the 6-22-6 Penny Press
the 6-22-6 Penny Press
Pen Las Veg a s, N V ny Vol u me 3N um Pre ber 39 JUN E2 ss 2, 2 006 We Should Respect The Senate Why? See Commentary Page 3 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 2 Penny Press Logotype Pointedlymad licensed from: Rich Gast Credits: Publisher and Editor: Fred Weinberg Circulation: Charlotte Weinberg The Penny Press is published weekly by 5010 Productions, Inc. All Contents © Penny Press 2006 Contributing Editors: Diane Grassi Al Thomas Doug French Bill Here Brent Jordan Pat Choate Bob Jennings Joyce Meyer Letters to the Editor are encouraged. They should be sent to our offices at 418 1/2 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas 89101. They can also be emailed to: [email protected] No unsigned or unverifiable letters will be printed. 702-740-5588 Fax: 702-920-8215 Penny Press LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 16 PAGES VOLUME 3 NUMBER 39 JUNE 22, 2006 They Don’t Deserve Any Respect By PAT CHOATE pocket the pay and ignore us once we get them into office. The best example today of One of the common whines made how our elected officials are ignorby our elected officials is that they, ing we the American people conlike the late Rodney Dangerfield, get cerns the issue of illegal immigrano respect. Amazingly, they can’t tion. An overwhelming majority of seem to figure out why. Americans want it stopped. They Well, they get no respect because want immigrants who came and are they are not doing their jobs. Let’s staying here illegally to be caught and sent back home. In short, they want our laws enforced. So what do we get? A couple of weeks ago more than 70 U.S. Senators voted to grant amnesty to get down to basics here. We elect more than 11 million people who people to represent us. We want slipped into our country illegally. them to go to Washington, or the Enough said about the Senate. state capitols or our local governThe Washington Post reported on ments and advance the platforms June 19, 2006 that the Department on which they ran and for which we of Homeland Security has decreased gave them our vote. Instead, too work-site enforcement of the immimany of these people take the job, gration laws by 95 percent. In 1999, Penny Press Contributing Editor Commentary The Conservative Weekly Voice Of Las Vegas Inside: Poltroons Running Hooterville High See Editorial Page 6 the U.S. fined 417 companies for hiring illegal immigrants – a ludicrously low number. In 2004, however, the federal government fined only three companies for hiring illegal workers. Think about that. Only three companies were fined for hiring illegal immigrants. The lead story in the June 20th edition of USA Today reported that mayors in dozens of U.S. cities refuse to allow their police to enforce U.S. illegal immigration laws. The police have been ordered to look the other way. That same day the Associated Press reported that Ralph Basham, the new Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said he did not favor building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. Basham, who has been on the job, for less than Penny Wisdom Mexico doesn’t deserve what has happened to us. A democratic change is urgent, a change that will permit us to stop being a loser country. —Vicente Fox three weeks, believes that a wall “… doesn’t make sense; it’s not practical.” It seems that making laws is a game with these people. Where did they get the authority to decide which laws they liked and would enforce and those they would ignore. What is it going to take to get the President, Congress, the Administrators in Homeland Security, Governors and Mayors to enforce the laws and stop this flood of illegal immigration? I think we are at a point that the only solution is to throw a vast number of our elected officials out of office. They cannot see the damages this horde of illegal immigration is doing to the very fabric of our society, how it is imposing massive costs on our citizens, and how it is Continued on page4 KILLER FRIED CHICKEN? FRED WEINBERG DOUG FRENCH BILLHERE AL THOMAS BULLRING RESULTS JOYCE MEYER DIANE GRASSI PET OF THE WEEK PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 15 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 4 It's Illegal–What More To Say? Continued from page 3 changing our culture. They are blinded by the monies and political support they get from companies that want no interruption in the flow of low-wage workers into the U.S. workplace. A month ago voters in Herndon Virginia showed the nation what to do. Their old mayor and his city counsel wanted to open a local market for illegal workers – a place that local companies could come to find cheap labor. A handful of brave citizens agreed to go on the ballot in opposition. The voters responded by throwing out the mayor and the entire counsel. Naturally that was the end of the labor market for illegals. Similar challenges are needed nationwide. In many races, the challengers can win. In other cases, the challenger can cause an incumbent to lose, which also is not a bad result. Over the past couple of years, Bay Buchanan has toyed with the idea of putting together a one-issue political party named the Immigration Party. It would have only one issue – stop illegal immigration. Bay thinks she can get this party onto the ballot of every state during the 2008 election. She also thinks she can garner 10 percent of the popular vote. I think from my experience as the VP candidate for the Reform Party in 1996, that such a one-issue party would do even better at the polls. Maybe even more important, such a run would shake up the