Chronology, 1976 - The University of Texas at Dallas
Chronology, 1976 - The University of Texas at Dallas
TUESDAY, January 6, 1976 ) Ice and chill did not cause delay in the first spring registration to inclllde undergraduates, with nearly 3,000 enrolled in the first two days. tIIIIIIt REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 9,1-14-76. Photo File, PIR 12241, 1-6-76. SUNDAY, January 11,1976 The last graduation ceremony in which only graduate degrees were awarded was held in Founders North (later, Poly karp Kusch) Aud itorium; a new-record 38 received degrees, including the doctorate in Environmental Sciences awarded to Marvin)l>iwoni, who then joined the faculty. / ;0 s REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 9, 1-14-76. PHOTO File, PIR 12246, 1-11-76. " TUESDAY, January 13, 1976 NEWS RELEASE XE128.0987576/MG, 12-24-75. \ ) Tryouts were held for Moliere's The Miser, through January 14. The tryouts and production were d9Irected by Felicia Londre; the University :8ia Theatre was brought into use for the first time during the tryouts (first classes also were being held in Erik Jonsson Center, after crafts union strike delays in completion of the two buildings during the previous summer). ., REFS: ADVANCElII, Volume 12, Number 9,1-14-76 and Volume 12, Number 10,1-28-76. PHOTO File, PIR 12248, 1-13-76. NEWS RELEASE XE128.1017576/SN, undated. (See also Early Theatre Files, contribution of Felicia Londre). WEDNESDAY, January 14, 1976 ADV ANCE ~ noted the opening of a new telephone information service (690-2727) at the Information Desk, then located on the ! ,/ south wall of the main open area on first leve~ /II".l)If'~/-4 Barbara Peavey sought ~student volunteers to staff the information center. '6J.e,7 t/rP Also open was the ~ Crisis Center (690-2725), with trained staffing from 5 p.m. to midnight. Volunteers were . . . sought for intensive training. co~ege ) REF: U·T·DATELINE, 1-19-76. Gavin R. G. Hambly, Master of VIII, " received a National Endowment for Humanities grant to write the first single volume all!count of the Mughul Empire's regime in India during the 16th and 17th centuries (for western readers). Hambly had already published "The Cities of Mughul India" based on research done when he lived in New Delhi in 1966-68 and headed the British Commonwealth Education Program for India. acting REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0887576/SN, undated. Richard Mitterer was named"head of the Geosciences REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0937576/MG, 12-22-75. program. -747 -1 f ~ WEDNESDAY, January 14, 1976 (CONT) Midweek,1:mour film programs, in the "Day for Night" series, were added to the film fare by the Conc~ge VII Student Com mittee, running from ~ January 20 through April 15. First in the series was "The Coming of Sound," with excerpts from Al Jolson's "The Jazz Singer" and Walt Disney's "Steam\. boat Willie." Showings were in Jonsson Center. REF: NEWS REKEASE XE128.1047576jSN, undated OVERALL REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 9, 1-14-76. ' SUNDA Y, January 18, 1976 Following the Super Bowl (Dallas losin to e Pittsburgh, 21-17) so firem n at Canyon Creek station could watch the game, they "rolled" Richardson's Snorkel Unit No.1 into Drive fir C at the east side of the core campus. Sall~ had~ made the arrangements with a long-time fri:e'na";--pa;162. Chief Richard Russell. Purpose was. to provide Sally and Al Mitchell with a camera platform at some 60 feet above ground, on a bright but bitter, windy afternoon. With cameras locked down on railings, the platform was swept around a half-circle to provide a series of over-lapping pictures that could be assembled into a ___ panoramic "air view" (suggested by Bryce Jordan). REFS: PHOTO File, Snorkel Views, PjR 14577, 1-18-76. Selected prints were pieced together and used as a "wif'ap-around" halftone in a later issue of ADVANCE. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 12,2-25-76. e The equipment use was scheduled as a ~ "practiee run" to the campus by Chief Russell. ~ ~~M WEDNESDA Y, January 21,1976 Sally Nance made a series of photographs of Nanettv visitor·:!!£ lk Fabray, actnlss whose own severe hearing loss had been surgically corrected. Miss Fabray entertained children at Callier Center for Communication Disorders, using her fluency in American Sign language. Miss Fabray was in Dallas for a dinner theater production. REFS: PHOTO File, PjR 14583, 1-21-76. ADVANCE, Volume'12, Number 11, 2-11-76. FRIDAY, January 23, 1976 Photographs were made of the Dallas Piano Trio, Jesse Parker, piano; Arkady Fomin, violin, and Barbara Thiem, cello. The trio scheduled a concert for February 1 at UT -Dallas. _'/48 REFS: PHO'I'O File, PjR 14589jSN, 1-23-76. d . NEWS RELEASE XE128.1087576jSN, undated, circa 1-26-76. .-! / MONDAY, January 26, 1976 The Crisis Center at The University of Texas at Dallas, intended to serve both students and community needs, had been named "Focus." Hours of operation were 7 to 11 p.m. ) .... RE:f,: lIB: U'T'DATELINE, 1-26-76 ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76. NEWS RELEASE XE128.11875J~ 1-29-76. ", Casting was complete for "The Miser," wi~ leading roles filled by Marcus Mahan, Ju,y ""'- . Truesdell, Pandra Wade, Jay White, Jim Jenner, Alexandra Bonifield, and Paul Monaco (member of the history faculty). REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1107576/SN, undated. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76. WEDNESDAY, January 28, 1976 ~G- ADV ANCE covered the coming theater production, the arrival of Adolf Enthoven as director of the Center for International Accounting Development, and a forthcoming book by Cyrus Longworth Lundell. The publication, assembled by Al Mitchell, was the Lundell_ series of newspaper columns on blackland farming, published in 1968 1972, under the title "An Interlude as a Newspaper Columnist," ) REF: An Interlude as a Newspaper Columnist, 1968-1972, Dallas Times Herald, in paperback, 131 pp., 1976. Also covered in photographs )pwa~ the planing of a tree in the grassed "island" between GreenM Center and University Theatre. The tree was planted by Hasan B. Paksoy, who had come from Turkey for doctoral study in political economy. The live oak was planted in honor of his three-year-old son, Selim, "so they can grow together." REF: Photo File, Live Oak Planting, 1-12-76. , And, a north-to-south view of the central mallwas published (two photo~s from r windows of the bridge between Jonsson and Green Centers), indicating that there was tN~ a "grand tour" route through buildings running at upper levels from Berkner Hall to Green Center. t :"> RE~: PHOTO File, (Miser Callouts)/Jonsson Area, P/R 14575, 1-13-76. OVERALL REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 10, 1-28-76. MONDAY, February 2, 1976 A Student Congress subcommittee had been formed to attempt establishment of a student newspaper. ) REF: U·T.DATELINE, 2-2-76. Jan Lawler, junior in Theatre Program, was recipient of the first Mr. and Mrs. Dan Krausse scholarship award. Two scholarships were funded by the Krausses. He was president of Earth Resources, Inc., of Dallas. S REE: WWM~!1~~~~rnMn6/SN, undated AbYANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76. -749 -J' WEDNESDAY, February 11, 1976 ) ADVANCE featured the spring semester Music and Theatre Programs at The Uni versity of Texas at Dallas. mg.. I 4. In addition to "The Miser" (for which a special children's performance had been added on February 21), Arkady Fomin, violin, and Simon Sargon, piano were scheduled in a Sunday, February 29, Duo Recital. March events were UTD Civic Chorale, directed by William Allen Graham, on Saturday, March 6; An Evening with Peter Vollmers and Friends, Tuesday, March 9; Original Student Plays, Thursday through Sunday, March 11-14, 3i8IiRRl and The Complete Works for Piano and Cello by Beethoven, in two parts, March 28 and April 4. Marion Barham, UWersjt~L___ if h. Ill, piano, and Barbara Thiem, cello, were the performing artists. l ) A Solo Piano Recital by Jesse Parker was listed for Sunday, April 11 ; /qIIIipl April plays (on the same program) ..-n were "Old Times" by Harold Pinter and "Chamber Music" by Arthur Kopit, with Michael Gillespie directing; April 22-25. . REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76. v:- N l _ (8Q'ilI§R8, "The llIiIiis Miser:'2-19-76 POSTERS/PROGRAMS - . Iowa State Umverslty, .k Gabriel di .11 Piazza was scheduled in piano recital Sunday, May 2. In addition, the newly-formed UTD Jazz Ensemble, directed by Peter Vollmers, added a spring concert on Tuesday, April 27. Arkady Fomin, Violin, and Simon Sargon, piano, ",.. in Duo Recital, 2-29-76. n Evening of Music with ~ Peter Vollmers and _. Friends,.tIJ. 3-9-76. Chorale Music of the Twentieth Century, UTD Civic Chorale, 3-6-76 . The Complete Works for Piano and Cello by L(udwig) van Beethoven, 3-28-76. Pinter-Kopit, "Old Times"/"Chamber Music," 4·22·76. UTD Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert, 4-27·76. ~. / Raymond P. Lutz was formally named Dean of the School of Management and Administ ration. David Morgan, Assistant Professor of Geograph? was named Assistant to the Vice President for ~ Academic Affairs. Morgan had joined the faculty in September, 1975. J Spring semester enrollment had reached 3,545, a gain of 212 over the fall registration, or 7 percent. The final spring tally included 1,975 juniors, only 8 seniors, 382 special graduate students, 967 master's degree candidates and 213 seeking doctoral degrees. Of the total, 2,100 students were men and 1,445 were women. -750 ..J / Wtn ) WEDNESDAY, February 11, 1976 (CONT) National Postal Service had announced that The University of Texas at Dallas would have its own zip code (75082) as of February 25, but this statement was in error. (As a note, UT-Dallas retained its basic box number @8fD and zip code t!508q) until lateA 1983, September, " when the ZIP+four system was begun, with the basic box number changed to 830688 and the code to 75083-0688). REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76 and Volume 12, Number 12 (corrective by Post master Howard McClane), 2-25-76. OVERALL REFERENCE, ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 11, 2-11-76. FRIDAY, February 13, 1976 The Coordinating Board, Texas College and Universisy System, approved a doctoral degree program in Human Development and a related progjram in Special Education. ) REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1267576/MG, 2-13-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 12,2-25-76. Regents of The University of Texas System, meeting in Austin, designatedtthe former Environmental Science building, which was never used for that purpose, but instead It- became headquarters of the Southwestern ~l Foundation, \ilQsissed l' , . SlNs1;"1re as Hoblitzelle Hall. The name honored Karl HoblitzelIe, who had died in 1967. ;dfl t0rS/~ s fruckre Hoblitzelle was an early supporter of the SWLF, as well as instrumental in the founding of the Texas Research Foundation at Renner. Upon dissolution in 1972, the Hoblitzelle Foundation gave the eastern ~es of it~ __ TRF land to UT-Dallas-, (includingtlie area ~5 on which HobIitzelle Hall.. was built ). -L. 0/ f, ~ REFS: I ~ bEl ••pLil CHRONOLOGY,1:!IldlTRF transfer) 9-1-72. Dallas Morning News, "UTD Lists Plans for New Building," by Pat Svacina, 8-17-72 (vote of TRF trustees to make transfer). "Texas Research Foundation: Its Historical ~kgroUnd,,, by Roy Roddy, 1967, !In 92 pp. j ~ ! Also approved was tit.tMton the natu; additional auditorium, under construction, in honor of Andrew R. Cecil, then-president and a trustee of Southwestern Legal Foundation (later, (chance-ilor -and scholar ai-- - u"( SWLF UT-Dallas) --- reSIdent -751- -1 REFS: Annual Reports, the Southwestern Legal Found ation. "The ThirddW~t' AaQfew R. Cecil Lectures, 175 pp., 979 an .iU 1 , following volumes. ~ FRIDAY, February 13,1967 (CONT) ) n'IIii1 REFS (CONT): PHOTO File, Hoblitzelle Hall/Cecil Auditorium, P/R 15451, 2-13-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 12, 2-25-76. FRIDAY, February 20, 1976 Visiting at The University of Tesas at D!Uas was Udipi Ramachandra Rao, who had designed the"" first satellite to be put into space . . .IIitwJ. by India. Now director of the ISRO Sat ellite Ptogram, based in Bangalore, Rao had been an associate of Kenneth G. McCracken in the early space experiments (cosmic radiation analysis) of the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies (Pioneers 6 through 9). The satellite program in India was directed toward surveys of earth MIIHl. resources and communicatio!l~ .