon
Kenneth & Betty Head
Ardie Yelton
Aileen Conyers
Carolyn & Bobby Fowler
Holland & Patty Luckadoo
Sandra Wilson
Chad Douglas Yelton
Wade & Mary Yelton
Cynthia G. Yelton
Wade & Mary Yelton
F.M. Yelton
Debbie Boozer
Fronzer M. Yelton
Dorothy Byers
Leonard Yelton
Naomi Yelton
Sybil Yount
Rita Burch
Ciotti Giovanni & Zaira
John & Pat Keeter
my family at ease. I cannot remember
the names of everyone that took care of
him, but I would like for you to thank
them for me and my family.”
Hospice of Rutherford County
PO Box 336
Forest City, NC 28043
• Carnation Instant
• Individual Jello cups
• Pudding
• Individually wrapped
soft cakes and cookies
• Applesauce
• Small canned sodas
(Mountain Dew/Diet)
• New, small electric fans
• Sippy cups
• Ensure or Equate
• Boost
• Glucerna
• Paper Products
• Low sodium products
• Canned vegetables and
• Ensure pudding
• Lotions
• Sugar free products
• Individual fruit cups
• Oatmeal and grits in
individual packages
• Minute rice
• Soup (regular and low
• Pasta and sauces
• Instant potatoes
• Crackers in individual
• Peanut Butter
• Laundry detergent
• Garbage bags
• Canned meats
• Juice and juice boxes
• Liquid antibacterial soap
• Antibacterial wipes
• Paper cups, plates and
plastic utensils
• Cleaning products, Clorox
• Depends (small, medium
and large)
• Baby powder
• Neck pillows
• Men’s body wash
• Non-slip socks
Nonprofit Organization
US Postage Paid
Forest City, NC
Permit No. 136
Hospice Statistics
October 1, 2013 through February 28, 2014
Hospice and Palliative Care
Total Number of Hospice Patients
Average Daily Patient Census
Average Length of Stay (Days) 87
Average Bereavement Caseload 1,456
Total # of Family Members Served
Total # of Admissions 266
Total # of Deaths
Total # of Volunteer Hours
Total # of Volunteer Miles 29,789
Total # of Crisis Care Hours 191
Total # of Palliative Care Patients 360
Palliative Care Deaths
Support Groups/Grief Education
Total # of Rainbows
Total # of Community Bereavement
Total # of Grace Participants
Total # of Hope Participants
Total # of Advance Care 14
Planning Participants
Total # of Camp Erin participants

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