GOP. A good part of that 10 percent of the vote would come from Republicans, who are disgusted with being played for fools by the Bush Administration and this Congress. Remember, three fines on employers hiring illegals is all the national government imposed last year. On June 19, the Speaker of the House of Representatives announced that the Judiciary Committee would be holding field hearings on the various immigration proposals before Congress. (Note: only in Washington is America called the “field.”) I hope one of those hearings comes to your town. If it does, please attend. Even ask your local Member of Congress for the right to give testimony. Please ask your U.S. Senators to attend. If you are allowed to testify, tell your elected representatives what you think about how well Congress is doing on immigration issues. For me, I would build a wall along the entire U.S. -Mexican border, put into jail those who come into the United States illegally, put thousands of employment inspectors on the job, heavily fine employers who hire illegal immigrants, close down those repeat offenders who refuse to obey our employment laws, and tell Mexico we really don’t want to hear anything from their leaders about how we run our country. I think an overwhelming majority of American voters agree with me. The late Sonny Bono got it right when he was asked about his position on illegal immigration. He responded, “It’s illegal. What more is there to say?” Want A Penny Press In The Mail? $55 per year First Class Mail Name__________________ Address________________ City_____State___ZIP_____ Penny Press 418 ½ S. Maryland Las Vegas, NV 89101 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 5 By STEVEN MILLOY Special To The Penny Press The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) sued fast food purveyor KFC this week claiming the food chain’s use of cooking oil containing trans fats is unhealthy. Although KFC said the lawsuit was frivolous and plans to fight it in court, it’s not clear that KFC understands how frivolous the lawsuit really is. In its lawsuit, CSPI asked a Kentucky judge to order KFC to use other types of cooking oils and to make sure customers know how much trans fats KFC’s food contains. CSPI’s lawsuit alleges that trans fats - vegetable oils that have been altered to be firm at room temperature - increase the risk of heart disease. Killer Fried Chicken? In announcing that KFC would fight the lawsuit, a company spokesperson said that KFC is looking at using other types of oil for cooking, but it is committed to maintaining “KFC’s unique taste and flavor,” according to the Associated Press. But there’s no need for KFC to switch cooking oils because the entire trans fat scare is based on junk science. While there are studies that purport to link trans fats with heart disease, when you look at the data and methodology behind the studies, their claims rapidly fall apart. Studies indicate that consumption of trans fats temporarily elevates levels of so-called “bad” cholesterol and temporarily lower levels of socalled “good cholesterol.” This simple blood chemistry is not in dispute. What is in dispute is the significance The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To: Gubernatorial Candidate Bob Beers and his TASC (Tax and Spending Control) group which collected almost twice the number of signatures necessary to place a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot which if passed in 2006 and in 2008 will restrict the state and local governments' spending and taxing to the rate of population growth and inflation. What's even more amazing is that his Republican opponents for Governor are against it. Episcopal Bishop Katharine Schori of Las Vegas who, last Monday, was elevated to the office of presiding Bishop and becomes the first woman to head the Episcopal Church in the United States. The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To: Clark County Family Court Judge Gerald Hardcastle who cannot even run his own life very well but wants to continue to try and re-unite a crippled girl with her mother who is serving time for child neglect arising from the incident where the little girl became crippled and her sister was killed by a bunch of drug dealing thugs the mother was doing business with. Hardcastle seems to have a bizarre fixation with this case which is reason enough to get rid of him soon. of the temporary change in blood cholesterol levels. Trans fat alarmists would have you believe that these transient blood chemistry changes increase your chances of having a heart attack. The available scientific data, however, don’t back up that assertion. A number of studies of human populations have attempted to statistically associate consumption of trans fats with increased heart attack risk, but the only conclusion that can be fairly drawn from any of them is that, if there is a risk, it’s too small to measure through standard epidemiologic methodology. One of the major challenges for researchers is to tease out the potential impacts of trans fats from other dietary, lifestyle and genetic factors that might be relevant to heart disease. So far, it’s been an impossible task. The failure of human studies to support the alarmism was amply illustrated a few years ago when the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) jumped on the trans fat alarmist bandwagon. While touting studies showing that trans fats temporarily altered blood chemistry, the IOM glaringly did not cite any studies showing that trans fats posed any real risk to real people. Despite the absence of real world evidence that trans fats are dangerous, the