-n especially a" 1: 111\8. I •.;television to remote areas. Information programs, with one goal the control of explosive population increases~ mass edu~tion and information transfer. were aimed at Opening of "The Miser," first production in ~ University Theatre, was I J ,Aim. photographed. b 00? -6 ! 'S" REf: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1357576/MG, 2-20-76. ,#-PJ//hV'Cff t/,,/,tfo/WC' / Z tI /f/~~P'/""'/3 .8-/tJI-76• , ".; t REF: PHOTO File, (Ray Lutz Party/Sun Oil Gift), P/R 15458/60, 2-20-76. ) WEDNESDAY, February 25, 1976 ADV ANCE published the assembled photographs in the campus "airview" made from tin Snorkel No.1 on January 18, as an eight-column halftone J--:wrap-around" across page~j and 4. 1 In addition to the lSIIIIIR naming of Hoblitzelle Hall and Cecil Auditorium, the regents had also approved naming of the southern wing, Callier Center for Communications Disorders, as the Nelle C. Johnston Clinic and Research Building; The Callier auditorium was also named for Dr. Aram C. Glorig, who was serving both as Callier director and Dean of the School of Human Development. The aUditorium later became the site of Callier Center Theater of the Deaf, the only program of its kind in Texas. ) e ~ Miss Johnston, who had been closely associated with Graduate Research Center of the Southwest co-founder Erik Jonsson, had served as a charter member of the Callier board of CftIIa trustees, and was Callier president from 1965 to 1974. G" RE~.: ORAL HISTORY No.9, Erik Jonsson and Nelle Johnston, 8-10-78. A/~/.:7 ,os;:-e.~F x;&/.3F. /277J'7t; 2-,/3- 7~ "" George Vaughn won from Neil Teague iq the finals of UT-Dallas' squas h rae kets tournament, -.l -752 WEDNESDAY, February 25, 1976 (CONT) } one of a series of events. Mike Patrick of the Biology faculty won a push-up contest, with 60, and was featured on KDFW-TV's Eyewitness Newsreel. 4 In women's racuetba11, Linda Whitson won in the gpen class:)n Student women's tennis, Shari Strelau was champion. Men's racquetball was won by David W. Baker, Student class; Bob Mandell, Faculty-Staff, and Baker, in the Open competition. Men's tennis winners were . . Jay Gosdin, Student; 11, Faculty-Staff, and Dave Austin, pen. Doubles winners were Austin and Mark Carter. Keith Thompson was men's handball winner. OVER-ALL REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 12, 2-25-76. FRIDAY, February 27,1976 ) Regina M. J. Kyle resigned as Acting Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, to devote more time to her assignment as Executive Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Carolyn Galerstein was named acting dean, retaining her assignments as Master of College IX (Maturity College) and Dean of the School of General Studies. IMG, REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1417576h 2-27-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 13, 3-10-76. SUNDAY," February 29,1976 Arkady Fomin, violin, and Simon Sargon, piano, were in Duo Recital at the new theatre. , I' ISN, REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1357576...2-20.76 POSTER and PROGRAM, Duo Recital, XE630, 2-29-76. WEDNESDAY, March 3,1976 The University of Texas at Dallas became an independent member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Sports Specialist Bob Knight said that UT-IDallas would compete in intercollegiate tennis during the spring, and was considering competition in other "lifetime sports," ruling out basketball and football. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 13,3-10-76. J -753 -1' ,-:-J' SATURDAY, '4arch 6, 1976 The University of Texas at Dallas Civic Chorale, Percussion Ensemble, and the Southern Methodist University Dance Ensemble joined in a program of "20th Century Chorale Music" in University REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1397576/SN, 2-27-76. Theatre. PROGRAM, XE630, 3-6-76. I8!'Im Jal TUES1)AY, March 9, 1976 "An Evening of Music with Peter Vollmers and .MIn Friends" was played in the Jonsson Center lecture hall (later, Jonsson Center Performance Hall). The program mixed jazz and classical music, with Gabriel di Piazza on piano, Arkady Fomin, violin, and Barbara Thiem, cello, among the group. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1407576/SN, 2-27-76. PROGRAM, XE630, 3-9-76. a... During this period, a series of photogrphs was made to illustrate all service functiodl:;, such as mail room, printing, staff services and typesetting. The photographs were used in a later internal publication. REF: PHOTO File, Services Series, beginning 3-8-76. MOVE UP WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1976 Udipi Ramachandra Rao, who had just visited UT-Dallas, was announced as recipient of both the _ Padma Bhushan and the Vikram Sarabhai Awards, for space accomplishments. The awards were highest honors of the Indian government. RE( NEWS RELEASE XE128.1487576/MG, 3-3-76. AuVANCE, Volume 12, Number 13,3-10-76. WEDNESDAY, March 10, 1976 e "Kite Day" combined artistic talents of students with ca' II environmental activities andlthe. _ tl i'h-'/ 7Zt.//~?1 approach of spring break, March 15-20. Diane Supplee's unique and colorful kite was pictured in flight by television news stations, from the <J8PIB open area south of Founders Building. 24 REFS: U'T'DATELINE, 3~8-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 14, ~~-76. PHOTO File, Kites/Environmental Events, PR15465, 3-12-76 (apparent mis-date). (/Itt1/' ADV ANCE covered the "Small Caas Theatre" program scheduled March 12-14, with four student plays presented and directed by students. The plays had been written in Felicia Londre's class. Mollie Dillard's "A Game of Promise" was directed by Judy Truesdell; two scenes from James Jenner's full-length tragedy ("William ~ c.r- ) ..;L -75~ -1 wednesday, March 10,1976 (CONT) ) Johnson: A Tragedy~') were directed by George Edwards. Alexandra (Alexi) Bonifield and Dan Neushifter were in featured roles. "My God!" was a spoof on aAiQt;Qi~-b-e-t-w-e-e-n---'\,:?J} ~p??/'Jrrn God and Satan, with James Jenner playing God' {/ and Tom Jenner as Satan. Judy Truesdell wrote the play and Jimmy Mullen directed. A Celtic folk fantasy, "Tam Lin," was written by Diane Skafte and directed by Gay\!:;per. Virginia Thompson, who had returned to her first love, the theatre, was also cast in leading roles. She had returned to college at UT-Dallas after attending Southern Methodist for a year in the 1940's, but had interrupted her education for marriage and a family of four. ..s. ',/UHtW' R'4"~' .l'9P p'"".p r.r; /,z." ./'£,&'~~, ".!',. ..:i'_ /17 - ~ U.r.-.P-4 __4/.IV~..:9- //_7"' Poly karp Kusch was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as of February 21. The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics accepted The Unieersity of Texas at Dallas as an independent member, for tennis competition, announced Bob Knight. The acceptance was effective March 3. ) Benjamin Post spoke on "X-Ray Diffraction by Perfect and '~ 'Real' Crystals"ill a Robert A. Welch Foundation lecture. Post was a chemist physicist at Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. Death of William D. Blunk, Development Officer of The University of Texas at i\JlitiR, _~ystem, was reported (February 23). Blunk had moved to the directorship ie 1SfiI,j_"hhWn4ltt1rl""Afh iu:IllllMu following service as director for The University of Texas at Austin; he succeeded James S. ,.. Triolo in that post, when Triolo came to the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest in late 1963. A writer, "LR," had complained to Action Line in the Dallas Times Herald that parking lot lighting was not adequate at UT-Dallas. Vice President for Business Affairs Stewart C. Fallis replied that UT-Dallas had accepted facilities for beneficial occupancy im during the period from September to January, but not all work had been satisfactorgly.- completed. The lighting system had not Been accepted, I I lEi and discrepancy reports had been filed with the contractor. All . . . . progress payments on that portion of the campus construction contracts were being withheld until the problems were corrected. f ) T 'hi -755 REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 13, 3-10-76. , f, THURSDAY, March 11,1976 ) Morris Hite, Chairman of Tracy Locke companf" J"t:#('"",~11 was named of the 1976 Committee for the President's~ssociatel, aft 111 after serving as chairman of The University of Texas at Dallas Development Board, 1972-1975. In the.-.&l new assignment, Hite was responsible for seeking gitfs of $500 or more from individuals and companies, to be used for current operating expenses. Jr' 1 /5.z7.r/~/Altr" / 11 &\11 REF...: NEWS RELEASE XE128.~ lIeUES, 3-11-76. =! '7 !I ;13:18; 811 5106. WEDNESDAY, March 17,1976 It)- Visiting Prof. Ross Robertson was scheduled !2JIstify (Friday, March 19) before the Proxmire Committee, in opposition to formation of a Federal Bank Commission. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1557576/MG, 3-17-76. THURSDA Y, March 18, 1976 tf,A",,'s UT-Dallas listed two matches on the home courts, ~~:~:; ~~~~~:~ti~~f;!S~;T;R: ~t~~~~~:~~f i?Pt'A *r " h h~// 4 r tJ>? C'~v.r. St. Paul, Minnesota, under lights on the evening of Tuesday, * - March 23. Following on March 24, Kent State was the afternoon opponent. ) 0). Ron Wilkins, Ed Elkins and John Blank were the singles competitors, with Wilkins and Elkins teaming in Subles. The UTD squad had already made a swmg into Arkansas and Tennessee, with a 3-1 'I Arkansas College (at Searcy), win over A) and a 2-2 tie with Arkansas Tech, played at Little Rock. The team had lost to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Southwestern University at Memphis, Harding College at Searcy and the University of Central Arkansas at Conway. ---~--------------THURSDAY, March 19, 1976 S',e,l;"u·~ Anne McCaffrey, leading ~ fiction author (Hugo and Nebula awards), was scheduled to speak at UT-Dallas Tuesday, March 23. George Holman, visiting assistant professor, was scheduled to open a one-man show on March 28, in "humanistic" style on subjects of universal order and energy. .9_Z~-7(, 7'/ . ~ " REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1577576/MG, 3-19-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 13, 3-10-76. r"~l'l/) .,&; Y,. "'"/-€ /rtf 7!J 5'-2.$-7' / /J?t:'t:''''.!-""F~ XE128.1587576/MG, REFS:NEWS RELEASE 2fl!l., '.13 &111&//UQ. 3-19-76 -75~ -1' NEWS RELEASE XE128.1567576/MG, 3-18-76 ~Ht:17'd ~H ~/I€ /,r-f/,.:j U~ .. #a/M I/h~ LA I • I ""'• cy'/)",:S ..i'~ z,g~ p'/1fJ 1.J4I.,'fI-S'" ~r'A"'J 'l-,u,m4 ##.«.-, fI ",.,1" or Two Arts and Haruuities events were listed for openings on Sunday, ~ March 28. Barbara Theim was to play the Complete Works of Beethoven for Cello and Piano in two programs, concluding Sunday, April 4. ) f, s RE~: (cOntinued) .I THURSDAY, March 19, 1976 «-dA"T) REFS CONT: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1567576/MG, 3-18-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 14,3-24-76. 1 WEDNESDAY, March 24, 1976 In ADVANCE, announcement was made that two congressional candidates would be April speakers. Jim Mattox, who was seeking the II1IiIIIl Fifth District seat (later becoming a Dallas County commissioner and the Attorney General of Texas), was scheduled April 2. REF: U·T.DATELINE, 3-22-76 (Mattox) On April 23, Jim Collins, who was running in the Third District, was scheduled. Both talks were to be in The Pit, fourth level of Green Center. ) The mall parking are~ between McDermott Library and Green € e nter, had been cleared after four years by removal of contractor and UT-System supply and office trailers. The parking plan had been changed, with the far west row (nearest the bicycle racks) reserved for handicappedj the east side of the row was marked for university uses, including Physical Plant, Police, Medical Doctor, and short-term administrative parking. Both sides of the second row were for visitors, and the third and fourth reserved for UT-Dallas faculty and staff who had been issued red decals. Marsha Shannon Richardson, who had been a star in The University of Texas at Dallas' first major theater production ("Company"), sought a star in another area. She announced her candidacy for Dallas County Sheriff, with a background of having been a deputy in the Civil Section of the Sheriff's Office, as well as the second high graduate in tilt her Sheriff's Academy class. .,II ~ REF~TO File, P/R 15467, Mall Clearance/ Marsha Shannon Richardson, 3-15-76. Tommy Taylor's one-man show "Woody Guthrie" was scheduled March 25 in the Theatre-Auditorium (University Theatre). Public admission was $:1., with UT-Dallas students admitted free. ) REF: U·T.DATELINE, 3-25-76 The University of Texas at Dallas disclaimed "in strongest terms" an advertising statement concerning special discounts for automobile tires, batteries, and shock absorbers. -75V -1 Wednesday, March 24, 1976 (CONT) ) The Capitol Tire Sales/Warehouses, Inc., used the UTD logo and addressed a flyer to students, faculty and staff, indicating that The University of Texas at Dallas had satisfied itself" that the company was reliable, and had made special discount arrangements with UT-Dallas. Vice President James L. Crowson sent a letter asking that the statements be deleted from any future advertising, and that the UTD logo not be used without consent. The UT-Dallas tennis team was pictured, with John Blank, Ron Wilkins and Ed Elkins, plus Coach Bob Knight, in the lineup. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 14, 3-24-76. "> RElI: PHOTO File, PR 15474_/75, 3-24-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number'-15, 4-7-76. FRIDAY, March 26, 1976 Receiving the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Strauss Scholarship award of $500 was Sandra Thompson, a junior biology major from Plano. :; .... -j ) The UTJ'Dallas Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Leadership (which had an anonymous donor) was given to Judy Truesdell junior Theatre _ major S from Mesquite. " REFJ'NEWS RELEASE XEI28.1637576/MG, 3-26-18 76. PHOTO File, PR 15474/75, 3-23-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 15,4-7-76. Final plans for additional outdoor sports facilities and improved lighting for the theatre were approved by Regents of The University of Texas System, meeting in Austin. jbftball and soccer fields, as well as trails for walking and jogging were i " , included in the plan, at an estimated cost of $250,000. The $90,000 improvement in electrical service and theatrical lighting f:z tlte UIHCtre was to be done by UT-Dallas employees, ? with equipment purchased locally. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 15,4-7-76. ;V'..,ips dVZ47rSF KF/ZJ'/t5'/ 7"'("7o/..wo; .3'-~~ 7~ -END CHRONOLOGY FOR JANUARY-MARCH, 1976 -7.rK' ~ ) -1 f, t CIRCA FRIDAY, April 2, 1976 ) Martin Halpern, Geosciences, received the U.S.A. Antarctic Service Medal for his 1964-67 _() explolations and geochronoItgiCaI study of the Antarctic Peninsula (he was then a faculty member of the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies.) ::;,' REf.: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1687576/MG, The award was made by the Secretary of State. 3-31-76. A-ot/4;tJ a;- //, /.;z ,A/V~ .t-tD/' / Rainer Schulte, Comparative Literature and ..:;;-;...s;- ;;..~_ ' Assistant Dean for Arts and Humanities at The University of Texas at Dallas, was published in the anthology "New and Experimental Literature," produced by the Texas Center for WriIIiI Writers Press. Schulte was also editor of "Mundus Artium," REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1697576/MG, produced on the UT-Dallas campus. 4-2-76. "1 Thomas Gold, Cornell University f 1 ph, 'k astrophysicist,.spoke on "American Science in the Third Hundred Years." His noon talk in Berkner Hall was first in a series of programs observing the national bicentennial. Gold was an original participant in the 1964, and later, Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics, sponsored by the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, UT-Dallas, and other institutions and agencies. ) WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1976 In addition to sports and theatre lighting improvements, ADVANCE announced a solo .. piano concert by Jesse Parker of the Music faculty, Sunday, April 11, in University Theatre. The UTD soccer side, organized as an independent club, led its league after a pair of wins. George Kloufetos scored to take a 1-0 victory over the 4040 lineup. Five players scored in a 5-2 comeback win over the" Lazy Legs. Goals were made by Dino Madariaga, player-coach Theo Gregoriou, Hosein Golnabi, Emilio Herrara and Mario Cast ellanos. UT-Dallas adopted a "no smoking" policy for all classrooms. ) REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1677576/MG, 3-31-76. Tennis on a tank top was announced as a possible project by the City of Richardson (the pdiect was -0 never carried out). The large water storage tank built on land transferred to" the city by UT-Dallas was big enough to hold two courts. It was built as a storage point at the connection to the North Texas Water District line, which was later extended across the campus to Coit Road and south to the city's major pumping station at Belt Line Road near Coit. -759 .-l REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1657576/SN, 4-1-76. , ~ WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1976 (CONT) ) Police offices were established in the lower level of. Founders North Building, for Chief J. W. Golden, with Jane Ives as secretary. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 15,4-7-76. CIRCA THURSDAY, April 8, 1976 Studies of films and society in France.. and Germany were documented in Paul Monaco's book "Cinema and Society," released by the Elsevier Publishing Company. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1717576/MG, 4-5-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 16, 4-21-76. 41JP{/ Two views of the mall area, looking south fro~ the bridge between Jonsson Center and Green Center, were made for catalog cover use, and were often used for other purposes. The prints were meshed together to make a wide angle photogrph. REF: PHOTO File, 4-8-76. An international collection of short films, using synthesizers, computer graphics and animation, was shown in Founders lfttildiqg Auditorium ~ as a part of the Bicentennial observation. The series of events was sponsored by College I (Natural Sciences and Mathematics). REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1727576/MG, 4-5-76. ) SUNDAY, April 11, 1976 .----e The UTD Soccer Club was photographed,as well as the Softball Extravaganza held at Hlights Park. With many changes in the softball lineups, as men, women, faculty, staff and students joined in the game, one team won from the other 20-17. REFS: PHOTO File, Soccer Club/Softball, 4-11-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 16, 4-21-76. MONDAY-TUESDAY, ~ril12-13, 1976 , ~ Publicity photographs were made for the two one-act plays scheduled April 24-25 in University Theatre. The plays were Harold Pinter's "Old Times" and Arthur Kopit's "Chamber Music." Kopit attended the performances, and spoke about his experiences as a playwright on April 24. REFS: PHOTO File, Old Times/Chamber Music, ~ 4-12-76. B. Neill McFarland opened a series of lectures (continuing April 20 and 27) on the relationship between Japanese culture and religions. McFarland was a former vice president and provost at Southern Methodist University, and a member of the Japan REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1777576/MG, 4-8-76. America Society of Dallas. ) -760 ...J / MONDAY, April 19, 1976 ) Edward Teller, one of the major contributors to development of the h);,drogen bomb, spoke on "The Energy Disease. YThe talk was sponsored by the Texas Bicentennial Commission. With proper technology, Teller said, the United States could come from a waft HI near-crisis energy situation to the point at which oil could be exported in 10 years, breaking the mid-eastern monopoly. Former Chancellor Harry Huntt Ransom, The University of Texas System, died at Dripping Springs. He had become Chancellor in 1961, and headed the system for 10 years, including the period in which the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies became The University of Texas at Dallas. \\li!l!HiZi881i F, ilJ!fIiil ill, lOiS TUESDAY\ April 20, 1976 The John Slmon Guggenheim Memorial Founda tion awarded a fellowship for 1976-77 0 Robert Xavier Rodriguez 0 e University of Texas at Dallas YlUsic faculty. Grants were made from 2,953 dPplications in the 52nd annual competition. ) /MG REFS: NEWS RELEASE XEI28.178757fir' 4-12-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 17,5-5-76. REF: 4p.e;~Ai-$ h/d4#I'/.2. 4-?n6...,,./7.s=.r: 7(" , ~ "/ , composer s Rodriguez was also named alternate in the Prix de Rome, and had recently received a ~recording grant from the Alice M. Ditson Fund for his composition "Variations for Violin and Piano." Two other works had been scheduled for performances by the Lyric Orchestra in Los Angeles and The University of Texas at Austin's Madrigal S~rs. The ----S;-'",y latter group pim was to ji'SilIf&. in Kennedy REFS: NEWS RELEASE XEI28.1867576/SN, undated. Center for Performing arts, Washington, D. C. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 16, 4-21-76. Southwestern Legal Foundation established a second $2,500 scholarship in honor of Trustee John Jackson. The award was to be made to a graduate stUdent in The University of Texas System, and in a field closely related to the foundation's areas of interest. SWLF had already established the George W. Ray Scholarship, l! J f, ~ '.;888 in the amount of $2,500. of':"'th":'e-M-u-Si-c-fa-c-u-lt-y-W-a-s-n-a-m-e~REF: L Peter Vollmers NEWS RELEASE XEI28.1887576/MG, 4-20-76. u director of the first UTD Summer Winds and: Percussion workshop. The workshop, running five weeks from June 7, was open to senior high school and jaw ¢:it junior/community college REF: NEWS RELEASE XEI28.1897576/SN, 4-20-76. students with professional music interests. ) -761 ,. ._ TUESDAY, Apri127, 1976 ) The UTD Jazz Ensemble was in Spring Concert at University Theatre, under direction of Peter Vollmers. Featured were Vollmers, on clarinet and saxophone; Robert Foote, tenor saXiaphone, flute and alto flute; Ron Wilkins and Eddie Elkins, trumpet and fluegelhorn; Ollie Hill, trumpet; Dennis Odell, French horn; Charles Fowler, Jr., and David Mardis, trombone; Royce Reed, piano and electric piano; Church Mays, guitar; Richard Bannister, bass; Carl Gieseke, drums and percussioj.n, and Mark ,.b Boatman, drums. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1907576/SN, 4-21-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 16, 4-21-75. r-e~A71!I1, ~~.:JtJ ¢-Z7-7~ I WEDNESDAY, April 28, 1976 . anthroPi!'logy ~ Three courses m were scheduled for July by an adventurous faculty member, Peter Skafte. The classes were to be taught in a field trip to N!pal, with air travel to Katmandu and Biratnager,1;' plus bus transporation tO$l foot trek site through the Arun valley. ) REFS: NEWS RELEASE XEI28.1957576/MG, 4-28-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 17, 5-5-76. THURSDAY, Apri129, 1976 David Wallin, Visual Arts faculty, was was a winner in the Graphic Arts Division of the Southwest Tarrant County competition at Fort Worth's Art Museum. Wallin divided the $500 award with Les Davis of East Texas State University in the juried _ event. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1967576/SN, 4-29-76. , SUNDAY, May 2,1976 Gabriel di Piazza of the Music faculty was in piano recital. His program included selections from Rachmaninoff, Chopin, and Beethovel1r WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, May 5-6, 1976 ) ~ REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1937576/SN, 4~3~6 . I'7HtP7l? hi'4!"I c;"tfni/d-'A::'iez.a...J /ye /4I'J~ 4-Z0.-7~ !ill. Students, faculty and officials of The University of'lillllll Texas System met at The University of Texas at Dallas to make "one of the most searching self-evalu(ations of the System in -\ modern times." President Bryce Jordan was ~ chairman of a committee named to write a report of the conclusions. Chairman Allan Shivers ~ ~ of the Board of Regents announced the program in Austin. UT-Dallas projections of "Directions for the Future" had already been comp~ted in an earlier meeting. . REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1927576/MG, ~. -762 "\ 4-23-76 . ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 17, 5-5-76. 4) ,£.j)5.:1/~A2., ''';O,.'/'c/'''>'75 k/ ~ ~ ,.z:::vJf;re~ "/t?~//'kc~ p"".;p~x. /-$.5~/--, \ ~ -.l f WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, May 5-6, 1976 (CONT) ) ADV ANCE closed its every-second-week publishing schedule for the long term, with single issues scheduled during the months of June, July and August. In addition to the UT System self-study, 147 graduates weje named to the first Dean's List in the history of The University of Texas at Dallas (for the Fall semester). The st~ were members of the first undergrOduate classes ever Rt!'F.