alarmism continues. There are at least two explanations for this phenomenon. First, it’s been clear to the dietary research community for years although they’ve been reluctant to share this information with the public - that the scare over dietary fat intake has been over-hyped. The final nail in the coffin of dietary fat hysteria came earlier this year when a major study concluded that low-fat diets provide no demonstrable health benefits over high-fat diets. So the trans fat scare constitutes a whole new way for researchers to scare the public about fat and to keep their government grants coming. Second, the trans fat scare is a great new rationale for food manufacturers to introduce new and, perhaps, more expensive products that they market as “good for you.” Food companies learned long ago that there’s more profit in reformulating and marketing new and “healthier” products rather than trying to fight the bad science wielded by the wellfunded, well-entrenched and essentially unaccountable public health bureaucracy. Of course, the trans fat scare doesn’t work for every company in the food industry. Some can’t reformulate. Several years ago due to pressure from CSPI, McDonald’s announced that it would switch cooking oils to eliminate trans fats. But CSPI wound up suing the company after McDonalds could not find a substitute cooking oil that met its standards. There are two other facts to consider as you are bombarded with media reports and food company advertising about the alleged dangers of trans fats. Thirty years ago, the diet police scared us away from animal fatbased butter and began singing the praises of what they said was a healthier alternative, trans fat-based margarine. Now, the diet police have done an about-face and want to scare us away from those same trans fats - all the while omitting mention that their butter scare was bogus from the get-go. So what exactly would be the basis for trusting the alarmists this time around? Also worth considering is the fact that CSPI has been in the business of scaring people about the food they eat for more than 30 years. From labeling Fettucine Alfredo as “heart attack on a plate” to claiming that fat substitute olestra might make cause truck drivers sick enough to lose control of their vehicles while driving, to claiming caffeinated beverages cause miscarriages, CSPI has been and remains on the cutting edge of dietary absurdity. It’s unfortunate that KFC has to waste its time and money defending itself from CSPI’s groundless lawsuit. On the other hand, this is a good opportunity to expose not only the trans fat myth but also CSPI’s antics in a court of law. Let’s hope KFC doesn’t chicken out. Steven Milloy publishes JunkScience. com and is an adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute OPINION THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 6 From The Publisher... We Allow Morons To "Educate" Our Kids Last June 15th is a day which should live in infamy for what passes as leadership in the Clark County School District. Henderson’s Foothill High School was having its graduation ceremony at the Orleans Arena when class valedictorian Brittany McComb stepped to the microphone. She got just far enough to mention the role God and Jesus Christ had played in turning her life around when the morons we allow to teach our children in Clark County TURNED OFF HER MICROPHONE! Now Brittany wasn’t proclaiming the official position of the Clark County School District. to a head. The truth is, as lacking in real-life experience as young Brittany may be, she is clearly smarter than those who are responsible for her education. They (the so-called educators) were hiding under their desks making statements drafted by lawyers and issued by PR flacks about separation of church and state which, as one of Richard Nixon’s aides once said, were “inoperative” while Brittany was making an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity and Colmes show and was so charming that she even got liberal Alan Colmes to tell her that he was on her side. She was making a speech explaining how she got to where She represented herself and her parents and, yes, those of she was. us who believe in free speech, extremely well. She wasn’t leading an illegal prayer. She was reading an eleven paragraph speech to her fellow classmates and their friends and parents about the things which she felt helped her become the valedictorian, one of which was her relationship with the “teacher standing above me, trying to help me: God.” The self-appointed Lord High Burghers of Hooterville High, on the other hand, were (pun absolutely intended) speechless. Kids like Brittany and all of her classmates who booed the actions of the so-called educators who cut her off actually give us a renewed faith in the future of America. They “got I distinctly remember the last time I saw someone turn off a it” in spite of, not because of the Clark County School public speaker’s microphone. It was the late Chicago Mayor District. Richard J. Daley shutting off a Republican City Councilman’s microphone at a time that about 60 per cent of the Chicago If there were ever an argument for a complete change of City Council was under indictment for one form or another management from the school board and the Superintendent on down to the custodial staff, this is it. of official corruption. To the students’ credit, they booed the morons—led by prin- Clearly, public education is broken. cipal Gretchen Crehan and Superintendent Walt Rulffes— Maybe privatizing it as only we know how to do in Las Vegas who engineered this assault on common sense. is the answer. And, by