-'#H1Ii'.S" tl?F~67tlF I(p/.2F~r-"7.:M7?J~/,p) assembled at UT-Dallas. tip' ~h(yk/e,s:s-k~ c/rC"#!L- S~Z-76·. "Young Violinists in Concert," under direction of Arkady Fomin, was scheduled for Sunday, May 9. Don Acock, Karen Austin, and April and Michael Whelere were to play. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE1281987576jSN, 5-4-76. ~ PROGRAM, XE630, 5-9-76. President Peter T. Flawn of The University of Texas at San Antonio was announced as the Commencement speaker for May 15, as UT-Dallas prepared to award its first jMG, bachelor's degrees. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1967576A.. 5-4-76 David Faris won the Class A men's singles in the spring tennis tournament, defeating Ron Wilkins 6-2,6-4 in the final match. Margaret Fair was the women's singles winner, defeating Nancy Kelsh 6-1, 3-6,6-2. Steve Link won 6-4, 6-3 from John Madden in the Class B men's championship. ) Wilkins and David Austin won the men's doubles, taking a 6-3, 6-7, 7-5 decision from Fred Kurland and Sandy Davie. Barry Werner and Janie Wilson defeated John Sanger and Leslie Hill, 5-7, 6-2, 6-3, in mixed doubles. Summer films were scheduled, beginning May 19 with "The Little Foxes." Carl Sagan, Director of the Laboratory for Planet ary Science at Cornell University, was scheduled as the Anson L. Clark Memorial Lecturer on June 16, to speak on "Mars on the Eve of the Viking Missions. " Oliver C. Mowat, Jr., 62, a University of Texas at Dallas security officer, died in Dallas (May 5) Michael Gooch, Geosciences junior from Garland won a $1,000 Sllik lsa 'p Bi¢entennial Scholar ship given by the Dallas Woman'sClub. f, ~ REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Numbne r 17,5-5-76. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June issue (circa) 6-.-76.) Z-I J ) REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.1997576jSN,,, 5-4-76. -763 .-I ! THURSDAY, May 6, 1976 A Creative Dramatics Workshop for children aged 4-12 was organized by The University of Texas at Dallas Theatre program and the Center for Continuing Education. Felicia Londre, head of the Theatre pro gram, was named . . . director of the nine-week summer event, with Friday meetings scheduled each week from June 11. &Cheduled for August /SN, 13-15 was the play "Little Humpbacked Horse," in which participants joined the cast. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2007576~ 5-6-76. PRODUCTION Data File, XE600, Felicia Londre, "Little Humpbacked Horse." ) MONDAY, May 10, 1976 Abel Pablo Iannone, Assistant Professor of . . Philosophy, was named winner of the $1,000 AMOCO Foundation Award for Gutstdn~ioflg OQ'r/R/I,b'Aj' '"ijw Teaching; he was also ~ ~ as Undergraduate Marshal for the first Commence-{' t"'1 ment in which bachelor's degrees were granted, on May 15. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.200 (sic)/MG, 5-10-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (circa Ju.R8 31). '""m ~'~Z/--7~ TUESDAY, May 11,1976 ) Two plays, in addition to "Little Humpbacked Horse," were scheduled in the summer Theatre program. Running July 2-4fwas the Italian comedy "Servant of Two Masters," with A. Richard Sogliuzzo directing. Staging was in University Theatre. (and 9-11 , With new construction scheduled in the theatre, Shakespeare's "As You Like It" was scheduled in Main Lounge A of Jonsson Center, July 23-25, 30-31, and August 1. Michael Gillespie was named director. ~ FRIDAY, May 14,1976 Registration day for the summer session was announced for May 28. Two terms were scheduiled, May 28 to July 8 and July 9 to August 18. There was additional registration at UTD's Downtown Center, 710 North St. Paul Street, on May 26. ) REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2047576/MG, 5-14-76. SATURDAY, May 15, 1976 :S)'/'I",? The first, and onlY,,,Commencement ever held in entirety in University Theatre saw Mrs. Catherine -764 -1 ! ) SATURDAY, May 1 , 1976 (CONT) 5 Carpenter receive the first bachelor's degree ever awarded by The University of Texas at Dallas. Her major was . . Spanish Language and L~rature. _ The first bachelor's degree winner was also fluent in French, her native language, and had come to Dallas at her marriage, 18 years before. She earned her degree in a total of two and one-half years of study, through placement examinations and prior enrollment at Southern Methodist University; she had transferred to UT-Dallas in the fall of 1975, when juniors and seniors were admitted for the first time. .;:1:. ? ( Among 79 degrees awarded, 23 went to the first graduating seniors. Earning Summa Cum Laude Honors were Sandra Murdock Thompson, B. S. in Biology, and Craig E. Miley, B. A. in Political Science. Speaker at the fourth UTD Commencement was Peter T. Flawn, then president of The University of Texas at San Antonio; representing The Uni versity of Texas System were Chancellor Charles A. LeMaistre and Vice Chairman of Regents Dan C. Williams of Dallas. ~ REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (circa 6-21-76). Cl PROGRAM, Commencement and Honrs Convocation, " XE108.7, 5-15-76. PHOTO File, Commencement, by Sally Nance, Al Mitchell and Jamie Aitken, PI R 2809,5-15·76. EVENTS SLIDE File, Commencement, 5-15-76. NEWS RELEASE/CAPTION, XEJIIIII'.2067576/SN, /jZ.S 5·18·76, Catherine Carpenter. WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1976 Plans to open a maor philatelic library at UT-Dallas were announced, as a development grant was received from Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold VliLu1aaa Wineburgh of Dallas. Both a Lay Advisory Committee and a Professional Advisory Committee were appointed and announced by President Bryce Jordan. On the Lay Committee were Al Altwegg, Gordon Bleuler, Amon Carter, Jr., Cullen Davis, Dr. Robert Fuerst, Robert L. Johnson, Mrs. Eugene (Margaret) McDermott, Kenneth A. Parker, Al Walraven and Wineburgh. The Professional Committee was Mrs. Burnelle Brooks, Willard Jackson, Rex O. McGee, Sid Pietsch, REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2057576/MG, 5.19.76. amd Eugene Sanger. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (circa 6-21-76). ) ·765 ...I , ~ THURSDAY, May 20,1976 ) Paul Monacq,History had gone to Bonn, West Germany, to gather data on the develop ment of the German Federal Republic since /MG 1948, fm from which he planned to build a ' new course on modern Euro~. :tII81 His work was supported by a Whiting HrJ:m 'Foundation grant. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2077576",5.20-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76,. FRIDAY, May 28, 1976 Summer registration was held, with a net enroll ment of 2,281 (as of June 7). This was the first summer term open to juniors and seniors. REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76). PHOTO File, Summer Session Registration, 5-28-76. 1f/47U:.r" ..t?F.!P7J-S~~'y/z.? V37.'"7G/~q 6-/tL-7~ Forty-four students, enrolled in colleges or recently graduated from high schools, were selected for summer research participation in the Clark Foundation program; the program was under direction of Ivor Robinson. , //JJ~ RE£ NEWS RELEASE XE128.2147576"5-28-76. /?.PMPC£ Pb/IIft'-HN3/Z;, .AJu.4llt1~r /9:' h4-'/s-sue ;!t'i''/'a:t..- 7-,11'2-76). . REF: U·T.DATELINE, May 28-June 2, 1976. College IX offered a $500 scholarship to its members. ~A/L) CNA?ttW d e:.& '< .4",e/~ - mAy.l .:r.,t',/1,,v G- S.I'7?IF.f71fF,(2 TUESDAY, June 1, 1976 ) JJ(}) :f1cJ, (r t9';t.f'-7C. .; Carl I. Wunsch, Profesor of Physical Oceanography at Massachusetts Institute of Technologyi', was awarded the second $35,000 Founders Prize by Texas Instruments Foundation. Cecil H. Green made the presentation in McDermott Library. A special/Founders Prize was also given to Frank J. Low, Lunar and Planetary BBim Laboratory and Steward.Jl:lmm observatory, ~ University of Arizona. I J "Texas: Our Natural Heritage" was presented in multi media by the\Business and Public Admin. istrationat The University of Texas at Dallas, and the Dallas Museum of Natural History. The show was a Bicentennial Salute. 5 2// REFS: NEWnELEASE XE12~,,7576/MG, 5-26-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76) PHOTO File, Awards to Wunsch, Low, 6-1-76. ~llege of 5 REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2117576/SN, 5-25-76. l\ U·T.DATELINE, June 2, 1976 FRIDA Y, June 11, 1976 "Slow Dance on the Killing Ground" was presented by the Dallas Repertory Minority Theater, with proceeds going to the College IX Scholarship Fund. ) J/ s- RE~: U.T.DATELINE, June 2, 2'976 AI,F7tls A2&"zt;.7J:$".r:;-KF/.z.l; 2/47476/5".;1/; 6-,y-76. -766 -1' / , ~ FRIDAY, June 11,1976 (CONT) ) Frank R. Rossiter, History and American Studies, won the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) award for his book "Charles Ives and His America." The Deems Taylor award was presented in New York City on June 23. sRE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2177576/SN, 6-10-76. /lptlA-.vCF tl'1!fl4/4Ht!'/~ /f/'tt/~tll'/ /9 Juh /SSd~ , " ,,7 TUESDAY, June 15, 1976 /~ 76 (c,'rra.. 7-/2-76). A four-week ~ltilll f n Workshop for Music Teachers opened under direction of Helen Baldovinos, teaching assistant in Humanities. The course was designed for teachers of children ages 3-9, and was presented by the Division of Continuing Education. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2107576/MG, 5-25-76. WEDNESDA Y, June 16, 1976 Carl Sagan, Director of the Laboratory for Space Scie nces at Cornell University, was the Clark Foundation Lecturer, speaking on "Mars on the Eve of the Viking Mission." ) .;totIIII Photographs were made of Jim Moore, as Master of Colleges III and IV, and Jim Combs, as Director of the Energy Center (ENCEN), The University of Texas at Dallas was a co-host for 16th Annual Conference of the National Associa tion of College and University Attorneys. Mo~ titan 300 attended the sessions at Fairmont Hotel, Dallas. Vice President James L. Crowson chaired the arrangements committee. Robert Plant Armstrong, UT-Dallas' first College Master, became Master of College X (he had served as Master of College V). The new college was to focus on Aesthetics, with a broad range of courses in the study of art. CIRCA MONDAY, June 21, 1976 ) REF: PHOTO File, Moore/Combs, 6-16-76. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2137576/MG, 5-26-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76). J. k /5SUI'? /!o,;/If-AlCE; VCl/u@(l /~ p~6e/ I~ ""r ~ 197? ((/"e'4. 7-/2· 76). S REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2197576/MG, 6-16-76. ADVANCE, Juuada::az;iUtif611 Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76). The d: ham June Issue of ADVANCE was published. In addition to coverage noted earlier, the issue reported an Award of Merit to the Oglesby Group, Inc., for design of McDermott Library, by the Dallas Chapter, American Institute of Architects. 767 .-1' 1MG , REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2127576A,5-25-76. ADV ANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21.76). PHOTO File, Clark Memorial Lecture, 6-16-76. CAPTIONS, XE128.2217576/SN, 6-18-76. / , l CIRCA MONDAY, June 21,1976 (CONT) ) Odd Couples were the champions of the UTD Mixed Bowling League. Chester and Lillian Harvey, with Bob and Joyce Lee, were the winners. Physical Plant utility operations were monitored from the new Central Data Acquisition System (CDAS), installed in room 2.706 Green Center. The center was thus the site of normal utility operations control from 4:30fi.m. to 8 a.m. during the work week and over week-ends and holidays. The University of Texas at Dallas also fielded a team in the Richardson Men's Open Slow Pitch softball league, playing at Huffhines Park. TUESDAY, JC1[/.J 22,1976 ~y Rainer Schulte, Comparative BIiiiR Literature, was selected as a collaborator in the pUblication "Texas Books in Review," a survey of Texas liim!!.lm literary activities and books published by Texas authors. ) Clifton S. Harris, Director of the Office of Teacher Education, was named adviser to the Dallas County Community College District Planning Committee. Nobel Laureate Ji!B:Il Poly karp Kusch, Physics, was awarded a Doctor of Science degree by Yeshiva University, New York City. WEDNESDAY, June 23, 1976 ) REF: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 18, ~ June Issue, 1976 (Circa 6-21-76.) Dual grants from the National Science Founda tions of the United States and Japan were made to UT-Dallas and the Metropolitan University of Tokyo, to provide support for co-operative research on cORatmiR~ts in the two nations' fl611 waterways. G. Fred Lee, Director of the UT-Dallas Center for Environmental Sturdies, was a principal investigator. )J c/ REFS: N\lEWS RELEASE XE128.2227576/SN, 6-22-76. ADVANCE, '({olume 12, Number 19, July 1llsue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76.). w. REFS: NEgs RELEASE XE128.2227576/MG, 6-22-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76). REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2237576/SN, 6-22-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76), /zt/¢//l t7 A /J REJ:: NEWS RELEASE XE128.r'2247576/MG, 623-76. '------" '" -768 -.l I f, ~ FRIDAY, July 2, 1976 through Sunday, July 11, 1976 The play "Arlecchio: Servapt of Two Masters," ,d,as-.s"~ under direction of Fulbright Scholar A. Richard tI - Sogluzzio, an expert in Italian comedy. Of interest to staff members of the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies was the return of a former Associate Development Officer, Joe Orchard, as a member of the cast. Orchard was also known as "Pecan Joe" because he had previously operated several roadside candy and gift stores in the north east Texas area. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2227576/SN, 6-22-76. lIbilJd RIl Jim as Arlecchio, and Ray LePere, as Brighella, the innkeeper, had leading roles. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76). PHOTO File, "Arlecchio," P/R 1029/1030, 6-28-76. P-<:?,Of::h{J/17')'J GvC?.s+ .....A-v/~d;n ,?"h~/"e /,/., ~ -;-7/# 7-.;5'- 7& SUNDAY, July 4, 1976 ;' ) J~r, ~ Bells rang across the nation and on . . . The University of Texas at Dallas campus at 1 p.m., in observance of the nation's 200th birthday. Guard Ricky Brown an::! PI:ysical Plant staff member Dan Gustine, among others, took turns at bell-ringing. The bell was loaned by the Key Club of Berkner High School, which had built the trailer-mounted unit for pep rallies. ) REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76). PHOTO File, Bell Ringing, P/R 7458,7-4-76. MONDA Y, July 5, 1976 Roy Clowes, Biology, was in Greece (July 5-16) to supervise a NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Biology of Bacterial Plasmids." REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2167576/SN, 8IiIIIIIR 6-9-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76). FRIDAY, July 9, 1976 Regents of The University of Texas System, meeting in Austin, approved a change in status of the ~melia A. Lundell Textbook Scholarships ./ fund. The fund, which had been generated by the UT-Dallas ~ Woman's Club, was given endowed status, on the pledge of Cyrus Longworth and Amelia Lundell to support minimum funding by gift. /1-1 ) Harvey J. Graff, History and Social Sciences, began work on the Dallas Social History Project, a search for developments in population, society, geography and economy since the 1840's. -769 -1 REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2287576/MG, 7-9-76. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2307576/MG, 7-9-76. e ~ MONDAY, July 12, 1976 ) The University of Texas at Dallas hosted a Racquet Sports Camp (July 12-16) for teen agers. Sports Specialist Bob Knight taught the course~in tennis, racquetball, squash and table tennit. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2207576/MG, 6-21-76. ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76). In addition to coverages mentioned earli~, ADVANCE, July Issue, led with a story about William B. Hanson, Space Sciences, being at Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the scheduled landing of Viking I on Mars. His experiment, produced in conjunction with Bendix Corpor ation, was a Retarding Potential Analyzer, to count and take temperatures of ions and electrons in the Mars~ atmosphere. lUiF, jUl." The summer enrollment included more than 600 new students, Registrar Roy Naugle announced. ,! W 1 dlilli8n REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2267576/MG, 6-29-76. ~ ) photography. Softball activities were covered Picturelwere Brian Yarnell, Larry Schutts, Dave Morgan and Paul Carter. Others on the squad were John Madden, Alex Clark, Dave Homer, Cliff Federick (correct), Marvin Piwoni, Bill Parks, Roland Thomas, James Mulvihill, Brian Hale, George Mariana, George Birdsong, Richard Acree, Dave Addie and Chon Armendarez. f~,,~e College VIII's began to look like a Persian Garden, with the painting of a mural on a Persian theme. The upscaling of a miniature to 12 by 18 feet was done by Visual Arts students, including Bob McCormack and Melinda Hovey. WEDNESDAY through FRIDAY, July 14~16, REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 19, July Issue, 1976 (Circa 7-12-76.) PHOTO File, Softball, 6-28-76/Persian Mural, P/R 7458,7-4-76. 1976 I. ~ A IIIIIiDn major,.. Public Utilities Conference was (17f'" held by the gil' f Continuing Education in Dallas' IJ " fIr / Fairmont Hotel. Keynote speakers were General L,-' Counsel Paul Rodgers, Administrative Director for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Com missioners, and Chief Economist John W. Kendrick, Departmtment of Commerce. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2227576/MG, 6-18-76. FRIDAY, July 16, 1976 ) f, ~ "As You Like It" was scheduled in Erik Jonsson Center, July 23-24 and 30-31, with matinees on July 25 and August 1. The production, under direction of Michael Gillespie, was unusual in involving members ·th cast members inviting . of the audIence, WI -770 .-I ! 81118-~ FRIDAY, July 16, 1976 (CONT) them to become participantl in the action. The participation, said Gillespie, was based on the play's line: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." ) S RE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2307576/SN, 7·16·76. PHOTO File, Rehearsale, 7·25·76. (Probable dlte error). TUESDAY, July 20, 1976 Executive Dean Regm'YM. J. Kyle, Undergradu· ate Studies, resigned to become Director of Program Development for the Association of American Colleges, in Washington, D. C. Her resignation was effective September 1. ." REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2327?/MG, 7·20·76 . MONDA Y. July 26, 1976 A series of photographs was made for use in the forthcoming Orientation Issue of ADVANCE. REF: PHOTO File, Orientation, P/R 7454·57,7·26-76. With a cast of 37, and 15 of the members coming from the Summer Creative Dramatics Workshop, "Little Humpbacked Horse" was 91 ._IIR announced for August 13·15. The Russian folk fantasy was directed by Felicia Londre" Leading the adult cast was Dennis Lee Persons as Ivan and Susan Geffen as his magic horse. Persons had served for four years with the Theatre Division rOt Fourth Army Special Services and Miss Geffens had had 10 years' experience in children's programs at Dallas Theatre Center. ) R~~FS: NBWS RELEASE XE128.2347576/SN, 7·26·76. PHOTO File, Little Humpbacked Horse Rehearsals, P/R 7463·65, 8-4·76. TUESDAY, July 27, 1976 P, With a grant from Health, Education and Welfare, 25 scholarships for tmBIl iIS(!\i anMe students interested in becom.W7f special education teachers for handicapped were established. W. Beth Stephens, head of Special Education, directed the program. ~ REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2357576/MG, wI Public Service Announcement, 7·26·76. THURSDAY, July 29, 1976 ) e",py Appointment of William J. Hanna as De?n, School of Social Sciences, was announced. Hanna was the school's first dean. Coming from the City University of New York's Department of Political Science, he was an expert in African studies and had chaired the I university's program. He was serving ~ //1 Graduate Center program at the time of his 1\ appointment. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2377576/MG, 7-29-76 PHOTO File, undated, P/R 7450", (Circa 7·20·76). -17/ -1 / FRIDAY, July 30,1976 Stephen E. Guisinger, project specialil.t with the Ford Foundation, returned to the area as a professor in Management and Administrative Sciences. He had previously taught at Southern Methodist University, where he receivdd an award for outstanding teaching in 1974. ) REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2387576/SN, 7-30-76. MONDAY, August 2, 1976 Registration dates for fall semester were announced as August 25-26. Advanced registration was held :; August 2-6 and August 9-13. REF~NEWS RELEASE XE128.2397576/MG, 8-2-76. ADVANCE, Orientation Issue, Volume 12, Number 20, (Circa 8-23-76). MONDAY, August 9, 1976 Peter Vollmers and Friends presented "A Musical Offering" in Jonsson Center Performance Hall. The group included Pamela Holland, flute; Barbara Brazil, oboe; Rick Ricker, French hom; Ch~ /,/'.::I'HO;/ Price, bassoon; Robert 8-* Sanders, pl'H!10; Kerby Stewart, bass, and T. J. Johnson, drums. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2417576/SN, 8-4-76. FRIDAY, Ag.gust 13 through SUNDAY, August 15 ) "Little Humpbacked Horse" was staged in Jonsson Center Performance Hall REFS: PROGRAM, Little Humpbacked Horse, £.~ 77J't'afo.~L anQ,File XE600, including..£ostume ~ 'dr.", / /' sketches and fabrics, 8-13-76. 2 NEWS RELEASES XE128.24fu76/2437576/SN, Captions, >8-4-76 and 8-11-76. ,, WEDNESDAY, August 18, 1976 //1) Twenty-nine courses were announced for the fall program. Continuing Education. The prog ram rangeafrom computing biorhythms to a study of women's rights, with eight of the courses centered on business topics. Auditions for the UTD Civic Chorale, under direction of William Allen Graham, were scheduled for. Saturday, August 28. ) ~ s: RE~: NEWS RELEASE X~128 .. 2447576Aand 2497576/SN, 8-25-76. XE300, Mailer-Catalog, circa September, 1976 REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128/Public Service Announcement/SN, 8-18-76. Further auditions were liste6f for two plays on the Theater program for fall. "Menelaus," q ~ __/ / 0/ A/4J;t1// by Gene Mitchell, and "Nooft OrO!lSiftLb!-l8/~ Paul Claudel were the selections. . REF: NEWS RELEASE/Public Service Announcement The audJtions were scheduled for Sept/SN,8-18-76 ember 1 and 2. -772 -1' I TUESDAY, AugUst 24, 1976 mwtiNflII !lW.tfiIr/ fl0411.l1111 ) There were no public exercises at Graduation Day, but 117 degrees were awarded, including 75 to graduate students. Four doctoral awards were made. Diplomas were awarded in the ... , McDermott Suite. ~pem was named Associate Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Joining the ~ research .taff of the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies in 1964, he had completed several geological (geochronology) searches in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego, Chile. REFS: Abv ANCE, Volume 13, Number 1, 9-13-76 NEWS RELEASE XE128.0017677/MG, 9 -2-76 . fIIad. Martin James Combs, Director of The Univenity of Texas at Center for Energy Studies (ENCEN), was selected as a member of the advisory 20mmittee on ~eothermalynergy by ~ ~ ~ ~ "the Energy Research ana D~velopment Administration (ERDA). .R.. J /MG, REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2507576, 8-24-76. ADVANDE, Volume 13, Number 1, 9-15-71. /( REF' NEWS RELEASE XE128.2527576/MG, 8-24-76. Richard J. Cinclair became Coordinator of StUdent Programs and Activities, Office of StUdent Services, and Jerry (Mrs. Joe) Moore was named Coordinator of Placement. REFS; NEWS RELEASE XE128.2537576/SN, 8-24-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 1, 9-15-76. WEDNESDAY, August 25,1976 ADVANCE was published as an Orientation Issue, with more than 30 stories covering information for new students. The issue was made available in registration lines. The registration, with four days for latecomers remaining on the schedule, reached 4,462. REFS; ADVANCE, Volume 12, Number 20, August Issue, 8-25-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 1,9-15-76. MONDAY, August 30,1976 UT-Da1las announced appointments of 26 new faculty members, The total faculty ~ count reached 301 (a reporting error indi.t;;ted that was a IUil full-time count). Without lecturers and adjunct appointees, the total full-time faculty reached 217. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.2547576/MG, 8-30-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 1, 9-15-76. 6 ) " -END CHRONOLOGY, SUMMER TERM, 1976 -773 -1 / # ~ TU ES DA Y ,September 7, 1976 ) The Philip S. Harper Foundation made a production grant for the play "M~nelaus," by Dallas playwright Gene Mitchell, scheduled in University Theatre October 3 and November 12, 14 and 20. Tryouts were scheduled Septembe~ 10-11. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0047677jSN, 9-7-76. William Allen Graham, Music, was named Coordinator of Choral Activities for the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0057677jSN, 9-7-76. /19' . THURSDA Y, September 9, 1976 Sun Oil Company of Dallas made a gift of a 24-channel seismic recording system to the Center for Energy Studies (ENCEN) at The University of Texas at Dallas. -:s RE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0077677jSN, 9-9-76. (/t7/t'.M?1~ / $, #P'''"'.tfl!'/.:r ~ ' d-I'!:'f- 7t: /J'01//f#a7' Three NASA scientific papers were sent to John F. Kennedy Space Center for inclusion in a time capsule. "Lunar Atmospheric Measurement(~as co-authored by Francis S. Johnson and James Carroll, and Dallas Evans of NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston. "Atomic Oxygen Transport in the Stratosphere" was the work of Johnson and Benjamin Gottlieb, who had joined the faculty of Bishop College. ) John Hoffman, R. Richard Hodges, Johnson and Evans were co-authors of "Lunar Atmosphere Composition Results from Apollo 17." S RE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0087677jMG, 9-9-76. ADVANCE, Volume"", Number 2, 9-29-76 13 FRIDAY, September 10, 1976 Final fall enrollment had jumped 35 percent compared to 1975, III with 1,175 students added to reach a total of 4,508. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0107677jAI Mitchell, 9-10-76. { Four modern one-act plays were selected to open the Theatre season at UT-Dallas, and were schedu led for outdoo~tagings in the reflecting pool areas between Founders B¥iHtl Building and the theatre. From the German, "Murderer, the Women's Hope," had been written in 1907 by painter Oskar Kokoschka. A Soviet "constructivist" play of 1920 was a commentary on tI. "I.s) powers vying for ~ of World War I, written by 'I:; Vladimir Mayakovsky and entitled "The Championship of the Universal Class Struggle." Two short sketches ~ ~ederico Garcia Lorca were performed in Spanish. ~~~se were "EI Paseo de Buster Keaton" and "La ) Doncella, EI Marinero, y EI ~te." Felicia , .J.. Londre directed the four plays. r. J.".., s;o '3 REF,: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0117677/SN, 9-10-76. PHOTO File, Experimental Theatre, PjR 7498, 9-24-76. I":r~w'd/'"",~ ) -774 -1 I FRIDAY, September 10, 1976 (CONT) ) (~kY) Seniors S. S. Sparks and Rick Littr;;11 were .......... elected president and vice president, respectively, of The University of Texas at Dallas Student Government. "'S RE~: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. PHOTO File, Sparks/_ Littrell, P/R 7491,9-15-76. U'T'DATELlNE, 9-20-76 WEDNESDAY, September 15, 1976 Former Assistant Minister for Defense in Israel, Yuval N~~eman returned to the UT-Dallas campus to speak on "I mage and Reality in the Natural Sciences." One 6f the original participants in the series of conferences on /f~ ) Relativistic physics in ~, Ne'eman was also serving , as ClJlij II co-director of the Center for IiIi Particle Theory at The University of Texas at Austin, as well as being President of Tel Aviv University." He was winner of both the Alberrf Einstein Medal and the Lewis L Strauss AN;""" Foundation.l for originating the fundamental triplet field .~h" If / (known as "quarks.") 'Y Covering the addition of 29 ~and the full-time faculty count reaching 211, ADVANCE listed the summer graduates, pictured William J, Hanna as the first Dean of the School of Social Sciences, and .reynn S. Melton's '/7" appointment as Head of ~grams in Chemistry. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0127677/SN, 9-20-76. PHOTO File, Yuval Ne'eman, P/R 7497, 9-23-76, M ) The outdoor, experimen5P-1 plays were announced. Martin Halpern's appoi(iitment as Associate Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was covered, and a two-column review of summer activities was Stewart Smith's net 64 had won the First UTD Open golf tournament in 100-degree heat of Friday, August 13. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0157677/MG, 9-16-76 (Melton appointment) , Joyce Lee was elected president of the UTD Mixed Bowling League, which began play on _ September 16, and ~'l.lIy Nance was named chairperson of the McCarthy Young Artists Competition, scheduled on the campus in early 1977. t REF: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 1,9-15-76. THURSDAY, September 16, 1976 Fifteen students and Peter Skafte/inthropology, began their trip to Nepal, with some 15 hours of classroom work on the schedule as well as their bus and walking tour in the mountainous region. ) Donald Hicks was named Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies and ~ Victor Worsfold Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (for undergraduate studies). REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0137677/MG, 9-15-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0157677/MG, 9-16-76. ADVANCE, G6lume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. -775 -1 FRIDAY, September 17,1976 ) The Center for Writing and Translation was established, under direction of Rainer Schulte. o,t9 REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128J1(897677/SN, 9-17-76 ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. SUNDAY, September 19,1976 /J Adolf J. H. Enthove, Director of the Center for International AccoQnting Development, gave the Shoaib Memorial Lecture at the Pakistan Institute for Industrial Arts. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128 ..0177677/SN, 9-19-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2,9-29-76. TUESDAY, September 21, 1976 Jimmy Mullen received the Krausse Scholarship in Theatre for the fall semester. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0227677/SN, 9-21-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2,9-29-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3.10-13-76. The first National Science Foundation grant ) ($40,000) to be made to UT-Dallas in Social Sciences went to John Rees as Principal Investigator, for'~ Study in Relationship Between Industrial Growth and Industrial Linkage, Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston areas:'The study was to determine types of industries being attracted to the two metropo(ttan 023 areas and the economic impact of such firms. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.~7677/SN, 9-21-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. Thirty health agencies joined in planning for UTD's Health Fair, scheduled Olrtober 5-6. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0257677/SN, 9-21-76 ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. ('/.7: C>/ll'tf?"'If/,v£ / WEDNESDAY, September 22, 1976 9- 2:1- 7~ James E. Moore was named Master of Undergraduate Business Colleges. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0267677/SN, 9-22-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. Six seniors and two graduate students received Amelia A. Lundell Textbook Scholarships. The seniors were Sandra ~ Hinzr"a nd Cynthia King, both accounting majors; Rosemary Goodwin, speech pathology and audiology; James Jenner, theatre; Fred Kurlander, statistics, and Maurine Lyons, biology. Graduate students were Chi Yuh Young, geosciences, and Howard Byers, Management and Administrative Sciences. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0277677/MG, 9-22-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3,10-13-76. MONDAY, September in 27,1976 ) Aram Glorig, Dean of the School of Human Develop ment and Director of Callier Center for Communication Disorders, was named chairman of a National -776 -1 j , t MONDAY, September 27, 1976 ) Research Council Working Group on Effects of Long Term Exposure to Noise Upon Human Health. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0367677/MG, 9-27-76. Among courses offered by the Office of Continuing Education for fall were "Women's Rights," "Communication in Marriage," directed by Roz Van Meter, family counselor, and a four-week showing of movie masterpieces . irda including "Birth of A Nation~ with others starring Mable Normand and Fatty Arbuckle, the Keystone Cops, Charlie Chaplin, and Laurel and Hardy. REFS: NEWS RELEASES XE128.029/030/0327677, circa 9-27-76. ' BROCHURE, x,f300, Continuing Education Programs, Fall, 1976, circa September, 1976. TUESDAY, September 28,);;76 "'~/.(. Site of the Conference Center, at "county line tree," was photo~aphed, as was an architect's rendering of the proposed '". building, with Continuing EdUcation Director Priscilla Detweiler and President Bryce Jordan inspecting its features. 5 /,.s;e I WEDNESDA Y, September 29, Y976 ) $ REF,,: PHOTO File, P /R 7499, "County Line Tree"/Detweiler/Jordan, 9-28-76. C~CI;t/(J.u;G~ /() - /... 7~). In addition to subjects noted, ADVANCE carried the Season of the Arts program, and pictured new 81 . 'll StUdent Government officers S. S. _ "Sparky" Sparks and Rick Littrell, with College Master James E. Moore. All were asked to drive with special care through the recently-opened exits from parking areas into North Floyd Road, especially in late afternoon and night traffic. The north parking areal"..w-a-s....6-o...,.t.-h---n~miiAl opening an in-and-out connection to Floyd Road, while the south parking exit was a one-way, out-only access. David Hsin-Fu Wand, Comparative Literature, was author of "Rivers on Fire," his third book of poetry, with publication scheduled by Basilisk Press, New York, N. Y. Wand was also scheduled to conduct seminars and present papers as a Commissioner on Minority ~ Groups, Modern Language Association. ) <1rmI...., Graduate Student Melody Alexander, Management and Administration, was also TECH SGT Alexander of the 30lst Tactical Fighter Wing, and "Airman of the Year" in that reserve unit. f t RE:( PHOTO File, P/R 7491, Wand Anthology, 9-10-76. A/17V$" -E?Ft:.67I.rtr .)(4""1'2T.I!J!JP7&,T7/.w, ":.3"c-76. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 2, 9-29-76. -777 -1 I WEDNESDAY, September 29, 1976 (CONT) ) Master Robert Plant Armstrong, College X, and Janis Mayes, Comparative Literature, were invited to attend an African Arts Conference, October 2-9, in Dakar, Senegal, honoring President Leopold Sedar Senghor on his __ birthday. Assistant Professor Mays attended. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0417677/MG, 9-29-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3,10-13-76. THURSDAY, September 30, 1976. An Advisory Committee for General Studies was formed, including 20 business.-illh and civic leaders under chairmanship of Al Stillman, Executive Vice President of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Members were Sam Bloom, Bloom Advertising; Carlyle H. Chapman.-Jr., Dallas attorney; Clyde Clark, President, Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Ronald F. Garvey, president of medical staff, St. Paul's Hospital; Kenneth P. Johnson, executive editor, Dallas Times Herald; David Kaplan, Sun Rexall Drugs, Richardson; the Rev. W. B. J. Martin, First Christian Church, Dallas, and Dan Petty, assistant city manager, Dallas. ) Also named were Edward J. Pfister, president of Public Communications Foundation for North Texas; Ernest H. Randall, Jr., vice president of Vantage Companies, Richardson; Martha Ritter, council member, City of Richardson (later, Mayor of Richardson); the Rev. Louis Sanders, retired president, Greater Dallas Council of Churches; Charles F. Storey, Dallas attorney; Rhobia Taylor, regional director of the Women's Bureau, Department of Labor; Steve Van, Dallas attorney; Mrs. Julia Wolfram, Dallas civic leader, and Hector Zamarano, counselor at EI Centro Community College. ~ t REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0407677/SN, 9-30-76. FRIDAY, October 1, 1976 rtvtl""t· Construction of The University of Texas at Dallas' Conference Center was approved by fll"C Regents of The University of Texas System, at fL~r ,()fI a meeting in Houston. Bid advertising was scheduled 4f'~ for October 15. Sited at"the "county line tree" /p, intersection (Drives A and C), the new building REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE • . 0427677/MG, 10-1-76. was expected to be completed in about 18 months ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3, 10-13-76. (Actual occupancy came January 20, 1979), PHOTO File, P/R 7499, "County Line Tree"/ Bryce Jordan and Priscilla Detweiler, Architect's rendering of Conference Center, 9-23-76. /ru ) -778 -.1' / l\UNDAY, October 4, 1976 Works of 20 sculptors from across the nation were scheduled for exhibit in McDermott Library, Green Center, Jonsson Center, and on the mall, starting 0 cto ber 18 as Phase II Dedication events were to begin. ) REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0467677/SN, 10-4-76. TUESDAY, October 5, 1976 ttf l/()I/a' I An historic summary of The University of Texas developmen~from the Graduate Research enter of the Southwest/Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, was tIIin written by Al Mitchell for ADVANCE{a!idalso used as a news feature by Millicent Green. A key point was that the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, with Erik Jonsson as President, had seen a "weak spot" in attempting to attract new industry. The weakness was lack of graduate education opportunities in sciences and technology. Other than in medicine, health science, dentistry, theology and teaching, no graduate degree had ever been earned in Dallas co~ as of 1957. ) REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0447677/ALM/MG, 10-5-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3, 10-13-76. WEDNESDY, October 6, 1976 Plans for the Phase II Dedication, involving six new buildings at The University of Texas at Dallas, , \ v~ A err.. /u< were announced for Monday, October 18. Chairman Allan Shivers, former governor of Texas, who now____O,Pf?