the way, which members of the community supported the decision of these so-called educators? The ACLU, of There is one thing which bothers me more than anything. course—which will defend George Carlin’s freedom of speech If Brittany had advocated abortion and condom distribution but not Brittany McComb’s. and acceptance of homosexuality in her speech, what would And you wonder why the Clark County School District is an have happened that evening at the Orleans arena? academic disaster zone. Only the poltroons (look it up) know for sure. Frankly, as offended as we are that this happened while these poltroons are spending our tax dollars, we are not But we have our suspicions. unhappy because this might bring the anti common sense FRED WEINBERG attitude of the school district—indeed most school districts— THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 7 Commentary: Doug French Tyranny Of The Masses. Carson City district judge Bill Maddox handed a partial victory to those wanting a bigger, more intrusive nanny state of Nevada last week by rejecting a challenge to a ballot measure that would ban indoor smoking in Nevada. Rightly, gaming interests, bar owners and convenience store owners got together to declare the smoke-out ballot measure unconstitutional. But, because Judge Maddox doesn’t believe in property rights, the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act will go to the voters Nov. 7 and you can bet that all those busybody, anti-smoking zealots will vote to stifle smoking. And since only twenty percent of the population smokes, it’s easy to figure out that the ballot measure will pass: Tyranny of the masses. According to Anjeanette Damon of the Reno Gazette Journal, “the act would restrict indoor smoking in most public places, including restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, schools and day-care centers.” Act organizers excluded bars that don’t serve food and casino floors. But of course virtually every bar in town serves food. Yes but the petition’s goal is to protect children from secondhand smoke according to Michael Hackett, campaign manager of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. Well of course it does. Never mind that the dangers of second hand smoke have never been proven. The fact of the matter is if a person doesn’t like a smoky environment or doesn’t want their kids in a smoky environment, he or she is free not to patronize an establishment that welcomes smokers. As economics professor Ninos P. Malek points out, “if a person knowingly and willingly went to a smoke-filled bar, then they believed the benefits of the environment were greater than the costs of breathing in and smelling like smoke.” It is up to property owners to decide whether they want people smoking on their property. Nevada is not at the forefront of this lifestyle regulation. For instance, Colorado legislators passed such a bill and the smoking ban in that state is scheduled to start July 1. But, the Mountain States Legal Foundation has filed a suit on behalf of hundreds of tavern owners, saying the ban is unconstitutional because it bans smoking in bars and bingo parlors, but allows it in casinos - a violation of equal-protection statutes in the state and national constitutions, according to the Rocky Mountain News. Joe Becker, who studied under Hans Hoppe and Murray Rothbard at UNLV, is the Foundation’s attorney. He told the Rocky Mountain News that the new law “runs roughshod over property rights, specifically, the rights of the bars, or their landlords, to decide whether to allow smoking.” Shari Warren, owner of Spirit Keeper tavern in Black Forest, worries that the live music scene will wither because many people like to smoke at night when they’re listening to music. Some Colorado nightclubs have tried to go smoke-free and failed, according to Warren. Tavern owner Jim Von Feldt said he doesn’t “believe for a second” that nonsmokers will suddenly start flocking to his bar. He is sure that many of his regulars, who are smokers, will stay away. “Would it make you angry if someone took away your livelihood?” he asked. “It’s my individual freedom they’re taking.” “Each potential customer should have the right to choose whether to come into his bar, knowing that there will be smoking inside,” Von Feldt told the Rocky Mountain News. There is no such thing as a right to a smoke-free environment. There is such a thing as property rights and freedom of association. Whenever government and do-gooder voters try to protect us, and the children, individual freedom is violated. DOUG FRENCH You Can Get Billhere's Calendar and Newsletter FREE by email! The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet at: THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 8 The Best Vegas Calendar BAR NONE! By Billhere The FREE, e-mailed, Newsletter and complete index of Las Vegas coupons for shows, buffets and attractions is available on the internet at: JUNE, 2006 ============ 22=Kenny G- Las Vegas Hilton. 22-26= Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - Orleans Arena. 23=INXS- Aladdin. 23= Go Go’s - Mandalay Bay. 23= “BODIES, The Exhibition” opens-Tropicana. 23-24=Donna Summer- Las Vegas Hilton. 23-25=Kenny Rogers- The Orleans. 23-25=Jack Jones - Suncoast. 24=Hall and Oates- Lake Las Vegas. 24= Styx - Mandalay Bay. 24=Martina McBride- Mandalay Bay Events Center. 24=Sumo wrestling- Thomas and Mack Center. ++++++++++ 24= VENETIAN: “Phantom - The Las Vegas Spectacular”, musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, has its grand opening gala performance in its new $40 million opera-style 1,815-seat theater in the old Guggenheim Museum, where the old Motorcycle Exhibit was located. Many special effects are promised as well as an exploding chandelier! ++++++++++++++++++++ 24-25= Beauty, Health & Fitness Expo -- Cashman Center. 24=Boxing. Calvin Brock vs. Timur Ibragimov- - Caesars Palace. ++++++++++ 25 - Aug. 10= World Series of Poker - Rio Binion’s.Information: ++++++++++ 30=Rob Thomas-Hard Rock Hotel. 30= Klondike Hotel & Casino closes. Present plans call for 25 stories,-1,200 hotel & condo units with 90,000 sq.ft. casino. Construction could start February, 2007. 30=Pink- Mandalay Beach. 30= MIRAGE has the grand opening of a new 90-minute show called “BEATLES’ LOVE”,created by Cirque du Soleil, featuring a celebration of Beatles music. Will replace the closed Siegfried & Roy Show. A new $100 million Beatles Theater replacing the Siegfried & Roy Theater and seating 2,000, with 360-degree seating is being built.The stage will be a theater-in-the round. Cirque performers will appear from below as well as above the stage. ++++++++++ 30-July 1= Wayne Brady - Mirage. 30-July 2= Chuck Mangione - Suncoast. ++++++++++ June ??= Green Valley Ranch opening new Sportsbook & larger Poker Room. Old Sportsbook will be used to enlarge the casino. ++++++++++ June??= Arizona Charlie’s Boulder completes an $8 million expansion project that will add 7,300 square-feet of space for additional gaming areas along with a new front desk, Ultimate Rewards Center, gift shop and Porte coheres. ++++++++++ June??= Paris Las Vegas opening a 90-minute version of The Producers, the smash Mel Brooks musical. The Las Vegas version will have no intermission.The musical, which won 12 Tony Awards, is in its sixth year on Broadway. JULY, 2006 =========== 1= Brian Wilson - Cannery. 1= Ringo Starr - Mandalay Bay. 2=Trisha Yearwood - Cannery. 2=The Beach Boys- Mandalay Bay Beach. 4= Independence Day. 6= Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth- MGM Grand. 6-9=Boyz II Men-Orleans. 6-19= Howie Mandel - MGM Grand. 7-8 = Jay Leno - Mirage. 8= Little Anthony & The Imperials- Cannery. 8=Chris Isaak- Mandalay Bay. 11-30=Elton John- Caesars Palace. 13-16= Jerry Lewis - Orleans. CANCELED as Jerry Lewis had a mild heart attack. 14-15=Wayne Brady - Mirage. 14-16=The Smothers Brothers - Suncoast. 15=Rascal Flatts - Mandalay Bay. 15= Boxing. Shane Mosley vs. Fernando Vargas-MGM Grand. 19-30= Reba McEntire- Las Vegas Hilton. 21-22= Bridal Expo -Cashman Center. 21-22= Jay Leno - Mirage. 22=Pat Benatar- Mandalay Bay Beach. 27-30=”Cats”-Aladdin. 29=Gipsy Kings-Palms. +++++ July 31= Art Exhibit of Rubens And His Age closes-Guggenheim Hermitage Museum inside the Venetian. ++++++++++ July ??= MIRAGE opening the Japonais Restaurant where the Mikado Restaurant was located. ++++++++++ July ??= Opening of the Playboy Club in the Palms’ Fantasy Tower. July ??= Opening of second floor of Tangerine.nightclub Treasure Island. ++++++++++ July ??= Passengers flying out of Las Vegas McCarran Airport this year will be able to use a kiosk at the Venetian Hotel to check in for flights and check bags to their final destinations. ++++++++++ AUGUST, 2006 =========== 3= FLAMINGO: Toni Braxton starts to perform six nights a week, through March 2007,in her own production show. ++++++++++ 3=Basketball. USA National Team vs. Puerto Rico National TeamThomas and Mack 4-5=Jerry Seinfeld- Caesars Palace. 5= Olivia Newton-John - Primm Valley. 5-6= Gun & Knife Show - Cashman Center. 10-12=Frankie Avalon & Bobby Rydell- Orleans. 10-23=Tom Jones-MGM Grand. 11= Wynonna - Primm Valley. 12=Shakira, Wyclef Jean- Mandalay Bay Events Center. 15= Elvis-A-Rama Museum closing. 16=Champions on Ice-Orleans. 16-20=Neil Sedaka- Orleans. ==================================== Please e-mail errors, omissions and additions to: [email protected] THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 9 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 10 Commentary: Albert Thomas Don’t Be Fooled By Fake Dividends The latest Wall Street investment advice is to buy a stock that pays a good dividend and reinvest it. Your money will compound. Another Wall Street lie. If you have owned any stocks over the years you have received dividends - I hope. You also know that you have to pay tax on those dividends as the IRS considers them ordinary income. That does not seem right. Let’s say you have been an owner of Microsoft stock for a long time. Recently they declared a $3.00 dividend on a $30 stock. WOW! That is great – 10% on your money. You are very happy. Joe, your next door neighbor, heard they were going to pay a big dividend so Joe called his very smart (?) broker who confirmed it and he had the broker enter an order to buy a big block of the stock the week before the dividend was declared. Joe also received the same $3.00, 10% “dividend”. Wait a New York minute. You waited a year to get that dividend and Joe rang the cash register in one week. That’s not right! Yes, and that wasn’t a true dividend. Don’t ask me why it is called a dividend because it isn’t. It is a capital distribution. That $3.00 was a distribution of your own money back to you and to make it even worse you had to pay tax on it. Joe outsmarted himself and had to pay taxes when he should have stayed home in bed. The day before the Microsoft dividend the stock was $30. The day after the “dividend” the stock was $27. You got back your own money. YUK! If you had bought a bond the day before the bond issued a dividend the cost of the bond price would have already reflected the dividend amount because the bond price would have been discounted. This is easily seen in the American Target 2020 