/~ Se:: '<!" ;.,;r. headed the Board of Regents, wasl to mak.: the dediM cation, with a major speech by GeorgefLow, President . of Rensselaer Polytchnic University. Low had also served as Deputy Director. of tile NASA Manned REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0437677/MG, Spacecraft Center, Housto~ 10-6-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3, 10-13-76. r THURSDAY, October 7, 1976 UT-Dallas again scheduled talks and films in connection with the Neiman-Marcus Irish Fortnight, to begin October 19. Victor ~ Worsfold and Austin ,Cunningham were to open the programs with a discussion on "The Status of Ireland Today." REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0537677/SN, 10-7-76. ADVANCE, (j -Volume 13, Number 3, 10-13-76. n- TUESDAY, October 12, 1976 a ) .$;n~h A collaborator and biogr.J>her of Einstein, :Bameh Hoffman of Queens College, City University of New York,. spoke on "Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel," in a Colleg~ I ~fman had also written a book untier tne . rJ )(J7Ai: '71.. K4F: #1J1'7lf'S"' AJ.4Z'~e?.5/ 7~77j.t;;Q, -77'1 -f I /&'.....4G-7( i" WEDNESDAY, October 13, 1976 ) ADVANCE covered the Phase II Dedication on schedule for October 18, with pictures of the buildings (McDermott Library, Green Center, University ~r Theatre, Hoblitzelle Hall and Physical Instruction). Also covered were the history of The University of Texas at Dallas, and the Conference Center plans, with a photograph of President Bryce Jordan and Priscilla Detweiler showing the Fisher and Spillman rendering of the Center. Willie L. Davis was _ named Coordinator of Physical Instruction, Sports and Recreation. Coming from Pepperdine University, he had been Chairmanjl of Health, Physical Education and Recreation there. A native of Indiana, Davis was a master's degree graduate of Adams College, Alamosa, Colorado. ) /l~' A2>v/IA/cF t/o/t1/.-m€ /i:! #U-?Y1tll?.I" Also announced was a series of lectures to be supported by a grant from International Telephone and Telegraph Company, and under direction of Howard Van Zandt. The "Key Issues" series had never before been sponsored in the southwest. The series, with dates not yet announced, was to cover international business prospects, 1977-1999. 9, /0- 27- 76. ,ed;.,lC/I7tIS" .l?6Z67IsB"' XF/U. as-.r7~7?/.,Ht:F /t:/-/'7-7t1 '" Harvey J. Graff, History and Social Science, had / begun work on the Dallas Social History Project, fY to recapture the structure of Dallas at its founding in the 1840's up through the early years of~ 20th century. The work was aimed at tracthlg changes in the social structure, and their iInpacts. The Irish Fortnight program was also listed, for the period of October 18-28. REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3,10-13-76. PHOTO File, Willie L. Davis, P/R 11407,10-5-76. ~ Jordan, Detweiler, Conference. Center, P/R 7499,9-25-76. Sculpture for Dedication, P/R 11422, 10-18-76. (MOVE UP) "7/TUESDAY, October 12, 19M (CONT) J. P. (Phi~McClure, Space Sciences, and Brian A. Tinsley, Physics,left for Peru to make observations of ionized gases in the upper atmosphere. .... RE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0567677/MG, 10-12-76. ;JPtf/~cG', t/o/vrm'" /3', A.4,;W1/-I'r¢ /c-Z7-7'. ~ ) -7J1tJ .-I , ~ FRIDAY.,? C, October 15, 1976 ) Barbara Thiem, cello, and Gabriel di Piazza, piano l were in recital. Adult s{;son passes were offered by mail, at $10 each, for the year's progra~' ~t"'.ots.:?>'? tl?r/h- AdT;1f REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0477677/SN, 10-th 5-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 3, 10-13-76. MAILER/A Seaon of the Arts, School of Arts and Humanities, circa 10-1-76. MONDAY, October 18,1976 . H. ) "Here is where adventure begins," said President George M. Low of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the Phase II Dedication program. bl!liUn University . I _.? , Thea~. The University of Texas System Regent /1 ~ Thos.JLaw of Fort Worth (vice Chairman Allan Shivers) dedicated the buildings. Chancellor Charles A. LeMaistre paid special tribute to the founders of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, which became The University of Texas at Dallas in 1969 by their gift and legislative agti9~""....."vJ. Mary McDermott, Margaret McDermott (daughter and widow of Eugene McDermott), Cecil and Ida Green, and Erik and Margaret Jonsson were at the ceremonies. REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 4, 10-27-76. PHOTO File, Dedication, P/R 11422,10-18-76. Sub-File/Color Photos, Dedication, 10-18-76 ) SLIDE File, Dedication/George Low, 10-18-76 XE431, .-BROCHURE..JI'he Mandate Fulfilled, Dedication ./ Ceremonies, Phase II:-" Buildings, 10·18·.... 76. THURSDAY, October 21, 1976 Clifton S. Harris, Director of the Office of Teacher Education, was named to the State Board of Examiners for Teacher Education. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE123.0607677/MG, 10-21-76. SUNDAY, October 24,1976 e t IL Harris Goldman, violin, and Carolyn Brown, piJpo, were in concert. REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0697677 /SN, 10-9·76. WEDNESDAY, October 27, 1976 A $10,000 grant was made to the School of Management and Administration, by Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Walton of Dallas. .) REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0617677/SN, 10-27-76. ADVANCE~ Volume 13, Number 5, 11-10-76. ADVANCE covered the Walton award and the Phase 4... * . ' / /7/ . ../,&; II Dedication, plus two major plays." "Break of Noon" was to open October 28-29, in an English /~ f-/dUd,t" ~ translhtion by Moses Nagy of the University of Dallas, and Michael Gillespie, UT-Dallas Theatre faculty, who was to direct the production. --78~- ...l WEDNESDAY, October 27,1976 (CONT) ) ,. Production schedules overlapped, with tofte &,At!!"';?/,> :+-AtP//.S" original play "Menelaus" sxheduled to open in University Theatre November 12. "Break of Noon" was scheduled for November 13, and again (at 5 p.rr~) November 21. "Menelaus'was listed for November 14 and 8.19-20. "Menelaus" was also to compete in a regional theatre festival, and was to play at Fort Worth November 5, under direction of A. Richard Sogliuzzo, who headed the Theatre program. Selection at the regional event was to lead to performance ~ Pffl _ in a national finals, at John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, in Washington, D. C. REF: PHOTO File, Menelaus, 13014/13015/_ 1898, 10-18 through 10-~-76. " :nvAd;~ul Assistant in production was given by the Philip Break of Noon, P/R 1898/11916/12917,10-26-76. S. Harper Foundation. '\ In the coverage of the Phase II e . ,. II Dedication, the living Founders of the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest were photographed, including Cecil and Ida Green, Erik and Margaret Johnson, and Mrs. Eugene (Margaret)McDermott, with her daughter, Mary. The photo was published REF: PHOTO File, Dedication, P/R 11427,10-18-76. on page 1 of ADVANCE. ~ ) David Channell, History, was chosen to direct a collection of data on History of Technology, both local and national, but affecting the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. q, Bob Knight, Sports and Rec~ation, provided a column topic for Tom LePere of the Dallas Times Herald. Bob fired a .30-06 rifle bullet (150 grain) into a ~ in the b~ after mushroming ~ sandbag. :5,rFt:.-:t to the sizeThe\bullet of a quarter (i " i . Bit. Archer Ma:r~---ftn'tv' Hogue of Kleberg wound up his double compound hunting bow (a Wing 65) and put a . . razor-sharp J "£1"" ~ tipped arrow through the bag, breaking a ~ ~ pane of glass behind it. Both shots were taken at 15 paces, on the far north campus, against an earth backstop, to prove the penetrating power of the bow. we£. # ~ $bh' Bryghte D. Godbold, former yice president of the Graduate Research Center ofthe Southwest, who~ had joined Erik Jonsson's Goals for Dallas staff as ~ director in late 1965, announced that he would retire as of December 31. ) Stephen E. Guisinger was named Head of the g; I t ji1 ' t Graduate Program in International Studies, and Donald B." Weaver, Psychology and Human Development, was appointed Assistant Master of College II. . . M/h'~ ~.~t::/tn.s aJt1f",;:/cAl'n,:-i '~782- A/.5 /J6?t:t/ ?':>-~-'y4;l")1I'~e-4 ,e:{ .s , <;:.)5V 6;,c /z:t.., nah"r P rL '//41"s,.. .(';af /As;"5-ac.h ANCE, Volume 13, Number 4, 10-27-76_ . hi J / WEDNESDAY, October 28,fg76 (CONT) ) Patrick L. Odell was elected Speaker of the 25-member Academic Senate. Also elected to the seven-member Academic Council were Odell, Royston C. Clowes, George Kimeldorf, Larry Merville, Don Rapp, John Sommer and Victor Worsfold. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0637677/MG, 10-28-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 5,11-10-76. '1"-' SUNDAY, October 31, 19Q.!1' Jesse Parker, piano, Arkady Fomin, violin, and Barbara Thiem, cello, played Schubert and Ravel selections as the Dallas Piano Trio. Also featured was Trio II (1970) by Robert Xavier Rodriguez, resident composer at The University of Texas at Dallas. ?/ REFS: NEWS RELEASE 0l-67677/SN (mislabeled as 1617677,10-22-76. PROGRAM, XE630, 10-31-76. MONDAY, November 1, 1976 ) Anton L. Hales announced his return to UT-Dallas after five years at Australian National University, where he had founded the Research School of Earth Sciences , after serving as head of geosciences at the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies and UT-Dallas (as well as acting as aca~mic program head of UT-Dalla$... His return here was scheduled for January, 1978. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0657677/MG, 11-1-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6, 11=24-76. THURSDAY, November 4, 1976 Ross M. RobertsonY~or of Finance, died at Plano General Ho~pital , of cardiac arrest. He became ill during the lunch hour at Founders North cafeteria. He had formerly taught at Indiana University, the University of Kansas and the University of Tennessee, and had served as economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Robertson.... was 61. Graveside services were held Tuesday, November 9, in Salina, Kansas. His widow, Emily, a son, Ross M. Robertson, Jr., and a~, Mrs. Jean O'Connor, survived. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0677677/MG, 11-4-76. /d Ii'f A-/-e' r; ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6,11·24·76. SATURDAY, November 6 1976 ._;;; Pi?~rmJ Beethoven's Mass in C(Major was ~ by the ~)- UT-Dallas Civic 'horale and Chamber Orchestra, • with William Allen Graham conducting. REF~ROGRAM' 11-6-76. ) ·783 J XE630, Ludwig von Beethoven, ff ~ SUNDA Y, November 14, 1976 k,r:Q'J£"d ) First-day cachets memorialized the ftmn opening of the Wineburgh Philatelic Research Library, established through the gift of Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Wineburgh of Dallas. On display were the Wineburgh collection of classic first issues of the 19th century; Gordon Blueler's OKTEX collection of Indian Territory and Republic of Texas issues, which had won the area gold award in 1976; and Robert Johnson's collection of early British stamps. univers~ibrarian President Bryce Jordan, James T. Dodson, and donor Wineburgh ~ were principal speakers at the ceremonies. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0687677/MG,11-8-76. NEWS RELEASE XE128.0757677/MG, 11-11-76. PHOTO File, P/R 13026, 11-14-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 5,11-10-76 ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6, 11-24-76. (Also see UTD Philatelic Bulletin, Volume 1, 1983 and following issues) MONDA Y, November 15, 1976 ~e Robert Xavier Rodriguez, from The University of Texas at Dallas following his Guggen ) heim Foundation award (Fellowship in Music Composition), was also named a scholar-in residence at the Rockefeller Foundation Study Center in Villa Serbelloni, Lake Como, Italy. During his tenure there, Rodriguez was to continue work on his opera, "Les Visiteurs du ·Soir," which was commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts, REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0777677/SN, 11-15-76. /fOi/#lcE, t/p/H.<»1t" tIS: /Vit<7nJ//7 / z -7- 7C '" THURSDAY, November 18, 1976 Eighty members of the President's Associates were honored at a dinner recognizing their gifts of $500 or more{during 1976). The campaign had been conducted by the Development Board, with a special committee headed by Morris Hite, Chairman of Tracy-Locke Company, Inc. Both individual and corporate donors were recog nized. -784 ) J REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0767677/MG, 11-15-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6, 11-24-76. THURSDAY, November 18,1976 (CONT) ) Bernard Weinstein, Political Economy, and Jack Clark, National Secretary of the Democratic Soc ialist Organizing Committee, met in debate. The subject was "The Political EcoDomy of the Power Shift: What New York Can Learn from Texas." KERA-FM-TV (13) covered the debate, with the audio recording edited for use on National Public Radio's "Opinions" series. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0667677 /MG, 11-2-76 ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 5, 11-10-76. FRIDAY-SATURDAY,-@i1iiijfNovember 19-20, 1976 Harvey Graff and Dean Carolyn Galerstein were co-ordinators for an evening and following full-day conference on "Women and Public Policy," held at NorthPark Inn Convention Center. Prof. Renate Bridenthal, Brooklyn College, City Universityotf New York, was keynote speaker. A-major part of the program was critical review of the draft report of the Dallas Commission on the Status of Women, which Dean Galerstein chaired. , ) On the steering committee were Ruthe Winegarten, Paula England, Martha Firestine, Marshall Kaplan, Ester Harris, Nancy Hughes, Naomi Gondell, Gay Jurgens, June Rodgers, Marilyn Gray, Cynthia Mon dale, Donna Clark, Debbi Landa, and Vicki Downing. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0697677/SN, 11-9-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 5, 11-10-76. PHOTO File, P/R 12929, Planning Conference, 11-3-76. ~Dv/9-..uC MONDAY, November 22,1976 p/.::;I/u,·n?1' ,,9 /VU.-'JY1R"/ 7 /.?·r-7~ . "' UTD Jazz Ensemble, directed by Peter Vollmers, was in concert, on the pre-Thanksgiving schedule of The University of Texas at Dallas Season of the Arts. , ~ Other items were an exhibit of paintings and prints by George Holman, and a guest exhibit of works by Vernon Fisher of Austin College, both in second level, McDermott Library. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0747677/SN, 11-10-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 5,11-10-76. (MOVE UP) FRIDAY, November 19,1976 Thirty-six top accountingM .] : 'dm students were initiated into the Accounting Honor Society. 5 RE~: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0787677/SN, 11-19-76. t' z -;f- 7~ ~ . '" /J/kro ;=;'/~ ./0 ,sd'nJ~j" /}{t;! /.::7,,':lt') //-.?*",'-7c:, -784, ~L>t/~;(,tf:E j/v/u.4YJP /3 /{/u,7rlJ"",. 7 J ) J ,"" ,; MONDAY, November 22, 1976 (CONT) ..5. ) Dean Francis S. Johnson and Claud (Stan) Rupert, Biology, said that a proposed ban oh fluorocarbon aerosols might not be necessary for two years; their statements came after the Consumer Protluct Safety Commission had approved the ban in principle because of an "unreasonable risk of injury to consumers from destruction of the ozone layer. N Ozone destruction in the upper atmosphere presented the fear of a rising incidence of skin cancer, as additional ultraviolet radiation penetrated to the surface of the earth. Johnson and Rupert were both members of the 13-person National Committee on Impact of Stratos pheric~hange, which had determined that release of fluorocarbons (also known as freons) into the atmosphere is damaging to the ozone layer. ~~ Uncerta'nties in predicted effects were still large, '" The University of Texas IIiBiB at Dallas scientists said, and they saw no need to impose regulations for an additional two years because additional damage would be relatively small, and the uncertainities in the predictions ~ could be substantially reduced ) in that time. UT-Dallas was the only university ~ the nation to have more than one member on the national committee. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0877677/MG, 11-23·76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, ~~m~ 12-8-76. !/-T WEDNESDAY, November 24,1976 A pre-holiday Turkey Trot was inaugurated on a 2.2 mile course around Drive A, Waterview Drive, Campbell Road, and Armstrong Parkway. The running program was to continue in a series of races through June, said Sports and Recreation Coordinator Willie Davis. Turkey winners were Joe Reining among men, and Sandee Goertzen among women. Fourteen ran in the event. l /.5., < ) Edward T. Hall, ..~.J!lllillfll Northwestern University anthropologist, was announced as first speaker in the KElY Issue!} and was scheduled to speak on "The Human ~ Relations Dimension of Business" on Tuesday, November 30. -785 J ",vpf'1}'1 tfr/" ~ REFS: ADVANCE, Volume/t, 12-8-76. PHOTO File, Turkey Trot, P/R 13030,11-24-76. ADVANCE was heavilyjlevoted to the Fall Semester examination schedule, ( with the last day of classes scheduled December 8, and examinations running from December 10 through December 16. )t: , I WED/, .t'NESDAY, November 24, 1976 (CONT) ) The series was supported by a grant of the Inter national Telephone & Telegraph Company (ITT), and was directed by Howard F. Van Zandt, Inter national Management Studies. Van Zandt had been an ITT officer jill the far east during his.M years in Japan. / for Anton L. Hales' plans to return to The University of Texas at Dallas were announced. The New Arts Theatre was scheduled to make its debut in five performanees at UT-Dallas' University Theatre, during the holidays, November 26·29. The professional troupe was building its own theatre in Dallas, at 2707 Fondren Drive. The opening play at UTD was Noel Car Coward's "Private Lives." William B. Hanson, f1is;iIIiiiub Space Sciences, had had a net 77 to win the November golf tournament held at Sherrill iii J] P 1 Municipal course in Richardson. J ) Henry (Hank) West was appointed safety engineer for UT-Dallas, coming from Cape Kennedy and Chrysler Corporation's activities there. - --~ s.j.'---:::f",'" f.I.'7.':'_ -::::-;;. REF: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6, 11-24-76. .-. :.•• ,;, .. ,-" "; . , THURSDAY-SATURDAY, November 25-27,1976 This was the Thanksgiving Holiday period. MONDAY, November 29,1976 Potter Paul Soldner QIBI zn opened a week of experiments in the arts (through December 5), with the visiting artist supervising the building and first firing of a Japanese-style Ruku pottery kiln. He also presented awards in thetyisual Arts Student Exhibitiqn Thursday, December 2. tEried Metro.J REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0857677/SN, 11·23-76. TUESDAY, November 30, 1976 Edward T. Hall ~ opened the Key Issues Series of lectures in Founders North Auditorium. 0) REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0827677/MG, 11·23·76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 6, 11-24·76. NEWS RELEASE XE128.0907677jMG, 11-30-76. PHOTO File, Edward Hall (n~gatives supplied to Pat Desmond, ~Rottman and Druck, Houston (ITT advertising agency), 11-30-76-:- /M/s"/JI" -786 ..I J / ,, t SUNDAY, December 5,1976 UTD Woman's Club sponsored a Starving Artists' ) show and sale, with proceeds going to the REF: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0807677/MG, 11-22-76. Lundell Textbook Scholarship Fund. TUESDAY, December 7,1976 Sir James Lindsay, Director of International Programs, Administrative Staff College, United Kingdom, was the second speaker in the Key Issues series. He spoke on "An Overview of Europe, the Near East and Africa." He said that the world's temperate zones have 52 percent of the Gross National Product, but only 30 percent of the population; thus, the choice of / markets is directed toward the affluent areas, while the larger population area would be expected to develop on low income and without much help. d REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128 ..0897677 /MG, 12-2-76. ADVANCE, MItzi" ::iI!Rl Volume 13, Number 7,12-8-76 (See Advertisement, page 4) NEWS REEEASE XE128.095767~. 12·7·76. FRIDAY, December 10, 1976 A committee of presidents, chaired by Bryce Jordan of The University of Texas at Dallas, ) completed its study of The University of Texas System and presented its report ("The Mission of The University of Texas System: Directions for the Future") to the regents. Among some 30 recommendations, specific items were a study of the formula system for finaicing higher education, and recommendations to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, and the legislature, for a more flexible plan. ') .cMaintaining an academic tenure policy that would encourage academic excellence, and a productive system of faculty evaluation were also recommended. , . \ f, ~ REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0937677/MG, 12-10-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 8, 1-19-77. CERLOX bound book: The Mission of The University of Texas System: Directions for the Future"; 12-10-76. (XE106) Meeting in Austin, the Board of Regents also approved a program in American Studies for UT-Dallas, and a program in Applied Chemistry, to be offered jointly by UT-Health Science Center, Dallas and The University of Texas at Arlington. The chemistry program was designed ::q • ita specifically to prepare students ) for industrial and government careers. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0967677/MG, 12-10-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 8,1-19-77. -787 J SATURDAY, December 11, 1976 ) A major pre-holiday musical program in University Theatre brought together the UT-Dallas Chamber Singers, directed by William Allen Graham; the Rich ardson Chamber Winds, directed by Peter Vollmers; UT-Dallas Vocal Students, directed by Mary Ella Antahades, and the UT-Dallas Contemporary Con sort, directed James E. Gaskin, Jr., a composition student. REFS: Program,December Chamber Music, 12-11-76 (XE630) ADVANCE, Volume 1;3, Number 7, 12-8-76. NEWS RELEASE XEI28.0917677/SN, 12-6-76. MONDAY-FRIDAY, December 13-17, 1976 Four faculty members, including the meetings' 1 Texas Symp founders, attended the Eighth t osium on Relativistic Astrophysics, held in Boston. Ivor Robinson, ~ Wolfgang Rindler, I,I•*•_11 Istvan Ozsvath and Ervin J. Fenyves attended. Robinson, Rindler and Ozsvath were among those who organized the first symposium, held in Dallas, in 196t REFS: NEWS RELEASE XEI28.0887677/MG. 11-30-76. ORAL HISTORY, Interview 2 and edited manuscript, Lauriston C. Marshall, 6-4-78 (re founding). ~ SATURDAY, December 17, 1976 ) The academic holidays began, running through to registration on January 11, 1977. REF; CATALOGS, 1976-77 (XEI02) TUESDAY, December 21,1976 Fall semester graduatio~s held, with informal exercises in the new upper dining area of lfounders North Building. A record 169 received degrees, 113 at bachelor's level and 56 in graduate fields. Three doctoral awards were made. This was the first gradu ation ceremony in which undergraduate degrees outnumbered graduate degrees, and the total was again a new record for degrees awarded. ) THURS,?' CDAY, December. 23,1976 The University of Texas at Dallas stood third in available research funds and expenditures among 33 public senior colleges and universities in Texas, reported the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University Syste.. For the year ending August 31, 1976, UT.-Dallas had 5.39 percent of the total of available research funds and had gained 58.73 percent ($2,215;461) since August 31, 1975. , f, ~ REFS: ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 8,1-19-77. NEWS RELEASE XE128.96A 7677/MG, undated ______ a . j .. j p U/$'/d/} t UT-Dallas funding, at $5,988,653, wasJthird to UT-Austin and Texas A&M University, but was -788 J Thursday, December 23, 1976 (CONT) ') higher than Texas Tech University, the University of Houston, Texas Woman's University and North Texas State University. Only the seven public uni versities reported funds of more than $1 million in n<DIRDBdimm non-medical research. REFS: NEWS RELEASE XE128.0967677 /MG, 12-23-76. ADVANCE, Volume 13, Number 8, 1-19-77. -END CHRONOLOGY FOR FALL SEMESTER September-December, 1976 ) ,, -789 ) J