Zero Coupon bond whose price reflects daily the cost of the bond that the purchaser pays. In other words, there ain’t no free lunch. If you want dividends then buy U.S. Treasury bonds or bank CDs, certificates of deposit. Do what is called laddering. Buy different maturity dates: 3-months, 6-months, one, two-year notes. You can get almost any dates you want. This will give you an incremental flow of cash in smaller amounts. These will be considered income which is taxable. Many municipal bonds are not taxable, but be very careful of these. Be sure they are Class A insured. Corporate bonds do pay more, but remember that as yield rises so does risk. Again AAA insured. You want a return on your money, but more important, you want the return of your money. AL THOMAS Al Thomas’ book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he’s the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 11 Las Vegan Justin Johnson Making Run At NASCAR Division III Title By TARA BARKIS Special To The Penny Press Justin Johnson was in the eighth grade the last time the Bullring at Las Vegas Motor Speedway produced a NASCAR division champion. But the 20-year old Las Vegan has moved into prime position to make a run at the Division III championship for the NASCAR Dodge Weekly Series. Johnson, driver of the No.17 Al Budd-owned Sunworld Super Late Model, has moved into second place in the divisional standings. Should Johnson win the division title, he would be the first Las Vegan since Dick Cobb in 2000 to win a NASCAR regional championship. Johnson, who has 652 NASCAR points, is trailing first-place driver Dick Dunlevy, Jr. from Xenia, Ohio’s Kil-Kare Raceway by 162 points. While that may seem like a large differential, Johnson has five fewer starts then Dunlevy. Under the NASCAR scoring system, only the drivers’ 16 best finishes will count in the season standings. Drivers can score a maximum of 70 points per race. Johnsons doesn’t seem concerned about the differential. Dunlevy has five more starts than Johnson, who has five wins and nine top-five finishes in 10 starts. “Hey, it doesn’t really matter too much. In the end, you can only count 16 starts,” Johnson said. “I’m not really getting hyped about it. The team probably won’t start putting any focus or thought into the whole regional title until we get closer to the end of the season. I kind of feel like the competition is more competitive here on the west coast compared to the east coast. I’m not saying that we (west coast drivers) are better drivers then they (east coast drivers) are. I’m just saying that the level of competition is higher out here.” While Johnson is pursuing the Division III championship, he also the Bullring. has his hands full trying to win the Official results from the Bullring track championship. at LVMS, June 17 Scott Gafforini, who swept both Super Late Models Main Event No. 1 Results (25 laps): 1. ends of the Chris Trickle Father’s Day Scott Gafforini, 2. Tom Lovelady, 3. Travis Swalwell, 4. Justin 5. Alex Haase, 6. Taylor Barton, 7. Thane Alderman, doubleheader last Saturday night, Johnson, 8. Bob Wickey, 9. Dustin Ash, 10. Jimmy Parker, Jr., 11. Jim Wulfenstein, 12. Mike Haslam, 13. Chuck Trickle, 14. Richard is just 19 points behind Johnson. Bridges, 15. Matt Jaskol, 16. Dennis Rock, Jr., 17. Tom Buzze, Rich Attasani, 19. Tony Clark, 20. Billy Mitchell, 21. Gafforini has three wins, seven top- 18. Bobby Collister, 22. John Taylor, 23. Billy Newman, 24. Greg fives and has placed in the top 10 in Haase. Super Late Models Main Event No. 2 Results (25 laps): 1. all 10 of his starts. Scott Gafforini, 2. Tom Lovelady, 3. Taylor Barton, 4. Bob “Our goal, as a team, is to go Wickey, 5. Justin Johnson, 6. Alex Haase, 7. Dustin Ash, 8. Jimmy Parker, Jr., 9. Thane Alderman, 10. Rich Attasani, 11. out and run in the top-five,” said Mike Haslam, 12. Richard Bridges, 13. Travis Swalwell, 14. Matt Jaskol, 15. Chuck Trickle, 16. Dennis Rock, Jr., 17. Jim Johnson. “If we just run our own Wulfenstein, 18. Tom Buzze, 19. Billy Mitchell, 20. Tony races and can consistently keep run- Clark, 21. Bobby Collister, 22. Greg Haase, 23. John Taylor. Late Models Main Event Results (25 laps): 1. Chris Bray, 2. ning in that top-five range, then I Glen Burke, 3. Doug Matter, 4. Doug Hamm, 5. Fred Kiser, Jr., 6. Dan Howell, 7. Morris Sealy, 8. Eric Martin, 9. Matt Frady, think we have a shot.” 10. Nick Antrillo. The next chance for either driver Main Event Results (25 laps): 1. Brian Matzke, to pad their points is this Saturday at Chargers 2. Mario Opipari, 3. Mike Heck, 4. Phil Goodwin, 5. Jim Petrie, 6. Steve Dessormeau, 7. Nate Giesen, 8. Ben Morris, 9. Dale Ward, 10. Andrew Murphy, 11. Joe Crouch, 12. Robert Behunin, 13. Rick Morales, 14. Jerry Gentry, 15. John DellaPenna, 16. Steve Simon, 17. Bill Mullen. Legends Semi-Pro Main Event Results (25 laps): 1. Phillip Morrissey, 2. Jeremiah Wagner, 3. Austin Murphy, 4. Wes Fry, 5. Eric Chelberg, 6. Chad Hegge, 7. Tim Geweske, 8. Branden Giannini, 9. Mike Gubler, 10. Scott Swinford, 11. Conner Kassik, 12. Romano Cionni, 13. Jeff Craig, 14. Brandon Snow, 15. Broc Murphy, 16. Chris Shorten, 17. Beau Hutchinson, 18. Dallas Colodny, 19. Alex Sidwell, 20. Cassie Gannis. Legends Pro Main Event Results (25 laps): 1. Josh Gross, 2. Bear Rzesnowiecky, 3. Derek Frohlich, 4. Steve Ray, 5. Jonathan Mawhinney, 6. Johnny Morrissey. Legends Master Main Event Results (25 laps): 1. Fletcher Hammond, 2. Robby Guevara, 3. B.J. Bollman, 4. Larry Toddy, 5. Jim Galza, 6. Perry Snow, 7. Kurt Minnick, 8. Arlie Daniels, 9. Mike Pulliam. Bandolero Bandits Main Event Results (15 laps): 1. Jacob Bishop, 2. Blake Leuth, 3. Austin Trebilcock, 4. Jonathan Eakin, 5. Austin Craig, 6. Nicholas Huggins, 7. Andre Prescott, 8. Trent Kassik, 9. Kayli Barker, 10. Jacob Tilton. Bandolero Young Guns Main Event Results (15 laps): 1. Johnny Budd, 2. Jimmy Rouse, 3. Mitchell Taylor, 4. Greysen Weaver, 5. Damon Blakeman, 6. Cheyanne Schindler, 7. Brecken Snow, 8. Kyle Spayde, 9. John Davis, 10. Jacksen Smith. THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 12 Commentary: Joyce Meyer The Two Minds Of Man Did you know that we actually have two minds? In fact, much of the conflict that we have within ourselves happens because of these two minds battling for control of our lives. In the Amplified Bible, Romans 8:6 says, Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]. So, according to that verse, we have a “mind of the flesh” and a “mind of the Spirit.” The mind of the Spirit is based on the wisdom of scripture…the mind of God. The mind of the flesh is just what I can reason on my own without the help of the Holy Spirit. Let me tell you… that’s not worth much! I need the Holy Spirit every minute of every day. Without Him and His guidance, I have no understanding or wisdom—and neither do you! If you are spending most of every day thinking “in the flesh” (comprised of “all the miseries arising from sin”) then it stands to reason that you are going to make some bad decisions. It just makes sense that you’ll have a life full of problems. Remember, the messes in your life are there because of the messes in your mind. But when you are able to get your mind renewed, you’ll find that most of the problems and difficulties in your life will begin to clear up. Now what do I mean by getting your mind renewed? You renew your mind by thinking thoughts based on God’s Word instead of your own ideas of what might be right (see Proverbs 3:5-8). You renew your mind by refusing to dwell on your natural thoughts of fear, jealousy, bitterness, revenge, lust, pride… those things that you know will poi- son your life. This is very important. Where your mind goes…you will follow. You do have a choice of what to think. When those “flesh” thoughts enter your mind and you’re tempted to dwell on them, you can choose to think with your “spirit.” Dwell instead on what God would have you thinking about—things like love, forgiveness, faith, humility, and selflessness. This idea of renewing your mind is critical for any growing Christian. It’s not your natural tendency to think with your spirit mind, just like it’s not your natural tendency to put the needs of others before your own. You must train yourself by daily renewing your mind. In Ephesians 4:23 Paul says, And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]. Paul is telling us that renewing your mind should be a daily exercise. Just like exercising your bodies, your mind needs to be trained to think the right things. Thinking with your spirit and not the mind of the flesh is a learning process. It’s not as easy as just flip- ping a switch. It will take time and effort but you can do it! Regardless of what you thought in the past, whatever negative thoughts you have allowed to occupy your mind, you can have victory. You can begin today to make right choices about what you allow yourself to think. You can choose to think with your spirit and not with your flesh. JOYCE MEYER For more on this topic, you may order Joyce’s four-part series, Battlefield of the Mind, which is available by calling 1-800-727-9673 or visiting THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 13 Commentary: Diane Grassi Local Governments Still Using Kelo Case To Screw Taxpayers On June 23, 2005 the United States Supreme Court handed downed its controversial 5-4 decision on Kelo v. City of New London, CT., concerning the issue of eminent domain. The court’s ruling not only impacted the City of New London, CT and seven property owners contesting the 2004 decision of the Supreme Court of Connecticut, it sent a chill across local communities and states throughout the U.S. And although the takings of private land belonging to homeowners and small businesses under the guise of eminent domain have been argued repeatedly and primarily over the past half century, the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2005 decision came closest to heightening the blurring of legitimate use of such takings for public use. Scott Bullock, a senior attorney at the Institute for Justice, a libertarian Washington D.C. based advocacy organization, tried the case before the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2005, representing seven families collectively owning 15 properties in the city of New London, CT, with a population of 25,000. In question was whether the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides for the taking of privately owned homes strictly for economic development. The court, however, merely stated that it was leaving it up to the states, their legislatures and local municipalities to decide what constitutes eminent domain. But too, the states have the right to restrict eminent domain seizures. Disconcerting was that the decision of the court went beyond prior precedent by virtually allowing the taking of well-maintained homes or small businesses by real estate developers and local governments seeking to create more tax-based revenue and the possibility of more jobs. The court therefore redefined the meaning of “public purpose” as well as “blight” which were previously used as barometers for targeting properties for urban revitalization. Essentially, the ambiguity of the Supreme Court’s decision has created the impression of a lower threshold in order to establish a taking. It has therefore led to 22 states to pass laws since June 2005 in order to clarify land takings. Yet some states’ laws remain inexplicit concerning the term “blight” and it thus serves as a loophole. Very few laws are straightforward, such as in the state of Florida, which expressly states that “the preservation or enhancement of the tax base is not public use.” The high court concluded that blight was not necessary for condemnation in order to create economic development for public purpose, thus leaving such up to local governments and politicians and corporations. And as such, the court’s decision has also led to an increase in takings activity since June 2005. Many proposed developments were put on hold until the high court’s decision and more than 30 nationwide have since been reactivated and given the green light. The Kelo case, named after Susette Kelo, one of the seven homeowners who held out to fight to keep her home, started in 1998. Pfizer, Inc., the world’s largest research-pharmaceutical company bought some land in New London and built a corporate park in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood. Due to a decline in industrial jobs which supported the U.S. Navy which has since pared down its operations there, 50% of the tax base as well as its population have eroded over the years. So New London and Pfizer worked out a deal for Pfizer to expand its facilities. In the name of economic development, New London chose to raze the land of 15 homes and small businesses in the Fort Trumbull neighbor- hood in order to build a 200-room waterfront hotel, convention center, 80 condominiums and some retail space to be utilized primarily by Pfizer, its researchers and employees. A Coast Guard Museum was also promised by New London. The prospect of 2,000 jobs, however, for a facility which relies on recruiting employees from all over the world has since dwindled and the museum will not generate any tax revenue. And since the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, the New London City Council moved in September 2005 to evict the remaining seven property owners giving them 90 days to do so. Along with the eviction notices they were billed for $600.00 a month for rent plus taxes retroactive to 2000.The reasoning was that since the city won its case, the homeowners were living on city property as the condemnation procedures began in 2000. Connecticut Governor, Jodi Rell interceded, asking the City Council for a moratorium on eviction proceedings granted by the New London Development Corp. appointed by the City Council to evict the property owners. The Governor had hoped during that time to allow the state legislature a chance to review the court case. On June 6, 2006, however, the New London City Council got tired of waiting on the state and voted 5-2 to take over the remaining two properties belonging to Susette Kelo and Michael Cristafaro, along with their families. They had gotten five of the seven holdouts to settle. The city was on record as only offering the fair market value of their homes for the year 2000. However, real estate in 2006, especially waterfront property, has greatly appreciated since 2000. The city supposedly forgave the back-rent and taxes for the five other holdouts but did not appreciate the fair market value or their properties to that of 2006. Since Ms. Kelo’s property was never near the proposed development and since there was only one other house being contested, Governor Rell suggested that the Cristafaro home be moved to the same parcel of land proximate to Kelo’s home. Then the deeds could be returned to them and the city would have right of first refusal should they decide to sell in the future. But the City Council not only refused the Governor’s suggestion but reportedly resented her interference. Attorney Scott Bullock said, “The residents still had a few possible responses to the city’s vote and hope to appeal to the state to reconsider whether state money should be spent on the development at all. Kelo and Cristaforo will also challenge any back taxes, rent or fees. The evictions presently are set for the end of August 2006 at which time both parties will also consider civil disobedience to protect their homes. In writing the dissenting opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor stipulated that “Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms. As for the victims, the government now has license to transfer property from those with fewer resources to those with more. The Founders cannot have intended this perverse result.” If Susette Kelo should not prevail, she will owe over $60,000.00 to the City of New London for back-rent alone. The registered nurse will have to leave New London homeless, without any equity in her home nor the funds she put out for its remodeling. Certainly, this could not have been what the court had in mind. Certainly, eminent domain abuse must be revisited as the result of this case’s outcome. According to Susette Kelo, “This really isn’t about me anymore. It’s about every American across the country.” DIANE GRASSI THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 14 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 15 Pet Of The Week Adopt This Pet ! My name is MICKEY - ID#A102444 I am a neutered male, black and brown chow chow. The shelter thinks I am about 9 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 04, 2006 For more information about this animal, call: The Animal Foundation — Las Vegas at (702) 384-3333 Ask for information about animal ID number A102444 THE PENNY PRESS, JUNE 22, 2006 PAGE 16